#but now he came and he looks turbo cool!!!
theunhingedcowboy · 1 month
A List of things that happened at Collision and ROH taping from this weekend.
First of all getting to be in the environment that has been created at the e-sports from this residency is phenomenal and I hope that it will happen again in the future.
Getting seats four rows back from the ring and we were still so close (that will change I'll explain) and getting to go with both my dad and cousin was so much fun
FINALLY getting to see Darby wrestle in person was amazing
The bull rope match was fucking brutal and the TV broadcast did not do it justice the crowd was so fucking over for Rosa it was awesome
So right in front of us about 30 minutes into the show there was a row of 8 seats that were empty right at the barricade and no one had shown up. So my cousin may have taken initiative and got up to the seats and by the Rush and Vance match we were all up front and no one said anything
My cousin saying to Turbo of the Outrunners that "he was like Hogan without the racism and an actual 10 incher" which Turbo totally popped for
Rush and Vance match was so much fun. Getting on tv for most of that match and me cackling like a psychopath made it loud and clear on the broadcast
Me screaming like a lunatic during swerves's match and afterward the cameraman came over to film me (thank God that didn't make the broadcast)
Swerve v Ishii was so fucking awesome
Heart eyes at Stat
Me handing my dad $10 when Christian walked out in the turtleneck ref sweater
Getting to see HoB so close was so fucking awesome
Juice being the chaos junkie that he is
Shayna talking shit to my cousin and then blowing him a kiss after beating up BBG and HOB
Flipping off the patriarchy
RoH Taping
Having beef with the premier athletes
Abadon, my beloved
Getting to see Sammy wrestle was also a lot of fun
Mina, my beloved
Toa mean mugging me when I did the claw for the von erichs
My cousin cheered on Cage of Agony only to accidentally drop his phone over the barricade and Cage to look at him and call him an idiot even though he wanted Cage to win
My cousin continues his years long beef with Matt Taven and Taven shouting at him "you don't have a wiener"
The Von Erichs and Sammy came over to sign my little autograph book, Sammy was so nice and it was so nice to see the Von Erichs again since I met them last year
This was the next day continuing ROH tapings
Tony coming out to say that someone wanted to say hi to the kids and me fully believing that it was gonna be Mortos until Hologram came out
I love Lance Archer. The guy in front of us had a bunch of signs and one of them saying "The murderhawk just needs a hug" and Lance coming over like he was going to give a hug only to rip up the sign
Watching Ari get beat up by Ishii made my day
Cheering so loud for Rocky Romero and him noticing me and giving me a wink (can confirm I am dead)
8 man tag match between Sammy, Dustin, and the Von Erichs v Dark Order and Undisputed Kingdom, once again keeping up the beef and telling the dark order they can do so much better than undisputed kingdom
When Harley Cameron came out and I told my dad to "get his girl"
Queen Aminata is one of the best female wrestlers right now I genuinely love her so much she is so cool
The Righteous reminding me in person that Vincent looks almost exactly like a friend of mine but with dreads
Taya v Mina was fun
Watching the Premiere Athletes at least 8 times over the course of 48 hours and continuing to make sure that we have beef
Also after the match my cousin and I were booing Tony Neese and he tried to get security to kick us out and my cousin blew Tony a kiss
Getting to see Briscoe wrestle this close was so cool and Mortos is so fucking over I love it.
And that concludes my weekend I will make another post like this next week cause I am going back to collision for the final show. This was the most fun I have had all year and something that I really hope AEW does again in the future
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king-crawler · 6 months
Recently when I tried to figure out why Turbo went, well Turbo I realized something. At first I came to the conclusion that it was because of his code, but then I remembered the plot of the movie and completely scrapped it (though there might still be some merit with it). Then i thought that “hey, this fucker has been surrounded by picters of himself since he was plugged in, hes the star of the show, so of course he would get a huge ego out of it, said ego also being his subsequent down fall, but why diden't Felix also fall in the same trap? he was the hero of his game too”. And I think it's because he wasn't alone. Now I'm not gonna overshadow the twins. They're there too but considering how Turbo treated them in the little screen time we got to see them together I doubt that they were on good terms, they might have been in the games early days but I digress.
Felix, unlike Turbo, had friends within his game, a small community to look out for him just as he does for them. They made him pies, dedicated parties to him, cherished him, but Turbo?. Who was gonna bake him pies? Who was gonna throw parties for him? Who was gonna cherish him? The Twins? FUCK no. And i think that's what tipped him over the edge, his ego made him push oway his friends and coworkers just to get a sliver of stardom. And when he had all the attention ripped oway from him by another racing game had to have been his last straw (you saw the face he pulled in the flashback. God, just imagine seeing one of your neighbors destroy their own career live, in broad daylight too, must have been horrifying). I love a good character that just dooms themselves to the narrative with their own actions (Turbo was a whore for the limelight).
Going a bit of topic here but “going Turbo” wouldn't work if it was any other main character in the movie, “going Ralph” just doesn't work. Could be because “Turbo” isn't really a name, it's a word, the name of his game, “Turbo Time”. So my proposal is that whenever there is an au where say, Calhoun game jumps (for whatever reason) they call it solo mission. “You're not going on a solo mission are you?” sounds more riveting, to me, and in character for Calhoun. Perhaps that was the last thing she said to her men before she left. For Vanellope id imagen something like “going on a sugar rush” and something about crashing. Because when the sugar rush ends you typically crash.
And that gave me another thought, how many “Turbos” are there out there? How many characters went outside their game or against their script on working hours. How many of these incidents were considered bugs or glitches (how many were turned into creepypastas). It feels like a huge liability risk and the only instances of us hearing about it is with Turbo, which I find strange. Is it like a silent rule? That no one is allowed to leave their game and that's it? That's a super thin line, like yeah you can argue that its there to keep them alive but who told them that? And the second movie doesn't help that, it's just, eurghhh, i don't like the second movieeeee… But it does give the homeless game characters a chance to find a potential new home. There's so much out there in the wilde wilde internet to explore and find new potential in, to not be tied to the arcade has to be a bit liberating for some :)
Sorry for the sudden rant, I just got a kick and could not not write this down.
The whole turbo vs Felix thing really stuck out to me. Turbo Living in a game with only 2 other people who hate him ? While Felix gets praise and attention from dozens? No wonder Turbo went haywire 👀 like do you think he envied Felix ………
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simpingforcys · 1 year
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King Candy/Turbo x Reader (Partly NSFW)
After the king had (accidentally) revealed to you his true form as the Turbo Time game protagonist character Turbo, it took you a while to come terms with it even after hearing the dastardly (and frankly egotistical and petty) reasons he did so.
He begged you (while trying not to yell or even lose his cool) to not tell anyone, but maybe he was just scared anyone would find out the method of HOW you came to find his secret.
(He got a little too passionate during one of your visits to his kingly chambers and just before the finish, his body glitched into tiny squares with 1’s and 0’s and you opened your dazed eyes to see a pale grey man moaning your name. Needless to say, the mood immensely shifted after that).
You promised not to. But it didn’t stop you from being just a bit afraid after knowing what he was capable of. The once goofy yet sweet eccentric king you had met had actually been the arcade legend of danger, Turbo, who’s name struck fear into people’s codes just by muttering it.
You had to admit. It was strange hearing the voice of your beloved king coming from a short grey jumpsuit-wearing man whose face always seemed in between either beyond stressed or beyond pissed. The yellow eyes and teeth didn’t help, but you had to convince yourself underneath it was still your adoring candy monarch who would invite you for sugar tea and kissed your hand whether you met up or had to say goodbyes to go to your respective games.
It didn’t take you long to notice and realize King Candy and Turbo were two different personalities depending who was in control.
When he took the appearance and demeanor of the candy-themed king, he was, for lack of a better word, absolutely goofy. He was excitable, silly, benevolent with his subjects but still firm when he had to with threats and disagreements, but still kept the appearance of a just king that looked after his kingdom.
Turbo, on the other hand…
He was prideful in himself, and very open about it. Boasting about his multiple wins in the random roster races. He was more cocky and slightly arrogant of his status, as stolen as it was. His short temper was, well, even shorter, bursting when he felt threatened and immediately plot revenge, as childish as he may have sounded sometimes. You started to think how much was Candy actually holding back during all those races and trials.
On top of that, you noticed Turbo was much more.. expressive whenever you two were together. King Candy was always affectionate with you, but Turbo took his partner like you were his possession. His winning prize. His trophy. If he wanted a kiss or a cuddle or wanted you pinned against his still sweets-themed king-sized spongecake bed, he would ask, not wait for an answer and have it. It was almost like being in his true form made him more comfortable and overall, confident to be himself.
And yet when he’d calm down and have you wrapped securely around his arms, you could almost make out a content smile on his grey lips. It was different than his usual smirks even after having marked you all over your neck and chest only minutes prior.
Instinctively, your hand rose to caress his white helmet, patting it like you would have done to Candy’s head after the act.
“…Thank you…”
That didn’t come from you.
You waited but it didn’t come again.
Instead you only felt a hand move down from your waist to your thigh, not to grab it or squeeze it, but to caress your skin as he held you close. And then you understood.
You couldn’t imagine how long he had to hide his true self after escaping his own game. He couldn’t tell it to anyone. He couldn’t show anyone.
He couldn’t be himself around anyone. Except for you.
You wouldn’t admit it now, but in a way, you always thought he was cute after hearing him moaning your name.
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lunas-nargle · 1 year
chapter two of “meddle about” series brian o’conner x reader
ii. ready, set, race
Y/n and Mia got out of the middle Toretto cousin's baby blue Subaru STI. Letty a few seconds later pulled up behind her, getting out of her car with swaying hips. 
The area around them was abandoned and completely full of racers and nice cars. The Toretto girls strutted off behind Letty towards the oldest Torretto cousin, who was talking to two hot blondes.
Letty walked closer to them, looking pretty pissed. "I smell." she sniffed the air. "Skanks." Y/n smiled amused, as she leaned against the hood of Letty's car with Mia. "Why don't you girls just pack it up, before I leave tread marks on your face?"
"Okay." One of the blondes said, looking annoyed. Both of the girls left as Dom said, "Letty, I was just talking--"
"Yeah, whatever." Letty spat, looking pissed off.
Dom didn't go after her, only started talking business, "Okay, Hector--"
Y/n looked around, her eyes falling upon one person in particular. She smirked as she saw Monty getting out of his white and blue Nissan S15. 
"Ahhh, look who it is, Mia." Y/n teased nodding towards the tall, blue eyed brunette. Mia's face turned hot upon seeing him. He glanced at her with a smile. Mia looked down at her feet bashfully before looking everywhere but at him.
Y/n felt a small nudge to her side, interrupting her people watching. 
"What?" she asked, looking over at Mia. She didn't respond, only nodded off to the side. Y/n followed her line of sight. Her eyes landed on Brian the Blond Beauty standing beside a lime green car, people watching as he leaned against his lime green Mitsubishi. 
Brian's eyes stopped onto her. She was now out of her work clothes, and confidently wearing a skimpy outfit that showed off her body in all the right places. Y/n smirked as he came closer to the group Dom was talking to. She looked back towards her cousin.
"One race, 2g buy in. Winner takes all." Dom said. "Hector, you're going to hold the cash."
"Why Hector?" Another racer asked, handing his money over to Hector.
"Cause he's too slow to make away with the money." Y/n smirked amused by her comment as she leaned her elbow on Mia's shoulder. People wooed and laughed, while he glared at her. Y/n winked at him as she remembered the race he challenged her to like it was yesterday. She won, smoking him till he was burnt out.
Hector rolled his eyes at her. Dom clapped Hector and Edwin on the shoulders and said, "Good luck, guys."
"Hey, wait. Hold up." the familiar voice of Brian said, coming in between Hector and Edwin. He held up a pick slip, clearing his throat. "I don't have any money, but I do have a pink slip to my car."
"Hey, you just can't climb in the ring with Ali 'cause you think you box." Jesse said.
Brian points towards Vince with a smirk, "He knows I can box." Y/n glanced towards Vince with an amused smile while Monty laughed outwardly with no shame, earning a swift nudge to the side. "So, check it out. It's like this. I lose, winner takes my car, clean and clear. But if I win, I take the cash and I take the respect."
The people remaining around them laughed. Dom smirked with a laugh, "Respect." he repeated.
Mia let out a chuckle as Y/n smiled at him in awe. She was surprised he actually had the balls to say that. "To some people that's more important." Brian continued.
"That your car?" Dom nodded towards his lime green 1995 Mitsubishi Eclipse.
Y/n and the rest of the crew, plus a few other people, walked over to Brian's car. They popped the hood and saw a beautiful sight. People around them voiced their awe as Jesse listed off the things it had
"I see a cool air intake. It's got a NOS fogger system and a T4 turbo, Dominic." he said. "I see an AIC controller. It has direct port nitrous injection."
"Yeah. And a stand alone fuel management system." Dom said, standing behind Jesse. "Not a bad way to spend ten thousand dollars."
Edwin stepped towards the car, inspecting the car's insides. "You see that shit?" he said. "He's got enough NOS in there to blow himself up. Period."
"So what do you say?" Brian asked. "Am I worthy?"
"We don't know yet." Dom said, grinning. He pointed towards Brian "But you're in. Let's go."
Soon, the racers pulled their cars up to the starting line. Brian looked to his left to see Y/n standing by Letty and her cousin. She caught him looking, making her smirk and wave her fingers at him. He smiled and looked forward once again. He took a deep breath, trying to ready himself as much as he can. "You're gonna win." he said to himself. "I'm gonna win."
With Leon's call, Hector raised his arms. He paused for a moment as the engines roared.
Y/n attention was caught again by the sound of loud car engines. She smiled, ready for the race. Fire blew out from the tailpipes, making the crowd roar.
Hector's arms lowered as he said, "Go!" With that the cars sped off, their tires screeching making the crowd roar even louder.
Y/n was kind of disappointed that Brian didn't win the race, though it was covered up as she celebrated with her team.
"Here's what you want, right here." Hector said, his hands full of the money. "There you go." he slapped the money into Dom's hand with a grin.
"My sisters hold the money." Dom said, making Y/n smile with love. It wasn't unusual to call Y/n his sister. He has ever since they were little. "Count it." he continued, before picking Letty up by the waist. " And you're my trophy."
Dom put Letty back down on the ground just as Brian crossed the finish line. The blonde got out of his car, grinning as he made his way towards Dom.
"Was it fun?" Jesse asked sarcastically, as he started popping the hood of Dom's new car. People around them heckled and laughed as the car smoked. They cheered as Jesse opened the hood and more smoke blew out.
"What are you smiling about?" Dom asked in confusion upon seeing Brian's big bright grin. 
"Dude, I almost had you." Brian said, smiling widely, making the people around him cheer.
"You almost had me?" Dom replied, a smirk painted all over his face. "You never had me. You never had your car!"
"Ohhh!" the crowd roared. Brian's smile fell.
"Granny shifting, not double-clutchin' like you should." Dom continued, starting to circle the car. The crowd gave another loud roar. "You're lucky that hundred-shot of NOS didn't blow the welds on the intake. Almost had me? Now me and the mad scientist gotta rip apart the block and replace the piston rings you fried.
"You tell him, Dominic!" somebody shouted before another yelled, "Get outta here."
Brian looked towards Y/n, who gave him a small smile, as Dom continued to shred him. He put the hood down before he said, "Ask any racer, any real racer. It don't matter if you win by an inch or a mile. Winning's winning." The crowd roared with agreement. Dom soaked up the praise with his arms outstretched.
Suddenly, Leon started shouting that cops were on their way. Y/n's eyes widened before she pushed Mia towards her car. They climbed in quickly before they sped off. 
"What about Dom?" Mia asked, looking back.
"He'll be fine." she said. "He knows what he's doing more than we do." she then added in a mumble quietly, hoping Mia couldn't hear her. "Hopefully."
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badfry · 2 years
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۰ ۪۪۫۫ · there was a guy that came in ten minutes before you closed. he was strange, but beautiful. you were staring at him, and he was staring at the snails—until he wasn’t.
☾ warnings—beating a dead meme, snails, retail
☾ word count—586
☾ notes—gn!reader, inspired by #bugrace. reader works at petco, edward is a freak. sfw but not sfb (safe for brain)
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He came in right before you closed. Normally, you would’ve been annoyed—but he was so unfathomably beautiful that just this once, you didn’t mind.
“Can I help you find anything?” you called out to him, unusually eager to be helpful. “We’re closing in a few minutes.”
“Ah, yes,” he said, smiling sheepishly, “I was just hoping to see the snails. I’m sorry for coming in so late.”
“It’s okay, really,” you assured him. His smile was dazzling. He had perfect teeth. They were just as white as his skin—which, on second thought, was a little unsettling. “Are you hoping to buy any? I’ll make sure they keep a register open if you are.”
He frowned. “No, no, not tonight…” You found yourself missing his smile—but not for long. He grinned at you, quick and shy, and your heart fluttered as you began to lead him toward the back of the store. “Perhaps not ever. I don’t quite think I’m the type for pets.”
“You just like to admire them from afar?”
He chuckled, running a hand through his fiery, fluffy hair. “Something like that.”
Together, you came to a stop in front of the aquariums. The store was darker back here, only half-lit by the bright tank lights. “We have a few turbo snails here,” you said, pointing to the saltwater aquariums, “and an Astraea. I think we have an assassin in one of the freshwater aquariums, and a bunch of mystery snails, too.”
You turned to him, only to find him staring through the glass intently. His face appeared blue in the tank light; his eyes looked a noxious sort of green. Still, you thought he was—
“Effervescent,” he murmured, rubbing his knuckles against the glass. After a moment, he cleared his throat and took a step back, but he kept his eyes on the tank. "Do you have a favorite?"
"Um." You were kind of stuck on the effer-whatever thing. Was that an SAT word? Was this guy in high school? You looked him over surreptitiously; he was boyish and lanky, but his face was almost freakishly gaunt and sickeningly pale. Your brain was getting mixed signals—was he a boy or a corpse? Wait, what had he asked you? "The assassin is cool. It reminds me of a bee. What about you?"
Finally, he looked over at you. His eyes were dark all of a sudden; they were like a bottomless chasm, inviting you to jump in. "I don't think I could pick," he said. His face was so close. Had he gotten closer, or had you?
God, he smelled incredible.
He reached out and brushed a strand of hair out of your face. His hand was ice cold; you couldn't help but jump when it first made contact with the shell of your ear, but as it lingered there, you relaxed. He cradled your face in the palm of his hand, staring at you like you were what he'd come here for all along.
You thought about grabbing his hand and pressing it harder and harder against your cheek until your warmth became his, but instead, you tried to ask, "What's your—"
"I should get going," he interrupted, dropping his hand back down to his side. "You'll be closing any minute now."
"Oh," you said. You felt bereft already. Would he ever come back?
He glanced over his shoulder at the aquariums. His gaze softened. "I'll see you again," he promised.
You weren't sure if he was talking to you or the snails.
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heavyteddy25 · 11 days
Bad batch pt.3
It was Saturday night and Alan was heading to his favorite bear bar. He sported his favorite outfit a pos pear of jeans that hugged every inch of his thick powerful legs, cupped his heavy bubble butt. He had on his favorite button up shirt with vertical striped pattern that curved and stretched up and down his rounded belly. Leaving the top buttons open down to the top of his gut exposing his puffed out hairy chest, the shirt being kept pulled open by his broad shoulders and the sleeves rolled and tightened by his biceps. Every slight flex made his clothes creak and strain in all the right places. Alan was clearly no stranger to a weight set and even with a layer of softness over him he was always the center of attention when he went out to the club. As he walked up and saw the sign read “new turbo based mixed drinks” he walked inside and immediately felt eyes drawn to him. The music blared some non lyrical music easy to dance to even if you can’t dance, Alan headed to the bar ready for a drink. The bartender saw him coming the second he walked through the door and already had a glass of his usual order waiting for him.
Bartender: So who’s gonna be the lucky guy tonight big guy?
Alan took his drink and leaned his back against the bar looking out at the crowd waiting. He knew he wouldn’t have to be the one to go searching for attention and he was right. As if on cue one twink after another offered to buy him drinks for a chance to go home with him. He accepted the drinks of course getting more buzzed with each attempt of flirting.
Bartender: hey maybe you should slow down! You’re guts not going anywhere with all the drinking you do.
Alan brushed off that comment while also suddenly becoming aware of how bloated all the booze had made him he could feel his shirt getting tighter around his gut. For a minute he thought should slow it down, but in came the next guy with a drink in his hand hoping for his chance. This went on for the next few hours Alan was practically wasted at this point, never having let this routine of his go on this long. And then came up the hottest person Alan had ever seen with slicked back hair, sheer top that revealed every chiseled smooth muscle and, a pair of nipples Alan wanted to suck on for hours, with nothing but a jock strap on that looked like it was holding on for dear life. Alan wasn’t sure if he was just drunk or if this guy was just that gorgeous either way he found the one for tonight. The hunk strolled up to Alan cool and collected with of course another drink.
Hunk: What’s up my names Mitch! I couldn’t help but notice you all night, you look great! I figured I’d bring you one of the new drinks on the menu since it seemed like you’ve been drinking the same thing all night.
Alan tried to form the words to say thank you as he took a sip of the drink Mitch gave him. Suddenly Alan could feel the buzz winding down not sure of the cause but not wasting the moment, he started up chatting with Mitch.
Alan: thank you! You are just gorgeous I gotta say, what made you wait so long to come by?
Mitch: well if I’m being honest I’ve been building the courage to come talk to you! You’ve had guys lined up all night trying to get your attention I figured my chances were slim.
Alan: Oh you’ve no idea what you look like huh? If you’d come sooner I can promise the line would have disappeared.
For the next hour Alan did the drink ordering getting the new turbo mixed drinks as he and Mitch chatted. Alan found out Mitch is a doctor and he shared funny medical stories. He couldn’t be sure if it was just the booze but Alan was pretty sure he’d like things to go further than one night but when he thought about it he hadn’t been feeling buzzed for a while now but he bloating never let up. He looked down and was shocked to see how distended his gut was he could feel the cool air hitting his belly through gaps in his buttoned shirt. Mitch noticed Alan getting distracted and looking a bit worried he came in closer putting his hand on the top curvature of Alan’s belly and using his other to caress the side of his smooth basketball belly. Mitch leaned in close to whisper to Alan.
Mitch: Don’t worry I think it looks great on you I actually haven’t been able to stop staring. How about we take things to a room in the back?
Alan had chills run down his spine after hearing what Mitch wanted to do. Mitch grabbed Alan’s hand and guided him to the back door which lead to a hallway lined with private rooms for exactly what Alan hoped was about to happen. As alan was being led to a room he couldn’t help but notice he was developing a slight waddle and he could hear his clothes creaking more than usual.
They made it into a back room, it was simple no wall decor only a queen size bed that looked surprisingly clean. As Mitch lead Alan to the bed his shirt suddenly got even tighter and one by one his buttons popped off firing at Mitch and bouncing off his bare butt. Mitch turned around curious what just happened and immediately was drawn so Alan’s near beach ball size belly on full display in all its fuzzy glory.
Alan: I don’t know what’s happening to me! It won’t stop growing!
Mitch: well you had a lot to drink and alcohol forces your body to store excess calories into hard fat. Which probably explains the major beer gut but something must have accelerated the process.
Mitch put his hand on the front of Alan’s globe of a belly firm and hairy, he walked behind Alan rubbing his fingers along the side of his belly. From behind Mitch came up close bumping his swollen bulge into Alan’s ass trapped in his now shrinking jeans. Mitch tried to wrap his arms around Alan’s belly from behind but unable to make it even close to fully reaching and he whispered in Alan’s ear.
Mitch: don’t worry you were gonna end up this size if we dated anyway.
Alan’s eyes went wide just as his clothes reached their limits all over. His sleeves began tearing at the seams as his arms began to swell with fat, unable to bend over anymore he could only feel and hear his pants button burst open shoving the zipper down as his fat pad developed. His jeans were being shredded by his thighs sudden increase in diameter till they fell off him no longer able to keep together.
Mitch: well I guess it’s a good you went commando tonight huh tubbs.
Alan blushed at that comment never having been made fun of for his size and not being used to his current size at all.
Mitch: I think it’s time to have some fun, just sit back and have some fun.
Mitch turned Alan towards him and shoved Alan onto the bed, he fell back onto the bed with a solid “whomp”. Alan could feel the bed struggle underneath him as his body had to be clearing 400lbs even if he was mostly belly.
Mitch: looks like someone’s more excited than they let on! Good thing you still have plenty of meat for me to play with.
Alan knew what he was talking about he had been hard for a while now, especially in the last few minutes something about no longer being in control and giving it to Mitch made him feel so comfortable and horny. Mitch began stroking Alan’s shaft, all Alan could do was lie there and moan. He wanted to start bucking his hips from the stimulation but his body was becoming so swollen and engorged and heavy he couldn’t do much. Then Mitch got onto Alan’s lap and straddled his new plumped thunder thighs grabbing onto Alan’s guy for stability Alan’s belly was growing so much he couldn’t see Mitch’s face on the other side his belly was growing in every direction in an almost perfect sphere. Mitch positioned himself onto Alan’s dick and inserted it into him. At this point neither Mitch or alan could control their moans as Mitch rode Alan. Mitch pressed himself into the growing expanse of Alan’s yoga ball belly hugging and groping it feeling Alan’s stretched happy trail on his face as he kissed and licked on the firm warm fat. This went on for minutes until Alan’s belly began taking up to much space his underbelly was beginning to engulf his fat pad and his thighs shoving Mitch off Alan’s dick. Alan now becoming truly concerned about his size he tried to grab at his belly but his arms have become to swollen they’ve taken on cone like shapes unable to bend much, he couldn’t see it but he could feel the same was happening to his legs. His belly kept growing and stretching with the warm firm fat encompassing more of his body his chest began to rise like dough as it merged into his gut his body becoming more and more round over all.
Mitch: looks like we’re gonna have to switch roles big guy.
Mitch came around to the side of Alan’s body and began to shove and push on his side in an attempt to roll him over. Luckily with Alan’s body being a mostly firm shape he rolled onto his belly not without effort though. Alan became quickly disoriented as his world went tipsy turvy for a moment and he felt all his weight shift and sit on the front of his belly as his was positioned on top of it. Mitch came around to Alan’s face to check on him Alan’s face was not spared from the weight gain, his cheeks were puffed out and rosy, and even under the beard Mitch could see a massive double chin making Alan’s face way rounder than at the start of the night. Mitch came up to Alan’s face looked him in his eyes cupped his fat check with one hand and grabbed the back of his head with his other hand pulling him into a deep and passionate kiss where Alan couldn’t help but suck and bite on Mitch’s juicy lips. Mitch broke the kiss so they could come up for air.
Mitch: You look absolutely stunning!
Alan could practically see stars in Mitch’s eyes at how much he lusted for Alan in his current globular form. Mitch made his way to the back of Alan’s body and found what he was looking, just as Mitch had hoped Alan’s ass was gigantic and sexy. Two big bubbles for an ass perfect for Mitch to have his way with. With Alan’s ass higher in the air than he needed it to be he grabbed onto the still perky cheeks and pulled them down rocking Alan’s whole body rising his head higher as his butt lowered. Now being at the right angle Mitch latched onto Alan’s backside and began to insert himself into Alan. And the fun began again Alan began to moan and grunt in time with Mitch’s thrustings throwing him into a frenzy of stimulation both from being penetrated and the newfound sensitivity coming from his overblown and stretched body. Alan couldn’t help but want to try and thrust back at Mitch wanting him deeper inside him, however this only resulted in rocking his round body till he rolled back over bringing Mitch still inside Alan’s ass higher into the air. Now Mitch was riding him again only this time the ride was getting more intense. Alan could feel his body reaching its limit, the skin across his belly was becoming itchy and pink and suddenly stretch marks began to pop up all across his belly he could feel his skin losing the battle as his stretch marks were increasing accompanied by a sound similar to the tearing of fabric. Alan went silent only being able to pant as his breaths were shortening and he focused on trying to will his body to keep stretching. Mitch continued to go to town thrust after thrust and the occasional slap that lead to more stretch marks on Alan. Just before Mitch was about to cum the door opened, it was the bartender getting ready to close up and then he was greeted by a sight he will never forget. Mitch was riding a blimp covered in tears and almost reaching the 9ft ceiling.
Bartender: WHAT THE!!!!!!!
Before he could finish his sentence Mitch let out a deep guttural scream as he released his massive shot of cum into Alan’s over blown body, right when he did Alan’s eyes went wide and crossed as his whole body jolted out in every direction one last time.
The sound sent the bartender flying back through the door and into the hallway. When he got back up all that was left was naked Mitch lying on the floor sweaty and exhausted, he looked over at the bartender with a tired smirk.
Mitch: You got any more of those turbo drinks?
Later that night
The bartender after having cleaned up and sending Mitch on his way not knowing what else to do since nobody would believe what he saw. He picked up his phone and dialed a number stored in the register.
Operator: Turbo distribution headquarters how can I help you?
Bartender: You mind explaining why the hell a customer blimped up and exploded after having one of y’all’s drinks?!?!?
Operator:……. Hold please.
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rachelsnotebook · 9 months
A Look Back At The Games of 2023
There's always too many games and not enough hours in a year, but I refuse to let that stop me from celebrating the games that were important to me over the course of 2023.
The Games I LOVED in 2023:
(In no particular order)
Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & The Secret Hideout (released September 26, 2019)
This game spoke to me on so many levels: the lonely childhood, the frustrations at home, the desire to prove myself, the dreams of adventure, a craving to learn, an enchantment with magic.
How could I not fall in love with these characters? I wish this game came into my life so much sooner.
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Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (released October 12, 2001)
Now, this is a game series that missed me entirely. It wasn't until I was an adult with internet access that I was briefly introduced to Phoenix Wright. Right away I knew I liked the style of humor, but I still didn't feel compelled to give the series a try any time soon.
Flash forward to 2023... I picked up the available Ace Attorney games on the 3DS eshop before it died. So, when I found myself on an airplane for the first time I decided to keep the ball rolling. I booted up the first Ace Attorney, and I get it now. This game is an experience. And I love it dearly!
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A Date with Death (Dec 7, 2023)
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Now, an important note here is that I still haven't played the full game. I had planned on it by the time I finished getting this massive post written, but I put my focus into playing the other submissions in the Velox Turbo Jam.
The demo though... that I played. A lot. The concept, game mechanics, the art, everything is simply amazing to interact with. How do you not fall in love with this game? Grimmy is so funny (and HOT). I'm looking forward to exploring this game fully in the new year!
Sonic Frontiers (released November 8, 2022 & story dlc September 28, 2023)
I've been playing Sonic for as far back as I can remember, and Frontiers might be my personal favorite of the bunch. It was a joy to explore and experiment with the new mechanics. And I know it's far from perfect. I'm not blind, but I'm not heartless either. Sometimes all you can do is laugh and move on. Over the course of my experience playing, every mechanic and level was accessible. That journey was where I fell in love with Frontiers.
The story dlc was everything I wanted. I'm so happy we got to play as Amy, Tails, and Knuckles! The controls again, aren't perfect, but I'm grateful and thrilled that this content exists at all.
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Xenoblade 3 DLC Future Redeemed (released April 25, 2023)
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Future Redeemed is my personal game of the year. No question.
If you have a spare hour or two, I do highly recommend looking up on youtube the journey and evolution of the Xeno games. The story of creator, Tetsuya Takahashi, is really cool!
But in short: he kept striving to tell an incredibly complex RPG that would span several games and thousands of years of in game lore. He had a vision that publishers just didn't share. That led him to form his own studio, but he couldn't bring his original IP with him. He had to start again, and one more time after that when Nintendo finally acquired his studio.
The Xenoblade Trilogy is actually six games in disguise. The dlc story content for each game exists as it's own game. The campaigns are significantly shorter, but they're games that stand on their own, 100%.
Future Redeemed was released as the finale to the overarching plot (the Klaus Saga), and this marked the first time that Tetsuya Takahashi was able to bring one of his Xeno plots to a close on his own terms. Xenoblade is still going to continue, but this plot can rest easy.
For the most part. FR still left plays with tons of questions, but it did it's job beautifully. It honored the past games and looked to the future, and I loved every piece of it.
And most remarkably, it also kicked the door down for Tetsuya Takahashi's older IPs to return to the story. It's unclear right now how and when, but the future is so very bright for some incredible games to get another chance to shine.
Splatoon 3 (released September 9, 2022)
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I spent a lot of time playing Splatoon this year. Am I good at it? No! But I love this game with my whole heart.
Intertwine (released July 2023)
Will I ever shut up about Intertwine? Hopefully no! I highly recommend checking out the post I made going into detail on this game.
Intertwine stole my heart. It's a fun game that feels deeply special. You'll laugh, you'll cry, and most of all... you'll fall in love with Van.
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The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog (Mar 31, 2023)
A small team put this game together for April Fools and I owe them my life! This is one of my favorite things that happened this year.
If you missed it, for April Fools Sega dropped an entire Sonic the Hedgehog visual novel. And it's AMAZING.
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Coral Island (Nov 14, 2023)
The children who grew up on Bokujō Monogatari are rapidly creating their own farming games. Stardew Valley is the most famous game to come from that group and it's inspiring even more people.
Now, as someone who has likely spent years of their life playing their favorite farming games again, and again... I tend to be picky about what I want from a farming game. I have a clear vision in mind for my dream game.
And Coral Island is really close to that dream! There's a ton of love and careful thought put into the art, the story, and the characters. I can't wait to keep playing and discovering new mechanics and secrets.
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Suika game (December 9, 2021)
I love puzzle games! And I was sold on this game instantly.
I may have also bought it from the Japanese eshop some time before it was even announced for a North America release...
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Titan Arum (released August 2023)
This game came into my life at a time when I badly needed a distraction. And Titan Arum delivered!
Titan Arum is a visual novel with three love interests, and nothing is as it seems. It's so incredibly cool, and I can't believe that I get to be friends with the devs. This game is a massive home run.
The art, the UI, the story... omg we could be here all day discussing everything. There's a ton to chew on and I don't want to spoil a single thing. Trust me on this, just play it.
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Yakuza 0 (released March 12, 2015)
I'm still working my way through this one. Yakuza games are known for their length and I'm not interested in rushing any part of it.
My journey so far has been a ton of fun. There's so much detail injected into the world and the characters that I sometimes find it difficult to put the game down. I love the balance of seriousness and silliness. We need more of that in games.
I can't wait to keep on fighting with Kiryu in 2024.
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The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (released May 12, 2023)
Tears of the Kingdom is easily one of the best games of 2023, and in general. The mechanics they got working are incredible! I'm perpetually in awe by my own puzzle solutions and the clips I've seen of others. It's a truly amazing game.
There's little I can say that others haven't. And to be honest I'm still after all these months, collecting my thoughts on this game. I love TOTK, but I do have a few issues with it. So stay tuned for that post in 2024...
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Games that released / released a demo in 2023 that are on my RADAR:
Again, I wish on every star that I had more hours in a day so I could play every game that catches my eye. These are the ones I'm jumping on the opportunity as soon as possible!
-Baldur's Gate 3
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Slay the Princess
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Curse Crackers: For Whom the Belle Toils
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Thirsty Suitors
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In Stars and Time
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Little Goody Two Shoes
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Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope - DLC 3
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Other Game related media from 2023 that I want to acknowledge:
Sega has been really knocking it out of the park with their Sonic the Hedgehog content:
(There's too much to link to directly so I'm posting my personal favorites)
Tails Tube
Dr. Eggman takes over Lego
Sonic Symphony events
The added Frontiers content:
Sonic Superstars animated content
Sonic Dream Team animation
The incredible announcement for The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog
I also must emphasize this praise is for the hardworking teams at Sega. If you haven't been following their unionizing efforts I recommend checking this out:
The IDW Sonic Comics! They're a ton of fun and I look forward to them every month.
Atelier Ryza had a big year of added content. The trilogy wrapped and I'm still emotional watching this video they released to visually recap the story.
Ryza also received an anime adaption of the first game. I'm in North America and I watched all of it on crunchyroll. It was a really well done adaption of the first part of the game. I hope it comes back for a season 2, because there's a ton more I want to see animated.
I'm a huge Fire Emblem Heroes addict and I'm always shocked how much original content in that mobile game flies under the radar. The movies for each new story milestone are often really cool.
[I hit an insert video limit so please copy and paste, and check that playlist out!]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5bIw5CyOLE&list=PLqP2A2xeRzdS3MjLNZvmZnWFYf_zwZqwq&ab_channel=NintendoMobile
I almost made it to the end before I hit the limit!
I can't thank you enough if you made it down to this point. This post spiraled out of control... and somehow this is still it reigned in.
It's almost 9pm on New Years Eve and I just want this post done. So if there are errors, I'm sorry. I tried. I fell into writing as if I'm talking to you directly and I like that level of comfort for a fun post like this one.
Have a Happy New Year!!!
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etes-secrecy-post · 3 days
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
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Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
Title: The Speedster Twins in their 20s (Plus, Miya Speedster In Her 20s "Fixed")
(Young Adult) Riya 🐰🏎️: Hello, September! 🍁🍂 The "Speedster Kids Appreciation Month" continues with ME, Riya Speedster! Celebrating my 11th Anniversary, since 2013 debut! 😄🥳🎊 And what better way to celebrate by showing my OG clothing, with my twin bro Spot in our 20th age! 😁 So, let's get it on! 😃
(Young Adult) Spot 🐶🏎️: By the way, no #OnThisDay throwback post from my creator because of the aforementioned Riya's anniversary! Happy Annivesary, Ri 🐰🏎️🥳🎊
(Young Adult) Riya 🐰🏎️: Thank you, twin bro! 🥰🤗 Nonetheless! Ladies first, and this one is a memorable color on my new heart shirt because back in October of 2013, after my debut, my OG clothing (from my hoodie to my turbo sneakers) used to have bright pink color on different sides including the aforementioned heart 😊🫰→ [CLICK ME! #1]. But, it was fixed by my creator, the following month (November 2013) → [CLICK ME! #2]. Now, my OG color came back in my young-adult clothes! And, girl do I look great! Or what? 🥰🤗🩷👚
(Young Adult) Spot 🐶🏎️: Yeah, it really suits you just like your kids age! And like yours, I also have a history of color change, back in (Jan) 2012. When I used to have solid cyan fur from my OG debut → [CLICK ME! #3]. Although, being cyan fur doesn't suits my furry taste, and my creator agree my statement. 🤔 So, he fixed my fur, in May of that year → [CLICK ME! #4]. Now, that color cyan looks cool on my new polo shirt! Plus, my good looking hair reminds me of my OG adult, in 2011 → [CLICK ME! #5]. 😎🐶👕
(Young Adult) Riya 🐰🏎️: Yeah, you really are reminiscent of your OG adult, Spot.🙂 I liked! 😊👍 You used to wear old jeans with pockets and that shoes, but now you've changed.
(Young Adult) Spot 🐶🏎️: Why, thank you, Ri! 😊 Yeah, I used to wear these, but I made some adjustments, though. 👖😉
(Young Adult) Riya 🐰🏎️: Mmm, I see. 🙂 Nonetheless, other attires I've wear including gloves (including Spot) just like our cousin Miya, my skirt reminiscent of my 2nd outfit from my child-age → [CLICK ME! #6], wearing comfy gym shorts to secure my privacy, and let's not forget, our signature turbo sneakers! 🛞👟😁
(Young Adult) Spot 🐶🏎️: Heck yeah! Never forget our precious "Turbo Sneakers"! 😁
(Young Adult) Riya 🐰🏎️: And finally, I've made my own sleeveless comfy hoodie, with the main color is came from Spot's signature blue color, instead of mine! 💙🩷🥰
(Young Adult) Spot 🐶🏎️: Yup, I send some of my blue threads to her new hoodie, with a adorable bunny theme! Look adorable wearing it, Ri! 🥰🐰🤗 I approved! 😊👍
(Young Adult) Riya 🐰🏎️: Thanks, twin bro! And reason why my hoodie sleeveless is because it looks pretty cool and adorable, at the same time! 😉
(Young Adult) Spot 🐶🏎️: No doubt about it, Ri! 😊 What do you think our clothing, Mi!
(Young Adult) Miya 🐰🐻🔋: COOLIO! You two are SO COOLIO, dude and dudette! 😁👍 Also, happy Anniversary, Riya gurl (girl)! 🥰🤗
(Young Adult) Riya 🐰🏎️: Thanks, Mi! 🥰🤗
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(Young Adult) Miya 🐰🐻🔋: Now, the reason why I'm here aside from celebrating my cousin gurl is because my creator had fixed my color palette sheet by highlighting it. If you want my explanation, then please click here → [CLICK ME! #7]. It is worth to read! 😉
○ 🤫 There's another attire that was made before their OG clothing. So, I won't reveal it. Only for super secret blog(s), EXCLUSIVE! 🤫 ○
Me 🇵🇭: BTW, I'll give some deep details on their clothing, very soon when I've done all of my task(s). As for their Impreza cars 🌸🔵🟡🐰🐻🔋🇯🇵🚘|🐶🇯🇵🚘🟥🔵🌸🐰🇯🇵🚘, it is still ongoing, I'll be scheduled it at the end of September. 😉
(Young Adult) Spot 🐶🏎️: A.k.a. MY 13TH ANNIVERSARY! 😄🥳🎊
(Young Adult) Riya 🐰🏎️ & Miya 🐰🐻🔋: YAY! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, SPOT! 😁👏
(Young Adult) Spot 🐶🏎️: Thanks! 😄🥰🤗
Me 🇵🇭: Yup, that's all for now! And happy 11th Anniversary, Riya! 🐰🏎️🥳🎊
(Young Adult) Riya 🐰🏎️: Thank you so much! 🥰🤗
The Speedster Trio (Spot, Riya, and Miya in their 20s; Chowder OCs) - created by ME!
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hot-for-rock · 2 years
Take On The World
One shot (for now)
K.K. Downing X OC {Alexandra Chrissy}
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Warning(s): None
Plot: Alexandra works in a local rock radio station. When Judas Priest comes in for an interview and gives her friend and radio jockey, Lara two tickets to the show, Lara chooses her. The only issue is she suffers from some social anxiety, queue the drama unfolding.
A/N: I’m only writing more if people want it. Please comment, like and reblog this! Thanks for reading. <3
Alexandra’s POV
I take a deep breath as I finally after a few minutes of panicked searching find a quiet spot. I should have known better, me and crowds don’t mix well yet, I never learn.
I lean my back up against the cold painted brick wall, the sound of the concert in the background. I can feel my heartbeat slowing down and my breath getting more even and normal again and I find solace in being alone.
I knew deep down I should have told Lara no, but she’s my best friend, and I have a hard time saying no to people I care about. I’ve also been trying to push myself out of my comfort zone, which if you can’t tell hasn’t been going all too well.
The only reason we’re even at this Judas Priest concert is because she got the tickets for free.
We both work for the local rock radio station, she’s the disc jockey and I work behind the scenes in the sound room making sure everything is working alright. The thing about our station is I sit behind her, with a sheet of glass between us and I listen in on the conversation, and pull up the bumpers, get the songs playing, the comermicals and pull up the callers as the show is going.
Today, since they were playing our arena Judas Priest came in to conduct an interview with Lara of course. I luckily didn’t have to interact with any of them. It’s not that I wouldn't have loved to, I love the band, but as I’ve said before I’m not good with social interactions.
I’m so bad in fact, that K.K. Downing one of the two guitars, briefly glanced at me from behind the glass and I quickly looked away hoping he wouldn’t notice me.
I’m proud that I made it as far into the concert as I did, usually I’d be out of here having a panic moment way before I did tonight. So in that way I’m proud. I made it through the concert, well most of it. Just not the encores, I maybe could have if it wasn’t for the guy behind me trying to chat me up.
I’m sure lots of people would have been flattered but social interactions aren’t my thing so I freaked out. Of course I lied to Lara, and told her I had to find the bathroom, that way she wouldn’t worry too much or try and tell me to stay.
It probably also didn’t help that we were very close to the stage, and well at one point I swear to god K.K. once again was looking at me, he even pointed. I know he was most likely just pointing at the crowd generally but he looked directly at me as he did it. I’m sure most people would love that and think it’s cool, but my anxiety got in the way once again. I'd prefer to blend into the crowd.
How ridiculous am I? Sitting backstage at a Judas Priest concert, not even to meet the band just to get out of the crowd. It’s embarrassing really. Hopefully I can sneak back out before it’s too late and everyone starts making their way back here after the show.
I figure I have a few more minutes at least, so I reach into my bag and pull out my half finished book. Reading is one of the ways I escape my problems, that and music. I pull out my Walkman, which just happens to have Turbo, the very album they're touring off of right now. I just heard Turbo lover not minutes ago live, but I need to hear it again. I turn it up full volume as I begin to read.
I Jump as I feel someone tapping my shoulder, knocking me out of my book and the music. Before looking up to see who it is I quickly stop my music and remove my headphones. I’m expecting it to be Lara who’s gone off to find me, after all it would have been a long bathroom break.
So when I look up and see K.K. Downing still in his full leathers, his blonde hair dripping in sweat, I can’t help but feel that all too familiar panic set in. Only I really can’t run. I backed myself into a corner, no literally.
“Can I help you with something?” He asks me, giving me curios look.
“No! I’m sorry! I was trying to get away from the crowd and got carried away reading. I'm sorry I’m in the way. I’ll leave.” I say quickly shutting my book and standing up, the words just flooding out of me in a panic.
“No. That’s not what I meant. I just wanted to ask if you wanted a signature.” He tells me and this time I notice his smooth English accent a lot more. “You work at the radio station, right?”
“Yes.” I manage to squeak out. He remembered me from earlier? I was behind the glass. We didn't even interact. He looked at me once.
“I-I um don’t have anything for you to sign, but ah thank you.”
“At least let me give you a pick.” He says, offering out one of his guitar picks in his hand. “It’s nice to meet you. I’m K.K. by the way.”
I would be rude not to take it, and who doesn’t want a pick from K.K. Downing? so I gently take the piece of plastic from his hand and give him the best smile I can manage.
“Thank you. I’m Alexandra.”
“Not a problem, love.” He tells me with a friendly smile on his face. “I would have given it to you in the crowd at the end but you disappeared.”
I feel a blush creep across my face, he noticed? So he was looking at me? Why would he even be looking at me? I do everything possible to blend into the crowd and not stand out.
“Oh- sorry.” I say, I almost feel bad like I should explain why I suddenly got up and just left. I mean they killed it and I don’t want him to get the wrong idea.
“I-it wasn’t because it was bad. I just got uncomfortable because someone was um…chatting me up.” I try my best to explain despite still being slightly nervous and still socially awkward as ever.
“Oh. I’m sorry you couldn’t enjoy the end.” K.K. says to me, “Do you want to meet everyone else? Consider it payment for someone ruining the show for you.”
I know I should no, I’ll probably end up making a fool of myself, but K.K. has been nothing but nice to me. It would be rude not to, not to mention it's a once in a lifetime opportunity. I’ve come this far. I'm sure I can do it.
“Okay.” I smile at him.
“Ladies first.” he says, opening the door right next to the corner I was standing in.
Wait, I was standing next to their dressing room this whole time? No wonder he came up to the weird woman sitting in the corner. I’m also a little surprised this place isn’t swarmed by groupies, unless all the other band members already took them into the dressing room.
I walk into the backstage era and sure enough there are a couple of beautiful blonde girls. The kind that used to pick on me in high school and were cheerleaders and popular.
I suddenly feel very out of place.
I’m nothing like these girls and not nearly as beautiful. I have plain dark hair, and my go-to outfit is jeans, a t-shirt, usually with a band on it and boots or sneakers depending on the time of year. I only ever wear dresses on special occasions and I’d never wear heels.
“Here.” K.K. says handing me a lanyard with a backstage pass hanging on it. “Put this on so no one tries to kick you out.”
I nod and put the pass around my neck, I do so I notice it has a signature on it.
“You signed it.” I say, looking for confirmation from him, I somehow never noticed, though that could be due to me looking at the other girls in the room.
“You said you had nothing for me to sign so yes I did.” K.K. tells me and that’s very sweet actually, I can’t help but smile at that.
“Now let me change real fast and I’ll find their other okay?” K.K. tells me and I nod in acknowledgment, standing up against the farthest wall hoping none of these girls come up to me as K.K. disappears into the back room.
“Where were you?” Rob asks, being his normal nosy self.
“With a girl.” I tell him, as I start removing my trousers.
“Oh, I see.” He says, raising an eyebrow at me. I know exactly what he’s thinking, she’s some groupie or beautiful blonde woman I’m going shag later. Usually he wouldn’t be wrong, yet it’s a bit different.
It was in intention originally, but that changed. Yes Alexandra is pretty, but she’s shy, deathly shy. Struggling to speak to strangers is shy. I could never take advantage of someone like that, especially someone who seems as inexperienced as her.
I’d settle for her number, or maybe a date. Not so much for me even, for her, she deserves it. Especially since she didn’t get to enjoy the end of the show.
“It’s not like that.” I inform him, as I take off my leathers and quickly pull my shirt over my head waiting for the shock from all the lads.
“What do you mean it’s not like that?” Ian pips up from beside me. “I’ve known you ages and it’s never been not about that.”
“She’s not interested in me like that.” I tell him as I pull on my boots.
“When has that ever stopped you?” Ian asks, giving me a very confused look. I choose to ignore that comment, yes I’m pretty president and I like to change a girls mind through flirting but I catch a hint when I’m not wanted.
“Who is this woman?” Rob asks, sounding genuinely curious, and intrigued.
“She worked at the radio station from earlier the one behind the glass.” I tell him, as I pack all my clothes into the wardrobe case for the next show.
“Oh I see.” Rob says.
“She’s very shy, but she missed the end of the show because someone made her uncomfortable so I told her I’d get you to come meet her.” I inform all of them, trying to get the topic off of me wanting to shag Alexandra.
“Fine, we'll meet your future wife.” Ian teases, making me roll my eyes, but I’m not taking that bait.
“Alright follow me.” I say, leading the four of them out into the longue era where Alexandra is standing up against the wall exactly where I left her once.
I smile as I catch her attention and she shyly smiles back. She has a beautiful genuine smile and I must say I like bringing it to her face.
“This is Alexandra.” I say introducing her to the band, because she'll struggle with that, and I want her to feel as comfortable as possible.
“Hello, Alexandra.” Rob greats, with a friendly smile. “Want me to sign that?” He points to the pass I gave her before that already sports my signature.
“That would be nice.” She manages to say.
“We’ll all sign it. I’m Glenn.” Glenn tells her, taking the marker and singing it next after rob finishes.
Alexandra nods in response, and Ian takes it nice and simply offers her a smile clearly catching she isn’t much for talking.
She may not be saying she’s greatful or happy, but it’s showing on her face with that beautiful genuine smile of hers gracing her lips. I can’t help but smile as well at that.
Alexandra’s POV
All I can think at this moment is how jealous Lara will be that I managed to get backstage, meet the whole band and get their signatures. I can’t help but smile, no matter how nervous I am. I mean this doesn’t happen everyday. How can I not?
I figured since I’m not much of a conversationalist, they’d all quickly move on to the other group of much prettier and chatters blonde. So I can slip out without making things awkward and go find Lara, I’m sure by this point she’s freaking out trying to find me.
Yet K.K. hasn’t left my side yet. I glance over at him, worried if I stare at him it might be rude. Why is he still here?
“Alexandra, I want to ask you something.” He says looking at me, and I turn to face him.
What could K.K. Downing possibly have to ask me? It’s a bit puzzling to me. Did I do something wrong?
“Yes?” I ask nervously.
“We’re here again tomorrow night. Would you like to come?” K.K. asks me, and an hour ago I might have said no considering how this one ended, but now I’m considering saying yes. I’m proud of myself. I’ve managed to talk to four rockstars and not have a panic attack. I think maybe I could handle it.
“I know you don’t like crowds. So I could give you a backstage pass. That way you could sit on the side stage. It’s much quieter and you’ll be alone except for my tech but he won’t bother you. I’ll even give you one so you can bring your friend.” K.K. adds and once again that offer is too kind for me to pass up.
“I’d like that.” I smile at him, “thank you.”
“Anytime. I’ll see you tomorrow okay?” He says. “I’ll come drop off the passes for you at the radio station.”
I nod.
“I should probably go now. I-I’m sure my friend is worried about me.” I tell him, “also I’ve got to brag to her a bit.” I add a bit of a joke, lifting up the pass.
K.K. laughs. “Just tell her we’ll sign hers tomorrow.”
“I will.” I say as I leave the backstage area feeling on top of the world.
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kimberlyannharts · 2 years
I finally sat and read the whole thing:
The good:
The Art, as always.
I thought the Hyper Turbo Mega Super Omegazord looked cool
M/tt not being in the final shot. Lmao.
I thought the concept of like. Being trapped in his memories and having to move forward was cool.
I’m sure there’s more but I’m sure it’ll get discussed.
The bad:
Just. All of the Death Ranger has been so poorly executed. Why is Spa’ark like actually evil? The ending sucked too. Nope Spa’ark is evil there’s nothing to learn here :) (I shouldn’t be surprised. Look at how Miya’s been demonized.) Any Death Ranger’s host should have been Kiya. Kiya/Spa’ark dynamic like Eddie/Venom and healing together now there’s a story.
I still don’t understand having Journey die but I guess it’s just supposed to go with the theme but it didn’t gel. Me, personally? Would have made them the new Gold but also I came up with the Kiya Spa’ark thing while writing this so.
I guess all in all it just didn’t feel like an issue that deserved being #100. Like I appreciated the page count and the collectible card but. It just feels flat. And it just told us what we already know: No one can thrive if Jason is around.
- I guess technically M/tt was in the final splash page but he wasn't in the pre-page big morphing sequences so I still took that as a win
- it was obvious from the previews that there would be a Jason-traveling-mindscape thing with Andros but it didn't feel as fleshed out as it could have been, imo? especially since I imagined that it was going to involve Jason traveling with Spa'ark as well and teaching them how to move past their grief
- and going off of that........yeah........it really felt like Spa'ark began and ended at OOOOH SCARY ZOMBIE RANGER despite them making a whole book dedicated to their backstory and how they weren't motivated by evil and greed, but tragedy, love for their friend, and genuine confusion on how life worked (BECAUSE IT WASN'T HOW THEIR LIFE WORKED). Like you could take out the Death Ranger book and not miss anything. I feel like part of it was simply because Death Ranger didn't have enough time to be a grounded concept, but. come on. you could have shaved off some of the pages-long Megazord fights to give them more to do. I really dislike how the modern comics in particular act like giving characters a dramatic and tragic backstory that is never acknowledged in the present automatically makes them a well-rounded character
_ Journey is such an odd case. Like....I get it? yet after spending this long building up their importance just for them to die for the ~themes~ feels so anti-climactic. Someone on RB got all huffy that someone else didn't remember Harturian Kid's name after he's been "developed" these past couple of issues but the focus was given to Journey and their relationship to the Omegas so why would we think Harturian Kid was the important character here??? I didn't think they would become Gold, but I thought they would still be tied to Spa'ark - like as Spa'ark's final act as Death Ranger they somehow manipulates the death powers so that Journey's age process is slowed. (Yeah it would be a stretch but Spa'ark's powers were barely explained in the first place so it's fine.) Which still fits the ~themes~ and doesn't kill ALL of the non-binary characters that aren't a literal animal and robot
_ lmaoooooo @ the Jason comment but at the same time part of my annoyance that ALL the Omegas didn't give up their powers before we go back to one book focusing solely on the MMPR team is the implication that Trini and Zack aren't worth following if Jason isn't there :I
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the-firebird69 · 2 months
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This car is interesting because it doesn't go that fast and it has 200 horsepower and about 224 pounds of torque. Our son's Kia Optima had 200 horsepower roughly little under and it went very fast. Speed of this particular Toyota G86 is about 195 mph and the top speed of our sun's Kia Optima with the smaller motor he had some form of turbo was 185 miles an hour which is disgustingly bad for this car. I wouldn't do much for it we are in receipt of several ideas of what to do with it but there's a lot of these cars out there It would be a shame to miss out on an opportunity like this. A 101 inch plus wheelbase making it AC2 And there are several vehicles you could use. One of them is a Toyota and he would keep it front engine. And you would have to take off the entire hull and put on the new body and just wondering if his idea would work on this particular vehicle where you could take the interior and leave it and leave the dashboard
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This is cool enough . Place a couple things as usual like the center button on the steering wheel or maybe you even have a speed package but it already has one we like the idea.
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The seats and trim are adequate and you could put scissors doors on and we would have to to change the hull, Keeping in mind we're just keeping the dashboard and controls and seats and carpeting in the rest of it will come out. He's had this idea for a long time and basically it came because you can change a whole bunch of stuff on the interior if you feel like it but it is not necessary if you wanna save money usually people do the interior later or slowly and they'd like doing it in this case. When you see the hull you're going to understand it is a magnificent vehicle and Toyota doesn't produce
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This is one of the more intense looking vehicles that's out there as a design and it does come from Toyota and we'd be pretty close and they're not building it and they would gripe about it but so what we're gonna have father and mother and they want to do it poseidon and goddess wife and God and goddess of Japan from Hera's side. and we do this they say. and we ask them to meet with the Kit Car group and i send the request and they shall. and they are pleased and bow. They love this and they won't make it and they look like peons and wimps and they can't have it doesn't probably make it worse but boy oh boy what an idea and it is going to be a number one seller it's intense looking and it's kind of like the cena but a little bit more miles and we probably have scissors doors and everything will fit perfectly the dashboard is in the right place and it's a good height and it's a good fit and we're going to test one here's the good news.
- The tires and rims would have to be changed but the suspension is high performance up to a certain speed the current speed is 195 mph the new speed will be 280 mph which is as fast as the top level super cars. It has high performance brakes
- There are trillions of these everybody had to have one and they thought it would be real fast like the supra and it is not as fast and we can use the supra 2 for AC 3 and it would look similar to this. And the super has about 380 horsepower and the top speed of the C3 of ours would be about 390 mph.
- There's enough of these on the road and the Supra to do this for a year if you had extremely huge sales and it will promote the building and construction of other cars for real
We're gonna request people for the teams we have four liters and there are more coming right now and some from China they love the idea and they wanna make the hull and our son and daughter say that's great it's gonna be their company for the most part they will be having a decent interest in it and they can try and get that money from China which usually worked in the past just as AFYI and a heads up they're talking about Japan when you dismantle the car and reassemble it and he says he wants to do it and she does too and both sides and we can run a test run of so many and we might try it try it with a Chinese vehicle OK where are those some of a lot of these cars are made in China and this is one of them so they'd be backing them up and that's why Uriel and goddess wife chimed in so quickly and also the other side of the family the Han god and goddess of China and of course he married Mrs Chen Han
We are now going to print
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
this is great and a great idea. these cars are dogs and as is. and the Toyota co has a c2 and it is like the c1 fancier and meaner and we do it. and gas too. we love it nwo too we need it and our way. get him here and yes the bikes. we continue it now
and to get him this car and excellent idea probably assembled. and good. we see it. now too. the prototype hull. slow it down lol ahhh
Uriel and Goddess Wife and we do this awesome idea and the interior we would mask and use the G86 and he can change it. and oh his birth date bacckwards good we use it both parts of it lol now too wow yes good good
we need this now we meet now
Posieden and Goddess Wife
gas mpg C1 FT about 35 hwy 17 city C2FT 38 hwy 8 city true too bigger works. they like it nd not a turbo yet he he light ok
0 notes
z-iridest · 2 months
My Hero Academia- I Am Phoenix:
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Chapter 21- Old Friends and New Demons (Part 2):
“The girls will think we’re so cool for this!” Kaminari exclaimed as I rolled my eyes.
“Melissa, you can wait down here for us, okay?” Izuku asked. I gave him a look.
“No, I’m going too.” Melissa kept her foot down.
“But, without a Quirk, you’ll be in danger…”
“Um, hello? None of us know how to change the settings on the Island’s security system.” I spoke up. Everyone looked at each other.
“I’m a student at the Academy. I’ll be useful to you.” Melissa added.
“Hold on…”
“I know I might just get in your way, at least until we get to the top floor, but I want to help. People are in danger! Please!” Melissa told him.
“Yeah, all right then. Let’s do this, we’ll save everyone.” I smiled at Izuku’s decision.
“Yeah.” Melissa agreed. We all filed back toward the room above the party to begin our ascent, and I went to look at my Dad one more time. I could see the look on his face, he was horrified that we were choosing not to run. But, I wouldn't be his daughter if I ran away and cowered while people were in danger. I looked at him, begging in my head for him to understand before joining my classmates again.
“Let’s go.”
“Right!” We all responded to Iida before we climbed the stairs. 
“Level 30…” Iida trailed off as we paused for a minute after climbing for a while.
“Wait, Melissa, how high does it go?” Izuku asked. Melissa panted for a second before answering.
“The 200th floor.”
“The what?!” Kaminari shrieked.
“That’s way too many stairs.” Mineta agreed with Kaminari.
“It’s still better than running into the villains.” I told him. After we got to the 60th floor, my feet were killing me so I tore off my high heels and kept climbing. But, once we hit the 80th floor, we stopped at a dead end.
“The route’s blocked!” Iida exclaimed.
“What should we do? Break through it?” Todoroki asked.
“If we did that, the security system would probably alert the villains that someone's in here.” I answered, Melissa nodding to confirm.
“Then why don’t we just go through this door instead?” Mineta reached up to open the door behind us.
“Mineta!” Izuku shouted.
“Wait, don’t!” Melissa tried to warn him, but it was too late. As soon as the door opened, a light popped on. 
“Nice going, now they definitely know we're here.” I told Mineta, glaring down at him before going through the door with the others behind me.
“Is there another way up?” Todoroki asked after a minute.
“There should be another emergency staircase down at the other end of the hallway.” Melissa answered this time.
“Then let's hurry!” Iida exclaimed before we all came to a stop as the barrier doors slammed closed where the door to the staircase was. So much for going that way…
“The gates!” Izuku exclaimed.
“The ones behind us, too!” Yaomomo peered behind us. Iida gasped, seeing the doorway that the gate right in front of us was about to close off.
“I’m on it!” Todoroki activated his ice in response, holding the gate open so Iida could jump through. With a giant crash, Iida broke the door open with a turbo kick. 
“Everyone, quick, we can cross through here!” Iida told us. I helped get everyone through before using my wings to do the same. Once everyone was through the gate, we started crossing into the room. 
“What is this place?” Izuku asked.
“It’s a plant factory. They research the effects Quirks have on fauna here.” Melissa replied.
“Hold on!” Jirou made everyone stop. “Look, the elevator’s coming up.”
“Don’t tell me the villains found us.” Mineta squealed.
“We should hide and let them pass.” I suggested before we all hid among the bushes and shrubs. I ended up being on Todoroki’s left side and I felt him grasp my hand as we stayed hidden. I held his hand back, wondering if he was partly as scared as I tried not to show. I looked at him. If he was, he didn't show it…
“I wonder if we can use the elevator to get to the top floor once they're gone.” Kaminari pondered.
“No, only authorized people can use the controls, unfortunately. And it’s built like a bomb shelter, so we can’t even break in and try.” Melissa told him.
“Of course we can’t go the easy way.” Mineta grumbled before a squeak left him as the elevator reached the 80th floor and the doors opened.
“Look at their clothes, they’re definitely the villains from the party.” Izuku pointed out.
“He said the kids came in here.” 
“They just had to pick a place with so many hiding spots…”
“They’re after us!” Ochaco shrieked behind her hand, looking absolutely terrified.
“Stay quiet.” Iida warned her.
“Please leave, I don't wanna die.” Mineta whisper-yelped behind his hands.
“Hey! We see you, stupid kids!” The henchman's shout made us all tense up.
“What’d you say, ya bastard?!” A familiar gruff voice questioned. I peeked over the bushes to find Bakugo and Kirishima within the villains’ eyesight. Bakugo looked about as pissed as normal while Kirishima looked worried. Though, I had to admit, I was surprised to see him in a suit and tie. He was wearing a red button up under a navy blue vest with white roses on one side, and navy blue pants and a black tie, which I had to admit, looked pretty good on him… But, how Kirishima managed to convince Bakugo to wear a tie when the blond never wore the one with our school uniform was beyond me… Speaking of, the red head didn't look too shabby either. He has a dark blue button-up under a dark green suit jacket with matching pants and a red tie. It was a color scheme you'd think wouldn't work, but Kirishima pulled it off really well…
“What're you two doing here?” The other henchman asked.
“That's what I wanna know too.” Bakugo scoffed.
“Hey, man, just leave this to me, okay?” Kirishima asked, and much to my shock, Bakugo listened to him. “Um, we kinda got lost looking for this party.” Kirishima stepped forward. Um, kind of lost?! You guys ended up 80 floors in the wrong direction! I thought. “Can you maybe point us in the right direction?” The henchmen looked at each other.
“How the hell did they get up to the 80th floor looking for the reception?!” I asked no one in particular from between Todoroki and Izuku.
“Don’t lie to me OR YOU’LL REGRET IT!” The taller of the two’s hand grew, ripping off his glove as he flung an attack Kirishima’s way.
“Hey, watch out!” 
“Kirishima!” Izuku and Bakugo both moved at the same time to save Kirishima, but Todoroki used his ice to block the attack.
“This looks like…” Bakugo's head turned our way as we all came out of hiding due to the ice wall hiding us from the view of the villains.
“Todoroki?” Kirishima sounded confused as I popped out of hiding.
“Are you guys okay?” I asked.
“We’re fine, idiot.” Bakugo waved me off.
“Also, way off topic, but you look great, Yagi.” Kirishima told me. I smiled a bit.
“Thanks, you guys too. But, how did…” Just before I could ask how the two ended up on the 80th floor, the ice in front of us trembled. Thinking quickly, Todoroki placed his hand on the ground.
“The three of us can keep them busy down here, look for a way to get to the top!” Todoroki used his ice to lift me and my friends to the catwalk way above the fight that was about to start.
“What're you doing?!” Izuku asked as it moved upward.
“But, you guys-”
“I’m fine, go!” Todoroki interrupted Iida before he could protest.
“Todoroki!” I exclaimed worriedly.
“I’ll be right behind you after I clean up this mess!” Todoroki added. I hesitated, but nodded.
“Right.” I replied, and I saw Bakugo watching us as we rose into the air. Once the ice reached the catwalk, the boys and I jumped onto the metal, helping the girls down. I watched the boys get ready for a fight, gripping the railing worriedly.
“Hino, come on!” Melissa called out to me, snapping me out of my daze. Iida had broken the door down on that side, but we found the route blocked there too.
“This way’s blocked as well!” Iida exclaimed.
“Great! So what’re we supposed to do? We’re like helpless mice stuck in a fancy cage.” Mineta asked.
“We need a plan!” Kaminari exclaimed. 
“Hey, Melissa? Where does that little vent up at the edge of the ceiling lead to?” Izuku asked as I glanced over my shoulder at the boys. Kirishima was now nowhere in sight and Todoroki and Bakugo were both fighting their asses off.
“I think it runs under the maintenance room for the sunlight system.” Melissa’s answer brought me out of my thoughts again. 
“Ha! There’s probably an emergency ladder in the maintenance room, right?” Iida asked.
“Well, yeah there is, but it’s a manual release, someone would have to be inside to let it down for us.” I pointed out. 
“Is this really as far as we go?” Ochaco asked.
“No, there's still a possibility.” Yayorozu replied before creating a small bomb and throwing it, the device sticking to the vent and blowing up, opening it. “If somebody climbs through the vent and to the exterior wall, they can get into the maintenance room.”
“Right! There must be another bent leading inside.” Ochaco exclaimed happily.
“They could get in that way!” Melissa added.
“But who could go through such a cramped space, and then climb the outer wall without falling?” Izuku asked. I immediately turned to look at Mineta, the pipsqueak gasping when he realized everyone was looking at him.
“You can't be serious! No, I can’t!” He exclaimed as he took a few steps back.
“Please, you have to, Mineta!” Ochaco begged.
“You’re the only one of us who can do it.” Kyoka pointed out.
“You idiots! Do you have any idea of how high up we are?!” Mineta freaked out.
“If you save everyone and become a celebrity, they’ll interview you on TV and then you’ll be popular with girls everywhere!” Kaminari appealed to his more perverted side.
“Let’s not encourage the perverted side of him, please.” I told Kaminari.
“Come on!” Kyoka and Ochaco pushed.
“Just imagine the harem.” Kaminari told Mineta. Or you can completely ignore me… After a second, Mineta caved in again.
“Oh man! Okay, fine, I’ll do it, whatever!” He screeched. While we waited for Mineta to release the ladder, I watched the boys fighting. I know, I know, I shouldn't be worried about them since they’re two of the most powerful students in our class, but I couldn't help but worry. I worried about everybody I cared about… Though, I had to admit that what I felt for Bakugo and Todoroki both, it… It was stronger than just friendship. Weird how you can crush on two different guys, and polar opposites of each other at that. But, how would you even approach the possibility of a relationship like that? Todoroki might not get what I’m trying to say, and Bakugo would probably flip out at having to share a significant other with Todoroki… 
“I DID IT! THE CHICKS ARE GONNA SWOON!” Mineta’s shout of victory brought me out of my thoughts and made me roll my eyes as I noticed the ladder had been let down. I started climbing after the rest of my classmates. “Come on, you guys, time to show me some love. Let's have some kisses from the ladies, please.” 
“The only kiss you’re getting from me is my fist knocking you right in the kisser.” I glared at him as I passed him.
“You were incredible, Mineta! As I’d expect from a student hero.” Melissa complimented. Mineta blushed, flustered before he looked touched and squealed.
“That’s it, let’s get fired up, everyone!” Mineta shouted.
“Yeah!” Everyone shouted. As we continued to run, Jirou took out every camera we came across. I heard a giant explosion coming from the 80th floor, figuring Bakugo used his bigger blast to knock out the henchman before a second one went off, making me smile. That reassured me that the boys were okay and making their way toward us. 
“Seems like we’ve been pretty lucky, the path’s been clear since the 100th floor.” Kaminari commented.
“Yeah, do you think we lost them, maybe?” Ochaco asked.
“I doubt that’s it.” Jirou put in.
“It’s quite possible that they’re leading us somewhere.” I added, Yaomomo nodding in agreement.
“Likely.” Iida agreed. 
“Even if that’s the case, we’ve almost made it to the top floor!” Izuku told us. “We’re so close to this being over.” When we reached the 130th floor, we saw a room filled with security bots.
“So many robot sentries…” Ochaco trailed off.
“The villains aren’t just trying to block us in anymore.” Idea commented.
“They're actually trying to capture us now.” I finished.
“If so, then I bet they realized that we’re hero course students.” Izuku realized.
“If that’s true, no reason not to show them what we can do.” Yaomomo reasoned, using her Quirk to create a giant sheet.
“Right, we’ll go ahead and commence with Plan A.” Iida replied. “Ready, Kaminari?” 
“You got it!” Kaminari punched his open hand. “I won’t let you guys down. Let’s do this, Iida.” Kaminari told him, holding out his wrists for Iida to grab onto.
“Right.” Iida replied as he grabbed Kaminari. He used his Quirk to spin as fast as he could and launched Kaminari into the air while the rest of us got under the blanket.
“Indiscriminate shock, 1.3 million volts!” Kaminari yelled as he activated his quirk.
“It’s not working!” Izuku and I exclaimed, peeking out from the blanket on opposite sides. Kaminari growled.
“Fine, how about we try 2 million volts!” Kaminari upped the strength of his attack.
“Don’t! If you do that, then…” Jirou started to protest, but soon, the attack stopped.
“Yay.” Kaminari mumbled dumbly. 
“...You’ll turn stupid.” Jirou finished, sounding defeated.
“Well, at least he stopped the robots for us, right?” Izuku asked. Just as Izuku said something, the robots reactivated and captured Kaminari.
“Midoriya!” I exclaimed, exasperated that my friend had jinxed it.
“Kaminari!” Jirou shouted worriedly.
“They’re just too strong!” Mineta whined.
“We've only tried one form of attack, idiot!” I snapped.
“Right. Quick, Plan B.” Iida told us.
“Right!” Yaomomo replied, activating her quirk and creating a smoke bomb before activating it and throwing it. “We can jam their communications with these!” All of us girls jumped in and grabbed one, activating them and throwing them.
“Take that!”
“And that!” Ochaco and Melissa threw theirs first while Jirou and I threw ours at the same time.
“Now, Mineta!” Izuku called Mineta, the grapehead getting in on the action, throwing his sticky balls.
“Don’t hurt, Kaminari, he’s got a harem to get home to!” Mineta yelled. A few of the robots got stuck and it caused a bit of a pile up. “It worked!” Mineta exclaimed, but it was all too soon, since just after he said that, a few robots jumped over the ones that were stuck. “Aw man!” What is it with everybody jinxing everything today? I thought. Iida glared before getting into a ready stance.
“Our turn. Come on, Midoriya.”
“Let’s go!” Izuku threw off his suit jacket and rolled up one of his sleeves, activating the Full Gauntlet Melissa gave him. Not too long after that, the familiar green glow of One For All surrounded his body before he rocketed toward the sentries and punched them, knocking quite a few of them backwards. Judging by the feeling of the air pressure from the punch, the power he used had to have been around at least 20%, which meant that Melissa’s invention was working so far. The punch knocked Kaminari into the air as well, who was still in his dumbed out state, and Iida caught him before landing on the ground. 
“Jirou, do they have backup?” Iida called out to her. Kyoka had her jacks in, listening before she replied.
“Yeah, coming from the left!” She answered.
“Then we’re heading the opposite way!” Iida replied.
“Right!” We reaffirmed as we ran, Iida carrying Kaminari as we left the room.
“Deku, what’s with that glove? It's amazing!” Ochaco asked Izuku. He turned to Melissa.
“It worked perfectly, Melissa, thanks.” Izuku thanked her.
“I’m so glad you brought it.” Melissa replied in turn. Izuku suddenly looked sheepish.
“I didn’t know how to get it off my arm.” He admitted, making Melissa giggle. Once we got to the 132nd floor, Kyoka used her Quirk to listen for more sentries. 
“I hear a lot of those security machines on the floor below us.” She told us after a minute.
“Any sounds from above?” I asked.
“No, it should be clear.” She replied.
“Let’s go.” Iida added as we continued to climb. Before long, we reached the 138th floor. Just as we got about halfway into the room, a beep sounded, the door in front of us opening to reveal a shit ton of robot sentries. We all stopped dead in our tracks. “A trap?”
“Let’s break through, Iida!” Izuku sounded more ready for battle than Bakugo on a rage-fueled rampage.
“Wait a sec!” Melissa stopped him from doing anything. “We can’t damage the servers, it could affect the Island’s security system!” She told him. Before anyone else could say anything, more sentries dropped down from the catwalks above us.
“How many of these things are there?” Mineta asked in exasperation.
“You’d be surprised.” I replied.
“We can handle these machines while protecting the servers.” Yaomomo said before both Iida and her knelt, Iida setting Kaminari down.
“Midoriya, Yagi, go! Take Melissa and see if you can find a different route.” Izuku turned to Melissa and Iida stood upright.
“We’ll leave it to them, come on!” Izuku told her before running off.
“You don’t know where to go, dumbass!” I chased after him, leading the way through the hallway and destroying every camera I came across to keep the enemy blind to our moves. After a minute of running we heard rumbling and Izuku stopped dead, looking worried.
“Deku, you can’t stop!”
“Keep running! If we get caught here, Iida and the others did that for nothing!” I finished as I passed him.
“Everyone… Please be safe.” I heard Izuku say. As much as I wanted to reassure him, I felt the same way. After a few more minutes, we burst out one of the doors leading outside to the roof. We slowed down a bit, panting. “What is this?” Izuku questioned.
“The wind power generator.” Melissa answered.
“So, what’re we doing here?” He asked.
“There are more robots in the tower, more than likely waiting to ambush us if given the chance, and now that Kyoka stayed back, we’d be blind to them.”
“But, if we climb to the top from here, we’ll avoid them.” Melissa finished my thought. “There’s an emergency exit we can enter from.” I pointed it out as soon as Melissa talked about it.
“All the way up there?” Izuku asked.
“With Ochaco, we have two options. Either I can fly you guys up there, or Ochaco can use her Quirk on you and Melissa while I back her up.”
“You Quirk makes anything you touch weightless, right? So, this should be easy.” Melissa told Ochaco, and judging from the look on her face, her plan was to use Ochaco’s Quirk and not my wings.
“Hino, you know I trust you, but your strength limit with your wings is you and one other person. We would have to use Ochaco’s quirk either way, and at least this way, Ochaco has someone defending her if something goes wrong.” Melissa pointed out before I could even start to protest. I sighed softly.
“If you’re sure, then let’s do it.” I replied. 
“Leave it to me.” Ochaco agreed. While Melissa and Izuku got situated,  I kept an eye out for those sentries.
“Melissa, hang on to Deku.” Ochaco asked her. 
“Okay.” She replied, holding onto Izuku from behind before Ochaco used her Quirk on the two. Be safe, you two. I thought before I was brought out of my thoughts by the door opening and a ton of sentry robots heading toward us. I activated my support item Melissa gave me, stepping in front of Ochaco.
“Urakaka, Hino!” Izuku sounded worried.
“Ochaco, release your Quirk and get out of there!” Melissa shouted.
“I can’t!” Ochaco replied.
“If she does, you guys will never make it to the top in time! Keep going!” I added. 
“Hino, no!” Melissa shouted. I grit my teeth, ready for a fight. But, before I could make a move, a blur of crimson stopped in front of us girls, an explosion going off. When the light from it died down, I saw a head of blond hair. I had to admit, I was relieved to see the boy it belonged to.
“Kacchan!” Izuku sounded relieved and surprised at the same time. Ice formed on our left, lifting up the sentries coming at us. Ochaco and I turned to see the other two boys coming toward us.
“Todoroki and Kirishima!” Ochaco and I exclaimed, though I was more relieved to see for myself that they had made it. 
“That was close, are you okay?!” Todoroki stopped in front of Ochaco and I, gently touching my face. I put my hand over his to calm him.
“Yeah, we’re fine.” I reassured him.
“I used my Quirk on Deku and Melissa, they should be able to reach the top.” Ochaco added.
“Good job.” Todoroki told her before turning to face the other sentries coming at us. “Now you can help us stop these things!”
“Who died and made you boss?!” Bakugo snarled.
“Aww, come on, man, we’re a good team!” Kirishima told him.
“Dream on!” Bakugo snapped.
“Thanks so much, you guy-” I looked up, seeing that Melissa and Izuku had been blown away from their target.
“They’re blowing away!” Ochaco said as I darted out, clearing a path.
“Bakugo, aim the propeller at Midoriya, quick!” I yelled as I ran toward one of the lower propellers, noticing Todoroki running alongside me as he threw off his jacket.
“I told you not to give me orders!” Bakugo yelled as he changed trajectory and did as I asked anyway.
“Todoroki, let’s do it!” I told him as we both stopped and activated our flames, standing back to back as we both fired off flames through the propeller, turning it so it would blow our friends the opposite direction that they were going and back on course.
“That did it!” Ochaco happily exclaimed.
“Yeah!” Kirishima shouted in victory. I jumped back into the fight, working with the boys to fight the sentries. After a bit, I heard an explosion coming from the tower. 
“They got in the tower! Release!” Ochaco released her Quirk and joined the fight. I knew I could trust Izuku to get Melissa to the top floor safely, but I honestly hoped that everything would be okay... I pushed my worries to the back of my mind as I continued to fight. Everything would be okay, because we are here… Aaand I’m starting to sound like my Dad… I thought. Todoroki, Bakugo and I ended up fighting together while Kirishima had Ochaco’s back. Destroying sentinels at this point was getting annoying, and if I’m being honest, using my flames that much was taking a toll on me. But, Dad wouldn't let his limits hold him back, so why should I?
“Damn it, there's too many, they just keep coming!” Todoroki exclaimed, using his ice for the most part to try and trap them. Maybe a lot later than I should have, I remembered that I could manipulate Bakugo's explosions as well as flames. I turned to the blond, but before I could say anything, I noticed he was already looking at me. 
“You wanna use one of my explosions to get a crap ton at once, just do it, Flame Hair.” Bakugo gruffly told me before I could say anything.
“Don’t you give me orders.” I replied a bit jokingly as I took the explosion that had been gearing up from his hand, springing into the air as I added more heat to it and slammed my hand on the ground, blowing it up and a good amount of those robots at once with a nice and loud, “DIE!” At that moment, I realized why Bakugo did it so much when he used his explosions… It was a hell of a lot more fun. While Bakugo was smirking at my use of his line, Kirishima and Ochaco looked weirded out. “What?” I asked. Just before anyone could say anything though, I caught movement out of the corner of my eye and jumped, using my wings to dodge the attack heading for me. With barely enough time to register what was happening, I caught more movement and thought fast, feeling the metal base shift into a sword as I formed a katana with my flames and cut through a shadow attack heading right toward me while stepping back a bit. You’ve gotta be kidding me… I felt once again glad Tokoyami wasn’t part of the fight. Before long, I caught movement in the shadows, confirming my gut feeling was right. Somehow, Shinohara ended up involved in all this…
“Pretty cowardly of you, Shinohara, though I guess I've come to expect that from you!” I spoke out loud. But this time, instead of hiding like our last fight, she stepped into the light. Her outfit had gotten a makeover, all black, but there were red patterns that looked like tendrils…
“Oh, don’t worry, Yagi, it won't be like last time!” She snarled, extending her hand and stiffening her fingers, making me cry out in pain as Yugūre’s quirk took over me, making me drop the katana and fall to my knees in pain. I could hear her maniacal laughter as I heard Bakugo yell in anger and Todoroki calling for me.
“How the hell… Did you get his Quirk?!” I asked through the pain.
“Don’t tell me you actually care about the bloody prick, do you? He just got on the wrong side of me, so I introduced him to an acquaintance of mine. Of course, the coward didn’t survive his Quirk being taken away, and it was transferred to me, someone who could actually use it! From now on, call me BloodShadow!” I snorted, only for the pain to get worse.
“Really? Any other dark and blood related name… and you chose that?” I asked. “And I thought… My hero name… wasn’t creative.”
“Shut up!” My mocking her only pissed her off more, which freed me from her grasp long enough for me to use my flames to break her stance, making her shriek as she stumbled back. I jumped into action, the two of us fighting. 
“As usual, you suck at fighting one on one!” I told her as I punched her and dodged her counter, backflipping and grabbing the support item again. It ignited into a blade again as I sprung into a ready stance. She screamed in anger and summoned a shit ton more shadow clones than I was used to. I rolled my eyes and charged, slicing through each shadow clone one by one, looking out for the tell tale signs of her being the real one as I did so. One after another, they kept coming so much that my arms started to tire, but I couldn't give up yet. She wouldn’t stop until her ass got knocked the hell out, so I couldn't stop either. 
Once I cut through the last one, I realized she was heading for the boys that were busy with the robot sentries. “Get the hell back here!” I shifted my blade into a chained kunai and cracked it like a whip at her, watching as the burning chain wrapped around her ankle, making her cry out before I grabbed the chain further up and flung her into the ground as hard as I could, and away from my friends. I could feel my hair absolutely burning as I advanced on Shinohara. “You might have had the power to hurt me once upon a time, but your days of terrorizing me and everyone else are over!” I was angry, but the word barely described just how pissed off I was that she tried to hurt my friends. She coughed for a minute before a wheezy laughter left her. “What the hell’s so funny?”
“You say that about me, but you…” She laughed more, the smirk on her face telling me she knew something I didn't. “You have evil in your veins!”
“What the hell are you on about?!” I asked her.
“Your biological father, the guy that knocked your Mom up, is a villain, idiot. You're destined to end up just like him.” She laughed hysterically. I had to admit, her telling me that threw me for a loop. The nightmares would make sense if my biological father was… No, that can't be right! I glared at her.
“You always have been a liar, but this is by far the biggest bullshit you've ever spit out!” I snapped.
“I ain’t lying.” She looked so damn smug. She was getting under my skin and I knew it. We both did. Before I could react, she had me in a shadow sphere that had me off my feet and rolling uncontrollably in the air. I let my guard down, goddamn it! I scolded myself mentally, able to hear her laughing again. “Look at you, Yagi! Some big hero! All that talk and you let your guard down and let me get the upper hand!” She taunted as the shadow sphere started getting tighter spaced. Shit, I have to act fast and get my footing back. If I don't, the air pressure would be too much and I wouldn't be able to use my flames to get out… 
As much of a reckless move as it was, I started turning the opposite way, shielding my flames from the air the sphere was creating to ignite a slash of flames that allowed me to get on my feet and blast both sides of the sphere, giving myself more room. Once I could breathe again, I realized that while it got me where I wanted, I couldn’t keep the move up for long. At some point, the oxygen in the sphere would burn out and I’d be suffocated from the smoke of my own flames. I took a deep breath, allowing the shadows to get closer before yelling as loud as I could and creating a giant burst of flames that completely shattered the shadows keeping me prisoner, knocking Shinohara on her ass as I landed. I panted as I walked over to her again.
“This isn't over, Yagi! I’ll get you for this!”
“You act like I'm gonna let you get away again.” Once I was close enough, I knocked her out with a hard punch. “Not this time, bitch.” I panted for a minute, catching my breath. Once I was good, I grabbed my support item again and started cutting through the sentries. As I started taking out the sentries, Bakugo flew past me a couple times and had my back while Todoroki did the same for Kirishima and Ochaco when they needed it. Though, I noticed he would shoot some ice when the sentinels would start to get overwhelming. 
After a while, I could feel my skin starting to burn as it seemed like the sentinels doubled. “Damn it!” I still had a long way to go when it came to training... Just when it felt like all of us were backed into a corner (I mean, literally backed into a corner, they had us backed up and threatening to go off the edge of the tower), the sentinels suddenly shut down. 
“What happened?” Bakugo asked, looking confused as he lowered his fists slightly, not quite relaxed.
“They just stopped…” Ochaco trailed off. I sighed softly in relief.
“Midoriya and Melissa must’ve made it to the top, the pros should be free now.” I breathed.
“The I-Island security system is now operating in normal mode.” The automated system confirmed my thoughts. But, not too long after, I heard Izuku’s voice yelling from the top of the tower. When I looked up, I saw Izuku dangling from a helicopter.
“What is he doing?!” I yelled, watching in horror as sparks flew and Izuku started to fall and Melissa screamed. “No!” I burst into the air, flying as fast as I could to try to catch him, but he hit the helicopter pad before I could get close enough to grab him. As soon as I landed on the helicopter pad, I ran toward him. “Mid!” I called out to him.
“Deku!” Melissa ran toward him from the opposite direction.
“Come back! You can’t!” He yelled as the helicopter started to fly away. 
“Are you hurt?!” Melissa asked at the same time as we reached him. The impact put a crater in the helicopter pad, so I’m guessing the answer is no. The idiot was bleeding from his head, but before I could even reach to grab the vial in order to heal his wounds, he sat upright.
“Let him go! Don’t take the professor! Damn it!” He yelled at the top of his lungs. 
“Don’t you dare lose that smile, all right Young Midoriya?” Dad’s voice reached us before I saw him in his muscle form zip right past us at blinding speed, shooting into the air. When he did, he caused wind pressure that hindered the helicopter. “It’s fine now. Do you know why?” He pointed at himself while still airborne. “Because I am here!”
“Dad!” I exclaimed, relieved to see my Dad free and doing just fine.
“All Might is free!” Izuku breathed.
“I’ll have you return my friend to me,” Dad used one of his New Hampshire smashes to get closer to the helicopter as he spoke, “you fiend!” Dad became a blur and after he went through the helicopter it blew up in the sky, meanwhile he landed on the roof of the tower with Uncle Dave in his arms. 
“Papa!” Melissa ran toward them and stayed by her Dad as the helicopter exploded again once it landed on the roof behind us.
“My Melissa…” Uncle Dave could barely get the words out as Dad freed Uncle Dave’s wrists so he could reach out to her.
“Everything will be okay.” Dad reassured her.
“We did it.” Izuku breathed in relief again, and even though I wanted to follow their lead, my instincts kept me on edge.
“I’m so sorry.” Uncle Dave apologized. “It’s my fault…”
“Watch out!” I yelled as soon as I saw the metal start heading for the three of them. Dad tried to shield Uncle Dave as the metal made contact while I yanked Melissa out of harm’s way. Dad hit the ground and slid for a minute, Uncle Dave nowhere to be found.
“All Might!” 
“Dad!” I shouted the same time as Izuku before I heard Uncle Dave yelling as a piece of metal wrapped around him and dragged him toward the fiery explosion.
“Papa!” Melissa cried.
“Professor!” Izuku exclaimed. As metal surrounded and trapped my Uncle, the villain spoke again.
“I heard Sam! All Might's Quirk is failing him! He doesn't have the same unstoppable power he once did!” The metal villain had some kind of device on his head, and I realized in horror that what he was wearing must have been what Uncle Dave had been working on. The villain seemed twice as strong, if not more. 
“He’s using the professor's device!” Izuku realized out loud. I heard Dad coughing and wheeled around, seeing the steam coming off him.
“Damn… Not much time…” I heard him mumble before he got ready to fight again. “You really don't know when to give up, do you?!” Dad shit forward, rearing his fist back. “Texas…. Smash!” Dad punched with all his might, but he found it blocked by a metal wall.
“Dad…” I murmured.
“Is that all you’ve got?” The villain taunted before Dad got knocked back again. All of a sudden, the tower started to break apart, and a ton of metal pieces floated into the air, and the area suddenly looked like it was in ruins, almost like the epic boss battle in a video game that you’ve been leveling up for. “David Shield's genius lives up to its reputation. I can tell my Quirk’s growing more powerful!” He cackled as more metal moved. “It feels amazing! I’m never taking this off!”
“Uncle Dave, what're you done?” I murmured.
“I had no idea that he created something so powerful…” Melissa trailed off. 
“Now… I think I know the best way to raise the price of this device… I can charge whatever I want if it was used to kill the world's number-one hero!” The villain's words caused rage to run through me, but I barely had time to do anything about it as I watched my Dad dodge and fight the villain, one of the hits from the villain causing Melissa to be launched into the air. She screamed before a green blur caught her, and I went to follow Midoriya, freezing midair when I noticed Dad getting crushed while trying to hold back the pillar of metal in front of him. I could see him coughing up blood and I felt the same as I had seeing him after that fight a few years ago…
“Is Uncle Might okay?” I heard Melissa ask.
“Why won’t you just die already?!” The villain bellowed as more of the pillars headed toward my Dad.
“All Might!” Izuku shouted
“DAD!” I screamed in horror at the same time, flying towards my Dad. But, before I could reach him, the metal pillars that were heading toward my Dad were frozen.
“GO TO HELL!” Bakugo let off a few rounds of explosions. 
“Bakugo!” I exclaimed, mostly in relief that he was okay, and the ice confirmed that Todoroki was all right too. After a minute, I watched him grunt in pain, holding his wrist.
“How can you let yourself be beat by such a lame final boss?! Hurry and take him down!” Bakugo turned to Dad.
“Thanks for the help, Young Bakugo!” I heard him thank the blond.
“We’ll do what we can. We’ll help you!” I was relieved to see Todoroki as well, even though the ice from earlier had already confirmed he was here. 
“Todoroki! Everyone!” Izuku beamed.
“Iida, let’s knock those hunks of metal outta the sky.” Kirishima spoke to Iida.
“Yaoyorozu, take care of things down here.” Iida in turn spoke to Yaomomo.
“Right.” She confirmed. I sprang into action from there, slicing the hunks of metal I could reach with my katana and my wings, dodging the ones I could slice apart and letting Todoroki take care of them. I had to support my Dad in the fight. Dad punched through the hunks of metal holding him back, flying toward the villain. 
“It's time to be Plus Ultra!” He shouted, fighting his way through metal after metal to get to the villain. “Carolina Smash!” I flapped my wings from the air pressure, trying to stay in place and not let the force of Dad's punch blow me away. “Prepare yourself, villain!” But, before he could land a punch on the villain, he was caught in metal wires. “Nice trick, but I-” Dad was forced to stop when the villain grabbed him by the throat. The villain’s muscles suddenly grew bigger and I froze in shock. He has more than one Quirk?!
“Prepare myself? Take your own advice!” The villain snarled, his entire body glowing. “You've underestimated me.” I watched in horror as the villain gripped Dad’s throat harder before crushing his hurt side, making him yell in pain.
“DAD!” I flew toward him, only to be blocked by metal. I sliced through as many as I could, my heart racing as desperation set in.
“DAMN IT!” I heard Bakugo yell as more explosions went off. By the look on his face, Dad realized the same thing I had…
“No, wait, it couldn't be…” 
“Oh yes.” The villain confirmed our thoughts. “While we were planning this little plot, I received an intriguing phone call from the man himself. He said he wanted to work with me, to help. When I asked him why he’d bother, he was happy to explain his interest. If All Might's friend wants to have a hand in something evil, I will assist in his fall from grace in any way that I can. I only regret that I will not be able to see All Might’s face twist in pain when he discovers the truth about the professor.” Dad looked completely horrified at the villain’s recount, and I had to admit that I wasn't too far on that.
“All For One is behind this?!” Dad and I exclaimed in horror.
“What’s the matter? Looks like you’ve finally stopped smiling.” The villain taunted.
“NO!” Dad shouted, the villain cackling as he kept Dad trapped but pushed him backwards. I faltered in the air when two of the hunks of metal came at Dad from both sides. No… No, it can’t be true!
“DAD!” I screamed, dropping to the ground and onto my knees, feeling numb as I barely felt Todoroki catch me. I watched in horror as more hunks of metal trapped my Dad.
“All Might, no!” Yaomomo, Kyoka, Ochaco, and Mineta exclaimed.
“Please don’t do this!” I barely heard Melissa.
“Farwell, Symbol of Peace!” The villain used his power to impale the metal with metal rods.
“DAD, NO!” I screamed, trying to get to him only to be held back by Todoroki and Bakugo both. It felt like I’d lost all the fight in me as I clung to both of them. Dad was my only family left… He couldn't be gone… I heard something and saw a green bolt of light flash before I watched as Izuku punched the metal where my Dad was trapped. In a punch, the metal had fallen apart and Dad dropped to the ground along with Izuku. 
“That damn brat!” The villain growled before chunks of metal hit him. I looked for my Dad, my eyes searching desperately for any sign of him or Izuku.
“I see that look, give All Might more credit, idiot.” Bakugi’s voice was low, just like the Sports Festival when he snapped me out of my panic attack before it started. I looked at him. Before long, I watched as my Dad and Izuku stood up.
“Let’s go!” 
“Yes, sir!” Izuku replied to Dad and I watched as they took off running toward the villain.
“There's no way you can stop me… You're insignificant pests and you don’t know when to lie down and be crushed!” The villain got an onslaught of metal ready and sent it toward them. Bakugo let go of me and burst into the air, but even from where I was, I could tell he was in pain.
“You’re the one who doesn't know he’s beat!” Bakugo growled before he left off a giant explosion.
“I'll help him from here with my ice, Angel, can you still fight?” Todoroki asked. I nodded, getting up and bursting into the air to help Bakugo by cutting the metal heading toward Izuku and my Dad. I wasn’t going to lose him… Not today!
“I won’t let you stop them!” Todoroki yelled, blocking the metal Bakugo and I couldn't get to with his ice.
“This is over!” The villain was starting to get desperate and Dad was too fast for him now. I landed beside Todoroki as I watched the two men blast through metal to get to the villain, running together. The villain yelled in frustration.
“What’s happening?” Ochaco asked. I could see the metal being gathered into one giant hunk of junk. Dad and Izuku jumped into the air at the same time, rising beside each other as they prepared to punch with all their power.
“I’ll bring down this entire tower!” The villain yelled. But, with their power combined, the two hit the giant cube of metal, fighting to break through it. Before long, the villain broke his grip and the two men broke through, rocketing for the villain.
“DEKU!” Ochaco yelled.
“STOP HIM, ALL MIGHT!” Yaomomo and Kyoka shouted.
“GO, MIDORIYA!” Kirishima, Mineta and Iida cheered.
“DESTROY THIS GUY!” Bakugo, Todoroki and I exclaimed.
“Let’s go…” Izuku’s shirt was completely torn now.
“Beyond..” Dad posed with his hands on his hips and his chest puffed.
“PLUS ULTRA!” Both yelled at the same time as they flew right toward the villain. The villain tried to protect himself, but the force of the punch from Dad and Izuku was too strong, cutting right through and getting the villain right in the gut, dispersing all the metal he had taken and freeing Uncle Dave. 
“They did it…” Iida breathed.
“They stopped him!” Mineta was next to talk. “They beat up that villain and saved our lives!”
“YES!” I exclaimed, hugging both Todoroki and Bakugo without thinking as our classmates cheered for Izuku and my Dad. I even caught Bakugo smiling in relief once I let go, though it immediately turned into a scowl once he realized Todoroki and I were looking at him. I couldn't help but giggle.
“DEKU! MELISSA!” Ochaco called out to them.
“HOW'RE THE OTHERS?! EVERYONE OKAY?!” Iida asked, ever the mother hen.
“WE’RE FINE UP HERE!” Izuku replied. “ALL MIGHT AND THE PROFESSOR ARE OKAY TOO!” I couldn’t help but breathe in relief when I heard that. Dad was okay, and so was Uncle Dave.
“But what about the rest of you guys?!” Melissa was the next to worry.
“We're good!” Ochaco replied.
“Alive, anyway!” I shouted. I found out later that Uncle Dave had made the device for my Dad, to bring him back to his strength from back in his heyday. Uncle Dave recovered in the hospital for the rest of the time we were on I-Island, and Melissa kept true to her word to show the girls the sights on the Island. The last day we were there, we had a big barbecue with the whole class, and I got to show off the grilling skills I had with my Dad beside me. Melissa, ever the spy, even got a few good pictures of Bakugo, Todoroki and I. You might be wondering… Did she find out about my crush on the two? Regrettably, yes, and she teased me about them the whole time we were there! When it was time to go home, Melissa gave me a case to take with me.
“What is it, Mel?” I questioned her. 
“Papa and I finished the suit while he was in the hospital. It's yours to take home. Just promise me you won't open it until you're home.” She winked.
“I promise, I promise.” I swore to her before she hugged me.
“Thanks for coming. I’m gonna try to visit you guys next.” Melissa told me.
“Thanks for the invite as always, but you know that’d be impossible unless you guys moved off of I-Island, Melissa. But, I’ll be waiting.” I smiled, causing her to smile back before she said goodbye to Izuku and my Dad. Before long, we were on the plane home. I could only hope that whatever came next, that I could face it with my Dad and my friends beside me…
If only I’d known just how bad that wish would come back to bite me in the ass…
(And with that, we're officially done with two season plus the first movie! To be completely honest, I wasn't expecting it to be or take this long to write lol, but thanks for sticking around with me during this and welcome to the newbies that have added this story into their libraries. Keep sticking around, we're in for high adrenaline in the next chapter, that I promise! -Ziri)  
Taglist- @qweenexplosionmurder13 @iheartbarbie
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televinita · 1 year
Power Rangers: Once & Always
My husband and I watched this last weekend because we have shared childhood nostalgia for the OG series, which was extremely fun, and now I have thoughts! A random list of thoughts!
Thoughts Like:
Me literally every second Kat was onscreen: screaming, crying, hearts streaming out of my eyes, etc. MY GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are an equal-opportunity Red/Pink Ranger shipper in this house so as clumsy and awkward as I found most of the reminders that he and Kat are married*, I ate them up with a soup ladle.
(*were? idk feels uncomfortably like you could read this equally well as them being co-parenting divorcees on friendly terms, perhaps to appease the rabid OG shippers without pissing off canon purists, but in the absence of Amy Jo, NOT TODAY SATAN).
I was...Not expecting Trini to die on screen, even just by being hit with a blast and dropping out of sight. YIKE.
Although I did appreciate how much that made this movie feel like a fanfic that magically got filmed. 
Uncle Zack just rolling up to move in and guardianship Trini’s daughter full time, SURE!!!!! 
Was her name always pronounce Tree-nee?? I know I didn’t watch as much of the original lineup compared to Zeo and Turbo, but it’s always been in my head as “Trinny.” It was so jarring, every time. Is my memory that bad or is this like a Modern Day Fix where they got schooled by actual Vietnamese people.
I still require more explanation as to why they have ranger powers at this age. I thought Passing Them On was sort of...a key part of being rangers? I mean I don’t know that much about the mythology because this was strictly a teen drama to me and I fast-forwarded most of the fight scenes and battles but...
Trini’s daughter is
and I would almost commit to watching a season she was part of. The 2017 reboot film wants what this character’s energy has.
IMMENSELY hilarious to me every time Zack acted like it was unreasonable for a teenager with homework to want to be a ranger, btw.
I will say that her fight against the putties all alone really drove home how young the characters were always supposed to be. Wild visualizing rangers being actual minors.
I was never very attached to Billy and even less attached to Zack (truly the only person who was a greater non-entity to me than the latter was Rocky or perhaps Jason), so kudos to this movie making me care about them. Especially Billy. Oh my god I loved that final forgiveness convo so much.
Husband, howling with laughter at the cringe-worthy single DIVERSITY! moment: “Would you commit vehicular manslaughter for gay rights?? Only true allies need apply.” 
I LOVE THE MONSTER DUDES. Especially the snakey guy, my beloved. It was very hard to root for them to be defeated, let alone straight-up murdered. (which, for all Zack kept scolding about, sure looks like revenge to me!! my husband kept trying to explain to me that it was justice and there is a difference, but everyone who claims that is wrong)
Robo Rita is also most excellent.
This movie was way more stabby than I remember the tv show being. did they always have daggers??
I know I said that I mostly skipped the fight scenes/battles, but sometimes I made exceptions for the OG series because the animal zords were actually pretty cool, unlike the later cars. Until they become a giant robot, at least, I kind of love them, so that was fun to see. I also really like the power disks w/ the animals etched on them.
...MEMORY BLAST we used to have a bunch of those from McDonald’s happy meals, I think when the OG movie came out? Now I am weirdly sad they’re all long gone.
I don’t actually remember the episode they used the nostalgic clips from at the end but oh my god that was a perfect choice. Moderately hilarious that after a whole movie of reminding us that Tommy has a kid with Kat, the clip is clearly as much Tommy Makes Heart Eyes At Kimberly as anything else, but again, equal-opportunity shipper here so it’s cool and I appreciate the gift. Also a good reminder I need to go listen to her music again, her voice is so pretty.
In conclusion: basically we got a bonus 3-part episode 30 years later and I think that is very special and my heart is very full. No complaints. :*)
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rpmtrish · 2 years
October 2022 RPM Magazine is here!
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The October 2022 Issue of RPM Magazine is now available to read for free! Get your copy in your inbox.  Subscribe today at www.rpmmag.com.  Subscribe today!  Fresh features and the Yellowbullet Nationals...ONLY IN RPM MAGAZINE!  You can also read back issues.  Click here READ BACK ISSUES HERE... NO PREP? NO PROBLEM! Brad and Braeden Hager's Stick Shifted No Prep 1986 Ford Mustang LX - As far back as anyone on this planet can recall, humans have been drag racing. Here at RPM, we’d like to think that early cavemen got their kicks from one on one straight line action by hopping on an evenly matched pair of smaller, less ferocious, creatures and having at it to see who gets the most meat from the days kill. THE DEUCE! No Ordinary Hemi Challenger! Dan VanHorn's Twin Turbo 2009 Hemi Challenger - Dan VanHorn is one of those people who always loved cars but didn’t truly dive head first into this crazy world of horsepower until the Gen 3 Hemi came along. Dan’s first Gen 3 was a 2006 Dodge Charger, and as soon as he brought it home, he began to get the itch and that’s when he knew the Mopar community would become a big part of his life. DU HAST...Yes Sir, it's a 1978 Datsun, BUT Beware of what Lurks Within! Stephen Eades is a Chevy man through and through but you might question that statement when you first see his latest creation. Although Eades grew up around cars and has been into anything with four wheels back as long as he can remember, with limited resources to work with, Stephen had to work hard to buy bolt-ons for his cars, which were all LS Chevy Powered. FUTURAistic - This Pro Street Falcon build has been a journey of family and friends. Maybe back in 1964 the Ford Falcon Futura was thought to be the car of the future…and in one respect it was. The body was much smaller than most North American offerings and featured some aerodynamic-looking bodylines, which would catch on a few decades down the road, but aside from that, it wasn’t packed with any ground breaking innovation. The Falcon was a model produced by Ford from 1960 to 1970 ½ with the ’64 hardtop being the most popular. EVENTS YELLOWBULLET NATIONALS - MAYHEM IN MARYLAND! Labor Day weekend is considered to be the unofficial end of summer by most unless you are a fan of the Yellowbullet Nationals, then it’s the start of a wild race weekend, one last hurrah before you get the kids to school, close the pools and prepare for the fall. The country had been under siege by record setting heat waves this year. All eyes were on the forecast for Cecil County Dragway in Rising Sun, Maryland which was hot days, cool nights and not a chance of rain in sight. Race promotor Monty Mikho and his wife Maria were prepared for this race with help from the team at Cecil County Dragway. Read the full article
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darabeatha · 2 years
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HELLO ??????
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masterwords · 3 years
To See Your Face
Notes: Just thinking about soft retired Hotch. That's all this is, just a ramble about sweet cute precious things. Hotch and Jack return from WITSEC and settle back into life with an unexpected bonus in the form of a reunion with Reid. This is dedicated to @olivinesea for putting up with me while I bitched my way through writing Like Falling Sand. (I have a very soft Hotch/Morgan nearly done too...you'll see that tomorrow.) (@whump-town here is soft Hotch being kind of a little shit with a cane for you.)
Pairings: Hotch/Reid
Warnings: None. It's just squishy soft.
Words: ~ 3.5k
Four months. 122 days. He'd been back long enough to remember the city, the streets, the way the sun sparkled over the horizon and made the sidewalks glow orange when it decided it was time to start the day. It was spring and everything started out so cold, frost stiff and crystalline on his front lawn but by afternoon he would barely need a jacket in order to be tooling around out in the yard, fingers working at the earth to prepare his flower beds. Witness Protection had been hard, had nearly broken him in many ways but there were little glimmers of hope, little things he brought back with him as he tried to reclaim his life. Gardening, it had started as a way for him to be still, no talking to people, just dirt under his fingernails and plants, pulling hopeful little weeds before they could take root. The spring brought with it new friends, precious little snails that he would pick up by the shell, give a little speech about eating his tomatoes, and re-home on the other side of the yard. They would suck up into their shells, only tiny little tentacles protruding from the opening. He knew they'd be back and he'd be ready. They all had names, he pretended to recognize them – Speedy, Turbo, Swift, Express, he liked to think he was pretty clever but Jessica sat and watched him with her coffee and laughed at him, told him he needed real friends. She would watch him crawl around on all fours hunting them down, or visiting with the garden spiders asking whether they'd managed to catch breakfast yet and then she would be there with a hand to help him up when his knee just wouldn't cooperate.
He'd started walking with a cane, at first it had been just an occasional thing but now it was daily, he could barely make it to the bathroom without assistance and he'd given up on feeling good. Jessica liked to refer to it as his bum knee, she'd always told him his old injuries would catch up to him. It hadn't been long since he started to notice the first little twinges of pain when he ran and she warned him it was coming – she wasted no time at all poking at him, too much time spent apart and she'd stored up every insult, every bossy little notion she could in the hope that she'd get to see him again. Purchasing new shoes, new insoles, changing where he ran from the sidewalk to the street, none of it seemed to stop the creeping pain and finally she convinced him to talk to his doctor. Nothing to be done but a steady diet of pain medication or surgery they told him after x-rays and MRIs. It became an every day buckling and grinding, swelling he iced a few times when he remembered but he just couldn't see the point in surgery. It wasn't so painful he couldn't just live with it, at least for the time being. On the worst days she managed to poke a pill down his throat to get him some relief, otherwise he just muddled through.
The cane made him look cool, Jack said, and he was old enough to know. Teenagers knew cool and he was right there, one birthday away from full fledged teenager. Aaron liked to hook things with the handle, to use it as a tool for mischief. Sometimes he'd sit at the table with Jack and watch as the kid played around on his phone instead of doing his homework. He'd give it a few minutes, hope he came around, set the phone down but when it didn't happen he'd pick up the cane and use it to nudge the books at his son. Out of the corner of his eye, barely peeking up from his own book, he would watch as Jack rolled his eyes. Sometimes he'd set the phone down and get to work, sometimes he'd continue furiously typing and Aaron would nudge the books into his lap entirely with a smirk. “I hate that thing,”Jack would grumble, picking up his book to start on his homework. He tripped Jessica sometimes, never too hard but always on purpose, usually just so she would pay attention to him. Sit down beside him instead of fussing over cooking or cleaning, something she insisted on doing every time she came over when she didn't need to. She didn't have to be there anymore, Jack didn't need a babysitter and Aaron didn't have cases to fly away for but she missed them so much she hardly left. So he'd trip her or poke at her from the couch, tap it against the floor in some irritating rhythm until she cried out for mercy and sat beside him. Roy had deteriorated too far to be in her home any longer, they'd placed him in a facility that could monitor him full time and he was angry about it but he was there and she visited him every day, sometimes taking Jack. “Oh, Jackie boy, you've grown so much...” he'd say, but she told Aaron he didn't really seem to recognize him at all and it was hard for her to see, harder for Aaron not to be able to see. He waited in the car or wandered through the courtyard and they would go out to eat after. She didn't think he remembered Haley dying anymore, he never brought it up, but Aaron knew better than to chance it so he paid the bills and checked up on the care he was receiving and let that be enough of a thank you for everything he'd done. Better than the man whose face he passed every day on his way into his classroom, the man who gave him a name and a lifetime of grief – Roy never gave him that, not even on his worst days. A few harsh words couldn't take away the debt he owed.
The team knew he was back in town, they got the reports directly from the Marshall Service. No one save for Dave had really reached out in a substantial way, in a way that told him he was welcome to re-enter their lives. The minute he set foot in D.C. Dave was calling to ask how he could help get him settled, offering an entire wing of his house to stay in while they found a Realtor and a new home. He'd missed his friend, couldn't keep him away. Dave had gone gray in the time they spent apart, he supposed time had to catch up to each of them eventually – Dave's hair mirrored the incessant pain in his knee, aging didn't stop for anyone. He would have preferred the hair - Dave looked dashing, he got pain. Emily had texted once or twice to welcome him home but things had changed between them since her return, since she'd moved into his office. He really wasn't sure how to navigate those waters and neither was she so an awkward silence fell between them, it would work itself out eventually, he was certain of it. Things between them just took their time, couldn't be forced. It was either terrible or blissful with them, there was nothing in the middle. JJ had sent a quick text about Henry wanting to see Jack, but he'd responded with Jack's cell phone number and that was the last he'd heard from her. Penelope sent packages, housewarming gifts, Christmas presents and handwritten cards professing how happy she was that they were back and safe and how she'd missed them but she hadn't asked to see them, not yet. Derek had sent a photo of Hank, now so much bigger, and a short welcome back text. No longer on the team but their decades together had amounted to something beyond the BAU at least. You have any desire to bust down a few walls, you know where to find me...I could use the help and there's a beer in it for you. He didn't know if he had it in him to bust down walls anymore but he wouldn't mind the company, told him he'd be by soon to watch him work, supervise the job. There was nothing from Spencer and he had known that would be harder – he'd been through a lot in Aaron's absence, too much, and the way he left looked an awful lot like the way Gideon had gone, he could accept the angry silence. Spencer had a new support system, new friends in the BAU. There was always hope that he'd come around, always hope that an eventual apology could smooth things over when it was time.
The Bureau had accepted his retirement, given him his full pension. He was afraid of having nothing to do, he was lonely and as much as he loved quiet he couldn't handle the way it forced him to live inside of his head from morning to night. To combat the lonely feeling gnawing at him that his little garden friends couldn't fix, he took a part time teaching job at Georgetown. Had to walk by his father's photo every single day, it was troubling at first but like anything, it had settled into the background. That man hadn't held power over him in too long now, he was inconsequential, it had just been a little jarring at first. Not expecting that face to stare back at him as he toured with the Dean. “Your father and grandfather taught here, it's really amazing that you're coming to us now too...family traditions are important.” His father's tenure had been short, he'd passed mid-semester in his second year teaching but Aaron would be in his old classroom, an ancient lecture hall with old brown carpet where he could pace in front of a theater of students.
His first class was small, but after a week it filled up – word managed to get around that the teacher for the Ethics in Social and Criminal Justice professor had worked with the BAU and of course Foyet's name was thrown around flippantly by grown up children who didn't really understand the magnitude of his life experience. This had impacted their decision to hire him, of course, his firsthand experience was too much to pass up and they really couldn't believe he'd choose this course, this school over everything else he could do with his time. In truth, he would have taken any class just for something to do. He was just doing this as a way to fill the time, to keep his mind occupied because otherwise he would go stir crazy. Jack was in school all day and he had a slew of clubs and sports he wanted to be part of. He was rarely home before dinner and then he would follow it up with hours of homework. It was just the two of them in their big old house and he wouldn't ever say it out loud, but he was lonely.
His first week went off without a hitch but the second week got interesting. He couldn't see well from where he was at, the lights were bright and there were so many faces. He was nervous, it had been so long since he'd lectured, been in front of a crowd and he'd almost forgotten what being nervous felt like. He could feel the tremble in his hands like static electricity. Buzzing with anticipation and waiting for someone to say something that would knock him off his game. As he limped across the front of the room he thought he saw a familiar face near the front but he couldn't focus there, the floppy curls obscuring much of his features while he scribbled notes of all things. He wouldn't stare but as the class wore on he couldn't help glancing up that direction. The familiar mannerisms, the way he tucked his hair behind his ear as he concentrated and Aaron couldn't imagine what he'd need to be writing down but it couldn't possibly be related to anything he was saying, he would remember it all without written notes. There was a certain comfort in that familiar face, it eased the tension in his shoulders, gave him a confidence boost. After class the man approached, leather satchel thrown over his shoulder, and waited patiently at the end of the line of students wanting to speak to the professor. Aaron took a seat, he couldn't stand that long anymore. He'd been pacing for 45 minutes and his knee was killing him so he rubbed at it absentmindedly while students asked him questions. He might let Jessica force his pill on him tonight, put up a little fight for the sake of fun but he was hurting.
“Hey,” Spencer said, standing a respectful distance away, the last student in the room. Aaron couldn't breathe for a second, chest swelled tight not allowing air in or out. His knee protested the movement, the weight, but he stood and stepped forward far enough that he could have touched Spencer if he'd been so inclined. He knew better, though. Tread lightly.
“Spencer,” he said, having to fight his way out of saying Reid. He didn't need to address him by his last name anymore. “What are you doing here?”
“Rossi told me you were teaching down here so I signed up to audit your class...” he said, not stammering over his words even a little. Aaron thought he looked bigger, filled out, darker under the eyes. The brown sweater vest hugged his frame tight, left just a sliver of his lavender button down visible at the bottom, a little rumpled but still put together and Aaron couldn't remember feeling so elated by something familiar. Seeing Spencer felt like coming home, reminded him of better days, of the time before everything fell apart. He'd heard about the time he spent in prison, it had nearly sent him over the edge, nearly brought him back except the Marshalls were certain it would only make things worse. Convinced it could be a trap, a ploy to get him there – Foyet had done it to Haley, why would they expect less of Peter Lewis? And if it was a trap it might put more than just him in danger. So he stayed, and he wrote letters he couldn't send because his therapist told him it would help. It didn't. “I hope that's okay.”
“Okay?” Aaron asked, not sure how to respond to that. He frowned, trying to sort out what was going on. Spencer auditing a class he probably took when he was about twelve and could teach without any lesson plans hardly seemed logical... “Why?”
“To see you.”
“There were less expensive ways to do that...” But he understood. He was flattered if not a little bewildered. “Have you eaten? Would you like to get lunch?”
“I, uh...have to get back to work, I'm taking your class on my lunch hour. Maybe another time?”
Another time came that weekend, when Aaron showed up on Spencer's doorstep with a brown paper bag full of books he'd been collecting at library sales for Spencer and the stack of letters he'd written, two hot teas balanced precariously in his other hand. Coffee made him feel too jittery, he didn't need its services much anymore, had no reason to pull all-nighters or think clearly before 7am. His lifestyle didn't require it and it had become a menace. He didn't call first, but after a week of Spencer sitting quietly in his classroom and leaving right after, he needed to talk to him again. He'd been pulled back in, couldn't get Spencer out of his mind – he looked forward to stepping out into the classroom, couldn't help the way his eyes lingered on the man taking notes (and he was taking notes, Aaron had discovered with some confusion but he wouldn't ask about it) until he couldn't take it anymore. Jack had soccer tryouts and he didn't want Aaron to come so he dropped him off at the field and headed across town, found himself knocking on Spencer's door. He needed to make sure he knew he wouldn't have gone without saying goodbye if it hadn't been so urgent. If Peter Lewis hadn't been watching Jack, he couldn't take that chance again. He'd ignored all the warning signs once and he couldn't lose Jack by doing it again. He needed Spencer to know he hadn't been forgotten.
“I should have gone with Haley and Jack to protect them,” he whispered, tears in his eyes as they sat beside one another on the couch, steaming cups of tea before them. “They offered, I could have been transported to another hospital and stayed with them. I couldn't make that mistake again. What Peter Lewis did to me...I...” he paused, not sure how to proceed. He hadn't told anyone what happened in that house, hadn't put it in any reports, left out details even when he'd talked to Dave and he'd thought he was ready to talk about it but it still felt wrong. “I am sorry, I never meant for it to happen.”
He thought Spencer was upset, a quiet heat radiated off of him and he didn't respond right away. It wouldn't have surprised him if Spencer was angry, he would have deserved it but the other man was reading through the letters uncharacteristically slowly, pouring over Aaron's chicken scratch handwriting like he was deciphering ancient runes. Fingers tracing letters, pulling his eyes down the pages and pages of words - stories, ramblings, info dumps because he had no one to talk to and he'd been inadvertently talking to Spencer all that time in spite of having no one. Lost in the dates, he knew exactly where he was for each letter – he wouldn't tell Aaron that, though, not now. Knowing that Aaron was thinking of him while he was living through some of the worst moments of his life was a strange feeling, he was jealous and sad and still, somehow it made him feel a warmth he'd not felt in a very long time. It ignited something in him. The way each letter asked questions - how is your mother? Do you still dream of Maeve the way I dream of Haley? Little attempts at kinship he'd known he couldn't have. The letters were an act of hope, he could have been writing them to no one forever and the fact that Spencer now held them was overwhelming. “I'm not mad at you, Hotch,” Spencer said softly, setting down the finished stack of letters and sipping his tea. It was exactly the way he'd always taken it, Aaron still remembered. Hot enough to burn his tongue, sweet enough that he didn't care.
“Aaron,” he corrected and Spencer smiled.
“Right. You're not my boss anymore...I'm still getting used to that.”
“That makes two of us,” Aaron whispered, staring down at his hands. “I don't know what to do with myself some days. I get out of bed and I wonder why.” It was sad, the way he said it, and Spencer could feel his loneliness, his confusion, the way he didn't know who he was without the suit and tie and his badge. His stomach twisted and he scooted a little closer, shifted until he was looking at Aaron instead of at the cups on the table. Slowly, he reached up and nudged Aaron's chin with his knuckles until they were locking eyes. Profound grief and loneliness, that's all he could see in Aaron and it broke his heart. He'd lost his family, Jack was growing up, he always thought he'd die at the BAU and never have to worry about what to do in the after.
“You know...I've had a long time to sit and think about things. I think I realized while I was sitting in prison...” he paused, saying the word aloud for the first time between them. He didn't flinch and neither did Aaron but he could feel the man's jaw tighten against his hand and without finishing the thought (because the words seemed meaningless) he leaned forward and pressed his lips to Aaron's. It was nothing grand but it left Aaron speechless, of all the things he'd expected out of this visit a kiss hadn't even been a blip on the radar. He smiled in spite of himself.
It was unexpected but not unwelcome.
“When Rossi told us you were being released from WITSEC, I found myself hoping you'd say you weren't coming back to the BAU...because now that you're not my boss, no one can tell me I'm not allowed to do this. Except you, of course. If you don't...”
“No. No, it's...it's okay.” He was rusty, out of practice, he hadn't even thought about dating since ending things with Beth and even then he had no idea what he was doing. And you would think it would be the blind leading the blind but Spencer slipped closer, was so sure of himself and what he wanted it took Aaron's breath away, he couldn't do anything but let Spencer lead wherever he wanted to go. Achingly slow moments passed and Aaron found his hand tangled in Spencer's hair, fingers wrapped in soft curls and this wasn't how he saw their afternoon going, wasn't how he'd pictured his reunion with Spencer but he wasn't complaining.
“So...Professor Hotchner?” Spencer asked breathlessly, pulling away just a little and a smile crept across Aaron's features, softening his sharp edges.
“Looks that way.” He was rubbing small circles with this thumb against his ring finger, working his way through a mess of thoughts he couldn't begin to straighten out. “You should probably stop coming to my class now, though. I don't need any scandals.”
“Right. Yeah. Good idea. I guess maybe I can start coming to the cafeteria on my lunch hour instead?” Spencer rested his hand on Aaron's knee, the knee he knew hurt. It was light but sure and he rubbed softly. Aaron didn't ask him to move it, the weight of Spencer's hand felt nice against the stiff, swollen joint.
“I'd like that. Very much. I'll see about the school refunding your tuition...”
Spencer grinned and shook his head, letting out an easy little chuckle. “It's okay. I think I got more than what I paid for.”
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