#kk downing x oc
hot-for-rock · 1 year
Take On The World
One shot (for now)
K.K. Downing X OC {Alexandra Chrissy}
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Warning(s): None
Plot: Alexandra works in a local rock radio station. When Judas Priest comes in for an interview and gives her friend and radio jockey, Lara two tickets to the show, Lara chooses her. The only issue is she suffers from some social anxiety, queue the drama unfolding.
A/N: I’m only writing more if people want it. Please comment, like and reblog this! Thanks for reading. <3
Alexandra’s POV
I take a deep breath as I finally after a few minutes of panicked searching find a quiet spot. I should have known better, me and crowds don’t mix well yet, I never learn.
I lean my back up against the cold painted brick wall, the sound of the concert in the background. I can feel my heartbeat slowing down and my breath getting more even and normal again and I find solace in being alone.
I knew deep down I should have told Lara no, but she’s my best friend, and I have a hard time saying no to people I care about. I’ve also been trying to push myself out of my comfort zone, which if you can’t tell hasn’t been going all too well.
The only reason we’re even at this Judas Priest concert is because she got the tickets for free.
We both work for the local rock radio station, she’s the disc jockey and I work behind the scenes in the sound room making sure everything is working alright. The thing about our station is I sit behind her, with a sheet of glass between us and I listen in on the conversation, and pull up the bumpers, get the songs playing, the comermicals and pull up the callers as the show is going.
Today, since they were playing our arena Judas Priest came in to conduct an interview with Lara of course. I luckily didn’t have to interact with any of them. It’s not that I wouldn't have loved to, I love the band, but as I’ve said before I’m not good with social interactions.
I’m so bad in fact, that K.K. Downing one of the two guitars, briefly glanced at me from behind the glass and I quickly looked away hoping he wouldn’t notice me.
I’m proud that I made it as far into the concert as I did, usually I’d be out of here having a panic moment way before I did tonight. So in that way I’m proud. I made it through the concert, well most of it. Just not the encores, I maybe could have if it wasn’t for the guy behind me trying to chat me up.
I’m sure lots of people would have been flattered but social interactions aren’t my thing so I freaked out. Of course I lied to Lara, and told her I had to find the bathroom, that way she wouldn’t worry too much or try and tell me to stay.
It probably also didn’t help that we were very close to the stage, and well at one point I swear to god K.K. once again was looking at me, he even pointed. I know he was most likely just pointing at the crowd generally but he looked directly at me as he did it. I’m sure most people would love that and think it’s cool, but my anxiety got in the way once again. I'd prefer to blend into the crowd.
How ridiculous am I? Sitting backstage at a Judas Priest concert, not even to meet the band just to get out of the crowd. It’s embarrassing really. Hopefully I can sneak back out before it’s too late and everyone starts making their way back here after the show.
I figure I have a few more minutes at least, so I reach into my bag and pull out my half finished book. Reading is one of the ways I escape my problems, that and music. I pull out my Walkman, which just happens to have Turbo, the very album they're touring off of right now. I just heard Turbo lover not minutes ago live, but I need to hear it again. I turn it up full volume as I begin to read.
I Jump as I feel someone tapping my shoulder, knocking me out of my book and the music. Before looking up to see who it is I quickly stop my music and remove my headphones. I’m expecting it to be Lara who’s gone off to find me, after all it would have been a long bathroom break.
So when I look up and see K.K. Downing still in his full leathers, his blonde hair dripping in sweat, I can’t help but feel that all too familiar panic set in. Only I really can’t run. I backed myself into a corner, no literally.
“Can I help you with something?” He asks me, giving me curios look.
“No! I’m sorry! I was trying to get away from the crowd and got carried away reading. I'm sorry I’m in the way. I’ll leave.” I say quickly shutting my book and standing up, the words just flooding out of me in a panic.
“No. That’s not what I meant. I just wanted to ask if you wanted a signature.” He tells me and this time I notice his smooth English accent a lot more. “You work at the radio station, right?”
“Yes.” I manage to squeak out. He remembered me from earlier? I was behind the glass. We didn't even interact. He looked at me once.
“I-I um don’t have anything for you to sign, but ah thank you.”
“At least let me give you a pick.” He says, offering out one of his guitar picks in his hand. “It’s nice to meet you. I’m K.K. by the way.”
I would be rude not to take it, and who doesn’t want a pick from K.K. Downing? so I gently take the piece of plastic from his hand and give him the best smile I can manage.
“Thank you. I’m Alexandra.”
“Not a problem, love.” He tells me with a friendly smile on his face. “I would have given it to you in the crowd at the end but you disappeared.”
I feel a blush creep across my face, he noticed? So he was looking at me? Why would he even be looking at me? I do everything possible to blend into the crowd and not stand out.
“Oh- sorry.” I say, I almost feel bad like I should explain why I suddenly got up and just left. I mean they killed it and I don’t want him to get the wrong idea.
“I-it wasn’t because it was bad. I just got uncomfortable because someone was um…chatting me up.” I try my best to explain despite still being slightly nervous and still socially awkward as ever.
“Oh. I’m sorry you couldn’t enjoy the end.” K.K. says to me, “Do you want to meet everyone else? Consider it payment for someone ruining the show for you.”
I know I should no, I’ll probably end up making a fool of myself, but K.K. has been nothing but nice to me. It would be rude not to, not to mention it's a once in a lifetime opportunity. I’ve come this far. I'm sure I can do it.
“Okay.” I smile at him.
“Ladies first.” he says, opening the door right next to the corner I was standing in.
Wait, I was standing next to their dressing room this whole time? No wonder he came up to the weird woman sitting in the corner. I’m also a little surprised this place isn’t swarmed by groupies, unless all the other band members already took them into the dressing room.
I walk into the backstage era and sure enough there are a couple of beautiful blonde girls. The kind that used to pick on me in high school and were cheerleaders and popular.
I suddenly feel very out of place.
I’m nothing like these girls and not nearly as beautiful. I have plain dark hair, and my go-to outfit is jeans, a t-shirt, usually with a band on it and boots or sneakers depending on the time of year. I only ever wear dresses on special occasions and I’d never wear heels.
“Here.” K.K. says handing me a lanyard with a backstage pass hanging on it. “Put this on so no one tries to kick you out.”
I nod and put the pass around my neck, I do so I notice it has a signature on it.
“You signed it.” I say, looking for confirmation from him, I somehow never noticed, though that could be due to me looking at the other girls in the room.
“You said you had nothing for me to sign so yes I did.” K.K. tells me and that’s very sweet actually, I can’t help but smile at that.
“Now let me change real fast and I’ll find their other okay?” K.K. tells me and I nod in acknowledgment, standing up against the farthest wall hoping none of these girls come up to me as K.K. disappears into the back room.
“Where were you?” Rob asks, being his normal nosy self.
“With a girl.” I tell him, as I start removing my trousers.
“Oh, I see.” He says, raising an eyebrow at me. I know exactly what he’s thinking, she’s some groupie or beautiful blonde woman I’m going shag later. Usually he wouldn’t be wrong, yet it’s a bit different.
It was in intention originally, but that changed. Yes Alexandra is pretty, but she’s shy, deathly shy. Struggling to speak to strangers is shy. I could never take advantage of someone like that, especially someone who seems as inexperienced as her.
I’d settle for her number, or maybe a date. Not so much for me even, for her, she deserves it. Especially since she didn’t get to enjoy the end of the show.
“It’s not like that.” I inform him, as I take off my leathers and quickly pull my shirt over my head waiting for the shock from all the lads.
“What do you mean it’s not like that?” Ian pips up from beside me. “I’ve known you ages and it’s never been not about that.”
“She’s not interested in me like that.” I tell him as I pull on my boots.
“When has that ever stopped you?” Ian asks, giving me a very confused look. I choose to ignore that comment, yes I’m pretty president and I like to change a girls mind through flirting but I catch a hint when I’m not wanted.
“Who is this woman?” Rob asks, sounding genuinely curious, and intrigued.
“She worked at the radio station from earlier the one behind the glass.” I tell him, as I pack all my clothes into the wardrobe case for the next show.
“Oh I see.” Rob says.
“She’s very shy, but she missed the end of the show because someone made her uncomfortable so I told her I’d get you to come meet her.” I inform all of them, trying to get the topic off of me wanting to shag Alexandra.
“Fine, we'll meet your future wife.” Ian teases, making me roll my eyes, but I’m not taking that bait.
“Alright follow me.” I say, leading the four of them out into the longue era where Alexandra is standing up against the wall exactly where I left her once.
I smile as I catch her attention and she shyly smiles back. She has a beautiful genuine smile and I must say I like bringing it to her face.
“This is Alexandra.” I say introducing her to the band, because she'll struggle with that, and I want her to feel as comfortable as possible.
“Hello, Alexandra.” Rob greats, with a friendly smile. “Want me to sign that?” He points to the pass I gave her before that already sports my signature.
“That would be nice.” She manages to say.
“We’ll all sign it. I’m Glenn.” Glenn tells her, taking the marker and singing it next after rob finishes.
Alexandra nods in response, and Ian takes it nice and simply offers her a smile clearly catching she isn’t much for talking.
She may not be saying she’s greatful or happy, but it’s showing on her face with that beautiful genuine smile of hers gracing her lips. I can’t help but smile as well at that.
Alexandra’s POV
All I can think at this moment is how jealous Lara will be that I managed to get backstage, meet the whole band and get their signatures. I can’t help but smile, no matter how nervous I am. I mean this doesn’t happen everyday. How can I not?
I figured since I’m not much of a conversationalist, they’d all quickly move on to the other group of much prettier and chatters blonde. So I can slip out without making things awkward and go find Lara, I’m sure by this point she’s freaking out trying to find me.
Yet K.K. hasn’t left my side yet. I glance over at him, worried if I stare at him it might be rude. Why is he still here?
“Alexandra, I want to ask you something.” He says looking at me, and I turn to face him.
What could K.K. Downing possibly have to ask me? It’s a bit puzzling to me. Did I do something wrong?
“Yes?” I ask nervously.
“We’re here again tomorrow night. Would you like to come?” K.K. asks me, and an hour ago I might have said no considering how this one ended, but now I’m considering saying yes. I’m proud of myself. I’ve managed to talk to four rockstars and not have a panic attack. I think maybe I could handle it.
“I know you don’t like crowds. So I could give you a backstage pass. That way you could sit on the side stage. It’s much quieter and you’ll be alone except for my tech but he won’t bother you. I’ll even give you one so you can bring your friend.” K.K. adds and once again that offer is too kind for me to pass up.
“I’d like that.” I smile at him, “thank you.”
“Anytime. I’ll see you tomorrow okay?” He says. “I’ll come drop off the passes for you at the radio station.”
I nod.
“I should probably go now. I-I’m sure my friend is worried about me.” I tell him, “also I’ve got to brag to her a bit.” I add a bit of a joke, lifting up the pass.
K.K. laughs. “Just tell her we’ll sign hers tomorrow.”
“I will.” I say as I leave the backstage area feeling on top of the world.
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paiges-1vur · 7 days
welcome to the party pt. 2
paige buckers x oc!
cw: language, alcohol, lots of sexual tension (smut coming soonnnn!!)
a/n: Please let me know if you guys like this, or dont like it. I want to know what you guys think! idk how long i want to make this series but i think there will be atleast 4-5 parts. Also the blacking out after 5 shots actually is something that happened to me once… Drink safely please!! anyways thats all i love you guys let me know if you like this 💕
Friday 9:32 pm
It’s not long before the door opens up revealing a smiling girl. This must be Azzi, Rileys friend.
“Hi ry!” the girl says in a high pitched voice, “I haven’t seen you in so long we need to catch up.”
I see Riley smile and give her a quick hug before introducing me. I flash a quick nervous smile and tell her it was nice to finally meet her.
As we walk inside we meet 3 other girls. Then it hits me. Fuck. How could i be so stupid? I forgot Azzi was on the women’s basketball team. I walk in and try to suppress my anxiety as i face her 3 teammates.
Right as soon as i look to Riley for some stability, i notice her and Azzi have gone off somewhere else, probably to catch up.
The three girls are all occupied on their own, but one of them comes up to me as soon as she sees im uncomfortable.
“Hi your Ana, Rileys friend right! My names Nika and its really nice to meet you.” How could i be scared of this girl who sounded so sweet? I decided to pull myself together and try to have fun tonight.
“Yeah, im her roommate, and its really nice to meet you too!” I reply with a smile as she sips on her drink.
“And may i just say damn girl! you look so hot tonight!” Nika hypes me up and i do a little 360 giggling. As im spinning i see one of the other girls in the corner of my eye. The only girl i knew here. Paige Bueckers. “You know what lets do shots!” Nika is obviously feeling the same energy i am and i love it.
She calls the other girls over and quickly introduces me to kk who i love just as much as Nika. Paige stays quiet and Nika doesn’t say anything about her. She pours 4 shots and i say “Fuck it. Pour me 2” I hope I dont learn to regret this because being 5”1 and 120 pounds doesnt mix well with taking shots.
We all knock them back and i reach for my second one taking it down as quick as the first before making a quick face.
I look up to my right and see Paige looking down at me. Her eyes scan up and down my body as she bites her lip. I blush and look away, and in the corner of my eye i can see her smirking.
Azzi and Riley come back into the kitchen and let us know its time to head out to the bars. We all pack into Azzi’s car which has just enough room to fit us all. As soon as we pull out Azzi says “Shit. Guys is it okay if we pick up my friend real quick she just needs a ride to the bar thats all.” We all nod in understanding because we don’t mind.
As soon as her friend walks out of her building Azzi says “Okay theres not enough room so Ana since your the smallest your going to have to sit on Paiges lap. Is that okay?”
My mouth goes dry. i somehow manage a “Yeah thats fine.” As i move over to Paiges side of the car and sit on her lap. I immediately feel her staring at me. I turn my head to look at her, and her pupils are dilated and her eyes an icy blue. I feel her staring at my top again and this time i decide to be bold.
“You like what you see?” I whispered looking at her through my eyelashes and twirling my hair in my finger, biting my lip ever so slightly.
I can see her demeanor instantly change. She grins and comes down to my ear “I would like to see what you look like under it more.” I gulp and turn my head to the window trying to hide how wet that just made me.
I cant help from getting uncomfortable on Paiges lap in my mini skirt and have to keep moving my position on her lap. All of a sudden i feel two big hands on my hips. I look up at her as she licks her lips.
“Don’t start something you cant finish.” This immediately stops me from moving until the rest of the car ride, but Paiges hands linger on my hips for the rest of the ride.
We all walk into the bar quickly flashing the bouncer our ids. Nika told me that tonight was going to be really fun especially because Paige knows the owner of the bar so we can do basically whatever we want.
We all sit down at a table and Im already feeling tipsy (but thats also coming from the girl who blacked out after 5 shots once..) “Who wants to get more shots!” I half scream at the girls smiling ear to ear.
They all laugh as Paige gets up and goes to the bar to order us two rounds. We are celebrating tonight. Once she got back we immediately downed the next two rounds and i decided i wanted to dance. I grabbed Nika by the hand laughing and dragged her to the dance floor.
She was surprisingly a good dancer and we danced with each other to the music that was blasting from the speakers. I started to grind on Nika as she hyped me up. I had my back faced to her as i moved up and down her body before turning around and putting my hands on her chest laughing because people had started to cheer us on.
I look over and see Paige staring at me moving on Nika, her hold so tight on her drink it could shatter at any moment. She stares me down in jealousy, and shit was it hot.
As the night went on I talked to all the girls and they were all super nice and i wanted to get to know them.
We started talking about basketball and when i asked who’s the best everyone turned to Paige. She bragged about how good she was for about 10 minutes.
She flexed and looked at me, “These don’t just come in overnight.” Everyone at the table laughed. My jaw dropped and the Paige looked over at me and winked. I mean i knew she was jacked. She had toned arms, smooth abs, and a killer back. NOT that i had ever looked that up on youtube.
I decide to distract myself from the growing need to touch Paige.
“GUYS!” I say ten volumes louder than i should have, “Guys lets lets play truth or dare right now i want to play now.” Everybody laughs and agrees as we sip our drinks.
The game is going well until its Paiges turn to ask me.
“Ana truth or dare.” She says flashing me her signature smirk. I try not to melt under her gaze. I know shes looking at my tits, but i don’t care. I want her to.
“Dare.” I say drunkenly, ready for whatever shes about to throw my way.
She laughs, “Lets do body shots.”
“W-what” I mumble, my brain suddenly slowing everything down.
“You heard me.” She gets up from the table and walks over to the bar. I look around at the other girls at the table and they all are smiling and trying to hide their laughs. Im just about to ask what the fuck i got myself into but then i hear something coming from the speakers.
“No fucking way.” I say. Azzi is trying to hide her laughing under a napkin. Pony by Ginuine starts blasting in the bar as i see Paige whisper something into the bartenders ear with a grin on her face. The girls at the table are absolutely losing it. Suddenly the bartender speaks into a microphone.
“Everyone we have a little something special for you all tonight. We have my good friend Paige and her new friend Ana are going to do body shots so lets give them all a warm welcome!”
People are whistling and cheering, eating up this little act.
“Come on up Ana!” The bartender looks over to my table and waves me over to the bar. I get up from my seat slowly walking to the bar, as Paige offers me her hand to get on top of it. I look at her with a “what the fuck.” look and she only laughs in response.
I lie down on the bar feeling very underdressed. As the music plays I decide to let go and let myself be happy. I can’t live life always worrying about the what ifs right?
I let myself feel free and the music blasting in my ears makes me anticipate whats going to happen. The bartender pours the shot and puts it down next to my head. She then pours the line of salt across my chest, which I’m sure was per Paiges request.
“Here you go hun.” The bartender hands me the lime to put in my mouth as she flashes me a wink. “Everybody lets hear it one more time for Paige!” The crowd erupts people clapping, screaming, and whistling. I see Nika holding her phone up recording this all, but to be honest, i don’t fucking care. Im too drunk to worry about the little things.
As im ready for Paige to initiate it i see her move. She climbs up on the bar and straddles my stomach, playing into this little act. Everyone is screaming clearly eating it up. i look up at her trying not to moan at just the sight of her on top of me. Fuck i need some sort of friction.
She leans down and grabs both of my wrists, and i let her take full control. She pins them above my head and smiles before scanning over my upper body one more time and whistling to the crowd.
I close my eyes before hearing Paige by my ear whisper “Open your eyes baby. I want you to see my face when i do this to you” I flutter my big brown eyes open staring at her in awe. “Good girl.” she says before returning to the act.
She leans down putting her free hand on my upper stomach as she licks the line of salt from my exposed chest. My back arches in response to her tongue and shit it feels so good. She then grabs the shot and downs it before coming down to my face and gabbing the lime from my mouth.
Still straddling me she sits up and tilts her head back with the lime in her mouth. The bar is packed full of students all screaming and cheering. The girls over at our table are still recording and cheering for Paige and I.
Im so drunk at this point that im stumbling back to the booth, and im fully leaning on Paige in the corner of the booth, sort of behind me. The girls whistle and Nika tells me how sexy that was. I giggle and lean back into Paige more, sitting in between her legs. The girls start to talk about something else, probably basketball before i feel a big cold hand sneak up my skirt on the inside of my thigh.
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dayedreamm · 4 months
Unexpected Crushes Chapter 2
blk fem OC x paige bueckers
warnings: swearing (i think)
Chapters: 1 | 2 |
“Wait uconn” imani says kind of shock “thats far from where you are” she says sadly. Although talia continues “yeah it is but… Ipromise we will talk and we could even possibly meet up one day Ipromise “ she says to reassure you.
flashback ends
 I believed her… we were friends at the time…I mean who wouldnt believe their true best friend right? 
Well I shouldn't have.
4 months later
Welp im here now at uconn. Friendless. Betrayed. Alone. 
“Cheer up kid you'll make new friends here, i never really liked talia anyway” my mother says to reassure me. I gave her a so-so nod as if agreeing with her statement i was tired, the drive down here was no joke and now I wanted to sleep. Sadly I still had to unpack in my dorm.. Maybe my roommate wont be here and i wont have any human interaction. Wrong. We walked in my mother helping with my bags, and im am greeted with a smiling girl with her dreads in a ponytail. ‘Great … just how i wanted to start off the day’ I thought to myself “hi nice to meet you my name is kamora but everyone calls me KK” she says cheerfully. I tried not to be a bitch my roomate sounded nice and I should reciprocate that same feeling. “Hey my name is Imani” i said trying to sound as cheerful. I could feel my mothers stares behind me telling me to fix my face but i tried the best i could. Getting stabbed in the back by your best friend didnt exactly put a smile on your face. Although, it was months later and i should be getting better. So i guess ill try now with this new roomate. 
1 week later
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(here are some inspos of what i was thinking)
Once i finished i headed off to the game with one of my friends from my business class. We walked to the pavilion and grabbed some seates a bit early so we could see the game better. As we took our seats they were nearing the end of their warmups as KK waves to me with a little smile on her face, i smile and wave back, but not before a curious blonde sees this interaction and questions it.
Paige POV
I see my teammate and one of my besfriends KK smile and wave toward the audience, and when i turn my eyes i am met with a beautiful woman. I mean she stole my whole attention for a good 5 seconds before kk had to grab my shoulder. “Yo you good” KK says to me. “Yea im fine, whos that girl you were waving to” i said a bit dazed. “Oh thats my roommate, who is also my friend shes really cool you should meet her.. I think she might also be your type” KK says excitedly wiggling her eyebrows. I punch her arm teasingly, i cant even say shes lying this girl is very attractive and certainly has my attention. “Whats her n-” but before i could even ask the question our coach geno calls us over for a team huddle. I jog my way over but not before looking at her and winking in her direction.
Imani POV
I look back at the courts to see a blonde staring at me and sending a wink over my way, she was very attractive and had me blushing in my seat, which i think she knew because she smirked and turned away. “Oooh someones got a crush” one of my friends says in my ear. I jump back at her words “who? Who are you talking about” i say defensively. “Obviously the blondie who was giving you googlie eyes down there” the same friend says to me. “You think shes hot atleast” my other friend asks me. “I obviously dont know her yet but if she is into girls i think shes pretty attractive, whats her name anyway” i ask out of curiosity
“Paige bueckers”
ok bae was finally introduceddddd, also did yall see that chegg comercial she looked so good, but anyways thanks for reading
leave some suggestions of any imagines you may want
Dayedreammm outtie💖
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matty-bear · 5 months
V. House Tour [N.S]
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Type: Chapter five of The Influencer series
Pairing: Nick Sturniolo x Male!OC
Warnings: SFW, fluffy
Summary: Nick gets a house tour from Finn and finally gets the chance to properly judge his bedroom. (get your mind out of the gutter this is FLUFF)
Notes: I know I promised that this chapter would be really fluffy but I got too caught up in the descriptions of the house and didn’t wanna give y’all a long as chapter to read😖 Also sorry if this is really boring... I pinkie promise that there will be tooth-rotting fluff next chapter! And maybe some romantic stuff will find happen between Nick and Finn 😸 (yall deserve a silly lil spoiler) 
Text color guide!       Blue: Finn, Purple: Nick
WC: 4066 (went overboard on the descriptions 😣)
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚* **•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚* **•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚* **•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚* **•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚
Nick lets out an exasperated sigh as he hits the download button on his editing application. He managed to polish up the video with three minutes left to spare. The male makes sure that the downloading bar in the middle of his screen moves before he gets up from his chair. A tired yawn escapes his lips as he stretches his arms above his head. His arms fall back down to his sides, his mind momentarily going black before he quickly grabs his phone off his desk. He unlocks the device and opens up his messages with Finn, a stupid smile immediately spreading across his lips as he types him a message. 
Nick: I’m done editing :D 
The male didn’t even have time to shut his phone off before his phone dinged, signifying that Finn already texted him back. 
Finn: You coming??? :0 
Nick: Yeah I’m coming . I’ll text you when i get to your place 
Finn: Kk ^^ 
Nick clicks his mouse on a random spot on his screen to make sure his laptop doesn’t time out and turn off before he walks over to his nightstand. He sets his phone on his changer and makes a beeline for his wardrobe. The male knew he wasn’t going to be out in public with Finn, however he still wanted to look at least a little decent. So. Nick shuffled through the countless numbers of hoodies he has, the tip of his tongue sticking out in slight focus. 
He finally settles on a black hoodie with a few stars on the back of it and slips it on over his head. He looks down at his gray sweatpants and all-black platform shoes and debates on whether or not he should change them. A small hum escapes Nick's lips before he shrugs and leaves his closet. He walks straight into his bathroom to freshen up a little and stares at himself in the mirror. He looks his reflection up and down a few times before he ruffles his hair and exits the bathroom. The male quickly walks over to his desk and tilts the screen of his laptop back to get a better view of his screen. 
“Thank god.” Nick mumbles when his eyes read over the ‘download completed’ notification. He clicks on the small x in the corner of his editing application to close out of it before he opens up chrome. After searching for YouTube, the male logs out of his personal account to log into their group account and upload the video. He stares at the loading bar and swiftly shuts his laptop shut when the words ‘successfully uploaded video’ appear on his screen. The male tucks his laptop into a small compartment in his desk before he walks back towards his nightstand. He grabs his phone off the charger and opens the drawer to grab his headphones.
As he slips them around his neck, he walks out his bedroom and shuts the door behind him. The moment he begins to walk downstairs, loud shouting runs through his ears. Intrigued, the male rushes down the remaining few steps and walks to where the sound was coming from. His legs take him to the living room and his eyes land on Matt and Chris who are looking intently at the television mounted on the wall in front of them. 
“What are y’all watching?” Nick asks as he steps closer to the television to get a peek at the movie playing. 
“Kid wanted to watch Taken because Liam Neeson is in it.” Chris replies, pointing his thumb towards Matt who’s a few seats away from him. The latter doesn’t verbally respond and instead nods his head softly, his gaze still being fixed onto the television. Chris looks over at Matt, a small chuckle escaping his lips before his gaze falls on Nick. “Where are you going?” 
At Chris’ question, Matt finally rips his focus away from the television to look at Nick. “Finn’s?” The male asks, smiling slightly when the red-head nods his head. 
“You’re going to Finn’s?” Chris questions, a single eyebrow raising. “How far does he live? Don’t you need a ride or something?”
“Nah, he lives like ten minutes away. I’ll live if I walk there and god knows I need the cardio.” Nick replies as he turns to walk towards the staircase leading to the front door. 
“Alright, be careful.” Nick quickly whips his head around to face Chris who’s still looking at him. 
“Okay.. I’ll see you guys later.” Matt and Chris wave goodbye to Nick as the male descends the steps. The moment he gets off the last step, he reaches for the door knob and opens the door, the warm night air hitting his face immediately. Nick lets out a soft exhale and locks the door behind him before heading to the sidewalk. As he slowly begins to walk down the long path ahead of him, the red-haired male takes his phone out of his pocket and raises it to his face.
Once unlocking the device, he immediately pulls up the messages between him and Finn and begins to scroll up, his eyes searching for a specific message. When the male’s eyes land on an address link that Finn sent him, he clicks on it and waits for the directions to load onto his screen. He momentarily glances ahead of him to ensure that he won’t stumble into anything or anyone before he looks back down at his phone. 
He takes a moment to scan the directions given to him and nods to himself before he allows the hand that’s holding his phone to fall to his side. The male focuses his attention to the quiet neighborhood around him, his gaze shifting around to everything in his vision. Nick has never taken the time to take a walk around the neighborhood; let alone walk to a guy's house, so this was a new experience for him.
It’s been a couple minutes of Nick walking now and the male has started to get paranoid, more specifically when he hears a dog barking behind a fence or the sound of rustling in a bush. So to cure this newly found anxiousness, he decides to take the headphones that are wrapped around his neck and set them on his head, being careful not to get one of his earrings caught on the cushions. Once the headphones are comfortably set on his head and ears, the red-head raises his phone and opens up Spotify. He clicks on his go-to playlist and hits play, the voice of Melanie Martinez instantly calming him. 
A relieved and content sigh escapes Nick’s lips as he puts his phone away and looks straight ahead again. For the remainder of the walk, Nick softly hummed along to the songs playing in his headphones and kept an eye on his surroundings. About ten minutes into his walk, the red-head realized that he entered the wealthier part of the neighborhood. His pace slowed as he eyed the countless numbers of tall, multistoried houses with multiple cars parked in circular driveways. As he continues to eye the large neighborhood, he halts when he hears a voice cut through his music. 
“You have arrived at your destination.” A robotic, feminine voice states. Nick looks down at his phone to double check his destination before he stands face to face with an all modernized two-story house in front of him. 
“Holy fuck.” Nick whispers under his breath as he walks past the Tesla in the driveway to get to the door. He stops a few steps away from the door and pulls his phone up to his face again. He closes out of Spotify and goes to his messages, his thumb immediately tapping on Finn’s contact. The chat pulls up before his eyes and the male quickly types up a message to alert Finn of his arrival. 
Nick: I’m at your door 🫶 
As Nick slips his headphones off his head and sets them around his neck, the muffled sound of hurried footsteps runs through his ears. The steps slowly come to a halt and the red-haired male steps back a little when he hears numerous clicking sounds emitting from behind the door. Next thing he knows, the door opens and reveals a smiley Finn who’s wearing a slightly cropped band tee that stops short of the gray sweatpants hanging loosely on his hips and circular glasses that sit on the bridge of his nose. 
“Nick!” Finn exclaims with a large smile. “Come in, come in!” The male steps aside to allow Nick inside. The male’s jaw immediately drops his shock as he takes in the large, open house in front of him. His gaze shifts from up to the ceiling which holds a large chandelier to the large duo staircase leading to the upstairs. Finn, after noticing that Nick hasn’t said a word yet, shuffles closer to the male after locking the door. 
“Would you like a house tour?” Finn questions, a small giggle escaping him when the red-head looks over at him with the same shocked expression. 
“Yes PLEASE.” Nick replies. 
“Alright, I’ll start over here then. Also sorry if the lights are super blinding, I’ll turn them off here in a minute.” Finn gently takes Nick’s wrist to guide him to an area to the right. Nick’s eyes widen the moment the male takes hold of his wrist and looks down at their hands, his face immediately flushing. “So here’s the living room. Nothing too fancy, just the basics that you can find in any other living room.” 
The large living room contained a creamed colored L-Shaped couch a few inches away from the curtains covering the large rectangular windows that peek into the backyard. Across from the large couch was a matching two seater. Both sofas were decorated with dark blue throw pillows on every other seat along with matching blankets draped on a few cushions. A dark wooden table was set on top of a large square rug that filled a large portion of the room.
Atop the table was a small rectangular tray with plants and coasters. Underneath it was a long basket containing a few extra blankets and pillows. In front of the sofas was a large black brick fireplace with a gold gate covering it. A television was mounted on the wall a few inches above it. On both sides of the fireplace were two large white bookshelves which blended in perfectly with the pearly white walls that reached up to the ceiling. The long shelves held books, plants, and other small trinkets for decoration. A few candles were set around the room as well, the small circular lights in the ceiling adding more light to the spacious room. 
“This is a really nice living room holy shit.” Nick compliments. 
“Thanks.” Finn smiles, his thumb subconsciously caressing the back of the red-heads hand. “Over here is the kitchen.” Finn keeps his light grip on Nick’s wrist as he guides him to the equally large kitchen. This room was mainly filled with black cupboards and white countertops. There was a large island in the middle of the room accompanied with tall stools in front of two stoves.
 A few steps away from the stoves was the oven, fridge and a large pantry behind two glass doors. The countertops were spotless and held a few plants and more candles here and there for a bit of decoration. Long lights that hung from the ceiling dangled over the island, providing the room with just enough light. 
Finn looks over at Nick after a few moments and waits for the male to nod before he takes him down the hallway and to the dining room. The said room simply held a large circular table with chairs around it. A wall full of windows was in the back of the room, allowing the moonlight to shine in. Empty plates and a single candle were the only things on the table, keeping it very simplistic. 
“Do you have curtains for those windows?” Nick asks, his gaze shifting over to Finn. 
“Yeah, but they’re automatic and on a timer. They’ll be down here in a few minutes.” Finn explains, gaining a small nod from Nick. The older guides the red-head further down the hall and points to a closed door. “Bathroom.” The male states as he passes the said room and continues walking to an open room that looks similar to the living room minus the coffee table, fireplace, and television. 
“This is just a room I come to where I want to look outside. Very boring, nothing too special.” Nick nods again as he looks out the large windows covering the walls to look at the miniature garden in the backyard. 
“Still nice though.” Nick says, gaining a small smile from Finn. 
“That’s it for the first floor.” Finn starts, making a small u-turn to return back to the entrance. “Now for the second floor!” Finn guides Nick up one of the staircases, being careful not to go up too quickly in case the male trips over a step. He guides the red-head down the hallway decorated with a few paintings and long tables with plants, candles, and small trinkets before he pulls him into the nearest room. “Here’s the guest bedroom. There’s a connected bathroom inside but I didn't decorate this room much since it’s for guests and people have different preferences.” 
The mentioned room held a queen sized bed with a black bed frame in the middle. Simple cream colored pillows rested against one another on the headboard and a dark blue blanket was draped neatly over the mattress. A small bench was at the foot of the bed and two nightstands with black lamps were on both sides of the bed. There was a long, black dresser pressed up against the left wall with a few candles and miniature plants on top of it. On the same wall were a few long rectangular windows that reached all the way up to the ceiling. On the wall across from the bed, a television was mounted on the wall and two simplistic paintings were on both sides of the appliance. And just like Finn said, a door on the right wall lead to the bathroom. 
“I need you to decorate our place because holy shit.” Nick mumbles, his statement earning a small laugh from Finn. 
“Hey, it took me a while to decorate this place. And it was very expensive.” Finn defends as he guides Nick out of the bedroom. 
“Oh, I can imagine.” Nick follows close behind Finn as he guides him to another room down the hall. 
“This is my favorite room.” Finn says as he opens the door and pulls the red-head inside. “I guess you could call it the music room but it’s mainly where I hold all my vinyls and whatnot.” 
The ‘music room’ was a decently sized room that was full with shelves and posters. This room was much darker in comparison to the other rooms with dark gray walls and two small windows looking out to the street. On the left side of the room, there were countless numbers of CDs from various bands and singers stacked on large, black bookshelves. A small table that was pushed up against the wall held a single, large, blue CD player. The other side of the room contained more shelves and cases full of vinyls. Some vinyls were out of their sleeves and put on stands for display while the rest were organized by artists. Similar to the left side of the room, there was another table that held a dark blue vinyl player and two speakers. 
Tucked away in the corner of the room were two electric guitars plugged into speakers. One was a dark blue and the other was dark red with a few stickers decorating it. Decorating the walls were numerous posters of different artists, some posters were in black frames while others were just taped to the wall. To ensure that the room wasn’t that dark, white LED lights wrapped around the crevices of the walls, creating just enough light for the room. 
“Oh my god I fucking love this room.” Nick gushes, his eyes skimming over the countless numbers of CDs. “You’re a music fan, huh?” 
“Major. I literally can't live without it.” Finn replies with a smile. “You can play anything you want at any time. Just tell me when you want to and I’ll help you out.” 
“REALLY?” Nick’s jaw drops as he looks back over at the taller. 
“Alright but if you don’t have a single Melanie Martinez CD or vinyl I will be very upset.” 
“Nick, I literally have every single thing she’s released. I’ve been a fan of hers since day one.”
“WHAT?” Finn lets out a small laugh when he looks over at Nick and sees his shocked expression. 
“Just wait until you see my room. Speaking of which, I’ll bring you there now since the rest of the rooms aren’t very important.” Finn gently taps the back of Nick’s hand with his thumb as he guides him out of the music room and down the hall. 
“Wait, what are the other rooms?” Nicks asks, his gaze staying fixed onto his and Finn’s hands in front of him. 
“Just the laundry room and bathroom.” Finn replies with a small shrug. Nicks nods his head and allows the male to guide him to the final room down the hall. His eyes shift down to the blue light seeping out from underneath the door, a curious expression spreading across his face as he looks up at Finn. The latter locks eyes with the red-head for a moment before he breaks eye contact to open the door and drags the male inside.
Finn’s bedroom, similar to the music room, held a much darker demeanor in comparison to the rest of the house. The walls were painted a light gray and were decorated with tons of posters and a few vinyls. None of the posters were in frames and were simply stuck to the wall with double sided tape and pins. Most of these posters were of Melanie Martinez while the others were of other bands, artists, and even Spider-Man.
Blue LED lights framed the corners of the entire room, which explained the blue light coming from under the door. The lights weren’t bright and not dark either, they were the perfect shade and just bright enough so you could see all the decor. 
Speaking of which, a large clear case on the left side of the room housed numerous action figures and comic books. Some figures were still in their box while others were in different dynamic poses. On the side of this case was another book shelf neatly organized with Finn’s favorite CDs and vinyls, as well as two players and small speakers. On the other side of the room was a large desk with three monitors, a large mouse pad, keyboard, and KEWS figures displayed on shelves that held a few electronics and games. 
A blue gaming chair was positioned directly in front of all the monitors, a white cat paw pillow was positioned against the back of it.  Underneath the large desk was a blue miniature fridge which probably held a few drinks and snacks. Next to the desk was a wall with multiple shelves that was packed with stuffed animals. The smaller ones were on these shelves and the bigger ones were underneath them on the floor. In the middle of the room, a king sized mattress was set on a black bed frame. 
Dark blue pillows were stacked against the headboard and a matching blanket was neatly folded and set near the foot of the bed. Above the headboard was a black projector that hung from the ceiling. Black nightstands were on both sides of the bed and atop of them were simple lamps with small Hello Kitty and Friends figures at the bases of them. Underneath the bed was a large circular rug in the shape of a vinyl and pull out drawers that held a few small figures that didn’t make it on the display case. 
Nick’s jaw drops the second he steps inside Finn’s bedroom, his head slowly turning around to admire all the things inside. “Finn.” Nick states. 
“What’s up?” Finn replies, his gaze shifting down at the red-head who’s still looking around his room in awe. 
“Remember when I assumed that you have a badass room?” 
“I remember you saying that very vividly, yes.” 
“Well I have been proven correct. Your room is so fucking cool.” Finn giggles softly and mumbles a small thank you to the red-head who looks over at him with a smile. “I have two questions though.” 
“Ask away.”
“Are you a nerd?” Finn, flustered at Nick’s question, shoots the red-head a shocked expression. “I'm teasing you, no need to get all flustered.” Nick raises hand to ruffle Finn’s hair, a teasing smile clear on his lips. “I’m asking because you have a shit ton of action figures and comic books. More specifically of Spider-Man.” 
Finn’s face flushes when Nick cards his hand through his hair a single time before removing his hand. His mind sputters for a moment, completely flustered before he finally responds. 
“I just really fuck with Spider-Man. I fuck with a few other characters too but mainly him.” Finn replies simply, stumbling over his words slightly as he locks eyes with Nick. The second that sentence escapes Finn’s lips, the red-head shoots him a suspicious look, a single eyebrow raising as he bites back a laugh. 
“Nick… not like that.” The latter covers his mouth with his palm as he giggles. Finn rolls his eyes, a chuckle escaping his lips before Nick regains his composure and looks up at him. “What’s your other question?” 
“Oh! Do you have any of Melanie’s perfumes? You know, since you said you have all of her stuff.”
“Yeah! I have the Portals Parfum and the Cry Baby perfume. They’re both with the rest of my colognes in my bathroom.” As Finn points towards the door behind him, Nick looks up at him with a shocked expression. 
“You’re fucking with me.” Nick states, “You do not have the Cry Baby perfume.” Finn lets out a small sigh and guides Nick to his bathroom.  “Oh shit, your bathroom looks just like mine.” 
Nick hums softly in response. “Minus the blue and mini figs.” Finn nods his head and lets go of Nick’s wrist to open his mirror. He shifts through the bottles of colognes until his fingertips brush over a specific bottle. He grabs it and hands a baby bottle to Nick, who’s jaw drops as he delicately handles the said bottle as if it were the most valuable thing in the world. 
“Have you used it at all?” Nick asks as he reads the label on the bottle. 
“Maybe once or twice but that was when I first got it. I haven’t used it since.” Finn replies, watching with a smile as the red-head carefully spins the bottle around in his hands. 
“Dude I want this perfume so bad I can’t believe you bought it. Was it hard to buy or was it relatively easy?” 
“It was relatively easy. I mean I had to fight for it nonetheless but she’s home.” As Nick nods his head, he hands the perfume bottle back to Finn to allow him to put it back on his shelf. 
“So.” Finn starts, his body turning to look at the red-head. “You have a curfew or something?” 
Nick sends the taller a glare the second the question escapes his lips. “Really? A curfew? What do I look like to you? A fucking 12 year old with strict parents?” 
A small laugh slips out of Finn’s lips. “I’m kidding!” 
“Mh-mm.” Finn covers his mouth to try to suppress his giggles as Nick continues to side eye him. 
“Anyways, do you wanna bake some cookies or what?” 
Nick’s face immediately lights up as he turns his body to be face to face with the taller. “Yes please!” Finn chuckles and takes Nick’s wrist and begins to pull him out of the bathroom. 
“Come on then. Let’s get to baking so we can have a movie marathon.” 
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truthdawn · 1 month
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second biggest angst machine of my phighting ocs (the first is crowbar 👍👍)
Five more to go :D
crowbar, bloxy cola, witches brew, oni, frill, x, kk, pistol
Horns : cracks - from breaking off (crowbar was responsible for one of them)
Eye : prosthetic eye - it got. uh. cut out 👍 (she got a replacement)
Left shoulder : bruising - falling down a lot
Forearms : taser scars - from getting her taser stolen and fired at her
Torso : scarring - from a fight (will not specify who yet for lore reasons)
Knuckles : bruising - from fighting
Knees + shins : bruising - also from fighting
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so you want more gw:t requests I see. well then. let me give you one. akito x female reader. the plot being female reader is trying to cheer akito up.
A/n: YESSSS, also I’m only now one chapter 3 so I have no clue how this game ends so I’m just making my own shit up. Also I love Akito, he’s so fucking adorable.
Also KK is back with his wife { could be the reader / Oc / Self-Insert } from the previous story.
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It was hard, trying to go back to how things were but after what he went through, he couldn’t burden you with that crap. Not after he encountered your spirit, your loyal Shiba still by your side.
Biting his cheek he let his shoulders slump as he listened to you and his sister talk. Maybe he should call KK, then maybe he shouldn’t. He knew he couldn’t bother the man, not when he is finally with his wife and child. Gripping his hide he was trying to figure out what to do only to have his thoughts interrupted by your voice.
Glancing up he noticed your smiling face, he did his best to return your smile. “H-Hey Y/n…what’s up?”
“Let’s go grab something to eat! We can go to your favorite restaurant! My treat!” Grabbing his hand you don’t give a chance to protest as you tugged him towards the door.
“Ahh hey! Y/n…quit pulling so hard.”
Laughing you ignored Akito as you waved goodbye to Mari.
Once you were out of the apartment you grasped his arm leaning into him. “Today is gonna be about you okay?”
Sighing, Akito gave you a crooked smile as he wrapped his arm around your hips. “You don’t have to do this you know.”
Shrugging your shoulders you gave his arm a squeeze. “I know…but I want too.”
Sipping at his drink, Akito could all ready feel his worries slip alway. Having gotten a bite to eat at one of his favorite restaurants you both had decided to stop at a playground and he was rather grateful that nobody was around at the moment. Making his way over to where to were sitting on the swing he placed the drink down then grasped the chains. Leaning over you, he then gave you a soft smile. “Hey.”
Grinning you cranes your head back so you were looking up at him. “Hey! Where’s my kiss.”
Snorting, Akito shook his head as he lent down giving you a soft kiss. “Better?”
“Hm…for now I guess.”
Still gripping the chains he started to push you on the swing. “Hey Y/n.Thanks.”
Laughing softly you shook your head. “You don’t need to thank me Akito, I’d do anything to make you smile again.”
Closing his eyes, a small smile formed on his face enjoying the peaceful moment knowing what you were saying was the truth and of course he’d do anything for you.
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hcsiqs · 12 days
| pretty girl
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• pairing: kk arnold x fem!oc
• summary: kk is watching gracie do her skin care and begs her to do put a face mask on her because she claims gracie is the best a skincare
• warnings: none!
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Gracie stood in front of the mirror as she applied her cleanser to her face gently. Once her skin was well lathered she turned the sink water on and cupped her hands under the running water before bringing it to her face to rub it off. She then used a washcloth to dry her face, her hands then reached for a small white jar and an applicator. As she opened the lid up her girlfriend, KK, walked into the small bathroom talking to her phone. Gracie assumed she was on live as that is something she catches her doing a lot.
“Look who we have y’all!” her voice was full of energy as she turned the camera around to Gracie and her standing in front of the mirror. Gracie gave a small wave in the mirror knowing that all the viewers would be able to see it. “Watcha doing?” the girl asked, setting the phone up, so they both could be seen.
“Putting on a peel off mask,” Gracie answered, twisting the top off and using the applicator to take some and apply it evenly to her face. Gracie’s nose scrunched in the mirror as she was focused on making sure none of it went into her hair, even though she had it pulled back by a headband. KK just stood back watching her girlfriend's concentrated face, she was trying to hold back a smile of her own as she watched her.
y’all see how she's looking at gracie??
“Can you do mine?” KK asked once Gracie had finished, moving to stand behind the smaller girl.
“You’re a big girl, you can do it yourself!” Gracie laughed putting the jar in KK’s hands before she washed her hands of any excess face mask left over.
“But you’re good at doing it!” KK whined, setting the jar on the table. It only took one look from KK’s cute face for Gracie to give in and agree. “Ok girly pop’s I’ll see y’all later!” KK smiled into her phone before exiting off the live and setting her phone down on the bathroom counter.
“Sit up there,” Gracie tapped the granite cabinet behind KK, the girl did just as she was told, but her back laid against the mirror, “I am not reaching over your entire body to put a face mask on you, Arnold,” Gracie crossed her arms looking up at KK. “Come here” she giggled, placing her hands under KK’s knees and pulling her closer.
“I was comfy back there though,” KK smiled, pointing back at the mirror which only caused Gracie to roll her eyes in joking annoyance.
“Well, if you want me to do this…I need you to sit right here,” Gracie responded looking up at her girlfriend, who was completely towering over her.
“Yes ma’am,” KK saluted before earning a small shove from the girl standing in front of her.
Gracie just shook her head as she turned the faucet back on and ran the applicator through it trying to clean it off before she used it on KK’s face. Once it was all clean she turned the sink off and walked to where she was in between the girl’s legs. She stuck the applicator in the face mask once again, but now for KK. She used her free hand to cup the KK’s cheek as she pulled her face down, so that she could reach. Her other hand, holding the applicator, ran across the girl’s soft skin to apply it. As she did this she could feel KK’s gaze on her, which made her stomach do multiple flips. She took a deep breath trying to get rid of them, but they still stayed as she was close to her face. Gracie could feel the girl’s gaze follow all of the movements she made, and if she was being honest it made her nervous.
“Stop looking at me like that,” Gracie broke the comfortable silence between the two as she stepped back.
“Like what?” KK asked innocently, cocking her head to the side.
“You know what you were doing,” Gracie shook her head putting the top back on the jar and quickly washing off the applicator.
“Nuh uh, tell me” KK smiled, clearly knowing that she had been staring a little too hard at her girlfriend because she knew it made her nervous.
“Sure you don’t,” Gracie let out a small laugh as she put the items in the correct place and went to stand back between KK’s legs. As she looked up at the taller girl, she bit her lip trying to hold back her smile.
“Now you stop lookin at me like that!” KK jokingly pushed Gracie’s shoulder away before jumping down from the counter. Her hands then quickly found their way around Gracie’s waist as she pulled her closer to her. And at that moment Gracie couldn’t be more happy for the fact that the face mask covered the blush that was rushing to her cheeks. “You’re so pretty,” KK smiled, pushing some hair of Gracie’s behind her shoulder.
“So are you” Gracie giggled, her hand finding its way to KK’s arm, her fingers gently running up and down it causing clear goosebumps to appear on her skin. KK’s hand then gently moved to the crook of Gracie’s neck as she pulled her in for a sweet kiss. Even though they had kissed before that same feeling of butterflies in both their stomachs never seemed to go away. They both pulled away, but KK tried going in for another kiss and as she did her hand wrapped around Gracie’s waist pulling her in closer. Gracie could feel KK trying to deepen the kiss so she pulled back holding her finger up, “Nope! You’re not gonna mess up my face mask I worked so hard on”
“So, after the face mask is off…?” KK questioned, earning a shove from her girlfriend and her exiting the bathroom. “Wasn’t a no!” she yelled at her.
“Whatever!” Gracie yelled back attempting to hold back a laugh, but ultimately failing badly.
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allie’s corner.
ok i actually think this is super cute
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yelenasdog · 4 years
bonnie and clyde (billy/4 x fem reader)
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genre: angst
summary: there were five people at the funeral of billy jones. why did two, more specifically one, of them leave?
words: 1.3k
warnings: just vv sad my guy. literally no fluff i hate it here </3 mentions of death, billy’s funeral, and crying.
a/n: yo so idk if billy’s last name is jones but i saw someone on here refer to him as billy jones and i think it’s just bc of ben’s last name but anyway LMFAO. i for some reason couldn’t stop thinking abt this and so i wrote it (as one does fkefnkerjn). also y/n was not used so if u wanted to read this as an x another character or x an oc it would work as well. enjoy :)
There were five people at the funeral of Billy Jones.
This was common knowledge who would listen long enough to hear the vigilante talk about the experience he had only seen from afar, his own heart growing tender during, or at any mention of, the moment.
But Billy always failed to explain the situation with a full grip, to its entire truth. As to why, most anyone could figure out.
He was afraid.
Afraid of getting her hurt, afraid of thinking of her for just a moment too long, afraid of his impulse driving him to get his ass right back up and go say he still loved her.
Four was afraid of a plethora of horrible scenarios that could occur if he let the truth about his funeral slide to anyone except One (which was bad enough that he had to know by default as it was).
And the irony of it all, was how miniscule and ineffective something like who had left his funeral early and as to why, would be to anyone else on the team.
Sure they all had their secrets that would seep into the pool that was their little family, Three’s mother, One’s lover, Two and Three’s infatuation with each other (though, that one wasn’t really a secret).
Not to mention, Four despised painting her in a bad light, allowing others to think for a fraction of a second that she didn’t leave because her already frail heart couldn’t handle to see her beloved’s name etched onto a gray stone in a patchy field of a horrible green, couldn’t handle the idea that their Bonnie and Clyde reminiscent days (minus the killing of 13 people, that is) had come to an end.
There were two people at the funeral of Billy Jones who left early.
The first? An old friend from his hometown.
He was a wealthy businessman now, having abandoned the life of pretty crime and rush of his youth. He showed up to Four’s not-so-celebration of life in an ashen tux with an obsidian tie and shiny oxfords, and barely a minute into the service he had begun checking his shiny Rolex, probably counting down the seconds until he would be considered late to some important meeting for whatever corporate hoax he was a part of to be able to stay afloat. How ironic.
Tick Tock, Tick Tock
The sound was like nails on a chalkboard to her, while the action itself felt like somewhat of a betrayal, even though Billy and the businessman hadn’t talked in years. It was a kind enough gesture that he had even come to begin with.
But she didn’t care.
Because before the service had even started, salty droplets were rolling down her reddened cheeks, dampening her hoodie, his hoodie, that she had coiled so tightly around herself and her limbs, almost like a corset.
So when the businessman turned to go after what could maybe have been a measly few minutes, she could barely control her anger.
But she did, for Billy. She sucked it up and stayed put, keeping her eyes trained to his mother who was now speaking, her striking emerald eyes also obviously wet. But in reality, Billy had wanted his former lover to turn around and smack that prick square in the face.
But then 4 took some time and realized that if it were the other way around and she had been dead, he could conjure in his mind how distressed he would be to where he would prefer to focus on wallowing in his sadness for her and her only, not be consumed by anger for some random fellow.
Billy truly wanted to leave One where he stood, wanted to run to where her shaking was escalating from ever so slightly to violently as could be, wrapping her in his strong arms she already missed. The strong arms that she believed should have kept him safe when he was dangling from that damned building with that damned necklace in his mouth.
The image could have been some renaissance painting with how beautiful he looked, even then, on the brink of what the world would know as the death of Billy Jones.
In fact, most of Billy’s and the girl’s adventures could be different renaissance paintings. Alive and free, bursting with vibrant colors and emotions that weren’t able to be captured with words, so rather, they were thrown on a canvas in what was somehow a meticulously put together flurry.
On that rainy day, the weather so fitting to what she had been feeling, she wished for nothing more than to somehow place herself back into those non-existent paintings, to even for a fraction of a second bask in his never ending love like some sort of oasis.
She wanted to run her fingers through his golden curls one last time, kiss his forehead goodnight one last time, to tell him she loved him more than anything in this universe, one last time.
But she didn’t, and she wouldn’t ever get to.
And her one final chance to say what she wanted him to hear, she had missed out on, as that’s when she had left.
It was long after the uptight man in the fitted suit, long after his crying mother had gone from where she was speaking up front, back to the shadows of her baby’s grim event that she should never have had been alive to see.
She had managed to drag herself halfway up to where his casket was sitting just above the ground, trying to not look at the box a second too long.
Rather, she pretended there was a pair of rose colored glasses sitting on the bridge of her nose, helping her pretend that this was all some big misunderstanding, that Billy was just pulling one of his infamous pranks.
He would pop out from behind the tent covering the few who stood with their feet shifting on the damp soil, or perhaps from the headstone of his very own grave. She would gasp or shriek and then smack his arm, lecturing him as he grabbed his chest, doubling over in laughter, the sound like music to her ears.
God, what she would do to hear that sound one more time.
Nevertheless, in the end he would stand up, and wipe her tears from her sweet face, pressing gentle kisses on either of her cheeks to rid her of that pout he hated to admit he loved. She would crack a small smile and he would punch a celebratory fist in the air at the gesture, leaving her to only shake her head at his antics. He would sling an arm around her shoulders, nustling close to her as they would exit the graveyard, never coming back until the inevitable day they both had lived their happiest and fullest lives together.
He would say “You know you love me.” And without a doubt, every time, she would say “Yeah, I do.”
But not this time.
This time, she would let her eyes wander to a tall tree just over the hill, slimming her puffy eyes. She rubbed them and did a double take, and swore that for a moment she had seen what looked like his figure next to one of someone she had never seen before.
And that’s when she left.
She let out an ugly sob, running as fast as her feet could take her to wherever that wasn’t there, the sound of her shoes against the cold ground muted, but the sound of her uneven breathing was anything but.
As for all she knew, it was her mind playing a cruel, cruel, trick on her. Or even her mind trying to give her some sort of closure to move on.
Whatever it was, though, was simply too much for her to process, too much to handle. So she had left, given up on what she didn’t know was her only chance to give a proper goodbye.
“You think she saw you?”
“I hope so.”
we vibing w this?? i hope so hehe. WAIT PUN NOT INTENDED LMFAO I DID THAT PERIODT! anyway, have a wonderful day/night, and go drink water and eat protein, it’s all abt intention!! i love u! also if u have any questions abt this fic pls do lmk bc ik some of it was kinda weird! 
p.s., pls pls pls reblog this! this is my first ben related fic and ik when it’s ur first fic for a fandom they can flop so it would be very cool if y’all could help me out a lil bit :) either way ily, thank u! kk bye
xx hj
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Other than Bobby x Johnny, what are your other KK/CK ships?
Bonny (Bobby x Johnny) is definitely my favorite and my OTP lol but as for my others (in no particular order just writing them down as I think of them):
That's what I'm coming up with off the top of my head 🤣 just woke up from a 3hr nap after work so still a little groggy, there are probably others I'm forgetting. Obviously I also enjoy some canon/oc pairings too!
Thank you for the ask!
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laughing-with-god · 5 years
do you have any yandere bts recommendations?
Sure sis, tbh I LOVE yandere content and I have read countless stories so this is just the few stories that I can come up with off the top of my head rn 👇🏻
I ADORE this author and her yandere exo series plus her ask my muse honestly inspired me to do my own. I highly recommend everyone check out the Monster Yandere Exo series but since you asked for BTS, @mint-yooxgi has two so far👇🏻
Haunted- Yandere! Ghost! Jungkook x Reader
Falling for you- Yandere! Fallen Angel! x Reader
Okay so this is unorthodox but I’m gonna recommend a WHOLE blog bc their reactions and drabbles are just god teir yandere content. @bangtans-apollo but their stories are these two here, both ongoing👇🏻
Euphonious- Siren/ Yandere Jungkook x Reader
Mesonoxian- Yandere, Hybrid and Mafia Jimin x reader. (Some slight Jk and YG too)
A Knight Of Wonder by @shitpostingftw is BRILLIANT. Yandere Yoonji(gender bend) and queen au x reader. it’s steak sauce I swear to god, the only reason it’s not the first one I listed down is bc it took me a fat minute to find but yeah💗💗💗💗
Embroidery by @bibbykins is so well written and gorgeous and It’s a soft yandere Taehyung but it’s still there and it’s PHENOMENAL.
I honestly don’t knew a lot of stories with Namjoon, Jin or Hoseok so pls plug some in the comments if u know of any💗💗
kk so here is one other one I wanna drop in here bc it’s so good but so few ppl talk about it for some reason and it’s an Exo Sehun one but it’s by far one of the best yandere stories ever so pls give it a read even tho it’s not bts👇🏻
Limerence by @heebiejbies. Obsessive/Yandere Sehun x OC. It’s one of the best series I’ve ever read. The writer is so good bc you get to see Sehun’s descent into madness and in a weird way you understand him bc the character development is marvelous. HIGHEST RECOMMENDATION!💗💗
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Please give all of these amazing authors the love and attention they deserve. Honestly nothing warms a writers heart than seeing the readers complimenting us in our inbox so pls show them ur appreciation so they can create more beautiful pieces. Also check out my stories bc lmao self plug 🤪
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mrfog5 · 4 years
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writingkeepsmewhole · 6 years
Well I Guess I Win Then.
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This is part 13 to A Team. It’s super short I’ll be posting the next part right after this haha. Emily and Andy have a quite evening. It’s short and sweet.
Andy Biersack x OC Emily
Warnings: None I think?
Part 1 Part 12 
Let me know if you want to be tagged in anything :)
"I told you I would." Andy said running his fingers threw my still wet hair
"But I hit you! I yelled at you and you didn't say anything, you let me be mad at you."
"I didn't even know who you were till you hit me. Even then I really didn't know I had to thin-k about it to really g-et it."
"But I was really mad at you. I could not stand the thought that you just left me. I'm so sorry!" I said fighting back tears.
"Shhh that don't ma-tter now. All that matters now is you getting some rest. You look like shit." He said making me look up at him, his thumb stroking my cheek.
I could not stop the blush and soft smile that found its way onto my face.
"Th-at's better."
I didn't say anything, I didn't really know what to say. It was not that I felt weird or out of place being here, far from it. It was as I never stopped talking to Andy. He was still the same guy I knew, a more cut jaw and more tattoos but still the same. It was as if he never left. We fit together like a pair of shoes, even if you lose one, when you find it again they still match. His hands knew where to go to make me relax, and sleepy. I moved slightly down laying my head on his shoulder and upper arm. Out of old habit he laid slightly on his side, my right leg laying between his. Shivers ran up my spine and my heart speed up as I felt his finger tips softly brush the skin exposed of my lower back.
"Are you cold?" He asked pulling me from my day dream.
I realized that I was a little cold. It could be really hot outside and I can't go to sleep without a blanket.
"A little." I said wrapping my arms around myself.
Andy reached down and pulled up a soft, warm blanket. He laid it over both of us and wrapped his arm around my waist again.
"Why does it seem that you take care of me more then I take care of you?"
"Be-cause, I'm the good one."
"Shut up." I said smiling, and pushing his arm softly.
He smiled at me softly, a small smirk hidden in it. He opened his mouth a long yawn coming out of it, making me giggle.
"Nothing just your eyebrow lifts into a point when you yawn." I said lightly touching his left eyebrow. "I forgot it did that..."
"Hmm and I forgo-t that you your ticklish on your bac-kk." Andy said running his finger tips slowly across my lower back, making me bite my lip and aruch my back, a soft giggle leaving my lips.
"Be good Biersack." I said smiling as I grabbed his hand so he could not tickle me.
"Or wh-at?" He said lifting one eyebrow
I bit my lip since I could not think of anything, making me realize how close we were. Being in a bunk only built for one person would make us have to be close, but we were closer then that. I could feel Andy's breath on my top lip, his chest was pressed into mine, making me realize how fast my heart was beating. I blushed knowing Andy could most likely feel it, if not hear it.
"Cat got your tongue?"
"Sadly yes." I said giggling softly
"Well I guess I win then."
"Only this time."
"Fine..." he said sighing softly but smiled after he did
"You should get some rest, I say you're throat feels really good right now."
"I'm o-kay."
"You're not okay, you're voice keeps cracking. Your going to make it worse if you don't stop talk talking."
"Bu-tt I'm no-t tired."
"Well then let's go watch a movie or something. I will fall asleep if  I just lay here." I said giggling softly.
"O-kay." Andy said untangling himself from me then getting out of the bunk with me following after.
I followed him into the living room and sat down beside him on the couch. Andy picked up the remote and turned on the TV, putting it on netflix.
"W-hat do you want to wa-tch?"
"Sweeney Todd?"
Andy nodded and quickly put on Sweeney Todd and laid the blanket he brought with him on the both of us.
I pulled my legs on the couch and under me and got comfy not knowing how sleepy I was.
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butcanijustnot · 6 years
Taste Of The Light - A Young Justice FanFic  Prologue
Author: Crystalline / @butcanIjustnot
Fandom: Young Justice x OCs 
Part number: Prologue of a seventeen-part story... Yeah, I know.
Tagging: @idontgiveaflyinggrayson69 - I’m not sure how good this is but I mean it’s something so here you go.
Summary: This chapter explains the universe around the new OC characters. It’s basically just backstory. Pretty boring but the next chapter makes up for it, I promise. Also, this fic takes place between season 1 and season 2 of the show, as shown by the timestamps in the chapters. 
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: Light swearing towards the end, but apart from that nothing really. 
The Watchtower.
7.15pm. 1st October 2011.
“I hope this is important, Red Tornado,” Batman said in his signature stony voice as he entered the watchtower’s control room, greeting his colleague with about as much warmth as he could muster this late at night. “I was in the middle of a very important dinner.” He added, strategically leaving out the fact that the ‘important dinner’ was with Alfred, Barbara, and Dick. Unimportant.
“I apologize, Batman.” Red tornado answered in his robotic voice, his gaze never leaving the large screens which were filled with various pages and files. “but I do believe that this is important, though I need you to confirm my suspicion. Come and take a look at this.” He said, beckoning Batman forwards towards the computers.
“You will recall, a few months ago, we apprehended a man attempting to hack the Justice League servers and steal top secret information, such as secret identities and weapon plans, to sell to third parties. He goes by the name TechTalk online, but his civilian identity is Shane Carter” Red Tornado explained, pulling up a mugshot of a blond man. He had huge black circles under her eyes, and a listless frown as he held up the name-plate. “He was a robotics and engineering prodigy. He first got media attention when he built a fully functioning android at age nine for a primary school science fair. By the time he was fourteen, he had graduated high school and had a full scholarship to Gotham International University, but he got bored with the schoolwork. Problems arose when he began to use his abilities only for hacking government systems and creating weaponized robots.” Numerous newspaper articles flashed on the screen of Shane Carter receiving awards and scholarships. The articles quickly turned bitter, however, as Shane’s creations got more and more dangerous.
A picture flew up next to Shane’s mugshot, of a pair of grey-white animatronics. They were human in shape but every part of their anatomy screamed ‘evil robot’, from the sleek and plastic-like white exterior to the silver guns replacing their right hands. Each robot had large bundles of silver and red wires showing through the cracks where two plastic limbs attached to one another. They had no facial expressions, no noses or ears or hair of any description, only huge red eyes that glowed in their sockets and metal jaws with serrated teeth. They were truly horrible, nightmarish creatures.
Batman looked at his robotic friend, suddenly extremely glad that he was a much friendlier looking animatronic, confused. “I know about TechTalk, Red Tornado, and he hasn’t done anything of interest in months. Why are you bringing this up now?” He asked, staring into the listless eyes of Shane’s mugshot.
“Due to being a non-violent offender, Shane was released with little more than a slap on the wrist and mild community service, but not before the league bugged all his electronic equipment with software to monitor what he is doing. You told me when we began doing this to notify you if anything that could be potentially dangerous showed up on any of his messages or programs.” He responded in his robotic voice. Batman nodded slowly as the screens cleared of other materials and Red Tornado opened a batch file labeled ‘records of TechTalk messages.’
“I think I found something that fits that description,” Tornado added as the file opened, showing screenshots of his messages. “These messages are from 11 o’clock yesterday. They transpire between TechTalk and a mysterious W.”
New plan. You want in? ~W
Depends on the plan. Your last idea was… less than fantastic… ~TechTalk
What are you talking about, TT? It was a great plan. ~W
I’m sorry, but covering the Gotham City Bank in cotton candy is not a villainous scheme. It’s a 6-year-old’s wish upon a unicorn, or whatever. ~TechTalk
Excuse U, that plan was amazing and totally would have worked if I could have gotten my hands on 200 metric tonnes of sugar. ~W
Whatever, no, this plan is better. ~W
Fine, explain your idea. ~TechTalk
I’m going to create an anti-justice league, compiled of the children of famous villains. It’ll be like the Young Justice league, but evil. It’ll be amazing, trust me. I’ve already got my eyes on a couple of Arkham babies. If I can get those three to fall under my command, everyone and everything else will fall into place. ~W
That’s actually… not a terrible plan. Good job. ~TechTalk
Try not to sound so surprised next time…. ~W
I’m going to need some backup to get this plan rolling. I’ll send you the details later. ~W
KK ~TechTalk
The messages were cryptic, with huge gaps that left unanswered questions, but one thing was abundantly clear. Someone was plotting to create a supervillain army, and the Justice League couldn’t let that happen.
“Who’s W?” Batman asked, furrowing his brow as the messages on the screen looped and replayed again. “I’ve never heard of him before.”
“Nobody has. Nobody going by the name ‘W’ is on the Justice League database, nor any of the others we are linked too.” Red tornado hummed. “These messages were only found a day or so ago, and though I have tried multiple times to trace the ID of the sender, they reroute the signal and shoot it somewhere digitally randomized and reset constantly.” He finished, looking over at the vacant and slightly confused expression of his colleague. He let out a robotic sigh. “They send me on a wild goose chase.” He explained. “As such, we have no idea who they are or where they are. We really only know there plan, and some would argue that that is not enough.” Red Tornado said, side-eying his colleague unsubtly. 
“If the Arkham inmates do have children…” Batman thought aloud, his words trailing off but the thought behind them sticking clear in his head. If the Arkham inmates have children, those kids would probably be around Dick’s age… and they would probably have an axe to grind against him and all heroes…
“We’ll keep investigating this,” Batman stated after a brief period of thoughtful silence. “It has the potential to be a big problem…” He said, already forming a plan in his head. 
“Or it could be nothing at all. We don’t even know if these children are real, there’s no record of any of them anywhere. I know, I’ve checked. Is this really the best use of Justice league time, protecting against a threat that quite possibly does not exist?” Red Tornado asked Batman, simply trying to raise another point. Batman was quiet for a moment, silently weighing all his options.
“So we will work out if these children are real, and then go from there. Come on, let’s not waste time.” Batman said, nodding as he spoke. He turned away from the screen and beckoned his robotic friend to follow him as he exited. “See if you can contact Diana and the rest of the league. I think that her Lasso is going to come in handy.“
“Where are we going?“ Tornado asked, following Batman to the Zeta-Tube.
Batman smirked, punching a code into the Zeta-Tubes. “The official meeting-place of the Batman fan-club,“ He said, entering the area code for Arkham Asylum.
Selina glared at the Batman, twisting her fingers in the handcuffs to unsheathe and recoil her claws. Her torso shifted uncomfortably under the weight of Wonder Woman’s lasso. 
Batman huffed and finally broke the silence. “Selina, I need to know if you have any children.” He asked her.
“Why do you care all of a sudden?” Selina said, cocking an eyebrow at him, confused. 
Batman closed his eyes and shook his head. He should have known that trying to talk to Selina was a bad idea, he should have let Dinah do it like she offered, but he was here now and he was going to get the information he needed out of her. “We have reason to believe that if any of the villains in Arkham have children, they could be at risk. We don’t know the details yet, but we do know that somebody is planning to take advantage of them. If that's true, we need to get to these children before anyone else has the chance too.” He said, attempting to explain as best he could.
Selina looked at him for a second, as if she was trying to discern if he was telling the truth. Finally, she spoke, “Yes, I do.” She stated, avoiding his eyes and looking down at her clawed hands. The lasso glowed bright gold and then dulled again, signaling that she was telling the truth. “A daughter. Looked like me. Ears, tail, claws, the whole ordeal. Don’t bother asking me where she is now, I don’t know.” Selina explained quickly.
After a moment of awkward silence, Batman asked her a simple question. “Is it…”
“No.” She quickly cut him off before he could finish.  
Red Tornado looked across the table with hollow, lifeless eyes. “Do you have children?” He asked in his deadpanned voice.
“The fuck are you on?” Scarecrow growled, clearly confused. “I want some.”
“Harley, I need to know if you have children,” Dinah asked the loopy-eyed girl sitting across the table. She looked at Harley with what could only be described as a soft glare. Dinah couldn’t deny that has a soft spot for this crazy girl. She saw goodness in Harley, even if nobody else could.
“Watcha asking for?” Harley asked, cocking her head to one side. “You looking for a new mommy buddy to help with Connor?” She gasped suddenly, jumping in her seat. “Can I see pictures?!?” She squealed.
“HARLEY!“ Dinah screeched, pushing her back into her seat. “Harley, please, listen to me. People, children, could be in danger, and we need to help make sure that they are safe. The only way that we can do that right now is for you to answer that question, and answer it truthfully.” 
The room was stone silent for far longer than Dinah was comfortable with before finally Harley spoke up. 
“Yeah. I got kids.“ She said, her voice surprisingly listless as she stared down at the table. The lasso glowed bright and then dulled, showcasing her truth. 
“Kids?“ Dinah asked her, reaching across the table to take one of Harley’s hands in her own. Harley looked up at her and gave a soft smile and small nod. 
“Yeah, Kids. I had twins years ago, two beautiful boys. Adrian and William, They were the lights of my life.“
“Are they Joker’s?“ Dinah asked. 
Slowly, Harley nodded again. “Yeah. Don’t tell him, though, he doesn’t know yet. I’ve never known how to tell him, so I just... didn’t. I didn’t know how he would react.“ Harley said, shrugging her shoulders. 
Dinah paused for a second, letting Harley catch her breath before continuing.  “Do you know where they are?“ 
She shook her head “I left them with my sister, maybe twelve or so years ago, but I haven’t heard from her in a while, oh god, at least a year, so I don’t know if they are still there.“
“We’ll try to find them, Harley. We’ll make sure they’re okay.“ Dinah said soothingly, smiling softly in an attempt to comfort her friend. It was quiet for a minute, before Dinah smirked playfully at Harley, cocking her head to one side. 
“Do you really want to see pictures?“ She asked. 
Of course, Harley perked right up almost immediately. “God yes!!!“ She squealed, clapping her hands together as Dinah pulled her phone out of her back pocket.
“Do you have any children?“ Diana asked the man across from her with her classic stony tone.
“What the hell do you think, princess?“ Mr. Frost snarled at her, sure to accentuate her phony title. 
Had he not been wearing a fishbowl on his head, Diana would have slapped him. Hard.
“Poison Ivy,“ Hal said, really wishing that he had stayed in bed instead of answering the justice league communicator. 
“Green Lantern. The worst green thing on earth.” Poison Ivy said, sneering at the man.
Usually, Hal would find that funny, but his sleep-deprived ass wasn’t interested in making small talk today. “I’m not saying you sleep around, but If you tell me you have kids I won’t be surprised.“
Hal waited for a second before gesturing for her to continue. “So do you?“
“Yes.“ She said simply as if she had nothing to hide and nothing to prove. The golden lasso confirmed her words as true.  There was an awkward pause between the two of them before Hal spoke. 
“I feel like that was too easy...“ He mumbled, before shaking his head and standing up. “But whatever, I don’t question the magic rope. I’m going to bed. Goodbye, Plantgirl.” He said, leaving the room with a rather insulted Ivy in his wake. 
“They’re real...“ Batman said, pacing the length of the waiting room of Arkham Asylum as he thought. Diana sat in a seat to one side, twisting her lasso in one hand, listening to his rambling and nodding along. “These people have children. Real children.“ He added. 
“What are we going to do about this?“ Diana asked him. “We all have jobs, lives and Justice league problems of our own. We can’t afford to follow this rabbit hole for weeks or months, especially if we have no solid leads other than “They exist.”“ She pointed out.
Batman rubbed his hand over his masked face, sighing deeply. “You’re right.” He said, more to himself than to her. “But what else are we going to do? We can’t just wait around for this to become a huge problem.”
Diana stood up and placed a hand on his shoulder. “I have another idea if you’re interested.” She said. “Have you thought about giving it to the Young Justice team, at least for now? They could work on it and try to break the case from another perspective. A teenager perspective. Those kids are much smarter than you’re willing to admit, they might be able to help.“ She said simply. 
Batman thought for a second, before shaking his head. “That’s... A good idea.” He said. “I’ll talk to Robin about it tomorrow and discuss with the extended team as soon as possible.”
“We’ll get to the bottom of this, Bruce,” Diana said, staring across the room at the wall with an aura of distance. “After all, how much trouble can four kids cause?“ She asked. 
I’m sorry about this guys, but I had to remove the links because tumblr is throwing a little bit of a tantrum in regards to links and NSFW content at the moment. As a result, me and many other creators are walking on eggshells until tumblr takes a fucking chill pill. As such there aren’t any links on this fic, but if you liked this and you want to see the rest of it, DM me and I’ll send you all the links to all the chapters I’ve written. Thanks guys and sorry again!
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sunnydaleherald · 4 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Thursday, May 28
WILLOW: Thanks. So how are Mr. and Mrs. High-Strung? DAWN: I'm betting they explode. WILLOW: You know, when I was little, I used to spend hours imagining what my wedding to Xander would be like. And now I look at them... (shot of Anya and Xander at the bar) I just think... (mocking laugh) "Nee-hee-hee!" DAWN: (giggles) You're awfully chipper tonight. WILLOW: (smiling) Can't hide it. DAWN: Hmm. Big wedding coming up ... lots of date possibilities ... you and Tara are speaking again. You wanna call her? Invite her over? WILLOW: Oh, no. Too soon for so bold a maneuver. (smiles) But if I did call? She wouldn't hang up on me.
~~As You Were~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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My Little Runaway (Spike/Buffy, G) by spikesgirl58
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Ankle (Spike x Reader, not rated - worksafe) by Charlotte (blog-of-a-multitude-of-fandoms)
[wishverse!fuffy in this house tonight i’m having a time] (Faith/Buffy, not rated) by daisys-quake
[Chaptered Fiction]
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In the Beginning Chapter 3 (Angel, Scoobies, M) by The_Writers_Call
As the World Falls Down Chapter 35 (crossover with Highlander, Buffy/Methos, Dawn/Richie, Xander/OC, M) by lovetvfan
League of Shadows Chapter 18 (crossover with Batman movies and Arrow, E) by Peanutbuttertoast
Earth Through The Looking Glass. Chapter 10 (crossover with Stargate SG-1, T) by steeleye
Tutor Chapter 3 (Spike/Buffy, E) by HollyDB
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Xander Harris & The Guide Chapter 4 (crossover with Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Scoobies, FR18) by TubbsMcGee
Dungeon Designs and House Keeping Chapter 21 (Tara, Xander, FR18) by MistofRainbows
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: Buffy Summers icons (worksafe) by coldbloodedjellydonut
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Vid: Reasons To Be Beautiful (Lilah Morgan) by 1SnoWhiteQueen1
Vid: comeback kid (Buffy) by To Shanshu in Fiction
Vid: Numb (Spike) by KK Music
Vid: affection. (Faith/Buffy) by Daisy Duke
Vid: The Chosen Two (Faith/Buffy) by iwannadogirlystuff
Vid: Comes And Goes (Buffy/Angel) by Laura Winchester
Vid: I'll be there for you (Spike/Buffy) by Iona B
Vid: what have you done (Spike/Buffy) by Spike Buffy
Artwork process video: Faith (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) - Speed Painting (worksafe) by Mathilde .Guyomard
Music: Alton's TV Themes, Day 22: "Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel" by Alton Smith
Fandub: BtVS 3x17 Voiceover | Faith "I'm the world's best actor" by A Pixie's Whisper
Fandub: Buffy the Vampire Slayer 3x03 “Faith, Hope and Trick” | FULL VOICEOVER by A Pixie's Whisper and others. The voiceover is linked in the description of the video.
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Podcast: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1992) by Run it Back
Podcast: Welcome to the Hellmouth; The Harvest by Flunking the Written
The Witch Buffy Season 1 Episode 3 by Kaythia Star, The Ambassador, Lorien the Fayer
[Buffy, the Subtext Gayer] Buffy 1x03 Witch (Spoiler Version) and spoiler-free version by AnthroPOP!
S2E07: Lie to Me - Bored Now's Cult Television Reviews by Bored Now
Buffy the vampire review ♡ (impressions on s2 around "Surprise") by nadine lavelle
A Moment of Great Acting in Buffy The Vampire Slayer by Joss Whedon - actress Sarah-Michelle Gellar (s04e16 Who Are You) by Ruggero Dalla Santa
The Wasted Potential of Season Six of Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Erica Harmon
From The Vault Review: Buffy The Vampire Slayer (Xbox) by Broken Controller Club
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Okay so I’ve just watched You’re Welcome and I don’t think I’m ever going to stop crying by tierachaun
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PODCAST: Buffy Back Issue Bin Ep. 85 Retrospective Part II
PODCAST: Fire Bad, Tree Pretty FBTP 51: Punch Karma
PUBLICATION: Beer Good: Demon Brew and the Cave Slayer by Len Geller in Slayage
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Buffy and Ted ficlet "Self Defense" by badly_knitted recced by petzipellepingo
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Rec request: [Alright, Fuffy fandom, could you all recommend some of the classics and newer stories that I wouldn’t know about?] by you-cant-kill-a-ghost
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Which "Buffy" video game do you prefer? by jdpm1991 and others
[Community Announcements]
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Seasonal Spuffy Round 28 - Spring 2020 - Index Post at seasonal_spuffy
Multifandom: looking for reccers for upcoming months & open reccing at fanart_recs
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Sunnydale Minecraft Realm back by popular demand by stuffybummers
[Fandom Discussions]
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Fandom meme (Cordelia, Fred, Faith) by itsnotmymind
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[WHAT DO YOU MEAN SEASON 4 WAS BAD?!] by thewalkingbuffydictionaries
[the when she was bad dream sequence] by impalementation
speaking of all those jokes about smoking in the high school seasons... by impalementation
The scene in Bad Girls where Buffy and Faith are dancing by baddingtonbitch, confusedguytoo, and others
I am Dawn’s age in the last few seasons and if I was in her position... by misstaramaclay, callmesigyn
The way Anya is written annoys me. by rakastiikeri
[people think Dawn is Whiney or Pathetic for attempting to kill herself for a guy while under that love spell in season 7, when really...] by slay-gal
Re: buffy summers vs. elena gilbert by firelxdykatara
Re: kara OR buffy by mystoffelees
[Umbrella Academy crossover headcanon] by goddamn-i-really-died-for-this
[Re: Pls do not write an essay about the Buffy/angel breathing thing] by dredfulhapiness, thisallegra, thereallieutenantcommanderdata, and others
Now with the canon that there are multiple ‘verses... (BOOM! comics) by ifeveristoday
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How did Tara get a dorm room at UC Sunnydale so fast after moving out of Buffy house in Tabula Rasa? by Benz and others
Favourite and least favourite version of Spike by burrunjor and others
Re: Which Harmony do you Prefer? by burrunjor
The Zombies In 'The Zeppo'. (cont'd) by burrunjor, Ethan Reigns
Debate: what actually happened with Spuffy relationship (cont'd) by SpikeRock
Willow and Xander [Anyone else like this potential pairing?] by AstridDante
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Clem's incredible charm got him a wedding invitation from Xander! by RDR2HSM2 and others
Rewatching S5 the monks screwed up by making Dawn by Rivsmama and others
Glory an Old One by drakorulez101
Unpopular Opinions by purplemackem
Anyone else feel bad for Dr. Gregory that he died a virgin? by Garlicknottodaysatan and others
Was Gwen supposed to have a bigger role? by woxvirus and others
"Yeah, Sunnydale is a small town, there's nothing cool there except the Bronze!" by tangautier and others
Do you guys think Wesley would turn out the way he does in S04 if Angel had not tried to kill him? by shonenhikada, jayman419
Who would have made a great friendship? If they'd had the chance? [AtS] by Crumpetpockets and others
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Viewers’ Interpretations of the Buffy and Spike Relationship in Season 6 by Selina E. M. Kerr in Slayage
“It’s good to be me”: Buffy’s Resistance to Renaming by Janet Brennan Croft in Slayage
Undressing the Vampire: An Investigation of the Fashion of Sunnydale’s Vampires by Robbie Dale in Slayage
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mrfog5 · 4 years
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