#but now i can draw watever i want!!!
xia0ming56 · 4 months
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Honey, i shrunk the doctors again
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aeliem · 1 year
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@zucchiyeni's dtiys
design credits: dust by @safwunsies nightmare by @justanidiotartist horror by @westaysilly killer by @zucchiyeni
timelapse & ramblings under the cut
i tried to put this in the tags but it was way too long so here are my.... ramblings? design notes? process? watever it is it's here now
killer is the one i changed the least, even the pose is pretty much the same i kept the asymetrical design from the dtiys (w/ one sleeve rolled up & only one shoulder w/ spikes) for the shoes i kinda went watever & put the spikes in the middle (i bet you it caused some of the holes in his jeans) i like to think he chose blue soles bc he did a collab w/ nightmare so that he's not the only one w/ cool colors his main color is still red, but i made the leather, t-shirt, metal & jeans blue-ish as a complementary color
for nightmare, i don't even know if his design is canon, but when i saw that the murder time trio did collabs w/ him i knew i had to draw it i didn't touch the base design itself but i switched the colors around a lot bc i really didn't know how to make it work w/ the rest of the characters i kept the base palette (blue/cyan, purple & pink) but had purple as a main & cyan as an accent color (pink itself is only there in the glitter) also yeah i put the glitter on his coat instead of his tentacles cuz i wanted to show his bones & tentacles are made/covered in the same goopy stuff, and the glitter kinda went in the way of that i like that his colors are really different from the other & you can tell he goes solo while they're in a band, but i think it's not too distracting
horror is my favorite, like he's just enjoying himself in the back its kinda sad i had to hide him behing both his drums & killer, i might post a version w/out it to show it off the drums were a pain in the ass ngl, i've never played them so i had to look at a lot of references in the end i just drew a basic drum set w/ the colors on the ref (red & gold), i added silver for the metal bits bc it's everywhere in the other's designs his design itself is unchanged, i just thought having him in red only felt boring so i added orange to his fur & shirt
i realized too late i couldn't show dust's head w/ the pose i drew T-T also drew his entire outfit then had to hide half of it because of his guitare this is why planning is important people his guitare rocks tho (pun intended) i tried to make him red & purple to match his eyes, but currently it's more of an orange salmon color w/ a dark grey pink eeeh the intent is there i guess i made his gloves fingerless cuz you can't tell me this dude plays guitare w/ full on gloves like i know they're skeletons but that's physically impossible i also added a strap to his guitare cuz unless he's using blue magic, he probably can't keep it up w/ only his right hand
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unbeknownsttomen · 4 months
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i have been playing the cute RPG maker game CHANGED which is, at least on paper, extremely my niche of thing that i love. its ofc course a furry fetish game, which generally it would be watever. but on top of that is *furry forced TF by way of goo absorption* which presses basically all of my buttons. on top of that there are of course elements of vore, mind control, forced impregnation, oviposition, belly stuffing and possibly even hand holding. so yeah, i was 100% in. i was ready to play this and have both my mind and my pants blown. i even paid 3 dollars to actually have it on steam!
but there were a couple of problems with it. i played mainly the original game instead of the remastered version, so the art was very rough, the game elements were extremely clunky, there were a lot of very amateur game designer mistakes and quality of life problems with it and on top of all that, the fundamental conceit of the game was a bit dissapointing.
when i saw a youtube short talking about the game i got the impression that the TF sequences were like power ups or different phases or tools that your character would be "forced" to use in order to progress through the game. instead it turns out that the objective is to *avoid* being transformed, which sucks a lot of the fun from the idea. now you can only enjoy the tantalizing moments for a few seconds after getting a kill screen and you cant really properly enjoy it because you are frustrated that you lost.
the point of the game is to die a lot and get to enjoy the tf sequences over and over, which is a known game model in the past. games where the diying animation is kind of the point of the game.
but honestly, the game gets so hard at times, its challenges so mindnumbingly frustrating, that it almost feels like covert conversion therapy. it creates this incredibly strong association in your head between seeing furry porn and being incredibly annoyed and frustrated. which again, was made all the worse by the fact that i didnt catch on this being the early clunkier version and that there was a cooler, better made, more slick remake.
by the point i realized i was too far along to want to replay the whole game again, this time with a few tiny improvements.
all the same, the concept is still solid and it did give me an excuse to draw these sketches so im glad for that.
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better-in-pencil · 8 months
no cos like,, how the fuck do you actually have friends as an adult,,, cos when you were a kid it was like “do you want to be my friend?” - “yes” - “ok you’re my friend now, do you want to play at my house after school?” !!! wat is the adult equivalent of this ???? cos I need to know how to tell if someone thinks we’re friends or if they’re just being nice to me…. also how do you like,, hangout or ‘catch up’ and why is catching up always always a kinda boring thing, I don’t want to get coffee and sit around awkwardly I want to draw, or build lego, or kick a ball around, or bake shitty recipes we found on the internet….and how do you decide on a location??? do we pick somewhere in the middle? is it rude if I suggest a place closer to me? Is it weird if I ask if you want to hangout at my place, or ask if we can go to yours ??? Also I have a stupid little anxiety brain, how do I convince people I actually do want to be friends with them and hang out if I had to miss a social occasion previously due to my aforementioned stupid brain ?? Sometimes I wish I had like, one of those intimacy bars or watever, that you have in video games, to tell me what the heck was going on in social situations. Then I would definitely know when someone considers me a friend cos I’d unlock a friendship achievement or some shit pfft
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dsm7 · 3 years
i can draw now.ican literally draw watever i want now without feeling guilty about it imagine that
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jackedspicer · 4 years
do you have any advice or tips for drawing? I’m ok at it but I feel sort of stuck and I really wanna improve.
this is probably bad advice because confronting me is like confronting a black market drug dealer as opposed to a pharmacist but whats on my mind mind right now is that the key to improvement lies in assessing what your motivations are. wanting to draw for reasons that stem from negative core beliefs or anxieties such as feeling a need to prove yourself, wanting popularity, needing to make yourself useful, and so on always lead to feelings of inadequacy and frustration. drawing for yourself because it’s something you love to do will bring you the most fulfillment. 
second of all, dont listen to a Study Up On The Elements And Principles First ass bitch. educating yourself on topics that interest you is one thing if you derive enjoyment from learning, but no matter what anybody tells you, there is no right or wrong way to make art. period. there is no intellectual prerequisite for engaging in one of the most fundamentally human acts out there, and nobody can take that from you. zero in on what excites you the most and pursue it to your heart’s content. if you show other people, they’ll have thoughts on it, and the positive thoughts will surely boost you, but be wary of relying on their input, because lapsing into a preoccupation with how they perceive you will stifle your creativity. instead, make it so that when you draw, it’s between you, the page, and any gods you may believe in. do watever u want lol
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spookym00kie · 5 years
Request me some art or watever you want me to do.. Im really bored in here and I don't know what am i doing all night... ;-;
-Mecha, Gore, Undertale, NSFW, Anime, Cartoons, Overwatch, League of Legends, Villainous, Steven Universe, Hazbin Hotel and etc.
-Human version (Undertale), Furry, detailed (Background), IRL Human
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flannelpunkcalum · 5 years
The Devil Wears Kevlar - Part 6
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 7
I’ve been excited to post this chapter for WEEKS you guys are hopefully gonna love it. also not to spoil it or anything but CONTENT WARNING: this chapter contains violence ok that is all. pls enjoy and let me know what you thought! 4k words
“Dick Grayson, you’re a brilliant actor.”
It had been all too easy to get into the kitchens. Aspen had pretended Dick was nervous something bad was waiting for him around the corner after his scare, and chefs are usually pretty kind-hearted, they melted. For their troubles, Aspen and Dick got a plate full of the edge pieces of brownies and cheesecake bites - not fit to serve to guests, but more than good enough for them.
They eat them in a stairwell in a hall just off the ballroom, where they’re close enough to the action and can keep from being late.
“That was the performance of a lifetime.” She continues, reaching for another brownie. Dick smiles quietly at her around a mouthful of dessert. He’s a bit of an oddball, if she’s honest, but then again so was she at that age. He’s good company, she’ll say that much. “You get dragged to a lot of these fundraisers?”
Dick nods. “D’you ever mind?” Aspen asks again. She knows she would have. She’d been a sullen fucking kid.
“No, it’s what’s right, for me to do this. It’s important work. There’s no point in catching - like, having the police catch criminals without making sure there are ways for people to survive without having to become criminals in the first place.”
Aspen’s surprise must show, because Dick glances away, like he’s embarrassed. “At least, that’s what Calum says.”
“Nah, man, that’s such an intelligent way to look at it. You’re very- see, I was going to say mature, but that makes it sound like all adults think like that, and we both know that’s not true. Dick Grayson, I’m honoured to be your partner in crime.”
Aspen had been joking, but he almost falls down the stairs laughing at that. She didn’t know it was that funny, but she’ll take it.
It’s not nearly long enough before she gets a text from Calum Hood telling her to bring Dick and come to the ballroom, the guests are showing up. He does not remember putting in his number under anything other than “Work”, so she’s confused immediately. “I didn’t know your dad had this number,” she frowns, and when Dick avoids her eyes she assumes it’s because of how she addressed Calum. “I mean your guardian, I guess. Your parental unit. Hey, look at me, need you to check me for crumbs.”
They make sure they have no chocolate in the corners of their mouths before they head back into the fray. The room looks a little less intimidating with a lower concentration of cops in, and what she can only imagine is Gotham’s hottest string quartet is playing something that sounds like Rachmaninoff. It’s not so bad.
As soon as she sees Dick head across the ballroom to Calum, she slides back to her table with the stoic police officer she met before. Officer Montoya, she remembers. “I miss anything good?” She asks cheerfully, and as Montoya shakes her head Aspen slides a bit of brownie wrapped in a napkin over to her.
They get along a lot better after that.
Donations start to trickle in. Well, not exactly trickle, since the men and women visiting her little table are giving money to the orders of thousands. Aspen had been prepared for that, she thought, but watching people put down a year’s rent in one go in making her lightheaded. Still, she nods and smiles, and no one looks too long at her, which is exactly what she wanted.
Still, it’s almost five thirty, and she’s getting antsy like this. The champagne being passed around looks more and more inviting each time a waiter passes by their table. Calum looks distracted, so she snags a flute off a tray while he’s talking to some other couple dripping with money, and after she takes a sip she places it on the floor by the leg of her chair. Just so none of the guests think they’re giving their money to some lush. Watever. Mr. Hood is drinking, so she’s probably allowed to have just a little, right?
Plus, Aspen never feels more extravagant than when she’s day drinking. She deserves to have a little fun at this thing, just a bit.
Things have been relatively quiet so far, but as Calum steps up to a podium to give his talk she sits up a little straighter. People are undoubtedly going to be inspired by whatever he has to say, so she’s got to be prepared. She takes a more substantial sip of bubbly as he starts to speak, since she’s sure she’ll have her hands full in just a second.
(Sidenote: Aspen loves champagne.)
It turns out that Calum is an eloquent guy, when he wants to be. Aspen’s about two minutes away from digging a five out of her own purse as he waxes poetic about the kids who have to go to school hungry, work to keep a roof over their family’s heads, or beg in alleys. She’s encouraged to see how many diamond earrings are bobbing along to this, how many people look pleased with how generous he’s says they could be. Everyone wants to be good, she thinks, somewhere deep down, even if it’s just to them and theirs. And these people, they’re powerful, they think Gotham is theirs.
Sometimes, when he snaps at her, Aspen forgets how smart Calum Hood is. Right now, as he’s gently wrapping Gotham’s one percent around his finger, she can’t forget it.
She really wants more champagne, as if that would help anything, but she resists as he starts to close his speech. “Gotham’s present may seem… brutal,” He says, with just the right amount of sorrow in his voice, “but together you and I can assure its bright future. When you have a moment, my assistant is waiting to take your donations right after she takes mine. Any amount is welcome, and please, for the kids’ sake, be generous. Enjoy the music!” He adds, and as he soon as he steps aside he makes a beeline for the table.
Aspen golf-claps politely for him as he comes over, and she sees him smile, like he’s bashful, as if he didn’t know he had the whole room in a bind. His guests are still applauding for him as he steps over to her, for fuck’s sake. “I’m truly moved, sir.” She says, starting to type his information into the tablet.
“You’re sweet,” He says, and Aspen misspells his last name just from that.
She corrects herself quickly enough. “I’m honest.” She shrugs, and fixes her eyes back on him. “And how much would you like to donate today, sir?”
“Match it.”
“Whatever amount is there. Match it.”
Aspen can be a little dramatic, she says she’s going to go into convulsions or have a heart attack all the time, but this time she actually almost falls out of her chair. “That’s-”
“Match it.”
His look at her leaves no room for argument, so Aspen bites back her response. She knows he’ll see her look and that always seems to speak volumes, between them. “Cash or cheque?” She jokes- thankfully, since he pulls out a chequebook and not a bag of notes like some cartoon bank robber.
Aspen doesn’t watch as he writes out all the zeros on the cheque, she knows she’ll get nauseous. Montoya’s got a damn good poker face, she’ll say that much. When Calum’s done he draws back, but he doesn’t move to leave just yet. “You’re drinking?”
“What?” Aspen blinks. Calum taps his foot against the leg of the table, right next to her flute of champagne. Oh. Suppose she’s caught, then. “You’re drinking.” She says, instead, and fixes her gaze on him. She has to curl her hand into a fist under the desk to maintain it, but he doesn’t know it.
For once, for fucking once, he breaks first. “Fair enough.”
It’s better than champagne, this feeling, but Aspen tries not to show it. “I’m done for now, anyways, I just wanted to taste.” She shrugs. “Gotta stay sharp.”
Calum smiles. “I’ll check in before the dinner.” He says, but doesn’t sound like a warning. It doesn’t sound like just business, either. Aspen doesn’t think about what that leaves.
She focuses on her job, after that. I mean, she was focusing before, but now she’s- fuck. Whatever. She takes the money, she says thank you in her sweetest voice, she makes the donors feel good for what they’ve done. Maybe they deserve it. Aspen doesn’t know if she trusts the rich, not right now, but she can be kind for an afternoon.
She’s aching for another drink by the time guests start to filter out from the ballroom, but she keeps her hands on the table and her smile on her face while she puts down another Drake’s name. Some family, goddamn. When she finally finds time to look around, the room is almost empty. Thank god.
She stands up and stretches, arms about her head. Her back cracks, and Montoya jumps, swears beside her. “Sorry,” Aspen says, as she sits back down and they start to count up the cheques. Aspen has to make a note of someone who said they'd offer $5000 but only wrote a cheque for $500, but it still says “five thousand” on that one line, but that's all that's wrong and Aspen is elated. She expected a robbery or something, anything to justify the security, but this is good too. Now she's confident that the guests have all climbed into their limos and gone to the second leg of the gala, and she's almost - almost! - free to go.
“I'm gonna find Mr. Hood and tell him how much we made so we can go home.” She announces, standing up and trekking across the ballroom. He doesn’t seem to be anywhere, at first glance, and Aspen has to ask two waiters and some unrelated bodyguard until she gets directed towards an office. The door is open a crack and Calum’s there, he’s talking to T. Giordano (Aspen read the nameplate). When she explains that she’s only there to bring Mr. Hood up to speed, T. Giordano lets them use her office while she oversees the end of the event. Aspen’s so pleased about this; she hasn’t slouched in hours, her back feels all sort of wrong.
Calum’s had some rough days, but he looks genuinely happy as Aspen steps into the office. He’s not smiling, but there’s a lightness in his shoulders she hasn’t seen for days. “I think it’s good news, sir.” She says carefully, holding out the tablet in front of her. “I mean, it’s more than you raised last year, so that’s something.”
He takes the tablet from her and looks it over, smiling just a little. “What’s this category, the one just-”
She steps over to his side to look. “Oh, I did a column of all the amounts we actually got from the people, just to make sure there were no problems with the cheques - actually, if you see-”
“I’ll deal with it.” He says. “Thank you for your help today, Aspen, I couldn’t have pulled this off without you.”
He is sweet, but flattery isn’t something Aspen is likely to fall for. “I just watched people write cheques, sir. This was always your event,” and maybe it’s the champagne that’s made her brave but she bumps him with her hip - maybe it’s just because this is the first time she’d been close enough to do it.
Whatever the reason, that’s what sets it off.
Calum’s head snaps over to look at her. They’re leaning against the edge of T. Giordano’s desk, but when Aspen sees the look in his eyes she straightens up a little. Maybe she shouldn’t have done that. He’s putting down the tablet as she starts to apologize. “Sorry if that was inappropriate, it’s been a long day.” She shrugs.
He’s standing right in front of her. “Don’t worry about it.” He says, and when the absence of any scolding in his voice makes her look up he’s giving her this look she’s never seen, like he’s trying to set her soul on fire. His brows are creased, like it hurts, and he huffs out a little breath she doesn’t dare try to interpret. “Can I just-” He says, and reaches out and puts one hand on her waist.
Her eyes are locked on his, but she can feel her chest heave with shallow breaths, feels his hand shift a little with each one. “Yes,” is all she can say, even though there was no question.
Slowly, Calum uses his hold on her hip to drag himself in, and he lowers his head. Before Aspen can remember why she shouldn’t - he’s your boss he’s insane he’s a player and you’re just - he fits his mouth to hers and they are kissing.
There’s nothing rough about this. No teeth. Nothing tears. Just the soft press of his lips against hers and the deep sign he lets out against her cheek. He’s testing again, to see how where she’ll let this go. Yes, she thinks, yes, and she lets him pull himself so close she can feel the heat off his body, and cup her chin gently. He turns her head, just a little, as their lips move against each other like whispers.
Aspen isn’t usually pliant, but she moves with him. His lips are soft against hers, and the way he feels against her- she’d follow that fucking anywhere. This feels like everything she wanted, and she reaches out and finds the back of his neck, pulls him closer, to kiss him deeper, and-
It sounds like a gasp as he pulls away and grabs her wrist, tearing her hand off his skin before she’s even opened her eyes. They’re both panting, blinking in the light, and Aspen won’t be mad about this as long as he lets her kiss him again, she swears, just- “What?”
He’s not looking at her when he says “We can’t do this. You’re drunk.”
A different kind of burning settles into her chest. “I’ve had half a glass of champagne, I’m not-”
“Then I’m drunk.” He interrupts her, though his hand is still on her waist. Aspen tries to tug her wrist out of his grip, but he’s holding tight to that, too.
Aspen wasn’t looking for this and she knows how it goes, when some secretary falls for their boss. She’s the one in danger, not him, and if he says he doesn’t want- if that’s what he wants, then… “If you say so.”
The room seems dead silent, now, so that every word she says almost echoes around the room. Calum feels it too. He shudders a little and lets go of her, all of her, and draws back.
They collect themselves. The kiss only lasted a few seconds, but they find things to adjust and fix so they don’t have to look at each other. Aspen straightens out her cardigan, moves away from the desk like it’s a trap. She watches Mr. Hood smooth imaginary wrinkles out of his jacket, and when he turns to face her again it’s like a door has closed somewhere inside of him. Whatever light had been in his face is gone.
She doesn’t want to let it scare her, but - her job, his kiss, there’s so much she needs from him.
She waits for him to speak.
“We should put this behind us.” He says, finally. Aspen didn’t expect anything less, but hearing it out loud - it stings. “This was a mistake.”
That’s worse. There’s a lot Aspen can take, but right now, while she’s still got the taste of him in her mouth… She feels white-hot angry, just for a second, and then she collects herself. “Don’t worry about it.” She says, in a voice that’s way too sweet. She turns to the tablet, so she doesn’t have to see how he reacts. “‘S only a mistake if you let it happen again, right?”
She hates the idea of looking at him right now, so she stays facing the desk. “Like - it’s only a mistake if you don’t learn from it, if you let it happen again, so don’t worry about it, I’ll see you Monday, I’m gonna-”
He spins her around in one movement and this time when he kisses her it is rough, but she’s angry too and she tangles her fingers in his hair as soon as she knows what’s happening. He’s pressed his tongue into her mouth and his hands are tight around her hips, strong enough to hold her there. He’s pressed right up against her, crowding her against the desk, and she kisses him back like she wants the air out of his lungs. His teeth catch at her lower lip and she opens her mouth a little wider for him, just so he please won’t stop.
It’s so good, but it’s too intense, and after a long moment they break apart and rest their foreheads together, still panting into each other’s mouths. They’ve still got their nails dug into each other, but Aspen can feel something more than lust and chemicals between them, and as he meets her eyes-
He steps back, like he’s been shoved. “There.” He says, but his usual sureness has melted and she can see his eyes flicker, like he’s nervous. “Now it’s a mistake.”
He’s gone before she can reply.
Aspen doesn’t remember too much, after that. She knows what she did, mostly, to get herself out of the botanical gardens and into a cab, but it’s a blur of smiling and excuses when she tries to think back to who she talked to or what she said. It doesn’t matter, really. She doesn’t scream and she doesn’t cry and she gets in a taxi and really that’s all she needs.
When she has to tell the driver to take her to Hood Enterprises, she almost stutters over Calum’s last name. It hurts, a little, because she wanted this, even though she knew this would happen. Did she think she could handle it? She didn’t love this job, but she was good at it and it payed damn well, and- she might have to quit. Fuck, she hadn’t started this with the intention of leaving before a month was up, but-
Before she can finish that thought they’re at Hood Enterprises headquarters. All she wants is to go in, listen to a few phone calls, and go home, but as soon as she enters the lobby-
“What do you want.” She says to Liam, too tired to hide her anger. She doesn’t need this right now.
“Is Mr. Hood coming back tonight?”
Aspen doesn’t flinch when she hears his name, but it’s a near thing. “No, he’s not. Now, please, get out of my way, Liam, I just want to go home.” When she tries to push past him, Liam moves to block her, and when she looks at him properly she sees that he’s got what are very near tears in his eyes. “Wait, what’s wrong? What’s going on?”
Liam runs a hand through his hair and doesn’t meet her gaze. “Aspen… I really, really fucked up. I dunno if I can fix it. In sales, I- can you come? Please? I need-” He breaks off, his voice about to crack.
“How’m I supposed to help you out with sales, Liam, I’m not-” She shakes her head. Liam just gave her his biggest saddest eyes he’s got.
Well, shit. Aspen is mad at Liam for everything he did, but that doesn’t mean she can just turn her back on him. She doesn’t want to be the reason he’s fired, after all. They used to be friends, and she guesses some part of her misses that. After a long moment she sighs and checks the time on her phone. “I can’t stay long.” She says quietly.
Liam almosts lifts off the ground, he’s so relieved. “Thank you so much.” He says, stepping aside so he can lead her towards the elevator.
“I don’t know what you expect me to be able to do, Liam, you know I’m useless when it comes to econ.” She’s been through enough today, she’s not gonna let herself get carried away.
“I can’t tell you how much this means to me. Really. Aspen, you’re - thanks.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Aspen mumbles as he presses the button and the doors close. They start moving down - wait, down? “Why are we headed to the parking garage?” She glances at him, reaching for the panel of buttons. “What floor do you work on aga-”
The attack is sudden, and it feels so brutal that years later it’s still one of her nightmares.
Liam grabs her arm before she can finish her sentence, sliding around her so it twists behind her back all in one move, pushing her front up against the wall of the elevator in one smooth move. She gasps, but before she can panic properly she remembers to fight back. Even as Liam’s weight crushes her lungs, she jerks back with her free elbow, hitting some soft part of Liam’s torso behind her. She feels his breath on her neck as she strikes out again, again.
There’s one thought running through her head; she’s not gonna die like this. She’s not.
Liam presses her arm further up her back, sending enough pain through her shoulder to make her whole body buckle. But he’s backed off a little, out of elbow range, so as soon as Aspen hears the door open she pushes off the wall with her whole body to get out of his grip.
She must surprise him, because it works. She pushes him off enough to shake out of his grip, runs for the grey concrete of the parking lot. Liam’s footsteps echo behind her, but she’s fast, she can-
Liam tackles her with his full weight. As Aspen hits the ground she skids, palms stinging. Shit. She tries to get her knees under herself, but Liam’s got her pinned and he flips her over to her back easy - he’s twice her fucking size! She tries to punch him, but he catches her wrist slams it to the grounds about her head. The other one follows.
Aspen’s gasping for air and trying to take stock. Liam is straddling her, he’s got her wrists pinned above her head and even now he moves so that he’s got both of them in one hand. He’s reaching into a pocket for something and she doesn’t want to know what. “Liam,” she says, “don’t, Liam, I- help!”
Liam swears, and she feels him ruck up one side of her cardigan, bunching it up past her elbow. Her blood goes cold. She screams again, but this time she can’t find any words for this.. She looks around as best she can, but the lot is empty of cars.
It’s just her. She’s alone.
A scraping sound catches her attention, and when she looks back at Liam he’s pulling the plastic cover off a syringe with his teeth. She struggles against his grip. What else can she do? “Fuck, Liam, don’t- what are you doing-”
“Please stay still, please, okay, I don’t want to hurt you.” He says.
Then he plunges the needle into her arm.
Aspen fucking wails, and yes, she knows its undignified, but she can feel whatever was in that syringe flow through her bicep and it’s a living horror. Liam throws the weapon away and rolls off her, but by the time she drags herself up on her elbows she can guess what he shot into her veins. Everything feels heavy - her head is too much for her neck, and she almost collapses before Liam gathers her into his arms.
She hates him.
He’s murmuring something - it takes effort to tune in, like the world is a radio. Something… he’s sorry? “Fuck you,” Aspen murmurs. She’s too tired for this. She just needs to- for a second- just-
She closes her eyes.
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atrixfromice · 5 years
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Today I would like to share this drawing I made for my dear friend Saradrawing on his birthday. Made on 24‎ de ‎enero‎ de ‎2017. It was made with markers and colored pencils. The markers part was the colored clothes.
It’s a portrait of her, at that time I was trying to test to make an anime style, I hope you like!
Oh by the way, I’m open for comissions right now, I can do portraits like these in traditional or digital for $35 USD.
And I might be able to send the original if you pay the shipping depending on where you live, because I can’t pay shipping in this moment. If you can't pay shipping though, don’t worry! I’ll send you the scanned file in high quality, which it’s also a great thing cos when it’s scanned you can see all the details in it. This one is a photo, but the original scanned file of this drawing it’s even better, I gave it to my friend.
Frankly, I feel a very ashamed for announcing comissions in the same place that this drawing, but if I don’t have money soon I’ll lose my home this year. And here in mexico, there are no fosters home or shelters or support for the people who have a difficult time finding a job, like in E.U. or Some european countries.
Here if you can’t find a job or if you job doesn’t give you enough to pay your rent, you end up sleeping on the public parks or on bus stops. There are a lot more people on those places since our new president made a lot of people lost their jobs and gave them to the ones who gave them money for them, and invited the thiefts to do watever they wanted because “they also have rights”.
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mariamuses · 7 years
Ummm... I hit 100 followers!?!?!?! I still can’t understand why a hundred people would want to see my content but I’m thankful for every single one of you. So, to celebrate I wrote a little Nessian for you. I really hope you like it!!
Also, I’m thanking  @court-0f-dreamers @highladyfxyre  @queen-archeron​ @the-bookish-soul​ because they talk to and fangirl with me (while writing amazing fics), which is a feat worthy of greek heroes and @highlady-cas @tacmc and @throne-of-ashes-and-beauty because their work is amazing and inspires me.
Word Count: 1,684 words
Read on AO3
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Nesta had been turning in bed all night, and when she finally woke up, she wasn’t feeling too good, but she dismissed it as PMS and got out of bed to start the day, like anyone would.
She trudged downstairs, hearing Cassian already in the kitchen of their townhouse making breakfast. She was surprised that she couldn’t smell what he was cooking because he never closed the door to the kitchen and the smell was distinguishable all around the house.
Nesta went in, taking a look at his mate, shirtless and doing bacon and scrambled eggs for the two of them.
Still, she couldn’t smell it, but she dismissed it as a cold that was stuffing her nose and sneaked her hands around Cassian, kissing the spot between his wings and nuzzling her nose there.
“Good morning, sweetheart”, said Cassian, relaxing into her touch while stirring the food in the pan.
“Morning”, answered Nesta, not wanting to let go of the warmth he was providing.
“Are you tired? You moved around the bed all night?”, he asked, worry lacing his voice.
“Mm-mmmm... I think I might have a cold, or maybe my period is coming... I don’t know. I just know that I can’t really smell the delicious food you’re preparing and I’m frustrated because I really want to”, Nesta mumbled against his back, tightening her arms around his waist.
At that, Cassian took the pan out of the fire, dividing the breakfast between the two plates that were ready at the counter. When he finished, the commander pried his mate’s arms from his waist and turned around to see her face. 
She had dark circles under her eyes and he brought his hand to her forehead, checking her temperature.
“Nes, you’re a little hot”, he said, looking into her tired eyes.
“I’m always hot. That’s why you married me.”
“That is true. I mean hotter than normal”, he chuckled. “Do you want me to call a healer? Rhys can winnow Madja here, it wouldn’t take too long-”
“No. Not yet anyway. I wanna have my delicious breakfast”, interrupted Nesta, stepping away from Cassian, getting both plates and bringing them to the table, pulling out a chair to sit on it.
The first bite Nesta took tasted like nothing, but she thought that, obviously, she had to be mistaken, because it was her favourite breakfast, so she took another one.
Still, she could’t taste anything, so she stopped wasting a perfectly good meal.
She stood up and headed for the sink, wanting to see if drinking a little water would wash watever was happening to her tongue down.
“Nes?”, enquired Cassian, standing up right along her and carefully nearing her.
“I just-”, she sighed, closing her eyes and bracing the counter. “I can’t taste anything, and I still can’t smell either.” She opened her eyes, turning to look at Cassian...
Only to see everything black. She tried opening her eyes again, thinking that she had had a lapse and hadn’t really opened them before.
Still, everything was dark, as if all the light of the world had been snuffed out.
Nesta started whimpering, turning her head frantically and throwing out her arms, searching for something, anything that could anchor her to reality.
“Nesta?!”, panicked Cassian, bringing his arms under her shoulders and knees and picking her up, carrying her to the couch and setting her down on his lap, cradling her head and swiping the shiny brown hair away from her face.
Nesta thrashed a little and cried out. “Cassian! Cassian... please Cass-”
“Shhh, I’m right here sweetheart, I’m not leaving. I’m right here...”, said Cassian while kissing her temple. “What’s wrong Nes? Can you tell me?”
“I- I can’t see anything. Cassian, I’m scared”, whispered Nesta, bringing her hands to both sides of Cassian’s face, feeling his stubble on her hands, which calmed her down.
“Okay. It’s okay. I’ve sent a message to Rhys and he’s gonna bring Madja over, yes? You’re going to be just fine. She’ll tell us what’s happening to you”, assured Cassian, almost more to himself than to her.
While they waited for the healer, the commander took Nesta to their room, asumed the same position they had in the sofa and started running his hands over her body, caressing her and drawing slow circles to make her know somehow that he was there and hadn’t gone anywhere, leaving her power and defenseless.
Not long after they sat on the bed, a knock sounded through the bedroom. It was sharp but not too loud, and Cassian answered it with a “come in!”, and resumed his labor of calming Nesta.
Madja came in, followed by Rhysand, carrying her bag with the medical supplies. After setting it on the night table, Rhys carefully let himself out, making sure he didn’t disturb anyone, but not before offering his help whenever they needed it.
The healer slowly made her way to the couple on the bed and started speaking.
“Hello, Nesta. Hi, Cassian. Could you tell me what’s happening?”, she asked politely.
“Yes. I just woke up really stiff, and with a little bit of a running nose, but I dismissed it because it wasn’t too bad. But, then I couldn’t smell the breakfast Cassian was making and when I went to taste it, I coudn’t either. And then everything just went black”, explained Nesta, looking aproximately where she thought the voice of the healer was coming from.
“Mmm. Are you running a fever?”
“Yes she is. I touched her forehead a while back and the temperature seemed higher than normal”, contributed Cassian, not stopping his ministrations.
Madja got up and open her bag, taking out a few strange looking leaves out, along with a mortar to mix them. She went at it for a minute or so while she explained:
“Okay, so you have what we call ‘Isolation Syndrome‘. Basically, is a virus that cancels your senses one by one, leaving the affected with the feeling that he’s alone, even if he’s in a room full of people. Usually the senses that are invalidated first are the last to come back, and they stop working aproximately one hour apart from the previous one, so probably your smell disappeared while you were sleeping and so did your taste. They don’t have a fixed order of disappearance, so you’ve been really lucky that the first ones you lost were the less used and isolating ones.”
“But you can fix it, right?”, urged Cassian, looking at the healer with pleading eyes.
“Kind of. I can’t make it go away, but I can make it go quicker. Say, it usually takes an hour between the stopping of each sense and twelve hours for the first one to start functioning again. With the medication I’m just finishing preparing, the senses she has left will disappear with ten minutes of diference, but, instead of half a day in complete isolation, she will only be an hour.”
Nesta took a sharp intake of breath, as if the air had been knocked out of her lungs.
“A whole hour?”, she whispered, tears already threatening to spill in anticipation of what was coming.
“Yes, I’m sorry. That’s the most I can do”, apologized Madja.
“No, no. That’s very kind of you”, thanked Cassian. Then he turned to Nesta, and spoke, with love and kindness in his eyes and voice.
“Nes, you can do this and much more. I’m gonna be here with you the whole time, even when you don’t feel like I am”, he reassured.
When the concoction was ready, Madja neared the bed once again and pushed the cup into Nesta’s hands with great care. 
“Whenever you’re ready, go ahead and drink it all. I’ll leave you two alone for it, but I’m staying right next door preparing a tonic for the commander so he doesn’t get sick too, until everything is over, so if you need anything, just shout a little and I’ll come.”
After that, she packed up her things and left the room rapidly.
“Cass?” asked Nesta. “I’m ready.”
“Are you sure? You don’t have to take it now if you aren’t.”
Her only response was to bring the cup to her lips and swallow the entire thing in one swig.
Right next, she huddled into his arms even more than she was, and pleaded, “Just don’t leave me... Please?”
“Never. I love you.”
She never heard it.
When the hearing went away, Nesta’s hand started working frantically against Cassian’s chest, writing random patterns just to grasp onto that security the tact was now only giving her.
But when the touch went away... Oh, when it went away she was reduced to a crying, whimpering mess, breaking Cassian’s heart like no one but Nesta ever could.
Nesta’s heart, on the other hand, was being squished, reliving her Cauldron experience. Over and over again. Watching Elain being pulled under, then out. The two men grabbing her next. Getting her into the damn Cauldron. Pushing her underwater. And then, the drowning. The endless, inexhaustible drowning, along with suffocating... And again it began.
Suddenly, she’s started feeling him again, and the caresses he had kept up doing. Then, not a minute after, she heard him.
“Shhh... It’s okay, sweetheart, I’m right here... I love you, always”, repeating his mantra for the last hour.
“Cassian?”, groaned Nesta, her voice rough because of all the tears she had spilled and the constant groaning.
“Hey, hey. How are you feeling?”, he asked.
“I- Cass I was so scared. It was the Cauldron over and over again and I-”
“You’re out. And it’s over. Never again, Nesta”, he interrupted.
“I know I just...”, she nuzzled her head onto his neck, her vision finally returning. “I love you. So much”, she concluded, sleep dragging her, now that everything was returning to normal.
Cassian chuckled and pulled her hair out of her face, pushing it behind her ears.
“I love you too Nes. But now, sleep. It’s been a hard and long morning and I’ll be here when you wake up.”
“Always?”, she asked.
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chrysanthemum-juice · 7 years
Art in Steven Universe
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pictured: a split image of a sitting connie side by side comparison. Left side: Connie reading a book with correct proportions, Right side Connie with a exaggerated head shape and a small body.
+Post here 
I didnt wanna make a long post but i ended up doing it cuz its got a lot of pictures so under the cut it goes. I’ve seen a lot of posts talking about the massive shift in style change steven universe’s been goin thru. These images come from two different episodes Left: Bubby Buddies, and Right: Steven’s Birthday
Now the episode “Stevens Birthday”  was written and storyboarded by Lamar Abrams and Katie Mitroff 
I’m gona post an example of each boarders art to show the difference in styles
i would just embed the tweets but idk how to do that sorry ^^;
Lamar Abram’s art
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Source: x 
lol wat a meme 
Katie Mitroff
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Source: x
if u browse their twitters u can see thier art styles are influenced majorly by anime so going off model. Also ironically enough this entire episode was about steven stretching his limbs in order to appear older so there were a lot of “inconsistencies” 
now back to connies image on the left which is from the episode bubble buddies from season 1
That episode was originally boarded by  Kat Morris and  Aleth Romanillos, Kat Morri’s most recent episode was “Kevin Party” and Aleth Romanillos has since revised Gem Glow. (this is all accordin to the wiki so if any of this is incorrect hmu and ill fix it) 
Kat Morris:
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All i could find on the wiki 
Aleth Romanilos: 
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I really dont think its fair to say that the boarders are so off model that it looks “unprofessional.” Animation is about creating the illusion of movement through still images theres going to be panels that are squash and stretch and theres going to be panels that have chibi style characters and theres of course going to be errors of course. 
But claiming that the boarders are going “off model” is just ignorant, artist interpretation is going to change when u have several different boarders making episodes. Even if there are inconsistencies in the episodes Connie still looks like Connie going off model would be like giving connie a third arm and making her green or something. 
You can think watever u want of steven universe but dont say that the animators are “lazy” for style changes. Animation is hard ass work and there are gonna be errors, but making mistakes does not equate to laziness.
2 different sets of people boarded and wrote these episodes. Its not right to claim that they’re lazy for following  their interpretation of the characters. Steven universe has model sheets and the animators follow those sheets but style is always going to dictate how they draw. If yall are makin fun of stuff like this i cant imagine what kina thoughts yall have about the pilots style. 
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sherbetgreeceuh · 4 years
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These are also some old ocs, they were in like 2014 so they are kind of old. They were supposed to be like an elite royal guard. I’m just gonna post the old description from my deviantart.
I've always thought the guards in Equestria weren't very good at their jobs. I mean, when the changelings attacked they were no help at all. It's always up to Twilight and friends to save the day. But what if the main six weren't there at the time, you'd think Celestia would have a back up plan. So here is my back story thing for these guys. (I don't have names for them though, because I'm not good at coming up with names.) This team is Celestia and Luna's elite group of guards. Celestia hoof picked them for the job because they are the most skilled at what they do. Since Twilight and friends are usually there to save the day, they usually deal with other problems in Equestria, such as fighting minor villains and stuff. The armor colors for their team are black and gold. I don't know why I drew the changeling in Luna's guard's armor, I was just bored. (I'm still kind of working on the individual back stories for them so this is like a rough draft) Their leader is the white pony with the blue mane. I haven't really come up with how she got that scar yet. She doesn't have a very pleasant personality. She's kind of an all work and no play type of pony. She has dedicated her life to protecting Equestria. She had worked as a loyal guard for Celestia for many years, eventually becoming a captain. She's very skill at tactical plans and all that. Celestia chose her for this position because she trusts her more than any of the other guards. The Zebra, yep I made a Zebra that's a unicorn, although I'm pretty sure there are no unicorn zebras. But watever, I just think it would be really cool if there was, since Zecora seems to already be good a magic. So I made a unicorn zebra. She is a very skilled with magic and stuff....and yeah, I don't feel like writing this now I'll come up with the rest later. She has a very headstrong personality. She can be very serious at times but still likes to have a bit of fun now and then. The changeling, one day he was all like, "you know what forget u Chrysalis imma go an join Celealistia."  (this was made way before the changelings were redeemed) So yeah, he's good and works for Celestia. She put him on the team because it's always useful to have someone who can change their appearance, he can be like a spy or something. Plus he's good at fighting. He has a very cheerful personality, likes to make jokes and stuff. The bat pony is like their brawler. He's very good at hoof to hoof combat. (I wanted to write hand to hand so bad) He's very quiet and doesn't really talk much. So, the breezie is like a mini spy, she can go places without anypony seeing her because she is so tiny. She doesn't speak in breezie language, she can speak whatever language the ponies speak. She can fly faster and better than other breezies because her wings are shaped like dragonfly wings (mainly drew them this way 'cause I'm a lazy butt and didn't feel like drawing bigger wings.) and so the wind doesn't blow her around as easily. She has a fairly pleasant personality but she does have some anger issues.
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here’s also some guard ponies I drew a long time ago
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rayadraws · 7 years
The importance of positive reinforcement
This is a little “joint project” between me, @jenny-opm, @dechanique and also @bloodsbane!
This all started with me posting the following prompt at the OPM Discord server:
Concept: King obviously has a large collection of anime figurines and stuff we do not even need to discuss this. And let’s say there’s an equivalent of Nendoroids/Good Smile Company in the OPM universe who produces merch for different categories, so that probably includes heroes, too.
Genos hears about a new Caped Baldy figurine and starts looking around for it, maybe joining a forum to ask/find more info. There is an user in the forum who knows EVERYTHING about these figurines and offers all sorts of insight etc. And then after like, quite a bit of discussing things back and forth both of them go like
“Wait… Genos?”
”King? Is that you?“
…at least they’ll have something to talk about next time King comes over now.
We started brainstorming about this scenario and it uh, grew. Below is a near 2k “summation” of everything we came up with, kind of like a synopsis if you will? (If anyone wants to borrow this concept and turn it into something bigger/a proper fic or watever by all means do, just make sure to give credit where due - and give us links to the results, I’m sure everyone involved would love to see!)
Moral of the story, as summed up by Dech: Genos is the real winner and learned nothing.
King is definitely a moderator in said forum. If Genos ever misbehaves on there king probably gives Saitama a call like;
"Yo your roommate is trying to start an internet fight, get him to stop for me.”
Saitama tells Genos that ”King told me to tell you that if you don’t stop engaging with the trolls you’ll have your star point rewards taken away, whatever that means.”
Genos is visibly upset at this. He counters that King should come talk directly to him (knowing he’s intimidated by him) but the threat backfires when Saitama responds with ”���Kay, I’m telling him you don’t want your points or whatever" and there goes that.
“N-no, Sensei, no! Just… it’s just….”
“They said mean things about you and how hard it is to get you to remain on your stand….”
“Is this all about that weird plastic action toy again?!”
It turns out Saitama is a bit weirded out by the idea of an collector’s figure of himself, maybe even by figures of real people in general.
This becomes even more evident when they’re walking past a display in a store one day (including at least three different designs of Demon Cyborg) and Sai just… gives them a Look
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“Why are there three versions of you, though” Saitama asks.
“Well, I believe Amai Mask has at least 7 variants, Sensei, since he has been a hero for much longer than us…
”…Why would anyone need 7 of him?“
(the answer is that they make a new figure every time he gets a new haircut)
The fortunate side effect of Genos being away and busy explaining action figures to Saitama is that it gives King the opportunity to get the forum situation back under control - it’s a lot easier now that a main participant is away from the screen.
On top of that, to Genos’ dismay, by the time they return home, the forum thread has been locked. However, he has an idea and whips out his phone, texting King with simply “Why did you do that?”. When he receives the message, poor King just about throws his phone across the room.
Later, it is Saitama’s turn to receive a text message.
"Saitama, dude, you gotta stop him or we’ll have to ban him and I’m terrified of what he’ll do to me, he knows where I live!”
Poor King - all he wants is to keep the forum a safe and healthy environment for everyone….
One day King comes over to play video games with Saitama and at one point King’s phone beeps. He notices that there is a situation and thinks to himself that this has to be straightened out, a mod is needed here….
Of course, Genos remembers when King cheated him out of a glorious internet discussion victory and just starts staring at King, eyes narrowed, not even blinking.
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Poor King doesn’t deserve this, all he wanted to do in his beloved forum was talk about anime waifus with his fellow otakus… It’s like a battle between Genos’ whirring core and the King engine thundering in the small apartment.
Saitama notices that something is up and tries to diffuse the situation, asking if Genos can go get the chips. Predictably, Genos does an immediate 180 and brightly asks whether Sensei wanted this one or this one..? He gets the bag of chips…
…And then goes RIGHT back to glaring at King. The relief was only temporary…
King desperately tries to come up with a solution to all of this. Maybe he can give Genos star points for every day he stays out of trouble..? But that’s not fair to other users… But this is a life or death situation, he needs to come up with SOMETHING..
Desperately, he begs Saitama to give Genos a good behaviour sticker book.
Saitama is uncertain.
“I dunno man…”
“Listen! I’ll buy you a book and deliver it here! Just… please… for me?!” King puts on his best puppy eyes.
“He listens to you!”
“I’ll subscribe to a monthly sticker service and send them all to you!”
King is desperate - but then again, he’s pretty sure it’s his life on the line.
A month later:
"Hey Genos! Look, this month’s theme is Gudetama!”
To King’s relief, the new system works and Saitama realizes he can also use the stickers for other situations… like not threatening strangers on the street or not losing parts during fights.
“You came back in one piece! Wow, awesome, here’s a sticker!”
A little positive reinforcement goes a long way!    
Other uses includes finding the BEST sale - Genos is so proud of that one that his sticker album just happens to lay open on the table when Mumen comes over for a visit one day.   
Mumen notices, of course.
“Oh, these are very nice! Are they a project for the neighbourhood children?”
“They’re… a project for one local kid…”
“All these stickers for one kid! This kid must be very good”
Genos looks so proud.
Saitama wants to say “he needs a lot of reinforcements” but he catches the look on Genos’ face and just can’t say it. Instead, all he says is “yeah” and Genos is so happy for the confirmation - and is on his best behaviour all day, bringing Mumen tea and crackers with a happy little smile - as well as going rather overboard.
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“What temperature do you prefer your tea at, Mumen-san?”
Mumen is rather confused…
It turns out Happy Genos is almost as overbearing as Pissy Genos - just in a different way.
Thanks to being so good while Mumen visits, Genos earns himself two new stickers.
(This is all very unfair - King introduces the stickers yet it’s Mumen Genos is grateful towards. Well, life isn’t fair, King knows this. But it still hurts…)
On days when Genos is especially good he can pick which stickers he wants. He always picks the yellow ones.
When he fills a page in his book he can have a small reward. When he fills a whole book he can have a big reward!
It’s hard to think of good rewards, though.
”I dunno what to even suggest as a reward, d’ya have any ideas, Genos?”
Genos reaches into his pocket, puts on lip balm and closes his eyes, making the perfect kissy face.   
”What, a new chapstick?”
One day, Saitama unexpectedly runs out of stickers. Genos looks so sad about it that Saitama panics and instead gave his reward in the form of a really quick kiss on the cheek.   
And that’s the start of it - stickers will never be enough now.
Saitama tries to reason with himself - it IS cheaper than buying new stickers all the time, it’ll save money… right?   
A call to King.
“Yeah, you don’t need to send me any more stickers.”
From here on, all they need to do is draw hearts in the book to keep track.
King can’t believe how well behaved Genos is next time they meet.
When he finally comes over he finally realizes why he didn’t need to send any more stickers.
“Well… I guess… that works…” he mutters as he continues kicking Saitama’s ass at Street Fighter - not hearing a disgruntled “hmph” in the background every time he wins a match is a welcome change.
“More tea, King-san?”
Before he has even closed the door behind him as he leaves the apartment, he hears Genos calling to Saitama in the other room.
“I want to cash in my reward now!”
Give a mouse a cookie…
Over time, Genos becomes more and more insistent about his rewards.
“Sensei, there was variations among the stickers. It is only fair to also have variations among the kisses.”
He’s steaming out of his shoulders as he advances on Saitama and Saitama knows immediately that the end of his supposed heterosexuality is impending.
To his surprise, he is saved(?) by none other than Speed of Sound Sonic.
To Genos’ credit, he tries to stay calm around Panic (”Oy, worthless, poorly named sorry excuse for a ninja… do you want tea?” “What?!”). But unfortunately the sticker street is one-way - Sonic has no incentive to be nice.
The fight is inevitable.
”You cost me a kiss!”
”For fecks sake what’s wrong with you today tin can?!”
Afterwards, Saitama can tell that Genos is upset so he strikes a deal. He won’t lose any of his points, but he won’t gain any new ones either.
”You didn’t immediately attack him but you did call him a shitty excuse for a shitty shithead… so let’s call it even…”
”Hey Genos! If you get every sale item on this list you’ll have your choice of a smooch or two stickers!”
We know what he will choose. Having said that, he might try to barter - ”Maybe a quick smooch and one sticker?” - because stickers can be traded in for longer kisses later.
Getting more and more courageous, Genos starts demanding his rewards in public too. He has never been so excited to tag along to thrift stores to find “new” clothes before.
“Wow, what an awesome deal! You did so good Genos. This is definitely worth a big reward.” Genos moves closer, crowding Saitama, face dark and shoulders steaming.
“I would like that reward now, Sensei.”
Saitama sweats, takes a half step back. "R-right now??”
He steps closer, “Yes.I found Sensei the - shudders slightly - cheap used crocs, it is only fair.”
The first time Genos gets a public reward happens when they accidentally forgot the sticker book at home - after that, Genos “forgetting” them at home becomes a very common occurrence.
King has no idea what he has started. The day media explodes with the picture of Demon Cyborg and Caped Baldy kissing in public - Saitama texts King saying “I blame you” and King is so confused - but at least Genos is too busy to bother him or anyone else in the forum any more.
All in all, a happy ending for everyone.
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jjinomu · 7 years
how did you get into editing pmd models? you're super good at them, and i'm considering taking it up. i was wondering, how/where did you pick it up?
oh boi oh geez where do i even begin omg (long post so i chucked the rest under the cut)
first thank you for your compliment hehe i really appreciate that!! but hmmm well- i started editing pmd/pmx models like aaaaaages ago i dont even remember much but generally for most beginners, lots of people tend to recolour (i mean i did it too when i first started hehe shout out to my zatsune model edit of animasa miku phew gud ol’ days) which is totally okay especially if you’re just figuring out how like colours/textures work and the whole material panel/subsets/i’m saying-weird-terminology-that-you-probably-don’t-get-yet pretty much all the tools and what they do that’s totally okay hehe once you poke around it for a while, you’ll get use to which tool does what and that’s all gud (i recommend getting the english translated version of PMDeditor (or PMX- i use PMX) because that’ll save you a lot of time (i use the japanese version because i’m weird and dumb and i’m still trying to figure stuff out myself to this day)
after that phase of recolouring (normally i wouldn’t recommend staying in this for long like, i recoloured 1 model and moved on straight away HAHA) at this point one of the most common and main styles of editing for starters is taking editable (or ‘legal’) parts from other models that allow editing (make sure stuff is editable before you do anything or you could get in trouble), and then piecing it together to form your own cool new model edit yeyeye, there should be plenty of tutorials how to do this and how to avoid glitches with joints/physics/bones and stuff so if you want, just hmu privately and i can quest for some for you, but it shouldn’t be too difficult to find!! 
usually lots of people generally stay in that area of editing which is totally chill as well, with practice and constant improvement you could like reach some good levels of work from just part-editing itself, ive seen it happen many many times!!
otherwise the other option you could go down is what i generally do nowadays for editing- and that’s i guess, ‘modelling parts’ (which is what most people call it) or ‘meta-editing’- it involves pretty much, chucking a base into an external 3D program to build clothes/your own parts and then re-rig it entierly again in PMXeditor (i’m a lil tired asf but i have a tutorial tab on my tumblr page where i go more in depth on this and where to start if this is what you wanna do) thoUGH keep in mind, it’s probably best you get use to using PMX and all the terminolgy and such before anything or else it’ll be like what whAT WHat
personally i think that this ‘meta-editing’ method is almost the more easier and safer route, though when you’re starting out it’s like ‘MmMM shit’ but trust me it’s…. imo it’s easier than part-editing (because i used to do that too) mostly because 1. you just make your shit rather than find it (sometimes some parts aren’t even ever made) and 2. you avoid breaking rules completely because heck ur doing it 100% urself wat are rules (aside from obviously your base model’s rules haha)
i forgot what else i wanted to say um
oh yeah well- this is like the basic of the basic explanations, i need you to be more specific if you want me to teach you stuff but the least i can do now is give you a brief overview?? but das it ehe
otherwise some tips i’d like to mention as well which have nothing to do with the actual practice, are as follows:
#1 tip: that i donnn’t think i’ve ever preached on this blog before but i might as well start bc it’s important!!! try ur best to remain humble/modest watever- honestly i think….. if you start thinking you’re some God level editor or watever that’s when…… improvement kinda halts……. so even though it might be kinda ehhh, be a little harsh on yourself- you’re your own critic and it’s better to recognise your faults before someone else points them out for you (because that can hurt heaps, but i mean if u hate urself first nobody else can amirITE AMIRITE i’m kidding don’t hate urself)
i, for one am always very horrible to myself with my edits- like i dislike a looot of them which is actually kinda terrible LMAOO so i don’t recommend like hating everything you do because that ruins the fun- and sometimes it might even push you to stop entirely (i’ve known friends that have quit because they couldn’t get it right etc.) as long as you realise that whatever you do currently isn’t going to be as great as what you do later in life, then you’re like guranteed to improve no doubt about it- in a way, you’re not putting any limitations on yourself so you can grow from that! just continue to persevere, some people don’t improve until a looot later and some people improve like within weeks- so don’t let that get to you either!!! i’ve been doing this shit for like ages and i still am not as good as like actual modellers because i’ve just…. been too comfortable and improved only as an editor askdajsk
#2 tip: do not compare yourself to others especially when you’re first starting out- i’ve had…… quite a number of people compare themselves to me which is….. to say the least……. quite uncomfortable for the person you’re comparing yourself to??? because you gotta keep in mind how long people have been doing stuff (like this is my 6th year and literally everyday i’ve opened up PMX or metasequoia and i’ve toyed around for at least an hour) and idk just try not to compare yourself- because i know it’s kinda difficult not to but trust me, try to walk your own path you can create your own shit without necassarily comparing- unless you’re comparing to improve yourself whiiich leads me to my #3 tip
#3 tip: do not be afraid to mimic styles or toy with styles, i mean do not claim a certain style as your own that’s a HUGE nono, but it doesn’t hurt to like attempt to mimic someone who you look up to, and their style in order to help you improve and find your own style!! i personally mimic artists (rather than MMDers/editors) when i do my edits and then i started to develop my own kinda style??? like i still do a lot of imitation ‘edits’ which are those anime edits you see every now and again (like my yoi models or my binan models) and that’s fine!!! i think the most improvement i’ve ever had in terms of face-editing and stuff have come from me trying to imitate art of others (instead of just blindly going for my own style from the getgo) and this goes for drawing too!!! hell i still ‘mimic’ styles whenever i do any edits that have already an art design for?? i like accuracy first and then i play my style into it later and that’s totally cool too!! as long as you correctly credit and don’t claim as your own, you can’t really go much wrong (unless the person is like hey? can u pls stop? then ya don’t HAHA) i once had an incident back when i was a baby editor where i,,,,,,, kind of recreated someone else’s style of model edit line into like a different model style (in this case it was LAT so that’s how long ago it was) and then redistributed without their prior permission and ya that was bad don’t do that HAHA
and ya that should be it, i wrote this like 60 years ago and it’s been sitting in my drafts and i totally forgot about it until today so i hope that helps ya out!!
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cherryssourcorner · 5 years
Tumblr media
@kaiju-z I caved in and made one ‘cause of this whole “tumblr possibly being sold to po//r//n//hu//b bullshit so
It’s there, it’s ready whenever I feel like launching it n shit
Just a matter of deciding wat tiers I want n all. idk how to go about all that just yet.
If this is a chance at being able to draw for myself, watever I want, while also drawing something for someone else every now and then, I think I can accept this
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sadambomb · 6 years
Sometimes i really miss getting stoned..
Now being 2 days short of 4 weeks sober. I got alot of shit done when i was high. But ive also got alot of shit done being sober. I guess really the only differences ive noticed is sometimes when im really high i zone out and get stuck. Maybe for 5minutes to a couple hours. Just being stoned. I still do this sober, but instead of smoking i get distracted by porn or social media. I never blamed weed for anything because it made me happy and made the days easier. By easier i mean, dealing with my everyday life. Ive been through so much in these last 2 years. And sometimes i wonder how im still here. Its nice to have a release you know.. like when i got home the first thing i did was take a fat dab and forget everything before. Like anything bad didnt matter anymore. I loved that about weed. I care alot about shit. And what ive realized is thats what i have a hard time dealing with when im sober. I feel everything twice as much and my reactions to my feelings are either slow af (by slow i mean when drama happens im just like watever cuz i dont care) and i think about it later and get pissed cuz i couldve showed out or told that person off. But like i said im not a problematic person,i dont like drama. Anyways then sometimes im quick to react and kind of over do it. And over stupid shit too.. usually some shit i wouldve been high doing before and it wouldnt have bothered me at all prolly then. But then i learn how to handle my messes after and reciprocate on how to make it better. This usually happens with people i care about. People i dont care for cant get a reaction out of me. But i will argue and show my emotions to you if i care about you. I can be a real asshole. But its not me as a person. Its just how i feel at the time.. im working on it. But yeah when i was high , i was always that .. high. And its great. I feel like it helped me keep my emotions in check. But at times it also helped mask emotions. I didnt feel things like how i do now. Shit just seems like its , really. Real. And broo, lemme tell you. My reality here. Sucks. Its fucking pathetic in my eyes. Its not what i wanted for myself right now.. but hey, im working on it . Ive been working on it. High or sober ill never forget where im going. Im going up. I really had to change my lifestyle and choices. I make it work and i work hard. High or sober. Thats who i am. And ill never regret anything. I guess what im saying is we all have demons and the devil in our ear. The smallest ways too. Can have the biggest effect on your feelings. Especially if your on a certain path. And the most hardest thing to do is getting-started . If you always see the end result (in your head) but in reality have no way to get the gears rolling. You'll be stuck forever. High or sober, get started on whatever you wanna do. Even if its an idea. Write it down, draw it out, make some calls. Make a fucking plan. High or sober. Get shit done. Its possible. And if your like me, your the only one in your circle actually trying to do shit. Dont be scared, and be aware that discouragement is the worst when it comes from you. Dont be your worst enemy. Be your best friend. And always honor yourself in the work you do. Lay that shit out and have no regrets. If your gonna do some fucked up shit, make sure you can honor it. And live with the consequences. It all starts with you. And the voice in your head. Be in tune with eachother and motivate yourself. You can do it Blood.
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