#but now?? knowing it’s just feng xin and mu qing being stupid?? my sides are splitting
I decided there was no such thing as “too soon” when it comes to rewatching Heaven Official’s Blessing and lemme tell ya. The show is, impossibly, better now that I already know what’s going on.
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sngchngs · 3 months
Day 5
Cliche tropes
Fake dating
Established quanyin, future fengqing, with side hualian
For Yin Yu Appreciation Week!
Yin Yu blinked at the preposterous suggestion made to him. He blinked again.
“So,” he said, "let me understand this. You want to pretend to court me, someone who you have had minimal interactions with, in the hopes that the person you do like, will get jealous?”
“Yes!” Feng Xin exclaimed.
“General Nan Yang,” Yin Yu sighed. “I am the last person General Xuan Zhen will be jealous of.”
“How do you know it's-” Feng Xin spluttered.
“One,” Yin Yu interrupted, holding up a finger, “I am a ghost. Two, I am the Waning Moon Officer of Ghost City whose master is Hua Cheng. Three, I am a disgraced banished former Heavenly Official. Four-”
Feng Xing reached over and grasped his hand, stopping him. “It's outrageous, I know. And I know we have barely spoken to each other, but please help me on this,” he pleaded.
Yin Yu opened his mouth to reply when they both turned to look for the source of a thundering sound coming their way. A young man with furious eyes topped by wild hair was charging towards them.
Yun Yu gently but firmly pulled his hand from Feng Xin's grasp. “Four,” he continued telling the man. “I am currently, officially, being courted by His Highness Qi Ying.”
Feng Xins's eyes widened when he saw just who was furiously running towards them, towards him. “Oh, fuck!”
He turned and ran. Quan Yizhen in hot pursuit who only stopped long enough for a quick “hi shixiong!” before he was off again.
“I'm not sure why that buffoon thought his stupid idea would work.” A quiet voice said from behind Yin Yu.
He turned to the one who spoke. “If you would simply let him know how you feel, General Xuan Zhen, then he wouldn't be doing things like this.”
A shout drew their attention for a moment, Quan Yizhen had Feng Xin in a choke hold. “It wasn't fucking real!” Feng Xin was shouting, slapping Quan Yizhen's arm.
Mu Qing smirked at the display. “It's more entertaining to see the idiot coming up with hare-brained schemes and then get beaten up like this. I know my feelings. And seeing Feng Xin be stupid instead of telling me his intentions, tells me of his feelings as well.”
Yin Yu frowned but didn't respond. After all, he ran from Quan Yizhen for a long time, rather than confront his own feelings about the man, which he did, eventually. He's not one to judge.
“Shall I play the mediator Mu Qing?” A third voice joined the conversation. It was His Highness Xie Lian. Hua Cheng was behind him, arms folded and smiling sinisterly at Mu Qing.
Mu Qings's eyes widened. “Th-that won't be necessary! I will do it, eventually.”
Xie Lian seemed sad, his lips pouting slightly. “Just don't string Feng Xin along for too long,” he asked. “Or you both will be hurt, and I'll be sad.”
Yin Yu watched Hua Cheng furrow his brow at that statement.
“Gege,” he said to Xie Lian. “If these two make you sad, I'll take them to Mount Tonglu and throw them down into one of the spider web pits and leave them there until they sort this out.” He threatened, looking Mu Qing in the eye to let the man know if he was serious.
Yin Yu covered his mouth with a hand to hide the smile that appeared. Hua Chengzhu did something similar to him with Quan Yizhen. It was highly effective.
Mu Qing glared at Hua Cheng, then sighed. “Fine!” He threw up his hands. “I'll talk to him about it. Right now!” He stormed off towards Feng Xin and Quan Yizhen who currently held the former above his head, like he was displaying a trophy. Feng Xin was still yelling. Mu Qing ignored the inquisitive gaze of Quan Yizhen and spoke loudly to Feng Xin. “Ju Yang! I hope you are prepared to empty your coffers when you court me!” His face was red. “I won't be bought with cheap trinkets!” He crossed his arms, turning his nose up.
Feng Xin was stunned. Quan Yizhen dropped him, the man letting out an “oof” as he hit the ground. His face became red as well when he understood the meaning of Mu Qings's words. Some more words were said between the two but they were too quiet to be heard. Feng Xin hesitantly reached out to grasp Mu Qings's hand with his own. They didn't look at each other; their faces were as red as Hua Cheng's robes.
Yin Yu watched the scene play out while Quan Yizhen came over to stand next to him.
“Crimson Rain,” he said, turning to Hua Cheng. “Thank you for telling me about General Nan Yang’s intentions towards shixiong. Even if they were fake.”
Something clicked. “Chengzhu?” Yin Yu asked. “Were you the one who put the idea into General Nan Yang’s head about the fake courting?”
Next to Hua Cheng, Xie Lian smiled beatifically. “Now, now, Your Highness Yin Yu. San Lang did no such thing.”
Quan Yizhen barked a laugh, Yin Yu smiled leaning into him.
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grungiiuvu · 8 months
Can we hear more on the mq brothel worker au
Alright, so the first half of the au can be found here on @sweepingboy's account!!
The rest is! (cut for length)
After careful espionage and tracking the waxing moon officer, he finally gets close enough to catch a whiff of perfume - a very distinctive perfume, like cherry blossoms, which he knows as the scent Mu Qing was always bathed in when he worked at the brothel. So now he's pretty damn sure
Feng Xin chases down the waxing moon officer in his nan yang disguise, hunting him desperately throughout the city until he can finally get him alone and asks who he is. He's met with hostility at first but, after revealing he's from Xianle, the officer is less hostile and slightly curious.
Slowly, they exchange stories, one bit of information at a time, until Feng Xin finally, fearfully, tells him "I used to frequent a brothel to see my friend before he was murdered. I was going to ask him to marry me when I had enough money but i never made it in time", and there's a long stretch of silence before the ghost ask "Feng Xin?"
Who saw this one coming? The officer is Mu Qing! They have a very tearful reunion, clinging to each other in a tight hug, having both believed the other was dead for 800 years. Feng Xin changes to his original form and Mu Qing slips off the mask, so they can see each other properly for the first time in centuries.
They begin to constantly spend time together, making up for all the years lost by being at each other's side again. Mu Qing reveals he doesn't remember much of xianle - he recalls his mother, cultivation, his ascension and then the brothel work and Feng Xin. Feng Xin fills him in on all the details he missed or can't remember, gently coaxing out buried memories.
Mu Qing, thanks to Feng Xin telling him of Xianle, manages to put together who Hua Cheng's 'beloved' is! Meanwhile, Feng Xin is growing increasingly under the impression that Mu Qing is some sort of prisoner of Crimson Rain and he's not happy about it - his lovers already been a prisoner once before!! Never again!!
Feng Xin begins to plot how he'll rescue/kidnap mu qing from the ghost calamity while Mu Qing begins to hunt down Xie Lian with new leads. They met as often as they can, where Feng Xin rambles about his plans for once he's saved Mu Qing, that he'll bring him up to heaven and hide him in his palace where he can keep him safe forever - Mu Qing finds his stupid ideas incredibly endearing
Eventually, Mu Qing manages to find Xie Lian and gives him to Hua Cheng in exchange for his freedom and pretty much runs off to Feng Xin immediately, where they live happily ever after!!
Some au bonus points are!!
After he'd met Feng Xin again, Mu Qing began to behave very dreamily, always with his mind back to his long lost lover. This managed to convince Ghost City that he was dying soon
No one told Ghost City that Mu Qing had just run off to live somewhere else, they all thought he'd died and kept paying the waning moon officer and chengzhu their condolences
Mu Qing was a famously old ghost in ghost city, having been an officer for as long as it's creation, so they had all just assumed he'd willing scattered his ashes to finally rest
Hua Cheng found Mu Qing's ghost fire crying for his lover and felt they were slightly kindred spirits. Since then, Mu Qing has travelled with him, and guarded mount tonglu when hua cheng went on to be a calamity - they never figured out who the other was until Feng Xin told them the full story
When Feng Xin first found Mu Qing in the brothel, he'd visit just to sit in silence with him. One day, Mu Qing grew angry over this and accused him of trying to gloat. Only then did Feng Xin break down and begin to explain how Xie Lian had 'gone mad' and just how stressed he was and how he was just happy to know mu qing was fed and clean
When feng xin brough mu qing to heaven, he took on the form of a middle court official 'fu yao', a new member of the palace of Nan Yang who seemed to have 'bewitched' the general
the other deputies eventually realise 'Fu Yao' is a ghost and tries to bring this evidence up to feng xin who finds it hilarious to pretend like he has no idea, as if he's not currently covered in ghost qi
There's a few more little tidbits i could add, but i'll refrain!! Thank you for asking :DD
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astrowaffles · 16 days
aiming for your heart
general audiences | tomo-chan is a girl! au | for @fengqingaction
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“I have something to tell you,” Feng Xin blurted out, coming to a stop.
Mu Qing stopped walking and turned around. “Is it important? I kind of have to get home-“
“I like you,” Feng Xin interrupted.
Mu Qing stared at her.
“No, I-I mean, I love you,” Feng Xin corrected, fiddling with her fingers.
Mu Qing stared harder, narrowing his eyes a little like he was trying to figure out what she was saying. Feng Xin allowed him to scrutinise her, hoping he could see her sincerity or something and praying he didn’t ask a stupid question like ‘why?’.
“Hmm,” said Mu Qing, which sounded an awful lot like the lead-up to a rejection. Feng Xin braced herself as Mu Qing opened his mouth-
“I love you too, bro. Where’d this come from? Are you dying?”
Oh.  He hadn’t understood at all. He hadn’t even considered that this might be a romantic confession, that Feng Xin might have romantic feelings for him, and now he was walking away and chattering about how he wished Feng Xin was dying so he got an excuse to dress up for the funeral, and Feng Xin never really got a chance to explain herself.
She sighed. Well, Mu Qing wasn’t going anywhere, was he? There was always another chance. “Hey! Wait for me!!” she called, rushing to catch up.
Yeah. She could just try again tomorrow.
“THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING!” Feng Xin yelled, slamming her head down onto her desk. “He’s such an idiot!”
“There, there,” Xie Lian soothed, stroking her hair. “I’m sure it’s not as bad as it seems.”
“It’s hopeless!” Feng Xin complained, turning her head to the side so she wasn’t face planted into the wood of the table. “I don’t think he even knows I’m a girl!”
“He does,” Xie Lian said, though she didn’t sound very confident about it. “He can’t be that oblivious. Don’t worry, everything will work out.”
“When?!” Feng Xin wailed despairingly. “I’ve been trying for weeks!”
“Maybe he just needs a little push,” Xie Lian suggested. She stopped stroking Feng Xin’s hair in order to pull her phone out from her bag. “Should we google it?”
“No, it’s all stupid advice, I’ve tried.”
“Oh.” Xie Lian stowed her phone away and tried to think. “What’s something super girly that you could do to make him notice?”
“I dunno. I wear a skirt and I have long hair, what else does he need?”
“Don’t be stereotypical,” Xie Lian admonished. “Besides, your hair isn’t that long.”
Well, that was true. Feng Xin had an uneven and shaggy bob, which barely seemed like hair at all when compared with Xie Lian’s shiny, long, straight hair. Neither were her eyelashes anything to write home about compared with the luscious, jet-black ones Xie Lian’s girlfriend Hua Cheng had.
Feng Xin needed new friends. Ugly friends, if possible.
“Well, any suggestions?” she asked. Xie Lian pulled a face that was clearly meant to mean ‘yes, but I’m not sure if you can do it’.
“Just spit it out,” Feng Xin commanded.
“Well- have you tried being, um, a bit .. gentler?”
“What?! I’m very gentle! Just yesterday I rescued a frog from being run over!”
“That was after you’d punched Mu Qing for getting in the way,” Xie Lian reminded her. “Anyway, I didn’t mean literally. I meant- have you tried talking in a prettier way? You know, more feminine, more polite, something like that?”
Feng Xin considered it. “You mean, talk like you?”
“Ah-“ Xie Lian flushed. “No, not quite. But, maybe a little like me…”
“I suppose you’re in a relationship and I’m not, so it works,” Feng Xin reasoned.
“Possibly,” Xie Lian hedged. “We didn’t really have this problem, but…”
“Yeah, yeah, I know. It’s worth a try!” Feng Xin sat up just in time for the bell to ring. “I’ll try it as soon as I can!”
“Why are you talking like that?” Mu Qing asked.
“Talking in what way, my fine sir?” Feng Xin replied, trying to choose a sandwich.
“Like an idiot.”
Normally, Feng Xin would’ve punched him by this point, but in the name of being gentler she simply gritted her teeth and tried again.
“I am not speaking this way out of idiocy, my lord, but simply a desire to be more elegant,” she sniffed, grabbing the lunch she’d chosen.
“It’s not working,” Mu Qing told her. He was stood slightly over her, trying to choose food of his own; Feng Xin blushed a little and tried not to move so they wouldn’t bump legs. “Stop talking like a weirdo.”
At that, Feng Xin could almost feel a vein popping in her forehead. “I ask that you refrain from such-“
Mu Qing moved away, allowing Feng Xin to move too; this newfound freedom caused her to swing around too fast and almost fall into Mu Qing.
“My apologies,” she said, a little breathless.
“You sound stupid,” Mu Qing said, completely ruining the mood.
“You’re so annoying!” Feng Xin exclaimed, shoving him away.
“Hey! What did I do?!”
“You were a total moron!!”
Mu Qing looked genuinely offended at that, and reached out to shove Feng Xin back. “I didn’t do anything! All I did was say the honest truth-“
“You’re so insensitive!” Feng Xin whacked him over the head with the side of her hand.
“You’re a brute!” Mu Qing jabbed her in the side.
That annoyed Feng Xin; she drew back her fist to land him one right in the eye.
“Who’s next, please?” the cashier called.
Feng Xin scowled at Mu Qing’s pleased smirk, and moved to buy her food.
Feng Xin carried the despondency from her failed throughout the rest of the day, complaining to Xie Lian through her entire lunch break (after abandoning Mu Qing in the hallway, of course) and moping through the last lessons of the day. Even the weather seemed to agree with her, as clouds gathered in ominous black groups in the once-blue sky.
The last lesson of the day, English, ended with a rumble of thunder. A quick glance out the window proved Feng Xin’s ears correct: it was raining, hard. Thank god she’d brought her umbrella – but Xie Lian probably hadn’t.
“Maybe Hua Cheng will bring her one,” Feng Xin said hopefully, even though she knew the girls didn’t live in the same direction. Not that Hua Cheng would mind walking two ways; she loved to spend extra time with her girlfriend.
With that comforting thought, Feng Xin took her time walking to the lockers, allowing the rest of her class to rush past her and out the door as if leaving faster would make the rain any lighter. By the time she reached her locker and had changed her shoes, only a few students still lingered by the doorway; probably the ones who’d forgotten their umbrellas and were hoping the rain would ease up, Feng Xin thought.
A closer inspection revealed two of them to be Xie Lian and Mu Qing, deep in discussion about something. Feng Xin didn’t know they were that close: they’d all played together as kids, of course, but they’d never really done anything as a duo as far as she knew.
Mu Qing looked annoyed, or at least flustered. Xie Lian looked knowing and perhaps a little smug, as if she had finally managed to prove an idea she’d had for a long time.
“Hey guys!” Feng Xin chirped. “What’s going on?”
“He forgot his umbrella,” Xie Lian said before Mu Qing could say anything.
“Aren’t you here because you’ve forgotten yours, too?” Feng Xin asked her. “Do you want to share mine?”
“What are you doing?” Xie Lian whispered. “This is your chance to share an umbrella with him!”
“That’s gonna make us look like a couple!!” Feng Xin fretted.
“Isn’t that what you want?”
“Stop whispering,” Mu Qing demanded. “I’m fine walking home by myself, so you go with dianxia, Feng Xin.”
The childhood nickname made Xie Lian smile a little, but she insisted, “I’ve got one coming for me. You two go on ahead.”
Feng Xin attempted to use her puppy eyes, but Xie Lian’s immunity once again came in useful as she shook her head with a slightly devious grin. “Go on, Xin’er. Look, here’s San Lang now!”
It was true. Hua Cheng was making her way down the rows of lockers, accompanied by the telltale jingling of her jewellery.
Feng Xin winced. She didn’t particularly enjoy Hua Cheng’s company and preferred to leave the two lovebirds alone, but she equally didn’t want to be left alone with her own crush.
“Go on,” Xie Lian repeated, giving her friend a little push. “I’ll see you tomorrow!”
“Well, if you’re sure….” Feng Xin edged over to Mu Qing. “Ready?”
“Yeah,” said Mu Qing, not looking at all ready. “Let’s go already.”
“Alright, alright, don’t be so impatient.” Feng Xin opened the umbrella and stepped out into the rain. “We’re going.”
Xie Lian waved them away just as Hua Cheng arrived at the door, immediately throwing an arm over her shoulder to drag her into a side hug. Xie Lian laughed and allowed herself to be fussed over.
“Disgusting,” Mu Qing commented.
“Huh?! Don’t tell me you’re homophobic!”
“What? No!”
“Then what’s disgusting about it?”
“The PDA,” Mu Qing said, with a slight shudder. “They’re all over each other.”
“I think it’s nice,” Feng Xin defended, leaving out the it would be nicer if it was us instead.
“I guess if you like that kind of thing,” Mu Qing shrugged.
“Okay emo,” Feng Xin teased, and cleared her throat to begin her Mu Qing impression. “’I’m so sad and my soul is so dark. I relate to wilted roses and I love ‘My Chemical Romance’. My favourite song is-‘”
“Shut up,” Mu Qing snapped, but his eyes were laughing. “Hey- aren’t you gonna get under here?”
“What are you on about?”
Mu Qing rolled his eyes. “Your shoulder’s getting wet.”
Feng Xin looked across, and sure enough, her shoulder was outside of the umbrella’s range, and soaked through. She looked at the gap between her and Mu Qing; it was sizeable, but not big enough that she was willing to close any of it. It was already so uncomfortable walking alongside him like this, when normally they’d have the entire pavement to spread out over. She could smell his cologne.
It smelt good.
“Come here,” Mu Qing said, taking hold of her elbow and pulling her in. Feng Xin squeaked as she was hauled in towards her crush. "It’s your umbrella, you know. You should be under it.”
“But you’re the guest,” Feng Xin argued, trying not to think about their shoulders, which were touching.
“What kind of guy would I be if I let a girl get soaked through while I sheltered under her umbrella?” Mu Qing returned.
“So you do know,” Feng Xin noted.
“Huh? Know what?”
“That I’m a girl.”
Well, this was potentially worse than just not knowing at all. If Mu Qing didn’t know, then when he found out, Feng Xin would have another chance at confessing, she mused. Mu Qing jostled next to her as they walked in step; she tried not to notice as the amount of shoulder touching slowly increased. But if he’d known all along, ever since they were younger, maybe even since they’d met-
“On second thoughts, you can have the umbrella!” she wailed, overcome by the casual contact. She shoved the handle at Mu Qing and immediately set off running.
“Wha- hey! Come back!” Mu Qing called.
Feng Xin heard him set off after her. They’d trained karate together ever since they were little, and once upon a time, Feng Xin could be sure of beating him in every match. Now they were grown up and Mu Qing’s testosterone had kicked in, there was practically no way she could win in a test of physical strength.
Well, she still won the karate matches. Just not the fistfights.
Either way, Mu Qing ran faster than her if everything else was equal, and she really didn’t want him to catch up, even if he was still carrying the open umbrella and slipping a little on the wet pavement. She put on a burst of speed that drew a frustrated squawk from Mu Qing behind her.
“WHY ARE YOU SPRINTING?!” he screamed, umbrella flapping as he ran.
“JUST WALK NORMALLY!” she screamed back, not slowing. She couldn’t go back there, not back to the warm haven of Mu Qing’s scent and casual, almost unnoticed physical contact, walking side by side like they were- like they were dating or something.
“NO!” Mu Qing hollered, speeding up. Feng Xin started to panic; he was gaining on her.
Her legs were beginning to tire, tensed from trying to keep her grip on the slippery concrete and stressed from trying to keep ahead of someone she knew would catch up eventually. She skidded to a halt as best she could, hoping he wouldn’t notice and would just speed past.
To her dismay, he noticed, sliding to a stop next to her.
“What…was…that..about?” he forced out through wheezing gasps, hands on his knees.
“Nothing,” she shrugged.
Mu Qing held out the umbrella and she obediently took it from him, sheltering them both while still trying to maintain as much distance between them as she could.
“If it was nothing….don’t do it,” Mu Qing managed, finally straightening up.
Feng Xin blushed a little at his ruffled hair and uniform. It was rare to see him like this outside of the dojo. “Sorry,” she said, and half-meant it. “Let’s walk the rest of the way.”
Mu Qing opened his mouth, probably about to say something like ‘finally’ with his signature eye roll, when he stopped. A weird sound came from the back of his throat, like he was trying to speak but couldn’t.
“Are you okay? You’re looking a little red-“
Without warning, he took off at a sprint.
“HEY!” Feng Xin yelled, about to run after him. As she turned to set off, she caught herself in the reflection of someone’s window. Soaked through, hair bedraggled, skirt sticking pathetically to her thighs, and- oh. Shirt gone practically transparent with water.
In her mind’s eye, the moment replayed: tips of Mu Qing’s ears violently red and his cheeks following suit, eyes trained intensely on her eyebrows, hands clamped tightly together.
“Hm,” she pondered, evil grin forming unwittingly on her face. “If I can get a reaction like that out of him….”
…maybe she had a chance.
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doordaash · 9 months
as promised :3
fengqing bodyguard/royalty au‼️ PART 1
prince mu qing, stuck in an arranged marriage
ask anything else of him & he would gladly do it for his mother, the queen & his people
but this? he’s torn between his duty & his heart
because he’s actually in love with his bodyguard
his bodyguard, feng xin, who’s been by his side for years
his mother had no idea he had fallen for the gifted archer she had assigned to him when they were just 13, after his father had been assassinated
how could she have? he never told her..
he hadn’t even told feng xin….
yet the karma of keeping his mouth sealed so tight seems to have caught up to him
because here he was - standing next to his mother, as she explains how now that he’s 18, he’s of marrying age
he nearly lets out a small gasp, but masks it, as he realizes what she’s implying
“mama….surely you don’t mean….” he hopes his voice doesn’t actually sound as strained as he thinks it does
“qing’er….I’m sorry…..the court has my hands tied here…they demand you marry…..to produce an heir…”
“mama?” mu qings eyes widened, his composure finally cracking. he whips his head towards her, finding her head tilted forwards, a common posture she took when hiding her face
“i know, I’m sorry qing’er….they’re having candidates come to meet you as soon as possible….”
his mother didn’t raise her head to meet his eyes, as if ashamed.
his hands trembled as they curled into fists
“but i—”
he stopped himself, biting his tongue
he couldn’t tell her about his love for feng xin
yes, his mother was a caring woman, a caring queen, basically his best friend - if he was being honest
he loved her greatly…
yet, what if she found out her son had fallen for someone most consider palace staff
HE sure as hell didn’t think of feng xin as just some random staff member hired to protect him
no, he was mu qings closest friend & confidante, even if mu qing didn’t act like it at times
mu qings mother loved him & respected him greatly, always listening intently to what feng xin had to say, always making sure he was fed & had the warmest clothing for the colder nights
…yet would that change if she discovered mu qing loved him?
would she kick feng xin out?
he told himself no, his mother would never do something as cruel as that, not to anyone - but especially not to feng xin
but what if she did? what if she blamed feng xin for ruining mu qings shot at what she hoped would be a happy marriage with a complete stranger
no, he couldn’t tell her.
he bit his lip, bending slightly in a bow, before all but stomping away from his mother & towards his chambers
he had half a mind to let the doors behind him slam, but he knew it wasn’t his mothers fault - and he refused to disrespect her like that. it was that stupid courts fault after all, & their bullshit about heirs
he shut the doors behind him slowly, before turning towards the hallway & coming face to face with feng xin - whom as usual, was waiting for him
“oh. hey.” he nods, cringing at the way his voice cracks
“what’s wrong? did something happen? are you hurt?” feng xin springs into action, noticing the littlest change in mu qings usual attitude & tone
he frantically looks over mu qing, simultaneously touching him as little as possible - since he “wasn’t allowed to touch royalty” (his words, not mu qings)
once feng xin decided mu qing was not in any immediate danger nor sported any wounds, he came back to stand before him
“the hells up with you?” he asks, eyebrow raised
mu qing sighed, pulling his arms around himself before swiftly walking ahead
“h-hey! your highness!” feng xin shouts, running after him to catch up
once beside him again, feng xin bends his head slightly to match mu qings height so that when mu qing turns, they’re making direct eye contact
“what’s wrong? what happened?” feng xin asks again
“nothing, don’t worry about it” mu qing huffs, picking up speed in order to get out of the air that smells faintly of feng xin
“it is quite literally my job to worry about you, come onnnnn, tell meeeee!”
his eyes roll “if i tell you im safe, & moms safe will you drop it?”
“no, but thanks for trying!” feng xin smiles
mu qings heart beats three times faster & he feels his face heat up
gods…feng xins smile had always had an embarrassing effect on him
it always tore down his walls & made him feel warm & safe & trusting
damn you feng xin
he sighed, eyes flicking to feng xins smiling face once more before darting to the hallway ahead
“i have to….im……mama said….”
he bit his lip, pulling his arms impossibly closer in on himself
if he said it out loud, it would be too real
he looked to feng xin once more, seeking the bravery that the archer always radiated
feng xin nodded, gesturing for him to go on
with a deep breath, he rushed out “i’m getting married”
then, seeing the door to his chambers, he sped up even more, wanting to hide away forever
he could hear feng xins heavy footsteps race after him
he was so close to his chambers, so close….
he moved to pull open the door…..yet it was slammed shut, feng xins palm flat against it as he cornered mu qing
“married?! you’re getting married?!”
~to be continued~
(being posted on twitter in thread form first, if you’d like to follow along there!)
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brainrotta · 1 year
Mu Qing is number one
Mu Qing had recently discovered that some of his devout followers in the mortal realm were planning to stage a play in his honor. As their beloved god, he felt compelled to ensure that the production was tasteful and met the highest standards. Thus, he decided to attend the first rehearsal in disguise, making sure there were no malicious rumors about him and that everything proceeded as expected.
He was thinking of inviting Feng Xin to come with him… just casually, no big deal, if he wants, whatever. They’ve been sneaking around these past couple of days, around the heavenly capital, and this could maybe be their first date. Or not, it’s just a stupid play, no one cares. But he never did.
Feng Xin knew about it already, because, for some reason, he became extraordinarily good at noticing and remembering every little thing about Mu Qing. At the same time, he became equally inept at performing the same mental tasks concerning anything else.
He secretly hoped for an invitation, but even if it didn't come, he had no intention of sulking; his plan was to surprise Mu Qing with an unplanned date.
Like some bad luck, as the event drew near, Xie Lian unexpectedly called Mu Qing, seeking his assistance at Puqi Shrine, at the exact same time as that play rehearsal. Nothing of importance, he concluded. Xie Lian was going on and on about some maple leaves, autumn harvest, cooking dinner and so on. Mu Qing politely excused himself, explaining he has important business to attend to that cannot be postponed and suggested Feng Xin is probably available and willing to help. Wait, nooo. Why did he say that? He wasn’t sure.
Now, at least, he can feel rejected. Feng Xin will for sure run to help His Highness. He would never choose him as a first priority, not that he was competing for such status.
He knew Feng Xin couldn’t possibly know that he was choosing. Mu Qing never asked for anything; never put himself out there, exposing to the possibility of rejection. And additionally, he did everything in his control to end up going alone. Nevertheless, he still felt like the rain was pouring down on him, like he was being wronged.
But oh well, he’s used to it. On his own. He just likes it like that.
The time had come eventually and he was just about to leap down alone, when Nan Feng caught him by the wrist and pulled him back into his arms. “Gotcha” he smiled at him.
“You were really gonna go alone?” he inquired, sounding a bit angry.
“Well, how else? Let go of me, what is wrong with you?” Fu Yao struggled out of his embrace while saying a bunch of stuff he absolutely didn't really mean.
Nan Feng softened his tone a bit “I thought we could maybe go together? Like, just the two of us,” looking at him with puppy-like eyes.
“Aren’t you supposed to be at Puqi Shrine?” Fu Yao snapped harshly, still not sure why.
Nan Feng scrutinized him for a moment, his brows furrowed, thinking this crazy, miserable youth was being too pitiful.
“His Highness did call, indeed. But I have a person I care about a lot, someone I wanna spend more time with. And he is my number one now.” He approached and planted a soft, lingering kiss on the side of Fu Yao's temple. "I wanted to go with you."
Fu Yao, curling into himself with a smile, pondered the fact that he is somebody’s number one, Feng Xin’s number one. He hugged him tightly and teased, “Is that what you told him?”
“I told him, I need to kick your ass” Nan Feng smirked too obnoxiously, Fu Yao rolled his eyes over the top.
As they were snuggling and bantering, focused solely on each other, Nan Feng stumbled, and they both fell right through a portal, landing embraced, legs intertwined, on top of the stage where some play was just about to begin.
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hwabin-6 · 2 years
FENGQING modern au
Feng Xin was in Mu Qing’s kitchen. Not a very rare sight but certainly not a common one. He wasn’t alone, Mu Qing was right beside him, hands moving methodically as he stirred the batter. 
Really what was a rare sight was them being so amiable while together. It usually took one exasperated Xie Lian and two separate ranting sessions before they could get along on a good day. On a bad day…well that was something else altogether. 
But they couldn't have Xie Lian with them today, after all, the whole reason they were here in the first place was to make a cake for Xie Lian’s homecoming party. Xie Lian did not know about this party, if he did he would try to cook something too and no one wanted that, except maybe his deranged boyfriend. Thus Mu Qing suggested they make it a surprise, so here they were.
“Get me the measuring cup from the bottom drawer,” Mu Qing said as he leaned over the edge of the counter, his right hand mixing the batter while his left moved the empty bowls to make more room.
“Please,” Feng Xin muttered. Really, it was a simple word, not that hard to say. Feng Xin stood in the middle for a second before turning on his heel to stare at Mu Qing wordlessly.
“Ugh, the bottom drawer to my right.”
Feng Xin nodded and did as told. He handed Mu Qing the cup before going back to skimming through his playlist for a good song. He wasn’t being lazy. He already did his part. They were making a double layered cake and Feng Xin had the honours of making the first batter. Which was done and ready to be put in the oven with Mu Qing’s. 
“Pick something else this time, I’ve gotten bored of your taste in music.”
“Liar, heard you humming under your breath at the last song. Bet you’re going to search it up later and dance to it as you finish up your skincare routine.”
“Say something as stupid as that again and you can walk your ass out the door.” 
Feng Xin laughed but decided on a more bubblegum pop song. Mu Qing raised a brow at his choice.
“It’s Cuo Cuo’s favourite.” 
Mu Qing just sighed but his lips tiled at the side.
It was pleasant. Feng Xin hadn’t ever really thought about it, but despite their many disagreements, Mu Qing was a constant in his life. 
He had that crushing realisation that he had always expected Mu Qing to stay beside them when Mu Qing had left back in their first year of university.
The many days when he’d turned to the side, expecting to see that swish of ponytail, only to be met by the chilling silence of…loneliness, was when he realised.
Mu Qing was a constant in his mind…in his heart. No matter what Feng Xin did, no matter how hard he tried to move on. No one gave him that same feeling of exhilarating relief that Mu Qing did.
There were many times when they’d met again that their hostility reached out of bounds. But never had Feng Xin wished to go back to those days where he’d stare blankly at life.
Feng Xin was just an idiot for having realised a lot later. Now, he could only hope that maybe these feelings could be returned. Even just a little.
Mu Qing closed the oven before turning to clean up the dishes in the sink.
Feng Xin grabbed his shoulders, fingers tangling in the soft material of Mu Qing’s shirt. Mu Qing’s dangling earring on his left ear brushed against his knuckles.
“Nope, you sit, I’ll do the dishes,” Mu Qing sat down, his face blank but his eyes lit up just the slightest.
Feng Xin rolled the sleeves of shirt up, his face scrunched as he tried to wipe the residue of cake batter from the bowl. Mu Qing was humming, although he didn't look like he was aware of it. He was leaning on his elbow, fingers drumming against the counter top, the slush of water drowning out his little sighs. 
Feng Xin was mesmerised. He supposed that God took his fair time when it came to sculpting Mu Qing. The man was impeccably perfect. It left this stinging feeling to rush inside Feng Xin, like those little electric shocks that run through the body on cold frigid days. 
Mu Qing tilted his head towards him, his lashes fluttering, the light from the window panning on his face. His eyes stayed locked with Feng Xin’s and the two stayed there staring.
“Shut the tap, it’s wasting water,” Mu Qing jerked his head towards the sink. 
Feng Xin looked at the dish in hand and winced. He really is bad at multitasking. Feng Xin sighed and quickly finished up before shutting the tap as instructed. 
“When will it be done?” Feng Xin asked, pulling at the stools near the counter and joining Mu Qing.
“Still another 20 minutes.” 
Feng Xin nodded. 
Mu Qing was quiet, listening to the tinkling sounds of voices that skipped out of Feng Xin’s phone. 
Feng Xin had never felt so at peace. The cooking had initially scared him. He’d thought they’d be halfway into an argument right now. Or that he’d even be pushed to leave. But neither happened. 
It was pleasant. 
He didn’t want this to end. 
“You have anything else planned today?” Feng Xin asked.
“No, why?” Mu Qing shifted, his shirt dragging against the marble countertop as he lay his head on his arms.
“Want to watch a movie?”
“I don’t have any snacks,” Mu Qing glanced up at him, his eyes fluttering, “unless you’d be willing to run to the convenience store to buy some.”
Feng Xin raised a brow, “are the snacks needed?”
Letting out a low whistle Feng Xin nodded, “fine, but then you get everything here ready. I’m talking like the whole thing.”
Feng Xin wanted to reach out and run his fingers through Mu Qing’s hair, he could almost feel those silk strands wrap around his fingers as he gave them a light tug in jest. 
He pushed off the stool and turned to leave, grabbing his jacket, he turned towards the door. His heart dancing in his chest. He’d almost reached the door when he heard his name leave Mu Qing’s lips.
Confused, he looked back, only to reflexively catch what had been thrown at him.
“Don’t forget your phone dumbass.” 
“Oh right,” Feng Xin grinned at Mu Qing, his eyes trained on Mu Qing’s face, and he was glad it was because right then Mu Qing’s face bloomed the most beautiful scarlet.
Red had never been Feng Xin’s colour but it suit Mu Qing so well.
That blush left Feng Xin’s erratic heart jumping up his throat, like it wanted to present itself to Mu Qing. 
Feng Xin unlocked the door, glancing over his shoulder he called out to Mu Qing.
“Wait for me okay?”
Just as he was closing the door, he heard a reply. One that left him unreasonably giddy all the way down the steps.
“Of course. Where else would I go.”
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quillium · 4 years
Mu Qing, sitting crosslegged across his highness’ stupid boyfriend, watching him make a cup of tea while Xie Lian and Feng Xin spar in the garden.
The garden. His highness has a garden. 
His highness is sparring with Feng Xin in said garden.
Is the garden okay.
Are the plants okay.
Why in the garden when his highness’ cottage is literally on the side of a mountain which is above a flat valley plain.
Mu Qing had been worried about his highness when Hua Cheng had been missing, but now that he’s back, he feels quite content being constantly annoyed and ready to commit murder every time he sees them act so disgustingly domestic.
Even worse: This little house which they just live in every day being couple-y and cute.
Every time that Mu Qing and Feng Xin come here, he sees Feng Xin act all mopey and sad because he also wants that married life, Mu Qing supposes.
He can never understand.
But, he supposes, that’s the curse of living. You always want what you can’t have.
Hua Cheng finishes making the tea and sits back to let it steep. His gaze immediately turns to the window--watching his highness.
If you ask Mu Qing, he’s a freaky bastard. But he makes his highness happier than Mu Qing remembers seeing him so he supposes--well, he’s alright. At the very least, bearable.
Not that Mu Qing can get mad at him for that. Mu Qing also would prefer watching his highness sparring to trying to make small talk with Hua Cheng--they’re just different people.
(Isn’t that the excuse that Mu Qing has always given? We’re just different. We’re born different, made different, think different-- and so he always gave up on the things he wanted, because they always felt too far.
Now he has everything that anyone could ask for and the unease, the hollow in his chest, the thought that he’s nothing, that he’s still not good enough, persists.
He wonders if anyone else feels this way.
He knows that nobody else feels this way.)
After five minutes have passed, the tea is done steeping and Hua Cheng pours it out after calling out, “Gege! Tea!”
The sparring immediately stops, his highness bowing to Feng Xin, and Mu Qing leans back, making room for Feng Xin to sit beside him as Hua Cheng places a cup in front of him.
“Thank you.”
“It’s Jasmine.”
Mu Qing makes an appreciative hum as he takes a sip. He may hate Hua Cheng, but he knows how to make good tea.
Feng Xin is grinning when he pats his sleeve against his face, holding open the door for his highness before trailing in and kneeling next to Mu Qing.
“Did you have fun sitting still?” 
“Did you have fun getting sweaty and gross?”
“I did, actually. You want a spar afterwards?”
Mu Qing sips his tea, bites back a smile at the fragrant taste, and says, “How could I pass up the opportunity to thoroughly trounce you?”
“I’m not the one who’s going to be losing.”
“The one with the least skill speaks the most.”
“You’re talking a lot, too!”
His highness laughs as he sits down next to Hua Cheng, leaning over to kiss him on the cheek, and Mu Qing rolls his eyes.
Why invite them over if they’re just going to spend the whole time being mushy? This couple is ridiculous.
He makes eye contact with Feng Xin.
That’s how bad it is.
He’s making eye contact with Feng Xin, of all people. The ridiculous musclehead.
Feng Xin smiles wistfully at his cup.
Heavens, Mu Qing is surrounded by idiots.
His highness leans forward and grins at Mu Qing. “How’s the tea? San Lang is good at everything, it seems.”
“The leaves are good,” Mu Qing says stiffly. 
Hua Cheng glares. Mu Qing rolls his eyes.
Laughing, his highness leans back and says, “I suppose that since Mu Qing’s tea is the best, of course he could say something like that.”
Strangely flustered, Mu Qing looks away.
“You know, I accidentally oversteeped the leaves once, and it became so bitter, but San Lang drank it all without complaint.”
Why is Mu Qing not surprised.
His highness’s eyes are sparkling as he grins at Mu Qing. “You wouldn’t do that, though, right? You’d insult my tea to my face.”
It’s strange, this teasing. New, really. Before, his highness had been more careful--more gentle. Now, something in Hua Cheng brought out this lightness, this willingness to tease so easily. “Do you dislike honesty, your highness?”
“No, I think it’s charming.”
“Then you must think all of him charming, since he does nothing but roll his eyes and insult others.” 
One day, Mu Qing will murder Feng Xin, mark his words.
“I do find all of him charming,” his highness agrees amicably, smiling at Mu Qing as though they hold something secret and precious between the two of them.
“But I’m the most charming, right, gege?”
Ugh, gag him.
“Of course, San Lang is always my favourite...”
Feng Xin quickly downs the rest of his tea and makes desperate eye contact with Mu Qing. “Let’s have that spar now.”
“Right now,” Mu Qing agrees.
They pick up their swords and go out to the garden, and Mu Qing is exasperated, and somewhat annoyed, but he, too, in some small way, also enjoys this quiet, peaceful life.
My AO3
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