#but obviously not for late night breakfast McDonald's breakfast is shit too
vitiateoriginator · 1 year
God I would kill for a late night snall diner breakfast rn
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cosmicgoddesswrites · 3 years
The Nanny - Chapter 2
Single Dad!Kuroo x Nanny!Reader
Summary: Kuroo Tetsuro is about at his wits end; there's only so much a man can take with work piling up, his divorce getting messier by the minute, and his 6-year-old daughter raising hell at home. Hiring a nanny sounds like a band-aid solution, but who knows, maybe this will work out?
Word Count: 1738
Warnings: Female!Reader, Some cursing, mentions of v!olence, implied panic attack
Prev. Masterlist. Next.
Pulling up to the house the next morning was just as nerve-racking, if not more so, than it was the day before. (Y/n) was excited to meet Emiko, but couldn’t help the anxiety bubbling in the pit of her stomach.
What if Emiko didn’t like her? Kuroo said if she did well then she would get to stay on as her nanny. Did that mean if she did a shit job that he would fire her?
(Y/n) pushed her worries to the back of her mind as she approached the front door, gripping the spare key Kuroo had given her so hard she thought it might bend. With a deep breath she unlocked the front door and made her way inside.
Her footsteps practically echoed in the spacious house. One would think she was there completely alone. 
Making her way to the kitchen, (Y/n) set down her messenger bag in one of the island chairs. Should she start cooking? Should she wait for Kuroo to greet her? Would he even greet her? Did she have to wait until she knew Emiko was up?
Her inner monologue was interrupted by a loud crash followed by a shrill scream that could have easily been mistaken for an emergency siren.
Instinct had (Y/n) rushing to the source of the noise and almost bumping into a frantic and half naked, very wet Kuroo.
“O-oh my god-”
“Oh, hi. Uh, I was showering, should we-?” Kuroo interrupted (Y/n), pointing to the door they were both standing in front of. (Y/n) prayed he didn’t notice her staring.
“Yes, yes we should-” she mumbled, moving to let him open the door.
Kuroo swung open the door, rushing to his daughter’s bedside and checking her for injuries. The father sighed in relief when he found none, only for his smile of relief to drop when he saw a very expensive looking night-light had been thrown on the floor.
“You scared me half to death,” he huffed, picking up the night-light, “did you throw this? You know daddy paid a lot for that.”
The little girl’s attention had shifted from her dad to the stranger in the room, her intense, amber eyes almost sizing the woman up. “Who’s that?”
Kuroo frowned at the lack of response from his daughter. “That’s (Y/n), she’s going to be your nanny, okay?” he explained, inspecting the light for any damage.
(Y/n) smiled and opened her mouth to speak only for the 6-year-old to cut her off.
“I don’t like her.”
Kuroo choked on his saliva and quickly turned to face his daughter, “Emiko that isn’t nice, you just met her. Can you give her a chance?”
Emiko stayed dead silent, continuing to stare (Y/n) down.
(Y/n) tried her best to play off the insanely awkward encounter, kneeling down to meet Emiko’s eye-line. “That’s okay, buuut do you like pancakes?”
The girl’s eyes lit up for a moment, she was obviously trying to mask any reaction to the mention of food, but her stomach betrayed her as it rumbled loudly.
“Well I like pancakes too, I make them nice and thick and fluffy with lots of syrup. How about I go make you and your dad some right now?” (Y/n) offered Emiko a bright smile as the little girl glanced over at her father.
“I know that sounds good to me!” Kuroo said, “How about we get dressed for the day while (Y/n) starts cooking?”
Kuroo didn’t even wait for a reply, he just stood straight and began getting Emiko’s clothes ready for the day. (Y/n) gave Emiko one last smile before heading for the kitchen.
(Y/n) could hear arguing coming from Emiko’s room as she cooked breakfast. It was clear the little girl would pull no punches on (Y/n)’s first day, making this a difficult start to what would hopefully be her new, permanent job.
Kuroo eventually entered the kitchen, frustration evident in his features as he carried Emiko to the small dining table. The little girl kicked and struggled in his hold, whining and grunting as she tried getting away. Her school uniform and hair was a mess, it couldn’t have been genes making her jet-black hair stick up like that.
(Y/n) served Emiko her breakfast as soon as the young girl was in her chair, ensuring she wouldn’t try running off to get her father to chase her. Those adorable amber eyes identical to Kuroo’s lit up as she began digging into her breakfast, not even bothering to wait for her dad to sit beside her.
The older man adjusted his tie before sitting at the table and beginning to eat breakfast as well; he seemed very pleased with the comfortable silence that enveloped the three of them.
(Y/n) turned her back to them to start washing dishes. And that’s when things took a turn.
“Can we stop at McDonald’s on the way home from school, daddy?” Emiko asked, her mind already on her next meal despite the near-empty plate of pancakes in front of her.
“You’ll have to ask (Y/n), sweetheart. From now on she’s going to be the one taking you to school and bringing you home.”
Emiko didn’t like her father’s reply. Not one bit.
She practically threw her fork down on the table, a fire in her eyes (Y/n) was all too familiar with. “I don’t want her to take me! I want you to take me!” she shouted, mouth still full of half-chewed pancakes. 
“Emiko, the earlier daddy gets to work the earlier he can come home to you.” Kuroo reasoned, only to be met with a glare from his daughter.
“You always say that then pick me up late from school anyway!” she snapped, “I don’t want her!”
Kuroo gave Emiko a stern look. “Emiko. I’m the parent and you’re the child. I’m saying (y/n) is taking you to school. She’s taking you to school.”
(Y/n) internally cringed at that. Maybe she externally cringed too. She could have a talk with him about that communication later.
Emiko kicked her legs under the table, causing it to thump as Kuroo hardened his gaze. “Well if you’re done eating you can go ahead and get to school.” Kuroo stood up and scooped Emiko out of her chair despite her protests, ignoring her as she screamed her head off and thrashed in his arms.
In the midst of her thrashing, her closed fist collided roughly with Kuroo’s nose. In shock, he set Emiko down and cupped his nose in pain, the pain causing his eyes to water. Emiko looked shocked for a moment before continuing her tantrum.
Kuroo wordlessly picked Emiko back up, grabbed her schoolbag, and carried her to (Y/n)’s car. (Y/n) followed behind silently, unlocking the car so he could get Emiko in the back seat. Once she was strapped in, (Y/n) turned Kuroo to face her and cupped his cheek.
“Let me see that, do you need ice?” She asked before he quickly pulled away.
“I’ll be okay… Drive carefully.”
(Y/n) bit her lip before getting into the driver’s seat, wincing at the volume of Emiko’s screams. Despite how upset he was, Kuroo blew a kiss to the crying child in the car before turning to go back in the house.
Emiko sobbed and screeched and wailed the whole way to school, somehow not tiring herself out at all no matter how hard she thrashed in her seat. (Y/n) was almost grateful to pull up to the school parking lot and get the screaming child out of her car.
She opened the backseat of the car, noticing how Emiko flinched away as she was now practically hyperventilating through her tears.
(Y/n) immediately set beside her and cupped her cheeks so Emiko would look at her. “Hey, hey- it’s okay. Just look at me and breathe, okay, pretty girl? It’s okay, breathe.” (Y/n) cooed, gingerly wiping Emiko’s tears.
Emiko continued breathing hard, her tiny chest heaving with each breath she took. “D-Dont yell at meee!” She wailed, “Pleaaase don’t yell at me! Don’t be maaad!”
“Sweetie I’m not mad at you, I’m not going to yell at you,” (Y/n) assured her, brushing strands of messy hair off her tear-stained cheeks. “I’m never ever going to yell at you, okay? Please just be a good girl and breathe with me, okay?”
Emiko nodded quickly, staring up at (Y/n) as she mirrored her breathing. A couple moments later, Emiko was breathing normally, blinking back tears and shaking in her seat.
“Good girl,” (Y/n) gave her a gentle smile as she praised her, continuing to stroke her head. “Can you tell me why you’re upset?”
The little girl sniffled, her bottom lip quivering, “I hit my daddy…” she whimpered.
(Y/n) frowned as she began to try combing down Emiko’s messy hair with her fingers. “You didn’t like hitting your daddy, huh?”
Emiko responded only by shaking her head. “He hates me…”
“That’s not true.” (Y/n) quickly corrected her, tilting her head. “Your daddy loves you soooo much. And I bet more than anything he just wants a great big hug from you to make it okay. How about when he gets home, you apologize and kiss and hug him better?”
Emiko nodded sadly, nervously picking at her fingers.
“We have to get you into school now, okay? I want you to think about what you want for dinner and I’ll take you grocery shopping with me after I pick you up, okay?” (Y/n) smiled down at her. “Anything you want I’ll make, then you and daddy can sit down at dinner and share it.”
(Y/n) felt relief wash over her as Emiko nodded and unbuckled her own seatbelt, moving to get out of the car. “Do you know how to make spaghetti?” She asked quietly.
(Y/n) giggled and helped her out of the car, walking her to the front doors. “That’s my faaavorite thing to cook! I’ll make a list for the grocery store, sound good?”
Emiko nodded, already looking like she had perked up. The two said their goodbyes and (Y/n) left her teacher her phone number before going back to the house. Hopefully Kuroo would be gone and the two could avoid an awkward encounter.
@kellyyween @whore-for-anime @lilith412426 @yourstarvic @prinkipissa-aa @syynnaaah  @boosyboo9206  @lowkey-falling-apart  @chwlogy  @chichibia  @chirity-chu @faithfulferns @fi-chanwrites
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Survey #440
from a day or two ago.
Do you drink a lot of soda? I definitely do. :/ I'd lose weight so much easier if I could drop the habit. Are tomatoes the best food in the world? I don't like tomatoes unless they're very fresh and on a mayo and bacon sandwich. Have you seen The Blindside? I actually haven't. Do you have a favorite local pizza place? Not really. There's a place I like that isn't huge, but I don't have like, a serious passion for or loyalty to it. Would you date someone 10+ years older than you? Meh, I think ten years is my cut-off. Are you due for a haircut? For sure. >_< Are you dealing with any health-related problems right now? Yeah. Even with my APAP mask, because I apparently move it too much in my sleep, I'm struggling with my sleep apnea nightmares/terrors. Do your parents like the music you listen to? Most of it. Do your parents approve of your beliefs? Not all of them, no. How many different digital cameras have you owned in your life? How about cell phones? Cell phones, idk. I've had two "pro" cameras. Do you typically do your make up the same each time? Or do you like to change it up often? It's pretty much always the same. Who is the last person you were in a room with just the two of you? What were you doing? Mom. We worked together on my room. What do you usually order at Subway? Turkey, bacon, American cheese, pickles, banana peppers, and chipotle on I want to say Italian bread. How long is your mother’s hair? It's hard to say, because it's all poofy now versus wavy like before it had to be shaved off. Don't repeat it to her ever, but she has, uh... "old lady hair" now, ha ha. What is your favourite car brand? I don’t care. Whose chore is it to clean the bathrooms in your house? My mom does it. Pick your three favourite fruits. Strawberries, kiwi, and uhhh... apples. Or pineapple. Have you ever played Cards Against Humanity? Yeah. We used to play that a lot at Colleen's house on nights we had some drinks. Who were the last friends you went to hang out with? Oh jeez, idk. I haven't hung out with a friend in a long time. How many chairs are in the room you’re currently in? Zero. I'm in my bedroom. Are you bored right now? I'm bored almost every waking hour of my days. Have you ever seen a pelican in real life? I'm actually not sure. What’s important about April? My younger sister's birthday is in April. Is there anyone who hates you? Jason probably does. Would you consider adoption? Not for me personally. What’s the largest animal you’ve ever had as a pet? Our late boxer mix. Do you own any kind of helmet? No. Do you ever put fruit on your cereal? Noooo. How do you usually celebrate your favorite holiday? My younger sister comes over here and we open our presents with Mom, who also cooks a nice breakfast. We then go to my older sister's house for the day to watch the kids open presents from their extended family. I say "extended" because the kids obviously aren't going to wait for us to get there to open the majority of their gifts from their parents, ha ha. What’s a few facts about the last person that talked to you? She's from New York, has five kids, has survived cancer (one almost advanced to a fatal level) twice, she loves owls, and recently graduated with her bachelor's in social work (it's never too late, people). What would happen if you had a baby with the last person you kissed? We're both cisgender females. Where is the biggest scar on your body? It's probably where I had a cyst removal, which is in a spot I can't see. Would you date someone who was addicted to drugs? Absolutely not. I am NOT getting involved in that. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you? I'd go to the gym sooner. Have you ever kissed anyone with a tattoo? Hmmm... I think Tyler actually may have had a The Legend of Zelda tattoo? I can't really remember. If not him, then no. Have you ever kissed someone you weren’t dating? No, but I've been kissed by someone I wasn't dating. Do you know anyone who drinks a lot? Yes. What were you afraid of the most when you were a kid? Being separated from/losing my mom. Do you like to make the first move? No. When was the last time you completely broke down? A few weeks ago when I was having a PTSD episode. Are you listening to any music? No; I'm watching Gab play Final Fantasy X. Is your hair long enough to put in a ponytail? No. Has someone ever told you they want to spend the rest of their life with you? Hm, it's funny, I don't see him anymore. Have you ever peed in the woods? No. Have you ever played Twister? Yeah, I liked playing it as a kid. Are you looking for a boyfriend//girlfriend? Not actively, no. I really don't need one right now. Out of all of your friends who have you gotten in the worst fight with? Of all friends I've EVER had, probably Colleen. Of the friends I still have, maybe Sara. What is the last microwaveable meal you had? I've been on a SERIOUS grilled chicken pesto kick lately. Mom buys these small Healthy Choice (or some brand like that) bowls that you put in the microwave and then pour the noodles and chicken into the sauce after and mix, and oh my GOOOOOOOOOOOD it is so good. What would you consider a talent of yours? Assuming the worst out of every imaginable situation. If Hogwarts was a real place and you were able to attend, what class do you think you’d excel at? According to those little quizzes I've taken, I lean mostly towards Hufflepuff, but with Gryffindor traits as well. Would you rather learn more about space or more about the ocean? Well, ideally, space, but I think learning much more about our ocean would be more beneficial to our planet and our prosperity on Earth. Do you have a mental illness? If yes, how have you learned to cope with it? If no, do you ever suspect you may have one? I have a lot. My bipolarity, OCD, and PTSD are *mostly* under control, but I most certainly still have trouble sometimes. My anxiety and AvPD are still rabid fucking hounds. My depression was well-managed not even that long ago, but life circumstances have it so it's been more aggressive than what was usual. Do you have a favorite character from The Avengers? I dunno, I like Loki ig. Thor is cool, too. It's been WAY too long since I've seen that movie. What type of cake would you like right now? Double chocolate cake sounds great rn. @_@ What was your dream job when you were a child? Are you going after that dream or not? Why? Paleontologist, and no, because I don't want to travel for work, and I could also never handle the heat during site excavations. Even though it may not work all the time, what usually helps make you feel better when you’re upset or down? Watching one of my comfort series on YouTube from channels I enjoy. Why do you personally take surveys? It's a method to just get all these thoughts out of my head and to vent when I need to without actually directly burdening someone with my problems. No one has to read 'em. It's purely for my benefit, and also to pass the time, which I have too much of. Are there any words that you can’t stand? Derogatory terms for certain groups of people. What are words that you love? Words like "serendipity," "bliss," joyous, bubbly words. I'm blanking on actual terms. If you had an endless supply of money for clothing only, what would you load your closet with? Ohhhh, lots of shit with studs and spikes. :') I've wanted a studded leather jacket since I was in middle school. Have never gotten one because of how pricey they are. :( I'd also get some KILLER boots and just obtain a more gothic wardrobe. I'd love corsets too if my body ever shrinks back to a point I'd be comfortable wearing well-made ones. What is your favorite type of cookie? Chocolate chip. What is your favorite type of candy? Strawberry Sour Punch Straws. What color would you like to paint your nails next? I don't paint my nails. Realistically, they probably won't be 'til my entirely hypothetical wedding, in which case they'll probably be black. What do you think is creepy that society accepts as normal? Urinals, alsdkfja;klwejr. Like I get men's bathrooms give the option of using a stall, but still... side-by-side urinals are so weird and a breach of privacy to me. What is the silliest secret about yourself that you sometimes feel the need to hide? That I enjoy forum RP. I tell NOBODY because I fear being judged and found as weird. Like seriously, in my "real" life, maybe two people know. What do you think is a good date other than dinner and a movie? I want a picnic date really bad kalj;dkl;jwe. Do you dread certain days of the week? If yes, what day/s and why? No. They're all very similar. Do you ever give money to homeless people? No, admittedly. Mom instead likes to sometimes offer them bottles of water or if she's really feeling generous, a cheap meal at like McDonald's or something. She doesn't like to hand out money because, well, we know what a vast majority of homeless people spend it on. Do you like to brag or are you modest? I get really uncomfortable bragging, so I try to be as modest as I can be. What your favourite thing to have on toast? I love giving it a light toast, then adding a thin layer of butter, cinnamon, and sugar. It's bomb. Do you know how to surf? Would you ever like to learn? No to either. If you eat oatmeal, do you have it plain or do you have certain toppings that you like to add to it? I love sprinkling some sugar in there. Would you prefer to spend time with your whole family all at once, or would you rather quality time with one family member at a time? Depends on what I feel up to, but I tend to enjoy family time as a group more. That way, I don't have TOO much pressure to be constantly social. I can just listen sometimes. What is the funniest or strangest thing you’ve ever heard somebody say in their sleep? I have no idea. I worry what people have heard ME say/scream in my sleep. Do you own a pair of slippers? Yeah, they're meerkat ones! :') Choose one: Butterfinger, Milky Way, Snickers: Absolutely a Milky Way. Who was the last person to comment you? My mom. I'm cool, I swear. How many arguments have you had with the last person you kissed? A lot over all these years, but I'd say that's normal when you've been friends since you were 8 and 10. Do you know anyone who has been arrested? Yes. What are you planning on doing after this? When I'm done taking this survey, I'll probably either go to bed or play a bit of WoW. Idk. Will you be up before 7 am tomorrow? I have my alarm set for 7, actually. Ever been the only one trying to fix a relationship? Mhmmmm. -_- What was the last bad thing that happened to your phone? The case that came with the phone got a big crack in it. Have you ever been with someone while they were throwing up? Absolutely not. I would start vomiting. I can't handle the sound or the act in general. Have you been to the beach this year? No; I haven't been in a long time, and I am noooot complaining. Have you ever skipped school just because you were tired? Yes. Are you tan? God no. Do you own any leather? No real leather, no. I never would. Have you ever bought a shot glass? No. Do you have a therapist? Yes. We actually just talked today. Well, technically yesterday. What’s the worst name your mom has ever called you? I don't know. She doesn't really call me bad names. Have you ever listened to Christian music? Not of my own volition, but I've heard it because of other people controlling the radio. Are you the ‘creative child’? Yes, I'm considered that one. Did you like your life when you were in middle school? God no. That's when everything started going downhill. Have you ever been 'popular’? No. Has someone ever tried to convert you? Yes. Are you a fan of muffins? I LOVE muffins. What’s your most recent obsession? It's kinda chilled out now, but when Resident Evil 8: Village released, I was CRAZY over it. I watched SO many different let's plays of it. I think it's safe to say it beats out RE4 as my favorite installment.
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playitaagain · 4 years
a home together || Mayward
Happy (late) Birthday @thistreasurehunter! I hope you enjoy :) This definitely got away from me a bit. 
Warning: smut, sex, porn, but mostly fluff. 
Summery: Pope is going to graduate school in Boston. JJ and Pope take a few days during the summer to go apartment hunting and end up in New Hampshire to explore. (read on ao3)
Author’s Note: This is 10k guys. I also haven’t written smut in ages so sorry if it is terrible. 
18+ only please
Pope smiles when he sees JJ sleeping soundly on the pull out. The other is snoring softly, arms hugging the pillow in replacement of Pope, who had snuck out of bed only a few minutes ago to start getting ready. He shifts a bit in his sleep, frowns when he pulls the pillow closer like he knows it isn’t Pope sleeping next to him. 
JJ’s blond hair is falling over his eyes and Pope reaches forward as he sits on the edge of the bed, lets his fingers brush through the stands and touch them behind his ear as best he can. The hair is long but not that long and it falls back instantly only for Pope to brush it again. He lets his hand linger this time, leaning forward to press a kiss to JJ’s forehead. “J, it’s time to wake up,” Pope whispers. The other grumbles a bit, shifting so he can tuck his head into the pillow, block out the light starting to stream in through the window. “Baby, we have to get on the road.”
“Few more minutes,” JJ mumbles, voice muffled into the pillow. He doesn’t hesitate to make a grab for his blanket and tug it over his head. Pope simply rolls his eyes at the other, goes to reach forward so he can tug the covers off and hopefully coax his boyfriend out to the car. 
“I just need you to brush your teeth and then you can sleep in the car,” Pope explains, voice soft. They had already planned out the trip and it had started last night with Pope going to sleep early so he could be up early to drive. JJ wasn’t a morning person and had to work late last night so Pope figured it would be easier if he was alert enough so JJ could catch at least a few more hours. 
“Don’t wanna,” JJ whines. Pope takes the opportunity to tug the blanket from over his head, frowning when he sees JJ has stuffed his head under the pillow. This isn’t the first time this has happened and Pope expects it won’t be the last. “Sleep now.” 
“Come on,” Pope sighs, reaches forward to tug the pillow from his hands. The other is obviously pretty tired because he doesn’t even put up a fight when Pope pulls the pillow away, tossing it to the other side of the bed. “I’ll help you get ready.” 
“Up.” JJ doesn’t argue as Pope grabs his hands and pulls him into a sitting position. The other grumbles, obviously annoyed, but swings his legs over the edge of the bed, allowing Pope to pull him to his feet. Even though Pope expects it, he still stumbles backwards when JJ collapses into his open arms, head instantly going to nuzzle his neck as Pope wraps his arms around his waist. Pope is quick to hurry toward the bathroom, knowing the other has actually fallen asleep in this position before. 
“Come on. I’m not stopping in an hour for you to use the bathroom. I’ll help with your teeth when your done,” Pope says, moving to place JJ’s hand against the sink as he untangles himself from the other. JJ grumbles, but doesn’t waste time as he drops his pants, Pope rolling his eyes as he turns. 
“Nothing you haven’t seen,” JJ mumbles in his tired state. Pope merely rolls his eyes, not even bothering with a response as he waits for the other to finish. At the sound of the sink, he turns around to find JJ standing in front, eyes partially closed as he sways a bit. Pope hurries up behind him, lets the other press his back to his chest and starts to get his tooth brush ready. Once it’s ready, he holds it out for the other to take. “Too tired.” 
“When I said I’d help, I didn’t mean brush your teeth. I just meant helping you stand,” Pope explains, but doesn’t even bother as he jabs the toothbrush into JJ’s mouth. The other frowns, hand reaching up to wrap around Pope’s, moving the brush gently with him. 
After JJ spits, he leans all of his weight back on Pope, eyes closed. “Sleep yet?”
“Almost,” Pope answers, leading the other back out to the living room. He sits JJ on the bed, going over to grab the clothes they laid out the night before. He doesn’t bother getting JJ to do this alone, simply tugs the other’s shirt off and replaces it with a new one before he tugs the other up and makes him step out of his pants. 
“Oh, trying to get in my pants,” JJ snickers, dropping both his shorts and boxers in a single sweep. Pope shakes his head at the other, helping JJ get one foot and then the other into his boxers and then his shorts. Pope lets him sit while he does his shoes and socks without complaint, but he’s pretty sure it’s because the other is snoring right now. 
“JJ,” Pope says, sighs when he realizes the other is slouched over and asleep again. Pope leans forward to press a kiss to his forehead again, brush the blond hair out of his eyes. “Lets get you to the car.” It seems to wake JJ up enough as he wraps his arms around Pope’s neck, lets the other lead him outside. 
“I’m tired.” 
“I know. You can go back to sleep,” Pope smiles, makes sure the seat belt is clicked into place before he arranges a variety of pillows around the other. The second the door closes, JJ shifts, lets his head fall against it as Pope hops into the other side. “Night, babe.” 
“Night, love,” JJ replies, half asleep as he curls his legs up under him, pillow hugged to his chest. Pope smile fondly as he starts the car. 
JJ wakes up slowly, uncurling his legs to stretch out in front of him, pins and needles making his muscles twitch. He stretches his arms over his head, a yawn leaving his lips, as his hands connect with the roof of the car. The soft sunlight is blinding as he blinks open his eyes, closing them after a second when he decides the light is too bright. 
“Here,” Pope says, something tapping JJ’s shoulder. “I grabbed your sunglasses for you.” JJ makes a grab for them before he blindly slips them on his nose, opening his eyes gradually. It’s still blinding, but he blinks a few times until to adjusts and turns his attention to the other. 
“Thanks,” he mutters, voice still gravely with sleep. He clears his throat and goes to rub at his eyes. “How far are we?” The highway is stretching out before them and the signs aren’t giving their location away. 
“We’re in Maryland,” Pope answers, eyes trained on the road. He looks tired and concentrated and JJ feels bad he hadn’t woken up earlier to take over the driving. He knows Pope doesn’t prefer highway driving and JJ was used to it after years of driving to visit the other at school. “How late did you get home last night?” 
JJ thinks back for a moment, mind still catching up from his nap in the car. “Around 3. The asshole who was supposed to close bailed and it was a shit show.” The bar had been a mess and the assholes on figure 8 didn’t have any need to return their glasses to the bar when they finished. JJ found them in the craziest places last night, including a few touched under tables and one in the coat check. 
“No wonder you were so out of it this morning,” Pope comments, squinting as he leans forward. JJ doesn’t even remember much of this morning but he knows they were leaving at 6 so he didn’t get much sleep before they left. It didn’t help that he hadn’t fallen asleep right away either. “I had to brush your teeth for you.” JJ laughs at that, shaking his head at the thought. 
“Well, thanks for that,” he smiles. “Do you want me to take over? I know the route pretty well by now.” He watches the way Pope’s shoulders seem to relax at the idea and the other nods, glancing at the gps so he can figure out where they are. “Maybe we can stop for a late breakfast. I’m starving.” 
Pope hums in answer and silence falls between them as they both look out for street signs. JJ spots one that has a McDonald’s and points it out, watching as Pope carefully changes lanes to pull off the road. 
They go through the drive through and find a nice shaded spot around the side of the building. JJ hands Pope his food and starts to chow down on his own, trying to figure out when he ate last. He can’t even remember having more than a few stray fries last night. It had been so busy his break had ended before it had even started. 
“How has the drive been?” JJ asks. 
“Not bad,” Pope comments. “It’s gone pretty fast, but I like this book.” JJ smiles, glancing at the radio to see which book he’s talking about. He hasn’t read it but he knows Pope has read it a few times. It’s his go to when he needs to relax and he often listens to it when they have long drives. 
They eat in relative silence after that and JJ feels better after they eat. He stretches his arms over his head, tugs the door open and announces that he is going to use the bathroom quickly before they leave. Pope nods, cleaning up his own food and going to toss it in the trash. They switch when JJ comes out, hopping into the driver’s seat as Pope goes in to use the bathroom next. 
JJ starts the car as Pope slams the door closed. He can tell Pope is better as he sinks into the passenger's seat, hugs the pillow to his chest. “Ready to go?” He asks, turning so he can glance at JJ. 
“Almost,” JJ smiles, leaning over. He connects their lips in a slow kiss, one filled with hope and promise that he hopes exudes all the love he feels for this man. When he pulls away, they both have a goofy smile on their lips. “Now I’m good.” 
Pope laughs, eyes bright as JJ pulls out of the parking lot. 
“Holy shit,” JJ exclaims as he collapses on the king size bed, rolls around a bit as he does so. “This is the most comfortable thing I’ve ever sat on.” It was a far cry from his lumpy bed at the chateau or the pull out that he crashes on when Kie was over. 
Pope simply laughs, falling onto the bed next to him. “It is comfortable,” he comments, kicking his shoes off and shifting up the bed a bit. JJ stretches his arms out, flapping them around like you would when making a snow angel until he settles again with a sigh. 
“Dude, I can’t believe we’re doing this.” By this, JJ means the short little vacation they’re using to find an apartment so they can move in together in a few short weeks. Pope was starting graduate school in the fall and JJ already applied to a few jobs around town and had even gotten a few bites on his resume. They weren’t exactly what he wanted, but would do the trick until he could find a better job. 
This was also their first official vacation. JJ has never been on vacation before and visiting Pope out at school definitely didn’t count as a vacation. Plus, this was their first vacation together. They’ve been together for almost five years and they’ve been saving pretty much ever since. It didn’t matter if it was $5 or $20 at a time, but they each had a separate place for travel money and they were finally able to break into it. That’s how they could afford such a nice room. 
“Hopefully we find a good place,” Pope comments, turning so he can catch JJ’s eye. JJ shoots him a smile and nods. They’ve talked a little about what they want but also know they can’t be picky. The rent is crazy in Boston and barely lower in the surrounding cities and towns. They were going for something cheap, but still nice. “We have the first appointment tomorrow at 10 and then we can explore a bit and head to our next two at 2.” 
JJ nods, smirk pulling up his lips as he flips over, pushes himself up to crawl over Pope. “So, that means we have all afternoon for ourselves?” JJ wiggles his eyebrows and Pope laughs, arms moving to wrap around JJ’s neck. 
“Whatever shall we do,” Pope comments, sarcasm dripping from his words. 
JJ simply leans forward to connect their lips, happy when Pope instantly lets his mouth fall open, welcoming JJ’s tongue to deepen the kiss. 
Pope usually wakes up first, even without his alarm. He isn’t surprised this morning when he rolls over and finds he has another hour before his alarm even goes off. He’s been waking up pretty early for work the last few weeks and he felt surprisingly rested after the long drive yesterday but JJ wore him out pretty well the night before. 
The bed is warm as he rolls over to try and fall back asleep, JJ’s arm pulling him closer. It doesn’t seem to work though, because sleep won’t take him again and he ends up just rolling around a bit before JJ’s blue eyes flutter open. “Stop movin,” he mutters, voice sleep heavy as he closes his eyes again, curls up against Pope. Pope winds his arm around JJ’s waist, pulls him closer and lets JJ’s steady breathing fill his senses. 
It doesn’t help him fall asleep but his alarm goes off sooner than he expected. 
The sound has JJ shooting up in bed, head shifting back and forth as he tries to find the culprit. Pope leans over to turn his alarm off, watching as JJ’s shoulders relax and he sinks back down into the bed. Pope leans over to press a kiss to his cheek, “I’ll wake you up when I’m done.” JJ merely hums as Pope shuffles out of the bed. 
It’s only half an hour later when Pope leans forward to shake JJ awake, watching as the other flutters his blue eyes open. Pope remembers a time when JJ used to always wake in a panic, dreams haunting his tired brain most nights. It had taken a long time for him to get to this point and Pope’s heart flutters as he watches the other rub at his eyes and push himself up so he’s sitting criss cross in front of Pope. 
“Mornin’,” he mumbles and Pope smiles, leans forward to press their lips together in a quick kiss. JJ isn’t having any of that though and reaches a hand up to wrap around Pope’s neck, pulls him closer until they meet in the middle. 
JJ kisses are lazy and tired, fingers dancing across his chest so he can wrap both of his arms around Pope’s neck. He leans back slowly, taking Pope with him so the other is hovering over him. 
“We have to leave soon. I want to grab breakfast before we go,” Pope explains, only pulling a hair away from the other. JJ pouts at his words, leaning up to connect their lips again. Pope indulges him for a moment before he pulls away, giving JJ a serious look. 
“But I want you to fuck me,” he whines and Pope chokes on his breath. He doesn’t know why JJ’s blunt words still surprise him, but they do. 
“We don’t have time now, but I promise I’ll make it worth your while tonight,” Pope replies after his shock disappears. He leans forward to press a long and languid kiss to JJ’s lips, a promise of a night that will be worth the wait. 
“But you can’t just kiss me like that and not fuck me.” 
“I’m pretty sure I just did.” At that, he pulls away completely, a soft laugh leaving his lips when JJ crosses his arms over his chest and pouts. Pope simply shakes his head, patting JJ’s hip a few times before he goes to rummage through the other’s bag. He tosses the clothes onto the bed, noting he hasn’t moved an inch. 
Pope rolls his eyes, but climbs back on the bed again, a leg on either side of JJ’s hips. He leans forward, lets his lips hover for a moment as he glances at JJ’s blue eyes, letting them flick down to his lips again before he connects them. He pulls back just as JJ’s hands start to wander, teasing. “I promise if you get up now, you won’t be able to walk tomorrow,” Pope promises, voice as seductive and lust filled as he can possibly make it. 
JJ only takes a moment to process the words, eye blues wide in shock as he searches Pope’s face. It is pretty unusual for Pope to be the one making promises like that, but this week was special. JJ seems to realize he’s serious then and Pope’s never seen the other get out of bed so fast. It nearly knocks Pope off in the process. 
Pope laughs as JJ hurries around the room, toothbrush hanging out of his mouth as he pulls on a clean pair of pants in the process. The toothbrush nearly flicks out of his mouth when he pulls the shirt on, grabbing the brush so he can actually scrub his teeth as he hurries back to the bathroom. 
JJ is standing in front of him only a few minutes later, cheeky smile on his lips. “You better keep up your end of the promise.” Pope can only laugh as he shuffles off the bed so they can head down to breakfast together. 
The apartment is small, but JJ and Pope have always been able to work in small spaces. JJ had visited Pope on countless occasions at school and not only were the rooms small, but they both managed to squeeze in the twin size bed more times than they can count. 
The space is a small third floor one bedroom apartment just outside of the city. The owner said it’s a great spot for young people, right on the T and only a short walk from all the nightlife that happened. JJ and Pope didn’t care much for nightlife. They both had to focus on work and Pope had school on top of that. They wouldn’t mind a good bar or two in walking distance though so it was good to know. Plus, it came with one parking spot, which is all they needed at the moment. 
“What made you guys move?” The owner, a kind looking man in his mid fifties, asks, eyes curious. The pair glance at each other and exchange a smile before they turn to the kind man in front of him. Pope finds the owner may be one of the reasons this apartment could work. It was good to have someone nice who didn’t seem to have a problem with their lifestyle (which they didn’t outright disclose but thought it was obvious by the lack of a second bedroom). 
“We wanted a fresh start,” Pope answers. The man nods and Pope sees the understanding flash in his eyes at the words. 
“Well, I hope this move is just what you're looking for.” The owner pauses as he glances out the window, moving to tug the curtain open. “There’s  a park just down the street as well. It’s a nice mile around a small pond. Utilities are separate but WiFi and cable are included in rent. We have a shared washer, dryer in the basement which can also be used for storage if you need it.” 
JJ nods, walking around the small area. Pope watches him closely as he looks in cabinets and tugs back the shower curtain. He stops to look out the window a bit and Pope knows the other is trying to get a feel of what it would be like to live in this space. This was going to be their first home together and JJ wants it to be perfect. Pope does too, but he finds he’s a bit more worried about the technicalities of renting but he figures that is why they work together. 
“Is it close to the beach?” JJ asks. The other had voiced how important a beach was to him and Pope understood. The ocean had always been JJ’s safe space. 
“I’d say about half an hour depending on traffic. There are a few great beaches about the same distance away,” he explains. JJ nods, going back to puttering around. 
“Are you both in school? I usually get a lot of students. It’s unusual for me to have this place available this late but the last tenants left this place a mess.” 
“I’m going to school in the fall but JJ is going to start working then.” The man nods and starts chatting about his own life a bit to fill the silence that settles in the room as JJ looks around. Pope gets a few more details about the place, including information about the neighborhood and the other tenants before JJ gives him a nod and Pope knows he’s ready to go. 
“This has been very helpful. Thanks for showing us around.” 
“If you're interested, I’d love to have you guys.”
“When do you need to know by?” 
“I’d give it till the end of the week. I have a few others interested though,” he explains and Pope nods, reaching out to shake his hand, JJ follows suit as the two head down the stairs and out of the building. 
“I like it,” JJ says the second they step outside. Pope laughs, reaching to grab at the other’s hand as they walk down the street. They want to look around a bit before they head out and the park really is close because it comes into view as they turn the corner. 
“I did too, but we have five other places to see before we decide,” Pope explains and JJ frowns. It’s only a moment though, because the park comes into view and the other surges forward, pulling Pope with him as he comes to a stop just in front of the small body of water.
The park is pretty crowded, joggers running along the edge and couples lining the grass and benches along the water. It looks like a nice little date spot and a great place to unwind after a long day and Pope adds that to the pro column. JJ seems excited too as he bounces on his toes, points out a swan sitting in the middle of the body of water. 
“Come on, let’s go for a walk,” Pope suggests, nodding his head toward the trail. JJ nods excitedly and the two fall into step as they enter a small wooden area, trails shooting out in different directions. They decide to stay on the main one, but only after JJ pouts and complains that Pope has no sense of adventure. 
The next two places aren’t amazing. The single bedroom in a suburb of Boston is a little smaller than they both expected and the second place is in a shitty area and further than they both expected from Pope’s school. They end up declining both at the initial meeting and hope for some better prospects tomorrow. 
The long day has both men dragging their feet as they find a restaurant in town. It’s one Pope is familiar with from his time in undergrad and JJ doesn’t seem to care where they go because he’s getting cranky in his hungry state. Pope simply rolls his eyes and chuckles as he drags him inside. 
The call of his name has Pope’s brows furrowing in confusion as he turns to look for the caller. He smiles when his eyes land on Jenny, one of his friends from school, and he tugs JJ over to the table so they can sit with them. 
“Holy shit! What are you doing here?” She smiles, jumping forward to wrap her arms around him. He laughs, pats her on the back a few times, before he pulls away. 
“We’re apartment hunting for the fall,” Pope explains and the girl smiles at him, invites them to sit with her. JJ gives him a weary look, but shrugs. Pope knows the other is ready to get back to the room, waiting for Pope to cash in on his promise from this morning and Pope tries to reassure the other that they won’t stay long. 
Pope keeps his promise and only an hour later they’re excusing themselves from the conversation and Jenny is setting up another time for them to hang out when they officially move back. Pope smiles and tells her to text him and the pair are heading out the door. 
Pope can tell JJ is tired as they walk along the path toward the car. He instantly takes the keys from the other and JJ doesn’t seem to fight him. The countless late nights at work seem to be catching up to him at this moment, now that he seems to have a second to rest, and Pope’s heart swells with appreciation as he thinks about how much work JJ is putting into them moving in together. The other has been working two jobs for years so they could save enough money to move in together once Pope got into graduate school and Pope was so appreciative if not a little guilty he hadn’t contributed more. JJ assured him time and time again that this is what he wanted and it would be worth it in the end when they could finally move away together. 
The door to the hotel room opens and closes though and it’s like a switch goes off in JJ. The other is instantly pulling Pope close, crashing their lips together as he lets his arms wind around Pope’s neck, pulls him closer. Pope is startled for a moment, let let’s himself sink into the touch, lets his hands rest on JJ’s hips, slide across the skin on his lower back, push the shirt up. 
“You better hold up your end of the promise,” JJ whispers, voices soft and filled with lust. Pope doesn’t have to be told twice as he crashes his lips to JJ’s, slips his tongue into his mouth without warning. The other gasps, Pope’s fingers playing over the bare skin on his back, drawing patterns into his skin that have JJ pushing forward, rubbing his already hard erection against Pope’s leg in a sudden need for friction. Pope smiles against his lips, pulls his mouth away and lets it fall to the exposed skin of his neck, slides across every single sensitive spot that he knows until he pulls back for a moment to tug JJ’s shirt over his head. 
Pope doesn’t take another second as he tugs the other away from the wall, walks him back toward the large bed and turns him around. He is quick to shove JJ down, ass hanging over the edge of the bed as Pope goes to flick the button to pull down both his pants and boxers in one quick motion. JJ groans from his spot on the bed, adjusts himself a bit as Pope tosses the garments aside with his shoes and socks. 
Pope smirks as JJ glances over his shoulder, arms brackets in front of him to hold him up. The other is naked in front of him, erection already straining against the edge of the bed and Pope swoops down in one quick motion to press his lips to each ass cheek. 
JJ lets out a deep groan, face falling into the comforter, and fingers fisting the fabric as he jerks back. Pope is quick to steady him, hand on each hip as he finally tugs his ass cheeks apart, swoops down to press his tongue to JJ’s asshole as the other shivers against him. 
Pope only rewards him with one quick lick though before he pulls back, letting out a puff of air as he watches JJ clench in front of him. The other reaches out blindly, but Pope isn’t having any of that, reaches forward to place his hand back where it was and JJ moans his name, nerdy and wanting as Pope lets out another breath of air. 
“Fuck, Pope,” JJ groans and Pope finally lets his tongue swip over his asshole again, smiles at the sounds JJ makes as he presses his tongue to the waiting skin, feels the way it clenches before Pope’s finally probs that ring of muscle and slips inside. “Shit. I love your tongue.” The words have Pope pulling his tongue out only to slip it back in again, smirking at the way JJ starts to thrust into him. 
Pope isn’t having that though, wraps his arms around JJ’s thighs and steadies him. JJ whines, fingers tightening in the comforter as Pope laps at his asshole, watching the way it twitches in front of his eyes.
It’s then he catches JJ’s hand shifting and Pope grabs it, pulls completely away from JJ as the other looks over his shoulder, completely gone and confused. Pope shakes his head at the other, places his hand back on the mattress next to his head and looks JJ in the eyes. “No touching.” There is no room for argument. 
JJ swallows and nods. 
Pope takes this opportunity to grab the lube from the night before, coats his fingers as he returns to his spot in front of JJ’s ass. The discarded towel from his morning shower is hanging off a chair and he is quick to grab that, spreading it under JJ so the other doesn’t cum on the hotel comforter. 
He blows another puff of air when he’s settled and smirks as JJ tries to move again, stopped by Pope’s hand pressing against his back, making it arch into the mattress below him. Pope takes the opportunity to slip the first finger in, leaning down to suck one of JJ’s balls into his mouth, letting his tongue lather the skin as he presses a second finger into him. 
JJ groans when he adds the third without warning, hips thrusting backwards at the intrusion. Pope stops at the action, waits for JJ to stop moving before he moves his fingers again, pressing them in and out as he finally allows his other hand to wrap around JJ’s hard, leaking cock. JJ nearly melts at the touch. 
“Fuck, I need it Pope.” JJ throws his head back at the words, eyes closed and chest heaving and Pope decides that it’s time. JJ whimpers when Pope pulls both of his hands away, making quick work of his pants before he lathers himself with lube. 
Without warning, he’s balls deep inside JJ, the other’s moan echoing in the small room. Pope gives him a moment, lets his finger trail along his arched spin and leans forward to trail his lips along his shoulder blades.
“Fuck, move,” JJ finally breaths and Pope starts in an instant, pace fast as he pushes and pulls in steady movements. He leans forward to cover the other, lets his fingers slide between JJ’s now open hand and presses his lips to the other’s back. 
It doesn’t take long for JJ’s hand to curl up again, Pope’s fingers trapped between his. The other cums with a loud groan of Pope’s name, riding out his orgasim as Pope pumps in and out of him steadily. The sight of the other cumming has Pope tipping over the edge, stomach clenching as he shoots himself inside JJ’s ass, bucks his hips a few more times before he pulls out slowly, earning a low groan from JJ, who has collapsed on the bed in a heap. 
“Fuck, I love you dick,” JJ mutters, face in the mattress as he tries to catch his breath. Pope laughs at his words, shifts so he can pull JJ closer. The other curls up against him, cum sticking to his abdomen and dribbling out of his ass. 
“We need a shower first. Don’t fall asleep on me,” Pope smiles, watching as JJ lifts his head just enough to rest his chin on Pope’s chest. 
“If I’m up tomorrow, can we repeat that?” 
Pope bursts out laughing at the words, moving so both of them can sit up properly. But one look at JJ’s face has Pope’s laughter dying down and he realizes how serious the other truly is. 
“Yeah, I think we can.” 
JJ smiles at him, tired and happy and the two make their way to the shower, tossing the towel they put on the bed into the dirty pile. 
The next day JJ gets out of bed without a fuss and a smirk on his lips. Pope merely rolls his eyes as they head to breakfast and out for their first meeting of the day. 
The three meetings are all in a row today and consist of another studio and two one bedroom apartments just outside of town in what is known as an up and coming area. Pope can see why as they drive around, noting how many young people are making their way to work and piling into the T to go into Boston for a day of school or work. It feels like a pretty good vide. 
The first place is small but cozy. It reminds Pope of the chateau with it’s worn wood accents and beach vibe. The older woman who owns the place is nice as she walks them around, explains that utilities are separate as well as WiFi and cable. She tells them a bit about the location and mentions a nice wooded area for walks. She sees nice enough, but glances at the two of them questioningly and Pope doesn’t like it. 
The second place is a generous studio on the first floor of a triple decker. The other two floors have veteran tenants and the only reason the current tenant moved out was because they got married and moved to a house. The owner, in their thirties and a little grumpy, shows them around, introduces them to the older couple upstairs and explains a few of the rules of the house, mentions that everything is separate but the two other tenants struck a deal for the cable that they could probably get in on. This one is closer to downtown but further from a place where they can go out and enjoy the fresh air. 
The third is a small one bedroom that overlooks a nice wooded area with a small body of water. It’s a bit out of their price range, but Pope wanted to compare it to some of the other places around. It has a nice open concept kitchen and living area and a recreation area out back since it’s in a bigger apartment complex. It also has a pool and its own gym attached. It comes with some amenities, including cable and washer and dryer, but it’s owned by a bigger company and Pope isn’t sure how he feels about that. JJ ends up running around the place looking at the gym, nearly falling into the pool and excited when he sees a nice place to sit down and grab a drink at the bar after work or school. It’s nice, but JJ shares one look with Pope and seems to understand it is out of their price range. 
They have until the end of the week for each of the places and Pope thinks they’ll need some time to figure out what they want. There are a few things to discuss as well as the help wanted sign he noticed at the bar at the last place. Would that be enough for them to afford to live there? Pope wasn’t sure but it was something to consider. 
They end up at the Boston Commons after driving around for a bit. JJ hurries around, smiling as he takes in the sights. It’s a little silly because they’ve been there before but never in summer when everything is in full bloom and the tours are in full swing. 
“Can we do one?” Pope hadn’t expected JJ to want to do the tour, but nods nonetheless. He’s heard good things about it and the actors are always amusing from what he understands. 
The tour is better than he even expected and he doesn’t know why they hadn’t done one sooner. It went through all the history around the area and even JJ seemed interested in the history around town. He would pipe up every once and awhile to ask a question, bouncing on the balls of his feet as the tour guide answered. 
They end the day with a quick meal at a restaurant the tour guide recommended before they head back to their hotel. 
Pope keeps his promise again and JJ spends the night a writhing, turned on mess as Pope teases him. 
The next morning they drive up to New Hampshire. They rent a little cottage on the lake and unpack before they head out to town. They don’t have many plans but Pope wants to take JJ on the railroad car for lunch and do some shopping in North Conway. He got a few hike recommendations from some of his friends and he was thinking they could hit some of those. 
But JJ is in the water first. The little cottage has floaties and JJ is basically asleep on one when Pope settles them into the small cottage. 
“JJ, you're floating away,” Pope comments, noting the other is heading out of the small cover they’ve gotten lucky enough is included in their rent. 
“Come rescue me,” JJ calls, doesn’t even bother to paddle as he pulls his hat down his head a little further and leans back into his open hands. 
Pope ends up simply kicking his shoes off and tugging the shirt over his head. The water is surprisingly warm when he jumps off the dock, swimming over to his boyfriend. “Finally, my hero,” JJ jokes, but Pope doesn’t go to pull him in. Instead, he gives himself a boost until he lands on the edge of the tube and the two go tumbling off, JJ’s hat floating away next to them. 
JJ is laughing when he surfaces, going to splash Pope before he leaps forward to dunk him into the water. “Dude, I was almost asleep!” Pope simply laughs as he scrambles to grab the tube and pulls it over his head. JJ pops up on the other side, flipping it so he’s in the hole now. 
“It’s almost lunch and we don’t have any food,” Pope comments, nearly slipping off the side. JJ is back up again, reaching a hand out so he can pull Pope onto the tube as well. 
“We can go in a bit.” The words are accompanied by JJ wrapping his arms around Pope’s waist, making him tumble forward so they’re chest to chest. Pope isn’t sure how they don’t fall off, but he doesn’t question it as he looks into JJ’s blue, blue eyes shining in the sun. “I just wanna relax a bit.” 
“I thought you relaxed last night,” Pope teases and JJ responds by slipping his hand down and giving Pope’s ass a nice squeeze and a light pat before his hand snakes up his back to pull Pope in for another kiss. “We are not doing it in the water!” JJ simply smirks against his lips, letting his finger trace along Pope’s spine until they dip into the waistband of his pants. Pope is quick to catch his hand though, pulling away to give the other a look. “It’s daylight.” 
“So you’d consider doing this at night?” 
Pope stops to contemplate, but the silence seems to be enough for JJ as he cheers, knocking both of them out of the tube in the process. He’s still cheering when he resurfaces and insists that Pope hurry up so they can grab lunch and go about their day. The sooner they get going, the sooner that can get back in the water tonight for more sex. 
Pope convinces JJ to go on a hike after lunch. The other pouts and complains, but ends up enjoying it more than Pope knows he’ll admit. Pope can see it in the way his eyes shine as he looks around or the fact he keeps running ahead like a little child, excited. It has Pope hurrying after him, smile bright, as JJ points out each view they come across. 
It’s a short trail but kills a few hours so they can get dinner when they’re at the bottom, sweaty and tired from the hike. JJ gobbles down his dinner, ready for a late swim, and Pope indulges him and hurries along. 
JJ doesn’t even go in the house. He simply strips off his clothes and jumps off the dock in his boxers, yelling “cannonball” as he flies through the air. Pope laughs as he watches him fondly and he decides to simply strip as well. 
JJ wolf whispers as he tugs his shorts down, folds them up nicely and places them aside with his shirt. Pope rolls his eyes and runs down the dock, jumping in near JJ so he can splash him. He surfaces to JJ’s blue eyes shining as he swims over to him, throwing his arms around his neck. 
“This is nice,” he comments, leaning forward to connect their lips. Pope can barely touch the ground as he wraps his arms around JJ’s waist, pulls him closer so they’re chest to chest. “I could see us with a house on the lake. It’s not the ocean, but it’s nice. We could have the best of both worlds.”
Pope’s heart always stutters and swells when JJ talks about their future. The other had been so hesitant at first to mention the prospects of a life together. It wasn’t until they said I love you that JJ started mentioning the future, often nervous and off handed. It was years later and he always talked about it with a fond smile on his face and excitement for a future he never thought he would get. 
“It would be nice,” Pope comments, reaching up to brush some hair off JJ’s face. “I’m sure we can rent this place again next summer as well. It could be our new tradition.” 
The words have JJ beaming as he leans forward to connect their lips again, slow and loving. It isn’t long before his hands are wandering though, sliding down Pope’s back and into his boxers. “JJ,” Pope mutters, voice as chastising as he can make it but JJ is kissing his neck now, sucking that spot he knows that makes Pope melt and suddenly JJ is walking them back and discarding both pairs of boxers onto the dock. 
It isn’t very dark yet, but the sunset is playing out behind JJ’s head and Pope doesn’t fight it this time. There aren’t any boats around and the neighboring houses (which are pretty far away) don’t seem to be occupied right now. 
He doesn’t fight it when JJ slips his hand between them, fingers wrapping around both of their cocks as he starts to pump, lips sucking a mark into Pope’s neck. Pope groans, hand quick to cover his mouth. He doesn’t exactly want the whole lake to hear. The action has JJ smirking against his neck, hand picking up as he pumps them together, the feeling of JJ’s dick against his causing Pope’s stomach to tighten. 
JJ’s mouth slips down and Pope gasps, his orgasim hitting him all at once. He leans forward as JJ pumps them to completion, forehead presses against JJ’s shoulder as he bites his lip to prevent from making too much noise. JJ follows only moments later, not bothering as his groan carries across the water. 
JJ isn’t done though. He simply reaching forward to grab their discarded boxers and helps Pope into his as he presses his lips to his neck again. “I think we should take this inside,” he smirks and Pope doesn’t even argue as the two of them head back toward the cottage. 
Pope isn’t even in the door before JJ is pushing him against it, tugging his boxers back down in one quick motion before he walks them to their room. 
JJ at least knows enough not to get the bed wet, which is how Pope finds his hands pressing to the wall and JJ kneeling behind him as he licks a trail down his spine. 
Pope wakes up to the smell of bacon and eggs the next morning. They hadn’t gone shopping the previous day so he figures JJ ran out to grab something at the little store down the way. 
He takes his time waking up, stretching his arms over his head and kicking the hot covers off. He tugs a shirt over his head as he pads out of the room, yawn leaving his lips as he does so. 
JJ is standing at the stove when he comes out and Pope makes his way around the small island to wrap his arms around JJ’s waist, press his cheek against his back as he lets his eyes drift closed. “Morning,” he mumbles, smiling when JJ takes one of his hands and brings it up to his lips to kiss. He pats it when he places it back around his waist, moving to flip the eggs. 
“I really wore you out last night. You didn’t even move when I woke up,” JJ teases and Pope hums in answer, tired. JJ had worn him out last night but he wasn’t going to complain about that. They didn’t have a solid itinerary either so it didn’t matter what time they woke up just so long as they didn’t sleep too late. 
They fall into a comfortable silence as JJ finishes up with the bacon and eggs. When they’re on two plates, JJ turns in Pope’s arms, smiling when Pope smiles sleepily at him. He leans forward to peck his lips, before he goes to grab the two plates of food and place them on the small table. 
“What do you think about the apartments?” JJ asks around a mouth full of eggs. 
“I think the first one is the best. The price is reasonable too,” Pope comments and JJ nods in agreement. 
“The last one was good,” JJ adds, munching on a piece of bacon. “I know it’s out of our price range though.” Pope hums in agreement. “Out of the other’s, I liked the first one too.” 
“He allows pets too. They have to be smaller, but I know you want a dog so I made sure to ask,” Pope explains, watching the momentary shock settle on JJ’s face. The shock quickly turns into a smile as they look at each other and Pope can practically feel the love and appreciation radiating off him in waves. 
“You asked for me?” Pope nods. “I can live with a smaller dog, at least for now.” 
“I think it might be the first one then.” 
“Yeah, I agree.” 
They continue to talk about what furniture they need after that until the pair are done with breakfast. JJ goes about cleaning up without question, letting Pope get ready for their hike this morning. 
The trail is warm and sunny when they get there and JJ hurries ahead when he finds some maps at the beginning of the trail. “This ones pretty short,” he comments, holding the map upside down. It doesn’t really matter though as they start toward the entrance. 
“I have reservations for the lunch train after so I wanted to make sure we only did a short one,” Pope explains. JJ seems to realize as they step on the trail he is holding the map upside down and turns it over, looking at the trail before he folds it back up neatly and tucks it away into his backpack. 
The trail is very short, but the waterfall at the end is a nice little surprise. JJ hurries around to take a few pictures so he can send them to Kie. He snaps a few selfies of them with the fall behind him and even asks someone to take a nicer picture of the two of them. 
During the little walk back JJ is happily swinging their hands between them, humming some tune as the parking lot comes into view. Pope takes the keys he offers and glances at his phone. They should have just enough time to get to lunch. 
JJ is bouncing in his seat as they get closer and closer to the train. They’ve never been on a train before so Pope is excited too, can feel the happy butterflies in his stomach as they pull into the parking lot, smile on his lips as JJ hops out of the car at top speed, waiting impatiently for Pope to pull the keys out of the car and get out. 
The train car is narrow as they walk through, but people are chatting happily and pointing out things on the small menu. JJ and Pope find themselves a seat near the middle and slide in across from each other. “This is so cool,” JJ comments, glancing around at the train. There are a few more people that pile in before they announce they’ll be leaving.  
“The views are supposed to be great,” Pope comments, grabbing the menu. It’s small and consists mostly of sandwiches but he doesn’t mind. They’re here for the experience anyway. 
JJ nods excitedly as someone comes through to check their tickets, the waiter following behind and taking orders. The pair orders a sandwich each and quickly turns their attention to the view out the window. 
Pope smiles as he watches trees flash by them, taking a moment to glance at his boyfriend, now leaning toward the open window, fingers wrapped around the edge as he leans out. Pope shakes his head at his antics, but turns his attention back toward the tree, admiring the mountain view as the trees clear. 
The intercom crackles to life as the food is brought out. The pair eat happily, JJ’s foot sliding up and down Pope’s calf. Pope doesn’t comment, simply rolls his eyes as the pair glance out the window again. 
The two hour ride goes faster than expected and the two are hopping off the train before they know it. JJ is still excited, glancing around at all the little shops along the street across the way. Pope doesn’t think he’ll be interested much in some of the shops, but knows the old fashioned candy store is right up his alley. 
JJ is peeling off the second they step inside, going up and down the aisle excitedly as he picks out a few things. “I’m getting this for Kie!” He calls over the top of the aisle, holding something up for Pope to see. He doesn’t see it around the people there though and simply shrugs. “And this for John B!” 
Pope simply chuckles and he picks out something for his parents and makes his way to the candy display. JJ is already there, eyes bright. “Get whatever you want,” Pope tells him, that excited expression turning toward Pope. “It’s my treat.” 
And maybe he shouldn’t have said that because JJ comes out with two pounds worth of candy and a stomach ache already forming from the fudge he eats on the way out. 
He looks much too happy for Pope to comment though. 
The Savo River is their next adventure. 
They find a spot to rent tubes and the company drives them up river so they can float down. It’s a warm day, and Pope makes sure to spray JJ down with sunscreen before they head out. 
JJ is bouncing on the balls of his feet as the van pulls up and a few people file into the van, JJ and Pope ending up in the seats in the back. “It’s like a lazy river but in nature,” JJ comments, eyes glued to the window as he watches the river go by them. 
JJ is the first one out when they arrive and he ends up helping a few people out of the van before Pope can even move. He holds his hand out for Pope though, smiles all big and wide and gummy and Pope can’t help but take his hand as he helps him out of the van, waiting for Pope’s feet to be securely on the ground before he hurries to grab the tubes. 
Pope purposely waits for the other people to get settled and float a bit down the river before they both situate themselves into the tube. JJ is already flapping around a bit, kicking his legs in the deep part before he adjusts so he’s lying across the tube this time, hat hung low over his eyes. Pope situates himself when he notices that JJ has settled and pulls his own hat down a bit to block the sun. 
The river lulls him as they float down, a yawn leaving his lips as he tries not to fall asleep. This motion reminds him of all those nights spent on the boat with his friends, of the first night JJ took him out on the boat alone as a couple and they ended up falling asleep only for John B to come looking for them when it got too late. The memories have happiness blooming in his chest as he glances over at the man he loves, happily kicking his feet in and out of the warm water as they float 
The peace doesn’t last long though and suddenly Pope finds himself immersed in the water, JJ’s blue eyes there to greet him when he resurfaces. He’s not surprised in the least. He simply lunges forward and dunks the other, careful to make sure the tubes are still in sight as JJ comes up spitting water out of his mouth. 
It’s shallow but the two of them fool around a bit until they see a few more people coming their way. JJ clearly wants to keep playing, but climbs on his tube reluctantly after Pope promises they’ll go in the water when they get back to the cottage. 
JJ falls asleep on the tube only a few minutes later and Pope hooks his foot to his tube so he doesn’t float too far away. 
They get back to the cottage late but JJ basically begs Pope to go into the water again, citing it as the last time they’ll be able to this trip since they’re heading home tomorrow. Pope doesn’t need much convincing though as he follows JJ off the dock. 
The other swims around happily, splashing around and Pope floats on a fun noodle. He watches JJ closely as the other goes in and out of the water, happily pointing out fish in the setting sunlight. Pope can’t help the fond smile on his lips as JJ swims around. He looks happier than Pope has ever seen him and he knows this is what he wants forever. 
“JJ, it’s time to get up,” Pope mutters, brushing blond hair from JJ’s eyes. The other rolls over, facing away from Pope as he curls up into the pillow. 
“‘M tired.” Pope chuckles, reminded of their departure for this trip as JJ tugs the blanket back over his head, his usual when he doesn’t want to get out of bed. “I don’t wanna leave.” 
“We’ll be back before you know,” Pope promises because they will. It may not be in this cottage but it will be in their apartment, which has officially been reserved for the pair to move into in a month. Pope still couldn’t believe they were finally doing this, still can’t believe how lucky he is. “And it will be in our own place.” 
JJ emerges at that statement, blue eyes peeking over the edge of the sheets as he looks at Pope. He looks happy and content in his little blanket cocoon and Pope hates that he has to take JJ away from this relaxing vacation. This is the first break JJ has gotten in so long, working so hard to save up so they could live this life together. “I love you,” JJ mutters as he watches him, eyes still half closed with sleep. 
“Marry me?”
Pope snaps his mouth shut as the words slip from his lips. It’s something he’s been thinking about lately and was planning to actually propose properly. This isn’t really how he wanted to do it, but he wasn’t about to take the words back. 
JJ shoots up the second the words leave Pope’s mouth, eyes wide as he watches Pope, searches his face for any sign that this might not be real. 
“I just-“ Pope finally continues as JJ watches him. “I know this is weird timing, but I want this. I want you, for the rest of my life. I want to move in together, get a dog, buy a house, travel, have kids. I want everything with you. I love you so much and I can’t imagine a future where I don’t love you more each day.” 
“Yes,” JJ whispers, eyes still wide. It’s like he is still processing as he answers, still trying to comprehend that Pope just asked him to marry him. 
And it takes Pope a moment to realize that he said yes. But the second it clicks, Pope is lunging forward to connect their lips, a teary laugh leaving JJ’s lips as he lets his arm slide around Pope’s neck. 
They end up leaving a little later than planned, but Pope doesn’t mind, not when he’s pressing into his fiancé. 
JJ smiles as he looks at the door to their new apartment. The place is pretty empty but it was theirs. The bed on the floor was new and big, cotton sheets comforting and warm around them. The couch is small, but doesn’t have any springs that dig into their backs, and the small tv was already hooked up to cable. 
They didn’t have much money to fill the place yet, but JJ knows they’ll buy stuff little by little and make this their home. 
“Ready?” Pope asks, turning to him. They’re hands are clasped together between them, both smiling like idiots as they look at the door. JJ can feel the imprint of the ring on Pope’s finger, knows he has a matching one on his left hand as well. 
“I’ve always been ready to spend my life with you,” JJ comments, cheesy and silly but that’s how he was feeling right now. He couldn’t even imagine being happier than in this moment with the man he loves and plans to spend forever with. 
Pope reaches out to open the door but JJ stops him, a grin tugging up his lips. He lets his arms slide around Pope’s back, watches the question flash over Pope’s face as he leans over and attempts to pick Pope up off the ground. 
“What the hell are you doing?” Pope asks, working hard to keep his feet on the ground. 
“Carrying you into our home,” JJ states, like it is the most obvious thing in the word. Pope just gives him a look. 
“You are not!”
“I’m not going to drop you!” 
“I don’t care!”
But JJ isn’t having any of that as he goes to lift the other again, trying to get him to pick his feet up off the ground. After a few attempts, Pope seems to realize it’s dumb to fight and lets JJ pull his feet off the ground, wrapping his arms around his neck. 
JJ smiles at him as Pope turns the knob and the two of them step into their new apartment together. 
“I think we need to break in the bed,” JJ smirks and Pope laughs, warm and bright. 
“I think that’s a good idea.”
JJ kicks the door closed behind them as he makes his way to the bedroom, Pope’s lips on his neck as he carries the other through the second threshold that day. 
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purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by tickticktmr
What's the best food to have at a sleepover? I’d have a blast at a sleepover if my friends and I were to get a square-cut cheese pizza with a box of wings. Cheesy nachos with beef would be great too.
How did you meet the last person you shared a bed with? We were introduced by our respective friends.
Do you like the yellow cheetos better or the orange ones? I don’t like Cheetos, period. Cheese puffs never did grow on me.
Where did you buy the shoes you wore today? My mom got it for me two Christmases ago.
Do you have any half siblings? Nope. But this year I found out I have a half-cousin (and possibly half-cousins) from a trash uncle who apparently fooled around behind my aunt’s back, but I have no desire to associate with her or that entire family altogether. 
How many DVD players are in the house? We still have two lying around but we haven’t used either in 6–7 years.
Do you like the last song you heard on the radio? I cried, because I needed to hear the lyrics that were being sung.
Do you know anyone who has been on TV? Sure, mostly some of my friends’ parents.
When going shopping for junk food, what's the first thing you pick up? My eyes usually dart to the Pringles before anything else. And if there’s also any salted egg chips that looks appealing enough for me to pick up.
How would you react if you found out you had a long lost sister? I think my literal first reaction would be to be pissed at my parents for hiding such a secret from me for a long time. It would depend on how they explain the situation if I end up wanting to meet her or if I can do without.
At sleepovers, do you usually stay up all night or actually go to sleep? Hahaha I’m the grandma that passes out. I’ve never successfully stayed up at a sleepover and for some reason I’m always the first one to start getting sleepy. I guess all my friends’ bedrooms are really that comfy.
Is there anything in the room you're in that's really dusty? [continued from last night] For sure. There are some things in my room I barely use or move around so it definitely wouldn’t be a surprised if they’ve since gathered up a fine layer of dust.
Do you know anybody with different colored eyes? Yeah, someone from my high school has this condition.
Are any of your relatives vets? [continued AGAIN from the night before last, lmao send help] As far as I know, no. We’re not really the type of family that produces doctors, and I believe we lean more towards law.
Who cleans the most in your house? Oh my mom, for sure. She wants all chores done a certain way, and she’s always genuinely happy to do everything herself.
Do you own any shirts that cost over $100? No. I think my most expensive shirts are my wrestling ones, which never went above P3000, I think.
What about any shoes? Do you think that's a lot of money for clothes? Yeah, well shoes are generally more expensive so I’ve definitely spent more on sneakers than I’ve ever had on a shirt. I think a pair of shoes that go for P5000 is fine because for the most part it’s also already a testament to its quality. I draw the line at P5000 shirts, because you’re only paying for the label at that point.
What's the movie theatre in your town called? Ours don’t have names. Most of our cinemas are housed within malls, so whenever we make plans to watch a movie we just mention the mall.
How many minutes do you consider late? Idk man, I prize punctuality a lot. People to me are either early, on the dot, or late.
Is there any jam in the fridge right now? No, we don’t really consume jam. We’re not a very spread-y kind of family, come to think of it. We prefer meatier stuff in our sandwiches.
What did you get your best friend for their last birthday? I learned iMovie throughout my UTI-slash-fever horror experience so I can make a video for Gab that compiled her friends’ greetings in time for her birthday. I wasn’t able to get Angela anything because I was still looking for a job then and didn’t have any source of income; and because Gab broke up with me on that day so I was too distraught to be doing anything.
What about your mom's and dad's last birthdays? My dad was abroad for his last birthday. I didn’t get my mom anything because we don’t have that kind of relationship.
What kinds of food do you dunk into milk? Uhm mostly none, because I never really have milk unless I’m at a hotel or at a friend’s, lol. I’ve dipped chocolate chip cookies into milk several times though, and those didn’t turn out bad at all :) I’m a fan of the mushiness.
Do you have any current or past teachers on your facebook friends? A couple of my high school teachers are still my Facebook friends. I never added nor received requests from my college professors, which I prefer tbh because I’ve always viewed college profs as having a more professional vibe compared to my grade school and high school teachers, who were like parents to me.
Are there any baby pictures of you up? Like, the room I’m currently in? No but my school portrait from Prep is framed and hanging on my wall, which is the closest thing. I was already 7, though.
Do you have any friends who have bleached blonde hair? Nah. I have a lot of friends who’ve dyed their hair over the years, but none bleached all the way through. Gabie did, but just for her tips.
How much sugar do you like in your tea/coffee? Lots. I need every trace of it feeling like black coffee removed, haha.
What color is the cereal in your cupboard? We don’t eat cereals in this family; we’ve always enjoyed a classic Filipino breakfast. Sometimes we’ll get cereals I guess, but we never eat them the traditional way; my mom and sister usually just snack on them straight from the box on non-breakfast hours.
Are you wearing any jewlery that a boyfriend/girlfriend gave you? No.
Has a boyfriend/girlfriend ever given you jewlery? Yes.
Have you ever seen the last person you kissed cry? Many times.
Would you rather work at a gas station or be a maid? I hate chores and touching other people’s stuff, so I’ll go with the gas station. I could meet different people from that job too, which sounds more interesting.
What's the closest store to your house called? Just Things. Basically sells hype merch, including the P5000 streetwear shirts I called out earlier, for all the hype heads in my area.
Do horror movies scare you more when they're 'based on a true story'? The biographical nerd in me obviously gets excited, but I don’t get scared. I get more invested when they include snippets or updates about the real-life counterparts and go beyond the vague ‘based on a true story’ banner.
Do you still talk to the last person who hurt you (emotionally)? Yeah but I really need some sort of coin bank thing for it for every time I do so because idk why I still hang around sometimes.
Is there an outdoor movie theatre where you live? Not where I live. But I do know that because of Covid, some malls outside of my city have started offering drive-in cinemas, which were never a thing here before.
What color was the last food you ate? Golden brown, yellow, black, red, green. It was a truffle and mushroom pizza that I treated my family to because I had gotten my first paycheck this week and I would’ve looked like an absolute ass if I spent it on anything else other than my family. I MEAN I wanted to treat them too, of course, but I won’t deny that there’s an underlying reason for me buying the food as well. Welcome to a firstborn’s life in the Philippines (and in Asia, tbh).
Have you ever seen your mom or dad drunk? My mom has been tipsy, but not drunk. My dad never lets himself get swayed by alcohol. He’ll still get a single bottle of beer, but I’ve never seen his demeanor change.
How expensive is too expensive for a pair of jeans? Anything above P7,000 or P7,500, maybe.
After seeing a movie, do you go to a site to enter a review about it? Nah, I’m not the Letterboxd type of person. I’ll sometimes tweet about a movie, but only if I found it good or intriguing enough.
Have you ever done that? No. I’m not the best movie reviewer, so even though I’m aware of Letterboxd’s or IMDb’s appeal I’ve always been too shy to share my thoughts or ratings just in case someone ends up criticsplaining a movie to me.
Would you consider McDonald's a restaurant? I know what route this question is getting to but I’m too tired to defend my thought process, so suffice it to say I love McDonald’s, lol.
Do your parents vote? LOL my mom only started doing so again when I registered - before 2016, she cast her last vote back in 1992. Of course, her opinions were wrong for both the presidential (2016) and senatorial elections (2019) haha. 
My dad does not vote and he stopped giving a shit about Philippine politics when he started working abroad 20 years ago and increasingly spent more time overseas than he does in his home country. Which, honestly, as sad and bad as it sounds, I totally understand. He’s completely detached from the goings-on in our country that to make him vote would be just as useful as letting him purely guess his choices.
Are there any creepy pictures up on the walls of your house? We’ve never gotten such a comment before, so no.
What's the last thing you were excited to eat? The pizzas I bought tonightttttt :> I got truffle and mushroom pizza and quattro formaggi pizzas and they were from Motorino, this fancy (and pricey) place I used to go on dates in that I haven’t visited so long.
It’s hilarious because I didn’t even plan on buying any food today as I’m stingy with money...but in my shift today I was tasked to order food bundles for certain media partners we regularly collaborate with. I kept ordering all these fucking pizzas for people I don’t even know and I got so jealous???? So I ended up buying for myself at the end of the day HAHAHAH
Do you ever hit electronics if they don't work? I smack them against a surface, but I rarely hit them with my own hand.
Who’s the most romantic person you ever went out with? I’ve only gone out with one person and, her toxic traits aside, I highly doubt any future prospect would ever come remotely close to her.
Is there anything hanging from the ceiling in your room? My bedroom light.
How would you react if your best friend was pregnant/got someone pregnant? She’s not planning on having a kid any time soon so I would assume it happened by accident, and I would assume she would be in distress. That said, my instinct would be to be there for her and support her in whatever she does moving forward.
Do you know who Lisa Simpson is? Sure thing, she’s my favorite.
Have you ever had a crush on the last person you spoke to online? No. I’ve never even met her.
Have you ever seen the last person you hugged dressed up fancy? Sure, my grandma dresses up for parties and other formal events.
(If your parents married), Do you know where they got engaged? No. My dad didn’t even pop the question; at some point they just sat each other down, had a long talk, and decided they’d get engaged. Idk where it happened though. Maybe while on a date somewhere?
What color was the last cup you drank out of? Copper.
What was the last picture you printed of? I honestly can’t tell you. I’ve printed a number of documents for various adulting tasks lately, but I don’t know the last time I specifically printed out a photo.
What restaurant has the best fries? I’d have to go with Army Navy. Or if we’re going with fast food, Jollibee.
What does your mailbox look like? We don’t have one. Messengers just insert envelopes through our screen door.
Have you ever gotten something stuck on the roof? We have a rooftop, so that’s never been a problem for us.
Have you ever had a surprise party thrown for you? No. I don’t think I’ve ever been that important for anyone.
Is the room you're in organized? It can do with some fixing, but it’s not terrible.
Would your mom make a good president? She’d be the most organized, neurotic, and punctual president in the history of presidents, but I doubt she’d be of help in conflict resolution or law-making, or any decision-making aspects that go with being president.
The 2nd class you had last time you went to school: ever skipped it? I don’t think I ever skipped that class in the short time I took it before Covid took over.
Do your aunts and uncles have kids? Yeah, nearly everyone does.
Is this survey interesting so far? I liked it.
Do you say fancy or formal? Or something else? Depends on the context. I use both as I think they have different connotations anyway.
Does your English teacher have kids? The last English professor I had doesn’t.
Does your computer make a lot of noise? The fan whirs when the laptop gets too busy. The noise is definitely noticeable considering how quiet my laptop is 98% of the time; but I wouldn’t call it bothersome.
Do you see movies at home or in the theatre more? Home. I watch at the cinema like, a maximum of 5 times a year.
What's your favorite thing to eat during a movie? Potato Corner fries. Non-negotiable.
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museswithinx · 5 years
❝ I feel like I should be shocked that you two had sex there, but I’m not anymore. ❞ { Tabs for Sadie lol }
a hundred random starters
Having gotten in real late last night, Sadie didn’t wake up till a little past noon. So, naturally, by the time she made it downstairs, breakfast was long over and most everyone was out starting their day. Except for Tabs, who must have just woken up herself as she seemed to still be working on eating breakfast.
Sliding into a chair across from her, Sadie helps herself to whatever is leftover from the morning breakfast. “Damn girl, what time did you and Ash get in? He didn’t finally charm the pants off you, did he? Usually you’re up and out with Adrian by now.” She comments playfully as she bites off a piece of bacon. After the party, she’d spent the rest of her night getting into shenanigans with Micah. 
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Speaking of, as Tabs inquires about her own activities, Sadie was all too happy to go into details. “Well, Micah and I were going to grab some McDonald’s breakfast around three, but we got a bit distracted and never quite made it there. See, we passed by a cemetery and it was super foggy and kinda creepy. Like a horror movie or some shit. So, obviously, we gotta check it out because it’s Halloween and all. The next thing I know, we’re paying our respects to the dead and fucking against a mausoleum. It was kinda wild.”
❝ I feel like I should be shocked that you two had sex there, but I’m not anymore. ❞ 
Shrugging, she thought most people tended to avoid banging in cemeteries but it was kind of exciting. Obviously they shouldn’t have been doing it, so that just made it more appealing. “What can I say, I like to spice it up,” she jokes with a little smirk. “I’m sure the Harper family or whoever was buried there didn’t mind the show.”
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ashtonsunshine · 5 years
Carmo's Paris Adventures - Day 5
St. Germain et trois croissants
We woke up a little late today. Four mornings late, my mother still kept waking me up by opening the blinds. I told her not to do that because it hurts my eyes but I guess she thinks I'm lying like she always does, so I guess I had to suffer, yet again.
We had breakfast and I ate my second croissant of the vacation. However, they were not proper French croissants. They were those the supermarket sell by the bunch that I can buy in the exact same supermarket in Portugal. I wanted a proper French bakery croissant, damn it! Coming to France and not having a proper croissant is criminal!
After breakfast, we ate a crêpe with nutella, almonds, vanilla icecream and whipped cream. As we ate, my mother kept talking about me coming to work here, even after my relatives said multiple times that they themselves were happy that their children were not living here because Paris is too dangerous and not worth it and after me, my dad and those same relatives saying that you need to know how to speak French here otherwise you're not gonna make it. She kept saying You could start working somewhere and maybe then find a job in your area... and I told her, for the millionth time, How am I gonna find a job in communications in France without speaking French? and obviously she goes If you really wanted, you could already know how to speak French. What about those people who emmigrate without knowing the language?. She simply doesn't want to understand the situation. She thinks it's easy to come here, find a job and live like we do in Portugal. Where would I work without knowing French? Cleaning? In a restaurant kitchen? In a warehouse? My English skills are worthless here. Yesterday  we walked past a school and she said that my sister could do some English tutoring here. How is she gonna tutor English to French kids if she doesn't speak French?! Do you know what she answered? I'm tell you what she answered: With will power. Like, are you serious right now?! Also, where would I live? With my dad? In his studio?And have no privacy? Does she want me to ride on public transport for hours every morning and every night and be robbed, or worse, raped? I had to listen to this shit every day since Saturday and I'm gonna keep on hearing it for the next days...
When we finished eating, we headed off to St. Germain. Yes, the St. Germain of the Paris St. Germain football team. 
There's a castle there called Chateaux-Neuf which was transformed into the Museum of National Antiques. It's very pretty. It's not a flashy castle. It's honestly very modest-looking for a castle.
It was being worked on on the outside to clean the stone. As you can see on the picture, the right tower is cleaner that the rest.
Next we walked a bit on the castle gardens. Better saying, never-ending gardens. This is just the beginning, right in front of the castle. Beyond those trees, there's an extremely long walking avenue with forest on both sides that goes forever.
This is the overview from the castle gardens. You can see the top of the Eiffel tower on the right side of those tall buildings.
After that, we went to visit the city centre.
And finally I ate a proper croissant from a proper bakery! 10 times better than those of the supermarket! It was crisper on the outside, and it melted in my mouth. So delicious! I didn't take a picture because I was too busy eating it.
Then, we headed off to the airport. The traffic to exit St. Germain was terrible. Plus, it was 30°C and I had the sun hitting me directly in the car. I was waiting for us to make a turn so the sun would shift sides but we didn't, so I moved seats to the other side to cool off a little. Thankfully, the traffic diluted as soon as we entered the highway.
We stopped at McDonald's to have a snack and I ate a pain du chocolate and had an English breakfast tea. Great tea, I might say. Strong with a dry aftertaste. Right up my alley.
At the airport, we checked how much out suitcase weighed. 11kg. It could only transport 10kg so we had to take out the two packages of powered sugar from the suitcase into the backpack. After that, we went through the first baggage check to see if the backpacks fit in the Ryanair box thingy. We knew they would because we did that in Porto but we kinda had to squeeze them a bit.
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Next was the security check. I was speaking basic French with the security people and I don't know how I did it but I did and that's what matters. Guess what happened next. Yep, the goddamn metal detector beeped on me. I had nothing metal on me. I was wearing exactly the same thing I did when I went through security check in Portugal and there the detector didn't beep on me. I wasn't even wearing a wired bra. The security lady told me to step forward and checked my hands with the scanner. She only checked my hands and my sneakers for some reason. Then, the other security man asked me which backpack was mine and asked me if I was well. I said I was very well. He checked my bag with the scanner too. He scanned it on the outside and he scanned it on the inside, and, obviously, there was nothing dangerous in there. I still don't know why I beeped, how I managed to keep it together and speak French to the security people. That was... stressful.
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As we were up in the clouds, I had a window seat and throughout the whole flight all I saw was clouds. It was beautiful. We flew by this massive, and when I say massive I mean covering-the-horizon-all-the-way-from-land-to-the-airplane massive column of clouds. It was fascinating. By the time we were descending, I could see the red burning sun shining its last rays of light from behind the clouds the sea horizon and it was the best welcome back I could get.
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Welcome to the World
I decided it was probably right to take you back to the start of this journey and maybe help you to understand what we have been through. Its probably gonna be a long, emotional one but its important. 
The 14th July will forever be a special day to me, Ada’s Birthday, and what a day that turned out to be! Ten days overdue we eventually welcomed our special little girl into the world and wow did she make sure she did it in full dramatic style!
I was called in on Friday 13th to be induced (should of known there and then!). I was put into my little bay in my bed, Shortly after I was examined and given a pessary…ladies you will know what that means 😳 very pleasant! I was then popped onto a monitor for half an hour and all was normal. Eventually it got late so Nath went home, there wasn’t much point in him staying, although I was petrified I would go into labour and he wouldn’t wake up to my phone calls and miss the whole thing! I settled down for the night but didn’t get much sleep.The following morning my hero (Nath) bought me a McDonalds breakfast in bed and all was right in the world, monitor readings were fine and the waiting game began. 
Then it started! Short, sharp pains, lasting about 30 seconds every 3 minutes or so. Now I have a high pain threshold but this was next level, I was convinced that something was wrong and was overdue my CTG reading so went to see my midwife. I was offered paracetamol, advised to go for a walk or have a bath. At that stage I asked to be put back onto the monitor as I was overdue to be. We then started to see that something was going wrong, the heart rate had dropped and was struggling to recover to a normal reassuring rate. Immediately I wanted that baby out and asked for a c-section! Unfortunately, it took two more heart rate drops and over an hour before that decision was granted - along with trying to be convinced that I should have my waters broke and try for a natural birth! I mean, I’m not doctor but realistically what chance did I stand of that happening and everything being ok. 
The whole time that this is happening and theres a million different members of staff flying in and out of the room and discussing whats going on with my baby I was still in the induction suite. I remember being very aware of the fact that there was three other woman in that room waiting to have their babies, all being able to hear the nightmare we were having. I can get over the fact of having no privacy, after three sweeps and god knows how many examinations my dignity was at an all time low anyway. But I remember afterwards thinking how petrifying it must of been for those other woman to hear what was happening whilst waiting to go through the stressful time that is labour themselves. 
Eventually I was moved into another room, the doctor was till trying to convince me to have my waters broke rather than a section and said they would give me 30 minutes to think about it, at the time I didn’t think there was anything wrong with that - now I realise a bloody lot can happen in 30 minutes with an unborn baby and what the hell were they thinking?! I rang my mum, as you do, for advice. She said what I thought and that I should have a section straight away - I remember feeling absolutely helpless. Putting your life and your unborn babies life in the hands of a complete stranger that is telling you everything you don’t want to hear. Whilst on the phone, the heart rate went again and she made the decision for us. 
Within minutes I was in the delivery suite I was told to sit on the operating table and bend over and hug a pillow, they then injected me in my spine and made me lay down straight away. The anaesthetist told me to lift my legs towards the ceiling and I couldn’t…strangest feeling in the world! Your mind is telling your legs so hard to work and they just won’t…desired effect had obviously happened! I don’t think I have ever felt so petrified as to what was about to happen, with Nath at my side in his scrubs we were ready for it. 
From 15 minutes to entering the room Ada was born! We heard two small cries and then the worst silence, I knew there was something wrong but couldn’t move to see what was happening. At this point I had never seen my child, didn’t know if we had a son or a daughter or what state the baby was in. Just that there was a shit ton of people surrounding our baby and Nathan was really badly trying to reassure me that everything was ok. I just remember crying and wishing I could do anything to be able to get off that table and do something. 
Our midwife came over shortly and informed us that ‘she’ was doing ok but was very poorly. SHE?! We’d had a little girl which was such a massive shock, myself and the majority of other people were convinced we were having a boy. She explained that Ada had inhaled her poo and that they were going to have to take her to the NICU straight away. With that she was gone, I’d seen a brief glimpse of masses of jet black hair as they pushed her past me and a photo they had allowed Nathan to take on his phone. I didn’t get to hold her, touch her, kiss her, just a quick glimpse as she left the room. 
We were then moved into a side room whilst they sorted me out and stabilised Ada, my mum joined us at the hospital and then we had to wait. Id like to say it felt like hours, but it actually was hours. Various people came in and out and its all a bit of a blur I think because of shock at that time, we were told she had meconium aspiration syndrome and was very very poorly. 
I was told I could go and see her once I could feel my legs, I definitely couldn’t feel my legs but lied and said I could. Around 3 hours after Ada was born I was helped into a wheelchair by a lovely health assistant, Nathan and my mum and taken down to NICU to meet my daughter for the first time. It’s not even far from the delivery suite but it felt like the longest trip down the corridor to meet her and I have never felt so sick. And there she was, laying there with a group of people working away, tube down her throat and wires all over her, but it was her and she was perfect. It’s very hard to explain the emotions that go through your mind at a time like that. But I can remember the overwhelming feeling of love, like I had never known before. And then fear, fear of what was going to happen to her, what was it they were actually doing to her? All these different drugs being pumped into her and people trying to tell you what is going on but not being able to process anything because all I could do was look at her. I was taken back to my bed and we were told that she was going to be transferred to Norwich as they had better equipment. Before she was able to be transferred they had to stabilised her, it must of been around 5 hours before she was ready to go. Unfortunately due to just having major surgery myself I was unable to travel with Ada, if anything happened to me they would leave me in order to save Adas life. I was to travel behind in a blue light ambulance so if anything went wrong I would be able to be reunited with Ada as soon as possible. So the responsibility fell down to Nathan, I have never felt so guilty knowing that he was going to have to do that journey by himself, not knowing the fate of Ada. Nath being Nath took it in his stride, had a fag and a brew and got himself ready to go. 
I was taken down to NICU to say goodbye to her before her journey to Norwich and it wasn’t until that point that I realised just how bad things were. There was an amazing team of people called ANTS who were getting her ready and about to transfer her into what I can only describe as some sort of baby spaceship for the ambulance, Drugs and wires rigged up everywhere! Some people may think that the woman was too harsh and blunt but she was probably the most honest person I had spoken to up until that point. She crouched down on the floor in front of me and told me that “I needed to prepare myself” I was taken a back, she then said something that will ring through my ears and haunt me most probably for the rest of my life “Your baby might not make this journey Amy”. It literally felt like my stomach had dropped out on the floor beneath me. I could see that it had cut threw Nathan and then I looked at my mum who was clearly trying so hard to be positive but it had got her too. I gave Ada a kiss, left the room and went back to wait for my ambulance feeling numb. Then I cried like I have never cried before in my life. In a way that I didn’t even know it was possible. 
I remember apologising over and over again to my mum, in my mind at that time I had given her a granddaughter that I was convinced was going to die and I just blamed myself. Nathan came in to say goodbye before leaving and I was still trying to be brave, telling him that whatever happened it was not his fault and that he didn’t have to worry, we could get through it together. 
Minutes after he had left somebody came in to inform me that I couldn’t have an ambulance as the ambulance service did not think that I needed one. Due to the fact that I wasn’t critical myself, even though I had just had major surgery, I could have one but it could take up to 4 hours to provide it. It even says in my notes that we received afterwards ‘that they appreciate my child might die before it reaches Norwich but there is nothing they can do’. Well we didn’t have 4 hours to wait so I left the hospital and travelled to Norwich in my mums car, around 5 hours after a c section! Its alarming to me now that there was no advice given to my mum as to what she should do if something went wrong with me, we just left. During this Nathan had text me to see if we had set off, presuming I was going to be in an ambulance, you can imagine his shock when I text him back saying that I was going in my mums car, he’s since told me he’s never been so worried that he was going to end up without both of us. 
By the time of me leaving, Nathans mum and dad had travelled down from up north and picked my dad up to meet us at the hospital, we then all travelled over to Norwich and met Nathan at the entrance. Ada was already inside and the incredible NICU team were working their magic on her. 
I still haven’t and very much need to thank the team at Norwich for the miracles they worked on Ada. When we entered the unit everyone was so calm even though they were dealing with one of the most stressful situations ever. They all welcomed me in as ‘Mum’ the first time I had been called that in my life! I could of spoken to a million people that night and I would never ever be able to tell you who they were or what they said to me, there is only certain parts that stick out in my memory. Our parents were allowed in with us for support and to meet Ada, a really happy yet sad moment to introduce your parents to their grandchild in that circumstance. 
I think around 5am me and Nathan went to bed, we were then woken up around 6am as we were needed for a meeting on the NICU unit with Adas consultant. Instantly my heart sank as I was prepared for the worst news. We went in for the meeting and I can still hear the woman asking me how I felt and all I could respond with was “pretty shit” She told me that was probably the most honest thing that anyone would say to her all day. She then went on to tell us that they had done everything they could with Ada, tried every treatment and thrown the kitchen sink at her but she wasn’t responding to it and making no improvement. Our last option was that they would try to find her a bed wherever one was available in the UK to give her a treatment called ECMO. At the time I never looked at what it was just agreed that we would try anything possible, I’ve since found out that they fit an artificial heart and lung, entering through the neck to try and give hers a rest and let it recover! It really is amazing what they can do.
They found her a bed at Birmingham children’s hospital and made plans for her to be transported, this consisted of an ambulance coming up from Great Ormond Street Hospital and then travelling through to Birmingham. Again, Nathan would have to travel with Ada and I would have to go separately with my mum and dad. When the ambulance arrived they started to prep Ada for the journey but realised that something was wrong with the ambulance so they wouldn’t be able to transport her in that one, they called for another to be sent. In that 2 hour delay something happened and Ada started to respond to her treatment, maybe she just didn’t fancy Birmingham?! The odds were completely stacked against her but she did it! 
From then on she improved daily, all those silly things that people take for granted we were longing to happen. Just to be able to celebrate with people that our baby was here without it being tinged with sadness. By day 4 they had decreased her sedation, changed her oxygen and we saw her open her eyes for the first time. Day 5 she was moving her arms and legs, and after a long wait we got to hold her for the first time - five whole days we waited to hold her in our arms! Ok, so it wasn’t how I wanted it to be but I realise now that waiting that time made it all the more special - I got my moment. We heard her cry! That sounds so simple but if it hasn’t happened you just want and want to hear it (I wish she did it less now!). By day 8 I could start feeding her myself, something that was really important to me as I wanted that bond. Nathan also decided on day 8 to propose to me! I think he was trying to write me off with emotions and see how much I could take 😂 Day 13 we were able to give her a bath ourselves and by Day 15 we were bringing her home to King’s Lynn. Bittersweet for me considering the start we had there but at least we were closer to family and friends. 
After 25 days in hospital we were able to take Ada home, on oxygen, but we didn’t care as long as she was home. To get her home and shut the door was incredible, no machines bleeping, no nurses, just us as a family. 
On the 27th August we got the go ahead from the hospital that her readings had come back fine and after a stressful few weeks we were able to turn her oxygen off, she’s still going now so it must of been the right decision! 
Its been in no way easy but its been so worth all the hard times and tears. We went to hospital as a couple and left as a family, a little later than we hoped for but we got there eventually. 
I am so grateful that Nathan is the person that he is. Not many men would stay in hospital for that long and he was the thing that got me through everyday. He was always positive when I didn’t know how to be, and I will love him always for what he has given me.  
I’m thankful to both of sets of our parents for being there for us, to my mum for travelling to Norwich almost everyday - knowing that someone is coming to see you at 3pm everyday really makes a difference. And to our family and friends for the visits, messages, well wishes, cards and how they continue to shower Ada with the love. 
No matter how much stuff you buy or how many people give you advice, nothing can prepared you for the whirlwind that a tiny human brings. But love or learn from every minute of it and always remember how important it is to support each other through the good or bad. 
Amy x
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erosjeon · 7 years
Pairing: Hybrid!Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Fluff & Smut
Summary: You walk into your home one day to find your cat walking on two feet, in a human form.
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
Words: 2.5k
You kicked the door shut after trying your best to get it opened with your unavailable hands that carried the heavy groceries. With a grunt you managed to reach for your cross body and throw it over the couch while making your way to the kitchen to put down and organise all the things you bought.
You had a simple life, a twenty years old girl who’s trying to make a living in this cruel world. Your parents had passed when you were young and ever since then you had to make your own money, be it from taking extra shifts at the cafè you worked in to working at McDonald’s where you used to visit when your parents were alive and wonder why people wanted to work there when most of the customers were absolute garbage and the atmosphere is unforgiving and suffocating. You had come to the realisation that those people didn’t have a choice because after all you had bills and a degree to pay for.
You would describe yourself single, you and your boyfriend broke up about a year ago, you would be really upset and heart broken if he wasn’t a douchebag and a selfish piece of shit or maybe because you only dated for a few months and realised he wasn’t the one for you.
You would say that you’re living in this apartment alone but you had a cat, a male adorable Scottish fold with the fluffiest fur ever. He was the only thing keeping you going through your hard times, he would always come and rub his head onto your feet when you arrive home, he always wanted your attention and would would beg and purr for your pettings just like he is now.
You crouch down to run your fingers through his adorable ears with the biggest smile sprawled onto your face, you can never help it when he looks at you like that. Only if a real man can actually look at you like this.
“Hi Kookie” you said while stretching each syllable out of adornment.
“How have you been? Were you being a good boy?” You said while peppering his fur with kisses near his ear and neck which earned you a lot purr and a lick from him.
Your cat wasn’t the typical cat that scratched at its owners if they touched him or pet him too much, yes he would get fiesty sometimes but most of the time he was peaceful and understanding. When you cry, you would find him at your lap looking as sad as you or dragging a toy in your direction in hopes that if you see him play around attend to your commands that you would feel mused and feeling better. You swore that he’s not a normal cat.
You carried him in your arms after organising everything in place. You headed to your room and put him into your bed where you would walk to your wardrobe to get a change of clothes. You took of your shirt followed by your bra, you didnt need to be suffocated at home wearing these merciless boob imprisonment outside was bad as it is, you put your head and arm through your tank top and changed your jeans into your matching pyjama shorts.
You liked to lay down in bed and pet your cat when you came back from a long day in attempt to gather a bit of energy to get up and try to make dinner. Kookie must be starving yoi thought as you patted at your lap to get your cat to come to you, which he obviously did you could swear that he liked being there maybe a little too much. You didn’t like your cat eating processed smelly canned food that they scam people with at the market, when you first got your cat 7 years ago, you didn’t have much money to get him special cat food and you would feed him whatever you were eating which he actually found much better than canned food that you bought for him when you finally earned money, he refused to eat it and you decided to never feed him it again.
“Sometimes, I wish you can speak to me” you said while rubbing his right ear between your thumb and pointer, he liked it the best when you petted his sweet tiny ears like that.
“I just feel silly when I speak about my day for hours when you probably can’t understand anything I’m saying apart from the word food” you laughed at yourself. Strangely your cat growled and it almost sounded like a scoff, did you just offend your cat?!
“Sorry. But you know im going to talk about my day either way” you shot him a sweet smile. He settled his head between his stretched paws that laid on your stomach.
“I… I think I’m going to quit” you said slowly. You didn’t expect your cat to understand the kind of world you live in. You are a hard working person but you can barely manage doing notes for class when you had two jobs like that, besides neither paid well for the long hours you worked. You though of quitting your job at McDonald’s because it was tough and was a complete crap of a job and the shifts you worked could spare you an entire night that you can use studying or maybe in the future, spare that time to work for someone who pays well.
“I’m just tired you know? I feel like my brain cells are dying when I work there. The people treat you so horribly, when I work late at night and go to clean the dirty tables I get groped and it feels disgusting. The smell is disgusting and I dont even comment on how bad the food  we sell it. I feel so bad for selling people something that will reduce their life span” you sighed.
“I guess I really had enough, huh?” You said while picking up his left ear and massaging his head. The cat infront of you seemed to have understood you and gave you a pity look, which had quickly changed to what you could make out as annoyance and anger. Why are cats so weird yet absolutely beautiful.
“I guess it’s queue for dinner” you cheered,
“Grilled chicken? Or that salmon I just bought from the market baby?” You asked as if your cat would answer. You knew he would probably like salmon better and honestly, you were craving some salmon and a good beetroot salad.
The cat had followed you to the kitchen when the smell of fish showered your entire home. Of course you thought, what a typical cat he is. You noticed as he gets closer to you as you grill the salmon on the hot surface, he had wrapped your calf with his tail while looking up to you which made you squeal at his cuteness but remembered how dangerous it is for him to be close to an oven.
“I love you Kook but you have to go away, it’s dangerous here” you said before reaching for the fridge and taking out the rest of the ingredients necessary for the dish.
You had spent the rest of the night eating your dinner and watching a movie play on your TV with your beloved cat. You were feeling pretty tired and chose to end your night after emailing your boss at McDonald’s not to expect you at work anymore, you finally chose to quit but you weren’t sure if you were ready for the consequences. It’ll be okay, you whispered to yourself before shutting your eyes and brain to sleep.
The next morning, you woke up before he did like any other normal day. You headed to the bathroom and got ready to get ready for your classes, you would normally make food in the morning and put it down in a bowl so that when your cat is hungry it can eat while your not home, but as you quit your job at McDonald’s, today consisted of going to classes and coming back home early.
You made some coffee and put down a small breakfast for your cat incase it woke up before you got home but you doubted it since you’re going to come back within 3 hours and he’s showing no sign of wanting to get up any time soon. Smiling, you wore your winter coat and wrapped your neck with your favourite soft scarf and headed outside to start your day.
Classes were the same, difficult but manageable with effort anf effecient note taking, which you clearly havent done enough of. You didn’t make friends with the people that are in your course because you simply didnt have enough time to, but they all seemed somewhat nice you guessed.
Once the class was over you had a small break before the other one begins and you headed to the local university cafe for some coffee in attempt to really wake up. You waited in the queue to order your coffee, it was only one man with a slightly grey hair in front of you. You assumed he was one of those obnoxious frat party boys who dyed their hair a different colour every weekend. You rolled your eyes when you heard him ordering the same drink you were going to.
“Hi. Can I get a caramel machiatto please?” You asked of the barista, who nodded and asked for your name and the money, which of course you had given before you proceeded to wait for your drink. You had realised that the man in front of you was gone, that was quick you said before taking the drink that was placed on the table in front of you, that had said caramel machiatto on it.
You had sipped some before the same man reappears infront of you. Why was he here you said before turning away, only to hear your name and the drink you ordered being called out by the barista.
You turned around, and met the man again but this time, he was facing you and dear God, he was gorgeous. So unreal that you’d think he was an anime character. And you might have embarrassed yourself by taking his drink.
“Sorry, i thought you took your drink and left and I didn’t bother to check the name on the cup” you said shyly.
He took the drink placed on the table and turned it around before sipping it.
“No worries. Y/N” he said. He knew you?
“Um… Do I know you” you said confused.
“If that was a pick up line… You could do much better” he chuckled.
“Ahh.. not that. Its just you knew my name and I’m not much of a social person is all” you laughed as crismon stains your cheeks. You weren’t sure if you said that out of confusion or admiration and wanting to keep talking to him.
“The cup says your name” was all he said before giving you a smile.
“Right! Sorry again” you said,
“No problem at all” he said, before you left the cafe and continued to your class.
You were on your way home after that incident and you were smiling like a fool. At least we go to the same university, we’ll probably meet again, you thought. You didn’t know that this was not the only unexpected thing to happen today because as you turned the lock of your home open, you were met with a naked man.
“What the fuck?!” You screamed after taking in the scene right infront of you.
He wasn’t just one naked man, no he had what appears like cat ears and a fluffy long tail that you can mistake as your cat’s. You didn’t dare to look down and met his eyes, he was clearly as freaked out as you are, looking like a deer caught in the headlights. The more you looked into his eyes the more they resembled your cat’s that you stare hours in every night. You can never mistake any detail regarding your cat but this? This is insane!
“What are you doing in my house?!” You tried to be calm, not knowing how to deal with this situation. Was he a pervert with some strange kink, going to peoples homes and freaking them out like that?
“You’re home early” he said with a shrug, his voice sounding like the sweetest melody. When you fathomed what he just said you took a step back in shock. What the hell was that.
“Who are you?!” You tried to stay calm and collected.
“Really Y/N? You can’t tell how your cat looks like?”
“Thank God you found out this way, I was getting tired of having to stay in that stupid cat form and eat out the small bowl you would put my food in” he said annoyed.
This is not your cat. The man in front of you is definetly someone mental.
“If you think I’m gonna believe this then your out of your fucking mind” you retaliated.
He moved forward towards you before he shut the door forcefully and pinning you on it. He smirked before saying
“I can make you believe me”
He took your hand and placed them on the familar ears, they felt and looked just like your cat’s. You couldn’t help but rub them and the man in front of you leant towards your hand and purred.
You couldnt deny the fact that this pretty much is your actual cat in human form. All the memories of appearing naked and changing clothes in front of him rushed in your mind. You smacked your self mentally and stayed away from Jungkook. Yeah that was the name you had given your cat that you’d usually call Kookie.
“Why are you running away from me now?”, he said confused.
“Why didn’t you tell me you’re human” you ignored him.
“Because im not” he said as if it was obvious.
“You know what I mean. You’re a hybrid, same thing” you said sighing.
“Because like you are now, you’ll distance yourself from me” he looked down, all the smug that was on it disappeared. You sighed again, you’d never leave your cat. He was your life and you’ve even wished that he could talk to you. Your wishes had come true.
“Kookie” you said before making your way to him, his ears perked up and so did his head in attempt to look at you.
“I’d never leave you. You know that” you said as you took your fingers to push through his ears like you always do. He purred again and placed his arms around your waist while he rubbed his head into your chest.
“I-I always wanted to do this… have you between my arms instead of the usual way around” he said and you smiled.
“I do feel weird about it, but I could get used to it” you smiled.
A/N: Part 2 is out now
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gracieminabox · 7 years
ugh fine i guess
1. Acts like they’re dying when they have a cold. 
Chris, obviously. For one, because he’s the one who actually gets sick - Phil almost never does - and for another, because...well...he doesn’t do intermediate, tbh. When he’s injured or ill, Chris is either “I’m fine, quit worrying” or “the end is nigh.” The end is usually nigh when he’s got the sniffles, and he’s usually fine and everybody else is overreacting when he’s got massive head trauma and Phil’s literally holding his liver in place with his hands.
2. Gets mad at the TV and throws the remote. 
They’re probably both pretty okay about this, though Chris is more likely to get that worked up about a TV show.
3. Gets the worst road rage.
Chris, for sure. He’s the more technically skilled driver (strong headcanon that Phil can’t parallel park for shit), but Phil’s much calmer behind the wheel, especially in traffic or bad weather.
4. Spends too much time in the bathroom on their phone. 
This screams Phil. Phil is prone to losing track of time.
5. Packs the whole closet for an overnight trip. 
Overnight trips are probably work related, so neither of them. Vacations, however? Probably Chris. He’s a vain little shit when he really wants to show off ;)
6. Hates the in-laws. 
(NOTE: This will vary depending on what universe you’re operating in. I’m operating in my horizons universe, so take strong note of that.)
Neither of them. Chris adores Phil’s mom and dad and siblings. Phil’s never met Chris’ parents - he holds no ill will against Chris’ mother, for sure, and knows that Chris’ relationship with his father is complicated enough on its own without Phil getting his own feelings all up in the way.
7. Hits the snooze button…11 times. 
Given the opportunity, Phil would cheerfully sleep until 1500 hours every day.
8. Makes the other late for work. 
If you don’t think they’re both guilty as sin for this, I don’t even know what to tell you.
9. Uses the television as a babysitter. 
Neither of them need to. Jim uses the television as his babysitter all by himself. ;)
10. Takes in the stray dog. 
They found her while they were walking around their neighborhood - slowly, accounting for Chris’ mobility - right after they bought a house together. She was an older dog, a lifelong street dog, who lived on handouts from the neighbors. She was about ninety percent muscle, but had stunning markings and a really sweet disposition. On about the tenth time they see her while walking around, they sit down with her. She gleefully accepts their pets and belly rubs. Out of the blue, she turns to Chris and licks a wide stripe down his face.
They take her home that night and flip a coin to decide who names her. Phil wins and calls her Duck.
11. Suggests a 3am trip to McDonald’s. 
They both do this on the regular.
“Hey. Hey. *poking* Wakeupwakeupwakeup...”
“Mmmrph. Huh?”
“You know what sounds good? French fries.”
“...it’s four o’clock in the fucking morning.”
“Tell me it doesn’t sound good.”
“...I hate you. Where are my shoes?”
12. Leaves their shoes out for the other to trip over. 
Chris. But it’s payback, because Phil has never gotten his scrub top into the hamper, literally ever.
13. Can’t make up their mind when it comes to dinner. 
Chris, which is good, because Phil’s the only one who ever cooks, and Phil has a damn good understanding of what Chris likes.
14. Needs to be reminded of all their appointments. 
Phil is the dearest, sweetest, most darling man in the world, but he would forget his own name if he weren’t wearing it around his neck all damn day.
15. Bribes the other into doing chores, getting out of the house…and taking a shower. 
Phil is more likely to use bribery as a technique; however, Chris is usually more successful when he goes for it, because he’s more likely to dispense with any pretense and jump straight to if you do this I’ll blow you into next week.
16. Picks the movies. 
They trade off on this, but generally have the same taste in movies. 
17. Takes the safety steps when building a pillow fort. 
Phil is the cautious party, because Chris is the captain and an impulsive little shit.
18. Kisses the other’s injuries better. 
Phil, obviously. (It’s his job.)
19. Is addicted to angry birds, game of war, candy crush, temple run, or flappy bird. 
They can both damn Jim into next week for turning them on to this shit.
20. Kills the spiders. 
Neither of them. Chris shrieks and jumps on chairs at the sight of any creepy-crawly. Phil cups them and lovingly places them outside, then rolls his eyes and helps his boyfriend down from the chair.
21. Hogs the blankets. 
Phil. He’s always cold, while Chris is a furnace.
22. Takes pranks too far. 
Neither of them. They both know where the lines are.
23. Makes the dirty jokes. 
Chris makes them, but they’re terrible. Phil’s have the dual advantage of being much better and totally unexpected.
24. Keeps a piggy bank. 
This just screams Phil to me and I don’t even know why???
25. Has no problem having ice cream for breakfast. 
“...I swear to god, Christopher, when you single-handedly resurrect diabetes from the grave we buried it in a hundred and fifty years ago, don’t come crying to me.”
26. Gets a tattoo when they’re drunk. 
Honestly, I can easily see either of them doing this. (Chris might be slightly more prone, but only because he gets drunker than Phil does.)
27. Trips over their own feet. 
Phil’s a clumsy little love :)
28. Makes the other go for a walk. 
Phil, especially post-Narada, when Chris is doing PT and starting to be able to walk again. Chris hates him a little for it, but loves him dearly for making him push through, especially when it starts working.
29. Whines until they get what they want. 
Chris. His excuse? “I am younger than you, you know.” Phil smacks him with a towel.
30. Tries to act tough but really isn’t. 
A difficult question. Chris and Phil are both incredibly strong, tough men - they have to be, to do what they do and be in charge, to have lived through the things they’ve experienced. But the people who serve under both of them - who are rightfully intimidated by them - rapidly come to realize that they’re hardasses because they have to be, and that they’re really very compassionate, gentle men who are eager to help. (Of course, with one another, they’re both fucking marshmallow fluff.)
31. Talks the most, says the least. 
Neither of them are especially loquacious, though Phil tends to be the one who prompts the “talking out” of things.
32. Talks the least, says the most.
Both of them. They have entire conversations without saying a word.
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vampiresmiled · 5 years
✩ nutkins
nutkins married life ? they’d kill themselves, just making that loud and clear. jot it down, memorize it, – show up at their murder-suicide funeral.
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who is more likely to raise their voice? not a question. luka raises it for absolutely no reason. they’re out of sauce for their nuggets at mcdonalds ? somebody’s getting ratatata’d … who threatens to leave but never actually does? i feel like it goes like this. they’ll say they’re going to leave but when they turn around to go the other person’s like “ also you stink ” so now they have to turn back around. they cannot not have the final word. they’re pathetic. who actually keeps their word and leaves? i think the first person to break the cycle would be scout. like, if she didn’t fight back obviously he’d bounce. but if they were doing that back and forth shit, she’d be the first to ditch ‘cos she’d get her feelings hurt or some shit, y’know. who trashes the house? um, considering it already happened … do either of them get physical? luka would slam her against a wall for the teensiest shit. he’s a bitch like that.how often do they argue/disagree? so much. it’s unhealthy but that’s business, baby.who is the first to apologise? my ass was gonna write neither but did she not just show up at his door with money and an uwu sorry x ? normal circumstances though, definitely neither. she just needs him right now, let’s not talk about it.
who is on top? insert that one gif of veronica lodge straddling reggie mantle. but let it also be known that all imagined scenarios of them fucking have been vertical, so. yes, i consider these things. who is on the bottom? get pegged luka. who has the strangest desires? i feel like they’re both pretty odd. luka could be like “ do you, per chance, wanna fuck on the bar in silhouette’s, m’lady ” and scout would be like “ i thought you’d never ask, mister ” any kinks? luka definitely has a thing for her cheerleading uniform, calling it right now. boy didn’t get to boink any of them in high school and now he’s projecting onto her. who’s dominant in bed? him. she’s a brat, though, as we all know, so she’ll make him work for it. is head ever in the equation? scout will blow him in his car. does he have one ? isn’t it a motorcycle ? she’s getting him a car solely for this purpose. if so, who is better at performing it? luka, unfortunately. she’ll still choke on it, though.ever had sex in public? did we not hc their first time to be in silhouette’s bathroom … who moans the most? scout is loud and annoying always.who leaves the most marks? luka. and she has to work real hard on hiding them. sometimes she gives him a taste of his own medicine and when she does, he’s not a happy camper. who screams the loudest? i refuse to engage in this question anymore. who is the more experienced of the two? clearly, luka. he’s slept with half the town and everyone she’s slept with are either a. gross, b. her step-brother, c. a girl whose name i never headcanoned. do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? they don’t do romance. they fuck. hard. rough or soft? did i stutter.how long do they usually last? i feel like they can go on forever. like everyone else is getting one of them o’s but scout is out here channeling her inner owl all night, every night. is protection used? literally, no. she’s on the pill and he doesn’t like how it feels with a condom. that’s ought to end well.does it ever get boring? if it does, they’ll switch it up. i have so much faith in them in that department. where is the strangest place they’d have sex? ed’s desk. sorry pal.
do your muses plan on having children/or have children? hell to the no. scout is pro-abortion and luka is pro-beating-scout-up-if-she-wasn’t.if so, how many children do your muses want/have? none, zero, nada. who is the favorite parent? neither of them. i don’t see them becoming remotely successful parents if they opportunity presents itself. scout would want a nanny. she had one and she turned out just fine ! and luka would … not want to be there. who is the authoritative parent? the nanny. who is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school? luka. scout is all about that flawless academic record, y’know.who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around? still luka. when he comes around during mandatory visitation, he gives them chips and then he lets them play video games in another room ‘till he leaves.who turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children? scout. for the image. now i’m gonna say something controversial. i feel, maybe, if they did luka would be into soccer games and such. he would be the weirdo to watch the games from afar and then leave. who goes to parent teacher interviews? scout, no doubt.who changes the diapers? the nanny, love that bitch.who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby? see the answer above.who spends the most time with the children? reluctantly, scout.who packs their lunch boxes? say it with me … THE – NAN–NY.who gives their children ‘the talk’? animal planet.who cleans up after the kids? you thought i’d say the nanny, didn’t you ? jokes on you … it’s the maid !who worries the most? scout. eighteen years of this shit ? she’s exhausted. who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from? luka is out here cussing in front of his children that he sees twice a year ? oof. 
who likes to cuddle? neither of them are big into cuddling, but … it happens, y’know. she sits in his lap a lot despite meredith’s protests. probably luka’s, too. he likes it, though. she can tell from his raging boner.who is the little spoon? hear me out … he won’t spoon her ‘cos he’s an asshole. but battered and bruised luka ? exhausted from whatever shit he just went through ? he’ll be getting a small latina backpack whether he cares for it or not. s*ft kisses against his back and arms tight around his torso … it’s kind of good shit, if you ask me. who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? depends where they are. if it’s some fancy schmancy place, then luka. if it’s silhouette’s, then scout. who struggles to keep their hands to themself? luka has a tendency to like, always touch her to move her out the way or just make sure she stays doing nothing stupid. scout has no excuse and just straight up grabs his arm. “ stop taking my hand ” – rey to finn, the force awakens. how long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? sober, not even 2 minutes. high, 2 hours. thanks for coming to my ted talk.who gives the most kisses? scout, obvi. what is their favourite non-sexual activity? bickering. they do kinda like it. anything illegal is also exhilarating. but their favorite thing … smoking ! you know it is, bud. you can scrap everything i’ve said above if they’re high. high!nutkins are big time touchy-feely and they will snuggle. where is their favourite place to cuddle? he’s a big boy, so the bed. who is more likely to playfully grope the other? scout. she will smack his ass and he cannot stop her. that said and playfully erased, luka is the type to grab her ass when nobody’s paying attention. and frankly, i cannot blame him. it’s a good ass. how often do they get time to themselves? like all day, every day. they make their own schedules, bitches. 
who snores? luka seems the snoring type. she’ll get him those nose strips to save herself some headaches. i say as if he stays long enough for her to take notice.if both do, who snores the loudest? GHHHHHGHHHH – luka snoring. do they share a bed or sleep separately? separately. but, but – when HIGH … uwu.if they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? they start out far apart and then, you know . . . who talks in their sleep? i bet, I BET – if she has to stay with him ( in the many scenarios which we discuss in the privacy of imessage ), she will mutter shit in her sleep. like his name. tragic. he can pretend he didn’t hear that.what do they wear to bed? scout wears those fancy silk nightgowns and he prolly sleeps shirtless. if she’s at his place, though … t-shirt and panties. say it with me, PANTIES. are either of your muses insomniacs? maybe luka, maybe.can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? scout, she needs her snoozes.do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? side by side : her arms snaked around his and just her wittle chin on his shoulder. who wakes up with bed hair? he … got no hair. who wakes up first? in terms of bouncing after accidentally falling asleep, luka. he’s just out the motherfuckin’ door. otherwise, she’s an early riser.who prepares breakfast in bed for the other? she’d try, and then he’d have to swoop in to save the day.what is their favourite sleeping position? as far apart as humanly possible. who hogs the sheets? luka, that rat. do they set an alarm each night? scout does but, y’know.can a television be found in their bedroom? in luka’s, maybe. in scout’s, doubtful. depends on if she moves into the dang hotel or not.who has nightmares? i feel like he should have nightmares due to all the murders he commits but … scout sure as hell got none.who has ridiculous dreams? neither, they’re boring.who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? luka and his long, annoying legs.who makes the bed? scout. and 2 minutes after she’s done he flops back down on it and messes it up. what time is bed time? 3 am. witching hour. ‘cos they’re from hell.any routines/rituals before bed? murder.who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? LUKA. that sun of a gun.
who is the busiest? scout. she has school, that’s a lot. he has murder, that’s easy and breezy. who rakes in the highest income? luka, but she still has more money than him.are any of your muses unemployed? i mean, technically scout. but not for long. who takes the most sick days? luka. without a shadow of a doubt.who is more likely to turn up late to work? luka. he’s never on time. fix that shit.who sucks up to their boss? luka sucks ed’s dick every thursday afternoon, but go off i guess.what are their jobs? he’s a cupcake maker and she’s a child of god.who stresses the most? scout.do your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? i wanna say they do but they don’t, really, let’s be honest. time to move to paris and reinvent themselves.are your muses financially stable? scout is, he wishes.
who does the washing? nobody. i mean, i’m assuming he does his own but when he inevitable crashes at her place, the maid staff.who takes out the trash? he is the trash, so. get out of her hotel room, lukey boy.who does the ironing? hotel service, kay.who does the cooking? luka. and he’ll teach her. we’ve been over this. one day she’ll be able to make instant noodles without instantly burning the house down.who is more likely to burn the house down just trying? see above.who is messier? he is. but without, like, somebody to clean her shit up – she’s pretty messy, too. which is why she cannot live with him in his stupid trailer without maid service. who leaves the toilet roll empty? luka. and she hates him for it. who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? luka and scout. they’re kin that way.who forgets to flush the toilet? they don’t have a toilet, actually.who is the prankster around the house? neither of them. despite acting like children, they’re more mature than that. who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? neither. luka has to be organized and scout got her license revoked. lots to think about.who mows the lawn? what lawn.who answers the telephone? scout ‘cos he doesn’t have one. sucks.who does the vacuuming? me, personally.who does the groceries? nobody. she can’t cook and luka forgets.who takes the longest to shower? obvi, scout.who spends the most time in the bathroom? scout spends like an hour and a half in there. perfection takes time.
is money a problem? for him, lol.how many cars do they own? she’ll inherit her dad’s car, xoxo.do they own their home or do they rent? own, bitch. at least they will.do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? don’t ask me this shit ever again.do they live in the city or in the country? eye – do they enjoy their surroundings? fuck, no. i said what i said, time to elope to paris, bitches. go get a passport, luka. it’s time !what’s their song? bang bang by miss nancy sinatra.what do they do when they’re away from each other? celebrate.where did they first meet? silhouette’s. super romantic. how did they first meet? she asked him to merk her father. it was real cute. love at first sight.who spends the most money when out shopping? uh, is this even a question. he doesn’t have the money to spend, she does.who’s more likely to flash their assets? SCOUT, obvi.who finds it amusing when the other trips over? luka, he’s an asshole that way. and he’ll make her walk in her high ass heels through the most difficult terrain just for the sake of seeing it happen, too.any mental issues? they wouldn’t be getting together if there weren’t any.who’s terrified of bugs? scout screams when she sees ants. she hates ants. don’t ask.who kills the spiders around the house? she’ll kill the spiders. swat them with her pumps.their favourite place? the hotel, xoxo.who pays the bills? scout.do they have any fears for their future? nope. i mean, she fears getting caught for merking her father but other than that, nope.who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? scout. we’ve been through this, kay, she’d buy him a nice outfit and she’d take him out for dindin. except, driver roll up the partition please. who uses up all of the hot water? scout, and she’s not sorry about it. if they showered together they’d save water :~)who’s the tallest? her, obviously.who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other? both. she’d do it for cutesy purposes, he’d do it ‘cos he’s invasive and annoying and she’s taking too damn long. it’s not gonna go any faster with your dick up her ass, luka. who wanders around in their underwear? luka. and she absolutely loves it.who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? scout and then he turns the radio off.what do they tease each other about? she’s rich and spoiled, he’s dirty and emotionally stunted. who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? scout would claim to but that shit’s hot, okay. he’d probably ask her to slow down with the polo’s. ain’t got nothing against those knee socks, though, now do you.do they have mutual friends? jesus. who crushed first? scout. oof.any alcohol or substance related problems? loads to go around.who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? luka … that sloppy piece of shit.who swears the most? his middle name is i-cuss-to-assert-myself-as-masculine, if you didn’t know. 
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5hfanfiction · 8 years
Falling Over - Chapter 38
Lauren was sixteen years old when she sat in on Anne Ferera’s case.
It was in the beginning of what would’ve been her junior year to normal American high school students, 16 years old. Lauren remembers because she went with her professor on Christmas once it was officially over to give her grievances to the girl’s family. That was the year her family went to Bermuda for the holidays and left her a generous amount of money to make up for their flakiness (which it didn’t, not really), so she remembers it well because besides visiting the family all she did was cry over the case herself.
She remembers the first night meeting Anne she had no idea what she was getting herself into. She was excited at first, mainly because she was still new to the actual viewing and although she was already feeling the negatives of her gift she was eager to help.
Anne was 47 years old at the time. It was actually a few weeks after hr birthday that she began noticing weird happenings. She ignored it at first but after a few weeks it skipped from subtle to painfully obvious and she sought help, then immediately was diagnosed with the same thing Camila was diagnosed with almost ten years later than she should’ve been.
Lauren was lucky enough to be one of the few students who spent her summer in the school campus (since her family was, once again, scared of her bringing that type of energy around them) and was asked by a desperate professor for help on the scene. He was looking for people who could use their senses in the way that Lauren could, and out of the few people remaining on campus, Lauren was the only one with those certain abilities, meaning that if she agreed then she’d have the role of right hand woman.
Meaning that she obviously agreed, and at first it was a lot like the beginning of heping Camila. She just tolerated the dreams, observed her reaction to nightmares and immediate aftermaths of any occurrence. It wasn’t necessarily tasking but it was interesting and gave Lauren insight that most of her classmates weren’t getting, so she appreciated the opportunity and helped out as much as she could.
Unfortunately helping out as much as she could was Lauren’s downfall, it led to her being given high roles when it came down to business meaning she was exposed to more, and not in a good way this time.
Anne was taken over at 12:56 am on October 12.
She was declared dead at 12:01 am on December 19, but they knew she wouldn’t last any longer. Right away they knew the surge was too much power, the family had just wanted to wait it out despite the doctor’s reminders that there wasn’t any hope.
Lauren was there though. She’d seen the explosive aftermath of the take over and she wasn’t prepared at 16 years old and she’s been sure in her head that she’d never be prepared for something like that. The piercing screams, the shattering glass of all the windows in her house, the feeling of something inhuman so close to you.
The takeover itself only lasted a few seconds, minutes at most for her body to settle down, but it sits with you, it’s like torture of another kind to feel an energy rush powerful enough to knock you off of your feet.
The aftermath of the aftermath was almost more painful. She’d had her grades drop at first. Luckily Mr. Akaida, the professor from the assignment had talked to her teachers and had the failed tests and quizzes ignored because of the trauma, but it didn’t really matter to her.
She’d seen death before in videos and she would see it again in more assignments, but Anne’s proved to be the most difficult to get over. The way her eyes shot open and her veins bulged and her body shot up and, god the aura of the room itself, Lauren could feel the ghost move into Anne’s body from where she was standing across the room. The presence of something so evil that it can not be stopped until it has nothing to latch onto. That’s what made it enough to hurt.
Lauren didn’t think that she would ever stop regretting her decision to sit in on that client.
But, maybe the reasoning for why she had to go through the case with Anne wasn’t to help her with experience in her work. Sure, it may have given her more to put on her resume and a little bit more experience when it came to preparation, but she was yet to actually use anything she learned from the more traumatic parts.
She’d been in the hospital though. After Anne was put under, Lauren had been there and she’d seen the family weeping at her side. She’d tried not to stare at how thin and pale the woman she’d met a few months prior to was, and she especially tried not to think about how healthy Anne had seemed before everything went to shit.
She was learning more about the coping, more about the long, terrifying process that losing a family member or loved one becomes, she was learning things she would need to know eventually, right?
“Lo?” Vero’s whisper breaks her gaze which was focused on the full blue sheets of the hospital bed, refusing to let her eyes drift upward to Camila’s body resting on them. She raises her gaze but keeps her eyes dark and doesn’t react other than meeting Vero’s nervous look. “Hey sorry I didn’t know if you were sleeping but umm, do you want coffee? Or like pancakes or eggs or tea I don’t know what you have for breakfast nowadays…”
“I’m fine,” Lauren rasps out after letting Vero ramble off, not wanting to cut her off because that seemed to be pointless at the moment.
“Are you… are you sure? I can’t get you anything, really? I could always go to McDonald’s or somewhere, I know you used to always want their pancakes after you would finish with a client and- not that she’s , not that you’re finished with her, obviously she’s just… yeah,” Vero trails off awkwardly than before, not knowing how to deal with a Lauren who’s this non reactant, usually she’d at least crack a smile or she’ll raise an eyebrow, but this Lauren just keeps her gaze dark and unresponsive and Vero has no clue what to do.
“Yeah I’m sure, really Vero don’t worry about me,” Lauren speaks with little tone before returning to her dazed off look towards the bed, not giving Vero another chance to bargain for food.
It’s been a week now. That’s seven days, well a little over that to be exact but that’s not the point really, although Vero is sure that Lauren’s counting seconds. Camila has been out for a week and she can barely get Lauren to have a sip of water, let alone take a bite out of anything that she’s needing at the moment. She’s lacking sleep along with food. Zayn said that she got a few hours each night, but he also said she’s running on two times her normal energy with what she wastes worrying, so the girl isn’t in her best shape.
Vero didn’t know Camila other than that hour increment between the time she arrived at the Randa Center and Camila went to sleep, but according to Lauren’s current state and Zayn’s words (along with his current state, he won’t admit it but he’s a total sap and misses the hell out of the youngest girl), Camila is a pretty great catch which explains Lauren’s unnecessary worry completely.
Vero, Zayn, and Lauren are all very used to procedures like this by now, and the former is positive that Camila will be fine. Hell, Lauren even knew that the outcome would knock Camila out for a few months, but the younger girl should be fine.
Vero has never seen Lauren like this though. She’s known Lauren for years and knew how reluctant she was to get involved with anyone at anyplace at anytime. So now, Lauren finally falling for the one person who is currently capable of ripping her heart to shreds sucks. Vero doesn’t know what to do and Zayn is useless right now with his broken arm stuff (from the glass explosion on the exorcism night).
Lauren is obviously hopelessly in love and that’s what makes it hard. Even if she knows that Camila will ultimately be fine, it’s hard to not think the worst, to jump to conclusions that your mind creates to torture you.
She knows she’s going to have to try to talk to Lauren about it lately but it isn’t really ideal at the moment, she may not know how to handle Lauren in love, but she knows a sad Lauren requires time to process on her own, so that’s what Vero will give her. For now at least.
Lauren doesn’t really know what she’s doing. She’s been sitting in the hospital room for a little over a week now and she hasn’t had a full thought since she arrived. Her mind is hopping from being in love with Camila to not being with - well maybe she has had a fill thought, but not a productive one.
She should know better. Better than to get involved with Camila but it’s obviously too late for that. What she means is that she should acknowledge that Camila going into a coma was always a consequence highly expected, and Lauren has to just get over how lonely it’s been.
“Oh I guess I should’ve figured you’d be here,” a voice breaks Lauren’s thoughts and pulls her around to face Harry who’s perched against the empty bed next to Camila’s.
Lauren’s not sure how she didn’t hear him come in, usually her senses are better than that.
“Yeah I umm… sorry I guess I haven’t really left,” Lauren admits after a moment of thinking it over. “If you want to have alone with her or something-”
“Actually I kind of wanted to talk to you for a little bit? If that’s okay of course,” Harry smiles carefully and pulls himself to sit on the empty bed, hands rested on either side of his body.
“Oh?” Lauren lets out in a questioning tone to which Harry nods in confirmation. “Okay yeah that’s fine I suppose,” she replies hesitantly. She hasn’t really talked to anyone in a while.
“It’s weird, I was thinking about how I wanted to talk to you and I realized that I don’t think I ever really have without Mila being there, which I mean…” he hesitates and his eyes glance to the sleeping girl between them, “I guess this doesn’t count… I just wanted to see how you’re doing? Dumb question I know but I figured you could give me an honest answer? Let a little vent out?” he offers and Lauren quirks a brow in confusion. She hadn’t really realized how little her and Harry communicated alone, and thinking about it now it just shows how ever present Camila was in the months that they’ve known each other.
She doesn’t reply at first. Because why should she vent to somebody who just emphasized how little they know each other when she’d still been telling her best friends that she’s fine?
But then she remembers that it’s Harry. As in Camila’s best friend in the whole world (other than maybe like Lucy) Harry and that not only is he the nicest person she’s met in forever, but he’s also probably feeling something similar to her in this loss.
“I haven’t slept in three days,” Lauren starts abruptly, making Harry who’d thought she was denying his idea perk up to listen. “I umm… I hadn’t slept for over three days before this happened but… she hadn’t either, I had her with me and I was tired but she was too and it… I really miss being tired with her.
"I’ve tried to sleep, but whenever I try I just get scared that maybe she’ll wake up and I’ll miss it then she won’t be here and I don’t… I know that’s not going to happen because I’m her doctor, I know that she’s okay and I know that I can be tired with her again soon but I miss her now,” she confesses seemingly in one breath, quiet but loud enough for Harry to hear every word.
“Seeing her in pain was just… it was the worst few moments of my life and I, fuck I need to be able to tell her it’s going to be okay because I don’t think I did when everything was going wrong,” she raises her voice at the last part and looks up with panicked eyes before continuing, “I never even got to tell her I love her. I told her I’m falling and I was but I never got to tell her I landed and fuck Haz what if I never get to? Fuck I know I should be able to but what if I’m not? What if something else goes wrong- what if we didn’t-”
“Lauren, stop,” Harry cuts her off and it swift to get up to move over to her seat and carefully pull her up to her feet and back towards the empty bed. She allows him to pull her and sit her down, and then she allows him to pull her in for her first hug since Camila’s last one.
He holds her tightly, and now Lauren understands why Camila loves having him as a best friend. If he can comfort Lauren this well than he must be a stronger rock for Camila when she needs him. She doesn’t know how long she sits and lets him keep her wrapped in a tight hug, but she refuses to cry in front of him and he’s currently the only thing keeping her together so she isn’t going to complain.
“She knew Lauren,” Harry’s voice finally breaks the silence, but he doesn’t pull away at all, just mumbled the words into her hair softly. “She knows, you didn’t need to tell her you showed her, plus it was just the way you looked at her Lauren, anyone with a working pair of eyes can see how you feel about her, hell I bet people without can too,” he chuckles at the last part and she finally cracks a smile back into his chest.
“Did she love me back?” she asks quietly against him after another moment of silence passes.
Harry does pull back to answer this one. He looks at her with furrowed eyebrows for a minute before smiling gently. “Lauren I didn’t think she would ever find someone to actually, you know, date and shit,” he starts and Lauren wants to jump in to defend her girl but he continues. “She was so guarded, so lonely in her battle and as much as me and the gang tried to help her she was never one to let people in,” he settles on with a shrug that leaves Lauren confused since he seems to be ending there.
“And?” She questions pulling further back to look into his eyes to show annoyance in his sudden stop.
“And? Lauren she was comfortable with you from day one, calling you pet names and letting you do strip searches - which by the way she hated the idea of before she met you - and just being close to you. Fuck Lauren you pulled her in and you pulled her in hard. She’d been so closed off and right now you may be too focused on the current pain but as soon as she wakes up? You’ll be back to being two kids in love and you’ll be able to enjoy every second of it. You’ll see what I mean then, about how clearly in love with you she is,” he concludes with a bump to Lauren’s shoulder before faux whispering, “plus she may or may not have told me a few days before the shit storm.”
Lauren lets out a snort at that, because he’s a funny guy but also because the fact that Camila loves her back kind of has the ability to make her giddy, despite the circumstances.
Harry stays with her for almost an hoe after that, updating her on their friends lives since she’s missed so much being in the hospital, telling corny jokes that she knows Camila would’ve loved, trying to get her to vent a little more and listening while she does.
By the time he says he’s heading home, he’s almost convinced her to go with him, to get some real sleep in a real bed.
“You sure you wanna crash in this cramped chair again? I mean hey, at least take the spare bed this time maybe? Give your neck a rest?” He suggests as he collects his phone and charger from where he left them a few mm minutes before to catch a few percentages before the drive home.
“Yeah I’ll be good, and maybe I will, doesn’t seem like too bad of an idea,” she surrenders with a small smile when she sees his big smile at the progress of her actually attempting to sleep.
Turns out she wasn’t only sad, also a bit lonely. And being lonely leads to even more sadness, so even a conversation so short in time compared to the lack of conversation Harry was able to brighten Lauren’s mood significantly.
“Alright, I’ll see you later Lauren,” he waves her off and she shoots a small smile and wave back before leaning back against he headboard.
She sighs to herself and moves, knowing she can’t sleep in the bed just yet. She needs to try something new.
So she takes her usual seat right next to Camila, but instead of letting her eyes gaze off to the sheets, she rest it on the girl herself.
She’s just as pale and thin as Lauren remembers Anne to be.
But she’s not Anne, she’s Camila. She’s Lauren’s Camila and Lauren will be damned if she acts as distant as she did with Anne.
So she reaches for the hand that’s left limp on the side of the bed, and when she feels the warmth of it in her own she smiles brighter than she has in a while. That’s progress too.
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wishingfornever · 6 years
11/18/17 – No Contact:  State of Decay
Esther’s Nation will be destroyed today.  Or tomorrow, I’m not sure.  That’s sad, but it’s acceptable.  Less of a spit in the face, you know?  I made her flag.  Glad she won’t be using it anymore.
Last night, I couldn’t sleep.  I came up with a plan to target Dennis. He, in his foolhardiness, believes he has to froth and demand and yell in order to defend Esther.  I know this because he got on Shane’s case for calling Esther a whore.  Then Shane got on my case and claimed he didn’t, even though he just deleted the message.
What a dick.  I know what I saw, I know how I felt when I saw him call Esther a whore.  I remember because I felt the same when she called herself a whore. Whatever.  Point is, if I wanted to get back at Dennis, I’d have to offend Esther in some way.  That way, he’ll start frothing and will threaten me.  In his anger, he’ll call me out in a sort of sense that says, “Fight me!”  He’ll do this because he doesn’t think I’ll return but I plan to come back for my truck.  Thus, I’ll accept the challenge and show up.  I’ll bolster and taunt and he’ll cower inside, not really expecting to fight.  I’ll show Adriana what he said and told her I accepted and that he picked a fight with me. The thing is, if he DOES fight he’ll have to invite me onto his property as well as agree to a fight.  That’d be totally legal. Private property.  That’s how boxing is still legal.
That said, I’m not expecting him to fight but I am expecting Adriana to yell at him.  It’ll cause struggle and strife and would be enough to punish him.  If he does decide to fight, then I get to slap him around.  It’s a win win.
One problem is is that Esther would hate me for it.  Worse yet, the only way I can see it coming to fruition is if I just let loose her secrets to her mother.  That’d be the only way to target her right now.  And I’m not entirely convinced I can do that to her just yet.  An inability to commit… that’s my biggest problem.
Thing is, I considered doing something else.  He was looking for a job, right?  I mean, not anymore obviously, but he was.  I was going to try to find out what job he had and then call and leave a horrible complaint that would lead to him getting fired! BAHAHAHAHA!!!
Problem is, that’s illegal.  Not that I generally care about the law, but I’d rather not do something that would jeopardize myself.  It’d be a great way, but it’s slanderous and would lead to a financial loss and I could get sued. Even if I’m sure he’d NEVER find out (which I’m sure he wouldn’t because nobody ever checks anonymous complaints) it’s still not a good idea. I’m angry, but I’m not going to break the law to have vengeance.  Rather, I will dance near the edge but well within the confines of what is allowed.  It’s worse that way for him because he’ll want to retaliate but he can’t. I know what you’re thinking.  You’re thinking that I hate him again, but I don’t.  I’m just… bitter.  I demand justice in my divine pettiness.  He has done a LOT of suspicious things and I never held him to it.  I chose to let it go but he decides to block me again? Fuck.  That.  Shit. Hell, Esther deserves to get shit on as well.  It’s coming back to me and I wasn’t that bad to her.  Of course, I did do those things she’s claimed I’ve done but it wasn’t as frequent as it sounded to be. Not trying to justify anything, but I had entirely stopped before everything went down.  And, of course, she put me through the wringer too. Keep in mind, before “The End” she and I were planning something.  She’d come back just to see me.  She said it’d help her.  If I were as bad as I seemed, she wouldn’t have agreed to that.  Or maybe she lied and said that to make me feel better.  I don’t know.  I trust her, though.
So… might be worth it.  But I’m not angry enough to do that.  I guess I’ll keep it, just in case something happens.  I doubt it would, but who knows?
It occurred to me.  I made a joke about giving Dennis a character and making that character have a tiny penis in one of my books.  Why don’t I do that? That’s a good vengeance… my side of the truth, taken for all.  Of course, my side will be the most honest truth.  Not because it’s me but because I’ve acknowledged my shortcomings.  I’ve confronted my wronghoods.  It will be the most honest because I don’t care about my own image. It’ll have to be in that book idea I was flirting with.  Basically a Jade Empire fan-fiction, but more lore I suppose.  Fantasy China.  I already have the names.
It’ll be perfect.  There is no grander revenge than telling the world he has a tiny penis.  And it’d be legal because it’s not him but inspired by him.  Then again, imagery laws are a pain in the ass. I’ll have to look.
Eh… Looking back.  I find it ironic.  I’m still just so upset but a few weeks ago, I wasn’t.  I was hurt.  I said I was planning something but nothing ever came from it.  I sent him an email, using one of the videos Esther made when she was here.  Just a masturbation session, nothing important.  I sent him an email wanting to make up. I offered the video despite him blocking me and I even told him a few things to help him out.  Nothing much…  I feel dumb now.
Ugh… I’m just… so disheartened right now.  Time to immerse myself elsewhere.  ><
Oh! They’re finally releasing a WWII Enfield Airsoft Rifle.  That’s really great.  Appropriate one too, not the earlier variant.  I know, a bit random considering my angry rant but Youtube proposed a video demonstrating it.  If you know me, I LOVE history and airsoft so historical airsoft rifles are perfect.  I’m super stoked.  It’s a good thing.
Anyways, Adela is asleep right now.  I’m going to skin some carrots and eat them because I’m waiting for dinner.  We’ll go shopping today or tomorrow.  No more Hot Pockets. They’re… too easy.  Too quick.  By the time I eat one, I already want another. So, they’re not healthy.  I was hoping they’d be a quick meal substitute but they’re not.  I guess I’ll have to use the rod on myself and focus on getting food that requires SOME effort.  Otherwise, what’s the point?  I’ll just eat right through it.
I still have a couple onions and a tomato that I haven’t chopped up. I’ll do that later today.  I wonder if I still have bread…  Might make a breakfast sandwich for myself when I’m done with the onions and tomatoes.  Or I could do something with the broccoli.  You know, what I’ve been flirting with this entire time.
Nah, carrots for now.  Broccoli tomorrow.
I spoke to Ariel.  She hasn’t been eating lately, so I was making sure she was.  She had McDonald’s which is weird because she isn’t usually into fast food.  However, it’s still… edible, I guess. Don’t want her to starve, even if what she is eating is unhealthy as sin.
I want a burger right now.
Just finished the carrots.  They were… meh.  Ah, well.  :/
I received some peculiar news.  Very peculiar.  I’ll keep it to myself for now, but science is ahead.  The coming experiment will involve my lovely Ariel and her beliefs.  There is a chance she could LITERALLY GET HURT but there is also a possibility that she won’t even find out and nothing wrong will happen to her.  If this experiment requires her to suffer even a little bit like as menial as bumping her small toe on a coffee table, I’ll halt it.  However, for the sake of science, if the way to do it can be done without any harm at all? Then it will be a go.  ;)
Speaking of experiments, I decided something.  I toyed with this idea before but I think since I’m losing weight, if I lose enough I’ll enlist.  Probably Marines, not to prove myself but because their dress uniform is nice.  That and their camo doesn’t look like barf.
The reason for this is so I can have some idea what I’m talking about when writing my country’s lore.  Of course, I should probably also become a lawyer, a scientist, a pro athlete, and a doctor to cover all the other bases but that’s not the point.  I have a relatively decent familiarity with the law.  Could I be my own lawyer?  No.  Hell no.  God no.  I’ll need a lawyer, but I have a certain tact for laws.  The rest, it will be fine because healthcare between countries tend to be relatively similar, the biggest concerns are often with how to receive the healthcare.  Thus, mixed with science, I can imply that some medical experiments have been great success.  Besides, setting up a scene for a doctor is easy.  Esther got a set of scrubs for $20.  Hell, I think I bought it for her.
One scene that’d be HARD to get would be a cooking scene.  My country’s cuisine is that of fish and cheese.  An islander diet, go figure for Psuedo-Cuba.  A professional kitchen would have to be borrowed.  With a medical thing, you can just set up drapes and make it look like an operating room easily and can hide a lot of the background with a light. A lot of cooking supplies in a photo shoot for cooking.  -,-
I think science and military would be the most expensive shots to get.  But I’m not just doing photos, I’m also writing a bunch of lore.  I’ve been looking a lot into Elon Musk’s progress into science.  That’s going to be a lot.  Desalination plants in my country have to be a thing.  Defintiely need those.
I’m hungry.  Dumb carrots.  -,-
I did it again.  Adela and I went out for dinner.  I had chicken. GRAAAAAAAAAAH!!!  I had to, I was talking to Ariel about that sandwich and how good it was.  It was just as good as ever.  I wish to make a sandwich as good as that on my own time.  What’s their secret?
Chicken and bacon.  Stupid vegetarianism.  :c
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12 June 2017
My luck ever going to change? This morning, me and Jord walked to the doctors and jords medication is getting brought down when he comes home, yay!!! Came back and we cuddled, lying there I knew saying goodbye won’t be easy. We lie there and I feel him trying to rub my belly and even though I hate when he does it, I love that he loves what I hate! He can accept me when I can’t even accept myself! He is so lovely and I love him so much. Anyway, went for my driving lesson today, I have gotten so much better, I’m so worried though when I start driving alone that something bass going to happen!! ;Right got back and got ready, put jords clothes in the wash and headed to town. Thought I'd give him a wee blowjob as a going away present but I can't even do that anymore. I used to be good, like really good? Now I can't even make him cum without him having to wank a bit. What's wrong with me? Apart from that Lovely wee walk, just chatting shite to him. Right I’ll continue this later because ed sheeran - kiss me is on tele and I know I’m going to start crying again. Got myself together now, I’ll crack on. So in town, got Jord shorts and stuff for his laundry then headed back. Got to jords and tension with Jord started to build. But let’s face it, it was inevitable. So I’ve being dying for a date night for months, like ever since we’ve started dating, we’ve never really had a date since our first date so I’ve being mad for us just to do something. Something other then sitting in a pub somewhere watching Jord look on Facebook or reply to some group chat. Firstly, was meant to go to the zoo, that got cancelled because of jords work meeting, which I completely understand! After that we were meant to go bowling and Martha’s but that got cancelled because he had to go to a funeral that he didn’t even want to go to but only went for a McDonald’s breakfast, don’t understand that excuse but I’d of accepted it if he had rearranged the date night. Anyway, we were then meant to go odyssey and do the whole bowling thing there, well that got sacked for Hatfield, obviously. And today was out final chance for a date before he went away. Well every other girlfriend got a date day before their boyfriends headed out? Gemma went beach and bowling and shit, aoife went for a meal, Jodie went for a meal and day out etc, but in between all the last min rushing around I was hoping to have a bit of time with my boyfriend so wanted to go parlour for lunch. Got to parlour and all he did was sit on his phone and text into his group chat, only conversation I think he made was how he didn’t like Long Island iced tea cocktail (because that’s what I was drinking) and how he was sweaty when he took off his jacket. I didn’t care at the time because I thought “well there’s still time”, but I hadn’t even finished my last slice of pizza and he’d invited Aaron. Like I really wouldn’t of minded if it was a wee bit later but seriously? Even the time we had together between Aaron walking to parlour weren’t together because he spent the whole time on the phone to his ma and Granney, which I don’t mind, but how was I meant to know that would literally be the last proper moment we would have together (other then when it all kicked off). Aaron arrived, it was grand, the three of us just chatted, it was alright actually, even though it was meant to be our time I didn’t really care once I was one pitcher down. Got half way down the second pitcher and the boys found out the rest of the boys were drinking at the crown. Both of them had finished their drink and obviously, Aaron probably feeling like a third wheel wanted to join the others, fair enough, but so did Jord. It was soo predictable, this so called date would be rushed so he could get out and meet them boys. To be fair, I didn’t really care, if he’d just let me finish my pitcher and go back, have a cuddle and a kiss and say our goodbyes but nope, weren’t gonna happen. Obviously he couldn’t wait for me to finish my pitcher so he goes “I’m away to the toilet”. 5 mins go. Thought he was away for a shite. 10 mins go. Thought he was getting a Guinness. 15 mins go. Snapchat him, see where he’s away too. 20 mins later. I got a snapchat of Jord away. Fucking stood up and abandoned??
Id been fucking stood up. Can’t fucking believe it, boyfriend of over 18 months stood me up to go and sit in a piss smelling pub with 11 other boys talking the same shite they always do: football, college and birds. Like I couldn’t believe at first, thought he might be away getting me a surprise or something so walked back to mine.
Walked into my room and there he was, standing, packing a suitcase. What was he hoping for? That the washing was dry so he could pack his bag and leave with me still sitting at parlour? When I confronted him about it, he had the audacity to say it was because “I’d been so negative about his holiday”. Right, if he had any clue, he knows I’m the complete opposite. Yes I’ve been nagging him about making sure he eats enough because I don’t want him ruining his holiday like his night at Hatfield. Yes, I’ve been nagging about not spending much because I know he ain’t got the money for rent and all so don’t want him wasting his hard earnt money on a few pints which last a few mins when he wants to buy an Xbox which he’d prefer next year. Yes I’ve been nagging about brothels and strip clubs but let’s face it, most boys holidays always end up on strip clubs or something, I know he wouldn’t want me in it the other way around, and plus them places are so dodgey in them countries, something will end up bad. Yes I’ve been nagging about how he weren’t ready, well what was I meant to say “oh yeah go ape!”, yeah right, a few weeks ago he was breaking down regularly, and only a few nights ago he was crying about how I could do better and everyone would be better off without him. So yes obviously I’m concerned, can’t see how people aren’t seeing the same thing I’m seeing? Yes, there’s a tonne of other things I nagged about but me nagging him weren’t for my benefit, I hate nagging him, I just wanted to make sure we had some holiday boundaries and he knew what he can and can’t do. I asked him ages ago if we could have a talk about it and he said no so obviously if we had that I would’ve got it all off my chest and wouldn’t be repeating myself.
Also, he started going on about how I’ve been so negative about this holiday that he doesn’t want to go any more? He must’ve been daydreaming a lot recently because all I’ve done is so good things for this holiday. I started looking for his holiday shorts before he did. I offered to get them for him a month before he even seen them in the shop! Offered to do his laundry. Offered to go to the post office to sort out his card. Got travel adapters. Awk just other things too but can’t be bothered to list them. He started talking then about my happiness or something, not gonna quote exactly cos I can’t even remember, all I remember was screaming at him and how this has been a hard year for me too, crying myself in my sleep, in the shower, just always feeling alone, how I can’t even make the man I love happy and more. I stormed out and sat in the kitchen, thank god I left my inhaler out there, because got myself in a wee asthma attack.
Got myself together and went back into the room, he’s lying there on his God damn phone still texting them boys. I didn’t want him to leave on bad terms, if anything bad happened I wouldn’t be able to live with myself even if I done nothing wrong. Came into bed and explained myself. He didn’t really want to admit that I was in the right but I knew I was. I explained how the holiday would be good for him and he started saying how I thought he weren’t ready.
Anyway, somewhere between Jord trying to realise I was in the right and him checking on his fucking washing every two minutes (yes, even when I was in tears he was dying to leave me for pinting), I just broke down and cried. I tried explaining how everything I do, I do to help people. All I tried to do was help him with this holiday and he took it for granted and threw it in my face, just like everyone else lately.
Niamh had the cheek to fucking complain about jeans in soak lying in the sink and how I don’t respect her. There’s more then 1 fucking sink in this flat?! Don’t use that as an excuse to be an unhygienic bitch and not brush your teeth. She’s so quick to forget every thing good I’ve done, I washed and folded her clothes the other day, and the state of her knickers, I did not want to be touching them, and especially her Granney bra etc, I cleaned out the kitchen and everything, actually I’m not even going to start on Niamh because she’s just an ungrateful cow sometimes.
Lauren too, was meant to be going for drinks tonight because I haven’t seen her in so long and I want to keep her in the loop. Cut a long story short, she bailed on me to “cook her family dinner” and have a doctors appointment tomorrow. Anyway, ends up everyone’s snapchats covered in her house with a load of her mates sitting chilling.
Liam, Dylan and Steve, always tried to help them, cleaned there house for them to mess it up the next day, if they wanted anything I would give it to them, spent soo much money on cleaning supplies for that house, awk and just being there trying to chat to them when everyone else locked themselves in their rooms and now they don’t even give me the time of day.
There’s so much more but this ain’t a bitching journal
I just feel so alone sometimes. I’ve made such an effort to get to know people and try to make friends and no body takes me on. Just wanted someone so I weren’t so reliant on Jord and gave him some space, don’t like suffocating him. Anyway no matter how much I try, everyone pies me. Is it me? Like I know I’m shite to be around lately but there must be someone to give me the time of day? Thought it might be cos I’m English at the start but there’s customers in the shop who’s English and they have people?
It’s so shit because I just don’t know where I belong now? I like being here but I feel so alone and then when I escape to London I feel even more alone, between everywhere I don’t know where I belong other then the pub rn.
I’m not even going to bother talking about that Shite anyway because it’ll just get me started again.
Back to it anyway I was lying there crying and bless poor Jord he didn’t know what to do. Don’t think he realised anything was wrong really. He kept saying how I don’t need anyone because I have him. Well this week shows I do need someone because he ain’t always going to be here for me is he?
Problem is everyone over here just sticks to their school mates, no one likes change so where I have no one from school here, I’m just alone.
I can’t tell him everything either because sometimes there’s things like he just won’t understand from my perspective so I sometimes just need to chat to someone else to calm me down and talk sense into me.
Anyway I cried and cried on jords chest, I felt awful because it’s the worst timing to burst out with all this after its been building up for so long. Like last time I burst out with this was that time I had the pregnancy scare and I screamed in front of Gemma and Dylan and all how I would’ve actually loved to of been pregnant just so I would feel less alone, everyone washed it off because they probably thought I was drunk but I wasn’t even, just emotional and let things boil up. Same happened today I guess, just everything getting on top of me. Like I don’t want him to go on holiday and have to worry about me so I just feel so bad for this all to happen with this wee crying fit and that it’s going to be an awkward 10 days if he remembers me as that wreck. This morning I done my hair and make up and tan so he would remember me as half decent looking before he went, now he’s gonna remember me as some slob who can’t stop crying oh god.
Granted, I give Jord brownie points for calming me down, but all he really did was give me a kiss and a cuddle and my fag (and nicked my fag ffs). But still, he was still packing his suitcase when I hadn’t finished my wee fit, like I understand his friends were waiting on him but it was only for pints? Surely that could’ve waited until I had at least stopped crying? Like half the boys weren’t even off the 212 at that stage, there was time like, even that his flight didn’t leave for another 16 hours, plenty of time? I’m not blaming him cos I know he’s just excited for his holiday but it’s not the first time he’s left me to go somewhere for a couple of days while I’m alone crying, not even the second. That’s why I need someone else other then Jord to make me feel less alone and for me to go cry to too so it’s not left on him.
Anyway said our goodbyes and off he went, this was about half 8 ish. It weren’t until just after he left I literally realised again that he stood me up to go pinting with his friends and I really shouldn’t be crying over him if he could do that to me. But knowing me, once I start, I won’t stop crying once I’ve said something, it’s like opening the floodgates and it’s just going to keep coming till it’s all out and then I’ll be grand again. I didn’t help myself with the tele I was watching, every show had to have some kind of romantic scene with some kind of soppy music that would set me off again.
This diary so looking so bleak lately no wonder I had a mini breakdown, need something to perk me up ffs.
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