#but oh my god. how can you throw away such strong branding. of one of the most used and recognizable social media platforms.
kokiri · 1 year
Elon Musk walking into Twitter HQ to commit brand suicide by changing it to X like
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mephinomaly · 10 months
[TL] Flashback/Epilogue 2
[ This post uses Ois~su ♪ ]
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Kaoru: Grandpa was throwing a bit of a tantrum, saying he “hates complicated things”, so for the time being, we’ll just be going by UNDEAD.
Koga: Not much point in usin’ two separate brands. Besides, that criminal came up with HELLSING so I don’t wanna use it. Pisses me off.
Adonis: The delinquent most likely had his own ideas for UNDEAD, which was HELLSING.
Kaoru: Yeah. He was probably like “I can make the best version of UNDEAD!”
But we don’t need his idealised version of UNDEAD, we just need to shine brighter and brighter, as the real us.
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Adonis: Easier said than done.
As Hakaze-senpai said earlier, both the radical immoral side and the variety programs side of us can be successful— It wouldn’t be superficial of us to do so.
Koga: It’s fine for us to get rid of one of them though. I, personally, think we should get rid of the variety programs.
Kaoru: You really hate those sorts of jobs, don’t you? …Like I said on stage yesterday, you can gain experience from anywhere.
You can’t grow big and strong if you’re a picky eater, you know?
Koga: Who do you think you are, my parents? Anyway, I get it, but I’m not gonna stop complainin’.
We need to eat everything, even if we don’t like it, so we can grow big and strong.
Kaoru: That’s the spirit ♪
Let’s do our best, ‘kay? The AIIE experiment was set up in order to trick us, nothing more to it—it almost felt like a dream.
We’ve seen real robots of ourselves and those kids from Ra*bits too.
The fakes were almost identical to the real us. At least, visually.
Technology and AI will only improve from here, and AI idols will become even more realistic.
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Rei: Umu. That is how it seems to be progressing.
Kaoru: Oh? I didn’t see you so I thought you’d had an early morning bath? But then I didn’t see you in the bathroom either…?
Rei: Nay, I was enjoying the peaceful bliss of the early morning by taking a stroll.
I spoke with some neighbours who were also awake at this time, and once I grew tired, I basked in the sun on a nearby bench…
Kaoru: You actually act so much like an old man. You get more and more senile as the years go because of some character you force yourself to play.
Rei: Rather, I used to force myself to act young. I feel more comfortable now than I did back then. I am showing my true colours.
Of course, those who caught a glimpse of the previous me will have seen the immaturity in me, befitting of my young age at the time.
Anyhow. I apologise for interrupting, but I do believe you should keep Kaoru-kun’s worries in the back of your minds.
Humanity continues to evolve, scientific capability is growing ever closer to the abilities of a god.
Robotics, AI, VR— artificial idols will be comprised of those parts.
Then when non-human creatures rise in strength, and become stronger than humans, when monsters arise, when they become the new normal—
What value do humans have, other than being authentic beings?
Will we become pieces of art, displayed in museums for all to see, rather than something a part of your everyday life?
I do not know what the future holds, but that future is fast approaching.
We stand at a crossroads.
If we give up, we die where we stand. We must explore and search for what it means to be human.
We must demonstrate time and time again the value of being loved.
Otherwise, we can easily fall into the position our criminal was in.
A foolish, pitiful creature that can only look into the distance and envy how bright others shine.
What happens to one today may happen to another tomorrow. But I am not so pessimistic.
We are alive.
If we continue to live and grow, we have no reason to fear this lifetime.
That is the strength and beauty of being human.
Let us drive away our abhorrent past, and our anxiety-inducing nightmares alongside it. Let us step into the day with a smile on our faces.
[ ☆ ]
Epilogue 1
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siremasterlawrence · 8 months
In The Dark Ages Part 1
I woke up in a alternate reality that I in some unintentional effort manage to create in a sheer horror of it all but it’s in a the oddest of situations that I found myself in and soon enough.
I manage to get myself invited in to a brand new spanking palace in the midst of Aussie Haven a gigantic island and the six kings who are related but yet hate each other with very fiber of their being.
Part 1
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King Alan Jackson Lyle is eldest of the six or seven brothers who rule and inhabit that old palace which has been in existence to for all eternity since the beginning and I love his nerve.
He sat in his glorious massive, golden and beautiful throne room that stretches for a thousand miles on and he sits proud as a peacock with his sword adorned with multi colored jewelry.
The sword stuck in to the stone ground with this heavy thunderous power sending chills in to my spine but stay strong as he lifts it up to me and pointing straight my way with a sharp edge.
I laugh a bit stomping my feet to his shock the doors closes behind us all, it it just us too now trapped behind four doors and he rises to his feet in utter defiance of it all so sweet.
King is amused clapping his hands with a gorgeous smile across his face making me plush but I resist as he continues on with his rambunctious applause so extraordinarily loud.
He grabs his sword running to edge of the platform he does a leap in to dive doing a perfect landing and faces me head on but
I have plans and take my chances landing a punch to his gut.
He loses it in a rage of pure anger raising his sword in to the air as he strikes me but misses as I easily evade me and I block all there attacks and that’s when I see my alley has arrived.
My alley throws me a sword he has crafted for me and I begin to imbue it with my power as it lit up on a sensational color displaying it and I go in to full attack mode striking him on the head.
The sword’s battle blow to blow till I hit him to the side as he falls to the floor, the sword goes flying across the room and I point it at him stopping him cold on the head slam his fist with it.
“Ian rise to your feet because you submit to me now in every conceivable way possible and you know yes.”
“Yes Master Lawrence! You are king forever but what do we do with your alley.” Ian ask about his brother.
“Yes! Well Ian take your sword up that’s it my boi, stop him at all cost and suspend him for me.”
“My pleasure.” He says to me.
“You think you can best brother? Bring it “
“Oh Brandon! I am already winning.”
“What the Devil Ian? Is this magic?”
“Indeed! Master Lawrence’s magic.”
“End it! Stab him”
Part 2
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Brandon took another swing but another one a sword tackles it, pressing it with much more power and precision pinning him to the wall and his brother did best him for me his king.
Brandon’s horrifying expression on his face says it all as Ian stabs him in the stomach with a fierce intensity as he cries out in a inner pain and he fell forward to the ground and in to my arms.
He stares up at me as the last moments of this man washes away and soon he sees me as his one and only happily giving me all of his power and influence as we as his throne.
“Oh Master Lawrence! How did you manage to win us over?” Brandon.
“You usurped my power.” Ian
“Our power” Brandon
“Simple! It was always mine”
“I am your God!”
“Yes SIR”
“How shall we make you proud next?”
“I want the continent in full”
“As you wish”
“We love you Master”
“In what way”
“In every way”
“Get ready for battle “
“Sir Yes Sir”
“We are on our way”
To Be Continued
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captainclickycat · 7 months
You know I think I’ve just put my finger on one of the things about why it annoys me so much when people on the internet try to turn personal preferences with queer media in particular into like… a morality contest or social hierarchy or act like there’s a right and wrong option for which thing you like better.
Because when I was growing up, non-niche queer media was pretty rare, relatively speaking. It wasn’t nonexistent, and god knows we’ve still got some way to go to this day, but there’s a very strong contrast now I think between the amount of casually-presented and diverse queer representation that spans over a variety of genres and what we had to choose from back then. When I was a teenager, this kind of variety felt like a bit of a pipe dream.
So now we’ve actually got more variety and more genres and we’re at least making some progress towards being a little bit spoilt for choice (which is unequivocally a good thing) and now many of us actually have half a chance of reading a book or watching a show or film or playing a game or whatever that appeals to us based specifically on our personal tastes, and still has queer themes and characters. It’s not “either queer stuff or stuff that aligns with my tastes” anymore, or at least not as much as it used to be.
So, hooray! This is the desired outcome! (Or at least a step in the right direction.) But then instead of going “oh great, more choice now :)” some people are now trying to limit our options again instead, and act like they’re being progressive.
“Ooh you should watch this queer show instead of that one, because that one is cringe. Because that one is problematic [even though the show I prefer has its own share of ideological flaws but somehow I consider it redeemable in a way that the other one isn’t, and this definitely doesn’t come down to the fact that I just prefer it on a personal level, no sir.]” “Oo why are you invested in this particular show, there are other queer shows, watch those instead” as if they’re interchangeable. As if it’s as simple as buying store brand instead of the more expensive brand because hey, it tastes the same. As if “queer” is a genre and that should be all you need. If something ticks all these particular progressive boxes you should like it and if it doesn’t you should dislike it, what do you mean it’s more complicated than that?
And naturally media that’s “problematic” in some ways can never ever be progressive in other ways. It can’t handle some things well and some things poorly and there can never be an open and honest discussion about that which ultimately ends with some people still enjoying “problematic” things. It can’t be nuanced, because that would be too complicated! There’s no baby, we need to just throw away all that nasty bathwater.
Anyway I ran out of steam a little here but I do want to state in clear terms that if you say anything along the lines of “omg how can you vote for that show on the tumblr fandom poll, that’s the CRINGE option” I’m picturing you as a snotty nine-year-old and nothing you can say will convince me not to. So, you know. Make of that what you will.
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understandableparadox · 8 months
Bottom of the barrel isekai review #1
content warning: Mention of sexual assault
This series is to point a spotlight at the worst and best isekais that float innocuously throughout the internet. Trash and treasures shall be sorted for your amusement and entertainment. 
Reincarnation coliseum
This was a Strong choice for my first trash manga review, but I believe that it is perfect as a tone setter for what this series entails. You may have memories of some anime that fits within the nebulous concept of an isekai, perhaps a portal anime, perhaps reincarnation, perhaps abducted to another planet.
I don't think it would be a misnomer to say that these older titles were softer in general, the concepts, the characters, the romances. The escapism was not rooted in frustration but instead fascination of what could be.  In that we have the true difference between modern and classic isekai. 
Modern isekai authors a great majority of the time are frustrated at a concept of society and want to escape from it in their stories. Although an even larger majority of the time, an isekai is made because the author is both irrevocably hornt up, has a chip on their shoulder about something and has decided to make this a problem for the world to deal with. 
A problem we will be dealing with today. 
The story of reincarnation coliseum is fairly simple. An average japanese college/highschool student is summoned via some magical means into a brand new world by a priestly order and its leader zayd. 
The moment you are introduced to zayd, who for lack of better words is an 8 foot amazonian women with tits the size of regulation basketballs and a outfit that would make even the sleaziest fantasy costume designer snear with a little bit of disdain, you understand a very simple fact about the story you are about to read. 
This is porn. It is not labeled as such but that is not due to the author's efforts. 
Everything in this story revolves around the concept that this is porn, every step it makes is in service of hurrying itself along to a secluded space so it can rip away the millimeter fabric of clothing it bothered to pretend to draw onto its women. 
Which isn't a sin in and of itself. I'm not going to pretend anime doesn't have a rich history of stuffing people in the bare minimum of fabric one can get away with without triggering a public indecency charge, perhaps im being a tiny bit of a prude by jumping the guns and bemoaning the duel blimp chested woman before me before I even get a chance to understand the basic plot!
So we learn that our protagonist has been summoned to the world at great cost! Why? Because the cost allows the summoned to gain a divine skill or cheat ability…
God Damn It. 
Ok im going to judge a cover by its book and a book by its cover and an author by their fucking lemming mentality desire to follow the fucking leader. 
There are…So Goddamn Many cheat skill mangas, its mind numbing. I’m being accosted by skill stealing, ability absorbing, mind washing fucking losers. Here I am swaying my way downtown, attempting to enjoy my stroll through the familiar roads of fantasy when out of the corner of my eye I spot a quaint and cozy little restaurant/manga. 
Oh my
Where was it…? Oh yeah, the manga then takes a turn, the once kindly priestess shows her hidden colors and sells the protagonist to slavery, a life of fighting within the coliseum within the town. Ok, ok. We are finally getting somewhere. We are moving towards something we can describe without the nasty nerdy wink wink nudge nudge joking attitude as Plot. 
The protagonist is stuck in a jail cell with another young lady who describes herself as a sword slave. A slave who fights within the coliseum as entertainment. A concept we are not unfamiliar with, the gladiator may come to mind. 
She then goes along to explain the basic premise of the coliseum and its rules. There are both slaves and regular fighters that attend. Two fighters enter the arena and whoever loses will “belong” to the winner. In addition the winner may decide to change the sex of the loser. With the winner then gaining male genitalia. 
Could a concept like this have some nuance? Maybe, the idea that even a single loss is literally emasculating may play some part in a better story, the idea of a society where gender is as easy to change as a pair of clothes, to the point of even mixing and matching body parts, but it's not. In this story it's treated as something fetishy enough to warrant a demonstration panel but still scary enough to motivate the main character into both swearing vengeance against this society and winning at all cost.
Hey real quick, Imagine all the nuisance of the gambling and addiction and the willingness to throw away your life in pursuit of true hedonistic joy and thrill that we see in kakegurui. You got it? You imagining those big amazing psycho smiles the girls make? You remember the isekai the author nearly got sued for making? Good good, throw it all away. 
Because this is where the story decides to discard itself in blind pursuit of its carnal desire. Or to be less of a pretentious prick about it, it becomes porn, porn with a horribly predictable, horribly paced and horridly set up punchline. 
The plot or whatever semblance survived the suspiciously shaped holes poked into it becomes thus: Woman of the week shows up at the arena. The woman is strong, tall, well endowed and astoundingly cocky of their abilities, promising to assault the mc the moment they win because even when creating foils, the women are not allowed to express any sexual disinterest in the main character AT ALL, i mean, we gotta throw a bone for the trash readers that like fem dom right?
Anyways the special skill of the main character always allows them to counter, adapt or supersede whatever skill this apparent master combatant has trained with. They are soundly beaten and then added to the main characters harem by force where after one night they and please do pardon my words here, if i could i would shoot the author and help them with their hormone imbalance “Become slaves to their baser instinct and subservient to the main character.”
Each character becomes submissive and a prop for the next sexual escapade of the main character as they get ready for next week's fight. Occasionally the rules will be changed up or the main character will do something vaguely different for their fight, either because the skill for whatever reason wont work or because they want to pretend the main character is Gamer Batman. 
The manga I regret to inform you is both somewhat successful and has a slowly growing cult following. It's also still continuing on, it will likely gain merch and an anime adaptation that people will call “Cultured” because god will settle into a nice coffin before another joke gets invented.
Is it worth the read? No. no it's not. Is it worth learning about? No, not really. Is it capable of pulling emotion out of your dead heart? By god yes it fucking can. ‘
"Is the underlying story, barring any other concept, good?"
No, the story is a tournament manga but without the cool character designs. Each character is a basic human with slight alterations, the costume design makes my soul hollow. 
 "on a sliding scale of min to max, how much is the author using this to explore fetish" 
Scale set to max. Every character is just an introduction to a new fetish, every female character was drawn one handed. 
"How many story crutches does the author use to explore the story" 
There is no story, it's just porn that has story cosplay. 
 "Is the author attempting to use the story as a way to explain why he is not weird."
Yes, the author has an innate fear of male penetration and also seemingly believes that sex can make people submissive, obedient and loyal even if it's forced upon them. 
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pinkseas · 2 years
on my hands and knees begging u to say your words about xiaolumi… i want to hear them… i’ll pay you back in art i prommy—
WHY WOULD YOU ENABLE ME LIKE THIS no need for art i literally owe you my fucking Life just for that one piece like oh my god. ohhhh my god. the amount of times i have linked that to my friends and waxed poetic and maybe cried a little. ANYWAYS. i am about to be So Silly And So Disorganized
so here's the thing right?? it depends SO heavily on how you interpret lumine. the traveler definitely has their own personality and agenda ingame but there's still SO much wiggle room in terms of what you do with that. if i really wanted to i could probably make it a Lot More Accurate by focusing on the traveler in canon and going from there however i will in fact be completely ignoring that and focusing on my interpretation of lumi specifically light and love <3 <- thats my little disclaimer ANYWAYS
they are So Similar in a lot of ways. young adults who are also centuries old. stubborn bastards who would give their lives protecting those around them even if they got absolutely nothing in return. so quick to throw themselves into the line of fire for the sake of friends and strangers alike. such a strong instinct to protect. not mortal, not by a long shot, but not quite gods either, something uniquely inhuman and in between. a centuries worth of weight on their shoulders. reaching their breaking points and pushing further still, refusing to let themselves crumble. and, even with very close companions, i think they're very lonely. there's no one quite like xiao in teyvat, no one quite like lumine without aether there by her side- maybe no one quite like lumine at all, anymore.
i think its about sharing. i think they'd find it easy to talk with and be around one another, even though they're typically so slow and so careful with trust. i think fighting together comes as easily as breathing, that their urge to protect lines up perfectly with the others and leads to them doing so much for those around them as well as each other. they will not let the other fall. they share the weight on their shoulders, share the centuries of bloodshed and horrors seen and caused alike, share in the unique brand of loneliness that comes with knowing that where someone was once by your side there's no one like you left.
vulnerability does not come easily to any of them. they can always push themselves further, always be a little stronger, always run a little faster. but its exactly that, i think, the recognition of someone so like themselves that makes it easier for them to trust in one another. lumine can call xiao's name when she needs him, xiao can find lumine if he needs her. i think that for all they would shoulder the world on their own and know the other would do the same in a heartbeat, they trust one another to come to them when they need help. it would be so, so easy to ignore it, to press forward, to remain alone. but they made a promise, and they intend to keep it.
i like to imagine that lumine's presence has a purifying effect on xiao. something she could control and channel should she realize, but for now something small, just enough to ease that weight. just enough to make sure he won't succumb.
i think a big part of it is about learning how to live again. they both carry that weight, that stubborn mindset, but wanting to see the other happy helps. knowing the other understands helps. when it hurts they can breathe together, and the type of pain they feel may never truly go away but they dont have to experience it alone.
every snowflake, every sunrise, every flower is just a little bit different from the rest. xiao's favorite quiet places are nicer with her there. they live so very differently but lumine's teapot is always there and xiao is no longer bound by his contract, learning ever so slowly how to let himself go. they have spent so, so long surviving. now, though, they remember to taste the fresh air, learn to indulge in the smallest things. lumine experiments with recipes until her almond tofu is catered to xiao's tastes exactly, the perfect texture. at night in liyue xiao tells her stories of the constellations and she remembers every word, at night in the teapot lumine will lift a hand and the sky will match her memories, her turn to tell stories about stars he's never seen.
they are both so, so tired. and i think that they would trust the other enough to let themselves rest. you can put your strength down. im sitting here with you at the kitchen table. you dont need to say anything. <- that quote is so them for real its shared silences mutual understanding and comfort always having each other's backs its twin moons twin stars two beings caught in each other's orbit and choosing every day to stay. sitting side by side on the mountaintop, hands entwined, lumine's head on his shoulder. breathing. loving. living.
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nhasablogg · 2 years
Nearly Torture
Fandom: Heartstopper
Characters: Nick/Charlie
Summary: Nick being strong and Charlie being ticklish is a bit of an unfortunate combination for Charlie.
A/N: A short little fic as a warmup, since I’m hoping to write more for this fandom. I had this idea of how Charlie being fast but Nick being strong could go together beautifully in a tickle fic, so here it is. Not the best, but an okay start!
Words: 386
In retrospect it probably wasn’t the best thing to remind Nick that he was better at, given the recent developments that had taken place in their relationship just the weekend prior. But Charlie was a sucker for the way he displayed modesty; all timid grins and shrugs as he admitted to it. Only this time the reminder seemed to register differently in Nick’s head, and Charlie caught on nearly immediately.
“I know what you’re thinking.”
“I’m not thinking anything.” Nick was smiling at him, but it was an entire different brand of smile. It always made Charlie nervous anyway, albeit he had every reason to feel so now.
Charlie pointed at him. “You know I’m quick. I’ll outrun you.”
“Then I guess I’ll have to step up my tackling abilities, since I’m apparently so good at it according to you.”
“I said you’re strong, not- no, no, Nick, please-” Charlie was on his feet in a second, backing away as Nick advanced. His bedroom wasn’t big, and if he lost control even just a little he would run straight into his drum set. But run he did, or at least he tried to.
“You’re being ridiculous,” Nick was saying behind him, fingertips just barely grasping Charlie’s shirt, both of them laughing, both of them giddy. “I’m not gonna do anything.”
“Stop lying!”
“I’m not!”
Charlie made the mistake of leaping onto the bed in his attempt at throwing Nick off, but all he managed to do was get himself trapped in the corner, shoulder crashing into the wall. “Oh my god, please,” he said through his laughter.
“I’m not gonna do anything.” Nick’s grin grew as he grabbed Charlie’s arm to turn him around to face him properly. “I mean, how can I do anything if you said you weren’t ticklish?”
Charlie groaned. “I obviously lied.”
“Oh, well, that’s on you then.”
But Nick went for the kill instantly, fingers toying with Charlie’s neck which he’d been kissing only days prior just to discover he could get more than one type of laughter out of him. Charlie crumbled without preamble, the two of them sliding down so that Nick was nearly towering over him. Charlie couldn’t stop laughing and he couldn’t stop Nick’s tickling.
It was nearly torture.
Charlie rather liked it.
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rafescoke · 3 years
Can I please request a rafe x reader based on that song need to know by doja cat.
Basically the reader heard rumors about the rafe’s and he’s past with his ex. Basically all saying how he was a 10/10 on bed. The reader is furious but sad and quickly confronts the rafe. You can choose the ending. Smut or fluff ending!!
Also pls post the rafe x reader, jj fic with the 19 chapters plsssss!!!! I beg you!
Need To Know ; Rafe Cameron
#Part 1
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x reader
Summary: The reader confronts Rafe about his past
Warnings: Straight smut, hella angst, substance, swearing, Rafe being a total dick
A/N: this one shot’s too long but i hope you will love it. i poured all my love into this however this isn’t my best work and im sorry!! 
p.s, i’m always open for requests <3
“Hey! thanks for coming,” Topper smiled, hugging Rafe’s side before kissing (Y/N)’s cheeks. He ushered them both to the middle of the ongoing party, to the centre where all of Rafe’s friends were hanging out. 
(Y/N) is never a fan of parties, especially the ones that she will have to tug on Rafe’s collars for them to finally enjoy the night alone. However, she passed up the chance of watching netflix with her partner tonight to go to Topper’s birthday party, since, it was, well, Topper’s celebration. 
If it had not been for Topper, she wouldn’t even bat an eye to this party, especially when she knows the amount of girls silently crushing on her boyfriend of 6 months now. Rafe’s incredibly handsome, with his hair messily parted and his blue eyes shining everytime they’re exposed to the glowing sunlight of Obx. . .  (Y/N) couldn’t justify why he would even choose her. 
“What are you thinking?” Rafe playfully groaned, pulling his girlfriend’s waist near him. His fingers played with the hem of her dress, giggling when she hissed, swatting his hands away. “Seriously. You’ve been quiet since we got out of the car.”
“I just don’t like the attention’s you’re getting tonight,” she sighed, rolling her eyes when Rafe poked her, an amused expression plastered on his face. “I shouldn’t have told you that. Now you’re this proud prick.”
Rafe laughed, throwing his head back, his hands still around her waist. She waited for him to regain his posture before kissing his cheeks. 
“Go and find Topper. I know you want to kiss him.”
“Not as much as I want to kiss you,” Rafe replied, laughing again when (Y/N) stuck her tongue out at him before walking away to go and get some drinks for herself. In truth, Rafe doesn’t understand why she would feel so inferior towards other girls; she’s simply the most beautiful girl he’ve ever laid his eyes on. No one can ever compare to (Y/N), and that’s for sure.
(Y/N) muttered a thanks when someone handed her a beer, standing on her toes to search for her friends. When she couldn’t see any of them, she began making her way towards Rafe and Topper. She decided that instead of waiting alone in the resting area of the club while everybody else is socialising, she would rather listen to whatever Rafe and his friends were conversing, knowing that somehow she’ll find something interesting in the discussion.
That was when she bumped into a figure, causing the person to drop the drink they were holding onto her front dress. (Y/N) groaned, not liking how she was already ruining the branded new dress she bought with Rafe. The smell of strong alcohol wafted into her nostrils, causing her to scrunch her nose.
“Watch where you’re going,” the person said, and  (Y/N) rolled her eyes before finally leaving the scene, not wanting to stir any unnecessary drama. She knows it will always end up dirty and Rafe will have to calm her down in the car. 
(Y/N) pushed her way through the swarm of sweaty bodies as the dress reeked with alcohol clung onto her body, and she momentarily regretted her choice of wearing a skin tight short sequin dress to a club where dropping drinks on someone is just something that is bound to happen.
She sighed when she finally reached the bathroom, quickly washing her stains with the cheap toilet paper. It left some white bits on her dress when she finally removed them, and she groaned again before washing the fabric under the running water. Her day was going totally bad, and she dreamed of the night she could’ve spent with Rafe if only Topper wasn’t born on yesterday’s date 19 years ago. 
“That’s what I’m saying!” a loud voice shrieked, followed by group of shrill laughs. “God, I really wish I’m still with him.”
(Y/N) raised her brows at the familiar voice, but thought none of it. Topper wouldn’t invite Rafe’s ex, he knows what she did to him. There was no way she was allowed to be in the private part of the club, unless someone had brought her as their plus one. 
(Y/N) shook her head at the thought, trying to focus on the stains that seemed to be making everything hard for her.
“He has this habit of running his fingers through his hair when he’s receiving head,” the voice continued, and  (Y/N) stopped in her tracks.
That’s exactly Rafe. Whoever the voice was, she was talking about Rafe. Rafe has this habit of running his long fingers through his hair while he’s whimpering, and it always drives (Y/N) crazy. 
She thought nothing of it, thinking about the possibility of another guy doing the same thing. It’s a common thing anyways; she wasn’t going to pull the crazy jealous girlfriend card that night.
She turned to pull another tissue paper, her ears still intently listening to the group of friends who seemed to not mind receiving any attention from their bold topic. 
“Now he’s with that (Y/L/N) girl. I honestly don’t get why he would be with her. Oh and-” the voice squealed, “Do you know that Rafe called me when they were talking?” 
“What?” her friends asked in disbelief, and  (Y/N) didn’t move a muscle. She pressed her back against the tiled walls, listening close. Her heartbeat beat faster, and she could feel her head getting lighter.
“Yes! It was like, the first month they started getting close? He told me he couldn’t get over me and that he tried everything including finding me in her.”
(Y/N) felt the walls closing in, and quickly got to her feet to splash some water onto her face. She felt like dying right then and right there, but she knew she had to at least hear more to, now identified, Rafe’s ex girlfriend.
“He drove to my house and we just talked, you know. . . and then he told me something, and I refused. He got mad, I guess, and we fought like always, and he left me to be with that girl until today. Kinda sucks to be her, you know? Like the second choice kind of thing?” she continued, an amused tone lacing in her voice.
At that point,  (Y/N) had heard enough. She walked towards the exit as fast as her heels could take her, not stopping to stay goodbye to her now approaching friends. She could feel her hot tears crashing down, but she didn’t feel like crying in the club and having random strangers coming up to her to soothe her down.
When the night breeze hit her square on the face as she finaly exited the suffocating club, she let out the hardest cry ever as she tried to find any available taxis through her tears. There were none, seeing that it was only 9 p.m. and people had just starting to arrive, so she decided to walk to nowhere until she finds any yellow vehicle.
“Hey, (Y/N)!” a voice called out from behind her, and she turned when a hand pulled her shoulder. “What the fuck? Are you okay? Where’s Rafe?”
“Kelce, I’m not feeling good. I just want to go home, okay? Please, oh my god. I can’t do this right now,” she cried, covering her eyes with her palm. Kelce pulled her into a side hug, allowing her tears on his new t-shirt. When she finally soothed down, he tried to find an answer in her face again.
“What happened?”
“I can’t tell you now, I just-” she took a deep breath, “I just can’t. Can you um, call a Uber for me, please? My phone’s with Rafe.”
“What? Why would your phone-” he sighed, taking out his own phone. “Borrow my phone. It’s safer this way. Call a Uber, get home, and don’t do anything stupid. Okay?”
(Y/N) nodded, kissing Kelce’s cheeks before ordering a Uber, waiting by the sidewalk impatiently. She was scared Rafe would come out to look for her, and she didn’t feel like talking to him. 
She felt like shooting him in his ribs until he’s begging for her to stop. 
When she got home, her fingers trembling and her dress now ruined, she stripped out of her clothes and got under her covers. Her mother tried asking her about why she had come home earlier than expected with a running mascara and a smudged lipstick, but decided to let it pass when she didn’t answer, knowing that something has indeed happened. 
She felt like screaming. She had trusted him so much, and he was even the first guy to take her virginity. Now she felt disgusted, thinking about how she had allowed herself to the sweet words he had given her before.
She couldn’t ignore the memory of the night she first experienced sex with him, and the whole sweet care he had provided after.
It was Friday the 13th, and Rafe decided it will be a good night to watch some type of a horror movie.  (Y/N) agreed, being a fan of horror, but until one point, she was bored with the super-slow plot and boring characters. 
She played with Rafe’s fingers, intertwining them with hers, before she got an idea midway of the female character’s scream that echoed throughout her bedroom. 
“Rafe,” she said, and Rafe hummed in response. His eyes were fixated to the screen, not paying any attention to her. She whined, “Rafe. . .”
“Yeah?” He finally looked down to her, and laughed when he saw the face she gave him. “What the hell is wrong with you? The best part’s coming up. Watch it, the guy’s going to- fuck.”
(Y/N) had slipped her hand into his basketball shorts, teasing the outline of his v-line. Rafe’s breath shuddered, and he grabbed her hands before things escalate.
“What the fuck are you doing?” He grunted.
“I just wanna try something,” she replied innocently, and Rafe swore he felt like his heart stopping right then and right there. She was that sweet girl, and he has never saw this side of her.
“Can I?” she asked, and with a tiny nod, she continued her movements as Rafe’s eyes stayed glued on the television screen, though his mind was already on cloud nine. 
She was so good, and Rafe couldn’t explain the feeling inside of him when he watched her palmed him, her mouth slightly open and her hair falling down to her shoulders. Rafe felt like attacking every inch of her, wanting to give anything that she desired. 
“Stop,” he said, closing his eyes. “Fuck, you’re gonna make me cum from just your hands.”
“I want you to,” she said, and Rafe cursed. He liked, scratch that, he loved and is obsessed with the way she did anything to him, with her innocent eyes and her teasing smile. He felt like fucking her numb every single time she purposely brushed her hands against his buldge in the restaurant or bumping her bottoms against him when playing golf.
And when she would deny her actions, god, he felt like giving his all to her until she couldn’t walk.
“Rafe,” she said again, with that gint in her eyes. She leaned onto him, and he shievered when he felt her lips brushing with his earlobes. 
“I want you to fuck me.”
Rafe groaned, not wanting to look her in the eyes, afraid that he would do things he will regret the next morning. He felt her fingers around his chin, forcing him to look at her. 
“You told me you wanted to wait,” he said softly.
“I’m done waiting,” she had said, and that was enough for Rafe to crash his lips against her soft ones, pushing her lightly to her queen sized bed. He felt her hands playing with the hem of his shorts, and being an impatience fuck like his dad, he guided her hands to his already hard penis, craving for her touch.
“Fuck,” he groaned, closing his eyes to the euphoric feeling starting to form in the pit of his stomach. His fingers fumbled with her shorts, trying to untie the waistband, and grunted when he couldn’t gues the knot.
(Y/N) giggled, untying the ribbon, sliding her shorts to the edge of her bed as Rafe waited with his eyes staring at her hands eagerly, like a prey waiting to attack. 
Once her shorts were off, Rafe didn’t waste anymore time to place kisses from her stomach down to the sides of her aching core.  (Y/N) couldn’t take it anymore, after so many nights of trying to picture this exact moment in her head whilst fingering herself, pretending like it has been Rafe’s fingers instead of herself, she wanted to feel him around her so bad. 
“Please, Rafe,” she begged, looking at him with the innocent eyes again. She moaned when he inserted his fingers in her, pleasuring her the way pornstars would from the many porn videos his cousin had taught him to watch since he was 10 before.
“Oh my god,” she screamed, not able to comprehend the strange feeling in her stomach. She tried to close her legs, only for Rafe to gripped them apart tightly, his eyebrows furrowing.
“Do that again and I’ll leave you hanging.”
It was the way he had said that that left  (Y/N) all red, pushing herself against him to reach her end. She felt a sudden feeling approaching, and gripped Rafe’s wrist to tell him. 
Rafe laughed when she had came around his dingers, feeling her juice soaking up his fingers and her bedsheet.  (Y/N) sighed, still heaving from her high, making a mental note in her head to love this other side of Rafe Cameron.
“Suck,” he said, placing his two soaked fingers in front of her face and watched her as she sucked on them like a little girl who’s licking off a lollipop that her mother had bought for her. He felt like cumming just from the sight of her face.
“I want you inside me,” she had said again, and Rafe groaned to look away, not wanting to be a regret she had made the next morning. He looked at her again when she sat on his lap, looking at him with puppy dog eyes.
“Please?” she whispered, and before he knew it, she licked his ear to the the side of his lip before placing a soft peck on his lips.
Rafe has never removed his basketball shorts as fast as he did that night, not even when he had felt an animal crawling in his pants in the pet shop when he was 8 that resulted Sarah into having a laughing fit when they found out that a hamster had gotten into his pants.
He positioned himself in front of her slit, waiting for any new demands for him to stop now that she had changed her mind. But there was nothing, only  (Y/N) demanding for him, and without wasting any more time, he slowly slided into her, strecthing her hole.
He grunted when she felt her closing in, knowing that if she kept doing that, he’ll finish straight away.  (Y/N) screamed as he fucked her with a quick pace, causing him to quickly pull her head close to him to whisper into her ear.
“Shut up, princess. Don’t want mummy and daddy to wake up, do we?”
(Y/N) shook her head, wanting to reach her end soon. She moaned against her mattress, smelling Rafe’s scent from it, and liking the way he would whimper when he hit her g-spot.
“I’m so close, baby, fuck-” he cursed, his pace getting sloppier. His fingers with his cold rings intertwined with hers as he slammed into her for good measure, and pulling out to aim on her face as she tried to regain her breath.
(Y/N)  felt a shot of hot load landing on her face as she finally looked up to him, his sweaty chest heaving from the ungodly practice they just did. Rafe groaned, feeling himself getting hard again from the sight of her with his load all over her, and quickly turned away to grab a clean towel to clean her up.
That night, with a soft lullaby playing from  (Y/N)’s record player that Rafe had bought for her in Italy, he ran his fingers through her hair as she snuggled close, watching the moonlight brightened the ocean.
Rafe sighed, now wrapping his arms around her, forcing himself to not touch her breast in any way. “I’m sorry if it wasn’t what you had pictured in your mind.”
“Are you kidding?” she turned to face him, “God, Rafe. That’s exactly how I wanted it with you.”
Rafe chuckled and placed a soft kiss on her forehead, “God. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Riing! Riing!
(Y/N) wiped her tears with her fingers before pressing on the green button, bringing the phone to her ears when she saw Topper’s name. She decided that he deserved an explanation after she had ran off from his birthday party.
“Hey, baby, you didn’t pick up my call. I have to use Topper’s phone but, um-”  (Y/N) heard the crowd sang happy birthday, “But um, are you okay? Kelce told me you were crying and I-”
“I’m fine. You should sing happy birthday to Topper.”
“I’ll be there in a bit,” he said to a voice in the background, and tried to talk to her again. “What is it, baby? The line’s kinda shitty here. Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.”
“Okay. I know you’re not. Can you please tell me what happened?”
“It’s nothing, Rafe. Go and enjoy yourself.”
“God,  (Y/N), don’t pull this shit on me,” he sighed, and she waited until the background noise lessen. “Okay, I’m at the smoking area. Can you please tell me what happened?”
“You used me.”
“I’m - what?” he asked, “What the fuck are you talking about?”
“I heard her talking about how you drove to see her and you told her that you tried finding her in me,” she finaly confessed, her voice breaking. A tear slowly rolled down her red cheeks and she quickly wiped them away.
“Baby, it’s not how it sounds like.”
“Then what is it?” she yelled, clutching onto Kelce’s phone like it was her life support. “Fuck, Rafe, I gave you my everything.”
“Baby, I swear, it’s just-”  
(Y/N) waited for him to finish his sentence, and sucked in a breath when she heard the voice that had caused her this misery.
“Rafe! What are you doing here?”
“Fuck,  (Y/N), I’ll come by to your house, okay? Please, don’t do anything stupid, I’m coming back home-”
(Y/N) pressed the end call, letting go of the breath she was holding before finally throwing her head back against the pillow. 
#Part 2
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“Protagonist wakes up in the middle of the night and they do something they should not do”
A/n: Inspo from YourDailyWritingPrompt on TikTok. Y’all know I’m a fluff writer so it’s definitely not as dramatic as some of the ideas I saw, but this was the first idea thing that popped in my head. Angsty sadness but with fluff bc I can’t not. Idk if I like where I ended or not but what ever. It's fine. Everything is fine.
Includes a car wreck with a drunk driver in case that might trigger someone, but it’s not very intense at all bc I know it can be a sensitive topic
Also, smut mentioned bc I can’t help myself
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3:47 AM.
You’re not sure what caused you to wake up, but you could not fall back asleep, no matter what you tried. It had been at least an hour of staring at the ceiling as your mind raced simultaneously with everything and nothing. You started to get annoyed with yourself as you reached for the phone on your nightstand, looking for some kind of distraction.
I can’t sleep, you text Tom, hoping he’d reply but ultimately knowing he was probably enjoying what you had been deprived of. You didn’t wait long for him to answer before throwing the comforter away from your body and got out of bed to walk into the living room where your eyes landed on the pile of keys lying on the counter. You began to reach for your own until you noticed the set next to them. Your roommate had just recently purchased a brand new car. It was her dream car, and she had been saving for forever to get it. She didn’t let anyone drive it other than herself, out of fear of it being wrecked. But it would be hours before she woke up, and what she didn’t know won’t hurt her.
You grabbed the keys and made your way to the garage, pushing the thought of backlash from your best friend into the back of your mind. Hearing the engine roar filled you with excitement as you backed the car out of the garage and into the streets of London.
The streets were mostly empty; it was almost hard to believe it could be so bare. You took advantage of the rare sight as you rode through the city, jamming to the Queen song that had come on the radio as you turn onto the next road, only a few blocks away from Tom’s flat. The sudden sound of rubber screeched against the asphalt startled you; it was your only warning as you noticed the headlights racing toward you, seconds before connecting with the rear of the car.
You could've sworn you just blinked, but you found yourself waking up to a pounding headache and a constant beeping noise that would not shut up. You scoffed as you reached a hand up to your head, as if that would make it stop hurting. You felt a strong but gentle squeeze on your other hand, alerting you that someone was with you. You turned your head that way and finally opened your eyes to see Tom sitting in the chair next to the hospital bed, you hand clasped between both of his.
“Hey, love,” he said softly with a slight smile. “You really know how to scare the shit out of someone, you know that?”
You laugh softly and answer with a short, “sorry.”
He moved to sit a little closer as he placed one hand on the top of your head to stroke your hair with his thumb, making sure to be as gentle as possible. “But you’re okay, and that’s all that matters.”
“Oh god,” you said, your eyes widening as you remember how you ended up in the hospital. “The car. Y/f/n’s gonna kill me.”
A breathy laugh fell out his nose as he smiled. “It’ll be alright. Cars are replaceable.”
“And I'm way more important than any car in the whole world,” you joked in a higher pitched voice. “What even happened?”
“Guy was drunk,” Tom shook his head, voice laced with disdain. “Was on his way home from the pub going way faster than he should’ve. Thankfully he hit you from behind. I don’t even want to think what would’ve happened if,” he trailed off as he licked his lips and looked down at the floor. You noticed his jaw clench, but you understood what he meant.
“Will you lay with me?” You whispered, not sure what to say but knowing that both of you needed the closeness in the moment. He didn’t need any convincing as he smiled and stood up, allowing you to scoot over as far as you could before sliding in, being careful of any wires that might be in the way. He laid on his back as you cuddled into him, enjoying the heat that radiated off his body. You let out a sigh of content that made Tom smile. His hands rubbed your back as he held you close.
You lay there in silence for a while. Tom was more than content just feeling your body againt his, knowing that you were okay. But you almost couldn’t take it anymore. You needed a laugh to lighten up your mood. “Do you want to know a secret?” You were smiling at your own joke before you could even get it out. Tom replied with a quick what? “I’d let you hit me from the back.” You both started laughing, knowing how ridiculous it was to think about while you were in a hospital bed, but honestly, who doesn’t like thinking about sex? “And I’d enjoy it much more than what I got this morning.”
“Don’t tempt me with a good time,” he joked, his hand squeezing your thigh that rested over him. “You think they would know if we just..” he finished with a shrug, insinuating his thoughts with his body language.
“I mean, I am hooked up to all these monitors,” you remind him, looking up to see your heart rate, blood pressure, and something else on the screen then back to Tom who disagreed.
“Nah, I see that as more of a challenge than anything. Let’s see how high I can get it.”
“Then they’re gonna think I’m having a heart attack or something, and bust in on us,” you roll your eyes playfully, but admitting to yourself that it probably would be really fun to see how your heart reacts.
“They can join in, too, if they want,” he shrugged, then laughed as he saw the expression on your face.
“Ew,” you laughed. “You’re so stupid.”
You move your chin up to meet his lips for a kiss, soft and slow and perfect. After a while, Tom broke away from you to look back up at the monitor, noticing it was beeping a little faster than before. “Got your heart rate up,” he shared with a teasing smile.
“Guess that means I must really like you,” you joked back.
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scuttling · 3 years
Some Assembly Required
Fandom: Criminal Minds Pairings: Aaron Hotchner/Female Reader Word Count: 1,500 Tags: 18+, NSFW, Oral sex, Fingering, Unprotected sex, PWP Summary: When your very handy boyfriend Aaron helps put together your new office furniture, you repay his kindness the best way you know how. *Requested by @qtip-blog. Link to A03 or read below! You and Aaron have been dating for over a year, and the good times so heavily outweigh the bad it kind of blows your mind. Never before have you been in a relationship built on such mutual trust, respect, admiration—it makes you emotional to think about, he makes you emotional, all of his sweet words, his kind gestures, the ways he shows his love.
His favorite way to show he cares is to provide for you, whether it be a home-cooked meal (he’s not the best, but he’s trying,) or a book you’ve had your eye on but convinced yourself not to buy, or in this case, a new desk for your home office when the other one looked a little worse for wear.
You’re sitting on the couch one day, and he has his laptop open on his thighs, asks you to come closer and pick out the desk you’d like; you try to tell him you don’t need a new one, that the old one is still perfectly functional, but he won’t take no for an answer, wants to do this for you.
Never one to settle for bland surroundings, you choose a desk that is green, solid, that you think would look perfect in your office; you’re stuck there for hours on end, making calls and staring at a computer screen, so you might as well have something cool to look at while you’re working.
He smiles softly at your eclectic choice but adds it to his cart, and when it arrives he comes over in jeans and a t-shirt, looking like your own personal hunky handyman, and gets to work building it. You hand him screws, hold up the instructional pictures for him to look over, steal kisses, and within an hour your new desk is built, a perfect pop of color against the wall and something that will always remind you of Aaron when you look at it.
He rests his hands on it, presses down to test the load bearing capacity or something, and you look over his strong back, his denim clad ass and thighs, and suddenly you’re feeling very thankful and want to do something special to show your gratitude. You walk over to him, lift one of his hands, and slide between his body and the desk, set his hand back down so he’s caging you in against it. He raises an eyebrow, and you brush your fingers through his hair and pull him in for a kiss.
“Mmm. Is that what I get for putting together your desk? Because I’ll buy you all brand-new furniture if this is my reward.” He smooths his thumb over your chin, tips it up for more soft sips of lips, and you put your hands on his waist under his shirt, sigh.
“I’m just grateful for you. That you like to show me how much you care.” You sweep your palms up over his chest, back down to his hips, slowly flick open the button of his jeans. “Can I show you how much that means to me?” You slowly wet your lips, making your intentions very clear, and he nods his head and bends down for a series of increasingly rougher kisses that make your head spin. You tug open his fly, push his jeans and underwear down his legs, drop to your knees.
“Oh, baby,” he breathes when you take him in your mouth, both hands now pressed to the top of the desk for support. You stroke him slowly, suck softly at the first few inches of him in the way you know gradually drives him insane, look up through your lashes so he can see how flushed and aroused you are just by doing this for him.
The hand not holding him upright dips to caress his balls, and you pick up the pace a little, want to bring him off, want to hear him groan your name when he fills your mouth. He has other ideas, though, brings his hands to your cheeks and guides you off of him, pulls you up so he can kiss your soft, wet lips.
“I want to be inside you, sweetheart.” You hum, can’t deny that would be a delicious change of plans, and you slip your shorts and panties off while he pulls your t-shirt over your head. He lifts you up, sets your ass on top of your pretty new desk, and spreads your thighs. “So gorgeous,” he murmurs, and he steps out of his pants where they pool around his feet, tugs his shirt off so he’s gloriously naked, hard for you, perfect.
He leans in to kiss you, brings a hand to your pussy and rubs slowly, wets his lips when his fingers slip through your slick folds, resting against your entrance like he wants to slow down and take a moment to savor this. You gasp softly when he pushes two fingers inside, and you spread your legs wider, rolling your hips against his hand as he works you open enough to take his thick cock comfortably.
You plant your hands on his chest, pant against his lips and throat while he strokes his fingers inside you, and you squeeze your legs together and moan as you come on them, catching his praise with your softly open mouth. You tip your head back, swallow hard, and then push against his stomach so he’ll take a step back, let you hop off the desk.
He had offered to buy you a new chair to go with the desk, because your existing one is red, doesn’t really match—but you don’t care about matching, because it’s comfortable and set up just right; he hates it, though, and you’re about to make it your mission to change his mind.
“Sit for me?” you ask, pushing your hair away from your neck, because you’re overheated already and in need of some air there. He sinks back onto the chair, looks up at you like you’re already halfway to rocking his world—he always looks like that when you ride him, and it makes you feel really sexy and confident, which leads to even better sex; it’s a cycle of awesome orgasms you can’t resist initiating when you have a little extra time to feel him fall apart beneath you.
You push up the arms of the chair for a little more room, straddle his thighs with both feet on the ground, and line him up, slowly bend your knees to let him stretch you open. He sighs, puts his hands on your hips, squeezing tight, and you move up and down, taking him in all the way and then pulling off until he almost slips free. Your hands find his shoulders for leverage, and you look into his eyes as you sink down, lift off, slow and steady, covering him in your wetness and earning soft moans.
“So good, baby. So good at this, so perfect for me. God, I love you.” Your breathing gets rougher at his words and you move a hand to his head, weave your fingers into his hair, pull him close for a passionate kiss.
“I love you, Aaron. You fill me up just right.” You arch your back, legs working to bring you both slow, decadent pleasure, and he palms your ass, helps you move, takes a little of the pressure off of your thighs. “So good to me. You always take care of me, you always give me what I need.” He starts to lose control beneath you, pumping up to match your movements, and you settle into his lap, feet dangling off the ground, and just roll your hips, clutching his shoulders, moving fast.
“Oh, god, yeah. Just like that.” He brings his big hands to cover your breasts, squeezing them, rough fingers rubbing your nipples, and you throw your head back, hair falling behind you as you rock and grind and come with a whimper of his name. He thrusts harder to get you through it, to get you to make more wrecked, desperate sounds, and when he comes you both slam down hard and you can hear metal fall; you thank his quick reflexes, because he lifts you up and gets to his feet before the chair literally falls apart, bolts and a spring on the floor instead of wherever they’re supposed to be.
You gasp, laugh, tug his hair, and he chuckles and kisses you, breathless and sweaty as you both are.
“Guess I get to buy you a new chair after all,” he says, looking into your eyes, kissing your jaw, and you cling to him, grin.
“You better hope I can’t find another red one,” you pant, and he takes you to the bathroom to get cleaned up, and then you lounge on the couch while he pulls up a page of desk chairs for you to browse.
The new one is still red, but much, much sturdier than the last. Taglist ❤️: @thaddeusly @arsonhotchner @mrsh0tchner @ssahotchie @sleepyreaderreads @mintphoenix @meghannnnnn @disgruntledchowchow @azenpal @g-l-pierce @my-rosegold-soul @ssamorganhotchner @heliotropehotch @angelhotchner @qtip-blog @gspenc @wishuhadstayed @averyhotchner
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bisexual-horror-fan · 3 years
Okay okay. So Female or GN reader being bullied by Billy and Stu (a la the scene in the video store like Randy was) bc reader is hot but wont pay attention to them so they resort to the age old tactic of bullying. But then they realize she/they are into it. NSFW, maybe with both using up reader's mouth at the same time?
Sunny! Oh my God Sunny I loved this prompt! SO fucking good, I was so stoked to get to this! I hope you dig it, hope they are mean enough and bastard enough for you, I poured a lotta effort in and wrote all this today for you! It’s been a good ass day! Let’s get into this and feed you! (Also I couldn't resist with the title.)
Rating. Explicit. Length. 5.2K Billy Loomis And Stu Macher X GN! Reader. They/Them Pronouns. Poly!Ghostface. Warnings: Bullying. Boys Being Mean. Manhandling. Dirty Talk. Degradation. Frustrated Reader. Jealousy. Pining. Grinding. Masturbation. Verbal Abuse. Name Calling. Hitting. Slapping. Reader Is TOO Into it. Hair Pulling. Oral Sex. Blow Job. Rough Treatment. Cumshots. Facials. Orgasm Denial. Humilation.
I Like It When You're Mean To Me.
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You didn’t know why they apparently hated you so much.
Okay so maybe hate was a strong word but times like these certainly gave you the impression that they did. It was late afternoon, you were working a shift with Randy at the video store, both working until close tonight, not the best way to spend your Friday night but it was payday today and you were off tomorrow which meant you had a good time to look forward to. You came out of the back, Randy in tow as you pushed the cart loaded up with tapes, “C’mon let me push it, you don’t know how to steer it.”
You scoffed, a glance over your shoulder to him, “Oh I’m the one who doesn’t know how to steer it?! There is a reason I am pushing it here-” You paused and turned, poking him in the middle of the chest for emphasis as you said his name, “-Randy! And you aren't.” He swatted your hand away, looking offended, his hand on his chest as he said, “Well fuck, don’t keep me in suspense, why?”
“Because you come careening out of the back, hanging off this thing like it’s a fucking carnival ride and nearly eat shit, crashing into poor customers-” a pointed look, hand coming up like you are threatening to poke him again and he takes a half step back, hand up, watching you carefully, ready to block you. A small laugh, you dropped your hand as you finished your thought, “-and co-workers too!”
“Fucks sake you run into your best friend with an overloaded video cart one time and you are branded a reckless driver for the rest of your life.” He tried to appeal further, one hand on your shoulder, “But it isn’t like that now, I can be careful!”
"Can?" You scoffed, waved him off, “I beg to differ.” turning on your heel, your hands came back down onto the cart and you started pushing it again, making your way to the action movie section, “Felt like you broke my ankle last time, those bruises didn’t go away for almost a month, Meeks.”
He was following behind you still, hands in his pockets, rolling his eyes, “Your lack of faith in me is astounding.” You stopped in front of the rack and started to pick up tapes and face them properly, “Give me something to have faith IN and we can talk, now will you help me out here?” You said it so easily, with a smile and not looking at him, focused on the task before you.
He started to give you a hand picking up tapes and working alongside you, little did you know that they were watching you. Couldn’t look away as you nudged Randy, saying something and Randy nudged you back, responding in an over exaggerated fashion that had you throwing your head back with a laugh.
They couldn’t hear your conversation but Billy and Stu were convinced that whatever Randy said couldn’t have been THAT funny. They really hated how often you were around him, having lunch with him, working with him, even seeing you hanging out around town, going to catch movies and riding bikes, it was utterly infuriating.
You were utterly infuriating, totally maddening, you were just so perfect for them but were so blind to it. They loved how you dressed, the way you acted and talked, such a casual affability to it, so funny and the way you got them, their interests, loved horror, something about you was just so easygoing and it made them want to be around you all the time.
God they had both talked about when it was just them, talked on and on about how they wanted you, wished you could be theirs, however there were a number of road blocks in the way. Namely that plan they had been working on, taking so much of their time and attention and the two women they had tied themselves to facilitate said plan.
Their eyes lingered as they watched you move onto the next section, you starting to wheel the cart, Randy right behind you and then his hands came down and covered yours, his back to your chest as he pushed you both forward, locking you in and purposefully making you speed up. They watched as your expression changed, eyes wide, scrambling, trying to push back against him, he had you pinned too well, your feet coming up and resting on the bottom of the cart, “Randy! I swear to God!”
They could certainly hear you now, the way you practically squealed, laughing as Randy took you for a ride. They watched as the cart came to an abrupt halt, you and Randy almost going ass over ankles but together somehow you and the cart both stayed up right.
Both you and Randy were laughing way too much, he let you go and backed up as he said, “See?! We’re fine! I told you that you should trust me!” You stepped off the cart, smacking him on the arm, “Yeah, sure, almost crash and take down the whole horror section and you say we’re fine.”
You finally settled down, picking up handfuls of tapes and thrusting them into Randy’s hands, “C’mon, back to work.” He sighed, pretending to be put out, “Work, work, work, is that all you ever think about?”
“When we are at work? Uh yeah.” A glance at him as you fired that back with a smile and he continued on, “Lame. You are off tomorrow, right? What are you gonna do?”
“Great question, what are we gonna do?” You and Randy both looked, seeing Billy and Stu standing right there, you hadn’t heard them sneak up, you let out a sigh.
You were having a good day and didn’t want to deal with them and so you chose to ignore them, continuing to stock shelves you talked to Randy, looking directly at him and not at them. “I dunno yet. Might go check out that new place that just opened up in the mall, you’re done at noon tomorrow right? Wanna get lunch and go together?”
Oh they didn’t like that at all. You ignoring them and still just going on, talking to Randy fucking Meeks as if they weren’t there, would rather you plan and spend your time with him.
Randy looked a bit nervous, had a tendency to be around Billy and Stu when they were around you, the writing was on the wall, he had a pretty good idea how this would go, plus you ignoring them, he could feel them practically looking through him, glaring into the back of his head.
“Lunch sounds good, don’t you think Stu?” A hum and a nod, he was leaning forward, forearm resting on the top of the shelf you were stocking, “Mmm real good, what are you thinking y/n? I know you like that Chinese place in the food court. I could buy.”
You didn’t even glance at them, didn’t take the offer seriously and even if you did, you didn’t want to do that with them. You were almost done with your stack of movies, still pointedly ignoring them, “Awful quiet there Randy, plans not enticing enough? We could do that other thing, plan a meal, hit up the grocery store and cook it together.”
They weren’t sure if they loved or hated you more. The way you still would just brush them off, far too easily, and fuck, if they didn’t want to do that, spend the day with you, plan a meal and cook with you. They were getting annoyed, more so than before. “Hey, we are talking to you here.” Billy started and Stu was right behind him as he said, “Yeah, we know you can hear us.”
Billy was leaning against Randy’s back and he tensed, “Are you gonna answer them?”
You had the last stack of movies in your hands, “Answer who? I’m the one waiting for an answer from you.” He gave a nervous laugh and started, “You know who I mean-”
“No I don’t. Pretty sure it is just you and me in this section, Meeks.” And that is what made them have enough, a strong hand in the back of Randy’s collar and he was jerked back by Stu so Billy could slide in right in front of you. Randy made a short sound of protest but you heard Stu tell him to get lost. Just you and them now.
Billy was looking right at you, so close to you, practically staring you down. He glanced down to the tapes in your hands and he couldn’t stop the small smirk as he knocked them out of your hands, letting them clatter to the floor. “Oh so sorry there y/n.”
His tone was so mocking, God, he could be so fucking childish. You let out a small sound of disgust and tried to make a move to bend down to collect the tapes, his hand met your wrist and prevented that, held you in place, your eyes locked on that now joined part of you and he.
“We’re gonna try this again, okay?” You caught his gaze, fuck, something so harsh in it, angry, yeah he didn’t take too kindly to being ignored. He dropped your wrist and said, the tone was almost sarcastic as he smirked at you, “Hey y/n.” You grit your teeth and force out, “Hi Billy.”
And that is when you felt it, him leaning into you, leaning down and whispering in your ear, “Don’t forget about me.” You fight the urge to tense, barely able to suppress your sigh, “Hi to you too Stu.”
“How’s your day going?” Was going a hell of a lot better until they showed up, “Oh a little annoyed I won’t lie.”
“Awe I bet. I’d be annoyed too working on a beautiful Friday like this. Stuck inside this stuffy ol’ video store.” Stu teased and you scoffed, “Says the pair of jack offs that are in that same video store.”
You really weren’t giving up or giving in this time, this seemed to only annoy them further, “You know I think we’ve been pretty fucking pleasent-”
You shurgged as you cut him off, interjecting the single word, “Today.” Even though they hadn’t been you still thought it was funny and would have the desired effect and piss him off more.
Stu let out a shocked laugh, and the look Billy gave him made Stu smother that laugh quickly and then something that made you let out a small sound of surprise, Stu’s arms looping under yours, holding you firm, Billy reaching forward, gripping your shirt, “I was talking to Stu the other day about this kind of shit. That somehow you are just the stupidiest fucking person I’ve ever come across. Never know when to shut that damn mouth of yours.”
You tried to squirm in Stu’s arms, he simply tightened his grip, he said right in your ear, his breath felt hot in your ear, “Seriously, you never shut up, just on and on, you should know better by now.”
The tone they spoke showed annoyance, irritation and that was part of it but it didn’t tell the whole truth, they actually liked this, really liked it when you talked back to them.
“Exactly right Stu, I mean even a dog can remember simple commands, yet you just can’t seem to figure it out, you know you could make it easier on yourself but you keep on pushing.” Stu chimed in asking, sounding too amused and pleased, “Is a dog fuckin’ smarter than you?”
You were totally surrounded by them, boxed in, could feel the warmth radiating off them, smell them, arms and hands on you. It was a little overwhelming, any retort you might have had died on your tongue, brain was shockingly empty, nothing witty to reply with.
Billy tugged on your shirt, pulling you just a little closer as he leaned in, almost nose to nose with you, “I cannot believe you. Yapping on and on when everyone around you wants you to shut the fuck up but the second we actually DO want to hear from you, not a single word to say. You really are a dumb bitch.”
And then thankfully, blissfully, you heard a familiar femine voice, calling out, “What did we just walk into?” You looked over Billy’s shoulder, here comes Sidney Prescott and Tatum Riley, “Looks like the two of them are beating up on poor y/n, again.”
Relief washed over you as Sidney said, “C’mon, fun’s over, let 'em go.”
Reluctantly Billy and Stu did just that, let you go, the front of your shirt was wrinkled, you watched as they backed off, stepping away from you and going to their girlfriend’s sides. You finally crouched down and started to pick up the movies, Tatum asked, “Did they do that?”
You looked up and the way Billy was looking at you made you swallow hard and you shook your head, “God no, just uh-dropped em myself, total klutz.”
“Yeah, can’t even do their job right.” Stu said with a smirk and Billy nodded, “Totally useless.” That caused Tatum to elbow Stu in the side, “Asshole. Knock it off.” “Ow-”
You stood up and started to place the last movies, wanting to get away and fast, “Sorry about them.”
That made you pause, looking at Sidney, genuine concern on her face, she looked really apologetic, she was always so sweet, you wondered why she was with Billy. He had his arms around her and had pulled her so close, same with Stu and Tatum, practically hanging off of them.
“It’s fine.” You lied and finally finished the task at hand. “S’cuse me” You turned around, hands on the cart and you started to wheel it away, could hear Tatum scolding Stu a bit, “Swear to God the second we leave you alone, nine times outta ten you are bullying them, what is the deal-” Finally you passed through the door to the back with the cart, out of earshot, happy for the moment’s peace.
You leaned your back against the shelving in there, closed your eyes and had a hand to your chest, your heart was pounding. You hated this, hated yourself for being so fucking into that shit. Hated that you loved being between them, wanted their arms around you. Billy and Stu had been bugging you and picking on you for ages now and unlike any normal person who would be scared or pissed off or any other number of appropriate reactions, it got to you in a very different way.
The kind of way that could make between your legs pound and throb the same way your heart did in your ribcage, feeling the dampness of arousal when you shifted added to your shame. You pressed your hands to your eyes, why did you have to be into this of all things?
Have to like when they called you names and got too in your personal space, they were too hot, could be so awful and it got you hot as fuck. Them doing this to you while you still had hours left in your shift was the worst. Stu having you against his chest, pinning you like that, so strong, and Billy right there, staring into your eyes, holding your shirt like that, fuck, it got you so hot you were tempted to see if you couldn’t try to get some relief in the bathroom. It was that bad, they were actually making you consider defiling yourself at work, on the clock, in hopes of easing some of your tension.
As you considered it, replaying the way Stu breathed in your ear and the way Billy’s face nearly touched yours, you were so lost in thought that when you felt a hand touch your shoulder and that question “Hey you alright?” You nearly jumped out of your skin.
Eyes flew open to see Randy, concerned as ever, “Shit, sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.”
You let out a sigh, dropping your hands, “I’m fine. No thanks to you. Real big help out there supposed best friend.”
Randy jumped right into defending himself, “What was I supposed to do? Jump in between you and them?” You laughed a little from how intense he got right away, “It woulda been nice!”
You tried to forget about how hot and bothered you were. When you left the back room Billy, Stu, Sid and Tatum were gone, thankfully. You were worried if the girls hadn’t stepped in when they had that maybe they might have caught on to your shameful little secret. Every single time they were pulling that shit you would get worried they would pick up on the fact it was turning you on, as of yet you had seemingly gotten away with it. If you went out there and they saw you worry it would be written all over your face this time was immense, thank God they were gone.
You couldn’t help it, this time was really elevated, both of them on you, practically pressed between them, a fantasy that you shouldn’t have but you indulged in the dark of your room a little too frequently.
The rest of the shift passed by without incident, a fine shift, slowly as the hours ticked by and the rush died down, people having picked out what they wanted, shelves having noticeable empty spaces and back home to engage in their entertainment for the evening. Randy had cleared out, begging you to do the last of the closing yourself because he had a date and you couldn’t take those eyes, pleading and begging, “I never ask you for anything, please? Just this once?”
You couldn’t say no to him like this and so you didn’t, you sighed and said, “Alright, alright, get outta here. But you are buying me lunch tomorrow to make up for it!”
He agreed without question, excited to hang out after his morning shift the next day and you watched him quickly grab his shit and run off. You had gotten a lot done already, just some basic cleaning to do and you could clear out for the night. It was close to eleven, you had gotten the vacuum out, working away, running it over the empty floor, you were the only one left.
You weren’t expecting anymore customers tonight, so when you heard the ring of the bell over the door it surprised you, head snapping up you turned off the vacuum, standing it upright and locking it in place you turned to see who it was to see none other than your two bullies from earlier coming back into the store.
Your shoulders dropped. Fuck. Why were they back, and why now? When you were all alone in the store- Oh God that must be why. Must have figured out you’d be closing up.
An attempt at hardening your expression, “What are you two doing back here? Didn’t you already rent something?”
“Christ, the mouth on them, huh?” Stu rolled his eyes and Billy sighed, “Tell me about it. Didn’t retain anything from earlier it seems.”
They were making their way over slowly, taking their time, in no rush but clearly coming for you. Almost like a predator stalking their prey, the fact they were both here, approaching you in the very empty store so late, reminded you of that need from earlier. You tried to hide how you were feeling and tried to show annoyance rather than arousal in your tone, “Still didn’t answer me. Why are you here?”
“We were so rudely interrupted earlier, we didn't get to finish making our plans for tomorrow.” Billy nodded but added on, “Now I am thinking we need to remind you that you can’t talk to us like that.”
Shit. You shouldn’t like that so much. You really, really shouldn’t. “Two things Loomis. 1. I am not making any plans with you to go anywhere. And 2. We are about to close so I am going to have to ask you to leave.”
“We? Hear that Stu?” Billy asked, so amused, hands in his pockets, less than a foot in front of you now and Stu confirmed, “Oh I heard. We is a funny choice of word.”
“Yeah real fucking funny since you are the only employee in the whole place.” You tried to seem unaffected, “I never said I was alone here, Randy is in the back.”
Stu laughed at that, “Oof. Wrong move.”
Billy’s hands came out of his pockets as he stepped forward, one hand knocked your vacuum back, out of the way and away from you, his other hand met your shoulder, pushing you against the shelving, “Lying now too?”
You almost gasped when your back hit the shelf but you held it back, retorted, defiant as you said, “Who says I am lying?”
“I am.” Billy was leaning in closer, one of his legs between yours, knee dangerously close to pressing to you, the urge to move down those few inches and grind against him was so great. Stu was right behind you, one of his hands came down, a large hand under your jaw, he tilted your head back, made you crane your neck to look back at him, “We saw Randy out on his pathetic little date and put two and two together.”
Oh God damn it.
“So why do you hate us so much?” Stu let go of you and chin came back down, staring at Billy, “Are you kidding? Why do I hate you?!” A sharp laugh and you kept going, “Why do you both hate me?! You never leave me alone, do shit like this, fuck with my stuff, call me names, steal my food-”
Breathing much harder as you ranted, recalling all those awfully, terribly arousing memories. You squirmed under Billy’s touch, tried to get away and wiggle out of his grip but he pressed harder on your shoulder and his knee actually made contact between your legs and it made your sentence stop short with a quiet moan. The contact was unexpected, you were still so worked up, couldn’t help it, couldn’t stop it, as soon as it left your mouth you bit your bottom lip, eyes wide, oh you fucked up.
“What the fuck was that?”
You looked away, he sounded way too pleased, you said softly, “Nothing, it was nothing.” Stu snickered at that, Billy said, “Oh no, no, no. Look at me.”
Stu’s hand was back on you, holding the bottom of your jaw, making you look at Billy. Soon as your eyes met his again, he pressed his knee harder into you, it pulled another moan from you, “See that? Doesn’t sound like nothin’ to me.”
“What do you think this means Stu?” He asked and Stu hummed, leaned in closer, could feel him breathing against your ear, “I think it means they like it when we are mean to them.”
Him saying that right in your ear combined with Billy pressed to you, grinding his knee against you, it made you whimper. They both liked that a little too much, like fuck, it is so good, perfect really.
“Interesting theory you pose Stu. I dunno if we have enough information to assume anything. Let’s try to figure this out, hmm?”
And that is how they start to really push your boundaries. “So you think they like all those little things they were talking about? Name calling?”
“I dunno. Do you get off on that shit, whore?” God, you do, you really do, you try to hold on and not give away just how bad you had it for them, how much you liked it. “I can feel how much they like it.”
Were you that obvious? Then Billy asks, “Think they will like this too?”
Before you could respond or do anything Billy’s hand meets your cheek, it makes you gasp. It didn’t hurt much, it stung, but it didn’t feel bad, it felt good. He had a lot of control, and speaking of control Stu’s fingers threaded in your hair and jerked your head back, tugging on your hair hard, it made you wince and you couldn’t help it, you ground down on Billy’s thigh with a obscene moan. “I love it.”
And there it was. All out in the open.
“Awe you like any kind of attention at all.” Billy laughed and Stu agreed, “We should test that out, they are obviously such a slut they would love us to use them.”
You would.
The one thing you asked was that you did it in the back room at least. They gave you that small kindness. Pulled you roughly into the back room and forced you to your knees, started to undo their pants, you couldn’t help it, almost babbling, too into it, cannot help it, going off, “I-I’ve been thinking about this so much, over and over-”
You were looking up at them, they shared this look, shit eating grins, hearing that you got off on this, literally, to the thought of them, your bully’s being mean and awful to you, it was the best fucking thing, made tonight amazing. "I can't fucking wait for this-" Totally worth the headache of slipping away from Sidney and Tatum.
“Your timing is terrible. Finally you have something worth talking about that we want to hear about and we are about to stuff your mouth and shut you up.”
You moaned at that, fuck, you wanted that so badly. Soon as they were pulled out of their pants, your mouth was practically watering, “Get to work.”
You didn’t need to be told twice, hands came up, a long lick over each of your palms and your hands closed around them and started, kneeling right between them, pressed so close, stroking their cocks at the same time.
How horny you were was for sure fucking with you. Head almost swimming, couldn’t help it, this was a longtime fantasy for yours, them using you, making you get them off. The location, doing this while on the clock at work when you should be closing up, still fully dressed, on your knees, the rough flooring below you, it felt so dirty.
Speaking of dirty, they started talking to you. They picked apart everything. Your technique, how slutty you looked, how fucked you were getting off on this, all of it. It made your situation even worse, you were convinced if given the opportunity you’d grind on their shoes while you did this.
“C’mon you can do better than that.” Stu mocked and Billy chimed in, “Right? How useless are they? You have a perfectly good hole right-" And his hand met the back of your head and pulled you to him, pushing his hard cock against your lips and you opened your mouth right away, letting him in, “-here.”
You moaned at finally tasting him, eyes almost rolling back at the taste, fuck, you got right into it, sucking greedily. “There you go.”
“I think they’ve never looked better like this.” Stu smirked, you are gripping Stu’s cock harder, glancing up to him, “Look correct. A dumb fucking bitch with their mouth full, slobbering all over a dick, another cock in their fist.”
“They have such a big fucking mouth I bet you could fit in your dick in here too.”
They didn’t ask.
They took.
And you loved that. It was far too hot, both of them forcing themselves into your mouth, you couldn’t take them that deep but it wasn’t the point. Your mouth was stretched uncomfortably wide, still even without getting deep you were gagging, you couldn’t close your lips, drool leaking out, past your lips and down your chin, onto your shirt and jean clad thighs.
They use your hair, it hurts, tugging you closer, thrusting forward into your mouth, they were so fucking into it. Cocks pressed together, soaked in pre-cum and your spit, rubbing together in the hot and tight space of your mouth. You couldn’t even really suck, you were just a living flesh light at that moment, a hot and wet hole for them to abuse. “What a stupid fucking cunt.”
“This is all they are good for.” Billy pulled out of your mouth, a hard tug on your hair, fingers on the base of his cock, with your mouth less full you sucked Stu, your lips felt sore already and Stu pushed deeper into your mouth, making you take nearly all of him as Billy smacked your cheek with his cock a few times. It made you throb, whine around Stu’s dick.
“I am just so curious how much abuse they can take.”
“We are gonna have to do this again to find out.”
Again? You were going to get this again? Fuck yes.
You were passed back and forth, they took turns fucking your mouth, making you stroke them and both stuffing themselves into your mouth, they made you gag, you made a bigger mess of yourself, the aching between your legs was all consuming now. Billy even hit you a few more times, hits getting progressively harder as Stu watched, egged him on as he made you jerk him off, berated you when your pace faltered, you cried from the mix of pain and sheer frustrating unfulfilled arousal.
“Oh no, they are crying.” Billy teased and Stu laughed, “They better be careful with that, you should know y/n, he likes that a little too much.”
If how he fucked your throat until you were gagging, more tears were spilling down your cheeks and you were gasping for air when he pulled out was any indication then yes he loved it. Billy only pulled out to cum on your face, his hand wrapped around his shaft and came over your face and with his cum still on you next you still had to finish Stu.
Lucky for you the sight and all that work you had put in paid off, Stu wasn’t far behind, he came on your face too. You were a total wreck, heaving and sticky, you were looking up at them, hopeful that you would be next, get some relief, they saw it in your eyes and those hopes were dashed.
“Oh no we aren’t going to do anything for you.” Stu said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world, “Yeah no fucking way, you can take care of yourself later.” Your face fell as you watched them finish straightening themselves out and they told you it was a “-fun time. Can’t wait to do it again.”
You were left kneeling on the floor there for a while. Listened to them use the bathroom and heard them leave. When you finally got up to go clean up in the bathroom you realized something terrible. There were no paper products at all in the bathroom. They took everything when they were in here. They had to. Didn’t leave you anything to clean yourself up with. You stared at yourself in the mirror, hands on the sink, wondering how you were supposed to clean yourself up.
You knew what they were hoping you would do and the thought of riding your bike home on the back streets while you were like that was a tempting one though. You wondered if you did it and told them next time how they would react to it. You just might have to.
But first. Before you did anything else, made any attempt to clean or close up, you leaned against the sink and started push your pants down.
Any shame or humilation you felt as you got yourself off in the work bathroom, cum and tears and drool on you, only made it feel better.
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whumperooni · 4 years
💕bimbo supremacy💕 ahh... having an empty head and an irresistibly cute face... god, you'd be so easily manipulated into dropping your panties for some random man-- ugh, cute lil bimbos needs big strong men to protect pretty dummies from the gross perverts
This gives me v v v strong Dabi, Enji, and just a liiiiiiillllll bit of Shigaraki and Spinner vibes
Also Bakugou as well ♡
We’re gonna go with Dabi because I ♡ him and I think he’d be mean to bimbos while also panting after them like a horndog and I ♡ that
tw: degradation, possessive thoughts, daddy kink
You really are a fuckin’ idiot. Who the hell just freely follows after three tatted up punks down an alleyway? Who the hell keeps an innocent smile on their face when hands reach out to grab their skirt and lift it up? Who the hell just blinks and giggles when three gangbangers whistle over their pretty lace panties and sneer over how they match their knee highs?
You, apparently.
You, of course.
Fuckin’ idiot. Stupid little bimbo. What the fuck would you do without Dabi around to keep you safe? You’re so fucking pathetic- you need him to keep you safe.
(He needs you to be his dumb little doll to protect and bully and fuck even more stupid)
“Does the bra match too?”
“Oh, I’m not wearing-”
Four heads snap up and three faces fall, one face lights up. The happy squeal of “Dabi!” would make make him smirk if he weren’t so pissed that these dipshits thought they could lay their hands on you.
What does he have to do for everyone to finally get it? What does he have to do to stake his claim on you so everyone knows who you belong to? Does he have to make you wear a collar with his name on it? Tattoo his name all over your body? Burn his marks deep into you?
Those thoughts are tempting- very tempting- and Dabi tucks them away to mull over later.
He narrows his eyes at the men and they jump back when blue flames shoot up along his arms.
“Oh, shit. Fuck! That’s-”
“Dabi! Daddy! What are you doing here?”
You prance forward- easily slipping past the panicking men- and throw yourself at Dabi despite his flames and the dark expression on his face. He doesn’t spare you a look as you wrap your arms around his neck and begin to pepper kisses to his cheek- he just takes one hand and lays it on your ass, pushes you closer against him as he aims a white hot jet of fire forward.
The men shout and bolt and you coo- unbothered and smiling even as a growl slips from Dabi’s throat.
“Dabi, I got lost,” you whine- a pout on your face. “I couldn’t find the hideout!”
He’s given you the address three times. You’ve gotten lost three times.
He might as well just chain you to his fuckin’ wrist.
“Then why didn’t you call me?” he asks, annoyed. His hand squeezes your ass and you blink up at him- pout growing and fingers curling into his shirt.
“I lost my phone too! I don’t know where I put it...”
You’ve gone through two phones since he’s met you. He stole the last one for you- a gaudy fucking iphone that you immediately put a sparkly case on. How could you lose it when the damned thing was so bright and obnoxious?
Dabi scowls and your face falls, you wilt against him.
“I’m sorry, Dabi,” you mumble. “I didn’t mean to...”
“You’re such a fucking idiot,” he huffs. “I’m gonna have to get you a new one now.”
“I’m sorry,” you tell him- nearly whining it. “I’m sorry, daddy. I really didn’t mean to! I looked everywhere for it!”
You probably left it on the train again. Or it’s probably at home in plain fuckin’ sight like the last time you thought you lost it.
Dabi scowls more and you let out a soft whine, press against him even tighter.
“I should bust your ass,” he growls, slipping his hand under your skirt and digging his fingers into your soft flesh. “Always losin’ shit. Always gettin’ lost. Letting fucking strangers peek at your panties. You’re such a dumb little bitch- I should chip you like a fuckin’ dog.”
You whine again- louder and whimpering after when Dabi digs his fingers even deeper into your ass, pulls at the cheek and then gives it a harsh smack.
“Daddy, please,” you sniffle. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”
Yeah, you are. You’re just a sorry little slut. A dumb little whore. A fuckin’ stupid little bimbo.
(And he wouldn’t have it any other way)
Dabi clicks his tongue and slips his hand back underneath your skirt, hooks a finger underneath your panties and snaps it against your skin.
“You know you’re lucky to have me lookin’ out for you, right?”
You nod immediately- head bobbing up and down quickly- and you press your chest against Dabi, arch your hips so he can grip your ass more firmly.
“I know! I’m lucky to have you, daddy!”
You say it so eagerly- wide eyed and believing it completely as you nod again.
Dabi huffs, looking over you, and he clicks his tongue again, slides his hand until he can cup your cunt.
“You gonna show me how lucky you feel?” he asks, pressing his thumb against your clit. “Gonna be a good little girl when we get home?”
Your nodding picks up its pace and, god, do you look so simple and stupid with your wide eyes and the earnest, quick bobs of your head.
“Of course, daddy! Anything for you!”
Anything. Anything for him. You’re dumb enough to do anything for him, stupid enough to let him do anything he wants to you.
Maybe he will tattoo his name on you- right on the tit, right above your heart.
Dabi’s eyes go half-shut at the thought and he feels himself harden. You mewl when he rubs your pussy and pout a little when he pulls his hand away- still clinging to him like the sweet bimbo you are.
“C’mon then,” he grumbles. “Let’s go.”
He pulls away from you and you clamber right back to him- latching onto his arm and nuzzling against his shoulder as he rolls his eyes.
Stupid bitch.
(His stupid bitch.)
The two of you head back to the hideout- your mind empty and Dabi’s swirling with the thought of branding you so thoroughly no one would dare to ever look at you again.
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goldenraeofsun · 3 years
A/b/o + celebrities and/or coffee shop 👀
Thanks so much for the prompt, Julesy, and I'm so sorry for the long wait! Part II should be up in the next few days, but hopefully this beginning 7k will satisfy for the time being 😘
Castiel is elbow-deep in suds when Jo plunks a medium to-go cup on the edge of the sink. “Thank you?” he says, bemused.
“It’s not for you, doofus,” Jo says, rolling her eyes. “There’s a customer out back,” she jerks her head towards the service exit that leads to the alley where they dump their trash and Ruby takes her furtive smoke breaks. “I need you to take this to him.”
“Out back?” Castiel repeats dubiously, craning his neck to catch sight of their on-site baker, Benny, who is busy kneading focaccia dough for tomorrow’s sandwiches. Benny, full of southern politeness, doesn’t give any indication he’s eavesdropping.
Jo gives Castiel a short nod, her alpha scent flaring with irritation. “I’d take it out there myself, but he always talks my ear off, and Kevin still can’t draw a latte art that doesn’t look like a dick, so…”
Castiel frowns but nods, and Jo’s expression eases once she doesn't hear a challenge to her request. Still, he has to ask, “But why doesn’t he order at the counter like a normal customer?”
Jo takes a step back towards the door. “You’ll see. Just… don’t make a big deal of it.”
“A big deal of what?” Castiel calls to her, but she’s already disappeared out to the front of the cafe.
Castiel sighs and wipes his hands on a dish towel. He picks up the drink, sniffing curiously.
He nearly gags at the strong aroma of brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, and apples all on top of espresso and milk. They definitely don’t serve that on the menu. Admittedly, Castiel hasn’t memorized the list of hot drinks they serve at Hunter’s Cafe, but this is an assault on anyone with a nose. He’s been their busboy and dishwasher for six months since his second year as a graduate student began, and Jo has only let him mind the counter three times, all as far from peak time as she could get.
But a job is a job. Holding the drink, he shoulders open the back door.
“Hey - oh, you’re not Jo,” a familiar voice says.
Castiel stops dead in his tracks because, despite the sunglasses, the baseball hat, and hunched shoulders, Dean Winchester is unmistakable.
Away from the limelight, Dean apparently favors soft-looking flannels over worn tee shirts and jeans. In one hand, he holds a half depleted sheaf of french fries. Stunned, Castiel doesn't immediately hand over the reason for his appearance.
“Whatever, is that mine?” Dean demands, zeroing in on Castiel’s cup.
Still beyond speech, Castiel dumbly hands the affront to coffee over.
After a muttered thanks, Dean takes a long drink. “Christ, this tastes even better than normal.”
Castiel inhales a surreptitious breath. It’s not every day one gets to catch the scent of Hollywood’s omega darling.
Not that anyone would know Dean's secondary gender just by looking at him. Dean stands a few inches taller than the average male omega - he has nearly an inch of height on Castiel, and Castiel is the dictionary definition of standard alpha physique.
While Castiel might not be Dean’s most knowledgeable fan, he hasn’t been living under a rock for the past five years. It was all over the papers when Dean was cast in his first alpha role. Dean wasn’t the first omega actor to do so, but he was certainly the most prominent. Castiel’s sister, Anna, an actual fan, spent a memorable dinner ranting about how all the prejudiced reporters on the press tour. Apparently they only asked Dean about the diet and exercise routine that transform into a “real” alpha, while, in the next round, his alpha castmates fielded questions about their characters’ moral code and complex development.
But, in the alley behind Hunter’s Café, Castiel’s nose is completely overwhelmed by the fryers of the fast food restaurant next door, the set of dumpsters directly to his right, and the almost offensively apple coffee Dean is currently drinking like his life depends on it. Dean could smell like old gym socks for all Castiel can tell.
“Where’s Jo?” Dean asks once he resurfaces. He jams a few fries in his mouth. Before he's finished chewing, he sucks down some more latte in an unholy taste combination.
“Busy,” Castiel replies. “We have a new hire, and so far Kevin can only draw genitalia on lattes instead of flowers.”
Dean guffaws, nearly inhaling his drink. Swearing unrepentantly, he takes his sunglasses off and rubs at his temple with his free hand. “Christ, I’m too hungover to laugh like that.” He squints over at Castiek before sliding the sunglasses back on his face.
Castiel stares. “If you’re hungover, why are you here at -” he checks his watch “-seven in the morning?”
Dean slurps at his fruity latte before he answers. “Got a meeting at nine. This,” he says, brandishing his mostly empty cup, “and a large fries are the cure.” His hands occupied, Dean ducks his head to fish a single fry out and holds it like a cigarette between his lips.
“That sounds disgusting,” Castiel says, aghast.
Dean inches the rest of the fry into his mouth. “Don't knock it ‘til you try it,” he says with a wink.
Cas blushes.
“Hey,” Dean says, a new thought coming to him, “What’s your name?”
Taken aback by the question, he answers, “Castiel.”
Dean mouths his name once, his brow furrowing at the new syllables. With a small shrug of capitulation he says, “Well, Cas, thanks for the drink.” He toasts him one before tipping the cup all the way back, draining it.
“You’re welcome, Dean.”
Dean grins. “I couldn't tell if you recognized me or not.”
“I did,” Castiel says, clearly unnecessarily.
Amused, Dean throws him a long, considering look. “You’ve got one hell of a poker face.” He unceremoniously shovels the rest of the fries in his mouth and balls up the wrapper. He tosses it with practiced ease into the waiting dumpster.
“Thank you?” Cas says, nonplussed.
“Thank you,” Dean says, pushing his sunglasses up his nose. “You’re the one who saved my hide.” He sidles forward and shoves a bill into Castiel’s slack hand. Without another word, he takes off out of the alley and onto the street.
Once he’s out of sight, Castiel unclenches his hand. Dean tipped him ten dollars.
* * *
“How is this even more pungent than last time?” Castiel demands, nose wrinkling as he sets a now clean muffin tin back on the shelf. It’s been a week since he met Dean Winchester, and hadn’t gotten so much as a whiff of apple pie since then.
He is alone with Jo in the kitchen, since Benny’s early morning shift ends at eleven.
“I added a caramel drizzle,” Jo says, her scent rising with her self-satisfaction.
Castiel stares at her in horror. “Why on earth would you do that?”
“’Cause I’m trying to see what his limit is, and so far - nothing,” Jo says, shrugging. “Get to it. He’s real grouchy if you make him wait too long.”
“And why aren’t you taking it to him?” Castiel says, eyebrows rising. “Kevin’s moved onto multiple hearts now. Admittedly, his first one looked like a labia, but he’s gotten much better.”
“But Ruby didn’t show up, so we’re short staffed,” Jo says shortly. Outside, Kevin yells something indistinguishable though the kitchen door, and Jo winces.
Castiel takes the latte.
Just like last time, Dean is waiting, wearing a different flannel but the same jeans with the hole above the left knee. He abandoned the sunglasses, since the clouds overhead cast the whole alley in shade. They’re hanging from the vee of his shirt collar, pulling the fabric down a tempting extra inch.
Unfortunately, the fast food restaurant next door must have just taken out the trash last night, since the alley reeks of stale bread and rotting fish patties.
Castiel lets the door slam behind him, unable to hold back his corresponding smile as Dean lights up as he sees him.
“Thank god,” Dean says as he reaches for the latte. “I was starting to think Jo was gonna stiff me.”
“We’re short staffed at the moment,” Castiel says apologetically, “so you got me again.”
Dean eyes him over the lid of his cup. “Not a downside from where I’m standin’,” he drawls.
Castiel has no idea how to respond to that, so he doesn’t. Dean can’t mean it like Castiel thinks he does. He’s an actor, feeding people lines is the dictionary definition of his job. Instead Castiel asks, “No french fries this time?” because he’s not nearly ready to leave yet.
“Already ate ’em, while I was waiting,” Dean says dismissively.
Castiel shoves his hands in his pockets. “I’m sorry.”
“No harm, no foul,” Dean says with a little grin. “I got my caffeine fix eventually, and that’s what I really care about.”
“You look remarkably more put together than last time,” Castiel says as he leans against the doorway, watching Dean sip at his drink.
“Didn’t drink as much,” Dean says with a grin. He tips back his cup and takes a long pull. “Fries can only get you halfway there. Christ, that’s the stuff.”
Castiel can’t help but make a face. The latte smells horrendous; it can’t taste that much better.
“What?” Dean asks, eyes narrowing.
Castiel probably shouldn’t tell Dean what is exactly on his mind. Castiel has found very few people appreciate his default brand of honesty - Hunter’s Café customers, especially. But Dean isn’t technically his customer - he’s Jo’s - and Castiel has reached the point in his life where he doesn’t need to hang onto people who don’t like him and vice versa. Dean isn’t even providing extra publicity for the establishment, since he’s getting serviced in the alley behind the kitchen.
Technically, Castiel needs a celebrity acquaintance as much as he needs a free bag of cat food (he doesn’t have a cat).
But he does like having one.
A celebrity acquaintance, that is. Cats are inherently suspicious.
Reluctantly, Castiel says, “I can’t imagine that latte tastes very good.”
To his surprise, instead of demanding Jo bring him his coffee from now on, Dean laughs. “Not a fan of apple pie?”
“Not in my coffee.”
Dean takes an obnoxiously loud slurp. “I think it’s delicious.”
“I think your taste buds must be severely incapacitated.”
Dean waggles the near empty cup in front of Castiel’s face in what must be an enticing manner to someone with no sense of smell or taste. “Wanna try?”
Castiel valiantly holds back his recoil. “No, thank you.”
But Dean’s genial expression doesn’t waver. “‘M feeling pretty much human again, so it’s up for grabs.”
“I’d sooner lick the dumpster,” Castiel blurts before he can filter himself.
Dean whistles, rocking back on his heels. “Harsh.”
Castiel sighs. Honesty was a mistake. He mutters, embarrassed, “I’m just not a very big fan of sweets.”
“I’ve been living with my cousin while in graduate school at Columbia,” he explains, his tone apologetic for his earlier comment, “and he has a horrendous sweet tooth. I don’t think he’s ever seen a carrot that wasn’t in a cake first.”
A wide grin splits Dean’s face. He laughs.
What Castiel wouldn’t give to scent Dean’s joy for himself. “He would probably love that latte,” Castiel continues wryly.
“Probably,” Dean agrees. He taps his fingers against the sides of the cup as he asks, “So you’re in school? For what?”
“Do you really want to know?” Castiel asks seriously. He’s had too many conversations with strangers and casual friends who have asked the exact same question and regretted asking it almost immediately.
Dean ducks his head. “I don’t know any graduate students, and I,” he breaks off, his cheeks going pink, “I never went to college, so I have no idea what it means.” He sucks on the dregs of his latte, gaze dropping to the vicinity of Castiel’s knees.
“Oh,” Castiel says, feeling lighter. “In that case, I’m studying ethnomusicology.”
Dean’s eyes narrow in suspicion. “Are you fucking with me? That doesn’t sound real.”
“It’s a legitimate area of study,” Castiel assures him. “I research music as it pertains to culture and diverse elements of social life. Ethnomusicology focuses not only on the music itself, but music as a social process, as a medium for humans to relate to each other. In short, it examines how music functions in a particular society.”
To Castiel’s surprise, Dean doesn’t get the glazed-over look most people do when he explains his field of study. “So what kind of music are you talking about?”
Now it’s Castiel’s turn to flush. His colleagues, while they respect his academic reputation, have nearly all looked down on his chosen object of study. “One of the main tenets of ethnomusicology is a global perspective on music-”
“What, like Tibetan throat-singing?” Dean interrupts. At Castiels’ stare, he explains quickly, “Sammy had a phase.”
Castiel chuckles. “Yes, I do know a professor at Cornell who is studying just that. But my focus is much closer to home. I study,” he inhales a small breath, “tribute bands.”
Dean’s mouth twitches. “What.”
“Tribute bands offer a fascinating definition of the nature of performance, the difference between authenticity and identity,” Castiel says, already on the defensive. He can already hear his voice trying to fall into his usual academic patterns, and tries to rein himself in, “and historical consciousness in popular music. Here -” He pulls out his phone.
Dean listens in complete silence to Yellow Dubmarine’s cover of I Want You.
“Anyway,” Castiel coughs, embarrassed he made Dean sit through all that, “I also teach Rock and Roll from the 1950s to 1980s. There is a great deal of crossover with my specialty since most tribute bands recreate acts from the 60s to the 80s.”
“Dude,” Dean says in a rush, “if you think that makes you less interesting, you’ve got another thing coming.”
Castiel blinks.
“What bands are we talkin’ about?” he asks eagerly. “More Beatles? The Stones? The Who?”
Castiel nods. “I’m hoping to go to a Lez Zeppelin concert next month.”
“Led Zeppelin?”
“Lez,” Castiel says, emphasizing the ‘z’, “an all-female Led Zeppelin tribute band.”
Dean frowns. “They have a gimmick?”
Castiel shakes his head. “They’re completely sincere, I assure you.” He smiles wryly. “I interviewed Misstallica for a paper I’m writing on diverse, for lack of a better word, musicians in the tribute world, and they felt right at home with the long hair and tight pants. I’ve never met people who more adore the songs they perform.”
“Huh,” Dean says, rubbing his chin.
“Except maybe Air-O-Smith,” Castiel adds, “an American all-omega tribute band of Aerosmith.”
Dean’s eyes widen to the size of dinner plates.
“My favorite all-omega tribute band, though, is Omega You Eight One Two,” Castiel muses, “a Van Halen cover band.”
“Yeah, I got that,” Dean says faintly.
“Their lead guitarist, as you can imagine, is phenomenal.”
Dean shakes his head, his expression going slack. “Wait, seriously? That’s a thing? All omega acts?”
“Of course,” Castiel says. “That’s one of the most compelling aspects of tribute bands, when they flip the traditional male-alpha dynamic of the original, and how they translate that into their own act while keeping the whole performance authentic to the creators. It’s a fascinating process to watch and study.”
“I bet,” Dean says fervently. “Hey, d’you think-”
The back door opens before Dean can finish his sentence.
Jo pokes her head out, looking askance at the pair of them. “Are you still out here?” She glares at Dean. “Stop complaining about your diet, and let Castiel come back to work.”
Castiel’s mouth purses. “You’re on a diet?”
“Not on cheat day,” Dean tells him, lifting his empty cup. He turns to Jo. “And I wasn’t complaining at all. Cas was actually telling me about tribute bands.”
“Really?” Jo asks, her nose wrinkling.
Dean tosses his trash in the dumpsters. “They sound awesome.”
“I like them,” Castiel says lamely, off-footed now the conversation is clearly wrapping up.
Jo rolls her eyes, alpha irritation practically radiating off her. “Good for you.”
“Alright, well, I’ll let you deal with Joanna Beth on your own,” Dean says as he pulls out his wallet and hands Castiel a folded bill. He gives a mocking salute as he takes a step back, “Good luck, dude.”
“Thank you?”
“Come on, fanboy,” Jo growls once Dean’s disappeared from view, “back to work.”
* * *
“Can’t you take it?” Castiel asks, his tone verging on pleading, as Jo follows him back into the kitchen. It’s too early in the morning for another meeting, closer to first time Castiel met Dean at seven am compared to their last meeting at a little before eleven.
This past weekend, Castiel went down a spiral of Dean Winchester content. He read up on all of Dean’s recent projects, scanned headlines about rumors of his next film - some action thriller that Castiel presumes is the reason for Dean’s diet, and watched interview after interview. Dean on Stephen Colbert. Dean on Good Morning America. Dean on some very confusing show where they forced him to eat spicy chicken wings, which just seemed like an exercise in pepper-based sadism.
Castiel didn’t really understand the Saturday Night Live skit where Dean played one half of a demon-hunting brother duo, but the live studio audience laughed uproariously at multiple points.
Jo all but slams Dean’s latte on the ledge above the sink. “You know the health inspector is here. I can’t let Ruby near the guy, and you know how Kevin gets around figures of authority.”
Castiel sets down his tub of dirty dishes. “He nearly peed himself when he had to tell you he dropped a tray of scones over the floor last week,” he says flatly.
“Exactly,” Jo says. “Benny is busy,” she says, tipping her head to where Benny is adding more flour to a huge bowl.
“Cheers, darlin’.”
She turns back to Castiel. “So, you’re it today, champ.”
“Great,” Castiel grumbles.
“What?” Jo asks, her hands on her hips. “You seemed to get along with Dean. I actually didn’t know you could talk that much before I sent you back there.”
Castiel carefully transfers the dirty plates to the sink. “Getting along with him isn’t the problem,” he says darkly.
“Getting along with him too well is the issue?” Jo asks, her eyebrows rising.
Castiel scowls at her observation. Her emotional intuition is what makes her an excellent café manager, so he can hardly fault her for that. He doesn’t respond to her question.
“Take it to him,” Jo says, her tone softening. “He likes you.”
Castiel raises his head to stare at her. “How do you know that?”
Jo pulls her phone from her back pocket and waves it in his face. “We talk,” she says. “How do you think he orders every time? He’s not getting those lattes for free, not after I spent so much time getting them exactly right.”
Castiel can’t hold back his grimace. The latte still smells awful, like a vat of boiled candied apples.
“Look,” Jo says, lowering her voice, “Dean’s famous, sure, but he’s actually a very private person. He runs his mouth to anyone who’ll listen, but he never really says anything important. So he doesn’t really connect with a lot of people. If he says he likes you, I’m gonna say that’s a good thing - if you tell him I said this, I’ll kick your ass - and make you his designated errand boy.”
Castiel bites his lip. “But I don’t -”
“Dude, don’t make me pull the boss card,” Jo says, just the barest hint of threat in her words.
“Fine.” Castiel snatches the latte off the counter. “But I want a raise.”
“You can get a free sandwich.”
Castiel glares daggers as he shoulders open the back door.
But the alley is empty.
Castiel breathes through his mouth as he steps out. The overflowing dumpsters carry the odor of moldering cheese and more rancid fish, and the fryers next door are still going strong. He doesn’t find Dean lurking behind the trash for some strange reason, and he’s about to head back in and dump Dean’s latte down the sink when a shout makes him turn around.
“Hey, Cas!” Dean calls, jogging in from the brightly lit street.
“Hello, Dean.” He hands over the latte.
“Thanks - sorry.” Dean rubs the back of his neck with his other hand. “Some fans caught me sneaking in here, and wanted a selfie.”
“Oh,” Castiel says for lack of anything better to say.
Dean tips back his cup, his expression falling into pure bliss. “Christ, that’s so much better when I’m not hungover.”
Castiel stares. “You’re drinking that with all your capacities intact?”
“Ain’t no better way to enjoy pie,” Dean says, grinning widely.
Castiel rolls his eyes. “That’s not pie.”
“It’s as close as I’m gonna get at eight in the morning on a Thursday,” Dean says with a shrug.
Silence falls between them, and Castiel can’t help glancing over Dean’s shoulder, tentatively scanning for the people who caught his attention earlier. Plenty more would have approached Dean if he didn’t have Jo’s latte waiting for him; Castiel would bet his job on it.
Dean is a celebrity.
Castiel is a grad student who can’t even afford to support a guinea pig on his stipend and café salary.
After a long beat, Dean asks, a touch hesitantly, “So, what’ve you been up to?”
Stalking you on the internet.
“Nothing,” Castiel lies. At the slight fall in Dean’s expression, he adds, “I cleaned my kitchen over the weekend.”
Dean chuckles. “You’re a weird dude, you know that?”
Hurt, Castiel takes a step back. Jo probably needs him for… something.
“Not in a bad way!” Dean says quickly. “Shit,” he swears under his breath, “please don’t stop giving me coffee.”
Castiel hesitates. “Why is it weird that I cleaned my kitchen?” He frowns. “I suppose you employ someone to do that for you.”
Dean seesaws his free hand back and forth as he sips at his latte. “Not always,” he lowers his voice, “I actually like cleaning - it helps me relax and shit. There’s nothing like blasting some tunes and scrubbing out that stain on the counter that’s been annoying you forever.”
Castiel lowers his voice too. “Is this a secret?”
Dean grimaces. “Not really. But, you know, it’s one of those omega things.”
Castiel doesn’t know. Well, he knows it is a stereotypical omega trait to like housework, but he has no idea why Dean would whisper it in a back alley like he’s confessing to defrauding an elderly relative. “And that is bad because…?”
Dean takes a long pull from his cup. “I don’t want to hammer the omega thing home too hard, alright?”
“But you are an omega,” Castiel says, feeling a little stupid for saying it out loud.
“Yeah,” Dean sighs, “but if I lean into it, I’ll stop getting alpha roles.”
“You only want to play alphas?” Castiel asks curiously.
Dean’s mouth twists. “They’re the better parts. Omegas are always the damsels in distress or get killed off first for the plot.”
“I’m sure not all films are like that,” Castiel says. God knows, Anna made him sit through enough films with an omega protagonist that did not fit the typical romantic comedy restrictions.
“The last movie I saw,” Castiel says, hesitant because Dean must know more about this than him, “my sister recommended it, it had an omega lead who led a team of paranormal investigators. A sort of horror-comedy.”
Dean’s face loses some of its hostility. Almost intrigued, he asks gruffly, “D’you know who wrote it?”
“Not off the top of my head.” Castiel pulls out his phone to look it up. He reads aloud, “Ghostfacers, directed by Ed Zeddmore, written by Harry Spangler. Starred Maggie Zeddmore and Alan Corbett.” He pauses, trying to remember the details. “I think they both were omegas. I’m sure there are more films like Ghostfacers out there for you to make.”
Dean sips at his latte. “A few. None with big enough names attached to really get on my radar.”
“Well, if you signed on, wouldn’t there be a big name attached?”
“Yeah,” Dean says in a tone that clearly conveys he’s thought of this possibility before. He runs a hand through his hair. “It’s just - what if I take one of these roles, and it gets all this attention just ’cause I’m in it, and it flops?”
Castiel tilts his head. “That would hardly be your fault. Most failed films are hardly the work of one person. Usually, it’s a combination of a bad story, bad production, and bad acting.” He levels Dean an appraising look. “Right off the bat, you control two of those elements - pick a good script and act as well as you always have.”
Dean blinks. “You’ve seen my stuff?”
Castiel’s brow furrows. “I thought I already said I knew who you were?”
“Yeah, but,” Dean says, his voice petering off with embarrassment, “that didn’t mean you liked my movies.”
“The majority of America liked your last movie, Dean,” Castiel says dryly. “Either that, or you have a very hardworking and wealthy mother who poured a hundred million dollars into ticket sales.”
“I mean, Mom’s a fan, but not that big of a fan,” Dean says, chuckling. “I’m pretty sure she’d rather get a twenty-minute call from yours truly than sit through a two-hour flick with my name on the poster.”
Castiel hands over his phone. “Here,” he says, tilting it so Dean can see the summary of Ghostfacers.
Dean brightens as he reads through it. “The Alpha dies first?”
“He thought he could deal with the ghost on his own.”
“Typical alpha macho,” Dean snorts. His head snaps up as he gives the phone back. “No offense.”
“No offense taken,” Castiel says easily. “With my lifestyle, posturing is a waste of time. I’ve long ago resigned myself to not being the primary breadwinner in any future household.”
Castiel throws him a look. “I’m in academia, Dean. Tenure is hardly a guarantee. Even so, there isn’t a wealth of money out there for ethnomusicology grants.”
Dean tips his head in acknowledgement. “It’s awful big of you.”
“Just logical,” Castiel says evenly. “It shrinks my dating pool considerably, but I’d rather do what I love than compromise that much for any potential partner.”
Dean inhales a deep breath, his eyes unfathomable. “I get that.”
“If it means I can’t afford to mate a house-omega, I’ll just have to keep cleaning my kitchen myself,” Castiel finishes with a shrug.
Dean grins. “I mean, if you spot me a six pack and don’t tell my trainer about it, I’ll clean your kitchen.”
Castiel turns bright red. He can’t bring himself to respond to that offer, so he changes the subject.
* * *
Castiel doesn’t even bother pretending to protest as Jo barges into the kitchen, the telltale scent of sugary apples wafting around her like a palpable shield. Castiel already set himself for heartbreak where Dean Winchester is concerned. He might as well take advantage of every interaction he has left.
He went to sleep late last night, watching one of Dean’s earlier movies. He was slimmer and younger, but he still shone with his signature charisma and talent. For the first time since Castiel started the morning shift at Hunter’s Café, he snoozed his alarm.
Hurrying through his morning routine, Castiel couldn’t help resenting Dean just a little. If only Dean hadn’t chosen a profession where his literal job is to be whatever his audience wants him to be.
As Castiel pushes open the door, Dean is waiting outside. Dark sunglasses shield his green eyes, and a violet bruise blooms over his left eyebrow. As the door slams shut behind Castiel, Dean winces. His left hand holds a half-empty paper container of french fries.
“Hello, Dean,” Castiel says. “You don’t look good.”
“Tell me about it,” Dean says darkly. “Gimme.”
Castiel pauses. “Did your hangover eliminate your manners?”
Dean flushes bright red. “No,” he mutters. “Sorry, Cas. I just feel like shit.”
“You look like shit,” Castiel says frankly as he hands it over.
“Thanks,” Deans says, his voice sour as old lemons. “I told Charlie tequila shots before Monopoly was a bad idea, but did anyone listen to me?” He gestures to his face. “Next thing I know, Jo’s throwing Charlie’s bag of DnD dice at my head.”
“You got that playing Monopoly? Wait, Jo did this to you?” he demands, gesturing to the cafe behind him. “Jo Harvelle?”
Dean just glares over the rim of his coffee cup. “Yeah, Katniss got me good.”
“God, why?”
One corner of Dean’s mouth lifts in a distinctly smug smirk. “’Cause she was going bankrupt, and she had to sell her last property to me.”
“So this was because of Monopoly,” Castiel says dubiously. In his experience, a board game has never led to actual violence.
Dean shrugs. “Game nights get intense. Why do you think I’m always bangin’ down your door the morning after?”
Castiel can’t believe it. “You’ve been getting this drunk at a game night? Every time?”
“So what?” Dean shoves four french fries in his mouth. “Whaddya think I was doin’?”
“Partying?” he suggests.
Dean snorts. “Maybe six years ago when I was doing B-level flicks and trying to meet as many people as I could. Now I have a back-to-back shooting schedule and hangovers if I don’t pace myself.”
Castiel watches Dean polish off his fries at a truly impressive and horrifying speed. He can’t help asking, “Why was Jo at your game night?”
“’Cause she’s a menace who knows how to pick locks?” Dean heaves a weighty sigh. “I’ve known Jo since we were kids. She and her mom - who started Hunter’s Café - were my neighbors.”
“I had no idea.”
Dean gestures to the alley with a wry hand. “Jo likes to keep it under wraps.”
“I see why Jo keeps making those drinks for you,” Castiel says, nodding at the half-finished latte in Dean’s hand.
“You didn’t make it?” Dean says, and does he sound almost disappointed?
Castiel shakes his head. “Jo is keeping the recipe close to the chest.”
“Probably worried everyone’ll want one if they get the taste.” Dean tips the cup back.
Castiel can’t help his noise of disgust. At Dean’s sharp look, he says aloud, “She’s probably worried everyone will never come back if they try it.”
Dean’s laugh cuts off with a wince. He raises a hand to his head. “Christ, last night was a mistake.”
Castiel surreptitiously scents the air for a better gauge of how discomfited Dean really is, but, as always, all he gets is trash and fryer oil. “How are you doing? Apart from the injury, headache, and general hangover-related malaise.”
“Oh, apart from that?” Dean echoes mockingly, but his words lack any heat. He crams a few fries into his mouth. “I asked my agent to send me a few more scripts with omega roles,” he mutters.
Castiel smiles. “That’s great.”
Dean hums his agreement. “Hopefully, she’ll pick out a decent one, and I can get something set up for after Two for the Show wraps.”
“Is Two for the Show the reason for your diet?”
Dean huffs. “Yeah. I have a bunch of shirtless scenes, so that means three months with the diet coach from hell.”
Castiel makes a noise of sympathy. After a moment, he asks, “Is it worth it?”
Dean chews a fry, scowling between bites. “Not really,” he says in a low voice. “Sammy’s the farmers market maniac in the family.” Wistfully, he continues, “Give me a good cheeseburger deluxe every day for the rest of my life with a side of pie, and I’ll die a happy man.”
“I didn’t think apple pie came as a side.”
“Not for you, maybe,” Dean says with an obnoxiously loud slurp of his latte.
Castiel doesn’t bother holding back his smile.
Dean sighs, rubbing his temple with the heel of his hand. “It’s just like, I don’t look like a traditional omega, so I figured I might as well try for the alpha roles.” He swallows. “’S a win-win situation. I look the part and the characters are better - what’s the downside?”
Castiel cocks his head. “Other than your restricted diet and inadvisable levels of drinking?”
A humorless smile pulls at Dean's mouth. “Not pullin’ the punches this morning, huh?”
Castiel colors, his face heating with shame. “I’m sorry. I didn’t sleep well.” An inadequate excuse, but it’s not like he can tell Dean the real reason for his more uncharitable thoughts.
Castiel has never been one to lean into his alpha instincts. Possessiveness, aggression, arrogance - Castiel has had his (mostly regrettable) moments, but they hardly define his character. But over these past few weeks, he’s had to repeatedly tell himself that he can’t solve Dean’s problems. Dean is a wildly successful adult with millions of fans, while Castiel can’t even handle Hunter Cafe's front counter during the morning rush.
Dean would hardly welcome a nobody little alpha telling him to just… do what he wants and damn the consequences because he deserves to be happy with his life and his work.
Dean plucks out the rest of his fries and balls the wrapper against his hip. He lobs it in the dumpster. “No, I get it. I’m complaining about things that most people would kill to have.” He glances towards the mouth of the alley, his mouth set in a thin line.
But before Dean can leave, Castiel says quickly, “That’s not the way I see it. Your specific frustrations aren’t universal, but hardly anyone’s are. Society is inherently unfair, and it’s understandable to be angry about it.”
God knows Castiel railed enough about the unfairness of Dean Winchester to Gabriel enough over the past few weeks.
Even now, hungover and bruised, Dean is beautiful.
Castiel steels himself. “And, for what it’s worth, I don’t think not looking like a typical omega is a bad thing.”
Dean turns to him in surprise, and Castiel would give up that free sandwich Jo offered him to be able to scent what exactly Dean is feeling. But, after a second that stretches into an eternity, all Dean gives him is a quiet, “Thanks, Cas.”
Castiel nods, chastised by Dean’s reaction. “I should get back to work,” he says awkwardly.
Dean mutters something that might be a swear underneath his breath. Raising his voice, he says, his tone apologetic, “’Course. Sorry for keeping you.”
Castiel shakes his head. “It’s alright. I,” he pauses, “always enjoy talking to you.”
Dean’s mouth lifts into a small smile, and it’s like the sun rising through the early morning fog. “You too, man.”
* * *
After his next shift, Castiel asks Jo to show him how to make Dean’s apple pie latte.
Castiel’s first attempt is a disaster. He burns the espresso and adds too much nutmeg. Jo makes him try it anyway, as a non-monetary payment for her time. As Castiel gags, a smirking Jo dumps the bitter, weirdly savory mess down the sink.
“Passable,” Jo declares at Castiel’s second try. “You need more of the apple concentrate, though.”
“It’ll be too strong,” Castiel protests even as he shakes more powder in and gives it a stir. He hands it back to Jo for evaluation.
“You could barely taste it!” Jo says. She raises it to her lips. “Mm, that’s the stuff.”
“It is?” Castiel asks hopefully.
Jo nods and pushes the cup towards him. “That’s what it’s supposed to taste like.”
Castiel frowns as the overly sweet apples hit his tongue. He can barely taste the coffee underneath all the other layers.
“Trust me,” Jo says, flipping her hair behind her shoulder as she sets Castiel up for a third cup. “Your scent’s getting in the way, but it tastes exactly like an apple pie.”
“My scent?” Castiel echoes, baffled.
Jo throws him a look as she pushes a clean coffee cup into his hands. “Yeah, you already smell, I dunno, crisp but sweet? A little like apples. Makes you think the latte dials it up to eleven when it’s more like a nine for everyone else.”
Castiel hadn’t thought to put those pieces together, but it makes an astonishing amount of sense.
He brings his last apple pie latte home to Gabriel, and his cousin makes him write down, step by step, how to make it. In between actual licks into the cup to get the dregs, Gabriel swears to visit him at Hunter’s Café more often.
When Jo next ducks her head into the kitchen to tell Castiel that Dean will swing by in fifteen minutes, Castiel gets to work. He awkwardly sidles behind the front counter and maneuvers around Ruby and Kevin, nearly knocking Kevin’s elbow as Kevin attempts some elaborate leaf pattern.
Castiel draws a rudimentary apple on top of Dean’s latte, and if it looks more like a misshapen mango, nobody will see it but Dean.
For the first time, Castiel heads out to wait for Dean at the mouth of the alley.
Dean doesn’t keep him in suspense for long. He makes his way down the street, shoulders hunched, and head bowed. Gaze fixed on the dirty sidewalk, Dean doesn’t make eye contact with anyone as he turns the corner.
Dean isn’t even wearing sunglasses or a hat to hide his face, but everyone walks straight past him.
It’s the most riveting performance Castiel has ever seen.
A few steps away, Dean catches sight of him, and it’s like some magic switch is flipped on, and he is Dean Winchester again.
Smiling brightly, he jogs the rest of the distance and follows Castiel as he slinks further back into the alley. Dean wrinkles his nose as they get closer to the dumpsters and the smell of an entire rancid fast food menu hits him. “Hey, Cas,” he says as he takes his latte. “Thanks.”
“Of course,” Castiel says, tipping his head.
Dean stares down oddly at the demented pear and takes a sip. Face going slack with a bliss Castiel doesn’t even need to smell, Dean groans.
Castiel freezes and sends up a silent prayer of thanks for the apron covering his lower half over his pants. “It’s good?” he tries futilely because Dean is clearly beyond speech.
Dean just gives him a thumbs up as he lowers the cup. He licks his lips, chasing the taste, and Castiel has seen pornography less graphic.
“I might have to tip Jo this time too,” Dean says, staring at the latte in his hand in wonder.
Castiel coughs. “I - I made this one, actually.”
Dean chokes on his next mouthful. “Are you serious?”
Castiel nods because if he opens his mouth he’s not sure what exactly will come out. Probably something highly embarrassing.
“This is the best one I’ve ever had,” Dean swears.
Castiel’s whole body heats with the force of his blush. “Thank you. I asked Jo how to make it, since it seems like I’ve taken over your delivery duties.”
Dean grins. “You’re a lot more fun than Jo,” he says lightly, “so I’m not complainin’.”
Castiel didn’t think he could get any redder, but here he is.
After an awkward beat, Dean says, “I think I found my next movie.”
Dean shrugs, but his eyes glimmer with anticipation. “It’s a World War II biopic about an omega who sneaks into the army, disguises himself as an alpha, and rescues a unit trapped behind enemy lines.” He taps his fingers against the side of his half-empty cup. “A little on the nose, but the script is good.”
“It sounds very promising,” Castiel agrees.
“Their biggest problem was the budget - historical pics aren’t cheap. But they think if I sign on early, they can leverage my name with the studio.” He smiles shyly. “Get the movie done right.”
“That’s fantastic,” Castiel says, a delightful warmth filling his chest - still a pale reflection of Dean’s excitement.
“Thanks to you.”
Castiel’s eyes widen in surprise. “Me?”
Dean throws him a funny look. “Yeah, you. You told me to get my head outta my ass and movies I actually like doing-”
“Not in so many words-” Castiel interjects, alarmed.
“’Cause the whole point of doing these stupid macho alpha flicks was so I could get the clout and money to do the stuff I actually liked,” Dean continues. “And I kept thinking, can’t do it yet, not there yet, until some rando tells me, fuck yeah you can.”
“I definitely didn’t say that-”
“It was implied,” Dean says blithely, waving off his protests. “So I figured, if this dude who doesn’t know me from Adam-”
“I’ve seen several of your films.”
“- tells me to go for it - it being something I’d thought of doing for years - is there any real reason why I shouldn’t?”
Castiel just stares at him, stunned.
Dean beams. “I’ve got a meeting with the director next week.”
“That’s wonderful,” Castiel says sincerely.
“Anyway, yeah, it’s partially thanks to you,” Dean says, tipping his latte in Castiel’s direction. “I also want to talk about romantic B-plot since I think it’s stupid.” He shakes his head, scoffing. “True mates, bullshit.”
“You think true mates are bullshit?”
As far as Castiel saw online, Dean’s never spoken on the record about true mates or any mates at all. Entertainment news sources reported rumors about him and a one-named alpha singer, Amara, early in his career, which he denounced thoroughly. A few months later, someone published revealing photos of him and an older alpha actor, Fergus Crowley. When asked about it, Dean refused to give details.
Dean makes a face. After a pause, he says, “My parents said they were true mates, but it wasn’t… pretty. No Hollywood romance between them.”
“I’m sorry.”
“’S fine,” Dean says in a tone that clearly says it isn’t. “Whenever Dad took off for a few days, I’d get to watch as many movies as I wanted, and - well, the rest is history.”
“I don’t know anyone who’s found their true mate,” Castiel says. His parents had a cold, distant marriage. A few times over the years, he wasn’t sure his mother even liked his father’s scent. Anna happily mated another omega last year, and Gabriel avoids all romantic entanglements like the black plague.
Castiel’s dating history can best be described as dismal. During his last visit to his pediatrician, his doctor called him a “late bloomer” which Castiel eventually realized just meant socially awkward. In the decade since, Castiel’s slept with a grand total of three people. And, to his supreme regret, none of them managed to bring his rusty people skills up to par.
But, in college, Castiel found music and his calling. And all his faults didn’t matter nearly as much.
In the crowd of a concert, people are so far outside the ordinary conditions of life, and so conscious of the fact, that they free themselves from individual concerns and devote themselves wholly to the collective. All their fury, their joy, their hunger for what they can’t have, is sublimated into the music.
Castiel has never felt more connected to humanity than in the middle of a crowd.
Truthfully, none of his past relationships ever measured up. None of his past partners ever managed to get Castiel out of his own head - not like the music.
Castiel shakes his head ruefully. “I wouldn’t know what to do with a true mate even if I had one.”
“Have a lot of super sappy sex with the lights on?” Dean offers, laughing.
Castiel frowns. “I wasn’t aware that kind of intercourse was restricted to true mates. I’ve done that in the past since I've always shared an emotional connection with the people I've slept with.”
“Oh,” Dean says, reddening. “Were you mated? Jo didn’t say.”
Inordinately pleased that Dean had asked Jo about him, Castiel shakes his head. “No, I’ve never been mated.”
Dean drains his latte. Swallowing, he says, “Me neither.” He throws the cup in the open dumpster and turns back to Castiel. “I haven’t dated in a while, actually,” he says in a low voice. “Couldn’t risk being seen with an alpha and remind everyone of what I’m not.”
Castiel narrows his eyes. “Surely people can’t be that close-minded.”
“’Course they can. Most are,” Dean says, his voice full of assurance.
Castiel’s mouth twists. “That sounds like a negativity bias to me.”
“Negative information sticks with us longer and more strongly than any positive counterpart,” Castiel says with a shrug. “It’s something I always keep in mind when reading my course reviews after the semester is over.”
“So," Dean says, eyes dancing, "you can take the nerd out of the classroom, but you can’t take the classroom out of the nerd, huh?”
Castiel smiles wryly. “Trust me, I’ve tried.”
Dean laughs. “Look,” he starts, his expression turning a fraction more serious. “I might be fucking up a good thing here, but do you want to go to a Lez Zeppelin show next week?”
Castiel’s mouth falls open as Dean reaches out and pulls out his phone to show him a ticket confirmation email.
“It’s no big if you don’t want to,” Dean says awkwardly into the silence.
“I - I do,” Castiel says, stumbling over the words. “You do?”
“Uh,” Dean throws him a bemused look, “Yeah? I bought the tickets, dude.”
“I’m just surprised,” Castiel says honestly.
Dean stares at him. “This is seriously comin’ out of nowhere for you?”
“A little,” Castiel says defensively.
Castiel shrugs helplessly. “You’re … you. You’re famous. Why would you ask me?”
“Because I like you?” Dean says, nonplussed. “You’re nice in a way a lot of the alphas I know aren’t, and,” he breaks off, reddening, “you said you didn’t mind that I didn’t fit in with other omegas, looks-wise-”
“I don’t,” Castiel interrupts. “I think you’re the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen.”
Dean gapes. “Did you seriously -” he breaks off, apparently unable to voice the rest of his thought. His face turns an impressive shade of crimson.
Castiel shoves his hands in his pockets. “Should I not have said that?” he asks, brow furrowing. This can’t be the first time Dean has been complimented on his looks. As Castiel understands, good looks are one of the main precursors to acceptance in Hollywood.
“No - I mean, maybe - never mind,” Dean fumbles, more out of sorts than Castiel has ever seen him. “It’s that nobody just out and says that, even to me.”
“I just did.”
“Yeah, I got that,” Dean says, but he’s smiling. “You should look in the mirror sometime, though.” He winks, and Castiel’s brain nearly fritzes out. “So that’s a yes?”
Castiel nods, an all-encompassing warmth filling his chest and exploding out to the tips of his fingers and toes. “I’d love to.”
“It’s a date.”
Read Part II here!
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im not very sure if you're doing abcs for the trio but if u do could u pls maybe do C N O and S for vlad? <3
No worries! I don't see why not, my knowledge is just a little more limited for them is all~
Hope you enjoy these, lovely! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Aight y’all it’s time for me to put on my clown shoes as god intended
Though man, what a delightfully rainy day today to write =v=
Fluff ABCs Template here
Cuddling -- How does he like to cuddle?
He is a simple man, with simple needs.
That being said, I think he’s one for a lot of gentle affection. Despite appearances–I mean hell, he literally wears a necklace of thorns–he’s actually a very tender lover. Loves hand-holding, scooting close under umbrellas, making shapes out of the little beauty marks that dot her skin. He will take any excuse to hold her and run with it.
Ideally, I think he prefers privacy above all else, most typically in his room in the castle. This side of him, so soft with his love for her, belongs to her and her alone. He refuses to let anyone else kill his immersion the moment (cue Charles dragging Faust away from doing something disruptive and stupid), or indulge in the sight of her so rosy-cheeked and loving. Loves dropping little kisses to the crown of her head, her shoulders, the backs of her hands. He’s waited so many long years to be able to hold her close like this, to feel the heat of her blush and the tinkle of sweet giggles when he nips and pecks at her pretty skin. All of this, every single second, is beyond value to him…he cherishes each memory close to his heart, crystallized fragments of joy in a life so bereft of it.
His favorite position for cuddling tends to be a kind of side lean. Usually she’ll be lying down (or turned towards him, sometimes) while he’s on his side beside her (usually against a wall or the back of a sofa). He loves that he can gaze at her as much as he likes this way, he really can’t get enough. The person he was searching for all this time, right here, no sign of leaving…
Nightmare -- What is his worst fear?
Oh boyo boy. Oh boy...
Honestly, I really don’t see anything horrifying him as much as losing MC. I don’t think he’s a man above fear. He hates being abandoned, he’s afraid of the world being torn apart by humanity’s indifference.
But nothing compares to the shattering fear of losing MC.
I think he has a very particular intense fear about losing loved ones because of the nature of his life history. He is still deeply affected by his entire clan being wiped out by hunters, leaving him alone to carry the weight of that legacy and loss. While he couldn’t help but give his heart to the woman who saved him, the reality of his terror is undeniable. After so many centuries of searching, after so many years of feeling hollow and alone…Even now, he has never come to terms with the way his family was ripped away from him. To know the gentleness of love again, to finally have a hand to hold only to lose it…
Well, I really can’t imagine the terrifying result of that. I imagine he would be far beyond reason.
Whenever he has bad dreams of the very same fear, he is nigh inconsolable. He holds her very tightly without saying a word (which is unlike him) and she'll know not to let him go for a while. She murmurs calming things, promises of things they'll do together in the future, strokes his hair and rubs his back. They only leave the bed when he's feeling somewhat stabilized again, but even so he'll hold her hand for longer than usual days after. Embraces her more, finds any excuse to hide away.
Oddity -- What is one quirk he has?
I think one part of him that is overlooked is that he is a man very interested in the nature of contradiction, the duality that resides in all things–himself included. Some parts of his preoccupation are more obvious than others. For instance, he loves flowers due to the nature of their ephemeral beauty, but also enjoys trying to preserve them to let their appeal survive. There’s also the fact that flowers can look or smell lovely, but can harbor poisons strong enough to kill grown human beings. (Not unlike him.)
He is a vampire in which the front-end of his operations is a cathedral, and I imagine that was a purposeful move as well. There are so many angles to consider here, namely two obvious ones that come to mind. There is the non-threatening concept of the cathedral: in which people assume it is a safe haven, a place to seek care/assistance/prayer (not entirely so in this case, even if Faust plays priest.) There’s the possibility that vampire hunters are typically supplied by/supported by the church (not sure if this is the case here, but it is a common trope). That would mean Vlad would be using the face of the very human institution that ruined his life to enact revenge, to say nothing of the potential risk of hunters seeking sanctuary only to run into a den of vampires.
There is also wondering whether or not he purposely wears that necklace of thorns ;;;;; (For anyone unaware, there was the whole Jesus wearing a crown of thorns specifically as an extension of humiliation, branding him the “fake king" of the Jewish people.) My contention here would be that he is basically saying “lmao, I’m your suffering saint now.” Or maybe he’s just really into masochistic jewelry, I have no idea.
He appears to have a kind of obsession with subverting norms/conventional expectations, and I have to wonder if it runs with his general underdog theme…
Secrets -- How open is he with her?
Despite his generally guarded nature, with MC he is entirely transparent when they’re in a relationship. Unless he doesn’t want to scare her or simply feels something would be best shared at a later time, he makes no real attempt to hide anything from her. If she asks and he knows the answer, he’ll spill.
(Okay but sometimes it gets hilarious, because say Faust has been trying for years to get info out of him about some stupidly specific thing. And Vlad is always very evasive, dances out of reach, plain ignores him. MC asks and he’s just like “oh yeah, in 1582 I remember–” It’s a wonder Faust never throws hands about it, pisses him off so much LMFAO)
Before their relationship was established he hesitated more, largely because the nature of his existence and his ties to her were a lot to take in at the time. I think he prefers not to overwhelm her whenever possible. It’s very much a kind of “I won’t info drop on you thoughtlessly, but if you ask me a question I’ll do my best to answer with the truth.”
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oh-for-fic-sake · 3 years
The Stand In Chapter Fourteen
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Summary: After your little adventure in the meadow henry has no issues with showing off the budding relationship. And you soon find that the closer you got the harder it was to ignore the attraction between you both. Henry was suffering just as much as you, so why not just ask to help?
Warnings: Adult Situations 18+, Smut, No Minors!!, Swearing, Hand Job, Slight Sounding, Ruined Orgasm, Horny Nerds Being Horny, Violence, Heated confrontation Fluff.
A/N: so ended up switching a few things around on this one. I'm proud of this though, I'm trying to make this realistic with their interactions with the anxiety and nerves but in the end love conquers all. I hope you all enjoy xx
wordcount: 21,000+ (sorry 😅)
Taglist- many tags aren't working and I'm unsrue why so I'm going to add them ass reblogs to try and fix it.
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You shrunk into the seat of the car as henry pulled into set. He swung the car around parking it just between your and joeys buses. You saw Joey, Tee and Anya watching you both from the small tent awning Joey had on the front of his bus. They eyed you knowingly as they sat outside in the shade having a little break between takes.
"You know I forgot how fun these little Peugeots are! Shes like a little turbo go cart!" Henry said grinning ear from ear as he flicked off the ignition. And leaned slumping in the seat, then made you jump with a heavy hand landing on your thigh with a clap sound, his hand swooped down between your legs lightly smoothing the tiny swollen wound. You winced a little at the small sting but henry hushed you, pivoting in the seat to face you concerned, hand still smoothing over your leg, then patted as he spoke to you.
"Honey? You doing okay there? You look upset" he said slowly drawing your attention away from the others who were chatting away to one another stealing glances. And your not suprized, henry was driving topless and they could see it no doubt.
"Y-yeah I'm fine... I'm not upset just? Thinking is all?" you stuttered a little turning to face him pressing a hand to his curling your fingers around his thumb. Henry sighed, he could see the worry in your eyes. You were frightened of being judged, for some reason. He had to school his features as you bit your lip. He told himself it was because that had been the first time anything like that had happened. He was going to be your first everything. But you needed time to adjust to it, needed time to realise you were an adult and you were allowed to do these things. That it was okay- more then okay! Perfect even. You needed time to realise you were allowed to fall in love With him, and he had to give you a good enough reason.
"Hey its fine, please don't worry I've got you love, no one will know if we don't tell them... What we do is our business. We don't owe anyone any explanations and even if they do find out about our little naughtiness I doubt they will tell on us" he spoke up, trying to reassure you, he wanted you to know he had your back, that he understood and was with you every step of the way. He could remember his first ever sexual exploration. It was scary and new, but fantastic and rewarding. He wanted you to be comfortable. And you had been! You hadn't given him any indication you hadn't liked it. In fact your all but curled around him afterwards, blushing sweetly and littering his chest with kisses and soft caresses.  
You were both on cloud nine, it was only when he got a few hundred yards away you began getting quiet and shy again. You thought they would know. Mind racing, feeling more and more upset with yourself as he drove the car into the carpark along side the busses.
" y/n if you want to keep this... relationship a secret a little longer I don't mind, I will wait as long as you need love-"
"I-its not that- I'm not ashamed of what we did...or do! I don't care if they know we are... together?" Henry nodded slowly smiling more and more. He couldn't help feeling a small sense of pride, he had a victory! You were coming around! He was ecstatic, it was the first time you ever admitted you were going steady. The first time he had heard you call this what it is. You were together. A couple, courting dating whatever! It all came to the same end result.  
You were his, and he was yours exclusively. Henry was soo caught up in his excitement, the revelation that you were ready to be seen as his little lady about set 'officially' that he had almost missed your next words.
"I just I mean I'm not used to it is all... I'm happy with us though with how things are going...Like the dates and...Exploring and stuff..." you muttered squeezing his thumb in your hand trying not to sound whiney, or childish. But you were embarrassed.
"I just don't want you to feel that you have to let everyone know if you don't want to... if word got out, I don't want to embarrass you" you uttered quietly letting your fears come to light. You were uneasy and aware of what this could be seen as- people could mistake you for boyfriend and girlfriend and you didn't want them to until you knew yourself. For the time being you were just dating. Nothing was set in stone or official yet, and you wasn't going to press him and come across as a selfish, needy little virgin. Your eyes flicked to the others once more and a panic set in.
'what if they knew?- they could see it or smell it... And Henry isn't wearing a top- its fucking drenched! And... Oh my god I'm a fucking slag! They will know! Joey Anya- they would find out and then? Oh god no... This was a bad idea- he's gonna drop you now... Your a fucking slut! And ruined his tank... Because your a slut... OH GOD What is Tee gonna say? Would she judge you too? think your throwing yourself at henry? That you were too easy? Were you a whore? Slut? You'd let him do that in the middle of a fucking field? Wouldn't they all see that as something slutty?... What does he really think of me now?... I'm a fucking cheap slut, I should have stopped him, and... And then I'd? Regret it... could I ever regret it? He fucked me on his tongue?! HE FUCKED ME! OH GOD.. OH MY GOD , TALK ABOUT BAPTISM OF FIRE!... no no I'd  never regret that, never regret my first sexual encounter being with this gorgeous man, strong gorgeous experienced man who had me riding his face like a champ'
Your thoughts raged and you slowly began flushing reliving the way he had managed to have you come undone to thoroughly, but suddenly you were snapped out of them by a warm set of lips pressing sweetly against yours. A hand cupping the back of your neck possessively. You moaned a little as henry pulled you to meet him in the middle of the car, snogging you over the hand break. You shivered drinking him in as he invaded, conquering your mouth with teeth and tongue that had a slightly different taste. Your tummy flipped as you realised it was probably you... But it didn't gross you out? Not like you thought it would, if anything it gave you a rush. He tasted of you, you had branded him in a way. Claimed his mouth for yourself in a new and enticing way. It made you feel smug.
He groaned tightening his hand on your thigh that he still held and began a languid journey north. His hand finally settled twisting cupping your still damp centre makeing you whine and try to arch away from him, stupidly you didn't want him to feel how needy you was for him. Which was silly as he knew by now just how much he turned you on.
"You still there honey?" he purred against your lips smiling as you fluttered your lashes at him, revealing a dazed set of eyes. You bit your lip and nodded trying to ignore the huge possesive hand holding you intimately.
"Good, I'd hate to loose your attention again~ especially when your thinking yourself in circles, making yourself guilty for something you shouldn't." He muttered into your cheek pressing kiss after kiss along the smooth skin moving lower and lower teasing your jaw with a sharp nip. His hand stayed put not moving at all, instead it was you who moved, unable to deny your hips from rolling onto his palm despite your knickers still being wet from your earlier activities. You were weak for him, and you wont even deny it.
"I'm so happy, so happy to hear you say that you don't want to hide love. I want nothing more then to parade you around set, to kiss and cuddle you as I see fit, I find it hard holding back sometimes I just want to scoop you up and steal kisses... Do you really mean it? Can I? Can I love you openly?" He asked in a needy tone you'd not heard before. Your heart seized as the word love left him. 'L-love did he just? HOLY SHIT... OH MY GOD-HE LOVES ME?! I... no no no ... just no he didn't say he loves you... just that he could love you as in affection... but he didn't say I love you so... But... He wants people to see! To know you were... a couple? Or dating, he isn't ashamed or anything! so that must count! It must mean he has real feelings! This isn't a fling! FUCK YOUR NOT IN A FLING! YOUR BUILDING A FUCKING RELATIONSHIP! Fuck yes! That's my man.  My man. Henry Cavill, Mr thunder thighs himself- Geralt of mother fucking Rivia in the flesh- and what tantalising flesh it is... thick and fucking juicy'  
Henry held his breath cursing inwardly as you froze face morphing into shock as he asked his final question. The word love slipping out, he didn't regret it, it was the truth. But he did panic, it was too early for him to say that! Fuck he was only just making this into a semi-public relationship. Still trying to convince you that he wanted you truly and he goes and jumps the gun, saying too much too soon. But he meant every word. Henry was in love with you it was just that simple. He opened his mouth to try and save himself some humiliation of being called out on it, or turned down. God forbid. But a smile lit up your face and you tipped your head to the side becoming shy flushing and twiddling your fingers nervously then spoke sweetly.  
"I-yes Henry... There's no harm, I thought you didn't want to? Not in public anyway..." you uttered feeling light, you hadn't realised how much you had needed to hear him say the words out loud. That he wanted  to be affectionate in public. I mean sure he was a little handsy in front of your parents but that was different they were your parents. But in front of the others? On set?  
But then again you shouldn't be too surprised, the man had kissed you in front of the crew after 'that' scene. At the time you just thought... Well you wasn't sure what you'd thought. But you handt thought it was on purpose, it was an accident wasn't it? He hadn't meant to kiss you or hold you as he did.
"Of course I want to show affection to my girl~ I always want to kiss and hold you but.. I don't want to push you, don't want to frighten you away and screw everything up" he spoke into your jaw still lathering you with kisses then trailed further down, pressing an open mouthed kiss on your neck. You responded quietly groaning when his hot mouth captured your pulse point and his tongue danced over it swiping  across it in fast motions mimicking what he had been doing earlier between your thighs then he pulled back ,sucking hard on the humming vein below making you whine.
"I-I'm not frightened, and  and I don't think you can frighten me aw-ay... or s-screw up. I-I love the time we spend together and the direction we are heading in, I'm just shy and nervous your my-" You stopped the trembling in your voice and stuttering coming to an end. You didn't want to finish that sentence. He wasn't your anything, you went on dates but there was nothing officially said, he called you his but never his girlfriend or other half. So really you wasn't a proper couple quite yet. And honestly you wasn't sure how to approach the subject. Asking him to be your boyfriend seemed to juvenile but saying you wasn't a couple out loud could ruin what relationship you had with one another. It was a risk you didn't want to take.
"I just? I wasn't frightened okay?. Of any of that, I was just ah!~ wond-dering if they will report you for drivi-ing uninsured" you said with a small shy smile gasping placing a hand to his chest as he helped himself to your slim neck, gnawing gently before dragging his teeth over the now damp skin. You groaned as his hand on your crotch began moving slowly side to side fingers curling them, clawing at you teasingly as if trying to tear a hole in your wet knickers.
You gasped and arched at him dropping a hand to his thick wrist as you saw the others eyeing the car curiously. Wondering why you both hadn't got out of the car yet. Henry chuckled pulling away from you completely letting you slump into the seat with a slow breath.
"Oh yeah? Me too I mean me driving your car is technically illegal~ don't tell me your mind was in the gutter?" He said with a cheeky grin and bit his lip sending you an over exaggerated wink. Then opened the door slipping out of the car.
"I-you HENRY!" You called out to him flushing knowing damn well what he had meant! Henry just shook his head at you snorting a laugh and waved a lazy hand to the small group sitting out side joeys bus watching.  
"The one an only honey, now come on out of the car, I think Joey is gonna be sick she doesn't look to happy" Henry said pulling the seat forward releasing the hounds from their seat belts in the back of the car.
"I'm not surprized! Her second car ride and you drove like a mad man!" You snipped exiting the car the  faced henry looking at him over the roof as he scooped up a queasy pup who looked traumatised.
"I'm sorry love these are just too fun!" He said closing the door behind him as Kal darted out of the car, even he seemed to be happy once having all four paws on the ground.
You rolled your eyes and rounded the car taking the keys as Henry locked it then found yourself tucked up beside him under one arm. You tensed as henry directed you both over to the others. You did try to pull away, but it was a knee jerk reaction. This was the first time he had acted like a couple in front of them and honestly? You were nervous. You didn't know why you just were.
Henry squeezed you to him then handed you joey, which you were thankful for, it gave you something to do with your hands. You petted her slowly as she wriggled to get comfy.  
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"So where were you two all morning?" Joey asked as you both stood under the shade wanting to be out of the sun asap. It was too damn hot!
Tee watched with a knowing smile, she could definitely tell something had happened but not what. The look she gave meant she'd be hounding you later. Joey was grinning up at you arching his brows the half naked man then you clearly enjoying you both being all snuggly. Then again he had a bet. Anya took a sip of her drink smirking eyeing you carefully, as if you were a puzzle to be solved.
"Well I went to my mums then-" you began with a small rosey tint on your cheeks but Henry added his own two cents.
"We decided to eat alfresco~" Henry piped up smugly, chuckling giving you a little hip bump. You faltered. Huh? What was he playing at?
"Isn't that right love?" He asked suggestively. You snapped your gaze to him shocked. 'Did he really? He wants them to know?! HOLY SHIT! HES FLAUNTING! is this flaunting?... Well he does seem to want them to see you all...Snuggly..Soo? He did mean to show you off? And he did mean to kiss you and hug and be all cosy? FUCK ME YOU LUCKY SLUT! GO GIRL- GET YOUR PUSS EATEN BY A GOD AND THEN HAVE HIM BRAG ABOUT IT?!....No no he is just ? Just?... Okay he is teasing about eating out...AAAAHHHHH YESH! FUCKING YES GET THIS MAN PUSSY WHIPPED! Or a whipped pussy~ fucking hell how did I get here? How is this happening? what if? Wait he is teasing... they wont really figure it out... would they?'
"Ohhoho! Really now? That is interesting~ tell me was it a wholesome meal? did Tinks let you have some dessert?" Joey started wriggling his brows as he spoke drawing you from your thoughts. You squeaked heart skipping a beat realising your mind had wandered into the fan-slut territory once more, she was a rabid fangirl currently squealing and convulsing inside the recesses of your mind foaming at the mouth and weeping from her needy slit reliving the incredible experience Henry had treated you too... And was now casually throwing in everyone's faces.  
As happy as you were to have him being so open about what was happening between you and not making you feel like a sordid secret. You could have died on the spot. Henry laughed boisterously and his cheeks tinged pink, but he nodded making to reply. You panicked dreading what ever was going to come out of his mouth, he seemed like he really had no qualms about letting people know what had happened... Or that you were a 'sort of couple' especially after letting him know you didn't mind being seen, that you wasn't ashamed.  
In fact you think he may have a thing for it with the way his hand dug into your side and his eyes began to darken as they did before he began teasing you. Before Henry could reply you managed to cut him off with what could be classed as a yip more then anything.
"PICNIC! a picnic.. we had a picnic in the meadow... and some lead training for Joey that's all. I want to get her walking nicely" you said quickly. A little too quickly from the looks you were getting from the small group.
"Oh yes! Look at my sweet niece! How grown up she looks with her harness! Was she good?" Tee piped up seeing you were uncomfortable. She could see that something had happened, not bad. But something had you on edge and she didn't want to embarrass you or knock your confidence.
"The princess refused to walk on the grass until Kal walked beside her" Henry added rubbing your side trying to give you a few moments to calm down.
"Y-Yeah, then she darted under him and stayed put!" You sighed rubbing the pup's ears she leaned into you then turned lathering your fingers with kisses before tucking her head down trying to get more ear rubs.  
"Ah yes that's all well and good but I'm more interested in this picnic?" Joey huffed peering at you curiously, but there was a glee barely hidden behind it. He was quivering ready to burst from  excitement.
"It was a little lunch date Joey there's nothing much to tell apart from that" you said slowly trying to wash over what happened.
"Okay Tinks, you had a romantic picnic date... alone in the meadow.. with a half naked Henry-hunk and he got no dessert" Joey clarified with a small smirk putting the pressure on you.
"Yeah err?..." you said quietly trying desperately not to look any of them in the eye as they eye you critically. Henry huffed a laugh and tipped his head to you then tightened his arm around you pressing a small kiss to your head with a chuckle then spoke. You held your breath seeing the teasing look in his eyes and your gut twisted, blood running cold. You made to intervene but this time he was to quick for you to avoid disaster.
"I wouldn't say that, I ended up being treated to peaches and cream love" Henry said mainly to you making the others all gasp and giggle as your face flamed and you blinked up at him dumbly. 'Mother fucker said what now?'
"And I'm sure you enjoyed it?" Anya added with a soft snort finding the little teasing comments funny. Henry beamed down at you and snuggled you closer ,winking down at you. You stood there stupidly blinking trying to figure out just what the fuck was going on. And more importantly what to say, a comment like that was bound to have given up the ghost.
"Very much so!" he hummed leaning down pressing a sweet kiss to your cheek and chuckling as he pulled back.
"Good for you Henry we could all use a treat now and then!" Tee added trying not to laugh too much. You hadn't cried or got upset so it would seem you were fine with a little teasing. Which was good, it meant you were comfortable with the whole thing... Well more comfortable then she initially thought.
"And what a treat it was~" Henry purred into your ear watching you glow for him. You whined and moved pressing weakly at his chest as he snuggled you dragging you around to face him and curling around you, crowding you with his huge mass. You tried squirming away but he was having none of it and poked your sides below your ribs tickling at you until you were arching into him. Then once you stepped closer he could around you properly ensnaring you in his sweet embrace for the world to see..  
The others looked on watching the two of you fawn over one another blissful without a care in the world. Henry growled playfully pinning you to him laughing at the weak protest, and then began rubbing his stubbled face into your cheek. You yelped between whines and small grunts pouting at him. He rolled his eyes then twisted his head pressing dozens of kisses to your cheeks until you stopped whining and began giggling. Giving into him finally planting a solid kiss to his lips making his heart all but burst with pride as the others watched you kiss him!
"So you visited your parent's how are they? I really need to go and eat all their food..." Tee said quietly almost hoping you hadn't heard her as she saw the sheer admiration and love as you gazed to one another. It was about damn time! She doesn't even care what happened on your date now! What ever happened, it seemed the penny had dropped and the both of you were now an item. Hallelujah!
"They are fine, dads back from fishing now" you said to her pulling your eyes away from Henry and rested your head on him winding an arm around his waist holding him sweetly. No one had said anything really, they hadn't been nasty or sent you judgemental looks... So it was okay? Everything was fine! Better then fine it was perfect!
"Yeah he said he'd broken his carp record" Henry added nonchalantly shrugging peering down at you once more. He couldn't stop, and neither did he want to. You were here, in his arms publicly kissing and snuggling without a care! And by god now that he didn't have to hide your relationship he would stare at you as much as he pleased!
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"Whoa wait- you met her dad too?" Anya said leaning forward and blinked casting Tee a glace. Even she seemed taken back He had met your dad too.  
"Yeah I went round with Kal to take Tinks on the picnic... It was my idea" Henry frowned not finding it shocking... Was meeting your dad a big deal? He was nervous sure and it was another step forward, meeting your other halves parents. But they were acting like it was a huge revelation.  
"Well fuck me" Tee muttered snorting slapping her thighs.
"Sorry Tee but your not my type~" He quipped smirking prompting a chorus of sighs and scoffs. Henry may be a loved up puppy but he was still a teasing little shit... If anything he was worse, on his own little high as he finally got to parade his woman around~ 'his woman. His no one elses~ fuck and what a woman you were?! Funny sweet cute and sexy... The most adorable cock tease on the planet and all mine! Mine to fuck and kiss as i see fit! God yes! The way you quivered and grinded shy on my tongue~' henry though licking his lips trying to recount to sweetest cunt he'd ever tasted, fresh and wanton!
He wanted to do it all over again all day every day! He'd happily survive of your dripping slit if he could. He hummed deep in his chest eyes fluttering closed and he tucking his face back into the crook of your neck unable to stop his imps from finding your neck once more, perssing a chaste kiss to the bright mark he'd suckled onto the supple skin in the car. Images of just how he'd latch onto the mark later when laying in bed with you, tangle in the sheets as he caged you below him~ 'yes... Fuck yes just roll on top trap your tiny form below him and have his wicked way with you, make you needy and pliant~ maybe grind your hot little pussy until you cum again and again, until your begging... Fuck yes! Make you beg for his mouth on your hot delicious cunt again!' he truly couldn't wait to taste you again, force you to succumb to his pleasure over and over and teach your body to let go and just feel. No anxiety. No fear. No thoughts, just him all over your body making you feel like the sexiest most beautiful woman on the planet. Worshipping you like you deserved to be worshipped!
"Yeah get your own" you snipped playfully squeezing Henry tighter. Henrys eyes snapped open at that and he grinned, you were becoming possessive. Good. Tee burst out laughing as you scrunched your nose at her for a second then gasped covering your mouth and ducked back into Henry's chest shocked by your own little outburst.
"Now now honey. You know I have my eyes firmly set on you~" Henry soothed whilst chuckling and pinching your ass making you jerk into him yipping then huffed at him pouting. But he stuck his bottom lip out at you mocking you and cupped the small sore spot he'd pinched.
"And hands by the looks of it~" Anya spoke wriggling her brows at you. But you just rolled your eyes and held him tighter still hiding somewhat.
"Why you standing like that though?" Joey asked noting the way you were trying not to put to much pressure on one of your legs. Your thigh still ached and you didn't want to pull it.
"She got stung by a wasp" Henry said for you with a sigh. You flushed as the others all sighed heavily with an unsurprised look. As if they didn't even need to question it, of course you'd get stung it just made sense, you freaked out over wasps at one point you had even dived into Freya's bus to escape one... It had been a running joke for days afterwards.
"Oh seriously? You ran didn't you? How many times have I said not to fucking run... Jesus" Tee shook her head at you finding t funny and exhausting. Each time you saw a wasp you ran. Every single time! She can't even begin to count the amount of times in school you'd jump up and haul ass at lunch when a wasp got too close. She would always have to pack up your shit and move spots to a 'safe zone'
"Yes she did, but its fine all sorted isn't it honey" Henry spoke sweetly, biting his lip trying to stop his own chuckles. But it had been funny, the way you growled and attacked then bolted. Running as fast as your little legs could carry you and then dropped to the floor like you'd been shot. He swore he'd seen similar scenes in wonder woman.
"I yeah... He sorted it, its just tender an swollen" you muttered quietly feeling embarrassed. But even you had to admit it was funny... Looking back on it anyway. And it had worked out in your favour so you wont complain too much.
"Well I'm sure a damp cool cloth will help, here why don't you go freshen up and then we can all hang out?" Henry said slowly trying to usher you away knowing you'd probably want to freshen up after he'd made such a mess of you, not even his tank had managed to clean you up properly.
"Yeah we should really start talking about the press tour" Tee quipped eyeing each of you slowly.
"Press tour? I thought you sorted that this morning?" You asked quickly looking at Henry who nodded then tipped his head to the others.
"Well I gave my views it seems I was too late though this lot beat me to it"  
"Beat you-oh about Tinks?" Joey exclaimed cryptically making you frown. You? What did they mean? Had you done something wrong. You made to ask what had been said but Any grinned at you making you relax.
"You our sweet little fairy are not flying solo on any interviews" she announced and you slumped in relief. You'd admit it had begun to play on your mind a bit now that filming was only for another ten weeks or so... Honestly you wasn't even sure when that side of things started.
"Oh thank god really?!" your words came fast as you breathed a massive sigh, a breath you hadn't known you were holding.
"Yes we cant throw you to the wolves can we?" Joey asked rhetorically whilst wiggling his brows. The choice of words made everyone scoff and you rolled your eyes smirking. It was nice having this type of banter so openly for a change without the worry.
"Err... well? Depends on the wolf I guess~" You teased looking to the 'white wolf' who smirked at you quirking a brow at you and gave a fanged 'Geralt' smile.
"Anything you'd like to share with the class honey?" He teased slipping into character for a second eyes becoming hungry even though you'd just fucking fed him... Maybe it true what they said about canines their hunger was never sated! The voice made you shiver, the low octaves making your body melt. You couldn't help it he just had one of those voices... The type of voice that destroyed every females knickers within a ten meter radius, but then using his Geralt rasp like a weapon? Jesus Christ! It was just too sexy! Very unfair really, he was a glorious man there should be a compromise! Like surely this type of perfection should have a flaw! But you'd yet to find it.
"No?... No I err fuck" you stuttered as he smirked smugly and laughed at you then began stepping away from the others with you.
"Soon love. Very soon. I promise" he hummed into your ear making you all flustered again. And with that Henry waved the others off pivoting around and made his way to your trailer deciding it was just too hot for anymore excitement today.
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Henry moved through the set, he was in a little mood. Filming had been cancelled for the day, one of the generators that powered the cameras had died due to the heat, so half of set had a power cut. And honestly he was thankful. He was sweating bullets in the armour and it was fucking up the shots!
It had just been a bad day. First he woke up alone in bed, which meant he couldn't snuggle with you as he woke up properly, or feast on your cunt like he'd been trying to for the past few days since finally having you withering on his tongue. Kal had an accident in your bus which wasn't to bad but... He felt guilty as you mopped up the pee. Then he'd burnt his tongue on his coffee, been late getting in the chair and late for the shoot.  
And he just wanted to relax... And have an ice lolly. And to steal you away and feast on you... Probably feast on you then share the ice lolly to cool the both of you... Then go again. Currently he was waltzing across set back to his bus... Well your bus, that both he and Kal had migrated to. It had quickly become his own home away from home. Kal had not been impressed when the both of you left this morning having work to do. The bear didn't like being shut away in the air-conditioned bus with his tiny sister but it was tough luck. The pups wont be able to stand this heat and sometimes you had to do what you had to do. But Henry will make it up to them, he'd sneak some sausages from the food tent as a bribe.
Henry frowned seeing something fly high into the air and then heard yells of excitement. Followed by some loud feminine... Sexy growls and grunts. Curiosity got the better of him and he turned making his way to the large open space.
He came to a halt next to the group of spectators Freya, Anya, Tee and Joey were there watching. He frowned looking into the open space not sure what everyone was watching, you were there chatting with wolfgang and nodded then tugged your headphones on and spun around dragging in a few deep breaths.
Then it happened, you burst forth with a speed he hadn't known you'd had and twisted. You flung your hands out and struck, both hands holding your staff prop. Henrys jaw dropped. You looked fucking magnificent! You twisted and turned roaring angrily in a war cry as your twirled the prop around fluidly wielding it like a blade, in feminine swooping motions and fast twists.
"Why does she have headphones on?" Henry asked slowly eyes still fixed on you as you ran and rolled halting in a crouch baring your teeth in faux anger and bolted forward jumping high and spinning in something akin to a gymnastic move. He gulped watching your tight lithe body work and stretch in ways he'd only dreamed of.
"She's treating it like a dance... The only way she can do it she didn't have the time to learn like you" Anya piped up watching you as you covered ground halting in a jolt.
"What's she listening to?" Joey quipped moving to peek at your phone that was in Tees hand.
"Extended version of Geralt's theme from the first season... Gets her in the right frame of mind... This is for your fight scene Henry..." Tee said showing Joey the screen. There was a collective his and wincing as wolfgang instructed a tall extra to run at you with Geralt's rubber sword prop acting out the fight in Henry's stead. You grunted and staggered back as you were hit and ducked spinning striking the sword tipping 'Geralt' off balance and then tried to retreat only to be hit with 'arrd' and knocked off your feet into a dramatic 'head over heels' tumble.
"WHAT THE FUCK HOW? How did she spin that around her neck?!" Joey cried jumping on the spot as you did a fast back neckroll with the prop whilst ducking from 'Geralt' Tee grinned and eyed you. You were still good.
"She did baton twirling for quite a few years as a kid... She was really good won a few nationals... Its why we gave her the rubber one to practice everything not just close ups" she explained to the group who burst into another round of oo's and ah's as you did another little trick. An angle roll to swap hands and strike.
"She did? You mean she doesn't now?" Freya asked still unable to look away as your practiced your fight scene.
"Nah after she broke her wrist it used to play up she did three more circuits and then had to stop it got to much. She twirls occasionally but she don't compete anymore"  the woman explained watching as the fight began to wind down. Geralt winning.
"Fuck me look at her go! She isn't going down easy!" Joey said leaning forward completely investing in watching his play out even though he knew the outcome.
"Those moves are pretty cool... They look like feminine combat moves." Henry murmured in awe, shifting on his feet eyes glued to your sweaty, panting grunting form. He licked his lips as he watched everything, taking in the erotic sight before him. It was surreal watching someone act out the very moves he himself had been mastering. Watching the way he was going to subdue Keira. Holding her and rolling her to the floor and wrestling her weapon from her. Fuck knows how he is going to manage that without a hard on!
"Yeah its why she did it, her brothers all did karate. She wanted to but aunt Terry wanted sparkles and hairspray so this was the compromise. Y/n got to pretend she was kicking ass when she twirled and her mum got the glitz and glamour of competition." Tees explanation was met with a course of hums in agreement.
"Hey look Henry? Almost the splits lucky boy~..." Joey teased craning his head around to see the giant man. Henry dry swallowed and nodded jaw locking. He could see. You had managed to right yourself only to drop to the floor again staggering trying to dodge the well aimed hits.
"...A very loose set of hips...So even with the size difference you'll be good to go to town henners~" Freya added giggling behind her hand at him. henry hung his head and sighed. His arms crossed and fingers dug almost painfully into his biceps, willing his cock to stop twitching from the sight before him.  
"Oh fuck me..." he muttered quietly shaking his head and took another deep breath composing himself before returning his gaze to the dirt covered growling sexy vixen working her ass off to try and perfect the scene.
"She probably would if you asked nicely like a good boy.. Maybe a pretty please with a cherry on top? Seriously you gotta hurry up and tap that Henry, she wont make the first move you know~" Tee snorted out making everyone laugh. Henry grit his teeth. If only they knew, when he had you spread eagle before him there was only one cherry one his mind... And it wasn't going to be from him begging.  
Suddenly there was a cry. A true cry of pain that snapped everyone's attention to you. You were on the floor alone, your leg at a painful angle. It had been a running scene and your training partner was nowhere near you. It was obvious by the skid marks your slipped, one leg had stretched from under you and you crumpled to the floor landing on the other leg heavily.
Henry froze for a second and then snarled as he saw Mathew race to your side and start pulling at you trying to heave you up off the floor. You pushed at him hissing and yelping trying to bat him away crying. Mathew didn't listen and instead crouched and pulled you up with his hands on your ass. Henry saw red.
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You sobbed as one thigh locked, cramping from your skidding then falling. And your other knee ached, feeling close to popping out. God it hurt! You remembered now, why you spent extra time stretching before doing this shit. You'd halved your warm up because you just wanted this over with so you can get back to the cool bus.
Mathew raced over and began tugging and pulling at you but you were in pain! You knew you should stay down and just roll so your legs weren't so twisted and relax before even thinking about standing up. But you just couldn't get the words out. Instead releasing hisses and gruntle moans as your legs tensed and screamed at you. Finally he had enough and forced you up making you cry out as you felt as if your knee and hip needed to click. Finally after some struggling you sobbed and pressed at him tears rolling down your face.
It was as you tried twisting away from him you felt it, he had his hands on your ass trying to  support your weight. It wasn't an accident either, he squeezed digging his fingers in making sure to cop a feel. You yipped gasping freezing for a second. This was the first time someone had done this, that someone was touching you- groping you without your consent. This was the kind of thing your brothers had protected you from.
Your knees shock and you lashed out at him as he tried tugging you up on your feet trying to coax you to slump forward and lean on him, his own feet trying to move your legs below you and force you to stand. You batted at him trying to make him release you as he pulled you closer hands still firmly on your behind, but you were cut off by a furious roar.
"GET THE FUCK OFF HER" Henry shouted as he  launched himself across the space, long legs carrying him over to you. Your blood ran cold when you noticed no one was close enough to stop him this time. Joey had tried to grasp him but henry was deceptively quick and he managed the thunder across the open space ridiculously fast and seemed to be within arms reach in seconds.
Henry dived at him fist swinging already barrelling towards the man who'd just been groping you seconds ago holding you in a tight grip. You yelped as Mathew spun and dropped you in a heap on the floor once again.
"NO-HENRY NO!-" you shouted from the floor trying to get up slowly but winced crumpling to the floor with your cramping leg. You watched in slow motion along with everyone else as Henrys huge form arched following the balled fist only to frown as another form darted past him shoving Henry out of the way with a grunt.
"MOVE OUTTA MY WAY!-" you gaped as you recognised the voice then everything caught up with you as you realised just who had shoved Henry out the way and pounced on Mathew.
"What? Kane?-OH GOD OH MY GOD NO! KANE NO LET HIM GO!-" you shouted watching in horror as he managed to capture an unsuspecting Mathew.
"I HEARD YOU WERE FUCKING WITH MY BABY SISTER?!" Kane screamed holding Mathew by his collar pulling him off the ground. Kane was older then Henry slimmer but slightly Taller and just .as strong. And very very frightening when angry with his battle warn appearance. He shook Mathew who was by this point squirm in panicking in the grip of your oldest brother as Kane screamed at him. He looked over his shoulder to henry nodding to you.
"You take care of her I got this no need getting your hands dirty~" he grinned evilly and turned facing the boy who looked ready to piss himself.
"holy shit henry no fuck stop him!"  You pleaded as henry leant down next to you and began straightening your legs and help you sit on the floor properly.
"You wanna fuck with my little sister huh? You think it's fun fucking embarrassing her you little cunt? Wanna start shit with her you got to go through me!!" You trembled on the spot as Kane began shaking the smaller man by his collar growling at him.
"Wh-what no I didn't- I haven't done anything!" Mathew squealed like a pig trying to save his bacon but Kane wasn't buying it.
"Oi Henry this the little cunt whose been stalking her?" He said turning around both fists still holding Mathew still overcoming the mans struggles.
"Henry don't you dare-" you warned hands tangling into his loose t-shirt now trying to pull yourself, the need to try and stop your brother from beating Mathew to a pulp was absolute. The pain in your leg becoming the least of your worries.
"You hush and sit your little ass down before you pull that leg anymore, I'll have words with you later" Kane growled removing a hand from Mathews collar to point at you making you whimper and shrink.
"Yeah that's him" henry confirmed with a shrug as Kane looked back to the huge man fawning over you. Then he turned slowly back to you his face softened as he saw the tears staining your cheeks and he wiped them away before managing to scoop you up quickly and hold you to his chest.  
"Henry?! oh god KANE NO?! PUT HIM DOWN! HENRY DO SOMETHING?! HELP HIM!" You panicked as henry began walking with you over to the busses out of the sun so you could rest up for a bit.
"Who Kane?" He asked glancing at your brother who was screaming in Mathews face almost reducing the little prick to tears.
"NO NOT FUCKING KANE OBVIOUSLY HELP MATHEW! GET KANE OFF HIM FOR FUCK SAKE KANE!!?" You shouted turning in henry's arms craning your head to see what your crazy ass brother was doing whilst henry walked passed the scene.  
"HENRY?!" You pleaded as he carried you further from the volatile man still shaking your creepy stalker.
"What? I will...Just give it a minuet... I need to sort my girl out first~" he said unperturbed by your brothers verbal and quite possibly brutal beat down of Mathew. Henry was actually a little glad... and annoyed that he himself hadn't got to Mathew quick enough. He sat you down and placed a hand on your shoulder pressing you to stay seated as you tried getting up to wobble across the space and stop Kane. Instead all you could do was watch from afar as your brother did what ever he was going to do.
"The only one who I will allow to put his hands on my sister is her boyfriend... Are you her boyfriend?" You heard Kane as he roared into Mathews face holding him tight making the smaller man look him in the eye.  
"N-no no I'm not" Mathew cried feet still kicking up dust as he tried getting distance between him and your irate brother.
"That's right your not-I'd never let her date such a fucking weasel" Kane pulled Mathew even closer to his face and craned over him growling slowly.
"if I ever hear you've been stalking her again-she even utters your name around me or I see you fucking blink in her direction again then I will come back over here rip of your head and shit down your scrawny little neck? We clear on that?" Your brother snarled cruely with a smile. It had been a long time since he'd scared off a creep... he forgot how much fun it was!
"Y-yes I wont I'll stay away I promise" Mathew sobbed quivering terrified.
"Good make sure you do because there are fucking eight of us as we don't take to kindly to our little sister being harassed cunt." With that said Kane released him letting him stumble back before Mathew could get his Barings Kane had pulled his arm back and punched him as hard as he physically could.
"Oh my god?! Oh my god? Kane you cant just? Kane you fucking knocked him out!" Kane rolled his eyes a you and turned to Tee before approaching the group. The others were speechless, it was one thing to hear about your protective brothers... another thing to see one in action. who you'd thought was a little to dressed up today and held an arm out to her.
"Wait a minuet- are you two? Are you with my brother?!" You asked frowning pointing from  one to the other.
"Errr...Guilty?" Tee grinned and held out your phone to you.  
"I? you-wait? How long?" You asked slowly taking the phone from her blinking dumbly
"Like...A few months?...like five?" She said timidly tucking herself into Kane's side much like you do with henry.
"I started messaging her to keep tabs on you here and then...Well then tee got mouthy and things were said...Its why I came home on leave now...I wanted to see her and tell mum and dad..." Kane said pressing a kiss to her head making Tee beam and giggle. You smiled nodding finding it cute.  
"Your not angry are you?" Tee asked anxiously, almost like she ha been dreading you finding out. Your face softened. You understood, by god you understood her fear. But it was ridiculous!
"No of course not! You silly cow its just a shock I mean... Kane? No offence bro but your like....A hard ass" you loved them! They both deserved happiness and if it was with each other then you wasn't going to complain.
"Yeah...But she loves it~ well over long distance maybe not when I've got her tied up-" he teased making her flush and you laughed loudly. Well well looks like the shoes on the other foot now~ But then you pulled a face as you realised what was said and gagged.
"Okay okay ew no- your my brother just no....do not need that image ever" you snapped growling at him as he gave a boisterous laugh.
"Yes because your any better loved up with this guy?" Kane asked tipping his head to henry who shrugged before nodding.  He couldn't argue. Henry quickly sat down next to you slinging an arm around your shoulders as if making a point.  
"Well we are off before security come running and arrest me~" Kane said slipping a hand into the back pocket of Tees playsuit making her jump and flush. You giggled melting into henry's side. It was a nice change not being the centre of attention as the others looked on in amusement as Tee flushed and giggled like a giddy school girl, a far cry from the mighty woman you all knew and loved one embarrassed and loved up~
"Kane love no need to rush...Security were watching they don't give a shit" tee said trying to fend off her embarrassment but Kane wasn't letting her get off lightly. Tee had been telling him all about the teasing she'd been doing and this was time for a little payback. She may be his woman, but shed been teasing his baby sister.
"...I was making an excuse to sneak away and rail you as soon as I could" he said loud and proud shrugging not missing a beat. You all burst out laughing a whooping as the usually brazen woman began stuttering all flustered unsure what to do with herself. Finally she gave up with a pout and settled for tucking her head into Kane's chest trying to hide away.
"Oh my god Kane seriously" you heard her mutter into your brothers chest pitifully. Trying her best to scold him but couldn't quite make the words strong enough.
"Right well then we shall see you the day after tomorrow, Henry keep and eye on that little cunt for me? If he so much as breathes in her direction you tell me" Kane said tipping his head to henry. You growled crossing your arms as your brother who was speaking over you to henry who was still curled around you.
"No he will not! Ah hen?" You snapped leaning forward trying to stand up getting ready to chew out your brother with the old 'I'm and adult, I can handle it!' But Henry wound an arm around the front of your waist and dragged you back to sit in his lap. Your rant died on your tongue as your ass met his thick strong thighs. You squeaked and looked back at him flushing when both arms coiled around you and he rested his chin on your shoulder.
"I will look after her Kane, you have my word" he hummed before dipping down placing a sweet kiss to your shoulder making you melt into his hard frame below you.
"I glad, someone needs to" Kane said with a grin before turning dragging tee away from set for their... activities.
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You moved slowly back to your bus, wolfgang had decided to leave it there today. No one needed you hurting your leg even more today as tomorrow you were meant to practice with henry in the gym to finalise a few moves.
You grunted trying to lift the leg high to get up the steps which prompted henry to intervene.  He curled an arm around you opening the bus door  and stood right up against you.
"Here love let me" he said quietly and pushed the door wide open before two huge hands were at your waist plucking you from the floor.
"Oh its fine-" you said wincing try to scale the steep steps on your own but it was no good and you hissed once more. The ache in your legs was just to much at the moment. You needed a hot water bottle, pain killers and probably a hot shower too.
"Its not, that was a nasty pull honey, just let me take care of you" henry muttered in your ear and stretched his arms up showing off the raw power he possessed. If you hadn't been so shocked or in pain you'd have swooned.... On second thought you'll swoon about it later.
"S-sure" you agreed unable to argue when he was being so sweet with you. Within seconds you were carried into the bus. He kicked the door shut and still held you managing to dodge both excited pups as they came running to greet the two of you. But henry continued to the bedroom and placed you on the bed.  
"Now you stay right there until your legs sorted... you got any painkillers?" He asked stepping back hands on his hips looking like a big mother hen. You giggled at him and nodded finding him cute in that moment. It was sweet seeing him so worried it showed he cared.
"Err yeah paracetamol in the cupboard and maybe some biofreeze too" you informed him then preened as he grinned nodding before praising you.
"Good girl at least your prepared" he smiled impishly at you as you rolled your eyes and shuffled up the bed fluffing your pillow before flopping back on it.  
"Ok baby just stay right there no moving about you hear me?" He warned pointing an accusing finger at you.
"I wont love." You promised  crossing your heart making him scoff and look down only now paying attention to the hyper active howling sausage dog and her eager brother bear tapping and jumping about.
"Good. Kal, Joey watch over your mama. But be careful she's hurt" he added clicking his fingers coaxing Kal up onto on the bed and quickly scooped up Joey placing her on the pillow next to you. You didn't even have time to register the fact he'd called you Kal and Joeys mama. Because suddenly you were pinned by two happy pups trying to get cuddles and kisses.  
Kal laid ontop of you and began kissing your cheeks enthusiastically his huge tail thumping the covers hard enough to make the mattress bounce a little and Joey was up at the side of your face lathering you with her own kisses and occasional over excited nips to your nose.
Henry came back over a few minuets later as the two pups had calmed and were now just lounging with you on the bed, Kal had retrieved one of his rope toys and was chewing one end sharing it with joey; who was digging and chewing the tassel... That was bigger then her.
"Okay come on now take these and get your kit off~" Henry hummed handing you two paracetamol and glass of water then uncapped the biofreeze squirting some in his hands and rubbed coating both palms eyeing you critically.
"What?!" You yipped  almost choking on the tablets as he spoke. You coughed making some unflattering retching sounds and gulped more water down and your face glowed. You could  feel yourself shrink under his gaze, his eyes both darkening and twinkling with amusement.
"Gosh calm down~ I'm gonna massage my little ladies legs...is all~" he said cheekily knowing full well what he was doing to you. Not that he had any issues giving you the once over, if he thought your leg wouldn't seize and lock hurting it even more he would be going down on you already. You were weak and defenceless it'd be so easy to just crawl ontop of you and get to work. But like he said, he didn't want to hurt your leg any more.
"I'm fine Henry" you said shifting wincing drawing your legs up and digging your toes into the bed below you. You tried avoiding his gaze and wriggled nervously.  
"Mm hmm fine you may be but your already starting to wriggle out of your leggings my sweet~" he cooed nodding his head to you with a chuckle.  
"No I'm not- oh?? Err okay" You frowned at him and began to protest only to look down and see you had began using your feet to drag the leggings down your legs slightly. Tugging the cuffs down your feet.
"Come on roll over let me get a look at those buns~" he preened eagle watching as you fidgeted with your fingers peeling your leggings off of you and letting them fall to the floor. Henry kneeled on the bed at you rolled on your tummy. You wasn't mad enough to pass up a massage from him, even if you was embarrassed and had doubt. Fears about him touching your legs feeling the extra pudge and ripple like stretch marks. Which was stupid because the man had burried his fucking face between them just a few days ago, wearing your thighs like ear muffs! He knew what your thighs felt and looked like-fuck he knew what they tasted like among other things~
You trembled gasping when his hands parted your legs and tugged you down the bed a little settling on his knees between them. You swallowed drawing slow calming breaths into your quivering lungs. His large thick legs pressing your apart wider and wider as he drew you closer finally pressing his palms on your tender leg. You moaned softly as his huge strong hands pressed the tight knotted muscle. He was gentle at first the usual warmth that he had naturally in his hands was lost under the cool tingle of the biofreeze, the cooling gel helping to soothe the screaming tired muscle.
"That's it love just relax I got you" he breathed calmly making you shudder and melt into the bed. He pressed in slow smooth motions slowly easing out the tight muscle with fluid strokes.
You arched and flicked a foot tapping the his back lightly, hissing as he worked the muscle tissue deeper in wide pinching motions, plucking and rotating the hard lump. You pressed your face into the bed making the blankets muffle your moan of pain panting as he pressed insistantly.
"Good girl I know, I know honey but if it don't press harder its just going to go up~" he said guilty, he didn't want to hurt you, but a pull this bad? It could lock your leg and cease it, which would be incredibly painful. Henry knew from experience just how brutal that could be.
"Yeah I-I know" you heaved out wincing as he worked diligently over the flesh chaseing away the tense knots. You flinched when he hit another sore spot but he caught your leg before repositioning himself to kneel between your calves and pressed on with the massage determined to get this over with now rather then let it build over the next few days.
"Shh shh just breath deep, its eased already... slow breaths, not much more to go now love, but I need to get rid of it if not its going to creep into your butt cheek. Not that I would mind massaging this little peach but it would be very uncomfortable for you~" he soothed you and made you chuckle at his little teaseing explanation. After a few more minuets your leg finally went lax and relaxed no longer tight or in pain and Henry began on the other one, which wasn't nearly as bad, but was still tender in certain spots.
"I cant believe they are together" you finally spoke up as your mind wandered. You never thought Tee would end up with your brothers, well not seriously, sure she kissed both of your triplets but you were what fifteen? So it didn't count! But she was dating Kane? Honestly you could see it! She was rash and a scatter brain. 'Act first ask questions later' kind off woman and Kane? He was a 'you'll sit down and answer all my questions or else' which in all honesty Tee needed sometimes.  
There were many instances you had got her out of shit because she'd run in head first- or in many cases fucking swan dived into stupid situations with out thinking. Kane would be good for her, and maybe he'd lighten up a bit. Being the oldest he always took on the role as second dad. He acted like the weight of the world was on his shoulders, he believed he had to be a role model for all of you.
"What? Are you?-hey you supposed to be thinking of me when I'm lubing you up!" Henry pouted and tapped the tiny portion of ass cheek peaking from your underwear making you jolt and pout back at him before rolling your eyes.
"Henry that's menthol if we used that for lube we'd both be out of commission" you replied trying to ease the worried look on his face. He clearly thought you were about to mouth off at him for playfully slapping your ass. You wouldn't it actually sent a little thrill through you. Something you'd explore at a later date... Alone with porn.
"You'll be out of commission what ever lube I use that little miss is a promise~" he hummed grinning wriggling his brows trying to be sexy, yet he came across more like a cheesy johny bravo.
"Oh god really? That was Cheesy" you snorted shaking your head and looking forward once more resting your chin on your palm. The leg massage had somehow crept up on to your butt and was now slipping up your back, not that you were complaining.  The power in this mans hands alone was fucking heavenly. He was rubbing away what felt like a life time of stress. You'd be a new woman by the end if he carried on. So needless to say you wasn't going to stop him, fuck you were debating rolling over and going the whole hog!
'Fuck yes~ his hand would be magnificent on my tits! Just fucking yes! His meaty paws can squeeze a boob anyday~' you thought and closed your eyes trying to imagine the slow circles being rubbed on your breast, rolling them about grazing and teasing your nipples until they were hard... Your mind wandered during your sex scene he paid attention, even when acting he was thorough. Using your nipples to draw you higher, fuck using them to guide you to him! Pinching and plucking, he'd even bit! Bit your boob and suckled lightly~
"What can I say? I get all twisted when your thinking of your brother when I'm giving you a massage" he purred and crawled up you straddling the back of your waist his weight pressing you into the bed and his hands dragged your top higher up to your shoulders still languid firm drags  manipulating the muscles turning you to putty one perfect stroke at a time.
"I'm sorry what can I do to make it up to you?" You hummed quietly fluttering your lashes at him trying look over your shoulder innocently. He grunted and peered over your shoulder with a smirk making your stomach flipflop, breath hitching at the playfully look in his eyes.  
"Well that's a loaded question~" he quipped with a light scoff, and thrusted his hips a little before leaning down pressing a kiss to your shoulder blade then smoothed his hands up under your shirt to your ribs. You gasped when he began rubbing up and down, his long fingers grazing the sides of you boobs in featherlight touches.
"So back rub honey?" he asked sitting up pressing the heals of his palms into your back making you pout as his touch was pulled from your sides just as you began loosing yourself to the teaseing touches of your breasts.
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An hour later you lounged back on the bed with henry, your blankets pulled loosely over your legs warming them keeping the pain at bay. Henry's massage had been a God send. Both your legs were feeling much better and you could move them without too much pain. They should be even better tomorrow if you too some tablets and took it easy.
It had gotten dark out both dogs were sprawled on the floor each munching on their very own raw hide chew sent over from your mum. Well they were both munching on Kal's raw hide chew, Joey had eyes bigger then her belly and was gnawing a tiny corner that Kal had softened and broke free. You and Henry were scrolling social media with a show on the tv for background noise. Occasionally you would show one another a funny meme or video you came across.
"Am... Am I your lock screen?" You froze hearing his amused warm tone as you locked your phone and flushed. Embarrassingly enough he was... Well Geralt was.
"I err yeah... Well its Geralt but.... Fuck I'll change it sorry its probably creepy right?" You said anxiously kicking yourself for not changing it. 'Fuck if this doesn't scream stalker vibes I don't know what will! Oh god! Think! Think- you forgot? It was to remind you what you were working for?-HELL NO! That's worse...Why is he smiling? He... He's laughing at me? Fuck no-he doesn't take me seriously... fuck I really am coming across as a fucking stupid fangirl-' Henry pulled you closer smooshing you against him and nuzzled his light scruff against your face making you whine and try to wriggle away. But he wasn't letting you go.
"I'm flattered honey~ I really am... But maybe we could upgrade?" He added smoothly. Before you could even register what he meant he was tapping your phone and slid to the camera.  
"Smile honey~" he said and pressed his face next to yours snapping a few shots of the both of you. You grinned and posed for a few giggling having fun then faltered as he dragged you in for another kiss locking lips with you whilst still snapping shots slowly he pulled back kissing your cheeks making you giggle a little.
"Now you set one of those as your background I'm not competing with my own characters little miss" he said snuggling you once again littering your face with kisses.
"Do you want one?... Like for your phone?" You asked in a small voice nibbling your thumb nervously. As he leant his head on your shoulder watching your phone over your shoulder.
"Well I will have a few but... Here take a peak" he said thrusting his phone at you. You gasped grinning seeing that the photo Joey had posted all those weeks ago was his background, resized so that you and him were the main focus dead centre.
"I'm... Your background?" You breathed out finding it surreal that you were here. You wanted to pinch yourself, somehow your life felt like a dream.  
"Yep since the day Joey posted it. Its the only photo I have of us so close you know? The one on the first day of filming you were so nervous, this one is just... Well its us you know? I'm going to get one of both my girls soon to replace it with" he said in a chipper tone not really seeing how the tiny detail had made your heart burst.  
"Both?" you said swallowing the excitement of realising he liked you enough to replace Kal as his background.
"You and Joey nugget of course" He reassured watching you scroll trough the photos setting one for your background, it was of the both of you grinning into the camera. You loved his smile, blue eyes glowing with happiness and handsome face soft and sweet! You just loved him happy... You just loved him.
You moved placing your phone down trying to lie comfortably but growled sitting up and shifting, beating the pillow fluffing it. Henry moved hitting your pillow and pulled it up trying to help frowning, he could see you were uncomfortable.
"Are you okay honey? Any pain?" He said worriedly the biofreeze was brilliant but sticky. And you were uncomfortable.  
"Er yeah I'm fine... I just... I'm just thinking about having a quick shower... The biofreeze is sticky Is all..." you trailed off, you really were uncomfortable, your blankets sticking to you making you feel gross.
"O-oh... right err yeah fine do you...I mean should I...Go out for a bit then and come back or?... I should probably get back" he muttered quietly pulling away unsure if you were hinting he should leave or not. He shuffled off of the bed and stretched, you sat up following eyes wide not wanting him to leave you but halted. Were you being selfish? You couldn't expect him to be with you all the time. But that's what you wanted.
Henry glanced at you he was becoming nervous worrying that he was overstaying his welcome. He supposed he was anxious you were both so very close now to becoming the couple he knew you could be. The single family unit but he wanted to let you make the decision's. He wont linger, no matter how much he wanted to stay.
"Oh no! No don't go!...Unless you want to err go or stay? Fuck you know you want to I mean I- you don't have to stay" you paused flushing when you realised how clingy you'd sounded. You had to admit you liked having Henry and Kal around. It made you feel safer having the both of them with you, the bus seemed empty without them.
"I don't... I-I'd like to stay. I... Can I stay? In the bed room of course! I will find something to play with" Henry froze holding his breath then cursed realizing what he had said and panicked stepping forward waving his arms about shaking his head.
"Fuck no that didn't sound right! I meant I can play with my phone! Or-or Netflix?!" He scrambled stumbling over his words as he cried them out hastily trying to undo the damage. You laughed watching him flounder about like proverbial fish out of water. Even Kal snorted at Henry unimpressed by his humans embarassing display.
"I know what you meant love... I wont be to long just a quick rinse okay? You can get changed while I'm in there and get comfy" You reassured with a smile. He turned to you slowly before clearing his throat and nodding he was pleased if not still embarrassed he thought he was over those pesky nerves but it seemed you just managed to make him crumble and forget himself.  
"I haven't got any clothes. I did bring another few bags over but they're gone." He said scanning the room quickly looking around for the bag he had stuffed away beside the bed again... Just incase.
"I.. They are in the top drawer... I found them when I was having a sort through and unpacked... I don't like the idea of you living out of a plastic bags" you said sweetly at him nodding to the drawer you'd folded his clothes into... You'd admit to taking your time folding them, his scent smothered them and you couldn't help but be drawn to them. You folded and refolded them each day. You said it was just to have something to do but you were lying. It was an excuse to smell him on the rare occasion he wasn't here with you.  
"Thank you love, that's really thoughtful  I will... Be in here just... yeah have a nice shower" Henry mused quietly reversing into the bedroom pointing a thumb behind him with a nervous chuckle then switched tactics ushering the pups into the room trying to distract himself.
You grinned and pulled a towel from the small pile of fresh laundry your mum had let you do yesterday morning. She had been a saint and most of the people on set were making frequent visits to your childhood home for showers and to use the washing machine. She didn't mind, in fact she loved it. And they had begun taking her chocolates as thanks, Anya had even made a point to find out what her favourite chocolates were.
You spun around slipping into the tiny bathroom trying to ignore the fact henry would be just the other side of the thin wall... where you'd be naked... and wet... and naked... completely starkers! You were a little on edge as you stripped and managed to step into the shower under the warm spray.  
It was then that your mind began wandering conjuring up scenarios of him bursting in on you. Unable to contain himself as he heard the water running. Images of the both of you standing below the spray tangled up in one another's arms kissing and rubbing~ rutting one another in the tiny space finally giving in to one another and making love.  
You slapped a hand over your mouth as you panted louder and closed your eyes. Knees weak and knocking against one another as you imagined him towering over you, fingers wandering over your form and settling at your nape pulling your hair until. You were angled up, lips parted moaning breathlessly as his magnificent blues bore into your own bright eyes. Then without warning he'd dive forward kissing you like never before and pick you up. Huge meaty paws holding your ass coaxing you to wrap your legs around his hips. A single hand would wander and with one small flick of his wrist he'd rub the weeping head of his cock along your clit, teasing you, wetting you with the creamy head before finally sink home! You could almost feel it.... Wait? WHAT WAS THAT?!
You gasped and slammed a hand to the side of the shower snapping your eyes open panting in shock. You whined looking down and flushed seeing your fingers had crept over your frame. Two deft fingers were nestled between your petals rolling your erect bud between them. You pulled them away slowly whining in both embarrassment and disappointment. You flushed lost yourself in the fantasy and he was just the other side of the fucking wall!? Jesus Christ! You just hoped you handt moaned outloud... if so you could try and say the water temperature changed or something. With any luck he would buy that. In the end you quickly shook your head deciding it'd be safer to just wash, rinse and get out asap.
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You moved quietly out of the bathroom wrapped in a nighty,  a small towel around your shoulders catching the drips from your hair. You walked into the bed room and saw henry lounging back on the bed. The man was watching the small tv one arm behind his head stretching out his chest and abs he had shead his top and shorts... He always ended up half naked in here for some reason.
You eyed him appreciatively from the door he wasn't alone, Kal was laying along side the gorgeous man, the dogs back against his masters wide set of ribs. Joey was sprawled out flat on her back all four legs in the air on your pillow, and had Henry's hand supporting her snoring form as she teetered head first on the edge. You noticed it had been fluffed lightly, Henry spoiling the pup no doubt. His whole hand swallowing her and one finger curling rubbing the side of it against her tiny pot belly.
"Any room for me over there? You know? It being my bed and all~" you quipped making him turn to face you grinning eyeing you up and down.
"Well I can think of a few places to seat you my love~" he said and licked his lips making you go all bashful laughing at him before throwing the small towel from your shoulders at his chest making him chuckle and throw it on the floor beside the bed and hold out a hand.
"Come here you~" he said with a soft look he was far to hot to look this sweet! He was a huge built like a brick shit house, an insanely buff man.  And buff men were supposed to be meat heads, carnivorous manly men all 'fuck yeah testosterone!' Not sweethearts laying on a bed supporting the weight of a sleeping tiny sausage pup.
He moved over making room beside him letting you sprawl out cuddling up to him snuggling throwing one leg over him and settled, his hand around your waist breathing you in. You tipped back trying to avoid laying on him too much when your were still damp. You tipped your head back head to see what he was watching, and to your surprize he'd settled on a nature documentary narrated by David Attenborough.
Henry nuzzled into your neck groaning quietly littering your neck with kisses and sweet nips. It wasn't long before he'd rolled over managing to pin you to the bed below him with nothing kore then his huge frame. Two huge palms pressed either side of you taking just enough weight so he wouldn't crush you. Not that, that had any change to the way your breath hitched, pausing then laboured harder, lungs fighting for air and you heart thundering to life in your rib cage. You whimpered and moaned softly, mewling whilst feebly stretching out your legs then clenched trapping on of his own thighs between yours.
He chuckled then moaned into you, his barrelled chest vibrating against you with the low timbre of his groans. You huffed and grunted weakly below him. Henry continued mouthing and dragging his teeth over your neck before pressing on with his assault. He sucked and began biting harder and rocking over you. Rubbing his crotch on your thigh hissing and crying out, the godly sounds muffled by your neck that stayed securely between his mighty fanged jaws.
"Hen! Ah god~ I'm all wet stop!" You said and began giggling uncontrollably and he blew a raspberry on your neck tickling you.
"I thought that was the point?" He grinned cheekily at you then leaned forward pressing the gentlest of kisses to the bright red mark he'd left. He couldn't help feeling a sense of pride, in the coming days the red would become a bruise... Not that he wanted to leave bruises on you but this? This was different~ a love bite full of his passion and devotion, a little mark to show everyone you were spoken for. He smiled at you as you whined still trying to pull free from him and the bed that you were getting damp from your shower.
"Wetter is better love~ And trust me when I say you can drench me any day~" henry said pulling away from your neck and resting over you with a Cheshire grin and huffed a deep laugh at your flat look.
"Its not better on the sheets" you deadpanned at him tipping your head back watching him curiously, waiting for what ever mischief he had planned next.
"I beg to differ" he said winking then froze. He jolted and got up from you slowly sitting back on his ass. You frowned and shuffled to sit up beside him. But he wouldn't look at you instead shied away face burning red.
"H-Henry are you okay?" You asked watching as he pulled back and sat up awkwardly. He seemed to get uncomfortable and shy trying to cross his legs but you still didn't understand.
"Yes! Yes I'm fine I'm just fuck... It err I mean he..." henry breathed out quickly becoming more and more flustered.  He looked panicked.  
"He? What? Who Kal?" you frowned looking to the dog who was sleeping soundly at the bottom of the bed after moving over for you to lay beside henry. You scrunched your nose and followed the line of henrys huge muscular legs over his knees and fussy massive thighs then to his... oh.
"Oh err that shit I'm sorry did I? I mean I..." you stuttered looking away shyly as his boxers were straining against a huge lump, pulled tight over the hidden erect cock that had... popped up. You pulled back sitting up giving him some space and began apologizing saying sorry over and over as your face reddened, but you couldn't help staring at the bulge. It was just right there.
"No no its not you-well it is, but you couldn't have...You just drive me wild love" henry said unsure what to do, the man was embarrassed-mortified! He couldn't belive kissing you... Making out like a fumbling teenager would have made him this hard! Normally he had it under control, or managed to hide the half erect cock by tucking it into the waist band of his bottoms. But it had and now the question was what was he gonna do about it? If he left you'd know he would be at his bus whacking one out over you... And if he stayed? Well... he cant exactly just sit here with it can he?
"Well atleast I'm not the only one...you err I mean its..." you chuckled nervously trying weakly to make this a small thing and laugh about it. But that was not small! And there was nothing laughable about it!
"Fuck er... I'm so sorry god this is embarrassing!....shit love I, you just I really am sorry fuck... I was fuck I should have a cold shower it'll go away" he stuttered one hand dropping to cover the huge bulge in his boxers that had drawn all of you attention. Before you could even think you stopped him, moving a hand to his bare thigh tentativly. He froze and snapped his gaze to you as he felt your quivering fingers press lightly into his revealed thigh. You swallowed and placed your hand on the fuzzy thigh and drew a deep breath. You stared at him as he opened and closed his mouth, trying to speak but couldn't. He was far to shocked and finally closed his mouth and gulped as your hand smoothed small circles on his leg inching higher and higher you were eyeing him to see if he'd let you explore or stop you in your track.
"I Err... I'll do it-get rid of it" you all but whispered to him, your voice was weak and breathless as you battled yourself. You really did want to help him, as he helped you but... You'd never done anything like this before... never touched or played with someone before. You were a tad frightened that you were pushing it, that he'd say no and laugh... that he'd shoot you down and crush any confidence you had gained with him. It took a lot of courage to push yourself like this, to ask if you could explore a little... It was courage or stupidity, one of the two.
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"What you? Oh god you don't have too love. I don't want to force you" henry said trembling in excitement, he couldn't help it. He wanted to jump for joy and drop his cacks. He wanted to smother you in sweet adorable kisses and tell you hat it was okay, there was no need to be shy. He wanted to let you do as you pleased and watch you as you innocently toyed with him and played with his cock! Your first ever cock!
He groaned and tilted his hips forward chaseing the image with his cock. Imagining your doe eyes looking at him in shock and wonder as you saw him for the first time. He smirked at the look on your face. Perfect pouty lips forming a tiny o, and your cheeks flushing. Your dainty hand trembling as it gripped him... just a little too tight making him cry out and rut up into your hand-
Fuck! he had to stop. He couldn't let you know how eager he was, how much he wanted to christen your hand with his cum and drench it. He grunted and bit his lip the image of him releasing over your hand, seeping through your fingers and lacing your wrist. Marking you for the first time in, marking you for himself. He had to calm down, otherwise you could feel to pressured, he didn't want you the feel as if you had to do anything.  
"... I know that.... But? What if I...Wanted to?" You said shyly looking away from him twiddling the downy hair on his thigh with your fingers. Twisting and stroking it making him shiver. You were still unsure of yourself but wanted to make him feel good, it was also a way to prove to yourself you were... Well an adult woman. As silly as it sounded you just wanted to please him and prove to him you wanted him and that if... If he did want to take this whole relationship further it wouldn't be once sided. You'd give as well as take, you didn't want to be a pillow princess and be more hassle then you were worth.
"You want to? Babe I don't expect anything-you don't owe me you know that right?" Henry said trying to temper his excitement. He placed his hand over your palm that was still resting on his thigh teasing him unknowingly.
"I-I'll help... If I can... I want to" you stuttered your face burning brightly still downturned not wanting him to see how embarrassed you were. You didn't want him to think you were forcing yourself, because you wasn't it was just? This was the first time you'd asked to... Wank someone before and you wasn't really sure how you were meant to ask. And you were probably making a hash of it. Plus this was Henry the sweetest, incredibly gorgeous sexy man who you had a crush on for years. The man you could whole heartedly say you loved.
"Oh okay well you can I just didn't think... I don't want to push you honey, this is a big step for you and I never want you to feel pressured" he continued making you swoon. He was so caring and thoughtful. How anyone could ever let this man slip between their fingers was beyond you. Because he was perfect, chivalrous and polite but cheeky and funny. He managed to put you at ease and make you feel invincible all at once. Even now when you quivered and flushed brightly, when you are an anxious mess one beaming grin is enough to wash away all the fear and doubt. He gave you a strength and confidence you'd never had before.
"Can I help?... I won't if you don't want me to-" you said a little jittery but he laughed cutting you off then pressed a sweet kiss to your cheek shutting you up in the most gentle of ways making your heart melt. He didn't pull back instead resting his head on yours looking you in the eye.
"I want you to, trust me I fucking want you too! Just be... careful I kinda need him" he chuckled slowly leaning back giving you some space then nodded to you slowly finally giving you permission to touch him. You gulped flushing brighter taking a breath but faltered freezing. It was one thing saying you'd touch him, but a completely different ball game actually doing it. Henry saw the hesitation and acted quickly, moving to you kissing your lips hard prying your mouth open whilst sneakily guiding your hand to his cock giving you the little nudge you needed.
You snapped your eyes open and squeaked into his mouth trying to free your hand as he moved making you cup his erection. Henry met your eyes smiling against your lips, but he didn't pull away instead pushed against you harder licking into your mouth and nipping at your lips every few seconds.
He rolled his hips up into your hand guiding you to pet his crotch heavily. He moaned when a few seconds later you took over testing him in your hand.
He was large and for a better word. Meaty. Thick and hard yet soft and pliable. You felt silly you'd expected his cock to be almost solid like the few toys you had! But no, he was stiff and thick, much more pleasant then any toy you had.
"whoa... That's err...swollen...hard.. Never err fuck sorry" you berated yourself as you realised you were speaking outloud.  
"No no, don't apologize honey... Its the first huh? Your fine.. Perfectly fine" he said softly  in a whisper almost frightened that if he were too loud you'd get spooked and run off locking yourself in the bathroom... He moved a hand to your outer thigh and rubbed slow circles ready to capture you should you try to make a hasty retreat. It was up to you how far you wanted to go, but he didn't want you running off scared. No. He would rather you said enough was enough and then everything would stop.  
Well maybe not everything, depending on how far you got he would have to make a quick trip to the bathroom to quickly rub one out. And if it came to that he wouldn't mind, it wouldn't be a loss. He would make it the loudest and most erotic hand job of his life. Moaning and grunting making sure you can hear just what you did to him, he'd cry your name over and over until he painted his hand with his cum and only be thinking of you. He wanted you to know just what you did to him, and it was you that did this to him. No one else.
"I… Yeah I've never.. Touched one before...  Sorry I should just shut up.. You don't need me narrating" you muttered the apology quickly still cursing yourself for being such a virgin. Fuck he must be getting sick of it, you felt like you were becoming too much work. That you were too new and inexperienced that you'd be a shit fuck and you'd chicken out at the last minuet. henry Squeezed his fingers around you ushering you to hold him tighter but didn't move, he let you lead but helped you along.
You gasped as his huge hand curled around yours and snapped your fact to him gulping slightly before wetting your lips and dragging your bottom lip between your teeth. he chuckled at you before groaning the low purr like sound shaking you to your core and you trembled analysing him as his eyes fluttered closed and he grinned at you.
"Its cute~ I find it very enticing, something about being your first just makes me wild! I love it when your exploring... The fact you trust me to share this with you makes me so happy~" he finished with a small chuckle which did make you feel better if you were completely honest it made you feel special.
"I just... Its? I don't want to be all pathetic and stuff over it, I'm not your first-" you prattled on nervously looking down once more only to pause and flush when you saw your hand dwarfed by his and felt a the throbbing in your hand. Him. His large cock trapped between your fingers that where still curiously testing him, pressing and prodding at him absentmindedly.
"Your my first virgin, its why I'm going so slow I want to go at your pace love. You can do what ever you want to do" he finalized and released your hand dragging his fingers across your wrist and arm in a feather light touch. You had to say you were shook by that, you had thought he'd popped someone's cherry... I mean look at him! He was stunning any girl would jump at the chance for this huge hunk to be their first. But he hadn't? So?  That would make this even more special? Wouldn't it?  
"I want to... Please you and... Play a little?" You cooed rolling your tongue around your mouth behind your teeth. You avoided looking at him, missing the beaming thousand Watt smile that lit up his handsome face.
"Then you do just that, no complaints from me. None at all"
"O-okay... Just tell me if I'm... Rough o-or hurt you okay?" You stuttered drawing in a deep breath steeling yourself for this new and hopefully pleasurable experience.
"I will love. I promise"
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With that you moved twisting him in your hand and rubbing him drawing soft moans and keens from him. You flicked your eyes back to him. Your pupils dilated as you soaked in the sight. His brow was slightly furrowed and his pink lips parted, lip darting out lapping at them in concentration. His eyes fluttered, almost like when he was fighting sleep. He seemed unwilling to look away from you but couldn't help closeing the lids hiding the deep blue pools. You got more adventurous pressing your fingers a Tad deeper into the fleshy shaft and roaming him with your thumb drawing circles on the underneath. His reaction was a jolt, his hips swayed rolling up into you trying to chase something.
Henry tensed at the feeling of you delicatly holding him, tight yet at the same time soft, so soft as if he'd break. It was breath-taking to have your hands on him finally without him guiding you either. This was you ad you along, you were touching him because you wanted to! His head tipped back and he groaned unable to stop himself from arching his hips up, feeding your hand a little more of his cock. You gasped as he did and tightened your hold as if frightened he would slip free of your grasp.
"Y-You know? You can get him out love, he wont bite~" Henry said hands moving the lay flat on the covers either side of him his head lulled back  
"I wasn't... sure if that was okay..."
"There's nothing I want more then to have your tiny hands on my cock, I don't want to scare you is all... I'm not small and... it... I just don't want you to get worried" he said with a genuine look of concern. Your heart soared as the reality washed over you that he was more worried about you and how comfortable your were then just getting his rocks off. It was proof of just how much he cared about you, proof that he knew how big of a del this was for you. It almost made you believe he loved you back.
"... I wont be, I have seen cocks before, just not... touched is all... I want to I want to make you feel good but... don't know how" you muttered twisting your fingers a little more. For now you were content to just hold him, you wanted to take baby steps curling them around him through the boxers your eyes cast down at the admission but continue to play with him.
"O-Oh Fuck~ shit babe- that's it~ugh ughooofuck!" Henrys ground out, trying to remember to cry out rather then just grit his teeth and fuck into your palm with a quiet determination. Henry was a quiet lover for the most part... Well atleast during foreplay groans and grunts mostly until he was inside a soft wet cunt. Then he'd be as loud as he could! He loved the danger, the risk that someone might hear him having his way with a sexy little minx. And you were the only one he had eyes for now. And he wants nothing more then to let everyone know it.
Henry squinted his eyes at you for a second, his blues were dazed, blurred even from the throbbing pleasure that came from just having your hand around him. He watched you as you bit your lip rising to sit on your knees and lean over him resting on your other hand. It was cute, your face flushing as you concentrated on his cock, trying to forget just what it was in your hand no doubt. you were shy and nervous as expected and he couldn't find you anymore endearing. You were so sexy to him, pure an innocent but a little vixen in your own right.
"I could show you?" he offered moving his hand over yours again making you move lower trying to encourage you further. But his boxers didn't allow much more movement. He sighed and pulled your hand free. You tried ripping your hand away worried you'd crossed the line, but he didn't release you.
"No... no your fine honey, perfectly fine, here I'm just moving this out of the way is all~" he reassured you holding your hand in his while using the other, hooking a thumb under he elastic of his boxers twisting around behind him and shimmied them down under his ass. At the same time he scooted back, sitting up on your bed leaning his back against the built in head board behind him. You followed, well you had to he refused to release your hand, far too worried of you scampering off and looseing your nerve, if that happened he'd probably never get another chance. He had to encourage you, push past the nerves and thoughts and just feel. He wanted to make you feel comfortable and confident... And to do that he had to let you know you were doing well, that you were pleasuring him.  
And quite frankly, you were. So much so his cock was already dribbling all over the place eager to have your hands on him. He wanted you like no other, he wanted to kiss and bite at you, press himself inside of you and share your body, take you for his own morning noon and night! You completed him in a way he'd feared he would never experiance and he hoped it was the same for you.  
You were two sides of one coin, two puzzle pieces that he was eager to come together, to collide with you in the most primal of ways and prove just how perfect you both were for each other.
As the days ,weeks and months had gone by he had realised that this truly was it. He loved you, completely in every way shape and form you could love another. And it was his greatest hope to one day finally have you, not just in his bed, but in his life, his home and his family. Each day he grew closer to achieving that, each day he could see a life with you more clearly. But he was still holding back, because one wrong move could ruin it all. And he was not going to ruin this, his mother always said good things come to those who wait, and by god henry had waited a long time for you and he wont wreck it because he moved too fast.
You moved up beside him almost sitting on your own pillow that Joey had been curled up on, instead she had nestled herself under kal's chin at the bottom of the bed. Henry grinned at you licking his lip once before leaning over to you pressing a single loving kiss to your lips. It was innocent but no less intense, but this time wasn't full of the passion from before. It was the love, the emotion he put into the single peck. It blew you away. You could almost say it was love. Like the burning all encompassing love you admitted you had for him. He pressed your hand flat to his lower abs.  
You gasped when he smoothed a palm over yours holding it flat to his skin then dragged the palm south. He keened softly not holding back the small shudder as your fingertips burying into a thick thatch of curls then you froze. Your breath hitched when he'd pressed your hand into his boxers that were hanging low, barley covering the root of his cock, some curls showing over the top. He moved you further still letting you feel him, caressing the thick tame curls until you were touching the soft skin of his cock.
Henry arched groaning breathlessly as you cupped him instinctively, slowly pressing your fingertips in soft lines over the thick fleshy rod. He was warm to touch, unlike your toys that were cold... And the skin had a little movement as your slowly touched him managing to twist your fingers around him. Finally after what seemed like and eternity you had you hand wrapped around him in a loose fist. Fingers and thumb still pressing and rubbing at him trying to get used to the feel of him. He was weighty? Heavier than you'd thought he would be, and you couldn't tell just how long he was but your hand wasn't at his tip... Or touching his pelvis.
You eyed him biting your lip trying to watch him for any displeasure or tell tale signs that he wanted to stop. Consent went both ways and you didn't want to do anything he didn't want to. Even with all his praise and reassurance you still wanted to be mindful. You knew you could accidentally hurt him. Henry noticed you were eyeing him knowing at your lip consciously. He moved his hand from yours and placed his fingers to your chin curling them then pulled your lip free from your teeth with a smile.
"Go on love, its okay I want you to. I want to feel you explore and you can stop whenever you like. Remember you don't owe me anything honey, you don't have to do anything you don't want to" Henry praised smoothing a thumb over your lip and pressing a little firmer, without thinking you kissed the digit. Swiping your tongue over the pad in soft shy kitten licks. He chuckled and pressed a tad harder only to gasp when you sucked his thumb in your mouth trapping it between your teeth and suckled lightly making him moan at the sight of your slightly hollowed cheeks.  
He let you do as you pleased, your hand still on his cock tentative strokes being added to the little massage you were treating him to. He suddenly pulled back needing to fist both hands in the sheets below as you squeezed his cock a little tighter once more, like how you had over his boxers. Henry remained like that grunting throwing his head back trying desperately to hold his hips still wanting to give you time and space to have your own little adventure.
You tipped your head to him slowly then cast your eyes down to the twitching muscles over his abdomen finding the way they moved enticing, each slow tiny pump of your hand had him reacting, grunts and keens small jolts and stretching his legs out below him. Your skin prickled as he opened his eyes, the blues half lidded and lusty gazing at you strained, full of need. A need you understood. Your breaths became quiet pants whilst watching him tremble, flicking his feet placeing them flat on the bed with his knees bent only to kick out and straighten them again with a grunt.
You hissed still working him, moveing faster finding a rhythm, you noticed you got the best reaction from him if the squeezed him harder near his tip and used your thumb to rub over his slit as you reached the crown. He widened his legs and tried closeing them at one point. But you didn't stop, your hand moved all the time just toying with him, trying different motioned and flexing your hand trying to find out what he liked and what he didn't. Slowly swaying from side to side yourself making your own lips rub against your now swollen clit. Your nipples peaked thought the cotton making him watch your heaving chest licking his lips and huff a broken chuckle. He was glad you were also enjoying yourself.  
You slowly twisted your hand taking hold of him firmer holding your wrist in a less uncomfortable position. He was hot and very thick, your fingertips couldn't meet around him. Henry grunted as you held him before sliding down, following the velvet twitching flesh searching for his base. Henry eyed you as your eyes got wider as your hand travelled the distance of his cock. Then after what felt like hours your hand hit home. Nestling into his curls.
You swallowed dryly and squeezed a little harder watching as his mouth fell open in a wordless cry. You would have pulled away thinking he was in pain but the uncontrolled buck of his hips told another story. You grinned and moved your thumb pressing on the underside of him, feeling a thick... muscle? That was flexing, straining and twitching below him. It throbbed faster under the small circles your drew with your thumb.  
"fuck uugh aah shit yes that's it-FUCK FUCK BABE~ AHAHAHAAAUGH!" you flicked your gaze to Henry watching him fist the sheets either side of him tensing and flexing his powerfull body and curling forward slightly, his hips rising to meet you in shallow thrusts.  
You pulled your hand up holding him tightly all the way. He yelped and tried to follow your hand hiding a red flush creeping up his chest. It was incredible, you could feel him quivering, see every mighty muscle in him come to life and tense. His ABS spasmed beautifully and the pectorals in his chest flexed, biceps tense and bulging as he gripped the covers in two glorious fists. Then his shoulders? God the were stunning, broad and rippling as he jolted tugging at the muscles in his neck, muscles that looked perfect for biting. Your eyes blew wide and mouth ran dry, the fist wrapped around him was now pumping him in short fast strokes on auto pilot, like you just instinctively knew what to do. You'd not really put much thought into tossing someone off, never thought this could be that erotic. Many friends said it was a chore. Boring and a pain in the ass... And the wrists. Honestly they must have been doing it wrong, because this was insanely arousing!  
Just watching him was causing the heat to pool between your legs, every gasp and whine he released was echoed by your own soft mewls. Your thighs rubbing ever so slightly. His pulse beating faster and faster and the mewls became louder until they were true moans, cries of pleasure that were just as deep and powerful as he was.  
You moved your hand all the way across his shaft watching his face, the needy look was something that would always stay with you. You held the crown of his cock and twisted your hand pressing down on it letting it wet your hand. His warm precum dousing it in proverbial fire. You slowly drew up higher only petting him with your fingertips and  massaged, pressing into the wet thick flesh in slowly drags and twists. Henry jerked up yelping as you did so making the elastic of his boxers ping and slip front your hand revealing the once concealed sight of his huge erect cock in your tiny hands grip.
"Oh god, I'm sorry did I hurt you?!" You breathed out panicked making to releasing him fearing you'd caught him with a fingernail or something. But Henry was quick amazingly so. His hands snapping you yours holding you still and he moved moaning louder as he rutted the head of his cock into you almost cage like fingers bumping the tip onto your palm wetting it with small drops of cum already.
"Fuck! I-no its no ones ever-UHGH FUCK AHA SSHIT~ please! Please don't I need!" Henry babbled grunting and moaning as you flexed your fingers.
"Fuck I need you love~ soo bad please!" You grinned feeling more and more confident and grasped his hand prying it from your own and held it sweetly. You tipped your other hand around fisting him again then began to stroke him whilst rubbing circles into his sensitive tip. He grunted louder panting and pleading with every breath he had when both your hands worked in tandem slow short pumps at first then gradually longer and faster.  
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Henry went wild below you moaning as your hand moved with ease along him coaxing out more cum from his tip that dribbled down over your moving hand. You tried to concentrate, watching as the taught skin wrapped around his cock give way to a beautiful glistening tip, the mushroom head was pink, but quickly becoming deeper in colour as you moved along him.
You slowed once more watching fascinated by him, your grip tightened again, all the... cum was making him slip through your hand easily so much so you were worried he would slip free of your fist. He growled almost snarling at you his hands came up to grab your hands once more only to stop and clench into fists and pin them to his sides not wanting to take over but at the same time needing you to finish him. Your nervous exploration quickly became almost sadistic teasing. You were fascinated with him, his reactions and sounds that drove your own blood racing faster and arousal to pool between your legs.
Henry's patience paid of when you smoothed his wet cock with your fingers and curled your thumb over his head as you reached the crown once more and stopped stroking. Instead you drew the pad of your thumb over his slit, exploring still, acquainting yourself with him. He was now hot, very very hot in your hand and seemed to have gotten harder and dare you say thicker from your... playing.
You leaned over him trying to get a better look. He was magnificent it a strange way? You'd never thought that cocks could be anything more then weirdly erotic, never beautiful but his was. A pleasing looking curve to him, thick and powerful just like the rest of him and... veiny? The thick throbbing veins wound around him like lace. Coiling and pretty?
He was frightening to behold in his glory long, longer than you thought a cock should be if you were completely honest, it was the type of cock that would pop in a 'monster cock' search on porn. yet you wasn't frightened? Far from it! You didn't care that your small frame would barley take him as far as you were concerned he was welcome to rearrange your guts!  
Your eyes trailed over him as you teased his slit, rubbing it and prodding with the flesh of your thumb it was big enough to press the tip of your thumb into. You did so gently remembering a video of a hand job once. The man had loved it but you knew you had to be gentle. You mimicked what you remembered pressing the tip of your thumb into it, just so the skin parted and the flicked, rubbing the sensitive flesh.
Henry cried out a gruntle moan growling and tried fucking up into you muttering 'oh god' over and over closing his eyes and throwing his head back. He liked that then? His groans got louder as you rubbed at him then squeezed with the rest of your fingers trying to hold him still.
"I-is that? Okay?... I mean its err... not to tight?" You asked frowning but he just cried out and widened his legs rocking meeting your hand with shaky thrusts. You quickly added your other hand to him. This time curling them both around him and jerking him up and down as fast as you could making sure to press your finger is along the veins as you went. He roared and ached up not expecting you to go at it like that be was thankfull for it, a few tears escaped his eyes as you work him through both hands, his eyes snap open and a cacophony of unintelligible sound pouring from him as his body spasmed.
You grinned and leaned over him pressing a sweet kiss to his shoulder before resting your cheek on it looking down as you continued fucking him with your hands twisting as you reached his base drawing a delicious high yip from him. He turned his head to you moaning into your ear, one of his hands wrapped around your waist digging the strong fingers into the soft swell of your love handles and closed his eyes. You followed suit loosing yourself in his harsh sounds, imagining him holding you rutting up into you singing this new beautiful melody.
Then without so much as a warning he arched throwing his head back again jerking harshly into your hand, his cock was tensing tugging his balls up meeting your hand and began pleading desperately eyes wide and wanting. He watched you, nothing else his eyes didn't look at your face instead his needy gaze bored into yours you could see he was close his eyes glazed both with unshed tears and an addictive heady lust that you want to see again and again. You'd never get tired of that look, the needy sexy thirsty look pick tongue wetting his lips and a flushed sweaty face torn between a tight look of concentration and a serene happiness. Giddy and excitable.  
"F-fuck DONT STOP! PLEASE-oh goooooddd fuck fuck please-love I -don't stop I want you to! AhUGH!" He babbled rolling his he'd back trembling legs trying to fuck up into your hands. You moaned yourself watching him loose himself.
"Your doing perfect-FUCK SOO~ YES PERFECT! Just- please don't stop fuck OH-OHGOD! I-I'm gonna cum! Fuck fuck yes just-oh God fuck babe please?!" He roared loud and suddenly stilled arched high. You felt it, the way his cock jerked in your hand pumping his release from his balls. Then he was releasing thick dribbles of cum spurt from his tip. In a blind panic you tightened your hand just under his crown and slapped your hand over his head suddenly afraid of him getting your sheets messy. You wasn't sure why. It was irrational but it was a knee jerk reaction.  
"FUCK FUCK- BABE?! Yes- OH! God ple-please I need to- please please fuck let go please I can't?!"He swore at contorted bucking into you powerfully as you did so. The flat of your palm blocking his release, forcing his orgasm to last longer as his cumulative was trapped in his cock. Henry squinted and rocked up into your palm grunting and choking on his own moans almost unable to breath then you finally pulled away. Gasping as he finally growled cumming in thick ropes across himself. The force of his delayed release making his cock bob and sway under its own power. He grunted and thrusted his hips moaning breathing heavy still letting loose more cumulative dribbling from him even as his cock began softening and laid back on his abdomen.
You blinked eyeing him cautiously as he panted looking up at the ceiling groaning, bringing his hands to his hair and dragging his fingers through it wiping his sweaty brow. You flicked your gaze to your hand smothered in his release. Without even a though you brought you palm to your face and sniffed, there wasn't really a smell to it, just male but clean? Then you craned forward and tentatively lapped at it.
It was... strange a peculiar taste but not unpleasant, musty and male but not salty like others had lead you to belive. You lapped gingerly and paused hearing him growl a very low Geralt growl through some harsh pants the force of his erratic breaths rocking the bed.  
"Baby you really need to stop that~ because if not we will end up doing this all night~" You flushed wide eyed at him and  
"I-Is that such a bad thing?" you quipped popping a finger into your mouth and sucking feeling sexier then you probably looked. You quickly tore your hand away from your face embarrassed at the thought wiped it on the covers beside you.
"oh god you think you can just tease huh? Well if you get me hard again I may have to just roll you over and show you just how long in can hold you on the edge hm?" he teased making you falter the image of being below him thrashing as he held you on the edge of rapture, which you just knew he would be able to do effortlessly, the ache between your thighs deepen. But he didn't give you a chance to dwell on it as he grinned mischievously at you and pounced. You squealed as he dived over you caging you below him not caring that h was now fully naked over you, or that his now flaccid cock was dirtying your nighty. He held you dragging your lips to meet his in a deep kiss, tongue and teeth both ravaging your mouth biting your lips and nipping at your tongue as you prodding him with it trying to ease yourself into his mouth keening.
You whined feeling a wet patch form on your belly from his cock rubbing into it. He rocked over you grunting and claiming your mouth as his own once more, not caring in the slightest that you now tasted of him. But then again it was probably the same for him and it was you. There was a possessiveness that came with tasting of one another. He pulled back holding himself over you with one hand gazeing down at you still pinning you with his abdomen and waist. His heavy from wasn't  uncomfortable, in fact it was very nice having him over you like this, comforting in a strange way?
He breathed in deep trying to draw in lungfulls of the delicious coconut mango shampoo and body wash you used. His free hand smoothed over your cheek cupping it in his hand. You whined closing your eyes nuzzling into the gentle palm sighing and fluttered your eyes relaxing in your own skin for what felt like the first time on your life. Henry's face softened, settling into a warm smile, wide blue eyes staring at you adoringly.
"I love you Y/n" you froze mouth hanging open as he whispered the words at you. You blinked and tried to breath or speak or anything! But you were shell shocked. 'he... He just? Oh my- no but? Henry just? OH FUCK! FUCK HE DOES- HE LOVES ME? HE LOVES ME! Joey, mum Anya tee- they were right! He-henry loves me back! I'm... Oh god' tears gathered in your eyes at the thoughts, the realisation that you were in love and loved in return!
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He held his breath biting his lip cursing himself as you went quiet, the room became tense as the seconds passed.  Somehow he just couldn't hold back this time. He just had to finally tell you premature or not. He loved you whole heartedly and you needed to know. It had just felt right but maybe he shouldn't have blurted it out in his afterglow like that. But he had and he couldn't take it back. He wouldn't.  
You managed to compose yourself and swallow the lump in your throat just as panic washed over you when he opened his mouth. He looked apologetic and as if he was about to start to take it back. You didn't give him a chance to and moved sitting up on your elbows diving in for another kiss trying to pour your feeling into it. He must have got the message, he relaxed and smiled against your lips making you pulled back as tears began rolling down your face and you sniffed quietly trying not to bawl like silly little girl.
"I l-love you too H-Henry" you wept quietly somehow giggling through the tears and admission. Henry rolled on his side and wound his arms around you dragging you to his chest snuggling you. He grinned his heart about ready to burst as you told him what he'd been waiting so long to hear. He tucked his head into your neck kissing you as you cried sweetly. Happy tears of his own slowly streaking his face wetting your neck as he nuzzled into it muttering over and over I love you almost like he was making up for lost time, all the instances he'd wanted to tell you now spilling from him. And the best thing? Was you uttering it back every single time.  
This was it. This is what love was supposed to be open, warm and unafraid. Freeing and all consuming. And now he knew what true love felt like he wasn't letting go. He was never letting you go. He summarized holding you tighter as you clutched at him. Now all he had to do was fuck you silly to drive home the message, but that could wait. For now he was going to enjoy this feeling of finally having the love of his life in his arms. No secrets. No wondering. No uncertainty. You loved him and he loved you and from here on out it was the two of you against the world. He eyes you as your breathing evened out your tears stopped and you watched him skimming a finger over his chest swirling the small curls.
"I think we should get some sleep love, afterall you are training with me tomorrow and I wont be going easy on you~" he teased chuckling as you pouted.
"B-but I hurt my leg" you whined at him
"Your leg was fine when you were rocking on it earlier... Why were you rocking anyway love? Have an inch needing scratching?" he quipped prodding your side making you squirm and whimper at him cheeks flushing. He definetly knew you had an inch needing scratching. It was just a shame you really did need to be wide awake tomorrow.
"I-I? Just shut up you!" you grunted and snuggled into his chest more hiding away from him.
"Aww don't be like that, I promise once I'm done throwing you about tomorrow I will tend to your little Eden~" he teased making your whole body glow bright red at his sweet yet tempting promise.  
"D-Don't call it that!" you squeaked out at him.
"But Eden is cute? Or do you prefer kitty? Cunny? Princess parts? Love box? Fanny? No your right I don't like that oh what about Quim? Peach... But your ass is more like a peach-" he started listing off more nicknames for your most intimate parts each one worse then the others.
"Fuck okay okay Eden! Eden it is! Jesus Christ just stop!" you snipped trying to stop this madness. He released a deep belly laugh at your flustered look and held you tighter.
"Never~ come on lights out love"
"fucking give you lights out if you carry on" you huffed pouting but snuggled into him making him laugh as he flicked off the tv and bed side light.
"Ooo feisty I like it~" he muttered into the darkness pulling the covers over the both of you getting ready to settle for the night.
"Oh go to sleep, aren't men supposed to pass out after popping one off?" you asked with a sigh.
"Most men but love you forget I am a Witcher we have inhuman stamina so another three should do it if your offering~" he said cheekily making you sigh loudly making him press a kiss to your head.
"Good night honey, I love you" instantly the slight irritation you had melted and you tipped your face up and pressed a kiss to his lips making him freeze obviously not expecting the kiss.
"I love you too now get some sleep, if your throwing me around I want you well rested and on your A game." with that you both fell into silence drifting off to sleep tangled in one another's embrace the prefect image of a blissful couple.
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babbushka · 3 years
My thought for a request is going to a drive in with exhibitionist!Flip and him going down on you or fucking you in the bed of his truck and making the springs squeak louder than the movie and drawing attention. I’d like to request that please
Thank you for doing a flip celebration!
Anonymous said: For my request, can I request something with some public sex with flip like maybe at a movie theater or drive in please and he takes it a little too far??Thank you for the special Flip day!
1.8k NSFW (oral sex (f receiving), exhibitionism, sex in a public location, praise kink, fingering, hair pulling)
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Snuggled up in the back of Flip’s pick-up truck, you nestle your head against his shoulder. He got a good spot, made sure to get here early for it, for the front-row seat at the drive-in. It’s nice, being this close to the screen, it looks like they put up the whole thing just for you. A brand new movie hit the theaters this weekend, something called Jaws, a flick directed by that Spielberg fella. Folks said it was supposed to be good, and you’re supposed to be watching it, but Flip’s got other plans for the night.
Plans that he is getting antsy to start setting in motion, you can tell. With one arm wrapped around your shoulders, the hand that’s resting right near your chest keeps creeping closer closer closer, and you have to bite back a grin.
“This is such a bad idea.” You tell him straight, and he peers down at you from being a head or so taller, raising a brow in your general direction while some men are on a boat on screen.
“Do you not want to do it?” He asks, sincerity in his voice.
“No we’re absolutely fucking doing it,” You shake your head, looking up at him with a sparkle of mischief in your eye, “I’m just telling you right now that it’s a bad idea.”
Immediately, Flip retracts his arm and uses it to tug you down the back of the truck a little further. It’s been transformed into a more comfortable oasis for movie watching; pillows and blankets pad the otherwise hard bed, a small towel to clean you up when he’s had his way with you, and even one of those new camping coolers filled with snacks and drinks. He bought you one of the big over-priced popcorn buckets, but there was no reason to shell out a couple quarters on M&Ms when you already have them at home.
“We’ll be fine, everyone’s in their cars, we’re in our car…no one can see us.” Flip begins kissing your apprehension away, his tongue hot in your mouth as he trails his tongue across the edge of your lip.
“Except for the security that walks around.” You roll your eyes, letting yourself be manhandled and moved around, until you’re lying down comfortably among the pillows.
“I know the security, we’ll be fine.” Flip dismisses the concern and you can’t help but laugh at his flippancy.
You had made up your mind that you were going to let him fuck you at the drive-in a long time ago, but it was still fun to get him frustrated about it. He always had a bit of an edge when he was all riled up, and you can tell he’s riled up now.
“Say it again and maybe this time I’ll believe you.” You murmur against his lips one last time, adrenaline from the public act, so out in the open – literally under the stars – beginning to pound in your chest.
“If you seriously want me to stop, tell me.” He says, big brown eyes filled with the light from the screen.
He’s so handsome, too handsome for his own fucking good, you think, but if you tell him that now, his ego will go through the roof, so all you do is pat his cheek lovingly before shoving his head down playfully, and ordering him to, “Shut up and eat me out already.”
The one problem with this plan was that your genius husband didn’t take into account the fact that the bed of his truck isn’t long enough to fit the both of you the way he normally eats you out, without his legs hanging off the bottom. So after a moment or two of figuring out positioning, he settles on turning his whole self around. His feet rest by your head, and you pat his leg sweetly, rolling your eyes at him.
“Will you talk to me?” Flip props himself up on one elbow, eyes wide and eager, “Let me hear you?”
“Someone will hear!” You scoff in fond exasperation, giving his leg a shake.
“The movie’s so loud, and everyone’s got their windows rolled up, won’t you let me hear you?” He asks again, and you lick across your teeth and nod.
With that, he ducks his head under your skirt, and tugs aside your panties. You’re already a little wet, how could you not be with him hugging you close and kissing you throughout half of this movie? How could you not be, with the knowledge that this was coming?
His fingers slip between your folds and he begins the steady process of stretching you out just a little, just enough to get you to relax. He’s not going to dick you down out here, that would just be asking for trouble, so he doesn’t have to finger your pussy for long. Still, the two of you savor the feeling of his thick fingers shoving themselves up up up into you, and you do your best to swallow your moans.
Carefully, Flip builds up a rhythm that has you growing anxious for more, desperate for more. He’s not going fast enough to give you any proper friction, it’s slow, it’s tantalizing, it’s maddening. Your grip on his leg is all you give him as an indication, because you know that if you start begging now, you’ll be shouting it for the whole drive-in to hear.
Gripping his calf now, he gets the hint, and you can feel the hot breath of a chuckle ghost across your inner thigh as he positions himself perfectly to press his plush lips right against yours, kissing your pussy for a moment before his tongue finally finally finally drags through you.
You swallow down a moan, unable to stop the little sigh that escapes from your throat as he begins to make out with your cunt, his tongue thrusting shallowly at first as he licks and sucks on your folds. Teeth scraping gently over your flesh, you’re so sensitive already, your nipples hard in your blouse.
“How is your tongue so long?” You hiss out as quietly as you can, face already starting to pinch up in pleasure. You’ve completely given up on watching the movie, whatever troubles the characters are having require far more attention than you’re willing to give them.
“Like it?” He mumbles into your body, making you shiver all over, making you shudder, as his thick muscle rolls into you, dragging around patterns that have your head lolling back against the pillows.
“Yes, don’t stop, please don’t stop.” Spreading your legs as far as they can go for him, you press your hips up to his face, feeling his nose breathe in against your thigh, panting against your cunt, “I could keep you here all day, you’re so good at this. My pussy eating champ, that’s what you are.”
“Pull on my hair.” Flip moans breathily, and you waste no time tangling a fist into his silky locks.
“Way a-fuckin’-head of you honey oh my god…!” Your eyes roll back as he responds to the yanking of his hair, so you do it again and again.
Holding him in place, you get so lost in your own pleasure that you’re not so certain you aren’t suffocating him. Flip’s got his arms wrapped around your thighs, hugging you tight to him as you squirm and whimper, your nipples rubbing and chafing against your blouse. One of your hands leaves his hair and pinches at it instead, the sting going straight to your clit.
Then he does something with his tongue, something so good, that you can’t help yourself as you yelp out an extremely too loud, “Oh fuck!!”
At once, Flip wrenches himself away, and at that moment, the entire drive-in theater is also screaming and cursing loudly, because blown up ultra-tall and extra-wide is the largest shark you’ve ever seen, mouth pried wide open showing off a row of teeth that have frightened the entire crowd.
“Holy shit!” Flip feels like he’s about to have a fucking heart attack, even has to slap a hand against his chest to catch his breath, your slick shining on his goatee, as the realization that the timing had saved your asses stuns him with its convenience, “That was close.”
“Sorry, you have to warn a girl before you do that though!” You smack at his bicep, big and strong and flexing in his flannel.
He snickers at you, pushes his fingers back up into your cunt as he settles right-side up next to you once more. He’s got his other arm settled underneath your head, acting like a pillow, as you throw your leg over his hip. Kissing him, you can taste yourself on his tongue, a reminder of where he just was, what you were both doing.
“Are you gonna come?” Flip asks as he strokes his fingers against your walls. You’re relaxed enough and stretched enough and certainly fucking wet enough now that he can fit three inside your cunt, and it’s almost like he’s fucking you with his cock from how thick that feeling is.
“Yeah, yes – I – I’m so close.” You grind down on his fingers, clutching and holding onto his flannel as you pant against his neck, chasing the feeling, knowing that your time is running out, knowing that the movie will be over soon.
“Want to come down my throat or on my fingers?” Flip kisses the top of your head, but you don’t have the energy to think.
“I – I – don’t make me choose.” You whine, eyes shutting tight as you bite your lip, his fingers pushing and pulling, in and out, in and out, thumb rubbing your clit, your whole body on fire there in the back of his fucking truck.
“On my fingers then,” Flip decides for you, his teeth grazing the shell of your ear as he speeds his hand up, “I want to watch you.”
It only takes a few more moments of attention before your body spasms against his chest. He fingers you through it, thrusts into your pussy as it clenches and throbs, comes comes comes all over his palm. He feels so accomplished, and you’re blissed out of your mind, and the people in the theater are screaming again, and none’s the wiser.
A few moments more, and you’re calmed down enough, snuggly again. Flip’s wiped himself away, cleaned up between your legs with his little towel, and cracked open a nice cold pop for the two of you to share sips from.
“Well, what’d you think?” He finally asks, making you scoff out a laugh, because of course it went well, of course it was amazing, your husband wouldn’t let you have anything less.
“I think…” You say, knowing that you’re likely going to do this again, likely going to want to do more than just get eaten out here in this makeshift bed, “You’re gonna need a bigger truck.”
I am once again taggin' some flip lovin' friends lol @mochabucky @sacklerscumrag @artsymaddie @bitchydecisions @direnightshade @reyloaddict55 @thembohux @kylorenswhxre @sunflowersinthesnow @babayagakeanu @safarigirlsp @steeevienicks @materialisthicc @hswritingrecs @han68000 @rosi3ba3z @chapterhappygirl @loverofallthings @groovetoob @bxnnywriting @glassbxttless @angel-bxby3 @smallgirlbigpersonality @lovelyyy-luna @2000andwhat @raddo1975 @cornmousequeen @metsienmenninkainen @caillea @painttheskylineforme @holding-on-to-starwars
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