#but people buy and sell a LOT of fanart lmao
aro-aceattorney · 6 months
Can I make a confession. I do not get the paranoia around selling bound fanfic
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little-red-fool · 2 months
Ok, have some basic wf tips with some questions regarding socialization at the bottom:
-Best early game warframes are Rhino and literally every Warframe you can get from the Tenno Lab of a Clan Dojo. You can check guides to see how each frame is built, but i can also give you an overview directly if any warframe specifically catches your eye.
-Level up your damage mods and elemental damage mods. They will get you through with your weapons.
-Each weapon has either a higher crit chance or a higher status chance. Build either a full crit build for a weapon or a status build with elemental mods (best are viral, corrosive against grineer, heat and slash) depending on which stat is higher for your weapon. (Btw, you normally get weapons by buying their blueprints from the market for credits, yes for credits not plat, then building it wih the right materials. Same for Warframes, but you need to craft their components first which drop from their own places before you can craft the blueprint for the warframe itself)
-Experiment, get slots from Nightwave or by buying them with plat (if you still have starter plat remaining), and stick with weapons you enjoy using the most rather than whats meta or good. You can get an Mk-1 strun (a very bad weapon for all but the very early game) to kill level 100+ enemies, so meta is a suggestion. (Also, theres a set of mk-1 weapons you can buy for credits which are slightly worse versions of the same weapon without the mk-1 prefix. They serve as intro weapons and consider buying them, but remember to sell them if you need slots/get their base counterpart or a better weapon)
-Progress through the starchart at your own pace. All Warframe content since 2022 and probably forever will be locked behind the New War quest. Do not fret over this, Warframe is not made to be rushed. Play at your pace, everything can be earned.
-Prime gear is not necessary to do good in Warframe, it is a bonus
-If youre confused by the story, thats normal
-if you ever get stuck, the wiki is your friend (but i am also available, being a veteran of the game)
So, yea, that should be all you need to know to get started. Now, onto questions regarfing your interaction with the community:
1. How much do you usually interact with other fandoms youre in?
2. Do you even wish to be a part of the Waframe fandom?
3. Do you prefer to stay at a distance or would you like to interact a bit more? (Asking cause if its the latter, I can offer to be your training wheels considering the sheer number of people in the warframe community im actively friends with).
Ok, thats about all of the questions i can think of right now, but heres one more thing:
Warframe is a game filled to the brim with customization and fashion. It is an oc creator's wet dream. So just saying, if you like making ocs like your blog suggest you do, you will not wanna miss out on the later content in Warframe, trust me. As a proud owner of a bunch of ocs made over the course of multiple years...I would know
Ahh thank you so much this will probably help me a lot! (genuinely had no clue what I was doing in game lmao) I’ll have a look into these when I next log on because I’ll most likely need to change and upgrade stuff like mods, and I’ll try to acquire more Warframes since Excalibur’s the only one I’ve got right now. Also you’re 100% right about the OCs when I saw the amount of customisation options I was so excited lol
In terms of interacting with fandoms whilst I’d like to be able to be more social in the future I’m mostly just a casual observer at the moment, the extent of my interaction is usually just drawing and reblogging fanart, occasionally coming up with theories if I’m really invested in the story but that’s about as much as I interact most of the time and I’ll probably be like that for a while longer knowing me.
That being said I really appreciate the offer and I’m very grateful for the help you’ve given me, thank you so much! :)
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alicenpai · 10 months
Hello! I really like your art style and I want to one day support and buy some of your merch! the thing is I haven't gotten around to watching/reading a lot of the fandoms you cover (yet!), so I'd like to ask if you would ever do original merch? just as a suggestion I don't mean anything rude by it! Thanks!!!
hey anon!
I totally get ya, some of the fandoms I make merch for are niche and I understand 😭😭 WAHAHAHA. my taste is actually pretty eclectic, I like a lot of popular stuff too! it's just that I tend to like rooting for the underdog series that have less fanart........ (thanks for being interested in my art regardless of fandom that's like. the highest compliment?!)
I do have original merch!! let me ... showcase them to yall... hehe...
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The pins are from 2017, the stickers from 2022-now. I just don't post them, bc they're mostly for self indulgence/ don't really know how to post merch a lot of the time? (ive forgotten to post a lot of merch)/ gifts to friends/ for the few customers at cons who've asked if I have original merch. but if anyone's interested in these... to purchase 😳... by all means feel free to ask! (not the quicksand charm though I only have one bc it was a test print)
frankly, I don't think I'm popular enough with my OC art specifically to sell them right now. Originals are hard to market! It's easier to market fanart since people are already familiar with, and more importantly connect to, the characters and stories.
if you're asking if I'd ever draw like, original animal merch? like mascots i guess? on the other hand (and not OCs... LMAO) I don't know if I'm particularly interested, bc competition for that market is fierce. I don't tend to draw animals, so it'd be something I have to make a huge effort towards. or maybe I haven't found my niche yet!
for non-OC original merch, I took a huge gamble with these original enamel pins back in 2017! It was a fun experience but I went into the order with such little planning, and the girl design had a very last minute design, which I deeply regret. if I ever design original merch/enamel pins again I have to plan ahead... thanks for being interested, it's something I'll def think about!
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^ here are some pretty recent OC stickers I designed and haven't had the chance to print yet!
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tinytonestar · 8 months
Hello! I love your artwork and am inspired by you. I wanna ask how you make your prints and stuff!
I’ve always wanted to run a shop, but I’m afraid of the whole copyright stuff since studios like Larian forbid selling fan art for profit. However I always wanna try it out because I CRAVE merch too.
Do you have any advice for people starting out? Much love! 💕
Thank you!!! I'm really flattered that people are inspired by my art! I'm really small so it means a lot to me!!! uou I genuinely wing a lot of stuff I do but I research stuff for fun so I'll spill what I got and what I've been through lmao. For prints I recently went back to making my own! I use an Epson ET-8550. It's a nice printer and a single bottle of ink will last a good while and costs only $18. Any nice inkjet photo paper (eg. RedRiver paper is very good but can be pricey) will do! Tho I'm personally still on a quest for a balance between quality and cost effective photo paper qwq On the other hand, Catprint is popular for outsourcing, and prob a better choice if you don't wanna buy a $600+ printer. Only downside with them is their colors are mid if you're used to the bright colors of self-printing due to Catprint using laser printers instead of inkjet, but they're not terrible! I used them for a while for bigger quantities. In terms of copyright, it's a huge gray area. There are many other, better explanations online on how artists can get away with selling fanart that my brain is too small to provide lmao. In layman's terms it's like...free advertising for franchises. They won't explode you for making a few hundo on art you made of their video game characters that they made millions on. But take that with a grain of salt I'm very small and confused myself :'D For starting online shops, I like Bigcartel! Etsy charges a bunch of fees from what I've heard, but they do a lot of the advertising for you if I remember right. Running your own shop requires advertising yourself which I still don't like doing so I just stick to Artist Alley at cons for the majority of my activity lmao. Oh and Pirateship is fantastic for cheap shipping rates! Anyways sorry for going off I have circus brain uhhh hope this helped!! I feel u on that craving merch itch tho. A lot of stuff I make are mostly byproducts of things I really want for myself salkdhdkl cries in like 50 Astarion pieces
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theletterwsarseflap · 3 years
lmao I consider actually opening commissions like once a week but I also remember my work isn’t that desirable and it’s not even worth making a sheet to advertise for.
I made a proper attempt a few years ago, sold 0 during the year or whatever the sheet was active so yeah that kinda set the tone early on. Even these days, I think it’s a good year if I get more than 3, and rarely they’re anything more than just a simple sketch or something.
It’s great some people can actually make some cash or even pay off bills selling artwork but frankly I can barely get people to look at it let alone sell it. It’s kinda the same any time I’ve considered pins or keychains or whatever… I think I’m second rate at best, sometimes nice to look at but not worth paying for.
Maybe it bothers me more than it should because art’s something I’ve always loved doing but believe it or not, I’ve never been taken seriously with it. I’m always accused of not putting in full effort, or I’m not that creative, I lack skill, I’m not as good as I think I am, I’m not doing enough, or whatever. I’ve heard a lot of it and I will probably continue to hear more. Any time I’ve ever joined any sort of competition or design contest or whatever, I never even place. Sometimes I wonder why I’m still drawing but then I remember I never developed skills in anything else.
Sure I’ve decided to pretty much only do fanart for a very few specific things but even I thought my original stuff was garbage and I really didn’t actually enjoy doing it much. I get accused of lying about that because there’s no possible way I could enjoy drawing fanart more than original art but I’ve been that way since I was like… 4. Drew a shitton of Care Bears when I figured out how to hold a pencil, followed by Yoshis or Pokemon or whatever else I got into.
And don’t take this as me indirectly begging for commissions. If I was going to do that I’d be a lot more blunt about it. I’ve toyed with maybe opening them up come in the New Year but again, after more thought, I don’t think it’s really worth putting the effort in. Again, even with past advertising it was rare I got someone inquiring about them, let alone actually buying one.
Maybe it’s my personality.
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kathillards · 5 years
rangerstop 2019 memories
every convention i think “it can’t get better than this” and then every convention it DOES!!! anyway this was the year of #brodysbitches click the read more to check out all the good times we had:
so first of all we all got a booth! and by “we all” i mean abbey @kimberlyannharts​ and ben @brodyromero​ to sell their art, it was called super mega art and it was super mega fun! we all hung out there a lot but we also walked around to meet the rangers and lot of them stopped by to hang out with us too which was so sweet :’)
(if you’re interested in our rangerstop 2018 memories, check out tabby @operationoverdrive​‘s post here; i’m gonna steal her format and go in chronological order by season because ohmygod so much happened all the time!!)
carla perez / rita repulsa, mmpr
carla is literally the nicest warmest person in the world i’m ready to lay down my life for her! she exudes fun mom energy and she’s so pretty and she was so happy to talk with us about rita, i think we visited her booth pretty much every day and also said hi every time she passed by our booth
we told her that we loved rita and stan villainesses!! and she loved it! and that we loved her portrayal of rita as more fun and childish and full of energy and she said yeah, the directors asked her to take rita in a new direction when she was cast while still staying true to who rita was so she decided to make rita more childish and fun with the sticking out her tongue and everything and we told her it was perfect bc rita with her tongue out is literally iconic
tabby asked how she felt about rita turning good and she said she liked it bc she got to be on screen without all the rita makeup/wardrobe but she also loved playing evil rita! i asked her if she heard about thrax and she was like OH YEAH I HEARD THEY GAVE US A SON but she definitely had not watched it (respect) and we were trying to figure out how thrax could exist and we collectively decided (mostly tabby and carla) that thrax was adopted and rita and zedd were trying to turn him good, which she loved
tabby showed her the mean girls video and she fucking loved it so much!!! she was SO impressed by how tabby manipped rita and tommy making out and she went around telling everybody “she made me kiss jdf!!” which was sooo cute and when abbey and i went to see her on our own and i was like “i heard you saw the mean girls video” she said “i did!! she’s so cute and talented!” about tabby, we love a tabby thunderpunks stan!!
we went to get a video message from her and melody for kels (cassiechans on twitter) because kels is the og villainess stan and they were so excited and REHEARSED what they were gonna say (we just asked them to do “the voice” and say “live fast die young bad girls do it well”, they came up with everything else!) and here they are, aren’t they the literal cutest things on the planet?!?!
she loved abbey’s zedd/rita design and wanted a shirt but we didn’t have her size so she told abbey to dm her when her online store is open!!!! she also signed my zedd/rita print with “bad girls do it well” bc i asked and i would DIE FOR HER
catherine sutherland / kat hillard, mmpr/zeo/turbo pink
so the first night we get to the hotel, tabby tells me to close my eyes and come over and she hands me A PINK ZEO RANGER FUNKO POP, custom made by jalenv515 on instagram (check his stuff out!) and i lost my mind because its SO good and it’s my girl and i love it and tabby and katherine so much <3 the guy who made it asked her to ask me to get a pic with it so ofc i had to do that and show catherine 
she definitely did not remember us from the last two cons we saw her at but you know what i respect that! queen of being too popular to remember faces (brennan mejia take notes) but i think she did remember me after this time :’)
i said “so tabby actually got me this as a gift because i literally love kat hillard so much she is my entire soul” and she was SO touched and delighted to see the funko pop she was like “oh my god this is so cool!” and i was like, she’s going on the center of my power rangers shrine for reals
we asked her which season she liked better for kat and she said zeo but me and tabby were like “no, turbo rights only” and listed off the amazing kat episodes in turbo and she agreed with us that the episode with the ballerina and the weight gain episode were so good! i think she says zeo automatically bc it’s her only full season and dudebros love it so she was probably surprised that we were like fuck zeo lives turbo is skinny but... turbo IS skinny :)
i asked if she read soul of the dragon and she said she did! and i said it was the only comic i read bc i have to read everything kat is in and she laughed and she said she liked it and i said i loved that kat and tommy were a partnership but i was mad kat didn’t get to morph! and she was like “i know! but it has to be all about tommy as ALWAYS” with an EYE ROLL and me and tabby were ascending THE SHADE...I LOVE HER SO MUCH
we took a pic with her holding the funko pop and then i posted the pic on instagram w/ a cheesy caption of how much i love kat and she commented “aww you are too sweet” with a pink heart emoji... my actual mother who raised me
AND THEN at the end of the last day when we were standing around waiting to say goodbyes, she was heading out and we all started saying GOODBYE QUEEN and she stopped when she saw me and said she loved the pic and the pop on instagram!!!! she remembered me!!!!! and i told her the guy who made them was really happy she liked it and he’s working on more kat pops including unmorphed kat and turbo kat and she was so thrilled!!
nakia burisse / tanya sloan, zeo/turbo yellow
so because the originals are kinda super overpriced we do not get pics w/ most of them ever dfgjkdfd IM SORRY NAKIA I <3 YOU FOREVER but she looked so beautiful in all her outfits this con im gay
but anyway i was walking around the con by myself in my yellow shirt and i passed her booth and said hi and she said she liked my shirt!! and i was like thank you its for the yellow ranger culture
she was selling these rangers as infinity war t-shirts and i asked if she designed them and she said she did!! they were so cool i almost bought one but deadass i had no fucking room left in my luggage lmao
anyway her handler was looking at me and he goes “aren’t there like..... three of you?” and im like yeah they’re not here rn but we are codependent so i cant buy anything without them dfhgkfhd and hes like “yeah i worked other cons and i remember seeing y’all as a unit” which dfhjgkdfhgd HE WAS NOT THE ONLY HANDLER TO REMEMBER US SPECIFICALLY and i said “ur right we cant function without each other” and nakia was like “aww i love that” queen of supporting our codependent dumbasses!!
melody perkins / astronema, karone, lost galaxy pink
she is soooo nice she has this high-pitched voice it’s so sweet i always feel so soothed whenever she speaks near me she is also so pretty!! 
the others talked to her without me on day 1 and melody said she liked astronema’s purple wig best and didn’t like the white wig w/ the black things in it bc they kept getting in her way, and she loved karone’s outfit because it was easier to fight in
i went with abbey to drop off her astronema doodle for melody and she loved it!! shes so cuuuute
she was so excited to do the video message for kels and it was so adorable when she messed up the first time (live fast die well bad girls do it young!) lmaoo and we showed her kels’ reaction later and she was so flattered!! she also looks so cute in her reading glasses and she LOVED the mean girls video too!!!!!!!
we told her that we hosted a villainess appreciation week online and so many people picked astronema as their faves and she was so touched <3 a literal angel sent from heaven
ann marie crouch / princess shayla, wild force
only there saturday and sunday, limited edition queen! we met her on saturday so kat could get her fanart from gazbot signed and she was ofc in her princess shayla dress and looked soooo pretty
she was so impressed by gazbot’s art that she asked we take him over to her booth and we were all like OKAY PRINCESS COMING THROUGH MAKE WAY FOR THE PRINCESS and took her over to meet him and he was so happy and she was also happy and it was just so nice.... god i love ranger cons! everyone loves power rangers! its the dream!
and then after that we took her to our booth bc it was just two away from gazbot’s and she loved it everyone always loves ben and abbey’s art bc its the greatest in the world :’)
glenn mcmillan / dustin brooks, ninja storm yellow
first of all, ben abbey and i saw him passing by while we were having dinner at gatorville and we all GASPED and he noticed and grinned and waved at us while he was walking by.... an angel literally an angel
he’s so cute and sweet! he wore his yellow shirt w/ dustin’s logo on it all three days, king of branding
i got abbey’s dustin sticker signed by him and she gave him one of his own and he loved itttt
tabby asked him about his role in zenon z3 and you could tell his brain was processing loading while he tried to rmr what the fuck that movie was but he got into it and actually answered her questions about it, it was so sweet
i overheard him telling another fan he was trying to get “sally and the others” to morphicon for a reunion!!!!!!!!!!!!!! come to pmc next september pasadena california to see if he succeeds
john tui / doggie cruger, spd shadow, daggeron, solaris knight
LITERALLY THE STAR ATTRACTION every time we passed by his booth his line was a mile long, meanwhile all the originals’ booths right across from him were like [crickets chirping] it was so funny lmao
so we only got to see him on the last day bc his line was so long and nobody wanted to stand in it but tabby wanted to meet him! and then she got scared and almost walked away but a really nice girl (i think part of chris khayman lee’s team??) stopped her and was like THIS IS UR MOMENT and it was!!!
he is literally so sweet and handsome and cuddly he’s just a big teddy bear and he’s soooo charming and nice, he was wearing a manbun and like a full suit w/ a dress shirt, absolutely flexing on all the other boys in their t-shirts and jeans
tabby asked if he would do a pose holding her hand like he’s about to kiss it and he laughed and was like “okay but don’t show my wife!!” loyal king
he also hugged her twice hes so cuddly!! and we asked him about his other roles (he was in solo!) and he said he really enjoys expanding his filmography and stuff but power rangers is close to his heart and he also really likes doing parts that his kids can watch... it was the cutest thing
and we said how cool it was to see him represent his culture and he said he loved that too ugh rangers of color only valid rangers tbhonest honestly
richard brancatisano / xander bly, mystic force green
ok so firass is really hot and at one point he stopped by our table (bc richard called him over to look at abbey’s nick and fireheart print) and he was really nice but he’s. he’s so hot. we did not go to his table all weekend bc we were so intimidated hfdghfgd so thats why he doesnt get a section. but i do still love him i just cant speak w/ him or my brain will turn to jello probably
nic also won’t get a section bc i didnt really interact w/ him much but he stopped by the table twice to talk w/ abbey he loved her and her art!! chip squared!! he ranted about how hard it was to say fireheart in an american accent for all of them it sounded cute go talk to abbey for more details
anyway back to richard: somehow we just attract green rangers like bees to honey and idk why but i’m not complaining he’s so nice and handsome and funny! and he just LOVED talking with us like we stopped by his table every day and i dont think we even talked about mystic force or anything in particular, we were just chatting and he just loved it and like never wanted us to leave basically
i did ask him a question about xander’s personality and he legit went “uhh idk” and then started talking about himself???? KING OF NOT KNOWING SHIT ABOUT HIS OWN CHARACTER love that for him bc i also dont know shit about xander
he stopped by the table a couple times (well mostly we yelled HEY RICHARD and he came over) and he was so sweet and also when we told him we didn’t have xander art at our booth he jokingly rolled his eyes and said “of course” but then ben and abbey both doodled xander and came over to show him and he was SO TOUCHED 
he hugged us all goodbye individually and then at the end we were waiting to say goodbye to aljin, richard was leaving his booth and abbey waved at him and his eyes LIT UP and he switched course to walk over to us and say goodbye again!!!! he loves us and i love him so much!!!
dwayne cameron / tyzonn, operation overdrive mercury
hes so fun to talk to, we went to him on day 1 to get my tyzonn print (from gazbot) signed and we were just talking to him about all his roles and tabby asked “was that ur real hair” and he was like lmao no can’t you tell?? and was talking about how they originally were gonna dye his hair platinum blonde but he thought it looked awful so they went w/ the ugly wig and he said they wanted to differentiate him from his previous two power rangers characters so tyzonn had to be blond
and then he kept saying wig and we kept giggling about it and we had to explain to him that wig is teen slang for something really cool and awesome and he said to try it out and gestured with his arms and it was SO funny... king of memes
my first suggestion for a video message was to have him say “operation overdrive is the best season ever and if you dont like it go suck a dick” but he vetoed that (but he was laughing) lmao
and HE’S the one who suggested he say “operation overdrive is wig” and it was perfect go check out the video on my blog 
he hugged me so tight and kissed my cheek after our pic together and i love him so much
aljin abella / theo martin, jungle fury blue
SHORT KING!!! literally the kindest nicest sweetest person ever i just wanna be in his presence all the time he’s such a ray of light he’s so smart and remembers fucking everything about his season KING OF JUNGLE FURY
his fiancee was there with him!! her name is lyndie she’s sooooo nice and she LOVED abbey’s shirts and bought an alpha one and wore it two days in a row! i fucking loved her she was so much fun to talk to and she told us about their proposal story it was so romantic and sweet
he told us so many things about jungle fury behind the scenes and how it was filming stuff and everything i honestly cant even rmr but i loved how much he knew, he told us that the actress who played fran was dating the actor who played master swoop at the time of filming and we were all like omfg (how random?? but cute)
he said he thinks theo and lily are probably still together but even if they’re not they’re still bffs bc they have such a rich history between them :’) brennan mejia take fucking notes
he said he thought they were gonna leave the theo/lily plot hanging after dance the night away and he was surprised it coming back!! but he really enjoyed it and he loves anna and i told him to get a jungle fury reunion together at pmc
he told us that this is just the first time he’s ever been properly invited to a con (i think he was sponsored by one of the toy booths or smth); people would ask him casually “hey would you wanna come to a con” and he was down but nobody ever actually officially invited him till now so @ PEOPLE WHO SPONSOR ACTORS TAKE NOTES INVITE MORE DISNEY ERA PEOPLE thank you
at the end we went to say goodbye to him and lyndie, he had been saying goodbye to some other ppl so we waited in line politely and as soon as he turned around and saw us he smiled so big and was like YOU GUYS! GROUP HUG! and he only group hugged the five of us because he loved us so much and he was so cute!! i wanna hug him forever, literally a blue angel sent from heaven
rj cyler / billy cranston, reboot blue
TALL KING!! his section goes after aljin specifically so i could say that
he is soo tall and SO handsome and FUNNY and CUTE and charming and he hugged EVERYONE AS SOON AS HE SAW US he’s so bouncy and excited and just. good vibes. so many good vibes!!!
the energy around his booth is just so much fun he’s ALWAYS laughing and joking and talking with literally anybody he sees, sometimes he did get distracted like when bl*ke f*ster (vomit.emoji) or walter jones would come up to his table and he was also late a lot but i would wait forever and ever.mp3
as soon as tabby walked w/ her blue ranger plushie he goes OH MY DAMN and immediately asks to hold it and just spends five minutes bouncing around cuddling it TEDDY BEAR PRINCE CHARMING <333
he said he already owns 3 and was like “i dont wanna own EVERYTHING w/ my character because that seems weird?” and kat was like “no that’s king behavior” and he was like u kno wat... ur right
tabby talked to him about scream and abbey talked to him about swamp thing when we went back to him on sunday bc my friends are fuckin nerds go ask them about their convos w/ him!! abbey asked him why he was always dying in water and he was like I KNOW and he said he didnt like death scenes bc they made him be still and he’s so bouncy and hates being still and quiet dfgjkkdfdgk
we got two super cute polaroids with him and our whole group i will post them later maybe on twitter? THEYRE SO CUTE I LOVE HIMMMM
james davies / chase randall, dino charge black
ohhh my god he’s so sweet.... he also looks So good w/ a beard.... he’s literally just so nice! he always smiles so big and looks right in your eyes when he talks to you and he’s just...so sweet. when we went back and watched true black in the hotel room we were so weirded out by chase being such an asshole bc its sooo different from james’ entire personality lmao
showed him ben’s chase print and he loved it <33 he signed mine “chase the hotshot” bc i asked him to and i love it
idk what we talked about tbh he’s so pretty.... he started interviewing kat when she asked him to sign her print which was super funny bc we were all like For Why djkfghdg he just wants to get to know everyone...its cute
he asked us “whats the difference between a pillow and a cushion” and we all had a mini existential crisis trying to figure it out
idk what else to say hes just really cool and i hope he comes back bc i would love to see the whole dino charge cast vibing together
brennan mejia / tyler navarro, dino charge red
what a man what a man what a mighty good man.mp3
first time he passed by our booth on day one we all gasped BRENNAN and he waved hi :D he’s very easily distracted he was only at his booth like half the time lmao
i also called him over later to show him ben’s print and he was like omg this is so cool and i was like do u remember him (ben) from last year and he was like of course! idk if he was lying but hes cuuuute
we yelled at him for saying tyler/shelby would break up last year and he laughed but he REFUSED to take back his WRONG opinion even after kat made him sign “tyler + shelby forever” on her print, king of being stubborn
kat asked him if he wanted to make out w/ her tiny pink dino charge figure and he was like i really DONT wanna do that, he was laughing but it was cute bc he didnt even try to humor us at all (the way other actors do when we say “oh we loved this part!” and they go oh yeah totally same lmaoo) just kept joking around with us like we were FRIENDS
WE ASKED HIM TO SING FOR US first i asked for the triceratops song and he was like ummmmmmm so then we suggested the n-zed boys song and he was like ok but i dont rmr the lyrics so ben had to teach them to him and then he asked if ben would sing it with him and i told him to ask nicely and he made PUPPY DOG EYES at ben and well #bennanfirstwin
(we tried to get james to sing after that, and brennan begged him to sing too BECAUSE HE’S A PROFESSIONAL SINGER and actually got cast in hairspray??? omg? but he started blushing and refused every single time we asked dfhgjdd hes so cute!!! he also apparently choreographed the tyler/shelby dance in that episode, multitalented king of the arts)
we talked to him about pokemon and he said he’s getting shield but he hasnt picked a starter yet bc he hasnt seen the evolutions and we (me and ben) were like, well do u wanna see the leaks? and he was like JSUT the evolutions so the next day i saved some pics and went back to him and he looked thru them and he said he liked them all but he really liked the grookey final evo so for all you pokefans out there, that’s where he stands (he also let us add him on pogo altho he does not open gifts ever so far so what is the POINT of you brennan)
he also played smash on the switch w/ our friend jobber and apparently CRUSHED HIM, nerdy ass bitch. love him so much
we mentioned we loved tyler’s og curly hair in s1 and he says it was so hard to maintain bc curly hair does whatever it wants so he likes his new straight hairstyle better bc he can make it do what he wants and like, same, but also :(
he also vibe checked tabby’s phone and it was fucking awesome
literally every time we were talking to james or will or anyone else and he was around and we locked eyes w/ him he would grin or make a funny face god he’s soooo cute. he also commented on my insta post of him doing a handstand and i lost it hes SO CUTE!! the only man in the world except for.......
william shewfelt / brody romero, ninja steel red
literally the first thing i blurted out was i love you thank you for brody romero i love seeing a desi character on power ranger SO much and he was just completely shocked that we all KNEW he was desi and he was like, yeah my mom’s indian but my dad’s caucasian and i was like so what bitch you STILL COUNT 
he was, like, so touched that we knew and cared about him being desi and was like “wow you guys really know a lot” and kat the traitor was like “yeah they stalked you to figure out who tf you are” dfgjkdfhgd and we mentioned jasmeet and ppl thinking he was the first indian ranger and will was like “yeah i heard about that and i didnt wanna make it a big thing but...” LIKE HONEY PLEASE WE GOT SHOOTERS OUT HERE FOR BRODY ROMERO 
its so overwhelming to even think about bc brody romero is literally LITERALLY my favorite ranger of all time and we spent SO MUCH time talking to will and all of it was fucking amazing i’ll try to point out the highlights but god there was just so much i love him SO much
he talked a lot about the time he spent in new zealand (bc zali and nari were there from australia and talking to him about it) and he told us a lot of stories about the cast getting drunk and having fun, he told us about the time he and the boys went w/ jordi to his home and learned about maori culture and he had to eat bugs and about the time nico got blackout drunk at star casino and made out w/ a completely random girl and they all gave him hell for it later lmao
he was having so much fun talking to us that at one point a random dudebro came up and brennan was around the booth and we were like “oh did you wanna buy something” and dudebro was like “no i just wanted to show them my comic” which literally was just an mmpr comic and he wasn’t even paying for anything what the fuck?? and will took one look at him and his comic and went “uh one second man” and turned back to us and completely ignored him until he went away and we all DIED laughing i love him SO much (sorry to brennan for leaving him w/ the dudebro lol)
at some point he was talking about other actors that he’s met and i asked if he’s seen other seasons and he made the :grimace: emoji and was like no and i was like good keep it that way ninja steel is the only season :) and he started laughing and was like COME OVER HERE AND HUG ME i could stay wrapped in his arms forever tbh
he called himself daddy once and everyone yelled at him
he said everyone in the ninja steel cast would just kiss each other on the mouth, but platonically, and kelson kissed all of them at least once and he kissed nico twice and it was just like, a thing they did and we were all like okay.gif but it was so cute
he said he felt bad for chip bc the cast was always asking him to adjust things and bringing up their own ideas for writing (things we know from peter complaining about chip’s writing and trying to get his own ideas in...) and said he preferred to not annoy him w/ all of that BUT he did say he got annoyed himself when chip would direct episodes and be VERY particular about exactly how he wanted them to act and we were like fuck him is he an actor??? and he laughed... he literally thought we were so funny even tho we are not at all lmao
at one point he was talking about how jordi was shirtless a lot and had big boobs (his words) and i said, on instinct, “tits out for ninja steel” and he goes what?? and asked me to repeat it and i had a brief moment of panic but i did repeat “tits out for ninja steel” thru my giggles and he burst into laughter again dfhjkgdfd TO BE CLEAR i should not have said that pls dont say that to actors’ faces he so easily could’ve made it uncomfortable or creepy (some actors...not mentioned in this post...are fucking creepy) but he didnt bc hes an angel so i guess its fine
every time we were hovering around brennan’s table on day 3 tabby says will kept looking over in our direction i think he missed us bc we were actually fun to talk to and not fucking dudebros trying to tell him the plots of seasons he does not give a shit about bc he wasnt in them (literally u do not need to explain the plot of dino thunder to actors who were not in dino thunder, pls calm down) and also bc he loves us :)
we all went in to save him from a dudebro at one point by just asking him random questions and the dudebro KEPT HOVERING like trying to be in the conversation as if we were FRIENDS with him (dont do this unless ur paying the actor for his time!!! he wasn’t even buying anything he was like “i’m just here to talk” bitch get his autograph or GO) and the dudebro tried to flex on us by being like “oh were you guys at th power morphicon with the yoshi and peter hug” and tabby got confused (bc we were at the next pmc and said yes) and kat just lied and said yes bc she hates dudebros and ben (the only truthful person) said no and abbey said yes and then will turned his head all the way around to me on the side and was like “were you there?” and i mean... i wasnt....but he wouldnt stop looking at me WHAT WAS I GONNA DO, DISAPPOINT HIM? so i said yes :) 
after the dudebro FINALLY fucking left kat was like “oh thank god we can leave now” and will was so confused until he realized “were you guys just trying to save me from talking to him” and he laughed and was so touched he was like “thank you guys you can see how my face just goes dead when they talk to me” dfhgjkdfg and we were like literally send up the bat signal any time you need us to save you and he said we were the best people to talk to the whole con and he loved ussss
at one point we were talking about indian rep in power rangers and he looks at ME and goes “so what do you think of jazz as desi rep” and idk will what am i supposed to think when you’re staring into my soul??? i said he was cool and i liked ravi but he wasn’t red and i’m red ranger ride or die so :) i just love brody romero so fucking much idk what else i was supposed to say.... ur literally ingrained in my soul william NOBODY ELSE CAN COME CLOSE
i asked “how much money do i have to pay to get you to arm wrestle brennan for me” and he was like “i dont know if there’s enough money in the world but you can ask brennan” and i called brennan over like “brennan will you please arm wrestle will for me” and he DID and it was so fun they were having such a good time, in the second round we all started chanting NINJA STEEL NINJA STEEL and you can see brennan getting shook by that for a second and then later will told us he appreciated our chanting so much and we were like yeah man, ninja steel FOREVER anyway here are the videos: one and two :) (they did not make me pay for it, generous kings)
(and the next day when we went to brennan’s booth like the first thing he does is whip out his phone, show us a video his handler took of the arm wrestling match and go WILLIAM CHEATED. me: and what about it?.gif)
we got a polaroid of all of us + brennan + will (brennan had to phone will to get him to come back to the booth at our request, ty king, and will came right over and brennan was like “sry if we interrupted something” and will was like nah not at all, idk what brennan said but i like to imagine he came running bc he heard it was us lol) and then he refused to let me pay when i came back to get him to autograph it GENEROUS KING OF MY HEART.MP3
brennan signed the polaroid first and his signature took up the whole bottom part of the polaroid and we yelled at him for not leaving any room for will and he was like “oh whoops....well he can sign THE BACK” i love it when he sasses us; so then we went to show will and he was like wow brennan and then signed his autograph EVEN BIGGER in sparkly silver pen all over the top so basically they had a dick-measuring contest over my polaroid and it was awesome, will’s is bigger tho B)
he also followed me and ben on instagram after day 2 and then EARLIER TODAY (11/13) he was stalking and followed ben’s personal acct and also reposted his ninja steel art onto his story and tagged him so in conclusion, brody romero first god second
WAIT IM NOT DONE when we went to say goodbye we were like “oh are you packing up soon” and he was so sparkly eyed over us chilling at his table he was like “nah im not” and then he looked at his phone and it was half hour till the con closed and he was like “oh wait never mind i guess i am” lmaoo king of not keeping track of time AND THEN HE HUGGED US ALL GOODBYE IN A BIG GROUP HUG and his biceps almost crushed abbey
(btw brennan did not hug us goodbye this time i think he was jealous we spent all our time gushing over will) (im kidding we still love you brennan)
william shewfelt i would die for you
phew ok i think that’s pretty much everything??? we also made a lot of cool friends w/ artists and stuff!! we talked to gazbot a lot and that was super fun, the girls next to our booth made custom power rangers pillows and they were really cool! i think kat, tabby, and ben all bought pillows from them they were really soft and cute, we talked to ceevee a lot (he actually gave me his extra exhibitor badge bc his brother couuldnt make it and then a different artist saw my badge saying “ceevee illustrations” and gave me a sticker for free because “you work for chris and he’s awesome” dfhgjdfhd i went back and paid him tho bc you dont take free shit from artists, kids! pay them for their work!) spent a lot of time yelling (nicely) at ceevee to make a poppy pin and he said he would bump it up the list for me :)
other cool stuff:
catherine posting me on insta
jessica replying to this post of super mega art + azim liking it
mike ginn replying to this tweet thread even tho he hasn’t been online in 12 days
check out our twitters for even more details that i undoubtedly missed in this post: me / tabby / kat / ben / abbey
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sokhag · 4 years
tagged by @xiielian​ thank you!! (also.... huhhhh imtheoceanswimmerbtw 👀)
Rules: answer the 10 questions, write your own 10 questions, then tag 10 people
1. do you enjoy going to music concerts? (why/why not?)  yeees!! having the artist right in front of you is really cool! the last concert i went to was pvris eirufrffg amazing!!
2. can you keep houseplants alive?  honestly idk? never had one but i’d probably let the poor thing die :(((
3. do you have any pets? what kind? what are their names? (please tell me everything about them pls i’m begging) .....oh my god........ dude...... don’t start me on this friyutuggtg OKAY!! i have a guinea pig, she’s only 5 months and her name is luna! she’s a white teddy guinea pig and she looks like a polar bear 😭😭she’s super clean like she even has her own toilet (!!!) in her cage i lOVE HER SO MUCH!!!! i also have a dog, her name is tessa, she’s mixed (she kinda looks like a labrador with orange dots) she’s amazing!! i also want a cat but the shelters are closed bc of quarantine :(((
4. if you could buy a house right now (lmao yeah i know but indulge me) would you rather live in an old (but still really fancy) house, or a brand new house? idk maybe an old house?? with a spooky vibe?? i want people to tell their kid “oh no honey don’t go near that house, there’s a witch inside” 
5. scented or unscented lotion?  both, it depends on the scent i guess
6. do you burn candles in your room/apartment/house? sometimes in my room (it’s a jasmine tea scented candle) 
7. if you could get away with stealing your favorite work of art, would you? huhhh depends on the art?? like if it’s a painting by kandinsky yeah sure i’d sell it and become an underground lord of stolen arts 👀 but like if it’s a fanart that i really like then no (apparently my conscience is guilty when it’s fangirling stuff but not with famous dead dudes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
8. last book/poetry collection/comic/whatever you read? (and would you recommend it?) jing wei qing shang!!!!!!!!!!!!! i absolutely recommend it, it’s a wlw (!!) palace story with a lot of schemes.. the mc is kinda also the villain........ but she’s...... super cool omg.... there’s a lot of mysoginy : the mc is forced to crossdress and the fl is the princess and everybody says that “princesses can’t interfer into politics” but they fight against it and it’s really good!!! (here is the link the tl is ongoing, but 250 chapters have been translated already)
9. is there such a thing as having too many throw blankets? maybe?? if there’s too many throw blankets you won’t be able to see the thing underneath?? 👀
10. how many pillows do you sleep with?  i have two in my bed but im not using the second one 
my ten questions:
were you a space kid or sea kid ?
which came first : the color orange or the fruit ?
if you could learn a new language, what would it be ?
how many open tabs do you have ?
what animal would you be ?
which came first : the chicken or the egg ?
hummus, thoughts ?
the last yt video you watched ?
do you believe in.... aliens ?
if you suddenly won 5 millions $, what would do with it ?
tagging : @playinquiry​, @andrewjstens​, @bijx204​, @nofz​, @yatogamisbitch​, @engeltranen​, @atlabun​, @beigevogue​, @crimsonsrain​ & @xiielian​ (i know that you both did it so no pressure!!) 
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
Have you ever worn those Drunk Goggles? >> I vaguely remember seeing those as like a gag gift at Spencer’s or something, but I’ve never worn any. I’ve been drunk, though, so I think I’ve got the experience of wearing Drunk Goggles well covered.
Which decade before the 90s had the best makeup trends? >> I don’t know anything about makeup trends before the eighties, now that I think about it.
Can you agree to disagree, or usually get upset over conflicting views? >> I can be upset sometimes, especially if the thing being debated is something I have a particular personal investment in. But I have learned how to be upset by myself, and not make it anyone else’s problem. (Which leads to a lot of unresolved feelings, I’ve also learned, but hey.)
Does it bug you when long socks are constantly falling down? >> I don’t wear long socks, and that’s one reason why.
Rodeos – entertaining, or cruel? >> I don’t know anything about rodeos and therefore do not have an opinion.
Why can’t politicians debate politely? >> Because it’s assumed that the general public will not remain engaged unless there’s some sort of drama. ...Honestly, I can see where they get that impression, but it can also be alienating for those of us who aren’t looking for entertainment from our politicians.
Who is the best female rocker? Why? >> Floor Jansen is one of my favourites. So is Skin, from Skunk Anansie.
Can you even taste a difference between Cheez Its and Cheez Nips? >> I don’t know, I’ve not had both of them.
What about between Pepsi and Coke or Sprite and 7Up? >> Yeah, I’ve tasted differences between both of those and I have preferences.
Do you care what kind of toilet paper you use? >> Yes, I care. I don’t like either extreme (too rough or too soft).
What color of roses do you find the prettiest? >> I’ve never given it any consideration.
Which celebrity has the cutest butt? >> I don’t know. But Sarah Snook, who plays Siobhan Roy on Succession, has a pretty eye-catching booty.
Do you still have any decent arcades nearby? >> Not to my knowledge.
After a holiday, do you go to the store to get candy on sale? >> No, but I might get some for Sparrow.
Did Marilyn Monroe look better before or after cosmetic surgery? >> ---
Bullfighters who get gored kind of had it coming, right? >> I mean, yeah.
If you make surveys, do you care what people rate them? >> I don’t make them, but if I did, that wouldn’t be a concern of mine. The only time I’m tempted to make a survey is because there are questions that it surprises me that no one ever asks, and that I’d love to answer myself. So I’d be making it for my benefit, primarily, and if anyone else enjoys it then that’s just icing on an already-good cake.
Have you ever accidentally found porn when looking for something else? >> Yeah, but it doesn’t happen much nowadays.
Ever run into those ‘celebrity lookalike porn’ blogs? >> Long time ago, yeah. You know, before tumblr changed its policy.
If you’re not religious, is the Bible basically just an old collection of short stories? >> My understanding of the Bible is that it’s a collection of laws and writings -- stories, poetry, letters, op-ed pieces (lol). The New Testament in particular seems to be just a bunch of letters appended to four different accounts of one dude’s birth and early life and concluded with a really dramatic callout post for the Roman Empire. I am very fond of this giant mishmosh of opinions and dramatically-recounted stories, tbh, it’s really interesting from both a historical and mythological perspective.
Do you think religious leaders just like to manipulate people? >> Of course.
Why do so many fans with OTP’s insist that their ship is real? Even when the writers (or real people that they ship) tell them it isn’t? >> I don’t know. I’ve never really delved into why that’s so important to a lot of fans, although it does intrigue me. I think it might have something to do with the varieties of ways in which people interact with and understand stories, but I’m not able to articulate exactly what I mean right now, I don’t have the words all organised in my brain and ready to go.
Do you draw fanart of anything? >> No, I don’t draw. I write fan fiction.
Do annoying city kids ever loiter outside your library and harass people? >> I’ve never witnessed any harassment outside of a library around here. That seems more likely to have happened in NYC, though.
Do you like to hang out at your local library? >> Occasionally. I used to basically live at the library when I was in the City, because I was homeless. I think I don’t go to the library as often anymore because of that -- it’s registered in my mind as “the place you go and sit in all day because you can’t go anywhere else” and it disorients me if I do it now.
On that subject, do you like the smell of books? >> Some books.
What’s on your Reading List, so-to-speak, right now? >> I’m between books right now. I’m still debating whether I want to try to finish The Denial of Death or whether I want to give it up for now, and the fact that I’ve been debating that for like a week most likely means that I should give it up. I can always pick it up again at a later date.
Read any great non-fiction books lately? >> Sure.
What do you like on your burger? >> Lettuce, onion, bacon, mustard or bbq sauce, some kind of cheese (preferably pepper jack). Jalapeño peppers can be good too.
What do you NOT like on your burger? >> Mayo, sometimes tomato (I go back and forth, it just depends on the day).
Do you like ‘loose meat’ sandwiches? >> I’m not sure what that is, but the name isn’t too enticing, let me tell you.
Have you ever heard of the restaurant Maid Rite? >> No.
What is the best thing to put in a grilled cheese (other than cheese)? >> I don’t even remember what things I like in a grilled cheese, I haven’t had one in ages. Oh! HopCat sells one that has honey and apple in it and that’s pretty good. I do like “weird” grilled cheeses.
Homemade tomato soup, or just out of a can? >> Not out of a can, that’s for sure. There are some premade ones that I do like, but they’re never canned (usually they’ll come in cartons).
Favorite thing to see in museums? >> I like sci-tech museums, so, that stuff.
Have you ever seen an unwrapped mummy in person? >> No.
What things have people shamed you for? >> The kind of music I like, the kind of people I think are pretty, the way I look, the way I behave/my idiosyncrasies, my emotional responses, my needs... I mean, basically almost anything you can think of.
Do you always reply to private messages? (On any website) >> I usually do.
What device do you seem to always be buying batteries for? >> I don’t think anything I currently use takes disposable batteries.
What’s worse – snow, or all the mud after it melts? >> Definitely the latter.
Are there any 'adult stores’ in your area? >> Probably. Not in this city proper, but like... around. Somewhere.
Have you been inside of them/shopped there before? >> I’ve been to a lot of them in NYC.
Do you watch The Masked Singer? Any theories? >> No.
Favorite Alfred Hitchcock film? >> I don’t have one.
Do you like Funko Pop figurines? >> Meh. The novelty wears off pretty quickly.
If so, do you have any? Which ones would you like to have? >> Yeah, having a few is how I know the novelty wears off pretty quickly, hah. I have two Marvel!Heimdalls (from two different movies), a Roland and a Walter from the Dark Tower movie, Jesse and Cassidy from the Preacher TV show, Lucio and Reaper from Overwatch, and Vivec from The Elder Scrolls. I actually had to go looking in the living room because I’d forgotten I had that many. That’s another few items for the donation / giveaway bin...
Which ones do you think they should make (but haven’t yet)? >> At this point, I think they should stop, lmao. There are so fucking many.
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noisymouse · 5 years
Did everyone have a fun weekend? I’m so glad the weather was good this time!
Hello to new followers: you may like to peek at my instagram, @imaginationillustration. (at the moment it has more food and cats on it than art, FYI) I also have a pillowfort with the same name but FYI I have not been very active there yet. You might also want to check out my patreon, where my followers get to peek at sketches, WIPs and upcoming projects, and lastly check out my redbubble as well, because I have goodies available there that I do not bring with me to cons!
So this was my last Edmonton show, at least for now, and that makes me sad, because I always had a good time in Edmonton. But I had a really awesome weekend (and of course I’ll still be doing Calgary).
First of all...... what’s with the taco in a bag thing everywhere??? I even drove past a Taco Time advertising a taco in a bag. This is not a thing that has caught on in Calgary yet!
I had a big budget for shopping this year and enjoyed being able to go all out. My favourite booth was @smoking.barrel.customs which was selling beautiful animal skulls. I had a *reasonable* budget, not an *unlimited* budget, so I only bought two small items that I thought would be fun to draw, and I am planning on saving up to buy a larger carnivore skull next year in Calgary.... maybe a coyote?
I’m excited to get some drawing done with those. Drawing from an object you can set up, turn all around, get right up close an inspect it, is just SO different from trying to draw from reference photos pulled from google.
I got to meet up with my regular expo buddies, and also got to say to an old classmate from college who I haven’t seen in literally ten years, got to get out of Calgary for the weekend, chat about nerdy stuff...
On Sunday I got Cary Elwes’ autograph for my oldest kiddo, and as we were chatting, when I mentioned that she is 18, he said oh, getting ready for college, leaving the nest, that’s a big change! I guess I looked pathetic because he offered to give me a hug! Afterwards he grabbed my hands and said if she is half as cute as me, she will do fine. That was, first of all, kind of a random little hilight to my weekend... I would never presume to ask any of the celebrities at conventions if I could have a hug. In addition I thought that was just a nice, kind thing. I’ve had a really rough year full of nothing but bad luck and that was just... it was a lovely little kind human gesture that really made me smile (and most likely blush as well) and had me laughing for an hour after I went back to my booth. Unexpected. Thank you for that, Mr. Elwes!
(a little girl in front of me also gave him a crayon drawing she had made which was fucking adorable)
Let’s see, what else. So much Good Omens cosplay!!! I wish I had my shit together enough to have made some beautiful fanart, because I am enjoying that show so much. I’m not sure if the same food trucks come back every year, but if it’s there again, I recommend you try food from Curry in a Hurry. I had mango chicken and chicken pakora and it was so tasty, the seasoning of the curry was amazing.
As always, I’m so happy to be able to present my original artwork and have people who like it... this year I was absolutely delighted because for the very first time, I sold prints of this piece here:
Tumblr media
I did this guy for Inktober last year, and I put a lot of effort into it. It’s inspired by a poem, and I included a line of it done in nice calligraphy in the horn. I looked at photo references for the drawing and the colouring. I spend a long time on it, and I’m so happy with it, the little details like the feathers I added in... and no one ever liked it but me, lmao. The ink drawing didn’t get reblogged, the coloured version didn’t get reblogged, it never sold on my redbubble, and it never sold when I brought it to Calgary.
This time, I sold a few prints of it, and that makes me *oh so happy*. I’ve always found you guys in Edmonton have a big appreciation for original art.
I hope everyone else had a good weekend.
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branmer · 5 years
been thinking recently about how consumption has so entered every aspect of life that you get people who can’t even imagine having interests that don’t involve consumption
like i complained once to a friend about all the harry potter shops in edinburgh and this friend got really annoyed and was like ‘you’d like them if they were shops selling merchandise about henry erskine!!’
and it’s like... no?? like it was just such a wierd thing to say because for me my interest in history and specific historical figures has nothing to do with wanting to consume things (beyond, i guess, books, but a lot of books and articles i read through various library systems) it’s about wanting to understand things. like lmao wtf would i want merchandise about thomas muir or henry erskine or hutton... that’s just fucking weird and creepy?? like i couldn’t even find the words to explain to her why that was just such a weird notion to me, beyond weird in fact, actually kind of disturbing. and it wasn’t until later that i realised she just couldn’t fathom an interest that didn’t involving consuming objects and merchandise, because that’s how she interacts with all her interests (which are all fannish) so she thought that everyone must approach their interests the same way
and similarly when i was at thoughtbubble my friends pointed out this chernobyl fanart and were like ‘you should buy that!’ and again... it’s like, fucking no?? chernobyl was a real disaster that affected real fucking people i’m not going to buy goddamn fanart of the main character (who was also based on a REAL FUCKING PERSON who likely killed himself in part due to the fallout from chernobyl). a tv show is one thing (and even that... hmm), but selling merch? big yikes
like we are so wrapped up in consumption that we’ve stopped recognising that there are boundaries where consumption has to end
like i don’t object to people making art about historical figures and so on, because that’s a valid way to react to historical events, recent or otherwise, and i myself have dabbled in selling historical art (richard iii specifically) BUT it was just the way they talked about chernobyl as if it was a wholy fannish thing, like it was the same as game of thrones or harry potter that really bothered me (also tbh, maybe don’t be selling “fanart” about tragedies within living memory??? idk just seems messed up to me)
idk if anything i’m saying makes sense. also i’m just very weirded out by the notion of a henry erskine merch shop. i mean lmao. what would they even sell? that one biography that was written about him in the 19th century? prints of his portraits? reproductions of the bracelet with his dead daughter’s hair in it ??? like what the actual fuck
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comicteaparty · 5 years
February 1st-February 7th, 2020 Creator Babble Archive
The archive for the Creator Babble chat that occurred from February 1st, 2020 to February 7th, 2020.  The chat focused on the following question:
What is the nicest thing someone has said about your story, whether its published or still a WIP?
Deo101 [Millennium]
Well, this is one I can answer right away. It's not a very straightforward answer, but I had someone reference me and my comic in an essay about reasons why they were able to love themself... It was for a creative writing class, and they just used me as an example of a greater thing (indie media)... and I only know about it because they asked me permission. but they let me read the essay, and it made me cry. I havent heard from them in a while and I really hope they're okay, but that really stuck with me in a way nothing else has. It's not really a quote, though, so the nicest comment I have recieved was "I can tell how much you love people by reading this story." It was really sweet in a way I can't quite articulate. People have been incredibly sweet to me, and I feel very blessed. I could make a long list detailing the kindness I have been shown.
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Apparently Phantomarine (http://www.phantomarine.com/) has made more than one person cry already. Which, to me, is pretty darn high praise, given that I've barely begun the story
Having people find it and say "THIS IS EXACTLY THE KIND OF STORY I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR" also hits a nerve. I know that feeling. You like certain themes/motifs and you wish someone would blend them together in just the right way. It can be magical.
And the last one is when I learned that children like it. A few have come forward so far - either in person or through their parents - and told me they loved it. It was around that age that I was building my own 'inner library' of inspirations for the comic. To know that I might be part of theirs, even in a small way, is just... the best?
Deo101 [Millennium]
that's all so incredibly nice <3
and now I wanna add to my list actually I don't want to interrupt, this is just a topic I wish I could sing from the rooftops about... I also had a student of mine (I am a teacher at a church) come out to me because he knew I would be okay with who he is. And, I have had people tell me it's inspiring to them, which kinda makes my heart melt. I'll stop now but, really I could go on and on about how open and loving people have been with me and my work, and how much it means to me.
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Man... This is somewhat difficult for me to answer since I am so early into my comic creating journey. However, I will say that I recently got a comment on my comic Whispers of the Past (https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/whispers-of-the-past/list?title_no=191366) that made me smile. A long time reader commented that they always read my new pages twice, once on Webtoon, and again on Tapas. This really made me realize that my work has meaning to somebody other than myself, which is definitely what I need to hear when I'm doubting myself.
It's so nice reading about nice comments people have gotten and honestly... y'all deserve it!! I need to be in a better habit of commenting myself because I will promote comics to my friends for days on end but I'm too shy to leave a comment, even though I love receiving comments myself. I think the nicest comments I've received have been in combination with the conventions I was at last year. People told me that they thought the comic was funny, which I am incredibly thankful for. And one person who bought the book at the convention took the time to find it on Tapas and then comment on the latest page, saying that they'd talked to me, read the book, and that they liked it. That meant so much to me it was crazy! And another time, I was showing my book to someone at a convention and she said that she actually read the comic online, which honestly... It's so strange and surreal to me to meet anyone in real life who reads things posted online. It made my heart do smiley emoji. I think what LadyLazuli said is really right, this idea that you're a small part of someone's life or inspirations or just general day is pretty amazing?! Also this one guy commented on every page week to week with the same 'vase' joke on several updates and honestly the commitment was truly astounding
I think some of the nicest comments come from one specific reader, who has mentioned a couple times that going back and reading the comic has helped them through some tough times. There was also one person who went to the effort of contacting me after their books were damaged from flooding, and wanted to buy new books to replace the old ones. This was wild since they wanted to do something so inconvenient (paying with cash by mail, and I didn't even have an online storefront in the first place) to replace the books.
really early on i had 1 reader that would leave in-depth analysis of some character interactions and they were were spot on and made me really feel like people cared about this story . The other interaction that really stands out was doing the convention circuit last year I had a reader come up to say hi, and usually that interaction is just "i love your comic!" (which is amazing) but he also then talked to me at length about the story and again it was this feeling of just knowing someone out there cares about what you're doing. Comics feels particularly isolating so interactions like that really keep me going.
Funari (Raison d’Etre)
I've had two different readers tell me our comic has brought them joy during bad days. Sadly one of them I haven't heard from in 2 years and they were going through some rough times. I hope they're okay
Nutty (Court of Roses)
The nicest thing I've heard was when my coworker told me him and his daughter were reading it, and he told me that she's "drawing like me" with panels and stuff and keeps asking him "how do i make the bubbles" So they're gonna work on that and then he's gonna show it to me.
Any time someone gets what I'm trying to do with the story. I have a great fear of getting good intentioned people trashing the most important parts of my story (without realizing their importance). So whenever someone gets what the story is all about, whether as a whole or just one scene, it's a huge weight off my chest. Legit brings tears to my eyes. Even if I manage to overcome that fear some day, comments like that would mean a lot to me. Being understood has always been very important to me.
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
Someone recently said they wanted to get a tattoo of something in the comic and that was cool. It also means a lot when people respond well to the jokes in the comic because I put a lot into the writing to make it funny. I hope it makes someone cry someday Joe Is Dead http://joeisdead.com/read
Ffff all my readers have been so compassionate, it's jarring! In a nice way! Choosing one nice thing is hard, every comment has been nice. I guess the most flattering is when a someone takes the time to go back to the previous chapters to link little things up with the current events in the story, or when they manage to remember in spite of how webcomics update so slowly. There was a comment I saved a while back where someone remembered a small thing in chapter 3 and was doing some brainstorming with it relating to the current chapter at the time.
Every so often someone also leaves a paragraph with some of the most motivational gushing, it's so nice! Oh! Also, there have been a few people who've asked me to print my comic so they can have a physical copy (which I'm slowly starting to do), which is super motivating knowing a couple people like my depressing comic enough to want to own a copy of it.
Oh man, I too have saved screenshots of some of my favorite comments, but I don't wanna share them because 1) some of them are long and 2) maybe the commenters wouldn't want their names disclosed in a different context? They are great to save for a rainy day, though!
Oh this is hard I remember one comment on tapas that they got their aunt and cousin reading it and I was flattered! Most comments I got were about the artstyle and progression of the story, which I hope to continue if school lets me. Still, I'm quite surprised that it drove someone to get their family to read a romance about someone's dream lover lmao
also same keii!
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Honestly, I have far too many comments I should screenshot. But so many of them are praising the art, and I never know how to feel about it. Like, those types of comments make me happy, but I never know how to truly feel about them.
Art is admittedly easier to comment on. If I'm commenting on art on anyone's comic, I try to point out how it contributes to the storytelling, rather than "ooh pretty and shiny." Pretty and shiny is valid but I'd be just doing illustrations if that were my main goal!
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
But if 9/10 comments are, "Wow, the art is so pretty!" I can't really react to it much, especially since my own self-doubt is constantly reminding me of my mistakes.
I've been really excited to answer this question because it gives me an opportunity to thank any and all the fans and people who celebrate our work. I've been so humbled by all of the wonderful and amazing fanart we've received, music paired with scenes from our comic, and fans even imagining scenarios of the characters themselves-- I'm constantly blown away! I do have my most treasured moment however, and that was when we were tabling at TCAF a couple years back. We had been swamped with crowds, selling, and early mornings-- it was a long day! That was until we had one person who went through the trouble to see us in person, and handcraft a drawing to deliver to us, saying thank you, and in that moment I bawled!! They quickly left after us thanking them so much, and I'll never forget that and how much it gave us a fire to see this whole project through. We have it framed and it sits in front of our cpu
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
I got one comment where someone said that one of my main characters "seems sweet," and it just left me confused because, a) he's only said about ten words total, and b) in those ten words, he has somehow managed to be rude.
So how is he sweet???
But I mean, I should be happy that he seems likeable despite his attitude and reticence
nice lmao
I do agree about the comments about the artwork being pretty and idk how to repond other than thanks lmao(edited)
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
That's pretty much all I can say
Because I would HOPE my art looks pretty good after a decade drawing haha
tho tbh because of the nature of my comic, I do get the occasional thirst comment and I'm just sitting there bawling
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Oh yeah, I get those
"Wow he's buff"
"yea bc I made him like that lmao"
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
People drooling about my male MC mainly
It's so awkward, but I knew it would happen
same, but for the male love interest and i'm like "this is expected lmao"
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
I get like 0 thirsty comment despite one of the MCs being an athletic cat dude with literal secret tentacles (I'm okay with not getting a lot of thirsty comments, but I do find it interesting)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I've gotten thirsty comments and my comic is not meant to be romantic or sexy at all
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Oh, I can leave you some thirsty comments
I love Lu
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I was going to say they are inevitable(edited)
but kei proved that wrong
same I love Lu too lmao
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
And will gladly praise his hotness
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
if your comic goes on for long enough, i think you will get some eventually. it is a rule of the internet
It's been ongoing since Nov 2014 XD But I guess it takes longer for some than others!
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
@keii4ii I don't think you quite understand
I have never been attracted to animal-people before
I have always found anthros and such weird
And yet
Lu is totally my thing
Strangely attractive for a cat guy lol
points for those who get the ref
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
how do you guys know what their comic is?
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
He is way too attractive
Mine? Cronaj and Tuyetnhi came across it outside this Discord, I believe!
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
I have been reading it for a few years now
Although I can't say exactly when, because HoK has been a part of my life for so long
I think I started reading it a year or 2 ago lol
@keii4ii The only nice thing about Webtoons is that there aren't any profiles to check, so you can't look up fans via their comments. Also if you did Google their username there isn't a guarantee whoever you find would be that Webtoons user without them telling you. Lmao! About the thirsty comments, I used to get them a lot of Webtoons. There was this one scene where my smaller MC pulled the taller one to their face to say "Your friend is dead", before shoving him away and walking off. Some of my readers went wild! They wanted the two MCs to make-out so bad, even though the scene clearly had no romantic chemistry... or even the entire comic for that matter. My thirsty bunch came off really desperate and reaching at times.
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Omg, that's just precious
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
I really have never gotten thirsty comments, with the exception of one or two very mild 'Oh, that character is attractive' comments. But I think my comics just don't really attract thirsty readers. Of course, I rarely get any reader feedback, so that's probably part of it.
@DanitheCarutor Yeah, that's a plus about the semi-anonymity! My screenshots are from less anonymous places, so yeah. Some are also from like... Discord, where the person may not even have expected the comment to be archived in any way. (Sometimes I actually asked if I could screenshot, but I don't know if I asked every time...)
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
No one has ever reported finding my characters attractive
Deo101 [Millennium]
People thinking my characters are hot is a pretty common thing, and usually I don't mind but... sometimes it's the bane of my existence.
It's always a little bit weird, though
every time someone is like "dat ass " I'm like alright bud keep it to urself
it's part of why I made all of my characters adults, actually
people even before I started making it, just when I was talking to them about it or showing my art would STILL be overly sexual about my characters so I aged them up where it felt less weird for me.
I’ll get thirst comments every once in a while, usually on tapas. I don’t mind it too much, especially since I’m usually making characters that I’m also attracted to? I usually think thirst comments are funny
Pfff I'm in a similar boat to Deo's. Usually I don't mind, but there are moments where it sucks. Like there will be a really serious, or heavy scene and someone will pop up with "Make them kiss!!", "Don't be mean to your future hubby, X! Kiss him and make up!!". It totally feels they don't actually care about the story and just want something to jack it off to. xD I don't get a whole lot of thirst anymore, which is nice. I think the vocal group lost interest after being blue-balled for 3-4 chapters. Weirdest thing, I have yet to get anyone saying my characters are attractive... well, some readers used to say Julian (my questionable looking non-binary character) was pretty but they weren't really thirsty, just observations. At least they came off like that. My style makes characters look kind of ugly, so comments about any of my cast being attractive is non-existent. @keii4ii Ooh yeah, I can see how that would be an issue. Although, if you really want to show off some super nice comments, you can also just cover or blur out their username and icon image. A lot of people do that, it's really good for keeping up the user's anonymity, and I don't think they would mind since you're not using their words slanderously.
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
Can I admit I sort of wish I got some thirsty and shipping comments? I also draw characters I think are hawt so I kinda wish my readers felt the same way. XD I don’t really want them in Ashes were my characters are teens, but in Eryl where 95% of the cast is legal age, I kinda wish some people wanted to be a little bit thirsty about it. XD
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah, i just wish it wasnt... Idk sometimes it seems like thats ALL people see and it makes me sad
Like theres other stuff going on...
eli [a winged tale]
I feel you too Cap’n! I sort of expected shipping comments for AWT https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/keyspace-a-winged-tale/list?title_no=322364 but yeah they’re still kids discovering themselves! When I start my adult fantasy comic (tentatively planned), then I’m all on board for sure. For the question, I love and screenshot every comment to peruse whenever I feel down. I treasure all of them but one that particularly stood out for me was a writer reimagining all their stories with my art and characters and that just about made me cry happy tears
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
So far the only 'thirst comments' I've gotten are when the comic gets even the slightest bit... gay I can't say my story revolves around major LGBTQ+ themes, but people have picked up on random bits of subtext between characters (which is mostly intentional on my part, not gonna lie) and specifically take time to comment on them. It makes me happy to see people reading between the lines. And it also helps me know what the readers like or are really looking for. So... yeah, I'm gonna keep on that path
eli [a winged tale]
Did I miss that in phantomarine?? Howww
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
The subtlest of subtle subtext... which will become far less subtle over time
Nutty (Court of Roses)
i am deliberately pushing my main ship to get ppl into it lmao
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
GOSH I know this feeling too well I feel like I don't want to overwhelm the readers, but I want them to still realize "...Hmmmmmm, yeah I kinda want this."
eli [a winged tale]
I’m so intrigued now
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
wait i can't think of anything remotely gay/romantic in phantomarine
besides maybe
phaedra and... cheth?
eli [a winged tale]
The shipping comments in AWT are currently on point at exactly where I want them to be
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i don't believe you would go for that, but shipping enemies is a very common fandom thing
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I wish I had more people shipping my characters because I'm all alone in it right now
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
@Nutty (Court of Roses) I'm doing the same in Ashes. I'm being super obvious about Anor x Rava being a future couple. XD
So far I haven't really gotten any comments about it. Idk if my readers care about romance at all.
Which is okay, because I don't really write much romance into my comics.
Even though I secretly wish for a bit of shipping from readers.
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I have to find out how visibly and obviously gay the characters have to act before people pick up on it
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
sssfrs, your comic just doesn't feel like the kind of comic people would ship characters in, though. Even the relationship between the captain and the guy that left, though lovely, feels, i don't know, too mature to really ship?
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
It's not the focus of the plot though so it's not essential just would be fun
Deo101 [Millennium]
people were shipping page 2 for me so idk
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
That's a fair way to look at it
Deo101 [Millennium]
apparently they need to be next to eachother , in my experience
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i think the art style plays a part, too
people were shipping my characters also from page two. But I have a "prettier" style than sssfrs
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
Yeah, I think the only way readers even know my characters are queer is from the extra art I make of them for Pride month each year. On panel the gay isn't incredibly obvious.
Deo101 [Millennium]
yeah, and I do WANT people to ship them so its not like I mind. I like shippers (when they are in line with my plans)
eli [a winged tale]
Yes Deo!! Exactly
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
Some characters I think have a great dynamic but I just haven't published enough of the material that shows their chemistry yet so I can't blame anyone for not seeing it
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
^same for me
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
looking forward to seeing that in both your comics!
i follow both
eli [a winged tale]
That’s fair ssfrs I’m all for the slow burn
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
It's true that my goal isn't to make the characters visually attractive and appealing in that way as much as in personality and interactions
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
I do keep seeing people leave 1* ratings for Eryl on WT and I can't help but wonder if it's homophobes angry about a character sheet I shared that mentioned the character was lovingly raised by two dads. Bc there has been nothing really controversial on-panel in the comic, and I have such a small audience it has no other reason to keep attracting hate.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
yeah, that's what i was trying to say. couldn't think of a good way to say that though. but i like your art and feel like it fits your story well
( at sssfrs)
i don't think there are a large number of homophobes on WT. If anything, there's an overabundance of the opposite- fetishists
people leave 1 star on WT for random reasons like you not updating enough
don't worry about it
eli [a winged tale]
Link your webcomics? With <> . Love to check them out
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Deo101 [Millennium]
I get a lot of fetishists, yeah....
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
Deo101 [Millennium]
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
Idk, maybe they don't like that I update in traditional pages, then, Who knows
All I know is every time my ratings start crawling back up, suddenly they'll take a big hit.(edited)
Deo101 [Millennium]
idk, some people just seem to do that kinda thing
I have thought it could be other creators before, too...
trying to make less competition or something. but that would be cruel and I dont like to think someone would do that
so I prefer to think its just someone who didnt like my stuff
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
eh i prefer to think the best of people
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
It's not like I'm super successful or anything. The algorithms haven't been kind to either of my comics so I'm hardly competition.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i'm not going to think it's other creators
Deo101 [Millennium]
yeah that's what Im saying
like its popped in my head and then I was like literally who would do that
thatd be reaaaaal messed up
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
hey, how to i add my comic name in paren to my name on this server?
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
Unfortunately I know a lot of creators who would. They just don't hang out in spaces like these.
Deo101 [Millennium]
just edit your nickname in the options
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
Mine is called Joe Is Dead, on here http://joeisdead.com/ and on tapas https://tapas.io/series/JoeIsDead
Deo101 [Millennium]
oh right I actually have another comic. It was on hiatus over a year so I havent gotten into the habit of sharing it...
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
Yeah, go to the ... next to the server name and it opens up a menu with the 'change nickname' option.
Deo101 [Millennium]
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I put the title in my name
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
My other comic is here on WT: https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/children-of-shadow-ashes/list?title_no=145048&page=1
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i just don't like dismissing negative feedback. I don't want to get negative reviews and just brush them off as jealous people because i know my comic definitely has room to improve and would rather negative feedback motivate me to look for ways how
got it, thanks!
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I love negative feedback. I want to put out the best work I can & hearing what people don't like or don't think is working helps me do that
Deo101 [Millennium]
theres constructive feedback, and then theres people telling me my characters are stupid and I think I can brush the latter off
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
Unfortunately, I have been the victim of vicious jealous reviews. I've seen a lot of ugly in the webcomic world over the many years I've been doing this. Some creators be petty.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
@sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD) hm if i were to give negative feedback about your comic I'd say the biggest things are that you have a lot of characters that in my mind are kind of hard to differentiate, and also it can be really hard to tell where your characters are in space. But those don't matter too much, as they both will probably get better with time. Your biggest strength imo in your dialogue anyways
Not every negative feedback is relevant to my goals, is key for me. It's the whole "you can't please everyone" principle. My target audience does not include every person out there. If my target audience falls in love with what I make, then that's success for me. I don't need to impress the rest of the world.
(Thanks Tatsu.)
Deo101 [Millennium]
You have a different definition of "negative feedback" than I do.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
who are you referring to?(edited)
Deo101 [Millennium]
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
in what way?
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
I can usually tell the difference between 'This person has a different idea of what this story should be than I do' and 'This person has it out for me because of jealousy or spite'
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
Yeah I've found it really hard to juggle the consistency with where characters are standing all the time. I write out lists of the order they're spatially located in an effort to keep track of them. Hopefully I'll get better with practice
Deo101 [Millennium]
the negative feedback I am talking about is basically straight up hate. Constructive criticism, pointing out the flaws of a work, isnt "negative feedback" by my definition.
so saying "I want negative feedback" means something different for you than it does for me.
i WILL dismiss people being straight up rude to me
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
hm, I feel like a lot of people define negative feedback the same way i do, constructive criticism about what you could do better. If you say you dont want negative feedback you might get people thinking you don't want critique at all. imo what you are referring to might be more clearly just called "hate"
Deo101 [Millennium]
I'll consider it if someone is trying to help, even if most of the time I ignore it
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
I also get the random 1 star ratings on Webtoon, so I think some people are just easy to hate stuff(edited)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
yo sssfrs, you keep track of where characters are in space by writing lists??
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
These are probably also the same people who dislike videos habitually on Youtube
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i can't imagine working with that
Deo101 [Millennium]
I actually dont want critique at all.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
it seems so hard
Deo101 [Millennium]
not if I dont ask for it.
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
Con crit and hate aren't the same thing, though
One is genuinely trying to help you improve, the other is just trying to bring you down.(edited)
And it's okay to not want the former
Deo101 [Millennium]
and I would say "negative feedback" doesnt include con crit
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
Just because you make something doesn't mean you have to want people to give crit on it.(edited)
I agree, because GOOD con crit is usually polite because if the person knows what they're talking about, they were where you are now and will be nice about it.
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
From my experience the best critiques come from other artists doing similar work to you
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i don't think all negative con crit is helpful, either. people also need to know what their strengths are so they know what to keep instead of just what to remove
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
They might not even be trying specifically to be nice about it
But their words feel less hurtful
eli [a winged tale]
I feel like there are comments which are reviews (fair enough, everyone has subjective opinions) but I feel like constructive criticisms should be more private and take place in specific settings (most importantly where the creators are in a position of wanting them)
Nutty (Court of Roses)
@eli [a winged tale] https://courtofroses.spiderforest.com/
eli [a winged tale]
What I think most readers don’t understand or know is that the comic that does make its way to the public quite often has already been through rigorous critique and feedback
Nutty (Court of Roses)
(sorry, was late to that haha, i agree on your feelings about crits)
Deo101 [Millennium]
see, I dont know what you mean by "negative con crit" In my experience, a critique that is negative is not a critique and is more an opportunity for someone to flex.
helpful critiques may FEEL negative, because they are pointing out your flaws, but they arent negative
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i think you're defining "negative" and "hateful" the same way, but other people are not(edited)
eli [a winged tale]
I call them constructive feedback. Then on the other hand, yeah there are negative comments that are there to serve the OP’s sentiments(edited)
Deo101 [Millennium]
I use constructive if it is helpful, and negative if it is harmful
eli [a winged tale]
But I just don’t think the comment platform supports the constructive feedback part. The comments currently represent the OP’s views which are very much subjective. It’s hard to know if they are providing feedback from a place of knowing story structure/art competency
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
critique does mean a lot more when I ask for it from an artist I respect
eli [a winged tale]
Indeed. It’s quite an intimate process
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
but i can still take casual comments into consideration when trying to improve
things like, it's confusing, or i don't understand what's happening
eli [a winged tale]
I think trust in the critiquer’s background and intention for you to improve are imperative(edited)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
speaking of comments that say the comic is confusing, god i hate getting those comments the most. Because they come from people genuinely trying to read and like my comic and represent a failure of my storytelling skills
eli [a winged tale]
Plus there is a skill/art (no pun intended haha) to giving feedback. That’s a whole nother can of worms
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
but better to hear that and know it than not
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
It's not always a failure of storytelling skills, though. Some people's brains work along a certain line, and when a story is told that doesn't gel with that, it seems confusing to the person. That doesn't mean the writing was bad, it just means that the author communicates differently than the reader.(edited)
Deo101 [Millennium]
^ thats what I was gonna say
I have a small group of people who I trust who are editors, writers, or artists. I go to them to see if I'm doing the best I can for my goals.
if people get confused then there isnt too much more that I can do...
not saying my work is perfect, of course...
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i can't just brush it off by saying I communicate differently than the reader when I'm trying to communicate to the reader
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
But not every reader is your audience, though
Nutty (Court of Roses)
your message sometimes can't reach certain people, and that's not your fault
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
If all the readers are confused, that's one thing. If only a few are, well, your writing style just wasn't for them.
eli [a winged tale]
For sure. Agree Capn and Deo. There’s a lot of work that goes behind the scenes that readers are unaware
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
true true. But there are a few people who have said the same things, so I've taken those to heart and added dialogue that made it more clear. I don't regret that
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
Your comic is public, and it's going to be seen by a very wide variety of people with all different kinds of reading comprehension and tastes. You're never going to appeal to all of hem, and plenty won't understand what you're trying to do. But that doesn't mean what you're making is bad. It just means it, like every story, is for a particular audience.
Yeah, if it's a repeated crit, it is something to keep in mind, but just remember that incorporating a crit shouldn't change what you're trying to do, only refine it.
Deo101 [Millennium]
Ive had a couple people say "I'm confused but Im enjoying whats going on" and I dont even know what I would begin to do about that
eli [a winged tale]
I usually trust my beta readers for that. If there are confusing parts then I would ask them how to clarify that best
I think these creator based forums are best to seek feedback and see what could potentially be remedied
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Of course. And I don't think my comic is bad. But one example was when I realized some confusion stemmed from me having a speech bubble that read, "without her," and didn't realize "her" could refer to two different characters which would make what was being said have two very different meanings. It's easy to overestimate how understandable your story is as an author that already knows everything that's going on. I think confusion is a good thing to pay attention to- I've definitely read comics before and dropped them because the author didn't pay enough attention to introducing things to the audience
(also dropped comics because they paid too much attention to introducig things but)
Deo101 [Millennium]
yes, like I said I have a small group of friends who are all writers, editors, and artists who can give me a pretty dang good beta read.
eli [a winged tale]
They are so great. Don’t know what I’d do without them
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
At that point I'd honestly keep going with what you have - there are several stories I've gone into with confusion, but also greatly enjoyed them, or even got less confused over time. Some readers need time to put the pieces together. So long as someone enjoys it on some level, I think that makes the comic successful. Maybe not completely - but not every comic will be everything to all people.
eli [a winged tale]
Indeed. Sometimes as well you gotta trust your story writing/art skills.
Deo101 [Millennium]
and like I'm not doing too bad for my first comic so I think I got something going for me at least.
I understand I have room to grow...
but I would like to keep that to people who I trust wont steer me wrong
eli [a winged tale]
Always room to grow for sure!
Deo101 [Millennium]
and arent just pushing what they want from me on me
eli [a winged tale]
Indeed. Feedback/ beta reading has its own set of skills. There’s always places to improve but the key is to determine specifically where that can be and how feasible(edited)
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
I remember the first time I read Unsounded, I had absolutely no idea what was going on because of how Ashley structures her world-building. But there were aspects of it that were very engaging, so I stuck with it. After finishing the archives, I went back and reread. Now that I understood what all the terms meant, it made perfect sense on the second go-round. It's now one of my favourite webcomics. Some stories are just told differently, and that's okay.(edited)
eli [a winged tale]
There’s certainly an element of trust you must put to the creators that it’ll all make sense at the end
Deo101 [Millennium]
someone got very mad at me for how I have shown my trans characters so far.. I had to explain that the story isnt done yet, and they have to trust I'll bring it up
it's a WIP and there is some trust that NEEDS to be had
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
lol I have only one artist/writer friend (struggles of working in a non-art career), and she understands everything I write exactly as I intended it and I love it. But she's my friend for a reason- we tend to think the same way and read similar things. Don't think it's wrong to try to cater to a wider audience as well
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
@Deo101 [Millennium] I wonder if anyone will react once I reveal that Anor is intersex/trans on panel. I'm really hoping I don't find out if any of my readers are transphobes -or- angry that he isn't ostentatiously trans.
Deo101 [Millennium]
someone was mad I didnt show my cyborg transitioning cause it could be so cool of a concept to see his original robot body and I was like literally none of what you said applies to him also thats kinda gross
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
Deo101 [Millennium]
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
There might be some transphobes. But it's worth dealing with them for the people who your comic will resonate with more for having a trans character in it
Deo101 [Millennium]
alsooooo some people might be upset, but then they will leave and you will be left with better people.
Nutty (Court of Roses)
I feel like me having a non-binary character and insisting on correcting everyone who misgenders them deters transphobes away p quickly.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
^^^ some people will dislike, but those who like will really like
and a smaller, better fanbase is better than a larger one that cares less(edited)
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
hear hear
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
@Eightfish (Puppeteer) I'm hoping some will resonate with him! I don't think I've ever seen any intersex rep in any story, so I really want people to know they can have a hero like them.(edited)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I'm trying to think of stories with intersex rep
I feel like there must be some, but I can't bring any up : /
Sazed from Mistborn is written as though he's intersex, but he clearly identifies as male and the story treating him as intersex actually feels a bit disrespectful
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
Me neither. The only thing I've seen in stories is gross 'hermaphrodite' jokes when mocking a cis character.
I really want to give positive representation.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
webcomics have so much lgbt representation. I feel as though I must have seen an intersex character somewhere in there, but I'm not sure I have.(edited)
it feels kind of weird(edited)
I've seen characters that don't have genders because they're gods or whatnot but I feel like that's different
Deo101 [Millennium]
I mean, I have intersex characters I supposed but theyre alien genders so I also think that's different and wouldnt call them intersex
I don't know the whole conversation, but @Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios), you'll be fine! Most transphobic people quietly leave, only the really sad, pitiful ones make a stink and their opinions are pretty laughable. If you get crap laugh in their faces like they're morons. I would also say my character Julian is intersex, but I'm not sure how much it counts since it was a recent decision I made (after doing a lot of research) due to readers headcanoning them as an intersex character.
I think I know of a couple other comics with intersex characters if you want to check out some, lemme go look through my lists.
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
@DanitheCarutor I'd love to see other comics with intersex representation! And I think Julian totally counts? I don't see a problem with reconsidering a character's sex, gender, or orientation as we become more aware of issues in the world, or even just more aware of our own characters. Webcomics are always a work-in-progress and things change as we go.
eli [a winged tale]
@DanitheCarutor I’d love to know them too!
Re: clarity and confusion, sometimes a small change in wording or such can improve the clarity greatly, and that's great! But I agree that reader confusion doesn't necessarily = failure in storytelling. I've published my comic first in Korean, and a much improved version in English. The cultural difference in the audience has shown to be a huge factor in terms of what's clear and what isn't, or how certain things come across. And that's just one factor.
So I only know of one comic personally, Drop-Out! Sure the characters are anthros, and the bubbles can be hard to read, but it is one of my favorite comics! Of course it's kinda heavy so be aware of that. http://drop-out.thecomicseries.com/ Although I checked out the Webcomic Library tagpacker and found a few. (including Drop-Out) https://tagpacker.com/user/webcomic.library?t=Intersex LGBT Webcomics also has a few that aren't listed in the above list. https://tagpacker.com/user/lgbtwebcomics?t=intersex @Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios) Lol yeah, I guess so. My readers made me put a lot of thought into it, and after the research being intersex actually fits a lot better with Julian's type of gender dysphoria and confusion than when they were AAB male. It also make some small, more intimate parts of the story feel more natural? It's hard to explain, it just feels better.(edited)
Like, making my work as accessible as possible has never been a goal for me with this story. So to me, it's not a failure that a large number of people can't see parts of the story that aren't being spelled out. I can totally respect "I want my work to be more accessible, so if all these people are not Getting It, then I need to do a better job" as a valid stance. Just not one I'm taking. It's all about individual goals and priorities.
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Oh boy, writing a fantasy story with a very developed culture is kinda scary, because NOBODY is going to pick up on cultural nuances except for me(edited)
Deo101 [Millennium]
I DO want my work to be more accessible/reach a wider audience, but that still doesnt mean it will be for everyone, too.(edited)
Not gonna lie, I get a little salty when I see someone claiming their story is "for everyone." I feel like such a claim is disrespectful to different cultures and tastes.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i just started drop out and damn, that's one hell of an opening
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah I genuinely don't think it's possible to make a story for everyone lol
like... idk literally just by making it "sci fi" that excludes many people who just don't like sci-fi
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i've never seen anyone claiming their story is for everyone
Deo101 [Millennium]
I feel like just to get to your premise, not even your personal execution you're already super narrowing the people down who will be interested
which is fine!!! and is necessary to accept imo
@Eightfish (Puppeteer) I've seen it. Not often but I've definitely seen it.
I've even seen a creator accuse another person of being heartless because the person was not interested in their Very Emotional And Universally Heartfelt comic, so uhhh yeah
Deo101 [Millennium]
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Well then
That just sounds like an illusioned creator
Deo101 [Millennium]
I kinda like to think of it like music
I dont like a lot of songs that other people love, it's not that they're bad songs just... not for me(edited)
Yeah! I also think the word "taste" is very fitting
Deo101 [Millennium]
yeah for sure
Some of us can eat ghost peppers like popcorns. Others would even avoid like... crackled black pepper
Deo101 [Millennium]
mac n cheese has a very wide audience, but some people aren't into it
@Eightfish (Puppeteer) Lmao! Drop-Out is quite a unique piece of fiction. I have also seen creators who say their comic is for everyone, then get made when someone isn't interested.
Deo101 [Millennium]
I'm gonna start saying millennium is like mac n cheese now
@Deo101 [Millennium] That reminds me of "what drink would your comic be" !!
Deo101 [Millennium]
someone: my comic is WATER EVERYONE NEEDS IT
I answered: "I want HoK to be liquid bacon fat, so that it'll stay in your heart forever."
Deo101 [Millennium]
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
even if your comic is water, some people don't drink water
Deo101 [Millennium]
but cute? I gues????
That sounds like a fun game, "If your comic were food what would it be?"
Mine would be sardine pizza, only weirdos like it.
Deo101 [Millennium]
next weeks creator babble question
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
@DanitheCarutor its got such good art. The characters are so unique and expressive. Don't think I've seen anyone not use anti-aliasing on such detailed art before, but it works here
almost all webcomics are some weird food. We're niche just by nature
It DOES have great art! And it gets better as you go too, by the time I reached the end then looked back on the first pages for nostalgia it was almost like night and day with the quality.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
fuck, really? but it's so polished already
I mean, I guess that's not something to get excited about, most webcomics get better artwise as they go. Lmao! But still!
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i love how the about page makes this sound like a fun roadtrip adventure
Deo101 [Millennium]
this feels mayble like the wrong chat for this discussion?
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
My comic would be a latte: A lot of people like it, but some people will never like coffee.
I can imagine HoK being like Chung Gook Jang soup? It's 1) Korean, 2) it warms you up, 3) it is very polarizing even among Koreans. It's kinda like... imagine miso soup on ultra mega steroid. Like a vegan version of supersharp stinky cheese. And 4) I love it.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
im alphabet soup because i have a fuckton of dialogue
Deo101 [Millennium]
I'm actually gonna stick with mac n cheese. a bit childish, but it's nice! you can do some fun things with it to shake things up, but it's still cheese and noodles.
Mac n cheese is amazing.
Deo101 [Millennium]
I love mac n cheese.
another reason why it's my comic! I love it, and it's something I can actually make
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
As for food, WotP would definitely something like authentic Mexican tacos. Again, generally well-received, but can be a bit intense for a lot of people
I really like food analogies. Sometimes it's not Gordon Ramsey you're trying to impress. Sometimes you want to make something you and/or your loved ones will enjoy, and if that's "WAY too much [ingredient]!!!!" for everyone else out there, that's not a flaw!
Deo101 [Millennium]
yeah! :D
That's actually good food for thought (no pun intended): what niche aspects does your comic contain? How/why are they niche?
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
@Eightfish (Puppeteer) How do you do it?
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I think I once described mine as a corrupted tropical cocktail. On the surface: sweet, pretty, very colorful - but all the ingredients used to make it are rotten
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I thought of Cricket as intersex for a long time and I still don't know exactly where I stand on that.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I draw a diagram of where characters/ furniture are from above. Niche things: Most conflicts are resolved through anticlimactic conversation. Also there's this huge bit about consensual mind control. I wrote the comic I'd want to read, and somehow found a few people like me to follow along
I also usually don't have more than 2 characters interacting
so it's easier for me
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I have so many busy group scenes with people moving around. The most recent chapter was kind of a mess also because I wasn't really sure about the dimensions of the space they were all in
This scene was also pretty rushed in general
Re: intersex characters I feel like I've been shying away from that because I don't feel like I know enough about the topic to adequately represent intersex people
Joe Is Dead has a really specific aesthetic to it but I don't know how to define that niche. It's definitely something
Deo101 [Millennium]
I honestly could not answer that question about what niche things my comic contains. I don't know what about my comic is mainstream or not, I'm just making what I want to see and not really worrying about stuff like that.
For me, having an idea of what's niche about my comic actually lessens my worries!
It's a "okay, so I know these things are niche, which means people not liking or even getting those things =/= my failure!" kinda thing for me!
But I can also see how not thinking about what's niche or not can lessen the worries for others, too.
Deo101 [Millennium]
mhm, for me it means I can just go "well I like it anyways sooooooooo"
Yeah, that's the destination! We're just taking different routes to get there
Deo101 [Millennium]
I also genuinely just have a hard time determining whether or not something is niche
even if I thought about it for a while (I've been thinking about it since you asked, and I have thought about it before" I genuinely couldnt pinpoint it for you...
I used to beat myself up very badly every time someone didn't like a thing about my comic
Deo101 [Millennium]
and "oh, 1) this is subjective, 2) I like it like this, and 3) my liking of it is valid" was how I crawled out of that hole
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
I don't know if my comic is specifically niche, unless you count "low fantasy" (or essentially fantasy with less magic and such) as niche
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
My comic has a lot of specific nautical and history content that you could call niche
Also surrealism
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i would call Joe Is Dead "niche," but not WoTP
I've read both
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
I... used to think my comics weren't niche. Ohohohohoho how wrong I was!
Deo101 [Millennium]
Id say millennium isnt niche then it's basically just gay sci fi it's p straightforward
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
My comics are very, incredibly, undeniably niche.
@sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD) It is difficult to understand if you're not intersex yourself, even though I studied a lot before making the decision about my character I still don't know if I'll represent the topic properly. The best you can really do is get into researching all the medical stuff, talk to people willing to share their experiences with being intersex, and watch videos of people talking about it from a professional and personal perspective. The hardest thing to get right about something so subjective and personal is that everyone's experiences are different, so no matter how much you research you just gotta do your best with the info you have, then figure out how your character would experience it personally.(edited)
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
I don't think anything magical happens until Chapter 11 of WotP, now that I think about it
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
Also @DanitheCarutor thank you for the links!! I'll have to give those comics a look!
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I’m still backreading and I just saw the food question, that is great
JID would be saltcod
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
Or like pickled herring maybe
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
(Bacalao = Puerto Rican salted cod)
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
They have it in spain too iirc
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
Ashes would be very bitter black coffee someone forgot to drink and it's just been sitting there for two days. Eryl would be well-aged wine spiked with tabasco sauce.
Sorry for derailing. Anyways, I feel like my entire comic is just a ball of niche? The subject matters are uncommon and the main characters are awful and unreliable, but that's my aesthetic so I'm sticking to it. I've never particularly cared about people liking my comic due growing up not being liked myself (you kinda get over it after a while), but I do like finding people like me. @Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios) No problem! I hoard stuff like that, so I probably have a link for everything.
Urm, I don't mean I like finding unlikable people like me, I mean people who like the same types of stories as me.
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
Honestly, Dani, I connect to your comic quite a lot, for what it's worth!
Thank you! ;v; In a way it's kind of nice having a comic that doesn't fit in. It tends to stand out, especially with my choice of medium. Although at the same times it's really hard to get feedback that applies to what you're doing! Arg!
It is such a Struggle, for sure -- getting relevant feedback
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
I feel you! I'm in the same boat with Ashes. It's also incredibly niche and there just aren't that many pencil comics out there- coloured or graphite.
Being a creator who likes feedback, but also likes making niche content, is so hard! Why can't everyone like niche content??
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
As niche as the setting and tone of Joe Is Dead are, the main story arc is a very generic hero adventure thing that I hope will appeal to wide audiences
eli [a winged tale]
Niche content
I’d love to know more! What niches are you exploring?
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
The nicest thing anyone's said about Super Galaxy Knights Deluxe R http://sgkdr.thecomicseries.com/comics/ is that they really became invested in the characters. Like, that's the kind of story I want to make - the kind where the characters really stick with you.
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
As for what food my comic would be... I'd say squid ink pasta. It's the kind of food that makes you go "what the heck is going on here" if you're new to it, but once you actually eat it you'll (hopefully) go "oh, that made way more sense than i expected and was actually pretty tasty"
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I don't know if you're talking to me directly but I'm using a lot of maritime history and literature stuff that I've been obsessed with for a long time as the setting of the story, and then the whole thing has a really morbid and nihilistic tone, while also somehow being funny because I have a background in comedy/satire writing
And then heavy biblical themes
It's essentially a Renaissance period retelling of the Joseph story from the bible
With pirates instead of shepherds
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
For me, I’m not even sure what niche Ashes belongs to. (https://www.flowerlarkstudios.com/cos/) It’s dark, it’s weird, it has a twisty plot that slowly trickles information, and it’s an odd mash-up of genres. I often try to describe it as Miss Peregrine’s Peculiar Children meets Farthing Wood. It’s mostly urban fantasy with some horror elements and talking animals. Basically it’s about a bunch of unaging teenagers with supernatural, angel-gifted powers and a bunch of woodland critters fighting (although so far it’s more running from) eldritch monsters. But it’s main focus is on each character battling either mental illness or some other kind of inner demon.
There's also the aspect of: what's niche in one culture may not be niche in another. In Korean media, Fantastical Old Korea is a very common setting for all sorts of genres: gag a day, romance, all-ages adventure, gritty crime drama, zombie apocalypse, you name it. If the work spends a lot of visuals showing mundane everyday moments, often that's a shorthand for "sit down and stay a while; this is a heartfelt tale that takes its time." My comic uses such a setting. When I began to publish it in English, I was surprised that people were expecting it to be one of these AND NOTHING ELSE: a) exciting magical action adventure b) mythology-driven, all about gods and spirits My comic is neither of those. It definitely contains elements of adventure, but that's the plate the meat is served on, not the meat itself. So I guess the usage of the setting is niche.
Like, imagine a civilian life drama set in WWII time. The civilian MC may have a family member or a close friend in the military, but the story focuses on the MC's experience. Imagine presenting that story and people expect it to be... military action? Not a perfect analogy, but hopefully a good enough one.
Kelsey (Kurio)
To be fair, Korea would find fantastical old Korea less exotic than those outside of Korea heh
That is definitely a factor. Even today, you can find semi-Old Days-like places IRL within like... 3 hours of drive.
I'm weirded out that my culture is considered exotic, but it is what it is
(To clarify, weirded out =/= offended.)
Kelsey (Kurio)
Well any culture can be exotic to people outside of that culture
As an outsider looking in, it can be fascinating to learn about a culture I don't know much about
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
Anything unfamiliar is usually considered exotic. I know in both England and America, I never really learned anything about any Asian country growing up. I had to seek out the info myself, and as it was very unfamiliar to me, it seemed exotic!
Kelsey (Kurio)
Especially their myths and stories
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
Oops, exactly what Kelsey said, I typed too slow.
Yeah, the thing is I've been told I should not be using this setting to tell this story because it's a doomed combination. But ehh, I decided not to listen to that. This story with this setting and all of its elements is what I wanted to read.
slice of life set in a historical setting sounds really refreshing actually(edited)
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
But I know I’d probably feel strange if someone told me New York was exotic!
sometimes historical settings can get really bogged down by politics and whatever other drama, having a quiet slow paced story set in the same kind of world is something i'd be interested in reading
Kelsey (Kurio)
Nothing wrong with trying the approach you want to
Who knows, you might end up with a unique combo that helps your work stand out
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
Yup. I’m a firm believer in writing the kind of story you’d want to read. No matter how niche.
Totes agreed on this. For me, when I had to drop my dark drama series for my romance story, folks were like "Dang, I thought you like writing dark things!"
I do, but romance comics.... [clenches chest]. I also want to write a story that I want to read so lmao. Dream lover elements along with some dark horror influences is something I want to try doing lol
this is not a webcomic but try reading coelacanth if you're interested in the combination of horror with romance @Tuyetnhi
ooo I'll keep that in mind
it's really so unique i love coelacanth so much
is it a novel? :0
it's a manga
Yeah I probably check it out sometime lmao
back on the idea tho, I also wanted to add some Vietnamese influences in the mix since there's not a lot of stories about Vietnamese disapora, so that's included in the cauldron lol
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
@keii4ii what's your comic? I wanna check it out(edited)
@Eightfish (Puppeteer) It's https://heartofkeol.com/
(I get extremely nervous whenever I know someone is checking out my comic for the first time )
To answer @eli [a winged tale] question. I'm delving into stuff like mental illnesses and disorders, medical illnesses, abuse, trauma and later on, self-care. The comic itself is slow and character centric, I guess you can say it's like a character study. The story can be really depressing depending on who is reading, and it has some softcore horror bits sprinkled in. I'm kind of a nerd for mental health, sad stuff and everything medical so I figured I may as well make a story embellishing those interests. In short it's a sad, character driven, psychological drama about two extremely flawed individuals. Not particularly exciting compared to all the other webcomics out there, but somebody has to make that one pretentious, psychological slice of life piece.
What compounds my issues is that my comic does have enough adventure elements for someone to mistake it for an underwhelming adventure story. "This is an adventure story but there's not enough adventure in it?" kinda thing.
@DanitheCarutor Character studies FTW!!! Yours has been on my 'gotta check this out' list for a long time now!
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
I also am a fan of psychological stories
Especially if they're sad(edited)
Kei idk why but I was reminded of .hack SIGN when u said that
"there's so much talking! where's the action?!?"
@Tuyetnhi That's actually not a terrible comparison -- though .hack//SIGN has other issues that my comic hopefully doesn't have XD
I'm pretty sure it's miles better than that old anime lmao
@keii4ii Pff I need to check out your comic too! I remember reading it at one point, but I don't remember what happened to make me lose track. From what little I remember I really liked it.
The thing with .hack//SIGN was it had a lot of promises of mystery that never went anywhere, within SIGN. I've heard those mysteries do go somewhere within the franchise, but you had to watch/read the entire franchise, which I wasn't going to do. I hope my comic will be a good read on its own, when finished.
sadly, I was one of those suckers that went to consume the .hack games and mangas to get some context from SIGN in the late 2000's lmao
I hope the same as mine, despite being mostly saccharine and self-indulgent nature lmao
Self-indulgence is a strength of indie comics.
eli [a winged tale]
I love all the themes y’all explore! They’re so important
I feel like I have a reason for everything when working on that comic but if that's what it boils down to, I'll take it lol
TBH I produce my best writing and art when I focus on pleasing myself.
Because if I'm trying to please others, I don't even know what they want, so I waste my energy panicking.
But when I'm creating for my inner reader, I can be self-critical in a productive manner!
so true ya
Hey guys. I kind of feel as this has deviated a smidgen too far from the topic, so maybe reel it in just a smidgen. XD(edited)
so the nicest thing anyone's ever said about my comic is that they wanna read more :3
I kinda dread reader dropoffs so the will to see the whole story through fills me with joy
1 note · View note
hansolvrnonchwe · 7 years
My Diamond Edge Experience
, alright im just gonna list off everything that happened
so we got there at like 3 
and the concert didnt start until 7
so we were waiting for quite awhile
there were a lot of people selling merch but i didnt want to spend too much money because i wanted to buy official merch
which they didnt sell btw just a warning
i was pissed
but anyway, everyone was super sweet
and there were so many people wearing rose quartz and serenity 
i was wearing black lmao
but people were handing out free bracelets and stuff
and this girl saw that i was wearing my vernon shirt and she gave me vernons 17 Carat black ver. postcard and a Going Seventeen photocard and then she took a selfie w me and my friend
she was just so sweet 
whoever you are, i love you.
and i ended up getting some pretty vernon fanart, a seungcheol photocard, and a Hoshi fan pack (which I did pay $10 for)
i ended up meeting the producer from Form of Therapy which is a v good Youtube channel
my voice cracked so much tho lmao
and he filmed me for a youtube video and i was sO AWKWARD I WANT TO DIE OH MY GOD
i will actually be surprised if he uses the footage
anyway, after several hours we finally got into the venue
i actually saw god when that air conditioner hit me
we went to our seats after realizing there wasnt gonna be merch
and while we were waiting for it to start they were playing the mvs for Very Nice, Check In, Healing, Adore U, Love Letter, Mansae, BoomBoom, and Pretty U all on a loop
and the crowd was so hyped during the MVs alone man
and it finally hot 7:00 and suddenly they played Love Letter again
but it was out of order 
so we knew something was going on
and the after Love Letter they played Dont Wanna Cry and everyone freaked the fuck out because it was the first time they played it
and so we all stood up and after the music video the lights went out
and i swear to i god i was so shooketh
seventeen came out on stage after a dramatic opening and began Pretty U
and it was so loud
i couldnt even hear myself speak
and i tried to wave my lightstick but it had no batteries because im dumb
and they performed a few more songs before pausing to introduce themselves
hoshi was so cute oh my god
he kept yelling “HOSHI’S BACK”
throughout the entire concert 
it was sssoooooo cute
joshua and vernon obviously spoke in english the whole time but the rest of the members spoke in korean and had a translator which was rlly cool
they taught us a fanchant where they would yell “SEVENTEEN CARAT”
and we would clap twice and put our hands to the side and say “EDGE”
it was great
performance unit performed OMG, Highlight, and Swimming fool
and nobody knew the rlly fast highlight fan chant but me and this one girl
and we made eye contact 2 rows apart whilst screaming seventeens names at the top of our lungs
it was magical
hip hop unit performed If I, Check In, and Vol. 14 from the mixtape
ive said it many times but seungcheol had me so shook
he went fucking IN during Check In
damn b
vocal unit performed Habits, a spooky version of Dont Listen in Secret, and We Gonna Make it Shine
Dont Listen in Secret is one of my all time favorite songs 
and the spooky version made it so much better
its so underrated
they all performed great bops
like Crazy in Love and Chuck and stuff
and then they stopped to talk again and they were like “yo we’re gonna leave after this song but we love you”
because the main songs they hadn’t performed were Don’t Wanna Cry and Healing
and I knew they were gonna perform Don’t Wanna Cry 
but i was looking forward to healing so much because its my favorite
so anyway
they performed Don’t Wanna Cry
and then left stage
and a video of them all talking about what Carats mean to them started playing w smile flower playing the the bg
everyone was crying
mingyu was like “you guys are my oxygen”
and it was hella cheesy but i cried anyway
and then the video ended 
and they performed Shining Diamond 
i swear to god ive never screamed “I know I’m only seventeen I only got a few dollars” so loud
and then they performed Healing and i was emo bc its my favorite
and seungcheol got on dino’s back and i was living
and then they all did speeches and stuff
and it was so cute i was hella emo
hoshi did aegyo
we all wanted to die but oh my god i saw hoshi doing aegyo live
so the concert ended fr
and they left stage
and us hi touch people stayed in our seats while everyone left
it took like 30-45 minutes for hi touch to actually start 
but it was probably so seventeen could rest
when it finally started the line moved quick
security were a bunch of assholes
we were ushered through there, man
Joshua was the first in line and he asked me how i was and we all know how soft and pretty his voice is but oh my god let me just say his voice is so soft and pRETTY I WAS SPEAKING TO AN ANGEL
seungcheols hair was wet and when i touched his hand i squeeled and he gave me a look of concern
my friend was in front of me and she said “layla calm down” in front of vernon
and vernon looked so confused
but then he got to me and he was like “ah yes, that makes sense”
it was so embarrasing i hate myself
at the very end minghao was thanking everyone and i got to hold his hand and tell him i love him and asdfghjkl hes so perfect
i blanked out for most of the hi touch and i dont remember most of it because of how shitty security was
they were yelling and pushing us through so fast
uughhhh i wish i couldve filmed
overall i did enjoy it a lot
it just wasnt super memorable because of how fast we were going
like i literally dont remember interacting with most of the members 
im really mad 
but anyway as soon as we got out there was a girl on the floor sobbing
which i wouldve done too if i wasn’t so disappointed with my hi touch tbh
but afterwards this girl went up to my friend and was like “did you do the hi touch?”
and my friend was like “yeah”
and the girl was like “cAN I TOUCH YOUR HAND?”
and my friend was like “yeah”
and the girl screamed
and it sounds really weird but i promise it was adorable
and from there the night ended and ive never wanted to die more because of post concert depression
a summary: mmt sucks, carats are the sweetest fandom ever, HOSHI’S BACK, seventeen will literally fuck you up live, its def worth it, my love for hansol was reinforced, seungcheol needs to chill, and hi touch was enjoyable but it also sucked and now i wanna die
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Fanart Monday!
I slowly go back to schedule. Feels nice c:
I have a lot of fanarts so let’s better get to it already xD
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Fanart of the day by @deal-right!! Goddamn, someone’s eager for that date, right?? Poor Frisk x’D
More under the usual, now sexier-than-ever cut!
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@blairchan231:  Have a cute Frisk ^3^ Hope you like it!
OH JEEZE THIS MOVES!! Thanks a lot!! and it’s battle-like... <3333 wow. I love it!! Thanks a skele-ton, dear!!! Nice job!! <3
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Rebecca:  Not sure if you’ll get this in time for Fanart Monday since I’m sending this so late, but whatever. I was messing around with the PaintTool Sai Demo and this happened, so I figured I might as well send it to you.
Never late! For I am late too! Huehue <u<;; Welp! Thanks a lot for the drawing <3 Frisk looks adorable and hearty! Like the salmon! Get it? [I’ve been playing too much Zelda recently lord help me]
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@scarletphoenix1: Fanart for you and your awesome blog! You’ve inspired me so much, so as thanks, if you like my fanart, I’ll gladly make more! ^_^But man, this took way too long to color XD Photoshop, y u do dis to me?
Wow! Looks amazing!! Ghost Chara looks scary, that’s perfect <333 You flatter me! Good job <3 Also, Flowey looks like one of those deer heads hanging from a wall. I dunno, it just makes me laugh xD
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@elisakou:  Hello Kaitogirl ! I hope you like this fanart of you that I did in traditional art on blue paper and I just wanted to say I love your comic and your art in general ! Hi from France ! ^^ ~elisakou ----
Oh! It’s a me! Kaito! Gotta love some traditional art <3 <3 Bonjour [or bonsoir [?]] to you, and thanks for the fanart! I love it!! ^^ <3
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@ebkas: Here!
There!! [?] Someone liked the strange thing that happened between Flowey and Sans, I see! I guess lots of people did x’D Thanks for the fanart, dear <333 Now, for drawing tips! The back of the skull should be rounder :D
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@glitchedoutgamer:  I made your Underfell characters but Inverted Fate! I dunno what that’d be called- Twisted Fate? cx The Alphys is pretty dang bad but I dunno. Also sizes are irrelevant here. They’re just doodles ^^‘
Pencil doodles!! Love <3 I don’t have a single idea about what Inverted Fate is, but I gotta say I really like how the characters came out! Papyrus’ clothes are the best. I should draw him with goggles... they look really cool! Thank you! ^^
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@tacotimemc: I tried to submit this 4 times, so yeah.
Yeah, I saw them all... You should wait if you see I’m not even posting the fanart monday thing, but it’s always good to send again if you want to make sure I received it! Thanks!
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@loyaldarkness:  Whelp you asked for it so I did it. GENTLEMEN (and ladies) BEHOLD COLOR
Yesss I remember you <3 I see you changed Athela’s name, good x’D She needs recognition <3333 Thanks for coloring it! You’re a cool dude <3
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@floweyfanclubforkaito:  I haven’t draw in such a long time… ;-; But here!! :D a Fanart for Monday or Anyday cuz your special! :D
Oh my, my fanclub [or flowey’s fanclub?] came to give me a skelebros fanart <333 thanks a ton!!! A skele-ton <u< [I made this joke twice already, knock it off Kaito]. The glows look neat! Sans scares me c’: Good job!! And thank you <33
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@mykittysansy:  This is for u! Hope u like it! ^^
The power of KAWAII compells me!!! Looks so cute <33333 I really appreciate the fanart! But for future references, please don’t put a collar to my Sans c’:
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@e10-with-a-dot:  * The air is filled with smoke.
Ah, why c’: It’s too funny, you get a rainbow star <33333 thanks for making me laugh! xD
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@trusting-my-insanity:  Hello Skelemom! Okay, I’m being honest, I did this like so long ago and I did try to submit then but I think Tumblr ate it? Anyways here it is now!
Hello, my child! Never fear, for I am here! To post your fanarts when you send them again because Tumblr ate them! And this one features Alpha Flowey! It’s so cute and deadly-looking <3 Thanks! Stay determined >:3c
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@nxsuper:  i lost the complete copy and i can’t redraw it …….idk how but i hope you like this to
Oops! I know the pain when you lose a drawing QuQ But at least you saved the overall thing, so that’s good! Thanks for taking the bother for me <33 you’re great!!
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@dustycamera:  My horrible attempt at making a enraged flowey
Pixel art!! To be honest, it’s quite difficult to tell if someone’s angry or not if the drawing lacks eyebrows. But the red eyes should do! You tried, and I appreciate your effort <333 Thanks for sending!
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@venomlesscz :  Sending for the third time, third week - don’t know if it’ll reach you. I asked about it, but you didn’t respond. Probably, because you weren’t online, and it got lost in the abbys of forgotten asks. But no worries! I made this some time back, but i didn’t sent it in time, and then you didn’t post it, so i’m sending it again. Hope you like it :)
Sorry about not responding! I was busy and I couldn’t get to check all my ask box. But as I told you later, because we did talk, I received all the fanarts. So now I post it, as I promised <3 Thanks for being patient, and for sending the fanart! I love it!! ^^
Phew. Those were all of them... I think. Unless Tumblr ate more fanarts. Tumblr loves to snack, doesn’t it <.< 
Thank you all lovely people for sending the lovely art, and I hope to see you soon! On another fanart monday~
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aeroknot · 8 years
i’m trying to decide between some options to supplement my income... part of me wants a part time job on top of my full time job because it’s more structured and pumps up my resume a lot more. but the other part of me misses art so much and thinks my natural inclination should just be producing art (that has the capacity to be reproduced easily) to market and sell, I’ve just never convinced myself that anyone outside friends/family would buy my art. I fantasize about having a part time job (mostly weekend shifts) at a clothing retailer I like or our local bookstores... but also, living with depression/anxiety, and wanting at least somewhat of a social life, freaks me out too at the idea of having 2 jobs after having NO JOBS for so long. I haven’t even told a lot of people or updated my linkedin to include my current job because I still deal with daily insecurities that they’re gonna find out hiring me was a mistake and I’ll be unceremoniously fired on the spot (hello impostor syndrome/low self-esteem).
Idk. i’m an infp I fantasize about all the possibilities without ever actually deciding or when i do decide I still doubt whether it’s right because nothing ever 100% suits me
oh well
i just needed to word-vomit about it here
i miss y’all too! feel like I’m barely ever on here (true by comparison). I want to fanart too!!! and I’m just so grateful SO MANY of you have just stuck around for so long, it honestly warms me heart even if we don’t chat as much as I’d prefer. thanks for being around <3333 makes the void a little less void-like
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