#but renard was quiet and a lot like her
skylarmoon71 · 3 months
Alexander (Grimm) - Crossover AU - Chapter 14
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“Who’s that woman?”
When Alexander walked into the precinct, you didn’t think he would bring a friend. She was stuck to his side, dressed very nicely. 
The black dress seemed to highlight her in the best way. Your frown deepened as Alexander chatted with Nick on the other side of the room. Hank just smirked as you seemed to sip your drink angrily.
“Might be a girlfriend.” Hank spoke.
“What? No, Alexander would tell me if he was dating. I would be the first one to pick up on it either way.”
“I don’t know, she’s standing pretty close.”
You gripped your cup. Standing, you place it down as you march over there.
“Nick, Alexander, what are you guys up to?”
Alexander turned to you with a smile and the woman straightened.
“Ms. Jane, great timing. This is Supervisory Special Agent Emily Prentiss. She's a colleague of mine based in Quantico. We’ve worked in quite a few instances. Emily is one of the best.”
You held out your hand and she shook it with a smile.
“It’s nice to finally meet you. I’ve heard a lot about your skills. As a profiler I have to say I’m envious. You make my work look like child’s play.”
“Well, what can I say, I’m gifted.” You laugh and Nick raises a brow, but says nothing.
“We were talking about the last attack. After Alexander was kidnapped the FBI has been keeping close tabs on all activity. They found Jefferson in Curacao. He’s being processed as we speak. This time he won’t get away. His drug buddies aren’t going to be too happy that he sold them out.” Nick informs.
Now Prentiss’s presence makes sense. She’s too high up for this to be a casual visit. Her stance emits authority and protectiveness. She must know Alexander decently well, because the mention of his kidnapping and she’d brushed her waist. A subconscious act to reach for a gun.
“We were just about to see Captain Renard to discuss further, would you like to join us?” Alexander offers.
You shake your head.
“Nah, you know all that official stuff is boring to me.”
Alexander sends you a subtle smile, one that both Nick and Prentiss notice.
“I’ll leave you guys to it.” 
You give a little playful curtsey as you walk away. Alexander’s eyes stay trained on you straight to the point that you're back, sitting with your cup of tea. You catch his stare, titling your head as you point to the cup. He shakes his head with a laugh.
“We should get going.” Nick says.
Alexander nods, following Nick to Renard’s office, not before sending you one last glance. Once the door closes you suddenly regret not joining them.
“Damn it.”
You know that you’ll have to wait until they leave to even get a chance to speak with Alexander some more.
For the stretch of time you try to keep busy.
You must have made at least three cups of tea. As time ticks you become annoyed.
When they finally do exit the office, Prentiss and Alexander are apparently off on business. She sends you a friendly wave and you return it with a tight smile. Nick comes out moments after, walking over and sitting at his desk. He takes one look at you.
“If you glare at her any longer you’ll burn a hole into her head.”
You huff.
“Be quiet, peasant!!”
“Peasant, that’s a new one.” Nick retorts as Hank starts chidding in with his own remarks. You know it’s a bit stupid to be jealous. One look and you can tell there is nothing between them. Your feelings are completely unwarranted, but you can’t get the image of them standing together out of your mind. 
From an outsider’s view they look like the perfect couple. Both smart, passionate, driven people who are clearly fighting for a great cause. The last thing you should be is aggravated, but you are. That’s why you feel like you have no choice but to text him.
“Do you want to have dinner at my place tonight? I'd like it if you could give me an update.”
You bounce the phone anxiously. Even for you that was a risky text. You’ve never invited him for dinner, much less at your house.
The ding nearly makes you drop the phone. You hold your breath as you read the message.
“I would love to.”
You giggle softly as you anticipate the meeting.
“I hope it is alright, I had to bring some of my work along.”
He’s holding a briefcase and you nod.
“That’s fine, make yourself at home, I’ll grab the food.”
You close the door and he places his briefcase down to hang his coat. Once he’s done he heads to the living room, admiring your space.
“You have a beautiful home.”
“Thanks! My mom helped me decorate when I first moved in. So did my sisters. If you see anything overly floral it’s from them.” You call.
He smiles.
“I’ll keep an eye out.”
He takes a seat, placing his case on the table before him as he gets to work. You’re not even surprised when you walk back into the room and he’s scanning through a thick packet in his hand. You just shake your head for overthinking, because you have nothing to worry about.
Laying out you both get comfortable as you exchange words and eat happily. He’s explaining some of the progress they’ve made and you’re giving tips on what he should look out for, just to be safe.
It’s around ten that he finally admits defeat. He closes his case.
“I appreciate the invitation, I’ll be sure to repay the favor.”
“Don’t worry too much about it. I’m sure you do this type of thing with Agent Prentiss all the time.”
He takes a sip of his wine, lowering the glass after as he thinks about it.
“Emily and I have had our share of late night meals.”
“You must be really close if you keep calling her Emily.”
You can’t seem to control how jealous that comes out. Alexander doesn’t catch on. He just nods in agreement.
“She is someone I trust.”
That just makes you more envious.
“Do you trust me?”
That makes him look over.
“Of course, you shouldn’t even have to ask. I trust you with my life.”
“Then call me by my name.”
It’s a childish declaration, but you can’t stop yourself. He’s never called you by your name, not really.
“I don’t understand I’ve always-”
“My name, please Alexander.”
You’re pleading and his expression shows a slight change. He must now realize what you’re asking. He finally places the glass down on the table, adjusting his position on the couch. You wish you didn’t sound so desperate for something so small, but you can’t help it. His formalities feel like a wedge that you have to remove.
One word and you feel like your heart has changed to another rhythm. With his attention now solely on you, you gulp. You were the one who made the demand, so you shouldn’t be reacting so poorly, or obvious. You turn your head.
“I was just checking to see if you knew it.”
You hope the playful comment will dissolve any residual tension. He’s definitely still looking at you. You fight to maintain what little composure you have as you stand.
“I’m going to make some tea.”
You’re out the room before he gets another word out, so you don’t see the flash of a yellow glow over his blue hues. 
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France - Iceland U-19s Euros Postgame Thoughts
I watched this mainly because Alice Marques was playing and I like to keep tabs on Lyon's upcoming academy players, particularly when it's a player I like.
Now, I will be the first to acknowledge that there is a massive gulf between the U-17s/U-19s and the actual professional league. In the pro league, the play is faster, the tackles more physical, and the passes more precise. it's a lot less forgiving than in the youth leagues.
But it also gives you an insight as to what could be, so what did we learn?
Turns out France is pretty good. They have won six of their last six games (3 qualifiers, 3 round robin games for the Euros). These young players are good, and you can feel the potential is there. Is that enough to actually make it in a pro league? No one can say with certainty, but sometimes you have to lower the bar and your expectations and just go off with what is in front of you.
I liked France's attacking players in that they were no-nonsense players. I absolutely cannot stand showboating, so any time a player just keeps their head down and does their job it just lowers my blood pressure and everyone is happier all around. Just do your job and the rest will fall into place. The players were fast, and even though at times they were sloppy in their decisions - to be expected at that age - they also proved to be efficient.
You're not going to get the polished version at that age, you're just not, but you are going to get a baseline at the very minimum. Got to start somewhere.
But let's get back to Marques. I've liked her since the ICC last year, because she's quiet. I like my defenders quiet and focused. She doesn't get flustered super easily - again, we'll have to see if that holds in the pro league - but you have to start somewhere, I guess. I joked with someone that if Renard's MRI tests come back with bad news then it means Marques will move up immediately to the starting line-up. That will not help my blood pressure at all but if there is anyone I would want to fill in for Renard on Lyon's roster as is then it is probably Marques.
France's U-19 team plays Germany on Wednesday (the day of the clash of heavy weights in both the U-19s Euros and the WC), so we'll see what happens when they play a team who doesn't back from a challenge either.
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devlunar · 3 years
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I said I might make an annette kid and I did. After I finished drawing him it took a whole extra day just to name this dude hhh. 
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vintage-rejects · 2 years
Subtle Spy differences between Red and Blu!! All of these are my headcanons of course!
Red Spy has more reddish hued, pigmented skin! Blu possesses a darker, duller complexion.
Red’s true name is is Renard Laurent, however uses Pierre as an alias to protect himself. Blu is named Faustin Allard, and refuses to use an alias. Bad choice, Faustin—
Renard is bisexual! Faustin is gay!
Renard is 45, Faustin is 46!
Faustin has a twin brother, named Florian! Lovingly known as “the PINK Spy!” Renard, however, is an only child.
Renard has browner hair, which is rather curly due to Arab genes! He also has quite a bit of body hair! Faustin’s is more of a black color. His hair is straighter (as he hides his natural curl a lot more) and less body hair due to shaving and styling.
Renard has stomach, hip, and thigh scars! Faustin has shoulder, back and neck scars!
Renard has lighter eyes, you can see the blue in them, like a watercolor sea. Faustin posses more grey, akin to a stormy sea.
Renard has more emotion in his voice, a fruity cadence! Faustin has a calmer tone, a bit more refined!
Faustin smells like fruity perfume, he likes the feminine side of beauty! Renard prefers more.. "seductive" colognes, boarding on masculine and feminine!
Faustin wears garter socks, Renard does not.
Renard is incredibly picky about his cigarettes, while Faustin takes whatever is offered!
Both have mothers! Yes, both are alive! Renard’s mother is named Janan Laurent! Janan was a poor waitress, who taught her son all about love and being yourself. She’s incredibly bubbly and sweet! She also beat the shit out of people before! She’s also a wonderful dancer! She’s all smiles, and Renard adores her with all his heart! Faustin’s is Rosalie Allard, a wealthy opera singer! She is quiet, refined and rather gloomy. She raised her sons to be gentlemen, professional, and wonderful singers! She may be a bit sadder and worried looking, but she does love her sons!
Janan never really saw the “issue” with Renard’s attraction towards men. In fact, she embraced it and encouraged him to be his most authentic self! Rosalie, however, was a bit worried about her sons. Her concerns were more so about their safety, rather than the notion of “gay is bad.” She tried to get her sons to ignore it to protect them, but surprise surprise both of her sons are gay men LMAOOO Rosalie accepts her sons 100% though! Have a scene;
Spy laughs shyly, "Oui, but I did.. Maman, Florian.. Meet mon amour. Mon âme sœur, l'amour de ma vie.. Mon cœur, ma colombe.. Mon tout...“ He looked lovingly at Blu Medic, getting a bit lost in those ocean blue eyes. They relax him immediately, they were beautiful..
Miss Allard watched them quietly, tilting her head softly. A small smile on her lips, though she seemed a bit surprised. Then, almost.. casual. As if this wasn't any news to her. "Your âme sœur, hm?" She piped up, softly.
Spy panicked internally, before letting out an exhale. "Maman.. I.. I must tell you, all these years.. I 'ave been queer this whole time. I never desired women, never in the way I.. feel towards men. This man.. 'E 'olds my 'eart, maman. 'E 'olds it so tightly.. I would be lost without 'im.." He nervously looks at his mother, ".. Do you.. Do you accept me, maman? Despite everything? All you 'ave taught us?"
Miss Allard was quiet for a moment, taking everything in. She smiles warmly, almost sadly. A knowing smile, a motherly smile. "Of course I do, mon chou. You are mon petit bébé, mon rayon de soleil. I will always love you, mon trésor. Always."
Spy hiccups a sob, leaning closer against Medic. He had tears in his eyes.
"I only.. discouraged the idea to protect you. I never wanted mes bébés to be bullied, or attacked or.. killed.. for who they are. Though, I 'ave always known. You and your brother.. You two loved to wear my dresses and jewelry." She chuckled softly, sadly. But, she was loving.
Both have single mothers! Both fathers were run-aways.
Renard has a very bad relationship with Pamela (Red Scout’s mom). They were not very good to each other, and Pamela was a very bad lover. Renard ran away for his own well-being, leaving his son behind. Faustin is best friends with Sherri (Blu Scout’s mom)! They two were best friends at a young age, and accidentally had a kid together! Soon after, both discovered they were gay! Sherri is now a buff, awesome lesbian mom! Faustin is the reserved, feminine gay dad! They both raised Blu Scout lovingly, and he adores his queer parents!
There you go! Some headcanons! Enjoy!
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tsuki-chibi · 3 years
Ladrien June Day 12 - Squall: Fencing
This story is a sequel to my Marinette March, Adrinette April, and Marichat May stories; I highly recommend reading those first.
You can also read this story on AO3: Squall
Renard didn’t stop until he was several blocks away from the Eiffel Tower. Only then did he drop to the ground and, after looking around cautiously, creep into a bunch of bushes that bordered a park. He crouched down, hoping that the lurid orange of his costume was hidden by the greenery, and took a couple of deep breaths. Now that he was away from Coccinelle, he felt a bit shaky.
It could have gone better.
But it could have gone a lot worse too.
She hadn’t attacked him, and she hadn’t run away. Those were two positives.
Still, her general disdain for both him and the city was concerning. Or at least, it came across as disdain. He supposed he didn’t know that it was for sure, since he didn’t know her. Maybe it wasn’t disdain at all. Maybe this was the one time in her day when she got some peace and quiet, and she was just irritated that Renard had interfered with that.
It was just…
She was just so different.
He couldn’t help remembering how suspicious Ladybug had been when Volpina showed up out of the blue. Chat had been the one who was willing to accept Volpina as a fellow hero. Of course, part of that was because at the time Chat had no idea that Master Fu had the other miraculous. He hadn’t even met Master Fu at that point, unlike Ladybug. So they’d been working with different information.
But even in spite of that, he thought that Ladybug would’ve been cautious regardless. That was just the kind of person she was. If their situations were reversed, Ladybug would have been slightly more welcoming than Coccinelle had been, but not by much. He did think that Ladybug would’ve at least been willing to hear a newcomer’s request to talk to her without demanding something else, though.
Either way, there was no use comparing the two now. Coccinelle was the person that he needed to deal with. Well, Coccinelle and Tortue. There had been no sign of the other miraculous holder, but Renard wasn’t stupid enough to think that Tortue wouldn’t show up tonight.
And that would be a whole different ball game.
He sighed to himself and sat down on the grass, taking a furtive look around before whispering, “Trixx, let’s rest.”
The pendant around his throat warmed with the resulting orange flash of light. Adrien put his hands out for Trixx to land on, feeling a swell of affection for the little kwami. It would have been really awful to be stuck in an alternate universe all alone. He might not have known Trixx very well, but Trixx’s presence was extremely comforting.
“Well, how did it go?” Trixx asked, staring up at Adrien with bright, expectant eyes.
“Not terrible,” Adrien said, getting a little more comfortable. “Coccinelle agreed to meet me late tonight. I’m sure she’ll bring Tortue along with her.”
“Is she bringing the Black Cat miraculous with her?” Trixx asked.
“Uh… not unless mind-reading is one of the skills granted by the Ladybug miraculous in this universe,” Adrien said.
Trixx pouted. “Adrien!”
“Hey! I can’t just go right up to her and ask for it, Trixx. It’s like Fencing. There’s some give-and-take to the situation,” Adrien defensively. “I can’t expect them to give up something so valuable that quickly.”
“I guess that makes sense,” Trixx said. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay. Besides, even if she had given me the Black Cat miraculous right away, it’s not like we could leave. We’re stuck here until Marinette comes back for us.” Adrien sighed again, thinking longingly of his lady.
Right now, he was trying so hard not to think about the mess waiting for him back in his world. It felt like this great big looming thing, hanging over him.
Marinette couldn’t make it go away, of course, but somehow things always seemed more surmountable in her presence. Just being around her made Adrien feel a little better. It was hard to bear not knowing how much more time would pass before she returned.
“Yeah, but then you’d be all ready to go when she does come,” Trixx pointed out. “So you’ve got your plan of attack all worked out?”
“Uh,” Adrien said.
Trixx gave a dramatic sigh. “Kittens. Okay, go buy me some ice cream and then we’ll talk.”
“Ice cream? You just ate!”
“And I just transformed you!” Trixx countered.
Adrien just groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose to quell a rising headache.
How did he keep ending up with the kwamis who ate so much?!
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misscrazyfangirl321 · 4 years
OC-Tober Day 20: Glow
OC: Rebecca Renard
Fandom: Grimm
Pairings: Rebecca/Sean, Familial Elizabeth and Rebecca
Warnings: None
It’s Sean’s mother who points it out first, which is just slightly embarrassing. She tilts her head to the side, looking Rebecca over, and smiles, just slightly. “You’re glowing,” she observes, in lieu of a greeting. 
It isn’t the first time she’s met Elizabeth Lascelles, and she likes the woman well enough, but she’s more than a little unsettling. She’s almost certain that she knows Rebecca’s a Grimm, but she never comments on it, and apparently, she has yet to tell Sean.
Sean isn’t around today, thankfully. An old friend of his wants to meet and catch up, so he probably won’t be home until late. 
Rebecca takes a breath, straightening her dress. “Thank you,” she replies, playing dumb, even as she starts to count back weeks in her mind. Is it possible-? Things have been so hectic lately, she hasn’t been paying close attention, but has it really been-
Oh gosh. The room seems to spin for just a moment. It’s definitely possible. 
“So are you going to tell him?” Elizabeth asks, far too calm for someone who has just turned Rebecca’s world on its head. 
She thinks of her family, of his, and even of the keys. “Tell him…?” 
“About the baby, of course.” Elizabeth brushes past her, setting to work looking through Rebecca’s pantry, searching for who knows what. “What else could I be talking about?”
It’s impossible to read her tone. Is she actually asking for an answer? Am I overthinking things? Maybe she doesn’t know after all. Or maybe she’s being sarcastic? Maybe she’s judging me for not telling him I was a Grimm long ago. Or-
Elizabeth huffs, glancing back. “Save your energy, darling. You’re going to need it.”
Right. Because it takes a lot of energy to keep up with a baby. 
A baby. She wants that, of course; wants a beautiful family with Sean, and up to a half-dozen kiddos running away. But that’s a faint dream at best; in practice, how is this possibly going to work? She might be able to hide it, but Sean’s going to notice if their child is a Grimm! Or what if the child is like him? What if the baby woges in the cradle, and Sean doesn’t think she’ll understand? 
What if the child is afraid of her? 
Besides, how could she possibly raise a child? Her childhood was a mess of hiding in shadows and training to kill. She doesn’t know how to-to change diapers, or kiss bruised knees, or-
“You’re never going to feel ready,” Elizabeth says finally, and Rebecca falters. 
“Excuse me?”
Elizabeth emerges from the pantry, a bag of Cheetos in hand. For a brief moment, Rebecca wonders if she’s actually going to see the prim and proper Elizabeth Lascelles get orange powder all over her hands. But the woman simply opens the bag, holding eye contact, and the Cheetos breaks in half, floating up to her mouth without ever her laying a hand on it. 
Rebecca doesn’t even think to react until it’s too late, and Elizabeth seems unsurprised in any case. “How long have you known?”
Elizabeth does not shrug, but she looks like she might. “How long have you known?” She asks, and neither of them are even pretending that they’re talking about a baby anymore. 
“A few months,” she admits. 
A quiet hum. “So not before you were married, then?”
“No.” She holds Elizabeth’s gaze, pleading with her to believe her. “I would have told him if I had.” 
Elizabeth considers this. “Would you have walked away?”
And she wants to say no-wants to promise that her love for Sean would have made it an easy decision-but she knows the kinds of nightmares Grimms give Wesen. If she had known, her love for him might have only made things more complicated. Would she really have asked him to love her in spite of what she is? “I don’t know,” she admits, and Elizabeth seems to accept that answer. 
Acquiring another Cheeto, she leans back against the counter, looking Rebecca over. “I won’t tell him,” she says finally, and a knot of tension leaves Rebecca’s chest in a rush, “but you should. And soon.” 
“I just… I don’t know where to start,” she admits, though she knows Elizabeth is right. 
Elizabeth unexpectedly smiles. “Start with the baby,” she suggests. “Go from there.” 
“But I don’t even know if I’m pregnant.” 
“You are,” Elizabeth says, matter-of-fact. “But if you’d like to be sure…” She opens up her purse, and a small box floats out, landing in Rebecca’s hands. A test. 
“How did you-” 
Elizabeth only gives a Mona Lisa smile. Rebecca wants to push further, but the front door clicks open, and Rebecca swallows, eyes wide. Is Sean home already? She only just manages to shove the box into her sweater pocket before he makes it to the kitchen, greeting her with a warm kiss and a bright smile. Then, he pauses, looking up. 
“Mother? I didn’t realize you were in town.” His gaze darts uncertainly between the open Cheetos bag, his mother’s clean fingers, and Rebecca. For a terrible second, Rebecca thinks her secret will be out before she even has time to think of how to explain, but then Elizabeth holds out the bag for Rebecca to take. 
“Is this what you were looking for?” She asks, the picture of innocence. 
Rebecca takes it, hands trembling. “Yes, thank you,” she manages, and Sean relaxes, shaking his head. 
“How do you eat those things?” He teases, dropping a kiss to the top of her head. “They taste like Styrofoam.” 
She shrugs, wrapping her arms around him and snuggling into his chest. “I like them,” she murmurs, soaking in his steadying presence. She will tell him the truth, she promises herself. Soon. 
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paintedrecs · 4 years
I was going to name a different one, but: the scene between Owen and Demona at the beginning of "All Is Mended" chapter three. :-D
That’s 800 words, so you’re cheating. Also what other one were you gonna name hmmmm.
For this meme.
Excerpt from this fic. (Gargoyles, Owen Burnett/David Xanatos, 11k, Owen POV, canon compliant.) Discussion under the cut.
“I don’t understand you,” Demona said.
Owen watched her approach; he’d heard her glide down to the castle but hadn’t bothered to move from his seat on the edge of a wide stone wall, overlooking the bright lights of the city stretching out far below. She was an ally for the present, working with Xanatos on his latest attempt at immortality. That didn’t mean Owen trusted her.
“You’re not human,” Demona said, folding her wings as she perched beside him—graceful, and dangerous, but not someone he wasted effort fearing. “Yet you act like one. Why.”
“I made a promise,” Owen said. He could’ve left it there, but he swept a sidelong look at her, then added, dryly, “Perhaps you need the word defined.”
“Funny,” she said, in a tone so casually uncaring that he could tell he’d poked at a particularly tender spot, one she’d spent centuries ignoring.
“So I’ve been told,” he said.
Demona’s lips pulled back slightly as she spoke through her fangs. “That’s what I mean, Puck. Why do you persist in masquerading in this skin, when we both know who you are?”
“I’m Owen,” he replied, adjusting the glasses that had slipped a little down his nose. The frames didn’t fit right around his ears anymore; he should have the screws tightened, when he had the time.
“You’re pining,” she spat, as though she’d never heard a fouler word.
That, he hadn’t expected. He didn’t bother denying it; Demona was many things, but never a fool. “I don’t see what relevance that has to you,” he said. “You wish to gain immortality; I’m doing my part. Owen is perfectly capable of playing his role.”
“And Puck has powers Owen could never dream of.” Demona tilted her head, watching him thoughtfully. It was unpleasant, but he let her eyes scrape over him. “When you were last in your true form, as Puck—” she began.
Owen let out a sudden, scoffing breath. “When you held me in chains and made me do your bidding.”
She shrugged, lightly. “You said something to me then. You told me that if I wished, you could make Goliath love me again. Was that true?”
“I bend the truth,” he said. “When the mood strikes me. I do not lie.”
“So it was possible.”
“Yes,” he said. He narrowed his eyes at her, unsure where she was heading. “Titania’s mirror is beyond your reach now. Even if you had it in your grasp, you know full well I wouldn’t carry out the wish the way you wanted.”
“Because you’re a trickster,” she said, with annoyance that bordered on grudging respect. It was clear that she hadn’t often run into someone who could best her. “But my point, Puck, is that you have this power. You could make David Xanatos love you.”
Owen’s lip curled in disgust; he turned away from her.
“Don’t pretend you have a human’s misguided sense of honor,” Demona chided, human sounding like the darkest expletive she could harness. “You’ve done worse, over the centuries, as have I.”
He didn’t bother dignifying her with a response.
“Answer me, Puck,” she demanded, then, dripping with disdain, when he remained silent: “Owen.”
“You think ill of humans,” Owen said, each word precise, biting. “You blame them for all your errors, for the foul deeds only you were responsible for carrying out. You think yourself above them, and you assume that I, as someone who has lived far longer than you, who has seen worlds you cannot fathom, will treat humans with as little esteem.”
Demona rose to her feet, towering over him, her eyes flashing red in fury.
Owen cast her a look that carried the full weight of his contempt. “Yes, I have the power to do as you say, and far beyond that. What you don’t see—what I suspect you’ve never seen—is that forcing someone to bend to your will is meaningless. All it does is show how weak, how petty, you are.”
Demona hissed at him, but did not approach. She unfurled her wings, and as she dropped from the turret, she cast back her parting shot. “You should know, then, that Fox is pregnant.”
“I know,” he said, to the now-empty sky. He watched as she followed the currents across the city, well past the clock tower where her former love resided, no longer thinking of her.
Xanatos hadn’t told him yet, but Owen was familiar with the signs. He’d seen, too, the way Xanatos had grown more careful with her, how his hands would instinctively stray, now, to her waist, her still-flat belly, not yet swollen with life. How he looked at her, with a light in his eyes that would’ve burned one less worthy to cinders.
“I know,” he repeated quietly and, adjusting his glasses and briskly dusting off his suit, returned to his work.
Commentary! Oof we’ll see if this gets long. Character limits on twitter make it easier to be concise. And please please let the read more actually work this time, tumblr.
So this is actually one of my favorite parts of that fic.
In general, I reach an Avoidance Point with my own writing; I edit obsessively, post, edit the posted fic a little more, then panic and stop rereading it. If you don’t check your bank account, it’ll never be empty. If you don’t reread your fics after you’ve posted them, you’ll never find out that (a) they’re terrible (b) there are a dozen more areas that could use more editing.
Nevertheless, I’m still, I think, really proud of this one. This particular section isn’t something that’s terribly new for me, not like other parts of the fic that stretched me beyond my usual comfort levels, but it is an interaction between two characters I’d never written before.
I’m really pleased with Demona’s voice here. The way she spits out Owen’s name, the hatred she shows for anything human, her very dubious (and self-centered) morality, the hints of lingering heartbreak over Goliath, her deep confusion over Puck choosing to take on human form. It’s the worst curse she can imagine - and since this scene takes place after “The Mirror,” you’ve seen how horrified she is at seeing herself as a human, a “gift” Puck bestowed upon her so she won’t turn to stone during the day.
Demona pissed Puck off, so he gave her what she asked for, but at a price he knew she would absolutely despise.
But Puck loves being a human. He loves being Owen. It’s something Demona can’t ever understand, and here she’s trying to, as much as Demona ever tries to truly understand anything that doesn’t directly benefit her.
Why would Puck spend his days in a form where he doesn’t have ready access to his exceptional powers? Why would he allow himself to continue serving a human - when he broke away from her so quickly, so easily? Demona might occasionally work with Xanatos, but she doesn’t like or trust him, and she’d readily destroy him alongside the rest of humanity, after she’s gotten what she wants/needs from him.
Why would Puck fall in love with a human - something that’s become obvious even to Demona, from working alongside the two of them. Worse: why the hell won’t he do anything about it, when he clearly has the power to make Xanatos do whatever he wants?
These were all questions I wanted to pull out of the story, and Demona - as someone who actually knows who Owen truly is - was a natural choice to press hard for some answers.
I layered a bunch of stuff into this interaction, but here are three main concepts:
1. Love isn’t selfish.
I don’t think Puck would’ve actually cast a love spell on Goliath if Demona had asked - not without throwing in a few twists and tricks. But the fact remains that he could have, and that it would’ve been comparatively easy. Demona didn’t ask for and didn’t really want that, but she did love Goliath for a long time, as much as she’s capable of loving anyone, so that offer would stick with her.
And Demona...well, Demona already used one free-will-spell against Goliath, so it’s not like it’s an idea she’s entirely adverse to.
Owen, on the other hand, would never consider making Xanatos do something against his will. (This is, in fact, something he and Xanatos share - Xanatos’s immense caution against pushing Owen into something he might not want contributes to that stupidly long gap before they resolve their relationship.)
If Xanatos doesn’t love Owen, that’s his choice. Owen is heartbroken about it, and he’s out here on the rooftop indulging in some quiet reflection on how it feels for a human heart to shatter, but he’ll shake it off and go back inside before long. Demona’s an unwelcome intrusion, and he’s understandably sharp with her.
2. Puck is a trickster, not a villain.
I have a lot of thoughts about Xanatos, too. While it’s not entirely relevant to get too into depth with here, I do think that a huge part of Puck’s attachment and loyalty to Xanatos comes from the fact that Xanatos is fascinating - not dull and full of preachy speeches like Renard - without being actually evil.
Demona is interesting, sure - she’s lived a long and exciting life - but Puck would never, ever willingly serve her. She’s selfish. She’s cruel. She’s vindictive. Puck doesn’t want to destroy humanity; he likes humans. He likes Xanatos best, yes, but he enjoys being in this world with the rest of them.
In the City of Stone episode, Owen stands toe-to-toe with Elisa and says, “Mr. Xanatos is trying to fix things. What are you doing to help?”
And that, I think, is the crux of the relationship between Owen and Xanatos. Owen sees Xanatos’s delightful trickster spirit, and he also sees the good in him. They’d both upend a city but would be careful to put it back to rights if things went too far. Demona would gladly stand back and watch it burn to the ground.
Demona can only see reflections of her own cruelty now. She hates humanity because they’re the easiest target to blame for her own flaws. Owen sees humans’ complexities and loves them for it.
And because he isn’t truly human - because he’s a fae who’s wandered the earth as long as Demona has, and has lived longer, with a much wider perspective on the world and all of reality - he has no reason to listen to her petty whining. And she might actually, for the barest moment, listen to what he says to her.
Of course, she has to get in one last dig before flying away in her usual dramatic huff, but he already knows that, too. Demona can’t hurt him; Owen made his own choices, knowing the consequences. And, unlike Demona, he’s willing to live with those consequences without trying to reflect the blame elsewhere.
3. You can choose your own identity.
Demona has very rigid ideas about...well, about pretty much everything. Humans are bad. Gargoyles are good. (As long as they side with her.) Her human form is something that’s useful to her now, but she’ll never stop loathing it or wishing she could shake it off.
She thinks everyone sees the world the way she does, and she assumes that Puck is (a) not entirely happy being trapped as a human, chained to Xanatos by a contract, like she attempted with the mirror (b) “pretending” to be someone else when he’s wearing his Owen shape.
But what I wanted to show throughout this fic is that Puck is Owen. And that even a fae subject to Oberon’s Rule can choose his own identity, his own name, his own place in a life that he wants to lead.
At one point here, Owen refuses to respond to Demona until she calls him by his proper name. She spits it out, hating it, but he’s already told her once that’s who he is. He gave himself that name; it’s the one he wishes to use.
Owen was born into a specific life. This life - with Xanatos, as Owen Burnett, glasses and suits and clunky flip phones and all - is the one he’s chosen for himself. And he’ll do everything in his power to keep it.
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courferre-stan · 4 years
Hey, y’all!
I just wanted to let you guys know I’m currently writing something, but I sort of wanted questions in my inbox for the individual characters I have. Its more of a way to develop them as realistic, three dimensional people, considering knowing a lot about them and discussing it will generally help me. Two or three of these characters I’m really struggling with adding some more personality to, so definitely questions from the posts i reblogged will help. Anywho. (By the way, this is set in Paris, France, in December 1819, two months before the assassination of Charles Ferdinand, Duke of Berry, in Feb 1820, and continues until after. Its hectic, but mostly focuses on a main group of friends who essentially plan to assassinate him and other stupid shenanigans. I won’t say too much. Don’t come for me on how basic this plot may be please 😳👉👈 this is my first big project/idea.)
Louis-Charles François Moreau (or just François Moreau) - 19 years old, the resident bonapartist. He was raised by his father only, as his mother had passed away when he was quite young, and his father never ended up remarrying. From a young age, his father instilled his political beliefs in him, was rather strict, and tended to often censor what media François consumed, even in regards to his education. Grew up in a smaller city not too far from Paris with Cécile and Émile, is rather close to them compared to the others. His issue is struggling with independence, as he’s never really had to think for himself much before, as his father never let him be his own person.
Émile-Charles Renard - A 20 year old bisexual trans man, brother to Cécile, and a law student at the Sorbonne in Paris. His father passed away when he was in his late teenage years, and with his mother too sickly to do much, he left home to pursue his goals/dreams. Is a bit of a little bastard once you get to know him, but appears as if he has a stick up his ass at first to everyone else really.
Cécile Renard - An 18 year old pansexual woman living just outside of Paris with her mother. Her brother Émile went off to uni a year or two prior, leaving her alone, without much personal freedom as her mother was still needing care. Wants to be involved in politics, as her father was strict on not discussing politics when he was still alive, as it was too divisive of a subject, and now she has the opportunity to when in Paris seeing Émile. Quite honestly, shes just driven to see the world, to escape the small social bubble shes been forced to stay in for all of her life.
Valérie Giradot - A 20 year old lesbian, lived in Paris her whole life. Her father is a well known professor at the Sorbonne, so its been expected highly of her to act appropriately, to not get herself in trouble, to act maturely. From a young age she tried, but the older she gets, the more she becomes her own person and decides to not care as much about what is expected of her. However, she still does care for her two younger sisters, so she never entirely has an opportunity to act out or do something outrageous, as often shes dragging one of them around behind her.
Marcella Di Ponte - An 18 year old, aroace woman from Italy. Her family moved to France when she was rather young, around 10 or so. Shes rather quiet, introverted, likes to keep to herself most times. However, around those she’s comfortable with, shes more talkative, outgoing, more herself. (I have the least info on her at the moment, so questions would definitely help!)
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Seating plan au part 6
Short update this time also For some reason, this part contains a lot of Felix/Adrian angst...I don’t know why but its there so enjoy
Link to part 5
Once they finally get together Mari is at the Agreste mansion a lot more (not counting the time she’s there for her internship) and because of this she realises things with Adrian and Felix are a lot worse than she first thought , so she comes up with a plan, she’s secretly trying to get felix and Adrian to sort out there issues with each other without forcing them to do anything they don’t wanna do so if she’s watching a film with Felix and Adrian is in the other room practising the piano she’ll ask him to join or if she’s playing video games in felix room while felix is reading she’ll Adrian if he wants a game, basically mari thinks if she makes it so they hangout more without forcing, it happens naturally, they’ll start to tolerate each other more....unfortunately Marinette is unaware the “issue” is onesided (felix, felix is the one with the issue) so Adrian is just happy to spend time with Marinette when he’s not chat noir and that he finaly gets to spend time with felix that Dosnt involves loud sighs and harsh words, felix, on the other hand, is hating that Adrian is taking away his Mari time, one night when Mari has gone home felix snaps and says “why do you always have to have everything? You just take and take, everything has to go your way? You get everything you want, Do you want to take Marinette from me now too?” “What are you talking about Felix?” “It’s my birthday all over again, you never listen to me, you didn’t listen to me then and your not listening now, stop, just stop, you always bulldoze over everything Adrian, just leave me and Marinette alone” the next day Felix and Adrian seemed even further apart *cue concerned Mari*
During a game of hide and seak while on patrol (it was a particularly quiet night) ladybug teams up with Renard Arctique (Fox Felix) to trick chat who is currently the seeker, so Felix creates an allusion of ladybug running in the opposite direction and then they both climb onto the roof of the louvre and slip behind a pillar (this is definitely not realistic, what so ever, so just pretend it is) it takes chat a good 10 minutes to realise what happened....wich unfair, teaming up has to be cheating right? Once he finds them though he’s hit with a massive wave of jealousy...that’s his lady, his lady laughing with that sly fox, she seems so comfortable with him, there taking like she talks to him, so he runs up and tags RA a bit too hard...and sins lb and ra were sitting on the side of the louvre ra might have fallen off...lucky He's in costume and manages to land gracefully, lb gives chat and earful but chat claims it was “an accident my lady, I guess I just don’t know my own strength” Felix grones “or don’t know your own idiocy”
stormy weather 2 starts the same, (apart from none of the Alya and Nino stuff because Mari and Alya arnt friends here so be still tales the homework to Adrian himself) Chloe is typical Chloe, Mari is leaving school with Alix and Felix when she sees this, she still steps in and offers to help her study but Chloe continues being Chloe and drops the most ironic line to come out of her mouth “once a villain always a villain” Felix and Alix start laughing because how could they not and Felix says “do you actually believe that Queen Wasp” Alix-“or do you prefer anti-bug?” During all this Mari misses Aurora leaving, she’s later akumatised as stormy weather
Marinette almost being Akumatised because of a photo Alya accidentally posts on the lady blog, all thanks to Lila naturally, the night before Lila sees Marinette and Chat noir walking together and snaps a pic, the pic is dark and you can’t see Marinette's face, only the back of her head, she though it had just the right amount of mystery to cause some much needed mayhem among her classmates (it was getting a bit to chummy for her liking) as the co-runner of the lady blog she logs Into the account and drafts a post with the pic claiming to have seen chat noir and LB on a date with LB out of costume, the next day while Alya is posting she clicks the draft and posts it assuming it was something she forgot to Post, caouse ensues, the class is split arguing over the fact Alya posted the photo, claiming it was an invasion of privacy on LB and Chats behalf, and the other praising Alya for discovering the truth about there relationship, Alya insists she doesn’t have a clue where the pic came from BUT it’s still proof of LB and Chats relationship, Mari is literally boiling over in her seat and snaps “you call that proof? Firstly it’s a total creeper shot, you should be ashamed of yourself, I mean you really posted that while claiming to love ladybug and have a single shred of journalistic integrity, secondly you can’t see the girls face, all you can see is Chat talking to someone who happens to have similar hair to ladybug, it could be anyone! That could literally just be chat talking to a civilian while out on patrol” cue a smug lila “anyone like you Marinette? You do look awfully similar to the girl in the photo” *cue Marinette internally screaming* the class breaks out into more arguments over the identity of the girl, an akuma flys in threw the window, heading straight for Mari but felix (without seeing the akuma, he just has impeccable timing) squeezes her hand under the table and says “don’t let lie-la get under your skin, she’s not worth taking up so much space in your brilliant head” the akuma dose a complete u turn and goes for Alya, lady WIFI 2.0 happens and she’s after the truth behind the photo, akuma battle happens and after the fight Alya asks chat about the photo, he tells her that the photo is a massive invasion of privacy, he was having a private conversation with a very good friend of his, the person he trust almost as much as LB, Alya apologises for posing it, she deletes the photo and then puts out a statement with a message from lb and chat asking people to respect there privacy, there still real people and can talk to whoever they want with or without the mask
On a very rare occasion that felix Dosnt feel the urge to shake Adrian until he shuts up (or passes out...whatever happens first) they practice music together, when they were kids Emile had them both pick an instrument to play, Felix wanted to lern the piano but Adrian always got what he wanted so felix ended up learning the violin, he ended up loving the violin though and he always enjoyed goofing off with Adrian during practice and making up songs woth him, that’s always been one of Adrians favourite parts of music practice too, actually getting to have fun with felix, spending time woth him without feeling like felix is just waiting for a chance to leave, like he hates having to be in the same room as him, so when felix askes him if he wants to practice together he jumps at the chance
Link to part 7
@spicybelladonna @akana-sama
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darkspellmaster · 5 years
For those feeling disappointed after Season 3 of Castlevania...have some cheering up with some happy thoughts...
Noticed a lot of disappointed posts from the recent season of Castlevania, and I know watchers of the show may not all be players of the games, so I figured, why not give fans something to cheer about in regard to a happier Alucard and Hector. 
(Warning, Picture and video heavy)
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So let’s start with Hector and showing off some of him being happy with his wife Rosaly (Just don’t go beyond the pages that are linked because it gets sad fast) 
All manga pages can be found at Vampire Killer . Remember to read left to right and that the first page is on the left of each set. 
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And for those that don’t know. In Curse of Darkness, it’s revealed that Isaac has a sister named Julia who is a real witch (she can do magic like Sypha) and was trained in it. As such she’s been seeking out her brother and eventually meets with Hector. The two work together to help try to free Isaac from his curse and in the end, they go off together hinting the idea of them becoming a couple. 
So here have some happy cutscenes with Hector being happy, with Julia, for once and also, some great fan art with links. 
Julia and Hector meet for the first time and they enter into a very interesting discussion. Is it any wonder he fell for this girl? 
Julia and Hector’s second meeting after things have happened, namely with Trevor (Thanks Isaac for nearly killing him) as he embarks on trying to stop the curse. 
Jump to 2:14, for Julia coming in and saving the dumb ass from letting go of his life. 
Starts at 0:31 and goes to the end, mid section is a bit of Germain giving hints on what’s to come in the future. 
Linking to some amazing artwork by Justsayapple. 
Julia and Hector as a couple -based on the Netflix versions of the characters
Julia design by Justsayapple -based on what she could look like on the show
Julia with one of Hector’s Innocent Devils - a awesome piece with Julia
Linking an amazing updated design of Julia by Arovulturi
Julia redesign -based on the game version of Julia but updated for Netflix series
I’m sure there will be some fix it fan fiction out there as well when the time comes for this series. And I hope to see more fan art of them in the future. 
As for Alucard...There’s quiet a bit...
First off the Symphony of the Night game. Below is all the cut scenes fort the game but I have time stamps for the best and happier scenes. If you want to know more about Maria when she’s younger, look up Rondo of blood cut scenes. 
Note: If you watch this, some of the cutscenes have flashing lights
5:25 -first meeting between Maria Renard and Alucard 6:53 -second meeting between the two of them  8:58 -Maria meets with Alucard the third time 17:11 -Alucard's nightmare and his fight with the succubus Note 2 minutes before this time stamp there's a really lovely song sung by Maria's voice Actress Wendee Lee. 19:32 -Maria and Alucard's fourth meeting. 20:06 -Maria and Alucard meet yet again and talk 23:48 -true fight between Richter and alucard 25:11 -True fight ending, Richter meets Alucard as himself 25:11 -Maria and alucard again 26:00 -Alucard fights Death 28:57 -Alucard fights his father again 34:00 -true ending with Richter, Maria and Alucard
Images below you can find the full translation at Diobrando’s deviant art
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And for those that like this pairing and seeing happy Adrian there is lots and lots of fan art: (Several of these have Alucard and Richter if you prefer that
Redesign of Maria Renard for Netflix Castlevania -esp-art created this
Maria and Alucard together - art by puppleox of game versions being cute
These Dorks -art by peegeray, doing the Richter pose
Alucard and Maria -art by lilysyndrome, entering into Dracula’s castle
Alucard and Maria -art by k-m-cam, romantic moment
Lots of hugs because he needs them -art by anabaranski, 
Alucard and Maria dipping in a dance -art by museelle
Also if you’re looking for a happier and more well adjusted Alucard, I would highly suggest looking up some screen shots of the mobile game Grimoire of Souls. 
That’s about it. I hope this at least cheers people up knowing that there is some happiness for these two in the future. May take a while for both, but it should be on it’s way. 
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ofimmortalfangs · 4 years
Alucard/Arikado’s bio. 
This is video game Alucard only. His portrayal is only based off of the video games. 
Full name: Adrian Farenheights Tepes. In CV 3, SOTN, and Nocuturne of Recollection he goes by Alucard. In Aria of Sorrow, Dawn of Sorrow, and GOS he goes by Genya Arikado. 
Date of birth: December 21st 14xx 
    Height: 6’3    
Weight: 187lbs 
Family: Vlad Dracula Tepes (father), Lisa Tepes (Mother), Kid Dracula/Dracula/Junior (brother), possibly Elvis/Yves (brother) 
Alucard appears in Dracula’s Curse/Castlevania 3, Symphony of the Night, Nocturne of Recollection, Aria of Sorrow, Dawn of Sorrow, and Grimorie of Souls, and Moonlight Rhapsody. He’s 18 years old in Symphony of the Night due to his eternal slumber, preserving his age. 
Canon Backstory: Alucard’s father was born as a human named Mathias Cronqvist. He came from a wealthy family and he worked as a tactician for the church. In secret, he practiced alchemy, which was deemed immoral by the church. When his first wife Elisabetha died he renounced his faith in God and manipulated his best friend Leon Belmont into saving his fiancé from a vampire named Walter. Sara was bitten by Walter and was starting to turn into a vampire. She didn’t want to live as one, so she decided sacrifice herself.  She wanted to use her soul to create a weapon called the Vampire Killer. The Vampire Killer is a whip that has the power to destroy vampires and evil creatures. With the help of an alchemist named Rinaldo, they placed Sara’s soul to an enchanted whip called the vampire killer. Leon then used the whip to kill Walter. Death, a former servant of Walter stole his soul and gave it to Mathias who turns into a vampire with the soul and a powerful stone called the Crimson Stone. Mathias asked to turn Leon, but he refused. Leon saw no point in being immortal without Sara and believes it’s his job to prevent others from ending up like Sara. Mathias could not accept Leon’s decision so he, forced Death to fight him. With the Vampire Killer, Leon defeats Death and vows that his kin will haunt monsters and kill Mathias one day.  
Years later Mathias became the king of the vampires and went by Dracula. He meet a young doctor named Lisa who happened to be the reincarnation of his first wife Elisabetha. Dracula married Lisa and she gave birth to a dhampire named Adrian. Adrian lived a happy life with his parents, inheriting his father’s supernatural abilities and his mother’s compassion for people. He mostly lived at his father’s castle and did not venture out much or interact with any humans.  
When Adrian grew up his mother was killed by humans who believed she was a witch. When Lisa dyed she asked Adrian to not hate the humans for killing her. Adrian became distraught by her loss, but promised to not harm them. A friend of Adrian’s mother named Lydumil tried to stop Lisa from being killed. The village kicked Lydumil out for being “a devil” and conspiring with a “witch.” Lydumil had no where to go, so he reached out to Adrian and offered himself as a servant. Apart from Lisa, Lydmuil became Adrian’s first interaction with humanity. Adrian, happily accepts Lydumil as his first real friend. For the time being Adrian is not alone. However, Ldyumil ends up being hurt by a monster, and is believed to have died. 
Dracula, finds out that his wife has been murdered by humans, and desires to wipe them all out. He gathers his necromancer friends Isaac and Hector to help destroy humanity. When Adrian finds out about his father’s plans, he tries to put a stop to them. Dracula refuses to listen to his son and Adrian changes his name to Alucard. The name Alucard, symbolizes that Adrian will be the opposite of his father. While Dracula, hates God and humanity, Adrian bares no ill will to them. 
In 1476, Alucard teams up with three humans to defeat his father. Their names are Trevor Belmont, Sypha Belnades, and Grant Dynasty. Trevor, is the descendant of Leon Belmont, and he, is a monster hunter. Trevor’s family has been excommunicated by the Catholic Church for their use of “dark magic”, despite being a holy family who wants to save people from evil. Sypha Belandes is a sorceress, who works alongside the church by masquerading as a man. And Grant Dynasty is a thief. Together the four of them destroy Dracula. Once, Dracula is defeated, Trevor and Sypha get married, and Grant helps the people rebuild their homes. Alucard, comes to the belief that his blood is cursed, and that he is plague to humanity. He locks himself, away in a coffin to sleep forever. 
However, Alucard awakens in 1797. In the game Symphony of the Night, Alucard finds out that Dracula was resurrected from the dead, by Richter Belmont. Richter was a vampire hunter, and the descendant of Sypha and Trevor. Alucard, returns to his father’s castle, determined to put an end to him once more. When he arrived at the castle, he met Maria Renard. Maria is a sorceress, and Richter’s adoptive sister. Alucard and Maria, found out that Richter was under control of a dark priest named Shaft. Alucard, freed Richter from Shaft’s control, and went on to kill his father once more. After the castle is destroyed, Alucard intended to go back to his eternal slumber. However, Maria, having grown attached to Alucard goes after him. She convinced him, that he was not a monster and offered him a place to stay. Reluctantly, Alucard accepted her request and moved in with her. 
In Nocturne of Recollection we find out more about Alucard and his life with Maria. A year after Alucard moved in Maria, rumors in the town spread of a vampire drinking the blood of young women. Alucard, was believed to be responsible for this. It is revealed, that Alucard is not the one behind the deaths of these villagers. Lydumil, is revealed to still be alive 300 years later. Somehow Lydumil was turned into a vampire and is now under mind control. Alucard, managed to free his friend from his mind control, returning him to his true self, right before he dies. Alucard came to the realization that he cared for his friend Maria, he never told her how much her friendship meant to him, knowing that she too would die someday. 
Centuries after Nocturne of Recollection, Alucard goes to defeat his father once more in 1999. With the help of Julius Belmont, Alucard traps his father’s castle in an eclipse as he kills Dracula once and for all. Alucard ends up staying on Japan and gets a job working for a government agency that deals with the supernatural. He’s kind of like a Men in Black agent. He ends up changing his name (again) to Genya Arikado and takes on a more human appearance. (Said human appearance makes him look like a clone of his father) 
In the year 2035, it’s revealed that Dracula has reincarnated into a teenager named Soma Cruz. Arikado was tasked with looking out for the boy and making sure that he did not become the dark lord. 
Relationship status: Single. 
Religious Beliefs: Christian. He’s well aware of the horrific events and actions that churches and Christians have caused on others throughout history and doesn’t align himself with those actions.   
Personality: Alucard comes off as stoic and unemotional, but that is far from the truth. He has a lot going on down below is a caring and compassionate ally he prefers to show his care for others through actions instead of words of acts of intimacy. He’s driven and devoted to protect humanity and honor Lisa’s dying wish. He has a rather cynical view of the world and himself due to visiting his mother’s death and having humans try to hunt his kind. For these reasons he is very secretive and vague and hesitant to enter into relationships especially the romantic kind. After centuries of struggling with hating himself, watching hunters try to kill him, and being forced to pretend to be human Alucard doesn’t know how to properly open himself up to others or be himself. Not to mention that all his friends are mortals that he will have to watch grow old and leave him. He can be intimidating and manipulative at times specifically failing to inform people of important things (usually Soma) 
Positive personality traits: ambitious, driven, determined, devoted, brave, diligent, focused, quiet, compassionate, responsible, calm, loyal, strong willed, and knowledgeable. 
Negative personality traits: cold, distant, detached, bossy, unemotional, self damaging, self hating, pessimistic, sullen, unflirty, cynical, aloof, bossy, vague, secretive, workaholism.
Powers and abilities: Soul Steal, Dark Metamorphosis, quick healing, inability to get sick, fire manipulation in the form of fireballs, shape shifting (wolf, bat, or poisonous mist, Arikado), super human speed, super human strength, enhanced senses such as being able to smell and identify a human by their blood scent, flight, teleportation, hypnotism, ability to turn others into vampires, and immunity to all holy items/symbols and places.
Weaknesses: silver, silver mirrors, running water (without the holy snorkel) (baths and showers are fine), to much sunlight, his thirst for blood, and an obsessive desire to count things. 
Weapons: swords, fangs, claws. He will rarely if ever use his fangs or claws as weapons, and mostly relies on his sword skills. 
Friends: Trevor Belmont, Sypha Belnades, Grant Danasty, Lydumil, Sonia Belmont (you will not pry her from my hands, canon), Richter Belmont, Maria Renard, Yoko Belnades, Julius Belmont, Lucy Westerna, Avis/Elvis/Yves, Charlotte Aulin, Jonathan Morris)
Hobbies: Reading, drawing, sleeping, researching working, and practing his swords skills. 
Pets: Three fruit bats named Charles, Terrence, and Edmund. 
Appearance: In his vampiric form he has porcelain pale. He is very tall and lean, but still muscular. His hair is white. It’s long and curly, reaching all the way down to his waist. His eyes are very narrow and he has arched eyebrows. His nose is long and thin. And his lips are thin and pale. 
In his human disguise his skin is still incredibly pale. His face and body shape do not change. However, his hair is black and wavy. It only goes down past his shoulders. His eyes have changed from their usual golden color, to a dark gray. 
Regardless of what form he is in Alucard dresses very conservatively, in expensive and fancy clothes. He always wears long sleeved clothing, in dark colors. Around his neck is usually a scarf or a cravat.
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starcatcher-wulf · 5 years
Final Prompt: Little Embers ( Darkness)
@sea-wolf-coast-to-coast @trc-xiv @eorzean-capitalist
Another week, another night spent in the depths of Amaruot.
He had made it a small ritual of sorts to come down here now and again. and bask in the stillness of the city before all these enchantments faded. and the Khalousian sea rushed down to reclaim what was rightfully hers. He took a deep breath of the still air. the taste of stone and salt filling his head as he let it out, the warmth of his body escaping in a small cloud of vapor that drifted heavenward. It was always so cold down here, but Ren found he didn’t really mind that much. Even the phantom wails and strange noises that bled from the surrounding abyss fazed him anymore. it was just part of the ambiance at this point. A smile crossed his face as he gave a subtle nod to a passing shade and had it returned. they acknowledged his presence, not much else, but it was a strangely comforting feeling. A little sanctuary for the times he needed some space, but he wasn’t necessarily isolated either. A sanctuary against the din of the cities, and the harsh elements of the wilds. A sanctuary that was being now intruded upon. Not that he minded. “You can come out, Noah.” said the Hrothgar, not even bothering to open his eyes as the soft footsteps first appeared. and got even closer. “ You’ve got good ears if you can pick me out against the hum of all these lights.” came the response. The deep voice made him think of the rumble in caves, of burnt sugar and Hingan summer nights when the rain falls warm and hard and the room is pitch black. It was sweet, husky... and tired... Hollow, even. “Not my ears,” he said, pressing a finger to the center of his face. “ My nose. You smell like flowers... I've been dabbling in botany quite a bit, but I've yet to find a flower in the source or the first that smells like that. It’s almost... Otherworldly”
He opened his eyes to see the man in the black robe give a small shiver as soon as his eyes met his.. or would have if Noah wasn’t blindfolded. But something told him that with the threads that floated around him, that the man could see just fine. “ I don’t know what flower it is, but I know enough to know what it means...” he said, his own tail flicking a little bit. “I smelled it when the Ultima Weapon almost reduced my friends and me to ash. I smelled it among the brimstone and blood during the Final Chorus. I smelled it when Zenos had his blade at my throat and I had barely the time to accept my end. and I smelled it on my first time coming down here, by myself and ready to be the harbinger of this stars’ doom, even though I didn’t want to be. And I've smelled it many times when I think I'm alone, and I feel my strength and will fading fast.” Noah nodded along, thankful that his expression of dismay of not being as stealthy as he thought was not being noticed by Ren as ee cast his gaze downward. “Huh... So you -do- cast a shadow...” Ren mused as he looked back up at that hidden face. “ So, you’re no ascian. But I must admit I’ve still found your trinket a bit more trouble than it’s worth. “ I see... I'm sorry about that.” Noah said with an austere bow. “It certainly looks precious. even more, since you’d entrust it to me for so long.. but I must ask... what is it? What is it -really?-” Noah sighed, walking the rest of the way across the square and sat next to Ren on the bench, he twiddled his thumbs, the gloves squeaking ever so slightly as he pressed his fingertips flat against one another.
“It’s... a soul crystal.” He began, “ But it’s not a normal one. it’s not from Hydaelyn’s domain at all. it’s from...where I’m from. Another set of stars, far away but that operate under similar laws as these ones. They store memories, much like the ones here, but...” “It works very differently... I know. It doesn't debilitate me like the Echo does. But... I dream a lot. Usually, I remember them too.” “Tell me... what did you see?” Ren closed his eyes like he had been taught to, so many years ago. The dark makes the pictures come stronger. “I’ve seen rolling meadows, woods so tall that their boughs make it as dark as the bottom of the sea. Coasts with tall, white cliffs, Deserts that shimmered like water in the orange light of sunset,” he said, his ears swaying softly. “It’s a big world... beautiful world... but I never really felt lonely.” His expression grew puzzled. “ I don’t know.. I know these memories aren’t mine, but they feel so... right. Why is that, Noah?” He smiled in spite of himself.he could almost see the vistas of his homeworld. The Leonine man was earnest, just like- Noah cleared his throat. “ Well. back on my world. there was a hero. An adventurer possessed of frightening power, but also a kind heart. He led a good life, if not a hard one. One day, a calamity seemed to spring up from the very lifeblood from our planet. To avert it and give our world a continued existence. He invoked ancient magic that sundered his very soul, scattering the pieces far across the aetherial sea, and taking the taint of the calamity with it.” “He must have been someone very important to you for you to go about collecting the pieces from similar souls. I’m guessing this crystal is what’s left of him?” Noah grew silent a bit before nodding. “ You seemed particularly promising, I’m not going to lie to you at this point. But I was hoping.. that He would surface in you.. if only for a moment. and I could just remember what it was like to talk to him again... but you’ve seen everything in the stone. and you are very much... you, so... I guess I failed. I’m not sure if I'll find someone with such a similar soul” Ren grew quiet himself, gazing deep into the stone set into the back of his hand, feeling it softly resonate as the stranger sat nearby. “ You know...” he began, jumping a little when Noah raised his hooded head to look at him. “ It’s not just places that I remember. I remember people, too. He closed his eyes again. “ I remember a woman. she’s always wearing a sundress that shines like a pearl when the sun hits it, Her long hair would always billow with it, too whenever the winds would come to dry the laundry... she always seemed to know when the wind would kick up. I see her and feel... safe. I used to miss her, but i really don’t anymore.” “That was his mother... I never met her myself. but he would always tell me stories about her. a good woman, graceful and kind, but with enough strength and will, to bring the beast he called a father to heel.” “ Is that who the constantly shirtless wolfman in a lab coat is?” Noah laughed gently. “Yes. he’s a good man, who made his fair share of mistakes, as I'm sure you know.” Ren nodded before closing his eyes once more. “Another woman, with silvery hair and violet eyes. she moves with unusual grace. She’s beautiful, but... there’s a sadness I can’t shake whenever I think of her.” “Freya. His second love and late mother of his own son... I wonder how he’s doing.. or if he’s even alive.” “ I see. There’s a bunch of people who kinda look like his parents.. they must be the rest of his family. He was certainly well-loved.” Ren mused before regaining his focus. “ There’s a man who reminds me of Falx.. warmth.. safety.. contentment. they even have similar taste in eyepatches.” He said with a small chuckle, a smile unknowingly creeping across his face. “That would be his most recent partner. I always envied him, but they were happy.. all of them. it’s not like I could just appear out of the blue after everything that had happened. especially when they thought me dead. It’s... it’s better this way.” “He thought a lot about you, you know?  “Pardon?” “ I Mean.. you look different than you do now.. all those people do. Cause I'm fairly certain that Lupin don’t come in such colors and some of the other people I see in my dreams seem even more outlandish than that. But I know that it’s you, Noah. You make it a point to smell like the Hero’s favorite flower. A smell I wouldn’t know without these memories. The smell of the place that he’d go when he felt his burden was too much... His own personal kind of church. A field of flowers that bloom when the stars shine bright.” Noah felt a warm trickle of sweat run down his neck at the Hrothgar’s words. Those were surprisingly astute observations from mere memories. maybe... Just maybe? Ren opened his eyes, his soft, two-toned gaze was apologetic. “ I’m sorry... You came really close. You must have been so excited when I told you my name six years ago. And I'm grateful for you sending me down this path.” Noah’s ears pinned back. “ But at the end of the day... I’m not him.. I'm not Renard Frost. My Name is Ren Astana.  And I don’t think I could ever hope to be anything like the people who’ve given me so much without even knowing I exist.” he said, getting up from the bench and turning to face the man in black. “ It’s hard enough being a warrior of light.�� Ren continued. “Much less the identity crises I experienced while making my way in the world though I should thank you again for giving me the tools I needed to keep my own home safe. But...” (sorry Nuri) He thought as he pried the stone from his gauntlet with the tinkling of a shattered setting and the wrenching of battered metal, the piece of armor falling to the stone floor with a clatter. “I Don’t think I’m really meant to have this, Noah. I hope you can find him... and bring him home. But... If you ever fail again. I think you know who should really have this stone... and it’s not right to keep it from him. If he’s half the man I was in those dreams. There are people who miss him just as much as you do. And they have a right to closure.” Noah nodded as he gently took the gleaming crystal from the hero, who produced a differently shaped stone of the deepest blue, with the faintest etchings beginning to appear inside the stone. “Besides... I’ve got my own story to write. I’ll take that gentle light and I’ll share those motes of it with whomever I cross. I want my story to be known where you’re from too, Noah. All those places... I hope I get to see them myself someday.” The cloaked man smiled, wisps of darkness fraying from him, as his being seeped into the lifestream once more to resume his mission. “Maybe you will... You’re a good man, Ren. Give me a story worth singing. Make each one of those little embers a note upon my lyre.” “I Will... I Promise.” And then he was gone. Ren had a feeling he should head back home, himself.
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hgconfessional · 5 years
Ships for: Nyx, Ned, George, Phoebe, Ollie and Emmett?
“Let’s think about this... 
She seems hard to tie down, but I know she and Posey seem to have a deep-rooted bond. If they just want to be friends, though, I know Nyx and Cordelia’s chemistry is on fire— they’re flirting pretty heavily. 
George Chatwin. Can’t you just see them turning into that quiet, old married couple who enjoys each other’s company in silence? Or Joslyn. She seems to get under his skin, and while there’s really no reason for an Original vampire to go after a young wolf, why not? 
I think this quiet guy could go for someone who could be just as quiet as he, like Ned or Julia Charles. He could also go for someone in the middle. Amber Horne? Laura Wilde? Or there’s the complete opposite end of the spectrum, someone to bring out a different side of him. Here I’d suggest Savannah Daniels, Phoebe Stones, or Cat Santos Rose. 
I just have a feeling these could go well for her, you know? Based on nothing but my instincts and a love of their pretty faces and interesting personalities together. Tobias Pierce, Cat Santos Rose, Savannah Daniels, Lukas Blackwell, Colton DeForest, Cal Renard, and, even though she wouldn’t be able to keep up with his children, Dash Hastings. 
Does this man have a romantic bone in his body? He seems celibate and disinterested, more focused on his grief than anything else. Still, I’d say either Cassie Cresswell or Pippa Wilde for this one. He seems to need someone with a lot of sad emotions. 
I do have a soft spot for his relationship with Maggie Blackwell, I can’t lie. That said, I think just like our good friend George, Emmett has a sense of humor and fun side just waiting to be brought out. I’m hoping he has some fun with Dora Lind, or at least takes up Holly Chevalier’s offer to kiss.
@nyxbrraganza @ned-ibarra @george-chatwin @pbstones @ohastings @emmettbryson @equivocalisms @vampirexromanov @josblackwell @juliasshelf @amberhorne @lauraxwilde @savvy-daniels @catxsantosrose @tobiaspierce @lukasblackwells @coltondeforest @foxycal @dashhastings @cassandracresswell @pippawilde @margretxblackwell @dora-lind @hollychevalier
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XY arc + Miraculous Ladybug AU Part 1
because france
Some ideas I made up after I got back into the show from my little sister. It got pretty detailed, so I’m splitting this into 2 parts.
Everyone here lives in Lumiose City, because it’s Paris and all.
Everyone can bring their Pokemon to school, but must be in Pokeballs during class. It kinda helps with defending themselves against the akuma, but they’re too powerful to be that affected, and only Ladybug can purify the akuma to prevent them from multiplying.
The kwamis don’t resemble as one Pokemon species, they’re kinda a mix of some. They’re also as old as Arceus, and a different class of legendaries because they can not be seen by neither human or Pokemon.
Gurkinn’s the Miraculous Guardian, and he and Korrina (after getting akumatized for being pissed of two random teenagers getting powerful miraculouses over her) often watch them. Korrina probably doesn’t get any of the miraculous, maybe one of the Chinese zodiacs, and while knowledgable of the miraculous, isn’t going to be the guardian, making her pissed even more.
Korrina goes to the same school as the gang, and they know each other, but aren’t exactly close at all. Good enough for Korrina to watch them from afar.
Lysandre’s Hawkmoth, and he wants X and Y’s miraculouses so he can revive Yveltal and Xerneas to power up the ultimate weapon. He’s Trevor’s uncle, and they both despise each other, but they have to tolerate each other as Trevor has to live with him. Malva’s his assistant who still keeps her thirst towards him.
He also sometimes visits the school they go to because Sycamore teaches there. None of the gang trusts him at all. Despite that, Emma works for him, which comes to bite her in the ass later.
Y and X are definitely Ladybug and Cat Noir. They’re also Marinette and Adrien’s equivalent in this AU. Though less stupid and knew each other since forever, and are best friends. Except that they have complicated feelings for each other that they haven’t exactly figured it out.
Y is quite distant from her mom because she has to juggle regular school and sky trainer school. She also has to deal with her bullies, and becomes quiet dealing with them, to telling them off after becoming Ladybug because she saves their goddamned asses, she’s gonna get that respect.
Her mom definitely got akumatized after a recent incident and her daughter going missing because of LB duties. They managed to reconcile, settle their differences, and Y may have told her she’s ladybug and her mom tries to support her the best she can. 
Y as Ladybug really is no different from her own self. Just probably more chill because she has to. Because of that, her friends, classmates, and mom suspect she’s Ladybug because they’re not as stupid as a certain cast. glances at the entire ML cast
X isn’t a total shut in like in canon, since he has school of course, but he never really goes outside. Grace at first tries to homeschool him after the tournament fiasco, but she got busy with other jobs that she just made him go to public school at the beginning of the current events of the AU. He’s not happy to say the least, but he tries to not be so negative seeing his friends being happy with going to school with them. Then he gets the Cat Miraculous, and he really can’t be in the house anymore. 
X’s parents are somewhere in another region. Both of them would return to Kalos, meet their son, but suddenly, an akuma or other trouble, making him run off to do something, and he constantly has to do that, making them both akumatized. After that, he reveals he’s Cat Noir, and they try to make up for the lost time.
X as Cat Noir acts quietly confident, reckless, and cocky, because this is his turf. Because of this, he gets in trouble a lot, though often makes the plans with Ladybug. He also quietly compliments Ladybug a lot, which he tries to hold up without getting flustered.
Ladybug and Cat Noir are best bros and partners, and they often compliment each other, though Ladybug gets annoyed at his brashness. Ladybug gets nostalgia from it though because of X, and Cat Noir is very happy being around her because she reminds him of Y. They both suspect the other is that because of disappearances and similar personalities, though feel kinda conflicted when they start crushing on each other.
so basically the whole au is not focused on the love square drama cause they’re confident/not in a good place to date/know each other long enough to realize they’re probably kickass partners/i only enjoy the show for its potential lore
Trevor’s somewhat of an Alya and Nino, in that he’s more of X’s friend, but he also video tapes their affairs and directly interviews LB’s and CN’s affairs. While at first he wanted to flee, when he realized that the news outlet don’t talk about the superheroes and the attacks, he decided to make something like the Ladyblog (Miraculous Blog?). He instantly got a lot of mileage, which forces news outlets to emulate him. He also is fascinated with learning their powers and identities, but after learning that their identities must be hidden for safety reasons, he stops. Though he thinks that X and Y are LB and CN, but can’t confirm it.
He has been akumatized before, from the stress of school, striving to be a scientist, and running the Miraculous Blog, or like Alya and was trying to uncover Ladybug and Cat Noir’s identities. His powers were able to use a variety of Pokemon abilities or cyber powers like Alya.
Trevor was trusted with the Fox Miraculous and becomes Renard Rouge after his older sister (reference to his game version), who is out of region because of going to a university, gets akumatized. Of course, he gets that again, and learns how to be confident! And whack his bag of a shit of an uncle with his flute.
He often hangs out at Lys’ cafe, Y’s, Shauna’s, Tierno’s, or Emma’s house because his own is so big and lonely, and he really wants to avoid Lys.
He becomes really good friends/partners/lovers with Emma/Pagoni because he often tutors her and she works for Lysandre as his akuma slave cafe’s waiter so they know each other quite a bit. And Pagoni and him, while clashing with their plans (Pagoni: LET’S GO BREAK THEIR FUCKING LEGS RR: NO), are pretty chill with each other since they suspect/know who the other really is.
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misscrazyfangirl321 · 4 years
OC-Tober Day Nine: Mentor
OC: Rebecca Renard
Fandom: Grimm
Pairings: Rebecca/Sean, platonic Rebecca and Nick, platonic Nick and Sean
Warnings: None.
Note: When I make an OC for the express purpose of killing her and then get attached, what do I do? Make an AU where she lives and move on, of course! So this fic is set in a different universe from most of my OC-Tober stuff: Rebecca lives, and she and Sean (who now knows she’s a Grimm) are still happily married at the beginning of Season One. Things go... A little bit differently.
She hates hospitals. The smell of sanitizer and misery is enough to unsettle her, and the beeping sets her Grimm instincts on edge, warning of a threat around every corner. She leans into Sean’s side, and he wraps an arm around her. 
“Nick, I’m glad you’re still here. I want to introduce you to someone.” 
Rebecca offers a smile, but keeps quiet, as Sean guides her over to the detective. He’s exactly what she’d expect: young, fit (he’d have to be, for the demands of his job if nothing else), and clearly exhausted. Still, he manages a (slightly confused) smile of his own. 
Sean nods to her. “This is my wife, Rebecca. Rebecca… Nick Burkhardt.”
“Hi.” He holds out his hand, and she shakes it firmly. “Nice to meet you.”
“It’s very nice to meet you, too.” He doesn’t know about his legacy. She can see it in his eyes. He knows what he is, knows what he’s seeing (he’d be a wreck right now if he didn’t), but he must not know what is expected of him. Maybe, just maybe, there’s hope for him. 
His brows furrow, and it’s clear he wants to question her presence, but isn’t sure of the polite way to do that. 
“I wanted to meet you,” she explains, and he blinks.
“I’m flattered...?” 
Now or never. She glances at Sean, just to make sure that he’s still onboard, and finds the same hesitation he’s had all along. She knows he isn’t convinced this is the best course of action, and she could hug him for trusting her anyway. (Has, more than once.) 
“I wanted to meet you because I’m like you.” 
He goes very still. “I-I don’t know what you mean,” he says, carefully guarded, and she wants to laugh. 
“You’re not a very good liar,” she points out, and she hopes he knows how much it isn’t an insult. “I’m a Grimm,” she adds, and he glances at Sean warily. Sean only smiles, giving a slow nod. 
Finally, Nick looks back at her. “You’re a Grimm,” he repeats slowly. “And Captain? You’re-”
The outsider wouldn’t notice the slight intake of breath Sean makes before he replies. “Zauberbiest.”
Nick’s eyes widen. “You’re a creature?” 
Rebecca winces. “They prefer the term Wesen,” she explains quickly. “Kind of a catch-all term. They’re still people, after all.” 
“Oh.” He blinks. “Monroe... He’s a blutbad, and he just says… Creature.” 
Not entirely surprising. Few Wesen are willing to actually correct a Grimm, after all. “Well, now you know.” 
He nods, and she can practically see the gears turning in his head as he considers his options. Finally, he swallows. “I-uh. I have a lot of questions,” he admits, and she smiles.
“That’s why I’m here.” 
(Later, she will laugh at Sean for his plan to lurk from the shadows until he could decide what to do. Later, she will let Sean kiss the laughter from her lips, just because he can. Later, she will ask him if he’s grateful that he trusted her instincts instead. But for now, she only sits, letting Nick gather his thoughts. They have a long night ahead of them.) 
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infernorp · 6 years
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name: mathieu reyer
age: forty
gender and pronouns: cis male, he/his
loyalty: chaney
occupation: company director of le théâtre de nuit
criminal occupation: emissary for the chaney crime organization
faceclaim: cillian murphy
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Anyone who is anyone knows exactly who you are, and how to stay on your good side. That’s something you’ve made extremely clear from when you first stepped foot into the theatre years ago; you are not one to suffer fools, even those paid extortionate amounts far above their reach and pampered within an inch of their lives. You enjoy talent and hard work, but it’s often not enough when it comes to the world of business and gold coins being exchanged every night. Those who make the cut tend to be your favourites, and you can give them anything they want with a click of your fingers. It’s those who bring in customers, the loyal people of Paris and beyond who want to see them on stage every night charming them, that you’ll give lead roles to and play favourites with. Those less fortunate may call it for what it is and complain, but what do they know, really? They’re simply bitter, you see, because they haven’t impressed you. You’ll admit it, you like when things go your way. When a show gets chosen that you’re not a fan of, everyone will know it; when your favourite soprano doesn’t get the leading role, you’ll inform the entire crew with your dulcet tones ringing through the room. You don’t need a microphone to be heard. Your voice, clear and sharp like a bell, is well enough to get the job done. It’s enough to have some of the new starts running, which is just the way that you like it. If they can’t handle it, better for them to run out the door for a nicer place that’ll coddle them than try their luck with him.
Largely for that reason, you keep alone when you’re in your day to day life. Yes, you have your followers, the ones hanging on to your every move and trying to fit his wishes, but they’re nothing more than faceless creatures you dispose of and move when you wish, like pieces on a chess board. You’re loved by those you favour, you’re hated by the rest; it works like that, and you’re fine with it. As ambassador for the Chaneys, you’re privy to a lot of information, you have a favourite trick. You like to go to bars and pretend to be as drunk as possible, not too much but enough to have everyone wishing to speak to you, and you use that charm that you’ve trained yourself to have (it doesn’t come naturally to everyone, that much is true) and find yourself overflowing with secrets people give you for nothing more than a hand sliding down your waist and the promise of something more. It bores you, really, that their first method is bog-standard seducation, but you’ll take it. What you get is much more valuable than a night of fun, isn’t it? You walk out with gold in your pocket and a jingle in your step, the mask of casual boredom still intact.
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associates: dulce vilaro, enzo durand, indira puri, narissa king, philippe chaney, raoul chaney, rhys falcon, tempest noble, veronica perez, and zhu lau
cast: baylen moreau, christine daae, fleur renard, hadley perrin, lea jammes, lisette sorelli, meg giry, odessa faust, sebastian renard, ursula braun, and xavier carmen
coworkers: erik destler, gregory renard, joseph buquet, madalene giry, michel lefevre, and yvette mercier
Your assistant director, a spirally young thing that you took one look at and thought you would bite and spit out within the first week. You certainly tried your best, shouting at them and leaving them shaking every time you made eye contact with them; you thought they would end up just walking out. However, they surprised you. They remained, their head held high and catching your eye as they walked past you, obeying every command and exceeding every expectation. You hate it, but you’ve began to slowly warm up to them, to their quiet strength and determination, to the way they catch anything you throw at them and hurl it back tenfold. It’s the first time in a long time you’ve been challenged like this, and it actually gives you a real reason to come to work every day. 'Dangerous,' you tell yourself, and you wish you could cut their glimmering eyes full of fire out of your mind.
Your stars, although they can be hit or miss recently. You don’t think much of Ubaldo, considering he likes to let himself believe that he knows more about putting on a production than someone paid to do the job, as opposed to his days spent stuffing his gut and struggling to hit notes he could ten years ago. He isn’t much at all, but he comes with Carlotta, and you can’t help but adore the woman. She’s overdramatic, glamorous, and knows her worth far too well; she’s a woman after your own heart. You’ve taken a liking to her, and therefore she gets every lead role you can give to her. You’re aware Destler wants to put forward his little songbird he’s so obviously fallen in love with, from the things he’s writing, but you’re not letting it happen so easily. Carlotta is easy to mould and manipulate, so you’ll hold on tight and keep her in the spotlight.
You don’t like either of them, and that much is quite clear to yourself, to them and to the rest of the population, probably. You aren’t much to hide your emotions when it comes to something so petty, so you’re more than happy to sneer at them openly and ignore their constant remarks. However, when it comes down to it, you don’t have anyone else to speak to when a cast member annoys you or Annabella is on your case without them running and sharing the information, so you find yourself speaking as much as you’ll allow yourself to divulge to them. That, or you find yourself speaking to your cat for hours on end at home, which you read wasn’t good for what was left of your sanity. So you make do with the two men, despite barely being able to get through a conversation without wanting to hit them both, and you can try to pretend that they’re actually normal human beings. That in a parallel universe of sorts, you could be ‘bros’, as the kids say. As awful as that sounds.
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