#but repliku thinks hes riku here
tharkflark1 · 5 months
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so theres this german Kh:CoM fan stageplay from 2008,,,,
Photo this is based on
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plateauofmemories · 2 months
Anyway after watching like, half of the KHIII cutscenes last Friday I feel even more confident that they prioritized the game making emotional sense over having it make like. Logical sense. At all.
Almost any given scene feels good and true and emotionally resonant in itself, but trying to take any of the together gets nonsensical.
Like, what is the plot - Xehanort is trying to recreate the Ancient Keyblade War to forge the χ-blade and summon Kingdom Hearts. Sure. Cool. How are we going to do that? By gathering 13 Seekers of Darkness and 7 Guardians of Light to clash? Okay, then why is True Org XIII like, actively trying to disrupt Sora + co's attempts to gather their 7? Why is MX so like, triumphant in 3D when he points out two in Mickey's count belong to him? Like, if you need them to have a full team to achieve your goal, don't you... Want them to fill out their ranks? Why drown Aqua in darkness, you need them to get Aqua.
Okay, but maybe you don't want them to get their 7 because you'd rather get the princesses of heart and use them as your 7! And you don't want them raining on your parade. Except everybody is definitely describing that as the backup plan in KHIII. So. Y'know.
But what about the 13 Seekers of Darkness? We're gonna make a bunch of people Xehanort! Which, when done to Terra and almost done to Sora seems to be a process that totally subsumes the host's personality/consciousness (or at least should - Terra still being able to resist is what causes Xehanort all those problems!); the cast for KHIII, however, seems to basically be themselves but with yellow eyes. So maybe we decided we don't need to do all that.
Except when Larxene is dying, she makes some comment like "becoming that old geezer's heart tank? No thanks.". This gives us a look into her feelings/character! But also like, girl, we are in the Keyblade Graveyard barreling towards the endgame at top speed. What the fuck do you mean "becoming"? You're not already?? We are making the goddamn χ-blade right now.
Xigbar actively complains about finding a 13th vessel multiple times. They have two backups on deck.
More than one iron in the fire and a plan for every eventuality but also no one seems to know which iron is the priority and which eventuality we are supposed to be actively aiming for.
And I'd guess that's probably because each featured draft of the plot worked to showcase some of the characters' finales while cutting out others and they just. Decided to get everybody in, fuck whatever happens to the plot.
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surskip · 2 years
my favourite kingdom hearts characters are the ones who appear in like. one unknown side game and have the most tragic stories. im talking about like.. replica riku (had his own memories replaced against his will and died fighting his 'true' self after learning that he was just a copy meant to carry out a plan. died with his last few few sentences being about how he's scared to die because he doesn't know what awaits replicas after death) and data sora and riku (also created solely to carry out a plan with little thought to the fact they are also sentient people, who essentially die at the end of the game). can i count xion and namine in this? well, i'm going to
#mine#kh#long post#genuinely. genuinely. i know shes popular but namine is sooooo underrated#theres this one exchange thats stayed with me since i played chain of memorires and its like#you can very clearly see juts how little namine values herself. like she was created and used for her abilities#like yeah she messed with sora's memories and stuff but also She was held hostage and never had a choice in the matter whatsoever#even after org 13 left her alone she then had to deal with diz (im oging to explode ansem the wise) who basically told her#'you dont have emotions and youre just a tool for me btw to revive sora so i can take my revenge'#like.. when she's talking to sora about kairi and making him remember you can clearly see that's she is SO lonely#like. i dunno if it's just me but it reads so much to me like heavy guilt and a tiny hope of#'what if he really does choose me instead. he shouldnt but i am so so so lonely'#she was forced to essentially kill repliku her only friend. she brought him back only to die a second time#(kh3 spoilers from here on out)#when she is in the afterlife you can tell she doesn't think she deserves to come back. that people would be better off without her#it makes me go bonkers i really hope they acknowledge her and her complete lack of support throughout her entire life in the next game#the animation with her and riku going in the gummi ship makes me think so butim just.. maaan. shes such a tragic character#Scroll Scroll. Sorry this is really really really long huh............. OTL sorry....
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dominicsorel · 1 month
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WHY DID THEY MAKE IT LOOK LIKE HE WAS SEEING WHAT MICKEY WAS REMEMBERING HERE??????? Now that I think about it, it's not actually impossible if he's the true Child of Destiny since he's supposed to be able to SEE what's in the hearts of others and that includes their memories and it genuinely looks like hes having a goddamn vision here...
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This would also explain why he knew the vessel at the KG carried important memories inside it. So all these memory scenes with Repliku involved...are actually Riku seeing his memories and it helping him put two and two together. Riku didn't know about Repliku's feelings for Namine until that moment. Namine has never spoken about him a single time since COM on Sora's side.
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And honestly, I've been a bit curious about his facial expression when discussing what Kairi has been up to since...he seems more unsure as to what she's doing than the others but then he dumps the info on it after thinking about it for a second. I wonder if it's possible he could sense her in Radiant Garden and figured out what she was currently up to through that. It's just a possibility at this point but I personally don't think he was keeping tabs on her after she went to sleep.
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And of course, this scene where he senses Sora's distress to go along with the scene in BBS where he sensed Sora's sadness. He also states that the wielders all still have their hearts which isn't necessarily something you can just see normally. This may be a power he's recently regained that he used to have before he fell to darkness.
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holleighgram · 11 months
Would be pretty wild if Sora's memories of Riku are his light, and be losing them, he is also losing the light in his heart that makes him the loving Sora we all know?
Take Repliku for example- there was no Ansem in Repliku. The main thing about Repliku was that his memories of Sora were messed with.
And it made him a MASSIVE dick that just wanted marinate in Darkness.
Memories of Sora are integral to him being a good person.
What if the reverse is the same?
We all know Sora's Darkness is more prominent the more the story progresses and it's gearing up to be something he is going to grapple with. Sora has been burying trauma and hurt. He has actively been CHOOSING to forget these heartbreaking memories.
In fact, I think this memories loss/light loss is going to be a VERY important theme in the next saga.
This story is about balancing extremes.
Sora WANTS to forget the "Dark" parts of his and Riku’s relationship. But he cant just sift memories of Riku apart to forget the "Dark" and keep only the "Light".
So by willing away those Dark memories, he's unwittingly willing away Light memories as well.
Which is why we see him forget Riku's Sacrifice, and then also Riku's Light leading him back to the Graveyard.
A "Dark" memory is repressed, and so is a "Light" one.
If, for whatever reason, Sora IS losing his memories of Riku-- particularly the memories of Riku being his light- it has a very negative affect on his heart? We could even see Sora temporarily becoming an antagonist.
We've fought Riku as Sora so many times. It would just be a sweet thematic balance to be able to fight Sora as Riku in order to save him.
It's been said over and over that these two art intertwined-- that they balance each other. Their memories of eachother a formative peices of their hearts. They have each shaped eachother into the person they are.
And imnlaying it all out on the table here: this is why I (personally) feel their relationship (romantic or platonic) is the central theme of the story rather than any other characters:
They are eachorher's light AND their darkness.
Their greatest joy and deepest sorrow.
Their best friend and hardest enemy. (Fighting Ansem and Xehenort weren't nearly as emotionally arduous to fight)
This is a story about accepting both, because that means accepting the entirety of the people you love-- the good and the bad. The light and the dark.
This post got away from me. What was I saying?
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mythicalartistx · 6 months
I'm so normal about the new KH3 manga panels
First we got Ven vs Vanitas
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Ven looks so cute and I can't wait for the keyblade graveyard of the Vanitas fight
Then we have ZEMYX
Zexion and DEMYX
I love this scene so much and I think I like it better
From the panels I seen so far it seems Demyx arrives and Zexion is surprised but nervous because he's with the organization still so Zexion goes and calls security on his bf
He seems nervous and looks for something and then he presses and button
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Then the other two Xaldin and Lexaeus come in and tries to take him out. He seems to be in the organization so they want to apprehend him.
While this is happening Demyx is like No it's not like that. And they tell him to be quiet.
I also used a Google scan but those aren't always 100% accurate but it seems like that happened.
That's all I've seen from that scene and honestly I like it way better. I like how they come in because of Demyx instead of wondering what's the commotion and it's Ansem the Wise. Though both of their voice actors (JPN) both recently died so they made them silent in the games out of respect and that could have contributed to it.
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Here's some of the translation scans.
Then there is AkuSai ice cream date
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The scene is seemingly the same, they have this serious tension going on. They discussed what happened and Lea is like I'll bring Roxas, and X, and then I'll take you back too.
Also it seems that Lea got a winner stick and he looks so cute— everyone looks so cute in the manga I can't 😭
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Then there is the famous papou scene that everyone likes to misinterpret but I'm bias as well.
Frankly I don't care about the scene as in I have no issue like it's fine. I think it's nice that they're doing a reference to the first game but what I don't like is when people remove the good luck charm aspect out of it. Because that's what it is and why he accepted it. Sora looked way too awkward in the game. Right before the scene he's worried about Riku. But that's my take.
Anyways in the manga Riku is just watching them But that's all I found on the scene
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Riku, even Sora and Kairi all look so cute
That's basically all I have found so far but I hope there is more that I haven't seen.
Like if there was the Repliku and Riku talk in this one, I don't know. But I hope since that scene happens right around the papou scene.
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jarujaruj · 1 year
Some Repliku, Riku, and SoRiku thoughts
Was reading through this article again, highly recommend: (8) Blowing Off Some Steam on Tumblr
And I realized I had some further analysis to contribute to this topic. Specifically with regards to how Repliku fits into all this.
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I think it's interesting how Riku gives Way to the Dawn to Repliku. People already pointed out that it's like Riku doesn't need it anymore at this stage of his character arc (dawn has broke, he's embraced his right to exist in the Realm of Light), but Repliku still needed it. He still needed to reach his light in the dark. To reach his dawn. To help the person he knew he could never have a real relationship with, despite her meaning so much to him.
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I think Riku empathized with that. I don't think it's a coincidence that both Riku and Repliku make very prominent self-sacrifices in this story.
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(Notice the light-entwined-with-dark visual parallels here)
I also think it's very interesting how Riku instinctively knows why Repliku was sacrificing himself, and who for. Namine wasn't a topic Repliku and Riku discussed even once in any of their scenes together. That was always a Repliku/Sora discussion point. Yet Riku instinctively knows there's only one context in which he, the real Riku, would sacrifice himself like that, so he connects the dots almost immediately. Hence why Riku has the endgame scene where he picks up Namine. It's him honoring the last will and testament of his fellow hopeless romantic.
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Also, and this might be me stretching a bit, but I feel like this final scene between Riku and Repliku can be read a very particular way. Repliku tells Riku someone else needs the vessel more, and that Riku knows what he means. Riku immediately connects the dots using his knowledge of his own heart and the person he cares about most to figure out what Repliku intended.
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And finally, we get the last moment of this scene. Both boys are staring at each other, both are thinking about the person they love most and what they'd be willing to sacrifice for them. It's a long moment of silence, as there's nothing to be said. They understand each other completely. And then, as Repliku fades away, he gives one final sentiment.
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You could say this is him saying good luck in the battles ahead, which would be valid, but given the context of this scene, and the long stretch of silent understanding that comes just before this line, I'm inclined to think he's talking about Riku's own love story. Repliku's reached the end of his tale and done all he can do for the one he loves, but Riku's story is yet unwritten. Knowing this, Repliku's parting words are to wish his Other good luck in the pursuit of his happily ever after.
That's my two cents on the topic, anyway.
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blowingoffsteam2 · 1 year
Is there a specific name for the theory that Namine put herself in Sora's place in Repliku's memories, or is that just considered part of the necklace theory? Also, not sure if you've mentioned this but Riku reaching out to Namine at the end of kh3 might be more evidence for this theory. Since Sora is the one Riku's known to make that gesture towards, and Riku is meeting Namine on Repliku's behalf, it would make sense that he's reaching out to Repliku's Sora.
I'd say it's mainly considered part of the necklace theory yeah. I'm glad you brought that up about the ending scene. I did talk about it a bit on twitter but I don't think I posted it here. But yeah like the whole reason Repliku was "in love" with Namine was because Namine used that memory of Sora and Riku's and put herself in Sora/Riku's place (a mix of both). The visual parallel is very much on purpose.
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The parallel also implies that one day we will see Riku reach out to Sora and Sora will finally be able to take his hand. And when that happens I suspect Nomura won't be editing out their smiles lmao
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raunchybanana69 · 1 year
KH1-KH2 parallels to FF7 (Pt.3)
If you haven't looked at the first two parts please check them out
Riku + Ansem SoD + Sora parallels to Cloud + Sephiroth + Tifa (feat. small Kairi and Aerith parallel)
KH2 and Advent Children Parallels
So If you haven't gathered already from reading the first post, Tetsuya Nomura was working on Advent Children at the same time of the CoM and KH2 production. And by now if you haven't already saw the parallels in KH1 and CoM, Nomura basically all but shows you that Riku parallels Cloud, Sora parallels Tifa, and Ansem SoD parallels Sephiroth by this game.
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Here we have a very obvious in your face parallel of Sora looking for Riku and Tifa looking for Cloud. If you haven't already seen the Sora and Tifa parallels, then...
Interesting thing to note is that Advent Children only came out a couple months in Japanese theaters before the release date of KH2. Nomura choosing the Advent Children outfits for specifically Cloud and Tifa (and Yuffie) while leaving Aerith and Sephiroth unique outfits was definitely a choice. Whether it's a matter of wanting to promote Advent Children for $$ or wanting people to looking into Advent Children because the parallels are interwoven into the KH writing (we can only speculate).
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This one is more of a visual parallel with how Cloud and Riku look away. But also Aerith asks Cloud "you mean you don't want me there when you go away again?" and Cloud replies with "I just--- Listen even if I go far away, I'll come back". Aerith asks "Do you mean it?"
Cloud is unsure of whether he will come back or not which parallels Riku who was originally just going to leave once he was sure Sora and Kairi were safe.
Another note is how Aerith's KH2 outfit is something unique and incorporates white in her pink color palette which makes me wonder...
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If you haven't gathered already that Sora was looking everywhere for Riku then idk...
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When you look into the actual Advent Children movie, you'll start to see similar dialogue to KH2. In Advent Children, Cloud has Geostigma (a disease described as "the Sephiroth gene") and he camps out in the abandoned church for a couple weeks in seclusion while trying to find a cure. We see Tifa and Marlene stumbling upon Cloud's stuff. Marlene asks "Is Cloud Sick?" which Tifa replies with "He should have told me" ("Why didn't he say something?" in localization) a couple seconds later she says "I think he wants to fight alone" then pauses "I don't think that he will"
Sora in KH2 when finally reuniting with Riku is like "Why didn't you let me know you were okay?" and Riku replies with "I didn't want to be found... not like this."
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Lmao funny dialogue but also
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If you have not picked up on Riku paralleling Cloud and Ansem SoD paralleling Sephiroth then idk what to tell you...
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Fun visual of driving a vehicle to the boss fight.
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During the Bahamut boss fight, Cloud is being lifted by his team, and as Tifa lifts Cloud, in the Japanese version she says something like "まだんだ" (not over yet!) which got localized to "No giving up"
When Sora helps Riku up he says "まだ 終われないんだ" (it's not over yet) which got localized to "Don't say another word. It's not over, it's just not"
Anyways that's the end of the long post, keep winning Soriku
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verathena14 · 1 year
Alright it’s pride month so I’m kinda obligated to dump my KH pride headcanons here
Sora: gay but only for riku, genderqueer transmasc (he/they), demiromantic
Riku: gay but only for sora, transmasc demiboy (he/they), demisexual/demiromantic
Kairi: bi disaster (but i could see her as lesbian also), ace, crushing HARD on olette
Roxas: ace bi, polyam (dating hayner, nami, and xion)
Xion: nonbinary (they/she) pan, also polyam (dating nami and rox)
Namine: demigirl (she/they), bisexual disaster, polyam (dating xion, rox, and repliku)
Repliku: bi. why is he bi. riku has no straight bones in his body. (It’s namine’s fault) (dating nami, crushing on vani)
Axel: genderfluid (any pronouns), gay but only for Isa, acespec
Isa: transmasc, gay but only for Axel
Aqua: bisexual QUEEN, in an Undefined Relationship w/ Terra
Terra: bisexual himbo, isnt sure if he and Aqua are together. he's a bit oblivious
Ventus: aroace
Vanitas: questioning, ace (crushing on repliku but doesnt quite realize it)
Eraqus: pan disaster
Xehanort: transmasc, gay but only for Eraqus
Luxu: genderfluid. I don’t know what they are, but they’re not straight. The one gay uncle (gender-neutral)
Marluxia: genderfluid but in a transmasc way, gay
Larxene: transfem, lesbian
Strelitzia: bi. That’s just canon
Hayner: gay boy, dating rox
Pence: aroace
Olette: lesbian, acespec, major crush on Kairi
ok I think that’s all for now 💀
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firestorm09890 · 2 years
Looking at Chain of Memories with Riku’s limited context of pretty much everything happening with the Organization is so funny. Axel, Vexen, and Larxene all introduce themselves to Sora and by the time he gets to Marluxia he’s heard the name multiple times. Sora watches all of them fade away (well, Axel doesn’t, he just makes it look like he died, but that’s enough) so he feels safe going and taking his nap because the evil has been defeated :) But on Riku’s side Vexen doesn’t introduce himself at all, he just does some weird shit and fucks off, and then Riku Replica rocks up like “hey Vexen made me and I’m so much better than you” so Riku can put the pieces together that that’s what that encounter was. But then he goes almost the entire time never hearing from either Vexen or Repliku and he doesn’t have a clue what happened to them! And then later after he stabs Zexion and Zexion warps away Riku just goes “damn he got away :/” and then never thinks about it again. For all he knows Vexen and Zexion are both still out there and might still try to mess with him and he Does Not Care And THEN Repliku comes back and the first time they encountered each other he got super defensive when Riku called him a fake and declared that it didn’t matter if Riku came first, Repliku is the superior one; but now he’s here going “I’m FAKE,,,, I’m NOT REAL,,,,,,,,,,, everything is AWFUL” and again Riku has no idea Repliku had his whole thing happen so he just goes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  and fights his double Anything that doesn’t have to do with either the darkness within him or finding Sora and the king is not worth thinking about for more than 5 seconds
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allykakamatsu · 7 months
Part 2 of my brain being unhinged.
As I said last time, this is the basic lore run down for my KH X GI au because I have a problem.
Basics: Like I said last time, the basic run down is that Sora ended up in Teyvat instead of Quadratum, so now Riku and Kairi are going there to try find him, however the power that sent them there also dragged a good few of the others along for the ride. What I didn't mention last time is that Teyvat is like Quadratum in the sense that is very difficult to get into, so as an 'entry fee' to get in they're not allowed to leave until 'peace has been restored', aka until the plot is over.
Visions: The interesting part, I know the whole group is Descenders and realistically couldn't get a Vision, but it's my au so I'm gonna twist the rules and say for a reason the gang isn't aware of they can get them. Everyone can still use their regular powers though, and a good few characters won't even have a Vision by the time the main team catches up with them. Because of this, Vision's don't have to match the characters associated element and are instead given based on a trait they show when they unlock their ambition, for example Elrena is going to have an Anemo Vision alongside her usual lightning powers. I'm mostly basing my decisions off of this post as it gives a good case for a unifying trait of all the elements.
Keyblades: Every nation is going to be treated as it's own world basically, so after completing the Archon Quest every Keyblade wielder who was present get's a new Keyblade to play around with. Part of this was for rule of cool, the other was because drawing Destiny's Embrace made it very clear I had to get people more options so I don't have to murder my hand drawing some of these things. Also, not gonna say who or when yet, but certain Genshin characters are gonna get Keyblades as well, some intentionally, a lot by accident-
Princesses of Heart: Like I said, every nation is gonna be treated like it's own world, so every nation is gonna have one of Teyvat's Seven Princesses of Heart, though in this case Princess is more of a gender neutral term as a girl, guy or anything in between can be one of the Princesses.
Is the main plot gonna have any changes: Not gonna spoil what specifically is gonna change, but the KH gang being in the plot is gonna spawn a lot of changes, some out of necessity so the KH crew don't steamroll the plot, other things I changed because I think they would be neat, and some changes were purely because the plot desperately needed some ironing out in areas (spoilers but not really, Inazuma is gonna be changed the most-)
Characters: Gonna have some character focused posts later but for now I’ll just go over the basics of where everyone starts out.
Riku and Kairi start in Mondstat, with Ienzo also being along for the ride.
Naminé is assisting Albedo up in Dragonspine
Lea/Axel is working for Beidou so she can get him and Roxas to Inazuma, meanwhile Roxas is more or less just Vibing with the Liyue kids.
Isa is working for Yae at the Shrine to help him and Xion, meanwhile Xion herself is pretending to just be a helpful random girl but is actually with the resistance.
Repliku is vibing in the Saberuz theatre with Nilou cause he as nothing else to do, and Vanitas is making questionable life choices yet again (he’ll get better I swear-)
Sora um… he’s complicated, but let’s just say he isn’t tied to any one nation and he’s having a not great time-
Laurium and Elrena are both members of Spina di Rosula, however the former is also the part time tea party planner to Furina and the latter spends her free time helping the twins with their act.
There’s still more but I wanna leave them a surprise so I’ll get back to them later.
That's about everything I can thing of for now, I'll be posting more art and tidbit's about this au soon, so hope you all enjoy, and here's some concept art just so this post doesn't look too boring.
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betagrove · 4 months
I think it's funny how close Kingdom Hearts keeps getting to having interesting things to say about gender politics with its character plots but it always renders itself moot bc it thinks the gender roles in question are awesome & real & true actually. Readmore for ppl who dgaf about kingdom heart
KH1 & CoM are both really refreshing takedowns of Sora & Riku(& Repliku)'s toxic masculinity and possessiveness / rivalry over Kairi. KH1 casts Riku as in the wrong for trying at all costs to be Kairi's savior and "beat" Sora for her affection, and admonishes him for selfishness and ego, but then CoM turns around and puts a mirror in front of Sora to go "Hey, asshole, that could so easily be you too." It shows that even if Sora doesn't directly want control over women the way Riku did over Kairi or Ansem wanted over the Princesses of Heart, his attitude towards Kairi / Naminé still strips them of their personhood.
Naminé herself has a great arc in CoM of seeking a form of existence through recognition & affection via Sora / Repliku, but coming herself to the conclusion that this charade is harmful to all of them, and reluctantly letting go of them both, now relying only on herself. She then goes on to lend perspective to Xion, Riku, and Roxas when they needed it most, and becomes kind of a symbol of emotional maturity & doing the right thing even when it's hard (through Reverse/Rebirth, Days, KH2, and Coded she is a major player setting up dominoes behind the scenes for every victory we win up through KH3)
This is of course downplayed by the rest of the series refusing to allow Kairi to do anything but be a damsel in distress (even when she gets a keyblade in KH2 she isn't allowed to use it ??), and minimizing the importance of Naminé's contributions to the plot, then refusing to give her any sort of catharsis like Roxas got (they even revert her arc of self-determination by giving her Riku (guy who was like vaguely coworkers with her under Ansem TW and I guess refused to kill her one time) to provide the masculine hero figure she harmed herself trying to chase in CoM)
Then Terra's reprisal of the connection between toxic masculinity & darkness in BBS is pretty interesting too. He's actually not a particularly egotistical, selfish, or violent guy in the beginning. When he loses mastery to Aqua at the trial, he's understandably crestfallen, but instead of lashing out, he seeks guidance. Unfortunately Xehanort, a male figure of authority, gets under his skin and espouses to him that anger and violence are integral to who he is as a man & individual. Even then, Terra is opposed to this idea, ashamed that he succumbed to urges of anger against Braig in Radiant Garden, but Xehanort continues to isolate him from his family & convince him that they are unable to understand him. He's told / shown over and over that the only way to protect those he loves is through domination & power, and it culminates in his fight against Eraqus (who is similarly short-sighted here) where you unlock the Dark Impulse command style and strike him down. The death of his master drives his anger even further, turning it back on Xehanort, playing into the long-con and getting him bodysnatched. He ultimately fails to save anyone through imposing his power over others.
Aqua has a similar but contrasting arc of being isolated from her family, but in her case she's just getting wildly parentified / diagnosed with Oldest Sister Disorder. She's also taught that Terra's darkness is inherent to who he is, and that it's her responsibility to handle all the emotional burdens singlehandedly without any system of support. She's lead to feel that anything bad that happens / Terra & Ven's decisions she disagrees with are due to her failure as a leader, leaving her unable to see the real external factors causing these events. After getting some clue of what's really going on, she is able to put Terra & Ven in the safest possible positions in the aftermath of the story climax, but only by continuing to sacrifice herself, dropping into the Realm of Darkness, still feeling like their fates are her fault. 0.2 gives us some fun stuff of her dealing with her low self-esteem & guilt, and she ultimately plays another important role in sealing the Door to Darkness in KH1 by saving Mickey and Riku.
Then in KH3 Aqua gets turned Nortmode by a random darkness attack (not any of the legit trauma she had or being in literal hell for 10 years?), saved by Sora without any hand in her own liberation, then continues on to job against Vanitas so she can be saved by her little brother, then get paid dust the rest of the game. Meanwhile Terra gets to do a bunch of cool shit & then Eraqus shows up at the end to be like "Terra you're the man of the house now and in charge" as if the whole point of BBS wasn't that the most important thing was communication & understanding between these 3 instead of offloading responsibility / leadership onto either Terra or Aqua. Sigh
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sometimes i think about how repliku was legit completely fine with being a replica at first. like it did not matter to him at all, so long as he could prove that he was better.
but then later on after he’s been mind-wiped into thinking he is the Real Thing, he takes that information REALLY BADLY. like complete destruction of his sense of self and self worth badly.
i dont have any revelation here, i just think it’s interesting to think about. how the method and timing of revelations can completely change a persons reaction to them. what that might mean for Riku himself, how he might internalise new information. it’s Neat.
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aitsuheart · 9 months
"To tell you the Truth, Sora... I was jealous of you. I wish I could live the way you do and just following my heart." (Kh2)
Finally created My AO3 KH Soriku fanfic Blog
My AO3
My Fanfic Master Post
Call me Len/Lee, 🙋
DNI homophobes and transphobia
I love Kingdom Hearts and I love Sora's and Riku's relationship so much. And it's fine if you don't, but this isn't the place for you then. Here I make silly fanfics and AUs.
They are mainly about Soriku but there might be some others as well as I do ship AkuSaï, RepliNami, Kailette, Vanpliku, (Also Repliku/Vanitas/Namine throuple), Xehaqus, and Zemyx.
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I have many AUs and ideas I have been working on, using the name Aitsu_Heart, formally worldofsoriku I have several ones shots:
Don't Think Twice AO3 story with several one shots featuring around Quadratum, the disappearance of Sora or Riku's non hetero thoughts relating to Sora
Kurai Sora story is a one shot about KH1 but Sora gets corrupted into darkness instead of Riku; though I could make it a full length story in the far future
Kairi's Regrets a story about her thoughts relating to everything, wanting to get stronger, especially how she gets left behind a lot.
Take my hand a KH au where Sora takes Riku's hand and they arrive in Hollow Bastion together
So cool, but so jealous — My best friend A short 7 part Timeskip story of Riku and Sora growing up. Sora always had admiration for Riku, but Riku's feelings for his best friend hitting harder as he feels jealousy from being forgotten.
Some of the other things I've been working on are that are just ideas are:
Fairytale AU focused around Soriku where they're transported into different fairytales and must act as the characters in the fairytale
Lost Trio Story where Repliku and Vanitas are revived and befriend Naminé
Another is a story about Sora and Riku in the Quadratum just being silly and exploring.
Magical "Girl" Sora AU Literally what the name suggests, Sora and rest become magical girls to save the world from darkness
(I haven't posted these yet as I'm still working on them)
"If the World is made of Light and Darkness... We'll be the Darkness" (Kh2)
Sora, at the end of my out reached hand, was so much more than everything else. (COM novel)
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Sora and Riku just make me go Aww they're so cute and it makes me insane how IN LOVE they are. I mean Riku in the novels stated how he looked away from the light—not because it was bright but because Sora was his light and he was dazzling.
Like this guy is in LOVE and Sora is so oblivious to his own feelings (in game) and doesn't know gay people exist 😭 💔
But honestly my favorite part of them is they're already friends. They already have a cute dynamic just as friends.
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No okay but @venjamin-kingdomhearts ‘s joke/idea about Ventus and Repliku as a ship hit me like a train wreck.
Because now that everything is fixed, they’re all together and happy, the trios are together — what’s going on with these two?
As much as Ventus loves Aqua and Terra, they treat him more like a kid than an equal. It’s hard to hang out with Twilight kids bc he feels either like a stand in for Roxas or an awkward shadow. Sora would always welcome him, but regardless of how close they are in heart, Sora is lighthearted and free in a way that he just can’t make himself be. Being on Destiny islands is like trying to look in on a normal life that Ven never got. It’s hard, and it feels lonely. Even trying to travel with the Destiny trio makes him feel like a 4th wheel; there’s so many inside jokes he just doesn’t know how to laugh at.
And Repliku. The only people he knows are Namine and Riku and Sora. He tried to kill the Destiny island kids and it’s still awkward interacting with them at all. Even with his memories of the island, it’s not like he’s a real person right? How could he ever build connections with someone who has no memories of who you are, and tons of expectations of who you should be like? Namine is happy to talk with him, but the memories and struggles in the Organization still put a strain in their relationship. Namine more than anything wants to have a happy normal life, and even if she will never quite be just an average kid, she really gets people in a way that Repliku just doesn’t. She can’t be there just to entertain him, and he can see her struggle to get him to fit in with friendly gatherings.
So they both find themselves alone a lot. Walking through cities and towns, watching sunsets and starts, wandering the worlds to fill up their days. Maybe trying to pick up a hobby like astronomy or drawing, but always finding themselves back to training. It’s what they’ve always known, as far along as their real memories exist.
So why couldn’t they notice each other training? Outside Disney castle, or Yen Sid’s tower, or around the Land of Departure, and step in to say hi?
‘Would you like a sparring partner?’ Repliku would say.
‘Can you show me how you did that move?’ Ventus would ask.
An opening here and there, hesitant questions and banter slowly becoming more confident:
‘You know it’s funny, but I feel like we only ever meet up at these bright sunny places, you ever been to Halloweentown?’
“You think those guys ever eat anything but paopu fruit?” Repliku.
“Nah, but at least it’s better than Twilight Town, I swear everyone of them is just obsessed.” Ventus.
A glance from Repliku, smirk on his face,
“You know based on the company we keep, you might say we’re the only ones with taste.”
And Ventus’s ugly snort makes Repliku’s smile turn real.
And slowly it would turn into other conversations:
‘Sometimes it’s hard, you know? Seeing them move on? I feel like I’m always just on the edge of the next threat.’
‘I don’t know how to get back to a normal I never had.’
And conversations turn to invitations turn to planning meeting ups turn to suddenly always being by their side, or at least just a text away.
And one day, Ventus tries to deal Riku a shovel talk for Sora and just fails spectacularly. Repliku, ‘happening to be by’ just starts cackling at the scene, and Riku looks concerned and confused more than anything.
So Ventus snags him arm in a fit of pique and says something like ‘if you date my brother I’m gonna date yours!’ It had been meant as a threat, Ventus thinks, but Riku is looking worried for his sanity, and Repliku’s face has gone blank. And so he drops his arm and falls awkwardly silent. He leaves.
Repliku and Riku share a confused glance and a nod: ‘we’re going to just pretend this never happened, and spare us all the embarrassment’ is what they say without words. But Repliku doesn’t drop it.
He go out and finds Ventus, where he always goes to brood, and sits down next to him.
“Did you mean that?” Repliku asks, staring forward. “I know you speak before you think, sometimes, but you sounded serious for a moment.”
It’s quiet for a long moment, and Ventus is tense beside him.
Repliku swallows and his voice is weaker with his next words, “For you to have said that at all, means you must have been thinking about it, right?”
Another moment passes, and Repliku has run out of steam. If something is going to change here, it’s going to have to be at Ventus’s behest.
Finally, he speaks, “Would you still treat me the same, if I said yes?” His voice sounds rough, like he’s been crying.
“No,” Repliku says, and Venus startles, head snapping to the side. As Repliku turns to meet his shocked expression, he can feel a grin on his face, so beyond relieved, “I’m not sure I should treat a boyfriend the same as just a friend. Though I don’t think we’ve ever really just been friends, hmm?”
He nudges Ventus’s frozen shoulder, and suddenly find himself half on the ground. He’s near tackled them both, arms wrapped tight around Repliku. It’s uncomfortable and he feels trapped, but he can’t bring himself to push him away just yet.
“Is that a yes from you, then?”
Ventus nods against his shoulder, and once his frees his arms, they sit there together for a long time, just watching the stars.
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