#but rereading the tv tropes pages over and over and over and looking @ posts about it was my OBSESSION for 1-2 months ish last year
angeltism · 5 months
Aqua fact time did you know dgr was a sp/in of mine for years and I had like a kajillion ocs for it. In general, media with aspects of killing games tends to pique my interest more than other things and I enjoy reading about it even if I don't have the guts to handle actual gore or other things associated with that. (mentioning this for media such as sa.w, nyat so much for dgr since. it's. animated. pepto bismol ass blood. etc etc)
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fitzrove · 7 months
Passing this on :p
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love! 💞
Ahhhhh thank you so much!!!!!! This is so nice of you to send >:] tysm <3
I'm going to recommend both Elisabeth and Endeavour fics because I've spent a lot of time writing for both!! So let's get to it, in no order of preference:
Feel The Night - Endeavour (TV) - rated T, Morse x Jakes, vampire AU, Victorian setting, mystery/romance, ballroom dancing, neck biting, strangers to lovers, 5 chapters / 23.5k
This is secretly a TdV / Endeavour fusion (from before my full-blown euromusical era hehehehehe). I think it's some of the best work on setting and mood that I've done - like I did a bunch of research and actually put that to the page ajdjjjg. Really proud of it even 3 years down the line!!
Flights of Angels - Elisabeth - rated M (references sex), Rudolf x Tod, post-canon, angst with a happy ending, character growth, historical references and commentary, 12 chapters / 20k
My todolf divorce fanfic xD Exploring the deep implications of the common trope of human-to-Todesengel; Tod backstory and worldbuilding, esp referencing the human-metaphor dichotomy inherent in Máté's portrayal; character growth and character development for Rudolf. Yeah I wax poetic but this is actually mostly an exploration of how Máté!Tod and Lukas!Rudolf (because they are very specific portrayals!!!!) could make a long-term relationship work. There are Implications to it. Also, Mizzi Kaspar appears!!!
Vögelein - Elisabeth - rated M (but one chapter might as well be E), Rudolf x Tod, lesbian todolf, 5+1, historical commentary and references, 6 chapters / 7.2k
Lesbian todolf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's literally just "what if Rudolf was born a girl" (and Stéphanie a boy) and goes from there - ie. we end up in the Belgian court which comes with extremely unfortunate implications in the late 19th century. Also Tod is a woman (hehe lyrics reference) because I don't stand for heterosexuality sorry AHSHFHGH. Rudolf also keeps all his (= her) unsavoury historical womanizing because it's so integral to the character, in my opinion. I'm really proud of this >:]
Soft Like Summer Rain - Endeavour - rated M (but one chapter might as well be E), Morse x Jakes / Jakes x Hope / Morse x Jakes x Hope, mutual pining, 21 chapters / 51.6k
My longest fic to date!! I wrote it when I was 18 fun fact: largely in class too xD so some parts I can't bear to reread because I'm afraid I'll find lots of melodrama ahdjg, but it's one of a kind and I'm so proud of what it represents!! Plot: what if Morse visited Jakes over the summer after S3 and things kinda went from there. I can't believe Jakes asking him to come to the US with him actually became canon in S9, 4 years after this fic was published,, half-convinced Russ Lewis reads my fanfic...
Midnight Man - Elisabeth - rated E, Rudolf x Tod, modern AU, yeah um it's a one-shot that's rated E and only 2k words long you can do the math about what happens in it...
My first todolf fanfic xD Lawyer Rudolf. There's an entire unpublished modern AU universe based on this but it's more fun to think about than it necessarily is to write out, especially since the fun parts are just Tod forcibly inserting himself into Rudolf's life as common-law boyfriend/roommate (depression metaphor!!1) and getting up to shenanigans. I don't really have interesting things to say re: it being a modern AU, which makes it harder to write. I've worked on a ballet AU behind the scenes for like 2 years adjhfjjg which is a modern AU that takes the metaphors a lot further... but I haven't managed to write it because I'm not entirely sure how I'll approach it, especially the Tod characterisation in that. But I've done so much research that hopefully I will write something in that universe eventually...
Thank you again for sending this, it was so much fun to look back on what I've written!! >:]
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bereft-of-frogs · 4 years
1 7 15 16 😊
1. things that inspire you
Lots of things! When I’m in a sufficient ‘this fandom / fic idea / fic I’m working on is  e v e r y t h i n g ‘ mood like, quite literally everything. Other films/tv shows (jotted down an idea while watching Ares the other night), other books. I definitely also get a lot of inspiration from nonfiction as well, to be honest. I watch a lot of documentaries. And if I have an idea but I’m not 100% sure where to go with it I tend to research the topics featured, looking up articles or wikipedia pages or documentaries, while thinking and I find that that’s where a lot of the story becomes clear.
7. early influences on your writing
Haha, I definitely blame the whole ‘basically didn’t have supervision over what I was taking out of the library because they were just glad I was reading’ for a lot of why I’m Like This. Lot of ‘oh what are you reading...thrillers? Horror? That’s nice, come talk to me if you have any questions.’ And also I think a big thing was both of my parents working in emergency medicine. There was a lot of casual conversation about somewhat graphic content and also a lot of my dad accidentally leaving JEMS lying around and me being a precocious and curious child who’d flip through and be like ‘gross...but #intrigued’ at all the case studies.
I do think I turned out mostly okay. XD
It’s definitely interesting to revisit stuff I was really into when I was a kid and see the roots of what I like to write now. Like in January I reread Tamora Pierce’s Circle of Magic series which I was sooo into when I was really young and I could definitely see the themes I like now. (It was my first real introduction to a lot of what became my favorite magic tropes, but also the strong found family/found parental figures dynamic as well.)
I’m also taking a dip into a - long out of fandom-fashion but fulfilling my middle school self’s deepest fic-writing desires - corner of the Star Wars fandom and I was skimming the plot summaries of the old Jedi Apprentice books, which I read when I was like 10-11 and right in the middle there’s a whole ‘unethical medical experimentation’ subplot and the second I read that it all just came flooding back and I remembered how obsessed I was with that subplot, and I was just like ‘oh...
...well that might explain some things.’
15. hardest verse to write / 16. easiest verse to write
I can’t tell whether this means like...hardest/easiest fandom to write in or hardest like...AU...or version to write? I’m going to go with fandom because that makes the most sense.
I think now for me Les Misérables is the hardest fandom to write in because I think I’m a little too hard on myself about the historical setting. In a way that I probably just...don’t have to be, but I’m having a hard time switching that part of my brain off.
Definitely the easiest fandom tends to be the ‘post-Ragnarok space adventure’ side of the MCU. Though honestly for better or worse, I’m not very disciplined with writing so I do tend to just...follow the ease. So it often ends up feeling like what I find easiest is whatever I’m working on at the time. Most consistently it seems to be the #SpaceGhosts. XD
[writing asks!]
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tinypurpleparrot · 6 years
Fanfiction Writer Asks
Fuck it, I’ll do it myself, because I know I can’t count on you nerds to actually ask anything. :p
1) How old were you when you first starting writing fanfiction?
I really don’t know. I’ve been writing creatively since I was like 6. I don’t really remember writing for fandom until Pokémon, but I’ve been in fandom since the original Sailor Moon and Ronin Warriors/Samurai Troopers.
 2) What fandoms do you write for and do you have a particular favourite if you write for more than one?
I guess the Yogscast. Except I only really like a few of them, and it sure as shit isn’t the main channel people. I haven’t found a new obsession because I can’t sit still for tv anymore, and I’m a patient gamer/reader. So once I find something I like, it’s probably old and everyone’s already moved on.
3) Do you prefer writing OC’s or reader inserts? Explain your answer.
OCs. I am boring, shy (and thus no fun), and quite good at ruining the moment.
 4) What is your favourite genre to write for?
Action/Adventure. Fight scenes. Getting out of dire as fuck situations. Underdogs.
 5) If you had to choose a favourite out of all of your multi chaptered stories, which would it be and why?
I have so many… XP I guess a story I wrote in called Royal Infamy. It was literally hundreds of pages long, spanned at least 4 different fandoms, and could’ve been a standalone series if I just changed the names. Unfortunately it’s been lost to the ooooolllllddddd (and I mean 2001) internet. I like to think that maybe it’s on some ancient server, saved by those sorts of people who try to archive the entire internet and have literal exabytes of hoarded data. It was also how I met my SO of 13 years.
 6) If you had to delete one of your stories and never speak of it again, which would it be and why?
A Prince of Persia fic. I don’t even like Prince of Persia.
7) When is your preferred time to write?
I never get as much inspiration as when it’s 1am and I’m supposed to be going to bed like a normal person. But never at a normal hour in the evening unless I’m inspired at work and have to rush home before I forget.
 8) Where do you take your inspiration from?
It used to be from all the anime I used to watch, now it’s cobbled together from fantasy books and video games.
 9) In your xxx fic, what’s your favourite scene that you wrote?
Like erotic fic? Eeeh. I’m so terrible at it that I literally only have one, I’m writing it right now, I’m not finished, and I don’t particularly like it because I keep subconsciously writing away from the part where they hold hands because I’m conflicted and discomforted by the whole thing, to be honest. Like, even when I was adolescent and supposed to be thirsty as teenagers are, I just wasn’t and couldn’t. My ex tried to get me to write something for him, and I still couldn’t do it. *shrug* It doesn’t help that I’ve never been big on shipping. …Those characters sure are standing next to each other, yep.
 10) In your xxx fic, why did you decide to end it like that? Did you have an alternative ending in mind?
Hahah… endings. That’s good. (Also see previous question.)
 11) Have you ever amended a story due to criticisms you’ve received after posting it?
Not that I can recall, unless you count ‘stop doing that thing’, ‘okay’ *does it more*
 12) Who is your favourite character to write for? Why?
Rythian. Fuckin’ edgelord. Just everything about him and his OC is *kisses fingers*.
 13) Who is your least favourite character to write for? Why?
Unfortunately Rythian is usually entangled with other people from the Yogscast. :p
 14) How did you come up with the title for the xxx?
Current project doesn’t even have a title, that’s how non-committed I am to it (she says even though it’s fast approaching a novelette.)
 15) If you write OC’s, how do you decide on their names?
If it’s an OC of a particular universe, there’s probably a naming convention, and I go by many names. If it’s just generic freestanding story, I keysmash and pick through it until it rolls off the tongue.
 16) How did you come up with the idea for xxx?
Classic ‘rivals who hide their sexual tension behind their distaste for one another.’
 17) Post a line from a WIP that you’re working on.
“I haven’t seen your face since when you first came back from The End. And the … incident with trying to rid you of your curse.” He chuckled. “I’ve actually seen a lot more than your scars.”
 18) Do you have any abandoned WIP’s? What made you abandon them?
Like 75% of my work is abandonware. I have ADHD, I get bored, and I usually take so long, the fandom “dies” before I can finish. And the moment is gone.
 19) Are there any stories that you’ve written that you’d really love to do a sequel to?
Royal Infamy. And make it mine this time.
 20) Are there any stories that you wished you’d ended differently?
Probably Royal Infamy.
 21) Tell me about another writer(s) who you admire? What is it about them that you admire?
Ilona Andrews. Her style is exactly what I aim for. …Okay maybe not the monster fucking, but the rest of it. Exciting, tense, a little bit scary.
 22) Do you have a story that you look back on and cringe when you reread it?
The Prince of Persia fic. The first draft of the erofic. The weeb crack.
 23) Do you prefer listening to music when you’re writing or do you need silence?
Silence. My brain goes 100% towards analyzing music and then I can’t focus on anything else.
 24) How do you feel about writing smutty scenes?
Eeeeeeehhhhhh *whines* I don’t wanna…
 25) Have you ever cried whilst writing a story?
Nope. I don’t write that kind of pain.
 26) Which part of your xxx fic was the hardest to write?
The part where these two people who’ve tried to murder each other could even reasonably be in each other’s presence, let alone fuck. Also eternal hatred for evasive genital description brought on by a broken, puritan society.
 27) Do you make a general outline for your stories or do you just go with the flow?
I should start making outlines. My current three projects keep going off the rails.
 28) What is something you wished you’d known before you started posting fanfiction?
To go in with no expectations of people ever responding let alone giving feedback to anything. You’re just tossing shit in a hole and for every ton, one flower might grow.
 29) Do you have a story that you feel doesn’t get as much love as you’d like?
I did a thing about how Lalnable Hector created Echo, and *crickets*.
 30) In contrast to 29 is there a story which gets lots of love which you kinda eye roll at?
Twenty years later, I still get emails about a fic I wrote about Birdy the Mighty (C-tier anime about a dead boy soul-sharing an intergalactic cop’s body.)
 31) Send me a fic recommendation and I’ll post it for my followers to see! (The asker is to send the rec not the answerer)
32) Are any of your characters based on real people?
Other than putting slivers of wish fulfillment in, no.
 33) What’s the biggest compliment you’ve gotten?
Someone found a fic I wrote in two weeks in an archive over 20 years old and sent me kudos. Like, that shit should’ve been buried. But they found it.
 34) What’s the harshest criticism you’ve gotten?
Mary Sue. And you’re goddamn right she was. And I’ll fucking do it again.
35) Do you share your story ideas with anyone else or do you keep them close to your chest?
Nope, not for fear or anything, I just don’t think to share before it’s done because I’ll probably abandon it anyway.
 36) Can you give us a spoiler for one of your WIP’s?
You’ll be unsatisfied with the ending.
 37) What’s the funniest story you’ve written?
You fucking made me open one of my old Gundam Wing crack fics to check. Now I don’t know because I’m still cringing.
 38) If you could collab with any other writer on here, who would it be? (Perhaps this question will inspire some collabs!) If you’re shy, don’t tag the blog, just name it.
*shrug* Like… I haven’t done a collab in *checks calendar* 17 years. I don’t have any live fandoms. I’m not big on trying to meld with other people’s styles.
 39) Do you prefer first, second or third person?
 40) Do people know you write fanfiction?
 41) What’s your favourite minor character you’ve written?
Can’t think of one. I usually don’t have minor/background characters?
 42) Song fic - What made you decide to use the song xxx for xxx.
…Okay, now I seriously can’t tell if xxx means erotic or a particular example. 😐 Anyway, I for some reason lost the ability to link songs to fics/personalities. I just don’t think of any particular person when I hear a song and vice-versa.
 43) Has anyone ever guessed the plot twist of one of your fics before you posted it?
That would imply enough people cared.
 44) What is the last line you wrote?
Despite the queen pushing him, he couldn’t move even if he wanted to (which he didn’t.)
 45) What spurs you on during the writing process?
If I don’t fucking do this it’s going to bother the fuck out of me for weeks, even if I don’t finish. Just get it on paper so it goes away.
 46) I really loved your xxx fic. If you were ever to do a sequel, what do you think might happen in it?
More action and intrigue.
 47) Here’s a fic title - insert a made up title. What would this story be about?
48) What’s your favourite trope to write?
The antagonist finds the protagonist’s berserk button and realizes that maybe they should not have pushed it.
 49) Can you remember the first fic you read? What was it about?
I can’t remember fics I wrote. And shit, that was at least 23 years ago. (She says even though she can perfectly remember her first fantasy novel 30 years ago. (The Gammage Cup))
 50) If you could write only angst, fluff or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why?
Angst. I think. I’ve gotten good feedback from my more serious stuff.
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clonerightsagenda · 7 years
TLC DVD commentary: Finishing up
Oh boy, the Dave dysfunction junction. I reread this so many times while doing revisions that trying to read it now gives me a headache, but there’s plenty of general comments to make here.
This is another one Skiba helped me with, bc I was new at this and struggling. These days I'm much more confident - I'll probably touch it up when I do the DC, since I was never entirely happy with it, or maybe that was my soul protesting devoting 16 pages to Strider drama. I’d have to go through carefully to remember which bits are mine and which are his, but the ‘pasted together with mansweat’ is definitely his. I don’t think I’ve ever used ‘mansweat’ in my life. Good word tho.
This conversation was inevitable - in Homestuck if there are two versions of someone they'll get into a fight, because why wouldn't they? We all have things we dislike about ourselves. We don't want those rubbed in our face. Dave's denial of time travel is a perfect catalyst, because Davesprite has internalized his "role" so hard he can't imagine someone denying it. Neither can full conceive of a use of time powers beyond the 'generating doomed doubles' thing because they were raised by a Prince of Heart and learned self-destruction. 
This is also a big culmination of the depersonalization Dave learned as a self-defense mechanism. He tries to act like his dead doomed selves mean nothing to him, because if he didn't, that would psychologically destroy you very quickly. And that works for a while, but once you *become* one of those selves, then that's turned on you. He's also developed some survivor's guilt that he diverts into paranoia (if he feels guilty that they died and he didn't, then they must hate him for it, therefore they are an Enemy) which fuels this argument even more. 
The real villain here, naturally, is the alpha timeline. Dave sees it as a trap. Davesprite sees it as validation. What it really is is a system set up by Lord English to profit himself and no one else. In canon, Dave complains that LE isn't a good villain because it's ambiguous how he ever hurt them. The story never does a great job of emphasizing how he has really hurt them at every turn, forcing them into situations and punishing harmless choices that simply didn't serve his agenda. That’s why he’s the bad guy, even more than a few explosions out in space.
I like to think I write Dave and Davesprite differently enough that it's clear who's talking even without the appellation. I can certainly tell the difference (I have on occasion deleted a section of dialog I wrote for one of them because 'it sounds like the other one') but then I’m the writer. Mostly those differences stem from different attitudes, but this conversation is a good example of a more surface-level difference I implemented. If I come up with a good piece of figurative language I'm going to use it no matter what, but in general, I key the similes and metaphors they use after the people they've been spending time with. Dave is more likely to use literary allusions (Rose) or crude bodily comments (Karkat), while Davesprite is more likely to use science (Jade) or tv/film references (John). (As a side note, I observed that in canon Dave is more likely to use film references when talking to John, so both are more likely to use them when talking to or about him in TLC.) Dave also occasionally uses a bit of legalese (Terezi), and Davesprite does it once or twice after BAA, although he gets real pissed when he notices.
God these early pages are just littered with errors from that old gif-making method. Plenty to fix in the DC. That being said, Dave getting punched so hard his shirt freaks out is p funny and may need to be preserved just because. I actually had them both scuffling a little, but the beta reader switched it up to just be Ds decking Dave, which I think worked out. They're both so surprised that he actually did it that things settle down pretty quickly rather than escalating.
Page 94 is a reference to the 'Karkat is too upset to be rendered in a less shitty manner’ panel.
I actually think it's interesting to explore Davesprite as the aftermath of the heroic sacrifice trope. Because you're supposed to die, but you died doing something useful, so you get lauded for it afterward. But when you make that sacrifice and you *don't* die... there's no room for you in the story anymore. You can only ride on those laurels for so long, and then you start wondering what the point of you is. I tend to think the heroic sacrifice trope is kinda fucked, especially with children, which I’ve talked about before so this lets me explore how toxic that mentality can be.
I sort of touched on this in a recent post - a tuesjade I think - but you can look at that with a lot of the kids. John is the archetypal pure hearted hero... who only manages to maintain that genre-typical innocence and optimism because he’s repressed everything else. Dave is the reluctant hero who ends up finding far more happiness in being part of a team rather than being the solo figure saving the day. Jade starts out as the ‘wise sage’ figure but is repeatedly cut down to size and has her dreams ruthlessly crushed by the canon narrative anyway, and Skaia was only showing her what it wanted to in order to guide her choices. She didn’t have a “special connection” as much as she was a pawn. And Rose is the one who looks at the fairy kingdom and the animals who want to crown her queen and instead joins up with the white witch, without even being offered candy as a bribe. And you know what? I think she was right.
p 96 Gill was in a print making class doing engravings that semester lmao
I was going to just cover this bit for this post, but there are only a few more pages before I get to the bucket death, so we might as well keep going. 
JOHN: kissing a dead person was weird, but it wasn't that bad. JOHN: i think kissing an alive person might be weirder. ROSE: Really, now? JOHN: wait, was that a weird thing to say? JOHN: i meant because then they'd be awake and expecting stuff and... JOHN: forget it, let's go back to talking about jack.
Technically aro/ace John would be indirectly violating our neither promote nor prevent shipping policy. I at least attempt to maintain this policy, as this is management 101. If you follow policy, you can point to it as justification when some angry person shows up in your inbox. Of course I am only half the team and can only sigh meaningfully when Gill over there is like ‘so Dirk and Jake are gonna hold hands for an entire scene’. I sigh meaningfully so often that she probably thinks we have a gas leak. Anyway because of policy it's not explicit but it does impact how I interpret and write him, so it's kinda there. Nothing binding though.
It wasn't intentional, but it's fitting that John (Breath player, aspect of freedom) ends up freeing both mind-controlled girls, even if it was done unintentionally. Breath doesn't like to be constrained.
And we're done with the requested segment!
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for the meme, every even number and if it requires a fic title WHIPS
2. Favorite part of writing.
World building. Hands down. I love coming up with rules and societies and building maps for my stories!
4. Do you have writing habits or rituals?
I always need music, helps me get in the zone while writing. 
6. Favorite character you ever created.
Considering how I write mostly fanfic, I wouldn’t say I’ve really created a character that I’ve let people read. However, for my oc’s that I’ve made I’d have to say Po is my favourite!
8. Favorite trope to write.
Person A thinks they’re a monster and unloveable but person B disagrees and loves them regardless and it’s so pure and my heart
10. Pick a writer to co-write a book with and tell us what you’d write about.
Oh jesus dude I don’t read a lot anymore bcus Exhaustion so I’d have to go with my standard of Rick Riordan and probs a typical ‘youth is chosen one and saves the world’ but with swears and an oprnly bi protag bcus ME
12. How do you deal with self-doubts?
Honestly I think back to things I’ve read before and know i write better than that. Theres still plently I have to work on and learn, but I know for a fcat my writing is a far shot away from some of the things I’ve gotten half a page through and exited out of.
14. What’s the most research you ever put into a book?
So much. So much fucking research. Probs WHIPS with researching the spiritual and wiccan meaning of different woods, colours, flowers, other such things, how spells are cast and runage. Listen if I believed in any spirituality I’d probs be wiccan. 
16. Where do you take your motivation from?
Wherever I can find it LMAO. I daydream a lot, so my ideas come from there and hopefully I write them down before they fade too much. 
18. What’s your revision or rewriting process like?
Just constant rereading what I’ve written of the piece so far. I don’t doa  lot of rewrite bcus I let the story go where it wants and post chapter to chapter, so I kinda have to go where I’ve written myself.
20. Post a snippet of a WIP you’re working on.
A memory passed through Lucy like a phantom, her back arching off the wood, papers scattered as she tore at her hair in wild abandon, Natsu’s hand on her hips as he buried himself deep and hard in-
Lucy’s breath caught in her throat, her arms tightening around Natsu. She felt him stiffen as well, fingertips biting hard into her hips where he held her.
“Natsu,” Lucy said softly, lips ghosting over the smooth skin of his neck as she spoke, “do you remember the last time you sat me on this desk?”
“I do,” he growled, voice barely reaching more than a rumble that travelled through her bones and resonated in her core.
22. How many drafts do you need until you’re satisfied and a project is ultimately done for you?
What’s a draft lol? I’ve been like this since highschool and it’s a bad habit I suggest everyone revise and edit unlike me24. Poetry or prose, and why?
Both. I mainly write prose but I love free verse poetry, and how you can add beats and a rhythm through speaking alone and the openness to speak in metaphors in poetry.
26. Standalone or series, and why?
I love series bcus I always want to know more about what happened! Writing, however, sucks balls bcus then you have to go back and make sure everything makes sense
28. And who do you share them with?
I share snippets with my close friends and will have them look over something if I can’t figure it out on my own. I like having a beta, but I know life gets in the way and they have their own stuff to write
30. Favorite line you’ve ever written.
I have a couple tbh, and my brain always goes to my funny ones first. I think it’s a tie between fuck fuck fucking fuck. and Happy however did not care about whether something was acceptable in human society, as he was a cat. via WHIPS. My fave non-comedy line would probably be It was beautiful, in the way that forgotten places tended to be. History left untapped and ghosts given reign of the grounds where life had once been. via Implexium Vitae
32. Easiest character to write.
Lucy def
34. Handwritten notes or typed notes?
I hand write designs for runes and layouts, but usually typed notes
36. A spoiler for story WHIPS.
The book Lucy was holding in chap 25 reveals a major plot point in who Zeref is and his motivations :D
38. Have you shared your outline of your story WHIPS with someone? If so, what did they think of it?
I’ve shared it with @hannah-nobody and I think she liked it! Def helped me work out some pacing and early ideas
40. Original Fiction or Fanfiction, and why?
I write mainly fanfic just bcus I love to tell stories and join the community and friends I meet through them! Would love to work on my own ocs at some point tho. 
42. How do you figure out your characters looks, personality, etc.
I look at what they might like, what would help them, what would hold them back. I try to humanize them and throw in traits me or my friends have, which helps keep their character grounded as well so they aren’t all perfect from the start!
44. Best piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten.
On one of the earlier chapters of whips a girl told me how my inclusion of the wiccan AU made her feel closer to a friend she had lost to cancer and dude that still stays with me. Otherwise most of my growth has been me reading and seeing where my own writing falls short and changing. 
46. What would your story WHIPS look like as a tv show or movie? 
I hope it would be one of those fun and silly half hour shows that has like the sudden DARK plot reveal that’s actually been there under the surface the entire time. Either real or anime is eh. 
48. Favorite genre to write in.
Everyday comedy, I think. So the drama still feels natural and theres real conflicts, but its still a little dumb and goofy and hyperbolic. Brooklyn 99 ish. 
50. Weirdest story idea you’ve ever had.
Fucking ‘cursed Pinocchio penis’ is the worst idea I’ve ever had and I blame you Alisha.
52. How did writing change you?
I met so many friends through writing and all caps yelling with each other about story ideas
54. Any writing advice you want to share?
Don’t be afraid to experiment and know when to disregard and when to accept critique of your writing! 
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Fuck it I’m doing the self ship ask with Sam and no one can stop me
1. What kind of blog does your f/o have? Do they selfship on main? Do they look like a regular fan? Quiet reblogs or lots of gushing? Lots of analyses of your character and your source or incoherent blabbering? Do they have a headcanon blog? Do they try to roleplay as you?
He’s more of a secretive type because no one would believe that he’s that weird??? Right? Wrong, Hyper Dimension Traveller Koi is like the one thing besides his brother that keeps him from arson. Quiet reblogs but he becomes a little more vocal when someone adds him to the “official group chat.”
2. Do they prefer selfshipping by inserting themselves into your source, or by daydreaming about you in their own little / personal world, or by imagining you by their side during their daily life?
Both. Sometimes he could be looking all stern and calculating before an interview but could literally just be thinking about just holding her hand and no one would realize it.
3. What’s their self insert like? Is their s/i literally them? Is it basically them but with just a few changes - to be more like the person they’d like to be, or to “fit in” your source better? Is their s/i totally OP or extra or more realistic? Is it an OC that’s totally different from them?
Her series is all about dimension hopping so why should he change a thing about himself?
4. Do they spend more time on wikipedia, on your fandom wiki, on your TV tropes page? Looking for official content they might’ve missed, like fun trivia? Looking for fanart, for fics? Looking for information and details and references for fics or art or other fancontent they’re making because they want to make sure they get everything right?
He has a special skin on his phone that makes everything look like scholarly articles so he can hide his tvtropes. He eventually combined enough references from the official Twitter to make an “official reference.” That’s used by the widespread fandom. He literally cannot read any fics because he can’t insert himself into them and like 90% of the x readers are f/f. Help him
5. Do they create anything inspired by you and/or their ship with you? Fanart? Fanfics? Gifsets? Moodboards? Edits? Songs? Dances? Crafts? Playlists? Cosplays? Do they post them (or pictures of them) online? Do they sell any merch (online, at cons, etc)? Do they make pics of their selfship in dollmakers? Do they spend hours on otp prompt generators? Do they commission art of their selfship?
No, he’s subtle about it. See he has this folder titled “Homework and Interview stuff.” And while normally you’d just find stuff, it’s where he hides his self ship stuff. Just doll makers because he’s too shy to commission art and doesn’t have time to comitt to writing anything. Once he joins the server, they get art for him. He also got a signed autograph from Koi’s va in character as her during some event and it’s his most prized possession.
6. Does your f/o have a selfship wedding with you? Do they celebrate it on their blog or more privately, with their fellow selfshipper friends? Do they make any content (like art, fics, etc) to celebrate?
He’s not comfy with that stuff and he sure as hell can’t get a ring because he knows the fans will be apeshit over it.
7. Does your f/o have fankids with you? If not, maybe pets?
Not comfy, plus in the current arc, she just had a birthday in the height of the Hawk Virus and wasn’t able to celebrate it so everyone’s debating if she’s 18 or not because she certainly doesn’t look it. They’re all still wanting an official confirmation on it.
8. Do your f/o and your friend’s f/o plan for double dates since their f/os (you and your friend) are from the same source? How would that go?
Koi’s the only main character plus 1, he doesn’t have friends and I don’t have friends.
9. If you have multiple f/os (romantic, platonic, anything), imagine them making or joining a Discord server or a group chat about you or your source. Who gushes, who shares art and fics, who analyses everything, who sends memes?
Sam’s quiet, Ingrid basically lore connects everything, Bernie basically has 100000+ ways to gush.
10. Does your f/o have very creative ship names, or are they bad with finding tags / ship names, or do they just use regular fandom tags?
He is exactly like me. Sometimes creative, other times not
11. What’s your f/o like when they read / watch / play your source? Do they reread / rewatch / replay their favorite parts over and over? Do they make comments aloud? Which parts of your story made them laugh? Made them cry?
He has to secretly gush and react since “he can’t be a fan of stupid shit like that, he’s too smart for it.”
12. Do they post any videos related to your source? Like AMVs? Or reaction vids (with them reacting to your source as they read / watch / play / etc)? If your source is a game, do they make a walkthrough? Is it a perfect walkthrough, a more casual one?
No, he’s gotta be on the dl about this, he’s supposed to be an outstanding member of the community
13. Which of your f/os has “y/n’s husband / wife / partner” as a username online?
He doesn’t but Bernie does
14. Do they have merch of you? What kind of merch? Posters? Keychains? Stickers? Stuffed toys? (And if they have a plush of you, do they kiss it and sleep with it?)
Actually he got a surprise plush from a creator he follows online, not realizing Bernie gave it to him bc to her, everyone needs a cuddle buddy.
15. What kind of content do they like / make the most? Is it fluff? Angst? Hurt / comfort? (btw: imagine your f/os going to you when they need comfort, because they love you and you’re comforting to them.) Do they respect canon or do they make lots of AUs? What kind of AUs do they like?
Soft all the way bc they both have trauma and need to work through it with cuddles
16. Which of your f/os has 1341 pics of you saved on their phone / laptop? What kind of pic did they choose as their phone / laptop background? Is it a canon pic of you, or fanart, or art of their selfship with you?
Has one image and that’s a commission Ingrid got him from Ignatz.
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foxgloves-fox-love · 5 years
Self-shipping AU
Just wanted to do these questions hehe ;w;
1. What kind of blog does your f/o have? Do they selfship on main? Do they look like a regular fan? Quiet reblogs or lots of gushing? Lots of analyses of your character and your source or incoherent blabbering? Do they have a headcanon blog? Do they try to roleplay as you?
Ren is shameless and only has like one sideblog that he reserves for creative stuff. He posts everything else onto his main blog. He also gushes a lot just lots of keysmashing and talking about how cute I am, and not a lot of analyses just tons of blabbering. He posts all his headcanons on his main blog and frequently tags pictures with our ship name if they remind him of us.
2. Do they prefer selfshipping by inserting themselves into your source, or by daydreaming about you in their own little / personal world, or by imagining you by their side during their daily life?
He definitely daydreams about me in his own little world especially before bed and also imagines me by his side during his daily life. He would probably insert himself into my source as well bc he's not satisfied with where he is in his life. He just wants to do everything.
3. What’s their self insert like? Is their s/i literally them? Is it basically them but with just a few changes - to be more like the person they’d like to be, or to “fit in” your source better? Is their s/i totally OP or extra or more realistic? Is it an OC that’s totally different from them?
His s/i is literally him. He doesn't change parts of himself to fit into my source or to be more like he wants to be because he uses self-shipping as coping and wants me to love him for him.
4. Do they spend more time on wikipedia, on your fandom wiki, on your TV tropes page? Looking for official content they might’ve missed, like fun trivia? Looking for fanart, for fics? Looking for information and details and references for fics or art or other fancontent they’re making because they want to make sure they get everything right?
He's definitely a fandom wiki kind of guy and scours the internet for content. He doesn't need to look at references that much because he has me memorized pretty easily. There are multiple looks I've gone through in "canon" and while he loves all of them and it's hard to remember all of them, he tends to stick with the one that's most currently out in canon because it makes him feel like he's living beside me.
5. Do they create anything inspired by you and/or their ship with you? Fanart? Fanfics? Gifsets? Moodboards? Edits? Songs? Dances? Crafts? Playlists? Cosplays? Do they post them (or pictures of them) online? Do they sell any merch (online, at cons, etc)? Do they make pics of their selfship in dollmakers? Do they spend hours on otp prompt generators? Do they commission art of their selfship?
He creates fanart but doesn't draw much anymore and is kind of sad about it because he misses how much he used to draw. Instead he tends to write fic and create songs and playlists. He posts his music and stuff online on his sideblog for creative stuff and doesn't sell merch when he goes to cons. Because he doesn't draw as much anymore he LOVES making us in dollmakers and picrews. He also commissions a shit ton of art for his selfship and is completely shameless about it.
6. Does your f/o have a selfship wedding with you? Do they celebrate it on their blog or more privately, with their fellow selfshipper friends? Do they make any content (like art, fics, etc) to celebrate?
He wrote a song to propose with and is waiting for anime canon to catch up to his favorite part from the manga before posting it and making a huge deal about it. When he does have the wedding he commissions a really extravagant wedding picture and has it framed and put in his room.
7. Does your f/o have fankids with you? If not, maybe pets?
We own a dog and he wants to have kids when we get married so he can cope with his anxieties of being a bad father.
8. Do your f/o and your friend’s f/o plan for double dates since their f/os (you and your friend) are from the same source? How would that go?
lmao :') idk? >w> Maybe Farz and Ren would do that...
9. If you have multiple f/os (romantic, platonic, anything), imagine them making or joining a Discord server or a group chat about you or your source. Who gushes, who shares art and fics, who analyses everything, who sends memes?
Oh god lmao. So like I was doing this for Ren, but imagining everyone in a discord server is killing me!!! Vincent would do nothing but post porn gifs and be an absolute butt and laugh at people all the time and Jack would like never talk in it except to post the occasional psychological profile of me and talk about how interesting I am every once in a blue moon. Gengar would just cry type all the time. Craig would shitpost with memes and laugh at people because he’s a dick and not actually into self-shipping and Shino would analyze EVERYTHING from the show. The people who would gush and talk the most would be Ren and Omen ;w; Ren would share his music and Omen would think it's all very interesting. Omen might even develop a crush because Ren is so interesting and Ren would be completely oblivious bc he’s guzzling that self-ship juice lmao.
10. Does your f/o have very creative ship names, or are they bad with finding tags / ship names, or do they just use regular fandom tags?
Ren likes the ship name Rae and uses that irl, but he likes to do the fun creative ones in order to tag stuff. He uses "Little Star" for it.
11. What’s your f/o like when they read / watch / play your source? Do they reread / rewatch / replay their favorite parts over and over? Do they make comments aloud? Which parts of your story made them laugh? Made them cry?
Ren gets really happy when he watches the anime because it's very relaxing. He watches his favorite parts over and over and over again until he can say the dialogue by heart. He doesn't make comments aloud but he gets super emotionally invested. His favorite parts that make him laugh are when I say goofy or dumb things and then comment on the irony and break the 4th wall. The parts that make him cry the most are any time I get hurt and start crying. When I got bullied or felt bad with my classmates or was hurt when I was very young. All of those hurt him a lot and he cried about it.
12. Do they post any videos related to your source? Like AMVs? Or reaction vids (with them reacting to your source as they read / watch / play / etc)? If your source is a game, do they make a walkthrough? Is it a perfect walkthrough, a more casual one?
He would like to make AMVs but doesn't really have editing software for it, but wants to learn! He wants to post reaction vids but is nervous about posting his face online for...reasons. lmao
13. Which of your f/os has “y/n’s husband / wife / partner” as a username online?
Ren would definitely call himself my biggest fan. He wouldn't use husband but he'd definitely use fanboy.
14. Do they have merch of you? What kind of merch? Posters? Keychains? Stickers? Stuffed toys? (And if they have a plush of you, do they kiss it and sleep with it?)
He has a plush that he cuddles and sleeps with and sometimes makes out with lmao. He also has so much merch!!! He is the type to make ita content. On Christmas he decorates the tree with stuff and has posters all over the walls. His favorites tho are figures. He looooooooves figures the most. He's constantly shelling out the big bucks for the biggest and most detailed ones because he can look at them and feel like I exist in a 3d space.
15. What kind of content do they like / make the most? Is it fluff? Angst? Hurt / comfort? (btw: imagine your f/os going to you when they need comfort, because they love you and you’re comforting to them.) Do they respect canon or do they make lots of AUs? What kind of AUs do they like?
-rubs hands together- His favorite content is hurt/comfort both with me being hurt and me hurting the other party, depending on his mood. When he gets unstable and lonely he plays out angsty situations to further his spirals. He knows it's unhealthy, but it comforts him at the same time. His favorite when he's feeling like being healthier is making irl AUs where he can play out his trauma with me as a caretaker figure or alongside him and comforting me.
16. Which of your f/os has 1341 pics of you saved on their phone / laptop? What kind of pic did they choose as their phone / laptop background? Is it a canon pic of you, or fanart, or art of their selfship with you?
Ren definitely hoards a lot of shit on his phone, he has so much content of me on it it's ridiculous. Omen kind of does the same but not nearly as much because he has multiple f/os and has to share space with them lmao. Vincent's phone is just filled with porn ok just lots of rule 34 shit but he also like doesn't have a lot of content on it because like he's just a horndog and only really gives a shit about the dirty content. Jack has pictures but not a lot because he prefers to fantasize.
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wiseabsol · 5 years
Fanfics You Should Be Reading
Dæmorphing by Poetry
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/8983
Fandoms: Animorphs - Katherine A. Applegate, His Dark Materials - Philip Pullman
Summary: They can’t tell you their real names, or their dæmons’ names. The Yeerks are everywhere. But they’re going to fight back.
My thoughts: This is a beautiful reworking of the original series that does a much, much better job with its worldbuilding, with its exploration of alien cultures (and numerous human ones), and with the characters grappling with their trauma and the murky ethics of war. It’s also queer-friendly and gives side characters like Loren and Aftran more time to shine. “The Cowardice of Lions” is where it crosses the line from good to spine-tinglingly great.    
水火 by trascendenza
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/120337
Fandom: Avatar the Last Airbender
Summary: Azula, post-canon, picking up the pieces. When she tried, Paupau clicked her tongue behind her teeth and took Azula’s small hand in her own, held securely in the tiger’s mouth of her thumb and forefinger.
My thoughts: An absolutely gorgeous, post-series exploration of Azula’s recovery and her transformation into a less toxic person. There is a wonderful female mentor figure in this as well. 
Dominion by Aurelia le
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6383825/1/Dominion
Fandom: Avatar the Last Airbender
Summary: For the Fire Nation royal siblings, love has always warred with hate. But neither the outward accomplishment of peace nor Azula’s defeat have brought the respite Zuko expected. Will his sister’s plans answer this, or only destroy them both?
My thoughts: While not for the faint of heart, this story explores the cycle of abuse in the Fire Nation royal family, with a strong focus on the psychological cause-and-effect of that abuse. It also interrogates the canon interpretations of its central characters in fascinating ways, unpacking the implications of how Azula behaves in the show and how deep Zuko’s anger goes. Finally, there is a hard look at how sexism impacts the characters, particularly with Ursa, who has internalized the patriarchy in ways that put a deep strain on her relationship with her daughter. I would love for this to be an original novel, but Aurelia sticks her tongue out at me whenever I suggest it.      
once a queen or king of narnia, always a king or queen by dirgewithoutmusic
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/82624
Fandom: Chronicles of Narnia - C. S. Lewis
Summary: A lion told her to walk away, and she did. He forbade her magic, he forbade her her own kingdom, so she made her own. Susan after Narnia.
My thoughts: There is a powerful anger and sadness in these stories, in part due to Susan’s grief over losing her family and her kingdom, but also--on a meta level--at the sexism behind why she was rejected from Narnia. If you liked Neil Gaimen’s “The Problem of Susan,” but wanted more beauty and melancholy in it, then this series is for you.    
We That Are Young by Stoplight Delight  
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4175371/1/We-That-Are-Young
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Summary: It’s a well-known fact that innocents make poor soldiers. Fortunately, Riza Hawkeye’s childhood was not entirely innocent. She had to grow up fast… though she wasn’t the only one. The early years of the Colonel and his First Lieutenant.
Shall Never See So Much by Stoplight Delight  
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4396547/1/Shall-Never-See-So-Much
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Summary: In the military academies of Amestris, Cadets Mustang and Hawkeye are trained to command. They are groomed and prepared for firefights, hand-to-hand combat and even torture. But there���s one thing their schools cannot prepare them for: the reality of war.
My thoughts on this duology: This duology chronicles the childhoods and early adolescences of Riza Hawkeye and Roy Mustang in wonderful, but also tragic and painful, detail. It captures the setting and time period perfectly and makes every one of its characters, including the OCs, feel like real people. It’s agonizing that the second story isn’t finished, but what is there is rich and worthy of many rereads.   
Against the Moon by Stoplight Delight  
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7305052/1/Against-the-Moon
Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Summary: The odds were stacked against him: a child from a blended home with no friends, no social skills to speak of, and a terrible secret. Yet slowly Remus Lupin began to discover there was a place for him in the world, if he could find the courage to claim it.
My thoughts: The same author as the above, with the same loving attention to detail. This Marauders story captures the discrimination that Remus Lupin must have gone through in his youth far more accurately than the original books did, shows us the terror of Voldemort’s first rise to power, and makes Peter Pettigrew’s friendship with the group--and his eventual betrayal of them--make an incredible and terrible amount of sense. It’s a must-read for fans of the HP series.   
The Very Secret Diary by Arabella
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/2345300/chapters/5171522
Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Summary: ‘His d-diary’ Ginny sobbed. ‘I’ve b-been writing in it, and he’s been w-writing back all year -’ Ginny’s first year in Hogwarts, written in diary entries.
My thoughts: One reviewer described this story as “demonic possession as a metaphor for domestic abuse and gaslighting,” and honestly, that encompasses this work perfectly. It starts off slowly and innocently enough, but by the end of it, you have a white-knuckled grip on your laptop/phone and only have the canon rescue of Ginny as a source of comfort. I would advise reading the one-shot follow-up, “Disenchanted,” afterwards to help settle your nerves. This is also the fic that made me a Ginny and Harry/Ginny fan in a way canon never managed to. 
boy with a scar by dirgewithoutmusic
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/285498
Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Summary: A series of “what if” rewrites of Harry Potter, books 1-7. What if other characters were the Chosen Ones, what if HP had queer leads, and what if characters like Petunia Dursley and Severus Snape weren’t such contemptible human beings?  
My thoughts: This series makes me sob my heart out, especially the Severus Snape one, which is completely unfair, given how much I loath Snape in canon. Overall, this series is full of touching moments and relationships, embraces queer relationships and identities, and gives you glimpses of the series you wished you’d read as a child. 
we must unite inside her walls or we’ll crumble from within by dirgewithoutmusic
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/136245
Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Summary: Stories for the ladies of Hogwarts, who cry, waver, giggle, trespass, and who deserve our respect all the same.
My thoughts: The same author as the above, but with more of a focus on the female characters and their own experiences as they grew up. Particularly memorable to me were the sections for Pansy Parkinson and Andromeda Tonks, which won me over to Pansy and made me ache for Andromeda, respectively. 
Persephone’s Waltz by ErinPtah
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/577310/chapters/1035515
Fandoms: Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magika | Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Summary: The more times she fails to save Madoka, the more desperate Homura gets…until kidnapping her and locking her in a basement until Walpurgisnacht is over stops sounding like such a crazy idea.
My thoughts: This is a midquel in the PMMM story with a Room-esque flare to it. The writing is stark, Homura’s points of view match how much she’s slipping, and the story does a great job of showing the psychological damage done by captivity and by inferiority complexes. It’s more queer than the show is, with the lesbian ships being explored on page, rather than just teased. I often binge this one whenever I start re-reading it, because it’s so good.  
bringing the war home by dirgewithoutmusic
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/96290
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe / Agents of SHIELD
Summary: A series on the lives and times of the woman of the MCU.
My thoughts: Really you should just read everything direwithoutmusic has written, but this one has a special place in my heart for its sections on Natasha Romanoff and Gamora, which are heartbreaking, but also healing. “i dreamed of a day” in particular resonated with me, as someone who was raised in an abusive home and was appalled by how Gamora was treated in Infinity War. It’s a story I fully intend to record one day, because it means so much to me.    
Double Agent Vader by Fialleril
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/286908
Fandom: Star Wars
Summary: The one where Vader turned double agent for the Rebellion about three years after ROTS, and Leia is now his primary contact with the Rebellion. Alternate summary, according to TV Tropes: A man attempts to escape slavery by turning into one of his culture heroes, teaching his daughter how to do magic, killing people, and flower arranging.
My thoughts: A powerful reworking of the original trilogy, with a strong focus on the culture and storytelling of the slaves of Tatooine. It is also chock full of father-daughter feels and dramatic irony, and at turns has made me laugh with delight and cry.  
you can only use your own by feralphoenix
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/369158
Fandom: Undertale
Summary: You cannot use someone else’s fire; you can only use your own. And in order to do that, you must first be willing to believe you have it. - Audre Lorde. Or: Snapshots from a world where Chara and Asriel lived.
My thoughts: This AU put my heart back together after I finished Undertale. I subscribe to the “Chara is the Narrator” theory, so this captures everything I’d hoped for from a Chara characterization, without flinching away from how troubled they are. What I admire about this series is how compassionate it is to its mentally ill characters, how it confronts toxic relationships and works to make them healthier, how queer-friendly it is, and the Jewish representation within it.
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awajid673-blog · 8 years
Top space books to get as holiday gifts
It’s that time of year, where everyone wishes they could escape holiday gatherings and just hide in a corner and read. Wait, is that not you? At any rate, if you’re buying a gift for a space enthusiast, here are some of the best books to buy in both fiction and non-fiction, with the obvious caveat that this list is merely scratching the surface. Non-fiction Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space draws readers through Carl Sagan’s take on the history of space travel and where it’s headed. Sagan taught astronomy and cosmology at Cornell, back in the day, and he had a unique reading list, which is itself worth a look. Death by Black Hole: and Other Cosmic Quandaries, by Neil deGrasse Tyson, explores in his own inimitable style a variety of topics on cosmology and space, from what it might be like to be inside a black hole to why we see the sun as the color we do. It’s an accessible read for a newcomer to the topics it handles, and doesn’t make readers feel dumb. The Universe in a Nutshell, on the other hand, is a Stephen Hawking opus that tackles big concepts about space and the universe, things like black holes and light cones and the shape of the universe, and now you or your giftee can experience the joy of reading it in Hawking’s auto-tuned voice. You don’t have to be a physicist to get a great deal of useful insight from this book. Hawking, too, has a toothsome reading list, which he includes in the back. Earth and Space: Photographs from the Archives of NASA (example page pictured top) is an extremely gorgeous coffee table book, jammed to the gills with beauty shots from the places NASA has been and seen. From a backward glance at Earth, haloed by the setting sun, to galaxies and nebulae in the deepest skies, it’s endlessly rewarding to flip through and there’s always something to ponder and talk about. If they like space-related eye candy, this is the book. Fiction The Left Hand of Darkness, by Ursula K. LeGuin, won the Hugo Award in 1970; she was the first woman to win a Hugo, by the way. The book follows a human ambassador from Earth to the planet outsiders call Winter, whose inhabitants are of ambiguous gender. It is gentle and unflinching in its ideas, lyrical in its language, and will leave you rereading it over and over, picking up new and meaningful things every time. Redshirts is a John Scalzi novel that examines just how strange life might look to the cast of a TV show like Star Trek if they had to examine the strange inconsistencies, plot holes, and sudden twists of life without knowing they were “on” a TV show at all. It’s an irreverent send-up of dozens of science fiction tropes and obviously named after one in particular. Glory Road, by Robert Heinlein, was Heinlein’s major foray into fantasy. This excerpt, the classified ad the protagonist answers to send him on his epic journey, should give you all you need to know about whether to buy it: ARE YOU A COWARD? This is not for you. We badly need a brave man. He must be 23 to 25 years old, in perfect health, at least six feet tall, weigh about 190 pounds, fluent English, with some French, proficient in all weapons, some knowledge of engineering and mathematics essential, willing to travel, no family or emotional ties, indomitably courageous and handsome of face and figure. Permanent employment, very high pay, glorious adventure, great danger. You must apply in person, rue Dante, Nice, 2me étage, apt. D. Those of you looking for a hefty sci-fi series set in a universe distinct from the usual Star Wars / Star Trek fare should consider the Night’s Dawn trilogy (volume 1, volume 2. and volume 3), by Peter F. Hamilton. Hamilton excels at creating vast, sprawling civilizations with their own distinct cultures and goals, without losing focus on his core group of characters. I picked the series up on a whim a few years back and have not been disappointed. The Foundation Trilogy, by Isaac Asimov, is another classic series that’s absolutely worth a read if you’ve never come across it. It tells the story of the fall of the Galactic Empire and the psychohistorian Hari Seldon’s efforts to minimize the chaos and galaxy-wide dark age which will follow in its wake. The Empire cannot be saved, its decline is too far gone, but Seldon’s Foundation is destined to rise in its stead — provided, of course, that it isn’t destroyed by its enemies or the fading remnants of the Galactic Empire itself. Once upon a time, pawing through my uncle’s bookshelf, I discovered Expendable by James Gardner, the hardcover edition. Festina Ramos is physically flawed: she has a birthmark like a port-wine stain on her face, so she’s consigned to being an Explorer. Under the quasi-benevolent leadership of the League of Peoples, Explorers are sent to exoplanets in order to get boots on the surface — expendable boots the League of Peoples doesn’t really want back. But that’s not how the story’s going to end if Festina has anything to say about i Click to Post
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awajid673-blog · 8 years
Top space books to get as holiday gifts
It’s that time of year, where everyone wishes they could escape holiday gatherings and just hide in a corner and read. Wait, is that not you? At any rate, if you’re buying a gift for a space enthusiast, here are some of the best books to buy in both fiction and non-fiction, with the obvious caveat that this list is merely scratching the surface. Non-fiction Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space draws readers through Carl Sagan’s take on the history of space travel and where it’s headed. Sagan taught astronomy and cosmology at Cornell, back in the day, and he had a unique reading list, which is itself worth a look. Death by Black Hole: and Other Cosmic Quandaries, by Neil deGrasse Tyson, explores in his own inimitable style a variety of topics on cosmology and space, from what it might be like to be inside a black hole to why we see the sun as the color we do. It’s an accessible read for a newcomer to the topics it handles, and doesn’t make readers feel dumb. The Universe in a Nutshell, on the other hand, is a Stephen Hawking opus that tackles big concepts about space and the universe, things like black holes and light cones and the shape of the universe, and now you or your giftee can experience the joy of reading it in Hawking’s auto-tuned voice. You don’t have to be a physicist to get a great deal of useful insight from this book. Hawking, too, has a toothsome reading list, which he includes in the back. Earth and Space: Photographs from the Archives of NASA (example page pictured top) is an extremely gorgeous coffee table book, jammed to the gills with beauty shots from the places NASA has been and seen. From a backward glance at Earth, haloed by the setting sun, to galaxies and nebulae in the deepest skies, it’s endlessly rewarding to flip through and there’s always something to ponder and talk about. If they like space-related eye candy, this is the book. Fiction The Left Hand of Darkness, by Ursula K. LeGuin, won the Hugo Award in 1970; she was the first woman to win a Hugo, by the way. The book follows a human ambassador from Earth to the planet outsiders call Winter, whose inhabitants are of ambiguous gender. It is gentle and unflinching in its ideas, lyrical in its language, and will leave you rereading it over and over, picking up new and meaningful things every time. Redshirts is a John Scalzi novel that examines just how strange life might look to the cast of a TV show like Star Trek if they had to examine the strange inconsistencies, plot holes, and sudden twists of life without knowing they were “on” a TV show at all. It’s an irreverent send-up of dozens of science fiction tropes and obviously named after one in particular. Glory Road, by Robert Heinlein, was Heinlein’s major foray into fantasy. This excerpt, the classified ad the protagonist answers to send him on his epic journey, should give you all you need to know about whether to buy it: ARE YOU A COWARD? This is not for you. We badly need a brave man. He must be 23 to 25 years old, in perfect health, at least six feet tall, weigh about 190 pounds, fluent English, with some French, proficient in all weapons, some knowledge of engineering and mathematics essential, willing to travel, no family or emotional ties, indomitably courageous and handsome of face and figure. Permanent employment, very high pay, glorious adventure, great danger. You must apply in person, rue Dante, Nice, 2me étage, apt. D. Those of you looking for a hefty sci-fi series set in a universe distinct from the usual Star Wars / Star Trek fare should consider the Night’s Dawn trilogy (volume 1, volume 2. and volume 3), by Peter F. Hamilton. Hamilton excels at creating vast, sprawling civilizations with their own distinct cultures and goals, without losing focus on his core group of characters. I picked the series up on a whim a few years back and have not been disappointed. The Foundation Trilogy, by Isaac Asimov, is another classic series that’s absolutely worth a read if you’ve never come across it. It tells the story of the fall of the Galactic Empire and the psychohistorian Hari Seldon’s efforts to minimize the chaos and galaxy-wide dark age which will follow in its wake. The Empire cannot be saved, its decline is too far gone, but Seldon’s Foundation is destined to rise in its stead — provided, of course, that it isn’t destroyed by its enemies or the fading remnants of the Galactic Empire itself. Once upon a time, pawing through my uncle’s bookshelf, I discovered Expendable by James Gardner, the hardcover edition. Festina Ramos is physically flawed: she has a birthmark like a port-wine stain on her face, so she’s consigned to being an Explorer. Under the quasi-benevolent leadership of the League of Peoples, Explorers are sent to exoplanets in order to get boots on the surface — expendable boots the League of Peoples doesn’t really want back. But that’s not how the story’s going to end if Festina has anything to say about i Click to Post
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