#i love dearly was actually a good idea on my end. and hey. it worked. wahoo !
angeltism · 5 months
Aqua fact time did you know dgr was a sp/in of mine for years and I had like a kajillion ocs for it. In general, media with aspects of killing games tends to pique my interest more than other things and I enjoy reading about it even if I don't have the guts to handle actual gore or other things associated with that. (mentioning this for media such as sa.w, nyat so much for dgr since. it's. animated. pepto bismol ass blood. etc etc)
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jongbross · 1 year
dating kim jongin would include...
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pairing: kim jongin x reader
word count: 1.1k
genre: fluffyyyy
warnings: -
a/n: i had to repost it, i’m so sorry 😭
pouts a lot
you can’t give him attention right now? he gets it, but he will pout
you give him just a little peck, but he wants more? look at him again, he will be pouting
he’s feeling quite left out or you did something little that disappointed him? boom, the biggest pout ever
jongin doesn’t like to fight, but he’s stubborn so don’t expect him to back down easily
he won’t scream though, he doesn’t believe in screaming
and if you ever start screaming at him during an argument, just know that he will get dead silent and give you the cold shoulder
any problem between the two of you should be handled with maturity, jongin believes
so he’s ready to forgive you and talk to you like proper adults once you realize you’re wrong and apologize to him
and of course, he will too apologize if he ever realizes he’s the wrong one on the situation
although it’s going to take a little bit of time because like i said, he’s stubborn
actually his stubbornness is probably what initiate any type of conflict between the two of you, usually
because no one, besides his mom, can talk sense into him when he’s being unreasonable
he’s a bit spoiled, yeah
and jealous, jongin has trouble dealing with his jealousy
like, he doesn’t think you’re gonna cheat on him or that he can’t trust you
he does trust you a lot and hopes you trust him just the same
but he definitely hates when people try their ways with you, or when you get too friendly towards someone new because hey, new is exciting, right?
so what if they’re smarter than jongin, or have a better physique? or worse, what if you laugh more at their jokes than at jongin’s?
oh my god, that person probably has more time to spend with you too than jongin does! they’re so much better, aren't they?
yeah, that’s how jongin thinks
his jealousy comes from the “i love you so much and i can’t stand the idea of you finding someone better because then i would have to let you go even though i don’t want to but i would because you deserve the best even if that ain’t me” side
call him selfish, he doesn’t care
he just loves you so much and wants to stay with you for as long as you allow him
jongin had some relationships in the past, of course, so he knows how things work
but all of said relationships ended, and although some breakups were friendly, he still hates when he remembers how much in love he was and how he felt when it didn’t work
and he doesn’t wanna feel that with you
it’s no secret that jongin wants to get married and have kids because that dude got the baby fever at some point in his life and it ain’t going away
so make your relationship work and make his dream come true beside someone he loves so much and so dearly is one of his biggest priorities
and damn, you got so lucky because jongin really puts some effort into making you happy
he’s naturally romantic, naturally cute and soft when it comes to you
so he cooks for you when you’re tired, he gives you massages whenever you ask him to (and sometimes even when you don’t)
he calls you pet names all day long
he texts you constantly too, sending you good morning/night texts, updating you about his day and sending you photos of cute or funny things he saw
he always try to make sure that you’re okay and that you know he loves you
but on top of that comes his effort
to not let the romance die, so he tries to have dates with you at least twice a month (like having dinner at any restaurant you may want or having a weekend getaway with you)
to make you feel loved, so he listens to you even if it’s about something he doesn’t understand or isn’t interested in
to protect you, so often doesn’t show too much pda but still tries to reassure you that it isn’t because he doesn’t want to, it’s just something bigger, out of his control
jongin likes his privacy too, so he might let his fans know that he is dating but he will never, ever expose you unless you want to
and still, he will think about it because again, he cares a lot about your safety
actually, he cares a lot about you in general, about how you feel
so much so that even he’s sure he wants you forever and always, he will still wait a little bit before taking the next step
he will think about what he’s feeling versus what you may be feeling versus the pros versus the consequences
he thinks a lot tbh
so if you’re a rush person or something just be patient with him, he only wants what is best for both of you
that means don’t think he won’t ask you to move in with him, because he will
it might take some time but he will
same goes for marriage
although you will get suspicious that he might be planning to pop the question because all of sudden jongin wants to watch things on tv related to marriage
and all of a sudden he will say things like “oh, when noona got married…” or “did you know that when chen hyung got married…”
he isn’t too subtle about it, the poor soft dude
but he will still do his best to surprise you with a romantic way to ask your hand in marriage
i mean, he always does his best when it comes to you
it might be on something “silly”, like when he volunteered to brush your hair and he tried to make sure he wasn’t hurting you
or when he chose your outfit for a week because you complained about not having a fashion sense like he does
or on something more serious, like when he messed up and made you cry and realized that he had a flaw he should try to work on so he wouldn’t hurt anyone he loves anymore
or when he managed to complete his schedule faster so he could travel to be with you when a beloved one of yours passed away
that’s just who jongin is
that’s just how jongin treats the ones he loves
going out of his way and trying to be a better version of himself for them
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 4 months
Stupid ass thought born after seeing to many fanarts without Iida in them for DekuSquad but Bakugou is in them:
Tenya is busy running his family’s agency so he’s often not involved with his friends who are busy making names for themselves. Izuku, Ochako, Tsu and Shouto plan to join Tenya at his agency once they have their own footing as heroes.
Until then though they don’t get to meet up as much. Which is where Bakugou comes in, sort of. He’s around Izuku and Shouto often as they all ended up working for Endeavour as sidekicks solely cause it was easier after the war. The media often takes pictures of all three and the narrative offered is that they’re close friends.
Spoiler: they’re not. Sure Izuku holds no grudge against Bakugou and considers their past water under the bridge but Bakugou is still an abrasive person who yells all the time. He still insults people and flies off the handle. It’s not fun to be around so Izuku usually chooses to hang out with his actual friends off duty.
If only Bakugou didn’t tend to show up at their hang outs. Izuku would admit it’s not uncommon since they have similar interests but god can’t he go for a drink with Ochako without the blond man showing up?
The media has been selling the idea that Bakugou and Izuku are the wonder duo for years and while Izuku always turns that down stating they are not a duo, it’s the narrative pushed forward. It doesn’t help that Bakugou actually is invested in having it continue.
Time has not been kind to him, with only Endeavour interested in hiring the man, wanting to ‘redeem’ the blonde like Endeavour was. (False he was never redeemed but they just couldn’t get rid of him right then and after the public would have broken) Bakugou is invested in keeping the narrative alive because it’s his only way at a shot for the top of heroics. He knows this and hates it. But hey, Deku is still around and the fucker thinks they’re friends. Bakugou can work with this right?
Only he can’t because Izuku announces he’s leaving Hellfire to work with IidaTen once he’s more settled. ‘And my friends are joining me, so it’s a Swuad reunion’ he laughs at the press conference.
“So you, Equilibrium, Uravity, Froppy, Dynamight-“
“No, Dynamight isn’t joining us.”
“You said your friends?”
“He’s my coworker. He’s not my friend.”
And just… the media fallout. People scourging up pictures and analyzing them. ‘Wait you can see the annoyance’ ‘He isn’t dressed like they are. Did he crash this?’ ‘I think those two were on a date…’
Bakugou has to watch the guy he tormented and then relied on leave. He’s mature enough he admits he has no right being ashamed. Mature enough he can wish Izuku well.
But he’s still a little angry at it. And while he tries to rise high, he figures it’s fitting he ends up only ever reaching the top hundred of heroics. He’s a good hero, and he’s come a long way.
He just lost the only thing sort of a friend he had. Kirishima and the others dropped him when they couldn’t stand his behaviour anymore. To many times purposely causing Kaminari to short circuit. Annoyance at him treating them like extras. Kirishima finally getting tired of the constant belittlement.
Bakugou does eventually reconnect with Kirishima later on. Once he’s had more time to settle after Izuku left for greener pastures. They become friends. Maybe more.
But Izuku? Izuku flourishes. He and his friends take IidaTen to the top of the agencies and they all end up becoming a giant poly mess who love each other dearly. He’s happy, thriving and is in his dream job.
He still is friends with the others in his class to, and they meet up. Even Bakugou comes to them once he reconnects with Kirishima. It’s nice to see the guy more mellow, but Izuku doesn’t think about him that much.
He’s to busy living.
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hey alyssa :)
I’m afraid I have to torment you about your charlos-divorce-wip, because they have me in an absolute chokehold atm and that trope is so so good🤪😍!
I‘d love to hear all about it☺️✨.
So unfortunately joke's on you because this is the fic that only has approximately three paragraphs tossed into it with approximately 3 page breaks. (though the charlos casual fic doc is worse because all i have written in it is "is it casual now!!!!!)
more below the cut because i love monologuing apparently
I'm still trying to figure out the logistics of it, but it definitely started off with them having some undeniable chemistry, closeness and chemistry. I DO still have ideas swirling away about the possibility of some sort of "arranged marriage because ferrari is ferrari" plot but like....while it's compelling and it's my universe so i can do what i want, i'm still not sure how to logistically make it work.
The current rough plot is that they come across each other in a sex club after becoming teammates, they have chemistry, they enter a committed relationship (with a nifty D/s dynamic to go along with it), and things go really well.
Then SOMETHING happens. I have yet to decide if this is some sort of accident, or incident, but essentially Carlos blames himself, pulls back, and Charles is devastated about it, and things come to blows. Essentially, Charles loses his patience with being ignored and asks if Carlos wants a divorce, and Carlos says yes (out of pure like...shock and surprise)
So while they're working through the divorce and Carlos' last year with Ferrari, they start to realize they DON'T actually want to divorce each other. And it becomes more and more evident with like every damn Ferrari video they do and every win that Charles has etc. etc. etc. because the HUGS from this SEASON have been INSANE.
But like....does anyone really want to admit they made a big boo-boo so y'know....drama.
Anyhow the end goal is happy ending because why not.
ANYHOW, you asked so I will ALSO provide you with a snippet of the lil bit I have written
It’s devastating, really, the way that Charles looks when he reaches up for the collar around his neck, unbuckles it, sets it on the kitchen table. The way his fingers clench around it reflexively, as if he's hoping the buckle leaves an impression to remind him, as if he wants to put it back on. It’s devastating, when he pulls the ring off his finger, and sets it beside the collar, and then looks up at Carlos with those big green eyes, tears shimmering along his lash line. “Carlos,” his voice is small, and Carlos can’t help the guilt that twists in his gut at the words. God, he wishes he didn’t feel like this, like he’s fucked them over like this. 
It should be noted that I accidentaly cut this and pasted an f1 meme i'd sent to my friend in place of this when i tried to copy it. Thank god for undo. I hope you like it and IF YOU WANT MORE OR HAVE MORE QUESTIONS (or even suggestions) let me know.
Thank you DEARLY for the ask <3
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sserapic · 2 years
maybe in another world, my dearest.
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summary. getting into a relationship with the balladeer was your greatest mistake, though you don't regret anything that had happened between you. after taking the side of the good guys, he just never felt the love he used to feel every damn time he sees you. but if you couldn't handle the pain then you shouldn't feel it anymore, altering your memories of him is such a great idea. you say.
character(s). scaramouche/wanderer, gn!reader
tw. angst, no happy ending.
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"come on, traveler, lead me to him."
you had convinced lumine that you're the lover of scaramouche, well, ex-lover. she hesitated despite the fact that you're a harbinger in which you couldn't be trusted very easily.
scaramouche sat there, under a tree, in the grass where he admired the view from up there. "wanderer." wanderer? had he changed identities?
he was certainly in shock to see you, well he should be, he left you in the dark and never came back which led you to search for him.
"oh, it's you."
you noticed how the traveler had left as you sat next to the former harbinger who you used to fought alongside with, who loved you so dearly but changed so damn quick.
"so, wanderer is the name you go with now?"
even up until now you wish that he'd just fall in love with you all over again and come back to you, but you both know it wouldn't even work out anymore even if he did come back to you, the feeling left him but yours never escaped.
"y/n, you do not have to make yourself suffer like this. just go back to being the harbinger you are, but im afraid i cannot stand beside you any longer."
you fought back the tears trying to break free from your eyes, "but i cant. i always need you by my side." you sniff, refusing to even look his way.
"you have to, you can't just cry about me all the time. you're the 5th of the fatui harbingers, there's a chance that we might be each other's opponents someday."
the thought of him taking the side of the good guys while you stayed with the villains hurts like fuck. but somehow, you also cannot betray the tsaritsa.
"why does it hurt so much.." your voice muffled from covering your face with both hands, not wanting him to look at you, crying.
"because the love you had for me was genuine, and so was mine. but ive already moved on, neither will mine come back even if we get back together."
he stood up, lending you a hand.
as soon as you got back to your feet you pulled him close and sobbed in his chest, he let you sob your pain out, ignoring the fact that you're ruining his clothes.
"the traveler has mentioned that nahida can alter memories, is she telling the truth."
"yes, but wh-"
"can you please just make her erase mine?"
"y/n i don-"
although he had to make sure that the God of Wisdom was alright with helping a harbinger, he agreed and so did nahida. she was honestly touched and wounded from hearing about you and sc- the wanderer.
he wished to stay and observe how nahida erases him from your memories and will forever be an enemy in your eyes once this finishes.
"one last time, y/n. are you okay with this."
you nodded, glancing at your ex lover one last time. if the Gods ever allow you to live once more, at least let it be with him.
"here we go."
tears started streaming down on your cheek as you closed your eyes, and felt weird seconds later. your eyes opened and observed the unfamiliar place you were in, turning your attention to a certain man beside you who was on the verge of tearing up.
maybe in another world, y/n. i will love you with all i have, that's a promise.
now he just has to watch you from afar, knowing that he would forever be the opponent of the side you've always been with. as much as he wanted to grab his feelings back, he couldn't.
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note. hey !! this has been sitting in my drafts for weeks now, and this is actually inspired by a genshin oneshots book in Wattpad ! also about the smau, i commented on the second chapter. please take a look at it if you're waiting for an update on the smau !
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tighnara · 2 years
hello!! i saw that you were down for requests and instantly had the idea of reader being someone who likes to sing to themselves? Like they'll be doing something and without knowing it be singing a song. I do it all the time, especially when I'm focusing! The only character I have in mind is Kaeya so you can add whatever characters you want 🌸🌸🌸
Hey there! Ah YESS that's such an adorable trait, I love it! 🤍 Let's do this hehe I'm also gonna add Childe and Zhongli! (as always haha) 🌼 @milkyway-personas
..and now I hear a symphony
... how they react to you singing to yourself
✧ genshin men x gn!reader
✧ featuring: kaeya, childe, zhongli
✧ warnings: none ♡
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✧ Despite being by your side for quite some time now, he never noticed this habit of yours until recently. Maybe that was because he never really got the chance to catch you off guard just like he did right now.
✧ He is on his way to work when he notices that he left some important documents at home, which is why he turns around and quickly makes his way to your shared apartment again, slightly annoyed because he is definitely gonna be late for work. He doesn't waste any more time, immediately grabbing the papers that he left on the kitchen table before, already making his way out the door again when he suddenly hears a low humming coming from your bedroom. He frowns and decides to check up on you, making his way to the source of the humming as quiet as possible.
✧ Suddenly his work isn't so important anymore and he ignores that he should really get going. I mean, how could he? Instead he lingers at the door, silently listening to the sound of your voice, low humming slowly getting louder as your singing echoes through the apartment. He can't help but smile, crossing his arms and raising his eyebrows as he gets lost in the sweet sound of the voice that he loves so dearly.
✧ You would think that he is going to make some kind of cocky remarks and interrupt you at some point, but NO, not this time. He is not even bothered by the fact that you don't notice his presence. In fact he is actually glad that you don't notice him because he doesn't want this moment to end.
✧ He never told you about this, too afraid of ruining it for you and making you feel embarrassed. Also because, ever after this day, he makes sure to pay attention to you whenever he notices you focusing on something, hoping to hear your sweet voice again. You don't even have to be good at singing because every little sound, no matter how bad it might be, makes his heart flutter in excitement. And once he starts pays attention to it, he catches you singing quite often, asking himself how he could have missed that before.
✧ You never understood why he suddenly started calling you his "little songbird" but you don't really mind it, thinking it is a lot cuter than the nicknames he usually gives you, which are more often than not used for teasing you.
✧ "Oh, don't mind me. I'm just enjoying the little show you put on for me, my little songbird."
✧ It is no secret that he adores literally everything about you, from the way your cheeks turn red whenever he teases you to the warmth of your soft hands whenever he needs to feel you close to him. So it is really no surprise that he finds this especially cute.
✧ "What was that?" he asks when he hears you singing for the first time. He takes a look around him, searching for you. He was so focused on writing a letter to his family that he didn't really pay attention to you. At least until he saw you standing in the kitchen, cleaning the stove thoroughly while singing a song he recognized almost immediately. You must have picked it up the last time Teucer visited you two.
✧ Doesn't waste any time, dropping his pen and making his way to the kitchen to greet you with a big smile on his face. Not only did you sing in front of him for the first time, it also seems like you are learning more about his culture, which makes his heart race. Your pronunciation is far from perfect but that just makes him adore you even more, knowing that you try your best. He can't help but let his thoughts wander until he snaps out of his trance and pulls you into his arms, nutzling his face into your neck.
✧ "How can you do this to my weak heart, huh? Being all cute and giving me a heartattack."
✧ Being the attentive person he is, he thought that he knew everything about you. Every of your cute little habits that make his heart flutter like the one of a young man in love, he paid attention to, trying to learn more and more about you.
✧ Though you eventually proved him wrong, catching him by surprise as you pass him, making your way to the living room, singing a calm melody while being completely lost in thought. You don't even notice the way he slowly closes the book he was reading until you entered the room, his curious gaze lingering on you as you keep singing to yourself.
✧ He wonders what made you do that. Are you focused? Happy? He doesn't know. Over the next couple of weeks he notices that you start singing quite often and it also seems to be the same song everytime. He has to admit that he found a liking to it. Your sweet melody reminds him of warm days in spring, your voice being the wind that envelops him with warmth whenever he hears you singing.
✧ It wasn't until he found himself humming your song at work that he noticed how invested he was in your little habit. Of course Hu Tao would mock him for it, making fun of him acting all love-struck. But he didn't mind that. He likes the thought of having a small part of you with him wherever he goes.
✧ "Will you sing that again for me? Don't stop, no. I find it very pleasant, my love."
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nogenderbee · 7 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝔹𝕒𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕞 ₊˚ˑ༄
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ not a request!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Happy Birthday to my favorite composer <3
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
Affiliation with @virtualbookstore
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"<Alright, I'm going to bed finally. I'll go a bit earlier next time I promise. Good night or good day! Whichever suits you ♡>"
That's the message you got from your girlfriend at 5AM... you of course loved her very dearly. But her life style will be the end of you one day...
She told you at night that she'll probably stay up a bit longer since she got pretty good music idea but you certainly didn't expect her to go to sleep now... not at the hour you were slowly waking up!
Well... at least you can be sure she's getting some good rest now and that you have time to bake something sweet for her! You didn't wanted to overdo it with large cake but rather set on for a simple cupcakes!
You already set your eyes on vanilla cupcakes recipe and strawberry frosting recipe! And on top of that, you planned to add little strawberries on top!
You got up from your bedroom as soon as you got dressed and made your way to kitchen, getting all the needed ingredients out before you began your baking!
Luckily, it wasn't anything advanced so it went pretty smoothly! You weren't in rush either, knowing that Kanade is getting her well needed sleep.
Once you finished baking and decorating, you put cupcakes carefully in a box, attached small card to it and wrapped it all with a ribbon at the outside for prettier looks! And then, you decided to text your girlfriend hoping she's done with her little nap.
"<Hey Kana! Are you awake yet? How was your nap?>"
"<Oh yes, I just woke up actually. And it was a good rest! Did you had a nice rest today too?>"
"<Definitely! Tell me, is it alright if I drop by today?>"
"<Of course! Feel free to come whenever you want. I'm pretty much just working on music and I'm going out with Nightcord at 6pm.>"
"<Okey-dokey! I'm coming right now then!>"
It's just 1pm... You definitely have time untill their meeting! But still it'd be nice to get there as quick as possible so you won't interrupt. Tough knowing silver haired girl and her group... you'll most likely end up joining them.
For now tho, you're just grabbing box meaning to be a present and made your way directly to your girlfriend's house without any stops.
Finally arriving at her place, you rang on the doorbell and soon enough, they were opened by no one else's than Kanade! And you for one didn't wanted to waste ant time, and immidietly handed her box you've prepared.
"Happy Birthday, Kanade!"
"Ah, I almost forgot... Thank you. Oh, come in."
You could only chuckle, did she really forgot about her birthday? That must mean the whole Nightcord meeting is a surprise too!
You made your way in, closing the door behind you and when you looked back, you saw blue eyed girl smiling at both, the note, cupcakes and maybe you as well~
@bleachtheidiot @prsk-krow @modyuki @hakulivesformusic - come get your noodle lover!
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beatricehawthorne · 26 days
Hey! It’s me again! I notice you like Code Geass too!
Actually in my Narnian/Ransom Trilogy fanfiction multiverse and I have a reimagined Code Geass AU as well
Code Geass: Lelouch of The Knighthood which is mostly inspired by Prince Caspian
It exists as an alternate earth which like the D.Gray-Man world shares a singularity which is The Birth,Death, and Resurrection of Christ which redeemed all worlds
In it Suzaku was framed for his parents assassination and his memories rewritten as a child, this was the work along other political figures throughout the world getting assassinated(including Marianne along with Lelia and Empress Tianzi’s parents) in a satanic conspiracy of The Geass Order lead by Vincent(insert Freemason joke here) under their service to “The Usurper of Geass” who’s implied to be Satan/Tash/The Bent One
Soon this leads to Charles own death when he regrets what he’s done and finds out about Mary’s death being part of the cults plan and is about to tell the public and Schnizel taking over with a satanic mockery of Geass with the aid of V.V. to continue the scheme
Here Aslan/Christ appears as cloaked and masked figure “The Master of Geass” son of “The Infinite One” and through whom “The Geass Specter” proceed through
And the Keeper of Space Time is the Oyarsa of this world if your familiar with The Ransom/Space Trilogy
Geass in this case is the configuration of “Deep Magic” of This World and given how C’s world works, it can kinda be how the communion of Saints manifests itself in this world and tragedy befalls only to those who try to bend it to their will rather than submitting to the Master, kinda was inspired by The Magician’s Nephew
Basically Lelouch and Co make better choices(there’s still drama and conflict mind you!) and their major goal is to get Nunally seated as Empress and stop The Ragnarok Connection which is far more demonic in this AU
I’m just thinking how Aslan would get to Lelouch, Suzaku, and Kaplan with their bitterness and sorrows. Lelouch definitely needs work with the wounds of betrayal, and hoo boy is Jesus not unfamiliar with betrayal and suffering
That's a lot information to digest so I took my time thinking and answering this ask. I must say you put a lot of mind and efforts into this fanfiction of yours. Such enthusiasm is admirable, so keep up with it and don't let what I share next be a guide to your brainstorming and world-building. I believe one remains a better judge for one's own writing, for good or for bad.
I have zero knowledge on the Ransom Trilogy, so little can I contribute on details related to it. I do love Code Geass, though; so I can share a bit.
In my opinion, Code Geass is a story about the battle of philosophy and ideologies which ends with the triumph of the protagonist's, Lelouch's, idea, which bears the closest resemblance to Christianity. Unlike his father Charles or his brother Schneizel, Lelouch chooses the role of a villain to be slain instead of the role of God (funny, as the Son shows Himself to us not as the dominating Lord, but chose to follow the will of the Father to be the sacrificial Lamb to take away the sin of the world). He offers himself as a sacrifice to give the world a chance to embrace the future and puts his trust in people's perserving wish for happiness, and death is also his way of atonement. Despite all his lies and faults, Lelouch is quite a romanticist who never gives up his belief in hope and dreams, who treasures his loved ones, who, to quote Chesterton, "hate it [the world] enough to change it, and yet love it enough to think it worth changing." For such a character, I don't think it's hard for our Lord to reach to his heart. The only issue is whether he will accept our Lord's will, which asks him to entrust everything to the Divine Mercy.
Suzaku is the obstinate one here. While I also love him as dearly as I love Lelouch, after losing Euphemia, he acts like a jerk (partly justified), and only after committing the irreversible crime of robbing the lives of over 10 mil people that he accepts Lelouch's method and wholeheartedly works with him for the greater good. Still, I understand why Suzaku stubbornly clings to his idea, and he's right in thinking that the ends cannot justify the means; though frankly I think his means are also controversial and contradicting to this particular belief. Anyway, how God touch his heart depends on at which point Suzaku is at that time (the naive suicidal boy before meeting Euphy, the man full of anger and resentment after her death and betrayal to Lelouch, or the massacrer of millions).
Lelouch and Suzaku make the best choices with what they have to deliver a good story; not necessarily the wisest, but most appropriate given their personalities and surrounding circumstances. Now the thing with stories and fanfiction is that I love them because while they are somewhat similar to the real world, they need a bit of naiveté and idealization to let everything fall into its place and bring about the wanted outcome. You have chosen the hard task of bringing God to your fantasy universe as the only thing equal with such experience is our real life, which will last till the Day of Judgment. Best to quote Tolkien here:
“... Actually I am a Christian, and indeed a Roman Catholic, so that I do not expect ‘history’ to be anything but a ‘long defeat’— though it contains (and in legend may contain more clearly and movingly) some samples or glimpses of final victory.”
(JRR Tolkien, Letters, 255)
I object to the idea of a masked and cloaked figure. That reduces Jesus Christ to a mere symbol while unlike Zero, He is the Way, the Truth and the Life, the Word in flesh and blood. To have Him hide behind any kind of mantle seems tasteless and defies His nature.
I'm also not comfortable with the idea of Lelouch doing his best to put Nunnally on the throne. While she is more than capable, I doubt Lelouch would place such a heavy burden on his dearest sister's shoulders. It's one thing that the situation forces him to let that happen or her to take on the responsibility by herself; it's totally another thing for him to treat it as his original goal. Lelouch loves Nunnally too much to do that.
Hope you find my answer helpful.
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thessalian · 1 month
Thess vs Restarts
So. I have a quandary. Actually, I have multiple quandaries, and all of them stem from being understaffed at work and lacking spoons for most things.
The last time I played Horizon: Forbidden West was about two months ago. I'm in endgame. I think I could probably get back into the vibe of it without starting at the beginning, but I'm not sure. But I don't really have the spoons for that shit anyway so I'll let that sit on the back burner. If I can still get into the endgame vibe now, I'll still be able to get into the endgame vibe in a month or whatever.
The last time I played Baldur's Gate 3, not counting a little bit yesterday, was a little over three months ago. The little bit I played yesterday has made me well aware that no, I cannot just get back into the vibe of it at the point of "Let's go rescue tieflings from squid-jail". Which means a restart. On the one hand, I have nearly 264 hours in that fucking game and have never finished a full playthrough. On the other hand, I have had it since early access, like, years ago, and I did get very nearly to the end at least once, so maybe I shouldn't be as infuriated with that as I am.
In both cases, it just feels aggravating to start all over again. On the other hand, a restart really wouldn't be the end of the world. Forbidden West is like ... hey, at least I'll be starting from a point of knowing what the fuck I'm doing this time. As for Baldur's Gate 3? Sure, I know where to look for a lot of things, but everything being a matter of dice rolls means I haven't had the exact same playthrough once in the several I've had to do and redo and redo again. Because there have been a lot of those.
(One of them was because of a mod incompatibility so I really hope that when they get Patch 7 working, their mod manager doesn't mess with the mods that are already out there...)
Anyway, I figure what's going to happen is that I'm going to restart Baldur's Gate 3, because I cannot deal with frenetic combat right now and turn-based is about the limit of my abilities just now, and I have a migraine so anything too convoluted probably isn't a great idea, and I can start an Alisaie liveblog with her as an actual Aasimar quite some time after the half-elf version was so that even if I do repeat some jokes, they'll probably hit like new anyway. And I will get back to Forbidden West eventually. That's the good thing about endgame here. I've dealt with literally everything at this point and I am not about to forget how much I want to turn those Zenith jackass's faces into pincushions with my arrows, so the vibe won't be hard to find. But not entirely remembering the path it took to get from "Oh fuck I'm on a Nautiloid" to "And here we go into the tower to rescue some tieflings" actually matters to BG3. Which is part of its charm, but it's exactly why I haven't been able to complete an entire playthrough yet - I keep getting low on spoons.
Hey, at least I get to mess around with the character creator. C'mon, that cannot only be my entire jam about games like this... Right?
As an aside, things really are a mess at work right now. The others seem to be dawdling through shit to avoid not so much the longer ones (although anything above three minutes is still avoided like the corpse of a shithouse rat by everyone except I think Goblin, ironically), but the Annoyances. So I get all the Annoyances now. I am so tired of the Annoyances. It's no wonder that I never have spoons anymore.
I would dearly love to get takeaway, but I can't. I mean, part of that's because gluten-free takeaway tends towards the expensive, especially these days ... but mostly it's because I did defrost leftover risotto so it needs to be eaten. At least hot meal won't require many spoons.
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brokenmelodies07 · 1 year
"You are my sunshine"
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Summary - To Jeno, Haechan was his entire world. Whenever Jeno was struggling, it was Haechan that saved him. But now, when it's Heachan that needs saving, Jeno is helpless.
Warnings - a little bit of gun activity and violence at the end
Author's Note - thank you to @remiilurai for helping me with the fic!
"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray," a sweet voice sang, filling the dark and dusty room with a sense of warmth.
"Yo, Jeno! Where are you, dude?"
"Go away. I'm not in the mood to talk now, Haechan."
"Oh, come on. You love me, you need me, you miss me."
"No, I don't. Get lost, man."
"Fine. Then, I love you."
"A horrible decision, really."
The boy with the chocolate brown hair, who Jeno dearly called Hyuck, walked in the dark, to the corner of the room, to find a lump of blankets.
"Found you!" Haechan cried, jumping on the lump, receiving a shout and a kick to the legs.
"You know you can't escape me, right?"
"I'm a trained killer, Hyuck. I think I can escape you if wanted to."
Jeno was tired. Not just physically, but mentally, emotionally and even spiritually, even though he didn't believe in God. He's always thought, if we believe in a good God, then why is there so much evil in the world? But now was not the time for deep philosophical thinking. He needed to cut off Haechan. He didn't want to, but he needed to. For his own safety.
He loved him. He loved him to bits. It was Haechan that brought light into his life. It was him that saved Jeno from himself. Haechan, for him, was his angel.
"Hey, sunshine. You're awfully quiet."
That snapped Jeno out of his thoughts.
"Huh? What?"
"You blanked out there for a second, Jen. I almost hit you with a pillow."
"Yeah, sorry about that, was just thinking about something."
"Hey, you're my bestie, you're my little ball of sunshine, you can count on this bad boy for anything, bro."
"Call me that again and you won't feel the sun on your skin again, Haechan."
No sooner did the words leave his mouth, Haechan jumped on him and proceeded to hug him and tickle him. God, did he love this idiot.
Jeno met Haechan when he was 9. After being hit for bringing home a stray cat, Jeno had run away with his new little friend and bumped straight into Haechan. Being his extroverted self, Haechan introduced himself, asked Jeno his name and then took him to his home. Haechan's home was Jeno's true home. It was his safe space. That day Jeno left his cat there and went back every day with the excuse of having to take care of the cat.
Haechan was always there for him. Haechan stayed. He never left Jeno, no matter his ups or downs. He was consistent, in his friendship, love and support. Haechan was his rock, his anchor, he was as Haechan called himself his 'platonic soulmate'.
Being a part of a gang was not Jeno's idea. It was his Dad's. His Dad who bet his son to work as a killer when he had nothing else to bet on. His Dad who made it impossible for Jeno to pay off the debts without continuing to be a killer. In Jeno's gloomy and misty life, Haechan was a ray of sunshine and of hope. Haechan was Jeno's family. The only family that mattered to him. To Jeno, DNA doesn't make family, love does, trust does and support does.
Haechan had saved Jeno multiple times. He saved Jeno from addiction, from killing himself, from his anger, from his sadness, from everything that was him.
Now, it was Jeno's turn to save him.
"Jenoooooo. Jenooo. Jeno!"
"Nothing, you just zoned out there for a second again."
"Don't you have something useful to go instead of annoying me, Hyuck?"
"Nah, man. Annoying you is useful. It makes you wanna kill me and you know me, I like that kinda attention."
"Don't say that, you don't know what you're talking about."
"Well, anyways, I actually do have some work to attend to, gotta go annoy Renjun into giving me the notes from yesterday's class. I won't be sleeping over for the next two days, by the way, Mom's scared I'm gonna fail my exams, but because I know that you can't live without me, I'll try sneaking out! Bye, Jen! See you!"
"Goodbye, Hyuck"
This was it. Haechan wouldn't be over for two nights. He could leave town. He could make Haechan safe. This was it.
In the next 12 hours, Jeno packed all his belongings, cut all his relations and sold his apartment. Jeno had just finished one of the biggest jobs he had ever taken. He knew that they would come for him, for his family and the only family he cared for was Haechan. So he had to distance himself from Haechan, for his own safety. He should, he must.
Jeno moved five cities, just to be safe. He believed that the more far he moved, the more safe Haechan would be. And he knew that Hacehan wouldn't look for him. He had done this a lot of times. Haechan was pretty used to this by now. Sure, Jeno had never moved five cities before, but these people were some of the worst and Haechan needed to be safe. It was his duty to protect him after all that Haechan did for him. He just had to wait for a month and then he could take Haechan away, to a new place, to live as normal people, to get a house, a job, to have a regular order at the coffee shop, to have neighbours, to find love, to raise a family, all by Haechan at his side. The city had moved to was perfect for that. He had rented a cabin by the river, in the outskirts of the city, for the month. It was this beautiful place with a garden and a swing and everything. He could already imagine leading a perfect life there.
Jeno took an entire day setting up the cabin. As soon as he finished up, he hit the hay for that well deserved sleep. For the next day, Jeno had planned a few things, like going to the coffeeshop and introducing himself, buying flowers for the house and plants and tools for the garden. He was ready to finally relax.
Drinking his freshly rewed coffee, Jeno strolled up the hill to his cabin, stopping here and there, to pick wild flowers. On reaching the cabin, he stopped to find his keys, but stopped upon hearing a creak from inside. It's an old cabin, Jeno thought, the floorwork must be acting up.
No sooner had he stepped into the cabin, his vision went black.
After a few minutes, which for Jeno felt like hours, he woke up, with a pounding headache and blood fallind down his face. He panicked. His anxiety rose. He tensed. There's no way. They couldn't have found him so fast. He was so careful, so, so careful. Then, how?
"Well, well, well, if it isn't the Prince, himself"
Jeno knew that voice. All those horrible memories flooded back. He wanted to run, run from this man who made him into the monster that he was today. He wanted to be as far from his father as possible.
"Well, son? Nothing to tell your dear old father after all these year?"
"Get lost again, will you?" Jeno spat.
"Hmm. Not the response I expected, but maybe this may encourage you a bit. Bring him!"
There was a shuffle. Two men entered. One wore all black, but the other. The other had converse with the sun drawn on them. No, he didn't know about Haechan. How could he? No, God, plase, no. No.
"Haechan, was it, kid?"
"Not your freaking business, Grandpa. Jen, who is this clown? He's been talking shit for hours."
Jeno couldn't muster up his courage to face Haechan. He knew what was coming. He couldn't find his voice.
"It's, it's him, Hyuck, it's him"
"Hyuck? Really? God, you're just like your mother, so emotional, so full of feelings."
"Please don't hurt him, I'll do anything, please, just please, leave him alone."
"Oh, Jeno, you should have thought about the consequences of killing my business partner, then. Do you know how much I lost? Because of your foolishness? Your greed for money? I told you to join my gang so many times, yet you didn't and now here we are."
"Jen, what's he talking about?"
"Oh, it's nothing you need to worry about, kid. It's father son business. Now, Jeno, I'm going t show you the consequences for your actions. Your stupidity already killed your mother, now you friend, too. Now that he'll be gone, too. Why don't you come work for me. Maybe, I'll even pay you back for all the debts. What say, huh?"
"Not a chance, you filthy piece of shit! You think you can just waltz back into his life and make him do your bidding, well, I've got news for you"
"Agh, you've got quit mouth on you kid, I don't like it. Do it."
As soon as the door was closed behind Jeno's dad, the man on Haechan's left pulled out a gun, shooting Haechan in the stomach, right where it should kill him.
The man threw the gun to the side, and untied Jeno, making him run to his friend, taking him in his arms.
"Boss wants an answer in 10"
The two men closed the doors behind them. Jeno couldn't see straight. It was his fault. All his fault, Haechan was injured, he couldn't help him. It was all him. It was always him.
"Hey, Jen" croaked Haechan, trying to sit himself up straight.
"Hyuck, I'm sorry. It's my fault. I'm sorry. I'm sorry"
"Yo, I love you, man. I've always loved you and I will always love you, okay? You're my little ball of sunshine, you're my best friend, man"
"Yeah, I love you, too"
"Finally! I've been waiting for years for you to say that. Now be a good friend and sing me a song, Jen"
"Huck, no, I'm sorry, this is because of me. I shouldn't have talked to you. I should've moved more far. It's my fault you're like this."
"Hey, you and I both know that it isn't your fault, my time's over, that's all. Now, sing me a song, I don't want to die like this, it's not a very good story to tell, sing me our song, Jen, one last time"
Jeno couldn't, but he wanted to, he wanted to sing that song, that song that he so closely associated with Haechan. He wanted to sing it for the last time.
"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know, dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away"
Jeno sang, he sang his heart out, he sang for his friend, for the only person who loved him.
"The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you in my arms
When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken
So I hung my head and cried"
Haechan had a smile on his face. His eyes were closing, but he still hummed to the song. Jeno took the gun in his hands. The humming stopped. He put the gun to his chest, right where the heart should be.
"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know, dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away"
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kirihotto · 2 years
Sugar Cake {J-hope X reader 18+}
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→ Rating: 18+ Minors are strictly prohibited from engaging and reading this content. It contains explicit content.
→ Genre: Established relationship/ Birthday treat & Valentines
→ Summary: Hoseok's birthday is creeping up and plans have yet to been made. Jimin reaches out to you and helps plan something for all of you. But you have an idea for something after meeting with the guys.
→ Word Count: 3 050
Disclaimer: All members are face and name claims for the story. This is entirely a work of fiction and by no means is meant to be a projection, judgment or representation of real-life people. All works are purely for entertainment purposes.
Published: 02/18/23 (Hobi's B'day)
(Your POV)
Hoseok’s birthday. Only four short days after valentines day. In which I had done nothing for. He had been busy filming and recording for their new single; Butter. So we really haven't had much time to discuss plans for his birthday or valentines day. Sure enough we did little things for his birthday. But until now he was loaded with work. Constantly away or busy practicing. Not that I mind. Rather, I feel Hoseok deserves more. A break. Time where he can relax with his dearly loved members. In which I hope to be a part of. Which Jimin had agreed to.
Jimin: Hey! F/N you know our Hoba’s birthday is coming up right?
Me: Yeah! You guys have been so busy. I wasn't sure whether to plan something or not..
Jimin: Yeah we have been busy. T.T
Jimin: But! Hobi deserves it! Let’s make a plan. Our recording should finish right on his birthday actually! So we should be free for awhile other than promo’s. (Let’s just say that for the story. Butter was released in May.)
Me: Alright! I had an idea I would like to do..
The members had each gotten their own small gift for him. Planning to book out a private diner with the members. Rather than Hoseok and I having to drive home, Stay at a hotel close by. So we could drink to our content.
We had begun preparing on Valentine's day. Booking a restaurant to hold all of us, the hotel, getting cake ingredients and.. All the valentines stuff on sale.. Which led me to buy a small sweet pink set of flowers and a small batch of candy hearts. I wasn't exactly the best at baking so hopefully it was good enough. The thought was there anyway. The thoughts of him cuddling himself off to sleep next to me after a late night practice. It was satisfying yet kind of painful to see how tired he was. Trying to get my message across with everything. Letting him know he was doing amazing.
(Hoseok POV)
I’m glad we are able to do this again for ARMY, yes.. I was surprised no one had remembered my birthday. None of them said anything about it other than ARMY. Not that it mattered since we were so busy. I wouldn't blame them! I had nearly forgotten myself. Not to mention Valentine's day. I hadn't gotten F/N anything for valentines day since we’ve been together. I had always seemed to be busy around that time. So I ended up leaving them by themself. Made me feel so bad everytime.They would tell me it's ok over and over. Alright! That's it! I’ll at least pick some flowers on the way home.
“That’s a wrap!” One of the many staff had shouted from behind the camera. While we stood under bright lights with all eyes on us. Black and yellow fancy suits in all. Makeup over done to allow the camera to see such detail. Our chests rising and falling nearly sink like the whole choreography had been. Practicing over a hundred times to ensure perfection. Which was exhausting but some how felt great.
“I am STARVING!” Jin howled once we reached the hall to our dressing rooms. Pulling his bee colored suit from his wide shoulders. We all laughed at Jin’s loud statement as he read what we were all thinking. Jin scowled. “No, I'm serious.”
“Yes yes we all are.” Namjoon chuckled back. Swiping back his navy blue hair with a grin.
“Hey! I got us a place booked for dinner! Lets get cleaned up and head out?” Jimin shouted from his room in the small hall, a flash of his bright red hair drawing my attention.My silent debate ran through my mind. A dinner? I mean I'm starving. But I just wanna see F/N…
“Sure. I'm down as long as Namjoon isn't driving.” Suga stated boldly. Honestly not expecting much else from him. Though a small laugh escaped my lips. Everyone else agreed. While I was still debating on going. How could I refuse my members! We just finished an awesome single and were starving. I’d have to grab the flowers before dinner. All their eyes were on me. I blinked in confusion.
“Oh! Right of course I'm going, do you even need to ask?” I chuckled and messed around with my suit. Usually they didn't ask at all and assumed we would all go. After my answer, happy yes’s filled the silence as the younger members flew to the showers. “ I need to grab something on the way to dinner.”
Yoongi nodded giving me thumbs up before making his way to his room. Perfect! I’d get those flowers and have dinner after making an awesome song. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad. Doesn't matter, it's my birthday! It’s still another day with everyone.
Roughly an hour had passed and we were all sitting in the lobby. The three youngest came out to us arm in arm full of laughter. A great sight to see. Yoongi and Taehyung had been chosen as the drivers of the night. We all piled into cars, the three youngest in one car and the four oldest in the other. Jin next to me, fixing his hair on his phone camera. Namjoon next to our driver. Yoongi turned his dark eyes to me from the front.
“Where did you need to go?” He asked gently fixing his curled black hair. He was rather relaxed today. Or maybe he was just tired? Once we grab food we'll all feel better anyway i’m sure!
“The flower shop! I won't be long.”
“Flowers? For what?” Namjoon asked from the front seat, cocking an eyebrow.
“Oh, F/N of course!” I replied while Joon nodded with that sweet smile. Yoongi drove off, making our way to the diner. I grabbed a small set of red and white roses on the way over. Jin teased me sniffing the roses placed between us. Doing awful impersonations of F/N receiving the flowers and so on.
Making it to the diner as we sat in the car waiting for the other members. It was somewhere we had come pretty often as a treat. It was one of my favorites. Jin and Namjoon were chatting away while I stared at the fresh roses. Thoughts of F/N kept swirling in the back of my mind while we waited. The last three members pulled up next to our car. We began to leave the car until Yoongi had stopped me. I paused due to his order.
“You might wanna take those with you.” He gestured with one hand. The other tucked in his leather jacket pocket. Following his guidance to the roses.
“Alright! Best not to leave them behind I suppose.”
Meeting up with the rest of my members in the parking lot. We made our way inside by Jimin’s lead. He walked up to the counter and checked us in. We all took our seats with the menus. Suspiciously I looked around the room while we all chatted. There was an empty chair next to me where the flowers I had bought sat. Everyone was rather quiet including myself. Namjoon and Jimin both stood off to the side. Looking at their phones and whispering slightly.
“Hi!” the door burst open. I had nearly jumped out of my skin at the sudden sound.
(Your POV)
“Sorry I was late, I meant to get here before you all.” I apologize. Seeing Hoseok star struck. My hand clung to the open door as I took deep breaths. Since I had spotted their cars and booked it here.
“Wahhh.. am I dreaming?” Hoseok asked, placing his hand over his chest, looking about. The guys burst out laughing at his reaction.
“Happy birthday!” We all cheered, a smile finally graced his face since I had seen him. I had been standing awkwardly out of breath with my hands full. The members all properly seated. Everyone was laughing and chattering. Though Hoseok didn't say a word. He stood up and walked over to me.
“Hoseok?” I was worried. His gaze did not meet mine. Rather it met the floor. Until he wrapped his arms around me in a tight warm hug. His head resting on my shoulder.
“Thank you. I needed this.” He whispered in my ear sweetly. His voice low and steady. While my heart was fluttering about. Seriously, I missed him like crazy today.. He pulled back a firm grip on my shoulders. “Wow you got me gifts too! Oh! Here I got you these! For late valentines haha!~”
“Oh! Thank you.” I was shocked at his offer as well. He held out a similar looking flower arrangement to the one I had given him. After the exchange I took a seat next to him. Once we had ordered the stories began. Retelling stories about each other during the recent practice days. Silly mess ups, bad takes, funny interactions with staff all the sorts.
Food arrived and we all ate our fill. Not long before drinking our fill as well. Luckily no one seemed to be drunk. It was so nice seeing everyone happy. Smiles all around as they teased one another. But that brightest loud laugh from next to me was one I had missed. Hoseok sat chatting with the other members. His slender hand placed on my thigh, swiping kind cuddles. Whether it was the alcohol or just being clingy. His simple action flustered me whenever he would move. My gaze directed at the table, my drink in a decent firm grip. Yoongi sat across from me. He tapped my leg with one of his doc’s.
"Sick of us are you?" He whispered to me from across the table. Taking a sip of his drink. Everyone else's gaze filled with smiles. While Yoongi held a cocky smirk at me. My face beat red. Ruffling his hair he looked at Hoseok innocently. Finally he noticed my scowl at Yoongi.
"What did you do now Hyung?" Hoseok asked, confused. Hearing Jimin's hysterical laugh, Jin joined in not long after. Hoseok scanned his friend for a response. Though Yoongi held his usual calm demeanor.
"Why don't you ask them?" He gestured his glass in my direction. The ice clinked together rhythmically. Hoseok's tender gaze flew to me. His grip on my thigh tensed as he looked me up and down.
"Ah! No no I'm fine he just hit me under the table by mistake." I replied. Hoseok rolled his eyes, nudging me.
"I thought something was wrong with you. Stop pestering each other." He scolded mockingly. Waving a sassing finger about. Yoongi just silently took a sip of his drink. Sliding me a cocky wink. The waiter had come back with the check. Jimin was the first one to snatch it. Namjoon testified. The two were bickering about it until the cash. Hearing them even in the private room. After paying we made our way outside. The cold puffs of laughter filled the lot. colorful sets of hair seen miles away, piling into the cars. While I held a grip on Hoseok's arm. He turned to face me confused.
“I umm.. Got us a hotel room for the night. I packed our clothes and everything already. I signed us in. It’s within walking distance from here.” I stated, my cheeks still flushed. He was shocked but a smile appeared in seconds. The cool wind blowing his pink tipped blonde hair. Though it hadn't felt cold next to him.
“Hyung! Are you joining us?” Jungkook called out waving his arm about.
“Naw! I got a ride!” Hoseok waved back to the group. “Thanks for the dinner, get home safe!”
His focus turned back to me. My grip still on his arm. He placed his warm hand over my cold one clinging to him. Tucking back a stray hair behind my ear, his stare directed at me. Hoseok leaned down to my view. Holding the flowers and treat in one hand.
“Lead the way.~” He wisped out slyly. I felt like I was the one getting spoiled. Getting all his attention for the past few hours. Leading him down the street as we talked until the door. My arm still linked with his. Feeling the silent tension rise as the elevator did so. Upon opening the room door was the cake I had made him. My own messy writing across the top. After a look about the room Hoseok’s view flew to it as well. Dropping the things by the door, Hoseok rushed over with a grin. My palms sweaty. He picked it up and read the crappy writing out loud. “Happy birthday my love..”
“I know it's kind of bad.. Looking. ” I attempted to hide my nerves. He placed the cake down on the table where it had been waiting. His attention turned back to me.
“Did you make this?”
“Y-yeah. It was really my first time trying something like that.” I replied honestly. A sweet smile came across his face again filled with glittery expectations. I knew that smile had meant he liked it without saying a word. Waving his hands about slightly he grabbed the chopsticks that sat at the other end of the room. Taking a piece with his chopsticks he took a bite. Loaded with vanilla cake and icing.
“Mmmm!” He exclaimed, scrunching his nose. Through a mouth full of cake he spoke. “Wah~ so good. Very sweet.”
“Thank you! I may have added too much sugar..” I chuckled awkwardly. Hoseok looked up to me from his place on the side of the bed. Legs swinging off the side of the bed, cheeks filled with cake. I took a bite as well. It was very sweet. But not necessarily bad. My shocked expression caught his gaze. He laughed, covering his mouth slightly. “ I wasn't expecting it to be so good. You're right though.. Too sweet haha.”
Chatting more about work and other life matters we finished the small cake. The room slightly dimmed as I crawled my way into his arms, lying on his chest from his lap. More stories and thoughts from Hoseok filled the room. Though I felt myself drifting due to comfort. Suddenly he stopped talking. Before I could ask a question. Feeling his lips on mine for only a brief moment, the slight taste of icing.
"Were you listening?" Hoseok asked, leaning over me. His pink tipped hair dangled in my face. Though he wasn't mad. He seemed more relaxed than anything. I dipped my hand on the soft skin of his face. My thumb rested on his cheek as he stared lovingly into my eyes. Staring back at me he placed his hand on top of mine. " I love you. Thanks for all this."
"I don't need thanks. You deserve this. You worked so hard.." I replied sincerely. He let my hand go and moved my hair off my forehead. Placing a gentle kiss. “Hobaa.. Sit up?”
“Mm? Sure thing love.” Hoseok obliged my request, full of confusion. Not a moment after I clung to him, placed atop his thighs facing him. Breathing in his sweet scent. Something filled with warmth. My arms enclosing him in a hug. He patted my hair before he did the same. Hoseok's slender hands resting at my back. There were no words spoken, just the feeling of love, comfort and warmth. Our bodies pressed against each other. Filling a longing that had been weighing us both down. Hoseok’s warm breath trailed down my neck. A fluttering of soft kissing trailing across it. My hands grabbed at the back of his hoodie, feeling the lean muscle. He paused his movement. Placing our foreheads together. “I missed you.”
“Me too..” His eyes flickered from my eyes to my lips. The sly look in his eye could easily tell what he was thinking. Though I flew backward toward the end of the bed. My form placed atop my legs, my hands tucked properly in front of me. Hoseok sat there wide eyed.
“I-i’m yours. You deserved to be spoiled… I won't stop you.” I stated my gaze toward the floor. From what I had seen, Hoseok's reaction was shock. Though once I returned his stare a pink dusted his cheeks. He cleared his throat before speaking.
“Are you sure?” Hoseok questioned, a look of lust with an attempt of sincerity. Nodding back in response the bright colored hoodie he had been wearing was whisked off his lean form, along with his shirt. His skin glowing in the dim room light, my eyes wondering his form. Hoseok let out a little chuckle drawing my attention back up to his sweet eyes. “You just gonna sit there and stare?”
“Take that off. And get your sweet butt over here!” Hoseok said, pointing to my top. Then gesturing to his lap. I did as he said though all the while I was nervous. His silent stare at my every movement. Crawling up to Hoseok’s lap from the end of the bed, both topless. My legs on either side of him, he hovered his hands on my hips. His eyes scanned my form. Then flickering from my lips to my eyes. “Wow. have you gotten more beautiful?”
“Hobiii!” I blushed, covering my face. He pulled my hands away, holding them between our chests. He crept closer to my lips with his. Finally meeting, soft kisses turned more harsh. My hands moved to rest on his shoulders. Hoseok’s snaking around my hips pulling me closer. Bareskin and warmth yet again. I could feel his smirk in the kiss. Pulling away he rested his forehead on mine, our breath slightly heavy. Looking into eachothers eyes. I moaned out at Hoseok's actions. He pulled my hips down rocking me back and forth. My hands flew to the sides of his face, resting slightly behind his ears. Slight groans escaped his lips as well as mine. A bulge was soon felt underneath my movement. Hoseok leaned into my neck leaving open mouth kisses. His soft lips leave trails of comfort and lustful craving.
“That cake was sweet. But I think this is sweeter.” 
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lost-decade · 10 months
Heyyy!!! So the fic questions!!
1 / 11 / 16 / 22 / 23 / 39 / 40
(I hope is not too much tho)
Hey! Thank you so much for asking, and sorry this took me so long.
1. Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi-chaptered fics?
This is a good question. I do enjoy both but I tend to gravitate towards one-shots purely because I'm not a particularly fast writer and I find it much easier to write fics that are around the 5K words mark.
Also I don't think my stories have a great deal of structure and I don't tend to do much plotting most of the time, which I think is something that you need to do with longer fics.
When I do hit on an idea though and manage to work out an end point, that's when I can really get into writing longer fics. A couple of my WIPs at the moment are multi-chaptered and I'm loving working on those.
I think as well, I worry that I won't be able to finish multi-chaptered fics, like I'll eventually lose interest. Which is why I don't generally post fics until they're complete. Although the James/Max I posted the first chapter of this weekend will definitely be finished, even if no one is interested lol.
11. Link your three favorite fics right now
This is hard as there are a lot of great fics out there but I'm lazy and don't go into the ao3 tags very often, instead I rely on recs from friends and I'm also guilty of rereading a lot of my old faves multiple times.
Looking at my history/bookmarks, these are three that I've recently read and loved:
that one from work can come over on monday night - Lovely Landoscar getting together WIP from @verycoolwearsleather. This is the kind of slow burn that I absolutely adore.
last chance saloon - Lewis/Jenson on the night of Jenson's retirement
Ode to a conversation stuck in your throat - Gorgeously written galex set across the 2022 season
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
At the moment there's just a couple. Tbh there's not a lot of pairings I'm very enthusiastic about atm. There are pairings I enjoy reading if the writing is good but that I wouldn't write myself.
I've probably written Max/James to death this year and as there won't be any new interactions between them going forward I think that will fizzle out for me soon. I would dearly love to be into an F1 pairing enough to write it but there isn't one that I'm into enough or would feel confident enough to write. I enjoy writing Max G because he's so private and that provides a lot of scope for character building because you only have the basics to work from.
I'm rambling so much lol sorry. Anyway, back to the question. At the moment there's a James/André fic I'm working on set in 2033 where André gets divorced, has a breakdown, goes to therapy and realises he's been in love with James for years while they do a classic car rally in Italy.
Also the concluding part in my Max/James series, where they split up and then work through some shit. And that's about it really. I mean, there's also a lot of random bits and pieces that I've abandoned.
22. Are there certain types of writing you won’t do? (style, pov, genre, tropes, etc)
I wouldn't say there's anything I'm dead set against writing, but ones that spring to mind that just don't interest me are a/b/o dynamics, high school AUs, fics with many multiple pairings. Actually mpreg is a very big no. Anything involving pregnancy majorly squicks me, regardless of gender.
I'm crap at writing anything technical about actual racing either. I tend to swerve that and concentrate on shippy stuff.
Also I generally don't have a lot of interest in writing established relationships. What I really love is the getting together, the figuring each other out and working through the obstacles. Once those things have been resolved and it's all plain sailing then it's mission accomplished for me from a writing point of view. Unless we're talking horny one-shots/PWPs and then how long they've been together is often inconsequential.
23. Best writing advice for other writers?
Don't get too tied up in worrying about how whatever you're writing is going to be received. Also, I find what is a huge help with motivation and confidence is having someone you can bounce ideas off and go to for advice if you're not sure if a certain scene/idea is working. Shoutout to @zeraparker, and @verycoolwearsleather for this.
39. Share a snippet from a WIP
From my André/James 2033 roadtrip fic:
Andre leans back against the sink vanity, marble cool beneath his palms. For a moment he’s half jealous, but more curious; him and James never talk about relationships though, unless you count the excruciating attempts the other night to discuss Ania. James is a catch, the type of guy Andre would have expected to be married with a kid by now, yet instead he’s here in Gordes with Andre, dressed like some new romantic popstar in leather pants and pale silk shirt. He gets away with it in a way that Andre isn’t sure he himself does. Surely there's someone.
They don’t talk to each other about that sort of thing, not in a serious way.
“Just wondering who's bed you’re going to end up in at the end of the night.” He gestures to James’ outfit. “This suits you mate.”
James smiles but there’s something in his expression that Andre can’t read, there then gone.
40. If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
Ooh this is hard. I'd be honoured with anything tbh! A couple of thoughts having scrolled through my fics: Daniel and Cyril kissing in the hotel corridor from Only Memories
The jeandre bedsharing from Protège-moi (although we do have the actual video from that lol)
And ahem, well. Max G in lingerie, from satin sheets and luxuries so fine
Get to know your fic writer!
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iceskatingmobsters · 1 year
so. ffxiv classes for Outer Wilds characters? I am interested
you ever accidentally leave something in your drafts for like a week? anyways, it appears you have activated my trap card--
this is a VERY incomplete list because I'm in between classes for a lot of them. everyone gets a dps and support class so party composition can be shuffled around (because thinking abt party dynamics is half the fun). this is gonna be disjointed as hell bear with me and under a read more because it got LOOOONG. spoilers below ye have been warned
Feldspar: your honor this is a dragoon and I refuse to take any other answer. as for a support class, they're definitely a tank and I can preeeeetty much see them going any tank that isn't paladin but I lean dark knight personally -- the invuln in particular sells it for me, more than warrior's even, because you refuse to die and THEN heal yourself back to full. very self sufficient but still needs help from the party. still can very much see them as a warrior (who needs a healer when you have bloodwhetting) or gunbreaker (superbolide is an objectively funny ability and my brain can't let go of the image of feldspar panic-bolide-ing)
Slate: the easy answer is machinist and gunbreaker and I'm going with that. with all the stupid stuff that machinist gets in its later levels ESPECIALLY like you get a flamethrower and multiple attack automatons it's practically tailor-made for slate "my autopilot throws you into the sun but it's functioning so I'm using it" outerwilds. gunbreaker I'm less sure about for lore reasons but I do know that should Slate go gunbreaker they superbolide maliciously (gossan refuses to heal if slate is tanking). can also see them going black mage or warrior as well
Gossan: I had a hard time pinning them down to be honest!! I've mostly settled on sage/ninja. NIN is flashy but not as much as dragoon is, plus it's more precise than DRG's "jump in the middle of the pack with a trail of fire and pray." also, trick attack/mug I rest my case. could also see them swinging monk because iirc monk has more overall party buffs (possibly red mage but my brain insists they're melee). as for sage this was more of a process of elimination -- I wanted them to be a barrier healer but I didn't think scholar fit them. sage's multitasking "do damage to heal" also Fits in my head for whatever reason
Hornfels: astrologian/red mage. they keep the observatory of COURSE they're an astro! the entire job quest is about awakening your abilities through observation of the stars! I also like the idea of them being a pure healer vs gossan's barrier healing but this is just to service the "slate healchecks the party with superbolide" joke. red mage because it's got so much party utility and Hornfels Is A Mage (black mage Hornfels would be very funny though considering black mage/thaumaturgy lore I'm not sure they'd go that route. summoner maybe, but again, considering lore eehhhhh unsure if Hornfels would like to square up with bahamut any time soon. most hinged member of owv)
Esker: my s.o who loves esker dearly is 100% convinced Esker is a blue mage which is very good considering it's a limited class but in the context of "everyone is actually in eorzea" I myself think they'd go for summoner and a tank (I'm leaning warrior). despite the summoner class quests once you actually do square up with various monsters and primals it gets pretty relaxed from there, and that fits prettty well -- esker did a lot of scary work getting the moon base up and running, and now they're kinda vibing, even if it does mean that the others esp. the newer owv members forget the work they put in (hey remember when summoner had a five-minute/sixty skill opener???). tank, specifically warrior because... ok forgive me but you know the end of bloodborne when gehrman gets up from the chair? That's Esker
Gabbro: they're a bard. quintessential full stop bard. like bard barely has a real rotation you just hit your procs as they light up and the later class quests are "one of your two job tutors and the one that is ACTUALLY A BARD fucks off to do smth stupid and unrelated and comes back with something useful and poignant, somehow" hi hello COME ON. I'm putting their support class as tank but I feel like they pretty much go bard exclusively. if they do tank I initially thought paladin but maybe they get DRK rights after being stuck in a time loop idk. that's probably enough angst to awaken an Esteem if gabbro decides to unpack that (they won't)
Riebeck: scholar scholar scholar it's perfect considering how archaeology-focused the SCH quest line is. Riebeck also deserves a cute lil fairy friend please give this fish eos they deserve a break!! as for THEIR dps class they have to be ranged, no way in hell Riebeck is getting within five ft of Thing That Wants To Kill Us. they're probably either bard or red mage (RDM being the relative Sanest magic dps option though good luck convincing them to Actually Do their melee combo). they'd be a shoe in for MNK since its questline is also about restoring a lost offensive art but, again, not brave enough for that ;; (though that would be a beautiful lil self conatined character arc, going from bard to red mage to monk as they get more confident and braver)
Chert: 100% astro they wear a scarf embroidered with the stars. this also furthers my "hornfels as chert's mentor" agenda (that I really wish I saw more of YES I have wips about it). also it's got lovely angst potential considering astrologians are supposed to divine the future from the stars : ^) I'm pretty sold on chert going monk for its themes of discipline, and because despite its scrappy beginnings, it's also a pretty precise class. could also see them as samurai considering how seriously that class takes itself (at least in its first four or five questlines, I've only got it to 59 yet oops). chert absolutely gets Melee Rights tho
Hatchling: omniclass they get to do whatever they want LOL no, actually, in all seriousness I have them as a PLD -> DRK and reaper. the reaper choice is based on the newest dungeon where you get some lore about a former I think garlean settlement that gave rise to reapers for defence purposes (they were farmers that basically made deals with demons to protect their home from demons iirc) and the nomai could absolutely fuckin stand in for that, so it makes a sort of poetic sense that the hatchling would pick that up after them. PLD to DRK for the same reasons as Gabbro but the hatchling sure does unpack all that
As for the other villagers, I only have four that I have solid ideas for right now. Gneiss is a bard/white mage, Hal is a scholar (there is a part of me that wants to make them a black mage as well since black mage invents new spells all the goddamn time and definitely not because I'm a blm/sch,) Rutile is a paladin, and Porphy is a white mage/dancer (did you know that NIN is really high on the dance partner priority list?? :3c) it'd make more sense for the villagers to be disciples of the land/hand exclusively -- gneiss as a carpenter, porphy as a botanist, spinel as a fisher (lol), hal as probably an alchemist -- but this is already a crack crossover and I'm making the rules so everyone gets a disciple of war/magic even if they wouldn't need one
for party compositions and dynamics I will be brief bc this is so long already but light party one would be feldspar and gossan as DPS, hornfels as healer, and slate as tank OR feldspar as tank, slate and hornfels as DPS, and gossan as healer. light party 2 used to be Esker as tank, gabbro and chert as DPS, and riebeck as healer/esker and riebeck as DPS, gabbro as tank, and chert as healer (though the second config happens rarely). full party would be prooobably esker and slate on tank, riebeck and hornfels healing, and the rest on DPS. once the hatchling is trained they take esker's place -- esker is enjoying their quasi-retirement from adventuring for the most part but misses it sometimes and will step in to fill as necessary.
...oh god I have so many dark knights what happened--
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ennaku-sirri-da · 1 year
Hey man Yknow what I’m actually kinda curious about what the basic plot of Roseverse is ngl. I mean from what I’ve seen habit is a big ol Grumpus muppet kinda fellow(BASED AS HELL BTW) soo ermmm, lore. Plz? *Looks at you with big ol eyes*
Okay I was gonna reply to this with a whole comic but it's taking a wHILE and I don't wanna keep you waiting THAT long so. Here's an answer in text for now!!
Roseverse didnt start out as an AU. It was a bunch of loose ideas all the way back in late 2021 for an idea I was struck with like when that Greek dude with the bathtub and the gold cried EUREKA! Except, you know, instead of making a huge scientific discovery I just made a bunch of nerd shit instead. Which is SOOO Haiderrrr /lh /affectionate
The idea was " What if Habit and Kamal were childhood friends"? ( Plaintext: What if Habit and Kamal were childhood friends? ) And so I worked off that basic premise. I took Habits diary pages, analysed them, and drew and thought out what he'd be going through and looked like at the time, with Kamal as well to mutually play off of each other. I did this ALL with my very good friend @prrusten 's help, hell we didn't even mean to make something so big, we were just talking and having fun and hitting it off!
But yeah. Here we are...Almost 3 years later! And now it's become a whole AU called Roseverse, after its Flower Kid sona/insert, Rose T. Flower. But it's not actually about him HwjjskHAKSJSJ--and its branched out beyond just Habismal though TBH Gillis is still the MOST underdeveloped character in the whole thing LOL I'll think of ideas for you one day someday muscleman. It's changed a lot too. There was a phase with Mad Scientist Kamal and everything. I don't think I'll ever post everything aha! But I will surely share content while I can.
Infact one of the changes is Habit's design...! You've seen some ofthe newer refs as opposed to Grumpus looking Habit, he looks more like a marionette. I still dearly love the old design...but messy stuff just happened and I feel immensely wrong using it again for newer art now. So I needed a specific revamp to indicate change for me. I don't really wanna get into every detail but I'll make a appropriate post about it one day or like update my pinned when I'm ready and know.
Here's a little drawing for you in the meantime Sharko! An old one but I think it still carries the spirit of the whole thing:
Tumblr media
[ ID: Simple styled and digital colored art of Dr Habit and Kamal Bora from Smile For Me. It is in mostly dulled purple and pink tones. Habits hair gives a burst of rose and pink against the other tones.
He is closing his eyes and has caught Kamal in a hug from behind, leaning into his head. He looks worried. Kamal looks back at him, visibly tired, but there is a spark in his eye. Here his hair is long and falling down.
Whitish-purple text reads ‘’We’re in this together.’’ Then more transparent, ‘’Not Alone’’ and finally in bold clear text, ‘’Dont forget.’’ end ID]
And a song I more newly associate with Roseverse vibes...
[Thumbnail ID: A screencap from the anime Clannad. A man kneels on the ground to tightly clutch a little girl who hugs back. The background is sheer white snow. End ID]
[ VD: The music sounds melancholic, with twinkling noises throughout, and a slowly played track with echoing ambience. End VD ]
Morning edit: Aw Sharko.. I'm sorry this happened right after I told you about it but I've decided Roseverse will be shutting down and I shall post no further content of it for the time being. I will still continue like, using this blog for S4M stuff and make fanart in the Canon style sometime later but yeah man... :") (teary smile emote)
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After spending hours this afternoon trying to work on something only to end up:
Breaking two tools I can’t afford to replace
Injuring myself
Having made the problem I was trying to fix worse instead of better
Realizing that this happens to me most of the time
Well, I think I have been avoiding facing this far too long. I am simply utterly incompetent!
Not joking.
Sometimes I know what to do, but I lack the skill or the strength or the money for parts or…but a lot of the time I don’t know. Maybe the vague idea, but not the specifics, and my situation is always just enough off research just points me wrong.
Maybe I’m just an idiot.
What really sucks is that my father was ultra capable, and because Pop and I thought alike everyone, including me, expects me to be ultra capable too.
That’s not fair! I mean, Pop was a genius.
I mean literally a genius in the classic IQ way (IQ is bullshit though, remember that!) but also in what he could do. Tell him build a bridge without modern tools, and he’d design it, cut down the trees, run them through a belt saw mill, and construct it himself so well you could run a tank over it. He was making a submarine from scratch. Where I just daydream stories, he would design sterling engines in his head for fun.
He was so good at stuff, constantly building and making things, using every tool imaginable. He seemed skilled at everything. Construction, electronics, survival skills, actually pretty much anything but musical instruments. TBH I think that’s mostly because he expected to be good at playing without spending time. Oh, and sports. He just hated sports! LOL (and Mom LOVED sports and had been an athlete!)
Pop’s head was overflowing with stuff. Ask him about his favorite areas of science (geology, physics, climate, actually just about everything but human biology) or history or politics and he could go off on it for hours.
I miss that, us out there fiberglassing on layups that could take hours, and talking the whole time. I miss talking to someone that’s interested in everything and never having to worry about being misunderstood or losing or offending the person.
I miss his brain soooooo much! I used to call him my external hard drive. Mom was our calculator and spell check (which is AMAZING since I can neither spell nor do math in my head…and yes, she was extremely smart too), but Pop was everything else. “Hey Pop, quick question about nuclear physics….”
But this is a major source of my problem. I was his side kick. He was The Doctor and I was the companion. I was good at that. Very good. Trouble is I don’t know quarter of what he knew. I don’t have him to ask what to do or how to do it. Every single day I realize how much I took being able to talk to him for granted.
I also certainly don’t have his magnificent, big, strong hands capable of both brute force and the most delicate of detail work. My hands just fumble.
Pop and I did think alike. It never occurred to me he was all that unusual because we got each other. Heck, half the time I acted as a kind of translator when he’d get too frustrated trying to get someone to understand. **
I’d certainly have never called him a genius (and only recently discovered in old papers that he actually technically was…’cause like I said, IQ is bullshit) and TBH, it feels weird to use. I can say it now that he is dead, but to say it about the living sounds like ego stoking crap.
I just thought he was interested in everything and he cared about everything and everyone. All curiosity and intense emotions. This seemed normal.
Pop was a sweetheart and I loved him dearly, but the loss of that wondrous mind of his felt like an extra tragedy when he died. I’d lost my father, my best friend, and my boss….but the idea that that brain was gone from the world was devastating.
Only later did I realize how much I’d lost. Yes, I’d helped him with everything, but I’m not him.
Frankly, compared to Pop I’m an idiot. I flail about cluelessly. My brain doesn’t record things. Once a task is done it gets erased, and so everything I did with Pop got deleted long ago. Just vague shapes of jobs, but the skills are gone. Forgetting means I have to reinvent the wheel all the damn time.
When Pop was alive I felt we could do anything. For too long after I’ve expected myself to be able to continue that indomitability. If I just kept trying, working at it, never giving up, thinking things through, I should be able to do anything too.
But I can do nothing.
For months it has been failure after failure, my world crumbling to dust around me. Not one thing I have tried to repair or create has worked. I make things worse, break things, ruin things. even things I had a modest ability at I no longer seem able to do (just look at all my sculpting, or better yet don’t).
For the first time in my life I really feel worthless, useless, pathetic…I almost even hate myself. Of course I have no one, no friends or family left. Why would anyone be able to care about someone with nothing to offer? I can’t even coast on being cute or funny when I’m ugly and no one gets my humor.( Is it really humor if no one else laughs?)
Today’s task turning into a disaster I don’t know how to fix was like a final nail in the coffin any sense of self respect, pride, and hope that I had. If I couldn’t do this, not a simple job of fitting some beams, drilling some holes, and pounding some nails…..
I dunno. As a little girl I was good at everything I tried. Now I’m good at nothing at all….not even sleep obviously! LOL
** “It’s in my head!” **He’d mime reaching into his head and throwing it at yours** “If I could just get you to see!!!” And then I’d sigh and find the words for it since I could see it too.
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books-with-shriya · 5 months
Hey Guys!!
I’m so so sorry for not being consistent this month and last month. School has been insanely busy with testing and what not the past two months so I’ve been on a grind. However this is not the best excuse 😭
I wanted to take the time to just update you guys on what I’ve read recently and how I feel about it.
1. Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros: I finished this book maybe mid-march. This book really did make me happy after reading the second book however the ending was um, heart crushing..anyways we’ll have to wait a year for the next one. Another thought is after rereading the first book as well as this book, I’ve realized why I actually like the book series. In no way is it actually good writing, it’s just a mixture of every trope or character type I love. So yes it is quite shitty writing, but it makes me happy anyways. Also this book just makes me so freaking mad with the constant arguing between Violet and Xaden, and it was the same damn argument over and over. Like this book gave second book syndrome so much it made me want to throw the book repeatedly at the wall. Will is still be reading the third book? Yes 🤷‍♀️Also these characters do not act like 20 year olds. So..take this how u will
2. This Woven Kingdom by Tahereh Mafi: AHH this book actually made me really really happy. I finished this book early last month as well. I love Tahereh’s writing, iykyk shatter meeee 💕. I absolutely adore her writing style in this book as well. While it does take a while to get into the book, it’s very interesting and I love the added Persian folklore weaved in, it just adds to the already awesome plot!! I also got to write a fictional piece off this book and it provided so many details and inspiration, just ugh so good. Overall awesome book :)) I’m also currently on the second book, almost done w it and will probably address it in the next post
3. The Thousandth Floor by Katharine McGee: This book was actually given to me by my brother as a b-day gift 💕💕 I’ve already read this series and love it dearly. It was really nice to read the first book again and just feel all those feeling that I experienced when I read it for the first time. I haven’t really heard people talk about this book series but it’s just such a fun dystopian and thrilling novel. Totally recommend :)
4. Fate Breaker: I’m not even sure that I should include this, based purely on the fact that I’ve read the first two pages…basically I had no idea what was going on so I decided hey lemme read the second book..no idea what’s happening either, so I think I’m just gonna start from the first book and work my way up, I know I’m gonna love it so I’ll surely update you guys through reading the third book. I have high hopes, Victoria don’t lemme down :)
I think that’s it for this post, it was mainly just an update and me tryna get back into the groove yk
This doesn’t even relate to book but I just got the announcement of Gracie Abrams releasing her new album and I’ve never been more excited, and the single is coming out Wednesday 😭😭 I’m so freaking excited..will also update you on this..any Gracie fans here!!??
Happy Reading 💗
~ Shriya <3
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