#but roommate moved back in with their partner and that's the only plausible explanation i have rn for why everything is loading like ass
prismatoxic · 6 months
clearly we do not have the internet speed to be sharing this house with 2 extra people. i am fucking suffering rn
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hrina · 4 years
And They Were Roommates
A semi-crack fic featuring bi!Reader x female!OC and awkward Harry
Written for #majorharry20k
Disclaimer: I have no idea how washing machines work. I don’t know if this is even plausible. Just go with it. Also, im very bisexual, so I’m not fetishizing it or anything. Just thought I should mention that too. I intended this to be about 1k and it ended up being 
1 – “that’s by far the dumbest thing you’ve ever done”
3- “our water bill is going to be through the roof after this”
23 – “Great. I’m soaked.”
To Cass: Hi. You don’t know me, and I prefer to stay anonymous (I’m not the butterfly anon I promise). I’ve been following your blog for a while, since you were a 5sos blog, and I love your writing. I do write, but until now I haven’t written for Harry. Your prompts inspired me. I’m so happy you reached 20k, you deserve it. Hope you enjoy <3  
“It’s broken.”
“Wha’d’ya mean it’s broken?”
“I mean broken. Doesn’t work. No longer functions. How many definitions do you want.”
Harry shakes his head in disbelief. “How on Earth do you break a washing machine?”
In his disbelief, he misses your and Val’s faces turning red.
“I guess- maybe- we put too many clothes in?” Val stammers.  “The landlord will fix it though right? Isn’t it in our lease agreement?” 
Harry shakes his head again. “I’m pretty sure we’re responsible for our own broken appliances.”
“That’s a shit deal,” you jump in for the first time. Harry’s eyes land on you. A couple beats pass, enough for it to become almost awkward. His gaze is intense up until the moment he breaks the silence.
“Yeah, well, we weren’t exactly master negotiators when we moved in. The rent was so low we figured it was worth it.” You’ve heard the story of how Val and Harry became roommates many times from her. How they had been put together for a group project at school, but neither had wanted to meet at their own place, so they ended up always meeting at a coffee shop. How they had become fast friends, meeting up for coffee after the project was over, and opening up to one another about how campus housing had screwed them over. Harry had complained about living with boys, how they were messy, never cleaned up after themselves, ate all his food, and most importantly (and disgustingly) left used condoms everywhere. He had basically been the house cook and maid for the majority of the year. 
Val’s roommates, well, they weren’t outwardly homophobic, but it was little jabs at her that added up over time. Cliché comments like ‘you don’t want to date me, do you?’ and things like being okay with being undressed around each other, but getting weird around Val. By midterm first semester, she had been sleeping in your room more times than not. You would have let her move in, but understandably, your roommates weren’t too happy about another body in your already-too-tight room. So, after the first year of housing was over, Val and Harry had pooled funds and with a bit of luck, mixed with the fact that Harry’s stepdad knew a guy, they managed to find a cute little apartment not too far from the school. An apartment that they lived in to this day, three years later. 
Although you were over there quite a lot (who wouldn’t prefer an apartment over campus housing?), you and Harry had never really become close. Sure, you two would be in proximity during group outings, but you spent most of your time there in Val’s room, and whenever you were in the kitchen or living room, Harry seemed to be busy in his room. You originally thought he didn’t like you, but when you asked Val about it, she assured you that he liked you just fine, though she acknowledged that he was a bit weird around you sometimes. It only got worse after the time he had accidentally walked in on you and Val.
You and Val had a very close relationship – but you had both agreed you were better off as friends. But friendships can have benefits, can’t they? Besides, the times you hooked up were scarce – only when you were both in between partners, which, admittedly, wasn’t very often for you. The time Harry had caught you was right after you had broken up with your boyfriend after finding out that he had been seeing another girl. You had been angry and frustrated, and in need of some sort of release. Val, who rarely dated, was willing to help out. 
You don’t think Harry had seen much, but you had only realized that he had seen something when you heard the bedroom door slam. After that, he had had a hard time meeting your eyes. You couldn’t for the life of you understand why though, he certainly wasn’t a blushing virgin himself. You had been there to see off quite a few of his one-night stands trying to sneak out in the morning. 
To be fair, you were also usually there for the same reason, just a different roommate. The difference was instead of sneaking out in the morning, you’d stay for the day. And usually the following night. And sometimes even the night after that. Val had told you that given the amount of times she slept at yours during the first year, you were entitled to stay over whenever you wanted, and Harry didn’t seem to mind. There’d been quite a few times when you’d arrive at their apartment late at night, drunk out of your mind, to borrow some of Val’s clothes while you slept on their couch. The washing machine came in handy, as you could normally throw your clothes from the night before in with one of their loads. That was actually how you and Val discoveredotheruses for the washing machine. 
It really had been a complete accident. You and Val had gone to move the laundry from the washer to the dryer, but there was still two minutes left on the machine. Instead of leaving and coming back, you and Val elected to just wait it out (because if you left there was no question that you’d forget for the next couple of hours). You sat down in the only chair in the room, so Val decided it was a good idea to hop onto the washing machine itself. Turns out it was a good idea. The second her ass landed, the machine started rattling worse than before and her face contorted into pleasure. You jumped up, for a second thinking she might be in pain, before she used an arm to push you away, signaling that she was okay. 
“What’s going on?” The confusion was clear in your voice. In lieu of an answer, Val just looked up at you, her eyes dark. One of her hands came down to rest between her thighs, supporting her body weight as the machine continued to buck. Realization dawned on you as she let out a groan not dissimilar to one she had let out with you a couple hours earlier. Her hand that wasn’t supporting her came around the back of your head, dragging your lips to hers. 
That day had started something for you two. After it, you and Val spent a lot of time in the laundry room. It had become almost a routine, every time a new load went in, you and Val would stay in the room for at least 15 minutes longer than you needed to. If Harry noticed, he didn’t say anything.
In the next couple of months, the routine became more of a tradition. Clothes in the house were cleaner than ever. Loads gradually progress from just lights and darks to six different categories: light delicates, dark delicates, light regulars, dark regulars, denim, and sheets. The more loads, the more time you guys had. Normally you took turns, with one of you lending the other a hand (no pun intended), but this time, Val had gotten so worked up, that she jumped up with you. Apparently, the weight of two girls plus the stress of constantly running had been too much for the old machine. It sputtered, and then shut off. You had glanced over your shoulder, hoping that maybe the cycle had just ended, though you knew it was too early. Your stomach sank as you saw the knobs frozen halfway through the cycle. You and Val stared at each other with wide eyes. And that’s how you came to be where you are right now, trying to find a reasonable explanation for Harry as to why his washing machine is broken.
Which, by the way, is much easier said than done. As his green eyes bore into you, your mind scrambles to think up an explanation, but you’re drawing blanks. You look over at Val for help, but she looks just as lost as you are. She does a better job of putting on a confident mask though. 
“D’you think you can fix it?” She asks Harry. You see it for what it is – an attempt at deflection. 
Harry snorts. “Sure, let me just use my many years of mechanical experience to – oh wait.” 
“Ok wise guy, at least you used to be a baker?”
Harry stares at her. “What does that have anything to do with a washing machine?”
“Because ovens …?”
Harry continues to stare at her. 
“Could you at least take a look at it?” You jump in. His gaze turns to you. For a moment, you worry you’ve offended him, before he bows his head in a slight nod and steps to stand in front of the machine. 
“Ok, well, first off, how much of your laundry do you have left?” 
You think. “Well, I think we were only halfway through the third cycle, so-“  “Woah woah woah wait hold on.” Harry stops you. “Only? Third?How many cycles were you planning on doing?”
“Uh,” You count in your head. “Six?” You look over at Val for confirmation, and she nods. 
“Six?!” You suppose you understand Harry’s incredulity. In hindsight, six might be a bit excessive.  “Why on earth would you need to do six cycles?” This time, he directs it at Val. 
She flounders to come up with an excuse. “Uh, well, gotta sort colors, you know…” She trails off
“Yeah but six loads? What, do you guys get off on doing laundry or something?” He says it sarcastically, but both your and Val’s faces instantaneously turn red. 
“No.” He whispers. Neither of you answer. You start studying the pattern of tiles on the floor. “What, is this like a- a laundry kink? Is that even a thing?” Val’s head snaps up. “No, dumbass. Laundry kink is not a thing.”
“Well sorryfor assuming having sex in a laundry room means- “
“Oh for God’s sake we weren’t even having sex!”
“Ok well getting each other off – “
“We weren’t getting each other off!” That seems to stop Harry short. He gives Val a questioning look, encouraging her to go on. 
“We- the washing machine- it,” she stumbles over her words. “Y’know it- vibrates?”
“No.” Harry drags his hands down over his face. “There’s no way you two have been using our washing machine as a vibrator.” 
You look up, guilty expression all over your face. 
“That’s gross. This is by far the dumbest thing you’ve ever done, and Val, that’s saying a lot for you. Guys, I do my laundry here, I want my clothes to be clean- “
Val tries to defend you two. “We clean up! Also, I thought most straight guys loved the idea of two girls- “
“I’m not most straight guys. Also forgive me if I’m not too keen on the idea of my roommate and her girlfriend in the laundry room – “
“Wait girlfriend?”
“Yes?” “Do- do you think we’re dating?”
“Well, aren’t you?” “Harry no.” The corners of Val’s mouth tug up in a smile, as the tide of embarrassment starts turning in her favor.
“Guys? Maybe focus on one problem at a time? We kind of have a bigger issue.” You step in, gesturing at the washing machine. 
Harry turns to you. “So you’re single? I mean-” He looks back and forth between you and Val. “You both are?” “Yes? But like (Y/N) said, bigger problems.” Val pats the washing machine. “Weren’t you about to take a look?”
Harry takes a couple more seconds to respond. His gaze holds yours once again, before he shakes his head as if to clear off cobwebs and starts examining the washing machine. 
You look over to Val to see her staring back at you. You widen your eyes comically and lift your eyebrows. She shakes her head in a silent laugh. You have a feeling in years to come, you might be able to look back on this and laugh, but for now, the mortification is still strong. 
“Okay,” Your attention snaps back to where Harry’s crouched down at the side of the machine. “I think it might be a problem with the water. It might be blocked or something.” As he talks, his hand comes to rest on a metal tube feeding into the back of the machine that you assume the water runs though. “So if we call a repairman tonight, they should be able to be here by-” And then, the tube slips. You don’t know if it’s due to the pressure of Harry’s hand, or if it was going to happen anyway and he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, but whatever the reason, it slips. And a jet of water starts to spray out of where it was. Soaking everything around it. Including Harry. He splutters and stumbles back, but it’s too late. His hair is plastered to his forehead, and his white shirt has become see through. He looks down, assessing the damage, and then stares back at you two helplessly. 
“Great. I’m soaked.”
“Yeah, no shit Sherlock.” Val tries to stifle her laughter, but doesn’t do a very good job at it. After a few beats, you can’t help but to join in. After everything that’s happened, the emotional rollercoaster you’ve been on of stress and mortification, it feels good just to laugh. 
Harry stares at the two of you for a few more seconds in mock annoyance, before he also can’t help but join in. Soon enough, the three of you are in stitches over just how ridiculous the situation actually is. 
As your laughter dies down, the sound of dripping catches all of your attentions. Your eyes fall to the place that had previously been spraying out water. It had died down so it wasn’t spraying, but there was still a steady, albeit thin stream of water coming out. 
“Our water bill is going to be through the roof after this.” Harry doesn’t sound mad, more like he’s just making commentary, but you feel guilty anyways.
“I’m so sorry guys. I’ll foot half the bill. And I can pay for the repairman-”
 Val cuts you off. “Don’t be stupid. This is just as much my fault as it is yours. More so, even.”
“No but still, I should pay for-”
“(Y/N).” It’s Harry that cuts you off this time. “Seriously. Don’t worry about it. This is our apartment, our bills.” His voice holds a warm tone you’ve never heard from him, and it’s enough to make you pause for a moment. 
“Please guys, let me pay for at least half the water bill and half the repairman. It’s only fair.”
“There’s two of us and one of you. How is that fair?” You throw up your arms in exasperation. You already knew how stubborn Val could be, you just didn’t realize how much Harry shared that trait. “Okay, fine. One third the water bill, one third the repairman. Please guys. I’m literally begging you.”
They glance at each other seeking silent confirmation and share a knowing smirk. If you didn’t know any better, you’d say they were teasing you.
“Okay, fine.” Val relents. “One third the water bill, one third the repairman.”
You heave a sigh of relief. “Thank you.”
Val smiles at you. “Ok, I’m going to go find the repairman’s number. There’s one on the fridge, right Harry?” Harry nods in affirmation, and Val heads out the door, pulling out her phone in the process. 
Then it’s just you and Harry. His wet shirt clings to his body, showing off his sculpted figure. You had always noticed he was objectively good looking, but now, with his body practically on display in front of you, you had a newfound appreciation for his looks. 
“If I knew you were that keen on paying, I would have started coming out with you guys a long time ago.” “Hm?” Harry’s voice snaps you out of the trance you didn’t know you were in. He raises his eyebrows at you. Shit. He definitely caught you staring. 
You quickly try to divert the subject. “So the only reason you weren’t coming out with us was because you’re a cheapskate? And here I was thinking you just didn’t like me.” You try to joke, but it falls flat as his expression turns serious. 
“You thought I- Oh God. I’m an idiot.” He shakes his head.
“Well what else was I supposed to think, what with you avoiding me and all.” You try to keep your tone light, but even you can hear the accusatory undertones slipping in. You hadn’t thought you were bitter, but now facing it head on, you realize you might carry a bit of resentment. 
“I never avoided you.” You give him a look. “Okay, maybe I avoided you a little bit. But it wasn’t-” He cuts himself off. “(Y/N), I’m so sorry I gave you that impression. I never meant to make you think I didn’t like you.”
“Well, it’s hard to draw any other conclusions when you get avoided,” you laugh self-deprecatingly. 
“I know. And you’re right. I’m sorry. I never really thought about it that way.” You lift your gaze to hold his steadily. You want an answer, and you intend on getting it. “Then why did you avoid me?”
He sighs, running a hand through his hair. “I-” He glances at you, and seems at a loss for words. You look at him expectantly, waiting patiently for him to talk. He sighs again. “Look. You deserve an explanation. But it might take a second, and I’m,” he gestures down at himself. “I need a shower. And a change of clothes. And I need to gather my thoughts. Can we talk after?”
It’s not the answer you expected or wanted, but you nod. The disappointment must show on your face though, because Harry grabs you hand before you can turn away. “(Y/N). I promise after I shower I’m all yours.” His eyes meet yours again, but this time there’s a heat behind them that wasn’t there before. You’re pretty sure this is the longest conversation you’ve ever had with him, and the most amount of physical contact as well. All at once, it’s slightly overwhelming. Your voice seems stuck in your throat, so instead of responding you just nod. He gives you a slight smile, and with that, he’s brushing past you, out into the hallway, and you’re left standing in the laundry room, wondering what the hell just happened.
You still feel a bit dazed 15 minutes later, as you’re sitting on the couch in the living room when you hear the shower shut off. You quickly close the app you were playing around with on your phone as you glance up. Harry emerges in only a towel wrapped around his waist. He’s like a vacuum for your eyes, drawing them towards him so you can’t possible look at anything else. He stands there, neither of you saying anything until – 
“You have three nipples?” 
He blinks, seemingly caught off guard, before his brain catches up with what you said. “Huh? Oh, four actually.” 
“What? No way,” you gasp.
“Uh-huh,” he nods. “See look – one, two, three, four,” He counts, pointing them all out individually. 
“I didn’t even know that was a thing people had.” 
“Yeah, well, I’m unique like that.” He grins at you, and you roll your eyes, even as a smile breaks through on your lips. 
“Are you going to get dressed, or are we having the talk like this?” You ask.
“Oh, right. I’m just gonna-” he points vaguely in the direction of his room and stumbles off. He emerges a minute later, in a tee-shirt and sweatpants. It’s an outfit you’ve seen him in a million times before, but this time, it hits different. 
“Ok, ready to talk?” You ask. 
He fidgets with the hem of his shirt. “Um, actually, there’s something I think I need to talk about with Val first.”
You give him a pointed look. “Harry.”
“I know, I know, I’m sorry. It’s just part of my explanation involves something having to do with her, and it wouldn’t be right of me to tell you without asking her first, and-” You cut him off by holding your hand up. 
“Ok. Fine. Just make it quick, please.” 
He looks relieved. “Yeah, of course. I’m really sorry again.” He turns around as talks, speaking to you over his shoulder, and promptly almost runs into the door frame. He shoots you one last embarrassed look, as he heads out in the direction of Kate’s room. You laugh and shake your head as you pick up your phone to reopen your game.
It’s about half an hour later when Harry comes back into the living room. You glance up at him, unimpressed, and he winces at your expression. “I’m sorry it took so long, I just had to explain some things to her.” “You’ve been apologizing an awful lot lately, Harry.”
“I know. Hopefully I won’t have to after this.” He crosses the room to take as seat next to you on the couch. He tucks one foot under his knee, so he can turn his body to face you. In response, you curl up and face him as well. 
He takes a deep breath. “Okay. There’s a lot I have to say, and quite honestly I’m really nervous about it, so I would really appreciate if you would hear out my whole story before saying anything.” You nod in agreement, and he takes another deep breath before starting.
“I want to start by saying I’m sorry.” “I thought you said you wouldn’t apologize anymore.”
“I thought you said you wouldn’t interrupt me.” He fires back. You blush, and gesture for him to continue.
“I am, sorry, is the thing. I handled the situation entirely wrong. Looking back, it’s super obvious that the way I handled it made me seem like an asshole.”
“I didn’t think you were an asshole.” Harry gives you a look. “Right, sorry, shutting up now.” 
A half smile takes over his face, smoothing out his previously serious features. “I did seem like an asshole. It was only because I didn’t want- No wait. Okay. Let me start from the beginning.
“I knew who you were before we met. Val had told me about you. I met Val about a month after you met her, and at that point, she had a crush on you. That’s what I had to go talk to her about just now. She told me her crush faded right after that, and she thought I knew, but I thought that she liked you all this time. I knew you guys had dated other people, but I guess I thought that she was waiting for you or something? And then that one time I walked in on you guys, I just assumed that you had finally gotten together.”
“Harry.” His eyes snap up to yours. “I’m sorry, I know you said no more interruptions, but Harry, I already knew Val liked me. She told me as soon as she got over it. That’s why we started, y’know.”
He stares at you. “What- you mean- oh come on. Val conveniently forgot to mention that bit. I swear to God, that girl just wants to watch the world burn sometimes.” You stifle a giggle. Sounds like something Val would do. She likes to make Harry squirm.
Harry shakes his head. “Okay. Right. Anyways,” He pauses. “Do you remember the first time we met? When the three of us went for coffee?” You nod your head in affirmation. “The first time I saw you, I thought you were the most gorgeous girl I’d ever seen.” Your eyes widen in surprise, but you don’t say anything. “You made me shy and nervous, which had never happened before, and hasn’t happened since. And then we had that conversation about music – remember you told me you wanted Stevie Nicks to be your sugar mama?” 
You nod, smiling. “You said you wanted her to be yours too.”
“Right yeah. Basically, I was a goner after that. But I thought Val liked you, and me and Val had just started becoming really good friends, and I really liked her, and I didn’t want to do anything to mess up the friendship. I told myself it was just a crush and I’d get over it soon, but well,” He spread his hands. “I never really did. And then I thought if I distanced myself, it would go away. But that didn’t work either. Also, when I like someone, I’m like, really obvious about it. And I didn’t want Val to know, so again, distancing myself seemed like the obvious choice. And in hindsight, it was a really bad idea, because it makes total sense that you’d interpret it as me not liking you. So. Here we are. I don’t not like you. Pretty much the opposite.”
“Sooo,” Your eyes sparkle. “What I’m hearing is. You have a crush on me.” 
Harry groans and drops his face into his hands. “Oh God, I’m seriously starting to regret it. You’re just as bad as Val.”
“We’re best friends for a reason.” You pause. “What does Val think of all this?”
Harry smirks. “I’d say she seems fine with it. If I remember correctly, she said something along the lines of ‘go get that pussy, you oblivious dickhead.’”
You laugh. “Sounds like something she’d say. I hope this doesn’t mean you’re expecting to get in my pants, Styles.” 
He grins. “Wouldn’t dream of it, (Y/L/N). Not yet at least. Was thinking of taking you on a date first.”
That makes you pause. “A date, huh.”
“Yeah,” he says, looking bashful all of a sudden.
You pretend to think about it. “Would you avoid me the whole time?”
He groans as you burst into laughter. “God. You’re never going to let me live this down, are you?”
“Probably not,” You agree. 
“Well fine. If it’s like that, maybe the washing machine will take you on a date instead.”
You gasp. “That’s a low blow, Styles.”
He smirks at you, and you reach over to shove at his shoulder. Before you make contact however, he catches your hand, and uses it to pull you closer to him. He glances down at your lips and then tilts his head, a silent question. You answer by leaning in. But before your lips can touch, the sound of the door slamming breaks you two apart. You look over to see Val in the doorway. 
“Well isn’t this awfully cute. Harry, I never thought you’d go for my sloppy seconds,” she laughs. 
Harry stares at her, then looks at you, then back at her, and then back at you. “Please, pleasehold that thought. I’ll be right back; I just have a roommate to kill.”
“Be my guest. She’s most ticklish at her waist.”
Val’s eyes widen. “No Harry, you know I’m too ticklish – ARGH,” she cuts herself of with a scream as she runs off as Harry launches himself off the couch after her. 
PLEASE i loved this okay 🥺🥺 bi!reader rights babey!!!!!!!!!! we love 2 see it!!!! i think my fav part was val calling harry an oblivious dickhead nsfjdnsjnsn bc honestly he rly is. i think this was very well done and i just wanna say thank u for following me for so long!!! like damn you’ve been here a while huh……………..i luv u. amazing job babes!
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laughing-with-god · 6 years
Pandemonium VII
Words; 4k
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“Let them all say
Hey Lolita, hey
Hey Lolita, hey
I know what the boys want, I’m not gonna play”- Lana Del Rey, Lolita
It was quiet for a moment.
The only sounds being heard in the room was Jimin’s ragged breathing as the bleak sound echoed through the walls and came back to pierce your ears.
Everyone was currently staring at Taehyung, who just grinned with that rectangular smile as he bounced on the balls of his feet.  All too giddy with the attention he was getting.
Then, it erupted.  
If you had to guess what a demon sounded like, you’d think this was it.
A furious roar ripped through the room, the sound so thunderous and ear-aching that you couldn’t help but jump in your seat from shock.
“WHAT THE FUCK YOU MEAN MOTHER-IN-LAW?!  I TRUSTED YOU WHEN I SHOWED YOU THAT TEXT!”  Jimin had shot up from your grasp and lunged at his younger brother.
As you sat there, stunned while watching Taehyung and Jimin roll on the floor as Hoseok attempted to pry them apart with the help of Mr. Kim, it dawned upon you how Taehyung must’ve found out about your mother’s condition.  
He must’ve stayed close enough to your ex sugar daddy in order to get information on you.  The shout from Jimin referencing the text just confirmed your suspicion, as within the ‘break-up’ text you sent Jimin, you mentioned your mom.  Jimin’s apparent feeling of betrayal caused you to shiver...did Taehyung really use his own brother to force himself into your life?
And although Jimin made little sense today, he did say one thing that you could agree on.
What the fuck did Taehyung mean when he called your mom his future mother-in-law?!
A wise scholar once said, “If a man does not have sauce, then he is lost.  But the same man can get lost in the sauce.”
You surveyed the scene around you.
Two brothers fighting before you, while two more brothers tried to tear them apart.  You looked to your side and saw Yoongi, Jungkook and Namjoon observing you carefully.  Yoongi focused on you while lazily rubbing the back of his neck. Namjoon just smirked and studied your expressions, way more enthralled by your reaction to said mayhem instead of the mayhem itself.  And Jungkook with a worried gaze as he nervously bit his lip. You shot a glare at them. Their lack of brotherly care made you slightly annoyed.
Shouldn’t they be more concerned with their siblings who were currently throwing hands?  Why the fuck did everyone enjoy putting you under a microscope?!
‘Yes’, you concluded to yourself.
Gucci Mane was right.  
It was all too possible for a man to get lost in the sauce.
In this particular scenario however, the sauce must’ve been male testosterone and crack cocaine.  
Only plausible explanation for the chaos that was ensuing before your eyes.  Or maybe their father’s sperm had a major defect where he was only able to father some shitheads with two functioning brain cells?
‘Shit head sperm’
Sounded very legit to you.
You released a very aggravated huff, and stood up to marched to the door.  
“Wait!  Y/n!”
“Don’t go!”  
You didn’t bother trying to decipher which three of the heirs called out to you given your back was turned to them.  You waved them off and sarcastically called out, “Mr. Kim, I’m going to have to pull my name from consideration. Thanks though.”  
And you slammed the door shut.  Almost right away you heard shuffling of feet and some more comments that were hard to make out through the mohagany door.  
You sped walked your way back to the waiting room, already hearing the sound of someone a couple yards behind you opening the conference room door to without a doubt, chase after you.  
The secretary lady became more clear in your line of vision the closer and closer you got to the front desk.  She looked confused, knowing that your interview couldn’t have been that short. You plastered a fake smile on your face and leaned over the desk when you finally got up to it.  
“Sis, I would call security to that room I was just in.  Some shit hit the fan.” You didn’t bother to stick around and witness her look of perplexion, running out of the building and hailing a taxi.  
Your search for a job continued, as did your unlucky streak.
The majority of places you applied for never called you back.  And the few that did, never asked to see you any further after the interview process.  
This bummed you out.  Since when did fast food chains and clothing stores become so picky about who to employ?  Becoming a stripper increasingly seemed more and more appealing to you.
It had been two weeks since the chaos of the conference room.  ‘The Conference Room Meltdown’ is what you nicknamed it in your head. Like some sort of legendary battle or historical tragedy.  Oddly enough, you felt rather numb after the whole ordeal. You couldn’t explain it, but for some reason, you found yourself not having any extreme reaction.  It’s almost like you were in shock. Like those soldiers who would witness some crazy shit, and then just go into a random sense of tranquility to calm down. It was as if your mind and body agreed that utter denial was the best way to cope with everything.  
Utter denial, indeed.  
You didn’t even share the crazy experience with Kat, thinking that to pretend it never happened was the best way to move on.  
You didn’t even allow yourself to think of the seven brothers, knowing that if you open that can of worms; you’ll end up with more questions than answers.
And your bruised heart, overworked brain and stressed out nervous system really did not need that.
However, there was one brother you couldn’t completely avoid.
But before you can even come up with a plan on how to dodge him, it became apparent that ignoring him wasn’t going to be necessary.
He was ignoring you.  
For the first few days back to school, Jungkook was absent.  At first, you wondered if he dropped the class all together, but this was quickly ruled out when the professor approached
you and gave you the green-light to present the project by yourself because “Mr. Jungkook is quite ill and he won’t be back for a while.”
You were sort of relieved but also intrigued.
Was he giving you space?  Is he okay? Did something happen with his brothers?  
But you pushed this to the back of your head as you just focused on class.  Once again, you’ll never get answers so what’s the point of poking around?
However, one day you came into the classroom and saw the one and only muscle bunny already there.  
But...he was different.
On his face, you saw faded purple, blue and slightly green/yellowish bruises marking his usually porcelain skin.  Particularly, on the left side of his face was a stain of brutal violence that covered his eye and went down to the high points of his cheek.  His lip was also swollen and marked.
You gasped.  
He looked like he got into a huge fight and took some brutal hits.  
Jungkook wasn’t like that though...He may be big and addicted to protein powder but he was still a massive dork.  You didn’t believe that the same guy who showed off his iron man socks to you in effort to convince you that he wasn’t a fuck boy, would start any sort of physical dispute.  
And the only people who should’ve left that room with any marks, would be Jimin or Taehyung.  
As you recall, Jungkook was just worriedly watching from the sidelines.  
At the moment, Jungkook was at the professor’s desk, gathering some work that he most likely missed.  Jungkook was wearing a white shirt under a large blue denim jacket with black pants.
He turned around, probably sensing your shocked stare.
Eye contact was made.
But what happened next, made you want to be responsible for the next bruise that will cover his face.
His doe eyes scrutinized you for a while, then his plump lips pulled back in a scoff as a look of annoyance was thrown at you
With that done, he turned his back on you and then found a seat somewhere up front.  (Which was far from your guys’ normal spot in the back).
So he was ignoring you.  
You huffed and went to your usual spot.
Fuck him.
You didn’t like him in the first place.  
He was annoying.
And you definitely were not at all bothered at the latest development of him openly blowing you off.
Hell, you welcomed it.  
Now you had your spot all to yourself.  
He was probably in a hissy fit due to your affiliation with his brother.  Which was stupid because you just hung out with Jimin, nothing sexual was done.  Even more microscopic strings attached you to the other brothers. But a man’s pride was a very fragile thing.  And Jungkook was the youngest and barely out of his boyhood.
You spent the next few days in that class just glaring at the back of Kook’s head.  
It wasn’t your fault that all of his brothers were crackheads.  
Your life was quiet.
No sugar daddy to hang out with.
No run-ins with any odd men who demand to know more of you.  
No partner in class.  
Everything was just so….still.
One late afternoon, you were cleaning your dorm.  
Kat and you didn’t have a defined place anywhere on the cleanliness spectrum.  There wasn’t a ‘clean’ roommate or a ‘messy’ one. You both were very average with the dorm.  You two would clean up after yourselves, but neither of you would get on each others backs for a wrapper on the floor or a plate in the sink.
But, the place needed some deep cleaning, things that no measly “pick up around here” would cover.   Like wiping the windows, scrubbing down the bathroom, cleaning out the fridge ect. And you decided that cleaning was going to be a productive way to keep your mind off of things.
You’ve been doing that alot.  Trying to keep yourself busy so that your mind didn’t have time to wander.  
However, trouble always found you.  Even when you were going out of your way to be unproblematic and productive, it still attached itself to you.  Like a moth to a flame.
You really didn’t have a chance.  
It happened while you were scrubbing the bathtub.  
You were sweating, vigorously scouring the bottom of the tub while on your knees, when your music (that was playing from your phone) suddenly stopped.
A ring replaced your favorite song, as an incoming call vibrated your phone.  
You got up to see who was calling you.
A series of unfamiliar numbers is what you saw on your screen.
Usually, you wouldn’t answer an unknown number.  However, you phone number was out there now on many application and as far as you know, this could be a potential employer trying to contact you.  With a sigh, you answered the call.
‘“Y/n, why I didn’t think you’d answer...”  A deep voice purred on the other line.
Your brow scrunched up in confusion.  The voice sounded vaguely familiar but no nearly enough due to your inability to pin-point its’ owner.
“I’m sorry, whose this?”  
“The one and only, Taehyung.”
“Lol bye”
“WAIT!  I have an offer for you!” He injected before you could hang up.
“.......an offer?” You asked, stunned.  What the fuck was this? A mafia deal?
“Yes! Just hear me out.”  A pause ensued only to be followed by, “I paid for your mother’s bills after all.”
“I DIDN’T ASK YOU TO DO THAT YOU MANIAC!  YOU JUST DID IT YOURSELF! ARE YOU GOING TO KEEP USING THIS OVER ME?!”  You yelled into the phone, furious that he use your mom to get you to abide his wishes.  
“Calm down sweet thing, I didn’t have intentions of using it as a manipulation tactic.  I just think that my charitable act should be evidence that I’m not all bad and that you should at least hear me out.”  He rumbled, seemingly bored and unimpressed with your screaming.
You sighed but you couldn’t deny that your interest was peaked.  Although you knew virtually nothing about them, you knew enough of Taehyung to know that he was a very interesting character.  Part of you just wanted to hear this fucker out for the hell of it.
“Fine, what is this ‘offer’?”
“I would very much like it if we met in person.  I just want to take you out for dinner and apologise for what happened during your interview.  That was uncalled for and I’m afraid my brothers and I look looked little boys to you instead of grown men.”  
“Thanks for apologizing, but I’m good.”  
“I’ll give you 800 to show up.”  He bluntly responded.
“WHAT!”  You choked.
“Y/n, I might seem very airheaded but I know enough to connect the dots.  Jimin was your sugar daddy whom you met on a site. You must’ve put yourself in that position because of your lack of funds that my older brother was oh so willing to provide.  Also, the reason you were in that building in the first place was do to a job interview. Which means, after you cut Jimin off, you needed to get money somehow and this is why you began to look for a job.  Chances are you’re still jobless since it’s only been two weeks and it’s rather tough out there. So do yourself a favor, and go eat a free dinner with me to walk out with 800 dollars.”
“FINE!”  You exploded.  He was like an evil genius, explaining everything to you step by step before putting a nail to your coffin.  “I’ll go! Bring it in cash. But let me make myself clear Mr. Kim, we will have no drinks, appetizers and certainly NO DESSERTS!”  You hung up before you could hear that bastard speak again.
And like that, you were pulled in.  
But who could blame you?
You were just a stressed out, jobless and broke college student.
You were just trying to get by…
Taehyung had texted you the address of a restaurants along with a time and you were currently seated in the back of a taxi, heading over there.  
You wore some basic jeans and a rather simple long sleeved shirt, your hair down and very minimalist makeup on your face.  This choice of attire was an act of rebellion on your part.
You’ll be damned if you actually dressed up for that smug asshole.
You weren’t even shocked when you pulled up to a very fancy establishment, already expecting Taehyung to be extra as hell.  You thanked the driver and paid your fare before making your way into the place.
Right away, you felt underdressed.  
People were wearing nice clothes and the atmosphere screamed ‘rich people only’.  
Live classical music played, all the waiters wore nice uniforms, the rugs on the marble floor looked foreign with its’ complex patterns and what is a stereotypical five star restaurant without a snooty hostess?  
She stood before the entrance to the actual fine dining room, taking peoples reservations and calls at a podium.  A small line was already formed before her, so you joined it.
When it was your turn, she gave you a dirty look.  
“Are you lost?”  She asked while giving you an up and down look as you stepped up to her.  She was tall, wore a red wine dress, blonde hair sculpted in a elaborate bun while her face was painted in delicate makeup.  You gave her a fake grin.
“In many ways, yes.  But location wise, no.  Someone should already be here waiting for me.”  
She arched a perfectly plucked brow, probably mentally calling your bluff.
“Oh really?  And just what is their name?”  She asked, voice falsely chipper.
“Kim Taehyung.”  
Her eyes gave you one more doubtful look before skimming down at the list before her.  
With sick satisfaction, you smirked at her widened eyes.  
“Oh!  I’m truly sorry Mrs. Kim!  Your husband did mention you!  Please, right this way.” With a panicked haze, she began to lead you to a table towards the back of the dining room.  Your jaw dropped at ‘Mrs. Kim’ and ‘your husband’, Taehyung really loved a shock value, huh? He was weirdly obsessed with being your husband.  He even called your mom his future mother in law! You snickered at that thought. Like hell was that ever going to happen…. Nonetheless, you allowed yourself to be led to him.
And there he was,
And surrounded by 6 other men at a round table.
The first thing you noticed were the bruises.
Almost each of them held some sort of mark.
Some had purple and black blemishes, while others carried angry red lines on their faces.  Apparently, Jungkook wasn’t the only one who walked away injured.
The seven brothers looked like they got out of a fucking battlefield.  
Currently, you were seated between Yoongi and Namjoon.  (Yoongi had a red line cutting diagonally across his left check while Namjoon had a somewhat healed cut on the right side of his upper forehead.)
Namjoon had pulled out the seat for you as Yoongi gave you a shy smile that came across as slightly guilty to you.
Since it was a round table, you could see everyone’s faces very clearly and each of them were staring at you intently.  You could cut the tension with a knife as if it was melting butter.
You fixed your attention at the artist.
You glared at Taehyung who was conveniently straight across from you.
“I don’t enjoy being set up, Taehyung.”
“Baby, trust me with this one.  We’re gonna give you an offer you can’t refuse.”  He grinned at you. Tae’s bottom lip was very swollen and bruised and he had a shiner under his right eye.  
“Well, you better spit it out because I’m not staying for food anymore.  Also, telling the front lady that I’m your wife isn’t cute.”
“You told them WHAT?!”  Jimin screeched, facing the grinning artist.  You noted with a frown that Jimin’s left eye was all bruised and blue.  
“Jimin, remember what we said about controlling your emotions.”  Seokjin’s calming voice erupted. His beautiful, model worthy face held a faded bruise in his v-shaped jaw.  
At this reminder, Jimin snapped his mouth shut but didn’t cease his pouting.  
“Okay, can we talk about the elephant in the room?”  At the sound of your question, seven pairs of eyes turned to you.  “Why are you all beat up?”
An awkward silence laid itself on the table as you watched the brothers share worried glances.
“Y/n, we came to a very rough and difficult conclusion.”  Hoseok answered. You turned to him and rose a brow, waiting for more.  “We all want you in our lives.”
“At first, we were selfish and thought we could have you on our own.”  Seokjin continued.
“But, after you left us that day, we all got into a really big fight on who could have you.”  Jimin’s raspy but high voice informed you.
Next was Yoongi, “After almost killing each other, we agreed that we ought to find a better way to keep you without such bloodshed.”
“And we also want to help you with anything you might ever need or want.”  Jungkook added.
“So, Y/n….”  Namjoon purred.
Tae said the last part while smirking at you with his glimmering pharaoh eyes;
“Will you be our sugar baby?”  
“Ummm….how would that even work?”  You asked after a solid six minutes of just befuddled silence.  You didn’t even believe what was happening right now. It felt like a lucid dream you couldn’t get out of.  
“Simple.  We each will have our own time with you and you get an allowance from all seven of us.”  Namjoon explained in his deep voice.
“I don’t wanna be a glorified prostitute.”  You grumbled.
Yoongi heard this and laughed, gummy smile making an infamous appearance.  “Y/n, we don’t want sex from you. Just hanging out with you and getting to know you is good enough.”  
“How would you guys determine who hangs out with me and when?”  You asked.
“Well, we all have our own jobs to do.  When some of us aren’t busy, we’ll ask you out.  But ultimately, you get to choose who you want to see on day-to-day.”  Hoseok explained.
“Allowance?”  You asked.
“All seven of us agreed that one grand per person every week is good.  So you can expect seven grand every Friday.” Seokjin explained.
You choked.  
7,000 every week?!  
You cut yourself off before finishing that thought.
This was too good to be true.  
“Are there any rules you want me to follow?”  You hoarsely asked, dreading the catch that was sure to come.  
“To be honest, we haven’t thought that far ahead.  But if you agree, we’ll draft up some and send it to a group chat that way we’re all clear.” Tae answered.
You bit your lip as you began to ponder the pros and cons to doing this.  7,000 a week would pay off your college tuition in no time. You’d be a fool to not take advantage of such a good deal.  And they just want you to hang out with them! No fucking required! But wait, in your haste to capture this bread, you forgot a major problem.
“I have a problem with two of you guys right now.”  You said, recalling your beef. All seven looked up in worry.
“Who?”   Yoongi asked.
“Well, Jimin still attacked my roommate and Jungkook has been a total ass wipe recently so I’m not so hot about them, if I’m being honest.”  
Said boys shot up in their seats to interject, but Namjoon waved them off.  
“Y/n, please forgive Jungkook for any childish behavior.  He’s had a few temper tantrums ever since we mentioned this idea.  He’s just very clingy with you and has had a lot of trouble accepting this plan.  He probably distanced himself from you in effort to control himself from snatching you up for himself.”  You looked at Jungkook for search of the truth but by the way Kook was blushing and avoiding eye-contact, you knew Namjoon’s words were true.  
“As for Jimin….”  Namjoon continued.  “We’re very sorry about your roommate.  Jimin explained it to us and we can agree that his actions were uncalled for, however no physical altercation occurred.  He was just terrified of never seeing you again and being so emotional, he showed up to your dorm. All his screaming and crying must’ve scared Kat but trust me, Jimin would never put his hands on a woman.”  
You dissected everything Namjoon had said.  Was it possible that Kat was just shaken up?  She did say he mainly did some hollering and crying.  Kat had no evidence of bruising or handprints and technically even in her own story, Jimin didn’t lay his hands on her so much as he just threatened her. She said he was frantic and anxious, and that he forcefully backed her into a corner…..but did Jimin ever lay his hands on her?
Your sweet, bubba, teddy bear who wasn’t that tall and had chubby cheeks along with a squeaky voice?  
“Baby, do I look like the type to attack anyone?”  Jimin asked, puppy eyes all teary.
“I don’t know, you did it with your brother.”  You retorted.
Jimin rolled his eyes.  “That’s different, he’s my brother and brothers fight.”  Jimin pouted at you.
“Fine, just don’t be a meth head next time.”
Jimin grinned at the term ‘next time’ but asked, “Meth head?  I thought I was crackhead?”
He recalled your nickname rather fondly.
You shook your head,  “Sorry, but you’ve upgraded your status.  At the rate your going at, it might even be bath salts next week.”  
And thus, you had 7 sugar daddies.  
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{Authors note; oml so what do you think?  this was kinda a filler chapter to transition us to the next stage of the story that’s gonna be 0t7 and like really intense.  I haven’t been answering any asks lately bc I was at a friends house but i’m going to hammer them out now so send in news ones and they'll be done really fast.  ALSO I HOPE YOUR THRIVING GUYS HAPPY NEW YEARS 2K19 LMAO}
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ahgasescenarios · 6 years
Missing Out- Taeyong
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Word count: 2k
Genre: smut/ fluff at the end
Plot summary: When you attend a college frat party, you run into someone you didn’t think you’d see ever again.
A/N: Helloooo, first of all I want to apologize for my lack of content I have been utterly uninspired, and I truly hope this scenario makes up for it. Also, I hit 540 followers that’s !! bloody !! amazing !! thank you all so so so much for supporting me and never giving up on my lazy ass, I love and appreciate every single one of you. I’ll work hard to become better at this and hopefully I’ll be back soon xx
  If there was one thing frat parties were good for, it was without a doubt blowing off steam. That, and sleeping with hot college guys wasn’t so bad either. And for those same reasons were you now standing in front of the mansion who hosted weekly celebrations of the college life. Accompanying you was none other than your roommate (aka the most popular girl on campus) which explained why she disappeared from your sight in mere seconds.
I need a drink, you thought to yourself. And with that, you skipped over to where the makeshift bar was located. Pouring yourself a generous amount of liquid courage, you made your way to the couch, seeing as you barely knew a single soul at this party.
“There you are! Why are you sitting there all alone?” Your roommate pulled you up and dragged you to meet some of the frat boys. Not bad looking, you had to admit.
“This is Johnny, Jaehyun, Mark and where’s-”
She trailed off and all eyes turned to face a common silhouette coming down the stairs. You couldn’t clearly distinguish his features from afar, but it was obvious from his aura alone that he was the leader of this place. He waved to his guests and stationed himself in front of you. Only now did you realize who you were faced with. He had dyed his hair a dark red which made him even more alluring than he already was.
“Taeyong…?” You asked, your voice shaky. His eyes opened wide at the familiar call of his name.
“(Y/N), what are you doing here?”
“Wait, you two know each other?” Your roommate intervened.
“We used to go to school together.” Taeyong curtly replied.
Actually, you had been quite close friends for years, until someone decided you weren’t cool enough to hang out with- at least that’s the version you deemed most plausible. Regardless, you were not expecting to see him here and his presence multiplied your desire to get drunk.
“If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to get another drink.” You hurriedly excused yourself and to be fair, you did need a refill. What you didn’t notice was the way Taeyong bit his lip watching you walk away from him, yet again. 
Well into the night, when everyone’s vision started to blur ever-so-slightly, one of the frat boys had the brilliant idea to start doing body shots. In your intoxicated state, the idea seemed like a lot of fun. Taeyong frowned from across the room, seeing you so psyched to try something of the sort.
You laid down on the table and waited until they were done prepping you. You didn’t notice a hovering presence beside you.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Taeyong’s face translated into obvious discontentment, but you were too drunk to care.
“Dude, chill. It’s all in good fun.”
“Fine then. You asked for it. ”
He took your initial partner’s spot while you laid there confused. The “ref” gave him the go and before you knew it, your high school crush was licking salt off your body. Your breath hitched in your throat and for a second you forgot how to breathe. It was over before you knew it, but your heart was still beating a mile a minute.
 “You shouldn’t let just anybody do that, (Y/N).”
“And you’re telling me you’re not just anybody?” You challenged him.
“I’m not.” The seriousness in his eyes made you back down.
“I need some air.” You turned away from him to make a beeline for the exit and never come back, but he grabbed your wrist before you could do so.
“Wait, (Y/N). I owe you an explanation.”
“For what?”
He sighed and looked down, losing face for the first time since you laid eyes upon him.
“For the way I ditched you in high school, you didn’t deserve that.”
“It’s okay, don’t worry about it.” You were desperate to wrap up the conversation before old feelings resurfaced.
He took a step towards you.
“How about a do-over?”
“Sure, we’re friends again yay! Okay bye bye-”
You made a second attempt to leave, but he grabbed your wrist. Again.
“Why are you acting so weird?”
“I’m drunk, duh.”
And another step.
“You see, I don’t think that’s it. And I won’t give up until I find out what it is.”
He threw you over his shoulder before you could finish your sentence and only stopped once you were in his room which was much neater than you would’ve imagined it to be. But that wasn’t the issue at hand.
“Now spill, (Y/N) (Y/L/N).”
“No.” You crossed your arms like a child and he moved to sit on the bed. He gestured for you to come to him, which you didn’t. Then, an idea popped into your head. What if you had your fun?
You smirked and walked towards him, only to straddle his lap. Your hands went to play with his hair while you struggled not to laugh at his reactions.
“See, Taeyong, the thing is that you’re just too damn hot.” You leaned over to whisper in his ear. He gulped. “You don’t know how much I’d love to rip those clothes off.” You bit his earlobe teasingly before giggling to yourself.
“What’s so funny?” His brows were knitted together and you were almost scared of the Taeyong you saw before you.
“I mean your reactions were quite funny, plus you must hear that shit every day.” He tensed up underneath you. “Relax, I was only joking.”
“Well, I’m not.”
That said, his lips found yours and he grabbed your ass to show you he was serious. You moaned into the kiss, the 16-year-old in you not believing this was actually happening. Taeyong’s kisses got rougher, more desperate and you were oddly satisfied by that. You ground your hips against Taeyong- earning a low groan from him and you could feel just how much he hadn’t been joking about this.
He flipped positions so you were laying on the bed and you could already tell he liked being in control. You didn’t mind in the slightest bit though.
“I want those clothes off, now.” His voice literally dropped an octave, making you even hornier than you already were.
You obeyed his order and laid back down on the bed. He disposed of his own clothes, climbing on top of you. His clothes did not do him justice, he was much more sculpted than what you had initially thought and you were even more turned on just by the sight of him.
He dived in for another kiss, making sure to bite your bottom lip before pulling away. He licked his lips and walked back to his drawer for something.
“Are you going to be a good girl for me, baby?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Good.” He smirked and came towards you with a blindfold, taking your eyesight away for a calculated amount of time.
“Do you trust me?”
You nodded frenetically. He smiled. He had always thought you were the prettiest girl in any room you walked into but tied up for him like this, you were beautiful beyond words to him.
“Tell me if it’s too much, okay?”
And like flicking a switch, caring Taeyong was gone. He kissed your neck, making sure to leave plenty of love bites in his passage.
“Do you think Daddy liked you behaving like a little slut out there tonight?”
“No, sir.”
You were already pooling in your panties.
“And what do sluts get?” He took your nipple in his mouth, your hands cuffed to the bedframe preventing you from doing anything about it. You simply let out a yelp. “They get punished.”
He slipped a finger inside you, earning a moan from your end.
“Shhh, baby, we wouldn’t want to alarm the others.” He hushed you with his own mouth on yours as he added another finger. He curled his fingers inside you, hitting the right spots over and over again.
“Taeyong, I’m close.” You whispered.
“Well, that’s just too bad.” He ceased his movements altogether, leaving you unsatisfied and upset beneath him.
“How does that feel, kitten?”
You didn’t answer, which was a bad decision.
“I asked you a question.” His serious voice was back, recreating the same effect as the first time.
“It doesn’t feel good, sir.”
“Good.” “Do you think you’re ready for me, slut?”
“Yes, sir.”
He grabbed a condom from his bedside table and rolled it down his shaft which had been hard for a while now. Seeing you as a writhing mess beneath him wasn’t something he’d be able to get out of his head.
His lips found your neck again and you moaned in return. He took the occasion to enter you slowly and your breath hitched in your throat for the second time that night. He felt much bigger than what you would have imagined.
“Please move, sir.” You let out in between breaths.
He complied, setting a slow pace so you could adjust to his size. Once you were comfortable, he threw your legs on his shoulders and accelerated his pace.
“Oh fuck, just like that.” You moaned out, your remaining senses overwhelmed with the amount of pleasure.
He smirked and his hand found your clitoris, massaging it at the same pace he was going. Within a few minutes of this sweet torture, your bundle of nerves took over and your orgasm overwhelmed all your senses. Your walls tightened around his member, to which he cursed under his breath. He came a few minutes after, releasing his load in the condom before throwing it away. He laid back down beside you as you both struggled to catch your breath.
He gently removed the blindfold covering your eyes, brushing your hair out of the way with his fingers.
“How was that?” He asked, still playing with your hair.
“Fucking amazing.” You giggled. “If I knew you were this good in bed, I would’ve reconnected with you lightyears ago.”
“I’m glad you can admit you’ve been missing out.” He laughed and god was it the most attractive sound you had ever heard.
“Fun fact, I actually had the fattest crush on you throughout high school.” He confessed.
“No way.”
“Why do you think I stopped talking to you all of a sudden? I knew you didn’t like me back, so I thought it would be better for both of us that way.”
“Oh my god, are you serious? Dude, I had a crush on you too.”
“Yes, really.”
You looked at each other and simultaneously erupted in a fit of laughter, amused by how naïve you both were. You moved to stand up, but Taeyong grabbed your wrist.
“Okay, you have got to stop doing that.”
“Where are you going?” He mumbled.
“Just to wash up, I’ll be back if you want me to.”
“Of course, I want to cuddle now.”
You shook your head, who would’ve known that Lee Taeyong was such a big baby? You laughed to yourself as you washed off evidence of your sins then hurried back to Taeyong’s side.
“Missed me?” You wriggled your eyebrows at him.
He simply nodded, proceeding to sniff your hair (not so discreetly, might you add) and nuzzle his nose in the crook of your neck. His arm was wrapped around you and you swore 16-year-old you was having a heart attack by now. You closed your eyes, content for the first time in what might as well have been months. You hadn’t looked this forward to waking up next to someone before and the thought scared you a little, but it mostly excited you.
Needless to say, you had not seen this one coming, but you were far from complaining. Maybe this was life’s way of giving you a second chance with your first love, or it wasn’t. Perhaps, you had been missing out all those years of keeping your feelings at bay. But those days were over, and you were ready to take full advantage of whatever was next.
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