#but satan actually grows past the point lucifer could only dream of reaching
3vocatio · 2 years
why is satan's banner motif a unicorn?
i believe that satan's initial self-loathing stems from the belief that his brothers don't view him equally because he was born from destructive nature of wrath, instead of falling as an angel. you'd think that satan doesn't feel the need to associate with angels because he was never one to begin with,
but i'm sure some of you like to think about what satan saw as he manifested within lucifer and viewed the celestial realm from his eyes?
seeing the injustice that lilith was being dealt with, desperately clawing out of lucifer because satan was created in lucifer's perverted image of a rebellious son that could actually do something right. satan represents lucifer's purity and freedom being stripped from him the moment he chose to rebel, because satan would rather fight against what he deems as unjust than to lay rotting underneath those who call themselves righteous.
sharing the lamb's purity and innocence, a unicorn is also a symbol of freedom. and like lucifer, those who resided within the garden of eden lost their innocence through the simple act of wanting to know. once lucifer finally realized that lilith would be sentenced to death, he suffered. once the humans listened to the serpent, just as lucifer listened to satan, they were cursed with the simple act of knowing, and suffered.
and that is exactly what satan eventually did once he gained a physical form. he created walls of books, he read so much to gain respect, because he is nothing without it. the more he learned, the prettier and perfect he became just as the morningstar he was once a part of.
(an additional point, but the boa in his demon form reminds me of the leaves from the forbidden tree, and his tail, the serpent.)
tree of knowledge, loss of innocence, self-loathing for losing what made you strong, hatred towards the being that brought you in existence,
would you think you were as real as your brothers if you were born from a lack of bravery, from a place of cowardice because the morningstar couldn't bring himself to rebel without you? they reminisce about how wonderful their lives were through their shared  “blood”?
why would you think of yourself as real amongst everyone who wasn't born from a cold, bitter place like you?
if his brothers are represented by the tangible, by creatures that are “real”, why should he follow suit when he feels more represented by a creature that isn't real? something that separates himself from the others?
why wouldn't he feel more represented by a unicorn, a symbol of purity and a symbol of freedom? a symbol that was so easily destroyed through sacrifice?
tldr; satan's banner is a unicorn because he understands what it means to be virtuous. he felt the pain lucifer felt and couldn't bring himself to act on, he quite literally saved lucifer by urging him to act against injustice, and he was punished for it. he was born from a place his brothers could never reach, something that isn't real to them, something of myth. slain for sacrifice like a lamb.
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emmys-grimoire · 3 years
Lesson 51 analysis + 52 predictions
Eh I decided I had enough time and stuff in my head to write this out now.
The Book and the Flower
The book they found and the flower are too coincidental for them not to have any significance in the upcoming arc, so lets analyze them.
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A little on the nose. Satan names his kitties after artists. HE LIKES ART, and the books in the library happen to be about art. He remarks that they’re all much more aligned with his interests than the ones in the actual House of Lamentation, except for one...
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Geraniums have different (and sometimes contradictory) symbolism dependent on their color. Pink geraniums were supposedly used in love potions. The owner of the library may have someone they admired, or maybe the book is a metaphor for Satan himself.
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This may be alluding to the Bible verse Matthew 14:31:
Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. "You of little faith," he said, "why did you doubt?"
We are undertaking trials named after the seven heavenly virtues in order to earn our Sorcerer’s license. We’ve already knocked out temperance and charity, so it may be related to whichever trial this is supposed to be.
Generally, the verse encourages holding onto faith even in the most tempestuous situations, so my guess would be this is the trial of patience. This promises to be a Satan-heavy arc, and he’s the Avatar of Wrath, so he would be a good candidate to assist in that endeavor. Simeon is also the wielder of the Wrath glowstick. It’s angry bois all around!
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Strangely enough, Simeon is insistent on moving onto finding Luke and Mammon at this point, and Satan doesn’t get the chance to skim through the actual contents of the book. It’s a little uncharacteristic of him because he’s generally pretty laid back and he doesn’t seem to be in any particular rush to get out of past once when step into it: he’s willing to faff around with the angel brothers first. He does realize this isn’t searching for Luke and Mammon, right?
So an alternative interpretation is that Simeon really did just conjure all this up for Satan like he later accuses, and reading that book might have dispelled the illusion sooner than he’d like. And he’s just a really good actor telling the “okay” lies. But for this to work Barbatos would have to be in on it too... and I can’t see him having that ulterior motive. His arrival at the cafe is pretty timely, though.
It’s probably just the banshee, and Simeon is just being opportunistic and trying to get Satan to work through his problems along the way. Since he actually likes this period of time, he may not be in a great hurry to leave.
Beelzebub’s Hunger Pangs
In this lesson we learn that Beelzebub is growing quite the appetite and he and the brothers are confused by it. They have good reason to be, because Beelzebub wasn’t a glutton when we first interacted with his past angel self!
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This leads me to believe MC meddling with the past may have unintentionally triggered something in past angel Beel that’s unravelling in his timeline. Michael warns us about this effect after he fishes us out of the past the first time. It doesn’t seem like it’s something he can reverse.
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I think he means this past Beelzebub is now reacting to our presence in this particular timeline, and we’re jumpstarting the demonic impulses now, sooner than they would normally manifest. In our timeline, he may have let himself go after he fell. Whoops.
The angel bros are also quite certain they know MC now, and “Sully”, which could also mean there’s some kind of transfer going on between their past and present selves with MC at the center, and that might affect how the future unfolds. Which is... not necessarily good.
Compare and Contrast: Simeon vs. Lucifer
We learn that Simeon is very at home in the time period he steps into. He loves the air, and he admits this was the brightest spot of his life.
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Simeon was a Seraphim alongside Lucifer and Michael in this period of time. They’re implied to be the rulers of the Celestial Realm, and though Simeon still seems to answer to Michael and Lucifer, he was still close to the seat of power and he was likely involved in determining how the Celestial Realm functioned. It’s implied that the Seraphim spent most of their time in the Celestial Palace: Simeon having fond memories of the time spent there means he enjoyed whatever it is they do there.
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Buuuut... I think this may revolve around his affection for Lucifer and Michael more than any of the other Seraphim. It’s implied that he and Michael have a long history together, and that likely applies to Lucifer as well; I think they grew up and climbed the celestial ranks together. He was demoted after the Great Celestial War for reasons left unexplored so far, but it’s telling that functionally his position hasn’t changed and he’s still answering to Michael -- and as far as we know, only Michael. And not all the time lol.
In contrast, Lucifer seems to have tried to mentally bury all his Celestial Realm memories. He acknowledges it wasn’t all bad but those memories for him are far and few in between. He sure as hell doesn’t like to bring them up or discuss them, and will flagrantly lie about it when someone tries to pry some kind of sentiment out of him.
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My guess is that Lucifer, and possibly Michael, have a unique relationship with their lovely father that resulted in trauma powerful enough to completely eclipse all the good times Lucifer may have had in the Celestial Realm. Lucifer outright hates making himself vulnerable in any capacity, so he turns from a metaphorical peacock into a metaphorical porcupine when the Celestial Realm is brought up. He can tangentially discuss it with Simeon and MC, though, however sparsely. He will not reminiscence about it in any other setting.
His brothers might have been the only thing that kept him sane through all that, whatever it was. Considering how much Michael seems to miss the brothers, too, it may have been the same situation with him. He and Lucifer might have shared some good ol’ traumabonding that no one else could really understand, but they might have come to entirely different conclusions on what needed to be done about it.
Demons becoming more angelic…?
In a hard mode lesson in Season 2, Barbatos confronts Lucifer about how much he’s changed and what it might mean for the future. In the context of that season, we’re led to believe that this is referencing the upcoming conflict between him and Diavolo: a conflict implied to force Lucifer to choose between his love for his brothers or his loyalty to Diavolo.
Only that doesn’t really happen in Season 2.
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Similar to how MC may be triggering demonic changes in the angel brothers, there’s evidence MC is making the present demon Lucifer more angelic. It doesn’t actually stop here, either.
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Lucifer doesn’t immediately revert back to his old self even after he regains his memories after his bout of amnesia. Just how he regained them might be noteworthy, too: it was only after Michael invaded our dreams and left in the wake of the Ring of Light ‘choosing’ MC.
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This ability to tug the brothers back and forth along the angel/demon spectrum could be something Michael/Simeon might be keen on taking advantage of to get Lucifer and the brothers back. If angels can turn into demons, then logically demons can turn into angels. We do remember Michael is plotting something, right? And whatever it is, Simeon specifically is being used to carry it out (Luke likely is too clueless to really be of much use in this regard).
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What I do know is this isn’t a game that’s going to outright vilify the titular Christian archangel or the sexy nowdateable, so regardless of what it is, it’s more likely to end with reconciliation more than anything else. Diavolo’s exchange program requires cooperation with the Celestial Realm, and I think Michael eventually becoming an ally is the only way it could work. Would not bet on daddy being interested, and I don’t think Simeon is gonna stab everyone and take over. This is a harem otome, not an edgy shounen anime.
Also I want my Luke content, damn it. I hope he shows up in the next lesson and gets to faff around with the angel bros, too. I’m afraid they’re going to shove him off until the very end in favor of Satan x Lucifer bonding part 3. It’ll be difficult to fit TWO meaningful character arcs in one lesson, but I’m hoping they try. Why set up all the inner conflict in Luke right beforehand, otherwise?
Don’t let me down, guys.
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fanimesenseiwrites · 3 years
Kidnapped to Hell (pt. 18)
Hoshiko led Lucifer to the library once they got back to the house.
Lucifer opened the concealed passage to his study. "We can talk in here if you prefer."
Hoshiko nodded as they headed into the study. "It'll be more private if we're still talking by the time everyone else gets home."
"My thoughts exactly," Lucifer concurred before following Hoshiko into the study and closing the door behind him.
Hoshiko sat down in one of the wingback chairs and hummed.
Lucifer smiled slightly and sat next to Hoshiko in the other chair. "What is it?"
Hoshiko looked at him. "You know, your study is actually a special place for me."
Lucifer raised an eyebrow. "It is?"
Hoshiko nodded. "This is where we made our pact."
"It is indeed, we also shared our first kiss in here," Lucifer added.
"Our first time may not have been in here but we've had some pretty great sex in here too," Hoshiko reminded him with a grin.
Lucifer chuckled and shook his head. "Yes, yes we have."
Hoshiko smiled at Lucifer's grin, glad to see him more relaxed than he had appeared the past couple days.
Lucifer smiled back at Hoshiko and leaned back into his chair.
Hoshiko slipped off their shoes and pulled their feet into their chair, getting comfortable for what they expected to be a long conversation. "So..."
Lucifer perked up, recognizing that tone to indicate that Hoshiko wanted to talk. "Yes?"
Hoshiko looked at Lucifer. "Firstly, I wanted to apologize for how... hostile I've been towards you these past couple days. I've also been pretty hypocritical in regards to you and that wasn't fair of me, and I'm sorry."
Lucifer nodded. "I accept your apology. I understand now why you acted like that."
"I'm glad that you do. For as mad as I was at you, I was even more terrified that you didn't love me anymore," Hoshiko confessed.
Lucifer frowned. "Whatever would give you that idea?"
"Well, you didn't save me. And then you didn't even go down to the eight circles to get me, and then you just seemed so... distant, especially compared to your brothers."
"I'm sorry you felt that way, but I assure that everything I did was in your best interest... at least, I thought it was."
Hoshiko nodded. "Can you explain to me your perspective? Because I need to understand too."
Lucifer nodded. "Of course. I assumed that there would be time later for comforting you, I needed to do what I could to make sure you were safe first."
Hoshiko sighed. "Not that I don't appreciate that, but you could've taken a little time to come talk to me. I think that would've saved us both a headache."
"Well, why didn't you come talk to me? It's obvious that you were holding in your feelings for a while now," Lucifer asked.
Hoshiko puffed out their cheeks and looked away.
"See? It's not so easy when you're the one under the microscope," Lucifer teased.
Hoshiko sighed. "... we're more alike than we care to admit sometimes," Hoshiko's accent came out with their last sentence.
"Hm, I was wondering if that was going to rear its head," Lucifer commented on the appearance of Hoshiko's accent.
Hoshiko looked at him. "I'm so sorry," they told him sarcastically.
"I didn't mean that to be derogatory, I just know your accent tends to show face when you're upset."
"Yeah, I know you know."
"Is it so bad to know and be like each other?" Lucifer asked, sensing Hoshiko's growing annoyance.
"It is if you're not going to use that knowledge to your advantage," Hoshiko argued.
"We," Lucifer corrected.
"Excuse me?" Hoshiko asked, genuinely confused.
"We should use the knowledge that we are like each other to both of our advantages. If I am willing to admit my faults in this incident to you, then you need to do the same to me," Lucifer bargained.
Hoshiko shifted in their seat, uncomfortable with Lucifer calling them out and him being right about it.
Lucifer watched Hoshiko, waiting for them to respond.
Hoshiko sighed and looked at him. "You're right... I apologized for not treating you right, but I had a inkling of how you'd act and I used that to make things harder rather than make them easier."
Lucifer nodded. "Thank you for saying so."
Hoshiko sighed. "Yeah, yeah..."
"But why would you self-sabotage like that?"
"Why would you assume you had a nightmare about me being in danger and then worry about me anyways? But then still not do anything about it?" Hoshiko counter asked.
Lucifer opened his mouth to say something but stopped himself.
"Uh huh," was Hoshiko's only comment, obviously feeling vindicated.
Lucifer huffed. "I thought you wanted to talk in order to make things better," he reminded them.
"You would've done the same thing," Hoshiko pointed out.
Lucifer sighed.
Hoshiko sighed as well. "I'm sorry..."
"I forgive you," Lucifer replied.
Hoshiko got up and walked over to Lucifer and sat down in his lap, straddling him and taking his face into their hands. "Let's try again."
Lucifer nodded and grabbed Hoshiko's hands with either of his.
"I love you a lot, Lucifer," Hoshiko started. "I... I got really scared when you didn't come save me, especially once I knew you did get my message. I thought you didn't love me anymore, I was afraid you didn't care... and so I immediately retreated away from you, even when I so desperately wanted to be comforted by you."
Lucifer moved his hands down to Hoshiko's waist and wrapped his arms around them.
"Then Solomon told me what you had assumed and I saw your text and I got so mad," Hoshiko continued. "I thought that you were either an idiot or you had let your pride come before me. Either way, I thought it was cowardly."
Lucifer grimaced at that.
"Yeah, I know. But that was how I felt. I understand that I probably could've saved us both some heartache if I had just talked to you, but... I just couldn't. I didn't want to, I wanted you to suffer like I had suffered. Which, I know is so fucked up but..." Hoshiko sighed. "I dunno."
"Yes you do," Lucifer goaded gently.
Hoshiko half-heartedly glared at him. "Don't you go sounding like my therapist."
Lucifer chuckled. "I want to hear everything. Just keep talking."
Hoshiko nodded. "Speaking of my therapist, I know I do have a habit of looking for trouble..."
"Yes, you do," Lucifer agreed.
"Hush you," Hoshiko told Lucifer as they smacked his chest playfully.
Lucifer chuckled.
"Anyways," Hoshiko continued. "My therapist told me that she sees this a lot in people who have been abused long term. They don't know what to do if they're not dealing with a crisis, so even when they finally get to a good place they may create their own problems because they just don't know anything else... so I guess I do that sometimes. That's why I self-sabotage... and I'm working on it, but it takes more than just a couple therapy sessions to fix it."
Lucifer nodded. "I see."
Hoshiko suddenly got nervous at Lucifer's lack of words.
Lucifer pecked his lips against their's. "Thank you for telling me, and I'm proud of you for trying."
Hoshiko teared up. "Don't tell me that."
Lucifer frowned and reached up to stroke their cheek. "Why not?"
"Because I'll get all emotional if you do, I don't do well with praise," they whined.
Lucifer chuckled. "I know, but you need to get used to it."
Hoshiko huffed. "It's your turn," they reminded him, trying to change the subject.
"Right." Lucifer glanced away, wondering where he should start.
Hoshiko waited for him to start, but when they grew impatient they asked: "Why did you think me contacting you was just a nightmare?"
Lucifer sighed. He didn't look at Hoshiko as he spoke. "... It is not uncommon for me to dream of you in danger."
Hoshiko blinked. "Oh. I didn't know..."
"Yes, though I will admit that this experience was different from my typical nightmares. I suppose I just didn't really think about how different it was until it was already too late."
Hoshiko nodded.
"By the time I had learned that Diavolo and my brothers were anxious and worried as well, we contacted Solomon, and then Barbatos came to tell us where you were. I assumed he had looked into the past and saw you being abducted."
Hoshiko nodded and glanced away, feeling a little uncomfortable at the thought of that.
"And then Diavolo instructed everyone on what to do, he had Barbatos and Satan go down with him to the Eight Circles... and he asked me to stay and keep my brothers calm and prepare for you to be brought back home."
"So that's why you didn't come..." Hoshiko sighed as tears welled up in their eyes.
Lucifer frowned. "What is it?"
"I just..." Hoshiko sighed. "Some times I forget that Diavolo isn't just our friend, he's the crown prince... the future king... your boss essentially. So when he tells you do something and you just do it, I get frustrated sometimes... I feel like you chose him over me."
Lucifer immediately opened his mouth to argue, but Hoshiko cut him off.
"I know it's not that simple, I'm just telling you how I feel... I know, I just have to get over it."
Lucifer nodded and stroked Hoshiko's cheek. "Were this a less dire situation, I would have insisted to go with him... but I didn't want to delay your rescue any more."
Hoshiko nodded. "Yeah, I guess that was a good idea..."
Lucifer smiled slightly. "What else can I do to ease your mind?"
Hoshiko looked away. "So, earlier... ya know, when we were fightin' and arguin', you implied that I... when I die, I'll..." They were obviously very uncomfortable with saying it out loud.
"I shouldn't have said that, that was out of line, even if we were already heated. I'm sorry," Lucifer promptly apologized.
"That's fine, but is it true?" Hoshiko asked, suddenly concerned about their fate.
"No... at least not anymore," Lucifer assured them. "That did used to be the default when the Devildom and celestial realm were actively at war with each other. But that was one of the first things Diavolo changed when he started working to foster peace between the three realms... though I never felt the need to verify it until now."
Hoshiko nodded and glanced away.
Lucifer stroked Hoshiko's cheek.
Hoshiko leaned into his touch and looked back at him.
"I'd be lying if I said I was just a hundred percent better and okay with everything's that's happened, but I am better."
Lucifer nodded once. "That makes sense, I think I understand."
Hoshiko smiled slightly. "I'm glad, thank you."
Lucifer kissed the top of their head. "You're welcome."
Hoshiko yawned. "Okay, I think it's time for bed."
"I agree." Lucifer stood up, and carried Hoshiko.
"Oh!" Hoshiko wrapped their arms around Lucifer's neck. "Thank you."
"Anything for you, Starlight," he told Hoshiko as he carried them to their room.
Hoshiko hummed quietly.
Lucifer took Hoshiko into their room and straight to their bathroom and set them on the counter.
"Why didn't you put me in bed?" Hoshiko asked with a small pout.
"You need to take off your makeup first," Lucifer insisted as he grabbed a cotton ball and the eye-makeup remover.
Hoshiko sighed. "I don't want to but you're right."
Lucifer smirked. "Yes, now close your eyes."
Hoshiko just did as they were told.
Lucifer gently and methodically removed all of Hoshiko's makeup for them.
Hoshiko looked at him and smiled when he was finished. "Thank you."
"You're welcome. If you'll take off your dress, I'll hang it up for you," Lucifer offered.
"You just want to see me naked," Hoshiko teased as they stood up off the counter.
Lucifer chuckled. "While that is always a delight, I do not intend to act on that tonight."
"Good. Because I need to sleep tonight," Hoshiko reminded him as they took off their dress and handed it to him.
"I know you do," Lucifer replied before taking the dress and going to hang it up.
Hoshiko walked into their bedroom and put on their night gown before climbing into their bed.
Lucifer walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. "Is there anything else I can do for you to help you sleep more comfortably?"
"Don't let any of your brothers wake me up," Hoshiko commanded.
Lucifer chuckled. "No one will disturb you, I promise."
Hoshiko nodded and got comfortable in bed.
"Alright," Lucifer started as he stood up. "I'll leave you be."
"Thanks. Good night."
"Good night, sleep well."
"I think I actually will tonight," Hoshiko told him as they snuggled further into their blanket.
Lucifer chuckled softly as he turned off the light. "Good night," he reiterated before walking out and closing the door behind him.
Hoshiko hummed quietly to themself and closed their eyes. They didn't take long to fall asleep, and for the first time in a few days they stayed asleep.
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
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fellulahh · 4 years
Lucifer x MC x Satan Fic, Part 7/???
Read Parts 1-6 here!
Chuckling at his words, MC turned around and began making her way down the hallway. Satan leant against the doorframe watching her leave, noticing the new spring in her step.
Oh how he wished he was the one that caused it.
Satan’s chest was heaving as he couldn’t believe the sight before him. His heart felt like it had stopped as his eyes watered.
“What are you doing here?” He asked barely above a whisper, feeling his body grow weak.
“Why do you think, Satan?” MC teased as she slowly sauntered toward him, unbuttoning his shirt that hung on to her body.
His eyes slowly trailed down her body, noticing she was undressing herself. He had to blink, not believing this was real. “But what about Lucifer?” He asked quietly, snapping his sight back to her tantalising expression.
“I don’t care about Lucifer.” She insisted, placing both hands on his cheeks. Satan’s mind went crazy as she leant in. He could feel MC’s lips brush against his while his skin grew warm. “I only care about you.” She whispered before kissing him.
A loud knock rudely awoke Satan from his slumber. He quickly jolted in his bed after being torn away from his dream. A layer of sweat had developed on his forehead as he sat up in bed, finding himself clutching the shirt that MC had worn just days ago.
Glancing down at it, he forgot all about the knock at the door as he realised he’d fallen asleep hugging it. “What has gotten into you?” He whispered to himself in horror.
“Satan?” MC’s voice called from the door, “are you in there?”
Hearing her voice frightened him. He’d just dreamt about MC in a dream that wasn’t particular appropriate!
Completely flustered, he quickly threw the shirt across the room onto the armchair. “Just a second!” He called, growing embarrassed.
He didn’t know if he could face her after just having a dream that she’d kissed him. Satan was completely sheepish as he threw on a discarded checked shirt than he found by the side of his bed.
Rushing to the door, he tried to compose himself as he opened it. “MC!” He put on a chirpy voice when he saw her, “what are you doing here?”
Satan was partially hidden behind he door as he peeped his head round. He felt completely mortified that he had to hide the uncontrollable bulge in his bottoms.
“Are you okay?” She chuckled at him as her eyes began to wander down his exposed torso, “you’re all red.”
‘You must be blushing!’ He thought to himself.
“Sorry I just...it’s quite hot in here and I just woke up from a...scary dream.” He trailed off as his eyes diverted from hers. “You seem happy today?” He quickly changed the subject.
“Yes well, lets just say things have improved since that night.” She nodded, referring to the drunken state she was in when she confided in Satan. “I’m feeling much better.”
“Yes I heard you and Lucifer seemed to have patched things up.” He smiled cynically as he leant against the door frame.
“Well I wouldn’t say that. He just...I don’t know really.” She breathed, “I don’t know what to think.”
“Did you want to talk about it?” He asked concerned, gazing deep into her eyes.
“No.” She shook her head, “that’s not why I came here actually.”
“Really? What did you want?” He asked, pleasantly surprised.
“Well you and I are the only ones who don’t have a class at RAD today.,” she spoke slowly, “so...” she grinned wide before pulling out something from behind her back.
Satan narrowed his eyes as he studied the DVD in her hands. “What’s this?” He chuckled amused.
“Beauty and the Beast!” She laughed excited.
“It’s a film?” He questioned amazed, taking the DVD in his hands.
“One of my favourites.” She grinned cheekily, causing him to flash her a genuine smile. “So what do you say? You want to come to my room and watch it with me?”
Satan began to doubt himself. Was he dreaming again?!
“I’d love to.” he breathed, appreciating the human in front of him.
“Alright, I’ll go and get it set up - just come down when you’re ready.” She smiled at him before taking the film back and turning around to make her way down the hall.
Satan had to try his best not to let his heart flutter. Smiling to himself, he slowly shut his door before shaking his head.
‘She’s so adorable’
Buttoning up his shirt, he made himself look more presentable. He gave his hair a quick brush, cleaned his teeth and pepped himself up in the mirror.
He had to stop himself from overthinking. MC had remembered what his favourite book is from their morning together...
Not wanting to waste anymore time, he quickly grabbed his D.D.D from his bedside table before leaving his room. As he neared MC’s bedroom, he could see her in the doorway trying to work the television.
“Need some help?” He chuckled as he entered, noticing her struggling.
“I don’t know what’s wrong with it - Mammon was the last to use the remote so no doubt he broke it!” She sighed.
“Here.” He spoke softly, taking it from her hands. Just like magic, it immediately worked. MC narrowed her eyes at him while he looked smug that he’d saved her. “Don’t give me that look.” He chuckled, noticing her glare, “all I did was help you!”
“Yeah and you made me look silly in the process.” She laughed embarrassed at how quick he solved the problem. Stepping through the room, MC made her way to the bed, plopping herself down on it before lifting her feet up.
Letting out a sigh, Satan copied her actions. He climbed on the bed beside her, ensuring to leave plenty of room between them. Lifting the remote, MC pressed play. “I hope you love this as much as I do - I adored this film as a child. I know the lyrics to every song!”
“Wait there’s music in this?” Satan chuckled in disbelief, turning his head to face MC.
“Trust me - you’ll be singing half the songs by the time we’re finished.” MC laughed as she rolled onto her side to sink into the bed.
When he felt her body get closer to him, Satan bit his lip. Turning his attention to the television, he made himself comfortable as he began to watch the movie with her.
Admittedly, he was a bit pessimistic about watching the film version of the book but he genuinely enjoyed it. Especially seeing Belle - watching her sing as she delicately walked through the French town reminded Satan of MC. She was just as gentle and kind, if not even more so than the character.
And then there was the beast. Seeing his monstrosity be brought to life through cartoon really made him think. Could MC ever see the beauty underneath with him? Could she see past the wrathful distortion that he possessed? Or was he being completely silly imagining that she could?
Although his mind wandered as he compared himself to the protagonist, Satan couldn’t help but snigger every time Gaston came onto screen.
“What are you laughing at?” MC asked confused, turning her face toward him.
“Nothing, he just reminds me of Lucifer.” He laughed while pointing at the screen, “I mean they’re both proud, pompous fools.”
“Satan!” MC gasped, playfully slapping his arm, “Lucifer is nothing like Gaston.”
“Whatever you say MC...” he grinned cheekily, turning his attention back to the film while she scoffed. “I mean perhaps you’re right - Gaston actually knows he wants Belle.”
Pausing the film, MC glanced at Satan concerned. “What are you trying to say?” She sighed.
Realising he may have taken it too far, Satan let out a deep breath. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.”
“I thought I could tell you these things...” she breathed, disappointed that he was mocking her situation.
“And you can!” He assured, rolling over so that they were face to face, “I just...I don’t want to see you get hurt by him again.”
MC’s face softened momentarily. “Neither do I.”
‘Then be with me instead!’
“I want you to be careful around him, MC.” Satan spoke seriously, “Please don’t allow him to keep getting your hopes up.”
“That’s easier said than done.” She admitted.
Seeing her face fall, Satan quickly changed the subject. “Come on let’s not think about that now. Why don’t we finish the film, hey Belle?” He smiled.
“Belle?” She laughed, brightening up again.
“She reminds me of you.” Satan chuckled nonchalantly, reaching for the remote before pressing ‘play’.
Meanwhile MC lingered for a moment in her position gazing at Satan. Her face softened while she smiled at the new name he’d given her. But soon, her thoughts returned to the film and she turned her head back to the television.
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ruewrites · 3 years
Thrones are Built on Lies Chapter 12: Vulnerable
Ship: Solomon/Asmo, Diavolo/Lucifer
Word Count: 3462
Warning: Slight mentions of manipulation, Azazel is really a dick in this chapter
A/N: Hey! There's a plot point in this chapter that I've really been looking forward to! I hope you all like it as well! Comments are appreciated!
Solomon slid the gift back into its box. It was perfect, more than perfect really. The blacksmith had done a phenomenal job and Solomon hadn't hesitated in leaving them a rather handsome tip. He could only hope that Asmo would love it as well. The design came out even better than he dreamed it would when he first concocted it onto paper. All he had to do now was give it to him.
"You seem to be in a wonderful mood!"
"Observant aren't you?"
Diavolo had strayed from his previous path of following his butler to see what Solomon was up to. Barbatos had a garment bag slung over one arm, careful not to let any part of it touch the ground. Diavolo's energy was infectious and Solomon could feel his own smile growing wider.
"It's just good to finally see you feeling at home here," Diavolo placed one hand on his shoulder and squeezed. It was comforting, he could always let his guard down a little more around Diavolo. Not to mention, he was the one who served as his tipping point. He brought up some of Asmodeus' better characteristics which made Solomon open himself up a bit more.
Hopefully his gift would serve its purpose.
Diavolo's eyes shifted down to the box in his hands. "Could that have something to do with how you're feeling?"
Solomon traced his fingers along the edges of the box. Would Asmodeus like it? He could feel his stomach start to churn ever so slightly. It would be so easy for his good mood to sour…
"It is."
"And may I ask what it is?"
"A gift, for Asmodeus."
Diavolo's eyes lit up and Solomon took the box away just as Diavolo reached for it. "I'm sure you'll hear all about it from him once he gets it."
He loved every other gift he gave him before this point.
The pendant.
The bunnies.
He had good ideas. So why did he still feel so sick?
"So I don't get to see it? Not even a little bit?" Diavolo frowned, reaching for the box again. Solomon pulled it away once more and clicked his tongue.
"I haven't even let Simeon see the finished product. Asmo will see it first, and he can show others if he wishes." And hopefully it wouldn't be to mock him.
"Well in that case you must show him right away! I want to see his reaction as well as what you got him!"
Diavolo's hands suddenly pressed into his back as he started to push Solomon towards wherever he believed Asmo to be. He opened and closed his mouth, but no words wanted to escape. His heels wouldn't even dig into the floor. Diavolo was an incredibly strong man both in heart and… well… strength. And Solomon was just now realizing this.
"My lord," Barbatos cleared his throat, stopping Diavolo in his tracks. He motioned towards the garments on his arm, "Perhaps you could torment his highness another time when it comes to Asmodeus. For now we really should be getting back to Lucifer with your coronation attire."
At the very mention of Lucifer, Diavolo was back by Barbatos' side. Now that Solomon could focus on what was over the butler's arm, he could appreciate it more. The thread was a deep crimson with golden buttons and black trim. It was incredibly elegant, yet powerful. Solomon already felt sorry for any fool who might accidentally dirty it.
"Lucifer and I are preparing our last little details for his coronation. I can't wait to see him wearing that crown. He'll look every bit the wonderful ruler I know he can be. Even if he is nervous."
"My lord-"
Solomon didn't miss the way Barbatos jabbed his side or the pointed look he threw his way. Honestly, Barbatos seemed less like a butler and more like a caretaker or a parent. It was a bit comical.
"Yes yes, in any case I will be figuring out what little secrets you're hiding Solomon one way or another." He was a playful man. It wasn't a wonder that the brothers had accepted him quicker than they had Solomon. He had a way of worming into people's hearts and rooting himself there.
He was genuine.
He was a good man.
He couldn't think of anyone more worthy to be with the crown prince, and with his help he was positive Lucifer would accomplish many wonderful things. They would build a strong empire together.
Azazel was right.
It would indeed be a new era.
"So don't you think about trying to hide anything from me."
"What secrets could I possibly hide from you?"
Solomon did have secrets, not from Diavolo, but from someone he should really come clean to. Asmodeus deserved to know details he'd omitted from him. Details about the pendant, why he wanted this marriage so badly in the first place.
Perhaps he should run back to his room to grab his notes.
He could go over them with him.
That would be nice.
"You never know what the great and mysterious King Solomon could be hiding, but if you say you're true, then I'll believe you" Diavolo continued on with a wink, "Best of luck to you your majesty, I'm sure he'll love it. After all, he adores you. Trust me."
Solomon wasn't sure what prompted the next words out of his mouth, "Are you sure?"
The conversation stopped, and immediately regret filled his entire being. He had never showed an ounce of insecurity while he was here. It was dangerous for a king to show his own weaknesses. They could be exploited, they could kill them. But for some unknown reason, he slipped.
Barbatos and Diavolo shared a look for a moment. The quiet seemed to stretch on forever and Solomon had to force himself to resist squirming. Finally, Barbatos nodded and Diavolo went to speak, “I’m positive.”
How could he be so confident in how Asmodeus felt?
He knew his fiance talked to Satan quite a bit. Was Diavolo also in that inner circle? That would mean that Asmo also told him everything that Satan knew. That idea made blood rush towards his face.
What had Asmodeus said that made Diavolo so confident?
“We must be off now,” Barbatos straightened the outfit out over his arm, “We’ve kept his majesty waiting long enough.”
“True, I have kept my husband waiting long enough. Farwell Solomon!”
Solomon watched them walk away until they disappeared. He clutched the box in his hands a little tighter. He could do this. He’d done more challenging things in the past. He could do this. He could do this…
When did seeing Asmo make him feel so nervous?
He was speaking with Mammon and Satan and he hadn’t seemed to notice Solomon yet. Mammon must have said something rather amusing, because Asmo’s bell like laugh rang out into the room and Solomon felt his heart skip a beat. He had his doubts that Asmo would even be interested in his gift.
Where had all his confidence gone? When he first came here, he was confident that Asmodeus had been infatuated with him. He could do anything he wanted and he was so sure his fiance would follow him around like a lost puppy. Asmodeus would be more than willing to do anything and everything for him, and Solomon wouldn’t have to worry.
What changed?
The box in his hands suddenly felt twenty times heavier than it had before.
Asmo looked like he was glowing, he was the very picture of perfection. What Solomon wouldn’t give to pull his hand away from his face so he could look at his wonderful smile. Maybe he would even be able to capture the rosy tint of his cheeks or how his eyes sparkled when he got excited. He could allow himself to indulge in the soft texture of his skin or follow how his body curved.
He was beautiful inside and out, and Solomon had not been treating him in a way he deserved.
Yes, he started trying.
Yes, he’d probably gotten better.
But he couldn’t erase what had happened, nor how he acted.
Perhaps that’s what had him so nervous, but it would be hard to know. Unweaving his own web of complicated emotions proved to be one of the harder tasks that Solomon would have to accomplish. The trio started to walk off, and Solomon wasn’t able to move in time to catch up with them, especially not with the hand being placed onto his shoulder.
“Solomon! Hello, I see you have your notes with you and I have some free time,” Solomon found himself being spun around so that he could face Azazel. He hated being caught off guard like this. It became so easy for him to just become lost in Asmo that he was starting to lose his touch. He was losing his alertness. Normally he would have been able to hear Azazel come up from behind him. His head seemed to go on autopilot and went to swivel back in Asmo’s direction, but something stopped him. It felt like a hand holding his face in place, but nothing was there. “Why don’t you step into my study?”
He became much more protective over the box on their walk. Azazel’s words were nothing more than a buzzing in his ear, but he couldn’t ignore the way he was glancing at the box, “And what do you have there? Some artifact you wish to share?”
“Actually, it’s a gift… For Asmodeus.”
The mood shift was evident, and the atmosphere in the room suddenly became even more uncomfortable.
Azazel tutted, clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth, “You’re going to spoil him if you give him too many gifts. You should only really reward him when he does something to earn it.”
“He’s my fiance,” Solomon was impressed with how even his voice was staying, “I think I have the right to spoil him if I wish.”
“Perhaps, if he wasn’t already spoiled.” Azazel was getting on his nerves.
Solomon didn’t say a word to continue. Whether or not Azazel took this as annoyance didn’t seem to matter as he continued to speak. “You have to keep your priorities straight. Distractions will lead to your downfall. My brother often got distracted by pretty little things too.”
Solomon hoped Azazel didn’t catch the way he bristled.
“His mother was so similar to him. She was beautiful, a seductress, and my brother fell right into her trap. It’s no surprise that she couldn’t give him a decent prince.”
“And what do you mean by that?”
The smile that stretched across Azazel’s lips was nothing short of disgusting, and Solomon fought to hide the way that crawled under his skin.
“You know what I mean. At least he managed to get one more decent prince and a princess after her, but the only useful thing Asmodeus has done was serve as a bargaining chip.”
Solomon wanted him to stop talking.
“Of course, we had to make some little changes, do a little training to make sure he played his part right.”
Solomon had played into their hands. He probably proved them right in Asmodeus’ eyes.
“It would have been easier if my niece was still alive and if we didn’t have to jump through the hoops we did, but he did a decent job. You know, I was certainly surprised she died and not my youngest nephew. He’s always been sickly, I’m surprised he’s still alive.”
He’d been an unknowing pawn.
“Luckily it didn’t matter to you in the end. We figured just as much, that you would care more for what Arcadia could offer you than who you would have to marry to get in, and that is completely understandable! You’re a scholar after all. So in the end, it didn’t really matter.”
“You still let him believe that it would matter,” Solomon wished his voice wasn’t as soft as it had come out, “You let him believe that the outcome would be terrible.”
He stopped walking up the stairs. He didn’t know when that had happened. He didn’t know why he couldn’t move. All he knew was that he was frozen, and that the air was being sucked from him, making his lungs feel dry.
He’d been played.
Cold hands grabbed the underneath of his chin and forced him to look into Azazel’s eyes.
Everything stopped.
The world was quiet, save for the crackling of the torches.
“Some things are necessary to save the future of an empire, and I would say a little manipulation was needed in my nephew’s case. He isn’t the only one that we’ve pushed in the right direction,” Azazel mused, moving some of the hair out of Solomon’s eyes, “But surely a noble king like yourself would understand that.”
Azazel went towards his arm and grabbed the papers he had. He flipped through them slowly and frowned a little more with each one he flipped past. Each slip of parchment fell down the steps. All the while, Solomon still remained frozen in place.
Unable to speak.
Unable to move.
Azazel let the last piece slip out of his hands and disappeared behind the door, only to return with a book. He slipped it under Solomon’s arm. “You don’t have anything new. You really shouldn’t fall behind on your studies. It isn’t becoming.”
With that, he slipped back up the steps and the door shut, leaving the torches to die. All Solomon could do was slip down the side of the wall.
He had been nothing but a tool, and not in a way he prepared himself to be used.
“What did you want to talk with me about?”
After his encounter with Azazel, it took Solomon a few more days to gain back the confidence to give Asmo his gift. Even now, as they walked into the trees, Solomon still felt incredibly nervous, all too aware of the contents in his satchel. “We’ll discuss it when we get there,” he said, clutching his satchel a little tighter.
Asmo snuggled up closer to his side, “You know if you want to get me alone you can just say so. I know lots of places where we could be safe.”
Solomon still wasn’t immune to his fiance’s implications. It wasn’t that he wasn’t interested. Quite the contrary, he was more than interested, but it never felt like the right time. Not to mention, Asmodeus had a very protective older brother and some other nosey siblings.
“You’re cute when you get all red, I like the way the tips of your ears light up like that,” Asmodeus continued, wrapping his arms around Solomon’s and nuzzling into his shoulder, “I might just have to keep talking like that just to see your reactions.”
Solomon loosened his grip on his bag and used his other hand to comb through Asmo’s hair and down his face as they continued, “Well, you are more than pleased to do that if you wish, but I can also promise that I’ll be more forward if that is my intention.”
Clearly that was the right answer as giggles filled his ear.
So far so good.
Despite the mood seeming alright, Solomon’s stomach was still doing flips. Hopefully he wouldn’t throw up, the last thing he needed was to empty the contents of his stomach into a bush. He wanted to keep the sweet atmosphere around them, and something like that would certainly ruin their night.
There was so much he wanted to communicate to Asmodeus, and he wasn’t exactly sure how he was going to do that.
Eventually they came to a spot in the woods where they had met before. Solomon took a seat on a fallen log, let his satchel slip to the ground, and patted the seat next to him. Asmodeus took his seat gracefully and made sure he was as close to Solomon as he could possibly be.
Solomon thought over his words carefully before he spoke, “I haven’t been wonderful to you Asmodeus, and I’d like to apologize.”
Asmo opened his mouth, but Solomon raised his hand, and the atmosphere became more solemn. Hopefully he wouldn’t ruin anything. He enjoyed finally knowing a little more about Asmo and getting closer to him.
“You’re wonderful,” he continued, “Very wonderful, and I realize that you deserve someone good. I hope that that is someone I can become.” He couldn’t bring himself to look at Asmodeus, not yet. The guilt was still chewing away at him, and he didn’t want whatever expression that currently resided in Asmo’s eyes to kill his nerves. He needed to do this, and he’s put it off long enough. “I hadn’t been interested in you. You were right. I didn’t love you, and I’m still unsure how I feel, but I was more interested in actually having an in to Arcadia. You were just my ticket.”
He gestured towards Asmo’s chest to the scorpion pendant, “The pendant I gave you is imbued with magic. Magic that allowed me to have a glance into what your feelings might have been. I have the matching one. Of course, it was my way to make sure that I still had your affections and that I hadn’t done anything absolutely terrible or-” Solomon stopped and put his head in his hands laughing a bit to himself, “Fuck I sound like such an ass.”
Surprisingly, Asmodeus had stayed quiet and Solomon wasn’t sure whether that made him feel better or worse. He went rooting through his bag and pulled out the box. Now it was time. He was going to be a better man for Asmodeus. He deserved a better man, especially with how he had played directly into Azazel’s manipulation. Solomon wanted Asmo to feel safe with him. He didn’t want to be his overlord, he wanted to be his equal.
“The point is, I want things to change. I like you Asmodeus, I do, and I realize I’ve been terrible. I want to be better for you, I want you to be happy. You’re truly something else Asmodeus, and you deserve to be adored,” he pushed the box closer to Asmodeus and waited for him to take it. He quickly looked away the moment he started opening it. Inside was a shining dagger with a scorpion tail engraved into the blade, the hilt itself resembled the rest of the scorpion, and in its claws was a shining red ruby. “I expect my husband to be as beautiful as he is dangerous,” he explained, “Never let anyone take you for granite or take advantage of you. You are good enough, and you are incredibly powerful.”
“Similar to what I said to you on the first day. I mean it Asmodeus.”
He thought for hours about what he was going to say, until he realized that there were no better words to describe what he felt. Asmodeus was strong and special, and he wanted him to remember that. Things were silent for a few more moments and Solomon dared to look up, Asmo was gently caressing the blade, transfixed by how it it glinted in the moonlight,
Then their eyes met.
Solomon wasn’t sure what happened.
All he knew was that Asmo’s lips pressed against his own. The blade pressed lightly against his spine as Asmo’s arms tightened around him, but he barely noticed.
How long had it been since he’d been kissed?
How long had it been since he’d been kissed like this?
His hands wrapped around Asmo and after what seemed like an eternity, his fiance pulled away. He took one hand away to dab at his eye. His eyes looked so gooey and soft, and it made Solomon melt.
“Thank you,” he said softly, “I love it, I’m going to keep it by my side forever.”
His head tilted and his lips came closer again, “I think I love you.”
As they sat there under the moonlight, Solomon couldn’t help but think the same thing. The blade against his back disappeared along with the rest of the world as his eyes slipped shut, and Solomon’s heart became a little lighter.
He could still be a good man to Asmodeus, he could be a good husband to him.
“I think, I may love you too,” Solomon murmured, causing another laugh to escape Asmo before their lips came together once more.
Asmodeus had stayed true to his promise. Somehow he had managed to slip his way into Solomon’s heart, and he was sure that he’d stay there. Solomon felt himself push closer the longer they stayed together, and slowly Asmodeus leaned back onto the ground, Solomon following after.
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fierysafrina · 4 years
Today I started loving you again | Lucifer x reader
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Fandom: Obey Me! Rating: General Word Count: 4.460 Genre: Hurt/Comfort | Fluff | Romance Summary: To Lucifer you’re like an enigma of memories perceived as dreams. Notes: So this oneshot has been inspired by this post that I reblogged long time ago. I hope you’ll also like it~ ( •ॢ◡-ॢ)-♡ 
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There is a faint memory that lingers in Lucifer’s mind. A memory of Lilith standing behind the transfer student—you—, looking at him with sadness and deep regret. It confuses him when the next memory shows only you; you standing in front of him, eyes filled with unshed tears and emotions he recognized in a moment.
A quiet voice lulls him awake. He slowly raises his head from the desk, eyes foggy with sleep. He blinks before he focuses on your disoriented form until his eyes adjust to the brightness of the light. Your expression shows nothing but worry as you nibble on your lower lip between your teeth.
“Why don’t you go to bed?” You ask, hesitating to reach forward.
Lucifer frowns at your action only to realize you aren’t just looking at him, but at his head as well. His horns must have formed, because the moment he straightens, you flinch away. “I’m alright.” he speaks, completely ignoring the sadness that tries to overflow him. He doesn’t want you to be afraid of him. Especially not of his demon form. He looks at the clock and realizes it’s already past two in the morning.
A small smile spreads across your lips. “You’ve been working hard these days. Get some rest.” You reach forward for a cup on his desk, eyes moving between the cup and his hands that remain close to it.
He unconsciously retracts them. “Yes,” he murmurs, turning his head. He blinks and then looks back at you, who still stands there, now holding the cup. “Why are you still awake?”
Your eyes widen and you part your lips to answer only to close them when you don’t know what to answer. “I…” you begin and gulp as his eyes seem to see right through you. “I couldn’t sleep.” You admit, sighing a second later.
Lucifer observes you and only then spots dark circles beneath your eyes, eyes just a bit puffier. Do you always appear this way? Tiredness overshadowing you all while you try to appear well-rested? How had he not seen it before? “Do you want to talk about it?” he blurts before he can stop himself.
You blink, eyes slowly growing wide. A chuckle quickly escapes you and you shake your head. “It’s alright,” Your voice is quiet. Lucifer could see your shoulders relaxing and the corners of his lips twitch into a half smile. “I always had trouble sleeping, so I usually stay up until morning hours or the whole night.” You avert your gaze, but seeing how his eyes widen, you quickly add; “Don’t worry, I do get enough sleep.”
“How many hours?” Lucifer frowns, voice just a bit colder.
You turn your head, visibly avoiding his gaze as you grow restless.
Lucifer narrows his eyebrows, gaze turning harsh. “Answer me. How many hours do you sleep?”
“…F…our…?” you whisper and gulp when his eye twitches. “I swear I had sleeping problems before I came to Devildom, so not much is different.” You chuckle nervously.
A sigh escapes Lucifer’s lips. “Do you want to stay here?” he asks, looking at papers on his desk, still to be looked through. “I still have some papers to sign and look through.”
“Don’t be silly,” You exasperate. “You need rest, Lucifer.” His eyes meet with yours and he’s taken back by the seriousness. There’s something in them that he can’t quite point it out. “Papers can wait. Don’t be like me or Satan, who stay up reading instead of sleeping. Or Levi, who plays games until morning hours.” It’s your turn to sigh and shake your head. “The amount of times I turned off his computer when he fell asleep right beside is giving me a headache.”
He chuckles and covers his mouth. “I apologize in their stead.” He lowers his head.
“It’s alright,” You smile. “I’m serious though. When I go back from the kitchen and still see you’re awake, I’ll tell Asmo to post that picture of you sleeping by leaning on the desk.”
Lucifer narrows his eyebrows. “It was you who took it, wasn’t it?” he isn’t amused, that much you know.
Shaking with your head, you laugh. “I’m serious, Lucifer.” You turn and walk towards the door. “Get rest. You’re in need of one.”
Leaving his bedroom, Lucifer is left alone. There’s something that bugs him, like he should have remembered, but doesn’t know what exactly. Shaking with his head, he stands and changes into his pajamas before he lays into bed. Sleep is quick to overtake him and he dreams of Lilith. He dreams of his brothers when they were still angels. They’re laughing, being complete opposites. The only difference he knows this was a dream was the fact Satan and you are there as well. Satan in his demon glory and you with a pair of beautiful white wings.
The first one to notice his presence is Lilith, who turns and smiles at him. It’s wide and she opens her mouth. Lucifer recognizes his name being called before the rest of the brothers turn as well. He unknowingly holds his breath when you turn, eyes ever so softly looking at him. It’s filled with love and care and the way you smile is anything but. It makes his heart skip a beat, cheeks heating up as they turn into rosy colour.
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When the morning comes, Lucifer finds you sitting by a table in the dining room, already surrounded by sleepy Leviathan and Mammon, who’s trying to rouse the former. It’s unsuccessful and with one glare aimed at the second brother, Mammon grows silent instead. His eyes meet with yours and you smile softly, wishing him a good morning. For a moment, he’s stunned, but he greets you back.
Slowly the table is full, with all brothers sitting on their seats. Lucifer notices Satan talking to you about one of the books you must have read not too long ago before Asmodeus asks you what you thought of the scent candles he gave you. You’re kind to all of them, giving Beelzebub food you didn’t eat and helping Belphegor not to dirty his uniform so early in the morning. Mammon is eating in silence, glancing at Lucifer for some reason he doesn’t understand and Leviathan finally wakes up enough to start talking of the game he was playing late into morning hours.
Lucifer doesn’t understand why you’re cautious around him. He doesn’t understand why you’re so kind to all of them, acting like you’ve known them for a long time; longer than you actually do. He wants to ask you about it, about the dreams he has of you, but he doesn’t. A part of him fears the truth. And even if he wants to ask you, he can’t, because you’re never alone. One of the brothers is always there, usually Mammon or Satan. If it isn’t them, it’s either the angels, Solomon or Diavolo.
It feels like everyone is playing a game with him. A game of hide-and-seek, except that he’s searching for something he doesn’t even know. It confuses him and he hates that. He hates not knowing. So he distances himself from you and you take it. You take it as calmly as you can, your gaze understanding and accepting.
Lucifer has never felt such anger before.
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“How long until you tell him? Them?”
Lucifer stops walking when he hears Diavolo’s voice. He narrows his eyebrows, confused by the question.
“I don’t understand what you mean.” Your voice is composed, too polite for his liking, but he doesn’t move from his spot behind the corner.
Diavolo sighs and shakes his head in slight disappointment. “You managed to fool me until today. Pretending to be someone you’re not. Does He not care for you anymore?”
Lucifer gasps silently when he feels it; feels the power he once wielded. The pureness of it makes him stumble backwards.
“Lord Diavolo, I suggest you stop before this exchange turns into something you won’t be able to save.”
Lucifer understands you. His eyes are wide at the language he forgot how to speak. But even your words weren’t as they should be. There was a certain accent in it, like you couldn’t speak it well. Lucifer dares to lean forward and he sees you standing in front of Diavolo. Your eyes are glaring at the Lord and a chill runs down his spine as another memory of his dream comes forward.
It's a dream where you’re sitting beside him, holding a book in your hands as you read aloud. Your voice was like a melody to him, the only moment where he could rest. In those dreams, you were his safe haven.
Lucifer shakes his head, waking from his thoughts only to see you are long gone. Diavolo still stands there and his expression is troubled. He wants to step forward, to ask if he’s alright, but he finds himself being frozen on the spot. Then a thought comes to him. He turns and disappears from where he came from.
“Simeon!” he calls for the angel, who’s talking with Luke.
Both Simeon and Luke stop and turn. Their eyes widen when they see Lucifer approach them in quick steps.
“I must ask you something.” He starts and doesn’t let either of them respond. “When I was still an angel, was there any angel I talked to? Or any of the brothers? Someone that was close to us?”
Simeon’s eyes widen before his gaze turns sadder like the memory itself is something he doesn’t wish to remember. It tugs on Lucifer’s heart when Simeon parts his lips only to close them. He shakes his head, sigh escaping. “I’m sorry, Lucifer,” he begins slowly; “but I cannot tell you. It’s not my place.”
“So there was?” Lucifer pushes, hoping.
Simeon hesitates, but nods after a moment.
That’s all Lucifer needs. It feels like a stone just rolled off his shoulders and he can finally take a deep breather. He only smiles at the two angels before he turns and disappears.
Lucifer doesn’t know what his dreams mean, but that night he dreams of loss. He feels the anger like it happened only yesterday, the burning of his wings as he’s falling and their voice. A voice that’s calling for him. He opens his eyes only to see a hand outstretched towards him and he reaches out unconsciously, but misses it. Their voice is hoarse and filled with so much pain and anguish that he wakes up sweating.
He fails to fall back asleep.
He leaves the room, his destination kitchen to prepare himself a cup of tea. It’s unusual, but he remembers you once told him tea always helps if you’re unable to fall asleep.
“Chamomile tea is the best for sleepless nights.”
Lucifer passes by the common room only to stop when he sees you sitting on a sofa. You’re sitting in front of a fire, wearing a top. He’s about to call your name, but he stops when he notices strange writing on your back and shoulder blades. He narrows his eyebrows and takes a step forward, recognizing them.
It was runes; runes of Celestial language. He blinks and wonders how you have them. You never wear T-shirts or tops and now he understands why. The runes are spread down your arms to your wrists, pacts visible along. It’s an odd combination and Lucifer is slightly amused by how well they look together. He reaches out his hand and touches between your shoulder blades. He sees you tense and feels your hand around his wrist before he realizes you’re staring at him.
Your eyes are wide when it dawns on you and Lucifer raises an eyebrow. There’s fear and tension rises.
“These are runes of the Celestial language.” He starts, his eyes watching your every move, trying to see any kind of change of your expression. “How do you know these?” he asks and watches you like a predator his prey.
You begin to feel uncomfortable under his stare and avert your eyes. You release his hand and reach for your jacket instead. Quickly putting it on, you zip it up to your throat, half glaring at Lucifer in the process. “No matter what I tell you, you won’t believe me. Not after seeing this.” That’s all you say before you walk away.
Lucifer watches you stunned, but he doesn’t follow. There’s something about your gaze that makes him linger behind.
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You’re avoiding him. That much is quite obvious and Lucifer is damn sure you’re doing it too gladly. Still, he can’t find himself to reach out for you, because every time he does, he remembers the runes and pained voice from his dreams. He doesn’t know how it’s connected, but it is, that much he’s certain of.
“What’s troubling you?” Diavolo’s voice snaps Lucifer from his thoughts.
Lucifer looks at him before he turns away, trying to hide his expression. But he knows Diavolo knows. “Trouble sleeping.” he lies even if it’s half true.
Diavolo hums while reaching for a stack of papers in front of him. “If there’s anything that troubles you, you know where I am.”
A small smile spread across his lips. “Thank you.” He lowers his head as he stands and leaves the room. He walks down the hallway of RAD, thoughts anywhere but in front.
It’s then that he feels it once again. Power so pure, but not as powerful as it should be. It calls for him, wants it to follow and he does. Lucifer walks down the hallway until he reaches the classroom. Before he can open the door, he stops when he hears different voices.
“I didn’t know you were an angel. It’s remarkable how you managed to hide it until now.”
Lucifer freezes, expression confused. There’s another angel among exchange students? But the only exchange students he knows are Simeon, Luke, Solomon and you. Does Diavolo know of this?
“We should leave.” It’s Solomon who speaks. “You can’t handle all of them. You’re not strong enough.”
“You’re a sorcerer, Solomon.” It’s you, Lucifer realizes. “You have pacts with demons and I still have some strength left. I think we can handle a couple of low-class demons.” You’re taunting them and Lucifer can’t help but smirk.
“Come on, Morningstar.” You’re grinning as you look down on Lucifer. You reach out your hand and Lucifer scoffs, but takes it nonetheless. It takes you by surprise when he pulls you closer instead and rolls over so he’s atop of you. Your eyes are wide as you stare up at him.
“Third rule; you should never give aid to your enemies.”
A wide smile breaks before your laughter reaches him. “Third rule. Got it.”
Lucifer blinks with his eyes when arguments and yells wake him from his daze. He shudders and wants to take a step forward, but a second later the doors are flying off hinges along with a demon, who loses his consciousness. His eyes are wide. He turns inside and his mouth opens as he watches you fight. If he wasn’t so familiar with the style, he’d say you’re dancing, but he knows it. It’s quite similar to his own style, except that yours is based more on defense than attack.
He notices Solomon looking at him, freezing in the process, but it’s not in Lucifer to call for you. He watches you mesmerized and notices your moves aren’t as smooth as he expected them to be. Then again, he didn’t expect you to fight either.
Your name slips off his tongue and you freeze. Your whole body turns rigid and the demon you are fighting against uses the chance and strikes you. Solomon calls for you, but Lucifer forces himself into action, his horns visible and wings fluttering on his back as he glares at the cowering demon now in front of him. He wishes to obliterate him, terminate his sole existence for hurting you, but a soft touch of your warm hand pulls him back.
“D-don’t…” Your voice is nothing but a whisper, word of an ancient language he suddenly longs for.
Lucifer’s expression softens, but you can see through him; it’s full of anguish and confusion. You can’t blame him. He’s searching for answers, you know that much, but you can’t give them yet. You’re not prepared to face him.
He sighs and with one last glare at the demon, turns to you completely. All anger is gone, emotions hidden behind a mask as he kneels in front of you, eyes staring at the wound on top of your head.
“I’m fine,” You croak, forcing a smile, but you can’t hide a wince when Solomon starts cleaning blood from your face with a cloth. You have no idea where he got it and you don’t question him. You’re focused on Lucifer instead and Lucifer feels like you can read him like an open book even when he’s hiding.
Solomon frowns and presses on the wound, his eyes showing worry. “Why did you start a fight with them?”
“I don’t know what took over me…” you chuckle and reach for the cloth to press it down. You avert your gaze, unable to look at the demon any longer. Solomon sighs and shakes his head. “I’ll heal.”
“Of course you will.” Solomon agrees and looks at Lucifer.
But before he could say anything, Lucifer speaks; “Can I talk with [Name] for a moment?” eyes focusing on him.
Solomon narrows his eyebrows as he looks back at you. He notices your shoulders tensing. “Alright,” he closes his eyes, completely ignoring the betrayed look you’re giving him. “You and I both know you’ll never speak of it unless cornered.”
“It’s not my place.” You shake your head.
“Neither is mine, but someone has to give you a push.”
Realization dawns on you. “You set me up?!” you hiss, gaze turning into a glare instead. “Solomon!” you raise your voice, but the sorcerer is already out of the classroom, leaving you alone with Lucifer. You bite your lower lip, refusing to look at the demon, tears in the corner of your eyes. You can feel your nose burn, but you refuse to cry.
“I keep having these odd dreams.” Lucifer is the first to break the silence. You glance at him from the corner, observing. “Dreams when I was still an angel; before the fall. Dreams when I’m one once more, but Satan is there in his demon glory and Lilith.” He narrows his eyebrows, but you slowly turn his way. He notices curiosity in your gaze and he doesn’t stop. He can’t. “I know those are nothing but dreams, but the rest? I see you constantly. You have the whitest wings and we fight, train.” The corners of his lips turn in a smile before it disappears. “But then I’m falling and I hear a scream and a hand outstretched. I don’t know to whom it belongs. It pains me just thinking of it.”
Lowering your head, you pull your hand and cloth down, hoping the bleeding stopped. It did somehow. “I don’t want to force you to remember, Morningstar.”
Lucifer’s eyes widen at his birth name and he stares at you like he’s seeing a ghost. It comes like a storm on a summer day, like lightning striking a tree.
His wings are burning. His chest is aching and he hears his brothers behind. He feels a burn in his throat as he’s watching above him, glaring at Him. One push and he’s falling. Someone calls for him and he turns his head and sees you. You’re kneeling on the ground, arm outstretched and Michael holding you back. He sees the archangel’s expression change, but he can’t comprehend it. He’s focused on you, on your tears that are streaming down your cheeks as you continue to call for him. He unconsciously outstretches his hand even when he knows you won’t follow. You shouldn’t follow. You didn’t deserve this.
Lucifer closes his eyes and succumbs to the pain and wrath.
He’s heaving and your arms are wrapped around him. He can’t breathe, but he doesn’t pull away in fear you’ll disappear. It’s the touch he so longed for. The touch he didn’t know he missed and it’s there just like you are. You’re there and Lucifer finds himself wrapping his arms around you, his heart beating hard and fast against his chest.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t strong enough…” you whisper and it dawns on him that something is not right.
Pulling away, he’s holding for your shoulders. “What did you do?” he hisses in a whisper, grip just a bit tighter.
“How could I stay?” Your voice breaks. You raise your hand and caress his cheek.
“Did you f-fall?” he couldn’t help the stutter, fear slowly growing inside.
“No,” You shake your head and he releases the breath he unknowingly held. “I made a deal with them. Michael was against it, but Raphael and Chamuel managed to calm him down. In a way it’s my punishment…” you chuckle bitterly. You don’t miss how he flinches. “But that’s in the past now.” Your smile is gentle and warm, the kind that Lucifer remembers from his dreams. “I stayed beside Lilith when she reincarnated as human. It was Gabriel who told me, but Michael gave me more information of her whereabouts and situation. It was a gamble, but they told me.”
Lucifer closes his eyes, sighing in defeat. “Even after she fell, she was looked after.”
“You all were.” You cup his cheeks, forcing him to look at you. “I couldn’t stay beside her throughout her whole life, but I tried to protect her as much as I could from the shadows. But Michael allowed me to stay there, to keep looking after her descendants.”
“Guardian angel…” he murmurs and you laugh, nodding.
You manage to hide the wince from sudden action and relax when Lucifer didn’t seem to notice it. “I looked after them, so they’re safe. They’re happy, living the life you wished for Lilith to have.”
Lucifer nods before he frowns. “B-but how… How are you here?” he looks at you. “Lord Diavolo was sure of your ancestor being Lilith, but if you’re not. If you’re an angel…” he trailed off.
“Even I’m not completely sure what happened.” You shake your head. “It could be because this time around I lived with Lilith’s descendants as a distant relative.” You shrug, looking unsure. “I was surprised, shocked when I saw all of you, but since none of you seemed to remember me, I let it go. After all, thousands of years did pass since we last saw each other. Not that we separated in a good manner either…”
“My star,” The words leave his mouth naturally, like he couldn’t wait to speak them. Your eyes widen and Lucifer cups your cheeks before he leans in and presses his lips against yours. You freeze, completely unable to move.
Realizing what he’s just done, Lucifer pulls away like he was burnt, his cheeks red from embarrassment. “I apologize.” His voice is quiet and when he looks at you, he’s shocked.
Tears are streaming down your cheeks and you cover your mouth.
“I-I’m sorry…” Lucifer stutters, caught off guard. “It was reckless of me. I wasn’t thinking. How thoughtless of me, you’re hurt.” He laughs bitterly and goes with his hand through his hair. He stands up and looks around, looking at the mess the classroom was in.
An awkward silence and tension begin to stretch and Lucifer doesn’t know what he wants to do. But you know him and you’ve been thinking of this moment for so long. The moment when he remembers a part of you even if just small.
Just when he’s about to leave the classroom, you jump on your feet and reach for his hand. Lucifer turns to you, eyes wide, but you don’t give him a chance to talk as you kiss him. Your eyes are shut and Lucifer closes them a moment later and kisses you back. He’s careful and soft. You feel his hands move and he holds yours, gripping them just a bit tighter. You feel him smile into the kiss and you can’t help it either.
“I’m sorry for forgetting you.” He whispers once he pulls away and leans his forehead on yours. It feels odd to speak in a language he hadn’t spoken in years, but it also feels … comforting. “I’m sorry…” Whispered apologies fill the classroom and you can’t help the laugh that escapes you.
“It’s alright,” You reply and look into his eyes. Your pronunciation is still odd, but Lucifer doesn’t mind. He intertwines his fingers with yours as he begins to kiss you over your cheek to the corner of your mouth. You laugh again, cheeks heating up at his action. “I should also apologize for not saying anything.”
“No,” Lucifer shakes his head and raises your right hand, placing kisses on top of it. “You have nothing to apologize for, my star.”
His words and softness of it melts you. You act before you realize – leaning into his chest, burying your face in the crook of his neck. You missed this, you can’t deny.
“Were you scared?”
You frown, unsure of what he means until you remember. Lucifer losing himself when you step in to protect Beelzebub and Luke. Belphegor’s hands around your neck as you lose your consciousness and Mammon’s frantic calls. Satan almost losing himself when you denied his pact. You shudder at the memory and Lucifer pulls away with a silent sigh. His expression holds sadness and regret.
“It would be expected; don’t you think?” you ask, a small smile visible on your lips. “You’ve always been close to archangels, so there’s no doubt you’re the strongest demons. The Celestial realm mourned that day …” you trail off, afraid to speak more with a broken voice.
Lucifer caresses your cheek.
“Gabriel told me what happened.” You don’t have to be specific to tell Lucifer what you mean. He averts his gaze to the side, turning sadder, eyes filled with pain of that day. “I never blamed you for anything. Neither do your brothers.” You pull him closer, your hands then on his waist, eyes searching for his. He’s reluctant, but he looks at you and you smile. “If there comes a time, and I hope it doesn’t, I’d go through this again just to see you live. That’s all I wish for you.”
Closing his eyes, Lucifer leans back in, his lips brushing against yours. Your grip tightens just a bit more and that is all he needs as memories of you and your time spent together in the Celestial realm slowly come back.
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paulieshore · 4 years
Obey Me / SCM Au Series
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Words: 3492
Warnings: None
Characters belong to:
·         Voltage: Star Crossed Myth
·         Obey Me! – Shall We Date
 Mc is Y/N Aka Goldie. I’ve set gender as female, may gender bend if you please. ENJOY! Will try to upload regularly.
Chapter 2:  Destiny
It felt as though you were floating for years, endless stars cascaded. Drifting and whirling around you, no pain, no thoughts, nothing.
The view was mesmerising; bright colours of yellow, pink, orange and blues.
Down below you glimpsed another body floating by.
Is that me?
Am I dead?
As you observed yourself, it couldn’t help but be noticed how much skinnier you’d become. How pale and broken your face looked, I really am dead, aren’t I?
“No child, not yet. You are sick, rest…”
The crowned ones’ voice; his tone soothing the anxiety in your mind, pushing you to the edge of blissful slumber.
Slowly you opened your eyes, met with an unfamiliar ceiling. This wasn’t your room, or any room in the House of Lamentation. You couldn’t move your body, eyes just fluttering.
“Y/N, your awake finally.” Simeon’s voice sounds nearby.
You try to lick your dry lips, “Wh-where am I?” in almost a whisper.
“The House of Gods. Its actually here in the human realm, I will explain later” Simeon gently sits next to your unmoving body “rest my friend, you need too.” As he tucks the sides of the blanket beneath.
From the corner of your eyes, you caught that blue haired one, rise from a seat furthest from you and leave.
Who is he?
You don’t know how long you’d been lying there, the only ones you’d seen in the time was Simeon and Luke. Occasionally catching a glance of that quiet one peeping in and out. He never spoke to you, always on looking with such sadness in his eyes.
Until one day, you had most of your strength back, and really needed a pee.
Simeon and Luke hadn’t come by yet, there was no bathroom that you could see inside this strangely well organised room. You sat up and admired everything around. Books, Satan would have a field day in here you thought to yourself. The floor around the bottom of the bed was surrounded by water, like a mote around a castle. Soft browns and blue, the occasional brass vases near the walls filled with books. There was no carpet in this room, but blue tiles, reminded you of the blue haired one. All of it familiar and yet not.
Funny enough as you thought that, he walked in.
“Ah… Your fully awake now, that’s good. Didn’t mean to barge in, I’m sorry” He slightly bows to you.
“I-it’s quite alright, I get the feeling as though this might actually be your room” you nervously laugh.
His eye brow rises slightly, “do you remember?”
A fleeting look of confusion crosses your face, and you shake your head.
“Never mind then, I have some more medicine here for you. Please take this, its probably best if you didn’t touch anything in here or wonder outside of this room.” He gracefully walks over the water surrounding the bed and places the vile of liquids next to you. “We will accommodate you with your own room soon.”
“I, uh, I’m sorry. This may be too much, but I really need to, ya know….” You reach out to stop him from leaving.
“Uh, of course, your human now so it can’t be help. If you can walk then follow me, I will direct you to the lavatory.” Luckily for you he spared you the embarrassment of having to fully state it.
He stayed quiet most of the walk, and waited for you outside the washroom. This place was ginormous, much bigger than the house with the brothers. You stepped out of the washroom, and bowed your head to him “Thank you for waiting, I’m done now.”
“Clearly.” He turns and makes his way back from where you two started from.
“I’m sorry but, do we like, know each other?” You try to catch a peak at his face.
He glances down to the right, “No, we don’t. How could we. I am a god; you are a human.”
You stopped in your tracks. “God?”
His pace slowed to a stop and he turned to face you, “Yes, god. I am Huedaut, God of Aquarius.” He says deadpan.
That’s right the crowned one had said so himself; you thought back, “So tell me Mr. God sir-“
“it’s Huedaut, you may just call me that.” Cutting you off and striding back towards the room.
This guy, he’s nearly as bad as Lucifer. You roll your eyes inwards, just as you caught up to Huedaut, you heard other voices approaching.
“Hue, I see your walking Goldie! Hiya Goldie, how ya doing?” The soft brown haired one runs up and pets the top of your head.
“I’m not some kind of pet, don’t pat me like one!” You snap.
“Yikes, this one looks cute and playful but she’s a biter!!” He laughs and hides behind the other one with brown hair and hazel eyes. They were both wearing the same type of uniform, unlike Huedaut’s, their uniforms had black.
The short brown haired one offered his gloved hand, “I’m Dui, God of Gemini, and this playful one hiding here is Ichthys, God of Pisces. Welcome.” His cheeks tinted pink as he dipped his head, shaking your hand.
“Y/N, my name is Y/N, not Goldie.” You firmly shake and glare at the one called Ichthys.
He gives you a mischievous grin, “You’re going to be fun to play with.”
“Why would you want to dirty yourself playing with filth!” Another voice approached.
You turned around and remembered this one, briefly recalling his name was… Scorpy?
“Scorpy, is it?” You ask unsure, gesturing your hand out to shake.
Everyone freezes, Scorpio looks at your offered hand in disgust, Ichthys breaks into a roaring laugh.
“NO, listen here stupid woman. I am a God, God of Scorpio; You dare insult me?!” You felt your body begin to tremble with every word that left his mouth.
“Ha, ha Scorpy, see I told you it would stick” Ichthys holding his gut still laughing.
“I’m going to kill you, you brat!” Scorpio goes to grab Ichthys, missing him.
Ichthys laughs some more and sprints away, Scorpio tailing not too far behind.
“Please don’t think poorly of Scorpio, he is respected among all the gods. Diligent, determined and hardworking, that’s why he’s the Vice Minister of the Department of Punishments.” Dui says with a look of admiration.
Department of what now?
Huedaut gently grabs your shoulder and leads you back to his room, “You need to rest, no more for now.” He opens the door and lightly pushes you in, shutting it once your inside.
What the what….
Demons, Angels, Witches, Strange evil dark dude and now gods… Just when you thought you were getting a grip of reality, things just piled more and more.
Hold on a second, how long have I been here?!?!
Back in Devildom around a table in Diavolo’s castle-
“Y/N is making a slow recovery; the King is adamant she is not to return. He also advises you to send Solomon back to the human world and end this ‘program’ of yours” Simeon sips the tea before him “I’m sorry it has come to this.”
Lucifer shifts in his seat, “who is he to declare anything over anyone here, and advise Diavolo on the things that happen in his kingdom. Kivy is King of the Celestial Realm, not of Devildom!”
A hand is placed on Lucifer’s forearm “Thank you, Lucifer, for your support. However; considering what has transpired a fort night ago, it may not be wise to tempt destiny. The seal that imprisoned the Dark King has been broken, and I suspect the others will feel his presence regaining. Devildom may not be as safe as it once was.” Diavolo rubs his temples in slight annoyance.
“Indeed, darker forces are brewing once again. We can not afford any liabilities at this point.” Barbatos nods his head in agreement, next to Diavolo.
“I told you from the start this would fail, there is a reason why there are three realms now. The old days are long since gone.” Luke barks out.
“Be calm Luke, we should thank Diavolo for the thought. Its not everyday demons wish for a more peaceful path.” Says the one sat between Simeon and Luke.
“Karno, God of Cancer; I thank you for coming all this way. Please do take care of Y/N, she has become quite special to all of us here.” Diavolo slightly bows his head, to the one called Karno.
“It is my job as Vice Minister of Wishes to delegate in political matters, as well as granting wishes to those who are deserving of its reward. It is the least I can do.” Karno bows his head back to the prince. “I have always watched over her growing up, I will continue doing so.”
“I wonder why it is you here and not the Minister, himself…” Lucifer mocks.
Karno smiles kindly “Leon is very busy, and with recent events he is needed elsewhere. I hope we have not offended any of you, as vice minister my presence alone is appropriate. You of all people should know this Lucifer.”
Lucifer said nothing, he stood from his chair, bowed to Diavolo and took his leave.
“I see he has not changed.” Karno says with a sigh. “He may be the avatar of Pride, but if he does not let go of the past, pride will be his demise.”
“Same can be said about Leon though, no?” Luke leans over and whispers to Karno.
Back at the House of Gods –
You were getting acquainted with more of the gods, “Okay so let me get this straight. Department of wishes- grants wishes to humans who wish upon stars, and you guys punish humans?”
“Yes, that’s it, well done Goldie!” Teorus claps his hands and beams his prince charming smile.
Rolling your eyes, “…. and angels are like you, except created as servants to serve the gods?” You looked over to Huedaut.
“Yes, I guess you can say that. Angels deal with the underworld politics and the guarding and passing of mortal souls, reporting back to us with more sensitive priorities. We as gods only intervene on the basis of chaos. In simpler terms, war. When the world is on a brink of unbalanced crisis, too much of one thing isn’t a good thing.” He finishes not looking up from the report he was reading.
You began pinching yourself to triple check you hadn’t fallen asleep again.
Ichthys pats your shoulder “It’s true cutie, you’re not dreaming. I mean you’ve been living with demons for a while now. Some who were previously angels themselves, might I point out; yet you doubt us?” giving you a pouty lip.
“No, no, sorry it’s just, I mean… I’m still taking everything in. I feel way in over my head is all…” You deny with a look of guilt.
“Typical for a mere mortal, nothing but ants beneath our boots. Must be nice to be so air headed, no care in the world” A strong voice rings through the common area following a gust of wind. Entering with it; a tall man with a powerful aura clinging to him like second skin, and a smug yet very alluring face.
“Ah Leon, you’ve returned.” Huedaut closes his report and makes his way to him.
You’d been awake for 3 days, and were introduced to some of the gods. There was a total of 13 that you were told about, 12 who came here sometimes from the Celestial realm to work. So far you had met 6 (now 7), one (Scorpio) who made it obviously clear he didn’t like you at all. The ‘crowned one’ you called, was the King. King Kivy of the Heavens aka Paradise aka Celestial Realm.
Leon’s piercing stare sent shivers down your spine; you didn’t even need to be within his reach. You could feel his power, this one must be very strong, his stare alone reminded you that of a predator.
“Goldie, this is the Minister of the Department of Wishes, Leon, God of Leo!” Teorus taunts a bow towards his superior.
“If you’ve all had your fun toying with this thing here, why don’t you go and start doing your jobs.” He then snaps his fingers and a chew toy appears. “Here you go, that should keep you entertained.” Tossing the toy in front of you before turning and leaving with Huedaut.
You were fuming!
They may be gods, but the audacity of some of them, not even the boys back in devildom treated you with such manner. Made you wonder if some of these lot were the real demons.
“Relax Y/N, Leon’s always like this. Not many can challenge him, next to the king. Leon is one of the strongest in the heavens.” Ichthys picks up the toy at your feet.
“Wow, and look at you! Looks like you know how to use my name!” Didn’t mean to come off as rude, but the tone of your voice was less then amused.
Ichthys rubbed the back of his neck, “Well next to Zyg, Leon, and Scorpy your moody face is quite scary too, ha-ha.” Waving the toy at you.
Back in the House of Lamentation –
Lucifer had announced at the dining table that you would not be returning to devildom in the near future.
“WHAT!?! Y/N is like family now, they can’t just take her from us!” Mammon practically throwing a tantrum over the news.
Every-one had such sullen looks on their faces, no one even touching their food. Not even Beel.
“I disagree and agree” Satan declares, “considering what’s happened it is for her best interest. However, should she not be allowed the choice herself. It’s her life, where have they been the last year for her? We’ve been watching out for her, kind of feels like they’re saying were not good no, strong enough to protect her.” Slamming his hand down on the table, shaking everything on it.
“Yea! She’s our Y/N, who do those bastards think they are!” Mammon pacing back and forth before abruptly stopping to join the bashing.
“Idiot, Gods obviously” Asmo frowns at Mammon. “Duh!”
Lucifer stands from his seat, “As much as I agree with you, its hard for me to admit this but…” He swallows hard.
Everyone looks at Lucifer more than curious.
What he says next stuns everyone.
“We failed to protect her again, how many times do we have to fall in order to get one thing right. I like Y/N, I really do, but if Diavolo voices his resolve… Then that’s it.” He closes his eyes, remembering you the morning of the trip.
Dashing about your room, which was an utter disaster. Like many things when it came to you, but your eyes shined bright, twinkling. Your goofy smile popping up in his mind every time he entered the home, never before did he have such thoughts. Since you came to them, you brought with you; chaos. In a good sense, a feeling of belonging, of home. These late days without you around felt lonely, something none of them have ever really felt, or dared to admit anyways.
Belphie, “He’s back though, and he’ll be wanting her dead. Face it, it took everything, everyone had to subdue him then…. This time he’s had time, he’s had a lot of time. They’ll be a war no doubt.” He looked to Beel with worry.
“She has no idea, does she?” Beel looked down at his untouched food in thought. He had no appetite of late.
“N-no, but I’m sure they’ll tell her. They’ll t-tell her everything…. W-what do you th-think she’ll think of us then…” Levi choked out, looking to Lucifer for answers.
“I don’t know.” He turned around and gripped the back of the chair. “I really… don’t… know.”
Back at the House of Gods –
You were sitting in a room that they cleared for you. It was made very clear that you would be staying here until told otherwise. You asked how the others were doing, not to your surprise they didn’t say anything. Only telling you they were demons, filthiest of the filth. You didn’t like them bashing your friends, they were kind enough to you, you had no quarrel with them. So, you stopped bringing them up, you didn’t want them saying hurtful things about them.
It made you believe in Diavolo’s exchange program now more then ever. You didn’t want to judge anybody by what they were, but rather by who they were. How they treated you and others, judge them by the actions, not their race. Always choose kindness, you reminded yourself.
Sitting on the bed, playing with the D.D.D in your hand. It had stopped working since leaving Devildom, not that you expected it to work. How you wished you could contact them; see how they were doing.
Just then, a knock at your door.
You got up from the bed and cracked open the door, “Yes?”
There was another one outside your door, wearing a wishing department uniform, with a red tie. This one looked awfully familiar, you’d definitely seen him before.. Or perhaps they all just seemed similar in appearance, maybe its the uniforms.
“Hi Y/N I do apologise for bothering you. My names Karno, I’m the Vice Minister of Wishes. May I come in?” He gave you a kind smile, his eyes reflecting compassion.
Opening the door wider “Of course, please do come in. Its nice to meet you sir, um is everything alright?”
“That’s what I’ve come to find out and you do not need to be so formal with me.” He enters the room with soft steps “You see you made a wish; I’ve come to grant it.” striding across the room, claiming the seat at the desk. He crossed one leg over the other and knitted his hands together on his lap. 
You were watching him carefully, you must know this one from some where.. He just seems… Ah shit he said something, focus…
 “A wish? I don’t recall making a wish.” scratching your head.
He gave a belly filled chuckle, “You did just moments ago” he pulled out a folder from within his suit “usually normal humans wish upon a star and we receive their wishes. However, you are a reincarnated goddess, so simply wishing is enough for myself and Leon to hear.”
You remembered the dark one calling you a ‘former goddess’ but from what you were aware, you were Lilith’s reincarnated soul – descendent thing- and she was an angel. Right…
Karna could see the suspicion growing on your face, “Look I understand this must all be very confusing, in time you will find all the answers you’re looking for. For now, you wish to contact the demon brothers no?”
Your face lit up, nodding your head up and down vigorously, “Yes, oh yes I do, please!”
“Unfortunately, I cannot grant that, the king forbids it. Alternatively, you may write them a letter and I can have Simeon deliver it on your behalf.” Karno says sympathetically. “Though I must warn you, even if they write back. There are certain powers around this mansion that forbid anything demonic in, so there is no guarantee. Also; if it’s not too bold of me to say, what makes you think they care?” Karno wanted to test you. He had found it rather peculiar that Diavolo stated you were special to all of them, he wanted to know why.
Was it your connection to Lillith? How much did you know exactly? What all did they tell you, or didn’t tell you. Or did they simply care about you, as you are now. Did they care like the way he cared about you; you’d seemed to have grown up a lot since he’d last saw you.
You had a feeling bringing them up would bring some sort of an opinion, but you didn’t care. You had grown fond of each of them, even if they didn’t write back, you WERE going to write to them.
“I don’t care if they write back or not is what I want to say. Truthfully, all I care about, is letting them know I’m alright. Letting them know I’m thinking about them. Reminding Mammon to stay out of trouble and that he’s not an idiot, telling Asmo it doesn’t matter what he wears, he always looks good. Telling Levi to stock enough snacks, and telling him I’m sorry I can’t aid him on his gaming adventures…” Tears began to fall “Making sure Beel is eating as much as he needs, that Belphie has the comfiest pillows while he naps. Satan isn’t disturbed while he reads and studies and Lucifer isn’t trying to kill them for driving him nuts.” By now you had a steady stream of tears.
Karno stood up from the chair and handed you a tissue “Very well, I will go and pass your message along…”
“I didn’t write anything?” You looked at him through red eyes.
He snapped his fingers and behold, a letter with word for word writing on it “There’s no need to, please rest. I will personally deliver this for you.” He bowed and left you alone.
As he closed the door, the corner of his lips curled up.
So that’s why, he thought…
To Be Continued…
CH1 - Ch3 - Ch4 - Ch5
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ughthatimagineblog · 5 years
sins of the earth
lucifer morningstar x reader | i
warnings; mentions of murder, death?, drinking, lots of drinking, weird past stuff, nothing too bad, if you’re able to watch the show without any triggers then you should be good
word count; 1735
prompt; your entire life you believed in the paranormal, you grew up christian but something pulled inside of you to believe there was more and for so long you wanted to find it. but when life hits you hard and you lose faith, you come to the conclusion that reality is as everyone said it was, boring and most things are a lie. and you believe this new ‘truth’ until a man claiming hes the devil comes into your life and threatens to make you relearn everything you thought you knew. again.
a/n; this is gonna be a series since i started watching lucifer and im not even into the second season and i already want tom ellis to impregnate me (if he happens to ever read that; i am sorry) anyways i literally shit this out on the first night of 2019. i just had a sentence in mind and then i ran with that and made a prompt out of it. that was my inspiration. a real life problem plus a sentence i thought i might say one day made this fic. anyways, i hope this is pretty good. it will get better. honestly im lowkey proud of this one tho. unedited but i think this has been some of my best writing. to those who have requested stuff i haven’t made: im sorry im depressed. 
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Your fist slammed onto the bar harder than you were expecting, or wanting, it to. You mumbled your request for whatever number of drink this was for the night and immediately began to rub the soreness of your ulnar border away while the bartender went to work in making your drink.
      The club was pounding with noise and shaking with bodies and it was humorous to think it matched the pounding of your head. You knew you should stop. But it was your birthday and you were spending it alone, miles from home, and freshly heartbroken. You didn’t care you had a headache and the drinking would make it worse. In fact, you came to this nightclub in hopes that you would drink so much it would make it better.
     Drink until you couldn’t feel anything at all. You already made arrangements for a cab to pick you up at one a.m and instructed a female bartender to remind you, even tipping her generously to go as far as walk you out when it arrived.
     Her name started with an M. Or was it an N? You weren’t entirely sure and you groaned, beginning to stand up as the man behind the bar passed you your drink. In doing so, you felt the rush of your previous drinks all at once. The room was dizzy and you felt light and unstable but also very tired.
     Remembering the time when alcohol made you bubbly and carefree and happy made you horribly sad now. In actuality you were sad. Your entire life had been working towards a half assed dream you thought would make you happy. When you got the job of that half assed dream you packed your things and left everything you’d once known behind, including family. They don’t visit because they don’t have the money too. And thinking of family, you didn’t even pick a career you would have been fantastic in because you wanted a family yourself. You let children ruin your life before you even had any. Children or a life. The person you thought you’d marry turned out to be a complete asshole and you’d had enough. Dreams and spirit crushed, you, at this moment accepted your fate. Die alone. Be bitter.
     But that wasn’t it. There was a war going on inside you that told you to give up but another didn’t. A side that told you you weren’t strong enough but another that reminded you of how strong your mother was. A side that told you your past self would frown and cry at the sight of you now, but the other; that your past self would tell you it’s okay to get up and make the best of things.
     The thoughts that rushed your mind spilled onto your cheeks and you gulped down the drink you just ordered, hearing your grandmother’s voice in the back of your mind. “Remember to sip. Don’t gulp.” She would tell you when she was teaching you to ‘properly drink’. You scoffed out loud, giving the bartender enough money to last the night. He passed you the bottle. “Yeah well you’re not here, are you, grandma?” You muttered to yourself before taking a long swig.
     “I feel like if she would be, she’d have a heart attack in this bloody place.” A suave voice cut through the music and chatter. Surprised, you coughed, spilling a bit on your shirt. “Jesus Christ.” You managed to get out. “Quite the opposite actually,” You turned to find a man who embodied the phrase ‘tall, dark, and handsome’. His raven eyes raked you and your body shamelessly. “Lucifer Morningstar.”
     You openly rolled your eyes. It was a gut reaction but since you couldn’t feel your nose if you tried to itch it at this point in the night, you couldn't quite control your reactions at the moment. “You couldn’t have chosen a better name than that?” You asked, your face plastered with a look of disdain and disgust. Lucifer looked taken aback but nonetheless, didn’t drop the haughty facade.
      “I didn’t choose the name.” He stated, you laughed a little. “Oh yeah? Then who did? Nameberry dot com?” You took another swig of the bottle. “My father actually, though I would like to meet this Nameberry person.” He smiled and you peered up at him through narrowed eyes. You gave him a once over. A twice over. Then finally, “It’s a website, but no, really, who are you?” You asked. “I’m the devil. Lucifer Morningstar. If you don’t believe me I have ways of proving it.” You rolled your eyes at this.
     “Not my religion.”
“You’re not a believer?” He inquired. Understanding he meant the Christian kind, you shook your head. “Not anymore.”
     “So you don’t believe in hell?” He asked and it earned him an odd look. Such odd questions from a weirdly unique stranger.
     “If I did, that would juxtapose what I just said, wouldn’t it? I used to. Now I don’t really care where I go.” You were growing bored of this man. It was clear that he had an ego the size of Russia and based on the look of him that was because he hadn’t ever had a girl say ‘no’ to him before. This ‘Lucifer Morningstar’ was in for a rude awakening.
     Meanwhile, he was growing more and more interested in you. “Ah, no desire to end up anywhere in the afterlife? I’m sure you have some desires here, don’t you?” He asked, voice getting smoother, tone dropped just enough to ring some red alarms in your head. This time, you were able to hid the grin.
     You put on a dazed look, nonchalantly setting your bottle aside as you stepped closer to Lucifer. You ran a hand over his chest and watched as his damning smile grew in amusement. “Actually, my strongest desire. . .” You trailed off and gave him a once over once more. Lucifer could barely contain his excitement. “Is for you to stop asking me these weird fucking questions and leave me alone.” Your voice transitioned from sultry to bored so smoothly you thought your tongue was made of silk. Lucifer didn’t even realize what had happened until the fake smile dropped from your lips and you stepped away.
     “Wait, what?”
“You heard me, Lucifer Morningstar.” You mocked his name, turning from him fully and you began to walk away, grabbing your bottle on the way out. The conversation with him was both sobering and a great way to intensify your headache.
      Lucifer felt frozen where he stood as he watched you walk away. You had been playing him. His, well, charm didn’t work on you. It was all jarring and exciting and concerning and exhilarating for him. Finally, he snapped out of his daze as you mocked his name.
    “Wait!” He called after you, reaching for your arm and turning you around. You yanked free of his touch. “Don’t touch me, creep.” You spat back at him. That flicker of annoyance. If he were mortal, he realized, that would have hurt. This confused him more.
     “I’m not a creep, i’m the devil!” He exclaimed back at you. “Would you quit with that?” You nearly were yelling now. “You’re human! Just like that guy and just like me. If you’re so convinced you’re not, you need to see a shrink. There is no such thing as fairy tales.” You shoved a business card you had been digging around for into his chest.
    Lucifer scoffed as he felt the small weight of your hands against your chest again, if only for a moment. “But I’m not-“ He started but you glared at him.
     “I did not come here for this. It’s one in the morning, my taxi is here.” You noticed the girl you tipped earlier already on her way to come get you from across the room. “You wore off my drunk. I’ll be chugging this in the rest of the car, wishing I had went to a different bar for my birthday. Oh, and I won’t be coming back. Not if you’re here.” You huffed out right as the girl who’s name you forgot approached you and she began to lead you out as promised.
     You shocked yourself just then. You had promised yourself to be more honest and that was the first time you really had. You had spent most of your life, even adult life, thinking demons and fairies and ghosts and ghouls and goblins were real. But you got the help you needed and now you didn’t so when that guy began to talk about being Lucifer and Satan and the devil, it scared you. But you meant what you said. That guy was insane and if he went to that club, you weren’t coming back. You supposed some of his questions were casual, but something about him felt, off.
    Your birthday. Whoever you were. Lucifer was still clutching the business card in his hands, still hovering above where his heart would be as he watched you leave. You were different. You didn’t believe him. You didn’t care to. You thought he was clinically insane, like a murderer who thought he was God, or well, the devil. You didn’t say it but he saw it in your eyes. Not that you were afraid of him, but you knew he was different and you couldn’t tell what.
   But that’s the thing, if he thought about it, is that you knew what he was. And you weren’t afraid but instead your automatic response was to get him help. Not that you knew what he really was, but a part of you recognized it even without your conscious knowing. Your consciousness just didn’t want to know.
    It felt like hours before he pulled his hands from his chest and gazed down at the numbers on the paper. Tonight was a night, well morning, was a morning of firsts apparently, because for the first time, Lucifer called later that day and made an appointment with the shrink you recommended. You promised you wouldn’t come back to that club, but he wasn’t ready to let go of you just yet.
     He chuckled to himself at his plan. Yes, it did sound as though was was a murderer. Insane and obsessive. But he was in fact the devil, and there are no consequences for the sins of the Earth.
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tailahjanbash · 6 years
Dare to Dream
Have you ever had a dream? You know, a perfect picture of everything you’ve ever hoped to accomplish. Maybe yours is helping children out of human trafficking. Or maybe it’s becoming a mom, or owning your own business. Mine is looking out into a crowd of people singing words I wrote to connect with Jesus.
Ever since I picked up a guitar at 12, and started writing songs, I’ve gotten little glimpses of this dream. I didn’t get the whole picture all at once, but God began to plant little seeds here and there, guiding me in the direction He designed for me. I low-key think of it as that scene from Monsters Inc. where Sully is leading Boo around the house with cheerios. Haha.
Since the tender and oh so awkward age of 12, I have experienced pain, rejection, heart break, and have had some doors shut in my face.
I imagine you have too.
But something the Holy Spirit reminded me tonight, was that stops, shut doors, and rejections actually help you get where you’re going.
Yeah, you heard me.
God is not shutting doors, laughing at you while dangling your dreams in front of your face. That’s what the enemy wants you to think, but we must remind ourselves that he is the father of lies. The accuser.
When you hop in the car and plug that destination into your GPS, you are going to hit red lights. You are going to stop at stop signs. There is an order to our road systems that allow you to get from point A to point B. If you speed through traffic, ignore the signals you need that tell you when to go, slow down, or stop, you will get in a car accident.
How foolish would it be if you were to hit a red light and assume the light would never change? Or your car would immediately shut off and never turn on again?
Yes, they can be frustrating. You may not get to where you want as fast as you’d like, but delays do not mean you are never reaching your destination. They are not denials. They are not punishments.
They are a product of God carefully orchestrating the details because the bible says that He delights in the details of your life (Psalm 37:23). That His plans are not to harm us but to give us hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11).
Delays are not denials
And maybe you’re like me. Maybe you have Disney Princess syndrome. No matter how ugly, dark, or bleak circumstances may seem, you can’t help but be optimistic and dream. This has definitely gotten me hurt more than once, not gonna lie. But we can’t let life harden our hearts and steal our joy.
Being optimistic in the face of darkness means that you have a tender heart and you want to believe the best in others. That is how God wants our hearts! Hardened hearts cannot stir up faith. They cannot be moved, touched, or hear the sensitive whispers of Holy Spirit. 
It is no secret that the world can be a dark place, and the enemy longs to destroy every ray of light and purity in it. If he can manage to surround you with toxic people who belittle and put down your dreams, feed you lies, and incite fear, it is the most effective way to abort your dreams—while they are still in seed form. It is much easier to remove a plant when it has not sprouted roots and begun to grow.
The bible says that satan prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for anything and anyone to devour. He hates you with a burning passion, because whenever he sees you, he is reminded of his future and everything he could never be.
You see, up in heaven, he used to be a beautiful angel. Lucifer wanted to be like God—he wanted to be worshipped. This allowed sin into his heart, and he rebelled soon after and was thrown from the heavens.
Fast-forward to the creation of man. The word says that we were made in His likeness! In the image of God! They very thing the enemy desired and was punished for, God freely gave to us. Not only that, but He lavished His love upon us freely without any expectation. You see why he hates you? Your calling and purpose threaten him and his agenda. When we are called out and purposed by God, the enemy tries everything in his power from keeping our destinies from manifesting because he knows as God’s final plan unfolds, it will be the end of his reign here on earth.
Now that we know fear is just a liar and the enemy wants to abort our dreams because he is afraid of God’s purpose on our lives, we can guard our hearts more effectively.
Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. Proverbs 4:23
Guarding that hope, faith, and trust in the Lord is what will guide you as you walk along the path He has planned for you.
If you are struggling with faith and believing the promises and dreams in your heart, I would encourage you to read Hebrews 11. This whole chapter lists out biblical legends and accounts for many of the crazy faith stories in scripture. How the saints believed in the words God spoke, even though their miracle was literally impossible.
I also want to stir your faith a little bit before I close out this post. Last Tuesday, my friend Hannah and I were praying, and as I was praying for her, The Lord showed me a picture of her on a stage, facing rows of women. She was speaking to them and teaching them the word of God. I described the scene in more detail as we prayed, and afterwards she told me that she had seen that exact same picture in her mind ever since she was a little girl, and always found herself going back to this vision. She had told me that the past couple years had been hard for her in this area, and she felt as though she had lost her ability to dream. 
What good news it is that the God we serve is not dependent on the possible and circumstances in the natural. He is not bound by time, is infinite and abounding in wisdom and knowledge of the past, present, future, and is love. 
He showed me on Tuesday that He goes out of His way to make sure His children feel loved and are able to open up their hearts and dream again.
And finally, remember that everything you need is found in Him. Those dreams and goals and things we pray for—those wonderful desires He placed in us—they’re just the icing on the cake.
The real peace and fulfillment doesn’t come from temporal and earthy achievements, but from intimately knowing the living God and having a deep relationship with Him.
“Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!" Luke 1:45
God, thank you for placing these desires and dreams into my heart. I thank you that you are not man that you should lie, but instead a promise keeper and a way-maker. Even though I may not see my dream or my miracle right now, I thank you that you are bringing it in Your perfect timing. Teach me to lean into you when I hit these stops in the road. Holy Spirit, I ask that you would minister and speak to me in the wait. That you would refine me, teach me, and hone me so that when I get where need to be, I will be ready. Lord, I give you my fears, my doubts, and pain and ask that you replace my heart of stone and give me a heart of flesh. A heart that beats only for you that is full of faith, hope, love, joy, and optimism. Holy Spirit I invite you into every area of my heart and life, and ask that You have your way in me, Lord. In Jesus name, amen.
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