#but screw bmi charts
nebulize-my-mind · 3 years
I saw a Reddit thing that reminded me of this, so I thought I'd share. Fair warning, ramble/rant about old shit from my childhood.
I was that quiet kid that nobody could get a rise out of, so naturally it became a couple of jerks' mission to get me to express anger. This was in elementary school, and I don't remember who it was. They'd steal my stuff, including my lunchbox from the bin where everybody was supposed to keep theirs, and keep it away from me. Because I was also short for my age (still short nowadays but not as drastically as back then) they'd put it places I couldn't reach or just hold it over my head, so I had to try and jump for it. One day they were doing just that, and it went on for so long that I was tired of jumping -- and angry, of course -- so I just tried hitting the guy holding it in the stomach. Not sure what mini-me's thought process was but it worked. And I was tiny so there was no way it could have hurt much, if at all. But another classmate who had previously been watching and doing nothing told the teacher I punched the guy and I got in trouble. I had to write a formal apology letter and my mom was furious, which was fair honestly. But as far as I know, the two guys never got punished or had to do anything. I held a bit of a grudge against the bystander for a while.
And that's not even what I count as bullying when I say I was briefly bullied in elementary school. That'd be the girl a grade younger than me that was mad/jealous I was friends with her friend and chased me out of the playground at recess for weeks. She always acted somewhat aggressive towards me, and I was afraid to stop running from her in case she actually got physical. The recess supervisor's solution was to avoid the playground, which wasn't really a solution. Someone had to convince me to try going to the counselor like they tell you to, but she wasn't in her office and the pen you were supposed to use to write a slip was out of ink and the office wouldn't give me a new one. So, it went on for a while longer until I tried again, and she was in her office. It got cleared up in the end but... yeah.
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snowandstarlight · 6 years
one of my crime show pet peeves is definitely “oh this victim was average weight for [my height], so probably about [borderline underweight for my height] lbs”
on a similar note, during a simulated case first year, one of my (male) classmates read our patient’s height and weight, which happened to be about the same as mine (somewhere in the middle of ‘normal’ according to the BMI scale), and said “oh, so she’s very overweight, right?”
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mahvaladara · 5 years
Shah rants - Anorexic Girl runs treadmill for an hour
So today I went to the gym in the early morning. Because my Taekwondo practice is at night, and I wanted to do some weights and knee posture correction (I have valgus knees), I went in the early morning, before work to the gym.
And there was a borderline anorexic woman exercising. For one hours she did nothing but run the treadmill.
It was like staring at my biggest fear at the gym.
Okay. Storytime.
When I started working out, I was obese. Then I became overweight as I lost weight, then reached my perfect weight and then because under-fat. Not underweight. On the BMI chart I was at the perfect weight, but my fat levels were below normal for a woman who works out regularly. So, result, I actually had to gain weight or my body, due to the fat deficit, would start eating muscle.
When I got to that point, the first thing my trainer did was cut on the cardio. As I already practiced Taekwondo besides my gym workout plan, and Taekwondo does a lot of cardio, my plan diminished cardio time, because cardio burns fat.
Now if you’re underweight and want to gain weight, your should focus on muscle training and not also much on cardio.
Today I was training was about 1h exactly. 10 minutes cardio (with pre-walk there that was a mile long), 40 mins weights and leg exercises, 5 mins abdominals and 5 mins stretching. And then another over one-mile-long walk to work.
When I went to cardio, I was on the bicycle (I don’t do treadmills because I once fell in one and nearly broke my teeth - paid 3000 euros to fix these fuckers, I certainly ain’t screwing them up) and running on the treadmill was a woman. She was running fast.
As I stare at the woman in disbelief, I realize she is skin and bones. I could see every bone under her skin. She was underweight, she was very underweight, i could even describe her as anorexic. All that crossed my mind was “my God, you’re nearly anorexic! Why are you doing cardio? Someone that underweight should not be doing cardio!”
For the whole one hour I was training like I said, cardio, weights, abs and stretches, this woman was running. For one hour, she exclusively ran the treadmill.
After one hour, this underweight, skinny woman with boney arms and legs finally gets off the treadmill and goes take a shower. The whole way there, I was thinking: Why are you doing this to yourself?
I know why. My Taekwondo teacher does the same, but she does it to maintain a heavy resistance and cardio, as she is a police officer and needs to be fit, this also helps her control weight.
This woman was doing cardio to sweat and burn off fat because in her mind, she had to either maintain that weight or loose more.
Now, no gym promotes this. The gym I am specifically has a nurse, several PTs and a nutritionist. I have trimestrial appointments with both the nurse, my trainer and the nutritionist to see how I am doing. They try to steer me to healthy habits.
Most of the time, people who become this skinny (or fat on the other side of the scale), allow themselves to get to that point. Rather it is due to an eating disorder, body dysmorphia, they run/eat themselves to that state. 
And yes, you can argue some people struggle to gain weight the same way some people struggle with loosing weight. But I’ll give you the example of my friend. She is always complaining she can’t loose weight, and when she is with us she eats a lot. But the other day I got to see how she eats when she isn’t with us and she eats very small quantities. Now, if you eat mainly healthy food, small quantities, and workout three days every week, a high cardio workout (like taekwondo), you’re not going to gain weight easily. The same way that if you don’t exercise and eat a lot, you’re not going to loose it.
If you run for one hour straight, eat small quantities, you’re not going to gain weight, and when the body has very little fat, it starts eating muscle instead.
The body needs the energy to run, it will get this energy from carbs, but when it does not have carbs, it turns to fat, and when it doesn’t have fat it eats proteins and muscle mass. 
My point is.
Exercise with the consciousness of how your body is. The same way you cannot make an obese person run for one hour because they cannot sustain their weight (you have to start small, 10 mins and then add more), you cannot make an anorexic person run for the same hour because their weight cannot sustain their body (you have to start small, muscle gain, cardio just to warm up).
Be conscious. Exercise and eat smart.
I’m done here.
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casssidian · 5 years
The only good part to come out of Gabriel from Good Omens:
Long-ass post, beware
Basically that godforsaken “lose the gut”-scene:
Tumblr media
It took me a while to pinpoint why I hated him for it. It’s because Aziraphale is so much more than “the gut”. He’s a better angel, if more guilible, than Gabriel, or any of his angel-bosses for that matter, but, or rather, because of that, Gabriel only ever focuses on the negative things about Aziraphale: his screw-ups, that his ideas are destined to fail, etc. And in this case, it’s the gut.
One a different note, here’s some background on me. I’m sixteen years old and since I was probably twelve, maybe eleven, I’ve been unhappy with my weight. Which isn’t wntirely justified because I’m in the upper end of the normal range of a BMI chart, my doctor has never said anything about my weight either, I’m just unhappy. I keep giving half-asses tries to lose weight and then giving up because I’m afraid my parents might notice. Before you think that my parents won’t let me lose weight: they would, that’s not the problem. I’m just too embarrassed about my weight to mention it. I don’t want to draw attention to it, so I don’t tell people (besides my very close friends) that I want to change it. Whenever I’m clothes shopping I see something cute and then go “no, that’s for skinny girls, you’re too fat” and put it back. Most days when I get dressed I think “you look okay, but lose some weight and it’ll be ten times better”. I’ve been telling myself that I won’t get any dates until I lose weight, won’t be can’t be pretty or cute or good looking or whatever until I lose weight. (For the record I see a lot of other that are my size and think they’re really cute/pretty/beautiful, I just don’t like how I look.)
In other words: I’ve been telling myself to “lose the gut” for the last four, maybe five years.
And of course not I can’t find the post so I can’t give proper credit (i’m sosososososososososo sorry) but someone posted once that in therapy they learned that when they criticize themselves (eg. tell themselves that their thighs are too fat) they should imagine that it’s someone they can easily tell to fuck off. In the op’s example it was Donald Trump. (I just remember their response was “fuck you and your fucking wall” in case that rings any bells and someone can post a link).
Which I tried that but with Trump it seemed pretty far-fetched (why would he be telling me I’m fat, he’s got other things to do?) and when I tried it with this asshole racist homophobic sexist selfish egoistic white male bitch of a classmate (Ludwig this means you, you’re a jackass I hate you) i still felt hurt by it. I couldnt tell mental Ludwig (i didn’t change any names because he doesn’t know I have a tumblr and also i don’t give a shit he’s an asshole) to fuck off because it seemed too much like it could really happen and so I immediately took it to heart. I was pissed at mental Ludwig, sure, but I still took the criticism/insult.
Now though, I think I may have found my Donald Trump. I’ve started imagining arch-fucking-angel-gabriel-the-bitch telling me to “lose the gut”, accompanied by that stupid ass mini-punch to the stomach and I can easily mentally roundhouse-kick him and tell him to “piss off, I do what I want. There’s more to me than the fucking gut, you’re just an asshole”
Long story short, part of me is Gabriel and part of me is Aziraphale and somehow i can tell Gabe to fuck off when it doesnt work with most others. I’ve only tried this recently but I do think it’ll work wonders.
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kbakkila · 7 years
I hate the BMI scale. I think it gives too many people reassurance that they are "ok" in their eating disorders, and causes others to avoid seeking treatment because they are "not sick enough." Screw BMI. Each of us has our own healthy weight range. Are you in that range? Is your mind healthy? If not, seek help. Don't allow yourself to believe that you are "well" because you are in the "healthy" range on the BMI scale. Don't allow a stupid chart to determine whether or not you are ill enough seek treatment. Set point theory is a thing: trust your body. It knows where it needs to be. And don't be afraid to ask for help!
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mynameisdreartblog · 5 years
Devilish Deals 2
Leo: For the next big scoop. Ah, I know now! Is it a graph of how fish would drive if we gave them cars? «Uh, no? It’s a detailed chart explaining the fiscal consequences of the new legislation being passed today by the senators that we voted for!» Ugh, if you’re gonna be that political about it, then you’re gonna turn me off further, man. «Okay, deal with your sour attitude then; it’s not like this is gonna affect you immediately. Your QOL’s gonna lower subtly over time, and your baby-brother’s gonna keep whining about the fact that he can’t go to an after-hours clinic anymore because they’ve slashed all federal funding for them. And when shit really hits the fan, you’ll ask why these bank-workers who don’t look like bankers at all are coming to repossess your home. Just sit by and let that happen!» [,] Look, are you playing a character or something? You have a bad case of crazy eyes going on, and I wanna know if I’m being filmed or not: My privacy is very important to me. «Ms. Palmieri, I can assure you that I don’t record any of my encroachments, as that’d jeopardize the privacy of whoever’s door I land on. So, there’s my answer to your concerns about privacy.» <Oro starts to twitch, giving away that he’s afraid of something, thus letting his “crazy eye thing” become obvious.> «What do you think I take you for: Some kind of purse puppy? I’ve seen plenty of them in my life, and you’re not one of them; you’re just abstract, and you can find a way to embrace that.» I have no idea what a “purse puppy” is, whatever your name was. I was immersed earlier purely for the game of pictionary you were hosting earlier. «Well, I was immersed in detailing how newly proposed legislation will screw you over, and you’re not giving me reliable polling data!» <An armadillo appears to enter the open Ola Diara van, causing a noticeable ruckus.> «Do not focus on that creature! Instead, focus on the issues at hand.» Agh, you’re doing the crazy eyes thing again! I don’t like it; stop. «I can keep doing it! And I’ll keep doing it until you decide to contribute to stop this legislation!» [,] < After furious conversation between the two persists for three minutes, Ms. Palmieri stares at Oro with a deep, contemptuous look that implies something heinous was done. She walks back into her house, and closes her door with meaningful force, but not enough to shake the front of her house. All windows begin to suddenly close, and the ground under Oro’s feet begin to shake.> Wow, cool. That’s the second person who just magically spawned an earthquake underneath my feet because I said something they didn’t like. Unbelievable!
Taurus: In your usual shop. Status update for the restaurant: I couldn’t tell if it was the smoke signals coming off of weirdos who like to nomadically tour this place, but I think we’re losing customers because something’s scaring them off. I’ve noticed a sharp 20% decrease in usual customer attendance, and this clearly isn’t a result of the degrading quality of my cuisine: I always ensure that it’s top-notch no matter the cost. Therefore, the reason must be external, and it’s likely coming from something that’s been making the Gieger counter go off the fritz lately. <As Gresham lowers the marker from the whiteboard, he points his gaze at Natuk.> «Uh, if I’m following correctly, that likely means it’s the noise of the damn thing scaring people away. If I heard a Gieger ticks when I first enter a building, I’m gonna assume there’s nuclear fallout.» Uh, I also think you’re incorrect with that: Strange and somewhat concerning noises are part of the dining experience up here, and I would’ve lost more customers a longer time ago if the disturbance of such sounds was the culprit. <Natuk softly whispers to themselves> «Oh no, he’s doing this again: This happens every harvest season ‘cause he doesn’t understand that’s when people eat their own food.» Regardless, there’s something among us: A haunting presence that peeks out the corners of my eyes whenever I go up from this place to scout the weather for today. «Ugh, <Natuk’s eyes roll at being deliberately ignored> are you gonna tell me to go out and search for it again?» [,] Listen, I’m not one for superstition, — please just ignore my conspiratorial diagrams in the backroom — so I’m not gonna send you on a cleansing mission that I did years before. «Oh, that’s what I always get a glimpse of whenever you go back there. In that case, I’m slightly more relieved I don’t have to do this again!» …Which is why I’m leaving you in charge of managing this entire place while I’m embarking myself. «Wait, what?» You should’ve learned enough from the thirty months you’ve been around, so it’s yours while I confirm my suspicions. From my local knowledge, there’s always been an inkling that bad spirits gazed upon those soon to be met with misfortune high up on the cliff sides. [,] «Wait, wait! Where are you getting this staring figures idea from? Also, literally anyone can run this place.» You except the presence of conspiratorial diagrams and Gieger counters in a restaurant, but you draw the line at figures? Have you not been listening to me, Natuk? «No, no, I’ve been listening loud and clear. I’m just wondering why that’s your conclusion, and not any natural causes.» <Gresham stares down Natuk.> I’ve trusted the natural before, and it’s let me down too many times.
Aquarius: By offering a bit of blood. Gazing at the ever-expanding, formless ocean that takes up every corner of your vision gets you thinking about how small you are, as typical as that sounds. «You’re not doing a good job at trying to make me think outside myself; you’re not using enough showy language; you’re using active language.» Well, sometimes we don’t need to show anyone anything; did that thought ever cross your mind? «No, I always think about the bigger picture, the nuanced implications, and the encompassing meaning. That’s why I’m the navigator on this ship: You thought of me as the only person who could stare at barren oceans for hours on end and not become bored.» See, I don’t have to show you anything; that’s the job of the seas and the skies. Now, going back to what I was saying: Being out here for so long makes you complacent in the fact that you’re simultaneously small and large. We’re small in how our selves need to traverse something so vast in little units of ships, but we’re big in how we collectively impact these seascapes… Do you get that? [,] «I mean, it’s a fairly easy concept to grasp, Aukai. We’re small, I’m small, the ship’s small, you’re sorta small: I get it. But together, when our gross, salty bodies conglomerate to form an extremely complex, interlinking network of saltiness, we stink up the whole world.» It appears to be easy to grasp, but then you recognize that there’s an infinite layer of possibility below us that I’ll only ever observe a random instance of if I were to dive downward right now. What if I were to dive just three minutes later? I’d likely discover a whole underwater utopia instead of finding some small rocks and a school of krill. «I mean, you could also drown given how deep the sea goes down at this point.» Yeah, I’m really liking your nuanced thinking here: Thinking of hypotheticals that vanish in probability the moment a spare second passes. […] «With how much time you spend out here, you’re practically a sea creature of your own. Maybe some aspiring marine biologist will read about you in the newest issue of National Geographic: One that I’ll publish personally because nobody knows your behavior better than me.» There’s several people who know me better than you. And what you’re essentially saying is that every major epiphany in my life will be rewritten in allegories that children can easily read and interpret from a shark’s daily existence: Is that right? «Well, we’re thinking far ahead with this, and just to be sure we’re on the same page, you were talking about humans morphing into amphibian-like creatures in the future and how that can be triggered from this instance if we continue, correct?» <Aukai disappeared out of sight, leaving a ripple in the water from where she jumped off.> «Fuck.»
Pisces: Offered Satanist theory. Every coach spins their keys like they have nothing better do (they really don’t actually). I’m spinning my keys right now, but it’s clear that I’m not a coach: I’m neither bald nor frustrated enough to be one. Yet, Idrissa just left and told me to take care of her keys lest somebody else takes them. She trusts me out of all people, which is correlated with how well my performance has been doing. I’m now in the, uh, some type of BMI category: It was the one I was in two weeks ago but shifted below because of the excuse that our “weights are broken.” To tell you the truth, it’s more likely that nobody has ever made solid measurements of my body mass because it’s an amorphous structure. I mean, I consistently anger coaches because I never wear the skin-tight uniforms, and I get yelled at that I’m granting myself an “unfair advantage” because my baggy clothes are an inaccurate indicator of where I should be grabbed. I say I blame the people I’m up against for not understanding after multiple tries that the thighs are the best place to grab my flesh because that’s usually where it’s concentrated. […] Sorry, I went off on a tangent, who are you again? «There’s a persistent worry that the desire to create presentations numerously complex leads to an overall decline in digestibility and further blossoming. Therefore, it makes the coach in question attempt to sacrifice their deeply held complexities promised towards his students in favor of beating in the mundane until it becomes extraordinary.» Ah yes, thank you Maghazi: Thank you for your comments, proving my theory, and exemplifying how dimorphic my mind is. «I didn’t say that; what the hell are you talking about?» Unfortunately, I’m not the archetype who has voices in their head; that’ll be elaborated on sometime soon. «Maghazi, it’s Idrissa. I’m here to get my keys back because I need them to make sure we can leave the damn courtyard. I have no idea what you’re talking about, but it sounds like you’re messing with me, so cut it out.» <Various objects in the courtyard start to become laced in bright lines, detailing their physical geometry.> «But what does the spinning action accomplish? Is it one of those deliberate confusions — something that exists purely as a complicating agent? It’s based off real, tangible motion but becomes mystified by human interpretation, and thus made into something abstract. Abstraction is always the grounds for worship, as we know through the dreaded faithful.» <Idrissa shakes her head violently and recalls distinctly fake names.> «God, stop doing this! You do this every time you have one of your pretentious monologues, and it’s getting on my nerves!» Yes, I can very much feel the nerves, particularly those in your brain. <Idrissa yanks the keys out of Maghazi’s hand and the illusion stops.> What? You’re acting like I’m a nuisance.
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imgoingtotry · 6 years
1. New gear
I have gone out for a couple of runs and what I have found to be motivating is to go out to buy some gear. Today is my birthday. I am 17, 5′11 and 13st. I have an unhealthy amount of fat on me, according to the BMI chart I am just overweight. I decided to do something about this and today Mum and I went out to get new trainers, leggings and a top for running. I started out in normal leggings and a vest top (Nice to get clothes just for exercise). 
The jog I did with my mum was different to what I did individually. She jogs at a slow steady pace just above walking whereas I, previously, was doing short bursts of faster jogging. Mum’s way of jogging allows you to stay out for longer and it really works your lower calf muscle. I’ve learnt that if you want to start, you have to start slow. With my Mum I didn't have that metallic taste I often got and I still felt exercised. I found it hard at times because my body wanted to go faster but I used this to try to sprint up the short hilly bits. 
Make sure to warm up and down sufficiently, use a 10 minute workout app if that helps. Drink milk as well as water when you get back for max. hydration. 
Screw healthy eating today, I'm eating sweets and will be having homemade burgers later. And pie. Love me some pie ;)     (Its my b-day, i don't always eat like this. mostly)
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viralhottopics · 8 years
27 Doctors And Nurses Describe The Exact Moment They Realized Their Patient Was An Idiot
1. Put collard greens into her vagina
I had a patient that got a pretty nasty infection and became septic after putting collard greens in her vagina for several days because she thought it would induce an abortion.
2. Thought she had menopause
Not a Doctor, but EMT.
Had a woman who was in active labor, despite insisting she couldn’t be pregnant. She said her last period was “like ten months ago” so she’d gone through menopause.
She was 25.
3. I don’t have diabetes…
“I don’t have diabetes, I take medicine for that.” – happens so often I cant put a face to that quote.
4. The oatmeal lady
A woman comes in after having a baby and tells us she’s having trouble breastfeeding. I book her an appointment at a breastfeeding clinic, give her some resources, etc. Her appointment was fine and she went on her merry way. A few weeks later, we get the fax that she went to the breastfeeding clinic and everything was fine. Awesome.
A year later she shows up for her doctor’s appointment, and she’s obese. She must have put 100lbs on an already obese frame. She’s developed many health problems related to her weight (that she refuses to acknowledge are due to her weight. Of course.) She tells us she’s never been more active after having a kid, her diet hasn’t changed, her work life hasn’t changed, nothing has changed, the weight gain just happened due to ~hormones. We ask if she’s breastfeeding, she says yes. We ask how she’s getting the extra calories for the breastfeeding, and she tells us the Clinic told her to eat 1-2 bowls of plain oatmeal a day. It worked, so she’s still doing it.
We figure this is how she gained so much weight (she’s probably eating 2 large bowls of oatmeal on top of her meals, with milk, sugar, butter, etc), but the woman she’s eating 1-2 packets of plain oatmeal a day. Nothing on it, nothing added to it. It says plain on the package, it tastes plain, it’s plain.
We send the doctor in to see her after briefing him on the whole story about the oatmeal. He’s in the room with her a time — much longer than normal. When she comes out of the room, she keeps her head down and walks off, looking angry and embarrassed. The doctor walks up to the nursing table and fills out the chart.
“You never asked what of oatmeal she’s eating”.
Yeah. Turns out she didn’t know plain rolled oats were a thing. She thought the breastfeeding clinic meant plain oatmeal . She was eating an entire of Dad’s oatmeal cookies every single day for a year (basically a ‘bowl or two’ filled with cookies), and could not understand how that was different from oatmeal.
5. She was expecting to lose weight on this diet?
Had a patient who was coming back post lap band for a check up. What we usually do is revise the patient’s weight, etc and ‘tighten’ the band or ‘loosen’ it as needed.
Now the thing to remember is that getting lap band isn’t as easy as just throwing down some money. For six months, the patient must meet with a psychiatrist and a dietitian to understand what they’re getting into and if they can adjust their lifestyles and commit. A goal weight loss target (ex: lose ten pounds) is usually set for the end of the six months to ensure the patient is serious. So after all of this rigorous evaluation, a patient is deemed fit for an operation.
Enter my patient ‘Sylvia’. I checked her chart, BMI before surgery was 40, she was morbidly obese, and now had come in for her first follow up to ascertain if she’d lost any weight. Well, I put her on the scale, calculate, and what do I see? Her BMI was now 45. Perplexed, I asked her to explain her diet to me.
Sylvia- Well I’ve been doing a liquid diet just like you all said
Me- Very good! Can you maybe what you have?
Sylvia- I make smoothies and have them whenever I feel hungry.
Me- So what do you put in your smoothies?
Sylvia- Cake and ice cream.
Me- …..
Yup. She was serious. Somehow it didn’t occur to her that this wouldn’t be healthy. We reversed her band.
6. What was she feeding her baby?
A woman came in for a baby check with her 6-month-old and she had what looked like chocolate milk in the babys bottle. So he started explaining to her as kindly as he could that she shouldnt be giving her baby chocolate milk. At which point she interrupts him and says, “Oh that isnt chocolate milk. Its coffee! He just loves it!
7. Actually, she wasn’t dying at all
An older lady was brought into the ER barely conscious by her husband. In a very thick Italian accent she told the doctor she was dying. She had complained of feeling tingly and having a dry mouth prior to passing out.
The doctor sat the husband down and they did a history. No serious medical problems and she was very fit. In fact she spent the morning cleaning her sons bar, as she often did on a Sunday morning.
Considering her age they took these symptoms very seriously and begun running tests to find the source of her ailments.
The son came in to visit his mother, and on the way he bypassed his bar. He noticed that his mother had helped herself to some of the ‘treats’ prepared the night before.
The son, the apple of his parents eye, had to then explain to his father and the doctor that the treats she had enjoyed were space cakes. And apparently she really enjoyed them as she ate quite a few.
They then had to sit down and tell this elderly lady that she was not dying, and that she was in fact stoned!
Fortunately she was still high enough to see the humour.
8. Her son had a “skull fracture”
A secretary buzzes back to me that there’s a call on line two that needs medical advice. I pick it up and one of our patient’s mother is on the phone having a panic attack. She is hyperventilating into the phone. I asked her if she was alright, thinking maybe she needed an ambulance, and through her breaths and now tears, she starts telling me that she thinks her four year old son has a skull fracture.
I ask if he fell. No.
I ask if he’s conscious. Yes.
I ask if he’s breathing. Yes.
I ask if he is bleeding from his ears, eyes, nose, mouth, scalp. No.
I ask if there is any visible wound. No.
I ask why she thinks he fractured his skull. Because underneath his eyes is red and puffy and Google says that’s a skull fracture.
I tell her to go to the ER for proper assessment (we don’t do MRIs, X-rays, CT Scans). She doesn’t want to. She says she was supposed to take her kids to the beach. Mind you, she is still crying and breathing heavy at this point. I tell her to come right over then but warned her we would probably have to send her to the ER.
She shows up 15 minutes later, cradling the child and crying. The little boy was crying too and screaming “I don’t want to die Mommy!” She kept hushing him and saying “Mommy loves her strong boy, no matter what!” Which only made him cry harder.
I pull her back into the room and she just dissolves as she tells me how she looked at him in horror this morning and saw the guarantee signs of a skull fracture. She swears he must have hit his head yesterday at swim practice.
The little boy is crying hard but I can see the noticeable swelling and pinkness under the eyes that she was referring too. I went to get another doctor and told her what I thought. She went in, came out about ten minutes later shaking her head. She had the same diagnosis.
You know when you wipe your eyes after swimming, you usually wipe under your eye too? The kid must have wiped off his sunscreen around his eyes the day before. All the pinkness and puffiness was from a mild sunburn under his eyes.
9. People who go to the vet are stupid too
I don’t have to deal with people patients, but I helped out a vet for a while and there’s a lot of dumb pet owners. Had one lady who was really concerned about her obese lab getting hiccups. The vet let her know the dog was overweight and she told him he was wrong and then insisted we do diagnostic tests to “figure out” the hiccups.
10. He totally does this to himself
I don’t like speaking ill of my patients mainly because I think we all neglect our health to a certain extent volitionally, and that can be viewed as “dumb”.
But the winner is Aristotle*. Aristotle is a 35 year old highly functional corporate lawyer. Aristotle has G6PD deficiency and (in his case) he develops mild hemolysis when exposed to certain foods, including fava beans. Every year for his birthday, Aristotle goes to the fancy Greek restaurant and gets gigandes plaki, his favourite dish. Every year he develops mild hemolysis with mild jaundice and dark urine. Every year he comes to see me, his gastroenterologist, urgently and without an appointment on the day after his birthday — bull-in-china-shopping my clinic, yelling at the secretary and other patients if he could be seen first. Every year he repeats his highly anxious concerns that his liver is screwed up because he’s mildly jaundiced and has dark urine. Every year I tell him it’s from the gigandes plaki. Every year he resolves never to eat it again and is fine for the rest of the year on his G6PD diet.
And every year on his birthday, he forgets. And then the cycle continues.
11. Cure us with ur mind plz
A lot of patients come to the hospital because they are “sick” but refuse to do any tests or take any medicine. Do people expect healthcare workers to do a ritual dance and chant around them and magically heal their illnesses?
12. But seriously
Patient: “Well do I really NEED the chest x-ray and EKG?”
Me: “Well you came here for a cough and chest pain soooo…”
P: “Yes but do I NEED them?”
13. She drank acidic water (but said it wasn’t acidic!)
Dentist here. In school I had a 70yr old pt who was still in the dating game and looked like that old lady who just died who played the Jeanie. (I was thinking of Joan Rivers)
She’s got a ton of acid erosion on her teeth. Tells me she drinks on “3-O” water. Didn’t know what was in it. We look it up on Google. That’d be a pH of 3. All of her water. Plus, she likes to put lemons in her water. I tell her this is also acidic. She tells me I’m wrong, because her friend who took a few nutrition classes said that as soon as the lemon juice gets into the body, it turns basic.
I told her I had a biochemistry degree… And that was wrong.
Also, her blood pressure is super high every visit. She tells me that she stopped takin her BP Meds because she thought they were unhealthy. I tell her that he method is not working at all.
A few weeks later, she strokes out and never gets out of a wheel chair again.
I’m friends w/ her on Facebook now. It’s just sad.
14. Greasy hair = diabetes???
Was translating at a medical clinic once. A father brought in his 20-year old son convinced he had early signs of diabetes since his hair was greasy. After convincing the doctor that’s what he was actually there for, we told him to go take a shower and try different shampoo its sad how little some people know about diabetes
15. Wait, which hole is it?
Nurse here.
Recently had a patients wife claim to be a retired nurse. While we were teaching her how to do an in and out catheter on her husband, she asked which hole the pee came out of and which hole the semen came out of.
16. Use the crystals instead
I’m a medical student but the number of patients I’ve seen who refuse to take medicine because they ‘don’t want chemicals’ inside them is staggering
17. Why do the good die young?
I had a woman call 911 once for a body who was supposedly murdered underneath a railroad bridge during a massive music festival. When we got there, it ended being a log with a jacket thrown over it, and a very drunk woman sobbing over said log.
18. She doesn’t want a “child’s disease”
Patient came in with a rash around her mouth; she was going on about how she had it 14 years ago and the dermatologist prescribed a certain antibiotic to cure it and diagnosed her with “perioral dermatitis.” She’s showing us pictures on Google. Okay.
Doctor diagnoses her with impetigo and prescribes her an antibiotic ointment. She leaves and fills the prescription and comes back flipping her shit. She googled impetigo and, with the help of WebMD, came to the conclusion that it was a children’s disorder on the arms and legs that can only be contracted from children and she wasn’t around children. Insists that what she believes she has (perioral dermatitis) is a “woman’s disorder” and she doesn’t have this “children’s disease”. Says that the antibiotic he prescribed isn’t on the list of treatments (thanks WebMD). (It’s on the top of the list actually, of you know, actual medical books, but whatever)
Whole time, she’s showing us these pics off google of “perioral dermatitis” saying it’s a woman’s disorder. Half the pictures were of men. Now one thing you should know, perioral dermatitis means rash around the mouth. That’s it. It doesn’t mean shit. It’s not a type of rash. It’s not only cured by a specific antibiotic. It’s just a rash that happens to be around the mouth. She was furious, shaking with rage and about to start throwing shit bc the doctor wouldn’t prescribe her this certain antibiotic. Doctor told us to call the cops if she came back. People are crazy.
19. He was stung by a bee and fine
I’m a student and my GP supervisor was involved in a scheme to reduce A&E waiting times by having a GP in A&E to take patients that weren’t actually in an accident or an emergency. As none of the patients were actually dangerously ill I was basically doing the consultations with the doctor supervising, double checking and signing prescriptions etc.
A guy in his late 20s walks in, looking very healthy, and sits down. “I was stung by a bee this morning”. “Where?” “On my cheek” “How long ago was this?” “Well it took me about half an hour to get here and then I’ve been waiting another three and a half hours” “Did it stop you swallowing or breathing?” “No.” “Are you allergic?” “No.” “What would you like us to do?” “Check I’m OK.”…
At this point I turn around to my supervisor attempting to say WTF do I do here? He says “You’re OK, go home.”
It was the most surreal consultation I’ve ever had.
20. That’s not how glasses work
Not a doctor but my dad is an opthamologist (eye doctor). He once told me that one of his patients came in utterly confused why the “medicine in his glasses no work anymore.”
21. Couldn’t feel the tiny tip of her pinkie
When I worked in a&e, had a patient with the complaint of “neurology” in minors. She tells me she cant feel the tip of her pinkie. A vague 0.2cmx0.2cm patch right at the top. No sensation there whatsoever. No other history or symptoms. I grabbed a needle, poked it and cured her.
22. What the actual fuck
I had a woman who refused to be discharged as she “couldn’t keep any food or drink down”. Her room was filled to the brink with sweets crisps and fizzy drinks.
I asked her to show me the vomit. She produced a sick bowl she had filled with spit. I pH tested this in front of her (contents of stomach are acidic). Of course pH was normal. She then stuck her fingers down her throat and physically forced herself to repeatedly gag and vomit. In front of me.
Next day I returned and said she had blood in her urine. She’d filled a sample pot with red juice. It literally smelled of fruit.
Boss discharged her that afternoon. She was back within a week I think
23. She wouldn’t turn off her zombie movies
Another patient was in the hospital to have her 9th baby and then give it up for adoption (she was 9 for 9 on adopting out babies). She was 34, had a BMI of 65, no teeth, a creepy partner (I think it was a feeding fetish type relationship) and NO pain tolerance. I was asked to do an epidural. As I’m going through the consent, she’s distracted by some zombie pseudo-documentary that she refused to turn off. She had brought the entire DVD set to watch during labor. At the end of the consent process, I asked if she had any questions.
She just wanted to know “when can I go smoke a cigarette?” I told her after the baby was out she could do whatever she wanted. The adoptive parents, who already had a few of her offspring, were there the ENTIRE time. I had to forcefully ask them to leave for the sterile epidural placement, which was remarkably easy given her size but a little more challenging given the distracting zombie show that she REFUSED to let us turn off. Baby slid out about 30 minutes later, and she was discharged before the end of the day. I think the OBs at least managed to get an IUD into her.
24. But will he still be a virgin?
I had a patient’s mom ask me if putting a catheter in her 6 year old son would break his hymen and would he still be a virgin.
Being a virgin was important to them because of religious reasons.
25. You can’t cure stupid
One was a lady wanting to know if our clinic would do a “virginity test” on her because her PCP told her they don’t do that. It took me way too long to explain it’s not a real thing.
Another lady needed to get tested for STDs, not weird, but she said she needed us to send the results to her prospective employer? Uh why?? We told her we wouldn’t do that but she could come get a copy of her results and do whatever she wanted with it. She does but comes back later the same day and says we gave her the wrong test results. We double check, nope, those are def her test results. Trying to sort this out with her, I asked her why her employers would want an STD test anyway. She says, they said it’s to make sure I don’t have “tubulars.”
Then it dawned on me. She meant Tuberculosis. She needed a TB test, not an STD test. She gets angry and yells that we’re just trying to trick her into taking more tests to charge her more and then stormed out…
26. “One more for the road”
This happened to a friend of mine when he was in training to become a paramedic. He was on a ride along, basically, and they had received a call where a woman fell down the stairs. They get to the address and knock on the door. The woman who called was inside folding clothes. Apparently she had been drinking on her medication. Twisted her ankle and called for an ambulance. So they asked her if she wanted to go to the hospital. She’s says yes, then proceeds to the fridge to pour “one more for the road.”
27. I told him to not do cocaine
Doc here. I had a guy with an ICD in place. For those who don’t know, it basically shocks your heart if it goes into a funny rhythm.
He would regularly come into the hospital to have it turned off because he would do a ton of cocaine and the thing would keep firing due to his high heart rate.
I told him not to do cocaine. He kept doing cocaine.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2ln0jqx
from 27 Doctors And Nurses Describe The Exact Moment They Realized Their Patient Was An Idiot
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