#but seriously i'm gonna answer the asks in my inbox and post a little
bonesandthebees · 7 months
I'm not sure if any of this is as important to say as I feel like it is, but just in case, here it is.
Idk about you, but I'm really tired of having things taken from me because the cc's were abusive. I say this with an emphasis on the fact that supporting their victims and condemning their actions is far more important, that I'm not giving that man a single cent anymore. The most important thing the community can do is support the people he hurt. But It's still gonna hurt to purge my playlist because we, as a community, were lied to. And something I derived comfort from, especially in the wake of recent personal events, has been taken from me. Not by the community or by the people coming out; by him and his actions.
So seriously thank you for creating a space for people to talk about what's going on, because it's so easy to feel guilty right now for having feelings about this situation. Especially as a neurodivergent person whose main comfort is music, including music (and YouTube videos) he made.
I just feel like it's important to put this out there. The community as a whole needs to support the victims, but it's also okay to feel betrayed and it's okay to look at his songs in your playlist, dreading deleting them, for a while. No one will hate you for that. You're not a bad person for that. They're just songs or videos, but they're content that mattered to some of us. How dare he ruin that for all of us. How dare he.
Now that I've written a whole entire novel, please take care of yourself. I know I'm an internet stranger but I almost didn't write this because I think that it's important to emphasize that while I'm glad to see Tumblr users creating a space to talk for those of us who don't post and such, I also think it's way more important that your blog be a safe space for you yourself.
- a rambly anon 🪐
yeah, trust me, I'm fucking sick of this too. you're not selfish for feeling upset about deleting his songs from your playlist or not being able to watch vods of his for comfort anymore. you are not a bad person for having an attachment to someone who lied to his audience about who he was. you are human. you are allowed to be upset.
also, to veer slightly from your point but to bring something else up, while I know there are varying opinions on the community in this I personally don't think I want to let this make me stop hoping for people to be good. yes, it might seem like an endless pattern of people you like being revealed to be assholes. and for some people, they might want to leave the community to avoid that disappointment again. for me, I'm not going to put cc's up on a pedestal and expect them to be great people, but I'm not going to expect the worst from them either. keep my expectations realistic, but not pessimistic. content creators are flawed human beings like the rest of us, and sometimes they can be really shitty people, but sometimes they can be good people too. and I'm always going to hope for the latter.
and thank you for thinking of me. honestly the reason I've slowed down answering asks the past few days is precisely because I've been trying to take care of myself. I've gone up and down in terms of how I'm doing, and when I'm not feeling up to it I don't touch my inbox.
and despite everything that's happened this morning, I've had a good day. I got myself a cinnamon roll. I'm drinking green tea and it's sunny out. I saw flowers blooming on the side of the road and it made me smile. focusing on the little things, you know?
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genericpuff · 1 month
I'm curious - how many unanswered asks do you have in your inbox? Or do you just delete the ones you don't plan on answering?
do you feel good anon
do you feel good about yourself with this question
targeting me like that
ok but more seriously LMAO i have an embarrassingly large amount of unanswered asks but i do read all of them <3 a lot of them honestly are just from folks like, sharing their anonymous opinions about either LO and LR, with the odd one about comic advice, sharing webtoon recommendations, and other things of that nature!
In the case of the LO asks, it's stuff that often has already been spoken about at length before so I don't really have anything to add (but trust me, I'm usually in total agreement, if I heavily disagree with a take I'll usually try to respond to it but it's rare that that's the case because most of the takes are just things like "wow the art in this panel sucks" like yep it sure do LOL) and often it just feels like my inbox is just like, a comment box for people to get their feelings out anonymously and honestly that's fine, I just also can't really respond to every single one unfortunately, but I do read them and I love y'all's takes!
With LR asks, y'all are way too sweet to me and send me just the kindest things about LR, and I hope y'all know that even if I wind up not getting back to your ask about it, I do read everything you send and appreciate so much the amount of support you've all shown for this project since I took it on <3 A lot of those asks are literally my version of "do it for her" where I read them and it reminds me of why it's so worth doing what I do :') <3
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Whenever people recommend me other works to read, I add them to a list and I am currently trying to tackle it :) (honestly that list isn't as big as you'd think, a lot of the recommendations are for the same stuff, like other Greek myth retelling comics or otherwise just bad webtoons that people want me to suffer thru LOL) I just recently finally got a physical copy of Song of Achilles and while it's slow going, I'm gonna be sharing my extended thoughts about it, either in a big Tumblr post or maybe a video if I can motivate myself to do it 🤔
And of course, the comic advice asks... these ones admittedly I do tend to actually move into my drafts because I really, REALLY do want to respond to them, but I'm also not someone to half-ass responses to questions like that. That is a bit of a bad habit on my end because it often means I'm spending crazy amounts of time going over topics that can be researched, but I also just really love talking about comics so it doesn't feel good to get a comic advice ask and just leave it at "idk just start" like yeah, do that, but also I want to pass on all the things I WISH I had known when I was first starting out and I'm glad people see me as someone to learn those things from! So when it comes to those asks, don't worry, I'm picking away at them <3 (but also man, I should probably just like... put together some kind of hitchhiker's guide to comic making or something huh LOL)
Anyways! I do have a lot of unanswered asks and honestly, I'm not really one to delete them, even if I don't get back to some of them it is still nice to read them in their own little curated space separate from my main blog, it's kind of like a personal comment section between myself and those of you who took the time to write <3 The only asks I tend to outright delete are ones that are just like, way too bad faith to even want to give any attention to, or bot spam lmao But for the majority of y'all who have sent genuine asks to my inbox and never saw a response and worry that I might have ignored it or deleted it, I hope you can have reassurance in knowing that they are all still there and even if I can't make time every day to respond to them, receiving all your personal takes about LO and your amazing feedback and kind words about LR is something I'm always excited to see whenever that little notification pops up in my Inbox tab. I see you and appreciate you <3
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softle0 · 14 days
But seriously though... I get what that other anon is saying. Not that you're desperate for patrons, but the part about needing to join just to download something (even if it is "join for free"). Plenty of people make their free downloads on Patreon available for everyone without requiring users to sign up for a Patreon account. It seems like an unnecessary hassle to require people to make an account just to download one item.
What is the advantage for you if you make people sign up for a free account? Do you get anything out of it? Because if you don't, this is just a way for another site (i.e. Patreon) to track users and spam their inboxes with junk mail.
I'm sure you can understand why people would be wary of signing up for a Patreon account, after some of the crap that's been done by less ethical creators through Patreon in the past.
It just... makes no sense why you would make users create an account in order to get something that you're offering for free anyway. I mean, I'm not telling you how to manage your own stuff. You can do what you think is best. I'm really just struggling to grasp the reasoning.
Look I’m so tired of this, you have your opinion and I respect it, I’m not gonna be answering questions about this anymore. I understand your point but as you said, that’s how I want to do things and you don’t need to always understand everything.
I already answered this a hundred times, I’m gonna explain it to you one more time and I hope that clear things up and if it doesn’t that’s not my problem anymore.
I’d like people to keep in touch with stuff I’m posting and to help grow my Patreon for the future. It’s not a big deal and again, if someone is not cool with that, they’re free of not download my stuff, nobody is forcing anybody to do it. I think every creator is free to post their stuff however they want as long as they’re not breaking any of EA’s rules about sharing cc, my stuff still free. The only thing I’m gaining about this is people who support me, is that so bad for you?????? No matter if it’s just one item I spend my time in it for free for everyone and the only thing I’m asking is people to follow me on Patreon so they can keep in touch with my next creations, why are you making a big mess about it??? Really. This is so unnecessary. I’ve seen a lot of creators doing the same and nobody is saying anything about them. Is it because I’m a small creator??? Or why am I the only one constantly getting backlash about this 😂
Instead of coming and send me a lot of messages about this y’all should go and ask the same to creators using curseforge and supporting genocide or creators who actually paywall their stuff and use emails to track people, I don’t do that and mentioning it sounds a little like false accusations. Because I already said my reasons and y’all seem not to care at all. People who want my stuff and want to support me, follow without questioning why and if they only want one thing they can always unfollow right away soooo asking about the same over a over is lowkey lame and I’m tired of it. By this point a lot of simmers have special accounts only for sims and accounts on Patreon, is very useful to keep all the cc creators in one place tho.
Oh and by the way, whenever anybody ask about this I always talk about the option of unfollow me because again, I’m not forcing anybody to stay in touch and trust me I’m not watching my followers account every minute they subscribe so I don’t have any idea of what them email is, so anyway the info from my Patreons is confidential and I’m not using it for NOTHING, I’m not that big of an asshole, I’m not using it to track people who uses my stuff or nothing so please be careful of what you say because people can misunderstand it and think I’m doing so. Again, that’s some really messed up accusation….
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blackbirdffxiv · 1 year
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So I got this ask in my inbox, and though I was going to answer it in my asks, I think a little, actual post-tutorial would be best. But first, a disclaimer, as I like to cover my bases:
By no means am I an artist; my process is very much a case-by-case basis, and I edit as I need to for each picture that I do end up editing. My method is far from perfect but it is one that works for me for -my character-, so you may have to experiment on your own using these tips to find a method that suits your wants.
This little guide is using ClipStudio Paint, but you can get the same/similar results with really any photo editing program you choose that has brushes (GIMP, PaintTool Sai, Photoshop, Photopea (which is free), etc)
I'm going to use a painted over face texture as an example (basically a face diffuse I just painted over with it's base skintone), versus a full-on gpose shot (this way I can get a good swatch/an approximate measure of what skintone I'm used to working on).
Big Tip: ALWAYS WORK IN LAYERS, this way you can adjust everything accordingly without going back a million steps.
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Use a basic soft-spray brush for your base, and pick a color a few shades lighter than the skintone you're working on (use your color-picking tool, it is your best friend). Set your first work layer to "add (glow), and make a little splotch like this. You can either leave it as is or blur it out/adjust the layer opacity if you desire, but again, it all depends on the state of your gpose/where you're adding it. I often blur out the edges to help blend it into the skin more naturally, on a low setting as to not erase it completely.
Before & after adjusting blur/opacity:
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Next, you'll want a basic shimmer brush; there are dozens of free ones out there, so look around and experiment! Just like before, you're gonna want to make another layer, but this time, set it to white (or gold/copper if your character has medium/darker skintones, as it flatters them more and doesn't wash them out where as white is more for fair skintones).
Unfortunately, I can't seem to find the source of the shimmer brush I use, but what works for me may not work for you so it would be best to look at what's available and what suits your tastes more.
Now, working in layers using the "add (glow)" effect, slowly build up the shimmer, first, adding a quick couple swipes, then build it up. Once you're satisfied, focus more on the center
TIP: If you want to make it look more natural, when building your layers, blur out the edges a small bit to hide any possible lines and creases.
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And that's pretty much it! Adding shimmer effects is all about trial and error, and just simply adding shimmer where your character catches the light.
I'd post examples but a lot of my shimmer examples are on very much lewd gposes and I'm not trying to get tumblr staff mad at me.
And again, another disclaimer: this is not a one-size-fits-all-guide, I seriously cannot emphasize enough that the best thing for you to do is just EXPERIMENT, this is merely a guideline to give you a lil push in the right direction. Editing gposes is supposed to be fun, and the best way to get experience is to simply practice and learn your tools with your own hands.
I hope this helps, and have fun gposing!
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queenofbaws · 6 months
I know I'm late but if you are still doing rhe fanfiction ask may I ask 🖊 🌝 📥? Thank you and I hope you are feeling better now!❤ have a nice day!!
omg not late at all!!! ;)c i'm ALWAYS happy to ramble on about this stuff, hehe - and thank yooooou! i hope you're having a lovely day too! <3 🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP.
When you got down to brass tacks, he’d always known where the Washington girls were. There was no losing track of them, no having to scan frame after frame of surveillance footage for a flash of pale skin among the trees. Beth, he suspected, hadn’t moved much in the six years he’d been away, and unless Annie Cline had grown some sort of conscience (or spine) in his absence, Jack thought he very likely could’ve trekked up that damned mountain tomorrow and found the girl waiting in the exact spot where last he’d seen her, not a hair out of place.
As for Hannah…that one was another story. He wouldn’t find her on, in, or around the mountain if he went looking, but it hadn’t always been that way. There had never been a need to go looking for her, not before that night in 2015—she’d been happy enough to make herself known to anyone who called out. She’d been friendly that way.
🌝 Who is one character you haven’t yet written for that you would like to?
okay, i'm gonna cheat here juuuuuuuust a little because it's not ONE character but TWO: the more i replay the quarry, the more i realize i really, really love the little pieces-parts of jacob and kaitlyn's friendship, and the more i really, really want to dive into that and write more for both of them. i don't have any IDEAS for that as of right now, but.......i just feel like their dynamic is super fun, and there's so much HISTORY there!
📥 What is your fave fic to receive comments/messages on?
oh gosh, before i answer seriously i just want to say i've been super, super fortunate to get the comments and messages i have, and ANY time i see a message pop up in my inbox over on ao3 or here on tumblr, my heart sooooooars!!! any comment - literally ANY comment on ANY fic - means the world, and i revisit them ALL when i'm having rough days, whether they be walls of keysmashes or a single little heart 🥰
BUT since that wasn't the question, the serious answer is, surprise, the (almost)s and/or like wringing blood from a stone. they're my big, chunky, emotional longfics, and since they ARE heavier, every single time i get a comment on one of them, i'm just. beside myself. they're very personal projects, and so when people tell me they've even just clicked to give them a CHANCE..........honestly, there's no beating it hahaha!!! that being said, i for sure know longfics aren't for everybody, so i never, ever, EVER expect anyone to go tackling those stories JUST because they're my babies aslkdjfalksjdlfkjslkdjf
ask me stuff about my wips!
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starmonsterrr · 7 months
[ * Hi folks, this post is gonna be a really unconventional one to my usual blog things; I'm reuploading 2 posts from nearly a month ago that I deleted due to a moral conflict with myself that I finally (sort of) solved and I can now rest in peace ]
[ * These are 2 asks I got from Ink Anon (#1) at nighttime (my timezone), which.. led to my usual Late Night Insanity™ ]
[ * I will also be sneaking in what I remember of my train of thought from that night + what I think could be the root of that ]
CONTENT WARNING: Yandere trope themes, knife mention, me being cringe when answering
[ * Also, to the folks who were there when the asks first got posted and witnessed it all. sorry I didn't tag the posts properly I think. But I'm (sort of). fixing that YAHOOO!!! ]
[ * Posted on February 1 definitely post 10 PM, deleted on 8:40-ish AM on February 2 ]
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[ * When I first got this ask I was quite confused. I somehow didn't have the initial thought of it being a yandere thing, so I didn't add the tag. I thought it was gonna be some kind of subversive thing or smth like that, hence the unsure tone of my answer. ]
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[ * Then my brain exploded. Seriously, never in a million years had i seen this coming, but I like yanderes, so......that happened ]
[ * I just wanted to answer quickly to hopefully get another ask in my inbox and continue this convo, which... Never happened btw, as you may notice. ]
[ * basically, Ink anon scratched at the right spot in my brain. A little too well, perhaps. Also reminder that this happened post 10 PM and you can't trust your brain things after that time. ]
[ * my leading theory on why I reacted like this/enjoy yanderes is that they'll hardly ever leave behind whoever they're obsessed with. And um. The last thing I would ever want is to be abandoned by Ink (character), so.... Ya. He has helped me throughout a lot of things in the past 3 or so years, it hurts to even think of him leaving. And also the idea of Yandere Ink makes me feel better about being NOWHERE NEAR being normal about him. ]
[ * Aftermath of those 2 posts? The next morning I woke up and I saw smth on Tumblr and one thing led to another and I started feeling really bad about this ocurrence, but I ✨got better✨ ]
[ * So yeah! That's it, that's the post. Definitely darker than the usual stuff you'd find on my blog, but here's a post. ]
[ * Also I'm now tempted to draw some things based on those 2 posts so um.... Oops ]
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yunwooz · 10 months
@jin-ei: (Ty for being a level-headed voice in this conversation, I appreciate it!) Re: the manga, the digital version is censored but the physical version received minimal censorship, and I've seen no mention of a censored version on any of the k-anime forum sites. I reblogged your initial post w screenshots of Korean forum users discussing both the anime and manga, but the main differences with the physical manga is occasional censoring of the inside cover. (In fact, I've seen dozens of posts on less savory forum sites encouraging people to get the physical version because of that exact reason). I've seen little mention of a censored manga so it's either very recent or was a smaller run. That said, like previous asks mentioned, it isn't outright p*rnographic (except some of the inside covers, which I've mainly seen feature the adult characters). It *is* highly fetishistic and imo thinly veiled, with it getting bad around volume 12. People typically jump off around volume 3 in the western anime community as well.
unfortunately your ask simply won't show in my inbox for me to answer like a normal ask (i think maybe bc of the word p*rnographic being uncensored tumblr got mad about it and won't let it show 😭) and i can't tag your blog for whatever reason but i still wanna respond so i'll respond in a separate post like this!
thank you so so much for all the information about the manga that's super helpful! it's very interesting to hear about how many alterations there seem to be just for this series, i would think that if something needs to be censored THAT frequently and to that extent then no publisher/printer would really wanna get involved with all of that? but then again they're making money off of it so they're not really gonna take a hit in terms of criticism :/ thank you again for the insight, it's super helpful and helps add some much needed context!!!
edit: i've just read through your addition to my post and i seriously cannot thank you enough for all of that effort and hard work you put into researching the topic, it is so immensely helpful and offers so much content and clarity for me personally and i'm sure it will help others as well and it's so incredibly detailed thank you thank you thank you 🫶🫶🫶
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theforgottencrow · 4 months
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✦Hiya my name Is Ink/Corv, But my friends/Moots call me Crow! Welcome to the Nest!
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updated 06-01-2024
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✦Mah other blog :p @theforgottencorvid is my art reblogging account, it’s simply where I reblog my art nothin else :)
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✦About Me !!!! :0
Firstly I present some of my flags !! (Theres so many more...)
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My main prnz : Xe/Crow/Paint/Ink/Bite, I also use Blood/Gore/Bone/Fang/Pest/Knife/It/Static/Etc. (How to use Xe/xem prns Here)
My very special interest is Undertale + Utmv !! (Pretty obv..)
Proud Furry <3
I’m a Polymorph/Polykin Therian. I am CrowKin, DragonKin, CrocodileKin, (+more kins), my other theriotypes are Snow leopard, Lynx, Coyote, GreenTree Python, Griffin, Fox, etc.
Bi-Oriented Polyamorous Aegosexual Aro/Ace ✨
I have 9 beautiful handsome partners 💕
I deeply love my platonic soulmate @/wardenruins, he doesn’t post stuff, he just on tumblr so that he can spy on my stuff, but ye, love you Warden <333
Trans (F->M) Who still comfortably identifies as a Butch ✨⚔️
I’m Agender, Xenogender & Neogender ✨
I LOVEEE Mascot Horror/Creepy games !! A few of my favs are Indigo Park, Kinitopet, Poppy Playtime, Little Nightmares, Dark Deception, Amnesia, Fnaf, Etc.
German is my native tongue but I’m also completely fluent in English, and I speak slight Spanish as well :D
I HAVE A PERSONA !! You can find its ref riiiight here i'll be drawing myself as it often and if not xem my Monster Sona riiight here
A few of my other hyperfixations are : Regretavator, Hellsing, Scott Pilgrim, Qsmp, Bugbo, CVW, TSATWON, Sweet Tooth, Trigun, Kenny The Shark, Preassure, Phighting, Cult of the Lamb, Alfred’s Playhouse, HAND, Dungeon Meshi, FnF, CoS, DHMIS, FPE, Indigo Park, The D!ckheads, Souris, TDFWM, B & B, Flawless, TTWTBG, SMFT, FTP, TEP, Homesick, SHELTER, OWH, OOSOOB, ST, Welcome Home, Inanimate Insanity, etc.
Some of my fav bands/artists : Mindless Self Indulgence, Lemon Demon, Femtanyl, Alex G, Pompey, The Living Tombstone, Odetari, Penelope Scott, Ivycomb Music, Cave Town, BoyWithUke, Derivakat, Baby Bugs, Ryan Mack, Etc.!
Some of my fav Songs : Alien Blues, Body Terror, Pure as a Lamb, I Should've Stayed Home, LOVESICK CANNIBAL!, Two Moons, Haha Hi, Rockstar, Nosedive, P3t, Seriously?, Sex For Homework, Rät, Stupid MF, HELLO KITTY, Shut me Up, Fine Great, Get It Up, Devil Town, This is Home, Etc.!
Some Fandoms I'm In !! : Undertale, Utmv, Deltarune, WoF, WC, FPE, Indigo Park, Kenny The Shark, FnF, Trigun, CVW, DHMIS, Horrid Henry, Alfred’s Playhouse, LackaDaisy, Tmnt/Rottmnt, COTL, HAND, TSATWON, TOH, Sweet Tooth, Dungeon Meshi, Phighting , Amphibia, Ramshackle, BBU, Owls of Ga'hoole, Welcome Home, PP, Hellsing, WOTHH, Bee & Puppycat, Wednesday, Doom & Gloom, HH & HB, Pokemon, MD, Tadac, Monkey Wrench, Bluey, Sarah & Duck, Puffin Rock, Spooky Month, Fnaf, LMK, Animaniacs, Etc.
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✦ My Tags !!! (Wow I'm finally gonna be using tags crazy...)
#My Art - Art !!
#Crow reblogs - Reblogs !!
#Not Utmv - stuff/reblogs that aren’t Utmv 😔
#Crow Rambling - my weird rambles/random talking
#Crow Chatter - Me Interacting w/ ppl & answering asks
Alter Chatter - Asks that are either sent to the Alters or an ask that the Alter themselves have decided to become a part of <3
#inbox doodles - little doodles made for inbox answering
#Crow Simping - me loosing my marbles over a character I deem hot
#HEAVY Crow Simping - foaming at the mouth blue balled over a character
#F r i e n d 🫵 - Me interacting w/ my friends/Moots !!
#Crow on Crack - Me saying out of context things/or me being weird :)
#crow depression hour - Me being depressed
#Crow Vents - Me venting, vents will have different colors for different intensities of them, red being very heavy topics that could have quite a few context warnings, orange being semi heavy but not as bad, green being no heavy topics and fairly light weight stuff. If you wish to not see these I suggest blocking the tag.
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Lgbtq+ Phobes.
LITTLE KIDS (ppl under 12/13, basically if your not old enough to be on this site), I honestly would really prefer you not be on my blog as I have VERY vulgar language and honestly spread that shit around like wildfire. I will also very rarely if I’m in the mood to do so draw suggestive art, no lightsabers or stuff but perhaps thick as fuck skeletons, tits, etc.
Transphobics, Xenophobics, Etc...
Racists, Sexists, Discrimination, etc.
Invalidates a Person's Pronouns / Gender / Identity
Pedophiles, Sexualizes Minors, Jokes about Rape, etc.
People who Harass, Dox, tell ppl to kys, etc.
extremely problematic ppl, aka ppl who cause problems on purpose
People who ship Errorberry/Error x Swap, this is more of a Half joke but istg if you bring that SHIT up to me I will most likely block you. Regardless of our status.
Corvid haters of any kind, I’m so srs abt this fuck offf <333
irl doubles (unless ik you beforehand ofc))) {I’m irls of Ink, C!Nightmare, Cross, Folly, Bugbo, Killer and Error.} I mean this if ur also an Ink irl, if ur anything else on the list, then you’re okay to interact lol
Slander of my interests/hyperfixations.
Mockery of Me, My Friends, My partners, or my mental illnesses.
Unwanted Criticism/Extreamly rude Criticism, unless I asked for it please don't.
People who think trauma is a joke & belittle it.
those who think neurodivergent ppl w/ BPD, Bipolar, etc are “Scary” and don’t belong. Andd that’s about the major people I will block! I also might have forgotten a few things/people who I DNI but uhh- I’m sure I’ll remember later :) Other than that I will freely block who I decide to and curate my own content! :)
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✦ Byi + Boundaries..
I have Autism + Alexithymia, Depression, Anxiety, ADHD & BPD
We’re a DID system and use We/I/Me/Ours pronouns. i don't talk about my DID often because its kinda awkward :”). Our Alters consist mostly of Ink, Lust, CANON C!Nightmare, Cross, & Killer. But there are many more and we are NOT our source. I am also in almost complete control of this sack of flesh xP, Tho 99% of the time I’m co-fronting with Ink!! *paint might get acrylics own text tags one day if color so desires <3*
I petre sometimes! Often times I am a crow, cat, or dog! And I purr and chirp/caw even out of petre <3
Tone tags are VERY VERY preferable! I am tone def a lot of the time so please use tone tags otherwise I will take it the wrong way and start to p a n i c
I'm an Irl + Fictkin (Ink sans) !!!
Yes I can be cringe and idc :)
i am VERY silly, expect maximum silliness from me at all times.
If you’re are uncomfortable with something you see block the tag and move on do not harass me.
Please do not ask personal info/give about me unless I'm willing to give or I give permission. This includes Name, Age, Basic stuff like that.
please do not mention topics of rape, sexual assault, plushophilla, grooming, Addiction, Animal mutilation/Murder, etc. these are very triggering topics for me and make me remember events forced on me in my life I do not want to remember.
Inbox is always open! You can be as silly as you want or say the most random stuff! 99.99% of the time I’ll also answer with a little doodle! And if u want me to remember you add a little signature! Ex : 💥 anon or smth like that :D
Another thing! You can send asks/talk with the Alters! Cannot guarantee we will always reply as some of us may not wish to, but still! This being said..BE RESPECTFUL TO ALL OF US IF YOU DECIDE TO INTERACT!! If you are not you get the ban hammer<3. Sometimes Alters may take over an ask if they want to! Regardless if it’s unintended for them or if the other wishes not to answer so don’t be surprised if you see someone else instead of who you intended :)
My DMs are always open !! I love love love meeting new people and making friends (I DONT BITE!!!!) :]
I'm fine w/ tags, comments, & spam-likes/reblogs! They make me rlly happy :3
I might spam-like (I get a lil excited sometimes..especially if I REALLY like your stuff, if you don't like this please let me know and I'll stop!!)
We do make suggestive jokes and we are hypersexual but that doesn't mean we’re not sex-replused most of the time.
I'm Nonhuman !! Pls do not refer to me as human. I prefer Skeleton terms & Crow terms over everything else. I'm just your average Paint Drinking Souless Skeleton <3
We tend to make random remarks, say out of pocket things, have trouble w/ volume control/typing in all caps, making inappropriate jokes, flirt & tease (w/ my close close friends/moots) if you ever get disturbed by this please let us know & we’ll stop.
all flirting and teasing we do is NEVER romantic. If we do these things with you they are purely us being silly, never showing romantic interest. Do not think otherwise. If you do you’re blocked Immediately.
I am VERY Blunt. And might say something rude or offensive and if I do please let me know because my Alexithymia makes it hard for me to understand if I upset people.
I unapologetically ship the most toxic abusive ships I can, and idc <333
Don’t involve me in ship discourse man, I just wanna curate my own experience-
My blog, my rules!! <3333
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I work at my fathers store M -> F, so I won’t be on too often on those days :)
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Art requests are open and always open! Feel free to ask for whatever you like, ocs are included! I still have the right to delete a request if I’m not comfortable with it tho ;3
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more may be added in time.
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theninthdoor · 2 years
Hey, please remember to take care of yourself and your energy and your close people. I know you enjoy tarot and this blog a lot but please don't feel obligated to post or feel guilty when people say they miss your regular posting. YOU COME FIRST.
Tarot is fun, yes, but also takes time and energy even if it's not a time-consuming question so I really hope that you won't forget to put yourself first <333
I really appreciate you for posting and answering all our questions about silly little Kpop (I'm saying this as a huge Kpop fan of 10 years before someone comes at me lol)
Take care <333333
the issue is that i started going about this the same way i go about my irl readings (with irl clients) - so, answering everything as quick as possible; giving full answers, even to the #tqq questions; never deleting the asks that are sent when my inbox is closed, and answering them anyway (which I'm not doing anymore btw! i'm sorry, but we must have rules in this household 👩‍⚖️); posting almost daily, etc. that was manageable for a month and a half bc i was on break for the holidays, but when life started to pick up steam once again, it just didn't work out.
and, really, it was just hard for me to wrap my head around the idea that this is a blog made for fun, for entertainment purposes; that i'm doing these readings/work for free; that i am the one "in charge" of what happens here. i just take everything too seriously... 😅 and, of course, this on top of my irl work and personal life is just too much to manage this way.
so- yeah... i'm gonna stop being so hard on myself and making a duty out of this. we're here to have fun! if i post, i post. if i don't post, i don't post. that's it.
finally- thank you so, so much for being so kind towards me! 💞😭 idk what i was expecting, but you guys have always been so sweet and supportive that it actually makes me emotional.
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deanthomaas-blog · 7 years
am i back? for so long?? for real??
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lipstickbisous · 3 years
like promised pornstar!stucky with innocent reader :
she moved in next door (can you see that i love the neighbor trope ??) and the moment the duo opened the door to this sweet girl offering them baked goods as a hello, they were already gone.
soon enough, the find themselves more and more attracted to her in a way that's never been seen before. she does things to them that she probably doesn't notice and that makes it worse cause her every move has their cocks twitching in their pants but the fact that she's totally clueless is even worse.
the first time they reveal their jobs, they have her watch and by the end of the night she's had her pussy stuffed by ones fingers while the other eats her out. poor girl was crying of pleasure, she was inexperienced and they couldn't help but want to teach her everything.
the more they advance in their relationship they find out that she likes the idea of being seen. one day they post a picture of the three of them, definitely naked, tangled together in a bed and at first she's a little worried but that excites her and them so they go a little further and film videos with her but they hide her face, only keeping the sounds she makes and they make.
you've got videos of it all really : you on your knees swallowing bucky's cock ? you sitting on steve's face ? you sucking bucky's fingers while riding steve ? you fingering yourself while they jerk each other off ? really the content is epic and seeing the reactions, you feel so proud and they get proud to watching their innocent girl turn into an absolute slut when she's being fucked and filmed ??
and they decide to film one video that they don't post because your face is in full view and that was the point where they knew you were absolutely perfect.
you're sitting on bucky's face, and steve's fucking your throat, you're crying in pleasure because bucky's having fun with his tongue lapping up your folds vigorously. steve's holding the camera high enough to have the whole scene visible in the shot but you're the main attraction here and he makes sure not to groan or moan too loud so that we can hear all your sounds.
"f-fuck... look at you, my little movie star... you like that huh ? gagging on my cock on camera ? bucky tasting that pretty pussy of yours ? gonna keep this video, ill remember your beautiful face covered in cum and drowning bucky in your sweet juice."
and you can't speak properly, chocking on steve and riding bucky's face so hard he's throbbing and leaking cum all over the sheets. he's not worried about air or anything like that, not when he know he'll have you cumming on him and on camera as a reward.
- 🧝🏾‍♀️ little elf girl
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the woman. was too fucking stunned. to speak.
i seriously feel blessed to have these in my inbox. everytime i read one i come out like a whole new person. i'm fucking reborn.
i wanna add thoughts and concepts to this but i could imagine this whole scene so CLEARLY my entire mind is blank. 😐 like i literally cannot think of anything right now i'm struggling to even type this. however my answer to the next ask is gonna be long as shit, so hold on.
everyone, let's take a moment to say thank you, elfie!! 🤍
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askrockandfriends · 2 years
First things first - selective. Meaning I only RP with those that want to interact with my OCs and can mesh well with them. If I follow you, generally the first interaction is gonna be with either of my OCs Rock or Anzu. If your character can mesh well with them, I'll be more willing to RP with you.
1. Generally, don't be "that guy" in RP. No godmodding, metagaming, trying to force in something when I'm not interested in it. Basically, treat RP like any other interaction: no means no, not "keep trying until they give up and say yes". I RP with interest. I don't always follow, but if I'm interested in a blog, I'll try to get an RP with them (within their rules, of course... as best I can, that is.)
2. That said, mutuals only. I prefer to rp with people I'm interested in and people I'm already familiar with and trust to be mature about things.
3. Treat my characters with respect. They're here to have fun, go on adventures, and just be themselves, not be your personal whipping boys, brown-nosers, or ass-kissers. And for the love of all that is good, do not pretend to be interested in a character, only to then treat them like dog shit the entire thread. If you're not interested, just come out and say it. Don't waste either of our time. If you can't handle that, then we can't rp.
4. Please, for the love of everything good, do not just come to me with smut and shipping. I like a little variety in my rps, you know? Plus, I do like to have real, actual writing and plots every now and again. Same might go for overly angsty plots if that becomes an issue.
5. Don't send nasty messages. I will block, anon or not, no questions asked. This should be common sense, honestly.
6. I am not a meme source. Please reblog memes from the source, if possible, and you haven't sent in one already.
7. Anyone that wants to come into my inbox and ask, "want to rp" or any variation of it, the answer's gonna be an automatic no. I closed my DMs to randos to prevent exactly this, and letting it happen in my inbox would just make that decision pointless. If I wanted to rp, I'd have already shown interest.
8. If I don't feel a plot is going right for a character or doing right by them, and the other person isn't willing to make adjustments to it, I have absolute right to drop it entirely. No negotiations about this.
9. If you have no interest in my OCs, what makes you think I'm gonna want my canons interacting with you? Get lost and save us both the trouble of finding out.
Now things I will not do:
-AUs where characters who are normally good are instead evil, or just plots where good characters are treated like the bad guy. The heroes are heroes, the villains are villains. I will not tolerate any attempt to vilify a character who's supposed to be good. End of discussion.
-Plots where I have to play my character in some weird way I normally wouldn't and/or completely goes against the character.
-Plots that only serve to mock or disrespect my character in any way when they aren't meant to be a butt monkey.
-Plots that are nothing but shipping/erp and/or plots involving having someone other than me having to control my character just to get the ball rolling.
-Plots where people try to change my character in any way, or be overly controlling over the whole plot (things like saying what muses I can and can't use, where I can and can't put them, etc.)
Some things to know about me:
I am a very joke-heavy blog. Unless it's part of a thread, don't take about 99% of my in-character posts seriously. I'm someone who just enjoys seeing the lighter side of things that are going on and writing stuff based on them to elicit a chuckle from my audience. If this bothers you, then just move along... but watch out, because there's a springing glove behind one of the doors!
Same with shipping. I ship with chemistry mainly, but that doesn't mean I can't joke about characters potentially being shipped together. If I seriously wanted to ship, I would have already discussed it with my partner, either before or during the process of building up chemistry for the moment the two characters get together. If I post about shipping with your character and it hasn't been discussed beforehand - especially if the characters in question barely know each other, if at all - don't take it seriously, because it's just more of me being silly and having fun with my muses.
If you've read these rules, send me your blog (or character) name, followed by "is all elite!" (Like "allelitemuses is all elite!")
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gyuphorias · 3 years
anyways now that i'm done revamping my account, i think i'm gonna take a page out of dream's book and talk about this because it's been weighing heavily on my mind all day and i really just need to get it out there before i collapse.
i. like dream said, i mentioned this on my main earlier today and i think it really does need to be talked about. this has happened just about every time i create a blog to share my writing with people. i work myself into such a niche that it's difficult for me to branch out because people only want to see that specific content from me. if you haven't noticed, txt is about the only group i answer asks about (with the exception of tbz asks from one of my anons and dream being kind enough to indulge me).
don't get me wrong: i love txt and i adore writing for them. but as you can imagine, writing for them all day every day get so tiring. it's gotten to the point where i don't have much to say anymore when it comes to expanding on thoughts that people send in. i feel like i'm just repeating myself over and over again, and it's starting to bleed into the way i write and think about other groups too.
i'm really really glad that you guys associate me with txt and beomgyu! i am! because they bring me so much comfort in my day to day life. but let me give you guys a little peek into my inbox right now. i currently have 15 asks waiting to be answered and of those 15 asks, 14 of them are about txt. literally almost all of the asks i currently have are abt txt. so i think you can understand why i'm started to get burnt out on writing for them.
i just really want to start branching out. even if i wasn't getting burnt out and feeling bad when i write for txt, i'd still want to branch out because i have so much love to give to other groups. if you've sent me a txt ask, i'll get around to it for sure. it might just take me a while.
ii. dream posed this idea on their post and i'm seriously thinking about doing the same thing honestly. i've mentioned within the last couple days or so that i'm feeling stressed about writing. most of it's just because i've been unmotivated to write recently, but there are a couple of other issues too. the first is the whole engagement, likes to reblogs thing that i won't hash out with you guys again (... for now). the second is that i've just been feeling so bad about my writing recently and a lot of that stems from the whole conversation in the first point. i feel like my writing's been getting repetitive and boring, and i feel like i haven't really had time to work on these projects that i was so excited to write because i've been focusing so much time and energy on answering hard thoughts and things.
so i think i'm going to take a break from expanding on your guys' thoughts, soft and hard, as a whole. i'll still come around and answer them, but the turnaround on it isn't going to be as quick as it has been. i really want to focus on these projects that i have because i was so passionate and excited about them when i started to work on them. as much as i love constantly interacting with you guys here and talking abt our idols, i really just need a break to recenter myself and find that passion for writing again because it's become such a tedious process, which is really upsetting for me because writing has been such a huge part of my life for so long and it's my favorite thing in the entire universe. and i want to be able to provide the best content for you that i can and i just don't feel like i'm providing that right now, so i'm going to focus my attention on my projects instead and hope that that passion comes back.
i really hope you guys understand where i'm coming from on this. i know that once i take a break from this account, i won't be getting much interaction because nobody really cares because they're just here for content or whatever. but if you guys wanna keep interacting with me, i'll be active on my main account @beomwiki since it's where i reblog a lot of stuff and post a little more personally if that's what you're into.
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kurosukii · 3 years
hi lovely i hope you're doing well🖤 i also hope you're prepared because this might be kinda long? idk.
firstly, to those who are demanding the truth, i'm sorry but nobody is obligated to answer if they don't feel comfortable doing so.
i understand that you may not believe what's being said by me or other nonnies but that doesn't give you the right to be mean/hateful. i've been getting anonymous threats and hate and extremely personal questions in my inbox. that's not okay and you're making me uncomfortable.
so to answer the nonnie questions and accusations:
i love sharing my stories and experiences with people and when i saw that this was a safe space to share about dilf experiences i started sharing and sending in updates when i had my chance. that's why there's nothing but maybe a reblog on my page about my story. it's like a little community of dilf lovers here and if they enjoy the dilf stories then i'm going to give them the dilf stories.
i'm off anon because i'm literally of age and nobody knows who i am on here. none of my irl's know i have tumblr either so i'm going to be off anon.
i'm not "stealing" anybody's story/experience. everything i say is 100% true. it's not always going to be the full story because there's only so much i can share for privacy reasons but what i do share is the literal truth. plus i don't care about a story THAT much that i'd go as far as faking text messages.
and i don't see him every single day so i can't update as often as other people. then there's the fact that some stuff just isn't worth updating over. i'm not gonna sit here and talk about how he helped me with a math lesson because honestly i probably forgot how to do it anyways. and again, privacy. i respect his privacy and comfort levels as well as my own. i'm not going to share anything too personal or that i know he wouldn't like being out there regardless of our anonymity.
the story of me and mr.dilf goes like this:
i was walking in the parking lot when i was in his blind spot and he almost hit me with his car. since the start of the year we would always crossed paths but that incident is what led us to really start talking to one another. we started to get to know each other and he then offered to help me with math when i expressed my hatred disinterest in the subject. there was sexual tension between us, a few things went down, and now we're really starting to get involved with each other in a way that we are trying to figure out and label.
like i said, i love telling stories and sending in updates so if you have questions it's okay to ask but be nice about it. please stop harassing jul and other people simply because you want answers or don't believe something you read online. where literally anything can be fake.
i'll just make a separate post for updates soon to keep this from being longer than it needs to, but i hope this clarified everything for all the nonnies asking questions.
very well said boo !!! you didn’t have to say anything but for all intents and purposes, thank you and i appreciate you a lot i hope u kno that !! <33
having said that, i will not be entertaining any asks that are accusing any other person of lying and/or being fake anymore because:
1.) like what i’ve said 1847483 times, take everything that’s on here with a grain of salt because it’s not supposed to be taken seriously and/or worth losing your marbles over ‼️
2.) maintain the safe space and light atmosphere that i and other people have built on this blog ‼️
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rietveldbrothers · 5 years
(1/3) yo! I just say your post about freddy portraying kaz and the whole age stuff so i'm here to rant for a bit, but it's not at all meant to be rude and I definitely agree with what you said! basically, I don't know what the post is that you saw that made you write your own post about it, so this is not a reaction to that. however! I'm a pretty young-ish (I'm sixteen!) fan of six of crows and although i'm very happy with the cast, the ages are actually something that makes me go :/
(2/3) that's not about him not being able to portray kaz, though! obviously age doesn't just... remove your feelings, lol. the thing is, though, I'm just tired of seeing people in their late twenties portraying teenage characters when i'd so much rather see teenagers portray them simply because of physical appearance?
(3/3) some people aged, what, 26 or 27 look very young but they're a little more mature, still, and that just makes me, as a teenager, feel like I should look like that instead of the slightly awkward looking phase I'm going through right now. either way, super random and I don't even really know why i'm sending this. have a lovely day!! ps I love your blog
Okay. Look. I get it. I do. I super super get it. I’ve been there, and that’s a valid concern. But a) that’s not at all the issue we’ve talking about today, and b) i’ve had quite a few private conversations on this particular concern and i’m more than happy to discuss my point of view on that as well if you want to privately, I more than welcome you to come into my dm’s if you wanna talk about it! I seriously would love to talk with you if you want to. But I’m really not interested in having any more long public conversations on the topic. It’s tiring and my notifications turn into a shit show.
Now this is no longer at you anon but just generally:
I have like a dozen other asks in my inbox rn on the age issue and i’m just not gonna answer them. If y’all have something u wanna discuss i love chatting with people and i’m more than happy to talk privately, but my notifications are literally at the point rn where I can’t even see that I get asks from there, I have to actually check my inbox and it’s just A Lot. I’m also super not interesting in having to block anyone else for being rude (I told u I wasn’t afraid to do it y’all) and public discussions invite rude people and anons. And i’m an adult I don’t take it personally but it’s annoying and I don’t have the patience for it!
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i-am-kone-uzina · 2 years
Okay, so Jason just got done telling me about furries.
Neat crowd. Honestly, they kinda sound like the ideal Ajokona: Technology, empathy, daring, and exploration.
Now, am I a furry? Well, to you, I'm basically a 10-foot-tall, 4-eyed, horned-owl-looking humanoid with angel wings, so...maybe? Honestly, when Jason asked this, we both struggled with the answer. I can see the argument to be made, but I don't think I count, in some way. This will probably keep me awake at night for a while. If I decide later that I am, then it's still a non-issue; it's just a definition puzzle for me, really.
Now, for a question that Jason asked out of "scientific curiosity", and I'm totally posting this to bully him: "Can Humans and Ekxina, hypothetically, go absolutely wild in bed together"?
That was his exact wording.
Technically, the shapes are roughly compatible, but on average, we're pretty acidic down there, so it'll probably really hurt. A lot.
"How often does kone Uzina 'go wild in bed'?"
I really hope that wording is as funny in English as it is in Kaskhoruxa, or none of this is landing...
To answer: I don't. Honestly, I'm far more interested in the poetry people try to use to get me there. Is this average for an Ekxina? Absolutely not lol; I'm sort of an outlier, I think. That sort of thing for most Ekxina is a lot more casual and way less taboo than it seems to be with Jason's people. It's literally such a casual thing for us that our language has no insults for sexual frequency (unlike Jason's native language), because who really cares? Still, not really something I'm into, and that's okay. It's like one person being into pottery, while another person isn't.
"How often does kone Jason 'go wild in bed'?" I ask in return.
And he won't say, lol.
See, he asks me this piss, and then does not want to answer for himself, and then thinks I won't fucking bully him on this hellsite about it. If it's such an embarrassing question for him, then it's weird that he's so cool about asking me, right? The context of my culture doesn't matter here; that's just hilarious. He has to put this question through the lens of his own culture and mine before thinking to ask this, so this should have been an easy answer. Again, whether he does or not, it doesn't matter to me; his embarrassment and nervousness is entirely his own, assuming that phrase translates correctly. Might be a conversation rule that I don't know yet.
Anyways, we probably won't get an answer for that one. But yeah, for all you "monster fuckers" out there (yes, I learned of this amazing term lol), you might be especially daring to try one of us out lmao.
Just want to reiterate: nobody asked this from the inbox; this is being posted entirely because Jason nervously stammered for 5 minutes after I asked him his own question.
Real quick though: nobody else is allowed to bully him; he's seriously super kind, honestly. He's literally on a planet that is alien to him, immersed in a brand-new culture, and hasn't seen another Human in almost a year now. He literally did a speedrun learning Kaskhoruxa before coming down from orbit, and has a cool accent from it, too. I can't blame him for being a little awkward; it's sort of endearing, really. He's doing better than I would on Earth. I'd be too busy freaking out about the fucking clouds in the sky, and struggling to stand up in the high gravity.
Much respect for this guy, but that wasn't gonna stop me from posting this lol. Also, he totally knows that I'm posting this; he had to help me translate most of this into English. He's fucking mortified, but is otherwise fine with this.
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