#but tbh idk if that thing even still works
whokillednat · 2 days
Shared grief
Pairings: Spencer Reid x reader Genre: Angst and a little bit of fluff Summary: After a particularly hard case, Y/N tries to conceal her emotions but ultimately breaks down, prompting Spencer to support her Wordcount: 714 A/N: This is my first actual post, a little blurb to warm up a bit. English is not my first language, so bear with me. If you find any mistake in the spelling or grammar, please let me know. Tbh this wasn’t gonna be my first fic, but idk I just feel like posting this.
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Being in his arms was the greatest privilege. Feeling him close and breathing him in was the best, especially after a rough case.
The last case was particularly hard for everyone, especially involving kids as those cases were always personal. But this one hit her hard.
Spencer held her tight as her chest shivered with silent sobs. Tears fell heavily on her cheeks as she grieved for every child they couldn’t save. He had tried to soothe her before, but it only made her heart ache. His hands stroked her back slowly. Spencer could feel his own sorrow fighting to emerge, but he couldn’t allow himself to feel that way, not when his love was suffering. He knew it wasn’t healthy, but right now, the only thing he needed to do was hold her close and reassure her that they did everything they could because they did, even if it didn’t feel that way at the moment.
He didn’t allow himself to be weak in front of her; he needed to be strong for her. Later, she would be the one holding him while he cried. That’s how it was.
When they met for the first time, Spencer thought she was indestructible. In the first cases they worked together, it seemed nothing disturbed her. He was genuinely worried about her, even though he didn’t know her well. But then he saw her break down, and everything clicked for him.
She was pretending. Pretending to be strong, pretending it didn’t affect her so it wouldn't hurt, but it did, and damn how it hurt. All the feelings she tried hard to hide her first couple of weeks in the field all came out in the worst way possible.
They were after the unsub in an abandoned building, and in the search, they found them—the kids that the unsub was holding hostage. Their bodies were still warm, but it didn’t matter; there was no pulse. She tried CPR for 8 minutes and 37 seconds, but it didn’t work. Her arms were burning, and while everyone went after the unsub, she stayed.
And he stayed with her. He knew how she was feeling—the helplessness, the fear, the anger, he knew it all well. Spencer saw her cry; he saw her asking every deity out there to please help her help those kids. No one answered.
Spencer held onto her, separating her from the bodies. He could still remember clearly her words and despair.
“Spencer, let me,” she fought in his arms, trying to get out of his grip. “Please, Spencer, help me.”
“L/N, there’s nothing to do.”
“No, wait!” She pleaded. Derek came to them after catching the unsub and with him the paramedics. “Please, help them!”
The paramedic checked the pulse of the little ones, their eyes darkened a bit and shook their head. Taking their equipment and walking to some agents who were hurt in the operation.
“What? No, where are you going?! They need you.” Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion and moved to follow them.
Derek stopped her, capturing her against his chest.
“They’re gone, darling,” he said softly.
She crumbled and cried on him, almost falling to the ground. He just hugged her close, not letting her go.
Spencer stood there, watching her fall apart for the first time and he didn’t like it. He hated not helping her, he hated just standing there and not doing anything, but what else could he do?
“It’s ok, pretty girl, everything’s going to be ok.”
“They’re gone, Spence,” she wept into his chest, clutching his shirt hard in her hand, grounding herself.
Spencer sighed deeply and nodded. His hand rubbed her shoulders, easing the tension.
“I know, honey, we did what we could.”
They stayed in that position for what seemed to be hours, and not even a second did he stop consoling her.
When she was more collected and calm, she grabbed his face in her hands, watching his tears fall from his pretty eyes.
It was her turn to be strong, and she could only be strong because Spencer allowed her to be weak. It was her turn to be strong for him, to let him mourn and cry and scream; he deserved it, and she was there for him.
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thanks for reading.
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marsbutterfly · 3 days
Headcanons: Hanji Zoe Using Dating Apps
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a/n: alright so idk SHIT about dating apps, never used them, never will, but tbh this was funny as fuck. not really proud of these but oh well, sorry :(
warnings: none <3 not beta read, we die like men <3
/ So the first time Hanji ever used a dating app was after a pretty bad breakup. their relationship was kind of a long one and they felt like "a love like that" would never happen for them again, like they messed up their one chance at a happy life. but their friends convinced them to try their best to move on and download at least three different dating apps.
/ they weren't really sure what to add to their profile, so they went on google and started searching things like "best bios to add to hinge" or "what to add to your tinder profile" or even stupid shit like "funny dating bios to pick up girls."
/ their bio ended up a combination of their hobbies, all of their college degrees just to show every girl they come in contact with just how smart they are, the names of all their cats, and some other curiosities about them here and there.
/ they only added three pictures of themselves: their favorite selfie, a picture taken by Moblit during one of their hikes and a full body picture compared to a measuring tape to show how tall they are. it was taken while they were drunk but they thought it was hilarious enough that it might earn points with "the ladies."
/ the rest of the pictures on their dating profile is just their cats. like, with more descriptions about the cats than they gave a description about themselves. that's just how much they care about the cats. does it work? like a fucking charm.
/ the first few days their profile was up, they completely forgot about it. it wasn't until Moblit texted them saying a girl in his class asked for their phone number after seeing their profile and not getting a match that they remembered the thing. And oh did they have A LOT of notifications.
/ messages from girls ranging from asking about their day to the girl who begged moblit for their phone number to a couple who were a little creepy about the cats, not really caring about hanji themselves, only wanting to meet their cats.
/ while still trying to learn to use the apps, they saw a picture of you. their heart nearly stopped and, in a moment where their brain stopped working, they swiped the wrong way and your profile was lost forever. they tried for so long to find you again but with no luck.
/ finally, after long days of scrolling, they set up a date with one of the least threatening girls. not because they want to, but because levi will not shut up about it, they agreed to have a single date, nothing more. if it goes well, great. if it doesn't, they'll give up on this dating app bullshit until they feel like they are actually ready.
/ their date goes well. they go to a coffee shop and talk for a while. the girl will not let them talk, she just keeps going on and on about herself and her life and how amazing she is. so hanji has to distract themselves, looking around the shop, focusing on the smell of their coffee, but their breathing hitches the minute you walk in.
/ your bright smile lights up the entire room, the smell of fresh flowers of your perfume filling the air and replacing the smell of the coffee, the way your skirt shifts when you walk and the way you are laughing at your friend's joke. everything about you so damn captivating that they can't help but stare.
/ you can feel a pair of eyes fixated on you, so you lift your gaze from your phone. your eyes immediately find theirs and your heart nearly stops in your chest. their whiskey brown eyes stuck with yours, neither of you being able to torn your gaze away for even a split second.
/ your friend asks for your order and you have to shake your head to bring yourself back to reality. turning to face the barista, you stutter out your order before turning around as soon as you are done talking, making sure the beautiful person who once stared at you is still looking.
/ their date hasn't noticed that they aren't paying attention, they even pull out their phone to answer a call in the middle of the date and hanji takes that chance to excuse themselves, eagerly walking through the crowd to get to you.
/ their hands are trembling in excitement, phone in hand as they are eager to take down your phone number. once standing behind you, it takes them a few seconds to actually tap on your shoulder, but when you turn around, their heart nearly stops.
/ you are the most beautiful girl they have ever seen. their words nearly fail to come out as they speak. "I- Hi.. I'm Hanji." the trembling in their voice is the most endearing sound you have ever heard in your entire life, so you smile at them, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
/ the two of you talk for a while and decide to exchange phone numbers. by the time you leave the coffee shop, hanji's date still hasn't noticed they've gotten up so they just pay for her coffee and run into the street after you.
/ they ask if you are free tonight and you look at your friend, silently asking her to go away. you smile and nod, saying something along the lines of "oh, looks like i am free right now!"
/ as the two of you walk down the street, laughing at some stupid joke, hanji pulls out their phone, immediately deleting their profile on all the dating apps and deleting the apps themselves. they can't wait to rub it on moblit and levi's face the fact that the apps did not work at all.
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salvaation · 2 years
I was really excited doing stuff for artfight (and just getting back into doing visual art in general) but now my laptop display is fucked and I can't use it.
Hopefully it'll be a quick fix because I literally almost started crying today bc I wouldn't be able to draw anything for at least a week.
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atlas-five · 2 months
people connecting today's episode w the corruption is so funny cuz my first thought was spiders. my mind went to the woman who erupted a bunch of spiders at trevor herbert that one time; and the ep abt the guy who lived at the hilltop halfway house, and how his old housemates still looked like themselves but had become spider egg sacs or some shit
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23meteorstreet · 11 months
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charlie kelly - season 16
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rosicheeks · 13 days
#just want to apologize to anyone who has tried to reach out lately#just like I texted my friend I’ll tell you guys the same#haven’t been talking to a lot of people lately tbh#pretty sure I’ve mentioned php a few times by now#monday was my last day#and I was feeling on top of the world on Monday#I don’t remember the last time I was so genuinely happy#figured it was the med change or something#so I was feeling pretty optimistic#I’m in between programs now#and today was not the best#not as bad as some of my days#but definitely not even near the day I had on Monday#I just wish I could feel that every single day#I’m working on it but still#waiting to start ‘adult day treatment’ and case management#and I think case management will help me find a place??? I’m not sure exactly but that’s kinda what I was getting#which honestly? I know I’ve bitched about how badly I need to move#but while I was in php I realized I don’t think I’ll truly be able to heal while I’m living here… and that’s a scary thought#idk there’s a lot more deeper things that I don’t wanna talk about#but the fact I don’t have space and I don’t feel safe and comfortable here is hard….#my ‘safe’ space was my car but now that I’m trying to quit smoking my car isn’t the best place for me#I’ve been kinda getting used to my room and I’m finally trying to move a few things around#(now that I have a little energy again)#it’s just……. my arachnophobia is KILLING me here#in the past week I don’t even know how many spiders I’ve seen and killed#they haven’t been crazy and I recognize I don’t live in Australia or places where the spiders are as big as fucking cars#I came home and I was in a good mood until I saw a spider in my room 🙃🙃🙃 tried to vacuum it but not sure if I got it……..#so guess im sleeping on the couch….. again…. but can’t help think if out here is any better…#shut up rosie
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essenceofarda · 2 months
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lanliingwang · 9 months
on one hand, I genuinely can see why parts of (specifically eng-speaking) mdzs fandom that focus on jgy interpret the "杀父杀兄杀妻杀子杀师杀友" line very literally and speculate on what he means by each one,,,
on the other hand, it's largely through the English translation of the line from what I've seen*, so I...wish that caveat was discussed more tbh,, (also speaking in general too)
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seagull-scribbles · 1 year
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I don’t want wholesome non binary characters, give them a bomb
Me and my friend are having a debate
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autumnhobbit · 5 months
I’m gonna be real with you guys, I kind of dread the idea of trying to raise any future kids in this church
#and it’s not because i don’t believe the faith. obvs i do#but like in practice i’m either going to be going by myself or with my mom & siblings or whoever#i don’t have any friends my age so idk how i’m gonna find good friends for future kids#and obvs i want them to have good friends#i do believe in the virtues of friendship and believe it’s an important thing for people to experience and work at#but also i’ve had a lot of heartbreak in friendship and have a complicated relationship with it#and when i think back on my own childhood in churches it was always so turbulent#both because my family didn’t gel with the cultures/ideals of so many parishes#and because my dad made enemies everywhere we went (for obvious reasons but still)#that wasn’t us kids’ fault#but it didn’t matter#i thought i had adults to look up to in faith#but i have literally none i have a close relationship with#and even the ones i respect that doesn’t mean they’re good around kids#or would like hanging out with me#and i don’t want just any random person thinking because they’ve talked to me a couple times#that they get say in the close intimate decisions or issues i have with my spouse or children#the whole thing is strange tbh#like i don’t even want to have a close relationship with some priests even if i respect them or like them#and too many priests think that just cause they see you once a week they know you and should have a say in things they know nothing about#idk man catholicism in america and maybe the world is just. so hard nowadays.
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ayyponine · 15 days
local woman gets two consecutive weeks off work, immediately starts experiencing some type of Ailment
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lovsome · 7 months
#i need to vent a little im sorry pls ignore this if u are bothered by my thoughts#SH tw !!!!!!#this morning i was supposed to have my weekly therapy session but i had to cancel bc my mom got covid and obviously stayed home from work#and i do online therapy and i didnt feel comfortable doing it with my mom around but i really needed to do it tbh#and then my professor replied to my email with all of the things ive been working on since august and didnt say anything about the material#he just asked to call me on the phone tomorrow and i started to spiral…. like Spiral with a capital s#even now thinking about it my stomach sinks bc i have this feeling that his feedback is going to be negative and i just know my#barely existent self esteem is going to break and idk what im gonna do with myself then#this afternoon while i was spiraling all i wanted to do was /hurt/ myself. i kept thinking that i wasnt good enough and i had done a#horrible job.. so bad that he couldnt even tell me by email but needed to do it on the phone and i felt like throwing up and i couldnt get#/​that/ thought out of my head and i could only cry#and all of this not even actually knowing what my professors feed back is going to be because this is just all in my head#but i was talking to my school friends and they were like oh its gonna be fine even if he doesnt like it u can still put the project in ur#portfolio hes not even our professor anymore and so on#and i kept saying that i knew that but i just could not handle that sort of feedback and rejection mentally#i was telling them that i knew i would crumble if i got real negative feedback and i was terrified of that and they just couldnt get it and#idk it made me feel really lonely#im a bit calmer now but i feel so depressed#i am really anticipating something that will hurt really bad
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moe-broey · 29 days
I don't really consider this a spoiler/might not even take this route anyway, but. Sharena Engage active wear color palette. Choose.
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Also factoring in my notes from when I flipped through all the chara's outfits to find The Pattern
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Okay NOW you can Choose
Another thing you can consider is having the shoes be all one color/Not having the second color stripe accent. I noticed some characters wouldn't have that as part of their palettes! Seemed arbitrary which ones would and which ones wouldn't!
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fluentisonus · 7 months
napoleon movie was not good tbh
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thateclecticbitch · 18 hours
What is it about me that seems to make people think I am sexually experienced I am literally neither of those things.
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anthromimicry · 1 month
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sorry, halsey — hopeless fountain kingdom.
#ALL POWER DEMANDS PAIN AND SACRIFICE: musings.#NO SLEEP OF THE INNOCENT. NOT FOR YOU: character study.#it kind of surprises me just how much content there is out there about being afraid of intimacy but then again-#i have heard that that is supposedly one of the most common fears that people have apparently. so yeahhh but of course i do mean emotional-#intimacy here and oh my goshhh. i never realized just how sad parts of this song were until i listened to it again.#'i run away when thing's are good and never really understood the way you laid your eyes on me in ways that no one ever could#i hate to say it BUT that is so misao. she really does feel sooo unlovable sometimes and she has this 'leave them before they leave you'-#mentality that is so saddening to have TBH but i understand why she has it. her childhood kind of left her broken in a way i think-#in ways that can't be easily explained as it was very nuanced and complicated. but GAHHH that doesn't stop me from wanting misao-#to find at least some kind of love from people 😭 like she needs at least one friend or something that she can depend on bc i feel like-#that would really help her and being in a house alone all the time whenever she's not at work can not be good for her psyche.#so petition to get misao a friend or two? JSJSJ nahhh but i am legitimately being serious at this point#she needs someone who'll stick with her through thick and thin and will be understanding of the fact that she's got unresolved trauma so-#that partially causes her to be hyperindependent but i firmly believe that she needs people just as much as anyone else.#maybe more in fact but IDK#and the fact that in this song halsey says that she still knows facts about them even though she hasn't talked to them-#in forever? i'm WEEPING AHHH#that is so like misao as well sadly. she would literally take little notes as to what thing's people like to reference later if she had a-#friend because she 'doesn't want to get it wrong' whenever she gets them a present she says but it's really so that she doesn't forget-#how precious this person is to her and how she wrote down all of their favorite things as a result.
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