#but that day ain’t today
line-of-fire · 8 months
Anyways I’m still up and it’s 0330 and all I can think about is the twins (partially blame this on something I came across earlier but anyways)
Thinking about that cabin they grew up in; where they spent twenty years of their lives. How *home* and *prison* had the same effective meaning for the two of them because of what Thurston put them through within those walls. How their blood has stained its metaphorical bones.
Nearly all of their significant memories growing up are in that house, or in the direct vicinity of it. For twenty years, it was their prison, and it wasn’t until Alkka killed their father that they knew anything different.
It’s been a year now, and to say either of them have fully adjusted would be the overstatement of the century. But what they regard as ‘familiar’ has changed to include their barracks room and the harsh concrete structures of base. That cabin has slowly begun to fade from their conscious memory; devolving into a cruel whisper that only returns to full volume on their worse days.
Neither of them have even thought about returning to that cabin, full of the ghosts of their past.
To Voitto, it’s the physical representation of all he’s trying to leave behind; of everything he’s so desperately trying to make up for. To return would be to break down, to remember where he came from.
And for Alkka… She wasn’t unaffected by her upbringing, no matter how much she tries to act like it never changed her. She just got good at burying things, staying quiet and shouldering the damage for her brother’s sake. To return to that cabin would be to finally force herself to look in the mirror and acknowledge what was done to her as well. To face what happened, what she’s spent years ignoring, and it’d be sickening.
Not to mention the all too present fact that Alkka’s and Voitto’s father’s body lays in the very lake that cabin stands across. To return would be to visit their father, a man both Alkka and Voitto couldn’t leave behind soon enough.
That cabin isn’t home, even if so much of their blood sweat and tears have been soaked up by its wood. It’s a gravesite for a man who they take comfort in the fact is burning in hell. It’s a memorial for the childhood they were never allowed to have. An artifact of a past they’re more than happy to leave behind them, even if it’s already been ingrained in their bones.
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zibiscusloon · 2 years
Been a while since I’ve drawn any RossDice
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Get a room dumbasses
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fish-bird · 2 months
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Stan is totally the type to become a (bigger) drama queen when he’s mildly sick.
He probably demands Dipper make him chicken soup to prevent Mabel from adding toys or glitter to it.
Dipper washes his hands 100 times, masks up, and still gets sick. Mabel does nothing and is fine.
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wideminded-dreamer · 6 months
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thinking about him hat this morning 😔😔😔
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kyiza · 1 year
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Riza with her neighborhood florist for Valentines Day ❤️🌹
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I love you and your game (derogatory)
I love YOU (celebratory) 🩵😚bfkdbdksnksnss the derogatory note made me laugh.
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ct-multifandom · 10 months
Can you guys rb this or comment with how you pronounce “Goncharov”? I didn’t really think anything of it until one of my friends said it out loud and I was like huh? I think it’s interesting how people can have different pronunciations of a word or name they’ve never heard out loud in their head an not question it. For reference, I’m a native Russian speaker and I’ve always read it like gohn-CHArohv and my US American friend said GAHNCHA-rahv.
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littlegreenstrawberry · 4 months
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Same todoroki 🙏🏽
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carterashofficial · 1 month
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She makes the most ridiculously anxious expressions the moment anyone goes to put on shoes
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kimtaegis · 8 months
I am really not made to get up shortly past 7am (for work) and be home shortly past 7:30pm (from work) several days in a row man
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dopaminestarvedsim · 6 months
confession: i bulldozed juni’s entire lot (after saving all of her plants of course) because i had a lighting glitch i could NOT FIX that was driving me crazy. 😵‍💫
i really want to get better at building, but i worked so hard on that stupid cottage only to scrap it when that glitch happened 😤 so i downloaded a shell and now i’m working on a floor plan to decorate and it honestly makes me so happy!!! 🥹
soooo mayyyyyyybeeeeeee the moral of the story is just play however works for you and don’t let a struggle get in the way of a storyline??? 🙃
excited to show y’all what i come up with!
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purplemoonabove · 1 month
this may be my first birthday where it is depressingly draining.
what I’ll do when home, waiting for this day to end:
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soobadnoonecanstopher · 11 months
I need to know how the meeting with the new guy went!!! Did you make it through it okay?! I can't even concentrate on work today ><
I haven’t even had a minute with him yet. I only got to confirm that he exists and request his access for one of the system he will use. I’m supposed to have a 1-on-1 with him but he’s busy with HR paperwork and NDAs and shit I have no idea. Like other people are busy with him and I’m just having my own little EXO party by myself I guess I’ll talk to him when I talk to him idkkkkkkkk
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vlueban · 2 months
celebrating easter and being visible today
next week I meet with some folks for hrt reasons
that’s pretty cool imo
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bibleofficial · 3 months
my stomach hurts so bad i’m literally dying
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a-very-fond-farewell · 3 months
tried to take a day off from writing. still woke up at 5am. let’s write then 😈🔥
#sneaky niki#lamb loose liveblogging#I wanted to take a day off.. but my brain is now accustomed to wake up at 5 I guess??#that’s so not fetch of me#topic of the day is:#I’m pissed bc I had to make a sensible decision and move a plot point a few chapters down the line#which is not fun#but feels more organic#judging by the way I’m keeping steady on this fic I think it will reach 300k#that’s a rough estimate#maybe 280k if I’m being generous instead of acting like a sadistic prick#but that’s just a theory#HDS is making it extremely hard for me to keep a steady pacing too#for example. recently he’s been giving me headache after headache about his growing sense of paranoia#he knows he isn’t sleeping enough#he knows he’s stressed af#the only reason why he has to trust one or two people in his life is bc he will turn absolutely insane if he doesn’t#and this is not me shaming#I remember how I was at my most paranoid during a prolonged episode#trust me. that ain’t fun#but he’s starting to hear things. that’s concerning. that’s suspicious. he needs help#but as usual. he refuses to acknowledge his limitations#also. attic-wifing your nemesis maybe isn’t a safe starting point to discuss with a trained professional during therapy#do criminals go to therapy?#I mean. not convicted ones. I do believe it’s part of their reintegration program. good for them#but like.. sneaky criminals? big fish evading taxes? one inconspicuous attorney holding his amnesiac crush hostage?#idk mate this is fiction#you have fun today ok?#go hug someone. or a pet. or a tree.#:D
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