#but that doesnt meant it doesnt still hurt
distant-velleity · 6 months
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parallels >>>>
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druidonity2 · 9 months
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2021 Shadowlands fanart.
#world of warcraft#anduin wrynn#Garrosh follows this with something like 'yeah your not but maybe i am' so i sorta take the quote out of context but#I remember Anduin being very upset about the mere idea hes compaired to Arthas#Its always seemed to me that his similarities with arthas are something that lowkey bothers him because so many only see that in him#Of course people hurt by Arthas will be a bit weary of a human boy with blonde hair who claims to champion the light and justice#Especially one who is a prince of an important human kingdom#So its something hes self-conscious of and is keen to prove people he's not destine to fail#Which is why#even if he didn't become another Arthas entirely#what happens in SLs is so much more traumatic to him#He hurt people he cared about#he hurt innocent souls#((and his situation of mind control is more akin to sylvanas' then arthas but does he see that that way? Or do his fears blind his view?))#And blizz didnt go into detail what this meant but Arthas was used against him literally#My headcanon is that Anduin knew and could feel it and hear arthas in the sword#but in the cinematic anduin is surprised by arthas' soul appearing so canon says anduin didnt know#He dissappers because he is unsure if the bad feelings he felt orignated from him or zovaal or arthas so#prehaps he is afraid that everyone was right to be weary of him#Maybe he didnt end up as arthas at the end of shadowlands but that doesnt mean he can't still go down a dark path#he is afraid he is more capable of becoming an unjust and cruel leader then he thought he could#His people have every right to be upset that he abandoned them#but they dont know that he left because he was afraid he could hurt them and feel joy from it
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tokyoteddywolf · 19 days
I'm debating posting The Fic, the fixit for the Teal Mask arc of Pokémon Scarlet/Violet. I've already written a sort of self insert slash fix it for the main game, and I was working on the second part, the Kitakami first part.
See, the problem is the fact that me and the guy who edited/helped/has a main character in the story are... no longer friends, to put it plainly. Ended badly, too, which I regret, but not like there's much I can do about it.
So do I rename the character? Leave it to rot in my docs? Keep everything and finish and post it? I don't know. And I can't exactly ask him. Like I said. We ended it very badly, and I regret it some, but the damage is done with no way to fix it, so we shrug and move on with our lives.
But anyways, my main deal is I don't want to leave my lovely labor of love to stagnate in my Google docs. I want to finish and post it. I want to make the story mine again, since it was my idea in the first place. Regardless of dead rotting friendships still freshly murdered and cooling, burned bridges and all that.
I'm gonna leave a poll then, yall decide what I should do. But I do plan to finish that fic and post it to my AO3 account. Peace.
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camels-pen · 7 months
mmm read a hurt/comfort Zoro fic recently and like. I get it now. That guy DOES hurt so pretty. kinda wanna try my hand at it.
A voice disappeared.
Zoro stopped in his tracks, feet rooted to the spot.
Who was it? Where? How-?
Just barely, he managed to block a blade aiming for his neck.
Luffy was ahead of him, laughing his head off. The cook was a bright flaming beacon in the sky.
The rest? C'mon take a count, Zoro. Make sure.
Usopp. Nami. Chopper. Jinbei. Robin. Cook. Luffy.
What? Two? No, where were-
His breath hitched as he blocked another attack.
Calm down. Take a breath. Count again.
Usopp. Nami. Robin. Cook. Luffy.
Fuck. They couldn't-
No, they had to have left the battlefield. These guys were smallfry, even for the so called "weakling trio".
Zoro took a moment to focus on the enemy around him. He let off a tatsumaki before focusing again.
One at a time, Zoro. Come on.
Zoro jerked, eyes wide and searching frantically.
"No, no no no no no. He can't have-" Luffy would never leave before the battle was done, not without making some kind of grand exit. He wouldn't leave without telling Zoro- telling anyone- about it.
He wouldn't up and disappear into thin air like that. Not unless-
Zoro shook his head roughly. They were fine, he just couldn't see them. It would be too much of a coincidence for them all to disappear like that. He just needed to count again, then regroup with Usopp, Robin, and the cook, and figure out what was going on.
Stay calm, Zoro. Losing your head won't find your friends.
So, again, Zoro breathed. And Zoro counted.
The only voice left, was Usopp.
Zoro wasted no time.
He sprinted as fast as he could, cutting down anyone in front of him almost as an after thought, as he bulldozed towards Usopp's voice.
He'd nearly made it too, when some dead man kicked his side hard enough to stop him in his tracks.
Zoro turned to him, a snarl on his face. "Get out of my way before I kill you."
"Huh?" The man sneered. "I should be saying the same thing, watch where you swing those swords, asshole."
Zoro was about to retort when he noticed Usopp's voice moving away from him. He didn't have time for this.
Without warning, Zoro moved to slice through his opponent and, to his surprise, the man blocked it with ease.
"You wanna go? Here and now?" the man growled. "I'll kick your fucking ass."
This man- Zoro has never met him before, but nonetheless felt he would need to pay him his full attention to have a chance at winning.
But Usopp was getting farther and farther-
Oh, Zoro could hit himself.
"USOPP!" he yelled at the top of his lungs, startling the man. "STAY RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE, I'LL BE THERE SOON!"
Usopp didn't respond, but he stopped moving, and that was good enough for now.
"Hey!" The man yelled, pressing down on Zoro's swords. "Whatever you need him for can wait until after our battle's over. He's got his own problems to deal with."
Zoro didn't bother wasting his breath. He cut and slashed, throwing attack after attack without abandon. It didn't matter if he was wasting his energy, he needed to get to Usopp before- before-
The man, infuriatingly, blocked almost every blow, and got a few hits in on Zoro himself.
Zoro would get to Usopp, even if it killed-!
Suddenly, there was a crackle in the air and all at once, Zoro's nerves lit up with pure unfiltered pain.
He dropped to his knees, blurry vision wavering on black shoes. He couldn't feel his arms. Or his face. And his head was getting lighter and lighter.
Zoro's fading thoughts were prayers, to a god he didn't believe in, to keep his friend safe.
"Nami-swan, a little help please?" Sanji said, voice uncharacteristically strained.
"If you're asking, how can I say no?" Nami said, smirking. "Get out of the way... now!" The moment Sanji pushed off Zoro's swords to hop away, she brought down her Thunderbolt Tempo on top of Zoro. He fell to his knees before crumbling to the ground, twitching.
"You could've knocked him out on your own though, why ask for my help?" Nami asked.
"Ah well, it seemed he had a couple screws loose and I didn't want to kill what little braincells were remaining." Nami nodded in understanding.
The two of them turned to Usopp as he inched his way closer. He carefully prodded Zoro's thigh with his boot. "He's really unconscious, right? Not gonna get up anytime soon?"
Nami shrugged. "It's always hard to tell with him. But don't worry," -she stood tall, holding out her Climatact- "I'll shock him as many times as necessary."
"That means I get to live another day, so you have the Usopp deal of approval." Usopp gave her a thumbs up.
"What'd you even do to get him so pissed at you, Usopp?" Nami asked.
"Nothing!" He paused and looked away. "Well, nothing recently."
"He wasn't just mad," Sanji said. "He looked..." Scared, Sanji wanted to say. But the word was so... simple. Too simple. And it didn't explain the desperation in his eye. The wet sheen. The way he hardly blinked.
The way he kept himself facing the direction Usopp was in, revealing his constant use of Haki.
This wasn't just Zoro scared. This was Zoro terrified.
And Sanji had never seen him terrified before.
"...off," Sanji settled on, furrowing his brow. "He looked off."
Nami and Usopp hummed in thought.
The three of them stared down at Zoro's prone body. An ominous dark puddle started growing under him.
The three of them sighed.
"I'll call Chopper-" Usopp felt a tug on his ankle. He looked down. Zoro's hand was holding his boot. "I thought you said he was unconscious!" he yelled, trying to break his grip unsuccessfully.
Sanji poked Zoro with his shoe. Zoro didn't move. "He's still unconscious, so you're gonna have to be his teddy bear."
"What?! No!" He gripped onto Sanji's shirt. "Sanji-kun pleaaaaase free me before my ankle's crushed in his sleep!"
Sanji rolled an eye. "You'll be fine."
"Then can you go get Chopper? Zoro's losing a lot of blood."
"The mosshead'll be fine too. Also," -Sanji pointed to Luffy and Chopper doing some kind of strange combo attack, with Chopper in Heavy Point using Luffy as a whip- "I don't wanna break up their fun."
"Sanji-kun," Nami piped up. "Go get Chopper, please."
"Of course, Nami-swan!" Sanji immediately ran off.
The two of them quietly watched him go.
"Did you see what caused this?" Usopp asked.
Nami shook her head. "I know about as much as you do: Zoro suddenly taking out a big group at once and then charging towards you." She bit her lip. "I don't think he recognized Sanji."
Usopp sighed, squatting down to pull the bandana from green hair. He stared at the slackened face of his friend, hands tightening in dark fabric.
"What happened to you, Zoro?"
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birdcatt · 1 year
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playing rain world the way i've always dreamed of (having many pups) and now dealing with the consequences (learning very quickly how to exterminate entire regions + safe spots to store pups in while i go back for the other pair)
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lynxalon · 9 months
gamers i feel fuckennnnnn terrible ✌️
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idkwidatp · 5 months
i would love to focus on renga
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Hi Jammy! Should we hope for some ficlet chapter today/tomorrow??👀
Yes! 🤗
I have planned only writing today, so I should get things done! 😊
#also everyone a round of kudos to my amazing boyfriend who created me a comfortable writing set up#im usually not a fan of writing while laying somewhere i prefer sitting#which hurts after a short while thanks to my fucked up back#he got extra plushy pillows and he arranged them in a way where i am half sitting half laying#sitting enough so i can write but laying down enough so my back can rest and is not hurting so fast#i just wanted to share this because im still so touched ♥♥♥#and yes yes to some it may seem like a small thing to do and not important or whatever but for me it meant the world#my mental health was really bad and i struggled so much with everything and he just supported me in the best way possible#he was already so supportive when i beat myself up and felt so down for taking a break because of my back#and then when i told him about my struggling with my back while writing#and he literally was like alright ill find a solution AND HE DID ♥♥♥#girls guys everyone...never settle for someone who doesnt love you and gives a flying fuck about you#youre not asking too much#partners who genuinely care and love and support like that exist in real life#and yes he also randomly checks in on me while i write and brings me snacks and something to drink#and is totally chill with having alone time while i write#not once he got angry for me disappearing for hours behind my screen or something#instead he is always super supportive and sweet and happy for me when i tell him about my writing
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guideaus · 1 year
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ohhh my god, i forgot about this
#personal#im still thinking abt comparing shima and vash 🤔#ive thought abt them and they both are averse to conflict but for different reasons. and diff reasons for self loathing.#my boy shima has low emotional intelligence and is a people pleaser. he'll do what other ppl expect of him. he wants (?) to fill his role#BUT he still wont like it. mitsumi listened to a rumor abt him and he silently got pissed abt it and avoided saying why. he compared#himself to a nazi soldier bc he hates his inability to change/be decisive/commit to improving himself#from ch 10 to almost where the series is at rn he's still struggling w that. he prioritizes how he's perceived over anything else.#how likable he is is how much hes worth. he doesnt think hes allowed to be happy otherwise#shima also doesnt believe himself (?) when hes kind. he claims he doesnt really care. even when acting to make someone happier is#good enough evidence probably that theyre kind lol. if ur actually shitty u wouldnt do smth#while vash has the uwu puppydog babygirl vibe as much more of a strategic way to ease tensions. hes also performative in his role of#human typhoon and his rep. he doesnt like it ofc but chooses to use it in regards to others. while alone he might be full on suicidal#and trigun is ofc an action sci-fi but if u replace the ppl vash has unintentionally hurt w 'disappointed' (to be relevant to shima's pov)#its similar. tho the twin in trigun are meant to be hypocritical. vash specifically imagines second chances/love&peace for everyone but him#and goes out of his way to imagine rem (his mother!! who he idolizes) being disappointed w him if he does make a mistake#how trimax ends also kinda skips past his personal development concerning his perception and unintentionally (imo) uses him as a tool to#end the story#sorry i wrote an essay in the tags FHSDFHJSD
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the-kipsabian · 9 months
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misfortunegirl · 1 year
bpd really does make you the worst huh
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crystalis · 2 years
my friend hasnt talked to me or messaged me back since he left my house like 3 week ago and i dont care but i do..... its not like him not messaging me is what bothers me but likei already felt self conscious and boring and like i feel like im just meant to be alone.. and its just weird bc weve been friends for like 15 years and usually this kind of thing never bothers me like we would typicslly go a long time without messaging eachother often and its fine but it just feels weird this time and painful
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mejomonster · 2 years
Can't fucking express how much I love makoto ;-;
I really liked kiwami 2s closure scenes for majima and makoto
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myownprivatcidaho · 2 years
oh as it turns out today marks one month since i last saw him and tbh its been nice just getting my feelings in order without any weekly Interference lmao
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arolesbianism · 13 days
I should rly get around to designing the Jackies and Olivias from my swap aus now that I have ideas for how to differentiate them for their non swapped counterparts, but at the same time the eternal dread of having to commit to either keeping or changing the gravitas uniform for the swap aus hangs over me with ever increasing pressure, so maybe I can just only draw headshots of them and commit to that til the end of time instead
#rat rambles#oni posting#but actually I probably will keep the uniforms because I like them and theyre fun to draw#plus I dont think making olivia director inherently means that the uniform would change so I can get away with it#olivia and jackie would have probably come up with that together anyways simular to the rest of gravitas branding#theyve probably had all of that decided on since their college days lol#but yeah Ive been thinking abt the swap aus more since it's fun to put olivia into a more antagonistic role#even if the levels of antagonistic varry heavily and in most of the universes jackie is also an antagonist even as the primary pov#a lot of these in universe would be mostly jackie pov rambling about some bullshit that doesnt matter while the real meat in the other logs#all imply some gnarly shit abt olivia and how shes faring as director#shes typically not as bad as her non swapped jackies but she rly pushes it in the swapped rat universe#and by that I kind of just mean she is simply just worse but she at least almost handled the divorce better than canon jackie#I say almost because she did proceed to kidnap the woman after she admittedly broke into gravitas facilities after being fired but still#generally speaking kidnapping and semi murdering your ex for science is t a cool move no matter how justified you feel#the other two olivias are a lot less openly corrupt with rabbit au olivia being mostly just more mean and raccoon au olivia just having a#smidge of a god complex that she generally never acted on to be shitty#also one of those olivias was in a toxic codependent relationship with her unstable wife and the other was also in an toxic codependent#relationship with her wife but her wife proceeded to murder her about it#the jackies are all pretty shitty tho even if in mostly different ways#we have petty incel jackie we have emotionally manipulative jackie and we have the reason raccoon au olivia has a mild god complex jackie#and then we're forced to sit and watch as each jackie reads through their shitty actions as memoryless pods acting like theyd never do that#only to remember and sit in horror at the fact that at the end of the day their actions had little concequence to the greater universe and#that the only thing they achieved in life was hurting the woman they loved most and dying in a way that ultimately meant nothing#which is another reason Ive been thinking abt these aus sm as I love narratively kicking the shit out of jackie its fun#its a sign of my deepest love <3#Im so much nicer to main au jackie which is saying smth since one of them gets literally murdered#albeit swap rat au jackie also gets sorta murdered so raccoon au jackie rly isn't special in that regard#at least she wasnt held hostage before hand it was a spur of the moment event#anyways I need to shower before it gets too late Im trying to maintain a msidgen of a sleep schedule
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foilflingza · 29 days
my family bs is finally starting to weigh on me again
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