#but that she also has a really good sense for when it isn't really appropriate for her to prod or pry with something Sophie has going on.
butchsophiewalten · 9 months
Hey, so I heard about ppl saying that there might be unhealthy,, idk undertones in jenny’s and sophie’s relationship? Like a power imbalance or something. Do you know anything about it? Thanks!
I mean, sure, maybe, there could be a power imbalance there, depending on how you choose to look at it. I don't think that's inherently a problem or anything to be upset over, it's honestly fine for that be kind of a point of contention on their relationship.
For me the Jenny Psych Major information drop slots very comfortably into my personal ideas/headcanons I already had for Jenny and her relationship with Sophie, where Jenny's been through some difficult things in her life and has persevered through them, and learning that is a big wake-up call for Sophie, who had previously sort of assumed she had just never been through anything really bad before, and that's why she's so well-adjusted compared to him. And how learning that about one of the most important people in the world to him actually made him feel really hopeful for his own future, that if Jenny could heal from something terrible and live comfortably on the other side of it, maybe he could, too.
So I've been liking the idea of Jenny studying Psychology as a way to learn about her own psyche, and better understand the problems she herself was going through. My ideal timeline for this would be that Sophie doesn't know about Jenny being a psych major for the first while that they know eachother, and maybe even for a while after their relationship sort of intensifies, (Not that Jenny keeps it a secret or anything, it just never really comes up in conversation,) and for the first while after finding out, it really freaks Sophie out. It revives in him a lot of those feelings of being under the microscope in a therapist's office, of feeling like a freak and a lab rat, of feeling like a stranger and an outsider even in his relationship with the person he trusts most in the world, and that realizing her motivations for going into psych were motivated primarily by her desire to understand her own problems serves the same kinda purpose as my other idea, helping Sophie to understand Jenny more as a person who, in a lot of meaningful ways, is a lot like him, and isn't this sort of intimidating outside force that he needs to consider himself wholly separate from, if you get what I mean.
I really don't think Jenny is like. Studying sophie, or anything. I don't think that their relationship is massively imbalanced by Jenny knowing a lot about psychology in the face of her girlfriend having mental health problems. I think it's OK.
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donnerpartyofone · 1 year
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This has been a really hard one to talk about. I'm always very ambivalent about mourning celebrities. I try to remember that I don't know these people, that what is really mourned by most of us is the person's ongoing work, which in the best cases has helped us understand ourselves and the world in which we live. Unavoidably, though, you can start to develop the sense that you know these people personally, which isn't true or even appropriate necessarily, I mean you have no idea whether you would even like someone you've only seen on a screen or received an autograph from; but at the same time, I don't know if you can really force yourself not to feel like the deceased celebrity is a dear friend you will never get to talk to again (the last time I tried and failed was the passing of Lux Interior). Maybe this is more forgivable, and also more inevitable, if you feel like you grew up with the person.
Of course this is all about ME now, but my mother (who also died from cancer) was an extremely hip, brilliant, funny individual who for whatever reason refused to form a relationship with me. This was pretty strange, because we liked a lot of the same things--B movies, old comics, all types of camp and kitsch--but when I liked those things, it was in poor taste and punishable by exile, whereas when she liked those things, it was evidence of her cultural genius. Before I make anybody too mad I should say that I'm being a little bit unfairly reductive just so I can get to the point, which is that one of the few things we could share was Pee-Wee's Playhouse. I didn't know anything about the show's more adult origins or the fact that Paul Reubens was sort of a performance artist, but I didn't have to. Pee-Wee's Playhouse was a feast for any child's senses: stylish, hilarious, and on some subliminal level, really sophisticated. I was clued into some of what was going on just because I watched it with my mom, who always laughed at Pee-Wee's winks and nudges to the hep parents in the audience. The show might have been my first encounter with the kind of anthropological humor favored by people like David Byrne and Laurie Anderson, artists who engage subversively with cliches, stereotypes, and other memetic parts of popular culture. In Pee-Wee's Playhouse, with its sharp, edgy cast and crew, kids like me were getting into fine art without even knowing it--which is possibly the best way to learn about art anyway.
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In fact, on the other side of our house, I became obsessed with Gary Panter's incredible punk opus Jimbo In Paradise, a Dantesque comic book about an innocent young guy living in a dystopian future, where he is occasionally joined by guest stars such as Nancy and Hedorah. I was about 7 when I started reading Jimbo over and over again even though I could barely understand it, and I had no idea that Gary had pretty much designed Pee-Wee's Playhouse. I'm speaking about him so familiarly because I got to know him a little bit as a grownup. I remember Gary talking about how private Paul Reubens could be. He used to do this thing where he would accept a dinner invitation from anybody who asked, as sort of a stunt, but he had to stop doing it because people became so intrusive and entitled with him. Gary said that they'd be walking around in New York and when they saw an obvious Pee-Wee fan gearing up for an offensive, Paul Reubens would sort of transform into this totally different person, putting out an aura that let you know not to fuck with him. It's crazy-making to think that someone who was so protective of the boundary between his private and public selves had to suffer that ridiculous arrest, but it's heartening that most of society eventually grew the fuck up and forgot about it. It's also helpful to remember when he turned up later on the MTV Music Video Awards and started off by asking the audience, "HEARD ANY GOOD JOKES LATELY??"
I'm glad we got one more Pee-Wee special in the past several years, but I always wished that we would see Paul Reubens in more movies. He was such a cool actor, funny, convincing, and naturally charismatic. While people are cycling through their favorite roles of his, I want to point out that he had a great role on a recent HBO miniseries called Mosaic, an intense, engrossing crime drama that I definitely recommend if you have access. Maybe I'll rewatch it, too. In closing, here's a great story that I grabbed from Facebook that should warm everybody's heart, along with the heartbreaking statement (inappropriately cropped by Instagram of course) released upon the death of the very private Pee-Wee Herman. It makes you wish you could thank him in person, for everything. The best we can do is just remember him.
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allwormdiet · 16 days
Hive 5.1
I just read this entire arc in like an hour, let's fucking go
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Wildbow really fucking knows how to set up a location. I know the exact kind of bar this is, I've experienced enough of them in my life at this point, I can fucking smell the spilled beer smell that never leaves
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I'm going to take this as my cue to start calling Taylor Skitter when appropriate, now that she's heard the name herself
Also maybe it's just me but I almost feel like Alec and Rachel meeting Danny would at least make things work faster, if not necessarily better
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Fucking Nazis. Go back to whatever bunker you crawled out of (and then we can get some Soviets in to do what they do to Nazi bunkers)
Not sure how I feel about the fucking Nazis having the biggest cape game in town, if they're hiring on people from out of town and even out of state it makes some degree of sense, but also just, y'know. Rotten fucking vibes.
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Fucking Coil. I know enough of your deal to know I want you the fuck outta here. Scrawny bastard.
Faultline's crew seems cool. Interesting that she's got two people with visible mutations and matching tattoos. Pretty sure I know what's going on there but I'll wait to find out the whole of it.
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Aww, Tattletale has a rival, good for her
Also lmao Alec
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I looked back through my notes and Squealer was the only one who's come up before, but Skidmark is the one who's taking point as leader it seems like. These are the Merchants? Did they form up during the events of the past week, or did they somehow operate under the Empire's radar for however long? This feels off.
...Also what kind of gang leader gets high on their own supply? Isn't that like crime management number one, don't get yourself hooked on the product bc you need to be sober while making decisions? What the hell
Skipping the argument between Skidmark and Kaiser bc there's no joy to be found there
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Fucking random, but okay, sure, definitely no ulterior motives going on here right
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So here we have the "unwritten rules" on display, of course. The ABB are on the warpath, and even if they burn out they're gonna make things a nightmare for everyone in the meantime, and nobody wants that so everybody's willing to grit their teeth and deal with the ones who aren't playing the game anymore.
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More pageantry, more emphasis on the role of image in this subculture
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And, of course, almost everybody's pageantry is just there to hide the ulterior motives at play. The game isn't nearly as honor-bound as people think it is, it's just a matter of being subtle or getting caught.
Current Thoughts
I hate like almost half of the people in this building lmao, fucking Nazis and Coil's bony ass as a "bonus"
Still bugged by whatever the hell is going on with the Merchants, I feel like they sprang out of the streets of Brockton fully formed and here to provide unfortunate stereotypes about drug users. I can't imagine this was just to pad out the roster, the Travelers seemed to do well enough for that, but hell if I can figure out what else is going on there.
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bladekindeyewear · 1 month
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HS^2 bloggin’ mainline 2024-08-15 continued
(Previous post - current page 610)
Rested up some and back into this now! Rosebot is sounding quite a bit like the Horrorterror-advised Aradia Megido back in Act 5.1 isn't she. Let's get this ball rolling and actually see what sorts of civlization(s) they've brought about. Are we going to meet actual new characters from these races, or will they be played off as unimportant, or given semi-important roles whose actions still emphasize their theoretical hero titles like the carapaces (WV, PM, etc)?
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Whoaaa, look at this lanky motherfucker. I don't see hooves, so this has got to be one of Rose's... tentacle hair is more likely than dreadlocks, I'm guessing, but why do those feet look like elf shoes?
DIRK: Do you feel the part? ROSEBOT: It doesn't really matter what I feel. ROSEBOT: We have a job to do, and I'm trying to enjoy myself to the best of my ability while we do it. DIRK: Trying, huh. ROSEBOT: Speaking frankly, I've grown tired of... Rose gestures about the lab, the vats of our ectobiological triumphs and failures, blasé and almost weary in a way I haven't seen from her in a while. It calls to mind the exhaustion she felt before ascending, what must feel like a lifetime for her ago, and rings faintly of mortality in a way that concerns me.
There has to be some part of Rose that knows that what they're doing -- all of this, the abuse of power, doing whatever they want even if it leads to closing the great loop of Paradox Space -- isn't going to end well for her. I think part of her has known things couldn't end well for her as soon as she left Kanaya, so she's just... having what "fun" she can with the time she has left, and the only thing that's kept her diving deep into her work with glee instead of stopping is the REPEATED narrative interventions by Dirk to keep her brainwashed into moving forward without succumbing to her moral doubts. But it can all only continue so long until the weight of her sins is crawling on her back, and that comes with the sense a good Seer of Light would have that she's not going to get away with what she's done lightly, even if she believes she's too far along and too far gone to stop it, too close to their goal.
ROSEBOT: This. ROSEBOT: Fussing over all the tedious minutiae of getting the baby's room ready. ROSEBOT: The prospect of this Contest was entertaining to me for a time, but the longer it drags on, the closer we draw to the due date, the more it... repulses me. ROSEBOT: I'm glad you've agreed that we're basically done tinkering here. I don't think I have much more patience for it. DIRK: I can tell.
Dirk had to smooth over and make her dismiss how repulsed she was at the awful actions they'd proposed to do, OVER AND OVER AND OVER early on until she was practically sadistically gleeful in creating fucked-up monsters, but... now, he really doesn't have to do that much anymore. Rose feels she CHOSE all that she's already done, and the weight of that sin is sufficient that she can't stop anymore because if they DON'T FINISH DOING THIS, then all the immorality of what she's already done would be wasted, would all just be meaningless CRUELTY instead of the meaning that would even partially justify it in the end.
As appropriate when they're basically creating the concept of Sburb from the ground up, and the incredibly harsh cost of an entire civilization that comes with the opportunity to birth new universes from their ashes.
ROSEBOT: I'm also glad you've elected to hear Terezi out vis-a-vis the timeskip and save us the hassle of guiding the Deltritans manually. ROSEBOT: I know it must be hard for you. It'll actually be incredibly easy for me. Just time traveling forward is a no-go; at the frantic rate our pursuers are hurtling towards us, they'd catch up to Deltritus far before it had a chance to birth any sort of civilization at all, and that'd be a mess, especially with us only due to pop in millennia after the fact. We'd probably return to a planet totally unfit for Game candidacy.
I was wondering about that-- if they let their pursuers arrive early into the civilization's existence, the pursuers would have a chance to interfere with those civilizations' development before the game even starts. Heck, as long as Dave Strider is with them and willing, there's a risk they could interfere with the civilization's development even if they somehow wound forward the entire PLANET, which it sounds like he's implying they need to do somehow... what's the solution to make it inevitable in a way so that everything's "already happened" by the time the pursuers arrive and they can't interfere with the session's start?
Localized time travel, while technically possible, tends to get pretty fucked even in the most ideal of circumstances, to say nothing of the fact that it's way outside my wheelhouse as a Heart player. The concept works pretty well for my purposes, though, and as a burgeoning omnipotent narrative god, I can mimic it in a way that's functionally identical. The move here is that I'm going to envelop the local galaxy group in a pocket of my influence and narratively accelerate it via Bullshit so that whatever's going on in here goes on faster, so we can get to the good shit faster, so we can get on with our jobs, and so you gawking voyeurs have more of our lives to guzzle greedily down.
Christ, that's some Lord English sounding levels of temporal control over part of the universe, there! His narrative powers are fucking bonkers.
Why the galaxy group? Why not just the solar system, or even just the planet? My answer to that question is twofold. Firstly, I want the Deltritan societies to have a convincing view of their place in the cosmos, at least locally. What kind of civilization worth its soul-searching salt doesn't look to the night sky with wonder and curiosity in their hearts? It wouldn't do for them to exist in a world where the sun never sank below the horizon, or where the stars didn't dance tellingly across the sky, revealing the kind of hard-hitting secrets only astronomy can. Secondly, I'm showing off. I've been really coming into my own, powers-wise, and it's not just my Heart abilities that have shot up a few exponentially longer echeladders.
He's acting like Andrew Hussie or an equivalent author in the ability to make up an action needed and justify it via whatever excuse needed, like some strange Meteor machinery or the like for creating First Guardians or warping items between post-and-pre-Scratch timelines, or the like. Author powers can be truly terrifying; and author powers also explain how he can ensure that because the entire civilization existed within his narrative influence before the pursuers got there, he can narratively assure that no Dave-based time travel backward interfered, I'm betting.
He still would want his pursuers to arrive in time FOR the session that had already started, because I'm sure that session will in part be the battleground he uses to confront AL (alt!Calliope) and the others and deliver them the defeat his ego demands they face.
ROSEBOT: Dirk? Of course, Rose isn't talking about the mechanics of the timeskip. She's talking about the reasoning behind it, and the lack of precise control over Deltritus' development that will result as a consequence of it. I just figured I'd take the time to address the "how" factor to you all before the fucking pedants among you started making a fuss, acting like I haven't thought all this shit out. Yeah, you. You know who you are. Also, I'm stalling. Uncharacteristic of me, I know. ROSEBOT: Dirk. DIRK: Sorry. DIRK: Got caught up with something.
So Dirk either HAS successfully kept fooling Rose that he doesn't have narrative powers, or Rose is successfully bluffing that she hasn't at LEAST figured out that he's doing some sort of narration or has some influence without knowing the full extent of how it may have affected her... unless part of her STILL deems the final result more important even if she has an inkling that she may have been manipulated.
Why is he stalling, though?
ROSEBOT: Far be it from me to stand between you and your enigmatic somethings. DIRK: You're welcome to stand wherever you like. DIRK: Anyway, no, it isn't that hard for me. DIRK: It'd be fun, but as I keep having to explain to people, I'm willing to compromise on certain points. DIRK: Though I will say it's unfortunate to hear you making them, instead of our complainer on retainer. ROSEBOT: What can I say? ROSEBOT: I don't feel particularly inclined to play house right now. DIRK: Not even with me, huh? ROSEBOT: Not even with you.
You can only keep someone brainwashed into tolerating your company completely for so long when you're so obviously a piece of shit. And as Rose's Seer of Light senses bring her closer to understanding the personal consequences to HER of her actions, potentially -- the ones that were far off in the future when she made her "decision" to help with this operation -- the less she's going to be thrilled about owning it all. And she has VERY complicated Mom-related feelings about playing Mother most likely, even to an entire race. She would rather dodge the responsibility than fuck it up, just like she did with Yiffy. That's part of her existing trauma, most likely.
Also "play house" is a good intentional pun on playing Sburb.
Cool-ass panels of them walking up out of the cave, followed by this gorgeous sunset shot where Rose looks absolutely melancholy:
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For a while, neither of us says anything at all. Then, still silent, Rose turns and leaves the lab, a billowing stream of orange. I follow after her, at a respectable distance, and together we leave the mouth of the cave, making our way up the steps carved into the cliffside it now burrows into until finally cresting the plateau, and wordlessly taking a seat together at the edge of the cliff to look out over one of Deltritus' vast and alien oceans. "Wait, what's with the ocean?" you might ask. A while back, it became apparent that while my Deltritan offspring were to be terrestrial, Rose's were going to be aquatic.
That's actually an excellent way to keep the civilizations relatively separate and avoid their intermixing their cultures too much before The Game begins. Also, the Ocean and deep water's unfathomability is deeply tied with the Void, so if this race ends up being the ancestor race of the Horrorterrors, it makes sense that their monstrous progeny could live in the unlimited black strangeness between universes.
Back when I figured we'd have a more active role in their development, it felt appropriate to me that our base of operations should straddle land and sea, existing impartially at the precipice between the two competing worlds.
Yep, as I just said/thought-- keeps the civilizations separate.
I elected to transport (via Bullshit, of course) our humble grotto and the wreck of the Theseus to these cliffs overlooking the sea, that we might watch over our children from a locale more suitably dramatic and liminal than some fucking plain in the middle of nowhere.
The Bullshit he's referring to, the author's ability to handwave, simply means exploiting the fact that things could plausibly have happened offscreen in order to not have to write out the detailed mechanics of (say) the machine that they alchemized/built and used to transportalize their base smoothly to a new location, and can be used to employ all sorts of tactics offscreen... including, potentially dangerously, retroactively set-up countermeasures for whatever someone is about to do to you by simply narratively declaring that you prepared something for it beforehand, sort of like Joseph Joestar in Jojo Part 2. To Rose Lalonde, it'd theoretically be seamless, where she'd have the mechanical justifications that were created offscreen even if Dirk didn't even have to "write" the specifics.
Now, however, the effort (insofar as it was one, which it wasn't) seems to have been mostly in vain. No seagulls cry here, anyway. Rose and I made a lot of other filler-fauna to help our species integrate into the local biosphere while working through our respective game-plans, but I never got around to replicating or approximating seagulls. I guess I'm not gonna bother. It doesn't particularly feel like much of a home, anymore. As we sit side by side, watching the horizon, Rose is even harder to read than usual. I begin to feel the twinge of a vexation that I've been all too aware of over untold trillions of iterations of myself, a dread that's reared its head again recently. The fear that my plan isn't understood, my efforts aren't appreciated. That I'm alone, again.
You were always alone-- you FORCED Rose to understand and fully empathize with your plan, even if parts of her Ultimate Self were callous enough to have that dark capacity within her. And part of you knows that but wants to deny it so you DON'T feel like you're alone again.
I worry that she's slipping away. Growing disinterested in our time together. And I'm not willing to lose her, so as much as it feels like admitting a kind of defeat, I prepare to make her- ROSE: Thank you for taking me with you, Dirk. ...... DIRK: Yeah?
Whoa, holy shit.
So Rose feels like even the sinful meaningful acts she's doing here are worth it, now? But is still depressed? Possibly because she's been led to believe THERE WAS NEVER A PLACE for her back home, or that she'd have led things to ruin there instead of committing their crimes of creation/destruction way out here?
And again, it's showing us that-- whether due to Rose's genuinely built-up feelings, or if she's guessed the truth and is successfully bluffing about not knowing about the narrative abilities-- Dirk doesn't need to brainwash Rosebot anymore to keep her on board with the plan, unfortunately. She's too invested, committed too much of a Great Evil to not want to ensure the results that would make that evil even partially worthwhile. :C
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I hate that he "won" like this-- we ALL hate that he "won" like this. Even if it eventually turns out Rose is bluffing or figured it out. But Rose has to get her companionship somewhere, and as the abusive uncle-like figure that he is, he's made himself the only possible source of validation, the only company that could possibly "understand" her anymore. She has no one else left to cling to. :CCC
ROSE: I may be less than enchanted with this stage of the work, but I know it's important. ROSE: It's just straying dangerously close to a lot of things I'm trying not to fixate on right now. ROSE: Wounds that are still fresh, for me as a sum and for the myriad legions of my parts. ROSE: Home. ROSE: Family. ROSE: Petty, little things. ROSE: Personal things. DIRK: Those are important, too. ROSE: Not as important as this is.
Yup, as I guessed earlier, the fact that she's necessarily playing the absent mother figure feels like committing her Mom's sin and her inability to raise Roxy as Alpha Rose all at the same time. Those versions of her are all part of her now, and this is tapping into parts of all those traumas.
ROSE: For all my temporary discomfort with the prospect of settling down on Deltritus and starting what could very loosely be considered a family with you, I want you to know that my heart is in what we're working towards- DIRK: Technically, you don't have a heart. ROSE: Shut up. ROSE: - and that I'm happy to be here with you. ROSE: Not drifting around in a constrictive, small pond, getting caught up in trivialities like politics and celebrity and romance, ROSE: But saving the fucking universe. DIRK: ...
Technically, this all might be "necessary" to save Paradox Space or create it in the first place, rather; but it didn't have to be done this way, done by THEM, and Dirk Strider is the one who demanded arrogantly that HE wished to be responsible for it all, for writing it onscreen, for the trauma it'd cause to be the one who did it and his ambition to be the writer of all Paradox Space as a result, instead of an unknown civilization of frogs offscreen or something as it may have otherwise been. But Rose as an overembracing Ultimate Light Player here ultimately craves importance, and finds it more comfortable than the terrible fears of messing up relationships or even just being looked at as a goddess by Earth C's population, somewhat like Candy Jade expressed she felt earlier. Being a "Hero" and doing something "Important" (Light) is the only way her terrible self-esteem and negative judgment of herself, especially the negative self-judgment Dirk forced her to embrace by brainwashing her down this path, can consider her EXISTENCE worth anything at all. :CCCC
(Also, the Ultimate Rosebot "not having a Heart" is only true in the technical pun sense, since her soul as an Ultimate Self is present at full power within the robot and not fully digitized, with only a tenuous link to her body on life support, so she doesn't necessarily suffer the Auto Responder's disconnectedness with Dirk's broader "Heart"/Soul that allowed it to be malleably transformed into Lil Hal, Arquiusprite, and then Doc Scratch. Meaning that whatever happens to Rosebot, for now, Rosebot is still essentially Rose Lalonde. But if the connection between her main body on life support were ever broken, and Rosebot were LEFT with only the malleable AI algorithms designed to SIMULATE Rose, then... she WOULD be without a Heart, without a specific soul locking her unique personality down, and then would be vulnerable to being molded into something else like the Cueballs or Skaia or the like, possibly...)
Relief pulses through me in an immense wave. Relief and unfathomable, indescribable pride. It's almost paralyzing; I just sit here for a while, grateful for my shades and their ability to protect me from making eye contact with my daughter, who is in this moment as brilliant as the aspect that adorns her hood. I should tell her. DIRK: Well. DIRK: You're welcome. She scoffs at my barebones response, and I'm forced to marvel at her ability to communicate so weightily, conveying such a minutely specific blend of emotion as understanding, affection, acknowledgement, encouragement, admonishment, and so many more, all with the hardware of a literal machine. She's an incredible person.
Dirk DOES care about Rose, quite a lot, but that only makes his abuse of her even MORE fucked up. That's often the case with abusive relationships, especially parental ones.
To my credit, I am also an incredible engineer.
And he takes credit for the molding he's forcibly DONE to her to bring her to this point, to bring out these awful sides of her Ultimate Self willing to actually do this with him, the utter fucking asshole. >:( Which is again, characteristic of an abusive paternal relationship.
At any rate, Rose might be beating my ass on the emotive front, but I'm still capable of articulating myself well enough, and I'd better start soon or I'm going to begin to look like a real fucking dork. DIRK: I don't think there's anyone I'd rather be doing this with than you.
Thanks for at least opening up your feelings a BIT to respond to hers properly, at least, you asshole prick who still deserves to die.
DIRK: The rest of them just don't have it in them right now to understand what it is we're fighting for, here. DIRK: They can't grasp the stakes. DIRK: Even now, they're on their way here, actively trying to stop us from saving them all. DIRK: They'll probably catch us right before our entrance into the Game, actually.
Technically, AL and Dirk share almost the EXACT SAME GOAL here, a desire to close the loop of all Creation in a way that makes sense as a story. The main place they disagree is who should be in charge of it all... AL clearly believes that Dirk SHOULDN'T be in charge and it should be left to propagate on its own once set up, needs to deny him his ambition of becoming the tyrannical forever-author of almost all Paradox Space. But AL has a hard time letting go of control, and as much as she believes Dirk must be stopped, her actions tell the story of someone who may be just as willing to become the Forever Author of Paradox Space HERSELF too.
DIRK: I won't insult you by asking if you're going to be okay when the time comes to face them, demanding answers they won't accept to questions they aren't even asking, because I know that you will. DIRK: So I'm glad to have you with me. DIRK: I'm glad you understand.
Yeah, we always knew this was going to be the play. No appeal or objection their pursuers make isn't going to be met with a "this is more important than you understand" from Rosebot and direct opposition that stops and traps and stalls them (though short of killing them), and any appeals that Dirk has just been "brainwashing" her are going to ring hollow to her ears after all she's truly, herself, invested in this course of action even outside the brainwashing.
This isn't going to be easy to fix.
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DIRK: I'm doing this for all of us. I'm doing this for all of us.
The same false justification his iterations like Bro have used to abuse people all of his myriad lives. He cares much more about him (and his) being the one to have DONE it than the fact that it gets done.
Wait, what's this next link? Candy? Who's Big Kahuna-- oh right, Meenah (or one of her codenames she mentioned last time for one of the others)?
(Big Kahuna: Check the door.)
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Ah, Karkat's home!
(BIGGEST KAHUNA: Return to base.)
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Why'd they have to make Solid Karkat here look as sexy as fucking possible in adult form. Oh who are we kidding, of course they fucking had to, and we love it. :D
(Rebellion Commanders: Confer.)
MEENAH: took you long enough bossman
Hahahahah! These two have a great dynamic. (They're a couple in this timeline right, instead of him and Dave?)
KARKAT: ANYWAY, THINGS ARE RAMPING UP OUT THERE. KARKAT: ARE YOU JUST ABOUT WRAPPED UP? MEENAH: yep MEENAH: its a good thing youre back i just got off a real shipshow of a call with mrs fencesitter and agent short shorts a lil while ago MEENAH: looks like serious shit is about to pop off KARKAT: YEAH, I WAS LISTENING IN.
Fun conversations here, also calling out Roxy for only halfheartedly aiding the rebellion so as not to do much damage to Jane, which Jane in her current state couldn't possibly appreciate as still being any less than betrayal and which likely put even more of a wedge between Roxy and Meenah.
KARKAT: ALSO I'VE ALREADY HAD KIND OF A GAUNTLET OF A FUCKING DAY ALREADY AND I DIDN'T NEED THE PAN-ACHE. KARKAT: I KNEW YOU HAD IT UNDER CONTROL. MEENAH: youre lucky youre breamy as hell when youre out there doin tacticalypso or id have mutinied and kraken over this whole operation for myshellf
Breamy = "Dreamy", right, they're together romantically like I remembered.
Let's make this shi(p) happen?
MEENAH: bring in the mothafuckin LOBsT-ERs
Excuse me??
(Also, having random war flashbacks of Sniper Lobsters in Elden Ring.)
(LOBsTERs: Assemble.)
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(An hour later...)
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Okay THAT shot's pretty cool.
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Karkat doing tons of tactical talking and shit...
MEENAH: KARKAT KARKAT: WHAT. MEENAH: krillax KARKAT: NOT REALLY AN IDEAL TIME FOR THAT, ON ACCOUNT OF THE FACT THAT WE'RE PROBABLY HOURS AWAY FROM THE MOST CRITICAL ARMED ENGAGEMENT THE REBELLION IS LIKELY TO SEE. MEENAH: it hasnt been an ideel time for like 6 sweeps MEENAH: you need to take a breatht-stroke KARKAT: ... HAHAHA, WHAT? MEENAH: you know what i mean MEENAH: youve been runnin yourshellf into the fuckin dirt for ages MEENAH: take a you moment KARKAT: MEENAH, THIS IS THE WORST POSSIBLE TIME TO TAKE A ME MOMENT. MEENAH: actually in like a day or so were either gonna be tridentumphant and busy as fuck or dead in the water so its like the best possible time all fins considered MEENAH: youve been out on field ops for like a week
Yeah, as a Knight of Blood, Karkat is EXTREMELY unhealthy about not using almost all of his time too diligently on his responsibilities.
MEENAH: maybe i wanna chat with my buoy toy for a lil bit KARKAT: YEAH, ALRIGHT. KARKAT: I DUNNO, FUCK. UH... HOW ARE YOU DOING? MEENAH: how are *you* doin KARKAT: PRETTY FUCKING STRESSED!
Yeah. Dedication means a whole fucking lot to Karkat, both as a person and as a Blood player. And the fact that Meenah, who flaked out in some ways just to BE here instead of with her (Vriska) girlfrond in the dream bubbles, did a pretty good job of NOT flaking it seems like, especially since this sort of Rebellion effort is exactly her jam. The main risk she might start flaking is if shit ever starts to get peaceful again.
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She continues to look VERY good. :#|
Ah damn, yeah.
MEENAH: i mean hey i figured youd wanna glub about it MEENAH: conchsiderin KARKAT: SO YOU HEARD THE NEWS? MEENAH: yeah i mighta been listenin in on your converseation myshellf MEENAH: along with like half the comms team MEENAH: you left your mic on KARKAT: UN KARKAT: FUCKING KARKAT: BELIEVABLE. MEENAH: its all good MEENAH: actually pretty much everyone ate it up there was like gasps and cheers and occasional applause and shit MEENAH: not shore if youre aware of this but it turns out people fuckin love you KARKAT: WELL COLOR ME GLAD MY OPERATIVES FOUND IT INSPIRING THAT I TOOK CRITICAL TIME OUT OF MY MISSION TO PREVENT THE ENTIRE PLANET FROM BACKSLIDING INTO STAGNANT CONFECTIONARY FASCISM TO YELL AT A HAPLESS DIVORCEE.
Everyone's always cheered for you, my self-depricating dude. You're a rock star.
Lots to gripe about there, yeah.
What the fuck??? Not just him not being into sex with Jade, but-- PROCREATIVE sex with Jade? Wouldn't that be impossible for him and her with her dog-ascension-replaced equipment downstairs-- unless we're talking about conceiving with surrogates, which Dave would DEFINITELY FIND any excuse to avoid doing himself, or unless he's trans-masculine, which is a damned popular headcanon for good reason?
Ugh, yeah, I was already pretty much imagining it would have sucked hard in exactly this manner back in those days.
So what new developments are we discussing now?
(Karkat: Answer urgent comms.)
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KARKAT: *WHAT*. SOLLUX: finally he picks up. SOLLUX: hey man. KARKAT: DON'T FUCKING "HEY MAN" ME.
BAHAAHAHAH! His old annoying-ass best bud! Who may or may not be contributing to the war effort with some sick hacking between video games.
SOLLUX: there's like a bazillion m0oks swarming ar0und my crib and none 0f the grubereats dudes are accepting orders right n0w. SOLLUX: probably 0n account 0f your inc0nvenient ass war. SOLLUX: could y0u pick me something up?
Wait, so Aradia actually might possibly time travel back in her personal past over to the Black Hole trapped timeline to hang out with Sollux on rare occasions?! Is she capable of crossing back and forth when nobody else can? I highly doubt that-- but Davebot insisted she WAS still seeing someone... is it possible that she's asking to borrow alt!Calliope's powers whenever it strikes her on the rare occasion to go back for a date? No, it doesn't feel like AL would do her that favor... who the fuck is Aradia still dating? A DIFFERENT Sollux? Someone else??? Or does she have a free travel ticket that breaks the rules so hard that the whole Plot Point thing shouldn't even be necessary to break through!?
D'awwww. Same as it ever was between them. :'D
(Rebellion Commanders: Finish up here.)
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Oh, the top of the Meteor (memorial) is still buried above ground, to eventually eons in the future become Calliope and Caliborn's home (EDIT: or would have if this wasn't the Candy timeline, I forgot, but the Meat timeline has it as a similar memorial there most likely). Makes sense; it just extends deep ENOUGH underground for Roxy to have described the lab as such after going through the transportalizer.
Yeah, said like a true Blood player and great leader.
...Lol at the crew's reactions subsequently.
Almost time to try and stabilize this whole damn timeline yeah, which may indeed incidentally give them the avenue to win against a more grounded-in-reality Jane Crocker.
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Quite the intimidating lineup of enemy ships.
MEENAH: target fuckin acquired
(Jane: Educate these fools on the art of war.)
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You are in no position to educate anybody, Mrs. Mistress Executive. Dehydrated, grieving, and coming off of a particularly nasty sugar high, Sun Tzu wouldn't even let you substitute at this rate. What would your curriculum even be? Furious Fudge Flinging 101? Because you are completely losing your shit right now.
Luckily we have already seen the beginning of these histrionics here.
Yeah, when Jane was yelling for her poison-tasting water boy because her throat's dry and she's ballistic. Jane doesn't exactly have the ROLE as a Maid of Life nor the personal experience to be a master war tactician-- all she's good at is enforcing order and anxiety (due to her Bard of Doom synergy theoretically) and, as a Maid of Life, having tons and tons of power, money and influence to throw at the problem and hope to overwhelm it with sheer might alone. Not much tactical about it.
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Oh, we're back to the tail end of that conversation! Is Jake going to decide on something he can actually do to *help* stop her here? And of course we're getting further Brain Ghost Dirk perspective.
JAKE: Oh flip. JAKE: Sorry janey i was handling an urgent matter. JAKE: Had to pop down the little boys office to shred some important papers. JANE: What? JAKE: Im spending a penny at the local water closet. JANE: Jake. JAKE: Im in the bathroom. JANE: Oh.
Hahahahah. Classic Jake-anachronisms.
JANE: UGH! JANE: You are always in the bathroom these days!
Doing spy shit, yes.
JAKE: Well my job is to taste test all your water for poison, JAKE: dear. JAKE: Forgive my impertinence but perhaps if you trusted the troops more, we could avoid all of this folderol and i could be promoted to standing by your side? JAKE: Thatd help my besieged bladder, for sure. JANE: Not happening. JAKE: Oh! Of course! JAKE: Silly me.
Jane really never trusted Jake for anything important, even when she WANTED him for a relationship. It's like there was hardly ever a potential timeline where their relationship might actually go well, it seems, unless they both got some seriously miraculous psychotherapy.
JAKE: May i ask... why? JAKE: Not to make a tit of myself here. JAKE: But wouldnt an enemy spy be childs play to spot, seeing as our troops share such similar faces? JAKE: Pretty much the exact same face? JANE: I once thought it an asset too! JANE: How clever I saw myself... JANE: "Hoo hoo! We'll avoid instating a draft by cloning an army!" JANE: "Unprecedented genius!" JANE: "Brand consistency!"
Oh wow, they've been CLONING TROOPS. That makes some degree of sense as a sort of counter for her "concerns" about the rate of troll reproduction, too. Also, she's MAKING LIFE, which seems a good hero title pun.
JANE: Of course, I realize now that if any serviceman developed mutinous, deviant intentions, he could simply slink back into the safety of the crowd.
JANE: The perfect cover for a tiger amongst zebras. JAKE: Grrr... JAKE: Friggin double agents, man. DIRK: (Amazing. Can I get a cherry on top of that?) JAKE: Why i oughta... the very thought! DIRK: (Fuck yes. Marlon Brando in the motherfucking building.) JANE: Exactly. It's horrifying.
JANE: Thankfully I have practiced instinct where assassination is concerned. JANE: An instinct that has only sharpened in the wake of... recent tragedies. JANE: I won't be lulled into any such false sense of security this time, that's for sure! JAKE: Is that why the old henhouse has been feeling a bit spacious recently? JANE: I may have a handful or so of men in the brig. JANE: For safekeeping. JANE: They have snacks! A water trough. JANE: All unpoisoned, might I add. JANE: Who gives a toot anyways, we'll be depositing them out onto the battlefield soon enough.
Jane Crocker HAS technically been dealing with assassination attempts since childhood, too.
JAKE: Speaking of the battle... JAKE: What was the pre-established plan, again? JAKE: Just trying to refresh my simple mind on the details. JAKE: Especially the ones that situate our son near The Point. JAKE: I take it we have protocols in place a tad more delicate than simply "bombs away!" JAKE: Right? JANE: Sigh. JANE: Jake, do you remember when I went to the moon?
Looks like she's about to recap anyone who missed that instagram compilation of the assassination attempt that teleported her to the moon before it was about to be shot into a crescent shape by the Carapacians as a ridiculous act of godly devotion and then she captured and rounded up the whole New Midnight Crew in collars. Jack Noir is a fearsome and fun adversary to be up against, especially when the presumed Prince of Blood is running with a destructive crew.
(Jane: Start monologuing.)
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That's right, I remember, Jack brought a bunch of them back to life to work for him using Die's doll or something. Seems she has enough of a handle of them to not use prison collars on them now.
JAKE: Uuuuuuuuuuuuh. JANE: No? It was a huge deal. JAKE: Was this around the time all those carapacians took a big chunk out of it? JANE: Yes! JANE: You see, prior to that expedition, I'd been cooking up a contingency plan, of sorts. JANE: I put some serious man-hours into it. JANE: If things were to go tines up, our last line of defense is a machine that will emit a guided beam to a location of my choosing.
MOON LASER!!!! I'm getting Dr. McNinja flashbacks (which I'm a fan of if you couldn't tell by the avatar, sorry the site is down.)
DIRK: (A laser?) JAKE: So were destroying The Point now? JANE: No! JANE: No, no, no, no. JANE: Definitely not. JANE: We are *capturing* The Point. JANE: But if we don't... JAKE: Ah. JAKE: Contingency plan. JANE: Contingency plan indeed.
Jane doesn't care what the Rebellion thinks about this being important to the safety/integrity of the entire timeline or whatever, or saving the universe. She wants to win. If she can't have it, nobody can.
JANE: A surgical, precise, and most importantly *unexpected* means of victory, with virtually no crossfire. JAKE: Does that seem... JAKE: Sound? JANE: You know, Jake, you've been giving me the 3rd degree all day. JAKE: Hm? JANE: You're typically content stumbling through life as a soft-headed bimbo, and it's only now of all times you start showing stark, pointed interest in happenings outside of yourself? JANE: I find that odd. JANE: Suspicious even. JAKE: Erm...
He's definitely become more active in trying to figure out how to stop things and gather information as the critical moment approaches, yeah. And Brain Ghost Dirk's resurgence (if he ever left) is likely pushing him too.
JANE: You're thinking, "She's a bad mother," aren't you? DIRK: (Here we go.) JANE: Don't you try to deny it.
Oh pfff, not suspicion but marital fucking discourse. Heheheh.
JANE: I see you, up there on your high horse. JANE: Interrogating me! JANE: As if you have the right! JANE: Just what did *you* do, besides whimper like a kicked dog, as they took our boy away!? JANE: "TAVVY!" JANE: You can fly, you idiot! JANE: You're such a harmless, dunderheaded fucking nonentity that those seditious connivers would have *let* you tail them! DIRK: (Ouch.) JANE: Everything he has, *I've* provided. JANE: Everything he is, *I've* nurtured!
Jake probably trusts "Tavvy" in their hands more than yours, but that's neither something you know nor can accept. And the thing about Jake is that yes, he's a doormat, but Pages in Homestuck often seem to need to be given a long time in flourishing, non-traumatic environments to bloom into anything resembling their true role and power, and Jane has never had the confidence in him to try to build him up instead of spitefully knocking him down.
JAKE: (Criminy, bro, she has a death laser.) JAKE: (Like goldfinger.) JANE: Remember how I willed him out of my body, 3 months premature, because I was so excited to see him? JAKE: (The rebellion isnt prepared for that.) JAKE: (What are they going to do?) DIRK: (Fuck if I know, refract it off Commander Vantas' massive tits?) JAKE: (Were going to lose.)
HOLY SHIT AT THE PART I BOLDED JANE IS ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NUTS, she could have stunted her child's growth just for that selfishness! "Arrested Development" indeed!
Jake looks like he might be gearing to do something actually heroic for once. Like, say... to fly HIMSELF up to the moon and destroy a fucking moon laser.
JANE: You might be a primo actor, English, with that perfect smile and that stupid, sexy fake accent. JANE: But you are not a caring individual. JANE: My Dad... JANE: He had so much love in him that you could feel it when he entered the room. JANE: Across all the iterations of yourself, do you think your children ever felt even a MODICUM of that?
JANE: Jade? Terrifying, JANE: I hate even thinking about it. JANE: And I don't doubt for a second that there were more. JANE: How do you imagine they turned out?
That's right, I've only played part 1 but Hiveswap indicates there were other children, with him even using Roxy as babysitter for his frequent absences. The Page of Hope, er... with Hope's phallic and white-blast reproductive symbolic connotations, er... might spread his seed a little wide.
JAKE: (I finally grew the gumption to get off the back foot, and were all going to meet the reaper regardless.) JANE: Let's face it. I held you accountable. JANE: Without me, you'd have left Tavros behind in a peanut factory. JANE: Asphyxiating on the floor, crying "Daddy, where are you! Daddy!" DIRK: (Dude.) JAKE: (JOLLY JESUS FUCKING CHRISTMAS!!!) JANE: What the fresh hell are you mumbling to yourself? JANE: Y- JAKE: WILL YOU SHUT YOUR GODDAMN CAKE HOLE!!!!!!! JANE: !!!!!!
YEAH THAT'S TOO MUCH INSULT FOR EVEN HIM TO TAKE. Even Brain Ghost Dirk is shocked at how low she's going. CHEW HER OUT, ENGLISH!
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JAKE: Listen to you, lecturing me about parenting and flagellating me with fucking... infanticidal peanut snuff fantasies! JAKE: Tavros isnt even allergic to peanuts anymore! JANE: What?
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JAKE: Hes been cured since he was thirteen! JANE: How???? JAKE: Gamzee. JAKE: Via some vile cosmic caper or another it is *always* gamzee! JAKE: He found out! JAKE: Started rambling on and on about "how motherfuckin' malicious" it was to see "A dIfFeReNtLy AbLeD bRoThEr MiSsIn' OuT oN tHe NiRvAnA oF tHaT nUtTy MoThErFuCkIn' NeCtAr."
Yeah, Jane being in ANY sort of relationship with Gamzee was a war crime towards her whole family and reality itself.
DIRK: (Why are you doing the voice?) JAKE: "ThErE's WhOlEsOmE, hOlIsTiC hEaLiNg PrOpErTiEs AlL uP aNd StUfFeD iNtO tHe HaRmOnIoUs UnIoN oF pB aNd J." DIRK: (You don't need to do the voice.) JAKE: "WhAt EvEn Is ThIs SuLtRy BiTcH oF a LiFe WiThOuT a LiTtLe PeAnUt BuTtEr JeLlY tImE?" DIRK: (It'd be so sick if you stopped doing the voice.) JAKE: Then he pulled the "OuR dUtY aS sTrOnG mAlE mOtHeRfUcKiN' mOdElS iS tO nUrTuRe AnD gUiDe ThAt LoSt LiTtLe LeGuMe-InToLeRaNt LaMb," card. JAKE: "We StRaIgHt Up GoT tO bE tHe ChAnGe WhAt AlL nObOdY eLsE eVeR gOt DoWn To BeInG iN tHe WoRlD, fOr ThE lItTlE nEgLeCtEd NuGgEtS *wE* aLl WaS." DIRK: (Fuck me, then.)
Jake is invoking Gamzee's spirit Hopeways here, he HAS to do the voice, BG-Dirk. No getting around it.
And yeah, Gamzee would find insane fucking ways to abuse their son and Jane would turn a blind eye to it because of her pointless clown lust, it seems. NO WONDER TAVROS KICKED HIS CORPSE!!!!
JANE: He always felt you two had a common tragic upbringing. JAKE: I know... JAKE: After that, the insane clown started stowing peanuts around the mansion, tricking little tavvy into eating them! JAKE: Poor squirt was thrashing throat-first into anaphylactic shock bi-weekly. JAKE: I epipenned him so many times, i learned needlekind! JAKE: Worried myself as sick as our boy was, just wishing that nutty nightmare would nix. JAKE: Then, wham. JAKE: It did! JAKE: Thank god! JANE: I- JANE: I had no idea. JAKE: Of course you didnt! JAKE: You werent there!
Preach, Jake English!!!!! Preach all over this neglectful asshole bad excuse for a mother who gave Tavros privilege and little else!
JAKE: You might have expelled him into existence with your easy-bake tuna canoe.
JAKE: But i kept him alive! JAKE: I raised him! JAKE: Nelsons knickers, half the time it feels like "uncle" fucking gamzee had more hand in his upbringing than you did! JANE: Oh... my... JANE: I never... took a second to stop and think... JANE: I don't remember when he took his first steps. JANE: Or what his favorite food is. JANE: I didn't even fucking breast feed him! DIRK: (Which is fucking crazy, all things considered.) JANE: I don't... even know what his first word was. JAKE: It was "honk." JANE: Jesus Christ.
Oh my God. She's actually fucking seeing it. Maybe only for a moment, but... she's actually fucking SEEING IT. This is a radical breakthrough.
Ever since the talk between Jade, Rose, and Kanaya back there got SO FUCKING REAL, I should have been suspecting... is the stabilization they're attempting at the Plot Point working RETROACTIVELY to make the entire Candy timeline make more sense, and bringing even people as far out of character as Jane Crocker back closer to reality, radiating its effects somewhat backwards in time and not just forwards? To help people like Jane and Jake and John and such finally BREAK OUT of their respective head fogs and truly see what's been going on around them all this time???
(Canon Roxy over on the pursuit ship might even be helping Callie WRITE HER STORY BETTER than Callie started off doing! That would explain a lot, while possibly even providing a Void pocket to keep the plans they're writing to have it influence the main timeline back invisible to the dueling Authors!)
((ALSO also, if you wanted Candy to be closer to Canon, Gamzee's chucklevoodoo influence and Bard of Rage role would have gone a long way to keeping Jane in a relationship with him and unaware of the abuse of her son.))
Jane looks like she's about to come to terms with something serious, but I'm pretty sure we can't have her reverse herself just yet. Which means something is going to make her even madder-- something is going to blow her up and waste some of what she's finally realizing.
Jake might successfully chew her out, say he's leaving her, hang up and fly out from the ship (not telling her he's off to destroy the Orbital Laser), while Jane contends seriously with her sins as she approaches her climactic battle and provides an opportunity for Roxy to possibly save this version of her later...... but something gives me the feeling that this version of Jane is going to be kept irredeemable, which means that the most efficient way narratively to accomplish that... is for Jake to fuck up here by accidentally revealing he's been working for the enemy. By, for example, yelling at her for threatening to destroy the Plot Point when it's their best hope to save the universe/timeline when she knows HE SHOULDN'T KNOW THAT unless he'd known about The Point before all this. At which point he would HAVE to vamoose in a jiffy to avoid capture, and Jane would be too enraged to fully dwell on her failings in motherhood and relationships just yet. I think in the next couple pages we'll see which happens.
(AND, as I've pointed out repeatedly in the Epilogues and my earlier HS^2 liveblog-- (NO WONDER Jane never resurrected Gamzee even though she FULLY had the power to do so, and held an entire public funeral to appease his followers without revealing that she could have snapped her Lifey fingers and revived him this whole fucking time! She kicked him off the ship in the first place before Vriska killed him after all.)
Please tell me I haven't hit the image limit yet I HAVE to keep reading...
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JANE: He must hate me. JAKE: Oh, janey... JANE: It's true. JANE: Look at the way he acted during the hostage negotiations. JANE: His life was threatened, and Tavros didn't call out to me once! JANE: Like he... he knew I had other concerns. JAKE: Well, JAKE: You do.
Yeah, Jane never prioritized her family. She debated saving Tavvy mainly for the cameras.
JANE: Do you think I want to? JANE: I wanted this family! JANE: I can't help how much goddamn pressure I'm under! JAKE: Nobody asked you to shoulder any of that. JAKE: ...Dear. JANE: I had to! JANE: The rest of you couldn't be trusted! JANE: None of you even bothered to graduate high school! JANE: While you were all being shut-ins, and self-destructing, and fucking... cavorting!!! I was making public appearances. JANE: Somebody had to represent us, so people wouldn't assume the worst! JANE: They waited 5000 years for us, and for what? To see there was no plan, no reason, that none of their gods were really on their side. JANE: I had to become an adult before ANY of you decided to catch up. JANE: Sigh. JANE: If Tavros never felt any love from me, it's because I barely had anything left to give.
Holy shit, Jane feels the same way as Jade. Trying frantically to live up to the title of Goddess for the planet because she feels OBLIGATED to by her self-esteem, except she took a different route and threw herself into the role permanently at the expense of her family.
JANE: No wonder you both left. JAKE: !!!!!!! JAKE: Er... im not following. JANE: Come on, now, Jakey. When you went to go stay with John. JAKE: Zooks, you knew id skittered away this whole time? JAKE: And you arent mad? JAKE: Why? JANE: Because I love you, you bobo. JANE: I have loved you since I was 13. JANE: Sure, going off the map right after my father died was not the kindest timing. JANE: But you were always going to come back. JANE: And I mastered forgiving you a long time ago.
JANE: I even forgave you for Dirk. JAKE: Forgave me for... for being with him? JANE: What? JANE: No, I was always an ally first when it came to that. JANE: What's a... a dalliance between bros, really? DIRK: (Word.)
What is she talking about now? Is she blaming JAKE for Dirk unaliving himself in the Candy timeline???
Okay I'm paranoid about hitting the image limit soon and I'm willing to defer this revelation for JUST a moment, so let me post this now and start immediately writing my third liveblog post of the day. :)
19 notes · View notes
kradogsrats · 9 months
A Song of Love and Loyalty (and Loss): General Miyana
So thanks to @raayllum I have been thinking about Miyana. Miyana is a very interesting figure in the cast of a story where the central conflict is shaped around what an individual will do for the sake of love, whether to themselves, to others, or to the world—because Miyana, in her initial arc, is characterized by what she won't do for love. She's very much a facet of the same theme, but in a way that people are liable to find unsympathetic: she doesn't support Karim when he's relatively harmless, to the point that could be considered a betrayal of him, but then she does when doing so means doing serious harm in a definite betrayal of "the good guys."
But I love a complicated woman, so why not do a deep dive on the motivations, story arcs, and thematic future of a character most of the fanbase probably can't name and most of the rest likely hate?
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So What is Miyana's Deal?
Miyana is one of the "Six Horns," the best and most respected of the Sunfire generals, named for the six horns of Sol Regem. The Six Horns, as at least part of their duties, form a tribunal that is is implied to be the highest level of Sunfire justice. Their role appears to be determining innocence or guilt, and the sentencing is left up to the monarch—however, they are also powerful enough to completely displace the monarch if they unite in intent to do so.
In their role as judges, the Six Horns adopt ceremonial regalia that hides their emotions and gives at least a symbolic curtain to their identities, creating a sense of impartiality... but it does not appear to be any kind of secret who they are. Miyana is still one of the Six Horns when out of "uniform," and she and her colleagues freely mingle and discuss things among themselves.
From her role, we can assume that Miyana is smart, politically astute, likely good at reading both people and situations, and has demonstrated loyalty to the Sunfire kingdom (... empire?). It's difficult to tell whether being a warrior is also part of her skillset, because she doesn't demonstrate any combat ability or inclination in her appearances—ex. she does not walk around armed. The "general" title would seem to imply some amount of combat experience, especially with our one other "general" example being Amaya, an extremely hands-on commander. However, given the intertwining of government and military there appears to be in Sunfire elf culture, the position is more strategic and advisory in nature than front-line combatant.
Miyana and Karim: a Secret vs. a Symbol
Miyana and Prince Karim are engaged in a romantic relationship that is secret... but also not particularly subtle, at least on his part.
When Karim bursts into Miyana's... office? Quarters? Whatever, she's the one who is disturbed and slams the door behind him. He doesn't really appear to give much of a shit.
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This makes sense, because Miyana is the one with something to lose if their relationship gets out. She's meant to be an impartial judge, even against the monarch—an entanglement with the royal family significantly compromises her. Presumably, if she wanted to be with Karim openly, she could relinquish her position... but she does not, either because she doesn't want to, or because Karim doesn't want to make things official.
Speaking of...
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Karim, somewhat hilariously, suggests to Janai that she keep Amaya as a permanent consort, rather than officially marry her and have that marriage be a "symbol" of what he perceives as the beginning of the end for Sunfire power and culture. This suggests that it could be Karim who insists on maintaining secrecy over his and Miyana's relationship, assuming he feels the same way about making sure his own eventual marriage is appropriately symbolic for his people.
Personally, given the way Karim behaves, I think it's Miyana who isn't willing to abandon being one of the Six Horns for him—whether because of the power and status it affords her, or because she values being in a position where her service to her people has a strong impact, or because it took her a fucking long time to climb the ladder. Who knows.
But basically, Karim? Not subtle:
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Look at this guy, he might as well have literal heart eyes. He also doesn't avoid openly socializing with her:
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Not to mention that they have matching earrings, for fuck's sake.
Anyway, he doesn't even respond to Miyana's concern about them being seen together when he barges into her space. He's not exactly behaving as if he's committed to the secrecy.
Season 4 Arc: Gently Convincing Your Royal Boyfriend that He's an Idiot
Miyana is introduced in the s4 Sunfire arc when it pivots toward Karim moving directly against Janai. Immediately after being dissatisfied by the result of Lucia's trial and Janai revealing the Sun Seed to him, Karim meets with Miyana and their relationship is revealed to the viewers. She does appear before that, with Karim (the three previous screenshots are from before that point), but this is where they are formally connected.
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This scene, immediately before Karim tells her that he has seen "the truth" that Janai must be removed, is the last time we see Miyana smile until the end of s5. She spends the entire rest of the season going through various stages of concern and doubt about Karim's... frankly unhinged plans.
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She questions him at basically every turn, but never goes so far as to say outright that what he's proposing is a bad idea. She acknowledges that the others of the Six Horns might be sympathetic to his take on Janai's direction, but more than once cautions him that she does not believe they will be willing to turn against her.
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So how does she really feel? Karim certainly implies that he sees her as his "woman on the inside," secretly feeding him information on the Six Horns and influencing them in his favor, in turn. There's a cut segment that has been referenced in interviews in which Karim cautions Miyana that she must not be the first to vote in his favor, because that will possibly reveal their relationship—which, while he may be thinking about her preference for secrecy, would also kind of invalidate the entire vote.
Miyana, on the other hand, expresses a lot of concern for Karim. She's very worried that he's misjudged the situation and will fail—possibly because she knows she cannot rescue him if he's wrong. And she doesn't, even when he cries out to her, specifically:
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I bet that was real fun for her to try to explain. It's possible she could have helped him more after the fact if he hadn't implicated her that way, but it's also entirely possible there's nothing she could do—the monarch, after all, is the one who sentences the guilty.
Even if Miyana is 100% behind Karim's vision for the future of the Sunfire people, at no point does she appear to agree with the way he's pursuing it, and in the end she refuses to go down with him. (Contrast with, say, Sarai... who firmly expresses her disapproval to Harrow about his approach, but then backs him 100% with action.)
Season 5 Arc: Can You Even Trust Yourself?
Miyana does not appear a single time in s5 until she reports Kim'dael's infiltration of the camp to Janai. At this point, Janai entrusts her with concealing and protecting the Sun Seed.
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This is an interesting exchange, since on Janai's end it indicates that she and Miyana probably don't know each other well. Janai at least suspects what they are facing, based on the description of "a ghost"—if she suspects that it's Kim'dael specifically, she would be aware that the only person who could have sent her is Karim. It's not clear whether some of Miyana's involvement with Karim might have come out after s4, but even if it did, it was probably brushed off because she didn't stand with him in his ill-judged coup.
Also, like... what does Janai expect her to say? "No"? This isn't really a question—Janai has decided that, absent other immediate options, she can trust Miyana as a member of the Six Horns to safeguard the future of their people. She's indicating to Miyana that she is being given an incredibly important, secret responsibility.
And personally, I fully believe that Miyana thinks she is being 100% truthful in her answer. I don't think she's been sitting around waiting for the perfect moment to run off to Karim—she loved him, and still loves him, but she chose being able to continue having a role in shaping her people's future over throwing away everything for him. She has no idea where he is or what he's doing. He's gone. Exiled. No longer a factor.
So what changes? The ransom demand:
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Karim sends Pharos with a message that says, simply:
He has Janai.
He wants the Sun Seed in exchange for her life.
He wants Miyana to come to him with it.
For Miyana herself, this potentially changes everything, because what she's hearing is:
Karim is alive.
He is still fighting for his vision, and has gathered allies powerful enough to overcome Janai.
He has some kind of plan requiring the Sun Seed, which likely plays to his actual strengths (he's a mage, the Sun Seed is a powerful magical artifact).
He wants her at his side.
Personally, if I was her, I'd be at least a little worried that he wants her as the delivery person so he can punish her for her betrayal of him... but he's also such an unbelievably soft boy that I can see why that might not cross her mind. Like, his reaction to seeing "Miyana" riding toward him is unrestrained joy and affirmation that his belief in her was correct—if anything, what he's expecting here is that Miyana will convince the others of the Six Horns to agree to his demands, thereby getting him the Sun Seed and reuniting them.
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Miyana, for her part, is now in a position to significantly shift the balance of power. She still loves Karim, and she presumably still believes in his direction for the future. She can bring him the Sun Seed. She can bring him her segment of the Sunfire army. Both of those will significantly weaken Janai's position, while putting Karim much closer to success. Unlike Karim's s4 plan, this is a good bet. This is worth throwing away what she has, in favor of something she could gain.
Removing the Mask: Miyana's Final Turn (So Far)
Bear with me for a moment, because we're going to briefly circle back to s4 and Miyana's position as one of the Six Horns. Throughout s4, there is demonstrable tension between her role and her relationship with Karim, for both of them:
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Each of them, in a private moment, contemplates the mask she wears as tribunal judge—a symbol of what keeps them apart. Both of them know that this is her central choice, between her love for him and the duty (loyalty?) to her people that she won't let go. Karim, poor fool that he is, thinks that those will never come in conflict. Miyana spends all of s4 knowing that they will. Maybe even knowing what her choice will be.
In Amaya's deception to rescue Janai, she puts on Miyana's clothing and mask, pretending to be her in order to get close to Karim. Karim completely falls for this, and thereby suffers a second emotional betrayal from the "General Miyana of the Six Horns" mask.
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He's so happy that his faith in her wasn't misplaced, and then he gets literally hit in the face with it:
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So that sucks for him. However, when Miyana ultimately returns to him, she has stripped all aspects of her Six Horns role, wearing neither her tribunal mask/robe nor her usual fancy tunic and adornments (what Janai was wearing):
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She professes her loyalty to Karim having only the most basic layer of her personas: the bottom-layer red tunic and pants that go under both outfits. She has, it is implied, completely discarded the position that previously held her back from Karim.
She also claims that her loyalty has never wavered (debatable), and equates her loyalty to Karim with her love for him, also unwavering (probably true).
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This, the moment when Karim receives her (after literally starting to cry), is the first time she smiles again. She continues to smile through the end of the sequence, revealing to him both the Sun Seed and the army she has brought. She appears to have zero conflict about this—she has shed it all with the shell of her identity as one of the Six Horns.
So What Does This Mean for the Future?
Miyana has explicitly equated her love for and her loyalty to Karim. And what is love, in this series, but something to be tested?
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Even having stripped away all the aspects of her dedication to her people that are related to the Sunfire mainstream rather than Karim's rebellion, Miyana is still going to have to reckon with whether Karim's vision is the future she wants and whether she can support how far he may go for it. She has handed Karim, and by extension Pharavos, a great deal of both magical and martial power. When Karim's ambitions collide with Aaravos's, he will almost certainly double down—accepting what Aaravos offers and/or foolishly believing he can somehow come out on top.
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Miyana is the only one of this trio who is potentially even a little clear-eyed, though she could absolutely be blinded by love. She may follow Karim to the bitter end and self-destruction. She may try to save him. She may try to save others from him. She may realize she can only save herself.
Of the characters with close relationships that carry this loyalty/love tension of loving someone but not necessarily being able to support their decisions and actions, we have:
Soren, who was unable to continue following Viren's downward spiral and instead chose loyalty to his king. His father may be a lost cause, but he still believes he can save his sister.
Terry, who has been left by Claudia with the aggressive guilt that she has robbed herself of his support because she believes he will eventually abandon her, and has several directions he could go: doubling down on his loyalty to Claudia and aggressively following her descent, prioritizing his love for Claudia and focusing on finding a way to save her, or he might cut his losses and fuck off completely (unlikely).
Lissa, whose precise situation we don't know the details of, but who left behind everything she loved and never looked back (or was never allowed to).
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While I'm sure whatever resolution they write for Miyana will be fine (*grits teeth*), at this time I think the best one for her would be a Lissa-style ending. Janai's path may lead to the end of Sunfire history, as Karim put it, but his path will lead to the end of their future. Miyana will eventually recognize that, and that like in s4, she can't save him from himself. However, this time she has already irrevocably cast aside her former position—leaving Karim also means giving up her chance (or perception of her chance) to be someone who actively shapes and safeguards her people's future. If she returns to Janai, she faces exile at best. Might as well skip the painful part of that and just... go. But in having given up her complex loyalty to Janai, and finally separating her loyalty to Karim from her love for him, she's left with an opening where loyalty to herself and her own principles can blossom.
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esther-dot · 1 year
The debate about the appropriateness of Jonsa overshadows the political/feudal argument. Unless you can make a convincing case Sansa is going to run away and become a peasant with Sandor (didn't GRRM literally mock that...), or that she can singlehandedly Elizabeth the first it, then you need to be thinking about marriage. Marriage is just as important as war in GRRM's books, if not moreso, and it's a symbolic struggle at that.
Of course Stumpy has searched for Sansa's husband and applied this thinking, but it's one that's otherwise severely lacking. GRRM would go there. We know he'd go there, cousins or not. The question is, why?
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Stumpy's Find Sansa's Husband is one of my favs!
No worries! Each of us has a fandom pet peeve we need to rant about. And you're right about Martin's criticism of the "running off with a stable boy trope," in fact, it sounds like the idea really annoys him (his quote below the cut)
And then there are some things that are just don’t square with history. In some sense I’m trying to respond to that. [For example] the arranged marriage, which you see constantly in the historical fiction and television show, almost always when there’s an arranged marriage, the girl doesn’t want it and rejects it and she runs off with the stable boy instead. This never fucking happened. It just didn’t. There were thousands, tens of thousand, perhaps hundreds of thousands of arranged marriages in the nobility through the thousand years of Middle Ages and people went through with them. That’s how you did it. It wasn’t questioned. Yeah, occasionally you would want someone else, but you wouldn’t run off with the stable boy. And that’s another of my pet peeves about fantasies. The bad authors adopt the class structures of the Middle Ages; where you had the royalty and then you had the nobility and you had the merchant class and then you have the peasants and so forth. But they don’t’ seem to realize what it actually meant. They have scenes where the spunky peasant girl tells off the pretty prince. The pretty prince would have raped the spunky peasant girl. He would have put her in the stocks and then had garbage thrown at her. You know. I mean, the class structures in places like this had teeth. They had consequences. And people were brought up from their childhood to know their place and to know that duties of their class and the privileges of their class. It was always a source of friction when someone got outside of that thing. And I tried to reflect that.
I think the issue is, S*nsans and people who shipped Sansa with LF were some of the first to write real meta on her (from what I've heard), so certain fans/perceptions got pretty firmly established, and then a new generation of Sansa fan came along who rejected the Sansa x adult man/molester ships, but it was pretty easy for them to assume that due to Sansa's age, Martin would leave her marriage to the future.
Also, a lot of people don't expect Sansa to be QitN, so the succession issue isn't putting pressure on the marriage timeline, and if you're someone who thinks Bran will actually be king over all Westeros or Rickon will be KitN etc etc, you can imagine Sansa's endgame is safety in Winterfell, not a romance or marriage.
Personally, I think Sansa's interactions with Cersei and LF indicate that she wants to be the right kind of queen (in defiance of Cersei's advice) and is being equipped with tools to achieve her own ends / play the game, for the right reasons, to good ends, but being handed tools nonetheless. She is so unfocused on her birthright and power, it seemed like she was meant to be contrasted with Cersei and Dany. The natural endpoint of that imo would be her becoming queen. And, if she is queen, I've argued that based on other queen's experiences, we must see her married as being a queen is a whole new set of risks, not a happy ending in and of itself.
Of course, some have speculated that the endgame will be indicated, not actually chronicled on the page, as in, Jon and Sansa fall in love, but Jon does get sent to the wall or goes into exile for a callback of what Sansa imagined she could do to save Ned, and we end kinda knowing, eventually they'll get back together, but the actual happy ending isn't on the page. Or the alternative scenario is that Jon is named KitN because of Robb's Will and marries Sansa to resolve all the chaos after parentage reveal. That's where your thoughts on the political aspect of marriage comes in because that would be very tidy. Actually, whoever is recognized by the Northern Lords, whether it’s my preference of Sansa or Jon, the heir issue was a big deal for Robb, so marriage / heirs will certainly come up and impact the plot.
As for Jonsa itself and it being icky to some, I've said before, I think Martin must have something he wants to do with incest beyond showcasing how toxic it is. As in, that is not a way to challenge the reader, by saying something we all know, and his whole shtick is to write complexity into every relationship, every hero, even many villains, so I don't for a minute believe that's he's introduced this topic without planning to ask the audience to think a little more deeply on it. To force us to look at it from a different angle. The way he does that is to give us heroes who are tempted and make us squirm until we get parentage reveal.
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raeynbowboi · 11 months
Mystery Inc as a DnD Party
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I figured as long as we're still in the vicinity of spooky season, I'd build everyone's favorite gang of teenage mystery solvers as a collective unit. Pulling from their group dynamic to come up with a party roster that will give everyone in the party a designated role.
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Skills: Athletics, Insight, Investigation, Persuasion
Freddie is the dimwitted but lovable himbo leader of the team. He's also the muscle, except in moments of athletic skill, when he's outshined by Daphne. His backstory isn't always consistent, but he's usually a jock of some sort. He's not usually all that book smart, but he has a good heart, and inspires his team to success. Paladins who swear an Oath to the Crown hold law and justice above all else, and Fred usually enjoys catching the bad guys and seeing justice served.
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Skills: Athletics, Acrobatics, Deception, Insight, Investigation, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, Performance
As surprising a choice as this might seem, Bard is actually a very appropriate choice for Daphne. Modern Daphne is the most supportive and emotionally intelligent member of the group. From What’s New Scooby-Doo? to Be Cool, Scooby-Doo, Daphne has become the emotional powerhouse of the group. Sensing when her friends are off their game, and offering sage advice to her friends when they need it. She’s also become a very creative girl, skilled in singing, dancing, fashion, design, and more. She’s grown to be the group’s resident skill monkey, almost on par with Velma’s uncanny encyclopedic knowledge on all brainy subjects. If a lock needs picking or the gang needs to get out of a trap, you can count on Daphne to have a nail file, bobby pin, or something else on her person to save the day. She's typically also the face of the group when it's not Fred, meaning she's going to want high Dexterity and Charisma. I chose Lore because Daphne is a reporter in Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island and this is the only real career she's ever had. A lore bard is basically a more magical reporter, and singing the tale of her group's mysterious endeavors.
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Skills: Arcana, History, Investigation, Nature
Velma was the most debatable one for me, as she could be a wizard or an artificer. And I was really leaning toward Wizard, but I had to stay true to Velma's character. She's been a tinkerer and a gadgeteer for a long time now. Velma is absolutely fascinated by robotics. But while Velma in our world can handwave superstitious nonsense, in a world with gods, demons, and real ghosts, I could absolutely see Velma using her knowledge to become a powerful wizard. I even considered the Knowledge Domain Cleric because it's basically designed to be a magical detective, and if Velma was going to worship a deity, it'd be a god of knowledge and reading. Ultimately, I did choose Artificer as it was more in-line with her base character as a skeptic and a scientist, but she would work as a Wizard. Plus, as is, Daphne is the only full-caster in the party.
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Skills: Animal Handling, Investigation, Stealth, Survival
No surprises here, Shaggy and Scooby are a bonded pair, and the two were going to be joined to each other one way or another. Scooby is technically a Beast of the Land, and there's no Great Dane stat block, so call him a Mastiff if you need to. You can't really build Scooby by himself per se. There's no dog race unless you go Custom Lineage or something, and even then, I'd struggle to assign Scooby a class as he's mostly an animal sidekick. Make sure Shaggy picks up Cooks Untensils and proficiency with them so he can become the party's designated camp chef.
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Ultimately, I'm happy with how the team turned out. Fred's the tanky and bulky frontliner, Velma can use her robotics to help solve mysteries, Daphne is the face on top of having so many skills, and Shaggy works with Scooby. Inadvertently, they're also all classes with access to healing spells. So, while I suspect Daphne being the sole full caster will probably assume primary role of group healer, everyone is capable of healing each other up. Making this a great group of supportive friends taking care of each other.
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abundantchewtoys · 1 month
HS:BC re: p666.3
So, a new path has opened.
And oh man was it a good one.
Even if we never saw the conversations Vriska had with Eridan, John & Kanaya. Still good to know she resolved some of her feelings regarding them. As for what she ended up admitting to them, or what her issues really were towards them, we might still find out later.
I wonder how her epiphanies regarding Tavros & Eridan changed how she acted towards GCATavros & Erisol during her stay.
It's really surprising but heartwarming, seeing Vriska have such a good relationship with Nannasprite. I'm a bit curious to see more of Nannasprite 2, since she's the one that should be closest to Jade. But she's really developed a lot in this update!
Man, I hadn't even thought about the parallels between Dad Egbert & Tavros Crocker. But yeah, on the whole, Jane Egbert turned out a LOT better adjusted! Even after becoming a one-handed harlequin ghost.
Really cool to see her animated talksprite here, she truly is Nanna Jane. Also, she's talking a lot more subdued. And making all these blue lady puns! Guess Grandpa didn't develop his obsession with those specific types of paintings out of thin air after all. Assuming the sprites are really there and not projections of the Plot Hole, it makes sense. She's had a lot of years by now to become adjusted to her state of being. … Man, now I'm picturing what it could have been like if Nannasprite had stuck around with John & the others on Candy Earth. How would she and Harry Anderson have gotten along?
Nannasprite and John holding "jam sessions" though. :D I guess they put a spin on holding "feelings jams".
And man, Nanna had her own tome to bond with her father through, jeesh, never considered that. Despite lacking Maid of Life powers (at the time), she 'resurrected' her father by bearing him a grandson.
And yeah, she really lacked in human contact, huh? I mean, she got raised by an alien! One that "stole" her "life"'s potential, yeah I see what they did there.
In any case, it's cool we have confirmation now that Dad Egbert's Jane's biological offspring. Meaning him and Dad Crocker are more like uncle and nephew, pffff.
Makes me wonder if that means Nanna and John share "love of pipes, harlequins, cakes, detective stories" genes. Also, the big nose gene :D Maybe their other maritial halves were in fact siblings carrying that DNA. :B
That Nannasprite sees Jane's development and concludes some things about herself. chef's kiss She really is the OG Nanna, I figure Candy Jake should have a chance to meet her again.
… Wait, yeah, but Nanna refers to herself as Jane Crocker here, isn't that a first? I mean, logically she must have been called that, if not Jane Sassacre, but it's a first to read it being said, I think?
"NANNASPRITE: Is that how you kids think these days? My lord, no wonder none of you go outside anymore." Truth. Also, funny, cause people not going outside are… Well, homestuck. :p
When first Vriska said she got stuck on 'her', my first thought of course was Terezi. See, I figured she might have had to have conversations with Spidermom & perhaps even a nebulous manifestation of Mindfang.
But this? Oh man.
This was really a fine way to inspect all the fucked up ways her childhood was twisted. Even, apparently, according to Alternian standards!
Her 'custodian' never fed her, raised her or anything. She has so much in common with the Striders, in fact. Having to fend for themselves in a hostile environment.
Like Dirk, all she knew about her role model was hearsay. She didn't even have facts to go on, just a self-indulgent journal.
Momfang is an appropriate stuff of nightmares. It's what would have happened had she doubleprototyped with Mindfang's journal, perhaps.
Imagine Dualdadsprite, or Summonbullsprite… Momglaresprite! Oh man.
It's so sad, but yeah, I understand how the only thing Vriska can really do with her fucked up childhood… Is move away from it and leave it behind.
Dang if this wasn't an exquisite look behind her old blustery facade. I also like that she's shown in guardian mode now, as of being 12 sweeps old :D
And having grown out of FLARPing a little… Wow. Well, like John, maybe she'll find her way back into appreciating it. :D
Also crazy how this version of Mindfang is a mix of the book version & Vriska's FLARPsona.
And that Vriska has started comparing Vrissy favorably to herself!
In any case, cool for her to have closure on that part.
Now, I wonder if this means the rest of the conversations are less of a challenge for her and more a way to round things off.
But confronting Doc Scratch (if he's behind the cueball) and her inability to beat Lord English (if that's what the conversation behind Davepeta's feather is going to be about) might be tall hurdles for her to pass still!
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slocumjoe · 1 year
companions react to sole being really sick but insisting to work anyways. they literally won’t sit down and they’re probably gonna fall out in a few minutes if they don’t
Companions react to Sick Sole that is In Denial
Aka the prompt that called high-school me tf out
Cait; Wrestles them into bed, hunts for cough syrup, force feeds. By wrestle, I mean "gently pushes until they fall over." Gives them alcohol and keeps away. Cait doesn't often get sick, but when she does, oh boy...Sole would never hear the end of it if she caught their shit. Will find spicy snacks for them to eat, to accommodate their lost sense of taste. Because Cait cares like that.
Codsworth; Absolutely not. Will use as colorful language as he can stomach to convince Sole to retire for a bit. Follows them around Sanctuary throwing a hissy-fit. Well...as much as Codsworth can throw a fit. Gets increasingly indignant. If Sole passes out before he can shepard them back home, he will consider duct-taping them to their bed, just for safety. He makes them soup and hand/claw-feeds them. Good luck sleeping with three robot eyes watching you like a hawk.
Curie; Pesters. Following them around with a rollup mattress for when they inevitably collapse. Recites a monolog about wellness and self care until they do. Very cross. Sole thinks they're hallucinating, seeing her glare and scold them. Makes their medicine herself; doesnt trust wasteland 'doctors' enough, and worries about such old, Pre-war medicine. Might start sticking things up their nose, or something, for samples.
Danse; A soldier refusing to seek attention and rest is not going to last long. He will also manhandle them, but not until they're already falling over. Makes a nasty ass...tea thing, that's great for colds/flus. Its. So. Gross. Danse knows how to make it because he himself refuses to stop working for sick rest. Hypocrite. If on the field, will personally tend to them. If not, leaves it to Cade, or any other doctor. Pesters said doctor enough he might get a clipboard thrown at him.
Deacon; Makes a similar, nastier tea thing. Spikes it with soda. Not to make it taste better. The soda is punishment to remind himself to never get sick again because it makes it fucking demonic. It makes Sole throw up and the force knocks them out. Rolls them up in a blanket burrito, raids the nearest pharmacy, and prepares a disguise. When Sole awakes, 50/50 chance they'll recognize its him.
Gage; What, is he their fucking mom? If they want to crack their head open passing out, that's their idiot choice to make. Except no it isn't, because he needs them alive, so Gage bitches the whole time, but he drags them kicking and screaming to bed. Throws medicine at them and tells them to quit being a baby. He's not getting too close to them right now. Hell. No. Also a baby himself about getting sick.
Hancock; Hancock isn't the type to tell someone how to handle themselves. He'll privately worry, and maybe hint that they should take a damn break, but until it gets bad enough they're half-way down to the floor, its not his business. When they're faceplanting, he'll step in. Also gives them some booze. He'll try to cook for them, but...uh. Chips and soda is good for colds, right? Right? [SOUNDS OF CURIE SCREAMING IN THE DISTANCE]
MacCready; Lucy was a doctor. He's got this. Or so he thinks, right up until Sole refuses to acknowledge their own illness. Okay. Shi–uuucks. What did Lucy do when he was being stubborn? Uh...that's not appropriate with Sole...what if he—Sole...? Sole–! Oh. Okay. That works. Just has to drag them into bed now. Spends extra caps for the good medicine, and for once, makes proper food. Sole remembers learning that he knows how to make his own noodles during this incident. MacCready tells them they were hallucinating.
Nick; Stands straight, crosses his arms, looks at them expectantly. Just waits. Grabs them before their legs give out, hauls them up over a shoulder, and straight to the doc's. Doc says bed, Sole is in bed. While they're out of commission for the week, plans out his lecture. It's not healthy for the brain nor body to keep moving when everything is telling you to quit. He's sarcastically coddling.
Piper; Also guilty of trying to power through. Piper is also an opportunist, however, and the moment she sees their guard fall, sees a moment of weakness, she's shoving them into their bedroom. Sole barely notices the change of environment. Canned soup, crackers, tea...and because Piper is just the best, she'll make them a dessert she often makes for Nat. Rice pudding, tarberry shortcake, she's even made honey custard. Something sweet and easy on the stomach.
Preston; Like Codsworth, chases them down begging them to just go the fuck to bed. Grabs them by the scruff of their neck before they hit dirt. Like Nick, sasses them the whole time, even if he is doting on them like a fussy mom. Remember Cait and her spicy snacks? Preston throws whatever spices he has into their meals. Hope Sole has a high spice tolerance.
X6-88; Grabs and warps to the Institute. If the Institute is gone, grabs and drags them to a doctor. He could try tending to them, but similar to Hancock, you will quickly regret asking. It's better to just have him go get medicine. He's somewhat fascinated over the concept, though. Cousers rarely get sick. And the once or twice X6 was, it was just an irritated throat or a headache. Sole is melting and yet they're expected to recover. Fascinating.
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teaberrii · 1 year
Chapter 7: The Locket
You've been Cupid for as long as you can remember. You've brought countless soulmates together, yet you've never found love.
When you're assigned to bring two childhood friends back together, it should be simple until you unexpectedly catch feelings for the mysterious and cold Ph.D. student, Dan Heng, the man with a soulmate… the man with answers to your past.
Dan Heng/You
Cross-posted on Ao3
Female reader
Chapter index at the end of chapter one
After finishing telling Pom the nightmare you experienced, you chug the rest of your water. 
“Geezus, Cupid,” Pom continues. “I…”
"Never thought a haunted medieval castle would turn out to be a haunted erotica," you mutter, half-jokingly. "I'm done playing games, Pom."
You refuse to believe that what you saw had nothing to do with you. If it didn't, why were you the only one experiencing this? But after that traumatic event, you're done being clueless. You're done being messed with.
“I'm getting pieces that make no sense to each other, It’s time to start connecting them together.”
Pom has an uncharacteristically serious look on his face. "I'm with you. But how are we going to do that?"
You wish you have an answer. There must be a way, and you'll find it no matter what it takes.
“...I think we’ll need a little help.”
"Help? From who?" When Pom sees the look in your eyes, it's as if he reads your mind. He quietly gasps. "Don't tell me you're thinking about Dan Heng."
“I saw him again,” you say quietly. “I saw Young on the train where Dan Heng was standing.”
“But, will he really be able to help?”
"I don't know," you answer honestly. "But if I tell Dan Heng who I am… maybe that will trigger something."
“...Hey.” The rest of your friends approach you, and you and Pom get up from the bench. “Are you feeling better now?” Gepard asks.
“Much better.”
“What happened in there?” Stelle asks. She glances at Dan Heng. “He said he found you in the restricted area, and you got locked in.”
“...That’s right,” you say, looking at Dan Heng, who returns your look with a subtle gaze. It doesn't seem like he said anything more. “One of the zombies just really got to me, and I panicked.”
Gepard walks up to you with an apologetic look. “I’m really sorry for leaving you like that. I… didn’t know this would happen.”
You smile at him. “It’s fine.”
March stretches and groans. "Well, before we go, should we see what the parade is all about?"
“Good idea,” Stelle says.
You and Pom look at each other as if reading each other’s minds.
“C’mon then!” Pom says happily. “We don’t want to miss it!”
Pom starts ushering everyone away, but you grab Dan Heng's arm.
"Can we talk?" you ask quietly as he turns to face you.
He lets you pull him aside. “Is something wrong?”
“...It’s about what happened earlier.”
Are you going to tell him what's going on? He hopes so. After seeing how shaken up you are, he has a million questions but isn't sure whether it's appropriate to ask.
Where should you start? With Young? With who you are? Finally, you say, "When I was alone back there, I experienced something similar to my nightmares."
“Before coming here, I sometimes had nightmares of a burning terrain… a castle… It was like a war field. I had a hunch why I was having them, but after experiencing what I just did… I’m pretty sure they have something to do with my past. It’s also why I’m here.”
Dan Heng cannot think of any other explanation, but his theory sounds ridiculous. He isn't living in some crazy fantasy novel where mythological beings exist… right? But it did cross his mind. With you mysteriously knowing about his research and saying you saw his desires, there's only one absurd but logical reason.
“...You aren’t human.”
A slight pause.
“...You don’t sound surprised.”
“Who are you... really."
“Pom calls me Cupid. Take a guess.”
“The God of Love?”
“I’ve been bringing couples together for as long as I can remember because I was promised that I would figure out about my past. But it's starting to look like it's the people here who have something to do with it. Including you."
“...And Young. That’s why you asked about him, right?”
“You catch on fast.”
He looks away. “I’m piecing things together as I go.”
“I knew someone named Young, and I’ve been getting dreams and visions about him when I talk to you. Maybe it's because you look exactly alike.” You sigh. “But I’ve been told he’s no longer around.”
“...What you saw back there, did it have something to do with him?” Dan Heng asks.
“No,” you say quietly. “My dreams about Young are always… pleasant. But back there, that was…” You take a small breath. "I saw something like a massacre. And… a man and a woman… being intimate.”
This takes Dan Heng off guard as he’s left speechless.
“I have no idea who they are,” you add. “But the man said I went too far and”—your voice drops—”I started a war.”
“...A war?”
You shift uncomfortably. “Well, the woman hinted that I was intimate with that man before. It sounds like a bad revenge story."
You’re expecting a grimace, a sign of disgust, or a judgemental look from Dan Heng, but that never comes. Instead, he calmly asks, “...But, can you really take their word for it? It sounds like you’re getting bits and pieces everywhere. It'd be more important to get the bigger picture.”
"That's what I was telling Pom. I need to start making links… connections… or something that I can go on. That's why I decided to tell you about who I am. If you're Young... or somehow related to him, maybe it'll jog your memories."
“You said Young and I look like each other.” Then, hesitantly, “...What about the man and the woman? Did they look familiar?”
You shake your head. “I’ve never seen them before.”
“But maybe I have.”
You're starting to see where Dan Heng is going with this. If Dan Heng is Young's doppelganger or reincarnation, then there's a strong possibility that more of them exist. But what then?
“...I never knew about Young until you told me about him,” Dan Heng continues. “Even after you told me who you are, nothing comes to mind. But there must be a reason why he looks like me and…”
Is he… blushing, or is it just too hot?
“...And why I like you so much.”
The loud screams from the parade drown out his words. You turn and see a large magician-themed parade floatie slowly move along the street. Then, you turn back.
“Did you say something?” you ask. “I didn’t catch that.”
Dan Heng quietly sighs and looks away. “It’s nothing.” Then, with a small, gentle smile, “...I'd like to help if I can.”
"An extra hand never hurts," you say, returning his smile.
You’re walking next to Dan Heng toward the parade when he glances at you. “...You said you bring couples together. Does this mean you make them fall in love?”
“I don’t shoot arrows with weird spells on them if that’s what you mean. It’s supposed to be a natural process. I just… give them a little push.”
“Has it ever backfired?”
“Sometimes it takes a little more effort. But, in the end, they always end up together.”
“...You said before you were here for a job that involves me. By ‘job’ is that what you meant?”
“Yeah. You have a soulmate,” you say quietly.
“But I don’t believe in that.”
“It doesn’t matter whether you believe in them. It doesn’t change the fact that you have one.”
"...You said you've been doing this for a long time, but it's only now you're finding out about your past." He suddenly steps in front of you, making you stop. "I'd like to think this soulmate nonsense also ends here."
So, is he going to stop you from doing your job? That’d be interesting.
"I guess we'll see, won't we?" you say. "But I am a little curious… you seem strongly opposed to it. But you don't know who it is. You might change your mind."
“...I carve a path for myself, including who I choose to love. I don't want anyone else deciding that for me.”
Then, you hear March call your names and Dan Heng walks off without looking back. 
Despite the lively atmosphere, you can't help but occasionally glance at Dan Heng, who has his eyes on the parade almost the entire time. He would meet your eyes a couple of times, but you would look away. The distance between you two is occupied by Pom and Stelle.
“...Are you interested in Dan Heng?”
You turn to Stelle, surprised by the unexpected question. “Why do you ask?”
Stelle looks at you with a small smile. “He was really worried about you when you didn’t show up.”
You don’t look at her when you say, “...We’re friends.”
"Then… does that mean I can go for him?" You immediately look at her as the question takes you off guard. Then, she chuckles. "I'm kidding."
You remember that Dan Heng and Stelle drifted apart when she started her singing career. What brought them back together?
“I heard you were a singer before,” you say.
“Are you going to ask why I quit?" You don't say anything, so she says, "Let's just say that it takes more than just talent to 'make it' in the industry. Now that I'm an actress, there's more freedom in different aspects of my life... including whether or not I want to see somebody."
"It sounds like you have someone in mind."
She doesn't elaborate but gives you a small, ambiguous smile instead.
The parade hasn't ended when you and your friends leave the bustling area. It's late afternoon, and Gepard suggests an early dinner as it'll start getting crowded.
You and Pom and walking behind everyone else when he asks, “How did things go with Dan Heng?”
“He said he’s happy to help me if I need it.”
Pom gasps and nudges you. “He’s a keeper.” You give him a deadpan look, and he quickly says, “Okay. No more jokes.”
“But he’s also curious about Young.”
“You also told him about Young? Well, it’d be strange if he wasn’t.”
“Anyway, even after I told him about Young and who I am, he doesn't remember anything. But, he brought up a good point,” you say, looking at Dan Heng, who’s talking with Gepard. “He might not be the only doppelganger here." 
"He may be right. But does this mean you're going to start hunting for people who may or may not exist? What if it turns out to be pointless?"
“Yeah, I get what you mean." You sigh. "I feel like we're missing something..."
“...Whatcha talkin’ about, Cupid?”
You immediately spin around at the low, masculine voice just as Pom gasps.
Wearing a black tank top and pants, Nanook is clearly enjoying the attention he's getting from some of the people passing by.
“What are you doing here?” you finally ask, flabbergasted.
“Hey!” You turn around and see your friends walk over. March looks at Nanook and back to you. “Is he a friend of yours?”
Nanook puts his hands on your shoulders and smiles widely. “We go a long way back. Right, Cupid?”
You shrug off his grip and frown. “...He’s just someone I know.”
“Ouch. Not even a friend? You hit right where it hurts.”
“He’s the guy I told you about,” Pom says to Dan Heng and Gepard. “The one who won’t leave her alone.”
Nanook narrows his eyes. “...Is this who I think it is?” He walks up to Pom and looks him up and down. “Huh… never thought you’d make a decent-looking human, rabbit.”
“Rabbit?” March asks.
Nanook looks at your friends and back at you. “Aren’t you supposed to be working? What are you doing hanging out with these—”
“They’re my friends,” you deadpan.
“What do you mean she’s supposed to be working?” Stelle asks.
"It's nothing," you say, turning to her, but you eventually look at Dan Heng instead.
Then, he walks up to you. “...If this person isn’t important, let’s go.”
Nanook scoffs. “Not important?” He walks up to him, but you step in front of Dan Heng. “...You think I’ll hurt him?”
“Just leave him alone.”
Nanook rolls his eyes but suddenly yells when someone pulls on his earlobe.
“We aren’t here to cause trouble, Nanook. Behave yourself.”
You look past the God to see a woman with glossy skin and long, silky black hair pulled into a high ponytail, leaving a few strands to frame her face that looks like she hasn't had a clogged pore in years. Wearing a pair of high-waisted shorts and cropped tee, her curvy figure is just as flawless as her skin. You've never seen this woman before, yet your gut tells you exactly who it is.
“Idrila!” Pom says. “You’re here, too?”
She smiles, showing her perfectly straight and white teeth. “That’s right.”
“...Who's this?” Gepard asks.
“A friend,” you say.
You're a little amused that Gepard can't seem to take his eyes off her. But that's when you remember Dan Heng. You look slightly behind you and see that his stoic expression hasn't changed.
Idrila loops her arm around you. "Do you mind if we borrow her?" She looks at Pom. "And Pom, too, of course."
“Oh, um, yeah, go ahead.”
It sounds like she even has March at a loss for words.
Idrila grabs Nanook’s arm. “C’mon, stop giving the kid the stink eye.”
“I’m not!”
Idrila pulls you and Nanook aside while Pom follows. A short distance away, she lets you go and takes out a small, round locket with a thin gold chain. A sun is in the center while being embraced by a crescent moon. 
“Himeko forgot to give this to you,” Idrila says, handing you the locket. “So, she sent us.”
“She needed both of you just to give her a locket?” Pom asks, skeptical.
“Look, it was the perfect opportunity for a little vacation,” Nanook says. “Besides”—he looks around with a curious look—“it was getting boring up there. I'm always up for a daring adventure.”
“...I think I saw this locket before.”
“You did?” Pom asks you, Then, he looks at it curiously. “Where?”
“Around Young’s neck on the train." Then, you try opening it, but no matter how hard you try, it won't open.
"Good luck on getting that open," Nanook says. "We've already tried."
You frown. “Someone was a little too curious.”
“Himeko told us beforehand,” Idrila clarifies. “We thought we'd try it out.”
“By the way… who's Young?” Nanook asks. He looks over his shoulder and sees your friends chatting. “Is it that dark-haired kid? He thinks he’s being subtle, but I know he’s been looking this way. Well, let’s be more specific.” Nanook looks at you. “He’s looking at you. Don’t tell me you’re having a lil fun on the side, Cupid.”
“I wish,” you mutter.
“Oh, you haven’t seen Lan by any chance, have you?” Idrila asks. “He’s still not back.”
“I’d like to think that he’s finally letting himself loose and having some fun,” Nanook says. “This is his territory, after all.”
“...Did Lan grew up here?” you ask.
“That’s right, sweetheart.”
You almost cringe at the new nickname, but an idea suddenly hits you. Dan Heng enlightened you with the possibility that other doppelgangers or reincarnations exist. If Lan has been around Xianzhou for a while, he may know about them. Could there be some secret to doppelgangers that he knows about?
“Hey!” March calls. “Are y’all ready to go or what?”
Your friends walk over, and Stelle asks, “If you don't have any other plans, why don’t you join us for dinner?”
Nanook and Idrila glance at each other. “Us?”
“Why not?” Gepard says.
The thought of Nanook joining the group for dinner doesn't sound like a great idea, but of course, the God of Destruction thinks differently.
He smiles. “Well, I don’t see why not.” He looks at you with a playful smile. “It’d be our first dinner together.”
“And our last,” you deadpan.
“...Wait. What if Himeko finds out?” Pom asks quietly.
“What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her,” Idrila says.
"Himeko?" March asks. "Who's she?"
"Someone who likes to enforce rules on people for her entertainment," Nanook says bluntly.
"After the stunt you pulled, I think there's a reason why she enforced rules on having limited contact with humans," you mutter, thinking back to the time Nanook's desire for fun nearly ended up killing a mansion full of people.
Nanook looks at you. "What was that, sweetheart?"
"Don't call me that."
Stelle chuckles. "You two get along well."
Before you can say anything else, March says, "Less talking! More walking!"
You’re trailing a little behind your friends as you start thinking about how you can get in touch with Lan. Unlike Nanook, he isn’t someone to run his mouth about all the awesome things he’s been doing or why he’s even here. Then again… Lan doesn’t seem like the type who randomly goes for a vacation. Is there another reason why he’s here?
It takes a little while to notice that Dan Heng is walking beside you. When you look at him, he glances at you but stays silent. Perhaps he knows you're onto something.
“...Your friends,” Dan Heng says, “Are they also Gods?”
“That’s right.” 
"I guess you've known them for a long time."
"Idrila has always been great. And, well, as much as I hate Nanook, he's still someone that kept me company." When Dan Heng stays quiet, you take out the golden locket from your pocket. “Have you seen this before?”
Dan Heng could’ve just looked at it from your hand, but instead, he takes it, and when his fingers touch your palm, your heart races a little.
After looking closely, he says, "I haven't."
“Could you try opening it?” He does, but when it doesn’t open, you sigh. “...Thought so.”
“You can’t open it either?”
"No… Apparently, no one can. I think this belonged to Young."
“...How do you know?”
“I saw it around his neck on the train.” You glance at Dan Heng. “...He was standing where you were supposed to be.”
"If this belonged to him, then"—Dan Heng turns to face you, and you stop with him—"maybe it holds something special inside."
He opens the necklace and looks at you as if asking permission to put it around your neck. You don't object, so he leans closer and carefully slips it around you. Once again, you smell his cologne, but your chest feels tight. Dan Heng leans upright but stops a comfortable distance from your face. Close enough that it feels intimate but far enough that he isn't invading your personal space. His blue eyes shine as he looks at you, and your heart thunders in your chest.
Suddenly, you hear a loud cough.
You and Dan Heng turn, and Nanook and Pom look at you skeptically.
“We noticed you were falling behind,” Pom says.
“Didn’t think you’d be staring into each other’s eyes like leads of a cheesy rom-com drama,” Nanook deadpans.
You awkwardly clear your throat. “Didn’t think you would know what that is.”
“I keep up with the times.”
“Riiight,” you say skeptically. “Never penned you as a rom-com kind of guy, Nanook.”
Then, you start walking away with Pom hot on your trail.
When Dan Heng is about to follow you, Nanook swings an arm around his shoulder. “...Do you like her, kid?” Dan Heng shrugs off Nanook’s arm and continues walking, but the God of Destruction won’t let it end there. “It’s cute, y’know, a human… and a God.” Dan Heng gives him a side-eye just as Nanook says, “It’s not going to work, so you might as well give up now.”
Dan Heng stops, and with a straight face, he says, “But why does it look like I'm having better luck than you had in a long time?"
Then, he walks away, but hears the God scoff and then mutter, "Cheeky little bastard."
Chapter 8
End notes: I'll be gone on vacation for a week after this update. But I'll be bringing my laptop with me, so I'll be working on the next chapter whenever I can :>
Tag list: @suoshiii @lordbugs @seirenspinel @lxry-chxn @tanspostsblog @nqctre @theprinceofkhaos @lunavixia @akwardbiscuit
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moashdeservedbetter · 3 months
In general, I'm a believer of "don't yuck someone's yum," with food or books or whatever else someone might love but might be unappealing to me. 
When I see a comment like "well if you don't like it, you can stop reading/watching" it seems related to that--we're all having a good time, you don't have to participate if this isn't working for you. And I've certainly felt that way myself at times. 
Sometimes, though, it's more complicated. Like, the other day I fell down a rabbit hole about kidnapping in era 2 mistborn, which led me to a reddit about the lack of women (and concerning feminine tropes) in era 1. 
Overall, I *love* The Final Empire, but I thought everything the post said about women was pretty fair --- including the lack of female characters, and the squicky characterization of Vin looking so small and childish but actually being a 16 yr old ready old adult-ish (i'd guess this is the kinda trope people don't even realize they are writing, because it's so embedded into fiction lore.)
I was glad to see a few people point out that Brandon Sanderson totally agreed with the points she made--yay!! 
But also, like.... her concerns were valid either way. And, where else is she gonna raise those concerns? I feel like a book's community is an appropriate place to point out concerns, and I can't really think of a good alternative where people would be well-equipped to engage in the conversation. 
In the past, I've seen similar posts where someone has critiqued aspects of the cosmere, like how the Singers/Listeners are portrayed (or finangled for narrative purposes), or how topics like slavery and racism can get shoved aside. 
I mean, I tend to agree with those posts so it makes sense that I think they belong... but even if I didn't, there's a big difference between disparaging someone's personal taste, and raising a heartfelt or thoughtful objection.
More to the point, I think that discussions about racism or systemic oppression or sexism or victim blaming are *always* needed. The personal is political, and the literary is political too.
Finally, sometimes, probably most of the time, those concerns are being raised precisely because someone loves what they are reading enough that they want to feel more comfortable in that space.
In aggregate, comments like that help writers adjust their work in the future. 
Individually, for readers like me, talking about my hang ups is a way of compartmentalizing, so that I can enjoy what I love--like Sanderson's deftness portraying mental illness and trauma--while not just shoving down the parts that bother me. 
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fincalinde · 2 years
What do you think about JYL's relationship with WWX?
This is an interesting one, because the relationship between JYL and WWX is really a thing of two halves: the depth and steadfastness of their love for each other is touching, but the very strength of their relationship has devastating consequences. It's also a great example of each character's core flaw: WWX's arrogance and JYL's partiality for him.
I really do like the fact that JYL and WWX love each other like blood siblings, even to the point of JYL specifically asserting that she sees him as a brother when she defends him at the Phoenix Mountain hunt. JYL is mild-natured, but also a woman of great inner strength despite her parents' best efforts to crush, berate and/or neglect it out of her. And she certainly needs and deserves supportive brothers like JC and WWX, who will both defend and advocate for her.
The trouble is that WWX is really bad at defending her and repeatedly makes things worse when JC on his own would have handled the situation with more grace. JC is clearly reconciling himself to JYL marrying JZX and adjusting his understanding of JZX's character post-Sunshot, and he and WWX even have a discussion in which WWX refuses to listen to him about JZX's self-improvement and the likelihood of a renewed engagement. JC is obviously not a perfect brother, and it's not as though WWX's continued hatred for JZX is based on nothing, but as clan leader JC has the good sense and leadership skills to more effectively navigate such a delicate situation.
As part and parcel of WWX's unintentional but nevertheless very real sabotaging of JC and the Jiang, he talks over JC and acts as though he has greater authority than he actually possesses. JYL and her relationship with JZX is a huge part of that. Yes, things are not going well between JZX and JYL at the Phoenix Mountain hunt, but WWX's intervention only escalates the issue and puts JYL in an even more awkward and humiliating position. It's a testament to her love for WWX and her quiet strength that she's able to gracefully and effectively defend both WWX and the Jiang when WWX's attempts to defend her from JZX have further exposed the Jiang to a loss of reputation.
It's important to remember that WWX himself cringes in retrospect when seeing his arrogant and cocksure behaviour in other scenes through Empathy, so this read isn't coming out of nowhere; it's made explicit in the text. WWX is in many ways the author of his own downfall, and of course poor JYL is quite literally caught in the crossfire. There's multiple references to her face lighting up whenever she sees her brothers, and in a certain sense her love for them gifts her vitality, so it's thematically appropriate and extraordinarily effective that she gives her life for WWX. And thematically appropriate, too, that in her final moments she is completely focused on WWX despite JC also being present.
I've skirted the topic of JC so far in only discussing him in relation to the JZX-JYL relationship, but I do need to address him more directly because it's impossible to talk about WWX and JYL without bringing him in. Poor, poor JC. It's indisputable that JYL loves him, and it's just as indisputable that she loves WWX more than she loves him. In theory, the love is equal. In practice, JYL consistently prioritises WWX and his needs over JC. JC truly does come second in everything, and the image of him holding a seriously injured JYL as she ignores him and focuses all her attention on WWX is absolutely shattering.
And the awful thing is that JC is a better brother to JYL than WWX. JC understands that she is not simply a sister but a woman who has her own wants and needs that diverge from her brothers' hopes for her. JC might not like it, but he respects it. WWX, on the other hand ... Qiongqi Path. His inability to fully respect JYL's choice or update his opinion of JZX results in his literally murdering JZX using WN as the weapon. And yes, WWX is not mentally or physically in great shape at the time, but he's also had numerous and repeated warnings from various characters about the inevitable consequences of the path he's chosen. There are mitigating factors, but WWX ultimately knows himself to be responsible and the text agrees with him.
And JYL still can't hate him. She can't tell him it's all right or that she forgives him, but she doesn't stop loving him either. And this is exactly why their relationship, while profound and touching, is ultimately a damaging one. It never develops beyond its original well-meaning but immature dynamic, and this is the consequence. WWX still acts like a small child with JYL, and also like he has the right to intervene in her life. Meanwhile she still mothers him and overlooks his transgressions, even though she's probably the one person he might actually listen to. They're both locked in old patterns that were established to cope with the challenges of their shared childhood, and neither of them adjust the relationship to account for the changes in their roles and circumstances—until it's far too late.
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felikatze · 6 months
thinks abt my many half baked ISAT FE AU stuff again....
siffrin is a manakete that is all good night
uhhh act 5 and twohats spoilers below
joking but. also yes. i was thinking a lot abt what FE classes the cast would have recently so.
Mirabelle is a lord. HOWEVER. she gets to be a fancy lord who also gets staff access. Like Hoshido Noble. could you imagine dragging around a scrublord who only gets good on promo but they had heal utility the whole time. isn't that a dream. imagine if Roy could heal and then still rips in endgame
Odile is very obviously a Sage. Like cmon. If i had to pick any specific sage outfit it would in fact be Awakening sages. But the thought of Odile in the outfit of Engage sages is enough to kill people I think. Though the banana mage gba era would be hilarious on her.
The trifecta of magic is also a nice reflection of her being able to use all types of craft :) esp tellius mechanics are dope for that (and integrated into my silly isat emblems stuff). It could also be very thematically appropriate to make her an Omnyoji instead.
Isabeau just has massive axe bro energy. Yknow how fighters are stereotyped as stupid but then Lot FE6, generic axe bro ever, plays chess and does philosophy? Yeah. From a gameplay standpoint it would also make sense to put him in armor knight cuz he will Protect His Friends. Also he has the highest hp in the cast anyways. He would also have rally skills.
If i had to pick one guy to make a beast unit, it would be him also. Tiger isabeau.
Bonnie is the Transporter. They cannot fight. They cannot die. Bonnie is Merlinus. We are not letting the child on the battlefield. Give Bonnie a caravan and convoy access, you know they gotta.
Sif is. hm.
Like the obvious call is Thief, right? In games that have em, daggers are exclusive to thieves (unless you're fates, and have butlers and ninjas). Dagger classes can also debuff (with engage thieves poisoning, and fates daggers inflicting debuffs) which would be a nice niche. However Siffrin isn't actually a criminal.
From a story standpoint mercenary would be the most appropriate since they're not really here for any particular reason but just bcuz he happened to be in the country when the curse struck.
HOWEVER.... engage has given us a very tantalizing third option. Wolf Knight. They're not associated with crime. They are speedy, dodgy, and use daggers.
Siffrin gets a pet wolf. Do you see it.
TO ELABORATE ON THE MANAKETES THING.... So, if you've seen me talk abt my fucking, fe6 isat au, i cast Idunn as Siffrin. And the idea of someone forgetting their own species is really funny, and also kinda terrifying. And the only other person like you is the guy you have to kill.
Also I think creechur siffrin AUs are great. And dragons in FE are associated heavily with two things. a) going insane. b) amnesia (just look at corrin, and grima, and alear).
Also also dragons love to take naps. WHO ELSE LOVES TO TAKE NAPS?? That's right. Siffrin.
Oh yeah also. Dragon Loop. Wouldn't that be epic. AND. act 5 boss fight siffrin turning into a full dragon.
And the development possibilites. As siffrin learns about the island, also uncovering myths about dragons. And the new strength siffrin is able to master more and more of each loop being bcuz. well. dragon. and growing aware of the ways he's different from the others not just in the growing chasm as they veiw the party more and more as actors, but also the paranoia in physically becoming a monster.
Do you see my fucking vision, here.
SPEAKING OF ENGAGE.... i forgot who. but SOMEBODY. suggested. Emblem Loop. wrgrhr.
and i've thought abt how this would work. And i think it does work, if like... the island (and the divine dragons) all got forgotten because of the emblem's miracle. That somebody thought it was too dangerous and wanted to seal it away forever and used the power of the emblems to make them forgotten. And so Wish Craft would be the emblems' power instead, which only dragons have access to - supposedly. Hey, if a whole country tries out a prayer incantation, would it work?
And. and. this would be really easy to do by. replacing the silver coin with a ring. Siffrin just has this random ring they've had forever. So when Loop wishes to get out, they become the emblem they've been using. You get recursive timeloop questions - who was the emblem that granted Loop's wish in the first place? Was it another Siffrin? Somebody else altogether? Who knows. But isn't the asking really fun.
And like, I mean, Emblem Byleth already exists, we all know what "rerolling missed attacks to hit instead" is. Emblem Byleth is still rewinding time you just can't see that he is.
Do you see my vision. ISAT fire emblem engage AU.
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itsnotmourn · 9 months
HEADCANONS | carmen x richard
The town's most grandeur power couple. That's it. Goodbye.
Outwardly, they are reserved and private; sometimes extremely so. Unless they are interacting, whether it is at work or in public, it's common for people to assume they're not together; in fact, their own coworkers didn’t know they were married. They kiss and hold hands sparingly if it’s not in an appropriate space. In the safety of their home, they are so much more passionate and expressive; it's disgusting. A few more kisses, a few more playful bickers. It makes Roy want to barf every time he hears it but hey, it used to be worst when they were younger.
It’s noted that Carmen has an excessive way of speaking. To people unfamiliar to it, it may cause light confusion. Richard is her translator (sometimes, Roy!).
Carmen: I'd like a table for one and another, if you may. Waiter: ...? Richard, from the side: Table for two, please.
Carmen's love language lies heavily with gifting. Pair that up with her materialism and you are promised with mountains of wealth. She has careful ears; whenever she hears Richard approving something like a snack or piece of clothing, she writes it down in her mental notes for the special days.
Similarly, Richard's love language is acts of service. Those small but meaningful gestures. He struggles being immediate with words of adoration so he follows his own philosophy: actions over words. He has careful eyes; anything that Carmen may need help with or may need later (like a bath) and he’s already offering it.
Pet names. Oh, how they love pet names. It's nothing silly like bae or bubba, though. It's old classic pet names like Dear and Darling (their mains), Love and Honey, and Toots or Sweetheart (if they're feeling cheesy). They have probably gone a few days just using pet names. However, it is usually Richard using such names for her. Roy isn't exactly safe from it either. Carmen often refers to Roy as "my baby", when she isn't in an agitated mood.
They both proposed at the same time. Though, if you ask who proposed, one would often (playfully) bicker that they were the one who proposed, and it goes back and forth. It's never a straight answer. Roy doesn't even know. Fun fact: when they were younger, they had promise rings for a long time.
Despite everything, it was Carmen who initiated their relationship first. She got tired of being too subtle. It often goes over Richard’s head.
Carmen (and by extension, Roy on better days) tends to recover from sickness very quickly. It's something a good day of rest will fix. Richard, on the other hand, is on the opposite side of the spectrum. Fortunately, he seldom gets sick but when he does, his whole body is on shutdown if he gets something as small as a cold. Carmen will unapologetically take the day off work to take care of Richard. One single phone call of notice and she’s not picking up her company number anymore. She’s warming up blankets, prepping medicine and just being by his side (same when looking after Roy too). I like to think that the company they work for kinda needs both of them to function so on days like this, it crumbles a little bit.
Carmen struggles with Math and Richard struggles with English, and with those, they help each other out. It was the same in school/collage years but they both were top students; who knows if they even needed each other’s help.
It makes sense that Carmen’s the big spoon in the relationship and when they are being affectionate, she is most of the time! Though, for them, there’s really no designated big/little spoon. They take turns. If Richard wants her to be his weighted blanket, so be it.
They sleep in separate beds. Mostly because their own work space is inside their bedrooms but also because they tend to have opposing sleep schedules too; Carmen sleeps early to function while Richard needs to hit the extreme AM before his body feels the effect. Despite this, it’s very common for one of them to sneak in the other’s room and sleep together anyways.
Speaking of work space, it’s not uncommon for Carmen to be glued to her desk, churning out loads of work that’s on a deadline (which is rare but happens when the company is behind). She gets in the zone and when she gets on the zone, nothing else matters. She forgets to eat or takes breaks. It happens. Richard is always watching out for his wife's well-being. It all circles back to his love language. He comes into her room, hands her water or a meal, and walks back out without a single word. Maybe a kiss on the head if she’s not under immense pressure.
Richard’s face gets all red when Carmen teases (read: bombs) him with her sweet words or little kisses. One or two is fine—he can keep his usual stoic face—but one after the other after the other? That’s cheating.
Carmen, out of nowhere: I love youuuu. Richard: Love you too, dear. Carmen: You are so adorable. (kiss) Have I told you that? (kiss) I could eat you up if I desire. (kiss) Handsome man, you. Richard, face full of red: stop.
It's the opposite for her. Carmen is far more than capable to hold a straight face when it comes to receiving teases. She’s grew up with praises, after all. To get her in a blushing mess, he has to get a little creative and discreet. For the right moments, sentimental but that’s not often.
Richard, gesturing her closer: Carmen. Carmen, lending an ear: Hm? Richard: (whispering something out of character or just something highly inappropriate) Carmen, flustered: RICHARD!
Carmen's favourite place to kiss Richard is kissing his nose and cheeks. Richard's favourite place to kiss Carmen is her neck and hands. And then each other's lips, of course. Muah. Most of Richard's kisses are considered sniff kisses.
It's cute when one person gets to wear their partner's shirt and it's oversized on them. Carmen can't... do that; her physique’s too different for her to wear Richard’s shirts without it ripping or being too tight. So at home, Richard is seen wearing his wife’s shirts as sleepwear.
Richard is the listener to Carmen’s ramblings. He could be multitasking and still recall minor details from a a year ago. It’s rare for it to be the other way around; Richard needs just a day or two to file his thoughts together.
The two of them can be considered very attractive. Wolf whistles, catcalls, and nonsensical flirting aren’t common but it happens to the both of them. When it comes to their relationship, the trust that they have in each other is phenomenal. Nothing would stop Carmen from wrapping her hand around Richard's waist though.
Sighs. Until death do them part.
oh yeah they’re so t4t bi4bi bye
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tia-amorosa · 3 months
Sunset Died - The Returnee household
Out of the Dark (longer Part)
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It's the next morning. And it's now quite cold. Emma goes out into the garden every morning to harvest the fruits and vegetables that have been growing there. Then Blair noticed that her cell phone was vibrating in her pocket. . "ah… that must be the message Cyclone had prepared. …"/ "I hardly think it will reach most of them, they haven't had their cell phones in their hands since the impacts.."/ "I know…".
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"That's why he'll go to the meeting point later. But first… i'll go to Morgana."/ "Are you excited?"/ "A little… I haven't taken the bandage off for a while now."/ "Everything will be fine, sweetie"/ "Yes… It's all healed. I'll just see everything from a different perspective… And pay more attention to my surroundings."/ "Yes, you have to".
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Blair went back into the house. She sat down in one of the armchairs in the guest room to rest a little longer. But the rest didn't last long. "Good morning, did I scare you?"/ "Hn, no, you didn't. I can hear you before you even enter the room. Do you think I'll keep my heightened senses or will they go back as soon as I can see again?"/ "I think that depends on how well you've trained them. When do you want to leave?".
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"Right after breakfast. Although I don't really feel like eating…."/ "At least have a snack, okay? Have you already told your mother to come?"/ "VJ has informed her. He's a changed man. But I'm very sorry that he's lost his father and his brother. He's doing a lot here at the moment, even delivering messages. He should be rewarded for it at some point"/ "then come up with something nice"… Blair smiled and nodded.
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Blair wanted to get to the small clinic as early as possible. Her hands were shaking and she was finding it hard to concentrate on anything at all. But when she heard Morgana's friendly voice, her nervousness eased at least halfway. "Good morning, Blair, glad you're here."
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Blair's mother was also already there. "Oh, my darling, how are you? Are you in pain? Is there anything I can bring you?"/ "I'm fine, Mom… We don't need anything right now, but thanks". In the meantime, Cy had a bit of small talk with Morgana, who also enquired about his condition.
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"nice dress "7 "well, let's say fitting appropriate to the circumstances, hnhn. How are you doing? Is the antibiotic working well?"/ "Fortunately yes, slowly getting better. I'm glad she hasn't caught it yet"/ "Pneumonia isn't usually contagious, but you have to be careful. Blair, shall we go then?"/ "mhm, yes".
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Morgana went into the first aid room with Blair, "all right, again for my better understanding… That woman provided your eye without any medical knowledge"/ "She did have knowledge, Morgana, she just used alternative methods. The splinter is out, but…just start, okay?". Morgana saw that Blair was nervously playing with her fingers. "All right, as a doctor, I haven't had a case like this yet, but I'm very curious."
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Morgana began to carefully remove the bandage from around Blair's head. She made sure that it wasn't too bright in the room. Because if you keep your eyes covered for a long time, they have to get used to the light again for a while. Then she was allowed to open her eyes. Susan found it difficult to look at her, "and?"/ "It looks good at first glance. I don't see any wound fluid or other secretions, everything is dry and clean"/ "But white, hm?".
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Morgana looked at her and nodded briefly with her eyes closed. "Well… I expected that. She had said that I was still lucky and didn't lose the whole eye, just the lens"/ "And she removed it really well. The eye has recovered. I can only see a few small black spots"/ "I've had them for many years, ask mom". Susan was still a little frozen. Until she finally responded "y-yes… That's right".
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"The… The ophthalmologist said it was nothing serious, just some kind of pigmentation on the sclera… My goodness, Blair…"/ "It's okay, Mom. I can still see out of the other eye, almost a bit better than before, hnhn. And… What do you say, Cy?"/ "I just see a beautiful woman. And Morgana's right, it looks good".
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Blair looked at her boyfriend. Then she breathed in and out a little shakily. "I'm so incredibly grateful to you, Cyclone, and Emma too. You've been looking out for me all this time. I've often felt so lost. But this… It's really something I can live with"/ "and I, I'm grateful to have you back too"/ "Oh, Mom." Blair stood up and hugged her mother.
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It was an emotional moment for everyone present. But especially for Susan, who never doubted that her daughter was still alive. "Why didn't dad come with me"/ "oh, you won't believe it. He was in the lab very early today and then shouted at the top of his voice that the internet was back, I can't believe it". A slight smile crossed Cy's face, but he spoke in a serious voice. "We still need to talk about this, confidentially, all of us".
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Morgana looked at him with wide eyes and almost whispered: "You really did it…". He looked a little embarrassed to the side. "I'm not one to brag, but yes, the internet is back on, thanks to me. With a few exceptions."/ "That's amazing, thanks, Cy. That opens up new possibilities for us," said Susan excitedly. "As I said, there are still exceptions."/ "And which ones?"/ "I can't keep the line open non-stop for 24 hours. It usually only works for a certain period of time. And I hope that not everyone goes in at the same time, otherwise everything will collapse again."
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"I hope that a solution can still be found," said Morgana expectantly. "I'll do my best. And what is this? Who's the lucky one?"/ "Still the same man." He looked at her in surprise. Because everyone knew that there were problems between Morgana and her husband from time to time. "really? Wow, congratulations"/ "thank you, we're happy"/ "and I'm happy for you, Morgana, that's wonderful"/ "thank you, Blair. Would you like to go outside now?". Blair took a deep breath. "I would love to. But alone, please… alright?". Susan looked at her daughter skeptically. But Cy reassured her, "She'll be fine, don't worry.
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Cyclone accompanied Blair outside. She had to blink hard for a moment. Until a few minutes ago, it had been pitch black for her. It took a little while for her eyes to adjust to the new situation, because it was brighter outside than she had thought, despite the bad weather. It was raining lightly, but the drops somehow felt good on her skin. "That's… Holly, isn't it?"/Yeah, it looks like it. I'll probably run into her parents sooner than I'd like"/"don't let them bother you, Cy, okay?".
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"I won't be bothered, not by them. And I bet they're just the puppets of those who are really responsible for all this"/ "you're still holding on to the idea that…"/ "It's a fact, not a conspiracy theory like some people want to make it out to be. And I'm not the only one saying that. So you want to explore a bit of the area now?"/ "mhm…"/ "o.k…. Take care of yourself… I love you". Blair smiled and gave him a deep kiss. Then she set off to be alone for a bit and get her own impression of the surroundings.
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End of this Part
@greenplumbboblover ☺
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autumnbrambleagain · 8 months
Hi, first time reader, first time caller. I ended up reading proselytize in between my various beginner runs in qud to keep me motivated. It's really good! You're a very talented writer with a great sense of pacing, character and style! I was just wondering though, do you have default builds for all the daughters of nafpor, or are they more like archetypes?
oh gosh thank you! i am always stunned at how well received proselytize has been, i'm glad people are enjoying it so much
i experiment a lot with them when i play them, so i have a lot saved, although TBH a lot of them are older characters from over a year ago
here's suir softbeast's canonical build, although this is just like. her base, larval form without any of her chimera stuff. there's a mod that lets you pick what your chimeric limbs are when evolving so you can have the exact same suir softbeast experience, the randomization of it means any future suir i play without that mod is going to be a radically different suir
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you'll notice her intelligence is like, pretty high! it's said in the game she ends up being one of the best tinkers in qud and just convinces herself she's only good for being a blodshedding hedonist. my suir build strats were pick every physical mutation i could get, get extra limbs, the usual chimera stuff. i used swords as my main for the DV bonus and lunge action economy stacking, and axes in all the other offhands for dismemberment procs
it uses the marshtaur sprite, although i'd wish in a tattoo gun and recolor her in all white and gray. if i ever played her again i'd probably modify the sprite to make her look more like herself
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here's tiyu-yutep's last build. psychometry isn't actually Very Worthwhile, but it was thematic and i'm the kind of idiot that will make a build for theme rather than efficiency. this is, in fact, a pretty BAD build, which I think is on its own level thematically important. the daughters of nafpor aren't all supertwinked hyperspecced characters, some of them just Played Good
normally i'd replace her sprite with a cat cherub sprite, but at this point next time i ever end up playing her i'd just make my own sprite for her
in actual gameplay i'd use precog and nectar to reroll mutations so i have a bespoke list of mental mutations stacked up as high as i can, and complement them with a ton of tinkered nonsense. tiyu-yutep's build is about maximizing options in every situation. something bad is happening? that's fine, i have 12 kinds of grenade, 10 mental mutations, and eight guns to solve it.
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that's one of my igwashim builds, unlike tiyu and suir being kinda jack-of-all-trades (my preferred style ngl) ig is very much a "scry, teleport in, blast everything to sleep, axe axe axe axe axe axe axe" build
mutation points aren't spent on new mutations at all, and exist just to fill out the efficiency of her existing mutations. i use a mod to make teleport more accurate at very high levels, because teleportation is my nonsexual fetish and i crave being able to pinpoint teleport after i hit level 10
still she isn't just a bump-attack character. maximize information gathering and ambush tactics, never play fair. appearance change wish to turn her tile into a crypt ferret's, naturally, although now that i've started fumping about with modding, i'd just like. actually make a clade so instead of it saying "Mutated Human" it'd say "Mutated Ferret" or something. make it so dromads don't call me human they call me "ferret" or something
her having Socially Repugnant would be appropriate narratively but i never bothered with it since she didn't need it, 10 ego is enough to represent her being a talking animal
i don't have any specific build saved for Savithvyr, she was one of my first Qud characters and was just a Fuming God-Child specced around agility, willpower, and intelligence, mostly using gas grenades of various kinds alongside the billowing conch. also not an optimal build! but it was fun. flood the zone with gas and just sorta stand back and pick at the survivors with a gun or stab them with triple-element gaslight kris
there's a mod that lets you play goatfolk which i used for naara, but in version updates i don't have it installed right now and i'll be honest i don't remember what i did with her much other than mental mutations
ooo-ho-OOO-EEE-ah and Buwofu-gawufoo were actually companions that Savithvyr and Suir picked up in-game, they were never characters i played directly but as companions they lasted so long they felt like they were part of those characters' identities and so they had to make the transition into the game proper.
the brambled fae's original build is NO LONGER POSSIBLE because they increased the cost of horns, which i think is HILARIOUS because why shouldn't it be an actual illegal build?
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not that it hasn't had a dozen different builds ANYway. it's my go-to most-used build and based off of one of my fursonas at its core, so it's the culmination of my bullshit jack-of-all-trades obsession.
MILD SPOILERS but ive posted it before on this blog anyway, it DOES have its own sprite since i still play variations on it regularly enough i made a sprite for it
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although that doesn't really represent what it looks like in the story
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that's getting a BIT closer to what it looks like when we finally get to the brambled pass
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