#but that's ok because so did bastard season 5
murasaki-cha · 13 days
Ok I finally read the Jester x Witch manhwa that has grabbed the entire manhwa twitter community by the throat and I LOVE IT!! I want at least 5 seasons of this and 50 side story chapters. Also I read that it's also thriller and mystery and I am SEATED!! GIMME MORE!!!
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Ok to explain some stuff
First of all this is not an official manhwa. It's for a competition on Naver and it will only get published if it wins. So far it has only one chapter.
The name is "어느 마녀의 회고록/ A Witch's Memoir"
It's set in the 16th century, and revolves around Lily, a witch who was captured as a young girl, during a witch hunt and is used by the king. She is contemned and feared by everyone in the castle while the (bastard) king keeps her captured to use her power to his advantage, as she is the last witch left alive after the hunt.
The only person who doesn't hate her is the new court jester, who always approaches her to mess with her and compliment her calling her beautiful. Lily has no idea why he does that and even when she tries to ignore him, he still continues with his compliments.
The genre of this webtoon is mystery-thriller-romance and it will have 3 chapter for the duration of the competition. It really intrigued me because, first of all the character designs are to die for LOOK AT THEM! And second of all, right of the bat, it gives the eerie mystery vibe and leave a lot of things unanswered which make you look forward to the next chapter.
First, is Lily actually a witch? From the moment she was captured and when she was presented to the king, she kept denying she was a witch. It was only because she saw the little boy she lived with that she did admit it. Is she actually a witch? Was the little boy a witch and she did it to protect him? There was a moment where magic is shown to be used when they're both playing but you can't tell who is using it.
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Is Jester the little boy? I'm pretty sure he is. Lily noted that he is the only person who doesn't fear her, when she is literally molded into and object of fear by the king. Even the webtoon synopsis brings his favor towards her into question. It would make sense if he was the boy. And even in the cover, we see Jester in a portrait, standing in front of a covered up black haired boy. That person does not look like the king to me. (but it would be tragic if it means we will lose his beautiful teal colored hair for some generic black please never change your hair your character design is so unique babygirl)
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Anyway if I managed to get you as hooked as I am into this, then use THIS LINK HERE to go to Naver webtoon, follow it and like the episode. So far it's one of the top competitors in the contest.
Edit: Also I'm gonna be completely honest, when I first saw this I had major Heartless flashbacks AND WE ALL KNOW HOW THAT ENDED (happily ever after of course obviously)
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fizziepopangel · 6 months
Fizzie’s Top 10: Hazbin Hotel Scenes & Why
These scenes are in no particular order since I’m mostly going by memory for this post. Enjoy😋
The Husk in chains scene (episode 5: Dad Beat Dad)
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Ok, so this scene is one of my favorites because we get to see the full extent of the fear Alastor puts in Husk, which honestly really humanizes him, which I think is really important for us to see as an audience because outside of when we see him with Angel, there isn’t quite much to his character that reminds us of just how human he is. This is also one of the first times we see how much control the great radio demon may have over the souls he owns (since we only get to see that Husk and Niffty).... And I am a sucker for seeing my favorite characters in similar positions (or much worse ones) than the one Husk was put in, and the switch flip from “I ain’t your fucking pet” to the utter fear in his eyes when Alastor turns the his anger on him, is amazing and lives rent free in my head.
Vaggie’s backstory (episode 6: Welcome to Heaven)
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Don’t come for me, but…. I’m actually part of the minority of the fandom that hadn’t realized that Vaggie was an Angel. I know, I know, looking back, it was kinda obvious, but I completely missed that so this was a big plot twist for me. This scene actually also solidified my enjoyment of Vaggie’s character too since I think this scene made her feel less like a somewhat one dimensional character since her scene from this point on seemed to have more depth without Charlie being the one to add that depth by being her girlfriend.
Angel telling Valentino off (episode 6: Welcome to Heaven)
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This scene had me fucking screaming!! First of all, on this page, we absolutely stan anyone who stands up to their abusers the way Angel did! We learn so much about Angel from the original Addict music video, and the Poison music video and it’s surrounding scenes, and even in Loser Baby, but I think we learn the most about Angel as a character and his deal with Valentino, and what his redemption arc may hold… All with a simple “fuck you” to the man who’s hurting him the most in this lifetime so far. I also love that this entire scene was brough on soley by the fact that he was protective of Niffty and his other friends.
“Nice try, fuckhead.” scene (episode 4: Masquerade)
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Seeing Husk fight in this scene was literally the highlight of my first watch of the episode. I love everything about this scene because I love seeing how protective Husk was of the other demon because, while Loser Baby was amazing, this was his true first show of genuine care (which led to the amazing song and dance). I really hope we get to see more of this dynamic in season two because I personally love protective Husk! And I would love to see his reaction to the tables being turned, and Angel protecting him. I don’t know, its just absolutely adorable in my head.
Niffty and Valentino scene (episode 6: Welcome to Heaven)
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This just made me laugh because this shows how untouchable and uppity he is…. Despite having to pay for Prime Video to watch the show, seeing Niffty just kinda put a little bit of fear in that heartless bastard was priceless.
Niffty’s stabby scene (episode 8: The Show Must Go On)
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When Charlie gave Niffty a blessed blade and told her to just stab any angel she saw, and she ended up stabbing Adam… The way I screamed when he went down! And then everyone’s reactions to the stabbing, and the way Niffty just kinda stares at them for a moment before just stabbing him repeatedly. There is just no way that this scene could not have made it on my top 10 list today.
Vaggie letting Lute live (episode 8: The Show Must Go On)
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I think that this scene shows a lot of the progress that Vaggie has made, and I think it shows a lot of the good in her that isn’t linked to Charlie. I knew that she did have some good in her after we see her backstory, but it seems like most of her good from that point on seems to revolve around her proximity to the princess of hell and we were missing out on who she was on her own, but Vaggie letting Lute live during their fight showed us a side of her that had nothing to do with Charlie and then her line after that, that “Live knowing that you only do because I let you.”.... Chills. Absolute chills and I loved this scene for her!
Alastor telling Mimzy to leave the hotel (episode 5: Dad Beat Dad)
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Ok, so first, I have to say that I love the difference in the way Alastor is with men vs the way he is with women… With that being said, I actually like the fact that he told Mimzy to leave the hotel, especially because he still kept his composure with her the way he seems to with most women. I think this showed a bit of Alastor’s true feelings toward the hotel and the demons residing in it, though I don’t think the man would openly admit it, I enjoyed the way it showed in this scene.
Our first look into Valentino’s hold over Angel in the studio (episode 4: Masquerade)
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We all knew that Valentino was the pimp that owned Angel’s soul, but I think seeing it really solidified how bad it was, and I like the range of emotions we see Angel go through in this scene and development it set up for Angel was absolutely beautiful.
“Yay pain!” scene (episode 3: Scrambled Eggs)
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Honestly this one was just funny as hell and I really enjoyed this little scene and I think this is one of the scene perfectly sums up Niffty's character.
Honorable Mentions:
Charlie’s reaction to how Valentino was treating Angel (episode 4: Masquerade)
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Honestly just seeing this side of Charlie is always interesting and I love to see it come out when her friends or her people in general are being threatened in some way. Her demon form flashing in anger like that is honestly one of my favorite things cause I am a sucker for my favorite characters being hurt, but a close second to that trope is when sunshine characters break down or snap in some way.
Niffty’s “If you see an angel stab it” scene (episode 8: The Show Must Go On)
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The fact that Angel had to jump up on that pole the way he did because Charlie put a deadly weapon in the little psycho's hands and didn’t specify what kind of angel Niffty was allowed to stab was hilarious to me. And then Angel’s stripper dismount from the pole made it even funnier to me.
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sunshine-overload · 4 days
[BSTS] Main Story Season 5 Finale 'Owner's Order' - Final
Part 5
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Chapter 18
-starless hallway-
kei (flashback): After the closing show tonight I would like to be bestowed the honour of escorting you home. Would that be ok? There's something I’m cautious about. Please allow me to protect you.
-starless restaurant area-
saki: (Kei-san looked so serious when I spoke with him earlier. I’ll just wait in my seat for him. The closing shows are over… They're probably announcing the result of the versus now.)
aogiri: Saki-san, thank you for coming to watch again tonight.
saki: I had fun. I like how different each team’s show was.
aogiri: Even if you perform in a team’s outfit different from your own it still forms a cohesive show. That's the Starless way. Speaking of, I was going to go and check what's happening behind the scenes. Would you like to come with me? Here, follow me quietly so the other customers don't notice.
-starless office-
iwami: Let's get on with the results then.
haseyama: Make it snappy, I don't want to be standing in this crappy room for too long.
unei: Sorry for the wait! I’ll announce the results now. The winner of the versus performance is– The boss’ team!
haseyama: Aha! Well would you look at that. I knew it would turn out this way from the beginning. That bastard Kokuyou did a good job huh. I’ll have to let Team W off the hook for now. And so, as the winner I get to give you an order right, Iwami?
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iwami: Yeah, that's what we decided. Though to be more exact I offered information.
haseyama: Good good, well before that there's some things I need to clear up. Now that I’ve been discharged the one running this store will be me. The temporary management team is disbanded. Kasumi and Takami can return to their usual duties.
unei: Whaaaaat!? No way! I can't do everything all by myself! Then, what about Yakou-san…? Will Yakou-san still be able to work with me?
haseyama: Who knows, we’ll see about that. He might say he doesn't want to work with you.
unei: N-no way!
haseyama: Well, that’s about it. Iwami, let's get this deal over with.
iwami: Sure. You're not someone that I want to talk to for longer than necessary either. I’ll leave wrapping the event up to you, Unei. And I’ll see you later, Haseyama.
Chapter 19
-break room-
nekome: There you are.
kokuyou: I’m leaving after this cigarette.
nekome: Good work on the versus performance. It was a great show. But man, I lost~ I was feeling lucky too. But well, as promised I’ll tell you one secret. What do you want to know?
kokuyou: …Huh? What are you blabbering about all of a sudden? You're asking that now after you just reappeared here and didn't explain a single thing?
nekome: Yep.
kokuyou: Because you won't tell him anything Taiga’s lost it.
nekome: You may be right~ And have you lost it too?
kokuyou: I’m… Fed up. You’ve always been a lazy ass, that's what I think.
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nekome: Ahahaha… Right. Then, I guess you don't want to know any–
kokuyou: I didn't say that. I won, yeah? So I’m getting that ‘secret’ you owe me. But not right now. When I tell you to talk, you’ll talk.
nekome: So you're deferring it to a later date?
kokuyou: Yes. So don't forget it, Nekome. You better answer my question properly when the time comes. 
–Wait, just now, I saw someone pass by the back of the hallway. It looked like more than one person.
nekome: Hm? I didn't even notice.
kokuyou: ……..
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Chapter 20
-starless hallway-
saki: Um, aren't we going to the office?
aogiri: Of course. It's just, before that there's something I’d like to ask you. I’d like you to tell me about yourself and Zakuro.
saki: Zakuro-san?
aogiri: I knew that the chances of you remembering would be very low but— It would be helpful if you remembered. Don't worry, I’ll assist you.
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-screen flashes white-
-BLACKSTAR bgm plays-
saki: (...I can hear music again. It's getting louder… I feel light headed.)
-screen flashes white-
saki: (My head hurts… Where am I–)
-screen goes black for a moment-
kei: Saki, pull yourself together!
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saki: …Kei-san?
kei: You look unwell, what happened?
saki: I felt like I could hear music… I don't really know what happened either.
kei: I see. You should head home for today. I’ll escort you.
saki: Thank you. Sorry for the trouble.
kei: It appears the time limit is fast approaching.
-season 5 credits roll-
-cut scene plays-
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In case anyone is curious, these are all the lines of text that flash on screen during the cutscene in order:
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Last part of the cutscene:
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Random tangent but I’m just confused. In both chapter 18 and 20 Hinata is the main icon and it shows that he’s in the chapters, yet he does not appear at all. It doesn’t make any sense. I initially thought this was a mistake but it’s been months and he’s still there so ???
If these icons are intentional, are they implying Hinata was sneaking around in the background of these chapters and that’s who Kokuyou saw? That doesn’t seem in character for Hinata though so is it implying this is his brother??
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EX 1
-starless office-
unei: …So, about our current management setup. The boss told me that the temporary management team has been disbanded.
takami: So we’ll just return to our normal duties then?
unei: Yes. Thank you so so much for all your help! Thanks to you guys I… I… (starts sobbing)
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kasumi: Ahaha, come on, there's no need to cry about it.
unei: But I really am truly grateful~! Plus now I’ll be working all on my own again…
kasumi: It’ll be ok. You can always still leave any odd jobs to me~
unei: Uu… Thank you~~!
yakou: Did the owner say anything about me?
unei: He did! Something awful! He said that you might not want to work with me anymore!
yakou: Huh? I don't think that, but…
unei: You didn't even hesitate!
yakou: No no that's not what I meant! I just have a lot to think about…
takami: Well the owner is back after all. I’m sure we all have lots to consider.
kasumi: Yep yep, for now I just want to celebrate the successful performance.
yakou: True. The shows both went off without a hitch. Now all I need to worry about is what my 'substitute owner’ title will change to.
unei: I know, how about we go out and have a little party?
takami: Party?
unei: A party to commemorate the temporary management team.
kasumi: Sounds like fun, I’ll participate.
yakou: Me too. I don't get to hang out with you guys often.
takami: I’ll come too then.
unei: You guys…! Thank you. I wish we could've continued working as a team~ 
EX 2
-iwami’s apartment-
iwami: Now then… I’d like to hear the report on that task I left you with. You’ve already looked into it, right?
-computer lights up-
b-lock-w: Hi, sup?
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iwami: No need for the childish greeting. And so, how’d it go? If the manufacturer of that black card replica is with the police, give me an OK.
b-lock-w: OK.
iwami: And you’re sure about this?
b-lock-w: TTT.
iwami: I see. Meaning… Haha, we’ve narrowed down who the culprit could be.
b-lock-w: dog?
iwami: To make such an extravagant copy and place it right into my courier’s pocket… There's only one person I know who would do that who’s also aware of all the strife behind the scenes. Thanks for the info.
b-lock-w: YW~:D
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EX 3
-starless hallway-
haseyama: Kongou, could you give me a ride?
kongou: A ride? Sure, but what for?
haseyama: Well~ It's hard to explain. Just consider it overtime since it's work related.
kongou: Ok… I’ll go and get my car then.
haseyama: Oh and wear your suit. I’ll tell you the place on the way.
kongou: Understood.
-time pass, fancy looking tatami room-
kongou: Um, owner, why did you bring me here…? Do I need to entertain guests for you? Cause I’m not very good at that…
haseyama: Just wine and dine for now. You're a chef right? You must like good food.
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kongou: Well, I suppose…
haseyama: You don't need to say anything. Here just pour the alcohol for me. Put the glasses out before you pour my drink, ok?
kongou: Ok.
haseyama: I’ll be counting on you. I’m only fresh out of hospital here.
kongou: Got it. So, what kind of guest is–
haseyama: Shh, they're here.
haseyama: Thank you for coming~ Please make yourselves at home. I received some most interesting information the other day, I’d love to let you in on it. Oh yes, this is one of my juniors, please introduce yourself.
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kongou: Ah, pleased to meet you…
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breezydaysoflife · 6 months
For the ask game!! 1, 4, 5, 7, 14, 18, 24! (I know it’s a lot lol sorry I couldn’t choose.) Also I will absolutely tag you in stuff!
If you ever want tumblr advice feel free to ask, I’ve been here for three or four years which seems short honestly to me LMAO
A lot is good! I like a lot! It's an excuse to post, and a lot of these really made me think lol
1. when did you first watch/discover good omens, and how did you find out about it?
I started watching somewhere last year, I think in late summer/early fall. As for why? My boyfriend! We're both neurodivergent, and if you think my Good Omens hyperfix is bad, his is worse. I finally let him bully me into watching it and it became a hyperfix that eventually evolved into a SpIn.
4. what is (if you read) your favorite good omens longfic?
Ok, I considered a little white lie here, but I'll be honest; it's you'll never be lonely (you're my only one) by ladydragona and SylWritesStuff. Omegaverse has always fascinated and comforted me, and this is probably one of the best I have read in any fandom, and definitely the best out of Good Omens. I love the ineffables' relationship in it and Warlock's characterization. I could rattle on abt this fic for paragraphs upon paragraphs but I'm not gonna do that to save everyone's sanity lol
5. what is (if you read) your favorite good omens one-shot?
Ok this one was hard because I read far more one-shots then longfics but after digging through my bookmarks, ultimately, it's i am just the (new invention) by littlesnowpea. It's cracky, it's sweet, Crowley is oblivious and Aziraphale's a bastard. I clocked him from the very beginning so the "YouTube comments" were and still are some of the funniest bits of any fanfiction I've read
7. what is your favorite underappreciated quote?
Help my memory is dying. Uh. I do not know that many quotes so it's probably not underappreciated but maybe one would be Crowley's "Lovely knowing you all. May we meet on a better occasion." From the body swap. It kinda gets drowned out by Gabriel's infamous line directly after but it always sends chills down my spine. Crowley's got Aziraphale down to such a science that he knows, without a doubt, that even when being faced by death, he'd fawn. He'd be polite. It's powerful.
14. what is your favorite good omens-coded song?
Take Me To Church, 100%. No questions asked.
18. what is your favorite moment through history, and why?
It's a basic bitch answer and I know it's a basic bitch answer but it's the 1941 church scene, ok? Nothing can beat it for me.
24. what's a theory for season 3 that you NEED to be included?
Crowley's gonna be mean. Like. Really mean. And while I know we all want and need(heh) them to get their happy ending, it's not gonna be right away. I want to see that anger, that frustration, that pain. I also want Aziraphale to snap at some point. I want them to know just how much they've hurt each other so they can actually work on fixing it.
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hadesismybaby · 2 years
No one asked, but I made a comprehensive list of Ryan Corr’s movies/shows and if they are worth watching.
Here is how they will be graded: 1 to 5 Strong Bastards: The movie/show on it’s on 1 to 5 Perfect Curls: How much Ryan is in it
I’ll also add a little description about my general opinion on each.
Note to Ryan Corr and any associate: Please ignore. Thank you.
I divided between TV Shows and Movies, the list is long. I'm sorry.
PS¹: This is the list of stuff I watched, not everything he did PS²: I won’t talk about his acting, the dude can act, and it'd be redundant to say the same thing all the time
Ok! Let’s go and do this
TV Shows
In Limbo Banished
House of the Dragon (S1):
Show: 4.5 Strong bastards I’m guessing everybody that is here saw it. So you know
Ryan Factor: 1 Perfect Curls It’s only one curl, but when he appears on the screen he is perfect
Show: 4 Strong bastards It’s a good show about mental health and general struggles, and how people deal with problems, from patients to staff. It's very heavy, and you need to be in the mood to watch it. There are too many characters and the episodes are divided with their story and how they interact between them.
Ryan factor: 2 Perfect Curls He is kind of too good for his own good. There is a sad sex scene that shouldn’t happen, but you can’t blame him for it. Appears heavily in a few episodes, but once his story ends, don’t expect much of him on screen.
The Secrets She Keeps:
Show: 4 Strong Bastards If you like thriller/suspense, watch it. It has some left and turns that are predictable, but still enjoyable, some infuriating characters (I got frustrated multiple times) but good acting all around.
Ryan factor: 3.5 Perfect Curls He doesn’t appear a lot on the first season, but he is there (looking sad and confused), second season he is way more on-screen, and he looks so good (understatement). And we have dork dance, interaction with kids (all your Modern Harwin AU fantasies). Just peek dad vibes.
Hungry Ghosts:
Show: 3 Strong Bastards This show starts so strong and ends kind of meh. The resolution and relationships seem rushed and dragging at the same time. BUT it is fascinating to see aspects of a different culture and as per my (very shallow) research Hungry ghost is a real thing in Buddhism, and they even have a festival.
Ryan factor: 2 Perfect Curls He is the skeptical white guy in the show, even after seeing some crazy shit. He shows up here and there, but not too much. He looks good but he always looks good, is a doctor, some people like that.
The Commons:
Show: 4.5 Strong Bastards I love the concept of this show, in the very near future the world went to shit (even more) because of global warming, it’s not difficult to see the reality they live in. My only main problem is with the main character, she always wants her cake and eat it too.
Ryan factor: 4 Perfect Curls Just my favorite Ryan character. Very smart, but very unserious scientist that looks like (in my humble opinion) the total package. His interactions with his goddaughter are perfect and I’d kill for them.
My Life Is Murder (S1E06):
Show: 3.5 Strong Bastards Murder of the week type of show. I like because even with murders it has a sort of light heart vibe to it, it’s not like Law and Order: SVU (or any of that kind) that everything looks sad and wet all the time. Also, Xena the Warrior Princess is the detective.
Ryan Factor: 3.5 Perfect Curls Family man who just lost his brother, very sad. His wife is super pregs, so yay for family and Dad Ryan.
Bloom (S1):
Show: 4.5 Strong Bastards About youth and regret. Most of the cast is older and when they eat this little fruit, they become young again and kind a new lease in life. I don’t want to say much because of spoilers. It’s a really well made show, you can feel the desperation on their actions.
Ryan Factor: 3.5 Perfect Curls It starts with Ryan taking his clothes off and running on the street, a great beginning. We see a lot of him, he’s one of the people who is older and eats the fruit. Ryan was more of the antagonist. He’s interacting with a kid, but more of the older brother vibes.
Cleverman (S1):
Show: 2 Strong Bastards CW level entertainment. There is a good message behind, if you skint and look from afar they did a good job with the message. The main is also a problem, he’s very passive and doesn’t want to do anything.
Ryan Factor: 2.5 Perfect Curls He’s the protagonist's BFF, when he shows the character is fun. But he doesn’t show much, he is not involved with the main plot in the first 4 episodes.
Wanted (S1E01-02):
Show: IDK how many Strong Bastards Two very different ladies become friends after they are kidnapped, also police corruption. I only watched the first 3 episodes, so I can really say much about the show.
Ryan Factor: 3 Perfect Curls (only 2 first episodes) Maybe the worst kidnapper ever? He looks good in a bulletproof vest, and way over his head.
Blue Water High (S2):
Show: 3.5 Strong Bastards (For a kids show) I’ll never shut up about this show. It was what made me fell in love with AUS teen dramas. It's about a bunch of teens competing to see who wins a sponsor and a place in an international surf comp. (Spoiler: Ryan’s character wins it) They all live together, they are friends and fight, all that. As a kids show I think it is good and it passes a very good message, the kids make mistakes, they are punished by it but never villainized.
Ryan Factor: 4.5 Perfect Curls (The show doesn’t have a lead) He was 16/17 when this was filmed, his hair is a disaster (but very mid 2000s) and I can’t even explain how this is the same person as Harwin Strong. Looks like he’s having a lot of fun.
High Ground:
Movie: 4 Strong Bastards Very good movie about how colonizers think they’re better than anyone else and justice doesn’t apply to them. I think it’s based on a real story about a massacre in northern Australia.
Ryan factor: 0.5 Perfect Curls Glorified extra. I think he has 2 lines in the whole movie, he’s a priest.
Ladies in Black:
Movie: 3.5 Strong Bastards It’s a cute movie, heavy subject but they manage to make it cute and light. It’s about immigration and sexism, but they don’t go too deep into either and everything is solved with the power of love.
Ryan factor: 3 Perfect Curls He’s a Hungarian immigrant in Australia looking for a wife, he has an accent, he falls in love. He is adorable in it.
Movie: 2 Strong Bastards Outlaw Motorcycle club, they ride bikes and do outlaw stuff. Look, the movie isn’t good and there are a couple of SA scenes. I hate every character (except Ryan’s and his brother). The actors and direction are good, but the lack of depth and character development kills the movie.
Ryan Factor: 5 Perfect Curls He’s the lead (YAY!) and the only reason to watch the movie*. Exasperated, loving and sexy are the words I can use to describe his character.
*or any other actor if you like them.
Movie: 4.5 Strong Bastards I don’t even know where to start with this one. It’s crazy and violent, also about a very important subject (I sense a theme here) about refugee detention centre and how desperate people do anything.
Ryan factor: 5 Perfect Curls He’s the main, and embodies the unhinged nature of the movie very well. He is a grifter who would do anything for money, but you can see deep down he's a good man and cares about people.
A Few Less Men:
Movie: 4 Strong Bastards This movie is all comedy. The 3 main guys have to take their dead friend's body back to England, but they have 2 brain cells between the 3 of them. A lot of shenanigans.
Ryan factor: 2.5 Perfect Curls Ryan’s character is back in England and he screams with the mains via phone a lot. Looks like he’s having a lot of fun with the part. Looks great in pastels.
Ali's Wedding:
Movie: 4.5 Strong Bastards If you like romantic comedies, watch it. It’s a real story about a muslin guy falling in love in a community they can’t really date, plus he feels a lot of pressure to be the perfect son.
Ryan factor: 0.5 Perfect Curls White guy in the movie, he’s in it to throw in a few funny lines, but the story isn’t about him, and he’s just another glorified extra.
Hacksaw Ridge:
Movie: 4.5 Strong Bastards Another true story, Andrew Garfield is a super religious guy who wants to be a medic in war but doesn’t want to hold a gun because god doesn’t like guns. It loses 0.5 point because the beginning drags a bit. But it is a very good movie once we’re in the war zone.
Ryan factor: 1 Perfect Curl He shows up mid movie, dies and that is it. But he looks very good all bloody.
Holding the Man:
Movie: 4.5 Strong Bastards True story (another theme), about a gay couple in the 80s - 90s during the AIDS epidemic. The movie kind of rushes in some parts, but you can feel they really love each other. It’s sad, but not one of those movies where people don’t know how to laugh.
Ryan factor: 5 Perfect Curl Main character, we see him in most scenes and there is a lot of skin. It’s hard to thirst over him when the subject is AIDS, but he’s so good in this movie. it’s just a little weird to see him in HS age with a 30 y/o face and body.
The Water Diviner:
Movie: 4 Strong Bastards I think it is a true story, if not, it looks like one. Russel Crowe loses his sons and goes to the place they died to try to find their bodies. It’s a very loving and sad movie. It’s been a while since I watched, I don’t remember a lot about it, I just remember I liked it.
Ryan factor: 1 Perfect Curl He’s one of the Russel’s kids, he only shows up in the beginning and has a lovely moment with Russel Crowe. But hey, Jai Courtney is in the movie and he’s very hot.
Wolf Creek 2:
Movie: 4 Strong Bastards Slasher!!! Brutal slasher, the kind of movie you feel anxious watching. The killer is HORRIBLE, a disgusting human being. It’s also loosely based on true stories from the 90s - early 2000s about the murders of turists in the Australian outback. I hate the couple in the beginning, too many dumb decisions.
Ryan Factor: 4 Perfect Curls He is not in the beginning, but he shows up and the killer hunts him. We see him suffer A LOT. He’s not dumb, which is good.
The end
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scarlettatg · 2 years
The Handmaid’s Tale
Parallels in episode 506 Together
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Episode 104 Nolite te Bastardes Carborundorum:
Look, I'm sorry this is happening to you. I wish.
You wish what? What do you wish?
Episode 506 Together:
I'm sorry. Sorry. I just... it's just when I... When I think of you in places like this, by yourself, I just wish... I wish I could've been the kinda guy that could've come and got ya. And I know how that sounds, I just... I just wish I could've been with you through that.
You were with me. You were.
It’s interesting to me how both men tell June I wish, implying they wished they could do more. Nick doesn’t finish his statement maybe because he knows he can’t do much but he apologizes for the situation June is in showing empathy and understanding to what she’s going through; especially after her emotional meltdown in the car minutes before. Nick tried to protect her, he tired to get her out of Gilead; he gave her love and he made her feel safe enough to be vulnerable. Helping June had risks and he paid for them, but he also had to stand by unable to do anything, knowing there were times she was being mistreated and times where he had to make horrible choices. Nick was completely selfless, letting her and his daughter go believing the right place for her was to be out of Gilead always assuming she would go back to Luke. By contrast Luke couldn’t do any of the things Nick was able to do so he waited, expecting and needing her to come back to him. Expecting things to be the way they were before. Luke wants June to be ok and safe but he believes the way June is ok is by being who she was before. In season 4 we really see how he he’s unable to understand. This season we can see him trying and accepting this new version of June, but for the wrong reasons. He simply doesn’t want to lose her so he’ll accept things he wouldn’t have before and he will try to mold himself to her; just like she has had to mold herself to him. He feels inadequate for not being able to take care of June like Serena implied Nick did in episode 504. Luke is experiencing for the first time what June experienced for 7 years and he makes it about how he feels, so she feels she has to make him feel better. When she says that he was with her it appears her expression doesn’t match her words and there’s a sadness between them. It’s like they appear to be Together while being miles apart. June thought about Luke in terms of her family and what she lost. The one that was able to be with her and be that kind of guy, was Nick.
I also think it’s interesting that in that moment with Nick, without really knowing anything about him other than he’s a guardian, she was extremely vulnerable in the car. Then after he apologizes she was defiant. His mask slips when he tells her that he wished showing vulnerability. For June that wasn’t enough so she left him there with his hand outstretched and got out of the car on her own. She didn’t cater to him, she didn’t feel threatened or scared by his presence and the fact that he is a guardian. There was a level of trust there because he could’ve had her arrested and so could she. Throughout season 5 we still haven’t seen June feel comfortable enough to be this way with Luke.
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Episode 104 Nolite te Bastardes Carborundorum:
I can help you. It could be the only way for you. If Waterford can't get you pregnant, they won't blame him. It'll be your fault. It'll only take a few minutes, honey.
Episode 506 Together:
I was just wondering... I, of course, have spoken to Ryan and Al an is about this, who encouraged me.
Encouraged you to do what?
To ask if you would like to have dinner with me...
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Episode 104 Nolite te Bastardes Carborundorum:
It has been so hard. Being alone in that room all the time. I know Mrs. Waterford is, is trying to teach me a lesson. I know. I know she's right. I have so many flaws. But it has been so long. I'm afraid I'm starting to give up. I certainly wouldn't want to give up. Like my friend.
Episode 506 Together:
Bear witness. She's taken so much away from me. I need to see it. I need to see the end. I want to tell my son that I know what happened to his father's killer. That she's gone from the Earth.
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Episode 104 Nolite te Bastardes Carborundorum:
There was an Offred before me. She helped me find my way out. She's dead. She's alive. She is me. We are Handmaids. Nolite te bastardes carborundorum, bitches.
Episode 506 Together:
Even if it is the slightest discomfort, Ezra will bring you home immediately.
Oh, I know
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Episode 101 Offred
Someone is watching. Here, someone is always watching. Nothing can change. It all has to look the same. Because I intend to survive for her. Her name is Hannah. My husband was Luke. My name is June
Episode 506 Together
I'm going for a walk.
Well, no, it's too cold. And Dr. Landers said you need to rest.
Perhaps we need to organize a conversation between you and Commander Lawrence... Absolutely not. You need to rest. Your baby needs to rest. That's final.
Al an is.
Go to your room.
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Episode 103 Late: A rose is a rose, except here. Here it has to mean something.
Episode 208 A Woman’s Work: And thank you for the flower.
Episode 506 Together: I just love that the more you cut back some flowers, the more they bloom.
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go-to-the-mirror · 1 year
i think it's absolutely rigged that this episode falls on april fools day actually. APRIL FOOLS! everything is still awful actually
Hi howdy this episode is so sad :( I'm so sad constantly about this episode. this episode. :( can't wait until the FUN season 5 bits where it's like they're GAY and there are so many ANALOGIES! instead we just have to wallow in sadness for a bit. so upset!! aa!!
Anyway yeah, lets go. I think when I listened to it at first I was really upset that I was at the end, like I was thinking "oh no I'm nearly at the end" back with 151. I still haven't listened to goodbye for now because it just makes me really sad that my favourite podded cast is over. I mean, good thing it's not now, but I still don't think I can make myself listen to it. I did put off MAG 200 for a while, and then when I actually did listen to it I immediately read Citrus' (CirrusGrey) fics about it.
Which, speaking of, it's season 5 time!!! Fuck dude it sure is! Not only a relisten, but a reread of all Citrus' fantastic fics!! YEAH!!! Ok, ok, ok, getting on with it now.
MARTIN You had- rum and raisin, and taught us all about emulsifiers.
He has the ice cream taste of a grandmother. Oh, also, funny story. So, we were getting ice cream, right, and I saw rum and raisin, and I got really upset, because Jon Sims had rum and raisin ice cream, and also the world ended. I don't- everything is a TMA reference with me, once someone asked me to open the door and I started laughing, because Jon Sims opened a door.
It's... very... odd.
Killing and maiming. I hate him so much. Die. Fucking die.
JONAH He didn’t have to. Nothing escapes my notice, and I like to keep an eye out for this sort of thing.
This guy is COMICALLY evil. like, not only does he end the world, but he ruins a cake surprise? why is he such a bastard?
ARCHIVIST Uh- thirty-eight.
TIM, SASHA, MARTIN (Crosstalk) -Jon. JONAH (Crosstalk) -Archivist.
WHY??? Literally, like, why, why, why is he like this, why, why??? Why did he do that? Why is he such an asshole? Why.
ARCHIVIST If I wish for you all to go away, do you think it’ll work?
WHY ARE WE GETTING HIT WITH THE DRAMATIC IRONY BUS? WHY? "If I wish for you all to go away, do you think it'll work" STOP NO, WHY, WHYYYY...
it just makes me really sad.
ARCHIVIST I can’t tell you.
Your honour I am holding him gently.
JONAH He wished for a little bit of peace and quiet.
It's one thing to manipulate someone into ending the world, it's quite another to SHARE THEIR WISH? Dude. Why is he like this? This does nothing for him? He has taken one of Jon's only happy memories from working at the hell that's called an archive and twisted it into "oh boy, look at all that pain." For no fucking reason except to be evil. Killing and murder.
MARTIN Oh! Uh, (slight laugh) I mean- I don’t- normally- drink wine, you know- t-tannins are a proven headache trigger, and so-
Ooh! Fun fact! Rooibos tea has low tannin compared to other tea, therefore, Martin drinks rooibos tea, I make the rules.
TIM Oh! Yeah! I- just thought it might be nice, you know, something to look back on when we’re all old and sick of each other.
ARCHIVIST (Crosstalk) (Under his breath) Oh, hypocrite.
I hate that it sounds friendly, like they're getting annoyed at each other in a friendly way, that Jon is friends with Tim and Sasha. Hate it. So much. Headinhands.
TIM (Crosstalk) Alright, alright, fine, look. I’m turning it off. Any last words for your future selves? ARCHIVIST Yes. Fire Tim!
[Pause with clothing rustles]
ARCHIVIST It’s not- (struggling) you’re not the one who ended the world. (Archivist breath shows he’s close to tears)
Oh my god leave me alone. Stop it! Stop it!! It's just. Like. Christ. Oh my god. Oh my god. I can't even word properly, I just want to give him a hug, I just want him to be okay. Fuck, dude.
Why's jonny such a good voice actorrrr :(
MARTIN Are we still safe? ARCHIVIST Y-Yes. It- It doesn’t want to harm me. MARTIN And me? ARCHIVIST I won’t let it.
I like the way Jon's voice is in the "it doesn't want to harm me." Like it's sort of vaguely hysterical.
ARCHIVIST I’m just- I’m mourning a world I killed- MARTIN (Placating) I know- ARCHIVIST (Increasingly fervent) and we’re all trapped in its rotting corpse!-
I like this bit a lot. I think it's neat. I'm gay and I like rot. I need to read... what was it, thirteen stories I think? That's got the rot. I like the rot. 10/10 on the rot. Like hnmmn what Jane Prentiss says about the dead god, a world that was alive, was sentient, now dead, rotting with maggots and flies all over it, flesh squishy and yielding but also firm at the same time like a bruised apple, trapped on an actually dead corpse of a world.
That would be neat!!
ARCHIVIST Can you imagine? If we’d had this? MARTIN But we didn’t though, did we. ARCHIVIST No— MARTIN So there’s no point in dwelling.
ooOOOoooh title drop
but also... </3 like he could have kept them. he could have not done that. he could have not put the fucking solution to everything right after it becomes moot.
ARCHIVIST Healthy? I am an Avatar of voyeuristic terror, who unquestioned craving for knowledge has condemned the entire world to an eternity of torment; healthy i-isn’t- i,it’s not
I've written this so much on like every test, it lives in my mind rent free, it's hhnrnhrnnh holding it gently <3 like i don't even know what to say, this is a far cry from the whole mag 160 thing where it lived in my head rent free and so does a lot of words about it, here it's just... a lot of reaction images.
ARCHIVIST Why not? It- It’s quiet, here, and I have you.
ARCHIVIST No, it’s- I love you, I just— I need more time.
headinhands (good)
read it. it's so good.
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inkpens-coffee · 1 year
Maruki Week 2023 - Day 5 🍎
Empathy / Recovery / Past Times
“Maruki? Maruki? MARU!”
“Eh?!” Takuto sat upright in bed, rubbing the fatigue from his eyes. I overslept, is his first thought. Then he gasps when he realizes he can’t breath through his nose. He almost panics until a pair of hands gently push him to lay back down. Ren is standing next to the bed in his uniform, a concerned look on his face.
“What time is it? I’m gonna be late—ah, my head feels funny…” Takuto slurred.
“Maru, you look like shit,”
“That isn’t nice…”
“I already called you in sick.” Ren moved two pillows behind Takuto’s head, then took a mug of hot tea from the nightstand. “Here, drink this. I’m gonna make you something to eat. How does your tummy feel, do you think you can stomach some rice?”
“You have school!”
“I can miss a day.”
“No, Ren, go to school. I’m fully capable of taking care of myself.”
Ren raised an eyebrow at him and pursed his lips. A deep sigh left Takuto’s mouth and he dropped his head.
“Ok, maybe not fully capable but I’ll be fine. I’ve had sick days by myself plenty of times.”
“Hmm… Alright. But absolutely no working! Just relaxing and recovering! Promise?”
“Ok sweetheart, I promise.”
Takuto took a small drink of his tea, the steam lightly clearing his sinuses. It took a little more pushing to get Ren out the door—he wanted to be late so he could at the least cook breakfast for his sick friend. But soon enough the boy was gone and Takuto was alone.
After finishing his tea, Takuto slept for another hour until his bladder woke him up. Then he took hot shower, zoning out under the comforting cloud of steam and hot water. But once he was lying back in bed, Takuto didn’t know what to do next. Doing nothing was his definition of torture, why just sit there when he could do literally anything? Even as a child his brain needed constant stimulation otherwise he’d start crying hysterically.
But he promised Ren he’d relax today.
On the other hand… Takuto did find relaxation in being productive. So technically working would be relaxing, right? Before he could let his thoughts go further, the doorbell rang.
Takuto left his bed and answered the door. Rumi and Shibusawa were waiting for him, both carrying full convenience store bags. The two of them didn't wait for Takuto to say anything before entering.
“Hey, Takuto, how’s your fever?” Shibusawa says as he walks past him to the kitchen.
“Wow, you look like shit.” Rumi stated.
“So I’ve been told… Why are you two here?”
“Ren texted us and said you were sick, so we’re here to look after you!” she grinned.
Of course he did, the cheeky little bastard. Takuto yelped when Rumi lifted him up by his waist and carried him back to bed.
“I told Ren I could take care of myself!” He whined. “Don’t you have work at the flower shop today?!”
“Nope! And Shibu is off too because he pissed off the bride!”
“I didn’t piss her off, they just canceled!” Shibusawa cried from the kitchen.
“Same thing!” Rumi faced Takuto with a smile. “He’s making us Feel Better Udon! When was the last time we had that, huh?”
Feel Better Udon. It was just regular, lightly seasoned udon noodle soup with diced scallions sprinkled on top. Growing up, money was tight and meals weren't anything special, so when little Takuto was sick, his mom would make udon noodles, claiming they'd make him feel better. Years later, he discovered she had been hiding his medicine in broth. Even so, he still asked her for udon whenever he wasn't feeling well.
Takuto smiled fondly. He missed having udon with his mothers.
“It has been a while. Thanks—achoo!” Takuto bashfully rubbed his nose while Rumi giggled.
“Hold on, babe, I got some cold medicine for you to take too. Then we can all watch a movie! Ooh, I should see if Ren Ren can get some ice cream when he gets out of school!” she said excitedly as she left the room.
Takuto nestled back against the pillows, the sound of Rumi and Shibusawa squabbling oddly soothing to him. He hummed and shut his eyes.
I should visit Mama and Mom soon…
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farieshades · 2 years
...... I had a ask. I did really. But I can't remember it so now I'm just sipping my coffee staring into space like a badly written fanfic.
What would you change about Supernatural? (Yes Far the TV show)
I do like how you included “For the TV show” knowing full well that I could and would rant about mythology and the supernatural/paranormal for hours. 
In the earlier seasons, this made a lot of sense. There was an intrinsic fear the audience held for the characters. A “Oh no, what’s going to happen, will x survive?” but, over time the Brothers gained too much ‘power’. It wasn’t that they obtained really any special ability (although, that could very well be argued in certain seasons) but by the end of it they were just humans fighting against darkness encroaching upon others. 
From a writing standpoint, there was a need to make the characters stronger I suppose, as soon as you introduce angels and Chuck, but really, each season tried to up the ante of what came before. - You Fought and Won against Azazel? Time to Introduce Lucifer - You Fought and Won against Lucifer? Time to introduce another bastard. 
I mean really, what is the progression? Meg/Azazel > Azazel > Lilith x2 > Lucifer > Eve / Crowley (and Castiel somehow) > Leviathans and Politics > Crowley and Metatron > Abaddon > Mark of Cain or Rowena?> The Darkness/Amara > British Men of Letters/Lucifer (how are you still here didn't we deal with you already? Why are we bringing Lucifer back into plots) > Lucifer/Apocalypse World Michael > AW Michael > God himself. 
It was similar, in my mind, how Buffy TVS goes up against her BBEG’s who do progressively get worse, but, not in the same way? The Master (simple, evil, background bad guy who is a genuine threat when he shows up those few times throughout the seasons w/ parallel world bullshit) > Spike/Drusilla (easy fight at anytime as they are just vampires tho they add plenty to the plot - then again, the two collectivelly killed 4(?) slayers) > The Mayor (who is of course evil, we love evil polititions in fantasy, right Dick Roman? At least Dick Roman didn't turn into a giant snake, he just... kinda ate people?>The Initiative-Adam (Shadowy government making a frankenstein killing machine that doesn't obey orders like they hoped) > Glory (we love gods of alternate hellwords being exiled to earth and somehow living the life of luxury) > Dark Willow + The Three Idiots of Geekdom (Willow was great actually and it caused a lot of things to go tits up - The trio, however, sucked but they did cause the dark Willow so ... shrug?) > The First Evil (which is great, supposedly end-of-times bad who you need to show power of friendship or something to combat and stuff, but it was also very downplayed)
But Back to SPN - the BBEG’s just get stronger and stronger and at some point there’s no fear or thrill in hunting them, and the Monster-of-the-week episodes as filler pose absolutely no threat to the brothers whereas when we were in season 1-3 the monster-of-the-week was terrifying and, well, followed a familiar script that worked. 
So, keeping the brother’s at the same level as they were would be a change I’d make. Not in…. Like, ok, they get more confident in themselves because they are good hunters, definitely some of the best, but they surpass cocky and confident in their actions [which i blame writers irl but also John Winchester to make the characters actually work in this way - he makes them think this is the way they must act and they do type of deal]. 
The Apocalypse (Season 5)
Another change I’d probably do would be to separate the series into two different types. SPN could have ended at the end of Season 5. We lost Sam, but the Apocalypse is prevented. A good hero-arc, sacrifice, and well you get the bittersweet pain of knowing that this wouldn’t have happened if not for the first episode. It would finish perfectly, Dean must live with the knowledge that he brought his brother back into hunting, while Sam becomes a tragic hero making the ultimate sacrifice… Maybe I just like angst. 
Season 6+ could very easily be a continuation, sure, but in more of a spin-off sense. Bringing back soulless Sam makes the sacrifice almost silly the previous season. 
I do like the seasons as they are, but that’s just how my head is structuring a lot of it. I do like how the characters grew, the side characters getting introduced, the family background we slowly learn (how is it that all the campbells show up and no past winchesters do barring whats-his-name grandpa man? More american men of letters from history would be more interesting than whateverthefuck the british MoL were doing.)
Or hell, switch it around like a DW season and have new hunters replace people and its no longer Winchester Brothers but the entire community taking on more and more bad, instead of constantly upping the crisis you could see different places of the world rather than America/Canada/UK, you could see hunters in Russia or Japan or India. -- It wouldn’t have likely been a idea at the time of filming it, but that’s an interesting thought to be sure.
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infoglitch · 1 year
Nexus: ogre slayer [1/5]
(Ayo ya fucks guess who's back to torment you all once again. I am currently going through a rwby brain rot so you might be asking "well why isn't this Rwby: fate or Rose reaper and her dork Knight?" Because motherfucker writing stuff while you're in brain rot that is related to the thing that's causing you brain rot is not good. So fuck you. I do what I want.)
(anyway enjoy you sick bastards.)
[season 1] "face to face"
We see a young lucius standing in front of a bloody battle field as he saw his father removing his infamous battle axe from a bloody corpse.
He felt himself tremble as his father faced him. He slowly walked towards, his grey charcoal skin emanating a flaming hatred.
His father stopped in front of him, his eyes glowing red as his black bull like horns sparked crimson electricity into the air.
He raised his battle axe and then.
Lucius shot up from the bed he was in, in a cold sweat he looked around. He had to make sure blossom was ok. He kept looking until he saw her sleeping soundly.
Lucius sighed in relief and heard a door open. His eyes shot over to a doctor entering. "I see your finally awake, I'm doctor Matthews and I'd like to ask you some questions " doctor Matthew says as Lucius slowly nodded. "Ok tomorrow I'm... I'm tired"
The doctor noded and left. Lucius just sat there and looked over at blossom. "We finally made it sis" lucius said softly. He reached over to his sister and caressed the side of her face. His hand glided over her face to the top of her head and pated it.
It was him and her now. In this new, bizzare, safe world.
"I wouldn't have it any other way" lucius said to himself.
The next day had arrived and we see Lucius and blossom sitting in front of a table holding each other close. Then the doctor, a blonde boy, and a brunette enter the room and sat down in front of them at the three chairs.
"I'd like to introduce you to the two hunters who found you and brought you here Johnson red, and Xander oakgreen." Dr Matthew said
"Just so you know I'm Johnson" the blonde- Johnson said. Blossom simply shrinks back behind Lucius. "Well it's nice to meet you both but anyway what do you three want from us" lucius asked.
"I just have some questions to ask after that you'll be home free." Dr Matthew said as he took out a clip board. "First off your names please" Matthews continued as he adjusted his glasses. Lucius took a deep breath "my name is Lucius Blackwell I'm 28 and my blood type is B-." Lucius said with the utmost respect. "And this is my sister blossom Blackwell she's 2 years younger than me and her blood type is the same as me B-" he continued saying. The doctor simply looked at the two then went back to his clipboard and scribbled some notes.
"Now as much as I believe some of your story I know for a fact your blood type is not B-, it's safe to say you don't even have a blood type" the doctor said. Lucius just stared at him wide-eyed this man could see right through him.
"You see the doc may or may not have a taken some of your blood as samples and he discovered two things" Johnson said rubbing the back of his neck. "One you have no registered blood type and two your blood is too dense to be from a human. So be honest with us lucius what exactly are you" the doctor said finishing Johnson's sentence.
Lucius just sat there silent, should he reveal the fact that he's a demon? what if these people hunt demons after all the doctor did say the two people sitting right next to him were hunters.
Lucius didn't know what to do so he took a breath and took a Gambit. He never could have his father's silver tongue so might as well see how things go. "I am, well me and my sister are demons" Lucius said with a serious expression on his face.
Johnson went wide eyed but Matthew and Xander didn't seem to really care. "Why is only one of you surprised?" Lucius asked. "Well you see we hunters have known about hells existence for a long time, Johnson over here is well... he's still fresh to The Business of being a hunter so he's a little shocked is all " Xander explained.
Lucius just looked at Xander. "So wait you knew about hell's existence? you've known about demons why did you never.. how do you..... I'm sorry what?" Lucius said dumbfounded. "Trust me man i'm right here with you, I'm just confused as well" Johnson said.
"Well regardless now that you finally revealed the truth Lucius, now that we know you're a demon now we can go to the real question who are your parents?" Matthew asked. there was nothing but piercing silence in that room in that moment. "I don't want to talk about it..." Lucius said. "Our father is Lucifer Blackwell and her mother is Lilith Eden." Blossom spoke up. Lucius looked at his sister in shock.
"My brother came to this world t-to help you p-pathetic humans! YOU SHOULD BE GREAT FULL YOUR BEING HELPED BY THE NEXT DEMON KING!" Blossom shouted attempting to hide her fear.
The doctor just looked at the two then pushed up his glasses. "Lucius is this true" the doctor asked. Lucius just noded vigorously.
"Well then" Xander said standing up he looked towards Lucius and stuck out his hand. "Welcome to the hunter foundation" he continued.
Lucius looked at the hand of xander for a moment and then took it shaking his hand. "I guess you'll be with me and then for now until we can get you to an assigned unit" Johnson said leaning back in his chair.
Then Lucius removed his hand and put it back in his pocket. "So wait what about me and my sister where are we going to live since you know that we aren't from here" lucius asked.
"For right now you two will live in the barracks. I can take blossom there right now but Lucius if you're going to be a hunter you need an assigned weapon" the doctor said.
Lucius nodded and then Johnson stood up and him and Xander led Lucius to the armory.
Once they're lucius stood in front of hundreds if not thousands of weapons. Somewhere swords somewhere rifles some are Spears some more hammers but then there is a pair of silver axes on the wall.
Lucius felt something as he stared at the two axes. Both of his hands sparked with electricity and he out stretch them and then the axes had flung to him as he caught them.
He felt the same purple lightning crackling through his hands into the axis as he looked at his two new weapons.
"Looks like we got ourselves our own equivalent to thor" Xander said chuckling. Johnson slug Xander in the arm not too much to hurt him though. "Ooooow that stung Johnson-kun" Xander said over exagerating. Johnson living up to his last name was beat red. "S-SHUT UP YOU KNOW I'M NOT OKAY WITH THAT DUDE" Johnson shouted, Xander just cackling.
Lucious sighed. 'I'm probably going to regret this but this is for blossom and for Mom' lucius thought to himself. He turned to the two as he put his axes on the sides of his hips.
"Now then when do we start." Lucius said as Johnson and Xander straightened up and looked at him.
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lazyheartcomputer · 1 year
Man I am SICK and tired of her since season 5 of symphogear started! Y'all wanted me to roast and expose her? Ok, I'll do my best!
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Ever since this bitch ass music note emoji ass debuted in s1, I started to feel so sorry for her because of a loss of a friend that got killed by the noise. She just needs to take a break from this whole damn noise situation since kanade died. AND IM SICK AND TIRED OF HER OWN OLD BASTARD OF A GRANDFATHER (which will come later) THAT NOT ONLY MADE HER FIGHT THE NOISE BUT BETRAY THE ILLUMINATI AND NOBLE RED FOR EVERYTHING HE DID! IF I WAS HER, I WOULD'VE SLAP TF OUTTA HIM AND STAND UP FOR MYSELF! She lost not only her closest friend, but her own BIOLOGICAL FATHER BY HER BASTARD GRANDFATHER! And that's not all, SEASON 5 RUINED HER! They ruined her character, due to a certain vampire that killed a small helpless girl by stabbing the girl FROM BEHIND! AND MADE THE SWORD HAVE PTSD FROM THE BLOOD! Are you kidding me? ARE YOY FUCKING KIDDING ME RN YOU VAMPIRE?! DO YOU REALIZE THAT THIS SWORD HAS HAD ENOUGH BLOODSHED SEASON 1?! SYMPHOGEAR PLEASE!!!!! DAMN IT ALL, This sword is the vein of my existence since she debuted and imma roast her outfits by video one day! And I am sick and tired that they ruined her own character! You know what, man fuck this shit with her, "im crying because of my father's death" ma'am no! you need to get your ass up, fight the noise, and stop with your sympathy! You know when season 2 and 3 were written, due to focusing on every character by background like hibiki's past when she was called a "monster" cause her own father left her and her own family because, "getting the milk". And matter of fact the sword's mother wasn't mentioned until season 3 due to her biological father being a neglectful lil shit that never cared for his own daughter! No wonder this damn sword is fatherless due to season 5's kill rate and it's worst role ever cuz DAMN Y'ALL SORRY! THIS SWORD NEEDS THERAPY BECAUSE SHE'S FRIENDLESS (kanade) AND FATHERLESS (her biological father) I swear if I see her own character get ruined again, I'LL NEVER FORGIVE THE PEOPLE WHO MADE HER CHARACTER THAT FELT SO SYMPATHETIC!
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deadandwalking · 1 year
A rant (or three) taken directly from my notes app because lvy and Manasses demand eyes (and i don’t want to fight with them tonight)
i feel so fucking inhumane. in my body, my habits, everything. i can’t eat. i can’t sleep. i can’t even be fucking thanked for what i do. i’m so sick of things going against me no matter what. i’m sick of my body feeling wrong. my skin feels heavy, it needs to come off. my face looks wrong. my hair isn’t right. i’m too thick here i’m too thin there. i’m sick, of being sick. i’m sick of feeling like i’ll throw back up whatever i eat, i’m sick of actually being sick every time i remember the bastards who loved my boyfriend before me. i’m tired. i’m tired of love feeling like a battle and a contest and a prize rather than a right. i’m tired of mourning a baby who i would have never known. i’m tired of searching hopelessly for another hint or another clue as to how i’ll reunite with my sister. Manny and Ivy won’t leave me alone. they’re so fucking annoying. and they’re wrong. they’ll say “you’re too fat, they’re skinnier than you, you need to eat less”. i’m one of the skinniest kids in my fucking year. my only contestants are the anorexic kids and the ones who just look like skeletons. they’ll say “nobody loves you, you’re invaluable, they have better people”. i’ve got a massive social group ranging from first year to fifth year, and like 5 people have confessed to having a crush on me. they’re wrong. i’m fine as i am. i’m not too feminine. i’m not too short. my voice is fine. Ivy, needs to leave Ziggy alone. Manny needs to stop taking advantage of Mal and Mo. i am fucking fine.
I miss Erin. i know her. i know so much about her. her full name, her dead name, her mother’s full name and maiden name, her brothers’ names, the names of her mother’s dogs both dead and alive, her stepfather’s name, i know what happened at her birth, what month she was born in, i have a brief description of her, i know where she lives. i can find her. her favourite colour is pink, and she likes mangoes. her favourite song is Jägermeister by Korpiklaani. she looks after me and Vermin and Ava, and she’s looking to be a mother herself some day.
Vermin, i don’t know much about him. i know his mother’s name, and roughly when he was born. i know the year and season at least. he might have been a miscarriage. but, his favourite colour is green. he likes painting, and his favourite school subject is science. he loves to decorate with that cautionary tape and always has a spare roll lying around. he calls me Rodent and Bramblebush. Rodent, because Rodents and Vermin overlap a lot, and Bramblebush because my hair is messy. he needs glasses for reading, which he doesn’t do that much because he’s more into videogames. he hates those sporty boys from school, and he’s also really hyper. he likes to play-fight me a lot, and he’s great at looking after baby Ava although he’d never admit that to his friends. would be a horrible dad though, especially to a girl.
Baby Ava, she’s a sweet girl. she’s got these dark tufts on her head, her hair is black just like Erin and her mother. she sleeps a lot and doesn’t often cry. a perfect child, i think; one even the coldest people couldn’t help but love. she stays in a moses basket by Erin’s bed. she’s alive.
why do people keep talking to me god fucking WHY. i can’t stand these people. my ‘friends’ are all attention seeking and draining, my acquaintances think i’m ok with having a joke made of me, my family can’t open their mouths without screaming or insulting me or pushing me around. everyone can vent to me, or ask me for things, or take from me, but nobody will give fucking back. is it any wonder i speak to no one? i spend my days clinging to my boyfriend because he’s the only person i can still stand. god even now as i write this i can hear my family yelling. did none of them get the memo that i’m noise sensitive? apparently fucking not.
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ravensilversea · 2 years
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My Top Posts in 2022:
‘Sup guys, the person I was watching Grimm with is out of town, so I can’t watch the last season at the moment. However, it’s still kind of eating my brain, so y’all get a ramble:
So like, here’s the thing about Sean Renard’s actions in like the second half of season 5...they just feel off to me. Like, this guy arranged for a goddamn royal to be assassinated because said royal did the show’s equivalent of touching a hair on Nick’s head. And to be perfectly honest, I really think it would have actually been to Sean’s benefit to have Eric alive because that’s when shit really started to hit the fan.
And also like... if the guy wanted power... the throne’s right fucking there?? Dude’s a literal royal bastard and has already proven himself willing to deal with his “family” when necessary (at some point, they have to run out of legitimate heirs), but no, he’s quite content to be police captain. A police captain with a pet Grimm- like JFC he goes out of his goddamn way to have Nick more or less trust him for literal years and he’s clearly invested in Nick A) sticking around, B) being on his side, and C) being a Grimm.
Then season 5 hits, and don’t get me wrong, Sean’s a shady bastard. If there had been a clear build-up to him being Black Claw from the get-go, I would have bought it and been A-OK with it. But the whole set-up really seemed like him going, “Someone set me up to do their dirty work, so I’m going to dig a little deeper and find out what they’re up to” and then getting WAY in over his head. And then I guess feeling like he had to double down?? Because he felt his people were in danger?? (”Sean Renard doesn’t take sides” YOU’RE RIGHT BUT HE DOES HAVE PEOPLE AND YOU ARE ONE OF THEM *cue me ugly crying over that*)
IDK, I feel like if they actually wanted him to be a/the villain, the season finale wouldn’t have essentially been a return to the status quo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
13 notes - Posted June 8, 2022
A Successful Resurrection (Allegedly)
Summary: Verde is a necromancer (allegedly; he has the degree but has never managed to actually resurrect anybody), and Skull should be dead. It's been months since Verde attempted to resurrect Skull, and a belated resurrection has never been heard of. Yet, Skull is somehow dripping dirt across Verde's floors and eating his cereal.
Verde is… confused.
“Wow, you have like, nothing to eat. When was the last time you went grocery shopping?”
Skull de Mort… should be dead. None of Verde’s attempts at necromantic resurrection have succeeded in bringing even a zombie or skeleton minion to life, much less a fully resurrected, walking, talking person. Nevermind the fact that it’s been months since he made the attempt, and a belated resurrection has never been heard of.
Though, Verde pushes his glasses up his nose, this could be his chance to get published, assuming he can replicate the feat or at least definitively prove it happened.
Skull closes the fridge with a loud sigh and proceeds to rifle through Verde’s cupboards. A shower of dirt falls from his outlandishly purple hair as he tilts his head back and stands up on tip-toes to see. “Honestly man, there’s no way you can live like this. Necromancer means raiser of the dead, not secretly dead.” Another small shower of dirt- Verde twitches- as Skull tilts his head to the side. “Are you like a vampire? A vampire necromancer? Because that would be super cool.”
He pulls a box of cereal from the cupboard and starts eating straight from the box with his dirt covered hand. Verde will throw the entire box away the millisecond Skull’s done. There are so many potential contaminants in his house right now, including Skull. “Why,” he asks for the second time since Skull showed up on his doorstep aggressively ringing the doorbell, “are you here exactly?”
“Oh! Right!” Skull sets the cereal box down on the island and munches on what’s in his hand for a moment. “So like, digging your way out of six feet of dirt plus a partially decomposed coffin sucks right? Also, I’m mildly insulted that you couldn’t bury me in something more expensive then just plywood.”
“I did not bury you, nor was the coffin made of plywood,” Verde says. He tries to casually take the cereal box, but Skull grabs it again.
“Right…” Skull looks him up and down a bit dubiously, which Verde supposes is fair. “Anyway, when I got out, I figured there was really only one or two explanations for why I was presumably dead and buried and now suddenly alive and personally unburied. Judging by the distinct lack of desire for brains, I concluded it must have been necromancy.”
There are so many logical fallacies in that statement, Verde isn’t quite sure where to begin unpacking it. The cereal box once more evades his attempts.
“So I looked up local necromancers, and low and behold, you’re the only one in town!” Skull beams and holds his arms out like he’s presenting something. Verde takes the opportunity to throw the cereal box in the trash. Skull blinks. “Whatcha do that for? It’s perfectly good cereal.”
“Not after you put your grubby hands in it. No. Do not dig it out of the trash.” Verde smacks the hand that had begun to reach down. “You,” he says, pointing a finger in Skull’s face, “will go upstairs, third door on the left, and take a shower. I will lend you some clean clothes, burn the ones you are currently wearing, and then we will both go shopping for groceries and clothing for you.”
The grin that spreads across Skull’s face can only be described as ‘sly’. “Aw, so you do care, Mr. Necromancer sir.”
“That’s Dr. Necromancer sir to you,” Verde pushes his glasses up his nose again. “And you are my ticket to being published in several necromantic science journals. It is only logical I keep you in acceptable condition while I investigate the cause of your belated resurrection.”
“Wait a minute! Belated?!”
“Yes, yes, it has been months since I attempted to resurrect you, Mr. De Mort. Now, please, shower before you continue to spread contamination throughout my house. I have several delicate experiments that may have adverse reactions to graveyard dirt.”
Skull gulps and looks rather a bit paler under all the dirt and grime, but he shuffles off to take a shower without any more complaint. Verde takes it as a win.
He turns and faces the mess in his kitchen with a sigh. Perhaps he should hire a maid.
14 notes - Posted October 19, 2022
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[Image description: The “Corporate would like to tell find the difference between these two pictures” meme. One reads: How Jonathan Harker writes his travel journal. The other reads: How my grandmother wrote her travel journal. The woman in the next panel is labeled “Me”. /End ID]
17 notes - Posted May 6, 2022
This week I learned that there are mummies hanging on the walls of the Palermo catacombs, and ngl, I kind of want to make it Squalo's problem. Just Xanxus dragging him down there because "It's a shortcut" or something and not entirely understanding why Squalo's so freaked out about it. Or maybe it was on purpose and he's enjoying how freaked out Squalo is
18 notes - Posted September 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Bram Stoker really did know just enough about how Southerners speak to get Quincey into the ballpark, but also had literally no actual idea about the subject at the same time. And tbh, I’m not sure what’s more disconcerting: The fact it’s not quite right or the fact the South has sounded like that for over a 100 years
53 notes - Posted May 24, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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spacemandoodles · 2 years
TMA Season 4+ spoilers!
Ok, so what if Martin never got out of the Lonely? Like, when Elias gave Jon the choice between killing him or saving Martin, Jon decided to kill Elias (for whatever reason: maybe Jon decided to believe Martin’s constant admissions that he would be fine and he had a plan. Maybe Jon thought he could go save Martin afterwards and that Elias was lying like he always did. Or maybe Jon just didn’t think and attacked Elias out of anger). It doesn’t matter why Jon did it, what matters is that now Martin is trapped in the lonely, Elias is dead and Jon killed him.
So what are the consequences of this? Well, we know from MAG 200 that when Jon kills Elias, he takes his position as the Pupil. So, I imagine that once Jon kills Elias, he takes his place as the Head of the Magnus Institute. A promotion of sorts, if you will. And, because of all the chaos that was going down when Jon confronted Elias (Trevor and Julia reappearing, Not!Sasha escaping), nobody can pin the blame on Jon in the aftermath. And, in becoming the Pupil, I’m just going to believe that Jon smites Not!Sasha out of anger (like in Season 5) and Trevor and Julia, who see this, freaks the fuck out and leaves, never to return to London again. Now all of the chaos has been dealt with (unintentionally on Jon’s part, but whatever, he gets the job done), so Jon doesn’t need to go to the safehouse. Also, I don’t know what happens with Daisy in this AU- maybe she somehow becomes human again, or maybe she goes on the loose and Basira has to chase after her. Regardless, Jon is the only one out of the archives crew left and, since Elias is a weird bastard, he had a rule that the Head Archivist would take his place as Head of the Magnus Institute if anything were to happen to him or his proxy head (I’m assuming Jonah knows that since the Archivist is eye aligned, they most likely won’t destroy the institute out of a need for statements, hence why, if all else fails, he places whoever the Archivist is at the time to be the next Head in a worst case scenario).
So now Jon is the new Head of the Magnus Institute, London. He’s gonna wear a green suit and become a dapper bastard like Elias.
But, pray do tell, what happens to Martin? Fear not, Martin is too much of a bad bitch to just straight up and die in the lonely. No, this man has been, in some way shape or form, lonely-adjacent all his life. He’s always been alone  (especially growing up with his mother). I think this could mean that Martin has actually harvested an affinity for the lonely and, when he gets stuck in the lonely, it manifests. After realizing that no, Jon won’t save him, Martin kinda... cracks. He Becomes and is now a fully fledged avatar of the lonely. Peter did NOT expect this, so when Martin Becomes he doesn’t really know how to act. And Martin, in the mist of Becoming and so consumed with anger and loneliness for being left behind again, he ends up unintentionally killing Peter. And, in killing Peter (like Jon did with Elias) Martin takes his place as the “main” avatar for the Lonely.
Why did I come up with all this, you might ask? Well, think of this:
Now we have Lonely Eyes the second generation! Hehehehe >:D
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
Maaaaan, First Love Hero should never have been cancelled, Broken Heart Night sucks. ...I wonder if we'll get to meet the mangaka at this week's festival! ...to be clear, I want to meet Kiito-sensei, not the other one.
Anyways here's Donbrothers Episode 22! Spoilers, I guess...
-Ah yeah, manga fans. Very safe.
-Pitch Black Academy.
-Haruka.... Kanata.
-Homegirl really rode her self-insert to the top, we stan.
-...I mean, I can't blame Haruka entirely, this almost seems like an ideal writing environment for me personally.
-Ahhhhh, New Term, new arc!
-Yeah I'm with Sonoza here, what the hell?
-...and Sonoi, but
-Tsuyoshi, oh my god
-This is brilliant.
-...and to think I thought of Haruka as the braincell of the team at the start of the season.
-Oh my god, Sononi/Oni Sister Team Up.
-Oh yeah, Jirou.
-He's feral.
-"I'm sooooooooooorry, I have to go sicko mode!"
-Oh my god Tarou.
-"We need this man! He's very funny and st"
-My name is Don Dragoku!
-The Don clan...
-Brothers in arms.
-"Onii-chan! :D"
-"Ototo... :o"
-"Noooooo :("
-Oh my God, Haruka.
-I read a post on here, can't exactly remember from who, saying that Tarou felt like an analogue for neurodivergent children. ...I feel like everybody in the main cast is that to an extent, but I think Sonoza especially fits this mold right now. Think about it, he develops a hyperfixation on this otherwise extremely random short-runner manga that's been reduced to a punchline plagued with controversy, and he's using it as a method to learn how to sort out his own feelings. That tends to happen with autistic children, speaking from firsthand experience. He doesn't experience or understand emotions the same way allistic folk would expect or want him to, and because of that, he very easily alienates the people around him as he seeks guidance.
-Donbrothers makes me feel things, and feel them deeply.
-Humans fall in love for all sorts of reasons, Sonoza. Sometimes it even just kinda happens.
-We bonded!
-This rich dude... he looks familiar, where do I know him from?
-Ok, this man is apparently played by Tet Wada. Apparently he was in Sex and the City II and Royal Pains, which're all definitely things I've seen.
-Daaaaamn, he had dinner out.
-Wow, he's been winning all this time.
-"You're kinda boring, Goda-san."
-3-3-5! Oh, this guy's definitely Denji-ki.
-He's an epic gamer.
-Magical Girl Haruka!
-Oh my god, Bishoujo Kamen Onitrine.
-Baron da?
-It's a slump of a festival! We all just wanna go eating and fighting!
-Corporate bastard.
-You could say "Once upon a time" to this man, I guess.
-"Haruka, where the FUCK have you been? Did you get kidnapped again?"
-Haruka, you hjklh;hl.
-"Is that me?"
-Haruka, don't do that
-Oh god, Naoki Shiina real.
-I wanna hold off on cursing them out, but you've probably noticed that I have a rather low opinion on them.
-Rightfully so, I feel.
-Good luck, Haruka-san.
-They don't even speak, huh? Really dedicated to this gimmick.
-Wonder if thee's somehing bad.
-Oh nice, they're friends.
-"Yeah, this is pretty epic."
-Oh my god, beef stroganoff.
-"It tastes like fuck."
-Shinichi, I don't think CEO Man wants a Haiku.
-Well, ok!
-Ooooooh, Fiveman! Five Guys, Burgers and Fries.
-Poor Jirou :(
-Hell yeah man, get up!
-Man, this action's so cool.
-"Cool Story Bro!"
-Our story reaches its climax, it seems!
-We're back in cyberspace.
-Tsuyoshi and Tarou confirmed non furry.
-Ooooooh, Kyoryu Gold! Hell yeah Jirou.
-You deed it!
-...where he at?
-I swear to god, if you don't give your employees massive raises...
-Shiina Naoki...
-Oh no, Tsubasa's stuck.
-Dog man forever.
-Jirou robot confirmed :o?
-Okay, while we're still here, I have a theory about Naoki.
-It is my belief that Naoki is an entirely artificial entity created by whatever force is compelling the Donbrothers to fight, and their purpose is to anger and goad Haruka into doing what this force wants. Think about it, the rebranding of their doujin to ride off of Haruka's success, getting all the fame and fortune she wanted, being so far above Haruka's apparent skill level that they even predict how she throws tosses the manuscript in frustration... all of it seems deliberate in making her mad and forcing her to grow up as a character.
-When Haruka gave up her powers in Episode 10, Naoki Shiina was nowhere to be seen, perhaps suggesting that they were specifically part of her curse. There's also how little we see of them otherwise. Their secretive nature aside, we only see their one work, with nothing suggesting that they even did anything else, and thus have so little clout that it's a miracle this complete nobody took on a huge publishing company and won.
-Something else worth noting is that Shinichi called Haruka's OniSister form a rabbit all the way back in Episode 3, and now we have what's essentially an anti-Haruka represented as a rabbit... this is 5D chess on Inoue's part, I swear.
-Anyways, enough straining my brain, I'm going to destress by listening to Don't Boo for a few hours </3.
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scarlettatg · 2 years
The Handmaids Tale
Episode 501 Morning & 503 Border
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I just came to say, uh... well done. You did something terrible that needed to be done. I understand what that costs. May he rot in hell.
Praise be.
Don't let the bastards grind you down.
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I'm one of the women you traded for Waterford.
Sorry I didn't do it sooner.
I don't know how you managed it. Getting us out. And all those kids.
I was lucky.
Women always say that when they've done something extraordinary.
The only times June has been treated like a normal person, not like a victim. Not like an unstable woman. Not like someone that needs to be watched, babysat or constantly supervised. The only time she felt validated and not like she has to hide herself and her feelings to make others comfortable, or worse not to disappoint the people she loves. This understanding and admiration for her sacrifices and consequences comes from strangers which makes it even harder and more meaningful. I understand her loved ones want her to be ok, but minimizing her and expecting her to move on is condescending. Yes she has to work to fit into this society, but she is still a woman that fought against a system, that made mistakes but was able to do extraordinary things. The scene with Tuello is one of my favorites so far because it has so much meaning, especially in a moment where June needed it the most.
“I understand what that costs.” Tuello understands what killing Fred costs to June. The guilt, her internal battle with morality, her questions to herself of who she becomes now, the grasping with the reality that she enjoyed what she did and what she did was brutal; but so was the brutality Fred more than willingly subjected her to. Brutal was the system Fred helped built. Tuello as a man will never fully understand what systems like these do to woman and I’m thankful he didn’t put her down or tried to minimize her actions by pointing out the consequences and the negatives of what she did. June knows this, she battles with this and everything else constantly. She doesn’t need people to keep reminding her of her mistakes.
“Women always say that when they’ve done something extraordinary.”
Yes we do, because we are made to feel we are never good enough and the consequences of what we do seem to always matter more than the good we did. Once again another stranger admiring June’s work. We have seen throughout the show that whatever June does has consequences wether they’re good or bad. She orchestrated the prisoner exchange to be able to kill Fred but she also freed women who had been working in the resistance. Her action brought her this consequence. The 5 Marthas she saved in season 3 helped her down the road. Don’t get me wrong I’m well aware June has made bad decisions that have cost her and others dearly, but if she doesn’t try nothing happens. Gilead is fueled by fear and even if you don’t do anything you’re in danger. Like Daisy said to her in season 4 “Better to die on your feet than live on your knees.”
Speaking of Daisy loved the parallel here. Daisy and Lily both say to her “I thought you’d be taller.” I think it’s meant to portray that they see her as something bigger than she sees herself and also as a symbol of hope and inspiration; contrasting to June’s constant feelings of guilt, failure and of being unworthy.
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