#but thats part of living babey
beesmygod · 7 months
by and by, if you're like me and you're a freak on the internet who likes looking at weird gross stuff: you dont need to see the soviet dog revival experiment footage. even googling it gets you an image of a beheaded dog. its part of that genre of real life terror thats not gorey, but morally and spiritually disgusting.
heres your fact about it for cocktail parties: they did yucky experiments on dogs where they basically like. disassembled them and then tried to restart all the non-moving parts with external machinery. oh wait here's a patent image that's not disgusting
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note the removed heart and lung in the top left. american scientists, idiots that they were, all wanted to get their heads cut off so they could live forever. anyway, a weird good thing is that this like, invented machines that breathe and pump your blood for you. a massive scientific leap forward but in the most apeshit insane and horrific way possible. thats science babey!
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kiwibongos · 2 months
i dont really infodump in general at all but im doing it cus i need some ideas off my chest. do you freak with angst? perhaps an unhappy ending?
// sdr2 chapter 5+ending spoilers ig. kuzuhina au baybee
ok im, pretty positive that if there's two people left then neither of them can get out together and just split the prize bc that'd be pretty bullshit (idek if they ever cleared it up, imo tho one man standing would be the most logical)
so what if nagito DID bomb the island, taking everyone out?
fyi ive written this nearly entirely so im sparing u with a little summary(this is not a summary)
so bombs are spread all around the islands forreal this time. after nagito's video, a chain of them went off right as they were running out of the plushie factory, barely on time. everything started crumbling around them, and all the others were downed one by one, either caught in the explosions or crushed underneath falling structures
but somehow haj and fuyu survived, the others killed right in front of their own eyes. but they ran away, retreating to the warehouse, to which they find nagitos body. and the realization hits– it’s just them now, they’re the only ones left, and neither of them know what to do
im sure u can imagine hajime was fucking RAGING at that point just breaking down and stressing out
they didnt know what to do, they couldnt do anything, but fuyuhiko was here, so the first thing they did was to get off the island since the fire was spreading. from there, they wander around, hoping maybe then something would happen, but there wasn't any sight of monokuma or monomi. all they could do was look onto the destroyed islands, before they inevitably wait in a safe spot at the military base, officially at a dead end
they just kinda sit there for a while, not knowing what to do. but they cant wait here forever, and fuyuhiko knows what he has to do
eventually, he hands hajime a pistol(acquired from the truck of firearms outside), and asks him to kill him so it could finally be over
obviously hajime refuses at first, but fuyuhiko begs him, because he isn’t a good person and he doesn’t have much else to live for, while hajime has singlehandedly saved everyones asses, he deserved to escape more than anyone else here. by now, hajime was crying, but they’ve been at this dead end for so long, he knew he had to do it or else they’d never be getting off this island. so hajime just holds em close and says his final goodbyes (maybe a kiss teehee) before making it quick for him
pulling that trigger hurts him more than anything, ANYWAY BOOM hajime is the winner, simulation ends
also postgame babey; when things end here, hajime would wake up from the simulation, and since he never got to choose his own future alongside everyone else, he wakes up as izuru kamukura. he's not entirely empty i think, izuru and hajime still would have "merged" afterwards, so it'd moreso just be hajime somewhere in there half of the time just mourning but its deeply suppressed into the deepest part of his mind, but thats a wholeee thing to get into
(also very late edit but i did end up writing this as a fic entirely! the brainrot consumes. just wanted to say.)
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pariskim · 9 months
ough babey platonic soulmates albatrio in my BRAIN.
jay doesnt fight the way her sister does she barely has bruises most of the time. she has always had more than her own, a redish rust scar over her cheekbone like someone slashed through her being, and blueish green nicks and scratches cover her arms and legs. if they werent so brightly colored people would be concerned. she covers them with long sleeves anyways. theyre hers and doesn't need her father chastising her for something so intimate. chip has always been clumsy he fights with his chest puffed out and falls on his face often, he feels a little bad for scratching up his soulmates face, but feels less so as blue covers more of his skin. he hopes theyre safe wherever they are. gillion doesn't understand the completeness of soulmates. he is a weapon crafted to win and he mentally apologizes to someone if they even exist when he gets injured in training. it takes them awhile to figure out jay is one of them too. aside from small scrapes and a few bruised faces shes quieter in her injury. it isnt until when they get a little older when they see the blinding yellow orange circle on their shoulder like a bullet wound that they realize for sure. when they pull gil out of the sea they compare the rust colored scar on their matching cheeks and chip pulls down jays coat to see her shoulder. none of them are *in* love but being together is like a taut rope finally has room to breathe and theres a piece being clicked into place. a missing part in a machine that lets it finally live in a way it had been stopped up previously. they hold hands and trace out the lines of shared scars as they gain them and lay together on one bed holding each other. its not romantic its a soulbond thats unbreakable and they're best friends
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drifloonz · 1 year
Hey bestie✨love your fanfics! May I humbly request a Glitchy Rex x insecure reader? Perhaps autistic too? If not thats cool ✨
im gunna answer this in a bulleted headcanon typa post, which is hopefully fine bc if i write One more fanfic, esp w glitchy i Will explode ( and yes i am still procrastinating on the one i have a draft of. i got two of my back teeth pulled out and am recovering so thats my excuse + its so long and too much writing for me to comprehend rn + I do not have many "new" ideas )
newayz, ofc ofc!! we love our autistic couple
glitchy red x insecure ( and autistic ) reader !
♡ guess who's also autistic. thats right babey its glitchy!!!!!!! he's the ADHDtism creature. along with a lot of other stuff. but rlly whatd u expect. he's a red.
♡ due to this, he'll happily listen in on your rambles or partake in activities that make you happy. you got special interests? he might not understand a word of any of it for some things, but he'll happily listen and intake the info and try to add to the conversation by asking questions. he likes your voice as its an extreme comfort of his, so your rambling is very nice.
♡ i like to imagine before he somehow gets out you twos day to day life when hes still inside of the cartridge is just turning it on and you idly rambling to him while he listens, gives input, and updates you on how he is over there. you are a v comforting presence to him and you give him a reason to want to leave.
♡ he himself would ramble so much abt pokemon to you. my mind is mentally metronoming glitchy hcs between "he would hate a lot of pokemon stuff" or "he would be so autistic abt pokemon" . prob changes depending on the time of day and what he's talking abt specifically, but he does like at least explaining or talking about his whole... living situation in the cartridge, along with pokemon and their stats and whats the best for certain gyms, and strats and stuff like that, along with really obscure facts. he's seen it all and he's seen a bunch of different players playstyles, so it's natural to him to have absorbed that kinda info and be interested in it. competitive mf...
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he is literally this image.
♡ if you're ever self-deprecating around him or something of the sort, he's going to verbally attack you with compliments. moreso responding with like "What? That's stupid." and maybe following up with a compliment to the part of yourself you insulted, eg "Your face is the prettiest thing I've set eyes on. It's not ugly." he'll also be sure to kiss around that spot more often and compliment you more often and more casually.
♡ similarly, if anyone insults you intentionally or not he is on their ass, like a fucking rabid guard dog if he was present for when it happened. he'll be yelling at them, or quietly telling them off with like, a simple "Shut up." or something, depending on how bad it is. if you feel bad about it he'll once again try to reassure you that you're perfect the way you are to him and that whoever told you that was scum. he likes to be aggressive and make clever yet insulting quips since he doesn't have much of an outlet for his internal rage, and it also makes him act all cool so he sort of enjoys when somebody is being a dick because it just means he can make you watch him verbally destroy them. and he likes to impress you.
♡ if this happens but its like, prolonged harassment, he is literally going to doxx whoevers being a bitch towards you /hj. moreso, he's going to track them down and try to threaten them so badly that they don't do jack shit to you after that.
♡ i like to think glitchy is constantly moving some part of his body. he's pretty impatient, and will usually resort to thumping his foot quietly or drumming his fingers along a table. stuff like that. he will also often shove his hands in his pockets and play around with the fabric inside of it. give him a stressball, that shit will be popped so quickly. he also likes to idly throw something up in the air and catch it if hes reaallly bored. he usually does this w/ his pokeballs.
♡ this is good in a relationship if you like touch, cuz' glitchy will put his attention on you when hes bored or zoning out, and will instead often touch you or kiss you or talk to you. one of his favorite things is brushing his thumb over your hand, or running his hands through your hair or something.
♡ because you are probably pretty open with your interests to him, finding gifts for you comes pretty easy. he also just has a good natural sense for gift-giving, i'd think. like he subconsciously sees something and goes "oh, maybe you'd like that" in his head. don't ask how he gets these, he probably doesn't have money ( he manipulates his glitchy powers to duplicate the item like missingno, or just straight up teleports it to you/your home or something. likely both. )
♡ he really just thinks your the sweetest thing ever, and also you know a looot of stuff he doesn't. he's new in the real world, so watching you explain very specific things that happen in real life to him fascinates him, genuinely... its another reason why he loves your rambles. he could listen to you explain anything with a lovestruck expression ( ...which is constantly a resting neutral expression with a small smile sometimes, he's not super expressive unless hes mad. )
♡ if you're averse to certain foods or textures, he'll learn that quickly, since he does try to cook for you on occasion... maleeewife.. on first impression to most people that aren't you, he acts like he doesn't really care about you but he really really does - he's just not that expressive a lot of the time and he also is awkward with PDA.
♡ he himself probably gets overwhelmed with or icked out by a lot of food tbh so he eats pretty slowly and also has to gradually get used to certain foods with overwhelming flavors. he's used to literally not eating anything so this makes sense. its also the 'tism tho.
♡ he likes to cuddle while you do any activities you like. its comfy and he gets to see what ur doing. win/win.
♡ he's touchstarved but also hates getting touched suddenly. if you are the same he relates. due to this, early on in the relationship he'll instinctively flinch if you touch him w/o warning probably. but the further u get the more he follows you around like a lovesick puppy yearning for your touch
♡ overall he just loves u soooo sooo much.. you can say literally anything to him and he'll hum and nod and go "Uhhuh." with a small tiny little itty bitty smile on his face... this is where he feels safest. in your arms or holding you in his own while you just talk to him.
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roachemoji · 11 months
NEW ST LIVE BLOGGING bc i lost my old thread lmao S1 06-08 (but not really i need to rewatch the end again)
Episode 6
OKAY im starting like halfway through ep 6 again
the AUTISM in the first 30 seconds of this episode starting up again lmao EL calling him a mouth breather because its the first insult she fucking hears??? Yea YEAH
GOD JOYCE IN A TURTLE NECK <- my mom (hold oni have to jump back up here because I completetly skipped the part about Jane and her mom and the connection to El and i feel like its a little too on the nose that thats who El is given how much ive seen and read about the fuckery and connections in this show so im waiting on that - unless it is just... that. AKJHD)
hes SO smart holy shit i mean they all are but his interpersonal skills are so JUST YEAH CALL THEM OUT CALL THEM OUT also his quiet "ok" when he pushes that theyre all his best friends UGH
is this the scene is this the i think im about to watch the thing i just OH MAN HE JUST CLOCKED HIM WHO STRADDLES A MAN LIKE THAT WHEN YORUE FIGHTING HELLO
anyway sorry Johnathan and Nancy Platonic Soulmates Best Friends Forever im making them bracelets !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh man i was gonna mention the van that Lucas saw but i forgot also GOD DUSTIN IS THE ONLY ONE WITH FUCKIGN SENSE I LOVE HIM SO MUCH boys boys boys boys boys
JUST PISS YOUR PANTS???? oh he okay yeah i though the was actually asking him to just piss his fucking pants
SO what would happen if Mike had like died what would happen if those kids had caused his death like wouold they have just ran and left Dustin or pushed him off or what like AKJSHDSKAJHD
El exxperiencing PTSD so vividly breaks my fucking heart like girlie i understand i understan di do i reall really do god im so sorry BABY GIRL ITS OKAY AOOIASUDSKAH SHE OPENED THE GATE DAMN gonna like swaddle her or something god
im sorry the squad of white vans going to kidnap children is a little too on the fucking nose for me
Episode 7
real talk could El not just explode them what if El just exploded them i mean obviously theres OTHER consequences like... killing people BUt i mean.
Pausing to say something actually: How child abuse is depicted so far in the show is very scary to me in how real it feels. To be a kid in those situations, to not understand the power you weild because an adult as manipulated you into believing that you're helpless? That the only person you can rely on is them, even as they're actively harming you? Brenner being aware of the harm that El can cause him but believing so strongly in the hold he has on her and therefore he is above consequence, above harm? fucking yucky The scene of him giving her the potted flower made my stomach sink. Felt a little too close to home I know that themes of abuse are really prevelant in this show and Its really interesting to see how it affects people different but especially El, someone who'se pretty fucking clearly autistic and shows a lot of the same symptoms that i did post abuse? I thought i had more to say on it and maybei will as time goes on i just!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ough okay moving on --
i cant wait to get to the part where i understand who you (POINTS AT EM) believe she is and fully feel whatever i should feel about her and what shes done or about to do or going to do in multiple timelines or what have YOU
Mikes dad makes me want to ram my head into a wall
Joyce is just :3c she just!! she <3
she can.... make you fly....... and...... piss yourself
the two super powers
the Byers,,,,,,,,,, seemed so distant before like they didnt know each other or cared but god theyre so close theyre so so close and i feel that i get that
MIKES DAD AGAIN I WANT TO HES SO FUCKING STUPID if i were locked in a room with him id put on cocomelon
HOPPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
El is just trying so fucking hard god the liek desperation and fear or failure and guilt that she just keeps carrying itS JUST!!!!
MR CLARKS LIL DATE NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!! do you ever use your teacher's autism against him and force him to info dump in the same of science.
watching them setting up the pool and knowing they probably just told them to figure it out while they filmed it <3 ALSO MIKE REALIZING HIS SISTER IS ACTUALLY COOL idk need more siblings being siblings
JOYCE IS MY MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
someone giving El the option to say no? to back out? to FEEL SAFE??? im going to lose my mind im gonan scREAM and cry and throw up!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am BANGING MY FISTS On the TABLE
genuinely WAHT did barb do to deserve this WHAT DID SHE DO SHE WAS SUCH A GOOD FRIEND OH MY GOD
joyce joyc ejoCYCE JOYCE JOYCE fuck all yall shes my favorite character im in love with her
Do episodes that end in the upside down also not end with music @ em i cant remember this happening before bc i didnt write it down <3
Episode 8
LAST EPISIDE OF THE SEASON i went to get popcorn for this to pay full attention or as much as i could im goingin an dout of dissociating so bare with me i feel like im gonna have to rewatch the entire first season again bc i missed a lot but we'll get there in due time anyway onward and upward boys
Hopper <333333
Johnathan and Nancy are my favorite best friends theyre jUST like GUNG FUCKING HO i love it
IM OAIUSDKAJHD NANCY AND HOPPER GOING FUCKING IN WHAT DO YOU MEAN ITS NOT GONNA HAPPEN yall keep underesitimating these people because you got your fancy suits and you think ou have control of the situation and then you get your ass handed to you SO IM waiting for his ass to be handed to him
if i have to watch people cut their palms to get blood one more time im gonna STOP STOP IT STOP IT STOP oh my GOD LIKE... BAK O FYOU HAND? YOUR ARM? GIRL.
STEEVEEEEEEEEE are the lights gonna start blinking girl please pleas eplease srteve please can he help kill please bro Im HIS big brown eyes hello hwa the fuck
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SO Tumblr deleted... everything after this and im kinda upset man i got like 20 minutes left in the episode not even and it just wiped out 90% of me going balls to the fuck wall about El exploding people's brains and how much i love Joyce Byers and how they gotta stopputting me through so much emotional turmoil when it comes to Hopper and his flash backs
I think im gonna rewatch the last episode to give a better genuine reaction bc i kinda spaced out at the end and dont super know whats going on now askdhj
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soapskneebrace · 11 months
oooooo i love to see the pot get stirred 😈
but im also curious as to what you think!
the choose violence ask game-
1, 2, 8, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25
LMAO i just realized thats like… all the questions im so sorry you dont have to answer all of them 😅
i’m over 18 so dont worry! muah!
Oh DAMN. Naturally I’m gonna answer them all!
1. The character everyone gets wrong
Gaz. I think people tend to write him as this sunshine sweet golden retriever boy, when in-game we see that he’s a sarcastic little shit who doesn’t hesitate to take the piss out of Price, his commanding officer. Guy’s way more interesting than what people allow him to be.
2. A compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
Stealing @lunarvicar’s answer to this question nearly wholesale, because I agree entirely. Ghost’s trauma would make it very, very difficult for him to endure bottoming. I think a good fic could manage it, but it would have to be done right.
8. Common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
That ANY of these men want to be fathers. I don’t know why so many fucking people are obsessed with children on this goddamn site.
16. You can’t understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
The fucking hybrid thing??? First of all, put your pussy into it and call it the furry kink that it is. Second of all, most people who write this shit aren’t even writing characters anymore. They’re just writing bad anime porn and slapping the CoD character names on there to generate notes.
18. It’s absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on…
Farah/Alex. The amount of trust that exists between them? Come ON. But god forbid anyone care about a brown woman in this fandom.
19. You’re mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like…
CRINGE IS DEAD AND I KILLED IT BABEY. I will swim in the ocean of A/B/O while humanity remains fearfully at shore.
21. Part of canon you think is overhyped
Uh. I dunno. That any of the stuff that happens in game is indicative of any kind of real-life heroism?
22. Your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores?
Gaz’s aforementioned shit-stirring. I just know he’s so fun to bitch about things with.
23. Ship you’ve unwillingly come around to
This might surprise people, but I was wary of ghostsoap in the beginning. I have never liked fandom’s penchant to hyperfocus on relationships between men to the exclusion of all else—but in fairness to the ship, there isn’t much else in any of these games to pay real attention to. As you can see, ghostsoap and I have lived happily ever after.
25. Common fandom complaint that you’re sick of hearing
“You should just let people write what they want and what makes them happy without bashing it.” Actually Becky, I will continue to be a petty bitch, thank you.
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im-very-sorry · 5 days
hello everyonr today i am here to tell you why emmett from the lego movie (2014) is autistic actually.
first lets talk about the beginning of the movie where mr emmett reads fucking instructions on how to be normal everyday. now it is implied in the movie that everyone reads these instructions every day or at least follows them, however it is clear from the get go that emmett takes them wayy more seriously than evreryone else. he goes as far as to use objects as the important people in his life because he wants to follow the rules and fit in, instead of just ignoring those rules or something i dont know. this is autism behavior
next very important part is that everyone around him thinks hes weird. now wait a minute and listen. when interviewed by bad cop everyone around him had almost the exact thing to say about him- that he was normal and perfectly likeable but there was just something different about him, something off that made them not want to be around him. lets make some comparisons here. almost every later diagnosed autistic person can attest that their peers in the early stages of their lives knew that they were different before they started exhibiting major symptoms and thats the same way emmett is treated by his peers. they do not have any reason to dislike him at all but they all slightly do because they can feel that he is different and they can not understand it. babygirl that is like every single autistic child's experiences.
next: emmettt following instructions. now i have made clear earlier that he follows instructions to a goddamn t but later on in the movie when wyldstyle tells him to act normal he acts in a way that he beleives to be normal and in response to this wyldstyle gets like frustrated and stuff. this sort of 'thinking you understand the instructions but when you do it the instructor gets mad at you and asks why you didnt ask for clarification when you thought you knew what you were supposed to do' phenomenem is, once again, one that like every autistic person has gone through.
okay okay last reason. during one of the bigger plot points when emmett beleives in himself while on metalbeard's ship it is made clear that the reason that emmetts plans are effective is because his brain fucking works differently than everyone elses. babygirl. thats so fucking autistic. you could of course argue that its because hes a normal person who, unlike everyone else on the ship is not yet a master builder. however we see in the end after wyldstyles speech that no other average citizen is thinking on the same level that is considered 'dumb and useless' as he is- president businness does not say thst these things are dumb and useless as he did with emmetts double decker couch, he is only frustrated due to the chaos. so emmett thinks differently than like everuone. thats autism babey
anyway this is discussinh the lego movie hours and i would like to at a round table with all the other scholars please and thank you
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tsuchinokoroyale · 1 year
i'll never forgive you for bringing home two cats when your partner is allergic, keeping them, and then saying "well, the cats stayed longer than he did!" i cant stop thinking about it. you kept the two cats. you kept them. knowing hes allergic. not just one. TWO cats. thats so inconsiderate, and you wonder why he left. when i think about it for longer than three seconds, its horrifying. pet dander can close nasal passages while they sleep, make their skin torturously itchy from rashes, cause facial pain, coughing, chest tightness, itchy eyes, wheezing, shortness of breath; you subjected him to that, and you kept them. until he left. youre a fucking monster. horrifying.
I love the internet because you’re lacking the context in which we lived like 200 miles away from each other at the time and when he decided he STILL wanted to move in with me after I got the cats. And the part where I worked together with him to find a space where we could be together while maintaining a largely pet dander free apartment for him while having adequate space for my cats to not be trapped in a broom closet. But yes I’m a motherfucking monster 👹
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Pictured: me being an absolutely terrible human being because I adopted two cats while I was separated from my then partner for a year and a half while he decided whether or not he wanted to move away from his friends and family for me, which he ultimately did even though I’m an irredeemable, inconsiderate monster. I never said it wasn’t inconsiderate of me, cuz it was, but if you want to live your life on pause based on someone else’s maybe, you can go ahead and do that. It’ll be great for you, I promise.
And since you know everything about my life, I just wanted to remind you that we actually broke up because he slept through my mom’s funeral, which was a final straw in a relationship that grew tense because he didn’t like that I was grieving as she got more and more sick, instead of being the sexy, fun boy I was back in college. But I guess you decided to send some anon hate while keeping that in mind anyways, so I guess I am just the bad guy here.
Anyways, love that I’m occupying space in your mind as you make snap judgements about people you don’t know. No such thing as bad press babey!!!
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ct-7567 · 2 years
The Kyr Family!!! (aka i finally have specifics for g'ika's siblings (and parents))
I may not have their looks totally mapped out yet but i'm gonna work on that next, i think that's my main goal this weekend
I'll put it all under a cut, in order of oldest to youngest
Edit: okay after i started typing, the ideas just started flowing so I actually got kinda carried away. but thats okay bcs now theyre like, more shaped!
Asurge Kyr: Zabrak, blue skin, black facial markings and snake tattoos spirally both arms ending with the heads on the backs of their hands. 6 horns, 3 on each side going straight back connected by the facial markings. Super tall, stick thin, tends to slouch. Asurge was raised on Mandalore, was a deadly hitman, was feared across the galaxy until they very surprisingly retired and settled.
Pronouns They/He
Pops Kyr: Chiss, medium length curly hair, tall and fat. Covered in scars. Pops transitioned late in life, having lived his whole life as the wife of a abusive politician, had their child, then escaped with their child. Pops was reluctantly taken in by Asurge when they needed safe passage. Pops and Asurge fell in love while destroying Pop's ex's career and underground gambling network.
Prounous: He/Him
Bal: The Balancer. Biological child of Pops Kyr. Long dark straight hair, "picture perfect" Chiss heir. Tall. Bal was born deaf, uses Galatic Sign to communicate. Bal is stoic and serious, has a lot of trauma from seeing their Father commit atrocities. Bal immediately latched onto Asurge and looks up to them, following in their footsteps and became a bounty hunter. The Balancer is their codename.
Pronouns: They/Them
Fresa: Togruta, light red/pink skin with green montral markings. (idc if that isn't natural this is sw i can do whatever i want.) Super long head montrals. Known for her hearty and boisterous laugh and great capacity for compassion. Fresa is very sure of herself, confident, head strong. She isn't afraid to voice her opinions and she'll do whatever it takes to get what she wants. Married to transfeminine as of yet unnamed togruta, they have a toddler together, with another child on the way
Pronouns: She/Her (wife's pronouns are also she/her)
G'ika: Obviously my most posted about family member, he started it all babey. Human, pink dyed hair that's long on the top/back and shaved on the sides. Shortest family member. G'ika was found as a toddler, drowned and abandoned, his near death experience is what gave him his force touch abilities. Fresa was the one to figure out that skin to skin conact was what set him off. G'ika moves to Coruscant at age 19, 2 years before the war starts. He hopes to find a jedi chill enough to teach him gow to better control the force, feeling like his self taught methods aren't the best. G'ika cannot hold down a reputable job, resorts to underground work, freelance repair work, smuggling, and information dealing. His roommate on Coruscant is Tosa, a Chadra-Fan that agreed to let him move in with her.
G'ika's pronouns are He/They
Solus and T'ad: (yes i admit their naming is lazy on my part but i think it's funny. Their names are literally One and Two in mando'a) Twi'lek identical twins, their skin is a dark orange-y pink color. Think Thing One and Two, they're very mischievous, they're inseparable, often just referred to as "the twins", and like to trick people by switching names every so often. Very smart duo, Solus loves to build droids, and reprogrammed an SBD, Spuddie, to help around the farm, T'ad enjoys fixing farm equipment and makes makeshift blasters. They're both selectively mute, tend to keep to themselves, and will sometimes wander off and spend days away from the family camping in the nearby forest.
Solus and T'ad both use they/them pronouns
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newty · 10 months
dion fic chapter 1 meta thoughts!!!!!!!!!
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i made that meme a few days ago and didnt realize until a few hrs later that the Me penguin was chewing on the other's right arm and then i completely lost it. taking away dions arm feels good/feels right/feels like actualizing his sacrifice with physical, mental, & social consequences that will reshape the way he lives in the new world entirely. there's no past to return to, babey, and he cant accept that yet!
it was a bit odd to actually have him Cry and be Very Vulnerable when he seems to prefer taking careful shots at the things that distress him + occasionally just yell at those things. watching him just completely check out when the hideaway discusses twinside getting wiped out was like. wow i am experiencing a suffering unlike any other. this man is going to to completely lose control of what he thought was himself but in a totally different way than the first time. i think his brain chemistry got ratshaked and thats part of the :) i cant wait to die:) convo w the bros. its also part of why i made him cry. his identity and his control of that identity have changed.
now that kihel isnt on her own in complete survival mode maturity, i wanted to let her act more like a kid. i think she's around 12 (even if dion pings her around 9). it was a lot of fun to give her and terence a comfortable rapport. kids can unlock different attitudes in ppl, so i felt like letting terence be so casual with her was a great way to get him to stretch his legs beyond the Hyper Formality he has to upkeep as a high ranking military officer and servant. i dont doubt, like any person, that he was casual with others in the past, but our limited time w him gave us only one answer abt his personality.
in order not to seize up and feel stuck in the repetitiveness of keeping him only The Loyal Servant Who Speaks Out A Couple Times, i tried my best to think of him as a character that i could give opinions to. letting those opinions take a sharp contrast to dion's was a little scary to do--i think they were scary for him to express as well--but ultimately i really like the scaffold it gives me in the future. apocalypse survival w a random child while all the things you swore to do get forsaken or done by others is Uh, humiliating for a dude w a firm identity & pride in 'service.' im excited for terence pov tbh.
i also enjoyed giving terence a couple shared histories w kihel and dion! it was hard for me to just be like. this is my wheelhouse now and referencing a past that never existed in the game is My Right for the Sake Of Narrative. terence says dion once told him that words stop being useful after a while--an outlook necessary to validate warfare--and i can see it being smth that they had to fall back on to not completely fall to the dissonance of valuing life while just killing for a job.
which anyway square i wanted More ridiculous religion/evil empire/god thinks its rad that we specifically are killing his other children as opposed to them killing us. the nonsense w the cardinals not knowing they were an empire made me a little crazy. greagor seems to exist more as a word to invoke and a flavor in the backseat, so im uh. letting her be relevant. bc i think these boys should have as much propaganda ingrained in their heads as possible. we love flawed justification in this house.
and i figure the dragoons are no more bc dion said he only had a handful of them at ran'dellah. akashic dont leave bodies either, so the pyre terence ordered would have to be for dhalmeks and drgs, making even less of them. i wanted his claim to the throne to be as untenable as possible tbh. he lacks the trust + respect of probably a lot of people bc mad prince, plus hes gonna lose more respect once the ableism starts to kick in. hes depressed and traumatized and fatigued. he has smth like a middle school education (sorry harpocrares). he has no cash on hand. bahamut is gone. aaaaand no more private army! figure it out on ur own, dion.
also im bummed that w no more blessing of light, drgs prob cant jump anymore (i guess??). im absolutely feral over the ideal of terence doing the drg stabby jumpy broody n now he Cant so ty to all the others who fulfill that niche for me. maybe i can 👀 do a flashback.
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violetkatgrove · 1 year
BumbleClan: 18 months in
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thats right another update already babey(because i cannot stop playing this game)
Previously: Squirrelface and Buzzardpaw both had sprains, and Golddawn saw a ghost, but didn't really get a chance to react before it disappeared.
Lets see what these 6 moons have in store!
CW: Cat and Kitten death
Moon 13:
"Nothing interesting happened this moon". not even a recovery? cringe
Stoatskip thinks he can tell Sunstar something important. "I'm in love with your girlfriend" probably 🙄
Sunstart AGAIN saying Squirrelface doesn't do anything helpful!!! for one she has a SPRAIN RIGHT NOW BE NICE thats it. Quarter. you know what to do bbgrl
Hazelbloom thinks Buzzardpaw is nice :)
Mudfur scolded Kokichi. I'm his lawyer now and i say he did nothing wrong
Stoatstalk and Gracklegorse have a nice conversation abt Clan happenings :)
Thoughts and In-Camp actions:
Sunstart head empty again. nods my head
Gracklegorse wants to get to know Sunstar better ohhhh the romantic meter is starting to go up to twooooo
Quarter again wondering why we cant all just get along. me too girl everyone is so mean :(
Stoatstalk wants to talk to Quarter abt something. sniff sniff what is it boy
Mudfur is greatful she has lived so long. im happy for you but im so fucking scared right now ur like 11 years old please dont leave
From StarClan, Fawnroot is proud of Mudfur's long life. Moonthistle looks forward to the day.
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Quarter holds a meditating meeting with Sunstar and Squirrelface to work out Sunstar's recent comments towards the younger she-cat. it goes a little better than expected...???? i now know to turn off allow romantic sometimes
Stoatskip leads border patrol with Havenpaw and Hazelbloom. While walking along the border, they notice a HushClan patrol renewing their scent marks up ahead. Once the patrols cross paths, Havenpaw is quick to break the awkward atmosphere with a friendly greeting. The patrols pause to converse for a little while, Havenpaw bringing up a story that, while embarrassing for her, is entertaining and lighthearted. The patrols part in good spirits. another Havenpaw W 😎
Golddawn takes Kokichi with her to gather herbs. As she pads through the Clan's territory, she feels another presence join them. The connection wavers and fades, just as it did the previous moon :(
Sunstar, Gracklegorse, and Stoatstalk head off to the final patrol for this moon. While hunting, they catch the scent of a fox- and find one feasting on a deer fawn carcass. It's unlikely it killed a fawn of this size. The cats are only just smaller and outnumber the fox, if only by a little, and it's a prize they're willing to fight for. With a prayer to StarClan they throw themselves into battle, and the fox, already half full of venison and unwilling to lose blood over it, is driven off from the kill.
thats TWO deer carcasses BumbleClan has managed to get. if foodcount was a thing i would be winning
Moon 14:
Squirrelface and Buzzardpaw have both recovered from their sprains!
Quarter traveled to HushClan to resolve some recent border disputes. However, it seemed Quarter only made HushClan more upset. (thats probably bc u still have ur kitypet name bbgrl u shouldve let someone else go with you...)
Squirrelface and Sunstar went for a nice long walk together :3
Stoatskip wants to spend more time with Stoatstalk! stoatx2 friendship is real in BumbleClan
The tick bites Mudfur was suffering from have healed.
Sunstar asked to swap prey with Mudfur, who happily agreed :)
Hazelbloom had a disagreement with Quarter about smth. Probably with her going off on her own to HushClan with her kittypet name + collar still intact.
Havenpaw took a sunbath with the medicine cats :3 bonding
Stoatstalk thinks Buzzardpaw is being annoying. have you considered hes just a little boy like you once were.
Kokichi listen's to Mudfur talk about her younger days :)
Buzzardpaw, Sunstar, and Squirrelface had a nice chat over food :)
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Quarter works on the strained relationship between Sunstar and Golddawn. Helping the leader and medicine cat re-earn each other's respect.
Thoughts and In-Camp actions:
From StarClan, Fawnroot has been following the growth of Hazelbloom. Moonthistle is feeling happy!
Sunstar is worried about clan relations. me too girl if Quarter accidentally starts a war I'll be so fucking sad.
Gracklegorse assesses the apprentices, whilst Golddawn checks on the warriors.
Squirrelface is proud of her ability to take care of her Clanmates... im so proud of her
Quarter is meditating a long time friendship between two Clanmates :)
Kokichi is worried others are judging him. whos being mean to my special little boy
Buzzardpaw is grooming his chest in embarrassment after being praised by his mentor awwwwwwwwwhhhh
Sunstar and Buzzardpaw accompany Golddawn in herb gathering. With the newleaf sun hidden behind cloudy drizzle, it's a damp day to find thyme, and the patrol would rather have this over with quickly. With the drizzle hiding scents, Golddawn almost walks straight past the thyme plant- but Sunstar calls her over. Thanks to its calming, well-loed scent, medicine cats aren't the only Clan cats who can identify this plant, a fact that Golddawn is greatful for right about now.
Gracklegorse leads border patrol with Stoatskip and Havenpaw. While on patrol, Stoatskip notices som e suspecious pawprints in the mud beneath the canopy. Turns out they were his own pawprints. Stoatskip can't meet the eyes of the rest of the patrol. (lmao)
Hazelbloom, Kokichi, and Stoatstalk patrol together. Stoatstalk and Kokichi get into a dispute, which they look for Hazelbloom to settle. He has no time for this spant and pulls the patrol to a halt to remind them that they have a star-damned job to do and quarreling like kittens will not be tolerated. The patrol returns to collecting nesting material with newfound vigor.
Thoughts before the next Moon:
Sunstar begins pondering recent dreams she's been having... perhaps from StarClan?
From StarClan, Moonthistle is judging Stoatskip while Fawnroot walks through his dreams.
Also SquirrelStoat and GrackleSun canon now because im IMPATIENT
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Moon 15: Greenleaf
Stoatskip got stuck in a Twoleg trap! He eventually escaped, but his leg is heavily injured
Kokichi's kits have now graduated, Sunstar calls a meeting and proclaims them both warriors, Buzzardpaw is named Buzzardpoppy, honoring his commitment, while his sister is named Haventail to celebrate her nurturing precense.
Quarter was bitten by a snake! but she's alive as of right now.
Hazelbloom appreciates Buzzardpoppy for pointing out something amiss with his appearence, and admires Haventail's bravery.
Stoatstalk was seen arguing and borderline fighting with a loner boy WHAT are you doing
Gracklegorse lets Quarter vent her worries to him.
Stoatstalk thinks about how lucky he is to have someone like Sunstar was a friend...found family strikes again
Haventail bumped into her mother and did NOT say sorry AGAIN girl WHAT are you DOING
Kokichi, Quarter, and Hazelbloom have small talk and a sunbath together :) Hazel and his outsider best friends
Quarter complains about something Squirrelface did, but Haveltail lets the medicine cat share he troubles with her, hoping she'll feel better afterwards
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Thoughts and In-Camp actions:
Squirrelface and Golddawn had gathered cobwebs and tansy, and were quick to put the cobwebs to use on Stoatskip's mangled leg. With Quarter recovering from her snake bit, there would be no meditating this moon.
From StarClan, Moonthistle is looking to visit Sunstar in a dream soon. ruh roh?
Sunstar is feeling underappreciated...i appreciate u bbgrl
Squirrelface thinking abt an apprentice again. i promise we'll get some new cats soon honey mark my worms
Stoatskip ponders his warrior ancestors, and the protections they grant the Clan.
Haventail eavesdrops on Buzzardpoppy, who's looking to get to know Quarter better.
Gracklegorse takes Buzzardpoppy and Haventail on their first border patrol as warriors. As the patrol checks the border markings, an OatClan patrol appears and begins jeering at the Bumbleclan cats. Buzzardpoppy is quick to strike up conversation with the other patrol, trying to get to the root of their rudeness. Eventually the problem is smoothed over, nothing but a misunderstanding and unfounded assumptions. thank GOD thank you Buzzard i was nervous abt those guys
Stoatstalk and Squirrelface go herb gathering together... its a repeat of their previous time gathering herbs together Stoatstalk that is your MATE BE NICE TO HER........WE'RE LOSING SQUIRRELSTOAT NATION
Hazelbloom and Kokichi practice hunting techniques together. Both cats have a nice session, swapping their best tips and tricks with each other :)
Golddawn gathers herbs alone, while searching for some specific herbs, she's startled by weird sounds and whispers in the wind. she finds another queen and her kits, gone too soon. she cancels the patrol and returns to camp to help hold a vigil for them.
SquirrelStoat's romance has been pretty rocky, but they both feel secure with each other. Stoatstalk also has 6 platonic love bars for Sunstar 🥺💜
Thoughts before the next Moon:
Sunstar insists that she should have TEN lives instead of nine. she has not lost a single one but i agree with her.
Gracklegorse is having a good day :) also has dislike/jealousy ticks on HazelStoat. you literally have a wife that u love so much clamn down bestie
While recovering from her snake bite, Quarter is trying to meditate a small disagreement with two Clanmates. I mean she is currently in the medicine cat's care. trying to get the girls to get along whilst being their patient Quarter you are so strong
Hazelbloom & Kokichi try to set a good example for the younger cats. best of friends i love youuuu
Buzzardpoppy is in awe of Sunstar's leadership🥺🥺
From StarClan, Moonthistle is comforting his fellow StarClan cats. wails and screams and explodes.
Moon 16:
Sunstar announces that she is expecting kits!!! she wont be moving to the nursery just yet but by StarClan we are WINNING GrackleSun nation
The medicine cats replace their rosemary deposit, noticing some of their stock going bad.
Squirrelface scolded Mudfur who is now ignoring her. Squirrelface why do you have beef with her shes like almost 12 years old. be nice to her
A rogue waits on the border for a patrol, asking to join BumbleClan. The cat decides to take on a more Clan-like name, and is now called Plumshine :) hello plumshine my new friend plumshiiiine
HazelStoat winning: they are sharing prey together. Gay Rights
Sunstar and Haventail hatch a plan to sneak out GIRL? DID YOU NOT SAY YOU WERE PREGNANT?
Buzzardpoppy and Haventail welcome in Plumshine and Quarter is telling them a story 🥺 so niiiice
Stoatstalk and Hazelbloom have a nice talk with Plumshine over some food :) everyone is so nice
Kokichi, Quarter, and Stoatskip take a sunbath together :3
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Thoughts and In-Camp actions:
Stoatskip and Quarter are given cobwebs and tansy for their respective injuries, lowering risk of them getting worse.
Squirrelface gathered juniper and horsetail, and Golddawn gathered poppy and ragwort, as well as more horsetail.Stoatskip wonders how Sunstar is doing, while Squirrelface checks on him and the other warriors.
Plumshine looks around camp with wonder.
Hazelbloom and Kokichi spar in the clearing.
Haventail is wondering if she would be a good swimmer. maybe but also dont do anything scary young lady
From StarClan, Moonthistle is sad to see how the Clan has changed :(
Buzzardpoppy takes his sister and new warrior Plumshine to go hunting together. Haventail spots a fat rabbit on the other side of the OrioleClan border. A tempting opportunity, but it may be best to hunt in her own clan's territory. Before she can make a decision, Plumshine pounces on the rabbit with no hesitation! They easily kill the rabbit before glancing up and coming face to face with an OrioleClan cat. Plumshine is promptly chased back over the border and the other cat glares, hissing and spitting, until the patrol leaves the area.
Squirrelface leads the herb gathering patrol, with her mate and former mentor by her side. Surprisingly, Stoatstalk actually starts up a conversation about the herbs they're looking for this time. Squirrelface launchers into the usual spiel, but even more astonishingly, Stoatstalk is actually interested, and it makes her heart feel lighter getting to share her knowledge and skills with someone who respects her. They were able to find marigold and rosemary before returning to camp (sorry you had to third wheel Golddawn but SQUIRRELSTOAT NATION IS WINNING)
Gracklegorse patrols the border with Hazelbloom and Kokichi. The cats begin to discuss rumors they've been hearing of a badger denning in a certain part of BumbleClan territory. Kokichi decides there has to be a easy way of figuring out if a badger has moved in without coming face to face with the predator. He leads the patrol on a search of the clearning around the sett until they come upon some fresh badger scat- stinky, horrible, and perfect proof of the new occupant of the sett.
Thoughts before the next Moon:
From StarClan, Moonthistle is proud of Stoatskip🥺😭thats hims brother...
Squirrelface and Hazelbloom await to hear Mudfur's next story
Moon 17:
Sunstar moves into the nursery to prepare for her upcoming litter.
Quarter's snake bite has healed so well you can't even tell it happened in the first place! yahoo!
Stoatskip preys that he isn't on patrol with Plumshine tomorrow. Did Haventail tell you about The Incident(TM).
Squirrelface and Mudfur got into a spat over food :( what is it with Squirrelface and not getting along well with her elders.
Hazelbloom thinks Squirrelface has a weird sense of humor. what did she Say...
On the topic of Squirrelface happenings, she also has fleas. sad
Golddawn might be reading a little too far into Mudfur's kindness...? I'm super autism what does this mean.
Stoatstalk feels like he can tell Stoatskip something important... the stoats are friendshippinggggg
Quarter wants to spend more time with Kokichi YESSS outsider name friendship real...
Plumshine apologizes to Stoatstalk over something. poor buddys having a rough time adjusting to clan life it seems :(
Haventail wants to spend more time with Hazelbloom! yippi!!
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Thoughts and In-Camp actions:
Stoatskip is given a treatment of marigold, and should heal sooner with it.
This moon the medicine cats both gathered oak leaves, Squirrelface gathered an additional moss and ragwort, while Golddawn acquired some lungwort and rosemary this moon.
From her spot in the nursery, Sunstar is eavesdropping on Quarter, who is looking to get to know Stoatstalk better.
Gracklegorse assigns cats to the dawn patrol, Golddawn is excited for another half moon meeting, while her former apprentice, Squirrelface, is tending to growing herbs
Mudfur is feeling under appreciated :( i appreciate u bestie...
Haventail wants to surprise some1 w a gift!
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Quarter notices some tension between Plumshine and Stoatskip, and decides to hold a meditating session between the two cats. They don't get along instantly, but the two cats are a little more comfortable around each other now.
Kokichi takes Plumshine and her kids on border patrol. As they begin checking border lines, they notice that HushClan scent has strayed into their territory. They follow the scent to a HushClan cat taking refuge up a tree. The cat yowls a warning and the patrol scatters when they hear the cry. Just in time, too, as a large dog jumps at the patrol, catching Plumshine but thankfully only injuring them before Plumshine tears themself free and sprints away (torn coat injury acquired. also HushClan relationship worsened i guess???? fucked up)
Gracklegorse goes training with Hazelbloom and Stoatstalk. Hazelbloom takes charge and coordinates exercises for the patrol. Soon the cats are practicing trips, tricks, and tumbles.
Squirrelface and Golddawn stroll through the territory, chatting while on their way to an herb patch they haven't visited in a while. Golddawn asks the younger she-cat what she thinks the nature of StarClan is. Squirrelface swishes her tail, admitting she never really thought about it, past the fact that they're ancestral spirits. It certainaly makes for interesting conversation, and it's all too soon that they pick the herbs and have their mouths too full of marigold and lungwort to continue.
Thoughts before next Moon:
From StarClan, Moonthistle is disappointed in Plumshine. everyone so mean over that rabbit incident huh
Gracklegorse does his best to honor their Clan and their leader. Sunstar makes a solemn vow to protect their Clanmates.
Quarter feels a sense of pride after meditating the two previous cats. Squirrelface wishes to speak to her about something.
Fawnroot is hoping he'll be remembered. so what if i exploded
Stoatskip tries to reassure some Clanmates that StarClan will guide them... his mentor and bruder up there they're in good hands he knows this.
Kokichi is chastising Clanmates for... something. the other cats aren't quite sure what for.
Buzzardpopy and Haventail offer to assist the medicine cats :)
Moon 18:
In the nursery, Sunstar lies suckling newborn Howlkit, Yewkit, and Runnelkit. Gracklegorse watches over them proudly, purring so hard their body vibrates.
Stoatskip has fully recovered from his previously mangled leg! You can't even tell something had happened to it. Plumshine's coat has also recovered from the dog attack.
Kokichi, unfortunately, has gotten Squirrelface's fleas. a bit of a problem that the medicine cat has fleas huh.
Plumshine finds a young kittypet named Broken, who decides to join the clan. She decides to keep her old name, but takes on the more Clan-fitting version of Brokenpaw. Stoatskip decides to mentor her. Sunstar's kits mewl welcomes to the new apprentice.
Haventail makes sure Buzzardpoppy knows he is loved 🥺💜💜💜
The medicine cats replace their old supply of thyme. Squirrelface gathered more cobwebs after using some to help with recent kit's birth. Golddawn was unable to find any new herbs this moon.
Quarter travels to OrioleClan to resolve some recent herb-gathering disputes.
Stoatskip, Kokichi, and Hazelbloom talk together over their fresh kill.
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Thoughts and In-Camp actions:
From StarClan, Fawnroot is watching over Hazelbloom.
Hazelbloom watches Brokenpaw and Quarter, thinking about how awful kittypet food must taste.
Gracklegorse wonders how his kits are doing.
Stoatskip thanks StarClan for his catch out on hunting patrol today.
Buzzardpoppy finds a much needed herb for the medicine cats while on hunting patrol. so nice to the medicine cats i love u Buzzardpoppyyyy
Mudfur's aching bones predict soon to come rainy weather.
Stoatstalk is a little exhausted from how many cats come to him for things :( it's tough being the Clan favorite.
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Quarter decides to hold a meditating session with Stoatskip and his new apprentice, in order for Brokenpaw's training to go as smoothly as possible.
Hazelbloom takes his mate and his new apprentice on a hunting patrol. As the patrol heads out into the forest to hunt Stoatskip seems to be absolutely unconcerned with his duties, instead ambling along as though the prey is going to waltz into his paws. Stoatskip makes it look easy, and when the patrol is done mousing everyone else ends up carrying catches mostly brought down by him. He leads the way back to camp, sauntering with a distinctly smug sway of his hips.
Squirrelface sniffs the clean fresh morning air, wondering if she can smell juniper berries on the breeze. She assembles a patrol with Haventail and Buzzardpoppy to investigate. The warriors and full of complaints about the sharp juniper needles spiking their poor widdle noses, and eventually a mildly disgusted Squirrelface calls off the herb gathering patrol -_-
Gracklegorse leads the border patrol, taking the remaining available warriors with them. The patrol comes across a small dog, right on the border of BumbleClan territory. Kokichi tries to drive it off, but it only gets further excited, and the cats are forced to wait exasperatedly in a safe spot until the beast calms down. (edited)
Final Thoughts:
Brokenpaw is in the medicine cat den after a small injury :(
Runnelkit & Howlkit attempt to figure out all the smells around them.
From StarClan, Fawnroot is missing a loved one :(
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I'll confess I had to savescum and redo all the patrols bc the final patrol gracklegorse AND plumshine both died and i was NOT having that shit. but guys its ok now :) and now i know to save after every patrol
I switched apprentice graduating to be experience-based now also since otherwise Brokenpaw would graduate Instantly. i might also switch her mentor bc SOMEBODY oughta let the OTHER WARRIORS take on an apprentice once in a while. But that will all be seen next time!
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daedalusdavinci · 1 year
ok im gonna answer this and then im gonna go to bed but my beloved @dubiousfruitsalad has requested one of those journal things and im going to try and deliver
Put “📓” or some other version of a book emoji into my inbox and I’ll explain the plot of a fanfiction that I haven’t written but daydream about.
you know for a while i actually wanted to write a sequel to tactical retreat (which, for those who dont know, is a medievalstuck dvekat fic where karkat is a knight and dave is a farmer who inspires him to leave his traumatic job and accept that his dream has changed over the years and tbh i think its still pretty well written i just reread it recently and i really had so many genius comedic moments w that fic tbh sollux is ICONIC but thats neither here nor there (read my fic))
in the first chapter i introduced a character named dave, nicknamed "crow", who was another knight who worked with karkat and frequently had guard duty watching over the prince, john. this was supposed to be davesprite and was a setup for a johndavesprite fic i was going to write after i finished tactical retreat, which was going to focus on a much more traditional knight/prince dynamic bc i am, unfortunately, such a sucker for that kind of thing. i think moreso than any other kid, john fits really well in the role of a prince striving to live up to his dads legacy but chafing uncomfortably under the role as someone who just loves pranks and screwing around. dave is, obviously, such a good knight character, and davesprite and john in particular have such a complicated and tragic relationship in canon where davesprite gave up his whole timeline and ruined his own life just to save john, without ever getting to meet his own john in person, and then for him to butt heads so hard with the john he saved, its just so. ugh. i feel a lot of ways about it. theyre perfect to me. i love a messy relationship
in this au crow/davesprite was going to be an immigrant from derse who immigrated when he was very young and had to work very hard to get his position in the knights, which is part of the reason why he and karkat get along so well, as they both come from similar backgrounds and similarly struggled to prove themselves. hes known john since they were relatively young as dadbert thought it was important for john to train alongside the knights, so theyre extremely close despite how often they drove each other crazy as kids. its very much a situation of john looking towards his future with creeping horror and leaning heavily on crow while he tries to balance his fathers expectations with his desire to cling to youth. on top of that, as they grow out of some of their younger immaturity and into themselves, theres a steadily growing attraction between them that theyre carefully and delicately trying to navigate when they both know johns position wont allow it.
ultimately, however, i ended up scrapping the whole thing as i got further and further into writing tactical retreat, so it never made it past an idea. the message of tactical retreat was so anti knights and blatantly used knights as an allegory for governmental force and police, and i just didnt feel good about writing a followup fic that glamorized knights the way the dvejohn fic wouldve required. i felt like it wouldve undermined what i worked so hard to convey. i still like the story idea, but it definitely doesnt have any place within the tactical retreat universe. however, you can absolutely still see the traces of that idea in the first chapter.
this is unfortunately far, far from the only time i have ever written a fic with the intention of writing a sequel that i never actually wrote. im just following the dopamine babey
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prime-wars · 2 years
howabout -- drift :^3
for those of u who dont know my nickname in our tf server is stage iv drift liker so im afraid uve just turned the key on pandora's box
favorite thing about them: drift is the kind of person who is constantly kicked down and beaten up by life and just refuses to stop living. and im not just talking about his early life in the dead end im talking about how drift joined the decepticons to help make cybertron a better place for people like him only to eventually realize that the decepticons had entirely abandoned that cause halfway through the war and he'd just missed the memo. and instead of giving up and defecting he stays with the decepticons and throws himself fully into the war to try and end it so that they Can start building that better cybertron that he was promised. and then that doesnt work and he ends up abandoned on theophany and he meets wing and ends up forging a better life for himself and learning to heal from all the shit thats happened to him. and then the decepticons show up and the one person he'd grown close to since megatron ends up dying because of them - because of him, because they'd shown up because of him. and instead of giving into the complete and utter despair of that reality, he goes on thru sheer force of will. he joins the autobots and becomes close to rodimus and they make this plan to just say fuck it to cybertron and go out to live their lives without having to deal with the likes of prowl breathing down their necks. and then he watches rodimus trip and fall into prowl's manipulations anyways, and still sticks with him, and works night and day to keep the crew from finding out, to the point that when the overlord thing inevitably blows up in their faces he takes the fall. and so again he finds himself losing the person he's closest to - both of them, since he's now being torn away from ratchet after finally getting to be around him after 4-something-million years. (oh, and also while he was going around on the lost light he ends up finding out that the rest of new crystal city ended up being destroyed and all its inhabitants have disappeared. just one more piece of his life that he's lost.) and still he forces himself to go on. he makes a living out of bounty hunting, even if it isnt much of one, and finds some kind of purpose to fulfill in saving the lives of those who cant save themselves. and then ratchet comes to get him and he agrees to go back to the lost light with him, and they survive through all the shit the universe tries to throw at them, and make it back to cybertron and makes a home together, and they get to live together and be happy for some indeterminate amount of time, and for once nothing is going wrong and he gets to live the life he set out to create all those years ago.
and then ratchet dies.
least favorite thing about them: idk !!! i really like him a lot. even the parts of him that would annoy me in any other character just endear him to me more.
favorite line: all his lines during the sparkeater arc in mtmte + ALL of his lines in eos are very special to me. i probably couldn't pick a favorite. but i will use this space to remind everyone that "be shoosh" is a real actual thing drift has said in canon.
brOTP: obviously we got the drift + rodimus friendship but i also really like the scraps we get to see of drift's friendship with pipes. if overlord never happened i like to imagine that pipes wouldve slowly integrated drift into the minibot friend group and they wouldve gotten along well together :]
OTP: dratchetrod all the way babey !!!!!!!!!! my all time fav
nOTP: hummmm..... i do enjoy wrift but not in the way most people like to portray them so i guess that counts. wrift while drift is still at crystal city and at an incredibly vulnerable point in his life is just kind of ehhh and feels a bit predatory on wing's end to me. but i love wing-lives-au wrift where they meet up after drift has figured his own shit out and is much more firmly on the route to recovery.
random headcanon: i think drift would listen to machine girl unironically. i think he would absolutely love love love machine girl he would go batshit to machine girl. also i think he would really love to garden, both organic plants and crystals. the act of nurturing new life and watching it grow and flourish because of him would help him a lot to work thru the hangups his time as deadlock wouldve given him.
unpopular opinion: oh god so many. a) the sex worker drift shit is weird and fetishistic as fuck, b) the way people talk about drift's past as an addict in a lot of fanwork is INSANE and really shows how many people view addicts as less-than human, c) direct quote from @sparkxii : "Test for transformers fans describe Drift and if you do an overly detailed description of his legs a car comes down from the ceiling and falls on you a la saw trap style"
song i associate with them: drift is one of the three characters i actually have a character playlist for so i have a bunch, but if i had to choose just one... Jig of Life by Kate Bush <3
favorite picture of them: i have so so so so so many but this one panel of him is really cute 2 me. the little "and they dont change into anything" is SO funny
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abel-oc · 1 year
found another list of OC questions this one is nsfw because i like to have fun online. taken from user @/  impr0bablyhighrn 
1. When did they lose their virginity?
UNDECIDED may come back to this but it would have been casual 
2. Do they have any kinks or fetishes?
probably most things . besides supernatural figures hes probably a fan of bdsm most of all (both of them). probably gets off seeing himself in a mirror too . more im still thinking
3. What is the weirdest place they’ve had sex?
I doubt theres a part of the church hes missed. 
4. What is their favourite position?
probably a doggy style person no cuddling or looking at the other person is a plus
5. Are they dominant, submissive, or switch?
switch but with men prob likes bottoming slightly more but in like a sadistic way. Not very submissive but would be in a bratty way 
6. Have they had any one night stands?
thats his job babey ! 
7. Would they be more likely to do it in the bed, on the couch, on the floor, or somewhere else?
probably prefers the bed for normal people but for angels and devils etc you know he will do it right there on the floor with the candles still out
8. Have they had sex in a public place?
i dont think church counts because no one can see him so no actually onlookers dont get to see for free. hes probably done it in cars though but NOT bathrooms
9. Have they ever been caught masturbating?
no probably not he would do it openly if he was going to do it near someone
10. What does their favourite sexy underwear (to wear) look like?
I drew this a few posts ago !
11. How often do they have sex?
most nights 
12. Is there anybody right now they’d like to have sex with?
13. Do they like giving oral?
NOT for humans but will do it if he has to. supernatural people very much so though
14. Do they like receiving oral?
15. What is the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to them during sex?
hes not embarrassed by anything
18. Are they into roleplay or dress-up during sex?
extra fee but he wouldn’t mind it he probably likes cute outfits for it
19. Would they prefer sex in the tub or sex in the shower?
20. If they could have sex with anyone, living or dead, who would it be?
21. Have they ever had a threesome? If not, would they?
Yes and would again
22. Do they/would they use sex toys?
all of them
23. Have they ever given someone a dirty text/letter/picture?
no pics but would sext (on flip phone) 
24. Would they have sex with their best friend?
He tried he and holly were really bored and she wanted to see if he was as good as he constantly claims to be. both got half naked and made out for like 5 seconds and then she realized she wasn’t attracted to men. He probably offers to crossdress and fuck when shes down about being single 
25. Is there anything they do after sex? (ex: smoke, eat, drink, cuddle)
he might smoke actually. probably mainly to look cool. no cuddling 
26. What is something that will never fail to get them horny?
27. Do they prefer morning sex or night sex?
night! hes not a morning person in general but night would be more sexy to him 
28. What is their favourite body part on the opposite sex?
29. What is their favourite body part on the same sex?
30. Do they watch porn/read dirty magazines?
PROBABLY NOT but i think it would be funny for him to have one inside a bible pretending to read that . or the other way around as well 
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anxsity · 2 years
central division teams as paramore songs
as assigned by me: part 3!!!!! (once again: don’t take this seriously)
wild - hallelujah ”and we’ve got time on our hands / got nothing but time on our hands” ”this time, we’re not giving up / let’s make it last forever / screaming ‘hallelujah!’” oh man have the wild been patient. truly paid their dues. but now: they got their promised boy!!!!! hallelujah kirill the thrill has arrived, now is no longer the time to give up, but to give the central division a run for their money. hallelujah yall
jets - here we go again “forget the things we swore, we meant / i’ll write you just to let you know that i’m all right / can’t say i’m sad to see you go / cause i’m not” oh man, what better team for a resentful breakup song than the jets? who hasn’t left winnipeg at this point? here we go again..... and again....... and again...... don’t worry jets im sure you’ll find the one soon enough.
coyotes - franklin “and when we get home, i know we won’t be home at all / this place we live, it is not where we belong” “so we stand here now and no one knows us at all / i won’t get used to this, i won’t get used to being gone” do i even have to explain this choice? one word: asu :/
blues - grudges “strange how we found ourselves exactly where we left off” “well, we just pick up, pick up and start again / cause we can’t keep holding on to grudges” i don’t know what they did to woo tarasenko into staying but it worked? i guess? congrats! gotta put that water under the bridge and move on, pick up and start again babey you ain’t done yet
predators - never let this go “one day, you’ll get sick of saying that everything’s alright.” ”because i’ll never let this go / but i can’t find the words to tell you” one day maybe the preds will accept the inevitable and give in to a rebuild. one day. if they find the words to part ways perhaps. this one is sadder than i meant it to be i’m sorry
stars - interlude: moving on ”let ‘em have their time / sit back and let ‘em shine / let ‘em rise and rise / cause one day they’re gonna fall” ”i’ve counted to ten and now i’m feeling alright / and besides i’m moving on” maybe this one’s just for me, but ever since the appearance in the finals it feels like moving on. recapturing what was there and, man i don’t wanna necessarily say it but tampa missing a threepeat does lowkey help. moving on now, feeling alright with a sick ass goalie in net.
avalanche - looking up “could’ve given up so easily / i was a few cheap shots way / from the end of me” “cause i’ve always wanted this and / it’s not a dream anymore, no” for the team that climbed the summit! that claimed it all! a song thats so..... hopeful? ecstatic? relieved? for the vets that had something to prove, that got so close time and time again. it’s not a dream anymore. 
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sillyabtmusic · 9 months
okayyy post concert ramblings 👍
note i have memory issues and am already struggling to recall half the concert so i'm sure more stuff happened but!!
to start off the venue lied and said the event would be seated when it wasn't and i was so upset about that i forgot i was gonna try and look at them during the hi-touch (i have to put conscious effort in to look at people's faces) and so i stared at their hands as i walked by and then realized i had NO clue who i high-fived so that sucked a lil but not their fault. venues fault.
but! i knew louis was at the beginning, hwon was at the end, and jahan was third from first, and when i high-fived hwon he went "cute!" so that was a thing that happened!
we managed to get a folding chair for me to sit in and i ended up getting to sit in the back of vvip (i wasn't vvip) which was neat! but the silly thing is is that the vvip people were by the stage obvs and the back of vvip was empty. i sat in the corner back and around me was just tech stuff so me and my mother were the ONLY people in that area. this is important later
show starts yay big cheer big cheer!! this is where my memory gets really scattered so we're doing bullet point format in no particular order
their live vocals were SO good. i was just a tad worried because i've seen recordings from previous concerts & performances where they were okay! but just okay but genuinely they're so. so good soooooo good i think they've gotten a lot better
pointing out ivans vocals specifically because goddddd. i actually think a lot of the high notes in songs are a little too high for his range and i don't like that he's pushed that way because his comfortable range is so good but he did the high notes lower than the og song and they sounded SO good and wow. they were still high but they fit his voice a lot better. methinks
mujin kept looking in our direction. like i know people say this kinda often but remember earlier how i said me & my mom were the Only people where we were due to the seating situation. i would look at him and he'd literally be staring directly at us and it was 🧍 i actually got nervous i'll be real with you ALSKDFJALFA. i actually thought maybe i was making it up but when i went to talk about my mom to it she was like no i saw that too he was definitely looking and i was like oh okay. cool.
uhmmm i'm already out of words but their live performance is really good it's so good the energy was amazing
snapshots :D i did jahan first cuz i had premium for him and i meant to say just like. one sentence. but i got nervous and i was honestly half-dissociated because i was in a lot of pain so all i could say was "thank you" but i do remember he has a very comforting presence 👍 after i walked away from the snapshot i went to sit on the floor off to the side and back a bit (pain reasons) and started rocking (autism reasons) and i was just kind of looking around for a moment and i ended up making eye contact with jahan which half of me didn't really like because well. not great at the eye contact thing. but the other half got happy silly because he just smiled over at me but i panicked and tried to smile back before quickly looking away. yay!
then was hwon! and he also has a very comfortable presence! and he held his hands up to everyone after snapshots and i meant to just high five him but i was on autopilot and half-present so i just clasped his hands and i felt so guilty about it but then he called me cute (again) and said other things i don't remember but he was really nice and had a nice smile :•]
overall the concert itself was very fun!! bad parts was 1. the venue lying about seating so i didn't bring mobility aids under the assumption i could sit without having to fight for seating 2. waiting in the heat for. 5 hours. but none of that is on the group thats venue babey!!
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