#but the aus are au-ing and i gotta write em all
grungiiuvu · 4 months
what if i wrote a witch!mu qing x werewolf!feng xin fic based off all the twitter art? because i would have fun with that...
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ronearoundblindly · 2 years
From this ask game:
What's a trope you will never write?
Never say never. I can think of ones that I have (so far) never thought up a scenario for, but there aren't any that are flat-out a huge NO.
If you'd asked me a year ago, I would have said 'Reader Fic' and meant it.
I like to write characters in character, personally, so that can limit which behaviors and tropes fit with them. I'm...not great at AUs. Probably won't ever write a high school AU, but I'll read 'em. Probably won't write hardcore kink, but I'll read it. Personally not into tattoos. Personally not into motorcycles/bikers/mob stuff. I still read all that. I actually quite like to read things that I have no interest in writing some version of. Leaves a nice separation for me to enjoy without thinking up my own plot stuff on the side.
M/M and F/F? Haven't written much and I'm a bit afraid to, even though I started by reading lemon/gay fanfic nearly....twenty years ago and I am a bisexual woman. I don't know, so far that feels like I'd be stepping out of my lane. 😔
I've noticed that I tend to take the long way through emotions which means I can't really write a pairing just immediately intimate and developed in their preferences; I gotta build all the way up to it. There's so much f***ing communication in my writing, it's almost sickening. Be the change you want to see in fic.
One of the things I'm doing with the Fools Rush In series is using several tropes in different ways. For example: soul marks but they seem to be on the wrong people. Another example: sex pollen but the wrong people are trapped together. Then starts my giant slog through emotions and communication. Kinda like how Fondue was about how Steve Rogers had a lot more holding him back from intimacy than just being a man out of time. It's hard to consider how much struggle that might put partners through...so I did it anyway.
There is only one fic I ever read that I noped out of so hard I almost tossed my laptop off the bed. It was rape/noncon and a breeding kink, however, the line crossed for me was that it was brainwashed Bucky as the Winter Soldier but Winter was actually speaking to and gaslighting the girl. And I'm SORRY--not to be a judge bitch--but Winter has no capacity to act on his own. I find the idea that Winter would be openly enjoying raping someone repulsive as well as unbelievable. And that's crazy for me, too, because I've read plenty of dark fic; I have no idea why that one specifically jumped over my line in the sand. It just did.
So that--that right there--is the only thing I can swear I will never write.
(OOF. That escalated. Sorry for the ramble!)
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teamhook · 3 years
Emma and Killian :: Kate and Leopold CS AU for CSMM
Hello lovelies!! So I’m on a schedule and you will be getting updates for my fics. 3 per Month ;)
I want to thank @captainswanmoviemarathon and the wonderful CSMM Discord Family. My co-writer @revanmeetra87
I want to also thank @ultraluckycatnd for Beta-ing thiis thing for us.
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Friday and The Weekend
Killian and David shared a guilty look. They had both behaved like children. Killian knew he had more than the other, in part due to his inebriety and the other part was jealousy of what he didn't know. Killian said goodnight to his mate and went home to ponder on his actions.
He decided he would try his best to make amends to her. So he did what he did best, put his thoughts on paper, and hoped that it would grant him redemption.
The next day, Emma woke up and got ready fast. She had to get to work and somehow fix the mess her brother and that jerk that couldn't keep his mouth shut had made.
David greeted her in the kitchen with a cup of coffee ready for her which she promptly snubbed and rushed out.
David had arranged for Emma to find the letter that Killian had dropped off earlier, but she was eager to leave the apartment. He knew they both had misbehaved and his sister was in her right to be angry at them.
He grabbed both the letter and the first fruit in the basket he could and dashed after her.
Emma had reached the street and was just about to hail a cab when she heard David's voice. "Ems! Emma, wait!"
She halted because she loved her idiot brother, and it's them against the world.
She turned to face him with her best 'you're in trouble' face.
"Before you say anything, I'm sorry. I know I fucked things up for us. I know that everything you do is for us to have a better life."
Emma stared her brother down. "I have to go clean up the mess you two made."
"Emma, I know and for whatever it's worth, I'm sorry. Here, you can't go to work on an empty stomach," David said as he handed her a papaya. "Yeah, I know that," Emma says as she looks to the street for a cab. That's when he slipped the letter into her bag. He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.
Emma arrived at work, waiting for the fallout of the previous night, but it never came. She was told there's a meeting with marketing, and she was the last one to arrive. She rushed into the conference room and took a seat so they could finally begin. The marketing team was going over the troubles they had come across due to the texture of the margarine. Emma peeked at her boss to see if looked angry or like the usual. She really doesn't see a change in him, but they have yet to talk. She sighed and opened her bag to pull out some papers. An envelope caught her eye and she quietly opened it.
 Dearest Emma...
I behaved as an imbecile last night, animated in part by drink, in part by your beauty, and in part by my own foolish pride and for that, I am profoundly sorry. Please accept, as a gesture of apology for my bad form, a private dinner on the rooftop tonight at 8 O'Clock.
Yours truly, Killian
 Emma felt her cheeks blush as her thoughts were interrupted by her boss.
"Emma, dear, where are we on Farmer's Bounty?" Mr. Oz asked.
Emma turned to her boss and took a deep breath. "We are good. As you know, we found our spokesperson. The response room final showed a 98 in the top two boxes. His key female descriptors were handsome, romantic, and with some write-ins of "What a babe".
Mr. Oz sullenly replied with a simple, "Great."
As they ended the meeting and everyone went back to work, Mary Margaret was waiting for her. Emma handed her assistant her bag and rushed after Walsh to say her apologies.
"Mr. Oz, I mean Walsh, I just want to apologize for what happened last night," Emma said.
"I appreciate that," he simply said.
"So are we okay?" she asks, hopeful.
"Yes, we are. Now if you would excuse me, I have to make some calls. We will talk later," Walsh said as he walked to his office.
Meanwhile, Jefferson was losing his patience at the Hospital. He just wanted to get released so he could get home and get Killian back to his time. Out of pure desperation, he thought explaining the situation to his doctor would be enough, but Dr. Hyde wasn't as receptive as he had hoped.
"I didn't jump to my death. I fell because there was no elevator," Jefferson clarified.
Dr. Hyde nodded. "And you feel it's somehow your fault?"
"Well, it stands to reason that nature would correct itself since my great-great-grandfather isn't there to invent the elevator or spawn his seed," Jefferson added matter of factly.
"Both you and the elevator would cease to exist, but clearly do," the doctor said.
Jefferson shook his head. "I can see you are a very busy man and I hate to take up your valuable time. I'm not one of those people who need your attention. Would you please just sign my release papers?"
Dr. Hyde sighed. "I'm concerned you might be a danger to yourself. State law requires that I keep you here in such cases. I'm afraid I cannot in good conscience sign your release."
Jefferson tried to open the door while balancing on crutches.
Before he could open it, the door flew open. "Dr. Hyde, is there a problem?" a lovely woman asked.
"No Priscilla, everything is fine. Could you please assist Jefferson back to his room and ensure this prescription is filled?" Dr. Hyde said to his nurse.
"Jefferson, I'm going to prescribe a mild antipsychotic. Nothing too strong."
Wandering around in circles in Game of Thorns, David looked over his notes, nerves getting worse with each lap.
"Mary Margaret, did you want - no, Mary Margaret, would you like...uggh…"
He was never going to convince her to go on a date if he tried mumbling and bumbling through his invitation. He was already humiliated, and he wasn't even asking her yet!
Outside of the flower shop, he could see Killian handing a street musician some cash as he made a request. Just what the request was, David couldn't quite hear.
Well, he had enough of his own problems to deal with, in any case.
Killian then entered the shop, and David practically pounced on him. "Listen, Killian, about the things you wrote for me here, for Mary Margaret...Some if it seems kind of…"
"Did you pick your flowers?" Killian asked, looking at him expectantly.
"Oh. Yep. Right, uhhh...here," David said, grabbing the nearest arrangement. "Now, about this speech-"
"Oh no, this will not do," Killian said, concerned.
"What, the flowers?" David looked at them for the first time. They seemed pretty enough to him. Plenty of colors. They even smelled nice.
"The orange lily suggests extreme hatred. The begonia and lavender danger and suspicion, respectively. Every flower has a meaning." Glancing around him, Killian grasped an enormous (and to David, absurd-looking) flower and held it in front of David. "Might I suggest the amaryllis, which declares the recipient a most splendid beauty. Or-" Breaking off, Killian strode forward. "- the cabbage rose…"
Sighing, hoping Killian was right about all this, David followed.
Inside her office, Emma lifted a piece of paper that was accepting Killian's invitation.
The only problem?
She hadn't written it.
Grinding her teeth, trying to pretend she was angry at her assistant and not at the fact that she did want to accept Killian's offer, Emma called for Mary Margaret.
Almost immediately, Mary Margaret poked her head in the office. "Yes?"
"What is this?" asked Emma, waving the paper in the air.
"It's your agreement to having dinner with Killian," she responded, as though there was nothing unusual about it. "I made it up for you to sign."
"I hadn't decided if I was going!" Emma cried, slapping the letter on her desk. She knew she was overreacting, but the thought of a private dinner with Killian was making her so...so stupidly nervous.
Mary Margaret lifted her chin, and a bit of fire entered her eyes. "I'm sorry," she said in the strongest voice Emma had ever heard from her. "But that is the best apology in the history of mankind, and if you don't go with him, I know you will regret it! Please, just sign it, and we can fax it to him. There is still time."
Taken aback by her usually shy assistant's firm manner, Emma closed her eyes, bit her lip, and grabbed for her pen.
Inside Jefferson's apartment, Killian was cooking the meal for his dinner with Emma. To his relief and delight, he had received the fax confirming her presence.
Taking his eyes from the stove, while still being attentive to his work, Killian watched as David paced the room nervously with the telephone to his ear.
Suddenly, with a little start, David said, "Oh, hi Mary Margaret; it's me, David. I was calling to see if you got my flowers. I mean your flowers. I mean the ones I sent?" He paused for a breath, then said "Good!" to the reply. He then looked to Killian, voice stalling.
Killian gave him a smile and a nod. "You can do this, my friend."
Pressing onward, David continued. "I was wondering if you would like to go to a movie, and then...perhaps accompany me to dinner?" Waving his free hand, he rushed on, "I-I-I-I understand completely if you are otherwise engaged. But, uh, I just wanted to say, umm…" Stopping to consult his notes, a small furrow appeared in David's brow.
"Come on. No need to be ashamed. You can do the speech as written," Killian encouraged silently.
"I wanted to say you've made an impression on me. And...and it's not only because you are so pretty. I mean, you're very pretty, but it's more than that. It's, umm...You're graceful. You know, the way you move, and speak. You just have a way with words. And I really, really like you."
There was a very long pause, during which David looked terrified. Then, responding to what Mary Margaret had said, he mumbled, "Seven? Yes! Yes, seven would be great. Would be fantastic. See you then!"
He ended the call, then jumped straight up in the air victoriously. "I did it! I am going out with Mary Margaret!"
Killian chuckled as David did a small dance.
"I gotta go get ready!" David exclaimed.
Emma arrived home and she would deny it to anyone, but she was a little excited about the dinner date with Killian. She was about to go to her room to get ready when her brother came out of his room looking very handsome. He had a silly grin on his face that she had not seen in a while.
David smiled wide at his sister as he greeted her with a quick kiss on her cheek.
"You look very handsome David. I didn't know you were going out tonight."
"Yeah, I have plans. It was unplanned until earlier today."
"So is this a big date?" she asked.
"Yeah, Ems I really like this girl."
"Who is the lucky lady?"
"Uhm, if it goes well, I'll tell you tomorrow, but I just don't want to jinx it."
Emma nodded. "Okay, good luck, and for what it's worth, she is lucky to have your attention."
"Thanks, and I think you are supposed to say that cause you are my sister."
"Just stating facts, David. You don't give yourself enough credit. You are one of the good ones."
"Ems, so are you. Have fun tonight, okay?"
She smiled. "I will. Now go before you are late for the big date!"
Finally, in her room, she opened her closet. She ruffled through the hangers, trying to find the right outfit. Her eyes landed on a pale pink dress she purchased years ago, and it never felt right to wear until now.
The dress fit perfectly and it made her feel like a true princess. She put her hair in a high ponytail with very light makeup, just enough to heighten her looks. Why was she so nervous?
It was time to make her way up to the roof.
Emma opened the roof door slowly and was astonished at the display in front of her. There were fairy lights hanging, creating a magical environment, and a man was playing the violin. The table was set with candlelight, and she could see a wine bottle next to plates and the tray with the food. Her mouth opened at the effort Killian made to please her.
"This is beautiful! You didn't have to go to so much trouble," Emma said, biting her bottom lip.
"No trouble at all, lass," Killian confirmed as he met her to guide her to her seat.
"May I?" he asked as he grabbed the chair to pull it out for her.
She nodded, unable to speak. He looked handsome wearing his old-timey outfit. Perhaps the atmosphere he created made him appear as if he was the lead in a romantic novel.
Emma stared into the night for a moment. "My mom was a true romantic." She smiled fondly. "She cried for weeks after Prince Charles and Lady Di got married."
Killian furrowed his brows. "I'm not familiar with them."
"Oh, trust me, you wouldn't want to be. A cautionary tale, proof that you can't live a fairy tale," Emma said and added, "I'm not very good with men."
"Perhaps you haven't found the right one," he said hopefully.
"Maybe, True Love only exists in fairy tales."
"My brother told me I had become a blemish on the family name due to an indiscretion from my youth, and now he tries to marry me off every chance he gets. I would be married now if I hadn't followed Jefferson. I was to announce a bride that night."
He sighed. "I don't know, it didn't matter to him. I suppose the one with the most money. Our family fortune is gone, and all we have is the family name."
After they finished eating, Emma stood up to start cleaning.
"What are you doing?" Killian asked.
"Just cleaning up."
"The night is not over yet. Would you do me the honor of a dance? Please?" he asked as he extended his hand for her to take.
"I'm not a good dancer," she said as she took his hand.
"There's only one rule. Pick a partner who knows what he's doing." He winked, pulling her close to him as she rolled her eyes, and they started gliding.
"Smee always told me love is a leap. I was never ready to jump until I met you."
"Killian, this was lovely but I don't know if I can leap, even if I am inspired." The lightness she had felt while dancing with him was sinking into harsh reality. And she was afraid. "I'm not...not brave enough."
Then, in the next moment, he was quoting something to her, something beautiful and flowery and perfectly Killian, and she was kissing him, warmth spreading from her chest all the way to her toes.
The next morning, after a wonderful date with Mary Margaret, David woke to the sound of Killian cooking breakfast.
They exchanged hellos, each asking how the other's date went. According to Killian, his date had also gone well.
David was pleased, but something was nagging at him. Emma was so rarely happy these days. And it was great that Killian was helping her to take down her walls, but if things were to continue...well, he wanted to make sure Emma was with someone she could really trust.
"Look, Killian, I have to ask you…" David trailed off. "Who are you? I mean, really?"
Killian spread some jam on toast, seeming confused. "What do you mean?"
"It's been a lot of fun doing the duke act with you, but...Emma's been through a lot, and I don't want her to have to deal with even more."
Killian lifted his hand. "I understand, David."
"So...Who are you?"
With a deep breath, Killian said, "I am the man who loves your sister. Who would go to the end of the world, or time, for her."
And with that, David was reassured.
David showed Killian how to master the dishwasher after breakfast was made. Killian was still in awe of the technology of the time.
"Just make sure Emma sees you push the button. Whatever you do, don't press it until she is awake to see you do it."
"Oh, clever. The proverbial tree in the woods. If a man washes a dish and no one sees it...Did it happen?"
"Exactly!" David said, excitedly.
Emma then made her appearance. Her stomach growled at the delicious scent.
Killian's smile welcomed her. "Love, a cup of coffee?"
"Yes, thank you."
David watched the pair making eyes at each other and decided not to be a third wheel and made his escape. Perhaps he could call Mary Margaret to make more plans.
Killian got a plate ready for Emma as she took her seat.
"Nine-grain toast with strawberries and mascarpone, my lady."
"Yum, this is really good," she moaned as she took bite after bite.
He hadn't seen anything as beautiful in his life.
Emma took the last bite and turned to Killian with a smile. "What should we do today?"
"Your heart's desire," Killian simply answered.
Emma and Killian get dressed, independently of course. Killian Jones was always a gentleman, after all. They set out to explore the city together.
Killian stopped at a market table full of sunglasses.
Emma snorted. "Oh no, no, no, no, no, no," she said as she took the glasses away from him, scrunched her face, and put them back on their display.
Killian looked so sad as he faced her.
"Make that face all you want, but those glasses were so inappropriate for you."
He quirked an eyebrow and they resumed their walk.
Killian gasped. "Emma, love. Emma, come!" he said excitedly as he pulled her toward a house.
"Killian, what are you doing?" she hissed.
He had gotten them inside the house; it appeared to be a museum of sorts.
"Bloody hell! This is where I lived. Good Lord. A portrait of my parents, my brother... and me." He pulled her up the stairs.
Emma looked at the portrait and gulped as she passed it. She still tried to find logic and deny what he told her was true. "Killian, I don't think that we should just be barging around here like that."
Killian held her hand as he pulled her all over the house before he stopped and stood in front of one of the rooms. He faced her with a smile. "Emma, this is my old quarters," he said as he walked to his hidden spot.
Emma looked around frantically. "What are you doing?"
He put pressure on a spot, then they heard a crackling sound. "Emma, this is the place where I put everything I most cared for. Things I didn't want Liam to touch. Like our mother's ring." He showed her a beautiful ring that he somehow knew its hiding place, and she hated to think what that truly meant for them, so she ignored the nagging pull in her heart.
Emma smiled. "Oh, it's breathtaking."
Later that evening, Emma and Killian finally end up cuddled on the sofa together after their day exploring the city.
Emma had her hand on his chest, playing with the hair there. She felt so comfortable in his arms. She sighed. "Do you..."
"Hmm, What would like to know, love?" he asked as he gently caressed her back.
She sighed and shifted in his embrace to see his face. "Do you miss where you're from?"
"Ah, I suppose I do in a way. There are things I miss, such as its rhythm."
"Is that slower like today?"
"Aye, quite a bit slower." He smiled.
She groaned. "That means that tomorrow is Sunday. I don't want it to be Sunday. What I do want is more of this." She snuggled closer to him.
He laughed heartily.
"Ooh, Monday is when we shoot your commercial so that's something exciting." She hummed comfortably from her cozy little bubble.
Not long after that, she drifted into sleep.
Killian kissed the top of her head and took out his mother's ring. He knew she had fallen asleep and it was now a lost moment. He picked her up and took her to bed, and tucked her in affectionately.
Emma said sleepily, "You're tucking me in."
"Huh, you're my Smee."
"Yes, I am Your Grace."
"Hey, hey, you don't have to... don't go upstairs. Stay."
He nodded and got in bed behind her, spooning her. He whispered, "I love you, Emma," in her ear before drifting off to sleep himself.
@rumdrum91 @itsfabianadocarmo @xsajx @hookedonapirate @kmomof4  @searchingwardrobes @seriouslyhooked @profdanglaisstuff @let-it-raines @revanmeetra87 @snowbellewells @hollyethecurious @kymbersmith-90 @branlovestowrite @thejollyroger-writer @shireness-says @ilovemesomekillianjones @thisonesatellite @thesschesthair @winterbythesea @stahlop @resident-of-storybrooke @superchocovian @lfh1226-linda @artistic-writer @thislassishooked @shardminds @winterbaby89 @xhookswenchx @ultraluckycatnd @gingerchangeling @laschatzi @wellhellotragic @xemmaloveskillianx @courtorderedcake @pirateherokillian @optomisticgirl @darkcolinodonorgasm @andiirivera @djlbg @nikkiemms @jennjenn615  @scientificapricot @officerrogers @imlaxdris71 @therealstartraveller776 @kday426 @allons-y-to-hogwarts-713    @donteattheappleshook @spacekrulesbians @lassluna @carpedzem @captainodonoghue @killian-will-do @jarienn972 @tehgreeneyes  @demisexualemmaswan @queen-serena88 @swanslieutenant @tiganasummertree @whimsicallyenchantedrose @bethacaciakay @ohmakemeahercules @jrob64 @klynn-stormz @mariakov81 @sals86 @elizabeethan @brooke-to-broch @hookedonhiddles @onceratheart18 @the-darkdragonfly @veryverynotgoodwrites @jonesfandomfanatic @wefoundloveunderthelight @cocohook38 @zaharadessert​​
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dragonshoard · 2 years
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Progress shot of that portrait i mentioned :> will explain the flowers(im a slut for symbolism lol) once i send in the finished piece. For now its off to work for em :’)
(Also!!! That chapter!!!! Fuckin god teir mate i loved that shit sm, n btw if ur still lookin for a beta reader i’d be down tho i’d say if anyone else offers take them up on it cause i have very limited experience with beta-ing other’s works. Still down jus wanted to warn ya about that)
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It’s looking so good though?????? Those flowers be popping :DDDD (Why am I thinking about Jinx trying her to garden and then burning down said garden in frustration). 
Oo symbolism. That would be you AND Silco :)))))))))))))))))))))))
Thank you so much! I’m actually pretty happy with the way I characterized Jinx in this chapter so it means a lot to hear that :))))))
Honestly, I’d love to have a second eye on it!  Mostly to spot any errors (I always seem to miss them ahh), check for inconsistencies, and make sure I actually write everyday. I’m currently in a hyperfixation stage for this AU/fandom and the minute I crash it’s not gonna be good at all. Gotta keep motivation and prevent burn out by limiting myself, but still setting daily goals, ya know?  
Do you have a discord? Either way I can just send you the link to the google docs in your messages if you’re still up for it :))))
Have a good day at work!!
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alright well now that i’ve got that random bout of “god damn it balance team” out of my system,,,
h2o au lore time
i hit 235 pages the other night!!! this is the longest thing I’ve ever written. I thought my 100 page FFXV H2O AU would take the cake for a while there with 100 pages, but nope. Borderlands.
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🥳 a snippet from Junpai-7, long before the events of BL3.
ahaha it’s not mermay anymore u thought u were safe NOPE im full of anxiety and cheese puffs and here to wreak havoc
ive been working on and off these past few nights. it’s been a rough time for... everybody and everything, so i haven’t really had the motivation to write.
but i’ve been playing thru the cartels event while i’ve got time and thinking about the different stones for different magics because obviously these eridium snorting badasses (the sirens, not the cartel) gotta have parallels right?
so obviously eridium is for sirens (and possibly anointed?? im still a little lost on them)
i was thinking for psychics they could have those red eridian crystals that are shown around nekrotefeyo (explaining why Troy has 2 hanging around his neck all the time) and also why his psychic powers are stronger than anyone else in the AU. 
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but idk if they have a name other than Eridian Crystal, you know?? should I come up with a name??? because im really bad at that.
also you know how jack’s mind control collar turned lilith’s tattoos that pinkish red?
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haha, yeah. maybe it was a mix of eridium purple/red eridian crystals. dunno where jack would’ve got his grubby little hands on eridian crystals, but if they were all the fuck over Nekro powering stuff up, maybe he was able to find ‘em somewhere in an Eridian ruin on Pandora powering, like, a giant fuckoff elevator.
obviously merfolk and werebeasts have the moonstone from TPS (because COME ONNN)
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because its literally this game’s eridium and IT’S SO COOL
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and as much as i don’t really like the mako mermaids lore additions, you gotta admit the moon rings are pretty dope
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like come on
i also like the idea that, well you know how on pandora originally the Vault colorings were these blue-ish white color? I like to imagine that Elpis (moonstone) played a part in stasis-ing the vaults and keeping them from turning the more Eridium/purple color (indicating that they are charging/opening). so elpis/moonstone was actually keeping the Vaults from opening before the 200 year charge period (and obviously sirens can charge vault keys as a catalyst w/ eridium so the fact that the Vaults turn eridium purple, since eridium is so closely linked to sirens, makes sense)
im not sure about fae tho. I want zer0 to have something cool :( I guess they could share with psychics (especially since Zer0′s whole thing is r e d) but I kinda want them to have something unique. like merfolk/werebeasts have that connection to the moon, the transformations, but idk about fae/psychics. it doesn’t sit right with me. 
oooo ooooohhhhhh i know, there’s one more I haven’t thought of. the green. yes. we know it’s canon and not just the bloody harvest event bc of guns love and tentacles. and the wisps/spirits we see in that DLC remind me a lot of will o’ the wisps that fae can be associated with. so sure. say there’s a green... crystal somewhere out there. that, plus its associated with the portals we see often in these events. plus as a dullahan, at least for zer0, that would make a lotta sense given they’re often associated with death. idk about the other fae tho 🤔 i would very much like to see an elaboration on dark maliwan and their research bc obviously there was something going on there. but alas. i have to do everything my damn self.
“I am eternal / death will never capture me / my skills exceed his” also has a much cooler meaning now that we know Zer0 is associated with the death dimension. dope.
also also
“They do not appreciate being watched while on their errands, throwing a basin of blood on those who dare to do so (often a mark that they are among the next to die)”
hehe, death mark. 
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thelastspeecher · 7 years
I dont know if you are still taking prompts for the demosticaly prompts thing but if you are can I ask Banjo Twins for #1
1. “But look, this is on sale!”
Okay, so, this started out cute, then turned angst, and then I remembered these were domesticity prompts so I did another 180 and it ends cute, with it being very obvious that Sally McGucket’s youngest daughter takes after her a lot, both in appearance and personality.  And it also ends with some cute lovey-dovey stuff between Ma and Pa McGucket.  Gotta.
Send me an AU and a number and I’ll write you a ficlet!
               “Ooh, this backpack is so pre-pretty!”Banjey gushed, stroking a bright yellow backpack with bees patterned all overit.  Banjo picked up a dark red one with fishpatterns.
               “Yeah, I like this one a lot!”Banjo said, running his fingers along the embroidering.  Lute looked over at Ma and Pa McGucket.
               “Funny how ‘School is bad and Idon’t wanna go’ turned into ‘I want all the school supplies’,” Lute saididly.  Ma McGucket smiled.
               “Nah, not really.  I don’t think either of ‘em are eager to gointo kindergarten again, but fewer hand-me-downs is helpin’ to ease the stingof it a bit.  And kidlets get distractedby all shiny, new things,” she replied. Banjo slipped on the backpack he had picked up and grabbed Banjey’s handto drag her over to the lunchboxes.  PaMcGucket walked over quickly, intervening before the twins could get tooattached to anything they saw.
               “Now, kidlets, we’re buyin’ yasome new things, but we ain’t buyin’ everything in the store,” Pa McGucket saidcalmly but firmly.  Banjo’s backpackslipped off his shoulder.
               “But- but-” he started.  Pa McGucket knelt down.  
               “Son, our fam’ly don’t uselunchboxes.  We use paper bags.  And each mornin’, I draw somethin’ nice onit.”
               “It’s real-really nice,” Banjeysaid to Banjo.  “He draws any-any-anythingyou wan-nt!”  Banjo looked at Pa McGucketdoubtfully.
               “I can draw Superman savin’ LoisLane, or liftin’ a car, or with Krypto the Super-Dog.  I can draw just ‘bout anything,” Pa McGucketsaid firmly.
               “Okay.  That works,” Banjo said, nodding slowly.  He looked over at the lunchboxes again.  A strange expression crossed his face.  He picked up one with a picture of Supermanon it and frowned, tracing the superhero’s outline with a finger.
               “Banjo?” Ma McGucket asked.  “Everything all right?”  Banjo’s frown grew deeper.  His brow furrowed, as though he was trying toremember something.
               “Had this ‘fore,” Banjo saidquietly.  “Mom got it even though Popsdidn’t wanna spend money, when we could use bags.  She- she thought I deserved somethin’special.  Fer- fer goin’ to school.”  He sniffled loudly, tears suddenly standingin his eyes.  Banjey put a hesitant handon his shoulder.  
               “Banjo?” Banjey said,worried.  “Everythin-ing okay?”
               “I- I don’t wanna go to schoolagain!” Banjo wailed.  “This isn’tright!  I did it already, I don’t need todo it again!”  Banjey stared at her twin fora few seconds before getting upset as well.
               “He’s right!  I did it-it ‘fore!” Banjey sobbed.  “Don’t nee-nee-need to do it over!  Don’t wan-ant to!  It ain’t r-r-right!”  The twins’ crying grew in volume.  
               “Honey, honey, it’s okay,” MaMcGucket said quickly, kneeling next to Banjey. Banjey latched onto her immediately, tears now streaming down herface.  Ma McGucket stroked her hair.  Pa McGucket picked Banjo up and began to rubhis back reassuringly.  
               “Son, don’t cry ‘bout this, it’llbe all right,” Pa McGucket said soothingly. Banjo buried his head in Pa McGucket’s shirt, shoulders shaking from hissobs.  
               “No, it’s not!  It’ll never be all right!” Banjoshrieked.  Lute looked aroundnervously.  People were beginning tostare. ��Lute cleared his throat.
               “But look, this is on sale!”Lute said desperately, pointing to a nearby display of beanies.  Banjo and Banjey didn’t look up.  “Lil siblin’s, they’ve got them good hats,fer cheap!” Lute tried again.  Banjoslowly looked up and the over in the direction Lute was pointing.  “Since they’re so affordable, bein’ on saleand all, I bet Ma ‘n Pa will buy ya each one,” Lute continued.  Banjo stopped crying, staring at the hatsnumbly.  Banjey’s sobs turned intohiccups as she calmed down.  
               “Do ya want to go look at thehats with Lute?” Pa McGucket asked quietly. Banjo nodded jerkily and looked over at Banjey.
               “B-Banjey?  Gonna come?” Banjo asked, his voice thickfrom crying.  Banjey sniffed loudly andnodded.
               “Okay,” she mumbled.  Lute held hands with each of his youngersiblings and walked over to the beanie display. He threw beanies at them, prompting a few giggles from the twins.  Ma McGucket looked at her husband.
               “Mearl, I- I don’t know if wecan send ‘em to school yet,” Ma McGucket said in a low tone.  Pa McGucket nodded.
               “I agree.  Havin’ an issue at kindergarten would be adisaster.”  Pa McGucket let out a longsigh.  “Fer the time, I guess we’llhomeschool ‘em.  Until they’re settledenough that a lunchbox won’t set ‘em off.” Ma McGucket nodded solemnly.
               “Poor things,” shewhispered.  “They don’t deserve any ofthis.”  There was a loud crash. Ma and Pa McGucket looked over in the direction of the noise.  Lute grinned, embarrassed.  
               “They knocked over the stand, sorry,”Lute said.  Banjo and Banjey werewrestling playfully with each other. Laughter from the two children carried over to Ma and Pa McGucket.  “At least they’re happy again.”
               “Yep.  That’s the important thing,” Pa McGucketsaid, standing up.  “Sure hope the folksrunnin’ the store won’t mind.”
               “If we buy some hats andclothes, it’ll be fine,” Ma McGucket said breezily.  She looked to her right.  “Hmm, there’s some cute lil stuff over therethat might fit the twins.  Matchin’, too.”
               “They hate matchin’ clothes,” PaMcGucket reminded her.  Ma McGucketlinked her arm in her husband’s.
               “They’re also only six, and gettin’dressed by us.  And homeschooled by us.”  Shegrinned.  “Heck, we could call it aschool uniform.  All kidlets attendin’the McGucket School fer Adopted Twins have to wear matchin’ clothes.”  Pa McGucket chuckled.
               “Darlin’, I love ya so dangmuch.”
               “Not as much as I love you.”
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