#but the brave and the bold aquaman has my heart
sukiekagamine-art · 10 months
hal and barry are underrated and misrepresented, and I hate the fact that dc didn't give them enough shit :((
*cough cough dcu green lantern and flash movies cough cough*
yeah green lantern is getting a new show but I wouldn't be surprised that they make hal an useless old man who gets his ass always beat considering the rumors (and how dc is silently pushing hal in favor of john)
maybe I'm just being cynical but I'm just tired man
Oh, you reminded me of the DCAMU, espacially Justice League War and all of the new52-based animations about the JL. I mean sure, Hal's prominent character trait is his confidence, and sure, he provides comic relief sometimes, but JL War reduced him to this annoying, arrogant punching bag and took away his cool, badass moments from the comics, the things that proved he's just as capable of being a leader and a powerful fighter like any other member of JL. They only focused on him because he's with Batman, and they needed to make him annoying and useless to make people love Batman more. Barry barely had any screen time in that movie, and he played absolutely no role in the plot, he's just there to fill up the slot.
I do think that Hal and Barry were portrait beautifully in comics, now that I read more and more about them, but they're super neglected in animations and especially live action. At least Barry got Flashpoint (but that's literally all he has, no one gives a shit about Barry outside of Flashpoint and his timeline-fucking ability), Hal got absolutely nothing after the Ryan Reynolds' movie.
Compared to Superman and Batman who have reboots after reboots, they sure deserve some good movies of their own. Wonder Woman and Aquaman were also underrepresented, but at least from DCEU they had some successful solo movies. Shazam had 2 movies as well.
I know live action isn't everything, but it hurt me that Hal was completely absent in the DCEU. I have a special spot in my heart for the DCEU, and and this is controversial but I love the DCEU Flash movie. It's actually one of the ones that I genuinely enjoyed and not only stan because I'm obsessed with DC before that.
I wish to see Hal and Barry interracting more in animation and live action in the future - their team ups are fantastic in many different issues of comics, if there's a Brave and Bold animation or live action later, it'll be my wildest dream come true.
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propheticpotato42 · 2 years
So I love Aquaman, aquaman objectively rules. Now I haven’t read many of the comics and I only watched the movie half paying attention on a bus but I’m still correct. So the reason why aquaman is the best is that out of all the mainline dc heroes he is one of the goofiest. Like he’s the king of Atlantis which is already kinda goofy and than he talks to fish. Like yes that is a pretty good power but it’s also funny. And this leads to the two platonically ideal Aquamans both of which are exquisite:
Firstly you have the classical 1930s-1950s archetype superhero, imagine Batman The Brave and the Bold Aquaman. He has a bellowing voice, doesn’t curse, is always in a chipper mood. He seems to be doing all of this superhero stuff out of a sense of chivalric honor. He fights villains who wish to do harm to the great natural habitat which he has sworn to protect, and he will. He is good to a fault, does the right thing because it is right and doesn’t need more of a reason. He considers most people to be friends and wants to help. He comes straight out of 1940s movie about knights and it’s great. And because it’s the modern age he did an educational rap about eating your fruits and veggies that’s incredibly cringe it’s endearing. He works great as a foil to a more brooding character like Batman because he’s having a good time.
If that isn’t your style you have the chill laid back surfer aquaman. This dude starts every morning with a surf and meditation on the beach, he is almost constantly chill and having a good time. This guy definitely smokes and doesn’t hide it. He seems really wise-in his own way-and when hanging out with the youth will dispense bits of wisdom that kind make sense. He’s a vegan who has a Turkey that was rescued from a slaughter house. He mediates on the beach and doesn’t own a tv. He’s chill and cool and pretty wholesome. He also works well as a foil to Batman or even Wonder Woman.
And here’s the important thing, both of these aquamen are not like chipper and chill in the face of impossible odds, no they rarely deal with that. In spite of popular conception Aquaman isn’t weak, he has super strength and near invulnerability. He can punch most opponents across a football field and doesn’t need to worry about bullets. And he can talk to fish, breath underwater, and in some iterations water bend and use water swords(YJA aqua lad does that so why shouldn’t Arthur?) and he is deadly with his trident. Aquaman is a force to be reckoned with while looking freaking ridiculous and acting kinda ridiculous. He doesn’t need to be serious because the situation rarely is for him. And to those of you saying that sometimes it is and that he faces real threats, yeah but that shouldn’t be the norm. So many superheroes are stuck in this constant high stakes battle against impossible odds that I think it would be refreshing to have a character who has the Sunday morning cartoon vibe of fighting a foe he will definitely defeat without too much hassle. It’s still have and suspenseful just not that serious and that’s good! Like aquaman is strong enough to defeat his foes and to have regular tough fights, but he isn’t Superman levels of strong where we get the angst of having to save everyone. It’s perfect. In conclusion aquaman rocks.
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happytheoristavenue · 2 years
DC fell short on live-action movies: An Opinion
Let’s talk about DC Comics. DC Comics, one of the original superhero content producers in America, and home of legendary heroes like Batman and Superman. Although my heart will always scream for DC, I must say, the movies have been a disappointment over the past few years. They are remembered for producing The Dark Knight, which gave us an iconic performance of the Joker from one Health Ledger. And sure, their WB Animation movies surpass any animated movie created by Marvel; however, when it comes to creating their own cinematic universe to compete with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, they fell more than short.
Before we get into why I think DC fell short in their competition with Marvel, let’s go over their past triumphs. Both DC and Marvel have put animated movies; however, here’s where Marvel fell short: animation. In the early 2010s, Marvel was acquired by Disney, which meant that Marvel had access to resources for their animation. However, Disney’s cartoon animation was not meant for the superhero genre; not to mention the child-like symphony like those in Disney movies. DC was acquired my Warner Bros, who also owns Cartoon Network, the channel with some of the best cartoons for children and preteens in America. But what made DC’s animated content better than Marvels? It was their animation styles.
I can explain this, though.  Warner Bros acquired DC Comics in 1969, so they are the veterans in producing animated superhero content. They also used Cartoon Network to push this content to children and preteens; shows like Teen Titans, Batman: The Aminated Series, Batman: The Brave and The Bold, Superman: The Animated Series, both Justice League shows, and Young Justice. All top-tier animation that brought hype for their viewers. In contrast, Disney acquired Marvel in 2009, right at the end of their “Snow White” animation era. They put out content through one of their network channels Disney XD, including shows like The Ultimate Spiderman, Avengers Assemble, and movies like Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow and one for Doctor Strange. But you’ll notice something familiar about all these animated movies: don’t they remind you of a Disney movie? Even the fight scenes seem like Disney slapstick. I used to scream at fight scenes in Young Justice and Teen Titans compared to watching The Ultimate Spider-Man or Avengers Assemble.
Now I know I give Marvel a lot of negativities, and I will always side with DC superheroes in a who’s-better-than-who argument. However, I must give credit when credit is due. Disney set the standard for live-action superhero movies. From the first Iron Man movie, all the way up to The Multiverse of Madness, Disney has managed to maintain powerful box office numbers with every movie they put out a movie. They also have excellent directors and cinematographers on their sets. This is where DC dropped the ball; while I admit that Wonder Woman and Aquaman probably had the best cinematography out of all the DCEU movies, it still didn’t compete with Marvel. 
DC also fell short on storytelling. I haven’t read a single Marvel comic book in my life, and I was able to follow along with the franchise easily. DC made too much unwanted changes to their story. While it is ideal to create entirely new storylines, it’s a swing-and-miss scenario. Zack Snyder’s Batman vs. Superman and Justice League drastically changed a storyline that was already established by DC Comics. While Marvel may have made minor changes to the Infinity Saga comic series in their franchise, at least those changes didn’t completely change the story. In Justice League, the story goes along with Justice League: War, a comic that sets up the initial collaboration of future Justice League members: Batman, Superman, Flash, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Cyborg, and Shazam. They collaborate to defeat Darkside and prevent him from taking over Earth.
While Snyder’s movie did follow this storyline, it left a new one up in the air. Before the final battle, Batman has a dream of a future where he leads the resistance against Superman, who turned into a dictator after the death of Lois Lane, his then fiancé. When Batman wakes up, a future Flash talks to him from a portal, tell him “Lois is the key,” meaning Lois is the key to keeping Superman at bay. This is a similar plot to another storyline: Injustice, where the Joker tricks Superman into killing Lois and causes Metropolis to be destroyed. This made Superman go on a journey of world domination. This would have been a cool live-action movie franchise to release in theaters, but Snyder messed so bad with Batman vs. Superman and Justice League, WB scrapped that whole storyline that would’ve been in another movie. 
While there are good DC live-action movies in existence, they don’t hold a candle to Marvel movies. I do, however, have hope that DC makes a comeback with Black Adam. It remains to be seen whether a DC movie will surpass a Marvel movie in box office earnings.
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tessatechaitea · 5 years
Year of the Villain: The Riddler #1
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My shadow is always an asterisk.
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The answer to this question is easy if you were alive for the Dead Baby joke trend in the eighties.
Batman knows some good Dead Baby jokes too!
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A baby impaled on a globe!
The Riddler is upset because Lex Luthor hasn't asked him to join the whole Year of the Villains extravaganza. Of course Lex didn't! Why would he want anything to do with a pedo Batman villain? Okay, sure, he's working with The Joker. But that's probably because he's seriously afraid of The Joker. Also, maybe he's working with the one of the two Jokers (out of the three!) that aren't pedophiles. But Lex Luthor does pay The Riddler a visit!
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Hopefully Lex just came by to out The Riddler and punch him in his disgusting face.
I don't know what's on The Riddler's trophy that Lex is holding but I'm sure it will be important on the last page of the comic book. Sort of a Rosebud surprise that explains why The Riddler is the gross, incompetent jerk he is. I hope it's first place in a Dead Baby joke telling contest. Lex tells The Riddler a story that's supposed to help The Riddler figure out why he's such an incompetent jerk. It's a riddle of sorts so The Riddler should be able to figure it out by the end of the issue. I hope he does because I'm sure not going to figure it out! It's not like Scott Lobdell wrote this issue where I'd have it all figured out by the third page (after the first two pages were done recapping the last issue and also changing some things that Scott apparently didn't like and figured nobody would remember a month later (that being said, his trades must be hell to edit together)). This was written by Mark Russell! I mean, I wouldn't say Mark Russell is smarter than me. But I would say that he thinks differently than me in a way that "society" might "deem" "more intelligent." Tut (not King Tut because that would probably create legal troubles between whoever owns the television series characters and DC Comics) decides to join forces with The Riddler so they can catch Batman in an Egyptian-themed riddle trap! This is where I think up a bunch of dead baby jokes where the answer involves being able to fuck the dead babies but I'd rather not do that because everybody on the Internet will judge me. They'll be all, "Who would think up a joke about comparing a stack of dead babies to the pyramid at Giza and how you'd break your dick trying to fuck the pyramid?! Ugh! Cancelled!" I don't want to be cancelled! I don't want my last tweet to be, "Et tu, Internet?" Tut and Riddler prepare for capturing and killing Batman so they can get their filthy hands on young, innocent, hairless Dick Grayson by sending a missive to Commissioner Gordon.
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I don't know if this should make me feel closer to Mark Russell as a writer or closer to Mark Russell's idea of Tut who is a terrible writer?
While Batman walks into Tut's trap (which maybe should be in quotation marks because all traps should be in quotation marks when Batman is walking into them?), The Riddler thinks about the trophy and what it meant to him. It was awarded to him for solving some class mystery in under a minute. And it represented respect. But Lex says some sort of AA hoodoo about the mistake of living for the past and trying to prove you're not who you used to be rather than just getting on with living for the future which eats away at The Riddler until he just up and quits being The Riddler. But what will he become?! Can any other writer figure out the answer to that riddle or has Mark Russell ensured that he'll have at least one more gig at DC in the future?! Maybe Tom King can answer the riddle. And I bet Brian Michael Bendis can make the riddle not matter anymore and just bring The Riddler back like he was. And maybe Dan Jurgens can answer the question by bringing back the 1986 version of The Riddler while ignoring the events of this comic book completely. Or maybe Geoff Johns can bring Scrooge McDuck into the DC Universe to fix The Riddler by offering him loads of gold to continue being The Riddler? Or maybe Garth Ennis can be hired on to make The Riddler step up and actually come out as The Diddler in a Vertigo Diddler series that would show The Diddler fucking up kids in ways that would make all the shit that happened to Herr Starr in The Preacher look like a fun day out at the local water park! Or maybe The Riddler will just come back as a hero who asks villains riddles where the answer is almost always, "A kick to the groin, asshole!" I guess that version would be written by Mark Millar! Year of the Villain: The Riddler #1 Rating: A+. I think I promised to always rate Mark Russel and Tom King books as "A+" because who else is writing stories of this quality in the DC bullpen? Fucking nobody, that's who! Okay, maybe Bendis but I'm not reading Bendis's books anymore. Except for Batman Universe which stars The Riddler but dumber (he's dumber because something in the story is clouding his mind and not because I'm criticizing how well Bendis writes The Riddler. Although making him dumber for plot reasons is a great way to obfuscate Bendis's terrible ability to come up with good riddles! So it's both smart and stupid in a way!).
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collectorscorner · 6 years
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T-Shirt MED, AR Wonder Woman Sketch T-Shirt SM, AR Wonder Woman Sketch T-Shirt XL, AR Wonder Woman Sketch T-Shirt XXL, AR
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comicbookuniversity · 7 years
A Micro-Review of Justice League and Other Thoughts
I originally posted some of my thoughts on the film over on my Facebook, and have decided to share them here cleaned up a little.
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As someone who actively dislikes Man of Steel and hates Batman vs Superman, I have to say I didn’t hate Justice League. It wasn’t a good movie, but it wasn’t awful. It was just meh. The story is basically nothing and Steppenwolf is forgettable. The performances of League members are good and most certainly the highlight of the film. Aquaman is basically a frat boy, but one with a good heart who will eventually be better. One of the movies primary goals was to make Aquaman into a beefcake in order to circumvent Aquaman’s less than stellar reputation, and making him sexy was probably one of the smartest things the film did. Flash is an awdorkable neurotic type of person who is made likable by the charm that Ezra Miller brings to his interpretation Cyborg is boring, because he’s brooding most of the time, but I feel like there’s a hint of personality that can and will be explored better in another film. Fisher’s performance of him makes sense, due to the fact that Cyborg is brought back without much of emotional support or imperative beyond grief and can’t really figure out a way forward until the events of the film. I’m also super glad they showed him changing his look at the end of the film as the anorexic disco ball look was not working. Wonder Woman continues to be the best as Gal Gadot brings the sincerity and dramatic muscle. And this Batman is less of a dick, but still not close to being real Batman- more like if Punisher cosplayed as him. I don’t really have a problem with Ben Affleck in the role or their idea to make him more overtly like Tony Stark for this film, but I do have a problem with the fact that Batman is still using guns prominently in the movie. It shows that Zack Snyder completely misunderstands Batman’s origin. Superman is surprisingly more like what I actually want to see for a movie version of Superman. They finally let Henry Cavill be a little charming and it works so much better than what they’ve earned, which only makes me actually want to see more of this version of Superman. If they do a film with him actually acting, then they have a massive hit on their hands with a future Superman movie.
This film definitely embraced the essence of DC comics more, but it’s still recovering from the biggest single factor driving it down: Zack Snyder. His choices are what have kept WB from really competing with Marvel, and thankfully he pulled back from his instincts more this time. But, I still believe he needs to be removed from the creative future of these films. The Justice League deserved a better film debut, but considering what films preceded it in creating narrative context, it’s much better than what came before with the exception of Wonder Woman. I think this film could have been better, but I liked that I don’t have to have the same kinds of reactions I have when I hear people say they like the other non-Wonder Woman films. I say a 6.5 with the .5 for the potential it displays.
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Also, I really hope they bring in a new set of directors and writers to really help flesh out the potential. Patty Jenkins is busy securing the future of Wonder Woman. Matt Reeves has been brought in to give us a great Batman film, and James Wan is a fine director who is done working on Aquaman and now working post-production. I’m a little worried since he made his name in horror first, but the same was basically true for Sam Raimi when he took over Spider-Man. But that still leaves Superman, Flash, and Cyborg without strong guiding forces.
What I really want is Flash anchoring a Bold and Brave film as buddy adventure with Cyborg. Screw doing a Flashpoint story, because the source material wasn’t that good in the first place and it has already been adapted twice. Don’t worry about time travel- just give the Flash something to do and someone for Ezra Miller to bounce off of for chemistry. They teased a future friendship with Cyborg and it’s something that they should explore further. Jump in deep and give them the entirety of Flash’s Rouges to fight. Flash’s Rouges are some of the best, because they’re more motivated by greed and self-interest rather than any over bearing need to dominate. At this point, the DCEU really needs some antagonists who don’t want to simply destroy the world. It’s a clash of personalities as they fight for how power should be used responsibly and really allows for some fun fights.
While Ive stated that I would be OK with Matthew Vaughn as director (and Mark Millar as writer), I only really accepted that because I thought of how he could bridge the tone Snyder has created while bringing some style and energy to a sequel. The Justice League film hinted at an actual Superman on the big screen, so with that being said, I want to dream bigger: Justin Lin should direct the next Superman film. His work on The Fast and Furious franchise is what made it into a massive, diverse action hit. But what signals him as the best choice for the next Superman film is his work on Star Trek Beyond. Beyond was the first in the Kelvin timeline of Star Trek to really feel like the Star Trek people had fallen in love with. It was still an adventure film that didn’t quite hit the intellectual heart of the franchise, but Lin worked with what had been established with this version to deliver a rollicking adventure with the spirit of the original. If he could do that after the disappointment that was Into Darkness, then he can find the humanity and excitement of what a Superman film should be.
So yeah, those are my thoughts on Justice League the film and the future of DC films.
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Aquaman: The Splash Down
Four years ago, on a spooky October day, Warner Brothers announced that their chosen future king of Atlantis—Jason Momoa---was going to have his own feature solo film. Much to the confused and cautious wonder of the nerd community, the news of an Aquaman film made some waves. Though the company had previously attempted to breathe life into Arthur Curry with a Smallville spin-off, the series’ pilot took on water faster than it could ever gain syndication. However, despite the murky waters of live action drama, the Aquatic Ace was still a fan favorite with the much beloved Batman: The Brave & The Bold animated series.
So that, my dear ones, left us afloat and at the whim of DC & Warner Bros.
What would become of Aquaman?
Well, while Warner Bros.’s chance on the Justice League film was not a triumphant success in the grand scheme of things, it did paint a more positive look at the potential of DC heroes on the modern silver screen. We were introduced to Momoa’s charismatic, loveable jock portrayal of Arthur Curry for the first time. Affable, heroic and blunt, the possibility of Aquaman heading his own feature was not as baffling as it once was.
With the recent drops of trailers for the new film cresting the horizon, I hunkered down and began to tread the waters of Aquaman reading material.
I, much like many comic enthusiasts, am not a well of Aquaman knowledge, so, with director James Wan leading Jason Momoa, as Arthur Curry, and Amber Heard, returning as Mera from her brief stints in Justice League, I’ve rounded up two story arcs to properly get your feet wet for the Atlantian Half-Breed. Let’s dive in!
Aquaman: Sub Diego
Written by Will Pfeifer
Art by Patrick Gleason
Colors by Nathan Eyring
Pfeifer’s Aquaman is a splash from the more recent past. Collecting issues 15-22 of the ’04 run, Sub Diego paints Arthur as a reluctant ruler fresh from stepping down from his throne who is keen on helping people thrive in a new realm. A fantastic jumping on point, this trade collects the tale of what happens when a large portion of San Diego, California is struck with a tragic earthquake, sinking to the bottom of the Pacific Coast. Searching for survivors, Arthur finds no signs of life. Initially.
A month after the shocking events, as what is left of the city is in mourning, missing people (and pets!) begin to surface and… drown on land? Taking to action immediately, Aquaman searches what he once thought to be a watery grave yet again. While the death count is still high, many individuals of the event live and breathe in the ocean, trapped in the debris of their new watery surroundings.
Knowing he can understand these people the most, being of one world yet deemed to live in another, Arthur sets to adopting Sub Diego as its protector.  Somehow befriending one of the first people he saves, a teenager named Lorena who will later go on to become Aquagirl, the pair try to crack the case on exactly how the survivors of Sub Diego came to be able to breathe under the sea.
This trade is fin-tastic.
Though the story is technically set in the middle of a comic run, as a new reader, you do not feel like a fish out of water while absorbing the story unfolding before you. Quite the opposite, in fact. Sub Diego helps to flesh out Aquaman’s sense of responsibility, honor and loyalty despite his differences with the people of land. Arthur is smart, kind and quite snarky as he does everything in his power to help any individual in need of help, even if they partook in some terrible misdeeds.
He just loves Sub Diego so mu-huh-huch.
Aquaman (New 52) Vol. 1: The Trench
Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Ivan Reis (Pencils) & Joe Prado (Inks)
Colors by Rod Reis
Ok, so, yes, I am recommending a book from the New 52 line. Believe you me, it is surprising to me as well. But, take a chance on this one, Johns has a wonderful grip on an Aquaman who is actively choosing to abstain from the throne of Atlantis; a man who wants to be like his father before him and protect the coast in his own way. Arthur, and his new to all things on land girlfriend Mera, live in the old lighthouse his father once tended to, musing on how to thrive on land, away from Atlantis’ royalties.
When an alarming chunk of the population of a fishing town goes missing---some still around, scattered remains of an obvious attack—local authorities are reluctant to ask for Arthur and Mera’s assistance. It seems that some ancient humanoid fish species has risen from one of the deepest, darkest parts of the ocean… and they’re hungry. Mera is quickly on the side of “we must defeat them before they destroy us” where as Arthur wishes to understand them to stop this. In his thought process, they are clearly not of this part of the ocean, they’re searching for food and merely trying to survive just as he is. The internal struggle of not only wishing to do what is right and the responsible choice but also what would be the most compassionate is an interesting dynamic to see within Aquaman.
This story also handles the idea of a highly aware Aquaman. He knows the memes and the jokes, he understands that people ridicule his powers. (He doesn’t talk to fish, he mentally compels their emotions to assist him! Though he might talk to dolphins.) Arthur is even, quite rudely, faced with the fact that he is known as “no one’s favorite hero”. Like in Sub Diego, Arthur is mentally drowning on land but fights through with compassion and patience. He has an honor code he wants to hold himself to; to be himself and help others, the haters be damned.
Conversely, we are also privy to Mera learning how to cut her teeth on land. Being solely of Atlantis, even known as a mermaid to some people who didn’t even believe she had legs instead of fins, she struggles to understand people on land. They see her as simply “Aquawoman”, an extension of Aquaman, quickly judging her based on appearance and perceived understanding rather than her own wit. She is a strong person, full of fire and righteousness, who is willing to cut through the muck to do what is right. We are even shown the creative application of her Waterbender-like powers to appropriately flex how different her powers are from Arthur’s own abilities. Mera is, frankly, the HBIC of the Sea. And, whilst dealing with their neighbors finding them to be odd, Arthur and Mera adopt a dog. An officer jokes they should name him “Aquadog”. I would offer “Subwoofer” as a possibility.
The Trench is a wonderful starting line for understanding both Arthur and Mera going into the new film. Their desires to flex their individualities whilst also remaining true to their own beliefs is relatable and the stuff of modern heroes.
Doing this research and reading has certainly created ripples within my well of knowledge. It has opened my eyes to the delightfully ridiculous stories and heart swell of emotion for true honor codes within heroes. The Aquatic Ace has quickly raced into my list of respected and adored DC heroes. I… might love Aquaman? Yeah. I love Aquaman.
-Erminia ‘Minnie’ Saucedo, Dame Patrol Host
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