#but the fuzzy is overpowering the tired and I don't like that. fuzzy feels Not Good to me bc I hate fun or whatever idk
heartbeetz · 5 months
One of Anton's main character traits literally just being "drunkard" is soooo funny for our ship tbh. Guy who drinks a lot + guy who likes the taste of alcohol but NOT the effects. Lmao.
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vllergy · 1 month
vesen request, 2.1 k, cold fic ty to @scatter-snz for this elite prompt i hope this is what u had in mind!!! jin-young is a cop (he has the kink because of who i am as a person) vesen is a big tall hot alien assassin aliens and humans are working together but it's still pretty new and things are awkward jin and vesen 100% fall in love with each other eventually that's basically all you need to know
It's Jin's first day being back after a record two days off. In his six years on the force, he can't remember the last time he took actual sick leave. To be fair, he doesn't get sick that often and when he does, he's aways been the type to grin and bear it. Part upbringing, part police conditioning. If you're not dead, you're fit to serve. Or at least that's the way it always has been. The Kheelen changed that. Human officers aren't spread thin these days due to the partnering initiative. So his cases that would have once fallen to the wayside in his absence now fall to his partner, Vesen. And he's expected to trust that his taciturn, ill-mannered Kheelen counterpart can handle that shit on his own when Jin is otherwise indisposed.
For the most part, Jin does. Vesen may be an ass, but he's a competent investigator. Unfortunately, he and Jin's methods when it comes to gathering information are still wildly disparate. Something he knew, but didn't truly understand the consequences of until now as he sits across their latest subject in the interrogation room.
In the two days Jin took to nurse the cold from hell, it seems Vesen has taken it upon himself to put the fear of God into this man.
The man is visibly sweating. His eyes are only focused on Jin, though every so often they twitch Vesen's direction only to snap back as if his very image is a chemical burn. His cuffed hands tremble on the steel surface of the table and he picks at his cuticles the longer they sit there. Jin doesn't blame him, necessarily. Vesen is, objectively, terrifying. Even just sitting like this you can tell he's the apex predator in the room. He's so much bigger than both Jin and the other man--he overpowers the chair and the room itself, looking comically oversized for the entire thing. Jin thinks all the Kheelen look a little silly in the human precinct, actually. Crunching themselves into tiny desks, massive hands cupping small coffee mugs, ducking under doorways--it'd be laughable if they weren't all sure the Kheelen would crush their skulls for even a giggle about it. Jin sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. Intimidating is usually an advantage in an interrogation, but whatever Vesen's done to this guy over the past two days has pushed it over the line. He's not just intimidated, he's shitting his pants. There's no way they're getting through to him now. And frankly? Jin is too tired to rectify the situation. He's still not feeling great. His head is fuzzy and dulled, his painkillers are wearing off, and part of him knows he should be back in bed. But he's legitimately worried Vesen will frighten this man to death if he leaves him alone with him for any longer, and that's a bad look for everyone. Sniffing softly, Jin blinks and tries another tactic. "We want to help you, Anish."
Vesen scoffs at this, and Jin just barely manages not to roll his eyes. "But you have to give us something to work with," he continues.
Anish shivers and shakes his head, "It doesn't matter! You know it doesn't! These bastards are taking over and they're just pretending to play nice until they don't have to anymore." Oh boy, here we go. Vesen's hackles rise, just as Jin expects. The alien leans forward, a muscle in his jaw jumping. Artificial light flickers over his lilac skin and makes his dark hair shine like ink. "You dare insinuiate my people are not here out of good faith?" he hisses, sharp canines flashing, "When you are accused of aiding in a terrorist attack against them?" Jin reaches out for his arm. Down, boy. His fingers drift over steel muscle beneath Vesen's uniform as he tries to tug him back into his seat. He's about to say something to try and reign him in when he realizes with sudden horror that he's about to sneeze instead. "Hhh?" He quickly turns away, angling himself away from the table and steepling his hands over his nose and mouth. His eyebrows crash together as an embarrassingly sharp breath snags in his lungs before-- "chhSH’iew!!"
And it's never just one. "CHshISHh’iu!"
Two is actually pretty good for him, especially with this fucking cold. He gives a tentative sniffle before raising his head and clearing his throat. The tickle abates for the moment, but he can feel it buzzing dully in the back of his sinuses, tickling in the corners of his eyes. Ordinarily, he wouldn't care. Sneezing in public isn't his favorite thing, given how he feels about the activity in general, but he's never been good at stifling so it's not something that can be avoided. But sneezing in front of Vesen is a new hell in and of itself. Without even looking, he can feel the intensity of his partner's gaze on him and it makes heat begin to crawl up his throat. Fucking hell. "Excuse me," he says with a soft sniff and clears his throat again.
At the very least, he's dispelled the tension. "Arguing about who started what or whose intentions are genuine isn't going to get us anywhere. So let's not even get into that," he says, sending Vesen a warning glance. Vesen, he suddenly notes, is staring directly at his nose. For some reason that revelation sets off a nuclear detonation in Jin's lower belly and all the blood in his body rushes south. Self-consciously, Jin rubs at his nostrils and tries to think about anything else. But that only aggravates the dormant tickle, and he has to press his tongue to the roof of his mouth to curb the impulse. "Fine," Vesen hisses, turning his eyes back to Anish, "Then let us stick to the facts." Anish gulps. Jin strokes a finger down the datapad in front of him, bringing up a few files. They could pin Anish with his money transfer trail. Or his text messages. He and Vesen haven't which way they were going to do this--they hardly ever agree anyway--but he shifts the pad closer to his partner so that he can look too. "The facts are, you are a coward, Anish," Vesen suddenly purrs, "And you will not survive a week in prison if I put you there." Jin could strangle him. He does roll his eyes this time and looks toward the ceiling, as if asking some higher power for the strength not to. "What my partner means is that you nee--" The bright lights overhead tease the last bit of the tickle out at the most inopportune time. The fuzzy, static feeling inside his head snaps like someone struck a bolt of lightning into the middle of his face. He whips to the side, his elbow in front of him and his hand braced on his opposite shoulder. "Hh--excuse meehh'IIsHH!"
He mists the inside of his elbow, shakes his head softly and then gears up for another. His breath stumbles, eyelashes fluttering. "Are you going to continue sneezing?" Vesen deadpans. "Hhhuh?" Jin blinks blearily, his cheeks going red as he tries--unsuccessfully--to pinch off the next one, "nnTTchSHH'iu!"
"Madrax. What is that inane human saying? Bless you, Jin-young."
Vesen stands as Jin pulls a crumpled tissue from his pocket and tends to his nose. In the next second, he feels his collar being tugged and himself yanked up from his chair. Feet stumbling under him, he struggles to get his balance for a moment until Vesen's large hand steadies him at the small of his back. Vesen's low voice simmers with what sounds distinctly like a threat, "We will return, Anish. Make yourself comfortable."
Then, before Jin knows what's happening, he's being guided out of the interrogation room and back into the hall. The door shuts and Vesen's hand retreats from his back. In a moment, the alien is towering before him, arms crossed over his broad chest and staring down imperiously at him. "Jin-young," he says disapprovingly. Jin blows his nose softly and retrieves another crumpled tissue. "Vesen."
"You are still ill." "I'm on the tail end of it."
"I do not wish to work with you when you are not well."
Jin scoffs, dabbing at his red nostrils, "I thought the Kheelen didn't get sick. I'm pretty sure you can't catch this."
"It is not my well-being I am concerned for."
Jin's eyebrows shoot skyward. Vesen, concerned for someone besides himself? No fucking way. He might have said as much if his nostrils didn't suddenly swell double. He crushes the tissue to his nose and mouth to muffle a tired sneeze.
"Bless you."
Jin blinked and gasped, "Hh'chhmpf!"
"Bless you."
Jin adjusts the tissue to try and find a dry spot, missing the next sneeze entirely and directing it to the floor. "You don't have to say it every ti-hiime--hhCH'ISSH'iu!"
"And why not? Bless you. You said it is something humans say when another sneezes. You are sneezing, are you not?"
Jin blushes darkly as he attends to his nose. Does Vesen have any idea what he was doing to him? Clearly not, or else he'd be raking him over the fucking coals for it. But somehow him being oblivious is making it so much worse. "Look who's suddenly so concerned over human-Kheelen relations," Jin gripes hoarsely, trying desperately to deflect. Anything to stop talking about him sneezing and Vesen blessing him. He'd rather be waterboarded. "You should go home, Jin-young." "And leave you to eat our sole witness alive? I don't think so." Vesen bristled, "You doubt my abilities."
"If we were torturing the guy? Not for a second. But we're trying to get him to talk to us, Ves." "Ah yes, and sneezing at him incessantly is doing the job just as well. Perhaps there is some merit to that," Vesen leans forward, grinning, "You look so unspeakably pathetic that he might take pity on you and finally tell us the truth."
Jin tosses his sodden tissues in the nearby wastebin and scrubs at his face.
"Fuck you," he groans, "Can we just go back and get this over with?"
"No, you are going home."
Vesen grabs his upper arm, his grip like a vice. Jin never really forgets how strong the Kheelen are, but every so often a brazen display hubles him completely. Vesen steers him effortlessly back down the hall without any hope of him struggling against him. "Wait, Vesen, c'mon--" He struggles anyway, just on principle. But a moment later he yanks on his grip unintentionally as he wrenches away from him with another ill-timed sneeze. "Hh'CHISSihuh!" He nearly bends double on that one and Vesen abruptly pulls him to a stop. The alien holds fast to his arm as if he can sense that Jin is going to lose his balance if he's not tethered to anything. "hah'hhCHHishh! iSSCchuh!" His ears begin to ring. Distantly, he's aware of Vesen's other hand bracing against his shoulder. That second point of contact sets his blood on fire. Before he can think too hard about that, another sneeze tickles the inside of his sinuses and he attempts to smother it with his free hand, "PpshhiSHHch!"
"Bless you," Vesen sighs as Jin straightens back up wearily, "Are you finished?"
"Yes," Jin lies and then shakes his head rapidly, turning away and pinching his nose between his thumb and forefinger, "NnghsSHH'iu!"
Vesen taps his shoulder. It almost feels...sympathetic?
"Go home, Jin-young. I will wait until you are well again to interrogate our witness."
Jin sniffles and glances up with watering eyes. "W-wait, really?" It's an unexpected gesture of charity from Vesen who has been historically uncharitable all the time he's known him. He narrows his glassy eyes, skeptical. Or at least, he tries to look skeptical despite the fact that his heart is in his throat because Vesen is still holding onto him and just watched him sneeze his head off with rapt, disgustingly erotic attention. "What's the catch?" "There is no catch. Just go before I lose my patience," Vesen said.
Jin knows better than to argue with that. Vesen is someone who loses his patience extraordinarily quickly, and it's never pretty. If he's giving him an out, Jin might as well take it.
Sniffling, Jin nods and gives him a tiny salute, "Thanks, Ves."
Vesen finally lets go of him. He grunts in response, gives him one last unreadable glance, and then turns on his heel. Before Jin can say anything else, his impossibly tall figure disappears back down the hall towards the interrogation room.
Jin isn't totally sure, but he thinks Vesen might not be such a bad guy after all.
That, and he's suddenly unreasonably horny.
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kadssp · 2 years
I mean he IS a robotic zombie who killed way too many kids I can't pretend he's NOT. Calling it like I see it, but DAMN he has a nice voice.... My anxiety brain isn't too keen on the idea of doing the deed with Springtrap for lots of reasons- Zombie STIs are probably worse than normal ones and like.... I don't think that I could get the springdick without getting seriously injured just by the level of disrepair that thing is in. Feel like I'd end up sliced open all over my inside and outside, and I don't handle pain well.
But lord have mercy, he has SUCH a nice voice... And the power this guy holds over me simply by size and sheer MENACE is pretty freaking hot, too. I am a SLUT for being just absolutely overpowered. Not so much in a cruel way, more "I don't want any control of this, someone ELSE make the decisions and let me just ENJOY it without worrying so damn much". I just wanna turn off my brain for a while, you know?
I am aggressively beating back the literal parts of my brain. I am slapping my logic with a broom so that I can suspend my disbelief and enjoy this when it hits. And it's most likely gonna end up saved somewhere for future reading, too. -🎁
warnings: afab!reader, mentioned praise, degradation, mentioned multiple orgasms, thigh riding, overstim, choking, minors dni, the things i’d let this man do to me, this isnt proofread im drinking tea while creaming over springtrap
word count: 634
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LMAAOAO no because youre prob right. we can always imagine in fanfics he has an amazing dick or robo dick that totally hasnt rusted and molded over the years in the pizzeria.
i was thinking of maybe a different route, i would probably cvm over his voice💀 but that’s disgusting of me SO i was thinking maybe his fingers? they’re pretty big, maybe a little pointy on the end but who cares when he has them pumping inside of you while he mockingly praises you and then growls out degrading things in your ear knowing it makes you squeeze around his finger for all it’s worth.
”such a dirty slut. you know who i am right?” constantly making you say his name, scream it at the top of your lungs while his hand is wrapped around your small throat as he coos at how pathetic you look under him.
you’d nod at his words but too fucked out from how many times you’ve orgasmed by now as he continues curling his fingers against that gummy spot while hot tears roll down your cheeks from the overstimulation.
”say it.” he growls, tone low and menacing and your eyes roll back in your skull because god he had such an attractive voice and he knew how to use it. the pressure around your throat would open increase, choking on a strained moan as your body writhes under him. “say my name, filthy slut.”
your vision is blurry as the knot in your stomach tightens for the nth time that night shift, body arching into his touch as his smirk widens only being noticed by the animatronic mouth opening more as his eyes widen.
youre repeating his name like a mantra, dripping off your lips as you rock against his hand chasing your high as small begs slip off your tongue and you look up at the menace above you. his stare is cold as if he’s looking at you in disgust of the situation but the sheer amount of power he holds over you, the look in his eyes as if you’re his prey sends your orgasm crashing down on yourself. body trembling as your juices flow out over the hand still inside you but halted movements as you come down from your high again. how many times had you cum? you couldn’t remember and it was getting a little hard to breath, the ventilation was probably experiencing an error again.
you chuckle nervously as your eyes look up at him for a moment before you try to turn away to fix the error on your side monitor, reaching for the screen only to be pulled back towards him, sat up in his lap as he grinned wickedly at you.
the room felt fuzzy and your lungs felt tired and slow as you look at him in confusion and fear.
”don’t worry too much, bunny. you’ll get what you want.” his laugh is unhinged and it makes you shiver against his tight grip on your hips. how were you going to get out now? you needed that system fixed before you passed out.
“why dont you show me how badly you need that useless monitor, hm?” he gets off on the look of fear settling in your glossy orbs, realization washed over you and what other choice do you have now? looking down at the destroyed and decaying animatronic leg before your eyes glance up at him in a feeble attempt to get out of this but he leans back and watches you intensely.
you release a shaky breath, eyes lidded as you whimper at the feeling the suit gives, you were disgusted with yourself but you couldn’t find it in you to truly care, not when he so graciously is letting you live.
for now.
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saintlike78 · 3 years
Hey love, u alright?
If have no problem here go one request; Marauders(without the rat) x Fem!Reader, the reader's first time in her subspace. How the boys know, and how they react (since this is the first time, and they probably don't know how to bring her back)
By; Cora🌈 (and my god, your writing it's soooooo perfect, really i'm in love)
Come back for us [Poly Marauders]
A/N: Cora, thank you so much for your request! Loved the “minus the rat” hehe. Writing this I kinda figured out that I’m not that good at writing subspace, but I tried for you… I hope you like it.
Pairings: Poly Marauders x Fem! Reader
Words: 2.1k
Warnings: NSFW! 16+, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, oral (male receiving and giving), subspace, degradation, praise, aftercare, dom! Remus, dom! Sirius, switch! James, sub! reader, mention of cum, polyamorous relationship, use of swearwords. As always lmk if I missed anything.
NSFW starts right under the cut!
“Such a dumb little cockslut,” Sirius grunted out, hips rutting against yours at a brutal pace.
“Dumb cockslut,” you echoed, voice dreamy and breathy, moans spilling out from deep within you.
Your eyes were glazed over, and your mind felt fuzzy, you could only concentrate on one thing and that was being good for your three boys. The sound of skin slapping, James’ gags, and all of your moans were filling the room with a lewd soundtrack.
You were under Sirius and beside you Remus’ cock was buried deep within James’ mouth, chasing his high as he fucked into his mouth with no remorse.
“You like that, you filthy slut? Like me destroying that pretty little pussy?” Sirius’s hand was around your throat, squeezing slightly to gain your attention.
“Y-y-es,” you moaned, eyes rolling to the back of your head.
“Yes, what?” Remus said beside you, not letting you forget your manners.
“Ye-s, sir… pre-tty pus-sy,” your voice was slurred, your mind not really there.
Sirius chuckled, “Ya fucked dumb, pup? Where’s that pretty little mind gone?
Your eyes found his, your mouth open and whines met his ears. Your eyes were wide, and Sirius let out a pleasurable groan, “you look so pretty and innocent, baby, but what are you?”
“A du-mb cockslut,” you answered without thinking earning a nod of approval from the raven-haired boy above you.
His thrusts sped up at the sound of Remus finishing in James’ mouth and grunting out “swallow”, which James quickly complied to.
Sirius’ hips stuttered as he emptied his seed into you causing you to moan at the sinful feeling.
“There you go, pup, taking it all so well,” he praised, your heart swelled inside your chest, Sirius’ praise always making you swoon.
He slowly pulled out, earning a whine from you.
James raised his head from his position in front of Remus’ cock and moved to be between your legs instead. “Don’t worry, greedy girl, you won’t be empty for long.”
You whined again, “I’m not greedy… I’m a good girl.”
“Yeah? Then show us,” James said and flipped you over on your stomach, lifting you to be on your hands and knees.
He slowly entered you, giving you no time to adjust before he started snapping his hips at a brutal pace. He let out a loud groan at the feeling of your slick walls filled with Sirius’ cum.
Your arms were shaking and the weight on them caused them to give away causing you to fall into the soft mattress.
James grabbed ahold of your arms pulling you up so your back met his toned chest; he wrapped his arms around your front, keeping you in place. Your head automatically fell back to rest on his shoulder as whines and whimpers left your mouth. James cooed and brushed his thumb over your sensitive nipples, “tired, baby?”.
“No… keep going,” you didn’t want him to stop, you wanted to please him.
Remus moved to be in front of you, grabbing your face and connecting your lips in a heated kiss. His thumb swiping over your cheeks in a comforting manner as he breathed in all of your whimpers.
Sirius was beside you know, laying and enjoying the show, but because he hates feeling left out used his own thumb to swipe over your aching clit and rub fast circles on it. If James hadn’t been holding you and Remus hadn’t been in front of you, you would have toppled forward, but instead, you just jolted at the sensation and a long moan left your lips.
“You gonna cum, baby?” James asked, but already knowing the answer as your cunt was squeezing and contracting around him.
You whimpered and nodded, “yes, please, can I?”
Remus looked into your eyes and smiled adoringly at you, “of course you can since you’ve been such a good girl.”
“Yeah, go ahead and cum around Prongs’ cock like the little slut you are,” Sirius’ answer was a huge contrast to Remus’s, but they both carried the same message, and you didn’t waste any time doing as they said.
Your eyes rolled back, and your body shook at the overpowering feeling of your orgasm, your cunt contracting and pulsing around James. Your vision blurry and starry as you felt James’ hips stutter and still as he finished as well, his cum mixing with your own and Sirius’.
He let you catch your breath, kissing your neck lovingly before pulling out. You fell forward into Remus’ grasp, clinging to him.
“Did so good for us, bunny,” he softly spoke as he caressed your hair.
“One more.”
“huh? You want more?” Remus looked confused between James and Sirius, you had already been going at it for quite some time and were obviously exhausted.
“Wanna be good for you, I can go more,” you spoke, voice very slurred as if you were drunk.
“You did do good… were done, baby, we’re all tired… gotta clean you up now and go to bed,” James said, stroking your back.
You lifted your face to look at Remus, your eyes filled with tears, “no, I can go again, I promise… please, I want to be good for you,” you were repeating yourself and your three boys could feel themselves starting to panic at your disheveled state.
“We can’t go again, pup, we’re all done… we can go again tomorrow,” Sirius spoke softly.
“You don’t want me anymore?” tears leaked out of your eyes as you sobbed out the words.
Sirius cooed and grabbed your trembling body, holding you tightly against him as you cried. “Of course, we want you, pup… we’re just tired… I promise we’ll go again tomorrow.”
“But y-you don’t w-want me now,” you whimpered into his neck, your tears wetting and cooling Sirius’ skin.
“We always want you, our pretty baby… if we could we wouldn’t stop, but we gotta rest now so that we can go again and again and again,” James said with a slight laugh.
“’kay, sleep and then we go again? Then I’ll be a good girl?” You said hopefully, only focusing on the promise of going again.
“You’re always our good girl, but please just come back for us,” Remus said.
You giggled at his weird statement, “I’m right here, sir.”
“You don’t need to call us sir anymore, bunny, you know that” Remus was less confused about what was going on, having read about this type of headspace that could sometimes occur, but still equally as clueless as to how to get you out of it.
“But you’re sir,” you argued, not understanding what he was getting at.
“Not anymore, pup… It’s Remmy, Jamsie and Siri,” Sirius said still confused as to why you were acting like this.
You ‘humphed’ but didn’t argue and didn’t remove yourself from Sirius – it would be bad if you argued.
“Let’s go take a bath… would you like that, Bunny?” Remus rubbed your back and coached you out of Sirius’ grasp. You nodded and let him carry you to the bathroom, as you clung to him like a koala. He set you down on the bathroom counter your face contorting in discomfort as the cool counter touched your overused cunt.
Remus started to fill the large tub with warm water to soothe your aching muscles, but still had to explain to Sirius and James what was going on with you, so he quickly thought of an excuse.
“Oh, I forgot a clean towel for you… I’ll be right back okay, bun?” He looked at you and you just nodded with a quick ‘kay’.
He quickly left the bathroom and found his two boyfriends on Sirius’ bed, both wearing sweatpants and talking quietly amongst themselves, trying to decipher your weird mood.
Remus went to stand in front of them, gaining their attention. “I gotta be quick, but I read about this in that weird muggle sex book I found… she’s just feeling a little subby and fuzzy, so we need to be really gentle with her until she’s not anymore, but I don’t know how long that’ll take… the book was quite vague about it.”
Both James and Sirius nodded and looked at each other.
“Can’t she just sleep it away?” James asked hopefully.
“No, I don’t think that’s a good idea… we need to make sure she’s completely back before we go to sleep,” Remus explained… worrying that you wouldn’t come back for a long time.
“I gotta go back to her,” Remus quickly said before grabbing a new towel for you and heading back into the bathroom.
“I’m back, bunny,” he said holding the towel up for you to see. The bathtub was completely filled, but the water was off.
“You took so long… so I turned the water off, but I sat right back down like when you left me,” you explained, hoping you wouldn’t get in trouble.
Remus placed the clean towel beside you and cupped your cheek with his large hand, “good job, bun… just had to tell James and Sirius something, but you’re such a good girl.”
The praise made you blush and lean into his touch.
He lifted you again and got into the tub with you. A long sigh left your lips as the warm water engulfed your body.
You laid against Remus’s chest, fatigue taking over your entire body as Remus washed it slowly.
James and Sirius made their way into the bathroom as well, sitting beside the bathtub on small stools they had acquired to keep you company when you were in the bath.
“Hi sirs,” you smiled, reaching your hand out for one of them to take.
James was the quickest, his quidditch skills showing as he grabbed ahold of your hand and kissing the top of it.
“Hi, baby… It’s just James now, my love,” he tried to again, but you just giggled and shook your head.
Sirius stood to get you a glass of water, hopefully clearing your head a tad.
“Here you go, be a good girl and drink up,” Sirius handed you the glass and you immediately complied, wanting to be good.
The water did clear your head a bit, but the fuzz was still swirling around and creating a static-like feel in your brain.
“So good, bunny… was that nice?” Remus gently took the glass from you and handed it back to Sirius, who put it on the bathroom counter.
“Mhmm, so nice… thank you, Siri,” you said closing your eyes and smiling, letting your head fall back against Remus again.
Sirius’s eyes widened and a smile took over his face at the use of his name. He shared a relieved look with the two other boys, glad that what they were doing was working.
The three boys sat and talked while you just smiled and relaxed, listening to them happily.
Finally, James clapped his hands together and stood to retrieve the towel Remus had gotten for you. “Okay, baby, let’s get you dried off.”
He opened the towel and Remus helped you stand and helped you out of the tub and into James’ embrace.
James dried you, whilst Sirius went to the bedroom to grab you a pair of panties and a shirt to sleep in.
Once dressed you still stood, walking over to Sirius and wrapping your arms around his torso. He quickly wrapped his arms around your body and gave it a squeeze, smiling happily and smugly at the two others who just rolled their eyes at him.
“How’re you feeling, pup,” Sirius whispered in your ear and kissing your temple.
“I’m okay, just tired,” you answered with a slightly suppressed yawn.
“Alright, let’s go to bed then,” he led you to the bedroom and towards his bed, but not forgetting to look over his shoulder to wink teasingly at your two other boyfriends because he shanghaied you into sleeping in his bed – you were just too tired to say anything about the situation.
He laid down first and waited for Remus and James to kiss you goodnight and also waiting for them to do the same to him.
Once they had, he opened the blanket for you and you happily crawled into Sirius’ warm embrace, snuggling close to him as he wrapped his arms around you.
“You feel okay… you’re not feeling fuzzy anymore, right?” Sirius whispered.
“Don’t feel fuzzy anymore, I’m okay Siri… sorry I was like that,” your voice was small and meek, feeling bad that you had acted like that.
“No need to apologize, pup… it was hot that you were so desperate for us,” he smirked and winked at you, causing you to roll your eyes.
“I love you,” you kissed his lips before closing your eyes.
“I love you too, beautiful girl.”
Tags: @dracosafety, @teenwolfbitches28, @justadreamyhufflepuff
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ayatosmlktea · 4 years
best boyfriend series | bokuto
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A/N: thank you very much bri for making this banner after I gave up! We all know bokuto is the worlds best boyfriend, and if you don’t agree I hope this convinces you!
Tags: @bakugoustanaccount @hoekaashi
I got really carried away with the backstory aha oops
‧͙⁺˚*·༓☾  ☽༓·*˚⁺‧͙
- You and bokuto meet your first year of high school, you happen to get stuck together during orientation and you like his talkative extroverted nature
- You end up being in the same homeroom together while you situate yourself in a seat near the back of the class by the window bokuto makes his way over to you and sits down next to you
- You guys shared one other class, science, one of your better subjects and one of his worst, so you spend lots of time helping him understand the work
- The humour flows really well between the two of you, you enjoy his company as much as he enjoys yours and more than once you guys get called out for goofing off too much
- Lots of moments are spent where he’s making you laugh so hard you have to keep it all in and your cheeks burn from how hard you’re smiling
- You guys text each other outside of class, he asks for help doing the english homework which results in you guys calling each other and laughing over him pronouncing the vocabulary
- He finds your laugh the cutest thing he’s ever heard and goes out of his way to make you laugh ever opportunity he has
- He asks you to come to a few of his volleyball practices - to show off obviously- he lives for the praise you give him but you know this so you often tease him for his mistakes just to see him pout although you’re always sure to remind him that he’s talented
- During his games when he nails a really good spike he’ll search you out in the crowd after and seeing you cheer him on excitedly makes him feel like he could play 100 matches and not get tired
- It’s the end of his second year when bokuto begins to realize that he likes you as more than a friend, that the erratic beating of his heart is because he has feelings for you that go deeper than platonic friendship it makes him nervous
- He starts to notice the things he didn’t pay attention to before like the way you bite your bottom lip when you’re deep in concentration or the way your eyes shine when he makes you laugh
- The nervous shy smile you get when he pulls you into him so you don’t get bumped into in crowded spaces
- He’s never gotten jealous over another guy touching you before but Konoha clearly trying to flirt with you sparks something in him to make you his
-Bokuto starts to think about how his life would be if you weren’t in it and comes to the realization that you’re different from his other friends, he sees you as something more but he’s scared to ruin the relationship you have and doesn’t think you would ever think of him that way
- Spends the entire summer thinking about being in a relationship with you and there were many times he hyped himself up to text you and tell you but every time he backed out
- He doesn’t think you’re in his league, especially when you showed up on the first day of your third year looking like an absolute goddess, you guys hadn’t hung out at all that summer and he almost didn’t recognize you
- Your smile is different than before, it makes his whole body tingle with nervous excitement, its brighter like you’ve become more confident in yourself and he can see why
- He thinks you’re absolutely radiant
‧͙⁺˚*·༓☾  ☽༓·*˚⁺‧͙
- The day he asks you out comes when you’ve stayed late after school to work on a project
- You both finish at the same time, he insists on walking you home like he’s always done before
- You hadn’t planned on leaving this late and were met with a cold wind upon exiting the building
- Bokuto quickly bounded up to you offering you his volleyball jacket which you gladly took without a second thought, it was something you’d done a hundred times before but this time had Bokuto wishing that he could grab your small hand in his and pull you in for a kiss
- “Bo? You good?” you inquire waving your hand in front of his face calling his attention back to the present
- You notice that he’s fidgeting more than usual and he looks ..kinda constipated
- You were no stranger to calling Bokuto out when he started getting weird and in his head so you stopped walking and turned to face him telling him to spill whatever was on his mind
- Bokuto’s eyes widen clearly not expecting to have been called out so soon, you can see the uncharacteristic indecisiveness swimming in his eyes and it makes you start to feel uneasy
- You were expecting him to say something about not wanting to be friends anymore, you knew you had changed over the summer and maybe he didn’t like who you were now
- What you weren’t expecting was for him to practically scream a confession at you
- When he was done you both stared at each other, you not knowing what to say and in shock at the fact that the guy you’ve had a crush on for 3 years has confessed that he feels the same way you do
- Your silence is his eyes indicates rejection and he feels as though he’s been kicked in the gut but he tells you to forget what he said and shoves his hands in his sweater pockets mentally berating himself for being stupid enough to think you would like him back
- You reach out and grab his elbow stopping him from walking away, you don’t say anything and instead stand on your tiptoes to place the softest kiss on his lips
- Both of your faces heat up but neither of you move away from each other, you whisper that you like him too and have liked him for years and he can’t help but laugh in relief
- He pulls you into a hug and spins you around before holding your face in both his warm hands and kisses you again making your headspin and your heart race
- The next day all your friends are relieved when you show up to school holding hands claiming that watching the two of you pine over each other so obviously and not doing anything about it was painful
- Bokuto as your boyfriend!!!! finally
- Bokuto is your #1 hype man, for everything
- Doesn’t matter how big or small it is he’s always happy when you succeed
- Every time you post a selfie on instagram he’s always the first one to comment in all caps exclaiming how beautiful you look
- Also the kind of boyfriend to make you stop when you guys go out so he can a bunch of pictures of you, tells you to pose, tells you how pretty you look with the sun making your skin and eyes pop
- He kisses you every chance he gets, just peppers your face with kisses because his heart is overflowing with so much love for you that he doesn’t know what to do with himself other than to express it through kissing you
- Loves skin to skin contact, when you’re lying in bed together he’ll lift your shirt up and press your back against his chest with his arms cuddling your stomach
- Screenshots every snapchat you send him, even the ones you think are ugly because he thinks you always look beautiful especially when you’re being dorky
- He loves going for hikes, being the active person that he is he’d def be down for a lot of outdoor activities
- Kuroo still has the pictures on his phone from when you all went down to the lake for the weekend and Bokuto tipped your kayak over. At the time you had been anything but happy with your clothes and hair soaking wet but the memory of it now made you chuckle
- Your size difference is his favourite thing about the relationship, you’re so small you barely reach his shoulders and it makes him feel fuzzy inside knowing that only he gets to hold you close against his big beefy chest
- Insists on paying for literally e v e r y t h i n g
- It doesn't matter how much money you make, he always wants to treat you because you’re his baby, don't bother trying to fight with him bc you're going to lose
- Not only can he physically overpower you from being able to read the machine to pass your card but he’ll just pull some shit out like “can’t a guy treat his beautiful girlfriend?”
- If you mention in passing something you’ve been craving like food/candy/snacks etc he’ll go get it for you, if he notices you are looking at something you've been wanting to get yourself for a while but are hesitating bc its too expensive or you don't think you deserve it - you got it, he’s going to buy it for you
- Everyday is valentine’s day for Bokuto so there’s never a day you don’t feel loved and cherished, he buys you new flowers every week with a cute note attached saying something he loves about you
- On the actual day, he just sees it as an excuse to go all out for you, breakfast in bed, your favourite chocolates and/or candy waiting for you in the kitchen, obviously he’s gonna insist on waking you up with his favourite meal...if you know what I mean
- He insists on picking you up from work when he has the chance, especially if you’re working late
- When he has to leave early for practice he spends the few moments he has between waking up and getting dressed to cuddle you, buries his face in your neck and enjoys the sound of you snoring softly
- Always kisses you goodbye, one on your forehead and one on your lips
- Sends you a good morning text so you wake up to something happy because he knows you get sad when you wake up and he’s gone all day
- If he has to leave the city for a game or something else work related he makes sure his side of the bed smells enough like him that isnt overpowering but is enough for you to hug while he’s gone and have some comfort
- Sends you pictures everyday until he’s back and while you learn to cope with him being gone he nevers sleeps right without you
- He misses you even more than you miss him, he’s a clingy baby and needs your validation that you love him as much as he loves you
- Everyone gets insecure sometimes, including Boktuo and when he’s having one of those days all he wants to do is lie his head down on your chest while you play with hair and cuddle
- Bokuto is the kind of guy who knows he’s going to spend the rest of his life with you, I feel like depending on his mood he’s either antsy to propose or he’s not in a rush because he’s enjoying the lives you two are leading right now
- He’s had the ring he’s going to use to propose to you with for a solid year before it happens
- I also feel like he’d do some shit like pull the ring out while you’re not looking and take a picture to show you on the days leading up to the proposal
- He’ll take you to the beach to watch the sunrise with you and although you’re cranky and complaining that it’s too early to be awake you know the view will be worth it
- What you aren’t expecting is for him to get really serious as the first splashes of blue and pink hit the horizon while he talks about how he never imagined you’d become so important to his life
- He recalls the moment he fell in love with you, it wasn’t anything romantic or particularly cute and it was a little embarrassing now that you think back on it but he remembers the two of you joking around during lunch and him making you laugh so hard you snorted out milk through your nose
- He doesn’t know what it was about that moment but it had stuck with him all these years, he talks about how he wants to spend every morning waking up to you, bed head and morning breath and all
- He thanks you for being so patient with him during his time growing up in high school, he tells you he’s grateful you were there for him when he was feeling the worst about himself
- He starts to choke up as he talks about knowing that he wants the spend the rest of his life with you and that he’ll spend everyday making you the happiest woman alive and making sure you know how loved and appreciated you are
- By the end you’re both crying and when you choke out a yes he grabs you into a tight bear hug and can’t stop smiling the rest of the day
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animesllut666 · 3 years
TIME STAMP: 1030PM / 2230PM
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Anime: none
Characters: Reader x Best friend NamJoon
Warnings: light cursing. Short drabble. Not proofread.
Summary: Your moving, into a new place, and your best friend decided to help you. From moving all day, and night, to finally cleaning your new place. It's a good thing your best friend was there, or else you would be cleaning till the early hours of dawn.
A/N: I'm moving.. into a bigger house, and unfortunately don't have anyone to tell me when to stop cleaning and organizing. Only my stomach and body, but enjoy! This is my first time writing for BTS.
"We need to take a break, YOU need to take a break," He spoke from behind you, putting the last box that was for the kitchen on the counter. "I need to get all the food in the cabinets and the fridge, and then I'll take a break" You stated, stacking the black bean paste next to the mirin and sake, "Shit, I also need to put the dishes away, what?"
Namjoon stared at you, his hands slowly rising to his hips. An eyebrow arching up, a groan fell from your lips at what was about to come, "Are you going to scold me?"
"Possibly, just trying to make sure you don't pass out or hurt your body in the process of this move. When was the last time you ate? You've also been moving since 6am, way before I even got here," He spoke, with a a tone that said "I'm right," rolling your eyes at his concern behavior.
Was he right? Yeah. Would you admit it, right now? Nope.
"I ate a Snickers."
"That's not a meal, and you know it."
"That's not a meal, and you know it," You mimicked him, climbing down from the counter slowly, but it still may have been a bit to fast cuz your head started to feel light. Your vision blurring, and a fuzzy feeling was felt behind your eyes, "Shit," trying to grab something before you really made another point to Namjoon.
Feeling two hands grab your waist to steady you, you could already feel the concern and also "I told you so," on the tip of his tongue. "I'm fine," You tried to say, but your head was still swimming in an Olympic size pool and you couldn't find it.
And on que, your stomach started to feel very empty, and it made it known, "Hmm.. I'm getting told otherwise," He spoke, a grin on his face at how right he was now.
"Come on, I'll order something, or make some ramen. Go sit down," He encouraged, slowly guiding you too the couch. "Just for a little while, I want the kitchen to be fully done," You told him, taking a seat on the couch, as he nodded his head in understanding.
Though you both knew, deep down that the kitchen was fully done. You were just conflicted were you wanted to put everything and finalize it.
Hearing him mov around the kitchen, your eyes started to feel heavy, the wave of sleep and exhaustion quickly catching up too you. Your stomach no longer felt empty, all you wanted was sleep. Your head started to drop, and after fitting it for a while. You finally accepted the overpowering urge to rest.
After a couple of minutes, Namjoon walked back in the living room, the cup of ramen in both hands. "Okay, it's done. Oh, well that doesn't surprise me," His eyes scrunching up as a small smile graced his face, setting the ramen down on the stand. Placing his hands on your shoulder to gently lay you back. Grabbing a blanket from a box, and draping it over you.
Deciding to stay the night, he ate the food. Save yours for tomorrow in the fridge. Quickly laying out one of the futon mats on the floor and grabbing some blankets and pillows.
"Night Nam," He heard a silent whisper come from you, "Night, tomorrow we will finish." A small hum was heard in approval, "Okay."
As he feel asleep, his body relaxing after the long a tiring day. He was happy that he was able to help you, and make sure you didn't over do it. Just like how you helped him on occasion.
All rights for storyline and work reserved to animesllut666
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Misfit God and a mortal: Loki x Reader
Some Loki fluff with Frigga making an appearance in it. Enjoy ❤️
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‘That’s a lovely name.’ Frigga says happily reaching for her son's cheek caressing the cold skin. 'Invite her here. For the Banquet.' The glorious Banquet. A night full of joy, mead, laughter and unforgettable moments that imprints itself on each guest. An event that stood up for luxury clothes, drinks, and food. Something that couldn't be said about the guests. There are going to be royals and noblemen but only their clothes could enhance their shallow personality.
Loki walked into the very familiar building passing many employees waving with a small smile on his face. Opening the door of the highest office on the highest floor he sees his Y/n. Talking on the phone her white crisp suit made of the shiniest silk bounced off the glaring sun giving her the well-deserved halo.
'I don't like the sketches...I improved them and want your feedback by the end of the day... that's why I gave them an improvement....Jackson, just... send it.' placing the phone down with a faint thud letting her tired shoulder slump down. 'Penny for your thoughts, darling?' Y/n hesitantly turns around to see her Loki in front of her in his all-black suit. 'The suit looks great.' She spoke inching closer to Loki placing her hands on his chest 'Of course it is. You made it.' He leans down to kiss her lips feeling the chapped texture as his tongue sweeps into her mouth. Dragging his dove closer, his arms encircle her in a comfortable hug feeling the soft white silk pressed against his black suit. An angel and a demon. His angle and her demon.
Pulling his tongue back and then his lips he smiles inquiring 'Mother, wants to invite you to the Banquet. In 2 days.' Y/n looks up seeing his lips twitch in anticipation knowing just how much her job held her hostage 'I can-' she stops letting her eyes look to the side squinting quietly thinking '...Yeah... I think I could.'
Loki smiles brightly as he kisses her again 'Outstanding, love. It's official you are accompanying me to the Banquet.' Y/n nods at her Loki seeing the smile that could be only described as if it was taken from the happiest 7 years old child.
Walking through Loki's room Y/n takes one of the hundreds or even thousands book plucking only a small skinny book laced with brown leather. Flipping the pages open her eyes fall on the polaroids photos 3 of them and each of them is Loki and Y/n looking in complete and utter love. Portraying just how much of a softy Loki is.
'I still can't believe you have a whole library in your room.' Y/n gasped out as Loki watched her curious hands touch each book picking which one he will read to her. Picking a dirty old book with a green leather cover she hands him as he arched a brow in question 'This one? This is a tale of Thor when he loses his hammer to the giants and has to go through a humiliating ordeal in order to get it back.' Loki spoke with a glorious grin appearing at the end of the sentence.
'What?!' Y/n stood next to him gobsmacked scrambling immediately 'Start reading it. I NEED to know.' Loki ushers her to the nearest chair letting her gown flow speaking over the wooden stool 'Our tale of Thor starts with an amusing laugh...' Loki stops as he looks at his lover 'from the God of Mischief his laugh-' 'Of course it was you.' Y/n butted into his sentence halting his speaking. 'As I was saying, the God of Mischief laughed malevolently as he watched Thor return with new news.'
(The name of the story is true, I googled it, but the words of the tale aren't I just made up the starting part just so you know)
'Loki, son.' a soft voice interrupted Loki. Frigga peaking into the chamber like a mother carefully announcing her presence so that her teenage son can successfully show off to his date. 'It's time.' she says leaving the two lovers alone.
'Darling, are you ready?' His voice asked behind her jeweled out back. Twirling to face him she asks looking down at her gown hints of green and gold (I know, predictable) flowing through the fabric tailing up to her chest as a gold metal belt held the puffy fabric in position. 'Marvelous. Solely marvelous.' Walking to her in his royal attire of green and gold he intertwines his arm with hers leading her towards the imperial feast already crammed with various guests.
Entering the Banqueting hall there was no shortage of food and drinks and entertainment. People accumulating in jewels and gold showing each other the superficial respect they deserved. That's what they thought. Holding Loki's forearm tightly she glances at him as he pushed the people in front of them making away to shift. 'Are you alright Y/n?' Loki asked his lover standing next to a hallway that leads to the nearest balcony. 'For now, yes. Thanks.' Smooching a kiss on his cheeks she always appreciated when he asks her about her anxiety since being in large crowds isn't always manageable for her. So having a private balcony with fresh air is a great exit.
Y/n's eyes draw to a nearby puffy flowing dress coming their way looking up she sees the same tired resting face...Jane with the ever so cheery Thor by her side. Thor drags away from Jane's grasp hugging Y/n tightly shouting a delighted 'Sister Y/n!' Y/n responded equally happy 'Brother Thor!' His hugs were always the best warm, fuzzy and everything in between. Jane and Loki exchange only nods not bothering to fake any emotions. 'Brother.' Thor cheers at his brother and giving him a forced hug.
Loki pushes his brother away as he places an arm behind Y/n's back giving her devotion. Jane looks at the pair in front of her an unnatural smile dawning on her face. Y/n turns to Thor inquiring 'You look jolly as ever Thor.' 'Thank you Y/n. I started again to workout. It is stressful but Jane is forcing me-' 'Because you need to be in the best shape possible.' Jane cuts him rudely off letting her fake smile plunge. Jane started to bicker at Thor and that was a clear sign to go. Nudging Loki she whispers 'Balcony?' 'You read my mind.'
With a snap of his fingers, they are on the safe and private with the distant music behind them drowning out as they let their hearts best in unions. 'She is so mean.' Y/n says not preferring the way she addressed Thor. 'Yes, she is. I don't see why Thor reconciled with her again.' 'Well, ever since his weight gain and depression maybe she helped him through it to be a little happier but I feel that she is rushing the process that usually takes a while to make a prominent step.' Loki agreed as he looked at the scene in front of him. The trees, lakes, and sky coated in the black gloom. Surrounding the lovers giving them the privacy they had the right to. Loki's hands land on her cheeks pulling her close giving her a sweet intoxicating kiss. A kiss that demanded more after.
'Runaway with me princess. Let's run until out feet give up and until my magic runs dry.' He hushed giving each word enough space to set themselves into Y/n's mind. Y/n looks up at him saying in a mere whisper 'Of course, my King.' Loki smiled at her silly nickname as he shushed her once more feeling her warm lovable hands on his shoulders tracing down on his chest as his heartbeat accelerated. He pulls back asking her 'You feel it?' Y/n closes her eyes letting her hands feeling the heavy and strong beat of his heart 'Yes.' 'That heart beats for you.' Y/n stuns on the words as she looks at him seeing a smile on his face that was dawned in darkness and the smile shine through 'Only for you.' He added as he pulls her into his arms hugging her placing her between a pillar and his body.
His kisses overpowered her body mind and soul and she gladly gave her control to the God of Mischief enjoying the hush quiet ambiance only a few steps that passing them. Pushing away from his lips she looks at the long and dark hallway Loki inquiries 'What's wrong, darling?' 'I think someone passed us.' Letting a chuckle escape his mouth Loki answers back 'Don't worry, no one saw us.' Y/n looked back at him and nodded apprehensively. Maybe just someone passed a maid or guard too engrossed into their job to see a mortal and a God exchanging forbidden kisses. Loki stopped as whispering into her ear 'When I become King I will need you by my side.'
There he goes again. 'Loki, we talked about this...' 'I know we did. But I overheard my mother talking to Odin talking about a new King since he is...he is...' Loki whispers not knowing how to finish his sentence in a respectful way, even if it's about Odin 'You mean old, right?' Loki nods and proceeds to talk 'And I have an equal chance as Thor, thanks to you.' Y/n points to herself 'Yes, you. You have given me the love I craved for and pulled me out of my misery. I am certain that if I am King I can not do it without you.'
Seeing his pricing blue eyes she gleams at his words. She never did anything but be herself, a normal person with her own problems and yet somehow helped God for the betterment. A God who had problems similar to hers if you remove the sheer size of his it was about the same and when they are together they can overcome it all by being each other anchor 'Of course, Loki.' Sealing his deal with a kiss trumpet sound off.
'An announcement is ensuing. Let's go.' He grabs her hand running towards the rustic sounds of the most golden metal instruments. 'King and Queens, Princes and Princess, Royal men and women... I bring you a joyous announcement.' Loki and Y/n run into the ballroom almost stealing all the attention from Frigga. Almost. 'My husband and I have had reigned over the Nine Realms for most of everyone's life span in this room.' The crowd laughs at the kernel of truth 'I will be truthful here it has tired us a lot. So a decision has fallen in our hands, fortunately.' Her green eyes scan the room stopping at Loki and Y/n seeing his hand in hers 'A beacon of hope appeared before us. Someone who is worthy of descending the throne. Someone who went through all of the stages in existences deceit, betrayal, sorrow, suffering but even after all of the odds he raised up to be a better example of his past, to show that past doesn't distinguish a person but only the path he went through with a special someone.' Frigga's eyes now move to Y/n and Y/n felt herself melting at Frigga's smile. 'And so our decision is that the next descendant of the throne is...' Frigga lets the tension rise further seeing the apparent nervousness of Thor and Loki as well as their partners. 'Loki Laufeyson.'
The crowds erupt in cheers and applause and Loki feels his heart stop at the immense wave of love of complete strangers. These royals who viewed him as Thor's shadow and a misfit was now applauded by the people he will rule over with Y/n by his side. He turns to her smiling ear to ear 'The future looks luminous my love.' Y/n nods adding to his sentence 'When we are together.'
'Bow before your new King and Queen!' Frigga announces as the guests obey all bowing to the misfit God and mortal.
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Hope you liked it. Feedback is always appreciated.
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