#but the uncut episode is not out yet…
songbirdieart · 1 month
So now I’ve seen Blue Boys SPOILERS that suggest it’s a sad ending, literally and respectfully you have got to be fucking kidding me rn
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soft-serve-soymilk · 7 months
Wow I love asshole gay people (things have ALIGNED in the ASTRAL PLANE and Pav is WATCHING SOMETHING?? 🤯)
#Yeah it’s the scott pilgrim anime adaptation~#I actually did see the film originally when I was like nine? I enjoyed the nerd vibes and completely missed ALL the subtext lmao#It was also one of my first experiences of Canada as a concept other than South Park (especially the SP Bigger Longer and Uncut film#which I ALSO was certainly too young for)#It’s kind of funny now having a friend who is actually from the mythical land of Canada 😂 Hi V#BUT ANYWAYS THIS ADAPTATION IS GREAT#Yeah it went bonkers off the rails but I’ve told you guys I LOVE it when the plot feels like it’s just snorted 30 grams of cocaine#Episode 5 is going to live in my head forever. I was howling. Mock documentaries are already a fav trope but that was on another level#I love Wallace too. Homosexual icon. I really do have a soft spot for asses with a charming veneer to them#It’s what I love so much abt soren fe too#I have yet to see how Inigo will spell himself out on the page but I think he’s mellowed out compared to his roots#His game needs some more spice. character. nuance. You don’t quite get it in wafty daydreams 🤔#But from one tangent to another: I swear the next batch of head children whenever they come NEED to have just the silliest of times#YHNN was kind of locked in from the start— the inspiration was THE tragic musically-inclined anime of all time#And younger me just had some strange fascination with suffering and dystopia. So Sad LadsTM it was#But crack-fic is my thing and boy do I want it in my house. carnally#just pav things#Sry for disappearing for 4 days I forgot I actually have to reblog stuff on here 😅😂 I’m alive.
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ellsieee · 1 month
I think we could all guess what scene we would get more of in the uncut. 🤭
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Source: 萌主推剧's WB
THE FINGER BITING!!! Jaemin caressing Nami's lip was oh so sexy. Especially since it's Jaemin who is doing it. I wonder if the biting was an ad-lib. They are adorable and in love and I hate them (not).
The second part of the uncut clip is plot relevant and happens after Jaemin sees Nami's phone. Spoilers under the cut.
We find out who "honey" is!
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J: Do you have a secret lover? N: What lover?
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J: In your phone... who is honey? Nami calls "honey".
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The phone call: Son! Mom did you eat yet?
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N: It turns out you don't know me well yet. Were you anxious?
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J: Yes. *May contain inaccuracies. Translated from the Chinese fansub.
Honey was Nami's mother!! What a fake out. Why is he calling his mother honey?! 🤦‍♀️ My mother would have killed me if I called her anything other than mother/mom. I'm glad the misunderstanding is resolved so we can get lovey dovey bf era next episode. I love that they talked about it and didn't drag it out. An advantage of a short runtime is not having enough time to dawdle.
For those of us who watched the uncut last week or saw the spoilers about honey already and were freaking out and making up wild theories (me 🤡), Nami says
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My memory is terrible so I wanted to do a breakdown of my stuff every once in a while. Might be monthly, might be whenever I feel like it. Also there are too many shows on and something is always finishing or starting so a month is a lot.
BL - Currently Watching
1000 Years Old [2/12] - It's silly, and entertaining and makes me laugh. The friend group is delightful and I'm having a good time watching them. Was excited for a minute when Yo suggested a haircut for Pun because I cannot handle that wig. 🤞
Anti Reset [5/10] - This is one of the most frustrating shows I've watched in a while. The show doesn't seem to settle on what is actually trying to say about the AI of it all, and when it says something I'm not crazy about it. Why is it so frustrating? Because they are so fucking endearing when they're together on screen. I wanna love this show so much.
Cherry Magic Th [11/12]– I love them so much. I'm fascinated by the choices that the show is making. As a big fan of the manga and the jbl I came into this with reservations and this show is just blowing my mind. This was the best episode 11 of all time and Tay/New are delivering. My heart is so full with this.
Cherry Magic Anime [7/12]– Another helicopter ride! Yay. The date song was hilarious. We're now getting to the point where they are dating and Adachi is feeling guilty for lying so I'm curious how the show will adapt the next phase of the relationship.
Dead Friend Forever [10/12]– Glad to see we are all on board with Tan's murderous impulses. It's been so much fun having more people join in on the fun. As for me, I NEED White to stay alive. That's really all I want. Getting curious about how Perth factors in to all of this.
My Strawberry Film[2/8] - I feel it coming. I see sadness in my future. But I'm bracing because I'm loving the look of this show. And pining boys are my favourite type of boys. I'm ready.
Ossan's Love Returns [8/9] - The videos messages destroyed me but then that ending made me annoyed. I don't know what to expect in terms of Kurosawa but I hope he's not actually dying and there's a really good reason for all this. Medical mal practice might be the thing. Although as @twig-tea pointed out to me, since it was said in show it might not actually happen. I want happy for the ending anyway.
Perfect Propose [5/6] . Why must I only have them for 6 episodes??? I need more. Kai is everything to me, and that back hug followed by that smile melted by cold heart. Hiro's boss needs something heavy to fall on him from a great height. And please Hiro,sweetie, I need you to eat better and sleep.
Although I Love You, and You? [7/10]- Sakae is letting me down. And by that I mean, the show is letting me down. Sakae needs to put his foot down with Mizuki and go back to being a fool in love with Soga.
To Be Continued [1/8] - It's not amazing. but I'm a sucker for second chance romance and there are two couples so there's a 50% chance I will like this. We'll see. Also, they need to start hiring younger actors for the high school flashbacks. This goes for A Secretly Love too. Having 27 year olds and up playing ten years younger just won't do. It's terrible.
Unknown [2/12] - I'm intrigued. Not completely sold yet but I'm liking it so far. Also nothing would keep me away from watching Sam Lin again.
Also watched the first episode of A Secretly Love and caught up with City of Stars but it's on the 'I need to shut of my brain' schedule so I'm not necessarily watching to weekly.
BL - Finished
Cooking Crush - I will miss all of them. I loved it so much. The whole cut/uncut version thing was annoying and the editing was weird at times but overall this was wonderful. Communication done right. Relationships and character growth was stellar and both couples won my heart. Aungpao really surprised me, considering he was surrounded my pros on all sides. Dynamite was a joy to watch. And OffGun delivering with all the kissing. Everyone should watch this.
The Sign - I mean, what they did to this show is absolutely insane. Not airing the finale like the rest of the show. Having to pay extra for happy ending is ridiculous (although I kinda predicted this and @lurkingshan is my witness. I said as a joke and it turns out reality is a joke.) Then waiting 2 whole weeks for whatever that was. Just the most unsatisfying experience. Go read this from Shan because I agree with everything said there. Also @bengiyo final thoughts here really echo how I felt about this show overall.
Happy Ending - 20 minutes split in 3. Why? No idea. Was it a happy ending? I think so. Was it cute? Sure. Was it great to watch Seong Hyuk again? You betcha. But I didn't love it. I need Choco Milk Shake S2, like, TODAY.
Playboyy - It ended.
Rose Watches OJBL - I feel bad about this. I didn't watch any of the ones I planned to. This might seem like whatever but I've been trying to catch up with awards season films, because since uni, me and a couple of friends always do it and finish it by watching the oscars together and so ojbl was were I dropped the ball. Gonna restart soon though.
Not BL - Watched this month
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Night Has Come Death's Game Shop for Killers
That's it for right now. As usual my ask box is open for gif requests and any other questions. All my gifs are under #rosygifs.
Have a good week💜
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firstkanaphans · 8 months
I saw on JoJo's twitter that there's another website to watch the full NC???? 👀👀👀 as in, SandRays's one from today!!!!! Is the one that's out not the full one yet????? Also, WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON IT??????? I'M!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hiii!!! The version that we get on YouTube is the full, uncut version. They play a cut version on TV in Thailand, so for Thai fans to see the YouTube version, they have to watch it on a separate streaming service after it airs (the YouTube version isn’t available in Thailand to encourage more people to watch it live on TV). So, sadly, the one from today is all we're getting. But what a scene it was!
All I've ever wanted for Sand & Ray is for Ray to actively choose Sand over Mew and I got that this episode, so I am very, very happy. Their love scene was so soft and full of emotion (and decently lit!). It was more than I expected tbh and I'm very grateful. I mean, that cheek kiss at the end??? I am not worthy 🧎‍♀️
I am also eagerly awaiting the next episode because it seems like Ray's finally going to start taking some steps to getting sober and the hurt/comfort potential there is absolutely delicious.
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telomeke · 1 year
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I haven’t watched Episode 1 all the way through yet, but OMG the opening scene! 😍
Right after the newsclip intro, we are led into a tightly-choreographed ensemble-driven, slice-of-life scene that straightaway conveys what a moment in Jim’s late night chicken rice restaurant is like.
The scene is a whopping two minutes long UNCUT, the dialogue is snappy, the actors dart in and out for their bits, and the camera pans, stops and pulls away to wherever the action is. It’s pacy, a little breathless and doesn’t just show us what it wants to tell us, it wraps us up in the hectic vibrancy of a night in Jim’s place of work and makes us feel like we’re there too.
And the music – oh the MUSIC! It thrums and swells, keeping time with the action, building to a climax when we see Jim step out into the street for a breather, with a makeshift altar and offerings in the foreground, whereupon it’s quelled briefly and we share in Jim’s quiet moment of peace.
The colors are rich and oaky, and the look and feel is cinematic. It’s become a bit of a cliché to say a locale is as much of a character in a show as the actors are (e.g., Sex and the City, Call Me by Your Name, I Told Sunset About You) but when it’s true it’s true, and it’s true here.
The overall evokes – I don’t know, a sense of longing and nostalgia? For this wonderful place humming with warmth, life and love.
A thing of beauty, just this opening scene; so beautiful it catches in your throat and aches in your heart. 💖
Director Aof is starting off strong and GMMTV is amping up the quality on this one! 😍
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terastalungrad · 8 months
BB20: Friday 13 October
Live Eviction 1: Farida V Kerry
The biggest change so far to the ITV flavour of Big Brother is that no episode so far has ended with "who goes? you decide".
The housemates nominated on Thursday 12 October, meaninging the nominations aren't shown until eviction night. This feels so strange!
The housemates facing eviction were revealed in companion show Big Brother: Late & Live. I will not be watching that show, no matter how often my mother asks me to.
Nominations are my favourite part of the show, so I'm not going to talk about who's up for eviction yet. I'm going to live in the moment, and enjoy the unfolding story.
OH! One nomination each!! That's new. It's always been two each, hasn't it?
Channelle nominates Kerry, for being blunt and rude towards Farida.
Non-alphabetical order to nominate too. I don't approve. My charts will be alphabetical for certain.
Hallie nominates Farida because she talks over people, and hasn't put in the effort to get to know others.
This really highlights the difference between what's broadcast and the vibe in the house. Footage really makes it look like Farida's bonded nicely with Hallie. But then, the main occasion where we saw Farida ask Hallie questions, it was "is it gay for men to fancy trans women" innit. Not ideal.
Henry nominates Farida because, when Zak asked Henry what boarding school was like, Farida interrupted to explain boarding schools (incorrectly, to Henry's experience).
Matty nominates Kerry because her loud voice goes through him, and also because she moaned about her meal. "It annoys me when people aren't grateful" - here, grateful to Big Brother!
Trish nominates Paul! She doesn't find him deep.
Horrifying thought - these housemates ARE in alphabetical order. Are we skipping housemates?? We've skipped Dylan, Farida, Jenkin, Jordan, Kerry, Noky, Olivia, Paul and Tom so far. Yinrun and Zak left to go too. Am I missing some Nominations Uncut show or something? Dear dear. How very disturbing.
Okay, Marcus Bentley claims only five nominations have been cast so far. Maybe it is just a weird order.
Zak nominates Henry! For not speaking to everyone in the house, and for giving up immediately in the staying-in-bed task. Teamwork, and a positive attitude to tasks, are really important to Zak.
Yinrun becomes the first housemate to nominate out of alphabetical order. This is a relief to me, since it suggests we WILL see everyone's nominations. As if Yinrun didn't already bring me enough joy.
Yinrun nominates Kerry, because she's hurt by Kerry seeming uninterested in her.
Hallie powerfully representing the trans experience of talking with great pride about the vagina and breasts she'll have in the future. I love her.
Jordan nominates Paul because of his bodily fluid-based humour.
"I know they have this phrase, Big Brother, 'gives me the ick'. And that phrase itself gives me the ick."
Dylan nominates Farida, since she still doesn't know people's names after nearly a week. She gets his, Kerry's and Chanelle's names wrong.
Paul nominates Farida for being inconsistent in her aims from the show! Does she want to spread the word of Islam, or does she want other outcomes [presumably promoting her makeup tutorial YouTube]? Paul is here to "have a good time" and "be meself", and nominates Farida for being "fake".
How consciously is Paul casting himself as foundational winner Craig from BB1 here? Ever since that first series, Big Brother has struggled to move past the idea that good winners are direct, consistent salt-of-the-earth types, and villains are inconsistent and manipulative.
This bothers me, since I don't think directness IS a fundamental moral good at all times. I think it's FINE to have a moan about someone, while still being able to be friendly to the person in question. Where is the line between being two-faced and being tactful?
Olivia nominates Farida for helping herself to Olivia's salmon.
Noky nominates Kerry for negativity, both to people's faces and behind their backs.
Tom nominates Farida for talking AT him rather than conversing WITH him. He feels spoken over because of his age.
Jordan talks to Trish about sex and emotional connection, and I WISH we had a longer, less edited version of this conversation. We've only been left with Jordan's punchlines. Which are very funny, but I'd love to know what point he was making.
Tom speaks to Chanelle and Jenkin when he returns from the diary room, claiming that the process is "'eavy".
Fariday nominates Kerry for gossiping and having tantrums.
Jenkin is wearing a shirt with a pattern of birds, because his mam likes birds.
Jenkin nominates Farida because he thinks she's only here for money and fame, and is therefore taking the place of someone who wants to enjoy themselves and learn about themselves.
Kerry nominates Farida, for being hard work, selfish, and hard to like.
Kerry goes to have a lil cry after nominating.
I suspect Farida will go tonight. Both she and Kerry have done stuff the pulblic would find annoying, but we've also seen loads of Kerry's vulnerability.
Voting is free this year. Maybe that's why ITV is less bothered about getting nominations out early. Or maybe it's so the housemates spend less time tortured by the knowledge they face eviction? Bet it's that one, actually.
Since this version of the show is a lot nicer, it's really striking how intense the lights and music are when nominations are announced. Noky shakes with adrenaline.
Jenkin expected to be nominated because of his snoring.
Farida reckons youngsters have turned turned against the older members of the house. A bit rich given she nominated Kerry herself.
Interesting seeing Farida and Kerry bond over facing eviction, given that they nominated each other.
Farida tells Olivia off for smirking. Olivia is offended, because "I wasn't laughing at YOU!" But ... yes she was. Olivia's surprised to be told off not because she wasn't smirking at Farida, but because she didn't intend for Farida to notice. She was just smirking across the room at Paul.
She complains about this later to Paul, Jordan and Henry. And she comes so close to noticing that Farida was right - but she can't move past, "I didn't deserve to be criticised".
Just noticed there's a non-binary person in the sponsorship ads. Marcus Bentley using the word "themself", woo!
Ahh, you can vote for free, but only 5 times each.
Kerry speaks to Olivia about the issue with Farida. Kerry's basically on Olivia's side here. Hallie's attention is drawn, and she comes over to agree with Olivia. They're joined by Trish and Chanelle (neither of whom actually nominated Fariday), and we have the largest-scale bitching session we've seen so far.
This isn't really about Olivia. This is an excuse to vent. Maybe the nomination results have given people permission to talk openly about being annoyed by Farida.
Yinrun teaches Hallie some Chinese. She's shocked by Hallie's excellent pronunciation.
"We've got it on our profile we've been in the Big Brother house", says Farida. This show is primarily about boosting the profiles of influencers.
Kerry tries having a bonding conversation with Farida, and it ends up being a bit of an argument. Farida says, "I'm still the same person I came in here as" - an identity statement.
But Kerry takes it as an implied criticism. That Farida's saying "I'm the same UNLIKE YOU KERRY". But Farida's doing nothing of the sort. She's just making a statement about herself.
This is a common problem in conversation. You're talking to a friend, your partner, and they say something about themselves. This causes you to say something about YOURself - and now it sounds like you're claiming they're the opposite.
"I'm terrible at making new friends at parties," they might say.
And this inspires you to reflect on your own experience in parties.
"I love parties," you say, as you think of parties you've attended. "I always go expecting to have a good time, and end up talking to random people in the kitchen."
"I'm not saying I don't expect to have a good time," they say defensively.
Because in context, it sounds like you offered your personal experience as advice. Not merely, "this is what I do, "but "this is what YOU should do."
Farida tells Zak she doesn't blame him for protecting his friends. The implication here is that Zak nominated her or Kerry because they're older. In fact, Zak nominated Henry.
In any case, Kerry disagrees with the idea that it's young vs old in the house. "Callie's my mate, and she's the youngest!"
Farida's annoyed that Kerry isn't hearing her. "You're like, 'Callies my friend, Callie's my friend'."
"Her name's Hallie, and she is my friend."
Just a bit of fun here. Farida gets people's names wrong all the time. That's a thing. But Kerry did accidentally call her Callie first. An honest mistake, of course.
Argh, Farida brings up stories from her day job, where parents just want to be their children's friends, forgetting that they're the child.
Kerry's offended here, and - well, she's right to be! I don't think Farida realises how offensive that is to say, but it's clear she DOES see 18-year-old Hallie as a child, and 40-year-old Kerry as a sad case that wants to be friends with her.
Kerry: She's just said to me that the reason you lot like me is because you think I'm your mum! I'm shaking. I'm angry.
Olivia: I don't think of you as my mum. You just tell me when I'm out of order.
Kerry: Which is often.
Kerry thinks she's fated to go because Farida has her social media followers.
"No, cause just because someone follows you on social media doesn't mean they actually like you," says Olivia. Horrifying thought.
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imthefailedartist · 2 years
I'm five episodes deep into The Watcher it is white nonsense at its finest.
They have no money but have not made one frugal alteration to their lives. In fact they seem to be purposefully making it worse.
Is this all a dream? Because that's how this is feeling. The über weird neighbors. The fact that their house is so much bigger than everyone else's. Nora's wishy washy behavior. KAREN in total. The kids lack of going to school despite the fact that it is clearly fall. They have a sex life but suddenly they don't. The whole John Graff nee List plot. Ellie being dumb as hell. The son barely being a character outside of crying. Nora's a ceramist but we never see her making anything. The home reno going so quickly and smoothly. How long have they been in the house. Dean has a job but it's never clear what he does. The daughters a pianist but never plays and is instead swimming. Everyone keeps repeating phrases. They never go anywhere in town. We've never really seen the town. They lived in NYC for years where are their friends? Nora still has business & a show there she never checks on anything no one ever updates her. The chief or head detective & the PI both weird. The PI having such a convoluted story to how she became a PI. Everyone knows everything but everyone knows nothing. They spent all their money on the house yet have money for country clubs, private detectives, security systems, weeks long motel stays. The house address is 657 BOULEVARD is that the streets name Boulevard Blvd. St. Ln. Trl. Ave. What? Everything is linear but nonsensical like a dream.
I know multiple locations and characters is limited because of covid safety and budget restraints but a lot of this is feeling purposeful.
This whole show feels like one of those really intense hyperfocused scenes where a character is on the verge of a breakdown or just dropped acid and is trying to pretend they aren't tripping.
I think think the Watcher is Karen. I think 657 Boulevard was her house. She lost it when her husband left her. She used the divorce settlement to reinvent herself and get her realtors license. Now she's trying to buy the house, her dream house, back one commission at a time. With every scared seller the price gets lower and lower and she gets closer and closer. It explains why she's so passive aggressive about Nora's marriage. And insists on them selling. And keeps bringing up the Watcher and making it out to be way worse than some letters. It's probably something else but who knows?
It's probably not a dream or novel or story. And instead of a fun guessing game I probably just pointed out a bunch of plot holes. Oh well. Nothing is perfect as long as I had fun watching it I don't care.
Is Dakota one of the guys from Rae Shremmerd?
So I'm past episode 5 onto 6 and I was wrong. It's more normal than what I thought. It's just white people being white people and not minding they damn business. So truly the scariest thing of all the scary things.
Well this is hitting real close to home. I too have neighbors doing things I don't like to their homes. Two put up the world's ugliest and gaudiest fence. Another's fence is falling apart. Another has trash and uncut grass spilling from his back yard. One house removed the shrubbery from the front of house and made it look so plain and ugly. And I live in a normal suburb. I imagine I'd go insane if my house was worth a couple mill and my new neighbors were fucking up.
Also, I'm not selling my house. Keep watching Watcher because I'm gone do what I want in my house and you can suffer. $275,000 less from $3.5 M with improvements, I think the fuck not you trick ass bitch. We moving back in there letters and all.
Is this a dream? When the fuck did Maurice die? What is the timeline. So much time has passed and yet it feels like none has. Why is Karen so shady?
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juneviews · 6 months
I love offgun in this new show, the dynamic is great and it's cartoony but in just the right way *coughmiddlemanslovecough* but what has been your favorite and least favorite elements so far and do you think it will get deeper or stay sweet and candy-coated? (I'm down bad for either!)
yessssss, the cartoonish aspect is so fun! ngl I haven't watched middleman's love when they decided to replace mii2 but apart from that I always feel like no other country can do silly like thai dramas lol. like idk they just can push the boundaries of comedy while still making their show good in a way most other tv shows I've seen can't!
anyways, my favorite elements are the chemistry, of course, which is just so... offgun. even though I usually prefer offgun in shows where they're more upset (lmao I love my men crying leave me alone), it's really nice to see them in this kind of show & their natural chemistry is so perfect you can tell they barely have to put any effort for it to look amazing. apart from that, I truly love ten & prem as characters SO FUCKING MUCH. I'll try to keep it short bc I legit could write a whole essay about them but I truly love how they're both genuinely good people who should be bland & boring, but instead are not AT ALL. also, despite the cartoonish-ness of the show, they genuinely feel like real people. we have ten who is both a hot, rich, smart & perfect love interest (which are usually boring ngl) but is also very dramatic & silly & has that nerdy loser quality to him (and it's not just the glasses I promise) which is such a paradoxical combo yet works SO SO well??? as for prem, I wasn't as sold to him before the show aired but I FUCKING LOVE HIM??? he's again, kind of the cliche main character good guy that the viewer is meant to see themselves reflected in, but they made him sassy and feisty, and proud but also insecure and I just... root for him so hard ngl. these two are such strong characters they're really carrying the show, but another element I love is the acting bc I didn't think gun could slay a comedic role this well & I'm sorry I ever doubted him! as for off, it's incredible to see that he once again managed to make one of his characters absolutely unrecognizable from his others, idk if anyone else noticed or if I'm just that one completely unhinged off stan but he kinda changed his way of speaking for this role??? he speaks way softer & more proper which is a very drastic change from who off is usually lol. also another element I love are the locations & especially prem's house/restaurant... it looks so cozy & beautiful 🥺
the element I don't like is gmmtv not putting up the uncut version of the episodes on their channel. the cut version can stay on tv who fucking cares but them not putting out the uncut version for inter fans is ACTIVELY hurting the show. first of all, the cut scenes should NEVER have been cut in the first place, they are not superfluous at all & develop the relationships (especially firedynamite's one) further. second of all, the cutting of the scenes just make the editing look SO weird bruh, the cut eps look unprofessional. and lastly, it hurts the views of the show, of course, bc most people are not gonna watch it on gmmtv's channel & are just gonna wait for it to leak on kissasian & dramacool, which is simply horrible. the whole thing about gmmtv releasing their shows on youtube is bc it profits them greatly in terms of viewerships & marketing. so yeah, that's my least favorite thing about cooking crush. there's some other things but they're nowhere near that bad lol so I'll wait for more episodes or for my official 'axelle judges bl shows' review to put everything out at once.
lastly, I do think the show will stay just sweet & quit surface-level. from the original mock trailer, we know there will likely be one crying scene but that's kinda it I imagine. personally, for a show to become my favorite I need more angst & more depth, but I never really went into cooking crush thinking it would give me that. I've rarely encountered a comedy that doesn't stay quite surface-level. do I wish the show would explore the characters' sexualities, ten's daddy issues, fire's mommy issues & tenprem's social inequality more in order to make it more deep? yeah, I'm ngl. do I think that's what they're going for? absolutely not. that being said they might surprise me bc girl next room: richy rich (with off as lead & by the same director and screenwriter) did explore the mindset of an ex-poor person become suddenly rich as well as social inequality with quite a bit of nuance, so we never know!
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gaywatch · 8 months
Totally understand honestly I started watching it on YouTube and would increase the playback speed in scenes the main characters weren't in together. I later found out the uncut episodes were free on viki and just watched the cut scenes on there.
I enjoyed Semantic Error for what it was and enjoyed the fanfiction.
I'm thinking of watching You Are Mine(Taiwanese)
Bed Friend (Thai)
First Love, Again(Korean) apparently it deals with reincarnation and what If the love of your first life is reborn a man and doesn't have any memories of you.
Jun & Jun(Korean)
My Personal Weatherman (Japanese)
I thought I'd share some bls that you might find interesting but I haven't watched them yet so I can't vouch for them.
Anyways Merlin is making me feel things again so if you have any fic recs please share them lol
I skimmed Semantic Error and am currently skimming My Personal Weatherman! I think I'm mostly skimming MPW because I happen to watch it when I'm in an impatient mood (as opposed to skimming because there are parts I don't enjoy).
I've been meaning to watch Jun and Jun, I keep forgetting it already aired lol.
I cannot WAIT to dive into Merlin fic when the rewatch is done, I just can't do it yet because I don't want to remember anything until I see it in the series. <3
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gunsatthaphan · 2 years
Not having watched the uncut version of ep 13 yet (and knowing that I likely won't get to before saturday for reasons), I've been trying to piece together from the asks you've been getting what the hell a wiping scene would entail and what extremes (of whichever kind) we're talking about that you'd refuse to gif it, and why it involves images of a toaster strudel??? My imagination is running wild and I'm in this weird place right now where I'm not sure if I wanna find out because this very much feels like a curiosity-killed-the-cat kind of situation 🙈
lmaoo I get how seeing these posts out of context can be confusing lol but yeah. I didn't intend to make it as big of a deal lol it's really just a brief moment. And I've been getting asks from people being like??? why are you upset this is normal. and I'm like maybe in your world it is lmao. but it made me uncomfortable and I think it was unnecessary. If you're curious you can find the scene on twitter.
but other than that enjoy the uncut episode jkhgdfdg
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miss-lurker · 2 years
Not me in the LITA tag watching everyone freak out over the uncut NC scene despite the fact that I haven't watched the episode yet. LOL
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vegaspetes · 2 years
~ reveal your watch & re-watch drama list ~
Thanks to the always lovely @gunsatthaphan for the tag!! 💚💚
Currently Watching:
KINNPORSCHE: My biggest obsession of the moment. Vegaspete is so intriguing to me and I'm glad that we can finally see it happening on screen. Also just overall the acting, production, quality is just so good! Like I said I am obsessed.
To My Star season 2: I love this but it also makes me so sad. (Side note: haven't watched episodes 5 and 6 yet cause I'm scared )
Sky in Your Heart: it's cute, they're cute, I can sense more drama forthcoming, and tbh the drama towards the end of star in my mind was annoying so hopefully it's better than that.
Check Out: Ep 1 was definitely establishing so I was willing to forgive it but Ep 2 also had weird pacing so I don't know about this anymore, but I'll probably keep with it a little bit longer. I watched the tv version of ep 2 before I realized and that was a MESS, editing-wise, so I highly recommend watching the uncut version.  
First Kill: Making my way through, and they're cute together. The story's a bit cringe at times but so are half the bls I've seen so clearly I don't care.
Sh**ting Star: Stared this a few days ago and I like the main couple, their banter is awesome
My secret love: It's a fun, chill watch. I don't love it but that's okay. And so far the side couple is so much more intriguing than the main
Currently, nothing. I don't mind re-watching but there are so many new shows I wanna see. Might watch TMS1 again after TMS2, I'll see what shape my heart is in by then.
Looking Forward to:
Gap the Series: I recently watched scoy and it was so much better than I thought so I'm really excited to see how this will come together!
Big Dragon the Series: This has me intrigued, it can be a big hit or a miss so, yeah
Love Mechanics: This is technically out but I'm gonna wait till more/all of it is out before watching it.
I feel you linger in the air: I recently found out about this and I am SUPER EXCITED because it has Nonkul starring in it and the story is kinda similar to Love Destiny which are both giant pluses for me!
Along with the GMMTV list; Moonlight Chicken, the Eclipse, Vice Versa and Never Let me go
I'm gonna just tag anyone who comes across this, if you do it feel free to tag me I'd love to see your list!
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ellsieee · 1 month
So. Now that I've seen the official release of ep 4, I have thoughts. And lots of feelings. But first I will say that I'm glad Sukfilm added the jagi reveal from the uncut to the beginning of the free version. It's too important to the plot to leave out.
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So proud of Jaemin for standing up to that crazy bitch Sol/Sori. (They really need to stick with one name to make things less confusing. 😅) I hate that the threat of it getting out that Jaemin is gay would threaten his chances of getting a job. I also hate that Suk went with the evil woman getting in the way of true love trope, but since they did, I HATE SOL. So much.
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Sol got to Jaemin. 😭 I want to shake Jaemin and tell him so what? Your man is hot, men and women would be jealous. Since Nami is rich, he can pay for stuff because he will spoil you rotten. Just mooch off him! (jk 👀 jk👀)
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As much as it hurts, I do understand Jaemin. I know that the main reason he broke up with Nami was because of Sol's threat, but I feel like Jaemin finding out that Nami's not the struggling writer he thought he was, put a dent in his pride and made him feel a bit inferior. He thought they were struggling together, only to find that Nami works for funsies.
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I felt terrible for Nami this whole episode. He had no idea what was going on. Jaemin went from loving boyfriend to asking for a break up with no indication anything was wrong in between. The whole episode he was confused, but smiling and trying to coax Jaemin regardless. 🥺
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A freaking knife in my heart. 😭 I really wanted to start crying when Jaemin said "take care". The acting was so good.
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ARGHHHH. You can find me ugly crying in the corner. Nami is trying to fight for them but Jaemin won't use his words. They had such good communication before this. I wish Jaemin had told Nami about Sol and about his insecurities with the wealth/power dynamics in their relationship. PLEASE. When Jaemin starts letting go of Nami's hand and Nami subtly shook his head in a "no, don't" way, I groaned a noooooooo out loud. I was way too into this.
I have been heartbroken over this ending since Thursday, but now that I've had time to kind of calm down, I don't think this is the end. MDL had this series as 2 eps, extended to 4, but I don't recall Suk ever confirming or saying anything about the number of episodes. In the last shot, Jaemin is letting go of Nami's hand, but he hasn't completely let go yet. In episode 5, Nami refuses to let Jaemin go and grabs his hand again and forces him to have a heart to heart. They talk it out, get back together, tell Sol off, and then have a hot make out session in the uncut. Then they lived happily ever after. 🤡
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obsessiveviewer · 3 months
OV420 - Love Lies Bleeding (2024) & You'll Never Find Me (2024) - Guests: Brent Leuthold and Joe Shearer
This week, I’m joined by Brent Leuthold for a feature review of Rose Glass’s Love Lies Bleeding in non-spoiler and spoiler sections. We also discuss recent A24 news, Neve Campbell and Scream 7, and more. Then, in this week’s secondary review, I’m joined by Joe Shearer to review the new Shudder film, You’ll Never Find Me.
Show Start - 00:28
Pre-review Conversation - 02:35
News - 04:33
Feature Review
Love Lies Bleeding - 23:46
Spoiler - 53:43
Brent Outro - 1:16:53
Secondary Review
Joe Intro - 1:18:52
You’ll Never Find Me - 1:21:39
Spoiler - 1:52:23
Joe: Omen (2023) - 2:11:05
Matt: Big (1988) - 2:13:17
Joe: Remembering Gene Wilder (2024) - 2:19:06
Matt: Trojan War (1997) - 2:23:04
Joe: Double Down South (2024) - 2:27:10 
Closing the Ep - 2:32:27
Patreon Clip - 2:34:09 
Related Links
Moviegoer Arrested After Lewd Sexual Behavior During ‘Love Lies Bleeding’ Screening in Detroit
Mike’s Band As Good As it Gets released a new single: Stay (Be Honest)
Neve Campbell Returning for ‘Scream 7’ After Exiting Franchise Over Salary Controversy
Black Mirror will be back in 2025 with a sequel to fan-favorite "USS Callister"
A24 Is Re-Releasing ‘Ex Machina,’ ‘Hereditary,’ and ‘Uncut Gems’ in IMAX 
Brent’s Letterboxd
Awake in the Dark
Awake in the Dark - Ep. #79 - 2024 Oscar Talk with Ben Sears
Brent's Notes on the 2024 Oscars
Brent's Review of Drive-Away Dolls
Brent's Review of Love Lies Bleeding 
Joe’s Letterboxd
Joe’s Writing on Midwest Film Journal
Medium Cool: A Movie Podcast
Hold On To Your Butts: Jackie Brown
Hold On To Your Butts: Die Hard with a Vengeance
Medium Cool Podcast: 115. Celebrating Black Filmmakers
Medium Cool Podcast: 116. Cinematic Love Stories 
My 2024 Podcast and Writing Archive
One Year of Criterion Channel - Dec 24, 2023 - Dec 23, 2024
Movies I Own But Haven't Watched/Rated Yet
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Matt: ElectroVoice RE20 into RØDEcaster Pro II (Firmware: 1.3.4)
Brent: Earthworks ICON Pro in Google Meet
Joe: Tonor USB Microphone via Google Meet
Episode Homepage: ObsessiveViewer.com/OV420
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OV421 - Immaculate (2024) & Road House (2024)
Check out this episode!
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howlingmoonradio · 5 months
January 25th Playlist
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Today is Robert Burns Day, which is of no significance to this week's episode other than the fact that we are celebrating a couple other birthdays as well, those being our dear pal A.K. and our fab Lagotto "Dutch"! Not to slight Mr. Burns who is a Scottish national treasure and cultural icon, but we only have an hour, so his inclusion will have to be limited to these sentences. Confused yet? That's a haggis pictured above, by the way. Raise a wee dram to us all! Anyway, we feature some selections from the birthday gal on Side A, and on Side B we spin a raft of new stuff from the latest curated CD from our friends at Uncut Magazine.
Side A Howling at the Moon-Hank Williams Romeo & Juliet-Dire Straits Angel from Montgomery-Bonnie Raitt & John Prine Don't-Zoe Kravitz Send My Love (to your new lover)-Adele Lucky-Joan Armatrading Rise Out of Nothing-Three Colors Ready to Start-Arcade Fire
Side B The Tower-Future Islands When You Needed My Help-Jerry David Decicca Sadness Sets Me Free-Gruff Rhys Delia-Muireann Bradley 22 Years I Worked for this Guitar-Ultrasonic Grand Prix Dogs Life-Plantoid Office Dog-The Tightropes
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