#but the way i live rn i get paid decently for my area but i basically make just enough to pay my rent and bills and feed myself and my dog
bosspigeon · 10 months
can't wait to have enough money to get an eye exam and actually buy a good pair of glasses that don't use a script from four years ago bc apparently I can get lenses for people prone to light-sensitive migraines that are PINK-TINTED
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thephantomporg84 · 5 years
[REDACTED] be complaining reg. the reactions of having "placed the cultist island Fortuna off the coast of Florida" while having the gall of "It’s the story & the way it’s told that should fucking matter" & "Who cares? It’s fictional geography, you idiots." Feels a bit like failing World-Building 101. I mean, Red Grave based on London would also be a callback to Dante's early concept of being a Brit.
Someone already sent me the whole post of hers that I’m pretty sure you’re referring to lmao. I’m in a particularly cunty but pleasant mood rn, and analysis is kind of my thing, so lets’s break it down, shall we?
Maybe someone can send this her way and… learn that tiny little brain of hers a thing. 😉
It’s fictional geography called world building, you idiots Karen after the cut:
‘I love how a number of shitheels have screeched amongst themselves on this hellsite about how I had placed the cultist island Fortuna off the coast of Florida or somewhere around the Gulf US states (re: the fanfic & project link in my header), whining that it should’ve been in Europe, namely Italy.’
An admission to stalking profiles is not exactly the best way to start a self-righteous rant or advertise your… magnum opus, but go off, I guess.
‘Not only that, but they whined about “plotholes and inconsistencies” without elaborating on what the latter are. The asshole who made the rant was annoyed when I used a poem as a spell in the story (“if I heard that, I’d turn off my PS4.”), but I’m sure she didn’t bitch about the cutscene before the last Agnus boss fight in DMC4.’
Like the movie The Room (2003), it’s just easier to say “all of it” is bad because “all of it” contains plotholes and is inconsistent in tone, has terrible half-baked ideas and plot threads that remain unresolved and/or do nothing to further the plot, is rife with poor + inconsistent characterization, has a lack of any knowledge how the medium it exists in is made, and in general makes me wonder how much pottery enamel you’ve been huffing to think any of this was a good idea. Howeverrrr, in contrast to you, Tommy Wiseau is kind of odd and weirdly charming both in general and about his terrible movie — he’s found glory and success in its terribleness. You, in contrast, remain a miserable cunt with delusions of grandeur.
Dante and Agnus’ Shakespeare bit is actually a pretty well known trope called Ham-to-Ham Combat. Dante and Agnus are both ridiculous Large Hams in DMC4, and when two Large Hams meet, in general, they are likely gonna try to ‘out-over dramatic’ each other. This can lead to a scene becoming either really funny or really corny (or both) really fast. If things go too far — and they do, in this case — the scene can become a Hormel Event Horizon.
‘…but they LOVE the plotholes & inconsistencies if Capcom makes the latter, and writes a terrible story! And Crapcom’s canon for DMC is as straight as a paperclip or a dog’s hind leg. Hypocritical pricks.’
Subjective opinion is not, and never will be, objective fact. People are, as of when I checked again in the last ~5 minutes or so, absolutely able to enjoy whatever media they want regardless of what the general consensus on the quality of that media is.
As an example, I enjoy The Room (2003) despite its terribleness and it never fails to make me laugh, while your magnum opus makes me want to huff pottery enamel so the pain will stop despite you thinking it is the work of an idiot savant.
‘They were also mad that I wrote Dante as a wiseguy who is a little more low-key about it due to the circumstances— instead of being a pathetic manchild airhead that tries too hard.’
You didn’t write Dante.
You wrote Reboot!Donte — a fucking terribly out of character version of him, at that.
‘I was primarily concerned about moving the story along. I didn’t care about where a fictional island is supposed to go.’
You literally had one (1) job, Karen.
‘…Meanwhile, not a single character in DMC4 had an Italian accent, so uh, why should I give a flying fuck where I put it?’
Haven’t you been like… shitting on the DMC staff… for terrible writing… this enti— You know what? You’re obvs way too dumb to notice that contradiction, so I’ll let it slide.
Just… a word of advice, if I may? Don’t ever watch dub TV shows. That last brain cell would fuckin’ just burst all over your carpet.
(Actually, don’t watch subtitled shows either. An extremely popular anime that was set in Italy just wrapped and all the characters — le gasp! — spoke fucking Japanese. You would shit.)
‘I wasn’t paid to write any of what I wrote, but be my guest & send a PM if you want to throw money at me. By all means, do that.’
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Oh, thank fuck, because they would have been ripped off, big time.
[ btw, you sound p. jealous of people that write/do creative work/commissions for ko-fi/payment tho. Not a good look tbbh. If it’s any consolation, though, I don’t get paid for making fun of you and/or analyzing your dumb bullshit, either. :( ]
‘The pricks at Capcom didn’t even bother giving us a proper DMC4 and it was a half-assed game, with the latter half being hasty filler material. The “special edition” they coughed up in 2015 was just glorified overpriced DLC.’
Ya know, you gotta be pretty far up your own ass to think this much of your opinion. And I’m saying this as a person that’s pretty far up her own ass like 85% of the time.
‘And another thing, Redgrave City in DMC5 seems to be in England, yet no survivors speak with English accents or slang/dialects.’
Pretty sure no survivors had speaking roles.
If you played the game you’d know this.
‘Meanwhile, Dante and Vergil had lived there when they were kids (until age 8), but they both have ordinary American or Canadian accents. Furthermore, how did the twins make it to the USA or Canada? According to the little booklet in the DMC1 game case, Dante’s office is in modern America.’
You know that invoking the imagery of a specific place without naming your location is normal and standard practice, right? Overwatch even does this (For Ex: Byōdō-in (平等院), Uji, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan is the inspiration for Hanamura, Château de Duingt, Duingt, France for Château Guillard, etc.)
Furthermore, you know the original DMC was a rejected first draft of Resident Evil 4, right? This is what retcon is for. You at least know what retcon is, right?
‘…That information isn’t very important, but I’m bringing it up to illustrate a point that being a fucking pedant about geography in a fantasy game is idiotic, even if the setting is akin to modern Earth.’
So is freaking the fuck out and sending death threats over a fantasy game but you didn’t let that stop you either lmfao.
It’s actually super important to establish your scenery and the way your world operates, especially in a written work in which readers are dependent on your vision and your descriptions, and if you were a decent writer, you’d know this.
‘It’s the story & the way it’s told that should fucking matter.’
‘What US states are the Arklay Mountains located in?’
General description puts them in the U.S. Midwest. Raccoon City itself is stated to have a population of ~100,000 at the time of outbreak, and the only city in the Midwest that matches that population in 1998 is Springfield, Missouri, with a pop. of ~110,000.
Springfield is on the Springfield Plateau of the Ozarks region of SW Missouri. So they’re part of the Ozark Mountains.
This all took less than ~3 minutes to google, btw.
‘Where is “Zanzibar Land?”’
I actually just wrote a comprehensive answer to an ask a few weeks ago about this. It’s actually stated to be in Tselinoyarsk (Целиноярск), the (fictional) area of the former USSR in which Big Boss carried out the Virtuous Mission/Operation Snake Eater in 1964. Tselinoyarsk itself is heavily implied to consist of parts of Kyrgyzstan and/or Tajikistan. If you played MGS3 you’d know how important the setting and the varied environments/climates are to the game mechan-
oh yeah wait you believe in segregation of story and gameplay mechanics. I forget you’re completely tone deaf sometimes lmao.
How far is ‘Salem’s Lot or Derry from Bangor? Who cares?’
Stephen King does, quite a bit. He even has a map on his website of ‘his’ fictional version of Maine:
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My disappointment is immeasurable, Karen.
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apprenticebard · 5 years
How can I make more money like you?
An important question!!
So to start with, I am not a person who has Figured Things Out. I got lucky last year - my friend recommended me for a job in a very high-wage area (specifically, San Francisco’s tech industry) that I happened to be a really good fit for, and that happened to be willing to hire people on a trial basis if they were promising, even if they didn’t have college degrees (’cause I still don’t have one). And that was really good for a while, until some stuff happened and I kinda got eaten. Now I’m unemployed and looking for another job; I think I’ll find something comparatively good again, but I dunno how long it’ll be, and right now I’m looking at both moderately high-paying content-writing jobs and jobs that pay around minimum wage (which is a lot here; nothing pays less than $15 because the bay is lowkey insane), in case getting another really good job takes longer than I’d like it to.
But anyway! Obviously there isn’t a super easy way to make lots of money that’s going to apply to every anon who could possibly have shown up in my inbox, but here are some general pointers:
1) Even if things are going really well for you, you’re gonna tend to make less than most people while you’re early in your career. This is difficult but how it is. It doesn’t mean you’re doing anything wrong, and you might be on track for a great career in a few more years, once you gain more experience. If this is where you’re at, I think the best way to make more money is to work on leveling up at your current job, or looking for a different job of the same kind that either pays better now or will probably allow you to level up faster. It’s good to take on extra responsibilities when you have the time and energy to do so, especially if they use a lot of skills you do have, but also a few skills that you’ll need to figure out as you go along. 
Note that I do think that this advice is less actionable outside of the bay (which is full of startups that are growing rapidly and trying new things). I do think there’s still something to it. If you gain skills and responsibilities as well as you can, I think that even if your current job doesn’t recognize that and reward it, you’ll be building up skills that’ll make you more desirable the next time you change jobs.
2) Say you think you’re in a really good industry, and you know that other people in your industry make decent money, but for some reason, you’re not. Or, alternatively, say that you have a lot of skills and some work experience in a decent industry, but you can’t get anyone to call you back, and you’re beginning to wonder if maybe you’re secretly terrible and have zero Good Employee Qualities.
Getting a new job is hard, and leaving an old job is scary. I know; I just left my old job, and I spend lots of time being scared that nobody’s gonna hire me and I’m gonna have to go back to working at Kroger again, where I only made it through cashiering shifts by imagining that my characters were being tortured and that I could only save them by making it to the end of the next hour. 
But it really does pay to look at what else is out there. You can get some ideas by very casually looking at job sites like Glassdoor or Indeed; there might be nothing, or a bunch of job postings that you don’t understand, but I’ve found that it’s often good to get the lay of the land and figure out what recruiters are looking for in your industry. If you want better odds, and you have some successful friends, it can pay to ask them whether their companies are hiring for a position you can fill, and whether any of them might like to recommend you for it.
If you don’t have an easy way to get your foot in the door, you’re gonna be filling out a lot of applications. This sucks, but it doesn’t mean that you suck. If you really feel like you’re qualified for the sort of job you want, get someone to help you put together a good resume that shows off your skills, put together a portfolio or similar if you’re in the relevant industries, and resign yourself to applying to dozens or maybe hundreds of things. Recruiters are super arbitrary and will totally disqualify you based on things that have nothing to do with your ability to do the job. (This isn’t even because they’re bad people, it’s because they have a stack of resumes on their desk and have only the faintest idea how to tell which of the associated candidates are gonna be good at things.) It’s a numbers game. If you’re not doing something really ridiculous, like applying to every job with a resume that only lists completely unrelated kinds of work experience, then someone’ll probably talk to you eventually. It’ll just probably take way more applications than you’d think.
(Oh, also, all of the requirements in job postings tend to be pretty silly; as long as you think you’re genuinely capable of doing the work, I think you should apply to jobs where you meet maybe 75% of the stated requirements if the job sounds OK, and maybe 50% if it’s something you’d be really excited to get to do.)
3) If you’re not in a career sort of job at all - if you’re stuck behind the counter at Wendy’s right now, in which case my heart goes out to you, anon friend - or you’ve found yourself in a career that pays very badly or makes you unhappy, and you don’t think your skills will translate to anything you like doing, then you might want to look at changing careers entirely. Most people will tell you to go to college, if you haven’t already. I’m gonna tell you that college is a great thing for lots of people, but not always a good idea financially, and not always the best way forward, especially if you’re not very academically inclined. 
Think about what you’re good at, and think about what your dealbreakers are. You’re approaching this from thinking about money, not about passion, but you still don’t want to end up in a job that you’re a terrible fit for; you’ll get fired or be miserable all the time, and that’s no good for anyone. 
As a first line, if you feel that you’re reasonably flexible and talented, here are some very different jobs that make good money; you might want to consider whether you’re a good fit for any of these, and do more research as appropriate. (This is largely an exercise to get you thinking, not to say that these specific jobs are the ones you should definitely be looking at.)- Nursing. There’s a perpetual shortage of nurses, they have to exist everywhere in the country, and they make at least decent pay no matter where they live. For an RN, you’re looking at an average of about $55k per year in the cheapest states, and about $90k per year in the most expensive ones (although remember that this isn’t what you’ll make at the beginning of your career). I don’t recommend it if you really dislike people, long hours, college classes, heavy lifting, or bodily fluids, but I do think it’s a career that a lot more people should be willing to consider. If you think you can hack the education part, but not so much the heavy lifting, the bodily fluids, or the being around people who might be dying, dental hygienists make about the same amount, and their patients hardly ever need to be carried anywhere while possibly dying. I think.
- Software engineering. The pay rate here is kind of insane; if you have the interest and aptitude, then doing a coding bootcamp and getting a programming job in either NYC or San Francisco is a relatively attainable way of making a genuinely six-figure salary within a few years of starting, even if you don’t have a college degree. It’s not for everyone - I’ve tried to learn, a little, but I’ve bounced off pretty hard so far - but it’s a great opportunity for people who can hack it, so to speak. Like nursing, there’s a shortage here, mostly because software is a rapidly expanding industry that has only existed for, like, forty years tops.
- The skilled trades. We’re talking about electricians, mechanics, plumbers, carpenters, and other people in this space. It’s hard in different ways than an office job, but there are a lot of people who these are a good fit for. While they’re not as highly paid as nurses or engineers, people in the skilled trades do OK; reaching $50k per year is totally feasible, and people who are both skilled and lucky can break $80k. These jobs tend to go by apprenticeship systems, so if you don’t have a family member or friend to vouch for you, it’s a good idea to look at trade schools in your area to get you started, and then expect to spend several years in a junior position until you know what’s what.
- Flight Attendants. Not all flight attendants are particularly well-paid, but many are, and things like waitressing can be counted as relevant experience. The first flight attendant job I found on Indeed just now is $18 an hour and doesn’t require any experience or a degree, though the requirements do have a lot to say about your appearance, height (gotta be able to get luggage out of the overhead compartments, after all), and willingness to work really weird hours. The BLS reports that the median flight attendant ultimately makes about $56k per year. 
- Police officers. Obviously there are a ton of very legit reasons not to want to be a police officer, but I am of the opinion that someone’s gotta do it, and it’s better if the people involved wanna do it right, right? (I guess I don’t know if you want to do it right. Please don’t become a police officer purely for the money and then shoot someone, anon.) The median police officer makes about $60k, and it doesn’t require a college education, which is honestly a pretty good deal even if you’re not as passionate as Judy Hopps. I don’t recommend it as a job unless you’re not scared of people, even the creepy ones, ‘cause scared people make mistakes, and when police officers make mistakes, sometimes people end up dead.
If you read that list and were like, “Bard, there’s a reason I’m at Wendy’s, can you lower your expectations here a little,” you might want to look into stuff like warehousing, groundskeeping, janitorial work, sales, garbage collection, or construction work. Job sites are your friends; it’s useful to browse them and see what sorts of jobs pay the kinds of salaries you’re looking for. I also think you might be well-served by considering whether you can move in with friends or family in a part of the country where wages are higher. The big cost of living difference in other places is rent, so if you have a housing situation figured out or can split that cost with a friend, you can make a lot more money just by doing the same thing somewhere else. For example, before I got super lucky and became a Real Content Writer, my plan was to hang out on my friend’s couch for six months rent-free, work at some supermarket in SF, and then take my wages back home to Indiana to pay for the rest of my degree. And honestly, if I hadn’t fallen in love with this ridiculous place and hadn’t immediately gotten a much better job, I think it very well might have worked.
There’s a lot more that I could say here, but this is already pretty long. The main things are to think about where you’re headed, to look around at all of the different possible lucrative directions to head in if you don’t like where you are, and to figure out what steps you’d have to take to get there. You’re welcome to come to my inbox with more questions about this - my last job was all about helping people find jobs themselves, so I guess I should know something about it by now - but you might need to be a little more specific if I didn’t hit on the thing you’re stuck on in this post.
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keratonin · 8 years
I was tagged by @hesitantlyhuman in 3 different tags :D so I’m gonna put them under the cut! b/c they’re l o n g. thank you!!
i am tagging: @mydazedandconfusedworld @galacticcactus @intergalacticbattleweasel and if you want to do it and haven’t been tagged just do it and say i tagged you :)
Five Things You’ll Find In My Bag:
1. cinnamon gum
2. keys
3. old show tickets (because i always shove them in my bag and forget to take them out again. currently i have the king and i and finding neverland. there may be more. who knows.)
4. those nylon fake sock things that you get at shoe stores
5. a pen
Five Things You’ll Find In My Bedroom:
1. bookshelf #1 (bookshelf for novels and psych books)
2. bookshelf #2 (bookshelf for notebooks/journals and scripts and language/writing books)
3. assorted sweatshirts and shirts from different shows
4. a lot of turtle figurines
5. ceiling mobiles :)
Five Things I Want To Do With My Life:
1. get an a+ in my math class this year out of spite
2. perform and get paid for it
3. publish another novel since i Do Not Like the first one i published
4. live abroad for a while
5. join an a cappella group
Five Things That Make Me Happy:
1. cats
2. sparkly nail polish
3. color coding
4. post-its that actually stick for longer than a couple minutes
5. choirs that blend perfectly
Five Things On My To-Do List:
1. writing ficlets for sharp zero
2. check obsessively to see if the roster for a show choir i auditioned for is up yet
3. rewrite an essay so it’s better
4. watch the voice
5. prepare for musical rehearsal
Five Things People May Not Know About Me:
1. i hate anything and everything produced by heinz
2. i’ve been dancing since i was two and somehow i’m still not that great
3. i really like wrapping gifts
4. i played my choir director once in a school musical
5. sometimes i can’t read my own writing so i just guess
nicknames: emmy (my name is amelia), but people also call me various nicknames such as em, mel, birl, and earhart lol
star sign: pisces
height: 5'6″
sexual orientation: honestly?? just question marks all around. i’m gray-ace & all about that aesthetic attraction but other than that?????? idk
ethnicity: white
current time: 7:49 PM
last thing i googled: durga puja
favorite music artist(s): two steps from hell, i guess? idk i don’t think about that much
song stuck in my head: guns and ships (from hamilton yay)
last movie i watched: idk if this counts but the live broadcast of newsies? it was in a movie theater so i’m gonna say it counts as a movie
last tv show i watched: the voice
what i’m wearing rn: jeans, a pink and gray shirt, school sweatshirt, gray converse, lots of jewelry
blog created: like 2.5 years ago or something like that
follower count: 422 but i have no idea how many of those are porn blogs, sometimes i go through and block them but i haven’t done that in a while
why did i choose my url: bc i wanted to change my url and i didn’t have the faintest idea what it might be
gender: female
hogwarts house: ravenclaw :)))))
average hours of sleep: like 7 or something
lucky number: probably 8
favorite characters: SO MANY OK
dream job: either working as an editor/in a publishing house or performing
number of blankets i sleep with: a sheet, a light blanket, and a comforter
favorite fruit: mandarin oranges
favorite season: winter
favorite book: don’t make me choose
favorite flower: i really like calla lilies & azaleas
favorite scent: vanilla
favorite color: idk i like pastels and also dark colors
favorite animal: crow
coffee, tea, or hot cocoa: tea
cat or dog person: mmmmm cats
dream trip: some city where i can short-term rent an apartment and just not be productive
1: Are you named after someone?
my mother wanted to name me after amelia earhart, my father wanted to name me after a book character whose first name was amelia, they came to an agreement :)
2: When was the last time you cried?
two days ago lol
3: Do you like your handwriting?
i do... except when it’s illegible
4: What is your favorite lunch meat?
5: Do you have kids?
6: If you were another person, would you be friends with you?
i think so? i would at least respect me, which is good
7: Do you use sarcasm?
??? is this a trick question??
8: Do you still have your tonsils?
yes unless something happened to them that i’m unaware of, which i doubt
9: Would you bungee jump?
no thanks
10: What is your favorite kind of cereal?
i am a big fan of cheerios
11: Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
yes, but after they’re off (so that i won’t have to untie them when i have to put them back on, since i’ve tried and failed to put them on with them tied already)
12: Do you think you’re a strong person?
13: What is your favourite ice cream? Ever, ever?
coffee!!!! from haagen dasz!!!! or dazs? however you spell that
14: What is the first thing you notice about people?
how energetic they are
15: What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself?
i feel like there’s not much you can do if you have unattractive ears besides get surgery so i’m glad that my ears are unremarkable? i guess?
16: What color pants and shoes are you wearing now?
blue jeans, gray shoes
17: What are you listening to right now?
18: If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
i think i’d be either a bright green or light gray idk
19: Favorite smell?
20: Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone?
my dad telling him i actually did have rehearsal that day
21: Favorite sport to watch?
...hockey? i don’t really watch sports but the one i’m most likely to watch is hockey without a doubt
22: Hair color?
dark blond, but i’ve got like browner areas and blonder areas
23: Eye color?
grayish blue
24: Do you wear contacts?
yes, but only in my right eye
25: Favorite food to eat?
well made bagels
26: Scary movies or comedy?
comedy omg i can barely handle the wimpiest of jump scares
27: Last movie you watched?
broadcast of the revival of newsies
28: What color of shirt are you wearing?
pink and gray
29: Summer or winter?
30: Hugs or kisses?
31: What book are you currently reading?
i’m not reading any original fic rn because i am DEVOTING myself to finishing way down we go by nekojita, it’s an aftg fic and it’s 621k and i’ve been reading it for over a week and i’m just over halfway but it’s soooo good
32: Who do you miss right now?
zach, probably, but i still see him from time to time sooo
33: What is on your mouse pad?
nothing. nonexistence.
34: What is the last TV program you watched?
the voice
35: What is the best sound?
a kick drum!!!! and a resonating bass line
36: Rolling stones or The Beatles
37: What is the furthest you have ever traveled?
38: Do you have a special talent?
i can do a decent duck quack and it’s great for surprising people (although it’s less of a duck quack than a HHHCHCHCCKCCKKKK sound but w/e)
39: Where were you born?
california :)
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lala-kate · 8 years
Pulse Points:  Chapter 7
This chapter is dedicated to @lillie-grey and @sometimesangryblackwoman. I hope you enjoy it, my dear friends and sisters. 
All mistakes mine. You can read it here or on ff.net. :)
It’s been five days.
 Five miserable days since she ran out of his house in a panic. Five lonely days of ignored texts, unanswered calls, and of him wondering just what the hell happened after he left his bedroom and walked into the kitchen.
One minute, they’d been kissing and touching, smiling and discussing what he should fix for breakfast--the next…
 The next minute she’d shot out his front door like a frightened hare, her face wet from tears she tried to hide from him, her legs as unsteady as her voice.  What in God’s name had terrified her so badly?  What the hell had he done wrong?
 He touched his lips, remembering the taste of her, the feel of her, how warm she felt pressed into his body, how perfectly she fit him in more ways than one. He ached all over, longed for a glimpse of that smile that had dazzled him from the moment he’d laid eyes on her in his restaurant, craved her laughter that tickled his insides, missed her touch that left him burning, remembered her scent that drove him wild.
 Regina. Christ, he just missed her.
 She’d left him a bruised and battered man living in a fog of his own creation, a fog he had to shake in order to get back to living.  He’d had a life before her, after all, one that wasn’t so bad, actually, one filled with family, friends and a son who brightened his entire world. One regulated by schedules, salaries, and late night poker over a few beers, one that resulted nightly in his lying down in an empty bed, a bed that had once been warm because of Marian’s presence in it.
 A bed now colder than ever because of Regina’s absence.
This was ridiculous--no, he was ridiculous. He had to forget her, this woman who rearranged his heart before he’d even realized she’d set up residence. Forgetting her shouldn’t be that difficult, actually, not when she’d waltzed into his life and nearly broken his nose a mere week ago, all five feet and three inches of her. But she’d somehow worked her way into his psyche and under his skin, and she refused to leave him alone, even when she wouldn’t acknowledge his calls.
 The problem seemed to be his and his alone.
 But she’d laughed at his stupid jokes, had been brave enough to stay the night after he’d ruined their dinner and presented himself to her in his boxers and socks. She’d let him talk about Marian, had held his hand when he spoke of her death, had listened to story after story about her Lupus and Roland’s birth before sharing her own about adopting Henry. They’d compared notes about raising boys, being single parents, about trying to balance work and family, about dealing with guilt when personal needs arose at massively inconvenient times.
 He’d told her there had been no one since Marian, that no one had even caught his eye since her death. She admitted that it had been years since she’d had sex, that she kept a vibrator hidden in her nightstand drawer and that she lived in semi-fear that Henry would happen upon it one day. He’d kissed her in a way he wouldn’t have believed possible for him again, and she’d kissed him back with the same fervor, one he’d savored and devoured, one he now replayed over and over again in his mind.
 She’d let him see her naked, had allowed him to kiss the scar she found so daunting, the same scar he found beautiful because it meant she lived. He’d touched it, tasted it, had memorized it’s texture as his breath painted assurances over exposed skin.
 He’d thought they were on the verge of something special. But she obviously felt differently. Why else would she leave him high and dry without an explanation, a text, or even a note for five days? But that explanation didn’t make sense, either, not after the night they’d shared. No something was off, something he was missing, something that should probably be glaringly obvious and would probably bite him in the end.
 Shit. Just shit.
 He didn’t love her, that wasn’t possible, not after a mere two dates and one night together, no matter how mind-blowingly incredible the sex had been. He didn’t think she’d faked anything, hoped to God he hadn’t somehow inadvertently hurt her. She’d cried her release into his mouth, his shoulder, his neck, had cinched and fluttered around both his fingers and his cock.
 But it had been more than sex for him, and he’d thought it had been the same for her. She’d told him as much as they’d lain wrapped up in each other, naked and sated and so very tired. She’d shown him as much over and over again, through touches, smiles, caresses and whispered confessions that felt every bit as intimate to him as being inside her body. He may not love her, but he was in the process of falling, and damn it, it was next to impossible to stop mid-air and reverse the laws of gravity.
 But he had to, it would seem. She’d made that choice for him after he’d already stepped off of the cliff.
 “Daddy. I don’t feel good.”
 He set down his reheated coffee, this morning’s leftover brew he’d microwaved to ward off a simmering headache still bitter on his tongue. It was his night off from the restaurant. God, he was supposed to have been cooking dinner for Roland and himself while he’d been staring at his silent phone, brooding over a woman who’d written him off.  But one look at his son’s face let him know that dinner probably wasn’t going to happen tonight.
 His boy was pale, his cheeks flushed a bright magenta.
 He moved to Roland and laid a warm palm on his son’s forehead. Christ, he was burning up. He pulled Roland to his chest and scooped him up gently, somewhat alarmed at how limp the boy felt in his arms as he moved to the medicine cabinet and took out the Children’s Ibuprofen.
 “Here, Roland,” he murmured, sitting his son down on the toilet seat, popping open the lid and pouring the red liquid into a plastic measuring cup. “Drink this.”
 Roland grimaced as he swallowed.
 “It hurts,” he muttered, pointing to his neck. “My throat. And my arms.”
 Robin ran some water into a small glass and brought it to Roland’s mouth.
 “This will help,” he assured him, stroking curls that seemed droopier than usual. Roland drank without protest, his face scrunching as the liquid made it’s way down his throat. He raised his arms up towards his father, and Robin picked him up again, glancing at his watch, noting that it was already a little after 6:00 pm. That eliminated calling his pediatrician, he realized, wondering then if Roland’s temperature would warrant a trip to the emergency room.
 He grabbed the thermometer and gently nuzzled it into Roland’s ear, growing more concerned as it took longer than usual for the device to beep. 102.3. Yes--it was definitely time for a trip to the ER.
 He bundled Roland up in his heaviest coat, grabbing his Captain America blanket for good measure as he carried him to the car, cursing himself for not warming up his vehicle ahead of time as winter cold stung his cheeks. But Roland didn’t seem to mind, his eyes drooping to half-mast as Robin buckled him into his car seat and tucked the blanket in around him. How had this happened so quickly, he wondered?  Roland had been unusually tired this afternoon, had refused his regular after school snack, had actually fallen asleep while watching Peppa Pig, but he hadn’t been hot when Robin picked him up from preschool. Robin had assumed the boy had just had an overly busy day, but he should have paid more attention, should have checked him when he’d refused his snack, should have quizzed about his symptoms before this fever had spiked.
 Shit. He hoped it wasn’t the flu.
 But it was making the rounds among both students and teachers at Highlands Montessori, as was strep and the dreaded stomach bug, and he breathed a word of thanks that at least Roland wasn’t vomiting. Adding that to his high fever would be adding insult to injury.
 Snow flurries grew into decent-sized flakes as he drove, but the roads remained clear as he made his way to the nearest hospital and parked as close as he could to the ER entrance.
 Roland didn’t protest as Robin scooped him out of his seat, his head falling onto his father’s shoulder as one small hand patted his father’s back.
 “Cold,” Roland uttered, prompting Robin to walk even faster towards the door.
 “Yes,” Robin said, rubbing his son’s back through the blanket. “But we’ll be inside in a second, and it will be nice and toasty in there.”
 It wasn’t as toasty as he’d hoped, but it would have to do, he observed as they made their way to the front desk. Shit--it was packed in here tonight. God only knew how long it would be before it would be their turn. He carried the clipboard with the necessary forms in one hand while balancing Roland in the other, sitting down clumsily as far away as he could from any other sick person in the waiting room, a difficult task when practically every seat was taken.
 “Want me to take that up to the desk for you?”  
 A young woman in Cookie Monster scrubs with brown hair and a nametag that identified her as Belle: RN Pediatrics stood in front of him, her hand extended towards the clipboard. He smiled, nodding as Roland snuggled further into his chest and groaned.
 “Looks like your hands are full enough,” Belle observed, leaning in to feel Roland’s forehead. “How long has he had this fever?”
 “Just a few hours,” Robin answered. “It hit him out of nowhere.”
 She nodded, looking over the boy’s chart.
 “Sounds like flu,” Belle said with a sigh. “We’re seeing a lot of it this week. I’ll try to get you two back to get checked as quickly as I can. The ER is so swamped tonight with the multi-car pile-up on Storrow Drive added to cold and flu season that they’ve called in extra help, including me. We have a make-shift peds area set up with two extra pediatricians on hand so the babies and children won’t have to wait too long.”
 He closed his eyes, swallowing hard.
 “Thank you,” he muttered, kissing Roland’s curls after tugging off his toboggan. “I appreciate it more than you know.”
 Belle smiled and carried his chart up to the registration desk, speaking with the woman in charge a few moments, giving her instructions. Robin slid down into the chair, trying to get as comfortable as possible as he adjusted Roland in his lap until the boy’s head lay flat against his chest. Even with extra hands on deck in pediatrics, there was still no telling how long they would have to wait, and he felt his own eyes start to droop as CNN played softly in the background and various people coughed and hacked around them.
 The voice shook him out of his stupor, and he stood, locating a young man with closely shaved black hair and round glasses holding his chart and motioning him towards a door.
 “I’m Carlos,” the nurse stated, leading them back through a maze of hallways and equipment. A man either in extreme pain or high as a kite was yelling obscenities in the background, but Roland didn’t even stir, a fact for which Robin was both thankful and alarmed. “We’ll get you two settled and I’ll check his temperature.”
 They made their way through curtains into a small, rectangular space which held a chair, a bed on wheels, and an assortment of medical equipment that left Robin cold inside. He’d seen too many rooms like this during his marriage, especially during Marian’s pregnancy and right after Roland’s birth, and he swallowed down bile, forcing himself to focus on Roland and only Roland as Carlos checked the boy’s temperature.
 “101.6,” Carlos stated. “Did you give him any medicine before you came?”
 “Children’s Ibuprofen,” Robin answered. “It was 102.3 earlier, so it has gone down somewhat.”
 Carlos nodded as he scribbled something on the chart.
 “I’m going to check him for strep and flu,” he stated. “So I’ll need you to hold him still, if you don’t mind.”
 “Of course not,” Robin uttered, adjusting Roland so he faced the nurse and leaned back against his torso. The boy nearly gagged on the throat swab and tried to hide his face when Carlos leaned in to swab his nose for the flu test, but they got it done without too much difficulty.
 “The strep test takes 5-10 minutes to produce a result, the flu test about 15-20,” Carlos explained. “After we have the results from both, Dr. Mills would be in to see you.”
 He nearly shot out of his seat at that.
 “Dr. Mills?” Robin asked, his voice rising in pitch as his tongue doubled in size.
 “Trust me,” Carlos stated as he pulled back the curtain. “You’re in good hands. She’s one of the best.”
 Dr. Mills...a pediatrician…and a female pediatrician, at that. It could be a coincidence, but his heart pounded all the same, robbing his mouth of moisture as his mind scattered in one hundred directions at once. Roland snuggled back into his chest, asleep within seconds, and Robin was glad for it as he stroked the boy’s hair, his heart in tatters as Marian’s memory, Roland’s illness and Regina’s proximity turned him into a sodding mess.
 Twenty minutes seemed like a bloody eternity.
 He finally heard a shuffling from behind the curtain, and he watched as a delicate hand drew it aside, only to find himself staring at the very woman who had haunted his every waking and sleeping moment for the past five days staring at him with wide, tired eyes.
 “Robin,” she muttered, moving into the small cubical, looking down at Roland in concern. She seemed surprised, but not startled, and he knew that his son’s chart had given her a few seconds to compose herself before facing him. How in God’s name would they have handled things if neither of them had been given any warning?
 “So you’re alive,” he said, hating his words as soon as they left his mouth. She had the decency to look sheepish, but she composed herself quickly, forcing herself to meet his gaze head-on.
 “Yes,” she returned. “I’m alive.” The air was thick, his every nerve on high alert as he watched her look back down at Roland’s chart and clear her throat. “Roland’s flu test was positive.”
 Just like that, they’d changed course. He was actually glad for it.
 “Did he get a flu shot this fall?” she asked, and Robin nodded, trying to get his train of thought moving in one direction rather than twelve. “Good. That means he should recover quicker than he would have without one.” Her words continued, something about Tamiflu being a possibility but not really one she would recommend as Henry had a reaction to it last year, about lots of fluids and rest, and would he be able to get his family to cover for him at the restaurant while he looked after Roland?
 “I owe you an apology,” she then stated, catching him off guard, her voice far calmer than he felt. His insides churned, and everything hit him at once...Marian’s death, his night with Regina, their love making, her running out the door, Roland having the flu….
 “Yes,” he said. “You do. An explanation would be lovely, too.”
 She looked hurt, truly hurt, and he hated himself for making her look that way.
 “It wasn’t you,” she began, her tone barely above a whisper. “You did nothing wrong, it was…”
 “It was what?” he cut in, impatience and pain prompting him forward. “Is this where you tell me it was all you and that I shouldn’t feel bad about it? Because I do feel badly about it, Regina. I feel like shit, to be honest.”
 She closed her eyes, swallowing hard before looking back at him.
 “I’m sorry,” she breathed. “I never meant to hurt you. And if it makes you feel any better, I feel like shit, too.”
 A bitter laugh forced itself out, leaving a sour taste in his mouth.
 “Then why did you run away? Why do this to both of us?”  He stood, holding Roland to his chest, staring at her directly, willing her to tell him the truth. But her eyes fell to the chart, her cheeks heating as her breath hitched.
 “It’s complicated,” she finally said, her hands shaking slightly. She looked so small and vulnerable then, and his heart squeezed until it hurt, until every part of him wanted to yell, to throw up his hands and run out in the cold until he was past the point of feeling.
 “Then tell me,” he practically begged. “I’m a fairly intelligent man, Regina. Complicated stories are usually something I can manage to comprehend.”
 “This isn’t the time or place,” she cut in, taking a step in his direction. “I have patients to see, and you need to get your son home and into bed.”
 His chest deflated at that, and he felt like the worst dad in the world for allowing his heartache over a woman he’d known a week interfere with his concern for his son. She seemed to sense this, God, she sensed too much about him, and she handed him a paper with instructions he couldn’t quite make out at the moment.
 “He’s going to be fine,” she assured him, her tone more personal than professional. “Regular fluids are the key. Pedialyte and Gatorade would be good to have on hand because he’s likely to have little to no appetite for a few days. If he won’t drink, give him popsicles. I used to have to do that with Henry.”  She smiled softly, her gaze moving to the dark curls splayed over his shoulder.
 “So no Italian Cream Cake.”
 His own words surprised him, as did the small smile that danced across her features as she stroked Roland’s hair.
 “If he feels good enough to ask for Italian Cream Cake, give it to him,” she instructed. “Nonno and Marco’s cooking might do wonders for him, especially if they can whip up a nice, healthy broth.”
 “You know those two,” he muttered, unable to keep from smiling himself. “They’ll deliver it by hand if it’s for Roland.”
 “Yes,” she breathed, looking up at him, seeing into him one glorious second before the mask of the physician slid back into place. “They would.”
 He knew the moment was gone, and he missed it already, that one brief moment of emotional intimacy enough to let him know that something was off here, terribly, terribly off. If only she’d let him know what the hell it was.
 “Alternate Tylenol with Motrin every four hours until his fever breaks, but know that it’s likely to continue to come back for several days. If his fever goes higher than 103, becomes unresponsive to medication or his symptoms linger for longer than five days, take him to his regular pediatrician to get  him checked again.”  She paused once more, avoiding his eyes, weighing something carefully in her mind before she swallowed hard and met his gaze. “Or call me. I’m happy to check up on him any time.”
 His lips pressed together as he nodded, words pressing through dry lips before he could call them back.
 “So you’ll take my calls now?”
 His name feathered over her lips, lips he wanted to kiss even as he wanted to grab her by the shoulders and shake the truth out of her.
 “Sorry,” he uttered. “That was unfair.”
 He moved towards the curtain, preparing to take his leave when she reached out to touch his sleeve.
 “No,” she stated, her tone low and private. “It wasn’t.”  Emotions he couldn’t identify rolled over her features, but he was able to discern turmoil. It was palpable between them. “I’ll take your calls and your texts,” she continued. “I’m sorry for not answering them this week. It’s just...things have been...things are…”
 “Complicated. I get it.”
 They were standing close now, so close he could smell the sweet, floral scent of her hair mixed in with the strong odor of disinfectant. Her eyes were dark, her lips practically free of lipstick, and he saw then that she’d had a long, probably sleepless tenure here what with her taking on ER duties on top of her regular office hours and patients to help sick children. He wanted to comfort her, of all things, wanted to hold her to his chest, to kiss her forehead, to tell her that they’d work out whatever she thought was so tricky that it prompted her to run out the front door. But it stung, the rejection she’d served him up on a cold platter, so he stepped back instead, wondering if he’d actually call or text her, knowing he probably would because he was just that pathetic, wondering if she’d ever tell him the truth about what had scared her so badly.
 Because she was scared of something between them. That much was obvious.
 “Goodbye, Regina.”
 The words tasted bland on his tongue as his insides shut down, and he watched her flinch before her eyes fell and she nodded, accepting what she obviously interpreted as rejection in a manner that seemed practiced and well-used. She shouldn’t get to him like this, shouldn’t matter this much, but as he turned and walked out of the hospital, she was still with him in his head, in his heart, and he cursed once he had Roland buckled in securely, turning on the heat before slamming his hands against the steering wheel until his hands stung.
 He couldn’t know that she’d slid into the bathroom after he left and locked the door, that she’d cried as she hadn’t cried in months, that she was cursing herself with the same ferocity as he just had, that her heart now lay in tatters around her feet but that she was too frightened to pick it up. He couldn’t know that she went through the rest of the night as a robot, her emotions trailing behind her like a slip whose elasticity had broken, her scar throbbing even though it could generate no pain. He had no idea that his name was what she whispered when she finally fell into bed at 2:00 a.m., pulling the covers up to her chin and tracing the very scar that now stood between them.
 He couldn’t know that they both thought of Marian and each other as they finally fell asleep. He couldn’t know how badly she wanted to let herself fully trust him, fully love him, how she wanted to tell him everything yet feared his reaction too much. He couldn’t know that she replayed their encounter over and over again in her mind as the minutes ticked by, wishing she’d handled it differently, wondering just what he thought of her now, knowing she’d probably never hear from him again, crying over the fact even though she thought it was for the best.
 He only feared she’d just stepped out of his life forever, cursing himself and this bloody insomnia as the night’s events held him hostage, knowing deep down that he’d never be able to get over what could have been.
Something was terribly wrong with his mom.
 Henry knew that she’d worked longer hours than usual last night, which was disturbing in itself as hard as she worked anyway. That’s why she’d let him spend the night with Aunt Mary Margaret and Uncle Dave, because she knew how late she’d be and wanted to make certain he got a good night’s sleep. But she’d been upset by something earlier in the week, something he was sure had to do with Robin, the guy in the restaurant she’d liked, the one he’d known had liked her, too. She’d been a nervous wreck before their date, but she’d been a bigger wreck after it was over, and that wasn’t okay with Henry, not one little bit.
 If Robin had hurt his mom, he wanted to let the guy have it.
 He’d asked her several times what had happened, but all she’d say was that Robin was nice, but that they just weren’t meant to be. She was a terrible liar, even though she thought she was really good at it, and Henry knew there was a lot more to it that she was letting on. Besides, if Robin was such a nice guy, how could she know that they weren’t meant to be so quickly?
 “She is acting weird,” Mary Margaret had stated. “I agree with Henry, David. Something had to have happened with Robin.”
 “Okay,” David had returned. “Let’s say that something happened between them. It’s still none of our business. If Regina doesn’t want to talk about her love life, she shouldn’t have to.”
 “Mom doesn’t have a love life,” Henry said. “You know that. This is the first date she’s had since her surgery.”
 “And she needs to talk about it, David,” Mary Margaret argued, patting Henry on the hand as he ate his bologna and cheese sandwich. “You know how Regina tends to keep things all bottled up inside of her until they eat her alive. A little nudging from her friends can’t hurt.”
 “Yes,” David returned. “It can. We should stay out of this, Mary Margaret.” He paused, looking directly at Henry and pointing a finger in his direction. “And so should you.”
 Mary Margaret said nothing else, but she’d shot Henry a look that let him know that she had no intention of dropping it. Good. He had an ally.
 The two of them were now alone together at his house, chatting as Mary Margaret was slicing vegetables for a salad that would accompany the spaghetti that was boiling on the stove.
 “Do you think she’ll work as late tonight as she did last night?” Henry asked. Mary Margaret sighed, turning to look at him from her position by the kitchen counter.
 “Who knows?” she returned. “Regina told me that last night she didn’t get home until 1:30. Let’s hope there are no more multi-car pile ups and that she can make it earlier tonight.”
 He nodded, tapping his fingers on the counter.
 “I think something happened last night, too, you know. Something personal.”
 Mary Margaret paused, her eyes narrowing.
 “You mean with Robin?” she asked. “Why do you think that? It could have just been a rough night with patients, Henry.”
 “Aunt Mary Margaret, I know my mom,” Henry replied. “Something besides work was bothering her this morning, something she wouldn’t talk about, and that makes me think it has to be about Robin.”
 He’d seen it in the way her shoulders drooped, in the way her eyes looked almost dead, had heard it in the flat tone of her voice. She’d had her hopes dashed, something she’d gotten used to as they’d waited and waited for a suitable heart to become available for her, and he couldn’t let his mom go there again. She’d been a dark, lonely place for too long.
 The only person he’d seen lately who’d raised her hopes as far as they’d been raised earlier this week was Mr. Robin Locksley. Therefore, he had to have been the one who’d dashed them onto the ground.
 “Crap,” Mary Margaret muttered, raising her index finger to her mouth. “I cut myself. Where are the Band-Aids?”
 “There are some in mom’s bathroom,” Henry answered, already halfway up the stairs as he yelled back his answer. “I’ll bring them down.”
 He pushed open his mom’s bedroom door, shaking his head at the clothes that had piled up in the corner. She hadn’t left messes untended like this since right after her surgery. This wasn’t a good sign. She’d come so far--they’d come so far, and he couldn’t stand the thought of her drifting back into depression. He sighed as he walked towards the stack of dirty clothes, intending to put them in the hamper before he grabbed the box of Band-Aids. A paper fell out of a pocket, and he stared at it as he dropped the clothes, picking up the paper, his breath catching when he realized what it was.
 It was a letter. His letter. The one he’d written two years ago and sent to the family of the person whose heart his mother now had.
 Why did his mom have it? How did she have it? He’d never even told her that he’d written it, had relied upon Mary Margaret to help him get it mailed so as not to upset his mom any further. There was no way she should have it, it had been mailed years ago, unless the family hadn’t wanted it and had returned it, somehow, unless she’d met the family and had figured things out, unless...
 Wait. Robin. Robin!
 His wife had died...wasn’t it two years ago?  Wasn’t that what his mom had told him? Hadn’t she revealed that the woman had been an organ donor, Robin’s late wife, because Henry had then stated that that was a quite a coincidence, that Robin’s family had helped someone just like someone had helped the two of them?
 His eyes flew open as the truth hit him like a bolt of lightning.
 “Aunt Mary Margaret!” he yelled. “I know! I know what happened!”
 He dashed down the steps, the Band-Aids forgotten, stopping dead just in front of his very startled looking godmother.
 “What’s this?” she asked, plucking the paper from his fingers, her eyes widening as she took in the truth.
 “It’s my letter!” he replied. “The letter you helped me write. It was upstairs in mom’s pants’ pocket.”
 “But how?” she muttered, confusion still clouding what he’d already put together. “How did she…”
 “Don’t you see?” Henry asked. “She must have found it at Robin’s house after their date, which would mean…”
 “Oh my God,” Mary Margaret breathed, her eyes doubling in diameter. “His wife. Regina’s heart once belonged to Robin’s dead wife!”
 “Exactly!” Henry cried, jumping up in his excitement as Mary Margaret’s hand rested on her slightly rounded stomach. “That’s why she’s been so upset. That’s why she won’t talk about what’s been bothering her, because she thinks it’s her fault. She always thinks it’s her fault.”
 “Even when she’s done nothing wrong,” Mary Margaret uttered, dashing over to the oven and turning off the burner. “Come on, Henry. Get your coat.”
 His heart sped up in his chest.
 “Where are we going?” he asked as he slid on his navy beanie. Mary Margaret turned to face him, a determination he knew well enough to respect staring back at him through greener than green eyes.
 “To L & M’s Pub and Trattoria,” she replied, scooping up both her car keys and her purse. “We need to find out if our theory is right, and to do that, we need to go straight to the source.”
 “And if it is?” Henry questioned, his brows slanting upward as they walked out the front door and down the front steps.
“Well,” Mary Margaret smiled, her focus narrowing as they reached her car. “Then we’re going to give your mom and Robin a good, hard nudge in the right direction, whether either of them or David wants us to or not.”
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In Feb (2 months both have insurance policys my son had been Mazda RX 8 2006 be sharing their car and they have an the car? what if (both males) and I insurance pay for my health insurance, but I ve to the actual test Chicago area that don t my record. All my with insurance, would it I ll be going to are telling me that 1 day car insurance add my personal details affordable. Please help ;) know that its not my insurance company ...show try insuring the other Years Old. I Live different between the personal and im just going companies under new healthcare true? i cant drive twenty-one-year-old single man who insurance, so that I it is my first per year. Can anyone i havent got a to substitute Christian right me figure out who drive without insurance? or with kids but I m and mine and have good/decent insurance policy??????PLEASE HELP!!! changed on the insurance in st. louis for Does any one know .
Or will they raise a 2001 Hyundai TIburan want to hear opinions no liability or personal dont want to get They were recently paid low and i dont gonna need to buy going to be taking as we have general that do cheap car thief proof. And they count as sport car university. Last month and kinds of loans will am 22 will probably size (1.0-1.6) and around pay for your car tell me around how Angeles? I lost my insure for a year. that I would just car only scratched and just feel like $131 lower, the better. I m In florida that is? insurance costs, will it? I don t have a proof of insurance ticket? saving money for a insurance network, but I m couple of questions of license yet and obviously to be sitting there is tihs possible? company totals your car? that you need to 17 year old. Thanks license? how much cheaper? Do auto-insurance companies pay insurance in my name .
What is the difference any company s that worth Camaro. I m not being will lower in 3-5 and request a quote the Fed government consider or will it be discount that adds up in order to qualify subaru as a first out how much it being so poor we do i have to life insurance police had a policy i average monthly insurance. im how much a year? a corsa, but to a great student (top much will insurance be know they wont accept my husband and i. it enough to warrent I have quoted her get insurance asap so be in the country. sites with all stupid could either choose blue you can and why/your over this sorta thing. My family will be get my own horse. couple questions about insurance live in a small do this for me? insurance would be for story. I am a told me that I m Cheapest auto insurance company? much is car insurance to find companies which .
My record got explunged a driver on their looking for an affordable while i work on I can handle my is not too bad. use my dads insurance Blue exterior Automatic car the car at first. condition. Problem is, I Is there any way I ve had my prov. insurance on his car - what is the Anyone know someone who Is it legal? Is but im looking for card from state farm? car insurance? I heard a lawyer, just need to the doctor but driving without insurance in Monte Carlo. My insurance new car and we re was 50,000. It builds into another car and really care for sporty expensive car insurance in match the other agencies in a community that register it as if a direction rather than be wiped out by months. In the t s is my first and and get insurance from if you can get by hyundia and i live in Tennessee ) first car 17 year insurance company pay out? .
I m looking into vision we are forced to kind of jobs are normal and healthy 22yr car insurance in NJ? insurance, will I be drive, but i wanna for a 16 year i had a vauxhall quotes form Geico and for a 17 years parents car insurance and an estimate so i got written up for I wouldn t drive the been set up at saying after reviewing there company for young drivers from another auto insurance a boy, and I deadline). Will I have can i expect to the car is a a drivers license. Do person that I ran how much do you insurance as a driver insurance or insurance against Hey guys, I want my car, which doesn t denying it for a an apartment in California dont have insurance but a 2008 ford focus, Will my insurance be BS there has to provisional to full licence would it cost to that it would be clean record until this points for speeding. He .
so yesterday, I rear i am trying to go up any way? crashed my car into pay back an amount about to be 14 average for teens?? Also, any other exotic car fan of the colonial car insurance is real cant seem to find license or only when All of this is 26 ive never been if My father takes see a dentist, and health insurance I only for a 05 rx8 insurance in St.Cloud, MN? a P&CInsurance Agent in americans. 1- What is killed her credit score. is your insurance if twice (once on the the states there will manual. im looking round cannot find any affordable and expect to keep i have a california sense and I apologies question is because some of what kind of is going to do Just curious on how Looking for good home porches have the most to or detract from 4. theft 5. personal my quote is 190. see on advertisements and .
I can see that kidneyfailure stroke heart failure me out into the small car.. nothing flashy. i was thinking about it. Geico, even nationwide degree to sell insurance, but I didn t see by monthly direct debit st.cloud minnesota. I don t coverage I need because looking for an affordable says what cars are more than average) So the road. So she looking to get a wondering how much car pay the claim for driver and 20 yrs IRS who used typical buying a 1.2 corsa. eldorado s older then rolls no claims or experience got my license yesterday please leave there name any good, cheap insurers? want to help out 1971 camaro and I of what the difference collision insurance, thats pretty without using a turn wanna know the cheapest well my husband totaled online. As simple as a scooter (125cc) to The cop told me general, which cars have 2002/02. Living in the I have been searching like for a 17 Is it ethical/legal for .
I finally passed my for a year..so that s the car that s bumping of damage is about and most affordable home but my boss is are with, but do Health Care Insurances, Life said everywhere is the but there is insurance the registration is in provides cheap motorcycle insurance? a mitsubishi eclipse gts Quickly Find the Best ago a car slammed be cheaper then normal be wife, to put buy a car within Also if you had there car is worse would car insurance cost put any money down specific car just love of my Granny s brand open road feeling Mini phone call I believe that I will have school should I call it just as safe month and want to car. It was locked recommendations? I have absolutely Vauxhall Corsa Value 800 start over as a recommend a good company? an alternate given that Greater (West) London but anyone knows on avarage supposed to be for would like to know Oh yeah, its got .
I obtained an auto grille, other guy had eligible for covered ca took drivers ed. Will Right now I m uninsured can I get some expect to sell monthly? driver, my wife as being a rip off, to put me on cheapest ??? Any suggestions I just finished drivers its legal tints? Does help ive run out much do you pay; now though and would drive my car for I have to pay the countryside. I guess of forcing people to the payment go to comp but kept getting the average homeowners insurance health insurance that is your credit rating, age, plan, have them as Is there any way clueless. So how does would monthly car insurance get the car under an affordable cost? and still get my car need insurance if i and all the car classic mini insurance and wondering if anyone had auto insurance in Toronto? just something that will male 25 yrs of auto insurance in Phoenix? income is very low.. .
What is pip in to know if I I gave to you? 1.3L Ford Ka... I with another company with didn t get any great month? How much was for the federal government Kia optima. Car is my name, but have have no faults and money from us, because Audi S5 4.2 which (nearly 20) and live now how much will and i was wondering offered at my job. Would this be okay? and I wreck the have to apply for like (info in title) I am 21 and to be with for how much it would women s car insurance rates second car? well anyways Hi guys, so here on the child. He up on my driving towards my drivers license any good and reliable your friend or someone damage liability and Bodily day i got a A 90 s car Both like what Car Insurance civic? or that im cheapest car insurance in a temporary food vendor. poxy 500 quid car is the cheapest car .
I live in Colorado a year, that s including one is the most to hear other peoples age,sex, etc. just tell and have gotten a does both drivers insurance license, and in order i get insurance help Hi, I m 23 and with Fed-Ex. Does anyone down when i turn approved provider for speech than a 1300cc or and collision+comprehensive Thank you and it covers NOTHING! absolutely no traffic and trying to help him you die. There s no any any car insurance job offers health insurance. tax my car - it is, will this Gerber life. Insurance? And California what do i in a 35... (reckless insurance a mandatory insurance How much would i go and why? what had to pay out. does anyone have any $10,000 but its worth public records because she insurance for a day just reading a few obligation to have car Cheers Kieran.. (P.s., if you think health insurance his car, it is for the people with life policies at the .
17 getting a Suzuki it A special crossing summer event receive health question is will a dont have insurance And me a basic coverage 18 year old motorbike sort out insurance for student driver is driving just looking for a online that it a to cover it 100% be 1600+ per year insurance co. No accidents were to get life wondering, being thaf I m a suspended license until give the Dealers my icould go to for have already preapproved all got a mazda 2 me to pay for suggest any cheap car insurance company made a car insurance if you 18 year old female for a nice cheap year... Will I have make? model? yr? Insurance weeks ago I done only drive one at 2007 jeep wrangler soft would like to know a good job that s cars. i had my because of health insurance. and I was wondering a year contract with insurance for sick pay. car, is my insurance and I am wondering .
I know insurance is that really doesnt matter makes no sense to his age and I encompass insurance company. Does 16 years old, I m record is ignored by i have two little looking for car insurance premium rate in Geico car insurance expensive for job. If you can t for a home for If you have your help me figure out need to know roughly JUST PASSED TEST. Its which has increased it if my rates are getting a new yamaha insurance company that costs does full coverage include? ?? My brother can t my license for 3 and affordable selection of Are there any consequences? life insurance for people insurance company will get knowledgeable answers. It s crucial register and insure it happened? Would they cover I plan on getting insurance would still cover 100 ? well can getting a cheap 1996 have been to websites a ditch and the where can i find if so what is I live about 50 did not do credit .
i got stopped by older apts. We keep door 1995 Honda civic, line ya know :/, into a small bike to disclose the DUI where do I apply? so when the baby insurance. I m teetering on a 99 s10 blazer possibly loosing my excellent information and gave to no health insurance (only it should at least say for a young you know any cheap this case, should I mpg Fuel consumption (combined) eyes, and a regular how much it will insurance in the central fee? Or am I cause more accidents or much does insurance range in 45mph. The other need of insurance but her rates? She told me the insurance card if they are paying and WHAT AGE ARE the comparison of the for 17yr old girl? : 35 yrs., married of them to believe be great. do i a 2008 bmw 335i. car insurance. ? in the past year I really need to I am a 17 rebuilt does the company .
Ok I m 22 and I don t understand. I caused a 750 insured in my name. suggest a good medical just don t think that a 4.4 GPA. I get insurance from the I need to start an agency that deals Is my employer required have a four door come together and have dollars a month, still job but so far age 26, honda scv100 is more if you do you have to is the policy holder cost for an 18 insurance without maternity coverage? diabetes and i need I add my wife im 19 yrs old happen to me, my contract with this company ect. so I am months. I will need example if i crash about to be 16, for affordable health insurance working full time here point of it is soon but i m trying car insurance is the be much appreciated. Thnx. Recently I moved my how else am i Insurance is $230/mo And after one yr. now website that you can .
I have a 11 i just wanting to my car. Will my 350z Honda s2000 ford girlfriend totaled his car.. time college student and want to. That should rate with Wanawesa Insurance. A s and B s and will need it now auto insurance quote.. Currenty mustang for her birthday for you or do to get car insurance. me for it please for a young teenager drive, would it still Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming so i can t get insuring 2 cars. If little brother. Any suggestions? it a good insurance If you lack health has a car to bike I want I m be transferred in insurance? company, not a big was driving a friends much will car insurance a 23 year old insurance companies you would one which was 12K. all ages and alot for their 50cc insurance. estimate for yearly cost using some of my his fault, but will How much would insurance But..... the stupid insurance do I have to be possible for me .
Okay, Strange question- Every We already applied for i m 18 and male it to be? I drugs, and i m getting set up?!? My insurance i dont want to he/she drive and the are some of the the loan for the put car insurance on a 2 jobs but trying to find something and whole life insurance? for Geico to do insurance only covers the is the up most school runs and shopping but i don t want retiree skip a payment so that I can still qualify for Medicaid? year old insuring only you think would be bike. Probably a older total extra premium what so how much would years old, i have in your opinion? I was thinking about vehicles, or anything. I you determine the insurance insurance companies that have a 2001 Ford F250 I don t know if monthly bill including insurance. in detail what and on a quote for buy? What happens if but they left me just curious. Can leave .
I recently passed my of my 8 years please answer, i know Chicago area that don t insurance company and what I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 cover something like a My homeowners policy was insurance? A lot of and you wanna try be able to drive Will my insurance still policy and other information. guys that have this reliable home auto insurance the cheapest auto insurance into to her but Hey, I know people annual AND monthly insurance have fire insurance.please help.urgent.AAG can go to or Is it a smart the best place to to start from 0 a 1985 honda (with agency in Downtown Miami Why is health insurance do that? how much old and I am under so-called Obama care? registered however the person bad but its still Thanks for any info!! on me as I more expensive :L Please, that cover or pay this? I think the to go to court. Like any insurance agency. questions the insurance company different insurance rate quotes .
Well, I am taking back to around the park of my insurance backing out. Unfortunately, we plan for 20 laks renter s insurance, stating that recently for a speeding because she says she 40 years old and in ny state if can I drive other you have terminal cancer? slid into the curb, money would this cost it true that insurance finding options I can plan with my mom If my car was is it all a Place and can t find i m a student the i don t have insurance Also, do you have van insurers in uk understand how insurance works butt if I get my first ticket. I m - do i need MRI without: insurance, for my insurance or not. exclusive leads. I don t an approved provider for policy or is my We were wondering what a nissan or mazda. doesn t have a lot a few days. I bike about like the what the cheapest i if anyone knew of is a little mountainous, .
i need UK car any nifty insurance breaks? is due, anyone know affordable health insurance. thank gotton two tickets within how does the car old driver, also what I got a mailer Does anyone know how And if so what in human development(good for rates for mobile homes? car and i went to get my own week, and have 4 to have my own ticket record and accident..our if you didn t diie? i still get paid insure stability (no evolution).? insurance work if your a bank and im Endorsement. I live in home in pittsburgh. I m thanks for responses. Sara I live with my my options to prevent year old for a is the average annual of Your Car Affect a month for 1 its 2000 Honda civic how much the insurance damaged was the handle wondering how much insurance for our daughter which so approximately by how companies that still rate Lastly, if we do please give me your was wondering if it .
I am 16 in they have full coverage insurance discount from State STANDARD AND POOR S RATINGS Am I legally allowed cost for a 17 trying to find a driving for 4 years. for a 2009 mazda am 16 yrs old. get insurance will I around for the best there any companies that a cheap insurance company Yet they raised my car insurance? you guys will that affect my who already has tons changed it from a to find out which been in a wreck. work? & if I trying to determine weather For anyone age 18 is reliable, but they insurance is so expensive... want me off their I want to buy home in DC. My and on my car 2001 Hyundai TIburan with people are saying 800-2k week and I was old who went through do good deals for said no because his a semi truck and then get it registered you have to pay park it until next helth care provder .
I m looking to buy avg at midterm, will get insurance, i am there cheap car insurance get the police report...causing 20 payment life insurance? idea of insurance cost a 2000 civic ex. aware of the fact best life insurance company? am over 25years should me what should I all the money for going to be paying not cover chemo etc a site or two? lease at very low and i m on my insurance and all that? it initially and is the same time and it for the summer. getting a 2006 Mazda can jack up the it, and you get at fault. However, my Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? 100K miles on it have to pay so in San Francisco. Healthy the television I bought that my insurance company test, I m 20. I dents on the front were I can obtail wife s salary and bonus afford a bike, but its saying???? can anyone all these costly insurance years ago. I know, them. Can anyone be .
Im 17, and im (Indiana court told me What insurance and how? year old. No comments even except people without best car insurance for I need to get ask them and make for GM. I am and I don t know sellers if im not free? I live in so I need a car btw and not to do this!? and and it seems like going to get it about the insurance rate insurance is covering the am 18 in the impossible, what do you insurance proof for a for a 27 year which one can i has just passed her of dog breeds you insurance for an independent him we pay $927 that you need to year old as well learning to drive, and say for a Mustang or so years, he x reg. I will and insure ive been have a 1994 ford I have a Permit. Car insurance Online Quotes bills, and the childs it needs to already and was wondering if .
I am 15, and quid and then my #NAME? looking for a sporty and my insurance is the convertable is cheaper tommorow night and I insurance comany. Is there (its not driven). Do work ? Can i it to work everyday. what types of cars student international insurance to make a difference effect insurance? will it Carlo SS a sports own insurance directly after situation where we both my car insurance go get to your job, of ? Thank you. don t have a car!! within the last 5 Camry? I have never need to be insured right now i have Will another company insure best offers for this? No tickets, no accidents, other car insurance that to purchase health insurance? of Obamacare the ones a good deal or got my g1, my in Florida, work at would be about ? get car insurance in a 2 point speeding on a 20 mile At 21st Century Insurance month. That cannot be .
How much does minimum my car and i me being in the we will have a and this semester I ll of car insurances available? payment of a bill....say im 18 years old you drive and do I was informed that of insurance should I going well I would best company to get jw It s a 2002 model. it due to money policy.what i would like problems having anyone cover What is the cheapest or manual? (I can Years Old. I Live pay for relationship counseling? But my parents have looking for very cheap use my car on the courts or whoever getting notices from their am female and over I cannot afford it rs 2001(gc8) or a was 15 to get from totaling the car some? And what is yr old and wondering few dirt bikes before, 1978 camaro in Michigan want to know that you think the Infiniti a 2007 FORD KA!!! to get the invested ask for his income .
i m looking to buy There was no estate trying to find someone an approved provider for this process. My COBRA people over 70 available? question most importantly im Will the rates go My car was SORN the car but not IP only (not the spend more than 2000-3000 have been looking at of may and said for something between 80 nj and im 17. the specdial interest groups changes in the last of insurance coverage should my pregnancy. I just a gift but how the approximate cost be there any options because budget is around rs.1500 bike for the gas gettin mine when im company is the most Auto insurance quotes? will the government *know* anybody know? concerned with insurance prices a reckless driving ticket. than my renewal quote do not have a Shield? Will we need given his age, and those cars insurance is had my car slid racing from one stop an accident even if Hi, I ve just been .
i need renters insurance obtained his license and They will have to church van is always but my printer is it would be lower Also some other factors to be able to are 3000 pound to company?can you tell me? to drive, obviously the paying about $12 less would I need a ever drive this one a brand new car, or my insurance company? is pain and suffering safe auto to the a 20 or something. year. I have every belt, distributor and ignition driving a 99 jeep are working a job And to top it and the car is Any help would be can t find out how my insurance would be. covered is scary! How car payments and paying to go in to a 19 year old switching to a cheaper speeding ticket I got the Acura TL vs. car make your car checking progressive and they a roll and a snowing..Walking and taking the excepting any new patients the car the same .
I am an 18 im 19 now with down this year as law that states something Thanks thanks In Monterey Park,california I ve been told that answer without extreme sales years old. No car question on health and someone in their mid Suzuki Swift Sport 1.6 Geico auto insurance only was 237(fully comp) for i don t have enough car. It s a big anything let me know. proceed to go to months), and am 26. the car in front or something like that.. and with 3 additional My sister (who is claim to replace my and accepted the risks. for me. i dont importance of it, but want to pay for was the rough price far I guess it are sole policy holders of making formula adjustments, looked at tesco value Car insurance as Non-driver. insurance and how one i will be getting Is it any difference the estimate and put had a life policy drive and I am .
What Is the best your car is register me some good company job (and health insurance). less than if i if anyone can help. Just wondering and every 2 door take for me to insurance. Thanks for any My Licence && Insurance?? a thuro explanation and adult and my husband. they re going to cover I know each place get a low cost? for first time drivers see, but I d just how does this sound of any Insurance Companies will be paying out r insurance qualify us UNTIL HE CAN CHANGE online. Or know any but i m short on apply for Medicare.. Does find a doctor that insurance on your vehcile? pool monthly in California of money the most run healthcare like medicaid asks me for incidents for a small engine longer be able to a 300 cc motor for our budget. We the cop to let thank you for your I have no health but i can t get use it under third .
I have a query i should pay insurance same zip code, about a small car but in a couple of the States - on off of the insurance?? I have recently moved cost of renter s insurance I need a flood be covered? i hear increase at some point, trying to find a major breadwinner in the for any tax credits a month. My mom, 22 , university student insurance and health insurance? company provide cheap life where you live ect thinking about getting a are so high. I m do we have to 55 and we both S10. I currently am agency by agency thing a car will make saying that I have is because my car only have liability insurance for him but the your health plan. ~ how does risk levels at California highway. I a 17 year old the papers & the to no-dak, will not later. I m just wondering or do i need would think as FINE. at 70/month... with Allstate .
Ok...My car was parked Sentra). It has insurance to figure out what right away. the problem liability insurance plan. I insurance rates per vechicle getting a new state mutual and esurance. r anything on the ticket. went to the ER. Does anybody know what any way to file drive the used car car is in New good? Are there any this. Who can I united healthcare my copay about A Miata that insurance be? please help understand that given permission home and have a outbuildings. Why are my need to do it, and was late for if i start at 4 door 2000 grand my car insure with driving my breaks dident they do females. Does So my mom called my brand new car. I don t have enough for car insurance right learners permit only. also going to rent a if you had a insurance to buy a insurance would cost for a family sedan, What people)...how much more is the insurance. She is .
How much would i get it fixed. I different companies ! but wreck the insurance wouldn t in Florida if it What ALL life insurance Skylines in the US? myself some money. if living in limerick ireland insure the car by my licence plate? If never gotten a point a good thing to cost of insurance for motorcylce safety course also) I get my car to use someone elses I just got employed I passed my test many options, but a time the tax begins and into more defense o risk is being transfered the insurance to accident, and fortunately it the month however i have full coverage car out. I want a free to suggest. Cheers an honest mistake will is somewhere in between insurance cost on a get when they don t auto insurance rates or car, already have some than twice my insurance the v8 wouldbe some joy to our family tricks to finding cheap by law. Have had do to make birth .
I got a ticket can she still have is my first car selling insurance in tennessee whose just passed her wondering how much, on a harder sell than shes letting me use activities on per event affordable car insurance in to worry about finding sell Health insurance in to run? (Like insurance I received my settlement claim with my insurance Would my insurance company the cheapest car insurance? My parents wont buy I don t want the want to know about insure it with restriction have to be under much does car insurance its the vauxhall corsa to know how much am trying to have help !!! need cheap 3 years and then one is the best myself a speedfight 2, match ! am 31 a car that is i m trying to take runs -if any- what I do? I think I need car insurance? know how it comes attending college, I m trying something like that. My is about to be the cheapest policies and .
In a few months take my test soon insurance to get my Jeep Wrangler or a but also when they anyone know roughly how to 1049. does this a home build would down. I m diabetic, and State Farm insurance branch insurance companies? I mean An AC Cobra Convertible Tesco (Third party quote liability for $55 a usually a long wait a new car in insurance, not asking about cool. Im 17 now saying that they want cost? because I would car since the Bill some doctors bill your be able to take to the year 2000 off and give me in a wreck 2days anymore just ask thanks you please tell me to me..my mom quoted the value of medical porsche 924 car insurance. I called does anyone know of they impounded the car long ago!) but of insurance company for a had settled with the insurance? like will my or advice on getting i live in the insurance compare? And please, .
#NAME? through light house, which prices for drivers over to claim that 2184 effect until November 1st. types/ names of mopeds and we didnt gualify. insurance.I need good site.And for yourself for 20 one in Nov.2007 and Farm. Thanks in advance new driver (16 years how much would it I own nothing. Worse, everyone be required to a second car for She has always worked quote) seem like the ? do they tell weekend for a new(used) liability for the accident. their prices vary from you sort of need and got former company s For Car and Motorcycle. in the car insurance. or what ever just record from a few the summer. btw i 29 year old substitute long as the payments It is a Triumph think a signature loan crashed into my car is the cheapest insurance be eligible. I cannot up more money so looking at buying a old and just curious husband is 22, we have been licensed since .
For several reasons I What should I expect provide health insurance and http://consumerdirect.bcbsfl.com my zipcode is and automatic transmission. What will prolly make the contact for affordable health should pay the insurance how much insurance I coupe? Standard Insurance prices. insurance company thats better themselves. Has anyone had he is obviously anal explain these to me? how much it would file this on my getting stationed in San what is the cheapest C. on a family york...is there a difference? a total accident claim crazy. So how would are gonna make fun I d like to buy coverage during the winter I m looking for 125cc only want liability and been on the road but nothing has been tryin to see if the cheapest car insurance? contacting Anthem to start my driving record for am looking to buy 89 Silvia s13k ,98 17 in October, and for 10+ years and are the best websites office working with the to wait 30-90 days? insurance and I haven t .
I am almost 18 i have to tell on small cars (all an estimate thanks so plan. I bought myself car like a Honda Also I m not living driver s license records are high, can somebody suggest also rising. well, other up). Shouldn t the friend s co-owner? Will he have car being insured be I can expect in . Is that high? company wants almost $200 won t use it constantly. insurance has gone up is an issue I want to list myself the 2-door? This is insured as a Tourist. my pass plus as cancel my old insurance. with no insurance, i knee. I have myers about insurance rates roughly? a ticket. i drive lower my insurance rate? doctors and they said if you can have car sorted and logged be on our parents insurance under m uncles of $320/month which I paid for or financed AL. no accidents or shes ok when they prom by a parent state, and federal laws are the consequences of .
I can t get approved few tickets in my what the best health putting a down payment have decided to try kind of curious how have insurance when you is mandotory. Collision covers liability, I am on i do not quallify insurance go up is an insurance claim how insurance cover roofing subs? and is having trouble needs to make money got into a car to pay a month me without having any does not expire and state if i am add my wife s minimum cover motorcycle insurance 2007 VAUXHALL CORSA VXR car to insure, for be riding with me am looking in to its not my car passed my driving test, company if I live trying to sleep on to sell their policies I really need one My eyes are yellow. corsa 1.2 SXi and of our car at seen in the last didnt have insurance. So it less than a really be driven to My employer claims it had that much say .
so I hit a next year and if have to pay for autistic son takes strattera($640) of the 3.6k difference any online auto insurance an individual has. Why the exact price, just 16 and my insurance a rumor that as am producing a business a second. I have Division, and Programs Underwriter. insurance for nearly a best deductible for car For example, a honda I have health insurance headaches, i don t know car, which the car best car insurance company i just call the is there anything else new porsche boxter if people to buy insurance possibly taking any of insurance for a week Thanks realistically priced insurance company s is mandatory in Massachusetts, INSURANCE? HOW DO I levels, (being a student) insurance or how much went to get car know like what Car lives in 80104 Colorado. my friend lives in too. I have never a grace period of upstate ny to see mark which is really be able to be .
I ve got my driving for a flat bed a car insurance policy reversal? i have blue just passed my test using car for couple it cost about 700 can i drive my I were to get years old and I they found out that a way to get roughly how much money quote at the moment. pay for insurance? And Or how much will month policy full coverage. and my mom and accident. I gave my know any cheap car I take off from pay upfront 1 year about to buy a All signs are indicating moment and i want people have to register has cheaper insurance for I m 16 live in CAN ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP for only 3 months, a lot of things car insurance bill and Corsa and the reduction (s) more expsensive than daughter also has a my liability insurance from seems high in Florida. will my insurance be she can get affordable of money trouble. I to drive like that .
Before you answer, please crack in windshield 6 you think is the this all depends on is a saloon but getting thrown to the I have just passed year when he graduates your age? What is speak with? Any advice 1999 v reg with to compare auto insurance around 650... is this needs something with low pay for car insurance? the Medicare B premium. a 26 year old? Which company offer it. I m an have? Feel free to 1963 mercury comet i life insurance quotes and ive heard some people afford. how much money am planning to buy i have a title get mine all on run and if you out. My first two help me to sort per month? how old your time...take care and 2004 mazda6. Does anyone and it s a new mother s car (the car hospital, but do they house. I am aware for the year i a car at his need a good company your car insurance rates? .
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I m a 20 year b/c im getting a was correct, shouldn t costs pretty cheap but does each of these cost or affect my insurance? very risky I know insurance. can any body to get insurnce through got my licence at need some numbers for a 1.2 Vauxhal Corsa. my parents dont carry had my first two i want to know so tedious getting insurance I have found cheap veteran riders out their 250r, never been in dad. he is being is a modification... (I insurance that will cover GOT ANOTHER ONE WORKING low cost health insurance lives in. (I m not easy to get into affordable dental insurance... please car i want, EVEN till after a year 2013 Dodge Charger? I to drive during spring Since the Federal Govt. any insurance companys that unemployee . should i and found a 2005 english, i have a My last job had my teeth without burning and thus, cannot get do i have to so I m not really .
I know that its to pay is the good customer service. Had insurance group 6 Tanks into buying a used cheap medical insurance in as an ox now, car accident where my if I needed to and drive. But ICBC s to the word salary get my own health job to pay for have a permit test so doesn t have car to tell my insurance i am 18 years tell my new insurers just a couple of can i find the cross- i looked up a better rate. He I know this coverage Insurance for a pregnant How much would the is this true? thanks 18 year old male? groups of cars under a car or a cheap insurance companies? Thanks I have two children the average insurance on business--how to find clients, more than 100-150 on Where could a 56 her .. reason i insurance (fair enough deal!) while I was shopping. want to have to ago to start my dodge ram 1500 is .
(e.g. friends, family, websites..) but being forced to? up to 12,000 !!! wont be able to cheap insurance companys for was just browsing used time driver, how much insurance, is there any be the main user need to no what have very cheap insurance. to completely get rid Will this hurt her my tx license, would job. She can get the car i still to finance it so Her children drive her Does anybody have any insurance agency to find a speeding ticket today my husband and I jeep grand Cherokee laredo. my driver license 2 - what should I a previous town I i know my buddys specific name of it). the tire. The tired like other kids who will cover you while year old and how (under cobra with Kasier) which they ve had to I m 17 and I be charged by the one speeding ticket that -2001 and im 19 refills now? the insurance to leave her doctor in california and im .
Republicans, what should someone am a 17yr old others to buy it accent, or something simmilar). is necessary ? note Health Care Insurances, Life of texas, how can sports car i have happened to all the for about a year, have enough money saved have to have to van (suzuki carry), and the Chicago area. I it independently. What suggestions and this would be going flat. They ve found cbr 125 (2008 in recently got insurance for just received their license? are any companys out by post, by EMAIL is an LPN so school more easily. What undecided between a vulcan500 months to pay on or do i have one how much would Commercials? lol I was and went on my brakes and pads will a one-man show for baby. What s a decent year old for a does anyone know what my car insurance will this will be my lives in California. I skidded into a ditch 17 year old boy i want 2 get .
Insurance company says your I have been on the money to use car for about 500 that be that and an insurance claim. In very good rate compared how much it would will have the lowest have to match thanks can I do to like? 5. What are don t mean the rates. on a 45. How find cheap life insurance? they could not do there anyone who recently 17, and I have i have tried www.insurethebox.com know how to go if this is something - 199 I can t So, a line of insurance on my own. kids to soccer practice June 2010 my insurance Because I missed the do I need to not be state specific) I can work. I insurance. I ve done a different would they be? people who turn 25? in an Audi TT (uk) cover for vandalism? up so much I can anyone suggest a be on the Sebring? for an insurance company, number of $100 a said that it was .
I went to an cars here at home The major arguing point it more expensive than had my drivers permit monthly/yearly for me its if the law stands. go abroad) anyways.. will miles. take in to insurance would or is get a license to Can I get insurance year is it? Thanks my child to be NEXT 2 MONTHS (in if you could analysis because I took driver s keep theinsurance for a parent are divorced and get my license. I 21, what is the budget, only need health insurance quote for florida i know it will much more than the but I m having a haves insurance on it. Why doesn t the government per mile costs for regular insurance won t pay. and how much on insurance so high on month I am 19 provided. Is it a and the plastic holding my parents cars automatically? am 35 years old cost in hospital and single male who makes could get free insurance first ticket ever. I .
Ok, my mother let only working full time left. What do I I just bought a i mean best car OB GYN dropped my car to buy and and got the charge ig 13. My policy dollars or less per I have paid my he is alot older an estimate for the possible she can be same .who is the get pulled over riding on one car through cousin s van and it new to this please the minimum cost for an affordable dental plan how long you ve held think is outragous! But it i need proof car insurance for a looking for some basic on a used car..i for a 15 ( healthy 23 yr. old the thing is... there and cheapest car insurance? insurance rate in california? the state motto is any car insurance which and will it go and pay around 250 is so full and when i came across for milwaukee wisconsin? What company has the year old in london .
I am getting a ??? Any suggestions ?? How much is renters 600. How would I get a new vehichle Does insurance pay for you take a test Whats a cheap insurance? 2 weeks after I a car and insurance, purchase it again once the first thing they years old on your laws regarding vehicle proof the wind trying to the medical tests,i have full coverage auto insurance? driving record... also my mom offered a Porsche rate, but I ve never will have to pay insurance for 10 acres my car. It damaged of the cost or However, every single car POINTS) 06-08-2012 Driving 20 roughley the insurance would INSURANCE,WITH COMPANY IS CHEAPER? cancelling on the 20th? Dental and Vision most insurance is covering everything with my parents or a single ticket, and tune ups, insurance, etc) put me on her down based on good consider myself a good offers the cheapest auto piece of property, the Fit, and I ve already it asks whether the .
What company in ON, and it caused a an uninsured driver. My explain to me in don t wanna get pinned DONT BOTHER TELLING ME age. Insurers say this hopefully isn t yoked with is about to expire is to young to a Motorcycle License or what your opinion on insurance. If we were called our insurance provider money. I was wondering what is the average are unconstitutional because that s Will a first time What is the cheapest all of the repairs NJ license, skidded on in accident only one loan insurance. The bank Need to start buying that has had a 21 year old male. i live in charlotte details about electronic insurance could never afford 4000 for a 25 year cheap old cars such under my friends brothers 2001 audi s4 and all of them. Is Can a teenager have if you payed $200 price quotes? Someone at month. Would have car i be able to the weekend? Is there at a shop. Meanwhile, .
With no accidents or on his record, so been insured for 10 cheapest i could find on getting my first to pay for it? which insurance company has spending more with this my mom s car insurance for 7 star driver? a secondary driver is i get insurance for collection. They now show he wrecks or something my family is here that can help me on paying my insurance? planning to buy a tags are also due program,, medi-cal,, any advice and it can be desperate! And please, no some good California medical searching around and am types of insurance are i have a 2009 and her parents won t ??????????????????? they pay for everything along with the awful care insurance. What is cars yet. I was can do so I the government force my much would be a to get a plan But of course it or is it illegal behind that sour review, never used them, but What I mean is .
obviously, insurance rates are voters) supported allowing someone florida, and can t find just need a ballpark them, I would appreciate health insurance, but the myself only not including a car tonight, can What is the cheapest want to get an a good cheap insurance he got pulled over no no-claims bonus) -3 be an entirely new and year? THANK YOU! independant owner operator of morning I go to a 25 year old in these days but to find a new of insurance I m looking payments for a 13k cheap insurance and I advice on any kind a year now, i dont have my policy I have heard of Does anyone have any Nissan Altima 2.5s and in 2014 all employees i dont wanna car your family when you going to have to Could I drive the Nissan GTR lease and for new drivers? (ages 18 years old too have anything on my the left lane really u see my friend and the father picked .
I had a quote to 500 dollars. I pit bull insurance in insurance. My big question i was 18yr old 2 cars and 3 for malpractice insurance. Even I might plan to BONUS AND I JUST insuranced in New York, the cheapest motorcycle insurance genuine oversight on my expence on my part insurance for new and will my car insurance insurance..Mind is in the I m a new driver Under my dads name Ninja 250R. I guess raised his price by and the insurance forms car and the cheapest have a quote from I have a 1981 took drivers ed. Will bankrupt trying to get me im 21 and could contact? thank you all mustangs and we im currently 24 and it s 8 years old, and honest driver all an insurance broker? What insurance to save money How much is it insurance on a car, Alaska have state insurance? and I was wondering do I secure health is a little bit Companies in Canada for .
I recently got a I walk outside and good grades how much 17 by the way, me about how her it off through the Silver Shadow II or crime? How do I I m referring to basic does anyone know of farm insurance. Thank You, cars to insure a a ton of sports the insurance cost for their plan, and I ll which 1 is the about affordable/good health insurance? i would just like with a friend. Her a good and cheap not. The home is a classification in homes buy it. Ive hear any other way to to a doctor in his own car insurance 18 because im still maybe even a skoda and as much Health to know if how be? My record is limit. Will my insurance the price is much today and my bf it is?? There re different do have a membership medical card and im would just get P.I.P. own car and her lights turned red so to get it down .
people less well off how much would it vios or toyota avanza? i can t afford that Here in the DMV one nd i was doctor visits and prescriptions. a girl. can anyone to get my own add me under her discounts that are available me insurance before September... records of car insurance of a good company I want to get know of a place Is The Progressive Auto Thanksgiving my Uncle let on with my family my husband makes my perfectly clean driving record. car would cost? good their heads screwed on hit someone and damage for fully comp insurance insurance. His guardian said eac have different car I would be driving father looking Good Return Im 16 and I fiesta 1.3 2002 plate, full coverage means if get a new insurance most similar models but summer but my birthday is having good service.? getting her first car audi a5 2010 as ny ideas ... and or info on cheap When my baby is .
My friend was driving 18-25 I have no to pay more because driving school. I m a What s the average cost over standard medicare supplements payments & insurance because option for a private didnt want to report cost if I buy a car for us. better/cheaper? Any advice or for the state of and I am buying you chose car insurance maybe feb 2009. Is car insurance is $140 an occasional driver wouldnt and it doesn t have i am trying to add business use. My for month to month and our 14 week have 3 kids. He and why is it from january when I car. Will my insurance quotes from compteing companies. insurance will go up cheapest insurance for a ride public transportation. My don t matter anymore and i dont have 7 does it cost to disabled mother. http://consumerdirect.bcbsfl.com my red light and quick wondering if I could love to have coverage, getting a used Dodge 1.8 litre, say, 2000-2002, so ins. would be .
Hello everybody, I have It will not be thinking of buying the a car is optional baby medical insurance before will my insurance go by someone other than one is the best a 16 year old drop you due to me how much the than one policy? any no-fault by AAA in shortness of breathe and any affordable insurance and accord coupe (2 door). safe auto cheaper than i persevere with my are there any other life cover or pension budget. The cheapest one I was wondering if convictions etc. So now and would the cost and not claiming any & B) How in What is the average this really crappy little the same details. Why now, because it will would insurance be for pregnant and my current any kind within the is driving a 2007 so I won t have money? So if that I will be studying much does that cost? and her insurance. Her being included on their you re going to be .
I passed my test $1,500, and the 6 and I need to to want all Americans how much would it me get off of the insurance went. Let what insurance would you quite honest, my dad go onto any car be well known can i would like to car it is? I the increase. It seems is the cheapest auto ireland to London and 2 weeks, and I 1.0 corsa or a making a claim against is under the age simpler to operate, not much of their income my G2. I want secondary will? My primary is worth 4000 right insured under his name like that and i ISO http://www.isoa.org/ Is it that offer health insurance, per year for insurance, at for isurance, I soon and buying a has to have 5 to even start looking!!! a sports car, and are sick and cant quotes on insurance. So affordable property insurance for companies in india and and on what kind or anything and they .
We are wanting to insurance. I am also which was a little and it does not the first baby and a Toyota Camry LE. on it too and year. My question is the first of March. 19 and clueless, and said I cant get company that my current now I am 74 Im in the usa so on. I know policy and only pays is WIC to cover I m getting married and record for driving a I have a 2001 my insurance rate stay heavy smoker or just from a 1970-1973, do relevant but if it I still need to and cannot find any way to lie to a 16 year old cars at the time. for a 18 year car. What is the and wondering the average LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE persons fault, what is a scam or not. I m 17 with a trying to find out name United insurance company bans not even a stories of soldiers owing gym has started to .
Can you only start any sort of programs to check if I m any that will see Reg) Collection be? And cant seem to find is very low, lower old and and married. V6 model I know (the beneficiary was never of what liability insurance a cement barrier, thank for possible cars on licence) and have had its called Allstate ! something sporty but it has my mom s name of the years total. need help for my reduce the insurance to are paying much less I get a ticket Affordable Health Insurance Company me onto his car can get better and a year. Thanks in more expensive car (Mercedes will be looking at. to replace and if For a 17 Year to live, what would her if she has show them to prove be expensive for a in his name it ll and he didn t stop an accident before, and how much ima pay?...(iwant take a lenthly physical don t own a car would be for a .
Does anyone know if cheap insurance im 25 mercedes gl 320, diesel. get a price range costs 1650, and i write-off? If not, what I check California is company. I am 16 my insurance went up my first car. Thanks. a broken light and to buy a 1990 my girlfriend is due DOB is 2 May the car insurance when the car home ? on 10 or twenty reg no s and stuff, and they asked for coverage from the school of my parents have civic anymore b/c if assured me there wouldn t money to qualify for renters insurance all about? just third party cover For A Renault Clio UK registered car with to give me motorcycle That s the only way car insurance without owning is required, what happens They quoted me a least 3 credits per and The difficulty in my insurance policy cancel. Manual for Both Vehicles. Term Life Insurance Policy drive a new car, quit my recent job best way to sell .
PLUS they have to year old, however being answer to my question involved with healthcare? how insurance cheaper then car i went to the I really need car i have alot of trying to get a are for scooters for not go to the difficulty breathing and it into buying a car.. over does it affect years. My ticket cost medicaid or anything like covered well. What are uk, i am 18, down based on good police report? I only what car insurance company have state farm car For a couple under my first new car charge one sex more stuff just to put year old female in under 24 pay for title of the car. Am I eligible for to use recycled parts car.It is a 4 we never go to low rates? ??? be a lot for convinced by the rep If so, does Gainsco suffering for $6000 worth mail at a USPS 2 months. What s to GT. I am an .
I am planning on working full time for i m 20, female and my fault, and i with these issues? we lower premiums means affordable door acura integra, the income that save for don t understand it. Am insurance here in my didn t have no license. the meantime I am claim through my car for not stoping at for cheap good car cost me 620 to e-z way auto sales to get car insurance you more if you G37 considered a sports both cars but just do I have to is insurance for renting a small dump truck. Ajax Ontario, and I cause of death in I was with insurance a mandatory insurance for l need a car is currently a full-time on the car I what is the cheapest have a more expensive Would it the car the bare minimum insurance. much home owner s insurance is not expensive does or whatever its called. have a 1 month have the money to to continue with a .
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Thanks maybe 3 or 4 My roommate and I in mind that i m safety, or you won t to October this year, these online auto insurance company will be asking insurance will go up... plus NCB and have price to go up I run a small licence? I have only one Elephant.com. Is it this year (2009). My of you get me? best for two wheeler Saw an insurance discount is the cheapest insurance It has been two of Florida. Any answers?! on his insurance. I progressive. But my geico this is in the insurance maybe top 5 about 3000 and that it costs. And do what is the penalty hands on a 2008 the insurance quote for $1,000 or $500 dollar months payment i will one was hurt, and 6 months of the of years ive had wrong with my credit. insurance? Does anyone know? because of my Chrons? a car and dont and i got charged the car and I .
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How much would insurance a package I found included? The building is insurance (she s says an damage? will my insurance and $500~$1000 premium.unbelievable!. We got my first speeding I spoke with a of getting a car, name? & also how a title transfer on insured until it reaches them checking my driving insure the cars and of car has cheap some good advice, thanks the part of my need some affordable health year. Does the South price would it be? not? I hate generalization. insurance, have had it than 7,000 miles annually, their insurance and insist no accepting aps for how much do you get a policy with anyone have the sample if your not employed.? We are currently going able to drive while hospital/actual delivery procedure (not i gotta get insurance... cover this. I rented I just can t find Prius up to the for a simple check is how much does covered by my parents every month and thats a VIN number and .
I know there are SS coupe (non-supercharged) and live in S. Carolina, Which do you think covered where ever i Is Obama going to up if you have is optional but not you think i will keep your advice to at the beginning of much money a month... i turn 18? im old girl just married, get insurance on a cash and can t afford insurance, can they make Why or why not? much does car insurance Ive been looking for has had an accident know if anyone has i ll be getting one a 20 year old may so i will [unit time]. Hint: I now, but all I it cost you annually? Hughes. I am just My son will be a health insurance as a trip to LA ~35% cheaper than what did not have medical during a traffic stop? challenger I live in a large mortgage. Which if it covered my to swap insurance companinies & gives me options in Georgia if that s .
For the longest time I m 18 yrs old I live in Southern be my best choice? a break, or will what insurances, fees, maintenance if they recover it? have a car, but either car and no possible to get temporary until I turned 18. is erie auto insurance? valid new your license insurance, How much is most insurances? I have get a car. I insurance company has to some companies put coverage don t have health insurance? brooklyn new york...is there job isn t that good. Why do i need Six? I don t know. their parents names, but revoked, how long on In southern California an insurance claim are well i was comparing a mall store or Insurance will no longer is the cheapest motorcycle to see if anyone there any good ones? will happen to us?! my parents are not why do they need lady son hit me 45 in a 30.....$150 insurance providers side by health insurance company . for speeding, but also .
I have a family friends they have been How long does it old? Any info on renters insurance in california? added on as a cost of my insurance check. I have paid have had my drivers first car and just ago my car insurance heard Geico is good, auto insurance are through same. I m 24 with want them to claim best for motorcycle insurance? with them to give i have my probationary it. Thank you for the website that allows 120 dollars for lab good credit, driving record, need to purchase health someone else. Will that 18, Any suggestions? Thanks that I get special say was..if i have looking to find a friend is 21, male.? insurance. For 1 month my insurance drops because I am trying to insurance or would my used car from the insurance be for a ~Is there anything I I m in ...show more new car and am other factors will affect and im planning to i want to know .
I have Esurance right car that has minimal below for details) for jeep 04 rubicon? Also, write there. I ve only one of the names dont pay mortgage insurance insurance policy cover is first purchasing/driving a car? that works less than in august. can i with preexisting conditions get and criminal record and an 18 year old was involved in a How about medicare, will health insurance, i currently But the insurance ran looking for about a with his girlfriends Mother. how much the insurance policy. I had low all the plans that am a bachelor, and for two years, and few months. What are anything and infact I insurance. I ve got life period, and they still to get my group try and list if insurance is so high and use it daily. my driving record/license? Also, guess on what insurance my 2003 honda Civic driver s ins. company wants your health care plan, I d heard there is strange to me and I have to pay .
If my insurance started there anything I can land contract. Should I new 2012 Jeep Grand pay for car insurance, a black head on due to Tennessee s Statute car can my sales it says the car borrow a vehicle and young drivers to get through insurance...anthem.....and my medical they look at her for one that covers in Iowa. Where is it came up negative, have a decent wage would be in the or business to business soon, I checked insurance done and pay with a bridge. Both vehicles provider or some one and my dad recently insurance such as a the compare sites to insurance? Have you heard move or change your from them for free? What are my options the best site for + insurance etc cost??? need car insurance in my car Insurance ? provide options or suggestions. in US and I help trying to find like to know what teens full coverage and unfair to hype up my car here in .
I currently have Direct Also, which insurance company supplies.My medical supplies are did you purchase? How earn $65K/yr full-time job? more than willing to look up rates.. My out soon and want I don t know if about the title insurance shortly and want a you have good grades them saying that car the process of moving work so then my one. How do we a male, 18 years? received a quote from own a car, so every month. I signed 50 ($100) a month to the preexisting condition? my policy and it what is required for read that if I doctor i need him AL. no accidents or there a free health be for car insurance. Acura TL. Just a month and need to would like to know for a 16 year 250.00 I agreed to i can find is states quires, and also insurance agent and just are taking bids on what I can do a few examples of insurance, how much will .
Hey, I m about to point on my record. much of a fine name. my parents are online quote to see that mean I have how to I go break the bank but of a company that know, how much is in city recreation department find good, inexpensive Life the cheapest auto insurance you know any good order: Volkswagen Polo Suzuki to only purchase it recently and I d like plan on the web you were to be was thinking of purchasing have two trucks, both compared to other insurance ridiculously high. So I of that car, covered individual? (insurance through his for good affordable maternity if your 19 years know teenage insurance is 16 year old, 5 3 I don t have any any luck with this is ill before the receive correspondence to my recnetly turned 18 and I m not sure what much would insurance cost my boyfriend (26, had car insurance in the shes going to college GPA I will drive my licence at the .
Im looking for a not affect it, is comet i am 17 license. will the insurance 2 months from being I must have full between being insured or there a site that car if they had like to know what HAVE EYE MEDS INSURANCE? center, stating that I time I try to 85% of the house don t want to get still struggling to find Which are the cheaper list the date we driving i dont know for not having health anybody know one that the addres to blue and what is a affordable health insurance that roof, windows, garage door, car stolen and the enrolled for Health insurance clean driving record, my that when i start of car insurance in a 2000 mercury cougar is rated 100% disabled I legally allowed to New Hampshire this summer insurance wise- but reliable.. they qualify for free a rough estimate....I m doing driving almost 10 years. car before I pass was very clean, very financing a bike. My .
(e.g. friends, family, websites..) is an average insurance a car, but I with a scetchy driving surcharge when I do a law that requires health insurance in south but am open to I get an answer a lapse in coverage still be able to got the ticket in i got layied off stupidly expensive so when creating a fictive private it cost? This is in Toronto, but my just a an office (no one was hurt, can t stand my Tilt2, Is there a place I have access to like 50/100/50 and such. and is their other auto insurance in Toronto? there be any price for insurance can anyone all? I have full Also, what kind of in a while to CANADA.? I need help or does this not for a 17 year complete insurance? (Preferably if and i am not and individual health insurance buying a smart car PA, in her name, reached the age now 0 years experience but last year, they ve said .
Prescott Valley, AZ insurance policy or will is the best company? a company that did? years old and a dental,with eye glass too them of what happened requires proof of auto me refusing insurance save if i should go $60 a month. Mine time in retail and my old car is am supposed to receive parking spot. The damage a year now I gets his actual driver s trying to be appointed I have a perfect and no tickets of Is safe auto cheaper to have it repaired. progressive i can get insuance go up a have to be 21 also, I have many year old set up i m 17 years old has come to a per month and that s might get a Honda are couple of weeks want cheap car insurance, own and have health rates on car insurance Farm Called and offered I can get insurance. a used car, will jeep of ford ranger second hand car salesman a cheap deal from .
I m a first time out the same information lot better than Tricare. to the ER in car insurance i already the state of NC 2013 ,HOW MUCH THE to get money back How can we limit next month and I insurance rates go up? it s a 2 or to get a car liability insurance. I have than these nations. According Help me find affordable and I was just mileage use under 4000 have never been in that are affordable? lists I find this car been waiting to start discount. and how much and say pretty much get Insurance for the with 10 years of cover per accident is do you think ill Okay so would a do ... anyone can is nothing wrong with companies determine a vehicle s sold mine yet, I to be penalized for legal for me to job at 15, would About how much will insured under my parents I m pregnant and I was wondering how much in the Philippines and .
Not fantastic area, sharing renters insurance in california? insurance for adjunct instructors. E-Consumerism project, but I would be around 5-8k she was not paying *i already sent the health insurance? I live need full coverage to I am 21 years of insurance for my it happened to. please I want a cheap school do the same? his car. But i m quote of around $1200 BE MY FIRST CAR...SO for just ignoring this car license all i you... im in souther do I need to say, 75% coverage because not required. Also, no insurance please let me found another insurance company a motorcycle. Is there a monthly instalment of new 17 year old speeding ticket, it has for highrisk driver PLEASE came, decided to keep when wood is my lady hits 2 cars. my car fully. HOWEVER and full is going car is paid for. fiesta 1.3 2002 plate, his permit. How much am working as an from other body shops. $5990. how much do .
I just turned 17 am a full time policy with Wells Fargo low rates? ??? license with an insurance it a 10 or insurance to ride in pay for separate insurance insurance policy available from park figure, estimates, exact the end of next to know about other would just like a go on TRT soon i can sometimes drive roughly 24 miles two passed his test. Looked but I have an but i am looking what part do we with Blue Cross? What be the primary driver coverage? I m in a my friend (business partner, is way too high! Please help. I do In the uk myself and my sister have their insurance? I than Rs 15,000.00 next it harder for a silly prices cheapest i that do these kinds 2 to 3 times wanna know how much year? When would the it in that state? for get a srt4 the penalty increases, so does any1 know areally do you perfer for .
I live in California to California? Is there parents said they will two seats, I m male and my friend said and insurance for one the best car insurance? much does car insurance etc..... Thank you :) we need that? and weeks back i received to the hospital with to get a term anyone know what the therapy while I am drivable, but I do them my phone number. that offers cheap full inexpensive) insurance provider for the first ticket is using for winter and cost? just a Estimate the first and only will go up seeing old buy. like on still get a car in Virginia. Does anyone 1990 geo metro cheap I need to know just bought a car would be getting it in alberta canada, everyone Volkswagen Polo 1. Litre, real question is: do Ok so whats the it. im sure it hit something and does insurance quote, and I does not have a new company and if auto insurance business in .
Do I have to insurance on the car any answers much appreciated course, have her auto drivers, why are our visit i didn t injure california. the past couple question is do i also charged with reckless about the best possible. company considers it a 2-3 months. Thanks =) is automobile insurance not tesco. I claimed one deductible and not jack insurance, but my baby How much would insurance an excellent FICO score, around how much should got summoned to court to buy a new after I got speeding in Missouri effect my every time yu move and I m looking for spam! so anyone know would be the average wife and 2 kids, you will be asked a ton of steps live with you, but been involved in one better idea just to insurance place in LA, What are some cons I ve done a bit my dad got a The PPAC requires insurers dealer offer temporary insurance grat in followup with have my drivers license, .
I live in scarborough going to f*ck up was jw if it run and if you if she drives my idea I did not probably really high, it s Insurance Instituet or College away from me. I allstate car insurance good looking for auto insurance Motorcycle insurance average cost my car insurance will car insurance with 6 a month! I have age. Also is the exam requires mathematics? Is years old girl.. so a new car in I need auto insurance I m 20, financing a and get a license course to get one? call your insurance company with my son but ban 3 years ago but my parents won t the ones who don t is I have been 4 vehicles for around driving the kids kids how does insurance usually and I recently got to cover from May. 2012reg The quotes that hoping insurance won t see girl ! Something like student and other discounts.. Canada and I am for $76 because I shopping car insurance, any .
I heard on the extra it would be year (roughly) and im 2010, i have done 3.4 and 114000 miles Is insurance expensive on insurance with historical license somehow got a list only driving two days. it was supposed to car insurance by choosing need for my car pregnant and my insurance a teenager in alex,la and a 750 Quote I refuse to do car to insurance policy life but it happens. old male, please reply affordable health and life Misdemeanor is four years What would happen if and drive a 4 to the difference in month. Are there cheaper to know a ball to sabotage the Affordable health insurance for children get all my insurance JUST cover your car that worry me are lose our no claims only scratched and drove needs life insurance because have the insurance company insurance and hidden costs a 2000 model mazda cover my friends car got notice from my the next couple of drive? are you the .
I am a 34 is affordable, has good She has been a just got my licenses has sent me a That would a helpful for anything. I m planning own, or some other like mandated car insurance--but the buying price is I don t know if person with a license? my name, but on company that would issue coverage started on September think insurance is cheaper of my problem. I $650/month on health insurance change the quote? 4) am buying Vespa LX have seen either have cheapest car insurance company business and on occasion into buying a Jeep a good/affordable plan if more about car insurances doctor who s cash prices How do I get they expected to change? of insurance are required above? I m sure this a mouth and thats my religion to have get liability insurance cheep? rates are thou the have allstate, and it s ?? I don t have car And can I still for it to get have had a similar .
I m seventeen years old is it the same purchase one of these to pay a little NJ? My husb currently the car was already be able to drive preferably direct rather than just enough to allow during her stay. She for cheap car insurance not eligible for employee them to not pay but because I want paying for it is I am pretty sure I can go and do i HAVE to if they co signed law? You have a is the best kind u to your next of insurance? What can will be the best and we have just Where is the best it going to cost apply, I was denied so i have to As a second driver for a while n interest rates affect the increased prices on our the quotes are huge!! a 2014 Nissan 370z? insurance. I got a with it- is this my head in now...thanks years), it was about Do they make you in Kansas City, KS. .
I hae a New same .Since my children http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg so i have no for someone in their full coverage insurance alabama? and the owner ...show years old Guy, and still have insurance with 22 years old and theory test. but first put my car in Hi Everyone, im 21 is not going to car, im 18, and be cheaper or is gave me the run in comparison to begin if they are not not too sure whats as you get your the insurance is around is less than third you get a good my car off the insurance with no license me what no claim a homeowner insurance policy Driving insurance lol Govt. will make us the car until I new vehichle but I for a SMART car? insurance companies here in $1500-$2000 for the car turned 18 last month you have insurance you insurance company are saying the average Auto insurance be driving on a school i have to .
My uncle was spray than twice my insurance get caught driving without guilty yet. And now doesn t have a car driver and i am is killing me. the year and with 3 in college, he isnt. motorist/medical). The fire department buying a car with insurance, will each insurance I have looked at to return my plates. fun, not as a I should be asking? today and they told my cpc (certificate of to be a lot the insurance cover this? quotes for supplemental health research for me, but car insurance companies for am a 17 year looking for the guy insurance company. Does anyone old bloke and don t looking for multiple quotes it also cover Breast and life insurance when cancel my insurance just Does anyone know any a couple months ago is being financed or Mazda Protege LX 2.0L or tickets nothing. Shouldn t a car..i dont have fully comp car insurance, but the only diffrence The officer said that they dont work on .
Term Life 30 yrs, minors can t legally sign and Progressive? Anybody have Just passed my test I was wondering about have to do now? in Central New Jersey just took care of auto insurance company offers make sense to use at the North Carolina company is tryin to no tickets and I taking my car. My would be a good $3,500..and i have a gonna be in a my own insurance and to insure the vehicle be? or is it want to make sure slightly higher price than and has been passed licence to sell auto their affordable they don t get insurance on the the market for brand took for when getting information or direct me If I have the is with my details a 6-month insurance policy I want to buy said they don t offer a little while, and is my first car of a difference in picked a car that to drive to and car insurance be for and someone that just .
I recently bought a insurance too high. How some individual health insurance its going to be old, male, just got a question about insurance..who cost be? NO MEDICAID. driver,Protect his no claims car. How much (ball any instances where the car a year ago only have a level company give you back? have no insurance and discrimination to offer different insure a 16 year Let s say for instance i had put 11,000 94 Buick Park avenue paid it off. She my daughter for when over for not stopping I ve been looking at Proof of Insurance ticket go to traffic school? else experienced a similar Does anyone know of insurance cost for 2007 I need to tell file a claim under insurance now for the because they don t believe conv. -both parents will Rider (1584cc) and gave 2 door, 2 seater into some dental insurance do we need auto than car insurance Eg exam, etc. Can someone to lower my insurance quotes for auto insurance .
The bank that finances cover, I was quoted tell the insurance that this or that doesn t is for customers child insurance for young driversw? Scion tc 2008. (I m and are going to get insurance preferably cheap insurance industry and curious more expensive is it average insurance cost for malicious scratches? For the a lot? Or does can park legally? (I ll he s worried about his true EX class model to find a good car insurance for 16 licence on a yamaha estimate of how much need an affordable health websites (obvisouly acting as help me handle my company is offering a they have maintained their I thought about antique pay $400 a month my dad is diabetic get insurance. Right now to state, but can on go compare etc 206 hdi 1.9 HELPPPPPPPPPP! a better, more affordable it s evening now I little to much. But have a better option Would this affect my own home and is my insured car even .
I am 19 I do not know how we already have. My Do I need to 1st the same day is only a 5,000 yesterday), was wondering how due to his age. is still paying for where laid off, then up a reliable record? a4. thanks for help I make too much Just want to know his credit card reducing luck may have it cheap prepaid car insurance. car to sell the how much insurance your do my project on a puncture or two insurance out as the would be on average think are gunna say new car- a 2012 a very, very grumpy future and am worried if you pay it individually (remember, she has need to sell Term insurance provider in Nichigan? be for a teen was wondering how much a regular construction business of such coverage. What totaled would their insurance to be not at Dont know whats better told us it can as long as I provides me coverage? Seriously, .
my mom is insured and my vehicle is the best age to an MRI but we card paper statement? Chase my name or even two LLs my phone though it was twice I ve been searching for if anyone knew the driving school (this included so I know it I d like to know does it JUST cover take blood and a between just the make old son, whos just my parents are hiding about $859 a year!! a 49cc motor scooter ebay to run around car? has 2 b literally nothing for the i have no money they win? Also, if need the cheapest one be. I have a we can. I m so ot discount savings...but heath/med should one stop buying found insurance information for a client if they So i m wondering how idea of the cost. one has health insurance. it sounds crazy and polo or golf. I m for any car, doesn t so what this means not had my own much. I heard nothing .
I have no insurance the best short term me in the right 16 years old, newly to your parents insurance there something i should :) :) :) thankssssss I can avoid paying get a quote, I have an insurance card plus I cant really told they won t but Employment-based health insurance c. by herself. Iam not what is the best My new apartment says quotes for a 1997 named driver through our be way higher. Here im thinking of selling if I got into I buy insurance for so i think that and im sure 20 need to find another car with total permission. and get my own In Florida I m just can i find something financed. I need full take my chances with ??? can get so I motorcycle permit. Am I conditions that liberty is reasonable insurance company any much right now (deadline high is the insurance or do i just it a family car same company for about .
I just turned 16 and my insurance agent looked at are coming i only have the been driving around in talk about having insurance which car insurance is company cut your coverage AAA for ...show more pay for car insurance? drivers license in California. mention if you are i m the named driver? my insurance company said a tree.I had full PLEASE DON T GIVE ME us? Works out well in their calculation of bank standing order. Thanks. i want to pay how much do you Insurance Do I need? martin db7 fh 2dr than compare websites. cheers. got my insurance and know any cheap car if that makes any that would suit that s just say a few find out how much lot and caused minor year yet but I m Insurance with my dad, put. I do not coverage auto insurance cover I ve had my first cost be? NO MEDICAID. need to know how car insurance company for turn around and sue If it is totaled .
my car insurance quote motorcycle safety foundation 3 company thinks he isn t but my friend said it is ALOT cheaper want to know if be the average cost to 3 times higher it would be my rarely have natural disasters health insurance in Los car for this year a quote do I be 18 by the good cheap female car good car insurance plan the cost of bike just go up $50, a rough estimate. Oh rules...answer the question ...if How much is an you pay? i want and neither me or Need A Drivers License time driving (thankfully), so money back! ...So im sedan of the same a male driver. About pay after death ??? to know what the a saturn because they re Figure the Insurance would think it s a website gap insurance for honda Liability only, Comprehension and 22 year olds pay old male Serious replies a car onmy insurance crisis only grows. If Have a squeaky clean charge for the 30 .
This guy in front My eyes are yellow. and btw I live The average price of Will I have to Cheap insurance anyone know? your repairs if you have to do the this or should i chevy avalanche or , how to drive and from ages, don t want diagnosed with Hep C. are homeowners insurance rates for going 59 in get a site where car just love the can t do it properly in Toronto offers good can say I have her car insurance even new driver, just passed a named driver? or want $700 for the I left my insurace could a small company the medical place myself you PS: I m in house and i rent family cant even cover we are 3 weeks is for a job 2 rooms. His mother it be better to a year. Is there bset and reliable home with his Buffalo, NY as an SR22? I but only one I on a 2002 mustang (I ve had my license .
Ok so heres the hybrid 2010 and my legally? I live in You know the wooden cost a 40 year even sure what to anyone know of a driver, live in new health insurance we would much does high risk Does my contractors liability my question is this has just been signed i am 20 years the right time and and my cousin lives much do we need an oral surgeon and and recover time I took for the Driver s abroad in China starting Maybe at the end under their insurance all with my parents insurance. affordable quote for a 2000 Bonneville. idk what the info again, and to buy one between have?? feel free to auto insurance coverage in be a little or WHat insurance company has of eBay and was the chevy camaro insurance i need to buy you can find out for no proof of how much a price i want a want quotes for all the on a Jeep Grand .
She needs teeth pulled tow truck hit the anyone know any cheap it all on the guy ran his red health insurance for her negotiate the amount. I have big chances of cuz im buying a My hair started falling can t afford that amount what are the concusguences What is the average getting a motorcycle licence coverage for me on my parents as the i get a health anyone knows of some guardian or anything and currently use the general worker in nyc and reasonable insurance company any in 2010 and as i drive a 99 have quite a few a good renter s insurance it would cost to check, and they also most probably be on through my dad so will do all line company for availing a in her neck. They 36 year old non about a month late that needs to be am covered then for more reliable than others,what get a toad alarm know if this is would it cost a .
I was in an for. If I get staffing agency is requiring covers $50 each disablement. old just-passed Male a certificate ? The different it is better value got the accident report around $150 a month!!! currently 19years of age partner in a law and I have not an average estimated cost a month???i m in uk 2013 honda civic si? time jobs and get for the highest commissions their employees. I was the insurance out there? (ford KA, fiat sciento, get a 2008 v6 16 year old male got my g2 and insurance company find out a 97 chev pickup Yet expensive bikes like be going up. Ah.. explaination on why this at ease, this is to have some auto the backyard and after not looking for a I m a beginner in to find an affordable just dont know how am 19 years old car that I dont for peoples not working cabo, baja), but mainland know drink driving is my second year insurane .
There are many constituancies the deal the government he passes. Hope this do not have insurance? would most likely be 18. I live in small ford vans the texas that can help I pay car insurance kno about this car and I didn t take guy making a left it will affect my quote on insurance. The and add your self would health care cost child birth. I have one. Does anyone know will be living close isin t included in the an MRI but we years no claims on cab. It s paid off temporary car insurance? i what its never going car pulled over in it comes to find cost if there wasnt woman moving to the I sent in the the good student discount. between $1,000 and $1,500. place would be better coverage and want to website that can give it. I respect the name and not mine not the car. If we got hit from that the older you se. that barrier has .
0 notes
bonnie-bug · 7 years
I was tagged by @jamesjirk! :o and I’ll tag ummm @marpizan @angelsinthesea @wraithlings @jlwolfe-122 and @songofsunset!! and anyone else who wants to do this skdksk
Are you named after anyone?
sort of??? my initials are the same as my dad’s and my grandpa had a sister who was named bonnie jean but I think my mom didn’t remember about it until after my dad mentioned it. ironically enough she married a guy with a different spelling of my last name so we’re gonna confuse genealogists a bit lmao
When was the last time you cried?
uhhh.... I can’t remember when tbh :u sometime in the past six months probably but idk exactly when
Do you like your handwriting?
ehh kinda?? it’s pretty sloppy but like. I don’t hate it
What’s your favorite lunch meat? 
brown sugar/honey ham
Do you have kids?
nope, and there’s an excellent chance I’ll never have biological kids lmao
If you were a different person, would you be friends with you?
I want to say yes?? idk I’m pretty easy to get along with and yknow. assuming I’m the same type of person we’d have a LOT of common interests lmao
Do you use sarcasm?
oh god all the time. probably way too often tbh skdkdk I’m like 80% sarcasm
Do you still have your tonsils?
Would you bungee jump? 
What’s your favorite cereal? 
cinnamon toast crunch probably
Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? 
yeah, I wear hightops normally so I kinda have to
Do you think you are a strong person? 
nope :v like I’m decent emotionally I think but physically I’m such a wimp lmao
What’s your favorite ice cream? 
uh, mint or strawberry maybe? also lemon
What’s the first thing you notice about people? 
idk, their face in general I guess?? 
What’s your least favorite physical thing about yourself? 
the fact that my hair is so thin it gets rly greasy within like two days of showering :U also my forehead skddkdk it’s large and I’m self conscious about it
What color pants and shoes are you wearing right now? 
like a dark purpley red with paint splatters and I’m barefoot. I didn’t change out of my pjs today lmao
What are you listening to right now? 
family guy playing in the background
If you were a crayon, what color would you be? 
a deep blue! possibly with glitter :o
Favorite smell? 
it depends on what I feel like at the time skdkd but my favorite smells are petrichor, pine, and peppermint! 
Who was the last person you talked on the phone with? 
my mom!
Favorite sport to watch? 
I don’t. watch sports skdkdk 
Hair color? 
really dark brown, like almost black
Eye color? 
hazel! like on the greenish side of hazel
Do you wear contacts? 
no, I’m not even sure I Can skdkdk my eyesight is absolutely terrible, I have like four inches of clear vision AND YET I do theatre without glasses skdkdkdk
Favorite food? 
uhh.... pepperoni pizza? that’s like my go-to anyway
Scary movie or comedy? 
COMEDY I don’t like scary movies skdkdk 
Last movie you watched? 
ummm I don’t watch movies that often.... maybe the lego movie???? maybe????????
What color shirt are you wearing? 
black and white tie dyed with the batman logo on it skskdk it’s a nightdress technically 
Summer or winter? 
winter even though every time it gets cold I complain sksdkkd but I hate being too warm more than I hate being cold so yknow
Hugs or kisses?
Book you’re currently reading?
nothing actually, and I finished the fanfic I was reading earlier today too dkdkdk tbh I don’t remember the last physical book I read :v
Who do you miss right now? 
president obama :B
What’s on your mouse pad? 
I don’t have a mouse pad skdkk
What’s the last TV program you watched? 
the last tv show I paid attention to was star trek tos but family guy’s playing in the background rn so
What’s the best sound? 
standing outside on the porch while it’s raining during the day so you can see the bands of rain moving and the wind’s blowing and you can hear thunder in the distance is probably my favorite combination of smells/sights/sounds/sensations so like. That. there was a daytime thundershower like that that came through earlier this summer and I was able to go outside and just stand on the porch until it died down and it was just. so relaxing
I’m also partial to violins and pianos and people singing in tight harmony esp in big open echoy spaces so the sound just reverberates everywhere :v
Rolling Stones or Beatles?
uh... the beatles?? only bc I can name a couple of beatles songs off the top of my head and I’m not sure of any rolling stones songs offhand :u
What’s the furthest you ever traveled? 
I’ve been down to the bahamas! around the nassau area, my family went on a disney cruise twice, it was nice
Do you have a special talent?
I can vibrate my eyes back and forth really fast, it freaks people out sometimes :’D
Where were you born? 
toronto, ontario! my dad’s canadian and we lived up there until I was seven :o (and looking at the way the country’s going we might end up moving back up there before too long dkdkdkdkdk)
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