#but then his existence as a demon isnt lonely at all. he THINKS it will be (being on his own side) but then it isnt
crowsgrudge · 1 year
"we'll be shutting all this down in about ... 6 thousand years?" "but thats nothing!" vs "how long have we been friends? 6 thousand years!" how are we feeling fellow good omens-ers
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goblinselfshippr · 1 year
2/2 of me projecting onto a game and character that really isnt that deep (it is to ME) i think this is way longer than the first sorry. (Part 1 here)
PS- if it isn't clear at this point I'm saying that wizard training causes c-ptsd because that cannot be good for your health. So "Delusion" being a prerequisite to Conjuring (I have no idea if this is a "correct" term, I personally take no offense to it, but lmk if you do, I guess). Some evidence: you can summon minions to help fight with you if you choose- which was the main reason I kept Myth when I took the personality quiz instead of switching to Ice (previously my fave school). Now these minions are common enemies in the game like haunted dolls, trolls, and Cyclops (does that have a plural?? Idk) with one main difference: the ones you summon look different from the actual enemies. Most notable is that the minions aren't as big as the actual enemies. There are slight color differences too, but their height is way more noticeable. Cyclops are usually like 2 players tall, but Cyclops Minions are maybe 1.3 players tall.
And yeah yeah yeah its to differentiate between the spells. Shut up. We are choosing to ignore reality. ANYWAY.
Conjuration is described as "where shadowy forms of thought become real" and "when imagination becomes too fanciful and whimsical these dreams take on life and run loose." SO LIKE. All the Myth bosses and allies must've been somebody's imaginary friends at one time. It would explain why there are bosses or characters with familiar names but don't quite fit their tales- for example, Apollo is a rooster who fucks your shit UP.
Yes I swear we are coming back around to Cyrus, I can't control how my brain categorizes things. There's not a lot said about his family other than they aren't really there. He's left alone from presumably a young age because his father is some big name battlemage, there's zero mention of a mother figure, and his brother would rather play in a graveyard (also convinced Cyrus was afraid of his own shadow as a kid bc I wouldn't put it past Mal to actually summon a demon under his bed). He hides in his room and either paints his daydreams or reads fantasy novels.
Omg he just like me fr except instead of painting I write fanfic that no one ever reads. It’s for my eyes only
From my own experience, you get lonely and bored, and you want friends, but never learn. And his father doesn't sound like the most supportive guy in the world- he seems kind of salty that neither of his kids want to practice Pyromancy like him. So poor Cy was probably just dismissed and ignored and had to go back to his sanctuary.
Cyrus doesn't actually become interested in any sort of spell casting until he's like 18-19, and Mal gets his ass kicked by a Conjurer. Bro really said "damn I can make my daydreams fight for me?" And just did that for the rest of his life, LOL. Wish that were me.
Cyrus is (admittedly) not the best teacher. Like, yeah, he's a dick but most people can think of at least one teacher in their life that everyone called an asshole that they eventually grew to appreciate even if it wasn't personally true. Cyrus, on the other hand, straight up begs you to leave him alone (same). Like the only time he speaks to you is when you irritate him enough or he suddenly remembers you exist. And I'm pretty sure at one point he even tells you he forgot you were in his class. -1000/10 teacher. Problematic fave. I would either hate him or only like him because he leaves me the hell alone. So what is he doing if not dutifully teaching his students?
According to his about page, enjoying the quiet or researching. Doubt. But then, daydreaming until you summon something could likely count as research for Myth. So yeah I think the reason why he's a massive douchebag is because he found a way to profit off his maladaptive daydreaming, and the only downside is he has to tell a couple of kids to scram every now and then. I guess I could have just lead with that. Rip.
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shkspr · 3 years
hi. on your post where you may or may not have ended on 'moffat is either your angel or your devil' did you have maybe an elaboration on that somewhere that i could possibly hear about. i'm very much a capaldi era stan and i've never tried to defend the matt smith era even though it had delightful moments sometimes so i wonder where that puts me. i'd love to hear your perspective on moffat as a person with your political perspective. -nicole
hi ok sorry i took so long to respond to this but i dont think you know how LOADED this question is for me but i am so happy to elaborate on that for you. first a few grains of salt to flavor your understanding of the whole situation: a. im unfairly biased against moffat bc im a davies stan and a tennant stan; b. i still very much enjoy and appreciate moffat era who for many reasons; and c. i hate moffat on a personal level far more than i could ever hate his work.
the thing is that its all always gonna be a bit mixed up bc i have to say a bunch of seemingly contradictory things in a row. for instance, a few moffat episodes are some of my absolute favorites of the rtd era, AND the show went way downhill when moffat took over, AND the really good episodes he wrote during the rtd era contained the seeds of his destruction.
like i made that post about the empty child/the doctor dances and it holds true for blink and thats about it bc the girl in the fireplace and silence in the library/forest of the dead are good but not nearly on the same level, and despite the fact that i like them at least nominally, they are also great examples of everything i hate about moffat and how he approached dw as a whole.
basically. doctor who is about people. there are many things about moffats tenure as showrunner that i think are a step up from rtd era who! actual gay people, for one! but i think that can likely be attributed mostly to an evolving Society as opposed to something inherent to him and his work, seeing as rtd is literally gay, and the existence of queer characters in moffats work doesnt mean the existence of good queer characters (ill give him bill but thats it!)
i have a few Primary Grievances with moffat and how he ran dw. all of them are things that got better with capaldi, but didnt go away. they are as follows:
moffat projects his own god complex onto the doctor
rtd era who had a doctor with a god complex. you cant ever be the doctor and not have a god complex. the problem with moffats era specifically is that the god complex was constant and unrepentant and was seen as a fundamental personality trait of the doctor rather than a demon he has to fight. he has the Momence where you feel bad for him, the Momence where he shows his humility or whatever and youre reminded that he doesnt want to be the lonely god, but those are just. moments. in a story where the doctor thinks hes the main character. rtd era doctor was aware that he wasnt the main character. he had to be an authority sometimes and he had to be the loner and he had to be sad about it, but he ultimately understood that he was expendable in a narrative sense.
this is how you get lines like “were the thin fat gay married anglican marines, why would we need names as well?” from the same show that gave you the gut punch moment at the end of midnight when they realize that nobody asked the hostess for her name. and on the one hand, thats a small sticking point, but on the other hand, its just one small example of the simple disregard that moffat has for humanity.
incidentally, this is a huge part of why sherlock sucked so bad: moffats main characters are special bc theyre so much bigger and better than all the normal people, and thats his downfall as a showrunner. he thinks that his audience wants fucking sheldon cooper when what they want is people.
like, ok. think of how many fantastic rtd era eps are based in the scenario “what if the doctor wasnt there? what if he was just out of commission for a bit?” and how those eps are the heart of the show!! bc theyre about people being people!! the thing is that all of the rtd era companions would have died for the doctor but he understood and the story understood that it wasnt about him.
this is like. nine sending rose home to save her life and sacrifice his own vs clara literally metaphysically entwining her existence w the doctor. ten also sending rose with her family to save her life vs river being raised from infancy to be obsessed w the doctor and then falling in love w him. martha leaving bc she values herself enough to make that decision vs amy being treated like a piece of meat.
and this is simultaneously a great callback to when i said that moffats episodes during the rtd era sometimes had the same problems as his show running (bc girl in the fireplace reeks of this), and a great segue into the next grievance.
moffat hates women
he hates women so fucking much. g-d, does steven moffat ever hate women. holy shit, he hates women. especially normal human women who prioritize their normal human lives on an equal or higher level than the doctor. moffat hated rose bc she wasnt special by his standards. the empty child/the doctor dances is the nicest he ever treated her, and she really didnt do much in those eps beyond a fuck ton of flirting.
girl in the fireplace is another shining example of this. youve got rose (who once again has another man to keep her busy, bc moffat doesnt think shes good enough for the doctor) sidelined for no reason only to be saved by the doctor at the last second or whatever. and then youve got reinette, who is pretty and powerful and special!
its just. moffat thinks that the doctor is as shallow and selfish as he is. thats why he thinks the doctor would stay in one place with reinette and not with rose. bc moffat is shallow and sees himself in the doctor and doesnt think he should have to settle for someone boring and normal.
not to mention rose met the doctor as an adult and chose to stay with him whereas reinette is. hm. introduced to the doctor as a child and grows up obsessed with him.
does that sound familiar? it should! bc it is also true of amy and river. and all of them are treated as viable romantic pairings. bc the only women who deserve the doctor are the ones whose entire existence revolves around him. which includes clara as well.
genuinely i think that at least on some level, not even necessarily consciously, that bill was a lesbian in part bc capaldi was too old to appeal to mainstream shippers. like twelve/clara is still a thing but not as universally appealing as eleven/clara but i am just spitballing. but i think they weighed the pros and cons of appealing to the woke crowd over the het shippers and found that gay companion was more profitable. anyway the point is to segue into the next point, which is that moffat hates permanent consequences.
moffat hates permanent consequences
steven moffat does not know how to kill a character. honestly it feels like hes doing it on purpose after a certain point, like he knows he has this habit and hes trying to riff on it to meme his own shit, but it doesnt work. it isnt funny and it isnt harmless, its bad writing.
the end of the doctor dances is so poignant and so meaningful and so fucking good bc its just this once! everybody lives, just this once! and then he does p much the same thing in forest of the dead - this one i could forgive, bc i do think that preserving those peoples consciousnesses did something for the doctor as a character, it wasnt completely meaningless. but everything after that kinda was.
rory died so many times its like. get a hobby lol. amy died at least once iirc but it was all a dream or something. clara died and was erased from the doctors memory. river was in prison and also died. bill? died. all of them sugarcoated or undone or ignored by the narrative to the point of having effectively no impact on the story. the point of a major character death is that its supposed to have a point. and you could argue that a piece of art could be making a point with a pointless death, ie. to put perspective on it and remind you that bad shit just happens, but with moffat the underlying message is always “i can do whatever i want, nothing is permanent or has lasting impact ever.”
basically, with moffat, tragedy exists to be undone. and this was a really brilliant, really wonderful thing in the doctor dances specifically bc it was the doctor clearly having seen his fair share of tragedy that couldnt be helped, now looking on his One Win with pride and delight bc he doesnt get wins like this! and then moffat proceeded to give him the same win over and over and over and over. nobody is ever dead. nobody is ever unable to be saved. and if they are, really truly dead and/or gone, then thats okay bc moffat has decided that [insert mitigating factor here]*
*the mitigating factor is usually some sort of computerized database of souls.
i can hear the moffat stans falling over themselves to remind me that amy and rory definitely died, and they did - after a long and happy life together, they died of old age. i dont consider that a character death any more than any other character choosing to permanently leave the tardis.
and its not just character deaths either, its like, everything. the destruction of gallifrey? never mind lol! character development? scrapped! the same episode four times? lets give it a fifth try and hope nobody notices. bc he doesnt know how to not make the doctor either an omnipotent savior or a self-pitying failure.
it is in nature of doctor who, i believe, for the doctor to win most of the time. like, it wouldnt be a very good show if he didnt win most of the time. but it also wouldnt be a very good show if he won all of the time. my point is that moffats doctor wins too often, and when he doesnt win, it feels empty and hollow rather than genuinely humbling, and you know hes not gonna grow from it pretty much at all.
so like. again, i like all of doctor who i enjoy all of it very much. i just think that steven moffat is a bad show runner and a decent writer at times. and it is frustrating. and im not here to convince or convert anyone im just living my truth. thank you for listening.
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luci-four · 4 years
Hey four can I get some of that sweet sweet soulmate au with solomon perhaps 👀
A/N: No, solely because you asked ヽ(`⌒´メ)ノ im joking im joking........ unless???? Nah im kidding here you go shelby uwu (if anyone is curious and isnt familiar with tarot, the Tower card, in this story, is in the upright position with the idea of “massive change/chaos/destruction”)
Amare. {Solomon x Reader/MC}
The night was warm. Summer Solstice. The moon was full; rare, beautiful, powerful. The trees around them held centuries of wisdom and the magic in the air was genuine and electric; the leaves slightly danced above their heads as the wind spirit herself whispered words of love to the faeries that danced among the branches. Magic roamed the Earth, free, happy, and within all that graced it.
He could see nothing but them. The way the light caressed their skin and illuminated their eyes, the way their smile was just as airy as the spirits that pranced around them, how the gentlest of flowers they held in their hand seemed to intermingle with their own skin. Summer Solstice is a time to slow down; the day is meant for self-reflection and charging of magic. For doing less and being more.  
Solomon had always been less so that he may give his love more.  
Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year, a day charged with playful magic to taunt those who don’t fully appreciate the sentimental features of the day. Solomon spent it with the first love of his life; young and restless, their souls just recently finding their place on this plane. He was happy, strong, in love. He knew nothing of sorrow or fear, for the spirits, the magic, the runes and the cards never warned him as such. His soul was free to love theirs, roam the Earth together, to exist simply among the magic that coursed through his veins and pumped through the very heart that only had a beat for the love who stood in front of him now. No fear. No pain.
The night was perfect, and so were they. With forest creatures as their witnesses, they spoke of love and marriage, the idea of being together for all of eternity. Their skin was soft as he held their face in his hands, his knees straining to keep themselves up as the look in their eyes knocked the wind out of him.  
They both leaned in, hoping to tie their bodies together as they have their spirits. Closer, closer, their breath fanning across one another’s face, smiles just barely grazing against each other.
Solomon had pulled the Tower card.
It was cold this time. Solomon opened his eyes when he felt the warmth of another stand beside him. It was a familiar presence, and laying his eyes on them caused the wave of realization to wrap him in warmth as though he were bundled in a blanket. He held out a hand, asking if they’d like to join him; their eyes remembered him as well, their souls both still in their youth and mighty playful.  
They danced among the snow-covered ground, the wet soaking into their poor, thin shoes. Their laughter was warm, his smile was bright; neither of them paid any mind to Jack Frost’s painful bite. Winter Solstice. The longest night of the year. Yule is a time to welcome back the return of the sun—where life begins once more. Here, in front of him now as several years have passed, he’s able to welcome his sun back home, in his soul, where they were meant to be.
Watching their step and prancing around to keep their bodies warm, they roamed what used to be a thriving village that fell at the hands of Pestilence as neither of their magic could save those who suffered. Broken homes, unfortunate souls who couldn’t seem to understand what had happened, and piles of those lost to the clammy hands of The Black Death. The spirits of those who lingered decided to play in their game of tag and brought along the bitter wind that caused them to shiver; Solomon held them close.
Standing there, simply allowing themselves to mend the broken bridge between their souls as their bodies had become strangers. They looked up and stuck their tongue out, smiling as a snowflake just as uniquely beautiful landed on their tongue—Solomon wished he could commit such an intricate shape to his memory. He looked down at them as they looked up, smile begging for him to lean down and share in his warmth.
Faces close, breath warm between them so that the winter’s frozen fractals could no longer show themselves, they leaned further and further, electricity between one another’s magic jolting through every inch of their skin--
Solomon had seen a crumbling Tower in the distance.
He gasped as he came back to Earth from travelling through the clouds.
Metal upon metal clanked loudly around him; he could hardly think. Screams of pain, of anger, of fear rattled through his ears and echoed throughout the headgear he had donned on his head. Shiny, heavy, the light off of those who wore things similar blinded him whenever he got a solid chance to see around him. The aura was dark, angry, nasty; it blanketed his heart and made his soul feel so lonely.
Violence was futile. He didn’t want this—weapons were useless and senseless killing hurt his empathy. Where had the love of magic gone? Where had love gone?
Through the crumbled tower his footsteps caused the rock beneath them fall away. It was dangerous, he was aware, but he wanted to hide away regardless. At the top of the stairwell, he found a struggle as both of them toppled over one another in an attempt to keep dominance, and their life. On his back, attempting to push himself up, the tip of a sword tapped against the dip between his collarbones and warned him to stop. With a fluid motion, his helmet had been knocked off of his head and he held his breath, waiting for the moment where it all went cold.
His dark eyes opened to meet those wet with tears, oh so familiar. Their weapon had been tossed aside and they carefully, cautiously, knelt down to become level with him. A face full of confusion and soul burning with recognition, they gently reached out for him; as the cold metal caressed his face, all other senses grew dull to the chaos around the two of them. As Set rose in the distance, Solomon could only focus on the curve of their face in front of him, the width of their smile, the darkness those beautiful eyes have seen this lifetime.
Without so much as a whisper or ghost of a word, the two leaned in, ready for whatever the fate of knights had to bear so long as their souls suffered it together.  
With the ghost of a kiss just before his lips, he felt the Tower beneath him crumble to pieces.
Startled, he woke up with a start. He found himself beneath a tree whose leaves had been freshly turned green and the soft petals had only recently welcomed the suns warmth. It was quiet here, peaceful, welcoming to the changes. The book in his lap was heavy—a grimoire or spell book of sorts—Solomon couldn’t remember which one he had picked up. It hadn’t mattered, anyway, as he idly flipped through the pages to keep himself busy. Young love blossomed like the flowers, and Solomon had been waiting for his turn.
A pair of hands covered his eyes, and he couldn’t help but smile. Guessing wrong a few times just to get a laugh from them before he was able to pull them into his lap, his book now discarded. They were pink, like the flowers they loved to go see in the forest, a hue that always graced his eyes. They sat together, against the tree that felt like home to one another, and simply existed. They ushered in a new beginning, beautiful change, something happy within the dark times the world played around them.  
Their souls were at peace once more, the magic in between them fading only for a moment to allow them to realize just how important the feeling was. They were together, they were happy. They were spring and sweet and Solomon couldn’t help but find himself sleepy as he held them in his arms, as their warmth and feel of home made him feel the safest he’d been in centuries.  
He closed his eyes, feeling the darkness that accompanied sleep welcome him with a hug as hands cupped his face once more, a different feeling closing in near his face that he couldn’t help but smile at as lips brushed against his own. He smiled, half asleep, his physical begging them for their lips to fully meet his own, but his unconscious dragging him down the abyss.  
Solomon dreamt of falling from a tower.
He fell for so long, and awoke bound—he didn’t like that. His feet no longer touched the ground; he could feel the magic within his heart grow angry, dark, full of absolute hatred far before he opened his eyes.  
Tied to a stake as crowds around him screamed of the Devil’s Magic, cried of demons and evil, when they were the ones whose hearts had been dipped in darkness. He couldn’t move, he couldn’t think, he couldn’t breathe. How could he end up in a place like this when the magic he used had never been for ill intent?  
Eyes darting around, he looked. His soul knew what he had been looking for—would he not find it this time? His mind did not know, but the core of him did. His eyes found nothing.  
Desperately, secretly, he felt another pair of hands brush against the pair tied behind him. On impact, they made every inch of his body tinkle; warmth. Familiarity. Home. He turned his head, desperate to lay his eyes on them when in the softest of voices, they asked him not to look. They didn’t want his soul to suffer any more than it had been. As much as possible, they intertwined their fingers with his, allowing what little time they had left to connect their souls once more. He didn’t want to leave yet—he asked them their name this time, smiling when he mentioned it suited them.  
They were scared, he could feel it. He didn’t wish to let them know he was too. Silently, his eyes started to tear up, and he let himself cry as flames started to tickle at both of their feet. He smiled when they sent him off with a goodbye, their fingers never letting go until the very end.  
It all grew dark and far too warm for his liking. Solomon had been too warm for too long.
He sighed and opened his eyes—why was the café he found himself in so damn hot? The leaves outside had changed to such gorgeous hues and the cold breeze was starting to chase those who ventured outdoors. Perhaps it was only so warm because he had come in from such weather? He sat at a small table in the corner and flipped through another book.  
People came and went, chatter hit highs and lows and the bell above the door started to have a sweet sound to it. Someone had come by to ask if he needed anything, and he could hardly remember what he ordered. A different voice greeted him this time, gifting him with a warm drink and a complimentary sweet that he could immediately smell the cinnamon baked into.
Solomon put his book down and smiled, thanking them and accepting the drink with obvious gratitude. All it took was a brush of the hand once again to cause his eyes to widen and meet theirs as though it were a mirror. The bustle of the small place melted away in an instant, a feeling he hadn’t felt in a long time shooting through his body as several things he thought had been lost awakened within him. He could see them awaken too, though they had been much more confused than he was.
He cupped their face not as gently as he would have liked as he was desperate; desperate to hold, to kiss, to love them once more as his simple life found what it had been missing once again. Their eyes grew misty, and a smile graced their features as he pulled their face down to his quickly, passionately, like the movies they’d been playing about love the past handful of years. Something cliché, but lovely, as their lips grew ever closer to his.
The radio station playing softly on the speakers played a song by some niche band called Tower.
He felt tapping on his nose and begrudgingly opened his eyes. The angelic blue eyes in front of him taunted him, he pushed his friend’s hand away.  
Solomon had fallen asleep—it wasn’t normal for him to sleep in class—much less in a school such as this one. Being among one of the new students was odd, but it wasn’t as if a place like this wasn’t... familiar to him. He’d been around people, creatures, beings like this before—long ago—he’d lie if he said it didn’t remind him of a home he could no longer remember.  
Magic here was strong—he was strong—and he liked that. It never seemed to fix this deep gash inside of him that never seemed to want to heal, but it was a nice change of pace. Or, so he thought. He wasn’t sure what it was a change from—but the cards constantly told him it was a good one. What secrets were the cards hiding from him this time?  
Another one was supposed to join the class today—another human, they said—making them a pair in a demon-dominating population. He wondered what they’d be like, after all, talk had already gotten around with everyone’s assumptions. His feet were heavy as he walked through the hallway—he just hoped they’d be able to survive.  
Footsteps came up the empty stairs, and he watched for whoever owned them. An audible gasp passed by his lips as the light from the window above shone onto their hair and illuminated the pair of eyes that locked with his.
Old, familiar, home, love. Such deep emotions hit Solomon all at once, to the point he couldn’t help but let his eyes start to tear up. A smile curved onto their lips, and one donned on his own as he moved closer to them, reaching out to touch them once again; such a beautiful smile spoke such rich words.
“You must be Solomon.”
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whimsywit · 4 years
red velvet cupcake please!~~~
i know this is a hard request and i’m sorry if i’m challenging your mind here 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。
i don’t have any specific character in mind, i’m also sorry for that! you can choose one if the class is way too much (i totally understand)
so the reader is from the Taishō period, (around the time demon slayer takes place) and suddenly gets teleported into the class-1A dorm common room! full yukata and everything! they’re so confused and it would be hilarious reading the class trying to explain new tech or quirks!
i totally get if you decline this, thanks anyway!
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before we get started tysm for being patient!! this one was definitely a head scratcher since i dont know anything about demon slayer nor the taisho period so it took me a while to get around to 😅
but hey this blog is all about challenging my skills right? so let’s just jump into it yall
it was an average high-school hum-drum day (which is admittedly a rare occurrence for 1A lmao) then BOOM, flashing of light, warping temporal sounds, all that marvel shit *cue the avengers theme*
you popped up in the middle of the room on denki’s desk who’d already ran to the corner of the room for cover deep in the middle of your daily practice of meditating and breathing, eyes closed and whatnot, so you don’t immediately realized what had happened
everyone’s a bit perplexed to say the least, their initial thoughts were that training in another class went haywire and ended you up here
but then why’ve they never seen you in school before? and what’s with your old timey clothes??
tenya: “excuse me, but could you please return to your class! you’re interrupting our essential study time!”
you finally open your eyes
you scream
he screams
everyone screams
we all scream for ice cre— okay 😂😂
who are these people!! are they part of some weird village or clan? that’d explain the matching clothes, but not why they’re so strange!! and SHORT!! WHY ARE YOU ON A TABLE!!!!!
you fall off the table asbhskwahs
people try asking you questions like who’s your teacher and what year you are, but you can’t answer any of them, and they know something isn’t right
sero, being the movie buff he is, has seen this scenario play out many a time on screen, and asks you what year it is
is it... not 1918....
he shows you some numbers on his bright box thingy and...... huh
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you run to a calendar hanging on the wall and oh my god this can’t be real
toru: “no, come on guys this is a classic prank! it’s gotta be!”
ojiro: “or villains have managed to infiltrate the school somehow” as he prepares his tail to strike (and gets in front of her *coughs in ship*)
shoto: “out of everything we’ve had to deal with you think THIS is an attempt to attack the school?”
what the fuck do they mean by villains wait—
now youre 100000x more afraid than before, honestly shaking from all the new information and stimulus thrown at you
they see your demeanor and your genuine insistence that no, you don’t know where you are or how you got here or what’s happening
tsuyu already hopped off to bring back aizawa from the teacher’s lounge
>takes one look at the situation
>immediately uses his eyedrops
by far one of the weirdest things to happen in ua but not the most dangerous so i mean ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ
nezu and the rest of the teachers are made aware and decide to keep your situation under wraps, alerting only the authorities and nearby scientists to hopefully bring you back home
but for now, since the class already knows, you have to stay in the dorms and just wait for progress to be made on your situation
but there’s no better company to keep you occupied, that’s for sure :DD
izuku’s s o fucking stressed, already thinking and worrying about the ramifications of you being here and the effects it’ll have on the timeline
aoyama’s just asking if you’ve ever had cheese before 🥴
you can’t help but be exposed to all the new technology and human evolutions so everyone just kinda stops trying at some point
ochako and kirishima get a huuuuge kick out of seeing you interact with everything
movies and cameras exist in your time, sure, but there’s no way you’d know they’d end up so small, and there’s so MANY all at once!! and in COLOR like????
it’s actually v cute seeing you play with touchscreens and just swish it back n forth ûwû
that was the biggest culture shock by far, not even the most insane of people from your time could have predicted that
in the back of your mind you can’t help but think of everyone as monsters or demons or other spirits (especially people like mina and shoji and tokoyami, you tend to stay far away from them just for mental health sake)
but everyone is very accommodating and tries to use quirks as little as possible around you!
of course momo and tenya are familiar with the details of the taisho period right away, history buffs as they are, and are best at assimilating you with their knowledge of your time
momo actually discusses traditional teas and shares them with you on the daily, it’s a very comforting experience for the both of you 😌
you’d think you’d end up closest to her but her lack of shame surrounding nudity just immediately puts you off hhskhsjwgs
welp that ship’s sailed 😅
people have actually gotten so much more crude, and you always turn your nose up at bakugo’s loudness and m*neta’s perversion
lots of areas of discomfort for you, but it’s an uncomfortable situation
you’ve been transported a thousand years into the future ofc there’s gonna be some hiccups <.<
despite how odd everything is and how much you miss family and friends, it’s hard for you to feel lonely
koda let’s you pet his rabbit to ease your nerves (he’s so quiet and relatively normal, you probably hang around him the most, it’s one of the least stressful options lol)
sato learns taisho era food recipes while jiro pulls up some traditional music to make you feel more at home <3
everyone’s so nice and considerate, and a lot more affectionate than was the norm in the your period, which isnt a bad thing!
you’ve only known these people for a short time, yet you’ve never felt so cared for
well, the experience will definitely leave a.... lasting.... impact, but you know you won’t be able to help missing them whenever you end up going back!
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kiingbiing · 5 years
bro Please show us ur ocs what
just know that names will change bevause i have too many characters woops (im a bad character maker lol)
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i made them children who murder but now i dont know what to do with them, soon i will make a story for them
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king and jester raise a baby and fall inlove :]
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theyre originally humans but with a potion gone wrong, they end up as animals and now they have to work together to turn themselves back, also the snake works with the law and the mouse is a crook
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dnd character, but i never got to play him cause i never played dnd, lol, one day, i will
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ethan works at a cafe and got turned into a vampire, carter is a monster hunter and wendy is his assisstant. carter has the hots for ethan and ethan doesnt want to acknolwedge his existence. maggie and callie is ethan’s friend, barry LIKES wendy
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the triplets were inspired by moosop ngl, but i do remember making triplets in 5th grade lol
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inspired by tarzan, but i changed the story cause i made these characters when i was younger and i cant abandon them. meriam raised talia (i changed her name) when she decided to leave london and live in the jungle. talia barely speaks because her speech isnt good. mark comes to visit his mother and to try and see if the island can be used for good money, mark and talia hate each other for this fact.
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made this in 4th grade cause my first lesbian ship was bubbaline and i was like, i dont have enough lesbian ships, gotta make my own then,
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no name for them but its set in the philippines, inspired by our monsters :]
a fellow monster has to be in love with their food
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fairly odd parents oc, josh and penny got adopted by this rich couple, and everything was fine till they figured out that they only got adopted because the parents would get more money from their parents if the wanted kids, this warrented a god parent and francis is here. francis HATES children and is onyl doing this because its good money. penny is too energetic, josh is the quiet kid and francis hates kids, but he can handle one, hes not gonna be able to handle 2
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theres 2 stories for this, bt judas and merith were in an arranged marriage and percy became merith’s crying buddy when judas is mean, they can be in a threesome, still dont know. still have to upadte this story
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dominic goes savage during the full moon and his sister is the only one who knows this secret. the two rodents have a thing for dominic
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these were just random ocs with no actual plot line, dino and cloudy are buddies and they go everywhere together
the colony of ants have a thing for the ant eater, not the tables have turned lol
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dad is forced to raise a baby and he cant cause hes sad depressed, and he just doesnt know what to do but he can abandon her. jerry is like, buddy, BUDDY, if u let me crash, i can help out, hes helpful, 
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used to be an adventure time oc but i scrapped it, 
princess aya runs away from the royal family to find her missing sister cause she doesnt want to be queen 
she meets with red, a thief who dabbles with magic, which is illegal, 
due to unfortunate events, red helps aya find her sister
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animal crossing ocs. kenny and lola are dating :]
one and two are childhood friends? one was mean and two got depressed, but now one is trying to make up for it
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kylan is failing his class, so richard has to tutor him to make sure hes on the right track, kylan just doesnt want to do anything with him, and when he realises that richard has a hard time making friends, he makes it his task to help him make a friend, in return, richard has to leave him alone
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just two teenagers coming to terms about their feelings for each other.
braden never gave romance a thought until he reached middle school. he started to crush on george hard and he doesnt know how to handle this and he tries to deny it.
george is straight and is just vibing, and he thought things were fine until braden confessed his feelings.
braden is demisexual (im demi, hes very special to me)
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this ones old, (also i made another oc thats named carter WOOPS)
no name (teddy) got kicked out from home when his mom figured out hes gay, and carter is a rich art student that needs a model and he ask teddy to become his model. carter pays teddy a good sum of money, (i need to work on this story woops)’
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melissa is a rich blind girl and shes not allowed to party and go outside if she doesnt hire a body guard (thanks dad), she hired danny, an ex underground boxer to help her around the city. 
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in this world, magic welders are getting killed because only officials are allowed to use magic. momma summons demote, a demon, with a deal that he keeps her daughter safe. demote and harper hate each other and they have to tolerate each other in order to get away from the hunters. dewey is a forest entity that latched onto harper
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my little pony oc 
madison loves flowers, she tends flowers and honestly? flowers only.
valentine is a match maker and she stumbles upon madison, and her match making skills dont work on madison, just ponies being ponies :]
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characters made with my friends but i lost contact with them and one day, ill work on their stories
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david is in his first public school and he meets molly and he doesnt vibe with her cause she doesnt talk to him and it didnt settle with him right, so he bullies her, and when he figures out that shes deaf and maliciously bullied her, hes just, not happy and tries to make it up to her, and shes not having it
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life and death, my friend wanted me to make a comic bout life and death,
just ur standard life and death ship
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used to be an adventure time oc but i changed it
andrew grew up in a religious household with strict parents, making him study. hes not allowed to be with friends
margee is raised by her uncle because her dad died in a car accident,
dally has a strained relationship with his dad, his dad being an alcoholic and not taking care of his health
they were all childhood friends and then they got seperated, when they got older, they all saw each other and got together for support
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(ok imm a fool and i try to make a webcomic but i keep not not finishing it so, woops)
bunny ocs when i was younger, i need to work on their stories, sorry, no other info except they want to beat each other lol
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cupid accidentally shots an arrown at ching and now they fell inlove with mar, and mar just wants to vibe and be ignored but with ching contantly trying to woo mar, cupid thinks thats enough and tried to help mar because that wasnt suppposed to happen lol
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girl realises that the monsters under her bed and in her closet are real and tries to get her mother to help her.
her mother abuses her and the girl is just scared and she doesnt know what to do
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(im getting lazy)
baintly wants to be a good wizard but she sucks at everything
butters(the broom) is accidentally made when she tried to summon her animal
she was about to get kicked out of school but out of sepretation, she promised her school that she’ll go get a gem from a feared dragon in order to prove her place in the school
she got lonely and got a pet bunny and fox
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terry accidentally summoned perry and she doesnt know how to handle a demon in her room, ralph is terry’s friend
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set in space and theyre all animals
the top are a bunch of criminals and the bottoms arer in the police forces
and they both have to work toegether to get rid of a dangerious villian set to destroy the galaxy
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ok so i lost their names but basically, big demon goes to the human world and befriends a child. other demon is the right hand and he follows his master and hes just a ball anxiety. the older sister is a monster hunter and she tries to kill the big demon living in her house
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asiantheatre · 6 years
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Under the list are all the confirmed, announced shows in the 2018-2019 season featuring Asian writers, actors, designers, directors, etc in New York, London, and International. Listed are the dates for first previews, the theater it’s performed in, and a summary of the show. 
This list isn’t 100% comprehensive and will be updated as time goes on. If we missed a show, please let us know!
Make sure to tune in and give these shows your love! 
BROADWAY (source)
Straight White Men
Until September 9, Hayes Theater
“It’s Christmas Eve, and Ed has gathered his three adult sons to celebrate with matching pajamas, trash-talking, and Chinese takeout. But when a question they can’t answer interrupts their holiday cheer, they are forced to confront their own identities. Obie Award-winning playwright Young Jean Lee takes a hilariously ruthless look at the classic American father-son drama. This is one white Christmas like you’ve never seen before.”
Getting the Band Back Together
August 19, 2018; Belasco Theatre
“The musical comedy follows 40-year-old out-of-work banker Mitch who moves back in with his mother and decides to reunite his old high school band, Juggernaut.”
King Kong
October 2018
This show reimagines the famous movie King Kong into a story about fame, greed, and manipulation within the original framework of a young actress and film maker finding their way to Skull Island, the home of a 2000 pound monkey.
March 29, 2019; Marriott Marquis
“Based on the film, Tootsie tells the story of a talented but difficult actor who struggles to find work until an audacious, desperate stunt lands him the role of a lifetime.”
Walter Kerr; March 22, 2019
Info in the west end section
Be More Chill
Lyceum Theater; February 13, 2019
Info in the offbway section
July 1–14; Ambassador Theatre
Japanese star Ryoko Yonekura will make a limited run engagement as Roxie Hart before transferring over to Japan for the national tour.
OFF BROADWAY (source / 2)
Be More Chill
August 9, 2018;  Pershing Square Signature Center
Based on Ned Vizzini’s novel, the show tells the story of an average teenager who takes a pill purported to make people more—you guessed it—chill.
Henry VI
August 21, 2018 - NAATCO 
“Shakespeare’s Henry VI is the story of a great nation’s decent into barbarism and cruelty. It is a study of how the experience of a problematic foreign war erodes civil discourse at home, and how that erosion allows political self-interests to take hold and send a country hurtling into civil war.” 
Rags Parkland Sings the Songs of the Future
September 25, 2018; Ars Nova
 “250 years from now, constructed humans are built in black market labs, Mars is a forced labor camp and underground outlaws are brewing rebellion. You might not remember how Beaux Weathers and her band of “illegal intelligences” fought for the right to exist, but Rags Parkland does. Back on Earth for the first time in 10 years, Rags plays the music that carried us to where we are today. But on this planet, the more things change, the more we stay the same.”
India Pale Ale
October 2, 2018; Manhattan Theatre Club
“In a small Wisconsin town, a tight-knit Punjabi community gathers to celebrate the wedding of a traditional family’s only son, just as their strong-willed daughter announces her plans to move away and open a bar. As they come together for feasts filled with singing and dancing, one generation’s cherished customs clash with another’s modern-day aspirations, and ghosts and pirates from the family’s past linger in everyone’s thoughts – until one sudden event changes everything.”
Wild Goose Dreams
October 30, 2018; The Public Theatre
“Minsung is a “goose father,” a South Korean man whose wife and daughter have moved to America for a better life. Deeply lonely, he escapes onto the internet and meets Nanhee, a young defector forced to leave her family behind in North Korea. Amidst the endless noise of the modern world, where likes and shares have taken the place of love and touch, Minsung and Nanhee try their best to be real for each other. But after a lifetime of division and separation, is connection possible?“
The Resistable Rise or Arturo Ui
October 30- December 22, 2018; Classic Stage Company
The political allegory shows a Depression-era Chicago mobster, who, with the help of his henchmen, manipulates and murders his way to totalitarian rule of the cauliflower trade. The play uses a vaudevillian portrayal of American mafia culture to parallel events that brought the Third Reich to power.
A Chorus Line
November 14, 2018; New York City Center
“A Chorus Line, the 2018 New York City Center Annual Gala Presentation, is a joyous celebration of dance and musical theater—two art forms that City Center has been bringing to New York audiences for 75 years. In 1975, the stories of seventeen Broadway dancers were brought to life when A Chorus Line opened Off-Broadway. The musical was born of workshop sessions with actual Broadway dancers (eight of whom appeared in the original cast) who laid bare their personal stories and the challenges they faced in pursuit of their dreams.“
The Prisoner
November 24, 2018; Theatre for a New Audience/Polonsky Shakespeare Center
“The Prisoner examines the complexities of crime, justice, and compassion in a breathtaking new international production. A man sits alone outside a prison. Who is he, and what is he doing there? Is he free, or is he the prisoner?“
November 27, 2018; Playwrights Horizons
Noura and her husband have a successful life in New York, and, eight years after having fled their home in Iraq, they’ve finally gained citizen status—which Noura, as an Iraqi Christian, is celebrating by planning the perfect Christmas dinner. But when the arrival of a visitor stirs up long-buried memories, Noura and her husband are forced to confront the cost of their choices, and retrace the past they left behind.
Flower Drum Song’s 60th Anniversary Gala
December 2, 2018 - NAAP
The gala will begin at 5:30 PM with cocktails, followed by a 6:30 PM dinner (a traditional eight-course Chinese banquet). Throughout the evening will be entertainment informed by the history of Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Flower Drum Song.
December 10, 2018; New York City Center
In his latest work, Nassim Soleimanpour explores the power of language to unite us in these uncertain times. No rehearsals. A different guest actor at every performance. A sealed envelope. Oh, and some surprises.
Blue Ridge
December 12, 2018; Atlantic Theater Company
“A progressive high-school teacher with a rage problem retaliates against her unscrupulous boss and is sentenced to six months at a church-sponsored halfway house, where she attends to everyone's recovery but her own. Set in Southern Appalachia, Blue Ridge is a pitch-dark comedy about heartbreak, hell-raising and healing.“
Merrily We Roll Along
January 12, 2019; Roundabout Theatre
Roundabout’s company in residence, Fiasco Theater, reimagines its next Stephen Sondheim creation. With Fiasco’s one-of-a-kind imagination, this audacious musical about a trio of showbiz friends who fall apart and come together over 20 years emerges as newly personal and passionate.
January 31, 2019; Second Stage Theatre
Before we can save the world, we have to save each other. From the Tony and Pulitzer Prize-winning composer of Next to Normal and the Tony Award-winning writer of Red comes a deeply human new musical about a fractured family, the mysterious stranger in apartment 4-B, and the unexpected hero who just might save the day.
Anne of Green Gables: Part 1
The Royal Family Performing Arts Space; January 24-February 11
An adaptation of the book with the same title.
God Said This
Cherry Lane Theater; January 29-February 15
God Said This paints a portrait of five Kentuckians facing mortality in very different ways. With her mom undergoing chemotherapy, Hiro returns home, struggling to let go of the demons she inherited. Sophie, her born-again Christian sister, confronts her faith while tackling inevitable adversity. James, their recovering alcoholic father, wants to repair his fractured relationship with his daughters. And, John, an old classmate and thirty-something single dad, worries about leaving a lasting legacy for his only son.
Alice By Heart
MCC Theater; January 30-March 30
The show, by Waitress scribe Jessie Nelson and Spring Awakening duo Duncan Sheik and Steven Sater, adapts Lewis Carroll’s famed fantasy into a London-set tale against the backdrop of World War II, as Alice and her friend Alfred journey down a rabbit hole to find love, loss, and the courage to move forward despite harsh circumstances.
Man of God
January 31 - February 24, 2019; East West Players
A hidden discovery in a hotel bathroom changes the lives of four Korean Christian girls on a mission trip to Thailand. Samantha is hurt that someone she trusted could betray her. Jen is worried about how this might affect her college applications. Kyung-Hwa thinks everyone should adjust their expectations. Mimi’s out for blood. Amid the neon lights and go go bars in Bangkok, the girls plot revenge in this funny, feminist thriller.  
Mamma Mia
May 9 - June 9, 2019; East West Players 
On the eve of her wedding, a daughter’s quest to discover the identity of her father brings three men from her mother’s past back to the Greek island they last visited 20 years ago. The storytelling magic of ABBA’s timeless hits sets the scene for this infectious tale of love and frolicking fun, creating an unforgettable musical experience that will leave you dancing in the aisles!
Tours - Dates are subject to region
Miss Saigon
Hello Dolly
Lea Salonga’s Human Heart Tour
TV special live on Fox tells the story of the AIDS epidemic in New York City
The King and I
Until September 29, 2018
Set in 1860s Bangkok, the musical tells the story of the unconventional and tempestuous relationship that develops between the King of Siam and Anna, a British schoolteacher whom the modernist King, in an imperialistic world, brings to Siam to teach his many wives and children.
Love’s Labor’s Lost
August 23, 2018; Shakespeare's Globe Theatre
“Self-denial is in fashion at the court of Navarre where the young king and three of his courtiers solemnly forswear all pleasures in favour of serious study. But when the Princess of France and her entourage arrive, it isn’t long before the all-male ‘academe’ have broken every one of their self-imposed rules. Shakespeare’s boisterous send-up of all those who try to turn their back on life is a dazzling parade of every weapon in the youthful playwright’s arsenal, from excruciating cross-purposes and impersonations to drunkenness and bust-ups. It’s a banquet of language, groaning with puns, rhymes and grotesque coinages“
Dance Nation
August 27, 2018; Almeida Theatre
“Somewhere in America, a revolution is coming. An army of competitive dancers is ready to take over the world, one routine at a time. With a pre-teen battle for power and perfection raging on and off stage, Dance Nation is a ferocious exploration of youth, ambition and self-discovery.“
The Humans
August 30, 2018; Hampstead Theatre
“Hampstead Theatre is proud to present the Broadway production of The Humans by Stephen Karam, the winner of four 2016 Tony Awards including Best Play. Three generations of the Blake family have assembled for Thanksgiving in Brigid and Richard’s ramshackle pre-war apartment in Lower Manhattan. Whilst the event may have a slightly improvised air, the family is determined to make the best of its time together. As they attempt to focus on the traditional festivities, fears of the past and pressures of the future seep into the reunion and the precariousness of their position becomes increasingly evident.”
The Village
September 7, 2018; Theatre Royal Stratford East
“The Village transports the Lope de Vega’s Spanish play, Fuenteovejuna to contemporary India. It’s a powerful story of community and solidarity, and the lengths a person will go to protect themselves from tyranny. In Jyoti’s village, life is simple. People work and sing while living off the land. And finding a partner is far from her mind. She’d much prefer a delicious meal. Things are happy until the Inspector and his men come back to town. But when the tyrannical Inspector has his eye on Jyoti and he commits unspeakable acts against the village, everyone is pushed to breaking point. Will Jyoti dare turn him down despite what it may mean for her village?”
White Teeth
October 26, 2018; Kiln Theatre
“Rosie Jones, the Iqbal twins, their parents, their grandparents, Mad Mary and an avalanche of other characters who make up the everyday chaos of Kilburn High Road come together in an extraordinary revelry of NW6. An epic comedy with music and dance, this theatrical rollercoaster takes us on a fast-paced journey through history, different cultures and chance encounters. Zadie Smith’s breakthrough novel is adapted for stage by acclaimed playwright Stephen Sharkey and directed by Artistic Director Indhu Rubasingham in a major world premiere.”
November 2, 2018; National Theater
“In the warmth of summertime, songwriter Orpheus and his muse Eurydice are living it up and falling in love. But as winter approaches, reality sets in: these young dreamers can’t survive on songs alone. Tempted by the promise of plenty, Eurydice is lured to the depths of industrial Hadestown. On a quest to save her, Orpheus journeys to the underworld where their trust is put to a final test.”
Side Show - August 31, 2018
M. Butterfly - September 13, 2018
A Doll’s House Part 2 - September 15, 2018
Waitress - November 2018
Angels in America Spring 2019
Beautiful: the Carole King Musical Spring 2019
Matilda - September 8, 2018
The Greatest Showman - August 7, 2018
Bridges of Madison County - August 11, 2018
Jungle Book - closing August 26, 2018
Peter and the Star Catcher - September 28, 2018 
Other Local Shows
Fiddler on the Roof - December 16, 2018
Something Rotten - December 31, 2018
Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812 - January 5, 2019
Chicago - Osaka (August 1-4 at the Orix Theater) and in Tokyo (August 7-18 at the Tokyu Theatre Orb).
Full list of shows in Japan (translated)
Other Local Shows
Rent - August 30, 2018
Les Mis - September 27, 2018
Hamlet - November 28, 2018
Chicago - December 20, 2018
Other Local Shows
Come From Away (until June 30, 2019)
Next to Normal Toronto (April 26-May 19)
Dear Evan Hansen 
New Zealand
If/Then - November 29-December 8, 2018
82 notes · View notes
coolgirl · 7 years
how do i start reading about the batkids i’m really overwhelmed help
fuck it if I know… probably the smartest way to tackle it is to follow this list, which pretty much covers the vital Batman related arcs. PERSONALLY, I don’t care about reading about all the batkids, I just picked my favorite ones and just.. read everything I could about them (and lucky for me my favorite batkids don’t have thousands and thousands of comics so ! yay!) here’s some reading orders I made (except for the Damian one)
Jason Todd
Stephanie Brown
Cassandra Cain
Damian Wayne
Duke Thomas
Okay so, if u wanna read it in some kind of order, heres a bit of a general chronological-ish list thats probably innacurate bc i haven’t read all of these and the ones i did read was.. a long time ago. anyways, i hope this is useful, and again, imo its not necessary to read everything in order, but this might help to know a bit whats the timeline of some major events i guess? also i’m definitely going to be editing this post as people point out the mistakes rip! 
(the batkids i added to this timeline are the ones that have active roles in rebirth atm, Dick, Barbara, Jason, Helena, Tim, Stephanie, Cass, Damian, Duke, and the basics of Azrael, Kate, and Luke because i love them)
Dick’s time as Robin (that i have no clue how it goes but uuuh read Robin Year One / The Long Halloween / Dark Victory / The New Teen Titans up until #53)
Batgirl: Year One  
Birth of the Demon and Son of the Demon (here’s the original comic about Damian getting conceived)
Jason time as Robin (post crisis) stop before death in the family
Nightwing: Year One 
Batgirl Special #1 - The Last Batgirl Story 
unfortunately… you gotta at least know a bit of what the killing joke is about
NOW read death in the family… two blows one after the other, If you’re reading the trade that includes a lonely place of dying DON’T read that yet
now you can read the rest of the new teen titans up to #59
now A Lovely Place of Dying, which is Tim’s introduction. 
rest of ntt if u wanna
NOW for oracle!barbara you can either read the suicide squad comics as a whole, which includes little hints of her coming back, or you can skip to  issues #48 and #49. Then The Batman Chronicles #5.
Huntress Vol. 1 - Helena Bertinelli’s introduction
NOW! Steph’s introduction happened on Detective Comics #618
Stephanie’s list, if you’re following the whole list stop at Robin #70 (Tim’s solo is really good to know about them)
Azrael vol. 1: Fallen Angel - Azrael’s introduction
Batman: Knightfall - you know the infamous pic of bane snapping batman’s back like a stick? here it is.
Nightwing (1996)
Young Justice (1998) (NOT the one based on the tv show)
Birds of Prey i would say.. up to #7 
Batman: No Man’s Land
now it’s Cass Time!  Batman #567 was her introduction, and Detective Comics #734 n Legends of the Dark Knight #120 are vital to her story.
Batman & Huntress: A Cry for Blood / Huntress: Year One
Titans (1999)  
Batman Gotham Knights (2000-2006) is a good comic for batfam interactions
Rest of Birds of Prey ig
Teen Titans (2003)
Batman: Hush
Batgirl Volume 1 up to #52
War Games (when Stephanie dies rip)
rest of Batgirl
Batman Lost Days / Batman: Under the Red Hood 
Robin #172-174 (2008) steph comes back!!
Batman: Batman and Son He (Damian) is here babette
Batgirl volume 2 (2008-2009) and  Batman and the Outsiders (2009) are good cass comics up to #14
Robin/Spoiler Special (2008) 
Batman R.I.P. 
Final Crisis
Batman: Last Rites
battle for the cowl SUCKS the only important thing to know is that Dick is Batman now
Batman & Robin (2011) up to #12
Batwoman: Elegy 
Batgirl (2009) up to #14
The Black Mirror is a really good bats dick story.. or so i’ve been told
Red Robin
Batman: Return of Bruce Wayne #1-4 
Batman and robin from #13 to #14
Batman: Return of Bruce wayne #5-6
Batman and Robin #15-16
Batman:The Return 
Batman INC. (2011)
everything else in Batman and Robin, and Batgirl
Gates of Gotham #1-5 (2011) 
OK NOW.. N52. So new 52 was the reboot and it basically just took everything i just mentioned and threw it out of a fucking window. Changes: Barbara is Batgirl again, Cass and Stephanie didnt exist in this timeline for like four years, somehow Jason isnt such a dick, i think Damian didn’t get so fucked over, and uuuh i have no clue what happened with Dick and Tim but i think their whole story with their teams (teen titans / titans / young justice) got incredibly fucked over. Almost every single member of the Batfam (that didn’t get booted from this contuinity) got either a solo or a team book, which are. super good to start, reading order be dammed, but the batfam went through a lot of shit (court of owls, the joker, bruce kinda died, jim gordon became batman, bruce didnt remember anything, dick kinda died and got exposed but came back as a spy, damian died, bruce lost his mind, they kinda went to hell, damian came back, dozens of robins ran around, etc etc etc) so im gonna try to order it as best as i can T__T
Batman, Vol. 4 (Secret City) / DC Comics: Zero Year / Batman, Vol. 5 (Dark City)- Okay so, this wasnt the starting storyline for New 52 but its basically the basis of the batfam and co and introduces Duke and Harper so it’s kinda vital.
Ok so here you can start reading the first volume of.. any of the titles lol. Red Hood and the Outlaws / Batgirl / Batwing / Nightwing / Batman and Robin / Teen Titans
Batman: The Night Of The Owls  
Batwoman (2011-2015) 
Batman INC up to #6 - im gonna be honest this run fucking sucks but uh important stuff happens here
Nightwing / Red Hood and the Outlaws / Batgirl / Batman and Robin / Batwing / Teen Titans Vol. 2 (approx the issue #9 of all these runs were included in the Night of the Owls crossover)
Death Of The Family - this one.. bad.. but ig its important
Nightwing / Red Hood and the Outlaws / Batgirl / Batman and Robin /  Batwing / Teen Titans Vol. 3
Batman INC #7-8 - okay so. Damian’s death. 
Requiem / Batman and Robin: Requiem - the aftermath of Damian’s death. The first one isn’t collected afaik so i liked you to a reading order if you’re interested 
Nightwing / Red Hood and the Outlaws / Batgirl / Batwing / Titans Vol. 4 (here’s Luke Fox’s introduction!)
Forever Evil - the one where shit happens to Dick that i think leads to Grayson and all that spy bs
Yeah.. Grayson now (vol 1-2) - Helena gets re-introduced here!
Red Hood and the Outlaws / Batgirl / Batwing / Teen Titans Vol. 5
Batman Eternal - where Steph gets re-introduced
Batman and Robin: Robin Rises
Batman Endgame (Batman #35 -#36, Batman Annual #3, Batman #37- #39) - Duke is back!!
Grayson Vol 3 
Superheavy (Batman #41-44 / Detective Comics #41-46) - ok so Bruce is gone and now Jim Gordon is Batman.. just nod and smile
Ok so now, Red Hood and the Outlaws and Batgirl don’t get involved in any big storylines anymore, and Teen Titans started from #1 again. 
Teen Titans Vol. 1-2
We are Robin Vol 1 
Batman and Robin Eternal - where Cass gets re-introduced 
Robin: Son of Batman Vol. 1
Red Hood/Arsenal Vol. 1
Robin War 
Grayson Vol 4
Teen Titans Vol. 3-4
Red Hood/Arsenal Vol.2
We Are Robin Vol. 2
Robin Son of Batman Vol. 2 
Super Heavy Part 2 (Detective Comics #47-52 / Batman #47-52 )
OKAY SO. Rebirth is a continuation of New 52, but with some changes bc almost every single damn character got.. lets say nerfed, and people didnt like it so they’re slowly bringing back some elements from pre 52. Here basically just read whatever whenever unless you wanna get into like. the metal event. then i would recommend you to start off the bat with that to get it out of the way as some comics have tie ins. Then heres where the kids appear
All-Star Batman (2016-2017): Bruce and Duke 
Batgirl (2016): Barbara and sometimes Dick
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey (2016): Barbara, Dick, and Helena
Batman (2016): originally Bruce and Duke but now its the Batman and Catwoman show
(if you’re interested in Duke i would say to read those two first as it explains where his character stands on Rebirth)
Batman and the Signal (2017): pretty self explanatory
Batman/Shadow (2017): Damian appears sometimes but.. i heard Bruce is a dick to him here so fuck it
Batwoman (2017): Kate and Julia 
Detective Comics (2016): Cassandra, Azrael, Kate, Tim, and Stephanie
Nightwing (2016): Dick, and sometimes Damian and Helena. 
Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016): Just Jason except for the annual that had Dick too
Teen Titans (2016): Damian.. baby boy leads a team
Titans (2016): Dick
Super Sons (2017): Damian team sup with Jon Kent (Superman’s kid)
and finaaally.. some elseworld stories (basically aus) that have cute batkids interactions
Tiny Titans (2008-2015)
Lil’ Gotham (2013-2014)
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saints-row-2 · 7 years
been thinking about a loose assortment of characters again... Number One, Stripes, A1 and Nestlé... theyre all the worst and all have unimaginably enormous problems and theyre doing some shit involving killing virus like monsters that exist in this fake world created by a demon but uh theyre all. the worst. god ive made so many posts explaining who they all are i do it like once every five months and then dont mention them again and then feel compelled to explain them again because i LOVE explaining my ocs over and over because i love the sound of my own voice (when its talking about ocs) so like... Number One is the unofficial leader. it can also be written #1. he used to be called Boss but i changed it bcs it was going to be too confusing forever. he is a doctor and he has a helmet stuck permanently on his head and he is extremely bad at pretending to be a normal human guy. he cant die. hes existed in this freakish other world for so long and no one knows if he forgot who he was because he was there too long or if he isnt real. maybe none of it is real! Number One is possibly some kind of cyborg. what he actually is is the physical realisation of someone's ultimate power fantasy, without any of the ability to back that up with any genuine understanding of how to be like... a charming funny hero. he is incapable of telling jokes that make sense. he talks almost entirely in complete fucking nonsense. he operates on rules that make sense to him and him alone. he thinks that everyone in the world loves him and he never gets mad or takes anything personally. hes also incapable of genuine empathy or understanding when people have problems that need resolving because he lives in a world where he's an all-powerful unstoppable hero and everyone's his sidekick Stripes is bored and shes doing this because she thinks she can have fun with no consequences. shes Number One's best friend because she thinks he's hilarious and they get each other. she loves being cool and killing stuff. she has like... never had any choice or control in her life and its left her a complete nervous wreck in real life so now she's able to live free and powerful she's going completely out of her mind living like a mad thing because she CAN at LAST but her complete refusal to recognise anything that's happening as real or acknowledge consequences for her actions means that she's treating a lot of the people around her... not great because she doesn't. see them or their issues are real. she thinks she's in a fantasy land. she's a good person mostly she just needs a fucking break because she's 21 and her real life has been irrevocably ruined and she has no freedom or control and its destroying her A1 is crushingly, suicidally lonely and isolated and so fucking desperate for love hes willing to do anything. he has literally no one who gives a single fuck about him and in nightmare land there's people who have to be around him ALL the time. he comes across as coolly sarcastic and kind of a coward but he just incredibly badly wants people to care about him and he's enormously clingy as a result. he's terrified of Number One but follows him around anyway. he's infatuated with Nestlé. he has absolutely no ability to criticise anyone. hes the kind of person who would get described as "wild" on a night out when he just cant control himself on alcohol and has no self control or real sense of self preservation Nestlé comes across as darkly cynical and funny in an edgy way but he is an enormous fucking piece of shit. he hates everyone and thinks he's better than all of them. he has no capacity to care about anyone but himself but he leads A1 along because he likes the attention and the unwavering approval. he wants power more than anything else and he desperately wants to kill Number One and take his place as the leader of their little world but Number One is unkillable and all-powerful and even Nestlé isnt stupid enough to try but he is constantly looking for some way to lead Number One to his death. he's obsessed. he's a compulsive liar who tells everyone he's a cop but he was. never a cop. he just wanted to be a figure of authority. he tells people things he think they will find impressive. he is the only one actually succeeding at trying to figure out way the fuck is going on tho and he holds those cards very tightly to his chest because he loves having any power to wield over everyone, however limited it is.
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tracelii · 7 years
Eyesagao: A mcfreakin Essay
Hi welcome to who’s angst is it anywhere, where the AUs are made up and the plotholes don’t matter
Edit: Listen eyesagao aint just me, so I may be forgetting some things or we might have had some ideas that didnt add up or isnt showing up here my ba  d........;;;;;
Because I info dump about completely irrelevant things, I decided to try and talk a bit about all the Eyesagao AUs that exist for all of our angsty needs, but before we get into that (if I can ever get into that without going off topic) here is some very minimal info.
Eyesagao is an Asagao AU. Asagao is a dating sim where you can date your choice of several bois from the Normal Boots ‘club’, aka Normal Boots dudes from youtube. Eyesagao followed with the idea that Jack (septiceye), along with his ‘Anti (septiceye)’ demonic persona asshat dude also goes to Asagao, and Manipulates Jack’s girlfriend (Ellie) and her frendo (Traci) into pretty much fucking going crazy in love and doing all sorts of shit, and basically it’s up to their other frendos Elsa, and Ian (brutalm//oose from the youtubes) to try and keep shit together as they try not only to undercover Anti, but try to get their friends back to normal before someone seriously gets hurt.
And seriously, that’s the simplest way I can put it. The void (from Brutal//moose’s Tele//void!) seems to be where Anti is from, and is also where Ian is held each night for unknown reasons (to ‘appease the void’, who seem to have separate motivations and goals from Anti). Ian is forced to bring Elsa along to the void to keep her safe from Anti, who constantly tries to intimidate her to leave Ellie and Traci to be pawns along with Jack to his game, whatever the fuck his game is.
See, Anti has done this before, at Jack’s previous school. Somehow, Anti gets his grimy little claws into anyone Jack cares about and just drives them c r a z y, and the last time this happened, Jack did not figure out he was possessed, cut loose from his old life, and moved to Asagao, hoping for a new start.
Of course, Anti seems to grow more powerful with attention (like we all tend to do, but he does so literally grow more powerful), so after duping Traci into believing that she loves Jack (and that Jack loves her instead of Ellie), he reveals himself, and by this time, Traci is so blind to what’s happening, she just… accepts that she’s loved Anti all along. This lets him get away with more shit, in and out of the void, including creating these… void gals based on our three heroines/victims. They are pale, initially lifeless copies of Ellie, Elsa, and Traci originally created to bully Elsa out of staying in relative safety of the void, but due to Elsa unintentionally giving the Ellie and Traci copies attention (romantic attention, much like Traci had done with Anti), as well as names (Kelly and Grace), they became their own beings, and though they (And Chelsa, Elsa’s copy who somehow developed differently from the other two) sort of became lackeys to Anti, they don’t try and hurt Elsa anymore. Does this mean anything??? No clue. Now they’re instead trying to convince her to stay in the void with them, still taking her out of the picture, but its less harmful and brute force.
Also, oddly, while being polar opposites, the void girls ARE based on the regular gals, so their behavior reflects what they really want. Chelsa is uptight and strict while Elsa is relaxed and cheerful, but they both want to be the right one- the one that saves the day- the one that can be depended on.
Ellie and Kelly could not be more opposites. Ellie is nice and Kelly is a bitch L M AO. What I mean is that where Ellie is a bit reserved (and a rad asexual), Kelly is like 94% raw sexual energy who uses said energy to get whatever the hell she wants, but they both want so desperately to be needed.
Traci is soft where Grace is rough and unforgiving, Traci also shy where Grace says almost anything without filter. They want someone to want them- to find use in them where they can’t find use in themselves.
That, my friends, is the ‘original’ AU, as untouched by other Eyesagao Aus as I think I can separate it. However, some of the AUs begin after this chapter has ended- After their years at Asagao has taken place. Let me try to make some sense of it?? Of course, there are plotholes to hell, questions and more questions piling on, but hey, we just want the angst, right? Alright, let’s talk some angst then.
DWC AU: Probably the ‘darkest’ au, in which Traci and Jack go missing right before their graduation. (For comparison, Hana, the main character of Asagao, Elsa, Ellie, and Ian are 3rd years, and Traci and Jack seniors). One by one, Elsa, Ian, and Ellie disappear going on into the summer, leaving a whopping 5 missing students between the years. I would say this AU probably involves some of the Asagao cast ‘the most’ because its thanks to them that the missing kids are ‘found’. Basically, DWC stands for Dark Wood Circus, a vocaloid song about a spoopy circus of freaks. Years later, friends of the eyesagao peeps are still searching for their old high school friends when Hana spies a poster of a ringmaster that looks like Jack. Though the group looking for their old friends is moderate in size (Such has Hana, Luke, Mimi, Mai, Satch, a few others), Hana and Mimi sneak away to follow on this lead, only to come to the shocking discovery of said missing friends, now twisted into mindless creatures of the void/circus, run by none other than ‘Jack’. Even this AU kind of sections off into whether they can get their friends out of the circus and the eyegroup (Ian, Elsa, Ellie, and Traci) having to try and remember their old selves. Have we come up with a happy ending to this yet? Nope.
Adult AU: Somehow, though the mysterious powers that be, they survive high school. (I think we initially decided that Jack, now having the knowledge of Anti controlling him, leaves Asagao) But this leaves both Ellie and Traci incredibly broken as adults. Ellie is afraid to commit to anyone else, in fear into falling into ‘old habits’, and remains single and lonely, even going so far as to alienate herself from her friends. Traci ends up with Hana, but is almost a shell of herself. She’s very withdrawn and struggles to come back to feeling comfortable in her own body. This all goes up in smoke when, at a casual friend-reunion/catch-up dinner, Jack accidently ends up being invited along with Traci, who is hellishly convinced that Anti is still with him when Jack is unable to faithfully tell her that Anti is gone. This AU also involves Mimi and Hana, who, a few nights after the dinner, start exhibiting classic symptoms of exposure to anti or the void. (nausea, nose bleeds, dizziness, etc.)
(TGR: another Adult au where they actually do get their shit together, and save Jack. Elsa, who is poly and bi, dates Traci, who is poly and pan, but Elsa also sort of date-mates with Ellie after jokingly asking her out on a date which comes to fruition, with the intention of getting her more comfortable with dating others (as Ellie hadn’t dated anyone since she had Jack had broken up way back when). At first, Ellie and Traci date Elsa separately, desperate not to get in each other’s way, so afraid to be friends after what happened, but eventually Elsa brings the three of them together, and they all date. This Is the gayest AU, I like to think tbh, but certainly the happiest so far. Named TGR aka The Great Rebound l m ao)
AMA Au: AMA (Asagao Monster Academy) is another AU that I sort of collaborated with others (much more widespread tho, it was just the three of us working on the train wreck that is Eyesagao) where everyone (but Hana) is a monster that goes to Asagao Academy to learn how to be around, or live with humans. Honestly at this point we just put the two aus together just to put the two AUs together, but Jack is another human who’s is mistakenly sent to this school, but is possessed by a demon by the name of Anti, making him a half demon. The story plays out the as the original, but with Anti playing ‘his game’ to get magic from Traci, who is a unicorn in this AU and usually can ward off evil or non-virgins. He uses his influence over her to cloud her judgement and eventually wants to just cut off her horn, yikes. For added measure, Ellie is a golden Hind, a creature who will actually die at the touch of a human, so in falling for Jack, they’ve doomed themselves to either a love where they can’t touch, or a love where they have to put up with Anti literally forever to keep Jack as a demon.
Cameo AU: Basically a short ditty where mr edgiplier/darkiplier is passing through the void, and runs into the void gals, Chelsa, Kelly, and Grace. And because dark and anti are little jealous shits who only want what the other has, Dark extends the invitation to the girls to leave Anti and come work for him. Chelsa is like ‘hell no’, Grace is like ‘you had me going there, but nah son, I know a bad boss when I see one. And I already got one of those’ and Kelly is like ‘um maybe’ and causes this ugly spat where Kelly is about to up and leave (and almost lets Dark kill Grace) when Anti shows the fuck up and makes Kelly know where the hell she stands with him. (clue: she probably got in A LO T of fucking trouble).
This actually leads into the most recent AU-
D AU: Dau, aka ‘That D AU’/ ‘Timeline AU’ What started as a simple ‘what if Dark and Mark came to Asagao Instead of Jack and Anti’ and it honestly fucking mutated (as Eyesagao tends to do). It went from just ‘Similar events but Dark and Mark instead’ to ‘eerily familiar events taking place with almost all the same players. How are the void girls here if Anti never created them? What’s with the déjà vu? Ellie isn’t dating Mark, so now do things proceed?’ So basically what happens is that… once again, Dark and Anti are little shits who have no regards for anyone’s lives but their own, so Dark does… I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT HE DID OK he collaborated with Kelly and pulled some fucking shit and suddenly we’ve back at the beginning of Eyesagao. Things are out of place. Ian isn’t a prisoner of the void, but Ellie is. Mark is ‘dating’ Elsa. Elsa is doing all these crazy things ‘hurting all these other people’. Ian is completely unreliable and even m o r e of a jerk than his lovable jerk-tendencies. He’s completely unwilling to even try to begin to help. What’s happening what’s happening?
Dark is playing a game. He knows of the original timeline. Of Jack, of Anti, of the girls, void or no. This is a new timeline. Here he makes Ellie the void’s plaything, and instead goes after Elsa, trapping her in this game of his. He just wants to see if he can break her by the end of the school year. He pretends to be her boyfriend while manipulating her life to make other Asagao students h a t e h er in an effort to break the strongest thing about her- her love of her friends and her heart. Dark is much more versatile- he can hop though dreams, pull nightmares and secrets from the very corners of your mind. He uses this to manipulate the whole school to play along. He uses Chelsa, and Grace, who believe they were created by him, to try and bully Traci into not helping Ellie out in the void. Ian is having flashbacks (forwards? Flash-sideways? WHAT IS THIS, LOST?) to the other timeline, which is actually driving him a little crazy because he can’t make sense of it, and doesn’t want to believe any of it. Kelly and Dark are the only one who knows the truth, and Kelly aint telling, although she’s grown very tired of Dark’s games already, and figures if she can kill Elsa (though using Ellie’s body when she’s weak) without Dark finding out, Dark will get bored, or whatever, and finally be done with this damn school and these damn children and they can leave once and for all. (I also jokingly refer to this au as ‘Traci gets scared’ au because Traci goes through a lot of trauma as dark tries to scare her off without hurting her, as per his deal with Elsa, before he just fucking hurts her anyway)
Other bits not as developed:
Body Snatcher AU: Anti creates the void girls, or rather, give them a form specifically like our regular girls with the intention of giving them the actual physical bodies of the three girls so they can exist out in the real world. What followed is the three of them acting weird, Grace being completely unable to play Traci’s part until they can leave, chelsa n o t w an t I n g to act like Elsa, and Kelly honestly just rubbing it in everyone’s face (especially Ian, who would be the one person who knows about it but can’t do anything about it). It’s only a tiny joke-y but still p angsty when it gets down to it.
Yandere!Elsa: P much after the ‘everyone survives end’ of school, but instead of developing into the Adult Au, Elsa just… doesn’t adjust, she just doesn’t she can’t handle not having to take care of/looking after her friends. I think we said the void drove her mad or something?? She can’t adjust. She first finds Ian after such a long time, and tries to convince him to take her back to the void to see if she can find Kelly and Grace again, but he refuses, seeing that she’s just trying to get empty satisfaction out of something dangerous. She then goes after Traci and Ellie bc she loves them ofc
Reverse AU: Uhm this one came out of nowhere and I think about it A LOT but basically it’s just a situation where Jack and Anti knowingly share a body. Unhappily, but they do it. They’re fucking stuck. At this point they’re like brothers, and Anti has no interest in human life, so usually he leaves Jack be unless he wants to stretch out. Then, as Jack moves and starts going to Asagao, he falls for Ellie…. And Anti falls for a human as well. Her name is Traci, and she’s human, but in this AU she’s a snake. Once Anti reveals himself to be a demon, just out of his love of her, she starts to manipulate him into doing shit she wants, just trying to see what she can get out it. She pretty much goes mad with power over him tbh, and Jack is struggling because he knows and Anti knows shit she’s having him do is w r o ng, but what’s better to the glitchy demon, satisfaction or morality?
The Dragon AU: Um Traci just fuckign accepts that Anti is a bad dude and doesn’t love her but does depend on her to get what he needs done so she just straight up becomes his right hand dude idk what the fucks going through her head Traci stop being b a d. “'Traci you know he’s using you' 'yea, I learned that a few years ago, but for whatever reason, he didn’t kill me or toss me to the curb and I guess some twisted part of me really appreciates that'” is literally the only dialog I have for that whole au
GenderSwap Au: Just literally everyone being the opposite gender can you imagine how fucking intense that would be, two guys in a full out brawl after one broke down crying in the cafeteria. Also, how fucking creepier does Ellie and Tracy’s actions get as males?? Just holy shit it just gets weirder the more you think about it.
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Disclaimer first - I'm not negative or angry + very pleased will all the lovely TFW we are getting and one thing I'm disappointed in - Is it just me or is Dean/Cas independent! relationship kinda gone-ish, 80% of all the emotional talks are always on TFW as a whole, never just Dean/Cas, even if Sam isnt there. Dean isn't ever refering to Cas in any emotional way singularly anymore (your OUR best, best friend WE've ever had, glad he cares about US, WE dont leave family behind etcetc) and cas too
Yeah, the big declarations have been all like that but having seen the whole “I love all of you” thing, I feel like they’ve been building up to actually have a family first, which is something I guess is way more important as a long term investment.
Something I’m always coming back to is that horrible isolation of Carver era. Well, I’m currently watching season 7 and at that part where they’ve now finally lost everything and it’s just Sam and Dean and not even the car. Like, Hallucifer and hunting and the Leviathan problem are literally the only constants they have from their old lives. Wow. :P
Carver era sort of puts a bit more of a fragile shell around them by giving Cas back, making Crowley a frenemy, and at least has some outside people like Charlie and Kevin even if they get killed off, but then also the wayward daughters characters who survive it, so there are at least some people to hold them accountable… During that time Cas is their only main constant family and even then terrible stuff is always happening to him and he’s always leaving, so he’s not really around except for little hints of what might be, and Cas picks up so much trauma from that too… 
I don’t know, looking at it from as outside a perspective as I can manage, I think with Mary back, and Cas MEANT to be a member of the family but needing serious integration into the family unit (12x03 with that little conversation showing Mary and Cas are struggling with the exact same thing) the show has to actually believably glue these people back together, and even Sam and Dean have huge splits that have barely been addressed (like Dean apologised for the ridiculous “sam hit a dog” grudge they started Carver era with in like, 11x11, I think? Which means they’d been actually on good terms for like maybe 12 episodes when Mary comes back :P) never mind Cas’s ocean of trauma and Mary being dropped among them out of the blue.
There’s been a real theme of teamwork this season in the big confrontation fights - 12x06, 12x07, 12x10 and 12x12 definitely all had teamwork fights taking down one big enemy together, and I may be forgetting some stuff but it’s more than enough for a pattern that they want to show the characters working together as a large and well-functioning unit - and within that, good dynamics, which they’re still working on especially for Mary, who (as we suspected she would) has only really SOLIDLY bonded with Cas because they’re both outsiders - Dean and Sam fight okay with her by their side but they need to work on interpersonal stuff (and I LOVED the shot this episode of Mary and Dean back to back with a wall between them).
To my eyes the TFW (and Mary) dynamic is clearly top priority and really important for the story they want to tell, and I’m loving the fragile way this family is being built and the exploration of the dynamics (now we’re getting later in the season I’ve seen people comment that Mary and Sam got a bad deal, but honestly for the first like 6 episodes of the season I was contemplating devoting my blog entirely to their drama and just forgetting Dean and Cas completely because I was so into what was going on there, and find it really weird people weren’t picking up on that because I thought all the subtext about Azazel coming between them was brilliant use of the characters and it just all suddenly paid off and I probably yelled louder about a Yellow Eyed demon showing up than I did about the whole “I love you” nonsense. :P There’s a part of my soul which is always going to be seasons 1-2 of Supernatural all on their own >.>)
But I think there’s still a ton of DeanCas this season, just underneath the main message they’re pushing, all the stuff like Dean and Cas just being prioritised when it comes to stuff like of course when the season starts Cas urgently gets back to Dean immediately and the story starts with them together. Of course Sam waits with Lily Sunder while Dean rushes off to help Cas. Of course Dean gets all weird and pissy about Cas working with Crowley and Sam like has nothing to do with this, at all. Of course when they get out of prison Dean is phoning Cas urgently to come get them, and sits in the back of the car with him. Of course he’s the one having the angry feud about caring too much vs being reckless after Cas invites his cosmic consequences. Of course when Cas is dying Dean is the one who rushes over to check on him and subtly all through that sequence is the one with the most focus on ALL the reaction shots, and the centre of the drama. 
And the little things like of course Dean phones Cas here, asks him to stay for breakfast there, is the one to hand him a beer and pat his shoulder, holds on just that much longer when he and Sam haul Cas to his feet (which I think is the perfect 1 tiny moment to demonstrate the whole thing of Dean just caring that little bit more even though Sam and Cas easily and happily could consider each other family at this point)
It’s like… Even when they’re not strictly telling us a story ABOUT Dean and Cas alone there’s just a little bit extra something going on between them, constantly, like, they just drift next to each other, or end up paying way more attention to each other? Like Dean at the diner in 12x12, Cas’s presence and the Mandy thing ends up this itch he has to scratch, he can’t stop bringing it up - weirdness between Dean and Cas derails the conversation repeatedly, and from both Cas and Mary’s POV we see Dean almost, like, fixated on Cas’s presence, while he’s all brotherly and annoying to Sam vying for attention complaining about the wifi, Dean just snores at him and goes back to I think just trying to get a rise out of Cas. 
I wouldn’t say any of this is really doing anything with them because the emotional arc right now is Family and creating a plausible version of Supernatural where it’s not two lonely angry brothers and sometimes people who help them and peripheral people they love but don’t, like… function in this way. Not in this whole promised dynamic of how that group exorcism went down in 12x06, or how Sam and Mary and Dean took on a Prince of Hell to save Cas (and even Crowley proved he has his own strange seat at this table there)… But they’re certainly keeping a sort of ongoing feeling there, that there’s just something extra about how Dean feels about Cas, and as usual, with 12x10 especially, the story about angels and romantic love is repeated and used between Dean and Cas, like, that’s all still there… I don’t know, every time something ridiculously small happens like Cas shows up and Dean rotates his entire body to face him on instinct, I’m like, yeah, we’re still existing in a story where Destiel is a presence. 
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