#but then i understand that they saved me from heart attack bc in light space i would lose myself seeing him in all details
lunian · 1 year
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write-haikyuu · 4 years
could i have some hcs where Kuroo, Akaashi, and iwaizumi sit next to a bubbly and extroverted girl and one day she looked cold so they offered her jacket to her?? (because they somehow fell for her???) thank you!
ah ha here you go anon! I’m slowly attacking all these requests one by one. :-) I switched up Iwaizumi’s hc at the end, just a heads up! Also, I’m running out of manga pics to use for our boys... if anyone wants to send over cute/funny manga cuts of haikyuu characters that I could use to post, that would be really nice!!! uwu trying to keep the theme of manga pieces going on hehe. 
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Kuroo Tetsurou 
post grad au kuroo here!
Kuroo doesn’t seem like the type to just randomly see a girl on a street and immediately fall for her since intelligence and familiarity are what really turns him on. So really, the only way you actually surfaced his mind was the fact that the two of you were in the same cohort for med school, studying internal medicine together.
Understandably, med school was intense. It was natural for you to run late for class, rush in while chewing on toast, or even sometimes bed hair. 
Kuroo who is used to your tardiness doesn’t mind really! In fact, he kind of finds it hilarious you waltz with your hair messy and scrubs wrinkly (speak for himself, he’s equally as tardy sometimes) 
Well, it wasn’t that you were an unkempt person, it's just-- med school was extremely competitive and intense. To make up for all the times you’d come in late, you would always bring him an extra snack or share with him your notes. Hell, the both of you shared notes because the curriculum was so dense; it took at least two people to process a lecture. That’s how he got to know you better! 
Study dates. Platonic, intense, and long study dates. The two of you developed this unbreakable bond that consisted of crying together, pulling all-nighters together, sneaking in full MEALS to the lecture together. Kuroo kept telling himself that he had no time for a relationship through med school, but being around you, he couldn’t help but play with the idea of it because there were days where you made those questionable “why-did-i-go-to-med-school” nights so much more bearable. He loved you for that. 
You’re late. Again. 
You arrive in scrubs to the library for another study date and the AC is turned on to a blast. Neither one of you pays mind to it because there’s an exam coming up. You and Kuroo were just focused on hitting the books. 
It’s crunch time baby. 
But it’s 3am. And Kuroo is hungry again. He runs over to the vending machine to grab another snack (something about snacks with this man) but he comes back to see you passed out against the textbooks, your arms fully exposed to goosebumps from the running AC. 
He just pauses and holds his breath because he’s in awe how you managed to pass out so quickly and how peaceful you looked. So he drapes his jacket around you and silently studies next to you until you wake up a nap. He can’t help but glance over you once in a while to check in on you though. 
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Akaashi Keiji 
Akaashi’s a third-year now. Bokuto and all the other third years have graduated so he sits on the metro by himself now (I KNOW YOU’RE CRYING BC I AM) 
So on the first day of his third year, he takes the metro by himself and practically zones himself out with music until he stops arrives. He doesn’t even notice you sitting next to him with a Fukurodani uniform as well. Or even if he did, he would just keep it to himself. 
It would be this thing where he would always be on the ride before you, and together you both ended up walking to school. The first time it happened, both of you walked at an equal pace, it was so awkward for him to see someone walk to the same campus with him but not be able to say a single word the whole way 
You were actually the first to break the ice! One day you finally decide to not bring your earphones with you on the ride 
“Whatcha listening to?” you tapped his shoulder
He quickly perks up and the two of you end up talking about music together
It begins! Slowly, but surely, “hello” waves and small talk started to occur more often, to conversations about midterms and upcoming events... 
He started to really look forward to his mornings now. Always waiting for you waltz in and share your story for the day. 
Akaashi doesn’t say much, but he’s constantly always thinking. Even when you have to vent to him about how rough things are for you, he somehow always comforts you with his profound and encouraging words. There was this really subtle but thrilling tension between the two of you. Light brushes against your hand, unconventional bumps to your knees, intimacy to share space in a crowded train... 
You forget your blazer one day, and it also happens to be quite windy/rainy as well. 
Walking to school together, he immediately catches on and hands you his blazer. 
“Akaashi, I can’t take this” 
“You’re going to catch a cold” he protested 
You can’t really argue with him because he knew you were freezing 
It fits you so loosely, and he can’t help but look away and blush as the image of you in his blazer remains in his head throughout the day. He insists you keep it on for the rest of the day.
He doesn’t even care that he gets in trouble for not coming to school with a full uniform! He’s just looking forward to see you get his jacket back afterschool.
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Iwaizumi Hajime 
The two of you are sitting on the bleachers at a volleyball game, cheering for Aoba Johsai’s final match at the inter-high tournament. 
As alumni, Iwaizumi wasn’t expecting to see one of his former classmates come and cheer for a high school volleyball game like this, considering that he thought it was just him and his former teammates that were into it as he was. 
Not going to lie, Iwaizumi recognized you before. I mean, why wouldn’t he? You were always the most outspoken, cheerful, and participative student in class back then. He won’t admit it to you ever, but he did admire how kind you always were to everyone in the class. Not to mention, he couldn’t help but notice how cute you looked today, considering that you both weren’t in uniform. 
But Iwaizumi isn’t really the type to make big moves either. It’s not that he’s afraid of girls or anything, he’s just a tad shy and has no experience with women either (he’s working on that though, Makki and Mattsun made him a tinder recently... against his will hehe) 
Anyways, back to the game. 
It’s the third set, and Seijoh is about to break the score, and the other team calls for a time out. 
“What?! Time out at a point like this?!” You struck your hands out and bumped into him. It kind of throws him off a little, but you immediately apologize, and as you look up to recognize who it is. You broke into a smile and immediately greeted him. The two of you start a small talk and he explains to you why it's critical for the opposing team to take a “time-out” to break Seijoh’s flow. 
“Well fuck. That won’t break their mentality” You scoffed
His heart just skipped a beat. 
The two of end up cheering yelling for the team as they took the final set. Iwaizumi was so hyped for their team to go to nationals, he accidentally spilled his water onto you. He’s the one apologizing now, so as an apology, he lends you his jacket to cover you up from the mess. 
The game ends, and the two of you walk out together. He feels terrible. Like so bad because he really never thought one of his first experiences with his old crush would be as disastrous as it was (by no means must Oikawa find out). 
“You can make it up to me by taking me out on a date” You grinned as you returned his jacket. You waved goodbye and clung onto your best friend, walking away into a distance. 
Iwaizumi is a flustered mess. Somehow he manages to make it home, with the note of your number saved in his pocket. :) 
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Blood, tears and sea breeze
Warnings: ANGST, mental health issues, graphic depictions of violence, blood, cursing, mentions of sexual assault, mentions of sex, substance abuse.
Summary: The not so peaceful town of Broadchurch face dead again, while Alec Hardy continues his journey to redemption will this school teacher be the key to solve the mystery or just another victim of the ever watching evilness that seems to reside in the town.
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Chapter 14: I can have dinner
"Ready dear?" SOCO Brian came inside Alec's office looking for Ellie.
"Yes dear, just a moment" Alec responded in a dead serious tone, making both Ellie and Brian perplex for a whole minute "I'm obviously joking" he add embarrassed.
He had been like that on the week, casually making unnecessary light hearted comments, and behaving in what could almost be a good mood, he even had say thanks to Harford for his cup of tea in the morning, and Miller was sure about the reason but she pretend she didn't notice.
"Shitface has a sense of humor, you should do it more often" Brian said laughing, Alec didn't seem to mind the nickname this time, and then turn to Miller "I'll wait on the car" then he exited the room.
"His car?" Alec asked once the man left.
"I have been staying at his place a lot more after the weekend, we went to London, the kids loved it" She explained, she knew she didn't have to, but she wanted to.
"That's why you were late on Monday?" He asked.
"Yeah, he make me the favor to take the kids to school, and then he called to say Tom had gotten into a fight, I think your new admirer took her chance at that moment" she laughed again about Ashley being so direct about wanting a date with him. "I hope this laptop has more to say about the attack, tomorrow Jonathan will have been dead for two weeks"
"I know, you should leave, it's late and I can't concentrate on this, we have to make the reconstruction tomorrow and brief the superintendent on our progress, and she won't be happy" She gave him a compassionate look before leaving and he turned off the lights before exiting the room.
A salty, delicious smell welcomed him once he entered his house, all the lights were on and a happy chat coming from the kitchen made him feel out of place, like if that was not his home, it was devastating to think that a warm happy place was not his home, not like he missed the gray empty environment from the weeks before but he was just not ready to that sudden change, specially knowing that the light was coming from someone that in the best case scenario was going to leave once they catch the killer.
It was the second time that week he felt out of place, at least this time he wouldn't have to make excuses about not following Ashley Langford to her house for a night cap. It had been a disastrous interrogation, more so since she actually acted like they were on a date.
The lights of the Trader's Hotel bar were dim, maybe to make the occasional guests down there cozy enough to avoid leaving to find a better place, and Becca Fisher was chatting animatedly with Ashley Langford.
Alec waited for a moment before approaching, a childish idea that Becca may have told the woman about his embarrassing attempt to seduce her all those years ago, that was a blurry stupid mistake, but somehow he still felt uneasy around her for it.
Then a poisonous idea that maybe she told Paul when they were together, make him feel angry, perfect, young, good mate Paul, he had been avoiding that train of thoughts since the next stop was a pair of bare feet on his wooden floor rearranging his record and book collection, and as Miller had very eloquently pointed out, he was getting too close to this case.
"Hello" he said awkwardly and sit next to her, Becca pour a whiskey to him and then she walked away.
"You really have that look all the time don't you?" She smiled with her perfect teeth and he only took a tiny sip of the drink, he was still working but he was also very tired to following all this dead ends.
"So Ms. Langford, about the owner of the bar where Y/N was attacked, the BC dreamland" A stupid name for a nightclub he thought "A man named Mike Bolzano, do you know him?" She looked disappointed, no longer sad as in the morning, just plain disappointed.
"I don't know him personally, more like professionally, I may have taken a free drink from him once or twice, but nothing apart from that, my brother on the other hand has arranged a catering service from our business to his club to special events but I don't tend to go to those, I make the food and manage the books, Charlie does the rest". She tried to approach him again "I can't believe you have the case for Jonathan, we were very impressed about the Latimer's case, I mean Y/N and me, I'm glad you are taking care of my friend" she had long lashes on her green eyes, but the mention of Y/N was enough for him to not notice that.
"Daze?" He said perplex once his daughter bright smile welcomed him to the kitchen. "But is a Thursday".
"Hi to you too dad, bad day?" She said rolling her eyes the same way he did to Miller and Y/N drowned a little laugh. "Your prisoner and I make dinner, you want some?"
"Sure... she is not my prisoner, she is... what are you doing here again?" He said taking the glass of wine Y/N offered to him, the whole scene was too surreal to cope with, so he drank the whole glass immediately.
"Well it's Beth's birthday tomorrow and Chloe wanted to see her mother, and I couldn't came last week on the spring break, and I really needed a break from Uni, I know is not right, but is only two days" she start and served a plate of rice with clams and shrimp on the table for him.
"I'm sure your father is thrill to have you here, I didn't came back that often when I was in uni, I wish I had" Y/N said with a sad smile "at least my parents have Ash here to keep them company"
"Is that the friend you were talking about?" Dasy asked and Alec stop eating to listen carefully, he had listened to Ashley's version and hadn't had the chance to ask Y/N about some parts of that story.
"Well she was my neighbor for like my whole life, you know how are things around here, and we used to play all the time, I guess her parents let me be around in case she passed out so someone could scream for help, and well she always was the well educated one, respecting the elderly and doing her homework you know, I always was more of a troublemaker" She wink at him and he couldn't help to feel a little attracted to her "I was there for her, and she was there for me, she was the sister I always wanted, I mean I had Charlie but she was a girl and when you have parents as conservative as mine is basically impossible to feel free"
"Where they strict?" He asked assuming that Charles views on women had been learn in a misogynistic family, and understanding now why she was not living with them.
"My dear father called me a whore the moment he saw me in primary school talking to a boy, so yes detective they were strict, I was often send to the church to be punished, so Y/N always got in trouble only to keep me company, she has always been like that" her eyes were nostalgic, and he felt her sincere for the first time. "Anyway they throw me out and Mr. And Mrs. Y/L/N took me in, their elder children had gone away long before so they miss having a lot of people at home, I stayed there and start working, I even made uni on long distance since I had no money at all, when she finished uni we rented an apartment downtown, you living independently, Y/N and I have this crazy idea of travel the world once we got enough money" she said with a puzzling look, sad but also proud?.
"I was ready to leave town, I had been healthy for years, we were leaving on our own, I even saved enough money to the trip, for me and her, but my parents didn't want me to go, I don't think I have ever fought with them before, but you know how it is, sometimes children don't understand what their parents do for their own good, and sometimes parents don't understand that their children are already grown ups" Y/N gave him a meaningful look and he nodded in agreement. "Ashley tried to talk to them telling them she was joining me and that everything will be fine... but we never got to make amends" for a moment Hardy thought she would lost control again but she only nodded with her eyes closed and looked at Dasy "That's why you should make amends with Chloe, a true friend will be always there for you, I wouldn't have survived without her or Paul, I mean my older siblings were too old, they never really got me, and they had their lifes away from broadchurch, so I was alone."
"What's wrong with Chloe?" Alec asked alarmed
"Nothing dad, is just that she is older, and I don't know... is stupid" she said lowering her gaze. He was about to go back to his plate but Y/N gave him a look urging him to keep asking. Fine darling he thought and immediately remembered that this was not a family dinner, even when he was happy pretending it was.
"Oi! You can tell me, come on" he said and she finally look at him.
"Ok, she has a boyfriend, and she spends all the time with him and her uni friends, I don't know, I assume I would be the one fitting in but I felt left behind" she said and Y/N distractedly walked out of the kitchen to give them space to talk alone.
"When her parents die she was a mess, she didn't want to leave their house, thankfully Paul was there for her, he had always been into her, but I guess it was at that time that she look at him with other eyes, she never wanted to leave Broadchurch after that, she gave me part of her savings to open the Deli, she is like that you know? I suppose that's why Paul and Jonathan fell for her, she is just perfect"
"Then do you have any idea of someone that may want to hurt her? Or her fiance?" He said recovering his composure.
"Jonathan was not here for long enough to make enemys, and Y/N was loved by everyone, even my stupid brother and my parents always thought she was perfect, and now I bet you think the same, don't be ashame, is the Y/N effect" she said and he looked away to avoid blushing, because she was right.
Dasy was calmed after a while, it was hard for her to admit she was jealous of Chloe success, and he wondered if Ashley was also jealous of Y/N, or if maybe Y/N was jealous of the free life she had, trapped in broadchurch...
"She is too young for you" Dasy said after a while. "I mean, dead fiance aside, she is 34 and you 48, people would talk" he looked at her perplexed and she add with a smile "Jesus I'm messing with you, I didn't thought you actually liked her, I always asume you will get back together with Miller" she said laughing.
"She is happy with Brian, and I have no interest in Y/N she is staying here for protection, I would never do something that tremendously unprofessional" He started and then he noticed his tune was getting higher as he speak making it more obvious it was a lie.
"Fine, I will believe you, but you should tell her that tho, she is completely smitten by you, I can tell" She gave him a wink and left him alone in the kitchen, thinking about how this surreal domestic nonsense had become his new normal, starting after he interrogated Ashley.
He ask about her alibi, she was at the Deli all Friday, she got an angry text from Jonathan before picking her up at her place where she changed her clothes and went with Y/N to a nightclub at the moment he was murdered, she drove back inebriated to her house, and was too hungover to pick Y/N, the next morning so she called her brother, then she went to work and to pick Y/N at work but she wasn't there, then she drove to pick Jonathan at the airport, waited there for an hour before calling to her phone and then she was told about the incident by Katie Harford.
All of which had been corroborated by security footage and her deli patrons, but at the same time he was not sure why something felt off, he thanked her for the information and drove back to his place, it was late, around eleven, and yet his house was illuminated, she was reading a book distracted.
"Though night DI Hardy?" Y/N asked once he entered and sited on his couch. "I made dinner, don't worry the baby sitter you put down the road saw me exiting the house and escorted me to the grocery store" She said answering the question he was about to ask.
"You are not supposed to leave the house" he said after a while.
"I bought enough food to don't do it anymore" she said defensive and he was about to raise his voice when she add "I'm sorry, I just wanted to feel normal for a change, I know the situation and it won't happen again, I'm very grateful with you for letting me stay here, specially since you don't have to... I'll go to bed" She stood up and he stood up, thinking of grabbing her wrist but instead he call her.
"I can have dinner" he said and walked with him to the kitchen.
"So Ashley told you what kind of monster I am?" She asked while she start reheating the food.
"Quite the opposite actually..." he said distracted "I mean, who do you know I was meeting her?"
"Her best friend says she was attacked, and she is the only one alive to tell what happened, I imagined you'll asked her again about me" she said like it was nothing, but he could hear a little trembling on her voice with some words.
"Maybe you could start doing my job, and I could take some time off" he said and she put a cup of tea in from of him "Thank you"
"Let me guess you are wondering if she is single and you want to ask her out as soon as you get rid of me?" She had a playful smile on his eyes, unlike Ashley her compliments sounded real and sincere. "Don't give me that look you are not made of stone, even if you pretend to be, and she is insanely hot" she said and the way she lean on the table to give him his plate took him of guard, maybe in another life he thought as her face was about thirty centimeters from his. "You wouldn't be the first to end with that dumb look after meeting her" She said and sit on the table with another tea cup on her hands.
And she was right in almost everything, he wasn't made of stone, and Ashley Langford was incredibly beautiful, but the look in his eyes was all because of her.
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@allonsymexgirl @laciesaito @tf18unipups @dazedkrosupreme @timey-wimey-lovi @coffees-and-constellations @ladyaziraphale
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in-tua-deep · 5 years
yooo pls give me headcanons on five being an even younger child. unless you're saving them for fics ofc!!
Actual little kid Five or from the one fic idea I have where Five ends up being even younger than 13?? Regardless, I have a lot of thoughts so I’ll do both!
under the cut bc I can already tell this is gon get long
Actual baby Five - 
I already mentioned my headcanon that as a little kid when his powers were just manifesting, his powers sort of? Acted up just a little? Like he’d get little blue sparks playing across his hands constantly but without actually jumping. And, since touching the fabric of the universe is a bit tingly, Five would just chew on his hands to make the itchy feeling go away. 
Someone suggested mittens like the ones you give kids with chicken pox and I just about died so that’s 100% being added to my headcanons as well. And Five HATES those mittens with a passion and would have yelly screaming fits about them and just bash his mittened hands against the floor in outrage. Absolutely terrible.
Five could absolutely not control his powers at first. So he would just. Jump somewhere accidentally. Sometimes it was a kind of wishful thinking type thing like “hmm if i get up on the counter i can reach the cookie jar” and BAM suddenly Five is up on the counter. Other times it was more just “guess i’m gonna fall through the fabric of the universe and end up wherever lmao” and basically what I’m getting at is he gave everyone multiple heart attacks literally all the time
Sneezes. When Five sneezes he jumps by accident. Just ACHOO and a flash of blue light and he’s gone. Bye bye bitch. It’s involuntary and a nightmare when he gets sick.
Five was that little kid who LOVED to draw. Like he would just sit for hours with a crayon clenched in his chubby little baby fist drawing scribble monsters. Of course after a Certain Incident that included drawing on the walls Reginald Hargreeves banned drawing because it’s ‘childish’ or whatever. There’s a part of me that wants to say that after everything he picks up drawing again as something to occupy his hands that isn’t obsessively working and reworking equations
I’m going to go ahead and assign my own childhood bullshit to Five because why not so I headcanon that Five as a small child would DEMAND to be read to. At all hours. I’m talking literally attempting to pry the nannies eyes open and demanding that they ‘wead to [him]’ in the middle of the night. Most of the time he didn’t even actually care about being read to he just liked hearing someone talk so he was just as content just sitting with them while they chatted to someone else tbh (how did my parents not assassinate me as a kid smh)
and now i’m even sadder about him being alone in the apocalypse thanks
Would hide when he was upset. Also very good at hide and seek. Look this is a big ass house and Five can literally teleport out of a room and out from under watchful eyes I’m saying that he must have been the most stressful child in existence to watch over holy shit but yeah when upset crawls into some small space and hunkers down until he’s less upset. Start checking the cabinets you fools. Can and WILL fit into spots you think are too small for him to fit in. If there’s a larger space behind even he shouldn’t be able to squeeze in, he can jump in so don’t discount those as hiding places as well.
Cheated at tag. Cheated at tag so much. They literally have a special version of tag called ‘five tag’ designed specifically to handicap him because even when they ban using powers he still ends up being way too fucking good at tag like holy shit
okay this isn’t even much of a Five one but as little kids before Reggie decided to go on his “Vanya sucks” crusade they would team up against one another and Klaus was caught in the middle bc he was number four. Luther, Allison, and Diego would squad up (back before Luther and Diego were at each others throats I actually headcanon they were close before powers became a thing) and declare war on Five, Ben, and Vanya and then it became a game of trying to tempt Klaus onto a certain team. Klaus usually went with Five-Ben-Vanya but there were occasions that he was 100% a turncoat. Trust me I had an odd number of siblings this would have been a thing.
honestly though these nannies were dealing with seven kids under the age of four like god damn i have so much respect for them. That nursery must have been a fucking battle zone. There are no sides there is only survival. and these kids have SUPERPOWERS. Hell is empty and all the devils are looking at them with innocent eyes like the entire room isn’t completely trashed behind them. Where’s Five, kids? Where the fuck is your teleporting brother? Six put those tentacles away so help me god you will go straight into time out, do not pass go, do not collect two hundred. NUMBER ONE if you don’t put down that cabinet RIGHT NOW - 
Now i’m thinking about the first time Reginald dealt with one of the kids having a screaming meltdown in front of him. I feel like it would have gone very badly for the kid in question :(
and now for not quite a baby!Five
Extremely salty. Furious that he’s so small. Will stab you in the knees to make you get down to his level if you dare condescend to him. Probably stands on counters or tables when talking to his siblings, but has on at least one occasion hit his limit on jumps and been unable to get down without asking for help. Decides that he lives on the kitchen counter now because fuck that noise
Would rather die than be carried anywhere but if he’s the one to climb on someone then it’s okay. Prefers sitting on shoulders because a) taller, and b) they don’t have to hold him up and he can pretend that it’s entirely his decision
A sleepy bitch. Overuses his powers frequently getting to places he can’t easily reach anymore. Sleepy and grumpy. Doesn’t give two shits where he falls asleep and will sleep sprawled out across the floor, had been stepped on or had someone trip over him before and yet still refuses to stop. Honestly it’s a bit of a roulette whether he’ll wake up if they try to put him somewhere else, with just as much danger implied. Klaus produces traffic cones from god knows where and gleefully surrounds Five when he finds in which… is as good a solution as any tbh
His powers are still like,, almost on the fritz? Like when he was a little kid he couldn’t control them. He can now, but also they glitch out occasionally and his hands are all itchy again because they keep pushing at the boundary of the universe without him even thinking about it and it’s the most irritating thing in the world
His pain tolerance is back to being shit which he doesn’t appreciate. However everyone else freaks out way more than him when he accidentally slices his hand open trying to steal one of Diego’s knives, which was pretty funny
Claire comes over and immediately teams up with Five. No one saw it coming and everyone regrets it except for the tiny duo.
She asks him why he’s a kid if he’s her Uncle Five and he gives her the whole story about him growing old in the apocalypse and coming back etc. etc. and that he’s actually a grown up and he doesn’t think she’s going to understand but Claire just says “Oh, like Narnia?” and Five is like “EXACTLY LIKE NARNIA” and she is automatically his favorite
Claire literally tells Five point blank that he’s wasting his potential. How does Five not know all the tricks to being a brat and getting what you want? Puppy dog eyes first and progress into tantrums my friend. Look, Claire is Allison’s daughter and Allison was manipulative as fuck as a child and Claire has inherited at least some of that
Five’s eyes are fucking OPENED and everyone wishes they would be closed again. Five’s puppy eyes are surprisingly and devastatingly effective, especially when he tears up and lets his little lip wobble. Claire is so fucking proud of her protege
Claire rules the house with her tiny iron fist and Five readily follows her lead. Look, he never wanted to be the leader okay he was content to leave that to Luther and he’s equally happy now to leave it to Claire
The first time Patrick came to pick Claire up Five kicked him in the shins and ran off and Patrick was just very very confused about why Allison’s nephew (cover story, Klaus probably gets to pretend to be his dad again or something) has decided to hate him
Five still hides when he’s upset and now he’s tiny literally no one can find him. The first time it happens everyone freaks out and searches the entire house and after a few hours Grace just pops off and retrieves a now sleeping Five from like, the top shelf in the linen closet or something idk
On at least one occasion has had to be stopped from eating some kind of insect or spider off the floor. It’s like owning a cat or something. For the most part they hate it but one of them (Klaus) has 100% pointed out one to Five like “GET IT” but honestly this could be a headcanon for any age Five
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bakudekuficlibrary · 6 years
hey, can i ask for a fics where bakudeku are texting each other? if not, thank you anyway ;*
Here’s a mini-list of the fics I could find with texting/messaging between bakudeku! Because you specified bkdk texting each other, I excluded group chat AUs. AO3 also has parent tags that include variations of the tag, so many fics with sexting tagged instead of texting came up. We decided to separate those from the fics with just the texting (or the texting and sexting) tags.
- Jay
20 Works.
BNHA Grindr AU No One Asked For by HatakeJory ( E | 70,979+ | 37/50 )
Izuku is a second-year at U.A. and ready for his first relationship so he downloads the gay dating app known as Grindr. He meets pro hero and U.A. graduate Bakugou Katsuki who is looking for a cute boy to spoil, and eventually someone who’s awesome enough to run his Hero Agency with.
Who knows what they’ll find in each other?
I’ll share this with you, so leave it behind by yabakuboi ( G | 3,508 | 1/1 )
For the sake of the story, All Might is never in need of a successor, and, when Izuku saves Katsuki from the sludge monster, encourages young Midoriya down a different path. Thus, Katsuki and Izuku part ways after junior high, as Katsuki enters U.A. and the Midoriyas move overseas. It’s later that Katsuki realizes that there’s something missing, that he drove that something away.
Years after, Katsuki finds him in the last place he looks, in the cereal aisle at the local grocery store of their childhood neighborhood.
[Abandoned] They Say 3 a.m. is the Hour of the Wicked. They Weren’t Wrong, but I Didn’t Expect “Wicked” to Mean This. by Celestial_Hero ( T | 16,085 | 13/? )
Remember the last time you actually slept before 3 in the morning? Neither does Izuku, thanks to the #alwayslit conversations from the hellhole known as the group chat. Where the pizzas are always b o n e l e s s and the shade constant, Izuku wonders what he’s done wrong in his life to deserve the constant salt from the active landfill.
Not Who You Think by SinaBrosLN( E | 6,406+ | 4/? )
Who knew one simple photo of you and your best friend could have your crush messaging you, asking for you to date them! It was too good to be true!
A story where Katsuki thinks Izuku is the cute girl in his profile photo and not the nerdy guy with messy hair.
Smile, Sunshine boy by Abyssale( M | 13,269+ | 4/? )
In another world, in another universe, Midoriya Izuku is born the only child of Toshinori Yagi A.K.A All Might. To protect his little family, he decided to go back to America after a villain attack. In this world, Izuku is not born quirkless, but his quirk can help him to be a superhero. With All Might as his role model, he decided to train, and do what he can to become someone his dad can be proud of.
This story begins some years after this, in California where Midoriya Izuku met U.A. students on a school trip. This is the story of a sunshine boy, who will find friendship, love and other things along the way. It’s the story of a family who can move mountains to protect each other. It’s just another story about the life of Midoriya Izuku.
[Graphic Depictions Of Violence]
Rain by naths( G | 1,335 | 1/1 )
Midoriya woke up to the sound of light rain pattering against the window. Lazily he rolled himself onto his back and rubbed his eyes before he glanced at the clock. 10 am. Bakugou was at work by now. But he had the day off. So he had their apartment all for himself.
He snuggled down into the pillows and pulled the blanket further over him again. If he just stayed a few more moments in bed then that would be fine. He grabbed his phone and checked it for some messages, but the only one he had gotten was from Ochaco and Kacchan.
He opened Kacchan´s first.> Morning Nerd! It´s raining so put on a coat if you go out. Be back around 5 pm. Take care of yourself.Midoriya chuckled to himself and texting a quick reply> Thank you Kacchan, will be. Love you.
I don’t think you care, but do you? by confused_atm( M | 5,577 | 5/? )
Izuku is still scarred from his relationship with Katsuki during their childhood, and maybe they try to fix it. Together.(I’m bad at summaries y'all :’) help idk what I’m doing)!!TRIGGER WARNING!! There is self-harm, but only in like the first chapterThis is rated M bc of ^ and underage drinking uwu
[Self Harm]
Not Worried, but Katsuki’s a Liar by DeathByShyKid( T | 1,781 | 1/1 )
Katsuki tried not to resort to anger, tried to control it, he really did but Izuku was not answering his texts.
He wouldn’t have needed to text him if Izuku had shown up to school like he’s supposed to. By the time he’d already been seated and turned to look at where his boyfriend should have been sitting, Katsuki realized that the brat wasn’t even there. So, he was not worried but definitely shot a text Izuku’s way.
The Domestic Life Of Married Heroes by The_Crafty_Cracker( M | 2,642+ | 2/? )
Izuku smiles at the messages, he adores and loves his friends so very much, of course, he’ll go and help them out-wait!
This was the week that he and Kacchan had specifically placed a holiday in for at their agencies so that they could go out on a few dates and spend some time together without interruption.
But right now his friends need him…
Kacchan would understand, right?
[Abandoned] the space between by ruche( T | 4,707+ | 1/? )
Deku shifted weight back and forth on his feet. “Is it alright if I text you while you’re away?”
“Hah? You already text me.”
Or: with the gift of technology, Izuku manages to bug Katsuki even when he’s in another city entirely and has more important things to do. But alright.
Don’t Call My Boyfriend A Cuck, You Cuck by mearows( T | 294 | 1/1 )
1 New Message Kacchan’s PA: Good morning, Midoriya-san! Please don’t let Bakugou-san near any social media for today. If possible take away his phone and/or laptop. That’s all, thank you! 
Dear Future Boyfriend by peacheszxcx( G | 2,055+ | 16/? )
Dear Future Boyfriend,You probably don’t know even know me yet, so I guess I have to introduce myself. Hi! I’m Midoriya Izuku, your future boyfriend. I hope I could meet you soon! Love,Izuku
It’s Not A Date! by otaku916( M | 3,672+ | 1/? )
“If he doesn’t attack you the moment you walk through the door his dick is broken.” Ochako interrupted, making Izuku and Iida both choke on their spit.
What happens when you have the emotionally constipated, gruff, socially inept guy ask out the oblivious nervous wreck? An awkward disaster of a date that’s what. Go through the pain of first dates, hormones, and running away from your feelings that comes with going through puberty - all while training to be a hero!
The Only One Who Can Receive His Feelings by dracofides( G | 1,744+ | 1/? )
Izuku gains the courage to text his crush to congratulate him on winning the game because he had nothing to lose, but Katsuki doesn’t take this very well and lashes out, demanding his name and purpose. It leads to Izuku telling him a story. After hearing, Katsuki suddenly feels guilty, so he lets Izuku stick around.
They bond.
A BakuDeku Text Story [Encoded like a text message]
“Yeah…” I turned back around and he was waiting for me ( Not Rated | 1,180 | 1/1 )
“Sorry.” I hide my head from his face which was slowly turning into a smile.
“Did you think I’d believe that?” He questioned.
“I didn’t, I know you Kacchan.” My heart ached. Was this lie bringing us closer together?
Fuck yeah.
I just nodded, my face red. He’s the only one who can call me that.
Swipe Right by Cellaira( E | 9,180 | 2/2 )
Kirishima had another stupid idea, and Katsuki had nothing to lose. Then, he discovered a witty, freckled, attractive stranger, and he had everything to gain.
(Like some damn good sex.)
In other words, the Grindr AU no one asked for but everyone secretly needed.
[On Hiatus] dick pic epistolary by animeboybuttsex( M | 10,113+ | 8/? )
Bakugou Katsuki? Needing FRIENDS? pfft nooooo
OR the original “accidental dick pic from a stranger” fic that there’s at least one of in any fandom
told in mostly texts at first
How Am I Getting Out of This One? by AniseTokunaga( E | 3,178+ | 2/? )
“There’s something he wants to try– actually, maybe a couple of things, if he’s being honest…”
Izuku fantasizes about Katsuki; a couple of mistakes in the making might make things more interesting, much to Izuku’s embarrassment.
More tags to be added if/when I update.
Claiming Deku by Kyna_Winchester( E | 8,245 | 1/1 )
It’s been two weeks since Izuku last snuck into Katsuki’s dorm room and he’s growing desperate. Can he make it through a day full of classes with his mind unable to focus on how bad he wants Katsuki?
The Selfie Challenge by errant_rivalry ( E | 3,902+ | ½ )
Frustrated by his separation from Katsuki due to incompatible work shifts, Izuku takes Ochako’s advice and downloads a little app called Snip Pic to help improve communication between the duo.
Things, inevitably, get a little out of hand.
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shirosucc · 6 years
voltron ask game
i havent done one of these in FOREVER but i was tagged by @gayhura​ !! thank u bby 💖💖💖
How did you discover the show?
i always peripherally knew of it when i was a yuri on ice blog. i had one mutual who was super into it but ironically she was a klanti. so i knew kl was a thing, i knew k and l were characters, but i didn’t know which was which. i blacklisted the ship tag bc they bored me and i was thoroughly uninterested in their relationship, which due to its prevalence and popularity i assumed to be basically canon already. one day a mutual rbed this (now deleted) nsfw sk art and i was like damn....... who’s the sexy cow man.... ppl really ship dark haired pretty boy w someone other than skinny green bean boy? so i went on the voltron wiki, learned all their names, started reading some sk fanfic because i was so determined to not get into the show. i was convinced i could just look at the pretty art and read the fic and not watch the show. clearly that was Not True
Was it love at first sight or did it take you a while to get into the the show?
my situation is weird so since i was already invested in the characters themselves (or two of them at least), i was pretty into the show from the very start. season 2 definitely solidified my love, but i was so into shiro and keith’s development both individually and as friends that it didn’t take much for me to start loving the show.
Do you have a favorite episode?
definitely s2e1 (across the universe) and s2e8 (bom). both very iconic sheith episodes. i also REALLY REALLY like s4e2 (reunion)... it made me cry like a little bitch baby even though i KNEW that pidge was gonna get reunited w/ matt. 
Do you have a favorite Paladin?
i really love all of them a lot. i love shiro as a character, and also what he means for representation and what he means for my thirst levels, but ultimately keith is my favorite because i relate to him a lot and feel for him very intensely. i think he’s more complicated than fandom tends to like (ppl generally hate the things they don’t understand and i think keith is a prime example of that in a fandom where fandom needs everything spoonfed to them). i don’t understand the concept of kin (disclaimer: this is not an invitation to send me asks explaining what kin is to me) but keith is the closest i will ever come to kinning a character. i love him. he’s my darling boy. my son. light of my life. my babey. i’ll defend him until my dying breath and anyone who doesn’t like that can die mad about it.
Do you have a favorite Lion? (If it’s different from your fav Paladin, why?)
i like the red lion. you gotta earn her trust. she follows the rules of No Man. i understand that. i respect it. also she flew across space to save keith AND attacked an entire alien base to save him. if that’s not the biggest mood in the world idk what is.
Do you have a favorite Villian?
regular brain: he doesn’t really count as a ‘villain’ but i luv lotor with all my heart and soul. i think he’s a really complex character and i can’t quite figure him out but i think that’s a good thing. people in real life aren’t predictable, and fictional characters shouldn’t be either.
big galaxy brain: acxa............ hot
Do you have a favorite Alien Race? (Recurring and/or minor)
ARUSIANS!!! the arusians!!! they are so cute!!! i also think it’s so cute that a couple of them have designs based on real ppl who worked on the show. they look like tiny little dinosaur babies. i love them.
Favorite side / other character(s)- Rebels, Generals, Blade of Marmora, Garrison, etc?
blade of marmora... i know people LOVE to hate them (especially kolivan) but i am glad that they have a place for keith. i think they’re really really good for him. i wish they would stop dying tho.
How/Why did you join the fandom?
me: im not gonna get into voltron
me after seeing one picture of sk: ok im just gonna look at art
me after exhausting every artist’s sk tag: ok im just gonna read fic
me after exhausting the sk fic tag on ao3: ok im just gonna watch the episodes with shiro and keith
me after realizing that there is no list of episodes just focusing on shiro and keith: ok im gonna watch the show but i wont blog about it
me after watching the entire show in 3 days: ok im gonna blog about it but gen material only and i will never blog about ships.
Care to share your favorite headcanon?
this one will never be canon (dw... why) but original garrison trio keith shiro and matt is my favorite hc in the world. they took away so much from us. we could’ve had it all. is this how it feels to be slighted by an ex. 
What do you think is the best part of the show?
i think it’s really accessible to a wide demographic of fans, and across a lot of ages. younger children who are fans of the show can focus on the fight scenes and cool robots and messages about hope and friendship and bravery. older fans can, among other things, focus on the relationships between characters, and then threaten to kill each other over those relationships. it’s really beautiful. circle of life.
Any hopes and wishes for future episodes / seasons?
please let my little boy (keith) come back from the war (i want to see my little boy)
Do you think you’ll stick it out until the end of the show?
yeah i’m too far gone. we’re in this for the long haul babey. i’ll be walking across the graduation stage at cornell in 2020 being like dam.... wonder if we’re gonna finally get some project kuron resolution...
Tag your friends or someone you want to get to know better:
literally everyone has been doing this i cant keep track but im gonna tag @phaltu @kcgane @bottomnoctis @curdleddoodle @exitlude @nitorai @amaanogawa @sctvrns @nayuhs @kerberosheith and @saltyshiro
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parkjmini · 7 years
dangerous waters (m) | pkjm
fratboy!jimin smut a sleazy fratboy thinks he could get any girl he wants, until he meets you word count: 2774 genre: smut SMUT!! SMUT!! S MU T  warning: sleazy jimin, dom!jimin, explicit language, oral
[a/n]: you’ve been warned!!! this is mature content read at own risk !! this is my FIRST smut EVER !! i apologize in advance if its super bad and super cringe like i have no idea wtf i was doing, i just wrote and props to ppl who write smut bc that shit is hard 
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You had a huge biochemistry lab the next morning, a calculus test right after, and a literature lecture after bunch. Instead of studying for your classes and sleeping early, you were at some random fraternity party that your friend, Hoseok, dragged you to.
Parties weren’t ever really your scene. You were, a lack for a better term, a goody two shoes. You enjoyed staying in and reading. Cafes, libraries, and parks were your favorite places. You were an overall excellent student, almost top of the class with outstanding remarks. You studied whenever you had the chance to, it was the only way you were able to keep up with classes.
You weren’t completely cookie cutter though. Occasionally, you went to parties when workload was minimal and you didn’t despise frats/sororities. Some of your friends were in sororities and you usually went to their parties, not anyone you were unfamiliar with.
However, Hoseok begged you to join him at the campus’ most popular fraternity’s party. That specific frat had the cutest, hottest boys. They maintained the highest number of hook ups in one night and parties in one week. You avoided them at all cost because even though they were attractive, they were all assholes. 
Their parties were usually majority guys and a sprinkle of girls. You were extremely hesitant, but Hoseok wouldn’t stop messing up your lecture notes until you gave in.
“Geez, Hoseok. There are literally no girls here.” You whispered as you made your way to the kitchen. His laugh was barely audible over the heavy music they were playing. 
“They’re probably all upstairs..” He paused and pointed to the closed rooms. “In the rooms.” 
“That’s so gross.” You rolled your eyes and poured yourself a drink. Their fruit punch was spiked and you almost puked at the first sip. “This is gross.”
“Your tongue becomes numb after a few more sips.” Hoseok’s head darted towards the door. A small group of girls from the sorority down the street had entered. “Enjoy yourself, (Y/N).” He smirked before heading towards them.
“Hoseok---” It was too late. You lost your only friend to the crowd. Glancing around, you noticed that people were either drinking, smoking, or dancing. You weren’t really into any of that. You were regretting your decision of showing up.
Suddenly, an arm wrapped around your waist and spun you around. Your back was up against the side of the island in the kitchen. “Hey baby, I’ve never see you before. Is this your first time here?”
His brown eyes were eating you up as he scanned you from head to toe. You pulled the ends of your short dress down, trying to over up as much as your thighs as possible. “Yeah.” You mumbled.
He had a broad chest and his thighs were suffocating in his tight black pants. His arms were defined and bulged out of his white short sleeve. His hot body was pressed against yours and you tried to wiggle out of the tight space.
“I’m Jungkook.” He smiled. 
“And I’m leaving.” You lightly shoved him enough to get his body off of yours. 
“Oh, we’ll have fun. I promise.” His forearm trapped you to the island again. 
“You’re trying so hard, Kook.” Another boy laughed as he walked over and shoved Jungkook’s shoulder. He had fluffy black hair and soft cheeks. He was a little shorter than Jungkook, but shared the same thick thighs.
“Let’s see if you can get this one to budge, Jimin.” Jungkook chucked and walked off.
“How about you and I go somewhere quieter?” Jimin had the sexiest gaze. Something about him reeked of sex appeal. You had self control, however, and shook your head. “A beautiful girl like you shouldn’t be alone at a party like this.”
“You’re right. I should go. I have a lot of studying to do.” You scoffed. At this point, you didn’t care that you sounded like a complete loser. You just wanted to stop all these thirsty boys from mentally undressing you.
“Oh, you’re one of Dorm J girls.” Jimin smirked. How did he know what dorm section you lived in? “You girls are always the hardest to crack.” 
“What?” You almost choked as he ran his hand through his hair.
“How did you find yourself here, baby? They’re rarely ever at one of our parties. Did you come with a friend or did you lose yourself on the way to the study hall?” He was slowly getting on your nerves.
You crossed your arms and tilted your head, adding a little sass to your movements. “I don’t know what stigma your frat or you have against us, but we aren’t just nerds who study all night.” That was ultimately a lie. You knew if you weren’t here, you would be studying.
“Did I offend you? You girls are usually very easily riled up. Did you not do well on a test today?” You weren’t sure what bothered you more, the horrible smirk on his face or the sarcasm in his words.
“You’re a no good frat boy who parties all night and probably got in to college because you have money. Sorry that I’m actually smart enough to get in without daddy’s money.” You rolled your eyes the hundredth time that night. Your heart sank as you saw a curious eyebrow raise. He smiled and nodded knowingly.
“I like the way daddy rolls off of your tongue. That was vulgar, Dorm J. You were really looking to hurt me, weren’t you? How many more vulgar words can I get you to say to me?” He chuckled menacingly. You gasped, not expecting his type of response. A light pink dance across your cheeks as you could no longer put up your front.
“I-I have a name.” You stuttered, your nervousness getting the best of you.
His face brightened up at how small your voice had become, “I do too and I’d love to hear you moan it all night.” 
You cleared your throat at his foul language. You weren’t having any of it. If he said one more thing to you, you’d get too weak in the knees to even stand correctly. You weren’t sure what made him so charming and alluring. It might’ve been the way he was staring at you with his lust filled eyes or how he licked his plumped lips after he sipped his drink.
“Red is a nice color on you, babygirl.” His voice turned raspy and low. He was teasing your natural blush and your hands immediately cupped your cheeks.
“I’m not your babygirl or your baby. You don’t get to refer to me as Dorm J because I fit the stereotype you’ve created. My name is (Y/N) and I’d appreciate it if you treated me like a decent human being rather than a piece of meat.” 
“(Y/N).” Jimin had to say it in the most seductive way. Your heart quicken at how much you loved hearing him say it. “What a pretty name. I’m Jimin. You’re really hot when you yell at me. Were you a part of a debate team?” You were.
“M-Maybe. Why?” Your eyebrows knitted.
“Because... so was the last girl I hooked up with from Dorm J.” He snickered. You crossed your arms and began walking away.
He grabbed onto your elbow and lightly pushed you back against the counter. “Oh, (Y/N), take a joke.” 
“It wasn’t funny.” You grumbled, melting at his touch. 
“You know what is though?” 
You blinked up at his gorgeous face, his plump lips twitched into his signature smirk, “what?”
“That you were still talking to me. You obviously have interest in me too, baby, or you would’ve pushed me off like how you did to Jungkook.”
You gulped. You didn’t think he was that observant. A huge part of you wanted to give up and kiss him already, but the small voice in your head knew he was dangerous waters.
“Why don’t you go talk to some other girls? I’m boring Dorm J and I’m being difficult anyways.” You thought maybe he’ll actually back off this time. You were talking him to his senses.
He merely shook his head, his hands gripped your waist and pulled you closer to his pelvis. “You don’t understand, do you? I like a challenge. I want you. I can tell by the way your eyes keep darting that you want me too, so go ahead, (Y/N). Just kiss me. Show me what a good girl can do.”
His words were so convincing and you can no longer hold in the heat at the pit of your stomach. You dove in, attacking his lips passionately. Your hands were holding his small face as you devoured him.
His hands were eagerly pulling your waist closer towards him, trying to find any friction. You placed your hand on his chest when you felt his tongue enter your mouth. Pulling away, you ducked your head out of embarrassment.
“Let’s go somewhere more private, okay?” He picked up your chin, lovingly. His eyes were incredibly thirsting over you. Jimin lead you upstairs to an empty room. He locked the door and walked towards you.
“I barely even know your name..” You were beginning to doubt yourself, trying to find the small voice to save you.
“You’ll be very familiar with my name by the end of tonight. I won’t let you forget it.” He gently pushed you against the door. Distracting you with a kiss, his hand traveled down to slid your dress up your thighs.
He pushed the tight fabric up until it rested on your hips. He rubbed you through your cotton panties, causing you to squeal a little. His kiss drank up your inaudible noises. Your hands held onto his wrist when you started to feel yourself get wet. You hated how easily your body reacted to his touch.
“Let’s see how wet you really are.” He smirked and kneel down in front of you. His face directly facing your panties. You bit your lip, driving him crazy as you watched him slide your underwear off your hips. 
You were soaked, a string of your lubrication detached from the cloth as he pulled them down. A low growl came from the back of Jimin’s throat as he saw your pussy aching to be touched. “Fuck, baby. If I knew you were this wet, I would’ve brought you up sooner.”
He waited though, trying to see how much longer he could drag the anticipation. Jimin placed your leg over his shoulder and his face came close to your exposed flower. His hot breath panted over your clit as you groaned for him to do something, anything.
“What’s my name?” He asked, innocently. His big eyes waiting for your answer. Jimin ruined you before he actually touched you. You were like pudding in his arms and his sensual expressions killed you.
You licked your lips, and barely made out, “Jimin.” 
He pulled your skin taunt toward your waist and you shuddered a little. “The music’s too loud, I don’t think I heard you. Come again?” He teased. Jimin saw how desperate you wanted him. Your cheeks were flushed and your mouth was slightly gaped open. You stared down at him with hooded eyes and your hand had to grip onto the door handle.
You looked so hot and bothered, it took a lot of self control for him not to shove his face into you. “Jimin.” You said louder.
“What a good girl.” He mocked you, but you didn’t have enough strength to argue back. His tongue licked your clit once. Your body shook and he had to use his free hand to push your waist into the door. He repeated his motion, licking and sucking at your sensitive bud. 
The sensations drove you insane. Your clit was more exposed due to the fact that Jimin was pulling your skin taunt --- a tighter feeling. Your hips fought against the pressure of his hand and slowly grind more into his face.
He was watching you unfold right under his tongue. He moaned at the feeling of your hips greedy for more of him. He started to insert two of his fingers, curling up into you instantly.
“Jimin!” You gasped, the feeling at the pit of your stomach building. You pushed his head up into you more and his fingers quicken, pounding and curling inside of you. 
The more he continued, the closer you were to your high. Your eyes were shut at this point, ready to release yourself. However, Jimin wasn’t going to let you cum that easily. 
He removed his fingers and got up. His chin was covered in your lubrication and he shoved his fingers into your mouth, making you taste yourself. “Don’t you taste good, babygirl? Much better than that fruit punch downstairs.”
Jimin pushed you onto the full sized bed that sat in the middle of the room. He forced your legs open with his knee and settled between your legs again.
“Please, Jimin. Just let me cum.” You whined. A spark shined in his dark eyes and he kissed your inner thighs.
“Maybe. I mean you were being very difficult with me earlier. I don’t know if you deserve it.” He pouted and he held your legs further apart. You whimpered at his actions. “I love your little sounds, baby. Why don’t you call my name louder, so Jungkook can hear you downstairs.”
His tongue slipped into your dripping hole. “Fuck! Jimin!” You moaned and arched your back into the mattress. Jimin knew how to catch you off guard. His warm tongue drove you hysterical, causing your nails to dig into the sheets.
He savagely ate you out, as if he was starving. Jimin was excellent with his tongue, he knew how to work it. The thing pushing you to your edge were his stares though. He never broke eye contact when his face was bury into your pussy.
His orbs were dark and sexy, silently observing how he got you all worked up. His groans mixed with your airy gasps and the room grew hotter with every passing minute. He licked you up and down, flicking quickly at your throbbing clit. 
Jimin’s fit his fingertips into your hole, only allowing you to feel just enough. He pulled them all the way out, then aggressively back in. He repeated this motion, along with his rapid licks. “Uh, shit. Babygirl, you’re so wet for me.”
“I’m so-- close.” You exhaled sharply, your body shuddering at your approaching climax. At your warning, Jimin’s arms hook under your thighs and pulled you closer to his face. His nose was pressed up against your skin as you felt every hard, desperate lick. His hooded eyes watched your crumbling figure in front of him --- a new scene he couldn’t get enough of. 
“Cum, baby, ride my face. Let me taste how good you are.” Jimin chanted on and your hips shamelessly grind against his warm muscle. 
“I’m cumming, Jimin! Oh my--!” A beam of white blurred your mind as the intense pleasure began to rip through you. 
Your eyes were beginning to flutter shut, but he wasn’t going to allow that. “Look at me when you cum.” 
“Oh fuck.” You looked down at him, his face being squeezed between your shaking thighs. The sensations of his moving tongue rippled up your system and his brown eyes made you cum hard. 
You pulsated against him, your heat unraveling from a tight ball in your abdomen. The feeling of ecstasy and release exploded throughout your body, making it practically unbearable. You’ve never felt an orgasm that intense.
Jimin helped you ride out your high, until you absolutely couldn’t take the sensitivity anymore. He grabbed a napkin and wiped you up gently, an act that fluttered your heart a bit.
“That was fucking hot, I’ll admit.” He chuckled beautifully as he handed you your panties. Your eyes landed on the obvious tent in his pants and you cleared your throat.
“I guess I’ll get going now. I’ve got a lot of studying to do, right?” You taunted and pulled down your dress. Jimin let out another chuckle at your ridiculous attempt to mock him. 
However, you wanted to see him again and hoped that this ploy will get him to want to see you again as well. The dominance shifted, the tables have turned. 
“You owe me big time, Dorm J.” He groaned, a little mixture of sexual frustration and confusion. You seductively waved goodbye before joining the rowdy party again, leaving a rather flustered, yet aroused Jimin untouched. 
[a/n]: ok but forreal tho that gif is just so fitting w this im dying i love that gif || 
next part --> power trip
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jamest-kirk · 7 years
Okay (btw i love that mcspirk one) but maybe with idk, space sirens? Like they attack the ship and as siren they should have to pull them out in space and let them die (and they eat them too i guess) but jim/bones siren can't because the other is very attractive so they sort of save the other's life (maybe through a kiss bc those who are kissed by sirens can breathe in space?) And optionally some other sirens maybe try to eat/kill them anyways but the other fights them off and all?
Sirens don’t work like most predatory creatures roaming space. They don’t attack humans or other aliens outright, instead they’re much more like vultures. Waiting for others to attack, and then picking off the scraps. Luring doesn’t work so well when nobody hears you through the thick walls of space ships. With humans in Klingon territory, that’s usually very easy dinner. Humans in their own, not so much. And sometimes, when hunger strikes enough, sirens will attack those smaller supply shuttles.
Jim is part of the group that attacks two small shuttles on their way to bigger ships, like the Enterprise. Jim’s seen it pass multiple times. The lights, the speed, the pure size of it magnificent. But these vessels won’t ever make it there, because his family is breaking the shuttles apart and dragging victims outside.
He doesn’t usually think twice about it, until now. His eyes find Leonard immediately, when the hole in the shuttle drags his body outside and tumbling into outer space. Jim is quick to get to him, but something stops him from his usual habit. Leonard looks at him, eyes dark and angry - not even necessarily terrified. Just intimidatingly mad, and somehow, Jim feels like he needs to keep this man alive. He doesn’t know why yet, but it’s a gut feeling. And so he reaches out, cupping Leonard’s cheeks, and he leans in to kiss him.
“What. The fuck?!” Is the first thing Leonard shouts at him, and Jim smiles fondly at him. “I saved your life,” he says. “Like hell you did,” Leonard says, and Jim tries to stifle a laugh at how helplessly the other floats without Jim holding on to him. Humans are weird that way. “Why can I breathe here?” “The same way fish breathe in water,” Jim explains. “… No,” Leonard replies. “Yes,” Jim says. “I’m going to die here,” Leonard mutters to himself. Around them, nothing but some debris from the shuttle, and otherwise a whole lot of nothing. “You’re not going to die here,” Jim promises. “And if I die,” Leonard continues, blatantly ignoring Jim, “so will hundreds of others. I can’t believe this. Fucking space.” “Wait, what are you talking about?” Jim asks. “I’m a doctor, damn it, I was traveling to a ship that would take me to a planet suffering a bad epidemic.” “Well,” Jim says slowly, “shit.”
Leonard’s arms are strong around Jim’s shoulders as Jim swims - or flies, however you’d call it - through space. It’s not unpleasant, but the odd feeling in Jim’s stomach is guilt, and maybe the excitement of having something to do other than simply surviving. If he can get Leonard to that nearby ship, then maybe he could still save all those people. And if that meant never seeing this man again, not having him as his own, then so be it.
They do get Leonard back on a ship, but not the way Jim had intended. Leonard uses his comms to signal the ship, and to beam just himself aboard. But when he mentions Jim’s a siren, Jim gets beamed on board, too. The sudden surge of oxygen around them makes him gasp for air, though his body is quick to adapt to it. What he’s not adapting to, though, is the force pushing him down to the ground, arms quickly tied behind his back. “Wait,” he hears Leonard call out, “Jim’s not harmful. Let him go.” But they don’t, and Jim’s knocked unconscious.
He wakes up in a small room with zero gravity and little oxygen, more accomodating than the ship itself, but it’s still a prison. Theres even a guard in front of the glass window, doing his best to ignore Jim when the other knocks on the glass. “Please,” Jim says, “I just wanted to help. Let me go.” “I cannae,” the guard says, a weird accent Jim can barely understand, “we have our orders.” “I will die in here,” Jim says. “No you won’t, the captain’s delivering you to the collector.” “The what?” “It’s like a zoo,” the guard explains, though that doesn’t really explain anything to Jim at all.
“Leonard,” Jim says when the doctor comes to see him. “Are you okay?” Leonard asks, but Jim shakes his head. “No, Leonard, I don’t want to be here.” “I know,” Leonard says, “I’m sorry. I’ll see what I can do for you.”
Jim doesn’t know how long he’s been there. Must be a while, because every time Leonard visits him he’s wearing a different outfit. He does his best to try and persuade the captain of the scavenger ship to let Jim go, but apparently Jim is worth some good money. At least the guard, Scotty, is nice. Gives him most of the meat on his plate and chats to him about building things. More ships, and stuff like that. Jim is still miserable, but in the presence of these two men, a little less so.
“How are you doing?” Leonard asks, “are you holding up alright?” “No,” Jim says, “Scotty explained to me what a zoo is. I don’t want to be put on display, Leonard. I don’t… This is what I get from saving your ass. I should’ve just eaten you.” “Why didn’t you?” Leonard asks, and Jim shrugs. Hesitates, before he answers. “You were beautiful.” Leonard looks at him blankly for a few seconds, then; “What?”. “I thought you were beautiful,” Jim says, “eating you would’ve been a waste.” Leonard sighs, quiet for the longest time, and then he bangs his fist against the glass dividing them, hard enough to make Jim jump. “Damn it,” Leonard curses, “fine. Ima smuggle you out of here.”
The roles are reversed, now. Jim’s arms are tightly around Leonard’s shoulders as the other carries him through narrow corridors. Scotty helps them, for no reason other than the goodness of his heart. Also partially because their plan is to escape in a small cargo ship, and Scotty wants to fly it. Doesn’t really like his job here, anyway, he says. And thankfully, Scotty knows just which corridors to take, who to avoid, and how to get to the docking station relatively unseen.
By the time they fly out, they’ve shot a few people, but no one rang that alarm. Not yet, but Scotty suspects they will, soon, and he sets course to hide the ship amidst a meteor shower. “Are you nuts?” Jim overhears Leonard yell at Scotty. “They won’t look for us here,” Scotty says. “Because we’ll fucking die,” Leonard counters. “I know how to fly a shuttle, doctor! We won’t crash.” Though he’s barely finished his sentence when they do hit a rock nearby. “Starting now,” Scotty finishes his sentence.
The scavenger ship passes the meteor shower without looking at them, and Leonard lets out a relieved sigh. “I think we’re in the clear,” he says, sitting down next to Jim, and he gently squeezes his arm. “Where do you want us to drop you off?” “Well, where are you going?” Jim asks. “That planet I mentioned before, they still need help. After that, back into space, probably.” “Can I come with, when you go?” “I mean, if you want to,” Leonard says. “Then yes, I’d like that,” Jim says. Leonard helps him up towards the exit of the shuttle, but he makes sure he’s secured tightly himself before considering opening that door. “Thank you,” Jim repeats, and he leans in to kiss him. “What was that for?” Leonard asks. “Just making sure you can breathe in space, when that door opens,” Jim says, throwing him a small smile. “You already did that.” “Hmm,” Jim agrees, hands on Leonard’s cheeks and he shamelessly repeats his actions. “Again?” Leonard asks, though Jim smiles when he feels the other’s arms around him. “Maybe one more time,” Jim says, “just to be sure.”
80 notes · View notes
phantomjai · 8 years
Do all of em hunty!
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?
Partition, this town, What’d I miss, castle on the hill, Satisfied, take a break
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
Either Lin Manuel Miranda, Queen Elizabeth II, or Obama..ngl
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
“ ... bling the Aztec an dInca capitals. And because much of the land did not seem suitable...” (its from my history textbook)
4: What do you think about most?
Food and sleep
5: What does your latest text message from someone else say?
“I’m Outside”
6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on?
Like both? I sleep in my underwear
7: What’s your strangest talent?
I can flare my nostrils really fast
8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence)
Girls are hot af and I love them. Boys are cool sometimes.
9: Ever had a poem or song written about you?
I don’t know my dude
10: When is the last time you played the air guitar?
In the car today
11: Do you have any strange phobias?
I don’t have any strange phobias, but I have normal ones like the Ocean and shit
12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?
No but Mel (you) shoved a fucking raisin up my nose once
13: What’s your religion?
Don’t got one
14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
Walking to class or enjoying the sun and laying on the ground.
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?
I don’t have one, but I like P!ATD, One Direction, and others
17: What was the last lie you told?
That people are ugly
18: Do you believe in karma?
19: What does your URL mean?
Oh my god, okay so I do not remember what my first one was, but my bff made one and I took her name and added not in front of it
20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?
I hide all my emotions, and I can like believe what I believe and will fight people that don’t
21: Who is your celebrity crush?
Umm... Anton Yelchin was (and still is)
22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
Yes :(
23: How do you vent your anger?
I don’t I suffer
24: Do you have a collection of anything?
Pop Figures, Mugs, Kakashi related things
25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
Video Chatting online
26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become?
Kinda? I mean I am gayer
27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?
I HATE THE SOUND OF WHISPERING (and I don’t know why), Fire crackling
28: What’s your biggest “what if”?
What if I can’t be a lawyer
29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
Yes and Yes
30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.
Air, I am over my desk (but right next to my Kakashi drawing).. The wall
31: Smell the air. What do you smell?
Nothing (thank god bc usually its my roommates farts)
32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to?
A rest stop in Nevada
33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast?
East, born and raised 
34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?
(What is gender?) But Daveed Diggs 
35: To you, what is the meaning of life?
Doing what you love
36: Define Art.
Being able to describe what you create
37: Do you believe in luck?
Yes, but I am stupid unlucky
38: What’s the weather like right now?
It feels good for being in Florida
39: What time is it?
12:16 am
40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?
I do drive and I have never crashed
41: What was the last book you read?
My history textbook
42: Do you like the smell of gasoline?
43: Do you have any nicknames?
Jai and Perci
44: What was the last film you saw?
La La Land and it was good
45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
I have a scar from my dog, I almost broke my wrist ice skating
46: Have you ever caught a butterfly?
47: Do you have any obsessions right now?
48: What’s your sexual orientation?
I like everyone
49: Ever had a rumour spread about you?
Yes, but I don’t care what it was
50: Do you believe in magic?
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
52: What is your astrological sign?
53: Do you save money or spend it?
54: What’s the last thing you purchased?
I helped my roommate buy chicken subs
55: Love or lust?
56: In a relationship?
haha no
57: How many relationships have you had?
58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
No my dude
59: Where were you yesterday?
Up at UF with Keely
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
my cherry blossom tree
61: Are you wearing socks right now?
Yes and theyre mixmatched
62: What’s your favourite animal?
Red Panda
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
I dont have one
64: Where is your best friend?
In her bed, in london, and one is at UF
65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr.
enough-to-go-around, sonic-rush-hour, prussiabombastic, okayseesee, kejianmin
66: What is your heritage?
White af
67: What were you doing last night at 12AM?
Sitting in a room with people watching One Punch Man
68: What do you think is Satan’s last name?
69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off?
70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?
71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?
72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
Yes I tell everyone, go to Europe, I would be upset that I couldnt do everything I wanted to
73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love.
74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
Hedwigs Theme
75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number?
76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?
Trust, caring, compassion, understanding
77: How can I win your heart?
buy me taco bell
78: Can insanity bring on more creativity?
ehhh not really
79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?
I went to the college I wanted to
80: What size shoes do you wear?
9-9 1/2
81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone?
fuck idk something man
82: What is your favourite word?
83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.
84: What is a saying you say a lot?
“will you shut the fuck up about sex”
85: What’s the last song you listened to?
Ummm the game of thrones opening
86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours?
Silver, black, teal,
87: What is your current desktop picture?
A picture of space
88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?
oh my IDK
89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
if my mom asked me my sexuality
90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?
Leave the room bc they probably smell
91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?
92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?
Hanging with Jamie again 
93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
Seeing my cat die
94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?
If by sleep you mean lay in the same bed with then.. idk man
95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
96: Do you have any relatives in jail?
my uncle on my moms side I think
97: Have you ever thrown up in the car?
YES, I went to california via car like 2 years ago and  I had a stomach bug
98: Ever been on a plane?
No :(
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?
Do what you want to do, fight what needs to be fought dont let your dreams falter because someone said you arent strong enough
0 notes
crqstalite · 5 years
pt. 4, off duty.
this and thek’s chapter took the longest because while i enjoyed their romances (aric n mako) they also took a higher place on my favorite romances, and aric was actually the first ever companion i had (i started playing in 2011 but never got past the prolouge), so i wanted to do him some real justice. in all, i think for the trooper companions everyone ends up getting their spotlight (bc i’m really bad at writing other companions unless you’re the first companion of the class or the love interest) bc i love the trooper companions. the story could’ve been better, but a 8/10 for me.
small tw : anxiety attacks.
written : 6.29.19. published on tumblr : 7.6.19. word count : 3,956.
════ ⋆★⋆ ════
character song : hooked on a feeling, blue swede
character file : major hakiojkl hyperion of the republic army
An odd word for a Major of the Republic Army, more so for the Commanding Officer of Havoc Squad.
But somehow, she’s technically (supposed to be) the definition of that word right now.
Or she should be. But, the reports from other cells of the Army are calling to her, and it’s now candlelight hours, a definition once told to her by an officer on Coruscant, and in Tanno’s words, meaning she should be sleep by now. She doesn’t think she’s gotten that far, filing a few away for presentation to Garza in the near future, but her eyes are drooping as she moves on through the mountain of work.
Of course, the Thunderclap is silent as they move slowly in the vacuum of space. Elara had been busy at work on some reports earlier in the day, but Hakiojkl had politely asked her to enjoy herself during their few weeks of leave. Tanno and Yuun had also attempted helping her file them away for a later date (Yuun helpful as always, even if he didn’t fully understand them, but Tanno still trying, futilely, to get her to do some R&R with the rest of the crew), but she’d sent them away as well. M1-4X was going through some of his own updates, so he was in a low-power mode all day. (Tanno made fun of him a few times before getting bored and residing to the storage room) Everyone slept somewhat peacefully, except for her.
Aric had been the most persistent though. She’d tell him to leave, he’d come back five minutes later to help her. She’d tell him to leave again, firmer, he’d come back again. While it wasn’t frustrating, four eyes were better than two, it’s was her job, not his, to finish these and keep a standard of order and punctuality. Not to mention that like the others, she didn’t know how long it had been since her XO had taken a few weeks of leave himself, even though he’d been with her the longest.
He’d given her a disgruntled look at the idea before leaving for the last time fifteen minutes ago, “If that’s how you want it.” Before pressing a kiss to her temple.
Maybe that’s why she hadn’t gotten anything done since he’d left. Her face still burned from the interaction just thinking about it. Hakio wasn’t good at loving, and she knew it. Jonas’ advancements made her uncomfortable, and she’d shook them off like water. But something about Aric made that cling onto her. He wasn’t flirtatous, whatsoever, and in the beginning seemed to be jealous of her new position as his CO. She’d assumed he would always be like that, and nothing she did or didn’t do would make him more willing to follow her.
But somehow, they’d ended up like the ‘star-crossed lovers’ from the holodrama she used to watch with her sisters as a child. They weren’t moving fast, and that’s how she liked it, but even just having him around made her feel safe, protected with him by her side. When these feelings had first surfaced in her, she panicked. It was wrong to feel these feelings for your squadmate, especially someone that you shared a ship with. You had nowhere to run if things went bad, and if that was the case, whenever they were alone with you, you could be killed, or worse, handed over to the Empire without a second thought.
It wasn’t practical.
Romance was an impairment.
Growing up as the youngest of six girls and three boys, she’d seen her fair share of romance. It sometimes was small, and bloomed into something more beautiful, like with her oldest sister, Quinne and her husband, Niko, and sometimes it was hot and passionate, like with her brother Tyqin and his husband, Yuvi. As they all got married off before she left for military training, often her sisters would try pairing her off with the boys around her age, which always went worse than intended. Josie, her youngest brother attempted pairing her off with girls in his grade, which ended in Deandre leaving her because she couldn’t put up with Hakio always been at the Army camp.
It wouldn’t have worked in the long run, and she figured Deandre was only with her to get closer to Josie. That or to be the gold digger she turned out to be once she married Josie.
Unlike other girls, she’d never gotten that pulsating heart feeling, her face didn’t go red seeing anyone shirtless, male or female. When she’d eventually been promoted Sergeant and subsequently transferred to Ord Mantell, she’d just resigned to accepting she was ace. And that was okay, it meant there was no rushing home to someone because you’d been out all day saving the galaxy, it meant no having to share an apartment or a room, and it definitely meant not having to try and impress your partner with MREs because you couldn’t cook (that was primarily based off an offhanded comment Aric had made, and it was halfway true with Hakiojkl herself).
But the Cathar had weaseled his way into her heart somehow. It kept her from focusing, even on her better days. She’d never admitted to anyone about it, even her siblings, who made it their job to call every other day, even if they didn’t know that another sibling had called her just a day before.
Her eye twitched at the thought of it (or it could be the caffeine she’d had today). She was gonna have to have Elara begin blocking her siblings’ holocalls one of these days, they were getting more distracting than Jorgan.
“I’m not in love, am I?” she whispered under her breath, eyes scanning over the datapad’s bright light, stylus in her mouth as she made a movement to stretch. Closing her eyes, she yawned as her shoulder popped, relief flooding into her body. Eyes open again, she was ready to begin working once more, but instead her eyes locked onto Aric’s.
He’d been standing behind her with a cup of something steaming as she yelped girlishly, something she hadn’t done in years while in the military. He was also startled, as she must’ve been so deep into her work (or her own thoughts) that she hadn’t heard him come in. “Jorgan!”
He restabilizes the drinks and places them down next to her on the desk, a mischeveous grin crossing his face as he sat down next to her (she hadn’t bothered putting away the chair he had been sitting in before, knowing he’d just be back). “Sir, permission to speak freely?”
“Stars, yes, permission granted.” She’s trying to calm her racing heart, not uphold protocol right then. Whether because Aric was in private quarters right now or because he’d startled the Force right out of her (if she was force-sensitive), she figured it was a combination of both.
“Thought you were sleep in here for a minute, brought you something.” The cup was warm as she sipped at it, as she immediatly relaxed from the adrenaline rush. Well, it was still there, her face hot and heart racing. But, she smiled, it was a thicker drink she’d enjoyed back on Hoth when they’d been stationed there with Yuun. However, Aric hadn’t been with her then, Elara had joined her. She’d make sure to ask how he knew how to make it later.
Glancing over at him once she’d had her fill, she put the cup down. “Thank you, Jorgan. But if I may ask, why do you keep coming back? I told you I had this.”
He considers his words before speaking again, “Major, you’ve been working on these reports for the last three days of leave. I figured if you wouldn’t listen to anyone else, you’d listen to your XO, sir.”
“Yes, I’m fully aware of that, Captain.” She hadn’t been aware how long she’d been working.
“Elara believes you haven’t slept in those 72 hours, sir.”
“How does she know that?” Elara, perceptive as always must’ve noticed how clumsy she was getting around the ship, as she’d spent the first half of the day nursing a bump on her forehead and bruised ego for running into one of the Thunderclap’s walls. She hadn’t slept in a couple of normal sleep rotations though, she knew that. She figured any medic would know the signs of exhaustion.
“Didn’t say.”
They’re both quiet for a bit as she continues with her work, words swimming and formulas disappating as the night wears on. He doesn’t say much as they work side by side, where they’re at their best. It seems like whether on the battlefield or on the Thunderclap, everything faded away except for the task at hand when they were together. Aric had her back, and she had his.
Always would, she hoped.
However, maybe another hour later, her grip on the tablet is loosening, and Aric picks it up out of her hands and puts it down on the desk, looking up from his own. She doesn’t fight him as she leans back in her chair, blinking away the awaiting exhaustion. It’s like she’s missing pieces of the night, she can’t even remember whether she’d eaten before coming back in here after helping Yuun and Elara with something. Something she couldn’t remember right then. Crossing her arms and lowering her head, she was beginning to blank on the day’s events.
“Hmph?!” She’s dozing off once Aric lightly shakes her awake as she flails, jolting up and mildly confused as she steadies herself, scanning the room for any sort of danger. She’s out of it, completely. “I’m awake what’s-”
Aric’s grinning and she must’ve grimaced because it disappates. “Nothing, you fell asleep for a moment there and I figured you should sleep in a bed, sir.”
“Oh.” Danger averted, she guessed he was right. Sleep was calling, and her body desperately cried to answer. “Yes, of course.”
Stumbling out of the chair like a drunkard, her legs almost gave out beneath her, after not standing in so long. Aric stood in a split second, helping to stabilize her even though she made a weak motion to wave him off. “Stars, I’m not a child, Jorgan.”
She could almost hear his thoughts contradicting that statement, but figured she wouldn’t say anything else. He paused, as she made a motion for her storage closet, where she kept most of her clothes when she wasn’t wearing her armor. She desperately needed a bath, a nice run through the 'fresher, maybe a hat afterwards but definitely a shave, the fuzzies on the top of her head were coming in fast now. But just as that thought crossed her mind she turned back around. “I’ll be alright now, thank you Captain.”
“Yes, I’ll be out of your hair, sir. Good night.” He left, as she considered the white shirt she’d thrown off. It wasn’t even hers, she figured she’d know her clothing (It didn’t have Dorne written on where the tag should be, and she’d know if it were Yuun’s or Vik’s.), but it seemed she had been wearing Aric’s and he hadn’t mentioned it. No one ever made a big deal if you wearing someone else’s training shirt during drills, you were sweating and working out so no one cared as long as they got washed.
“For the record, you kiss like some people punch.”
After that episode in the weapons locker, she’d left the situation between them alone, and Aric seemed happy to leave it that way. She didn’t even know whether she remembered what he said correctly, but it had left her feeling like she’d done something wrong. Out of all the endorphins she felt, her main thought was 'Are my kisses supposed to feel like punches?’
A fleeting thought led her laugh at the idea of calling one of her sisters. If they knew, especially if Voonie knew, she’d either have Aric’s head or come down to the Thunderclap herself. She figured having no advice was better than having biased advice.
In that moment, she decided on just tossing the shirt back on and leaving the room, bare feet and all. It hadn’t been that long since he’d left, and she got lucky as he was just passing by the holocom in the middle of the ship as she nearly tripped over herself on the way down the stairs. (Hadn’t been the first time, thank the Maker that only Yuun had been on the ship that day, or Tanno would never let her live it down. Nor would Aric, but he’d be more discreet about his jestering, as would Elara.)
She wasn’t sure if he had heard her first or just…sensed her coming down the stairs (probably the former, Hakio enjoyed the 'going in guns blazing’ aspect of being Havoc Squad, not being an ace in stealth), but he turned around before she crossed the few millimeters between them. “Major?”
“Aric, you once said kissing me felt like a punch, didn’t you?”
He paused, clearly thinking over his words before responding. Even though her nerves were shivering in the darkness of the Thunderclap, she felt hot as she waited for his response. “Yes, I did.”
She doesn’t allow him another sentence as she steps to connect them both. She keeps that comment in mind, but she figures she’s less forceful than the first time. He seems surprised for a second, but he doesn’t pull away, instead melting into her. Her siblings always seemed to have a description for kisses they experienced, but for now, Hakio had none. It was just, euphoria. She felt nothing and everything at the same time. It’s one of the few times neither of them is in combat armor, so his hands are bare as they seem to just know to rest his hands around her waist, and without durasteel covering her, she could feel as it happened. A strong grasp keeping her in place as she tried her best to not shiver through the experience.
He doesn’t let her go once they do pull apart, quietly gasping for air in the dark of the ship, his face illuminated by the low-power of the holocom. “Better?” She whispers, questioning.
“Still feels like a slap on the wrist.” He chuckles lowly before kissing her again. “But, I’ll take as many slaps as you’re willing to give.”
She decides not to comment on the lude innuendo. This is the closest they’ve been since then, out of sight of the others and not in the middle of combat. This is the safest she’s felt since, well at any point in her life, maybe the exception being with her family. He’s strong, she’s known this since the days she’s caught him with his shirt off by accident (Elara’s made it a mild concern how Vik and Aric walk around the ship shirtless after drills, but at the time, Hakio made it a backburner issue and responded she could do the same if she wanted.), but it was different with his arms actually around her. He’s soft, and while she can’t describe it, so is his fur. Makes her want to run her hands through it.
They’re both breathing hard, trying to remain together as Hakio finally let herself go. As if all the anxiety of never loving before was taken away by Aric himself. She smiled as he leaned his forehead against hers, standing in each others arms, neither ready to let the either go. The fears subside, for now, but they scream to be let out again, expressed.
“Yes?” She whispered in response. She lifted hers to meet his emerald green eyes that softened at the sight of her, every time she walked into the weapons locker.
“I love you.”
She freezes for a second. No one has ever said that to her but her own family, so it’s a new thought to connect loving to someone that didn’t share blood with her. For a moment, all the fear and anxiety floods into her, feeling as if an attack is coming on again. Her heart is racing, too fast, her palms are becoming sweaty and she feels dizzy. But not in the way her siblings ever described to her. It doesn’t feel right, and it scares her.
“Hakio?” He seems concerned now, placing a palm on her cheek. She’s willing back tears as she tries to re-align herself with the situation at hand. Throwing caution to the wind is beginning to have it’s toll on her, and she’s afraid of so many things if they truly become involved, romantically at least… “Are you alright?”
“..Y-yes.” A few sneaky drops of water snake their way down her cheeks.
“You clearly aren’t.” He loosens his grasp around her waist, taking her hands in his. “Hakio, talk to me.”
“I’m fine, Jorgan.” She’s not fine. She’s hoping he doesn’t notice how she employs his surname instead of his first name, but he does.
“Hakio.” His voice takes on a warning tone as she looks back up at him, nearly sniffling away tears. Blast it, this is embarassing, she’s supposed to be the hardened Major of the strongest Special Forces unit in the known galaxy and here she is crying because she doesn’t want someone to care about her and get hurt.
Emotions really do get in the way.
“I’m afraid then.” She’s worried he won’t hear, but he’s very clearly listening. “Aric, if you and I get…'involved’, what if I die one day? What will you be left with? What if Garza transfers one of us, and I never see you again-”
“Hakio, breathe.” Somehow he’s well-versed in the attacks she’s had. None have been particularly this bad, or this intimate, as they keep their voices low, the others sleep only a couple of feet away behind a closed door. But he knows, and she follows his advice. She’s calming down, but the fear gnaws at her. They’re real fears, things she never wants to face, a world without Aric. “Whatever happens, happens. It’s business as usual Hakio, and we can’t control that. And y'know what, that’s okay. I’ll still love you, and I figure you love me, even if I haven’t heard you say it.”
She nods as he brushes away another stray tear. “You got it?”
“I got it.” She whispers as he goes in for another kiss. “I love you, Aric Jorgan.”
“And I love you too, Hakiojkl Hyperion.”
Somehow, she and Elara are working together the next day, mostly Hakio fixing up some of the ship’s life support systems while Yuun is out and just talking together. She and Elara gained a sister-like relationship while working together, and they trust and enjoy one another’s company to just end up spending a whole day together without ever explaining to the crew that. Not as well-oiled as she and Jorgan, but Elara has definitely been added to the small family Havoc has become.
“Major, permission to speak freely?” Elara asks as she hands Hakio a hydrospanner.
“Permission granted, Elara.” She says, rubbing her forehead before continuing with her work. The dark hairs trying to grow back are a reminder that she needs to shave again, or face the consequence of looking like a spiky plant until she gets a small afro again.
“Can I ask you about something?” Elara questions, handing her another tool as she ties her hair up. “Something…personal.”
“Of course.” She says, with one tool in her mouth and the other in hand screwing in the last part to an upgrade on the medbay’s cot. Squinting, it’s almost in, just about…
“I saw something that I didn’t fully understand last night-
Not unusual. Well, maybe a little. ‘Less a beast from space had wandered onto the ship during the night-
-It’s about your relationship with Captain Jorgan.”
The screw falls onto her eye as Hakio screams out a profanity, hitting her head on the cot, just barely rolling out from underneath it, Elara wincing as she tried to get a good look at the damage the cot had done to her Major, taking her face into her hands to inspect. “I’m sorry, I know it’s none of my business and all.”
“How much do you want to know?” Hakio asks, one hand covering her eye as Elara let her go. Damn, it stings like a bitch, and she wasn’t planning on explaining anything until she and Aric had discussed more. Elara wasn’t meant to see anything either, which is what concerned her more. How much had she seen of last night’s encounter?
She kept herself from dragging a hand down her face and groaning.
“Nothing! I didn’t intend to ever find out that way, I figured you’d tell me when you were ready.”
Elara Dorne has to be the most understanding and polite woman Hakio had ever met. Asocial her ass.
“I’m not hugely curious, really. It was partially obvious to the untrained eye.” She chuckles, and Hakio figures she’s accidentally blushed to cause a reaction from the ex-Imperial. “No offense taken, but it seemed you always chose the Captain over me in the early days. After overhearing his stricter nature, I originally figured you were trying to impress him, but as months passed, I learned you were, in a way I wasn’t expecting.”
“Wasn’t expecting?” Hakio questions as she nurses the second head-bump she’s had in two days as she listens to her Lieutenant.
“Not exactly.” Elara’s in thought for a moment before continuing, “I saw you as my CO when I first arrived from Taris, just a smidgen kinder than Kalor. But eventually, I realized you were nothing like him. You cared for your soldiers, each and every one of us, and you approved every request I ever made towards you, where Kalor would surely refuse. However, you were a strong woman, and I’ve met other per se, 'warrior women’ like you. None I know of ever married.”
“Elara, I’m not married-” She cuts herself off from the inevitable 'maybe’ Elara may respond with.
“I know that, Major. But the way you interact with Captain Jorgan, even around just Havoc, I find it cute. I would never inquire what you do behind closed doors,” Hakio busies herself with tinkering some other gadget to avoid looking at Elara, as she’s sure her face has gone a brighter red than it should against her darker skin, “But I think you both make a fine couple.”
“Thank you?” It turns into a question near the end as Elara hands her another tool as she returns to work on her datapad. “Thank you, I mean, for understanding.”
“Oh, of course, Major.”
“Hm?” Elara questions as if she didn’t hear right.
“You heard me, Lieutenant. My name is Hakio, I suggest after two years you use it.” She lifts her head from her gadget to look at the blue-eyed woman as a small smile graces her lips. “I think of you like a sister Elara, and sisters don’t use their sister’s titles to address them.”
“Oh. Of course, Hakio. Did you by any chance finish the reports that the Marshall sent it?”
Hakio groaned. “No, I almost fell asleep last night at my desk while Aric was helping.”
“It’s not that big a deal, really. I was just curious. You are on leave.” She pauses again before leaving the medbay. “Did you and the Captain sign Form 3578-K?”
Hakio is very close to banging her head against the wall if Elara brings up another thing she didn’t finish last night because of her panic attack and general exhaustion. Elara chuckles outwardly, “Just put it on your to-do list, Hakio!”
Hakio shakes her head, halfway smiling and the other half of her blushing madly. Would he sign it with her? She didn’t know, maybe she’d wait for him to ask.
Walking past the holocommunicator, it alerted her there was a message waiting to be played. Must’ve been a broadcast, or whoever was calling would’ve called her personally.
oh i also took some liberties with how the trooper ship is laid out,, bc while writing this i thought the captain’s quarters was across from the cockpit. it’s not :/
but for now i guess it is lol. i also adore elara dorne, and i intend to play her romance through at some point ;) but for now, she’s like a sister to hakiojkl, and helps her with more feminine things bc who are we kidding hakio’s a dumbass to anything that doesn’t include a rifle.
0 notes