#but then i watched a second time and wow
lexkent · 4 months
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ricky-mortis · 5 months
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Ok but Agent Curt Mega with long hair though?
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zukomysweetbabyboy · 1 year
the idolizing iroh -> being suspicious of iroh -> thinking iroh is full of shit pipeline
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compacflt · 1 year
can i just say that I'm haunted by the image of Ice wearing "one of Mavericks cheapest rolexes". One because of the mental immage of Maverick being the kind of men who not only owns multiple watches but also Rolex, which is absolutely delightful, because oh the quiet vanity of that. And two because of the implied and groundbreaking (to me) domesticity (and defiance of the not talking/acknowledging the thing between the 2 of them) of wearing another person watch. I'm screaming into the void about your brilliance. So I need to ask, do they do that on purpose (before the mission) in a sort if roundabout way of acknowledging each other presence in their life? What would Mav wear that belongs to Ice (apart from that USNA ring eheh)?
pilots/sailors/doctors etc who do high-level specialized work with their hands tend to really be Watch Guys. and “cheap” rolexes (sub $7k ish) are actually pretty affordable if you’re making >$150k a year and want to treat yourself every fifth christmas or something. source: know several sailors & doctors. ALSO the watch ice is wearing in his famous gay plane photoshoot is actually a rolex. So theres some evidence ice at least is (annoying, ostentatious, bad with money, and) a Watch Guy. Maverick’s also wearing a kickass chronograph in TGM so i think he’s also probably a Watch Guy. also… you know, status symbol, honor, et cetera et cetera…
they probably wear each other’s socks because in-regs socks all look the same and they’re both men so who cares. i also hc that they’ve always worn the same size in shirts so each other’s t-shirts are also free game. and was very confusing at the start of their relationship when trying to figure out whose shirt was whose after a midnight rendezvous. lots of accidental shirt mixups. and, yeah, each other’s watches, because most people only see the status and don’t see the detail, and most people aren’t around both ice and mav enough to recognize that “omg last month adm kazansky was wearing the same omega chronometer capt mitchell is wearing today!! theyre totally together!!!” so if ice buys a new watch and maverick salivates over it, sure he can borrow it, whatever. and i think there’s a scene in wwgattai when maverick wears ice’s pj pants hold up lemme find it
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“in bare feet.” now wtf does that mean. that could use a rewrite.
ice also wears mavericks leather jacket when they’re on their baseball date in debriefing. at some point when you live with someone long enough your stuff becomes their stuff which was the point of this graf
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thinking about it… trying to decide if they’d wear each other’s cologne. that seems like a little much. no i don’t think so.
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edge-of-nowhere · 1 year
One fun thing about bg3 vs dragon age games is that in dragon age, I can't think of a single character I didn't like off the bat, or at least wasn't vaguely interested in. Like yeah some of them are jerks, ogrens a little annoying sometimes, they all do bad things, but they're all easy to get attached to, then it's later on that some make decisions that hurt or disappoint you. But with balder's gate? I genuinely disliked several party members immediately. They were uninteresting, mean, annoying. But you keep playing, and you learn about them, and suddenly you realize they've grown on you like fungus and they have very deep and cool lore and thought and emotion and you get to slowly see them open up!! Both are so much fun!!!
Then again I've barely started my bg3 playthrough so who's to say ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
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boxwinebaddie · 3 months
hello nina nation! sorry for the radio silence, but i’m running around at my new job a lot ( which i LOVE btw! i spend all day with the littles and hand out lots of ice pops to overheated kids and get drawn lots of pictures! ) so i fell asleep v early yday by accident.
pls note that i am working on my asks and am very excited about them ( there is an important lore one i’m stoked to finish aaa i’m taking extra time on it )
…i just ( smh ) keep getting distracted thinking about how iconique the When Worlds Collide HCU / Ravesey / OJV / Ewily/RSB stan-kyle swap crossover episode would be like it would go SOOOOO HARD GUYS
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frecklystars · 2 months
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hey girl...........................
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sskk-manifesto · 9 months
I used to think “I only watch bsd for Akutagawa” was a joke but I'm starting to believe it's not a joke anymore
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compressedrage · 3 months
part 1 is right here, we left off after the backstory segment :)
*ahem* This one is gonna be hefty, prepare for a long read
(Rage from the future here, good gravy did this one get long) (heheheh have fun)
We fast-forward to the present. King as released a destructive beam into the Nether. Purple flies in from the side, decking him in the face and sending him flying. He grabs the staff and hovers in place.
King hits the ground, surrounded by the CG and their allies, and the shadow copies he created. The shadow copies vanish in a flash. King gets to his feet and immediately makes a run for Purple. Purple appears to be in shock; he doesn't do much to defend himself or the staff. King is fended off by the CG and their allies until they force him down.
While he is restrained, Purple tries to undo the damage King has done to the Nether roof. The staff only sparks; it doesn't work.
The Titan Ravager destroys its shadow copy and lumbers towards king, intent on killing him. Yellow steps between them, backing up a bit in the process. This allows King to snatch Yellow's staff and throw everyone off of him.
The battle resumes, but King manages to reach Purple and strike him with Slowness III and Weakness III (while boosting himself with Strength and Speed). Purple falls like a stone, and King once again is in control of the Icon staff.
He descends, forcing the group to fall back. (Note: Green dragging Purple back from where he fell is such a nice detail) He hits them with a blast of rock and they go flying.
Especially the Skeleton. Who goes soaring right into Herobrine. Herobrine catches him and seems to expect some sort of explanation. The Skeleton gestures down, where the Enderman and the Spider remain in the realm of danger. (Herobrine's relationship with his students is so wholesome actually, someone help me)
King traps the Enderman and the Spider, but pauses as Herobrine levitates towards him. Menacingly. King responds in likeness.
Pardon me as I freak out a bit but Red's reaction here. He knows what Herobrine is capable of, but he's also seen King's destruction first hand. Whatever is going to happen in this fight isn't going to be pretty.
King sends out a flurry of attacks; darts of obsidian, a wave of fireballs– but Herobrine dodges them all before striking him down to the ground, where he teleports the Enderman and the Spider away to relative safety and continues to barrage King with precise hits.
The fight continues, each attack more swift than the last. King creates shadow copies and stone structures with Herobrine obliterates; Herobrine conjures an army of Steve copies that King avoids by flying upwards.
he can only avoid the army for so long. They surround King with tridents and arrows and Herobrine calls down lightning– but he blasts them all away and fights the army with bursts of bedrock.
One of the Steve copies get sucked into the Icon staff. King and Herobrine paused, if only for a moment. The army presses on, but King has a new weapon his disposal. The Steve copies are sucked into the staff and within a moment King has Herobrine himself caught within range.
Herobrine fights against its pull, but it's too strong. He struggles. Red steps forward, almost unconsciously. Herobrine yanks himself out of the staff and into Red.
Red's body jerks as he goes limp and begins to levitate. Herobrine is in control now, and it's beginning to look horribly familiar to the first time he possessed Red. A giant figure of obsidian is formed around Red's body, and it overpowers a shadow copy of the Titan Ravager easily. Yellow and Blue try to jump into the fight, as it seems like the tide might be turning... until. the Titan Ravager is sucked into the staff and they fall to the ground.
King has the Skeleton by the throat and he tries to fire one last arrow– he misses, and is caught by the staff as well. The Enderman and the Spider see this happen to their class-and-teammate. For a moment everything is still.
Until Herobrine/Red launches back into the fight, wielding a giant Netherite sword that King had created before. he slams King into the obsidian, striking him again and again with blows of Netherite.
King deflects one, sending it straight into the obsidian surrounding Red's body and shattering it. For a split second Red hangs limply in the air, before King swoops in and knocks him around and then into the ground. Herobrine reforms the obsidian figure, but King knows how to break it now. He breaks down the defenses bit-by-bit until he has Red's body by the throat and drags Herobrine out. Herobrine does not go without a fight, but in the end is sucked into the staff. (holding intense eye contact with King the whole time, which is kinda funny tbh)
Red drops– Purple catches him behind King's back.
With Herobrine gone, this turn desperate. Green and the Spider attack; the Spider is taken. Orange and the Warden lead an attack; in the process the Enderman is caught. King separates Orange from his friends and catches the Warden, who throws Orange to safety before succumbing to the staff.
Green, Yellow, and Blue land beside Purple and an unconscious Red, and Purple snatches Orange from the air as he flies backwards.
King flies up and lifts the staff. With no one to stop him, he sends a beam up towards the growing void space in the Nether roof. Power erupts in a bright fiery laser beam.
Things begin to be sucked into it. The Nether portals, the worlds through the Nether portals. Everything floated up and disintegrated.
Back in the Nether Red has woken up; clearly tired but ready to continue the fight. With Purple at their side they race forward, determined to stop King.
But their attempts so little more than annoy him. He throws them off, leaving him with Orange. He directs the beam directly at Orange and Orange begins to glitch. He loses his footing and flies back. he lands back with his friends, all of them glitching badly. Orange the worst of them all.
Red– oh so brave Red– stands back up and runs. Towards King, towards the beam. Alone. He dodges the beam and actually manages to land a few good punches to King's face; but King simply grabs him and forces him down into the beam. By this time Green has caught up, and he tries to help but is thrown into the beam as well. Orange leaps onto King's back but is unable to stop him from blasting Blue away. King grabs him and pushes him into the beam and away.
Purple and Yellow enter the fight, but Purple is hit away immediately. King looks up for a split second, almost as if he's a little startled to see him. But he refocuses on Yellow, pulling him of off him and dangling him into the beam.
The CG land back where they started, glitching even more severe. Green tries to get up but can't.
Purple stands. And begins to walk towards King. Green reaches out to stop him. In the background a strain of his clarinet plays, desperately. Purple pauses, but continues resolutely. His violin responds in the score as he does so.
King is still sending out the beam. Purple leaps into flight, but is intercepted by King blasting the beam into his face. His elytra flies off and disintegrate; Purple lands back on the ground and slide backwards. It's becoming too much– the glitching, the power of the beam. He himself is beginning to disintegrate.
King doesn't stop focusing the beam at Purple– and alarm sounds in his head. He shakes it, confused, until it blares again.
The night Gold died. He struggled forward, losing bits of himself– just like Purple.
King makes the connection between the two. He looks down at Purple, still reaching out to him even as his arm disappears.
Purple can't hold on any longer and it thrown back further into the beam. King suddenly realizes he's going to lose him.
He drops the staff. It lands with a thud and he runs full-tilt along the path of the beam. He runs faster and faster, and as he runs he thinks of Purple. Of the times he pushed him away and abandoned him.
King leaps into the beam. Purple disintegrates just as he reaches him, and King is sent up into the void space on the roof.
Back down on the ground, the CG run to the abandoned staff, still sending out the beam. Touching the melded Icons only results in sparking, and slamming it on the ground doesn't do anything. But Orange gets an idea. He grabs the staff and starts running. Without questioning him, the rest follow. They make their way through the Nether, the environment being destroyed around them. They jump from floating chunk to floating chunk, eventually finding the group of Piglins Blue befriended.
But even with the help of the Piglins, time is running out. The Nether is being destroyed. Over time they lose the Piglins to the void, but they are forced to run on.
They reach their own Nether portal. The one that leads home. It's floating in the air, threatening to be sucked up with the rest of the dimension. Running out of room to move, the CG use the last of their strength to direct the staff towards the portal and get Orange up there.
He reaches the portal, as the void is closing in, and hits it into the veil.
The world goes white.
King walks through a white void. Coming across a visage of his old house, he enters. It is devoid of its earlier mess, only containing a few items of furniture.
A drawing begins to show itself on the wall. It's go himself, hand-inland with Gold. Before everything went wrong. In now time the drawing shows just that: a representation of Minecraft inhaling Gold. The drawing of King collapses, before blowing up huge and intimidating, the crown on his head. He attacks the Minecraft block, punching it relentlessly.
King watches as figures begin to appear on the block: mobs, hostile and peaceful, and then the CG. After a moment Gold appears. King reacts in confusion, but startles as the drawing of himself continues to attack the block, this time using Gold. He hits the wall, desperately trying to get this to stop.
The drawing of Gold transforms into Purple.
King hits and punches the wall, finally breaking through in a burst of glass shards. There, in a dark void, lit by a spotlight, is Purple. Huddled up and surrounded with pink petals.
King runs to him.
For a moment Purple looks up and sees his father. Until King grips him into a hug and pulls him close. Purple reciprocates as the world fades again.
Back on the PC Orange bursts through the Nether portal in a blinding flash of white. The staff separates itself from the melded Icons, and things start to restore themselves in the world of Minecraft. In a split second everything that was sucked up into the beam is sent back; the blocks, the mobs, even Herobrine and the rest of the CG. Also Rueben. Can't forget him. Red is very happy to see him.
The Icons warp; they were never meant to meld like this, and they break apart in a sudden frenzy. They land harmlessly beside Orange after a moment, and Purple and King fly out of the portal into the Nether, still locked in an embrace.
They get up, all eyes on them. Orange emerges from the portal as well, and runs in front of his friends– just in case. Purple and King stand up, and Purple slowly approaches the CG. Unsure. Rueben accepts him though, so they move to King. King removes his crown and drops to one knee. Orange accepts his apology with a handshake, and Purple pulls him upright. King sets the crown on Purple's head before remaking the original command block staff and restoring the Titan Ravager's family. King then hands the staff to Yellow, who is extremely happy to accept it. Blue reunites with the Piglin tribe, and Red greets his teammates. Orange says goodbye to the Warden, and Red gives it his yellow headband. Herobrine's school has a new student, and Red's new friends have a new teammate.
Green and Purple chat a little, and Purple sets the crown on Rueben. They all hug Purple, who hugs them back. (someone save me, I'm dying)
Purple suddenly reaches out to King, who appears to be leaving. They shake hands solemnly, and King offers for Purple to come with him. Purple accepts, and waves goodbye to the CG. They all wave goodbye as Herobrine teleports him and his students back to school. (I assume)
The Piglins say farewell, and gift Blue the thing he had gone to the Nether searching for in the first place: Netherwart. And some fungus, but he feeds that to Rueben.
The Cg go through the portal and emerge on the other side. They're finally home again. But there's still something to be done. Orange picks up the Icons and hands one to Red. Red emails himself to alexcrafter28, and returns the Icon. Orange restores their own Icon to its rightful place on the taskbar.
After everything, they share a meal. With Blue of course spreading the Netherwart eveywhere it shouldn't be.
Anyhoo it deserved a long post, there is so much to cover in just one video. And this was only half of it! And it resolved so much!
The emotion and tone is perfect, and the way everything wraps up nicely in the end is just *chefs kiss*
I will be making posts talking about specific things relating to this episode, such as one about Red and Herobrine (!!) or maybe one about Green and Purple, but for now I can safely say I'm finished with the King arc.
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carcarrot · 3 months
this time last year i was probably sitting in the kitchen while my dad started making an early dinner of chicken bolognese trying not to get too nervous about the concert i'd be going to in a few hours
#the nyc concert was last year. LAST YEAR .#thats so insane like yeah that feels like a year ago but good god the insane amount of stuff that has happened since#but god i remember that day so well#it was cloudy and a little rainy in the morning which made me ough thinking it was a bad omen and wouldnt be as fun#and i remember going to library and printing out my silly letters (i should have just. not done that lol)#and on the DAY OF on the way back home from the library#i even bought a cropped black blazer specifically for my concert outfit. havent worn it since lmao#and my dad and i even watched a movie at lunch#a short movie but a movie nonetheless. lol and even then i was like oghh my gosh excitement and nervousness#and then the car service getting there i felt so fancy and as the drive started the clouds were magically dissipating#so that it was a nice clear evening when i got to the theatre#and then all the insanity of the show. god i cant believe it still after all this time. wowie#going to listen to a playlist of the show setlist im gonna get emotional now. guys........#one of my fave memories is how everyone started standing up as they went into so may we start so i was like ok are we all doing this#and stood up too and then stood for the entire rest of the concert. i think the first 3-5 rows were like that for the whole show#surreal and insane i was front row. those guys were REAL and CLOSE#i was also very excited to notice russells new shoes :) when i wasnt like awooga (how i was 99% of the time)#there was one so may we start jump that was well. yeah. front row baby#i think after latte i was like ok i cant film i gotta just vibe#religious experience doing the 'ah ah ah's during that. really interesting#ok im not gonna go through the whole show again but wowie one of my most insane nights. second only to hollywood bowl#wow what a fun year it was. just so many incredible moments#ok yay 💖 happy one year to all that. love those guys so much#spars#ok not actually done beaver o lindy was INSANE LIVE!!! AS WAS EVERYTHING ELSE. so fun ok now done for real
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a-tear-in-the-veil · 10 months
So, was anyone going to tell me that Shadowheart spares/saves Aylin in the gauntlet without interference/convincing or WAS I SUPPOSED TO FUCKING FIND THAT OUT MYSELF???
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sherlock-is-ace · 5 months
#oh wow...#i just had an oh shit fuck moment#wow#i usually complain about the one therapist i had in my entire life and how she wouldn't just listen to what i was saying#if it didn't fit her textbook definition of whatever she was thinking at the time#and how i talked to her about my anxiety and how that made me feel and she would only focus on how i acted#so the example i gave her was the one time i went into a shop to buy something by myself#because my mom didn't want to go in for me and arguing with my mom in front of the shop in public and then inevitably have to#go in myself either way was way worse to me#because of the embarrassement of arguing in public. the fact that my mom was gonna spend the entire walk home telling me how i have to#''just suck it up and learn and just overcome my anxiety because i don't have a problem'' or whatever#and then having to go into the shop where the lady had been watching me from inside the entire time how i clearly didn't want to go in#and possibly be even more awkward with teary eyes because of the anxiety and awkwardness i already bring to the table any day...#all of those things that were going inside my head were trumped by the fact that i did go in and did buy what i needed#although my heart was coming out of my chest the entire time... all that didn't matter to my therapist because in her words:#''if you had anxiety. you simply wouldn't have gone in''#which is ridiculous#but anyways... i just had an epiphany... that was masking wasn't it?#forcing myself to do something that brings me major discomfort to make my mother and the shop lady not judge me?#pretend i'm a normal human being just doing normal things instead of someone who's about to have a heart attack buying embroidery thread?#panicking the entire time because i wasn't prepeared and hadn't scripted the entire transaction in my head?#yet still going in and putting on my ''normal person'' mask to try to seem like i wasn't just dying seconds ago (and still was)?#isn't that literally what masking is?!#and the ''autism specialist'' ass therapist was like ''if you did it then you don't have a problem''#when i'm literally telling her how much of a problem it actually WAS?!#you know what's the best part about all this#that when i told my mom after i left that therapist that she didn't listen to me because [insert everything above]#my mom's response was ''well sometimes therapist will say things that you don't want to hear but you have to accept them''....#same woman who's always saying how much she hates therapists because they ''will say whatever and pretend they know shit''#ok so it's only The Truth when I tell you it isn't...
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aroanthy · 9 months
me and the worstie watching the cycle continue as direct result of our actions we have complicated feelings about together <3 on a more serious note, no one ever talks about how touga is present In The Arena for nanami’s duels and i think we should fix that. it’s sort of an unhinged detail that reveals so much about the kiryuu sibling dynamic and also i do just think it’s funny (agonising) that anthy and touga have to stand in the arena together like 😐
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[ID: a shot from episode 32 of the anime ‘revolutionary girl utena’. in it, anthy and touga stand side by side, watching nanami’s second duel with utena (off-screen) with unreadable expressions. /end ID]
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lavenderjewels · 1 year
the best part about naoya is seeing him get murdered not once, but twice
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thedrotter · 5 months
sweet sweet re:kinder community... I would like to ask y'all how you came upon the game and your experiences with it because i wanna know. im genuinely so curious to hear about other people's experiences and little opinions about this game because of how wild the game is (/pos) I'd love to hear it. do ramble to me about it
#re:kinder#not art#so in my case i once saw someone talk about it in a video and some scenes with the very vague context really struck with me#i was like wow...that is so sad... i wonder what goes on#but the thing is i watch videos talking about games like that ALLL THE TIME while im multi-tasking so i FORGOT FOR A YEAR?!?!?#until one day i was sick in pain on my bed could not move. and then it came to me. yes. “RE:KINDER. I SHOULD PLAY IT.” LIKE OUT OF NOWHERE#i will never understand how i dying of pain remembered a game i saw once BY NAME AT LEAST A YEAR LATER when jve heard of so many games#and you wanna know why it stuck with me. i saw in the video an image of the “as if id be reborn as a princess” line#i did not know the context but it was devastating#AND WHEN I PLAYED THE GAME when that scene game i was shocked to silence😭😭 BECAUSE I BASICALLY WENT COMPLETELY BLIND??#I DID NOT KNOW THE LITTLE KID WOULD BE THE ANTAGONIST???? AND THAT HE WOULD HAVE SUCH A SAD STORY??#like. i saw the sad coming i knew it was bound to happen yet i could have never been prepared for how hard it would hit me#I HAD TONS OF FUN but at first when i finished it i was so confused and so lost i was like welll.....what a game... TOO STUNNED FOR WORDS#then i thoughr of it for 20 minutes and bawled my eyes out and realized it was art#so when i got to my second playthrough i CRIED LIKE CRAZYYY😭😭 I WAS BLOWN AWAY IT REALLY HITS YOU#personally it admittedly hit close to home and while it made me bawl my eyes out it was also very comforting i felt very understood#AND IT WAS CRAZY FUN TOO i was not bored once the first time i played through it i was sleepy but i was so excited to keep playing😭😭#its funnt becayse i was initially apprehensive about playing cuz im sensitive to stories where sad things happen to kids#but i played it regardless because i was like “but what if its one of those scary media that hit close to home and i enjoy”#AND I WAS RIGHT. BUT NOT ENTIRELY BECAUSE I DID NOT THINK IT WOULD HIT AS INTENSELY AS IT DID😭😭 IT WAS MYCH MORE THAN EXPEVTED#many ways in which it impacted me but if i started listing them i would not shut up . so for now it is enough#IN SUMMARY WOW.. WHAY A GOOD GAME!! PLAY RE:KINDER!!!#i rambled more than i intended to i do apologize
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boxwinebaddie · 4 months
How/when does Jersey end up saying I love you?
oooooh! okay, so i was going to write it out ( i am jennifer slowpez so in nina fashion, i am spoiling it, what's new? ) but there is a part after this...if we remember this ask i am obsessed with where raven is diabolically patching jersey up via the tiny child sized hellokitty carebear bandids kyle bought for the kids he works w in the elementary school via that one anons delicious input...genius really.
*raven vc* pero like, so you know, they pull away it's awkward fml. dawg, they are about to *dreamy fit asf rm tolkien posh british vc* have a cheeky little snog like that entire whumpshot...anyways!
kyle notices that the vinyl record player is playing their sadie hawkins first dance song ( idk what song it is but its an abba song because thats gay rights baby! its probably my love, my life or andante andante...branch in my eyes ) and theres a bowl of skittles, but only the red ones are in it...because stan still eats around the red ones bc only kyle can have the red ones....brb crying!
yadda yadda yadda. and i think on the tv, the screen is paused over a brand new episode of say yes to the dress ( if we recall, before i deleted chapter six...which was a disaster but also a masterpiece rip, ravenstan was being so boyfail cute in it in his armani suit and was rizzing the hell out of kyle with his crunchy boy knowledge of plants...when stan came over for their #hate fashionably late, kyle was stress-watching say yes to the dress...which is his favorite show because he claims to be allergic to romance, but secretly thinks its really beautiful that people can fall and love and get married...AAA )
but anyways, when they start dating say yes to the dress ( shoutout to when ravenstan forgot what it was called bc adhd and called it Are You Down With The Gown ) became their show and kyle very quietly is like "were you going to watch it?" and stan getting nervous, trying to deflect because they always watch it together is like uhuhuhHhHh and kyle, sad laugh shaking his head is like "baby" *yersey swearing* "dude...baby dude...my guy...just guy, fuck, you know you can watch it without me. we're not...Together. *hurts worse than his ribs* you don't have to wait for me." and stan is like "i-i know. i was going to...i-i Wanted to! i just--i couldn't. i couldn't watch all the people in...."
Love :(
he doesn't say it. but jersey kyle can FEEL it.
he winces. hard.
he wants to fucking die...he wants to say something but he's so stupid and he ruined ravenstan's life, words fail him but STAN!!! grabs his hand and is like "-because! because i knew it would make me miss you. and fuck it. FUCK EVERYTHING KYLE I FUCKING MISS YOU!!!! i miss you and i LOVE you and i don't--i don't care if you can't say it back! i don't have to wait for you, but i WILL! i want to! i'll--i'll wait forever! YOURE MY FOREVER. people tell me they love me everyday, but with you--i can feel it. I. Just. Know. and that's enough! you're enough. YOURE ENOUGH, KYLE BROFLOVSKI. just the way you are. and i'm sorry...i'm sorry i pushed you and tried to change you. i was just, i was insecure about it i guess--and--and--"
cue kyle smiling like an idiot ( the rare kyle smile ) like "...stan?"
ft. stan still yapping smh like "oh my god, i miss you SO much! curb only got into the trash because you weren't here to remind me. and i had pasta from this five star restaurant the other day and oh my god, ky. it was TRASH! yours is so much better! and-and i think i broke the washing machine earlier, oh my god, it sounded like an explosion, i can't find anything, i--"
kyle...literally still trying to get stans attention smh going
"stan? hey? stan???? Stan???"
stans still yapping btw ( oh my god when he is passionate the man never shuts the hell up hes like rambling himself into a corner ) like "and theres this new exhibit in the aquarium and theres this huge red fish in it and i wanted to send it to you and be like 'this you' but were fighting and I HATE FIGHTING WITH YOU. can we stop fighting? :< i miss you. will you please come home? curb misses you, i miss you, i--"
*jersey vc* STANLEY MARSH!
*stan doing the wide flustered doe eye thing with the lip ring lip bite combo that makes kyle like actually criminally insane with love feels*
speaking of...
he leeeeeeeeeeeeeeans in...
gently grasps ravenstan's face
and says
and i quote...
"Te amo." <3
-uncle nina, gratuitous undivorcer of ravesey style
#i'll edit the tags in a second#but is everyone happy#theyre in love again#i promise#*impastor craig vc* by the power vested in me i now pronounce my beautiful gay sons that i tortured for half a year#Undivorced ;-; <3#I CAAAAAAAAAANT BELIEVE IT#no one get used to it im still gonna have them do miserable break up things and create drama dont worry about THAT#BUT I CANT BELIEVE JERSEY KYLE SAID I LOVE YOU#I AM SO PROUD WOW THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL#now i can write the jersey kyle Can say i love u meme#( which is my favorite ask meme its so funny ily robot kyle )#he is like...i have so many feelings...i am excited? frightened? ex...frightened?#I CANT BELIEVE JERSEY KYLE SAID TEEEE AMO#SMILE PENDEJO NATION WE ARE SOOOOO BACK!#is anyone else crying or is it just me is it just jersey and raven and me and curb and the entire internet#UR WELCOME! YOU ARE ALL NO LONGER CHILDREN OF DIVORCE! TIME TO REJOOOOOOOOOOOICE YALL#*passes out The I Survived The 2024 Ravesey Divorce And All I Got Was This Stupid Teeshirt stupid teeshirts*#my sons in love my sons in AMOR bitch!!!!!!#that rizz was crazy also this was too happy so pls note they quite licherally almost smashed but kyles bones are broken#NOT THE ONE THAT MATTERS THO but he did still get stanbanned by sexy nurse raven lamE#*teri vc* at least he'd die doing what he loves...LITERALLY!!!#i admire his dedication like i too would risk it all to get risque and frisque with ravenstan but no they just#watched say yes to the dress and fell asleep on the couch#The End <3#everybody chant NINA!!! NINA!!!! NINAAAAAAA!!!
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