#but these two lines ’if you loved me then why’d you leave me? take my body oh take my body’ are so clearly Arthur
lunajay33 · 1 month
Change Part.8
Summary: Y/n is a loner but loves ballet but her family doesn’t have enough money for her to dance at the studio, Daryl is a redneck who hates people and prefers bikes, until one day these two run into eachother and their lives change drastically, will Daryl toughen her up? Will y/n soften Daryl? Or both? How will things go when people start coming back from the dead
Pairing: Young Daryl Dixon x f!reader
A/n: This is going to be a series, it’s gonna start with how they met eachother and their lives before the apocalypse, eventually it’ll blend with twd story line!!
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After the events of yesterday the world seemed worse, if that was possible, the gore of blood and death, the screams still echoed in my head and not having Daryl around brought me back to feeling weak, like when I could protect myself against Jackson
“Ya okay Angel?” I looked up from my spot on Daryl’s bike as everyone around us finished packing up their belongings for our drive to the CDC, hoping to find sanctuary there
“Oh yeah I’m just……I don’t know D so much has happened lately I just don’t know how to handle it, I’m scared” his hand rubbed up and down my arm reassuringly
“I’ve always got ya, you and our lil ballerina, I know this ain’t what we wanted but we’ll find a home again” his words eased my worries just a bit
“Ya still haven’t told me how ya got that bruise, it’s darker now” he asked gently tracing the purple and yellow bruise that blotted along my chin and jaw
“Oh that….i was down by the water yesterday trying to ease my aching legs and umm….Ed came he wouldn’t leave me alone and well this happened, thankfully Shane was there before he could do anything worse” I could see the anger rise in his expression
“It’s lucky that sum bitch is dead or I woulda killed him myself”
“Can’t say I’m upset about how he died, but of karma in my opinion” noticing him unclench his fists and sigh knowing I hate when he gets upset because he always gets so worked up and it’s not good for him
He ran his fingers through my hair grazing my cheek
“I haven’t gotten ta tell ya how beautiful ya look, why’d ya cut yer hair?”
“I just wanted a change, thought with everything going on it would be better with short hair to deal with”
“Daryl you ready to go?” T-Dog asked from across the way
“Ya we’re ready” he loaded the bike in the back of the truck and we were all off on the road headed to the CDC
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After hours of driving we finally made it, the sun was setting and the walkers were closing in but thankfully someone above answered our prayers and opened the doors, quickly making our way inside, Daryl’s hand never leaving my hip making sure I was in his grasp the whole time
Jenner showed us around, Daryl brought me into one of the rooms closing the door shut as we both slumped down on the bed
“God what a day” I sighed rubbing my belly
“Ya got that right sunshine”
“Wanna take a shower with me, it’s been a while” I smirked walking to the bathroom doors
“Ya don’t gotta ask me twice”
The feeling of his strong arms wrapped around me resting on my bump as the warm water rolled over us felt surreal, amazing
“I missed this, did this almost every night back in the old house” he groaned into my shoulder
“Me too, remember how nervous you were the first time we showered together, you were so cute” I laugh as I run my hand back through his hair
“I ain’t cute woman”
“Mmmhmm sure”
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I had just gotten home from a late shift at the dinner, huffing as I threw myself on the bed kicking off my shoes letting my sore feet breath, my family was gone on a trip not having even invited me, not like I’d wanna go anywhere with them
Then my door bell rang, groaning I got up and answered my mood immediately brightened seeing it was Daryl
“D! What’re you doing here?” I asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist bringing us both back into the house
“Missed ya, I know how work gets ya stressed and all worked up”
“Well you certainly made my night better by coming” I said leaning back seeing his little smile that always made my heart jump
“Have ya eaten?”
“Not yet but I want to take a shower first”
“K I’ll wait here” I went to head to the bathroom when I stop with an absurd idea, turning back to him
“Actually do you maybe……I don’t know, shower with me?” His face exploded in red but he slowly nodded following me to the bathroom
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After showering we got in more comfortable clothes and went down with the other for a proper meal, Daryl had fun actually letting loose around the others, it was nice to see
Helping him back to the room he slumped on the bed immediately passing out, that night we finally had a peaceful sleep knowing there was no walkers getting in this time
Waking up in the morning to see Daryl was already gone, probably eating his weight in food from the hang over, I changed back to day clothes noticing my tank top was rolled up my belly more, I must have popped that’s when I heard alarms going off, my moment of appreciation for my little baby was gone, short lived like every fleeting moment now
Running down to the main room seeing everyone gathered, quick to get to Daryl’s side
“D what’s going on?”
“The damn generators are empty this place is gonna blow and that sum bitch locked us in here!” He yelled
This can’t be the end, no please not yet, there was still so much
“We need to find a way out I can’t die, YOU CANT LOCK US IN HERE” I screamed panicking now, Daryl held me against his chest as I cried
“I’m gettin us the hell outta here” he took an axe and started smashing the door barely making a dent
With some convincing Jenner opened the doors, Daryl grabbing my hand quickly running off the the entrance, getting out and back in his truck again before the explosion
“I can’t do this Daryl, all this stress it’s gonna kill me” I hiccuped from all the crying soothing my hand down over my belly
“Hey don’t speak like that, I know it’s hard but we gotta keep goin just a lil more sunshine”
“Just a little more”
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Taglist: @pinchofthetwd @bigbaldheadname @strawberrykiwisdogog @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @l0kilaufeys0n7 @deansapplepie @tesfayera @daryldixmedown @secretsicanthideanymore @superbowlisgay @pollito-chicken @shadowrose13-blog1 @absssposts @writer-ann-artist @dgeckobones @twisteduniverse5 @heidiland05 @lettersfromyourlove @minnie-min @severelykinky @mordilwen-of-mirkwood
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greynatomy · 9 months
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katrina gorry x reader
based on this request.
harper’s gonna be a big sister!!!
part 1 part 2
You and Harper are at the store, buying things for Katrina for Mother’s day. It isn’t until tomorrow, but you wanted to get everything ready.
The next morning, you woke up extra early, leaving the comfort of your wife’s embrace, successfully not waking her. You walked to your daughter’s room, rubbing your hands up and down her back.
“Wake up, Harps. We gotta make Mummy breakfast.”
“Mmm, no.” She stuffs her face closer to the pillow.
“It’s Mother’s Day, remember.”
Harper sits up, gasping, suddenly wide awake.
��Mother’s day!”
You carry Harper on your hip to the kitchen, hair all over the place.
“What should we make Mummy?”
“Uh, pacakes, eggs, bacon.”
Harper helped you mix the pancake batter, reminder her to not eat it cause it’s yucky. You plate all the food and place them in a tray. Walking to the room carefully, you place it down on the table in the corner of the room, helping Harper up on the bed.
“Happy Mummy Day!” She yelled, going into Katrina’s space, cuddling her.
Katrina sits up, back against the headboard, eyes light in up at the sight of her family.
“Oh, this is amazing. I love it.”
You had a bit of a family day, Katrina saying she wanted nothing more than to relax with the two of you. She also did get you some goodies to celebrate you on this day too and you were more than grateful.
A month later, you were in London for some meetings. Kyra practically forced you to stay in her place instead of some hotel, saying “I wanna spend some time with my Papa.”
You couldn’t say no.
You arrived in the afternoon, looking for the spare key Kyra told you where, but it’s nowhere to be found.
“Woah, woah! Can I help you?” You hear near you.
“Yeah, just looking for the spare key, by I can’t find it.”
“Are you at the right place?” You can tell they’re a bit cautious of you from the tone of their voice.
“Of cour—”
“Papa!” A voice you recognize all too well yells, jumping into your arms. “You’re here!”
“Hey, Roo. How ya been?”
“Good. Good.”
You both are catching up, completely forgetting about the other two that came with Kyra.
“Why’d Kyra call her Papa?” Katie asks Caitlin.
“That’s Mini’s wife.”
The next day, you left the apartment before Kyra even woke up, leaving a note in the kitchen. It’s a busy day for you.
What you didn’t know was that Kyra was already up, texting your wife the all clear that she could come up. Opening the door, Kyra greeted her mother and sister figures.
They’ve decorated the whole place, having many, many breaks in between. Charli and Kyra were in charge of baking the cake, Mini obviously supervising.
It isn’t until a couple hours later that they hear keys unlocking the front door. They all get into places, lights turned off.
“Happy Father’s Day!”
You flinch in shock, not expecting this kind of welcome home.
“Harper!” You exclaim, excited to see your daughter after being away for a while. You carry Harper on your waist, walking over to where your wife stood. “Hey, baby.”
“Uh, hello? I’m here too.”
“Charli! You’re here!”
“Thanks! I feel the love.”
You didn’t expect to be celebrated on Father’s Day, don’t was an unexpected but appreciated surprise.
“I’ve got one last present.” You wife spoke up, handing you a small box. “Go ahead. Open it.”
She has a big smile on her face, which makes you skeptical, but open the box nonetheless. Carefully lifting the top off, you see a small little stick.
“What is this?” You ask, taking it out for further inspection. “Do you have covid?”
“Wha-no. I don’t have covid.” She looks at you as if you’d grown two heads.
“Two lines means covid though, right?”
“Huh? Let me see.” Kyra takes the stick out of your hands. “What! No way! Are you stupid?”
“What? What is it?”
“She’s pregnant!”
“What? Oh my god!” You carefully walk towards your wife, going down on your knees, pressing your forehead to her stomach. “There’s a baby in here?”
“Are you crying?”
“Shut up, Charli.”
“Harper! You’re gonna be a big sister!”
“Big sister!”
“Yeah! There’s a baby in Mummy’s belly.”
“Mummy eat a baby?”
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madaqueue · 6 months
Practice Makes Perfect | Chapter 4
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synopsis: you and yuji have been best friends basically as long as you can remember, and you made a promise to each other to stay friends and help each other be the best versions of yourselves for your future partners. but will things change when yuji finally starts looking for a relationship?
pairing: yuji itadori (18+) x f!reader
themes/content: modern college au (characters aged up to 18+). language, fluff, angst. some suggestive language at the end. 18+, MDNI
word count: 2.0k
a/n: RAAAAAA it’s getting real lmao
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Sitting towards the back of the room, you take note of the messy black hair and all black clothes. You walk over to him with a smile on your face. “Megumi?” you question.
The boy looks up from his notes and meets your eyes. “Oh, hey, Yuji’s friend. I didn’t know you were in this class,” he says, gesturing at the seat next to him and inviting you to sit.
“I could say the same to you,” you respond, setting down your backpack and getting settled next to him. You have never been this close to Megumi before, and notice his very subtle cologne that leaves a warm and almost smokey scent hanging in the air around him.
“I’m a biology major, so it kinda makes sense I’d have to be here,” he says, turning back towards his notes. You notice a small smirk forming on one side of his mouth as he does so.
As soon as you open your mouth to reply, your professor waltzes in at the front of the lecture hall, her heels softly clacking against the wood floor and the room falls quiet except for her voice. You and Megumi sit in silence for the rest of the class as you furiously scribble in your notes, trying to keep up with what Dr. Ieiri is lecturing on. Halfway into the class you glance over at Megumi’s notes and see he’s just…doodling? His page is full of drawings, from dogs to birds and frogs, covering the lined paper in front of him. He notices you staring and glances up at you out of the corner of his eye before turning his attention back to the paper. His drawing style suddenly shifts as he sketches a new shape. You watch him, mesmerized, as you realize he’s drawing…you?
Dr. Ieiri seems to end abruptly as she dismisses everyone, but you stay seated, waiting for Megumi to finish up his work. He tears the page out of his notebook and hands it to you without a word before putting everything on his desk into his backpack. You begin to pack up, unsure of what to say. After all, nobody has ever drawn you before - are you supposed to thank him? Should you give it back? In a panic, you stutter, “U-um, I’m going to go study at the library, if you want to come with me?”
Megumi glances up at you and softly responds, “Sure,” before tossing his backpack over his shoulder.
The two of you find a quiet table in the back corner of the library, dimly lit from the overhead lights and warm afternoon sun pooling in from a nearby window. You get started on your work quietly until Megumi clears his throat. “So, you never answered why you’re in Dr. Ieiri’s class,” he invites.
“Well, I’m an engineering major, but I’m still not sure what kind I want to be yet, so I have to take all these classes that are supposed to help me figure it out, and biology is one of them,” you explain. Megumi nods in response, before you continue, “I know I like to work with my hands, but I also like to think about problems before I have to solve them, which makes it hard to decide on a path. I know I don’t like computers, but I do love math. And I really didn’t expect to like Dr. Ieiri’s class as much as I do, so now I’m not sure,” you trail off. You pause for a moment, hoping you weren’t rambling. “You said you’re a bio major, right? Why’d you choose that? Also, I didn’t see you in her class last week, but we had definitely already met at Yuji’s, and you weren’t really paying attention today-” you stop yourself, realizing you were definitely rambling this time.
Megumi looks down. “Yeah I’m um…I’m actually retaking this class, so I kind of know it already.” You wait for him to continue. “Last fall my sister got really sick. Well, she got more sick, I guess. I had to take some time off to take care of her, so I ended up failing Dr. Ieiri’s class the first time I took it. I was gone last week because my sister was supposed to have this really big surgery and I wanted to be there for her, but they ended up postponing it, so I just stayed at the hospital with her for the rest of the week. She’s actually the reason I’m a bio major - I want to be a doctor so I can help people like her. It’s not fair what happened, and I want to make sure it doesn’t happen to anyone else.” He stops, realizing his hands had formed into fists as he was talking. His body relaxes and he shrugs, trying to ease some of the weight from the information he had just shared with you.
“I think it’s really sweet that you care about your sister so much,” you say. “It sounds like she is really important to you.” Megumi nods, still not looking up from the table. Unsure what else to say, you reach a hand out to touch his shoulder, hoping it provides some comfort. He leans into your touch, resting his cheek on the top of your hand. The feeling of his hair brushing against your arm gives you the ever-familiar butterflies and you try not to visibly blush. The two of you stay like that for a moment, comfortable in the silence, before you hear your phone buzz in your pocket. Megumi lifts his head up so you can use your hand to answer it, and he slowly gets back to work as you pull your phone out and look at it.
Incoming call: “YuYu”
You smile at the nickname he put in your phone for you when he first gave you his number back in highschool. You answer it and hold the phone up to your ear.
“Hey! Sorry I keep calling you randomly, but I have a bit of an emergency. But, this time it’s a good emergency, I promise. Remember that date I was supposed to have tonight? Turns out she can’t go anymore, but I already have a reservation at this new sushi place I have been dying to try, and I knowwwww you love sushi,” he says, and you can practically hear his smile through the phone. “I already know you’re going to say yes, so I’ll meet you at your place at 6:00 and we can walk over together. Oh, and it’s kind of fancy but not too fancy, but don’t worry about it too much! Okay great, I’ll see you then!” he finishes before hanging up.
You didn’t even get a word in for that entire conversation, but it looks like you now have plans tonight. Glancing at your now unlocked phone screen, you realize it’s already almost 5:00. “Shit,” you mutter under your breath. “I’m sorry Megumi, but I have to go,” you say, turning your attention back to the boy across from you.
“No worries,” he says with a soft smile. “This was really nice, we should study again sometime. Here, let me give you my number.” He holds his hand out for your phone and you give it to him, watching him put in his contact information before handing it back to you. You collect your study materials and wave at him as you walk out of the library.
When you arrive at the restaurant, you are shocked by Yuji’s definition of “kind of fancy.” The place is absolutely gorgeous, with natural wood and stone forming high ceilings, small fountains and mini waterfalls creating a soothing ambiance as the water collects in a river that winds throughout the restaurant. You walk over small bridges that decorate the interior to reach your table, surrounded by plants that provide some natural privacy. You felt slightly out of place despite wearing your nicest dress and heels, especially compared to Yuji in his black slacks and sport coat. You have to admit, though, the boy does clean up nicely.
Without getting a chance to even look at the menu, Yuji orders for both of you when the server returns. You gently smack his arm from across the table. “Hey, why did you do that? How could you assume what I wanted?” you ask playfully.
“I told you, I know you,” he shrugs. “Besides, dinner is on me since I dragged you out here last-minute. There’s some stuff I’ve been wanting to try ever since this place opened, and I got some things you’ll like, too,” he explains through a toothy grin.
“How generous, getting me things I’ll actually like,” you smirk, rolling your eyes. “Speaking of ‘dragging me here,’ what happened with your date?” you ask, trying to hide any remnants of jealousy.
“Oh, she just had something come up with a friend, but we rescheduled for next week. Plus, after the last practice date kind of went to shit, I figured it would be nice to actually get used to this place before the real-deal,” he says nonchalantly.
For some reason, his words sting more than you expect. Referring to this girl as the real-deal means that he must think you’re less than her, less deserving of his time or energy or-
Your thoughts cut off as an enormous pile of food gets set down on your table. There seems to be everything from nigiri to sashimi and tempura, all of it looking mouth-wateringly good. Yuji thanks the server and immediately starts digging in. Your stomach growls involuntarily and you’re forced to push your thoughts aside as you take a bite.
“Oh, my god,” you practically groan through the rice. “This is insane.”
“Right?” Yuji agrees, his cheeks puffed out from being so full of food.
The two of you eat in silence, savoring the combination of flavors in front of you, until Yuji pulls his phone out of his pocket. He smiles down at it and starts typing a message, and you can almost feel your blood boil. In an attempt to defuse your emotions you glance down at your phone, which unlocks to the recent contact page with Megumi’s information open on it. What the hell you think, typing out a message to send to him.
You: “hey Megumi, thanks for hanging out today, it was really nice”
Your phone buzzes almost immediately.
Megumi: “If this is who I think it is, I agree. Are you free tomorrow? There’s a new cafe off campus that’s really cozy, and I have some exams next week I need to study for. I’d love to see you”
The message makes you feel warm inside - he would love to see you? Of course you have to say yes.
You: “i’m free, how’s 11:00 sound? meet at your place?”
He ‘love’ reacts your message, which you take as affirmation of your plans. You put your phone back into your purse and look back up to see Yuji still smiling down at his phone. “Hey, it’s rude to be on your phone at the table,” you tease, but it comes out more irritated than you intended.
“Sorry, Nobara just said something funny and-” he cuts off, looking up at you realizing he had never told you the name of the girl he actually had feelings for, even though you already knew from seeing her name on his phone this morning.
“Oh, so is this ‘Nobara’ the one you were supposed to take out tonight?” you ask slyly. Yuji just nods blankly, trying to read your facial expressions. “Well, she must be quite special then,” you respond, desperately attempting to shove down any lingering jealousy as you maintain eye contact. “I actually have a date tomorrow, too,” you continue, not looking away from him. He cocks his head to the side, waiting for you to continue and taking another huge bite from the dwindling pile of food between you. “Speaking of which, I actually was hoping to get some practice too…” you trail off. “I want to suck your cock.”
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nocandnc · 4 months
On Valentine’s Day, Okonogi Konomi gives Vice Captain Hoshina a Mont Blanc.
On White Day, Vice Captain Hoshina leaves a plush bear on Okonogi Konomi's desk.
Ummm I wrote some kinda ficlette under the cut if you’re into that kind of thing 🫣
On Valentine’s Day, Okonogi Konomi gives Vice Captain Hoshina a Mont Blanc.
She distributes an assortment of cakes, chocolate and Japanese sweets to the whole team in fact - it’s great for morale after all - but the Mont Blanc in particular was from a ridiculously popular bakery where she had to wait in line for over two hours. She does not mention this.
He accepts the offering with cheer in any case, taking several precious work minutes to joke and brag about receiving something from a cute girl - as if he hadn’t received a mountain of gifts from adoring civilian fans already.
Konomi rolls her eyes and ventures to ask - if it's not too much trouble - could he please not make fun of her?
On White Day, Vice Captain Hoshina leaves a plush bear on Okonogi Konomi's desk.
There’s no time to hand it over in person as he’s called to battle before she can arrive. He forgot to include a note to boot, so when Hoshina returns he finds Okonogi being teased by a few staff members over an assumed secret admirer.
It's a simple misunderstanding, and one he should clear up. All he needs to do is walk over and ask how she likes the return present he got her. Easy as pie... or Mont Blanc, as it were.
But Soshiro has never seen a person blush so hard. Certainly not Operations Leader Okonogi. The mood is suddenly askew and he finds himself standing dangerously still, watching from afar while Konomi fiddles with the purple ribbon tied 'round the bear's neck. Amidst the glare of their many computer systems, the lenses of her glasses seem to fog up a little as she mumbles words of refute to her peers.
Days later, Hoshina is drinking his morning coffee. Okonogi arrives a few sips in and her first order of business is thanking him for the teddy bear.
The Vice Captain chokes down a mouthful of coffee in a cool, definitely not startled way. "What?"
"The stuffed bear," she reiterates. "You left it on my desk for White Day, remember? I just wanted to say thank you - it’s very cute."
Her smile is tempered to an unknown degree.
Hoshina is quiet for a split second, jaw working to pull on his usual grin. "Well now," he forces a chuckle. "What makes you think it was from me? I heard you got it from some mystery man."
To Hoshina Soshiro's shock and horror, the young woman laughs. Laughs in his face. As if he wasn't her superior officer or anything.
"Oh, come on, sir! The security footage is right there!"
The security footage.
The Security Footage.
Hoshina sets his coffee down very carefully, unsure if the tremors working their way through him are from stifled laughter or internal screaming.
“…Right…” The man nearly slaps a hand to his face before switching to a rough salute at the last millisecond. “As expected of the brains of this operation - Well done solving it, Okonogi-chan!”
Okonogi mirrors him. “Thank you, sir!”
Hoshina grins naturally this time, feeling the ease of familiar territory.
“But, still…” the Vice Captain’s eyes catch her gaze, a bit of suspicion flickering in them. “If you knew already, why’d you go an’ let that misunderstanding drag on?”
The clock ticks by and Okonogi adjusts her glasses with another smile, one that’s a little more wry than his own. “I could ask you the same thing.”
“…Well, I know how you love a good mystery.”
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artiststarme · 2 years
Wayne's Unspoken Shovel Talk
I keep seeing shovel talk fics on my dash so I figured I would throw my hat in the ring! It’s short and I don’t love it but here we go.
Wayne liked to think that he and the Harrington kid had an unspoken understanding. If Steve hurt Eddie in any way, shape, or form, Wayne was going to kill him. Sure, he hadn’t said it in so many words, in any words in fact. However, he knew it was heavily implied through his cautious glares and thinly veiled interrogations. He may not have given him a shovel talk but that was only because Eddie had threatened to stop buying coffee for the trailer if he did.
He and Steve might watch the game together every Sunday. Hell, Wayne even dropped lunch off to the kid on the days Eddie worked at the garage and Steve left his food in the fridge. But, it was well-known to everyone that he would always be in Eddie’s corner before anyone else’s. He might approve of the Harrington boy dating his nephew but he’d gut him like a fish if he made Eddie shed a single tear.
So, when Eddie comes home crying one day, Wayne doesn’t even think before he’s pulling on his work boots and grabbing his shotgun.
He hardly makes eye contact with Eddie as he brushes past him on his way to his truck. He only stopped when a hand grabbed his elbow and turned him around to look a heavily upset Eddie in the eye.
“Wha- Wayne. Where are you going?” Eddie asked him in utter confusion.
“I’m ‘bout to go show your boy what happens when he makes ya cry.”
“What? I’m not crying because of Steve.”
That made Wayne pause. He hadn’t even thought to consider another possibility. Eddie had said that he was going to see Steve today and he assumed that the Harrington boy had hurt his nephew.
“What is it then?”
Tears started to form in Eddie’s eyes again which filled him with alarm. How bad was it if he was starting to cry again?
“I saw a dead dog on my way to Family Video. Someone hit it and just left it there on the side of the road! I stopped and tried to help it but it was already dead. An innocent animal! Maybe someone’s pet and they just left it there!” Eddie cried theatrically.
Wayne was well acquainted with his nephew’s dramatics. His alarmed concern evaporated as he pulled Eddie in for a hug. His nephew always was a bit sensitive. Wayne had learnt a long time ago that the best route to take in this situation would be a listening ear and a warm hug, maybe a pat on the head or two if the circumstance arose.
“It’s alright kid, you leave it there? We could take it to the woods and dig it a grave. Would that make you feel better?”
Eddie nodded before his gaze narrowed. “Wait a second. Why’d you have your shotgun if you were going to talk to Steve?”
“I thought he hurt ya,” Wayne shrugged.
“So you were going to shoot him! No Wayne! You can’t just shoot people that upset me, you’d kill the whole goddamn town. Next time, talk to me first. And no guns!” Eddie ranted, waving his hands around passionately.
“Hey, your boy knows what he’s getting himself into! If he hurts ya, he’ll be looking down the barrel of my shotgun. End of.” He wouldn’t be the first Munson to go to prison but he would be the last.
“Jesus Christ, Uncle Wayne. Please don’t.”
“Well, if he don’t hurt ya, things’ll be fine. He better keep his ass in line. Now go get a shovel, we gotta grave to bury.”
Eddie looked impressively distressed at his words before Wayne rolled his eyes and clarified, “for the dog. Go.”
And so the Harrington kid lives for another day.
@doubleb11 @nburkhardt @zerokrox-blog @newtstabber @i-less-than-three-you @carlyv @trippypancakes @straight4joekeery
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hotgirlgraps · 1 year
Synopsis: Your ex calls at the wrong time and tyler decides to show him why you can’t answer.
Warnings: oral sex (male rec.), degradation kink, praise kink, daddy kink, unprotected sex, pet names and an abundance of dirty talk.
A/N: everyone thank @730hook for this concept and just a forewarning, it’s straight filth so if you do notttt like stuff like that just don’t read it. Other than that, enjoy Tyler being absolutely devilish and taking it to a whole other level.
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Your phone buzzed on the bedside table and the two of you intended to just ignore it, until the calls started coming back to back. Tyler leaned over, keeping one hand tangled up in your hair still, and took one glance at the screen before you felt his grip in your disheveled locks tighten, earning your eyes to peer up at him.
“It’s your fucking ex again.”
You stilled with your lips cupped tightly around his shaft but you didn’t move when you saw his thumb hover over the screen. He had a devilish glint in his eyes that you hadn’t quite seen from him before, but somehow, you already knew what he was thinking.
You slowly pulled off of him, cautiously contemplating your next words but that phone continuing to buzz in his hand was making the decision for him.
“Why’d you stop?” He tilted his head to the side slightly, the sweat glistening off of his chest as it heaved. “You looked so pretty sucking me off, I bet he’d love to get a glimpse himself.”
The corner of his mouth turned up as the thoughts swirled around in his mind. You felt your face contort in confusion until the realization hit you.
“Don’t you want him to leave you alone?” He asked, noting the look on your face. You nodded, and he shrugged his shoulders as his hand run down your cheek, cupping your jaw. “Let’s make him then.”
He ran his thumb over your bottom lip, gently tugging it down before he brought that hand back up to grab a fistful of your hair, silently motioning for you to keep going while he clicked the green button on the screen and put your phone to his ear.
You kept your eyes on him as you opened your mouth, circling your lips around the tip of his cock and slowly inching it all in, until you felt him brushing against the back of your throat.
“Sup man.” He spoke as he slowly thrusted his hips. “Nah, she’s a little busy right now.” He smirked as he watched you take all of him in, thrusting a little harder to elicit a gag from you that he was sure could be heard through the line.
“I mean, I’d give her the phone but it’s kind of hard for her to talk right now.” He lowly chuckled as he continued thrusting his hips off the mattress. Your nails dug down into his thighs as you attempted to hold back the gags but it was no use when he noticed you trying to fight against it, and laid the phone on his shoulder to wrap both hands in your hair and hold you still while he fucked your throat.
He was making no attempt to hide the raspy, heavy breaths that you were pulling from him as he listened to your ex calling him every name under the sun, a smirk on his face the entire time.
“Yeah, uh huh, what else am I?” He taunted as his hands gripped your locks tighter. You felt him knocking the back of your throat so hard you were sure it would be swollen and bruised for the next ten days but, something about him in this devious state of mind was doing nothing but thrilling you at the same time.
“Fuck baby, you look so pretty with my cock shoved down your throat like that.” He coaxed, making sure your ex was hearing every word. You could hear him shouting through the phone, calling you and Tyler both all kinds of horrid names but it only made a wicked grin slide across his face.
“Man, I feel so fucking sorry for you right now. If only you could see how fucking hot my girl is with her lips around my dick.” He was having way too much fun with the entire thing but so were you and thanks to Tyler’s irrefutable coaxing, you couldn’t help but to add some salt to your exes open wound.
You pulled off of him with a soft pop, your eyes just as devilishly dark as his when you mouthed, “Fuck me”
There was no way he could turn that opportunity down. Only seconds passed before he had you underneath him, your ass perched and back arched but he wasn’t going to give you the opportunity to muffle those screams with a pillow. You could hear your ex’s voice, practically sobbing through the line but you couldn’t make out what he was saying once Tyler slid inside you and his hand grabbed another fistful of your hair, pulling your face from the pillows purposely.
He turned the volume down some and laid the phone next to you, making sure the minutes were still counting on the screen so he knew your ex was being forced to hear everything he was doing to you.
He bent over you, his lips hovering over your ear as he whispered, “don’t try to keep quiet now. You want this bitch to leave you alone, I’m gonna make sure he never calls you again. Understand?”
His hips thrusted in, earning a whimper and a nod from you before you felt his grip in your hair tighten and your head yank back.
“Doesn’t sound like you understand.” He groans, thrusting again, making sure to hit your sweet spot as he swirls his hips slightly, earning a more honest response.
“I understand” you moaned out, gripping the bedsheets as he leaned back up on his knees and grabbed you by the hips, stilling you so he could effectively ruin you all in one.
You kept your head up as best as you could, eyes screwing shut when he jerked his hips and drove his cock so deep you felt a knot forming in your stomach. The sounds of his skin slapping against yours from both his thighs colliding with the back of yours, and his right hand coming down on your ass three consecutive times was probably making your ex’s stomach twist and just the thought of that drove you both wild.
“Yeah, that’s right baby, take this cock like the pretty little slut I turned you into to.” He makes sure to be extra loud, his voice filled with arrogance as he glances over to see the time still counting up on your phone screen. If he had the volume up, he was sure he’d hear your ex bawling his fucking eyes out right now.
“God you’re so tight, gripping me just right. So fucking gorgeous taking me so fucking well. I know you’ve never been fucked by a real man til I got here, never even came before I made you come three times in a row that first night. Remember that, baby? Think we can make that happen again?”
Your eyes rolled back behind your eyelids as he slammed into you, listening to his voice and all the pleasurably degrading praises that drip from his tongue like honey already had you reeling.
He was taking so much pride in everything he was saying, knowing the other man was on the end of the phone listening to all the sounds you made while, probably wishing he could have the chance to fuck you one last time but, that only made Tyler’s ego larger than life, cause he knew nobody would ever get the pleasure of having you like he does. And he likes to boast a little bit.
He keeps his thrusts strong and steady, even when he feels you clenching tightly around him. A devious smirk inches across his face and the feeling of your walls pulsating around his cock only fuels him to bring you to that earth shattering orgasm that your ex will have to think about every night from now on. He wants your moans to haunt him, knowing he’ll never be able to hear those sounds from you again.
You had to bite down on the pillow and it still didn’t muffle the moans and whimpers, indefinitely escalating to near screams when reached up and wrapped his hand around your throat. You felt the cool metal of his watch against your skin, leaving an imprint on your neck as he tightened his grip, effectively cutting your oxygen just enough to make you see flashing white lights before your eyes.
“Oh my God Tyler” your strained voice managed to cry out, “please don’t stop! Fuck I’m so close!”
“Yeah?” He coaxes, bending over you so that his lips can trail over the side of your neck. “How bad do you want it?”
“So bad” you moan out, teeth gritting so hard they may shatter. “Please daddy”
“Oh, so now I’m daddy again?” You could tell you stroked his ego with that one. He pulled back and pushed back in again, this time making sure he feels his tip knock your cervix as he does so. “That’s sweet baby, I guess you’re tryna really earn it, huh?”
His voice was filled with condescension and you could practically feel the taunting just from his tone alone, but all it did was make you want more and he knew that.
“Sound so pretty moaning for me like this. I kinda think I wanna hear it all night long. What about you, bro?” He turns his head towards the phone, “oh sorry, i can’t really hear you over my girl whimpering like this. Maybe I should stuff my dick down her throat some more so you and I can have a little conversation.”
He chuckled darkly before he turned his head back, his teeth grazing the shell of your ear, sending chills straight down your spine. He picked up the pace when he felt the warmth of your walls engulfing him, the pulsations only motivating him.
“Oh my God!” You croaked, feeling his hand squeeze harder around your throat.
“Tell me baby” he silkily whispers despite the sharp snaps of his hips. “Who keeps making you come all over his dick, every fucking night?”
“Who?” He snaps harder, making your whole body tremble beneath him.
“Tyler! Oh my- fuck tyler you do! My little pussy fucking loves when you fuck it like this, don’t ever want you to stop daddy, please keep fucking ruining me!”
His heart might have fluttered but you didn’t know that. He rose back up to his knees, unwrapping his hand from your throat and sliding it down your back until it found its place on your hip again.
He was starting to feel his whole body stiffen, eyes rolling as you clamped down around him. He made sure the phone call was still going before he gave your ass another harsh slap and earned a weak, drawn out whimper from you.
“Ima let you come all over daddy’s cock, then I want you on your knee’s immediately. Understand me, baby?”
You couldn’t even respond as he snapped his hips back into you, making you feel that warmth brewing in the pit of your stomach, quickly whipping through your whole body before you even realized it.
“Yeah, that’s it. Daddy’s little sluts about to come all over his cock, isn’t she?” He slowed down slightly, wanting to make sure he extended your high as long as he possibly could just to add to the damage already done to the man on the other end of the phone.
“There you go baby, come on daddy. Let me feel it dripping down my dick before you suck it all off.”
Your face collapses into the pillows, drool sliding out the corner of your mouth as that orgasm powered through you, and Tyler was reveling in it.
“Mhm, keep coming baby, I got you. Daddy’s cock can stay buried in this sweet pussy all night if you want it to.”
Your fingertips had gone numb from how hard you’d been gripping the sheets. So many animalistic sounds ripping through your throat as your body quaked, effectively leaving you in complete shambles once you came back to.
Tyler thrusted in three more times, ever so slowly, pridefully watching as you sunk down against the mattress but that’s when you heard a low chuckle slip past his lips before he grabbed a fistful of your hair and lifted your head back up.
“You’re not done yet, baby. Remember what I told you? On your knees, now.”
You had to force your limp body up, but managed somehow to do it. Tyler grabbed the phone and slid to the edge of the bed, you finding yourself right between his thighs with his shaft in your clammy hands.
“Fuck, alright, I don’t know how good I can focus right now since my girl is about to suck the life out me but I’m all ears if you got something you wanna say.”
The cocky smirk on his face as he watched your tongue swirl around the head had you dripping on the carpet. He kept the phone held between his shoulder and cheek as he pushed some hair out of your face and watched you cup your lips around his cock.
The taste of your own juices mixed with his spouts of precum earned a moan to slip past your lips and he couldn’t help but grin when he heard it.
“You like tasting yourself, baby? Bet you do taste so good tonight, might have to spread your legs and eat that pretty pussy when you’re done sucking me off.”
You felt a blaze beneath your skin from your chest to your cheeks and couldn’t fight against it. He slowly thrusted his hips, effectively hitting the back of your throat again and did his best not to let his voice come out too shaky when he spoke back into the phone.
“Just thought you should know why YN doesn’t answer your calls. She’s too busy coming on my dick, my face, my fingers, whatever I tell her to. It’s probably best you don’t call her anymore, unless you wanna hear her screaming my name, and I’ll be a willing participant for that.” He chuckles, tangling his fingers up in your hair.
“Yeah, well I could sit here and let you hear the end of this but I’m sure you know how it’s gonna go, so I’m gonna get back to watching my girl choke on my dick before I make her come all over my face. Enjoy the visual that just put in your head.”
He tossed the phone to the side and looked down at you with a coy smirk.
“Think we took care of your little problem, baby. But if he’s stupid enough to call back, you can blame him when you’re not walking straight tomorrow.”
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lu-backrooms-au · 17 days
Twilight Meets Time
“Tell me about your past ranching experience,” asked the man across the café table from Twilight. Time Lon, the rancher, was a powerfully built, no doubt by many years of hard labor on the ranch that Twilight was applying to work at.
Twilight couldn’t help but feel a little intimidated by him. Maybe it was the bad eye, blanched white by some past injury or illness that made him look fierce. Or the red and blue face tattoos. Either way, despite his appearance, Time Lon had been nothing but kind and polite to Twilight.
“I grew up on a farm in Ordon and have spent most of my life farming vegetables and raising goats and horses,” Twilight explained. “As you can see on my resume, I have an extensive list of agricultural skills from gardening to horse wrangling to animal husbandry.”
“Yes, I saw, quite impressive. Most of the ranch hand applications we’ve gotten have been from city-dwellers with limited ranch experience, but I can tell you’re serious about this line of work. How are you with children? If you weren’t aware, every summer we host summer camps for children.”
“Here are your drinks,” interrupted the pink haired waiter—waitress? It wasn’t clear what their gender was. Then Twilight noticed they wore a they/them pin below their café nametag that read “Legend.” Don’t stare, he reminded himself.
“Thank you,” Twilight nodded and took his drink—black tea with plenty of milk and sugar.
“And here’s your black coffee, Mr. Time—is this another potential ranch hand?” Legend asked.
“Uh, yes. I am interviewing him right now,” Time replied.
“Cool! Let me know how it goes!” Legend said as they turned to leave. “Good luck!” They gave Twilight a double thumbs up.
“Thank you!” Twilight returned.
“That’s Legend,” Time said. “My wife and I are regulars here at the café and see them all the time.”
“Oh, nice!” Twilight smiled politely. “Back to your question, I love kids. There’re a lot of kids in my village back home. I was a regular playmate for ‘em. Not to mention the fact that I have a little brother and baby sister back at home.” And the two young runaways he kept alive and safe for many months.
“Good, I’m glad to hear,” Time replied. “If you were to work on the ranch, would you be willing to assist with the summer camps?”
“Sure! Why not? I might even be able to get my little brother and sister out here to attend one.” And maybe he’d get to see his boys again—he knew they lived somewhere in Castletown with a real family now.
“Just wanted to leave my hometown and see the world,” Twilight replied. “I did some traveling around Hyrule after I left home, but now I’m running low on money—” Aah why’d he say that?! “—it’s time to get a real job again and settle down.” And stay near the boys he just couldn’t let go of.
“Ah, yes, the call of adventure and exploration that entices young folk,” Time smiled. “Already my oldest son—he’s 13—is starting to dream of sailing all around the world.”
“You get it,” Twilight grinned.
“I do have to ask though… you have some… unique face tattoos,” Time asked. “What do they mean?”
“Well, uh, you see…” Twilight hadn’t thought to have an answer prepared for this question. His mind raced. Should he lie? Or tell the truth? Lie! Lie! Keep the dark secrets a secret!
Time leaned forward and scrutinized him with that one good eye, his pleasant expression souring just enough that Twilight noticed it. No don’t get the wrong idea about me; I need this job! Twilight wasn’t sure he could make up a believable lie on the spot, and Time didn't seem like the kind of person who was easy to deceive (or who would take it well if he found out the truth) so in a split second decision, Twilight decided to just... tell the truth. Sort of.
“Truth is… it’s kind of an embarrassing story," Twilight nervously began. "But uh, while I was out wandering Hyrule, I got into some trouble—ended up getting cursed by a magical being and, uh, spent some time as a dog.” Not a dog, but a wolf, but wolves are scary so don’t tell him that.
 “When I was transformed back,” he continued, “these face markings remained from the fur pattern of my dog form. But don’t worry—I’m not a dog anymore—” Twilight instantly internally kicked himself for saying something so obvious. “I mean—I won’t be turning into a dog again—I’m not like… a werewolf or something.” Twilight stammered and then laughed nervously, a blush coloring his face. He tried not to think about the transformation stone he wore on a string around his neck that let him transform at will.
“I see,” Time said thoughtfully and he leaned back in his chair, taking a long moment to consider how to respond. Twilight looked down at his drink, embarrassed. He gave it a needless stir and then took a sip.
“You know, it’s not uncommon for young naïve youths to be led astray, when magic is involved.” Time began. “I myself got into trouble of my own as a young person, and that’s what gave me these,” he pointed to his eye and the tattoos on his own face. “But I believe in giving people second chances and giving them the opportunity to turn themselves around—I got one. It doesn’t matter where you came from, only where you’re going—as I like to say.”
Time leaned forward again and looked Twilight in the eye.
“I like what I see in you, Twilight. You have a lot to offer, and there’s a lot that we can offer you. I think you’d be a good addition to our ranch: I’d like family to offer you the ranch hand job.”
“Oh yes please,” Twilight couldn’t help but smile in relief. As long as he had a job in Castletown, he’s be okay. And maybe he could be in the boys’ life again.
“Pleased to have you,” Time shook Twilight’s hand. “Welcome to the Lonlon Ranch family!”
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seromeru · 2 years
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!!! MINORS DNI !!!
content: f!reader x sanji
genre: femdom, edging, pegging, mommy kink, dirty talk
word count: 987
a/n: alas i am back with another fic and this time round, it is our cutest baby girl Sanji <3 this fic has been stuck in my drafts for MONTHS but boy am i glad that i decided to try and finish it as i really enjoyed writing this. enjoy my loves!!
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Sanji started breathing heavily, cursing under his breath when you started back up with quick, rough strokes of your hand. He was getting closer and closer to the edge, his knuckles white from gripping the sheets so tightly. And just when he was so so close to cumming, your hand immediately stops and he groans loudly and whined, “Please please make me cum. I’m so close, why’d you stop?”
“Oh Sanji.. You have to wait a while more before I let you finish. Be a good boy for mommy, okay?”
His eyes glistened with unshed tears as he nodded his head desperately, begging for you to let him cum. His erection full and heavy due to the cock ring and dildo you made him wear. He looked so pretty like this, whimpering like a bitch in heat with such a lewd expression on his face. You were so proud of him for holding it in and you figured it was time you rewarded your little toy.
“Suck.” You put in two fingers in his mouth as he complied with your instruction. You see him looking at you with doe eyes while his tongue swirled around your fingers, trying to wet them as much as he can. Feeling satisfied with how thorough he was being, you took out the dildo in him and replaced it with your fingers, igniting a shiver from Sanji. No matter how many times you fucked him, you were amazed at how this man was still so damn tight. You slowly started stretching him out, getting turned on from hearing small gasps and sighs that were coming from him.
“Fuck baby, you’re doing so well for me. Such a sweet voice. I can’t wait to fill you up.”
You inserted another finger, shifting and scissoring them inside of him, his cock twitching as you prepare him for what was about to come. Your other hand moved towards his balls and you started squeezing and playing with them, earning a deep throaty sound from how much pleasure he was getting. Moans and whimpers started spilling out of Sanji’s lips as you work your fingers into him as deep and as fast as you can. His hips squirm and writhe trying to get away from your fingers. Sensing him getting close to orgasming again, you slowed down which made Sanji cry out in frustration. You looked at his splotchy red face, tears streaking down his cheeks from not getting the release he needed.
You gave him a sadistic smile, satisfied with how you were making him into such a mess. You gave him a peck on the lips, your fingers leaving him with a wet squelch. “Shall I make you wait more baby or shall I make you cum now?”
"Please mommy, I need you now. I’ve been so good for you."
A tingle went up your spine with how obedient he was being. Such a precious little thing. Taking lube from the bedside table, you poured a generous amount into your palm. You could see Sanji's eyes light up as you drenched your strap-on with it, making sure it was wet enough so that you wouldn’t hurt your sweet baby boy.
“On your knees for me, baby.”
You lined up your strap to his tight hole and slowly started to push it in. A loud sob broke through Sanji’s lips as he felt your strap filling him up inch by inch, giving him the pleasure he so desperately needed. He was arching so beautifully for you, trying to take you in deeper into his warm, wet hole. Seeing him act like such a slut made you feral. Without waiting for him to get used to your size, you started thrusting in and out roughly. Yanking his hair back, you licked his ear and growled.
“Fuck, look at you taking me in so easily. You’re such a fucking slut. You’re just a tight hole for me to use, isn’t that right baby? You need more sweetheart? Do you want to cum for mommy?”
You pushed his head back down into the mattress, gripping his hips and going harder and faster with each thrust. Wrecked sobs and whines could be heard from your little toy. He was being so needy and pathetic. You were sure your neighbours could hear the loud filthy mess you were turning him into.
“Fuck fuck fuck mommy I’m about to cum, please can I cum? I’ll do anything to cum for you please-”
Deciding that Sanji has had enough, you reached towards his cock, removing the cock ring, and jerked him off quick, all the while fucking him harder. High pitched moans and unintelligible words could be heard as he got closer and closer to the edge, just waiting for your permission to cum.
“Look at you being such a good boy for me. Come on baby, cum for mommy.”
With a choked groan, warm wet cum spurted from his cock. You slowed down your thrusts, still fucking Sanji through his orgasm. He was still babbling nonsense, every once in a while it can be heard that he was thanking his mommy. A wet pop could be heard as you took out your strap from his now gaping hole. As you turned Sanji around to face you, you can clearly see what a mess you’ve made him into. Tear streaks and drool marks could be seen on his beautiful face. His hair all ruffled from being gripped onto while you fucked him earlier. A pretty flush going all the way down to his chest where you could see he was trying to catch his breath and come back to his senses. Seeing him this debauched has you feeling hornier, remembering that you’ve yet to cum as you were so focused on Sanji’s needs instead.
“Ready to make mommy cum this time round baby?”
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chiptaylorsfirst · 1 year
Hiii, if you're still doing requests, can I request a Matthew Gray Gubler x female reader smut where he keeps edging her until she's crying because she just wants to cum?
A/N: Sure thing. Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy.
Word Count: 2,316
Pairing: dom!Matthew Gray Gubler x brat!sub!fem!Reader
Warning: Smut, oral sex (female receiving), use of toys, masturbation, fingering, edging, slight dacryphilia, hickeys
Summary: You've been teasing Matthew for a while now and he finally puts you in your place.
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You had been terrible the entire week since Matthew got back from filming. You teased him anytime you could and brought up sexual topics whenever you saw fit, loving how he’d sometimes turn red or simply scold you for doing such things, warning you that the outcome of continuing this wouldn’t be pretty. You hadn’t cared. It had been weeks since you felt him inside you and you needed that feeling again, you craved it. You knew you were on thin ice but you needed to drive him right to the edge so that you could get what you wanted.
So you waited and waited until you were out in public, arm in arm. “Babe,” you said as you continued walking around the mall. “Hmm,” Matthew responded, solely focused on having a mental debate of whether or not he should buy the matching pajamas he saw. “You look really good right now. I mean, if we weren’t in public, I’d drop to my knees right now and any problem you have away.” You whispered the words into his ear, watching as his face turned red at your words.
He cleared his throat, turning to look at you before he spoke. “You really want a punishment, don’t you, desperate girl?” He muttered the last part and you only smiled. “Whatever you give me, I will take.” He sighed, already hardening and cursing for deciding to wear sweatpants. “We’re leaving now,” he said all too calmly. “Get in front of me while we walk okay.” You already felt him grab you and you started to walk. “What about those matching PJ’s?” “We’ll get them another day when a certain someone hasn’t distracted me.” There was a small edge in his voice and more playfulness.
That was a good sign that you still had more work to do. You wanted him upset and ready to punish you. The day went on with you teasing constantly but still not enough for him to lose his cool. Then, you were both at a cafe hand in hand ordering coffee together. While you were waiting on your drinks, Matthew left to use the restroom, informing you that he’d be back quickly. He was gone long enough for a man to tap your shoulder, a smirk on his lips as he asked, “That your friend?” You fought the urge to roll your eyes at the arrogant being in front of you as you responded.
“Possibly, why?” He sighed as he looked you up and down, obvious lust in his eyes. “I’m trying to understand why he would allow such a beautiful woman to be all by herself like this.” You forced a smile on your lips as you touched his shoulder, already seeing Matthew making his way to the two of you. “You’re not my type or my boyfriend, okay? And he isn’t my friend. You can leave.” The man looked to be angry at your straightforward rejection but he was nowhere near as upset as Matthew was. He paid for the drinks quickly, handing your yours before taking a sip of his. He didn’t speak once during the ride home and by then, both of your drinks were no more.
When you got in the house, he finally spoke, his voice threatening, quiet, and calm. It was a triple threat. “What was that in the cafe? Why’d you entertain that man?” You smiled. You’d crossed the line and succeeded. You were going to get what you wanted. “Why do you think, baby? I miss getting fucked by you. And whenever you’re jealous, it’s always the most fun.” Matthew sighed, shaking his head at you. “You’re a fucking brat, you know that?” “Mhm, you gonna do anything about it? Maybe not. In that case, I’ll just go in my room and masturbate to that wonderful ma--” You couldn’t finish your sentence before Matthew started to kiss you roughly and lustfully, his hands gradually moving down your curves. 
He pulled back from you, allowing much-needed air into his lungs. A smile appeared on his lips, his hands around your waist. “Jump,” he commanded softly, and you did. He caught you, carrying you to your shared bedroom. “If you wanted this, then you’re gonna get it.” He threw you onto the bed. You felt a wetness pool between your thighs with a need like none other. Matthew started to undress you, mercilessly snatching the apparel off your body and throwing it onto the floor. When you were fully bare before him, he took out a few things from a drawer that you knew all too well. “I suggest you drink a bit more water if you need to. This is going to be a long night and I wouldn’t want you to dehydrate.”
You hated the fact that the sentence was a warning and a sweet recommendation at the same time. But, you took the advice, going into the kitchen to hydrate yourself and using your little break as you saw fit. You came back to see your boyfriend, shirtless, sitting on the egde of the bed, patting on his lap for you to sit on. You walked to him, sitting on his lap. He stroked your hair, kissing your sweet spot as he lowered his hand to where you needed it the most. “Babe, you’re so desperate right now.” He started to place a finger against your slit, gradually gliding it and collecting some of your juices on his finger.
You bucked your hips upward, arching at his touch, wanting any bit of his attention you could possibly get. He pulled his hand away and you resisted the urge to whimper. “Go to the bedroom and wait for me there. I gotta figure out how I’m gonna punish you for your little stunts you’ve recently pulled.” You nodded your head, going into the bedroom as he ordered. It took a while before you saw him walk in, still fully clothed but with a different attitude this time. He wasn’t your sweet and kind boyfriend anymore at this moment. He was different and he was here to teach you a lesson. “Strip for me. I want you to take everything off.” You did what he said, stripping your body of clothing and throwing it all into a pile.
“Now lay down in the bed and wait for me.” He didn’t check to see if you did as he asked, the sound of the bed as your weight was on top of it enough for him to know you did what he said. You saw him look in a very familiar drawer and you wished for the best to happen as he looked. You were in deep whenever he looked in that drawer and nothing and no one could save you from it.
He picked three toys and smiled as he looked down at you. “I’m going to edge you 5 times and if you fuss, I may just leave you here to finish the job yourself. You wanted attention from me and now you’re getting it. My attention is fully on you.” You watched as Matthew started to strip, ridding himself of any clothing that was on his body. You saw that he was painfully hard and you wished nothing more than to taste the man before you. “Baby, please, let me taste you,” you begged desperately. “No, sweetheart. You don’t get to do that because of how you’ve behaved. You’ve teased me repeatedly and broken my rules. Now, you wish to bring me pleasure during the time of your punishment?” You nodded your head enthusiastically. “The answer is no.”
Matthew grabbed the toys he’d picked, placing them on the nightstand beside the bed before joining you. He started to kiss your body everywhere he saw fit, slipping his fingers inside you as he did so. You moaned at the feeling, soft sounds being pulled from you. It didn’t take long for him to work you into a frenzy, crumbling for him as his fingers started to go faster. “You’re so responsive,” he said aloud, deep in thought as he looked at you. He then kissed you, sucking your tongue as you both moaned in the kiss. 
It was practically suffocating as you kissed him and felt yourself getting close to your peak. The kiss broke and you swore that you almost saw stars. Unfortunately, Matthew knew your body like none other and that meant that he knew you would orgasm any second now. As soon as you were at the very peak, his fingers stopped and he removed them completely. “No,” you said softly, your brain scrambling as it tried to process what happened. “Aw, you poor thing. You have four more to go unless you’d like me to stop. What is your color, baby?” “Green,” you confirmed. “You sure?” You nodded your head. “Mhmm.” 
You then watched as he lowered his head between your thighs, one hand wrapping around your leg as he used his arm to keep you down. You moaned at the feeling of his tongue toying with you. You swore that Matthew’s mouth was a work of art crafted and made specially to be used on you. You squirmed as you felt him begin to suck on your clit, his tongue still moving in a swift pattern that he knew you loved. Your hand fisted into his hair, your fingers scratching his scalp. He groaned at the feeling, enjoying how lost you’d gotten in the action being done. You felt his tongue graze over a certain spot, causing your breath to hitch. Matthew took note of this and repeated the action until you were nothing but a breathless mess beneath him. 
You knew what would happen as you were nearing another orgasm and yet you still whimpered and begged for release as Matthew pulled away from you. You were denied once again with three more to go. He reached for one of the sex toys he’d picked, a pretty dildo with multiple shades of blue. It was custom-made and a birthday gift given to you by your boyfriend. He’d said that it was for when he was out of town and you had to facetime one another so he could see how sweet you looked during sexual things. You hadn’t expected him to use it on you. He never did before. “Get on all fours and ride this for me.” He handed the toy to you. You felt a new coat of wetness pool between your legs as you thought of Matthew watching you. 
You positioned the toy between your legs before lowering yourself down on it, loving the stretch you felt. You went slow, enjoying the feeling of finally being filled with something. It wasn’t as good as the original you were used to but you needed to do it to get what you wanted. You thought of previous things you’d done with Matthew on multiple occasions as you bounced. Matthew watched you without touching himself a single time, though he thought about it and wanted to do it badly.
He watched your face, the movements of your body and when you were dangerously close, he spoke. “That’s enough. Stop now.” You reluctantly did as told, your pussy clenching around nothing at the loss. “Get in the bed for me on your back with your legs spread.” You obeyed and watched your boyfriend as he got in bed with you. “You’re so beautiful, babe. So beautiful to the point that I can’t resist you any longer and don’t wish to use the other toys on you like I planned.” You smirked triumphantly. “Sounds like to me that you just can’t help yourself, hmm Matthew? Baby, I’m irresistible,” you teased. “Such a bold little girl for someone who turns into a whining little bitch just with a flick of my finger.” 
Before you could even come up with something to say, you felt his cock being slipped inside of you, a moan being pulled from you that you hadn’t even known you had the ability to make. He kissed you and went at an impossibly slow pace, as if he were purposely teasing you even more. You scratched his back at the feeling of him repeatedly hitting that spot buried deep within you. He placed hickeys all around your neck and smirked against your skin at the sound of you begging. “Baby, I’m sorry. Lemme cum, please.” He kissed the spot under your jaw. “One more after this one.” Tears started to form in your eyes. “O-Okay, oh fu--” He pulled out of you, putting a complete end to the release you were so close to getting.
You were tired and sweaty, your cunt pink and buzzing with need. As you felt yourself being flipped onto your stomach, tears finally spilled from your eyes and Matthew set a brutal and rapid pace. “You’re crying, babe? You okay?” “Yeah, just let me, let me,” your sentence hadn’t had the chance to get finished as you suddenly tipped over the edge. You felt Matthew’s cum coat your walls and he placed wet kisses all over your collarbone. He then flipped you back over, a smile on his face now. “You did so good for me. Just don’t tease me as bad as you did ever again.” You were tired and worn but you couldn’t help yourself before speaking. “If I get this response, maybe I should do it more often.” He kissed your forehead before getting off of the bed.
He came back with a warm cloth in his hand. He cleaned you up then went away. When he came back, the cloth was gone and he had this cute smile on his face. He got in the bed with you and cuddled with you. It didn’t take long before you fell asleep, happy to have Matthew as your boyfriend. 
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chonnysinferno · 9 months
miauuuu puts source memory writing under the keep reading thing or whateevr
(note: if you tag this as cj shipping or anything related i will hit you with a bat thank you)
It was snowing outside. It always was.
[Temperature's a good -1.6° Celsius outside.]
(Could you translate that into Fahrenheit? I don't follow.)
[Whatever. That's 29° Fahrenheit to you.]
We were both there, he was always finding something to nitpick about me. He always did. But this time, he was actually curious about how I was. Maybe it was only to find a weakness about me, although there were so many I couldn’t put it all in a list.
(Why’d you have to take me out in the snow anyways?)
It was so funny. It was all before the incident. Even saying that brought it up, fresh, like it was just yesterday. Before he became more of a monstrous machine, hooked up to wires and all sorts of blinking lights. Everything was so bright in there, I guess it had to be in his room. Besides the fact that his eyes pierced in the dark like eyes of a predator watching their next meal, everything lit up now. Before, it was just us. It feels like I’ve somewhat lost whatever humanity he even had to his desire to become perfect. It’s hard to remember anything when he was still alive to me.
[It’s nice out here.]
He preferred the cold comparing to the nice warmth of my room. He always insisted to talk somewhere frigid and freezing, much like his personality. I never got close to him, even if I tried, maybe he was trying to stay guarded, and he saw my attempts to get to know him better as “attacks”. They never were, but it felt like I was trying to fight him every time. It never was easy, but I wish it was. I wish everything could just be how it was back then, but we can never have anything we want, can we?
(You know why I hate being out here. I can’t understand why you’d ever want to be out here anyways, but I guess that comes with the Grinch-like personality.)
He scoffed. Maybe that was his attempt at a laugh.
[Ha ha. Very funny, Heart.]
(Genuinely though, why would you pull me out here? You know this isn’t my domain, and I hate being out of my comfort zone.)
[Good. That makes you more vulnerable.]
(Why are you like this?)
[Don’t ask me.]
(Since we’re being formal for some reason, what do you want, Mr. Mind? To mock me again?)
[No. I wanted to ask about your wings, and the fact you have 2 sets. Maybe you’ll sprout another pair of them, who knows?]
(Was that a joke? You have humor? Shocking. Where’s Mind, and what did you do with him?)
He rolled his eyes, sighing at me.
[I can crack jokes too, you're not the only one.]
(Youuuu sureee? Thought that wasn't in your system.)
[You suck.]
(Thank you!)
[That wasn't a compliment, idiot.]
(I know, but you take comments way too literally, stop being so concrete. Read between the lines! Think outside the box for me.)
[1. Those two lines don't correlate. 2. Thinking outside the box is for being creative and doesn't apply to this specific situation. 3. What lines, and what box?]
(My point is proven, I'm done here. Goodbye, Mind.)
I started to get up slowly, but he pulled on my scarf, a little too hard, forcing me to fall to the snow in an unmannerly fashion. What was he trying to do, embarass me?
(What was that for?? Don't you want me to leave?)
[No! I mean, no, I still haven't asked you my questions.]
(Ohhh, you want me to stay soo bad!)
[You KNOW that's not what I meant, Heart, don't play with me.]
(I know, I wouldn't want to date you anyways. I bet 100 dollars you couldn't even comprehend romance if you tried to.)
[Not like you can either.]
(You little-)
[Looks like I've struck a nerve. How's your love life, since you flaunt it so much?]
He grinned.
(Ugh, you wouldn't understand anyways. Not like it's any of your business, so buzz off.)
[I'll have you know I know more about romance than I let on, so tell me. What of your failures?]
(Uughhhh.. No, I'm not sharing my little stories with you, Mind.)
[Okay, then I'm leaving. Bye bye, Heart.]
(Good riddance.)
[What was that?]
[Okay okay, I'll take my departure.]
He cackled loud. He was only trying to get under my skin, after all.
I layed down on the white snow on the ground, letting the powdery material bury my face and body slowly. Wings outspread, shoes sticking out in the growing mound.
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francesderwent · 10 months
Cate darling do you have a top ten-ish smallville moments to You?
so I wrote down all the moments that were dear to me off the top of my head, and then I tried to rank them and that was impossibly hard, because they’re like apples and oranges!! so what I present to you is a series of top moments, sorted by relationship:
top 6 Lois and Clark moments:
the whoooole episode of “Committed”—Lois listening to her own drunk voicemail saying Clark Kent is the sweetest guy she’s ever known??—but especially the climax with the lie detector test: “Underneath it all, do you love this man? Do you love him? Tell the truth, do you love him?” And she answers “Yes”!!!!!!! talk about the revelation of secrets!!!!
when Clark has just gotten back from his self-imposed exile from humanity in “Metallo” and is at the Planet and Lois tells him “I helped the Blur stop a homicidal maniac” and Clark answers, “You know, I’d love to hear about it.” and then she comes over to excitedly perch on the end of his desk and tell him the whole thing and he’s just grinning at her and listening in total delight at who she is as a person!!!
the whole ridiculous scheme in “Hydro” where Clark dresses up as Green Arrow to convince Lois that Ollie isn’t Green Arrow and Lois makes out with him, and then at the end of the day Chloe’s like “tell him” and Lois says “Green Arrow is a phenomenal kisser, better than my boyfriend” and Clark, who just found out that Lana is having Lex’s child, is like “okay maybe today isn’t a total loss”
when Lois pulls the blue kryptonite out of him and then runs away and hides when he wakes up. I know this struck you and it really struck me!! the theme song for the whole show goes “somebody save me”, and Lois does it here!! she saves him exactly the way he always saves everyone else!!! and it goes to show that she understands why he doesn’t do everything in the light, why he doesn’t stick around to be thanked, why he doesn’t take credit. she’s his equal in this very specific way!!
weirdly I really like the bit in “Echo” where Clark can hear thoughts and hears Lois thinking “Why’d you have to get attached? They always leave.” because Lois really does have such a capable, brash exterior that the moments where her vulnerabilities show are so special and so important, and this instance of it just cuts to the heart so completely. 
the glimpse into the future in “Homecoming”!!!!! it’s everything that’s great about Superman.
top 4 Clark and Lex moments (admitting that a lot of the very early seasons have blurred into a mush in my brain):
this was already in my phone note draft before I saw you reblog it, but the scene in “Nemesis” where they’re fighting in the tunnels and Clark thinks Lex is storming off leaving him to die, but he actually went to go get a crowbar!! and Clark tells his mom he saw a glimpse of his friend!!! this is another “somebody save me” moment. and I think the episode treads the line really well between admitting that Lex’s behavior over the years has been shady, but that the shades of gray ultimately come from not having anything to compare to! so his love for Clark is flawed but it’s real!! it’s the truest love he’s ever known! my favorite thing about this relationship is how until the last moment, Lex never fully turns his back on Clark, he never stops wanting them to be friends again.
when Lex has just gotten back from the desert island (lol) in “Phoenix” and goes to the farm and the boys hug! Clark is so happy to see his friend alive!! Lex has somewhere to go where he is uncomplicatedly welcomed!
the “Lexmas” fantasy of Clark being an uncle to Lex’s son and Jonathan telling Lex he couldn’t be any prouder of him. I weep
the episode where Lex thinks Clark is his long-lost half-brother for a hot second. I maintain this delusion should have persisted for two or three seasons
top 7 Lex and Lana moments (it had to be done):
 the second timeline of “Reckoning” where Clark has decided not to tell Lana the truth about who he is and Lana flees to the mansion and asks Lex in an agonized voice, “I don’t understand. Why would you lie to someone you love?” and Lex says, like he’s confessing, “I wouldn’t.” this is such a perfect scene to me, in how it shows us that what’s been drawing Lex and Lana together this whole time is their similarities!! the parallels between them! Clark claims to love the one and hate the other but they are both on the outside dying to be let in because they both have been longing for love and belonging since they were kids. it’s just such a fascinating foundation for their relationship.
directly related, the scene in “Vessel” where Lex finds out he has superpowers and immediately, right away, goes straight to Lana and shoots himself in front of her so she knows what he’s become. the irony of this is so delicious. neither of them has a clue at this point, but the secret that Clark kept from both of them, the secret that brought them together, is the very same secret that Lex tells her right away, not for a scheme or to manipulate her, for no other reason than that he wants to share it with her. it makes me insane. this is the lexana dynamic I love. 
in “Onyx” when Lex goes to Lana’s apartment to apologize for whatever his evil twin did, and she says his other half “expressed certain desires” and he says “it wasn’t me,” and she shoots back “are you sure?” and then he gives the completely deranged response: “Whatever my feelings are, I would never do anything to jeopardize our friendship.” nobody asked him to bring feelings into this!! it’s like Lana said “your evil twin said he wanted to have sex with me” and Lex answered “wasn’t me, bc I love you and the purity of that love means I would never ever act on it.” I love when he’s honorable!
the scene in “Fade” where Lex has been on a business trip and says he’s glad to be home, and Lana says “what’s so special about Smallville?” And he starts naming stuff like “cows, cornfields” and then she grins and says “I missed you too.” and he says “You have no idea.” one of the things that seasons 6&7 seem to forget is that for five seasons, Lex and Lana consistently really enjoy each others company!! they like hanging out! this scene is my favorite instance of that. 
the “Lockdown” scene where Lana tells Lex he has to keep talking so he doesn’t pass out and he says “Do you think I’d look better with hair?” and she laughs and says “I’ve never thought about it.” and he says “I have. I’ve thought about a lot of things.” and then later when he’s gotten more delirious and starts telling her about his Lexmas dream of everyone being friends, “And you were there, you were the best part.” this episode is like a fanfiction in the best way.
all the “Lexmas” stuff. Lex’s face when Lana first kisses him so clearly says “oh fuck I’m going straight to hell” so watching him slowly relax into it, start believing that he can have this! that he can be loved and happy! that he can be a good husband and a good father! a good man! aaaahhhhhhh
the second episode of season 7 (and ONLY that episode lol) where Lex was on his repentance shtick and tracks down Lana and is like “I’m here to beg forgiveness. The fact that you framed me for your murder only makes me admire you more. You can kill me if you want. Seriously, shoot me. Also, I love you please come home.” it was such a Moment for Lex and I wish it could have gone somewhere!
Assorted moments:
the pierced hand cruciform fall at the end of s9. dare I say the only time a Smallville finale was thematically coherent and compelling?
Chloe’s litany of inside jokes with herself once she knows Clark’s secret and he doesn’t know she knows. and also just—her whole transformation once she finds out the secret!! she grows up into this unselfish person living life in service of mission all at once!!
the Chloe and Clark kiss heard round the world. it’s a great kiss and they deserve it lol 
EDIT: Chloe’s healing powers!!!!
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val-the-bookworm · 2 years
While I work on Felix Escellun’s analysis here are some quotes that I love from Two Against the World! They are all said by Nicky unless stated otherwise.
* “But you gotta look at pressure as an opportunity to be great.”
* “Pressure is a door, and waiting for you on the other side is success. How you get through that door is up to you.”
* Mc: “I’m not from this dimension.”
Nicky: “So, like from Upstate?”
* “My voice ain’t nothing to write home about, but I’ll curse in Italian and maybe people will think that I’m an opera singer.”
* “Brace yourself, love, when it happens, you’ll be the Mrs. in no time.” (Replace with Mr or mine for other pronouns)
* “You gotta treat the one you care for with the utmost respect, in my mind.”
* “Peaks and valleys, sweets. Sometimes the valleys get a little steep.” “ We don’t have to go to the valley alone.”
* “Because as much as I care about you, as much as I need you, the most important thing to me is that your happy. And if that means you’d be happier back where you came from, then so be it.”
* “And ain’t nothing easier in this world than loving you.”
* “I think you make loving you so easy.”
* “I’d take an eternity in hell if it meant one more day with you.”
* “The best part about going to bed with you is knowing I get to wake up to you.”
* (From the Masseur) “It doesn’t take work to fall in love, but it does take work to stay in love. Doing little stuff like this for your partner every now and then reminds them you care.”
* “I love hard and I live fast and you gotta be the same way.”
* “And all I want. All I ever want… is to give you what you want.”
* “But I do think that what we see, what we experience - this life. It ain’t all there is. There’s something more.”
* “I think forever sounds nice if your involved.”
* “It’s funny though. A billion stars in the sky and I cant keep my eyes off of you.”
* “People are what count, Mc. Things don’t.”
* “And Mc, my sweet love, you are my weakness”
* “You can still love something and leave it”
* “The mind can be a noisy and messy place.”
* “I learned that life is to short to be worried about the future. What’s going to happen, is bound to happen. We must enjoy the days we have”
* Mc: “Not everyone wants that kind of attention, Nicky”
Nick: “ Sure they do. They’re just worried that if they do get that kinda spotlight, they’re going to make a fool outta themselves. But what you people don’t realize is that just by getting that kind of attention, you already won. Even if you totally screw the pooch, you got to be the one up in lights.”
* “That’s the problem with being poor in this country. If you wanna get some bread you gotta rob the bakery.”
* “Tell me I’m lying! We’re a couple of fools to think we know better than our bodies. When Cupid’s arrow strikes, we ain’t gonna have a chance.”
* Ralph: “If we’re in the movies, why’d I get a life of chronic asthma and a booze hound mother who used to beat me up as bad as the boys🤨” (I’m sorry but this line gets me every-time lmao)
* “Maybe, but it’s hard to see a way out when the city walls are closing in.”
* “My opinion, you gotta leave the nest if you ever want to know how to build one of your own.”
* “I learned, that life is to short to be worried about the future.”
@dreamtydraw has asked to be tagged in fictif content, so here you go! Hope you enjoy!
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asimplearchivist · 1 year
ℂℍ. 𝕀𝕍 — 𝕀𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕀𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕞
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[𝓪𝓼𝓲𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓬𝓱𝓲𝓿𝓲𝓼𝓽'𝓼 𝓶𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽] [𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓] AO3 | SPOTIFY | PINTEREST summary 🗡 ⤏ cade yeager’s older sister never knows what she’ll find in their barn upon returning from her routine antiquing trips—the submission box at the driveway is often littered with junk of all kinds that they try to fix for a living. ⤏ you just never would have expected for him to take on the task of repairing a cybertronian.pairing 🗡 bayverse!optimus prime/yeager!reader word count 🗡 3.3k a/n 🗡⤏ here are all the unfinished snippets, as requested. thank y'all for giving so much love to this little project I never saw fully realized. it means the world to me that even the works that I don't consider my best still find homes in people's hearts. :) ⤏ the last two scenes, separated from the rest by two lines rather than one, take place during TLK. 🗡 MASTERPOST 🗡 🗡 PREVIOUS CHAPTER ⤎ 🗡
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“So you're telling me," you began, "that you bought a shitty, bullet-riddled cabover that was mysteriously abandoned in an old theater, not questioning how in the hell it got in there?"
"It could've been a prop," Cade defended half-heartedly.
"And," you pressed on, "you somehow managed to find out it was a transformer by - what, exactly? Plugging it into a battery?"
"There was a hole blown clean through the radiator," your brother mumbled. “Artillery shells were in the cab. There was something up with it and I wanted to find out what - and I thought that I could knock out two birds with one stone if I bought it - him - and sold the engine block for parts.” He cast a glance up at the transformer crouched behind you both, guilt radiating off of him in waves. “You would’ve been pretty expensive, dude.”
The rusted robot blinked, but did not comment.
“I do feel bad about that,” he added. “I’m sorry.”
“There is no need to apologize, Cade Yeager,” the transformer rumbled finally. “There is a very good chance that you saved my life.”
Your brother’s eyebrows shot up in surprise and he opened his mouth, perhaps to ask how, when you directed your attention to the transformer in question.
“And you,” you started, brows furrowing. Optimus met your accusatory gaze placidly. “How did you wind up there to begin with? Why’d you came to Paris, Texas of all places? Why hide here?”
“I hadn’t a choice,” he responded (because honestly, what else could he be with that trench deep voice?), shifting back and resting his weight against one of the massive support beams holding the barn’s roof up. He folded his arms over his broad chassis, looking just as uncomfortable with the whole situation as you felt. “I was in critical condition while attempting to make my escape. My self-repair protocols were overriding my base cognizance core. I had to find shelter in order to go into stasis lock without being easily detected. Nothing short of a missile barrage or a medical override can pull a Cybertronian out of a healing-induced stasis lock.”
“Or one faulty missile,” Cade mumbled.
“You were attacked, right?” you inquired further, leaning forward and away from the smaller beam you yourself had been leaning against in an attempt to look at ease (mostly for Cade’s sake, though - he was still tenser than a rabbit because he probably thought you might jump at Optimus again, or vice versa). “By the government?”
“An organization called Cemetery Wind,” he confirmed. “They are being authorized to hunt us down and terminate us.”
You bristled, back straightening with a snap. “And you’re staying here? Endangering my family?”
Optimus, evidently, was not one to remain complacent when attacked, even verbally (or he had been through too much to allow him to), because he, too, straightened and narrowed his optics at you. “I offered to take my leave as soon as I came back online,” he said clearly and curtly, “but it was insisted that I remain long enough for repairs to be conducted.”
You turned your intense, unwavering stare to your younger brother, who visibly began to sweat.
“Look,” he started, standing up and taking a step between you and the metal titan curling his segmented lip. “I convinced him to stay. I couldn’t just let him go, he was literally falling apart! They would’ve been able to take him down with a two-by-four! He could barely stand up!"
“Cade, do you realize how much trouble you could get in for harboring a national fugitive? Offering them medical support?” you asked him, voice neutral but dire. “We’re already losing the house, do you want to go to federal prison on top of that? Think about Tessa.”
Cade pleaded your name with frustration tinging his tone. “...he’s - come on, he's hurt, can't you see that? And humans caused this! They’re hunting him like an animal! It wouldn’t be right to turn him out when he’s so-”
As if on cue, the chugging rumble originating from Optimus' chassis coalesced into several heaving cough-like sounds, dust puffing from the alien robot's mouth as his shoulders heaved and optics flickered. A frown creased your face as what must’ve been the rusted transformer’s ventilation systems sputtered and whirred in an attempt to clear whatever obstruction was trapped within.
You looked back to Cade, expression softening minutely. “Cade, you’re heart’s in the right place - it always has been, and it always will be - but...I think you’ve gotten a little in over your head this time. The risks are too big, and I don’t want to see you get hurt for trying to do the right thing.”
“I…” He paused, then sighed and shook his head. “It’s not fair,” he mumbled, crossing his arms, and you had a sudden sense of deja vu extended over a decade back.
“It usually isn’t,” you told him gently. “But...we shouldn’t let him stay here any longer. The government has eyes everywhere, and we don’t know if they’ve figured out where he is or not.” 
Cade opened his mouth to protest and you reciprocated to cut him off, but Optimus had apparently had his fill of just listening.
“I did and do not intend to endanger you or your family,” he stated firmly. “I will leave immediately if you should desire it.”
You turned back to face him and straightened, eyeing him warily. “Right now?” you tested.
“Yes.” He met your intense stare with a level one of his own, lacking no less intensity. “I will be out of the state by sunrise.”
Silence, heavy and tense, stretched out between the both of you. Cade glanced between you warily, panic growing in his expression, but he didn’t dare intervene in the unspoken test of mettle and resolve. Neither of you moved, and when you narrowed your eyes Optimus narrowed his.
Finally, you let your arms fall to your sides. “How much longer ‘til you’re repaired to full combative capacity? Can you defend yourself?”
Optimus blinked and pulled his great head back in clear surprise at your clean one-eighty. Nevertheless, you could practically see the tension bleed from his battered frame. “Your brother is an impressively ingenuitive individual. He has already repaired the places with the most damage, and I am no longer in critical condition.”
“Wait, what?!” Cade interjected, his eyebrows shooting halfway up his forehead. “You were - while I was dinking around trying to figure out what to do you were dying?”
Optimus raised an optical ridge. “I was in no danger of offlining, Cade. I simply was on the verge of going back into emergency stasis-lock for self-repair. The repairs you made on my energon lines and plating breaches were enough to prevent that.”
“And - and your spark casing?”
“While it was extremely uncomfortable and had great potential to become dangerous, it was not a pressing issue at the time.”
The man sighed shakily, rubbing at his forehead and looking very clearly frazzled. 
You glanced between them, eyeing the plates and wires and inner workings visible in Optimus’ joints in a new light - he was alive, obviously, but entirely mechanical. You’d almost never believed the thought of transformers existing, only ever having seen them on the news, but now that you had one sitting there in front of you, watching you with silent vigilance and wariness, you finally resigned yourself to the reality of the entire situation. 
Yeah. You were probably going to regret this.
“Looks like you’ll both need to fill me in on all the specs,” you sighed, rubbing at your face. Your eyes burned with weariness but you weren’t about to let the stranger know, no matter how kindly he acted towards Cade. You met your brother’s gaze. “What you’ve already done, what we need to do, et cetera. But first, I’m making a pot of coffee.”
Cade glanced at the clock on the wall and grimaced. It was still unbearably early, but it was already too close to daybreak to go back to bed without wasting the day. “Yeah. Maybe two. I’ll go ahead and set up, and, uh...yeah.”
You cast a lingering glance at Optimus, who seemed to have relaxed for the most part, except for the fact that he was still eyeing you with careful scrutiny. You returned the look before walking out of the barn and into the dewy dawn air.
This was...going to be interesting.
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“Does this hurt?”
“Can you feel it?”
“Yes.” The massive tree trunk of a leg beneath your hands shifted and tensed minutely. “While a Cybertronian’s outer plating is not nearly as sensitive as a human’s skin, there are still enough sensors to give an impression of pressure and heat. It takes severe stimuli or damage to trigger pain.”
You raised a brow, glancing up towards the transformer’s head, but when you realized he had already been watching you with an unreadable expression, you were quick to drop your gaze back down to what you were doing. The torn panel of plating on his frankly massive calf dwarfed you easily, and you’d been melting the edges with a welding torch so you could meld them back together. It worked like stitches, or so Cade had told you. He was working on the alien’s other leg, closer to his knee where some of the wires and cabling were either torn or frayed. Cade had promised that he’d fill you in on the harder stuff as it popped up, but he’d told you that handling the easy fixes for the time being would make things go a lot faster in the long run.
“So is that what you are, technically?” you asked him, setting the welder aside and grasping the edges of the plating before slowly pulling them back together. You saw some of the cables visible through the crevices between the metal layers tense as you reached for the pitcher of water near you. Maybe he wasn’t being completely honest about it not hurting. You doused the meld, keeping a careful eye on it until you were sure it was sturdy and would stay together. “A Cybertronian?”
“Yes. We herald from Cybertron, our home planet.” Out of the corner of your eye, you saw that his fingers twitched on his thigh, clenching and unclenching.
“Okay.” You leaned back and glanced along his calf, spotting another smaller tear in a plate near his foot. (Would it be called a foot, though? He didn’t technically have toes...) “I...guess you have different terminology, don’t you?”
“English equivalents, yes.”
You pursed your lips, thankful the welding mask strapped over your face hid your expression. He hadn’t spoken much since you and Cade had started work nearly an hour previous, and even then it was only when either of you asked him a question. “Like…?”
“We call ourselves mechs instead of men.”
You flipped on the welder and started at the crux of the tear, watching as the metal began to shift color until it began to glow before beginning to move along the edges. “Okay. What else?”
“There are several anatomical differences, though your language lacks some words to equate to. Arms and legs, for example. But we refer to our hands as servos, our fingers digits.”
There was a long pause, and you exhaled slowly. “...Anything else…?”
“You call your heads helms, right?” Cade popped up from Optimus’ other leg, his voice muffled from the spare welding mask he had.
“Yes.” The mech shifted minutely, air gushing out of his sides with a cloud of dust. You wondered how that worked. “We refer to our bodies as a whole as frames, everything above our legs our chassis.”
“Eyes?” you inquired.
“Hm.” You tugged at the corners of the metal, pleased to find that it was more pliable than its much larger comrade. The hot seam hissed and popped as you soaked it. “Anything else I need to know? Basics?”
“While we share the same basic shape and similar organs, I still function more similarly to your Earthen machines,” he rumbled.
“Organs?” You looked up to him at that, your brows rising.
“For lack of a more suitable word,” he responded, optics appearing iridescent through the lense in the welding mask. “They’re biomechanical.”
This intrigued you. “So you’re literally a living machine, not just a robot.”
Air gushed out of his sides again, and you were almost certain that it was a sigh. “At a most basic definition, yes. Most humans that we have not interacted with directly believe us to be simple machines.”
You gazed at him a long moment, not sure how to describe the tone that his voice had edged into. It wasn’t a happy sound, for certain. “...Okay. What kind of organs do you have?” you asked, redirecting the conversation deftly. “Is anything damaged?”
“Cade repaired my sparkcasing and sparkchamber. It...serves similarly to a human heart - it pumps fresh energon through the frame. It’s the most important biomechanism we possess, and was thus the most dire to repair.” He twisted his calf outward to show you another tear in a smaller plate tucked under his knee. “Most of the other wounds have already been taking care of by my self-repair systems while in stasis.”
“So that one wound was a pretty bad one,” you assumed, gripping part of the metal and stepping up in one of the wheel wells so you could reach the tear. His leg jerked beneath you but other than that he remained still. You wondered if it was sensitive.
“Yes. As I mentioned before, it was a possibility that I could have offlined had I not been discovered by Cade.”
You stilled, his words finally clicking. He could die. Evidently, so could the rest of his species. They were mechanical, sure, but they were entirely mortal.
What a sobering thought.
You resumed your work, the barn lapsing into silence again save for the hiss of the torches and the crackle and hiss of hot metal. Optimus would tense up every now and again, and you started to take note of the places he seemed to be the most sensitive. The gaps in his plating that exposed the inner wiring and cabling seemed to be the worst places, and the metal paneling shielding those places were slightly less so. With this information, you were better able to avoid those places and make the process easier for the both of you. Less and less, he flinched, and less and less you had to worry about getting your hand pinched off by his twitching metal.
But as you worked, you began to notice that there was a difference in the metal layering his form than that which was underneath.
“Does this serve as armor?” you asked, knocking a knuckle on one of the undamaged plates. “Everything underneath seems tender.”
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“If we’re going to give him a wash, we’ll need to wait for a rainstorm. Preferably one with no lightning.” You tilted your head back, squinting at the cloudless horizon. “Cloud cover and visual obscurity and all that. Can’t let everyone in the county know we’ve got a ‘Bot in our barn.”
“I think the forecast predicted rain tomorrow evening,” Cade said, glancing up from the Prime’s gauntlet-like forearm plating. He popped the welder’s mask up on his head, swiping at his sweaty, grimy forehead and squinting down at the weld marks sizzling in the barn’s relatively cooler air. “That feel okay, big guy?”
“Fine. Thank you, Cade.” Optimus’ optics shuttered as he eyed the man’s work. He turned his servo face-up, clenching his digits experimentally. He hummed in satisfaction and lifted his gaze to you. “You are under no obligation to go to so much trouble simply for my appearance, I hope you are aware. It really isn’t nece-”
“All that dust is gunking up your ventilation systems,” you told him, though you were pretty sure he was already aware - he was the one who tried to hide how his ex-vents caught and made him sputter on a regular basis, after all. “The sooner we clean you up, the less likely you’ll be to overheat or...whatever you guys do when you can’t ‘breathe’.” You used air-quotes on the generously used anthropomorphic term. “Besides, a good bath feels good for anybody. Fresh start, and all that.”
Optimus dipped his helm in submission, obviously not looking to argue further since it was evident you’d already made up your mind. Quick learner, you thought wryly.
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"Cade, you sent me to the store a couple days ago! What else could you need? "
"What's on the list," he responded, continuing to push the taller man towards the barn door. When Lucas opened his mouth to protest further, Cade made a cutting motion with his hand. "I'll pay you back tomorrow - I've got bids going on an old media player."
"Who the hell knocked my punching bag off again?!"
Cade glanced at Lucas with a pointed look in the form of raised eyebrows. "You going to the store?"
The shaggy-haired blond nodded rather enthusiastically, already making a break for the barn door. "Yep - see you in a bit."
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"You knew?!" father and daughter blurted in unison, temporarily distracted from their argument.
"You forget that I'm a light sleeper," you told them flatly, with an equally flat expression. "Optimus knocking over a fan was how I found out about him. It doesn't take much noise to wake me up. Especially," you added, raising a brow and tilting your face towards the Irishman sitting at the counter, "unfamiliar voices at god-awful hours of the night."
Cade's head snapped towards Tessa the same moment her face flushed a deep red. She stared wide-eyed at Shane, who avoided both her and your gaze by fiddling with the gas cans stowed under the lip of the countertop.
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“Optimus!” you shouted over the din, and the Prime found his chin caught between your dampened, chilled palms. It took little effort to pull his helm down to where his optics were level with your eyes, and he found that despite the turmoil within him yelling at him to avert his gaze with shame and guilt, he couldn’t. Your face was set in grim determination, a fire blazing in your eyes as you pinned him where he crouched with their depth.
“Yeah,” you hissed, “you made a mistake. Earth’s dying. The end of the world is right around the corner. But this- ” You gestured towards the Knights, their infuriated growls puncturing the air and almost drowning out your voice. “-throwing your life away is not going to solve it! You want to fix what’s happening?”
You pulled him closer, and he could feel your hot, rushed breath puffing over his faceplate. “Then get up there and fix it. There’s no point regretting what you’ve done when you’re just going to lie down and give up so easily! You get up, you find a way up there, and you fight!” You hesitated, a glimmer of something he couldn’t catch flickering over your face before disappearing just as quickly. It made his energon chill and his primary tank drop low into his chassis. “You fight, you fix it, and you come back down here and let me punch you for being gone so long.”
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"Remember when I said you were an eight out of ten?" you asked softly.
He hummed in affirmation, the faint upward lilt of a question curving the sound.
"I lied. You were a ten from the start. The voice did it."
Optimus laughed, long and low, warmth blossoming within the depths of his chassis. "I am pleased that you find me so appealing."
“I’m serious!” you laughed, punching his wrist lightly. “The fact that you were a big scary thing in the dark jumping out to eat me was the only thing that kept me from realizing it for so long. But you weren’t so scary once I got to know you.” You smiled up at him warmly. “You’re not so big and bad, even when you try to be.”
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oatmilktruther · 1 year
tagged by @bizarrelittlemew and @chocolatepot love you both 💖💖💖
Rules: Share the first lines of your ten most recent fics and tag ten people.
I’m gonna be bratty and pull from unpublished stuff because otherwise I won’t have ten, but they are complete 😅
1. Ed is turning in his bachelor’s in mathematics. (Objects of My Affection, modern OFMD au, sequel to Writer’s Block, unpublished)
2. One semester in grad school, Stede was single handedly teaching two 200 level courses after the supervising professor had just up and disappeared to Thailand. (Writer’s Block, modern OFMD au, unpublished)
3. It happens in a thunderstorm, because of course it does, cause it had to be a big, poignant moment that would stick in his bones and pulse along to the rhythm of his heart and never leave him when things got quiet or when things got loud or when things simply were. (Anything We Want, 1880s OFMD au, has podfic, this is probably one of the most beautiful pieces of writing I’ve achieved if I have to rec one under-read piece it’s this one)
4. There’s a ringing in his ears. (I Want It All, modern OFMD au, has podfic, sequel to WYOCMWYH, refining my hurt/comfort palate)
5. Stede was well used to the feeling of watching Edward as though from afar, even if they were right next to one another. (Different Names for the Same Thing, modern OFMD au, has podfic, and I’m doing a discussion for this one in the fic club discord today!)
6. "What is your mission?” (It Wasn’t Me, modern OFMD au, this one is pure lighthearted comedy and a short one so if you want some quick easy fun i rec her)
7. Ed figured he was well past the point in his life, felt like the internet itself was past the point in its life, where he would find himself googling “hot blond dilfs in my area” and clicking “allow” when the browser prompted for his location. (Take a Byte, modern OFMD au, has podfic, funny, horny, freak/weirdo cyber sex.)
8. When it finally happened, it felt like everything all at once. (That Unwanted Animal, post canon WWDITS (2014), has podfic, my only published vianton and my manifesto on blood and sex honestly wish this was my legacy and yet)
9. By all counts, Edward Teach is a genius. (I <3 Stress, modern OFMD au, good old fashioned sex education oops all feelings blowjobs)
10. The first time Ed calls Stede after he had sworn Stede would never see him again and stalked off into the night, Stede thinks it must be a butt dial. (Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High?, modern OFMD, has podfic, first fic ever and first foray in hurt/comfort)
idk I don’t have ten people to tag who haven’t already been tagged and sorry if I double up @mxmollusca @adhduck @xoxoemynn
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aajjks · 6 months
ouch, that stung.
“YOU’RE A GODDAMN LIAR!! MOTHER—“ you pause and take a deep, DEEEEEP breath. he’s on a high horse because he knows your intentions are not pure and any thought of syelle touching him is enough to set you off. but to lie in her face and say he enjoyed fucking her than you crosses far too many lines. you aren’t forgettable.
“if i’m so forgettable, why’d you look so mesmerized huh? why do you keep looking at my tits? you’re fighting an urge you can’t win so why keep denying me when you and i both know what you really want. don’t forget that ‘his little bitch’ is the reason why you’ll never love your wife”
jungkook fucking syelle? he couldn’t even get hard when she initiated sex on their honeymoon and you only know this because jungkook has told you all the times syelle has tried to initiate hugs and kisses but he always shrugged her off yet he never denied you.
he will never deny you. you’ll make sure to fuck up his second chance and that he’ll have no choice but to come to you. then when you’re done…
“i’ll give you two options: you can either divorce syelle and come back to me like a good boy or you keep playing this stupid façade, i fuck up your relationship with her again, syelle hates you, and her father kills you. which one are you choosing?”
its been over ten minutes and syelle knows it shouldn’t take that long for a large serving of popcorn. the premieres are still showing but the movie is about to start any minute now, so to make sure jungkook is okay, syelle heads to the lobby to find him. she puts her phone back in her purse and makes her way there but she’s got this bad feeling all of a sudden, like deja vu.
“no, sy. don’t think that…i hope it’s not what i think it is”
Jungkook scoffs and glares at you. You’re testing his patience for real. “What do you want yn- you were sent to teach me a lesson. You did- I don’t want to cheat on a pure woman like her again…” he looks into your eyes.
“Sir your popcorn?” Jungkook looks back and picks up the two buckets. “I promise to never cheat on her again so please just leave me alone.” He sighs. “I can’t divorce her because I was never in love with you- you were just a good fuck.”
You treated him like dust so he will do the same. You don’t love him like his wife. “Just go. I don’t want to see you again, you walked out on me when you had done your job… so fuck off now.” He bites his lip.
He won’t give in.
Just as he’s turning to leave- he sees Syelle standing there, frozen and jungkooks heartbeat quickens, oh he feels sick to his stomach.
“S-Sy…” he stutters out.
“Come on let’s go! Our movies about to start.” He says, making his way to her, he hopes that she didn’t see you. “Come on babe..” he puts one bucket of popcorn in her hands.
He then uses his other hand to snake it around her waist.
“Let’s go.”
You need to go. And never contact him again, he’s really learned his lesson.
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keanureevesisbae · 2 years
↳ ❝ [a love story - 4.] ¡!❞
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Hank Voight x Kazuha Takahashi (asian ofc)
Summary: Kazuha spends time with Hank Voight.
Warnings: Mentions of death
Wordcount: 1.3k
Masterlist // One Chicago Masterlist // a love story masterlist
Knocking often times turns into banging, but that is mostly a force of habit. Politely knocking on the door when you live with two people who are turning deaf, is a lost battle.
I just hope this loud hammering isn’t going to leave a bad impression.
Hank opens the door and I smile when my eyes land on him. I’ve been seeing him on a daily basis now and every morning he walks into the cafe to order a double espresso. If I’m truly spoiled, I see him before work, during work and after my own shift, before I go on a coffee delivery. ‘I hope I’m not bothering,’ I say. ‘Because if you’re busy, I can just move along.’
‘No, it’s fine,’ he says, leaning his shoulder against the doorpost as he pushes his hands in his pockets. ‘Are you alright?’
‘Oh, yeah, I’m okay. My grandparents just have a date night and since they are borderline deaf, the music is loud.’
He chuckles. ‘I see.’
‘I thought maybe you and I could hang out. If you want of course.’ I hold up my hands where I show the goods I brought. ‘Wine and scotch. Not too sure which you prefer.’
‘I’ll take the scotch.’ He takes the bottles from my hands and steps aside. 
I’m not too sure what I’m expecting of his place, but I must admit: this place is homey and cosy. As I walk inside, I stop in front of a large photo wall and I see multiple pictures of Hank with a woman and Hank with a kid.
As I have reached the ripe age of thirty three, I am turning into quite the hawk: spotting wedding bands on men is what I do best. 
And from what I saw: Hank doesn’t wear a wedding ring.
Maybe he’s divorced…?
‘That’s my late wife,’ he says, as he stops next to me. 
That is sad.
‘And that’s my son… He passed away too.’
The poor man. My gosh, how much does he have to suffer? Judging from his line of work, I bet he lost great friends there too.
I lost people at work too and while that continues on to be difficult and you feel like you can never leave that state of morning, at least things went semi well in my personal life. My grandparents and parents and sisters continued on to live.
Unlike in Hank’s situation.
‘I’m sorry,’ I say. ‘I can’t imagine how hard that must’ve been for you.’
All of the sudden I feel like I’m intruding. He didn’t invite me. Maybe he wasn’t even ready to show me this part of him. 
I mean, how well do we know each other? 
He sighs, nodding briefly, before making his way to his kitchen. After taking one more look at the pictures, I follow him. 
Without him saying anything, he pours in some wine for me and some scotch for himself. 
‘How are you doing?’ I ask him. 
‘Rough day?’
‘You got quite the eye for that,’ he notes, taking a sip of his drink. He holds out his hand and I take a seat on the high stool, while he sits in front of me. One arm leans on the table, as he has his fingers folded around the glass. 
‘Some quirks you develop over the years,’ I say shrugging my shoulders. 
‘Tell me about yourself,’ he then says to break the silence that fell between us. ‘How does a young lady like you end up in Chicago working at a cafe?’
I smile. ‘What did my grandmother tell you already?’
‘She told me you were living with them, since you needed a place to stay. Something about an eviction.’
Okay, so grandma left out pathetic details. 
‘Well,’ I say, ‘I was born and raised here. When I was fifteen, I moved in with my grandparents for the first time and when I was seventeen, I joined the navy where I became a cryptologic technician. A lot of things happened and then I moved back to Chicago when I was twenty five. Lived in an apartment for eight years, did not make enough money at the cafe, causing me to get evicted, which ultimately led to moving in with my grandparents.’ I take a sip of my wine, before adding: ‘At least, that’s the short version of it.’
He smirks. ‘Why’d you move in with your grandparents when you were fifteen?’
‘My parents and I didn’t get along, so for my own and their sake, I had to get out of there. Something along the lines of middle child syndrome, I suppose.’
‘I’m sorry, Kazuha.’
I shrug and with a half-assed smirk I say: ‘Don’t we all need a pathetic backstory?’
A smile that is resembling mine appears on his face. ‘Maybe we do.’
‘We had a missing kid today,’ Hank says, once we moved to the couch. We’re both sitting on either side of the couch, however we continue to get closer to one another.
I can’t be the only one noticing the space becoming smaller and smaller.
‘A five year old boy,’ he adds.
‘Did you find him?’
He nods. ‘Alive and well, but we found three other bodies.’
Bodies. Indicating they weren’t so lucky as the kid he found today.
‘That must’ve been really hard,’ I say.
He nods. ‘It always is.’
I wonder if I should ask him about it. ‘What’s your son’s name?’ I ask, carefully tiptoeing into this unfamiliar territory.
‘Justin,’ he says. Before I can ask my follow-up question, he adds: ‘He got murdered.’
Without me thinking about it, I place my hand on his. ‘I’m so sorry, Hank.’ Realizing I’m touching him, I quickly retract my hand. ‘I bet you miss him every day.’
He nods, before he places his glass on the coffee table. ‘My wife died because of cancer,’ he softly adds, almost like he doesn’t want me to hear it.
But I hear it. 
‘Do those… Do they change your perspective about certain cases? How you view them? How you solve them?’
He nods. ‘Yeah, they do.’
There is so much I want to say, I want to ask. Anything to not let this conversation die down. I want to know more of him. I need to know more of him. 
But then my phone starts to vibrate and I nearly jump to the ruff as the buzzing is disrupting our peace and quiet. I look at my screen to discover it’s my grandmother. ‘Grandma, are you alright?’ I ask, when I pick up.
‘Can you help us, Kazuha? The lights are out. Can you check the fuse box?’
I nod, realizing she can’t see that. ‘Yeah, yeah, I’ll be right there.’ When I hang up the phone, I turn to Hank. ‘I’ve got to go, fix the lights.’
‘Need my help?’
I shake my head. ‘No, I’ve got it. I’ll probably hang out with them.’ I offer him a small smile. ‘Thanks for allowing me to stay over.’
‘Of course.’
We both get up from the couch and make our way over to the front door.
‘I’ll see you later, Hank,’ I say.
‘Later, Kazuha.’
I cross the street, though I didn’t hear a door close behind me. Once I opened up the front door of my place, I turn around, to see Hank leaning in the doorway, still staring after me. I hold up my hand and I watch him do the same. The door closes softly behind me and I let out a deep breath.
Before I can ponder over the things we discussed, grandma asks: ‘Kazuha, is that you?’
‘Yeah, it’s me. I’ll go and fix it!’
Chicago PD taglist (I operate one chicago pd taglist, so one list for all one shots and multichaptered stories): @acdassenza // @wanniiieeee // @one-sweet-gubler // @sofiebstar // @diegos-butt
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