#but they actually talked about names of popular bands they didn't know
creaturefeaster · 6 months
Opinion on bear ghost??
Long time fan, though I haven't listened to their stuff in a little bit, now that I think about it!
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werecreature-addicted · 6 months
Do you remember your writings about a minotaur and a farmer girl? Well, how about this, one night there is a party in the small town, you know, and that day both humans and monsters attend, it is a day when everyone can have fun and relax, humans, werewolves, half-snake creatures, orcs, minotaurs, etc, anyway, in the town the minotaur realizes that the girl he lives with is somewhat "popular" among some humans and monsters, since it shows that some have an interest in her, you know, they are in love with her, and well this is something that makes our minotaur jealous 🤭
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part one, two, three. and for those who didn't see the Minotaur's name is Sam now.
Sam looks up at the dazzling lights that flit through the night sky. Fireflies glow in the dark like stars. Children run around with glass jars trying to catch the small insects. There's so much noise, it's a little overwhelming, children shrieking in delight, groups of people talking loudly, and a little further down a band was playing.
You reach out and squeeze his hand, reminding him that he isn't alone.
"It's pretty, isn't it? I'm so glad you decided to come to the solstice festival with me," you say smiling. It is a beautiful summer night, and having you with him makes it all the better. he can't help but think that you're pretty tonight too.
"You've been begging me for weeks to come with you, I couldn't say no," he murmurs. it wasn't quite true, you'd just been hinting over and over again that he should come out with you tonight. You laugh and squeeze his hand again before letting go completely, and he fights the urge to pull your hand back in his and cling to you a little longer. Sam craves your touch more than he should, your hands are warm, and small in his, and they make him feel at ease in a place like this, surrounded by noisy strangers. Even though he's out of his element, he is glad he came, he feels better knowing he can keep an eye on you, and keep you safe, should the need arise.
You'd promised him other nonhumans would be there tonight, and you'd spoken the truth. everywhere you looked there were werewolves, nagas, and some paler humans he could only assume were vampires, Still, he felt like he stood out, he was a good foot taller than anyone else here, and he did notice the nervous glances he was getting. He gets it. he's big and scary, covered in scars, and has a broken horn.
The people of the town surprise him. many people came up to him and started a conversation, even though they were clearly nervous. He hated it. And he hated that he hated it. He still wasn't good at talking to anyone who wasn't you, just because you're nice and treat him with respect doesn't mean All humans are like that, he knows all too well just how cruel most of your kind can be.
That being said, most people coming up to him weren't actually there for him but for you. He knew you were lovely, kind, charming, and attractive, but he's a little surprised that so many others thought the same. It seemed like half the town wanted to catch up, buy you a drink, take you for a dance. humans and monsters alike.
He feels the jealousy spike, he wants to hoard your attention, and selfishly keep you all to himself. The two of you were basically alone on the farm, he'd almost forgotten what it was like to have to share your attention. and it's not a welcome change. Luckily for him, you don't seem eager to leave his side. You politely turn down the handsome werewolf who asked you for a dance. You seem perfectly committed to staying by his side this whole night, just like you promised you would. there are no words for how grateful he is that that's true.
"I don't know how to dance," he admits softly as the werewolf walks away.
"What?" you ask, not following his train of thought.
"I mean. if you want to dance tonight, that's not something you can do with me," he explains, his mood darkening as he thinks about the things you couldn't do with him that you could with a more normal man. He thinks about all the people who've talked to you tonight, any one of them would make a better more stable partner than him. He feels guilty for wanting you, especially when he considers how much he doesn't deserve you.
"No one was born knowing how to dance, Sam, it's a skill, you practice and you learn. If you want I can teach you," you offer. Sam felt the blood drain from his face, He'd fought countless bloody fights and none of that was as terrifying as the idea of trying to learn to dance in front of such a large crowd. You laugh lightly seeing the look on his face,
"At home, I'll teach you when we're alone, besides this-" you gesture to the band playing "-isn't really my style, I'll figure something better for us to dance to," you assure him, and he relaxes. Dancing, alone with you, at home. your shared home. it makes him feel warm and fuzzy inside.
Love is not a word that he never uses ever, and he rarely even allows himself to think it, but he's not sure how much longer he can keep the words inside. He's sure that if you really do teach him to dance that will be his breaking point, or maybe he wouldn't say "I love you" but he might just kiss you deeply instead. Then again, maybe he should, if you were officially his it might keep some of the other men in town away from you. He wouldn't mind that at all.
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dcxdpdabbles · 11 months
Cave Boy Danny is a dad and that one fact makes Tim less suspicious of him.
Because the contingency plan for Bruce is his kids. It's also really concerning HOW young Bruce is a parent. (How old is he?!)
And this story won't be complete without Dani showing up to cause mayhem while calling for her Father.
She commits to the bit without even knowing all the details. Or the bit.
So, in Cave Au, I had planned to have Danny call Dani, his adoptive sister, instead of his daughter to make the Waynes much more nervous about him, but I'll write a different Au for you to make up for it.
Dani Fenton is the new kid in Tim's class. She's moved with her single father, Daniel Fenton, from a small town in Minnesota. At first, there is not much to her, even with her large brian.
She's a scholarship girl with a mind for chemistry that could make any scientist green with envy. Her uniform must be better tailored, likely second-hand, because it hangs loosely around her body as if made for a taller girl. She doesn't talk to other students, often popping in headphones when they are dismissed to the next class or during breaks.
Most of Gotham Acadamy doesn't want to interact with her, and she's completely fine with returning the sentiment. Personally, Tim only noticed her because she had a Dumpty Humpty sticker on her laptop.
He's surprised to find anyone in his generation who even heard the band, much less enjoyed it enough to have merchandise. It was a rock band that was popular twenty years ago when Bruce was a teenager.
Tim only knows about them because Bruce sometimes puts them on when he wants to work on any Bat vehicles.
He recognized her sticker, but it wasn't a reason to go over and start a conversation with her. The only action this realization caused was Tim pulling up his playlist and pressing one of Dumpty Humpty's songs.
No, what caused him to talk to her was an incident that happened three weeks after she arrived at Gotham Acadamy. It's a well-known fact that scholarship kids were picked on. Even though Waynes attempted to curb the bullying, it still happened to the kids they gave financial assistance to.
Tim had stumbled across a group of girls surrounding Dani by the soccer field. She was sitting on the grassy hill overlooking the field, and around her were various art supplies. Dani had likely been painting when the girls had rudely interrupted her.
It didn't take any of his Bat training to see how they were mocking her, and he sped up just as one girl reached out to try and snatch her screech book out of her hand.
The key word being tried.
Dani had been much faster, for she not only tugged her book out of the bully's reach but also kicked out the feet from under the girl in the same motion.
"Nice try." Dani taunted, her accent just peeking through. "Now, do me a favor and get your daddy to buy you a yacht you can't drive instead of bothering me."
"At least my Dad has money!" The other girl screeched.
Dani snorted. "Oh boy, you really cut me where it hurts. How will I ever recover from that comeback?"
"You Bitch!" A blond girl yelled. Tim knows her. Tina Lumière, the youngest of Harry Lunmiere- a family who ran luxurious vacation services. A family that was always quick to lure in investors. She's been trying to flirt with Tim since Bruce took him in, convinced he'll fund her family business if she bats her eyelashes hard enough.
Tim hates interacting with her.
"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. I'm a poor bitch that won't amount to anything, and I need to stay away from Timbo Dragon so you can go make rich stupid babies with him."
"That's not his name-"
"Look, I only have one day of the school week where I have a free period, and you're wasting it on this." Dani waves her hand around the group with an over-exaggerated squint. "I mean, honestly, why would I go after some guy? I'm a lesbian."
"You are?" The brunette in the circle of bullies asks, with too much interest. Dani sends her a wink, and the girl actually blushes. Tim is suddenly reminded of Steph, and that causes him to smile.
"That's not his name!" Tina shouts, stepping in between the flirting girls. Dani's face clouds over in distaste as she continues. "His name is Timothy Drake. I know you're lying about not being interested in him! I saw you staring at him in biology."
"I was looking at his rock band sweater. It's a band my dad likes-"
"Shut up!" Tina slaps Dani across the face, seemingly smug, but it doesn't last long since the raven-haired girl springs up with a nasty right hook.
It hits Tina right in the eye, knocking the girl down like her friend. She screams, which triggers all her friends to jump at Dani. Despite being smaller and outnumbered, Dani gives as good as she gets, throwing a girl over her shoulder and punching another in the throat.
Tim picked up his speed, walking into a fast run. He barely has the mind to pull out his phone and point it in the group's direction. "Hey, break it up! Break it up!"
The two holding onto Dani's hair let go like they've been burned. If a teacher had tried to stop the fight, they wouldn't have gotten far, but Tim is a Wayne. They have much more power than some poor staff.
"Tim," Tina wails. Her eye is already starting to bruise. She's going to look terrible for a while while it heals. "She attacked me!"
"No, she didn't," He says, rolling his eyes. He waves his phone at them. "Don't lie. I recorded the whole thing. Also, harassing others is super unattractive."
He didn't, but they don't know that. Tina's face falls apart as he helps Dani get her things and then escorts her to the main building. He doubts that will stop her harassment, but hopefully, it will detain them long enough for him to find a better solution.
"Thanks," Dani says after they finish walking. "That was cool of you."
"Don't mention it." He gives her a standard Wayne-dizzy smile. "What of mine sweater were you talking about?"
She grins. "The Dumpty Humpty one.'
"Oh yeah, that's my dad's. He loves the band."
Her eyes light up. "Mine does, too. Maybe we can get our dads to meet and discuss it."
Great. Dani Fenton was another opportunist trying to get Bruce to meet her parents. Pity.
"I'm sure there will be a chance in the future. Maybe the parent-teacher conferences, we'll run into each other," He says with a laugh, not giving her a direct answer. Dani nods and then walks off to her next class. He reports the girls, compiles enough evidence, and when he's sure the school will step in, he doesn't think about the afternoon.
Then, four months later, it's parent-teacher conferences. Bruce and Tim are just about finished visiting all his teachers, that are falling over themselves to get on Brucie's good side when Dani appears, dragging her dad behind her.
"That's him." She says, and Daniel's face lights up.
"You're the Dumpty Humpty fan?" He asks Bruce. His dad has no choice but to play along even though Tim knows he's dead tired and wants to go home.
"Of course. Who doesn't love a good Fairy Tale Ending to listen to on the way home?" Bruce laughs, and Daniel's grin widens.
"That's great, but I like Bloody Prince Charming more. Daniel Fenton, by the way." He holds his hand, and Bruce shakes it slightly more interest now. It's not that Dumpty Humpty isn't just old; it wasn't popular in this part of the country, so it's even rarer to find fans in Gotham.
"Bruce Wayne."
"Nice to meet ya!" Daniel chirps- seeing anyone other than Dick be that cheerful is odd. "Wish we can talk more, but I got to get to this one's art class."
"Of course," Bruce says, even though he's surprised they walked away so quickly without asking for anything more of them. Most try swinddle a second meeting somehow.
Dani waves Tim goodbye, and the Fentons are off down the hall, chatting between them in ordinary, eased tones. It's odd but a forgotten interaction for Tim after a few days.
Not so much for Bruce.
Tim finds out a month later that Bruce not only met up with Mr. Fenton again but even asked for his number on their second meeting. Then the two men went out for dinner, went to the mall, went shopping, and even did some charity fundraiser together.
Bruce would often message Daniel that it felt like he was the new teenager. Tim still did not think it odd.
Only when Damian burst into his room, dragging the rest of their siblings in. The youngest had called on a sibling meeting to discuss a new issue that worried him about Bruce.
"Tim, who is Father's suitor, and what are his intentions with Father?" The boy asked after everyone had settled.
"Babybat has a point. I haven't seen Bruce this interested since Catwoman first appeared," Dick added. "I really hope this lover sticks around."
"What lover?" Tim questions Jason, who shrugs.
"A Daniel Fenton? The old man has been going steady with him for about a month now. Haven't you noticed? You were the one that introduced him."
"No, I've been focused on the Phantom case," Tim says, gesturing to the board covered in red yarn and a news clipping of the new hero.
Phantom had appeared a while back, going through the city and helping the little people. He's even harder to catch a glimpse of then Batman, but he's been helping to slowly cut down the pity crime and muggings, letting the Bats focus on the big guns like the Rouges.
The Bats had been trying to pin him down to offer assistance and gradated for all his hard work. They just catch him since Phantom is a meta and always slips away at the last second.
"Whatever the case may be." Damian started up again. "We must protect Father from those with less than honorable intentions."
"Hear, Hear," Steph and Duke cry, lifting up their juice boxes that Cass had passed out. It wasn't a proper sibling meeting without snacks.
"He can't be all bad," Tim said. "He's a single father."
"Having a kid makes him more worthy?"
"In my experience, step-parents have been really great." But Dana was incredible like that, so maybe Tim put too much faith in Bruce's dating life.
They all agree to closely monitor Daniel Fenton and his daughter Dani. There may be more than meets the eye.
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luvkaulitz · 1 year
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pairing : tom x fem! reader
summary : tom finds himself head over heels after seeing you with your new piercings, except the only way he found out was through an interview.
author's note : this isn't proofread cause I'm just too lazy also I WANT SNAKE BITE PIERCINGS SOOOOO BAD.
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"Everyone give it up for Tokio Hotel!" The interviewer clapped as the crowd cheered and clapped as the band smiled and waved. Tokio Hotel was currently at New York, Usa for a tour and got invited to do an interview for a really popular tv show. Unfortunately you got stuck back in LA for your own tour, as you were also in a band.
The cheering died down and the interviewer let the band mates introduce themselves before going to ask the questions that were submitted by their fans.
"Bill do you have a girlfriend?"
Bill laughed with a slight blush on his cheeks and shook his head as a way of saying ‘no’
"Oh no I want to find the right girl to spend the rest of my life with" Bill's answer made the other bandmates nod in agreement, but of course Tom loved teasing his little twin brother.
"Yes Bill is single so ladies hit him up" Tom pointed to the crowd and made a phone sign with his free hand. This made the crowd cheer and laugh out loud while Bill was there with a hand covering his mouth, holding in his own laugh.
The interviewer laughed and flipped his flash cards for the next question. "This question is for Tom." The interviewer announced and the crowed ooed in intussusception. Tom prepared himself for whatever question would be shot at him.
"You're in an official relationship with Y/N L/N, aka the lead singer from [band-name] correct?"
Tom's band members looked at him with smug looks on their faces, they knew you were Tom's weak spot. Maybe this was karma for teasing Bill.
Tom held his hands together and smiled. "Yes, she's been my girl for 2 years now. Our anniversary is soon actually."
The crowd clapped as a congratulations for Tokio Hotel's guitarist. Tom was known to be a playboy and they were happy that he'd found a girl to stay with instead of in Tom's own words before he met you. ”Love for one night”
The interviewer also clapped. "Congratulations you both deserve eachother."
Tom thanked the interviewer thinking his turn was over but to his surprised the interviewer announced some news he had not known about.
"So I think the audience knows this by now but Y/N and her new piercings have been trending all over social media. How do you feel about her new appearance?"
Tom raised an eyebrow. He hadn't talked to you for atleast a couple hours at most, how'd he not know about this?
"Oh? I didn't know about that." Tom and the others nodded, they had no idea about this.
"This happened just a few hours ago. Infact here's a clip from Y/N's live revealing the piercings."
The interviewer pointed towards the big tv that pointed straight towards the crowd as a video started playing.
You were on the screen with only the upper half of your face showing. Tom watched with a smile, waiting for you to talk.
"Guys I did something." You backed up from the camera showing your whole face, revealing the two silver rings on your glossy lips. You smiled showing your pearly white teeth.
Tom's eyes widened. You looked even more stunning with the new snake bite.
Your eyes scanned the comments before replying to one.
"When did you get this? Oh I got this just this morning, Tom doesn't even know about it I wanted to surprise him." You laughed at the camera before the video clip ended leaving Tom's lovestruck face stuck in the tv.
The audience awed at the sight before Tom turned his head. Like always Tom's mouth got the best of him as he spoke out loud before thinking about it.
"Damn she's hot."
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avatar-anna · 2 years
Unknown Number Part 2
the long anticipated part two to unknown number. enjoy!
Part Three is now up!
italics: y/n (unknown number)
bold: harry
(one day later)
HS: Hey, I haven't heard from you. Is everything okay?
HS: I know you're busy and everything, but maybe you feel differently after us talking?
HS: It doesn't have to be different. We can go back to just texting I don't mind.
(one day later)
HS: You're not avoiding me are you?
HS: June?
(one day later)
HS: I don't know what I did, but whatever it is I'm sorry.
HS: But I'm starting to get worried. Are you okay? Like safety wise? Cold shoulder I can take but I would feel awful if you were hurt or in danger or something?
HS: Can you at least let me know you're alright?
J is typing...
(twenty minutes later)
J: i'm fine
HS: Good!
HS: Did I do something?
J: no i just think i was served a cold dose of reality a couple days ago
J: sorry for disappearing on you
HS: It's okay.
HS: Would you be more comfortable if we just went back to texting?
J is typing...
J: maybe
HS: Maybe?
J: i...like the sound of your voice
HS: You do, do you? ;))
J: don't be smug!
HS: I'm not, I swear!
HS is typing...
HS: I like the sound of your voice too.
(later that evening)
Y/n stared down at her phone and wondered if she was the biggest asshole on the planet.
She was never supposed to know who H was. Sure, she'd thought about it, had stayed up for hours thinking about who might be on the other side of their conversations. But it was all guessing and daydreaming. Y/n never actually thought she'd figure it out. Or that H would stand for Harry. As in Harry mother fucking Styles.
The person Y/n had been texting wasn't some serial killer or internet troll or some random person. He was one of the most popular names in pop culture right now. And not only that, they were in the same vicinity for the next few months while Five Seconds of Summer opened for One Direction.
When she heard H's voice, when she realized H was Harry, Y/n ran. She high-tailed it back to the tour bus, shooting a quick text to One Direction's stylist to tell her she wasn't feeling well and if she could take care of her band. Y/n pretended to be sick for a couple days while she hid on the tour bus. No one questioned it, but she did feel a little guilty for not doing the job she was paid to do.
But what was she supposed to do? The potential for running into Harry was extremely high. Y/n had no idea what she would do if they spoke and he came to the same realization as she had. She wasn't sure if she'd be able to handle the disappointment on Harry's face when he saw her and knew.
Pursing her lips, she typed out a new message.
(ten minutes from the last text)
J: do you ever think about us meeting?
(five minutes later)
HS: All the time.
J: you do?
HS: Of course. I mean it's hard not to.
J: do you...think you'd ever be disappointed by meeting me?
HS: Uh no?
HS: Is there a reason for this line of questioning?
J: no not really. just curious
HS: Somehow I feel like that's not true.
J: i don't know
J: i'm not sure why i'm in my head about this it's not like we'll actually meet
HS: You really think that?
J: do you think we ever would?
HS: I don't know.
HS: But I think I'd like to. One day.
J: you don't even know me!
HS: I do though!
HS: And you know me too!
HS: Where is all of this coming from?
J: i just think we should be realistic
J: i texted you by accident and we've become like modern day pen pals or something
HS: So you...don't want to meet me? Ever?
J: it's not about want it's about practicality. i just don't think talking about us in that way is smart
HS: You brought it up!
HS: And what do you mean by us?
(fifteen minutes later)
HS: Oh, so you're gonna ignore me now? Real mature.
HS: You're the one who brought all of this up you know.
HS: But you're probably right. I know I've been bothering you, but I think you had the right idea. I think we need a little space.
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(one day later)
Harry was unreasonably irritated. Angry didn't seem like the right word, but nothing about his situation was normal.
June was technically right. This whole thing was ridiculous and nonsensical and completely impractical. There was no scenario where they would ever meet or...
Harry couldn't even think about it. Thinking about June like that...thinking about June at all outside of their messages was stupid. He didn't need to be thinking about her, about anyone that way.
So why was he so frustrated?
Maybe it was that June wrote him off so quickly and seemingly out of nowhere. It wasn't like they ever needed to talk about the obvious, which was that they'd probably never meet despite the fact that he'd grown fond of her. Harry was perfectly content to talk about whatever popped into his head or June's latest Tinder date—though that topic was slowly starting to grate on Harry for reasons he refused to admit. Now it was a jumbled mess.
With his head bent, Harry walked toward craft services. He pulled out his phone, looking at past conversations and willing himself not to send another one. June hadn't responded to him since his last message, and he wasn't sure how to feel about it. On the one hand, it was what he'd asked for, but he still was itching to talk to her. Harry had grown used to expecting a quick response, had enjoyed June's wit and charming personality with each message she sent.
And now it was all weird and Harry's emotions were all over the place.
"Oof! Hey, watch where you're going!"
Harry glared down at the young woman who'd bumped into him—or who he'd bumped into, but he was too caught up in his own world to realize it. The young woman's eyes widened in shock as she stepped away from him. She opened her mouth as if she was about to speak, but nothing came out. Maybe a little squeaking.
He'd seen her around before, but not much. Honestly, these days Harry was usually holed up somewhere on the bus or at the venue texting June. But he'd seen the back of her head as she scurried around, or at a table on her own during lunch as she scrolled on her phone. He was pretty sure she was Five Seconds of Summer's stylist, but he didn't know for sure.
Raising his eyes at her expectantly. Harry waited for her to say something. "Sorry," she said, barely said. She was so quiet, Harry could hardly hear it. She looked scared of him, which made him feel bad. He was in a mood, but he didn't want to make anyone feel terrified of him, and this girl looked like she was about to cry.
He tried to apologize, but she scurried off before he could. Harry watched her go and sighed. He couldn't wait to get onstage and forget about June and the texts and all the ways she made him feel things he wasn't supposed to feel.
(later that night)
HS: Are we okay?
J: i don't know
J: i think so
HS: I feel like I'm going crazy.
J: how so?
HS: All I've been able to think about is our last conversation. I don't want to not talk to you.
HS: Can I admit something?
J: of course
HS is typing...
HS: I want to hear your voice again.
(five minutes later)
HS: You know, for the first time I think I actually kind of sounded like a creep.
HS: I didn't mean it in a creepy way I promise.
J: i know what you meant
J: in every other circumstance it would raise a red flag
HS: But this time?
J: i think i just want to hear your voice again too
HS: Yeah?
J: i'm not going to say it again to boost your ego
HS: :((
J: you know, you say all the time that you don't date, but i have a feeling you like having your ego fluffed
HS: Who doesn't?
J: attention whore. that's what you are!
HS: That was mean >:(
J: i would like to make it known that i'm sticking my tongue out right now
HS: I'm flipping you off!
(five minutes later)
J: so we're okay?
HS: Yeah. We're okay.
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(one day later)
J: are boys always filled with energy?
HS: I would say 90 percent of the time. Why?
J: my clients are just...a lot sometimes
J: very nice but a lot
J: like the brothers i never asked for
HS: Aw. Are they getting on your case about your bad taste in men now too?
J: you're not as funny as you think you are
J: and maybe
J: they tease me about the constant beeping of my phone. they want to know who i'm texting all the time
HS: And what do you say?
J: that i'm texting my boyfriend
J: i feel like it keeps them at bay
HS: Boyfriend huh?
J: oh hush
HS: Don't tell anyone, but I like the sound of that.
J: don't tell anyone but i do too
(two minutes later)
J: i feel like we're wandering into dangerous territory here
HS: Maybe.
HS: I'm not as bothered about it as I thought though.
J: no?
HS: Are you?
HS: Sorry. You don't have to answer that.
J: that's ok. i just don't know how i feel
J: not a cop out just the truth
HS: I believe you. Will you tell me when you do know?
J: of course
(later that night)
J: how does one acquire a new mother?
HS: Typically through divorce.
J: that won't work. my parents are miserable people together. kindred spirits
HS: what did she do this time?
J: it's stupid
HS: Not if it made you upset.
(ten minutes later)
HS: June?
J: sorry i was crying
HS is typing...
(one minute later)
Y/n's eyes widened at the incoming phone call on her screen. She knew she shouldn't have told him she was upset, but she needed someone to talk to, and somehow H had become the person she confided in.
Even then she didn't expect Harry to call her.
Hesitantly, Y/n picked up the phone. "H—Hello?"
"Why were you crying, June?"
"I'm fine, H, I promise—"
"No, you're not. I can still hear it in your voice. What's wrong?"
"I..." Was their first conversation really going to be her crying to H about her family drama? Y/n knew perfectly well that he probably had a million other things he could be doing. She was aware that both bands typically went out after shows. The boys of Five Seconds of Summer had tried to persuade her to go out numerous times, but she had yet to take the bait. Y/n was perfectly happy to lay in her bunk and text H, who she now realized might have been in a bunk of his own a couple buses over. The thought made her stomach feel fluttery and nauseous at the same time.
"My mom posted on Facebook about one of my cousins who just got married," Y/n explained. "And she said, or commented, or whatever that she was, 'so happy' and 'so proud' of the 'daughter she always wanted.'"
"Oh, June, I'm so sorry."
"It's fine, I swear it's fine," Y/n insisted, but even as she said it, she felt more tears begin to leak from her eyes. "I knew she was disappointed. Marriage is a huge deal in my family, and I didn't want—She called her the daughter she always wanted. What kind of mother says that?"
Y/n knew she was something of an outcast in her family, but she never thought her mom would say something like that, and so publicly. Facebook was her family's way of staying connected. This was a message for her entire extended family, not just Y/n.
"June, I—I don't even know what to say. That's horrible," H said.
"And you know what's the worst part?" Y/n asked. "Deep down I can't help but wonder if I should just settle down and get married like she wants me to because really, what am I doing here? I've been trying to make my way in this industry, but at what cost? My family has all but disowned me, I hardly have any friends because I live in a new town that just eats up my meager paychecks, and—"
"Hey," H said gently. "Do you really think you'd be happier back home with...with a husband at, what? 22?"
Y/n sniffled and rubbed her eye. "Probably, not, but—"
"And do you want this?" he asked.
"I thought I did."
"June. Do. You. Want. This?" he repeated.
He was the only person Y/n would admit it to. "I...I really do, H."
"Then go for it," he said. "I believe in you. In a year or two, everyone is going to want to work with you. You'll be the one turning people down."
"If only."
"Hey, that's not the voice of a confident woman. I need to hear confidence."
"No, I need confidence. I can't be the only one believing in you here," H said, which made you smile despite the tear stains on your cheeks. "Do you need me to shout it? Because I will. Don't think I won't."
Y/n tried to stop him, but H proceeded to shout—to whom, she wasn't sure—that she was the best stylist and that she was the coolest person he knew and all sorts of nonsense that made her giggle and continually tell him to shut up.
"Okay. That's enough! Harry, that's—"
She stopped immediately. It was a slip of the tongue. Y/n had gotten caught up in the moment and his name just...it just came out. Her heart stopped and her hands began to shake, nearly making her drop her phone in her lap.
Y/n prayed that he missed it, that amidst all the laughing and shouting, H didn't hear it. But the minute his name left her lips, it was dead quiet.
"How do you know my name?" he asked. His voice wasn't lighthearted anymore. It was stone cold, closed off.
"I...I don't—"
"You do. You just said Harry. How do you know me? Have you known the whole time?"
"No! I didn't—I don't—"
"I can't believe this. I can't believe that I...that I let myself fall for this. You—You lied!"
"I didn't lie! I swear, I never—I never knew anything until..."
"Until what?" he shouted, and you flinched.
What was she supposed to say? That they were on tour together? Harry would definitely think she stalked him then. He was so angry, there was no way he would listen to reason right now.
"Until what, June?"
"I'm so sorry," she said, her voice just above a whisper.
"Don't try to contact me again, or I'll call the police," he said harshly before hanging up.
Y/n could only stare down at her phone in disbelief.
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(two days later)
Y/n decided to spend her days perusing thrift stores. Hiding, really.
Her first-ever clients as a stylist were pretty low-maintenance. When she met them for the first time and saw their scuffed-up sneakers and ripped jeans, Y/n knew she wouldn't be stretching her creativity pretty far. But her job was to find clothes that represented her clients' image, which was exactly what she did.
While everyone else on tour was doing who knew what, Y/n went to local thrift stores in search of vintage t-shirts and good quality jeans that would be easy to move around him. One time, she came back with a pair of gorgeous leather boots that she thought would be perfect for Luke, but he said outright that he wouldn't wear them. Boys, honestly.
It wasn't much, but they appreciated when she came back with cool band and graphic shirts. She sewed up holes and ripped new ones when she was asked. Y/n felt like Snow White sometimes, and the boys were her dwarfs, but they were nice and funny and kept her distracted, which she needed right now.
She was in a small thrift store in Oregon, a couple pieces on her arm—two flannels, a baseball tee, a t-shirt with Kurt Cobain on it, and a couple leather bracelets. Now that she'd been on tour with the wonderful members of Five Seconds of Summer, Y/n had an idea of what each member liked. They had very similar styles and often shared the clothes she picked out for them—which honestly made her life easier considering her smaller-than-small budget.
But she still thought about H, of course she did. There were times when she felt compelled to go up to him at the concert venue, or even his tour bus, but she feared that would just make things worse. He already thought she was a stalker, she wasn't going to make it worse by just...appearing right in front of him.
She didn't know what to do, but not doing anything made her heart hurt. Not talking to him made her heart hurt. Y/n couldn't believe that this was how their text friendship turned out. Of all the ways she imagined this thing ending, having Harry block her number and him virtually hating her.
"Just this today, hun?" the woman behind the counter asked when she brought the clothes up.
Y/n nodded. After her major slip up, she hadn't done much talking. She felt like a ghost, floating from place to place without a word until she could go back to her bus bunk and look at old messages. Y/n didn't really want to be on this tour anymore, but she couldn't bring herself to quit. She didn't have the energy.
Back at the new concert venue, Y/n went to the boys' dressing room. They crowded around her as she showed them the shirts and bracelets. "I can cut up the sleeves on some of them if you want," she said quietly.
"That'd be awesome!"
"Maybe a couple holes around the neck?"
"Do you think you could write 'IDIOT' on this one?"
Y/n had only been half-listening, but she looked over at Michael with her brows raised when he said that. "You want me to write what?"
"I don't know, I think it'd be cool. Don't you?"
All four of them looked to her at that. Since the tour started, the boys went to her for fashion advice. That was technically her job, but it felt like she suddenly had four younger brothers.
"Y—Yeah. Very punk rock. I'll get on that right now."
"You're the best, June!"
"I could kiss you!"
"Please don't," she said, shoulders tensing when they all squeezed her.
The four boys left her alone in search of food—because they were always hungry—and Y/n got to work. Or tried to. She was alone for all of two seconds before the door slammed open.
"Really? You fucking stalked your way onto this tour?"
It was the first time Y/n had seen Harry since the one time she bumped into him in the hallway a few days ago. Y/n thought he'd looked irritated then, but he looked downright furious now. His face was red and mouth turned into an angry frown. Y/n tried to speak, but she couldn't. She just kept staring at him, hoping the words to explain would come.
"I—It's not what you think—"
"You're sick! Sick in the head! I'm calling security. I can't believe this," he said, muttering the last part.
Sniffling, Y/n looked down at the clothes she was supposed to fix up for the boys. Her boys, she sometimes thought. She couldn't believe this was actually happening. Harry was in front of her, and he...he was calling security on her.
"You—You don't have to do that," she finally said. When she stood up, Harry stepped away from her. "I'll go. I swear. I know how this looks, and I know you won't believe me, but this is a coincidence. But...I'll go. You don't need to call security. I'll leave."
Y/n grabbed her things and the boys' clothes, not looking at Harry once. She couldn't handle seeing the look in his eyes. But she felt it. His glare burned his skin. She shuffled out of the room, head bent with her things in her hands. On her way out, she bumped into something. Someone.
"Woah, June. Is everything okay?"
It was Luke. He looked concerned, but she couldn't find it in him to explain. "I'm—I'm fine. I'm just going to finish this stuff up on the bus, okay? I'll have it done before the show."
Before he could say anything else, she left, trying to ignore what sounded like an argument starting in the room she'd vacated.
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(three hours later)
Y/n was still on the tour bus fixing up the boys' clothes and waiting until it was time for her to leave for the airport. She knew she should've left right away, but she wanted to do this last thing. One last thing, and then she would be gone. It was almost time, and she'd finished cutting up the shirts, now she just needed to write the word 'IDIOT' on Michael's shirt. It was very fitting, Y/n felt like an absolute idiot for ever letting things get this far.
Still, she couldn't help but form a little smile as she sketched out the letters with a pencil. This job wasn't necessarily what Y/n had wanted, but it also wasn't what she initially expected. She liked the 5SOS guys, and she had to admit that there was something adventurous about going to a new city every few days. The point was, she liked it more than she thought she would, and now it was over.
(thirty minutes later)
Harry had been standing in front of the crew's tour bus for ten minutes. He wasn't sure if she was there, and he wasn't sure if he wanted her to be there. But he was standing in front of the bus door anyway, trying to decide if he was going to knock.
He'd been furious. Furious and alarmed and freaked out. When he'd gotten the first text from June, Harry immediately thought that she was some crazed fan who had somehow obtained his number. He slowly realized that wasn't the case, or so he thought. June had been lying this whole time, and not only that, she managed to become a crew member on tour.
When he heard her voice outside Five Seconds of Summer's dressing room, Harry was floored, and then he was scared, and then he was angry. Why couldn't people just leave him alone? It wasn't enough that he performed and gave all these little pieces of himself to the world. Why did everyone expect to give over all of himself?
And he talked to June about that at length, and he thought he was confiding in her, he thought they were sharing with each other. But she was...she was just lying to him.
And yet, she was still June. Months of texting and everything he felt didn't just evaporate because he discovered the truth. She was funny and charismatic and seemed to really like him, and he liked her too. A lot.
It was why he was at the bus. Harry wanted an explanation. He deserved that at least.
It took about a minute for the door to open after he knocked on it. She peeked her head out, watery red eyes surprised, and a little scared, to see him standing there. Mixed emotions flared in Harry's chest at the sight of her. Something squeezed his heart at finally putting a face to all the messages, to the girl he couldn't go more than a day without talking to. June was very pretty with a thick head of hair, high cheekbones, and pouty pink lips. Her nose was red, as if she'd been crying, and the part of Harry that cared about his friend hated seeing her like that, hated to know that this was how their first meeting was turning out. Harry had daydreamed about meeting June for the first time many times. A lot of times. None of his daydreams looked like this.
"Um, I promise I'm leaving. My flight is later tonight, and I just thought—It doesn't matter, I'll go."
Harry had met a good number of crazy fans over the years, and while he knew June was one of them, she seemed rather subdued. Instead of jumping him at any possible moment this entire tour, she minded her business and didn't try to talk to him once. Maybe he was believing in something he wanted to believe, but June didn't seem like the crazy stalker fan that she was.
"I want to talk. I want an explanation," he said.
June nodded, not opening the door any further but reaching her hand through the small crack. "I wrote it all down. I was going to give it to someone to give to you. It was the least I could do."
She didn't even want to talk to him? Was this all just an act to gain his sympathy? There was no way of knowing. If this was all one big con, June was a very good actress.
Harry took the note from June and unfolded it, reading it carefully.
I just want to start off by saying that you have every right to be angry, I understand that I have betrayed your trust. And I have betrayed your trust, just not in the way that you might think.
I found out who you were a few days ago, it was why I was avoiding your texts. I'd overheard you talking to Michael and the other boys in their dressing room. It was right after we'd sent all our voice messages, and I just knew it was you who was behind the door. I couldn't quite believe it.
But I also didn't know how to tell you that I knew. I was shocked and confused...and to be honest I didn't know what to do with the information. I just...wasn't expecting you.
So I kept the secret for a little while I tried to figure out how to tell you, and...Well, you saw how that turned out.
I just want you to know that I had no idea who you were when we first started texting. I truly gave my number to some idiot that I slept with, and by some twist of fate, he gave me your number instead. I didn't want to text you, I didn't want to like you, I didn't...expect to share so much of myself with you. I know this is harder on you for so many reasons, and you are justified in not trusting me, but it was hard for me too. Part of me thought that if I told you and you saw me, really saw me, that you would be disappointed or not impressed or something like that. You mean meant mean a lot to me, and the thought of ruining our tentative friendship by us meeting scared me, so I foolishly thought I could avoid you the rest of the tour.
I'm sorry that you found out the way you did, and I'm sorry it caused you so much emotional pain. I know you probably won't trust anything I've said, but I hope this might help you understand. And with the hope that I don't come off as the obsessed stalker that you already think I am, I really did do like you, and all your secrets are safe with me, as I hope mine are with you.
All my love,
Best wishes,
June Bug
Harry looked read the letter once, then twice, then looked up at June, who was still hiding behind the bus door. It had closed that much more, like she was trying to shut him out.
He knew he had a right not to trust her, and part of him still didn't. But another him was pushing her toward him, drawing him to her. His gut was telling him to hear her out, that she was the June Bug from all of their messages.
His show was in a little over an hour. He had last minute things to do and pre-show rituals to complete, and he knew that people would start looking for him soon. But he didn't want to go.
"Can—Can I come in?" he found himself asking. "To talk?"
June's brows raised, like she wasn't quite expecting Harry to ask her that. Which was a valid thing to think, of course, but now he was hoping she would let him in. Or send him away so they could avoid a difficult conversation.
"Sure. Are you—Are you sure?" she asked him, thick brows furrowing. Harry would've found the wrinkle between them cute if it wasn't for the situation.
Was he sure? "Y—Yes."
Nodding, June opened the door further to let him inside. Harry's hand brushed against hers on his way past her, and she immediately recoiled. He ignored it, and looked down at her for the first time. Really looked at her.
She really was beautiful, there was no denying that. June had a kind face, one that held so much emotion in it. Harry felt like he could read every little feeling as it flitted across her face. And right now, she was looking at him like one word out of his mouth could make or break her. Unable to handle that kind of pressure, Harry focused on a little scar that cut into June's brow.
"Um, so obviously you're familiar with the layout of the bus. Do you want to sit at the couches in the back? Or the tables here, or we could just stand—"
"The couches are fine," Harry said.
“O—Okay. Couches it is."
June turned around and headed for the back of the bus, strands of her hair swishing with each step she took. Harry followed, wondering if he'd just made a huge mistake or was taking a risk worth taking.
tags: @cookielovesbook-akie @sucker4angstt @l0v3e1i @bellesmith628 @marigold-morelli @obsessedmaggiemay @sophthearthoe
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itsharleystuff · 9 months
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‘ I just wanna be one of your girls tonight ’
— 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Rockstar!Joel x afab!fem!reader (no outbreak alternative universe).
— 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 8.7k
— 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Your best friend’s boyfriend has an older brother that turned out to be the guitarist of a famous rock band from the 80s. You meet Joel by accident before his concert and things take an interesting turn.
— 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 18+ content (minors dni!), age gap (Joel is 48, reader is said to be in college tho her age isn’t specified), sex, p in v sex, porn with barely any plot, sex with a “stranger”, a bit of dirty talk, oral sex (f), use of ‘slut’, praise, mirror sex, fingering, some oral (m), cum eating, reader calls Joel an ‘old man’, smoking (they share a cigarette), pet-names (sweetheart, darling, honey). Also, I know nothing about guitars or concerts so this is probably very inaccurate. This one’s roughly edited, forgive meee. No use of y/n.
— 𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬: One of the girls - The Weeknd, Lily Rose-Depp, Jennie. Breakin’ dishes - Rihanna. Todas mueren por mi - Cartel de Santa.
Third-wheeling has now unintentionally become your most recurrent hobby since your best friend started dating Tommy Miller. Not that either of them minded, given that it was their idea.
Tonight was different, however.
"I could've been a part of it, y'know?" the man boasts, "I just didn't know how to play any instruments or how to arrange tunes... I have a nice voice, though. If that counts for anything."
Ary, your friend, giggles at his statement and replies with a comment that you didn't quite listen. Tommy's car stereo is currently blasting The Clashers' latest album— Joel Miller's rock band, that is. Two days ago, you had no idea who the eldest Miller was –only that he existed–, much less that he was the guitarist of a very popular 80s band. Now his brother is taking you and his girlfriend to their gig, to which he was given front row tickets. Nice.
Their music was actually pretty good, though some of the songs sounded more country than rock. Tommy explained that those were most definitely written by his brother, due to his love for the genre. Apparently, The Clashers have had a recent comeback with their newest album and a small tour, all after a long, undefined hiatus that went on for nearly a decade and a half. "Joel's fault", the younger Miller said, "he became a father. A single one, to top it off. But he's the best at it, don't ever doubt that."
"How old is he again?" you wonder, suddenly curious about the age gap between the siblings.
"Forty-eight. His girl Sarah just turned nineteen a couple months ago." You nod absentmindedly at the response.
You met Tommy almost a year ago, when Ary and you used to work at a cafeteria outside of Dallas' university. She'd graduated a few years ago, but needed money to pay her rent and coincidentally, you did too. You hit it off right away, becoming friends but also roommates in further time. Though you were still in college and she was a bit older, that never seemed to be an issue with your friendship or your schedules. Tommy came along shortly after, turning up every day at the café with his charisma and nice manners, making his intentions with Ary very clear since the beginning.
"D'you think there'll be a crowd?" your question makes her raise a brow quizzically.
"Most likely," she retorts thoughtfully. "Why? Are you regretting your own idea?"
Her boyfriend chuckles at that, knowing perfectly well how much you disliked loud, cramped places. It's not that you didn't enjoy this sort of events once in a while, but being someone who gets easily overwhelmed around people, you mostly prefer the sort of lay-back dates. Nevertheless, it was you who came up with this plan for today. With college giving you such a hard time and your colleagues being tremendous assholes lately, you needed something out of your comfort zone to fully unwind. Some action to pull you off the dull routine.
"Are you subtly implying that I'm a boring person?" you ask, falsely offended, crossing both arms over your chest. "Cause I swear I know how to loosen-up, I just need time to... Get used to it."
Tommy seems to be holding back laughter, but Ary doesn't even try to hide her amusement. "Girl, you're lucky I'm your friend, or else you'd be rotting in our local library," she scoffs.
You roll your eyes playfully, a smirk pursing your lips, "Yeah, cause that'll be such a tragedy. Who'd support you financially if I didn't study, huh?" you turn your head to her boyfriend. "Tommy?"
The man shrugs his shoulders, fighting against the urge to grin. "Oh, dear," she glances over her shoulder to look at you from the shotgun seat, bright smile painting her face. "Don't give him any ideas. He might just marry me."
✩ ° 。⋆⸜ 🎧
Whilst Tommy went looking for a place to park, you and Ary walked to the nearest convenience store to grab some beverages. You were still running early anyway, which only meant a quick stop wasn't going to imply much trouble.
"I'll wait for you out here," with a head tilt, you silently indicate your friend to go ahead. "I need a cig."
She nods understandingly, "Want me to grab something for ya'?"
"No, I'm alright. Don't worry about it."
Ary stopped at the entrance to look back at you, staring intently for a weird extent of time, her eyes sparkling with joy. "Did I mention you look stunning?"
"You might've had, but that doesn't mean I don't love hearing it," the reply widened her smile. Once she went inside the store, you took a chance to peer at your reflection in the showcase.
This whole eighties vibe was certainly not something you were used to, but there was no denying how hot it made you appear. Aiming for a 'rockstar girlfriend' kinda look, you went for that smudgy, dark eye-makeup; as for the clothes, the mini skirt, low-cut bustier and oversized leather jacket paired with some nice boots kept the whole outfit together.
You blinked away, stunned by how confident you suddenly felt in your own skin. Chuckling to yourself, you started digging in your purse for a smoke. And as if the gods decided to toy with your faith, you luckily found a single one sitting at the very bottom; putting the filter between your lips, you then turned your bag upside down to search for the lighter, only to find that you hadn't brought it with you.
"Damnit," you spat in frustration, closing your eyes to picture in your mind where the last place you'd left it was.
Maybe it was next to your bed, on the nightstand; or perhaps in front of the stove... No, it definitely wasn't in the kitchen. The blurry image in the back of your head resembled more of a–
"Hey," a low, masculine voice called from beside you in a mellow tone, almost as if this mysterious man had a naturally sly nature but wanted to cool it down. "Need a light?"
He had a deep, soothing ring; raspy, profound and very southern-like. Frankly, you didn't know what you were expecting before setting your eyes on him, but it definitely wasn't a man such as he was. A wave of emotions washed over your body as you pried on him; big, broad, rugged and devastatingly handsome. Not to mention older than you— however, how much older is not a detail you care to find out. Your skin felt ticklish and warm, added to the sudden acceleration of your pulse.
First thing you noticed were his big brown eyes, shiny in sort of a childish way, regardless of the wrinkles that surrounded them when he politely simpered. You could tell he was a total heartthrob by the way his lips quirked and his head tilted downwards when addressing you.
He's thick in the arms and wide in the shoulders, something that was noticeable despite the black leather jacket he was wearing over a plain white t-shirt, tucked into a pair of worn-out denims. The cowboy hat on his head casts shadows upon his face but you're still able to make up his features: aquiline nose, strong jawline, soft lips under a styled mustache and a patchy, graying beard. Tall and handsome as hell.
"Yeah," you answer as soon as your mind allows you to, suddenly feeling your mouth dry when realizing you were staring. He bit back a smirk as he gauges at your reaction. "You've got one?"
"Lucky for you, I do." His left hand disappeared in the pocket of his jacket, taking out a simple red lighter. "I don't suppose you've got a cigarette to spare, do ya'?"
"Sorry," you frown apologetically, "this is my last."
He closed the gap between you, but instead of handing the lighter, he hunched down to lit the end of the dart still hanging from your lips, caging it with his big hand. And fuck, he smelled good. A mix of cedar and sandalwood, fresh and manly.
"No worries, doll." Dizzy with his presence, your eyes unconsciously bored into his. You can't move away, diving inside his pupils like you're hypnotized. "I'll just buy a pack for myself."
Caught up in that urge of keeping him near, you take the dart between your fingers and hear yourself say: "Unless you wanna share."
It was impulsive, not to mention irrational. Yet, all of the rational thoughts inside your brain had unforeseeably vanished in thin air, replaced by a strange need that rested in the pit of your stomach, a wicked desire that rushed through your veins like a drug. His brow shot up in surprise, giving you a subtle, pleased nod. He realizes there's something else behind your proposition, nothing that could be hidden with the way you're shamelessly looking at him.
"Let me guess," he commences, his calloused fingers brushing against your own when he takes the cig, orange end stained with your lipstick, "you're headed to the concert."
Your eyes squint with a crooked smile, "Are you that perceptive or am I just that obvious?" he takes a short drag, holding the fag with a nonchalant attitude and a mannerism that expressed experience.
"Bit of both," the shadows of smoke surround his face, hiding his features behind a thick, mysterious fog. "You've got that groupie vibe to ya'. The kind of girl that has her walls filled with boy-band posters," he jokes.
"Oh, is that it?" you ask playfully, mirroring his action to let the nicotine circle your system. "Cool it, cowboy. I ain't trynna get in trouble for fighting an old man."
He chuckles at your sarcastic remark and you can see the spark of a thin chain around his neck, along with the soft curls that gathered at his nape. Jesus, his side profile was divine.
"What's your name, darlin'?" he asks. You tell him, that southern drawl of his being more noticeable when echoing it. "You from around?"
"Yeah," you blow the smoke away from him, though he takes back the dart while you're at it. "Been here my whole life. You?"
He shakes his head lightly, "Austin. But I've been all over."
You can't help but smile inwardly, "That explains it."
"What thing?" the man asks with a certain intrigue.
"Nothing... You've just got that particular vibe." He's already laughing when you point at the cowboy hat, rejoicing in the way you played with his own words.
"I see that, groupie." He takes the almost consumed cigarette between his teeth and removes the hat from his head, running a hand through his soft curls. "Let's trade."
You watch in awe as he unexpectedly places the hat atop your own head. It sits well there and the way his eyes grow dark and his lips curve upwards can only mean he likes it too.
"What'cha think?" you inquire, slightly adjusting it.
"I think..." he eyes you up and down, ashing the cig with a tap of his index, "You should keep it. In exchange, I'll just take what's left of this lung-junk."
"Well, that doesn't seem like a fair trade," you cross both arms over your chest. "Isn't there anything else you want apart from that half-burnt smoke?"
His head tilts to the side as he meditates his answer, his chocolate hair now messy and a couple of those brown curls hanging loose across his forehead. For a moment, you're worried you might've sounded too raunchy for the occasion, but he looks pretty pleased. His eyes lock with yours and you feel your knees wobbly just from that undeniable tension that lingers in the air.
"I'll tell you what, sweetheart." Sweetheart. Damn, he's good. "Find me after the concert's over. You can repay me then with whatever you might find convenient."
Your brows crease at the scheme, curious, "How will I find you, though? I'm certain there'll be a lot of people."
He laughs darkly, like he knew something you didn't –which, to be fair, was probably true–. "Just ask for Joel. I'm sure someone will point you to the right direction."
Could it be...?
"See ya' around, groupie." He sets off with a subtle head gesture, waving back at you.
Your mind was spinning so fast that you didn't even notice when Ary reappeared beside you, rambling something about a woman being annoying over the prices and fighting cashiers, too worked up to even notice your distraught— or your new acquisition.
✩ ° 。⋆⸜ 🎧
The venue was crammed with people and there was a heady scent of pot all over the place, not unusual in these sorts of businesses. Thankfully, Tommy had arrived earlier to guide you through the masses.
"Here," he said, taking you and his girlfriend by the wrist. "We've got VIP seats, no need to go all the way down there." He pointed the barricade, where a ton of people were congregated to get the better spot.
The area in which you were located had a better view of the stage and was way more comfortable. Only till you finally sat down did Ary notice the new addition to your outfit.
"Did you buy that outside the store?" she wonders, sorta screaming to make herself heard over the mass. Tommy's eyes land curiously on you.
"Yeah, something like that."
"Funny," the man mumbles to himself, shaking his head lightly. "Very funny."
"Well," he clears his throat and licks his lips nervously, "I just think it's funny that you'd get a cowboy hat in one of my brother's gigs."
Still in the shadows, you raise your shoulders to beguile him into spilling the details, "Why's that?"
Tommy taps his knee anxiously. "You see, when Joel was younger he'd often 'gift' his hats to any girl that would catch his eye. It was a way of... I don't know, making them one of his girls, you could say. By doing so, the other band members would see her and no one would dare to make a move."
His words fell upon you like an ice bucket. Joel, Joel, Joel. It just had to be the same Joel, because honestly, what were the chances?
Before you can retort, or even form an answer in your brain, the lights go out and the crowd bursts in cheers and shouting. But you can't for the life of you pay any mind to them, too focused on Tommy's story ringing in your ears. Seconds prior to the lights going on again, the sound of a single guitar key reverberated through the venue.
Did Joel Miller just mark you like cattle so no other man would approach you? Was that some kind of sick game he liked to play? If that were the case, you can't really say you're mad about it... Mostly thrilled, so to speak.
"So what would happen afterwards?" you asked, leaning to his ear, so you could make yourself be heard.
"He'd make his move and then what?"
The man slightly winced as if you had just asked him the dumbest question in the book, "I think you know the rest."
You knew.
Of course you knew.
There's a voice saying "Goodnight, Dallas" and the spotlight is now on the five men standing on stage. You didn't even need to search for his image, your eyes immediately attaching to him like a magnet. A feeling of beguilement settles in your bones as you realize you've achieved that excitement you hoped to get tonight, at last. 
Amidst chaos and loud screaming, he stood there in all his glory, perfectly aware of the impression his sole presence could cause. Messy brown hair, sun-kissed skin and that patchy, graying beard. Convenience store Joel turned out to be rockstar Joel.
The only thing that was different about his appearance were the dark aviator sunglasses that gracefully framed his face, a belt with a big, round buckle and the black Epiphone Wilshire guitar that was strapped to his shoulder with a sash. All of this new fashion somehow made him more physically appealing, if that was indeed possible. He looked like the type of man you'd rip off from a magazine and stick up in the corners of your vanity; the kind of star that girls and women would salivate over.
You could totally see the fascination and understand why it was easy for him to simply pick out someone he liked and take them back to his dressing room for a nasty time. Joel Miller was that guy.
In the back of your mind you register the fact that you're probably eye-fucking him whilst his younger brother and your best friend are both standing at your right. But you can't really help it— he was just so electrifying, such a magnetic force of a man. The whole world seemed to stop as the concert carried on, though you can only make out the melodies when you're far too distracted by Joel's charisma and mysterious air.
The way he moves on stage, too focused on his own act, fingers tugging at the strings and metal vibrating underneath his touch... It's fascinating how he makes it look easy and like a tremendous labour at the same time, pulling it all off with a wolffish smile on his face. The other band members had their own charm too, but your preference was undeniable.
They played the songs that you had been previously listening to, and the fact that they're being played live just amplifies the feeling of intimacy regarding the lyricism and musicality. Songs that talk about life's hardships, love, heartbreak and carnal desires. They all just hit different.
Towards the end of the concert, Ary started feeling dizzy, the amount of people and sudden dehydration giving her signs of a posible migraine. She tried not to say anything for the sake of your fun, realizing just how much you're enjoying yourself tonight. But at the end she truly couldn't, deciding to tell Tommy she needed to step back for awhile and go get some fresh air.
"I should go with her," you said in concern. His boyfriend shook his head and patted your shoulder.
"I'll go. You can stay if you want to, just call me if something feels off and I'll be back in a sec," he said reassuringly.
It took a few seconds to agree, although you eventually did. The event was almost over anyways. "Tell me if anything happens."
You watch as he leaves behind her with a certain remorse in your gut. The Clashers play three more songs afterwards, turning out to be much more emotional and heartfelt than you could've expected.
One by one, every single band member thanked the audience before the lights went out completely and the crowd stopped their clapping and cheering.
In order to avoid getting stuck at the exit from the people storming out, you decided to stay back and wait. You intended to reach your friend via message, sending a short "everything alright?" that did not deliver due to the awful signal. Only then did you start to grow nervous and more worrisome.
"Excuse me," out of nowhere, one of the security guards called for you when no one else was around –aside from the scattered people that had the same idea as you did–; a tall man with a 'staff' pin on his shirt. He asked for your name, but something about the way he worded the question made you believe he already knew it. "You've got a backstage invitation."
"A backstage invitation?" You tried holding back laughter. "From whom?” your eyes narrowed at a new clue. “Wait... Did Tommy meet up with Joel?"
The staff member furrowed his brows in surprise, "You came here with Miller's brother?"
"Huh? Yes... Isn't that why you approached me?" the stranger gave you a kind, slightly embarrassed smile.
"No, but you should come with me. Joel's in fact the one that asked."
So, it was him after all.
'Someone will point you to the right direction', turned out to be quite literal.
You agreed to follow the guard. Maybe Joel could just reach Tommy and tell him you were fine. Although that'll mean you'd have to explain how you two had met. Well, shit... It’s not like it was a bad thing, right?
✩ ° 。⋆⸜ 🎧
Backstage dressing rooms tend to be different depending on the facility where an event is held. In this case, there were rooms with the artist's names hanged on them and a handful of people moving around, spitting orders and following instructions. Everyone was so involved in their own affairs that no one really seemed to notice you, specially standing next to the security guy, who knocked twice on the guitarist's door.
It didn't take long before he appeared before you, that post-concert glow brightening up his features. His cocky smirk told you just how certain he was that you'd end up here eventually and how glad he was for it. You gave a quick nod to the man that guided you here and he disappeared just as quick as he came.
"Hey there, groupie."
"Joel." Your lips unconsciously curved, too. "I believe I owe you something." His hair was ruffled and the sunglasses rested atop his head, looking better up-close than he did on stage.
"Wanna come in?" the question sounded so genuine and innocent, it almost made you believe there wasn't a meaning behind it... Yet, you knew; you were both aware.
"Sure, but-" there was something you had to tell him... God, he smelled good— what was it you had to tell him? "Won't they scold you for having me here?"
His dressing room was fairly spacious, with a small leather couch, a coat stand with a couple of jackets and shirts hanging. His guitar rested on the corner, tucked inside its case; facing the couch was some kind of vanity where celebrities could get their makeup done, the lights around the mirror reflected a warm light.
"Don't think so, darlin'. I'm way too old for a scolding," he joked, closing the door behind you.
The very moment you were left alone, away from any prying eyes, the air shifted entirely; as if this whole space was your own private setting. That same feeling you experienced outside the store somehow crawled under your skin once more, adrenaline rushing through your veins in a crushing expectation.
"Did you enjoy the show?" you nod distractedly.
"I did. But I ain't gonna lie, it was a total shocker to find out that the hot guy I'd just met was actually a part of the group." Joel's eyes gleamed with an unfamiliar simplicity that invited you in and provided a certain comfort.
"I wish I could've seen your face," he retorted, his voice smooth and low.
"Why?" you bicker, "So I could further boost your ego? No, thanks."
He chuckles softly, his eyes squinting to reveal the tiny wrinkles that form around them; a sign that he's always been the type to laugh without remorse. Those are the small details that make him even more attractive in your perspective.
You lean against the makeup board, giving your back to the mirror and crossing both arms over your chest. The heel of your boots had started to feel uncomfortable, so you placed one leg across the other to shift some of the weight whilst his gaze followed your every move intently; the unfathomable depth of his eyes stirred something inside you, an urge to unleash your impurest thoughts.
"You've got quite an attitude, don't ya', groupie?" the man questions with humor. "But I'm pretty sure you just called me hot, so, either way, my ego was boosted," he pointed out smugly.
"Joel," you click your tongue, subtly shaking your head. "I bet there's tons of women saying that about you, and there's no doubt in my mind that you’re aware of it already."
That could not be denied. Throughout his life, Joel had always been aware of his charm and good looks, which eventually brought him popularity amongst the group. After having Sarah, he saw himself forced to tone down the amount of affairs and adventures he'd have, specially as a single father, always trying not to get his daughter's hopes high if she saw him with someone.
Honestly, despite him being back on track with the 'celebrity' lifestyle, he still wasn't planing on keeping up with his old tricks of bringing women backstage and giving them something to gush about with her friends. He really hadn't gotten involved with anyone during the tour until now... And it wasn't something he'd intended to do either. Everything happened so spontaneously, the way you two sort of bonded and just met out of the blue. Joel's goal wasn't any of this at first, he merely thought of how gorgeous you were and how comfortable he felt in your presence.
However, logic and good sense abandoned him the minute your eyes gaped at him; dark and alluring, with a spark in them that he could not escape, an intriguing verve that entranced him and crept under his skin. From that moment forward, he could only think about you while being on stage, hoping to catch a glimpse of your skin amongst the crowd but having to settle with the fresh image of you on his mind: your confident mannerisms, your striking smile and how good your legs looked in that mini-skirt. He tried to put on his best performance just to impress you.
"Yet, your perception of me is the only one I currently care about," he declares, taking a few decided steps towards you.
You beam, keeping your head held high, "I gotta give it to you, Joel. The hat thing, your whole performance... Very clever."
He's taken aback by your words, surprise written all over his face. "What d'you mean?"
"Come on, Joel," you reply with a roughish grin. "You really thought I wouldn't hear all about your schemes? Oh, here I believed I was special," you joke.
The man gets rid of that 'respectful' distance that kept you apart, slowly making his way to you, exuding that perpetual arrogance he naturally carried and never breaking eye contact. You returned the same energy; piercing his soul with those siren eyes, barely tilting your head back to expose your throat and unhooking your arms to give him a better sight of your breasts. Intentional or not, those little details were driving him insane.
"You are special, sweetheart," he murmurs, emphasizing the second word. "All of my girls are."
He was quite close now, his scent dazing your senses and the warmth of his body, plus that southern drawl of his, formed goosebumps on your skin. With boosted confidence, you reach out to softly grab the lapels of his jacket. You wait for him to push you away, scold you or react negatively... though he never does. Instead, his eyes fall from yours to your lips, licking his own distractedly. You motion to remove the shades form his head and place his hat back on, adjusting it lightly. In the meantime, you take your time to run your fingers through his hair, drag them along his jaw, feel the raspy sensation of his beard scratching your fingertips.
"S'that so?" you whisper, your breath fanning across his cheek. "You know what I want...?" His eyelids shudder, a muscle twitching on his neck as you lean to pour the next words into the shell of his ear. "I just wanna be one of your girls, Joel Miller..."
Those words have an immediate effect on him, his eyes darkening with blown away pupils. Your hand lowers to his chest, conscious of the strength with which his heart was beating, the heat of his feverish skin there where you touched him. His palms land on your hips, caressing the covered skin as they make their way to your waist.
"We'll see 'bout that, darlin'," he hushes, cupping your face with his right hand to keep you steady, restrain your control over him. His face is barely inches away from yours, practically breathing each other in. "You know what's gonna happen now, don't you?"
You gulp in suspense, eyes glued to his lips, waiting, wishing he'd just kiss you. "Yes..."
"Good," Joel's thumb swipes across your bottom lip, slowly coaxing your mouth open. "Is this what you want?"
You can barely muster up the courage to speak, nearly falling from the tension. "Please..."
"Mmm..." his nose rubs against yours and your eyes close instinctively. "That's not an answer, sweetheart."
Your hands fist on his shirt, desperate to touch him. "Yes, Joel."
"That's my girl," he praises, effectively creating a pool of arousal that smothers your underwear. But you've barely got any time to process it before his lips are finally on yours.
The kiss knocks the air out of your lungs, his plump lips molding against yours. Your fingers play with the curls at the base of his neck, your nails scratching his skin deliciously. Everything feels hot all of the sudden, the need to get rid of your jacket latent on the edges of your body. Joel holds your waist and quickly sits you fully on top of the board, making you squeal from the abruptness of the action; this way he can settle himself between your legs and flush his chest to yours. His lips never part from yours, swallowing down any noise that escaped your mouth.
The coarse fabric of his jeans feels rough against your exposed skin, his hands coming to grab the back of your thighs, sliding them beneath the hem of your skirt as you wrap your legs around his waist. The kiss is breathy and intense, you taste him when your tongue drags inside –a mix of mint and cigarettes–, your teeth crashing when he tries to assert his dominance by pulling your body closer to his. Your perfume, sweet and floral, lingers around him in a way that makes him want you even more. When he slowly licks your lower lip, you moan faintly and the sound makes him throb.
His fingers splay on your asscheeks, prodding you to feel the weight of his hardening cock against your inner thigh, consequently setting a fire in your lower belly. You catch his grunt in the kiss, the feeling of his mustache tingling on your skin whilst you grind your hips just to experience that friction once again, relishing in the familiar sensation of your arousal spilling into your panties, wet and warm. And fuck, part of you doesn't believe that this man is hard for you. Joel suddenly backs away, just enough to stare blankly into your eyes, casted with desire, and regain a bit of composure.
"Not a word about this, 'aight?" something you had figured he'd state sooner or later.
"Yes, sir. It'll be our dirty little secret," you grin right as he whispers a goddamnit.
Before he pulls you in for another heated kiss, you struggle to take your jacket off, taking your phone out of the pocket and hastily throwing it to the floor as he mimics your action. Joel uses this moment to fully take in the sight of you; the way your tits sit perfectly in that top, chest rising and falling from drawing ragged breaths, your exposed neck and shoulders, flushed skin ideal for him to nip at and trace with his lips. So he does just that.
He ghosts your mouth, towering over you but ignoring the need to reattach your lips to his. Alternately, he gently kisses your chin, making his way down your throat and between your collarbones. You're a panting mess under his touch, trying to keep yourself collected for the sake of not getting caught, yet failing when his teeth sank onto the pillowy flesh of your breast. You audibly gasp, holding onto his arm for dear life; though he simply huffs a laugh that vibrates through you.
"Don't worry, darlin'. In here, you can be as loud as you want to," he assures.
Joel descends to his knees in front of you and the image is far too erotic for you to hold back a whimper. He coaxes your knees farther apart, your denim skirt hunched up around your hips so he can peek at the red lace of your underwear. He grabs your calf and places a kiss to the side of your knee, looking up at you hungrily.
"Should we take this off?" he taps on your boot, calloused fingers tracing random patterns on your leg.
"Let's keep them on," you say, your hand stroking his cheekbone. "I want to wear them when I come on your cock."
His eyes glint with lust, "Fuck..." he rumbles, almost pained. "Who would've thought a pretty girl like you would have such a filthy tongue."
You can't help but smirk as his lips roam upwards, "You think I'm pretty?"
His gaze scorches with intensity, both his hands languidly sliding up your sides till his fingers hook on the edge of your panties, pulling them down your legs to take them off, "I think you're beautiful," he murmurs amidst. Your heartbeat hammers in your ears at the time he leans into the apex of your thighs, one of his brows quirking up at the sight of glistening slick sticking to your swollen skin.
"Poor thing," he coos, taking off the hat like a cowboy who's worked his whole shift and comes home to eat the best dinner he's ever had, placing it beside you. "You're so sensitive, baby..." you inhale sharply when he lays a teasing kiss on your inner thigh. "Been a while?"
You nod, though even if it has been a while since the last time you slept with someone, you're certain that most of your responsiveness falls onto Joel's doing. He tsked, shaking his head in the meantime and using his thumb to barely spread your folds. Your eyes look at him beneath heavy lids, lips parted as his mouth explores the area, his breathing tickling the sensitive skin.
"I'll take care of you, sweetheart."
Without warning, his tongue darts out to lick the slick around your entrance, ravishing on the sweet taste of your juices. Your fingers thread through his curls, swallowing hard at the new sensation. He takes his time with you, leisurely allowing your wetness to gather on his tongue, his nose nudging at your clit when he moves his head a certain way. It all makes your brain spin, overcome by the pleasure you're experiencing, actually permitting you to loose your cords and spill uninhibited whimpers that only egged him on.
"Shit, you're doing great..." you can feel his smile against your dripping core.
"You just taste amazing, darlin'," he's not lying. Joel's enjoying himself far too much as he buries his tongue between your folds, holding you tighter. "So fucking good..."
The back of your mind registers the brief pain of his fingertips digging in your flesh, thinking it may bruise in the morning. The other part can't even form a rational thought. You moan his name, calling out for something to ground you; but he's just as gone, if not way worse. Joel is bewitched by the headiness of you, clogging his senses entirely. It's been so long since he gave head, but he doesn't remember it like this— like he couldn't get enough, so eager to make you feel good, to hear those pretty sounds spill from your mouth.
"Oh my god..." you mewl when his lips close around your puffy clit, gently flicking his tongue over it whilst you run your hands through his locks.
He flattens his tongue against the bundle of nerves, tracing delicate circles that make your whole body shudder. You're messily dripping all the way down to the wooden surface as he selfishly alternates his attention between your aching bud and your hole.
"Look at you, honey," he mumbles, voice laced with desire. "Doin' so good for me."
His fingers swipe across your slit, making you squirm. "Joel, please-"
"I know, baby, I know..."
Though when he's about to dive in again, you catch the light of your phone through your peripheral vision: an incoming call. The ID read the name 'Tommy <3'.
"Shitshitshit," you quickly reach for the device, swiping the green button and muttering a wary wait to the man before you. Joel simply gawks at you with intrigue, the pads of his fingers still roaming around your core. "Hello?"
On the other side of the line, Tommy says your name with utter relief, "Thank god. I left you a thousand messages. Are you okay?"
More than okay. Your brother's tongue was inside my cunt just a few seconds ago, actually.
Obviously you can't say that.
"Uh... Yeah, everything's fine." You clear your throat, trying to mask the gasp that threatened to escape when Joel started rubbing tender circles on your clit. "The signal's just really bad."
"Yes, I noticed," he mutters, a bit frustrated. "Should I go get you? There's still plenty of people at the entrance and I don't want you to get lost."
"No- no..." you have to bite your bottom lip in order to muffle the unholy moan you were about to slip out. The bastard had just sinked one finger inside you experimentally, watching your face contort in pleasure as he reached for that particular spot. "I- have... Is Ary alright?"
"She took a pill and is knocked out in the backseats of my car right now," you can practically hear his smile as he speaks. "But... Are you sure you're okay? You sound... Agitated."
That was a way of putting it.
Joel is a greedy, jealous man. He wants all your undivided attention and will make sure to let you know. He decides to add a second finger, watching your eyes screw shut and your mouth gape as he curls them, your slick covering all the way to his knuckles.
"Yes, I met with a friend-" you tug at his hair hard enough to make him groan, his cock twitching with interest. "She's taking me home."
Your thighs start quivering and your body feels hot all over, an abrasive feeling of bliss rushing through every single nerve ending. You're close, and judging by the way you clench around his fingers, he knows too.
"Oh... Well, in that case just let me know once you get home. Please?" You think you answer, but you're not entirely sure. The call ends and your phone slips from your hand.
"Joel, I can't..." you whine when his lips latch to your nub once again, his fingers still working you open.
"Yes you can," he vows. You clutch at his curls with enough strength to work him up. "You're a big girl, you can take it."
And it's right then, when he repeatedly hits your g-spot, licking and sucking at your delicate clit, that your hips get a mind of their own, barely kept in place by Joel's strong grip on your hip. The coil finally snaps. You're not sure what you say, what words fall from your mouth... But they do dawdle on his mind. You shake from the magnitude of your orgasm, muscles starting to relax as Joel licks up every drop of your release, absolutely lost in the sweet taste of you. Your grasp on his hair loosened as he rose to his feet, letting you catch your breath.
He's on edge, his voice a hoarse rumble when he spoke. "Didn't anyone tell you," his left hand came up to brush his fingertips over your lips, "how rude it is to answer phone calls when this pretty pussy of yours is getting eaten?”
You lick your lips nervously. "I'm sorry..." he hums in response, "I'll make it up to you."
There's no time for him to reply since you crash your lips to his once again, frenetically searching to feel his weight pressed on top of you for a second time. This kiss is messy, rushed and needy. You can taste yourself in it as he pushes his tongue past your teeth.
Amidst the fuss, your hand snakes between your bodies to tug at his belt, fumbling to pop his pants open. Once you do, you can feel how warm and heavy his cock is, rock hard beneath your touch. He hisses at the flick of your wrist, moving up and down his length over the thin fabric of his boxers. Joel rests his forehead against yours to even his breaths, his chest heaving with a lustful sigh.
"Fuck," he grumbles, swiftly manhandling you so you're facing the mirror. His hand holds your face for you to stare back at your own reflection. "Aren't you a sight to behold?"
And you're certain that for a man like him, those words couldn't be truer. Sweat beads around your neck and sticks a couple hairs to your temples, eyes teary in the corners and lipstick smeared from the make out. Here and there your skin displays signs of his presence, part of you wishing they'd stay there till the next morning. If there was an accurate way to describe how you looked, that'll be wrecked.
"You should see yourself, Miller," you smirk, gesturing in his direction. His eyes reflected a prurient nature that added to his sex appeal, hair messy from your doing and an eager expression that gave him a downright pornographic aura. "Not bad for an old man."
His lips caress the back of your ear, hands driving the denim skirt farther up your hips. You cling to the edge of the work desk, making an effort to stand up in your weak knees, chills running down your spine when he gently nibbles at your earlobe.
"So much for not wanting to boost my ego, huh, sweetheart?" his gruff voice is both soothing and stirring, making all the blood rush straight to your pussy.
He parts your legs, spreading them with his knee and forcing you to bend forward a little. Your head turns to peek behind your shoulder, his every move being closely monitored by you, eyes widening when you finally fathom the sheer size of his cock. Your lower body pulsates with anticipation, another wave of arousal sticking to the inside of your thighs.
"Holy fuck-" you ramble as you watch him expertly roll a condom on his length. He's long and visibly thick, a prominent vein running from base to tip; your mouth waters just from the idea of wrapping your lips around it. "Shit..."
"Don't be getting all shy now, honey. Tis' what you wanted, then you're getting it," he rasps, lining himself between your legs.
"M'not shy," you retort, staring back at him through the mirror. "Was just thinking about how badly I wanted to blow you."
Joel stifles a groan, his hands snaking to your front to pull down the top and expose your tits. There was no need to wear a bra with a bustier, which you were glad for, cause it made it easier for him to pinch the peaked buds of your nipples. The head of his cock glides across your folds, coating it with the slick that keeps dribbling each time he bumps against your clit or makes you watch as he gropes your breasts.
"You talk like a slut." Your cheeks soared red and your pussy fluttered at the name-calling. The heat of his body on yours was simply intoxicating, making it difficult for you to think. "Is that how you want me to fuck you?" he whispers in your ear, nudging his cock at your entrance but not quite going in yet. "Nice and hard until I make an absolute mess out of you? Mmm?"
You nod, "Yes, god- yes. Please, Joel..."
He takes that plea as his cue to press himself inside you, slow and steady, allowing your body to adjust to the intromission. Your mouth falls ajar, nails scratching the wood under your fingers, vaguely squirming at the sharp sting of the stretch.
"That's it, takin' my cock so well," words of encouragement fall hoarsely form his lips like a chant and your body willingly melts into his. "See? I knew you could take it."
His thighs plunge to yours when he bottoms out at last, letting out a few pants and groans, his fingers pushing stray hairs out of your face. You can feel him jerk inside you, your walls enveloping his girth tightly, a wave of pleasure licking his spine at the feeling. He doesn't waste any more time, finding a pace of his liking as soon as he started moving and being relentless with it. The way his neck chain hits your shoulder blades with each thrust, the scrub of his beard when he kisses your temple and the dirty praises that he murmurs in your ear, somehow make the situation grounding; like it's really happening and you're not dreaming about it.
As Joel cradles you in his arms, your hand skirts to his nape in order to bring him in for a kiss. Each roll of his hips is calculated, deep and unswerving, knowing exactly how and where you liked it, studying your reactions. When he kisses you, he does so earnestly, almost affectionate in contrast to the rhythm in which his dick drags inside you– but it's short, the need for oxygen overpowering both. At this point, not even your stilted whimpers and his soft moans can mask the lewd sound of your squelching pussy or the sporadic noise of skin slapping against skin.
"Good fuckin' slut," he locks your jaw in place, pushing you to keep eye contact with your own reflection. "Sneakin' behind your friend's back to get fucked by a stranger –shit– an 'old man', nonetheless..."
Your stomach tenses each time the head of his cock grazes that sensitive spot within you, legs shaking at the way he speaks to you. Through the mirror, you see the way his thumb digs into your cheek, his hand cupping your breast as he twists your nipple in his fingers and the worst of all: that haughty fucking smile that suited him perhaps too damn well.
"I always did like them older," you utter, out of breath.
He chuckles darkly, heftily, letting his hand coast down your abdomen and reach your clit to tease it while he takes you from behind. The feeling was so intense that all you could do was claw at his bicep and let a hushed whine slip past your lips, knowing that a second orgasm was approaching faster than you had expected.
"Fuck, Joel- It feels so good..." your moans are like music to his ears, a syrupy melody that he wants to maintain on replay.
The way your pussy clenches around him, squeezing his length with every push, has his head fuzzy with sheer pleasure. And god- you look beautiful coming undone for him. No; because of him. He sees you looking at him through the reflection, pupils dark with an obscure desire, feels your cunt soak him every time he tells you how good you are, with each sound he makes just for you.
"I'm so close-" you warn, white sparks blurring your vision at the building of your crescendo.
"C'mon, come for me," he purrs, skillfully teasing your nub. "Wanna feel it— oh fuck, wanna feel you live up to your promise..."
Joel fucking whimpers, nuzzling his face on the crook of your neck as he pulls your hips to meet his pace. The sound is so enticing that it throws you off, wanting to engrave it in your mind. Your thighs waver and your back arches, an overwhelming sense of euphoria partaking your body. "I've got you, let me hear you," he fucks you through it, slowing down but never losing precision. "Right there, you did so good..."
In your state of frenzy, you feel his cock throbbing inside you, his grip on your body tightening: the classic telltale of his own climax looming. Through it all, with your heart thumping so loud that it's almost deafening, you blurt out a dulcet: "Come in my mouth..."
God help him.
He nearly loses it right then and there.
"As you wish," he sighed, his deep voice raspy with passion.   
But he's an indulgent man, so he musters up the strength to pull out and snatch the condom away, throwing it to the trash can. You fall to your knees with no hesitation, arms stretching to reach the outline of his hips. Joel guides the ruddy head of his cock to your lips, spreading precome all over them before you fully take him in your mouth. You suck him earnestly, focusing on the tip and tracing the vein on the underside of his dick. He's so worked up that it doesn't take him long to start panting; head thrown back and hand grabbing firmly the back of your neck.
Your gaze stick to his, knowing perfectly the power of looking into his eyes. You love the taste of him, musky and strong; all man. All you can think of right at this moment is how you want more, so much more of him.
"Perfect," he slurs through gritted teeth. "Perfect girl."
You can't contain the hum that reverberates through him, pushing him over the edge whilst you massage his balls. A deep, guttural groan claws its way from his throat, hips stuttering and thighs trembling as he comes in thick, hot spurts down your throat. You swallow instantly, not thinking much about it and stroking his shaft unhurriedly until he's whimpering from overstimulation; though he doesn't tell you to stop or pushes you away, letting you work him up to the time of your choice. Once you're content, you straighten your posture and rearrange your top, roughly registering when he tucks himself back in his pants.
"You okay?" he asks, helping you get on your feet. His thumb swipes around your lips and chin to clean the smeared lipstick, a sweet concern dithering in his eyes.
“Feelin’ great,” you say with genuine joy, pulling your skirt downwards and grabbing your panties from the floor, laying next to your jacket and his guitar. “Thank you.”
“I should be the one thanking you,” he lends you a hand in putting your jacket back on. “It’s been a while since I’ve… Uh, well, you get it.”
You turn to face him, beaming radiantly. Gosh, you’re stunning. He’s certain he won’t forget those mesmerizing eyes of yours.
“Joel, let’s be honest with each other…” your hands shot up to caress his cheek and thread at his curls. You don’t believe him one bit. “We’ll meet again. You know we will.”
You didn’t really mean it, merely wanting to make an impression. But there was a minuscule possibility that your paths would cross for a second time; after all, you did know his brother. Though you never mentioned that. Deep down, you were scared that he wouldn’t want to make a move if he knew of that connection— specially after seeing Tommy’s reaction when he saw that hat on your head.
“Hope that’s true, groupie.”
Joel insists on calling his chauffeur to take you home, arguing that it was past midnight and it was dangerous to take a cab. Eventually, you let him, making a quick stop to the bathroom to set things right with your appearance. He waits for you patiently, the cowboy hat presented to you as a gift when you walked out.
“Keep it,” he sways, “as a little souvenir for if we don’t end up meeting again. Besides, it suits you better.”
“Won’t you have another pretty girl to gift it to?” he rolls his eyes at your inquiry.
“I can always buy more,” he laughs. “I want you to remember I sent you home sore and aching each time you look at it.”
You giggle, getting on your tippy toes to kiss the corner of his mouth. “Don’t worry, Miller. I’ll be thinking ‘bout it… About you. That’s a promise.”
And he truly hopes you mean it.
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leeyanyanyaaan · 10 months
Kayn x Graffiti Artist!Reader
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16 / 11 / 2023
hi hi~ welcome to the start of my heartsteel x headcanon series "creatively charmed"! sorry, i cant think of a better title atm LOL anyways, this is gonna be a series of the heartsteel band with a lover who's got a creative side to them XD that's all, hope you enjoy! next up will be sett ^-^
Started with another one of days where Kayn decided to go out and wreak havoc by vandalizing everything LOL
When he does he often comes across a lot of grafitti art, this one in particular has a certain style to it
He always lets out a little chuckle when he sees it.
Now, as a fellow artist himself, he is respectful enough to not ruin that person's art, but he does his own grafitti nearby. For him it always includes his HEARTSTEEL icon and if he's feeling good then some song lyrics or a joke
This time, it was shortly after HEARTSTEEL's debut MV released, so when he left to do his usual vandalizing, he wrote "two sides to a story but they never tell my side" with a bunch of doodles. He was particularly proud of this piece, so he was planning to continue working on it the next day
What he didn't expect, however, was for someone to continue the lyrics, with "never been the kinda guy to stay inside the guidelines" written underneath, as well as some art of Kayn's scenes and even a headshot drawing of him from their single's thumbnail
Kayn was surprised and amazed to see it, and broke out into an excited shit-eating grin once he saw the artist's signature that he saw in all their other pieces
"So, looks like I captured this person's heart too. Ever the popular star I am, no?"
And so, he continued the lyrics to his verse, secretly hoping this grafitti artist will continue it again.
Which they did, and gradually, that specific wall gradually filled up with PARANOIA's lyrics from their gradual exchange, even with additional doodles of the other members, Ernest and Rhaast, and some of the funny scenes of the MV
Even mini conversations started with side comments on each others drawings, for example:
"This dog -> true MVP of HEARTSTEEL"
"The dog in the MV? His name's Ernest. (But Kayn is the real MVP)"
"LOL u come up w that name? I can see it tho ngl"
Oh right, this person doesn't know this is THE Kayn Shieda they're talking to
Anyways, this exchange made Kayn excited to come back every time (even his bandmates questioned why he goes out every night looking all excited)
Same with Rhaast actually LOL, but Kayn doesn't let him because he knows how crazy he gets when it comes to vandalizing
"I WANT A TURNNN KAYNNN" "No! I don't need you drawing 100 dicks on the wall again!" "THAT'S HOW MUCH OF A DICKHEAD YOU AREE-"
But alas, all good things must come to an end, after... 2 months, I guess? They had finished writing all the lyrics of the song and the whole wall was full of just HEARTSTEEL PARANOIA. Okay, so that's the end of it then.
Until a paper plane hit the top of Kayn's head. Annoyed, Kayn immediately lifted his head up to the direction it was thrown, yapping angrily at whoever had the fucking audacity to do that
Just as he was about to crumple the plane, he noticed writing on one of its wings, "read me!" Raising a brow curiously, he opened up the paperplane, where it revealed a username with a discord logo drawn next to it, along with your artist signature :)
I love how writing for Kayn gives me the free reign to swear AHAHAHDJSN
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upsidedownmvnson · 2 years
the challenge | eddie munson
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warnings: angst, hurt, kinda eddies pov, stupid long & tropey, barely edited
AN: i just love the angst sorry :) also this is the worst trope ever but I LOVE IT. I eat it up. also i know i overuse italics its my fatal flaw. willing to do requests & taglists btw <3
i'm not sure how many words per se but it looks really long so
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"I'll give you a hundred bucks if you can get any of the cheerleaders to go on a date with you."
After band practice, the conversation had devolved into who had school the band thought was hot.
"Please," Eddie tried to scoff off the idea. "When has that idea ever gone well?"
"I'll also give you a hundred," Jeff said, adding to the fire. They probably didn't expect him to go for it. But he could use two hundred bucks...
Eddie rolled the idea around in his mind. Who would he even ask? There was Chrissy Cunningham, she's sweet... but he was pretty sure she was dating Jason, and the last thing Eddie needed was more problems from that guy. But there was you.
You were different. You were still a cheerleader at Hawkins, sitting with the populars and shaking your pom-poms at every game. But you smiled at Eddie in the hall sometimes. And he'd noticed you'll talk to anyone. You weren't mean. So he could probably charm his way into one little date, and then after the date inevitably goes terribly, he'll collect his easy money and you will go on, blissfully unaware.
It's not like you guys would get along or anything.
"What happens if I lose?" Eddie asked.
"You have to put on an embarassing show in the cafeteria," Jeff said. "And easy one."
"Okay," Eddie said after a long silence, "I'll take your money."
The next day at school, Eddie was sitting on the stairs across from your locker like a predator. It was still forty minutes until first bell, so there were very few people in the halls. He had this whole plan in mind. First, he'd wow you with his natural charm, and then leave you lingering in mystery. Easier said than done, when you came walking down the hallway with a skip in your step and a smile on your face.
It made him feel guilty about this whole thing. But you would never know, so what was the harm?
He approached you slowly, slowly panicking about the idea of bothering you. What if you told the basketball team he was bothering you? What if you acted like he grabbed you, or something...
He fears were cut off by you casually saying, "Hey Eddie."
You knew his name? Why did it sound so nice coming from you?
It's because secretly you were always aware of Eddie. There was something about him that always held your attention. After seeing him for a days, you'd become a closeted metal fan. It started to impress him, but you actually did start to like it. You'd always tried to catch his eye, but it was like he didn't really see you.
"Hey, morning," he said, mind focused on his objective. But it was harder when actually looking down at you. You were pretty cute. You had beautiful eyes.
"Good morning," you said, pleasantly confused at the situation. You noticed Eddie had gotten up when you got closer. "Were you waiting for me?"
"Oh, ha, you noticed that," he said, grabbing your locker door as you opened it, and leaned on it, unintentionally making a show of his hand gripping the edge of the locker.
You felt a flutter in your chest, "Well, what can I do for you?"
"I've seen you here early before," Eddie mused, as if he'd ever been here early, but he had his intel. "Thought I could give you a little company."
"That's sweet," you said, smiling like you were hiding a laugh. "I've never seen you around before class. Only coming in late."
"I'm shocked at such an accusation," he said, leaning closer. "It hurts to believe you think so lowly of me." There was a level of teasing in his tone that made butterflies erupt within you.
"You know," you started, "I was supposed to go see Halloween 3 tonight but my girlfriends chickened out..."
"Oh yeah?"
"Well I still want to go," you said. You couldn't hint anymore if you tried. "Are you looking for company tonight?"
"What?" Eddie couldn't mask his surprise. He was supposed to come over here and charm you into a date, but... you asked him?? "Uh yeah, I can take you to the movies."
"What time is your club done? We can go after that," you said, smiling. You were just trying to be considerate, but you were making Eddie weak in the knees. Were you really this aware of him? If anything, he was wondering why you cared more than how you knew.
"I'll see when the late shows plays and make sure we'll be there," he said, "just give me your address, I'll pick you up."
The blush on your cheeks made him smile, but the gentle touch of your hand as you grabbed his arm and pushed the sleeve up, using a marker to write down the street and and number. Eddie was totally at your mercy by this point, but you just had to make worse by bringing his arm up to your face to kiss what you'd written, looking up at him with the devil in your eye.
"Kiss from a maiden has to boost luck, right?"
Suddenly, the terms of the game changed. You asked him out. It was not what he expected. He expected it would take several days before he finally asked you out. He had this whole plan in his mind, and you just... you kissed him on the arm, like it was a normal thing for you to do to him. Now he didn't really want the money, he just wanted you to that again. Feel your soft touch. Anything that would put that look back into your eye.
Everyone at Hellfire could see that Eddie was distracted. His campaign was nothing less than infallible as per usual, but his theatrics were toned down, and he was fumbling over the dice as if he wasn't always paying total attention.
After the session, Jeff and Gareth hung around. Mainly to check on their friend.
"I have to go," Eddie said, fumbling with his bag. He didn't want to tell the guys about you. He didn't want to pop the fantasy of having you all to himself. Not yet.
Eddie still had it in his mind that the date would flop. What chance did he have to impress someone like you? This whole situation was spiralling quickly. And he fucking knew better than to take a stupid bet issued at midnight after a bunch of beers. He should've called it off right there, he should've said it's stupid and objectifying the cheerleaders and that was mean, but he said nothing. He just packed his things, and told his friends he'd see them later.
He didn't have time to go change, he didn't want you to miss your movie because of him. And he was just really anxious to see you again. There was a small part of his brain, a little nagging brain cell, telling him that maybe... just maybe, this date will go well and he can get you to look at him with a sparkle in your eyes.
Your house was right in the middle of suburbia, which had Eddie losing his cool slowly. You were different, and he knew that already, but it was a comfort to remind himself as he drove passed identical, picket fenced houses. Your house was no different. Picket fence, flowers in the window sill, green grass mowed to the same height.
He parked the van and got out, walking through the gate and up the short cobblestone path leading up to your front door. He brought a knuckle up to your door, tapping lightly twice. Maybe you would bail and he wouldn't have to be the bad guy anymore. He looked at the flowers beside the house, and mentally kicked himself for not bringing you anything for you. You deserved flowers.
But you were there, waiting to answer the door a few moments after he knocked. You had counted to ten in your head before he answered, not wanting to seem too keen.
"Hey," you said, dazzling him again with an innocent smile. His voice was stuck in his throat as he looked at you. Eddie hadn't expected your cheerleading outfit or anything... but what didn't expect was a cropped Slayer shirt. It looked like you had cut it yourself, but he couldn't let himself get caught staring at the frayed edges, because that's where the exposed skin was, tempting him to look. Or worse, tempting him to reach out, running his calloused fingers over the skin that looked painfully soft.
"Hey," he say quietly, still trying to wrap his head around what was happening. How had he managed to fuck this up before talking to you for the first time? "Sorry I didn't get flowers or change or do anything all at to impress you. I kinda rushed right from school."
"You want to impress me?"
Eddie's mind was reeling. "Is there anyone out there who doesn't?"
You giggled, and Eddie didn't think he could take it anymore. If he just spilled his guts right now, he could stop himself a world of confusion. After this, he'd probably be stuck with the image of you for weeks. He's probably caused him heartache and pain when this doesn't work out. Or... worse... it does work out and one of his idiot friends tells you how this started, and then he was still heartbroken and fucked.
Eddie said nothing as he led you to the van.
On the way to the movies it was quiet, but not uncomfortable. You asked him about his day, which made him blush because, it's a simple that people never really asked him. Especially beautiful cheerleaders.
He didn't know how he was supposed to forget this. How could he continue to drive Jeff and Gareth around while he's seen you in his passenger seat... with a Slayer shirt on.
"Can I pick something?" you asked, finding a small stash of cassettes under the seat.
"Sure," he said. He's pretty sure he would've let you do whatever you wanted, as long as you stayed beside him in this van forever.
You slipped the current tape out, and slipped in Metallica. Fight Fire with fire came on and you sat back in your seat.
"Why this one?" he asked. He wanted to know. He wanted you to give some cheesy answer so he could figure out an excuse to not like you, to fight all the reasons he was starting to like you anyway. It was just a shirt, maybe you didn't listen to them at all.
"For Whom the Bell Tolls is my favourite right now," you said casually.
"What about Slayer? What's your favourite?"
"You quizzin' me?" you quipped, laughing as Eddie widened his eyes. You cut him off before he could apologize. "Die by the Sword." You drummed your fingers absentmindedly against your jeans. "Always had this fantasy about riding into battle, yaknow, Lord of the Rings style."
"Who are you?" Eddie asked, fingers gripping the steering wheel tighter. "You like Lord of the Rings and Slayer." He said it as a fact, not a question. With every casual answer you gave, a knife was turning in his stomach, reminding him that he was the bad guy. He took a stupid bet, from his stupid friends, and it was keeping him from enjoying this moment fully. There was a little voice reminding him that what he's doing, is shit people like Jason Carver would do.
"Yes, and?"
And nothing. You were just casting a spell on Eddie that he would need a miracle to undo. "So you're a hidden freak."
"Being hidden is lame," you said, "I wouldn't lie if they asked."
"Who is they?" he asked.
"The other cheerleaders, the jocks, anyone at school really."
"You don't get along with the other cheerleaders?"
"No, I do. They're my girls. <3" You smiled, biting the skin beside your thumb. "I just don't talk about fantasy epics with them, they're not really interested."
"I don't know," he teased, pulling into the movie theatre parking lot. "You don't really seem like any cheerleaders I know."
"And how many cheerleaders do you know?"
He laughed, parking the car. He was starting to ease into it a little more. Enjoying your presence while he can. "Fair enough."
"Shaking those pom-poms is going to get me a scholarship, and a scholarship will get me out of here." The words were less airy and playful than the rest had been. He'd taken note of your serious tone when talking about getting out of here. There was hardly a line, most of the movies started a couple minutes earlier, there were just a few Halloween stragglers.
"In a rush out of here?" he asked. He wanted to know everything about you.
"You could say that," you said. "I don't have a problem with Hawkins but my parents are... I just..." you trailed off. "Let's not ruin a good time."
He nodded, not needing to hear anything else. After light squabbling about who would pay for the tickets, Eddie passed his money over to the ticket guy, who had an obvious line of sight to your stomach. Or maybe it was your chest he was staring at, either away, Eddie was finding it really annoying. He used his arm to gently guide you behind him, blocking most of the box office employees view.
He felt protective over you. Which is ironic, because at the start of the day he had a plan to woo you, to take you on a date for a bet. And now, he wanted to protect you from hurt.
The worst kind of hypocrite.
The conversation died when the two of you shuffled into the little theatre. The movie had been out long enough that it wasn't too busy. It was nice, being in the dark together, silently watching the movie. You weren't really scared, but you still liked it. Eddie however, wasn't loving it as much as you.
Eddie was having such a nice time, that he was able to push the bet out of his mind completely.
After the movie, pretty much everything was closed, except the 24 hour diner a little bit down the highway, so that's where he took you. He drove about twenty minutes just to eat greasy cheeseburgers and sickeningly sweet milkshakes because he just couldn't bare for this night to be over yet.
"Guess I gotta get you home," Eddie said after the food. "It's already passed midnight."
"Oh that's okay," you said, leaving money on the table for food. "They'll be gone until next week anyway. I don't they'd care when I got home."
Eddie wanted to ask, but he could tell your parents weren't something you liked to talk about.
"Well, if we've both nowhere to be, maybe we should stick together."
"Why don't you take me home anyway and we can watch another movie."
"I'd like that."
The ride back to your place seemed shorter, or maybe he was just excited to see where you live. He wanted to see your room. He was so curious about you. He just wanted to know everything.
Your house was quiet, pitch black and lonely... like it always was. You let him in, and he awkwardly shuffled in behind you. He copied what you did by taking your shoes off by the door. Your house opened into the living room, with stairs right beside.
"Can I see your room?" he asked, half expecting you to say no but you answered with a quick "sure!" and led him up the stairs. He watched your ass the whole time you walked ahead of him.
"It's kinda boring," you said, opening the door. There wasn't really much to it. A few posters on the wall; a couple were bands he liked and there were a few movie posters too. Your cassettes were all stacked on your desk neatly, and there were vinyls beside that, a small table there to hold the record player. He was talking and poking through them, while you sat on the bed, watching him intently. He was shocked to see you actually had some of the same things he did. And you... you had bands he didn't know. One day, he was totally going to borrow those.
He kept chatting as he poked around. This morning, neither one of you could have predicted being here like this. He stopped talking mid sentence, and you could see him looking more at the desk than the music now. You curiously tried to peak at what he was looking at.
"Is this a dnd character sheet?" he asked.
"Oh!" you laughed, standing and joining him by the desk. "Yeah, it is. I'd been trying to work up the nerve to ask you to teach me, but, I guess I didn't have to."
And just like that, you had him.
You had him totally and fully and he wished he'd never taken that stupid challenge with his stupid friends about the stupid money. His mind was emotional soup.
"You were gunna ask me to teach you dungeons and dragons?" he asked, totally stunned into silence, again.
"Well..." you blushed, turning away from him. He saw it though. "I kind of have a crush on you, Eddie. Maybe before tonight it wasn't like... real, because I didn't actually know you but..." You smiled, so soft and sweet, it made Eddie feel warm and vulnerable. "Now I know it is real."
What was he supposed to do? Look at you while you're vulnerable like that and just tell you what he's done? No shot. No fucking way would he let any of his dumb choices get in the way of, whatever this was going to be.
"I like you, too," he said finally, smiling back at you. The problem was, while it was true, it didn't feel as genuine. He did like you, but that's not how it started.
And what was he supposed to do when you looked like you wanted a kiss? Not kiss you? That would be rude.
Eddie leaned in slowly, and so did you. He brought his hand up, coddling your face and brushing a thumb over your cheek. He said, "you're so beautiful," before closing the gap and putting his mouth on yours. It was small, mouths parted and puckered, moving slowly. It was a short kiss, but a tender first one.
Until you said, "sorry if I'm not a good kisser, I haven't done much kissing," with a blush.
"You haven't done much kissing?"
"Yeah, I'm sorry I'm so... inexperienced."
"No, it's okay! I don't really get to kiss anyone either."
"You can kiss me whenever you want," you said, bounce in your step as you grabbed his hand and led him back downstairs.
You let him pick a movie while you set up the couch with some blankets. He settled beside you one the couch once the movie started, and you snuggled into his side as if you owned it. Which may as well be true already, and passed out within five minutes of the movie starting. He told himself sternly that he would leave when the movie was over, and he did mean it. But he also rested his head on yours and tried to fall asleep before he saw any credits.
Which he did.
Monday morning rolling around was another one of Eddie's punishments. The bliss of his imaginary life came hurdling towards the end, and it was filling him with anxiety. Like, so fucking much anxiety.
At school, he'd be unable to avoid his friends. Eddie had spent much of Saturday morning lounging at your house with you. You two made breakfast, listened to some music, and then watched a movie. He had to leave eventually, since he didn't want to kiss you with morning breath. But he'd called you that night... and the one after that. He just couldn't get enough of you.
Eddie had avoided his best friends most of the morning, mostly by just being late. Unfortunately, that also had meant he'd avoided you. He'd hoped you'd come into the cafeteria first. He was biting his nails, his leg rapidly shaking up and down. You had said he can kiss you anytime... did that mean school, too? He hoped so. He hoped you would come into the freaking cafeteria.
But his fantasy bubble had officially popped when Jeff grabbed him by the shoulders from behind, scaring him.
"Bud, you've been holding out on us."
"What are you talking about?" Eddie asked. Gareth and Jeff sat at the table with him.
"Same thing that everyone is talking about, you and y/n."
"What?" Eddie had been so focused on not talking to anyone that he hadn't heard anything.
"Someone's sister saw you leaving her house on Saturday, and I distinctly remember you rushing out of Hellfire on Friday."
"What are people saying?"
"Some are saying drugs, some are saying you guys have sex. Did you? Did you have sex with her?"
"No," Eddie said, effectively wiping the smile off Gareth's face. "But I may have slept there."
His friends looked at each other, and then at him, and Eddie took one selfish moment to be excited about it. It was his fatal mistake.
"Are you guys gunna go out again?" Jeff asked. Eddie grinned, and nodded.
"Well, a deal is a deal. Here goes all my savings on some dumb bet," Gareth said.
They should've had a sign, some bat signal that Eddie could show above the entire student body that would get his best friends to shut the fuck up because you were behind them, walking closer and smiling at Eddie with that same sweet smile on your face.
You must have slipped in when he was talking to the guys. He tried to shush Gareth without being obvious, but Gareth was being so fucking loud. If he didn't shut up soon you were going to hear him. Eddie's heart was racing. Jeff kicked Gareth, but apparently not hard enough because he just kept talking.
Eddie's heart was going to beat out of his chest... like in Alien...
"I can't believe you got y/n on a date in like, one day." Gareth scoffed. "Maybe you let her in on it for some of the money. Last time I make a bet with you losers."
And it was like watching a star die. Your beautiful smile gone, replaced with a quivering lip and a look in your eye that reflected agony, instead of the little bit of trouble he loved so much. Eddie was going to throw up. For a second you two just looked at each other, Eddie had his hands an inch off the table, he was shaking.
He fucking knew this scenario never worked out for anyone.
And then you were running out of there, and he was hot on your heels. It must have looked bad, you running out crying while Eddie chased you. After rumors of drugs deals and scandalous sex, the fire was most definitely stoked.
Eddie shouted after you, following you all the way outside. Out there, where no one was really lingering, you turned around. There were a few tears rolling down your cheeks, and you chewed on the skin of your lip.
"Please tell me that it doesn't mean what it sounds like," you begged, stepping closer. The hurt tone of your voice sent a dagger into his chest with every word. He did this. "If you can just-" you hiccuped, "tell me that. Then we can go to the diner and we can go, we can go wherever you want. Anywhere. Just tell me that it wasn't what it sounded like."
Eddie didn't say anything. He couldn't.
He didn't have anything good enough to say.
You just watched him with tears in your eyes. It seemed like you were begging him with your eyes. He wished he had anything to tell you. It wasn't what it seemed like, or maybe it was for a good cause. But he didn't have anything.
"But," you cried, "but you said you liked me."
"I do like you," he said quickly, his voice surprisely hoarse. Being able to say something true made him spring into action. "I like you so much. I'm so sorry, I'm really so so fucking sorry, but please. Just let me make it up to you. Obviously I don't want the money, I was going to tell them it's off but I just... I didn't, I don't know why. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."
"What was the bet?"
"What were the terms and conditions of the bet?"
"Is that... really productive..." he trailed off when he looked at you. Eddie sighed, and looked to his feet for some kind of comfort. He found none. "Two hundred bucks for a date with any of the cheerleaders. If I fail I embarrass myself at purpose at school."
"You were right that wasn't productive," you said.
"I'm so sorry," he said, "I can still fix it."
"Do what you want. I'm going home."
"Let me take you."
"No, no... you've done plenty, thanks."
And against what he really wanted, he let you go. If you didn't want him around right now he wouldn't push it. Eddie would just have to fix this. He had a plan to woo you once, he could do it again. But this time it would be because he knows he can treat you right. He can be the guy you deserve. He would bring you flowers. He'd never hurt you.
...this was just a really bad example... that's all.
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allamericansbitch · 7 months
What happened with Olivia and Taylor and the credits/royalties thing?
literally nothing happened and everyone freaked out for nothing. i swear no one actually knows and just pretends to. 2 bad people caused all the nonsense and neither are taylor or olivia. Taylor didn't do anything, and Olivia didn't do anything. I'm gonna break it down so people can finally actually understand how it all works (i took music law/copyright classes in college and actually learned about what happened in this situation from professionals not just stan Twitter like other people apparently)
it all started when good 4 u came out and people online said it sounded like misery business by paramore. an ex-member of the band, named Josh- who wrote on misery business, saw that and wanted to take advantage of it. Josh is a terrible person with a flop music career, Paramore fans hate him. he saw how popular good 4 u was getting so he 'saw money signs' when people were accusing it of copying misery business (he literally said that in an interview... to look at a teenage girl and 'see money signs'... gross) and threatened to sue her for copyright. He's bad person number 1.
Bad person number 2 is Olivia's legal team/record label. Because we all know how the music industry works, they protect their money before their artists. Olivia's team saw the copyright threat and immediately folded and gave Josh the credit (and because he got the credit and was a member of Paramore at the time the son was written, all of Paramore gets a credit including Hayley). Olivia's label and legal team got scared that others would come after them with threats so they decided to just throw Olivia under the bus and be overly preemptive. Olivia said publicly that the bridge to her song deja vu was inspired by the bridge to cruel summer. Her team thought that was a loose end they needed ti tie up so they just gave Taylor and others who worked on the song a credit.
Here's the most important thing that I cannot stress enough. Both Taylor and Olivia have absolutely no control over songwriting credits in this situation. Taylor did not ask for the credits, did not need to approve getting the credits, and could not give them back or refuse (same with Hayley for the good 4 u issue). Copyright and credits are all internal issues with the legal teams of the respective parties, they have the conversations and hand out the credits, but the artist is never involved because again, they don't care about the artist they care about money. Jack Antonoff (who wrote on cruel summer) said he just woke up and had a songwriting credit for deja vu, so he wasn't even notified beforehand or remotely involved in any way. That's how it works, you just get one.
Anyone who says 'Taylor threatened to sue Olivia' is wrong and just has no idea what they're talking about. The only person who threatened to sue was Josh, the ex-member of paramore, and he started a chain reaction of preemptive moves. That's all that happened.
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ashwhowrites · 1 year
Eddie Munson x cheerleader! Reader, she's tired of being a good girl, so she starts hanging out with Eddie, but she still wants to be part of the popular group, so she tells them that it's nothing serious with Eddie, but in reality, she's falling for Eddie, and Jason ends up telling Eddie that reader's just playing with him, and he believes Jason, and stops talking to Reader, and when she finds out why, she ends up fighting with Jason, and Eddie goes there to stop her, and she confesses everything, that she was afraid of people treating her bad,band he forgive her, bc he fell for her
I hope this is what you were looking for and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting <3
Popularity isn't everything
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It was Y/N's senior year and she was tired of doing the same things for four years. She got good grades, had many friends, and was the gold star student. But she was bored and hated that all her teen years were spent chasing a college application. She wanted to have fun, wanted to break rules, and just needed to feel something different. And Eddie Munson was the answer.
She heard from around the school that he does deals during the lunch period. She wasn't positive if drugs were something she wanted to dive into, but she couldn't deny that Eddie was attractive. Before she knew it, they were hanging out more and more. She lost count of the times she sat in his trailer for hours. He was nothing that she thought he would be. When she was with him she felt so free, she could be careless and just have fun.
He didn't care if she showed up in the perfect outfit, he didn't bore her talking about school, and he didn't spend all his time talking about himself. He was a good break from her friends. A breath of fresh air.
Then it got more complicated when he kissed her, and she liked it. The way he took control of the kiss, holding her on his lap as his hand dug into her hair. It was messy and hot. He left her breathless and wanting so much more. But she could not date Eddie Munson, she could not date the freak of Hawkins. So why did she want to so badly?
Her feelings got harder to deal with when they moved past kissing. The feeling of his hands touching her, his hair brushing against her thighs while his head was between her legs, the nasty names he whispered in her ear, and the feeling of his skin hitting hers. She was spiraling into him. She barely saw her friends other than at school. She showed up to practice with marks on her thighs but she didn't care.
She knew she was fucked when the feelings mixed in with the sex. It changed course and got softer and gentler. He touched her like she was made of glass and kissed her like he needed to tell her something. It's been months of talking, sex and hanging out. They spent a night at the beach, cuddling under the stars as they talked about their futures and fears. She learned everything about Eddie that night. From his family to his childhood, his dream of being a rockstar, and the pain he felt for being known as something he wasn't. She fell in love with him.
She couldn't tell her friends that, though. So when the cheer squad cornered her and asked for all the details of her and Eddie, she was quick to say it was nothing serious. Just casual sex at most.
She should have known whatever is said in high school spreads quickly. Once Jason heard the news, he couldn't wait to deliver it straight to Eddie.
"Oh Munson, Munson. I actually feel bad for you." Jason pouted, cornering Eddie in the empty hall.
Eddie rolled his eyes and tried to move past him but Jason pushed him back. "Thought she really liked you, huh?"
Eddie froze as he looked at Jason. It was obvious who he was talking about, but Eddie didn't know their relationship was news to others.
"What are you talking about?" Eddie asked, he didn't have time for Jason today.
"Girls on the cheerleading squad were talking, and I'm just wondering, are you and Y/N a thing?" Jason asked, crossing his arms as he turned his head.
Eddie was skeptical of the question, answering slowly, "Yeah, kind of. Why?" He yanked on his backpack strap as Jason faked a pout again.
"Yikes, I feel even worse now to tell you this, but," Jason dragged on, Eddie didn't like the way he began to feel nervous. "she told the squad it's just sex and that she doesn't even like you. She's playing you bro, and damn she played you for a fool " Jason laughed.
Eddie didn't like to admit that the news hurt him. He found himself falling for Y/N, he told her so much and opened up. All for it to be a game. He hated that she thought they were nothing like all their conversations didn't mean a thing when they meant everything to him.
"Fuck off," Eddie growled, pushing part of Jason successfully as he walked to class. Jason's words rang through his head. He should have known a girl like her wasn't going to like him or admit that she did. If popularity meant more to her than Eddie, then so be it.
"Hey, Eddie! Are we still on for tonight?" Y/N asked, walking behind him as he walked to his van. She waited for him to respond but he didn't say anything.
"Eddie?" She tried again, but nothing.
"YO MUNSON!" She screamed, this time she got a glare as he yanked open his door.
"Ignoring me or something?" She laughed, but it died quickly as he gave her a blank stare.
"I'm doing the best that I can." He snapped, slamming his door shut as he drove off.
She stood there confused and hurt. She blushed embarrassed at his reaction but headed to her car. She wasn't sure what was wrong, so she headed to his trailer.
She knocked and knocked but he never opened the door. She screamed his name, but he never came out. She accepted that something may have happened and he wanted to be alone.
But the next day, he ignored her again. He didn't look in her direction, not even once. He was ignoring her, and she didn't know why. She missed him, and it hurt that she couldn't talk to him anymore.
She thought maybe if she gave him some space, he'd come around. But when a week passed and they had no contact, she threw that plan out the window. She missed his voice, his touch, and his presence. She missed how good she felt with him and how happy she was. Now she's back in that boring way of life, and she didn't want that. She just wanted Eddie again.
She passed being hurt, now she was mad. He went from loving up on her to completely acting like she didn't exist. She was done with his childish games.
It killed Eddie more than he liked to admit. Acting like she didn't mean a thing to him was hard, he didn't know how she could do it so easily. Anytime she yelled his name he wanted to run to her. But he had to protect himself.
He didn't know why she was trying so hard when she supposedly didn't care about him. He didn't understand why she showed up to his trailer and begged him to talk. But he missed her, and he missed their time together. He wanted to give in, so close to not caring how bad he'd get hurt, just as long as he got her.
After another long day of ignoring Y/N, he found her standing against his van. Her arms crossed as she glared at him.
"Y/N, move." He said, sighing as he looked at her. He hated how gorgeous she looked, even in a simple pair of jeans, sunglasses on her head, and a shirt she stole from his closet.
"No. You are going to tell me why you've been ignoring me and suddenly acting like I don't exist." She demanded, her eyes in slits.
She looked scary when she was pissed.
"Jason told me everything, okay? I'm not interested in having a little fling and that being it. So please move."
"Jason told you what?" She growled. Of course, it was Jason, she should have known that.
"You told your team that you and I are just sex and that you don't even like me. Some fun game for you and the squad to laugh about. And honestly? I thought you were different. I knew you wanted to have fun and forget about your boring good girl life, but I didn't think you could be so heartless. I told you ev-"
"Please let me explain!" She pleaded, but Eddie ignored her. Getting in her face.
"I told you everything! I told you shit I never once said to anyone. And you were just a selfish bitch the whole time, huh? You never even liked me did you? You will always be the same popular, spoiled, boring slut that fucked the freak just to escape from her pathetic life." Eddie growled.
"That's not true!" She cried, Eddie felt a small amount of guilt as the water filled her eyes. "I do like you! I like you so much. I'm an idiot, okay? I made a mistake and I lied. I was scared to admit that I fell for you and that we had something real. I didn't want to hurt you and I'm sorry. But Jason is lying, there was no game. I promise!" But Eddie wasn't sure what to believe. He watched as she cried and refused to look away from him. Her eyes pleaded as he tried to think everything through.
Eddie remembered all the effort she put into trying to talk to him, she wouldn't do all that just for sex, right? But she did admit that she didn't want people to know she fell for him, and that hurt. Does he want to be with someone embarrassed to be with him in the first place?
Y/N nodded at his silence, accepting what she said hadn't changed a thing. She sobbed as she quickly ran to the school, leaving Eddie behind. She ran to the bathroom and sat on the floor. Sobbing into her hands for ruining the one good thing in her life. Eddie's words hurt, but they were all true. She wanted an escape from her boring life.
She stood up and collected herself. She took a deep breath as she walked out. Smacking right into the devil himself.
"Hey what's wrong?" Jason asked
"YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!" she screamed, bashing her fists against his chest. Jason tried to grab her hands to stop her, but she yanked her one arm free. She slapped him as hard as she could across the face, causing him to let her go.
Eddie came racing in to talk to her when he found her screaming and hitting Jason. As Jason brought his arm back to smack her, Eddie quickly yanked her out of his way.
"Don't. Walk away" Eddie warned. She panted behind Eddie, she was so caught up in her emotions that she didn't realize the danger she was in.
Jason huffed and went out of the building.
"Are you crazy?" Eddie said, turning around to look at Y/N.
"He deserved it for making up lies," She said, her body relaxing as she got a hold of her emotions. Eddie sighed and pulled her in for a hug. She was shocked by the action but wrapped her arms around him. Breathing in his familiar scent.
"I'm sorry for the shit I said, you didn't deserve that, and you aren't any of the nasty things I called you" He whispered.
"Thank you for apologizing." She mumbled into his chest. She didn't want to let go, she wanted to feel his arms around her forever.
He pulled back to look at her, but kept his arms around her.
"I fell for you too." She smiled at his words. Looking up into his eyes.
she felt his thumb and finger on her chin, tilting her head up as he pressed his lips against hers. She smiled into the kiss as her body melted into him.
Maybe popularity wasn't everything.
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I absolutely love the hype Bill’s getting and I’m here to contribute ꨄ︎ My request of today is; Remember the celeb crush thing I requested a while ago for Tom? Well my love for Bill is taking over and I’d love to see how you’d adapt it for him! To make it more interesting, I thought maybe the reader is already a fan and confidently goes out to talk to them even though the language barrier is present. Couple days later she goes and surprises them at a concert and makes this a little tradition til she and Bill realize they’ve developed feelings for each other but of course, work and distance is a huge obstacle
(Hello, lovely! Sorry this took so long and I didn't know if u wanted a oneshot but I was pretty lazy so here ya go! Enjoy!)
Bill Kaulitz x Celeb-Crush Reader
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He actually was pretty calm when he first noticed you
He had been one of your fans for a bit, seeing you in tabloids and online and had even gone to one of your concerts when him and the band weren't really well known
You were actually an example of his dream of being young but making it big
And as he grew up in fame, you never really left his mind because you also grew with your fandom and fame
Your style may not have been the same, your music either, but Bill still loved watching you on stage and on videos
He was almost starstruck when he actually saw you in the flesh when they were performing
YOU were at THEIR concert?!
By choice?!
He almost freaked out on stage but surprisingly hid it well
He just smiled, flashed a wink at you and somehow kept making eye contact
And you didn't look away and you fed into it from the crowd!
He tried so hard not to faint
When it was all over and he went backstage he was ranting to Tom, Gustav and Georg the whole time
"She looked at me! She looked at me- huh?! Who?! (Name)!"
Bill almost knocked Georg out right then and there
They then clicked in their mind he was actually talking about the one star he could rave about for-literally-ever
Bill was still a mega-fan, and the boys were dragged into it or ranted too
But what really almost killed Bill was after the concert and they were meeting with fans and signing stuff
He had just finished up taking a photo and signing a T-shirt and looked up to see you!
He took a moment and was just staring, mouth open and looking to Tom to see if he was hallucinationing
Tom laughed at his brother as Georg and Gustav watched as Bill almost dug his grave
You had to snap him out of it as you asked for a autograph
You almost out him in cardiac arrest because he rushed to find a marker
He snatched Tom's marker in the moment but he didn't give a shit
He was so giddy you asked him for his signature and was so happy
He tried to strike up a conversation but failed
Not to worry, you were absolutely glad to talk to him
Bill was so happy, and he and you had much in common and actually flirted surprisingly
Once he got over his shock, of course
You guys actually clicked
Turns out, you were a fan too, which shocked Bill
There was a language barrier, but Bill spoke a bit of English so he could at least speak to you
You knew a bit of German due to playing there either solo or in a band and you guys figured out a way to understand each other
As time went on, even after you guys parted ways, you somehow kept in touch
You would go to their concerts and he would be glad to go to yours
You guys were spotted by photographers leaving hotels, walking in the city on "dates" as they called it and many more
Fans went crazy and so did paparazzi, chasing you guys down almost all the time
You and Bill didn't mind, even enjoying it in photos and you guys got a few photoshoots together
You guys were a pretty popular celebrity ship but would never admit it, even with the looks and smiles you two would give over time
Bill always thought he was in a fever dream
Because no way his celebrity crush would actually like and be a fan of his, much less spend time with him
You and Bill developed a tradition of traveling to see each other
You mainly did yours in surprise, but sometimes it was difficult
You were on tour and so was he, so spending time and being together for a bit scarce
You did your best hut Tom and you spent less and less time together and it was actually quite sad
Until you surprise him by showing up backstage, which he was shocked and ecstatic to see you
It was a tradition, either of you would sneak off and find one another no matter where
But it got a bit complicated as fans doubled down on this ship and your friends always compared your "relationship" and labeled it more than a friendship
Maybe there were feelings, maybe there wasn't
But the red dust and smile on Bills face would choose the latter option
290 notes · View notes
jokeroutsubs · 8 months
[ENG translation] Rock'n'roll in the blood
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An interview with the Guštin family in Slovenian newspaper Delo, originally published 6.2.2022.
Original article is available here for Delo subscribers. Original article written by Agata Rakovec Kurent for Delo; photos by Jože Suhadolnik; English translation by a member of Joker Out Subs, native proof reading by IG GBoleyn123.
If you repost quotes from the interview, please link back to this post! And if you repost the photos, do not crop out the photographer credit.
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Next Saturday (12.2.2022), Gušti and young singer Leyre will present themselves at EMA¹, but first, we visited him and his family in Bežigrad².
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The Guštins (right to left) Chantal, Maja, Kris, Miha and Maks, were all happily rolling around the house during lockdowns and having a pretty nice time. PHOTO: Jože Suhadolnik/Delo
Just as I was looking at the names on the doorbells and considering calling Gušti about whether I was even at the right address in Bežigrad, the last of the five family members, Kris, came hurrying home. Actually, there are six family members, alongside Chantal and Gušti and their kids Kris, Maks and Maja, there is also Apple the dog, who greeted me with loud barking. Dogs remain with their parents even when the kids start to leave the nest, we agreed as we sat down at a big wooden table.
For musician Gušti and Chantal Van Mourik from the Netherlands, everything started with a teenage seaside romance. After that, nothing happened for ten years, but when Gušti wrote Big Foot Mama's big hit Črni tulipan, he could not imagine anyone other than his teenage love in the music video. He invited her to the filming, she came, and the rest is history. Three decades and three children later, their first-born Kris is following his dad's footsteps as the guitarist of Joker Out, the most popular band among the Slovenian youth right now.
We all know Miha 'Gušti' Guštin as Big Foot Mama's guitarist and the writer of their biggest hits. 20 years ago, he went his own way, musically, and recorded his first solo album Dolce Vita, where his successful collaboration with Polona Kasal³ started. He also did a memorable duet with Zagreb resident Ema Gagro, but let's start at the end.
If not for the good song, then for the laughter…
Next Saturday, we'll see something completely new at EMA, as he has joined forces with young singer Leyre⁴. How did they find each other? "People have been hinting that I should sign up for EMA for years and years and I never did, but this time I told myself that I would sign up if I found a truly good vocalist.
Producer Žare and I started looking, and through Dušan Obradinovič - Obre, drummer of the band Dan D, we got to Leyre. Leyre is Spanish by birth, she came to Slovenia when she was two years old. She's from Novo mesto, she is 19 years old and studies in Ljubljana. It's a one-time musical collaboration, just for EMA, so that I can finally have an answer for everyone who has been asking me for years: 'Why don't you sign up once?'" explains Gušti.
His family, especially Chantal and Kris, were initially pretty sceptical about this endeavour. Because it's a circus, because it's always said to be "rigged"?
"No, not because it's rigged, but because I thought that dad had slight misconceptions about what you can achieve with a song at EMA. My reservation was that if you go to EMA with a bad song, it falls through, no one remembers it, and it all doesn't seem worth the effort to me. Of all the songs that have been on EMA, 95 percent have sunk into oblivion, and I didn't want something like that to happen to dad.
Once we talked things through, however, and especially once I heard the song, I supported him, just like mum did. If you go to EMA, you have to win, otherwise it all passes you by, that's my opinion," says Kris.
Is Eurovision as much of a circus in the Netherlands as it is here? "It used to be, but now it's not like that anymore. For the past few years, they haven't even had a pre-selection. There's a committee that picks the performer who then represents the country at Eurovision. As for Miha, I think it's great that he signed up. The song is fantastic and the singer is truly exceptional.
On the other hand, I find it all amusing. I know Miha, and Miha is not about make-up and image, but with EMA all of that matters, the sound and the look are a package and it's absolutely not just about the song. That part, the fact that Miha is going to clothes fittings, is greatly amusing to everyone in the family," Chantal laughs.
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Next Saturday, they will all keep their fingers crossed for Gušti and Leyre at EMA. Photo: Jože Suhadolnik/Delo
So did Gušti have a particularly shiny tuxedo made for EMA? "The styling will absolutely be appropriate for the event. I turned to a stylist, we just ordered everything, but I will wear a nice, elegant suit, which will still be rock chic."
The youngest members of the family, Maks and Maja, are smirking as their dad talks about rock chic. How interested is their generation in EMA anyway? "I don't know, I never asked my friends about it," is the concise answer of the youngest, seventh grader Maja, who is great at artistic gymnastics, as well as being the most artistically talented in the family.
"To be honest, I don't watch it and I'm not very interested in these things, but I will definitely watch it when dad performs, if not for the good song, then for the laughter," Maks' honesty makes everyone present laugh loudly.
History is repeating itself
Kris, who just graduated in chemical engineering, was not too enthusiastic about Big Foot Mama or Gušti's later solo projects at first.
"Everything changed when I got involved in music myself, when the summer before my first year of high school, I took up the guitar. At ten or twelve years old, I listened to what was playing on the radio, and that wasn't like the music that dad was making, so his music didn't interest me. In time, when I started discovering more complex music, rock, I started to enjoy his stuff.
My friends, who I'm still in a band with, introduced me to Big Foot Mama's music and tried to convince me that Črni tulipan was a totally awesome song. Then, for a while, I was like 'Oh, awesome, dad!' At first I didn't even care that he had been with the Big Foots, then I couldn't believe that he had left the band, it seemed horrible to me, but now I completely understand why he did it, and I really like what he's done since leaving," he tells us.
Chantal used to watch fans screaming in front of Big Foot Mama's stage, now she can relive those scenes at her son's concerts. "The screaming never bothered me, I always thought it was fun and interesting to watch. Nowadays, Miha and I often talk about how we're experiencing the same moments from another perspective.
Where Miha used to stand on stage, Kris now stands, where I used to stand in front of the stage as his girlfriend, we now stand together, but everything else is the same - the music, people screaming, girls going crazy, all that. I think that's great and I couldn't be more proud of Kris, of his band, and of course also of Miha and everything they achieved back then. We do sometimes truly feel like history is repeating itself, though."
However, some things did change from the time Gušti was starting out in music to today. Social media arrived, and these days, if you're not on it - you don't exist. "My kids and wife help me with social media, I'm not very good at it. Before they help me out, they always explain how clueless I am and that I should engage with it more and get with the times.
I'm not interested in these things, I can't find my footing in this world, but I know that it has to exist. I have Instagram, Facebook, and after they get done criticising me, everyone helps me out," says Gušti, while Chantal adds: "We have to help him to prevent something worse."
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Apple the dog will also keep her paws crossed for Gušti at EMA next Saturday. Photo: Jože Suhadolnik/Delo
Joker Out take care of the social media themselves; "we have the natural advantage of having grown up with this, and it is unfortunately an integral part of the music scene today. We couldn't achieve much without Instagram. Well, after Facebook, Instagram is also almost 'out' now, so we have to start thinking about TikTok, which seems horrible to me," Kris tells us.⁵
His younger brother Maks is also part of Joker Out's story as a roadie. "It started with me helping the roadie, bringing water, putting away the cables and so on. Of course they didn't pay me, it was all in the family. Then I took over the merch, selling T-shirts and other things, which is pretty fun, it's a lot of work, but it pays off," he tells us, while Kris laughs, adding sarcastically: "Well, it doesn't pay off for him, because we still don't pay him."
Joker Out released an album (Umazane misli) recently, while Gušti says about his new one: "To me, having released quite a few albums already, the most important thing is that there is music. And there is music, I release a single or two every year, and once there's enough of them, there will also be an album. When that will happen, I don't know. Since I've never sung, I'm still figuring out the best direction for my vocals.
To put it bluntly…
Even before the pandemic, which devastated our music industry as well, Gušti and Siddharta's singer Tomi Meglič already found a recipe for these weird times, a cycle of 1on1 concerts: "During the Covid times, Tomi and I had 30 gigs, which was probably by far the most among all Slovenian performers. Seated, distanced gigs were possible. They were very well-attended before Covid already, and then it just kept going.
To put it bluntly, we were lucky bastards. It was just a pity that we couldn't put as many seats up for sale as usual and the pay reflected that, but at least we could play." I already joked with Tomi in a recent Nedelo interview that the format suits Siddharta's and Gušti's aging audience, who - judging by myself - finds it harder and harder to stand for two hours and longer. Gušti laughs: "It's true that it's mostly people our age who come, faithful fans of Siddharta and Big Foot Mama, there aren't many young people."
Putting together the repertoire gave them a lot of trouble, because together - they have too many hits. "At the beginning, the format was 14 songs with an encore, seven of his, seven of mine, which we immediately filled up. I chose his hits, he chose mine. The problems are arising now when we should freshen it up, but we don't want to lose any of the songs." At the end of March, the 31st, Gušti is also planning a solo concert in SiTi Theatre with a new team. "I will do a half unplugged, half electric version, and I will keep that up afterwards."
Unlike Gušti, the Jokers were hit by the crisis at the start of their musical journey. "At first, we planned to release the album on the 1st of April 2020, with a concert in Cvetličarna following on the 9th of April. A month before, everything closed down and fell apart. We rescheduled everything for May, then for October, and finally for next October. We also rescheduled the album release. Firstly because we weren't completely happy with it yet, and we also didn't see the point in releasing it, only us not to be seen anywhere for a year and a half.
Then people would come to a concert and wonder where anything new was, because they would already know everything. In a way, we were happy to delay everything. That way, a lot of the pressure was released, or stretched out over a longer period of time.
Covid seemed very inconvenient at first, we felt like we fell off the horse, but when we look back, it was a very productive time for us. We made some radical changes, in the music, in the line-up and in our way of thinking, and it shows. The tension was mounting before the concerts in Cvetličarna⁶ and that's why they were much more cathartic in the end," says Kris.
They have just renovated their rehearsal space and started working on the new album, which they have promised for September. That is also when they're planning a big concert in Križanke, before that they have summer concerts, including some outside of our borders. "We will try to get a gig in Serbia, and we will also release a song in Serbian."
The damage that was done to the music industry is huge, despite some bright exceptions. "The consequences will drag on for years. A huge part of the industry fell apart, and many found work elsewhere. Not musicians, not the people we see on stage, but the people in the background, as well as those who worked for publishers, in the distribution chain..." Chantal reflects.
A nomad in the house
Because of the uncertain situation, she hasn't visited her homeland for two years. "Maja and I are hoping that we can finally travel there on the 17th of February, so we're already half in isolation. The last time we were planning to go there was in September, but then Kris got sick, and then I did too. I'm hoping and knocking on wood that we can finally do it. In the meantime, my sister visited us twice, and at one point, Transavia also cancelled the flight connection between Ljubljana and Amsterdam, and I would've sooner made it around the world than to Amsterdam."
Kris visited his Dutch relatives, as well as his girlfriend and a friend who are studying there, for one week immediately after the Cvetličarna concert. "At that time, he called home to say that there were no restrictions there and he didn't need to have a mask on at the store, meanwhile here, everything was a lot more strict. When he came back, things relaxed a lot here, while over there the restrictions got stricter," says Chantal, who hopes that travelling will soon be something regular again and they will be able to visit their relatives more.
Since Kris just mentioned his girlfriend, I ask him whether it wouldn't be better for sold-out shows if all members of the band appeared single. "I have no reservations about publicly saying that I'm in a relationship, even though other band members might say differently. Our singer Bojan would say 'Kris got dumped by his girlfriend..." at every concert before a song I wrote when I once had a broken heart, but he didn't mention that it was four years ago," he laughs.
"As young girls, we used to wish that the boys on stage were single, but now I prefer to watch guys like Miha who are in a long-term relationship, because it means that they actually know something and have something to show for themselves," Chantal concludes wisely.
Maks and Maja have not been drawn into the music world (yet). "I did kind of pick up the guitar last year, but I quickly lost interest because I have too many things going on in my life to focus only on one. I can play a few of dad's songs, and I might turn to the guitar again at some point," says Maks, and his proud mum adds: "Maks is very skillful with the computer, he edits music clips and is working with various musicians.
Of course it started with Joker Out and Gušti, but now he's also working with Challe Salle⁷, Nipke⁸, he's making various videos for Spotify and has his own business. He's our businessman. All three of them are very creative, not only in the field of music, which is interesting. Maja, for example, draws incredibly well and is constantly making art."
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All three kids are artistically gifted, say the proud parents. Photo: Jože Suhadolnik/Delo
They handled home schooling successfully, and as the family businessman and second year high school student Maks says, "I've found that being at home is better for me. The trip from home to school and back is time-consuming. If I'm at home, I have a lot more time left that I can use for myself."
Kris finished practically half of his studies remotely: "For the first year and a half, I was at the faculty and saw 250 students in one place in large halls, which was fascinating to me. With each new year I progressed to, there were fewer of us, and at the end there were about 40 of us left. Lockdown came at the right time for me.
All the lectures were recorded and I didn't have to get up early, I didn't have to take the bus at half past six in the morning, I could sleep in as long as I wanted and then watch the lectures. Because the professors speak slowly, I could set the speed to 1.5 and I wasn't losing time."
"I think we're all well-adapted to remote work," says Chantal, who is a veteran of it, "I've been working remotely for five years for the international school SAE, School of Audio Engineering, which used to be in Ljubljana as well, but shut down in 2016. Now I work for them in the international space. During lockdown, we were all happily rolling around the house and we were having a pretty nice time.
The happiest one, however, was Apple, who had company all the time." Gušti smiles: "I'm the only one in the house who doesn't have his own room, except for our bedroom. Whenever I needed peace to create, I retreated there, or I waited for example for Maja to go to her gymnastics practice so I could go to her room, or for Kris to not be home so I could go there. I'm the only nomad in the house."
When I last spoke to Chantal and Miha about ten years ago, we also talked about their filmesque love story which, with three small children, wasn't always easy. "I often got home at five in the morning, hyped up, with a good concert behind me, and Chantal placed a baby who hadn't slept all night in my arms. I was searching for that line, how to satisfy my rock'n'roll side on the one hand, and be a good husband and father on the other. I didn't always succeed, but I'm trying," says Gušti, who now sees his first-born backstage at concerts too.
Chantal, who speaks Dutch to her family as well as to Apple at home, has not grown fond of Slovenian cuisine even after 23 years: "I'm sorry, but that is really not for me, cabbage, sausages, blood sausages, dumplings… Luckily I now have kids who, apart from Kris, support me in this. Slovenia is developing though, and you can also get more and more Asian food here, which we really like and used to eat every other day back home, since my dad is originally from Indonesia." She says that Slovenians are very close-minded in some respects: "The attitude towards anything foreign is still pretty problematic here."
Maks adds the finishing touch: "If Slovenia was as developed socially as the Netherlands is, it could make a lot of progress as a country. I'm talking about the relationship between different cultures, who work together in the Netherlands, like water that always finds a way, while here, they are very separated."
¹EMA is the Slovenian national selection for Eurovision
²Bežigrad is a neighbourhood in Ljubljana
³Polona Kasal is a Slovenian singer; her and Gušti performed as a duo called "Gušti & Polona" for a few years
⁴You can watch Gušti and Leyre's performance at EMA 2022 here.
⁵Joker Out have, in fact, had to start thinking about TikTok since then. As you probably know, you can find them on TikTok here.
⁶You can watch the Cvetličarna concert with English subtitles here on our YouTube channel.
⁷Challe Salle, real name Saša Petrović, is a popular Slovenian hip hop singer, known for being very focused on being a good role model for his younger fans. One of his big hits was Lagano.
⁸Nipke, real name Boštjan Nipić, is a popular Slovenian rap/hip hop singer. He's part of the Dravle Records publishing company and collaborated with Bojan in the song Jst mam sam sebe rd.
If you repost quotes from the interview, please link back to this post! And if you repost the photos, do not crop out the photographer credit.
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kanmom51 · 1 year
Time to wrap up and close shop.
3 years.
That takes us back to when?
I guess it is time for me to say my goodbyes, accept that JM and JK are not together and that Tae and JK are married.
Before I go, I guess I have a few questions...
Can't help but wonder when this happened and how exactly Tae agreed to marry JK after JK sucked on his soulmate's ear and tattooed his soulmate's name on his hand.
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Was it before or after Tae's soulmate sucked on JK's neck and JK, his husband then already (?) paraded said hickey around for all to see, caressing it so lovingly and proudly?
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Kind of wondering how this marriage is working back in 2020-21 with JK and JM living together.
So, Taekook married while JK is keeping on holding JM?
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And bridal carrying JM in LV.
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And telling JM he loves him out loud and the finger hearts.
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Always the finger hearts.
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Wow, what a show JK was putting on...
Talk about dedication.
Hiding out in a dark corner touching... JK probably knew the camera was coming, he had to. Same with his arm on JM's waist.
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And talking about waists... was this really necessary?
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And all these latest lives. It must have been Tae's way of supporting his soulmate. Must have been. No other explanation why his hubby would be acting like a love sick puppy every single time JM showed up in the comments, or dedicate a full 90 minute live to JM.
See that smile?
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Definitely put on, and all for the love of his beloved husband, who, btw didn't publicly congratulate his soulmate himself for his first solo album, or for his record breaking achievements. Nope. He sent JK to do it for the two of them.
Ok, I guess the joke is over.
Because if I don't stop here there might just be some that will actually think I'm serious.
Taekookers are reeling. They are devastated and throwing punches in every direction possible.
This one, TKK being married for 3 years is a new one. Well, sorry, I lie. Not first time I've heard the marriage story. The 3 years is new. The level of delusion here is wow, hard to describe. The story I heard was of marriage in LV, adoption of 2 little American kids, living with Tae at home. Sorry, with Taekook at Tae's. These beautiful children they adopted in LV and are now raising together.
So yeah, there's that level of delusion.
Now with Taenni out and public we have new stories.
We have the denial, of course, with the stories about cosplayers, all disproven (these fuckers stooped so low they stole a woman's photos claiming her to be the Jenni cosplayer only for her to go public about it).
And then you have those that are still towing the line and claiming it's all a publicity stunt.
Cause yep, the 2 super popular idols in the 2 biggest Kpop bands in the world need to have a supposed relationship to boost either of their popularity and help their careers.
Fucking morons.
a. Seriously? These two need that to boost their publicity. These two rival companies working hand in hand to create this fake relationship going on for over 18 months to what? Have Tae go from 58.8 million followers to 58.9 million. Talk about a failure of such an elaborate plan... Lest we forget about the hate Jenni has been getting all this time from TKKs all this time. Definitley a publicity stunt.
b. I'm infuriated at how ignorant these people are. Because with even minimal understanding of Kpop culture they would know that for an idol to go public with a relationship there is a price to pay. Idols don't have the right to have private lives. They don't have the right to have relationships, especially not in the prime of their success. the very few who had gone public with their relationships in the past had done so before marriage. They apologised for having a personal life.
Moon Hee Jun, Taeyang, Chen, Bobby.
The fact that there are so few of them should be an indicator as how this really is not a career helping move.
Having a personal life, being in a relationship, being emotionally unavailable for your fans is not a publicity stunt in Kpop. It can be a career killer. And even if it doesn't kill the career, it definitley does not promote it, quite the opposite in the short run.
And Tae, well he's already paying a price. We already saw all the angry fan messages about how they were betrayed by him, about how he's supposed to be theirs. Putting him together with JK is an easy fix, it's not realistic, it keeps him available for them (well in their twisted minds).
So yeah, definitely not a publicity stunt.
And then you have those that are turning on him. Well on the whole maknae line, because why not? Why not bring JK and JM in on this if you can (especially JM, right)?
The ones that are mad that he is in an actual relationship with another woman, the scorned.
The ones that are now angry claiming the maknae line were queerbaiting.
Like wtf?
How in the fucking hell were TKK queerbaiting?
Real genuine affection for the others? Yes.
Fanservice? Heck yeah.
Tae is the king of fanservice and teasing and flirting with the members. He loooooves it. And some play along more than others. As a matter of fact JK is one of those that plays along the least. But again, TKKs lack the brain capacity to watch original content and see that.
The hugs and affection and closeness isn't put on. It's genuine.
As for JM and JK, well they aren't fucking queerbaiting. They are just literally f***ing.
When Taenni did this, went public (and again, this was their choice of doing, walking hand in hand by the Saines river, identifiable managers walking 5 steps behind, Tae stopping to give autographs to fans),
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I knew this would come back to hit us too. But you know what? I don't mind it. I love Tae and Jenni for this. They are very brave, both could pay a price for it. Tae is literally telling us all, the industry and the fans, that his personal life takes precedent. I love him for that.
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We talk about BTS being the trailblazers, and this is the start of it....I hope.
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cvrnelians · 1 year
unfollowed - chapter one
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Kendall has been building up the courage to talk to you for a while now. When he finds your Twitter account, he sees this as the perfect opportunity to get to know you anonymously, without any preconceived notions.
He didn’t mean for it to go this far. He’s planning on telling you the truth eventually, he really is! One day. When it’s the right time.
Ideally, before you figure out he’s not Greg.
chapter two
chapter one
You figured you knew all there was to know (and more than you ever even wanted to know) about the Roys. Who didn't? They were that perfect mix of arrogance and absurd wealth that made news outlets go apeshit. You tried your best to tune them out as you scrolled through social media, but your attempts to evade them were simply unrealistic at this point.
When you were away from your phone, you were still inundated with information about whatever scandal of they week they were involved with. You would catch a blip of Roman being hounded by paparazzi on the news, or one of your professors would bring up Shiv's campaign strategies as a controversial talking point. They were even a source of conversation during forced family functions, somehow melding into a foolproof way to break the ice. You were doubtful of many things in this life, but if there was one thing you knew for certain, it was this:
Nothing created stronger bonds between people than by banding together to talk shit about other people.
Everyone seemed to have something to say about that family. There were so many of them, and they were so awful, and their power and influence only made them even more awful. You likened them to the popular kids at school, or the Kardashians or something. The general consensus was that everyone hated them, and yet, no one turned down an opportunity to see what they were up to, twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, three hundred and sixty five days a year. They were a guilty pleasure for the masses, actors in a soap opera designed to make everyone stop and stare.
But mostly point and laugh.
It all started with a Twitter DM. Seriously. A Twitter DM.
In retrospect, you couldn’t help but think about how comical it all was—being romantically pursued through a Twitter DM. 
At least it wasn’t Instagram. Whenever someone messaged you there, you never gave it a second look. Instagram DMs from strange men you didn't know typically manifested as a reaction to one of your photos, which you were none too crazy about. A Twitter DM was strange in a different way. You had little to no identifying information on your account, just your first name and your birthday. Your avi was a photo of your cat taking a nap. If someone had something to say to you on Twitter, it wasn't appearance based. It was a genuine reaction to something stupid you said, plain and simple.
And so, because you had a grand total of seven followers (two friends you barely spoke to, your sister, three acquaintances from college, and one bot), the message stood out. As one could expect from someone with seven followers, your tweets were nothing groundbreaking. You treated Twitter like it was your personal diary, or some kind of vat to pour your stream of consciousness into.
Your most popular tweets?
i'm exhausted
i dyed my hair all by myself and it actually looks ok ( o :
should i go vegan
oh god i'm so exhaustedddddd rn
that one song by the gorillaz about sunshine in a bag??? that's my shit
i'm. so. EXHAUSTED ): ): ):
You were quite the wordsmith, if you said so yourself.
Best (or worst) of all, though?
can we as a society please make a pact to collectively block the roy family on every platform? i’m so sick of hearing about them and seeing their dumbass posts on my feed. i’m honestly going to have a mental breakdown make it stop please
Within ten minutes, someone favorited what you wrote. When you went to check your notifications, you were surprised to find that the person who liked it wasn’t anyone you knew personally, or the bot. When you tapped on the profile, you felt a pit in your stomach. You reminded yourself that you should really make your account private, simply to avoid such a bizarre, anxiety-ridden feeling. You hadn’t thought anyone would actually try and contact you. Why would they?
You breathed a sigh of relief when you pulled up the account, which was nothing too crazy. The impression you got from the very limited information you had (considering the person’s avi was the Gucci logo, which elicited a massive eye roll) was that it was most likely a man, probably in his twenties or thirties. Very into bitcoin. Very into US stocks. Very into retweeting disparaging things about Harvard and trashing various platforms’ “algos” and other things that were totally irrelevant to your life.
The one thing that broke up the monotony of it all?
The Beastie Boys.
Oh, and Wu-Tang Clan.
Whoever this dude was, he had a Spotify account, and he wasn’t afraid to use it. He had a penchant for screenshotting whatever (predominantly 90s of any and every genre, and occasionally EDM) song he was listening to and posting it for all the world (aka his 35 followers) to see.
As if anyone cared. You couldn’t be too hard on him, though, not when you had done the same thing on your own account multiple times, and continued to do so. You actually had similar taste in music, which you thought was always a fun commonality to share.
Just as soon as you started to lurk the profile, you got a message in your inbox. It happened so fast that it almost made you jump, like he knew you were looking at it.
I would have to agree. They’re pretty awful, but definitely not worth the mental breakdown.
Then, a few seconds later…
Kendall doesn’t seem so bad, though.
You weren't planning on responding. It was rare that you had any interaction with strangers on the internet. It wasn’t like you were avidly against it or anything. You just…never really found the time. But it was 4:30 in the morning, you were wide awake, your tv wasn't working, and you wanted something to keep your mind occupied. 
You got home from your sister’s wedding at around midnight, but you felt too wired to sleep. It had been a nice evening overall. The ceremony was beautiful, the reception was fun. You were beyond happy for your sister and her now husband, who you suspected she was going to marry for years now. There was drinking and dancing and you saw family members you actually liked, family members you hadn’t seen in years. Your mom had flown in from California. Even though you spoke on the phone nearly everyday, getting the chance to actually see her was always wonderful.
Conversely, Aria’s wedding had forced you to come into contact with someone you hadn’t seen in years, someone you hated more than anyone else in the world.
Well, maybe that was dramatic. There were worse people in the world. But you did hate him. A lot.
Your father.
Crazy, how just one drop could poison the well, ruining a perfectly good night.
You shoved those thoughts down, instead redirecting your focus towards the weird little man on your phone. You decided you had reached your allotted crying limit for that week.
You both replied at the same time.
Really? I get weird vibes off him.
Not to make you feel weird or anything, but I'm scrolling through your tweets and you listen to some pretty good music.
That did make you feel weird—but a good weird, an amused sort of weird. This random person was scrolling through your tweets, developing a positive opinion of you based on your disdain for the Roys and the your penchant for blaring the Blood Sugar Sex Magik album in your car on the way to work. You had stalked his profile too, so you supposed it was only fair to allow him to do the same.
Wait. Weird how?
Oh thanks. I know no one really cares what music I’m listening to but idk, I just like posting about it.
I’m the same. It’s like, I like my music so I want other people to like it, too.
Weird how though??
Meanwhile everyone else is just listening to *their* music, thinking the exact same thing.
I can’t really pinpoint it. It just seems like there’s more than meets the eye with him, but maybe not in a good way. Like there’s a lot going on under the surface that we don’t get to see.
I get the impression that he has a lot to hide, you know what I mean?
Hah. I think you’re dead on with that one actually.
I read somewhere that he’s a pretty private person, which I think is kind of understandable all things considered.
Yeah, maybe. I don’t know, for some reason I get this weird feeling that in a few years it’s gonna come out that he’s done some seriously bad things that got covered up because he has money.
It’s one thing to keep things to yourself, but I think there’s more to it than that.
There’s private and then there’s secretive, if that makes any sense.
Yeah, I get that.
But what do I know? This is coming from someone that posts their every waking moment on twitter. I’m mostly anonymous on here, but maybe I need to “take a page out of his book” or whatever.
I would prefer not to, though.
Too complicated?
Yeah. And bleak. 
At least, that’s how it seems to me.
His replies had been coming in fast, but this one took a bit longer to arrive. You could see the little dots indicating that he was typing pop up and disappear a few times, like he kept writing something and deleting it. He seemed to actually care about your reaction to what he was saying, trying to come up with the right thing to say next...which was odd.
Then again, you kind of did, too.
Wow. Tell me how you really feel.
I’m not normally this judgmental. It’s just with that family in particular. They’re so oversaturated in the press. Maybe he’s a nice guy. He clearly has some depth to him. Who knows, though? I’ll never actually meet him lol.
I mean, not that I should care what some random on twitter thinks of me anyway. But idk.
“Some random” lol. Thanks for that.
I do have a name, you know.
What is it, then? I MUST know.
You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.
You scoffed and rolled your eyes.
Post Malone??? Is that u????
Lol Jesus Christ. No.
Jesus Christ???? I didn’t know you had a secret twitter. Do you have a finsta, too?
Alright smartass. My name is Kendall, ironically.
Also, what’s a finsta?
You couldn’t help but laugh at that. You didn’t want to make him feel bad, though. If he didn’t know, he didn’t know.
Wait, how old are you?
My guess? Probably older than you. Actually, definitely older than you.
But not by much.
Wow. Very elusive. Are you sure you’re not Kendall Roy?
Again, you were left waiting. The dots popped up and disappeared. Once, twice, three times.
I could only dream of being that handsome and powerful. But no, I’m not. Sadly. 
Lol I like how you had to think about it.
I was sending an e-mail for work, geez. I’m not obligated to respond to you immediately.
At 4 in the morning?
You must be a workaholic.
Oh, you have no idea…
You wondered if he was bored, too. He seemed genuinely interested in keeping the conversation going.
Usually I don’t like to give out my info but you seem fairly non-threatening. So, ballpark estimate, I’m somewhere in my late thirties.
It probably wasn’t the brightest idea to be talking to a stranger who claimed to be in his late thirties, which was, in fact, older than you. He easily could’ve been lying. Maybe he was twenty, maybe he was eighty. There was no way for you to know definitively what was real and what wasn’t, unless you did a bit of digging. You didn’t have much to go on, but you supposed it didn’t matter. You were just talking, and this little conversation would likely end within the next twenty minutes or so, when you finally willed yourself to shut your eyes and go to sleep.
What are you doing up so late, anyway? Assuming you’re in the US. You did mention that it was 4am.
Ah. So he was having trouble sleeping, too.
For context, I’m on the east coast, where it is also 4am. Which is ungodly late. Or early, depending on how you look at it.
I’m on the east coast, too.
You’re just as crazy as I am, then.
Speak for yourself, House of Gucci.
Lol wow you really are kind of a smartass, aren’t you?
I’m in New York.
No way! I’m in New York too. Upstate or downstate?
I don’t like giving out my info, remember?
You just opted to tell me you lived in New York completely unprovoked but ok.
And you’re right. You are older than me. "Ballpark” I’m in my twenties. But it’s nice to hear that you’re thirty and flirty and thriving.
Wow. I would love to be even just one of those things right now. 
You frowned at that.
Aw. I can relate.
Well, maybe we can commiserate together.
Maybe tomorrow? I really need to try and sleep. I have work in the morning.
I kind of figured. What do you do?
Damn. He really did want to keep this going, what with completely ignoring everything you just said about wanting to go to sleep.
I don’t like giving out my info, REMEMBER?
Yeah, yeah. Sorry, I’ll let you sleep. Sorry if this was weird, I’m at the airport right now and my flight got delayed. I wanted to kill some time and you seemed like you might be cool, so
Have a good night, alright?
You smiled to yourself, leaning back into your cocoon of pillows. Texting had actually made your eyes a little tired.
You too.
As you set your phone down on your nightstand, you saw it light up one more time. You wanted to groan. Was this guy seriously trying to keep it going even after you said goodnight? Were you going to have to block him?
But no. It was just a notification that he had followed you.
“Cute,” you mumbled to yourself, following him back.
If this weird, pleasant little interaction was any reflection of what “internet friends” might be like, maybe you would leave your account public.
…for now.
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drippingmoon · 7 months
Another Get to Know Me
Tags courtesy of @sleepy-night-child and @splashinkling aaand thanks a lot you two, I loved seeing yours🤩❤
a band you don't like that many others do
Hmm. I'm not really keeping up with people's music tastes anymore (except for you guys). But in middle school, everyone was obsessed with Panic! At the Disco, while I just couldn't vibe with them, so I was mildly worried I'd get defenestrated for it. I didn't, though the chairs did (my class was unique in that they'd slingshot chair seats out of the window by thing them with curtain beads, and they'd kinda just peacefully swing in and out till recess was over)
least favorite animal and why
Nightfriend, I feel like you're making me commit sins (though not really since insects are animals, but it does not feel so??), soo, I raise you: earwigs. Like. My Good Sir. Was there any need for you to grow pincers on your arse to look like you're gonna pull my brain through my ears? No? So please.
hot fandom take
I don't really have any. My fandoms have always been veeery small, even limited to one person (me. Waving, hello!), I'll just hand everyone hot tea and chill🍵
do you wear any jewelry, if so, what's your favorite piece
Not a jewelry person. I did use to have a kitty brooch... but the thing with brooches is, they are perfect for self-poking especially when you're so naturally inclined, so I gave it up.
a movie others liked that you didn't
Ouch, I'm really so out of touch with movies, and these days I'm watching what's very much not popular with people (except for Interstellar. Interstellar is baby). Probably any of the Pride and Prejudice adaptations, I had to go through them for a course, and you couldn't pay me to sit down with them again.
three things you love about yourself
*sees the question and shakes it like a snow globe*
These things so do not come naturally to me. Probably because I'm the type never to think if I can do something and just act, so pride just feels like spur-of-the-moment joy. Though, I'm really starting to think that's just what pride is.
Perfect, actually! So, that I just do stuff, probably my ability to entertain myself, and that I refuse to let life feel like a race. I'm here for the journey.
a place you hope to visit in the future and why
Iceland! Iceland! At night! When I can finally see all the stars, and very importantly, it'll be that delicious shade of freezing, and SNOW! I miss biiig snows so much!! And I want to share it all with my best friend🥰💜💙🥂
an actor that gets on your nerves and why
Am I supposed to know names?
things you're excited about in the near future
Ooooh, you find out like this I'm a bit of fraud come next week. I have goals to put an ungodly amount of chilli in the puff pastries I'll make next week, mostly because I wanna see for myself how painful it can get😈 and, oh, a lot of very awkward and very hilarious dancing, but with how silly it is, it energizes me like nothing else. (And it's still leaps and bounds classier than the 1967 Far From the Madding Crowd adaptation of Troy's... fencing mating rituals. Why was I made to watch that with mine eyes🤣🤣)
least favorite ship in a fandom you're in
I'm in a fandom? Since when? Jokes aside, probably Tomoyo and Kurogane from CLAMP's Tsubasa Reservoir, because HELL NO. Tomoyo crushes hard on Sakura, and you just can't separate Kurogane from Fai. You can't. It'd cost him an arm and maybe a leg also this time.
what's the most toxic fandom you've been in
Oh no, I just make some tea and detox whenever it's the case. I am not a social person, so it helps
list three things you find beautiful about life
Hnnngh, getting to talk to someone in the wee hours of the night when it feels really special, the wind and how it'll numb my fingers but rekindle everything else in me, and how you can grow to love so many things you wouldn't even have thought about before. I love being surprised by time.
any dreams for the future
My personality is such that, from time to time, I just won't dare make a sound from fear they'll just slip through my fingers. I am taught to wait and see.
But this is the rest of the time, SO
how are you feeling today
A bit like someone's stomped on my face (sleep; my fault, this time, but the lack of required hours keep me hostage), but also? Energized. Ready to go. And I absolutely never rest😈
These were really pleasant, so if anyone wants to hop on and grab some tea🍵, I'm keeping this tag open for you! I love talking😊
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danicamaximoff · 10 months
Pretend To Be Nice | Chapter Two
previous chapter | next chapter | masterlist
Chapter Two: The Pussycats
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Summary: A few months after forming their band "The Pussycats", Hazel and her friends PJ and Josie get noticed by a record label, and are quickly skyrocketed into fame. It's a dream come true for them, and all three of their lives are flipped upside down. Their quick arrival on the scene quickly draws the attention of many other artists and bands, including a popular girl band called "Nymphology". Unfortunately for Hazel, a mix-up and unintentional awful encounter ends up creating tension between the two groups right before they all leave for Nymphology's upcoming tour. Now forced to frequently interact with someone who she was convinced couldn't stand her, Hazel is desperately trying to fix things with the band's lead guitarist. However it doesn't help that Y/N is actively avoiding Hazel as much as possible, and the fact that Hazel found her insanely hot definitely didn't make things any easier.
Warnings: angst, rockstar au, eventual smut, slowburn, swearing, occasional alcohol mentions/use
Word Count: 4323
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“How about Ninja Cupcakes?” Hazel asks as she spins around on her desk chair. PJ and Josie were currently hanging out in her dorm room as the three of them tried to come up with a name for their band, but so far hadn’t had any luck.
“That could be fun.” Josie says as she nods her head and plays with the strings of her hoodie.
“We are not calling the band Ninja Cupcakes, that’s fucking stupid!” PJ says as she rolls her eyes and paces the floor of Hazel’s dorm.
“I think it’s funny.” Josie says with a shrug, which just makes PJ scoff.
“No, we have to have something cool, that’s too childish.” PJ says as she rolls her eyes.
“Okay… How about The Destroyers of something? That’s badass.” Josie says as she holds her hands up and shrugs.
“Yeah, maybe if we were a metal band.” PJ says as she continues pacing back and forth, trying to come up with a band name.
As she paces, Hazel continues to spin around in her desk chair absentmindedly before kicking her feet out and stopping in front of her desk. Drumming her fingers on the edge as she tilts her head back and thinks, she lets out a huff of air as she looks at the cat stickers she had on the whiteboard she used to keep track of her schedule. She raises her eyebrows as she gets an idea, letting out a small hum of approval to herself.
“What if we called ourselves The Pussycats?” Hazel asks as she spins around to look at PJ and Josie.
“The Pussycats?” Josie repeats as she looks over at Hazel.
“Yeah.” Hazel says as she nods her head a bit. “You know, cause, we’re all girls. And we like pus-” Hazel starts to say, before PJ cuts her off.
“Hazel, that's genius!” PJ yells as she throws her arms out in excitement. “Oh my god, that would totally work! Just walk onstage and be like “We’re The Pussycats and we’re gonna fuck your mom and shit!” Everyone will love us!” She says as she pretends to talk into a microphone.
“I don't think-” “Maybe don’t-” Both Josie and Hazel say in response to PJ’s sentence as they both shake her heads.
“I’m not being serious, it just makes us sound cool, I’m not actually going to say that!” PJ says as she rolls her eyes with annoyance.
“I mean I would hope so!” Josie says as she rolls her eyes.
“Yeah, I don’t think people would enjoy us fucking their moms.” Hazel says as she shakes her head.
“We’re not fucking anyones moms! It was a joke!” PJ exclaims as she lets out an exasperated groan.
“Okay, well, it didn’t sound like a joke, it sounded like you were being serious!” Hazel says defensively as she shrugs and furrows her eyebrows.
“Why the fuck would I actually say that at our first actual gig?” PJ says as she gives Hazel a look, holding her arms out in annoyance and confusion.
“Yeah, that’s like at least a 3-gigs in kind of phrase.” Josie jokes as she nods her head.
“I don’t know! Maybe someone at the party has a really hot mom! I don’t know the inner workings of your sex life, PJ!” Hazel says to PJ with an annoyed glare.
“Hazel, she can’t even get a girl to say yes to a date, why would she be able to fuck someone’s mom?” Josie asks as she gives Hazel a confused look.
“Hey!” PJ says defensively to Josie.
“Well I dunno, girls say yes to sex with me and I don’t ask them out. Dates and sex are two different things, it’s called hooking up for a reason.” Hazel says nonchalantly as she shrugs.
“Okay, enough about our sex lives!” PJ says as she throws her arm up dramatically, and there's a few moments of awkward silence before Hazel talks again, switching the subject.
“Hey, do you guys think it would be fun if we all wore matching outfits or something?” Hazel asks as she looks back and forth at PJ and Josie.
“What do you mean? Like we get matching shirts for the band?” Josie asks as she gives Hazel a confused look.
“We could make merch and sell it!” PJ says excitedly.
“You kind of need a fan base to make merch for in order for that to work.” Josie says as she gives PJ a skeptical look.
“My mom would buy a shirt! And probably my Econ professor too! I told him about the band!” Hazel says with a smile.
“We are not making merch for your Econ teacher.” PJ says as she glares at Hazel.
“Okay, well, we could!” Hazel says as she shrugs defensively, and PJ just rolls her eyes. “So is that a no on matching outfits? Cause I think it would be sick” Hazel says as she looks back and forth between PJ and Josie.
“Yeah Hazel, totally, let’s go to Party City or something, and find stupid Halloween costumes and show up on Friday looking like elementary schoolers or something stupid like that.” PJ says, her voice dripping with sarcasm as she rolls her eyes.
“Well I wasn’t thinking like full on costumes, but if that’s-” Hazel starts to say before PJ cuts her off.
“Oh my god, enough talking about costumes! We need to talk about something important, like our setlist! I need you guys to stop slacking off and focus on the band!” PJ says as she groans and rolls her eyes in annoyance, which just makes Josie glare at her and shake her head from where she was sitting on Hazel’s bed.
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That Friday night at around 7pm, the party was just starting to kick off, and Josie and PJ were talking to the host, Hazel nowhere to be found.
“So uh… Isn’t there supposed to be three of you? My sister said you guys were a trio.” Scott says as he gives PJ and Josie a confused look.
“We are! Hazel’s- she’s on her way!” Josie says as she frantically nods her head, clearly very nervous.
“Yeah, she just, uh- she’s out smoking drugs and stuff, you know how it is.” PJ says as she laughs and tries to act cool and she waves her wand at Scott nonchalantly.
“Smoking drugs?” Scott asks with a confused look as he glances over at PJ.
“No! No, no, no, no, no. That’s a lie! She’s not smoking dr- She’s on her way!” Josie quickly says as she frantically shakes her head, eyes wide.
“Okay?” Scott says with a confused look, clearly having a hard time following the conversation. “Just make sure she gets here soon, you guys were supposed to start five minutes ago.” Scott says as he gives PJ and Josie a weird look, clearly second-guessing the fact that he agreed to let them play at the party. Fortunately, as if on cue, Hazel arrives, seemingly appearing out of nowhere.
“Hey guys! Sorry I’m late, Party City had a lot more stuff than I expected.” Hazel says as she appears beside Josie, making her jump in surprise.
“Are you the third one?” Scott asks as he furrows his brows at Hazel.
“Yeah! I’m Hazel.” She says with a smile as she looks at Scott. “Thanks for letting us play by the way!” 
“Yeah, sure, just don’t fuck up.” Scott says as he gives the three of them a skeptical look. “Just head up there when you’re ready, I guess.” He says as he gestures to the make-shift stage he had set up in the backyard, before walking away.
“Where the fuck have you been?” PJ asks as she immediately turns to Hazel, glaring at her.
“I told you, I had to go to Party City to get the costume stuff.” Hazel says as she looks at PJ, a slightly confused look in her eyes at PJ’s attitude.
“Costumes? What costumes?” Josie asks with a confused look.
“Hazel, what are you talking about?” PJ asks as she shakes her head.
“You said we should all wear matching costumes from Party City.” Hazel says as she gives PJ and Josie a dumbfounded look, not understanding how they forget about their conversation. “It was right after we got into an argument about fucking people’s moms.” 
“What? Are you fucking kidding me right now? I was being sarcastic! We’re going to look stupid if we wear costumes! This isn’t even a Halloween party!” PJ says angrily as she snaps at Hazel.
“Well how was I supposed to know that? You didn’t tell me you were joking!” Hazel says defensively as she scrunches her face up in annoyance. “Besides, I got cool stuff, not the lame shit!” 
“Oh, you got cool stuff? Really? Thank you Hazel, Thank you so much.” PJ says sarcastically as she gives Hazel an annoyed look.
“Yes! I did! I got cool stuff! Look!” Hazel says as she pulls out a pair of cat ears from the bag. “I thought it would be fun if we all wore cat ears because our band is called The Pussycats! It’s funny!” She says as she grins and nods her head.
“I am not wearing cat ears in front of a party full of people! People are going to think it’s ridiculous!” PJ says angrily as she shakes her head.
“It’s not ridiculous, it’s funny! Emma thought it was a good idea!” Hazel says defensively.
“Who’s Emma?” Josie asks as she gives Hazel a confused look.
“She’s in my Calculus class! She’s the one that asked us to play!” Hazel says as she rolls her eyes. “Will you guys just please wear the cat ears? I really think they’re a good idea.” Hazel says as she pleads with Josie and PJ, giving them puppy dog eyes.
“I mean I’ll wear them. What have we got to lose, right?” Josie says as she shrugs and grabs a pair from Hazel, who grins widely. PJ stares at them both for a second, before throwing her head back and groaning loudly in annoyance.
“Okay, fine, we’ll wear the stupid ears! But when everyone laughs at us, that is not my fault!” PJ says as she groans in defeat and grabs a pair of cat ears with a scowl.
“Yes! I am telling you, this is going to be so cool, everyone is going to love us!” Hazel says as she punches the air in victory, an excited smile on her face as she puts a pair on her head.
“Whatever, can we just go perform now?” PJ says as she rolls her eyes in annoyance and starts walking towards the stage, pulling Josie with her. Hazel shrugs to herself and then turns to follow, well accustomed to PJ’s attitude by now, so it didn’t really bother her.
Once the three of them arrive onto the makeshift stage, they grab their designated instruments, Josie fiddling with the strings of her guitar as she glances at the party-goers nervously. Hazel takes a seat at the drums, giving Josie an eager thumbs up and smile when she looks back at her, as the speakers blasting music fade out, the music guy giving the three of them a thumbs up and a nod, a sign that they were good to start performing.
Hazel had a few expectations for how PJ would introduce the band. She knew PJ had said she was going to say they were all going to fuck people’s moms, but she and Josie had shot that down immediately, so Hazel was almost 75% sure PJ wasn’t using that as an intro. She also figured there was a chance PJ would try and fail to seem cool, and say something stupid, as that happened a lot. Of course there was also the chance an asteroid comes shooting in from space and crashes straight into the party. Ideally Hazel wasn’t part of the casualties if that happened. Then again, the actual ideal situation would probably just be for no asteroid strike at all. Yeah, that was definitely the actual ideal scenario.
Long story short, Hazel had run different scenarios on how their set would play out, and how people would react, unfortunately, she had not accounted for the fact that PJ was not the same, and had not thought this through on her end at all. So as you can imagine, Hazel was definitely thrown off guard a bit when PJ grabbed the mic to introduce the band and just started saying the first things that popped into her head, any hint of nerves or anything hidden behind her “cool girl” facade she was currently trying to show.
“Sup fuckers! My name’s PJ, this is Josie, and that’s Hazel! We’re The Pussycats, and we’re here to cool ass music and fuck your moms!” PJ practically yells into the microphone, making both Hazel’s and Josie’s eyes go wide. 
Okay, so, maybe that 75% chance was actually a 100% chance. Hazel looks out at the party-goers, letting out a breath of relief as she hears some of them yell out and cheer in approval. 
“Fuck yeah!” She hears some frat boy yell out among the other few cheers, and turns to see PJ looking at her expectantly, clearly expecting Hazel to start playing already. Taking a deep breath, Hazel holds up her drumsticks above her head, ready to start playing.
“One! Two! Three! Four!” She yells out as loud as she can, and then her sticks come crashing down as she begins playing, marking the official start of their first ever party gig.
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“Dude, where the fuck is Hazel?” PJ asks as her and Josie wander through the party, looking for their friend, who had disappeared a little bit after the gig after telling them she was going to go grab a drink.
Their set had luckily been a huge hit, most of the people in the backyard jamming out to the songs, regardless of the fact that they pretty much knew none of the songs besides the couple covers they performed. Sure, most of them were probably shit-faced, but as PJ put it afterwards: “Josie who the fuck cares if their drunk? They loved us!” Hazel sort of agreed with PJ on that. Definitely not fully, as she didn’t want people dying of alcohol poisoning or anything, but technically PJ was right about them loving the set, so that had to count for something. 
Scott had even come up to them after, patting them on the backs excitedly, clearly drunk, but was rambling on and on about how good they were, and he never doubted them (that was definitely a lie), and how they needed to play at more of his and his friends' parties in the future. PJ immediately said yes, and when she began talking to Scott and the people that were around who were congratulating the three of them on their set, eager to gain popularity points, Hazel quickly grew bored, and had said she was going to grab a drink before heading off towards the door back inside to the kitchen.
She had meant to head back to Josie and PJ. Honestly, she had. But while she was grabbing a drink, this really hot girl had come up to her, and Hazel wasn’t a dumbass, so naturally she kept the conversation going. 
“I like your ears.” the girl had said as she walked up to the kitchen counter Hazel was leaning against. Hazel looked up and blinked a few times, looking around her to see if she was talking to someone else.
“Are you talking about me?” Hazel asks with a bit of dumbfounded look as she glances back at the girl, admiring her goddess braids and how they framed her face.
“I mean you’re the only one here wearing cat ears, aren’t you?” The girl asks with a grin. “I’m Leah. I liked your band, you guys were really good.” She says as she leans against the counter next to Hazel.
“Oh, thanks! The cat ears were my idea, cause our band is called The Pussycats. I figured it would be fun.” Hazel says with an excited grin. “I’m Hazel.” 
“You a fan of cats then?” Leah says with a flirtatious grin as she subtly checks Hazel out, and Hazel’s mind goes a bit blank, especially since Leah was a few inches taller than her and was very hot.
“And women.” Hazel immediately responds without thinking, eyes going wide a bit when she realizes what she says, and Leah just laughs at her response.
“That makes two of us then.” Leah says with a grin as she gives Hazel a flirtatious look, which makes Hazel’s brain short circuit a bit as she processes Leah’s sentence.
“Oh, cool.” Hazel says as she nods her head, trying to act nonchalant. 
“Do you have a girlfriend?” Leah asks as she looks over at Hazel.
“Nope, no girlfriend.” Hazel says as she shakes her head. “Do you?” 
“I wouldn’t be flirting with you if I had a girlfriend, Hazel.” Leah says as she laughs and rolls her eyes playfully, as Hazel’s eyes go wide as she takes a sip of her drink, mentally saying fuck it and taking a chance.
“Oh. Wanna make out then?” Hazel says as she shoots her shot, raising her eyebrows as she looks at Leah, who laughs a bit at Hazel’s boldness.
“I mean since you asked so nicely.” Leah says as she laughs and rolls her eyes playfully, and Hazel chugs the rest of her drink before following Leah to a quieter spot of the party.
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“Hazel, what the fuck? We’ve been looking for you everywhere!” PJ yells as she throws open the door to the bathroom and finds Hazel making out with some girl PJ had never seen.
“Oh my god!” Josie exclaims as she immediately turns around at the sight of Hazel’s hand up the other girl’s shirt.
“Jesus! I- Fuck PJ, I’m a little busy right now.” Hazel says as she jumps a bit at the door being thrown open and gives PJ an annoyed look.
“Oh really? I couldn’t tell.” PJ says sarcastically as she rolls her eyes, and Hazel just rolls her eyes in annoyance as she steps back from Leah.
“Leah, these are my friends PJ and Josie, guys this is Leah.” Hazel says as her cheeks turn a bit pink and she gestures at everyone.
“Where the fuck have you been? You’ve been gone for like an hour!” PJ says as she glares at Hazel.
“Oh, I was talking with Leah.” Hazel says as she smiles.
“Yeah, I’m sure that was a real engaging conversation.” PJ says as she rolls her eyes sarcastically.
“Sort of, if you count talking about the cat ears and making out as being engaging.” Hazel says as she shrugs.
“I was being sarcastic, dumbass! Jesus! If you’re done shoving your tongue down her throat can we go now?” PJ says with an annoyed tone.
“Yeah, yup, totally, be right there.” Hazel says as she nods her head quickly. “I’ll um, I’ll see you around.” She says as she awkwardly waves bye to Leah before following PJ and Josie towards the front door.
“How are you always getting with girls?” Josie asks as she gives Hazel a bewildered look. “It’s like you have a superpower or something!”
“I dunno, maybe girls like hearing about my science facts? I actually scored a date with a girl one time because I was explaining the different kinds of moss.” Hazel says as she shrugs.
“Seriously? You got a girl to go out with you because you were talking about moss?” PJ says as she gives Hazel a look of disbelief.
“Yeah. Can’t say I blame her either, if a girl told me about moss I’d want to date her too.” Hazel says as she nods her head, and PJ just rolls her eyes.
“Do you use that move a lot?” Josie asks as she gives Hazel a confused look.
“Maybe? I dunno.” Hazel says as she shrugs.
“How successful is it?” Josie asks, clearly debating if that was a useful strategy as they all start walking down the street, away from the party and back to their dorms.
“I mean I’d say pretty successful. I mean it’s a very interesting topic. Like there’s a lot of different types, and it’s very interesting too when you look into its history and how long it’s been around. And it’s useful for survival too if you’re lost, like in that one Spongebob episode. That’s actually what got me interested in moss, because it looked cool and I wanted to see if it was true so I had my mom take me to the library and-” Hazel says as she begins rambling about moss and all her knowledge about it, before PJ interrupts her.
“Oh my god, we get it! You like moss! Would you just shut up for one second?” PJ says as she rolls her eyes with irritation and annoyance.
“What’s wrong with me talking about moss? I let you talk about your stupid celebrity crushes, even though you have no chance with them! You never shut up about it! Why can’t I talk about something I like?” Hazel says with an irritated tone as she glares at PJ as they reach a crosswalk.
“Because my topic is actually interesting!” PJ says as she rolls her eyes.
“I mean not really.” Josie says as she gives PJ a judgemental look. 
“Your obsession with Megan Fox is not interesting! First of all, she’s not even into girls, second, even if she was, she wouldn’t go for you!” Hazel says as she glares at PJ as they start crossing the street.
“Oh my god! Sorry I like talking about hot women! You don’t see me complaining when you talk about girls you find hot!” PJ says defensively as she scowls and throws her arms up in the air.
“Yes you do! You literally always complain whenever I mention my love life at all!” Hazel retorts as she glares at PJ, clearly pissed off. “I mean, even tonight, you just had to track me down and pull me away from-” She starts to fire back, but before she can finish Josie cuts her off.
“Guys oh my god!” She screams as she tries to pull PJ and Hazel back in the middle of the crosswalk as a car comes to a screeching halt in front of them, the headlights beaming straight into their eyes. They all let out screams as the car stops, the driver in the car staring at them for a second from the driver’s seat as he catches his breath. As Josie freaks out and tries to calm herself down, PJ immediately storms over to the driver’s window to yell at him as Hazel just stands there, a bit in shock, as she tries to process what just happened. As she goes to comfort Josie, she can hear PJ yelling at the dude once he rolls down his window. After a few minutes, once Josie had calmed down a bit, Hazel can overhear PJ ringing out the driver, who was now out of the car and trying to get her to calm down, and Hazel’s eyes go wide as she recognizes the guy.
“Oh my god! You’re Wyatt Frame!” Hazel yells out, as she immediately recognizes the music producer as he talks to PJ.
“Yes, I- Would you keep your voice down?” He asks as he gives her a look before glancing around to see if anyone else was outside. “Look, this was all a big misunderstanding, no one got hurt, so if we could just-” He starts to say, before PJ cuts him off.
“No one got hurt? Speak for yourself asshole! You weren’t the one that almost died! For all you know this near death experience could cause the three of us to need years of therapy! Years! So you better be ready to pay up and-” PJ starts to say as she continues yelling, before Hazel cuts in.
“Woah, woah, woah! It’s okay! We’re fine! We don’t need therapy!” Hazel says as she runs over and interrupts PJ, immediately taking an insane risk by what she was about to say. “However, instead of paying for therapy bills, you could sit down with us and teach us how to get a record deal or something! Or like listen to us play and talk with your record label or something?” Hazel asks as she looks at Wyatt.
“I’m sorry, you’re all in a band?” Wyatt says as he stops for a moment and looks at the three of them, an obscure expression on his face.
“Yeah, we’re called The Pussycats, and we just finished a fucking gig before you tried to kill us, asshole!” PJ says as she glares at him, clearly not caring he worked for a major record label.
“Is it just the three of you?” Wyatt asks as he looks at all of them, an unreadable expression on his face, though it was clear he was thinking about something in his head.
“Yeah?” PJ says sassily as she gives him a look, and he nods for a moment before he speaks again.
“Do you girls know any restaurants open right now? It would be on me, as an apology for my driving, and also to discuss your little, um… “Pussycats” band, a bit more if that’s alright with you.” Wyatt says as he takes off his glasses to clean them on his suit as he talks.
“Wait, actually? Like just to hear more about it? Or to-” Hazel starts to say as her eyes go wide with excitement.
“I mean-” Wyatt says as he cuts her off. “That I am in need of some new talent, and I am open to considering you three for a record deal.”
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i saw a pic of Ruby Cruz in front of a bunch of moss and it made me think of Hazel and how her having moss as a special interest just makes sense, idk don't ask. dividers from @saradika and @animatedglittergraphics-n-more graphic made by me lol
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