#and they just called the guy hoosier
creaturefeaster · 6 months
Opinion on bear ghost??
Long time fan, though I haven't listened to their stuff in a little bit, now that I think about it!
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I’ve had a lot of success asking for these kinds of tips before, so: does anyone have any recommendations for fun things to do in Milwaukee? I’m thinking about setting up a little Wisconsin long weekend in October
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3minsover · 10 months
another modern steddie au
Eddie gets invited to prom.
Eddie, the freak.
Gets invited by the captain of the basketball team, Jason.
And Eddie’s over the fucking moon, because he never thought he’d get a date to prom, let alone such a hot, popular one.
Sure, it’d taken a little convincing at first, because duh. Town pariah, cutest boy in school - it’s not an obvious match. But Jason seems sincere.
There’d been a time Eddie thought maybe he’d go to prom with Steve - back when they were in the same class last year - but of course Steve never asked, and Eddie didn’t have the stones to do it himself. Always had to go for the popular guy, the unattainable one, did Eddie.
Once Steve graduated, Eddie had been surprised to actually strike up a friendship with Steve on his trips to the local coffee-shop-vintage-vinyl-store hybrid where Steve now worked. He’d even asked Steve, only a couple days before Jason casually leant against Eddie’s locker and popped the question - his excitement and shock had made him blind to the group of jocks loitering with smirk-stained mouths just down the hall - if he’d consider accompanying him to prom just so he didn’t have to go alone. Just as friends though, obviously (except that Eddie would have combusted on the spot if it wasn’t just as friends).
Steve’s rejection of the invite had come swift, though not harshly, and not for any reason other than that he had tickets to see the Hoosiers play the Wolverines at the Assembly Hall that night. Eddie spluttered out reassurance that-
“I’ll be fine! Don’t worry about little old me! Hey, I’ll have Rob and Nance there, huh, even if they’re going together. I’ll crash their date.” But the enthusiasm fell out of his voice as he spoke.
Steve had been surprised, but supportive, when Eddie broke the news about Jason. he’d not said anything for a long moment, but then his face split into a smile that seemed too big for his face, and he offered Eddie a high five.
And so the afternoon of prom comes.
Jason’s going to pick Eddie up at 7, and for the whole day, Eddie’s been all jitters. He showers, shaves, fusses with his hair, his tux (borrowed from Wayne), his rings and chains, and at 6:45, Eddie sits down opposite Wayne at the dining table.
And he waits.
And waits.
7pm comes, and then 7:15. 7:30.
“He probably just got caught up,” Eddie justifies, if only to break the thick silence hanging over the kitchen.
“I’m sure, kid.” Wayne’s voice is sincere, but it does nothing to ease the swirling of Eddie’s stomach. 8 o’clock crawls nearer, and Eddie’s still sitting at his kitchen table, elbows itching where he’s had his arms folded on the table in front of him for so long. Wayne excuses himself, comes back a couple minutes later, and Eddie hasn’t moved.
Acceptance tastes bitter in Eddie’s mouth.
“He’s not coming, is he.” Eddie doesn’t need to phrase it as a question. Of course Jason’s not coming. Why would he? Eddie feels so fucking stupid. For a moment there, he really thought.
“No, son. I… I don’t think he is.”
“I’m gonna go change,” Eddie announces, failing to keep the wetness out of his voice. He stands, the chair legs scraping overloud against the kitchen floor, and stalks towards his bedroom. He’s tugging at his tie and blinking away stinging tears when four sharp knocks come from the front door. Eddie’s nearest, and his heartbeat rockets. he races over, yanks at the handle flinging it open to find-
Steve Harrington is standing on his front porch, fidgeting with his tie. Because he’s wearing a tie. And a suit. His cheeks are flushed, his hair a little damp still, and he’s holding a single yellow dandelion between pinched fingers. He looks so fucking handsome Eddie could cry. Or kiss him. Or kiss him and then cry.
But Steve’s at the Hoosiers game. Or-
“Steve…? I don’t…”
“Wayne called me.” Steve dips his chin self-consciously, looking up through thick lashes.
“And you- But you’re- The game?” Eddie blinks furiously, blindsided by the sight of Steve Harrington in a tux offering him a flower for his goddamn buttonhole.
“There’ll be other games. I’m only gonna get one more chance to take you to prom.”
“One… more?”
“Yeah,” Steve sighs, “I missed it the first time. Almost missed it this time too.”
“But you didn’t.” Eddie takes a half step forward, allowing Steve to slip his fingers under the lapel of his jacket and push the stem of the dandelion through the little stitched opening. He inhales a little gasp at the heady scent of Steve’s cologne so close all of a sudden. Their eyes meet, and everything else softens around them, fading only to shades of violet and blue in the dark. Eddie can see the bob of Steve’s throat as he swallows, but he can’t tear his eyes away from the rich hazel of Steve’s own to focus on it.
Eddie knows he’s smiling like a fool.
“I’m glad you could make it, son.” Wayne’s voice pops the moment like a dishsoap bubble, soft in the way that fall leaves are. Steve looks up and over Eddie’s shoulder, nodding bashfully.
“I’m glad you called.”
“Me too, Wayne. Thank you. No, really. Though I’m not sure I entirely love the fact that my uncle can get me a date better than I can.” The three of them laugh, the sound rising smoky into the night.
“You two have fun - but not too much, y’know.” Wayne’s mouth is set firm but there’s a recognizable spark in his eyes that Eddie is so glad they share.
“I’ll have him home by midnight, sir.” Steve plays the ‘respectful, demure date’ role so well.
“Don’t I get a say in that?” Eddie exclaims, whipping his head to look between the two of them. “Alright, take me to the dance, Harrington.”
“It would be my pleasure.”
In the end, they don’t make it to prom. Instead Steve drives them out to the overlook at Lover’s Lake, just the two of them, and they talk until the twinkle of stars is replaced by the first peachy hints of day. And Eddie thinks maybe prom is overrated, after all.
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she-wolf09231982 · 5 months
Bill Hoosier Smith
“There, I said it!”
Summary: It’s a chore getting anything out of Hoosier that isn’t sarcasm or jokes. But when it comes to his favorite medic, he’ll say it.
A/N: One shot, Mature audience, BillHoosierSmithx!FemMedic, WW2, Female Pronouns, Cursing/Swearing, Derogatory Slurs, Womanizing Comments, Military and Medical Terminology, Inappropriate Nicknames, HBO The Pacific References, Mentions/Descriptions of Injuries, Weaponry, Smoking. Angst/Conflict, FOREVER FLUFF
*Able Grable = Girl with low morals
*The Ichiki = Japanese Soldiers
*These stories may not fall entirely in accordance with the TV series timeline. I do not know the real Marines the actors portray in this series, so please understand I show no disrespect. Some or most of historical events and character interactions in my fanfics are fabricated purely for the sake of the enjoyment of fiction*
August 1942
Ever since you’ve been assigned to H Company, you were accepted by most of the guys. You had an addictive personality and had a whimsical way with your presence. You dished out whatever the guys threw at you, and they loved that you were a bit rough around the edges.
You weren’t afraid to get dirty and break a sweat. You’ve earned your place amongst them when you showed them your worth when bullets started flying. The moment “Medic!” was called, you were running like a bat out of hell to get to them.
In the beginning, you didn’t always get along with Hoosier. The man had it out for you in the worst way the day you arrived to board the carrier to the Pacific. For weeks the guys made such a fuss about you and it annoyed the hell out of him…especially Chuckler. He went on and on about you and Hoosier was over it.
“Goddamn, Lew, if you want her so bad, then go fucking get her or shut the fuck up.” Hoosier barked at him one day.
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“Damn, Bill, what’s got you snapping your cap?” Runner asked.
Hoosier glared at him then went back to cleaning his rifle.
“He’s just jealous that I saw her first.” Chuckler teased.
Bill slammed his weapon down, “You know what it is, Lew? It’s that women don’t have a place on the front lines because they’re nothin’ but a distraction.” He snapped.
“Come on, Hoosier, we don’t get to see nothin’ pretty around here. It’s something to look at that isn’t a Jap or Leckie’s face.” Gibson explained.
The guys laughed including Bill.
“Now that I can go along with.” Hoosier agreed.
Just then, you approached the group.
“Hey guys-“ you began.
The guys always lit up when you came around.
“Hey, Y/L/N!” Runner, Leckie and Sid greeted.
“Hiya, doll!” Lew added.
You smile at each of them, but noticed once again Hoosier avoiding eye contact with you. You knew he didn’t like you. You usually made it your daily routine to bust his chops by starting small talk with him to make it awkward for him. The guys found it entertaining when you give him a hard time. Bill, however, couldn’t stand it.
“Hey, Hoosier.” you say sweetly.
He side eyed you with a scoff while he function checked his rifle.
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The guys watched intensely with mischievous smiles painted across their faces.
“You’re looking extra rugged this morning.” You dared to continue.
The guys snickered. Hoosier looked around at each of them with vigor, then looked at you.
“You think you’re fucking funny, Y/L/N?”
Your friendly smile softened into a cocky grin.
“They seem to think so.” You returned, gesturing to the rest of the group.
“Yeah, well, they’re only siding with you because you’re a broad. If you weren’t a medic, you’d be useless.” Hoosier jeered.
You furrow your eyebrows at him as you cross your arms, “Oh, is that what you think?”
His mouth curled into an evil smirk, “It’s what I know, lady.”
You feel your anger boiling over.
“Well, your opinion is noted, Smith. Not that your opinion matters.” You retaliate.
He narrowed his eyes at you, then redirected his attention to polishing the barrel of the rifle.
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You look at the others, “If you guys need anything, I’ll be at the aid station.”
You turn around and walk off. They waited until you were out of ear shot.
“What the fuck is wrong with you, Bill?” Sid asked hitting his shoulder.
“What?” Hoosier replied.
“You know, she’s gonna be the one helping you out there if you get hit.” Leckie pointed out.
Hoosier remained silent. He didn’t give a damn. He just wanted to kill some Japs, and go home.
You avoided Hoosier like the plague. You haven’t poked fun at him for a few weeks and whenever your paths crossed while he was waiting in line for chow or he needed medical attention, you looked right through him like he didn’t exist.
“Shit, Bill, if looks could kill-“ Runner had said.
“Yeah, she hasn’t said a word to me in a few weeks. ‘Bout damn time.” Hoosier commended.
Runner rolled his eyes.
“You got so much piss and vinegar in your veins towards her, Hoosier, I don’t get it.”
“We’re all here to do a job. There ain’t no female that’s gonna stop me from doing it,” Bill affirmed, “maybe if ya’ll focused more on the war it would be over already.”
“Yeah, yeah, ok.” Runner humored Bill by agreeing.
Lt Corrigan addressed H company one morning about the next mission.
“We’re settin’ up a little less than a mile that way along the perimeter,” he explained pointing in the direction along the road outside their camp, “The Japs decided to go around us to hit the airfield. Leckie, figure out the five Marines for the first watch for two hours at sunset and make sure a medic goes with each shift. So six total, got it?” He finalized then trudged off towards headquarters.
“Aye, sir.” Leckie acknowledged.
Bob looked around at the guys, “Any volunteers?”
No one answered.
“Come on, guys, don’t make me pick.” Leckie pushed.
“Fucking fine, I’ll go.” Hoosier muttered.
“We’ll go.” Sid and Gibson voiced.
“Ok since you’re being good sports, I’ll take the first watch with you guys.” Leckie supported.
“Fuck it, I’m in.” Runner added.
“Good man. Ok, we head out at 1730. It’ll give us enough sunlight to get to the posts before it gets dark. Get your gear together and meet me on the edge of camp at 1725.” Leckie ordered.
Hoosier walked to where he had his weapons and gear before Leckie pulled him aside.
“And won’t you be happy about this.” He said a little too excitedly.
Hoosier looked at him skeptically.
“Your favorite little medic is coming with!” Leckie replied with a wide smile.
Bill shook his head, “Fuck you, Bob.” He spat before stomping off.
Leckie chuckled as he gathered his rations for the shift.
It was bad enough that Leckie had requested that you be on the first watch that Hoosier was part of, but he also arranged that you and he also shared a fox hole together. You were absolutely fuming sitting there next to him.
The trench was 6 feet long and 3 foot wide, leaving very little personal space between the two of you. Although he could see perfectly over the edge of the foxhole when he stands, you had to place an ammo case in the hole as a stepping stool because the depth of it was a little too deep, and it was an obstacle for you to climb in or out or see the line when you stand.
You almost opted to sit on the wooden case instead of on the ground of the foxhole, but you didn’t want splinters on your butt, so you had to sit relatively close to Hoosier.
Leckie’s face appeared over the edge.
“Cozy?” He mocked.
You both scowl at him.
“Do you need something, Leckie?” You asked exasperated.
“Nah, just checking on everyone.”
“Yeah, just having’ a grand ol’ time with Able Grable over here.” Hoosier uttered.
You look at him with daggers behind your eyes.
“Excuse me!?” You shrill.
Leckie laughed, “Best idea I had all day posting you two together! Have fun, kids.” He said as he disappeared.
Hoosier only shook his head, laughing to himself about his snappy insult towards you.
“You think I’m some bimbo out here lookin’ to get laid do ya?” You propose.
Hoosier didn’t bother looking over at you.
“If the shoe fits.” He simply replied with a leering expression.
“Ooo you pompous pig!” You growl through clenched teeth.
“I’ve been called worse.” He dismissed.
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“I fucking believe it!” You shot back turning your back to him.
You’ve never been so disrespected in your life. You always tried to be a good person because of how you were raised. And because he had such an arrogant opinion on where women belonged in this war, he treated you like dirt regardless of how good you were to him or his buddies.
You keep your back to him because your rousing anger caused tears to build in your eyes and you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction that anything he said affected you. But Hoosier wasn’t an idiot. He knew you were crying. He felt a tinge of guilt in the pit of his stomach, but his pride always got the better of him, so he sat there quietly and tried his best to ignore your silent sobs.
The relief crew showed up, and before they could say anything, you hopped out of the foxhole to get away from Hoosier.
Hoosier, Leckie, Sid, Gibson, and Runner walked together as you walked ahead of them alone in the dark.
“Jeez, Bill, what did you do?” Sid accused.
“What the fuck, why does it have to be something I did?” He defended.
“She was fine before the watch.” Runner identified.
“If you’re gonna blame anyone, blame Leckie for posting us together.” Hoosier suggested pointing at Bob.
“Hey, Corrigan said five Marines and a medic. I had to have two people in each trench. It’s just how it worked out.” Leckie clarified shrugging his shoulders.
You heard them bantering behind you, trying to shut them out. You suddenly heard a distant whistling noise, quickly recognizing it was incoming artillery. You turn to the guys in a panic.
“INCOMING!!” You shout back to them.
The shell landed behind them, sending many palm trees to the ground around them. They all dove to the ground to take cover.
“Get those mortars up! Runner! Hoosier! Set up further that way and rain hell on ‘em! Stay where I can see ya!” Leckie ordered motioning towards the area you all just walked away from.
Hoosier and Runner rush back up the road then hastily set up their ‘Goon Guns’ facing where the threat was coming from.
You find a spot behind the pile of fallen trees to take cover, peeking over the top to make sure you can see and hear if the guys needed you. Watching them work out there left you utterly awestruck.
There were obviously more of the Ichiki out there than you could see. Although there were more of them, their aim was terrible. The Japs plotted their targets all around you and the guys, mainly hitting palm trees and rocks. You watch sharply as each shell made its mark.
You tactfully maneuver closer to Runner and Hoosier until you see a streak of enemy gun fire trailing closer and closer towards them. They, too, see the danger approaching and jump start into a sprint towards the tree line.
Runner finds cover behind a pile of gravel while Hoosier runs towards the stack of fallen palms you were hiding behind. A mortar dropped in his path causing him to double backward as he tried shielding his face from the debris.
As the remnants of the explosion clears, you see his silhouette crouched over, rubbing his eyes. You look past him seeing the approaching stream of enemy fire coming straight for him. The fragments of dirt and sand had obscured his vision leaving him unaware of the jeopardy he was in.
“Shit!” You huff as you hurdle over the mound of trees darting towards Hoosier.
A split second before the enemy can make contact with their target, you tackle Hoosier, projecting you both a few feet out of the line of enemy fire onto the jungle floor.
“Ooof!” Hoosier exclaimed when you knocked the air out of him.
The attack continued a few more minutes, then died down to an unexpected silence. You hear rapidly approaching footsteps of your comrades racing towards you and Bill.
Hoosier on his back and you on your stomach with an arm draped across his chest, you feel seeping warmth soaking through your uniform just around your hip and down your thigh.
Thinking you lost bladder control, you look over your shoulder down your left side and see a crimson red stain on your shirt and pants pooling onto the sand beneath you. Hoosier sat up quickly, causing you to wince when your arm slipped off him.
“Fuck, Y/F/N, you’re hit!” Hoosier announced.
“Well no shit, Bill!” You replied annoyed.
Leckie and the rest of them encircled you and Bill.
“Oh, God.” Leckie choked when he saw you were bleeding.
“Get her bag!” Runner told Sid.
As gently as he could, Hoosier flipped you onto your back, untucking your uniform top from your pants on your left side,
“Y/F/N, tell us what to do!” Hoosier said when Sid came back with your medic satchel.
You take a deep, ragged breath, “First see if there’s an exit wound. Prop me up on my right side and see if the bullet went all the way through.”
They did as they were told.
“There’s an exit wound back here, doll!” Leckie confirmed.
“Ok that’s good,” you reassure through a cough, “Get the big gauze from the bag, pack the entry and exit wounds to—absorb the..blood…and then…then-“
Tunnel vision sets in and you start to black out.
“NO! No no no no, stay with us, Y/F/N!” Hoosier bellowed, “Goddamn it, get her wrapped up we gotta get her to the aid station, NOW!”
The boys got you back to the aid station just in time. Luckily, a supply drop was made a few days prior to you being wounded, and the nurses were able to get you hooked up to plasma. You remained unconscious for three days.
Hoosier, internally battling his agonizing guilt for treating you the way he had, visited you everyday while you lay asleep on your cot. On days he wasn’t on patrol or on post, he set up a blanket and pillow on the floor next to you to sleep so he wouldn’t miss you waking up.
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While he slept on the ground next to your bed, a whimper emitted from above him disturbing his slumber, alerting him that you were waking up. His eyes snapped open as he swiftly pushed himself up from the floor to kneel next to the side of your bed. With the morning sun illuminating your face, he admired your angelic features as you began to stir.
All he could do was stare, wanting nothing more than to see your beautiful eyes open. Your lashes flutter before your eyelids fully reveal the color of your eyes to him. You look side to side, doing your best to figure out where you were and how you got here.
“Good morning.” Hoosier bid you.
You slowly look over to him.
“Oh. Hoosier.” You reply softly.
You try to sit up and suck in air through your teeth when you feel a sharp pain on your left side.
“What the ffffffuuu-“ you start to say lifting your left arm up to look at your side.
Your mid drift was wrapped in dressings like a mummy. You lightly run your hand over your covered abdomen. You tried to remember the last thing that happened in the field. Hoosier saw you struggling to recollect the events that happened three days before.
“Those Japs got you right above the hip. But it only went through the muscle, Doc said. Nothin’ important was hit. It was a clean shot.” He explained.
“Right.” You whispered staring into space.
Hoosier paused, looking down at his hands folded in front of him on your blanket.
“Why did you do it?” He finally asked.
You looked at him perplexed, “Do what?”
“Why did you save me?” He clarified.
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You looked down at your toes under the sheets.
“Because it was my job. I wasn’t about to just let you die.” You rationalized.
“After how much of an asshole I was? After what I said to you in the foxhole before that?”
“Well-“ you started before allowing yourself to briefly slip into your thoughts, “..yeah.”
Hoosier stared at you as confusion screwed up his facial features. His eyebrows drew inward as he started to shake his head at you.
“So, you’re welcome.” You added.
“Ha!” He huffed, “I should be grateful!?” He asked sarcastically.
“Well yeah! I did take a bullet for you! You ungrateful piece of-“
“Hold on, there, pal. I didn’t ask you to do that-“
“-You don’t have to! It’s my fucking job!” You bark back before he could finish.
You grimace from pain from over exertion by raising your voice.
“Just go, Bill. I don’t even know why you’re here.”
“I wanted to make sure you woke up.”
You look down on the floor next to your bed and see his blanket and pillow.
“You slept here?” You asked amused.
He nodded. The pieces started to come together in your head.
“Why don’t you just admit you care?” You prompted.
“Fucking what??” He fired back, slightly embarrassed.
“You heard me.” You retorted.
“You’re a dizzy dame, you know that?” He grumbled.
“Whatever, Hoosier, just leave. I can’t stand to hear your voice anymore.” You conclude as you shift to your right side to once again face your back to him.
Bill was bewildered. He leaned back on his heels not knowing what to do next.
“Just go.” You repeat, knowing he was going to try to push the conversation.
He stood, hovered over you for a few seconds then start to slowly back away. He turned on his heel to walk away, but his intrusive feelings stopped him in his tracks, and he abruptly returned to your bedside.
“Ok, so you want to hear it?” He blurted out.
Startled, you return to your back placing your head upon the pillow awaiting his speech.
“I care! Ok?? There, I said it!” He confessed with his arms raised then slapping them down to his sides before he continued,
“As a matter of fact, you’ve had me fucked up for weeks, that’s how much I care. When you stopped sassing me after you got mad at me, I thought I’d be relieved, but I wasn’t! It killed me slowly inside when you refused to look at me or even acknowledge my presence! I couldn’t sleep because everytime I closed my eyes, I saw your face. I couldn’t concentrate on patrol because I constantly wondered if you’d be ok without me around!”
You gaped at him, completely baffled by his outburst of affection for you.
“I got it so bad for you, I don’t know what the fuck to do anymore.” He professed calmly after taking a breath. He looked down at his boots.
You close your mouth and also look down at his boots.
“I’m gonna go. The guys will wanna know you’re ok.” He muttered as he turned to leave.
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“Um, Bill?” You call after him gingerly.
He stopped right at the threshold of the doorway to look at you. You wave him over.
He hesitated at first but came back to you. You began to move your legs off the bed to sit on the side.
“What the fuck are you doing?? You shouldn’t be-“ Hoosier tried to reprimand.
“-Bill, shut up, and sit with me.” You directed patting the surface of your cot next to you.
He begrudgingly sat, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees.
You swallowed hard, unsure you could speak after what he just told you. You look over to him and catch him nervously side eyeing you, waiting for you to say something. The ends of your mouth curve into a faint smile.
“Look at me.”
He reluctantly meets your gaze.
“Did you mean everything you said?”
His eyes widened, “Every word.” He purred.
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You beamed at him and before you could stop yourself, you pulled him by his shirt catching his lips with yours. He cupped the side of your face as he tilted his head to the side to deepen the kiss.
He snaked a hand around your side,
“Ah-ah-ah ow!” You pull back in pain when his hand touched the tender part of your wound.
You grab his hand gently and pull it away from your side.
“Oh shit! I’m so fucking sorry!” He said alarmed, “Are you ok?? Did I hurt you bad??”
“It’s ok, Bill. It was the heat of the moment. It was worth it.” You justify with a wink.
His look of concern melted into admiration.
He tucked a stray strand of hair from across your forehead to behind your ear, then placed his palm against your cheek. You lean into his touch, placing your hand over his. He rested his forehead against yours.
“Will you stay with me again?” You implored.
His smile widened, “Of course.”
“You can sleep up here with me.”
Hoosier laughed, “We ain’t gonna fit up here together, sweetheart.”
“Then I’ll come to the floor with you.” You insisted.
Hoosier shook his head, “How about I pull another cot over here and we push ‘em together?”
“See? You’re smart and pretty.” You teased with a wink.
He kissed you delicately, his mouth forming into a smile against your lips.
Just for you @awaterfalls Let me know if you like it! ❤️
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luminouslywriting · 2 months
the pacific boys, their reaction when they come back from war and you jump into their arms
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Hi!! This is such a darling request!! ^^ The gif above is not mine^^ My requests remain open and I'm happy to get any and all spam from you guys!
Cut for length, more under the cut:
Robert Leckie:
-Gets the biggest and sweetest grin on his face
-He's out here thinking that this entire thing has all been worth it now that he's back home and you're in his arms
-Absolutely presses kisses to the side of your head and tells you how much he's missed you
-Keeps his arm around you or hand in yours for the rest of the day
Snafu Shelton:
-Pleasantly surprised to see you there and waiting for him
-It takes him a minute to register the fact that you're real and that this isn't just a dream of his
-And then he pulls you in for a super passionate kiss and begins the flirting
-He pretty much wants to elope with you that same night haha
Eugene Sledge:
-It takes him a minute to warm up to you (it's nothing personal dear, he's just been through it, to be fair)
-I honestly feel like he doesn't really appreciate or reciprocate the physicality of everything until he has his first nightmare and then when you're there to hold him, everything changes
-He apologizes for being numb and absent-minded when you showed up to pick him up
-Definitely requires some cuddles from here on out
John Basilone:
-Grinning, running into your arms, hugging and spinning you around–it's the whole 9 yards
-He's super affectionate and super glad to be back in your arms and to be back with you
-Is murmuring sweet nothings and promises of what he's going to do with you the minute you're alone
-Not overly clingy but he's definitely physically affectionate
Runner Conley:
-Gasps when you run and jump into his arms and then doesn't want to let go of you after that
-He's out here trying to re-memorize the way that you look and the way that you feel
-Pinch him a few times or kiss him on the cheek to reassure him that this is real
-And absolutely has a quick proposal to you that same day that was in no way planned or romantic (but it works haha)
Hoosier Smith:
-Honestly, he just falls into your arms in total relief to be home with you again
-Revels in the physical affection he's receiving from you
-Also begins flirting fairly quickly and calls you the prettiest thing he's seen in a long time
-He is also desperately in need of some cuddles, so please provide that for him
Lew Chuckler:
-Gets this great big goofy smile on his face that does not go away until he's in bed that night
-He hasn't stopped thinking of you the entire time you've been apart and now that you're back together, he's all too thrilled to be holding your hand
-Definitely the type to get up to some handsy shenanigans in the car tbh
-Very content to just drive around and spend his time with you for the rest of the day
Sid Phillips:
-Literally the most wholesome hug and kiss once you find each other on the platform, I just can't explain it
-Definitely cries a bit and gets emotional
-Proceeds to pretend he didn't cry and tries to flirt with you pretty quickly
-Agree to go on a date with him that same day and you'll be set
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softspeirs · 6 months
Then and There, Wind in Your Hair (Bill “Hoosier” Smith x OC)
Pairing: Bill “Hoosier” Smith x Female OC (could be read as an un-named OC or a reader insert) Summary: After their meeting in Melbourne, Hoosier writes a few letters, dreams a few dreams, and finds her again after coming home. A/N: I know what you’re thinking - “Katie, aren’t you neck deep in your Masters of the Air hyper fixation?!” and the answer is yes, but I just had to write a companion piece to Clouds Overhead. You don’t have to read that one first, but some elements might make more sense if you do. Disclaimer: I don’t own The Pacific. Please don’t repost, translate, or use this fic for AI without my permission.
And we both laid entwined, stared at the night Clouds overhead, but that was all right ‘Cause then and there with the wind in your hair Heaven was jealous to merely look fair against you
He can’t remember how many days it’s been since he was in Melbourne.
Sometimes, when he closes his eyes, he’s able to block out the rapid pounding of his heart and the distant ack-ack of machine gun fire and remember the sound of the waves on the beach, the feeling of her hair tickling his jaw.
There’s a part of him that’s worried he’s going to forget her face, though he’s not sure how that’s possible. 
He’s worried about a lot of things. Worried is standard operating procedure these days. 
They haven’t been able to get mail out in weeks, the shelling too intense for anything even resembling a CP or a supply depot to be set up, even behind the lines. The lines change rapidly in the Pacific, and he’s not sure he’s brave enough to try to find it even if he did have a letter to send to her.
He’s surprised when they’re finally taken off the line, and there’s mail waiting for him.
Bill, it starts, and he smiles, because she’s the first person in a long time that almost outright refuses to call him Hoosier.
I’m sorry I didn’t get a chance to see you off. The War Department has us all running around like chickens with our heads cut off getting ready for our next deployment.
I’m not sure where we’ll be going yet, and I probably wouldn’t be able to tell you if I did. I just hope wherever it is, it’s not as hot as it was in the Philippines when I was there. 
Mostly, I hope this whole thing is over soon. I know it’s naïve of me. I signed up to go to war, and I don’t regret it, but I’m tired. I know you are too.
I hope wherever you are, you’re safe. 
Thinking of you.
She signs it off with a metaphorical kiss, and he feels his heart kick into overdrive. He knows it’s dangerous, but he’s starting to dream about someday, and he can’t stop himself. 
Surprisingly, the other guys don’t rag on him about it. They ask him a few questions, but they’re all so distracted about whatever’s coming next, there’s no thought about razzing anyone who’s finding a little slice of joy in anything outside of this hell hole. 
He writes her back when he finally has a minute to think. 
It’s been a long week, I think. He tells her. 
I don’t really know how long it’s been since we were in Melbourne, but I think about it almost every day. 
He wonders if he’s showing his hand too much, but he can’t help himself.
I hope you’re safe. I hope you’re far from the lines, wherever they are, and that things aren’t too bad. We were pulled off the line for a few days here, but I don’t think it’s going to last long. 
“Hoosier.” Leckie says, voice hesitant like he hates to be the one to break him out of his letter writing. “We’re moving out.” 
Bill sighs. Of course. Not a moment’s reprieve.
I think about you often. He scratches, hesitating only a moment. And I hope that’s okay with you, because it’s just about the only thing getting me out of the trench in the morning. 
I hope you’re safe. I’m going to do my best to try to stay safe too. 
He writes to her nearly every day. He knows she’ll probably get a few of the letters all at once since the mail is so backed up, but he has nowhere else to put his thoughts, and it’s sending him half insane.
Most of his notes to her are mundane, stories about his guys and only a little bit about the mess going on in his brain. If she were here in person, he’s sure she’d look him dead in the eyes and demand he tell her what he’s thinking, but he tries to shield her from it, at least a little bit.
Her letters are the same, stories about the friends she’s making and at the bottom of one, a piece he rips off and shoves in his trunk - her address back home in Chicago. 
Just in case something unexpected happens, I expect you to call on me, Private Smith. I’ll wait for you. There’s no one else.
It brands him like a tattoo right above his heart, on his breastbone where no one but him can see. 
I’ll wait for you. 
It’s the last thought he has right before it all goes to hell.
When he wakes up in a hospital a week later, he’s half out of his mind with exhaustion and morphine. Still, his first thought is of her. 
He asks about her, and the nurse frowns at him. “No one here with that name, sugar. Sorry.” 
Did he dream her? 
Did his brain invent her just as a survival tactic to make it out alive?
When he sleeps, he does dream of her. He dreams of them. He dreams of that cookie cutter life with the white picket fence, and her smile. He pictures tangerine sunsets and a backyard barbecue. He pictures a little girl with her eyes and his smile. 
When he wakes, he wishes he could fall back asleep.
He doesn’t get any mail, and he doesn’t have the time or the energy to write any letters himself. He’s hauled day after day into an empty room for rehabilitation, where a nice Lieutenant named Lanie listens to him curse a blue streak as he tries to put weight on his leg. 
“Lanie, I’m beggin’ you to just write down that you saw me walk.” 
She frowns. “No can do, Private. Besides, what good is that going to do you? Don’t want to get your dancing shoes on again someday?”
He snorts. “Who’s going to teach me how not to have two left feet?” 
She shrugs. “I’ll do it. Or how about that girl you keep asking after? I bet she’d be a willing participant.” 
He levels her with a hard gaze. “Lanie, if you know something...” 
“Honest, Hoosier. I don’t know.” She leans in a little closer. “The hospital unit is still on the island and they’re socked in. I haven’t been able to get in touch with my friend there to ask her. You know how it can be.” 
He sighs. “I know. Thanks for trying.” 
“Now do me a favor, will you? Take a few steps so I can get rid of you and go eat some lunch.” 
That night when he can’t sleep, he limps his way down to the mess. There’s a few other guys there, but he finds a table alone. Under dim light, he pens out another letter that he hopes makes it to her.
I’m in the hospital, he writes, his hand shaking a little bit from lack of use. 
I have no idea if you’ll ever get this. I hope you do. I don’t want you to wonder.
What you told me in the last letter I got from you has kept me going. And it goes without saying (hopefully) that I’ll wait for you too.
Another nurse here, Lieutenant Elaine Meadows (don’t call her that, though, she’ll rip your head off. We call her Lanie) said she’ll keep her eyes and ears open for you if you ever make it here, or if one of your letters ever shows up here for me.
At the bottom is my home address in Indiana. Sorry to say, but I think I’ve got a ticket home. 
If you find yourself stateside soon, and God, I really hope you do, please let me know. 
I owe you a date.
Twelve weeks go by. He goes home. And between the agony of his leg and the mess inside his mind, Bill’s morale plummets. 
He’s thrown back into the absolutely insane situation of having to find a job, but he can’t even fathom trying to work for someone so soon after fighting for his life. He has no idea how any of it makes sense anymore.
He almost sleeps through V-E Day, but manages to drag himself out of his bedroom and have a drink with his dad on V-J Day. They’re both quiet, out on the front porch of the house, listening to the revelry from the neighbors.
“You should get out of town for a few days.” His dad says, out of nowhere.
He frowns. “Pop?” He leans forward, wincing as he straightens his leg. “What do you mean?” 
“You need-- you need to get your mind busy again. Take a break from all this, get your mind right, and decide what’s next.” He gives Bill a wry grin. “Besides, where’s that girl of yours, anyway?” 
Bill feels himself pale. “I don’t--”
“Oh, don’t bother. You’re not a very good liar.” 
Bill chuckles. “Guess not.” His hands tap out a rhythm on his knees, his body and mind unable to be still for too long these days. “Chicago.” He says finally. “She’ll be in Chicago.” 
His dad nods. “Interesting.”
He still hasn’t heard from her by the time he makes up his mind to just go for it. He’s been seeing in the paper article after article about men and women coming home from overseas, and he just hopes that she’s one of them.
He really doesn’t know what he’s going to do if he shows up on her mother’s doorstep and she’s not there.
The train feels like it’s going slow as molasses. He sits among men and women in uniform, and he feels out of place. He fidgets. He eavesdrops on conversations about the war and about friends they used to know and what happened to them.
His palms start to itch. 
When he arrives at Union Station, he only second guesses himself for a few moments before he seeks a taxi. The ride to the suburbs is nice, and he enjoys watching the trees change color the farther they get from the city. It seems to drag on and yet be over in a flash. He pays the driver, and gets out in front of a large house on a beautiful tree-lined street.
Bill’s hands are sweating. He hears chatter inside the large house, the windows open to let in the autumn breeze, and one voice in particular makes him stop in his tracks and shut his eyes briefly, trying to gather himself.
He knocks, takes a few steps back.
A screen door opens and shuts.
“Oh my god.”
He finally looks up.
They sit together on the back porch of her parent’s house, mugs of steaming coffee in their hands, her free hand tucked into his. Her eyes are closed, but the small smile on her lips proves she’s still awake.
He never thought he’d be here. He never thought he’d get this.
“I’m--” she sits up, takes her hand out of his. He’s surprised to see her eyes filling with tears, and his heart kicks into overdrive. 
She smiles again. “Sorry. I’m okay, I just-- I can’t really believe we’re here.” She sniffs. “And I’m so sorry that I couldn’t be there for you when you needed me most.” She glances down at his long legs that are stretched out, crossed at the ankles. 
He’s shaking his head before she can even finish her sentence. He straightens, turning sideways to face her. “You were there for me.” He reaches for her face, brushing a wayward lock of hair behind her ear. “Whether you realized it or not, you were.” 
“You didn’t even get a single one of my letters the whole time you were in the hospital--” 
Ever since she opened the front door and ran into his arms, he’s felt more at ease than he ever did in Indiana. Despite his mother’s best efforts, he felt unsettled, and this was the final piece he was missing. Even if he had showed up and she apologized and told him it was just a fling, just a wartime romance never destined to go anywhere, at least he would have known.
But this -- this has the potential to heal him in ways he didn’t know he needed.
“Listen to me,” he says, voice soft but firm. “The thought of you kept me going. It kept me alive, as far as I’m concerned.” 
Her face is a picture. Those doe eyes, a little drier now, looking up at him like he’s hung the moon for her. Doesn’t she know that he thinks that about her, too? He realizes with startling clarity that it’s very possible she has no clue. 
“I’m in this,” he gestures between them, “If you are. You owe me a dance, after all.” 
She grins, laughs. “I thought you had two left feet.”
He shrugs. “Well, maybe now I’ve got an excuse to be bad at it.” 
“I’m in this too. All in.” She whispers. Their faces are so close she could tilt her head only a fraction and close the gap between them.
They linger there, in that so-close-but-not-close-enough state of almost euphoria so long that Bill starts to wonder if he didn’t die on that godforsaken airfield, and this is all something his mind has made up. 
But then she finally kisses him, and it’s just as sweet as the first time, and it sends all his senses kicking into overdrive, and it just confirms it: he’s home.
A/N: If you’re craving more of their post-war reunion, a few of those lines are directly from this fic, which has a little more of that scene included.
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mads-nixon · 11 months
Hoosier Dating an Extrovert Headcannons
Bill "Hoosier" Smith x Extrovert!Reader
A/N: I'm currently obsessed with Jacob Pitts...so you're welcome :) this is about the fictional portrayal of H company boys on the show. nothing but love and respect for veterans on this blog!
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You and Bill get along from the beginning, and y'all are the epitome of the grump x sunshine trope!!
Sarcasm and your endless optimism go perfectly together, even if no one fully comprehends it.
Where Bill sits and observes most of the time, you never seem to tire from the excitement, telling him about every second of your day with a bright smile on your face.
He won't admit it, but he finds it incredibly adorable.
When things slow down at night and you're sitting in your foxhole, you two often find yourselves talking about everything from back home to the future.
In the quiet when it's just the two of you, Bill seems to stray away from his usual snarky and blunt attitude for one that's much softer. If Leckie or Runner ever got wind of it, he knows he'll never hear the end of it.
You slowly pick up on some of his traits, your own sarcastic and witty side becoming more prominent. Of course, Bill notices and he feels a sense of pride knowing that he's influenced you...and he teases you relentlessly.
"Now, who'd you get that fine sense of humor from?" he asks you, a smirk adorning his lips.
You just roll your eyes. "Definitely not you, honey. You're not as funny as you think."
The teasing NEVER ends, and the H company guys all love the two of you, so they go along with it.
When the terrible shelling on Guadalcanal started, you happened to be on your way back from the bathroom, so you sprinted towards the first hole you saw.
The men inside were calling for you, and right as you were about to slide in, it was hit with a shell, throwing you onto your back. Seeing the horrific remains of the men inside tore at your insides, and you froze. A second later, you snapped out of it and ran to the next hole over, which happened to be your hole with the boys.
You slide into the hole, and someone grabs you and holds you to their chest. It doesn't take long for you to realize it's Bill. He's got you in one arm and a whimpering dog in the other.
He was going insane not knowing where you were, and having you in his arms calms his nerves slightly despite the bombardment happening around you.
The next morning, he holds your shaking form (wrapped in his *signature* blanket) tightly as you sit outside your hole, staring numbly at the ground ahead of you. From then on, you seem to be more reserved...more quiet, and it worries him and the guys to death.
Whenever things got rough, they (especially bill) always knew you to be the one happy thing in their life (not that you didn't make them happy still ofc, but seeing you so shaken hurt them).
He does anything and everything to make you smile, laugh, and seem like your old self again. You never tell him exactly what happened, but it doesn't take much for him to imagine something along those lines.
You know those little habits that you picked up from Bill? Well, he picked some up from you, too, and he finds himself having a more energetic and extroverted attitude while he's trying to be there for you, cheering you up to the best of his ability.
Slowly, with Bill and the other guy's help, things get better, and you become more like yourself again. Although he's overjoyed that you're back to your bubbly and extroverted self, he's soooo relieved that he doesn't have to pick up the slack on that front...because it is exhausting for him to act like that. He'll leave that to you!
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Tag List: @footprintsinthesxnd
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bedrock-to-buildheight · 11 months
you got good ass takes on minos and sisyphus hows The Lady and the Tiger by tmbg as a those two guys type of song ? I need peer review on my song associations lol. also do you have any songs you associate with any ultrakill characters ?
It's a very interesting and spicy song for those two, cause in this song, Minos' opinions is represented by the tiger, the more dangerous choice. I like it!
As for my songs for the blorbos, OH BOI YOU UNLOCKED AN UNSKIPPABLE CUTSCENE
Below is a bunch of songs and who they're for. Some even has explanation
This Is Love by Air Traffic Controller - damn near a gabv1el anthem. A homoerotic AND homicidal lovesong. Literally the third line is 'I'm an idiot for thinking this was anything but blood'
Dear Wormwood by The Oh Hellos - Gabriel to the Council
Kaiserion by Ghost - same vibe as above, with more anti-christianity vibes
Bitter Water by The Old Hellos - Minos/Gabe, in an anticipatory grief, doomed yaoi kind of way
Would That I by Hozier - highly specific Gabv1el with Minos/Gabe former relationship
Stars from Les Mis (Phillip Quast version)
The Plague by the mountain goats - imo V1 was never made to give much of a shit aboyt humans. It's almost vindictively happy at seeing humanity's hubris catching up to them at last
The Toy Soldier's Song by The Mechanisms (Gunpowder Tim vs The Moon Kaiser) - loyalty is a lot to ask of a weapon, the song
Want You Gone from Portal 2 and Still Alive from Portal
Cry for Judas by the mountain goats - 'But I am just a broken machine, and I do things that I don't really mean'
A Sadness Runs Through Him by The Hoosiers - Gabriel/V2. The story of guard dogs who had bad owners
Cirice by Ghost - Minos/Gabe that started out as Minos manipulating Gabe into siding with him a la Drowning Man (fic)
The Music of The Night from The Phantom of The Opera - slow, powerful and seductive. If charisma itself is a song
Ferryman by Shayfer James - despite the name, this is a Minos song. There's a certain indifference to shitty lovers and the insignificance of individual humans that fits him well
Run to You by Pentatonix - Minos/Sisyphus post-Prime. The specific amv scene I have in mind is 'Minos finds him bleeding out after fighting V1 and they share a few moments. Sisyphus realizes that maybe, he did regret one thing'
For the Departed by Shayfer James- Minos/Sisyphus, depicting their final moments before Gabriel arrives in Greed
Villainous Thing by Shayfer James - Sisyphus to Gabriel. An understanding between people who care about Doing Right, but hold too much anger to take the respectable route. Plus a bit of flirting <3
The Moon Will Sing by The Crane Wives - Ferrygabe resentment song <33 They fucking hate what he made them into
Obsessed With You by The Orion Experience - self explanatory
Body by Mother Mother - self explanatory 2. That one piece of unadded ferryman lore hakita dropped is the gift that keeps on giving
Cupid by Fifty Fifty - lmao
Bury My Mother Pale and Slight by Amalgemotion - Virtues song. The chorus is directly calling to Gabriel as 'the knight' who will bring them freedom. I like to think that 'the king' mentioned here is God
For Narmer from Warframe- Sisyphean Insurrectionists
Like The Dawn by The Oh Hellos- Hell/Lucifer
Nothing Changes from Hadestown - The Council
Living in The Light by Ridiculon - The Council
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katyawriteswhump · 10 months
Idiots to Lovers (aka The Honeymoon)
WC: 684, for @steddieholidaydrabbles day 8
Rating: T
CW: Mild violence and h/c, fluff, 80s insults.
All Eddie did was step into Scoops Ahoy. Or, rather, stoop into it. 
The store had closed—the shutter was halfway down—and Steve-douchebag-jock-of-the-decade-Harrington sprung from nowhere. He grabbed Eddie by the front of a ‘Plastic Zombie’ t-shirt he totally didn’t want ruined and slammed him against the wall.
“She’s not interested, freak!” Harrington shook Eddie so hard his teeth rattled. “Stay the hell away from her!”
“What the heck, man?” Eddie squeaked, while shock mushroomed into vengeful fury.
“Don’t play dumb, numb-nuts.” Harrington got right in Eddie’s face. And Eddie rammed his knee toward Harrington’s groin, striking to the right of the ‘kill zone.’ Hah, who’s numb-nuts now? 
Harrington dropped Eddie, staggered back, cheeks colouring—even as Eddie, who was REALLY FREAKIN’ MAD now, sucker-punched Harrington with a fist to the left eye.
“Oooooow! Jeeesus!” Eddie shook his sore knuckles, blowing on them between his snarls. Harrington was on his knees, apparently stunned.
That’s when Robin emerged from the back of the store. “Steve! Oh my God, Steve!” Robin rushed over, crouched beside Harrington. “Oh my freakin’ God! What the Hell have you two shit-birds done?”
“M’okay,” mumbled Steve. He flapped a hand at Eddie. “The freak attacked me.”
She lifted his chin tenderly and scrutinised him hard. Nearly as hard as she glared at Eddie, who felt shaken as Harrington seemed. “You hit him? You bitch! He’s had a concussion, you know? God, Eddie! How could you?”
“Braindead sailor-boy attacked ME!”
“Don’t call him braindead,” snarled Robin, bordering on savage. Eddie’s hands flailed wildly in a mingling of defence and surrender.
“I’m okay,” repeated Steve, skittering his fingers distractedly across his brow. “Really confused—figured he was crazy stalker guy, who you wanted shot of.”
“Er, no. I took care of that myself.” Robin glanced between Eddie and Steve, who had resumed their combat with glares—easier for Eddie than Steve, whose eyelid already looked slightly red and puffy. “Steve, Eddie is the guy I thought you could, uh, explore your bi-curious side with.”
“WHUT?” Eddie and Steve yelled in unison.
“No way!” said Eddie. “You didn’t tell me it was HIM! Game over, sister.”
“I wouldn’t be seen dead in the same state as that freakshow,” mumbled Steve. 
Robin huffed at them both then stomped off to get Steve some ice.
One week later
Eddie sprawled on the bed with his new boyfriend. They explored each other’s mouths with lush kisses, to the ever-changing tempos of Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody. 
“See?” At the end of the song, Steve licked shiny, kiss-reddened lips, and smiled that smile Eddie always considered smug and preppy. Now, he adored it. “Not only are you a closet Hoosier’s fan—we even found music we both like.”
“Okay, I surrender.” Eddie’s hand found a comfortable spot—cupping the ass of his mega-hot boyfriend, while Steve’s hands roved similarly down Eddie’s pants. “Bryan May is a half-decent ax-man.”
“Ugh, those endless guitar solos are the worst. It’s all about Freddie. His voice gives me tingles.”
“You give me tingles.” Eddie grinned daftly. “Sounds like a nasty disease. Then again, wasn’t looking to catch you, douchebag.”
“Likewise, freak.” They kissed again, delving deeper than before, rolling and scrubbing against each other till they wound up pretty much naked, in a sweaty, sated heap. Steve pulled a blanket up over them, tucked his head under Eddie’s chin and…. 
“You kipping on me, Harrington?”
“In about ten seconds,” said Steve, sleepily.
The light caught the shine of Steve’s fading black eye, and Eddie winced, stroked Steve’s brow just above. “Does it still hurt?” he asked, guiltily. Even if the douche had totally asked for it, Eddie now knew all the facts.
“Had worse,” mumbled Steve. “I kinda gotta thing for this one. I worry when it goes, our honeymoon period will be over.”
“That’s totally messed up, dude,” said Eddie, grateful when a lock of Steve’s hair slipped to cover the bruise. He planted a soft kiss on Steve’s head. “Who’s the freak now, huh?”
“Perfect match,” whispered Steve. Eddie smiled softly to himself and snuggled into his boyfriend just that little bit tighter.
Thank you so much for reading 🙂 Also posted here on my AO3
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myownau · 2 years
Alone Tonight
Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
18+ MDNI
Summary: Your best friend is getting married tonight.You should be happy for him, and you are but… you’re also kind of in love with him.Luckily you meet someone at the wedding just as love lorn as you are.Maybe you won’t really have to be alone tonight.
Word Count: 9914
Warnings: strong language, terribly written smut, size kink, suit kink?, breeding kink, daddy king, angst, fluff, strong language, canon upside down, unprotected p in v, use of y/n, lots of nicknames, reader called a whore at one point, that’s all I think???
A/N: hello 😅 this is the first fic I’ve written in around 10 years, so please go easy on me. I’ve also never ever ever written smut before. I’m a little insecure about posting this because I’ve been silently admiring all of the incredibly written fics on here and y’all are such amazing writers!! So anywayyy, I’ve also posted it on AO3 as well, I’ll add a link at the end if you’re interested in reading there. Thank you for reading!
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You don’t know why you’re here. Who convinced you this was a good idea? Oh right, it was Will. You could never say no to that kid. Jonathan being your best friend at college, and you having no contact with your family anymore, it made sense that you’d follow him home for every holiday. Just like that, Will was the little brother you never had and always wanted. Jane was like a little sister to you as well, but you were closer with Will.
This, however, was even harder than you thought it would be. You loved him. Jonathan that is. Obviously, he was your best friend. But it was more than that. You were IN love with him. Of course, you’d never tell him that. You’d never hurt Nancy like that.
She’d come to be a good friend of yours too. Picking you and Jonathan up from the airport, taking you out on girls nights when Jonathan wanted alone time with his family, trying to be your wingman when guys would look your way at the bar. She was just a beautiful person, inside and out. You could see why Jonathan loved her. And when he asked her to marry him on the Hemlock Cliffs in Hoosier National Forest, you were there to take the pictures. Memories set to film forever.
Your heart ached in these moments, but they were the only family you had and you loved them too much to run away. So even though you tried to make excuses to get out of going, you were here, sitting on a white bench 4 rows back at their beautiful outdoor wedding. Because Will convinced you it was the right thing to do. That kid. He was too intuitive for his own good. You could tell he knew how you felt about his brother, but you also knew he’d never spill your secret. Just like you’d never spill his.
The vows were made. The bride was kissed. The cake was cut, and you were glued to your seat in the reception hall. The majority of guests were either eating dessert and mingling, or busting a move on the dance floor. Including Will who was timidly dancing near Mike and Jane after you all but forced him to leave your side.
But you, you were looking around the room, trying to find any sort of distraction to keep you from thinking too hard. Your eyes had welled up several times in the night but you refused to let them spill. There was no point. And you were happy for them really, it was weird. You were mourning your love but you were happy that two people you cared about were living their fairytale.
As your eyes danced across the dark room you noticed someone. Standing alone in a dark corner of the room, drink in hand. He was taking large gulps and staring at the dance floor like it kicked his puppy.
Sad man? At a wedding? Sounds like good company. You grabbed your camera, putting the strap around your neck and walked over to him. The closer you got the more you could actually see his features and, oh goodness, you were fucked. He was gorgeous. Long, thick, unruly brown hair. The manliest square jaw you’d ever seen, smooth like he just shaved. Tall, and thin but you could tell there was muscle under his suit. And you didn’t notice until you were right up on him but he was covered in the most beautiful freckles with a light splattering of moles. Your heart jumped when he looked up at you.
“Hi” you said smiling, offering your hand to him “I’m y/n”
He put his drink down on the nearest table, then took your hand and shook it “Steve” he replied.
“Steve,” your smile only grew “You look like a Steve” there was no point not flirting. He was pretty and you were sad. And he looked sad too. Why not be sad together?
“What does a Steve look like?”
“Like you” you laughed, knowing it was the most obvious and dumbest answer. You thought you’d probably heard it somewhere before but you didn’t much care.
“Good one” he smirked, picking his drink back up and staring at the dance floor again. You thought, he was probably trying to dismiss you, wanting to wallow alone, but you weren’t having it.
“So, who are you here for? The bride or the groom?”
“Technically?” He cleared his throat “I guess both? We went to high school together. All of us. But really I’d say, I’m here for Nance.”
His eyes shot to the floor, jaw clenched, adams apple bobbing lightly. “You know her better?”
“We uh, we used to date actually.” He admitted, finishing off his drink and placing the cup back on the table.
Bingo. You could see it, in his mannerisms, in his eyes. He still loved her. “You still love her.”
His eyes shot up to your face. He looked worried all of the sudden, he looked like you just told him his nana died and you were the one who killed her. “No” he whispered “no I don’t.”
“Yeah…” he was down bad. But so were you. “You do. But that’s okay” you put your hands up in a defensive position “I won’t tell anyone I promise” you mimed locking your lips and throwing away the key.
He cleared his throat again “thank you.” And as if realizing you weren't going anywhere, he finally turned fully towards you. He brushed his hair back out of his eyes and looked you up and down. “So who are you here for then?”
“Both, technically” you repeated his words back to him, smirking when he caught on “but really I’m here for Jonathan.”
He looked at you and waited for what he thought you might say, seeing the look in your eye that he felt in his heart.
“Can I tell you a secret?”
“Sure” you could barely hear him over the music.
“I’m in love with him.” Your eyes welled up again but you pushed them back as best you could, taking a deep breath “so. You’re not alone.” You smiled softly at him. He smiled back, just as soft. Grabbing your hand and squeezing for just a short moment before letting go. He was warm. You wished he would have held on a little longer.
“How did you meet Jon?”
“We go to college together.” You looked around the reception hall, finding Jonathan happily holding Nancy close as they swayed to the music “although I wonder if he’ll go back now that he’s married.”
“I’m sure he will. Nance is a stickler for education. Even if it’s, camera education.”
You laughed at his description of your college degree “You know I’m also getting a camera education?”
“No kidding, is that why you have a camera around your neck?”
“Yes! Actually it is! Wow, you are observant! Pretty and smart. We’ve got ourselves a double threat!”
He giggled along with you, biting his bottle lip. “So why aren’t you taking pictures? You’ve got the camera…”
“Well, I didn’t want to work the event, since they’re my friends and all. But I always want to be ready in case I see something inspiring.”
“Inspiring eh? So you don’t take pictures of like, models?”
“Why? Are you offering to be my model?”
“No no” he huffed a laugh “definitely not.”
“I mean you are very beautiful, come on let me take some pictures of you pretty boy.” You giggle putting the camera in front of your eye and flashing him with the flasher attachment “Pose for me.”
Steve throws his hand up in front of his face and tries to push the camera away as it flashes in his eyes “Stop that,” he laughs. You put the camera down leaning with your hand on his shoulder as you laugh with him “See, now you’ve wasted all that perfectly good film on pictures of my hand.”
“Nah, it was just the electronic flasher, no actual photos were taken, although now I kinda regret it because you do have very nice hands.” You wink at him. He looks down at his shoes, blushing and trying hard not to smile. You give him a gentle nudge with your shoulder “Come on Steve. You’re allowed to have fun. Even if the love of your life just happens to marrying someone else.”
Steve looks up at you, face solemn as he remembers the reason he’s here tonight. Lost in the moment with you for the last few minutes. “Yeah, you’re right” the corner of his lip tips upward and you count that as a win.
“I know I’m coming off a bit… aggressive. Or I don’t know. Optimistic? But I’m honestly feeling pretty fucked up too.” You look down, your smile gone, a serious expression taking over. “And I know it’s not the same, because Jonathan and I never dated. But I feel like, unrequited love might be on the same level of painful. Different. But it still hurts.” You take a shuddering breath and try to smile again. “So I say screw that. No more sorrow for what will never be. Let’s live and be in the moment. What do you say big guy?”
His face lights up, he looks at the ceiling as if in disbelief that you’re real. His fingers reach out towards yours, just tickling finger tips. “Yeah. Let’s do it.”
“Yes!” You fist pump the air, a little dramatic but you just want to make him smile. You take the camera strap off from around your neck and grab his hand, pulling him to the dance floor.
He follows behind you, hand in hand, a little hesitantly “I’m not a very good dancer.”
“First of all” you turn towards him, grabbing both his hands and putting them on your waist. “I don’t believe you.” He laughs at that, shaking his head. “And second of all, you’re lucky because I’m a FANTASTIC dancer.” A total lie but he’ll find that out soon enough.
He hesitantly places his hands on your hips, and with the same hesitation you put your hands on his shoulders. You sway, full arms length apart like you’re at a middle school dance. Laughing at how stiff his arms are on your waist “How old are you Steve?”
“I’m 22” he says, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“Then hold me like a man” you step up closer to him, knee almost slipping between his legs. Your hands leave his shoulders, slipping down to his broad chest.
He sharply inhales, looking around the room like he’s looking for a chaperone to swoop in and scold him. But like a good boy, he wraps his arms more tightly around you, gripping the back of your dress tightly before letting go again. Tapping your back with his hands nervously before laying them flat. “Is that uh, is that, that better?”
You’re looking up at him from your much much closer position and humming in approval “yeah” you whisper. The truth is, it’s too good. Your hands are pressed into his chest and you can feel the rapid beat of his heart. From this close you can smell him. His soap and his expensive cologne. You want to rub your nose into his neck but you don’t know him well enough for that yet. You’re rocking with him to the music. Feeling the rhythm of the beat as you make slow circles.
You slide your hands up his chest and push them into the hair at the nape his neck. He looks down into your eyes, he looks a little dazed and you feel it too. Like the air is thicker than it was before and you’re sneaking glances at his lips. His perfect lips, with the most attractive cupids bow. You can see the gears turning in his head as he looks at you. “What’re you thinking about” you break the silence.
He takes a deep breath, letting out slowly through his nose. “I’m thinking that, I don’t want to be alone tonight.” He whispers, loud enough to be heard by you and only you “I’m thinking that you are so incredibly beautiful” you watch his adams apple bob again, like it’s hard for him to say these things, “I’m thinking that you were sent to me on one of the hardest days of my life so far, by my guardian angel” he gently presses his nose to your nose, rubbing against you with the softest of motions “and I’m thinking that I don’t want to hurt you.”
Your breath stops short in your lungs. Hearing all the things that you were thinking too. “You won’t hurt me.” You whisper against his slightly parted lips “I don’t want to be alone either.”
You push up on the balls of your feet, closing that small distance between your faces and pressing your lips to his tender kiss. You pull back just slightly, let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. A jolt of arousal shooting straight to your core. Looking up at him, you can see the heat in his eyes too.
Using the hair you’re still holding onto on the back of his neck, you pull him back to your lips for a searing kiss, pushing past his lips to feel his tongue on yours. And before you can even comprehend what’s happening you see a flash to your left. You both break apart and jump back. When your eyes readjust from the flash you see the actual hired photographer smiling at you with a thumbs up.
Your jaw dropped and you look over at Steve who is just as stunned. When you realize your rendezvous born of mutual pain has been captured on film and will be immortalized in the photo album of both your unrequited loves wedding album, you can’t help but laugh. Doubling over and grabbing for Steve’s arm to keep you from falling. Steve covers his face with his hand, smoothing it through his hair again, and laughing like he just got in on the joke.
You're clutching your stomach, cheeks hurting from smiling. “Come on,” you say, lowering your hand and intertwining your fingers with his. “Let’s get out of here.” You’re once again pulling him behind you, but this time it’s out the door, only taking a brief detour to pick up your camera from the table.
“My place or yours?” He asks.
“Your place, I don’t live here remember?” You smile up at him.
“Oh right” he looks around the parking lot “so I’m guessing you don’t have a car either?”
“Okay good. We won’t have to come back for it then in the morning.” He gives you a wicked grin before grabbing you by the hips and pulling you in for an intense kiss. It’s all tongues and teeth and you can’t help the moan that escapes the back of your throat. You can feel all of him pressed up against you, but it’s not enough.
Without a word he’s picking you up, you squeal but wrap your legs around his waist like you’ve done it a million times. Your mid thigh dress rides up, leaving your clothed core vulnerable against his fancy dress shirt. “I knew there were muscles under that suit.” Your words are more breathy than intended. “I can’t wait to see them.” He groans at your words and walks as quickly as he can to his car with you wrapped around his waist.
“Can’t say things like that right now or I’ll fuck you in the back of my car instead of on my California king.”
“Ooo I knew you were a rich boy,” you chuckle “I could tell when I smelled that fancy cologne on you.”
“Oh yeah?” he said finally reaching his bmw. He placed you back down and opened the door for you “just wanted to go home with a rich guy, huh?”
“Mm no, I wanted to go home with a handsome, funny, strong guy. Rich is just a bonus.”
He smirked closing your door and walking around to get in on his side. Once he sat and turned the car on, he looked over at you again with a serious expression “well that’s good. Because I’m not rich. I live in a one bedroom apartment, in a tiny town, and Im the manager at the Family Video. My parents, they are rich. And they’re kind of the awful. So sometimes, they try to buy my love with weird random expensive gifts. But me? I’m nowhere close that. I’m a loser. Thats why I knew I’d never be good enough for Nancy. Why she didn’t pick me.”
You look at him from the passenger seat. Deep frown on your face. “You’re not a loser.”
“You don’t even know me” he whispered, huffing a humorless laugh without looking at you.
“I know enough.” You get up on your knees in your seat, reaching out to him with your right hand. You place it on cheek and pull his face to look at you. “I haven’t known you for very long, but I know you’re not a loser. A loser wouldn’t have been so kind to someone calling them out for pining for the bride at her wedding.” You looked between his eyes “a loser would’ve decked her for being so forward and like kind of rude.”
“You weren’t rude,” the side of his lip quirked “you were just being real.”
You smoothed your thumb on his jaw and licked your lips. “I’m so tempted to just, crawl into your lap right now and prove to you what a fucking winner you are.”
He surged forward, driven by your words, kissing you deeply. You moaned openly into his mouth, pressing your thighs together. Chasing any kind of friction you could get as your arousal built.
You didn’t want to pull away but you were also getting pretty desperate for him, and you really didn’t want to fuck in a car at the reception of your best friends wedding. “How far do you live from here?”
“Like five minutes”
“Oh that’s the best news I’ve heard all night, let’s go.” You sat back down properly in your seat, trying hard not to look at the growing bulge in Steve’s pants.
Steve opens the door to his apartment, hands shaking slightly as he hangs his keys on the hook by the door. Both of you take your shoes off and leave them on the rug by the door. He looks over at you as if waiting for your approval.
Your eyes are taking everything in. It’s small but clean. And it feels like home. The ambiance is warm. Small lamps on side tables by his worn leather couch. Plants in pots scattered around the room and hanging by the windows. Framed photos placed lovingly around the room. You walked in, smile on your face as you walked over to the nearest photo. It looked like a family photo but it was just a bunch of teenagers.
Steve walked up behind you, placing one hand on your hip and the other he used to point out each person “Thats Lucas, Max, and Dustin.” He looked at your side profile “and I think you know the rest of them.
“Nancy” you pointed “Jonathan, Will, Mike and Jane. But I don’t recognize this guy. He is really handsome though, could you introduce m-“ he cut you off with a quick kiss to the neck and you squealed and giggled as he grabbed you with both arms. He held you close from behind and you melted in his arms.
“Yeah I’ll introduce you.” He leaned in again, smoothing the hair off your neck before coming in to nip at you. You breathed out a low hum.
“Well where is he? I’m ready to meet this guy.” You pushed you ass into his ever growing erection and he hissed at the contact.
He let go of your waist and grabbed your hand. “Come on, he’s right through here.”
The moment the door closed he was on you. Pushing you up against the door and attacking your mouth like he would die if he didn’t get his tongue on yours. You pulled him by his belt loops, craving more contact. He growled into your mouth, grinding his clothed cock against you. “Fuck,” you moaned into his mouth. He pulled back to look at you, eyes black with lust “I haven’t been this worked up in,” you took a second to think but your thoughts were too muddled with thoughts of getting Steve naked “Years.” You whispered up at him.
“Me either” he shook his head, reaching down between you and loosely gripping the bottom of your dress. You nod at him in approval and he pulls it over your head. “Fuck” he moans looking down at your bare chest and cunt.
“The uh” you cough, a little embarrassed “the dress fabric wouldve, uh wouldve showed my panty lines and well I mean, the straps are just these little strings so obviously I couldn’t wear a bra either” you can’t stop rambling. And he’s listening, like actually listening.
“You’re really fucking cute.” His fingers trace up your side, you’re shuddering under such light touch. “And so hot. Like so hot. I don’t know how I got so lucky” he emphasizes the last word with a pinch to your nipple. You mewl grabbing his arm to keep you on your feet. “Bed” he orders kissing you once and pulling you over.
You walk over to the side of the bed and sit, fully exposed as he stands in front of you. You open you legs for him to stand between them. He’s still fully clothed. “Take this off, I want to see you.” You help him push the suit jacket off his shoulders, and get to work unbuttoning his shirt. “I may or may not have a suit kink” you mumble looking at the toned expanse of his stomach. Reaching out to touch the moles that have come into view. You want to kiss each one you find, but that would take too long. You bite your lip hard at the sight of his chest hair. Running your hands up his chest to run your fingers through it.
“Oh yeah?” He chuckles “so you want me to keep this on for you?”
“No, no” you lean forward and bite the softness of his tummy right under his belly button. “Maybe just the pants for now.”
He starts pulling of his shirt, seeming a little unsure. You’re not sure why until he pulls it off fully, determination written all over his face. Large white and light pink scars decorate his sides. They’re not ugly but you can tell he’s a little self conscious about them. You reach up with both hands trickling your fingers slowly down his sides. Looking up at him with your face pressed against his stomach “You are stunning.”
The air shifts again, thick with anticipation and arousal. He grabs you by the hips and pushes you further up onto the bed, crawling over you and settling himself between your legs.
He grinds down on you experimentally, his suit pants rough fabric rubbing against your clit and the moan that escapes you is almost pornagraphic. You’ve been worked up for what feels like hours now and this was the first bit of real friction you’ve gotten. Your pussy clenches hard around nothing. Your moan only encouraging him to continue as you kisses you hard. He starts working kisses and bites down you throat and chest. Leaving little purple marks along the way.
Cupping your breasts in his big hands, he looks you dead in the eye as he sucks the right one into his mouth. Your hips buck up into him unintentionally when he nips at the nub. Gasping into the air. Your hands fly to his hair pulling just a little too hard but he moans and pushes himself down into the mattress, searching for friction. Mm he must have liked that.
He looks like a lust filled mess. Hair in every direction, lips wet and swollen. You pull him back up to you by the hair. Biting his lip and pulling. “You like it rough huh?”
“Mm yeah” you’re writhing beneath him.
He pins your arms above your head, continuing to grind his clothed clock against your bare pussy.
“Mm you want me big boy?” You breathe. Steve stops for a second. Looking at you with this look in his eyes. This look like he’s known you, like hes been in love with you for years and you don’t know what to do with that. It feels almost to intimate. Too beautiful. Like you’re not about to have a one night stand to forget about the wedding. Like you’re about to make slow, passionate love.
He leans down, nuzzling his nose into yours and whispers “when you say stuff like that” he presses the softest kiss to your lips “you remind me of someone. Someone I used to know.”
Your brows furrow, you’re a little lost. “Oh?” Your chest is still heaving, heart rate excellerating as you start to worry.
“Yeah. A really good friend. It’s a good thing, I promise.” He smiles as he starts to trail kisses down your neck. Biting when he gets to your pulse point. You whimper against him and he kisses the spot, hot and sloppy. “He was outgoing and funny and sweet, like you. And he’d use those same type of nicknames. Always truly himself.”
His hips are meeting yours in a gentle rhythm and you’re starting mewl with every thrust. Wanting to cry out for the ache in your empty hole. “He sounds like a great guy.” You pull your hands out from Steve’s grip and go straight to unbutton his pants. The dress pants are soaked with your arousal.
“He was.” Steve smiles down at you. You stop trying to pop his button when says that. It becoming clear that this friend is no longer wandering this earth. Your chest grows tight. He’s kissing you again but your hearts not in it. Until he’s biting your lip and pulling it. He lets go and smiles with his teeth biting at his bottom lip “I told you. My guardian angel brought you to me.”
A tear escapes your eye before you even realize you were about to cry. Steve wiped it away with his big beautiful hand and rubs it down your cheek, looking at you with such adoration. You’ve never been looked at this way. Granted you haven't really dated much but you just met this guy tonight and it’s hard to understand this undeniable connection you have with him. “Steve,” you whisper, barely audible over your heartbeat “I need you.”
“I’m here” he starts trailing kiss down your chest and you know he’s about to go down on you but your past the point of waiting.
“No, I need you right now.” He stops his ministrations and looks up at you unsure. “I need you to fuck me, right now.”
“Fuck, okay” he sits up and climbs off the bed unbuttoning and kicking of his pants and boxer briefs in one go. The first look at his cock leaves you breathless.
“Oh shit” you breathe out quickly, “never wear those pants to bed again, hiding that monster is a tragedy.”
Steve looks dumbfounded but breaks into a laugh “what happened to your suit kink?”
“I take it back. I take it back so fast, fuck. Never wear a suit again. Only ever be naked, here. With me.”
“So you like what you see?” His grin is so wide and so beautiful.
His member bounces of its own accord slapping against his belly button as he crawls back up the bed and over you again. “I’m obsessed.” You know you’re stroking his ego but you don’t care “I’d call animal control on the beast but I don’t want to loose my opportunity here.”
“What are you even saying?” He’s smiling so hard you swear you’re discovering his dimple for the first time.
“I don’t know, I’m sorry I was just so taken off guard when you whipped out that 2 liter like it was the most normal thing in the world to have a cock bigger than my forearm. Fuck me.” You giggle against his lips. He kisses you deeply. Getting lost in the feeling of his mouth.
“I plan to,” he whispers “condom?”
“I’m clean. And on birth control.”
He hums into your mouth, “good. Me too. And I want to feel all of this.” He reaches down between your bodies and grabs himself, lining his fat head with your hole. “Are you ready me?”
“Well shit I hope so. I might need surgery in the morning but I want you to destroy my pussy.”
He groans at your words, cursing under his breath as he pushes past your barrier. You both let out a load moan. Finally feeling each other the way you’ve been dying to since you kissed on the dance floor.
He’s slowly pushing into you inch by inch and by now you’re thinking you might regret not letting him go down on you, but when he hits the special spot inside of you… you change your mind. You arch you back groaning. Your fingernails digging into his shoulders. He’s not even all the way in but you’re gushing around his thick length. “You okay?” He asks, concern filling his eyes.
You nod quickly “more, ah, more than okay. Please don’t stop.”
He presses his forehead to yours when he bottoms out. You feel so full. More full than you ever thought was even possible. Every bit of your cunt feels the pressure of his cock and the pleasure of it is causing your legs to tremble already. He kisses you once, gently. Just a peck. Rubbing his nose against yours and then tucking his head into your neck. “You’re so fucking tight.” He grunts.
Your eyes are filled with tears of pleasure and they start to spill as you laugh a little, “I feel like, I feel like anyone would feel tight to you with this mighty hog.”
He huffs a laugh into your neck, biting at your pressure point. He hums in agreement “Maybe. But I’m not fucking anyone.” He pulls out a little bit and thrust back into you hard and fast pulling a noise from you you’ve never heard before. “I’m. fucking. You.” He thrusts between each word and you forget everything you’ve ever said. As he starts to set a rhythm you completely forget your name, who you are, where you came from. All you can think about is your impending orgasm. All you can hear are the moans escaping both your mouths and the slapping of his balls against your slick covered ass.
Steve pushes up, holding himself with both arms as he looks down, watching himself fuck into you. “Look at that” he says smoothing his hand over your lower torso.
You pick your head up to watch and you're not expecting what you see. “Oh my..” you gasp “I didn’t know that was possible.” You see his tip poking up from inside you. The sight of it brings a deep heat to your core and you’re starting to feel the cord tighten. You drop your head back down to the soft duvet as he continues thrusting into you.
“I wonder if I just..” he starts to say but stops and presses his palm against your lower stomach, essentially pushing the head of his cock further into your vaginal wall and holds it there. You can’t help it, it feels unbelievably good and you scream. You scream so loud you can’t believe the sound came from you and you cum on the spot. The edges of your vision go white and you think you’re going to pass out. Electricity rushing through every part of you body. It takes you a second to recover and remember what was happening. When you do you look up and see Steve red faced and sweaty and looking far too sexy. “Fuuuck” he groans thrusting into you harder. “Oh shit you’re gripping me so tight I don’t think I can l-last much longer.”
It feels so good, the sensitivity is almost overwhelming but you don’t care for him to stop. You want him to cum inside you. You don’t realize until this moment but you NEED to be filled by him. “Mm yeah Daddy you gunna cum?” You whimper. He cursed under his breath and moves his arms under your knees, folding you in half as he pushes into you with unrelenting force. You keep talking, his thrust breaking up your words and making it hard to understand, but he does “Gunna fill up my aching pussy with your cum? Put a fucking baby in me and make everyone jealous that I got your fat cock all to myself.” He moans louder, fucking into you faster but his hips start to falter and you know he’s getting close. “You like that? You like when I call you Daddy? Thinking about your cum dripping out of me? Wanna cum inside my pussy and go back to the wedding with it dripping down my legs?” And that’s what does it. He cums hard, pushing deep inside of you and thrusting once, twice more.
He collapses on top of you. Completely spent. And you smile against his hair. Wrapping your arms around him, petting his hair and caressing his back. “You really do want kids don’t you, big boy?”
He laughs against your chest “what gave me away?”
“Well, could be all the photos of all the kids around your apartment and you saying you're not close to your parents. So that tells me your family is one you made. And usually people with made families like big families of their own.” You hug him closer to your chest. “But more than that, your dick twitched when I called you Daddy. And twitched even harder when I told you to put a baby in me.” You giggled, pressing a kiss to his forehead.
“Mm” he leaned up on his elbows, releasing the pressure of you holding all his body weight. “You’ve got me all figured out, huh? All that just from one look around my place and sex?”
“Psychology is a prerequisite. See, we do more than take pictures at camera college.” You bite you lip, looking up at him as he hovers over you, his soft cock still resting in your bruised cunt.
He kisses you so gently, he kisses you like this isn't a one night stand. Like you’ve been in love for years and he can’t get enough of you. It should scare you, but it doesn’t. You feel more relaxed and open than you have in years. Since before you even met Jon.
After a few minutes of this, Steve leans back and sighs heavily. Removing himself from your center. You feel his cum start to spill out of you, but he uses two fingers to stuff it back into you. He really does have a breeding kink, you think. You hum in satisfaction, “you want me to put my legs up on the headboard? Make sure these swimmers have a chance?”
He smirks at you, a little sadness in his eyes as he gets off the bed to get dressed. “Don’t tease me now.” He opens his dresser and throws you a pair of boxer briefs. “Put these on, I’m not ready for my swimmers to drip down your legs yet.” He smiles recalling your dirty talk. “This too. Although I’ll be sad to cover up so gorgeous tits.”
“Whatever you say, Daddy” you slip on the underwear, biting your lip. You throw on the yellow sweater he hands you just as quickly.
“I could get used to that.” He thinks for a moment. Leaning against his dresser in just his underwear. “You look really good in my clothes.”
“Well,” you say, playing with the loose threads at the end of his sweater, “you look really good, out of your clothes.”
He snorts, “should’ve seen that coming.”
You’re both quiet for a beat. It’s comfortable. Still reveling in your activities. Until, Steve clears his throat. “So, uh, y/n. Where uh, do you live?”
“Everywhere, nowhere. Santa Barbra, California is where Brooks Institute is though. So I guess that’s where I live for now. Did Jonathan never tell you about where he went to school?”
“Nah, we’re really not that close.”
“California. That’s really far.” He looks down at his feet.
“Yeah,” your voice comes out a little sadder than you were expecting, you inhale deeply “yeah, it is. But, I’m only one semester away from graduation actually. So. Who knows after that. I could go anywhere.” You look up at him suddenly feeling shy. “Could go to New York, or Florida, or I don’t know… Indiana.”
“Yeah?” Steve smiles up at you.
“Yeah! I mean why not?” You get up off the bed and stand in front of him, leaning back to sit on the end of the bed before him. “I mean. I know a little something about found family. I’m not close to my real family. The Byers-Hopper clan welcomed me with open arms and they’ve been my family since the moment we met. So my only family is… here.”
Steve nods like he understands. Watching you with glossy doe eyes.
“Plus, there’s this really handsome guy I met at a wedding in Indiana. And I mean, I’ve only known him for like, a few hours but he’s really cool and he really helped me in a tough time in my life. And he’s like really good in bed, although he doesn’t really have to try. I mean you should see this guys dongle. It’s HU-“ Steve cuts off you rant when shoves his mouth onto yours, smiling and laughing against your lips. “Oh my gosh stop” you say pushing him away and laughing “you’re going to ruin my chances with the guy from the wedding!”
He grabs your arms and kisses you again, but this time you let him. Falling easily into the kiss. His lips are so soft and you try to commit the feeling and taste to memory. “You are,” he huffs “unbelievable.”
“Yeah” you put your palm on his cheek, pushing some hair behind his ear. “You’re not so bad yourself.”
“You might change your mind after I wake you up in the middle of the night with my loud, obnoxious snoring.” He nuzzles into the hand on his face, kissing your palm.
“Mm, so you wanna wake me up in the middle of night?”
He laughs, backing up to lean on the dresser again. “You really do just hear what you want don’t you?”
You put your finger on your cheek like you’re thinking about it really hard, “mmm… yes. I guess I do.” The light in the room is low and warm and as you're admiring the soft look on Steve’s face, the lean muscle of his chest and arms, you can’t help but want to take a picture. “Hey, I know you said you didn’t want to be my model…”
“Oh geez” he smirks, shaking his head.
“Hear me out, hear me out. You look incredible in this lighting. I want to immortalize this night. Can I? Even if it’s just for us. Never to see the light of day or the inside of my working portfolio” you snicker, “you just look too good, I can’t pass this moment up.”
He licks his lips, and nods “Okay, okay sure.”
You get up from the end of the bed and stand in front of him, leaning up on your tippy toes and grabbing his chin with your index finger and thumb, “Don’t move” you whisper into his parted lips, kissing him as you go to leave the room.
You pick up your camera from where you dumped it on the leather couch. You probably should have laid it down with more care, but you didn’t much care in the heat of the moment.
You give it a quick once over, seeing that everything’s fine. Thankfully. You throw the strap over your head and start walking back to the bedroom. When you look up, you notice a photo on the bookshelf against the wall by his bedroom door. You hadn’t noticed it before, being so preoccupied by Steve’s mouth. The picture is a blown up yearbook photo of young man with long curly hair complete with bangs. He has, quite frankly, a dazzling smile. You wonder who this is, having not seen him in the group photo by the door. But that’s a question for later. Right now it’s time for you to take someone else’s photo.
You take one last look at the picture and head back into the bedroom. Steve is still exactly where you asked him to stay. “Good boy.” You whisper in his ear, nipping at his lobe. He grunts his approval as you jump up onto the bed.
“So, uh, what do you want me to do? Like do you want me to pose or something?” He looks nervous.
“No baby I want you to stay exactly as you are, but you’re all cramped up and nervous looking now” you chuckle “loosen up handsome. I want that post-coital glow back.”
“Post coital glow?” He arches an eyebrow.
“Yeah! Where you’re all hopped up on endorphins and just blissed out and lose.”
“How do I do that when I know you’re about to take a picture of me?”
You pull the strap of the camera off of your neck and drop it on the bed. “You want me to come over there and loosen you back up?” You slide off the bed again, walking over to him.
He still looks nervous “how’re you going to do that?”
You place your fingertips gently on his toned stomach, slowly trickling down down down. Goosebumps are popping up all down his tummy and arms. His breath becoming uneven. Your left hand drags down his thigh and right hand lightly grips at his half chubbed cock. You look him in the eye as you grip him a little harder in your hand, “are you still nervous now?”
His forehead comes to lean on yours, “no” he whispers on your lips.
You kiss him gently, stroking him halfheartedly. “What do you feel right now?”
“I’m feeling,” his breath stutters from his chest, “like I want to bend you over and fuck you into my mattress.”
“Mmm good, keep that feeling” you peck him on the cheek and run back to the bed. You jump up on it, sitting on your knees and grabbing your camera. “Oh yes. Yes. This is perfect, keep that fucked out expression.”
“I thought you wanted post-coital glow.”
“Yeah, we can take more like that later, but right now I’m loving this look. It’s like you want to eat me alive and I love it.”
A small moan slips from his lips, “I do”
You take a series of photos. Full body, just his face, just his body. His hands death gripping the dresser he’s leaned against. His predatory eyes. His juicy wet lips. The fucking monster bulge that’s growing wildly in the his boxers briefs… that one is just for you. Definitely. You want that one framed and hung in your closet. The more photos you take the harder it is to focus, you feel yourself becoming more wet as the seconds pass. “You are… unbearably attractive.” you whine.
“Please tell me you’re done because I don’t think I can stand here another second while you're straddling my bed in my clothes.”
“Oh fuck me, okay yes yes I’m done.” You take the camera off and gingerly place it on the side table. “Come take me, pretty boy.”
That’s all he needs to hear and he’s pouncing. “I need to taste you baby, please let Daddy eat you out this time.”
You’re nodding so hard you’re getting dizzy. “You can do whatever you want to me.”
He groans deep in his throat, “it’s going to be a long night.”
The next morning you wake up to an empty bed, the smell of bacon and coffee filling the space. You look over at the clock on the side table and groan. It’s 11am already and you never told Joyce or Hopper or anyone you were leaving or where you were going or that you wouldn’t be going home that night. They’re probably worried sick thinking you wandered off drunk and fell in a ditch somewhere.
You stretch your arms and back as best you can on the bed. Throwing the covers off, you slide off the bed. Immediately noting your cunt throbbing. It was a long night. And you did tell Steve you wanted him to destroy your pussy. He did his job, and he did it well. 10/10, 5 stars, Excellency Award, Employee of the month.
You walk sluggishly out into the main area, seeing Steve in front of the stove, dish towel thrown over his shoulder. Now that you’re in the open space you hear the quiet kitchen radio playing ABBA. Steve moves his hips to the sound, singing along slightly out of tune “gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight…” he still hasn’t noticed you as he slips a piece of bacon into his mouth and continues to hum the song. It’s so domestic it almost hurts.
You slide up beside him and he smiles when he notices you, bringing you into his side for a half hug while he has to focus on not burning the rest of the bacon. “Good morning, beautiful” he says after a moment. He turns off the burner and kisses the top of your head.
“Good morning handsome” you smile up at him. “Anything I can help with?”
“Nope, I’ve just finished up. How do you take your coffee?”
“Cream, 6 sugars” you cover your face with your hand.
“6… 6 sugars?” He looks baffled but prepares your coffee anyway. “Sugar fiend.”
“Coffees like, kinda gross without it. I just ugh, I just love sweet things” you’re smiling so hard your cheeks start to hurt.
“You are ridiculous.”
“Yeah… but you like it” you poke him in the side.
“I really do actually.” He’s looking at you in that way again. The way that makes you feel like you’re in love and have been for a century. You’re starting to crave that look. It’s like you’ve been starved all this time and never knew until he fed you. “Here’s your coffee, now go sit on the couch and I’ll bring you your breakfast.”
“Thank you” you take the coffee in one hand, and pull him in for a soft peck with the other hand. “Oh wait, can I use your phone? I don’t want Hopper sending out a manhunt thinking I’ve gone missing.”
“Oh no you’re good, Will called earlier. Said he figured you’d be here since everyone saw us leaving together.” He looks up at you through his messy hair, “guess we were pretty obvious” he blushes.
“I’m not mad about it” your cheeks feel hot but you cover it by sipping your warm coffee. “Okay, good. As long as they know I’m alive.”
You walk around the island to the living room and set the cup of coffee on the coffee table. But you don’t sit right away. Instead you’re drawn again to the bookshelf with the yearbook photo.
You’re still analyzing it when Steve walks in with your plates. He sets them down by your coffee and joins you by the bookshelf. He wraps his arms around your waist and sets his chin on your shoulder. “That’s the friend I was telling you about” he whispers “his name is Eddie.”
“He was incredibly beautiful.” You whisper just as low.
“Yeah” he chuckles, but there’s no joy in it “Inside and out.”
You clear your throat, starting to get choked up “H-how did he umm” you swallow hard “how did he die?”
He sighs, pulling you harder into his chest. “It’s a long story for another time, but he was a hero. And he saved my life. He saved a lot of people’s lives.”
You turn around in his arms, gently caressing his sides “is that how you got these?”
He presses his face into your hair, you can tell he’s getting emotional thinking about it. “Sort of. What caused these scars, is what killed him. It’s a lot to explain. And maybe I will one day. But it’s too much for now.”
Tears silently roll down your face, “you were in love with him too, huh?”
He looks you in the eyes, choking on a wet laugh “How do you do that?”
You look down, away from his wondrous gaze. “I don’t know, I guess I can just read people really well.” You shrug.
He pulls your chin up with two fingers and gives you a sloppy wet, teary kiss. He pulls back and looks you in the eye again, searching. “I didn’t know him that long. But yeah, I think that, given the chance, I would have loved him.”
You nod, brow furrowing. “I’m so sorry you didn’t get that chance.”
He presses his palm to your face, thumb smoothing over your cheek. “So, it doesn’t scare you? That I… that I could’ve loved a man?”
You huff a laugh, brows raising “Not at all. We can’t help who we love.” You press your palms to his hairy chest, fingers gripping loosely at the hair there. “I think you and I both know that. Hints our night together.”
He licks his lip, shaking his head, “Guardian. Fucking. Angel.”
“What?” You laugh.
“You were definitely sent to me, by a guardian angel.” He kisses you on the tip of your nose and you can’t help but to smile at that “or shit. Maybe Eddie sent you to me himself.”
You look back over your shoulder at the photo on the shelf. You can almost feel him winking at you. A chill runs down your spine. “Yeah” you look back at Steve “I definitely think it was him.”
“What, are you communicating with him now?”
“Yeah” your expression goes very serious “he told me to call you sweetheart.”
All the blood drains from Steve’s face, he goes stiff and his face looks as if he’s seen a ghost.
“Oh no way, did he call you sweetheart?? I was just guessing because you said he called you all these little nicknames I kept using.”
“That-that was a joke?” He mumbled “you were so spot on I…”
“Oh shit Steve I’m so sorry. It was just a joke, oh man what an insane guess.”
“Don’t do that again” he pushes his hand through his messy hair.
“Yes sir.”
“Fuck, I’m all frazzled now.”
You grab him by the arm and pull him to sit on the couch, “come on then, let’s eat breakfast. I’ve got a lot of questions to ask about you.”
“Oh no,” he rubs his hand over his face.
“Oh yes, I want to know everything about you mystery man. Because so far as I can tell, Nancy messed up letting you go.”
He pulls you into his chest, running his fingers through your hair. “ I could say the same. Jonathan has no idea what he missed out on. But honestly, I’m really glad he did though. Because I’m selfish as hell and I want you all to myself.”
Four months later
“Hello, Steve Harrington speaking.” Steve answers the phone the same way every time. And it gives you butterflies every time.
“Hello Steve Harrington. This is y/f/n y/l/n speaking” you giggle.
“I was hoping it’d be you.”
“Who else would it be? Who else calls you? Is it other girls? Are you seeing other girls behind my back Mr. Harrington?”
He laughs hard, covering the mouth piece so he doesn’t blow out your eardrum “Hundreds of girls, calling out at all hours. I can’t sleep with all the ladies I’m drowning in.”
“Okay, see I was joking. But I fully believe it when you say that because you a massive co-“
“Yes yes alright” he sniffs “to what do I owe the pleasure of todays call Ms y/l/n ?”
“Well, I want to first thank you again for allowing me to use that photo I took of you in your bedroom for my senior art show.”
“You are welcome baby girl. If it wasn’t so artfully taken, by such a beautiful woman, I never would have agreed.”
You smile broadly into the receiver “Mmhm yes yes, well, you’ll never believe this, big boy.”
“Yeah, I’m listening.”
“That photo won 5 local awards, an offer to be hung at an exhibit in San Francisco and I was offered a book deal. They want me to create a book of my photography Stevie. Me.” You’re practically buzzing.
“Holy shit. HOLY SHIT. Y/n. I’m so proud of you. We’ve got to celebrate!”
“Thank you baby. I’m so happy I could fly. And it’s all thanks to you.”
“No way, I definitely can’t take the credit here. It was all you and your incredible eye. I’m just grateful I could be your muse.”
“And you will continue to be my muse… that is, if you still want me to move to Indiana.”
“I would love nothing more. Please say you will and that you’re coming soon.”
“How does 2 weeks sound?”
“Not soon enough”
“Thank goodness,” you sigh in relief, “because I’m actually here now.”
“What?!” Steve almost drops the phone, adrenaline rushing through his veins.
“Yeah” you take a deep breath, your chest is tight with emotion “I wanted to surprise you. I just got here, and I couldn’t wait. I literally just walked in the door not 10 minutes ago.”
“Where? Where are you? I’m coming right now.” Steve looks around the room, searching for his pants and grabbing his keys off the hook by the door, phone precariously pressed between his ear and shoulder.
“I’m at the Byers-Hopper residence, my new home. I’m staying in their basement until I can get on my own feet.”
“I’ve never been happier to live in such a small town. I’m leaving now sweetheart. I’ll see you soon.”
“I can’t wait.”
3 years later
Byers-Hopper Residence
Nancy and Jonathan walk in, hand in hand and you’re genuinely so happy to see them. You greet them at the door hugging each of them “hey! So good to see you! I’m so glad you could make it.” You tell them, grabbing Nancy’s hand and squeezing it.
“Wouldn’t miss it” Jonathan said, patting your shoulder.
“Well get on in there and mingle! Steve’s out back at the grill. There’s beer in the cooler and chips on the table.”
“Oh beer sounds amazing right now. It’s such a hot day.” Nancy says fanning herself.
“A scorcher.” You wink at her.
Once everyone’s arrived you make your way to the back yard, beelining straight for Steve. He’s wearing his classic kiss the cook apron and you don’t mind if you do.
“Hello handsome” you push up on your toes and kiss his cheek.
“Hello my love,” he turns to you fully and presses his hand to your swollen tummy, “and hello to you too my little love.”
7 months along and you’re still not over how sweet it is when Steve addresses your baby bump. You pull his chin to you, kissing him gently. “I love you, you know that?”
He breaths a laugh “I’d hope so. Wouldn’t want to be married to someone who didn’t love me.”
You bite your lip, “yeah well. I just like to remind you.”
“I love you too, baby.” He kisses you again. So soft and sweet. You just can’t believe how lucky you are.
“Alright lovebirds, enough mackin, let’s eat!” Hopper calls from the fold out table surrounded by the family you’ve made. And unfortunately, Steve’s terrible parents.
“I was just so shocked when I heard you were already pregnant, I mean you’d barely been married a year.” Steve’s moms voice is shrill.
“Oh yeah” you put on your best fake laugh, “I wasn’t surprised at all. Your son has a breeding kink. He’s wanted me fat and pregnant since… well probably since we met.”
She stares at you, mouth agape, obviously in shock.
“And I mean, have you seen your son's penis? Sure like when he was a kid I’m sure but did you know it was going to get so big?”
She blinks at you and tries to stutter a response.
“That thing is massive. I didn’t stand a chance with that semi trunk pounding into me. I think he actually just like, came straight into my uterus once. Like busted right past my cervix and came right on my eggs. I’m honestly surprised I didn’t get pregnant sooner.”
She put her hand on her terrible husband's arm, “Let’s go. I can’t stand to be here any longer. Your son married a whore.”
“A whore?” You mock outrage, “I’m only a whore for your son, which is allowed, hints the ring.” You point at it, wiggling your left fingers to watch the ring sparkle in the dimming sunlight.
Steve just smiles and waves “Bye mom and dad! We’ll let you know when our bundle of joy arrives.”
“Great thanks.” His dad shoots back, exiting through the front door.
“Well” Hopper huffs, “that was horrific. But you’re not my biological children so I think the trauma of hearing that will affect me a little less than your parents Steve.”
“Sorry Hop. You weren’t supposed to hear that.” You can’t help but laugh.
“Well then you probably shouldn’t have said it so loud” Will comments.
“Alright fiiine, I won’t speak publicly about my amazing, insane, adventurous, mind blowing sex life in public anymore.” Everyone groans at the excessive adjectives, Steve again just laughing silently, only ever encouraging you. “But when you all stop getting boners, or your sex lives get boring, don’t come running to me for stories tips or tricks. And definitely don’t look at my photo album.”
“We won’t, trust me.” Mike rolls his eyes.
“Hey Mike, did I see you sne-“ you start.
“Hey hey y/n what uh, have you come up with any baby names yet?” Mike cuts you off, finishing with a nervous cough.
You look at Will's frozen expression and wink at him. “We have. Go ahead baby, I’m ready to announce it if you are.”
Steve pulls you close, one hand around you, the other sitting on your belly. “We’ve decided to name him Eddie.” He kisses your hair.
Eddie Harrington. You know it’s cliche to name your baby after someone like this, but the man saved your husband's life. And his family. And the town. And after you’d heard the full story of what happened to them all, you knew you didn’t have any other choice. Steve’s hero, his almost love, his guardian angel. Yeah, you know it's the right choice.
Edward William Harrington. You can’t wait to meet him.
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my-shields-are-down · 2 years
Chenford + Emmett
REMINDER: I asked for one word prompts to trigger a fan fiction one shot. This one technically is not because there is more than a single word in the request, but I am going with it.
I’ve got 6-8 one word prompts in various stages of progress left in my queue. Keep them coming - they are busting through my writer’s block and I am having a lot of fUn writing them.
I will be posting all of these on AO3 as a collection when this batch is done.
Tim laughs every time one of his basketball buddies calls him “Jimmy.” He knows they are calling him a ringer like Jimmy from the movie “Hoosiers” - the guy who can make a shot from anywhere.
Yes, Tim is an excellent shot, be it for 3-pointers at or behind the tape, or the free throws that everyone else hates. Tim excels at those too.
Looking at Tim, you’d think with his height, wing-span and large hands, that he’d be a natural basketball player.
You’d be wrong. Horribly, horribly wrong.
While Tim is fantastic at the “glamour shots” of the game, he is not so great at running and dribbling, blocking, lay-ups, or defense. His dad had entered him in an Elk’s Club Free throw class, then competition when he was in middle school to keep Tim out of his hair while he drank excessively and fucked his way through the club waitresses out back by the dumpsters. Tim saw one poor girl pressed up against a smelly green bin one afternoon and then promptly signed up for anything and everything so he never would have to see that again. He became the reigning Elks Club “Hoop Shoot Free Throw” Champ for 5 years and “Hoop Shoot Wide Out” Champ for 4 years running. He was a master at making those far away shots, he just never learned to how to play the game to set up those shots.
Fast-forward 35 years and now he gets together with his former sergeants (Webb, Jansen, Hendricks and Gibbs) twice a week to play rec ball in the LA County First Responders League. He does a lot of running up and down the court until someone throws him the ball on the 3-point line and he scores.
Tim can feel his retro high-top Air Jordans (white with MJ inspired Carolina blue swooshes) loosening up on his left foot. Sure enough, with 3:36 minutes left in the second half of the game they are currently losing, his shoe lace comes untied. That plus the forward momentum from yet another run up the court shoots his wedding band skittering across the court. He always ties the ring to his left shoelace for safe keeping.
When the “object on the court” time out is called, Tim jogs over to group of guys standing around waiting to play to grab his ring from….Emmett. His wife’s one-time ex-boyfriend. The fire fighter whose “hunkiness” they once debated..
Emmett and Tim lock eyes and smile - they were pretty good friends at one point. Emmett pulls his own gold wedding band out from his Kobe jersey on a utilitarian dog tag chain to show Tim the proper way to store his ring during a game.
Tim smiles and says thank you when Emmett hands him his platinum one and is asked, “Who is the lucky girl? Anyone I know?” To which Tim kisses his ring and looks at Lucy’s heartbeat recorded when thinking about Tim (when she’s experiencing butterflies) engraved inside, before bending down and retying his laces, securing the ring with a double knot this time.
Finally, Tim stands back up and smiles his biggest, “I’m so in love” grin and says to Emmett as the referee calls him back to the court, “I never did thank you for breaking up with her. By text message no less. I’ll tell Lucy you said hi.”
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turn0nthemoon · 2 years
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Thanks for the lemonade
Note: I used the idea of meeting Hoosier and Chuckler for the first time as a basis for easing myself into fanfiction writing. It’s meant as an exercise so it’s pretty tame, but read along if you like. :)
Wordcount: 1262
Warning: smoking??
Pairing: Hoosier x Reader
Summary: You’re pouring lemonade at the nurses stand when two marines take your mind off of gloomy thinking with some cheerful chatting.
The sun was burning your cheeks as you poured cups of fresh lemonade for the row of tired marines lining up at the nurses’ stand. Some were watching you with expressions of confusion, some disbelief, some amusement and some were looking right through you, making you feel as hollow as the gaze with which they beheld you.
You poured as much care and gentleness as possible into every cup while you passed them into dirty hands. Every once in a while you heard croaky voices mutter “thanks or “ma’am” in your general direction, but most marines took the cups silently. You had seen and heard the horrible aftermath of battle in your time as a military nurse, but this was your first time looking into the faces of those still stuck in the nightmare from which some never wake. Feet dragging with the heaviness of knowing that each step taken is a step closer to their doom.
You thought of all the wounds of war you had healed and how only few of them would be as crippling as the one these men already carried. A wound that in the hospitals had been masked to you by the relief of escape.
“Too lovely a day to be frownin’ on isn’t it ma’am?”
The words interrupting your heavy thoughts were spoken by a tall dark-haired man that had just taken a cup of lemonade from your hand. He looked rather too battered to be speaking of lovely days you thought, but the friendly smile that shone on his grimy face suspended your disbelief for a moment.
“oh, I don’t know” you blinked at him, not wanting to disagree and started to pour another cup.
“Not exactly a sight for sore eyes eh?” – a slightly shorter man next to first one joked as you passed him some lemonade. You let an unsure smile graze your face as you studied them both for a hint of whether the comment was an invite for pity or for fun. Despite the appearance of it, you guessed that the second man to speak had fair hair underneath all that dust and muck.
He saw you hesitate and continued to speak;
“I clean up nice believe it or not, but unfortunately for my friend here he always looks sick as a dawg” he said and slapped the tall guy on the shoulder. That got a laugh out of you and you watched the taller guy scoff and roll his eyes, looking amused.
“Lotta ladies beg to differ” he replied smugly; “Ain’t that right Hoosier?”
“Ain’t right at all” the shorter guy retorted and caught your eye as you laughed at their banter.
Your laugh was about the sweetest thing the men had heard in a long time. Especially the one called Hoosier thought so and it made him straighten up a bit. In fact your laugh was just as sweet as you looked - cheeks red from the sun and loose strands of hair tucked behind your ears… Hoosier kept his appreciation to himself and hoped that you might extend the interaction with an answer. You noticed the anticipation.
“Well…” you smiled, deciding to join in on his joke, “the lemonade was supposed to liven you up a bit, but if your friend’s looking no better by tomorrow I’ll get you your money back.” Hoosier let out a chuckle at your reply. Not a full toothy grin but an upwards tug of the corner of his lips that despite its modesty reached his eyes. Bright eyes that bored into yours with what you thought was approval and suddenly hoped was a little more than that.
“Oi!” The taller man exclaimed with a grin as you shifted your eyes to him, “the friend has a name! I’m Chuckler” he said and stretched out a dirty hand towards you, taking no notice of your joke being on his expense.
“Chuckler?” You asked and shook his hand when an officer yelled in your direction.
“You two! Quit bothering the nurse! You’re holding up the line!” Chuckler let go of your hand and eyed the officer with blatant annoyance.
“Are we bothering you Ma’m?” he asked politely.
“Not at all…” You smiled at them. “But I don’t know if the same can be said for him” you looked discretely in the direction of the officer that had yelled, and was now staring intensely at the marines in front of you.
“Guess we better get movin… Thanks for the lemonade” Hoosier said and they both quickly emptied the small cups and put them down. Chuckler started moving away to neutralise the dissatisfaction of the glaring officer. Hoosier made to follow but then leaned back and offered you a handshake.
“‘Don’t believe I gotcher name, miss?” He said. The hand open in front of you was as dirty as the one his friend had offered, with scraped knuckles and dust that had settled in to darken every fine line. You were happy to take it.
“Y/L/N” you told him. You felt a tingle up your spine as his fingers closed around your small soft hand and gave it a squeeze.
“Y/N Y/L/N” you elaborated. His head was angled so his brow shielded his eyes from the sharp sun but you thought they glimmered still.
“Pleasure to meet ya, miss Y/L/N” he said “I’m-”
“Hoosier?” You interrupted and he nodded with an amused expression. You felt the name bear a weight on your tongue as if you had spoken a big important word whose meaning you had yet to discover.
“That’s right” he said still holding your hand. He let go with a slight jolt when Chuckler grabbed onto his shoulders with a tug.
“Officer’s getting real red in the face over there buddy” he said and Hoosier looked over nonchalantly. The officers jaw was tightly clenched, apparently debating what effect repeating himself would have.
“Looks like yer right” Hoosier commented and turned back to you.
“‘Scuse us Ma’am” he said and they left you to your task. You absentmindedly continued the repetitive motion of pouring and handing over cups of lemonade as you followed the two marines with your eyes.
In the tired oncoming of battle-worn men, it lifted your spirit to see good humor among some of them. Chuckler and Hoosier had made their way to a small group of marines who you guessed might be part of their company. Some of them were laughing and a few of them looking extremely tired, but all content in each others presence as they awaited orders on where to move.
Although he had his back turned you could see Hoosier pull a cigarette from his pocket and swiftly pull out a lighter after it. He let the cigarette hang loose from this lips as he lighted it with ease. You thought he moved with a sort of careless elegance, that despite the pitiful state of his uniform and dirty skin made him look quite charming. Then he flicked the lighter closed and as he placed it back in his pocket he swung his head around and looked at you. Lightening went through you as his blue eyes met yours – caught already staring. You thought you saw the hint of a smirk on his lips before you turned your eyes down. You could feel your cheeks flush from something other than the sun.
Though intently focusing on keeping your eyes on what your hands were doing, you eventually gave in to the temptation to steal another glance at Hoosier, but when you looked up, him and his companions had gone.
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the-hinky-panda · 1 year
Strings: Part I
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Title: Strings
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Les Packer x Fem! Reader
Summary: You and Les had been high school sweethearts. You're going to be a music teacher, he's going to climb the ranks of the SAMDINO MC. The only thing that stands in your way is his mentally unstable brother, Isaac. Things fall apart and fifteen years later, your daughter calls Les for help when you're in a coma and she's trying to figure out how to stay out of foster care. Les is faced with figuring out if you daughter is his or possibly Isaac's. Either way, he can't walk away for a second time from you and your daughter.
She looks like you, that’s the first thing that strikes Les. 
Her posture, straight and tense, the waves of hair falling over her shoulders, the serious set of her mouth. It isn’t until he enters the small diner and approaches the table that he realizes her nose and eyes are not like yours at all. 
They’re a Packer’s. 
The eye color is a mix, blue and green, like an unsettled sea. But the shape is most definitely Packer. 
“Zoey, I presume?” As if she could be anyone else. 
She nods once, those eerie eyes studying his face. “Mr. Packer.” 
He hears one of his guys snort from a couple booths over. Hoosier from the sound of it. He wasn’t sure if this was a set up or not so back up was a must. Now, he’s regretting that decision. With a heavy sigh, he slips into the booth across from her. He doesn’t know if she knows anything about him, or Isaac. What you told her about her father. He doesn’t have enough information going into this meeting so he does what he always does in these situations: get the other person to talk. 
“Alright, say what you have to say.” 
She reaches under the table and pulls out a stack of slightly yellowed envelopes, all tied neatly together with a fraying blue ribbon. “My mom told me where to find these letters, in case anything happened to her.” She pushes them with shaking hands across the scratched formica towards him. “There’s not too many Les Packers in California. I just assumed…” 
He recognizes the ribbon, remembers when he gave it to you, and fights the urge to reach out and touch it. He had used it to tie the stems of wildflowers together in a poor excuse of a bouquet when he had asked you out to some music in the park festival in Redlands. The next day, after the wildflowers had been arranged in a canning jar with water, you used the ribbon to tie your hair back away from your face while you played the guitar on a dilapidated back porch. He can still remember what the curve of your cheek felt like under his fingers, soft as the satin of the ribbon. 
He clears his throat. “So something has happened to your mother?” 
Zoey nods. “Yeah.” 
“Is she…” even after sixteen years of distance, he still can’t bring himself to finish the sentence. 
“No, but it’s bad. She’s in a coma.” 
“For how long?” 
“Six days today.” Zoey folds her hands in front of her and Les sees the ring on her middle finger. A small sterling silver band with a teardrop piece of turquoise. 
“Your mama give you that ring?” 
“No,” she turns it around her finger nervously. “I found it with the letters. In a safety deposit box. Do you want it-” 
It’s a cheap thing he bought from a street vendor in San Diego. You had loved it, the colored veins in the blue rock. You had called it a piece of art and he handed over a twenty dollar bill for the treasure. He shakes his head. “Nah. Tell me what happened to your mom.” 
“She was in an accident. On her motorcycle. She was coming back from a music recital at the middle school when a drunk driver clipped her. The police said she skidded across the road and h…h…hit a tree.” 
That’s a nasty type of accident and it sounds like a miracle that you’re just in a coma and not dead. “Do you think that’s what really happened?” 
Zoey’s entire face clouds over, tears gathering quickly in her eyes. “Yeah. The police arrested the guy.” 
“So what am I here for?” 
She pulls out another envelope, thick and wrinkled. “Here. It’s not a lot, about $560 but it’s all I have.” 
He glances in the envelope and finds mostly $10s and $5s. “Where did you get this money?” 
She fiddles with the fraying end of a braided bracelet around her wrist. “I’ve always saved up money. It’s just my mom and me. Some months are harder to pay the bills than others so I save up what I can to help when that happens.” 
Les closes the envelope and sets it down on the table between them. It pains him to no end to hear that you’ve had to struggle financially because of him. Because of Isaac. And what little bit he had tried to do for you, to help ease that burden, wasn’t enough. “How old are you?” 
He nods in understanding. “CPS is starting to snoop around.” 
Zoey uses a shaky hand to wipe away her tears. “Yeah. They’re talking about putting me in a foster home. I overheard the lady tell the doctor that they need to get me in placement as soon as possible for when my mom…” She chokes down a sob. “My best friend in school is in a foster home. She says it’s terrible. She sleeps on the floor, has to take care of the younger kids and work a part time job. And the father…” 
God, what is wrong with the world? Like he needed that confirmation to make his decision. He slides the money back over to her, along with the letters. Her face falls, thinking he’s going to say no. He’s failed in protecting you and your daughter. He’s not about to let that mistake continue. He’s stayed on the sidelines for far too long. 
“What hospital is your mama in?”
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cheddar-inq · 9 months
hiii heres a finished map part :3 its of Artificer for the Cops and Robbers map !!!!! part 2 !!!!
this was a lot of fun and also my first real map part so im super duper excited abt it !!!!!! also i love the hoosiers so
heres the map call :3 you guys should go get a part just sayinggg
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virusgeist · 1 year
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Isaac | he/him | 25yo | aro/ace
big dork | angel boy | artist | disabled
stupid emo twink | sex hater | Dec 2nd 🎂
pacifist | pescatarian | vampire coded
nostalgia junkie | probably scared
look like 💀 act like 🌸
-> i'm very shy and have anxiety so sorry if i'm awkward when we talk lol
-> i love Love and I'm a sucker for romance.
-> i just look a little scary but i'm nice i swear
-> i am super passionate about my OCs... making little guys and stories is my favorite thing to do
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My blog will NOT contain NSFW content but have occasional suggestive or dirty jokes.
My art blog!!! -> @virusgeist-art
My hazbin/helluva sideblog -> @loosey-furr
My tags:
I tag most of everything accordingly I think. Sometimes with silly tags.
Me talking bout random shit - #isaac talks
Other socials -
Twitter (art)
Instagram (selfies)
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cats and kitties, drawing, art, guitars, video games, horror, spooky things, Halloween, lots of musics, cute stuff, nostalgic things, plushies, cosplay, emo/scene/alt/goth/punk/harajuku stuff, kandi, making DIY clothes and fashion, pizza lover, watching movies, I LOVE cartoons and animation... anime is okay I guess, I get BRAINROT over my OCs
vvv some of my OCs in question vvv
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CORPSE, Ashnikko, Rabbit Junk, Younger Hunger, Paramore, Mother Mother, Marina and the Diamonds, Simon Curtis, Call me Karizma, Crystal Castles, The Hoosiers, Rebzyyx, KAMAARA, New Medicine, Slipknot, Panic! at the Disco, LOTS OF MUSICS!!!
^my playlist if you wanna see em all
tiktok, stand up comedy, drugs, fighting/arguing, tickling, dishonesty/manipulation, SNORING!!!
(not necessarily in the fandoms just like it)
Trigun, Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel, The Wolf Among Us, Borderlands, Gravity Falls, Sanrio, Cookie Run, Villainous, Monster High, Animal Crossing, Batman, Danganronpa, Invader Zim, Adventure Time, Your Turn to Die, Panty and Stocking, Sonic, Overwatch, Cuphead, Pokemon, Arcane, Bloodborne, The Evil Within, Silent Hill, Death Note, Soul Eater, Five Nights at Freddy's, MySims, Trolls, LOTS OF STUFF.
Jerma985, Corpse Husband, Ashnikko, Kitboga, Call Me Kevin, DigitalNex, The Click, Rebal D, Film Cooper, Oompaville, Markiplier, jacksepticeye, Johnnie Guilbert, Jake Webber, Kurtis Conner, Danny Gonzalez, BENOFTHEWEEK, courtreezy, Naomi Jon, Gabi Belle, kallmekris, Onyebabeyyy
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(I do NOT support; heavy Christians that push beliefs, pro-life, pro-ship, ableism, racism, sexism, anti-lgbtq+, TERFs, pedophila, beastiality, incest, looking down on homeless people/sex workers/retail or fast food workers, belittling serious topics, not liking a person based on media they enjoy, anti-fun, generally hateful folks and bullying)
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i don't know if anyone remembers that teen apocalypse show Daybreak that Netflix cancelled after one season but im rewatching it while i wait for Yellowjackets s2 and i just transcribed turbo's entire on-screen-text speech from episode 6 and im going a little insane. i love him sm
anyway here it is:
You all. Every one of you. My legion, my friends, my tribe. I see you. I know your names and I know your heart. I know who puts in an honest day’s work. And I know who slacks the system. You know it, too. You know who you are. I SEE YOU. And it’s to you, I say, I’m lowkey-not-lowkey ballistic. You trust me to give you everything, yeah. Food, shelter, warmth, weapons, leadership, safety. Even a beer every now and then. And in return, you know what I ask? It’s pretty fucking simple. I ask that you don’t murder-kill me. That’s how this shit is supposed to work. Fair exchange, right? I mean, after everything I’ve built here? Look around you. This is our school. Our public school. And a public school takes in anybody. I take in anybody. There’s always a seat for you on my bleachers. Doesn’t matter your former tribe. Doesn’t matter who you used to be. You’re safe here. I’m the eye in Hurricane Nuclear Fallout. I’m the SPF-120 protecting you from the heat-blasting sun. And once it sets, I’m the only warm blanket you got on these bitter-ass nights. I give you all this, and I ask the simplest thing in return. Loyalty. Loyalty and trust. Loyalty and trust and like an inch of respect maybe. But mostly, loyalty. And would it seriously hurt you to pick up the trash every once in a while. This place is a mess. And it’s starting to smell like foot cheese. Again: I SEE YOU. A quarterback can’t make epic plays without knowing where every single lineman and running back and receiver is. Same here, with you. My job is impossible unless every lieutenant and soldier and kitchen scut right on down the line is is doing their fucking job. Vibe me? Am I getting through? Well, guess what? Y’all betrayed me. Why? I didn’t build all this so you fucks could just take it from me. No way. You don’t own this. The second you do is the second you make it toxic. I’m reminded of the immortal words of that guy who said whoha in Any Given Sunday. [HE GOES ON TO QUOTE THE ENTIRE SPEECH. IT’S LIKE… REALLY LONG.] Yeah. That’s right. I memorized that whole speech. Took me a whole year. I also memorized the speeches from Hoosiers and Remember The Titans and Rocky IV and Cool Runnings and The Mighty Ducks and She’s The Man and High School Musical and Friday Night Lights, both the movie and the television series. So I know about inspiration. I’ll tell you this story. It’s something I didn’t understand at first but now I’m coming around to it. It’s a story my dad told me. There was this guy who used to make vases. I don’t know what they call that? A vaser? Maybe? No. That’s wrong. A sculptor. I guess that could be right. A potter? Maybe a potter? I wonder if that’s why the kid is named Harry Potter? Because he made magic. Like made it. What was I saying? Potter? The vase! Right. Those vases were beautiful things. And check this out… the guy would wrap and unfired vase in horse hair — then put it in his kiln. The horse hair would burn off and leave these black, charred scars. But to get the horse hair, the guy would have to pluck it straight from a stallion's tail. How baller is that? And every time he did, that stallion would buck. The vase-maker, vaser, potter — he was pretty good at dodging the kick, cause he knew it was coming. But more than once, the horse would get him. Knocking him in the face and shoulder. Nasty shit. He still had rolling shards of broken bone you could feel, where the horse shattered his clavicle. But Christ in a halo, it was worth the pain. Those vases, man. I know you think I’m a dumb jock, but I can appreciate a thing like that. Well, I look out at you all, and I think that’s what I have here. You’re the bucking horse. I’m the sculptor. And the beautiful vase is all this, Glendale High. Look what we have. But you fuckers broke the vase. And I’m not sure we can ever glue this thing back together. But I’m gonna try. I’m really gonna fucking try. 
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