#but they are INSANE expensive. if u can even find them
letorip · 2 months
Do you think you can do obsessive Wednesday headcannons? If u can thanks. Also love your headcannons
obsessive wednesday addams headcanons
okay so she may definitely be borderline stalking you a little but it’s out of love, mate. thank you to the anon who submitted, this was fun to think about and thank you for the compliment! genuinely so sorry for the delay, i've been working on so much stuff it's been insane
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you see each other for the first time while she's touring nevermore with enid, wandering the greens on a warm day, and you're sitting under a tree in the shade, at the opposite end with a textbook in your hands and a notebook. you both look up and see each other, and wednesday is immediately transfixed. you just look back down and do your homework
she immediately asks enid who you are, trying to seem disinterested, but enid just shrugs and tells her your name. she learns you live in the hall across from hers and finds herself watching doors for when you come in and out, even if she herself has yet to actually talk to you
she's definitely a little bit disgusted by herself, and how much she clearly wants you right away. it's giving her annoying flashbacks to how much her father is obsessed with her mother, and she realises she does in fact have a crush when she catches herself watching the back of your head in class
you catch her staring once, and send her a kind smile, but you're definitely a bit wary of her, considering there are rumours she killed people at her old school. even though you find her breathtakingly pretty, you're a bit worried by how she's staring at you, that maybe you might be her next victim
you actually strike up a conversation with her first, trying to be kind and welcoming, and wednesday just stares back at you with a blank face, not saying anything and struggling to compute. it's very funny, and wednesday.exe has stopped working. she just watches you talk
'blah blah blah, proper name, place name, backstory stuff'
she has to talk to you next, trying to make up for your weird, one sided conversation. she definitely still has her quirks, but you kind of roll with it, becoming one of her closest allies and friends
once you do actually get together after getting caught in the rain during an investigation and kissing, you start to notice how much wednesday actually listens to you. not in that way where friends listen to each other, but how she laser focuses in on the things you'll say
out of nowhere, she'll buy tickets for a date night, to go see a movie you offhandedly mentioned three weeks ago and never again. she's full of small gifts like that
for your birthday, she buys you a perfume/cologne that's very expensive and you wore six months ago, before you were even dating. you never even told her the scent name or anything, but she somehow figures it out and buys you it with a small note that says 'mi amor' with a small 'w' at the bottom
when you open up to her about your family and stuff, she acts as if she didn't know you had siblings or anything about your parents, but she absolutely, definitely already googled them with help from enid and knows about some of the things you bring up
you're not too sure, but it's possible she has a file on you somewhere in her room. you wouldn't be surprised, still struggling to understand how she remembers all of this stuff you say. she listens to you ramble about anything, and you know she really is truly listening, and not just hearing, like exes have in the past
your exes still do bother her a little. not in a way that she'll ever mention to you out loud, but she'll grip your hand a bit tighter as if trying to hold you to herself, or dramatically roll her eyes if they ever come up in conversation
you'll find old sweaters of yours in wednesday and enid's shared room, thrown over her chair or hung up in her closet. you remember giving her one or two, but not as many as she has, and she has to explain to you, while a little bid of red peeks onto her pale face, that she likes that they smell like you. she of course tells you, "don't get obnoxious about this," afterwards, but you just smile and shake your head. once you're done hanging out that night, you leave your hoodie on her bed while she goes to brush her teeth, and slip out with a single goodbye kiss, leaving it for her to find
she likes how warm you feel to the touch. she doesn't usually like warm things, but she'll lay right on top of you and tuck her head into the crook of your neck or right under your chin
wednesday memorises the curves and planes of your body, and she loves the familiarity it brings after a long day. it does quite genuinely feel like home to her, when she's laying against you
when you have a petty argument that's far from anything serious, you wake up in the middle of the night during a rainstorm, to see wednesday, sopping with rain in the middle of your room. her lip is bit, like she's stopping herself from crying, water dripping from her bangs, and she begs you not to go, apologising right there on the spot. it's a softness that catches you off guard, and you have to dry her off and explain that you weren't going to leave her because of the disagreement
she watches you sleep sometimes, when she's snuck over to your room. she likes to watch your chest rise and fall and the level of peace on your face as you rest. she'll pretend to be asleep when you turn over or stir, and sometimes you'll smirk as she watches you and mumble, "i know you're looking, wednesday."
she denies these sorts of things, especially at first, but when you don't shame her about it or bring it up that often, she becomes more comfortable in her little quirks and obsession over you
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was very cute? not sure if you wanted to go into stalker territory, but it almost somewhat did
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johnwickb1tsch · 7 months
bittersweet ~ a yandere!John Wick x fem!reader sunshine/grump coffee shop AU... Part 20 all chapters
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gif credit to dilfgifs
WARNING: NSFW, SEXUAL CONTENT, YANDERE SH!T. Plz take care. I luv u all. 😘
-You try to go as long as you can, but later that night you decide you just can’t stand it anymore. You’re pretty sure it’s been days, and you feel gross.
“Can I…use your shower?”
He turns to you with a small smile. “You mean, our shower? Yes.”
Hoping that’s the end of it, and this exchange won’t get weird, you slip out from under his arm to go into the bathroom. You check your prospects, finding expensive shampoo, conditioner, bodywash, shaving gel…but no razor. You guess you get it, kind of, but really. Then again, maybe you'd better not ask. Why send mixed signals by shaving off your body hair? It’s just an aesthetic mostly catering to the male gaze anyway…
But it bugs you.
You pop your head back out of the door. “Razor?”
He doesn’t even look up from his book.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
This annoys you for some reason. “Just so you know, I am not going to try to kill myself.” Brave words for someone in your situation, but at least at the moment, you mean them.
“I was more worried you might try to kill me.”
You open your mouth again, until he fixes you with that laser-like stare. “Just take your shower, y/n, or do I have to come in there to help you?”
The thought of his large hands on your body slick with soap sends an inconvenient spear of desire straight to your center.
You disappear fast as a groundhog into its burrow, closing the door behind you.
“Door open!” he yells in that particular tone, and sensing the shift in his mood, you comply rather than pull his tail some more.
Well done, you, you chide yourself as you strip out of your dirty dress and your ACE bandage in the cavernous shower. He was actually in a good mood, somehow, after you tried to knock his head off with a book. And now you…what? You did something to piss him off, at least a little bit.
Learning his moods was going to take some doing.
It was the only way you were getting out of here alive.
You keep looking over your shoulder, half expecting to see him looming behind you. That man moves silent as a ghost when he feels like it.
It’s creepy. And…kind of hot, if you’re being honest, but that is not a helpful thought.
You feel a thousand times better with all the grime washed from your hair and your body. You wrap yourself in a big fluffy towel that feels like a cloud on your skin, and put off going into the bedroom by drying your hair.
There are products on the sink that you use, face lotions and hair creams, and more expensive versions of the same type that you could never afford. How did he know?
Then again, he has fucking gorgeous hair, he probably knows more about styling product than you do.   
You turn to look at his handiwork upon your bum. The bruise is a red and purple swirl nearly the size of your fist. You can actually see the neat lines of his teeth marks. “Jesus Christ.”
His eye was going to heal way before that was.
When you can’t really dawdle in the bathroom anymore, you war with the next conundrum.
Fresh clothes.
Fuck it. You march out, heading for the closet without making eye contact with the reclining leopard on the bed. You can feel his eyes on you, and fuck if it doesn’t turn you on to be watched like that. Like you are some kind of prize to be desired.
It feels utterly insane to you, to say the least. You’re not that beautiful, but he looks at you like you’re Helen of Troy.  
With your hand on the closet door John clears his throat pointedly.
You know you can’t ignore him. Risking his wrath while you’re wrapped in nothing but a bath towel is so not a good idea.
You turn to find he’s laid something out at the foot of the bed for you already.
“Wear this,” he says. It’s an order clothed in velvet. Polite, but…you sense the unyielding directive underneath.
You pad on bare feet to the foot of the bed. It’s a silky lavender nightie with lace at the bodice. Nothing too wacky. No embarrassing peep holes or extraneous straps. You are somewhat relieved.
Until you see the underwear he’s paired with them.
Your underwear, as a matter of fact.   
Those went missing a long time ago.
Speechless, you look to him, knowing you look like a fish out of water but unsure what to say.
This has been going on for way longer than you even knew, and you didn’t have a clue.
“You took these from my apartment.” You manage not to yell it.
“I didn’t want you to wear them for anyone but me.” He has the cheek to sound grouchy about it, like you did something wrong.
You feel your temper rising like the mercury in a thermometer. You know you’re going to say something stupid, but you just don’t know how to keep it in.
“How. Fucking. Dare you?”
He just sighs, like he already knows how this is going to go. “Don’t play this game with me, baby.”
You bite down on the impulse to demand he not call you baby.
“You could have just…asked me out. I would have said yes, you know?”
He actually looks away as you tell him this.
“Maybe you would have. Until you realized I’m just a bitter old man, and you would have left me.”
You blink at that. How can he be so smart, and yet so blind?
“I knew you were a bitter old man all along! But you know what? I liked you anyway. I thought you were interesting, and funny, and so fucking handsome, and I wanted to fuck you. But now…” You clench your fists, shaking with all the vitriol you know you can’t unleash on this unpredictable man.
This unpredictable killer.
He takes your fury, seemingly nonplussed. You’re not sure any of it registers at all, and it takes some of the wind out of your sails. “This isn’t love, John,” you say quietly, your throat tightening with every syllable. “Love is…having the courage to bare your heart to the sword, and take what comes. You can’t control it like this.”
He tilts his head at this, a wave of that lovely dark hair covering his face. You get the feeling like he’s hiding from you, when he does that.
Finally he asks, “Have you ever been stabbed, y/n?”
Your heart skips a beat, as you wonder if he’s threatening you. “No.”
“Well let me tell you. It fucking hurts.”
Then he reaches down the bed to pluck up the panties, sticking them in his pocket. “I guess I’ll just keep these. You’re not going to need them anyway.”
You glare daggers at him.
He offers you the slightest, smuggest, smile.
“You sonofabitch.”
“Watch that mouth, kitten. Unless you want me to fill it up with something else.”
You bare your teeth with the thought. “I fucking dare you,” you spit, snatching up the nightie to take it to the bathroom to change.
“Nuh uh,” he interjects. “Change here.”
You freeze in your tracks, understanding exactly what he’s demanding of you.
This is how it’s going to be, you tell yourself. He’s going to be sweet, and then he’s going to be insufferable, and if you’re not careful, he’ll get downright mean. Don’t be fooled by the sweet moods, because all the rest is just beneath the surface waiting.
It was so hard to remind yourself of that, when he was being good to you.
You don’t turn around. You moonlighted as a drawing model after college. You can handle this, right? He’s already seen parts of you anyway…
It’s soooooooooo much different than being in that classroom, when you undo your towel and let it fall to the floor. You can feel the weight of his gaze on your bare form. In the end, knowing it’s just your backside, that he’s already gotten way more than an eyeful of…doesn’t really help. With shaking hands you quickly you pull the nightie over your head.
You hope he feels guilty about the size of that fucking bruise, but you have a feeling he probably likes seeing his marks on you.
“Come here.” He practically purrs, and your flesh aches for the sound. Fuck.
You turn to face him, but do not move. Once again, that glorious boner is making an appearance. It’s almost flattering, how often this man has a hard-on when he’s around you. If this had been a normal relationship, you would have made it your mission to oblige him at every opportunity, just to see what the old man could take.
As it is…all you want to do is fight him, and you know you are destined to lose.
He pats his thigh, as though he expects you to sit on his lap. Without underwear. Or a bra. Or a sense of self-preservation.
You shake your head no with the glitter of moisture in the corners of your eyes. You’ve never felt so helpless in your life, and you hate it.
 He frowns at your defiance. My god, no one can do a forbidding frown, like Mr. John Wick. It lodges your heart in your throat, even while you find him magnificent.
“Are you going to make me make you?”
And there it is.
You sigh, and you feel like a piece of your soul exits your body. Good. Good, be empty. He can’t hurt an empty husk.
“I guess so.”
You close your eyes, and you wait. You wait for his rough hands, for the violence that is surely coming to you. You shake like a leaf, unable to stop. You don't know why you'd allowed yourself to hold out some hope, that maybe he really wasn't going to hurt you.
Yet, it does not come.
You open your eyes to find him still frowning at you. He hasn’t moved a muscle.
The longest three seconds of your life tick by. You count them in your thundering heartbeats, and then he scoots over on the bed. “Fine. Come lay by me then.”
You are shocked to your toes. You forget how to move. 
“Now.” He snaps his fingers, pointing to the bed beside him, and you scurry over before he loses his patience with this kinder offer. Cautiously you crawl up beside him, and when he holds up his arm you understand the cue, snuggling into his side with your head on his shoulder. 
Alright, this, you can do. 
This feels almost…normal. The way your head fits into the divot of his shoulder is just…divine, if you’re being honest, and your body shudders as you suppress a sob, hiding your face against his chest. It’s not fair, that you still want him so much, and you mourn for the promise of sweetness that was snatched from your table before you ever really got a chance to taste it.
“Shh,” he soothes, touching your hair, his big hand dwarfing the crown of your head. “I’ll try to remember to be patient with you.”
You nod against him, wanting to believe him, knowing that makes you a sad little fool.
“But my patience has its limits. Remember that, kitten.”
Oh. You weren’t going to forget.
He continues to hold you, and eventually your heart slows, the tension in your body finally relaxing.
It’s incredible, really, how you just can’t leave well enough alone.
Now that you’ve both calmed, you feel bold enough to ask, “John?”
“Yeah, baby?” His lips on the top of your head make your eyelids flutter, it’s so sweet.
“Do you…at least know that it was wrong, to break into my apartment?” You feel like the answer to this one question will help you gauge everything about his state of mind.
He is silent for a long time. Long enough to let your imagination run rampant with the things he might do to punish you for this impertinence, after he was so generous as to just let you lay down with him and snuggle.
Yet there’s no anger in his voice when he answers, “Yeah. But I’ve been breaking the law my whole life, sweetheart, and no one’s stopped me yet.”
It’s the truth, and a nice neat little warning, all wrapped up in one.
You should be scared again, but you just sigh against his chest. Maybe you’ve used up whatever hormone is responsible for adequate fear responses for the day. Or maybe…his games are working on you already, claiming your sanity inch by inch.
You lay there in his arms, and eventually you start to doze. He strokes your hair, a sweet and lulling touch that makes you curl your toes. When those featherlight fingertips find their way to the back of your neck, and the tops of your shoulders, you cannot help but squirm. In your half-asleep state, this is your kryptonite, and your leg tangles with his, your pelvis pressing against his hip. It feels like the most natural thing in the world, to crane your head towards him.
Only when you feel him shift to lean towards you for a kiss, do you realize what you are doing.
You turn your head at the last second, and his grip on you tightens from comforting to bruising in a nanosecond. “Wait—”
He has you on your back before you can blink.
 “Are we still pretending you don’t want me, kitten?”
Suddenly his hand is between your legs, manhandling you like he owns you, raking up your thigh to swipe at your folds. He finds you soaking wet with slick, of course, and he makes a point to press your clit with his thick fingers as he withdraws. It sends an agonizing jolt of desire spreading through the cradle of your hips, the ache in your stupid little cunt nigh unbearable. You hardly recognize the keening sound that escapes your mouth.
Was that you?
It worsens ten-fold as you watch him bring his fingers to his lips, sucking them clean. “Tastes like lies to me.”
You can hardly believe it, when he slides off of the bed, leaving you cold and alone, confused and filled with desire. The pulsing ache between your legs drowns out any rational thoughts you might have had a moment ago.
“Little liars don’t get to cum. I’ll let you think about that tonight.”
You feel like you did that night in Italy, watching him walk out the door when all you really want is to feel his thick, insatiable cock teeming inside you.
Which is fucking insane, of course.
And you were thinking he might be the crazy one?
 “Same rules, sweetheart. Don’t you dare touch yourself tonight. I’ll fucking know.”
With one last baleful look over of his shoulder he touches his hand to the lock, and sweeps out of the room. He leaves you stunned on the bed, disheveled and unsure, once again, of what the fuck just happened?
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glass--beach · 8 months
hi !!!! :3 so, pd seems, in my reading like its a decent part about the kinda mass surveillance and commodification of personhood shit the world has got going on rn, in a kinda (yes, its cliche, but the radiohead influence makes it a bit more palatable) modern ok computer-esque way. anyways, i wanted to ask u, what motivated u to write about these subjects especially ??
i am transgender and so so scared
near every single person in the world carries a camera on them at all times with the capability of broadcasting its view to all of the internet. we have a culture of emotional armor and swords built to slip between its plates, to be angry or afraid or upset or even the wrong kind of happy is cringe. those who believe in some shadow government in some hidden room somewhere spying on us at all times are delusional - this is wrong - where labor can be outsourced for cheaper it will be. taxis are expensive to run, making people drive their own cars and find customers on an app for measly pay is much more cost effective. giving a music writer a salary is too pricey compared to hiring freelancers on a per article basis. and now surveillance has been, like so many other things, outsourced to civilians and their cameras and smartphone apps. a man sitting oddly on a couch is cheating on his girlfriend, a fold in a woman’s clothing is a hidden penis, we are the panopticon and the prisoner… this is the “society of control” - freedom as tyranny.
the nature of reality is at stake in our culture - “what is a woman?” “a woman” - those who refuse to understand transgender people are helplessly tied to some “deep reality” - “i know what you are!!” - which is ultimately an enforcement of the status quo socially constructed reality. transgender people recognize reality as something socially constructed and seek to bend it to their liking… pronouns and chosen names are after all meant for others to use rather than ourselves, they are third person terms, gender never worms its way into the terms “I” and “We”. our personhood is defined by other people, and can be invalidated or revoked by others… the insecurity created by this tension is ripe for advertising. take this boner pill, it will make you more of a man. take this injection, it will make you a woman. we are defined by our outside, our house, our car, our clothes, our skin, our bodies.
this is where the “family nexus” concept comes in - groups of people create their own pockets of reality. to christians, god is real and to deny this is insanity. to hardcore atheists, believing in god is insanity. to many psychiatrists years ago and some still today, to believe to be a different gender is insanity… and the insane deserve less rights than the sane, they don’t even know what is best for themselves. queer people seek to create a new sane. or rather to go “insane” in our own way the same way anyone who believes in anything does. create our own nexus where our experience of reality is simply true.
hope that helps at all and makes any amount of sense
oh yeah ok computer… maybe i’ll go off about that another time… much of the themes and sound of that record were a jumping off point for us. written in the 1990s, the end of history, time has marched on and yet we are still here stuck in capitalist reality. “did you lie to us tony” as if labour could ever do something about the fact that post 1991 “there is no alternative”… deeply tragic record but love runs through all of it undeniably… maybe i’ll go off about that in another post…
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90s-2000s-barbie · 6 months
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I wanted to post my more in-depth thrift tips.
I had an ask a while ago asking for my advice on tips. And I’ve had this in my drafts for a while just to make sure I really added everything I wanted to. So I’ve been going to thrift stores and garage sales my whole life but really picked it and collecting up as a hobby in 2009. Starting with basics. When I personally thrift, I go to local flea markets, thrift stores, garage sales, church sales, goodwills, any place near by that re sells used items. It’s cheaper in person than looking online. 100%.
My Main Rules:
Never pay full price. This stuff is USED and older for that matter. I don’t care if people think it’s rare, it’s used. Some things are on their last legs of life. I can’t tell you how many times I bought a vintage item or even clothes and they break, tear ex as soon as u get home, test it out, wear it then it breaks! It happens!) always keep that in mind. I also like to keep E6000 clear glue around just in case it’s something I can fix. (If u also try E6000, make sure to follow instructions on bottle exact and it will hold up forever. I glued heavy glass and it’s still together years later)
Only possibly think of spending a little more if the item is in a box and old stock or if it’s super meaningful to you. BUT if u use my tips, u can find old stock in boxes cheap even or decent priced when thrifting. I only pay little more or seek something out if it’s meaningful to me or extremely sentimental. (Old favorite toy or I got rid of and want back, something I always wanted and can now cause I’m 30! Ex….) 😂 otherwise, I don’t buy if the price isn’t right.
If you aren’t sure if it’s actually vintage, look for the year on the item, tag ex, or if u have a phone, look it up, look up the brand! Some super old stuff don’t have years on them too so keep that in mind, helps to use google.
I feel like if u go thrifting enough, u will find whatever you are looking for eventually so if the price isn’t right, don’t buy! You will probably see it again eventually and if you also do this as a hobby, u have a lifetime to come upon it again. lol
Go when u can afford it or really want to. I use to go WEEKLY, I would find things every week cause they constantly have different stuff. lol but now I have bills now and things are expensive, so it’s just not realistic for me anymore. I go once or maybe twice a month if I’m lucky. BUT I will admit, u will find a lot of items if u go weekly and can get first dibs but it can get pricey as it all adds up of course.
Leave no stones unturned. So when I go to the thrifting, I look EVERYWHERE. I spend HOURS. lol Sometimes u find the best stuff in the weirdest spots! I found a ADULT Powerpuff girls sweater from 2000 in the kids xl section! I’ve found vintage bedding on random clothing wracks. Sometimes things get moved, you will be surprised on what u will find.
So this use to be one of my rules when I had a better phone plan lol but if I feel like I’m questioning a price on an item, I use to look it up on eBay or google. (If you use eBay, their is settings they show what items actually sell for and not just what they r listed as. THIS HELPS. Sometimes people put insane prices but they definitely aren’t selling for that much! Helps to see the actual value if u need to.)
If u go to garage sales or flea markets, don’t be scared to ask for prices or make offers. If u like it, ask! If the price isn’t right, just say thanks and go on ur merry way. Key is always be nice and respectful if they don’t budge on price. You’ll probably see it again. lol. Least u asked! I use to be too shy to ask and I’d regret it! Also I’d go home empty sometimes cause of it. But now, I seem to really connect with people and try to be nice, talk to them like a potential friend! Sometimes the interaction makes my day and I can get a laugh out of some people. Even sometimes being nice and funny person can go a long way with others. One time I went to a small town and it was the last day of garage sale weekend and people just seemed so nice and liked me, they gave me stuff for free it kept happening throughout the day! lol Sometimes people won’t budge on prices though and that’s fine. And other times, people just want stock or items gone! lol They want money, they don’t wanna take the junk back inside their home and I get it! lol for example, one place gave me stuff for free cause she was trying to get rid of kids toys, her kids had so much she gave me stuff for free, some powerpuff girl plushies for 25 cents! One time, I had a guy tell me a doll I was looking at was worth $200. (Which He was right they sold for that much in box, I looked it up when I got home) he said was worth $200 but he was asking $20 cause he wanted it sold. He had no attachment and needed extra cash as he kept buying to resell but hasn’t sold much. I told him she’s cute but idk. I kept looking at his other items. Finally when I walked away, he shouted $10! I bought her up! lol One day, I bought a giant box of McDonald’s toys, (second photo from top right above the TMNT bag) for $2 for the entire Box!! Completely full! Was a family at the flea market that was just having a garage sale so to speak, they were moving so they didn’t want anything! lol Also an example too of the opposite scenario, an older lady was selling all spice girls dolls in box for $80 dollars all together (at the time the whole lot was cheaper on eBay, they were $45 for the lot and this stuff wasn’t popular so it just wasn’t selling at the time.) I asked price of baby spice alone and she wouldn’t split the band. I said ok thanks and went on my merry way! I later in life got 3 of the girls for $10 to $6 a piece in box. lol
HAVE FUN. This is my hobby. I’ve been doing this as a hobby since 2009! Of course it takes a while to get as much as I have. But I really only recommend thrifting if u REALLY enjoy it and collecting. You really have to enjoy it and to keep going! It’s like a treasure hunt to me! I do it as a collector cause it’s a blast. I‘ve met such interesting people, I’ve seen such cool things even if I didn’t bring it home and couldn’t afford the item. It’s fun! It’s so exciting to find something on a shelf u haven’t seen in years. Also fun to find things u forgot existed or just speak to u personally! I literally buy anything that just feels like it belongs with me anymore. I fall in love with the moment I look at it. I use to think, oh people will think I’m weird? and I still remember those items I passed up YEARS later and say why did I leave that behind? lol 😂 It’s such a cool hobby. I can tell u what I paid for just about everything! 😂 I remember it all cause I really do love it and I LOVE deals.
Also, all the pictures above are mine and things I thrifted, do not steal! If u have any questions about how much I paid for some of these items, or have any questions in general, don’t be afraid to ask. If u wanna know tips about thrifting on toys, clothes, ex, please ask! I will try to help to the best of my knowledge. The 2nd photo, 6th, 7th, 9th and 10th photo are perfect examples cause it’s everything I got at ONE flea market or thrift store, just one stop. Sometimes I find full collections! Each photo are from different days but are definitely good examples. Also if I forget anything I feel is super important to add, I’ll probably post another part 2 or something. ❤️ hope this helps someone.
I think it it would be cool, if any followers decided to thrift or if you use any of my tips and find some cool stuff, to make a post and tag me! Show me ur cool finds, what tips helped the you the best if u feel like adding that.
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arisuworld · 6 months
Hi can you make affirmations on Song Jia?
Hey! I don't make affirmations post, however I'm sure I've seen some affirmation posts on song jia (and even wonyoung).
So I tried to find it for you and it was so hard 😥😧😞 but there you go
1. Affirmations on song jia by @angelicbarbiedoll
2. Affirmations on song jia by @euphoriajeon
3. Affirmations on song jia by @magic-irl
4. Affirmations on jang wonyoung by @magic-irl
5. Affirmations on jang wonyoung and kim Jennie by @euphoriajeon
(I added jang wonyoung and jennie's Affirmations post, just in case someone needs them!) Hope it helps! 🩷
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radiant-reid · 2 years
i REFUSE to move on from spencer x famous!reader
have you seen that video of joe alwyn blushing and smiling and getting shy while taylor was singing gorgeous? that’s spencercore 100%
also! imagine nobody telling penny ab spencer’s gf being a famous pop star and penelope’s like a fan of y/n and she overhears him talking ab him going to a concert of hers and she’s all “wow i didn’t know you liked y/n!!” and derek teasingly says “oh yeah he’s her #1 fan” and spencer’s giggling like a schoolgirl and garcia realizes she’s not in on the joke and is all “wdym???” and derek’s like “you don’t know?” and garcias like “know WHAT???” and derek’s like “…that spencer’s dating y/n?” and garcia just FREAKS OUT and spencer’s standing there red faced with that white boy smile (🙂) and she wont stop asking questions LMAO
i’m imagining a little “wait so…*song name* was written about doctor reid here??” and spencer’s just like “y r u so surprised? 😕” or a bit of “YOURE THE SECRET BOYFRIEND???”
ok ok one last thought that’s very chaotic and not well structured but
actor!reader is amazing bc imagining y/n having a small get together w just her friends (which just means the team bc i said so) and they watch her movie like as soon as it comes out or wtvr and they’re all just sitting around the tv w popcorn and candy and y/n’s cuddling with spencer and penelope’s trying not to giggle or squeak !;!,?;?),);)
spencer would be so so so proud of his super cool gf and so insanely grateful that somebody that cool would choose to be with him :,)
also they would put her awards in weird places just around the house
part two:
i meant to add more thoughts (bc i’m a liar and i NEVER mean it when i say “ok ok last one”) ab spencer moving in with reader and penelope asking him how he feels and he goes on a RANT about how grateful he is that y/n would “let” him live with her like he’s such a simp he would be talking ab himself like a rescue dog 😭
i have so many more famous!reader thoughts but i think i’ve blown up your inbox enough for the day LMFAO
you're literally a genius bestie, send me as many asks as you like
how have i not seen that video until now ?? but it's so him. when she plays songs that are related to him, he's so proud and adoring because she's so amazing and she's his girlfriend and he feels like the luckiest person in the world
Penelope would be so thrilled and she'd have a million questions about how they even became a couple, why she's just finding out, is she amazing in person as she seems on screen, and when can she meet her, 50/50 because she's a massive fan and because she's Spencer's girlfriend. Spencer, of course, is always ready to brag about his girlfriend but he's confused about how Penelope never noticed that it's him in all the soft-launching boyfriend pictures. although to be fair to her, his face is obscured
(i like actor!reader more because i cannot sing lmao, selfish reasons) i feel like it's spencer that makes them watch it, just to showcase her because he's so proud and he can't stop kissing her, touching her, and complimenting her all night and no one minds because he's really happy for once but they definitely take some pictures
i just love him being a major simp, but he would be nervous about living with her because he's never lived in a house so gorgeous, big, and expensive so she has to tell him that it's his house too and he can put his stuff on the kitchen table, hang up photo frames, and not vacuum the living room every time he walks through it
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sol-consort · 7 months
Shepard baby shower for baby ryder omg! (Honestly I fucking wish Ryder was Shepards kid. That anon who gave u that ask should've cooked for bioware....that would be awesome and add more to the "be the legend my n7 parent was" when we played as said legend! Also shepard deserves to be happy)
Miranda is that cool big income childless aunt with the best most expensive gifts (cant have kids but she really wants em. Poor miri) probably likes to check up on shepard and ryder a lot. Best aunt ever. (Miranda would be a bit awkward at first, holding a child but I think she'd warm up to it quickly. Maybe even tear up a bit if you didn't look.)
Tali is SO worried. Quarians have it bad as babies they cant leave the bubble. Gifts mutiple baby monitor too for all the vitals. Its very important in this stage to check on them! Quarians find the baby stage to be so stressful! She's ready to check baby monitors for you like a fnaf security guard. You sure you don't want her to hook you up with someone from the fleet who can install a bubble in your home?
Kaidan gifts something sweet and thoughtful. Cute n7 onesie for baby ryder, some diapers too. Diapers are expensive. Gotta make sure you have them ready, babies poop a lot. Maybe brings some of his cooking too. Probably researched too to make sure Garrus and Tali can eat some of his dishes, the sweetheart.
Ashley hauls in an entire crib by herself she and her sister used as kids, and now its passed down to you. Feel honoured, skipper. It's practically a Williams heirloom.
Wrex surprisingly has a soft gift. A cute blanket he and Eve/Bakara worked on. Or maybe all by himself. Nights in tuchanka can be tough, so he figured you would appreciate it even if your choice of planet to live on is much easier (and for weaklings, plssss move to tuchanka instead) Its useful and from the heart. He tries to hint you should name the kid Ryder Shepard Urdnot, since shepard is a honorary krogan anyways.
Liara has cute yellow flower baby pj's too with matching little socks and those little hats. She seems a bit melancholy but her smile is very geniune when she gives them.
Garrus gets one of those big baby bags. Or those baby carrier things for your back/front to carry the baby. Knowing him, probably both. Tactical and hey look, it's got pockets/belt ulities for your guns and thermal clips in case you need to shoot whilst carrying baby or the supplies, theres even room for scopes and attachments in here!... why are you raising your eyebrow like that?... did he get too carried away? (Garrus and Kaidan would be the type of dads to carry their kid anywhere in those things) with how the dlc went in quiet party version, Garrus would probably want to install a insane amount of security, making Tali's paranoid monitoring look normal in comparison. You thought Tali was paranoid? He'll show you. Both him and Shepards got a lot of enemies, and Garrus has lost a lot of good people. This baby gonna stay safe. Probably chills down after some reassuring tough. Maybe he'll tone it down a bit more... just a bit. After all, shepard keeps surviving the craziest things, so little Ryder probably will inherit that.
Grunt gets you a krogan shotgun he modified with ryders name engraved. His battlemaster's child will surely be a force to be reckoned with. Baby ryder will be a strong warrior one day, what do you mean babies cant fight right after they learn to walk? Huh!? How long will it be till he can fight ryder? Well...no matter...he got baby picture books too. Grunt himself is quite fond of reading after all. Maybe till Ryder is strong enough, they can have that in common.
Edi brings the most useful gifts she researched, it's all very sweet as she lists all her sources on child rearing and how to prepare for a child. Joker tries to pretend he didn't play a part in it, but he actually insisted on helping Edi research to get Shepard the best gifts and paid for it. Edi defiantly practiced beforehand how to properly hold a baby for days on end with a doll or a pillow.
Javik seems annoyed how lacking everyone's gifts are. In his cycle, babyshowers were much grander. More honorable, as the empire demanded it. He expected better from all the primitives, especially the asari. He muses how even with his expectations so low, this new cycle keeps dissapointing him. If he holds baby Ryder, he reconsiders finding an airlock the moment the moment the baby uses any bodily functions. So ugly. In his cycle...Well... he'd never actually held a baby before, he was a soldier. Not some caretaker or doctor. When he holds ryder he looks displeased. Its chubby and pink like a unboiled hanar, pathetic and ... yet he can't really stop looking. Ugly little primitive that keeps trying to put its sticky little fingers against his face and laughing... Well, OK... maybe it's best he does the holding, and not one of the other primitives. Not because he wants to, that's defiantly not it. Expect him to scowl harshly the moment anyone else of the crew wants a go at holding baby Ryder.
I love everything about this
Miranda constantly calls her sister to check if she's performing the cool aunt duities correctly since her sister actually had a family. Asking if giving out ten thousand credits as a baby shower gift is too little and if she needs to triple the amount.
Oh my god, Tali playing fnaf with the baby security cameras I can't. Shepard gets a call at 3am. because Tali hacked the baby monitors again to check on your child, and she saw that the blanket is almost falling off and you can't have that!! Go and gover your baby right now Shepard it is an emergency or they might get cold!
Kaidan who remembers how hard food came by in jump zero and makes sure to constantly drop by and help you with the baby food. Be it a fruit mush mix or a formula, he is ready to learn everything there is to make sure the little one is eating well. Saves you a lot of headaches too because you can drop your kid off at Kaidan and know they'll be fed and cared for.
Oh also he'll definitely use his biotics to play with the child and lift them up. He's very gentle and careful, it's endearing how much they giggle. They love the way his hair fizzles up because of his biotics, like touching the static screen of an older tv. He is the best when it comes to babysitting duty, the kid almost sees him as another parent even.
The image of Shepard going to open the door after inviting Ashley to their baby shower and Williams here comes hauling a huge ass crib with her bare hands and tells Shepard to step aside and direct here to where the baby room is.
Ashley builds the entire crib while the party is going on. Just rolling up here sleeves and telling you to send Garrus and Zaeed in here to help hold the flashlight for her while she works. Telling you all these stories about each scratch and mark on the crib and how it was used for all of her sisters. Garrus and Zaeed attempt to boobytrap the crib against intruders while she's not looking but she catches them.
Wrex talking about how Shepard should consider bringing baby Ryder for their rite ceremony on Tuchanka. How the thresher maws are waiting. Grunt volunteers so be their kresh and help baby Ryder like Shepard helped him before. Wrex bringing baby krogan Mordin with him to see Ryder and hinting at how they should be friends.
Liara is one of those people who immediately freeze when they're handed the baby to hold. Baby Ryder is giggling and running their fists over her hair and face while Liara is just staring at them, worried she might accidentally drop them and them remembering oh fuck babies response to facial features she needs to smile remember to smile.
It's the most forced nervous smile of her life. She is so out of her element. The Shadowbroker being reduced to a nervous wreck as she tries her best to act natural around Ryder and praying to the goddess inside thay they don't cry.
Then she finds out Kaidan likes to float them around with his biotics and she hands the baby back to you and goes to scold him about how it's not safe and he shouldn't risk it. How humans aren't like asari and we don't know the effects of biotics on them at this early age.
Garrus brings a toy gun that is actually a functional sniper rifle. He tries to convince you it is a good idea to have this on standby in case anyone tries to come at you while you're playing with your baby. He brings those baby books that teach you colours except it's one about sniper rifles that he handmade himself.
Lowkey suggests signing up Ryder for a turian bootcamp as early as they learn to walk. You know, just to teach them the basic self-defense techniques that any normal toddler needs, like how to check for someone's pulse point to know where to stab an air filled needle and fake a heart attack. Eventually, he gets called to build the crib with Ashley and gets busy hiding knives and emergency X Widow 6500 scopes for sniper rifles in between the wood pieces.
Just in case you misplaced your X Widow 6500 sniper rifle ultimate scope. You the one everyone has? And can't do without? Now you have a backup one! Or twelve.
Anderson being the only normal person and taking Ryrder to normal kids attraction in London. Showing them the big ben and taking them to a kid's playground as he sits with the moms and gushes about Ryder and Shepard and how proud he is of them.
One time Hackett becomes the emergency babysitter because Shepard is called in on a mission and everyone else is too far away. So he wears those baby chest straps and carries Ryder with him everywhere. The high admiral of the navy with a giggling friendly baby strapped to his chest.
Joker would be like "watch me be the kid's favourite" then completely gets ignored by baby Ryder when he comes at them all "hey little buddy"
Baby Ryder instead crawling on the ground and going to EDI. Finding the orange visor on her eyes fun to play with. EDI is definitely smug about it until Legion finally arrives and Ryder can't resist wrestling their way to freedom and crawling to Legion instead because kids love nothing more than unprotected shiny wires they could pop their head against.
Of course, Legion is very careful and never lets them, but it is amusing how hard tiny humans try to get themselves killed. Everyone quietly agrees that Ryder is definitely Shepard's kid at that moment.
Thane would run background checks on Ryder's kindergarten teachers and everyone in the area. He is able to snuff any attempt of a crazy Shepard fan to get in contact with Ryder before Shepard or alliance intel is even aware of it. He quietly guards your kid from the shadows and makes sure no harms befalls them.
During the baby shower, he can't help but get flashbacks to the birth of his Koylat. How adorable his own child was when learning to walk and grab stuff. How he missed most of those moments, how Shepard should treasure this time with Ryder.
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infjinthecity · 1 day
Hi Tumblr, What's Up?
Hello Tumblr! Can you believe I have existed in fandom spaces for this long and have never been on this platform? It seems that Tumblr is fandom’s MVP but I just never made the trek over this way – anyways, I’m here now. If you’re reading this, it’s probably because I told you about it on one of the other social media platforms and you probably at least know that I’ve very recently packed up my life and moved to China! I’ve been trying to figure out the best way to document my experiences here, and although we live in a visual era, I’m just not interested in being in front of a camera. I love to write and want to talk about my journey, so a blog seems like the best fit for me.
So, why China? Despite the fandom spaces that I occupy, my decision to move to China had absolutely nothing to do with Zhang Yixing or Wang Yibo. When people ask me why I made this change, I jokingly tell them it was an act of sheer desperation, but really, although I’ve always been joking when I’ve said that, it’s not too far from the truth. If you’re interested in learning why I moved to China and hearing about my experiences here, I hope you’ll stick around.  
Desperate Times, Desperate Measures
If you don’t know, I’m Australian but I have spent the majority of the last 14 years living and teaching in the United States. I worked in Los Angeles for 11 years and then in New York City for another 2 before I packed myself and my cat up and went back to Australia. I left the United States for three main reasons – all of which were related to my job. In no particular order, because they were all as problematic for me as each other, I left because of low teacher pay, egregious student behaviour, and the insanely high workload. In short, I was b u r n e d o u t. A lot of Western countries are experiencing a teacher shortage right now, and America is definitely leading the charge. There is a reason why people are fleeing the profession, and most of them are rooted the same reasons that I left the country.
I went back to Australia naively thinking that work was going to be better there. I grew up there and went to school there, and I completed my teacher training in Australia.  When I went through my university degree and prac assignments in Victoria, the job was definitely not this. So I returned  home with rose-coloured glasses thinking that teaching would be far superior in Australia than the experiences I was having in the United States. Boy, was I ever wrong! While the kids in Australia don’t have guns like they do in the U.S., their attitudes towards education and teachers in general is very reminiscent of what is going on in the U.S, and schools are still places of violence and conflict. I can’t speak for the private system, but all my friends in the public system say the same thing. And honestly, teacher workload in Australia is not lesser than that of the U.S., so I found myself – again - completely stressed out all the time, despite making this huge change that was supposed to better my life. That coupled with the outrageous cost of living in Australia (my god things got really expensive while I was living abroad) prompted a pervasive idea that just would not stop taunting me. The voice inside me kept saying I can’t do this anymore.
And so, it became clear that I had a choice to make: either stop teaching altogether or find somewhere to teach that isn’t going to break me. I did not initially consider China but as I continued to research my options, all roads always lead right here – The People’s Republic of China.
And, to cut a very long story (which I will elaborate on in other posts) short, here I am!
Right Here, Right Now
I’ve been here for 38 days now and it’s been the mother of all whirlwinds, for sure. I had been to China twice before on holidays (one of those holidays was to scope out my city and my school) so it wasn’t like I was coming into the country blind, like so many other foreigners do, but even so, it’s been hard. Very hard. Maybe one of the hardest things I’ve ever done? Probably.
I don’t speak the language very well, despite all the lessons I’ve been taking. Man, nothing tests your skills like absolute immersion and being surrounded by people who don’t speak a lick of your native language. I’m an articulate, educated person and here I’m reduced to a blubbering mess who stumbles and fumbles over sentence fragments, and fragments of fragments! The language is going to take time. A lot of time.
I’ve had many low points, and there were a few days a couple of weeks ago when I was legitimately considering throwing in the towel and going home. But, I am still here, so obviously I didn’t do that. And I’m glad I didn’t because it’s getting easier and all the things I love about China are starting to overshadow all the hard things that make me feel like living here is impossible.
My cat is arriving from Australia on October 11 so we’re here for the longer haul after that. I can’t take him back to Australia from China (I’ll make a post about that later) so we either stay till he dies, or we exit and live in another country for a year before returning home. Don’t worry, I have an exit strategy planned if I need it, I just don’t want to need it, if you get me.
I’ll be blogging about teaching here, my fandom experiences (of which, I’ve already been lucky enough to have some of), travel, and general thoughts and insights on what it’s like to live in China as a foreigner.
I hope you stick around because this place is crazy and I’ve got so much to tell you all. If you’ve got questions, I’m happy to answer them. I'm new to this Tumblr thing so be kind and patient with me while I work it all out!
Till next time, peace.
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radio-navlee · 9 months
It’s okay if you don’t do this one, but can you maybe do another fic of lee!noah being wrecked my team C.I.R.R.H?
Oh Em Gee. How could I say no to a Lee Noah request?<3
Smarty Pants
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Not only were they stuck with the worst team name possible, the person who stuck them with it transferred onto another team! Now instead of a crazy fan girl, they had an actual insane crazy girl. Noah pouted on the plane thinking “How could this season be anymore sucker?”
“Hey Noah? Do you think if I were to eat raw chicken, then a hot pepper, would it make cooked chicken in my belly?” Owen chuckled
Noah gave him a look, a ‘wtf did u just say’ kind of look. He was used to Owens goofy questions and nasty food combos, he wasn’t gonna waste a breath on answering that.
“Better question! If you ate, like swallowed, a whole tomato and then, you know those street performers? Yea, those guys who shove swords down their throat! Do you think they could chop up the tomato?” Izzy questioned excitedly.
‘God this was such a headache!’ Noah thought. Apparently Izzy god forsaken question sparked up a conversation which included Tyler, Izzy, Owen, and weirdly enough, Alejandro... Is what Noah thought.
Alejandro was actually watching Noah. He could tell something wasn’t right with Noah, he could tell that Noah was very untrusting of him. And Al didn’t know why.
Alejandro got up and sat next to him. Noah didn’t notice and kept thinking to himself, almost dozing off.
“Noah? You ok?” Al asked, he acted like he cared but really he was trying to get blackmail or something out of him. Noah jumped a bit not expecting Al to be talking to him or sitting next to him
“Now I’m not, you’re talking to me.” Noah said sarcastically, slightly smiling when he saw Al needing to calm himself before speaking.
“Are you always this sarcastic?” Al sighed
“Depends, do you always ask dumb questions?”
“Noah you making it really hard to talk to you, friend!”
“Then don’t? I was just fine not talking, what makes you think I want to talk to YOU?” Noah growled, getting pissed at this point
“Somebody’s grumpy,”
"Whatever!" Noah sighed, leaving Al angry.
“Guys! Guys! Do you I could be the mama monkey and Noah could be my son and I’d have to pick the dirt off him like they do on TV?” Izzy exclaimed
“Woah! No, you are not touching m-” Noah was interrupted
“Izzy I love your creativity, I bet Noah would love it even more!” Al smiled at Noah expense. Izzy began pinching at Noah’s clothes acting like she was picking off dirt.
“Izzy you would make a great monkey mom!” Owen laughed
Al noticed Noah started to squirm and his eyes were all panicked. Izzy kept picking at Noah’s clothes, accidentally pinching his skin at sometimes. Noah would jump every time, almost curling in on him self.
“Noah? Why do you look so distraught my friend?”
Noah just shook his head, not risking a giggle to slip out.
“Uh oh Izzy! I don’t think Noah likes your act!”
Izzy turned to Al confused. Noah turned to Al with panic.
“No! No Izzy I did like it, very creati-tive, HEHMP!” Noah tried to pled but Al put his hand over his mouth.
“He lying Izzy!”
Izzy growled and dug her hands into Noah making him squeal. Izzy wasn’t even trying to tickle Noah, she was just mad.
“Uh oh, somebody’s about to find out Noah’s ticklish!” Owen whispered to Tyler.
“Noah’s ticklish?” Tyler said out loud.
“OWPHEN!!” Noah muffled under Al’s hand,
“Oh so that’s what that was!” Al said grabbing Noah’s hands and pinning it above him.
Noah shook his head violently, squirming around to try to get free. Al was very strong, and Noah was very weak, who knew!
"Owen you knew Noah was ticklish?" Al asked, reaching to poke at Noahs sides
"Well, just look at him! He was squirming like a earth worm!" Owen joked
"NONONONONO!" Noah begged trying to dodge Als hands
"Noah stop moving!" Al grumbled, deciding to just sit on Noah's legs to keep him for moving.
"Owen I swear to god, once I'm out of this your so dead!" Noah threated, snapping his mouth shut as Al finally latched his hands onto Noah's sides.
“There we go! So Owen mind elaborating on what you mean?” Al yapped.
“Well, it was the first season and me and Noah had just met!-“
“He was reading this book and I decided to cheer him up. It’s strange though, he gets weird after you tickle him.” Owen explained, turning to look at Noah to see his head hung in defeat and face burning red.
“Aw how cute,” Al teased moving spots randomly to try to get Noah to break.
“Huh, anybody wanna help me out here?” Al spoke
That one sectance alone sent shivers down Noah’s spine, it’s good that nobody in that room has ever tickled Noah, but that makes it worse.
Owen sat down towards Noah’s legs, Izzy sitting closer to Noah, and Tyler just there to keep his arms up and pined.
“Wow Noah, I never seen you this worried before. Something wrong?”
“Y-Yeah! You guys are about to gang up on me for no reason! I have a right to be scared!”
“scared of a little tickles?” Al said wiggling his fingers close to Noah stomach making him suck in to try to get away
“Stop thAHAT!” Noah squeaked as Al dove his hands straight to his stomach.
“Oh shoot, did we start already?” Owen asked jumping in to start tickling the top of Noah’s knee. Noah kicked out like a reflex every time Owen touched his skin
“GAH-hehehAHaHa! Quihihit ihit!!” Noah giggled
“There’s that nice laugh!” Al smirked
“Eheheahat. Shihihit!” Noah growled
Al scoffed in anger, sadly for Noah this just encouraged Al to get him back harder. Al moved his hands lower, underneath where his belly button would be. Owen moved his hands to his calves. the combo of spots made Noah insane, he needed something to take his mind off it.
“Aw poor thing, bad spot Noah?” Al teased
“FUhUhahuKIng STAhAHoP!!” Noah shook his head violently
“Izzy why don’t you join in?” Al asked
“Hmmm, that’s a good question! I was waiting for the right moment!” Izzy spoke softly fluttering her fingers around Noah’s neck and ears.
Noah squealed falling into a fit of child like giggles
“this is fun!” Izzy said
“Indeed,” Al agreed suddenly changing positions to squeeze Noah’s hips.
“FUHAHAHAHCK!!” Noah gasped bucking from side to side. Owen began to massage into both Noah calves, using his thumb to add pressure into the boy.
Noah screamed kicking out, cackling like crazy. Seeing Noah like this made Al feel two different things. First, satisfaction for Noah making a fool of him, and second, Awe for never seeing Noah like this ever. Laughing freely, well I guess not freely, he has no choice.
“I think Noah’s getting tired guys!” Owen spoke backing off
“Tried? Nah, Noah are you tired” Al jokingly asked
“SHIHIHIT! YES I AHAHAHAAMMM!!” Noah threw his head back
Izzy began to stop, which was a surprise to everybody. Turns out she just saw a rat run across the floor and needed a new ‘ally’.
“Al, you might wanna stop soon. I don’t think he can take much more” Owen said softly
“Fine, but he has to apologize!”
“For saying, implying, that it’s such a bore to talk to me!” Al said dramatically
“IM SOHOHORRY!! IM SOHORRY!! YOURE NAHAHAT A BOHORE TO TALK TOHOHOHO!!” Noah took in a breath of air as soon as Al stopped.
“There! Now was that so hard?” Al spoke
Noah just giggled back at Al, transitioning to the ‘weird’ Owen was talking about.
Noah spent the rest of the day, all smiles and giggles. When he woke up the next morning, he tried to forget anything abt the day before. ‘God I was such a headache!’
-Navy out! :)
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acerathia · 11 months
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Trick or Treat? TREAT!
Vampire Kakashi for @strawberrystepmom <3 for this event, literally going insane about this oops, thank u sm for sending smth in
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There's something off about Kakashi, and you intend to find out.
wc: 1.0k
cw/tags: borderline stalker behaviour (reader), kakashi is a vampire, twilight reference? maybe, implied blood drinking after this scene is over
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You’ve known Kakashi for some time now, but he still is full of mysteries. Because sometimes he looks like he aged ten years, all heavy shoulders, pale skin and dark eyebags, and the rest of the time, he looks almost like a young adult still getting to know the world around him, all grins, laughter and mischief. And you have to admit, you’re curious. How is this man cheating time, or he just has a really good skincare routine. Either way, you wanted to know the details, even if it just means to have that glowing skin in the early mornings. 
So, you investigate, you don’t do anything dangerous or illegal, even if only borderline legal. But you study his schedule, trying to find a rhyme or reason to the way his entire mood changes. And as much as you try to look into it, there’s no connection between his work life, his non-existent relationships, and the erratic changes. 
After months of investigation, you decide to do one last thing, one last try to discover the truth: you’re going to follow him home. Just once, hopeful you might catch the exact way he’s doing whatever he’s doing. 
With that decision, one day you start tailing him. And at first, his way seemed normal, getting groceries, chatting with older ladies. Until it started getting late, that’s when he slowly made his way to the edge of the forest, walking along the borders, following no real path. At this stage, you had to keep a bigger distance between you and him, lest he discovers you before anything really happens. 
A couple of meters behind, you continue to follow him with slow, careful steps, until he finally enters a big mansion, and you just stop in front of it, stunned. How did he own such a place? And why would he keep it a secret? 
You frown at the front door, refusing to reach that level of behavior, so you try to sneak a peek through the window. To your misery, there were heavy curtains in front of them, barring you from seeing inside at all. 
A curse slips over your lips, and you resign, you can only go home now, maybe even give the whole operation up as a whole. You were about to turn around, when the door suddenly opens, and you can’t help but flinch a couple of steps away, skin getting hotter at the prospect of getting caught. 
“Good evening. How long did you want to wait in front of the door?” Kakashi asks, leaning against the door frame, something like amusement glinting in his dark eyes. 
“Uh, I– I was just about to go?” you croak, trying to find the chance to turn around and flee. 
He cocks his head, contemplating. “Well, you already made quite an effort to tail me all day, why not come in and rest? Drink a cup of tea?”
You splutter, embarrassment flooding into your brain as he seems to have known all along, so you nod, accepting his proposal. 
He nods, too, opening the door wider to allow you to enter his place. And as you walk in, you notice how dim the light inside is, how no sun is able to penetrate these heavy curtains, and you can’t help but frown. This cannot be healthy in any way. But you’d rather die than to tell him that you question his decor choices. 
So, you just follow him silently, taking a seat in the living room, and this place reminds you of some gothic manor, all soft and expensive. 
He sits opposite you, crossing his feet in an elegant manner, and for some reason this doesn’t feel like the Kakashi you know, it’s almost like there’s a wholly different person in front of you, and you get goosebumps at the thought of him being a total stranger. 
“I’m sorry! Don’t murder me, it would be a shame to get blood stains on this beautiful sofa, it’s not worth it, is it?” you start rambling, trying to convince him to not kill you, you value your life, and everyone makes mistakes, why should you die for it?
A chuckle interrupts your frantic thoughts. “Don’t worry, I won’t. But because you put in the effort to ‘investigate’ what’s wrong with me, I shall just tell you. And I’m telling you this, because no one will believe you,” he explains in his deep voice, compelling you to just listen to him. “Well, you see, it’s simple, really. I’m a vampire.”
“Are you fu–”, you stop in the middle of your complaint, putting the pieces together. If he drinks blood, he looks rejuvenated, and if he has abstained for too long, he looks like he’s about to meet his early grave, and you’ve never seen him without his mask, or eating anything. “Wait… But what about the sun?”
“My skin is barely exposed to the sun like that, and this bit of exposition won’t hurt me as long as I take my time to repose in the dark,” he explains, his eyes telling you how funny your reaction is to him. 
And you can’t help but wonder how he looks without the mask, all fangs and blood, dark eyes heavy and lidded after a satisfying drink. You swallow and take a deep breath. 
“Uhm, wow, okay. I was not expecting this… Can I– Can I see your fangs? Only if you feel comfortable to do so, I was just wondering…” you trail off, as he pulls his mask down without hesitation, and in front of you suddenly sits someone with such beauty, your mind needs some time to reboot. 
There they are, his fangs, glinting and sharp, and barely biting into the skin of his lips. You wonder how much they hurt. How they would feel against your skin, against your neck. 
You can’t help but stare at him, one question remaining. “How does it work?”
His eyes, suddenly heavy, glance all over your face, only to graze your neck. “Do you want to find out?”
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homosapiennns · 2 years
Sadık is an unique name. I never met a Sadık in my life. It means loyal. Adnan is usually a name, not a surname. It’s an old name, people don’t name their sons Adnan anymore. Both names are pretty masculine sounding. “Sadık” is pronounced S, A in dark, Dı is read the same as the word “the”, K is normal. Adnan is pretty easy, all As in our language are the same.
Sadiq is not a real name, we don’t have q in our alphabet. But I understand that people don’t know this so I forgive u guys 😙
Do I like his name? Tbh the first time I’ve seen it I didn’t, but I like it now. I can’t imagine him having a different name.
I have a few headcanons of him!!!
First of all, this man is LOUD. Like he is not shouting obv, but he talks loudly, energetically, and a little fast paced. He is extroverted, he can carry a conversation easily, and I can see him being “the dominant one” in a convo if it makes sense. Like u don’t have to worry about finding a topic bc Sadık naturally finds it.
His voice is deep.
He is friendly, but he doesn’t share his romantic life if it’s not a close friend. I can see him being close w Balkan countries, Bulgaria especially. A lot of Turks came to Turkey from Bulgaria in 50s and 90s (bc yk Ottoman Empire was there) But I think his personal relationship with Balkans doesn’t get affected by foreign policies. Bc fuck governments and politics. Anyways LOL. He is friends with Russia too. I read some RusTur fanfics? I don’t even know the name of the ship but it was fucking hot. He likes Europeans, Germany is his fave, but he isn’t close with them. Greece will have his own section 😉
He lives in Istanbul, in Anatolia side. He just can’t escape this city he loves it so much even tho it’s overpopulated.
He likes fishing like every uncle ever. He falls asleep in front of his TV like every dad. He loves drinking rakı and eating the fish he caught w it. He loves to eat, he has a dad bod. When he’s drinking he prepares the table like this n people go insane for it, also he always pays the meal’s bills. His hospitality has no limits like this man can die of hypothermia if it means his guests are warm and tucked in bed.
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He has ZERO drip 😔 he has a beard n a hairy body. Idk why but I can’t rlly imagine him with abs. Maybe Osmanlı (Im gonna use Turkish bc Ottoman Empire is so long bro) had an athletic body, but Mr. Turkey just doesn’t care.
He loveeees cooking. Ok so Turks hate takeouts unless u live alone. If u go to a Turkish household and suggest that u want to order a pizza they will act like u just cursed their entire family. Sadık is the same unless he eats kebap outside bc mmm kebap is yummy.
He is a Muslim, not a hardcore tho, he only practices it in Fridays the same way Christians go to church in Sundays.
LETS TALK ABOUT OSMANLI OMG. So yk Mr. Adnan is friendly softie etc etc. But Osmanlı was different! I think his personality changed after the Turkish War of Independence and the Republic has founded. He had to change himself, we the people had to change ourselves to fit the modern Western world.
But at it’s prime Sadık was crueler, focused on wars and fighting and conquering, making his Empire bigger. He has seen many things. Had to betray, manipulate. He was impatient, cunning, cynical. He was never cold though. I think he was always sincere, like yeah his words hurt but he was telling the truth. I don’t like portraying him evil, like a villain. He doesn’t have a bad heart. He knows how to have a good time if u are his friend.
I think he got THE drip bro. Like his clothes were the most expensive fabrics, sewn by the best tailors.
His sexuality hmmm well 🤔 I think he likes woman but Osmanlı was really gay at that time. Lots of gossips about bisexual Sultans. So I hc him as bi leaning to woman. He loves woman but he bedded many manyyyyy men yk. Especially when he was younger and sexier and he fucked some Sultans with their wives. Like casual not-so-secret threesomes in Has Oda, yeniçeri’s blushing listening outside of their door (Sultan’s main bedroom 😉) he probably wanted to sleep w women in harem too but he couldn’t 😔 no men were allowed inside.
I don’t ship TurGre. I’ve read fics, some I really like, but when I think about it I feel weird and uncomfortable. I like their dynamic as complicated frenemies. Sadık was never a parent to Hera. I think their dynamic was like Romano-Spain. Boss and ??? Child??? I think Hera never did housework though. Humans already did that. When Hera was little, he hated Sadık. But as he spent time w him, he liked him a little bit. Sadık taught him many things, but he never saw him as his “son” or “student” it’s just. It was a land under Osmanlı, and Sadık wanted to know him. He looked after him of course, and he enjoyed his company. Telling him stories, traveling Istanbul, talking philosophy. We all know Hera loves philosophy. I also think they didn’t spend a lot of time anyway, Sadık was too busy.
Today, they pretend to hate each other but they don’t actually hate each other?? Wowneifnifj. It’s like Turkey vs Greece memes. Like they make fun of each other but it’s teasing, it’s not mean, both went through so many things. They both suffered n they understand each other.
AND TURKEY TOUCHES PEOPLE. A LOT. He hugs n slaps n pokes. Hera is used to it. Turks are touchy in general, including men. No boundaries at all. I’m glad Hima put this in the comic :D
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That’s all about the Istanbul gentleman 😙✨
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aidansplaguewind · 1 year
I've been living on the same street as Aidan for several months. And I was surprised to find him nearby because , u know , it is not at all an expensive part of Dublin 8 , very simple small house on a quiet street. And Aidan created the impression of a simple cute guy - he always says hello and wishes me a good day , otherwise like absolutely all Irish people here . And by the way , he looks more tidy and skinny in real life ❤️ and he is really very beautiful . I have never seen him with a cig in his hands, but there always is some hint smell of cigarettes. and he also orders food delivery almost every evening 😅
I've seen pics of the inside of their place and a wee bit of the outside, so I already knew he lived in a very ordinary place. Which I thought was really cool but come to find out it's only temporary while they remodel what was referred to as their "dream house".
I mean, he doesn’t look big anyways, but he is 100% more filled out than he was when I first got into him. There's absolutely no denying that.
Left is his build closer to when I got into him, even though that film came out 3 years after. Right is his build now.
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On the right you can even see a crease under his pectoral that absolutely means he's getting teeny tiny man boobies.
It's all good. I really don't care about his weight. But I'm just not gonna deny that it's happening either.
I am insanely jealous of you. You have no idea. But at the same time, I'm not sure I would want to see him all the time knowing I could never have him. But I'm still jealous you get to see him in person, up close.
I'm glad to hear you say he is beautiful. I have no doubt that he is but it seems like with other celebs you always hear people say how much more beautiful they are in person once someone meets them, but you don't hear people say that often enough about him. But I've never believed for one second that that wasn't the case.
Thanks for sharing anon 😊
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fatuismooches · 1 year
🎈 anon here im going to keep going on about pantalone with his darling who makes him handmade gifts (same thing not a request if i have a request I'll probably specify because im v worried u have too many and i dont wanna add to the pile :< so if i dont specify treat it like me approaching you in the middle of the night going absolutely insane about the silly little criminals in my computer, like grabbing u by the shoulders shaking you and everything) i had to put the brainrot in my notes app to finish because the Tumblr app is held together by glitter glue /affectionate
OK SO BACK ON MY INSANITY we're doing bracelets for this one too because im a silly little self insert enjoyer. so i was thinking about how u said he'd keep them in a little box and i just, went insane because it was so cute in my head.. Imagining him keeping them especially safe compared to his other jewelry, and while it's on display and he'd be a bit upset if they were taken by a disgruntled agent, he could just buy another one. Although if one of his darling's handmade pieces of jewelry were stolen he'd feel so bad for not only letting it get stolen, but knowing that you worked so hard on it for him but it got stolen so quickly :( He'd hire or personally look for it until the ends of the earth and if his darling found out and was like "i could've just made you another one he would be like, gothic bold font "no" and i find that really cute!! lonnie is such a cutie patootie i need to squish him!!!! Anyway i keep imagining him being so proud of seeing his darling improve as he keeps getting these cute gifts handmade from them.. ok but also what if his darling made a bunch at once and told him to close his eyes no peeking (how would that work actually his eyes are always closed uhh power of brainrot ig) and they put them all on him at once and he's like ":0" and he's super excited and and and (starts sobbing violently /pos) ALSO IMAGINE IMAGINE LIKE.. WHAT IF HIS DARLING GETS HIM INTO THEIR CRAFT TOO.... AND THEY WORK ON IT TOGETHER..... PLEASE I AM MELTING I AM GOING CRAZY anyway i love pantalone 10/10 would chew on him again also will update u if more thoughts infuriate my brain you are not safe from my brainrots they will haunt you forever <3
i know i specified earlier that im 🎈 anon but i feel weird without doing the little dash thingy so - 🎈
You're so right nonnie, bro's the type of guy to not bat an eye at his jewelry worth millions of Mora being stolen but then internally start panicking when he realizes something you gave him is gone. His brain is working overtime even more than usual trying to figure out how he's going to get it back. (And if he orders the regular Fatui to look for it, he gives them a look to not question him whatsoever on why he is so concerned about a not expensive at all handmade piece of jewelry as compared to literal gold <3) (From then on he's keeping your creations under severe lock and key, he's never letting that happen again, feels secretly guilty about that even though you weren't even mad 😭)
Reader: hey, don't feel bad about it! i can just make you a new one love-
Pantalone: 𝖓𝖔
And omg Loonie? For Pantalone? That's such a cute nickname I'm stealing that now 😭 Okay but consider: I think Pantalone kind of has like a business brain, meaning he's always thinking of lucrative opportunities and such. So for a split second he thinks hey... this is kind of a sweet business. But then immediately he perishes the thought because the idea of anyone else receiving your cute little handmade jewelry makes him unreasonably upset. Only he shall ever receive these from you and it will stay this way.
And omg yes he gets so happy seeing you improve 🥺 He kind of sees himself in you. Because he had to work hard to improve his own craft. And seeing you so happy while working on your stuff makes him so happy to <3 I hc him to be really good with his hands, so he'd actually be real eager to join you with your bracelet making (he makes one for you too and you refuse to take it off)
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zenkor123 · 23 days
Peeta entry on Katniss
October 5 75 ADD
"Katniss isn’t a mutt but was a survivor in district 12, some of her survival included prostitution, I was her latest client, she had to do this to survive. She is a living human being but always she chases me just like mutt Katniss. I no longer say the word mutt with venom like I used to, mutts have existed since Humans domesticated the first animals and I am one after all. Only Katniss can get me to feel things and I don’t like what I feel, feelings that contrast to the facts. I don’t like to feel anything in general but this is intense. Katniss owned me even when hijacked. I now realize this. She lives inside me whether hated, or loved. I must escape. She does not care about me, I ripped her from Gale, her true love, raped her and almost choked her to death!
All the reference to Lover Gale makes Katniss mad, seeing Peeta mention it makes it clear that it is false she knew this before. Katniss imagines what Peeta would have said to her if she had mustered the courage to talk to him in 13. She knows for sure that the first thing Peeta would say to her is "how is your lover gale doing?" But she realizes why Peeta is so Intent on believing it. He can present any feelings he had or has for her as illegitimate. His memories according to him never belonged to him. Katniss had found out the deeper origins of Peeta stating that he didn't want to be a peice in their games earlier. But if I and Gale were lovers if his interest in me had split us apart then perhaps his memories were of things that should not have occurred, if he wants to go near me, the representative of his past he will tell himself that any such things urged by haymitch and the doctors comes at Gale's expense. If Gale is my lover, then I am a stranger to him I am "stranger Katniss." He denies any connection to me, when he inserts "lover gale." And Peeta wants to break free from me Finally instead of challenging the memories of me as a mutt he is trying to rationalize them, Gale being my lover provides me with a motivation in his mind for hating him. When he wakes up and pulls the" lover gale and prostitute stranger Katniss" on me I swear I am going to slap him in his face. But then Katniss thinks about how Peeta before he was even hijacked gave her a locket with Prim and Gale. To get Peeta back she would finally state that she had no romantic feelings for Gale she had known this for a while but saw it now. If Peeta had been doing the same with Johanna she would be pretty angry herself. Though Peeta interpreted the past with the venom of snow and his self serving beliefs about Gale and me were exaggerated she resolved to finally clear up her friendship with Gale for Peeta's sake.
She has hated me for ever! If Katniss tried to kill me in the past she was one hundred percent justified. She will be laughing when I die insane. I hate her so much!
-In the daily meetings with District 13 intelligence after providing further intelligence on the capital, Plutarch asks me about Katniss, I respond by asking who Katniss is.”
As Katniss reads this she notices a new trend, according to Peeta, not only is the past irretrievable, belonging to someone else, but he in someways deserved what he got at the hands of Snow, the Hijacking presents an opportunity for redemption for his wrongs against me. Peeta thinks he is justified in giving up on himself because of this. The hijacking spread fear but in his ‘rebuilding’ the walls the capital built are simply rebranded as disgust, and shame. The past is illusive and hostile to him but he shall use the past to build a future. Snow takes Peeta not only away from me but also takes Peeta away from himself and wins, I vow I won’t let snow take you from me
From the Journal of Peeta Mellark. After reading this journal entry Katniss rests on a sleeping and unconscious Peeta and hugs him tightly.
She leans the book on his chest and finds that there is more in this entry. "I have found another use for this journal, Peeta Mellark when he was consumed by the capital did not truly fall until they gave him a drug that I believe scrambled my memory. Fires burned around all my memories and Peeta lasted but 10 days after. I no longer take my memory for granted, this journal will record important memories that I make and my sketchpad will do this as well. I have a separate notebook for recording everything I can. This note book in addition to discussions of my identity will include the most important events in a given day."
Katniss felt for Peeta but she also was glad he recorded everything she enjoyed getting a look inside Peeta's mind. She missed him and always wondered what was inside of his mind, even seeing the ruins of his mind fed this curiosity.
There is even more and Katniss turns the page.
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sainotavailable · 2 years
pairings — Venti, Kazuha, Wanderer, Xiao, Kaeya, and Al-Haitham x gn!Reader
summary — You checked your pantry and wow! You don't have shit besides spiders chillin' in the corner of the cabinet. It's time to shop, and your s/o wants to go with you (or in Al-Haitham's case, you drag him along). Would he behave himself and is he OK to bring to society?
tags / warnings — crack / fluff / HCs, almost all of them are insane. kazuha is HIGH ASF, wanderer is an asshole (canon), venti and kaeya have crippling alcoholism, PDA, established relationship, please stop taking these men outside.
A/N — this is my first post. i'm sorry you had to read it but i just write stupid crack hc's or weird shit. also i'm crying because tumblr deleted the first draft i was gonna post. absolutely in tears rn.
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Venti “Huh, you’re going to the market? Can I come, can I come!?”
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As soon as you step foot into the market, expect him to dash in front of you in search for wine. If you’re in another nation or they’re sold out of his favorite booze, he will drop to his knees and BAWL (but it sounds rly pretty cuz he’s a good bard yk like a disney princess)
you urge him to stand up because he’s being embarrassing and that just makes him roll around on the dirty ass floor because he’s a fucking drama king. legit doing it to spite you even tho you didn’t do shit. however once he recovers he’ll…
put random shit into the basket (no he doesn’t need it he just thinks maybe in the future one of u might. please take it out)
will buy plastic bendy straws so he can drink his alcohol in a silly goofy way
will find a way to eat more than 1 free sample at the food stalls (has a fake mustache for this occasion)
if he finds wine that’s rly expensive he will attempt to seduce you into purchasing it for him (dont feed into his alcoholism)
will try to go into the basket (even if its handheld)
expect him to serenade you the entire time you're shopping, too
also he will hold ur hand and just be all over u. he loves u sm <3
will complain once he gets tired (its only been 10 minutes)
overall, terrible to bring. leave him at home
Kazuha “Oh, have we run out of goods? May I accompany you?”
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As you shop, you kind of forget he’s even there until he picks something up to take a closer look and makes a comment. He mostly just chills and follows you around. But…
he actually might be high
how many nakuweeds did u have before you two left? did u count???
all of a sudden he’s adding random snaccs to the basket. when did he ever eat this shit?
as you watch him stuff a dozen doughnuts into ur basket that’s when u realize he might have some crazy munchies. maybe u should ask??
actually maybe not he looks really out of it. he ated all the weeds
as you try and put away some of the shit he put in you see him staring at the local cats
he doesn't know wtf is going on
you should probably go back home now
overall, probably fine to bring with you when he’s not high as a kite
Wanderer “Where are you going? To the market? . . . I better go with you—no, not because I want to, but because you’ll get that generic store brand shit.”
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He’s mad and he doesn’t wanna be there, but bc you’re such an asshole who buys generic great value tea. anyways even tho he looks really mad, he doesn’t mind being with you (what a shit) will wander (heh) away from you and look at other stuff. if u try and contain him he’ll get pissy about it and insist he’s an independent puppet-man and he’s not gonna commit tomfoolery anymore. anyways so…
he doesn’t care if ur trying to save mora, he WILL have his namebrand inazuman tea!!!
maybe he won’t… because he understands prices are very tough right now. BUT its not because you told him to, you fucking box
gets PISSED and will become a karen if the cashier doesn’t say hi to him
our boy is toxic and i will not fluff him down this is just him and u like it
will slap your hand if you try and hold his hand. like, not hard. but like, the way a cat slaps your hand when its tired of you petting it.
will hold ur hand if u try a second time but his grip is rly tight cause bro is always tense asf
overall, don’t bring him if you like the store/market you’re going to. you might get banned
Xiao “You’re going to the market? I see . . . It’s getting dark out, so I’ll come with you.”
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You know he’s anxious about being around so many people, but he wants to protect you <3<3 so he’ll overcome this obstacle and follow you around like a lost puppy…
actually he’s really close
like holy shit back up xiao, he’s right against ur back
you dont bother to say anything bc yk he’ll say some shit like “YOU HAVE NO RESPECT FOR THE ADEPTI”
actually maybe you should grab his hand because he legit looks like a deer in headlights
will hold ur groceries for you bc he’s so strong <3
u can't hold his hand because he's holding his giant fucking polearm "just in case" and holding your bags in the other, so maybe hold his arm??
he loves that shit even if he doesnt admit it
might suddenly leave with ur groceries if he’s called or some shit, will return with torn bags but its ok he did everything he could to fix it!
by fix it i mean now he’s just holding everything and pierced it into his spear
you should just be happy he has everything. don’t comment on it
overall, 10/10. besides the anxiety, he likes being near you even if he doesnt admit it. ur groceries are safe with him just like you are <3<3
Kaeya “Groceries? Oho, well. I have some time, why don’t I go with you? You’ll need a big strong captain to carry all your bags, after all.”
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Even if you didn’t want to bring him, he’s coming with you anyways. I think the best part about Kaeya is he’ll stick by your side throughout the trip to the market and follow you around wherever you go.
Honestly, out of everyone else, it feels like he might be the best one to bring with you…
plez expect him to have an arm slung over your shoulders or snaked around your waist. he loves pda!
EXCEPT! he is the KING OF CONSENT(tm) he will only do it if you say its ok! what a sigma chad wtf
i hope you like talking because kaeya fucking loves chatting while shopping. he will not be quiet for long even if you tell him to stfu
even if you’re not the chatty type and you’re pretty quiet, he’ll talk for you. about his day, what he did that morning (even if u already know), what he’s gonna do later, he will not leave a single detail out.
hey btw remember when i said he won’t leave ur side? i lied. don’t trust anyone on the internet.
he will 100% leave your side for the booze market. he is more interested in imported wine that he can get his hands on
will return to you with 6 bottles and insist they’re for you both to share. please stop feeding into his alcoholism
he will carry your bags btw. all of them. he will have both arms packed with bags and won’t complain, might just tease you a little tho.
overall, a fantastic man to bring with you to grocery shop. can protect u cuz he’s a strong cavalry captain who will hold ur belongings without complaint. just feed him booze <3<3
Al-Haitham “. . . Fine, I’ll go with you to pick up some things. I need to pick up a new book to take to work, anyway.”
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The moment you enter the marketplace, you most likely will never find your partner again. At least, not until later in your shopping trip. He literally disappeared, where the fuck did he go?
Its only half way through that you find him and see him sitting on one of the benches, flipping through the new book he purchased. You call for him, but his soundproof earpieces are in effect. You snatch the book out of his hands to get his attention and bother him enough to follow you. He lets out a sigh, but gets up anyway…
u rly should’ve left him there cuz he’s so quiet. he might still have his earpieces on.
he’ll follow you around by your side and he’ll hold your bags, too. he’s got big strong arms for a fuckin reason!!
half way through he’ll start reading his book again, sorry but shopping is rly boring to him ok
al-haitham isn’t a pda person btw don’t touch him
might hold ur hand.
will hold ur hand if the cashier is too sus for his liking
if you run into kaveh while shopping he will leave. if ur holding hands he will leave with u even if u didnt pay for ur shit yet.
overall, um. he’s definitely an option. he’ll hold ur bags??? he just wants to go back home
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PLEASE tell me more about armporsche it's always been kind of on my radar but that gifset and your tags SOLD me and now I suddenly NEED more armporsche to add to the army of ships so..... pretty please?🥺💜
Ok, so i'm gonna touch on some points where arm seemed to interfere on Porsche's behalf more than you'd anticipate from a bodyguard who theoretically should have no stake in it, so i'm gonna preempt this w my basis for the pairing.
I believe Arm is the one who performed the background check on Porsche. I think this allowed Arm some insight into Porsche before anyone else--not just into Porsche's baggage, but Porsche's personality. The sweet, kind, hardworking older brother who is constantly struggling to provide for his baby bro in a cruel world that left him adrift after the tragic passing of his parents, prey to the sharks circling in the water. A man forced to be a father, a mother, a brother, a fighter, a lover--all in equal measure until he's bursting at the seams w all the facets of himself he's forced to internalize and exaggerate just to survive.
w that in mind, this will likely get long and rambly and i'm gonna take a lot of liberties, but this is just how i choose to read into the text to rationalize this pairing lol
so first off, when tankhun is seeking retribution for his koi. the stakes aren't nearly the same, but arm's expression of suppressed panic reminds me of kinn w the minor family conflict (where the gears are working in overdrive to find an out), and in the end, it's arm's quick thinking that saves porsche (albeit only temporarily)--just like kinn
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also, when porsche takes tankhun out and kinn calls him to follow, everyone thinks porsche is in trouble, but note what pol (left) tells him, and what arm says
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pol is understandably concerned for porsche, but doesn't rlly consider himself in a position to do anything about it, bc he's not. arm isn't rlly either, yet he explicitly gives porsche an avenue to confide in someone, despite their relationship still being relatively new and porsche already having pete (ironically, when porsche does eventually offload onto someone, it ends up being kinn on the pier)
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then we have arm physically protecting porsche from tankhun's wrath at the expense of his safety
so u may have noticed i like comparing arm and kinn. i like to place them side by side bc i feel it provides a nice parallel, tho u may notice the drastic contrast in stakes; this dichotomy actually enhances the parallels for me, bc i feel it reflects the distinction between kinn's feelings, which have the capacity to develop into something intense and passionate (bc of porsche's reciprocation) and arm's, whose feelings are kind of doomed to just fade into the background bc they're unrequited
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these i'm including to note that, at some point off-screen, porsche and arm obviously are bonding, bc their relationship has quickly gone from just working together to spending time w each other outside their duties and comfortable enough to be more tactile (in other words, closer to actual friends outside of work)
I'm gonna go ahead and link ur reblog of @kinnbig's gif set to save myself time, but the concern and care arm takes towards porsche in these scenes drives me insane, so there's that (the gif set that set me down this rabbit hole lol)
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HEY!! what's this have to do w arm?? he had nothing to do w this ep--he barely even showed up!!! well this is another one of those off-screen extrapolations i'm prone to. particularly kinn and porsche's date. how can kinn and porsche move around together w no one in the compound knowing? likely they can't. and if anyone's gonna know kinn's whereabouts, who would that be? kinn may not have told him the specifics, but i assume arm was keeping an eye on them via gps, and arm still kept it under wraps, despite likely knowing what had already developed between the two (we know he kept this a secret bc pete and pol know nothing of what arm's talking about when he mentions helping porsche w tawan). i'd argue that i wouldn't be surprised if arm actually caught them on the cctv before (they weren't subtle) and just opted to keep it to himself for their sakes
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speaking of supporting porsche, even w the excitement of their relationship becoming public, arm is still concerned about what will happen to porsche (tbf to pol, i think it's just bc he doesn't think in that context, not bc he wasn't worried lol)
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so imma start winding down, bc i've spent enough time showcasing how unhinged i am about this concept, but i'd be remiss if i didn't call to attention how INSANE the insinuation here is. arm is a professional. he is tactful. he is ready to throw it all away bc porsche is a petty bf LOL. like i am reeling at the implication that arm was gonna bust in on his boss flirting it up w some twink and do. what?? WHAT WERE U GONNA HAVE ARM DO, PORSCHE, THAT'S HIS BOSS AND UNLIKE U, HE'S NOT FUCKING HIM!! HE CAN'T SHAKE THAT ASS AND GET OFF THE HOOK OMFG ASLFKJ
Anyway, it's difficult to do in a BL, bc there's rarely any focus outside of the pairings, particularly after they become established, but that's some insight into how i've constructed an unrequited love narrative between ArmPorsche. I'm still first and foremost a KinnPorsche girly, but i love turning over the possibilities of the secondary relationships in my head like a rotisserie chicken, so if you've stayed this long, i hoped you enjoyed my ramblings X'DDD
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