#but they noticeably sound so much better
toskarin · 10 months
on the note of mixing, it's really strange just how compressed FFXIV's soundtrack always is. I know some of it's down to clearing out air for pings to come through, some of it's down to filesize, but also it was startling the first time I heard the soundtrack CD mix of Equilibrium and realised how crushed the ingame version actually was
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crabussy · 4 months
I’m the happiest I’ve ever been in my life and. I just feel like crying over that fact. a few years ago I was sure I’d be an anxious miserable wreck for my entire life but now I wake up and I love the world and I promise one day you will too. please keep going please hold the world tight. you will giggle at something silly with a stranger. a staff member at a place you frequent will smile when they see you. an elderly person will look at you gratefully for helping them. you’ll cry about stupid stuff and laugh about it later. you’ll drink cold water during a hot day and it will be the best sensation ever. being alive is the best thing I’ve ever experienced.
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gayness-and-mayhem · 22 days
Father Mulcahy being a spin the bottle champion is something that's so important to me actually.
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Have a little Legend age regression fic as a gift because you're a good person :]
It surprised nobody that Legend woke up feeling little. His nightmares had been worse than usual the night before, and his screams of agony hadn't only been from emotional pain. So, in a way, many breathed a sigh of relief that the protective fog of childhood had swept over their brother's mind.
Sky awoke to the feeling of spindly arms strong with lithe muscle circling around his arm, and the sound of muffled sobbing by his shoulder. Instantly, he knew who it was. Legend, his little brother, the snazzy veteran with a soft bunny's heart, now a child's mind in a weathered adult body.
"Hi there, little bunny. Do you wanna cuddle?" Sky whispered softly, his voice slightly gravelly due to it being early morning.
Legend raised his head, revealing bloodshot eyes filled with tears and pain. The boy barely spared a second to nod before he flung his arms around Sky's waist and burrowed his face into the soft, squishy fat of the older man's chest. He let out a small, happy noise when Sky sleepily held him close, weaving fingers through his strawberry blonde locks. Though, it didn't calm the gentle shivers that wracked through Legend's body, nor the tears that seeped into the other man's tunic.
"Everything okay?" Sky whispered, shifting a little to cover them both with his sailcloth.
"Mmmh... 'urts." Legend groaned, voice muffled by the chest he's resting on, but pained.
"Oh, poor thing..." Sky ducked his head forward, planting a gentle kiss on his brother's hairline. If anything, it made the boy cling to him harder, weeping openly now.
"It's okay, sweetie... you can cry, you're safe. It's okay..."
"I- I dun'- I don'wanna hurt... can- can you make th'urt go 'way?" Legend sobbed, voice shaking and hitching. His shoulders shuddered with every breath, eyes squinting open as he looked up at Sky.
Another presence approached slowly. With a signature smell of hay and goats with an undertone of dark magic, Twilight carefully sat down beside the pair.
"Hey hun, could ya drink this for me? It'll make ya feel better, promise!" Twilight said softly, offering a small potion vial housing a light pink elixr. Legend's go-to pain killer for when his joints were acting up.
Legend lifted his face off Sky's chest and eyed the liquid suspiciously. His nose scrunched with disgust. "Taste bad..."
"Mhm, I know, honey, I know. But if you drink it, you won' be in pain no more." Twilight's soft tone sank with pity. Then he leaned down, whispering like he was telling a secret. "If ya drink it, I'll ask Wild to make some apple crumble. Deal?"
Legend lay there for a few more seconds, and both Sky and Twilight waited patiently. Things took a little longer to process in his little mindset, but nobody minded. They just waited in silence as the cogs turned in his head, and he eventually pushed himself up, snatched the vial out of Twilight's hands, and downed it in one gulp. He gagged a little before he flopped down, back onto the mattress Sky had become.
They half expected Legend to say something else, but he'd already passed out again.
"Guess we're not moving anywhere today, huh?" Sky whispered with no amnosity behind his words, merely running a hand up and down Legend's spine in a way he hoped was soothing. Judging by his content sigh, it was effective.
"I'll go let the old man and the captain know. Get some rest, Sky." Twilight whispered back, ruffling Legend's hair affectionately and patting Sky on the shoulder.
So he did, slipping quickly into a peaceful slumber. For all he liked his personal space, Legend was actually quite a good hugger.
"Sky." Poke.
"Sky! Wake up!" Pokepokepokepoke-
"Mmgh?" He groaned, half opening an eye to find Legend staring at him, face almost uncomfortably close. His face was poked again. "Oh, hi! D'ya need anything?"
"Can-" Legend paused, biting his lip and looking away. He shuffled backwards slightly.
"Hm? What's up, buddy?" Sky propped himself up with his elbows, tilting his head slightly.
"Can-youtellmeastoryplease-" He spoke quickly, looking away afterwards.
Sky's heart melted, and he barely resisted the urge to scoop the veteran up like a remlit and plop him on his lap. Instead, he just gave the boy a soft smile. "Of course! Have I ever told you about the time-"
And then he delved into a story- age appropriate, of course- and though it was fairly tame, Sky's deep storytelling voice carried across camp and before long, most of the chain had gathered around.
Legend stuck close by Sky, who'd taken a break from dramatic storytelling to eat an omelette, as all of the others took it in turns to tell tales of their lives. Wind told epic adventures of endless oceans and ancient sages (nobody questioned when it brought Time to tears). Wild shared frankly insane moments from his adventure, from tumbling down snowy mountains after his shield broke to diving into Death Mountain to tame a giant possessed robot. Time spoke of playing games with mysterious children within the Moon (nobody believed it for a second).
Hours passed this way, just laughing and telling life stories. It was almost enough to just pretend Legend had regressed only because he'd been feeling little and not because nightmares had woken him up screaming many times that night. The veteran showed no signs of recollection; he was happy, content to just be little and let his brothers care for him. He sat patiently while Wind and Warriors braided flowers into his hair, speaking very little but making excited noises whenever pleased. Wind couldn't imagine anything other than his little sister, but the comparison made his heart melt regardless.
Eventually, Wild had decided to start making the promised apple crumble. His plan had initially been to just slip away and make it in peace, but Legend had other plans.
"I wanna help! Can I cut the apples?" He asked earnestly, poking his head over Wild's shoulder.
"Sure! Just be very careful, okay? Don't be afraid to ask for help." Wild responded with a warm smile, handing the little veteran an apple and one of his blunter knives.
Legend nodded eagerly and scurried off. He placed the apple in his lap and chopped it with very precise cuts considering his mental age. It was good! He went back and forth to Wild with handfuls of chopped apple. Until he cut himself.
It had been an accident; he got carried away and cut too far and sliced the skin of his palm. At first, Legend just stared. Staring...
Then he burst into tears, cupping the injured hand with the other and holding them close to his chest.
"Woah- hey buddy, you okay?" Hyrule, being the closest, rushed over to help. His hands hovered awkwardly, with him not being used to dealing with crying children.
"M-m-my- my hand!" Legend wailed, turning to Hyrule with tears in his eyes. His little state... isn't good with handling pain.
"Hey, hey, it's okay! Gimme your hand, I'll show you something cool." Hyrule offered his hand, keeping a smile on his face. This tone seemed to work whenever Twilight cared for little Legend, so hopefully it'll be good-?
Sniffing, Legend slowly put his hurt hand in Hyrule's. With a small hum from the curly haired traveller, his palm lit up in a refreshing mint hue and all pain evaporated from the (admittedly small) wound. Legend watched in wonder, eyes sparkling. Hyrule just smiled and gave it a small, gentle kiss. What he wasn't expecting was for Legend to flop forward into his arms, face buried in the crook of his neck and the veteran's own arms latched around his waist.
"Thankyou!" Legend's voice, a little muffled, called out. His previous fear was replaced by warmth and an intense need to hug someone, but Hyrule didn't mind.
By now Wild had enough apples for now, so set them all in his cooking pot with a generous amount of brown sugar and cinnamon. Stirring occasionally, he let the mixture simmer over a low flame while he crumbled together flour, sugar, and butter. By the time it'd reached a nice consistency, the apple chunks had softened and the sugar had melted them slightly into a bubbling mixture. Deciding it's good enough, Wild crumbled the now crumbly dough over the top, finishing it off with brown sugar and oats. He then threw a little dirt over the fire, placing another pot over the top and placing ashes on top of that.
By the time he'd turned around, the scene was completely changed. Hyrule was gently rocking Legend back and forth while the boy clung to him happily, the traveller awkwardly looking to Wind for confirmation he was doing something right. Four and Sky sat beside eachother under a tree, with Four reading a book while Sky carved something out of wood. Warriors and Twilight were... wrestling??? For some reason, and Time was goading them on instead of stopping them.
You know what? Not his circus, not his monkeys. Actually, what is a monkey...? Ah whatever. Wild decided to just sit by Hyrule, Legend, and Wind. He contemplated just taking a nap, but decided against it. A burnt apple crumble would probably crumble (heh) Legend's fragile mental state into dust.
Long story short, everyone loved it. Legend burst into tears again and hugged Wild so tight he might've bruised a rib, but did he care? Absolutely not. He made his brother happy, and that's what mattered.
In fact, it was enough to soothe the veteran into a light snooze, which ended up trapping Wild. But, upon waking, Legend decided that maybe he was ready to be an adult again.
He can finally take on his responsibilities, knowing his brothers have his back.
- your eeby sleeby mutual (please be kind, I haven't written any age regression fics before, I just think the concept is sweet)
: O
oh my gosh!!! this is so sweet!!!! (you literally had me nearly crying and pacing my house afterwards)
for your first one i'm astounded!! it's adorable!!! (also i feel as though you have read "Tiny Bunny in his Burrow, Gazing up at the Sky")
i loved this so much thank you so much!! you have spurred me on to continue my Little Legend writings!
i hope you have a wonderful day and have a cookie and a hug if you like those.
and here's a sketch from one of my favourite moments:
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okay i'm going to stop rambling now, but just know you made my entire week! (i received this when i wasn't doing great and you kinda just turned everything around,)
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peipakao · 4 months
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various sonic and flash related tweets i made that i think are at least mildly amusing
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lumiereswig · 3 months
the chilchuck dub drives me absolutely up the wall. why is the american voice so flat and one-note when the original voice gets so much variation and softness in? noticed it especially on the last ep when he was telling marcille about the tiny lifespan and she saw The Horrors. the japanese actor is softly like: i was just joking! while the american voice is ironic: i'm only kidding. that's a huge difference!!!! one is dad chilchuck having a joke that went off the rails, the other is just stirring shit for no reason. no wonder people see chilchuck as this sardonic beer-swigging twig with dead eyes (he is that but also more)
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juniperleafdelivery · 7 months
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littlelightfish · 4 months
As I said I would, I drew my oc with yours my beloved @clawdouobit
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My pretty girl likes to infodump your pretty girl about the smallest things. She's like a reel, talks a lot but most of it is meaningless.
Close ups and more info because I can't shut up ehtier under the cut <3
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20 years old and engaged to a half-foot. They're waiting to gain some more money to get married and leave the dungeon. Note: they're best friends but idk if what they have going on is truly romantic love or just a very good friendship.
Quite skilled at upper levels, but wouldn't go to lesser levels. She isn't skilled enough to make her party survive there.
Her race is a mix between gnome and half-foot. Idk if that's possible but I don't think it's not.
If I had to guess, she's 13/14 on half-foot standars. It's unclear whether she's an adult or not, but she's preety mature most of the time. Most.
Flushed cheeks always. Also very pale.
She's 109 cms tall, a lot more than avarage on haflings, but lot less than avarage on gnomes. Since she hangs out mostly with haflings, she's a giant woman. This gives her some problems with traps so her BMI is 18 due to diet.
Fwens with Shahad. Who knows why tho. We gotta figure that out ;}
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derpinette · 8 months
girls being nice to me gets me higher than ecstasy ever could
#SORRY for the corny post but this is how i truly feel not waxing poetic here like literally it does#i just met the cool girl i keep talking about & IT WAS SÅ FREAKEING ÅSUM ^_^_^_^_^_^ YAY#HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY HAPPY HAPPY JOY#OK sorry for screaming But i really am very excited...#turns out she is autistic & we discussed our neuroses while eating & ugh she is just as cool as i thought she was#always tell people you think have Swag that you noticed it on them see how it worked for me#i was so scared of spilling my spaghettis but turns out that was exactly what i needed to do to be friends ^_^ YAY#we went to a lot of different libraries together & i got a small old eyeless bunny plush from the event we went to caus i felt bad for it#i even showed her my pony art & i told her about my cringe interest (that music event i like...♯RealOnesKnow )#& she thought it was COOL.& i felt like it was really genuine & she talked about reading BL LOL we discussed fujos together#we even talked about finding moids ugly#it was so awesome she was so cool & Nice To Me... i feel like i am on CUMULONIMBUS ( cloud 9 ) ^_^_^_^_^_^#talking to her in person was so much better than online OMG now i wish i really was friends with you muties IRL#i wish you a Girl Friend experience just like this to those who post about wanting them i really do#also the reason why i even like my Music Event so much is because the first time i watched it was with a bunch of women#& i had so much fun & they were so nice to me i keep returning & now that Event means so much to me & I LOVE IT sorry (NOT)#i know this sounds like tumblrina fiction i would not believe it either IDK what to say to make it sound legitimate 0_0 like it is so crazy#to me as well IDK i can barely get over it & IDK if i really want to so um well YAY ^_^ AIMU SO HEPI :DDD
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avemstella · 11 months
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I said I had more Dulce est Desipere in Loco art and I was not kidding (this isn't even all of it lol). Massive spoilers under cut haha (also uh tw for some gore, which I guess is a spoiler in it of itself but whatever). Also there's my hyper specific to this fic's universe Focacchino meta down there too lol.
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I love drawing deranged abyss corrupted Furina can't u tell haha. I also really like the idea of Furina going full Roman Emperor when she's corrupted (I looked at paintings of Nero for that design)
Also doomed toxic yuri
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This isn't a literal showing of what happened, but I do like that idea that due to Furina being corrupted there was more abyssal influence, hence more monsters which ended up killing Egeria. So while Furina girl failed at revenge, in a way she did cause it.
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And of course, Focacchino. I love them, your honor. Alre has abandoned her homeland for a foreign god and returns to finally meet her former Archon only to realize she was a weak fake all along and has to grapple with that. Except, it gets revealed to her later that weakness was just a facade and that god was the reason her homeland will drown. But even with how much she has lost her mind she still does everything for her son in her own messed up way, and that is something she can respect.
And in Furina's case this is a woman who successfully raised her kids into weapons but somehow still gave them a better life. Who is honestly trying to stop this nation from drowning, no matter her methods. Who in the end respects Furina despite the blood on her hands. And most important of all, will kill her. So that Neuvillette would be spared having to do it himself.
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haveihitanerve · 3 months
the most infuriating thing about being a writer (besides being a writer) is daydreaming a scene in your story/book/whatever the hell it is and being like 'yes this is beautiful okay perf' and actually getting the motivation to sit down and write it... only to realize it only works in movie format
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an-theduckin · 4 months
Wait shit people might actually care about me
#sorryyy for the personal posts lmao just not having a great time lately . ill go back to posting abt fandom stuff soon dw#hopefully the self loathing phase is over now cuz i really didnt enjoy that!#mf got me thinking thay everyone secretly hates me n itd be better if i was dead ahahaha#but like. my friends talk to me daily. my mutuals love me. i didnt go to school for like 3 days and my classmate who im kindaaa friends wit#texted me saying. and i quote “Hi [name]. I know its late but i hope your doing well. Hope to cya tmr.” (the full stops symbolize each text#cuz she sent three seperate texts)#and i was just. so flabbergasted at that#i didnt rlly think anyone would really notice if i was gone#i didnt think anyone cared me enough for that#i thought theyd just be indifferent to it#also i sound pathetic rn but i reread that girl's text over n over again when she sent rhat. was literally on the brink of tears#and i just. wow.#people might actually care for me. they might actuallynotice when im gone. they might actually miss me#ive been so inside my head n thinking allat bad stuff about myself that i. didnt think that people might see me differently than the way#i saw myself#really and truly i love you guys so much#even if we've never talked to each pther before or interact very little. i appreciate all of you. you guys rock#anyways aha i should stop rambling now loll. as for now i think im doing a bit better#life still sucks but hey at least i have my friends. at least i dont hate myself anymore now#at least now i dont believe that everyone was being friends with me out of pity#thank you all for everything :')#man i need a hug rn lmao#tw vent#tw sui implied#tw sui ideation#tw self loathing#tw self destructive behavior#<- dw about the tags i dont feel/do those anymore#if you wanna talk to me abt this or just talk in general hit me up!! i love talking to ppl i dont like being alone xd#love youu <33
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hylianane · 1 year
i really dont like using my blog to vent or complain cause idk thats not what social media is about to me its just a space to be silly about the things i like. that being said. im just gonna do a mini vent in the tags abt smth that isnt even half as serious as im making it sound
#Listen. i found live action Zoro jarringly serious and edgy at times. Very juvenile. But its very telling to me that the ppl complaining-#-the loudest abt his characterization and scenes with luffy are the same zosan shippers constantly putting him down in their works#genuinely every other fic is filled to the brim with characters constantly talking down to him like a toddler and mocking him#and even telling Sanji shit like omg youre so brave for being in love with him it must be so difficult#and suddenly as a reader Im not rooting for the relationship im rooting for Zoro to get better friends#so like are you guys SURE opla zoro is this edgy oc or does it seem that way bc you flanderize him just as much in the opposite direction#taking his goofy scenes and exaggerating them to make him seem barely functional#when in the anime he IS competent and people trust him and find him very cool when he drops badass lines all of the sudden#sometimes he even actively tries to be cool and edgy. its not rare or unheard of. we were all there when he started posing in the wax#its the execution of these traits in the LA that seem juvenile and jarring and OOC but lets not pretend like the guy youd find-#-on ao3 is better written or accurate to animanga zoro at all. the criticism itself is valid but from some zosan guys it sounds silly#youll notice casual or non shipper fans tend to rlly like LA Zoro and thats because fanon can truly TRULY be a disease#i’ve had this opinion of fanon zoro for a while but just seeing him pitted against opla zoro really brought back my unhappiness with him#if i had to pick between the two of them…
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 8 months
I have been exporting the audio wrong this whole time I- anyway. All posts from here on will have the correct setting :)
*edit. The post right before this does have the correct settings and the new equalizer stuff. If it sounds slightly better, that’s why.
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l0rd-0f-c0ws · 19 days
I frequently feel completely isolated no matter how much I talk to people. So that's fun
#sorry if anyone sees these im tired of using my personal discord servet to vent. i always spiral too much#anyways i have an idea for a good poem to write for class because of recent events#ughhhh idk i just wish i wasnt so annoying about asking if i can open ip to people#or if someone would just ask if i was okay. i mean actually id probably lie i am not actually good at being open.#but like hey idk it feels nice to feel like people genuinely want to know#ughhhhfhfhf i do this to myself sometimes JSHSJSKDJDJD#welp its just how life goes. i feel lonely all the time and i soldier on#surely helping the next person will make me feel better! nope. surely helping yhis next person will make me feel better! nope. surely-#tgats me. thats what i sound like#yeah idk it feels like everyone is going through something worse than me so itd be a moral failing on my part#to ask them if i could just like. feel bad. noticeably#not even talk about it just look down and out of it for a day#yknow i emailed one of my teachers asking permission to go by a new preferred name#this is at like. a massive very queer and trans art school.#and i asked him permission to do this#and i was joking with my friends about how pathetic i sounded in it#and one of them patted me on the head and said “there there buddy” like very jokingly#but i almost cried because thats the first time in so long someone has like. really tried to comfort me#or shown me much physical affection#my mom gives me hugs and stuff but thats always about her. i dont blame her shes got a lot of stuff going on#but idk its really selfish of me but i just wanna have people see me and feel bad for me and it be about my pain for a little while#ill get over it im just being a teenager but shit god fucking damnit#i just want a break from feeling like my world is falling apart#then getting some footing#then it falling apart again#okay i feel a bit better now better stop the complain train JDJDJSKSJD#hey why do i never hear that it rhymes and everything thays so good#damn i gotta use that more#welp weve reached our stop sorry if anyone ever read thjs. hope you have a nice day tho lol
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mightaswellmp3 · 2 months
preliminary first thoughts: would say i liked give me that more as a whole, but would say that i like some tracks of the highest way more than most tracks on give me that
very curious to see what the fandom will think of the title track
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