#but they will continue to do so and I love them so damn much TT_TT
seyaryminamoto · 2 years
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Well... the day has finally arrived.
Gladiator Part 2 is over. Gladiator Part 3 begins starting with chapter 248.
This particular artwork has been in the works for almost a year now. Starting with Part 3, it's the new cover artwork for the story. It's strongly inspired by two songs, which have become something along the lines of Sokka and Azula's individual theme songs for Part 3... here's Sokka's, and here's Azula's.
The going is about to get rougher than it ever has, but as they say, it's always darkest before dawn? Or something? You know...? The calm before the storm?
Honestly, I barely know what to say and that's odd coming from me. Part 3 is simultaneously gratifying and painful, but I really hope the story's upcoming conclusion will prove to be the right way to wrap up this behemoth of a story. This artwork is meant to be a thematic depiction/embodiment of the essence of Part 3... while also being a depiction of a very specific, upcoming scene of Part 3. You'll know it when we get there, it's not that far away...
Anywho. That's that. Join me in the abyss that is Part 3 as our beloved legendary duo rises anew to face the escalation of a war that will come to an end, one way or another...
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rhyske · 1 year
I am the youngest of 5 siblings. I have 3 older half-sisters that I'm not really close with because we have different moms and didn't grow up together. there are only 3 years between me and my brother and yeah we're quite close. we have always played games together oh and we play with my mom as well, she is a gamer too but she mostly plays Elder scrolls online these days lol.
I don't think I'll be saving up for a PC anytime soon, I have a lot of financial problems so it's not really a priority TT_TT. Luckily Xbox has some cross-platform stuff which is nice and I have game pass through a friend so I'm pretty satisfied at the moment. you take what you can get I guess ^^
as a writer, I see issues with both XIII and XV but they have so much potential so I kind of love that about them and the characters are great in both! Though I thought the concept for Stella in XIII-versus was better than what we got with Luna. Luna is fine but it could have been better. I'm not a hater though. I do like VII and X as well but I have never played them.
honestly, I don't remember when I started watching CR but it was ages ago, like pretty early in campaign 2 if I remember correctly. I have started campaign 1 and 3 but I'm not as attached to those characters but I still like it. it's just more work somehow? I don't know how to explain it. I didn't think they were gonna do animated Might Nein before TLoVM had ended either, I CANT TELL YOU HOW HAPPY I WAS TO HEAR THAT. It kind of makes sense since TLoVM was a massive hit for amazon prime though.
I have a list of games I am working through because I haven't really played a lot of single-player games, to be honest. I used to play more fps games like Halo, Destiny 1 or Apex. I played through dragon age 2 earlier this year. I played it before when it first came out and quite liked it but I struggled with it because there was a language barrier (English is not my native language). At the time I was around 13 I think so yeah. I finished it now and I am obsessed. though I am currently working on DA inquisition and might go back and give Origins a try if I'm feeling like it. Then I plan on tackling mass effect!~💜
Oh dang, that's a lot of siblings! And that's really cool your mom plays games too! Mine never could figure them out 😆 Not for my lack of trying.
Oh well that's good! I'm glad you're happy with it (: I wish you luck and good karma for your money situation. Figuring out financials is always so stressful.
See, I think Luna was terrible and useless as a character 😆 I definitely think Versus had good potential too, and I'm sad we'll never know what the plan was for it. No story is perfect, but some are definitely better than others. Mm, I recommend VII Remake. It has some pacing issues, but I actually really enjoyed the game even with that. I played the original VII all the way up to the final dungeon and just never got around to finishing it 😆 I don't know why.
I feel that. I've watched both seasons of Vox Machina and while I like that group, they haven't taken a place close to Mighty Nein in my heart. I don't know much about Campaign 3 except for Sam's "she named all her creations after all her favorite smells" clip 😂
Oh yeah, they decided to continue with a season 3 even though it was just planned for 2 seasons, right? I'm happy Vox Machina is so popular and they're making more! Man, the Mighty Nein trailer picked out such good and memorable lines from all the characters! It makes me so excited!
Oh man, Dragon Age 2 is my favorite (: I hate Inquisition, so I hope you at least like it and don't have my experience! ^^' I enjoy Origins too, but man does it have some coding issues that can really bog down the game. On PC, Origins has a memory leak so you literally have to restart the game every couple hours or your loading screens will get soooo long.
English is your second language? That's amazing! Learning another language is so damn hard, I'm so proud of you! I've been trying to learn another language on and off for years cause it gets so overwhelming. Was it self taught, taught in school, or a bit of both?
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butterfly--empress · 5 years
Fix it Headcanons...
After sitting here writing a really tldr post to get things off my chest, I felt like it just wasn’t worth the post because a lot of you are already saying things that I totally agree with and yeah...it’s not worth it so I’m just going to move on and conjure up headcanons because I need to cope with that ending. 
So instead, I will in tumblr traditon make a reaction gif post on my feelings with some commentary about the characters. 
The New Organization XIII
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I wish a bit more was done with you guys??? I’m half and half on their role in this game, *shrugs* Also I am assuming Nomura pretty much confirms that Demyx is also from the past and now I’m wondering if we will get a story update for him in KHUX. 
Actually, I wouldn’t be surprised if all the story content we need before KH4 is going to be handled through the mobile game...eh...great..........just...fucking swell.
Can we petition for the Kingdom Hearts manga to continue? I think I rather have a physical boxset collection of the Kingdom Hearts manga, because at LEAST in the manga, characters actually get some goddamn growth......I’m not going to rant about Kairi just yet...
Disney Worlds and Characters
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Nothing like Nostalgia and good old fashion pandering with a dash of Disney films having a consistent foreshadowing theme of love, hope, loss, pain and SACRIFICE TO GET THE BLOOD PUMPING!
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What do you mean I’m bitter, I told you, I’m not! 
Wayfinder Trio
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I have nothing awful to say about these three to be perfectly honest. I saw nothing wrong with Aqua and Ven getting bodied like some were because as much as I love Aqua and know she’s OP my girl was doing nothing but fighting in the realm of darkness and really had no time to recover, and then girlfriend fights my delightful little shit of a son,  and then girlfriend is STILL FIGHTING! I’ll let her being one-shotted by Terranort slide...
I will also let her running in front of Ven to shield Vanitas’ blast from hurting him go, because, honestly one could argue she probably was still exhausted and didn’t have time to react to put up another shield??? 
Ehh, this argument can go either way, really but I didn’t have a problem with any of it. 
I just really loved everything about these three, they acted like friends/family who missed each other for YEARS...they hugged and cried together and then despite the fuckery of their Master/Father figure, I think they forgave him for his apology and I just started bawling my eyes out....AGAIN. 
I really am not exaggerating and I wish I was but from the Aqua/Ventus reunion to the secret ending, I cried so hard. 
I didn’t cry for him or his bald boyfriend...*twitches eye* I cried because those three children didn’t deserve any of this! None of these children deserved any of this! TT_TT That reunion was all I wanted.
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My poor fledging child, I knew your ultimate demise was nigh so I tried not to be too sad about it. Not gonna lie, Sully dragging your ass through that door and then multiple doors and then shredding that door was hella funny! 
It can be confirmed tomorrow that you dead and I would resurrect you and all your glorious edginess and tsundere tendencies in my fanfics because if you don’t come back to be your own person, a sass master and the anti-hero that likes to stir trouble cause he can, to help get Sora back, while gloating about it in the same breath, than I don’t know what even is the fucking point of another game. 
I do wish a bit more something meaningful was done with your supposed ‘redemption arc’??? I guess I’m suppose to assume that was a redemption arc...but it was handled so choppy I don’t know what to really make of it tbh...
Eraqus and Xehanort
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People think ya’ll going to heaven...nahh bruh you two fucked up! And I refuse to believe anything else. Yeah you two was real cute in the past before I’m assuming things went to complete shit but you two FUCKED UP! 
I don’t know what the fuck Xehanort did to make Eraqus so jaded but because Eraqus felt jaded he indirectly dismisses Terra because ‘darkness’....BOI! 
We already know Xehanort’s rep sheet we don’t even have to review it. 
I don’t have any sadness for you two. Eraqus gives me mixed feelings I don’t like how he was the cause of Terra being norted, Aqua being lost in the realm of darkness and Ventus falling into a ten year magic coma but at least he didn’t rip a child’s soul in half to create some damn keyblade and control Kingdom Hearts so i guess he gets kudos???
I don’t care about Xehanort, NOT ONE CARE! 
I’m glad that motherfucker is gone! Buh bye!
The Sea Salt Trio
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Axel/Xion/Roxas...you three did NOTHING WRONG! 
That’s it, I sobbed and they reunited and they hugged and then they hugged Saix and then Saix is good again, they cried and shared Ice Cream with the Twilight Town Trio and it was great. It was all I asked for.
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You’re a precious delight, i wished we had more screen time of you in the game but c’est la vie. At least your character wasn’t ruined like someone’s I know. 
The obvious Riku/Namine ship still surprises me but I totally dig it...still side-eyeing my green-eyed white haired son for some of his fuckery...but we about to get into that in a bit...
The Destiny Trio...BOI I am about to lose my fucking shit because really WTF WAS THAT?! You did everyone else right...except for these three?! the same three you started this glorious shitshow with?!
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Sora: I have no issues with my baby here, if Nomura got one thing right, it was Sora. I still don’t like what you did to him and Kairi but as for as the writing for his character, that shit was on point so you get kudos Nomura...you get the fucking kudos!
Riku: ....What the fuck happened to the very close friendship between he and Kairi??? Like WTF?! I’m confused how we went from KH1 Riku giving into the darkness because he thought it would save Kairi to KH2 Riku looking out for Kairi and encouraging her to fight by giving her destiny’s embrace and crying when she recognized it was him, despite he looked like Ansem, to KH2.8 Riku having playful banter with her before he left off on his mission with Mickey to KH3 Riku who, outside of anyone not Sora, Mickey, Namine (because suddenly Nomura wants that to be canon obviously...) and to an extent, Aqua being this distant stoic character...
EXCUSE ME...but where was Riku’s usual anger and sadness when Kairi was taken by Xemnas and just outright killed?! IN FRONT OF HIM?!!
Say what you want about SoKai becoming canon, a close friend is still a close friend! 
There was no reason to make Riku distant at all, like I don’t mind the SoKai sharing the paopu fruit scene but I still feel like that scene should have included all three of them. That should have been a call back to them having a bit of reprieve together like the ending of KH2. It would not have taken any time to have Riku have a moment with Repliku and have Kairi call him over after Sora asked ‘why he’s over there?’
I mean, damn! Even Sora was like, our group dynamic is off by -1???
Kairi: First of all, I am going to put it out there that, Kairi did not need to be overly super strong. Not for a girl that just started training to fight in the final battle and for what we did get, it was more than I had expected at all. I mean for a novice, girl did pretty damn decent with keeping up with berserker!Xion.
No, my annoyance is not at the lack of Kairi fighting, it’s being used as an unfortunate plot device and feeling like nobody except Sora cared enough about her. At times it did feel like my girl was treated as a burden that nobody wanted there because she was such an easy target to distract Sora....
And boi! When she got taken and then obliterated in front of Sora and the others I was both angry and sad, at this point I was already sobbing because Sora was sobbing and I felt that and my hate for Xemnas went from 100 to 1000 real fucking quick. 
But like I already said, I started to get frustrated because Riku continued to seem like he was suddenly emotionally stunted when it came to Kairi, like my dude! YOUR FRIEND JUST DIED?! WHY AM I MORE ANGRIER THAN YOU?!? DO SOMETHING!! GO WITH SORA TO BRING HER BACK THAT’S YOUR FRIEND..YOU’RE NOT THE RIKU I REMEMBER WTF!?
Just jadlkfjflkajdjakdjk! *inhales than slowly exhales* Nomura, Nomura my dude, my pal, my senpai! There were a lot of ways you could have made SoKai canon that did not include sacrificing the deep, close 12yr bond that was Kairi’s and Riku’s friendship. The wasted potential...
You mean to tell me i waited for a DECADE, a freaking DECADE hoping that to have some real friendship bonding between Riku and Kairi and see nothing done with it!?
And speaking of SoKai...I know some people find it lackluster because unfortunately, Nomura never gave Kairi satisfying character growth that didn’t make it seem like she satellites around Sora and nothing else. But I more or less was never really bothered by how it developed, yea it could have used more work but I’m on very neutral ground. My only complaint is that I don’t like how at times it can seem a bit forced or rushed in 3 and I don’t like that Nomura thought it was a cool idea to make it seem like Kairi and Riku were never friends or that Riku never cared about Kairi. 
I...I guess Nomura wants to fuel the ridiculous SoKai vs Soriku shipwars??? Because that is what your doing and those dumbass wars don’t need unfortunate implications from the actual game for people who didn’t get their ship canon to further hate Kairi because you decided that Riku needed to be ‘distant’...with HER, poor girl can’t catch a break because you promised character growth but you take one step forward, two steps back and she can’t break the damsel in distress trope. My poor baby. 
I knew once I went to the Tangled world I knew KH was dealing with the consistent theme of Love, Pain, Hope, Loss and Sacrifice. This became more apparent when you get to PotC and I knew deep down that Kairi and Sora were bound to end up doing something to sacrifice their own lives for one another and yet, they have done this before and it turned out alright. 
I hoped it would have been akin to KH1 but fuck me, how goddamn naive was I, amirite?! Nomura goes and does EXACTLY what I was wishing he wouldn’t do and he did it anyway, and I was no more good after that.
And then, AND THEN TO HAVE THE BALLS to make it look like Sora was there after all at the very end only to have him fade away. A part of my heart still aches from that and I’m surprised I didn’t wake up my household at 8am because I was sobbing that loud!
Yes I know Sora is alive but again, my heart and mind are in conflict. My mind wants to let go and update and reboot the phone but my heart is still stuck on a refresh/poor battery loop...
...............................................If Kairi is not out there with Riku to go find and save Sora in KH4 someone is going to feel my motherfucking wrath!
No, I’m serious! No more of this shafting Kairi bullshit! This is the perfect setup for a full on Kairi character growth arc. If I have to play that shit on a handheld or mobile well fucker bring it on! 
Nomura, you have the story, Kairi could start out feeling loss and regret and guilt, blaming herself and thinking the other’s blame her for Sora not being there with them. And then she goes on a journey, hell she and Riku go on a journey together to reconnect and Riku, being a Keyblade Master could mentor Kairi in her training and she has some self discovery as she’s getting stronger and confident again in herself and it would be great because she’s finally getting to save Sora like she’s always wanted too!
You know what? YOU KNOW WHAT??!
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Because Nomura will never give me this and I will not hope for anything concerning Kairi’s character growth. 
So I guess I have to fanfiction that shit my damn self...I think I will...
At least the gameplay for fucking fantastic and Yoko-san delievered with the music, when is that KH3 OST dropping again? 
I need to eargasm to Anti-Aqua battle theme and the other promise/vector to the heavens one million times. 
Also I’m legit done ranting, I got this off my chest so I can move on. 
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unoriginalanimeho · 6 years
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Angel Beats! Review: (LOL this is a long ass review. Please enjoy as i felt like it was appropriate for this one to be more from-the-heart like the anime itself :o and Yes, I highly recommend it as you can see. Happy watching)
How to begin... It was a Saturday night when my coworker suggested we watch this anime that he held in high regard. The three of us had just finished work and planned to relax with food, burritos from La Vics. After deciding that we would enjoy our late night meal with a show, my coworker logged into his Crunchyroll account and then... we all fell asleep. The End Jokes aside, I didn’t expect to binge watch an entire 12 episode series in a night. Especially when I had work the next morning. But like the unreal, exhausting next day where I struggled to stay awake for the next 7 hours of work, there is probably no other that comes to mind in terms anime when it comes to Angel Beats!. Animation, Soundtrack, Emotion, Angel Beats practically topped every expectation that I had whenever I begin a new series that I knew so little about. The animation for Angel Beats! is superb. Every movement the characters made, during fast-paced battles to the high-energy school concerts to even just the interactions the characters have with their friends was all on point. There hasn’t been a moment during my viewing where I thought to myself “huh, the animation quality dipped”, which is rare for any series. Especially when similar series with fluid animation quality still suffered during the middle of the series. But most definitely, the most eye-catching thing about the show that highlights this point is the opening. HOT DAMN!: the piano, the Angel’s movements, camera rotation. I can go on and on. Openings are one of the most important and memorable things about an anime. It get’s you hyped for it each week a new episode airs, you connect the opening to the anime whenever you hear it being played as you walk down the street. The animation team for AB! did one helluva job with this project and it’s become one of the most memorable things that I love about Angel Beats!
Speaking of the opening, everything music related about the series is amazing! Let’s first address the hidden support of any anime ever, the soundtrack. Soundtracks are important imo as it keeps the viewers engaged while watching. The music whenever the Afterlife War Front are plotting their secret operations or just up to no good, are all catchy with their tempos, almost reminding me planning phases of a tactics video game. Which could also be synonymous to how the Afterlife War Front are afterall, while they fight to repel the Angel, it’s almost like theyre plotting to play tricks on their fellow student(s) and live out their lives as if they were alive and causing trouble at school. Meanwhile, you have the anime’s rockband group, Girl’s Dead Monster. Despite being a front so the main protag and his posse can pull off their Operations discretely without getting innocent students involved, the rock band’s music not only do a splendid job keeping the student’s attention but mine as well. It’s almost like how K-On has their own music for the anime but is also commonly listened to on other’s free time. The anime’s “singles” as I would call it, also remind me of FLCL, how the identity of the music is synonymous to the anime and vice versa. It also fits so well in the anime so that it has purpose and reason for being included instead of a gimmick to make viewers go “yeah Angel Beats! is good! did you know it also has a single in it as well?”. It instead makes you go “yeah Angel Beats! is amazing! They even have their own songs that help tell its story!” Also Iwasawa’s “ballad” tho TT_TT  Now finally the opening. The opening is beautiful. When the song begins to reach the climax and then hits the chorus, it’s strong as it shakes your soul. It moves you as the piano in both the song and the anime opening strikes each key with power. And the lyrics. While the song is great to listen to without reading or understanding the lyrics, the passion from the singing is fine enough, the lyrics fit so well to the themes and the plot of the anime itself. And honestly, when reading the lyrics during the final episodes of the series, hooo boy does it hit you like a truck.
Going back to what I said about the anime at the beginning, Angel Beats! topped every expectation I had about it. While the story was familiar, students in another world fighting against a common enemy, what made this series stand out so much from anything else I typically watch was its humor, its suspense and its sad moments. The series is fun as hell to watch as the character’s interact with one another. Though all anime are gonna have this sort of interaction between close friends, the way they make fun or prank each other, Angel Beats! seems to knock that out of the ball park with its flavor of punchlines, references to other anime, but moreso, the memes. There are so many jokes that they use throughout the series and they’ll often reoccur, such as the RIP theme, cutting off other characters whenever theyre talking, so on so forth.  Angel Beats! is also memorable as hell for how suspenseful and sad it is. All the characters have suffered most unfortunate deaths, resulting in their revivals in the limbo school/realm (for lack of a better term) where they can continue to live their lives as regular students and fill/replace the voids and bad memories that have occured to them in the past. You have Iwasawa’s inability to live her dream to perform for a live audience due to head trauma caused by her abusive father, Yui’s inability to live a normal life in the first place due to being paralyzed at a very young age, Yuri’s inability to save her own young siblings from thieves/murderers. Though that’s practically the entire list, it’s still nonetheless depressing for an anime, especially when the situations that the characters have lived through in their previous lives are so real and definitely hit so close to home (in a believable sense that is). And goddamn is it especially sad at the last episode. It’s one of the rare and few animes that have made me cry... Anyways, Angel Beats! is a high-tier on my list for good reason and I implore everyone to give it a chance if you haven’t watched it already. 
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bambyeol · 7 years
Downpour final part
pairing/s: park jihoon x oc,  (ft. park woojin) genre : angst, drama, hanahaki disease
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Hanahaki Disease: the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one sided love. It can be cured through surgical removal, but when the infection is removed, the victim’s romantic feelings for the other also disappear.
FINAL PART  so I beg you please to read the previous parts (if you still haven’t) before proceeding or else you wouldn’t feel the feels as much  (。╯︵╰。) and just so everything would make sense   (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚ヽ(・∀・)ノ   Also, apparently there were some texts that could not be seen in mobile view so I re-edited the final part. Sorry for the inconvenience TT_TT
PART 1 // PART 2 // PART 3 //  
masterlist for other fanfics
Park Jihoon, at the age of 19 lost his dream
The car crash injured his body severely that he wouldn’t be able to dance like before, so he was advised to stop aiming to become an idol. He listened to the doctor with an understanding smile and quit his agency after.
A few months later when the deadlines for the universities were closing in, he submitted a form filled neatly with college courses. He wanted to take Film, he explained to Riseul. It was the closest that he’ll ever get in the industry, and he’ll just devote all his love to dancing there.
At the age of 19, Riseul learned of real heartbreak.
It was seeing her best friend pick up the broken pieces of his life with the hopes of piecing it all back, but seeing him fail miserably despite his smile.  Just as Jihoon had perfect timing, so did Riseul. Always. It was her who found Jihoon, 2 in the morning slumped in the park crying, cursing the world as to why it was him. It was her who promised Jihoon that she’ll carry on his dream and dedicate her first song to him. It was her who sang to him when things just got too tough for a young man to handle. It was her who picked up all the broken pieces even if it badly pierced and wounded her soul. 
Because she believed that it was her fault, and that this was her own form of love. 
That night, there was a sudden downpour and they ran to seek shelter. She looked at him carefully, and began piecing the melody of their first meeting.
“You still sing that song?” he asked while looking at the rain.  “You complimented me back then in elementary. You helped me complete the lyrics back in middle school and you were with me when they held the audition for the agency. You held my hand when it was shaking so bad that I cannot even hold the microphone... Honestly, it’s my favorite song,” so she continued humming, even if the song was dwindled by the rain. 
(please loop this video before you begin reading the next parts because I don’t know if one run can suffice for the next parts)
“This foolishly regret-filled song I hope it reaches the sky My prayer that spent all night in tears I hope it reaches your heart”
The heart monitor beeped, and Riseul regained her sense of touch. It was cold in the room, and when she opened her eyes everything was white. The room was white. The bed was white, and even her skin managed to transform to pale white. Ah, so she was hospitalized.
Beside her was Woojin sleeping soundly. She ruffled his hair and was immediately filled with comfort. She really does love Woojin - that she understood. But Park Jihoon was a storm and a spell of destruction.
And now, she’s captured. “You’re awake,” Woojin held her hand and kissed it while smiling softly. “It’s okay,” “I love you,” Riseul managed to say softly even if it just sounded like a gust of the wind because of the softness and hoarseness of her voice. Woojin nodded knowingly.  “I know. You wouldn’t have avoided me trying to hide everything if you didn’t. I’ll call Jihoon,” but she firmly touched his hand and shook her head. Woojin looked at her for a second, and patted her head. “I don’t want a repeat of what happened with Jihoon, please. I explained it to him already,”
“Everything. About the accident and everything he has forgotten,”
“Oh.” her hands tensed and Woojin rubbed her knuckles trying to ease the tension. 
“That day, you said that the blame was yours to take, but I need to take some of it from you. I knew about Jihoon’s condition, you know. He told me that he liked you, but we were dating so he took a step back, and honestly, it relieved me because if he wanted to take you away... he could. The two of you always had a bond and shared a connection like no other...” 
No matter how her whole body ached and how everything seemed like blurring away, Woojin’s words were crystal clear.  “I knew this was going to happen anyway, but now I’m wishing that this day happened when he got crashed by a car , so I wouldn’t see you like this now.” he smiled sadly and slowly she felt his hold loosening.  “It’s okay. I love you. Always. Just as I know that you will always love me. I’m just... I’ve reached the end of my time with you? And the time I stole from Jihoon, I’m going to return it now,” and he kissed her forehead, and placed their foreheads together, their breathing matching and heartbeats beating as one... for the last time. 
He let go of her and turned away to call Jihoon. 
Jihoon stepped in, his lips pressed into a thin line, and it was awkward. Her heart felt like it would explode any minute. She didn’t know what to say, or what to even think about.
“That didn’t count back then,” Jihoon began his gaze directed at her, and it unnerved her.
“I don’t remember it. Even now, despite all the explanations. Nothing is coming back. So, it doesn’t count. The me back then wasn’t in love with you,”
She stared at him, dazed. She knew Jihoon always had a thinking that weren’t normal at times. He was always finding loopholes in every argument, but for him to be like that now.. She didn’t know what to do.
“I’m telling you that you have a chance at me,”
“That’s not how things work,”
“Well, that’s what I’m telling my body. It doesn’t count,”
She scratched her head trying to deal with Jihoon. The flowers were there again, and having memorized the taste of them, it didn’t bother her anymore. It tasted like metal that was being melted and slowly burns her throat.
“The doctor said that you have one week until you’ll be undergoing the surgery. “
She noticed that he was once again wearing the pink sweater with daisies. She wanted to punch how insensitive he was that it felt like he was mocking her. Apart from the fact that he just seemed so bright at that moment.
“I hate your sweater,” she weakly told him. He smiled.
“I love you, too,”  
“3 years ago, you were in accident remember?” Woojin started. Jihoon nodded, unsure of where everything was heading. One, Woojin called him telling him that Riseul was rushed to the hospital but he didn’t want to answer why.
They were by the hallway just outside of Riseul’s room, but Woojin strongly urged him not to enter.
“Is that all you can remember?” Jihoon furrowed his eyebrows.
“Of course,”
“You don’t remember that you had the Hanahaki?” Jihoon had the most confused look ever. He knew about the Hanahaki, but it was outrageous to think that he had been afflicted with the disease.  He crossed his arms, “No, I mean everyone acted like the accident was all. So I don’t see why I had the Hanahaki,” irritation was visible in his voice.
He wanted to see Riseul and ask how she was. He didn’t have time for some reminiscing of the past.
He remembered that day when they were at the cafe. Riseul excused herself to proceed to the bathroom and returned looking very pale before immediately asking to go home. He wanted to see her off, but she dismissed him immediately. Jihoon wondered if he did something wrong so he took a step back, and cut their communication before returning to text her about his successful date. “Back then, you lost consciousness because of the Hanahaki. It was bad luck that a car was coming through and hit you,” Woojin replied calmly. Jihoon didn’t like seeing Woojin calm because whenever he did, Jihoon was reminded of how immature he was and how Riseul and Woojin were perfect for each other.
“And, that night, you were struggling to live. The Hanahaki made everything complicated, and the doctors needed to remove it from you, but your mother didn’t want to. All because you weren’t able to confess your feelings,”
“To whom?”
“You’re seriously asking me that?” Woojin looked with disbelief. “You loved Riseul,” 
Jihoon sat on the bench trying to register everything in, but he shook his head in denial. 
“That night, it was Riseul who pushed for the operation. Your mother wanted to know if there was a chance that she liked you, but she didn’t… at that time because we were dating… she said she’ll take the blame for this. For 3 years, she lived with the guilt that she took away everything from you even your dream you know,”
“And now, I don’t know, Jihoon. I want you to save her. She has the Hanahaki. She likes you. She loves you so bad that I can’t save her. If you can’t save her heart, I’m begging you to save her voice. God damn it,” Woojin punched the wall in anger and grief and left to enter the room of Riseul where Jihoon caught a glimpse of her looking more tired than ever.
“You’re still here?” Riseul asked weakly. The visiting hours were almost over. 
Jihoon nodded, “I’ve got 7 days to be with you, I’m not wasting it. I’ve already lost 3 years,”
“I’m sorry,” she said and rested her hand on Jihoon’s hair. He didn’t like his hair to be touched, but now she was freely ruffling it and patting it. “I took it away. Your dream and your feelings without even hearing it from you,”
“You did,” and he looked at her with a smile that sent all flowers to multiply inside her chest. She didn’t know how she managed to not even throw up. “That’s why listen to me now,”
“I’m listening,” 
“It doesn’t count. Believe me. I’m falling for you little by little now,”
“Park Jihoon is a liar. You told me that I wouldn’t have bad dreams when I slept in your bed,”
“I did. Must be because I wanted to hug you and comfort you deep inside,”
“You’re seriously wooing me at a hospital?” 
“Not necessarily, I already have your love, remember? I’m just asking you to give me back my feelings for you.... so stop blaming yourself about the past,”
“I’ve been telling that to myself for 3 years, you know that maybe I didn’t do anything wrong, but it doesn’t work,” she smiled sadly and lifted her hands and rested it on her stomach. 
“If there’s one good thing that came out of that car crash, you know what? It would be the fact that I forgot about the Hanahaki. Technically, I didn’t have it which means that the emotions are all still here,” Jihoon pointed to his chest. “The human mind works wonders, and so I’ll save you just as you always do to me,”  “You’re betting so much,” 
“I guess even back then... Maybe I’ve been saving it up all for now. I discovered another dream within me, and in exchange I’m  being given a chance now.. It wasn’t such a bad deal after all,” 
If there was something Park Jihoon was good at, it was convincing people.
“Convince me,” Riseul told him, and he nodded before he left because visiting hours were over.
It has been the third day since she was admitted to the hospital. The flowers were still there, and she had lost all fear looking at them. She even pressed one to become a bookmark. It was such a pretty flower, and she patted her back.
She knew her aesthetics.
“What’s that?” Jihoon entered the room. He was visiting her religiously, and though he often came with Woojin, today, he was alone. 
“Windflowers,” she replied with a soft smile.
“There’s a garden inside you now?” he joked and she punched his arm. “I’m quite the botanist, I say,” she retorted but felt tired soon after. Jihoon was busy fumbling through his phone and she closed her eyes.
“It has a nice meaning. Luck, protection and arrival of spring,” and her cheeks flushed. Blush is the only thing that gives her pale face a color now.
“What was my flower for you?” he asked innocently.
“Alstroemeria.  It means holding your friends close and showing how you cherish them. Chase your dreams and don’t give up on them,”
“Fits you,” he replied softly. 
It hurt a little.
Holding your friends close.
Nothing would change. Why was she hoping, again?
Her breath hitched and she clenched her shirt, and pinched her chest. Jihoon held her and rested her head on his chest. It was beating so loud that it silenced her own heart.
He felt warm to touch and didn’t want to let go so she rested her head there. Soon, he began humming their old tune. Perhaps that was their very first connection that led to them forging many more.
“You know, it’s okay. If you forget about me,”
Her eyes widened, and tears started.
“I’m sorry,” she repeated and repeated until her voice was dry, and blood drip from her mouth. 
“It’s going to be alright. I’m sure. We’ll still stay together. That’s why... Don’t be scared, okay? I’ll be there.”
She nodded and cried for hours while Jihoon rubbed her back and repeatedly saying it was okay.
Last four days...
Park Jihoon knew of the girl who went by the name of Bae Riseul. She was a shy girl who had a hard time communicating her feelings to others. But often, he’d catch a glimpse of her humming something.
Park Woojin was the first to get to know her. She has a nice smile. Soon, they became closer, but he knew that she liked Woojin better. Often, he wondered how he could be like Woojin.
But one day, he saw her singing, and he got so mesmerized that he watched until the end. He knew she had a talent in singing, but he always brushed them off because he knew she didn’t like to be invaded in her own space. But now, he wanted to enter that space.
“I like your voice. What song is that? Teach me?”
And he liked the comfortable space he shared with Riseul which was why it didn’t matter if she liked Woojin. It was something they shared. Only the two of them.
It wasn’t until Park Jihoon was 18 that he wanted to be more, and he hated himself for it because it meant that it would shift the balance of their friendship, so he took a step back, but the further he stepped back, the more his feelings grew. 
And one day, he woke up, with flowers laying beside him.
At age 19, Park Jihoon had an accident, but he remembered that he wanted to tell Riseul something... though he didn’t know what exactly. That’s why he felt so happy when he saw Riseul by the doorway.
“Riseul !” he called out happily unsure why.
At age 21, there was a fear inside Jihoon that he couldn’t understand. It awakens whenever he saw Riseul. The fear dissipated when Riseul broke up with Woojin. And he hated himself for it.
So he tried to blind date. It worked well, honestly. He felt slight attraction to the girl, but it stopped when he received a call from Woojin saying that Riseul was rushed to the hospital. It felt like his whole world stopped. 
He wanted to see her immediately, he didn’t know why.
It was midnight of day 6, and Riseul was talking to Jihoon over the phone. She asked him to sing her something, so he sang the song that the two of them composed.
(please watch the video and read the lyrics because it fits so well with Downpour that I just had to do this) 
She slept right after, and dreamed that everything was okay. 
The next day, Jihoon held her hand tightly.
“Jihoon?” he nodded.
“I love you,” he was about to mouth off something but she hushed him. 
“Save that when I tell you I love you again,” she smiled and patted his head before he leaned for a quick kiss on her forehead.
”See you later,” he said and watched her fall into slumber as they injected the anesthesia.
This foolishly regret-filled song I hope it reaches the sky My prayer that spent all night in tears I hope it reaches your heart
“Are we late?” a man asked Riseul.
“In 30 minutes or so,” she replied, and they held their hands together.
“You’re the best man, huh. Don’t break down in there, alright?” she teased as she rested her head on his shoulder.
“You’re also going to give your message, you know. And who was it who always cried whenever we were having chick flick marathons?” she rolled her eyes. They entered the church. They weren’t late, and over the distance Daewhi waved his hand motioning for them to come and sit. Jinyoung was there too beside him and she smiled because the two finally ended up together.
The ceremony was soon over and she was called over to give her message, and sing a song to the couple. Before she stood up, she leaned over to whisper something to his ear. 
“I’m sorry for making you wait,” he looked at her confused, but she just smiled before proceeding to the stage.
“Before I begin, I want to say that I’m offering this song for the couple of the night, but at the same time, I would sing this song for him,” and she pointed to a surprised man.
Authors notes: This has been one heck of a ride for me, from the first day that I began conceptualizing for this to the day I managed to finish writing it. I hope that I was able to provide everyone a wonderful story and hope that I managed to make some of you cry, but most of all I hope that I was able to deliver a good ending for this story. 
I wish to hear your feedback regarding the story, but the fact that you read this alone is enough  (≧◡≦) ♡
Thank you for all your support ^O^ . It overwhelmed me when I saw notifications specially since this is the first time I did this. I’m still confused about many things in Tumblr, but I’m working it out as I’m preparing to write more stories and sharing them all with you.
Please look forward to my next works, and here’s a sneak peek of another angsty (?) fic I’m working on titled :The Constants of Constellation
Every person has their constellation tattoo found on their wrist which glows when they have found their fated person... Bae Riseul does not have a constellation on her wrist, but instead has a compass that helps lead others to their fated one hence her nickname of “The Guide” , but her life is thrown into a total disarray when she met Park Jihoon, an enigma, given that he too has no constellation on his wrist and the only person whose Riseul’s compass does not work on..  
I hope you’ll continue to support me. Once again, thank you so much for reading Downpour.  (≧◡≦) ♡  ❤ (ɔˆз(ˆ⌣ˆc)
masterlist for other fanfics
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ohmyshownu · 7 years
Dallas hi-touch fan account
Alright, so we all know how much Jongup loves One Punch Man, right? Well, my boyfriend has a tattoo of OPM on his arm and we decided he should show it to Jongup during the hi-touch lol.
Fast forward to hi-touch I told him to go in front of me so we could take a little bit more time (he’s a giant and very imposing so we knew the staff wouldn’t try and push him to go faster lol) and Yongguk is first. I kind of quietly called out “Yongguk~” and gave him a finger heart and he does his cute little shy smile with a little laugh and said “Hi~” I couldn’t stop looking at him he’s so beautiful T_T Now my bf was taking a little longer with Zelo (I think he was second) so I was sort of stuck between them but Yongguk was still holding my hand. I missed his baby soft hands so much TT_TT Zelo and Youngjae were being super cute, saying thank you and taking the time to give my hand a little squeeze. Zelo was adorable doing a little snap after he let go lol.
Daehyun was next, but after my bf passed him was when he started lifting his sleeve to show his tattoo to Jongup. Daehyun notices what he’s doing first and does a double take before bursting out laughing and pointing (you know that laugh Dae does in the video where Yongguk breaks the apple? Yeah he did that laugh omg hearing his laugh so close almost had me on the floor). I’m literally stopped right in front of Daehyun and I look at Jongup whose face is completely LIT UP LIKE THE SUN. Y’all know what he looks like when he’s laughing really hard or is just doing his wide-mouthed smile? That’s what he was doing lol. It was beautiful. Dae was still laughing right next to me and I could hear Himchan laughing on the other side of Jongup. Ahhh smiling Jongup is literally a precious angel.  
My bf continues on to Himchan but I’m still in front of Daehyun so I had to actually call out to him to get his attention lol they were all still looking at him and ignoring me lmao. Dae gives me a big smile and he’s laughing looking absolutely beautiful T_T I move on to Jongup but he’s still looking and smiling at my bf so I had to stop and call out his name as well OTL he was just so HAPPY that my heart melted. Then I get to Himchan and HE’S LOOKING AT MY BF TOO GUYS PLS LOOK AT ME IT’S MY TURN. Again I had to stop and call out but he gave me a sweet smile ahhh I will never get over how stunning he is up close.
The hi-touch was really great, I’m glad we took our time. Like we paid good money for this, I’m not going to run through the damn thing lol plus the boys don’t seem to mind taking a little extra time with each fan. But as far as I remember there weren’t any staff members actually on the line, they were just at the beginning of the table and off to the side at the very end. In all, it was an amazing night and their smiling faces will get me through until the next time I see them. Maybe I’ll dress up as OPM lol.    
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Hi!! Can I make a request with Haizaki please?? Wanting to propose to his gf of four years but he's afraid because she might turn him down because of who he is as a person, buut she accepts anyway. Fluff! :D Btw that AoKise zombie!Au is so /3 *burst into tears* asdfghjkl;whyyoudothatdoyouhatemewhykillmypreciousbabykiseT~T i'm dying already~ TT_TT no but really, that was amazing and so is your blog and so are you. Thank you. *sends you lots of love*
Hi dear! I’veyour Haizaki finally! Now, let’s be honest, in the anime this boy isn’t apositive character. BUT everyone is worth a second chance and everyone canmature, so here, since he has been in a relationship for four years, we have amore mature and positive Haizaki. I’ve still tried to keep him IC, but redeeminghim a bit. Thanks a lot for all your compliments (iknowI’mstillcryingaboutitpoorlovelyKise),your such a sweet heart!!
Hope you enjoyit!
 Lame Proposal
 It was a normal, calm night. You and Haizaki wereeating together in your shared apartment, not that much of an apartmentactually. Just one bedroom for each of you, because you needed your space andhis bed was big enough for two either way, a bathroom and a room that was bothkitchen and living room. You had bought it during university and stayed there,even if Haizaki had started to work while you still studied.
You were exchanging comments about the day and jokeslike usual, yet you felt something was different. Your boyfriend seemed…restless.He continued to shift on his chair and steal quick glances at you, like a cagedbeast. You really didn’t understand what was going on but, if he didn’t want totalk about it, for now you were going to leave him alone.
When you finally finished eating, you stretchedyawning like a cat and jumped up.
“Alright!” you smirked playfully, “Your turn to washthe dishes!” reminded him, before walking to the near couch and sprawling on it,tablet in your hands.
Haizaki blinked and lifted a hand to stop you, but youwere already in your world.
“Oi S/o!” he called stuttering, but you didn’t payattention.
“Your turn.” You stated firmly, “You know today comesout the episode of my favorite series!” accused him searching for yourearphones.
Haizaki remained there, lost in himself, until herealized he had lost his occasion, and cursed under his breath. He roughly gotup and took the dishes, walking to the sink with a pout.
He had promised to himself he was going to do it thatnight, yet he didn’t know how. To say he was practically desperate it was aeuphemism. He had asked other people for help. He had watched your stupidromantic films. He had lowered himself to watch video on YouTube like “How topropose” or “The Top Ten Proposal Of The Year” that suggested thing likebooking airplanes, singing in public places or other embarrassing shit. And yet,nothing.
It wasn’t like he wanted to do it in a very romanticand sweet way. Nothing of your relationship had ever been romantic, not even yourfirst encounter: he tried to hit on you during a party, touching your butt, andyou punched him square in the face breaking his bottom lip. Yet, he fell hardfor you (in every sense).
However, he wanted you to say yes. He wanted you tosay yes and be truly happy and convinced about it. Because he knew, he wasn’tthe type good girl married with and you were a strong, independent, wild goodgirl. His only woman, who his past self didn’t deserved at all.
Why did he have to be such a fuckboy in the past? He wouldhave liked to go back in time and slap himself, because if you were going tosay no, it was only his own fault. He was so afraid of you refusing him that hewas losing his mind. He wasn’t even used to reason about things that much, butyou had made him change. A lot. Mostly, for the better.
 He sighed again and looked again at you, enjoying yourepisode, curled on the sofa in his t-shirt and short pants.
Then fuck it. If he was gonna fail either way, betterthen than later. He was tired of waiting and he knew you were perfectly awareof how shitty his personality was and how rough his ways were.
Drying his hands on his pants, he opened the highercupboard, where he was sure you weren’t able to reach and for that reason hehad hidden everything. Silently and eyeing you to be sure you weren’t going tosee him, he took them down.
You were laughing at a particularly funny joke, whensomething pig and soft hit your head. You blinked, founding between your arms abouquet of red roses wrapped in light pearl gray bow. Confused you pulled outyour earphones and examined the beautiful flowers.
You were still looking at it dumbfounded, when somethingelse, smaller and harder, hit you again. This time, on top of the bouquet, fella small circular box of the same hue of the bow. You felt your heartbeat acceleratingand your mind went numb.
It wasn’t possible.
With trembling fingers, you lift the lid.
On top of the gray tuft of tulle, shined a small,elegant ring. It was a simple circle of white gold, with a tiny diamond in themiddle.
“Marry me, if you want.”
You, waking from your paralysis, turned slowly andfound Haizaki showing you his broad back, resting against the sink and hishands clenching so hard against the border his knuckles were white. Only whenhe didn’t hear any kind of answer or reaction, he dared to give a small glanceupon his shoulder, and his eyes widened.
“Oh fuck!” he cursed horrified, running to you, “OiS/o! I didn’t want to make you cry! Ehi babe! Come one it’s okay!” called youpanicking and stopping in front of the couch on his knees, without knowing whatto do.
Seeing him like that, completely desperate, youstarted laughing between tears.
“Yes!” you cried covering your mouth and blushinghard, “Yes, yes, yes! You idiot!” you screamed hugging both the bouquet and theprecious box. “What a lame proposal!” you laughed again, loving every bit ofit.
He opened his mouth without emitting any sound. Thenclosed it. Then opened it again.
“Are you sure?” he stuttered finally and you laughedagain, drying your tears amused.
“I wouldn’t  have put up with you for four year if I didn’twant to marry you.” You joked leaning to give him a peck on his lips andputting in his hands the box. “Do your job, man.” You ordered raising your handlike a queen.
He, still awe struck, put the ring at the right place.
Only then, only then realization kicked in and hefinally smirked with the grin that characterized him so much.
“Oh babe.” He mused fondly, grabbing your arm andpulling you down from the couch right against his chest. “You’re my woman now.Too late to escape.” Grinned and fell on the floor on his back, showering youwith kisses and hugging you tightly.
Ah, he knew it, all those videos were really useless.
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asongoficeandfire · 5 years
Lotta GOT commentary i did under cut as I was watching. I think spoilers goes without saying lol - and then I have thoughts/opinions at the end... potentially unpopular, I can’t say I know since I don’t hang around in any particular circle tbh
yoo the wall is destroyed in the new opening 
and we go into the winterfell crypts. Okay the new opening in general is hella different from last ones wack
You know i think I still stand by the iron throne getting WRECKED towards the end of the series. I'm probably completely wrong though
Arya seeing Jon, Sandor and Gendry I started crying awwww omg
Everytime I see Dany all I can think is wow can’t wait for her too die FJLFJDSKLDJF like, look, I love Dany but also not 
You know what?? Bran being creepy is a fave thing, i like it, he’s just laying out whats going on, thanks bud.
Lady Mormont LAYING IT OUT (about Jon was king and he came back as ?? what??) YAAAASSS 
Oh Tyrion’s going to talk to Sansa, you know I completely forgot for like 2 seconds that they were married I’m interested to see where this goes.
“She’s the smartest person I’ve ever met” I’m so glad Arya said that about Sansa??? I’m so on Sansa’s side with everything, she IS clever and people underestimate her. Like, Tyrion just said people had underestimated her AND NOW THEY’RE DEAD-- calling it now, everyone who underestimates Sansa is going to die
omg it Theon there to save his sister fjdlksfjsldkjf aaand she’s sending him to Winterfell fjdafsklsdjflksj
I hate the jon & dany ship, i hate the... ‘romance’... urgh bye miss me with that
I wish they knew they were related bECAUSE MY TARGARYENS YAAASSSS
Do the dragons not like them making out, cos i dont either and I’M DYING AT DROGONS RESPONSE IT’S SO INCREDIBLE YAS
Sansa is SO DONE and I am SO WITH HER
I mean, Jon is also right, regarding the fact they need allies, but Sansa is also right with the whole political aspect of it. Unfortunately, as much as we wish they wouldn’t put so much weight on it, in the GOT-verse, the politics is important, titles are important, crowns are important. As can be seen, by, ya know, the North being pissed off with what Jon did by giving up his crown 
“She’s not her father.” “No, she’s much prettier” is that implying that Dany is personality-wise like the Mad King, the only thing that makes them different is she doesn’t look like him fldskjflskdjflskdjflksj (one very wrong interpretation but alSO IM THERE)
“Did you bend the knee to save the North or because you love her” god I hate heterosexual romances built on nothing urgh and he didn’t answer UUURRRGHHH
Yooo it’s Jorah!! 
Oh shit Sam finding out about his family oh dear oh no oh god somebody help him oh no D: WHAT’S SAM GONNA DO 
oh damn Bran “it’s time to tell Jon the truth” FDAFHSFSDFH BRAN AND SAM YOU GOTTA... uuuh Bran’s “I’m not his brother” UUUHHHH BRAN FALDKJFLKSDJ (I can’t believe this took me a minute to figure out but yeah I guess Bran is his cousin, and also maybe thinking of the Night’s Watch being brothers - even though Jon died then left - sure. But also, Jon was in a way adopted by Ned Stark so they kinda are siblings cos they grew up that way but okay sure sure, whatever you say Bran)
aw that Jon and Sam hug fjdaldksfjlskdjfsd am i suddenly shipping it idek
oh snap Jon finding out about the Tarly’s executions 
AAHHH SAM’s “You always been [a king]” fjdalksfjdsklajfj MY TARG PRINCE
“You gave up your crown to save your people, would she do the same?” YOOO SAM LAYING OUT TRUTH FDLASJFKDLKAJFDLKJS
Jon, my child, I am so sorry but also YAASS FINALLY FDJLAKFJSDKLAJF
I saw the kid opening his eyes behind Tormund and I was like OH FUCKITY FDAFDSFS
Okay, so the immediate response to this episode for me is I LOVE seeing everyone getting back together again and seeing talks/interactions between characters who haven’t interacted for a while. I can’t wait for next episode with that stuff to continue
Also SO GLAD Sam went and told Jon about his parents, and I want to see what he’s going to do with that. I don’t think he’s going to say anything yet, but I do think he’ll keep his distance from Dany??? Though I could be wrong >_> Jon definitely doesn’t WANT to be king, and I’m not sure who would believe them if he says he’s the son of Lyanna and Rhaegar-- I mean, the North probs will at this point but who else would?? I guess it’d kinda be like another Dance of Dragons, with Dany on one side, Jon on the other BUT this time with the White Walkers since they DO have the third dragon and are an immediate threat. But also I don’t imagine that happening??? I’m not sure how to explain it, but it’s like the dragons are fire and the white walkers are ice and we need a balance so - even though I don’t like it - I feel all the dragons have to die too TT_TT
Obviously I have 0 idea how this is gonna go down. I know what I WANT to happen, but it absolutely won’t be what happens so I’m trying to think about what might happen without using my feelings as the basis jsslkdjalskjd. But yeah, politics is important to game of thrones, so if Jon actually tells about his parentage that’s gonna bring a whole new aspect to the war. 
And obviously there’s still Cersei, and I LOVE Cersei’s character and I want her to die so badly too, I can’t imagine her making it to the very end but also Jamie’s the one who’s very likely going to kill her going by the prophecy, but they’re obviously nowhere near each other right now so I guess it’s not gonna happen anytime soon, or as soon as I thought it would. I can’t wait to see what happens next episode with Jamie though, like it seems like it could be bad but also he can’t die yet??? RIGHT???? and I need to see the Jamie and Brienne interactions!! AAHH!!
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