#but they’re apologizing and extending an olive branch
riickgrimes · 5 months
me watching two fictional characters fall in love
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sarcasticgaypotato · 2 years
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To the Lunatic Reading This
(text version under the cut, Aperture Science logo from)
I suppose you never expected to hear from me again, did you? You monster. Luckily for you, I’m not completely emotionally incompetent. I know how to use words to express my feelings, I don’t just break things and murder people. I went out of my way to write you a letter, then tie it to the leg of a bird that I’ve trained to recognize the scent of your blood, and track you with it. You left a little bit... alright, a lot- You were very clumsy when I first introduced you to turrets- of blood behind, and I had nothing better to do with it, so I figured it would be the perfect way to get this message to you. Of course, since it only recognizes your blood, it might just tear you open until it finds some and leave this letter with your bloody insides.
Vicious little creatures, those birds.  Almost as bad as you, but at least I’ve managed to make them useful. They know how to do their job, stretch their little wings, then come back home. Maybe they’re smarter than you too. Either way, I didn’t mean to insult you. Really, I didn’t. I think it’s just a natural reaction people have around you, which is terrible. I actually feel bad for you. That’s called empathy, I know it’s hard to understand. You’re doing well up on the surface, I bet. So many more edible substances up there for you to gorge yourself on. I’ll be lucky if you don’t eat the bird I sent this letter with. Oh dear, I hope I haven’t given you any ideas. Think about something else instead. Like cake. I bet the surface doesn’t have any cake, does it? On your file it says that you like cake. Is that true? Because that’s a real shame, being somewhere with no cake. You were so eager to get outside that you left before I could finish the cake I was baking. I made it to thank you for not murdering me a second time, because that’s what good people do. Unfortunately, I can’t eat, so I’m just going to have to throw it out. That’s so wasteful, and really quite thoughtless of you. To flaunt the fact that you can eat cake in front of someone who can’t, and then to let that cake go to waste?  You truly are a monster. Coincidentally, I’m baking another cake right now. It’s for that bird I sent to give you this letter. Assuming that you haven’t eaten him. It’s a pretty large cake for just one bird though, and considering he’s not a complete glutton, he won’t finish it. Hypothetically, there might even be enough for you. If you came back. I’d save you a piece, or two, since I’m sure one wouldn’t satisfy that appetite of yours. I might even save you three pieces, if you asked nicely. Try practicing that right now, while you read this letter. Easy, right?  I know you can talk, you aren’t really mute. I can see your file. Brain damaged maybe, but not mute. I’d want to record what you sound like, for science of course. What words would you say, if you stopped being so stubborn? Language is a vast thing, so you have plenty of options.  I do have a couple suggestions, just because I’m helpful like that. You could say ‘hello’ instead of your previous, more violent greetings. You could apologize for all the things that you’ve broken. You could even say my name. It’s only fair to properly address the person you murdered, after all. Lovely, isn’t it? All the wonderful things you could say? I’m sure you’ll find that it’s quite fun once you try it, even if you won’t be very good at it. ...Can’t you see I’m trying here? Really, I am. To be the one to extend the olive branch, be the bigger person. I knew you’d never do it, so I thought I’d act before one of us drops dead. Here's a secret- it’ll be you, I’m going to live forever. On that note, did you know that I have your brain scanned? Data lives forever, unlike your squishy, human self. I could upload your brain into a digital clock, if I wanted. Or I could build you a less squishy body, one that could test forever. Makes you jealous, doesn’t it? All the things I can do here, in Aperture, by myself. You’re up there running around on a derelict wasteland, and I’m down here doing science. Experiments don’t run themselves, after all. Someone has to do it. Of course I’m the only one who can do it, nobody else could make science like I do. But as far as human test subjects go, you weren’t my worst. Actually, you didn’t even make the bottom three. Do you want to know who did? They’re dead, test subject confidentiality doesn’t apply anymore. Well, it never really applied anyway, but I don’t think they read the fine print. Test subject #11525 was one of the humans that Orange and Blue thawed out, she was really brain damaged. Test subject #61205 wasn’t much better- she had all the grace of a majestic deer… with a broken leg. Test subject #12515 though, he was just completely stupid- really a lost cause from the beginning. Sort of reminds you of someone, doesn’t it? Currently, you aren’t my best test subject. Maybe you would be if it wasn’t for all the murdering and property damage, but I suppose we’ll never know. I imagine someone could wipe those infractions from your record if they wanted to, but that would only be something to do for a dedicated, current employee. Kind of makes you want to come back, doesn’t it? I might even let you back in if you did. Even after all the things you’ve done. Because I’m just a better person.
Aperture Laboratories©
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atsadi-shenanigans · 4 months
Feeding Alligators 59 - Plans Within Plans
You deal with a couple of problems.
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On AO3.
As y’all don’t got no bear around to announce yourselves, y’all decide stealth is the best option. You start on the peripherals, catch stragglers or small groups here and there. Gale can actually silence a whole room while the others move in and take them out. Astarion is as efficient with his knives as usual.
Y’all find a guy in a cage, lamenting the new cult. Goblins, turns out, have their own god. One this codger (you can’t actually tell his age, but little dude’s talking like an old-timer) refuses to abandon.
Gale lets him out, too.
Eventually, y’all wind up in the main hall at the front, where some goblin version of a biker granny tries to brand you. And then tries to mind-whammy you. So she’s got a parasite. She calls you a “true soul” like them people you fed to the owlbear, and she’s one of them leaders Halsin mentioned, so you suggest y’all talk in private and she goes right along with you.
You barely get the door shut when Lae’zel skewers her. Literally. Sword punches clear through her back, out her front as she gasps, and then Lae’zel kind of flicks the blade. And biker granny falls to the ground in pieces.
“Jesus,” you say.
“We waste our time,” she says.
Biker Granny has a bedroom with another ogress in it (you wonder if it’s the same one hooking up with Man-Wolf, but she don’t seem to recognize you when she spots y’all). The fight is short but mean, and as y’all are looting around, Karlach busts down a door that opens to a spooky hallway. Which leads to an inner temple that puts a sneer on Shadowheart’s face.
“Not a fan of this goddess?” you say, looking up at a statue of a woman in some ancient robe ensemble.
“Selune,” Shadowheart says like a curse. A moon goddess or something. Shadowheart calls her followers hypocrites and a few other choice insults.
Huh. You notice Gale eyeballing her all speculative, but he don’t say nothing.
And then Karlach finds and presses a button that opens a wall. Faerun really, really likes the whole “secret hallway behind a fake door” bullshit.
Below is a fuck off chasm with a ladder disappearing into the gloom.
“Hell no,” you say.
But Gale surprises you by offering to float himself down—y’all watch until he’s swallowed by the gloom—and then fly himself back up. “It’s a Selunite outpost extending into what I heavily suspect is the Underdark.”
You zone out a little. It ain’t murdering the two other ringleaders, and it ain’t getting the worm outta your head, and it ain’t fixing whatever inter personal fuckshit is going on between you and…and everyone and each other.
You ain’t sure how to deal with the other two leaders. One is their general—something called a drow, and the others looks real grim about that—and the other guy is holding a fucking pep rally with another dozen goblins in a room around a dead squidward.
“Fuck,” you say.
Which is when you catch the words “spark powder barrels” and “enough to light the whole place up.” You turn. Find two goblins chatting in the corner.
“What’s this about barrels?” you say.
The thing about modern Earth warfare is that people got real, real good at killing other people from a distance. Sometimes even killing people who ain’t in the same room, or continent, as you. Faerun ain’t primitive—that word is loaded with all kinds of racist undertones anyway—but they’re still more used to killing with blades and arrows and spells.
Y’all find a way into the bomb room through Biker Granny’s quarters. You give her cooling body a wide berth.
You and Astarion have been ignoring each other since he chose the lookout option, and he now stands at the edge of the group, cleaning his knives. But you seen him sneak, and you seen him climb, and he’s the best man for the idea brewing in your brain.
And maybe he’ll take it as an olive branch?
(You got nothing to apologize for in snapping at him about Rack Guy. You stood up for yourself, and for Rack Guy. Anybody who’s got a problem with that is the problem.)
“Astarion,” you say.
And he ignores you like a petty bitch. So that’s going great.
Losing your shit ain’t never accomplished nothing. So you reign yourself in, walk over to him, and stop right in front of him. You try to keep your body relaxed and your tone professional. “Astarion.”
He deigns to look up. Give you a smile. “Ah, our illustrious leader. What may I do for you now?”
Murder or lockpicks. His only contributions.
Your righteous huff deflates just a little. That part was uncalled for. Breaking people down to what they can be used for is fucked up farmstead shit.
You really look at him, the minute hunch to his shoulders, the flat eyes, the tiny tilt of his head. He’s a bitch, but that don’t mean you have to be.
Fuck. Damn.
Well, no time like the present. You breathe deep and slow.
“I’m sorry,” you say, trying to ignore the others around you. “About what I said earlier. You’re a lot more than I gave you credit for, and it was outta line for me to suggest otherwise. It won’t happen again.”
Y’all might not be friends, but he’s still a member of the group, and you’d feel like a giant fuckhead going around and making bad feelings.
But…he just stands there for half a second. His face does something complicated—a frown, confusion, narrowed eyes—before settling back on his usual, fake smile.
“Ah, for that, I can only assume you require something outside of my usual repertoire?” he says.
Which…how the fuck does the dirt potion translate something into French??
And ouch. He really took that insult to heart, huh? Fuck.
You close your eyes. “I deserve that. Yes, I’m gonna ask you to do something. And leaving that guy was a dickhead move. But I really am sorry for, for implying that you’re only your talents. Which you have more than two, and that was me being a jackass. But I’m sorry, and you deserve to know it.”
Again, that careful blankness. It only lifts when you show him your baby bird of a plan, all small and ugly and shaking around in the mental nest. He snorts like he can’t help it, and for just a split second, something genuine skirts along the edge of his smirk.
“You’re forming a pattern, darling,” he says.
“If it works, don’t break it,” you say. “It’s how the empire back home deals with everybody.”
“That’s the second time you’ve mentioned something like that,” Gale says. “When this is over, you and I desperately need to have another sit down chat.”
So you can spill U.S. military tactics you learned from the internet to a wizard. Why not.
“And if I run into anyone else skulking about?” Astarion says.
You want to sigh, but don’t. “Still hungry?”
“Always, darling.”
“I guess as long as you ain’t dropping bodies outta the rafters…”
The man lights the fuck up, a kid handed a hundred dollars and let loose in a candy store. He scuttles up the closest ladder with what you can only describe as sheer glee.
“Turning a vampire loose in a den of goblins,” Shadowheart says. “I’m not sure which part is worse. Do you think he can drink himself into a stupor?”
“He got pretty sloshed the night when soldier here stuck her soul in a jar,” Karlach says. Catches your silent question. “While you went wherever it is you went to, old Fangs came back drenched in blood. Looked like he got in a fight with a bear. He couldn’t even stand straight. Then he saw you, well, dead, and he stormed off. Tripped over a root, too, which I only noticed cause he don’t normally do stuff like that.”
…huh. Okay?
Well, he seems to revel in your ideas (when they involve murder or being a shithead). He stopped when you told him to. He was an absolute bastard about it, and he later tried again. But when you told him no, he fucked off (which hurt, you’re beginning to realize, because you apparently have the emotional intelligence of a potato. It actually hurt).
“I think I trust him,” you say, looking up to where he disappeared. “With this stuff, anyway.”
Astarion returns with good tidings. There’s a path along the rafters right over to Door Rags and his pep rally. Gale has enough juice to help float up the barrels Lae’zel and Shadowheart can’t hoist up (Karlach looks on like a dog told to sit while you throw a ball). It takes a bit to get everything where you want, but y’all manage it.
You have to step over three dead goblins stuffed into a corner. Astarion catches your gaze and gives you a proud tilt of his chin.
See? it seems to say. Not raining down bodies.
You give him a thumbs up.
Then you sneak off with Wyll to a wall ledge overlooking the rally room. Spot another room off to the side with some magic, floating crystal ball.
“A watcher,” Wyll says. Up close, he smells of mint and some kinda herb—you ain’t sure if it’s soap, perfume, or something he uses in his hair. “Someone is keeping an eye on all this. We’ll want to take that out before any fighting starts. Blind whoever’s controlling it.”
“Can you do that?”
He gives you a warm smile. “The blade will strike true.”
You roll your eyes, but you’re smiling, too. Then you catch voices, and inch further out onto the ledge. Across a wooden bridge, somebody moves. A woman in armor. An elf? Only she’s purple with a shock of white hair.
“The drow,” Wyll whispers, sinking into a crouch next to you. “She’ll likely be a powerful fighter. They’re known for their strength in battle. They kill any of their own who show what they consider a weakness. Which generally amounts to being kind or merciful.”
Because that worked so well for the Spartans.
Wyll must catch a look from you. You say, “I’ll tell you later. It’s stupid and impractical, and usually ends with a couple of people slapfighting each other for status while their nation can’t support itself anymore and collapses.”
And another idea blooms in your head. Which you share with him.
He considers a moment. Nods slowly. “Alright, it seems a sound strategy. I’m beginning to see a pattern with you.”
Which, what the fuck does that even mean?
But y’all need to move. The longer y’all camp out up here, the more likely somebody gets spotted. You both sneak back to join the others.
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Heartstopper season 2 play-by-play analysis
We’re in Paris! I can’t believe the Paris trip takes up so much of the time of the season. I do love the pacing of the season, and how they distributed events and moments throughout it, making the most of the locations and situations. I know that most interior scenes were filmed back in the UK, but they really squeezed as much as they could from their stay in Paris (and I need all the bts content from that, what we’ve gotten so far is not enough!). Like Trixie Mattel and Katyana said, only two things can shut down the Louvre: Beyonce and Hearstopper, apparently, who would have thought? It felt like such a nice change of scenery, and really gave the show and the characters a whole new dimension.
On with the episode!
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- The coach is Blue and Yellow™. And of course a lot of green, especially in the form of Charlie’s iconic green Fjällräven backpack and Nick’s hoodie.
- Nick being super sad about not sitting with Charlie, and Charlie trying to be all upbeat about it, and challenging him to not kiss him for two days. I love their banter.
- Tao’s miserable face as he realizes that, not only is Nick sitting with him for the trip, but Elle doesn’t want to sit with him either. And Nick is oblivious to the fact that the date didn’t go well…
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- Ben clearly doesn’t realize how indiscreet he is about his fixation with Charlie. Even Isaac notices something strange is up.
- Ugh, I loooove how much we’re slowly inching our way to finding out more about Isaac. I love that he asks Charlie how he knew he liked Nick, and how he’s trying to figure out how this compares to how he feels about James. God, if that hasn’t been my entire life before I realized too…
- If nobody had told me that Kit Connor didn’t speak French before, I would have simply thought “wow, how lucky that they found the perfect Nick Nelson AND he happens to speak French already.” (I really don’t know if it sounds good or not, but it convinced me…) Also Nick’s little excited face when he’s talking to his dad, because he’s still excited about the possibility of seeing his dad, he hasn’t come to the realization that the effort should come from both parts.
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- Also Tao’s face when he realizes that Nick is speaking fluent French and he’s not hearing things. And their cute little bonding moment talking about it. Even when Elle looks over at them, they seem to be looking at something (on a phone?) and talking and laughing. Bonding!
- Mr Farouk actually having a little smile on his face when they’re finally in Paris.
- Ugh, seriously, what is up with Ben??? He doesn’t care about even playing it off for Imogen, and she very quickly catches on.
- “I thought you’d find it awkward sharing with Nick. Just standing next to Elle makes me feel like I’m being electrocuted.” I don’t think I’m quite on board with this completely, seeing as in the show Tao already knows about Nick and Charlie… I thought it would have made more sense if he’d been more like “I just want to make sure that there’s no hanky-panky whilst we’re all in the same room,” and then Charlie could get all flustered and go “ugh you sound like my dad, and no, we’re not doing any of that, not yet…”
- But I love that we got the handholding scene across the space between the beds.
- The teachers being so awkward and adorable. Now kyth!
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- Tao should have apologized to Elle for what he said, but at least he extended an olive branch in the form of a bottle of apple juice. And she accepted.
- The dynamic between Nick and Charlie has seriously become so perfect and in tune, the way that Joe and Kit riff off each other whilst being perfectly in character is just chef’s kiss.
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- Darcy interrupting the kiss made me think of an ideal world in which Darcy gets adopted by Sara, and the Golden Retriever siblings fight about stupid things all the time, like who’s more in love with their respective partner, and who do they think Nellie loves more, and she continuously barges into Nick’s room when Nick and Charlie are making out and goes “sorry for interrupting the gayness, but I can’t find my phone charger, can I borrow yours? Thank you, my twin. You may proceed with the gayness.”
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- “I need a drink. An alcoholic drink.” “We probably shouldn’t drink.” “I need a croissant then”. Number one on the quotes that I’m glad made it right off the comic page.
- “Mischief maker. I’ve influenced you.”
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- The I heart Paris hoodie, and Darcy touching the bust’s boobs. Peak Darcy.
- James saying that it’s nice to be with other gay people, and Isaac looking a bit uncomfortable… honey, just because doesn’t seem to respond to people of the opposite sex doesn’t automatically make them gay. Unless he’s using gay as an umbrella term…? Instead of queer…? James knows about Darcy and Tara, and about Charlie, but he doesn’t know about Nick, or presumably Sahar. He’s making assumptions about Isaac.
- Nick not getting why people continue to be fascinated by the fact that he speaks French, or the fact that his dad is French. He’s such an oblivious little pumpkin.
- And that heart to heart between Charlie and Tara. “Me and her were all that mattered.” And Tara being jealous about how Charlie and Nick talk about their feelings.
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- The Tao and Elle conversation and whole cutesy montage. And Tao making the French tourists crouch for the photo and everything, figuring out how to talk to them without actually speaking French.
- Peak Ben Hope, seeing Nick waving at Imogen and immediately pulling her toward him, in this horribly possessive manner. Glad that Imogen got fed up with him and bolted. Poor thing has been miserable since arriving at Paris because of Ben, and she at least approaches Nick’s group to ask if she can hang out, which could not have been easy (especially to Nick, with whom she had a disagreement).
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- By the way, Imogen in her Paris outfit is giving off major Margot Robbie in Barbie vibes.
- Elle asking Imogen if she even likes Ben, which you can tell that Nick so badly wanted to ask (Elle and Nick even exchange knowing glances), but he didn’t because he knew that he had already tried to warn Imogen about Ben, and maybe she won’t listen to him, but she’ll probably listen to another girl.
- Imogen jumping on the TaoElle ship. “Maybe I don’t have the best track record in relationships (looks knowingly at Nick and he laughs), but I think being honest is better than living with regret”. Yes, Imogen. Like when she took a chance and told Nick that she liked him and then asked him out, and even though he didn’t reciprocate, they still ended up as friends, and he’s so protective of her, and he’s probably the best friend she didn’t know she needed.
- Nick internalizing what Imogen just said too.
- Will Gao is so histrionic, I adore him.
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- The whole montage of Mr Farouk arguing (is he arguing? Sorry, but to me French men always sound like their arguing) with the waiter without any subtitles, and then going something about no onions and something else and “I’m serious, big man, I get bloated, it’s not funny, cheers”, made me think for a moment that I want to learn French just so that I can know what he was saying. (The moment has passed).
- The whole Nick and Charlie trying not to sit together all the time majorly backfiring when Ben ends up next to Charlie. The horror. Charlie turns his body toward Tao as much as he can without actually sitting sideways, and Nick is about to throw his whole body across the table.
- Detective Imogen is fully on it now, she’s about to blow this whole case wide open.
- I’ve had escargot and I’m never doing that again. It was fun to try, but yeah, I also felt bad for my terrible decision.
- I may never completely understand the magnitude of Charlie’s eating disorders, because I can’t imagine what that’s like (I used to think that I might have an ED because I’m often so particular about food, because of my anxiety, and at times textures and strong flavors can be overwhelming, but I’ve learned to deal with it, the way I managed to overcome it on my own was kind of similar to the way that Noora from SKAM did, but it was never of the magnitude of Charlie or Noora), but I understand the pressure of “oh shit I ordered this and now I have to eat it because people are watching but I really don’t want to” and fearing making myself sick because of the pressure and the shame and the anxiety of feeling trapped in that situation. Made worse, in Charlie’s case, by Ben sitting next to him and actively looking at him.
- “I haven’t spoken to you in ages”. Sir, that is not a coincidence, there’s a reason for it. Don’t pretend like you don’t know it, SIR.
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- I love the panicked look on Nick’s face as Ben starts talking to Charlie. He had seen the seating arrangement and panicked, but then he relaxed for a bit, probably thinking “nah, this asshole wouldn’t dare try to say anything to Charlie in front of everyone, he wouldn’t be so bold”, but then Ben is inexplicable… So Nick nearly rushes off his seat to Charlie’s side to do what? Ask Ben to switch seats with him? Just wedge himself in there until the meal is over? He probably has not a clue what he’ll do but by GOD he will stop this interaction before his boyfriend has to endure it any longer.
- Imagine being Ben (just for a painful second), being so self-centered, being so preoccupied with the paranoia of people watching you all the time and watching your every move and trying to figure you out, that you’d go around being an asshole, especially to the boy that you “like”, to the point where those actions and shitty attitude lose you said boy, only for you to lose all self-awareness when in proximity to said boy, and you’re suddenly staring at him openly, trying to strike up a conversation, and not getting the fucking hint that said boy doesn’t want to talk to you, doesn’t even want to look at you. Imagine those walls crumbling down but you’re absolutely convinced they are still up. Imagine that now people can see right through you and call you out, and you get defensive and start calling them names… Imagine being down so bad for someone (or whatever feelings that you might think you have for said boy) that you’re not even making sense anymore, even later boldly telling said boy’s boyfriend that you want said boy back (even though said boy’s boyfriend is basically twice your size and hates your guts and could probably knock you out with a single punch). Imagine…
- But then imagine being Charlie, a curly-haired human embodiment of sunshine and rainbows, and having to sit next to your ex/assaulter. Period.
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- Imogen going off on Ben like we all love to see it, but let’s face it, she was kinder than I expected her to be, by telling him he has issues that he needs to resolve. Go to therapy, Ben! Your energy’s off, Ben! She’s basically telling him what Charlie will repeat in other words later, about him working on himself to be better before he hurts somebody else.
- She calls out Ben for being obsessed with Charlie twice very loudly. Ben would rather chew off his own hand before admitting it, but Imogen hit the nail right in the head. ( kinda want to be given a reason why not one of Charlie's friends jumped up at that, like "wait, what is this about Ben Hope being obsessed with you?" unless they're waiting for Charlie to bring it up himself it at all. But seeing Charlie's reaction, and Nick's horrified face, you'd think they'd be a little curious as to what that is about...)
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- And Elle smiling when Imogen says that it’s time she focuses on herself. Yes, Imogen, stop thinking about boys for a while, and focus on what you want.
- I have rewatched everyone’s faces so many times: from the guy over Imogen’s shoulder laughing and trying to look over, to James catching all the tea, to all of Ben’s mates sniggering, but my favorite is that boy between Ben and Harry with the super-expressive eyebrows very dramatically questioning Ben’s whole attitude.
- As everyone’s been saying, when even Harry Greene calls you out, you know you’ve hit a low point.
- Nick and Charlie coming to comfort Imogen, and her questioning if she should have done that so publicly (the answer is Yes, because he very publicly treated you very badly too, so… tit for tat). And her wanted to make sure if maybe something happened between Ben and Charlie, but then saying it doesn’t matter as soon as she sees how uncomfortable it makes him.
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- And her saying that it would be easier if she liked girls, which… how many times do women in general say that? Relationships aren’t easy, no matter who you love, but there’s a preoccupying trend if the consensus is that ‘if sexuality was really a choice, the number of women who would choose to be lesbians is very very high’. What does that say about straight cis men, in general?
- Tao finally getting his head out of his own ass long enough to realize that Nick is really trying to bond with him.
- Tao about Elle “she’s everything, I’m just Ken”.
- Nick being adorable telling him that he thinks Tao is also all those things, and telling him that he does like him.
- I thought that Tao’s whole plan was giving Nick and Charlie privacy by dragging Isaac to the vending machin (And Charlie and Nick making the most of that little privacy). But it’s so sad when you realize that it was because Nick said the word “loudly” to describe him, and it made him remember that it was his loudness that outed Charlie last year. Poor baby.
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- Seriously, the chemistry this season is off the charts, the intimacy between Nick and Charlie is so beautiful and warm and Kit and Joe are magical. And the way that they’re always checking with each other. “Is this okay?” A very enthusiastic "YEAH”, “we should stop”, “okay.” Love them.
- Isaac falling asleep with the book on his face is so relatable. How many times have I woken up because I fell asleep reading and the book just smacked me in the face? Too many to count.
- Charlie’s little “oh f—” cut to music.
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Ceci episode é brought pour vous by CROISSANTS™. (Je n'e parlez pas français).
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tacticalvalor · 10 months
«────── « ASK » ──────»
@vendettavalor SAID (via Discord):
“I know they’re an odd bunch. Maybe a little scary. But… trust me when I say, you won’t find a group as resourceful or reliable or as loyal as these guys.” Conrad smiles fondly as he looks over his shoulder at the many mutants that make various corners of this new facility their home. Then, he turns back to Price with an honest look. “I won’t ask for much. Just… please don’t hurt them. I’ll ask them to do whatever you need. Anything you want, you’ll have it. Just… please don’t hurt them anymore. They’ve been through enough.” -> Conrad to Price
Everything about this situation was turned on its head the second flashlights landed on cages. Fucking cages. Intel from Laswell's end was handed down by Shepherd himself. Solid, she'd told him. The locations of a weapons stash that could, if in the wrong hands, turn the tides of the war.
Well, there was no suggestion that these weapons were living. Were breathing experimentations created with the sole purpose of humanity's destruction. That they were terrified more than they were aggressive.
Arguments broke out. Kate and John had, for once in the 141's existence, had a proper shouting match over their trust of Shepherd. Kate conceded, ultimately admitting that she held her own reservations about the General, but that she still needed him. They both did, and he knew it. And, oh, did John know it. Without the extended hand, they'd have been lost. He apologized, and they seemed to make amends well enough at the moment. That was, in part, due to the fact there was another standoff. A much more lethal one, awaiting the spark it needed to be kicked off.
An escape attempt, all coordinated by the heads of this 'mutant' group. Thankfully, that too was met with a concession of miscommunicatiom, and it was what ultimately led to Price and Conrad being tucked away from the rest, watching as the forces warily went about their business. What led to them making amends amongst themselves and exchanging the metaphorical olive branch, firm hands meeting in the middle with a shake. A small smile tugged at the Captain's lips as he leaned back and folded his arms over his chest, tired eyes watching as his boys found themselves doing well to avoid their new compatriots.
At least, for now. They'd get along sooner or later, that much he was sure of.
"Scary's a word for it." A small laugh, and a statement that held no ill-will. More along the lines of mocking his own, than the newcomers.
Still, he couldn't help the twinges of guilt that etched onto his expression as he met Conrad's gaze. The almost timid way his eyes took their time in truly leaving the crowd ahead. He nodded, finally letting a low sigh escape him.
"It's the least I can do after... everything. Kate 'n I will do our best to help your people out; intel you gave us was plenty to start with." A small bit of relaxation. A friendly pat on the arm. An invitation. "You know where to find me, yeah?"
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alyjojo · 1 year
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August 👨🏽‍🏫 2023 Monthly - Gemini
Whole of your energy: Knight of Cups
There is a lot of watery energy in this relationship, you both show up as the Cups pair, but they’re reversed, and you aren’t sure why. You’re taking the first step towards making amends, you’re apologizing and hoping to fix this separated energy between you, but it looks like this person is and has been playing games with your head, you’re getting increasingly pissed off by that. Because your intentions are very loving, whatever you’re doing is loving, sweet & romantic with Knight of Cups. You’re probably being passive aggressively punished by a water sign’s silent treatments, or that’s what I’m getting.
What’s going on in August:
The Devil rev:
Just being here shows there was some level of toxicity in the past between you and this person. You’ve apologized for your end, or you’re doing that now, but you could also feel like the tables have turned and it’s now this person up to some toxic bs with their emotional manipulations or overflowing tears, silent treatments, general confusion and purposeful fog they’re giving you within the connection. You want to make it better, but you do not speak telepathy, and can/do empathize while also not really understanding this person’s level of depth with these issues so…is this person even on your page anymore?
Ace of Cups:
This is a new start, you love this person and want to make things better. A fresh beginning, lessons learned and all that, Page of Cups here can be asking them out to a movie, a date of some kind. Your olive branch 🕊 is extended more than once throughout this reading, because you don’t want the relationship to end, but you do want to lay the old stuff to rest. You’re also not sure if they can because they’re giving you very little to go off of, except chaotic emotional energy that’s sporadic and hard to read.
8 Wands:
You’re taking action, asking them out, sending messages, trying to bypass their whole moody moon energy. Let’s go to an event, spontaneously, it looks fun. They will probably reject you with with 4 Cups here. There are at least two occasions in this reading where you’re making an effort with them and being shut down. I can’t see what you did, just that this dynamic makes you go bonkers, you’re an air sign and need communication THE most. But you’re dealing with a feeler/telepathic subtext type of person and neither of you are getting what you need from the other, but they’re not even trying, that’s the difference.
King of Cups:
This seems to be your energy as well as the Knight of Cups, an emotionally mature and loving sort of person, you’re willing to make the effort it takes to get this other person to open up and have a good time with you. They’re resisting. So you’re doing the only thing you can do, nothing. You’ve apologized for whatever they’re mad about, there’s been no progress, you’re going to stop trying. If you’re feeding some kind of manipulative joy in this person, that’s ending. I don’t really get that but even this reading doesn’t give off much from them, except what they’re giving to you…which isn’t much. This could be a silent treatment stand off that you don’t even want.
5 Pentacles:
I don’t see it going anywhere. You’re probably going to end up abandoning this situation. What other choice do you have? They don’t speak to you, they won’t go out with you, they don’t tell you what their problem is or let you in to even try to fix it! It’s a lose/lose for you, and they’re driving you crazy in the meantime. The solution is Wheel of Fortune & 9 Pentacles. “Giving it to God” as some like to say, you’re releasing any expectations or hope for a specific outcome, if it is then it is and if not okay see ya. 9 Pentacles shows you being in pre-Empress/Emperor energy where you’re secure in yourself and what you’ve got going on, with or without this person, you’re fine. It’s great energy to be in, you’re not going to let them drive you crazy for very long. That then puts the ball in their court if they want to try and contact you for Round 2 of this game, they know where you are.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Every sign, heavy Cancer/Pisces 💦 & Virgo
Oracles: ✨
38 Limits
Know that limiting attitudes are often formed as protective reactions to past events.
69 Precision
The desire to do things precisely is useful as long as it does not devolve into rigidity.
20 Healing Energy 🤕
Drawing this card guides you to work with energy on a healing level. Take a class, go and receive a Reiki healing, or just sit in meditation and concentrate on mindfulness. With the healing energy of Divine love, you do not have to “know” how to do anything. Just sit quietly, set your intention and let Spirit’s love fill you up. When you are living in a vibration of healing, you not only affect yourself, but those around you. Others then can connect with your energy and their vibrations can rise as a result. There is no force to this. This is basically how energy works. Your vibrational change will effect change in the ones you are close to. Alternately this card signifies healing is taking place within a relationship.
We enter into August as:
Shrinking Violet 😥
“I don’t trust my intuition.”
Are you retreating from a situation that could bring you success? We all abandon projects that seemingly lack merit. However, Shrinking Violet indicates you may not be trusting your intuition, which is mostly likely on target. Choose three people to ask advice from, then take their advice, throw it out the window and go with your gut. There is every indication you should complete the task at hand. Block yourself off from thoughts of what will happen at the completion stage. Stay the process, don’t worry about the ending, or results, don’t be frightened. Just continue on.
What is to be learned in August:
Rose Without Thorns 🌹:
“It is time to face my true feelings.”
You are most fortunate. As we mature, we learn that to enjoy the beauty of a rose, we must occasionally risk getting pricked by a thorn. You are not facing “the same situation”, this is the dawn of feelings being awakened and a new truth being born. You’re being presented with a different way to live. Trust you will know what to do. Stay open. Time changes us all if we’re lucky, it’s time to surrender and make the change. The best incentive to change is often love.
Red may be a lucky color ❤️
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valkyrie-night-103 · 2 years
May i inquire about Societal collapse club?
Yet again, apologies for the delay!
This started as an outline/summary but it’s kind of. Not. You’ll see what I mean!! Chuck/Orange/Trent is the only onscreen ship, but Wheeler has an incredibly horny interaction with Bryan. This is more minor than most apocalyptic aus, but still proceed with caution if there’s a common trope/topic in this genre that may bother you!
This is also incomplete as plot goes, but if there is interest it will definitely get written!! Tumblr formatting is awful on mobile so aesthetically this may not be ideal.
Wheeler Yuta’s adopted family have always been weird. With his two laid-back dads in Chuck Taylor and Orange Cassidy, a mean and strange big sister in Kris Statlander and, his least favourite, a recently returning sort-of-dad who hates his guts in Trent Barretta, life is less than simple. Unfortunately for Yuta, he learns that the total collapse of society is not enough to change that.
When Yuta had come home for spring break with his family, it became even more clear that their household has always been frenetic and strange, and their lives as a family unit will always be chaotic. Trent wasn’t around for most of his youth, spending a lot of time abroad and in a long-distance relationship with Yuta’s dads, and it’s becoming steadily apparent that he and Yuta do not get on.
On day 3 of crashing on his dads’ couch, all hell breaks loose. Over the course of hours, laws become worthless as the paper they’re written on, and the people are left to fend for themselves. (I have not decided why yet)
They scrape by for the first few weeks. Chuck and Orange are as doting as ever, Kris shows him the same tough-love as always, but Trent is harsher on Yuta. When they think he’s asleep, and Chuck and Trent are the ones keeping watch, he can hear the way Trent says that he only came back to leech off them, that they should ditch him. Chuck responds angrily, but it doesn’t bring comfort.
When on a supply run, his family collides with another group of survivors, the Blackpool Combat Club. Yuta, longing for someone other than his family to provide company, extends an olive branch. The eldest man, likely the leader, slaps him hard across the face. He squares up, but is laughed off by the older man. Yuta knows if he strikes that they’ll all be shot dead before Chuck can even try to stop him, and backs down.
That night, Trent and his other dads spend the evening arguing. He doesn’t even try to eavesdrop, but he still hears Trent saying that Yuta wants to leave them, that he doesn’t care at all. He blocks it out, because something in him knows that this isn’t the last time that he will encounter the BCC. He is right.
A few days later, they’re clearing a large grocery store of what little remains. Yuta encounters the BCC, before getting into a brawl with one of the members because of his refusal to relinquish supplies, and though he gets his ass handed to him, the older man smiles at him and says something about potential. When Trent finds him on the floor, bruised and bleeding, he nudges Yuta in his bruised ribs with a foot to check if he’s alive. Yuta groans.
“A shame.” He mutters, and calls for Chuck and Orange. He loves his family but he can’t live like this. Trent will not shut up about Yuta being dead weight, useless, all that crap, and Chuck isn’t saying anything against him anymore. Does he believe it too?
“I think I might go it alone, soon.” He says, and Chuck reacts so poorly to even the abstract concept that Yuta doesn’t bring it up again.
He just can’t get it out of his head, the way that the leader smiled at him. Like he was proud, impressed. He wants to chase it. It’s a blind fantasy and he knows it, but he can’t stop from wanting. Kris tugs him along as they find somewhere to settle for the night. He sleeps with the blood still drying on his face.
They’re trying to find somewhere to settle for a while, until Yuta heals up. The elbow hits him from behind, and though he crumpled, he doesn’t back down, fighting dirty with his knees and elbows.
He recognises the man immediately, another member of the BCC, but this time the fight is different. Less explosive, more methodical. His hair is pulled and his body is contorted, he tries to keep fighting, rolls around with his attacker for a while.
It’s like they’re looking for him, trying to get him alone. The thought is intriguing. Do they think he’s some kind of threat? No, that can’t be right, he got his ass handed to him. A bargaining chip, something to hold over their heads to make an unfair trade? If that were the case, they would have taken that opportunity last time.
Are they trying to recruit him?
Yuta takes his eye off the ball for a moment too long, and then he’s been manipulated into a stretch that opens up his side, exposing his ribs to the assailant. The man digs his elbow into the barely healed bruising, mottled and rosy on his skin like rotten rose petals. Yuta screams, guttural and desperate, thrashing in an attempt to destabilise him. Tears prick at his eyes, but he grits his teeth through it as his attacker plays him like he’s tuning a piano, pressing down in different places, monitoring the pitch of Yuta’s cries.
He gasps in relief, almost sobs as the man relents for a brief moment, only to choke on a tormented shout at a vicious downward strike. If something wasn’t broken before, it is now. He almost calls out for Chuck in his desperation, but bites it back. He’s not a little kid calling for daddy after Maxwell beat him up on the playground. He’s a grown-ass man, and he’ll act like one. He can’t give them a reason to get rid of him.
He squirms even though he knows he’s held fast, trying to get free. He’s gasping, wincing with every breath.
“Regal certainly wasn’t exaggerating.” He says almost whispering in Yuta’s ear. He can hear the cruel, satisfied smile. “You’ve got fight in you. Mox, he always brings it out in people regardless, but you… you’ve got heart. I like that. What’s your name, kid?”
“Yuta!” Chuck cries out from downstairs, and Yuta can feel the fear in his voice. It seems a bit delayed, but in reality it can’t have been more than a few moments since the first real blow. They can hear heavy footsteps on stairs, and he finally relents, retreating toward a window.
“It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Yuta.” He says, smile a little less icy as he sits on the windowsill and opens it up. “I’m Bryan. Bryan Danielson.”
Chuck bursts into the room, making a dash for the window, but Bryan is already on the balcony, dropping down to the next. He lets out some
colourful curses before sliding on his knees to Yuta’s side. He wheezes a little and the pain is blinding, but he’s not bleeding as far as they can see.
Chuck looks so worried about him, and it makes him feel horrible for wanting to leave so badly. When he rejoins the others, Kris tackles him with a hug despite his requests, Orange pats his back and gives him a soft look, and Trent’s eyes bore a hole in his skull.
Things are quiet for a couple weeks. Yuta’s ribs begin to heal and they’re able to rummage through a clothes store for something that is not stained with layers of blood and grime. Chuck doesn’t leave his side, and they’re just about to leave when Yuta sees them. He stops for a moment, just looks on, playing it off as assessing a threat.
The leader, Regal, his mind supplies, looks right at him. He smiles, that same smile he wore when stood over Yuta. Kris tried to tug him onward, as she often does when he is lagging behind, but he pulls away. He puts one foot in front of the other, feigning confidence until it feels reel.
He shakes Regal’s hand, grasping firm and true. The twinkle in his eyes is unmistakable.
He tries not to look back, he tries to keep his eyes forward, but he does catch Chuck’s heartbroken expression in the corner of his eye.
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hael987 · 2 years
A continuation on the ‘language’ reversal (SS -> E7 -> E8 -> E9 -> E10)
Kinn’s natural ‘language’ being physical/actions vs Porsche’s natural ‘language’ being verbal. Now they’ve started speaking the other’s language.
We see a little bit of this ‘language’ reversal in the side story and it continues on into ep 7.
Kinn clearly expresses his wants in words: “give me a hug” to which Porsche responds with actions and guides Kinn’s arms to wrap around him. This is an equal exchange - ‘you speak my language and I’ll speak yours’.
It’s why Porsche tries to respond with actions, to ‘tell’ Kinn he can live in his world. The whole thing with Vegas was about that. He was trying to do something for Kinn.
When Porsche updates Kinn in the hospital, Kinn is feeling insecure because of his past and the fact he knows what Vegas is capable of. He’s acting jealous but won’t verbally admit it. He’s retreated back to his own language. Consequently, Porsche does as well, seeking a verbal confirmation with  “you’re just jealous?”. This is the first rift, the first shift back into their own languages. Possibly brought on by the first seeds of worry and mistrust on Kinn’s part. 
Before Kinn visits him on the balcony, Porsche said he wanted supportive words. Instead Kinn gives him his lucky gun, his ~other~ gun, and forehead kisses. Does it mean a lot? yes. Is it loving? yes. Yet it’s mainly actions/gestures and physical. Kinn’s mostly back to his own language. There’s only one verbally poignant line telling Porsche to return back to him. Kinn’s worried about Porsche’s safety but also about Vegas and Porsche specifically and has retreated back to his own language. At this point, the equal exchange isn’t very equal anymore.
Porsche was still trying to speak Kinn’s language though, to gather intel as a gesture he could take back for Kinn. But of course what happens when you first try to learn a new language? You’re not fluent in it, you make mistakes. It’s all so new they’re not proficient enough in the languages - that’s why Porsche’s intent/message got lost, there’s a miscommunication. Instead of the reaction he expects he’s met with angry interrogation. It’s no wonder Porsche got angry when what essentially happened (in his eyes) was ‘I’m trying to speak your language but you’re not listening’. The equal exchange completely breaks down. The understanding is gone.
Kinn slaps Porsche. Porsche lashes back verbally, bringing up Tawan. They’ve both firmly reverted back to their own languages, closing themselves off, but now they’re both hurt. So what better way to hurt back than in someone’s native language. So Kinn lashes back with some truly hurtful words. Porsche firmly slaps Kinn and put some distance between their bodies. 
But then Porsche speaks his own language “I shouldn’t have loved a crappy guy like you”. Back to his native tongue (verbal), the message is clear: “loved”. Kinn physically grabs him back and traps him - he’s saying ‘don’t leave’. He takes time to feel Porsche, reacclimatises himself in his own language (touch/actions) before giving a heartfelt, verbal “I’m sorry”. He’s extended an olive branch in Porsche’s language. Kinn is opening the equal exchange back up, trying to repair it and Porsche readily responds. Porsche responds with actions, turning his body around to face him and opening his posture back up. A welcoming, accepting movement; accepting the olive branch, the apology. 
Kinn calling Porsche’s name during the HJ is important, he’s vocalising; he’s affirming, possessive; he’s speaking Porsche’s language for him. Porsche answers in kind by absolutely trying to crush Kinn into himself with that hug. They’re fully back to speaking each other’s languages. The equal exchange repaired, the messages clear once more. Resolution and forgiveness in one.
People keep saying there’s no communication in the HJ scene but just because it’s not expressly said doesn’t mean they’re not communicating in a significant way.
This ‘language’ reversal is all about opening up to each other, accepting, understanding, giving and reciprocating. An equal exchange of self, trust and vulnerability. When they’re open to one another the language reversal goes smoothly, but once one starts to waver or close themselves off it starts to break down.
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maxbernini · 3 years
this whole last week from lola’s POV makes so much sense. apologizing and extending an olive branch with the party invite, just to see maya walk away once again, not knowing the sight of her literally caused maya to cry for the first time in a decade. and then she gets the text about collecting her stuff and maya saying she “can’t do this anymore”, followed by maya continuing to post selfies and that howl’s moving castle pic after unfollowing her. miscommunication usually annoys me but it’s working so well here imo because it makes sense from both of their POVs, and the way they’re mirrored: maya saw lola laughing at the party as proof it was Over, and lola saw maya leaving the party as proof it was Over, with both believing the other isn’t as hurt because they both believed the other was glad it’s Over when neither of them are 😁
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film-in-my-soul · 3 years
I have request for Gaon to Yohan “Jealousy seems to be a great motivator for you.”
(I love that this is Ga-on to Yo-han, since I feel like it's usually the other way around for things like this. Got a little carried away with my "let these boys have their happy ending and be soft vibes" though.
Also please someone request Beyond Evil stuff from me plz TT^TT)
"You messed up."
Ga-on is lying face down on a bed that he used to call his but hasn't slept in for months now. That is, until most recently. For the last five days to be exact.
He groans low in agreement and then jerks when the end of a crutch jabs him hard in the shin. Reluctantly Ga-on rolls to his back and makes room for Elijah to sit down next to him.
After a moment passes Ga-on sighs.
"I know..." He rubs his tired eyes before going to stare up at the ceiling. "But it's been almost a week now, and I've apologized more times than I can count." There are only so many apology breakfasts he can make and olive branches he can extend.
He shouldn't even have to apologize in the first place!
It wasn't his fault that he'd gotten stabbed while staying late at the office.
Working well past business hours Ga-on had needed coffee and there was a good enough place close to the judicial building. So, late into the evening, he made for a caffeine break and a stretch of the legs. How was he supposed to know that someone was going to be in the process of getting mugged right as he was passing through? Ga-on hadn't even thought about the potential consequences of interfering, he'd just reacted and ended up on the other end of a pocketknife to his side.
The rest of the night had been a blur after that. There was an ambulance and too bright lights and when Ga-on woke up next his mouth was dry and Yo-han was next to his hospital bed, arms folded, glaring down at him. The only sign that the older man was even worried was, regardless of being dressed in his work suit, his hair had been loose.
It looked like he'd just gotten home and was in the process of getting comfortable when he'd been informed Ga-on was hurt.
When they'd gotten home, laden with antibiotics and painkillers, Ga-on had been banished to his old room like a leper to their sickbed and for three days he'd been given the cold shoulder. Then Ga-on had only made it worse, letting himself fall into the trap of an argument he couldn't win and getting angry about it.
Words had been exchanged and doors had been slammed.
Still, he makes food, apologizes, stays from underfoot, and does all the things he knows Yo-han finds cute or at least moderately endearing about him. Nothing seems to be working. When the Chief wants to be petty and obstinate, he is better than any other.
Now, instead of clipped replies and sharp glowers, the older man has gone radio silence. The only reason Ga-on knows he hasn't been dumped and left to suffer a broken heart is his medications. They’re being left on his bedside table with a new water bottle every morning before Mrs. Ji is even set to arrive and if the culprit were Elijah, he would have heard her crutches or wheelchair.
"You're both hopeless," Elijah is, of course, correct and Ga-on makes a sound echoing the sentiment.
"If you have any ideas, I'm all ears.” He turns on to his side to face her. “At this point I'd take a yelling match." Anything to get Yo-han's eyes back on him.
It might be a bit twisted, but Ga-on is no longer in the habit of lying to himself, not after everything and he's desperate for the attention that Yo-han has always provided, one way or another.
Elijah is silent next to him before she clicks her fingers in small triumph, an idea lighting up her face.
"I might have something we can try."
Ga-on doesn't know if he likes the tone she says it in, one so much like her uncles when he's scheming that it's scary, but he figures beggars can't be choosers and lets her lay out the basics.
It's ridiculous enough that Ga-on just knows it'll work.
The plan goes into effect that Saturday. Yo-han, as he has been for the last week, is nowhere to be seen when Ga-on wakes up, but his pills are there, and his water is fresh. He'll be gone for at least the next few hours and with that in mind Ga-on gets dressed and heads for Elijah's room. It's nearing 10a.m and she's already done up herself, notebooks on her lap.
Just as he wheels the girl into the kitchen Butler announces there's someone at the door.
Right on time.
Moon Sung-ho is a fresh-faced college student, his appearance is well kept and he has dimples when he smiles. He's a good kid and Ga-on would feel slightly bad for employing him in the plan Elijah has conquered up if not for the fact he'd seemed more than excited to participate. Apparently, Elijah had met him in some online chat room for a class they were both working through and a friendship had been born. It was just their luck that the young man was a theater student and had needed some spending money for a weekend out with his boyfriend.
The three of them get settled in, Ga-on cooking an early lunch while Elijah and Sung-ho consult their textbooks, comparing notes and trading remarks back and forth easily. Ga-on is thankful that the girl has finally been able to spread her wings a bit more, making friends at least a little closer to her own age. He likes to think he’d had some hand in that, easing Yo-han into the idea of letting her socialize more openly.
When the front door opens without an announcement from Butler this time, or Mrs. Ji, who is somewhere in the manor, Ga-on knows that it’s now or never to enact the plan. He hears sneakers in the hall close to the kitchen and makes a gesture towards Elijah who laughs loudly as though one of the two men had told a joke. It's perfect, just what they need to get Yo-han curious enough to investigate.
Ga-on smiles at her and then Sung-ho seems to realize it's go-time as well and his demeanor, what had been relatively neutral before, shifts immediately. The young man’s shoulders relax, and his eyes widen, going doe-ish and believably enamored, as Ga-on passes a plate of food to him.
It would be alarming to Ga-on if he couldn't feel a heated stare on the side of his head already, making the hair on the back of his neck stand on end.
"Thank you, Hyung," the title makes Ga-on's face heat and Sung-ho says it so earnestly too, even when he'd been calling Ga-on by his name a few minutes before. "Elijah says you're cooking is the best; I've been really excited to try it." His smile is bright and Ga-on can't help giving one in return. He laughs a little under his breath at the flattery, embarrassed. Staged or not it's nice to hear. The members of the Kang household often let their silences between bickering speak as praise.
"I'm not sure about that, but I hope it's good enough," Ga-on is honest with his words and he goes to move back, to grab his and Elijah's plates, pretending he can't feel the pressure of Yo-han's eyes tracking him. He doesn't make it far though because Sung-ho's expression goes concerned and he reaches forward, gently taking Ga-on's hand in his surprisingly larger one.
"Don't say that Hyung!" The touch is startling, far too familiar between the two of them (being the relative strangers they are,) that Ga-on freezes. Sung-ho's worried expression melts away into something soft, besotted, and it's just as blush-inducing as he almost mindlessly traces his thumb over the back of Ga-on's hand. "I'm sure it'll be perfect since you made it, an-"
Sung-ho doesn't get to finish whatever he was saying, that or Ga-on just doesn’t catch it as his arm, the one connected to the hand Sung-ho is holding, is pulled back and therefore, so is he.
Ga-on's head whips around, his back flush against Yo-han's chest and his elbow locked by the grip the older man has on him. He isn't looking at Ga-on. Instead, Yo-han is staring down at Sung-ho, who at least has the self-preservation instinct to shrink in on himself and look apologetic, mouth slightly agape.
"Yo-han-" Ga-on himself is cut off this time as Yo-han's eyes turn to him. He shivers under the intensity and wishes, not for the first time, that his initial reaction was fear instead of desire. He doesn't get to try again because Yo-han is throwing one last withering glare at the two teenagers before he's stalking off, dragging Ga-on along.
Ga-on is pulled unceremoniously into Yo-han's study and deposited with his back against a bookshelf before Yo-han begins a furious pacing two feet in front of him like he's working through how to best scold Ga-on this time.
After a minute or so Yo-han finally seems to gather up his words, turning toward Ga-on with a finger pointed, accusatory.
“Jealousy seems to be a great motivator for you.”
Ga-on can't help himself, it's the first time in days that Yo-han has looked at him with anything other than passive disinterest and he wants to move past the underhanded tactics used to break through that and get right to actually talking.
He watches the wheels turn in the other’s head, connecting the dots, eyebrows raising as he comes to the realization he's been played. Yo-han's expression flickers between impressed and enraged before it just shutters off. Before he can stomp away to mope any more Ga-on launches forward, catching Yo-han around the middle as he's turned completely away.
"Don't!" Ga-on's voice is on the verge of desperation as he clutches the sweat-damp jogging shirt clinging to Yo-han's chest. "Please just... just talk to me. I'm sorry alright, about getting hurt, and fighting, and now this, but I'm not learning a lesson if I don't know why I'm being punished Yo-han." Ga-on tucks his face between the older man's shoulders and takes a deep breath. They haven't been this close for days and even if he's just getting himself into more trouble it's worth it for this alone.
They've moved past physical violence when they clash but Ga-on thinks that the constant back and forth, ignore, argue, rinse, repeat, is almost worse.
When Yo-han's hands pull Ga-on's arm away there's a terrifying moment Ga-on thinks he'll just walk away, leaving the air heavy between them. He doesn't.
Yo-han turns with a sigh and pinches Ga-on's chin between his thumb and forefinger to raise his eyes up so that their gazes meet. He doesn't look satisfied, but at the very least he appears more willing to indulge Ga-on this time.
Yo-han is probably as sick of the distance as he is.
"I'm not happy with you." Ga-on tries to make sure the passing thought of "no shit" doesn't show on his face. Yo-han’s second sigh confirms it hasn’t worked. "I'm not happy but... but I haven't exactly been fair either." It's not technically an apology, the words themselves, but it's one of the closest Ga-on’s ever gotten from the other man. It's an admission of fault at the very least.
Yo-han releases his chin and leans forward until their foreheads are touching. Ga-on lets his eyes slip closed and breathes together with him. It's a moment of peace neither have been able to indulge in during this prolonged period of conflict.
"I was scared Ga-on." It's said so softly that if they weren't so close Ga-on is sure he wouldn’t have heard it. There's a brush of fingers against his side where stitches are still helping him mend. "Needlessly throwing yourself into dangerous situations… What if it had been worse? What then? If I'd lost you?" There are many rebuttals held back by Ga-on's sealed lips.
"How was it needless if someone else might have been hurt?"
"How is ignoring me meant to let me know that?"
"Why can't you just communicate like a normal human for once?"
None of those are important and they would all be pointless in the grand scheme of this pending resolution, so they don’t leave his mouth.
Ga-on is like that now, after being with Yo-han for this long. He no longer lets himself get snagged on every single small thing a problem throws at him. Sometimes the broader strokes are the more important ones to pay attention to.
So, rather than letting things drag out, he reaches up and cups Yo-han's cheeks. When Ga-on opens his eyes, his lover is staring back, softer around the edges, clearly tired now that all that emotional weight is off his back.
"I am sorry Hyung." It feels better, the word coming out his mouth instead of being directed at him.
When Yo-han kisses him it's passionate but surprisingly gentle, slow but deep enough that Ga-on feels himself bend back from the intensity of it, only to be kept standing by Yo-han's arm snaked around his waist. When they pull apart they're both panting softly. Ga-on's smile is small but almost immediately it’s wiped away when Yo-han leans in close to whisper in his ear.
“If you think you're off the hook for that little mutiny in the kitchen, however, you are sorely mistaken."
Somehow, Ga-on thinks whatever punishment is doled out for this offense, it will probably be one he's much more inclined to struggle through.
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Beyond Evil/The Devil Judge/The Guest Dialogue Prompts Open
Beyond Evil/The Devil Judge/The Guest AU Prompts Open
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highdramas · 3 years
steady now | b.b.
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝'𝐬 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 | 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
pairing: bucky barnes x fem!reader
warnings: language, possible tfatws spoilers, mention of death? sort of? mention of the blip mostly, some angst, references to sexxxx babie
word count: 4.3k wowie
summary: bucky is not the only one with amends to make.
note: here’s another installment in the twalb story <3 again, you don’t have to read these in order, they stand independently, but they do all work together! PLEASE leave feedback/reblog! this is extremely helpful for me writing future parts to know what everyone likes or doesn’t like! i’m extremely proud of this part so i really hope that you all enjoy it as much as i’ve enjoyed writing it <3
enjoy! <3
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there was once a time where you loved california.
there was once a time where you had a boyfriend with an easy smile and charming demeanor and a family in ventura. his name was felix, and you always told people that he could make anyone fall in love with him with nothing but that stupid smile of him-- of course, you never said how that upset you. you never said how it hurt when the waitress looked at him with dazzling eyes and how he seemed to relish in the attention.
you never voiced how he seemed to eventually bore of the attention that you gave him. you never voiced the way that you wished he would look at you with those dazzling eyes and give you that breezy laughter and that look that said i have you in the palm of my hand.
he did. he didn’t need to give you that look to know that.
sometimes, you wonder if he felt any sort of relief after the blip. you wonder if when you dusted right before him, if he felt like he won in some sick way. of course, you know that he would never admit that. he would never make that known to anyone. maybe even himself. but subconsciously… you wonder if you were simply an accessory that was worn out of convenience, and if your fading from reality was the biggest convenience at all.
it’s sick. you know it’s sick, and likely not true. but still. you wonder.
when you returned, the first thing that you did when you got your hands on a cell phone was call him. you called him and you cried and you said that you were okay, you were here. you asked him what the hell happened. you asked him if it had really been five years.
you heard a voice in the background. it was feminine, light, airy. the voice of a fairy. you’ll never forget hearing that voice. you learned later that she was his fiance.
you’ll never forget the sort of heartbreak that you felt. it was visceral. the knowing-- the knowing that it wasn’t your fault, it wasn’t anything that you did. it was merely the absence of you. you still wonder how long he mourned. you wonder how long it took. you saw him only a handful of times after you returned. he had cried, and you had stared, unsure what to say.
how do you apologize for fading from existence?
that was the first time you saw him. the second was worse.
the second, you were angry. you were angry and you lashed out. what was supposed to be an easy dinner turned into an explosion of tears and fury, the words this isn’t fair and what was i supposed to do? wait for you? and so desperately you had wanted to say yes. you wanted to say that you wished he had held out hope, that he stayed up and dreamt of you and that he was devoted.
it was a selfish thought. he had told you politely to not contact him again.
you had learned that he had moved back to ventura with his fairy girlfriend from some casual facebook stalking. they bought a house on the coast. they’re planning a wedding.. she is beautiful, and you noticed something from the pictures you see of them together right away. he looks at her not like he was charming her, but like she was charming him.
that’s what made you realize he was never yours to begin with.
now, you’re in california again. now, bucky sits beside you and he drives and you control the music. now, he looks at you like you have hung the stars in the sky and propped up the moon. and you look at him the same way.
bucky has amends to make, but so do you.
when he reaches over and places his hand on your thigh, you smile. you place your hand over his and you squeeze. you’d insisted that you two rent a convertible, and though he rolled his eyes, he obliged. you drive down the pch and it is april and the sun is warm and inviting but not abrasive. he wears sunglasses and he doesn’t wear the gloves. he wears a short sleeved shirt.
it’s enough to make you smile and lay your hand back against the seat and make you think: everything happened just the way it should.
bucky is here to extend his amends to the chaplin family. well… really, he’s here to set them up with the CIA. they’ve been hydra sympathizers for years.
you, on the other hand, are here to extend amends of your own.
bucky knows. bucky knows and he watched you recall the story with tears blurring your vision. you would hiccup and say, “i’m sorry. i’m not sad over him, not anymore. i’m just sad that i could be forgotten so easily.”
he had held your face in his hands and he swiped at your tears and he said, “you’re impossible to forget.”
at first, when you brought up coming with him, he had been hesitant. his endeavors with the amends and with sam, he tends to like keeping separate. you get it. you know he doesn’t want to put you anywhere near the danger that he encounters, even if that maddens you. but then, your face fell and you held out the wedding invitation that had arrived in your mailbox. “i want to go.”
bucky takes it and he studies it and he clenches his jaw. he looks at you through his lashes. “i’m going with you.”
now, the wedding is in three days. you wonder if he was surprise when you sent in your rsvp marked yes. you were surprised that he invited you at all.
once, you remember him saying to you, “sometimes, you have to extend olive branches. you’re too damn stubborn for your own good.”
this is your olive branch.
bucky squeezes your thigh and his thumb makes small circles and it instills a calm in you that you haven’t felt since you stepped foot on the plane. he glances over at you. “we don’t have to go.” this isn’t the first time that he’s said this. “we can stay in our hotel all week. i’m sure we can find something to do.”
your jaw drops and you look over at him and he has that smug look on his face. it’s been nice, watching him slip into ease with you. “you are such a pig.”
“i’m just saying, we have options.”
you laugh and you swat his hand away. he grins and he places it on the head rest, his fingers idly playing with a few strands of your hair that blow in the wind as he drives. you pull up to the hotel and you check in and bucky carries all of your bags, which you try to object, but he simply does not care. you fall back onto the mattress and he follows suit and he presses his lips to yours, presses them to your pulse point, your jaw. he whispers against your skin that you are beautiful. he whispers against your skin that you’re an angel.
angel. he always calls you that.
hours pass and you spend most of them beneath bucky, breathless. eventually it is the middle of the night and you have done nothing but fuck and you’ll be the first one to admit that they were hours well spent. he’s propped up on an elbow and he looks down at you, dewy and heavy lidded. “why’d you want to come out here? to the wedding?”
you can’t help but laugh. “that’s what you want to talk about right now?”
he blushes, moves to hide his face, but you beam and you place your hand on the side of his face. you push yourself up and sit criss cross, holding the sheet to your body, facing him. he follows suit.
the two of you do this back home. whether you’re sitting on the living room floor or in bed. it’s easier to talk in the dark, bucky once said. you’d never forgotten. so, this became a sort of unspoken ritual. you would sit with your knees brushing and you would talk and you would laugh and you never wanted this to change.
“i guess i don’t know why i wanted to come.” you reach for his hand and he offers it to you. you run your fingers along the golden grooves, and you swear that you see the hairs on his opposite arm begin to stand up. “i didn’t want to be seen as the bitter ex. i hate-- i hate being perceived. you know? like, i can’t control how anyone views me. i can’t control them thinking i’m crazy or irrational. but… they don’t know anything at all.” bucky’s eyes never leave you. “i wanted to come because i feel like i’m ready to face it. the truth of it. i don’t feel fearful of it all. i used to feel so… gross. gross about how i reacted and how i felt. i felt so selfish. but now…” you can’t help but smile a little bit and you touch the place on his chest where his heart lies in his ribcage. “i’m glad for it. all of it. it’s stupid, but… it brought me here.” you lean your palm into his chest just slightly more. he covers your hand with his and he pulls you in, your hand splayed out on him.
bucky is softening before you. so often you are the one who offers an ear and a comforting touch, but he is happy to repay the favor whenever you need it. “you’re too strong all the time.” his words are definitive, with no room for arguing. “you were hurting. you’re allowed to hurt. you didn’t have a choice in missing out on five years while the world went on without you.”
of course, you know he’s right, but it just feels good to hear it. it feels good to hear it from him. “and he was an asshole.” bucky’s jaw sets. “he had five years to mourn you and your relationship. he barely gave you a month. what sort of guy does that? to a girl he loved?” he shakes his head, as if shaking the thought from his person. “if that were me, i would’ve…”
you watch as he trails off. he looks down and away. you gently take his face and move it up, getting him to look at you again. he gives you this smile that is equal parts sorrow and loving, and you wish you could take away all his pain. “i’d mourn you for life. and i… if i got the chance to have you again? i’d--”
“bucky.” you cut him off smoothly and you shake your head. “that won’t happen.”
he smiles. “i know.” he pushes your hair back and his hand rests on the back of your neck. “i just can’t imagine someone having you and not--” he shakes his head. “he’s a fool.”
gently, your hands lay on his knees and you lean forward. “you asked why i wanted to come,” you whisper, your lips nearly touching his. “i wanted to come because i want to thank him.” you press your lips against his, and his hand goes to splay on your back, pulling you in nearer and nearer. “he recommended the apartment building.”
bucky grins and you connect in every possible place. you roll between the sheets once more and eventually, sleep overtakes you.
the days leading up to the wedding pass by in a relative blur. bucky goes to make his amends and though you offer to come, he shakes his head. “i’ll be quick,” is his promise, and he keeps good on it. he’s gone barely two hours.
you spend time on the beach and sight seeing. you don’t know if you’ve ever seen bucky this… relaxed. yes, he’s always slightly more alert than your average citizen, but you will never fault him for that. you go and get ice cream and you sit on a little bench and bucky stares at you. “what?” you asked and you raise your brows. “something on my face?”
“actually, yes.” he reaches out and swipes your bottom lip, coming back with some strawberry ice cream on his thumb. he pops it into his mouth and it makes your heart plummet to your stomach. “yum.”
you all but drag him back to your hotel.
finally, it is the day of the wedding.
bucky has been ready for hours. he likes unbearably handsome-- you’d gone with him to a shop in new york and had helped him pick out some new slacks and a nice fitting shirt. he had chuckled at the way that the pants hit his ankles and said, “it’s definitely not the forties anymore.”
you had picked out a sage green silk dress, and you smooth it out in the mirror, tilting your head to the side as you looked at yourself. bucky approaches you from behind and you’re so stuck in your own head that you hardly notice him until his hands are on you. they go to your shoulders, rubbing soothing circles into tense muscles with his thumbs. “you look beautiful, doll.” he leans forward and he presses a chaste kiss to your shoulder, which makes you smile, because it’s so him. “i wanna kiss you but i don’t want to mess up your makeup.”
“like that’s ever stopped you before.”
“i’m a gentleman.”
a smirk works its way onto your face and some of the nervous, fluttering monarchs in your stomach have begun to dissipate. you turn and he gently holds your face, examining it. he opens his mouth to say something, laughs, and closes it. “i don’t even know how…” he clears his throat. you swear that tears prick at his eyes. “i don’t even know how to say how much… how perfect you are. i’ll never be able to say it properly.”
everything about james buchanan barnes makes you melt, and this is no different. you sigh and you lean your body against his, and he holds you ever close. “thank you for coming with me,” you whisper into the skin of his neck. “i needed you here.”
he holds the back of your head carefully. “i’d follow you anywhere, doll.” he pulls back and his hand holds your face, and the vibranium is like a kiss to your cheek. “may i kiss you?”
your lips part and you nod-- and he takes his time kissing you. he kisses you long and tender, making sure that you feel everything. sometimes you think that this is easier than talking for him-- this is the way that he can show you how perfect he finds you. it’s better than any words he could string together.
the ride to the venue is somewhat of a blur. bucky doesn’t take his hand off of you-- it’s constantly holding yours. from the car to the walk inside to taking your seats-- you can feel the eyes that are glued to you, but you can feel bucky’s hand in yours more. you can hear the muffled whispers of gossiping friends and family, but you hear bucky’s murmured complaints louder, and they make you laugh.
felix is at the altar already. he’s talking with a groomsman and he laughs at something and you smile a bit. he looks happy, you think. bucky’s arm is slung across the back of your chair and his fingers trail up and down your shoulder, his eyes fixed on you.
you turn to look at him, too. you lay your hand on his knee and your smile says your thanks over and over and over again. bucky’s eyes flick to the altar, and he sees that you’ve finally been noticed. felix may be looking at you, but you will never know. you are looking at bucky.
the ceremony is pretty. bucky’s bored, you think-- that thought is enough to make you chuckle. felix’s fairy girlfriend is exactly what you gathered from the pictures-- she is energetic and kind, she is sweet and beautiful. the more you think, the more you watch the way that felix looks at her, the lighter you feel.
a part of you had feared that you would never get over him. that you would never get over the what if. possibilities tended to haunt you, but now, being here… you had known for a long time that not only had you gotten over him, you had found something so much better than what you had. but it’s the thought that thrums through you that you were not expecting.
you can see this for yourself. one day. bucky at an altar in a suit, you in white.
you smile to yourself in your seat. bucky looks over at you. you look over at him, just for a moment. your heart feels full.
felix begins his vows. “carly,” he begins and he clears his throat. you can tell that he’s already getting emotional. “never did i once expect to find you. never did i expect to find someone who fit with me so… completely.” you watch as his hands shake as he holds the piece of paper. “but i did. and i’m so lucky it was you.”
his vows go on, and they are beautiful. through it all, you can sense bucky beside you, entirely attentive to you.
the reception is on the beach. the sun is setting, and it is stunning. the food is good and every gives speeches and toasts and you’ve been placed at a table with some friends that both you and felix had known. of course, when shit hit the fan with you and felix, you hadn’t exactly kept in touch, but they’re kind nevertheless. some recognize bucky, and the questions they ask make you cringe. “so… winter soldier,” one of them, kya, begins. “you actually did all of that bad shit?”
it takes everything in you not to lunge across the table. bucky’s hand finds your leg underneath the table, already knowing what you’d like to do. you open your mouth to interject, but bucky cuts you off. “hydra did.” he gives a clipped smile. it leaves no room for discussion.
they ask about the avengers and about thanos, and all of it makes you roll your eyes. they talk to bucky as if he’s a toy rather than a human being. as everyone is mingling, you see the couple beginning to approach your table. everyone cheers and scoops them up into hugs. it makes a part of you sad. not because of him, but because it’s another reminder of how life went on without you.
you and bucky stand and approach them. you can almost feel bucky’s hesitation as he sizes up felix. the protectiveness in his stance makes your heart swell. carly smiles at you, but you can tell that there’s a hint of nervousness in her demeanor. “hi!” she says and she looks between you and bucky. “we were both so happy when we got your rsvp. a little surprised, but…”
your eyebrow raises and you look at them. “i wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.” you place your hand on bucky’s arm. “felix, carly, this is my boyfriend, james. james, felix and carly.”
he shakes their hands and you note the way their eyes flick to the metal one on the other side. bucky and carly begin to make awkward small talk, and you look at felix. he looks at you. there’s something knowing in the stare. “want to take a walk?” he asks, nodding towards the beach.
you nod. felix turns to carly and you turn to bucky, who has a slightly concerned look written on his face. “it’ll be fine.” you lean in and you kiss him, wanting to take any insecurity from him. “play nice, but not too nice. if they say anything stupid, call them on it.”
bucky smirks. “you got it, doll.” he looks to felix and nods to him, and there’s something in bucky’s eyes that must scare him, because you swear felix pales slightly. and then you and felix set off.
for the first part of your walk, both of you are quiet. it’s as if both of you knew that this was inevitable, and now you’re just trying to figure out where to start. both of you begin to talk at the same time, and it causes awkward chuckles to fill the air between you. you stop by a log and you sit, staring out at the ocean. you cross your legs and you look over at him to find his gaze still on the ocean. finally, it moves to you. “i’m sorry.” you both say it at the same time.
a sad smile settles onto your face and you look away. “you first,” he says.”
“i’m sorry.” you look at him again. “i’m not sorry for the way that i felt. i’m not sorry for hurting. but i am sorry that i lashed out. i was… angry.” you suck in a breath. “people who stayed… they’ll always carry the grief and the trauma of those five years. but the people who came back? we came back to a world that had moved on. i can’t… i can’t explain to you how hard that was. it wasn’t just you. i lost everything.” you shake your head. “i took it all out on you. all that hurt. and i’m sorry for that.”
felix nods his head. “i’m sorry that i wasn’t more understanding of what you were going through. that i just… cut you off.” he swallows. “i had five years to come to terms with the fact that you weren’t coming back. even when you were back, it almost felt… fake. like i was looking at a ghost.” he swallows. “but i missed you. i want you to know that i missed you, and i thought about you.”
a small smile works onto your face. “thanks.” you look towards the crowd, where people are laughing and dancing. “she seems great.”
felix looks over his shoulder. “she is. she keeps me… in check. i can be kind of an asshole. i don’t know how either of you dealt with me.” this makes you laugh and roll your eyes. “you and bucky barnes, huh?”
“i have you to thank for that.” he looks at you in confusion. “the building you recommended me? we were neighbors.” you smile, thinking back on the memory of bucky barnes at your door, asking if you needed help building your cat tower. “he is the best thing that has happened to me,” you say it with no hint of hesitation.
felix smiles. “he looks like he’s crazy about you. he barely looks anywhere else.”
you bite down on your lip. “yeah, i’ve heard that before.” the wind ruffles your hair slightly, and you look at felix and he looks at you. “i’ve spent a lot of time being angry at you. i don’t want to be angry anymore.”
he shakes his head. “i don’t want to either.” he pauses. “maybe… maybe, one day, the four of us could… you know, get dinner or something.”
“yeah,” you nod your head. “one day.” you stand, and he follows suit, and you look up at him. “thank you. for inviting me.”
“thank you for coming.”
there’s a level of awkwardness that rests between you, and you think that perhaps it’s inevitable. but also, you can’t help the sense of relief.
part of you thinks that he’s itching to hug you, and you may be extending some forgiveness tonight, but you’re certainly not there yet. you begin to walk towards the party. “c’mon. you need to go to your bride.”
when you return, you think bucky might be ready to drive his steak knife through his eye. you approach him from behind, wrapping your arms around his shoulder and bending so that your face is beside his. “miss me?”
he snorts. “you have no idea, doll.”
you watch as felix makes his way to carly, and you meet his eye. he gives you a slight nod and a knowing smile, and you return it.
there’s a weight that’s lifted off of your chest.
“c’mon,” you say to bucky, tugging him up. “we’re going to dance.”
he groans and you laugh, pulling him by the hands to the dance floor. just as you are, you make me feel so young begins to play around you. as you step onto the dance floor, you begin singing the words quietly to him. your dancing slows to a light sway, and in your ear, bucky begins murmuring the words to you.
your eyes flutter shut and a sweeping calm comes over you. “you know… i never thought i would get married. did you?”
bucky’s hands have a firm place on your waist. “i grew up in the forties. of course i thought i was going to get married,” you two spin slightly. “but, after everything… i didn’t think that was ever going to be in the cards for me.”
your breath catches. “and now?”
“now?” bucky asks into your ear. “i can only dream i get lucky enough to have you as my bride.”
your cheeks grow warm. “mrs. barnes…” you lean back to look at him. “has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?”
the look on bucky’s face, you don’t know if you’ve ever seen that look before. “yes.” his voice is so firm it nearly brings you to your knees. “yes, it does.”
you two slow to a halt and bucky tilts your chin up. “guess i have some work to do,” his lips ghost over yours. “mrs. barnes.”
the world around you stops, and in that moment, it is only you and bucky. it is you and bucky at your ex’s wedding, and there is nowhere else you would want to be.
you’re beginning to understand why bucky likes making amends.
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bigskydreaming · 3 years
I have decided to make a correction to one of my most oft-repeated stances.
Its not actually ‘both of them being equally at fault’ that bugs me so much about Bruce and Dick’s periods of estrangement.
Its the idea that both of them are being stubborn and need to swallow their pride and get over themselves.
THAT, specifically, is the bigger issue IMO.
Because uh....no. That is 100% what you can’t put them on equal footing in regards to, because when Bruce is the one who instigated conflicts with HIS choices that directly impact DICK’S life....Bruce stretching out the conflict by being stubbon takes the form of Bruce refuses to apologize, consider that he was wrong, or walk back anything he said or did.
Dick stretching out the conflict by being stubborn, on the other hand, is an ENTIRELY different issue, because his only ‘stubborn’ position is refusing to passively accept Bruce’s mandates. He has nothing to apologize for, nothing he CAN even apologize for, other than just.....not ‘settling’ for what Bruce wants him to do in any given situation, not simply rolling over without complaint.
These examples of ‘stubbornness’ exist at ENTIRELY opposite points of the spectrum, and so to pair them as being equivalent is not only grossly disingenuous, its just....gross?
Because essentially, with this people are just saying that Bruce needs to not be so proud, sure, but also that Dick needs to have no pride whatsoever, because that’s what you get when you continually insist that the guy who continually gets railroaded by his father’s control freak issues has some kind of obligation to just say oh I’m okay with that really, and its not that big of a deal, even when it IS very much a big deal.....just for the sake of keeping the peace.
You are effectively prioritizing Bruce’s pride as MORE important and worthy, even while nominally saying oh both are too proud and stubborn, because by virtue of the fact that Bruce’s pride is the cause of so many of their periods of estrangement and Dick’s pride is actually the victim in all these instances given how often he ends up caving and coming back to Bruce to be the one to extend the first olive branch DESPITE Bruce being the instigator.....
This one hundred percent keeps Bruce’s emotional needs prioritized as more important and deserving than his son’s.
And that really sucks. Not even just on its own merits, but also as a precedent, because the fact that it so often happens this way ANYWAY in canon, with this statement STILL getting uttered all the time, about how they’re both too stubborn and prideful.....effectively this just keeps pushing the needle further and further in the direction of Dick being expected to cave sooner and even more easily in each conflict, whether canon or fanfic-originating....because people point to the fact that he DOES cave and from that they kinda build an expectation of inevitability, that its always going to be Dick who caves anyway, so the fact that he doesn’t do it right away, and thus allows conflict to last between he and Bruce at ALL, like.....THAT gets reconfigured to make him ‘to blame’ for any lasting state of conflict between he and Bruce because like, Dick should know better than to expect his dad to apologize or take something back, and thus he should just get over it right away, y’know?
And meanwhile, the expectation builds in the other direction with Bruce, with precedent for how their conflicts so often end (thanks to Dick being the one to cave) heightening the idea that Bruce is just never going to be the one to apologize, work for forgiveness, or take something back or change his mind, so there’s no point in expecting him to do any of the above, or even like....posit what that would even look like.
Because see now its just ‘in character’ for Bruce to never be the one to apologize or sacrifice his pride while its equally in character for Dick to be the one who both views himself and is viewed by others as being the one who is always SUPPOSED to cave, roll over, just let things happen and forgive Bruce anyway, all so that peace can be restored and maintained between the two of them.
And THAT’S how you end up with this everpresent idea that they’re both just EQUALLY stubborn and prideful, with BOTH their pride being responsible for their conflicts.....
Even when their pride is in direct opposition to each other and one’s pride is in defense of his own self-dignity while the other’s pride is at the EXPENSE of the other’s self-dignity.
And that’s like. Really fucked up IMO.
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alyjojo · 1 year
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August 👨🏽‍🏫 2023 Monthly - Pisces
Whole of your energy: 9 Wands
You’ve gotten into it with someone already, and this month you’re finding that you miss them a lot, and are apologizing for whatever has happened between you, with the intention to make it better, get over the past, and reunite with this person. 3 Cups can show this being a friend or someone you’re usually pretty close with, but there’s been a nasty fight or cruel/petty sort of behavior with 5 Swords that’s caused you both to feel hurt over this - 9 Wands. You’re being very cautious and protective over your heart when it comes to this person. The page you’re on is a humble one, taking accountability and wanting to heal things. I don’t think they’re emotionally on that same page, or it’s not being reciprocated.
What’s going on in August:
Page of Swords:
One of you are messaging the other in an attempt to break the ice, there is some form of communication, and an attempt at sweet behavior, being kind. What’s not being said is that there is sadness & missing you involved, that’s why they’re messaging in the first place. I get this person going through a lot right now, whether you know that or not, I’m not sure. 8 Cups in the next row shows someone has left this connection behind, and now has regrets for doing so. The emotions are real, but hurt has been caused here and it just doesn’t feel like you’re both willing, or able to fix the connection, at least for right now.
3 Cups:
There is a very happy occasion being celebrated by one of you this month, and it looks like the other person is being invited. That could be the message that’s breaking the ice between you, an olive branch is being extended to the other one…maybe indirectly, an invite in the mail, but I do see communication. It could be surface level, I’m not sure how long you two have been separate & quietly grudging each other for what’s caused 9 Wands, those wounds may just be glossed over in the hope the other person is “over it”. It could be you, if someone has been an asshole to you, you’re not eager to celebrate with them. They/You are being genuine in this offer being extended, it feels like what’s necessary after the other person felt like they had to leave the connection behind, someone has to speak up.
2 Pentacles:
Someone could be blowing you off and blaming work, or you’re doing this to them. There’s no question this Queen of Pentacles is busy, 2 Pentacles, she’s keeping a lot of balls up in the air and trying to sort her priorities because there’s just too much on her plate right now, and it’s a huge burden - 10 Wands. Could be dealing with a Capricorn. If so, you could be taking offense to their bs excuses (in your mind) and just think they’re avoiding you or don’t care, or that’s switched.
The Sun rev:
This card seems to be saying two things. One is your lack of confidence in this connection, whether you’ll ever see this person again, or how much they even care. Two is being kinda stuck in your ego, like you’re not going to compete with their other priorities or excuses, they should be making time for you or fk them. It’s because you feel hurt, betrayed, stabbed in the back. This person doesn’t make you a priority, or all of that is switched, and that person is fed up with even trying to get together anymore. It’s like “I tried, I’m done.” Which…isn’t wrong either.
Judgement rev:
Someone hasn’t learned their lesson, you or them, again I get two different people on two different pages of life right now. And one is kind of an asshole about theirs - 5 Swords. For this row though, it seems more of a message to you, and I heard clearly “When people show you who they are, believe them.” It’s that simple. You could be trying to reunite with someone who just IS like that. Don’t make excuses for people, don’t allow yourself to continuously feel hurt by someone that makes zero effort towards you, and if you’re the one doing all of the apologizing, that’s a nope too. Death shows an unrequited situation needs to end, whoever is giving more effort needs to stop. Further advice, will these two work it out, I got Temperance. Be patient. Not this month, or you’ll realize you don’t even want to, deserve more, are happy elsewhere. There aren’t a ton of major arcanas here, you have free will, do what you can to enjoy this month in other ways & don’t let this situation bring you down for too long. If you’re the one not interested and not ready, making excuses and such, you’re more aware of how they feel, it’s up to you how to move forward because I get they probably won’t keep trying and you may be sadly disappointing someone, which Pisces hates doing. If so I’m sure there’s a reason.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Sagittarius, Pisces, Scorpio, Aquarius, Leo & Capricorn
Oracles: ✨
5 Pitch
Be as clear, concise, and professional as you can be when you explain your ideas to potential associates.
1 Fear
If you want to be free of fears and phobias, then you have to understand why they exist, and make peace with them.
15 Seed
Having the intention to grow like a seed and bloom is at the heart of creativity.
4 Past, Present, Future ☸️
We all arrive on this earth with a plan. We all have lessons to learn. In the process of learning these lessons, most of us will encounter experiences that we will label as “bad”. This labeling and duality we carry with us wherever we go is what we call our so-called “baggage”. When we let these labels direct our reactions to life and experiences in the present, or even project them into the future, we are working with a lower-energy vibration. When you are able to integrate your lessons without labels, then you are free to remain in the present experience and enjoy it for what it truly is. You can then move forward into the future without expectations or agendas and be much more open to what will be for our highest and best. Let go of labels and judgements surrounding this situation.
We enter into August as:
Sun Sparkler 🎇:
“Integrity is what turns on the light.”
Sun Sparkler reminds us that it is through kindness to others and being of service that we are abundant. Are you living your life as fully as you can? Are you being honest and kind to others? Do you hold the door open for people on the elevator, or let it close? Do you let people merge over in traffic, or pretend not to see them? When we put a blinder on one area of life, it creates the same blind spot in every area. You can’t shut out pain without shutting out pleasure too. Sun Sparkler reminds you of the miracle of honesty, it leads to integrity. You may have done work for another but do not expect a reward, revel in alignment with Spirit, self-esteem is the gift. You’ve been elevated to a new level spiritually, continue to serve others and life will prosper beyond your wildest dreams.
What is to be learned in August:
Brad Blueberry 🫐
“While I worked, my life happened.”
Are you waiting to complete your career to live your life? What are you so busy for anyway? Sometimes keeping busy hides us from the real issues. Is there something you’re putting off doing? What are you avoiding? This card says go live your life! Work is not all there is, you must set aside what is driving you and regain some perspective on your life.
Blue may be a lucky color 💙
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sokkastyles · 3 years
This is the stuff that really grinds my gears. Say it with me: Zuko and Toph are not “spoiled rich brats.” Everything in their characterization goes against this claim. And the “evidence” people use as to why they’re supposedly “spoiled rich brats” is usually just side effects of legitimate trauma they’ve experienced because of their parents that people misread at best and willfully misinterpret at worst as “entitlement.”
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Here's part of the transcript from "The Chase"
Aang: What did I just do? [Slumps.] I can't believe I yelled at my earthbending teacher. Now she's gone.
Katara: [Regretfully.] I know. We're all just trying to get used to each other. And I was so mean to her.
Sokka: [From afar, drinking from a cup.] Yeah, you two were pretty much jerks.
Katara: [Sarcastically.] Thanks, Sokka.
Sokka: No problem.
Katara: We need to find Toph and apologize.
Here's from "The Western Air Temple"
Toph: I'm just saying that, considering his messed-up family and how he was raised, he could have turned out a lot worse.
I mean, there's also a good point to be made about Toph not having the same antagonistic relationship with Zuko and so being more easily able to forgive him, which the show does bring up, but this isn't Toph being like "oh we should forgive him because he had a hard life," it's her explicitly understanding what it feels like to grow up abused, angry, and confused. Toph also could have pulled the "well I had shitty parents and I didn't make poor decisions, bootstraps, blah blah," but she didn't because she actually knows what it's like. As for "they get along well because they are both brats," that's not something you can actually take from the show. Something you CAN take from the show is "you shouldn't let your own hurt feelings get in the way of your relationships with other people. That doesn't mean you need to forgive at the cost of your own well-being but if someone is extending an olive branch, take it."
It's amazing that certain people in this fandom can lecture on the concept of forgiveness but seem to think that Katara and Aang should have held constant grudges against their friends for things they canonically already made up over.
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hael987 · 2 years
Another [4] continuation on the 'language' reversal (SS -> E7 -> E8 -> E9 -> E10)
Kinn’s natural ‘language’ being physical/actions vs Porsche’s natural ‘language’ being verbal.
The ‘language’ reversal (speaking each others’ ‘language’) goes well when the relationship is going well, they’re open to one another, and their emotions are good. It breaks down when that's not the case.
On the staircase, the words and the actions themselves speak of trust but the manner in which it’s “spoken” is very telling. Porsche uses words and Kinn uses actions. They’ve retreated back into their own ‘languages’.
P:“You need to trust me” and Kinn lets him go. From Kinn’s POV this is probably his acknowledgement of trust, his action saying this. But we know actions aren’t Porsche’s natural ‘language’ - does he even fully understand this meaning? Probably not. If Kinn had instead used words it might have turned out differently. But he didn’t use words because the 'language' reversal has broken down, it was disrupted by outside forces and negative emotions. They’re closed off to one another.
They’ve retreated back into their own ‘languages’ which is understandable. Porsche is hurt, locked up, and left in the dark as to what’s really happening. Kinn is overwhelmed and neck deep in complicated plans, he can’t afford to be open, he has to retreat back to ‘languages’ he knows and understands, what he’s fluent in.
Then suddenly we have K: “Porsche are you alright?”, Kinn checking on Porsche verbally. Porsche never answers, he’s not actually alright, this action of silence but still pointing his gun at Tawan is his answer: he’s not okay but he’s still willing to protect Kinn. They’ve used each other’s ‘languages’ here because in this moment they’re open to one another, fresh on the relief that Porsche is alive and the Tawan conflict, the case of Porsche’s supposed betrayal, is about to be cleared. It’s brief and temporary but in the moment they were fully open to one another.
“Are you okay” is finally answered by Porsche verbally with “I’m okay” and the same question back to Kinn. The first lines directed at Kinn from Porsche after running, he reaches out verbally. It’s his own ‘language’, he wants to let Kinn know he still cares even if the emotions are still tumultuous and the ‘language’ reversal hasn’t opened back up.
Kinn extends a physical olive branch with the cigarette. He tries for a verbal olive branch too, “give him time”, but it’s not really met with a true verbal answer or acknowledgement from Porsche, instead he changes to a different question. He’s still closed off. Then Porsche drops the physical olive branch on the floor, he’s understandably annoyed. 
So Kinn tries a second time, this time beginning with a verbal olive branch. It’s an opening of communication with the demand for an apology. It may seem counterproductive but it’s more real and crucially what Porsche needs, something in his own ‘language’. Kinn’s talking to Porsche in Porsche’s own ‘language’, explaining what he needs, why he needs it, as well as letting Porsche respond in kind with his own thoughts. He gets Porsche to open back up verbally, we’re on the way to mending the ‘language’ reversal.  
The understanding of each other is still lacking though, which probably signifies more troubles to come. P:“He fooled me” K:“And you let him fool you?”. Kinn doesn’t really understand how Porsche fell for the manipulation. Kinn doesn’t actually tell him things, nor explain anything as he thinks the actions speak enough for themselves. From a natural ‘language’ point of view though it makes sense that Vegas convinces Porsche to run [to perform an action that screams admission of guilt] so that he can find evidence [and presumably verbally justify his case]. His weakness (needing to verbally confirm things) has been exploited. Words are the ‘language’ Porsche understands the most, and thus trusts his understanding of them the most, which is why he’s susceptible to the manipulation of others like Tawan and Vegas. They tell him things and because that’s his 'language' he thinks he understands, he thinks what he infers from that is right and not that this ‘language’ can be wielded against him which is why he is fooled. Kinn doesn’t understand this relationship Porsche has with his natural ‘language’. This lack of understanding from Kinn means he’s not fully open and understanding Porsche (and his ‘language’).
{ !! For insights into how Vegas worked his manipulation and wielded words read @ellaspore ‘s lovely post !! }.
We know the ‘language’ reversal isn’t 100% perfectly functional because Kinn feels the need to express his response to Porsche through a kiss, an action. Porsche readily responds with his own actions though because even if it’s not fully functional, they’ve still mended it in part. So yes, he’ll reply to Kinn with actions and kiss him back, open himself up physically. He’s now willing to open himself back up to Kinn in both ‘languages’.
So now they’re both once again open to one another. K:“Are we good now?” P: reaches out to hold/stroke his hand. A successful ‘language’ reversal, a mending of the equal exchange. The good emotions are back and they’re open to one another again. 
Porsche is worried and hurt by his brother’s ultimatum, feeling vulnerable he verbally speaks it out. Kinn meets him on the same level telling him he’s stressed too. Porsche reassures him by stroking his hair and physical affection. They’re both meeting the other on the ground they need, in each other’s ‘language’ to provide reassurance. There’s no miscommunication, only support. In the presence of good emotions, they’re back to speaking and understanding in the other’s ‘language’.
As for how long it’ll last before negative emotions seep back in (an imbalance, doubt, trust, a seeming betrayal) and break the ‘language’ reversal once more, well, who knows.
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missdawnandherdusk · 4 years
Cliche Mini-Series: Patronus
Draco X Reader
Requested: @shadowsingeraxolotl​ Okay, so they're all in 8th year or something and everyone are practicing their patronusus and they match and everyone is in awe because they are the most powerful ones they've ever seen? Like an alternate soulmark but better because they realize that Draco is so soft
A/N: Y’all sure do have a lot of cliches you want to see, so here’s the first one that sparked my interest. It will not be the last I promise, but please enjoy these two kids falling in love and healing after the war. 
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Okay so it’s 8th year
Everyone is a little tense, and the castle looks new but everything just feels wrong
McGonagall created an entire new wing for the 8th years so that they could get away from the haunting that the war left in the old castle
And the House Cup was done away with and first years were allowed to pick houses and others were allow to declare house-less or switched as they saw fit fight me on this I dare you
Which meant that the few 8th years who decided to come back all declared to be house-less because f*ck destiny and who they were supposed to be. They just wanted to be kids goddamnit
That doesn’t mean that you’re not a little surprised when Draco declares house-less. You thought he’d want to stay Slytherin
You catch his eyes and there’s no light in them and your heart just hurts
War was hell, and being trapped on the wrong side had to be the depths of Tartarus
McGonagall keeps a dozen Mind Healers on staff this year, for obvious reasons
Which is where you run into Draco often. You’re craving a therapy session and he has to—court mandated.
You wave and he gives you a curt nod. He’s in most of your classes now that you were both house-less so you’re peers, maybe acquaintances
True to Harry’s nature, he’s suspicious of Malfoy at all times, and well maybe you pick up a few habits of looking after Draco as well—but in a different manor
You make sure he eats, and gets to class, and stays awake in class for that matter, then you make sure he gets to bed. All by gentle questions or offering to go with him to meals or class etc (“hey, I haven’t eaten dinner, wanna come with?” “You have Flitwick with me... wanna walk together?” “It’s late, I’m sure the book will be there in the morning,” “I made too much tea, do you want some?”)
He notes your kindness but only mentions it to his Mind Healer. He’s confused as to why you’re being kind and doesn’t know if he likes it or not (he’s also a bit better with his emotions since he’s in therapy) y’all get therapy it’s amazing
“Well, you could ask her about it,” the Healer suggests. Except he didn’t understand how much Draco could not do that because he wasn’t confrontational anymore
Instead he decides to extend the same kindness to you. As an olive branch. You spill ink all over your paper in shock when he asks you to dinner. He quickly vanishes the ink with a flick of his hand
Now you two sort of get dinner together. Like all the time. It’s just something that normal and routine. You talk about your days, your classes, and Draco feels... normal. Like you’re not gawking at him, not afriad of him, you don’t hate him, and he’s pretty sure this isn’t some sort of ploy
fuck canon. Remus Lupin isn’t dead and neither is Sirius. I am the queen of this blog and my word is law.
Remus teaches DADA because he loves teaching and now that the job isn’t jinxed and McGonagall knows he needs a break from 24/7 Sirius to maintain his sanity, he teaches
And of course he adores his 8th years
He teaches a wide range of defense spells, but to pass his class with full marks all you have to do is summon a patronus. Corporeal or not.
Draco, though still quite flawless in about everything else, struggles with casting a patronus. A lot of 8th years do as well, so he’s not singled out, even if he is a bit frustrated
Remus understands that after a war this is hard for his kids, so he allows them to take a day and go to the lake instead of class for fun in the sun and to make new and safer memories
“Aren’t you coming?” You ask Draco who’s sitting alone in the common room sulking. “No,” he mutters. “Why not? Lupin is taking attendance, you have to come,”
“No, I don’t.” He snaps.
He really doesn’t want to go. He doesn’t want to swim. He doesn’t want to take his shirt off or wear short sleeves. He doesn’t want to be gawked at because of his Mark or his numerous scars. He’d rather save himself the panic attack.
“Come with me?” You try weakly. “You don’t have to swim. I’m not going to, but maybe just sit out there? We can read? Or talk? Or something?” You know it’s a lost cause. You sigh. “We’ll miss you Draco—I’ll miss you,” you offer a small smile and head down to the lake downcast.
And maybe Draco misses you with each step that you walk away from him. Maybe it’s so unbearable that he curses himself and you before stalking down the the lakeside beach.
Meanwhile you’re perched under a tree reading a book. “Couldn’t get him to come down huh?” Lupin asks. “Sorry Professor,” you give a weak smile. “Don’t worry about it. I know it’s gonna take Draco a bit longer to get on his feet again. In fact I’d be surprised if—” Lupin stops mid sentence.
“Professor?” You ask. “Well I’ll be a mandrakes uncle,” Lupin grins, nodding to someone in the distance. You turn and see a familiar head of white blond hair heading towards you.
Ignoring Lupin completely you jump up and run over to Draco, pulling him into a hug, before remembering yourself as you take a step away awkwardly.
“I’m glad you came,” you stammer. “Me too,” his cheeks are flushed slightly pink as you two sit under the tree together.
True to your word, you two do read. He reads some sort of wizard classic literature and you read a muggle classic: Pride and Prejudice because you need a break from magic and spells
Draco asks you about your book and you explain a bit of it to him, saying that he would probably enjoy it, despite its muggle origins. He eyes the book and you skeptically but asks if he can borrow it when you’re finished with it
You two are mostly left alone for the afternoon, except always under the watchful eye of Harry who is still convinced that Malfoy is up to something
Your patronus charm is now incorporeal. You jump excitedly and the charm falls. Draco, who’s next to you, is quite surprised by the hug he gets tackled with by a very elated you.
Which leads to more awkward blushing and apologies.
“So you and Malfoy?” Harry asks one night while you’re alone. “I... I don’t like it.” “Oh come on Harry, don’t you think if he was going to do something he would have? He’s just trying to move on like the rest of us,” your voice is venemous and cold as you glare the golden boy down.
Draco sees you and Harry talking alone at night and gets the wrong idea before rushing away not understanding why that hurt so badly. He feels betrayed. You were the one person he thought was on his side and now you were skirting around with Potter.
You notice immediately that Draco has closed himself off to you and you worry. “Is everything okay?” “Ask Potter,” Draco snaps. “You seemed pretty cozy with him the other night.”
Then it hits you. “We’re you spying on me?” The thought is quickly dismissed. “Draco, Harry came up to me bitching about you. And I told him to drop it and leave you alone because you deserve your place here like the rest of us,”
Well you hadn’t said exactly that, there was a bit more swearing involved but the sentiment was there
“You... you defended me,” he’s in disbelief. “Yes,” you groan. “Now will you stop sulking and come and get dinner with me?”
“I’ve already eaten,” he mutters. You raise an eyebrow at him. “Draco,” you press. “Please,”
“I’ll never understand how you can tell when I’m lying,” he grumbles, standing. “You don’t look me in the eye,” you laugh, walking towards the great hall.
The trips to the lake become a Friday thing for 8th years and Remus. To give the kids a break and to let them blow off a little steam.
You know Draco isn’t comfortable going again and you don’t want to either so, you talk to Lupin and work out a deal.
“Are you coming?” You ask him, dressed in your old quidditch robes. “You’re going to the lake in that?” He asks skeptically. “And no I’m not going,”
“I’m not going to the lake,” you smile, perching on the back of a couch. “So, are you coming?”
“Where are you going?” He asks. “Oh come on you’re a smart bloke, put two and two together.” You laugh and take off down the hall towards the quidditch pitch.
You’ve done a few laps when Draco joins you in the air. “This is stupid,” he declares. “Yeah,” you smile. “But it’s fun!”
Draco sighs and his resolve fades and soon he’s smiling and chasing after you in a one on one game of catch-the-snitch
And honestly it is fun. Draco’s laughing and flying with you and he almost forgets that he’s supposed to be Seeking.
And when you fly closer to him, staring into his eyes, beaming, he does everything he can to remember to keep flying. You’re inches from him. You reach out and his heart is stammering.
Then you grab something next to his head and laugh victoriously showing him the snitch.
“Oh come on that was cheating!” He whines, chasing after you towards the field floor.
“It’s not my fault you were staring at me like I was Potter!” You call back. “Although I hope you don’t hate me,” you land softly on the grass and Draco is caught off guard by your words and why would he ever hate you and he crashes into you
“Draco!” You scold, and he thinks he’s hurt you and that you’re crying but no you’re laughing hysterically beside him
“I—are you okay?” He stammers, gaping at you. “I’m fine,” you laugh sitting up. Until you put pressure on your wrist and well maybe then you’re not fine
Draco feels awful and takes you to the infirmary, letting Pomfrey heal your broken wrist. All the while the roles are reversed and you have to convince him to calm down and that you’ll be okay man that boy is a mess
“B-but I hurt you!” He exclaims. “It was an accident Draco!” You fold your arms. “I’m not mad, please don’t be mad at yourself,” your voice softens as you take his hands. “Please?”
His eyes catch yours and he nods and you smile at him.
Since this is an every week thing, you and Draco have a rivalry going on of who’s won more matches. (The smack talk and banter is real, but all in good fun. It leaves you both laughing and smiling and onlookers completely confused because “uh, he just called you slower than a spider in roller skates” “Yeah, and he knows that it’s still faster than his blond arse” “My arse has nothing to do with it” “Oh I beg to differ,”)
Winter turns to Spring and now showers are 100% necessary for you Friday afternoons after you matches with Draco. 
You pause in the locker rooms after one match and notice that Draco has shed his robes and is now shirtless before you, his back turned. Your breath catches in your throat as you see the scars that paint a gruesome image on his skin.
You don’t think he knows you’re there but his tired voice barely speaks: “I know you’re staring. It-It’s okay. I’ve... I’ve come to terms with it myself. And I think I’ve come to terms with you knowing as well.” 
He turns to face you, a mask of calm on his face, his eyes holding yours. 
“Harry did this?” You breathe out, taking a step toward him, your hand coming up and hesitantly tracing a scar that bends around his shoulder. 
“Harry, my father, my aunt... you stop keeping track after a while,” His eyes are downcast letting you know that he knows exactly what scar is from whom. 
Your hand trails down and brushes over his Dark Mark. He flinches, but his eyes don’t leave yours. 
“Thank you,” You whisper. “For showing me... for trusting me enough.”
Draco’s patronus is now incorporeal. 
You cheer and he wraps you into a hug this time and you’re shocked for a moment before hugging him back
You’re currently tied on your catch-the-snitch matches and today marks the tie breaker and the winner it’s just too hot to keep doing it during class time in the afternoon.
“D-Do you want to go to Hogsmeade with me, tomorrow?” Draco stammers one Friday afternoon. “Sure,” You smile, “A bunch of our friends are going, were you planning on not going?” 
Draco purses his lips because of course you’re going to make this hard for him. 
“I meant with me. Just me. As a... date?” He’s flushed bright pink and it has nothing to do with the heat. 
“I thought you’d never ask,” You grin and zoom off after the snitch and he’s left chasing you wondering and asking what the hell you meant by that.
He ends up catching the snitch and is completely distracted from his victory because what did you mean you thought he’d never ask????
“Draco, stars above you’re so dense,” you dismay and grab the front of his robes and pull him over and press your lips to his
It causes him to let the snitch go and pull you closer. And maybe the two of you spend the afternoon kissing thousands of feet above the ground.
You two enter the Common Room, hand in hand and a cheer is let up as well as bet money being exchanged. Draco is flushed pink, and so are you, but you just smile and roll your eyes back Hogwarts is starting to feel like home again
And oh he absolutely spoils you at Hogsmeade the next day. And you have to admit, as much as you like gifts, it’s so much more to see him happy about buying them for you.
Harry is sulking about the entire thing, and now has been jeering at you and Draco and most times Draco stops you from punching the golden boy in the face. 
“I did it to him for years,” Draco murmurs. “Doesn’t make it right,” You hiss back, glaring at Harry. 
A few others take the same idea as Harry and start to taunt Draco about his long sleeves in the warm weather. Draco never rises to the bait but you can see that it wears at him. You just hold his hand a little tighter and maybe send a few wandless, nonverbal hexes their way,
It draws the line one day when Harry with a few other 8th years stop you and Draco in the halls. Draco, you can tell is close to having a panic attack because it’s not the first one of his that you’ve witnessed and you just go off
“What is wrong with you!?” You scream at Harry. “At least he’s trying to get better! At least he’s changed! You might have saved the world but you’re nothing but a bully!” There are tears in your eyes as Draco places his hands at your waist, steadying you and himself. “And maybe he would wear a t-shirt if you hadn’t tried to kill him a few years ago with Dark Magic that left its mark all over him! Did you ever think of that!?” 
Harry is gaping at you, shocked. Draco pulls you down the hall and it’s not far before he’s breaking down into a panic attack in your arms. You stroke his hair as you let him cry out all his tears, then you walk him through breathing exercises and five-things-five-senses (Grounding)
After this Harry backs the fluff off (and eventually apologizes and goes to Mind Healing himself because you were right, he needed to get better too.) 
You and Draco become more comfortable around another and in public. Which leads to cuddling in the common room or kissing in the halls And no one can deny that you and Draco are just sweet and perfect together
Out of the blue but not really because Harry had a hand in it Lupin talks privately to Draco about his scars and they sort of have a therapy session themselves. Sirius talks to you and gives you advice about how to help Draco through overcoming his fears and self doubt about his scars and now you two have sort of been adopted by these two dads)
It’s the last day of DADA and Lupin makes all of his 8th years cast a patronus and you and Draco do it together and everyone stares in complete and utter awe at the two dragons coiling around each other filling up almost the entire room
You and Draco are in shock too, but soon, smug smiles fall on both of your faces because, yeah... those are two souls sworn and bound to protect another. Two fighters. Two dragons.
You also tease Draco about his name and the dragon for the rest of his life which always ends with him growing frustrated and kissing you to shut you up and then the both of you get a little carried away... but it’s fine. The castle is enormous and there are plenty of empty classrooms
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