#but they’ve become millionaires in the last 5 years
People at my sister’s fast food job have been telling her she’s privileged bc she has rich parents but my siblings and I have never been rich in the sense of our parents give us money. My oldest brother is the kid they’re most proud of bc he has a well paying job (manipulating financial markets) and he got the job bc my mom helped him get it. Even tho he’s the kid closest to them, with the least complaints about their parenting, it’s not like he was necessarily a silver spoon kid either. He worked as a pizza delivery guy full time to get himself thru college. Our parents could have paid for us to get educated and stuff but they didn’t. They’ve always used money as a tool against us ever since we were little kids. Like guilting us over how much money they spent on us. My mom threatened to make me homeless as soon as I turned 18, and she didn’t do anything to help me prepare for the real world. I ended up dependent on them for a couple years until I could figure out how to fend for myself, but I was paying for the majority of my expenses soon enough. I probably could be as rich as my brother, who recently bought a house, if I’d sucked up to them more and taken any kinda evil job that came my way. But i haven’t accepted money from them in 4 years because I don’t like the strings that come with it and I didn’t like who I was when I was dependent on them. And even back when I did need their money, I was never rich. I have around $7,000 total right now, and that is the most money I’ve ever had in my life, but also I’m in a lot of debt, so you know. I’ve never just been able to have whatever I wanted. I was provided for well as a kid, that was a privilege, but since I turned 18 I’ve often struggled to have the money to feed myself. My adopted sister has been through a lot more than I have and she’s dealing with all sorts of financial, personal, and physical problems, but people at her job think she’s got it made bc every once and a while my parents help her with a car repair, which they then use to guilt and emotionally blackmail her. 💀
0 notes
robertreich · 1 year
Why Does Flying Suck so Much? 
You might not believe this, but I’m old enough to remember when flying was fun.
Now I'm sure you've got your own airline horror stories, which I hope you’ll share. But what happened to make flying such a nightmare?
The answer is simple: the same things happening across most industries. In fact, a close look at airlines reveals five of the biggest problems with our economy.
Number 1: Consolidation means fewer choices.
While there were once many more airlines, a series of mergers and acquisitions over the last three decades has left only four in control of about 80% of the market.
This kind of consolidation has been happening all over the economy. For example, four companies now control 80% of all beef production, and two control over 60% of all paper products. This lack of competition has led to:
Number 2: Companies Charging More for Less
Even before recent airfare spikes, air travel was getting more expensive because of new fees for things that used to be free, like in-flight meals, checked bags, or even carry-ons.
Spirit Airlines even charges $25 to print your boarding pass at a ticket counter! It’s just a piece of paper!
One of the ugliest ad-ons is the fee some airlines charge for families to sit together. That doesn’t even cost them anything!
Airlines are leading an economy-wide trend of adding often unexpected new charges to goods and services without adding value.
And you’re getting less in return. Airlines have cut an estimated 8 inches of legroom and two inches of seat width in the last two decades. Doesn’t bother me (I’m short), but many of you may feel the squeeze.
This parallels other industries where you’re paying more for less — just look at how cereal boxes, rolls of toilet paper, and candy bars are all shrinking.
Number 3: Exploiting Workers
While their jobs have become more difficult, many flight attendants haven’t had a raise in years.
And a lot of their hardest work is totally unpaid, because most flight attendants don’t get paid during the boarding process. They’re off the clock until the plane’s doors close.
And if the flight is delayed, those are often extra hours for no extra money.
Again, this mirrors trends in the overall economy, where too many workers are pushed into unpaid overtime or made to do work or be on call during their off hours.
Number 4: The Illusion of Scarcity
Airlines pretend they have no choice but to raise prices, cut services, and limit payroll. But their profits are in the stratosphere. In the five years before the pandemic, the top 5 airlines were flush enough to pay shareholders $45 billion, largely through stock buybacks.
During the pandemic, they got a $54 billion bailout from taxpayers (you’re welcome).
In the years since, they’ve resumed flying high, with nearly $10 billion in net profit expected across the industry in 2023. They can afford to take care of workers and customers.
Whether it’s multi-millionaire movie moguls pretending they can’t afford to pay writers or a grocery chain blaming “inflation” for high prices while raking in record profits, this illusion of scarcity is a sham.
Number 5: Misdirected Rage
Instead of being mad at the people at the top, we’ve been tricked into being mad at each other. Fights have broken out over whether it’s ok to recline a seat or who gets overhead bin space. But reclining’s only an issue because airlines intentionally put the seats too close together. And bin space is only running out because they’ve made it expensive to check bags — and also risky, with the rate of lost bags doubling over the last year.
Airlines are pitting us against each other the same way billionaires and their political lackeys pit groups against each other in society, hoping we’ll blame unions or immigrants or people of other races or religions or gender identities for why it’s so hard to get ahead, and that we won’t notice how much wealth and power is in the hands of so few.
So what do we do?
A lot of these problems could be solved with tougher antitrust enforcement — which we are starting to see. The Justice Dept is suing to block JetBlue from buying Spirit Airlines. We need that kind of anti-monopoly protection across the board.
Another part of the solution is unions. Airline workers are among the wave of American workers organizing to demand better pay and working conditions.
And then there’s your power as an informed consumer. Companies get away with bad behavior when we accept their excuses that there’s just no other way to run a business. They’re counting on us not knowing what’s really going on. So share this video, and share your airline stories in the comments.
Finally, try to be a little nicer to service workers and your fellow passengers — on planes and in life. After all, we’re all on this journey together.
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zahri-melitor · 1 year
Next up time for more intense angst in the Potted Fanon Histories with Robin III, TIM DRAKE:
Tim, newborn: His parents bring him home from the hospital to the family mansion in Bristol, Drake Manor. They are millionaires.
Tim, 3: Was at Haly’s Circus. Saw the Graysons die.
Tim, 8-9: Realises that Dick Grayson is Robin after seeing him do a quadruple flip on the news. Becomes immediately obsessed with Batman & Robin. Starts sneaking out at night with a camera to take photos.
Tim, 8-9: Jack and Janet Drake decide that their child is just so mature and competent that really, they’re too busy with their work running a multimillion dollar medical company as internationally renown archaeologists. Tim is now left at home in Drake Manor, with a housekeeper and/or nanny.
Tim, 10-13: shortly after Tim gets into his new hobby of midnight roof vigilante photography, Jason becomes Robin. Tim is now obsessed with this new younger Robin who cares so much for children.
Tim, 10-13: attends Gotham Academy. His parents return home at irregular intervals for a few days without warning. They repeatedly encourage him to network with other children at school for Business Purposes. At some stage they decide he no longer needs adult supervision at home, as he’s just So Responsible. Mrs Mac now drops in for a couple of hours per week to do the vacuuming and cook.
Tim and his parents: Janet is an Ice Queen and Jack is abusive. Tim is unaware that this is not normal. He is being raised as a Business Baby. He is expected to skip grades at school and be working 2-3 years above his age cohort.
Tim, 11-13 (yes we’re sticking with a wide range here): Tim finds out Jason is dead when Bruce announces it in the paper. During his nights out he notices Bruce is getting more violent. Tim goes to find Dick in Bludhaven to tell him that Bruce is too violent! Dick shrugs him off so Tim is determined – he goes to Bruce and tell him that there must be a Robin and insists it is him.
Tim, 13-14: is a smol sad bean. He is now Robin and Bruce is less violent but he’ll never be a Robin like his hero ~*~Jason Todd~*~. Bruce accidentally calls him Jason and looks at the memorial case all the time. Tim knows he’s not really part of the family but he’s doing his best as Robin.
Tim, 13-14: Tim goes on a trip to Paris where he encounters assassins. No further details.
Tim, 13-14: Dick starts dropping by the Manor and Gotham every second weekend to patrol with Tim as Robin, because he’s so guilty about Not Spending Enough Time With Jason. They become close, like brothers.
Tim, 13-14: Tim encounters Steph as Spoiler when she hits him on the head with a brick. They immediately start dating.
Tim’s Parental Free Square: Janet and Jack are both alive and well and neglect Tim. They have not realised he is Robin as they’ve been home for 6 weeks total in the last 5 years.
Tim’s Alternate Parental Free Square: at an unspecified time Janet died. Jack went into a coma. Since then, Tim has been living at Wayne Manor in a spare room. One day, Jack might wake up, but it’s been months or years now.
Tim, 14: Tim forms Young Justice with his best friends Kon, Bart, Cassie and Cissie. They hang out together and play baseball in space! (the only plot that happens here)
Tim, 14-15: Tim and the rest of Young Justice (minus Cissie) become Teen Titans. No reason why, they’re just old enough now. (The only plot that happens here is Titans of Tomorrow where they meet their evil adult selves)
Alternate Robin Tim plot: Joker Junior! Due to either Reverse Robins or just a desire for whump, Tim is captured by Joker and tortured till insanity. He becomes Joker Junior.
Tim, 14-15: there’s a new villain in Gotham haunting the streets, Red Hood. Bruce is now obsessed with him and has no time to pay any attention to Tim. He has told Tim not to patrol. Dick is also worried. Tim, forbidden from going out in Gotham, goes to hang out at Titans Tower (location unspecified). Jason turns up and beats Tim up with his own bo staff and may slit Tim’s throat. Alternately, Tim sneaks out in Gotham anyway and encounters Red Hood on another occasions where he gets his throat slit. This is a major injury that scars badly.
Tim, 16: His parents die. His best friend, Kon, dies. His girlfriend Steph dies. Tim is very distraught by this and refuses to let Bruce adopt him, inventing a Fake Uncle. He tries to clone Kon 99 times in a basement.
Tim, 17: gets adopted. He meets Damian and Damian immediately tries to deliberately murder him. Several times. 
Tim, 17: Bruce dies. Tim is convinced he is not dead. If Battle for the Cowl happens, Jason tries to kill him with a batarang. Once Dick is Batman, Tim and Dick fight over whether Bruce is dead. Dick says Tim is crazy and should be in Arkham. He then tells Tim that Damian is now Robin. Tim, furious, drops out of school and runs away and becomes Red Robin.
Tim, 17: Tim is captured by Ra’s Al Ghul. He loses his spleen. He gets away by blowing up ALL the League bases and hundreds of people die. He then returns to Gotham and falls out of a tower due to Ra’s Al Ghul. Dick catches him. The spleen loss is a secret.
Tim, 17: Tim gets emancipated and is no longer legally a family member because that’s how emancipation works. He now runs Wayne Enterprises as CEO. Everyone is impressed how good at it he is and how hard he works. 
Tim, 17: Tim is still mad about what Dick said to him. Damian again attempts to murder Tim, this time by dropping a billboard on his head and when that doesn’t work, by cutting his line. Dick takes Damian’s side, and explains Tim can’t be Robin anymore because Damian just needs it so much more and look how well he’s doing!
Tim, 17: Bruce returns due to Tim’s research but he’s now mad at Tim because Tim tried to kill Captain Boomerang (who killed his parents). 
Tim, 17: (optional angst) the Daughter of Acheron tries to rape Tim and Cass saves him. This provides angst. Cass is the only person who knows or cares. 
Tim, 17: Jason apologises for trying to kill Tim multiple times and blames it on pit rage. Tim accepts this as a good explanation and becomes Best Brothers with Jason as he has apologised.
Tim, 17: Tim’s no longer part of the family and it gives him ANGST. He’s just so sad. Also he just can’t trust Dick any more and their brotherhood is Eternally Destroyed. He’s just a Coworker.
Tim, currently: Tim comes out as bi and starts dating an old classmate, Bernard. They live on a boat. Bernard was in a paincult for a while. Tim is Robin. 
Alternate Tim, currently 17: Tim is living in an apartment and running Wayne Enterprises. He does not live at Manor but he has a bedroom there. This is an argument between him and Bruce. There is still tension between Tim and Dick that they are both sad about, but Tim is cool with Jason. Tim has either forgiven Damian or they fight constantly every time they’re near each other. Tim is Red Robin.
Tim, currently: is in a relationship with Bernard, Kon or Steph, pick one. If Tim is in a relationship with Kon, Bruce vaguely disapproves and says “no metas in Gotham” a lot. 
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truck-fump · 1 year
Why Does Flying Suck so Much? You might not believe this, but...
New Post has been published on https://robertreich.org/post/728210346843750400
Why Does Flying Suck so Much? You might not believe this, but...
Why Does Flying Suck so Much? 
You might not believe this, but I’m old enough to remember when flying was fun.
Now I’m sure you’ve got your own airline horror stories, which I hope you’ll share. But what happened to make flying such a nightmare?
The answer is simple: the same things happening across most industries. In fact, a close look at airlines reveals five of the biggest problems with our economy.
Number 1: Consolidation means fewer choices.
While there were once many more airlines, a series of mergers and acquisitions over the last three decades has left only four in control of about 80% of the market.
This kind of consolidation has been happening all over the economy. For example, four companies now control 80% of all beef production, and two control over 60% of all paper products. This lack of competition has led to:
Number 2: Companies Charging More for Less
Even before recent airfare spikes, air travel was getting more expensive because of new fees for things that used to be free, like in-flight meals, checked bags, or even carry-ons.
Spirit Airlines even charges $25 to print your boarding pass at a ticket counter! It’s just a piece of paper!
One of the ugliest ad-ons is the fee some airlines charge for families to sit together. That doesn’t even cost them anything!
Airlines are leading an economy-wide trend of adding often unexpected new charges to goods and services without adding value.
And you’re getting less in return. Airlines have cut an estimated 8 inches of legroom and two inches of seat width in the last two decades. Doesn’t bother me (I’m short), but many of you may feel the squeeze.
This parallels other industries where you’re paying more for less — just look at how cereal boxes, rolls of toilet paper, and candy bars are all shrinking.
Number 3: Exploiting Workers
While their jobs have become more difficult, many flight attendants haven’t had a raise in years.
And a lot of their hardest work is totally unpaid, because most flight attendants don’t get paid during the boarding process. They’re off the clock until the plane’s doors close.
And if the flight is delayed, those are often extra hours for no extra money.
Again, this mirrors trends in the overall economy, where too many workers are pushed into unpaid overtime or made to do work or be on call during their off hours.
Number 4: The Illusion of Scarcity
Airlines pretend they have no choice but to raise prices, cut services, and limit payroll. But their profits are in the stratosphere. In the five years before the pandemic, the top 5 airlines were flush enough to pay shareholders $45 billion, largely through stock buybacks.
During the pandemic, they got a $54 billion bailout from taxpayers (you’re welcome).
In the years since, they’ve resumed flying high, with nearly $10 billion in net profit expected across the industry in 2023. They can afford to take care of workers and customers.
Whether it’s multi-millionaire movie moguls pretending they can’t afford to pay writers or a grocery chain blaming “inflation” for high prices while raking in record profits, this illusion of scarcity is a sham.
Number 5: Misdirected Rage
Instead of being mad at the people at the top, we’ve been tricked into being mad at each other. Fights have broken out over whether it’s ok to recline a seat or who gets overhead bin space. But reclining’s only an issue because airlines intentionally put the seats too close together. And bin space is only running out because they’ve made it expensive to check bags — and also risky, with the rate of lost bags doubling over the last year.
Airlines are pitting us against each other the same way billionaires and their political lackeys pit groups against each other in society, hoping we’ll blame unions or immigrants or people of other races or religions or gender identities for why it’s so hard to get ahead, and that we won’t notice how much wealth and power is in the hands of so few.
So what do we do?
A lot of these problems could be solved with tougher antitrust enforcement — which we are starting to see. The Justice Dept is suing to block JetBlue from buying Spirit Airlines. We need that kind of anti-monopoly protection across the board.
Another part of the solution is unions. Airline workers are among the wave of American workers organizing to demand better pay and working conditions.
And then there’s your power as an informed consumer. Companies get away with bad behavior when we accept their excuses that there’s just no other way to run a business. They’re counting on us not knowing what’s really going on. So share this video, and share your airline stories in the comments.
Finally, try to be a little nicer to service workers and your fellow passengers — on planes and in life. After all, we’re all on this journey together.
0 notes
papermoonloveslucy · 4 years
June 1, 1926 - August 4, 1962
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Marilyn Monroe (born Norma Jeane Mortenson) was an actress, model, and singer. Famous for playing comedic "blonde bombshell" characters, she became one of the most popular sex symbols of the 1950s and early 1960s and was emblematic of the era's changing attitudes towards sexuality. She was a top-billed actress for only a decade, but her films grossed $200 million by the time of her death in 1962. More than half a century later, she continues to be a major popular culture icon.
"When I was five I think, that's when I started wanting to be an actress. I didn't like the world around me because it was kind of grim, but I loved to play house. When I heard that this was acting, I said that's what I want to be. Some of my foster families used to send me to the movies to get me out of the house and there I'd sit all day and way into the night. Up in front, there with the screen so big, a little kid all alone, and I loved it.” ~ Marilyn Monroe,1962
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Lucille Ball never worked with Marilyn Monroe, but meet her in 1953 at Ciro’s Nightclub on Sunset Strip, along with Betty Grable, and Red Skelton. Monroe’s immense popularity permeated Ball’s work none-the-less. 
At the start of “Changing the Boys’ Wardrobe” (ILL S3;E10) the gang is heading to the movies to see “That picture we’ve been trying to get to for weeks with Marilyn Monroe.” The movie is likely Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, which premiered in New York City in July 1953. On November 5, 1953, the same day the episode was filmed, Monroe’s new film How to Marry a Millionaire was released in the US. 
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The November 1953 cover of TV and Movie Screen Magazine saw Lucy (in “The Camping Trip”) and Marilyn wearing the dress she wore on the May 1953 cover of Life Magazine promoting Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. 
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Also on November 5, 1953, the town of Monroe, New York (60 miles from New York City) was temporarily renamed Marilyn Monroe.
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The film later inspired much of the plot of “Second Honeymoon” (S5;E14), Lucy’s failed attempt to make their transatlantic crossing to Europe more than just a working vacation.    
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Monroe’s dinner companion turns out to be a seven year-old boy, just like Lucy’s ping pong partner turns out to be young Kenneth Hamilton (Harvey Grant). 
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Lucy gets stuck in a porthole just as Monroe did, also draping a blanket around her shoulders so passersby wouldn’t know what was really going on.
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The idea for the burlap potato sack dresses in “Lucy Wants A Paris Gown” (ILL S5;E20) comes from Monroe’s real life. 
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In 1951 Marilyn Monroe took a series of high fashion photographs wearing a potato sack as a response to a journalist who said that she might look sexier in a burlap sack than her usual fashion choices. 
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Lucy first wore burlap at the end of “Mr. and Mrs. TV Show” (ILL S4;E24) as her scary version of a Phipps make-over.
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In “Ricky’s Movie Offer” (ILL S4;E5) Lucy and Ethel argue about who looks more like Marilyn Monroe. 
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While Lucy has the facial features, Ethel has the blonde hair. 
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Fred (hilariously) settles the argument!  
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In “Ricky’s Screen Test” (ILL S4;E7) a long list of Hollywood names are dropped in anticipation of hobnobbing with celebrities, including Marilyn Monroe. 
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In “Lucy and Harpo Marx” (ILL S4;E28) Lucy wonders if Ethel might pass for Monroe to a near-sighted Carolyn Appleby. After Ethel tries to walk like Marilyn Monroe, Lucy decides that “nobody is that near-sighted!” Fred says that he looks more like Marilyn than either of them! 
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In “Lucy and Superman” (ILL S6;E13), the Appleby’s come over for a social evening that Ethel calls “the bore war” because the couples only talk about their children. As the scene opens, Caroline is in mid-sentence talking about a Marilyn Monroe film.
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CAROLINE: “...and he picked up Marilyn Monroe, slung her over his shoulder and carried her off!”
Although the title is never mentioned, the film they are discussing is Bus Stop, starring Marilyn Monroe and Don Murray. It was released in August 1956, two and a half months before this episode was filmed.
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When “Lucy Does the Tango” (ILL S6;E20), she stuffs eggs down her blouse and Ethel stashes a some in her back pockets. Lucy tells her, “Whatever you do don’t try to walk like Marilyn Monroe,” but the ‘yolk’ is on Ethel when Fred suddenly enters through the kitchen door! 
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In “Lucy the Gun Moll” (TLS S4;E25), Lucy plays Lucy Carmichael and Rusty Martin. The name Rusty Martin was probably derived from Lucy’s hair color and the surname of Mary Martin, who introduced the song “My Heart Belongs to Daddy” (music and lyrics by Cole Porter) in the 1938 Broadway musical Leave It to Me. Marilyn Monroe sang it in the 1960 film Let’s Make Love.  In that same film, Harry Cheshire, who played Sam Johnson in “Oil Wells” (ILL S3;E18), played Monroe’s father. Jerry Hausner (Jerry, Ricky’s Agent) and Joan Banks (Reporter Eleanor Harris in “Fan Magazine Interview”) played uncredited supporting roles. 
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Lucy and Marilyn shared a leading man in handsome Keith Andes. Andes was Lucy’s male lead in Wildcat on Broadway, and later played was featured on three episodes of “The Lucy Show.”  
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In 1952, he played opposite Marilyn in Clash By Night, an RKO picture. 
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In “Lucy Gets Ricky on the Radio” (1952), the June 3, 1952 of Look Magazine actually had Lucille Ball and Marilyn Monroe on the cover!  Monroe was promoting Clash by Night, and Desi had written a feature on his wife for the magazine. So Marilyn actually did appear on “I Love Lucy” - if only in a still photo. 
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Some Like It Hot (1959) is arguably one of Marilyn Monroe’s most popular films. What does it have in common with Lucille Ball? In 1958, both Lucy and Monroe were depicted at San Diego’s famous Del Coronado Hotel. It is the hotel that the Ricardo’s and Mertzes stay at in “Lucy Goes to Mexico” (LDCH S2;E1) as well as the backdrop for much of the film. Although Desilu filmed establishing footage of the hotel, the cast stayed in Hollywood, while Monroe went on location (as seen above). In “Lucy Goes to a Hollywood Premiere” (TLS S4;E20), Mr. Mooney says he wouldn’t buy a second hand nightie if it had been worn by Jack Lemmon in Some Like It Hot.
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The Irving Berlin song “There’s No Business Like Show Business” was sung on “I Love Lucy” and “The Lucy Show.”  Although it was originally from the Broadway musical Annie Get Your Gun (1946), it also served as the title and was performed (by Merman) in the Marilyn Monroe film There’s No Business Like Show Business in 1955. 
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In 1952, Marilyn co-starred by Richard Widmark (”The Tour” ILL S4;E30) in the film noir drama Don’t Bother To Knock. The film also featured “Lucy” players Lurene Tuttle (Fine Arts League President), Verna Felton (Mrs. Porter), Gloria Blondell (Grace Foster), as well as Harry Bartell, Olan Soule, Robert Foulke, and Bess Flowers.
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That same year, Monroe starred in We’re Not Married! opposite Lucy’s friend and former co-star Ginger Rogers, as well as Eve Arden (”Hollywood at Last!”), Paul Douglas (”Lucy Wants a Career”) and Eddie Bracken (Too Many Girls). 
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One of Monroe’s most iconic moments came in March 1962 when she sang “Happy Birthday” as a birthday present to President John F. Kennedy in a public birthday celebration also attended by Lucy’s friends and co-stars Jack Benny, Jimmy Durante, Henry Fonda, Danny Kaye, Shirley MacLaine and Elliott Reid. A year later, Lucy Carmichael also gave Kennedy a present, a sugar cube replica of the White House on “The Lucy Show” with Elliott Reid doing Kennedy’s offstage voice as well as playing a small on-camera role! 
"I never quite understood it, this sex symbol. I always thought symbols were those things you clash together! That's the trouble, a sex symbol becomes a thing. I just hate to be a thing. But if I'm going to be a symbol of something I'd rather have it sex than some other things they've got symbols of." ~ Marilyn Monroe, 1962
Monroe was married (and divorced) three times: 
James Dougherty, Merchant Marine & Policeman (1942-46) 
Joe DiMaggio, Baseball Player (1954-55)
Arthur Miller, Playwright (1956-61)
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In “Lucy is Enceinte” (ILL S2;E10), Fred gives Lucy a signed baseball for his future 'godson’. When he asks Lucy to read out the signature, she at first says “Spalding,” the ball’s brand name, but then finds it is signed by Joe DiMaggio.
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In “Ragtime Band” (ILL S6;E21), Little Ricky asks his Uncle Fred: 
LITTLE RICKY: “Who’s Joe 'Maggio?” FRED: “'Who’s Joe 'Maggio?’ You talk more like your father everyday.”
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In “Sales Resistance” (ILL S2;E17), Lucy compares herself to Willy Loman, the title character in Death of a Salesman, a Pulitzer Prize-winning play by Arthur Miller first produced on Broadway in 1949 and made into an Oscar-nominated film in 1951.  
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Speaking of husbands, Desi Arnaz has something in common with Marilyn Monroe, too. Both of their souses were accused of being Communists by the House Un-American Activities Committee during the 1950s. Both Lucille and Arthur Miller were cleared of charges and their careers continued, although that was not true for many celebrities of the time. 
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Monroe died on August 4, 1962. The toxicology report showed that the cause of death was acute barbiturate poisoning. Empty medicine bottles were found next to her bed. The possibility that Monroe had accidentally overdosed was ruled out because the dosages found in her body were several times over the lethal limit.
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The character of Ginger, the movie star castaway on “Gilligan’s Island” (1964-67) was described during casting as a combination of Lucille Ball and Marilyn Monroe. Tina Louise had Lucy’s red (ginger) hair and Monroe’s shapely physique. The series also featured Natalie Schafer (Phoebe Emerson) as Mrs. Howell, and Alan Hale Jr. as the Skipper. Hale performed on “The Lucy Show” and “Here’s Lucy”. Series creator Sherwood Schwartz was a Lucy fan. His brother Elroy Schwartz actually wrote scripts for Lucille Ball. 
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In the 2013 web-series “Ryan & Ruby” both Lucille Ball and Marilyn Monroe are given special thanks for their inspiration. The last name of star and creator Ryan Burton's character is "Carmichael", the same as Ball's character on the "The Lucy Show". In Ryan’s kitchen there are fridge magnets with photos of both Lucy and Marilyn.  
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Lucy and Marilyn are street characters at Universal Studios theme parks, their iconic hair and costumes making them instantly recognizable.
The same day Marilyn Monroe was born in 1926, another Hollywood icon with connections to Lucille Ball was also born, Andy Griffith.  To read his birthday blog, click here! 
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Tatli Ask (Sweet Love) (Can & Ozge) - Chapter One: Coffee Stain
Can Yaman closed his eyes trying to remember her face. Her long hair, her brown eyes, and the way she smelled like orange blossom. Her laugh, her smile, the way she looks at him when they were on the same page in an inside joke.
It was all a memory now.
He put her picture down and put his hands in his pockets, taking in the now all-too-familiar, all-too-empty room. This was their safe haven, their home. But now it was just an old shack full of memories.
He couldn't take it anymore. He had to go back to Istanbul, Turkey.
Bulgaria was a place Can learned to love when he was with Demet. When she was alive. Demet was a Bulgarian Turk, and having engaged 3 years ago, Can and Demet decided to live in Sofia, Bulgaria. Can and Demet were together for 7 years, 7 wonderful years. He could still remember that February 5 night when he proposed to her.
Can took Demet's hand and kissed it. He knew what he wanted to say. Or ask was the better term.
"Demet, we've been together for seven years," he started to say. "And I fall in love with you more and more each passing day."
Demet looked at him intently, carefully listening to every word that came out of his mouth.
"Demet, you are my everything. I don't---I can't imagine my life without you. Truly. I'd be lost. I fell in love with you at hello and will love you from here to eternity."
Can suddenly got on one knee, and tears fell from Demet's eyes. He kissed her hand again, this time lingering.
"Demet, you are all things kind and generous with a huge heart for loving and caring for others. For me. I love you. Will you marry me?" he said, carefully wording it so his voice wouldn't crack. He wanted to sound sincere, as his heart was.
"What? Why?!"
Demet laughed. "I was kidding! Yes, yes! I will marry you!"
He laughed and got up, pulled her to him and kissed her. He couldn't wait to wake up every morning with her, to take care of her. This time it was going to be forever.
"Sir Yaman?"
Can's thoughts were interrupted by the call of his secretary. He wiped the tear that was threatening to fall from his eyes and collected himself.
"Your limo is ready to take you to the airport, Sir."
"Thank you."
He took one last look at the room. He was going to leave it all behind. All the memories. All the happiness, the pain, and the girl.
It's been three years, he thought.
But still feels like yesterday when I got that dreaded phone call.
Can gathered his things from his office. He worked as an architect in his own architectural firm, Yaman Designs. He had just finished a meeting with a billionaire client who wanted him to design the newest hotel that would be built in Sofia.
He was excited to tell it all to Demet. She, too, had been anticipating this moment since they've been waiting for weeks for this client to come through.
Can bought flowers and chocolates and ordered catering to their mansion for their special dinner. This was a huge thing. Can will now be one of the most in-demand and famous architects in Bulgaria. They had to celebrate.
He got home first and got people to set it all up. The dining room and the living room were filled with rose petals and balloons and food. Each one was Demet's favorite. Can wore a three piece black suit, patiently waiting for Demet in the living room. He had texted her what time she was going to arrive and she promised she'd be there at 8 PM.
It was 9 o'clock in the evening. It's been an hour and Demet still hasn't come home.
"She probably had some last minute papers to grade," Can tried to convince himself. Demet worked as a Philosophy Professor at Sofia University.
Another hour has passed. Not even a text.
"Where on earth is she?" Can muttered to himself.
Then his phone rang. And he didn't know it was a phone call that would change his life forever.
"Demet, where are you---"
"Is this Mr. Can Yaman?" a man said.
"Oh, uh, yes. This is he. Who's calling?"
"Good evening, Mr. Yaman. This is Officer Anton Emilov. We're very disheartened to tell you that Miss Demet Ozdemir's car was found crashed in Iskar River. Unfortunately, Mr. Yaman, Miss Demet was also found inside. We took her to the hospital as soon as we got her out, but she has been declared dead on arrival. The hospital we took her in is Lozenetz University Hospital..."
"Sir Yaman, we have arrived."
His thoughts were once again interrupted as the driver told him they have arrived at the airport. He was thankful though, at the interruption. He was going back again. Way back to the night she died. And it was breaking him inside again.
Can's assistants immediately went up to him and carried his bags. He looked at his plane ticket that said: "5:30 PM departure." He checked his watch. 4:30 PM. He had one hour to wait at the sky lounge.
"Sir Yaman, Miss Guldem asked if you will be taking one of her private planes to Istanbul today since..."
"No need, Zeynep," Can told his secretary. "I've already booked a flight to Istanbul in Business Class. Please tell mother I won't be needing her help."
"Yes, of course, Sir."
The airport was busy and that's how Can liked it. He didn't want to be alone with his thoughts. For three years, he had to keep himself busy. He used his job as his escape. He did become one of the most in-demand and famous architects in Bulgaria. He is now a self-made multi-millionaire yet he didn't care. Sofia was now a place he never wanted to go back.
He stepped in line to get coffee at Cakey Bakey, then he was going to read a book in the Airport Sky Lounge. He looked at the options, trying to avoid the ones he and Demet used to drink together.
"One Affogato please," Can said.
He took his drink, paid the cashier and tried to find an unoccupied table. He found one facing the window and walked slowly to it. Until, freezing cold liquid spilled onto his Gucci cashmere wool coat.
That was cold. And frustrating.
Can let out an exasperated sigh and looked who it was who just ruined his $3,800 dollar coat.
"I am so sorry, I didn't see you and this is my first time here..."
As mad as he was, he couldn't help but notice how beautiful the girl was. Her long, brown hair that fell just above her shoulder, those deep brown eyes, and those full lips. She looked just about the same age as him. She tried to wipe the coffee stain on his white shirt, but she only made it worse. Annoyed at the girl, he stopped her and pulled her arm away.
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Wherefore art thou, Compromise?
Where is America's ability to compromise? Why can't American politicians compromise?
We couldn't compromise in the 1860's, and that's good because certain things do not allow for compromise - morals and ethics, for starters. The Civil War creeped up then, delivering a win to the forces of equality and the American Dream, something that until recently we took for granted - that anyone in America could be anything, even a Black man a president, which we learned in 2012 and quickly declared victory for the United States despite the fact that compromise in America had already shown itself to be near its end.
And with Trump, Republicans dealt a potentially fatal blow to the concept of compromise, the idea that we could work together to build a shared future and an ongoing conversation between human beings would push us forward with only a few bumps and bruises along the way.
The problem is that we can't compromise, and there are a lot of forces in play that are the reason why everyday adults can no longer just get along. in no particular order, those forces are...
Right-wing media
Conspiracy Theories
Term Limits
Right-wing Media has been a growing concern for some time now - at least a solid two decades. It started with an effort to give the greater Conservative world a voice (and for Rupert Murdoch to make some giant money), and that's what it did. Only with Fox News, the Right got more than some news leaning its way, it got a full-on not-really-news, more-like-infotainment piece (that even a court judge admitted a few weeks ago). Fox News was more like opinion, more talk radio than news, although they threw some news in there to make it look good. Add in talk radio itself, and all of its bullshit -- all of this reaching back to the 90's, and you get what's essentially a powerful propaganda machine. Plus one equals Trump, who full advantage of the growing insanity to push right-wing media over the edge with full-on conspiracy theories. And here we are, right-wing politicans who advocate for some of these conspiracy theories getting elected to Congress in Georgia. A US President that shapes public opinion with conspiracy theories, demonizes anyone who opposes him, and has essentially given birth to an entire movement of alternate reality from the Oval Office via Twitter.
There's no compromising with people who aren't even lucid. And these conspiracy quacks are definitely not looking for ways to compromise and govern together. They are busy uncovering plots of Venezuelan leftists to destroy the Trump empire, unearthing chiild molester cabals in the basements of pizza parlors and declaring Biden a Chinese agent and pedophile. Compromise is suicide for these fools because they've already shown themselves unwilling to even embrace reality. It's rather like arguing with a 5-year old over who spilled the water on the floor. "It was the dog." "The dog is outside." "It was Nana." "Nana died last year." "It was an earthquake." "Nope." "It was aliens." "Hmmm." Just ask the yahoos at QAnon, or the History Channel, it was definitely aliens. The Lizard People. Or maybe it's just the Commies and the Socialists - just ask Rush Limbaugh; he's been repeating white supremacy talking points from the 1870s for decades.
But really, what's the point of all this? Why does any of this bullshit even get anywhere? Simple answer: $$$$$$. Money.
It's all about money. That's all. It's all money. Money answers every question. Why did Trump run for President? Money.Why did QAnon appear on the scene and spread their insanity? Money.Why did Rush Limbaugh get the Presidential Medal of Freedom? He generates support for American Conservative through extremist right-wing propaganda, which in turns generates money - campaign donations is huge money.Why are Republicans supporting the Mad King Trump? Money. Money and power.Why are Fox News personalities willing to say anything on TV? Money.
Everything comes down to money. And a few years ago, the money faucet was turned (possibly) permanently open thanks to Citizens United. Now the money flows from everywhere, and there's little effort to control it, regulate it, track it and see who's giving it. Billionaires and millionaires and moms and pops are sending in cash. The rich send it in to ensure that policies favor them, so they can make more money. The average person sends in money because they've bought into fear politics over the last 2-3 decades of being clued to the Big Lie Machine, like Fox News or now OANN, the new Trump-loving propaganda producer. And with limited rules on how this money is handled or used, much less audited and regulated, we have all these people with big, fat, happy flush funds for lavish dinners and golf trips and 3rd yachts. Now rich people can buy their way into an ambassadorship or a Cabinet position, which generates them even more money because being rich isn't about producing anything, it's about making connections, and connection mean money. Politicians need money for campaigns so they can work on policies that in-turn benefit their benefactors and make them more money, which opens doors for all to....you guessed it, more money.
The propaganda machine delivers the money, and the monied voices reflect the propaganda machine. And when there's as much money as you need to stay in the driver's seat, what the American people want doesn't matter. Because you don't need to convince the Average Joe on the Right to vote for you because the propaganda machine has convinced Joe that the other guy is going to kill your family and give your house and daughter to an illegal immigrant. So, Joe's money and votes are coming your way, even if you murder Joe's wife in the parking lot. It's a machine that grinds people up and spits them out, creates trolls and proles, and all the money lines the pockets of the rich and the representatives of the rich, aka politicians.
And that leads us to our last piece, perhaps the most important one. Term limits.
What we've seen is a perpetual cycle of lies and money, which likely can't be broken because the Supreme Court validated it once and now SCOTUS is owned by the alt-Right for a generation (unless Congress impeaches some judges, which may or may not be possible, or the United States puts service limits on federal judges and SCOTUS, like it should - but that's another discussion). Now we have one way out of this - that I see, and it's in term limits for all federally-elected officials. No more 7-term Senators. No more 10-term Congresspersons. No more Mitch McConnell's and Nancy Pelosi's. You gotta go. Do your 2 terms and get lost. Sure, you can be in Congress two terms and then go to the Senate for two, but that's it. Two terms, then let's get some fresh meat and fresh ideas in there. (Same concept as above with the judiciary at the federal and SCOTUS level.) You do some time in public service, and then you get out and let someone else play. It's one way to ensure that there's some competition, which could lead people to having to prove themselves and sell themselves to the public, based on ideas rather than team. As long as a Senator can just run on name recognition, propaganda and oodles of dark money, it's going to be nearly impossible to get someone who refuses to compromise out of an important seat. 
Because that Senator, for example, is safe and no longer has to care about the needs of half the country, or even anyone else at all. They are getting rich, have a secure job and have a massive political machine behind them. The longer they are there, the more entrenched they become, and the less challenged they are for their seat, the less they have to work with anyone or adapt their stances on policies that affect everyday Americans. Now, I'm sure there are a lot more issues that could come up, and there are likely some better arguments out there, but it seems to me that if we ever want to get back to a place where politicians compromise and work together, we're going to have to start somewhere, and I think we have to begin with term limits. But that won't happen by leaning on compromise, ironically; that's going to have to be forced somehow some way. And hopefully it starts with a Senate majority on the Left.
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peace-coast-island · 4 years
Diary of a Junebug
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Taking in the sights of Golden City
The Golden City sure is bright! Everything about it is so fascinating - the architecture, the roads, the trees - the place doesn't seem real. From traveling via whale taxi to the floating buildings and crystalline gazebos, it's no wonder Golden City is on top of many people's must see places before they die - mine included.
Seeing that Golden City seems to be in a world of its own, I never expected to run across a familiar face there - especially one who's currently in the process of renovating an old building to turn into her very own company. I've heard rumors but to see it actually happen - it seems so unreal.
Who would've thought that Ginko Okabe, director of a big marketing company, would start her own thing? And her business partner happens to be Benji Yoshino, a big hotshot tech genius. They crossed paths when Benji met up with the higher ups at Ginko's old workplace and at the time he happened to be acquainted with Manaka. Throw in Shiran then you've got three unlikely people who somehow ended up being friends with such a high profile figure.
Ginko's been super busy with the move from the metropolitan, strictly business city of Hailstorm Bay to the glowing, almost otherworldly place of Golden City. Now that her apartment's all set, the next step is getting the office building ready. So she and her friends have been busy with that for the past week.
With things moving smoothly, Ginko figured that they could all use a break. After all, it's not easy taking an hour long train to Golden City after a 9 to 5 shift to help clean up an old building as well as move furniture. She didn't expect her former coworkers to step up like that but they wouldn't let her hire a bunch of strangers to put her office together. With her giving them an opportunity to leave their monotonous, unfulfilling, (and sometimes toxic) work environment to be a part of her team, doing the heavy lifting was their way of thanking her.
Before heading out to meet up with Benji and Shiran, Ginko gave us a tour of the office. It's one thing to see snippets of the renovation on social media, it's another to see how much progress has been made in a week. What was once an old, run down building will soon be bustling with activity.
After seeing the office, we headed to the cafe and caught up with Benji and Shiran. They've been dating for a while but it wasn't until recently they were open about it. We all kinda suspected it so it wasn't a surprise when they made it official. First Manaka, now Shiran, what is it about diligent working class accountants that would draw in a wealthy, head in the clouds, tech genius like Benji?
How the former accountant and the eccentric millionaire came to be together is one of those stories where it all came down to chance. Benji first met Manaka through skydiving classes. Then they ran into each other again by chance on the streets around the same time he was installing a new security system for the company. Eventually word got out about their relationship, forcing Manaka to lay low for a while - which is partly why he and Shiran kept things under wraps for a long time. While they got along well, they didn't always meet eye to eye, especially about their futures. Manaka wanted stability while Benji jumped from one thing to another - it wasn't meant to be.
Running into Shiran was also a chance encounter. Shiran was interested in Manaka but the feeling wasn't mutual. The two met in college and ended up working in the same place, but aside from the office, they rarely saw each other outside of that. It took a while but Shiran was able to accept that while he and Manaka grew to become good friends, a romance wasn't in the cards for them.
Shiran and Benji literally bumped into each other on the streets and from there an unlikely friendship came about. Shiran was in awe of Benji at first because of his achievements, then slightly jealous when he found out he was dating Manaka, and then cool with him after the mutual breakup. Ginko was surprised to find them causally hanging out together. Soon the duo became a trio.
Things haven't been the same since Manaka's death. A series of workplace safety violations resulted in an explosion that injured many, even killing a few. Manaka, Shiran, and three other people were trapped in the basement, which was on the verge of collapsing, complicating the rescue. All five were rescued and taken to the hospital, where Manaka later died of her injuries. It happened suddenly, totally unexpected as she was fully conscious, alert, and walking when they found her.
Shiran fell into a deep depression for a while, leading to other problems. Ginko struggled a lot too but did her best to not let that affect her work. She later admitted that trying to do damage control over what happened was the hardest thing she ever did, one that made her completely disillusioned with the company. Benji, Ami and Karrie were grieving as well but kept a brave face in public.
Benji was the one who helped Shiran get back on his feet. He said that his biggest regret was not reaching out to Manaka after the breakup. While they were cool with each other and wanted to stay friends, they didn't do a good job of keeping in contact. Benji was out of town when the explosion happened and flew in as soon as he heard, planning to visit Manaka and Shiran at the hospital the next morning.
Just when all of that was behind them, an investigation of Manaka's death reopened the pain and grief for all of them. Apparently the doctor who treated her is on trial as several of his patients have died due to negligence in the past few years. In other words, the deaths of Manaka and many others could've been easily prevented if they had proper medical care. It's already bad enough that she died in a freak accident that shouldn't have happened, and now we find out that her death could've been avoided all together.
Just thinking about all that - damn. Manaka was sweet and spunky, a bit on the obedient and passive side, but always one to go out and try new things. I never understood why she always got the short end of the stick at work - and she certainly never deserved to have her life cut so short like this. Whenever I think about her, I can't help but wonder why the universe can be so unfair at times.
So with the thing going on with the doctor, people are being questioned and such, like Manaka's parents and Shiran for example. Thankfully Shiran doesn't have to testify or anything but the whole thing brought back painful memories for everyone. Shiran admitted that he's still a bit shaken up but he'll be fine. Benji's been like a rock for him, which is good.
Ginko said that since [redacted], Benji has come down to earth, or so others like to say. He's still got his head in the clouds, though no longer floating aimlessly in the sky - Manaka gave him some much needed perspective. He may be an eccentric billionaire with too much free time on his hands who is constantly daydreaming, but when he wants to make an effort, to make a change, to help a friend, he gives it his all.
It's clear how much he still loves Manaka, how she helped him shape up after spending most of his time doing whatever without much of a care. It's also clear how much he loves Shiran - the dedication it took to get him out of a bad place, he didn't have to put himself out there but he chose to. And from what I heard, it was a rough time all around - blackouts, alcohol, sleepless nights, listlessness, apathy - a continuous downward spiral for Shiran.
Since everyone was so busy with the move, Ginko and the guys didn't really have the chance to really explore Golden City. So I figured that now's a good time since we're all here and can experience the wonders of the city together.
First of all, riding the whale taxis is like floating on a cloud. We can choose to have our taxi act as a tour guide - which we did - and that made things a lot more fun! With public transportation as reliable and entertaining as this, who needs to spend extra money on cars? Our whale taxi was so sweet and informative - I can easily spend a day listening to them ramble on about Golden City - not that we haven't already! Because we enjoyed the tour so much, Benji had us booked with them for tomorrow so we have that to look forward to.
The floating gazebos are a must see in Golden City according to many reviews. Made from the finest environmentally safe materials, these gazebos were all built by hand, created to be enjoyed by all, whether it's to appreciate the architecture, hang out with friends, have some time to yourself or to gaze into the horizon. I think my favorite is the Prosperity Cliff gazebo, which overlooks the ocean, giving you a clear view of the mountains and islands. Prosperity Cliff isn't as busy this time of year because it's kinda chilly so it's nice to have the place to ourselves.
Maybe someday when we make another trip during the fall or spring we can take a trip up to the mountains. We probably won't be able to go far since it's kinda rough up there but I've heard there's some good spots for a picnic, a short hike, and maybe a swim depending on the time of day.
Of course, in between sightseeing and shopping we stopped by to enjoy the local cuisine. There's a lot of Japanese fusion places - including a Japanese-Cambodian one, which is one of Ginko's go-to restaurants for takeout because the sushi is top notch along with the soups - so that was an adventure as well!
Our plan was to get back to the hotel by eleven but of course we got distracted and spent an hour at the park watching the fireworks show. Shiran ended up missing the last train, though it's not a big deal as he usually crashes at Benji's place. By the time Daisy Jane and I got back to the hotel it was past one, which isn't too late by our standards. Good thing we won't be meeting up with the others until eleven tomorrow as that's morning for all of us.
Totally looking forward to more sights and wonders to enjoy tomorrow!
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
Globe, November 30
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: The palace lured Princess Diana into death trap 
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Page 2: Up Front & Personal -- Sienna Miller shooting Anatomy of a Scandal, former soap star Wanda De Jesus and longtime partner Jimmy Smits take a walk in Brentwood, Mama June Shannon gambles on plastic surgery 
Page 3: Billy Dee Williams may walk with a cane but he doesn’t let that stop him from taking the wheel in West Hollywood, Joey Fatone at the Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival, Ariel Winter lugs around a massive roll of bubble wrap in L.A. 
Page 4: Courageous Al Roker has battled health problems for years and now his new devastating prostate cancer diagnosis seals his rep as the unluckiest man on TV
* Patrick Duffy and Linda Purl are proof that love can be just as wonderful in your golden years and now pals predict their whirlwind romance will lead them to an elopement -- the former Dallas star was heartbroken after his wife of 43 years died of cancer in 2017 but Happy Days alum Linda brought joy back into his life -- the greying sweethearts plan to spend the holidays with both their families and then go house hunting for their own place
Page 5: Kanye West thinks he’s so smart and wonderful and creative he’s showering bucks on a project to make a posse of his own personal mini-mes and he sees his clones as his gift to the world claiming it’s his duty to keep himself on the planet at all costs long after he’s gone so death doesn’t have to be the end of Kanye -- Kanye’s wife Kim Kardashian has given Kanye permission to double down on himself -- he’s also fascinated by cryogenics and no one would be surprised if he arranges to have himself stored in a chamber when he dies so he can be revived years later 
Page 6: Britney Spears is having another family feud because she wants her dad Jamie Spears suspended immediately from his role as co-conservator of her estate claiming he installed a new business manager to run her $60 million fortune without consulting his daughter in what she brands a blatant attempt to get full functional control of her assets and books and records in the face of Britney’s objections
* Ryan Seacrest is turning into a bloated recluse as career and personal problems have worried pals thinking about an intervention -- he’s so devastated by his breakup with Shayna Taylor and the end of cash cow Keeping Up with the Kardashians that he’s shutting himself away for days on end and ignoring calls from friends and co-workers and only responding to texts and he’s stuffing his face with junk food and sloppy takeout and pizzas and he’s come close to belching on camera a few times 
Page 7: Devastated widow Paulina Porizkova who her bitter husband Ric Ocasek cut out of his will even though she took care of him in his final days suffered a shocking collapse -- she had gone to Costa Rica with her sons for a change of scenery following the death of Ric who was divorcing her -- she says she had a total nervous breakdown in the airport and they had to put her in a wheelchair to take her back to the plane
* Abby Lee Miller is learning to walking again -- the former Dance Moms star had been using a wheelchair after undergoing chemo for Burkitt lymphoma and having life-saving spinal surgery but she’s now cancer-free and recently underwent an elective operation to help regain mobility -- even though Lifetime canned her plan spinoff Abby’s Virtual Dance Off over charges she’s racist she claims to have a scripted show and two reality series in the works 
Page 8: Mike Tyson says he once used a prosthetic penis loaded with his infant son’s pee to pass a drug test during his hard-hitting heyday in the ring and although he swears he never took performance-enhancing drugs he has been blunt about his history of toking weed and snorting cocaine 
* Pioneer Woman Ree Drummond reveals she has a foster son named Jamar -- Ree who has four children explains she couldn’t talk about Jamar until he turned 18 and state agency restrictions no longer applied 
Page 9: Beloved Jeopardy! host Alex Trebek went to his grave harboring a bitter grudge against talk star and game show rival Regis Philbin -- Alex and Regis began their feud in 2000 when Alex slammed Regis’ Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? as a game show for dummies and Regis was deeply hurt by the dig and shot back that face to face if Alex says anything about Millionaire he’d just look him in the eye and say is that your final answer, Alex? 
Page 10: Inside the modern Mafia -- blogs and blunders and killer cops
Page 12: Celebrity Buzz -- Adam Brody shows off his bod in Malibu (picture), Lamar Odom was seemingly back on a marriage track to wed fitness instructor Sabrina Parr next year but Lamar’s engagement was abruptly called off amid ominous sparks of ongoing trouble for the athlete and Sabrina sad she’s no longer able to be by Lamar’s side while he seeks the help he so desperately needs, Mina Starsiak of Good Bones wants a postpartum tummy tuck pronto, things got bristlier than an old broom for Anne Hathaway groveling her way out of massive fan backlash for her appearance on The Witches remake for the insensitive way she portrayed a three-fingered witch with split hands, behind the scenes at The Tonight Show where Jimmy Fallon recently extended his lucrative contract to host the struggling late-night talk show past 2021 but his head writer Rebecca Drysdale lasted six months of butting heads with Jimmy and his cronies before getting dumped 
Page 13: Katie Holmes and boyfriend Emilio Vitolo Jr. (picture), Sean Stewart in a leg cast in Beverly Hills (picture), Busy Philipps puts on lip gloss on the NYC set of Girls5Eva (picture)
Page 14: Dave Grohl got scared stiff recording an upcoming album in an eerie L.A. home reportedly rocking with paranormal activity and when he got nosy about the place’s past he apparently got answers from the landlord along with an NDA form meant to keep him from spilling secrets, RHOBH star Kyle Richards’ half-sister Kathy Hilton is joining the show; socialite Kathy cold-shouldered Kyle and her husband Mauricio Umansky when he left her husband Rick Hilton’s real estate company to launch a rival biz 
* Fashion Verdict -- Jana Kramer 7/10, Michelle Dockery 4/10, Gretta Monahan 3/10, Charlize Theron 2/10
Page 16: Ailing pop star Phil Collins is being so publicly humiliated by his two-timing ex-wife Orianne Cevey who dashed his dreams of a permanent reunion by secretly marrying another guy pals now fear for his life -- Phil is currently battling Orianne in court over his $38.6 million waterside Miami mansion which she and new husband Thomas Bates have now agreed to vacate but Orianne is demanding half of the home insisting Phil promised her a 50 percent share when they moved into it in 2016 -- Orianne also claims that Phil became a hopeless addict in 2017 hooked on booze and pain pills and after two years of drug hell he was incapable of having sex and he stopped showering and brushing his teeth and had become a hermit 
Page 17: Troubled Jonathan Rhys Meyers crashed his car in Malibu and failed a field sobriety test and was slapped with a misdemeanor DUI 
* Teresa Giudice has found new love with business man Louie Ruelas just two months after divorcing deported jailbird Joe Giudice -- the Real Housewives of New Jersey star who has four girls with Joe hooked up with the dad of two and digital marketing whiz and both are very happy 
Page 19: 10 Things You Don’t Know About David Giuntoli 
* Sophia Loren says early in her career she told a director to buzz off when he suggested she surgically alter her nose -- she recalls telling the meddling moviemakers her nose is going to stay there forever and it has a lot of personality 
* Parkinson’s patient Michael J. Fox admits he may be forced to say goodbye to Hollywood because his short-term memory is shot and acting is getting tougher to do 
Page 20: True Crime 
Page 21: Desperate to salvage his tarnished reputation and career Johnny Depp is hoping to hook up with another Hollywood outcast in former co-star Angelina Jolie -- Johnny and Angie first flirted while filming The Tourist in 2010 but at the time Johnny was with Vanessa Paradis and Angie was with Brad Pitt -- Johnny recently reached out to Angie to jumpstart their friendship and he’s been sending her poems written with her in mind and suggestions for book to read and music to listen to and they’ve exchanged a series of emails and texts and talk on the phone quite a bit so Johnny has hope to win her heart and they’re making plans to meet in L.A. very soon but the ball is in Angie’s court and she’s open to having a little fun but don’t count on anything getting too serious 
* Johnny Depp’s career has taken another hit as he’s been axed from the Fantastic Beasts film franchise after a British court determined he beat ex-wife Amber Heard at least a dozen times
Page 24: Cover Story -- Princess Diana was lured to her death by a twisted dirty tricks campaign orchestrated by the palace -- acting at the direction of Queen Elizabeth’s hard-case husband Prince Philip British intelligence officers mounted a clever operation to drive Prince Charles’ emotionally fragile wife to the breaking point and they knew she was frantic and suicidal and vulnerable and played on her worst fears -- Diana’s own brother Charles Spencer has also broken a 25-year silence to expose a plot against the People’s Princess and he reveals forged documents and a whisper campaign hinting at treacherous betrayals fueled her paranoia and desperation and despair and pushed her into a decision that ultimately cost her life 
Page 26: Health Report
Page 30: Rock legend Jerry Lee Lewis vowed to keep wailing ‘til the end but the 85-year-old stroke victim now spends his days listening to his old hits and staring out the window and his health has taken a tragic turn for the worse since he was clobbered by the stroke last year -- he’s hunched over and seems confused and he’s forgetful and can’t remember some of the lyrics to his oldest hits; he tries to play the piano and just can’t because his hands are so stiff and don’t move the way he wants them to 
* Mel B claims she’ll go bankrupt if a judge doesn’t lower the $500,000 she’s been ordered to pay her ex-husband and if the sum isn’t modified she will in all likelihood have to file for bankruptcy -- Mel and ex Stephen Belafonte divorced three years ago and have been slugging it out in court ever since
Page 44: Straight Talk -- lifestyle queen bees Martha Stewart and Gwyneth Paltrow are at each other’s throats but their furious feud is hard to understand because they’re not really in the same business -- Martha is the ultimate homemaker peddling recipes and furnishings and decorating tips while Gwyneth’s New Age-style Goop website is a sleazy sex shop with items normally found in tacky joints along West Hollywood’s sleazy Santa Monica Boulevard 
Page 45: Sinead O’Connor is taking a break to enter a one-year trauma and addiction treatment program after losing a loved one and she admits she’s been addicted to weed for 34 years but became briefly addicted to another drug following her loss
* Sean Connery’s wealthy widow Micheline Roquebrune could end up behind bars and fined a whopping $28 million if convicted of stiffing the Spanish taxman -- the tax-cheat case spans back to 1999 when Sean sold their Marbella mansion on the glitzy Costa del Sol; Connery’s lawyer and the mayor of Marbella and six other elected officials were jailed over a tax-cheat scam involving the property but in 2014 Sean was told he wouldn’t be prosecuted but now Spanish bigwigs say the case has not gone away and want to indict his widow for tax fraud
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ns-magnolia-blog · 4 years
Real Estate Investment Options Explored
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There are a lot investment options available to those who are considering real estate as a accommodating method of maintaining the longer term income and profits. As well as why on earth shouldn't you consider these options? This can be a money-making proposition, that millionaires all over the world will agree, to create a big fortune quickly. However , real estate investing could be a very high risk venture therefore your necessity of having some more stable techniques for bringing in money in order to establish a truly diverse portfolio along with a better security structure for your financial future is extremely important. Even within the massive world of real estate investment you will be able to search out different ways of investing and each one of them will produce different risks level. So let's explore some of them. Business oriented Real Estate Investment Commercial real estate investment is an effective place to begin due to the fact that it will be relatively secure compared to some other styles of investing your very hard earn money. The drawback with the commercial real estate is the indisputable fact that in most situations it requires a large some of money to start with. This feature many real estate investors do not even contemplate until they've built a large portfolio and also have tons of money to risk. As an instance you acquired a large office building and leasing it through to prospective businesses. Your income stream should be relatively secure because most organizations and/or businesses that lease as a result of you will need to stay on a long-term basis (generally minimum business oriented lease is 3 to 5 years). Majority of the businesses whether it is the accounting or a doctor, prefer to stay at the same specific location for as long as they can, due to establishing the steady stream regarding clientele. So in a perfect world it would supply you with a well balanced stream of income. House Flipping Investment Lately this sort of real estate investment became one of the most popular sort of investing and many individuals have discovered that this is also a great way to make or spend money highly rapidly. It happens to be a high-risk venture to say the least however rewards are equally high every time a flip goes most certainly. You should decide if you are willing to take a gamble and be able to retain the property if you can't flip it in the expected/desirable time, just because house flips are part skill and part chances. Residential Rental Properties Investment Becoming a landlord, while conceivably not as glitzy as owning business properties throughout the complete city or flipping fabulous properties for immediate profit margins, is a superb way to work yourself inside rather comfortable golden age. It is a long-term method of real estate investment still the payoffs most probably rewarding when all is alleged and done. For use on your cautious real estate property investor this is a worthy brand of real estate investment for you to pursue. Pre-construction Investment Pre-Construction profits are even riskier than house flipping in many instances, particularly as it has become therefore popular in recent years. The trick with this sort of real estate investment is buying the right property in the perfect market. Provided you can succumb to an American city that may be close to have got a serious home shortage or possesses the beginning stages of a housing general shortage (for example few affluent communities with older properties or coastal communities have had recently) one stands to set-up quite a fortune for himself. The thing is until this particular field is extremely speculative and really competitive. Lease or Hire to Own Investment Lease to own purchases can usually produce better profits. A large number of investors/owners consider this particular real estate investment that should be more desirable vs simple renting for a number of reasons. First, those that dream to own their homes are more likely to take more effective care of their "future homes" than their counterparts, who sadly are just renting. Also, if for whatever reason they decide to step elsewhere and do not complete the acquisition, you will be inheriting the extra money, that had been paid toward the down payment and most possible have no extensive repairs. Last but not least, by collecting the extra dollars that supposed to be applied toward the purchase or sign up, you will often be helping a family that may have click a trouble spot, to accomplish the American dream of place ownership. And that alone should make you feel good. Realty investing is a superb opportunity to build great fortunes. You need to make your mind up where you desire to begin your journey into this worthwhile field. Remember that once you have begun your properties investment professional it is a good idea to employ different types of investments for diversification as well as controlling the risk, because this is a volatile market at finest.
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jollyviscreal666 · 5 years
The Chef
I had refrained from entering the formulas to the CIA operatives and sending them out. I knew that there would be no suitable outcomes prior to a transaction such as this. Sure they could threaten me, charge me with international fraud and national product alteration. They could do so many more things more powerful, but they won’t. Not when I have the recipes. They are currently hidden, and only I know their whereabouts. It makes them so frustrated, but they have to play my game if they ever want my formulas and recipes. They will play. I know they will. There is no other way. I made sure of it.
Let’s take a gander at some of my backstory. I am Keith Benson, and I am a chef. I have more than just talent when it comes to cooking. I AM cooking talent, if you will. Most prefer to just simply say ‘best cook in the world’. I hate to boast, but there are no faults in that fact. Plain and simple.
When I prepare a meal, the sweltering sound of the pan leaves customers’ mouths watering in agonizing anticipation. They are salves to the presence of my cooking, and that’s only the sound. Imagine what goes through their heads when the aroma of my preparations enters their nostrils. The essence of ecstasy is immensely immersive when it comes to my preparations, and that’s only the preparation. Stage 1 if you will. Stage 2 is when the plate is placed in front of the guests or patrons. It’s that good. Everyone said so. I’ve never met anyone who said different.
One can only imagine what goes through the mind of the individuals who now are only moments away from satisfying the agony. It’s almost as if a layer of ecstasy has been ceased as it had existed. I’m only speaking from experience based on the input of former patrons and costumers. Stage 3 is the best by far. The accounts vary by person. There is nothing more I love than pleasing those who wish to have their stomach filled. The customers are the bread and butter. That is why I do everything to utilize my talents fully. There’s no feeling in the world better than watching someone fall in love with your very own dish.
I became very famous. Everyone wanted a bite. They’d pay hundreds for a full dish. No joke. I felt like my life was just a huge glop of ecstasy. Nothing ever slowed down. My rates were always high and I was very admired in the community. Everywhere I went, people followed. I became sort of a celebrity. I’ve been cooking ever since I was 8 years old. I realized about 2 years later that it was what I wanted to do in life. From then on, nothing but recipe after recipe, combinations after combinations, collaboration against collaboration.
When I was 13, I made my first cake from scratch. Surprisingly in an unlikely manner, my family fell in love with it. They commented on how accurate I was with the texture and flavor inputs of the cake when I set it all up. How could I forget that? It’s one of my greatest memories. I entered contests throughout junior high, and I won ¾. People were impressed.
I decided to buckle down and pursue my passion. I used the same idea, but based it on other foods. Most were successful at first. People thought I was talented at first, but they didn’t see me do equations and measurements accordingly with my baking and cooking tools. From there I met a famous chef who shared his secrets with me. This was after I graduated from college. He was French. At that point, I’d had baked, broiled, and fried over 1 million food meals. From there, I used my natural talent, and created my own recipes to food using what I’ve learned from master chefs, TO become THE master chef. Implying I’ve also had my own tricks as well.
Life was as I perceived it would be prior to my success. Unfortunately, that didn’t last very long. Everything took a turn when suddenly I realized I’ve been cooking up and baking the same ingredient combinations for the past 10 years. I’ve tried everything. I perfected everything. Regarding meat, the most famously known, essential food condiment, I’ve tried literally everything. Everything from hippo meat to indigenous African beetle meat. Hey, being the world’s master chef has its quantities. Even dog and cat meat.
That’s when the thought crossed my mind. I’ve never tried human meat. I’ve actually never tried human meat. It can’t be that bad. You can’t judge until you try it. For some unknown reason, I was particularly excited about the idea. Maybe it’s because I was somewhat depressed and I needed something new to fill my desires. Having nowhere to try it, nor no one to participate, I cut off my own finger. It was my first finger next to my thumb on my left hand. It hurt like hell but it was well worth it.
It was incredibly delicious for some reason, and all I did was fry it and broil it. The flesh was easy to peel off and the meat itself was freshly done. I consumed it and made the decision to adjoin the meat alongside my other famous recipe inventions. It increased the flavor of many of my swilling recipes. I added what I knew would make the best difference. I knew that human parts are actually good candidates for texture accumulation alongside flavor enhancers. I knew I could always take it a step ahead and the essence of the human larder could be used to enhance everything edible. Including the essence of my welfare prior to my soul in the universe.
I was once again filled with happiness and hope, believing I’ve found what I was missing in my life. Excitedly, I called two of the most prolific critiques in the food industry. They too showed moods of enthusiasm. Perhaps they longed for another one of my dishes. Well I had something for them, alright. I must refrain from telling you how I’d prepared these amazing meals. They’re watching me closely. All I can say is, I was in the mood to make quite an impression and I didn’t have a whole lot of time to do it. I cut my whole left hand off. I wasn’t prepared for the pain, almost impossible to block out no matter how many times I implied to myself that it was for a good cause. I had six hours to prepare the meal.
The procedure made me pass out twice, but I held my ground. I drilled a hole in the wall and inserted two inputs that connected to large looped bolts where I tied the thick Indian ropes. I connected them to other smaller bolts after inserting the smaller bolts into the large sturdy ropes. I tied the thinner smaller but more powerful ropes around my ankles, very tightly. I knew I was going to have to use a heated saw to cut it off, but I thought I could easily handle it after what I was about to do.
I drilled four more smaller holes to put a metal restraint with metal straps to hold down my arm. I had nothing to use but a premium butcher knife to cut my hand off. I put a spoon in my mouth to bite down when the pain started. 8 efficiently executed slashes in, the tip of the spoon was separated from the rest of the body. It hurt that bad. I looked for something else to bite down on immediately. I almost used my other arm. The head of the spoon was swallowed. I took no notice in it whatsoever. I still don’t know how I managed, but I just fainted a couple of seconds after my struggle.
The amount of blood spilled on the floor was apparently incredible, looking back on it. I woke up in a haze. Nearly a minute later, my pain receptors turned on again. I wailed in agony. I wanted to quit. I stood there for an hour hesitant to what my final decision would be. What I really wanted was to pass out again. So I luckily found another spare butcher knife (not as big as the one I was using) and used the handle to bite down on.
I resumed my task. I just focused on slicing through as hard and efficiently as possible. I tried so hard. I tried so hard to avoid coming to a stop. I had sweat covering me. I almost got in 5 slices. Almost. I passed out at the end of the fourth. This time for 4 hours instead of 2.
Realizing I only had about 30 minutes, I decided to quit. I needed to get to the hospital. I felt incredibly weak, as if something had drained all my body’s life support. I had overestimated myself. I dialed 911 and called for an ambulance. I told them my arm had gotten stuck in the mechanical absorbing meat grinding flattener. I quickly decided to put my nearly detached hand in the receiving area of the machine. 8 more slices would’ve done it. I had to drill holes and do the powerful rope attaching deal, but it worked out. I thought I’d lost so much blood there was none left. I was wrong. I believe the machine even took some of my skin above where I’d jammed the blade, about 4 inches.
I was taken to the hospital. I hid my hand in the freezer room. I was given a mechanical robotic prosthetic hand thanks to my income. I prepared the meal using the meat flattener/grinder. Then I used my special combinations which made the meat so much better. I named the dish “La Vaggia Della eta” because of its Italian style. I served it with my famous buttered fettuccine. Of course they fell in love and mentioned that I’d never failed to amaze them. They said it was the best meal they’ve ever tasted, no less by my hands!
I added my other famous meat recipes, but the most important ingredient to my success was the human meat. It gave it that special texture-like taste that you’d always swear you taste in a variation of a product, but to a much bigger scale!
I took to hiring hitmen on the deep web to kill random individuals I became acquainted with, and bring them to me. I prepared the meals monthly, then weekly, and finally, daily. I experimented with every organ, every tissue layer of the human anatomy. People were impressed that I could whip up such successful meals after so many years of the same stuff. And the best part was, it was good!! I went from millionaire to billionaire.
I even established my own corporation. I was head of it, of course. We sold nearly 8.9 billion products. Critics claimed that the products should be given the same respect and treatment as coca-cola itself. It was that good. I had 8 years of success and joy. Then came the final chapter of my life.
The elite health inspectors and chefs couldn’t help but to go digging. They loved my new dishes and products, but they needed to know how the hell I’d made it so good to get where I was now. Everything that good has to be discovered . I just wish they’d found out later. They hired a couple of scientists supposedly who worked for the FDA. It took them 4 months to find out what my special ingredient was. They were too busy eating my dishes on break rather than focusing full time on their study. They eventually found traces of skin cells and human gene extract in my products.
I can only imagine what went through their heads. I’m not as crazy as you think. When you think about it, the idea of delicacies is to indulge oneself by survival standards in the most comfortable way possible. If you need something in a dire situation (in my case sentimentally personal) then you have every right to try to hone it.
Before they officially took me to prison, I told them that my recipes could not be used without the human meat. They demanded the locations to avoid them getting into the wrong hands. I denied them the locations. I’d truthfully swallowed the bottle containing the recipes.
They also needed the recipes to put on record to sentence and condemn me. They needed evidence according to law. So I forced them to play my sick game. I had bottles with substitute recipes. I made the floor slippery with large amounts of canola oil. After spotting it, in frantic haste they ran to claim it. It was taped to the meat flattener/grinder. Of course the one in front slipped and his hand got caught in it. It began to suck him in. While being inserted into the machine, he managed to rip the taped recipe from the machine. The other FBI officer took it. He didn’t even bother to look at his partner as he became hamburger meat and flattened.
They threatened to torture me once more agents arrived. I was forced to tell them that I’d swallowed the actual recipes. They gave me the death penalty. Death by lethal injection. What a surprise. 2 months before my supposed death date, I requested one final meal. Myself. The authorities, not caring one way or the other, decided to grant my request, thanks to those who supported me 9-25 years ago. I’m scheduled for lethal injection in 2 days. Better get to work. Haven’t eaten in weeks. Have a good life. And as always, bon apetit.
Police notes: Clearly mentally insane, the subject’s last request was granted. Surprisingly, agents Ross and Foster stuck around to see him bleed out. According to them, they were surprised as to how long he’d lasted prior to his self mutilation. According to them, a small incision was made to reach his internal organs without bleeding out completely. The managed to amputate and consume his limbs in a matter of days. The most surprising, yet most disturbing of all was the absence of his eyes along with the smile on his corpse.
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neopuff · 6 years
DT17 Scrooge and Goldie canon timeline!!!! Based on the show and the Mystery Book! Some years aren’t known, but the order of events are so here we goooo:
1897 - Scrooge and Goldie meet in the Klondike for the very first time (S&G are about 30 years old)
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(Unknown year, takes place before getting trapped in ice: Scrooge’s lack of glasses, Goldie’s “should’ve stayed in Dawson,” still mining rather than looking for treasure) - Working Together in Gumption
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(Unknown) - Adventuring in the Bermuda Triangle
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(Before 1917) - Return to the Klondike to search for the Golden Lagoon, Spend 5 Years Frozen (S&G are about 50 years old in 1917)
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(Unknown) - Ayers Rock Adventures
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1942 - Scrooge hires George Mallardy to help him climb Mount Neverrest and becomes the Neverrest Ninny (not scroldie related but theres an exact year, so) [edit] (year is debatable because there’s no way scrooge wasnt a millionaire until 1942, doesnt make any sense. still gonna list it here but i think scrooge lied and/or forgot)
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1960 - Scrooge becomes the richest duck in the world, officially. (not scroldie related but it’s nice to have an exact year)
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Prior to the Christmas Party, after 1968 - Beakley Meets Goldie
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1970s or 1980s - Scrooge Invites Goldie to the McDuck Industries Christmas Party
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1973 - Oak Island (something something, Goldie cut a bridge and Scrooge let her fall) (S&G are about 106 years old)
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2017 - Scrooge and Goldie Return to the Klondike Again (S&G are about 150 years old)
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2018 - Goldie Shows Up In The Mansion, Emotionally Adopts Louie
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2019 - Goldie arrives in Duckburg to see Scrooge and his family save the world
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Later in 2019 - Goldie and Scrooge go to Florida and have a very emotional time
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From Frank’s blog: Scrooge is older than Goldie, but they’re about the same age.
Goldie looked younger in 2017 than she did the last time she and Scrooge interacted!
Gray hair in the 90s but back to blonde for 2010s? @show please give it to us
Beakley hates Goldie with what seems like a strong, personal anger
In 2018 it’d been “a long time” - (10 years? 20 years?) - implying that before that, Scrooge and Goldie saw each other pretty regularly (every few years? every year?)
2017 Reunion was such an emotional trial for Scrooge specifically because of where they were going - not just from seeing Goldie. Being Trapped In Ice was not their first adventure nor their most recent.
Scrooge says “that warmth came from something else” - he and Goldie did not randomly fall in love while frozen, their partnership/rivalry was strengthened by their weird romantic dedication to challenging each other and being stuck for so long led to reflection of their own feelings! The love was already there, just neither of them fully realized it until then
They had successful adventures together along with betrayals and backstabbings
The adventures listed above are clearly not even scratching the surface of all the adventures they’ve been on together
The Mystery Book put the adventuring events in this order - didn’t have years attached to them but Scrooge lists everything else chronologically
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slaps6787 · 6 years
I wrote this last year, but never actually posted it... and since season 4 is coming to an end, and i’m once again disappointed with all the missed opportunities they had I decided this needed to see the light of day (I plan on doing this again after the season 4 finale).
Episodes 1 - 4
- I would have made flashpoint a multiple episode arc. Pretty much 90% of the promotion for season 3 was THEY’RE DOING FLASHPOINT, and i was very disappointed after it was only 1 episode. I would extend it, and play with it a little more.
- I would keep the Westallen courtship/ dating the same I FREAKING LOVED IT, that would be one of the things in wouldn’t change, that was one thing the writers did right
- Next I would’ve had iris secretly picking up the slack for Joe at work. Like she would secretly picking up his cases, and using her investigative reporter skills to solve them, so Joe could keep his job. (wally would help out too)
- I kinda liked Joe being a deadbeat cop, and it would show Iris’s compassion and her just wanting to help people (he would eventually come around)
- Wally would make his own suit, and struggling to balance college and being the flash (like he’s really smart, and is a mechanical engineer like cisco, let him be smart and a college kid) Plus I would love for Wally to try to secretly get out of class, and find an excuse for why he’s leaving
- I also would love for Barry and Iris solve a case together, they combine their CSI and reporter skills to solve a case, and would be working to solve the case     (next bullet point) In the comics they work together a lot, I want to see it happen
- Cisco I would honestly make an evil millionaire, (the person Barry and Iris are trying to take down) I loved reverb, Carlos is an amazing actor, let’s make him a cocky, stuck up, asshole who hates Iris west for exposing his company, and “The Flash” for destroying his company (I don’t have details, i just like the idea) And the Rival was a weak useless villain, and i’m sick of Speedsters not being fast enough against other speedsters
- Harrison wells would work for Cisco (like one of his henchmen) cause I like Tom Cavanagh, and I want him in here. Maybe he would try and Go after Iris or flash (details not fully figured out)
- Caitlin would be Wally’s “doctor” if anything happened to Wally they would go to her. I’m confused AF on what Caitlin’s job is, in season 1 she’s a Bio-engineer, and season 3 she’s a doctor, I know they’re not the same job. So i’m making her a doctor. We would only see her once in like the first episode, and like twice in the last episode. Helping out Wally. They only know her because Iris and Caitlin were friends (I hated how the only 2 females on the show aren’t friends, they’ve even been through the same situations, WTF writers)
- I would want to see more of barry with his parents, that breakfast scene in flashpoint was adorable, i would add a few more of those scenes
- But they only part I would keep is when his Flashpoint life goes downhill (losing memories and speed) Maybe Joe AND Wally get stabbed/ shot, and that would be the ultimate reason Barry leaves, because he realizes he screwed up, and is ruining lives
- Barry would not be the flash, I honestly hated when he suited up again, let Wally star for a little bit
- Barry would leave the end of 4, and pick up in episode 5
- Ultimately keep it light and fun and out of star labs
Episode 5
- This would be the returning back to the “original” timeline. I would make very clear what did and didn’t happen regarding season 1 and 2 (I was extremely confused on what did and didn’t happen in the new timeline I would make it very clear, and I would keep the changes the same, but the repercussions would last longer
- Iris and Joe still wouldn’t talk, Cisco’s brother would be dead, Caitlin would be Killer Frost, but Wally would have his powers (I didn’t like waiting) Julian would be introduced
- Westallen would also be official in this episode
- Jessie Quick and Harry would be introduced at the end of this episode
- Some other changes… In all honestly this is more of a filler episode explaining things
- I would get rid of Dr. Alchemy, he was useless and Savitar could do what what he did, we have to keep they focus on Savitar
Episode 6
- I would make this a West Family episode with some hints of Killer Frost.
- I feel like Iris would want Wally to be Kid Flash (felt OOC her discouraging it in the crossover) but Joe wouldn’t want Wally to use his powers so you get them “dueling” and Wally would just be confused on what he wants, and what’s best
- Wally ultimately decides to become Kid Flash
- Cisco would be salty towards Barry, but not depressed (it was a bummer)
- Barry would refuse to train wally (he’s way too busy with life) That’s when wally calls Harry and Jesse and asks them to train him
- They travel earths, and they help Wally (I LOVE Jessie Quick, and I want to see her train Wally a bit)
- Barry is trying to reconnect Iris and Joe, but they aren’t having it (I love the wests, and this storyline could be interesting, so i would make it a couple episodes; I would keep the reason they’re disconnected the same)
- Barry learns he can solve this, and just have to let it play out
- Caitlin’s struggling with her powers (Killer First is making an appearance a couple times, but controls herself)  and it leads to the next episode
Episode 7
I would keep this episode the same, I didn’t hate it, let Caitlin shine a little bit. Only change I would make is that Cisco would snap Caitlin out of Killer Frost instead of Barry (Caitlin and cisco have a MUCH stronger relationship than Barry and Caitlin)
Episode 8
This episode would also be mainly the same (I don’t watch Supergirl or legends, and I stopped watching Arrow after season 4) biggest change would be adding Jesse Quick and Wally West (They need more people to take down aliens)
Episode 9
- This episode would be pretty much the same
- Harry and Jesse would leave in this episode, and introduce HR
- Jay Garrick pops up in this episode
- Barry would still go to the future, and see Iris die, but seeing that convinces him to get everyone together and happy for the holidays
- Joe and Iris would make up
- Cisco and Barry would make up
- The ending would be the same (Party at the west house) and Barry and Iris move in together
- Not horribly different, I liked this episode
Episodes 10, 11
would stay the same Those episodes were great, and we still had hope then
Episode 12
Only Difference I would make is Iris gets targeted by Yorkin because she’s feeling ballsy she exposes him, for murdering people and gets hit then
Episode 13 + 14
I would still make a 2 parter, but not at gorilla city (it bored me) What always bothers me about this show is they have endless possibilities, but they stay in star labs all the damn time. The Earth 2 episodes are from last year are 2 of my favorite episodes from this series. I would have Cisco go to earth 19 to chase after Gypsy, and get’s stuck there. So HR, Barry, Wally all go to earth 19 to get him back, and we see Different versions of all the characters (IDK what to do with them yet)
- While they’re away I would put Iris through the 5 stages of grief
- She would still be in the denial stage, but looking into savitar, and learning more about him, and actively trying to stop her death
- Joe would be trying to spend A LOT of time with Iris, and would constantly be checking in on her. (He’s just an emotional mess honestly)
- I would spend these 2 episodes setting a strong friendship with Julian (I hated how he was another bland love interest for her) I’d make them bro’s
- And the proposal would not happen until the musical episode (more on that later)
Episode 15
- This episode was depressing AF, and useless
- I would introduce Tracy Brand now (I LOVE her but she came out of nowhere)
- She’s a scientist who is interested in Meta humans
- Tracy approaches Iris to help her with some research to prove her “hypothesis” because Iris has written about Meta humans before
- They work together and they become friends (because we need more female friendships)
- Wally and Barry Train
- Caitlin and Cisco work together
- Just a fun filler episode
- Joe finds out that he get’s honored at city hall (because what happened to the plot line)
Episode 16
- Another depressing, and filler episode,This would be a Joe West episode. He finds out he get’s honored in the future, so the episode is basically him being a lousy cop, doing everything to not get honored. (More on savitar later...)
- Little hints of Killer Frost, she’s slowly losing it
- Iris is still researching savitar
- Joe ultimately fails, and does something amazing, and does get honored anyway (no details figured out)
- Joe refuses to be honored, but everyone convinces him to go
- Everyone attends the ceremony, and is all dressed up (I always wanted Barry and Iris go somewhere as a couple)
- But Joe doesn’t show up
- Iris finds out that Joe didn’t show up because he doesn’t want her to die
- And she’s sick of people treating her differently because they know she might die (This is the Anger part of the 5 stages of grief)
- She’s mad at Barry because everything is his fault, she might die because of him
- Plus I low key like when they fight, and this takes away all they forced angst between them with the first proposal, and we give iris more of a POV for her death
Episode 17
I would keep the musical the same, I personally loved this episode. And by taking out the first proposal, this one is more impactful
Episode 18
- I hated the plot for this episode, it furthered nothing. But I liked abra kadabra
- Abra Kadabra would be on the run from Gypsy (trying to get back to his century)
- Iris would be at the “bargaining” stage of grief, and bargains with him to give her information, but he doesn’t
- I was hoping for some tornado twins or impulse foreshadowing
- SO maybe Abra doesn’t help Iris because he knows that if she lives she has kids, and their grandkids become his greatest enemy (I didn’t like barry being his enemy, just felt stupid)
- Caitlin would somehow become Killer Frost (idk why yet, I just didn’t like the - whole “Caitlin is dead” we know a version of her is coming back, and Danielle Panabaker does a WAY BETTER JOB AS KILLER FROST THAN CAITLIN)
Episode 19
- I would keep this episode the same, only 2 differences
- Iris would be at the depression stage, you see her break down, and finally being vulnerable
- Barry would return to the future and FREAKING GIVE IRIS ALL THE LOVE (low key add a reunion sex scene because i’m thirsty AF)
- Yeah I didn’t hate this episode
Episode 20
- I would make this episode all about Barry and the speedforce, and use this episode as a set up for the season finale when he leaves (since it sort of came out of nowhere)
- And this is when Caitlin goes full killer frost (a good chuck of the episode would be dedicated to her)
Episode 21
- I honestly wouldn’t change a thing about this episode, favorite episode of the season
- But maybe give Barry a real reason to get his memory back
Episode 22
- This episode would play out like how 22 played out, I liked captain cold, and personally loved this episode, except for the “iris died” ending
- Iris is at the acceptance stage of grief, and goes around saying her “goodbyes”
Episode 23
- I would make this episode an intense, earth hopping, basically one big chase to keep Iris hidden from Savitar, and let everyone uses their powers to fight against savitar
- Every person with meta powers would chip in and keep her safe
- HR would not die, i love him as a character, and it was too predictable
- And the season would end with Iris not dying because of The Thinker, since we know he’s the big bad in S4 because Iris is apart of his “big plan”
- I hate how predictable this show has become, none of the “twists” were surprising, I heard theories on how the season would end and it did the way everyone predicted. With the HR swap.
- Barry would only go into the speed force for reasons in “my” episode 20
One shall betray- Caitlin
One will Fall- Iris
One will suffer a fate worse than death- Barry
SO yeah, this was a long ass post but, I was mad and angry with where the Flash is going as a series
So if I was in charge this is how it would’ve went
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How to Sell Your Business: 17 Types of Billion and Million Dollar Exits with Steph Sharp
Have you ever thought to sell your business and start anew? It’s challenging to know how to sell your business at a good price and deal. Studies have shown that business owners have a success rate of 5% in selling their businesses! It’s not just about the exit; you need to have a good strategy.  
In this episode, Steph Sharp joins us to talk about how exits start with knowing how your business works. An attractive business can operate and thrive without its owner. Steph also shares exit strategies and common pitfalls you might encounter while you try to sell your business. 
If you want to learn how to exit your business, then this episode is for you! 
Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full episode:
Understand the ways you can make your business transferable and scalable.
Learn how to make your business attractive through the right pricing, business model, terms, and documentation.  
Discover the different ways you can exit and sell your business. 
Rich Dad's Cashflow Quadrant by Robert T. Kiyosaki
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey
Built To Last by Jim Collins
Follow Steph’s work on Millionaire Exits and Facebook.
You can also reach Steph through her email [email protected].  
Episode Highlights
Knowing Your Business Inside and Out
Steph shares her story of starting with small businesses, investment banking and capital markets, and eventually negotiations. 
There are five types of businesses: charity, hobby, job, basic business, and transferable business. 
Understanding your type of business makes it easier to know what exit strategies to employ. 
For example, most basic businesses are profitable. However, people cannot come in and do your work. 
Scalability and transferability are important aspects of exiting a business. Hear Steph’s in-depth discussion in the full episode!   
There Is Always A Way Out 
We don’t need to be trapped in a business for life. There is always an opportunity to create a way out. 
Step back and ask yourself: why do people buy a business? 
Most people don’t buy a business because it can make money. People buy a business because they believe it can make money. 
Knowing this, you need to show how your business drives profits.
Make sure that your effective systems can be repeated and transferred to another. 
What Are You Transferring? 
Legal documents and paperwork are not the end-all and be-all to sell a business. 
Transferring a business is about making sure it does not fall apart after getting sold.
The research shows that business owners finance as much as 80% of their businesses.  
Financing, Earnout, and Capital Markets
Earnouts occur when owners get paid for their exit over time. This deal can create the problem of a buyer backing out a year into the contract. 
When you sell your business to people who don’t know how to run it, you may eventually have to come back to take over again. 
Seller financing is also a popular option for selling businesses. 
Capital markets are often in the hunt for good business deals. 
Listen to the full episode to get a clearer understanding of how to market your business. 
Common Pitfalls of Business Exits
Steph shares that one of the biggest mistakes when you sell your business is not having an adequate financial record. 
Proper business documentation is also necessary. This document should be the operating manual which details costs, clients, and the like. 
When owners think of selling their business, they're often at a point where the business is deteriorating. 
You need to make sure your business is attractive to potential buyers. 
Typically, a business is worth about a third to half of what the owner thinks. 
Profit Is Not Cash Flow
Remember that profit is affected by depreciation and other non-cash variables. 
On the other hand, cash flow is how the buyer will pay off the loan for buying the business. 
You need to be able to answer how many years they will be paying for the loan before they start earning money. 
Disconnect Between Owner and Business
A lot of owners think they have employees, coaches, or contractors who will buy their business. This is not the case. 
People will often choose to start their business rather than buying one. 
This is also applicable to employees: how do you make sure your employees stay and don’t start their own thing? 
Rather than just sell your business, you also need to think about how you want your lifestyle to change after the exit. 
Exit Strategies
Business owners often don’t have exit plans for their business. 
Exit strategies are crucial for emergencies. If you are the focal point, what happens when something happens to you? 
Ultimately, you need to craft a business that can continue to work and thrive without you. 
One exit strategy is going public. This causes a significant boost to your business value. 
Tune in to the full episode to hear more about exit strategies! 
Expected Timeline of An Exit
Steph shares that you can expect 3-4 months to pinpoint what you’re selling exactly. 
Spend some time structuring your selling process. 
Get attention and attract buyers quickly.
Steph’s 100% sell rate is due to the attention to correct pricing, terms and expectations, and good business documentation.    
What the Data Shows
Financial statements often break down costs for labour, fuel, operation, and others. 
You need to make sure your statements can show how the business operates clearly. 
Too much information and detail can clutter your documentation and financial statements. 
When selling, you need to be able to pinpoint patterns and trends. 
It’s Not the End, It’s A Transformation
People often put off selling due to the fear of letting go of something integral to their identity. 
Look at exits as an opportunity for new growth, business, and life instead! 
5 Powerful Quotes
“We have no condemned people. There’s always a way out — we just have to create it. . . It used to be that we could get trapped. But with the internet, with technology today, there are so many ways out now.”
“If you’re not ready for that exit, if you don’t have a business that’s- if you don’t know how you’re going to transfer that out. . . You’ll wake up in three and a half years and you’ll look around and you go, ‘Oh my gosh, look at all these businesses for sale. How am I gonna sell mine?’”
“Sometimes it’s simply a matter of sitting down with them and clarifying what their business model really is. What drives the profitability, how do they actually do the pricing? Just because it’s in someone’s head, doesn’t mean it’s going to take you months to get it out of their head.”
“People, when they start thinking about selling, it’s often they’ve thought about it, and they leave it too long.”
“People get told they should go down a certain pathway — like franchising, like an IPO, whatever. And it doesn’t suit them personally; it’s not aligned with who they are and how they want to spend their business life.”
About Steph
Steph Sharp has been involved in $20 billion deals and worked with over 400 clients in every industry. Her experience spans professional and health services, utilities, ferry operations, technology, retail food processing, and finance. 
Steph’s finance career specialized, particularly in exit transactions. She has worked with Goldman Sachs Bank of America, CNBC, corporations, individuals, private equity funds, and venture capitalists. Over the last 20 years, she has trained hundreds of entrepreneurs, business owners, and professionals worldwide to successfully exit their businesses.  
Interested in Steph’s work? You can follow her on Millionaire Exits and Facebook.
You can reach Steph through her email [email protected].
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mom-tings · 4 years
#1 Victory Royale, but for who?
First of all, you absolutely have to stop what you’re doing right now and listen to this song. 
Alright, now let’s talk about gaming. 
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Today, I’m gonna talk about the article titled, “What does a gamer look like? Video games, advertising, and diversity,” by Chess et al. The authors discuss how despite the presence of nonwhite, nonmale individuals who actually play video games and are seen in video game console advertisements, the cultural archetype remains that the “gamer” is a white male. The authors neatly summarize their findings in this quote, “Our content analysis of video game advertisements illustrates that even with the emergence of next-generation systems and shifting landscapes in gaming, there is still a cultural perception of the gamer as white male (Chess et al.,  2017, pg. 53).” Now, what does this have to do with children? Well, children are obviously no strangers to videogames, as I’m sure you’ve had to verbally yank a child’s hand off a controller once or twice in your lifetime. Specifically, though, I’d like to talk about children aged 10 and up, as I feel this discussion relates more to them. While the authors discuss nonwhite and/or nonmale gamers, I would like to focus specifically on nonmale gamers. Girl gamers, similar to female anime fans I discussed in a different post, are often met with ridicule and not valued in the community. This can be especially harmful to young girls, who may still be trying to solidify their identities, and have found a home in gaming. 
This conversation reminded me of a game that is fairly popular among both children and adults, Fortnite. If you’ve heard the words “chug,” “build,” or “push,” creep their way into a child’s vocabulary, chances are they’ve been playing Fortnite. Fortnite is an online game wherein players up to 100 players battle to be the last person or team alive, and it’s extremely popular among children. However, girls who play Fortnite often have their skills questioned, especially when playing in a team or ‘squad’ with others. In the game, players can play with a squad of their own friends, or be put into ‘matchmaking’ which inserts them into a team of strangers. Girls who get put in a squad full of boys are interrogated about their skill-level, repeatedly asked if they need help, and made fun of, among other things.
To illustrate this point further, when I looked up “Fortnite girl gamer” (as somebody may in order to find a new streamer to watch), the first things that appeared were actually a YouTube video by a white male, titled, “I Got TROLLED by a GIRL GAMER in Fortnite: Battle Royale!”  and an article titled “Top 5 Most Skillful and Most Beautiful Female Fortnite Players.” When I looked up “Fortnite boy gamer,” I got a video titled, “14-Year-Old PRO Fortnite Gamer Sceptic | The Next NINJA?” and an article called, “British boy becomes Fortnite millionaire in World Cup tournament.” This speaks volumes about the cultural archetype regarding gamers as discussed by Chess et al. When I explicitly searched for a girl gamer, I got a video produced by a guy, and an article talking about the most beautiful girl gamers. When I explicitly searched for a boy, I got a video about a professional gamer and an article about a boy who won a gaming tournament. 
So, as caregivers, what do we do with this information? If nonmale children want to play video games, should we be worried that they’ll be bullied? I’m afraid the answer is not black and white. If our nonmale children wish to play video games such as Fortnite, by all means they should, but as caregivers we should be conscious of the risks. For example, if we hear the child arguing over voice-chat or that they are truly distressed, we may have to intervene. 
That being said, I agree with the authors in that the cultural archetype of the gamer needs to change. Not only is it harmful for older, nonmale gamers, but it also disservices younger nonmale gamers who want to get into gaming. So, my friends, keep your ears, eyes, and hearts open, and play on! 
Chess, S., Evans, N., & Baines, J.J. (2017). What does a gamer look like? Video games, advertising, and diversity. Television & New Media, 18, 1, 37–57 Retrieved from
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