#but they'r th same height lmao
didderd · 8 months
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constantly thinking of this man ; ;
(Jewel belongs to @skelekins)
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
HII ‼️ begging on my hands and knees for an aris fic where they meet at the wckd facility and when they get out reader and him start developing a crush on each other on the way to the right arm. even better if gets angsty and includes aris being taken by wckd at the end. :D 👍
OH MY GOD YES PLEASE AND THANK YOU!!! ; finally an aris request LMAO ; and thank you for the ppl who sent maze runner reqs for me, the drive has been insane considering I started two whole fics on my wattpad (not published yet) for aris & brenda (character x oc) over it is insane 💀 but anyways! ; thanks for requesting, hope you enjoy! ; also damn this is a long one LMAO ; also red wine supernova inspired this a lot and idrk how
ARIS ; through the scorch we go
summary ; as you trudge through the sandy scorch with aris, you realize you're growing weird feelings
warnings ; language, violence, guns, drugging (the club for cranks or whatever)
disclaimers ; reader is described to be roughly the same height as aris
word count ; 2.6k
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You'd strayed from your friends long ago, after the maze and after they'd all been taken to the safe place. Your friends Edith, Percy, Leo, and Rosa had all been called by Mr. Janson to leave to go to the safe place to be free from WCKD forever over the past two weeks. You'd been welcoming in the last of the mazes, having learned they'd gone A-Z somehow.
The only boy from the new addition, Maze B, had caught your eye rather quickly. He was quiet, usually using his dark, striped hoodie to hide himself from others. He sat alone at his own little table, in the middle on the far right side.
As you spent your days investigating, he rarely ate, inspecting his cornbread when you obviously looked over at him after catching him looking at you. You noted the dark bags under his eyes, almost red like he never slept either, in the back of your mind. You couldn't help but almost feel worried for him, like he wasn't adapting outside his maze very well.
On top of losing his friends as well, whether being killed or taken to the safe place, or by the Right Arm, it would've broken you to also know that he actually wasn't eating or sleeping. Just knowing he never talked to anyone on top of that hurt your heart.
So, one day, a day prior to Maze A's arrival, you decide to sit with him, having been alone after your last friends were taken. You were tired of being alone and were sure he felt the same way, probably just needing a friend here. Who knows how long it would be til either of you would be called to go to the safe place?
You sit down across from him at the beginning of dinner, giving him a little smile as your tray lightly slaps down on the metal table.
"Hi, I'm Y/n"
He blinks a few times, kind of surprised you'd one, sat with him, and two, introduced yourself. Maybe he wasn't used to kindness.
"I'm Aris," He mumbles, setting his cup of water down as he'd held it in his hand before he spoke.
"My friends all got sent to the safe place too" You comment, "We can be friends if you want? I know you've been lonely over here, inspecting your cornbread everyday"
He smiles, appreciating your kindness towards him. "Yeah, that'd be cool. Thanks, Y/n"
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A few days after making friends with Aris, just as you were about to fall asleep, you hear a loud thud and clattering noise under your bed, scaring you awake. You instantly sit up, and cautiously begin to peer over the side of your bed to see what had caused the noise. Before you can even place your hands on the rim of the metal bed frame, Aris' hands beat yours there, his face emerging from the darkness.
He holds a panicked, awkward smile on his face, the gap in his tooth shining brightly into your tired eyes. "Come on, we aren't free from WCKD. Everyone who's been getting called to go to the safe place, they're being used as lab rats, hooked up to machines and stuff."
You blink a few times with a puzzled look, silently begging for more information.
"We need to go, we're escaping with the guys from Maze A, right now." One hand leaves the edge of the bedframe to move around in his hoodie pocket. It rises back up to show you a key card. He flips it back and forth to show you it was legit. "We need to go, please!"
You nod, quickly scrambling out from your bed to get down on your hands and knees to crawl through the vents with him. You follow his lanky frame, his eyes looking more alive than ever as he directs you through the ceiling of the lab.
You end up on the other side of the door toward the outside world, awaiting the boys arrival. As Aris quickly informed you in the vents, there were five of them, plus a girl that they were going to find.
Their introductions are quick and action-packed, with Thomas just making it under the closing door before it closed by sliding. Aris quickly uses a brick, which had been laying around due to construction, to beat the key card reader so Janson and the WCKD gaurds assisting him couldn't use it and just chase after them.
You look to Aris, eyes wide as you look between him and the other teens before sprinting toward the exit. As the large doors open, sand flies into your eyes, blinding you for a moment before you all run into the cold desert, needing to run as far as you could before they tracked you all down again.
After hiding, getting away, and discussing a plan, you get familiar with the other teenager's names while searching for resources. There was Thomas, their leader, Teresa, Newt, Minho, Winston, and Frypan. You hang tight to Aris, being the only one you trusted at the moment.
"Damn, who are you gonna kill with that thing?" You joke, looking at the shy boy as he holds a metal baseball bat in hand.
"Cranks, probably"
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Your second night, after losing Winston, was awful. All of his friends were clearly upset after having to leave their friend for dead, meanwhile you and Aris didn't really know how to comfort them, deciding to gather sticks for a fire to try and leave them be for a moment. Once you returned, they were clearly lacking any spirit, barely keeping it together before falling asleep.
It was much colder than it was the past night, leaving you freezing and shivering beside the dead fire. The hard, dead dirt didn't suffice as much of a mattress either.
You attempted to hold yourself to warm up, but it didn't help much. Between your sweatpants and t-shirt, there wasn't any warmth to be created. You would've picked some clothes up while you were gathering resources, but there ended up being nothing left in whatever sizes would fit you.
Aris asked if you'd be okay, which you responded too with a positive nod and smile.
Christ, you wish you took him up on that offer to look around more that other night.
Aris must've awoken due to your frantic shivering and slightly loud attempts to blow warm air into your hands. He sits up, eyes immediately directing to you, trying to warm up any way possible.
"Oh, sorry" You whisper, "Didn't mean to wake you"
He shakes his head, assuring that your apology wasn't needed. He pulls off his jacket and then his hoodie, handing it to you, leaving him in the white WCKD t-shirt you'd all been given on your first day. You look at the hoodie, then him, then the hoodie, then him again, almost confused.
He nods, holding it out for you to take.
You graciously accept the hoodie, quickly pulling it over your head while he slides his tan jacket back on.
As you pull the sleeves down over your wrists and adjust the hood before pulling it over your head, you quickly catch the smell of sweat and, somehow, cologne. You didn't know how or why this kid and his laundry smelled so good out in the desert where you'd spent days sweating with no hygiene set in place, but you weren't complaining.
You breathe in the musky, almost comforting scent one more time before looking back at Aris, who was already looking at you. You give him a smile to tell him thank you, appreciating his sacrifice for you.
But sadly, he was now cold without his extra layer, and you were still a little cold as well. You didn't understand how the Gladers were sleeping through the night like babies, but at least they were getting rest.
The both of you, shivering, quietly laugh as you notice, now seeing that you were both and still miserable.
"You wanna like, cuddle? To bounce off each other's body heat?" You suggest, getting a little risky with your moves, not even catching your own words and what they could've meant to him.
He nods after a moment, opening his arms for you to join him in his little patch of dirt. You scoot over, falling into his arms, your head buried in his chest while his head rests on top of yours. You're roughly the same height as him, but you decide to use him as your pillow, not needing him to see your tired face anyway. That could wait til morning, at least.
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As you trail around the club, looking for your new friends, you hang on tightly to Aris. You took a drink of some random substance from a red cup to get in, probably having been drugged with how you were feeling after one sip. You had to take one for the team, though. Your team consisted of you and Aris, you didn't know who you were kidding.
You hang onto his hand tightly, your own hands clammy. You feel your head pound viciously behind the loud, thumping music, your vision becoming swirly and colorful.
As you stand still for a moment within the crowd, Aris catches you as you fall into his arms sideways as you're practically unable to walk. Your speech is slurred, complaining of your body hurting, your pupils dilated like no one's business.
"'ris, mmm... eyes hurt, please..." You hide your face in his shoulder, hiding from the light. "Make 't stop..."
"I know, I'm sorry," He replies, his voice raspy from the lack of water he'd been ingesting out in the scorch. "We need to find Thomas, okay?"
You nod, pulling your head up from his shoulder to look at him. You lightly place your fingers on his cheeks, admiring his pretty face.
Between the music, being drugged, and the shining lights all around you, you felt like you were actually having a brain aneurysm or something. After convincing yourself that you were dying, you quickly pressed a chaste kiss to his lips, unable to speak the words you were thinking to him.
The sun peers through a large window nearby, hitting him in the eye, causing him to give you an almost disgusted and cringed type of look. Through the miscommunication, you take it as disapproval for your actions.
He moves you a bit, needing to get his eyes away from the blaring sun. "C'mon, you're drunk out of your mind. Let's find the others, 'kay?"
In a state of panic and worry, he quickly pulls you into a side room, just having randomly found the others, plus your new companions Jorge and Brenda. They stand around Jorge, beating answers out of some dude for the location of the Right Arm.
Newt, Teresa, and Thomas quickly run to your aid as Aris asks for help, then you'd fell to the floor, complaining of being dizzy just before. The four pick you up and help you onto a cushioned chair just beside you, allowing Aris and Teresa to look over you. Thomas, Newt, Minho, and Frypan turn their attention back to Jorge and Brenda, still trying to beat answers out of the random dude you didn't know.
"How long have they been like this?" Teresa asks the boy.
"Since we got here, like fifteen minutes or so. They took a drink of something to get us in, I guess it was spiked," He quickly explains, looking at you with worry in his eyes.
"Shit," the raven haired girl mutters. She places her hands all around your face, checking your temp, trying to get you to follow her fingers. She was like a natural doctor.
You close your eyes, covering them as well due to the sensitivity to the light you were facing.
"They should be okay, it doesn't seem life threatening"
Aris pulls you up from the chair, much to your dismay, to follow Jorge who just announced that he finally got the answers he needed. Aris essentially carries you on his back, allowing Thomas to walk behind him to catch you if you fell at all.
By the time you'd reached the car, you were already knocked out cold. He and Thomas lift you into the back, letting you rest your head on his lap and have the rest of the back seats for your sprawled out legs. The other boys plus Teresa sit in the trunk while Brenda joins Jorge in the front.
Aris can't help but softly run his fingers over your hair, admiring your peaceful, sleepy look.
Thomas, Fry, and Minho all giggle and look up at Aris from the back, joking about how smitten he was for you.
"True love" Minho laughs.
"We've known each other for like a week!"
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As you settle into the Right Arm, you sit beside a little campfire with Aris, meeting his two friends Sonya and Harriet. They seemed really cool so far, you'd love to be friends with them.
"I think Y/n is one of the funniest people I've ever met" Aris smiles, knowing you couldn't hear him upon the cliff where you were offering food to the Gladers.
Sonya playfully rolls her eyes as Harriet speaks. "Sounds like you have a crush, the way you look at them is insane"
He shrugs, not even really hearing her as he stares up at you.
"Hey, Aris!" Fry exclaims, waving down to him.
"Hey guys!" Aris waves back, having been dragged from his daydreams.
You walk back down to the Maze B survivors, joining them once again while Thomas climbs up a bit higher on the clifftop to talk to Teresa.
"What're we talking about?" You ask, sitting back down next to the familiar brunette boy.
"Making plans for the Safe Haven" Sonya replies, "I call dibs on being the Keeper for the scavengers"
"I'm not working under you," Harriet jokingly fights.
"Well, you are!"
You and Aris laugh as you listen to the two girls, enjoying the peace you'd waited so long for.
He looks over at you as they leave, going to retrieve s'mores ingredients for themselves. He smiles, looking at you a little too long before speaking.
"They're nice, right?"
You nod with a smile to match his, a quick realization putting a pit in your stomach as you look at him.
"You okay?" He asks, seeing your smile quickly falter.
You nod, "Yeah, I'm good"
His eyebrows furrow, silently asking if you're sure. You nod in response.
A loud explosion catches you off gaurd, causing you to jump into his arms as heat waves over your bodies. Screams and gunshots fill your ears. You're paralyzed in fear as you try to process what's happening.
Aris quickly pulls you up, dragging you away by the wrist, trying to look for Sonya and Harriet.
Within the dramatics, explosions, and gunfire, you lose him.
It's not until you're by Thomas' side that you realize WCKD has him and that Teresa was working with the enemy. You're unable to hear as Thomas, Teresa, and Ava Paige speak, only able to hopelessly look over at Aris, his arms held behind his back by a WCKD member in uniform.
He's eventually dragged away and shoved up into the Berg, his eyes resting on your worried expression until he couldn't look at you over his shoulder anymore.
Minho and Sonya are taken as well, so are a bunch of other teens who had found safety with the Right Arm.
You solemnly watch as the Berg flies away, leaving the destroyed camp burning and smoking. You're speechless, unable to form thoughts as Newt tries to ask if you're okay.
You only nod, unable to verbally answer him.
"It's okay, we'll get them back. We aren't leaving without them"
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hanemiso · 3 years
a/n: okay @wontonjaegerchan and i were talking last night and i just HAD to write these. I HOPE YOU'RE READY BECAUSE ITS ABOUT TO GET DOMESTIC UP IN HERE
characters: chuuya, dazai, akutagawa, atsushi, and ranpo
bsd characters as dads!
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okay first off good luck if you also have blue eyes (like me rip) because your child is bound to look exactly like him if they do
your child will either look exactly like him or exactly like you there is no in between
but if not then good for you!! your children will be fckin adorable
if dazai sees chuuya and his mini-me he'll instantly be shocked in dazai fashion ofc
"*GASP* chuuya, they're exactly like you! same height and everything!"
it's unfortunate the child is present, or dazai would be flying into a building
i feel like chuuya would have a daughter
he'd never imagined that he'd be a dad because of the life he lives, but here she was, grasping his finger with her tiny hand
she's the most precious thing in his life, her soft smile and her blue eyes crinkling made it ever so apparent to him
chuuya would 100% be the dad who sings lullabies to his children
"blackbird" and "golden slumbers" by the beatles are fan favorites
chuuya would also use his ability to help his child open jars or carry heavy things to make them think they're strong
"look daddy i can carry the groceries!"
"you're so strong, little one!"
"almost as strong as you, daddy!"
"you're damn right-"
your child would think chuuya is the strongest and look up to him so much omg and that would melt his heart
he also spoils your child so much LMAO
god he'd be so protective over his kid
in conclusion, chuuya please have my babies
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tbh no one thought dazai would end up having a child, not even dazai
none of it felt real to him until he held your child for the first time
my brain says he'd have a baby boy
but when he first held his baby boy and saw those chocolate brown eyes staring back at him, he had decided in his mind right then and there he would stop his suicide attempts
his complete guide to suicide would go on the shelf
most nights since his child had been brought home from the hospital, he'd sneak in their room and just hold them
so much love in his eyes as he twirled the (h/c) locks around his finger and whispered to them
"you're my sole reason for living, little one."
he'd try to sneak back into bed with you but realize you're awake, and just hold you so close and confess to you
"i never knew of a purpose in life. i didn't find any merit in living, and dying seemed so much more beautiful...until our child was born. and now i realize why i live. thank you for giving me a reason to live."
uhm yeah so you're in tears I AM TOO
dazai has a very soft side for his child
he might smother them....a bit
but seeing how your child cuddles into him when they fall asleep just makes you melt
the first time your child met chuuya, chuuya was beyond surprised dazai was capable of caring for children
but ofc bc it's dazai
"oh chuuya, look at that! my child is almost your size!"
chuuya hopes your child has your personality (a second dazai would be too much for him)
the agency is also surprised he has a child
your child bugs the shit out of kunikida omg and dazai eggs them on
dazai does everything he can to make sure his child doesn't get mixed up with his past, he protects both you and your child with all he has
in conclusion, dazai is surprisingly a good dad (though he definitely has his moments)
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okay so akutagawa...
he's trying okay
he's doing his best
look, he never thought he'd have a child (im sensing a theme here)
but now that he does have one, his life mission is to protect his child
he didn't know the baby can't support the weight of it's head by itself, but once he learned that omg-
he saw atsushi while he was out with his newborn and instantly shielded them from him
he has the right idea-
honestly i could see him having a boy or girl, either one
he's so particular with what food his child eats and only buys the best baby food
he's very attentive during the night too when your child begins to cry (but that doesn't mean he's the best at making the crying stop)
gin is sooo protective over your child omg
she has two sides, her doting side and her cold-blooded side
you're so lucky you have the akutagawa siblings fretting over you and your child im jealous
so when he was putting your child to sleep and they expressed their fear of the dark he just monotonously said
"there's nothing to be afraid of. goodnight." *clicks off lights*
ofc that didn't do shit LMAO your child was still scared and you had to calm their nerves
but he's really trying and would do anything for your child
in conclusion, akutagawa will be a good dad with you by his side
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such softness omg
he definitely cried the first time he held your child
he was amazed by the fact he was able to help make something so beautiful and perfect
he thanked every star in the universe that all of his life decisions had led to this moment
your child definitely has his eyes, sorry i don't make the rules
he's so careful with your child omg he baby-proofed the entire house like a month before the baby was born
it's like he's a natural with babies bro
he's so attentive to everything and gets them to stop crying in record time
he'll also sit by the crib and watch them sleep, still in disbelief that someone so precious could exist--aside from you, of course
speaking of, he reminds you every day that he loves you and how grateful he is that you were able to gift him with such a bundle of joy
again, i could see him having either a boy or girl
when your child told you they were afraid of the dark and monsters, you reassured them by telling them (unknowing to atsushi) that their dad fought off the monsters with his tiger during the night
the next morning your child ran to atsushi and gave him a big hug and exclaimed
"thanks daddy for always fighting off the monsters! please give your tiger treats for being good!"
atsushi sobbed so much
yeah, atsushi is your child's hero and every time he thinks about it he tears up
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what can i say...
your child is SPOILED
they also have the biggest sweet tooth just like their dad
it's because of him
he either sneaks treats for his child or from his child
most likely the latter ngl
"as easy as stealing candy from a baby"
"ranpo istg-"
cue your child's incessant crying
but don't worry, ranpo is surprisingly good at putting your child to sleep and getting them to stop crying
most of the time you'll find him napping with your child, him either sleeping next to them or with them in his lap
he's also quick to figure out what's wrong with your child
i can see him having a little girl that's as smart as he is
at a very very young age, he had begun reading her poe's stories before she fell asleep
which wasn't the best idea...
one night he had read her the tell tale heart and you awoke to a ruckus in her room, only come to find she's trying to lift the floorboards to check for a beating heart
yeah you were pretty pissed about that because the way he reasoned with her was
"do not worry little one, if you don't hear a heart beat or smell rotting meat, then there's nothing to worry about!"
obviously that didn't help much but that didn't stop him from reading her poe's stories, but he instead switched from horror to mystery
poe was honored when he found out about this, but he was also a bit scared of you because ranpo had told him about the whole heart thing...
but ranpo absolutely adores your little child and their sweet tooth
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taglist: @justmycupoftea93 @loveliestmolly @darlingimawitch @b-i-t-t-i-e-s @browneyespinkhair @silverstar22x @stupidfrogfreak @anotakugardener @jhopesstickeredcarrier @joyfulartisanstudentlamp @spacedoutcoffeebeans @puddingowo66 @kaeyapng @pcytheeve
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