#but this is a whole diff level of like 'i NEED to see WHERE these GO'
thysilus · 4 months
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we're making litrly th most insane media iv ever seen i lov my job
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ace-with--a-mace · 2 years
i definitely think quarantine stunted everyone under the age of like 25's growth and its detrimental to society today
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bigcowboydyke · 1 year
about your disability pride month post: is there anything important/significant you think people should take notes on when writing a character with an upper arm prosthetic? (like starting from the elbow if i phrased correctly)?
Yeah! I think the biggest is that you ought to consider first, esp if its an OC, your reasoning for making the character disabled- you wanna make sure you're not fetishizing or exploiting their disability to prop up abled characters. I've got a list of questions for authors to ask themselves along those lines that I can post or dm
Secondly, you have to consider what level of realism you wanna go with. If you have a character where, in universe, the prosthesis functions in exactly the way an arm does, you could just go with that if you want - it's the path of least resistance, right? BUT you ought to consider that most prostheses in media exist in that way AT THE EXPENSE of good representation of disability. Erasing disability or "curing" it with magical prostheses IS a form of ableism that is so pervasive it just goes unnoticed by most. I believe personally that disabled bodies are worth portraying well even when the creators of the source material did not do that. SO if you want to go with real well thought our representation, here are some common things I think authors and artists often miss (specifically as it pertains to upper limb prostheses):
1) I already said this, but seriously, I cannot emphasize enough that upper limb prosthetics ain't cheap and are usually uncomfortable. Your character, if they are poor, or even like middle class, won't have access to multiple high tech popular mechanics cover story type robo arms. Even if they did ...
2) Not all limb different folks use prosthetics! I personally have used multiple and I disliked them. I tried very hard to learn, but there are multiple requirements to be able to use each model and sometimes, a lot of times actually, limb different people - especially people without a hand or an arm function Better without prosthetics. Be aware in your art that limb different people are Whole. How you ask can somebody without an arm, say, do all that stuff?
3) Consider the idea of adaptation in your writing and art instead of relying only on magicking disability away with prosthetics. Disabled People live in a world full of barriers and tend to be Very creative about navigating it, adapting to our environment through just being a little clever about how we do things is the biggest way i see other people with upper limb differences interact with the world. There are three main ways that we go about this without prosthetics: Using adaptive equipment, Finding an alternate method, or as a last resort, asking for help.
Example 1: I have like 1.5 arms ok so obviously only 1 hand, and I need to clip my fingernails every once in a while. The obvious solution to me, while it may seem gross, is just to bite them off. Bad habit, but efficient. I could use those horrible little nail clippers, with my remaining stump and a little finagling but it takes forever. I could also get some adaptive nail clippers - they make great big handled ones for ppl that can't grab the little ones. Or, I could ask my partner to trim them, but I'm usually too proud to do that. Let disabled people have their flaws too lol!
Example 2: I love to rock climb. This is where adaptive equipment comes in. I could slip off a rock climbing wall pretty easily right? So bouldering (rock climbing without harnesses) is totally inaccessible to me. But if I go to a gym that has harnesses, then that's fine - they catch me if I fall and that's adaptive for me.
Adaptive equipment comes in many shapes and sizes and can be regular items repurposed.
3. If after all that you Must create art or write about an OC or preexisting character that uses upper limb prosthetics, consider that in general, limb different people's prosthetics are not equivalent to having two arms. Prosthetics are only practical for limb different people if they enhance your life or are useful in some way, however, getting one high tech enough to do that is unlikely because they are expensive. There are different groups, clinics, and charities that make lower cost options but they tend to be much lower tech than is depicted (and often are clunky). My first prosthetic was a long flat piece of metal, similar to a doctors tongue depressor, attached to a plaster cuff velcroed around my stump. The idea was that since I had a little bit of stump poking out, I could pin objects against the metal and it would work like a crab's pincers. It was okay, but I did accidentally smack many. Many. Things with it, including my own face and since it was metal, that was unpleasant. Obviously hindered more than helped. Also it did not look even remotely like a hand.
4. Which prosthetics you can get generally depend on what you got on you. Literally. Bodily. With upper limb prostheses, If you don't have an elbow or wrist, your options are almost exclusively limited to the pricier electric options that are both super futuristic, unavailable to many, and also like new car priced. Many of the manual, non-electric models depend on the ability to flex a wrist or elbow, so if you have those things are a little more accessible overall. It also matters whether you are born limb different like me, or if you are an amputee. Amputees are more likely to be candidates for prostheses than people like me because they have all those preexisting muscles and nerves for prosthetics that are higher tech and require surgical attachment Also prosthetics might be an easier learning curve, and more useful for somebody who has been abled bodied than it would be for somebody who never had that limb in the first place.
5. This is a little thing and ... Not to get too medical with it ( and neither should yall) but limb different people often have physical changes associated with lack of or loss of limb. If you do not have a limb, you are not going to be developing the muscles that are surrounding it in the way an a nondisabled person would. Again for example I have 1.5ish arms which means I've got plenty of stump on my "affected" limb. Even when I did Varsity sports and everything, I was never able to get beefy on that side. It is a pet peeve of mine that many people do not seem to get this - Most art I see of vash the stampede has him with two super beefy shoulders and like yeah i get it that's hot, but if hes got roughly the same amount of stump as me, he probably shouldn'tlook like that. Another thing in this vein is chronic pain is associated with limb loss and limb difference- I have it and its reasonable that any prosthetic user or nonprosthetic using limb different person is more likely to have it. Again these are little things but if you're looking to do good representation you need to consider that limb difference is not just a cool little stylistic choice to make a character look tough or what have you - limb loss and limb difference mean that that character will not only think differently than abled bodied people, but move differently, pose differently, have different routines and preferences than are ever represented in most media. Disability is not a style, and it's not a diagnosis, it's an identity. It's important above all to be respectful of that by letting go of centering able-bodied expectations and aesthetic in your art and writing. Hard to do but i believe in y'all!
Hope that helps! I've also got a bunch of links to go along with these points, if you want them lmk! I'm always happy to take asks about this stuff!
Tl;dr please consider making characters that don't use prosthetics, or don't use them excessively because it's more realistic, better representation, and makes me, a disabled dyke on the internet, really happy.
Lastly if y'all liked my advice and appreciate my time you are always welcome to tip me for it - my c*sh*pp is $neptunedrive
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metalheads-trash-bin · 6 months
These consist of observations, facts, and headcanons :)
Volcano Rock City
Riff & rock trolls:
Breathy giggle, shy almost
At college for musical theory/art
Immune to lava - see it like hot water
Change in music doesnt change where they were raised w - (Pink heart, but diff style)
Volcano rock city arenas lava is now rainbow to show all genres
High fives show harmony and connection
Daycare in pop village - poppy teaches them the history of the whole world tour situation w barb as a guest
Riff uses air drums w drumsticks to dance w head bobbing when just chill dancing
Hard dancing is ofc what you think it is
Riff has three siblings, hes the favorite sibling since hes the baby. He spends time with his mom. He has two sisters and one brother. The brother is the eldest.
Food item: Fiber energy juice boxes
Barbs full name is Barbara
Creek notes:
Creek being creek “a little positivity would go well with that vest.”
Gets grabbed by chef
Chef forces creek into king gristles mouth
Creek figures out how to prevent himself being killed, calling out and gristle spitting him out. Creek begs for his life.
He strikes up a deal with chef. Through that hes taken out of the amulet for good.
Chef catches the snack pack, putting them back into the cage.
Chef pulls out creek, and they have the whole strangle moment.
Creek tells them he sold out everyone, showing no remorse so they dont try rescuing him. He even says to her theres no other “not him getting eaten” way, and chef agrees.
Instead of poppy focusing on the kingdom she becomes empathetic towards Bridget, turning back after being let go and helping her out. Poppy explains to the bergens that theres other ways to be happy. Then demonstrates that.
The bergens believe her, having a happy ending where they realize they dont need to eat trolls.
Chef gets rocketed out on a grill, creek in her fanny pack. She tries to eat him, the creature below them waking up. They get eaten by said monster.
“If poppy had only listened to you, if she took you seriously..if we all did. This would’ve never happened. If she just focused on the kingdom and not saving me, you all could’ve escaped and ran off. Finding a new haven. I know in the end it was a good plan..and lead to good things. But..she didn’t know that, no one did. You all almost died.”
“I’m sorry I never took you seriously, I’m..so sorry branch.”
Mount Rageous- rage dome
Bruce canonically listens to true crime podcasts
Jds canon in the sad book club
Floyd had a canon solo career
Mount rageous has an adult area called “the bowl” under the clouds
Floyd worked there doing modeling, playboy esque. Alongside singing solos in bdsm clubs
Teens found out eventually as gossip is.
Scarring under JDs gloved hand
Branch cracks under pressure after introducing floyd to creek, spiraling in front of poppy and sobbing to her about his feelings on everything. She panics and tries problem solving, branch snapping and then them walking away. They came back to eachother the next day, talking it out and deciding health wise its best to just be friends. They became platonic soulmates to eachother like riff and barb, the separation and experience of being together bringing them closer anyhow. Being in different levels of life just, cant work long term.
Creek says things like “Mother Destiny” or “Mother” as his connection to the earth.
John Dorys first thing when the gang separated was neverglade trail
Johns killed someone, he followed them on a hike and tried bashing their head with a rock. The person had a self defense pocket knife because of the wild animals. They slashed his left hand, john trying to push them off a cliff (waterfall cliff). Person grips onto his jacket, pleading for their life and how they dont understand what they did to deserve this, hanging off the cliff only not falling because hes gripping onto johns jacket. Johns gripping the ground, reaching for a rock and smashing their eye until they let go. Person falls, not dying because the water wasnt shallow enough. He runs down with a hunting knife, stabbing the guy to death. This was his first kill, only doing it so he could eat as he was struggling.
Doug is the lawyer jd’s acquainted with at the bowl since hes the only lawyer that handles other species disputes.
Jd loves fish, especially fish sandwiches.
Notes on trolls three and poppy:
poppy seems super pushy and non empathetic to branch, literally appearing as if she cant put herself in someone else’s shoes.
2. She consistently tests his comfort and boundaries. Even being manipulative in some instances to get him to do what she wants.
3: it seems like she was more interested in investing in JD and the mission because they’re BroZone, not because she cared about branch or his trauma.
4. Yes at sometimes she comforted him and convinced him to continue with the mission, but that doesn’t make up for her lack of empathy simply because she shows sympathy.
5. I understand being a huge fan of BroZone, but some of her behaviors absolutely cross the comfort of the members. JD kept the funderwears for memorabilia, not because of some scent thing. Yet poppy’s borderline lustful reaction implies she would’ve kept them for that reason.
6. Sometimes she still struggles to listen to him, projecting her familial issues onto him and saying how grateful he should be. She was so fixated on the facf she craves more from her family, that she couldn’t even fathom the fact someone wouldn’t like their family members or have a more complicated relationship.
These are all of course little things, but they can build up and they can cause long term built up issues. It’s saddening to see that even if they sorted out her not listening to him, she still has a lot she needs to fix. And Branch, especially after all of his trauma being forcibly resurfaced, most likely can’t handle all of her flaws she needs to work on.
These all were brought up to her when they separated, she didn’t react the best initially until a few days later when she finally gained some sort of empathy and guilt for her neglect towards my brother.
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First thoughts from just one watch under shitty circumstances with bad internet and worse sound:
I was very worried about this episode with how sacred the S5 DENNIS System episode is to us all. Didn't want a Thunder Gun 4 situation on our hands and thankfully they avoided it so hard! I think having the plot with Charlie, Frank, the mums, Uncle Jack and chess really helped out to make it feel more than a direct sequel.
SINNED -> DENNIS -> SINNED -> DENNIS — I'm so impressed with this. How did I, a wholeass Sunny fan, miss this for so long?! Three cheers to whoever came up with that inversion, really! Definitely something that happened in the writer's room and made everyone lose their shit for sure. I wonder who it was, could be Meg or another writer too, given how collaborative they all are!
And can I just say, Dennis the Restaurant Manager... oh how I love you so much! The Waitress is Getting Married is a personal favourite of mine and I wasn't expecting a bit of a redux of that whole situation.
I was so worried about all the "Mac getting a boyfriend and it being Ryan Reynolds" theories and I absolutely wanted none of that. Everyone had speculated it to death and it wouldn't have been fun anymore (not to mention I do not care for RR in my Sunny, I'm sure he's fine, but I don't need his and Rob's PR relationship filtering through into my dickandball show no I don't "find them cute" and I won't elaborate here anymore).
I know we'd guessed that Johnny could've been Dennis catfishing Mac, but it definitely felt like we were doing an Insane Fan Speculation more than anything — and for it to turn out to be correct! And in the best way, because we never could've seen the vibrating anal beads coming!! That's the best kind of "called it but it's still unpredictable".
It really broke my mind, this episode did. And don't even get me started on the Macdennis and queer Dennis of it all! As a longtime believer in Bisexual Dennis, I won so hard! All of us Queer Dennis Truthers won so fucking hard!
[Unpopular Take incoming] This is the first Sunny episode credited to Meg for writing that has felt so wholly "Classic Sunny" and super fuckin hilarious to me. I always appreciated her understanding of the characters and she's always a very solid writer, but this is the first time where I felt myself thinking ok, you she write RCG/Hornsby/Marder-Rosell/Chernins-level of an insane chaotic Sunny episode with multiple belly laughs and not just slightly Community-fied versions of the gang.
The closest her writing has felt like true Sunny to me before this was Dee Day, so I'm glad to see her grow and improve too, and I wonder if the podcast rewatch has helped in that regard! Must also help to have a classic S5 structure to play off in The D.E.N.N.I.S. System! (And ofc writing is collaborative, so well done to RCG and all the writers who pitched ideas and rewrites that ended up shaping this episode!)
I knew Heath Cullens directing meant a good chance of some interesting camerawork (and I've gotta say that even The Gang Inflates had some more dynamic shots than we've been getting in some of the later years and it's got to be the Cullens directing), but I wasn't expecting a whole visual callback to Being Frank! Loved it.
And the editing! The DENNIS System has always been great for cutaway gags and fun little inserts, so I loved seeing that carried out here with the cuts to Mac and Dee fucking up their dates and then finally pulling out the Magic Tissue of Mummy Issues (oh the potential for meta especially with the twins!). The pacing was so good!
Sunny pacing needs to feel like Mac crashing Dee's car into a wall while we are all Charlie watching it in real time and screaming when it's over.
Random strings of words because I'm too excited to be coherent:
Glenn's acting. His faces. His eyes. His range in this episode. Glacting. Juilliard. All the hits. All the big ones.
Mac and Dennis have canonically had sex in two different ways now, and yes, I'm including their sex tape/porn viewing sessions where they both masturbate together
Did Dennis pull out Mac's anal beads when he was asleep?
Vibrating fucking anal beads what the ACTUAL FUCK!
How many people did the gang drug again?
Danny DeVito with a vibrating asshole comedy acting 12/10 he's an international treasure for a reason
Dee stealing people's phones she's so stupid and bad at men. Never change Dee.
Uncle Jack though, pls change plz, I'm an IASIP loving degenerate so I laughed in horror at his creepiness ofc as I have since 1x7 but fucking hell man, can he be in his jail era already! Poor Charlie!
Hey, Charlie's got new America's just as we were promised on the pod
Oh I should make a post about everything we saw in this episode and that episode of the pod where they gave us all those hints, especially Meg talking about struggling with this cold open — added to the never-ending list of drafts and posts that will hopefully one day make it onto the blog yeah I'm lying to myself now
Parental issues everywhere this season, especially with the mums. Reynolds kids, I can't wait to lovingly put you under my microscope. Once I've rewatched this episode with good sound.
Also just in general, the SINNED system just says SO much about our babygirl's psychology, does it not? Why did so much of it sound like self-insert speeches, like he's been doing this to Mac or smt? Don't even talk to me about The Gang Chokes!
What does r/iasip have to say about— no, I'm in my happy place, I'm not even gonna go there.
Mrs Mac and Mrs Kelly watching TV together like that, they really are lesbian life partners.
Dennis blue shirt with top-stick between those buttons, my beloved. I am looking, respectfully.
And can we talk about the "opening the ketchup bottle" scene? We have to take about that scene! Dennis... he's ruining me... need to gnaw on him and suck on his fingers wait I'm browning out...
Sidenote: I love whenever the show references news stories which were super fucking big at a very specific time in a very specific niche, especially with my whole family being so chess-obsessed. The cheating scandals and anal bead… never thought I'd see a Sunny crossover but can't say I'm not loving the shit out of it!
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gregoftom · 1 year
omg the norwegian wood exactly!!!!! like it was a moment where it seemed greg was being his hetero playboy persona like "some hotties...the arctic foxes...bit of norwegian wood" but like norwegian WOOD??? that's suddenly so explicitly Not Straight??? HE ALSO LITERALLY TURNED TO TOM AS HE DECIDED TO MENTION NORWEGIAN WOOD???? and with a dopey fucking smile too
he's also then so tender when he's with tom asking "but you're not worried, right? you're good" with a gentle touch. it's!!!
I totally also buy that they've been intimate. and it's changed their dynamic but there's also this boundary to it because it hasn't had them be Together as an actual couple so they're just like orbiting this thing. and I bet greg's like soooooo in his own head rationalising it. like they're just Buddies. buddies that sometimes give each other release when they haven't scored a woman but are still pent up. and I just Know that tom's so tender in it and also so horny but then Also just puts these walls up like it's Nothing like there's not emotion involved like it's not a Thing, greg, it's not weird. (don't overthink it.) and greg's like...along for the ride, but probably also got fucking whiplash lol. and probably his whole comphet, gay dad issues got him thinking in denial like you can still be straight while fucking around with a man
like I feel like they Do have the vibes of having been intimate and it's like unlocked this level of affection and touch and cheeky playfulness they sometimes have. and like there's now always the option that they Could do a little something, so there's a thrill there that it's like...maybe available, at any opportunity. but it's also Not Properly Spoken About or acknowledged so it's like dancing on the edge of something. like I'm sometimes aloud to have you but I know I don't actually have you...but you are mine...we're each other's we're linked we have little secret private in-jokes, and I'm your cheerleader your champion I care about you I want to protect you and you protect me...but there's no Relationship, there's no talk of it being a relationship.
I feel like if greg even reminded tom that they'd held each other's dicks tom would shut him down instantly. ...but then later inexplicably touch him so tenderly or sexually...and not even acknowledge the disconnect there
YEAH LIKE. like i said, there’s sequoias there so it seemed to be greg having a little inside thing with tom like i GET it!!! being real i think they Did Something even before norway like hand on heart i think somewhere in the 3-4 gap was the first time. the way they act in 4.02, way tom finally opens up to greg in 4.03 and says he’s not okay, the way greg is like. blatantly eyeing tom at the wake [and they arrive together?! oh they fucked the night previous] it like. all hints to me they’ve stepped over a barrier into intimate territory of i guess fwb [but they absolutely both feel more than that, hence in 4.08 greg’s finally like, so where are we at in terms of us? and bringing up matsson and the way he treats him but enjoying the trust as though referring to him and tom and where they started and are now at, bc he doesn’t want that anymore, he wants to be tom’s lover.]
LORD don’t even say that to meeeee it’s true like. greg wants to look out for tom esp after what happened last time he was on a flight like that :( he’s worried about him! and lmfao hugo being like UR ON A DIFF FLIGHT TO TOMand greg being like ok and? see if i give a fuck i need to check on my man 🔪
and yeah like that is tom’s way, i think. i think he desperately tries to be this like detached guy with greg, and this kinky guy with shiv and he just can’t keep it up bc his nature is being romantic as hell so he’d slip up a lot with greg just like he always has like I AM MEAN AND NASTY GRRR but then forehead kisses and i’ll look after you. and as you say he’d be so tender and gentle in bed like i stand firm by my belief that tom was greg’s first real fuck And it was amazing simply bc tom was so tender and giving during bc he can’t really be anything else, that’s just how he is and why sex with him is so good. but if greg tried to bring it up or mention he’d absolutely dismiss it lol. probably again what led him to being bitchslapped in the bathroom LMFAOOO tom step it up!!!!
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dausy · 10 months
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I have officially lived in El Paso for a year but if anybody asks I've only been here for a few months ok. I gotta still use that "I'm new here" excuse. But here's my thoughts on this city from an outsiders point of view looking in. This is in no way to shame any persons or cultures, it is just me pointing out differences compared to other places I've lived.
So first things first, I have lived in many places in my life and every time I move, the locals ALL say the same things "Nothing ever happens here/its boring here/theres nothing to do here/we have the worst drivers". Everybody self depreciates and never has anything nice to say about where they live.
El Paso has what I consider some major positives to me. Because it does have things to do here. Theres an outdoors community. There are hikers and there are outdoor rock climbers. I suppose somebody out there goes hunting but I don't know anything about that. I'm sure theres somewhere to go kayaking too. But we are in the desert and theres a lot of brown, so its different than outdoors on the east coast.
There is shopping. I really care about "living in suburbia" I want, what I consider, my "luxury" stores. Before I move I google the stores a town/city has because if they can afford to have certain stores then they probably have a level of comfort that I enjoy in my every day life. El Paso does have a huge, living mall. Malls are dead and dying elsewhere, you're lucky to see a bath and body works in some places. El Paso, does have one thats alive. Which is an oddity these days. It doesn't have a food court but it does have the new Abercrombie adult line and an athleta and a lululemon and your boxlunch stores. It has some cool anime and gaming stores. It has a lot of those japanese gotchupon machine things. Like its very nice. On the other side of the mall they have a kpop store. They can afford things like those sushi restaurants with the conveyor belts. They have an outdoor outlet mall with a disney store!!!! (!?!??!), a whole foods (!!!1) and ofcourse other things like top golf and one of those touristy skydiving places. The few things this city is missing is theres no IKEA, no REI, no bass pro shop. But I was honestly just happy to have a homegoods and a super target. The one walmart and super target they have down here are REALLY nice. Thats probably setting the bar low but when you're used to driving an hour+ away to get to these things, its amazing to have them.
Also, I've been a spanish student for many years now and I really wanted to obtain some form of immersion. I could literally walk to Juarez. I can look out my window and see Juarez. There is spanish here. I have learned a TON since moving here.
now some of the odd things that I've noticed: again this is not to attack anybody. Just because I'm not a fan doesn't necessarily mean anything is in the wrong, its just different and culture shock. I think this is the weirdest place I've ever lived in and we lived in Japan and Albuquerque, ok.
Again, the spanish language. Not a jab, I wanted to learn and I'm learning but it takes a special type of person to learn a new language, especially as an adult. America is so huge that in many places you are lucky to hear something other than english every blue moon. People here in El Paso have told me "you don't need spanish to live here" but they do NOT understand that the amount of spanish spoken here is so foreign that it feels like you're in a different country. The last time my brain felt this overwhelmed with another language was when we were traveling through Italy. The return plane trip back, when I heard an American accent for the first time, I literally felt like my brain melted in a sigh of relief. Thats how I feel here. You step outside and everything is in spanish. At walmart the signs are in spanish and the overhead announcements are in spanish (in english too, but in Powell Tennessee you are not going to see or hear anything in spanish) it is so blatantly in a different language. I can go an entire day at work and every single one of my patients speak spanish only. Even though I really wanted to learn and I want to say I'm conversationally fluent, it is so far outside my comfort zone, my brain wants to run back to east coast, so it can relax in english.
The other thing is, I have heard that El Pasoans are extremely friendly and they will welcome you into their houses and treat you like family and feed you food. Which is probably true and I have had coworkers feed me but the general population, outdoors, in public settings do not show friendliness the same. Again, I don't mean this negative, I don't mean that the population is a mean population, its just different.
When I first moved to Tennessee, we were looking for a house and we would get creeped out so bad by people. We would be driving through neighborhoods and everybody outside, whether they were walking their dogs or playing with their kids, they will stop to wave at you and smile like robots. If you are standing in line at the grocery store, the person behind you will start up a conversation with you about anything. They'll ask you how your day was and what you plan on doing later. Its a very overly creepy nice and it took a long time to get used to. They do similar in Georgia and Alabama. I could be an axe murderer and everybody smiles and waves at you. Its creepy.
somehow, I kinda miss it. Here in El Paso, you could be walking through a store, nobody is going to look you in the face, nobody is going to apologize for being in the way/moving out of the way/if they need to squeeze by. They wont shoulder check you, but they're not going to make room for you and they are not moving out of the way. Its the same thing when crossing the street in a parking lot. They're not going to look both ways before crossing the street. They're not going to apologize for walking out in front of a car. If I'm the pedestrian, a car is not going to stop for me. I have never heard one "I'm sorry/excuse me" since being here. Again in the southern east coast you tended to get caught in "no you first" arguments. Whether you're at a 4way stop or trying to cross the street. I could be walking my dog and I may try and wave a car on because it would be faster for the car to go first buts its a guarantee "sign language" fight of "no you go first" before I have to awkwardly sprint across the street because they insisted I go first. They don't do that in El Paso. It is very much everybody is in a personal bubble, they don't want to talk to you or acknowledge you and theres no self depreciating "Im sorry for existing, pardon me as I squeeze through here" like there is where I came from.
and the drivers too. So I would actually argue people drive vaguely slow here. I don't see many people driving faster than 65 other than the odd sports car. Everybody drives pretty slow but they are a literal almost 1million person population so there are A LOT of cars on the road in certain areas. The people here do not want ANYBODY in their lane. They do not want you to go any direction but straight. I may put my blinker on a couple exits in advance to let people behind me know I plan on getting over and that is the ONE time they will decide to speed up to prevent me doing so. I don't understand why. People will speed up to keep you from getting over and they may not even need in that lane. They'll keep you from getting over only for them to then need to keep left. Like, why? I hate driving just because of this. I got rearended twice when living in Savannah and I almost prefer their method of just speeding while playing on the cellphone more. I guess because obviously these people are paying attention while driving and their thought it obviously "OMG NO, YOU CANT GET HERE, SPEED UP" its such a jerk thing to do. I don't understand it.
which reminds me of other bizarre car behavior. It hailed here some odd weeks ago. And on the east coast, people will just leroy jenkins it and keep driving. Some people (like motorcycles) will get off the road, but if its a tornado or hurricane you just drive through it blind. For fun. Here, this is the first time I've ever seen this. Everybody squeezed their car to try and fit under the overpasses on the interstate. It was a 3 lane road and it wasn't just like a couple cars off the side of the road under the overpass, it was a good 20 cars smooshing at awkard angles to fit under this overpass and blocking all interstate traffic until the rain stopped. I kinda like zigzagged and squeezed my car through to get past the stopped cars. NEVER seen that EVER. So WEIRD.
but otherwise, the other thing El Paso has going for it is I've actually managed to find a coffee shop I like more than Starbucks. I've been to many a home-town coffee shop that just tastes like dirtwater. I feel like surpassing starbucks taste shouldn't be that hard. But I found one here. Best iced coffee and el-paso-mex cafe food.
but I'm ready to leave here for sure. Do not want to be here for another 6 months.
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uncloseted · 1 year
Do you believe in aliens? Have u seen that tiktok that went viral last month where a woman wanted out of the plane because she said "that mfer back there is not real" and a lot of ppl speculate that saw the passenger next to her (or the flight attendant, i keep hearing diff accounts) looking a little unrealistically human, like a shapeshifter? i saw a tiktok tonight where a man experiences the same thing of the flight attendant being a robot, and they're in a time loop? (1/2)
(2/2) I shouldn't believe everything we see on tiktok but my point is that the whole idea of aliens on earth or at least existing light years away mind blows me and I wouldn't act so shocked if we ever discover them or the unsolved mystery of ufo sightings. I kinda act like Buster from Arthur because he was an alien believer.
Ooh! Okay. Yes. I have thoughts. (Bear with me, I'm going into professor mode for a second). If we take the Drake equation to be accurate as Drake himself presented it, there are probably between 1000 and 100,000,000 planets with civilizations in the Milky Way Galaxy. That's a rather wide range, but I do think it makes sense to assume that we're not alone in the universe. So I'm with you- I do believe in aliens, at least, insofar as that I believe there are civilizations somewhere else in the galaxy.
However, that brings up the question, "if there are so many civilizations in our Galaxy, where is everybody?" This is known as the Fermi Paradox, and there are a number of different explanations for it. These explanations include (in no particular order):
Extraterrestrial life is rare or non-existent
Extraterrestrial intelligence is rare or non-existent
Natural life dies out due to natural catastrophic events before civilizations are able to develop the technology to communicate with other intelligent species
Intelligent alien species have not developed advanced technologies
Intelligent life will always destroy itself before or shortly after developing the technology to communicate with other intelligent species
It is the nature of intelligent life to destroy others
Civilizations only broadcast detectable signals for a brief period of time
Alien life is too incomprehensible for us to recognize it
Colonization is not a cosmic norm
Alien species have only settled part of the galaxy
Alien species do not live on planets
Alien species isolate themselves from the outside world
Alien species do not have the resources they need to spread throughout the galaxy
Information is cheaper to transmit than matter is to transfer
Alien species are transmitting a message, but humans do not know how to hear them
Humans have not listened for alien messages long enough
Intelligent life is too far away from Earth
Intelligent life exists but is hidden from view
Advanced civilizations are looking for a technological signal that we are not transmitting
Nobody is transmitting messages, but everyone is listening for them
Communication is dangerous on a galactic level
Earth is being deliberately isolated or avoided
Of those options, I think the answer is either that alien life is too incomprehensible for us to recognize it/that alien messages are too incomprehensible for us to understand them, that intelligent life is too far away from us, or that we're being deliberately isolated or avoided. Maybe I'm too much of an idealist, but I hate the idea that the natural order of things is destruction and isolation.
All that said, I don't think the aliens are hanging around on Earth pretending to be people. I don't think there's any reason to waste valuable time and resources on that. I mean, think about it. If you could go to visit a primitive civilization that's more than 14.850 billion miles away, would you really just blend in and lightly fuck with their political and social structure? That's so much effort for something that feels like a pretty small payoff. What does an alien have to gain from freaking out people on airplanes? And besides, I don't think we're important enough on a galactic scale to warrant some sort of mass infiltration. If we were that important, I think they'd try to reason with us or just destroy us.
So, what's up with the people on planes, then? It could be literally anything. People have psychotic breaks or delusions all the time. Between 15 and 100 people out of every 100,000 develop psychosis each year, and about 0.7 to 3.0 new cases of delusional disorder are reported every year per 100,000 people. And Capgras delusion, a well-documented delusion in which people believe that the individuals around them have all been replaced by imposters, impacts an estimated .0012 people in 100,000 in the general population. Plus- and I think this is crucial- people who tend to be socially isolated are more likely to develop delusional disorder, as are people who are under stress. I would imagine we're going to see an increase in these symptoms as we continue to deal with the effects of the COVID lockdowns, and I think we're going to see them especially on planes just because planes are stressful places to be.
And even for people who aren't suffering from a delusional or psychotic disorder, it makes sense that we would see an uptick in people who believe things that are generally considered fringe. Those kinds of beliefs serve a critical purpose for those subscribe to them- they provide understanding and certainty, they create a sense of control and security, they improve a believer’s self-image, and they give them a community. As the world becomes more uncertain, these types of answers become more and more attractive, and more and more people buy into them. But that doesn't make them more or less true than they ever were. It just makes them more popular.
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eyelessfog · 1 year
GOOD GOOD YOU'VE BEEN OSMOSIS'D. thats all u need to know about mlb. superhero identities. evil guy who makes people villains. its like that but without the animal fairies. perhaps. havent figured out how katherine becomes a catgirl im working on it now basically its s1 shrub and s2 kath.
shrubs that small town girl in the big city for college (forestry major)
the wolf spirit is something that's been passed down in her family
got that wolf-like abilities and can summon her wolf pack in a if she calls they choose to answer type thing
her family has like a reserve or sanctuary for the pack of some sort. the wolves, they're a little immortal u see.
originally a spirit of vengeance born from the death of lord mars & lady taurus
through the generations has become more of a spirit of protection for the forest but the vengeful spirits still there
and for more recent holders of the wolf spirit, channeling that vengeful spirit can be very taxing on their body & they lose a bit of themselves
shrub especially is scared to use it since that is how her dad passed but she still chooses to be the next holder
also because uh. whoops! bloodline kinda ends with her! fern passed down a family heirloom to a sapphic asexual
she has celebrity-type sort of surface level crush on night hunter as he's seen her on the news
develops into a regular crush once they become teammates
a model. wants to open up a studio
also wants to escape her parents who aren't like supervillain evil just. regular evil.
so she moves to college (fashion major. obviously)
guess who's her roommate
when she's night hunter, she experiments a lot with her costumes as n uses it to express herself
yes ive trans'ed her gender and made her genderqueer
also she has a staff like her inspo chat noir but like. it also turns into an axe and that makes her cooler
it has also made the public question her gender identity multiple times
so theres an ongoing theory is that there are 2 (3?) cat looking heroes running around.
the public altering between diff pronouns when they refer to her definitely gave her that Realisation. not fully. but she's getting there
as night hunter she's a little flirty but like. as a joke kind of flirty. like what do you mean you took that seriously flirty. cause shes a little acearo.
(ive acearo'd her too)
has slowly been developing a crush on shrub since she never heard of katherine before
shes never really had a (proper) relationship like that especially one where they eagerly listen and engage in her ramblings
like to her shrubs the whole package n she's uncharacteristically flustered around shrub as night hunter
to kind of tldr the rest-
xornoth (conan) fills in for that evil guy that makes other people evil.
joeys also here, still has a crush on kath.
they're mainly childhood best friends here bc chloe n adrien were and joey n kath really fit their dynamic
also has a superhero identity thats his pirate guy, goes by a lot of names for the theatrics night hunter calls him "Captain" for convenience
he and night hunter switch from being mlm/wlw teamwork to mlm/wlw hostility constantly
scott n conan had a summer house in shrubs town so they're childhood friends
shrub has a little "i can fix him" complex for xornoth even before she finds out he's conan which develops the complex more
also xornoths kind of a demonic entity conan accidentally woke up now hes possessed and slowly losing himself dang
HES POSSESSED HIMSELF???? yeaahhhh!!!!! i love self possession
this is all sosososososo real shes ace and shes aroace and shes just like me [flirty for funzies sometimes] and i love tbat she just has different costumes n the different pronouns and and and. yeag❤️❤️❤️
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jeonqkooks · 2 years
😫😫😫😫 obs jk better have a valid reason as to why he broke up with oc otherwise im coming for his ass!!! 😒😒
i feel so much for oc - like imagine your v serious, 4-year relationship ending out of nowhere?? with no explanation whatsoever?? also the part where jk posted his multiple relationships after the breakup 💀 thats a whole diff level of pain like i wouldn't be able to move on too 😭😭
yoongi was 10000% the best choice for revenge duck cause its gonna make jk get his shit together (hopefully). i love u koo and im rooting for u but imma need you to suffer a bit for reparations x
(as u can see im vry invested in obs 😭😭 i dont get up to much and this series is one of the most exciting things in my life atm so ty for being an amazing writer love u ❤)
me, writing obs while i've never had a proper relationship lmao 💀 but yeah for sure, it was very devastating for oc. it's bad enough that your boyfriend of 4 years dumped you, but you don't even know why either?? he wouldn't even tell his closest friends who are also your closest friends?? he's the only person you've ever loved?? 😭
fun fact: yoongi was only supposed to be a cameo later in the story (when he would come in briefly to work on his feature with jin and then dip!) and now he's a whole duck hehehehehe we love to see it 🤓
the last part of the ask asjdkgghkd bby 🥺😭 i'm glad this series could bring you some joy, it honestly means a lot to me to hear you say that. thank you for giving my story a chance ily 💞
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kookieswan · 2 years
Imma be honest I can’t answer the red light brawl poll because your characters are so 3 dimensional that given the right motivation each one could potential KO the rest. (Im bout to use my autistic brain to over analyze this simple poll😭)
Like there has to be a good reason for either of them to win against each other. And they all have such immense willpower that neither would back down.
It’s only till you threaten their one desire that they’d consider it and even still you’re unsure who would actually win.
Hobi: Dr. MC
has pure bloodlust but the blinding rage isn’t really there. everything he does seems intentional/stategic, but there is some underlying impulsivity.
Yoongi: Jungkook
has pure bloodlust and blinding rage, but he’s very much sporadic, he needs a lil stategy if he stands a chance.
Namjin: Each other
they’d be fighting off the others. this is an advantage of being a duo, but doesn’t mean they’d win
Jimin: His freedom?
if that were the case he would be trying to break out everyday, but it seems like he just sulks most of the time -at least so far into the series. also he may have some blinding rage too
They all have very strong convictions to want to fight each other if they absolutely had to. Like there needs to be motivation or else you aint getting shit from them.
So if you were to throw them in a pit and say fight, I think they’d all look at each other and start laughing. And this is without the threat of harming the things they cherish. You already know they don’t really give a fuck what torture lies ahead, if they disobey.
Namjin and Hoseok are the voice of reason. They’d be the first ones to start laughing at the notion of fighting.
I think Yoongi would actually like a tussle but not full on brawl. He’d probably tap Hoseok on the arm and be like “chase me uwu.” Then he’d be like “yeah shit not worth it.”
Jimin may actually try and fight cuz he has no allegiance to anyone yet. He’d get in defensive stance and the rest would just be like “chill dude.” Then he’d run towards Namjoon who sticks his arm out and palms Jimin’s forehead, watching him try to get at him. Eventually pushing him away. Jimin would just stand there with a hurt ego.
Jin would tell Namu not to tease him.
Or diff version: Jimin rolls his eyes cuz he thinks he’s too above to fight the rest.
So either way, majority aren’t fighting and would rather go to lower levels and be tortured. Then they can trauma bond… some more🥺 (more group therapy time💖)
Like they’ve never directly expressed that they all care about each other, but from the way they admire MC for having compassion for the Nightmares as a whole, I like to think that extends to each other.
If one of them were to die, they’d all feel it. If MC were to ask I think they’d say “It is what it is. Nightmares die sometimes.” And even when sitting by themselves they might think about them, but thats probably only when MC, Jungkook, or one of the Namjin lovers is around.
I would say they’d feel real grief -if they even can- for one another if they all when through a truly disturbing situation with each other that’s not the lower levels. I cant fathom anything that could truely shake a Nightmare, but I’d love to see where this story ends… possibly continues?👀 Prequel? Sequel?
Lol im a hot mess😭 i love you Candi🥺💖
Plym. You are fantastic. Overanalyze my pills all you want. Seriously I had so much fun reading this 😭 I think you’re very spot on with a lot of what would go down, and I applaud you for that. They certainly wouldn’t blindly fight each other, but if the circumstances were just right 👀
Were to die, huh? An interesting thought…
Won’t lie, I have a lot planned for Red Light still, so much so that I might maybe possibly have to make…… A sequel.
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simpjaes · 8 months
it took me 30 years due to naps, other responsibilities, and my inability to focus on anything for more than 15 min at a time but i finally finished paid in and paid off 😫😫😫
rollercoaster of emotions fr. i was so excited for the jay x reader part in comparison to jake x reader when i first started but damn. jay truly is an ass who doesn’t deserve ANYTHING.
the jake part of the smut had me going feral, usually i prefer dom!jake but goddamn the reader and him being both in control at diff points and jake just being pussy drunk cause reader is just another level 😫 the jay x reader smut was also so good, the part where he spreads her cheeks to look at both holes and then fucks her like crazy 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
smut aside, the actual plot and reader struggling with self-hatred aurrr. my heart quite literally hurt for her fr when jay told her about the deal. jake was so sweet it made me so happy him and reader got a happy ending (yes ik there was originally a diff ending). him willing to transfer without a second thought 🥰 jay when i catch you—
when u made that post about loving jake with ur heart and jay with ur pussy i laughed but i can see it here 😭😭😭 really funny because usually jay is potrayed as the nice vanilla guy in fics so it’s interesting to see him as an unredeemable asshole.
love u user simpjaes gonna move onto the hee fic soon and send my feedback when i finish that 😁
- 💗
yeaaahh 😅 jay kinda a piece of shit in that fic but i had a whole bunch of fun writing it. you preferring dom jake is wiiiild JDHDJFH i see him and i simply see baby boi. i simply see a desperate pup. I simply see my pretty bf who needs attention!! we differ on the jake agenda but i appreciate you nonetheless!!
as for the ending of jayke fic, it wasn’t necessarily a different ending! it just needed to be wrapped up for so i added a bit more for better closure 🥹 the original ended like right after the jay smut LMAOOO i rly was just gonna leave everyone hanging and i really just…couldn’t do that to anyone.
thank you for all the kind words tho 😭 regarding smut and characterization! i worked hard on that fic and i really enjoyed myself with it. definitely embodied the loving jake w my heart and jay with my coochie tho like i really meant that shit when i said it 🧍🏻‍♀️
anyway!! super excited to see how u feel about platinum! and i hope you’re doing well 🩵🩵🩵🩵
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yiifu · 2 years
phew just finished reading recklessness (1) & (2) of the novel and need to write some late-night thoughts down ... the buildup is excellent, i love how just within these 2 chapters so much was explored of the characters and their roles within society e.g. you have mianmian being criticised for being a female (echoing the cultivation world's condemnation of anyone with the wen surname, all that stuff about discrimination based on characteristics that a person cannot control, something which i noticed is a central theme in mdzs), jiang cheng trying to do PR damage control and the slow build up of those years of old issues that had always existed between him and wwx resurfacing again now, even exploring jin guangyao and his role in lanlingjin through the way he handles the conference, and then lwj speaking up despite not usually saying anything during conferences, even the little detail about jiang cheng pulling all-nighters everyday to keep his sect running and just on the day when he decides to retire early he gets called up for more political bullshit. also just wwx gathering all the wens and bringing them to burial mounds to start a proper life like he really just bulldozed his way through the whole situation and, in his own words, made it the precedent.
just, the amount of detail in these chapters was just really fun to read. i could understand both jiang cheng and wwx's side of the matter very clearly so much so that i don't even have a side to pick. and i think after reading the novel i kind of better understand what happened in the manhua (it was sort of disjointed at first but the novel really helps to string it all together chronologically)
now i'm at the part where jiang cheng and wwx have their duel and falling out. at first i couldn't tell if it was meant to be a sibling squabble unserious sort of duel or an actual fight duel but the outcome seems to hint at the latter. and so wwx has defected from the jiang sect - he's on his own. from here on it's only going to get messier. after reading the manhua and watching the donghua, going through this part in the novel just feels like that 'ah shit here we go again' meme like i know what's going to happen I'm just gonna be reliving it again in a diff format
edit: some screenshots since i’m finally on my laptop
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man’s Tired just let him rest!!! ffs
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lwj went into fkin zen mode 
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ah i love this so much
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this detail was so funny cos in the exr translation i thought jiang cheng actually crushed the edge of his table from how hard he was gripping it lol i was like ,,, bro u good? i know you’re a strong cultivator but just what on earth did u train with to get your grip strength to a level where you’d be capable of crushing a table edge to pieces? like, can nmj even do that?
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again the exr translation was funnier i think it went something like ‘the child was lovable but unfortunately jiang cheng had no love in him’ also this is such a perfect way to show jiang cheng’s personality ... now i really wanna see his reaction to baby jin ling. the two most important men in wwx’s life - jc and lwj - do not know how to react to children upon meeting them for the first time
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gdi i KNEW jiang cheng wouldn’t be so calm and genial with wwx after having come all the way to burial mounds for this the lad was probably fuming all the way up while speaking in this fake-polite voice. also jiang cheng just can’t do pretences and faking nice like jgy, he’s more of a straight-talking person and seeing him like that’s just eerily unnatural
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this part sounds a lot more scarier here than in exr ... it’s the tone of voice, that little detail of him sounding indifferent that makes me realize it’s at this point that jiang cheng realizes he should have given up all hope of trying to reason with wwx. i thought the fight was like ‘oh it’s just another twin prides of yunmeng squabbling with a friendly duel’ but then the next paragraph comes and it’s actually Serious? like this is their first legit public falling out? like jiang cheng actually issues a public statement declaring wwx public enemy number one? 
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there’s definitely something metaphorical (or meta) about the fact that wwx and jiang cheng have to resort to a good old fight to sort things out, and also the fact that neither of them win. like they’re locked in a stalemate. and somehow it feels like they weren’t just fighting about the decision for wwx to leave the jiang clan but also about a lot of other repressed old childhood grievances. there’s a sense that they’re not kids anymore, that what they’re fighting about aren’t simple childish things but real adult feelings and adult implications that can’t be forgotten or pushed under the carpet anymore.
but then in the next chapter wwx goes and says this:
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i just got clowned by a fictional character like WHAT IS HAPPENING PEOPLE DID THEY FALL OUT OR DIDN’T THEY
you’d think this is their lowest point but nooo!! it gets worse! 
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goldenboots1 · 2 years
Some of you guys need to have some facts straight. I know the conspiracy theories got to another level after yesterday’s race. RBR and AT are two completely different teams. Of course RedBull is the Mother but it’s the Mother from both teams! RBR (RedBullRacing) isn’t RedBull. I know its a bit complicated but Christian is the Boss from RBR and Franz is the Boss from AT there is no connection between them. AT is a Team with his headquarter registered in Italy! Not in Milton Keynes. They may be ‘sister teams’ but there’s no shared budget how do you think this is going to get explained? If 4 Million go missing from the AT books?! 
The other thing, not just that Yuki felt he had a problem “loose tire” he can’t know for sure if that is the problem! It felt like a loose tire the team looked into it. Its not the tire but if you feel like it is we may change it. (Happened to max in the beginning of the season too. He felt like he had a puncture they changed tires and the problem stayed! Team told him its not tire related. The drivers don’t have the data they can’t even see the whole car they’re feeling the car and they’re feeling if something is wrong.  Yuki felt a problem (tire not fitted) team get him in changed the tire (FIXED) the problem! let him out again (and now it comes!) because BEING dead last ISN’T a reason to retire!! The teams are obliged to finish the race! The only reason to retire is if there is a problem (which (they thought) they fixed (tire)) so if they had retired the car for being 2 laps behind but with no problem they get in trouble.  That is the reason why Lewis wasn’t allowed to stop the car after he asked to as well. The expert on sky (Germany) explained that after Lewis asked that that isn’t possible if there isn’t a problem. So AT fixed the problem got the car back out Yuki feels the problem is still there so it couldn’t be the tire! Especially after the Team told him its not the tire. He needed to box anyways because he thought he would retire so he undid his seatbelt the team wanted him to retire because it costs a lot of money if the tires aren’t fittet right. Even that he told the team could bring them in trouble. But the data showed the tires are fitted fine. So box new tires and seatbelt fixed. Still a problem it’s not the tire must be something else Yuki says something (diff) is broken. AT looks at the data and sees the problem told him to stop he was in the pitlane super tight as everyone was saying the whole weekend so stopping at the exit will cause a red flag because medical and safety car would have been unable to get on track so he stopped at an exit the only right thing to do. It’s a VSC not a safety car not a red flag. Max pits, needs hards because for softs (he would have preferred them i assume thats why he delayed the stop, to get a sprint on reds) wouldn’t get to the end and the mediums didn’t where to his liking. So he took the better tire the hard ones. So he got a ‘free’ stop but needed to get tires he didn’t prefer. So the VSC compromised his strategy because he told the team his ‘tires where fine’ a few laps before.
So to be a person who comes and states that RB and AT worked together on this one, to get Max a ‘free’ stop is just wrong and stupid. But well, wear your tinfoil heads and blame your (bad) strategy call on Max, Hannah, RBR and AT because your team is never wrong. 
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twopoppies · 3 years
Firstly No pressure to read any of the below it’s just a lil rant after I ended up on the wrong side of tumblr!! ( + I have ADHD and i forgot my meds lol so its a bit disoriented and all over the place) and no response necessary unless you want to!
Oh god I accidentally ended up on the wrong side of tumblr....never ever ever ever again, I went back so fastttt lol im laughing at myself rn for how quickly i clicked away from disgust
i ended up on a blog that stalks u and some other larries and says absolutely atrocious things abt louis (I can send u their @ if u'd like so u can block them) and fully bought the stunt bs happening rn and it was horrible obvs but like i just do not understand like it was so creepy gina and im just so disgusted bc why? yk?
like u were not joking abt anti's actually being obsessed with larries - like half this person's blog was talking abt you and amy and i was just so shocked cause why??? like mate come on what the actual f? get a life please?? (im quite new so im like just now realising how insanely weird and obsessed these anti's are)
Also it was just an overall eye opener for multiple things:
Starting with that 1. the way 1DHQ and 1D Management managed to alienate larries actually worked and i like knew but truly doing a proper deep dive and seeing multiple blogs hate on larries and like obsessively stalk us was insane?? Like they truly believe everything they’re being fed???
Side Note: Lowkey feeling very lucky to have had the education i have because even before i even joined this fandom i believed partially none of the relationships in the news bc like i knew abt this industry and how it worked yk? i mean its logic? i have so many mates that arent even in the fandom that know i am in the fandom and texted me when the articles started rolling out calling it out for what it was: A PR stunt
Hell someone i know whom i had never even talked abt fandom stuff/stunt stuff fully texted me making a joke out of it!!! like people who aren’t even in our fandom can see it and its just insanely surprising that if they can why cant the antis?? im just a bit shocked rn
both from 1. finding someone who actually believes in this stunt and 2. multiple blogs that fully commit their time to stalking u and other larries and once again i knew but fully seeing it
It made me realise that 1DHQ knew what the fuck they were doing when they were trying to alienate larries from the rest of the fandom, once again i am feeling extraordinarily grateful to have grown up with an education where i was literally taught to never trust anything and to always think things thru using logic - “does it makes sense to you? if not find out why, there usually a reason behind everything” my yr 9 english teacher used to say smth like that all the time and it just never left me bc she was always teaching us to judge everything and to take every piece of news we read entertainment or otherwise with a grain of salt and to always if we’re gonna give someone else our opinion or spread this information do our research (its what i am when i say i feel lucky to have had the education i have had)
Eye Opener 2: Anti’s are fully standing y’all u were 100% correct this is some next level stan behaviour if i’ve ever seen some, you’re famous gina!!
It is while surprisingly to realise that anti’s fully believe these things, more surprising to see how they treat larries bc why on earth would u treat any other human being this way??? like dont get me wrong they’re horrible ppl and i fully felt like sending them a message telling them exactly that but i would never bc i just dont want to make another person feel bad abt themselves even if they are that shitty of a person and it was very tempting
I just would like to understand why they feel the need to do this? like why hate on a whole other person? for what believing smth diff to u? having a difference of opinion? how tf are they gonna make it when they get a job??? like??? do u know how often i run into a person with a different opinion then me? it shouldn’t be that big of a deal! we should still be able to be friends with antis! but we’re not - not for lack of trying btw!! they’re just so mean and rude??? when i was in other fandoms when someone believed different things there was never this much hatred at someone for it!! hell there was barely any bc it was understood that it was normal to have diff opinions abt things and i just am truly fascinated by these ppl i swear they remind how stupid the human race can sometimes be not for what they believe (altho ngl a lil of that too) but for how they treat other ACTUAL human beings with different opinions to them
Eye Opener 2.5: Some people need lives, man like they proper do need lives and something to do maybe a hobby or smth? just like a life they need to get one of those and actual live it
and Eye Opener 3: I already felt this way but like even god damn stronger now you deserve a formal apology from both 1DHQ and the universe
and until we get that u deserve amazing things coming from the boys on your bdays to make up for it
Lastly Gina I hope you didn't read thru all that bc I couldn’t even read it over and thus sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes and I would also like to say that I love your blog and everything about you! you’re an absolute angel and one of the kindest ppl I have ever had the pleasure of well not meeting but stumbling across, you truly make this fandom a much much much better place with your presence (I shudder to think of it without u) that said if you ever need to take breaks or leave Im sure you already know but you should 100%
You first!!! Always! :)
Have a good day Gina, I hope its an absolutely amazing one!
Hi darling. LOL! Reading this was like talking with my kids when they don't take their ADHD meds. Lots of excited thoughts!! I loved it.
And yeah, that blog and their 4 followers are really... not well. But you're very right. 1DHQ made this fandom a breeding ground for people to hate larries and to think it's something Harry and Louis would both approve of. It's gross.
The gaslighting here is powerful, so thank goodness for fans like you who know to question what they're told and to look at things with logic and to do their best to see through their own biases.
Thank you for all the sweet words and your offer to kick butt (in your other message). I really appreciate it!
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chubbybuckydumpling · 4 years
Hello, having seen your requests are open, I would like to request your thoughts on
Andy Barber and Reader going on vacation together for the first time (rating up to you)
A Much Needed Vacation
words: 2.5k
pairing: Andy Barber x female Reader
warnings: mentions of smut, implied smut, fluff
A/n: I don’t know why I struggled so much with this, I hope it’s okay. I’m so nervous (because I really want to impress @slothspaghettiwrites ) pray for me please! :)
My Masterlist
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Andy had always had trouble making and keeping friends. He had a couple of colleagues and acquaintances, but a true friend he could confide in? Not really no, his past trauma and toxic habit of keeping all his emotions bottled up made him seem arrogant and standoffish.
But then you came along. You, with your perfect smile and golden heart and the patience of an angel. No matter what Andy tried, how distant he acted, you wouldn’t budge. The opposite actually. His behaviour intrigued you and the way he made your thighs clench by only looking at you added to his appeal.
So when you regrettably went to go for a swim in the morning because you felt too exhausted yesterday evening and saw this delicious piece of man in just a pair of trunks? You knew it was time to get that man to become yours.
You situated yourself at the end of the lane Andy was using, thighs spread and calves dunked in the cool water, your swimsuit tight around your body. A smirk plays on your lips as you watch the man of your desire move closer to you until his hand hits the edge of the pool and his head pops up.
You can see from his expression that he did not expect to come face to face with your crotch, eyes wide under his goggles and mouth agasp. He panted heavily and took off his glasses, beard and hair wet, a few droplets running from his forehead. ”Hey, Andy. What are you doing here so early?”, you asked with a smile.
He struggled staying in one spot, because you were blocking the edge with your thighs, hindering him from holding himself up. Grinning, you reached for his hand and placed it on your leg. Andy’s had snapped up to stare at you in shock, yet his fingers tightened around your flesh to keep him steady.
“I like when it’s empty in the mornings. Fewer disturbances”, he answered and lowered his gaze. Now he was right back to watching your crotch and a delicious blush covered the apples of his cheeks. Quickly he glanced to the side to try and be respectful.
You pouted and splashed some water with your foot, “Am I disturbing you?”. Andy squeezes your thigh erratically, “No, absolutely not. It’s a real pleasure that you’re here”, he responded a little too eager, which he must have realised because he started to backpaddle, “I mean that in a really respectful way not that I get off on this or something. That’d be weird”
You raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on your lips, “Not that you’re weird, you’re obviously very attractive and beautiful, not that I’ve been watching you, bu-“, your giggles interrupted him. With a loving gaze you cupped his face, “Wanna race?” Confused, Andy agreed, but before he could part from you, you pulled his face close to yours.
His breath was fanning over your lips and you could perfectly make out all the flecks and shades of blue in his beautiful eyes, “Will you take me on a date if I win?”
You’re very glad you got Andy to open up to you, especially now that you’ve been dating for ten months. Never before have you felt this happy so consistently and even though Andy still struggles with fully discussing his feelings and thoughts, you think that he has been sharing your excitement. You’ve become his rock, the one constant in his life, the shoulder he leans one. In return he treats you with the utmost respect and love. There wasn’t a moment where you didn’t feel like a queen in his care.
Sadly, you couldn't spend as much time with him as you wanted, his work as an assistant district attorney taking up most of his time.Of course that didn’t hinder your growing love for the man, but it left you feeling lonely a lot, particularly because your occupation as an architect allows you to work from home quite a bit.
Once you moved together, you felt slightly more connected to your boyfriend. Falling asleep in his arms every night and waking up with kisses being peppered all over your face was like a dream come true. For the first few weeks, you were in a constant state of bliss, cooking and providing for Andy while he kept you happy and satisfied. Soon enough however, Andy received a new case to work on and your fairytale vision was destroyed. The reality of life settled in and your rose coloured glasses were ripped away.
You still enjoyed living with your boyfriend, every time you saw him, butterflies erupted in your belly, still do, you just wished you could spend more time with him. Never before have you been so in love with somebody. All of Andy’s little quirks and ticks had you weak in your knees. The way he acted so delicate and gentle, especially around you, while his muscles were bulging. To see this huge, sculpted man be so caring and soft made you feel all kinds of things.
But it must have been your lucky day when Andy came home early with a big smile on his face. “Sugar, the case is closed. You’ve got me all to yourself for the next three weeks”, his arms open for you to fall into with loud giggles. “For real?”, you asked, excitement bubbling in your chest, “Yes, for real, honey!”, he grinned and pulled you closer, his beard scratching against the delicate skin of your cheeks as he pressed his lips to your temple.
You’re currently sitting next to Andy on a flight to “You’ll like it, I promise”. Your head rests on his shoulder, eyes closed peacefully. His breathing calms you down and even managed to lull you into a deep slumber. He’s been reading some kind of book and occasionally glanced over to you, checking if you’re doing alright. The flight has been quite calm, smoothly flying over the clouds.
The first class seats are a blessing, the constant stream of food that’s been given to you and the extra leg room added to the whole level of comfort. Andy’s warmth makes you feel very small and cuddly, his muscular frame a stark contrast to your softer, smaller form; a thing that you’ve come to appreciate quite a lot.
“Did you have a nice nap, honey?”, his deep voice rumbles as one of his hands moves to cradle your face. You nod and cuddle yourself further into your boyfriend’s chest, his distinctive smell consumes you as you continue to practically melt into his side. “We’ll land shortly, shortcake. Are you ready to find out where we're going?”, he asks into your hair and nuzzles his nose into your scalp. A loud yawn escapes your mouth, “I guess. I’m just happy to be with you again”, you whisper and turn to face him.
Of all the places Andy could have picked, he chose this particular place, because he knew you would love all the new experiences and adventures it would bring. He’s aware that you love to experience new things with all of your senses, how you become so excited whenever you discover a new smell or feel a foreign fabric under your fingers, the way your eyes glaze over when you spot a novel view or an object of interest. The way you grin when a new taste warms your body, there’s nothing that Andy loves more than seeing you beam with such childlike joy.
“You’re taking me to Marrakesh? No way”, you gasp, suddenly awake. The grin on your boyfriend’s face mirrors your own as excitement courses through your veins. “I’ve never been to Morocco before! Or Africa!”, you stare at him for a split second before your head whips to the other side. The window doesn’t suffice with your sudden hunger to explore the city, you can barely make out any landmarks. Yet you can’t stop squirming in your seat. The wanderlust has fully taken over and you latch onto Andy’s arm, giggling uncontrollably.
Your laughter is infectious and soon your boyfriend is cackling next to you, desperately trying to silence himself when he sees the man next to him staring at the both of you with a death glare. If looks could kill.
The next two hours pass in a blur. Andy maneuvered you through the airport safely and carried most of the luggage as your eyes were trained on the different people that moved past you. The drive to the hotel was no different, your nose practically glued to the window, “Look, Andy, look!”. He entertained you, of course, and looked out of the window every time, a smile on his soft, pink lips, “Good job, shortcake. Did you take a picture?”. The check-in went smoothly, all of your bags stored safely in your room.
You’re sitting on the softest king size bed ever, anxiously waiting for your boyfriend to finish up in the bedroom. “Hurry up, please. I can’t wait to get out to see more of this place”, you shout, phone in your hand to take a picture for your family. “Relax, honey! The sights won’t run away”, he responds with a chuckle. His deep timbre makes goosebumps arise all over your arms. All your excitement must have caused an increase in your blood flow to your lady parts.
With a shake of your head you try to rid yourself of these thoughts. The attempt fails horrendously once Andy comes out of the en suite. His loose, unbuttoned shirt and the form fitting shorts make you weak in the knees. Your boyfriend is just that handsome. The thought of ripping his trousers from his body dissipates quickly when he asks if you’re ready to go see the souks. Hell yes, you are.
The sun is setting while you and Andy overlook the Jemaa el-Fnaa from your table on the restaurant’s balcony. An almost empty plate of cake between you and your boyfriend. He’s holding your hand on the table, gently tracing your knuckles with his thumb. “How’d you like your first day, honey?”, he asks gently, affection clearly shimmering in his eyes.
“I loved it! I don’t know what I liked most? Everything is so interesting and beautiful”, you jump in your chair, giggling happily. “I loved all the different little shops in the bazaar! I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many different foods and clothes in one place and everything smelled so good. I really loved all the spices, we should make something like this at home!”
“What, a whole wall filled with spices?”, he snorts, shaking his head, the smile never leaving his face, “I think we should leave the colossal spice walls in the souks”. A pout forms on your lips, but the squeeze of Andy’s hand makes you melt back into your blessed state. “I really loved all the different things they sold. I’m sure you could find about everything there”, Andy pieces the last piece of cake and holds it up to your mouth. You open up to reach for it, but he pulls the fork away just efore you get to it, “Andy!”, you whsiper yell at the grin on his lips.
“What’s the matter honey?”, he asks sweetly, a mischievous glint in his eyes. You playfully glare at him, smirking, “Are you sure you want to play this kind of game, Mr. Barber?”. He nods at you like you’re being his bratty teen, in need for some serious attitude control, “Don’t be all venomous, I don’t like snakes”. As soon as he spoke those words regret washed over his features, “Oh dear, here we go…”
“I can’t believe you’re scared of snakes! You’re the biggest man I know and you’re terrified of snakes!”, you burst out with laughter, tears forming in your eyes. “I just didn’t want it to touch me”, he mumbles, arms crossed in front of his chest. “Please, Andy you should have seen your face. It was a tiny little snake”, you giggle and reach over the table to take his hand into yours again, but he doesn’t budge. “It was laying on your shoulders, it could have killed you!”, you keep trying to loosen up his arms, a few giggles still slipping out. You get out of your seat and move to your boyfriend, “The kind owner was standing right next to me, everything was fine”,
With a sigh, Andy opens his arms and pulls you on his lap. His beard tickles you as he places his head on your shoulder, gently kissing and lapping at your neck, “I just want you to be safe”.
You cuddle further into his warmth, smiling at his overprotective manners, “I’ve got you with me, I don’t think I could be safer”.
A smile on your lips, you turn around to kiss him, his scent envelopes you with a sense of comfort. His soft mouth against your own, the setting sun warming you from the outside, the love and adoration coursing through you from the inside. It’s gentle, full of emotion as if he’s trying to put all his wasted feelings from when he was working so much into it. After a while you pull back, breathing heavily. Your hand cups his face and you run the other through his soft hair, a couple of knots tangling between your fingers.
“I love you, baby”, you whisper like you’re telling him a secret, “I love you too, honey”.  A warm breeze blows over you and you turn to watch over the place below you, the last rays of sun painting it in a delicious golden glow. “Let’s ask someone to take a picture of us. Our first day on our first ever vacation together”, you smile and press another kiss to his lips. “I’ll find someone, stay put”, Andy grins and squeezes your hips as a sign for you to move back into your seat.
You watch your boyfriend’s retreating figure, a happy flutter in your chest. You can’t believe that you’re on a beautiful vacation with your beautiful boyfriend and about to take a beautiful picture to glue into your memory book. Excited, you let the atmosphere envelope you, completely floating in all the different sounds and scents. It’s really peaceful, the loud and busy streets quiet for a change.
Andy’s voice coaxes you out of your trance, “You ready, sugar?”. The two of you stand in front of the balcony, his hands rest on your waist when he suddenly bows forwards, making you fall backwards in turn. With a gasp, you reach for his shoulders, holding onto his strong frame. His warm breath grazes your cheek as his blue eyes stare into your soul. You hear the camera clicking, but it’s faded into the background. The only thing you can focus on is your boyfriend and his enticing body, the exposed skin that’s glistening deliciously.
He leans even closer to you until his lips brush your ear, “I can’t wait to have you all alone tonight. Just you and me, finally”. You gulp at the list and arousal in his voice, thighs clenching at his tone, “I’ve been waiting for you all day”.
Safe to say your vacation with Andy was very satisfying.
Taglist: @teetles-and-other-stuff @winteralpine @slothspaghettiwrites @marvels-gurl @gotnofucks
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