#but this not mean that i don't care about Palestinians
lobotomyladylives · 8 hours
comments under any post related to Israel and Palestine simulator:
Zionist who consumed so much propaganda their moral compass snapped in half: "sure the collateral damage is ~unfortunate~ but hamas started it totally unprovoked and are 100% to blame, Israel had no choice but to relentlessly bomb innocent civilians for months because if they don't we will literally have holocaust 2. IDF have never done anything wrong in their lives. if you think innocent people and literal children being blown up is a bad thing you're a TERRORIST SUPPORTER, also palestinians are lying about the death count + they are homophobes, which is relevant for some reason, and they'd probably throw you off a roof anyways so shut up you stupid liberals!1! oh and if you're a jew and want a ceasefire you are a race traitor and should be put in a concentration camp so you know what you're doing. pick up a history book kid (no not that one!!!) and listen to the experts (no not those experts!!!)"
18 yr old white liberal from the suburbs who is having the time of their life larping as a revolutionary: "every single person in isntreal is automatically complicit and they should be gassed like the roaches they are-but not americans like me despite our govt funding the entire operation for decades because ummm we don't ALL approve of it, unlike jews-oops sorry I mean Israelis, who are a monolith ❤️ ive done more for palestine by harassing random jews on tumblr under posts totally unrelated to the issue than the israelis who went to prison for refusing to join the IDF in protest. inshallah (((they))) all are put down like dogs 🙏 no one was raped on oct 7th and if they were they deserved it for where they were born. *regurgitates blatant Nazi propaganda* not an antisemite tho and if I was who cares bc there's more important things! what do you mean I'm making Jews in the pro palestine movement feel unsafe?!"
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blogofsara · 2 months
Stop Hate!
Yes....i support both sides and am not ashemed of saying it...both Palest1ne and 1srael are suffering......the first because of this gen0c1de and the second because of their awful and sad1st1c president......no one deserve hatred and sufference, in dependance of their Nationality!
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emily84 · 6 months
watch the language shift. forget about everything else for a minute, just focus on the language shift. i'm talking about the progressive left who came out to support israel, i mean.
i am speaking about people who are politically conscious and have critical thinking skills and follow the news and get involved in anti-racism, queer rights, what have you, and are also pro-israel. over here on tumblr and on social media and in the news, at the beginning of the israeli "counter-offensive", they started out by explaining why it was justified etc., by immediately stating that israel has a right to defend itself and why, etc. which, i guess, fair, in alignment with their position, all cool.
and then as the days turned to weeks and there were attacks on hospitals and refugee camps and images coming out of the "war zone" etc. but most importantly we watched the palestinian death toll turn to the thousands and then break the tens of thousands, with photos of neighborhoods turned into ghost graveyards, and suddenly pro-israel peeps (again, i am talking about ppl who know their stuff, who are progressive and interested in social justice) started prefacing every post or statement with "we empathize with the innocent palestinians, but" or "we don't hate the palestinians but" or "we pray for all innocent lives but", and then continue on spouting their opinion unhindered
but they do add that bit now.
so they know.
consciously or unconsciously, they know this shit it indifensible. they do feel that cognitive dissonance, at the disproportionate and indiscriminate israeli response. they're progressive, and they care about social justice, and they know how to interpret the news and the numbers. and then, i guess, they justify it by reinforcing the guiltiness of hamas (which i am not disputing, btw). in pro-israel rallies, they say "of course we feel for civilian palestinians who reject hamas but" or "we are all praying for the safety of innocent civilians. But",
and then it's always "but all of them actually voted for hamas" (even though that's not true), "but they were told to leave why are they still there", or "but they are probably all anti-semitic and hate queer people", or "a ceasefire would be bad actually".
but they do add that bit beforehand.
they know, as people who are politically and socially conscious, that if they don't add that bit, that their conscience would call them liars. even those who genuinely don't care about palestinian lives add that, because they realize how inhumane (and dehumanizing) it would sound if they didn't.
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whitesunlars · 7 months
someone legitimately came into my ask box and said i don't have empathy because i *checks notes* care about the Israeli people and the rise of antisemitism and have spoken out about those issues
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heartbeetz · 2 months
As people who took a break from regular selfship posting for March 2nd start to come back online and pick up where they left off, I just want to leave a little reminder. Please do not ever stop caring about people in Gaza. Do things in real life, not just online. Talk to people. Help how you can. Show support. Learn and retain. Don't let Palestine or the genocide leave the public consciousness. Not now. Not ever.
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zorciarkrildrush · 7 months
I idly think about making a dictionary for taglines that make light of and/or justify killing Israelis and Jews - you know, because people online can't be trusted not to uncritically echo them - but one that's still puzzling to me is: "ethnostates shouldn't exist"
Because yes! I agree, it's an outdated model and in an ideal world, as far as I'm concerned, they shouldn't exist. This goes alongside capitalism, obviously.
But why is it only ever brought up for the Jewish state? The place where a significant amount of the world's Jews live? Nobody's drumming to abolish ethnostates wrt, I don't know, Azerbaijan. If I told people I'm from Romania, they wouldn't be telling me they disagree with the notion my country should exist because ethnostates shouldn't exist, right? That noble concept is only brought up when what's on the table is abolishing the Jewish state specifically, the one my parents and grandparents fled to because there was nowhere else to go.
So I am sorry, because I agree as a rule, but I also don't trust you if you parrot that as a talking point. It's frequently shorthand for "your life doesn't matter, actually, and I'll only apply this ideology against you specifically."
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sonego · 3 months
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@.middleastarchive: "Football كرة القدم" delves into the representation of football in the Middle East and North Africa, extending beyond the limitations of sport to become an integral aspect of the region’s culture. The publication is motivated by a love of the game and a desire to showcase an underrepresented football culture in the MENA region. The book includes photographs taken between late 1980s up to 2023, in Morocco, Algeria, Iraq, Tunisia, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, Egypt, Oman, Yemen, UAE, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Kurdistan, and other countries in the region, by a wide range of  photographers including some of our favourites, Abbas, Nikos Economopoulos, Karim Sahib, Jinane Ennasri, Marco Di Lauro, Alex Webb, and Salah Malkawi. Book designed by Akaar @.akaar "Football" includes an Introduction written by founder & curator Romaisa Baddar and copy edited by Dalia Al-Dujaili @.dalia.aldu , translated by Mourad Nusair @.mourad_nusair 21 x 26 cm | “8x10” Linen-bound hardback l 126 pages  Dual language English/Arabic Self published
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possession1981 · 1 year
wait my friend told me people in their quest to call the hadids white literally call their dad a rich white man and i would just like to ask what the fuck is wrong with you if you resort to calling a palestinian man whose family literally had to flee the palestinian war when he was a baby white in your effort to dismiss his children?
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sun-marie · 5 months
I don't need to share a faith with someone to believe in their human rights and their right to not to be violated/killed en masse. (I would hope that is obvious)
That being said, I was unprepared for the very...specific pain I would feel reading about the atrocities inflicted on Christians in Gaza. It's just... horrible 😟
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pagan-corruption · 5 months
Pro lifers bring up femicides and eugenics as arguments against abortion access. Wouldn't the answer to the former be "Make material conditions better for women and disabled people." And not "Punish women for having PIV."
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vhstown · 7 months
please stop scrolling and take the time to read this.
i don't think people understand the extent of the horror happening in palestine right now. "death" means nothing to people because of desensitisation so let me just tell you what white phosphorus is. it's being used in israeli munitions and has been and will continue to be fired across gaza and the palestinian borders.
white phosphorus burns when it comes into contact with oxygen (at nearly 800°C or 1500°F. the human body can withstand ~50°C for reference.) the air you breathe in ignites and it is near impossible extinguish. it sticks to clothing and skin and is very difficult to remove because it will continue to ignite in air. it burns flesh up to the bone and even past the bone because it penetrates tissue and is absorbed VERY easily. if you inhale it it'll destroy your respiratory tract and lungs. it can cause failure in multiple organs including the liver, kidneys and heart. it is being released in one of the most densely populated places on earth.
the only way to treat someone exposed to white phosphorus is to submerge them in saline or water and to pick out the substance with forceps, and when you undress a wound the substance can re-ignite. this is just ONE weapon that is being used to kill palestinian people right now. palestine does not have access to medical care, humanitarian aid, power, or internet. their hospitals are being bombed. gaza is one of the most densely populated places in the world with over 50% of the population being children. many children are the sole survivors of their families. there are videos of children experiencing panic attacks and symptoms of ptsd. the fact that israel has committed war crimes in plain sight means that we can only imagine what will happen to the palestinians in complete darkness.
israel has and will continue to deny this. your interests and fandom will still be here, you will wake up tomorrow morning and see your friends and family, but an entire nation of people are being wiped off the map. being silent is being complacent. reblog, spread information, tell people in real life, attend protests, sign petitions, call your government offices, at the very least be angry and upset and horrified because once you become numb and indifferent and hopeless the oppressors will have already won.
what's happening right now is more than a genocide and once it becomes a part of history we'll wonder how the world let this happen. genocides have been part of all nations. just because it is far away does not mean you don't have to be concerned. the fact that YOUR governments and YOUR idols and the people around YOU are supporting the mass eradication of an entire group of people should scare you. it shouldn't make you feel anything less than sick and angry and disgusted. DO something about it, no matter how small you feel your voice is, because palestinians no longer have one.
[edit] links to some helpful reblogs: one & two
post on how you can help palestine
learn about palestine with this masterlist of info
+ a further reblog of mine
[edit 2] about palestinians "not having a voice" at the time i wrote this post internet connection was cut off entirely and even journalists weren't able to report for a period of time — that is all i meant by that. they of course have a voice and i never meant to undermine how people are risking their lives in gaza to get information out there and i apologise if thats what people took from it, it was not my intention but it is entirely my bad. please continue to spread information and updates from gaza as they come.
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apollos-olives · 4 months
hey! if you don't mind me asking(feel free to ignore this ask) what do actual palestinians think of hamas? I'm not asking to sow any discord or to "catch" you out, I'm asking purely out of curiosity. from where I'm from, people generally view hamas and the houthis positively (and by people i mean the vast Muslim majority of pro-palestine supporters) but i have seen than some Palestinians don't hold them in such a high regard. similarly some people supported the IRA whereas other irish people strongly were against them - so I'm wondering if this is a similar situation? again if this ask is uncomfortable for you to answer , don't feel obligated to
this ask is uncomfortable but i'll still answer because i think it's important.
we as palestinians are sick of getting asked about this. it's asked as though every palestinian somehow has the same opinion on hamas and that each singular palestinian can speak for the rest of the population, which is obviously not true. i don't know every palestinians' opinion on hamas and i cannot list every opinion out there because not all of us agree on one single thing. each palestinian has their own opinion on hamas and honestly, it doesn't matter. we are tired of this question. we don't care about hamas anymore. this shit isn't about hamas at this point. 30000+ palestinians are dead and people are STILL talking about hamas as if that's actually important and rather than protesting for a ceasefire or fighting for a free palestine.
my opinion on hamas is different than my friends' opinions on hamas. my opinion on hamas is different than my parents' opinion on hamas. my opinion on hamas is different than my palestinian mutuals' opinion on hamas. my opinion on hamas is different than a lot of other palestinians who are involved. palestinians who keep getting asked this are tired. we are so tired. i appreciate that you are asking in good faith, but we don't want to talk about hamas anymore. we want to have a free palestine. we want our children to stop dying. we want to return to our land.
my personal opinion is that i don't really care about them. i don't care for their policies or their political goals. i only support them because they are one of the largest and efficient groups who are trying to liberate palestine. many palestinians share this same opinion. they do not support hamas as a whole, but they still appreciate that hamas is trying to fight for a liberated palestine. we support their efforts for the fight against the occupation, but past that we do not care or do not support them outside of that. what they do as a political group isn't something that i'm interested in, because i'd much rather be focused on freeing and rebuilding palestine.
some palestinians hate hamas. my parents dislike them, but they won't criticize them for trying to fight against the occupation, because they know that hamas is one of the most powerful groups of resistance in palestine, and will not go against their efforts to try to help palestine. some palestinians love hamas. some palestinians don't care about hamas. every palestinian is different, but in the end it doesn't matter. hamas is fighting for the same goal as the rest of us. a free palestine.
@el-shab-hussein has a post on his own opinion on hamas that i think is worth the read.
in the end, it doesn't matter about what our opinions on hamas are. because hamas only exists because of israel. if israel didn't exist, hamas wouldn't exist. hamas is a large group working for the resistance and hamas isn't the reason of palestinians' suffering. israel is.
@fairuzfan says: "I know this was sent in good faith but it doesn't really matter what Palestinians opinions on hamas are because even before hamas existed 750,000 Palestinians were exiled and killed."
we suffered before hamas existed and we will continue to suffer as long as israel is in power. so again, it doesn't matter what palestinians' - or really anyone's - opinion is on hamas. what we should be focusing on is fighting for a ceasefire, fighting for a free palestine, and fighting for a free world.
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colorisbyshe · 5 months
Hind is constantly tweeting about being overwhelmed and hopeless. Bisan is sharing videos of children dying--literally someone trying to give a child chest compressions before giving up, the camera lingering on the child's limp, dead body. Today, Motaz posted video of his bombed out neighborhood--footage of a hand that does not end in an arm but ends in frayed and tattered meat. His neighborhood lost 45 people, his cousin also died.
His last tweet, 16 minutes ago, is him in the rain, the caption begs for the genocide to stop. "Please god, stop this."
Things have been dire and are getting more bleak. Using these people as inspiration porn--repeated lines of "Palestinians haven't lost hope, so we shouldn't other"--grows useless as it is clear it is very hard for them to manage hope. Hind has flat out admitted to being overwhelmed and losing feeling. The dead child, whose face was drenched in blood, cannot hope. It is not their fault, it isn't a matter of them not trying enough. It is a sign of Israel's cruelty.
How bad it is gotten--how much worse it is getting as Israel faces little resistance from the international community, as lack of food and medical care and sanitation spreads disease, how much the rain and cold sucks out the capacity to do anything other than survive and stress--means we should push harder. Fueled by righteous fury at injustice and needless suffering, not human beings turned into mascots, we must push and pull things harder until the system of suffering breaks.
I don't even know what that means. Every call to action feels so pathetically weak in the wake of all of this. But we must figure out what pushing harder means and fast.
Every day spent doing nothing or the bare minimum is more lives lost, more hope lost.
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esyra · 7 months
Killing 1300+ Jews in barbaric ways does not make you the good guys. Israel retaliating is Hamas’ fault. Hamas surrendering would mean peace. Israel surrendering would have more dead Jews. But i guess that’s the end goal.
No, we're always the barbaric terrorists. Israel is the good guy for killing 9,000+ Gazans the past 25 days, and trapping 1,000+ under the rubble which will definitely turn out dead if they ever get the proper equipment to lift it off them. Israel is the good guy for killing Shireen Abu Akleh. Israel is the good guy for killing Ahmed Erekat. Israel is the good guy for killing Nadim Nuwarah and Mohammed Salameh. Israel is the good guy for opening fire on 2,400 protesters and killing 52. Israel is the good guy for holding over 1,000 Palestinians as "administrative detainees," meaning they are held indefinitely without charges.
In fact, Israel has been the good guy ever since they got the British to help them colonize Palestine and get rid of the Arabs, as they admitted to wanting it themselves. After all, as Winston Churchill said himself, the colonization of Palestine was righteous because as the Red Indians of America, and the black people of Australia, "a stronger race, a higher grade race, or, at any rate, a more worldly-wise race, to put it that way, has come in and taken their place."
Palestinians, be it on Gaza or the West Bank, can never retaliate or defend themselves. We're to either die and be violated quietly or we are terrorists which will be gleefully eradicated with the help of every colony-based State in the world. Otherwise, we'll disturb the comfortable privilege your racism and religious intolerance ensures.
When Hamas didn't existed the occupation began and the British violently suppressed anyone who opposed. When Hamas didn't exist the Nakba happened. When Hamas didn't exist the Deir Yassin massacre happened. But, you know, that one's fine because it happened after Israel had made Palestine agree to a peace pact, and they would never act unfairly so the brutal murder of over 100 Palestinians is obviously being misunderstood. Hamas doesn't operate in the West Bank, but they're still expelled from their homes, brutalized and murdered. Since October 7, West Bank had 115 killed, more than 2,000 injured and nearly 1,000 others forcibly displaced from their homes because of violence and intimidation by Israeli forces and settlers. They'll bomb mosques with exit points created to save people from settlers' violence, then claim they were used for terrorism. Proof? They don't need it. They'll bomb first then ask questions later.
Do people who blindly defend Israel do anything other than victimize yourselves? Do you even read any actual Israeli news that said the IDF "shell[ed] houses on their occupants," because they're too incompetent to do anything other than bombing everything? Do you ever wonder why the people Israel swears were burned and beheaded always came from reports from houses absolutely destroyed by what could only be shelling? Do you ever hear testimonies from survivors of the massacre saying IDF shoot at their own civilians? Do you ever read about past al-Qassam attacks and noticed they've never had mass casualties because IDF never responded like this? Do you even know what al-Qassam is or do you live to regurgitate whatever you're fed and being spoon-fed your information?
If Hamas' militia surrenders, Gaza will be wiped out and Gazans — those who are not murdered — will be exiled into Egypt's Sinai. That's the end goal since 1948, and that's what you're defending. But who cares? Arab blood is cheaper and racism is always fashionable.
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yeetus-feetus · 4 months
Today my mother made me go to the beach. And while I was there I let myself enjoy the water and sand between my toes.
After a little while I felt like crying.
I felt like crying because remembered the videos I had seen of Palestinian children playing in the water of their beaches, of parents chasing children around while they laughed, of people enjoying the water and feeling the sand between their toes.
Then I thought about how these people don't get to enjoy their beaches anymore. Because Israel won't let them, because Israel is bombing the families who used to play in the sand.
When we got in the car my mum rolled all the windows down, said something about the fresh air. And as we drove I felt the cool wind against my face, in my hair.
And I wanted to cry.
Because the people in Gaza don't get to just enjoy the fresh air. Because all they're breathing in is debris from destroyed buildings and white phosphorus, and the smell of the dead.
I looked out my window and saw my old school as we passed. And I felt guilty, because I dropped out. But their are children in Palestine who are crying and begging to go back to school and they can't.
The children in Gaza can't go back to school because Israel has destroyed and bombed them.
And I think about the displaced people taking refuge in those very schools while Israel attacked them. I think about how unfair and cruel that is.
And then I see the trees. My favourite trees, Gum trees that are native to my land. And I think about how the native trees in Gaza are being destroyed and bulldozed, very important trees that mean a lot to the Palestinian people. And those trees are being taken away by Israel.
Then there are houses, homes and people going about their day. I watch them from my car window and I want to cry still. Because the people in Gaza have no homes, they don't get to go about their day.
I think about the displaced people in Gaza, who are lucky to have a tent to sleep in. Because Israel has bombed their homes, rained white phosphorus above their homes, bulldozed over their homes, forced the Palestinian people to flee from their homes.
I'm barely holding in my tears, because I'm in the car on the way to my own home and the people in Gaza don't get to do that.
We pass the shops, and my throat starts to close up because there's people buying ice cream and groceries for their families. And the people in Gaza are being starved by Israel.
The people in Gaza don't get to have ice cream, they can't do their grocery shopping. They don't even have enough food for their own children because Israel refuses to let any aid trucks in, because they control all the borders and entries into Gaza.
We pass by a chemist in particular and I think about all the children in Gaza not being able to receive medical care. Because the hospitals are being attacked by Israel. Because no medical aid can get in. Because they have doctors being killed.
And then we pass by the park. The park is empty. And I think about the empty parks in Gaza. Because there are no children to play on the swings, no children to run and laugh. Because the children are crying instead. The children have no legs to play because they've been bombed. They can't laugh because white phosphorus has burned through their faces. They can't do anything because they are frozen in fear.
Theses children who should be filling up empty parks are holding their baby siblings, trying to keep them alive because their parents, aunt's and uncles, have all been slaughtered by the IDF. These children who should be laughing are screaming out for help because members of the IDF are raping them.
These children who should be having fun at the park are prisoners of Israel for throwing rocks at tanks like the boy David who threw a rock at the giant Goliath to save his people. And these children are being tortured in these prisons because they were hopeful and brave.
These children who should be with their families at the park are dying. Are dead. A lying beneath the ruble. Are cold and limp with no air in their lungs. These children are in pieces scattered across the blood drenched ground.
They should have been at the park today.
I can hear a man talking on the radio, and he's talking about unimportant nonsense things and I feel angry. I feel frustrated. Because why is no one else talking about this!? Why is no one talking about what's happening to these people!??
We pass by the fresh water creak right before my house and I want to scream! Because I know there's no fresh water in Gaza. I know there are Palestinians dying of dehydration and yet there is fresh, drinkable water running right there! But the water in Palestine has been polluted by blood and disease, and the seawater Israel has flooded their water supply with.
And when I get to my bed I finally scream and cry and punch my mattress to get all my emotions out.
Now I'm numb and writing this so that someone will see it, hoping that someone will understand, hoping that someone will fight even harder for the people of Palestine.
I'm hoping that they can enjoy their beaches again. I hope that's sometime soon.
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fairuzfan · 1 month
About liberal Zionists.
First, Zionism is a nationalistic ideology so we have strike one for how they constantly feel "betrayed" by leftism. But also, when I go to the blog of a liberal queer rights, equal rights for all Zionist there are some things I noticed.
Zionist 1 has mostly agreeable positions in their own thoughts and reblogs. They want the sufferings of the Palestinians to end but have mostly shallow ideas on how that could be accomplished because the central violence that the state Israel enacts on the Palestinians is invisible to them except a short "the settlements are bad". They accept that Gaza is suffering too much but stay clear to call it a genocide.
Zionist 1 often reblogs from Zionist 2.
Zionist 2's opinions and reblogs are now way less agreeable. When I say "agreeable" I mean agreeable to a nominal western, white, somewhat leftist audience. Z2 openly has nationalistic views, everything starts on 7.10 except Hamas was always bad. Some denialism on past Israeli atrocities. Calls Jews critical of Israel "self-hating" without pause. When the topic of genocide comes up they say it doesn't exist. Maybe they criticise Netanyahu.
Z1 makes sure that only some of Z2' thoughts and reblogs end up their own blog.
Z2 often reblogs from Z3 who is an open, flag waving, idf idolising, arab hating islamophobe. They don't care about civilian casualties because in their opinion there are no civilians and/or they deserve it for electing Hamas and not fighting against Hamas right this second. The hostages are worshipped, just like every political decision of Israel, current past future. They deny that a genocide is happening but only on the word alone because they wish that everyone in Gaza should die and disappear.
Z2 makes sure that only some of Z3 thoughts and reblogs end up on their own blog.
And this is how supposed liberal or leftist Zionists regurgitate far right fanaticism even if not openly all the time.
You distilled this perfectly, this is exactly why I dislike so many liberal zionists on here. They straight up reblog from people who were genocide deniers and those people reblog from outright fascists. Like yeah if I see you make community with people who spout zionist beliefs then I'm considering you a zionist, even if you deny it.
Also the liberal zionists always talk about how we should "stop dehumanizing Israelis for the actions of their governments" when we very much can see the way Israelis perpetuate the colonization of Palestine. Oh and they also don't think palestine is colonized by Israel.
But yeah this is exactly it thank you anon.
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