#and if you legitimately think you can only care about one side
moonlightdancer26 · 20 hours
I'd love to hear your thoughts about Percy! What is your opinion on him in general? Do you like how his character arc was handled by JKR? What are your thoughts on popular fandom takes about Percy (him being a terrible disgrace to the Weasley family for siding with the Ministry/Voldemort; him being a secret hero of the rebellion who deserved better; etc)? And your thoughts on Percy ships? Who, if anyone, do you ship him with?
I think he’s wicked awesome and way too hated, I will genuinely defend him with my life. If my family treated me that badly I’d tell them to fuck off too, he was literally so excluded from his family because he wasn’t some Quidditch-loving jock and actually preferred to study and stay indoors. And he got mocked consistently just because he wanted a bright future. Sure he may appear a bit stuck-up to those who don’t know him well, but his family?? Plus after he legitimately got the job of his dreams, his father’s immediate reaction was to tell him he didn’t actually earn it and that it was all just a ploy. I would actually be so hurt. Like sure Arthur did end up being right, BUT YOU COULD’VE SAID IT A BIT DIFFERENTLY?? A simple “you earned it anyway, son” or “I’m proud of you” would’ve sufficed, alongside an explanation of why Percy MIGHT have gotten the job. He went about it way too harshly, if I got shut down like that after getting the job I’ve been working for my whole life, I’d have done a lot worse.
And I totally get Percy’s resentment, he felt as though his father wasn’t reaching his full potential due to his proud showcase of Muggle-fangirling. And since he (Arthur) was basically the sole provider in a large family that lived in poverty, I can see why Percy would feel frustration towards his father. Plus why do people act as if Percy was always “so horrible” even before he “abandoned” his family? He literally went RUSHING to Ronald when he got out of the lake in GoF and refused to let go of him, and he loved Ginny to death. He was protective of his younger siblings and was pretty funny imo, it’s hard not to sympathise with him when he has siblings like Fred and George.
He genuinely deserved so much better, he was constantly shut down for his accomplishments and cared so much for his siblings despite their mocking, plus he still came back to apologise to them and then proceeded to see his baby brother die in front of him????? How could you hate him after DH?? I don’t think he’s a disgrace to his family at all, sure he was shitty to Molly but, with what he must’ve been going through at the time, I get it. And any resentment he felt towards his family was completely and utterly justified. Plus he literally apologised, so even if you disagree with what I’m saying and think he’s scum or whatever, he legit still apologised to them? He still redeemed himself? Whatever he’s supposedly done that you hate him for, he redeemed himself for it. And I feel like people forget how young Percy was when all this happened? He’s only like 4 years older than Harry and was still 18/19 when all the family drama occurred, and he held a huge responsibility in the ministry. And having grown up as the lone middle child with the burden of knowing his family isn’t respected much must’ve had a tremendous influence on someone as ambitious as Perce. People should really see things from his perspective sometimes. Imo the only genuinely shitty things he’s done is 1. his treatment of Molly 2. his letter to Ron about Harry (but even then, I completely understand why Percy said what he said), anything other than that is usually just exaggerated by his haters.
One character he’s always reminded me of is Alex Dunphy from Modern Family (*tries to summon Modern Family fans*), she was also the odd one out in her family because she was super studious and introverted. And she had a desperate need to prove herself and was very ambitious, much like Perce. Her meltdowns and extreme studying was treated as a joke to the viewers and her sister Haley constantly made fun of her for it. She reminds me a lot of him tbh, which is why I love both characters so much.
lol this was supposed to be a quick short ask explaining why I love him and who I ship him with, and it resulted in a whole rant 😭 that’s usually how I get whenever his name gets brought up. Also Nonnie, I ship Percy with Oliver :D and I think he and Penelope Clearwater really deserved more screentime, they were such a delightful couple imo.
And thanks for the ask btw, I missed talking about him!!
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whitesunlars · 8 months
someone legitimately came into my ask box and said i don't have empathy because i *checks notes* care about the Israeli people and the rise of antisemitism and have spoken out about those issues
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inkoutsidethelines · 1 year
Thinking about how I would write an adult Scooby-Doo series, because I think it can be done.
The first thing I’d do is make the characters actually be adults.  Still young, but adults, in the mid to late 20s range.  Mystery Inc. is a private detective type business that they run together.  In this universe, the supernatural/ghosts/etc are real, but not necessarily common, so when they take on a case, the culprit might be a person disguised as a monster, or it might actually be a real ghost.  The stakes can be higher; sometimes a bad guy is legitimately trying to kill them.  Sometimes the mystery they’re trying to solve is a murder.  Sometimes they actually get hurt on their cases.
Fred: the core of Fred’s character should be that he’s incredibly kind.  Like, give a stranger the shirt off his back kind.  The “Fred can’t talk to potential clients because he might take a case for free and we need to eat” kind.  He’s an honest and good person and sometimes gets himself into trouble because he assumes other people are too.  While he’s not very good at reading people or noticing ulterior motives, he’s brilliant when it comes to mechanical or engineering type stuff, so he’s the one who keeps the mystery machine running, builds their gadgets, and of course, designs the traps.
Daphne: she comes from old money, and her parents absolutely despise her life choices, to the point where they haven’t officially disowned her, but they have basically cut her off, so she doesn’t actually have access to any family money.  Growing up wealthy has granted her a variety of skills, including speaking multiple languages, horseback riding, and fencing.  She’s very into fashion and jewelry (even if she can’t afford it anymore) and has extensive knowledge of both that can occasionally provide a vital clue in a case. And even though her parents have cut her off, Daphne still has a wide network of contacts she can ask for favors sometimes, because she’s personable, and people tend to like her.  Daphne is also very emotionally intelligent, and is usually the one who can spot when someone is lying to them.
Side note - I ship Fred and Daphne, so I think I would start them off as an established couple for this universe.  Dating, engaged, married, I don’t care.  They are stupidly in love, ride or die for each other.  There’s no will they, won’t they, no worries about cheating.  They are in a healthy, happy, loving relationship, and no one (not even Daphne’s disapproving parents) are going to mess that up for them.
Velma: she is the forensics nerd who sometimes gets super excited about the wrong thing at the wrong time (”He was mummified in seconds? That’s so cool!” “Velma!  His wife is standing right there!” “Oh.  Sorry.”).  She’s not purposely insensitive, she just gets laser focused on her work and forgets to filter herself sometimes.  She’s also the one who can get so fixated on solving whatever mystery they’re working on, she’s willing to bend or maybe break laws.  Is breaking and entering really so bad?  Not if it gets them answers.
Shaggy: he is still the comic relief, but he’s the comic relief by being the only person in the group that actually has common sense.  He manages the business’s finances, he’s the only one who knows how to cook, and the others tease him for being a coward sometimes, but Shaggy maintains that if a ghost with an axe is coming for you, running is the only sensible option.  He should also have a range of random knowledge that sounds useless, but sometimes saves the day (ex ventriloquism, origami, the history of spoons, etc).
Scooby: as this is a universe where supernatural creatures exist, Scooby is an ancient eldritch type being that took a shine to Shaggy when he was a kid, and took the form of a talking dog to befriend and hang out with him.  Aside from the talking dog bit and not aging, he never uses his powers in a way that anyone notices.  The audience is not told upfront that Scooby is an ancient eldritch being; it should slowly be hinted at throughout the series so the audience put it together, but the characters never realize it.  Scooby genuinely considers Shaggy to be his best friend, and cares about the rest of the gang too.
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unbidden-yidden · 7 months
I'm not 100% sure how to articulate this, but something that has been bothering me about I/P discourse (especially in the last month, it's gotten so much worse) that I haven't seen talked about in a productive way is the "yoking" effect that the extremist ugly takes create for the good-faith people just trying to talk about their issues. And I see it on both sides, and have felt compelled to act this way myself.
Essentially, when I talk about antisemitism (especially the significant spike in the last month), my goal is focused on educating people about the antisemitism and urging them to do something about their own behavior, help groups that are working on it, and/or become part of the people working on advocacy to that effect. I just want to talk about the antisemitism, and have that stand as a topic on its own terms. But the problem is, I'm a Jew and extremists on both sides have made it so that anything I post about this requires disclaimers that I also support the rights, freedoms, and care about the lives of Palestinians also. And I do! But that's not the point. The point is that Jews facing antisemitism should be able to talk about this without bringing in a whole separate topic to prove we're worth listening to. And I saw this with Israelis trying to talk about the grief they were feeling after the Hamas pogrom; they couldn't do it without either including some kind of statement about wanting peace, separating Hamas from Palestinians as a whole, etc. or face relentless antisemitic abuse.
And this effect comes both from outside people [supposedly] supporting Palestine being awful unless the Jew in question attaches sufficient disclaimers, as well as [supposedly] pro-Israel people who couldn't help themselves from spouting off dumb racist shit in their posts on otherwise valid topics.
But as I've watched things play out, and Western outsiders become more and more antisemitic in their [supposed] support of Palestine, I've noticed Palestinians and their not-antisemitic allies having to couch their [valid] criticisms of Israel with caveats about how antisemitism is not okay, or else face harassment when talking about their legitimate issues - even ones that aren't about Israel at all.
That's what I mean by "yoking" - this inability to talk about ourselves and our own issues without bad faith actors coercing us to address the other and "prove" that we're worth listening to. It's dehumanizing, because it means that our legitimate issues are always and only ever able to be discussed in the shadow of the other. They aren't allowed to stand on their own without risking harassment.
Anyway, I think the reasons we got here are complicated, but I lay most of the blame at the feet of uninvolved westerners using this conflict as a proxy for their own problems. I don't know that there's a way to fix this at this point, either, because the discourse has become so unbelievably toxic. I think the closest thing I've got is just the suggestion that if you see a Palestinian (or ally) talking about Palestinian issues and not being antisemitic about it, don't derail what they're saying even if they don't specifically denounce Hamas outright and/or antisemitism in their post. And if Jews (including and especially Israelis) are talking about antisemitism and/or legitimate issues and aren't being racist or Islamophobic about it, don't derail what we're saying even if we don't offer caveats denouncing the Israeli government and/or Islamophobia/anti-Arab racism in that specific post.
We can support each other in the face of danger and want peace without having to constantly be forced to talk about other issues and divert focus from our own issues.
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 year
Batman becomes Deified
Based on This Post about Batman being accidentally turned into a God by the people of Gotham’s belief
So, if this was the case, I feel like some of his fellow godly teammates would notice and/or comment on it. But since they assume he already knows, they never really directly state that Batman is a God.
Diana would just say something like “It is a good idea for Batman to take care of the hostages on this mission, all things considered”, and Batman thinks it’s just a dig at his so called “adoption addiction” sinc emost of the hostages are kids.
Or Captain Marvel says “It’s an honor to meet you Mr Batman sir! Never really get to meet other people like me!” and Batman thinks it’s because he’s the only Hero from Faucett City, and he’s excited to meet another Hero
Or even Constantine making jokes like, “Would you let me off the hook if I sold you my soul” and Batman thinks it’s a joke but Constantine is being entirely serious about this, since Batman is a God and he could definitely take a persons soul.
And also, the day he joins the League the amount of people who think he’s a God skyrockets. There’s no way a normal guy would be on the same team with the likes of Wonder Woman and Superman without being a God himself. That point is proven even further when Captain Marvel, another God, joins the team.
Then one day, Clockwork drops in and tells Batman that he wants him to take care of Danny, because he needs somebody who can take care of both of his sides. Since Batman used to be a Human, he would be able to relate to Danny in that regard.
And Batman is just like “What the hell do you mean ‘Used to be Human’, what happened to me!?”
And after he finds out that he is a Minor God of Protection and Children, his full powers come to light.
He rushes to the League, and tells them that he has somehow attained Godhood. And Diana  and Shazam are confused, saying “What, did you not know? You’ve been a Minor God since I met you”
And Constantine is laughing his ass off that Batman legitimately did not know he was a God.
And the chaos that would ensue from that would be hilarious.
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shanastoryteller · 5 months
HAPPY HOLLYDAZE!! More Lady Mo if possible!!! ✨
a continuation of 52 53 54 55 56 57
"I believe," Lan Wangji says severely, "that what my wife does or does not do is no one's concern but mine."
Xuanyu raises an eyebrow at that, which he ignores. He knows exactly what she thinks about his concern regarding her actions. She'd been irritated that he was upset she faced fierce corpses alone, of all things.
Jin Zixun pales, but he must have a high opinion of his own importance because he says, "For fuck's sake, you're being ridiculous. A year ago no one would have cared if she drunk herself to death and now she can't even have a little wine?"
Lan Wangji does not make the conscious decision to unsheathe his blade, but there it is gleaming in his hand.
Jiang Yanli is being pushed back into her seat by her husband while her son stares wide eyed.
There's some intense shuffling from the Lan section. Although he doesn't turn around, he does hear Jingyi and Sizhui whispering furiously. He wonders who is restraining who.
Jiang Cheng is standing with a hand on his sword and no one is going to any effort to restrain him at all. Li Shuchun, the only one that might have a chance of it, is leaning back to exchange money with another Jiang disciple.
"This is quite enough!" Jin Guangshan shouts. "What's this about? Sect Leader Lan-"
"Oh, be quiet Father," Xuanyu says, getting to her feet and stepping forward to grab his hand and shove his hand down. "What's with you today, Wangji? Put that away." She's very close and glaring at him, so he resheathes his sword.
"Jin Xuanyu!" Jin Guangshan thunders.
She rolls her eyes, turning to Jin Zixun. She punches his shoulder, a move that he dodges instantly. Which leaves him wide open when she grabs his sword off his hip, tosses it to Jin Guangyao, and then drops to kick his legs out from under him.
She pushes down on his shoulder, keeping him on his knees, and says, "Wangji, dear, would you hold him for me?"
She called him dear.
He steps to grab Jin Zixun's wrists, keeping him in place.
"What are you doing?" he howls. "You can't just-"
"You wanted to drink, right?" she asks then picks up a wine bottle with one hand and pinches his nose shut with the other.
He opens his mouth and Xuanyu pours wine down his throat. He can either drink or drown.
"Come on," she says cheerfully, "don't you want to drink to another fruitful year? Have some more!"
He drinks until he's coughing and sputtering, eyes glassy. Everyone just watches, but then again who is there to say anything? Jin Zixuan is keeping himself firmly in his own seat and Jin Guangshan and Madame Jin are just staring, probably more interested in watching everyone else's reaction then anything else.
"There," she says once the bottle is empty. "Feeling better?"
"You're crazy," he coughs.
Xuanyu's grin widens. "I am the legitimate daughter of Sect Leader Jin. I am the wife of Hanguang Jun. What I am is someone who is above you. You're lucky I don't have you whipped for your impudence. Isn't he, Father?"
Jin Guangyao has never once made a fuss about his status, afraid that what was easily given could be easily taken. Xuanyu clearly is, because her own status can't be revoked without making a mockery of the Jin's treaty with the Lan, and Jin Guangshan either reaffirms her rights and privileges as his daughter or risks lowering the authority of the son he does favor - Jin Zixuan.
Lan Wangji is suddenly grateful that Xuanyu hadn't been interested in manipulating him to her benefit.
Jin Guangshan is nearly purple in rage, but he gets out through clenched teeth, "Yes, Xuanyu. Of course."
"Why has the music stopped?" she asks the hall, giving Lan Wangji a look. He lets go of Jin Zixun and can't help the curl of amusement when he falls flat on his face. "This is a banquet, after all!"
The music starts up again and conversation slowly starts once more as Jin Zixun stumbles from the hall. He doesn't want to leave her side, but she's seated by Jin Guangyao once more and chatting about the schedule for tomorrow. Jin Guangyao seems supremely relaxed, which Lan Wangji is given to believe that means he's laughing on the inside.
He sits down next to his brother, waiting for the scolding he rightfully deserves.
"Wangji," Xichen says seriously. "Don't take this the wrong way, but I think I love your wife."
He hides his smile behind his teacup.
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hg-aneh · 8 months
will you ever come back, or is this an indefinite hiatus/straight up dipping?
i don't know
all the i miss yous are making me want to come back but ik i would just be terrified and motionless as soon as i do
Vent-ish Rant downstairs
CW: Pedophilia, Antisemitism, Suicide, Ableism, Harassment, Bullying, all the important words except for murder basically
i want to fix things in private with the people who hurt me so things can be okay and I don't out them for being wieners
but i also want everyone to know who hurt me, yet I'm aware it's not the right choice to make. social media outrage barely leads to anything, specially where minors are concerned
hell,now that i think about it, considering the fact that they genuinely don't believe people older than them are allowed to have feelings, I don't even think talking would be the right move
it's scary, its fucking scary
fuck. the whole thing started with a person mocking the way i spoke about crowley telling me to stop babying him because i was a legal adult and shouldn't be speaking like that
i had just turned 18 and the person was only a year younger than me
like when it's gone to that point and shit is that fucked up, what can one person even do
i remember i laughed about it back then but truth be told, every single little thing I've been told and that I've listened to coming from the people who hurt me has fucking destroyed me as a person
I looked at my older Discord messages, from before this whole mess started. I was so fucking happy and shameless with my joy, now look at my sorry ass
i just.
it's crazy that i have to go around masking in social media of all places because there are people that take such offense to me being cringe that they legitimately turn into high school mean girls
it's crazy that there are people who claim I'm something i am not because they want to make me look bad in the eyes of their little circlejerking friend groups so they can feel like the hero of the story
it's crazy that empathy goes completely out of the window when an account is big, that people don't see human beings as human beings when they're behind a screen
"just log off lol" i am a lonely shut in motherfucker due to my autism (that, surprise surprise, hinders my ability to socialize), you do not understand what you're asking of me, specially while being in this country and at this point in time where I'm actively craving to kick the metaphorical bucket, at daily risk of doing so, and what basically is house arrest for my own safety and well being
(aka, avoiding to physically yeet myself into upcoming traffic or buying something to actually seal the deal)
thus far I've been accused of antisemitism, pedophilia, being too self-centered (which. bro, the reason why i talk about myself is because it's the one thing i can comment on without being scared of some random person coming to tell me "NuH uH" about it out of nowhere or worse, having their feelings hurt because I don't agree with them 100%), proshipper (which, to those people, the word implies wonderful labels such as "incest apologist" "pedophile" (again) "abuse endorser" among other things) ((sidenote, I'm on neither side on that particular discourse. my friends from both sides know this. I would elaborate on my stance if this wasn't already long enough, but it is, so I'm leaving it at an "I don't care, you do you, but please leave me out of it")), being... mean... because i blocked someone...? (this one is just. that's how the second wave of hate started btw. yeah, because i blocked someone. holy fuck), and there's probably a handful of other things I haven't seen yet. fuck it, there's probably someone out there calling me a zoophile because of my catboy au
My friends who I will not name because I don't want the high school mean girls crusade to get to them, have helped me stash out evidence for all of the accusations and bullying.
fuck, they were the ones who let me know about it on the first place, both actions for which i am eternally thankful for because it means I can defend myself properly should the occasion arise (dios no quiera)
I've already had to make a post on Xitter responding to the antisemitism and pedophilia claims, in which, for the latter, i had to reveal extremely personal information for the people who started this to give me respite if only for a while
and. ugh
What I'm trying to get at with all of this is. it's. coming back is scary. i want to but at the same time I don't think I can take this shit anymore
I wish I had people defending me like this when the harassment started because I'm a spineless little bitch who'd rather talk things out and at least be neutral with people than clap back and tell them to stop being stinky
but what's done is done and now i just gotta figure out how to fix my head before i do something stupid
this is not the full story obviously, I'm cutting off certain details as well as more personal depression stuff to not make this bible longer than it already is
TLDR: I need a hug, idk if I'm coming back, I probably will cuz I can't say no to people, and some teenagers are horrible
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stormofdefiance · 5 days
True knowledge exists in knowing you know nothing || Dr. Ratio & Socrates
Okay, I legitimately laughed out loud writing that title, but listen. LISTEN.
Ratio's inspirations derive from many sources; from referencing Archimedes's brain-blast in the tub, to being doomed to have his head bonked by Newton's apple ad infinitum in his idle animation, to his ultimate line ('esse est percipi' / 'to be is to be perceived') a direct quote from Berkeley on Idealism - it's apparent that his design nods towards scholars across time periods rather than being a direct parallel to a singular academic.
Nevertheless, just for fun, I've been rotating Ratio and ancient greek philosophers around in my head and have had a great time chewing over how parallels Socrates in particular. I am in no way saying that Hoyo even thought about Socrates while they were designing Ratio, but I thought I'd share my thoughts. I think there are some worthwhile parallels to be drawn that touch on all aspects of Ratio's own philosophy regarding ignorance, the value of knowledge, and his deep appreciation of life. So, let's get into it.
Ratio is interested in humanity and curing 'ill minds with knowledge', that 'to turn a blind eye to the folly of others is not an etiquette, but a wicked worldly practice.' Ignorance is a disease - this is a concept that can be viewed through a Socratic lens. Socrates believed that that virtue and knowledge were impossible to separate from one another, and that virtue could be developed through acquiring knowledge and insight. If knowledge is virtue, then ignorance is vice. In Socrates's mind, no one would rationally choose to do something bad. People might choose to do bad things, but this is rooted in their own perception of the world - as in, someone would only choose to do something bad (for the world, or for themselves) because they believed (erroneously) that it was the right or good thing to do. To Socrates, the cure to this was knowledge: 'There are two kinds of disease of the soul, vice and ignorance.' & 'What does most harm in the world is not sinfulness but ignorance'.
To Ratio, 'If ignorance is an ailment, it is the duty of the scholars to weed it out and heal the universe'. He views his own ignorance as 'filth' that must be cleansed through methods such as reading. He also views knowledge as a method for humans to overcome their problems - 'Another day has passed. If your problem still hasn't been solved, is it possible the problem is you?' & 'You look distressed. Is something troubling you? if so, you can figure it out for yourself.' These statements sound harsh, but they also clue us into Ratio's philosophy - that through self-examination and improvement, one can overcome one's ailments.
Socrates was also known for being a trouble-maker, he was abrupt and tactless and did not care for someone's social standing nor decorum. He was also known for using what is now called the Socratic method, asking a series of questions that ultimately seek to show contradictions in the beliefs of those who posed them, and to move systematically towards a hypothesis free from contradiction. Socrates rarely made assertions himself - after all, he had no wisdom of his own. But he could interrogate others in order to expose their own foibles, much to the embarrassment and annoyance of those around him. He was once described as a 'gnat' chewing on the 'lazy horse of Athens', causing it to wake up and spring to life due to his persistent gnawing and prodding. Ratio also employs the Socratic method - 'I'm asking questions' - and also adopts sophist tactics such as playing devil's advocate and taking opposing sides (with both himself as seen a story quest, and with others as we see with his texts urging us to take up a side so he might debate us). Through questioning and interrogation, upsetting what we consider social convention and norms, we can dispel contradictions and thereby come closer to some form of truth.
To add to this - as highlighted in the replies below - Ratio’s skill ‘intellectual midwifery’ is a reference to the Socratic method. The idea being that Socrates helped those around him give birth to the knowledge that was already within them, rather than treating his students minds as empty vessels for him to fill with his own answers. Again this is beautifully echoed in Ratio - he doesn’t want to tell you how to live your life, he wants you to work out for yourself what it is you need, thus empowering oneself through self-examination and questioning.
Socrates did not believe in writing anything down. He believed that face-to-face communication was a far more effective way of communicating knowledge - which means, unfortunately, what we know of Socrates is primarily derived from secondary sources. Much of what we know about him today comes from Plato's dialogues, and Plato was known for liberally exercising artistic license.
Although Ratio is not dead, I find it interesting that his character story is told exclusively through secondary sources. To quote - '…There are no less than eight documentaries detailing his legendary exploits, and over a dozen memoirs about him. However, despite the plethora of commentaries, none of them seems to provide a compelling perspective.' It's as though there are no surviving fragments penned by Ratio's hand and all we have to go on is through the lenses of other people. This challenges us, perhaps, to try to think about our own interpretation of Ratio since secondary sources cannot be taken as a wholly unbiased account - and once again employing the Socratic method and empowering the reader to come to their own interpretation.
While Socrates left no writing behind, he was interested in spreading knowledge. Socrates spent most of his life in Athens, a city that was, during his lifetime (~470-399 BC), a hotpot of scholars, wisemen and philosophers. Athena, the Greek god of wisdom, was named after the city - her symbol the owl that is also appropriately perched on Ratio’s shoulder. Also in Athens at this time where the sophists. The sophists were a class of intellectuals who were known to teach courses in various subjects - but often for a high fee, and generally centred around the idea that persuasion and the use of knowledge as a tool was more important than wisdom or truth itself. There's some debate about whether Socrates could be characterised as a sophist himself, but, crucially, he is characterised as refusing to take payment for his teachings. He was born a plebeian (perhaps you might describe it as a mundane background.) He was known to dress in rags and go barefoot, speaking to and (often antagonising) people from all walks of life, preferring the marketplace as a center of debate than palaces or courtrooms. I can't help but think of the sophists as similar to the genius society (or at least Ratio's depiction of them in contrast to himself), cooped up in ivory towers and gatekeeping knowledge to the most privileged. He doubts if Herta's talent is always helpful to others, he compares Screwllum to a 'monarch'. Then again, the sophists may in fact be a bit of a parallel to the Intelligentsia Guild - from Ratio, 'when someone is willing to listen to knowledge that is being disseminated and circulated, a price is created'.
Socrates (or at least the Platonic depiction of Socrates) was at one time declared the wisest man in Athens by the Oracle of Delphi. Socrates balks at this assertion - how can he possibly be the wisest man in Athens when he in fact knows nothing at all? This was not a claim made of modesty - he truly believed that he had no wisdom, that he was unsure what 'wisdom' itself even was. Ultimately, Socrates concludes that the only way that the Oracle could be correct is that by actually acknowledging that he knows nothing he paradoxically is the wisest man in Athens. All wisdom, therefore, is rooted in wondering, with wondering only possible if one is open to admitting one's own ignorance.
What I love about all of this in relation to Ratio is that Ratio styles himself as a mundanite. The Intelligensia Guild advocates that 'all knowledge must be circulated like currency' and accepts 'all beings… who seek to learn'. Ratio has no time for the satisfied self-styling of intellectualism, he himself states that 'to speak knowledge, we must first make people realise their own folly.' No one is above criticism in this regard, even himself - again, to quote 'Whenever someone agrees with me, I feel like I must be wrong.' Again, I feel as though he would resonate with Socrates here: 'Smart people learn from everything and everyone, average people from their experiences, and stupid people already have all the answers'. With Aventurine, he is quick to mock his appearance as over-the-top and vapid - once again making it clear his distate for vanity and hollow displays of showiness (albeit he may have been acting for Sunday's sake here. Also, no comment about this coming from a man who runs around in a toga, lmao) Equally, with Aventurine, it is clear that Ratio is willing to learn from him - he apologises when he offends, he abhors his methodology and yet he still relies upon it and trusts in Aventurine's plan, he is drawn to him in some ways precisely because he is so different to himself. Aventurine (at least styles himself) as impulsive to Ratio's slow and steady methodology, Aventurine whose learning has been entirely self-made vs Ratio who has spent his life in classrooms, Ratio who scoffs at Aventurine's favourite games of chance yet adds slot machines to his simulated universe. And to Socrates, the experience of aporia – in all of its discomfort and disruption – is the very catalyst of wonder, and that wonder was not just the root of wisdom but also the way to live a good and happy life. There is something beautiful in this to me, and this extends to Ratio. Ratio fundamentally cares about life. For all his brashness, his lashing out against 'idiots', his harsh demeanour - he wants people to live good lives, he wants to contribute to the good of humanity - all people, even those he is annoyed by, he cares so profoundly and absolutely about life. The entire reason why he is obsessed with wisdom and learning is not to exalt or elevate himself, not as some kind of ritualistic expression of piety towards a deity, but it is instead an expression of devotion towards life itself. Ratio has a strict work out routine not so that he can show off his body, but because living healthily is living well and working out is a component of that. Even the way he fusses and worries about Aventurine, someone he is pointedly irritated by, reveals how deeply his care runs. So so much of his character is centered on caring for life, even if it is not immediately obvious.
Finally, I'd like to highlight some ways in which Ratio is not like Socrates. First of all, Socrates was repeatedly described as 'ugly' by fellow philosophers Plato and Xenophon - this is contrast to Ratio being repeatedly described as 'handsome'. This is an interesting subversion to me (albeit likely an indulgent one) as in both cases both men attempt to distance their physical appearance from the weight of their words. Ratio wears the bust for many reasons, but way to view it is that he is attempting to stop his appearance from bearing any influence in the subject of debate.
Socrates was also said to be blessed by a divine touch, and as we know, this is something that agonises Ratio as Nous has not yet turned THEIR gaze towards him.
Lastly, Ratio has - thankfully - not yet been ordered by the state to drink hemlock for all his trouble-making and blustering. Though perhaps he may someday be put on trial by the IPC if the theories that he is working alongside Aventurine to undermine the corporation are true - we will just have to wait and see.
Thanks for reading my little ramble. I'd be super interested in anyone's thoughts if they'd like to share, but regardless, I'll leave off on some of my favourite wee quotes from the Rat man:
'Even a life marked by failure is a life worth living - it is only in moments of solitude and despair, when help is absent, that fools grasp how to pick themselves up.'
'Do stay alive. I wish you the best of luck.'
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
Rayleigh and Buggy reunion, but Rayleigh is being over the top judgemental about everything, like idk if u are familiar with crazy ex girlfriend the TV show but Rayleigh shows up and acts exactly like Rebecca's mom does. Overcritical of his life choices and dismissive of what he perceives as excuses coming from Buggy, because he knows Buggy's true potential and is annoyed with Buggy not living up to it. He gives Crocodile a once over and goes "is that what you found to replace Shanks with" and moves on and Crocodile doesn't even have a moment to compute the way he was just insulted because Rayleigh has moved on to criticising Mihawk's cooking instead. Worst part is, this all comes from a genuine place of love and care, Rayleigh is legitimately worried sick about his baby clown son of 39 years, but he cannot express that worry without being extremely invasive about everything. Buggy isn't even responding, he just shoots ppl apologetic looks and rolls his eyes when Rayleigh isn't looking because of course he does this obviously Buggy is never good enough for him and Shanks had always been the favourite (you ask Shanks or any other Roger pirate and they will tell you that Buggy is Rayleigh's baby boy and absolute favourite with utmost confidence, too bad the emotional constipation runs in the crew). Dinner is awkward as fuck, because Rayleigh makes attempts at being easygoing but his motherhenning nature irt Buggy shines through, his conviction that Buggy would be happier with Shanks by his side is making him be overcritical of everyone in that dinner and he keeps discussing the good old days and subtly hinting at Buggy that there is still time for him to go back to Shanks....and Buggy looks close to frustrated tears (and everyone agrees, Crocodile has snapped 5 cigars in half with his teeth and Mihawk is 5 seconds away from banging his head on the table).
Just overbearing father Rayleigh being stifling and trying to overcompensate for his shit parenting choices during Buggy's childhood and Buggy having his daddy issues expanded upon (and Crocodile and Mihawk gaining insight to Buggy's entire deal)
"Idk if u are familiar with crazy ex girlfriend the TV sho-" My therapist literally told me to stop watching it so much because it was affecting my mental health. So. Yes. I know the show. It's one of my favorite shows EVER. Rebecca is just like me fr my beloved. All of them my beloveds. The songs my beloveds. Don't make me go into CEG x OP because I won't finish. And as you can see, I did not listen to my therapist.
Even though I've always seen Rayleigh as the one who understands Buggy the most (Roger and him love Shanks and Buggy equally but it is quite obvious they put more pressure on Shanks to be more like Roger and that only made things worse by making Buggy's inferiority complex exist) and the one who stands up more for him and comforts him when needed, it is true that he might be more judgemental and he'd be worried for Buggy. Like. Think about it. Roger died and the kids (their kids) ended up alone and going their own separate ways. For Rayleigh, finding out Shanks and Buggy aren't together is just?? So weird?? Because they've always been together. Birds of a feather (if somebody mentions the song 'Two Birds' I am punching them because I can't handle that song today please). And it's just... Well, surprising. 'But as long as they're okay' but they're obviously not okay!!! And it's not that Rayleigh is judging Buggy. In fact, I think he would do the same with Shanks. The second Rayleigh sees Shanks he's already saying he drinks too much (even for a pirate) and that he's been acting recklessly and "What the fuck are you doing without Buggy? Is this because of Buggy?" / "I do not drink because of him. It's- It's not about him. He left-" / "HE LEFT AND YOU DIDN'T DO ANYTHING?????" / "I hate it when you get like this" / "Like what?" / "Like you want to still do something about my life. I'm an adult, thank you very much-" / "No, you're not if you keep acting this way". And I personally think Rayleigh would just be worried for the both of them and also feel extremely guilty because he wasn't there to fix things when they fought, the way he always did. "The second I left you alone you two start a fight that lasts two decades?" and he would say this to both of them and they would hate it.
But yeah, going back to Buggy I think he'd be worried because. Well. Have you seen Crocodile and Mihawk? I mean. They're kind of on good terms with Buggy now (more or... More or less. Kind of. They're not equals but they're some sort of weird thing and they respect and care for each other. More or less. It's- It's complicated. Don't ask) but they're still them. And Rayleigh can't help but see the situation and be like "I'm proud you made a name of yourself, kid, but you don't have to do this if you don't want to" (meaning: You could go back to Shanks any time you wanted) and Buggy takes it as an "You could go back to Shanks any time you wanted because you'd be safer with him" instead of the real "You could go back to Shanks any time you wanted because you'd be happier with him and this war of pride and hearts you have going on is dumb". And he understands Buggy needs to be away from Shanks to grow, but it's just so, so sad to see them like this when they used to love each other so damn much.
Also, I think Buggy would be going through the worst moment of his life and Crocodile and Mihawk would be so done for different reasons. First, they don't give a fuck about all of this drama. And second, they are starting to see Buggy more like a person and understand why he is the way he is, and the things Rayleigh is saying are bothering them a lot. They've been trying to make the clown move on from his past so he's useful for once (because when he believes in himself he's actually not a burden and more interesting) and now this guy (that they respect because it's Silvers Fucking Rayleigh) comes and tries to change things around here? Nope. Not happening.
So basically, what you're trying to tell me is that Rayleigh regrets raising the boys that way and now he's overcompensating and it's overwhelming for everyone, right? I- I love it. Great plot. 10/10. In character. Perfect. It makes me go insane. I love their daddy issues.
(Also, can we talk about how "This Was a Shit Show" and "What'll it be" are extremely Buggy songs??? Because- Because now I want to-)
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emthimofnight · 4 months
Thank you sm for thr shadow as a girl dad agenda. Ur so right and its giving me life
I just think Shadow would connect so naturally to a little girl, you know?? Stellar would immediately activate some dormant protective instincts in him. She's so much like him from the get-go, being an experiment created by people intending to use her and all. He would feel responsible for her, angry for her, sad for her, and hopeful for her. He'd think of Maria when he looked at her, but he'd also think of himself and his own experiences.
As he raised her, he'd find himself growing to care for her in a way he'd never quite felt before. He loved Maria, yes, but that was a different kind of love. She was a sister, a friend, but also part of his reason for existing in the first place. Part of his duty.
With Stellar, it would be different. She exists BECAUSE of him, in a way. She is a part of him. She looks to him for guidance, protection, love, and encouragement. It'd be a whole new experience for him. He'd find himself caring for her so deeply that it would terrify him.
It'd be this softer side of Shadow that would really intrigue Sonic, actually. It'd be one of the reasons the two of them started to catch feelings for each other. Sonic would really admire Shadow in his new parental role. I mean, he's always known Shadow has a good heart at his core, but seeing him actively love something would make him approachable from a different angle. They'd actually have something to work on together, and something to organically start conversations about. He's always known Shadow pretty well, but only at the level one rival would know another.
Seeing him worry, care for, and love their daughter would make him appreciate Shadow in a new way, and that sentiment would be returned by Shadow. He'd find himself growing fond of Sonic's empathetic nature and responsible side. He'd always known Sonic to be kind of care-free and lackadaisical in his approach to life, so to see him approaching fatherhood seriously (even though he never asked for it) would cause him to recognize Sonic as a legitimate partner.
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sleepyboywrites · 4 months
Nsfw Pasta Headcannons
My sincerest apologies I stumbled upon a few posts and couldn't stop thinking about it... Nsfw warning..
• Eyeless Jack
• 100% a top
• The only way you're topping him is when you ride him, which even then no you're not.
• Animalistic. Growls, grunts, and huffs. Tends to cage you beneath him like his prey as he plows you.
• Needy like an Alpha in Rut. I'm talking he'll grip on to you as he desperately ruts into you and because lust is a form of hunger for flesh the demonic man needs more than one round each session.
• Soft dom for sure and a service top who ideally wants a service bottom
• Think "Shh, little one, you're doing so good for me, you can handle a couple more rounds for me, hmm? Let me make you feel good a few more times, can't you?"
• Breeding kink, he doesn't care if he can't actually get you pregnant, if you don't have the "equipment" to do so, or if it'd make you uncomfortable to be, he doesn't have to make you pregnant in actuality, if you can't or don't want to he won't but he just loves to try. Just the thought of of pumping you so full of him and seeing you so full of him turns him on.
• Super into marking. Biting, hickies, claw marks, you name it. He likes leaving proof that you're his behind.
• He's practically blind so all of his other senses are heightened, he is legitimately so good at hitting all the right spots.
• Long tongue, monster cock, enough said.
• Likes cockwarming, specifically after the a session, you're just so warm and welcoming and full, why'd he want to pull out?
• If he wasn't such a clean freak, he'd probably be into butt plugs/keeping his cum inside you. But since I feel like he tries to keep personal spaces/property clean he wouldn't.
• Really good at aftercare, we're talking bubble bath, water, snacks, cuddles the works.
• Ben drowned
• Switch
• Loves to 'play' with you and have you 'play' with him
• Would 100% want to mess around while video gaming and the two of you probably have in whatever way you could ever think of.
• Also likes cockwarming but in a more traditional way of he just likes having you on his cock feeling your walls around him without doing anything other than being inside you or vice versa.
• Wants to fuck you or be fucked by you in full cosplay.
• He's a thigh guy. He likes thighs. He likes to sit with his head between your thighs and give you head.
• He also likes overstimulation so he likes to sit with his head squeezed between your thighs giving you head until you're crying and trembling and can't give him any more. Also enjoys should you do the same.
• So needless to say also a multiple rounds type of guy.
• Bro is almost always horny I swear to God. Like he'll watch you through your phone as you take a shower relieving himself as he does so and fucking you right after you get out. His Libido is insane.
• A wee bit of a somnophilliac. But think a 'yes' or 'no' pillow situation where if you ever fell asleep on the yes side you'd wake up cock drunk or vice versa.
• Also a dacryphilliac in the sense where he loves seeing you cry from pleasure overload.
• Has a mild degradation kink and likes it best when paired with praise. Think, "That a good slut, don't let a drop go to waste okay?"
• He's into hypnosis and mind control, something about being all foggy brained as he gets his guts rearranged/the glossy far away look in your eyes as he fucks you until you're dick drunk makes him hard as hell. He likes controlling you and being controlled by you.
• His idea of aftercare is falling asleep in your arms or with you in his arms waking up a few hours later to wash off the now cold and uncomfortable sticky situation putting on each other's shirts and waking up in the morning to have sex again, then water/breakfast if he's feeling sweet.
• Laughing Jack
• Probably hot take I think he wouldn't... I think he's ace and sex repulsed.
• I think because he was once a guardian angel for a child he just thinks it's really not for him and he's okay with that.
• But if his beloved asked for some 'help' in one way or shape or another he'd help them. Or if you asked him to 'play' with you. He would.
• He'd also watch you if you wanted him to and be really good with aftercare.
• Jeff the Killer
• "100"% Top, you'd be punished if you tried to top him and failed but if you tried and succeeded he'd bottom for you and probably enjoy it enough to let you top him again.
• Sadist
• Hard dom
• Brat tamer
• Somnophilliac and dacryphilliac, he likes it best when they go hand in hand
• Has a knife kink and likes knife play
• Needy and has a degradation kink. Think projecting insults and such. Like "Such a needy little cock slut, look at you, your body sucks me in so greedily, you really need to be dicked down so badly, huh slut?"
• Loves objectification and dumbification. Loves how your his cock sleeve, cum dumpster, and fuck toy.
• Would ideally have a brat as a partner and would ideally get to punish them every night.
• Likes tying you up and blindfolding you.
• Also likes edging a lot, in fact most nights is an edging session in itself. He loves to see how close he can get the both of you to climax without ever letting you or himself cum.
• Into orgasm denial as well. Like if you cum before you were given permission, he'll make sure you can't cum for the rest of the night while he cums plenty.
• Glory holes turn him on, he likes the thought of fucking you through one.
• Into breath play and choking, both giving and receiving
• He'll deadass just say "That was fun" or "Thanks baby!" or something along those lines, pull you to his chest while groping your ass as "aftercare"
• Homicidal Liu
• Soft dom/service top
• his nurturing nature extends to the bedroom. He has rules for you in the bedroom and out that if you follow will lead to rewards and if you don't lead to punishment.
• unless you misbehave then he'll have no choice but to punish you because brats don't get to cum or have 'playtime' at all, they get to watch 'sir' cum without them.
•orgasm denial/overstimulation
• On the other hand if you're good you get to cum until you physically can't anymore. Congratulations.
• Has a worship kink wants to worship you and be worshipped in return. He will lap you up like you're the nectar of the gods, savoring in your sweet, decadent noises until you melt in his mouth. Caressing you as he buried himself in your heat and feeling oh so powerful as you look at him lovingly as he pounds you taking pride in the fact he's the only one who's making you cum.
• Has a praise kink and will praise you non stop.
• Has a thing for thigh highs/garters/collars/ears and a tail
• Also has a thing for you wearing his clothes.
• Into dumbification in the sweet way. Think "Ah ah honey, thinking is my job. You're just my sweet little thing, let me take care of everything."
• He adores "easy access" anything
• into dacryphillia in the sense he likes making you cry from pleasure.
• The king of after care just like with EJ there will be bathing, water, snacks, praise, cuddles the works.
• Ticci Toby
• He's a switch in the term that he'd let you ride him while he was tied up, blindfolded, and unable to move or touch you and let you milk him dry. But you're not pegging/fucking him.
• Into roleplay scenarios.
• Likes seeing you half dressed, loves seeing you half dressed moaning beneath him or bouncing on his cock.
• Huge Pervert, you can't do anything without him getting bricked af.
• Likes strip teases/lap dances
• He adores "easy access" anything
• Loves marking and overstimulation. Also orgasm control. Basically anything that marks you as his or proves he's in charge of pleasuring you and only he truly satisfied you.
• I'll be so fr with you he also loves being covered in hickies by you.
• Also loves to tie you up. You're like a present for him and only him.
• He's down to try almost anything at least once.
• into dacryphillia in the sense he likes making you cry from too much intense pleasure.
• Has a thing for enthusiastic consent. It legitimately is something he cannot proceed without and it turns him on to know you want him that badly.
• Has a voice kink and a praise kink.
• He loves getting you dick drunk and likes it better when your hips grind needily against his after you're all orgasmed out but so foggy that you want more nonetheless as you warm his cock.
• He's surprisingly good at aftercare, he'll wash you up, bring you some water, tell you how happy and proud he is, and cuddle you.
• Brian/Hoodie
• 100% Top
• He has a Daddy Kink and likes dd/l
• He gets hard picking out your outfits and dressing you as well as bathing you.
• He's a soft Dom but he's rough in bed if the two of you had a dry spell he'll fuck you as desperately as EJ does.
• Otherwise however normally he treats you like you're made of glass as he fucks you.
• Has a kink/fetish for infantilization/dumbification. "Baby, sweetheart , doll face you can't take care of yourself. You're too little, so just stay with daddy, let daddy take care of you, make you feel good, hm?"
• Also has a breeding kink, he wants you to be filled with his seed each time the two of you fuck.
• He doesn't take kindly to teasing, if you tease him he'll edge and overstimulate you until you physically cannot cum anymore. Aka BIG on orgasm control
• He loves to leave hickies and bite marks all over you.
• He's also a somnophilliac, he likes making you squirm and whimper as you wake up on his cock.
• He has a corruption kink. He likes doing lewd things to his innocent looking partner/little.
• That leads us to dacryphillia he likes making you cry from intense pleasures he caused you as you tremble and cling to him
• He's very good, an expert even, at aftercare he does everything right so you are taken care of with both physical and mental needs.
• Tim/Masky
• 100% Top
• I feel like he likes to be called master or sir
• He has a thing for praising you
•A voice kink for hearing your pretty noises
• He loves manhandling you and likes to pin you down beneath him.
•Likes pulling hair/guiding your head via your hair.
• Gets hard as a rock when you wear his clothes he doesn't care what for
• He's into dumbification and getting you so drunk on pleasure that you forget your own name.
• Something about if you wear the hat you ride the cowboy and your cowboy has very good control so you're going to be there for a while until he's had his full which is when he'll actually start trying.
• He's into edging and overstimulation hand in hand meaning edging the two of you to each orgasm and then going until neither of you can cum anymore.
• This man loves marking you.
• He'll cover every inch he can with hickies and bite marks.
• In fact, the main reason you're sore is not only because he rocked your shit but you are covered in hickies and bite marks, everywhere, too much to even attempt to cover.
• He's an expert on aftercare and your aftercare is specifically catered to your needs as a partner and person as well as your physical needs: water, food if hungry, bathing.
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ctitan98official · 5 months
Anonymous: Hi! Love your stuff! Would it be possible for headcanons of the RE ladies reacting to an s/o who randomly lets out little squeaks/noises all the time? Like when they drop something/knock something over, when they trip, when they're surprised by loud noise or sudden touch, etc.
Hi! I do make weird noises when I get startled so I can relate. Also, thank you! Let’s get into it!
No offense or anything, but to Alcina? You start out as more of a pet to her than an S/O. She wasn’t expecting things to get so serious between you two (But she loves you so damn much).
When she finds out you make little squeaks when she puts a hand on your back, she coos at you like one might at a puppy who tried to bark for the first time.
You are precious to her. She has become quite familiar with the noises you make and what they mean.
You can be a bit clumsy, so when you bump your head into a wall or trip, Alcina can deduce how much it hurt from the intensity and pitch alone… Freaking sonar woman, smh.
When you move into the Beneviento Manor, Donna is hyper aware of every sound you make.
She’s not keeping tabs on you or anything like that, it’s just been so long since she’s lived with another person… She quite likes this new arrangement.
One time, Angie came barreling into your room which scared the shit out of you. You let out a startled squeak, and Donna’s in there right away to scold Angie. The doll maker wanted to make sure you weren’t scared.
You explained to her that you just make silly noises sometimes. Donna feels her heart melt at learning this new information about you. She thinks you’re adorable.
Miranda is a scientist and she evaluates everything. She always has her attention focused on you (When she’s not working, that is).
The sounds you make when startled are vastly different than the sounds you make when in pain.
As long as Miranda doesn’t hear a painful yelp, she’s pretty chill with your noises.
The minute she hears otherwise, she turns into the biggest worrier. She’s at your side in a minute diagnosing what could be wrong with you. Even though you know she’s overreacting a bit, seeing Miranda in such a vulnerable state is actually pretty special. You’re the only one who gets to see her like this.
Bela is definitely on the anxious side, but oddly enough, when you bump into something or get scared and squeak it makes her laugh. Like really hard.
She is just so tickled by the sounds you make, she can’t help it.
She will smile and hold your face in her hands as she giggles and kisses you.
You don’t mind, though. You like that you can give her a good laugh. She really deserves to let loose and just enjoy herself.
Okay, the first time she heard you squeak? She legitimately “Awwed” at you. It was the first time such an event has occurred.
She doesn’t really care about cute things too much, but you? My friend, you are her kryptonite.
Sometimes, Cass tickles you as she sneaks up from behind you. You make a weird grunting sound that just warms her heart and makes her laugh.
Cass decides right away that this is one of her favorite quirks about you. She just can’t get enough.
Dani looovvveess the noises you make. She has gotten very good at learning what they mean too.
Sometimes, Dani mimics the sounds you make when you are mad, scared or frustrated. It’s like your own little language that the two of you use to communicate.
Whenever it happens at the dinner table, her sisters and mother all look at each other as if to ask “What the hell are these lovebirds doing now?”.
This is slightly off-topic, but Dani would love Firbies for the same exact reason she loves the noises you make. She would learn their speech patterns and try to talk to them. Imagine you and Dani squeaking and chirping at Furbies all day. Precious.
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dirtyvulture · 1 year
Alpha!Natasha Romanoff x Omega!Fem!Reader
18+ only, read at your own risk
Word count: 2140
Requested by anon: Oh awesome! I'd like to request an abo fic then!
Can I ask for Alpha Natasha x Omega Reader
So, Natasha has always fancied Reader but due to how close Reader is with Steve(hes just a friend. His Alpha insticts just make him very protective for those he cares about) and Natashas inexperience in courting a mate due to that not being a Red Room lesson, she never makes a move.
That all changes at one of Tonys parties though. Steves away on a mission, so when a group of slimy Alphas corner Reader Nat swoops in to save her. They go back to the Alphas room where feelings get admitted and Natasha is able to claim her Omega
I'm sorry if thats too much, got a bit carried away. Hope you like this idea and thanks in advance. Love your work.
AN: Happy ABO April! 
Natasha has to look away when Steve puts his arm around your shoulder in a side-hug and you lean into him and laugh at his joke. She can’t even name the things she would give up to take Steve’s place next to you, to have her arm around you and have you laughing at her joke instead. Even though Steve is a close friend of hers, she has always harbored a near-uncontrollable level of jealousy of him because of how close he was to you.
She knows you hardly look at her when she enters a room and the few moments the two of you have had alone, you’re always painfully professional and cordial with her. But at the end of the day, Natasha doesn’t blame you for it. Steve was a better alpha than her, anyway. She didn’t know the first thing about being someone’s alpha, let alone yours, and didn’t think she would be able to satisfy you with her inexperience and hesitancy.
Tony hosts a party that weekend, but Steve is called out last-minute on a mission. You come in alone, looking a little lost without your partner/alpha by your side. Natasha feels like this is her chance to make a move with you, but ultimately, her insecurities win out and she stays by the bar, miserably slamming vodka shots and wondering if she’ll ever be good enough for anyone.
You hadn’t expected to attend Tony’s party solo. Steve was your best friend, surprising you with how well you got along with someone who was old enough to be your grandpa, but he had been nothing but kind and respectful to you. You trusted him with your life and kept no secrets from him, but you didn’t see him as a romantic partner.
There was someone else you wanted, but they always seemed so shy around you, you were beginning to lose hope that anything could ever happen with them.
You find an empty corner in the table and sip a glass of wine, not interested in casual socialization with anyone tonight. You weren’t even sure why you still came when Steve texted you that he was being called to work, but you felt it would be rude to not show up with a legitimate excuse.
“Hey, Y/N.” 
You look up as a man slides into the seat across from you. His hair is greasy with gel and his eyes tell you that he’s already a few drinks into the night. There are two friends that stand next to your table, effectively preventing you from just getting up and excusing yourself. You feel your heartbeat pound faster in your chest.
“Where’s your alpha?” the greasy-haired man asks.
“My what?”
“Oh, don’t play dumb with us now.” The man laughs, prompting his friends to do the same. You can’t remember ever seeing any of them before, but Tony invites anyone that knows his name, so you can’t narrow down where they might’ve come from at all.
“So you thought you’d come to Stark’s party in hopes that another alpha would come by and claim you?” the man snickers. 
“I don’t belong to anyone,” you assert, standing up as the man’s two friends step towards you menacingly.
“Not yet,” the man says. “But you know what would be better than being claimed by one alpha? How about three?” He smiles predatorily. 
“Get away from me right now,” you say, your fingers closing tightly around the stem of your wine glass in case you need to smash it over one of their heads.
“Oh, we love a fighter,” the man says. “I hope it’s not just an act--”
A familiar voice enters the conversation, and you almost melt with relief when you see Natasha Romanoff shove her way between the man’s two friends and offer you her hand. 
“I’ve been looking all over for you. Come on.”
You don’t question where she’s going to take you, just eager to get away from these three creepy alphas. 
“Whoa, whoa, where are you taking--” the man interrupts.
“Shut it,” Natasha warns. “You’re all done here. Now get out before I have my friends escort you out.”
The man looks like he wants to protest, but when he sees Clint and Bruce eyeing them from the corner of the room, he grabs onto his buddies and pushes them towards the exit.
“Are you okay, Y/N?” Natasha asks, taking you to the bar and ordering you a glass of water.
“Uh, yeah. Thanks for that. You didn’t have to,” you say, sipping your water with trembling hands.
“I wasn’t going to just stand there and watch them talk to you like that,” Natasha says, and you’re pretty sure this is the longest conversation you’ve ever had with her. The nerves of talking to your crush and what had just happened start to get to you and you feel yourself begin to sweat under your clothes.
Natasha looks at you with concern. “Y/N, are you--”
“Can we go back upstairs? If you’re okay leaving the party early, that is,” you ask.
She doesn’t hesitate. “Sure.”
You don’t miss the way Natasha keeps her hand on your back as she follows you to the elevators and you both go up to the penthouse where the suites are located. But instead of going to your room, your feet take you to Natasha’s, and she doesn’t protest as you sit down on her bed and make yourself comfortable. Her scent, reminding you of the woods with a hint of vanilla, fills the entire room and you instinctively relax, like sinking into a hot tub. 
Natasha sits next to you, her scent surrounding her like a cloud, and you can barely focus when she hands you a bottle of water.
“Thank you,” you finally say. “Not just for the water, but also what you did at the party.”
Natasha shrugs. “Steve wouldn’t have been happy if something happened to his omega.”
Her words catch you off guard. “Steve’s omega?” you repeat.
Natasha looks at you. “Wait, are you not--”
“Steve and I are just friends,” you clarify, your heart deflating at the thought that Natasha mistook your close friendship for an actual relationship. 
“You two seem very close.”
“We are, but not like that,” you say.
“Oh.” Now Natasha feels dumb. 
“I had my eye on another alpha for a while,” you admit, surprising yourself with your boldness. “But I’m not sure if they’d ever make a move on me.”
It takes Natasha a moment, but when she makes the realization, she gasps audibly and stares at you with wide eyes.
“M-Me?” she stammers, unable to believe that you actually want her.
You nod, biting your lip as you look at her. The overwhelming scent of her room is embarrassingly enough to get you going and you feel the wetness pooling between your legs uncomfortably. 
“Do you want me?” you ask, leaning forward until your heads are inches apart. You feel her hot breath on your lips and the urge to dive forward and kiss her. 
“Since the moment I saw you,” Natasha whispers, surprising herself by taking initiative and closing the distance between you two. Her lips are soft and her lip gloss tastes like coconut. Natasha presses towards you eagerly, her hands closing around your shoulders and gently pressing you to lie down on her bed. “Is this okay?” she asks, now hovering over you.
You swear you’re already gushing at the sight of Natasha on top of you like this. “It’s more than okay,” you assure, tangling your hands in her silky red hair and pulling her in for another kiss. 
Natasha practically devours you and you feel yourself ache with an emptiness you know only she can fill. You open your legs to invite Natasha to lie between them and when you feel the heat of her clothed bulge against your center, you can’t even think anymore.
All you want is Natasha buried deep inside of you, filling with her cum, and claiming you as her omega. 
You break away from the heavy kisses long enough to remove your clothing and Natasha watches you for a moment before scrambling to remove her own. You moan when you touch your panties and realize how soaked through they are and you know Natasha can smell it by the way her eyes widen. 
“Look what you’ve done to me, baby,” you say. “I’m soaking for you.”
“So desperate for me, huh?” Natasha stumbles a little over the dirty talk, but you find it endearing. She pulls down her boxers, her hard cock springing out at an impressive length, the tip red and leaking pre-cum. “Lie back, baby,” she says. “I’ll take care of you.”
Natasha takes her place back on top of you, teasing you by running her cock through your slicked folds. She’s never claimed an omega before and is worried about releasing too early and not being able to satisfy you.
“Fuck, baby, just put it in already,” you beg, the emptiness between your legs almost painful now.
Natasha knows that she won’t be able to deny you much longer. Her cock is throbbing so hard she can’t think of anything else, and after taking your hips in her hands, she lines herself up with your entrance and pushes into you.
Both of you moan at the same time. Natasha is the biggest you’ve ever taken, and while the stretch burns at first, you feel so satisfyingly full you never want her to pull out. You feel complete with her inside of you and when she starts to rock her hips slowly, you claw down her back and hold onto her butt, guiding her to thrust harder.
“Yes, Nat, just like that,” you pant, a moan ripping out of your throat every time her cock rubs through your clenching walls. 
“You feel amazing,” Natasha says, her voice tight as she tries not to explode just yet. The way your pussy grips onto her is unlike anything she’s ever experienced and it’s like your body was made just to fit her. “Fuck, you feel so good, Y/N.”
“You do, too. Don’t stop,” you say, listening to the headboard of the bed slam against the wall with every thrust.
Natasha lowers her head to kiss you passionately, looping her arms under yours to pull you into her so she can penetrate you even deeper. Your pussy spasms around her and she moans against your lips, pistoning her hips harder.
“Mine. You’re all mine,” she growls.
“All yours when you knot me,” you remind her, feeling the swelling at the base of her cock when she pushes her entire length into you. As full as you already feel, you can’t wait for her to knot you and pump her seed into you until your stomach swells. 
“Are you sure?” Natasha pants, slowing her thrusts to control her release. "Are you sure you want this, Y/N?”
“It’s the only thing I’ve ever wanted,” you admit.
It’s the only thing Natasha’s ever wanted, too. To claim you and to be able to call you her omega. 
“Okay.” She knows she won’t last much longer and the base of her cock begins to swell. Her thrust become sloppier and you widen your legs so she has room to bury herself all the way. “Oh fuck, Y/N. I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum...”
“Make me yours, Nat,” you beg, digging your nails into her shoulders until you’re sure you’ll draw blood.
With one final thrust that shakes your entire body, Natasha pushes her knot past your entrance and releases her load inside of you. The warmth that fills you is indescribable, and you throw your head back with a moan as Natasha’s cock continues to pulse, shooting ropes of cum deep into your womb. The pressure and fullness is too much and you find your own release at the same time, craning your neck up to clamp your teeth around Natasha’s collarbone and claiming her as she knots you.
Natasha howls at the sting and the delight at you marking her. When she finally stops cumming, she relaxes her weight on top of you and nuzzles your cheek gently. You purr in response, happy to be full of cum and claimed by your alpha. 
The two of you lie like that for a long time, until Natasha’s knot deflates and she can pull out, spilling most of her seed onto the bedsheets. You cling to her, feeling the most satisfied and happy you had ever been in your life.
“Thank you, my alpha,” you whisper, kissing the bite mark on her chest.
“I love you, my omega.”
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physalian · 3 months
Take A Risk and Don’t Write a Chosen One
This trope stands the test of time for some very good reasons: Audience wish-fulfillment as they live vicariously through the hero, automatic plot-induced agency for your protagonist, and automatic legitimate reasons for your protagonist to join the whirlwind adventure of the day.
I like chosen ones. We all have our favorite famous chosen ones and I’m not here to say the concept of a chosen one is bad at all.
Those “automatic” windfalls that come pre-packaged with the trope can lead to the author taking shortcuts, or not thinking they have to put in more effort to write a compelling character, because they’re the “chosen one,” what more do you need?
Not writing your protagonist as commanded by the powers that be to participate in the plot forces you to get creative with why they’re here, what they want, and how they entrench themselves in the story. And most importantly, if the gods haven’t chosen them to act, they must now choose themselves to act.
I have never read Harry Potter and after its author-who-shan’t-be-named flushed her reputation down the toilet, I never will. I’ve seen the movies, they’re ok. I have no nostalgia-driven love for this franchise, and most of that comes from watching Harry be an incredibly boring protagonist.
Book readers correct me, but Harry is the poster child of “only exists so the audience can live vicariously” with generic heroic traits and nonexistent or at least unimportant side quirks and distinguishing hobbies, interests, or personality tics. He’s “brave” and “courageous” and “determined”... as most child protagonists of children’s books should be. He has zero flaws that come back to bite him in the ass. He acts the way he’s supposed to, not the way he should want to, as an independent being.
He’s the least interesting character in this entire cast, and I can’t stand Movie Ron. Ron, Hermione, Neville, or Draco would have made much more compelling protagonists and so much of this relies on the “Harry is important because the plot demands it” crutch.
Why is he the chosen one? Because his birthday happened at the right time of year? What is the story trying to say about the dichotomy between him and Voldemort? What about his personality, his wizard-societal stances on the many faux pas in this series, or the choices he makes, that makes him the chosen one? Why should I care?
You know who’s a great chosen one? Percy Jackson. Why? Because he understands the screwed up world he lives in on page 1. Being a demigod isn’t everything he ever dreamed and despite what Disney + wants you to believe, he’s got a crap bio dad who’s as disappointing in book one as Percy expects him to be.
He’s not even the chosen one by the end of the original series, and what a fantastic twist that was.
An infamously self-chosen protagonist has her own iconic hero quote: "I volunteer as tribute". Katniss is a nobody. She's not the evil president's daughter, she's not the child of a famously martyred revolutionary, she's just a girl who refuses to bow down to the reaping, refuses to let her sister get slaughtered, and volunteers for a death match that historically sees anyone living to survive another year cowering in relief. Yeah, she has some convenient skills in her archery and survival knowledge, but those matter because her district is starving, she learned through necessity.
Every second of her story, Katniss is fighting for her right to exist, and she only becomes a "chosen one" dragged around by the powers that be when she becomes marketable to the grand scheming of the actual revolutionaries, when, before, she didn't care about politics, she just wanted to save her sister. She matters because she chose compassion in a world where survival demands only serving yourself.
It’s so, so easy to start planning your book and make your cool fantasy world and figure out how your protagonist fits into it. So easy to say “well they’re the long-lost princess and the only heir to the throne” or “this magic amulet from her great great aunt is the key to saving the world” or “she’s the villain’s secret love child and the only one who can stop him because blood magic” or “this vague prophecy picked this little desert slave boy to bring balance to the Force”.
None of these stories are at fault for writing chosen ones.
But push yourself to let go of that crutch and come up with other reasons for why your hero is the hero. Usually this character has been isekai'd into magical-fantasy-land or magical-hidden-fantasy-urban-underbelly and you can still write that character.
Refusing to make them the chosen one demands one thing first and foremost: How is this outsider going to fight for their place to exist here? What do they bring to the table with their hobbies or interests or unique skillset that happens to be mighty applicable and useful in this new world? What is it about their personality that draws these strangers in? What do they want from this new world, and what are they willing to do to get it?
This choice demands you give your hero agency (though whether you give into those demands is up to you).
More importantly: I think it gives your audience agency, as they still live vicariously through their hero. Sure, lots of kids have lost their parents and live in horrid conditions like a cupboard under the stairs, but none of us will ever be “chosen” by omniscient wizard prophets. Harry would have immediately been a more compelling protagonist to me if he’d stumbled upon magical shenaniganry and fought for his place as some forgotten nobody mudblood.
Harry would have shown us his courage, instead of the story insisting he has it, we promise, just don’t think too hard about it.
Stop giving me characters who accept their destiny because God said so. Give me characters who fight tooth and nail for a destiny they discover on their own and I’ll root for them to succeed even more than someone compelled by force. Not everyone can be a chosen one, but everyone *can* choose themselves and decide to act.
With that said, I have an announcement! I have a new book in the works bereft of a prophecy-ordained hero. It’s time I put all my sagely writing wisdom to the test in a shiny published paperback myself. If you’ve learned anything from my blog in your writing journey, please subscribe for updates on the upcoming novel!
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seoafin · 6 months
pairing: fushiguro toji & reader / side pairing stsg x reader an installment to the exposure therapy au warnings/tags: mentions of sex work/escorting, gambling, don't read if weird teacher/student dynamics squick you nothing is meant to be romantic and toji is a shitty teacher word count: ~4.7k
“So,” Toji says, eyeing your lone figure in the classroom with a raised eyebrow. “Just you today huh.”
You look up from your book at him, and then your gaze circles the empty room, the three unoccupied desks next to yours make the room feel emptier, bigger. Sorry to disappoint, you think. He’s not the only one. “Just me,” you reply plainly.
Satoru, Suguru, and Shoko aren’t here. The three of them are in Fukuoka. Before they left, Satoru had boasted about a certain famous shrine dedicated to Sugawara no Michizane belonging to his family. Suguru had slammed his closed fist down on his head with a roll of his eyes, dragging Satoru away by the hair, leaving you with a smile and a promise to return promptly. Don’t go anywhere, okay? We’ll be back soon. 
When a sleek black car had pulled up to the base of the school, Shoko had reluctantly disentangled herself from your side, complaining about unnecessary appearances.
That had been four days ago.
You heard of a brewing storm in the area. You hope the three of them are staying warm and out of the rain. You hadn’t even expected Toji to drop in on class today. He seems to call out at the mildest inconveniences. The other day he had cited not wanting to see Satoru’s face as a legitimate reason to skip on his duties as a teacher. He’s the worst teacher you’ve ever had.
You close your book. “What’s on the agenda today?”
“Hell if I know,” he shrugs. “Got any ideas?”
You stare at him.
“Forget I asked,” he scoffs. “Right,” one foot is already out the door, “I’m out.”
He stops, back turned to you. Then he sighs wearily, as if you’ve somehow exhausted him.
You are promptly plucked out of your seat, Toji's fingers curled around the back of your collar. When you look at him inquiringly, he simply says: “Field trip.”
Your eyes water as you enter the pachinko parlor. You are greeted by the omnipresent acrid scent of smoke clinging to the yellowing walls and ceiling. You blink away the tears stinging at your eyes, and quickly follow Toji through the large room, passing by multiple seated older men, eyes glued to the bright machines in front of them. All you can hear are the sound of balls clacking and levers being pushed. From what you can gather, nobody has won today. It slightly amazes you how Toji thinks he’ll be the exception.
You follow his dark, foreboding figure to the back of the room, to the very end of the row, where there are only three other men. Only one spares you a glance. There are eyes all over the ceiling, scuttling about. Curses, you note, traces of all the ill will that’s gathered. 
There’s a wooden stool. He barely gestures at it before saying, “Sit.”
Toji gets comfortable in front of a large flashing machine, and proceeds to pull out his wallet.
You’re aware gambling is a vice. It’s not really any of your business what your teacher decides to do in his spare time. It’s not as if Megumi and Tsumiki aren’t being taken care of. If this is what Toji would prefer to do over buying the kids new school supplies then…
All that work into keeping Megumi only to gamble his time and money away.
It would be one thing if it was entertaining but…
He’s losing.
Badly. You never expected it to be like this. How awful. If it were you, your dignity could only take so much.
You think it takes a special kind of resilience to be a gambler, but more importantly it takes luck.
You rise from your seat to take a closer look. Not a single metal ball has reached the prize slot no matter how he tries to align his timing with the press of the lever.
You glance at Toji, face alight with a fierce concentration, jaw tight. You sigh.
“You’re losing.”
You sigh again, turn around and seat yourself back on the stool. You open your book. You told Suguru you’d try to finish it by the time he returned.
Someone is hovering. You can see a man out of the corner of your eye. You look up at him, a skinny balding middle aged man in a worn suit, tie loose around his neck, and he nearly flinches. You can hear the plink plink plink of money being lost in front of you.
“Is something the matter?” you ask politely. You figure if anything he’ll ask you for your ID. Without the jacket of your school uniform, you can usually pass off any suspicions of being a student. You aren’t an adult, but you aren’t a child anymore either. You’re of age.
He hesitantly takes a step closer. “How much?”
There are thin, wire glasses on the bridge of his nose. You can see the perspiration building on his forehead. You tilt your head.
Anxious energy radiates off of him. His gaze is fixated on your chest. “Just for the night,” he says quickly. “One night.”
Understanding quickly dawns on you. “I’m sorry,” you start apologetically. “You seem to be mistaken. I’m not an escort.” The man blinks. You continue. “In fact, if you’re looking for one, you might want to look at the man right there.”
You wonder if Toji is into men. If it even matters. Customers are customers. Money is money, and something tells you he isn’t picky.
That elicits an indelicate snort from the aforementioned man. So he is listening.
The man looks dissuaded for a minute, before pressing forward once more. “I can pay,” he says breathily, inching closer to you. His eyes dart to your slightly spread thighs before going unfocused. 
Now, just how should you handle this?
You could take his hand, momentarily stop him in his tracks. You’d be gone before he gained consciousness once more. But you’re technically not allowed to use your cursed technique on civilians, and you don’t like doing it either, despite Satoru’s protests about the underutilization of your technique.
A shadow looms above you.
“You bothering my girl?”
You involuntarily shudder at the statement, but the man pales, looking up at Toji fearfully as if he descended from the parted heavens. 
“Mine." Lips peel back, revealing bared teeth in a mockery of a smile. “Fuck off degenerate. Or you’ll be seeing my fist next.”
The man scrambles backwards, almost tripping on his feet. He gives you one last look before you watch him disappear through the rows of metal machines. You look back at Toji, gaze dropping to his empty hand.
“Wow. You didn’t win a single thing.” You think that in itself is a special skill. 
An irritated look crosses his face. Green eyes flash. “Damn things are rigged,” he seethes. “ All of ‘em.”
Just as he finishes that statement, shouts fill the front of the room along with shrill celebratory noises. You look at him. His face grows cloudy. You hop off the stool. “I was wondering how long it’d take you to give up.”
He changes the topic. “You look fine for someone who was just solicited.”
You shrug. “Nothing would’ve happened.”
Toji begins to trudge to the exit. A walk of shame. “He looked like he was gonna haul you off to the nearest love hotel.”
“I’ve never been to a love hotel." You had told Satoru and Suguru of your interest to see the interior of one once. They had both fallen quiet for the rest of the walk home. “But it’s not exactly the kind of place you go to alone.”
He shakes his head. “You’re a full time job, you know that?”
You look at him curiously as you step outside. Your lungs are glad to trade the smoke-laden air for fresh air.
“It’s a shame he didn’t solicit you instead,” you remark as the two of you start on a journey to the nearest convenience store. You’d like a drink. Maybe if you’re in a lenient mood you’ll buy Toji one too. “I’m sure you could’ve shown him a better time than me.”
“Dunno about that.” He gives you a scrutinizing once over. “A virgin like you? Hot commodity. ‘Sides,” he smirks. “I’m expensive.”
An unmarked virgin maybe. But any man would recoil from the scars that mark your body. All the assignments from before Shoko. And if not that, then the disfigurement of your side gifted to you from the man right next to you.
“That explains how you can afford to lose so much money.”
Unexpectedly, he takes you in good humor. “You’re a mean little thing when you want to be,” he says. “The mouth on you.”
You blink. Nobody has ever called you mean. Not to your face anyway. You think about it. Maybe this is what Satoru used to dislike about you, back when you hadn’t cared about how he perceived you. All you knew back then was that you said all the wrong things. Now you eagerly await text messages from Shoko. You like it when Satoru smiles, when he flashes you a grin so bright that you can’t help but smile back. You like the soft crease of Suguru’s gaze when he regards you. You like it so much that you can’t sometimes can’t breathe. You’re a different person now. Sometimes, you need to remind yourself of it.
Inside the convenience store, you select black tea for yourself and a coffee for Toji. You walk outside to him chewing on a pork bun and you hand him the drink. It’s a brand you’ve seen him drink before. He stares at the black label. You don’t expect a thank you.
“Tsumiki is starting middle school soon,” you say, staring out into space. “She could use some new school supplies.” Along that line of thinking, Megumi could use a new randoseru. 
He’s silent. You’d buy her some yourself, but you think it’d be more meaningful coming from the man who is technically her step-father. She’d be delighted even, you think, and Megumi for as aloof as he tries to be, can only be so distant when it comes to his beloved sister. There have been too many mistakes, too many burned bridges, but this could be a step in the right direction. You don’t think he sleeps at home.
The two of you enjoy the quiet. You finish your drink, and then stand. You’re in a familiar area of the city, and there’s someone you’ve been meaning to see.
“You’re late,” Marie scolds, hand on her hip. You close your eyes at the scent of plum blossoms wafting from her skin. “Think of me as one of your clients. Be punctual!”
“This one’s fault,” Toji grunts out. His knuckles dig into the side of your head with enough force to tip you over, and your eyes snap open immediately. If you were a lesser person, you’d be on the ground. You frown, your head sore. “Found her hoverin’ over some damn stick in the park.”
It would have made an excellent walking stick. You clutch your shopping bag to your chest. “Satoru and Suguru never complain…”
That’s a lie. Satoru has resorted to either holding your hand or staying attached to you at all times to make sure you don’t wander like some bodyguard. Suguru too. You don’t know why. You’d rather just find them later to save them the trouble of finding you.
“Make your boyfriends wait, not me.”
You make a face. He should’ve just left you. Despite that, you hang your head apologetically. It is your fault. You had become distracted multiple times along the way, and a specific distraction had culminated in the shopping bag in your hand. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize Fushiguro-sensei made plans to be here by a certain time. It was my fault.”
“Damn right.”
He’s a sore loser, you think. You may have said it out loud because his gaze slides to you, mouth opening with what you think is a nasty reply.
Marie shoots him a sharp look. “Now, now Toji. A man like you knows better than to run his mouth like that.”
“Off the clock,” he replies before stepping forward. A throng of women gather around him, cooing and ah’ing, hands skirting over his arms and chest. A man like him has no need to pay for a woman, so you gather they’d sleep with him willingly for free. And from the looks of it, he has a plethora of choices. You hope they aren’t expecting more. Like money. You think many women have been reduced to tears by the man. 
Marie clicks her tongue, and a collective sigh sounds the air before the crowd disperses to their actual clients, leaving just one lucky woman who pulls him towards the back of the room, towards the more private area.
“They pulled sticks earlier.” Marie looks amused. “It’s not often Toji comes around for anything other than drinks.”
You smile. “He likes your company. You shouldn’t discount that.”
Her eyes are fond as they look at you. Her fingers brush the hair away from your face. “What a man like that is doing around a sweet girl like you is beyond me.” She sighs, shaking her head. “He’ll corrupt you.”
It’s not that bad, you want to say. Not as long as you hold no expectations about the person he is. The only thing you’ll hold him to is being a father. But other than that you’ve found that you seem to feel a certain kinship with miserable people and your teacher is one of the more miserable people you’ve ever met.
That’s when you see them. A group of girls hovering behind Marie. They span from what looks like your age to a little older, and they seem to be waiting.
“Honestly,” Marie turns to them. “What have I said about standing around the front?”
The girl in the very front pouts, glossy bottom lip jutted out. “But Marie, you said they’d be here! Those two hot guys. I want the black haired one, he was charming!”
“Then I’ll take the one white haired one. Those sunglasses…”
“No, I want that one!”
“I’ll take them both!”
“As if they’d be interested. You’re practically made of plastic!”
“What did you say—”
They reluctantly settle. 
“Toji’s students are they?” Another girl asks, voice breathy. 
“Not like that,” Marie says chidingly. “Those two respectable high school boys wouldn’t come to a place like this if they didn’t have to,” Marie glances at you. “And I never said they’d be here. You girls and your selective hearing give me a headache!”
“We’re graduating this year,” you say. You don’t think it matters. Jujutsu High is a year longer than regular civilian high schools. Nobody in your class is underage anymore. “I’ll be sure to pass them your way after. But—”
The girls squeal. Marie winces. You’re surrounded at once, the surrounding clash of perfume making you go lightheaded. Someone’s large endowed chest is pressing against your back, and both your arms. Someone is tightly clutching your hand. Everyone is speaking. Their names, their phone numbers, their availability. Not a single girl has listed her rates. You want to tell them that they should because Satoru and Suguru have money to spend. Special grades make a salary far beyond anything normal jujutsu sorcerers do, and that was coming from someone who considered their own pay more than comfortable.
You suddenly understand every single man in the host club more than you ever had before. You, too, would pay for the experience of a beautiful woman looking at you like the only person in the world.
Your face is hot. You’ve never been surrounded by so many beautiful women in your life. Satoru and Suguru and even Toji regularly experience this? You think that’s unfair. 
“Satoru and Suguru are in Fukuouka right now,” you say apologetically. Shoko too, you think. But that’s something you’d like to keep to yourself, lest you lose her to another prettier girl.
The girls sigh a collective “awwwww.”
You are reluctantly let go of, on unsteady feet. Marie looks downright annoyed. “I should put you all out for the night! Stop bothering the poor girl, and get back to work!” She barks.
The girls slink away, casting you pleading looks. You smile. Something flutters to the ground. You pick it up. It’s a business card with a number written on the back. Someone had stuffed it into the sleeve of your shirt. You discreetly slide it into your shopping bag. You’ll give it to Satoru and Suguru later. Satoru, when he inevitably complains about how you hadn’t bought him a gift. 
And then you feel something more in your shirt.
“Those girls,” Marie scowls as she straightens your shirt and hair with all the vigor of a mother cat grooming her kitten. You almost close your eyes. “The new ones go crazy for a pretty face. They’ll learn soon enough.”
You follow Marie to the bar, unable to help your curiosity as you glance at all the men being entertained on love seats. You recognize some faces from the women that had surrounded Toji, but instead of the excited air that had prompted a frenzy around Toji, everything now is strictly professional.
The life of a jujutsu sorcerer is hard, but in a way you envision anything else. If you ever became a hostess or an escort, you’d fail. People like Toji and the girls can do things you could never do. 
Marie pours you a drink as you take a seat. It smells sweet. “I’m sorry about that,” she sighs. “How have things been?”
“Good,” you reply truthfully. Unexpectedly so. You’re visiting Riko next month and you are carefully readying souvenirs to take to her. No deaths (as of now). Suguru and Satoru are happy. Shoko is preparing for medical school. Things are unusually good. You pause. “I was solicited by a man.”
“Oh dear,” Marie closes her eyes. “Now just where has that man been taking you?”
“Just the pachinko parlor.” And the race tracks, but that’s a story for another time. 
“Not that seedy place!”
“It wasn’t that bad,” you say. For you. “But I don’t think Fushiguro-sensei has a single yen to his name right now.” In other words: you really hope the woman currently with him isn’t expecting anything other than a good time. 
“Oh,” Marie groans. “Born under an unlucky star, that one. He just doesn’t learn.”
“I’ve never seen anyone so unlucky,” you reply gravely, sipping at your plum wine. “I am curious though. I wish Fushiguro-sensei hadn’t scared him off so early. I’ve been wondering about how much he would’ve paid.”
Toji slides into the seat next to you. There’s lipstick on his chin and smudges of it on his neck. “A cheapskate lookin’ guy like that? He would’ve shorted ya. Consider yourself lucky I was there.”
You frown once again. “Nothing would’ve happened.”
He eyes you dubiously. “With you? Who knows.”
You don’t have a reply for that. He’s right.
Marie hums, cleaning a cocktail glass. “That was quick,” she says to Toji. “Done already?”
He waves a blithe hand, not responding. You also look at him.
“Oh dear,” she says in mock concern. The corners of her lips are fighting not to tilt into a smile. “Old age getting to you?”
He narrows his eyes playfully. “Why don’t you find out?”
You eagerly take a long swig of your drink.
Marie straightens, not in the least ruffled, gazing down at him with the countenance of a regal queen. “Things have changed since we first met, Toji. You couldn’t afford five minutes of my time.”
You nod.
Toji grins, and it looks devastatingly charming. “No discount for little ole’ me?”
“You bastard,” a derisive snort. “I’d make you pay more. You’ve never paid for a girl in your life.”
It doesn’t dissuade him. “You know I’d make it worth your time.”
“All this with another woman’s lipstick on your face,” she leans over and lightly pats Toji’s cheek in a vaguely warm, yet condescending manner. She turns to you. “Never let a smooth talker into your bed.”
“You know I do a lot more than talk, Marie.”
Marie rolls her eyes. “Toji, dear. Shut up.” She smiles. “I want to hear about those boys of yours.”
It takes you until Toji snorts to realize she’s talking about Satoru and Suguru.
“They’re fine,” you say. Maybe she’s angling for their wallets. It’s an endeavor you wholeheartedly support.
She imperceptibly leans forward. “Is that all?”
“No girlfriends if that’s what you’re wondering,” you report. You’re sure the two of them will make her money. 
Speaking of Satoru, Suguru and Shoko. You take your phone out of your pocket and stare at it. No text messages. It’s been like this for the last four days. They must be busy. You’re not upset by it. 
Maybe a little lonely.
“Thank you for inviting me out today,” you tell Toji. Well. More or less he had dragged you out of your seat under the guise of a field trip. But you’re still glad nonetheless. You enjoyed it. The school is too big without your best friends, and Nanami and Haibara were out on a joint assignment this morning. You don’t know what you would’ve done by yourself. You don’t like to be alone with your thoughts. “It was very educational.”
An eyebrow quirks upwards. “Was it now.”
You look at him. “Yes. I’m never betting on pachinko.”
He clicks his tongue sullenly. Marie exhales a wheeze of laughter. 
Then he reaches over to pluck your phone out of your hand. After a second, he tosses it back at you.
Your phone is alight as text messages fill your entire screen. You stare at it, wide eyed as texts start piling in, the latest from Satoru, Shoko, Suguru, or all three.
[13:04] respond 
[13:04] respond 
[13:04] respond 
[13:04] respond 
[13:04] respond 
[13:04] respond 
[13:06] what r u doing
[13:06] answer
[13:06] answer
[13:06] answer
[13:07] answer
[13:07] answer
[13:07] answer
[13:07] IT’S BEEN 4 DAYS
[13:09] are you mad at me
[13:10] fine
[13:10] don’t reply.
[13:15] hello
[13:20] hello
[13:20] hello
[13:20] hello
[8:43] your phone is on silent isn’t it
[8:45] see u soon
[30 picture attachments]
[12:04] yaga said you were on a field trip with fushiguro-sensei
[12:04] can you tell me where you are?
[12:05] nowhere dangerous right?
[12:06] are you still with him? what kind of field trip are you on?
[12:06] this is inexcusable. you shouldn’t be on an unsanctioned field trip just the two of you.
[12:07] are you back at the school?
[12:07] you don’t need to be there. just leave him.
[12:07] please don’t do anything you would normally do
“Your phone was on silent,” Toji says flatly, if not a bit amused. “How old are you again?”
You’re too eagerly engrossed in reading your text messages that you don’t respond. Marie and Toji share a look.
“I don’t know…” you trail off, ungluing your eyes from your screen. Too many texts. You don’t even know how to begin to respond. So you don’t. 
A memory suddenly hits you. Before the three of them left you had been at a cafe with Satoru. While you had been in the midst of typing out Shoko a heartfelt response Satoru had snatched your phone out of your hands, clicked around with it, and slipped it into his pocket.
After then you had subsequently received no text messages. So he had put your phone on silent. You resolve to learn that setting as soon as you go home. 
[17:54] we’re coming back. i’ll see you at the school.
You excitedly stand, waving the text in Toji’s face. “They’re coming back!” You exclaim. “I’m going to meet them.” You quickly bow to them. “Don’t bother coming back early,” you tell Toji. Then you rush out.
You nearly run into Shoko’s open arms, burying your face into her shoulder. She smells like dewy grass. Back inside Satoru’s room in jujustu tech, the four of you are together. It feels as if they never left. 
“Welcome back,” you say breathlessly. “How was Fukuouka?”
“Wet,” she says, making a face. “How was your field trip?”
“Interesting. I think Fushiguro-sensei is the unluckiest man in the world.”
“Well, I don’t doubt that,” she replies. “I bought you souvenirs.”
“Me too,” you blurt out. Your face warms. “Well not a souvenir, really.” You give her the shopping bag in your hand. “I saw it and thought that…” that it’d look perfect on her, “that maybe you could wear it to the next festival…?”
Before she can unravel your impromptu gift, an airy voice cuts through. 
“So the two of us are chopped liver now, are we Suguru?”
“It seems that way, Satoru.”
“How awful,” Satoru sniffs. “After all the trouble we went through to get here early.”
“It was an ordeal, wasn’t it?” Suguru’s smile turns a hint menacing. Your fingers go sweaty. “I’m more interested in this ‘educational field trip. ’”
“It was educational,” your rebuttal is weak. 
“Is that right,” Suguru hums. “I’m looking forward to hearing all about it.”
You look at Shoko helplessly. She shrugs.
Satoru frowns, rounding on you. “I can’t believe you! Not a single text the entire time we were gone! Just what were you two doing anyway? Confess!”
“You’re the one that put my phone on silent,” you reply. “I didn’t even know. I thought the three of you were too busy to update me.”
Satoru opens his mouth. You can see the moment he realizes you’re right. His mouth closes. 
Suguru rolls his eyes. Shoko shakes her head. The two of them promptly slap the back of his head, earning a yelp from the white-haired boy.
“Besides, I haven’t forgotten about you two,” you say, thinking about the cards. Satoru perks up at the prospect of a gift. He’s surprisingly easy to handle at times. Like a child. It’s not bad, you think. Not at all. You smile, reaching into your pocket and pulling out a stack of cards.
“For you two.”
They momentarily glance at each other before taking the cards.
“Wait,” you pat down the sides of your body. “Ah—” three cards tucked into the waistband of your skirt that you hadn’t noticed before “—here you go.”
They stare down at the cards in their hands in silence.
"...Thank you," Suguru says, ever polite, voice strained.
You beam. “Your welcome. The two of you should go with Fushiguro-sensei next week." The two of them wear matching grimaces. "The girls really want to see you again." You look at Satoru. "Even you Satoru!"
"Hah!? What is that supposed to mean!?"
You're sure the prospect of being surrounded by beautiful women will make them more amenable to the idea. Shoko is laughing.
“Wait right here,” Shoko says quickly, getting up from the floor. A quick squeeze of your arm. “I’m getting your souvenirs.”
You turn back to them. “Was Fukouka fun?”
“...The same as always,” is Satoru’s somewhat peeved response as he throws you a box of mentaiko flavored chips. “Annoying old geezers nearing the grave. We skipped the onsen.”
The fact that Suguru doesn’t even correct Satoru on his words says enough. 
“Oh. You shouldn’t have.” It would’ve been a nice way to end their trip. You plop a chip into your mouth. It’s too salty for Satoru’s tastes, but you enjoy it just fine.
Suguru smiles. His fingers are playing with the edges of your hair, lightly tugging. “Next time, we’ll all go together.”
“That would be fun. I’d like that.” You go quiet for a few seconds. “I missed you two.”
Satoru puffs up. “Tell me more.”
“I was a little lonely without everyone. I think that’s why Fushiguro-sensei took me out on a fieldtrip today.”
In other words: he was being oddly considerate. In his own way.
Satoru deflates, pouting. You don’t notice, lost in your thoughts.
“Satoru, Suguru.” The two of them look at you. “If I were an escort, how much would you pay for a night with me?”
The two of them go silent.
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dunmeshistash · 15 days
God, Maizuru is one of those characters that you can tell who did and didn't do their research on her, like she's a literal slave to Shuro's dad but no one acknowledges it whenever they talk about her, I'm pretty sure the relationship is very complicated but it's still sorta fucked up to own someone you're in love with, this woman has so much untold hidden lore
Also side note, I legitimately thought she was a demi human/beast kin or something because of her bird/feather sleeves, like I legitimately thought it was part of her body and no one acknowledged it because she was too scary or something 😭 like especially after it was revealed Izutsumi was like a beastkin, the whole time reading the manga, I was like "damn why isn't Laios talking to her"
Yeah, I've seen even people criticizing her for traumatizing him by fucking his dad. Like, she's his servant, he has the power in this situation even if the adventurer's bible says "either of them can shake off" the relationship.
Plus his dad infidelity is even why he had a falling off with Maizuru, his profile says he was closer to her than to either of his parents until he found out she was his lover. His father being awful was the reason he shut down the only person he was emotionally attached to.
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I don't think I can blame her for being his mistress considering the power dynamics. Even the things Maizuru did that affected him as a child were all his father's fault no matter how you look at it.
She attacked him with a hag while he pooped and his dad didn't care, did nothing about it and barely acknowledged Shuro clinging onto him scared.
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Plus at the end Shuro is more mad than anything
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But as usual he decides to keep it in. Smh Shuro let it out a bit, go yell or something smh my head
Anyway Maizuru is bad cause she was mean to Izu, there's reasons why she acted that way but I can't really forgive her LMAO
I still like Maizuru as a character anyway she's so cute, I love the feather sleeves, its kinda funny you thought they were real LOL, they do look super realistic and the way she moves makes them even more convincing.
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