#but this popped up because I saw one of shiki's shorts
anime-scarves · 1 year
When girls growl while singing...
7 notes · View notes
blueberrypossum · 3 years
Hit Me with Your Best Shot
A Nova and Shiki short
Hey yall! I'm back with a little short of just @greaser-wolf and I's ocs Nova and Shiki! This one is set after the No One Does It Like You Do fanfic and also is based off the sparring drawing wolf drew!! Hope you guys enjoy!!
⚠️WARNING⚠️: There is usage of adult language and also mention of blood and abuse, viewer discretion is advised.
Word Bank: Rhubarb- An argument or fight 
Shiki looked down at her phone at the address Nova had texted her. After the boar yokai healed from the mountain mission, the cop asked the feline if she would be down to spare. And with Nova being the competitive and boastful yokai she is, accepted the offer. 
Shiki knew what she was getting into, if she lost Nova would rub it in her face for weeks on end, but the cop was a little rusty when it came to cats and if her and the Mud Dogz were going to keep running into cat like yokai, she needed to be prepared. 
As the brown furred yokai went towards the front door, two figures started to head towards her. 
“No way,” she whispered to herself as she finally made out the two yokai that decided to show up. 
“What are you guys doing here?”
Dastardly Danny was practically dragging the ogre next to him as he caught up with his girlfriend. 
“Did ya really think we would miss this rhubarb? Not a chance!” The rat exclaimed as he brushed back the few tufts of hair on his head. Both of the men wore more casual outfits than their usual gang outfits so they could blend in with the crowd. 
Shiki was a little excited to have the boys here after all the battles and adventures they had gone through, the cop never recalled Danny ever seeing her spare one-on-one with someone, and maybe with the guys being there than her and Nova will give all they got into the fight. 
“You sure you want to be here?” Shiki asked as she opened the door and looked over at Leonard, who’s tired eyes and messy hair in a bun indicated that he was forcefully dragged to this. 
“I really don’t believe I have a choice.”
As Shiki asked for Nova at the front desk, the rat yokai leaned in and said something about the feline in question and the ogre just rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. 
 The gym worker led them to one of the large rooms that could be rented out for dance or sparring practice; the rooms had a glass barrier around it so yokai’s could watch from the outside without getting hurt. 
The tabby was sitting on one of the mountain's piles of folding mats, her claws scrolling through her phone as she drank from her water container. She wore a long grey thermal and workout shorts, sweat barely dripping down her face and her hair stuck to her back in its ponytail. The worker that led the three knocked on the door and the feline walked over to unlock it, a poised smile on her mouth.
“Well, not only do I get a sparring partner, but she also brought cheerleaders as well! This must be my lucky day!” Nova laughed out as she let her three friends in and waved at the worker. 
“You would just love to see us in skirts, wouldn’t you?” Leonard asked and Nova stuck her tongue out at him with a wink.
“Well of course.”
Nova placed her phone and drink over in one of the corners of the room and then strolled over to her friend, her multi-colored eyes scanning over the boar’s workout outfit. 
“Do you expect to bleed today, Munchkin?” Nova asked as her eyes landed on Shiki’s handaged wrapped hands. 
“Didn’t the police academy teach you how to fight cats?”  
The tabby flashed her fangs in a bright smile as she turned tail and over to one of the mats, her feet barely pressing into the soft floor. 
“It taught us how to fight almost all different kinds of yokai, I’m just a little rusty in the feline department.”
“More like I don’t want to get my hooves dirty.”
Nova tightened her hair tie and pushed the bangs out of her eyes as she stretched her long arms up towards the ceiling. She then turned to the guys. 
“Well, the cheerleaders can’t be this close to the players,” she chuckled out and then pointed to the row of seats that were outside of the room. 
“Alright, boss.”
 The two members of the Mud Dogz walked out of the room and sat up against the cold, metal bleachers, the only sound coming from the room was the vibration of the speakers that popped out Nova’s songs. 
“Okay, I believe that the most important thing you must know about a cat is their flexibility, most small and nimble cats are flexible, except for lions and such,” Nova started as she sat down and reached for her toes while Shiki popped a few of her tight joints.
“How flexible are you?”
It almost seemed like the cat was waiting for her friend to ask that because stretched out onto her hands and did a handstand and then split her legs away from each other, all while giving a cocky smile. 
“As flexible as you want me to be.”
In the stands Danny had to elbow his friend in the stomach who seemed to have cottonmouth. 
“Would ya like me to get ya a drink? Ya looking kind of parch.”
“Oh shut up I saw you staring at Shiki’s ass on the way in.”
The tabby then did a front flip to land on her feet, her arms now crossed behind her back as she looked over at the stacks of soft mats. 
“Most cats will use height to their advantage, to jump off of or use the hard surface to bring more power. So, that’s what I’ll be using,” she explained and then took a fighting stance.
“Alright, Shiki, got any questions?”
“I’ll ask along the way.”
“Then hit me with your best shot.”
The boar yokai grinned under her fist as she charged, her fist flying towards the feline’s stomach but the tabby dodged quickly, her hands not even coming up to protect herself. Shiki frowned and then lifted her leg to roundhouse kick her but the feline ducked down and then used her own leg to trip over Shiki, who hit the ground with a thud. 
Nova leaned down to look at her, her brown curls creating waves at the end of Shiki’s vision. 
“Your moves are predictable, if you’re fighting a criminal then they’ll know what moves you’ll try to pull since you’re a cop.”
Shiki responded with a grunt as she got herself up and they both took their fighting stance once more, this time Nova was the one to take the first step forward. She turned left and then a hard right at the last second, her paws digging Shiki’s arm as she came up to block.
"Cats will use their claws when they can," Nova grunted as Shiki's strength started to take over her arm.
"So, you'll need to protect yourself whenever they attack."
"Okay, how do I do that?"
Nova took her hands off of the boar’s arm and had the cop grab her by the wrists. 
“You can usually see a cat about to attack with their claws when their claws come out and they’ll look for a perfect angle to attack, so grab them before they can do that.”
With Shiki’s grip on Nova’s wrists she then flipped her off her feet and then onto the ground, a forceful bust of air coming out of her white chest as the cop smiled. 
Shiki helped the mountain cat up and they took a fighting stance once more, the fire boar edging closer to Nova until she had enough room to attack, her bandaged fist raising up to hit Nova in her freckled cheek. But the feline held the fist with her white paws and bounced off the momentum of Shiki’s power and strength, and with her tongue sticking out she flipped over the cop, her own power pushing Shiki to the ground. 
“Jeez, Nova, you know the force could use someone like you.”
“Yes I’m sure they would love someone who’s been in their jail cell to have access to their private information,” Nova cooed and swayed from side to side. 
“I’m barely breaking a sweat, Shiki! I said hit me with your best shot!” The cat challenged and Shiki raised her eyebrow in irritation, but she lifted herself up and went rogue from her usually fighting techniques. 
The tinge of shock that danced over Nova’s eyes was pleasing to see as Shiki swung an underhook into her side, the cat barely dodging it before the fire boar went in for another hit, hitting her knuckles deep into Nova’s thigh. 
A hiss parted between Nova’s teeth and she backed away, her strong legs leaping on top a five stacked mattress and then higher and higher onto the stack of long pillows. Shiki watched closely as Nova rubbed her thumb over the spot that was hit. 
“I’m guessing that you take the legs down, you take the whole cat down?” The officer asked, confidence and arrogance leaking throughout her tone. 
The feline laughed at her comment as she stood up. 
“Their legs are their backup plan, if things aren’t working out for them, they can at least jump out of the situation.”
The mountain cat then jumped from one of the hanging poles and landed on one of the smaller pile of mats and then leapt towards Shiki, the female dodging the attack and Nova rolled to a complete stop next to her, her hand taking hold of her okay colored ankle and flipping her onto the floor. Shiki let out a snort as she felt her lungs hit against her back and her hand went flying towards Nova, bringing her down with her in a single pull. 
They both instantly got up before either of them could get in another hit. Sweat was dripping at the corner of Nova’s face and Shiki’s palms started to feel clammy. But the brown mammal charged after the cat, Nova’s arms constantly going up to use as a barrier and then raised her knee up while Shiki was invested into trying to go for her top. 
But even through the pain that Nova’s knee brought the shorter female slammed her elbow into the middle of her thigh and the fishing cat reeled back as Shiki turled and had her foot make contact with Nova’s flat chest and stomach. 
The feline took a few steps back, her snowy paw gripping her stomach as she took in a few gulps of air and for a second fear traveled over Shiki as she saw spit drip from Nova’s mouth. 
Maybe she took it too far? This was just supposed to be practice.
As Shiki raised her hand closer to the feline her white hand seized her wrapped hooves and twisted it behind her back in remarkable speed all while the tall cat was letting out light chuckles. 
“You can’t hurt me that easily,” she growled and then released the fire boar, her white foot slamming into her back and sending her onto her feet. 
Shiki could taste blood in her mouth and realized that her tongue was between her teeth and she thrashed her head around as she got herself up from the ground. 
‘Cats sure do like bringing their opponent to the ground,’ Shiki thought as Nova came racing towards her, the force of her legs threw her up to the point that her foot could make contact with the Shiki’s face, who rapidly blocked it by shoving her her fist into the sole of her foot. Instead of it hurting Nova, she used it as a boost and did another front flip over the fire boar and once again used her powerful legs to kick her face down into the ground. 
This time a snort of anger erupted from Shiki’s mouth as she felt a bruise start to form on her back for how many times she was kicked. She didn’t even notice the blood that soaked her wrapped hand and how Nova was leaving little pawprints of blood over the mats. 
The two guys that were watching were each growing their own amount of concern as they noticed the drops of crimson that stained the blue mats and how Shiki’s and Nova’s face had changed from friendly to almost cutthroat death glares. 
Nova winced as she walked over to Shiki who was getting up, the feline overhearing that she was done for the day. 
“Oh we are not done, little piglet,” Nova reported as her paws enfolded over Shiki’s ankle and instant panic reaped over her body as flashes of her father crossed her mind. 
“Shiki! Get your ass back here! We are not done yet!” 
“But Dad, we've been at it for hours! I have homework to do!”
“And you have to show that you’re not weak! AGAIN!”
The years of fighting, if never having a break and going to bed bloody and bruised to the point others thought she was a brown and black spotted boar. The cop couldn’t hear the fake giggles Nova was pushing out as she playfully dragged her back to the center of the room, all she could hear was her father’s heart stopping screams trembled in her memory. 
Shiki could feel it bubbling at the edge of her throat, the uncooked and fresh rage that started to take form as a living thing inside of her. And when she turned to look at Nova the feline stopped in her tracks, her white paws letting go of her friend’s ankle as she took a step back. Tusks were now growing out the side of the boar’s mouth and they curled towards her dark eyes. 
“Hey, Shiki, I was only playing, if you need a break-”
“You wanna fight? Let’s fight then.”
Nova narrowed her eyes as puffs of smoke started to leach out of the corner of Shiki’s mouth and the feline took a step back in fear, she had seen Shiki mad before but nothing like this, nothing as dangerous as this.
The blur of smoke and dust was upon Nova in a blink of an eye and Nova was on the floor, Shiki’s body hovering over her as a harsh gargle and shriek boiled from her mouth. 
‘Shit, shit!’ Nova thought as she kneed the boar in the stomach and then rolled away before the fire could spill over her, the liquid flames pinching into the floor where she was laying. 
Back in the stands, both Leonard and Danny started to realize that this wasn’t just friendly training anymore, but a full blown war. 
“Okay, we have to stop this before they kill each other,” Leonard said as he got up to head over to the door, but he came to a stop when the door didn’t budge and the ogre turned back to the rat in panic. 
“They locked the door.”
Nova climbed onto one of the mats as her friend eyed her like a predator to its prey. 
“Shiki! You need to calm down! You won, is that what you want to hear?”
“I want to hear your face bashed into the wall!”
Nova leapt onto another patch of mattresses as the fire boar spat a fireball at her, the sparkling orange sphere engulfing the gym equipment as the feline had to pull her tail closer to her due to the heat. 
The mountain cat vaulted off of the pile and tried to slip past Shiki to head for the door, but the cop was instantly on her, her strong hands gripping the back of Nova’s shirt and panic fizzled throughout the feline’s body at the thought of her scars showing. The feline realized that her friend was targeting her back with how her hands pulled at the fabric, she was the only one who knew about them.
“Shiki, let go! Please!”
“I’ll show you what I can do! I’ll give you my best shot!”
 Without even thinking, Nova’s claws came out and she swiped, a loud roar of pain seizing the room as the grip on her loosened. 
“Shiki! Oh my gosh!”
Nova looked over in horror to see three small cuts over the fire boar’s cheek, not deep enough to scar, but enough to where the scent of blood hit the humid air once again. 
“I’m so sorry-”
“You’re weak.”
Nova’s eyes rose with shock as Shiki licked at one of the cuts that was near her mouth, her tusks now fully grown out and fire leaked from her mouth like a volcano, the liquid fire pooling at her feet. 
‘She’s playing at your emotions, Nova. Don’t fall for it.’
“Shiki, you need to calm down, we are going to get hurt-”
“You’re weak!”
‘Don’t fall for it!’
“You’re weak for hiding it!”
Nova couldn't help but rub the back of her neck, the faintest scar barely poking out from her shirt as Ashur invaded her mind. 
The fury that started to simmer in Nova’s gut was almost too much to bear, she had tried to reason, and even though the cat saw regret flash across the fire boar’s face it was too late and the feline let her full set of claws come out. She heard the hard bang of the door and guessed it was the two men trying to get in, but she gladly ignored it as her tail lashed back and forth. 
“You know, you don’t have to project your sad little daddy issues onto me.”
Shiki let out an offended snort as she watched the long nails from Nova’s feet grow out and tap against the floor as the two of them started to circle each other, as if they were back in the days before yokai, before humans, just animals trying to survive. 
Both of the females could hear the muffled screams from outside the room but Shiki kicked a mat in front of the door without looking as they continued to go around each other. 
“At least it made me stronger, and not a fraidy-cat who can’t show herself.”
With a low roar Nova charged, her extended claws digging into the soft floor as she headed straight for Shiki, at the last second edging herself towards the left and then leaping upward with all four of her limbs, her claws sinking into her friend’s thigh. 
A shriek echoed into the room and Shiki encased Nova in her arms and threw her off, sending the feline into a pile of mats and it falling over due to impact. 
Back outside, Danny had gotten a worker to come and unlock the door while Leonard watched as Nova became a living nightmare. Her tail growing in fur size and her pupils were barely visible from where he stood and she had grown a few inches and he couldn’t help but wince as the feline hid from Shiki and then pounced from the shadows, her hands digging into the boar’s shoulders. 
When Danny and the worker came back, the key was useless due to the mattress blocking the door. 
“What do you think happened?” Danny asked no one in particular as Shiki slammed Nova into the glass wall to get her off her back and all three yoakis took a step back as they could finally hear the hollering and screams that were traveling between them. 
“Daddy’s girl!”
“I’m afraid to ask.”
“These yokai’s are unstable in their powers, we are going to have to wait until they calm down,” the employee instructed as Shiki took a hold of Nova’s shirt and threw her into the window, the clear sheet bouncing against her, the feline taking a few seconds to get up before she pounced at the fire boar, using her long legs to kick into her stomach and sent the officer rolling across the floor. 
“They’ll kill each other if we wait!” Leonard reported as he eyed Nova’s long fangs, they were even longer than his as they passed her chin. 
Both members of the Mud Dogz were beyond concern at what the girls could do to each other, with Shiki’s fire power and Nova’s flexibility they could go at it for hours, neither of them wanting to give in. 
The women had attracted a crowd as the commotion extended past the semi sound-proof room and the two men had to keep yokai’s from recording it. But with them having the criminal look they had to give one death-glare and the mammal would put its phone down. 
A long yowl bounced off the windows and the ogre and rat yokai turned just in time to see Shiki send Nova through the glass, her body sending the million shards of mirrors scattering across the gym floor as her beaten up body slid with it. 
Her curled body stayed still as Shiki climbed through the broken glass, the smoke and fumes that flooded the room she was in as she threw herself onto the hard ground, the glass under her hooves as the yokai’s who had crowded around started to slowly back away. 
Danny started to make his way over to his girlfriend but with one look he stood stiff in his spot. The fire that stormed in her eyes could barely scratch the surface of her powers, the cuts and bruises that coated her didn’t seem to bother her as she looked for where Nova had landed. 
The rat couldn’t tell if he was utterly terrified or if he should make her mad more often. 
“Restrain her!” 
Two of the buff workers came up behind Shiki and held her arms back, then instantly wincing at the heat that radiated off of her. 
Leonard had raced over to where Nova was laying and he could feel the harsh growls that were rumbling in her chest. 
Her eyes instantly opened and he was caught in the sunset of her face as she rose from the ground and her pupils landed on Shiki, and with one grunt she was on her feet and past the ogre. 
The leader of the Mud Dogz swallowed as the feline took a stance and charged towards the fire boar, taking out the worker on the left with a kick and the one on the right with a shove as she took Shiki all for herself. 
She had the officer in a dance as her lengthy body crawled over the cop like a bug, her nails digging into any part she could find before Shiki would blow a fireball at her. 
“Should we...Should we do something?”
“I really don’t want to die today.”
Shiki finally got a hold of Nova and launched her across the building, the feline letting an earthy scream as her body came into contact with the front desk, the computer and paperwork flying as her body disappeared behind it. 
Her white paws curled into the desk as she pulled herself up, her curly hair out of its ponytail and spilled over her face. 
“You throw like your weakass mother!”
A wave of heat was jetted over to Nova and she quickly scaled the walls indented grooves of the gyms design, her nails creating long marks into the stainless wall. 
Just as Nova pushed herself off the wall and reached for Shiki, a small grunt of surprise escaped her throat and she looked down to find a dart in her thigh. Shiki let out a squeal of shock as one lodged into her leg as well and they both started to wobble. The boar was the first to go down, her body crashing into the floor as the fire that was tussling around the corners of her mouth extinguished. 
The tranquilizer that hit Nova was having a harder time making her fall asleep, her pupils shaking within her eyes as she fought to stay awake. 
“Jeez, it’s like she’s been dosed before,” the worker who shot them said, making Leonard frown as another dart was poked into her other leg and the feline finally went down, her long fangs slowly shrinking back into her mouth and her tail going back to its thin length. 
Both of the yokai were heavily wounded, Shiki was covered in scratches and bruises, a few bite marks were even covering her arms and blood mixed within her brown fur. Nova had burn marks over her, the tips of her fur in certain areas were singed off, both were breathing heavily, both were exhausted to the bone. 
It had been over two weeks since that fight, and Shiki hadn’t seen or heard from Nova. Danny had taken her back to her apartment (after him and Leonard had to pay for the damage the girls had caused). 
Shiki brushed her hand over one of her bandages and rolled her shoulders, the pulsing of the bruises that covered her back hisses with dull pain. 
The fire boar sat on the stair of her fire escape as the city roared under her, the casual conversation of passing yokai poking into her hearing range.  
The officer didn’t know what to do with the situation, even if she went up to Nova what would she say? I’m sorry for throwing up your trauma into your face like an asshole?
Of course the things that the feline spat back were...hurtful, they tore into Shiki’s heart like her claws, squeezing every drop of blood out. 
Maybe this was a sign that Shiki couldn’t have friends, she was somehow lucky enough to have a healthy relationship with a criminal, the cop didn’t think that her luck would run dry with any friendship. 
“Need some company?”
Shiki looked up to find the mountain cat hanging off the railing of the rusted fire escape, a grocery bag hanging off the tips of her fingers. 
The feline had a healing black eye and even though she wore her usual wine colored jacket, Shiki could see the bundles of bandages as they pushed outward due to no room under the sleeves. 
Nova settled herself on the fire escape and sat on the ledge next to her, the boar yokai seeing the redness that poked through her torn leggings from the burns. The lights of the city blurred around Nova’s sides as she placed the bag next to Shiki’s legs. 
“I brought your favorite.”
Shiki peeked into the bag and saw chocolate covered strawberries along with two handmade smoothes, one being a mixture of purple and the other was a bright pink. 
“Did you steal these?”
Nova let out a snort as she reached down with her tail and picked up the purple drink. 
“I don’t steal food, that department is taken by Mickey.”
It went silent between the two friends as they ate and drank in silence, Nova moving from the railing to sit next to Shiki on the step. 
“How are your wounds?”
“They’ll heal, nothing I can’t handle. Yours?”
“You definitely got claws, you’ll make some yokai happy one day.”
The feline bit into one of the strawberries and stared at it in her hands. 
“I want you to know that I’m not using these treats as an apology,” Nova started and as Shiki looked up at her the cat looked away. 
“I don’t know what exactly happened with your dad, and for me to remind you of him or even bring him up to coax you into fighting. I don’t even know how to begin the word sorry for what I’ve done.”
“Leonard was scared of me when I came to, like I was a different animal. When I...when I get like that I don’t recall much of what happened. I just know what I said was wrong, what happened was wrong. I’m sorry, Shiki.”
The fire boar was silent as she took in the somber words and she finished her fruit to push the tears back. 
“I’m a lot alike with my father than I would like to admit, and I shouldn’t have let my rage get in the way, I shouldn’t have been like him during that battle.”
“He hurt you, didn’t he?”
The tears that were silent against the cop’s face were now loud and clear and shined bright like shooting stars. 
“Yeah...yeah he did.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Who hurt you?”
Nova leaned into her friend’s arm as she let out her own shaky sigh, her own eyes trying to keep the tears at bay. 
“His name is Ashur… You can call him my ex or whatever, but uh...He didn’t like it when I disobeyed his rules,” the female choked out and she buried her face in Shiki’s arm as a sob got caught in her throat. 
“I’m sorry, Nova.”
Shiki rested her head on top of Nova’s as they took in each other’s presence, the comforting stillness between them was like a bank full of snow; quiet and undisturbed. 
The fire boar decided not to press Nova any further about her past, just like the feline didn’t press on what her father did to her. 
“Maybe you should tell, Leonard. Out of all of us, I think he would understand the most.”
“You know,” Nova coughed out, the side of her fingers wiping the corner of her eyes to conceal the tears and forced a laugh out. 
“You and Leonard are a lot alike.”
“Really? Why do you say that.”
“You both want to be stronger because your shitty dads wanted to be assholes for some reason. But, it’s their loss, those weak excuses of men don’t deserve you both in their lives.”
Shiki let out a shifted chuckle as she took a long drink from her smoothie. 
“You’re not weak by the way. This Assur guy better watch his back if he ever comes around, because not only will he have to deal with you, but the rest of us as well.”
“Did….Did you just call him Assur?”
"What's the difference?"
Their laughter hit the night sky as they continued on to eat their snacks and went onward to talk about other things and even talked about the fight they had, going over the strategies and techniques that they can share with each other in the next round.
With Leonard and Danny in the room next time, of course.
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shekissesturians · 4 years
Animes Watched Since Quarentine Started ~
So I just sat down and realized... I have developed a problem X’D  BUT it could be worse! So I figured I would share for those looking for something new to watch! Also, what have y’all been watching!?
Full list below the line + reviews! * No spoilers, I promise! I wouldn’t do you dirty like that! *  ;-*
1. Kakegurui 
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This show took me by surprise, I had no idea gambling could be so thrilling! Plus let us take a moment to appreciate the facial expressions animated in this show! Beautiful, just beautiful. Beware though, this anime gets dark, and sick, and you will definitely forget to breath at times. It is a thorough joy.
2. Steins;Gate
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3. Steins;Gate 0
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Honestly, Steins;Gate + Stains; Gate 0 is one of the best animes I have EVER seen. Legit. Also, It is one of the best stories of time travel I have ever encountered. The way it is explained in the anime is brilliant! Compelling, thrilling, emotional, so much amazingness. I watched in chronological order instead of season order which I really enjoyed. Also one of the most moving anime endings I have seen. All the characters you will fall in love with, and their character development is one heck of a ride. A must watch, 100%.
4. Fullmetal Alchemist
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This was a nostalgia back flash for me! It was been years and I felt like reliving it all over again. Which I am glad I did, cus boy was there a lot of heavy themes and topics I did not pick up on when I was younger! One of the biggest themes was this existential undertone throughout the whole show that explored the ideas of humanity, authority, morality and race.
5. Fullmetal Alchemist Conqueror of Shamballa
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A must follow up to the original FMA series. It just ties the whole story up in a pretty bow. I remember when I first saw this movie, it was my first encounter this the idea of multiple dimensions and it just blew my mind. The whole this felt so exciting and surreal, and I loved the addition of our timeline playing a part. Watching FMA + Movie over again leaves me a bit torn on which is better, Brotherhood or first adaptation. I think both should be watched for a full understanding of the lore. The first anime series definitely has some holes and details missing, but it’s also so nostalgic and they really give you a better development of characters and feels than Brotherhood does, as they rush through that to get back to the main plot.... so grab some popcorn and watch both and just enjoy the ride :)
6. Angels of Death
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This anime has such a unique premise!! And morally it is just all sorts of twisted, which I love! The music is fantastic in it and all the characters you encounter are very unique and fun... it’s dark though, don’t get me wrong.. and twisted. BUT a fun ride if you are down for that kind of adventure!
7. Another
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WHOOOO BUDDY! If you want to go on a journey THIS IS ONE! It’s a mind bending premise and each episode ends in so much suspense. I literally could’ve watched the whole thing in one day. This anime is like a jar of Pringles, once you start you just can’t stop!
8. Death Parade 
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This anime gets the prize for the most misleading opening ever! X’D But it is such a BOP Please watch if you can. The anime overall is a joy, its very thought provoking and touches on the darker topics of death and mortality. Who is really good? Who is evil? Where do they seamlessly blend into each other? Besides the premise being so unique and tantalizing, the artwork is breathtaking! The background and environments the characters exist in are gorgeous. As an artist and a writer, I appreciate this anime on so many levels.
9. Sekkou Boys
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Oh god, this anime is a joy. Just pure, clean joy T.T The episode are VERY short so you could finish the whole thing in an evening. But if you are an artist, a Renaissance history lover, or a J-pop fan, you will especially appreciate this joy of a creation. Watch it for your soul, you will feel better afterwards.
10. Kokoro Connect
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This is a very intriguing coming of age story to say the least. There is an element of fantasy/science fiction that comes into the picture that stirs all sorts of trouble for our dear group of friends. It makes you really reflect your own intra- and interpersonal relationships and how we perceive and interact with one another. Overall a fun trip to go on.
11. Occultic; Nine
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HOLD ONTO YOUR HORSES CUS THIS ANIME IS FAST! Omgsh, if you watch in Japanese like I did, get ready to have tired eyes cus the pace and speech of this anime is like nothing I have encountered before, but it is soooo much fun! It is mystery combined with the supernatural. It’s one of those animes where there is a lot of characters involved and some how everyone is connected in some way, like Baccano! if you have seen it. I would say to watch this AFTER you watch Steins;Gate if you have any interests because it is written by the same writers and there is little things that reference back to Steins;Gate which are really fun to pick up on.
12. School-Live!
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I didn’t know what to expect when I started this series. It is not the kind of art style I am normally drawn towards but I am soo glad I watched. The characters are all really fun and cute! Especially the puppy!! <3 You deal with psychological stress as well as a nice mix of slice of life all in the midst of a zombie apocalypse! It’s a combination I never knew I wanted in my life, but now I am glad I have it. Don’t let the cute animation style fool you... it gets DARK. I was full out trying not to sob at one point, but I think that just shows how many levels are involved in this story. Have fun with this ride my friends <3
13. My Hero Academia
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GUYS ARE YOU FREAKING READY!? This was the story I never knew I needed in my life, but now I don’t know how I lived without it. Dear god, I binged this one so hard I think I forgot to breath for a week. All of the characters are so dynamic and the overall tone of the series is so uplifting and positive. If you are in a depressive slump just turn this one on. I promise you, you will be smiling and feeling better in no time! It is so motivational as well. Humor, action, suspense, thrilling, emotional- I don’t think there is anything they don’t touch on. Uhg gosh, I could prob write a dissertation on all the themes and undertones expressed in this work. I promise you, this is a journey you will not regret taking <3
14. My Hero Academia: Two Heroes
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I’ll be honest, I think sometimes series’ movies miss the mark, or just feel lackluster, like a power hour of filler. This one my friends.... DID NOT. I was really glad I watched it too, because I felt as though it added so much to the main story line. Plus you get to see college years All Might... so bonus! X3 But seriously, it is a very fun movie and it gives you more background to the world you wouldn’t otherwise get.
15. Shiki
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First off... THE ART. This anime’s art is so unique and fits so well into the overall narrative. But honestly, I feel like this anime is a work of art, it feels like an old folk tale/dark fairy tale you would elders talking about in a pub late at night. The narrative never went where I expected it to, and by the end I was so morally conflicted I didn’t know what to do with myself. It’s a dark fantasy that really explores all the little nitty gritty grey areas that are often passed over in stories. There were definitely a few scenes that made me so uncomfortable I was squirming. Human nature is truly a sight to behold, and this anime shows it to you.
16. Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress
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The Feudal Japan- Post apocalyptic- Steam punk journey you never knew existed! Gosh this anime is amazing. First off the art is breathtaking and many scenes reminded me of Miyazaki. Second, the music is SO GOOD. It’s a concept on the undead that I find to be very unique and truly thrilling. Most of the anime takes place on a train which is such an intriguing element. You also go into human fear of the unknown and how our nature can truly be our biggest hindrance. The characters are great and you get to the point of really rooting for them. Get ready for this feast for your senses!
17. Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress Movie: Battle of Unato
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After watching the series I felt like my heart was still missing something. Honestly the whole thing felt like it went by too fast. I still wanted more! This movie helped fill the void in my heart. You get to see relationship begin to form between characters as well as more insight into kabane and all their abilities. Standing alone, this movie is a really fun adventure and gives more insight into the state Japan is in overall.
So THERE YOU HAVE IT! I hope you might have found some new things to watch. I would love to see others lists of things they have watched, feel free to leave in the comments! Or if you have watched any of these, I would love to hear your thoughts! Let’s chat <3
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dogcircle-scans · 7 years
Natsume Yuujinchou Chapter 92 Summary
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Hey there Natsume Yuujinchou fans! I know you guys are impatient for more chapters, so I’m gonna be filling you in with what happens in the most recent issues. >w<)7
This chapter comes from the LaLa January issue that was released on the 24th of November. And, to go along with some short translations I have also included photos from the magazine. I’ve changed all my shitty phone camera photos to snippets of our raw scans! Enjoy~
- Niji 
[Everything under the cut.]
Chapter 92: “The House that was Left Behind with a Promise” (Part 1)
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“You wouldn’t know if it’s sweet or not without first taking a bite.”
The chapter starts out with Natsume coming home one day and finding Touko chatting happily on the phone. Touko, noticing Natsume, asks if he likes loquats. The phone call is actually for Natsume so Touko passes him the phone.
The following day, Natsume and Nyanko head out to pick loquats.
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They meet the caller at the park which turns out to be Natori. As usual, Natori is in the center of attention and Natsume quickly pulls him aside.
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They ride a train into the mountains where Yorishima's old house is (Yorishima was the exorcist dude from chapter 80: The Ten Loony Nights, in case anyone forgot). Yorishima had asked Natori to help him retrieve a couple of books from the house, and in exchange Natori would be free to take loquats from the giant trees in the garden.
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Nyanko: He's belittling you.
Natsume: ------Why didn't he come himself?
Natori remarks that he didn't intend to bring Natsume along; after all, it used to be the house of an exorcist. However, because Touko had been the one to answer his call, Natori came up with the excuse of loquats to chat with her, which led to her asking him to bring Natsume along for the fruit. Natori couldn't refuse (lolol).
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Despite that, Natsume thanks Natori for the invite since he enjoys their time together. Natori heads inside the house for the books while Natsume and Nyanko set out to pick loquats. Hiiragi pops out from one of the trees, saying that she found some sweet-looking ones at the top. However, since the tree branches look as though they might break, Natsume decides to pick as much as he can from the top of the gate pier instead.
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Hiiragi: ------You humans are such troublesome beings.
Natsume: That's true. If only I could get to the top as well, we could pick out the loquats you chose together and give them to Natori-san.
Nyanko then leaps onto the tree, bouncing off Natsume's head.
Nyanko: Alright! I'll be the one to pick them then. Lead the way, lass.
Hiiragi: With the kind of body you have, you'll definitely break the branches......
As Nyanko and Hiiragi continue their banter, Natsume climbs up to the top of the gate pier. He realizes that he can see the neighbor's garden, noting that the plants are still thriving despite the passing of the owner.
He then notices a piece of cloth blowing in the wind. A hand emerges from behind the fence and cuts off the string that attaches the cloth to a pole.
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Carried by the wind, the cloth flies towards Natsume and knocks him off the gate pier.
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Just then, Natori emerges from behind, and Natsume ends up knocking him down.
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They realize that the cloth is of pretty high quality, and decide to return it to its owner.
Heading over to the neighbor's house, they find it empty. The gate has no nameplate, and there’s no answer when they call out. However, Nyanko notes that there is a strange presence in the house.
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Nyanko: ......There's some kind of an unpleasant presence from this place, yet at the same time it feels empty.
Natsume: ......It feels empty...?
Natori decides to try the front door, and asks Natsume to circle around the house to look for people. Natsume heads off. Natori attempts to ring the doorbell, but it doesn't work. The front door even has its key in the keyhole, and there are fresh footprints on the gravel.
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Natori grows suspicious and summons Urihime and Sasago to check the surroundings of the house. He opens the door, and sees a strange paper doll on the floor.
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Doll: C O M E   O N   I N
Back to Natsume: he and Nyanko are unable to find anyone. Just then, the door behind them slides open, and a figure with a paper-mask emerges.
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The figure lifts his mask, revealing Matoba.
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At this time, Natori runs over to warn Natsume. The two exorcists regard each other.
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Matoba reveals that the house belonged to the "Miharu" family, who were one of the great eleven exorcist families under the Matoba clan. The family had recently ceased (they ran out of heirs) and the house that was left behind had a troublesome custom known as "Mihashira-sama". The family had 3 shiki that were like guardian deities; they would take turns visiting and protecting the house every few decades. The family needed to provide a decent welcome each time or disaster might befall onto the house. 
Despite the passing of the family, they continued to fulfill their promise. The shiki had promised to visit the house one by one, for a total of 9 turns; this was only the 8th. Matoba decided to involve himself with the situation in fear that the lack of a welcome would bring calamity to his clan. 
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Natori: Making promises with such grotesque creatures is...
Natori stops talking. Natsume believes he wanted to say that it was “such a nuisance," but had held back due to Natsume’s Book of Friends or because of Matoba.
It turns out that the key and the paper doll that Natori saw were all part of the ceremony to welcome the shiki, and now they must redo it all over because he had opened the door. Natori offers to help as an apology, and Natsume decides to tag along since this only happened because Natori had come with him to return the cloth.
Matoba explains that the previous shiki, Shirotsume-no-Kimi ("White Claw Ruler"), had left the day before, after 40 years of service. The issue now was which of the other two shiki was going to appear. If it was Boubouzukin ("Pole-Pole Hood"; lmao this name), who calmly guarded the house for 60 years during its previous shift, he figures there would be no issues.
Problems would arise if the shiki that arrives is Akanie ("Red Sacrifice"), the most temperamental of them all. Matoba predicts that the chances of angering Akanie is extremely high, and it’s possible that they may receive disaster; in which case, Matoba has already made precautions to exorcise said youkai if things don't work out... but since this option will likely cause damages and injury, he prefers the welcoming to go smoothly.
Matoba tells Natori to handle the paper doll at the entrance while Natsume comes with him. Natori is obviously unhappy with this, but Hiiragi reassures him that she and Nyanko will protect Natsume. Natori whispers to Natsume...
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Natori: Did you bring that inherited item with you?
Natsume: Huh? (Is he talking about the Book of Friends?) No...
Natori: I see, that's good. It's best to be careful; we wouldn't want Matoba to find out about it.
Natsume: ...Yeah.
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Natori: Well, if you had brought it, I would have tossed you out of here no matter what you said. ...Be careful, alright? Don't push yourself.
Natsume: ...Yes.
Natsume is somewhat relieved that he no longer has to bear the burden of the Book of Friends alone, and wonders if there's something he can do.
Natsume asks Matoba what it is he wanted him to do, and Matoba says he just needs Natsume to keep "watch” in case they are unable to dispose of the youkai. He wants Natsume to help them out.
Natsume: ...In that case, please ensure that it won't come to the point where "you must dispose of them". You’re powerful, aren't you, Matoba-san? If you say that I'm powerful, then I'm sure you'll be able to handle it. I won't help you dispose of the youkai, but otherwise I'll lend you a hand.
Natsume then asks if the cloth was part of the preparations needed to welcome the youkai, which Matoba then confirms that it was. Natsume had seen a hand cutting the string attached to the cloth, and Matoba figures that it might be someone who wants to interfere with them.
Natsume suddenly feels as though he is being watched, and turns around to see a row of masks.
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One of them moves shifts its stare towards him.
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Matoba steps in, realizing that these masks were used as peeping holes. Something must be behind the masks. He sends his shiki to chase after it. Hiiragi decides to give chase as well, but not before confirming that Natsume is alright with the current turn of events (i.e. getting involved with the exorcists again), and if he’s willing to hang out with Natori again.
Natsume: Of course! I was happy too. Once this is all over, let's head back to pick some loquats.
Hiiragi: ...Yes.
(Matoba then comments that the loquats at Yorishima's did look delicious, lol.)
Natsume asks why someone would want to interfere with them. Matoba guesses that, since their clan has so many enemies, they probably wished for disaster to come and ruin them.
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Natsume: Matoba-san...... Have you ever considered ending your job as an exorcist?
Matoba: Nope, not at all.
Natsume: ...I see. (Somehow, I was relieved to hear his answer. ...What about Natori-san? That kind person... who is always wavering...)
Matoba passes Natsume a mask in preparation of the youkai's arrival as Natsume heads off to find the saboteur. Natsume looks around the house, and begins to feel a sense of loneliness, since this house was left alone for many years. He wonders if the house he’s currently living in with Nyanko and the Fujiwaras will one day become empty too.
Back to Matoba: Natori meets up with him, and informs him that he fixed the paper doll at the entrance. He asks about Natsume, and Matoba tells him that Natsume has gone off to look for the saboteur.
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Natori: ------Could you stop using that boy for your own convenience?
Matoba: I could say the same for you. You're an exorcist yourself, yet you drag him around with you. Besides, he's the one who gets to decide if he wants to or not.
Matoba also tosses a paper mask over Natori's head because the youkai will arrive soon. However, they hear a strange clattering noise and follow it into a Western-styled room. Matoba was sure that he had closed the door since they weren't going to use this room, but strangely the door was open. They take a peek inside and notice a paper windmill by the window, shaking by itself. Just then, a pair of hands pushes them into the room and locks the door behind them.
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The other exorcists panic as Matoba is nowhere in sight when the youkai arrives at the door.
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To be continued.
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akemilena · 7 years
Kachoufuugetsu (Beauties of the nature) “Kaze”
Spring Wind
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Hana || Tori || Translation index || Tsuki
The first day off in a while. Dai, who was dragged to Tsubasa’s parents’ home against his will, muttered his honest opinion.
“… Dude. This is beyond horrible”
“Come on, don’t say that and help me tidy up”
“Heck, this is at the level you’d think a thief got in”
Tsubasa pouted after hearing that, looking displeased.
“You see, I started packing gathering the things I’d need the most first, so it’s inevitable it’d become like this!”
“… Anyway, start separating things between the ones you need and the ones you don’t”
“That’s the most difficult part…”
“Stop complaining and do it. You’re the only one who can decide that”
After saying that, Dai opened a 45-liter garbage bag and threw the contents of the garbage can in it.
(At least it doesn’t seem there’s organic trash, so it’s not that bad but… how old is all this garbage)
If this was his own room, even if he had forgotten to throw it away, his parents would definitely get rid of it on their own. However, for better or for worse, Tsubasa’s home was all about self-responsibility, so it easily turned into a mess.
(He’s always made me help him when it came to this…)
If you’re going to call me, do it earlier. He thought saying that would be mistaking the cause for the end, so he kept silent, and anyway not even half a year later, it would turn into a mess again. It was a cycle.
“Oh! Something interesting popped up”
“Idiot. That’s totally a flag for not tidying up”
“Uwah~ this Dai-chan is so cute!”
When he turned around, he saw Tsubasa holding a big album.
“Look, you’re wearing shorts!”
“… Sports festival?”
Dai, with a sour look like always, and Tsubasa, smiling widely and making a peace sign, were in the photo.
(Ah… in those days, Tsubasa was taller than me)
When did Dai pass him? He couldn’t remember right away and was about to ask Tsubasa – but stopped.
(If I ask him, he’ll absolutely start complaining)
He remembered the irritation of that time when Tsubasa would claim nonstop that he was definitely taller.
“And, this is the graduation ceremony… ah!”
“Hm? What”
“You’re already taller than me here! Dai-chan, you’re so cheeky!”
Holding back his comments, Dai looked again at the photo in Tsubasa’s hands.
“That’s rare. You’re not smiling in this one”
“Ah, yeah… well…”
“What’s wrong?”
“Because you know… it’s the graduation ceremony?”
“So what”
“What, you say… Dai-chan, you have no delicacy”
“Well sorry about that”
When Dai sulked slightly, Tsubasa let out a bitter laugh.
“Because, look. From that moment on, our careers would be different, and you kept getting bigger… it wasn’t fun”
“… That’s the first time I hear that”
“Ahaha. I was kind of frustrated so I didn’t say it, I guess”
Tsubasa slowly turned the pages of the album. In the photos pasted from that point on, there was a Tsubasa that Dai didn’t know, who was smiling and making a piece sign with friends Dai didn’t know.
(You can’t complain about other people either)
He was about to say that, but swallowed it in the last moment.
(Ah… so this is what it means, not being fun)
He felt he somehow understood it. And the feeling that putting it into words was “frustrating”, too.
“Ah, that’s right. I’ll bring this back to the dorm”
“Idiot, don’t do that”
“I’m sure Shiki and Rikka will be happy, too”
“Don’t you mean they’ll make fun of it?”
“Besides –“
Tsubasa turned the thick album towards Dai and showed him.
“Here. There’s still space, so let’s paste here photos of us?”
Holding in his hand the treasure taken from the mountain of things, Tsubasa said that and smiled, satisfied.
Hana || Tori || Translation index || Tsuki
TL notes
東風 (kochi, toufuu, higashikaze) means east wind, or spring wind (spring breeze). It’s a simple one this time!
Will Tsubasa ever learn to tidy his room? I don’t think so. Tsubasa and Dai’s relationship is always so cute tho ;_;
Again, please consider buying the CDs to support the artists~
Thanks for reading!
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