#but twilight seems the most likely to go to dr school and be informed so
greatwyrmgold · 2 years
So, there's this headcanon I've had about Spy×Family for a while, and the fics I would have brought up (and justified) it in have stalled in the hangar, so I might as well just post it here.
TL;DR: Yor would be a better tutor for Anya than Twilight is.
As seen in Short Mission 2/Episode 16 ("The Informant's Great Romance Plan"), Twilight has a really bad grasp of what most people are capable of. We also see it in his interactions with Yor, and to a lesser extent Anya, but that mission highlights his grasp of what normal memory is like. He casually suggests that Franky memorize a complex conversational flowchart to use during his date.
Now, to state the obvious, this is funny. But also, it suggests that Twilight has always had an incredible memory. He probably had to hone it some during his spy training, but he probably had some level of eidetic memory even as a little kid.
For better or for worse (mostly for worse), most educations put a great deal of focus on memorization, especially in lower grades. So as a child, Twilight* would have been able to coast through school. If he needed to study, that study could consist of reading through the textbook once and then running through the problems quickly.
Fast-forward to grown-up Agent Twilight, aka Loid Forger, aka Papa. There are obviously a bunch of reasons why Anya struggles under his tutelage, not the least of which being that he acts like she's six even though she's four or five totally six please don't kick me out. But part of it is that he doesn't really understand what Anya's struggling with. He's figured out that tying lessons to Anya's favorite cartoons helps her learn, but he doesn't get why. Twilight never struggled with memorizing these sorts of basic facts and equations.
Uncle Yuri tries to tutor Anya once, too. He was an academic prodigy, to the point that Yor thinks he helped with her schoolwork more than vise versa. (Yor is seven years older than Yuri.) Yuri gets farther than Twilight usually does, getting Anya excited about learning, but he's ultimately unsuccessful; Anya doesn't seem to retain any of what he taught her.
While Twilight tries to tutor Anya basically every night she's up to it, and Yuri gives it one shot, Yor (IIRC) never really tries. The closest we get is that time in chapter 10/episode 7 when Yor watches Twilight's tutoring and thinks about the math problem in terms of dismemberment. Anyways, the point I'm getting at is that Yor hasn't had a chance to prove herself as an Anya tutor, and I think she'd be better at it.
Yeah, Yor isn't exceptional at academic stuff. One might go so far as to say that she's book-dumb. But clearly, being good at school isn't enough to help Anya. It might actually be a detriment; it's hard to teach someone when you don't understand why they're not learning. Not impossible, but you need to be more skilled at teaching others than anyone in the Forger/Briar family is.†
Yor isn't great at division, but at least she understands what it's like to suck at division. She probably needs to review some of what Anya's learning, maybe most of it, but once she does she'll be able to explain it better than her husband or brother can. Yor can empathize with Anya's academic struggles.
*He wasn't called Twilight as a child, but it's easier if I just use one name for him. I don't want to explain why I'd call kid!Twilight "Advisor".
†I know that Twilight trained Agent Nightfall, and count that against him.
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nonokoko13 · 2 years
SXF Chapter 67.1
This chapter wasn't that big but you know how much I ramble so let's get into it.
Obviously, spoilers from the manga below
It starts with Anya at school, trying to get the oh so wanted cake she craves. She doesn't get a second thought when she sees the chance to go to Damian's house and fight the last boss; which lead to really sad moment where once again we see how much his parents care about him.
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Despite its funny ending it still hurts how he's not that far of the truth. He doesn't know why, but he's right that she only goes to him to get something, and as much that I love Anya that's a pet peeve I dislike about their relationship, which is only one-sided when it comes to actually wanting to get along.
I won't say anything about her lack of understanding others feelings because she's still a kid (and may be younger than her peers) but I hope she improves with time. Tbh as for now I wouldn't like that Anya gets closer to him or his family nor I think she deserves to go to his house like other comments pray, because she's far to actually care for Damian or try to genuinely befriend him and I would feel bad for him if it goes that way.
Next we move to Twilight and Nightfall in their front job dealing with some jealous guy. Seems to be played for the laughs until the twist at the end, which pretty much indicate what is going to happen in the next chapter. I hope we finally see Yuri interacting with Fiona; shipping aside, I want to know if they could get along because of their mutual goal to destroy the Forgers marriage or they'll end up disliking each other once they know how poorly the other think of Loid/Yor.
The director motivation to get rid of Loud because he gets no damsels is stupid and petty, yes. But let's not forget that during periods of the history where people got executed by less neighbors will accuse each other of being a traitor for spite. It's not unrealistic or unusual that someone will call the police without proof just because they are jealous of someone. And despite I think this guy is a jerk I have to give him the point that being good-looking do change the way other treat you
Personally I have never been given favoritism by my looks, but I know it's foolish to think that doesn't affect the view others have of ourselves when interacting with us. Also, despite being the best spy Twilight fails in not drawing attention to himself. This is a comedy and it doesn't need to be realistic, I know, but according to stories and interviews done to former spies those who are far too atractive and stand out are less likely to be the best within the spy world, may not even get into it.
A fun fact about that it's that most spies are people, according to experts on it, average in looks and forgettable in pretty much every aspect. Even if you're not one it makes much sense than a James Bond like guy: irl being a spy is essentially about gathering information without being noticed and avoid fights because it attracts attention. Take Daybreak, or Dominik: they may not be spies (or be good at it in Daybreak's case), but they definitely fit for the job by not being a extreme or another in terms of appearance. Although Twilight would fail mostly because he tries to do things in an average, discreet way and ends up excelling in likely everything he does or everywhere he goes with his act of trying to be trusted over the top.
Btw you can see an interview about this topic here.
Seriousness aside, can we talk about how Nightfall is in a thin line of being a psycho with the yandere vibes that give here?
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Damn girl, chill.
Plus, best face of this chapter goes to Dr Forger for the classic "what" face so Anya's and his that I think they should get the copyright of it lol.
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Now we'll have to wait till next chapter to see Yuri and how Loid handles this not-so-false accusation of his boss.
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I mean, he's not wrong, but still. Poor Fiona only has got attention from a scruffy simp and a petty idiot lol.
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yandere-society · 3 years
The Devil in the ICU
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Synopsis: You’ve rarely spoken to your neighbor Jimin, but he’s always been kind to you. When you get into an accident that lands you in the ER, you’re grateful to see who’s taking such good care of you. It isn’t until later that you start to wonder… will you ever be leaving the hospital?
Word Count: 6.6k
Warnings: Blood, murder/death, yandere themes, stalking themes, needles/IVs
Admin: @psycho-slytherin​
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How did you wind up here? 
As you slump back into your bed, with him lying on the floor next to you, a hazy thought informs you that it must look like a scene straight out of Romeo and Juliet.
Although, you think ruefully, glancing down at the sharp shard of glass clenched in your fist, I don’t think Juliet would have done this.
“Merry fucking Christmas.”
~Three weeks earlier~
Taehyung, leaning against the doorframe with a steaming mug of coffee in his hand, looks as handsome as the day you married him. “Have a good day at work!”
You give him a quick kiss, shivering in the brisk morning air. “You too. Remember that we have that dinner tonight!”
Tae laughs. “Is that what we’re calling the awards ceremony? You know you’ve earned bragging rights.”
“Shush!” You boop him on the nose before turning and making for your car. On the other side of the fence, you can see your neighbor Jimin step out onto his porch. He catches your eye and, as Taehyung goes back inside, you smile amicably and nod at Jimin before getting into your car. You see him at his front door every morning, and he’s always friendly.
On your drive to the university campus, you think about tonight’s dinner. You’ll be presented with an awards for Arts Education despite being one of the youngest professors in the university’s faculty. You were thrilled when the dean of the school contacted you for the honor.
Once you park, you speedwalk to your first class of the day and burst through the door. You soon find yourself looking at twenty students, some bright-eyed, some more zombie-like.
“I’d apologize for being late,” you say, “But at this point I don’t think anyone is surprised.” The more awake students laugh, and you sling your bag onto your desk at the front of the room. “Let’s get started. Yoongi, you’re up first for workshop. Why don’t you stand up and read?”
Of all of your students, you think Yoongi is the most likely to pursue his career in creative writing. 
He nods and stands. You can see his hands trembling as he clutches the paper. 
When he sits back down after reading his poem, there’s a smattering of applause. “Very nice,” you say. “Now, who’d like to offer their feedback?”
Hours later, you dismiss your last class. You can’t wait to go home and tell Taehyung all about your day.
“So this one kid really decided the best move, instead of asking for an extension, was to plagiarize Twilight. Fucking Twilight!” 
Taehyung laughs as he buttons up his shirt. “What did you tell her?”
“Ugh, I hate to report anyone for plagiarism, I told her to write something new and turn it in for half credit.”
“No wonder your students love you. I think you’re personally responsible for all of the creative writing majors on campus.”
You finish zipping up your dress. “Probably. Let’s get going, yeah?” 
“Your wish, my command,” Taehyung says, gallantly bowing you out the door. You giggle as he opens the passenger side door for you. “For real, Y/n, want to get away for a weekend to celebrate? This is a nationally recognized award!”
“Hm…” you pretend to think. “Maybe we could go somewhere warm and sunny, with lots of beaches.”
Taehyung interlaces his fingers with yours, lifts your hand to his mouth, and kisses your palm. “Whatever you want. Christmas is coming up, maybe we can travel somewhere for the winter.”
You smile and look out of the window as Taehyung begins the drive. The ceremony is being held at a hotel twenty minutes away. And in a few weeks, you’ll be spending Christmas with the love of your life somewhere warm.
Under the twinkling night sky, everything feels so peaceful. Suddenly, you see a flash of light overhead. “Tae! A shooting star! Look-”
BANG. You hear the sound of crunching metal, feel a violent jerk, and everything goes dark.
“When she wakes up, start her on 20 milligrams of morphine. If her blood pressure is still low, go ahead and add saline to the IV. She shouldn’t need a transfusion unless anything opens up again.”
“Yes, Doctor.”
Doctor. Are you in the hospital, then? Was there an accident? “Ugh…” You blink hard in the blinding light. You’re woozy, and your mouth tastes like copper.
“Y/n! Doctor, she’s awake!” You hear a familiar voice, and feel a hand grip your own.
“Y/n. Thank heavens, you’re awake.” Your mom’s voice is strained and thick, as though she’s been crying. When your eyes finally focus on her, she’s sniffling, and her eyes are bloodshot. She’s wearing a formal black dress – did she come straight from the ceremony?
“What happened?” You croak.
“You were in an accident,” your mom says, her voice breaking. “A bad one. We weren’t sure if you would make it.”
You wince. That doesn’t make sense, and the cost of a hospital stay isn’t in your budget. “Where’s Taehyung?” 
Your mother is silent for a moment too long, and you feel your chest grow tight. “Mom, where is Taehyung? He was in the car with me!”
“He… he didn’t make it. I’m so sorry,” your mom whispers. “The doctors did everything they could.”
No. “You’re lying.” Of course she is, she has to be, he’s your husband, he can’t be gone. “Don’t lie. He’s fine.” 
“Y/n, baby…” 
“No!” You weakly pull your hand from her grip. Angry tears form and begin to spill down your swollen, tender cheeks. “You’re lying!” Please, you beg inside your head, please be lying. Not Taehyung. He’s healthy, strong, smart, he has to be fine. 
You can see unshed tears shining in your mother’s eyes. “I’m so sorry.”
“We weren’t going that fast,” you say desperately. “It can’t have been bad.”
“You broke a leg and a rib, fractured your collarbone, and punctured your lung,” Your mother says quietly. “They said you were lucky to have no brain damage.”
You sit back, stunned. It’s true, you’re wrapped in bandages and the parts of your skin that you can see are black and blue. When you lift the blanket, you can see a small clear tube protruding from your chest. Still, it’s impossible. You had only been driving for a few minutes. “What happened? The accident?”
“I-It was a hit-and-run,” your mother responds shakily. “They T-boned your car and drove away. There were witnesses, but no cameras and nobody got a license plate. They put out a notice for the car.”
You swallow. Despite your injuries, it seems like you’re unable to feel anything at all. Please, no… 
There’s a soft knock at the door. “Y/n?” You look up and through the dark fog in your head you feel a tinge of shock.
Standing in front of you, wearing blue scrubs and a mask, is… your neighbor.
Jimin nods. “I’m sorry for what you’re going through. I just need to adjust your IV – are you in pain?”
“No- yes.” As soon as the word escapes your mouth, feeling spills back into your body. Fuck. Suddenly you can’t breathe, your chest feels like it’s on fire, and your leg… “It hurts really badly.”
“Let me increase the morphine dosage.” He steps towards the machines and IV to which you’re hooked up and fiddles with some buttons.
Your heart feels as though it’s stopped on Taehyung. You refuse to believe it, and so you refuse to grieve. “I didn’t know you were a doctor,” you say to Jimin. Your voice sounds like a robotic copy of itself. Out of the corner of your eye, you see your mother glancing at you with worry.
“I’m not, I’m a nurse,” he replies. 
“You take good care of her, you hear?” Your mom says to Jimin, clearly understanding your silent signal not to bring up Taehyung. She was lying – he has to be fine.
Jimin nods firmly, the ghost of a smile on his face. “Yes, ma’am. She’ll be up and about soon, but for now she needs rest.”
As your mom rises slowly from her chair beside your bed, she grasps Jimin’s hand in hers. “Make sure she’s okay.”
“I will.”
Once your mom leaves, your eyelids feel heavy. Your brain is foggy with distorted thoughts of Taehyung. Why can’t you remember anything? “What time is it?”
“Three in the morning,” Jimin supplies.
That surprises you. “It’s been hours.” 
“It has.” “Do you know what happened to the awards ceremony?”
“The… what?”
Of course he doesn’t. Why should he? You sink as far as you can into your pillow, wishing only that it would suffocate you. It feels like there’s an all-consuming black hole in your chest, clawing at every part of you. Taehyung. Taehyung. Taehyung.
“I’m sorry about your husband,” Jimin says gravely. “I met him several times. He was a very kind man.”
“He’s not gone,” you reply stubbornly. He can’t be. “I just need to get better and get home.” Tae will be there.
Jimin pauses. “We’ll do our best.”
“Thank you.”
“The doctor will be back in soon,” Jimin adds. “I can give you something to help you sleep after.”
“Oh, you’re an angel.” After everything that’s happened, you don’t think you can ever sleep again. At least, not until you’re with Taehyung. Surely, the doctor will be able to tell you the truth. 
The doctor comes in, a middle-aged Black woman who introduces herself as Dr. Greene. She walks you through your injuries and the path to recovery. “Luckily, they could have been a lot worse,” she says, eyeing your chart appreciatively. “You should be discharged in two weeks, give or take. After that, it’ll be a while still with your leg in a cast. You’ll have to come back for more check-ups. And as soon as your lung heals, we want you to start physical therapy to counteract all the bed rest. Do you have any questions for me?”
“Where is my husband?” You ask desperately. Behind Dr. Greene, you see Jimin’s face has turned stony. “He was in the car with me, his name is Kim Taehyung–”
“Your husband has passed away,” the doctor says simply, quietly. “I’m sorry.”
At last, with this authority figure having sealed his fate, you allow yourself to cry for Taehyung. Loud, animalistic sobs tear from your chest until your abused ribs and lungs can’t support you anymore and you collapse, screaming silently into hands that hurt to lift. 
“It’s not fair. It’s not fair! It should have been me.” The two of you were only on your way to the dinner because of you. It’s your fault. Your fault. Your fault. “It should have been me!”
You feel fingertips lightly touch your aching shoulder. From his earlier position near the doorway, Jimin is suddenly right next to you. “No, it shouldn’t have. And it’s not your fault, Y/n,” he says. 
“Grief is natural and necessary, really, for the healing process,” Dr. Greene adds. “But Nurse Jimin is right, you shouldn’t blame yourself.” She looked back at her chart. “Jimin, you’re on call for the night, yes?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Good. Keep an eye on her pain levels. Y/n, if you’re uncomfortable or need anything during the night, press this button and Jimin will come check in on you, alright?”
You nod numbly. You don’t care. You hope you do die during the night, so you can at least be with Taehyung. 
Jimin leaves and returns in what feels like both an hour and two seconds, holding a clear bag full of liquid and a bottle of pills.
“Take one of these to help you sleep. This is for your blood pressure – it’s still low – and we’ve added more morphine.”
You simply hold out your hand for the bottle, shake out a pill, and swallow it down without water. Why would you need water when the love of your life is gone?
“Remember, press the button if you need anything,” Jimin says. “I’ll be right here for you.”
“Mm.” You turn over as much as you comfortably can and almost immediately fall into a hopefully dreamless sleep.
If only you were so lucky.
The crash. The moment of the shooting star. Over and over and over again.
“Y/n! Come on, baby, wake up!” You can’t see anything, but you can hear his voice. “They’ll be here soon, you have to hang on for me, okay?”
“Help! Somebody help! No, she’s worse than me, hurry up!”
“Miss? Can you hear me?” 
“Shit, he’s coding!”
“Y/n?” You feel yourself being gently shaken, and still half-dreaming, your body gives a great shudder from the accident. “I’m sorry to wake you. I just need to take your vitals.”
“Blue,” you reply, barely able to form the word. You saw it. “The car was blue.” 
When you look up, you realize that it’s not Jimin, but a nurse you’ve never seen before. She pauses for a moment, clearly perplexed, before she blinks.
“Oh! You were in a car accident?”
“The car was blue,” you continue, scared to lose the thought. You’re a professor of writing at a top university, you should be able to express yourself more fluently. But your words seem to escape you before you can capture them. “License 7-H-L.”
“Oh, my… the nurse looks around before grabbing a pen clipped to her scrubs and scribbling the numbers onto a notepad beside you. “You’re a regular detective!”
“Where’s Jimin?” You ask. You don’t know this new nurse, but at least you trust Jimin.
“Oh, his shift ended,” she replies. “He’ll be back tonight! In the meantime, can you tell me how you feel?”
“I’m… dizzy. My heart…” You can hear it pounding hard in your ears, far too quickly, and leaving you lightheaded. Your whole body hurts, centralized in your leg and chest, far worse than last night.
“Your blood pressure must have gone back to normal, let me get that saline off for you. How’s the pain? Your morphine should have worn off by now.”
You wince. “Bad.”
“Okay, I’ll adjust that.” The nurse fiddles with your IV before turning back to you. “I think your mother will be here soon. In the meantime, is there anything I can do for you?”
“Actually… can you tell her not to come?” A wave of guilt tries to wash over you, but it’s overpowered by the darkness already inside. “I just want to sleep today. She shouldn’t bother.” You pause. “I don’t want any visitors.” “Ah- sure thing, whatever you’d like,” the nurse chirps hesitantly. “Oh, and… what happened to your hair?”
“What do you mean?”
The nurse points. “You’re missing a chunk of hair, I’m guessing from the accident. Hey, maybe when you get out you can try a new style!”
“Yeah, maybe.” You lay back down and stare at the ceiling, wishing only that it would fall apart and crush you. What’s the point of anything without Taehyung? But… what about your students, your classes?
The day passes in a blur, and your intermittent napping keeps you barely aware of your surroundings. You don’t dream of the crash again – it’s a blessing, but at the same time you wish you could remember the rest of the license plate. You finally awaken for real once dusk has settled on the hospital.
You press the button, and immediately Jimin is in your room. “What can I do for you, Y/n?”
You take a deep breath. “Can you please bring me a pad of paper and a pencil?” You were a teenager when your father passed away, and writing was the only thing that saved you then. Perhaps it will be your healing salve now.
“Sure, there’s paper right-” Jimin pauses beside your bed before handing you the pad of paper. “Here, sorry. And you can use one of my pens. How are you feeling?”
“Groggy,” you reply. You’re surprised by how weak your grip on the pencil feels. “Numb. It hurts, but…”
“I’ll make a note for the doctor. Don’t worry, I promised your mom that I’d help you get better. Your lung should be healing soon,” Jimin says. “But I need to change the bandages on your chest tube, if that’s okay?” “Yeah.” You forgot it was there, the clear tube coming out of your chest. It’s held in place with bandages, which Jimin carefully removes before cleaning off your skin and placing new ones down. He’s wearing a silver locket that you’ve never noticed before. It suits him, shining against his skin.
“Thank you,” you say as he finishes taking your vitals. 
“I’m happy to help.”
The next week passes in a blur; between crying fits for Taehyung, assuring your mother that you’re alright, scribbling down everything on your mind, and forcing yourself to sleep simply to avoid the reality of waking hours, you barely have a second to consider your own healing process.
It isn’t until Dr. Greene beams at you that you register: physically, you’re feeling a lot better, and after a week of bed rest and god awful depression, you’re ready to try hobbling around. 
“Looks like you might actually get out a few days early,” Dr. Greene says. “We’ll be able to remove that chest tube tonight.” Beside you, your mother begins crying with relief. 
“Wonderful.” It’s still hard to smile, but you manage a weak attempt. Later that day, you hear a bit of commotion in the hallway, and soon the nurse brings in a huge basket of cards, flowers, and stuffed animals.
“Woah… what’s all this?” With effort, you sit up and take the offered basket. The sweet smell of the flowers is a welcome change to the cold sanitation of the hospital. 
“From your students!” The nurse says happily. “Some even sent you books!”
“Aww, they’re sweet.” You flip through one of the books and notice that all your advisees have signed the title page and scribbled well-wishes in the margins of the chapters. Their kindness and love sparks your first real smile since the accident.
You spend the day reading, counting down the hours until your chest tube is removed. When you’re finally wheeled to the OR and numbed up so they can sew the hole in your chest shut, you feel relief. Your leg is still in a cast, but at least your body is fighting for you. 
That night, you’re drifting off to sleep when you feel a painful tugging on your chest, right where your stitches are. “Mm?” You blink sleepily and see Jimin’s silhouette standing over you.
“Ah, Y/n. I’m sanitizing your wound so it heals well, don’t mind me. How are you feeling?”
“I’m a little sore,” you reply honestly. “It’s not too bad, though.” “Let me fix that for you.” You can see Jimin’s dark figure change something on your IV. “That’ll help you feel better.”
“Thanks,” you mumble, feeling sleep begin to overtake you.
“It’s my pleasure, Y/n.” That night, your dreams are choppy and chaotic. At one point, you dream that your body is on fire; at another, you’re back in the accident but instead of Taehyung, it’s Jimin. The sun has barely risen before you bolt upwards. “Gah!” Your throat is burning, dry, painful – it feels like you’ve swallowed sand.
It must be extra early, because Jimin is still there. He rushes to your bedside. “Y/n? What’s wrong?”
“I- who are you? I need… water…” you croak, your vision swimming before you. You don’t know who this man is, and you don’t know where you are. You can vaguely feel yourself falling backwards.
“Okay, let me get you some- wait, Y/n!”
You awaken with Jimin, Dr. Greene, and another nurse standing over you. Packed in bed beside you are several ice packs. Even so, you feel your body sweating. 
“What… happened?” You manage. Your tongue feels thick in your mouth.
“You woke up with a bad fever. It’s lucky Jimin thought fast and worked to cool you down.” Dr. Greene said. “We’ll have to keep you monitored for longer than we anticipated.”
“W-Why do I have a fever?”
Dr. Greene’s brows knit together. “I… I’m not sure. We’ll keep an eye on you for the next couple of days and see if anything changes.”
Your fever goes up and down throughout the day, occasionally spiking dangerously enough that the monitors around you begin to beep in alarm. Around noon, Jimin comes in with water and a bottle of pills. He’s wearing a lopsided Santa hat along with his scrubs.
“Merry almost-Christmas. Here, take two for the fever.”
“What are you doing here?” You ask weakly. Even in your fever-addled mind, you remember he only comes at night.
“My shift changed. You need more urgent care anyways, and I volunteered.”
You swallow down the pills and nod. “Thanks.”
“Your bruises have improved,” Jimin observes, lightly touching your face.
“I guess. Fuck.” You feel the sudden urge to douse yourself in cold water. “I just want to get out of here.”
Jimin is quiet for a moment. “Have they found the car that hit you?”
“How would I know?” You feel a wave of dizziness hit you, likely brought on by a heartbeat that never seems to slow down. “Jimin, please…” Save me.
“We’ll see how you’re doing tomorrow,” Jimin says. “For now, you should stay awake. What’s your favorite color?”
“Uh, green.”
“Favorite food?” You can barely think. “Sushi.”
Jimin grins. “Favorite neighbor?”
You try to summon a chuckle. “Whichever one is saving my life.”
“Fantastic. I’ll see you later tonight. Your mother should be in here soon – let me adjust your pain meds, we kept you off of them from the fever but they might just help.”
The night feels eternal; you can’t sleep a wink, and your mother stays with you the whole night. Your fever continues to climb and although at first your breathing is rapid to cool you down, by the time the sun rises it feels as though your lungs have stopped working entirely. You don’t know if that’s normal for a fever.
“Doctor!” Your mother calls for what feels like the thousandth time. 
Dr. Greene hurries into the room, Jimin right behind her. “Is it her fever?”
“No, it’s…” Your mother points wordlessly at your hands. You can’t see what she’s talking about, but when you raise your hands you see your fingertips are blue. You can’t think. You can’t breathe. You don’t care. Everything is fuzzy, so fuzzy… the monitors are beeping again, but you can barely hear them. You’re gasping for air now, choking on nothing. You can’t breathe.
“Doctor Greene,” Jimin says loudly, “I think she’s overdosing.”
“Lord, you may be right. Get the Narcan!”
Jimin darts out of the room and returns just as your eyes begin to flutter closed. Taehyung… 
There’s a cliff. Taehyung is there, you know it. You just need to jump. The moment you start walking, though, it’s almost as if you’re being pulled away from the edge. No! You open your eyes. Has it been minutes? Days?
“Dear god,” your mother says breathlessly. “She’s awake.”
“How on earth…?” Dr. Greene wonders, wiping her forehead. “Jimin, props to you for your quick thinking. But an overdose? How?”
“Doctor, it’s possible that with her weakness and weight loss, plus the fact that we held off the morphine for several days, an average dose might have caused her to OD.” Jimin suggests. His voice seems to carry more authority than even Dr. Greene’s.
“Yes, perhaps… but the fever?”
“Hm…” Jimin reaches forward and prods at the stitches on your chest. You immediately flinch, your raspy voice yelping in pain. “An infection. Possibly blood poisoning.”
“You know, you really might be right,” Dr. Greene says thoughtfully. “It’s not impossible. Okay, we’ll start you on an antibacterial and switch to lower-grade painkillers.” With this note, Dr. Greene and Jimin file out, leaving you with your mother.
“Momma, did you ever find the car?” You ask, gripping her hand urgently. The owner of that car killed your husband; you want them brought to justice.
“No, sweetie, I’m sorry.”
“What about the license plate?”
“Well, none of the witnesses saw it-”
“No,” you shake your head. “I- the nurse wrote it down. On…” you point to the notepad beside you. “The first page.”
Your mother picks up the abused pad of paper, filled with random journal entries and doodles, and flips to the front. “Y/n, there’s nothing here. It’s blank. Maybe you dreamed it?”
“What? No.” You’re sure that the nurse wrote it down for you. “Check on the floor.”
After a brief but thorough search, the paper doesn’t turn up. What had happened? You can’t possibly remember the partial plate now. Shit. And even so, it was a literal fever dream – you could have made the numbers up.
“Y/n, I’m going to go for an early Christmas dinner at Aunt Ella’s, but I’ll be back tomorrow morning, okay?” 
“Sure, mom.” She’s barely slept, after all. 
The next several days pass and you gradually begin to recover. The lab tests confirmed your blood poisoning, and you feel more grateful than ever that Jimin managed to catch it early – it could have killed you. It’s now been more than two weeks since the accident, and finally the doctor tells you that you’ll be ready to go home soon. As Christmas approaches, you’ve heard holiday music float through the air and bows and wreaths appear in your hospital room and down the hall. Even with the holiday cheer, the loss of the license plate weighs heavy on your mind.
“Merry Christmas Eve! Time to get up and try walking around!” The afternoon nurse says cheerfully as she helps you out of bed. With your heavy green cast making your leg feel detached, you clunk around while holding the nurse’s arm. You near the window, which overlooks a parking lot decorated with dirty snow, and gaze down onto the cars. Can you ever feel safe in a car again?
“Which one’s yours?” You ask the nurse absentmindedly, suddenly struck by another bolt of grief. Her life is normal. She has a car and goes to work.
“That white one right there next to the blue Prius,” she replies, pointing. You mindlessly follow her finger, when suddenly –
Blue. You clutch at your chest and stumble backwards, nearly falling if she hadn’t caught you. “That’s…” No, it can’t be. But in your heart and deep, deep in your memory… “Can you read the plate number on that blue car next to yours?”
“Uh, it’s a little too far away,” she replies, squinting. “I think it’s Jimin,’s though, I always see him pulling in just as my shift is over.”
Jimin. “Does it look dented at all?” You manage. “His car?”
“Ah… a little? I’m not sure.”
Jimin does have a blue Prius, you know that from seeing it in his driveway every day. So why, today, did the thought strike you so violently?
“You know, I think I’m tired. I’m going to lay down.”
“Oh, okay. Do you want some water or to go to the bathroom?”
“No. I just want to be alone.”
“Okay.” The nurse looks worried, but leaves you settled back in your bed. Night falls quickly and you hear a knock on the door. Jimin lets himself in, a bottle of pills in his hand.
“Hey, I heard you’ll be getting discharged soon,” he says cheerfully. He’s still wearing the Santa hat.
Blue. “Yeah, hopefully.”
“Awesome. Well, you need to take these,” he says, shaking two pills from the bottle in his hand and handing them to you.”
“What are they for?”
“They’ll help you sleep and let your blood vessels dilate to regulate your blood pressure.”
“Mm.” You wash them down with his offered water. Almost as soon as you swallow, you feel your body rebel against you – you lean over and vomit onto the floor. The smell makes you gag and you feel everything you’ve eaten come up a second time, the stomach acid burning your throat.
“What- what did you give-” you can’t finish your sentence as your stomach convulses again. Jimin rushes over to you with a bucket and you lean into it, retching. You continue dry heaving long after your body is completely emptied, while Jimin rubs your back reassuringly. “G-get the doctor,” you croak.
“Are you going to be okay alone-?” “Yes. Please, just…” your body shivers as he gets up and leaves. What did he give you? You’re doubtless that those pills caused your vomiting. Just the thought sends you back to your bucket, although you’ve no more left to give. 
“What on earth happened?” Dr. Greene says, rushing in. Jimin is close behind her.
“He gave me pills…” you gasp as your body tries to vomit again. The muscle contractions leave you feeling boneless. “They made me throw up.”
“You’ve got no known allergies on file…” Dr. Greene says, consulting a chart by your bed. “Jimin, what did you give her?”
Jimin produces a bottle clearly labelled DOXEPINE. “Just to help her sleep, she was asking for something earlier.”
Your heart drops. “That’s not-” you’re interrupted by another gagging fit. You want to scream at your body that there’s nothing left, but you can barely speak. “Not the same-” fuck.
“She must have a sensitivity to the Doxepine,” Dr. Greene says thoughtfully. “Jimin, make sure she stays hydrated. If she keeps throwing up we’ll need to keep her longer for observation.”
“Yes, Doctor.”
“Ngh… no…” Dr. Greene leaves before you can tell her that that wasn’t the same pill bottle.
“Here, drink this,” Jimin says, offering you a bottle of water.
“What did you give to me?” You ask, panting. As soon as the water touches your tongue you reach for the bucket, your body rejecting it immediately.
Jimin blinks innocently. “Sleeping pills.”
“Fuck off, that wasn’t the… same bottle.”
“Y/n, you’re sick and grieving, it’s understandable that your eyes are playing tricks on you-”
“No. You… poisoned me!” You summon what strength you have left and swipe at the nurse, who’s now leaning over you. Your fingers catch the silver chain around his neck, and the motion knocks the locket open.
Fluttering out of the locket and onto your bandaged chest is… hair?
No, not hair. Your hair. The color, and texture… it’s exactly the same.
You’re missing a chunk of hair, I’m guessing from the accident, the nurse had said.
Not from the accident. Almost in slow motion, your eyes travel up to meet Jimin’s. 
“Y/n, you’re acting erratic.” As if nothing happened, he plucks your hair from the bed, tucks it back into the locket, and straightens his Santa hat. “I’ll have to tell the doctor to consider sedatives. Merry Christmas, Y/n.”
“No-” Your stomach contracts once more and by the time you look up, gasping for breath, he’s gone.
You spend another sleepless night in the hospital, growing more paranoid by the minute. You refuse to eat or drink anything you’re given – you’re still nauseous, and what if it’s full of sedatives? 
When dawn breaks on Christmas Day, you’ve never felt less cheer. You’re concerned about Jimin; the car is surely a coincidence, but the hair? And the pills?
“Y/n?” Dr. Greene knocks on the door. “Merry Christmas. How are you feeling?”
“I want to get out of here,” you respond immediately.
Dr. Greene smiles. “We’ll see how you do moving around today. How’s your nausea?” 
“Better,” you lie. Anything to leave. You can handle nausea at home.
“Wonderful. Well, Nurse Jimin will be taking care of you today, since your other nurses are off duty. Press the button if you need anything.”
You nod, shivering. Should you tell Dr. Greene? Before you can consider it, though, she’s left the room.
Hours later, Jimin pops his head in, his Santa hat crooked. The locket is still swinging from his neck. 
“Hey! Dr. Greene said if you’re doing well by the end of the day, you might be discharged for tomorrow!”
You stare at him. Can he really pretend nothing is wrong? “Great.”
“Let’s get you up and walking around.” Jimin offers you his arm. At first you don’t want to take it, but your legs are too weak on your own. He slowly leads you out of your room and down the hall before circling back. You pass another window overlooking the parking lot and there, in the same spot, is the blue car. From this window, you can see much better.
“Which car’s yours?” you ask quietly.
“That blue Prius next to the white one,” he says cheerfully, pointing.
Finally, when you squint you can read the license plate: 7HLC946.
7HL. Your body stiffens. It’s the same car. Then, that means… you swivel slowly until you’re staring at Jimin, who’s still looking out of the window. He killed your husband.
He leads you back to your room. You feel frozen, and not from the wintertime. When you go inside, you hear a soft click. Your eyes widen. He locked the door.
“How are you feeling?” he asks softly from behind you.
“F-fine. Perfect,” you reply, your voice shaking.
“You know, you really have to stop getting yourself in trouble,” he says, strolling to the bed and smoothing down your sheets. Your eyes dart to the locked door. If you made a break for it with your cast, he could still beat you to it. “Every time you’re supposed to get discharged, something happens, and then who has to save you?”
“I’ve recovered,” you say firmly. Is it an ego thing? He wants credit for doing his job?
“Before, you always had your husband to save you,” Jimin says, standing. His eyes are drilling holes into you. “Do you know why he’d always see you off at the door?”
“Wh-what are you talking about?” “It’s so I couldn’t even look at you. He was always around, but not this time. And this time it was me that saved your life.” Jimin is advancing now, still smiling serenely. Your heart pounding, you back away, your cast clunking against the floor. 
“It was you,” you whisper when your back hits the window. “Your car. You hit us.”
“Almost gave me a heart attack when I saw you remembered my plate,” he says now, examining his nails. “Lucky I saw it before your mother did. How is she, by the way?”
“You… you killed my husband!” Your scream is more animal than human when it rips from your throat. You’re fully prepared to leap at Jimin and take the life he took from Taehyung when he pulls out a syringe.
“Shhh…” he says, stepping forward. “What did I say about sedation?”
Your blood runs cold. You don’t want to know what’s in the syringe, or what he’d do to you if he injected you with it.
Caught between him and the window, you freeze. You have to get away from him. You turn around and swing your heavy cast at the window. 
With a painful CRASH, the glass shatters. Shards fly everywhere, several of them catching and slicing your skin. You hear commotion outside and below as you shoot for the window and try to grab onto the windowsill. You nearly sob when the glass in your grip breaks off the windowsill. Almost… just like your dream of the cliff, though, you’re dragged back from the escape. Jimin locks one arm around your neck and pulls you away from the window.
You feel a sharp prick in your arm and, seconds later, your muscles seem to melt. If Jimin weren’t supporting your weight you would have fallen. Shit. What did he do to you?
“It’s for your own good, my love,” he says, carrying you to the bed and tucking the blankets in around you. Your tongue feels too heavy for your mouth; you can’t speak, and you can barely move your arms. 
There’s a loud banging on the door. “Y/n! Are you alright?”
“One second,”Jimin says to you before striding to the door and opening it.
“Jimin! What happened?” The voice belongs to a doctor you don’t recognize.
“Hey, Dr. Kim. Y/n started being combative and went for the window. Luckily, I got her calmed down and back into bed.”
Help. Your vocal chords won’t respond to you. “Hhe…”
“Goodness. We should get her moved out while the window is being repaired.” “I agree, but she did just fall asleep and she hasn’t slept in a while. I suggest giving her an hour.”
“Alright, well, please keep an eye on her.”
“Sure thing, Doctor.” Jimin shuts the door and locks eyes with you. 
“I’ve waited for you for a while, you know,” he says, sitting on the edge of the bed. His position pins down your left arm, but your right is still free. If only you could move it. “You never got sick, or hurt. I checked. You never even came to visit.” Jimin continues smiling, but his eyes are cold. “That wasn’t very nice. It’s your fault that I had to make you come visit.”
“Stuh… you,” you gasp, forcing your head to clear. “Psy…” Let me go, you want to scream. You’re straining with the effort just to lift your head.
“I know, I know, why didn’t I just talk to you at your house? Well, your guardian was always there. But here, I’m in control. And I’m the one that can save you.”
You can sense feeling returning to your arms. If he keeps talking, it might give you more time to recover from your paralysis. Luckily, Jimin seems so relieved that he can finally tell you everything that he doesn’t seem close to shutting up. 
“Do you know how many times your mother has thanked me for saving your life? How Dr. Greene said I was her favorite nurse?” Jimin caresses your cheek, becoming more animated as he speaks. “Even you, Y/n, you called me your angel.”
You try to bite him when his hand gets close, but your jaw muscles are slack. C’mon… 
“And you’re right, I am your angel. I’m your guardian angel, and I’ll always keep you safe.” You can almost lift your hand. At his words, he leans in to kiss your forehead and with enormous effort, you use the same moment to lift and swipe your bloody hand, still gripping the jagged glass from the window, at him. The glass catches Jimin right in the neck and he gasps and sputters, pressing a hand to his throat as bright red blood gushes from the wound, spattering you and staining the bed. Meanwhile, you collapse, your strength entirely spent.
Jimin staggers upright, hand outstretched towards you. When he tries to speak, his voice is a mere gurgle.
“Y/n- you… no…” with that, he falls to the floor. You see him try and fail to rise again before Jimin sighs and is still at last.
How did you wind up here? 
As you slump back into your bed, with him lying on the floor next to you, a hazy thought informs you that it must look like a scene straight out of Romeo and Juliet.
Although, you think ruefully, glancing down at the sharp shard of glass clenched in your fits, I don’t think Juliet would have done this.
“Merry fucking Christmas.”
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The Dinosaur and the Vampire Part Two (carlisle cullen x reader)
Request: hi can you do a one shot for Twilight where the reader is best friends with Bella and is there at the car crash in the first movie, they go to hospital and that’s where the reader meets Carlisle, really fluffy, thanks
Word Count: Long
Pairings: Carlisle Cullen x Reader
Warnings: nothing
A/N: This is part two of this request because it was so highly requested!! Thank you so much for the love and support!! I’m back re-reading the twilight series so if you have any requests just send them my way<3
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“I’ll see if we can sort this thing out.”
It was the last thing he had said to her with a small and yet reassuring smile before he turned and walked through those pale doors and apparently, y/n’s life. She hadn’t seen Dr Cullen since the day of the accident. Hell, she had barely seen his adopted children. Spring was warming into summer, the sun glittering down through the immense greenery and the Cullens were never around when it was sunny. 
Bella and Edward were getting closer with every passing day. He had taken over their morning ride together, stopping by in his silver Volvo to pick Bella up, every so often flashing a smile at y/n as she climbed into her own less flashy car. Edward was kind enough to leave Bella to y/n after school, considering they both finished with gym. It was precious time for the pair as they recounted their day and filled each other in on gossip, none of it proving to be that interesting. Well, apart from the budding romance between Bella and Edward.
Despite y/n’s secret complaints every time Bella disappeared from a study session or cancelled a trip to Port Angeles, she knew her prejudice came from no genuine malice toward Edward. After all, he was lovely. Since the day of the accident his attitude towards y/n had done a 180, before he had never so much as spared her a glance and now he smiled at her in the corridor, even sat next to her in English, the only class they shared together. He made little conversation, most of it was inquiring after Bella but it was nice to have made a new friend.
It just seemed unfair. They way he had spoken in the hospital made it seem as if something would happen, perhaps an apology gift or an invitation to their mansion up in the woods. Something. Edward’s cordial behaviour was pleasant but in no way satisfactory. Y/n wished in every spare moment to see the doctor again, and when she wasn’t wishing to see him she was imagining what it would be like to see him. Maybe he’d pick the Cullen’s up after school or maybe there would be some big event in town which everyone went to. It was a silly thought since the Cullens were rarely grouped with ‘everyone’. So her mind of drifted to the idea of herself being injured, dragged into hospital only to have his face, angelic and flushed in light hovering above her.
“Stupid.” She muttered under her breath, dismissing the thought instantly. Bella threw her a glance, “Forgot to carry the one.” Y/n lied as she smiled and looked back down at her barely touched maths homework. All this pining and obsessive thinking made her feel so little and insignificant. She felt like a student with a crush on their teacher, and in many ways she was. Every time his name or ivory face rolled into her mind a small voice in her head protested.
She hated that voice. It was the one that reminded her she was only a junior in high school. The one that mocked her, told her that he was an adult with a job, a medical job that must have demanded a couple of years of study pushing him into his late twenties. What doctor has time for a high school student with a crush. A crush that was so overt she couldn’t even talk to Bella about it. Bella who had quickly grown into becoming her best friend, Bella who was dating Carlisle’s adopted son, Bella who was currently packing her things into her bag with haste.
“Where are you going?” Y/n hated the small whine in her voice and tried to play it off with a smile. She wanted to be happy for Bella and Edward and deep down she was, they were just a reminder that she was getting nowhere with her own crush and, most likely, never would.
“I’m running up to Edward’s to pick up his Bio questions. I forgot about them and he offered to help.” She smiled, oblivious to y/n’s anguish.
They were camped out in Bella’s room, a strange sounding CD playing in the background as they finished off their schoolwork. It had become a bit of a ritual to spend time with each other doing insignificant things. Bella was nice like that, never desperate to go anywhere or really do anything, happy to stay inside. Plus Charlie liked having y/n in the house, he was always asking her questions about her parents, grateful Bella was able to make such a good friend so soon.
“M’kay.” Y/n followed in suit, shoving her unfinished problems into her bag. This was her cue to leave. “How is Edward by the way?”
“He’s...fine?” Bella smiled wryly through her lashes, “Why are you asking?”
“Oh, it’s just, you always fill me in on your gossip but never actually tell me how he is.” Y/n smiled back as they both padded down the stairs.
“He’s fine. I think. His family’s a bit nervous about us actually.”
“Oh.” Y/n tried to make her voice sound as inconspicuous as possible, hiding her feral craving for more information on the Cullens.
“Well...it’s mostly just Rosaline, you know the blonde one.”
“The gorgeous one.”
“They’re all gorgeous.” Bella sighed.
“You got that right.” Y/n muttered under her breath. Pale hair melting into pale skin - the human equivalent of snow.
“Anyways,” Bella sighed not hearing her, “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Yup!” Y/n called over her shoulder as she hopped the fence between their two houses, pulling the keys out of her pocket.
A loud engine revved distantly followed by the squealing of car tires as a silver blur flashed down the street before halting in front of them. Edward. He was out of the car quickly, a broad grin stretched across his cheeks. He was smiling at Bella, of course. Y/n was happy for them, smiling to herself as she pushed her keys into the door.
“Hey y/n!” His voice was both silken and broad.
“Hey!” Y/n spun around shooting him a grin, “How are you, I haven’t seen you for a while.” It was nice now that she was able to actually carry a conversation with him, that they weren’t just strangers.
“Yeah weather’s been nice, Carlisle took us up this trail in the mountains. It was beautiful.” Edward said his name so casually and yet the word stunned her for a minute. It had been so long since she had actually heard it said aloud.
“Oh,” She murmured, her breath somewhat stuck in her throat. His eyes were careful, assessing her despite his broad welcoming smile. “Well you owe me,” Y/n relaxed back into the conversation, “I’ve been taking over Bella runs to school.” His laugh was loud and rare.
“Hey!” Bella half-protested tucking a lock of hair behind her ear, “I didn’t realise I was such a burden to you guys.”
“Aw, it’s okay.” Y/n smiled, her keys feeling slippery in her fingers, “You make up for it with good conversation.” Y/n turned back to the door, mentally preparing for her night of microwaved meals and algebra.
“Y/n,” Edward’s voice surprisingly called out, “I’m running Bella up to mine for some biology questions but I wouldn’t mind if you came. I’ve got that first edition Hardy I was telling you about in English.”
The offer was most shocking to Bella who turned, utterly stunned, to gawk at her boyfriend. Y/n felt as though she had just been slapped as her heart lurched, sure her and Edward were chatty but the fact he was now inviting her to his house - the Cullens house. She did a quick mental calculation. On one hand she was invading Bella’s privacy with Edward but it was him who offered the invitation, on the other hand, well she might just see him. If it were anyone else y/n would have politely declined and been happy with soggy potatoes and Pythagoras, but she felt completely and utterly compelled to accept. The mere chance that he might be there in that house was enough for y/n to waltz her way into the back of Edward’s silver Volvo.
Edward drove like a maniac and somehow, that made sense. Y/n gripped the edge of her seat as she glanced out the window focusing on the never ending blur of blue and green. The conversation was casual and somewhat stilted but y/n couldn’t even try to care, her mind was already there in the Cullens house. She pictured popping into Edward’s room to grab the book and bumping into him, or the scenario where he was in the kitchen, or what about seeing him as he comes home from work, wearing the same pale shirt and tie.
Y/n hated how obsessive her mind was. But it genuinely felt as though she couldn’t help it, as though she had no control over her thoughts whatsoever. A small knot had twisted its way into existence in her gut and what was worse, they had already arrived.
“You guys can stay for a bit,” Edward got out the car heading into what can only be described as a mansion. “I’m pretty sure everyone’s out.” These seemed to ease something in Bella but had the opposite effect on y/n. Trying not to think about it y/n was quick behind Edward and Bella who had loosely interlocked their fingers as they walked in.
Taking her time, y/n absorbed what was probably the most beautiful house she had ever seen. Wood and glass flowing from wall to wall in eccentric shapes and patterns. Artwork y/n would never understand slung across the walls. A grand piano, smooth like silk displayed in the corner
“Oh, y/n.” Edward called her back to reality, “I’m pretty sure I left the book in the kitchen, I was going to bring it to you tomorrow.” Y/n was taken aback.
“Wow, thanks Edward. You really didn’t have to.”
“Don’t worry about it.” He smiled, “You’re free to get it, Kitchen’s just up the stairs and to the right.” Y/n smiled at him gratefully before heading up the stairs. Partly to leave Bella and Edward in peace, partly to admire the home interrupted. She took her time going to the kitchen, admiring the way the Cullens lived. Of course they lived somewhere like this.
Once in the kitchen, y/n spotted a worn copy of ‘Tess of the d’Urbervilles’ waiting for her. Picking it up she thumbed through the first few pages noticing small faded scribbles in pencil - it would be nice to have a look in Edward’s mind.
All he said was her name and yet she knew in an instant who it was. Snapping the book shut and spinning around, there he was. His trousers were dark and tucked into them was a crisp shirt, white as skin and unbuttoned slightly, the sleeves rolled up to display his forearms. They looked like marble, pale and stony and completely solid. His silver hair was swept away from his face, his eyes a golden brown similar to Edward’s. “How did you...” he trailed off, his voice soft and distant, not a hint of anger.
“Sorry Carlisle,” Edward appeared out of thin air behind her. She took note of how he never called him ‘dad’. “I thought everyone was out. I brought y/n and Bella up to collect some things for school.” The two Cullen’s stared intensely at each other, something passing between them in that look.
“I’m sorry,” Y/n blurted after a moment, feeling as though she had intruded, “I’ve got what I came for,” She held up the book, “I can head back now.” She attempted a half-smile not meeting Carlisle’s eyes.
“It’s fine.” He said almost too quickly. His voice quiet, meditated. “You’re no bother to me.” The way he spoke, it was so elegant and unlike anyone in town. “I see you two are friends now after the accident.” Edward and y/n shared a glance.
“It was no big problem really.” Y/n felt herself melting into his presence, now more confident to steal looks at his unwavering eyes, fixed on her. “Just a scratch.”
“Still,” A smile had warmed into his stony cheeks, evidently comfortable himself as he busied himself with a folder already fanned out on the counter top, “Edward’s behaviour was unacceptable. He did apologise?” Carlisle leaned on his forearms, his smile widening.
“Yes...I did.” Edward groaned, y/n couldn’t help but giggle. He then turned to her, “You should’ve heard the verbal lashing I got when I came home.”
“Edward.” Carlisle warned, his smile dropping disapprovingly. Edward held y/n’s gaze for a moment before slowly reaching Carlisle's stare, again something seemed to pass between the two. “Did you say Bella was here?” Carlisle swiftly changed the topic.
“Yeah, I best go find her.” Edward added, the two easing the tension with expertise. “Before she falls down two flights of stairs and through a window or something.” He muttered.
“Wouldn’t put it past her.” Y/n agreed.
“Me neither.” Carlisle added distantly causing y/n to flash a smile at him. Edward bounded out of the room, distantly calling Bella’s name as he began his search. “Good book.” Carlisle commented.
“Yeah when Edward said I could borrow his first edition I was in shock to be honest.” Making conversation was disturbingly easy.
“You can take anything you want from our library, it’s full of first editions.” Carlisle said without thinking, “It’s sort of a...hobby. For us.” The way he said ‘us’ made y/n shiver, he knew that him and his family were exclusive, outsiders. Us and them, and y/n couldn’t figure out what side she was on.
“I have a feeling this one will take me a while but thanks. I’ll keep your offer in mind.” She smiled without thinking.
“It’s nice to see Edward’s making friends. We’ve been here a few years now and he’s only just branching out.”
“Well, ‘making friends’ is a bit of an overstatement,” She leaned back against the counter top, comfortable, “Technically me and Bella are the only two people he’s talked to outside of his own family. And I’m pretty sure he’s only putting up with me because I live next to Bella, that and your...verbal lashing.”
“It wasn’t that bad, honestly.” Carlisle chuckled to himself.
“Thank you though, nonetheless.” He eyed her carefully, his golden orbs flitting across her face and, unless she was mistaken, for a moment they glanced down her body.
“Your cut cleaned up perfectly.” He spoke into the silence, “No scarring at all.”
“I don’t think I would’ve minded a scar. At least it would be a conversation starter.” He laughed, it was softer than Edward’s, more rounded and from deep within his chest.
“Ah yes, then you could tell everyone about the time you walked into a car door.”
“Technically, I think the car door walked into me.” He laughed again and y/n’s chest swelled with pride. She was doing it, holding a conversation with him at ease. “It feels like ages ago now,” She pondered aloud, “And it’s really how Edward and Bella met. Funny that.”
“Yes.” He agreed, his eyes holding hers a second too long before he turned back to his paperwork. “Well,” He cleared his throat, “Best get back to business.” Almost like clockwork Edward and Bella appeared at the stairs, giggling to themselves about some inside joke.
“Yeah uh, I’ll see you around.” Y/n shot him a tentative smile. He didn’t say anything in response but his eyes were conveying an emotion she couldn’t quite comprehend. She already knew that look was going to stick with her.
“You ready to head back y/n?” Edward asked as he sidled into the kitchen. From behind him Bella shot y/n an apologetic look as if she were sorry for leaving her with Carlisle. How little she knew.
“Of course.” Y/n smiled at Edward.
“Okay, just head down to the car I’ll be down in a sec.” With one last smile at Carlisle y/n skipped a little to meet up with Bella before the pair headed downstairs. It wasn’t until they were far out the house and near the car that Bella started a conversation.
“Sorry for leaving you there.” She half-smiled.
“Don’t be.” Y/n tried not to smile too much.
“Carlisle’s lovely isn’t he?” The question caught y/n off-guard, it took her a minute to realise Bella was speaking of him as a fatherly-figure.
“Uh, yeah.” Y/n stammered, a pink flush spreading across her cheeks. Bella noticed and went to say something when she realised.
“Y/n, your book?”
“What?” Y/n was confused again before realising, looking down her lap was empty. Completely devoid of all 19th century classical text. “Shit, be back in a sec.”
And with that she was out, jumping up the house steps two at a time. When she was in the house though she slowed down again, afraid of the mere thought of falling and damaging anything within the house. As she moved through the house she became aware of somewhat raised voices.
“What game are you playing?” It was Carlisle’s voice, not angry, not anything. It was completely monotonous. It was wrong to eavesdrop but it felt like she was stuck between a rock and a hard place. On one hand it was rude to eavesdrop, on the other she was already stuck behind the corner of the kitchen and had no idea how to walk into the kitchen naturally, especially since the conversation had already begun and the Cullens would know that she must’ve heard some of it.
“I’m not doing anything.” Edward’s voice was soft as well. The pair arguing without arguing.
“What you’re doing is dangerous.”
“You’re so happy for me and Bella. Every time I enter a room all I can hear it you’re praise of approval. Why can’t you let yourself be happy.”
“I’m being serious.”
“I don’t need this right now I’ve got paperwork.”
“If we were to live life your way you’d quite literally be doing paperwork for eternity.”
“The smell Edward. Even I have only so much restraint.” Whatever she was expecting to hear, it wasn’t that. Y/n was brutally offended. Surely, surely he wasn’t talking about her. Mortified, y/n tugged her shirt to her nose and inhaled deeply. It smelt like her mother’s washing detergent and y/n’s cheap perfume from Christmas. The statement had knocked her so off balance she wasn’t quite aware of Edward stalking in her direction. Hurriedly, she paced down three steps before walking up them as if it were the first time.
“Y/n.” Edward exclaimed loud enough for Carlisle to hear. Y/n looked at him, trying to mask whatever emotion she was feeling.
“Sorry. I forgot the book.” She smiled, hoping her eyes didn’t give her away. Edward said nothing, just disappeared and returned with the Hardy, gently passing it to her before leading her downstairs. Did he know she was listening?
The drive home was silent.
next part
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Back To Where I’m From (Part 1) (Criminal Minds x Reader)
I’ve been re-watching the Twilight series and decided to place the case in Forks and have the reader be from there. I’m getting all my information about there from Google. If you live there and I get something incorrect, I am sorry, and will try to correct it
Except the Police chief won’t be who it was at that time
Also, with the teams, I mean for who they prefer y’know? And I am team Jasper and Emmett because those boys need love from the fans
Warnings-um...none I don’t think
I sighed as I laid down onto the ground. The flowers of the meadow surrounding me. This meadow, was a clearing in the woods. Trees all around the opening. It was calming being here again. I moved to Las Vegas as soon as I graduated High School. Thinking I wouldn't miss, this, all of this. But I did. I missed the constant cover of rain, sitting in the woods until nightfall. Reading, doing homework, drawing, being...normal, here in this meadow.
I gasped as I woke up suddenly. The light from my window in my glaring into my room. The loud sounds from DC coming through. I looked at my clock and saw it blinking 6:00. I sighed and pushed myself out of bed. I walked into the bathroom and looked into the mirror.
My face was flushed, small bands of sweat on my forehead. The bags under my eyes were worse. I rubbed my eyes and tossed a washcloth into the sink, turning the hot water on. I grabbed the soap and put it on so I could wash my face. I sighed when I was done, I put my makeup on. A simple brown smokey. It was the middle of winter so I planned on just wearing a light brown sweater and black jeans.
I grabbed said outfit from my closet and the brown boot heels from under my bed. I walked into my kitchen and started the coffee. I walked back into my bedroom and slipped my clothes on. I walked to my kitchen and grabbed my bottle to put my coffee in. I grabbed the sugar and milk and grabbed the coffee when it finished.
I made my coffee, grabbing my bag and slipping my scarf onto my neck. I walked out of my apartment and down to my car.
I closed the case of the tablet and stood up from my seat. The case was happening in my hometown on Forks, Washington. Yes, where Twilight took place. It wasn’t that small nor that big. Population 3,320. Around the same from when I lived there. It was surprising that anything was happening there. Almost nothing does.
“It’s crazy to think that we’re gonna be in the place that Twilight takes place!” I shook my head. Garcia was going with us on this case because Hotch felt like we would really need her help.
“I know! This is gonna be fun! Wait, team Edward or Jacob?” JJ stop both me and Garcia.
I shook my head, “Neither, I’m team Emmett and Jasper.”
“Really? You prefer those two over Edward and Jacob? You prefer a confederate soldier over Edward?!” I gave a small laugh at Garcia’s outburst.
“What are you three talking  about?”
We looked over at Derek and JJ spoke, “So, Twilight, I book series and upcoming movie series. New Moon, the second book and soon movie, comes out this year. The movie that is, the book came out September 6, 2006. Anyways, Twilight takes place in Forks, Washington. And there are two teams, team Edward and Team Jacob. Garcia and I are Edward while Y/N is sitting here saying that she wouldn’t choose either of them.”
“Are you gonna look me in the eyes and tell me that Jasper Hale and Emmett Cullen. Aren’t, one, the best people ever, two, aren’t cute? C’mon! Sure! Jasper was a confederate soldier, but, most people who grew up in the south were forced to be! We have no idea what his opinion was!”
They shook their heads, “I don’t understand.”
We all looked at Spencer and I walked over to him. I placed my hand on his shoulder, “Good, you don’t need to.”
The jet had landed and we were driving to the police station. Good part? It’s still the same police chief as it was when I lived here. Bad part? My exes father. Not that me and my ex broke up in a bad way. It’s just that we were engaged and meant to get married in a month. I was moving to DC to join the FBI, he didn’t want to come with me. Which I understood. We went our separate ways. Only speaking to say happy birthday or see how the other was doing.
I was in the same vehicle as JJ, Emily, and Garcia. The guys were in the other. I wished I had taken the lead, I could’ve taken the back road and we would’ve been there by now. But I hadn’t told the rest of the team I was from here. 
Of course I knew that would come out as soon as people see me.
I parked the SUV and got out. We followed in behind Hotch and where greeted by Chief Watson. “Thank you all for coming. I’m Chief Jeremy Watson.”
JJ nodded and shook his hand. “I’m technical liaison Jennifer Jareau, JJ is fine, we spoke on the phone.” I watched as Chief Watson nodded, “This is our Unit Chief SSA Aaron Hotchner this is my team, technical analysis Penelope Garcia, Dr. Spencer Reid, SSAs David Rossi, Emily Prentiss, Derek Morgan, and-”
“My god, Y/N Y/L/N? Is that you?”
I gave a soft smile and moved from the back to the front. Grasping my hands in front of me, “Yes Chief Watson.”
He pulled me into a hug. When he pulled away he finally spoke again, “My god dear, I haven’t seen you in, what? 7 years?”
I nodded, “Yes sir. I’m sorry about all of the money you probably had to spend on the wedding that never happened.”
He shook his head, “It was no problem kid. It wasn’t that expensive as most of the things were being made by your family and my wife. I don’t understand why Jay didn’t want to go with you. Oh, and Melinda and I are extremely proud of you. Making it into the FBI!”
I smiled and nodded, “Thank you sir. Um...where can we set up?”
“Oh, that back room, you know the one.” I nodded and walked back to it.
When the team was in the room Hotch was the one to speak. “Y/N, you aren’t going to have anything personal with this case, correct?”
“I won’t Hotch, I promise.”
He nodded, “Alright-”
He told everyone what to do. Since I knew the grown he had me and Spencer stay back to work on the geographical profile.
We had been here for 2 days, if the unsub sticks to the schedule he has made, today was the day a new body would be found. I groaned and laid my head down on the table. “You good kid?”
“Rossi,” I lifted my head up, “We’re in my hometown. Last time I was here I got broke up with someone, as well as cancelling a wedding. I am terrified I will run into someone I don’t want to. Plus, this case seems way to familiar to me.”
“What do you mean?”
I shrugged my shoulders, “I don’t know. Maybe it was in some book I read. Besides, how do we know these aren’t just animal killings?”
“Because, it’s to precise and clean, as well as the fact that every 3 days a new body shows up. No way that it’s just an animal.” I looked over at Emily, “Besides, if you grew up here, you would know that.”
I sighed and got up, “I don’t know, but I’m gonna go on a walk to clear my head.” Grabbing my bag I walked out of the police station. Walking down the steps of the station I just started on the trail next to the road, I just walked until I made it to town.
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goldeneyedgirl · 4 years
TwiFicMas20 Day 11: Hybrid, once again
It’s so late and I’ve had a day of... futility, so I’m pulling out some Hybrid, which is just the biggest fic I’ve ever attempted and makes me feel slightly woozy. This is a selection of scenes I’ve worked on, with the first one following on from last year’s snippet, for context
A lot of this is set-up to how Alice actually becomes friends with the Cullens and the lead up to her relationship with Jasper. I also love Alice and Cynthia and their gay dads. A lot of this will be changed or rewritten for the Official Version, so I figure it deserves to be immortalised before I start my tear-down. 
Have a great day, I’m off to bed <3 
NSFW NSFW NSFW. (The most graphic section is marked, but there are implications dotted throughout. Use your best judgement.)
Trigger warnings for body dysphoria (minor)
(AU in which Alice is the daughter of a vampire-human hybrid, who was raised in an abusive home, and ends up in the care of her father and his husband in Forks. Hybrid biology is a little different - or rather, expanded - from canon. This was basically my attempt at expanding the Twilight universe beyond vampires and werewolves and examine the idea that humans are really the worst. At this point in the story, Alice has arrived in Forks, had a less than welcoming experience with the Cullen kids and met Dr Cullen in a professional capacity.)
It took me the best part of an hour to walk home from the Cullens. My head was still soupy, the Cullens’ home was outside of town, and I had no idea where I was going.
Oh, and it was dark.
And then I had to lie, and tell Dad and Simon some guy had mugged me, since they were freaking out. I had been gone two hours in an unfamiliar town, and had come home with blood on my clothes. Thank god, my hoodie managed to cover up most of the bandage on my neck.
They had promptly freaked out even more, and called the Chief of Police to report the incident I completely faked, whilst I went upstairs for a shower, peeling off the bandages to get a load of the wound. Angry black sutures ran from an inch or so below my ear, to where my neck joined my shoulder in an uneven line. It made me feel a little woozy, in all honesty. And it would be almost impossible to hide from everyone.  Maybe I could wear a scarf, and claim I wasn’t used to the cold?
And the bruise on my back was impressive, even for me. It was already darkening, and I had no doubt that it would only get worse overnight. An experimental jab to my ribs made the room spin, which made me want to cry. If there was one thing I hated more than anything on the planet, it was broken ribs.
I somehow managed to shower and change into a pair of loose pyjamas that covered all evidence of my injuries without blacking out. My head wouldn’t clear, and when Simon brought up something for me to eat, I could hear the slur in my voice. Dr Cullen must have drugged me.
It took forever for me to find a tolerable position in bed, and I ended up sleeping on my stomach, my arm cradling my ribs. My dreams – thankfully, just dreams – were soupy horror replays of Jasper’s attack; the scrape of his teeth, the tearing, the warmth of my own blood…
… how good it had felt.
When my alarm finally went off after what felt like an hour, I was sleep deprived, grumpy, and in complete agony. I could barely clamber out of bed. I wriggled out of my pajamas, and stared at myself in the mirror. The bruising covered my side was varying shades of black and blue, spread over my shoulder, ribs and back, down to the base of my spine and hip. There was a little swelling, but nothing really worth mentioning.
I ended up finding a button-up dress that I could get into with minimal discomfort, that covered up the bruises, and some of the stitches. Adding a sweater covered the rest up, and I spent nearly half an hour layering concealer and foundation over my pinched and pale face. I swallowed a handful of Advil to help the pain, before I limped downstairs.
Other than a quick reassurance that I was fine, Dad and Simon didn’t bring up last night’s ‘mugging’, and within an hour, I was limping awkward across the Forks High car park, in what felt like a new adventure in pain.
My ribs were probably fractured. God, I was kidding myself. They were definitely fractured. I just needed some decent pain-killer and medical tape, and I’d feel better. This wasn’t exactly a new experience, but it didn’t mean that they were any less uncomfortable, or I was any less miserable.
Luckily, everyone seemed to have lost interest in me as ‘the new girl’, so I limped through the halls without being stared at, or interrupted. Swinging open my locker, I gratefully shoved my bag inside – even carrying it by hand put too much weight on my back and ribs. I’d have to swap books after each class so I could carry them comfortably. Another cherry on top of my awful, hideous day.
Suddenly, there was another person beside me, staring intently. If my nerves weren’t already made of adamantium, I probably would have jumped or shrieked in surprised.
“Good morning,” Edward said.
“Morning,” I said, turning from digging through my books, trying to disguise the stiffness of my movements.
“Did you sleep okay?” he asked politely, and I wanted to laugh at his slightly-creepy attempts at small talk. That isn’t a question you normally ask someone you just met, out of nowhere. Did they just not socialize with anyone who didn’t consider A Positive a main course?
“You should sit with us at lunch,” Edward said in a flat tone, watching me with the sort of look my doctors had always used. It had unnerved me then, and it irritated me now; made me feel like an experiment all over again. If I hadn’t been wounded, I would have accepted the inevitable dislocated fingers and slapped him.
Dislocated fingers are easy to pop back into place.
“Can’t wait,” I said dismissively, mentally praising myself for taking the higher ground, and turned back to my locker, hoping Edward hadn’t noticed how awkwardly I was moving.
Edward watched me rifle through my locker before sighing and walking away, looking pained. I had to resist the urge to stick my tongue out at him, instead slamming my locker and shuffling to my first class.
Lunch was bad. I got a sandwich, and limped to the Cullens’ table, where they all stared as I sat. Quite frankly, every time I took a seat, the world around me swam before my eyes.
I took a seat at the end of the table, ignoring the glances that the Cullens were shooting me as I opened my soda, and unwrapped the sandwich.
“Is that for our benefit?” Rosalie asked boredly, nodding towards the sandwich, with a vague sneer of disgust on her face.
I shook my head. “Only for mine,” I said dully, studying my food. It hadn’t occurred to me that my lunch would smell terrible to them, only that I needed to eat so I could take some more painkiller. I hadn’t even really paid attention to their trays – I could see now that they were dotted with cans of soda, fruit, and packaged snacks. Nothing that would smell especially offensive to them – Mom had once told me that it was the preservatives and ingredients mixed together that were the worst to vampire sense; that, and that they could smell decay much faster than humans.
Lunch passed slowly – Edward and Bella chatted quietly, and every so often one of the other Cullens would make a comment, but mostly we sat in silence. I picked at my lunch, and felt my back throb in pain, before the bell finally rung, and they all moved to collect their trays and bags.
I was irritated – why invite me to eat at their table for lunch, when it had been awkward, uncomfortable, and no one had talked?
Whatever. I struggled to my feet and silently left, pausing only to dump my tray, and headed to the library to hide out until the end of the day.
Bella was staring at me as I changed out of my gym clothes, the two of us the last ones in the locker room.
“Is that where Jasper…?” she asked as I tugged my shirt on, my jacket following. My back was a rainbow of black, purple and green; so bad that I’d been forced to wear dark colours – you could see the marks through lighter-coloured fabric.
“Uh huh,” I said. “Brick wall, meet spine.”
“They’re pretty worried about you,” Bella said as I carefully shouldered my bag. “Carlisle and Esme want to see you again.”
“They don’t have to worry about me,” I shrugged and winced, regretting the movement. So, I didn’t quite have my full-range of movement back just yet. “I’m fine.”
Bella watched as I gathered my stuff. “They still need an explanation.”
“They’ll be waiting awhile – they clearly told you everything,” I said flatly. It was unspoken, but they clearly expected me not to say anything about them and their secrets, yet they were blabbing my secrets around.  
“You owe it to them, you know everything,” she informed me snootily.
I whipped around, enough for the pain in my back to flare hotly, which just made me madder. “I owe them nothing,” I snapped at her. “They clearly can’t keep their mouths shut when they don’t know anything, so why would I tell them more? And don’t sit there, all high-and-mighty, Bella Swan. You know nothing.”
And I stormed off.
Bella clearly ran and tattled on me to Edward, because after school, I saw the Cullens glaring at me as I walked towards the bus. Well, Edward was giving me Death Glares
Dr Cullen finally cornered me for a physical, telling Simon to bring me over on Saturday morning. I nearly threw a fit, even though my dreams the night before had made it clear that I wouldn’t be getting out of it easily.
My dreams about Jasper were getting more and more vivid, and the idea of physical contact was so unbearable, I was jumping and flinching when Simon and Dad were getting too close to me. Which was a problem, since Simon was a hugger.
I was sick to my stomach when Simon took me over, clutching the smoothie he’d made me for breakfast. I was wearing loose yoga pants and a t shirt under a sweatshirt to keep everything covered.
Dr Cullen hissed as he saw me in my underwear – the webbing over my chest, the bites on my throat and arms, the angry scar at the back of my left leg, the angry marks on my rib cages.
“What on earth happened to you, Alice?” he asked.
“Hard life,” I shrugged, crossing my arms over my chest. “Can we get this over with?”
“Of course,” Dr Cullen nodded.
More than one morning, I’d woken up from my dreams about Jasper with my hand between my legs, sweaty and panting and absolutely ashamed – even sick to my stomach.
All of the Cullen children had made it clear I was their friend out of necessity, rather than interest, and that Rose and Edward barely tolerated me. The idea of a genuine friendship with Jasper was a pipe-dream, let alone an opportunity to recreate my dreams.
Even as my inner-voice pointed out that they weren’t dreams.
And besides, sex was something that was not a good idea. At all. I wasn’t a virgin and I hadn’t been in years. I still had terrors and flashbacks to those terrible, monstrous experiences, I couldn’t imagine it being good, let alone as pleasurable as my brain claimed it would be. In the harsh light of day, I didn’t want anybody touching me.
And who would even want to, with my skinny, scarred body. The curves I had were easily hidden by my clothing.  Short hair. Sour disposition. I’d be alone forever.
It was raining, which suited my mood perfectly when I arrived at school. With the Cullens’ tentative acceptance of me, at least at lunch, I had isolated myself even more from the rest of the student body.
There had been entire days when answering roll call and greeting the Cullens at lunch where the only words I spoke. My personal best was eight words.
I drifted from class to class, finally getting to the cafeteria and claiming my lunch. A soda, an apple and a brownie – there was no way I was going to even pretend to eat the runny tuna salad or the luminous orange mac and cheese.
I hadn’t said anything to Dr Cullen, but I knew my physiology was not coping with my current diet. I was tired and sluggish, eating just two meals a day. In the hospital, I’d had free access to as much milk and as many snacks as I needed. Now, I had to pretend I was normal, and was failing kind of badly, since Simon found the amount of food I packed away at meal times ridiculous.
“Hey,” Emmett nodded at me as I arrived at the table.
“Hey,” I said, taking a seat next to Bella, and opened my soda, and pulled my homework out.
It was the most painless way to fill in the lunch hour – reading was rude, and no one wanted to talk. So, schoolwork.
“You going to eat that?” Rosalie interrupted me.
I looked up. I’d drunk half the soda – revolting diet raspberry had been the only flavor left – and picked at the brownie over the half an hour, but none of it held any interest.
“Probably not,” I said, turning back to my math homework.
“You should.”
Why was Rosalie still talking to me?
“It’s pretty gross,” I said, not looking up. “I’ll eat at home.”
“Bella eats it,” Rosalie said, gesturing at Bella’s empty tray.
“Rosalie,” Edward scowled, as Bella blushed prettily at being the center of attention.
“Bella clearly has a less discerning palate,” I said, closing my books and standing up. “If it’s so important to you, you can eat it, Rosalie.”
And I flounced off.
For some unholy reason, Simon and Dad had decided to have a pre-Thanksgiving cocktail party for their co-workers and friends. I stayed out of the planning and decorating, spending my time buried in my homework and ignoring everything around me.
Why Simon decided to invite the entire Cullen clan and Bella and her father, I have no idea. Maybe some misguided attempt to help me socialize. God, I hoped not.
But that meant, the afternoon before Thanksgiving I put on one of the dresses Simon had bought me – with tights – and went downstairs to help set up.
The Cullen kids seemed less than enthused to see me, though Edward was clearly pleased to see Bella.
“I’d apologise, but it wasn’t my idea,” I said as I walked past Emmett and Rosalie with a tray of glasses.
“This will be fun,” Emmett said cheerfully. “We never get to see humans in their natural habitat.”
Jasper found me sitting in the kitchen, staring out at the backyard.
“Hey,” he said.
“Hey,” I replied, standing up. “Do you need something?”
“No. It just gets a bit much, so many people in one place, with alcohol. Overwhelming,” he shrugged.
“I get it,” I said. “I mean, I can’t imagine what it’s like for your gift. But I get being overwhelmed.”
He offered me a crooked smile. I smiled shyly back, and began stacking dirty glasses. What to say?
“Carlisle is worried about you.”
Apparently, the topic at hand was me.
“He shouldn’t,” I said, as I began to pack the dishwasher. “I’m okay.”
“Esme too – she’s desperate for you to come over to our place so she can attempt to mother you to death,” he continued.
I thought of Mrs Cullen almost longingly for a moment – how sweet and kind she was. Nothing like Mom – Mom had never been warm and fuzzy. Mrs Cullen seemed like she’d be a good mom.
“She’s sweet, but I’m okay, really.”
“Don’t lie to an empath, Alice. I know exactly how you feel.” The ghost of a smirk played at his mouth and I turned to finish gathering up dirty cutlery.
“So how do I feel?” I asked, looking over my shoulder.
Jasper met my gaze. “Like starlight – bright and beautiful, but distant. There’s sadness and longing, ferocity and loyalty, all hidden behind a very tall wall.”
Within fifteen minutes, I was being pressed into the couch, with the delicious weight of Jasper on top of me. Somehow, I was down to my tank top, and I was nearly positive the first few buttons of my jeans had been undone. Jasper’s mouth moved down my jaw, to my throat, and I sighed in delight. My hands slipped down, fumbling to get underneath. As my fingers grazed the hard flesh of his stomach, I heard him moan against my throat and I smiled.
“We should stop,” he murmured in my ear.
“Why?” I asked, choosing that moment to shift, aligning our hips, and hitching my knees up. He groaned, pressing me even harder into the couch, one hand tangling in my hair as he pulled me into a scorching kiss.
The sound of the back door opening was very distant, and it didn’t register properly until Simon’s cheerful voice broke the moment.
“Having some good, wholesome fun, kids?” he said.
Jasper only just barely managed to climb off me at human speed, and I half fell off the couch.
Simon was standing there, clutching a bag of groceries, looking amused. Cynthia was standing beside him, her jaw on the floor. Mostly likely because one of the famous Cullens was in her house, making out with her sister.
When Dad roped me into helping with the washing up, I knew he and Simon were going to corner me. And they did.
“Alice,” Dad said carefully, as I started wrapping up the leftovers. “Simon told me about how he found you and Jasper Hale this afternoon, and we wanted to chat with you.”
“It won’t happen again,” I said, my eyes firmly on the bowl of leftover couscous.
“That’s not what we’re worried about, sweetheart,” Simon said. “Though, yes, we might need to make some rules about boys in the house. But Alice… how long have you known this boy?”
I frowned, and looked over my shoulder. How did I explain that I knew Jasper, had known him for years? That with our gifts, the second we had met, this had been inevitable.
“Since I met him at school,” I said carefully. “It kind of happened.”
“You’re smart, Alice, and … we’re only saying this because we love you and we don’t want you to get hurt. But it’s only be a couple of weeks, and what I saw this afternoon looked very serious,” Simon continued, giving my father a Look.
“Honey, with the horrible things that happened to you, we just don’t want you to rush into sex and a physical relationship,” Dad finished. “Sometimes it can seem like it might make the hurt and the fear go away, but it doesn’t if you rush into it.”
Oh god. This was horrifying. “Jasper and I weren’t… we aren’t…” I managed, before taking a deep breath. “We aren’t having sex. We aren’t planning on sex yet. He knows I have issues.”
Simon and Dad exchanged looks. “Okay,” Dad said finally
I was trembling slightly as Jasper settled between my thighs, kissing me softly. I was aware of everything – my nudity, Jasper’s nudity, the scent of flowers and fabric softener from my bedding. The coil of warmth in my lower stomach, the circles Jasper was gently tracing on my hip.
“How are you feeling?” he murmured. I could feel him, cool and impossibly hard against my thigh, and I let out a shuddering breath.
“I’m okay,” I managed. “Just nervous. It’s going to hurt.”
“Oh darlin’,” he pressed a kiss to my lips. “If it hurts, I’ll stop. If you want me to, I’ll stop.”
I nodded. “Can you help me a little?” I whispered. “Just a little.”
“If you’re sure?” he said and I nodded. He kissed me deeply, one hand sliding down my thigh to guide my leg around his waist. The warmth in my stomach spread, and the fear seemed to fade. I found myself rocking against him slightly, making indecent sounds.
It didn’t hurt too badly; not like the other times, but I didn’t want to think about those. Proportionately, it was always going to be slightly awkward and uncomfortable the first time around. I knew it would get better, I had seen how good at this we’d become.
That thought just made me press closer to him.
“You’re so warm,” he groaned in my ear, kissing a trail to my neck. I gripped his shoulders, smirking to myself as he began to lick and suck at the juncture of my neck; a vampire with a neck fetish.
As I came back down to earth, panting and loose-limbed, Jasper moved about me, carefully but more erratically than before, his eyes darkening to pitch black. And without warning, he flung himself away from me, standing halfway across the room in less than a second.
“I need a moment,” he rasped, panting, his gaze firmly on me. Fuck. He looked like a god, standing there, his blackened gaze firmly on me. I wasn’t sure if it was his gift, the way he looked, but the warmth was building in my stomach again.
My mother always talked about vampire mating practices, and made it sound monstrous. Brutal sex, a violent bite to mark each other, and the bond settling over you, like invisible manacles. Cold and vicious, it was meant to be the ultimate unbreakable claim.  
In reality, it was nothing like that; his fingers stroking me, his arm around my waist, and then his mouth on my breast, his teeth biting down as I came apart in his arms, and then the soft lap of his tongue as he closed the wound.
Jasper slipped out before dawn with a deep kiss that I felt in my toes, his gaze glued to the throw I had hastily wrapped around myself, so that the neighbours wouldn’t catch me hanging out of my window naked.
“Dad and Simon won’t be home for hours,” I murmured as I leant in for another kiss. “Stay.”
“Alice,” he groaned, nuzzling my cheek. “Don’t tempt me. You need some sleep – and if I stay, there won’t be any sleep. I’ll see you later.”
I scowled but nodded, kissing him one last time. “Go.”
He jumped from my window, and I turned around. I needed clean sheets, a shower, and some sleep.
I just couldn’t stop smiling.
Jasper’s bite stood out on the side of my left breast, raised and pink, though it was already healing. It would fade into my skin over the next day, little more than a shadow against my skin until I touched it and felt the ridges of his teeth-marks. Finally, a bite mark that didn’t make me feel disfigured, or one that would be awkward to cover up. The memory of his teeth in my skin made me shiver; how his teeth were so sharp that it didn’t hurt, and his soft growling purrs, as he licked the wound; the slight sting of the vemon, his lips and fingers grazing the closed wound with such gentle love…
I tumbled back into my bed, with clean sheets and wet hair. I did feel different. I felt peaceful, secure, and loved. I felt human for the first time in a long time.
And I slept without nightmares.
I dreamt, as well, of Jasper getting home and Emmett’s whoop of amusement, and subsequent teasing. Of Edward losing his shit over the idea of a vampire having sex with a human. Of Carlisle being vaguely concerned, Esme looking amused, and Rosalie pissed off that they’d acquired another human pet. She’d be even more of a delight after this, I knew it.
“Wake up, sleepyhead!” I jerked awake to Simon knocking on my door.
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kimmysfandomblog · 6 years
🔥 for the dr3 anime. Have at it. (Before I forget I just wanna say I agree 110% about your opinion on Ko's sexuality. Single-target sexuality, I think it's called?)
Thanks for the ask, Hyun :) Sorry I took so long, but I have a lot of feelings when I write about this subject ^^; I accidentally... wrote you an essay ;;;;;;;
(And also, thank you so much!!! I never knew that existed, but it sounds very much like how I headcanon Ko!)
Unpopular Opinion on DR3, huh? I feel like I am generally... aligned with how most of the fandom view DR3?  DR3 was written poorly, DR3 ruined some characters (specifically a certain girl I love), DR3 had a bad mastermind/main antagonist, DR3 retconned  things poorly, etc. Like, honestly, the only thing I can do is actually tell you something I like about DR3, lol.
I guess one unpopular opinion would be that DR3Z Episode 3 is still my favorite out of all of DR3 (Hope Side included)!
I think when someone refers to their favorite episode in DR3, it would be something like Hope Arc, maybe an episode of Future Arc (like in Episode 6 when we were super hype about possibly Kamukura being there instead of Hinata and all these boats coming on their way). While I was also super hype about that, and I may have watched Hope Arc 20x times that day because my boy Hajime Hinata is safe and Happy, I have to say, I just like DR3Z Episode 3 more. It wasn’t completely satisfying (I don’t know if any episode of DR3 can be said to be completely satisfying, especially once you’ve finished the series), but it made more of a lasting impact on me.
First of all, I think one of the things that made me attached to it is that this is a much more Hajime-centric episode. We start with Hinata’s POV, and it shifts only a few times to other perspectives (Like Fuyuhiko’s, or Sato’s). WHen I finally got to know and love th DR2 cast, I was prepared to be excited for DR3 and getting to know their pasts. I first saw the DR3 trailer not knowing what they were talking about until they released the game on team, so when I rewatched it in anticipation, I got excited! One of the things I definitely wanted was more of Hinata! He was, and remains, the best DR Protagonist! I kinda figured that we would get more of Izuru than of Hajime, but I wanted to at least get more out of his motivations, and, yeah, we kinda did! It wasn’t what I thought we would get, what with a few mentions of his parents, but not so much of what they were like, but parts of Episode two, and all of Episode three were made to explain it a bit. SOme stuff, we already know, or could guess, such as that Hinata was desperate for a talent, and that be acquiring a talent, he would get Hope (Or a meaning to his life).
However, we get some additional info. Firstly, in Episode two, it is mentioned that HPA is paying for his tuition, should he enter the Hope Cultivation Plan, implying his parents are not as rich as we thought (DR2 made it seem like they were, since his parents were mentioned in that sort of flashback sequence). That puts a lot of pressure on him... not to mention they give him some time to decide. By the start of Episode three, he mentions he only has a week left. Within that one week he has left, he is acquainted with both sides of the decision, represented by Chiaki, representing the Ideal solution, where he wouldn’t need the project to have Hope, and Natsumi, representing the, I guess you could say, “Logical” solution, as in that no one alive cares about anyone unless they have talent, and HPA is giving it to him with no monetary cost to him, or his parents.
Now, we know that Chiaki is technically right, that even without a talent, you can have hope, but the problem is that she doesn’t have that same perspective. She does have a talent, and those words she learned from Yukizome can only help her because they were meant to say that Talent shouldn’t restrict Chiaki from doing what she wants, just for the fun of it. Hinata, meanwhile, has much less freedom in this Talent-driven society he is stuck in. No one will acknowledge his existence without talent, and because of  that, he can’t do anything even if he wanted to. By the end of this episode, he sees this flaw because unlike Nanami, Natsumi has the same perspective he does. She dies and it looks like as if no one cares at all about her death.
Now to Natsumi, she is the character struggling with society’s rules that you have to have a Talent to mean something. Both of them actually believe in these rules, and they are both desperate to get into the Main Course, but for Natsumi, the need is greater. She has a brother and his bodyguard who are both acknowledged as Ultimates, yet though she probably spends time with them both, Natsumi was left out. She was deemed, by society’s leaders in HPA, that she wasn’t enough for them, so how could she be enough for her brother? She would do anything for the same opportunity Hinata got. Hinata, who had been stuck with Reserve Course students that were all trying to accept they were nothing more than Reserve Course students and would never move on to the Main Course, now has come across someone similar to him, who has also refused to give up on their dream of being acknowledged as something special.
Hajime feels like the Hope Cultivation Plan is his only chance to finally be happy and proud of himself, but at the same time, he is, by nature, skeptical that such a plan would. It’s too good to be true (and it was, of course). The episode starts off with him looking up the school’s website, which doesn’t give him any real results. He’s only got a week to decide left, and he’s not completely sure yet if this is the right way to go even if, in his head, he desperately wants this to be the solution. It would be easy, and would benefit him and his family. But, with that doubt he still has, he latches on to Nanami’s words that he won’t need talent to be happy. THese words sound right. They sound like this is something that exists. But, it isn’t proven. In fact, it is disproven by Natsumi, first by her denial of his words that Talent isn’t everything (because it is something to enough people for it to matter), and secondly, when Natsumi dies despite coming from an influential family, and when she dies, her death is covered up with lies and unsatisfactory answers. This girl who he only just came to know and kind of befriend is dead, and he could do nothing about her death. He even pieces together that Sato killed her by chance, and that there was something clearly wrong with Sato to begin with, but then she is dead. Two classmates, now dead, and both of them had their deaths covered up. Hajime is not dumb, he can put pieces together (He didn’t need as much help in the trials unless someone was withholding information (usually Komaeda)). He knows exactly who to ask, and would have investigated it, but is stopped by Juzo.
He of course doesn’t know Juzo is trying to make sure he doesn’t dig too deep and gets targeted by HPA for revealing too much, but Juzo really doesn’t know how to talk with anything other than physical language. As in beat up a 15-16-year-old kid into submission, but you know. Juzo is just one more reason on top  of Natsumi’s death that he accepts the plan. Juzo validated his thoughts that he, nor anyone that lacks talent, matters.
It’s really heartbreaking to see Hinata like that, however I suppose, in his own way, he thought of the project as his way of breaking the mould of normality he was stuck in. You know that he needs to become Izuru Kamukura, you know it has to happen, but it does crush me how he had to come to the “realization” he is worthless otherwise to do it, through two deaths and his own degradation by Juzo. (and being saved by Chisa... probably not what he wanted.)
I find it interesting that the person that represents accepting the Hope Cultivation Plan is Natsumi, because we know if Fuyuhiko had ever heard her speak the words she did to Hinata, he’d have denied it. He’d have said she deserved to be in his place, that she would have been the better clan leader, that even though she didn’t accept his role, he would always introduce her as is Ultimate Little Sister, and no old men and drunk scout can change that.
If Hinata could have known that by being such a supportive friend, his friends would value him more than just as someone who has an Ultimate Talent, or EVERY Ultimate Talent, and that he provides all the difference just by being himself, I don’t think he would have turned to the Hope Cultivation Project.
But that isn’t how things went. Hinata, had no proof that Talent was truly meaningless. Society kept on validating that Talent meant much more than someone not acknowledged to have any.
Oh... I got.... way off topic ^^;
Well, overall, this was an emotional episode. I get why people don’t like it much: They really rushed the Twilight Syndrome MurderCase, to the point of not even showing the events in the minigame. I also wished for more Natsumi and Hinata interaction, or have this episode split in two (and take place instead of Love SOup incident, please). I found Satos’ character to be ver much lacking as well, since they reduced her to some kind of yandere-like personality (although thinking back, was she like that in the Twilight Syndrome Murder Case?) However, for what we got? It’s still something that I really love! It gave us an insight into Hinata, and an awesome character to boot!
(I also kinda skipped over the Hinam bits, but the Fountain scene was pretty sad, even if I’m really ehh about the way Nanami sees he’s hurt and still offers him to play, and other weird things like that involving those two... Like I swear Nanami would be way more concerned about his wellbeing in DR2 and pick up on the obvious bad signs and act on them more)
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warmbeebosoftbeebo · 6 years
Hey, I’m the anon that asked panicsinning about the daddy thing. I’m seeing it in a significant portion of the fics I try to read at the minute (not just Brendon fics, but I seem to find more of them with him!) and I’m not into it at all. It kinda sucks. There are so many other ways to write a dominant Brendon, if that’s what people want, but as soon as I see the daddy thing I gotta close the tab like no thank u. And especially if he’s said it makes him uncomfortable
i think we’re dealing with the fall out of a generation of 90s and 2000s people raised on internet porn. i’ve noticed–this is evident on wattpad n tumblr especially–that a lot of smut is written by junior high n high school girls too, whose go to source is other smut fics by youn’uns n internet porn. like you could see that at work too on aooo n livejournal, but that stuff tended to be more grounded in real life experience/realistic n the writers skewed older–late teens n 20s on those–recorded porn was also less…fucked up in the 90s-early 00s n things that are mainstream now used to be fringe n avoidable. another thing i’ve noticed in fics: lack of solidarity with other women and girls–a lot of monstering of other females, who are usually portrayed as “whores” (this has a long history though–i remember the good girl/bad girl dichotomy in a lot of romance novels, vc andrews books, etc–tv shows n movies based around conflict between girls, the idea that women and girls are crueler to girls than boys are when the reverse is true, women getting angry at the “other woman” and not their dickhead men)
(trigger warning for me ranting about the content of pornography, the sexual status quo, etc)
i watched straight porn from about 8-12 from 95-99 and i don’t remember ever seeing pia for example. porn is now absolutely obsessed with men anally penetrating women with their dicks (if you are on a porn site, you will quickly see it guaranfuckingteed), particularly the damage that can result from it (eg “gaping,” women saying they can’t handle it *on camera* and the scene still continuing, “she’ll need an ambulance when we’re done with her”). there wasn’t much “deep throat”/”throat fucking” fellatio (i hate those terms–we are looking at throat rape) either, but now porn is obsessed with that too. it also used to be more about showing at least the performance of female pleasure and orgasm (usually faked of course) but now that is largely irrelevant and clear indications of pain are not only kept in, but intentionally there. piv that’s not a cervix bashing is hard to find, scenes without piv even harder (and they’re usually brief clips), and “sex” for men generally and pornographers in particular starts at piv–like if there isn’t at least “regular fucking” it doesn’t even register as sexual and worth watching to most.
“vanilla porn” has a lot of bdsm themes in it as discussed above as well as slapping, spitting, ejaculating on women’s faces, misogynist namecalling, “ass to mouth” and the hetero bdsm porn online is absolutely–we’re talking witch hunt and slavery levels of torture. in both, women are punished for the crime of being born female. based in aggrieved male entitlement–like men are punishing women for having any boundaries, desires of their own, telling them no outright or no to certain sex acts. any sexuality in women reduced to “fuck hole” (or a dewey eyed bisexual–tropes around female-female sexuality in porn are more varied i will admit but ultimately about viewer, typically male, titillation. femdom is also usually paid for by the man, and all about what he wants, and most of the domination and pain is both mild in comparison to what women are put through and based in feminizing him–comparing him to a woman, calling him gay, saying he has a small “ineffective” dick, calling his anus a pussy, etc. women are also often in absolutely ridiculous uncomfortable outfits n shoes.). a lot of humiliation, dom/sub–it’s really difficult for me to watch but it’s like men are in a contest with each other, expressing sexuality together, with women as the targets–seeing who can humiliate and hurt women the most–make her wish she’d never been born. man=sadist, and female=hole. (and a lot of the women making porn play that same game too.)
under this, girls are developing their sexuality, with the above porn online, and either just a general lack of information from school and parents, or a specifically religious tinge to discussions of sexuality as being sinful, shameful in women (and gay/bi men). sex=piv=sex, and pia is 5th base and you shouldn’t have hang ups about fucking bc it’s what girls and women are made for and like. things that women can do together don’t get transferred to sex with men at all, or at best MAY make it in as foreplay–sex is pole in hole, silly ho–not rubbing off on him (esp if you want to rub on a part or in a position that makes him feel like a girl), or getting oral, or masturbating in front of him, or him using his hand on you, or using toys together… women and girls are the gatekeepers for male sexuality and responsible for men’s actions and either natural saints or whores who need to either save men from the bad women (who deserve what men do to them, regardless of how cruel or sadistic or destructive–she wanted it if it happened at all–made him do it) or embrace their roles as cumsluts (liberated sexuality is doing what the pornographers tell you to, you go girl and suck that cock and have piv while you have few if any orgasms, don’t even feel that turned on and comfortable, and just put on a good show! lol don’t you know that focusing on yr clit n vulva is for masturbation and girl-girl action, if you focus on that silly part at all. or just rub your clit while he’s using whichever of your holes he wants–the sex positive solution. or spend years thinking you’re broken, to find out not orgasming during piv is normal, and just continue having it n taking hormonal birth control n praying for your period to arrive on time.)
there is a lot telling women and girls to find dangerous, possessive, sadistic, controlling, etc men sexy, and obviously this works–increasingly women are consuming porn, the success of the twilight novels, 50 shades of abusive gaslighting n pitying the poor poor dude who is just a hurt puppy (who can fucking kill you), advising already traumatized women to “work through their trauma” with a male sadist/top, telling women and girls that “daddy kink” is hot as fuck (ignore the fact that father-daughter incest is probably statistically the most traumatic form of child sexual abuse there is n hide it behind “it’s just a bit of kinky fun n letting him feel like a real man n letting you surrender to yourself n letting him take care of you” gaslighting), the whole mess of “sex positive feminism” (this is not what anne koedt, shere hite, audre lorde, etc were talking about folks) and repainting feminism (the fight for women’s liberation from patriarchy and the end of male violence) as about consumerist choices (particularly around conforming to beauty standards, partaking in prostitution industries) and saying women are not a class and women aren’t oppressed because of male desire to control our sexuality and reproduction but because we have inner feminine souls/brains and if you’re not a walking stereotype n don’t feel like one you’re not really female n sex is a free for all n not political at all (except for slutshaming bc women often are what men call us n shouldn’t be shamed for it–we should embrace it as empowerment) n trust women unless they say something you don’t agree with then they are monsters who kill with their words unlike men (even the ones who do kill) who aren’t why we feel unsafe (those bad women over there made them do it n besides, women are worse than men)… 
holy fuck this is quite the rant! i need to get back to writing the smutty times with beebs ;)
tl;dr this environment is ripe for girls finding “daddy kink” sexy because it encapsulates more explicitly what flows through our everyday sexual lives, media, etc. already. like the question shouldn’t be “why are some into daddy kink” but “why is there an intense focus on dom/sub, top/bottom, adult/child, male/female, penetrator/penetrated… dichotomies and roles in the first place?” or “how could so many *not* be drawn to it?” i remember reading explicit romance novels and this dom/sub, piv-oriented, etc relation was as common as air in them (they were generally way worse than graphic western novels n even worse than a lot of recorded porn back then), even the ones where the women were into equality outside of the bedroom. you can also see this in gay porn, where there is also this focus on pia and top/bottom roles, changing the way gay men have sex outside of porn too–like older gay/bi men see pia and roles attached to it as far less pivotal in their understanding and experience of sex than young gay/bi men do. (jesus christ gal get back on topic…) 
daddy/little (or kitten or princess or slut or…) confirms the way things should be: male control, authority, female deference, submission, etc. independence in women is punished. female desire for sexual pleasure and affection is denigrated. the amount of fics where women are punished or shamed for masturbating in front of him or on her own or rubbing herself on him by the daddy/dom! i can’t even… told not to, called bad for doing it…had their hand slapped away…physically punished for doing it. it’s seen as a distraction from the man’s Very Important Stuff at best, whether that stuff is nonsexual or what he wants to do to her sexually. sexuality is presented as a punishment for women (not so far from god’s condemnation of eve are we?), but something we desire simultaneously. like we should be punished for wanting, as if our wanting men or a man means we should be hurt by him/them. spanking is a humiliation and pain ritual a la abusive fathers with belts/forceful hands/tree branches/whips through the patriarchal ages, creating welts and tears and humiliation. females are *done to* and males *do*. even sucking dick becomes something men do to women by pushing her head down, pushing into her throat, etc as tears well up. outside of fic, women take painkillers and use numbing gels to endure it. the sexiest women are like little girls, and the sexiest men are controlling fathers. men *have to* hurt us, to let us know what we did wrong, so we can try to behave better next time. women need someone telling them what to do, when to do it, how to do it. telling us and showing us what we are for. men need to feel like real men, and women like real women–nothing is worse than an uppity woman making a man feel like a he’s not an avatar of masculinity, or however he sees himself–quit trying to emasculate men, unless they are into forced feminization of course n are paying for you to do what they want you to, are topping from the bottom. never challenge male self-image, especially in sex. know your place, and tell yourself you are precious, and cared for, and pampered by a benevolent master. daddy kink is the sexiest sex to ever sex, n vanilla is just so boring… why settle for lights out missionary piv when you can be choked n slapped n entered anally? those are your two choices. you’re not a prude are you? quit being so sex negative. quit policing these wild sexy desires in people. quit erasing and killing us with anything you might think or say to contradict this.
we live in a world where men get away with murdering women based on “rough sex gone wrong” defenses, even to the point where people think it reasonable that a native woman in prostitution bled to death after “consensual” piv with a john (when he likely sliced open the inside of her vagina with a knife based on the extent of her injury, let alone the belief that lethal injury can be consented to period let alone within prostitution), athletes are acquitted of rape when they gang rape a woman into several hours of bleeding from a vaginal injury (and she named it rape from the get go, the men were bragging and trying to get her to keep quiet), wives are murdered by boyfriends in “50 shades games gone wrong” that *she* wanted (considering she is the dead one not him...), people think *unconscious* women and girls are “consenting” whether strangled into unconsciousness or drugged or sleeping..., and another woman was literally choked to death during throat rape by the man she loved (the focus in that courtroom and the media? His allegedly big dick--how could he have helped himself, not killed her, with such a big cock? Injuring women with big dicks is so entertaining n humourous!). A male sadist is more likely to kill you than give you an amazing time in bed. More likely to claim it’s all fun n games when numerous women accuse him of sexual, physical and psychological abuse than actually help those or any other women have a good time in bed.
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karyu-endan · 7 years
Twilight Chapter 15/16 review: Meyer Wrote This Story Sideways, I Swear
I’m in a bit of a pickle right now.
See, I read two chapters of Twilight back-to-back today. This is because chapter 15 ends in a really awkward spot. Edward starts telling Bella about Carlisle’s backstory, but he stops partway through rather abruptly and picks it back up early into chapter 16.
Now, I could see it being done like this if Meyer wanted Carlisle to join the conversation and talk about his own past in order to get a feel for how the man himself reflects on it, but this doesn’t happen. Chapter 16 starts with Edward taking Bella to Carlisle’s office to ask him to continue where he left off, but Carlisle has to fill in for another doctor who called in sick and can’t say anything, leaving Edward to tell Bella more about Carlisle. The chapter transition has no point other than giving Bella an excuse to gush about the size of Carlisle’s book collection and a painting on the wall when she steps into his office.
So chapter 15 doesn’t really end and I read chapter 16 as well. But now I have two chapters’ worth of content I need to say my piece about, and if I put all of my thoughts into a single post it would be too long. So here’s what I came up with. I’ll be splitting the review of this couple of chapters into three parts. This one, which will cover most of the content in both chapters, and two more parts which will deal with Carlisle’s backstory and Edward’s backstory specifically. Carlisle’s backstory forms a bulk of both chapters and is big enough it deserves its own review, and while Edward’s backstory is not given anywhere near as much focus (strangely enough) that small section is nonetheless rather important and I want to give it my undivided attention.
With that out of the way, let’s begin the chapters in earnest.
Chapter 14 ends with Bella falling asleep to the sound of Edward singing a lullaby too quiet for Charlie to hear. Chapter 15 starts with Bella waking up the next morning, and after the initial surprise of it, she is ecstatic to learn that Edward stuck around all night long and was at her side when she woke up.
Well, after being flattered by Edward breaking into her house every night to watch her sleep without her consent nothing surprises me. Maybe it’s just another chance for Edward to lose control and turn Bella into a vampire. I don’t know.
Anyway, after Edward informs her that Charlie already left, Bella has breakfast and as she’s eating it Edward tells her he’d like Bella to meet his family today... and eventually he’d like Bella to introduce him to Charlie as her boyfriend. After some squabbling about the word “boyfriend” Bella reluctantly accepts Edward’s proposal to meet his family.
But not reluctantly in the sense that she’s afraid of being eaten by half a dozen vampires, oh no. That’d be the sane reaction. Instead, Bella’s reluctant because she’s afraid the Cullens won’t like her!
Because if the Cullens don’t like her, they won’t go along with her inevitable pleas to turn her into a vampire. Come on; for what other reason could this cognitive dissonance possibly exist?
Oh, and Edward points out how irrationally Bella’s behaving. This is actually something rather common in this book, for several characters. Most of the time, someone will acknowledge that a given character is being stupid, crazy, or a jerk. But aside from Mike in chapter 7, no one ever actually learns from being called out and keeps doing what they aren’t supposed to be doing. It can only happen so often before it gets annoying.
No wonder Mervin started keeping track of it with the Sin Thine Ass Off counter.
Back to the story. Bella quickly gets changed and then Edward takes her to the Cullen household, which is understandably pretty far away from the rest of town. Then Bella goes into detail about the surrounding scenery, and the exterior of the house… and the interior of the house when Edward takes her in. The extended description is surprisingly not filled with purple prose and does what it is intended to do: give readers an idea of what the setting looks like and provide atmosphere for the coming scenes. Thankfully not everything Cullen-related is dazzling.
And now Bella meets the rest of the Cullens… well, save Rosalie and Emmett. Rosalie is the only one that doesn’t like Bella and Emmett’s trying to reason with her, according to Edward. Though Emmett still has enough common sense to consider Edward a lunatic for staying with Bella; he just doesn’t have anything against Bella herself. Upon learning this Bella asks Edward what Rosalie dislikes her for and after Edward says it’s because she’s jealous, Bella asks how Rosalie could possibly be jealous of her.
Yeah, Bella! How dare someone stuck being teenager for all eternity be jealous of someone capable of growing up and living a full life? I mean, that’s not quite the reason, but as usual Bella is too dazzled by appearances to even consider that.
As for the actual reason? In due time… In due time…
Back to the Cullens that actually meet Bella, Carlisle and Esme are the first. Carlisle is amicable enough to request that Bella refer to him by his first name (after previously referring to him as Dr. Cullen). As for Esme… she’s very happy. Almost too happy. She pressures Edward into playing the piano for Bella and Edward later says that even if Bella had webbed feet and a third eye she’d be impressed. Edward had gone on without a partner for so long (and flat-out rejected Rosalie, let’s remember) that Esme was apparently getting worried that he’d be forever alone.
I wonder what Esme would think if Edward brought a boy home instead of a girl.
Also, when describing Esme, Bella compares her to Snow White. That’s three allusions to Disney princesses now.
Then down comes Alice! She stops just short of glomping Bella in excitement. Esme could be seen like the mother who’s relieved that her son is straight after all… while Alice is definitely the fangirl who’s celebrating her OTP finally becoming canon.
I like Alice. Alice might be crazy, but unlike Bella and Edward who understand the problems with their actions but do them anyway, she’s innocently crazy. Her having no memories of her human life means she has no innate understanding of social etiquette and her ability to see the future might give her a warped sense of morality. Scenes like this one demonstrate her naivety when it comes to basic, human things like introductions. The rest of the Cullens are reserved and trying to ease Bella into getting to know them, understandably trying to make sure Bella isn’t frightened by a bunch of vampires she’s never really met before. Alice, however, holds nothing back and shows off just how much she wants to befriend Bella the moment she can.
It actually provides a nice contrast with Bella. Bella is a compulsive liar that can’t comprehend just telling the truth is an option, while Alice has no conversation filter thanks to her unique circumstances and has difficulty lying when she should. One can only imagine what Alice had to go through in order to learn how to pass as an ordinary high school student (and she seemed a lot quieter in chapter 12 too; in hindsight, she was clearly out of her element).
Again, I posit that Bella/Alice would be more interesting than Bella/Edward, since their personalities actually complement each other and they can help one another overcome their flaws.
In contrast to Alice, Jasper is the most shy about meeting Bella. He doesn’t even as much as shake Bella’s hand and actually initially uses his power to make Bella feel better about meeting him before Edward gives him a sharp glare and he stops it. Again, this is an effective introduction for him because of course Jasper would be the most hesitant at meeting Bella; he’s the one with the worst control issues and has to worry about losing control the most.
It’s just a shame we’re getting these Establishing Character Moments after Edward gave us a bunch of exposition about them in chapters 13 and 14. Showing Alice’s lack of social skills and Jasper’s hesitance and then explaining what was up with them would have given the scenes more impact. As the books are structured, Alice and Jasper are given exposition first as just a bit of fluff breaking up the pace of the story, and these moments here only back-up what Edward was saying; an Establishing Character Moment loses its weight when we already know what to expect. Had I been writing this story, I wouldn’t have gone into detail about Alice and Jasper until right after these moments here, with Bella asking why they were acting weird as a segue into Edward explaining their backstories. The chapter would end when Edward finishes and starts showing Bella the upper floors of the house, leaving the chapter hanging as Edward’s about to talk about Carlisle’s backstory, with chapter 16 devoted entirely to that with Carlisle adding to the discussion himself for reasons I pointed out earlier.
And with that… it’s over. Practically nothing substantial happens after meeting the Cullens for the rest of these two chapters. After they leave, Edward starts playing the piano for Bella. Then Edward talks about Carlisle. Then Edward talks about himself. Then chapter 16 ends with Alice and Jasper letting Edward know they’re going to play some baseball in the back yard. In the middle of it all Edward brings up Alice having a vision recently about some human-eating vampires coming to visit (which seems to be there just so Meyer can say that James doesn’t come out of nowhere), but that’s pretty much it from the plot development standpoint.
Next time Carlisle’s backstory is getting closely examined for any story-related illnesses we may diagnose it with.
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lovemesomesurveys · 7 years
Are you currently learning from anyone how to play any instruments? Nope.
Are you one of those people who always tend to think critically in issues? I think so? I don’t just take everything I hear at face value or go with what others believe and are saying. I want to inform myself and form my own opinions.
Do you know anyone who is overly flirty with people? Girl or a boy? No.
When was the last time you had any kind of pork? What kind was it? It’s been a little while, actually. I have more beef cause of hamburgers and chicken.
Are you someone who normally eats a full breakfast every single morning? Noooope. The most I have in the morning is my cup of coffee and a donut or muffin. I rarely eat breakfast otherwise. I like breakfast foods, I just don’t eat them at breakfast time usually.
Do you believe vampires are real? Not the stereotypical Twilight kind. There are people who like to drink blood. Blech.
Is there anyone out there who can give you butterflies in your stomach? Ty gave me that feeling.
Are you someone who has to hide the things you like around friends? Not really hide, but I’d just rather not bring up or share.
Have you ever been to a porn website? Were you addicted to it afterword? Yeah. My friends have shown me videos before. I really don’t get the appeal, it definitely wasn’t my thing. To each their own.
What is the most disgusting thing you think the opposite sex can do? I don’t know.
Would you rather be able to teleport or freeze time? Which one seems best? Teleport. I could go anywhere I wanted, whenever.
Have you seen the movie Twister? Did the tornadoes look real to you? I haven’t.
Have you actually been through a devastating natural disaster before? Thankfully, no.
Did your mom ever fix your eggs and bacon into a smiley face as a kid? I don’t think so.
What fast food place, in your opinion, has the best french fries? McDonald’s does when they’re nice and hot and soft. Now when they’ve been sitting there for a long time and are all hard.
Do you believe one day aliens might take over the planet Earth? Let’s hope not.
Are you someone who always looks for sales when you go shopping somewhere? Usually, yes. I like saving money. <<<< Same.
Are you constantly re-arranging your bedroom? Or do you not like change? Nope. My room setup has been the same. I just add stuff. I can’t really do a whole lot with it because my room is kind of small.
Who would you consider the best teen actor or actress out there now? I don’t know.
When did you last cuddle up next to someone and watch a movie? I haven’t cuddled up with anyone to watch a movie except for with a hot drink and a blanket, but my family and I like to watch movies together.
Where would people most likely find you out on the weekends? At home.
Do you like the school you attend or is it just pretty bland to you? I’m not in school.
Do you remember when they used to actually throw candy out at parades? I haven’t been to a parade.
What is your favorite childhood memory? Who did you share this with? Just my childhood in general. I loved just playing Barbies and doing my own thing without a worry in the world.
Are there any windows open in your house right now? Which ones, if so? Nope.
Is it currently your favorite season? If not what is your favorite? One of them, yes. I also love fall.
Do you like soda pop? If so, which is your favorite and least favorite? I’ve been asked this a lot as of late. Dr. Pepper, Coke, Pepsi (the cherry varieties as well), and Cream soda are my favorites. I don’t care much for Sprite, Sierra Mist, or 7-Up. I have an off and on relationship with Root Beer; sometimes I like it, sometimes I don’t. I rarely have it. Is Ginger Ale a soda? If it is, that’s also one I don’t like at all.
Does it bother you when people burp around you or do you do it too? I burp at home around family, but not around others or in public.
Do you have any siblings you’re embarrassed about being related to? Wow, no. I love my siblings and I am happy to call them my brothers.
Which noises do you currently hear right now? Can you control those? The girl talking in the ASMR video. I could control it by turning the volume down or stopping the video.
What is one thing you’ve never understood throughout your life? Life.
When you see an old person do you think ‘sweet’ or 'creepy?’ Uh it’s not just one or the other for a whole group of people. I don’t usually think anything.
What is it that makes old women want so many cats in their life? To fill the void. I always say I’ll be the old dog lady instead cause I’m a dog person and will likely be forever alone.
What is one kind of music you’d do anything to not listen to in the car? I don’t like techno.
When was the last time you babysat, if ever? Did anything bad happen? It’s been yearsss. I’d babysit my younger brother and two of my cousins when they were kids, but one is 18 soon to be 19 now, my brother will be 18 soon, and my other cousin is going to be 17. They’re all big now. :’(
How many times a day do you wash your face? Do you wash it really good? I haven’t been good about doing that. :/ For awhile I was washing it every night.
Would you consider yourself to have a boring life or a really exciting one? It’s really rather boring and simple. I’m sure most people on the outside looking in would think so. The thing is, I genuinely like doing the things I do like Tumblring, surveys, reading, coloring, watching Youtube, and watching TV. I like staying home as opposed to going out. It doesn’t mean I never get bored, or that I never like to go anywhere, but overall those are the things I like to do. I like the simplicity.
However, I’ve kind of been on the extreme end of things for the past two years. Especially this past year. I became withdrawn and distant from friends. I’ve holed up at home. Before I was in school, and I would also hang out with friends and stuff. I got out of the house and did stuff. Being the way I have been doesn’t do much good for my mental health. Being with myself and my thoughts all the time isn’t good. I’ve been having issues with my physical health, some of which requires me to on bed rest as much as I can. That gets rather frustrating. I do get an itch to switch it up now and then and break the routine. I’ve been feeling that way lately. I could stand to get out for awhile and do something.
Do you ever talk to people you met online through webcam? Or is that weird? No. I didn’t even like doing that with people I knew in “real life.” I’ve never been a fan of that. I don’t like Facetiming and all that.
Who was the last person you kissed and why did you kiss this person? I don’t get this question every time it’s asked. We kissed cause we wanted to. Oh, and it was Joseph.
How many fish have you owned in your lifetime, so far? Did they all die? I’m not sure. I had a lot as a kid. Yes, they did all end up dying at some point.
When do you think it’s the right age to pass away? I don’t know what the “right” age is.
If you were to get drunk right now, how would you most likely act? I wouldn’t be getting drunk, though.
How many people have you kissed in your lifetime, so far? Who were they? Three.
Are you going to post this on a social networking site after you take it? I’m posting this on Tumblr and that’s it.
Is there something people in general do that bothers you a lot? I don’t know. I just can’t people a lot. I can’t be around a lot of people.
Has anything supernatural ever happened to you? What were these events? No.
How many concerts have you seen so far in life? Were they good ones? About six, I believe. Yes, I had a good time.
Do you like doing anything your friends wouldn’t expect you to do? *shrug*
Can you sing very well or are you considerably tone deaf? I know I can’t sing.
When did you last make a survey? How many people took it so far? I don’t make surveys.
Would you ever consider becoming a scientist? Why would you or why not? No. I don’t excel in science at all, and it’s just not something that I wished to ever pursue. It’s not to say some of it isn’t interesting, but it’s something I’d rather read about on my own rather than get a degree in it and become one.
Where is your favorite place to go when you’re feeling sad and alone? My room.
Have you ever had to call poison control while you were babysitting? No.
Do you ever look back on the past years and wish you could go back? Yes.
When is the next time you’ll talk to the cousin you’re closest to? I’m not close with any of my cousins anymore. :(
Does it bother you when people constantly sign in on MSN? Or not so much? I don’t use MSN. Never have.
When was the last time you saw a bird? What kind of bird was this? I don’t know. Probably the other day. I don’t really pay attention.
Have you ever seen someone getting beat up by lots of people at one time? No. I don’t understand why people like watching fights and would go run over to it if they saw one. I don’t like watching that.
Are you really into vintage things? Have you ever been into that stuff? Not really into it, but I do like some stuff.
When was the last time you bought new sheets for your bed? My parents got me a new set this past Christmas.
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wordcollector · 7 years
Trypod: Tackling Podcast Unawareness with My Top 10 Podcasts
This month, NPR asked people to share stories about their favorite podcasts in an effort to encourage others to try listening to podcasts.  The effort has been termed ‘trypod,’ which is admittedly clever, but which makes Google really mad when you try to search for more information. Google’s spell-check aside, I wanted to participate and share my top 10 favorite podcasts, the ones that have kept me company on my long drives between Kentucky and Missouri.  Maybe you’re looking for a new podcast to try, or maybe you’ve never listened to a podcast and don’t know where to start.  Or maybe you’re looking to find someone with weirder listening tastes than you to make you feel a little bit better about yourself.
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Whatever the case, I give you the 10 podcasts that have managed to capture my heart and my ears:
Animation Addicts Podcast: I love all things animated, so it was great to find a podcast of other late-20s-year-olds discussing animated films and shows.  But better than that, Chelsea, Morgan, and Mason really discuss these films, dissecting the story and the characters, examining the style of the music, arguing about whether the jokes are funny or annoying.  It’s fun to recap some of my favorite films and to hear other opinions about them.  I also really like that the three share information regarding the history, the context, and the innovations of each film, particularly when Mason, who’s in school for animation, talks about new computer technology, programs, or techniques that were used in making a particular film; even though I don’t always understand all the technicalities, I can appreciate the outcome.  The Animation Addicts Podcast is the perfect show for any animation fan, and it’s guaranteed to brighten your day.
The Black Tapes: The Black Tapes is set up as a mockumentary of sorts, one that explores the unsolved and unexplained cases of a famous paranormal researcher.  Even though you know this story isn’t real, it’s easy to forget it at times, especially as the cases begin to resemble those horror films that begin with ‘Based on True Events.’  Alex is an interesting and determined lead, and her back and forth relationship with Dr. Strand both as friends and as professionals is fascinating to hear unfold. This podcast may be a bit scary for some listeners, as the cases do sometimes get a bit graphic, but it’s a great podcast to pull you in and keep you listening until you run out of episodes.
Harry Potter and the Sacred Text: As the name suggests, Harry Potter and the Sacred Text examines the Harry Potter books as if they were an actual sacred text a la the Bible.  Each episode covers a single chapter of the series, beginning, of course, with the Sorcerer’s Stone, featuring quick recaps of the chapter from the two hosts and then proceeding into a discussion of the characters, events, and important truths found in that section.  Eventually the hosts begin to look at each chapter through the lens of a particular theme—with a new theme each week—and it’s fascinating to see what can be revealed about the story when you look it from a new perspective.  The chapters are also discussed further using one of a handful of sacred practices designed to deepen the understanding of the chapter.  Don’t let the hint of religion push you away from this great podcast.  They’re talking about Harry Potter and not any true religious text, but examining these books as if they were sacred will reveal thoughts and feelings that will make you realize all over again just how fantastic a series Harry Potter truly is.
Invisibilia: One of the few NPR podcasts I truly like, Invisibilia examines the unseen forces that impact us as individuals and as part of the human race.  These are things like our natural tendency to categorize people and things, the way clothes influence our perceptions and feelings, and the power of societal norms. This is definitely a podcast that makes you think as the hosts present interviews, scientific studies, and personal anecdotes all designed to open your eyes to the invisible factors affecting your life.  
Lore: Lore is a podcast that explores tales and folklore from around the world with an eye for telling the true story.  Each episode focuses on a different topic, whether that topic is a person (H.H. Holmes, Mary Toft), an event (Salem Witch Trials, the construction of the Hoosac Tunnel), or strange and explainable occurrences (curses, doppelgangers, supernatural creatures).  The host presents whatever facts or information is available on the topic in a way that is both informative and intriguing, and I appreciate the obvious amount of research that goes into each episode.  I also appreciate that, for the episodes where something explainable is discussed, the host gives evidence for multiple possible explanations, yet he always ends with one final bit of fact that really makes you consider your beliefs on things that exist at the edges of what’s truly known and what could be.  Some episodes are spooky, some are horrible, others are simply sad, but they all tell fascinating stories that will leave you wanting to know more.
Sayer: Sayer is a sci-fi/horror podcast with a psychopathic AI that someone decided should be in charge of everything.  Set on Typhon, Earth’s new man-made moon, each episode is narrated by Sayer itself as it provides you with information and instructions to help you get along in your new home and job.  Unfortunately, terrible and bizarre things happen quite often on Typhon, so you get placed into a tale of new chaos every episode. The storylines seem strange and disconnected until things really get going and you realize everything is in fact part of the same story.  It’s likely you’ll end up re-listening to episodes in a new light after new information has been revealed.  The story has a great ending if you manage to put all the pieces together, but I will admit to being confused from time to time, so here’s a free bit of information to help clear things up: there are no bees on Typhon.
Serial: I will admit to only having listened to the first season, but that was enough to land Serial on my list of favorites. If you’ve watched Making a Murderer, this story is quite similar, with a young man being convicted of a murder he swears he didn’t commit and a line of evidence that fails to conclusively prove anything.  The writers have done a fantastic job of laying out all the evidence and presenting both sides of the story.  They make no claims as to the man’s innocence or guilt, but they show that there was enough reasonable doubt to make you wonder how the man ever got convicted.  A lot of time and research has been put into making this podcast, and although it’s tough to listen to at times, you’ll want to binge all 12 episodes of season one.
Stuff You Missed in History Class: Educational yet entertaining, Stuff You Missed in History Class is a podcast that cover historical people, events, places, and artifacts that probably didn’t make it into your high school curriculum.  There are a wide range of topics, and each episode covers something new, so you’re free to pick and choose what ones to listen to.  And there are plenty of episodes to choose from, since this podcast has been running for a while.  It’s fun, it’s interesting, and it’s educational in a way that will make you look really smart come trivia night.  A must-listen for any history buff or for anyone wanting to know a bit more about the past.
Welcome to Night Vale: You’ve probably heard of this weird little podcast or at least seen it as you scrolled through the most popular podcasts on iTunes—this podcast has been high on the charts since it was first released.  Welcome to Night Vale is a community radio show for Night Vale, a little desert town where some really strange stuff happens.  No one’s allowed in the dog park except for the hooded figures, the librarians are more likely to eat you than they are to help you find a book, and you’re liable to be late for work because the Faceless Old Woman that Lives in Your Home filled all your shoes with scorpions.  And these are just the things that happen on a normal day.  Welcome to Night Vale may seem too weird or too ridiculous—and it is more than a bit of both—but it’s also extremely intricate, clever, heartwarming, and truly terrifying.  It takes pages out of shows such as The Twilight Zone and Twin Peaks to create a world where things aren’t quite right, but where the people you meet are truly one-of-a-kind.  But only because everyone had to kill their double.  Wait, you let your double go? And she’s working at Big Rico’s? You’d better hope the City Council never finds out.  
Witness: Produced by the BBC, Witness presents interviews from people with firsthand accounts of people, places, and events that changed the world.  These interviews span decades and cover a wide variety of topics, and each gives a unique and personal voice to a time past.  It’s educational, but still interesting, and once again, there are years of episodes to pick and choose what interests you.
Bonus: Flash Forward: Every episode of Flash Forward begins with a quick trip to the future, where some change in society has altered how our world works. Some of these changes seem more realistic than others, yet each is truly a possible scenario, with some even probable in the near future if technology continues to progress as it has.  Upon returning to the present, the host discusses the realities and consequences of that particular imagined future with experts on the topic, ranging from psychologists to scientists to science fiction writers.  It’s a very logical game of “What If?” that will sometimes leave you looking forward to the future and other time will make you paranoid of how humanity will screw itself up next.
There you go.  My top 10 podcasts plus one extra just because. The next time you need something to listen to, check out one of these podcasts or one of the other thousands of podcasts available now.  Whether you’re looking for something that makes you think, something that makes you laugh, or something that makes you cry, there’s a podcast for it.
So try a podcast today. You won’t be disappointed.  Happy listening.
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