#but uh. take this ness vent piece
getosugurusbangs · 4 months
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i know what that means, i know.
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Gregory introduces Spring-ness to Freddy
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The first prompt up there is number three of our tumblr generated prompts and comes from TheGrimRead3r on ao3! The second one came in during this event, but there was no reason not to put them together. This one is a sequel to Amongst the Dead, and the tldr of that ficlet is that Vanessa got spring-locked and possesses a white bunny animatronic now.
A Difference Keenly Felt
Vanessa didn’t know what she was doing. In the grand scheme of things, that is, because right now, she was letting a kid stand on her shoulders in order to climb into a vent. A kid she desperately wanted to save. Which meant now was not the time to have an existential crisis. Gregory’s slight weight left her, and she listened to the clunking of him scooting around up there.
“I’ll go unlock the door,” he called back to her, and then he was off. It was a good thing they weren’t trying to be quiet, she mused with a soft huff.
She wandered back over to the door in question. Her movements still felt stiff, but it was already a far cry from the absolute struggle it was to stand up. She hadn’t moved since she’d been tossed into that room like junk—as if she wasn’t a… as if she wasn’t an actual person.
A dead one, yes, but clearly death wasn’t as final as she’d once believed.
Vanessa looked down at herself, at what she thought of as her body now. It didn’t feel the same as her human body, of course, but it was still hers. There was a much duller sense of feeling, like she was touching things through a thick blanket, and she’d completely lost her ability to taste and smell. But the limbs moved as she wanted, and her eyesight and hearing was certainly improved.
It wasn’t the body she would have chosen for herself. If she could get her human one back, she would in a heartbeat. But instead, she was a fuzzy white rabbit animatronic, which was just salt in the wound.
She hadn’t known how to feel when she realized her human body had been removed. The insides of her animatronic suit were far from clean—judging by the way Gregory’s nose wrinkled when he got too close, she still smelled of rot—but it hurt a little to have lost that last piece of who she used to be. She was grateful, though, to not have to be so aware of the flesh and blood that had clogged her insides.
The door unlocked, and as Gregory pulled it open, he said, “You’ll never guess who I found! I don’t think I mentioned it, actually, but Freddy was helping me before we got separated, and that was when I met you!”
What passed for fear when one’s body lacked flesh and hormones and a brain to translate those chemicals flashed through Vanessa, and she looked up in a panic to see Glamrock Freddy standing behind Gregory. His smile faded a bit when he saw her, but Gregory didn’t notice either of their reactions.
“Freddy, this is Vanessa. She watched over me while I took a nap. Vanessa, this is Freddy. He was helping me before I met you.” He barely gave them a chance to take each other in before he was off like a shot. “I’m gonna go get a Fazerblaster like you suggested, Freddy! Be right back, play nice!”
Vanessa tensed as she was left alone with a real animatronic. He eyed her distrustfully.
“You are not like me,” Freddy said eventually.
“Uh,” she replied. “I don’t know what you mean.”
“You are… different. Wrong,” Freddy said. She flinched minutely; trust me, she wanted to say, I know. “There is no ‘Vanessa’ in my files of past or present animatronic personalities. You do not exist, yet you stand before me.” His countenance hardened, and even though Vanessa wasn’t hooked up to the communication system the way a proper animatronic would be, she could nearly feel the protective rage settling over him. “If you are trying to hurt Gregory, I will stop you.”
She raised her hands and shuffled away. “I’m just trying to help, okay? The kid needs as much as he can get.”
“Who—what are you?” Freddy demanded.
“I’m Vanessa,” she said. “I… I’m…”
He moved fast for a robot, much faster than she did, as unused to her mechanical body as she was. He slammed her into a wall, looking quite ready to rip her apart if need be.
“Okay, okay!” she cried. “But you can’t tell Gregory, yeah? It’ll—it won’t help.”
“I will be the judge of that.”
She wished she could swallow or run a hand through her hair or even just breathe. But all of those little human things had been taken from her. Their absence, the difference in all the little things that made her up… she felt it deep and sharply.
But it wasn’t like she could cry about it.
“I’m Vanessa,” she repeated. “And I was a human. I got… I was tricked into this suit—it’s got springlocks, which are really really dangerous—and I. I died. In here. And now my body’s gone and this is my body now.”
The light of Freddy’s eyes flickered. She could hear the subtle clicking and whirring of his body as he processed that.
“Vanessa Anderson,” he said slowly.
Her voice box emitted static, as close to a choked breath as she could manage.
He continued, “She is in my files as a night guard who went missing a year ago.”
A year. Had she really been asleep, shut down, whatever, for that long?
“Yeah,” she said quietly. “That, that was me. And now I’m…” She gestured helplessly at herself.
Freddy backed off, releasing her. “I am very sorry, Vanessa Anderson. I… will not tell Gregory.”
“Thanks. And I mean it. I just want to help him. I, I can’t let him end up like me.”
He looked at her, then, really looked at her, and he nodded. Maybe it was wishful thinking, or a remnant of her humanity that demanded she seek emotion even in emotionless things, or maybe it was because she understood him in a way she wouldn’t have been able to as a human. But whatever it was, it seemed to Vanessa that Freddy was looking at her with more compassion than anyone had shown her in years.
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god-of-knk · 19 days
Alright. Uh. This got long. So I'm putting it under a cut. Also a lore dump on Envi and Yagi in our... not-really-an-AU. Because it's kind of significant in understanding how important they are to each other.
Envi and Yagi were both created at the same instance in time. They were collectively the first of Satanick's subordinates, created on complete accident when he was young. After, uh, an incident, they both sort of just... popped into existence. In Envi's case, to hold the pieces of him that he couldn't handle holding himself. In Yagi's case, to almost act as the voice of reason that no one around him would be and he was absolutely not capable of being. With... knowledge that they didn't feel they should be able to know. Primarily about their creator and themselves. They also both popped into existence very differently.
Envi, we pretty frequently joke is basically the personification of BPD. His very first moment of consciousness was blinding rage with seemingly no purpose or reason. He holds a lot of the anger and hatred Satanick would have otherwise felt for Fumus, and developed a fiercely protective disposition towards Satanick very quickly. Which eventually evolved into an infatuation and obsession with him. He's emotional and impulsive and violent and it's very difficult for him to see folks in any way other than black and white; good for or bad for Satanick.
Yagi, on the other hand, is highly analytical and rational. In the beginning, nearly everything he did was based in logic. He's an expert at rationalizing things and seeing the world in the shades of gray it really is. However, he also tends to refuse to take accountability for any of his actions because he can usually explain them away. He's much better at shutting his emotions out and tends to seem pretty apathetic. Over the years, however, he's certainly... become more impulsive. He's never been as impulsive or emotion-driven as Envi, though.
They've always been each other's most trusted confidante. Since the very day of their creation. They often meet up for drinks together (they used to just go on walks when Satanick was still young because there was not a bar where they lived), venting their frustrations and seeking the understanding they've only ever found in each other (granted, it's usually Envi venting... Yagi tends to just. Solve his problems). However, Envi also has the tendency to exhaust Yagi. One can only listen to the same problem so many times. And he worries deeply about Envi's obsession. He knows it has the capability of pushing him to hurt someone Satanick cares for (in fact, it has, though Envi hasn't ever told him so) and, in turn, get him hurt.
The convoluted...ness started when they both got wasted one particular night. Envi was, as per usual, ranting about things. That time, about Satanick's propensity to self-destruct and how much it tires him. Yagi... was too exhausted to care very much. Think of your typical "oh no, that's so horrible," when they're not even listening.
Then Yagi just... grabbed him and kissed him. Mostly to shut him up. Because he was exhausted and can only listen to Envi rant about the subject of his obsession for so long.
One thing led to another and Sullivan found them behind the bar later that night.
(That night is actually the night we've been working on a mini-comic about lol.)
They're both too stubborn to be the first to bring it up. So it's never been acknowledged, and neither has the fact that it happened again. And again. And again... and eventually became something of a routine. Seeking comfort in the only being who either of them feels really understands them. Plus, it provides a very much needed distraction for the both of them from their chaotic lives.
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mama-ghostie-61542 · 3 years
A Thousand Lifetimes
Rated M++ for language and themes
If you recognize it--IT AIN'T MINE
Sorry for the OOC-ness
Chapter 7
The next day, after two fittings with costumes, two phone interviews, a shoot for an ad, and a tv spot; I finally got back to the dorms, and back to that story.
Bryn PoV--
As if today wasn't bad enough, I walked into the house to find it completely empty. The kids wandered around and I tried to field a million questions about where they were gonna sleep and what we were gonna eat. That and the meltdowns every five minutes led me to try to call my little brother. I really just needed to talk to another grown-up. As soon as I had supper figured out, I called Joey.
"Hello," said a voice on the other end of the phone.
"Ummm. Hi?"
"Oh. Hello," The voice was familiar, but it wasn't Joey.
"Is Joey close?"
"Sorry. Who?"
"Sorry. Jooheon. Kids call him 'Uncle Joey'. Guess it stuck."
"Hmm. No. You just missed him."
"Dern. Can you pass on a message?"
"Can you tell him to call Bryn when he gets back?"
"Oh! I didn't recognize your voice, Bryn. How are you? It's Kihyun. Joey is in the shower. Can I help you with whatever you need," I asked, biting my lip and praying she would say yes. Just the sound of her voice was both soothing and somehow able to tie me up in knots.
"Actually, I was calling to vent. I've had a particularly terrible day today. Joey is my sobriety sponsor."
"He is? Wow," I said before Honey came charging at me, his hair still wet. "I would still LOVE to talk to YOU," I shouted.
"Gimmie my phone, Kihyun."
I handed him back the phone and heard him say
"What's up, Sis?"
Though I couldn't hear exactly what was said, I could tell by the look on his face, it wasn't good.
Then, Honey sighed. "Lemme see what I can do from here."
"Please, let me help."
If it were possible for him to get any more pissed off, he did. "HE WHAT," he yelled. Then, he pulled the phone from his ear and said, "I need a one way ticket to Peoria International!! I'm gonna kill him. I am gonna fuckin' kill him." Next, he put the phone back to his ear, "Lemme see what I can do here, Sis," he growled as he demanded numbers and wrote them down, and then hung up.
As he started digging on the internet to find the cheapest fare, HyunWoo said, "Hold it, Hot Shot. What happened?"
"That douchbag finally left. He took everything! Even the kids stuff. He left them with NOTHING! That is why Sis was calling. He cleaned out their account and took everything. Damn lucky he couldn't touch the shop accounts or he would have cleaned them out too. Literally everything. She needs a little cash to feed the kids til Friday."
"Thank God it is Wednesday," said CK. from the far side of the room. If anyone had bothered to look, the reflection on his glasses was an Amazon cart with 37 things in it. The only time ANYONE has that many things in an Amazon cart is when they are buying groceries. However, most of those were chips or snack cakes.
Honey, Min, and HyungWon all sat down to iron out how much and what they were gonna contribute.
Silently, I picked up my bank book and palmed the slip of paper with her info on it. Only HyunWoo saw me slip out the door. He stopped me as I waited for the elevator and handed me a few bills from his own wallet before turning back towards the room.
"What," was all I could get out before he interrupted, cutting me off mid-question.
"We look out for our own," He answered before he opened the door to the dorm.
After heading to the nearest Western Union, I called the number on the slip from Honey. When she picked up, I smiled.
"Hey, Bryn, it's Kihyun. I wired you some money. Should be about $100, if everything gets exchanged right."
"Kihyun, you guys didn't have to do that. My dad was already gonna feed the kids. I just needed to talk to someone. This has got me so shaken up, I want a drink really bad. Guess I wasn't too clear with Joey."
"Really? Then why was he," I stopped as a shadow fell over me. "Well, shit. Guess who is now standing right behind me."
"Tell him to calm down."
"Bryn says to calm down. She told me to sit on you if I have to."
"Kihyun! I did not."
"I paraphrased," I laughed. "Besides, Sweets, if looks could kill, I'd be dead right about now."
"Really," she chuckled.
"Oh yeah. He is probably gonna follow me all the way to the dorm. I guess I am not allowed out on my own," I laughed.
"Why," She asked.
"I tend to do dumb things, according to others. Though they may be a little impulsive, they always work out in the end. So don't look the horse in the mouth."
"I won't."
"Good girl," I laughed, "So why did you call him, anyway?"
"I needed someone I could yell at that would not take it personal."
"I am always here. Though, I may occasionally yell back."
She laughed. "Thank you."
"Making me laugh. I needed that. "
"Damn. I was looking forward to the screaming match. C'mon, get it started, Angelface," I said as I stopped at the stoplight and waited for the crosswalk. "Do you want me to start," I asked, then pulled the phone away and yelled.
Bringing the phone back to my face, I asked as the crosswalk lit up and I crossed the street, "How was that," I grinned.
"A 10. A fuckin' 10. Have you thought of being a Rockstar," she laughed.
I could almost hear the smile on her face, which made me laugh. Even if my throat killed me in the morning it was worth it.
"Hey, hang on a second. I want to send you something," I said as I put my phone on speaker and started the camera.
"Oh dear God, what now," she asked.
I took a short video of me sending her a kiss and sent it off. "Nothing bad."
"Ok, if you say so. Just not cool with unsolicited dick pics from strange men."
"I would not send you unsolicited dick pics, nor am I a stranger. Now, if you asked for them...Like a good girl," I started and looked over at Honey, who was looking at me with the 'better never do that' face. "Uh-oh."
"I'm getting side eye."
She laughed and said, "I know just the look. It screams, 'You'd better not be sending photos of ANY part of your anatomy to my sister'."
"Yes," I laughed. "So how are you feeling? Better?"
"Much. Thank you."
"No problem. I'm here all week. Try the veal," I laughed. "Still want a drink," I asked.
"No. The laughs did it for me. Thank you."
"You are very welcome, Darling. So did you get the video I sent?"
"I did. That was very sweet. Thanks."
"You are very welcome, Pretty Lady. Well, we are back at the dorms."
"I should probably go then," she sighed.
"Just remember I am also available for Mitzvahs," I chuckled, which made her laugh. "Seriously, Sweetie, anytime you need a sounding board or a laugh fest, a screaming match or some naughty-Ow, Mother fucker!-I got smacked on my arm for that last bit. I am always here,"
"Thanks again. Until next time."
I paused and came VERY close to telling her how I felt but said, instead, "Again, you are welcome."
"Bye, Kihyun."
"Bye, Bryn," I breathed, then hung up.
Honey looked at me as he crossed his arms over his chest, "It took everything you had to not tell her 'I love you' didn't it?"
All I could do was nod and hope that my dreams tonight would be better than they had been.
As we got into the elevator, He said, "It was good hearing that you made her laugh."
"I love the sound of her laughter. Once I got her started, I didn't want her to stop. I think that she is just as funny as she is sweet."
"You do know that she will do one of two things, right?"
"What two things?"
"Either immediately send the money right back, or hang on to it and physically give you back every bit. She hates asking for help...of any kind," he said as he opened the door to our dorm.
"Yeah? Wonder why."
He just laughed, "Her ex-fiancée, ex-husband, and her father."
"What happened," I asked as I made us a pot of coffee.
"They all held every penny over her head. Her dad decided he wanted her out the minute she turned 18 and to do it, he threw her out the boat, so to speak. Said if she floated, she never needed help anyway; and if she sank, well, it was her own fault."
"That's abuse. Financial abuse."
"Yep. He was the kind to tell her everything she had was his, that she owned nothing; not even the clothes on her back. He comes from the 'I Own You' school of parenting. Her ex-fiancée would demand she work, then make her late, so she would lose any job she got. Then, he'd take any money she got paid and use it for crap he wanted rather than the bills she had it ear-marked for."
"Oh, tell me he didn't."
"Oh he did. Spent it on girls at the local under 21."
"Shit. He screwed around on her, didn't he?"
"Yep. Which is why if you ever think about cheating, I will castrate you myself," he growled.
Somehow I knew he would do it, and I would let him. "Don't have to worry about that. Can you tell me about her ex-husband?"
"That asshole was a piece of work. Emotionally, Mentally, and Fiscally abusive. The entire time they were together, he would pinch a penny until it died if it was something she needed, but she was expected to turn over her things and cash to him. She worked second shift in a factory; out of the house from half 1 to almost 1 am. He was in semi driver school at the time, racked up a HUGE amount of debt; I'm talking almost 40K. Constantly accused her of cheating when he had a different lot lizard every night. It's a miracle he never gave her anything."
I was disgusted by this guys behavior. To have a woman like her waiting at home and trying his best to break her.
"And that isn't even the worst of his offenses. He screamed at her one night while he was over the road, on training. She was at work, and he called her on her lunch break. The entire time, he screamed at her for having a cold sore and yelled about her cheating loud enough for her co-workers to hear. Her boss to tell her to turn off her phone; that he was tired of hearing that jerk yell at her. The guy he was learning with, told him that 'If I were her, I would be calling the lawyer first thing in the morning, after that shit.' He 'apologized' pretty quickly after that."
"Icky. I hope she ended it there."
"No. That girl has a ton of stay and No show. He ended up deployed to Egypt and told his brother about the girls there. Never thought his brother would run and tell her. She still didn't leave. You left a blister on her cheek one night and he threw her out in the snow."
"Stay and no show? I'm not sure I understand."
"Horse terms," came a voice from the doorway. I had forgotten Hoseok was staying with us while his apartment was getting the pipes fixed. "When a filly is learning to ride, it's said she is full of Show and no Stay. Meaning she looks good, but is too skittish to stand still. Sis--Well Sis may not look like much, but she has tons of loyalty to those who show her the same. She has the patience to play a 30 year long game, and the courage to weather ANY storm. But she has a problem knowing when to leave, and so she gets hurt."
"Hold up! He threw her out in the snow?!"
As Hoseok filled his own mug, he answered, "Yeah, he threw her out of the apartment in the middle of a snowstorm. Lucky her parents were in town. So if you start this with her, and you ever want out; you are gonna have to straight up tell her to go. She won't understand otherwise. She doesn't play games and has a tough time with subtly. So always be direct and honest with her."
I nodded taking it in. There was something I thought I wanted, so I asked, "How is her aegyo"
"If you are looking for overt aegyo, don't. Hers is subtle but she has got it in spades, and she doesn't even know it. It's in the way she plays, either with her guy or her kids," he said as he leaned against the counter, "It's in the subtle blush when you say or do something for her without her asking. It's in a compliment and the smiling eyes that comes with it. She has never had some of the things other girls take for granted, like a stolen kiss or flowers on her birthday. Other things, like those romantic gestures, she has only had once or twice. If I remember right, the last guy to 'play' was an FWB years and years ago, and that guy only stole one kiss, once," Honey replied.
"Don't expect her to run with girls. Most girls find her too harsh, too rough. She doesn't appreciate girls and their whiney, gossipy ways. She never wears makeup, and I have never once seen her with her nails painted. She is a guys-girl, a tom-boy through and through; wasn't made delicate. She is stronger than most people will ever know. However, her heart is extremely delicate, it's been broken and bruised so bad, even I wonder how she is still alive. So, let me tell you, right now," Hoseok said as he sat down his mug and leaned over the counter in my direction, "She may not be blood, but she is my sister."
"Hmm," I nodded. "You really don't have to worry about that," I replied. "How are you related to her again," I asked.
"Distant cousin. Her auntie married my mothers little brother, for all of five minutes. I am only gonna tell you this once, if you hurt that filly in ANY way; you wont walk again."
"Got it," I replied, cringing.
"You know that she won't ask for what she wants or needs. You are gonna need to be damned good at reading between the lines, cause she is so afraid that if she tells you what she needs, what she wants, you will do the same thing every one else has done," Honey said after a minute.
"Run," I answered nodding.
"Yep. Most men can't handle her intensity so they either run or try to turn her down to levels that they can handle without realizing that her fire isn't meant to be dimmed, but fed. She is gonna need you to be just as emotional as her, to show her that it is ok to feel again. She is very touch oriented, very tactile. So a lot of her feelings are touch related."
"I understand, Joey."
"You had better. The only reason I didn't beat the shit out of the other assholes, is that I wasn't there. If I had been, I would have had no problems with a few months in the county lock-up. And if Clark had tried that shit while I was there..."
"Yeah. See, the shit of it is, she fades into the background. She doesn't want all those things that other girls want. She isn't the kind to run or chase. She doesn't play games. She is also emotional. Ease into it. Don't try to love bomb her, she went through that shit with Clark and won't put up with it from you," Hoseok said, then turned to Joey, "Speaking of, did you hear what Lone Elm called him?"
Joey shook his head.
Hoseok grinned. "Elm called him a fuckin fishstick."
Joey started laughing, "Elm called him 'Fishstick'."
I looked back and forth between the two men who were holding themselves up on the counter while they laughed. "I don't get it. What-What's a fishstick?"
A hand landed on my shoulder from behind. I turned to see Changkhyun standing there, an amused look on his face.
"Fishsticks are only available in the States. They are mashed-up fish paste, about an inch wide by around six inches long, which is then breaded. Then, they are to be baked in an oven. Either they turn out soggy or they are hard as a rock; inedible either way. Which is good, because they are fuckin' gross. Nasty little things."
"Are they like the fish at Mickey's?"
"No," CK stated. "The fish there is actually decent. Fishsticks are generally served in school hot lunches on Fridays due either to religious reasons, or because they are cheap and can be purchased by the gross. At any rate, they are still inedible."
"Icky. How in the hell can people do that to their kids?"
"Not a clue. That was why I always took my lunch on Friday. Every Friday, the hot lunch was always the same thing; rock hard fishsticks, soggy tater tots, dehydrated-rehydrated mixed vegetables, and golden glow salad with mayonnaise on the top. It was the grossest meal I have ever seen in my entire life."
I shuddered to think of those poor kids. Forced to eat that nasty stuff.
After reading that, I was glad her kids never had to eat that. She fixed boxes for them. School lunches in the States sounded gross.
'Some things were ok.'
'I thought you took your lunch, Mami?'
'I did. My dad said cold lunch was cheaper. But, there was one day, once or twice a month, that I would get school lunch. They called it pork pattie day, but it was a breaded pork tenderloin on a bun. It was pretty decent. It was pretty gross the rest of the time, but that day wasn't too bad.'
'Have I watched you fix those before?'
'Not sure.'
'Are those the sandwiches where you beat the pork chops to nothing and then bread and fry them?'
'Those do look pretty tasty,' I said as I dug around for what to fix the next day, so I could write it on the board. 'Hmm. Help, please. Can't figure out supper.'
'Whatcha got?'
'Hmmm. Some sausages, some tiny shrimp, and a package of chicken,' I said as I dug around in the freezer.
"You can use the shrimp and chicken in Gumbo.'
'It has been quite a while since I've had Gumbo. I've never made it before though.'
'Look it up. There are a million Gumbo recipes out there.'
'I think I will do that. Thanks, Baby. Have I told you, today, how awesome you are??'
'Yes, but I can always stand to hear it again,' she laughed.
A/N)--The above abuses......actually happened. First hand experience.
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thestarsintheknight · 5 years
Fixable Moments in Endgame [Endgame Spoilers, duh]
Just so you know, and this is at the end of the post as well. I still really enjoyed Endgame for what it was and for what we got. I just have a few problems I’m pretty vocal about too. But I’m trying to not let that effect me as much.
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Okay so hopefully those pictures of my dogs will allow you to calm and relax. If you’ve seen my last post, I was really upset with just how Tony died. 
I first came out of Endgame like, okay that was pretty okay closure, sure. Steve’s happy and Tony can finally rest and everyone’s alive and Natasha could be at peace with herself because of well, her ledger.
Then I kept thinking. No. They didn’t deserve this end.
Nat’s death was the only death done well. The only one. But I have more about the soul stone later on. 
Steve didn’t really die, and I knew he was gonna not be Captain America but I was curious as to how. I also really wanted Sam to wield that shield because even if Shuri cleaned Bucky of his whole Hydra-ness in his brain, I really do think Sam deserved that shield. So good on you Russos. Because in TWS, it’s said that Sam’s just like Steve, just slower. Steve is the embodiment of Captain America, if that’s the case then that means so is Sam. 
But why in the world did Steve decide to go back in time and be with Peggy? It was pretty closely put there in the show, Agent Carter, and in general that Peggy ended up with Daniel Sousa. Or just someone who wasn’t Steve. Why did Steve have a thing with Sharon in CW then? What was the point of her character? Sharon was badass, but like come on Russos!!! Steve is not one to see something going south and look the other way. That was very well established in CW, directed by the Russos. Yet he goes back in time, sticks with Peggy knows the things he knows about everything (like the Cold War, BUCKY) and you’re telling me he decided to have a domestic life? No!!! IF he even decided to stay back there, he would not sit still. He would have done something. Plus, you can’t say that when Sharon was born and Steve became her uncle that’s a little fucking weird. What the hell was Steve’s ending Russos? Steve’s arc was throughout his trilogy and later Avengers movies was finding his place in the modern world and finding Bucky. He did so much to get Bucky back only to leave him?! Come on, he knows how it feels to be alone in a different time why would he do that to Bucky? Someone who he fought for and said “Till the end of the line” but he broke that promise. Steve’s at the end of his line already by the end of Endgame. So what’s left of that promise? Nothing, it was dusted. 
So yeah, I’m upset about Steve’s ending. An entirely better way could have just been that maybe he’s the one that dies (I would have been upset probably, but it would be very him) instead of Tony. Because Steve has always been the one to sacrifice himself. That would be his arc, seeing the situation going so fucking south that he’s like “Whatever it takes!!” And he gets that gauntlet and snaps. Or maybe he loses his super soldier serum and that’s how he survives but gives the shield to Sam instead. I haven’t really thought of this one so you can add on.
Tony, god Tony’s ending fucking hurt. Tony’s death, his funeral, all of it. It was unfair. All he wanted was a domestic life but the Russos gave that to Steve even though Steve’s character would not want that domestic life? Tony could have been rested not by death but with his little girl, his wife, Peter who he finally got back, knowing that his friendship with Steve is better now. And could grow better if the two were still alive. That was Tony’s deserved arc, fighting the fight to end the fight so he could GO HOME and be with his FAMILY. That’s what should have happened. That’s what he deserved. Go ahead and tell me otherwise. I know it’s shorter of an explanation than Steve’s but that’s mostly because people know Tony better and I think people can agree with me on this more. Pepper didn’t deserve to see Tony die, Peter too, and his best fucking friend Rhodey. They knew he fought this fight to end it so he could spend some time and just retire to be with his family. 
Ways to fix this: Not kill Tony. Have someone else wield the gauntlet. Steve perhaps? Or maybe even Thor. 
Edit [4/29/19]: I am now a little more accepting of Tony’s death but I’m just tired that it has to be through death to have the future Avengers come in. I’m tired that there always has to be angst and whatnot(which I talk about towards the end of this meta) to make things realistic. Realistic =/= sadness and negativity and all of that shit. Happy endings can be realistic. But I’ll always be sad. Here’s a good meta that explains something very well regarding his death: (link) by @van-dyne. 
I would have actually been fine if Tony died if he didn’t have his little girl. (Find Tinymintywolf’s side twitter, not her art twitter, for an explanation on this). But then they introduced Morgan and whoop there it is, he has a family what he’s been wanting for so long. 
Thor is an Asgardian and we’re all aware of how much his mental health was hit. Yet he was reduced to a fucking joke. Like wow hahahaha so funny—not. I feel like, Thor wouldn’t need a redemption arc. But I know in his mind, he’d feel like he should because he blames himself, right? If he were to wield the gauntlet instead, it would make himself feel better about himself, better about being the king his people needed while still being an Avenger. Thor also shouldn’t have left his people. So let’s say he does wield the gauntlet. He goes back to his people and he finally feels worthy to lead. So that’s what he does, he finally gets back to being the king that his character arc had developed for him in his own trilogy, and being an Avenger. That should have happened.
It just makes sense because each movie was mostly about him building his way up to become the king he was supposed to be. Those few lines he exchanged with Valkyrie along the lines of “maybe I shouldn’t be the person I’m supposed to be but rather the person I [need/want] to be” ??? I can’t remember. I just thought that was lowkey like, wot. But for further emphasis, the first movie was about how he wasn’t worthy to hold the hammer or even be king. The second one was figuring out how to be a good man and a king. The third was trying to figure if he was the one to actually be king, and at the end of Ragnarok, he is. 
If Thor weren’t to wield it, then maybe Hulk. What if Bruce just lost Hulk. Then it’s just Bruce and he could be himself. Like the whole Professor Hulk thing was pretty interesting and I didn’t have a problem with it. This is just a little thought that I didn’t really think much on so you can add on to this too.
Now we get to Nat. Nat and Clint’s little fight with each other was very much in character. I don’t really like MCU Clint, I think the whole farmhouse scene could have still been done with one minor change, Laura’s not his wife, it’s his sister or his sister-in-law because he has a brother, Barry!!! Then all those kids are like his nieces/nephews. Anyways, that was the only death that was done that I feel sad but I feel so much closure on, Tony’s, Steve’s, and even Thor’s endings gave “closure” not the right one for each character, as explained before. I’m just upset that there wasn’t a funeral scene for her, or more grieving. Or just, something. 
Then here’s a little idea, not sure if it could work but if Steve was going to go return the soul stone at Vormir, the way the rules work at that mountain is “A soul for a soul” right? Then by giving up the soul stone, can’t he bring back Nat? And if that’s the case then Clint should be the one returning the soul stone. So maybe the reason why when Bruce said (and I got this from a different tumblr post, I forgot who so let me know so I can give credit) he couldn’t bring Nat back was because they already gave the soul stone back (because time travel is whack) and Nat is already back. 
There’s so much more that I’m probably forgetting, I may update or just reblog more. If you guys want to talk or vent, please feel free! I don’t bite! And I’m open to other ideas and just how you think it should have ended. 
Here’s a disclaimer as well: This is not something against the actors and actresses, they all did so well. I think it’s in part a bit of Russos and the writers and anyone else who develops this story. I’m also not saying this because I’m sad Tony’s dead and Steve is no longer Captain America. I would have been fine with Steve not being Captain America anymore if done right.
Also, why does everything always have to be so dark? So edgy? Angsty? It’s fictional so can’t we just... Have that sort of happiness? I’ve watched the MCU for hope, happiness, and you know a good ending. It’s not what I got though. I love the characters, all of them. I like little pellets of angst here and there. But just, why? I’m not sure if I can keep watching the MCU. I still might but I might also just disregard bits and pieces of Endgame.
I just think that the moment you bring in time travel it screws things up. Because essentially it brings in the whole multiverse and if we’re trying the make the MCU one singular timeline, then, uh, hello? Also the entire thing with five years passed but everyone comes back from the moment they disappeared, WOT. Okay, I’m done.
[Minor edit in this Paragraph, 4/29]Overall, I still enjoyed Endgame. A lot. There were so many good moments and a lot of moments where the characters were just them. I loved it a lot and I’m trying to overlook a few things here and there because what I’ve said shouldn’t ruin the movie. I still really enjoyed it a lot. It was good because this was the movie we’ve been waiting for. A nod to the fans, the actors, everyone who created this universe. It was just something that was amazing. @suitofhumour had a really strong point in their post (link) that I’m alluding to here and I don’t want to take credit for it so please, give it a read. Some things don’t sit right with me and I’m so fucking heartbroken over Tony okay, and I’m mad about Steve and Thor. But, yeah. 
[Edit 5/5/19] I GOT ANOTHER THING. If what the former Sorcerer Supreme had said that if one stone got removed from their timeline, there’s nothing that can keep the flow of time, reality, whatever, in check and would ultimately destroy their timeline. Which is why Steve had to go back in time to give it all back seconds after removing it. By that logic, can’t you say that if you were to destroy the stones, then wouldn’t it mean there are no more stones to keep all of the flow of whatever in check? So since the OG timeline no longer has the stones because their Thanos destroyed it, then what? 
Here’s another picture of my dog to calm you down. If needed.
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