#but we still want to loudly support them in their stylistic choices
thelunastusco · 2 years
We know it’s probably just “a bit”, or stylistic choices, but any time we see content creators
Film a video where there’s routinely more than one of them interacting with one another (for example, Geoff Castellucci’s music videos)
Imply the presence of “parts” of themselves having their own thought/agency (Sanders Sides and similar)
Imply the presence of some “other” (Darkiplier, etc)
Speak about a character they play using first person language (”well, my motivations were xyz” instead of “well, (character name)’s motivations were”) or in terms of that character being “a part of them now”, speaking to the actor, taking on some agency of their own, etc,
We kinda go hmmmm.
We’re not saying anyone who does that is plural or a system. Most probably aren’t! And if they are, that’s their business, and for them to talk about. But knowing how common plurality actually is, how often plurality and creative fields overlap, and how common it is to not really know you’re plural in those words... it’s just interesting to think about.
And it just makes us happy anyways, because it’s a small thing that makes us feel a little less weird when we do it.
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boundtoyouphff · 4 years
Chapter 16: Unwritten
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A/N: Here is the next chapter! I hope you have enjoyed Chapter 14 and Chapter 15 that were posted yesterday! Please read those first before continuing to this one.
Oh, the magic of new beginnings.
The hope that fills you and inspires you that a fresh start is that key ingredient that you have been missing.
Opening the book to a new page, the start of an amazing adventure yet to come instills me with such joy and happiness looking into the unwritten future. It is time to start a new book in my life and close the chapter of the past. You cannot start a new book while remaining stuck in the last one. So I'm putting you away on the shelf because you are still a part of my past that has brought me to this moment. One I must not forget, but I cannot linger amongst the pages any longer.
But, when I looked one last time at the cover of the book I realized that I was not the author of this. That somehow this book of my life was not written by me, but by those who thought they knew me and those who tried to steer the plot into their own direction.
It is time to write my own book. But, this book is still unwritten. Filled with empty pages, but bounded in hope for what I will be writing in them.
It's time for me to write my own story, to be the author of my own life and the creator of my own voice.
It's time to show the world who really is Emilia Andelle.
Emilia took in a deep sigh as Ella continued to style her hair for her engagements with Green Peace this afternoon. The princess was handed a briefing by her new private secretary Evie Sharpe. Emilia released a genuine smile seeing how engaged and enthusiastic Evie was about today. She was a stark difference from her previous private secretary, Mia Deacon.
From the moment she had met Evie, Emilia eagerly wanted her to be spear heading her newly developed team. Even her father was impressed by the young woman's resume and further encouraged Emilia that she would be a great fit. Throughout the interviews of Emilia's new staff, her father Frederick was present for all of them as per the Queen's request. But, he made sure to take a step back and only provide advice when Emilia asked his opinion only after she had shared her own thoughts on the candidates. He wanted this team to be purely Emilia's choice and to find people who could not only share her vision, but help her successfully create it. The Crown Prince was proud of his youngest daughter for showing the initiative to create this remarkable team, one of her own making. The ideas she presented to him were well thought out like she had been visioning this idea for a while and now she was finally making that vision come to light.
"The director, Mr. Langford, of Green Peace will greet you when you arrive and introduce you to key staff members. Then we will proceed inside and have a tour of some of the sanctuaries before opening the new wing dedicated to helping the endangered, but also extremely adorable if I may add, Fennec Foxes." Evie was beaming as she finally took a breath and sat down across from Emilia. "They told me yesterday that they have a new litter of baby foxes that are dying to meet a princess and need to be named."
Emilia tossed her head back in laughter. "Well I certainly can do that. Thank you Evie for this."
"Speaking of endangered animals..." Ella piped up into the conversation. "I have this piece of jewelry that you wanted me to order for today." Emilia's stylist held up a pair of earrings that were very delicately designed butterflies with a custom emerald green gem stone.
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"Wow! These are perfect!" Emilia carefully cradled them into her hand. The princess was able to sit down with Ella and Evie to go through her personal style for attending engagements. Emilia wished to add even more of an impact through the clothes and accessories that she chose to wear to shine a light on young sand upcoming designers, local designers during her tours and showcase accessories that profits go towards a charity project or change initiative. These butterfly earrings were created by a Illyrian college student who was using the proceeds from purchases to fund her non-profit conservation project of protecting at risk butterflies and birds. It was Emilia's hope that she could shine a light on this piece and use her influence to aid this young college student that shared her passion for conservation. It was little things like this that Emilia would use to create her own identity. To show how far her reach could go beyond engagements and simply making an appearance.
Emilia suddenly became quiet as she dug out a bracelet that was sent to her by Harry. She noticed it on one of their recent video chats and asked him about it. It was a piece that represented Harry's rhino conservation project in Africa. Emilia was hesitant to ask the prince if she could have one and wear for today's engagement. Harry's smile lit up at her question and was happy to send her one. But, he did feel the need to remind her that he is known for wearing it all the time and that the press could link them together if she were to wear it.
"Ooooh, I love that bracelet. It would work so well with your outfit today Emilia! Those blues would tie in perfectly." Ella smiled happily before she got a glimpse of Emilia's uncertain expression that had formed on her lips.
"I know, I just don't know if I should wear it." The princess released a deep sigh. She stood up quickly and grabbed her phone. "I will be right back. I need to call someone." Emilia didn't feel right wearing it today without Harry's blessing for the simple fact that they could be linked, but a piece inside Emilia wanted Harry along for the start of her new journey today and by wearing the bracelet, he could be.
Evie and Ella both watched the princess find a private area to make a call. Evie slowly turned her head to look up at Ella who was displaying a happy grin as if she knew exactly who Emilia was calling. "Should I know anything Ella?" Evie stood up and faced her with an inquisitive look.
Ella shook her head. "No. Whatever do you mean?" Ella perfectly played it off and got back to her work.
"Hello?" Harry's deep voice resonated on the line immediately bringing a smile to her lips.
The princess closed her eyes and sighed. Just the sound of his voice was enough for Emilia to miss him. "Hey." She quietly responded.
"You ok?" Harry had picked up on her quiet tone. He knew that today was a big day for Emilia and her new team. He had stayed up quite late talking to his girlfriend and calming her nerves.
"Yeah I am alright. Getting ready for my engagement." She told Harry while finding a chair to make herself comfortable in.
"I am honestly so nervous. It needs to go perfectly well." The stress in Emilia's voice was evident. It was clear the amount of pressure Emilia was facing today was insurmountable. She had to prove to her grandmother what she was capable of achieving on her own merit.
"Babe..." Harry breathed out. "You are going to kill it. Just don't kill any of the endangered animals and you will be fine!"
Emilia groaned loudly at his attempt to make her laugh. "Henry..."
"Oh come on love. That was pretty funny." Harry continued to snicker on the other line being unable to hold in his laughter.
The princess could not hold in her laughter, hearing her boyfriend's infectious giggle ring out. She dissolved into a fit of giggles feeling the anxiety about her day float away. Emilia sighed deeply, silently thanking Harry for that moment of relief.
"Thank you for making me laugh." Emilia suddenly became quiet, thinking about the reason why she had originally wanted to talk to Harry. She held the bracelet he had given her in her hand, analyzing it carefully. "There was something I wanted to ask you..." she trailed off.
"What's that?" Harry encouraged her.
"You know how you sent me your Rhino bracelet that you always wear?" Emilia led on.
"Yeah, you got it?" His soft voice spoke.
"I did. But, I wanted to ask you if it would be ok if I wore it on my engagement today." The dark haired princess breathed out. "Before you say anything, I want to explain." Emilia felt the need to, as the bracelet would surely link Harry to her if the media picked up on it. "I know that the press could find out that it is something you may have given me, but it has been reported that we are merely royal friends. I want - " Emilia was hesitating to tell Harry what was growing in her mind.
"Just tell me, Emilia."
"Today is a fresh start for me. My first engagement with my new team who I chose and this is something that I have wanted for so long. A new beginning to do the things that I want to do in the way I want to do them. You were a big factor in encouraging me to do this Henry. I want you to be a part of this new start today and I know you cannot be here. So I thought I could wear the bracelet today... so I know that you are still with me in another way. You are a part of this new journey for me." Emilia took in a shaky breath after finishing her rant while she waited for her boyfriend's reply.
"Emilia, you did not have to ask me permission to wear it." Harry's deep voice sounded over the phone. "I want you to wear it today and remember that I always have your back, no matter what. I don't care if they link it to me." The prince spoke freely. "You came here for the Invictus Games and I just did a whole tour with you in Illyria."
"I just wanted to check with you first." Emilia smiled happily at her boyfriend's response. "Thank you for supporting me babe and believing in me."
"Now, go out there and kick some ass. Call me when it's all done and let me know how it goes."
The smile plastered on Emilia's lips was hard to miss. "I will." Emilia sighed heavily. "God I can't wait to see you..."
"Don't remind me that I have to wait a few extra days because someone was leaving later than planned and I have to sit through two days of engagements knowing that you are in the same damn city as me!" Harry started to moan.
"It's not my fault!" Emilia giggled. "I will try my best to distract you anyhow."
"You better. Have a safe flight tomorrow."
"Bye baby."
Emilia hung up the phone and saw the press secretary Olivia Holmes and her new head of security Hugo Blackburn walk into her apartment.
Olivia searched the room for the princess and found her off to the side. She smiled warmly and started to approach Emilia. "Are you ready to go, your highness?"
Olivia Holmes was hired as Emilia's new press secretary, a liaison between the palace communications team and the Illyrian media. She came highly recommended by one of her closest friends, Scarlet, who was a news anchor. Scarlet was even afraid to cross Olivia and with her impressive resume of working for the British Illyrian Ambassador and for the famous female empowering Illyrian Senator Louisa Banks. Olivia was a force to be reckoned with, but she was a hard sell initially until Emilia shared her vision of what she wished to achieve as she found out that she was not planning on being the same cookie cutter royals as the rest of her family.
"For the last time Olivia, please just call me Emilia." The princess smiled warmly then released a deep sigh. "I would be lying if I said that I was not nervous about today..." Emilia glanced down briefly and put on Harry's bracelet.
"I would rather you be nervous right now than over confident." Olivia smirked. "Now, I will go over the journalist who will be asking you a few questions. She has been told not to drift away from these set few or she knows the price she will pay if she does." Emilia's press secretary giggled, lightening up the mood.
Emilia was half listening to Olivia when she saw Hugo approach her RPO Tristan who was standing beside the newly hired RPO, Kane McKinney. Her eyes locked in Tristan's gaze as a proud smile grew on his lips making the princess beam in return.
The princess had endured a long internal debate while she thought of giving Tristan the position of her head of security instead of Hugo Blackburn. It was not because he did not deserve it, more so the fact that Emilia trusted him more than anyway on her team and she wanted him right beside her. She sat Tristan down and told him why he was not getting the position while she was in near tears, but Tristan understood her reasons and told the young princess that he would rather be out protecting her than having the worries of being head of her security.
Kane McKinney had actually been recommended to Emilia from Prince Harry. Kane and Harry served together in the British Forces and went through basic training together. He had recently lost his Illyrian wife to a long battle of cancer, but was not ready to return to the life of the military and had chosen to stay in Illyria after his wife's passing. Harry was able to convince him that he could use his skills as a protection officer and when Emilia told Harry of her plans to form a whole new team, Kane was the first to come to his mind. Tristan had been showing Kane the ropes of being a royal protection officer even though he had completed a rigorous training course prior to his employment.
Hugo was lecturing them when Emilia approached her security team with a kind welcoming smile.
"Hello ma'am." Kane bowed his head. 'Ohh, I mean your highness." He stumbled out of his mouth clearly putting his nerves on display. Tristan rolled his eyes with a light shake of his head.
"Good morning Kane." She giggled at his expense. "Just take a deep breath and remember to watch Tristan. Luke is with us for a few more weeks to help out until you find your feet" Emilia rubbed Kane's shoulder in a warm comforting manner. "Also, like I have said please address me as Emilia. Just don't call me by Tristan's nickname for me and I won't have to fire you." She made light of the situation and got a quick laugh from Kane.
Hugo remained standing there in silence rather stoic and serious. Mr. Blackburn was the only one on Emilia's new team that she had a few doubts about. Emilia's father Fredrick did like what he saw on paper, but the man was a bit of a drill sergeant. She wanted to give the position to Luke Balvondio, one of her present RPOs but his wife was having a child in a few weeks and planned to take some leave to which Emilia was happy to grant. Luke knew the ins and outs of the security side and would have been the perfect fit. She secretly hoped to make the change once Luke was ready to return to his duties.
"Are you ready to leave ma'am?" Hugo's deep voice pulled her from her thoughts.
"Yes, let's arrive on time today." Emilia took in a deep shaky breath and glanced around the room at her new team. A sense of excitement filled her making her lips spread into a beaming grin. She had done it and now she was about to show the world and her grandmother, The Queen, who this new Emilia was.
Tristan was quietly speaking to Kane, telling him what was about to happen as Emilia's convoy pulled up to the entrance of Green Peace Conservation.
Emilia sat quietly across from them, peering out the window to see the mass crowd lined along the metal barriers that had been waiting just to catch a glimpse of the princess. Her eyes wavered away from the crowd to see the media with cameras at the ready.
Clearly someone had felt her nerves exude from her body as she felt a soft touch on the arm. "Emilia, just remember to be yourself and that is enough." Evie's soft comforting whisper immediately dissipated all of her fears.
The princess turned her head slowly to lock in Evie's kind gaze. "Thank you Evie."
The car rolled to a stop in front of the entrance making the princess shift her gaze onto Tristan. "Ready Emilia?" His blue eyes held her gaze steady.
Emilia gave a light nod of the head signalling that she was indeed ready. Tristan jumped out of one side of the car, while Kane followed suit through the other side. Within a matter of seconds Emilia's door was opened by Tristan as a wave of screams greeted the princess.
She stepped out elegantly with a bright smile and turned back to wave to the crowd. It was the plan to do a walk about after the engagement, but Emilia felt it was best to do one now as well. These people had been waiting for her for hours and it only felt right to do so. Besides, part of her vision was to connect with the people and show the people that Emilia was merely one of them.
"Tristan?" Emilia only had to say his name to let him know what she was wanting to do. Tristan replied with a simple nod and spoke into his coms to alert the security team in the change of plans.
The princess stepped away from the entrance alerting the crowd that she was about to do a walk to greet them and they erupted in the loudest cheer that brought an enormous grin to Emilia's lips. Her light blue dress with white flowers that hung well off of her body flowed in the wind with each passing step. She tucked behind a few stray strands of her hair behind her ear while glancing quickly at the ground.
Emilia's Dress
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Emilia's Hair and Makeup
She made it to the first awaiting group and took her time greeting the happy smiling crowd who were so eager to meet the princess. Emilia engaged in a conversation with a nursery school group who had come out to see the exhibition of the fennec foxes as well. They all had drawn pictures of their favourite animals for Emilia, giving them to her as a present.
"I might have to buy a new castle to put all of these pictures up!" Emilia joked and the crowd roared in laughter. "Thank you! I will see you inside." The princess was about to step away when a little girl escaped through the barrier and came running at her with her arms stretched open for a hug.
The little girl was so ecstatic that she had escaped through the confines of the barriers, but she was running so hard that she tripped and fell, scraping her knee on the concrete.
Emilia hastily went to her and knelt down to tend to the little girl who was now wailing. The blonde curly haired child clutched her knee and whimpered. Emilia brushed away the dirt and comforted the young child until the police officers let her teacher through. "It's alright sweetheart. Let's get your knee cleaned up so you can feel better."
The princess stood the young girl up and wiped away her tear stained cheeks and spoke to her quietly until she calmed down. Emilia then pulled the little one into the tight hug that she had come to receive and the whole crowd awed at the kind gesture. The child's teacher kept on apologizing, but Emilia simply brushed it off as no big deal and continued down the way to greet other members of the crowd.
She was stopped by a young woman seeming to be similar in age to the princess. The brave woman asked if she could spend a few minutes interviewing her for one of her college papers for her Journalism degree. Emilia knew she did not have time to stand there for an interview at that moment, but she told the college student to give her details to Evie and she would be happy to arrange another time to be interviewed.
Emilia felt Evie lean in and whisper in her ear that it was time for them to go for their engagement. The princess shook a few more hands and then stepped away from the crowd who was calling her back. "I will come around again after!" She hollered back and walked purposely towards a patiently waiting Mr. Langford, the director of Green Peace.
Mr. Langford politely greeted the princess in a bowed head and a firm shake of the hand. "Welcome back, your royal highness. It's a pleasure to have you visit us again."
"I am so sorry to keep you waiting, Peter. I appreciate the invite again to come and see all the work you and your amazing team are doing. Plus, I hear the Fennec Foxes are adorable and quite playful." Emilia was beaming. She felt relaxed, confident and excited to get this engagement underway.
"Emilia! Over here!"
"Give us a smile will you?"
The press behind the barriers started to holler at Emilia all eager to capture that one headliner image for the papers tomorrow. The princess put on a brave face and turned to smile at the media for only a brief second. Giving them limited time to photograph her which many photographers would surely be complaining about in the upcoming days. Olivia had briefed the media team and royal photographers that there would now be a few select members of the photographers actually allowed in the events and engagements coming forward. This change was quite the sore spot for the vulturous press pack that loved to capture every little moment of Emilia's engagements and fished for anything to use against her in the papers the next day. This idea was given to Emilia by Harry himself as he explained how the British royals conducted engagements with the press.
Olivia was hesitant to limit the amount of access to Emilia during engagements but found a way to work around this by allowing one or two photographers selected by Olivia to capture photographs of Emilia during her engagements. But, the catch was they had to share their content with any willing member of the media upon a request. The photographers had to sign an agreement before hand to ensure this would happen.
Emilia knew that there would be immediate backlash with this decision, but she wanted the engagements to be a bit more intimate. To be able to truly focus on the reason why she was there and not have a hungry pack of wolves on her back. By limiting their access to Emilia showed that she was not going to play their games anymore and that she held the power hand.
The princess continued on her way into Green Peace being introduced to some familiar faces and new staff before her official tour began. She sat in some of the teaching sessions that were being taught to local school children.
Olivia had pulled Emilia out of one of the sessions to conduct a short interview with Kelly-Anne Arbour, an Illyrian journalist. This was the part of the engagement that Emilia had tried to convince Olivia to forgo and not conduct one. She had never really been keen to do interviews as her parents had taught her from a young age to keep a healthy distance between the royal family and the media.
Emilia sat down across from Kelly-Anne and put on a smiling face, hiding the fact that she did not want to be a part of this. An innate gut feeling had settled in the princess's stomach that convinced her mind that something was not right about this situation. But, Olivia had vetted the journalist and she was to adhere to a strict line of questioning. She had to put her trust in Olivia.
"It's such a pleasure to sit here with you today, your royal highness, and be able to speak with you." The journalist welcomed here kindly.
The princess smiled with a gentle nod of reply. "Thank you for having me."
"Now, I know you are quite the busy woman here today out at Green Peace. But, I must steal a few of your minutes to ask you some questions." Kelly-Anne started out. "Now, as we have all been briefed, you have formed a new palace team as of late and today is your first engagement back with them. May I ask why you thought this change was needed? Why The Queen's previous choice of Mrs. Deacon was fired?"
Emilia took in a deep breath. None of these questions were what the journalist was supposed to ask Emilia.The princess turned her head and briefly locked eyes with a furious looking Olivia. "I appreciate your question, Kelly. But, the matter is rather simple that was outlined in the briefing you received." The princess informed her.
"Yes, but if you wish to comment about Mia Deacon?" The interviewer pushed further.
The princess tilted her head at the bravery she boasted. "I do not comment on past employees' work just like any other employer. Now shall we move on because you now only have two minutes left. As you said, I am quite the busy woman this afternoon." Emilia's sass came forth rather strong as Olivia got a glimpse of it first hand.
"Yes, let's talk about a few of your jewelry pieces." Emilia braced herself for what was about to be asked. "I noticed that one of your bracelets today is also famously worn by another royal, Prince Harry, who had recently visited Illyria on tour. Was this given to you by the prince himself? What sort of relationship would you say the prince and you have as it seems you two have been spending a lot of time together lately?"
Emilia was prepared for this and had the perfect reply. The princess glanced down at the bracelet and played with it a little before answering. "I am glad you noticed it. It was given to me by Prince Harry when he was in Illyria in an official capacity and I decided to wear it today to showcase how conservation is so important right now in the world. We are seeing animals getting added to the endangered list on a daily basis while their numbers are continuing to dwindle. It's important for everyone to play their part in protecting these magnificent creatures and give them that fighting chance at survival. As the reach me and Prince Harry have and the global platform that we are given, we have the responsibility to bring these issues into the light and broadcast the efforts of so many people that are trying to make change in the conservation world right now."
The journalist attempted to ask another question when Olivia stepped in and pulled Emilia out of the interview. "Thanks for your time Kelly-Anne, but her royal highness must continue to adhere to her tight schedule this afternoon."
Olivia fell into step beside Emilia and quietly scolded her. "Emilia... we need to talk about what you just confirmed about the British Prince Harry. This should have been run past me first."
"Not here Olivia. Clearly she was not even supposed to ask that question, this is why we don't do interviews." Emilia was furious at the journalist. "Scold her for not staying with the pre-planned questions, not me." The princess walked off being unhappy already with Olivia.
The princess stepped into the enclosure with a few members of the crowd watching her as she was guided through the endangered Fennec fox enclosure. Emilia was eager to learn more about these animals and how Green Peace was aiding them. She nearly gushed when asked if she wanted to meet and name a new litter of foxes, simply replying with a beaming smile and excited squeal to which the crowd found adorable.
She sat down on a nearby rock as a member of staff pulled out a couple of freshly born foxes who were fast asleep. Emilia had a few in her lap all snuggled together while she gently petted them. The mother then came out and rubbed up against Emilia.
"Is it ok for us to be handling them? They seem rather used to humans and the mom isn't as protective as I thought she would be." The princess questioned with slight concern. These were supposed to be wild animals after all.
"Excellent question. We are the only things that they know. Most of the foxes here will stay in a sanctuary like this until we are able to build a place more relatable to the wild and re-train them to be self sufficient." The handler informed her. "Now, we need to name them and thought it was best if our patron helped us with this batch!"
"I'd love to!" Emilia looked down adoringly at the little sleeping foxes then back up towards the crowd. An idea clicked in her mind.
"Would anyone like to help me name these little guys?!" Emilia hollered out and a few school aged children jumped at the chance to help the princess come up with names.
Emilia sat down into the backseat and released a heavy sigh. She closed her eyes and felt the door slam shut and the car pull away.
"Thank god that is over!" The princess chuckled lightly as. A wave of relief coursed through her. "Well done everyone!" Emilia glanced around at her team and thanked them for their hard work in such a successful visit.
Later that evening, Emilia had called in Olivia and Evie into her apartment. She was dressed casually while finishing up packing for her trip to London for her training and Olympic trials for quite a few weeks.
Evie knocked lightly while she stood at the opened door to Emilia's private bedroom door with Olivia in behind her. "Good evening, Emilia. You wished to see us."
"Yes! Come on in!" Emilia waved them through as she placed a few more items into her suitcase. "Please sit down and make yourself comfy wherever."
The princess had picked up on Olivia's quiet demeanour when they arrived back at the palace. Emilia knew that she had to inform Evie and Olivia about her relationship with Prince Harry. But, she only wanted people to know who absolutely were required to.
Emilia sat across from them and smiled warmly. "I wanted to thank you for all of your hard work for today. You guys made everything run so smoothly and I think it was an amazing start for what's to come. So again, thank you!"
Evie was all smiles and said it was all around a team effort. Olivia was simply pleased with the results of the engagement today.
"I also called you here this evening because I wish to disclose a private matter to you that I only want your ears to know." Emilia lowered her gaze and found herself playing with the rhino bracelet on her wrist half indicating what she was about to tell them. "I am very cautious about my private life and do not wish to have many people in the know about my relationships, but I do understand that certain members of my staff need to be aware...." The princess trailed off and lifted her head to lock in Evie and Olivia's gaze while they patiently waited for her to continue.
"Prince Harry and I are in a relationship and have been since he ended his tour of Illyria last month. No one in my family is aware of this except for a few key people and it must remain this way until I deem it so. I realize that you need two need to be aware of this as key members of my staff. If any personal matters need to be addressed in this case then they must be done so in private and only with you two present." Emilia confessed solemnly. She did not want more people to find out about Harry and hers relationship at this time.
"Emilia, thank you for informing us." Olivia smiled warmly seeing how difficult it was for Emilia to openly trust them with this information, but it was vital that they were aware. "Will you be seeing him in London?" Olivia offered a kind hopeful smile.
Emilia lifted her head with a beaming smile graced on her lips. "Yes... it's been a long time since I have."
"I am sure that you miss him. I think you two are a perfect match, Emilia." Evie was gushing about this revelation. "We promise that this information is for our ears only." Evie took her leave.
"I am sorry about earlier, Emilia." Olivia began to apologize. "But, I need to know these sorts of things or else I would have advised you not to wear the bracelet today."
Emilia stood up. "No no. I need to apologize. I know you needed to know and that is why I am telling you now." She sighed deeply. "I am sorry I didn't tell you sooner about him, but I just wanted Harry to be a part of my day today. I do realize that may have been a mistake in how I achieved that. I don't always get it right Olivia, but I learn from my mistakes."
"No need to explain, Emilia. Have a safe trip tomorrow. We will be in touch."
Emilia had finally landed into London after what appeared to be a long flight, but was only a few short hours. She was whisked away into an awaiting convoy with Tristan climbing into the backseat with her while Kane took control of driving the car.
The princess felt a sense of relief wash through her as she had made it to what would be her new home for the next month for her Olympic Training. She was still on a high after her successful first engagement yesterday with her new palace team and even received an adoring message from her father who watched the full coverage of it.
"Feels a bit like deja vu." Tristan commented as the memory of their last time in London came to the forefront of his mind. "Except this time we actually have a proper security team for you and I know I won't lose my job when we go back to Illyria or get my ass chewed off by the queen." He tossed his head back in laughter at Emilia's expense.
"Tristan... I can still fire you." Emilia glanced up and smiled warmly into his blue eyes.
"You could never get rid of me princess." He cocked a crooked smirk. "I think we have already established this on the fact you never could really lose me unlike my predecessors."
"You are right." Emilia shook her head. "Then I would have to stare at poor Luke all the time."
"Ya, I heard that Emilia." Luke hollered from the front.
It had been nearly an hour when Emilia looked outside the window wondering why they had not even reached the outer city limits of London yet. "Tristan, why aren't we in London?" The curious princess questioned as she looked further out deciphering that they were still indeed in the English countryside, but the setting of the sun made it quite difficult to make out where they actually were in combination with the dark tinted windows.
"We had to take a detour to avoid an accident, Emilia. Shouldn't be too much longer until we reach the city." Tristan avoided eye contact with the princess making Emilia inwardly question his response.
A few minutes later, Emilia felt the vehicle turn down a country side road hearing the gravel crunching beneath the tires. The princess glanced outside quickly to find that they were still in the middle of the English countryside, but could barely make out their surroundings through the dark tinted glass. She locked eyes with Tristan and raised her eyebrow up in suspicion as her gut held a feeling that something was indeed up.
"Tristan... you have one chance to tell me where we are or where we are going." Emilia's tone was serious, but her protection officer simply shrugged in response.
"Like I said, we took a detour and should be arriving soon." His answer was vague and nonchalant.
Not even a moment later the car rolled to a complete stop and Tristan motioned to undo his seatbelt. "Guess we are here." He finally looked at Emilia with a glint in his eyes.
"Stop!" Emilia stopped him from getting out of the car. "Where's here?!" The princess was beyond confused and wondering why Tristan was acting so strange.
"You will find out soon enough." Tristan got out of the car and rounded the vehicle to open Emilia's door.
Emilia slowly climbed out, looking at a happily smiling Tristan who closed the door behind her. The princess glanced around at the exquisite countryside manor that greeted her amongst the dimly lit sky.
"We took a detour to the countryside, Emilia. To surprise you." Tristan quietly spoke.
"Surprise me?" Emilia looked away from the manor for one second to glance at Tristan. But, when she turned her head back to the manor she saw that someone had come walking out the front door towards her.
She gasped loudly and covered her mouth with both hands at the surprise walking towards her. Emilia could not believe what rather who was before her eyes.
It was Harry casually walking towards the princess with a beaming smile.
"Harry." Emilia whispered his name as if she had to speak it to believe that she was actually seeing her boyfriend. Her heart tugged in her chest at the mere sight of him as her eyes welled up.
The princess was frozen in shock, unable to move her feet forward for a few seconds. The prince had stopped walking towards her and placed his hands casually in his jean pockets. The beaming smile that was evident on his lips, present for everyone there to see, caused her feet to finally run towards him. It had been a month since she had last seen Harry and Emilia did not want to waste one more second not being in his arms.
She took off running towards the prince. "Harry!" Emilia called his name louder being unable to hold in her excitement from seeing him.
He started to laugh at her shock while opening his arms to welcome her. Harry felt Emilia's body come crashing into him making him take a few steps back to try and steady himself from the impact. Her arms wrapped around him tightly while she buried her head into his chest and squeezed him tight.
"Hi love." He cradled the crown of her head gently and closed his eyes, relishing in the fact that Emilia was once again in his arms. The couple stood there for a few quiet moments embraced tightly with one another before Emilia broke apart and wrapped her arms around Harry's waist while peaking up at him. "I hope you didn't mind the detour." Harry chuckled while he stared into the depths of her icy blues eyes that the prince so terribly had missed.
"You are here..." Emilia slowly shook her head as the shock continued to linger in her body at the surprise of it all.
Harry's blue eyes softened while he angled his head down at his girlfriend with an adoring smile. He nodded his head lightly. "I'm here Emilia." His hand reached out and cupped her cheek tenderly before gently stroking it. He watched her eyes close and squint shut before opening them again as if she was trying to convince herself that this was not a dream.
"I have missed you so so much." Emilia became emotional and stood up on her tippy toes to snake her arm Harry's neck to pull him down towards her lips.
Harry controlled his urge and stopped a few inches away from her lips. He could feel her hot breath float across his lips as if they were calling to him. Emilia nudged her nose against Harry's, but the smile that formed on her delicious lips was the one that he had longed to see the one he often dreamt about. It was her natural happy smile that very little people were given unguarded access to.
"I have missed that smile." His deep voice weakened Emilia's knees as her other arm grasped his forearm to steady herself.
She could not wait a second longer as she crashed her lips into Harry's, connecting them with a passionate kiss that lingered. Harry immediately cupped both of her cheeks to hold her still while he continued to taste her delicate lips. The world around them ceased to exist as they found themselves locked into their own embrace while time stood still. The universe allowing them to share this moment of reuniting together.
Emilia was feeling the cloudy haze effect that her breathlessness had caused her. Her lips gently fell off of Harry's as she inhaled and breathed in his signature scent that brought a sense of comfort within her. She moaned softly causing Harry to suddenly capture her lips once again, locking them back into the passion fuelled kiss.
The princess gave up all control and succumbed to Harry's touch, loving the way he kissed her hard with such desire. Emilia felt his tongue seeking further permission to lock with her own to which she freely gave, allowing Harry to deepen their kiss further. His hand trailed down her cheek to the side of her neck feeling her heartbeat pounding through her soft skin.
Harry broke apart from their kiss and opened his eyes to find Emilia staring up at him with lust filled blue orbs greeting him. He leaned forward and pressed his forehead against hers, resting it while they both attempted to regain their breath. Emilia's chest was rising and falling hard as the prince heard her jagged breath.
"I hope it was ok to surprise you like this." Harry was the first to break their comfortable silence. "I asked Tristan to keep it from you. I just couldn't wait a few more days to see you." Emilia's heartstrings tugged at his confession.
"It is the best surprise anyone has given me." Emilia giggled happily. "But, where are we?" The princess broke apart from their embrace to quickly look around.
"Highgrove House." Harry's hand dropped from her hip and blindly found her hand to hold. He turned around and gave her hand a light tug to follow him. "It's my fathers estate, but I used to spend my weekends here after school. It's quite secluded so I thought it would be best for us to spend the weekend here before you start your training."
Emilia lightly stepped beside Harry as she leaned into, grasping his forearm with her free hand. "Wait... what about your engagements?" She snapped her head up to find Harry smirking mischievously.
"They were never booked, Emilia." Harry chuckled lightly. "I lied to you so you would not suspect a thing, I'm sorry."
Emilia shook her head. "Just don't lie to me again, unless it is a surprise like this." The princess stood up on her tippy toes and placed a soft kiss to Harry's cheek.
"Come on, let me show you around." Harry squeezed her hand tightly. "I cannot wait to have 3 full days to have you all to myself."
"Hmm, whatever shall we do Henry?" Emilia could not hide her excitement even if she wanted to.
Quite frankly, she did not really care as long as if she was with Harry.
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riderdrauggrim · 4 years
Bored at the Hotel Storytime.
So last week when I was at the West Edmonton Mall to see the spectacle of it all, and check out the new Drive! indoor electric multi-level go-kart track, I wandered past a Build-A-Bear. It was only 8:20pm but most of the shops were shuttered closed, including this one.
I knew of Build-A-Bears, but I'd never seen a store in person, so I lingered and peered through the gate at the plush displays inside.
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And that's when I saw.
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I'm a sucker for Werewolves, always have been, since the day my dad gave me a Monster In My Pocket trading card he'd found on the ground outside a 7-11 back in '91. It was a little scuffed from being on the ground. But it was beautiful.
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(Photo from an Ebay sale)
I remember saving up my holiday money and being taken to Toys 'R' Us on 87 Meadowvale Drive, St. Catharines (still there!). I picked out a pack with a Red Werewolf, because Red was Cool. He was the leader of my assorted monsters and plastic animals.
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Look at that poise! That drama!
One thing led to another, in the late 90's and early 20's I collected Werewolf: The Apocalypse RPG sourcebooks. Eventually got damn near every book in my collection. Bought the Glaive. The mug. The hat. The necklace (still wear it). The novels. Chased down Rage CCG cards at comic shops throughout the Golden Horseshoe.
Funded the Kickstarter for the 20th anniversary reprint/master edition, even went in for the limited metal plate cover version.
Still have never played a single game of it.
Lamented at the lack of GOOD werewolf movies. Dog Soldiers (2002) and Van Hellsing (2004) are about the only ones I'll accept stylistically. But I'm just picky.
So back to WEM. There's this little dude. Smiling up at my with his badass 90's skater boy getup. My hyper fixation locked in. I spent the night looking up Build-A-Bear online. Turned out he was last year's special, so these must just be extra shells kicking around.
There was some sort of sale on. Buy one, get one (equal or lesser value) 10$. Shit. How could I not. I found the PERFECT critter for Garwik. The next day, I returned.
I was nervous, at first, was it weird? A grown person getting a custom stuffed animal? And then I overheard another dude sheepishly admitting to the cashier that the one he'd made was for himself. He'd got one for his nephew and liked it so much he wanted one too. Awww.
Okay so, maybe a little weird, but apparently not uncommon.
The cheerful staff member picked up the unstuffed shells I pointed out, and with me manning the air blower and her working the body around, we socially distanced assembled the plushies. In go the hearts. In go the optional smell satchettes (vanilla in the head for my werewolf, bubblegum in the body for Garwik's monkey). Now to go pick accessories.
THIS is how they "get you". Sure, I was getting two foot tall plush animals for like 40 bucks total. But the outfits. The outfits.
8 bucks for a hat. 15 bucks for a pant/jacket set. 18 bucks for a Star Wars tie-in outfit. Boots. Things to hold. Glasses. Pants. Shirts. Accessories. Iiiiiii get it now.
Well, in for a penny, in for a pound.
So while I'm Hrmming and Hawwwwing about what top looks cool, a gaggle of young adults stumble past in the concourse.
"Build-A-Bear!" one of them exclaims loudly, slowing down. The other pause. A mixed gender group, I didn't take a headcount but about three guys and three gals. Mid-20's at the most.
"Lookit all the stuffed animals!" someone else says. At first they're making fun of it, but within seconds someone declares "We should all get one!" This idea is an immediate success. "Yah!" "We should!" "Let's all get one!" "Can we come in? Do we have time?"
It was 20 minutes to closing but the worker gamely let the young people past the social distancing barrier, and they swarmed the unstuffed body display, pointing out which ones they were going to get. She scooped up the decisions, moving the whole pack over to the stuffing blower, and had them operate the air as she filled their choices. The scent options ramped up the group's already palpable excitement.
As she offered the first plushie to the owner for a squish test, and then flipped it around for the heart insertion, a decision was made. "No, we're gonna put the hearts in all at the same time!" This might have surprised the employee, but she laughed and went along with it. Several nearly completed bodies later, she had them each choose a heart and instructed them each to hug it. And then. Rub it on their hearts. And then rub it on their heads! Now rub it on their toes!
I'm cashing out while all this was going on behind me. It was complete goofery. The enthusiasm of the worker was the same cheerful joyous supportive silliness as a camp counselor leading a group of six year olds in a game. And these young men and women were LOVING it. They did every ridiculous maneuver they were instructed, laughing at the 'childishness' of it all, but not a one complaining, or calling it stupid.
I don't know why, but that incident made me unbelievably happy.
I think, too often, people are so stressed to 'grow up' and 'act your age', that they forget how much fun it can be to just. Enjoy silly things. To spin in a circle and rub a cloth heart on your tummy. To buy a stuffed animal with your best friends.
I wish them all the best.
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kjimagine · 5 years
Attending the VMA’s as a performer and the Vlog Squad showing up in support Headcanon:
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Pre VMA’s:
Plus one, we don’t know her
Your stylist telling Zane, Heath, Todd, and Scott that they cannot wear matching suits with “prints that make me want to vomit”
Zane pouts around the next week
refuses to answer your calls or texts for a while
Heath sits around for an hour giving you and your stylist puppy eyes in hopes of convincing you
“Not happening, Heath”
“You owe me”
Todd is only mildly inconvenienced
Scott knows there's no way he would have actually shown up in one of those suits
Kristen would not have let him leave the house like that
your stylist gets so fed up with David not enjoying his choices that he makes him find his own outfit
“why can’t i just wear what I always do?” 
“David. You cannot show up to the VMA’s in jeans in a t-shirt”
Spending hours shopping with David to find something for him to wear
“Well fuck, I’m just gonna have to go naked!” 
“David, nobody wants to see that” 
“Nobody asked you, Natalie”
Like, It’s your performance, but he’s so high maintenance
Eventually, you’re just like forget it, you’re on your own
The girls and you had such a fun day whilst shopping with the stylist
Kristin literally does all of her designing herself and she looks so bomb
Mariah and Nat getting all blushy and “Stop oh my god” when they’re complimented
Erin literally cries when she sees your outfit
“Why are you crying???”
“You just look so good!”
Carly trying to deflect the attention from herself when she’s trying outfits
Corrina tries the entire store on
or should I say storeS PLURAL
getting so fed up with her
everyone's okay with it the end cause she paid for lunch afterwards
fights over who gets to walk the carpet with you
literal weeks of bribes and special treatment because they want to so bad
Zane trying to take you out for lunch, dinner, or coffee frequently
he showed up to your place at 3am with a cake
David keeps trying to get you tickets to things or offering to get whatever you want
Todd does it jokingly, but also kinda not?
Jason volunteers to do whatever David wants him to for a week
Joe’s in the corner like “David can shave my head”
Mariah just begging you cause she wants it really bad
who do you pick? the one person who didn’t try to bribe you 
other than Scotty
Todd starts a literal fight with him
and jeff’s like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
“I’m more attractive, what can I say”
“thats not why I picked you”
“Shhh, yes it is”
Corrina’s like “I was the obvious choice why wasn’t it me”
“Because she doesn’t want herpes”
“I’m not Dom!”
“Oh! BURN!”
At the VMA’:s
Meeting up with everyone in the limo that night
they literally all start screaming when they see you because you look so god damn good
They had to take the alcohol out of the limo because if Zane sees it, he’s gonna drink it
it still somehow made its way into the vehicle
Zane is tipsy when you arrive
and your manager is fuming
Zane being whiney as HELL
he got all dressed up “just for you, baby”
actually looks good
like fancy-ass grey suit that he definitely cannot afford
your manager is beyond livid
threatened to kick Zane out
and you’re like okay buddy, slow your roll
starts yelling at you
your friends start getting defensive
you got a new manager later on
screams so loudly the entire time you’re performing
posts your entire performance on Instagram stories
the people in the surrounding seats are a bit annoyed
Scott and Kristen being the fucking cutest supportive people
they MATCH
post about you on ig during the performance and as you walked the carpet
you literally pulled them onto the carpet to get pictures of the two together
both just the cutest lil smiley people as they watch you
best group hug after your performance omgggggg
Heath and Mariah are sooooo cuttteee
you made the special request of having Mariah as a dancer for your performance
the two of you having a mini freakout backstage beforehand
 but just like the most supportive of each other
Heath screaming “Yeah Bubba!” at Mariah and it just makes your heart swell they're so cute
Heath brought a cowboy hat with him
threw it at you on stage
Carly and Erin screaming
Bruce is in the corner like calm down
but they're so hype
Todd being a pouty brat while you’re on the carpet
because “that should've been me”
but he’s so LOUD
yells the entire time
even when he’s just leaning over to tell someone something
like you’re not his kid, but he’s such a proud dad
is so so so proud of you
films the whole thing
knew you’d do great
bought you a congrats present for after
and even though you’re like noooooo, he’s like yes you deserve it love u
Jeff is so fucking smug the entire time on the carpet because he’s a winner babyyyy
actually super nervous on the carpet but he’d never say it out loud
you know though
and you try to make him laugh the entire time you’re in front of the cameras
it works
looks fine as hell in his plain black suit with a coloured button-up underneath
starring the entire time you’re on stage
like absolutely in awe of you
David actually wears new clothes for once
his hair is styled
he looks so fineeeeee
He’s kinda jealous watching you and Jeff walk the carpet like, wishes it was him
brings his disposable camera for pictures throughout the night
every photo op he sees he takes
brought two extra cameras
just incase
brings the vlog camera too
makes an entire video about you and how he’s so proud of you
cries when you’re on stage
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gotboredwrote · 5 years
Hot Space Buns // BHM
Pairing: Brian May x Fem!Reader Word Count: 4.6K Style: One-Shot Warnings: Fluff, swearing Summary: The boys are gaining popularity and are hiring more and more crew in order to prepare them for each show, including a hair/makeup/clothing team. All crew members end up being close friends with the band, including Y/N, the primary hair stylist. One funky photoshoot and one stupid bet later, Y/N gets to have her way with the boys on stage, and the one serious member of the band can’t help but laugh about it, too. Permanent Author’s Note: To clarify, I write because I get bored. Nothing is meant to be professional in any way, nor is meant to offend, cause anxiety, cause anger, cause sadness, or promote disagreement among readers in any sort of (semi)permanent way. A/N: @bensrhapsody and I make a great team wherein she sends me ideas/requests and I write them how I see fit, and this is one of those instances. Lena, you are a dumbass treasure, so I hope you like this (and all future requests of yours to come)! Also, I debated making this a platonic!Queen x Reader fic, but then I was really drawn to Bri for this one and making this about him somehow, so yeah. Also, I know the title is a pun on the Hot Space album and this doesn’t take place then, but the title is cute and they needed to be in the early 70s so their hair was long so get over it lmao.
It goes without saying that anyone who starts a band, no matter how much they will deny it, wants to some degree to end up famous. They want people to hear their music and relate to it. Queen was no exception, and despite the fact that half of the band was not egotistic, all four boys were pleased with the success they had been getting. It was becoming too big for just the four of them and a manager to handle, though, so it was time to start hiring teams to help them out with whatever was needed so they could focus on their jobs – the music. Finance teams, roadies, electronics people, security guards. They had to hire everything and everyone. Including a hair, makeup, and costume team to appease Freddie and Roger’s wishes. This team was not a large one, in fact there was only one person for makeup, hair, and costume each. But the three of you made it work. The boys were writing their third studio album at the time, which eventually was titled ‘Sheer Heart Attack,’ and one of your bosses decided that it was time for the album cover shoot. She had a few ideas in mind for you and your companion teams that you were not so sure about, but you had to do what your bosses told you, despite your better judgement. So, the minute the boys walked into yours and the make-up artist’s trailer, you gave them a look of concern and bemusement.
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“Did anyone actually tell you boys how we have to make you look?” Your coworker, whose name was Angelica, was trying extremely hard to not laugh throughout her sentence. She was the more bemused one in this situation, you were more concerned.
“Frankly, I think what they said is ridiculous, but maybe you lot won’t think so.” You unsuccessfully tried to hid the worry in your words, because Brian chimed in right away.
“What are you two going to do to us?”
You and Angelica gave each other looks, and just pointed at their respective chairs so you two could get started. Freddie and Roger sat down excitedly, seemingly ready for whatever wild idea you two had, while John just moved at his normal pace. Brian, on the other hand, stayed still right where he was, taking your tone of voice to heart more seriously than he probably should have. You decided to walk over to him, since Angelica already started working on Roger’s make-up and Freddie was enthusiastically talking to a very tired-looking John, and check up on him. You did not like the scowl he had plastered onto his face.
“What’s wrong, love? You’re not one to not listen to us.”
“What do we have to wear?”
“You’ve never been concerned before, Bri, what’s this ab—”
“Have I hid how insecure I am that well for you to not notice? Well, I guess I need to explain myself then, but yeah, I… I hate doing these photoshoots. I’ve read the tabloids, Y/N, and while it has nothing to do with yours or Angelica’s abilities, I know that I am the least attractive member of Queen.”
You had trouble comprehending that these words were coming out of Brian’s mouth instead of someone like John’s. Brian never presented himself as shy or insecure, and you were starting to feel dread creeping up on you, because you were being forced to add to this feeling. You took a moment to gaze into his eyes, ones that, at the moment, were filled with dread and insecurity, but held on to the smallest bit of hope that you would say something to him to make it all go away.
“Brian May, you are incredibly smart. You seriously cannot be daft enough to think that those tabloids have any semblance of truth to them, right?”
Brian just continued to look at the ground. Clearly, that was not enough to make him feel like himself again. You took it up a notch.
“Not only are you smart enough to know those idiots are just jealous, but I happen to think that you are very attractive no matter how we end up making you look. I get to see this face and this hair,” as you spoke you fluffed up his curls even closer to high heaven, “every single day, so I know for a fact that it isn’t ugly. Far from it, love. Now, do me a favor and sit in your damn chair so I can get to work on the first hairstyle of yours that might make me take back what I said just now.”
Finally, you had gotten Brian’s attention, and thankfully no one else in the room had seen the exchange, otherwise you know you would have heard some snarky comment from Freddie or Roger, or both. Brian did what you asked of him, and by the time you had started working on his hair, Angelica had finished with Roger’s make-up and began to work on John’s, leaving Freddie to talk to Roger. Except to look at Roger, he had to look past Brian and Freddie saw what it was you were attempting to do with Brian’s hair, and called you out for it.
“Darling, how exactly do you plan to get that mane into a hair tie?”
“I’m sorry, what—”
“This is astounding, Y/N! Look at our masterpieces!”
Angelica snorted so loud at the sight in the mirror in front of you two. She had finished their make-up, which was simply a dark eye-look with natural colored everything else, and you had managed to get all four of the boy’s hair into dual buns on the sides of their heads. It was clearly not the aesthetic of the album, since you had been hearing them play it for the last few months, but like always, you had to listen to your boss. Whatever they wanted was what they got. You did admit, in your head, though, that none of them looked really ugly. It was just completely out of character. Begrudgingly, the boys made their way over to the studio where the black backdrop was set up for the shoot. Your boss looked really happy when she saw what they ended up looking like, but she could also see the cogs turning in your head once the actual shoot started. She was not the biggest fan of you when you had an idea you thought was better than hers, or a fan of yours, period.
“Y/N? A word, please.”
If you had not turned your head right at the exact moment you heard your name, you would have seen Brian turn to look directly at you with a look of concern. He knew you and that one particular boss butted heads quite a bit over vision differences, so he made sure he was always around when she was so he could be there for you if you needed to get away. He told himself he did this because all the crew members became good friends with the band, but deep down he knew that there was more to it than that, just like how Roger had a thing for Angelica and John had a thing for Veronica, the costume designer (in this house we support the Deacon’s). He was called back to reality when he heard his name being called for the next photo, so he did not get to see what kind of interaction you had with your boss.
“Look, I’m extremely proud of the work you and Angelica did, so why is it that I feel like I need to be concerned about the look on your face?”
“Magda, look—”
“We have been through this, you do not call me Magda, you call me ma’am or madam. You lost the right to call me by my first name when you disobeyed instruction on the last album.”
The situation she was referring to actually had nothing to do with what you did, it had everything to do with what you did not do. Magda had wanted you to do something extremely drastic to all four of the boy’s hair for the ‘Queen II’ album cover shoot and she wanted you to do it without telling them you were going to. Queen is not what people think of when they think of a hair band, but their hair is extremely iconic nonetheless, so when your boss suggested that you chop all of it off without telling them, you made the choice to not do that because you knew it would kill them, especially Roger and Brian. You ended up telling them that that time around, nothing would be done to their hair, it needed to stay natural, and the boys did not mind. Despite the fact that the cover for the album ended up becoming one of the most beloved images Queen had ever put out, your boss was livid with you. She cared about success, obviously, but she cared about having dominance over her employees more. So, a clear and blatant disrespect to her authority was the last thing she wanted in her life.
“Sorry, ma’am.”
“So, because of that disrespect, I have to repeat myself. What is going on inside your head right now?”
“I’m… not sure if you’ve actually heard any of the album, but this hair that you wanted them to have? I actually think they look pretty good and pull it off, but it-it-it just doesn’t fit with the sound of the album.”
Your boss sighed rather loudly, earning the attention of the cameramen and the band, Brian looking at you wide-eyed out of concern, realizing you had been communicating with your personal she-devil for the last few minutes without him by your side.
“Well then, simple hairdresser; what the hell would you have them do?”
The jab at your profession stung, you could not lie to yourself. You had wanted to do hair ever since you got yours first professionally cut. Something about the atmosphere felt like a place you could be yourself in, and when you got into beauty school, you took that as a sign that this was what you were meant to be doing. It was even more solidified when you booked the job working with one of the biggest bands in the world. At hearing the words your boss said, Angelica and Veronica had sunk into themselves off to the side of the backdrop, Roger, Freddie, and John all stared with wide eyes, and Brian’s eyes narrowed into tight slits indicating that he was just as furious as you. Instead of responding to your boss, you just decided to walk over to the cameraman, asking him if you could make some changes before the next round of photos. He quietly nodded his head, and added a ‘help yourself.’ You nodded back before making your way over to the boys.
“I’m going to take your hair out of these buns, as well as you pull them off, and then add some ruffling to it. Okay? Just give me one minute…”
After your one minute, each of the boys had their hair cascading down their shoulders once again, and you had even added some small volume to it through the use of your hands pulling and fluffing. You did not want to instruct them on how to sit, so once you felt happy with the way their hair looked, you walked backwards so you could see all four of them together, solidifying your feelings towards the new looks. You smiled, trying to force away the tears that were still threatening to spill from your boss’s earlier words. The four boys could see you were struggling to keep yourself together, and the other three looked at Brian knowingly. They all knew about their schoolkid-like crushes on the crew members, so they were attempting to egg him on to make you feel better. You started to turn away to allow the cameraman to reposition them, but before you had turned around fully, you saw Brian jolt upward, almost hurting and locking his knees in the process. You looked back and up at him with doe-like eyes as he slowly walked toward you. When he was face-to-face with you, he placed both hands tightly on your shoulders, giving each of them a tight squeeze before speaking.
“For what it’s worth, love, I didn’t hate the buns.” Then he leaned in and captured you in a loving hug, complete with some back rubbing. Now speaking at a volume loud enough for only you to hear. “But I love that you know us well enough to stand up to that witch, and I admire you for it. Thank you.”
You latched your arms around him desperately, not allowing yourself to speak because you know the words would have just gotten stuck in your throat and you would have looked like an infant with how hard you were starting to sob. But now it wasn’t out of sadness, it was out of gratitude. Brian let you go, offering you a small smile before walking back to his bandmates, who were all staring at him knowingly. You went back behind the camera and made your way to Angelica and Veronica, who opened up the space between them so you could sit between them and you could all watch the boys you loved. In the way that they loved you. And imagine your pride when the photo taken from right after you fixed their hair ended up being the cover of the album. Your boss was fired the same day the image was selected.
“Absolutely not, I would never agree to that bloody bet.” Roger’s voice was booming in the back of the tour bus, arguing with you over an idea you had just suggested, riding off the adrenaline still of having your photo be chosen for the second time as the album cover.
“C’mon, Rog, it would be fun! Guys against girls!”
“I may be dumb sometimes, Y/N, but I am smart enough to know that women are smarter than men in general. You lot would win, and then we would just embarrass ourselves.”
Then it was Angelica’s turn to speak up, hoping she could convince Roger to change his mind.
“Rogie, love, I would love to do this, I think you should let us girls join in on your Scrabble competitions every now and then. We are just as much a part of Queen as you are. We want to feel included. What d’you say, lovie?”
You, Angelica, Veronica, and Mary were watching the cogs in Roger’s mind turn around and around before he finally settled on a decision.
“Oi! Lads! Get your arses in here! We got a game to play!”
“So. what exactly is the plan here?”
All eight of you crowded up in the back of the tour bus, waiting to hear your explanation of how the bet was going to go. You had explained the basic idea to Roger before anyone else, and then when the other girls heard him pouting, they joined in. And thus began the first ever girls versus guys Scrabble game Queen had ever taken a part of began.
“We’re going to play in teams. Myself and Veronica, Angelica and Mary, Brian and John, Roger and Freddie. Scoring will be by team, but then at the end of the game, the girls team scores will be added together, as will the boy’s teams scores. One game only, unless somehow there is a tie. If we win, on the next show, you lot have to let me do your hair up in the buns again. And you have to stay like that for the whole show. If you boys win, then we will all wear our hair in the buns, and you can choose what outfits we wear as well. No cheating, or the other team wins by default. This is for one show only, as well, none of us gals are that mean. Sound fair?”
With a cacophony of nodding heads, the game ensued. You had hoped what Roger said about women being smarter than men really was true, because you did not want to see what the boys would pick out for you to wear. With the exception of Angelica, all you girls were relatively modest people. You knew that they would want you to wear something scandalous if they won. Initially, everyone was getting small words and just slowly collecting points. No one seemed to pull ahead right away. Then John got a word that was worth over 20 points in one go, and all four of you started to sweat. That skyrocketed his and Brian’s score, you just knew it, and you had no idea how many points Roger and Freddie had racked up yet. You kept playing, worry nagging your mind throughout the game. Then it was time to add together team scores to see who would be wearing buns at the next show, and possibly no clothes.
“Between us lads, we have 145 points.” John spoke calmly and politely, not wanting to give away the fact that he had been planning what he wanted Veronica to wear this whole time.
The four of you girls all turned to look at each other with somewhat neutral expressions, but could not contain your excitement for long. Wide smile’s broke out across all of your faces as you turned back to look at the boys, who’s faces you all could see were breaking watching your smiles spread. As if you had planned it in advance, the four of you simultaneously yelled out your score, proud of the outcome.
“146 points!”
“You’re fucking joking.”
“Dammit, darlings! Who told you could be so good at this game?”
John simply sighed and looked down into his lap, while you and Brian made eye contact. You could see the insecurity flooding back into his brain through the look in his eyes, and without wanting to make it obvious that you felt bad, you offered him a melancholy smile, trying your best to subliminally tell him you were sorry it worked out this way but you would make it up to him somehow. It was your idea, after all, to do this bet. He did not have to agree to it, but something told you he did because it would make you happy. Once the game was put away, it was really late in the evening and everyone just wanted to sleep. When the tour bus with you eight on it pulled into the rest stop, following the other busses touring with you for equipment and other crew members, the three girls went back to their bunks on the other bus, and you told them you would meet them there in a moment, that there was something you had to do first. You gently pulled back the curtain to be met with Brian’s bare back.
“Bri? You awake?” You spoke so quietly you could hardly hear yourself.
“Hmm? Y/N? What… what’re you—”
“Just hush and come sit with me, love.”
After Brian managed to get his lanky form out his bunk to follow you to the table in the back of the bus, you started speaking before he could ask any questions.
“I’m really sorry. I completely forgot about how insecure that hairstyle made you feel, and frankly, I thought of the bet because I saw how annoyed Roger looked with himself with them in and I just thought his temper showing in the show would be funny—”
You looked at Brian, hoping that he did not look angry at you for what you had started. He looked tired, sure, but there was no anger hidden in his features. You breathed out a sigh of relief that you had not lost one of your best friends because of a stupid bet.
“I promise it’s okay. It’s not like I’m making the choice alone, the other lads are going to be there doing the same thing. Plus, I could tell you said you’re going to make it up to me later on. Yes, I understand you enough to know that look from earlier.”
You heart swelled twice as big knowing that he knew you as well as you knew him.
“Plus, on the bright side, I think we all know who looked best in those buns anyway. My curls just make it perfect, wouldn’t you agree, love?”
“I couldn’t agree more, Bri.” You smiled sweetly at him, and this time, he sleepily returned the look. “But hey listen. I’m actually really tired and the girls are waiting for me in the other bus, so I’ll just see you tomorrow for the show, okay?”
“I’d like to get back to bed myself, I’m pretty cold now.” He chuckled sweetly. “Goodnight, love.”
You and the girls had gotten the guys ready for the show, and once they were in their group dressing room, you scurried off to make a change to your appearance where they would not see you, namely Brian. You figured the least you could do would be to make the whole situation up to him at this show, and get your embarrassment out of the way. You quickly made a beeline for the costume department, Veronica lending you a helping hand, but stopping short at first when she noticed something about your hair.
“Y/N, you do realize we won the bet, right? Your hair doesn’t have to be in buns, too.”
“I know. I made a promise to Brian, don’t worry about it.”
“You starting to feel for him like how I feel about John?”
“I guess you could say something like that, Ronnie, but now is not the time, and I’m not sure I want my heart broken by a literal rock star. Help me find that damn shirt.”
“Okay! Okay! But you’re really playing into what it says, dearie.”
The shirt in question was one that had been tossed at Brian during a show toward the end of the Queen II tour. It was large, even too large for Brian to wear to some extent, and it was solid black. On the front was a rather handsome picture of Brian’s face, and on the back, it read ‘BRIAN MAY’S #1 FAN” with the Queen crest on the bottom. Sometimes as a joke, or on his birthday, one of the boys would prance around with the shirt on when on stage or something to that effect. You decided that you would wear it, with nothing but a small pair of shorts that would not be visible underneath since it came halfway down your thighs, along with your new hairdo during the show and hope to catch his eye. And catch his eye you did. Freddie had decided to start chattering with the audience, something he had gotten into the habit of doing at larger shows now because hearing one random concert-goer shout out a response was never a dull moment for the boys. As Freddie was talking about this and that, the other three boys caught their breaths, readjusted equipment and stuff like that. At one point, Brian had looked up from his guitar off to the side of the stage you were standing on, and locked eyes with you beaming back at him. You raised your arms up in the air to give him a better look at the shirt, then spun around so he could read the back, and turned back to face him. Then you let your arms flop to the side and tilted your head a little aggressively to the side. Your hand then came back up to point at the buns, and your smile turned into a full-blown laugh. Just as you did this, Freddie was telling the audience about the bet and why their hair looked this way, and he asked all the boys a question, Brian completely not hearing him because he was so wrapped up in you. Freddie managed to sneak a peek at just what Brian was looking at, so he decided to make a cheeky comment to all the people in the audience just to embarrass him.
“Brian isn’t listening to me, the boor. He’s too busy staring at the girl who on multiple occasions has called ‘the prettiest damn thing his eyes have ever seen.’”
The audience roared with screams and laughter, while Brian went as red as a tomato, earning more laughing from you. He smiled at you through the embarrassment, because you clearly were not rejecting what Freddie had told the audience. It gave him confidence. After the show, Brian came and found you seated on top of a stack of his guitar cases, yanking out his buns while walking over.
“Freddie made a whole ordeal about pointing you out tonight, why didn’t you come up on stage and embarrass yourself like we did?”
“I said I’d make the bet up to you, not all of your fans. This look is just for you, Bri.”
Brian shyly smiled at you, forcing his face to the ground. His insecurity taking over again. He hated how vulnerable to it he was.
“Was Fred lying on stage?”
“Hm? Lying?”
“About what you called me.”
You saw his Adam’s apple bob. Clearly, that was not the sentence he thought you were going to ask him. But somehow, his confidence came back, and he asked you a question in response.
“I’ll tell you the truth about that if you tell me if your shirt is telling the truth.”
“Deal. The shirt is almost the truth. Well, it is. I am your biggest fan. But I almost wished it said something else.”
“And what is that, love?”
“Brian May’s #1 groupie.”
He almost choked on air. Not what he expected you to say, and not as forward as he expected you to talk, either. You wanted to be his groupie.
“When-when you say… groupie…”
“I think you know what I mean, Bri. Except I wouldn’t want you to forget about me the next day. I would like all the benefits of being a groupie, but with mutual respect involved.”
“So… my girlfriend.”
“If you want to put a label on it, I mean…”
“I think I can arrange that, most ravenous girl I have ever seen.”
“Freddie was almost correct on stage. I never said pretty. I always said ravenous.”
“And I still mean it, love.”
Brian then closed the space between you with a passionate kiss that was just so Brian. It was not driven by lust, despite the conversation that had just happened. It was soft, gentle, but somehow completely satisfying. Just so Brian. At one point, you felt his hand slide up your side, half expecting him to stop at your chest. He was a man, after all. Except that he did not. His hand kept going up your body till it was on your neck, then your cheek, and made its way all the way to the top of your head. Then you felt it. You felt his large hand take hold of one of the buns on your head and lightly pull it to the side, forcing you to move your head to side so he could deepen the kiss further, showing you his appreciation for how you looked in those buns. His kiss was relentless, so he completely swallowed the moan that left you, signaling that he had made you desperate. He pulled away just enough so he could speak through ragged breaths.
“I think…I could get used to seeing… you in these buns more often, sweetheart. Think you could arrange that?”
“I’ll wear them every damn day if it leads to this, Bri.”
Permanent Taglist: @bensrhapsody @chlobo6 @gardnerlangway @xtrashmammalstefx
Brian May Taglist: @ziggymay
// If you want to be added to either taglist mentioned above, or the one for another character I’ve written for, send me an ask here! //
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writerunsolved · 6 years
The Drunken Mistake - Ch. 1
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Category: F/M
Fandom: Real Person Fiction
Relationship: Tom Hiddleston/Reader
Genres: Fluff and Humor
Language: English
Chapters: 3/?
Summary:  You're a young up-and-coming singer based in London who has just released her first album.
After a wild night at the VMAs and some heavy partying and drinking at the afterparty, you write and publish a drunken tweet about a certain celebrity and one of their friends. You only realise what you've done the next day when a slew of texts and calls wakes you up to a dreadful but expected hangover. You immediately delete the tweet, but you're left to deal with the consequences. A public apology would probably be enough to make everything go away if you hadn't been invited to a movie premiere where said celebrity is most certainly going to be.
You decide that the best course of action will be to try and avoid them, but your plans almost never go the way you want them to.
Chapter One - Never Tweet Your Deepest Fantasies
The light streaming in through the window right onto your face, though annoying, wasn’t what woke you up.
It was instead the insistent vibration of your phone, sitting deceivingly innocently under your pillow and making your brain rattle in your skull. The frankly inordinate amount of alcohol you had consumed the night before certainly wasn’t helping, either.
Resigned to having to face your hangover eventually, willing or not, you finally took out the phone and through bleary eyes, you saw you had a disconcerting number of missed phone calls and messages from your manager; in addition, your phone kept blowing up with social media notifications in your hand.
Panicked and confused, you tried to remember the night before.
You’d left the house quite early in the afternoon, dressed to the nines and wearing make-up, all thanks to your stylist Nadia and your make-up and hair expert Linda, and a car had picked you up to bring you to the VMAs where the red carpet had been waiting for you. When you’d first started attending big events like this, you had soon realised what a long day they made: the red carpet usually started pretty early in the afternoon, and by the time the actual event took place you would have been standing on high heels for several hours already. You’d grown tired of wearing them almost immediately, so now when you attended events of this kind you would usually swear off the stilettos and go for a trendy pair of flats.
This time had been different, though. It was an important night, and you wanted to look your best. Moreover, it had been a while since you’d worn heels, and you’d forgotten the actual pain they caused you. So, as with any other event, you’d been dropped off at the venue and walked the red carpet while a never-ending number of pictures of you was being taken and after what felt like an entire day and night, you’d finally gotten off your feet and taken your seat in the audience, not too far away from the stage.
You could still feel the phantom pain of the shoes where they’d scraped off your skin behind your ankles, you reached your hand to lightly touch the spot and moaned in pain, both because of your feet and because of the sharp pang the movement caused to your hungover brain.
You laid back down with your head on your pillow and tried to go through the rest of the night. You immediately remembered winning the award for Best New Artist and happiness pervaded you once again, you still couldn’t believe that had happened! You sought to remember where you’d put the award. You looked for it around the room and noticed it on the floor, right next to the door, propped to keep it open. You reflexively slapped your forehead in reprimand - which only worsened the headache - that was no way to treat your first important award!
After receiving your reward, and hopefully not making a fool of yourself during your acceptance speech, things got a little muddled. You remembered wanting to celebrate and leaving with some of the guys in your staff and some other artists who’d been attending the event. Drinks had begun flowing, which was exactly why your memories were so hazy.
You attempted to squeeze more memories out, but you’d drank so much your brain must have gone into overdrive at some point. Normally, you weren’t one to overdo it with alcohol, but it had been a special night and the award had come as a huge surprise, so it hadn’t been hard to convince you to make toast after toast. Everyone around you had been having fun, it was only natural for you to get carried away with the euphoria of your first real award.
You couldn’t remember anything else after that, so you still had no idea what the reason for your social media blow-up might be. You reassured yourself with the thought that it would just be some kind of article full of embarrassing pictures of you completely dishevelled and visibly drunk. Sure, it wasn’t ideal and it would leave you ashamed for the rest of time, but it would blow over in relatively no time when one of the Kardashians would be spotted buying a pair or jeans or something equally trivial. You shot a quick text to your manager Nina to let her know you were awake and alive, and resolved to find out what was going on as soon as possible. You were just about to open up Twitter when another text from Nina made the matter that much more pressing. It read: “You need to take that tweet down RN!!!!!!”.
You immediately sat up, headache be damned, and scrambled to open the Twitter app. Without bothering to scroll through your timeline, you went directly to your own profile and right there it was, mocking you and punishing you for your questionable life choices, your most retweeted and liked tweet:
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[ID: Displayed name: A WINNER @ THE VMAS
Twitter handle: @trebledwoman
Tweet content: h cmoe on who wpldnt want 2 be RAWED by t hiddleston &chremsworth at the sme time?? ? ? if yoy wouldnt ure either a coward or yur lyin]
Dread immediately filled your lungs, you wanted to close your eyes and stop seeing what you’d done but the sheer disbelief kept them wide open, staring unblinkingly at the screen while your brain tried to process what was happening.
You couldn’t fathom doing something so stupid and reckless. It was one thing to be caught after a night of enthusiastic celebrations, but involving others in the show business industry was an entirely different ordeal. Bigger celebrities than you had gone down for much less and putting your whole career at risk because of one night of heavy drinking was the stupidest thing you could have ever done. Seemingly on their own, your fingers started scrolling through the responses you’d gotten and you could see people responding with memes, some even hilarious, but you weren’t really in the mood for a laugh at the moment. Others loudly announced having taken screenshots and having saved the tweet on the internet archive. You weren’t exactly surprised, the internet was forever after all. Even though several hours had passed since you’d posted it, and it was obviously too late for it not to have already spread all over social media, you deleted the tweet without a second thought.
You exited the app and called Nina.
“Jesus, finally! Have you taken that shit down?!” was her answer.
You brushed back your hair restlessly and replied with a sigh “Yes. God Nina, that was so stupid!! What am I going to do? This is a disaster, right? How could I possibly recover from this?! And I just got my first award, too, why did I have to drink so mu-”
“Honey, honey, listen to me. You need to calm down.” she interrupted you “People seem to have taken it as a huge joke, and there was no public reaction from neither Chris Hemsworth nor Tom Hiddleston.” she laughed nervously “I know it was up for several hours, but it’s good that you deleted it, and you will have to publish an apology as soon as possible.”
You took a deep breath and tried to unclench your jaw. Finally, you closed your eyes and said “Okay, so that’s our action plan for now? A public apology? And then what?”
“And then we hope the Buzzfeed articles will be humorous rather than accusing, and we keep on making music, ok?” you could feel and picture her warm smile through the phone “Seriously, we can get through this. Your career has just started and I have no intention of letting you go just yet.”
You’d really lucked out with Nina, she was such a supportive and incredible woman. As soon as she’d discovered one of your songs online, she’d seen a talent in you that not even you’d known you had. You felt a wave of guilt come over you, this was going to affect her too. “I’m so sorry, Nina. I shouldn’t have put you through this.” You shook your head resignedly “It’s one thing to make a mistake, but to let it reflect so badly on everyone around me… I really hope you can forgive me.”
“Oh, sweetheart…” he voice was kind “Don’t say that. I told you, we’ll recover from this. It’s not as bad as it feels right now, and don’t doubt for one minute that I will eternally make fun of you for it.”
That pulled a laugh out of you, she joined in then continued “Tom Hiddleston, though, really? I can understand Chris Hemsworth, he has muscles for days, but I would never have guessed you would be into the unassuming British type.”
A blush stained your cheeks, you were grateful she wasn’t there to see it or she would have never let you live it down. “Hey now,” you started defensively but with mirth “he’s cultured and polite. Plus have you seen his pecs? I bet you haven’t, you huge lesbian.”
Nina let out a rambunctious laugh that lasted several seconds, then said “Oh well, I guess you’re right.”
There was a beat of silence or two, then Nina concluded “I really have to go now, honey.” you never got tired of the pet name “As soon as you’re done writing down an apology, send it to me and I’ll let you know if you’re okay to publish it.”
You nodded, then remembering she couldn’t see it, you told her “Will do. Thank you so much, Nina. See you soon.”
“Later, sweetie.” with that she hung up.
You sat there for another beat, legs still half-covered by the duvet and phone in hand. You took a huge breath that filled you up from your shoulders to your abdomen, trying to gather the energy to face what was showing all the signs to be an interminably long day.
Your head was swarming with possible ways to go about apologising, you wondered whether to address part of it directly to the objects of your tweet or if it would be better to keep it vague and only concentrate on your behaviour. On one hand, you felt like you owed an apology to Tom Hiddleston and Chris Hemsworth for objectifying them like that, on the other you were conscious of the fact that that wasn’t the only reason why you were so ashamed of the tweet.
You regretted drinking so much. In hindsight, you realised that you’d put yourself in danger by being so reckless and that if you intended to pursue your career seriously and to win more prestigious awards, you couldn’t resort to that kind of behaviour again. At least it was a lesson learnt.
You put those thoughts aside, dwelling on guilt wasn’t going to help matters. For now, it would be better to concentrate on the task at hand and to look to the future. Lesson learnt, lesson ended.
You got up from the bed and crossed the room barefoot, on the way outside the bedroom you grabbed the award from where it was still standing up propped against the door and brought it with you to the kitchen through the dining room. The first thing you’d done with the earnings from your first album under your new record label had been to buy a small apartment in a building not too far away from central London. One of the things you’d hated the most about renting was the uncertainty of not having a real home that was your own, the possibility that at any moment you would have to pack up all your stuff and move away and start all over again. Furthermore, you loved reading and owning books, and when you were still renting it was impossible for you to maintain a decent library.
You thought back to first joining your sister in this great big city, and how terrified of the future you were. To be fair, the fear had never really gone away, but that was just the kind of person you were. Your sister had already been living in London for several years, she had a great job and all her life together, and she’d been pushing for you to move here too almost since the beginning. You had preferred to wait, though. You’d only just finished university and felt like you needed more time to figure yourself out, but eventually, the time had finally felt right and now here you were.
The small planner you’d been looking for was exactly where you expected it to be on the kitchen counter. You’d left it there before leaving for the VMAs and in it was basically your whole life. You had a detailed calendar of all your work and social commitments and several blank pages to use should the need arise. That was exactly why you’d been looking for it. You knew the apology would have to be published online and rewritten digitally, but pen and paper always helped you to better put your head in order.
You put down the award you still had in your hand right next to the planner and started idly flipping through this month's appointments, searching for a blank page to use and already wording the beginning of the apology in your head. You’d calmed down quite a bit since first waking up, and even your hangover headache seemed to be dwindling down on its own, so you felt much more centred about your current situation. And then you saw it -
September 4th - precisely one week from now - “New Marvel movie premiere”.
It came back to you in a flash, and really it was entirely your fault for forgetting, that in a week you would have to attend the premiere of a new Marvel film for the soundtrack of which one of your new songs had been chosen. How could you have possibly forgotten having written a song for a Marvel movie?! Alcohol was officially cancelled.
You felt a wave of nausea hit you, either from the residual hangover or from the realisation that you would come face to face with the flesh-and-blood consequences of your actions in a week from now. You couldn’t remember specifically what movie the London premiere was for, but even if it wasn’t another Thor movie there was simply no universe in which Tom Hiddleston and Chris Hemsworth wouldn’t be attending.
You grabbed a glass from where it was drying on the side of the sink and filled it to the brim with the coldest water that came from the tap, and while you were downing it in one single go, you made a resolution.
There was absolutely no way for you to skip the premiere, but you had to avoid Tom Hiddleston and Chris Hemsworth at any and all cost.
Chapter 2
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wwounu · 6 years
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Strolling alongside Joshua to go sightseeing was probably the best decision you’ve ever made through your times of being a stylist (Even though the choice was quite last-minute planned in the day).
“Hey,” Joshua calls, “How does this look?” And when you turn, you see him holding up a cherry patch next to his cheek, smiling as if he could advertise the simple product.
“Oh gosh—“
“That’s not just it...” He turns and happily presents a matching strawberry patch. “It’s meant to be!” He laughs, passing the object to you. “Should we get them?”
You and Joshua had developed an inside joke through cherries and strawberries: It was the back to the days when you began working as his stylist and he had started his idol career. Clearly, you remember his simple request of ordering a strawberry bubble tea, but when you got to the place you thought it was rewarding enough to get a bubble tea yourself — A cherry bubble tea.
Long story short, you mixed up your drinks as they were almost similar colours, and you remember watching the bitterness pour in both of your faces as you realise that this wasn’t the drink you or Joshua wanted.
Obviously, Joshua laughed it off, but still jokes about it until this day, explaining why you would add a cherry emoji to the male and he would add a strawberry one in return.
You nod, uncontrollably smiling. “Let’s get it.”
When Joshua pays, your eyes perk up in unison as an idea arises inside. Grabbing the other’s hand, you speed-walk to the closest shop to buy the first two white caps you see, along with a needle and a roll of thread.
Confused, the male stays mum to watch what you’re doing when the both of you are sat under the trees. He takes quick looks at you despite scrolling through his phone, a habit he does whenever he’s curious. You smile at the motion and continue to do what you were doing.
“And… Done!” Proudly, you announce after a couple of minutes. Joshua raises an eyebrow but proceeds to take the cap in your hands that you were offering to him.
The cap now had his cherry patch sewed onto the item, complimenting the white and popped-out red. You too, wear your cap you finished prior to that one, but with the strawberry patch sewed on.
“How’d you like it?”
“I… I love it!” There was a glimmer in his eyes when he looked up to you, replacing the plain black cap on his head with the white one you made just for him. Suddenly — turning left and right — you realise something.
“Where did my drink go—“ And you look straight ahead at Joshua holding your empty cup.
“Whoops?” He lightly laughs, soon feeling bad for finishing your drink. “Let’s take some pictures to cheer you up, then we can get more drinks later, deal?”
Joshua sure made good deals. After the mini photoshoot session, not only you ended up buying drinks, but bought other small items you and Joshua thought were necessary to keep (“For the last time Josh, you aren’t buying the Snorlax hand warmer!” “But Y/N…” “… Okay go wild, nerd.”).
Even a few fans recognised Joshua and asked you to take photos for them, which you’d be more than happy to do so. It was amazing seeing Joshua’s face right after the fans would leave; He was so happy, more than happy.
Nightfall came shortly after, slowly letting your energy down once you know that today was going to end.
But, it ended in a way you would not want to forget.
While wondering aimlessly through the streets and semi-closing stores, the opening nightclubs and streetlights, you and Joshua stop mid-conversation about promotions and watch your attention get attracted to the young lady busking on the streets.
Joshua taps your shoulder to non-verbally indicate his desire to go there. You follow the male as he listens to her mellow and soft voice echo from the microphone to the speaker. “She must’ve been playing guitar earlier on,” He points to the guitar hiding behind the speaker, “Ah, she’s so talented, I really like her voice.”
He liked it so much he loudly clapped as she finished the song and gave her a generous amount of money to her. With a fairly manageable crowd, the girl speaks into the microphone shyly, holding out her phone. “Does anyone have recommendations?”
You rotate your head to see if anyone was going to say anything, because if the didn’t you would likely say something. “Dream, Baekhyun and Suzy!” Abruptly, the voice next to you calls out. There was no denying you were panicking, but solely for the reason for Joshua’s sake and publicity: At the end of the day he was an idol.
The girl nods, burying her head in her phone to look for the song. And if you thought Joshua couldn’t be more obvious, he would always find a way to do so.
Jogging to her, Joshua tenderly asks, “Can I sing with you?” And the girl replies with a polite, but confused nod and smile. “I’ll also need your guitar, is that fine?” Again, she nods, getting out of her chair to set up the microphones for Joshua and herself, especially if Joshua was going to play guitar.
‘She must not recognise him.’ The thought crosses your mind. To make do with another seat, Joshua sits on the speaker with his leg crossed to support the guitar. He looks back up to say he was ready, and that the young lady could start playing the song.
The feedback from the mic to the speaker was outstanding. It was loud enough to clearly hear the guitar but still maintained at a calm level with the music. The idol makes eye contact with the girl and pulls down his mask, quickly pointing to himself before he begins to sing.
“You are beautiful just as you were yesterday — No, you’re more beautiful than you were yesterday…”
Just as those first lines were said, the girl takes a double take on Joshua, registering that Joshua Hong was sat right next to her, doing a duet. You stopped yourself from grinning at the details in her eyes, and curled corners of her lips — And she composed herself well, despite the flushed cheeks, before continuing to sing her part.
In those few minutes more people begin to tag along, watching Joshua and the girl, especially hearing the male’s name being mentioned and how similar it was to Joshua (Because it was him). You look at the idol who was busy strumming along to the song as the girl sang her part and choke out a small laugh, finally not being able to hold it in.
Simultaneously while strumming, Joshua places his eyes on you and shoots a wink, soon going back to sing in his sweet accent, peace in your ears and stars in your eyes.
Toward the end of the song, you take things in a different direction.
Dream, when you look at me just like that–
Closing your eyes, you picture it perfectly.
–I feel like you’re so mine
Butterflies. Butterflies twist and turn in your stomach. Every fluttery feeling came up in a rush and exploded like coloured, messy confetti inside
Dream, that makes me want to fall asleep again–
It was as if he was singing for you. The thought may be crazy but you couldn’t help it.
–Such a sweet dream
Because maybe, just maybe…
That’s you.
You felt like he was yours and you were his.
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OPPOSITES ATTRACT PART SEVEN — Idol!Joshua x Stylist!Reader
the post where i had dk and jihyo’s cover was a light spoiler whoops (also poll’s out so please go vote!!) | POLL
one • two • three • four • five • six • seven • eight
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dornishsphinx · 6 years
Tagged by @xxchimericalxx!! 
star sign: Capricorn
name: Catherine
height: about 5’2
put your iTunes or Spotify on shuffle. what are the first 4 songs that popped up? 
Advienne que pourra (Fabien Incardona) My Boy Builds Coffins (Florence + The Machine) Dance, Dance (Fall Out Boy) I’m So Sorry (Imagine Dragons)
have you ever had a poem or song written about you?
Yes, a poem. When I was still in France, us foreign students were brought to a wine-tasting out in the countryside and one of the girls wrote overly-dramatic love poems for the rest of our little group while we all got steadily tipsier. I should still have it somewhere.
when was the last time you played guitar? 
I learnt a couple of chords in high school and forgot them immediately after.
who is your celebrity crush? 
The people who come to mind that I find aesthetically pleasing would be Daniel Brühl, Gael García Bernal, Alfred Enoch, Cillian Murphy and Katie McGrath.
what’s a sound you hate and a sound you love? 
I can’t stand it when people eat loudly and clatter their cutlery against their plates over and over (I don’t even eat with my family most nights because I can’t handle it.) I like rain on glass.
do you believe in ghosts? 
Not really.
how about aliens? 
If Earth exists and supports life, there are other planets that exist and support life. The universe is too massive for it to be likely that Earth is the only one. 
do you drive? 
what was the last book you read? 
I’m in the middle of The Stone Sky by N. K. Jemisin. The last one I actually finished was Sorcerer to the Crown by Zen Cho (Zacharias is the best.)
do you like the smell of gasoline? 
For the first few seconds, yes, but any longer than that and it’s too strong.
what’s the worst injury you’ve ever had? 
I got a hairline fracture when I was in primary school. I am not adventurous lmao
do you have any obsession right now?
I’m trying to finish the Fire Emblem games set in Tellius before I have to leave the country again in less than two weeks, so I’m playing at least a few chapters every night. (I don’t think I’ll succeed since I’m still on Part 1 of Radiant Dawn, but eh. At least it got me to finally finish Path of Radiance.) I want to finish Suspicious Partner before I go as well. 
I also just binged The Dragon Prince, which was good! Though I hated how lazy the animation looked in non-fight scenes and I don’t care about “stylistic choices”—Fire Emblem: Echoes is how you make choppy animation look good, not that.
do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? 
Yes. Luckily, I am also intensely forgetful, as any irl friend knows all too well. Forget, don’t forgive.  
in a relationship? 
Haha, no. The aromantic part really gets in the way of all that.
If any of you feel like doing this yourselves, tagging @bioticplaneswalker @joyseeker6 @zonesthesia @northernpansy @yousef-the-uber-driver @moonhairedgirl @fine-whines @thiscannotbemydestiny @momsgoldenchild @arthoure @gascon-en-exil and anyone else who’s interested.
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ao3bronte · 7 years
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if i had a wish (i’d wish for more of this)
Also on AO3
2 < 3 > 4 
For centuries, people have traveled from all over the world to visit the temples of the Oracle for their prophecy, an inside scoop into their future. Any question could be answered, any problem could be fixed unless…well, sometimes prophecies were simply too dangerous to share.
A Miraculous Ladybug Soulmate AU.
“Belief is a very peculiar thing: we tend to put more store in a belief we like than a fact we hate.”
Stephen Tobolowsky
le 18 novembre 2011
184 Unread Messages.
Nathalie buries her face in her hands and groans loudly, dropping her phone in her lap. As usual, leave it to Adrien Agreste and his big mouth to make her day difficult once again.
Taking a deep breath, Nathalie rolls out of bed and turns the television on in her penthouse flat, padding barefoot towards the washroom. It’s already tuned to the news station and there it is, blaring along the bottom of her screen like an animated billboard, juicy celebrity gossip fed like fodder to the masses.
Is Gabriel Agreste an hérétique? Sources confirm fashion designer denies power of the Oracle!
Another day, another mess for Nathalie to spend all morning trying to clean up. The cycle never ends...
...and speak of the devil.
“Nathalie Sancoeur speaking.”
“I need you at the office immediately.”
Nathalie barely resists the urge to sigh audibly, “Yes Monsieur.”
“Maman, what's an hérétique ?”
“Hmm?” Sabine looks up from where she's been updating the bakery’s financials on the family laptop, “Sorry ma belle, I'm working with numbers. What was that?”
Marinette doesn't peel her eyes off of her sketchbook, “I said, what's an hérétique ?”
Sabine’s eyebrows rise past her hairline as she presses the save button and turns around, “An hérétique ? Why do you ask?”
“One of the fashion designers I like is one.”
Sabine slips off the stool and approaches the couch that Marinette has been doodling in her sketchbook on since Sabine had walked her home from her l’école primaire , “Now, you can’t always believe everything you see and hear on TV”.
“I know,” Marinette continues to draw, her tongue peeking out from between her lips, “But still. What does it mean?”
“Well, it means you that don’t believe in the Oracle,” Sabine explains, turning down the volume on the television, “It isn’t something that’s very common.”
“How come?” Marinette uses her thumb to smudge the shading of the skirt on one of her designs, “Is it bad to not believe?”
“It depends,” Sabine sits down beside her daughter, “Everyone has the right to believe what they want to believe in. Some people believe and some people don’t. It’s not necessarily a good or a bad thing, but sometimes people don’t like it when someone else doesn’t believe in the same thing they do.”
“Why?” Marinette puts her pencil down and turns to face her mother, her expression curious. Sabine takes her hands and runs her thumbs over her lead smudged fingers and palms.
“That’s just the way some people are. They think their way is the right way and they push their ways onto others.”
Marinette frowns, “That’s not very nice. People should be able to believe in whatever they want.”
“That’s a very kind thing to say Marinette. I agree with you.”
Marinette nods thoughtfully, “We believe in the Oracle right?”
“We do,” Sabine replies, tracing patterns against her daughter’s skin, “We visit from time to time and she helps us with our questions.”
“Have I ever been to see her?”
Sabine brushes Marinette’s bangs from her eyes and mentally tries to find an hour in their busy schedule to take her for a haircut, “Of course! All babies go to see the Oracle.”
“Really?” Marinette’s eyes widen, “What did she say about me?”
Sabine pulls her daughter into her chest and wraps her arms around her shoulders, her chin resting on the crown of her head to better hide her expression from her daughter’s prying eyes, “Wonderful things. She told me you would grow up to be beautiful and kind.”
Marinette waits for her mother to continue and wriggles out of her grasp when she doesn’t, “What else?”
“Sabrina said that the Oracle told her parents she would grow up to be a police officer just like her Papa,” Marinette begins, extending her fingers and ticking them off one by one to keep track of her story, “And Nino said that the Oracle told his parents that he would grow up to be a musician! He’s really good too, he’s learned to play all the instruments at school. And Max said that…”
Marinette continues to divulge the prophecies of her classmates animatedly, her voice pitching and cresting as she describes each and every detail her surprisingly sharp memory can come up with. Sabine sits back and watches as Marinette counts them on her hands, her friends who have their destinies laid out before them, whose parents have a guide with which to raise their children into the world. Worry gnaws at her stomach as Sabine tries to remember what she and Tom had settled on explaining to her once she’d asked, but they never expected she’d ask so soon.
“So what did the Oracle say?” Marinette scooches closer, shaking her mother from her reverie, “Am I gonna be a fashion designer? Or a seamstress? I’ve been working hard at both and I think I’m pretty good,” she taps her chin, “Oh, and I made a bracelet for Mylène yesterday and she said she really liked it so I think I’d be good at jewellery too.”
“Or maybe the Oracle said that I’ll be a stylist! Or a fashion photographer! Or a website designer, since I helped you and Papa make one for the bakery!”
“It sounds like you already know what she said,” Sabine remarks quietly, her eyes glancing up towards the clock.
“Well, Papa always said I was a great artist so I just figured that’s what the Oracle said I would be when I grow up, but did she say anything else? Like what kind of artist I would be?”
Sabine swallows uncomfortably as her tongue works its way around the truth, “No, not exactly.”
“Well that sucks,” Marinette crosses her arms over her chest for a moment before releasing them with a huff to pick up her pencil, “But whatever, we’ll go visit her another time right?”
“S-sure,” Sabine replies, her mind reeling at the breakneck pace of their conversation, “Of course.”
“Chloë says she’s been to see the Oracle four times,” Marinette grumbles, rolling her eyes, “She said the Oracle told her she would be famous.”
Sabine has never been so grateful for a change of subject in her life, “Did she now?”
“Yeah,” Marinette chews on the end of her pencil for a moment, “But I think she might be lying. No one else in my class has gone to see the Oracle that many times.”
“It could be because of her father. Mayor Bourgeoise is a very big supporter of the Oracle.”
“Still. Even if she isn’t lying, she doesn't have to be so snobby about it,” Marinette purses her lips, “Chloë always acts like she’s better than everybody else.”
Sabine shrugs, “Maybe that’s what she believes.”
“Well, it’s not very nice. She’s mean to all of us, even our teacher!”
“That’s not very respectful,” Sabine shakes her head, already quite familiar with stories of Chloë’s shenanigans over the years, “But eventually she will see differently. If she doesn’t, she won’t be in good favour with the balance.”
“The balance?” Marinette blinks, “Like, the stuff we learn about in school?”
“Yes, but it’s more than just stuff that you learn about. The balance is very important,” Sabine leans back into the cushions and makes eye contact with her daughter, “If we want to be in favour with the balance of fate, we have to fill our life up with good deeds and kind actions. We have to be nice to one another and help each other out because if we don’t, or we lie, or we say mean things to hurt people, then we become unbalanced and that’s when bad things can happen.”
Marinette worries her lower lip between her teeth, “What if we do a bad thing by accident?”
“Then you’ll have to work three times as hard to make up for it,” Sabine explains, reaching out with her hand, “Sometimes it’s hard and everyone makes mistakes, so that’s why we visit the Oracle. When we need help or advice or just someone to talk to, the Pythia and her priestesses are always there to help us.”
“But what happens to people who don’t go and see the Oracle?”
“Well, they try their best to be kind all on their own. People don’t have to visit the Oracle to be in good favour. Some people live too far away or can’t afford to take time away from their work and their families,” Sabine runs the pads of her fingers along her daughter’s grass stained jeans, “The Oracle would never punish a person for not being able to come and visit. As long as they do their best to be good to themselves and to the people around them, they will be happily rewarded.”
“But what about people like Gabriel Agreste? The hérétiques ? What about them?”
“Gabriel Agreste?” Sabine raises her brows, “That was the designer, the one you saw on the news?” Marinette nods and Sabine hums consideringly, “Well, like I said before, everyone has the right to believe in what they want to believe and if Gabriel Agreste chooses not to believe, then that’s his choice.”
“But does that make him bad?”
“Of course not,” Sabine shakes her head, “He and every other hérétique in the world aren’t bad just because they don’t believe in the power of the Oracle. The only time someone is bad is when they do bad things, like stealing or lying or hurting others. Some people who believe in the Oracle do these things too, so it has nothing to do with who believes and who doesn’t.”
“So he’s not bad?”
“I don’t know,” Sabine shrugs, “I’ve never met him.”
“Oh,” Marinette stares down at her lap and frowns, “So how do you know who’s good and who’s bad?”
“Well, we have to look at how people treat others,” Sabine flounders for a moment as she tries to come up with the right metaphor, “So kindness is...well, it’s kind of like a boomerang, you know? Like the crooked stick you throw—”
“Maman, I know what a boomerang is.”
“Okay, okay, just checking,” Sabine can’t help but shake her head at her daughter’s haughty tone, “Anyway, the more kindness you send out, the more it gets returned, kind of like how a boomerang comes right back to you after you throw it. The people who are good are the ones who are the happiest because when we feel love and kindness towards others, it not only makes others feel loved and happy, but it helps us also to feel loved and happy too.”
Marinette eyes begin to sparkle, a smile stretching across her features, “Is that why you and Papa are so happy?”
“It is,” Sabine grins and Marinette launches herself into her mother’s arms, “And it’s why you’re so happy too.”
“I love you Maman,” Marinette murmurs into her mother’s chest, hugging her close, “I love you so much.”
“I love you too Marinette,” Sabine replies, kissing the crown of her head. Marinette is warm and soft against her, a comforting weight against her skin in a world of magic and uncertainty unlike anything she has ever known. Sabine’s path had always been clear until Marinette came into the world, but both she and Tom had done their best to follow the advice of the Pythia to a tee. Everyday they taught her the importance of kindness and love and Marinette was only growing stronger and more beautiful by the day; Marinette may have not been born with a prophecy, but at least they had tried to do something right.
le 19 novembre 2011
Nathalie is already seated in the back of the Mercedes when Adrien opens the door and throws himself into the backseat, shaking away the bitter chill.
“I though Papa was going to join us?” Adrien asks, his voice belying the neutral expression on his face as he shakes the rain off of his umbrella.
“He is otherwise occupied,” Nathalie replies, her tone clipped as her fingers move across the screen, typing furiously on what would be the hundredth reassurance email of the day to suppliers and buyers alike, “Your comments yesterday have made things difficult for all of us.”
Adrien shrinks immediately, his posture a reflection of the tongue lashing he’d received only a few hours prior, “I’m sorry.”
“I know,” Nathalie presses send and sets the iPad on her lap, turning in his direction, “But you need to understand that you can’t just say these things to people.”
“I didn’t know what it meant?” Adrien wrings his hands together, the pads of his fingers still wrinkled from when he’d given in and slipped them in his mouth as he’d hid in the washroom. It was a disgusting habit —he knew because everyone repeatedly told him— but he just couldn’t break the urge to chew on something when his feelings got the best of him. If anything, it felt good to hide away for a little while and do something he wasn’t supposed to, like a dirty little secret all his own.
“If it has something to do with the Oracle, or Monsieur’s beliefs on the matter, you are to never answer again,” Nathalie shakes her head, “Clients will always try to get information from you and you must never answer them if you don’t know the correct response.”
“I...” Adrien sighs and closes his eyes, “I know better now.”
“You do,” Nathalie picks up her iPad again, “I have drafted a document on how to respond to questions with regards to the Oracle. Once I’m finished, I will send it to you to study in case a situation such as this arises again.”
“Yes Nathalie.”
“I have also forwarded your modified schedule for next week. Monsieur requested that I book another appointment with Dr. Arthaud.”
Adrien throws his arms into the air and flops back against the leather seat with a pout, “But I told him the pimple is gone!”
“Monsieur doesn't want another,” Nathalie opens her messages again and begins to skim through the ones she'd missed in the breadth of their two minute conversation, “You have a shoot with M. Demarchelier on Wednesday and Monsieur wants your skin to be a reflection of his brand.”
“Clean lines, clean skin, got it,” Adrien grumbles and shifts in his seat, “So where am I going today?”
Nathalie already has his schedule committed to memory, “Second fitting, hair appointment, piano.”
“Hair appointment?”
“Monsieur wants your hair lightened for the summer line shoot on Wednesday.”
“Oh,” Adrien picks absently at the seams of his sneaker, “Makes sense I guess.”
Nathalie doesn't respond right away but she can tell there's something else lingering on his mind. She never pushes too hard when it comes to the youngest Agreste these days, especially since he's only started to develop a bit of a personality lately. She feels a little swell of pride at having being a key part of it; it had been her who had convinced Monsieur to let him leave the house to further his studies, after all.
“How did Maman’s appointment go yesterday?”
And there it is. Nathalie’s fingers falter for a moment, momentarily stumped by the question, “How did you know about that?”
“It was the last entry on the GPS screen,” Adrien explains quietly, fiddling with his fingers again, “Maman is the only one who visits Dr. Vicaut.”
Nathalie weighs her words carefully, the weight of a lie once again on her lips. She'd been trying to keep her ledger clear of the dishonesty that seemed to surround her everyday duties like a shroud but it was getting harder and harder as of late, “Madame did not share the results of her test with me.”
Adrien blinks, his green eyes wide and hopeful, “But did she seem happy?”
Nathalie turns away and gnaws on her tongue for a moment before speaking, “She...did not.”
Adrien turns to stare out the window, his precisely shaped brows furrowed into a frown, “Then I guess I won't be getting a little brother or sister after all.”
Nathalie isn't foolish enough to say otherwise, not when the mood in their estate had darkened so much over the past few years. Monsieur had nearly tapped into every available resource in order to try for a second child, one that Monsieur hoped would be able to continue the family name. For someone who claimed to not believe in the Oracle and the prophecies she gave, he had all but disregarded Adrien as the future heir of his fashion empire.
So, being the resourceful man that he is, Monsieur had turned the cherubic face of his prophecy-free son into the face of his brand. He made for a good model and inevitably a good media story should whatever happen to him actually happen; it was common for children without prophecies to die before reaching adulthood but Monsieur needed to do something with him, and modeling seemed to be it. It bothered both Nathalie and Madame to no end when Monsieur talked about Adrien as if he were just another model attached to his brand, as if on contract until his desirability, or in the case, his life ran out, but what could Nathalie say? What could anyone say in the face of the hurricane force that was Gabriel Agreste, ruthless and enigmatic and positively genius?
Nothing, quite frankly. It had taken her years to build her credibility with the man and she wasn't about to throw that all away just by talking out of turn. She made a six figure salary, she lived in a penthouse studio apartment in Trocodéro of all places, with a beautiful view of the Eiffel Tower just outside her window. She worked for a world famous fashion designer and all her suits and formal wear were created by the man himself free of charge, perfectly tailored just for her. With a bank account chock full of well earned cash and a closet stuffed with priceless originals, she had it made in the shade and had no desire to spoil it for a little boy with apparently no future.
The Pythia hadn't exactly said he didn't have a prophecy, had she?
It keeps her up at night sometimes, the knowledge that the details she had kept from Monsieur all those years ago had affected Adrien’s life in a negative way. She feels somewhat guilty knowing that it's partially her fault but then again, Adrien has never been her son. In fact, Gabriel has always had a way of treating others that is entirely unique to his character and Nathalie knows she's not responsible for his utter lack of commitment to fatherhood. She only hopes that her subtle guidance will help Adrien be a little bit better, a little bit brighter as he grows, stunted and wilted beneath his father's shadow cast upon their home.
An email appears in her inbox that interests her and she opens it, skimming its contents. After the surprising acquisition of an ancient Chinese peacock brooch last month, Monsieur had been steadily focused on a secret side project to learn more about its origins. The museum curator with whom she'd been corresponding with had carbon dated the material of the brooch back to the Zhou dynasty, which she was fairly sure Monsieur would be thrilled to hear about in the unique fashion only he possessed. Nathalie can envision him already, the only clue to his elation a cocked eyebrow and a slightly upturned lip as he thanks Nathalie for the news. She smirks ever so slightly and presses reply, typing up further questions for the curator.
Mme. Dubreil,
M. Agreste has the following questions in regards to the peacock brooch in your temporary possession.
As per your previous assessments, what do you estimate the monetary value of the item to be?
Have you made any progress in determining the meaning of the signature/Chinese character etched into the back of the brooch?
M.  Agreste has been fastidious in his research on the brooch and its origins. I have forwarded you a summary of his findings as well as copies of two ancient texts he found that reference the brooch in antiquity. You will notice a very interesting coincidence in regards to the origin of both texts. Is it possible that there are multiple peacock brooches? M. Agreste is quite curious to know how both Confucius and Herodotus were able to comment on the brooch despite neither region being in contact at the time.
M. Agreste looks forward to your reply.
Nathalie Sancoeur Head Executive Assistant | Gabriel
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constantfluxx · 7 years
Jocelyn and little!clary, halloween stories
👻The Spook Cruise👻
Port of Call: Jocelyn & Clary!Itinerary: Halloween Stories! 👩🎃👧Captain: Anon 🕵️
[-submit a prompt-]
Halloween had always been Jocelyn’s least favorite holiday.
That fact didn’t entirely surprise Clary, given her mother’s attitude towards all things supernatural. Still, it didn’t help her understand it any. For most parents, the problem seemed to be the part where their kids ran around accepting treats from strangers - her mother would be completely okay with that part of it, if not for the costumes and fake tombstones and cotton cobwebs. Just another piece of the Jocelyn Fray puzzle Clary felt certain she’d never solve.
So, it came as great surprise when Clary emerged from her room, empty ice cream bowl in hand, and found her mother gazing fondly at a particular photograph.
Quiet as a mouse, Clary tip-toed closer to the couch and craned her neck to get a confirming look at the picture. As she’d suspected, it was of her and Simon, back when they were maybe six or seven, done up head-to-toe as Spiderman and Black Cat and striking their very best fighting poses. The grins they wore were absolutely contagious - Clary felt her cheeks pull wide across her face, then turned to continue her journey towards the kitchen sink.
“Odd picture to reminisce over,” she loudly remarked, at once startling her mother and making it clear she knew exactly what she’d been looking at.
Jocelyn cast a scowl over her shoulder, but before she could scold Clary about the picture her eyes spotted her daughter’s bowl and her whole mood deflated. “You didn’t finish off the neapolitan, did you?”
Clary winced, glancing over her shoulder in utter shame. “Uhh…”
Jocelyn sighed, dropping the picture back in its box of photos and unravelling herself off the couch. “It’s fine, I’ll pick up some more tomorrow.” She joined Clary in their apartment’s kitchen, leaning upon the island’s marble countertop with folded arms. Watching her daughter wash her dish, she couldn’t help but reflect on just how much Clary had grown over the years, how much she still had yet to grow, and a kind of bittersweet nostalgia began to glisten in her vibrant eyes.
Jocelyn blinked, realizing Clary had turned to drop her bowl into the small drying rack and caught her. “Nothing,” she hastily replied.
Clary rolled her eyes, joining her mother at the island. “You had that look again. The one you get when you start thinking about Dad.”
At that, Jocelyn grew quiet. Of course, Valentine had hardly been at the forefront of her mind, but that was the excuse she’d always given her daughter, and the one her daughter would always echo back at her like a ghastly wind across the icy waters of Lake Lyn. The time was fast approaching when Jocelyn would have no choice but to tell Clary the truth - to tell her everything - but not yet.
Please, not yet.
Jocelyn cast a smile across her thinning face, then stood up and stuck out her hand. “You were asking about that photo,” she replied, leading Clary back over to the couch. She much preferred talking about Halloween over Valentine. “Do you remember that year?” she asked, retrieving the photo and passing it to Clary.
Clary took the picture into delicate fingertips, studying with a fond smile. “Yeah,” she replied at first, but as she continued thinking about it, she realized she didn’t remember it as well as she’d thought, and her smile began to fade. “…Or, I remember the costumes. I remember begging you for weeks to let me go Trick-or-Treating, and that you only finally allowed it because Luke agreed to go with us.” She looked up at her mother, a curious expression on her face. “I don’t remember taking this picture, though. It must have been on Halloween night?”
The familiar, sickening pitch of guilt twisted Jocelyn’s stomach, but she nodded, reaching out to take the photograph. “Yes, that’s right. You were probably too excited to remember the specifics.”
Another excuse, and another echo.
“I was quite the whirlwind child!” When silence followed her remark, Clary lowered herself onto the couch, feet folded under her and elbow propped upon the armrest. “Mom, what’s wrong? Don’t tell me you’re still wishing I was in diapers!”
An odd kind of glisten made Jocelyn’s eyes sparkle. “More than you know,” she chuckled, a swift hand sweeping at the corners of her eyes. She adjusted herself on the couch to better face her daughter, head supported in an upturned palm. “I took this just before the three of you left. It was your first Halloween, so I wanted to…” She faltered, then awkwardly finished, “…I wanted to make sure we could remember it.” Sighing, she tossed the picture back into its box. “So much for that, I guess.”
The look upon her mothers face ground Clary’s stomach into knots. Though it was rather absurd to feel guilty over not remembering something, she did feel bad for the effect it had on her mother. Determined to cheer her up, Clary abandoned her side of the couch, twisting around to pop her head up and under her mother’s arms.
“Clary!” Jocelyn laughed, gazing down at her daughter in astonished surprise. “What are you doing?”
“Tell me about it,” Clary insisted, hands latching onto her mother’s arm and pulling it down around her like a protective hardness. She settled in where she laid against her mother, nestling into her warmth and craning her neck to beam excitedly up at her. “Maybe it’ll jog my memory!”
Jocelyn didn’t have the heart to tell Clary the truth. Just a little while longer. But how could she say no to that smiling, cherub-like face? She tapped Clary’s nose, chuckling as her daughter reflexively wriggled. “It was fairly...” An unspoken impulse, like fear, caught her just short of saying “mundane,” and swapped it out for a different word. “...uneventful. Luke insisted that I go with you, that it’d be a fun break from the daily grind.”
“The ‘daily grind’?” Clary smirked. “Of what? Sniffing paint?”
“Hey,” Jocelyn scowled, playfully pinching her cheek. “In any case, we walked all up and down our street, and then the Lewis’s. Simon’s mother had taken his sister to do the same with her friends, but we planned to meet back at their house so you kids could make candy forts.”
“Oh! I remember those!” Clary exclaimed, hand patting excitedly at her mother’s arm. She put on a wide, boastful grin. “Mine always looked so much cooler than Simon’s.”
“Yes,” her mother laughed, “because Simon’s were... How did he put it? ‘Functional Chic.’ That boy even made a fully-operating drawbridge!”
They both shared a laugh at the memory. It hadn’t been the night in question, but Clary could recall that same kind of feeling. Even if the details remained just slightly out of grasp, that would be enough, right?
That what Jocelyn had hoped, anyhow. Unfortunately, Clary was far too persistent to be satisfied just yet, twisting around at her side to hug her in a closer breed of snuggle. “What else? I feel like... we were there for a long time?”
Jocelyn grew quiet. Her hand lowered to Clary’s shoulder, hesitantly drawing delicate circles in her sweater. She studied the sweetness of her daughter’s smile, the innocence in her clutch of her sleeves, the peace her steady and calm breath.
“...Nothing unusual,” she lied in a carefully even tone. “Just an awkward run-in with a neighbor, that’s—”
“Awkward?” Clary was looking up at her now - she’d caught the tension in her mother’s voice. “Awkward how?”
Jocelyn’s smile was thin and delicate. “The poor man was lost. Got separated from his children. Luke pointed him in the right direction.”
Clary blinked at her. “Oh.” For a moment, it looked like she might not believe her mother’s words. Whether she did or not, she left well enough alone, lowering her face and giving her mother a tight squeeze. “I wish I could remember that night. It sounds like we had a lot of fun!”
“You did,” Jocelyn assured with a chuckle and pat of Clary’s arm. Her eyes flickered over to check the time on their cable box, inspiring her to urge Clary off her. “Come on, it’s late. You have to get up early tomorrow!” As Clary stood and turned to face her, they shared a grin. “Your zombie makeup has to be perfect for the Sophomore Haunt!”
“With you as my stylist?” Clary smirked, then leaned down to kiss her mother’s cheek. “I’m going to be the most terrifying zombie in all of New York!”
Jocelyn elected not to correct the matter, letting Clary skip off down the hall in her ignorant bliss. As that wave of fiery hair disappeared behind her bedroom door, Jocelyn heaved a weary sigh, then warily eyed the photograph, still lying in the box. A distaste had formed in her mouth, and she reached over to grab the box’s lid and put away the collection of pictures.
“Well, well. If it isn’t Lucian Graymark.”
“Mommy? Who’s that?”
“N-No one, Clary. Stand back.”
“Be gone, evil-doer!”
“Simon, stop that! Stay with Jocelyn!!”
“Heh. Cute.”
“What do you want, Raphael?”
“I was just taking a stroll. Didn’t think I’d run into any mutts.”
“Don’t talk to Luke like that, you big meanie!”
“It’s fine, Clary. Jocelyn, get them back to the house.”
“Nu-uh! We’re superheroes! Black Cat and I won’t let you bully Luke!”
“Oh, don’t worry, little one. I won’t hurt your friend.”
“This is terrible... I should have never agreed to this!”
“You stay away from us, you understand?”
“But of course. I would never break the Accords. I’ll see you around, Lucian... Jocelyn...”
“You had better hope not.”
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noona-la-la-la · 8 years
The Fitting (Part 12)
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(You respond to Jungkook’s request that you start dating for real.)
WARNINGS: 8500 words of angst.  That is all.
The message notification on your phone jolted you awake and nearly caused you to fall out of bed.  You were lying right at the edge of the mattress with Jungkook’s body pressed tightly against your back.  When you first fell asleep, you were both lying in the center of the large bed, but as the night wore on, you would roll an inch away from him to sleep more comfortably and give yourself some breathing room.  Although he was sound asleep, Jungkook somehow sensed your movement away from him and his body would immediately close the gap between the two of you until, eventually, there was no more room left to move.
Carefully, you slipped out of bed, grabbed your phone, and headed towards the bathroom.  As expected, the text message was from your cousin checking up on your date last night.
10:17am (Seulji)  How did it go?  Was it fun?  Did you fall in love with him yet?
10:20am (You)  It went fine, he’s a fun guy but it’s just not the right time for me.
10:21am (Seulji) What?  Why?  I need details.
Details.  You wondered if he would tell your cousin about the fact that you were seeing someone else or if he would just let it go.  You didn’t even want to think about the conversation you would have to have with Seulji once she found out that you had another man all along.
10:23am (You) I have to jump in the shower right now.  I’ll talk to you about it later.
You set the phone, face down, on the counter and could hear two more messages come through but you didn’t bother looking.  Instead you turned on the water extra hot and stepped into the steaming shower, hoping to wash off your lingering guilt.
Lately, it felt like you were losing control over your life.  Ever since that day you found your fiancé cheating on you, nothing you did was a conscious choice.  Rather than make thoughtful plans to get what you wanted, you were making rash decisions and then trying to figure out how to live with the consequences.  Your decision to move to Seoul certainly wasn’t well thought out; you just ran away from New York and went as far away as you could get.  Taking the job as a stylist was just a way to get paid; your conversation with John during your date last night reminded you of how you used to have different dreams for yourself.  You weren’t even sure when was the last time you bothered to think about what it was that you really wanted.
And then there was Jungkook; your whole relationship with him started impulsively.  At a time in your life when you felt your most unattractive, he made you feel sexy and desirable.  You never should have started things with him in the first place, he was young and inexperienced… and more than anything, he was your job.  You tried to convince yourself that you were coworkers, peers at your company, but it wasn’t true.  Jungkook and the other boys were the sole reason you even had a job in the first place; if anything happened to one of them, then there would be no need for you.  Starting this so-called relationship with Jungkook immediately put your employment at risk because he was necessary and you were disposable.  You were a fool to give in to your lust, but once you crossed that line, it felt too good to stop.  You had deluded yourself into thinking that you and Jungkook could keep it casual, sex only, no emotions – but that had proven to be impossible.  Now you were being forced to make a decision about where this relationship was going to go, and the truth was you still weren’t sure what you wanted.
You stepped out of the shower and wrapped your hair in a towel, slipped on your robe and picked up your phone.  There were three more texts from Seulji, but you didn’t bother reading them.  You knew what she wanted and you weren’t prepared to have that conversation with her right now.
You wandered into the kitchen and stuck your head in the refrigerator to see what you might want for breakfast.  In truth, you weren’t hungry.  You were never hungry when you were stressed out and last night definitely caused you stress.  You had felt so guilty for staying out late when you knew Jungkook was home waiting for you.  You had felt scared when you thought Jungkook was going to leave you completely.  That feeling had caught you by surprise and you wondered if you weren’t more emotionally invested in this relationship than you realized.  That’s why you agreed to try dating and see what happens.  It made you nervous to think about going out on an actual date. While you and Jungkook were obviously sexually compatible, that didn’t mean anything when it came to building a real relationship.
“Good morning.” Jungkook stumbled into the kitchen, still groggy with sleep, dressed in his boxer shorts and a tee shirt he had put on inside-out.  In moments like this, he looked like a real boyfriend – disheveled, at-ease, looking like he just naturally belonged here with you.  Seeing him this way made you smile.
“Good morning, sunshine!  You look like you could use some coffee.” As you filled up the coffee maker with water, Jungkook came behind you and wrapped his arms around you, resting his head on your shoulder and nuzzling his face into your neck, without saying a word. “Did you sleep okay?” you asked him.
“Mm-hmm. I could easily have slept longer, but I don’t like being in that bed without you next to me.”
“Are you hungry?  I can heat up some leftover soup that I have, or I can make a bowl of cereal…” you motioned around the kitchen, pointing to where the food was hidden away.
“Noona, do you cook?  I saw all those containers of homemade side dishes in the fridge last night, but I’ve never seen you actually cook anything from scratch.” Jungkook lifted his head to look at you while he asked the question.
“I know how to make sandwiches.  Does that count?” You laughed as you answered.  “All that food is from my aunt.  She’s afraid that I won’t be healthy if I’m left to fend for myself in the kitchen.  She’s probably right.  My talents are better used by ordering take-out.”  Jungkook looked at you pensively. “Are you disappointed in my lack of skills?” you asked.
“No.  Not at all.  I was just thinking that there are so many things I don’t know about you yet and I’m looking forward to finally getting to know you better.” Jungkook hugged you tightly before letting go to sit on a barstool while you pulled a box of cereal from the cabinet.  “So where do you want to go for our first official date?  We’re doing a radio show later tonight, so I thought we could do the date tomorrow when I have the day off.  What do you think?”
“Sounds good to me.” You fixed two bowls of cereal and sat next to Jungkook to eat.  “I’m off tomorrow too, so whatever time works for you will work for me.  I’m open to whatever it is you want to do.”
Jungkook had a goofy grin on his face while looking at you.  “Well, the weather is nice.  So, we could go to an amusement park.”
You screwed up your face in disapproval.  “I don’t want to spend our first date waiting in lines.”
“Bike riding in the park, maybe a picnic?” he suggested.
“How about something indoors?” you countered.
You dismissed the idea.  “I’m not really a good bowler.”
“You don’t have to be good at it for it to be fun.  Besides, I’m getting pretty good, I can help you.  Come on,” Jungkook implored you.
You just shook your head no and took another bite of cereal.
“What about we go to a club?  You like going out dancing, I know you like drinking, and I’ve got a few moves I wouldn’t mind showing you.” He winked at you while he said it.
“I don’t know.  Clubs are pretty crowded and it will be hard to talk.”
“Are you ashamed to be seen with me?”  Jungkook had his head down and was playing with food, unwilling to look you in the eye while he asked the question.
“What? Of course not!  Kookie, why would you even ask that question?”
“For someone who just moments ago told me that you were open to anything I wanted to do, you seem to not want to do anything with me,” he said dejectedly.
“It’s not that.  It’s just…” you took a deep breath, trying to think of the right thing to say. “It’s our first date and you’re a celebrity and I’m worried about you being recognized, especially while we are together.  All these things you are suggesting are at the kinds of places you are mostly likely to find a fan.”
Jungkook brushed off your concerns.  “I’m used to blending in when I go out.  I know how to be careful.”  
“Well, I don’t.  And even when you are being careful, there are still times when fans catch you and take your picture.  Just imagine what that would be like if they caught a picture of us together.  I don’t want our first time out to be ruined because of fans.  Can’t we do something a little more low key?  At a place that won’t be filled with young people?  Maybe someplace off the beaten path?”
Jungkook sighed loudly.  “Fine.  I get it.  You’re probably right to be cautious.  How about we do something outside of Seoul?  I’ve got the whole day free, so I can borrow Yoongi hyung’s car and drive us to the seaside.  We can walk on the beach and eat something delicious.”
“Yoongi would let you borrow his car for the day?  He doesn’t seem like the type to just turn over his keys for no reason.”
“He isn’t.  But I have a good reason to want to borrow the car and I know he’ll be supportive when he hears that we’re dating, so I’m sure he’ll want to help out by lending me the car for one day.”
“No! Kookie, no!” You could feel your face start to heat up with panic.  “You can’t tell Yoongi that we are dating!  Not yet.  It’s too soon for that!”
Slamming his spoon down on the counter, Jungkook looked at you angrily.  “I thought we were through with this bullshit! Were you just fucking around with me last night when you agreed to try dating for real?!  You don’t like any of the ideas I suggest, you don’t want to be seen publicly, you don’t want anyone else to know about us… tell me, just what exactly is it that you want?!”
You placed your hand over Jungkook’s clenched fist, trying to calm him.  “I’m sincere about giving dating a try.  I mean that. I know it sounds like I’m not being honest with you, but I am.  I want this to work out.  I really do!  But making this change to our relationship is a little scary for me.  I know I’m being selfish here, but I’d really like to just focus on you and me and building our relationship with each other before we start inviting other people in.”
“These are my closest friends in the world, noona.  They are like brothers to me.  They practically raised me through my teenage years.  I hate not sharing this with them.  Every time I come over here to see you, I feel like I’m lying to them and I hate it.”
“I know, Kookie.  I don’t like keeping secrets either, but if word got back to my boss… I don’t think it would be good for me.  One overheard comment and I could be done for.” Every time you thought about someone from work finding out about the two of you, your stomach felt like it was tied in knots.
“They aren’t going to tell anyone at the office.  If they knew what was going on, they could help keep things covered for us.  Also, I think you are exaggerating how bad it would be if everyone back at the office found out.  I mean, Namjoon used to date the receptionist and she didn’t get fired.”
“Namjoon dated Miyeon?  Really?  Why haven’t I ever heard about this?”  You were shocked by the revelation of one of the boys actually dating someone else at work.  “She doesn’t seem like she would be his type.  She’s kinda flighty and shallow.”
“I don’t think he was dating her for her intellect, if you know what I mean.  Besides, the point I’m trying to make is that they dated and nobody made a big deal about it.  So maybe it wouldn’t be so awful if others knew that we are together.”  Jungkook took your hand in his, “Maybe you should trust me a little.”
“It’s not about trusting you.  Can’t we just date for a bit and get comfortable with our new situation first?”
“How long?  Tell me how long you think you need until you are comfortable enough to let me tell the guys.”  Jungkook resigned himself to a compromise.
You contemplated the question for a moment.  “I don’t know.  A month, maybe.”
“A month?! No fucking way!” Jungkook dropped your hand and crossed his arms across his chest.  “One week.  It’s not like we haven’t been seeing each other all along.  What do you need a whole month to figure out?”
“I don’t want to rush things.”
“Seriously, noona.  Are you just stalling until you get up the courage to dump me?  Because that’s what this is starting to sound like.”
It hurt you to hear him say that, because you wanted things to work out.  Although, a part of you knew that you wanted to wait to tell people because you were afraid things wouldn’t work out and you didn’t want other people knowing about the relationship if it was about to fall apart.  “I don’t want to dump you.  Kookie, look at me.  Please.  I want things to work.  You know how I am; I’m a cautious person.”
“You weren’t so cautious that night when you first hit on me.  Where’s that person, noona?  Where’s the woman who threw caution away and gave in to her feelings?”
You reached out to Jungkook, placing you hand on his thigh and rubbing circles with your thumb.  “You do things to me, you know?  I’ve never behaved like that with anyone else.  Maybe I get nervous because there is something about you that makes me act rashly.  I find it almost impossible to control myself when we are together.  That’s why I feel the need to be extra cautious now, so I don’t do anything to blow this.”  Jungkook’s face softened and he relaxed a little.  You leaned over and kissed him on the cheek, which caused him to smile involuntarily. “How about a compromise.  5 dates and then we decide who we are going to tell about us.  I think by the time we’ve had 5 dates, we will have figured out how to make this dating thing work out and it will be time to start telling the boys.  Is that okay with you?”
Reaching up to stroke your hair, Jungkook nodded in agreement.  “I think I can wait through 5 dates.  You already know I can’t stand to not see you almost every day.  5 dates will go by in no time.”
“Late night booty calls don’t count,” you amended your agreement.  “I’m talking real honest-to-goodness dates, where you ask me out in advance, we make plans and go do something that doesn’t involve Jungkookie Junior over here.” You pointed directly at Jungkook’s crotch for emphasis.
Jungkook groaned out loud, “Fine.  Real dates.  But you can’t penalize me if Jungkookie Junior gets involved in some post-date activity.”  He winked at you while taking hold of your hand and moving it further up his thigh towards his crotch.
Pulling your hand away and slapping his leg playfully, you admonished him.  “I can’t believe you are horny again already!  How do you even have the energy for all of that?”
“Noona, if you could see yourself the way I do, you’d understand why I’m like this all the time.”
You glanced at the clock on the microwave and stood up abruptly when you noticed the time. “Crap!  I need to finish getting dressed.  I’m supposed to be at an all day training that starts in 45 minutes. I’m going to be so late!”  You hurried down the hall, calling back to Jungkook, “Think about what it is you want to do tomorrow, and I promise to be more open minded about everything!”
Despite the initial conflicts in trying to find a suitable first date location, the two of you finally settled on dinner and a movie, in an unfashionable neighborhood, that you hoped would be less popular with young people.  You liked the idea of being hidden in the darkness of the theater and since it was a school night, you hoped that there wouldn’t be that many students around who might recognize Jungkook.  He was initially disappointed that your first date would end up being something so stereotypical, but he soon came around. Based on the number of texts he was sending you, seemed to actually be excited for your evening plans.
10:15am  Do you want to eat dinner before or after the movie?
10:16am  If we eat before, then I won’t be too hungry to concentrate.  If we eat after, we can talk about the film.  What do you prefer?
10:18am  Maybe we can eat before and then go out for dessert after?  I think that’s the best idea.
10:19am  What kind of desserts do you like?  I never see you eat sweets.
10:23am  Do you like horror films?  I wouldn’t mind you clinging to me for protection *wink*
10:23am  Or would a romance be more likely to put you in the mood?
10:25am  Do you put out on the first date? Kekekekekekekekeke
10:27am  Even if you do “put out” on the first date, this still counts as the first of the five dates. Right?
10:28am Right. It does.
10:29am  Yoongi hyung keeps asking who I’m texting because I can’t stop smiling.  I can’t wait until the fifth date is over and we can finally tell everyone.
10:30am  Jin hyung is going to die when he finds out I got the girl he was hitting on!  I can’t wait to see the expression on his face.
10:45am  Wear something sexy!!!  I want all the people to see how hot my girl is!
10:48am  Actually, wear whatever you want.  You always look beautiful.
10:50am  I’m so happy, noona.
Looking at his messages made you feel happy too.  No matter your concerns, Jungkook always made you feel good.  You had never met another man who was so effusive in his admiration for you and the feeling was intoxicating.  You texted him back:
I’m looking forward to tonight.  The movie or food doesn’t really matter as long as I’m there with you.
Shortly after sending that text to Jungkook, your phone rang.  Thinking it was him, you immediately swiped to accept the call but then noticed the name on the caller i.d.  It was your cousin, Seulji.  After ignoring all her text messages from yesterday, you assumed she had grown frustrated and was calling you instead.  The problem was you still weren’t ready to have an actual conversation with her yet.  In a panicked move, you simply hung up on her without saying anything.
So, she called you again.  And when you didn’t pick up, she called again. A moment later she texted you:
She knew.  It was inevitable that she would find out from John.  When you texted him to say you were seeing someone else, you knew it would be impossible to keep Seulji from finding out.  But you didn’t know what to say to her.  You had kept this secret and let her set you up on a date with another man.  She would most certainly be angry, but she would also be curious about who the other guy was and you really weren’t ready to have to explain your relationship with Jungkook to her just yet.  You didn’t think you had the courage to listen to Seulji berate you for lying to her and for having been involved in a sexual tryst with a younger man…  So you decided to just avoid her for a little while longer..  When your phone rang for the third time, you rejected the call and turned off your phone completely.
You offered to meet Jungkook at the restaurant, but he insisted that he would come to your apartment to pick you up.  You snickered when he told you he wanted to prove he could be a gentleman, causing Jungkook to assert his sincerity, “I mean it, noona.  I want to show you that I can do this the right way and treat you like a lady.  It’s not all about the sex anymore.”
His earnestness impressed you.  The Jungkook you had been sleeping with was always impulsive and driven by his libido, but the thought of a more sincere and romantic Jungkook, one who went out of his way to win you over, was a little thrilling.  As skeptically as you had been about the idea of actually dating him, you were starting to get excited for this evening.
When your doorbell rang, you threw open the door expectantly --  only to see your cousin standing there with her arms crossed and glaring at you.  “Seulji?  What are you doing here?” you asked nervously.
“I had no choice but to come here!  You don’t answer my calls, you ignore my texts… just what the fuck is going on with you?!”  She pushed past you and stormed into your apartment.
“I’ve just been busy, that’s all.”
“Stop lying to me!” Seulji was a tiny thing, much shorter than you, and despite being a year older, she looked much younger.  However, she was intimidating when she was angry, full of bluster and fury.  “I know today was your day off and it’s not like you have much of a social life keeping you busy.  Or at least that’s what I thought.” She raised an eyebrow at you.
You looked past Seulji towards the clock; Jungkook would be here at any minute and you did not want him running into your cousin like this.  “Look, you’re right.  I’ve been avoiding you because I didn’t know what to say.  But I really am busy right now.  I need to leave to go do something and I don’t have time to discuss this right this second, but I will discuss it with you.  How about tomorrow?”
“How about you just be a few minutes late to wherever you are going and give me the abridged version?”  Seulji sat down on the sofa, making it clear she had no intention of going anywhere until you shared your story.  “Jongshin oppa told me that you guys were having a good time and he thought things were going well, but you got weird at the very end of the date and ran off.  Then he tells me you sent him a text in the middle of the night saying that you are seeing someone else.  What I want to know is if you just said that because you were blowing him off or is there really another guy?”
You said a silent prayer that Jungkook would be running late and you could get your cousin out of the apartment before he arrived, then you sat down next to Seulji and confessed.  “Look, I didn’t really know it was going to go down this way.  John… I mean, Jongshin, is a great guy and under different circumstances, he’d be someone I could see myself possibly dating.  But then this other guy came along and I didn’t think it was going to be anything serious, it was just supposed to be casual.  I mean, it is just kinda a casual thing.  We were only just hanging out, but I thought I should give it a try…”
Seulji cut you off, “So there really is someone else?  I thought for sure you were lying to him to get out of another date, but… wow.  There really is another guy?  Why wouldn’t you just tell me that rather than have me trying to set you up with someone?”
“Because I was afraid if you knew about the other guy, you would want a bunch of details and I just didn’t have it in me to share a whole lot at that point.  It’s still very early in this relationship and I don’t know where exactly things are going to end up.”
“If it’s still early and you aren’t sure what you want, why not date both guys?  You just said you could see Jongshin as potential dating material, so why blow him off for an unknown?  You could date both guys until you know what you want? Or is it more serious than you are letting on?” Seulji leaned into the corner of the sofa and tucked her legs under her, making herself more comfortable and indicating no interest in leaving anytime soon.
“No, not serious, maybe.  I’m not really sure.  This is kind of a confusing time for me, you know?  I’m learning how to date again and I’m not even positive about what I want.  Honestly, I’m feeling a little pressure to make all these decisions about my love life when I’m not sure where things are going.  All I really know is that I can only deal with one guy at a time right now, so dating both of them is not an option.  I just don’t have it in me to date around like that.”
“Who’s the guy? Where did you meet him?” Seulji asked.
“It’s just someone from work.” You looked again at the clock; it was five minutes before the time Jungkook said he would be over.
“Who from work? How did this start?”  Her eyes were wide with surprise and she leaned forward as if to hear you better.
“It’s just a guy from work, it’s not a big deal.  We were both working late one night and things just sort of happened.  One thing lead to another and we hooked up…”  You stood up as you spoke, hoping Seulji would get the hint that you needed her to leave.
“Wait! Are you already sleeping with him?!” Seulji’s eyes were wide as she awaited your response.
You could feel yourself blushing and could barely stammer out a response.  “K-k-kinda”.
She stood up to face you, “How do you kinda sleep with someone?  This is big news!”
“It’s not big news, it’s just something that happened. After that date with John…Jongshin, it became clear I had to pick a direction.  So, I’m just going with this guy since we are already somewhat… um… further along in the relationship.”  You felt shy talking about Jungkook and weren’t yet sure how to accurately describe your affair without making it sound sordid.
Sitting back down on the arm of the sofa, Seulji started peppering you with questions.  “How long has this been going on?  Who is he?  Is it that cute sound guy I saw you talking to when I picked you up from work that one time?  How did he first put the moves on you?  Did you know he liked you?  I still can’t believe you never said anything to me about it.  You know I’m not a prude.  Why were you so secretive?”
“It’s not anyone that you’ve met before.  And it’s a delicate situation because we work together, if it doesn’t work out things could get messy. I don’t want to get anyone else involved until I know for sure that everything is going to work out.”
“People date their co-workers all the time.  Where else are working adults supposed to meet people?  You either date your own co-workers or a friend sets you up with her co-workers.  It’s not some big taboo.  I mean, I understand why you don’t want the people at your job finding out just yet, but there’s no reason why you shouldn’t have said something to me.  I still don’t understand why you didn’t let me know you had a guy – even if you weren’t sure it was going to work out.”  She stood back up and started heading to the kitchen.
“Where are you going?”  You hurried ahead of her and blocked her entrance.
“I’m thirsty, so I was going to get a drink of water.  Why are you being so weird?”
You reached into your refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of water, shoving it into Seulji’s hand while turning her towards the door.  “I know we have a lot more to talk about, but I really am in a rush.  Why don’t you head home and I’ll call you tomorrow.  We can go get a drink and I’ll tell you everything you want to know.  I’ll even buy.”
“Fine, fine.  Let me grab my purse.  Where are you headed to in such a hurry anyway?”
“I’ve got a date tonight and he should be here any minute.  I don’t need to stress him out by having him meet a family member so early, so will you please just go.  I’ll tell you all about it later.”
She rolled her eyes at you.  “I don’t think he’s the one who you are protecting from being stressed out. Is he weird looking?  Is that why you want me out so quickly?  Maybe he’s old?  Are you dating an older man?!”  As Seulji slipped her shoes back on, the doorbell rang and you let out an audible sigh.  “Well, well,” she said.  “I think I get to meet him after all.”
You tried to push past Seulji, but she was much closer to the door and got there before you.  She threw open the door, a giant smile on her face from having beat you, but the smile faded to a look of confusion when she saw Jungkook standing there holding a bouquet of flowers.  Jungkook looked momentarily confused as well, looking around to make sure he had rung the bell to the right apartment, but his face relaxed when he saw you standing behind your cousin.
After a moment of awkward silence, Seulji spoke, “You’re one of the singers, aren’t you?”
“Um, yeah,” Jungkook replied.  “And you are…?”
You reached past your cousin, grabbing on to Jungkook’s arm and pulling him inside.  “This is my cousin, Seulji.  You’ve heard me talk about her before.”
Jungkook bowed politely. “It’s nice to meet you.  I’m Jeon Jungkook.  I’ve heard so much about you.”
Seulji bowed in response, “I wish I could say the same.  I’ve heard next to nothing about you.”  She stared in silence for another moment when she cocked her head to the side as if she was trying to see Jungkook from a different angle.  “Aren’t you the maknae of that group she works for?”
Jungkook shifted his weight uncomfortably.  “I am.”  He looked towards you for help, not knowing what to say next.
“Alright.  That’s enough conversation for today,” you intervened.  “Seulji was just leaving.”  You placed both hands on your cousin’s back and gently pushed her out the open door.
“Okay, I get it.  I’m leaving.  But you are definitely buying me that drink you promised tomorrow evening.  We have a lot to talk about.”  Seulji pointed and glared at you before turning once more towards Jungkook and gave him a smile and awkward bow goodbye.
Once the two of you were alone, Jungkook handed you the flowers he brought and bent to kiss your cheek.  “I was not expecting you to have company.  Does this mean you’ve changed your mind about keeping everything a big secret?”
“It means my cousin is pushy and showed up unannounced.  I did not mean for the two of you to meet like that.  Let me put these flowers in some water before we head out.”  You headed into the kitchen to get a vase.
“You know,” he called out to you, “I’m fine with you telling anyone you know about us.”
“I know,” you called back.  “I will eventually.”  After arranging the flowers and placing them in the living room, you grabbed your things and headed out with Jungkook.  “The flowers are beautiful, Kookie.  Thank you.”
He smiled and held onto your hand as you walked down the hall, his ears blushing slightly.  “They aren’t half as beautiful as you are.”
You couldn’t help smiling at the cheesy gesture, and took note that this was the first time that you and Jungkook had held hands like a normal couple.  It felt nice and for a moment you set aside all your concerns.  Once outside, Jungkook ushered you into a taxi that would take you to a restaurant and he casually threw his arm over your shoulder as you rode in the back seat.
While you sat, enjoying the comfort of Jungkook holding you close, you could hear your phone receive a message.  You pulled out your phone to check..
6:07PM (Seulji)  He is a child! I hope to god you know what you are doing!       
       Over dinner, talk naturally gravitated to work.  You and Jungkook gossiped about coworkers and complained about schedules.  He talked about the recording of the new album and you talked about some styling ideas that you had but weren’t sure if it would fit with the new album concept.
During a brief lull in the conversation, Jungkook toyed with his food before making a suggestion.  “Maybe we should try talking about something other than work.  I want to get to know more about you and your life outside, noona.  I mean this is our first official date, after all.  Maybe we should try to get to know each other better, like people usually do on a date.”
“What is it that you would like to know, Kookie?”
“Tell me something about your life before Korea.  How about…” he paused to think for a moment, “tell me about the very first date you ever went on.”
“Wow, it feels so long ago.”  You squinted your eyes as you thought back.  “I think I was fifteen and he was an upper classman, maybe seventeen years old.  This boy asked me to a school dance and it was the first time any boy had ever asked me to do anything.  I didn’t even really like him that way.  At the time, I had a terrible crush on a different boy in my biology class, but I was too scared to even flirt with him.  So, when this other boy asked me out, I was just so excited to have anyone like me, I immediately said yes.  I remember I bought this long red dress and my mother yelled at me for wasting money on it because she said she could have sewn one just like it, but I thought it was so beautiful and I didn’t want a homemade dress.  
Anyway, he picked me up in his dad’s car and we went to the dance and afterwards we went with his friends and their dates to an all-night diner and ate french fries because that’s all anyone could afford.  Everyone there was about two years older than me and I didn’t know them, so it was somewhat uncomfortable.  Then he drove me home, but instead of taking me to my house, he drove into a park a few blocks away from where I lived.  He gave me my first kiss and I thought it was so romantic, until he tried feeling up my boobs.  I was shocked!  When I pushed his hand away and told him I wasn’t ready for that, he called me a baby.  I was so angry, I jumped out of the car and walked the rest of the way home; I went to my room and cried myself to sleep.  Now that I think about it, I experienced a lot of firsts that night.”
Jungkook looked at you with soft eyes.  “I’m sorry your first time on a date wasn’t such a pleasant experience. That guy sounds like a jerk.”
“It’s not so bad.  I was young and I had no idea about how to act around boys or what to expect.  I was actually kind of proud of myself for getting out of that car and leaving him like that.  It’s like anything else in life, sometimes the first time you do something is clumsy and it doesn’t go well.  But that’s how you learn.”  You took a sip of water and leaned back in your chair.  “What about you, Kookie?  What was your first date like?”
He looked down at the table, unable to meet your eyes directly. “I’m not sure.  It’s not over yet.”
It took you a moment to register what he was saying.  “What do you mean it’s not ov… oh.  Are you saying this is your very first date ever?”
“In some ways, yes.  I had a girlfriend in high school, but to be honest, she was just this girl who constantly hung around me.  She was super popular and pretty and everyone else wanted to date her, and when she hung out with me, everyone in school assumed we were together… so we just kind of started dating without even talking about it.  But you can’t even call it dating in the traditional sense.  Most of the time we saw each other it was in school.  I was a trainee at the time and there wasn’t much free time between studying for classes and practicing and preparing for debut.  When we were out together it was always with a group of other friends.  We’d go as a group to eat, we’d go as a group to the movies… things like that.  I never made a point of asking her to do something one on one.  The only time I really remember being alone with her was a couple of times she invited me to her house after school while her parents were out.  That was the first time we were… um… intimate.  Considering how little time we spent actually talking to each other, it’s strange to think that she would invite me over to sleep with her.  And like you said, first times are clumsy.  I can’t say I didn’t enjoy it physically, but I never really felt anything emotionally and I was never really happy with her.”
His confession that you were his first real date made you anxious.  “Surely there must have been someone else between that girl and me?  I remember hearing someone say something about you having a dated a female idol.  One from… um… I can’t remember the group’s name.”
“I’d hardly call that dating either.  We were both promoting all the time, so the only time we saw each other was when we were at the same tv studio or radio station -- which was fairly frequently for a couple months.  In between we would talk on the phone or text… but we never actually went out on a date.  And she’s another one where I was just with her because she seemed interested in me.  It was mostly us dry humping in a storage closet or getting her to flash her boobs over a video chat.  I wasn’t going for any high quality relationship building activities because, frankly, I didn’t care all that much.  Anyone else I’ve been with was a one night hook up.”  He looked at you earnestly.  “Noona, this is the first time in my life that I’ve actually asked a girl out and really wanted her to say yes.  It’s the first time I’m actually trying.”
You weren’t sure whether you felt flattered or terrified by Jungkook’s admission.  It made you feel special; you had never been anyone’s first anything.  It also reminded you of how much you and Jungkook were at different points in your lives, not just because of age but because of experience.  The crushing pain of heartbreak was something Jungkook had never experienced, yet you knew the feeling all too well.  You hoped that the purity of his emotions would soften your jaded heart, rather than the other way around.
After dinner, you walked the two blocks to the movie theater.  Jungkook was proud to show you the film he selected, saying he had noticed your viewing history when he was alone in your apartment and he was certain he picked something you would like.  The movie was a British film, a period romance with elaborate costumes and set designs.  You had to admit that he had picked the perfect film for you, unfortunately, it was far from perfect for Jungkook.  The theater was half empty and between the movie’s subtitles, intricate plot and slow pace, he had fallen asleep with his head on your shoulder.  
When he started to snore softly, you nudged him. “Next time we watch a movie together, pick something with explosions to keep you awake,” you whispered.
Jungkook rubbed his eyes and blinked to focus on the screen just as the female lead started to undress herself for a rather explicit love scene.  “Actually, I think this film is just about to get more interesting,” he whispered back, his lips closer to your ear than necessary, his nose nestling in your hair.  He wrapped his left arm around your shoulders and pulled your closer to him before draping his hand over your breast, rubbing his thumb over your nipple causing it to harden.  He took your right hand in his and placed it in his lap, firmly pressing your palm against his crotch as he watched the couple on screen climb into bed together.
“Kookie, we’re in public!” You tried keeping your voice down as you started to pull you hand away.
He held your hand tightly and pressed his lips directly against your ear, allowing you to feel them move as he spoke.  “I’m not asking you to do anything.  I just want to be close to you and feel you next to me.”  
It did feel nice being so close to him, to be out in the open and yet still hidden away in the darkness.  So when he let go of your hand, giving you freedom to move, you left your hand in his lap, absentmindedly rubbing against the growing bulge, enjoying a moment of intimacy without thought of anything more.
As the end credits scrolled across the screen and the other patrons exited the theater, you and Jungkook lagged behind.  He pulled you closer to him, lowering his face so he could meet your lips with his own.  The kiss was soft and sweet and as he pulled away, you couldn’t resist lunging forward for a second kiss.  Your boldness surprised Jungkook and his lips parted, giving way to your tongue.  You reached up to stroke his hair, your nose pressed tightly against his, his teeth nibbled at your lower lip… until you could hear the voice of an unknown woman chastising you.  You looked up and saw a woman in her 50’s pointing at you and telling you that you shouldn’t be allowed out of the house until you learned how to behave in public.  You glanced at Jungkook, who was turned so his back was to the woman, had his head down and his shoulders were starting to shake from trying to hold back his laughter.  All you could do was bow your head and apologize until she walked away, telling anyone within earshot that kids today behaved shamefully.
Once the woman was gone, Jungkook allowed himself to laugh out loud.  You smacked him on the shoulder, “How can you laugh right now?  I’m mortified!  I’ve never been yelled at by a stranger before!”
He wiped a tear from his eyes and started to laugh again when he saw the expression on your face.  “What?  It’s funny!  You’re the one who is always so concerned about not drawing attention to the two of us, but you initiated that last kiss and got us scolded.”  He took your hand and led you to the exit.  “You’re always on my case for being horny all the time, but it turns out I’m not the only one who can’t keep his hands to himself.”
“Okay, I admit it.  You’re irresistible sometimes.  But now that the date is over, I don’t have to resist much longer.”  You winked at him.  
“Wrong, noona.  The date isn’t over yet.  I promised you coffee, dessert, and a nice conversation discussing the film, and that’s what we’re going to do next.”
“That isn’t necessary.  Besides, you slept through half the film -- how are you going to discuss it?  Let’s just head back, Kookie.”
Jungkook shook his head.  “You can explain the parts I missed.  This is my first date with you and I want the full experience.  I want to enjoy this for as long as possible and show you that it’s not just about the sex.”
You walked hand in hand to a cafe that he said came highly recommended online, claiming the head barista won some prestigious award.  The place was bustling for a weeknight in an out-of-the-way neighborhood.  Walking into a well lit room full of people made you suddenly wary of being caught with Jungkook, so you dropped his hand and grasped your purse tightly, hoping to look inconspicuous.  You noticed Jungkook looking down at his now empty hand, but he said nothing.
After placing your order, you excused yourself to go to the bathroom while Jungkook waited at the table.  On your way back, you noticed a familiar man walking towards the exit with a to-go cup in his hand.  You stood frozen, watching him walk by you, when he paused to check his phone and suddenly, he took notice of you as well.  Unable to pretend you hadn’t seen him, you decided to greet him instead.  “John? Hi.  This is an unexpected surprise. What are you doing here?”
John’s face was stiff and he looked back at the door for a moment, as if he was contemplating just walking away.  Instead, he took a deep breath before putting on a fake smile and answering you.  “I live near here.  This is my regular spot to get coffee.  The real question is what are you doing here?  Don’t you live across town?”
“Ah.  Yeah.  I was watching a movie down the street and I was told this place was good for coffee and cake.”  You could hear the discomfort in your own voice and thought that this must be even more uncomfortable for him.
“A movie.”  His face fell a little as he spoke.  “I’m assuming you didn’t go see this movie alone?”
You could see Jungkook sitting at the far end of the room, he was watching you as you spoke to John.  Jungkook’s eyes were narrowed and you knew he was wondering why you were talking to some strange guy.  “No, I’m not alone.”
“I see.  Well, enjoy your evening.”  With that, John turned to leave, but you called out after him as he walked away.
“I really did enjoy the time I spent with you.  You’re a great guy and I thought we got along well.  Even though I’m dating someone else, I would very much like for us to be friends.” You weren’t quite sure why you were even saying these words to him.  You were being honest when you said you wanted to be friends; you had so few people in your life that you could just talk comfortably to, and the time you spent with John had been one of the most enjoyable evenings you had since arriving in Korea.  It made you sad to think that a friendship might not be possible with someone you clearly had much in common with.
John stopped walking and turned back to you.  He looked at you curiously before coming closer to address you directly.  “Friends?” he scoffed.  “I don’t want to come across as some guy who is just bitter at being rejected, but I thought that night at the theater and then when we were talking at the bar… it felt good, it felt like we really connected.”
“I agree,” you interjected, “we did connect.”
He held up his hand to stop you from speaking further.  “I’m not delusional.  I know that even when you get along with someone, sometimes it just doesn’t work out.  And under other circumstances, I might be willing to set aside my hurt feelings and just be friends with you.  But, there’s a problem with that.  I need to be able to trust my friends, and you aren’t trustworthy.”  You opened your mouth to protest, but nothing came out.  “You went on that date with me when you already had some other guy that you were serious about.  You didn’t tell me;  you didn’t tell your cousin.  What’s that about, huh?  I went into that date completely open and I never stood a chance because the whole thing was a sham.   You didn’t even do me the honor of protecting my pride by waiting to reject me.  You sent me a text in the middle of the night to let me know that the whole evening had been a lie.” John was trying to maintain his composure, but his face was hard and his cheeks were starting to get a little red.  “So, no. We can’t be friends.”
“Is everything okay here?” Jungkook had slipped behind you when you weren’t looking.  He placed his arm around your waist as if he was laying claim to you publicly, warning John that he was speaking to a taken woman.
John looked at Jungkook, sizing up the younger a man and let out a sigh before turning back to you.  “I think I’m starting to understand why you didn’t want to say anything.”   And without saying another word, he exited the cafe.
The conversation with John had dampened your spirits and left you picking at your food.  Jungkook had been uncharacteristically calm when you told him who John was, simply commenting that he was taller than Jungkook imagined him.
Jungkook tried valiantly to keep the conversation flowing and ignored the uneasiness that had fallen over the evening.  You were simply too distracted by your thoughts.  Were you a dishonest person?  You always had the best intentions, but somehow, it didn’t matter.  In your effort to protect yourself, you managed to hurt those around you.  You needed to get your act together and live your life more deliberately, but you still weren’t sure what you wanted.  You worried that if you didn’t start to figure things out soon, you might do irreparable damage to Jungkook and yourself.
Upon arriving back at your apartment building, Jungkook started to get out of the taxi but you stopped him.  “Kookie, please don’t take this the wrong way, but I think I’d rather sleep alone tonight.”
“What are you talking about?  Back at the movie theater, you were practically begging me to go home with you.”
“I know, but I’m tired.” You looked at Jungkook who was eyeing you suspiciously.  “Besides, it’s our first date.  I don’t want you to think I’m easy by putting out too quickly,” you said jokingly, trying to lighten the mood.
“Noona, if you don’t want to have sex tonight, I can respect that.  We’ll just sleep.  I promise to not put any moves on you tonight.”  You laughed at that thought.  “I mean it, noona.  I know you think I’m in a state of non-stop arousal, and, well… you aren’t exactly wrong.  But I also know how to behave.  If you don’t want to have sex, then I’m perfectly capable of controlling myself.”
“I know you are, Kookie.  I know.  But tonight, I just need some space.  Tomorrow things will be back to normal, but tonight, I’m just in a bit of a mood and I won’t be good company.”
Jungkook, nodded to himself.  “Okay.  I’ll go.”  He took your hand in his for the final time of the night and played nervously with your fingers before asking you the question that had been burning in his mind.  “You would tell me if you didn’t want to be with me, right?  I mean, not just for tonight, but if you really didn’t want to date me at all.  You would tell me and not just leave me to guess your feelings, right?”
You placed your hand on his cheek.  “Kookie, look at me. I had a wonderful time with you tonight and I’m looking forward to our second date.  One night apart is just that, one night apart.  It might do us some good, now that we are actually dating and not just messing around.”   You kissed him tenderly on the lips before letting go of him and stepping away.  “Just think, we are one date down and four more to go.  Start thinking about what you want to do on date number two and let’s talk about it tomorrow.”  
You waved at Jungkook as the cab drove away to carry him back to his own bed.  As you headed back into your apartment, you realized that you never answered his question directly.  You told yourself that once you knew for sure what you wanted from this relationship, whether it be to stay together or split apart, you would tell Jungkook immediately -- as soon as you could figure out your own heart.  Whenever that might be.
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