#scotty sire imagine
konnorhasapen · 1 year
💫Assigning a song to each some of my Redacted ocs and I say "some" because I don't have sound playlists for any absent listeners (except for Sunshine, but their playlist is more songs that give me Eli vibes-)💫
I like doing these and these are all bangers. Enjoy :)
Judah (Lovely)— Look at the Sky by Porter Robinson
Danny (Baabe)— Past Lives by BØRNS
Nick (Sweetheart)— False Confidence by Noah Kahan
Kenny (Darlin')— Daylight by Shinedown or On My Own by Ashes Remain (I couldn't decide, as per usual-)
Evander (Freelancer)— I'm Happy by Imagine Dragons
Hale (Honey)— Looking Too Closely by Fink or Ain't That Somethin' by Scotty Sire (I couldn't decide again💀)
A short list, but it was fun either way. I tried to pick songs I felt dug a little deeper into the listener characters and the ocs I've built around them, and I feel like I've achieved that :)
Hope you enjoyed and I encourage anyone who sees this to also assign a song to each or some of your Redacted ocs and tag me in it because I love reading about other peoples characters and I love music :3
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10 Songs and 10 people
tagged by @charrhylis, thanks bestie
after some perusing of my spotify, this is what I dragged up
1. Eat your young - Hozier
2. Flares - The script
3. Polaroid - Imagine dragons
4. Soldier, poet, king - The oh hellos
5. Record player - Daisy the great & AJR
6. Alcatraz - Oliver riot
7. Coming home, part ii - Skylar grey
8. Mister glassman - Scotty sire
9. Start a war - Klergy & Valerie broussard
10. False confidence - Noah kahan
no pressure tags (sorry if you've already been tagged): @stolen-pen-name23 @ijustreallylovedaredevil @ninjigma @ashinaburrito @runaway-ent @rogerrogerthat @indigostars @pandora15 @gentlespace @hellowkatey
+ anyone else who wants to
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dreamep · 1 year
Who are the people he’s with I know Scotty sire who is everyone else do I need to care did they do bad things <- trying to avoid a tummy ache (it’s not working)
It’s only bad if drantis find out🤠 no but Scotty, his gf, and the others seem to be ok bc they have said pos things about drm in the past. Scotty is David dobriks friend and defended him when a former friend accused DD of getting him sexually harassed (this was like two weeks before Davids other friend was exposed for being a rapist) Scotty took his video down and has tried to focus on his music(it’s not good) and I imagine that’s why he wants to hang with drm. Personally I don’t like him but if we all keep our mouths shut maybe we can avoid hell week 😭
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isthisthingeven0n · 4 years
all love : s.s
brief summary: learning to heal after a breakup is never easy, but when you watch scott fall in love with someone else it makes it ten times harder (1.2k) 
requested: yes by an anon! you guys know how much i adore fletcher, and if you didn’t know i want to get ‘all love’ tattooed on my arm in her handwriting (if i can ever get her to write it we’ll see)
warnings: angsty - based on fletchers song so it’s lowkey sad 
all my links 
(everything on my blog is my own writing. if it is shared on another page or website know it hasn’t been approved me unless specified. all rights reserved. - i have to start doing this as I had some shit on my other blog with plagiarism)
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Six months ago you both agreed it was for the best, but that doesn’t make it any harder to accept the fact he was no longer yours and you weren’t his.
After a month of being apart, you decided to try and remain friends which was working just fine. You were still able to see him and joke around with all your friends, ignoring the impending awkwardness that would soon hit like a ton of bricks.
You were getting used to going to bed alone and waking up to the absent space beside you, it was part of moving on, learning to heal your heart.
Everything was fine until you went over to Scott’s house for a workout and you noticed someone new, Jay’s best friend and Scott’s new temporary roommate; Jac.
Looking back, you should’ve seen the signs. The subtle touches, the longing looks you once received and the laughter that echoed throughout the house. You should’ve realised sooner when he adopted a kitten for her, how she cried and held onto him tightly or was seen in videos wearing his shirts.
Part of you knew what was happening, but you didn’t have the heart to let yourself know. As if you didn’t, you could carry on healing and remember the late nights and parties you attended without clouding those memories with a broken heart.
Which leads you to now; sitting in a bar with all your friends, trying to forget the weight on your shoulders for one night.
“Take it easy, Y/n,” Jeff rests his hand on your back as you knock back another shot, shrugging his hand off. “don’t do more damage than necessary, okay?”
You glance up at Jeff, picking up the third shot glass and emptying it within seconds, slamming the glass down as you take the wedge of lemon into your mouth.
“I’m fine.” You mutter, despite both of you know it was far from true.
“Baby!” The known slurs of Zane sounds as he leans against the bar beside you, taking your hand in his. “Come dance with me, please?” He pouts, and you laugh as you rise to your feet, not quite trusting yourself as you stumble for a second.
“Of course!” You swallow the lump in your throat as Zane guides you over to dance with him, surrounded by bodies grinding against each other as flashes of last year cross your mind. Simpler times as you laughed with Scott, his hands across your waist as he held your body close to his.
Turning around, you dance against Zane, laughter filling the bubble around you as your friends film you both, the intensity of the flash blinding you as a smile laces your lips.
As the flashes die down, you glance up to see them walking in, hand in hand.
Suddenly, the music dies down and your movements slow as you look at the smile on his lips, the way he glances over to her as the approach the bar and greets everyone.
“Y/n?” Zane spins you around so you’re focusing on him, and he can see the tears in your eyes threatening to fall. “It’s okay, baby. We got this, yeah?” He rests his hands on your arms as you nod, forcing yourself to hide your tears as you take a deep breath.
“I’m okay.” You lie as you both walk over to the bar, ordering more shots.
“Hey, Y/n,” Scott speaks up, now standing beside you as Jac smiles sweetly at you.
Taking the shots, you tap your foot beneath the bar, forcing a somewhat genuine smile. “Hey, good to see you guys.” You try to conceal the pain in your voice as you notice his arm remains around her waist, holding her close to his side.
“I don’t think I ever introduced you guys,” Scott comments, looking to Jac and back to you. “Jac, this is Y/n, she’s an old friend.”
You grip the edge of the bar as the word echoes through your mind. An old friend.
“It’s lovely to actually meet you, Y/n.” Jac smiles before glancing up to Scott. “I’m going to order a drink, you want one?”
Scott nods as he kisses her cheek before she turns around, leaving you both alone.
“How’ve you been, Y/n?” Scott asks, stepping closer as you take a hold of a shot, trying to conceal your shaking hand.
“I’m fine, just busy.” You state through gritted teeth. “But it’s good to see you, Scott, I’m glad you found someone.” You comment, unable to look him in the eyes as he pats your shoulder before turning away.
Immediately, Zane returns to your side, helping you stand up as you swallow the shot and grab the other one. “I don’t think I can do this, Zane.” You tell him as tears fall from your eyes. “I’m not ready to see this, I, I thought I was.”
Zane rubs your arm as he looks across the bar, making eye contact with Natalie and Todd. Immediately Natalie walks over toward you both, standing beside you, blocking your view of Scott and Jac.
“Hey, it’s okay, b.” Natalie mutters as she wipes your eyes, guiding you away to the bathroom where the sounds of your cries grow louder as the music dies down.
Once the door is closed, you can’t stop yourself from collapsing down against the wall. “I was so stupid thinking we could be friends, Nat.” You admit as Natalie bends down, crouching in front of you. “He introduced me as an old friend,” You scoff, forcefully wiping your eyes. “I mean, how fucking stupid have I been?”
“You’re not stupid, Y/n. A little hopeful, maybe, but you couldn’t have imagined this.” Natalie reminds you as she passes you some scrunched up tissue as you wipe your face.
“I’m going to head home, I don’t wanna see them together, not yet.” You exhale a shaky breath as you slowly rise to your feet with Natalie’s help. “Thanks, Nat.”
Bringing you into a tight hug, Natalie pulls away, resting her hands on your shoulders. “You’re worth so much more than him, Y/n.” She states, ignoring you shaking your head in disarray. “You are, and you’ll realise it soon enough.”
Exiting the bathrooms, you hold your head high as you smile to your friends. “I’m gonna go, but have a drink on me, yeah?” You laugh with Zane as he hugs you tightly, allowing you a moment to catch sight of Scott, kissing Jac’s neck with that look of lust, one you’ll never forget.
“See you later, baby.” Zane mutters to you, feeling you stiffen in his arms as you pull away, swallowing your pride as you walk past the couple, feeling his eyes linger on you as you exit the bar.
As you turn the corner, you allow yourself to finally crumble as you arrange for an Uber to pick you up.
You can’t always win in love, there’s always going to be someone who loves the other more and sadly in your case, you’ll always love Scott more than he loved you.
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notenoughscotty · 4 years
A+ S.S
Hey I’ve got a scotty request! Y/n and him had a drunken hookup once and all the squad found out about it (they were loud and perhaps someone caught them asleep in bed the morning after). Afterwards they go back to just being friends, forgetting about the hookup and one day the group asked her how good scotty was and to mess with him she goes ‘High C, perhaps low B’ maybe joking that she faked it despite the fact it was mind blowing and Scott makes it his mission to show his A+ skills in bed😉
Warnings: Smut, Probably not good :I (also I’m so sorry this took so long)
     I woke up to the sounds of people around me, my head hurt already, I had to force myself to open my eyes, the light only hurting my head more. But once I had, I realized a few things, first being that there was an audience surrounding me consisting of my friends. Secondly I was not in my room, I was in Scott’s room, and he was next to me, and lastly, I was naked. My first instinct was to make sure I was covered, I was. David was of course filming this, which only made things worse, I groaned, pleading for everyone to leave. When they refused, Scott was clearly in no mood to deal with them and yelled at them, which fortunately worked. He got up, then left the room, which gave me the time to get dressed, I only had my clothes from last night, and since I didn’t feel like wearing a tight crop top, I took it upon myself to borrow a shirt from Scott.
     Scott returned with a glass of water and two pills in his hand, he said nothing, just handing it to me. I took it gladly, chugging the full glass of water with it. I thanked him quietly, he only nodded, clearly also dealing with a headache at the moment. 
     “Now to try and make my escape” I laughed slightly saying to Scott, he laughed as well and rolled his eyes as if to agree. 
     “Good luck with that, by the way I had fun last night.” He smiled and pulled me in for a hug, I hugged him back, he opened the door to his bedroom for me, allowing me to exit first, then following behind, and just as I expected everyone was shouting comments and laughing as he ushered me out, neither of us giving them any attention. I turned to say a last goodbye once we reached his front door, then walking out to get into my Uber. 
     Scott and I didn’t allow the events of that night to hinder our friendship, we are just as good friends as before. Not once was it awkward around him, we were even able to make jokes about it, and trust, we did often. Today just like any other day I was invited to hangout at Scott’s and I agreed since I had no other plans for the day. Walking into Scott’s, I took a quick attendance of everyone, there were quite a few people there, and of course, there he is, my friend and one night stand. I greeted the group as a whole and everyone greeted me back, I sat down next to Scott and made conversation with the group, I glanced to Scott and saw that he had what looked to be a pen mark on his face.
     “Hey, you have something on your face” I mentioned to him, he tried getting it off but I decided it would be easier for me to just do it, so I grabbed his face, telling him I’d get it, I licked my finger and went to wipe his face, he dodged me quickly.
     “Ew, that’s your spit!” He pushed my hand away, and I could only give him that look of ‘are you kidding me’.
     “Scott, your dick was literally inside me like a week ago, shut up” I couldn’t even keep a straight face after saying that, and everyone else was laughing as well. 
     “Okay, you have a point.” Scott finally was able to calm down enough to respond. He also allowed me to get the mark off his face. 
     “Listen, I have to know, [y/n] how would you rate Scott in bed? Is he good” Zane popped the question but everyone, including Scott seemed interested, I thought back and he was honestly incredible, but I decided not to give him that satisfaction. 
     “Eh, I’d give him a high C, perhaps low B” I looked to Scott to see his reaction, his eyebrows were furrowed, eyes were squinted, and jaw dropped, he looked incredibly offended. I had to laugh at his response. 
     “It sure didn’t sound that way!” He exclaimed, and he had a point, I was pretty loud, but at this point I couldn’t let him have this. 
     “I was faking” I smiled, David of course was eating this up, clearly making for great content. Scott still was not taking this all that well, still offended. But after enough time the topic was dropped and nearly forgotten about. It was getting late but everyone was still having a great time just sitting around and talking, a few had left, and a few had joined since earlier in the afternoon. I excused myself for a moment to use the bathroom. I took a while just fixing my hair and investigating my makeup to ensure everything was still intact and looking good. Once I was satisfied, I left, turning off the light as I walked out, as soon as the light went, I was grabbed from behind, one hand on my waist and one over my mouth, I was understandably afraid, that is until I was spun around to be face to face with the supposed attacker. It was Scott, he slammed me against the hallway wall, pressing his body against mine. He uncovered my mouth, but he spoke before I could. 
     “C? You gave me a C? I will fuck you so good you’ll be screaming” His voice was so deep and raspy, it sent chills down my spine, and not to mention created a pool in my panties. 
     “Bet” I smirked, he took no time to pick me up over his shoulder and marched me back into his bedroom. He dropped me onto his bed, pushing me roughly onto my back. Then crawling onto the bed over me. He kissed me, the kiss was needy and hot, yet still conveyed so much sweetness. The kiss alone was making me wet. I reached up and pulled at his hair, which I knew he loved. He pulled away from the kiss, biting my lower lip as he did, making me shutter. He then moved down to kiss and suck at my neck. I could only imagine the bruises that would be left. I pulled at his shirt, telling him I wanted it off, he complied, smoothly pulling it off in one fast motion. Then he lifted my shirt up, I sat up and lifted my arms for him. He continued marking my body, now sucking on my collarbone, I took it into my own hands to remove my bra. He began playing with my breasts immediately, pinching my nipple, then sucking at them. It felt so good, I was already moaning. He continued to move down my body, until he was at the waistband of my pants, he stripped me of them, leaving my panties. Teasing me by rubbing me over them, while kissing down my thighs. My hips bucked, desperate for more. “Please, Scott” I managed to whimper.  
     “Mm, I love hearing you beg, keep going, tell me what you want me to do.” He kept eye contact, waiting for me to say something. 
     “Fuck, I want you to feel how wet I am for you, I want to feel your tongue, I want your fingers inside of me! Please.” I struggled to breathe out the words. But it got him to finally give me what I want, he smirked at me while pulling down my panties. He wasted no time, immediately rubbing up from my entrance, feeling how wet I was. He attached his mouth to my clit, licking, sucking, and gently biting. I tried my best to contain my moans, but as soon as he inserted a finger, I could no longer control it. His movements were perfectly hitting just the right spots, I felt as though I could cum already, I instinctively pushed myself away, even though I most definitely didn’t want it to stop. He pulled away once he felt me tightening around him, I was left out of breath and already sweaty. He barely gave me a moment to breath before kissing me again. Then quickly undressing himself, showing his massive cock. He pushed into me slowly, placing a hand at the bottom of my stomach. We both just watched as his length went inside me. He picked up the pace quickly, he brought my leg over his shoulder. Making it increasingly difficult not to just scream, I even put a hand over my mouth to stop myself. He quickly grabbed my wrist and pinned my hand down. 
     “I want you to moan, don’t hold back, I want hear you scream.” He groaned out between thrusts. I complied, mostly because I couldn’t help it. I was moaning so loudly, I’m sure everyone in the neighborhood could hear it. After that it didn’t take much longer for me to orgasm, and it seems he came at the same time. He collapsed on top of me, sweating, and I could feel him trembling. My legs were shaking, and felt almost numb, and honestly I don’t think I could move if I needed to. He rolled off of me so he was now next to me, both laying flat on our backs. “What would you rate that?” Scott laughed, still out of breath. 
     “A+ for sure” I giggled, once we both had fully recovered, we got dressed, we dreaded the awkward encounters that would follow but it was now or later and decided that we might as well get it over with, seeing as, well, we were hungry. Before I could open the door though, Scott took my hand and pulled me into him. I giggled slightly and looked up at him.
     “Look, I really enjoyed this, but I was kind of hoping that maybe this could be more than just friends with benefits I guess, like maybe you’d go on a date with me sometime?” I could tell he was nervous by the way he stuttered. I placed my hands on either side of his face and made him look at me.  
     “I would love to go on a date with you, Scott, I really like you” I smiled at him and he smiled back. “Now are you ready to go out there and be completely humiliated.” I giggled while pointing to the door, he laughed as well, he leaned down and kissed me. 
     “Now I am.” With that, he lead the way to the living room where everyone was, and just as I expected everyone was laughing and making jokes. 
     “Why did you have to do that with us here! I’m traumatized!” Matt’s face was beat red. 
     “I needed proof that I am actually good in bed, tell them what you said you would rate it” Scott laughed and looked to me, I rolled my eyes.
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stuck together ~ scotty sire
word count: 1777
request?: no
description: when a worldwide lockdown leaves you stuck in a house with your brother’s friends, you are forced to admit your feelings to his best friend
pairing: scotty sire x female!reader
warnings: swearing
i know scotty isn’t in isolation with todd and the boys but for the sake of this imagine he is
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It was only meant to be a short visit. With everything going on, you decided to visit your big brother for a week before things got so bad that you wouldn’t be able to. However, just before you were supposed to go home, everything shut down and everyone was sent into isolation. Thus, you were stuck at your brother’s place with him, his roommates, Zane and Matt, and his best friend, Scotty.
Staying with Todd, Matt, and Zane alone would have been fine. You got along very well with your brother’s roommates and, although you two constantly teased each other, you didn't mind getting to spend so much time with him. The only problem was Scotty.
For as long as you had known Scotty, the two of you had a love-hate relationship. You constantly annoyed one another and some days neither of you could even stand to be in the same room. So being stuck in a house with him with nowhere to go definitely was not going great, for either of you or for the others in the house.
You were in the shower, rinsing off the last of the shaving cream from your legs, when you heard yet another loud knocking come to the bathroom door.
“I’m almost finished!” you called as you reached to turn off the water.
“You said that like 10 minutes ago!” came Scotty’s voice.
You rolled your eyes and stepped out of the shower. You dried yourself off and wrapped one towel around your hair and another around your body. When you opened the bathroom door, you found Scotty standing there in just a pair of sweatpants with a towel thrown over his shoulder.
“If you kept hassling me I would’ve stayed longer,” you told him,
“You can’t stay in the shower forever. I’d get in eventually,” Scotty retorted.
You raised an eyebrow. “Is that a challenge, Sire?”
Scotty merely looked at you for some time before pushing past you into the bathroom. You rolled your eyes and went to get dressed. You were towel drying your hair when you heard a yelp that was obviously Scotty’s coming from the bathroom. You smirked to yourself as you got dressed and made your way to the kitchen.
“Did you use all the hot water again?” Todd asked as you poured yourself a glass of OJ.
“Not on purpose!” you responded. “I didn’t know I was in there that long!”
The sound of footsteps came down the hall and Scotty stood there with a towel wrapped around his waist and still dripping water.
“You used up all the hot water!” he exclaimed.
“I didn’t mean to!” you snapped back. “The water was still hot when I got out, I’m sorry.”
“Man, no wonder you’re not in a relationship. Any guy you date would never be able to shower because you’d use all the hot water on them.”
Your face fell at his words. Your relationship status was a touchy subject, everyone knew that, even Scotty. To bring it up was really a low blow for him.
You fought back tears as you brushed past Scotty, speed walking straight to your room to get away from the situation as quickly as you could. Behind you, you heard Todd mutter, “Dude, not cool.”
Later that night, after everyone else had gone to bed, you snuck from your room to the kitchen to grab a snack. You ended up spending the whole day in your room. Todd tried to coax you into coming out a few times, but you refused to face Scotty. You just wanted to be alone.
You grabbed the tub of chocolate ice cream that was stored away in the back of the freezer and a spoon. The ice cream was almost gone anyways, so you didn’t feel too bad about eating it straight from the tub.
You sat up on the island, shovelling spoonfuls of ice cream into your mouth, when you heard someone coming from their room. You didn’t think much of it until someone spoke.
“Oh, hey.”
You turned to see Scotty stood there in a pair of pajama pants and a tank top. You rolled your eyes and looked back down to your ice cream, taking another spoonful in your mouth to prohibit you from saying anything.
“Listen,” he continued, “what I said earlier, that was so wrong of me. I’m so sorry, I hope you know I didn’t mean it.”
You didn’t respond. You focused your full attention on the ice cream, trying to keep the tears at bay as the memory of Scotty’s earlier words came back to your mind.
He walked over to the cutlery drawer and pulled out a spoon. He tried to scoop some ice cream out for himself, but you quickly jerked away and held the tub to yourself, protectively.
“No ice cream for assholes,” you muttered as you turned away from him completely.
“Come on, (Y/N), I said I was sorry,” he sighed.
“Sorry means jack shit!” you hissed. “Scott, you know how much talking about my relationship status hurts me, but to make a joke saying why I’m not good enough to be in a relationship? I know you don’t like me, but Jesus, dude, that was too much!”
“But why is whether or not you’re in a relationship such a big deal to you?” he asked as he sat himself next to you on the island. “And I don’t...not like you. I think you’re a pretty awesome person. I just figured you hated me, so I always relayed those jokes and jabs. I definitely took it too far today, that’s on me.”
You sighed as you watched some melted ice cream fall from your spoon back into the tub. “I don’t hate you.”
“Then why do you act like you do?”
“The answer to that and to your earlier question are very similar answers.”
“And those would be?”
When you looked up at him, he was looking back at you expectantly. You could choose to play off the whole thing and give him some bullshit answer, refuse to answer all together, or you could finally tell Scotty the truth. It would feel like a weight off of your shoulders if you did, but it could also make things much more awkward than they already were. It wasn’t like you could tell him and then leave to go home. You were still going to be stuck with him in isolation for at least another few months.
But you had let this much slip, what was the point of going back? Might as well come clean.
“It’s because...I’ve always had a crush on you.”
You looked back to the ice cream tub as you said it, trying to play off the words as if they were nothing. Scotty’s stillness, however, told you that he definitely was not going to let this go.
“What?” he questioned. “Really?” You nodded. “Why did you never tell me?”
“Because you were with Kristen, and you were so happy with her. Honestly, all of us thought you two were going to end up getting married and living happily ever after. I figured...well I thought it would just be easier to act like I hated you and push you away than to allow myself to continue being heartbroken.”
Scotty sat back with his arms behind him, taking in the information. You looked off in front of you, absentmindedly continuing to eat as Scotty let what you had said to set in. You figured whatever he was about to say next would be the determining factor on how these next few months were going to go.
“Why didn’t you tell me after Kristen and I broke up?” he asked, the question sort of taking you by shock.
You shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess I had figured the charade was so far gone that there was no use in admitting the truth. That it’d probably be easier just to pretend I hated you for the rest of my life instead of admitting the truth and being rejected.”
“Why do you think I’d reject you?”
You turned to face Scotty, glaring at him. “That’s not funny.”
“Don’t say shit like that, not after I’m admitting a secret I’ve been keeping for so long to you. You’re already making me regret it.”
“I’m not trying to make you regret it, I’m just asking a very valid question. Why do you think I’d reject you if I was single?”
“Because...I don’t know. I’m just your best friend’s baby sister, I didn’t think I was exactly a dating candidate.”
“Well, you are my best friend’s little sister, that’s a fact. But just because you are doesn’t mean you’re officially crossed off the list for potential dating candidates. Not to me anyways.”
I looked at him long and hard, trying to see if he was joking or not. “What are you getting at, Sire?”
Scotty threw his head back and let out a long groan. “What I’m trying to get at, Smith, is that I like you, too. And I have ever since I broke up with Kristen, maybe even before. Part of the reason we broke up was because I didn’t really love her like I once did, and upon being apart from her and thinking it all over, I realized that maybe the reason why I didn’t love her like I once had anymore was because I liked someone else. Someone being...you.”
You looked at Scotty for a long time, trying to let the information sink in, but for some reason it just wasn’t sticking. Part of you just didn’t believe that Scotty could possibly like you. Although, part of you still just couldn’t believe that he was finally single at the same time that you were, so it was actually possible to try and be together.
“I know it's not exactly the greatest time to start dating,” Scotty said. “But when everything opens again I’d like to take you on an actual date, if you’d let me.”
You couldn’t help but smile as your heart began to beat a million miles a second. Unable to really say anything, you just nodded quickly, causing Scotty to smile as well. Suddenly, he sat up and dug his spoon into the ice cream, managing to get even a little bit before you yanked the tub away from him again.
“No! Just because I said I’d date you doesn't mean you get my ice cream!” you laughed as he tried to reach around you to get more.
“Oh, I will get that ice cream, just you wait!”
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vsquadgoals · 4 years
#20 with Scott? ☺️
You walk out of a dressing room asking if the outfit suits you, but it's not your friend waiting outside the room like you thought.
Y/n had been begging her friend Tina to go shopping with her so she can buy some new bathing suits, her and some of her friends were renting a beach house for a few weeks in Malibu so she needed new bathing suits and some other things. Tina groaned when Y/n dragged her into the 4th store to find some more bathing suits, “don’t you have enough? You already bought 3.” Tina wined as she searched through the racks picking out a few sets for her to try on. “We’re going to be in Malibu for 2 weeks Tina, I need a few more and some other outfits.” Y/n said frowning at her friend, “I told you I’ll buy you lunch, and I’ll never ask you to come shopping with me again.” Tina rolled her eyes and chuckled a little, “Okay fine.” Once her arms were practically full of bathing suits and a few outfits she was locking the door to her dressing room. Tina sat outside the door waiting for Y/n to come out to her opinion of how they looked on her. 
Y/n went back into the dressing room to change into bathing suit number 4, Tina was far past over it at this point, she figured that Y/n would be in there for a few more minutes changing so she decided to go walk around the store and see if she could find a bathroom. In her travels she ran into her crush and couldn’t pull herself away. Y/n put on the next bathing suit tying the bikini top on her back and around her neck, she was able to get the one around her neck nice and tight and then sighed struggling to get the one on her back tight enough. Y/n looked over the bikini in the mirror and smiled, it was pretty simple white bikini with some ruffles on it but she loved how it looked, extenuated her tan skin. She held the cups of the bikini making sure she stayed covered as she backed out of the dressing room toward who she thought was Tina. “Okay tie me please?” She says before continuing, “Now hear me out, I know it’s totally just a plain white bikini BUT! It’s totally cute and I love it, I think this one is a winner.” She says still unaware of that the person that was tying her was not her friend but a tall blonde who’s skin was covered in beautiful ink. “Tight enough?” He asks after clearing his throat, Y/n’s eyes widen and she covers her face to try and hide the red blush that now took over her cheeks. “Mhm.” She hummed before turning around and peeking at him through her fingers. He chuckled and crossed his arms over her chest and smirked down at the small girl. “I’m so sorry, I thought you were my friend.” She squeaked still horrified. “What’s your name?” He asks still unable to wipe the smirk off of his face, she bit her lip trying to hide her smile, of course she was so embarrassed but she couldn’t ignore the fact that he was drop dead gorgeous and she was trying her hardest not to gawk at him. “Y/n.” She says looking up into his blue green eyes. “It’s nice to meet you Y/n, I’m Scott.” He reaches his hand on taking hers into his shaking it smiling at her. “Nice to meet you too Scott. I’m so sorry again.” She says biting her lip. Scott chuckles and his eyes travel up and down her body as he leans against the wall his arms crossed over his chest again. “No need to apologize beautiful, I completely agree with you, you look amazing in that.” He says as his tongue swipes along his bottom lip before he looks back to her eyes. Y/n’s eyes are glued to his lips wishing it was her lips on his instead of his tongue. She licks her own lips trying to calm her breathing but she couldn’t help it, the way he looked at her was sending shivers over her body and making her core ache. 
“Thank you.” Y/n manages to say her voice still a little shy. He ran his fingers through his hair before pushing himself off of the wall, he motions for her to spin around so he can untie the string for her, she does as shes told and moves her hair over her shoulder. He easily unties the string and he runs his fingers down her shoulder softly making her shiver and a whimper slips past her lips. “All set.” Scott whispers making her realize how close he is to her, she hold to top against her body before turning to face him again, their noses practically touching. Y/n’s eyes dart from his to his lips as she takes her bottom lip between her teeth, before they can go any further they are pulled apart by Tina rushing into the dressing room. “Y/n! Sorry I got caught up talking to--” She stops in her tracks when she sees the handsome man stepping away from Y/n who clears her throat and barely pulls her eyes away from Scott. “It’s fine Tina.” She says before looking away from him and toward her friend. Scott chuckles a little and hands Y/n his phone, her fingers ghost over the screen as she puts in her number before handing it back to him. “See you around.” Was all he says before leaving the dressing room. 
“What the hell was that?!” Tina asks and Y/n shakes her head chewing on the inside of her cheek. “I’ll tell you later when I can finally breath again.” She says giggling a little finally collecting herself, she felt like she was in a trance during their entire interaction. She headed back into the dressing room praying she would hear from him soon. As she put on another bathing suit, this one was a one piece she heard her phone vibrate against the seat in the dressing room, she picked it up and smirked when she read the message. 
Unknown: Damn, all I can think about is how good your body look in that bathing suit. 
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livylove151 · 5 years
Todd’s Little Sister (Scotty Sire)
Request: Could you write a Scotty x reader where the reader is Todd’s little sister and she and Scotty try to hide their relationship from Todd? Love your writing by the way!!
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Your POV
“Scott, you have to get dressed. Todd is going to be here any minute,” You said as you pulled on a pair of shorts. Scott groaned as he rolled over in his bed. You ran a hand through your hair as you looked around for your shirt. 
“Baby, we have time. He said he wouldn’t be here till 4 it’s like 3;20,” Scott said as he sat up and pulled you down on to his lap. You let out a little laugh as you wrapped your arms around his neck. 
“Fine, then when he gets here earlier than he said you can explain to him why his little sister is in your bed, shirtless and with hickeys across her chest,” You said shrugging. Scott’s smile fell. He lightly pushed you off of him and started looking for his clothes. 
“Hurry up and find your clothes,” Scott said. You laughed and shook your head. You knew that if you brought up Todd finding out about your guys’ relationship he would usually cooperate with you. And you knew one of these days you’d need to tell your older brother that you’re dating his best friend but today was not one of those days. 
You and Scott were happy with keeping everything a secret. Okay, maybe you didn’t like sneaking around everybody’s back (especially your brother’s) but you weren’t ready for everyone to find out. You were a few years younger than Scott and you didn’t want to be judged by the other people in the group. And you knew Kristen, Scott’s ex, would be a little shocked. And you knew Scott wasn’t ready to tell Kristen or Todd.
You finally found your shirt and you slipped it over your head. 
“Scott!” You heard someone yell and then all of a sudden Scott’s bedroom door flew open. And there stood Jason and David, Crap. You looked over at Scott who still wasn’t dressed. He was only in his boxers.  And there was very noticeable hickeys on his chest. 
“Oh hey, what’s up guys,” Scott said rubbing the back of his neck. You felt your cheeks start to heat up.
“Where the fuck is my camera when I need it,” David yelled as he started laughing. 
“Ooohhh, Todd is going to kill you!” Jason yelled as he pointed at Scott. Jason walked over to Scott and started poking his chest. Scott swatted his hand away. 
“Look as far as your concerned you didn’t see anything,” You said as you pointed to both Jason and David. 
“Guys, you have to tell Todd,” David said. You sighed and looked at Scott.
“Tell me what?” A voice said and the next thing you knew Todd was in the room as well. You cursed under your breath as you looked at the ground. Todd looked at the scene in front of him. His baby sister in his best friend’s room, Scott only in his underwear. This could go one of two ways. Todd could be happy for the two of you or he’s going to get pissed. 
“The one time I don’t have my camera!” David says shaking his head. 
“Todd, it’s not what it looks like,” Scott said. You smacked your forehead. He was not good at this kind of stuff. Then again you doubt he’s had to deal with this situation. 
“Really, because it looks like my little sister and my best friend just fucked,” Todd said. You couldn’t read him. He said it so monotone. No emotion. 
“Okay, so it is what it looks like.”
“How long?” Todd asked turning to you. Your eyes grew wide as you opened your mouth to say something but no words seemed to come out. 
“Huh?” You said your voice barely audible. 
“How long have you two been fooling around?” Todd asked. 
“A few months,” You muttered. Todd let out a laugh and shook his head. 
“A few months and neither one of you decided to tell me?” Todd said. He was pissed. 
“What am I supposed to tell you? ‘Hey Todd I really like your hair today, oh and by the way I’m in love with your sister’?” Scott said. All heads swiveled in his direction. Especially yours. In love? He’s never said that to you. 
“Wait, in love?” You asked. Scott looked over at you and nodded slowly. 
“You’re in love with my little sister?” Scott nodded again. 
“I feel like I’m in some soap opera,” Jason said scrunching up his nose. You walked over to Scott.
“You love me?” You asked. 
“I have for awhile now but I was too scared to tell you,” Scott said. A smile spread across both of your guys lips. 
“(Y/N), do you love him?” Todd asked. You looked over at your older brother then at Scott. 
“Yeah, I really do,” You said. Scott smiled and wrapped his arms around you. 
“Fuck,” Todd said. You both turned to him. “how am I supposed to be pissed when you guys love each other?” 
“I say kick his ass I have my phone ready to catch the moment,” David said pulling his phone out. You rolled your eyes. Todd took a step towards Scott and held out his hand. Scott smiled and put his hand in his and they pulled each other in for a hug. 
“If you ever hurt my sister I will end your existence,” Todd said. Scott pulled away. 
“Uh huh sure. You love me too much to hurt me,” Scott said and with that Todd laughed. Scott walked over to you and placed a kiss on your cheek. 
“Now put on some damn pants I don’t need to think of my sister having sex with my best friend,” Todd said as he shook the thought out of his head and walked out of the room with Jason and David. 
“Well that could’ve gone a lot worse,” Scott said. 
“And it definitely could’ve gone a lot better,” You said smiling at him.
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fanficimagery · 5 years
Pull Me Closer
Summary: Imagine moving in across the street from Scotty Sire.
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Words: 5.5K  Warnings: Language. I adore Kristen with all my heart, but for the sake of this imagine were just going to pretend Scotty is single.
Moving states away felt like a breath of fresh air, especially after the passing of your last living grandparent. Things were tense, even more so after the reading of the will, and the three bedroom home in California was calling your name. The front and back yard was spacious enough for your dog, and the pool and hot tub out back were perfect for you.
Before the move you had your personal belongings and some furniture you couldn't live without shipped to your new home where the house's occasional caretaker put it in the house for you, and even ordered some stuff online from a nearby warehouse that delivered directly to the house. Thankfully the caretaker put everything in their respective rooms, and even had the pool and hot tub set up for your arrival.
So pulling up in your Jeep Wrangler with the windows rolled down, you park in the driveway and stare up at the three bedroom home that is now all yours. Reaching over into the passenger seat, you rub your hand over Rocko's back- your fully grown black and gray Great Dane.
"Welcome home, Rocko. Lets go check it out."
Rocko quietly woofs as you exit your Jeep, quickly rushing around to the passenger side to open the door for your dog. He jumps out, tail wagging as he immediately sets out to sniff the entire yard. You then make your way over to the mailbox where your house key is hidden, your attention being stolen by raucous laughter from across the street. There are a group of boys, a couple of them filming as others run around with paintball guns.
"Whoa. Check out that horse!" The exclamation makes you chuckle, you grinning when you see their attention is on Rocko who's now standing at the curb and staring at the boys with a slightly wagging tail.
You whistle and gain Rocko's immediate attention. "Lets go, boy. Inside!" As you start to make your way towards the house, Rocko leaps into action and follows after you. You push the key into the lock and the door opens easily. Sighing in content, you scratch Rocko between the ears. "Home sweet home, pup."
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After scoping out the neighborhood and getting a feel for it, you finally find yourself comfortable enough to jog around in order to get some sort of cardio in. The kids around the block especially love it when you jog with Rocko in tow and you soon find yourself fitting in.
And even though you've been in your new place for about a week and a half, today's the day the neighbors across the street have finally made themselves known.
You and Rocko are walking up to your mailbox when two boys jog across the street. You feel messy and gross because you'd been running around with Rocko for quite some time, but the boys are all smiles. Rocko quietly woofs in excitement and you scratch him between his cropped ears.
"Whoa," the tanned, dark haired individual muses. Only then do you realize he's got a camera in hand. "He's intimidating up close."
"Don't worry. He's a sweetheart. Rocko's just excited because you're new." Both guys seem to ease up at that, the dark haired one stepping up to Rocko and petting him, taking video.
The silver haired, red beaded guy chuckles. "Sorry about him. He's easily excited by dogs. We, uh, we live next door and figured we'd finally come over and say hi. I'm Scott."
"And I'm Todd," Todd says distractedly, leaning down to kiss Rocko before moving back at the last second, laughing.
"Y/N. And nice to finally meet you guys. I think you're the only ones I hadn't met."
Scott sheepishly rubs the back of his neck. "Sorry about that. We're usually home, but our friend needed some content for his vlog so he flew us out to Vegas and-"
"And it's been a party non-stop," Todd says. "Good times."
You laugh softly. "Your friend vlogs?"
"We all do, but David's got more of a following than us."
"Oh. That's cool," you admit. "I, uh, I actually post videos too, but nothing crazy or as frequent as those famous Youtubers do."
"Oh yeah? What do you post?"
"I cover songs that I can vibe with." Todd immediately looks up, pointing the camera at you and Scott. "And I do unboxing videos of some of my fanmail. I love opening up sketchy mail."
"Look, guys," Todd says, "Scott's found his soulmate."
You snort and Scott faintly blushes, glancing at his friend and shaking his head. "Dude, shut up." Then he looks back at you, smile a little wider and a little nervous. "I sing too, but I mostly post videos of the stupid shit me and my friends get up to."
"Why do I get the feeling the shit you and your friends get up to is off the walls insane?"
"Because it is," Todd tells you. "David likes to shoot us with a paintball gun when we least expect it."
"It's fine. We get paid, so it's all good."
You chuckle in disbelief. "If you say so. I'm going to have to look you guys up on Youtube now."
"Do it," Scott agrees. "Just look up David Dobrik. We're all tagged in his videos."
"I will." You rock back on the heels of your feet, whistling shortly to catch Rocko's attention. "Well it was good to finally meet you both. I should, uh, I need to shower and eat," you say while slowly backing up the sidewalk into your yard.
"Wait, what?" Todd says, looking up in a hurry. "That's it? We don't get a name in return to look you up on Youtube?"
You and Scott both laugh. "Just look up Halsey on twitter. She tweeted out my latest cover of her song Graveyard a couple weeks ago."
"Halsey tweeted you!" Todd practically shouts. "Shut the fuck up."
"I'm serious." You suddenly can't stop laughing at Todd's excitement, he pushing the camera into Scott's hands so he can take out his phone and get on Twitter. "And on that note," you say when you see the app open up, "I'm gonna go. I don't like seeing people hear me sing for the first time. It's awkward."
"If you ever need anything, we're right across the street," Scott says.
"Ditto. My door is always open," you return.
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Telling Scott and Todd your door was always open was probably a mistake, but after the first week of Todd walking in without so much as a head's up, it quickly became the norm. Todd usually showed up, asked about your day, and then spent the rest of the time laying with Rocko. Scott, however, greeted Rocko and then spent the rest of his time with you talking about music.
And within that week, they learned you were a great cook, but couldn't bake to save your life, and unfortunately found out you walked around the house semi-nude. For some reason you were more embarrassed about Scott seeing you in a t-shirt and underwear than Todd, and then quickly realized it wasn't really a big deal to them. Well at least not to Todd, but he still took pleasure in teasing you and giggling like a little girl when Scott would get defensive on your behalf.
And after the boys realized your house was a no-pants zone more often than not, Todd found it okay to strip down to his briefs when he needed a nap, Scott sometimes doing the same after sheepishly smiling and cuddling up with Rocko.
          - X - X - X - X - X -
You're unloading box after box in your driveway, your fan mail having arrived at your new address. Several of the boxes are rather heavy and you're unsure about how exactly you're going to get them inside, but a voice shouting from across the street makes you sigh in relief.
"Need some help?"
You turn around, shielding the sun from your eyes, and wave over Scott. "Yes, please!"
Scott jogs across the street, Todd following at a slower place with three other guys. But from binge watching numerous Youtube videos, you realize it's David, Zane, and Heath.
When Scott gets a glimpse at all the boxes up close, he grins. "Went a bit crazy shopping online, did you?"
"No." You huff a laugh. "It's mail from all my subscribers."
"Mail?" Todd asks, slinging an arm around your shoulders in greeting and pulling you into his side. "Does that mean you're going to make an unboxing video soon?"
"Yeah. Today."
"Sweet. I'm sticking around for that." You shrug, chuckling as Scott rolls his eyes. "By the way, meet our other friends. This is David, Heath, and Zane. Boys, this is Y/N."
"Oh hey! You're the singer," David muses, camera in hand. "Is this cool?" He then quickly asks, gesturing to his camera. "You're really good, by the way."
"Thank you and yes." You blush and Todd pinches your cheeks as he mockingly coos at you. He pinches a little too hard and you retaliate by shoving him off of you and punching him as his friends laugh. Scott then brings you into his side when Todd starts poking at you and you practically melt against him. "I've recently starting watching your guys' videos and can I just say that y'all are fuckin' wild?! Holy shit!"
"Ooh, girl," Heath then says. "That cover you did on Sam Smith's Stay With Me gave me the chills. My girlfriend Mariah is in love with your voice."
"I really liked Bad Liar by Imagine Dragons," Todd grins.
You laugh. "You guys really did go through my videos, huh."
"Duh." David giggles. "Scott and Todd couldn't shut up about you, so we had to look you up."
"Oh god."
"Mhm," Zane hums, cracking up a moment later when he can't take himself seriously. "Is it true our boys walked in on you in your underwear?"
"Jesus Christ. Did you guys really have to tell them that?"
Scott squeezes your shoulders. "Don't blame me. That was all Toddy."
Rolling your eyes, you let the smile continue to grace your lips to let the guys know you're not really upset about it. "To be fair, it was a Calvin Klein sports bra and boy short underwear. I also had a flannel shirt on, but it was left unbuttoned, and I never know when Todd is just going to barge in. It really wasn't that big of a deal. I was more startled than anything else."
"So let me get this straight," Zane says, glancing between you and Todd. "Todd saw you practically naked and he didn't try to hump you?"
You snort and then shake your head. "Nope."
"Baby!" Heath then coos at Todd, he and Zane sandwiching their friend in a hug. "You're growing up." You all laugh, David capturing it all on his camera.
"Well if you four are done," Scott says, "Y/N needed our help. Let's get this inside for her."
David's the only one who doesn't help, he being reluctant to put down his camera. You understand, even if his friends give him grief for it. "By the way, guys, don't mind Rocko. He's a gentle giant."
"Rocko?" Heath wonders.
David opens the door for all of you, he cursing quite loudly as Rocko lets out the deepest woof in his arsenal. You, Scott, and Todd all laugh.
"Rocko, my man." Todd enters, setting down his box before being distracted by your dog.
"I swear Todd only visits to eat my food or play with Rocko," you say.
When the guys all notice your set up in the living room and find out you do unboxing videos of your fan mail, they all ask to stick around. You don't mind the company, so you let them, even letting David continue to video for some content he can use in his own vlog.
Once everyone is settled, it's only you, Scott, and Zane in the actual shot. Heath and David sit off the sides, but close enough to be caught in frame should they want to be, and Todd sits behind the camera as he lounges with Rocko who's resting his head on the boy.
Your fan mail is nothing spectacular, the items ranging from band tees to posters to fan art of you and Rocko. And after each box is opened, you make sure to thank the person who sent it by giving them a shout-out. There are also boxes of snacks, which Heath and Zane seem really excited for, and you treat them to your favorites. There are some specialty candy that's only made in Texas that you make the boys all eat, but only Scott seems fond of the cherry flavored gummies that are covered in chili powder. The other snacks from Texas come from a store named Buc-ee's, and David, Heath, and Zane become quite fond of the Beaver Nuggets.
More mail is opened and you laugh as you open several packages just meant for Rocko- toys, treats, and even shirts made specifically for your Great Dane.
"We are seriously going to have to plan a trip to Texas just for Beaver Nuggets," David says, popping yet another caramel-coated, crunchy puff corn into his mouth.
"See. They're good, right?"
"Mhm." He eats a few more before asking, "So, Y/N, what's the weirdest thing you've ever received?"
You immediately blush and the guys all perk up. "Oh this is gonna be good," Todd muses.
"Fuck you." The guys all laugh and you sigh when you realize they're awaiting an answer. "Just.. hold on." You shoot a quick outro clip, thanking everyone for the mail and that you'd have a new song cover coming soon. Just as you're saying goodbye, the boys all squeeze in and wave at the camera. Laughing, you tell Todd to cut the camera off and then tell them what they want to hear. "So the weirdest thing I received was a box full of lingerie and sex toys."
"WHAT?!" Heath nearly shouts, Zane giggling at his side.
"And what's weird is that guy had my size down perfectly. Like if I had tried the lingerie on, it'd have fit."
Scott quirks an eyebrow at you. "If?"
"Yeah. There we no tags on the underwear and all the sex toys were out of their packaging. It was super sketchy!"
The guys all laugh at your grossed out expression. David leans forward, camera nearly in your face. "Now I think the question is, is would you have kept the sex toys had they been in their proper packaging?"
The room goes oddly silent. "Well.."
"You hesitated!" Todd screams, cackling.
You grab a pillow, chunking it at him. "A girl has her needs, you dick! But still, I don't know. Sex toys from a fan is still super weird."
"Baby," Heath coos, "lingerie from a fan is weird. Sex toys is crossing a line."
You nod in agreement and eventually get up to head to the kitchen. The boys all follow as you start bringing out food to eat, and Zane's whistle of appreciation catches your attention.
He's looking out into the back yard, David and Heath by his side. "No offense," Zane starts, "but how are you affording a place like this?"
You chuckle as you scoop some ice cream into a bowl. "It's been in the family for quite a while. I actually inherited it last month when my grandfather passed." The guys go quiet and you glance at them, smiling as they suddenly seem uneasy. "It's okay. My grandfather lived here up until his wife passed away. He moved closer to his family where he then proceeded to lose both his children. When my mom died, I was his only grandchild who continued to have anything to do with him and even moved him in with me when he got sick. I didn't even know this place existed until the reading of the will where he left me everything- this house and his money."
"Damn. I bet everyone else was pissed," Heath says.
"Yep. Hence the reason I'm here now. I got tired of listening to them belittle me, so I packed up myself and Rocko, and here we are."
"Well they sound like assholes," David tells you. "And I, for one, am glad you're here. Scotty is too."
Scott's sudden look of disbelief at his friend sends you into a bout of laughter, you holding your hands up when he nudges you in retaliation. Scott purses his lips to keep from laughing and you quickly wink at him before picking up your bowl of ice cream and moving on.
"Don't pretend I can't hear you," you say while hip checking Zane out of the doorway from where he was muttering something to Todd. "I saw the dry ice video. You guys are not fucking up my pool."
"No, but Y/N, just hear us out..!"
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Weeks soon turned into months and you can't believe how much Scott and Todd have changed your life. Scott was a little tamer than Todd, which is probably why you were more drawn to him, but the boys were still wild. You had thought you kept the teeny tiny crush you developed on Scott under wraps pretty good, but when you were eventually introduced to the rest of their friends, Todd made sure the guys knew you were off limits less they wanted to step on Scott's toes. And because you were clearly holding out for their friend.
The girls were just stoked to have another female in the group, and you found yourself being asked on shopping trips and to attend hang out sessions more times than you ever were asked back in your hometown.
You went out with the entire group a total of two times when Scott asked you and you found they were just as crazy as they were in their videos. The first time you kept yourself limited to two drinks in order not to get out of hand, but the second time you were encouraged to let loose. Needless to say, your new friends saw you being a hot mess and you knew you'd never live it down. You had become Zane's favorite drinking buddy, right next to Heath.
But tonight is a night of peace and quiet, you staying in with Rocko and quietly celebrating your birthdays. And since you're not that fond of cake, you had found a bakery that was dedicated to making cakes for pets and ordered one for Rocko. Then once the sun has gone down, you get the cake out of the refrigerator and place four sparklers around the cake. You quickly tug a party hat on over your head and manage to get one on Rocko without him pawing it off, and then light the sparklers before grabbing a bottle of wine in your other hand. After quickly posing for a picture, you blow out the sparklers, take them out, and let Rocko devour his cake.
Once you've got yourself a glass of wine poured and have made yourself comfortable on the couch with some of your favorite movies queued up, you post the picture to your Instagram with the caption: Happy birthday to us! For the last four years, I've been honored to share my birthday with Rocko. All I need for this special day is the love of my fur baby.
Along with the picture of you and Rocko, and his cake, you post another picture with it that's of Rocko laying his head on your lap. After posting, you set your phone aside and settle in to watch movies.
           - X - X - X - X - X -
You're in the middle of Jeepers Creepers when your doorbell rings, you startling and then shushing Rocko when you startled him as well. Pressing pause on your movie, you get up to go answer the door. And when you swing it open, you're met with Scott's beaming smile and two cupcakes in hand- one cupcake with a lit candle shoved in it and the other with a dog treat shoved in it.
"Scotty," you chuckle, immediately melting and leaning bashfully against your door.
"Happy birthday, Y/N." He then leans his head in through the doorway, saying, "Happy birthday, Rocko!", to which Rocko woofs in response.
"What are you doing? I thought you were filming at David's tonight?"
"My bit was over with about ten minutes after I had gotten there," he says. "Now come on. Make a wish and blow out your candle."
You can't stop smiling, but you do as you're told. You stare at the flickering flame, make a wish, and then blow it out. Scott mock cheers. "Thank you. I've got beer in the fridge and Jeepers Creepers on TV if you want to stick around."
"Sounds like a plan."
After gesturing him inside, you huff a quiet laugh as he readily kicks off his shoes. As you head for the kitchen, you hear him call out to Rocko and feed your dog his own treat. You then return with a beer for Scott and another glass of wine for yourself, and take a seat on the other side of Rocko since he had snuggled up to Scott himself.
Ten minutes into the movie, you can't help but look at Scott again. He meets your gaze and grins, light from the TV reflecting off his nose ring. "I'm really glad you came, Scotty."
"Yeah? Me too."
Nearing the end of Jeepers Creepers 2, you can't help but take a quick picture of Scott and Rocko as they sleep on the couch. You have no idea how Scott is able to take so much of Rocko's weight on his arm, but he does and he looks quite adorable.
The picture gets posted straight away with the caption: I take back my earlier statement. All I need on this special day are my two favorite boys [heart eyes emoji] #WeakInTheKnees
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You're floating in the middle of your pool, Rocko lounging on his own float not too far away as music fills the back yard from a portable speaker sitting on a nearby table. Your hands lazily sweep through the water at your sides to keep your float moving, and your eyes flutter open at the sound of a cat-calling whistle.
David stands at the edge of your pool, camera in hand and pointed directly at you with Jeff and Todd at his sides. Raising your hand, you flip off David's camera and then laugh when you hear Jeff say, "Man, Nerf is never allowed here. He'd be so jealous of Rocko's life."
"One of these days, Wittek, I'm gonna kidnap your dog and hold him hostage for a couple days. He ain't ever gonna wanna go back home to you."
"Keep dreaming, Y/L/N."
Todd suddenly whoops as he strips off his shirt, jumping into the pool a moment later. David laughs and when Todd doesn't immediately resurface, dread fills your stomach. David is still giggling and before you can say anything, you're yelping as your float is upended and you're rolling into the water.
Resurfacing and spluttering on water, you splash Todd's laughing face. "You're a dick, Toddy."
"You love me."
"Fuck off."
"Well not as much as you love Scotty."
David and Jeff laugh, and you splash him again. "Will you stop saying I'm in love with him?"
"Why? It's true. You're both just too goddamn oblivious to notice it."
"Oh I notice it," you say as you continue to tread water. "We're just- we can't escape the tip-toeing stage."
"Well escape it," Jeff says. "The sexual tension is killing us."
"God I hate you guys sometimes." Swimming over to the edge of the pool, you accept Jeff's helping hand. Then sitting on the ledge and accepting the towel David passes over, you ask, "So what's up?"
"Scotty's birthday is coming up. We need ideas," Todd says. He swims over, pulling himself out of the water and sitting next to you.
"Well I would offer up my pool, but I've seen how out of hand your parties tend to get. I don't want you to break my house," you say, chuckling.
David opens his mouth to deny the statement, but then shrugs and giggles. "Yeah."
You take a moment to think about it, clicking your tongue on the roof of your mouth. "What are you guys doing for music?"
"Not sure yet. Shouldn't be too hard to find a decent DJ."
"I think I might know someone. Someone pass me my phone." Jeff looks around until he spots it, grabbing it and giving it to you. You bring up your text messages, shooting off a series of texts back to back. "I'm not sure they'll agree, but if they do-"
"Who's they?" David asks.
"Some friends I knew from before they blew up," you say. Your phone dings and you read the texts coming through, smiling. "So my friends are actually in town for a few weeks. They're down to DJ and perform a bit of live music if you want them."
"Well who are they?" Todd wonders.
"If I tell you, not a word of this to anyone. Clear?" All three boys nod. "I know them as Alex and Drew, but they're more famously known as the Chainsmokers."
"Shut the fuck up," David immediately blurts. Todd and Jeff laugh. "Are you serious right now?"
"Yeah." You pull up the texts, showing them to your friends. "They're down to party. They like to surprise people so they'll probably wear masks or something and play some remixes. Then when things really get going, they'll go live."
"Holy shit." Todd is still laughing. "This party is gonna be dope!"
"Now I'm kind of jealous," Jeff chuckles. "Why couldn't you be my neighbor first?"
You scoop up some water in your hand and fling it over your shoulder. "Shut up." Then looking back at David and Todd, you say, "They'll need a stage to set up their shit. Is that do-able?"
"Uh yeah!" David nods.
"Cool. I'll help you plan some more later, but now I need some ideas. What is a good birthday present?"
"David!" Todd and Jeff laugh, and you attempt to splash water at David. He easily sidesteps it. "I'm serious"
Todd smiles. "Honestly? Sing for him. You know he's been wanting to hear you sing live instead of watching your videos."
"Ugh. I rather seduce him." David high fives you and you laugh directly into his camera. "If you put that in the vlog, I'm gonna drown you, Dobrik."
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A week and a half later, it's Scott's birthday. Todd has managed to keep him busy all day, but not after you walked across the street to deliver him a birthday cupcake. Scott had beamed when he saw you, and then hugged you and pressed a kiss to your temple as Todd cooed from around the corner.
You had then proceeded to set up all day, laughing at everyone's reactions when Alex and Drew showed up to set up their area with turntables, lights, fog machines, and a few confetti cannons. You only expected some lights and music, so you thanked them profusely for going all out to which they assured you only the best for the guy who apparently held a special place in your heart. You had blushed that they picked up on that and then sighed when David, Natalie, and Zane overheard and continued to tease you throughout the entire day.
You got ready with all the girls at David's and then arrived at the small warehouse where the party was to take place. Alex and Drew wore light-up masks to conceal their identity until later in the party, and the guests started to show up by the carload.
Scott's started texting you about ten minutes ago, skeptical of Todd's motives and vague answers of where they were driving to. You had anticipated that, so you took a few selfies at your house and at David's beforehand to send to him so he wouldn't suspect you were in on anything. It worked.
You get anxious when you realize Scott and Todd have finally arrived, and the whole crowd of guests go silent. As planned, Todd enters first because there was no way Scott was going to when Todd didn't answer his questions, so it's only after Todd ducks out of the way do the lights flick on and everyone shouts Surprise!
Confetti rains down, and horns and sirens blare. Scott is beaming, hugging all his friends who are the front of the group. When he gets to you, he points an accusing finger in your face before wrapping you up in a hug. You laugh and squeeze your arms around his waist until he lets you go.
You're about to hang back as everyone crowds him, but he grabs your hand and the smile he flashes you has your stomach turning. He squeezes your hand and tugs you closer to his side, and you get the feeling that he doesn't want you to wander off too far from him.
The music is a hit with the crowd, as you expected, and Scott seems to be having a good time. The alcohol is flowing, David is directing bits here and there for the vlog, and everyone is having a good time on the dance floor. But soon enough a cake is being wheeled out and the entire crowd is singing happy birthday. Scott is bashful through the whole thing, he blowing out the candles and dodging the first handful of cake that Todd attempts to smash in his face.
"Alright, alright, alright," Alex says from behind his mask. "You guys throw an insane party, but let's kick things up a notch." The crowd cheers as horns blare over the speakers, but you can see the confusion in numerous faces. The masks finally come off and the crowd erupts louder. Scott's eyes widen and he looks at you in surprise. "We are the Chainsmokers and thank you guys for coming out to Scotty's birthday bash."
The music restarts, fog and confetti blasting as the music comes back on.
"Who the fuck got the Chainsmokers?" Scotty asks.
Everyone looks at you and you shrug. "They're friends of mine. I cashed in a favor."
Scott's eyes sparkle. "Thank you."
"Don't thank me yet, babe. The night is still young."
           - X - X - X - X - X -
The crowd is still hyped an hour after Alex and Drew had lifted off their masks, and then they're even more hyped when they realize the Chainsmokers are performing live. You, Scotty, David, Toddy, Natalie, Jeff, Heath, Zane, and Mariah are up on stage, and when the song switches to something a little slower Toddy looks at you expectantly. You wink, but make no move as your friend starts to perform the beginning of their hit song Closer. You can see Mariah lip syncing to Heath and you move to the beat next to Scotty, making him dance with you along to the lyrics. He obliges you, chuckling in amusement, and then pulling you closer to him when the beat drops.
Moments later, a microphone is pressed into your hand and you fight off a smirk when you see Scott's eyes widen as you bring the microphone up to your mouth, leading him towards the middle of the stage. "You look as good as the day I met you. I forgot just why I left you; I was insane."
Todd and Zane scream off to the side, holding onto one another. David records the entire thing and you can see your friends from the corner of your eyes as they get hyped up over you serenading Scotty.
"So baby pull me closer in the backseat of your Rover that I know you can't afford. Bite that tattoo on your shoulder." You mock bite at his shoulder and Scott laughs. "Pull the sheets right off the corner of the mattress that you stole from your roommate back in Boulder. We ain't ever getting older."
The beat drops and you're all set to start dancing, but Scotty surprises you. He grabs you by the back of your neck, reels you in, and presses his mouth against yours. Your friends, plus the crowd who you hardly even know, all erupt louder in excitement. Your left hand grasps onto his hip, the other still gripping tight to the microphone. Lights are flashing, confetti is raining down, and you pull back from Scotty to see his bright eyes shining down on you.
Heart pumping furiously, you bring the microphone back up to your mouth to sing, "We ain't ever getting older!" The beat drops yet again and this time it's you who brings him down into a kiss.
Scotty laughing against your mouth sends you into a fit of giggles, and when you eventually pull apart because of all the jostling your friends are doing, he keeps you close enough to mutter, "Best birthday ever," in your ear.
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joetatoeheads · 4 years
Are You Over Her X Scotty Sire
Word Count: 200
Warnings: None
Y/N turned around with a melancholic Scott at the door. An embarrassing moment for Y/N who was at work but now had their personal life displayed in the work place. For a moment Y/N ignored Scott continuing on with instructions before excuse themselves from the room and walked out with Scott following behind.
Once in a corner away from people Y/N looked to Scott with no real expression. Anger, sadness, or happiness where not there because Y/N had time for that. Now they were continuing their life because who had time to sad when life still went on.
“You haven’t been answering my calls or texts.” Spoke Scott.
“I have been busy.”
“I’m sorry to ambush you like this.”
“I would ask you to leave but I am afraid of making a scene. I thought listening to you would be better because that means you can just leave afterwards.”
Scott was hurt because Y/N wanted to listen to him to get things over with and not to listen and forgive him.
“I am sorry.”
“You have said that many time before.”
“I want to work things out.”
“Do you really? Answer me then. Are you over her?” asked Y/N. His silence was Y/N’s answer.
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davidobitch · 5 years
Requested: #2 and #13 | Scott Sire
#2: We’re broken people
#13: It’s 3 a.m. What are you doing?
requested from this post
“(Y/n), do another shot with me!” Scott yelled over the loud bar music, as he shoved the shot glass towards you.
You grabbed the glass off the table and threw your head back, letting the liquid flow down your throat. The stinging sensation lasted for a split second before you washed it away with your other drink.
You watched as Scott and Todd do another right after, knowing this night is not going to end well.
“Scott, maybe you should slow down. I thought you were going to take it easy with the drinking this year?” You said, trying to convince him to not blackout tonight. He waved you off as him and Todd disappeared into the crowd of people. You watched as David pulled his camera out and quickly followed them, hoping he’d get some quality content.
Scotty has been your best friend ever since you moved to L.A. Being the great neighbor he is, the day you moved in he informed you on everything. He made sure you were okay with the loudness that would come from his house, the parties he would occasionally have, and he even went as far as making you tell him when they were getting out of control, mainly so he didn’t have to deal with the cops.
It was a nice gesture and you appreciated his honesty. You never had a problem with anything that occurred next door. Half the time you found yourself being involved in the ruckus.
After what felt like you were partying for hours, you checked the time on your phone and saw it was only 1:30. You decided you had enough social interaction and made your way through the crowd to find your friends.
It didn’t take long for you to follow the yelling that was coming from one corner of the bar. “Todd no! No!” David was shouting over the music as he tried to cover his laugh. When you finally were able to see what was happening, Todd was trying to do a handstand while putting a shot glass in his mouth. It amazed you how these kids never got kicked out of places.
You, and everyone else around, were surprised when Todd nailed the bit. Until he fell from the alcohol making him dizzy, causing you to laugh a little.
“Hey, I think I’m gonna head out,” you said in Scotty’s ear, hoping he would still be able to hear you.
The look on his face made you think otherwise. You let out a huff and pulled your phone out to write the message for him to see.
He threw on a pouty face after reading it, but pulled you in for a goodbye hug anyways.
“Stay safe, please. And let me know when you’re home! I mean it, Scott,” You yelled, knowing this time he’ll understand.
He rolled his eyes, “Of course I will. I always do,” Scott replied. You weren’t sure about what part he was talking about but you were hoping he would stick to his word.
You finished your goodbyes to everyone else before finally meeting your Uber outside.
The second you hit your bed, you were out like a light. It wasn’t until a couple hours later and knocking at your door that woke you up. The worst thoughts ran through your head at first. Is Scott ok? Did something happen to one of your friends? Are you getting kidnapped?
You cautiously opened the door to reveal Scott...and a bottle of alcohol.
“Scott, it’s 3 a.m. What are you doing?” You asked as you opened the door wider to let him in. His shoulders shrugged as he made his way to your couch. He slouched down as you settled next to him. You watched as he took a swig from his bottle. “Let’s not have anything more to drink, bud,” You said quietly, trying to get the alcohol away from him. It took you a couple tries but eventually you were able to grab it. “What’s going on Scott?” You asked as you came back from putting the bottle out of sight. He stayed quiet, clearly not wanting to talk about it.
“Sometimes I don’t think I can get through this,” he finally says, tears threatening to spill over, “There’s days where everything is going great and I think I’m getting better but then there’s times like earlier today when everything goes absolutely wrong and nothing I do fixes anything.”
You kept your words to yourself as you let him pour his feelings out to you. It hurt you seeing your best friend like this but there isn’t much help you can give. “What happened earlier?” You asked, not wanting to push but also needing to know what went down.
“Me and Kristen. We got into a little fight,” Scott let out a sob, not being able to control his emotions anymore, “I think we’re done. Like broken up officially.” You scooted closer to him and pulled his body into yours. You let him cry on your shoulder as you rubbed his back. It was no secret they were going through things, but you didn’t think they would end it, if ever. Scott and Kristen were...well they were Scott and Kristen. There was no better couple than them and they pushed through everything together.
“I know it’s hard losing someone who once meant so much to you and it’s even harder when they were the sole reason you were still here. I wish I could say something to help you but the only thing that is going to get you through this is time. It’s going to take a while to heal but you have all of us to help you through it.” You started to say only to get teary-eyed yourself. Kristen was your first girl friend here and there was no doubt she was going to be missed, by everyone. “You know, we’re all broken people and the only person we have is ourselves most of the time. But one day you’re going to find someone who makes you feel like you’re not alone.” A smile played on your lips as you said your last words.
Against your chest, you could feel Scott giggle. “Wonder who said those wise words,” He joked, wiping away the evidence of tears. 
Now that he was sitting up and facing you, you took the opportunity to grab his face in his hands and squish his cheeks together, “Listen to me, Scotty Sire, you are the most kickass guy I have ever met. You bring life to the party and every room lights up when you walk in. You don’t see it because, well, you’re quite oblivious to some things honestly. You’re my best friend and I will be here every night at 3 a.m. if you need a place to crash or a shoulder to cry on,” You finally let his face go and pulled him into a hug, “You got this, bubs. You’re gonna get through it. I promise.”
Feeling your shirt get damp again, you squeezed Scott a little harder.
“Can I go back to bed now?” you joked, hoping to earn a smile from your best friend, “You did interrupt my beauty sleep you know.”
Just as you were about to stand up, you were pulled into Scotty’s chest for, yet again, another hug. “Thank you (y/n). Thank you for moving in and giving me another best friend to treasure. I appreciate you a lot more than you think.”
You pulled away and smiled sweetly as you walked away to grab him a pillow and blankets. “Well thank you for coming over that first day and giving me a heads up on all the shit that’s gonna go down.”
You said goodnight once more before retreating back into your room, knocking out once more.
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zanesgirlfriend · 5 years
Skotcast | Jeff Wittek
Requested by anonymous: Hi! I was wondering if you could do a Jeff x reader where she’s a guest on the Skotcast with the Jeff and Scott?? Her and Jeff ways flirt and on this episode they’re answering twitter questions and Scott reads one that’s asking if they’ll ever date. Or anything to do with the reader being on the podcast. Idk if any of this makes sense
thank you to @zaddyjeff for helping me come up with some of the questions ❤
"Todd couldn't be here today, so we replaced him with someone better." Jeff's hand waved toward y/n. She was sat next to him on the couch, microphone in hand and smiling towards the camera. She was more focused on her proximity to Jeff and the faint smell of his cologne than she should've been.
"Hey!" She sounded excited, but was actually filled with nerves. She'd been getting close to Jeff recently, and she was afraid to catch feelings for someone so anti-relationship.
"Y/n has been hanging around with us all day, which was a nice change of pace. . ." Jeff said before continuing into a story. The three of them talked about life and joked around for a bit before they ran out of things to talk about.
"I asked Twitter for some questions for us, specifically y/n since she's our special guest." Scott unlocked his phone and looked through the replies to his tweet. The next twenty minutes was filled with questions and fun stories based off of those questions.
"What's your craziest fan experience?"
Y/n laughed to herself before answering. "I was in the subway in New York and this homeless man was asleep, sitting with a little hat and a sign, so I went to drop whatever change was in my pocket and he opened his eyes and sat up, scaring the shit out of me. And I was frozen, right, and he said to me. 'Can I have a picture with you?' and I was like 'Umm, sure?' And the whole time I was thinking to myself, how does this dude know me? And he pulls out this brand new iPhone, and we take the picture and I realize the phone was stolen. Like it would not unlock for him, he just took the picture on the little camera in the home screen. It was crazy."
The boys laughed, asking more question about the man and his stolen phone before moving on.
"Who in the vlog squad is the funniest?"
"Me." She joked, a dead serious stare emitting from her face and towards the camera. "Next question."
"Who in the vlog squad is your favorite?"
"Me. Next question." She joked again, a high pitched giggle leaving Jeff's throat. He looked over at her, studying her cute face. He stared at her for a while before snapping back into reality.
"What's your favorite memory with the vlog squad?"
"The night we all played Paranoia, you know, the game where you whisper questions and they say the answer out loud." She reminisced on the night, remembering how much laughter came from the stupid questions they asked.
"Oh yeah, and when you asked David who he would lick peanut butter off of and he said Todd! I was offended by that." Jeff added in.
"What vlog bit made you laugh the most?"
"When David married Jason's mom because it was actually real, making it ten times funnier." She noticed a change on Scott's face as he read over the next question.
"We might have to cut this one out." He smiled to himself.
"Why? What is it?" Jeff prodded him. Scott showed him the tweet as if he was asking for permission. "I mean, you can ask it, we could cut it depending on the answer."
Y/n started to feel nervous. "What is it?"
"Do you have crush on Jeff, or would you two ever date?" Scott smiled as he finished reading the tweet. A blush rose to her cheeks as she thought of her minor crush on Jeff.
"Umm, Jeff can answer that second question, I have no comment." Her legs crossed over one another, her hands plunging into her lap as a way to close herself off.
"You gotta answer the first question first." Jeff fought back, wanting to know if she really did have a crush on him.
"I don't 'gotta answer' shit." She mocked his accent, leaning herself further into the couch.
"Okay, so you do like him." Scott teased her.
"I didn't say that." She straightened up, defending herself.
"You didn't not say it!" Jeff pointed one of his long fingers at her, enjoying the way she was reacting to the question.
"I'm leaving, bye, thanks for having me!" She sputtered out before placing the microphone on the couch and heading for the door.
"She likes me." Jeff smiled to himself.
"Who wouldn't?" Scott joked as they heard the door slam.
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kjimagine · 5 years
Attending the VMA’s as a performer and the Vlog Squad showing up in support Headcanon:
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Pre VMA’s:
Plus one, we don’t know her
Your stylist telling Zane, Heath, Todd, and Scott that they cannot wear matching suits with “prints that make me want to vomit”
Zane pouts around the next week
refuses to answer your calls or texts for a while
Heath sits around for an hour giving you and your stylist puppy eyes in hopes of convincing you
“Not happening, Heath”
“You owe me”
Todd is only mildly inconvenienced
Scott knows there's no way he would have actually shown up in one of those suits
Kristen would not have let him leave the house like that
your stylist gets so fed up with David not enjoying his choices that he makes him find his own outfit
“why can’t i just wear what I always do?” 
“David. You cannot show up to the VMA’s in jeans in a t-shirt”
Spending hours shopping with David to find something for him to wear
“Well fuck, I’m just gonna have to go naked!” 
“David, nobody wants to see that” 
“Nobody asked you, Natalie”
Like, It’s your performance, but he’s so high maintenance
Eventually, you’re just like forget it, you’re on your own
The girls and you had such a fun day whilst shopping with the stylist
Kristin literally does all of her designing herself and she looks so bomb
Mariah and Nat getting all blushy and “Stop oh my god” when they’re complimented
Erin literally cries when she sees your outfit
“Why are you crying???”
“You just look so good!”
Carly trying to deflect the attention from herself when she’s trying outfits
Corrina tries the entire store on
or should I say storeS PLURAL
getting so fed up with her
everyone's okay with it the end cause she paid for lunch afterwards
fights over who gets to walk the carpet with you
literal weeks of bribes and special treatment because they want to so bad
Zane trying to take you out for lunch, dinner, or coffee frequently
he showed up to your place at 3am with a cake
David keeps trying to get you tickets to things or offering to get whatever you want
Todd does it jokingly, but also kinda not?
Jason volunteers to do whatever David wants him to for a week
Joe’s in the corner like “David can shave my head”
Mariah just begging you cause she wants it really bad
who do you pick? the one person who didn’t try to bribe you 
other than Scotty
Todd starts a literal fight with him
and jeff’s like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
“I’m more attractive, what can I say”
“thats not why I picked you”
“Shhh, yes it is”
Corrina’s like “I was the obvious choice why wasn’t it me”
“Because she doesn’t want herpes”
“I’m not Dom!”
“Oh! BURN!”
At the VMA’:s
Meeting up with everyone in the limo that night
they literally all start screaming when they see you because you look so god damn good
They had to take the alcohol out of the limo because if Zane sees it, he’s gonna drink it
it still somehow made its way into the vehicle
Zane is tipsy when you arrive
and your manager is fuming
Zane being whiney as HELL
he got all dressed up “just for you, baby”
actually looks good
like fancy-ass grey suit that he definitely cannot afford
your manager is beyond livid
threatened to kick Zane out
and you’re like okay buddy, slow your roll
starts yelling at you
your friends start getting defensive
you got a new manager later on
screams so loudly the entire time you’re performing
posts your entire performance on Instagram stories
the people in the surrounding seats are a bit annoyed
Scott and Kristen being the fucking cutest supportive people
they MATCH
post about you on ig during the performance and as you walked the carpet
you literally pulled them onto the carpet to get pictures of the two together
both just the cutest lil smiley people as they watch you
best group hug after your performance omgggggg
Heath and Mariah are sooooo cuttteee
you made the special request of having Mariah as a dancer for your performance
the two of you having a mini freakout backstage beforehand
 but just like the most supportive of each other
Heath screaming “Yeah Bubba!” at Mariah and it just makes your heart swell they're so cute
Heath brought a cowboy hat with him
threw it at you on stage
Carly and Erin screaming
Bruce is in the corner like calm down
but they're so hype
Todd being a pouty brat while you’re on the carpet
because “that should've been me”
but he’s so LOUD
yells the entire time
even when he’s just leaning over to tell someone something
like you’re not his kid, but he’s such a proud dad
is so so so proud of you
films the whole thing
knew you’d do great
bought you a congrats present for after
and even though you’re like noooooo, he’s like yes you deserve it love u
Jeff is so fucking smug the entire time on the carpet because he’s a winner babyyyy
actually super nervous on the carpet but he’d never say it out loud
you know though
and you try to make him laugh the entire time you’re in front of the cameras
it works
looks fine as hell in his plain black suit with a coloured button-up underneath
starring the entire time you’re on stage
like absolutely in awe of you
David actually wears new clothes for once
his hair is styled
he looks so fineeeeee
He’s kinda jealous watching you and Jeff walk the carpet like, wishes it was him
brings his disposable camera for pictures throughout the night
every photo op he sees he takes
brought two extra cameras
just incase
brings the vlog camera too
makes an entire video about you and how he’s so proud of you
cries when you’re on stage
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2muchvloggy · 4 years
Old Injuries
Scotty Sire x Kally👏🏻🤍
This was requested by @kallyjade !! thanks so much for being my first request! since you were the first person to make a request i made it personalized for you! hopefully your name is actually Kally and that’s not just a screen a name😂 she requested prompt 60 with Scott. also it’s been a while since i’ve done this so sorry if it’s terrible-s.l.k.🤍
Word Count: 913
Warnings: none? fluffy Scott? is that a warning? idk old injury but you probably could’ve guessed that one on your own
Requests Status: Still open!!
you’d been in pain all week. you should’ve gone in days ago but Scott has been so busy filming vlogs, and filming vlogs meant editing, editing vlogs meant a stressed out Scott, which meant you needed to be home for him. not at the chiropractor. however, the pain was starting to become unbearable and ibuprofen and tylenol stopped helping days ago. One the positive side, Scott hadn’t been able to notice your discomfort because he was trying to get his video out on time and work on new music for his next album. so between cooking the two of you meals, making sure Scott actually ate, working on edits with Scott, and helping Scott plan future videos you started to forget how bad the pain was getting yourself. until you went to bed one night.
the next morning you woke up and to say your hip was on fire would be understatement of the year. even just moving your toes would cause pain to shoot through your whole leg. Needless to say, there was no way you were getting out of bed soon. you slowly tried the stretched and exercises you’d done in the past but everything hurt too much and before you knew it you were crying. both from pain and frustration. it was an old injury, so why was it still something that you had to deal with? why was the pain still so bad? and for what? sleeping in the wrong position?
“fuck. shit. fuck. ow. ass. fuck.” you quietly cursed out as you tried to sit up in bed.
“hey babe! the vlog is finally up and i think we both could use- babe?” Scott walked into your shared bedroom and saw you struggle to sit up, and he also happened to notice you quickly wiping your eyes when he came in.
“yeah, what’s up?” you tried to control your breathing so he would think you were okay but the strain in your voice outed you immediately, and Scott quickly approached you.
“Kally, what’s going on? do you need something?” you began to try to sit up again in hopes that it would ease his worries, but the movement was still just too much and your tears began to fall again.
“no, no. i’m fine rea-ahh!” your scream interrupted you as pain shot through your body again forcing more tears out of your eyes.
“it’s your hip right?” Scott asked. eyes filling with concern. your silence was the only answer he needed before he started towards the ibuprofen bottle you kept on the dresser. “here take a couple of these and i’ll call-“
“-i already tried ibuprofen, and tylenol.. they didn’t help.” you said eyes falling to the comforter that lay across your lap.
you didn’t answer him, you just continued to keep your eyes glued to the blanket in front of you.
“Kally. when did they stop helping with the pain?” he asked again.
“a week ago.”
“what?” he didn’t yell at you but the slight rise in his voice caused you to wince, making pain once again run it’s course through your body. Scott’s eyes softened when he heard you whimper.
“Kally, why didn’t you tell me it hurt so bad?” Scott approaches you again.
“you were so worried about getting the video out on time and i didn’t want to add to your stress or inconvenience you. i thought i was managing it finally but i guess i was wrong.” your eyes fell from Scott’s down to the tattoos covering the freckles across his chest.
“hey, you’re my priority. okay? no matter what. you wouldn’t have been an inconvenience. you’re never an inconvenience. i love you and i want to be able to help you okay?” you nodded as sniffles began sounding from your nose. “okay. let’s get you to the chiropractor alright?” Scott asked moving to throw on a hoodie.
you quickly shook your head no and wiped the tears off your cheeks that had begun to fall. even just thinking about moving, let alone walking causing your hip to throb. ”Scott i can’t move, it hurts too much.” you cried out.
Scott thought quickly on his feet and grabbed his car keys. “give me an hour okay babe?” you nodded your head as Scott walked over to give you a forehead kiss. once he had left you grabbed your phone to try and find a distraction from the pain.
one hour later on the dot you heard the front door open and close.
“i’m back!” Scott called out.
“i’m still in here!” you called back making yourself chuckle and then wince from the movement.
that’s when Scott entered the room pushing a wheelchair in front of him.
“my hero!” you beamed up at him.
“m’lady” Scott said bowing as a way to display the wheel chair to you.
before you knew it you were being wheeled into your chiropractor’s office and just as quickly you were hobbling our still in slight pain but not nearly as bad as it had previously been.
as Scott drove you both home you began to ponder some of the events of the day. “hey babe, where the heck did you find a wheelchair on a Wednesday?”
Scott just chuckled and said “Target man. they’ve got everything!” you rolled your eyes at his response and stared at him as he continued to drive thinking about how lucky you were to have someone like him taking care you.
a/n: i did my best to properly depict hip injuries from my own personal experience. thanks for reading and much love! be kind to others, and be kind to yourself🤍-s.l.k.
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isthisthingeven0n · 4 years
sad together, last together : s.s
REQUESTS ARE CLOSED UNTIL AUGUST. Please do not send one in right now, as I can’t get to it sorry guys.
brief summary: it all started with a drunken mistake, but led to something more between two of the sadest people in the vlog squad - shame no one knows how beautiful it all is just yet 
word count: 1.3k requested: yes! i combined two requests (one to use sad together by olivia obrien a vibe entirely) (two - write about dating scotty and no one knowing)  warnings: idk if there are any?? let me know if there are!
* masterlistin’ / masterlistin’ 2.0
(everything on my blog is my own writing. if it is shared on another page or website know it hasn’t been approved me unless specified. all rights reserved. - i have to start doing this as I had some shit on my other blog with plagiarism)
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Your fingertip swirls around the rim of the glass as you watch everyone dance together, not a single care in the world consumes their thoughts. 
David’s filming Natalie and Corinna, whilst Zane orders more shots to share with Todd and smiles cross all of their faces. Yet, you’re sat in the booth by yourself, too preoccupied with past memories. 
“Hey,” Snapping from your past, you smile up as Scott slides into the booth next to you with two shot glasses being placed on the table. “you doing alright?” He asks, you only just understanding him by reading his lips.
“Yeah,” You lie, nodding along to persuade him. “just in my head a bit, that’s all.” You add, glancing to your left, remembering when his arm was around you as you laughed giddily. 
Scott goes quiet upon seeing your brows furrow together, your shoulders dropping. “Here,” He speaks up, passing you the shot glass. “it won’t last forever you know.” He tells you, nudging your arm playfully. 
“I know, we’re born alone and we die alone, so cheers.” You hold up the glass before knocking the shot back, feeling the bitter burn through your throat as you wipe your lips. 
The last thing you expected to wake up to in the morning was a face smushed into the pillow beside you, let alone Scott’s face smushed into a pillow. 
“What the fuck!” You blurt out, tumbling out from your bed as Scott begins to stir. 
“Too loud.” He mumbles, rubbing his eyes before opening them and looking up to see you. “You’re in my top.” He points out groggily. 
“And you’re in my bed, shirtless.” You add and Scott sits upright, taking a look at himself before his eyes widen. 
“Did we?” He holds the bridge of his nose as you shrug your shoulders, trying to remember details from last night. “All I remember is you telling me you didn’t want to be alone.” 
A small laugh leaves your lips as you perch back on the edge of your bed, smiling up at him. “I mean, that parts true.” You say, now focusing solely on the rising smile on Scott’s lips. “Do you want some breakfast?” 
“I’d love some, yeah.” 
It was only going to be a two-time thing, but sometimes things didn’t work out that way. 
Lying in bed, curled up against Scott’s chest you could hear his heartbeat rhythmically beating. He was fast asleep whilst you were focused on the ceiling, endless thoughts circling your mind.
“Why’re you awake?” Glancing up, you see Scott tiredly looking down at you with a lazy smile. 
“Sorry,” You mutter, slowly moving to sit upright. “I just couldn’t get to sleep, too much on my mind that’s all.” You shrug it off, but even in the darkness, you can see the faint outline of concern on Scott’s face. 
“Is it about us?” Scott speaks up, catching you looking away from him as he mentions the possibility of being an ‘us.’ “If you wanna stop, we can. I know this was a temporary agreement.” Scott justifies as he shuffles under the covers.
“I, I don’t want it to be temporary.” You quietly admit, playing with the hem of his t-shirt over your body. “And I know, that’s wrong of me to say, but I didn’t think I’d get attached.”
Remaining still, you can feel your heart sinking as Scott turns away from you.
Yet, you blink as he turns the bedside lamp on and quickly reaches out, holding your cheek with his hand as he kisses you sweetly, not wanting to let go.
“Then let’s make it long-lasting, huh?” Scott mutters as you pull away from the kiss, feeling his words closely as you nod. “I guess we should go on a date sometime then?” He suggests, hearing you chuckle softly before cuddling back up into him, knowing you’ll get a better night sleep with him holding you close.
Much to your surprise, things were going well between you both. Yet you couldn’t ignore that dull thought in the back of your mind, still fighting its way through your barriers to pipe in. 
Today was one of those days, and you couldn’t ignore the thoughts. Scott could tell from the moment he walked into your place. Usually, you greeted him with a tight hug, your legs wrapped around his waist as he walks to your couch, the pair of you just lounging over one another talking about your days. Instead, Scott was greeted with silence and the eventual shuffle of your slippers, followed by a half-hearted wave. 
“Do you wanna go out somewhere?” Scott suggests, feeling the weight of your head lifting from his chest as you quirk an eyebrow in response. “I mean, just to get out of the house. As much as I love being here, fresh air isn’t a bad thing either.” Scott shrugs his shoulder, trying to play it off. But really he does care, and is scared about it. 
Rubbing your eyes with your palm, you nod along. “Sure, I’ll grab my purse.” You force yourself to your feet, wandering back into your bedroom as you change into your trainers, discarding your slippers under the dark depths of your bed. 
As you emerge from the bedroom, Scott can’t help but beam at you. It didn’t matter how many times he’d seen you, nor what state he has previously seen you in. But there was something about your tired smile and messy hair, just on show for you and him, it made his heart beat faster as you rolled your eyes. 
“Alright house cat, let’s go.” Scott holds his hand out, feeling you grab hold as he pulls you to his side, kissing the top of your head as a smile crosses your lips before you close the front door behind you. 
Laughing lightly, you took another spoonful of the ice cream to your lips. “You got something on your nose,” Scott motions and you bashfully look away, trying to wipe it off. “come here you dipshit.” Scott chuckles as he rests his hand under your chin, using his thumb to wipe off the blob of ice cream on your nose. 
“Better?” You ask, his hand moving up to rest on your cheek. 
“Beautiful.” Scott mutters in response before leaning in, kissing you with the sweetness of strawberry ice cream. 
“Fuck off, no!” Pulling away abruptly, you both turn to see Zane stood to the side of you with Hidaya by his side, covering her mouth with both hands. “No, you guys? Seriously?” Zane stutters over his words, watching in shock as you just nod. 
“Yeah, for like four months.” You smile up at Scott, hearing the words leave his lips. “She’s my girlfriend, and I’m her kinda depressed boyfriend.” 
“Oh my god this is adorable.” Hidaya comments, nudging Zane to say something as he simply stares at you both like jugs of apple juice in Ralphs. 
“Four months, and none of us noticed?” Zane reiterates his point as you just chuckle before moving over, patting his shoulder lightly. 
“It’s okay, Zane. But hey, you’re the first to know.” You joke before moving back over to Scott, accepting your ice cream from him. 
“See, I told you good things happen when I visit.” Hidaya mutters, causing you to chuckle lightly. 
“You guys want some ice cream, I don’t mind getting some more since mine has half melted.” 
Scott looks down to the melted puddle of cream in the cup. “That’s one sad lookin’ ice cream.” 
“Almost as sad as us, huh?” You mumble as you walk away to find the nearest trash can. 
“So you guys are kinda serious then?” Zane questions, noticing how Scott looks away from him and toward you as you wipe your hands over your skirt before turning back. 
“I mean yeah, we’re both sad, so why not be sad together?” Scott shrugs his shoulders as you return, giving him another reason to carry on with his day.
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notenoughscotty · 4 years
So Bad, Yet So Good S.S
Hey, could you write an imagine about scott where him and y/n hooked up a while ago (while him and kirsten broke up) and when she finds out she hates y/n and doesn’t let scott and her to still be friends and everything between them is awkward even though they secretly have feelings for eachother but now that him and kristen aren’t together they could actually express their feelings (they end up doing the nasty again lol).
Warnings: Angst, swearing, SMUT
     Scott let out the most attractive moan as he came, he took a moment to recover before pulling out, as he did he groaned. My legs were still shaking, it was undeniably the best sex I had ever had, he wrapped his arms around my torso and just held me, both of us still out of breath. Then in that moment the guilt washed over me, I felt horrible, he had a girlfriend. I was in the bed that they shared, the bed that she would come home to tonight and sleep in. His arm suddenly removed from my body, I turned to look at him and I knew that it had just hit him as well, what we had done, his hands were covering his face. I knew that if I felt as horrible as I did, he must be feeling one hundred times worse. I gently laid a hand on his shoulder, he placed a hand over mine.
     “Scott...” I wanted to say something, I wanted to make him feel better, but there’s nothing you can say in this situation to make it okay. “I should probably leave...” he only nodded still not looking at me. I quickly got dressed and fixed my hair, he got dressed as well, and walked me to the door, I stopped and turned, again wanting to say something but decided against it, that was that, once I got to my car, I couldn’t help but cry. I had feelings for Scott, I wanted to be with him but nothing could make what we just did okay. 
     Once home I decided I needed to talk to Scott, I wanted to make sure that if nothing else that our friendship would be okay. 
     “Hey, I just wanted to check in and make sure you were okay.” I pressed send, and shakily set my phone down. He responded almost immediately 
     “Yeah, I’m okay, but can we just forget that happened? I really cherish our friendship and I don’t know how else to deal with this.” As much as it hurt, I knew that’s what we had to do, I wanted to be able to call him my boyfriend, but Kristen already owned that title.
     “Yeah, I was thinking the same thing” I responded back to him and decided that I just wanted the night to be over, so I took a shower and got into bed. I tossed and turned all night, but come 6am I was awake and not falling back asleep, so I turned to check my phone to see I had a ton of missed calls and text messages from last night. 
6 missed calls from ‘Kristen’ my heart sank, I looked at the text messages she had sent as well
“Are you fucking kidding me? You fucked my boyfriend?”
“Now you won’t even answer the phone? Fuck you!”
“You are the most disgusting bitch known to man, I fucking hate you” 
There were more but that was the gist of them, I looked at the texts from Scott next.
“[Y/N] I’m sorry, she knows, and she’s pissed, but listen it’s not your fault, it’s mine, but she doesn’t want us to be friends, I have to block you, I hope you understand” 
     Tears filled my eyes, this felt worse than heartbreak, I decided not to respond to either of them. I couldn’t help but let it out, I cried for hours, the kind of cry where you can’t breathe, and your heart physically hurts. Once I was able to calm down, my face was red and puffy, and my lips were swollen. 
     I cleaned myself up and checked my phone once again, to see David had invited me over, I decided that I didn’t want to be alone right now so I agreed, I got makeup on and got dressed, I still looked as if I had been crying though, on my way to his house I thought of excuses as to why I had been crying, but when actually confronted with the question, all I could think to say was. 
     “Oh, you know, it just be like that sometimes.” Which actually worked out well, everyone just laughed and nodded. We had a good time talking and hanging out, I helped film some stuff with David. Then suddenly the door opened and there he was, Scott, I figured there was no way Kristen would allow him to leave the house, but after Scott entered, I realized that she was behind him, I immediately felt a panic attack coming, which was only worsened because I knew that I had no right to be upset in this situation, not only had I betrayed Kristen, but her own boyfriend of more than 5 years had as well. I quickly went to the bathroom, desperate to breathe, it felt as though my throat was closing, the bathroom felt as though it was getting smaller by the second, and my chest was tightening. I heard a knock at the door but I couldn’t respond, I knew whoever it was had opened the door but I couldn’t even get myself to look up to see who it was. They began shushing then I heard the familiar sound of my favorite song, I knew from that, that it must have been Scott. He was the only one that knew that I play this to calm myself, he also knew not to touch me when I was having a panic attack. 
     “Look at me” his voice was so calming, I looked up and he guided my breathing, helping to regulate it. It only took a few minutes for him to calm me down. Once I was calm, I wiped my eyes of tears.
     “What are you doing here? Won’t she be mad?” I whispered, barely audible.
     “Yeah, but I just needed to make sure you were okay” He smiled, I could tell that he had also been crying and he looked as if he hadn’t slept last night. “I should get back though, are you okay?” I nodded and he left, gently closing the door behind him. I stayed in the bathroom for a few more minutes, trying to get the courage to go back out there, also trying to decide if I should leave or not. I figured it would look really bad if I did leave, so I sucked it up and walked back out, the air in the room was thick, the tension radiating, no one was really talking. Once I stepped back into the living room, everyone looked at me.
     “Hey, you alright?” David spoke up, I nodded, then I noticed that Scott and Kristen were gone.
     “Where’s Scott and Kristen?” I looked around and everyone looked at each other, finally, Zane pointed to the glass sliding door and I saw that they out there, it looked to be a heated argument, I realized that’s why it was so tense. I watched as Scott sat with his head in his hands and Kristen flailed her arms wildly, then dropping them, Scott stood and spoke calmly, I couldn’t look away and it seemed that everyone else was doing the same as I was, just watching this unfold, then Kristen began hitting Scott, punching at his chest, he didn’t even flinch, it didn’t seem like it effected him at all. She then stormed off and Scott ran his fingers through his hair, and turned, he saw that everyone was staring, we all tried to turn away and act like we hadn’t been but he obviously knew. He then sat down on the couch outside, I didn’t know if I should go out there or not but I found myself doing it anyway.
     “Hey... Are you okay?” I asked quietly, he looked up at me, he wasn’t crying, he just looked, blank.
     “Yeah, I am, actually” He spoke through a sigh “We broke up” He said it as if he was stating the weather. I wish I didn’t feel as happy as I did, but I was, I was happy. I tried to contain it and maintain my composure. 
     “Oh, I’m sorry” I tried to sound sad for him.
     “That’s okay, I’m not... because now, I can do this with a good conscious” He then stood and pulled me into him and kissed me. We then sat together for a moment before going back inside for him to explain the situation. We walked in together and everyone was talking quietly, but once they saw us the murmurs halted. All eyes on him, I sat down, so that he could explain. 
     “Well, we broke up” Everyone was surprised most likely because he fought back a smile while saying that. Then the group began apologizing, he just nodded and announced that he was going to leave. I wanted so badly to go with him, but I knew it wasn’t the time and everyone would become suspicious, but after another hour, I couldn’t wait any longer and announced my departure, and said goodbye to everyone. Once in my car I texted Scott that I was leaving Davids and asked if I could come over, he of course was totally okay with that. 
     I lifted my fist to knock, but before my hand could make contact, the door swung open and Scott pulled me inside. Shutting the door quickly, then slamming me against the door. Kissing me with so much need, I pulled at his hair, making him groan. His hands were all over my body, grabbing roughly at my ass, then at my hips pulling me into him. I began kissing down his jaw to his neck making him moan. He lifted me up without any notice. He brought me to his room, dropping me on his bed, he then pulled his shirt off before crawling on top of me, pushing me back, so that I was now laying. I pulled my shirt off and the way he reacts to my body just makes my confidence sky rocket. I could tell that he was genuinely so turned on by me. Before I knew it I was fully naked, he trailed kisses and hickeys down my torso, building the excitement. Once he was finally down there, he continued teasing me, kissing down my thighs. I uncontrollably bucked my hips desperate for him at this point. He finally planted a kiss onto my clit, he then took a finger sliding it up my entrance.
     “Damn, you’re so wet, baby, who made you this wet?” his voice was deep, deeper than usual.
     “You, Scott, only you could get me this wet” I breathed out, he hummed, liking my answer, he started with just his tongue, flicking it against my clit, then flattening it and licking up, he then began rubbing circles against it, I couldn’t contain the noises I was making. Then he slowly entered a finger, making me gasp. I was in complete ecstasy, but I really wanted to make him feel good now. Once he finished and came back up, he place two fingers to my lips, I gently sucked on his fingers, tasting myself. “I want to make you feel good now” I smiled sweetly, he raised an eyebrow and smiled, he stood up and I dropped to my knees, palming him gently through his jeans. Then unbuttoning them, he helped me pull them off completely with his underwear, and even though this wasn’t the first time we had done this, I still was in aw of his size. I started by licking a stripe up the bottom, then, gently sucking on his balls, he gathered my hair in his hands, pulling it out of my face. His breathing was already labored, I then moved on to sucking on the tip, allowing my teeth to graze it ever so gently, swirling my tongue around as well, then taking in more length each time. He began guiding me, pushing my head down, I took in as much as I could, deep throating him, the best I could. He pulled my hair, stopping me, then pulling me to my feet, before turning me around and bending me over the bed, in a swift movement, catching me by surprise, but it only turned me on more. 
“Fuck, I want you to beg for it” His tone gruff. 
“Please, Scott, please, fuck me, I need you inside of me” I whimpered, genuinely pleading, he pushed into me slowly, I let out a cry, as he did, he picked up his pace quickly though. I was moaning like crazy, it didn’t take long for a knot to form in my stomach, I was practically screaming. “I’m gonna cum” I was able to get out, between moans.
“Cum for me” He spoke softly, out of breath, most likely also on the verge. I came hard, he began groaning as well, cumming at the same time. 
We recovered while holding each other, cuddled in his bed. “This probably isn’t the best time to say this, but I think I love you” his voice was gentle, and it sent butterflies to my stomach.
“I think I love you too”  
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