#but whos liam right must be all about harry
dark-frosted-heart · 11 months
Roger's Wicked Birthday - 1st -
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The story's in his POV. As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this
Nsfw. Awkwardly translated smut.
They say that something predestined, something that cannot be changed or avoided, is called fate.
Being born male, female, or otherwise.
Where and when you were born, how long you'll live and when you'll die, all of these seem to be predetermined.
I've always been looking for a way to fight against all of that.
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Roger: Hey, Jude. Cut back on those cigarettes. You don't know when those lungs of yours will fail.
Jude: Quit yer yappin'. Are ya my mom or somethin'?
Roger: Don't remember givin' birth to an arrogant, swearing bastard like you.
As I walk away after finishing up Jude's regular check up, my ears pick up the hustle and bustle of the dining room.
Roger: Huh? They're bein' awfully noisy.
As expected, when I entered the dining room, I found Harrison listening to a distraught Liam.
Roger: Hey, what's up? Did somethin' happen?
Liam: Kate isn't back yet so I want to go look for her now.
(The little lady?)
Roger: Calm down... You're not gonna find anything if you run out in the dark.
Harrison: Yeah, Roger's right. You were the last one to see Kate, weren't you Liam?
Liam nods.
Jude: You were supposed ta be watchin' 'er. Why'd ya let 'er go about as she pleases?
Liam: Tomorrow's Roger's birthday so we went out shopping to celebrate in advance. I thought about dressing up a bit and doing some stuff that'll surprise Roger.
Harrison: Liam, I now there's something you don't want to tell us, but now's not the time.
Liam: After we finished shopping, we parted ways near Leadenhall Market. Kate told me to go home first because she wanted to buy something in secret.
Harrison: Where'd you and Kate part?
Liam: At a bakery called "Harmony". Around there.
Harrison: If it's around there then...flowers, huh?
Liam: Flowers?
Harrison: Did she go by herself to get flowers for Roger?
Roger: Me?
Harrison: Yeah. There's a popular flower shop in alley where Liam and Kate parted ways. She probably knew about it.
Jude, who was quiet this whole time, muttered something troubling.
Jude: Tha's right, there's been some strange incidents lately. The naïve princess must've gotten mixed up in it. That woman (the queen) must 'ave some kind of info. Maybe.
Roger: I'll go get Victor...
There's been some kidnappings recently where Kate was now alone.
All those kidnapped were women, and those who were lucky enough to escape only had their hair cut, so it seems like they were kidnapped to sell their hair at a high price.
Based on the information from Victor, it was decided that Crown would search several hideouts of the criminals.
Harry and I ran through the back alleys of London in the dark.
Roger: ...? Hey, Harry. I can hear a man...and the faint voice of a woman through this door.
Harrison: May that's it. Let's go.
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The man's voice gets clearer as we head down the path leading to the basement.
Men with guns and knives gathered in the dark.
(I see. So a bunch of thugs were kidnapping people)
Bearded man: After our watch is done, let's go for a drink- Huh, who're you?
In the dim light, Harrison and I exchanged glances. In times like this, a liar and traitor's quick thinking is useful.
Roger: Don't be so guarded. We're your buddies. We thought we'd take part too.
Bearded man: Huh? What're you on about? We'll lose our share with more people.
Harrison: Don't be like that. The police have been sniffing around lately.
Bearded man: The police...?
Harrison: We got contacts in the police. I got info on how to escape them.
Man with a gun: Hey... Wouldn't it be better if we brought them in?
Roger: Oh, we got a right to choose though. Let's hear some details about what you guys are doin'.
Bearded man: It's simple. You kidnap a woman to sell her hair and if she gets out of line, you kill her. That's it.
Man with a gun: In this day and age, a corpse has some value so it's like killing two birds with one stone.
(Yep, these are definitely the guys. Can't mess this-)
Harrison and I fire at the same time.
Criminal: Guh...
Roger: What's up? You're bein' unusually aggressive Harry.
Harrison: Yeah, wel... Anyway, I'll take care of the rest. You go ahead.
Roger: Yeah, I'm on it. Can't help but hear Kate's voice in my ear. Don't die Harry. Bringing you back will be a pain.
Harrison: Gotcha...
I head into the darkness, the sound of gunfire behind me.
(Multiple female voices...One of them...sounds like Kate)
I thought Kate would be sobbing in fear-
Kate's voice: -ight... It'll be alright. Help will come. It'll be alright...
My ears picked up Kate's voice, who was assuring the other women with her.
Roger: Geez... You're even worryin' over others in a time like this.
I run and run toward the voice, open the door in the dark, and head up the stairs.
Muscular man: Hey, who're you- Gah?!
I shoot and kill the criminals that come at me as I keep going.
(Found her...)
Among the women bound in rope is Kate.
Kate: Roger...
(Why're you trying to smile at a time like this?)
(You're not fooling anyone...)
As I go up to her and cut the rope with a knife, I notice flowers that fell at Kate's feet.
Roger: ...
Seeing them, I impulsively-
I held Kate tight in my arms.
Roger: Are you hurt?
Kate: Nothing serious. Just some scratches...here and there.
It's so like her to not count scratches as injuries.
Roger: I see...
Kate: I was sure...
Roger: Hm?
Kate: I was sure that Crown...that you would come and save me.
Kate knew about my curse as the "treacherous huntsman".
Still, she believed in me and fought against fear and anxiety.
(Damn. You're so cute and brave)
Roger: You're my birthday present, got it? Not letting anyone take you away from me.
Kate: Got it...
Kate's body starts trembling as if finally letting go of all the pent up fear.
I pat her back as if soothing a baby.
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Roger: Scary wasn't it...
Kate: Yeah...
Roger: You did your best. You were great.
Kate: ... Roger... I-I...
Kate bawled so loudly that I couldn't help but smile.
After taking care of everything, I brought Kate back to the castle and tended to her wounds.
Kate: O-ow. It hurts...
Roger: It's supposed to hurt. Otherwise this wouldn't be moxibustion.
Kate: I'll accept it...
Maybe because she was still feeling guilty, Kate endures the pain without a fuss.
As I watch her in amusement, a thought appears in the back of my mind.
It's said that those cursed will meet an equally tragic end.
That's a solid conclusion I came to after years of researching curses.
(That's what's supposed to happen to us)
(I wonder what Kate's fate's like)
Kate's a curious woman who's aware of the fact that the world isn't pretty, yet still retains some purity in her heart and eyes.
Even those in Crown with strong personalities seem to be moved by her.
(A miserable fate doesn't suit Kate)
A long life's better than a short one, better to be surrounded by people than alone, and a warm place's better than a cold one.
(The kind of fate that suits someone who's able to smile so peacefully)
It was out of character for me to think of that for Kate who trusts others so easily.
Roger: Alright, done.
Kate: Thank you so much. Sorry for bothering you so late. Then...
Roger: Hey now, who said you could go?
Kate: Huh?
Roger: The treatment's finished, but the punishment isn't, little lady.
I sit down next to Kate on the bed, who makes a sound in her throat.
Kate: Punishment...
Roger: Thinking you'll get an answer right away just by asking's a bad habit of yours. Ask yourself why you're getting punished.
I whisper in her ear as I swipe my thumb across her lips.
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Roger: I won't stop until you get it right.
Kate: Um, uh...
Kate jolts when I nibble on her ear before capturing her lips.
Kate: Nn...Roger...
(Soft as ever...)
Roger: Mm...Come one, answer me.
Kate: Because I got hurt...?
Roger: Wrong.
Even after releasing her wrists after kissing her repeatedly, Kate lets me do as I please.
Kate: Nnn... Hm? Ah...
(Hmm, not runninn'? Ahh...you obediently did as you were told)
The way she accepts my kisses while thinking fills me with sadistic desires and I hook my fingertips on the neckline of her dress.
Roger: That's it, think about it.
Kate: You don't need to tell...Ah...
Her breasts spill out as I pull down her dress and my lips are on her.
Roger: Hm? Givin' up?
While licking a nipple, I tease the other with my fingers.
Kate: ! I'm not...
(Ah~ That's a good look. You look so frustrated...like you're about to cry)
Kate: Ah...Is it...because I wandered off on my own?
Roger: Nope.
Kate: Huh...Ah....
I roll the peak in my mouth and Kate lets out a faint gasp.
(I'm disgusted at the thought that other men did that to her...)
I continue to suck and nipple as I slip my fingers in the wetness between Kate's legs.
It was already so wet and like with her nipple, I flicked her bud with a finger.
Kate: Ah...Nngh...Roger...
The moment I saw tears welling up, the irritation I felt within me finally subsided.
Kate: I...give up...
I grab Kate's chin and look at her as she muttered in frustration with tears in her eyes.
Roger: Hey, Kate.
Kate: Yes...?
Roger: I can't stand it when others make you cry. I'm the only one allowed to do that...Right?
Kate: Ye- Huh?
Roger: What's up with that response.
Kate: I just didn't expect it... I'm...not Roger's or anyone else's!
Roger: Then why're you squeezing my fingers so tightly?
Kate: That's because...Ah...I can't...
Roger: I'm not gonna last so let me enjoy your tears for a little longer.
Kate: Ah...wait...Roger
After that, I made Kate cry out a lot before having her finish me with her hand.
Satisfied, I went out for a drink with Jude.
Using my birthday as an excuse, I made him buy me a drink.
(I drank too much last night...)
I was lying on a sofa in the lounge with the aftertaste of alcohol still lingering when I felt a shadow over my face.
Kate: Roger...? Are you dead?
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Roger: I am. So what do you want with a dead man? I'm not taking any complaints about last night.
Kate: It's not that. I have something for you.
When I sat up, Kate shyly held out a bouquet.
Kate: Happy birthday Roger. Also... Thanks for being born.
Roger: O_O ...
(Thanks for being born... That's the first time I've heard it since my curse)
(Kate...Only you of all people would say that without any hesitation)
Kate: Roger? Um...I went shopping with someone this time?
Roger: Haha, I know. Thanks...
Kate smiles happily like a puppy.
(Her crying face is the best, but her smile- it suits her)
Her smile's so cute that I can't but want to tease her again.
Roger: Hey, Kate. I must've fallen for you if I'm always thinking about you right?
Kate: Excuse me........ I-I don't know!
Roger: Pfft, hahaha. How cold.
After that, while I was walking with the bouquet Kate gave me, Victor suddenly told me what those flowers meant.
Anemones meant "fleeting love".
Kate probably didn't know what the flowers she gave me meant, but it's ironic.
My fate's a future ruined by guilt.
The worst fate lies before me, but I'm not gonna let it get me down now.
Trampling on fate, I-
Roger: Now, let's fight against it again today.
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atruththatyoudeny · 6 months
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Happy 28th! Here are all the amazing fics I read this month:
Hiding Green Smiles | HoldingOnToChaos | [45k] Louis’ heart is racing in his chest. The idea of temporary bonding—letting Harry bite down right on that spot without it being a real bond—makes his mouth go dry. He didn’t even know something like this existed! His mind fills with all the possibilities and questions. What’s it going to feel like? How will it affect his orgasms? How will it affect Harry’s knot? What parts of a bond does it simulate? When Louis goes with Liam to a hidden sex shop, he discovers a new sex toy, the BiteMat, and he can't believe his luck. He loves being bitten, has a biting kink, even, and now he can be bitten over his bonding spot without the fear of anything permanent. He hastily buys it to try with Harry, his friend and roommate, and his regular heat/rut partner for the last eighteen months. They've been friends-with-benefits outside heat or rut for eight months now, and Louis' been desperately in love with Harry for at least five of those months. -- Or the BiteMat fic
Secrets in Winter | softfonds | [82k] If Harry Styles thought he was going to have a peaceful winter while staying far away from the rake who lived across the street, he was sorely wrong on two fronts. A Victorian AU.
Don't Change Me | Sharyn28 | [157k] Once in every fifty years, the moon shines brightly over the town of Holmes Chapel for 24 hours. The moment it turns red, any alpha pack leader becomes incredibly and outrageously powerful. For approximately two hours until it subsides, the alpha has the power to change any secondary gender. For example, an alpha can turn another alpha into a beta or omega and so forth. It doesn't matter if the chosen person agrees or disagrees, they have no choice. Once the decision is made, there is no turning back. All it takes to seal the deal...is the alphas howl to the moon, proclaiming their intentions as they stand around a bonfire, where the change will take place immediately. How is Louis going to react when his best friend and alpha leader retracts his alpha status, turning him into an omega so they can mate? Especially when Harry doesn't talk to him about it first.
Drop and Draws - What a feeling | Elmeiko88 | [50k] Ever since he presented as an Alpha, Harry can't stop drawing the same person over again. Louis, since long before he presented as an Omega, has always had behavioural problems... When Niall sees one of Harry's drawings, it becomes clear that these two must meet, and quickly. Everything should be easy, shouldn't it? Except, perhaps, Louis is on the other side of the Atlantic, firmly attached to Ricky...
You Could Give That Aspirin the Headache of Its Life | LetTheMusicMoveYou | [3.6k] Louis had once heard that the chances of being struck by lightning are 1 in 700,000. He wonders now, how those odds compare to randomly being seated next to your ex boyfriend on a 10 hour flight. Honestly, if the universe is going to insist on ruining his life, he really would have preferred the lightning thing. (Or the one where Louis is a football player who gets stuck on a flight with his ex-boyfriend Harry. The universe might be conspiring against him, or is it?)
The Room Thief | 2tiedships2 | [12k] Louis: Can I come over? Need your help. Niall: Did someone die? I don’t need to help you bury a body do I? Wait, did you behead one of your alpha flatmates? I hope it was the one that smells like cherries. That is such a weird scent for an alpha. It’s disturbing. And I can’t even smell it. Louis: I’ve just been kicked out. Can I crash on your couch? Niall: Zayn’s in class. I’m here so get over here NOW. Louis: Thanks mate. Gonna pack a few things and will head over. Be there in about a half hour. --- When Louis comes home and is confronted by his knothead alpha flatmates, he knows it won’t result in anything good, but he didn’t expect to be left homeless, effective immediately. He definitely didn’t expect to fall for the specific knothead who stole his room.
i would know you from touch alone | staybeautiful | [73k] They had never been face to face before now. They’d never touched, skin to skin, until Harry landed a punch to his face, high on his cheekbone. Louis shoved him off and was pulling his fist back from Harry’s abdomen before he realized his face wasn’t tingling because of the pain. It pooled out from his cheek, over his face, down his neck and spine. A shiver in the late September night. Heat, sparks - whatever you wanted to fucking call it. or The Tomlinson and Cox gangs have hated each other for over forty years. Harry Styles, the grandson of Gritty Cox, was freshly back to the city after uni when, on his first night out, he punched the Tomlinson heir in the face. It shouldn’t have mattered, their gangs have done worse to each other. But all it took was one single touch to recognize your soulmate. Louis was adamant that being soulmates changed nothing, not who they were or which family they were loyal to. Or, at least, it shouldn’t have.
In Jest | LadyLondonderry | [4.8k] Louis, who smiles at Harry as he reclines in his chair. Louis, whose soulmark is visible thanks to his low-cut top. Louis, Harry’s soulmate, who seems to either be blissfully ignorant of that fact or maliciously ignoring it. Harry would really like to know which.
find a way (to send me a sign) | we_are_the_same | [666] Everything is dark, and Louis feels like he can’t breathe. For a moment, he is unsure what woke him up, until he hears it again. The soft buzzing of his phone on the bedside table. He pushes down the duvet that’s been covering his face and squints at the clock, the red digits telling him it’s exactly 3:00 AM. Rubbing at his eyes, Louis swallows back a yawn and reaches for his phone, intent on swiping the call away until he notices the name on the display. His heart jumps as he brings the phone to his ear. “Harry?”
Into The Mist | babyhoneyhslt | [63k] Sneaking on board the famous pirate ship Compass Arrow to get a story for his journalist father, Harry must do everything to keep a low profile. But when one of the crew discovers him, hiding from the ruthless Captain Tommo becomes almost impossible.
Tea Thyme | Fandom_Larry | [10k] In a town where omegas are expected to mate young, Harry finds himself still single. Instead of finding love, he chooses to live his life pining away for an alpha far above his class. That is until a mysterious courting gift shows up at his shop. What happens when he lets go of his dream and holds out for reality? Is it possible to still get everything he wants? Only the fates know.
Something About You Feels Like Home | MarWritesStuff (Ta_Ma) | [40k] When Harry starts paying attention, he feels his tummy fluttering. The singer is gorgeous in an almost ethereal way. He can tell that the man is an alpha just by looking at him, and he’s shocked to feel himself getting slightly wet. or The one in which Harry is a sheltered and inexperienced omega, brought up in a very traditional family, who just moved alone to London to finish his studies. There, he attends a concert by indie band The Rogue. Louis is the lead singer of The Rogue and is a bit tired of not finding a connection. Harry wants to let go of his family's rules and restraints, and Louis wants to find an omega to cherish and take care of.
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hlficlibrary · 3 months
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AO3: crinkle-eyed-boo
Tumblr: @crinkle-eyed-boo
✤ Number of fics: 11
✤ Posting Since: 2018
1️⃣ Mine Would Be You {E, 114k}
Louis blinks his eyes open, his eyelids fluttering as the room swims around him. He takes several gulps of beer once he confirms that he’s definitely not hallucinating, that the very first portrait Harry Styles ever painted of him is hanging on that wall.
Louis stares at the wall, his heart jackrabbiting in his chest as he realizes that there’s not just one painting of him, there’s five, the portraits lined up like they’re some sort of storyboard depicting the rise and fall of his deepest love. His greatest heartache. A pain that cut him so deep that he left the fucking country, severing all ties with his life in New York, now suddenly surrounding him as if he’d never left.
Fucking shit motherfucker fuck.
Louis returns to New York City five years after he left it – and the love of his life – behind. He didn't intend to see Harry again, but fate has a funny way of pulling them together, whether they like it or not. After making a begrudging truce, they both start to wonder: Would it be so bad if history repeated itself?
2️⃣ Own the Scars {E, 144k}
“But I don’t belong here,” Louis insists. “Why do you say that?” James asks. “These people are all drug addicts and alcoholics,” Louis shrugs. Something sparks in James’ eyes. “And you’re not?”
Louis has never felt like he was good enough: for his stepdad, for his life-long best friend, for the life he's supposed to want. After an accident that nearly costs him his life, Louis' parents send him to rehab where he’s forced to face his demons. On the long and difficult road to recovery, Louis must confront the truths he’s been avoiding about his future, his relationships, and his sense of self-worth. Because before he can love anyone else, he’s got to learn how to love himself first.
3️⃣ No Bunny But You {E, 13k}
“So you saw the bunnies then?” Harry clarifies, a smirk tugging at his lips. “Yeah, those were a bit of a surprise,” Liam huffs. “I mean, they definitely weren’t part of what we commissioned from him, but they’re kind of cute, right?” Harry sputters a laugh. “What?” Liam asks, the furrow in his brow deepening. “They are cute little bunnies!” “Cute little bunnies that are fucking,” Harry snickers. “What?” Liam gasps. “Liam,” Harry says, trying to school his face into a serious expression. “Those bunnies are fucking.”
A slow Monday night behind the bar turns into something else entirely thanks to a new mural and a new customer.
4️⃣ Let Our Hearts Collide {M, 76k}
“Liam is in a coma.” “Yeah, we can see that,” the father says, throwing his hands in the air. “God, this is the most depressing Christmas ever,” the blonde sister mutters. “His vital signs are strong,” Dr. Higgins assures them. “Brain waves are good–” “Brain waves?” the mother wails, taking Liam’s hand in hers. “Oh my God!” “How did this happen?” the father demands. “Um, he was pushed from the platform at the subway station,” Harry pipes up. The entire family turns to look at him, confused. Harry shrinks back, wishing he could have just kept his big mouth shut. “Who’s this?” the father asks, pointing at him. “Um, I’m Harry–” he starts. “He’s Liam’s fiancé!” Jade adds helpfully from where she stands by the door. Every jaw in the room drops, including Harry’s. Oh, shit. Shit shit shit. What?
When Harry, a lonely transit worker, saves the life of the handsome commuter he's been secretly pining for, an innocent mistake results in Liam Payne's family believing that Harry is engaged to their son. In the Paynes, Harry finds the big family he's always longed for...and a love he never saw coming.
A While You Were Sleeping AU
5️⃣ There's Such a Lot of World to See {E, 125k}
“Why do you keep looking at me like that?” Harry asks, thumbing at Louis’ hip. “Like what?” Louis asks breathlessly. “Like you’ve seen a ghost or summat,” Harry muses. “You did it all the time the other day and you did it just now.” Louis swallows hard, studying him intently. “You remind me of someone,” Louis says softly, tucking a curl behind Harry’s ear. “Someone I lost.”
Louis has seen a great many things throughout his travels in time and space, but only one he can’t explain: He keeps meeting the same boy, who says the same thing to him each time. The boy should be impossible.
Maybe he is.
A love story that defies the boundaries of space and time. Doctor Who AU.
💎 I'll Still Feel the Same Around You {E, 2k}
He finds himself wishing that the bedsheet would slip down a few more inches so he could get a good look at Harry’s perfectly pert–
Louis’ breath hitches as his cock stirs, suddenly very interested in this train of thought.
The answer to all of Louis’ troubles is so fucking obvious he can’t believe he didn’t think of it until now.
Nothing puts him to sleep like a good orgasm.
Louis finds the cure for his insomnia in the form of his husband.
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theficpusher · 6 months
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Marionette by Anonymous | E | 2733 Harry is a vampire on the hunt. He doesn’t know that he’s not the top of the food chain.
Just a little taste by lunarheslwt | G | 3688 “Little dove,” Louis crooned, making Harry shiver a little, affected, “you’re shaking. Do you want to bite?” Harry stilled. He knew what Louis was asking. He knew Louis probably could sense how in dire need of comfort he was. He knew Louis was offering. And yet- “No,” he whispered, even as he felt the strong urge to let his lips trace the well-known path to the spot he usually bit into, “I could hurt you.” “Harry, my darling, you haven’t hurt me once in the numerous times you’ve needed to bite. Today will be no different. You know it’ll do you good.” Harry sucked his bottom lip between his teeth, torn. In the end, it was an offer he was too weak to resist. “So…do you want to? Little taste?” “Yeah,” Harry rasped out, “please.” Or, Harry is a vampire that comes home one night, grappling with the darkness that comes with being one. Louis offers him unwavering love, acceptance and the one thing he needs but is reluctant to ask for; permission to bite for the sake of comfort and safety seeking.
Nothing's Greater Than the Rush by therogueskimo | E | 8303 Good luck. That’s how whoever had turned him had signed off their little instruction manual, as though this was the most natural thing in the world. As though being a vampire - which Louis didn’t even know existed until he was one - was normal, something that happened every day. To survive being turned into a vampire, Louis must feed on the person he loves most. There's just one little problem: that person is his best friend, Harry, and Harry has no idea.
Liquid Gold by wabadabadaba | E | 9273 Harry’s original intention wasn’t to tease but he couldn’t stop himself. He leaned forward, dropping on his hands, and let his teeth graze Louis’ jaw. He delighted in Louis’ reaction- his breath hitched and was uneven, his body was pliant, and his eyes were already dilating. Harry moved his fangs from Louis’ jaw down to his neck, right over his jugular vein. Harry’s eyes rolled back as he smelled Louis’ blood- there was the bitter copper smell that all blood had with notes of something sweet. He applied the tiniest amount of pressure, enough for Louis to stop breathing all together, and licked the vein. He kissed it and pulled away from Louis completely. or, Louis has a biting kink and the only person he thinks can fulfill it is his vampire friend, Harry.
it's me and my plus one at the afterlife by mrsenjolras | T | 9322 It all starts because Liam Payne makes a stupid decision. Well, that’s not exactly true. Technically it starts when Louis turns 16 and becomes the Slayer, the chosen one to fight all evil forces in the world and to prevent the apocalypse, blah blah, major responsibility, saving the world, et cetera et cetera. But this time? This time Liam did something really, really dumb. [Or: Louis is the Slayer, Nick and Harry are vampires, and Liam and Niall make up the rest of the Scoobies.]
just a little rush, babe | G | 10296 “You know everything they say about Dracula? All that stuff I wrote in my paper?” Niall asks as he rips one of the glazed donuts in half. Harry hums. “It’s all bullshit. Real vampires do tomato juice cleanses and do yoga. Fuck.” Harry's a vampire who's awful at parallel parking, being scary, and being alone. He meets Niall walking home alone one night.
In This Room by thisonegoes | E | 17675 It’s his neck that first catches Zayn's eye and stops him in his tracks. A shirtless man with his back to him, his hands up in his hair, practically stumbling into the other humans dancing around him. It's a lovely neck. A Zarry Vampire AU. Happy Halloween.
Death Wish by Speechless | E | 22067 Louis hates vampires, he lives his life trying to kill as many as he can, night after night, year after year. He hates them. Then why the fuck is he kissing one? Again. “I mean it, Harry.” Louis says, into his mouth this time. “You need to get the fuck away from me.”
Scorpions et mandragores by Stria | E | 22934 Vampires were rich gents, well-versed in the unspoken rules of polite society, knowledgeable about an infinity of topics, ready to lend a hand in historiography debates. Vampires were charming, fashionable, mysterious. Vampires drank synth or donated blood, played nice with humans, didn’t bite anymore. Vampires were nice, non-threatening. What a load of bullshit. (Or, in a world where vamps have come out of the coffin, vampire Harry's tired to play nice with food, and gets obsessed with human Louis, fresh-faced and captivating.)
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landhficrecs · 1 year
Fake Dating
cause I want you (for the worse and for the better) by nonsensedarling 26k
When Louis gets invited along to Anne's wedding, Harry is prepared to let people think whatever they want about their relationship. That's what Louis said -- let people think whatever they want. That changes when Louis sees his ex, who turns out to be Anne's future husband's son. Now, Louis wants to prove that he's an omega that an alpha could want, and Harry wants to get through this weekend without letting his best friend figure out he's in love with him.
A Boyfriend for Christmas by Chelsea Frew 5.5k
Louis' co-worker, Gemma, asks Louis to be her date for Christmas dinner. She needs a fake boyfriend to keep her family from harassing her about her singlehood. Louis adores her, so he doesn't mind helping out--until he meets Gemma's handsome younger brother.
Whatever Floats Your Boat by larryftnoctrl 24k
When Harry's mother convinces him to attend his ex's wedding, he must enlist support in the form of his handsome and charming best friend, flatmate and convincing fake boyfriend, Louis. With Louis by his side, the ever present sun and the plenty of open bars, an all expenses paid week long cruise doesn't seem like the worst he could do.
Wasn’t expecting that by Cherrie 49k
There were two ways of dealing with ignorant, homophobic parents. First one involved talking, explaining and tons of patience, and well noone ever accused Louis of being patient. That's probably why he always chose the second road: instead of reasoning- piss them the fuck off. The only thing he needed was over the top, flamboyant fake boyfriend to make that happened. And while Harry may not be exactly what he was looking for in a fake boyfriend, he is everything he ever wanted in a real one.
Not Another Lonely Christmas by haztobegood 8.6k
Harry should be more nervous that he’s bringing a literal stranger to meet his extended family, but he figures it can’t be much more awkward than Aunt Sharon’s Christmas parties usually are. Instead, he’s looking forward to having an extra person to buffer the conversation.
A knock comes one minute after eleven. He lets out the breath and opens the door. “Hi there— Louis?!”
Or, the one where the friend Niall sets up as Harry's fake boyfriend turns out to be Gemma's best friend Louis
No Candle No Light (No Friendzone to My Love) by TeamLouis 11k
Louis glanced at his friend, glaring daggers and Niall chuckled. He looked like his idea could end world hunger and Louis was horrified. [...]
“Come on, Niall! Tell me!” Harry insisted, excited.
“You can threaten him other than with violence. You said you want a little revenge, right? What if an ex-boyfriend came to reconquer you? You know, the jealous and aggressive kind.”
Harry sighed loudly, closing his eyes. Louis frowned, just like Liam and Zayn. What was he talking about? And why was he still looking at Louis that way?
“Niall, this could’ve been a nice idea if I had an ex-boyfriend, but-”
“Let me explain!” Niall barged in. “ You don’t have an ex-boyfriend but you can pretend you have one! I’m sure Louis would love to help you with that.”
Liam almost choked on his wine and Zayn bit so hard on his lip to contain his laughter that it might have bled. Niall looked satisfied as hell, of course he was the little shit, and Louis just had time to flip him the finger before Harry turned to him. He was fucking delighted.
Or the one where helping Harry getting rid of his boyfriend may be the only way to his heart
bring out feelings in me I never show by ophan_account 24k
“I really think you should stop reading,” Liam says, having moved to hover behind Louis’ back at some point. “I can already see the cogs turning in your head, Louis, and I don’t like this.”
“Shut up,” Louis waves him off and continues reading.
I can do these things, at your request: openly hit on other female guests while you act like you don’t notice; start instigative discussions about politics and/or religion; propose to you in front of everyone; pretend to be really drunk as the evening goes on (sorry I don’t drink, but I used to); start an actual, physical fight with a family member, either inside or on the front lawn for all the neighbors to see.
[Louis accidentally hires a felon to be his fake boyfriend for Thanksgiving.
Dinner Date by pinky_heaven19 3k
“Sorry, what are you doing?” Louis managed to say, looking at him with his head cocked to the side, trying his best to sound more polite than intrusive.
“I'm on a date, apparently,” Harry replied with a smile so big that a dimple appeared on his cheek. Fuck. “I was at the bar and saw you here alone. People were giving you weird looks and I thought it wouldn't hurt to come here and pretend to be your date.”
OR the one where Louis gets stood up by his date and Harry comes to help him.
Before You Came Into My Life (I missed you so bad) by down_tumble 16k
Louis has made a lot of bad decisions after smoking up with Zayn at one in the morning. Oddly enough, texting a random phone number he found tucked into a library book turns out not to be one of them.
Or an AU where Louis is a closeted A-list actor and Harry is just your average Uni student who only signs things with smiley faces.
Love Me Like You Do by lululawrence 4k 
“Yeah, but is working in a field completely unrelated to what I’m educated in and what I want to do really paying my dues? And Lou, I’m 28. I’m 28 working a job I don’t enjoy, still living with my best friend, minutes from my mom’s house.”
“You’re saying that living with me isn’t the best part of your life right now, fucker,” Louis complained, poking Harry in the ribs where he knew he was sensitive. Harry squeaked and moved his arm to protect his side before apologizing.
“I didn’t mean it like that, it’s just…” Harry sighed. “I feel like I’m just treading water and I have been for ages now. I’m glad I have a job that covers what I need it to, and I’m incredibly lucky to have you with me as well, but like…”
Louis waited, but the silence wasn’t filled.
Or the one where it's time for Harry's ten year reunion and Louis being his fake boyfriend for the night changes things more than they expected.
(That’s Just) The Way I Am by lululawrence 17k
“Yeah, but is working in a field completely unrelated to what I’m educated in and what I want to do really paying my dues? And Lou, I’m 28. I’m 28 working a job I don’t enjoy, still living with my best friend, minutes from my mom’s house.”
“You’re saying that living with me isn’t the best part of your life right now, fucker,” Louis complained, poking Harry in the ribs where he knew he was sensitive. Harry squeaked and moved his arm to protect his side before apologizing.
“I didn’t mean it like that, it’s just…” Harry sighed. “I feel like I’m just treading water and I have been for ages now. I’m glad I have a job that covers what I need it to, and I’m incredibly lucky to have you with me as well, but like…”
Louis waited, but the silence wasn’t filled.
Or the one where it's time for Harry's ten year reunion and Louis being his fake boyfriend for the night changes things more than they expected.
@lululawrence @hlficlibrary @larryfic-recs @haztobegood
( Please @ the authors if you can xx )
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nightghoul381 · 9 months
Congratulations on reaching 100 followers.
I would like it if you could do first kiss with Harrison (ikevil).
English is not my first language.
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This is such a long time coming, I'm well past 100 followers now, but I finally had an idea for this request!
Play Acting
Harrison Gray (POV) x Reader Prompt: First Kiss Genre: Fluffy with a bit of spice WC: 1.2k
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I usually didn’t enjoy watching Liam during practices at the Scala, I only went because I wanted to support him. I knew it made him happy, I also had the lovely experience of finding that he lied about not being upset whenever I told him I didn’t feel like going.
Instead of hurting my friend, I decided to join him anyway, boredom be damned. This show, however, had an unexpected twist. Or at least an unexpectedly stunning actress joining the troupe.
The minute our eyes met and you flashed that shy little smile at me I knew I was sunk. You tended to stay on the edges of the group, trying not to draw attention to yourself. Yet as soon as you took to the stage you captured the attention of everyone present.
It’s as though pretending to be someone else filled you with such confidence any insecurities you might feel were blown away. I have to admit I can’t seem to keep my eyes off you. The way your eyes brighten and your face flushes when you receive praise for your performance, the way you play with your hair while waiting to go on stage, and most of all, the way you blush whenever I catch you looking at me.
I can’t help but be curious, and strangely enough it seems even Liam hardly knows anything about you. A mystery waiting to be unraveled. My kind of girl.
“Harry! We’re all going to go get drinks tonight to celebrate opening night! Did you want to come with us?” Liam shouts excitedly, huge grin spread across his face from the adrenaline high acting gives him.
“Everyone else is going?” I ask, trying not to seem too interested. If you were going to be there, then there was no doubt there would be a chance for me to talk to you alone since you typically seemed to avoid conversing with the rest of the cast and crew.
“Of course! It’s like an early cast party, so will you? Oh--” Liam inquired, cut off by one of the other actors and the director who were gesturing excitedly for him to join them.
“Sure, I’ll go,” I sighed, trying to keep the small rush of excitement I was feeling to a minimum.
Just as I had figured, you were with the group for the first round of drinks but soon settled against the wall a short way from the rest of them. Taking my time, I casually made my way toward you. You were so wrapped up in the conversation a few of the other performers were having that you must not have heard me come up to you.
The little squeak you let out and the way your body jumps told me I’d accidentally caught you off guard.
“Oh, sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you,” I chuckled, absent-mindedly patting your head.
“I… um… you’re Harrison, right? Liam has mentioned you a few times,” you stammer, face bright pink with embarrassment. Damn, just how cute can you get?
“Yeah, that’s right,” I chuckle, letting my arm fall from your head and leaning against the wall next to you. Something inside me is screaming for me to get closer. To test the waters and see if you’re as interested in me as you had seemed.
I lean in close and hear you take in a sharp breath.
“Did you enjoy seeing me at the rehearsals?” I ask, my voice dropping low to keep the conversation between the two of us. “You sure seemed to be looking at me a lot.”
“I look at everyone that much!” You hastily reply, eyes stretched wide in shock.
A lie.
“Mm, and here I thought maybe I was special,” I chuckled, letting my mouth curl into a lop-sided smirk.
Your tongue darts out to lick your lips while I take a sip of my drink, your attention seemingly fixated on the way my throat moves as I swallow.
“Am I drinking funny?”
“Aah! No! I thought I saw some had spilled, that’s the only reason I was looking, honest!” You insist, waving your arms in front of you as though to emphasize that I had the wrong idea. The only problem with that was the fact that I knew, once again, you were lying.
“Tch, see… something tells me you aren’t being entirely honest,” I tease, stepping just slightly closer and bringing my face closer to yours.
“Tell me the truth now, okay? Are you interested in me?”
You hesitate, swallowing thickly and letting out the breath that you’d been holding.
“A little.”
Another lie.
It would be unfair of me to continue pushing you like this, but the adorable hue of your cheeks and the sweet way your voice catches when you respond with what is clearly a lie keeps egging me on.
“Tell me something else. Do you want me to kiss you?” I purr, bringing my lips just inches away from yours.
“N-no…” you breathe shakily. I can practically hear your heart pounding in your chest, but I’m not about to continue making you uncomfortable. Instead, I let out a sigh and lean back.
“Too bad, I was kinda hoping I might get a chance with you, but if you’re not interested I can take a hint,” I raise my hand in a wave and turn to leave.
“Wait!” You shout, voice still quiet compared to the din of the pub.
I stop in my tracks and look back over my shoulder at you questioningly.
I wait while you approach me, shyly tugging on the sleeves of your sweater.
“I changed my mind.”
Oh? I settle back against the wall and you do as well, surprisingly close to me.
“I… I am interested in you. I do want you to kiss me.” Your face is crimson now as you admit the truth, anticipation causing your fingertips to tremble slightly as you reach up to my cheeks and stand on your tiptoes, your soft lips pressing against mine briefly.
Taking a deep breath, I slip my hand behind your back, pulling you the last few inches until you’re pressed close to my body and let you deepen the kiss.
Your grip on my cheeks seems to tighten as you let yourself get lost in the kiss. The taste of your drink on your tongue as it dances against mine is intoxicating, something deep within me responding with a primal need to claim you for myself.
I let my other hand come up to cradle the back of your head, slipping my tongue into your mouth and drawing out a pleased moan. There was something so innocent, but so erotic about the moan that I had to pull myself away from the kiss before I got carried away.
“Now that we’ve established we’re interested in one another, would you like to get dinner with me tomorrow after your performance?” I ask, willing my heart to calm down at the sight of your kiss swollen lips.
“I would really like that.”
“Then it’s a date.”
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Taglist: @judejazza @aquagirl1978 @themiscarnival @abundance-pathchooser @xbalayage @maries-gallery @randonauticrap @queengiuliettafirstlady @candied-boys @echoes-in-the-forest
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lemonlamblaura · 6 months
My Husband is the God of Pestilence - chapter 5
Not very happy with this chapter, but I felt like I was wasting too much time with it. I'm looking forward to a few things next chapter tho, Kallamar will really start getting more into the god thing.
Oh yeah! I thought I should mention a few voice claims for the characters: my Kallamar is voiced by Alan Tudyk, particularly the voice he uses for Harry in Resident Alien. Shamura is voiced by Liam Nneson, I just love his Irish accent. Still trying to figure out who would voice Lilybell.
Anyway, enjoy this chapter 🩷
"Quite impressive," said Trenaty, turning over the large ruby in her hands as Lilybell glowed with pride. "You should feel blessed to recieve a gift from Lord Kallamar. In all my time here, he has never taken to anyone the way he has to you." She handed back the ruby, and Lilybell wrapped it in a spare pillowcase before placing it at the bottom of her trunk. "Make sure to clean it often, crystals are want to attract grime and barnacles."
"Do you think anyone will steal it, Trenaty?" Lilybell asked, placing her other belongings on top of the crystal so it would remain carefully hidden, closing the trunk with a thud.
"I doubt it, considering crystals grow all over Anchordeep. But I suggest you keep it secret, knowing it comes from Lord Kallamar may give it higher value, or at least others may think so."
The lamb sighed, sitting down on her bed with a big smile. "We talked for hooooours," she said, dragging out the word to really drive it home. She laid on her stomach, kicking her legs back and forth as Trenaty walked around the bed to sit beside her. "It was so nice not to have to waste away in the kitchen all day. Oh, that reminds me! Lord Kallamar said I don't have to go back to the kitchen anymore!"
Trenaty's eyes widened in surprise, and not in a good way. "Really?"
"Yeah! He said he would find another job for me. What's wrong, Trenaty? You don't look very happy..."
The starfish's eyes softened and she smiled gently, but her eyebrows were still knitted. "I'm only concerned, dear. I don't want anyone to think Lord Kallamar is showing favoritism towards you. People may not react well to that, you know."
Lilybell's good mood quickly deflated upon realizing Trenaty was right. The kitchen staff were already mad at her for shirking her duties. They glared at her as she ate her dinner, and made her do all the dishes herself. That was all before she told them she wouldn't be back. No one said goodbye, or even a "it was nice working with you".
"That's just what I need," she mumbled, letting her chin sink into the blanket. "You're the only one here who's nice to me, Trenaty. I don't have any friends here other than you."
"Don't pout, dear," the old woman stroked Lilybell's wool comfortingly. "If Lord Kallamar is going to find another job for you, perhaps you can explore the temple a little more. I've got an idea, how about you walk with me tomorrow while I work?"
Lilybell rolled onto her side, propping her head up with one hand. "You know, Trenaty, you've never actually told me what you do around here. What's your job?"
"I suppose you could call me a supervisor of sorts. I make sure everyone is doing their work and not slacking off."
"Really? I can't imagine you bossing people around," Lilybell laughed.
Trenaty just smiled. "It's not such a bad job. It can be boring at times, but at least I have full run of the temple, except for Lord Kallamar's room, of course." The starfish gave Lilybell a wink.
"Just think of all the treasures Lord Kallamar must have in his room," Lilybell said, twirling her wool around her finger. "Lots of crystals, I imagine, and probably a really big, comfy bed!"
"Maybe someday you will get to see it," Trenaty said playfully.
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"Nothing, dear."
Later that night, when everyone had gone to sleep, Lilybell snuck out of bed and into the courtyard. Kallamar was there waiting for her, and his face lit up as he saw her approaching. "I was afraid you had forgotten," he smiled as she ran up beside him.
"I'm sorry," she panted, grinning up at him, "I wanted to make sure everyone was asleep before I came."
Just like the night before, Kallamar spread his arms out, soaking in the lights of prayers from the statue and glowing fiercely. Lilybell watched with the same amazement, but with more excitement this time, knowing what to expect. It was over much too soon.
"That was so cool, Lord Kallamar," said Lilybell, unintentionally repeating herself from the night before.
Kallamar looked down at her fondly and held out a long, thin finger. "Let's walk, dear."
She took his finger (knowing all too well this was the first time she'd held hands with anyone other than her parents) and they walked around the statue into the courtyard, among the decorative corals placed like hedges to give the area some colour.
"I have decided what I would like you to do for me," Kallamar said quietly, as if trying not to disturb the peacefulness of the night, "I require someone to help me perform my duties at the temple. You shall be my personal assistant."
"What do I have to do?" Lilybell asked.
"Nothing intense. Simply fetch anything that I require, or ask others to do things in my place. I may also ask your opinion of certain subjects that I would not ask of the other workers. That is all."
Lilybell breathed a sigh of relief. "That sounds easy. When do I start?"
"First thing tomorrow. I will have a bedroom set up for you near my office, so you will be close by."
"My own bedroom!" She gasped excitedly, hopping beside him with joy, "oh, it'll be so nice not to be woken up all the time. The other ladies there can be pretty noisy. If someone isn't snoring, then another is talking in their sleep, or something else. It's so tiring!"
"I cannot begin to imagine."
Lilybell stopped and turned to him, holding his one big hand with her two small ones. "Thank you, Lord Kallamar. I'm so happy to have you around to help me."
Kallamar felt his face warm up as she beamed up at him, her warm hands in his cold one. He couldn't remember the last time he felt this way when another person looked at him. It didn't feel the same as when his parents congratulated him, or Shamura gently touched his shoulder reassuringly. This was something else. Something that felt good, but foreign too.
It made him nervous.
"You... you're welcome, dear," he said carefully, not wanting to hurt her feelings.
Suddenly, a familiar rumble at their feet signaled the arrival of another God, and Kallamar hurriedly rushed Lilybell behind him to avoid her being seen. A dark shadow appeared before them, and a huge purple spider, standing as tall as Kallamar, but somehow taller, rose from it, facing the temple away from them.
The spider turned towards Kallamar's voice, a little surprised, but not showing it. "Ah, there you are brother," they said quietly.
"What are you doing here? Is something wrong? I wasn't expecting you!" Kallamar tried to keep Lilybell behind him as she kept trying to peek around him curiously.
"You are always popping in to see me, so I thought a change of pace would be nice," they said, taking in the courtyard, "and I would like to see how your temple turned out. You were so excited to have it finished, yet you never invited me to see it."
"I would have preferred that you let me know beforehand, sibling," Kallamar said, irritated, "then I could have had my servants tidy up."
"That wouldn't do," said the spider, "it is better to see it in its natural state. Is that your worship idol?"
Shamura started walking towards Kallamar's statue with the squid not far behind, and Lilybell found she had to run to keep up with them. She never realized how slowly Kallamar walked just for her to walk with him. He must have felt like a snail!
"Yes, but please, sibling, can't we do this another time?" Kallamar pleaded as the reached the statue, a few barnacles and periwinkles already starting to grow on it. "I, uh, have much to attend to!"
"Surely it is not too much to ask for you to entertain your dear sibling," Shamura teased, before hearing a surprised grunt as Lilybell collided with Kallamar's cloak. They looked down and saw a small hoof disappear behind their brother, and they smiled slyly. "Ah, I see you are already entertaining. Kallamar, why don't you introduce me to the small creature you are hiding behind you?"
"I-I didn't hear anything," Kallamar warbled uselessly, feeling Lilybell clutch his cloak tightly.
Shamura didn't fall for it for a second. "Come forth, small one. Have no fear," they said gently, as if talking to an infant.
They saw the off-white wool first, then a big round eye filled with anticipation, before a grey face appeared from behind their brother. Lilybell still refused to come out from behind Kallamar, afraid of what the other god might do.
"Ah, we meet at last, little lamb," Shamura said gently, "Kallamar has told me much about you. Your name is Lilly-Billy, is it not?"
"Shamura!" Kallamar cried out in embarrassment.
"My name is Lilybell," she said cautiously.
Shamura chuckled. "My apologies. Are you enjoying Anchordeep, my dear?"
If only they knew they had opened the floodgates. "I do like it," Lilybell finally stepped out from behind Kallamar, but stayed close to him, "but it's awfully different down here. I like the warm water, and I don't even think about how I'm always wet anymore. I wish people were a little nicer, but I have Trenaty and Lord Kallamar to help me. I'm going to help Lord Kallamar from now on. I do wish I could see more beyond the temple, but it must be scary, I almost got attacked by jellyfish last night! Oh, and Lord Kallamar gave me a pretty crystal-"
"Lilybell," Kallamar interrupted, wrapping a hand around her arm, "I'm sure Lord Shamura isn't interested in such things. We mustn't waste their time."
"Don't be silly, brother," Shamura said gently. "It is important to hear what your followers have to say." They looked down at the lamb with a friendly smile. "I am glad to hear you are adapting. Do not fret about the others. In time, you shall have many dear companions."
Lilybell looked down at her feet bashfully. "Thank you, Lord Shamura," she said.
Kallamar watched the exchange curiously. He assumed Shamura would be disappointed to see him talking so casually with a follower. In all his years of training, Shamura insisted followers were simply pawns to be used for your own gain, and it was useless to get attached to them, because even if they weren't sacrificed, they would die quickly, as mortals tend to do. Why was Shamura being so kind to Lilybell if followers were beneath them? There must have been a good reason. Shamura always acted with reason and always thought before they spoke.
"A personal assistant? Intriguing," Shamura said, listening to Lilybell ramble on. "That will be good for Kallamar. I'm sure he is very thankful for your services."
"I'm thankful for Lord Kallamar," said Lilybell, trying to stifle a yawn and failing. "He... he's always looking after me." She stretched and yawned again, feeling the day catching up with her.
"I dismiss you, small one. Rest and approach your new position with vigor. Good night."
"Good night, Lord Shamura. Good night, Lord Kallamar." Lilybell turned to Kallamar and wrapped her arms around him as best she could (which was not at all, given their size difference) and hobbled off to bed. Kallamar grimaced at the display of affection, not knowing how Shamura would react. Would they be upset?
"Interesting little thing," Shamura said when she finally disabled from view.
"I'm sorry about her, Shamura," Kallamar said hurriedly, "I know you told me not to get attached to my followers, and I tried but, I don't know, she just keeps talking, and you told me to keep her close to me, and..." he shrugged, finally running out of excuses, unable to look his sibling in the face.
Shamura looked surprised, but after a moment's thought, their face softened, and they put a hand on their brother's shoulder. "You have nothing to apologize for, brother. I did tell you these things in the hopes of keeping your heart safe. It is a terrible thing to lose a loved one and to keep on living. It is not something I would wish on my worst enemy."
"You have experience with this, sibling?" Kallamar asked.
"Yes. I have witnessed gods throw their existence away for the sake of a loved one. I have seen firsthand the irreparable damage such love can do. It is a terrible thing."
"But... what if there was a way to make a mortal... immortal?"
Shamura's face turned grave. "I know of what you speak. But it isn't right to go against nature, Kallamar. Let the mortals die, and the gods live. Do not upset the balance. Do not go to them."
That was it, then. The decision made for him. Do not associate with that otherworldly person.
Kallamar cleared his throat and changed the subject. "I am holding my first sermon tomorrow, sibling. May I ask that you attend and give your support?"
Glad that things were settled, Shamura stood back and smiled. "Of course, brother, if it would please you."
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themultifandomgal · 3 months
From 2010- One Direction And Scott Mills
Part 37
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“I’m now joined with One Direction at a secret location” Scott introduces us all “don’t say where we are by the way”
“We don’t know where we are. We were blindfolded” liam jokes next to me making me chuckle
“We’ve noticed your spending all the money on your music videos now. Most notably you’ve upgraded the camper van in steal my girl. What happened to the last one?”
“I don’t know actually” I respond as Liam points the mic at me but ends up hitting my nose
“We should see if we can get our hands on that actually. Can you direct these mics a bit better Liam. You’ve already hit YN with it”
“Sorry man”
“Hey what about me?” I nudge Liam who’s smiling
“Sorry YN”
“Thank you”
“The new album is released on November 17th. Have you all heard it the whole way through as an album”
“I don’t think so. Each song…. Liam just give me the mic” I take it off Liam as he hits me again with it “as I was saying. We’ve listened to each song individually but not as a album”
“We should do that” Liam says
“I like doing it in the car” Harry speaks into Niall’s mic
“What’s your favourite song on the album?”
“I really like where do broken hearts go” Niall replies
“I’m a big fan of the next single”
“That’s a tough one. I think it might be ready to run or night changes”
“I like fireproof”
“Same” Liam responds
“See on the same page”
“I agree with Niall where do broke hearts go”. Steal my girl is then played on the radio and we get back into answering some more questions
“You mentioned on Twitter that you get cabin fever when your not allowed out of hotel rooms. What happens when you want to go outside but you have to stay in. Like who goes craziest?”
“I just get a headache if I don’t have fresh air” I reply
“Yeah then you get grumpy” Harry says
“We we’re in Charlotte in North Carolina about 4 weeks ago and there were loads of people outside the hotel. YN came into our room with a grumpy face and asked if any of us had painkillers because she ran out non of us did so she literally curled up on the floor and cried for a solid half an hour”
“My head was hurting” I look at Niall and pout
“I know” Niall puts his arm over my shoulder “Harry was ready to go and find her some but out management stopped him”
“Did you get any pain killers in the end?” Scott asks
“I did. One of the hotel staff felt bad for us so she gave me some”
“Knocked her out though” Liam says
“Slept like a baby. Stole Harry’s bed he ended up on the floor”
“Have any of you said something to someone and then you’ve gone away and though they must think your a right diva?”
“Oh 100%. I was having a bad day when we were in Toronto and someone had put sugar in my tea. I wouldn’t say I was horrible but I definitely had a bit of a moan. I went and apologised after” I tell Scott
“The next few questions I want you to answer honestly. They aren’t really yes or no questions so if someone doesn’t feel comfortable answering or elaborating then move on to someone else. Have any of you got in a relationship just for the winter?” Liam immediately points at Harry
“What do you mean?”
“I just wanted to point at you”
“Wasn’t on purpose”
“No I have these boys here to steal their jumpers and jackets to keep me warm” I joke… kinda
“Are any of you worried about what’s on your iCloud now that hackers can get in?”
“Only thing they will see is photos of Cookie”
“Thats true her whole camera roll is just of her dog”
“None of you and Liam?”
“I think there’s like 2 photos of us together it’s literally just tour photos, these idiots and Cookie”
“Hey I’m offended” Niall says looking at me
“Well that’s the end of the interview thank you very much. This has been One Direction live on radio one”
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archiveikemen · 1 year
Liam Evans Main Story: Chapter 11
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I do not own any of the Ikemen Series content being uploaded on this blog, everything belongs to CYBIRD. Please support them by downloading and playing their games.
read this before interacting with my posts
Kate: Over here … Please lend me a hand!
Kate: You’ll be alright, Liam. … We’ll take you to Roger right away.
A few hours after Liam was brought to the castle, he woke up covered in wounds.
Liam: … Uh… I…
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Roger: You’re finally awake, you foolish cat. The young lady is on her way to report to Victor about tonight’s incident.
Roger: You should be grateful towards her. She was the one who asked Harry and El for help with carrying you all the way back here.
Liam: … I see, so it was Kate. Haha… I still became a bother to her in the end.
Roger: I’m not the least bit interested in whatever that's about, but I heard what happened while I was treating you.
Roger: You were beaten up for getting handsy with a woman. This is what you get for always giving in to other people's demands.
Liam: … I know that.
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Roger: … Huh?
Liam’s eyes turned downcast and a shadow fell over his face.
Liam: It’s easier for me to fulfil other people’s desires, than to fulfil my own… much, much, easier.
Liam: Doesn't it make everyone happy when I fulfil all their desires…?
Liam: That’s why I live my life doing everything others tell me to…
Liam: However… Kate is different. I find myself willingly giving everything to her, and she doesn't ask me for anything.
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Roger: …
Liam: And that isn’t all. … She even asked me, “what do YOU want, Liam?”
Liam: But I… I couldn't give her a good answer.
Liam: Until now, that still bothers me.
Roger: It bothers you…?
Liam: All I want… is to make Kate smile.
Liam: I promised that I would shine brighter on stage for her.
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Roger: …
Roger ruffled Liam’s hair with brusque hands.
Liam: Wah…
Roger: Focus on healing your injuries first.
Roger: Only after you’ve recovered, then you can think about those things with that tiny brain of yours.
Liam: … Haha. You’re so harsh, Roger.
Roger: Little too late to realise that, no?
After taking Liam to Roger with the help of Harrison and Elbert, I went to Victor’s office in the royal palace to report to him about tonight's series of events.
Victor: … I see. Thank you for taking Liam home, Miss Kate.
Victor: I’ve heard some information about the culprit who sold the information on Liam’s past…
Victor: There have been some suspicious movements around him lately.
Kate: Also, I have something to show you. Here—
I took the letter out of my pocket and handed it to Victor.
“— You are a sinner. Admit to your sins and pray that you will cause your own demise.”
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Victor: This letter…
Kate: It was amongst a bunch of fan letters sent to The Scala.
Kate: Due to the content of the letter, I kept it away so that Liam wouldn’t see it…
Kate: I had some sort of premonition that this would turn into an even larger issue if I kept it to myself, so now I’m showing it to you.
Victor: … I see.
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Victor: I’m grateful that you decided to keep the letter away for Liam’s sake. Thank you, Kate.
Victor: …
Victor: Leave this letter to me. I have a few things on my mind… and can I share about this with William?
Kate: Yes, of course. Please take care of it.
Victor: Yeah.
Victor: — At any rate, Liam suffered many fresh wounds. I wish he’d take better care of himself.
Victor’s tone was full of affection, like a parent worried about his child.
(... Come to think of it, didn’t Liam say that he was scouted by Victor to join Crown?)
Kate: Why did you invite Liam to join Crown?
Victor: Hm? Why, you ask?
Kate: He told me that you were recruiting people born with curses to help fight evil with evil.
Kate: I’m sure there must be other people with curses, apart from the members of Crown… so I’m wondering what your criteria was.
Victor: Hmm, that's a very good question. You’re definitely right about the existence of other cursed people in England.
Victor raised his beautiful index finger.
Victor: Firstly, I have to be certain that the person I’m intending to recruit is indeed a cursed person.
Victor: I don’t have supernatural powers. I wouldn’t have approached him in the first place if I wasn't certain.
Victor: And finally, this is the most important criteria in my opinion — there must be a lack of freedom in his heart.
Kate: Lack of freedom…?
Victor: Kate, what do you think is something a person absolutely needs to survive…?
I was suddenly reminded of something Liam said to me back when we first met, something about “the very core of the heart”.
Kate: I think… the most important thing someone needs in order to survive is to protect what’s hidden in the very core of their heart.
Kate: If that part of them is hurt or damaged… it'll surely make their life difficult to live.
Victor: That’s right. … Yeah, I agree with your thinking.
Victor: … To me, the most important thing someone needs for survival is “freedom”.
Kate: Freedom…
Victor: Freedom has many forms. But in this case, let’s define it as the right for someone to live as their heart pleases.
Victor’s eyes that resembled a pair of gemstones and usually had a harmless sparkle in them, suddenly darkened.
Victor: To me… it seemed that Liam had lost all of that.
Kate: Victor…
Victor: And that’s why I was so pushy about recruiting him! I told myself that I would never let him go.
Victor: Liam is cool, lovely, and sexy. I fell in love with him at first sight!
I smiled and nodded, knowing that Victor’s smile was out of kindness.
Kate: … I’m sure Liam was glad to have met you, and he certainly is still grateful for that.
Victor: Kate. Once your time as a fairytale writer comes to an end, you will have the “freedom” to decide what you want to do afterwards.
Kate: … Yes.
Victor: I’d be glad if you would keep that in mind.
When I stepped out into the hallway, I saw my face reflected in the window.
(As for what decision I’ll make when I’m done with my role as a fairytale writer… honestly, I don't know yet.)
— But for now, I want to stay by Liam’s side.
That was an undeniable fact.
And that was not because I wanted to give back to Liam for everything he had done for me, but because “I” wanted it.
(I still haven't found the right words to say to him…)
Victor told me that Liam would be exempted from Crown’s activities until his injuries were healed.
(Oh, that's RIGHT—)
The next day, I woke up slightly earlier to prepare packed lunch for two people, and went to get Liam.
Kate: This way, this way. Here, come inside.
Liam: … The dance hall?
Liam looked around the dance hall that was usually used for parties.
I smiled at him and quickly took out the freshly made lunch—
Kate: Shall we have a picnic in the castle today?
Liam: Huh?
Kate: I’ve been thinking about it ever since the first time I saw this place. I thought that it’d be amazing to have a meal in such a large space.
Liam: …
Liam: Ahaha! Of course I’d love to. So this packed lunch is meant to be a sweetener?
Kate: Yes! Exactly.
Liam and I looked at each other and giggled. We then sat down in the middle of the dance hall to have our lunch.
We chatted about all sorts of little things, like the way my typewriter hadn't been working well lately, and which shop’s desserts were the best.
Liam: Fufu, I’m excited because this feels like I’m doing something I shouldn't. Also, this packed lunch is the most delicious I’ve ever had!
Liam: Thanks for inviting me, Kate.
(... This is great. He’s smiling.)
Kate: Since you went along with my plan…
Kate: If there's ever anything you want to do, let's do it together.
Liam: … ah.
Kate: Whatever you want to do, even if it's a little bit bad, I’ll gladly go with you.
Perhaps he had a specific reason for always neglecting and turning a blind eye to his own desires.
However, if that was what shaped Liam as a person, it’d be too overbearing to expect him to change.
(Therefore, I’ll be the one to accept it whenever Liam has something he wants.)
(That’s the only thing I can think of right now.)
Liam: … Why are you being so nice to me, Kate?
Kate: … Because you’re precious to me, so isn't it a given?
Liam: … Precious?
Kate: We’ve been spending a lot of time together ever since I got here.
Kate: During those times, you’ve given me a lot. Kindness, courage… those are irreplaceable things.
On the very first night, I was overwhelmed by fear and anxiety. But Liam stayed by my side, protecting my heart.
He took me to his performances, reminded me of a near forgotten dream, and “flew” in the air with me in his arms.
The things he gave me were as many as the stars in the sky, and I wanted to give back to him even just a little.
Kate: Of course I’d cherish someone like you.
Kate: And regardless of what the future brings, you will always be precious to me, Liam.
Kate: You will always, always, be.
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Liam: … Always?
Kate: Such feelings of cherishing a person will not disappear easily. I’m sure of it.
Liam: … Ggh.
Liam tightly grasped my little finger resting on the floor, as if at a loss because of what I had said.
Kate: … Liam?
Liam: … You truly are an unusual person, Kate.
Kate: I am?
Liam: Yeah.
Liam: But still… thank you.
His thanks made my chest tighten tenderly.
Kate: … Mm, you’re welcome.
(I hope I can share the burden that’s in Liam’s heart.)
— A few days later, I received a letter from Marie, whom I had been keeping in contact with.
It said “let’s meet up. I have something for you”.
When I arrived at the cafe Marie told me to meet her at, she was already seated and waiting for me.
Kate: I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.
Marie: It’s fine, my apologies for the sudden invitation to meet in person.
Kate: Um… what is it that you wanted to give me?
Marie: … This.
Marie: I know this won’t be enough to pay for my sins, but I thought that you’d need this.
What Marie offered me was…
— A stack of letters addressed to her, from Jacob.
Marie: Reading these letters will give you a little understanding of Liam’s past.
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my-book-list · 8 months
Home Calls The Heart
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Just then, Zayn's phone buzzed. “He’s here.” “Who’s he?” Niall asked. “Liam. My, uh, my date.” Louis bolted from the bedroom, cackling when he heard Niall’s thumping steps hot on his heels. They bumped into one another as they rushed down the stairs. From above, Louis heard Zayn groan, long and loud. “Stay here.” “But -” He shoved Niall aside roughly and opened the door, stepping out onto the porch. In the distance, a Cadillac had pulled up, and a rakish man climbed from it. “Jesus.” Louis breathed. Liam looked over at the ranch house, and smiled in greeting. He watched as Liam walked over to the porch, tucking his sunglasses into his collar. “Hi.” He murmured. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Harry toss his gloves aside and begin to make his way over as well. “You must be Liam.” “You must be Louis.” He looked up at Louis hesitantly, biting his bottom lip. “I left my boom box in the car, think he’ll still step out with me?” Louis giggled, charmed. Harry had a frown working over his eyebrows when he stopped beside Liam, looking him over. “Oh, hello.” Liam extended his hand for a shake. Harry held up his own to show the dirty tracks over his palm. “Hi.” Louis watched as Liam swallowed, he looked up back. “Reckon it’s time for that date?” “What?” Harry said, looking between them. “Oh, no. H, it’s -” Liam looked at Harry. “I’m a lucky guy, aren’t I? Been trying to woo him for months, he finally agreed.” Harry tilted his head back to look at Louis, pressing his tongue into the inside of his cheek. “‘S that so?” “He’s talking about -” “I’ll treat him like a gentleman.” And then Liam winked. Harry straightened, his chest pluming and Louis was down the short set of stairs in an instant, flattening his palm against Harry’s sternum with a loud, panicked laugh. “Zayyyyn!” He called, all the while laughing with that desperate edge as he held Harry back. “Your date’s here!” Liam smiled, looking back up at the porch, where a devious Zayn appeared. He sent Louis a smirk as he descended the steps. “See you later.” “Prick.” Louis muttered under his breath as his best friend passed by. Niall came out with his lips rolled and his eyes watering. Louis ignored him for obvious reasons. “Handsome devil, he was.” Niall muttered. Harry cocked his head, pinning Louis in place with his eyes. “What? I didn’t say it!” “You were drooling.” Louis squawked. “I was not. ” “Sure, babe.” “Listen, just because I’m in a situationship does not mean I can’t appreciate a fine specimen when he just so happens to waltz over in slow-motion.” Harry studied him, then slowly reached up, capturing his jaw in a firm hold. “You can look, Lou.” His eyes dropped to Louis’ mouth, “they can look, too.” Louis’ throat bobbed as Harry pressed closer. Impure thoughts jumped to the forefront of his mind. “I’ll just - My phone, upstairs - Okay.” Niall slipped back into the house, his cheeks flaming. Harry had him pinned against the handrail, light fingers trailing over his hip, his ribs. Louis’ skin prickled. “No one but me get’s to do this.” He leaned down and dragged his lips over Louis’. “Right?” He murmured softly. Louis released a small sound in the back of his throat. The beating of his heart sounded like a chant, and right now it was saying: fuck-abstinence, fuck-abstinence, fuck-abstinence. “Yeah.” Was all he could manage to say. “Good. Get your things, I’ll be in the truck.” He swallowed as he made his way back inside. Niall stood in the doorway, smiling calmly at him. “Not a word.” “So -” “Not. A. Word.”
baby said by maneskin
“Only a Tomlinson will ever own this land.” The cowboy looked down at his lips, his own curling into a wicked grin, “what an enticing offer, darlin’.” by itsmotivatingcara on ao3
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thelarriefics · 2 years
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MUSICIAN FIC REC: Below you’ll find fics where Harry and/or Louis are in a band, have their own music careers, or are songwriters. 
📖 Empty Skies by @greenfeelings (134k)
For three years, Harry has been running from his past. Now, he is moving to London and pledges to fulfil his only dream -- making it big in the music industry. Not everyone has a place, though, and the competition is tough. As is his past catching up on him.
Louis is part of the biggest boy band of the world, and getting there had meant a lot of hard work, as well as sacrificing parts of his heart and soul. He's still happy. Maybe not as happy as he could be, but who is he to complain?
Featuring Perrie as Harry's adorable flatmate, Niall as his manager, and Liam and Zayn as Louis' bandmates.
📖 Tired Tired Sea by @mediawhorefics (113k)
As a B&B owner on the most remote of all the British Isles, Louis Tomlinson is used to spending the coldest half of the year in complete isolation, with his dog and the sea as sole companions. Until, one day, a mysterious stranger on a quest to rebuild himself rents a room for the winter.
📖 babydoll blues by @thedevilinmybrain (111k)
Louis is a high profile, filthy rich label executive who has the world at his feet - a music god.. Harry is the sugar baby trying to make a name for himself singing in shady bars and hanging off the arm of Louis' biggest rival. What Louis wants, Louis gets. But what if the game gets too hot and hits a little too close to the heart?
📖 For Reasons Wretched and Divine by @indiaalphawhiskey (94k)
An AU in two parts. Two boys, two stories, and hopefully, two chances at love.
📖 to lure a hummingbird (you had me moonstruck) by @broken-beaks (81k)
An enemies-to-lovers fic where Harry and Louis are neighbours who are forced to get along due to the inconvenience (or convenience) of a broken lift.
📖 These Sparks We Light by @becomeawendybird (62k)
Life takes many twists and turns, but eventually, everyone ends up exactly where they belong.
📖 Frankly My Dear, I Don't Give a Damn by @mizzhydes (45k)
It felt almost impossible how swiftly and powerfully love had hit him when he finally had found the person to fall into it with. It was never meant to be like this. Three more days and Louis would be gone; out of his life almost as soon as he had appeared. From the beginning there had been this silent agreement about how their relationship would be and it had always come with an expiration date and at the time Harry had figured that it was better than nothing from Louis at all.
But now, after his realisation, he wasn’t ready to give up so quickly. Harry decided in that moment there must be a way to change their trajectory.
📖 Under the Yellow Roof by @bluejeanlouis (42k)
Colorado, 1972: Louis is a gifted musician spending his days on the wrong side of a drive-thru window. Harry is the lead singer of a band in need of a little talent. Their big break is a thousand miles away.
Colorado, 1962: First day of middle school.
A lot can happen in ten years.
📖 Without you it's a season I ain't needing by @perfectdagger (38k)
A long distance relationship au in which Harry is away for a year and Louis is left to pick up the pieces.
📖 Only by @allwaswell16 (33k)
Although Louis Tomlinson lived most of his life on the most remote island in the world, now he’s ready to leave home, attend university, and maybe have a chance at finding his soulmate. Prince Harry Styles reluctantly leaves London for yet another diplomatic visit, this time to the tiny island of Tristan da Cunha.
Or the one where the electric touch of Louis’ soulmate isn’t enough to discount that he's a bit of a dickhead.
📖 My Kind of Rain by @lululawrence (30k)
the Tim McGraw/Faith Hill AU where Louis is Tim, Harry is Faith, and just when Louis thinks he is going to get some rest, his entire world turns upside down thanks to the man with curly hair and the voice that seems to sing right to Louis' heart.
📖 i'll be your new favourite tune by @kingonafiftymetreroad (22k)
Louis is the Pop Punk King of our dreams, and Harry is the cute associate at the rescue who helps him adopt a cat.
📖 I Just Want To Start a Flame in your Heart by @peachbootylouis (21k)
Harry’s impending album release meant promo season was in full swing. While at an industry party with his manager, a harp player catches his eye and Harry is instantly bewitched.
📖 You Know It's Christmas (My Heart Is Open Wide) by @softfonds (21k)
In which Louis is a cast member at Saturday Night Live, and a past airport encounter comes back to haunt him before their Christmas episode.
📖 i can be the motor (you'll be the gasoline) by @icanhazzalou (7k)
Harry is a British pop star living in LA. While trying to escape his reality of publicity stunts and record sales, his Harley breaks down. Stranded in the mountains, Harry has no choice but to call for help.
And, somehow, a fit tow truck driver with the ocean in his eyes might end up fixing more than just Harry's bike.
📖 Flirting In a Sushi Restaurant by @littleroverlouis (2k)
sushi model Harry flirts with hungry Louis.
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thank you @zanniscaramouche @nouies @allwaswell16 and @louisandtheaquarian for tagging me to share a snippet awhile ago and @crinkle-eyed-boo and @louandhazaf for tagging me today! I have a draft of my fic done and I’m in the getting feedback and editing phase and I cannot WAIT to share with you all. This is dedicated to everyone who voted in my poll to name the British socialite!
“What’s up, losers?”
Louis looks over his shoulder to see Luke emerge through the sliding glass door, followed closely by Stan. They’re both still in their suits from their day jobs, although without the ties. Stan walks up behind Louis and squeezes his shoulders as he says, “Sorry we’re late. My dad took the helicopter, so we had to drive.” There are a few groans of sympathy from around the table as Stan finds a seat and Luke walks around, clapping backs and exchanging high-fives.
“Hey, swish,” Luke says, jerking his chin at Harry, who’s wearing a Nike t-shirt under his open button-down. “How’s it hanging?”
“Swish?” Harry asks, his face a polite mask. 
Louis looks around the table, sure that he’s the only one who can tell that the comment bothered Harry.
“Yeah, man,” Luke says, plopping down into the seat across from Harry. “Every fucking time I’ve seen you, you’re wearing Nike. What, do you work for them or something? You’re like a walking billboard. So fucking lame, dude.”
“What’s fucking lame,” Niall pipes up from his seat across from Louis, “is you calling him ‘swish’ when the logo is called a ‘swoosh.’ If you’re going to be an asshole, at least do it correctly.”
Everyone laughs at that, and Rosanna comes out of the kitchen to bustle around the table, making sure that Stan and Luke have food. Luke may be a dick, but he knows better than to be rude to Harry or Niall in front of Rosanna, and he shuts up and starts in on his lobster while the conversation moves on around them. Louis catches him glaring at Harry a couple of times, though, and he bites his lip, worrying about what he might say later. 
When they’re done eating, Esteban lights the small fire in the pit and most of the group gathers around it. Luke wanders down to the dock to smoke a joint and Oli and Calvin call dibs on the first game of cornhole. Zayn sits on Louis’ left side, raving about a show at a gallery he went to the night before, while Liam and Sophia settle on his right, sharing a blanket as they chat with Stan and Niall across from them. Harry steps out of the sliding glass door to the kitchen, two bottles of rosé in hand.
“Oh, Harry,” Sophia calls out. “I meant to ask you, do you know a girl named Violet Spencer?”
Harry stumbles on an uneven patch of grass, laughing as he recovers and walks over to the group. He pulls a corkscrew out of his pocket and hands it to Stan along with one of the wine bottles.
“Sorry, Soph,” he says, sitting down. He rolls his eyes at himself. “Clumsy. What were you saying?”
“My cousin Jack, he’s over in East Hampton,” Sophia says, pulling the blanket up on her lap. “He’s dating this girl, Violet Spencer. Do you know her? Liam said you went to the same boarding school.”
“Yeah,” Liam says, taking a swig of wine and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “Wellington, right? She’s a couple of years younger than us, so you must have been there at the same time.”
Louis admires Harry as he props his chin in his hand, stroking his perfect upper lip with his forefinger while his brow furrows in thought. The light from the fire accentuates his sharp jawline, and Louis wishes he could bite him. Just a little.
“I don’t think so, no,” Harry says at last, shrugging. “Violet doesn’t ring a bell. There were a few Spencers there, maybe I knew her sister or cousin or something.” 
Zayn had fallen quiet as both he and Louis listened to the exchange, and when Louis turns back to him, he has a thoughtful expression on his face.
“What?” Louis asks, holding his glass out for Harry to top him off. 
“Nothing,” Zayn says brightly, snapping out of it, whatever it was. He smiles at Harry, holding his glass out too. “What was I saying? Oh, yeah, so the artist is in her nineties, but she just broke through with this show in the city a couple of months ago…”
I’ll tag @kingsofeverything @neondiamond @brightgolden @homosociallyyours @onlythebravest @hellolovers13 and @absoloutenonsense if you have something you want to share!
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hlficlibrary · 10 months
hello, can you tell me the most popular/ must read Larry fics please?
Hello, anon! So I wouldn't necessarily categorize "most popular" and "must read" as the same thing for me, if that makes sense. That being said, I'll give you the ten most popular HL fics and then give you five more that I think are also "must reads" in addition to the top ten most popular ones. These other "must read" fics are ones that are indeed quite popular as well and that are particularly loved by me. If you'd like a longer rec of "must read" fics, you can fill out the suggestion box on the pinned post!
Here are the top ten most popular HL fics (by kudos) on ao3:
Young & Beautiful by Velvetoscar
Escapade by dolce_piccante
Unbelievers by isthatyoularry
Fading by tothemoonmydear
Baby Heaven's in your Eyes by theboyfriendstagram
Soft Hands, Fast Feet, Can't Lose by dolce_piccante
Bloodsport by isthatyoularry
Relief Next To Me by dolce_piccante
Tired Tired Sea by MediaWhore
And Then a Bit by infinitelymint
Five more "must read" fics:
Love Is A Rebellious Bird by 100percentsassy, gloria_andrews
AU in which the boys still make music. Louis is the concertmaster of the London Symphony Orchestra, Harry is the New! and Exciting! interim conductor/ex-cello prodigy who "has made Mozart cool again" according to Esquire Magazine (Louis hates him immediately, which is definitely why he internet stalked him in his dark bedroom late at night that one time), and Niall is the best. Zayn and Liam are around too.
Don't hum Bolero.
Nothing But You On My Mind by nonsensedarling
Louis Tomlinson is a PR manager hired to improve the image of royal bad-boy Prince Harry Styles. Unfortunately for him, that means being faced with the Prince's constant innuendos, incessant dirty jokes, and relentless flirting. Louis just wants to make it to Princess Gemma's coronation; once she's crowned Queen, his contract is up and he never has to see the Prince again.
Into The Blue by zarah5
AU. In which Louis is Harry's scuba instructor and quite happy to provide the requested special treatment, pun fully intended. It can't be all that difficult to convince Harry that they're on the same page, right? Also, Niall and Liam may or may not be dating, and Zayn is surrounded by emotionally stunted idiots. He bears it with dignity.
Where You Lay by HamPalpert
When Louis's upcoming heat threatens his success at his new dream job, he asks the best (and only) person he can think of to help him through it: his best mates' best mate, Harry Styles. Harry reluctantly accepts, and together the two navigate a strange friends with benefits relationship that quickly turns complicated.
Emperor's New Clothes by sunsetmog
The fact that Louis’s most precious belonging was a cat with a face like thunder and an uncanny ability to cover every single inch of Louis’s clothing with cat hair was something that Louis chose not to think about too much.
or: Harry’s a pop star and Louis isn’t, and there’s a non-disclosure agreement where there used to be a relationship.
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harrywavycurly · 2 years
Hi Sarah so this is more so for my own personal enjoyment but also I know you’re a One Direction girlie so can I ask for some conversations between Eddie or Joe and you about them?🥹🥺💕💕
Hiiii babes!! It’s like you just knew I was just walking down One Direction memory lane😭 so for comedic purposes I went with Eddie so naturally just act like this is modern times😂 enjoy this babes and just know this kinda hurt because I miss them😩💖
*Eddie loves how deeply you love a British/Irish “boyband” even if he has no clue who is who*
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“Wait so they used to have another member? Did he get kicked out?” “Kicked out? No he left.” “Was it the long haired one?” “That’s Harry. No the one who left is Zayn. You like his stuff remember?” “Uhhh so who’s the blonde one then?” “That’s Niall he’s the Irish one. It’s easy to remember the only Irish one is also the only blonde one.” “It’s not natural though right? His hair?” “Eddie…” “Right. That’s not important.”
“Damn they played football stadiums?” “Yeah they’re a massive band Eddie not just Metallica and Ozzy can fill stadiums.” “I never doubted their success sweetheart just kind of shocked. They don’t even play instruments.” “Niall plays the guitar.” “What do the rest do?” “What do you mean?” “If Niall is the guitarist then what do the other dudes do? Just dance around?” “Why are you saying it like that? Like singing and entertaining the crowd isn’t good enough? They have to play instruments as well?” “Uh…I just thought they were a band? So like one of them played the drums and the other the bass or some shit that’s all.” “They aren’t that type of band Edward.” “Don’t get upset sweetheart I’m sorry.”
“That’s Harry.” “Damn he is inked up.” “He got a tattoo on live television once. I thought it was going to be Niall but then again everyone knew Harry wouldn’t have let Niall do it since he’s afraid of needles and doesn’t have any tattoos.” “A tattoo on live television? Not gonna lie that’s kinda badass.” “He is actually a giant dork but yeah you can think he’s badass if you want.” “Wait he’s the one that has that song about watermelon right? Thats the same guy?” “Yes that’s Harry Styles.” “No fucking way is that the same guy.” “It is. I swear, he just cut his hair.” “I don’t believe you.” “Eddie look at his tattoos they are the same because he’s the same person. Harry from One Direction is Harry Styles.” “Holy shit.”
“Baby I love you with every fiber of my soul but can we please put something else on.” “No it’s One Direction’s Birthday.” “Their what?” “It’s the day they debuted as a band. It’s their birthday so we have to listen to their music all day it’s the rules.” “Can we at least put on that one album I like? The one with the song about staying up late?” “Made in the A.M? No that’s the last album Eddie we have to listen to it in order.” “Jesus how many did they make?” “There’s five albums in total.” “And what number album is this?” “Two, it’s Take Me Home.” “God it’s gonna be a long day.”
“So they got formed on a like competition show?” “Yes they got put together as a group because they weren’t doing too well individually.” “So who got picked first?” “What?” “Who like got picked for the group first? Isn’t that the one that normally is the front man?” “Uh well if you really must know it was Niall.” “The blonde one? Really?” “Does that shock you?” “No no he’s talented as hell I was just assuming it was like Harry or something.” “Nope it was good ole Niall James Horan.” “Good for him.”
“Who’s your favorite?” “What did you just ask me?” “I mean there were five of them so who did you like the most?” “You can’t ask me that.” “Why?” “That’s like picking a favorite child Eddie I can’t answer that.” “It was Harry right? You liked the long hair didn’t you?” “No…” “Liam?” “What? No.” “Oh it was Niall wasn’t it baby?” “Eddie…” “Oh yeah it was Niall.” “You’re so annoying.” “Is it the accent? The hair? The fact he plays guitar?” “I love them all.” “Whatever you say baby. Whatever you say.”
“Baby? Why are you crying?” “I fucking miss them.” “Miss who sweetheart?” “The boys.” “The boys?….oh princess why do you do this to yourself? You know watching old videos of them makes you sad.” “Because I miss seeing them together and I miss their jokes.” “Come here, it’s going to be okay. You’ll get to see them again.” “You think so? I don’t know anymore.” “Of course. I mean if anything it’ll be a nice money grab if they do a little reunion tour or something.” “Eddie…” “Sorry sorry. But yeah they might get together again. They looked like they had fun in the band.” “I just miss them.” “I know you do baby. It’s going to be okay. We get to see uh Neil? Is that his name? We get to see him next year on that one show you watch about singers.” “It’s Niall…” “damn I always fuck that up.” “Will you cuddle and watch funny One Direction moments videos with me for a little while?” “Sure baby but only for a bit then I’m cutting you off.”
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starandsims · 9 months
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In the fall of 1910, it was time for Harry to say goodbye to his family, everything had been happening so quickly for him, from his many offers to graduation, to his birthday, to finally this. He hugged his parents goodbye before getting on the train to Brichester, where he would be picked up by Professor Sanders and taken to his home. It was strange, but hugging his father, he reflected on all they had been through as a family. Things had started off great between them, then gone downhill, and now, well now that he was a man he actually felt like he could forgive his father for the past. He felt close to his father like he never had before. (caution: long post)
For George, yes it had been difficult to accept that his eldest son wouldn’t be inheriting the family farm, but he was the youngest son himself, and he had three other sons to prepare for taking over the farm. Peter was the next obvious choice, he loved animals just as much as George and had no love of school like Andrew. And who knew how little Liam would turn out. His fear for the future of the farm had driven his actions to push Harry towards farm chores, but now he felt he could let his son embrace this new future ahead of him, and he was very proud.
Rosalie cried, of course, hugging her oldest baby, who had just yesterday been a wiggly infant in her arms, teaching her about motherhood. She had always been supportive of her son’s academic pursuits, so proud that her son was so smart and showing up all the other students in his class. She had long been dreaming of his successful future, but now that she had to let go of him so that he could pursue that future on her own, she didn’t know if she had the strength to do it.
Finally, Harry was allowed to board the train and waved goodbye to his parents as it pulled away. He spent the ride reading up on the history of Brichester, his patron was a history professor and had worked there for two decades, so he wanted to brush up on possible topics that might impress or interest him. Finally, after a few hours, the train pulled into Brichester Station, Harry had only brought a modest suitcase with a few photos, his chess trophy, and a few outfits. He carried himself and his luggage off the train and searched the crowd for Professor Sanders, it only just now occurred to him that he would have no idea what the man looked like. Did he have a picture of Harry to recognize him? They hadn’t designated a specific rendezvous place, so how was…
His eyes swept over a familiar face and he had to do a double take. Wait a minute, was that? Yes, it was!
Smiling from ear to ear he moved through the crowd, waving a hand in the air. “Aunt Cordelia!”
“Ah, there is my favorite nephew at last,” Cordelia said, only a hint of a smile on her lips. “Let me guess, you barely boarded the train without your mother attached to your neck, hm?”
Her tone was mean, but Harry thought it was funny, and she didn’t actually mean it as mean, that was just how her voice sounded. The same could be said for her face, although at rest it looked judgemental and angry, he knew her better than that. She was happy to see him.
“Aunt Cordelia, what are you doing here? Not that I’m upset to see you, of course, it hasn’t been the same since you moved out.”
“Yes, of course, it hasn’t, you have four squalling siblings now, I’m fortunate enough to have escaped when I did,” Cordelia answered. “As for why I am here, I must admit to telling a few lies. But we best worry about that on the trip.”
“Trip? I’m sorry, I can’t go anywhere right now, I’m waiting on someone.”
“Oh I thought you were smart, boy,” Cordelia sighed. “I’m the one you’re waiting on.”
“You’re Professor Sanders?”
Cordelia hesitated. “Well, for the purposes of your offer, yes, somewhat, as I said, it’s a lot to explain, so let’s get going.”
Harry curiously joined his aunt on a half-hour car (yes a real automobile) ride through Brichester. She had her own driver, so the two of them sat in the back and talked. During this time, she explained that Professor Sanders was a friend of hers. It had not been the professor who had sent the scholarship money for Harry’s secondary schooling, it had been her! She explained that she knew how his parents would feel about her offering them money and never would have accepted it, so she sent it in the form of a scholarship instead. Then, when it was time for his university applications, Rosalie had written to her about Edwin’s visit and how much Harry dreamed of attending Brichester.
“Honestly, for such a genius, Edwin sure is stupid,” Cordelia commented as the strange car contraption bounced across the road. “If he had any sense at all he never would have offered your family money, no matter how he phrased it, he should have known how your parents would react.”
“So you disguised your own offer, and made it so that I still had to do some work because you knew my parents would swallow that better?” Harry asked.
“Indeed, but also, I agree with your father, you shouldn’t accept handouts, you’re far too smart for that, and you’ll never appreciate anything if you don’t work for it,” Cordelia paused and looked far away. “My time with your family taught me that.”
“So my room and board?”
“With me, not Professor Sanders, it will still be 2 simoleons a week and you’ll still have a curfew and other rules to follow. You’ll have a room and an office,” Cordelia answered. “You will still be Professor Sanders's research assistant so don’t worry about that, he is very excited to meet you, but I wanted the pleasure of seeing the look on your face when you found out about the ruse.”
Something akin to a grin crept across her face, and although initially disappointed, Harry was impressed by his aunt’s cunning.
“You did all this for me? Why?” He asked.
“Why?” Cordelia asked incredulously. “Dear child, do not be daft. When I lived with your parents it was not a good time for me. I was barely older than you, I was a spoiled brat whose parents were dead and I was being pawned off to my vindictive, run-away sister. The only thing that ever made that experience bearable was you, perhaps not the diaper changes, but the way your eyes would light up when I came in the room. The way you would giggle at my exasperation and exhaustion, made my heart lift. I would never want to have children of my own, but if I did, I would want him to be just like you.”
Harry sat with a soft smile on his lips and Cordelia demanded he wipe it away. She hadn’t said “I love you” exactly, but it was close enough.
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neondiamond · 2 years
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As the year is coming to an end very soon, I thought I’d put together a little masterpost of all of the fics and drabbles I posted over the past year. The total comes down to 26 fics, which I will say even I am impressed by! This list is in order from most to least recent and will be under the cut because otherwise this post would get really long! ✨
📚 One for the Books (25k, M, Christmas, bookshop AU, OT5 friendship) fic post
When Harry decides to move to London a few weeks before Christmas to pursue his dream and become the new owner of a bookshop after seeing an ad online, everyone he knows tells him he must be out of his mind. As he gets acquainted with his new life and meets a handful of incredible individuals—one of which he happens to grow particularly fond of—he slowly comes to the realisation that it may just be the best decision he's ever made.
Or the one where there’s a bookshop, a cat, OT5 friendship, a budding romance, and all the festive vibes.
🏠 Two Days and I’ll Be Home (781, G, canon compliant, fluff) fic post
Harry comes home to Louis for the holidays.
🎄 Worries, Kisses and Surprises (3k, G, Christmas, established relationship, mpreg) fic post
Harry and Louis are hosting Christmas dinner with both of their families for the very first time. Harry is a little stressed out about it, but for a good reason.
🦷 So Wise (1k, G, pure fluff) fic post
Harry’s a little out of it after having his wisdom teeth removed. Louis is there to take care of him.
📖 Foreshadowing (666, NR, spooky drabble) fic post
Alone at home on a rainy Friday night, Harry reads a story that resembles his own life a bit too closely…
❣️ How Long Will I Love You (4.5k, T, 5 times fic, canon compliant) fic post
Five times Louis thinks Harry is the love of his life, and the one time he says it out loud.
💗 Rain Check? (2.6k, G, dating) fic post
After a great first date with Louis, Harry is really looking forward to going on a second date. Things go wrong a few times before they go right.
🏒 On Thin Ice (16k, E, hockey AU, hidden relationship) fic post
As the goaltender for one of the best hockey teams in the world, Harry never expected participating in his second winter Olympics would be so eventful. His hidden long-term relationship with the captain of their biggest rival team may have something to do with it.
☁️ Head in the Clouds (1k, G, pure fluff, canon compliant) fic post
Harry needs a distraction, and Louis is always a big softie for his baby.
🛞 Waiting by the Tire Swing (1.1k, G, established relationship, bittersweet) fic post
For as long as Louis can remember, there has always been a tire swing hung up in the backyard.
🐕 Puppy Love (5.1k, G, lilo, flirting) fic post
Louis is a dog trainer and Liam just got a puppy for the first time. Dogs are sometimes smarter than one might think.
👨‍❤️‍👨 Just Enough (721, G, canon compliant, fluff) fic post
Harry and Louis meet up in Venice.
🥣 With A Little Help (3.4k, G, kid fic, established relationship) fic post
With his husband Harry away for work for the week, Louis finds himself going a little bit crazy over their five year old son’s numerous, very particular quirks.
📦 Sidetracked (2.3k, G, OT5 friendship) fic post
While scrambling to get his whole life packed up the night before moving in with Harry, Louis and the boys get distracted and take a trip down memory lane.
🧁 Sugary Sweet (1.2k, G, mpreg Harry, kid fic) fic post
Sometimes, all you need is a little sugar to get the day started.
Or Harry and Louis’ daughter knows exactly how to get what she wants, Harry is pregnant, and Louis is the best husband ever.
🍑 Here You Come Again (22k, E, farm AU, exes to lovers, fluff & angst) fic post
A year after taking over his family’s peach orchard, Louis thinks he has it all figured out. His routine on the farm is mundane, yet familiar, and his dog Clifford is more than enough to keep him company. It isn’t until Harry, his ex-boyfriend who broke his heart and left their small town a decade ago to pursue a bigger, brighter future in the city, comes to stay on the farm that he realises just how badly he was lying to himself.
🌙 Good Night (1.3k, M, kid fic) fic post
Harry and Louis’ three year old daughter is afraid of the monster she claims lives under her bed. When she comes into their bedroom and interrupts their alone time for what feels like the hundredth time, Louis finally takes matters into his own hands.
👨‍🍳 Find Me in the Kitchen (9.2k, E, cooking, A/B/O, flirting) fic post
When Harry sees Louis step in his beginners cooking class for the first time, he’s surprised to say the least. Not only is Louis an Alpha, he’s probably the most attractive Alpha Harry has ever come across. The next five weeks are sure to be interesting.
🚒 I’d Walk Through Fire For You (Just Let Me Adore You) (8.3k, E, A/B/O, hurt/comfort) fic post
Firefighter Louis is having an uneventful shift at the station when a call comes in about a devastating fire in a nearby apartment complex. All of his worst nightmares become reality when he realises it’s where Harry, his best friend who he’s had a relentless crush on for years, lives, and that said best friend is stuck inside among the flames.
🍲 Better With You (922, G, sick fic, fluff) fic post
Louis is sick. Harry knows exactly what to do to make him feel better.
💜 Baby, Don’t Apologize (1.8k, T, asexual Harry, A/B/O, established relationship) fic post
Harry being an asexual Omega means his Alpha Louis has had to spend his ruts alone for the past decade despite being mated. He’s not sure who feels most hurt by it.
🕯 Cherished (1k, G, mpreg Harry, pure fluff) fic post
When Harry’s very pregnant and uncomfortable, Louis finds a way to make him feel loved and cherished.
🏕 Naturally (5.6k, E, teachers AU, camping, bed sharing) fic post
When PE teacher Louis first gets assigned to be a chaperone on a weekend long camping trip with a bunch of high school seniors, he’s not too excited about it. That changes when he finds out his fellow Music teacher Harry, who Louis happens to have a massive crush on, is also coming.
❤️ Where Love Grows (6.5k, T, single parents, kid fic, momrry) fic post
When his husband leaves without warning only weeks after the birth of their first child, a struggling Harry is forced to move in with a work colleague and raise his newborn in the desolate, dreary outskirts of London. There, within the walls of a shitty apartment complex, he meets Louis Tomlinson, fellow struggling parent and hopeless romantic.
⚡️ Thunder and Rain (628, G, A/B/O, kid fic) fic post
There’s a storm outside and Louis can’t find the puppies. Luckily, Harry’s there.
💌 Love Mail (5k, G, neighbours AU) fic post
A week after moving into a new apartment complex, Harry discovers the mailman doesn’t seem to know the difference between numbers 23 and 28. He’s not too mad about it when he finds out just how handsome his neighbour from apartment 28 really is.
Or the one where Harry and Louis keep mistakingly receiving each other’s mail (and also fall in love).
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