#but wrong
notllorstel · 4 months
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Recently did an attempt drawing coran with eyes closed🤣
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costumersupportdept · 4 months
bloodsport/crocodile rock.
i am DYING. LAUGHING. Whoever made this, you are my kind of demented and I want to kiss you on the mouth.
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ae-spam · 1 year
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thinking about them
'thinking about what??'
oh you know. max and lucas trent holding hands
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elderemorune · 4 months
What a week.
TW: Suicide discussion ahead. Please be kind to yourself and don't read if you're not in the headspace for it.
A family friend passed away this week. I first learned about it a couple of days ago. Her name was Emily, and she was a lawyer. Damn fine one too. She and I weren't especially close, but I'd ask her legal questions on occasion, stuff like "Hey, how does founding an LLC work?" or "Hey, I just learned about this really cool business idea, can you point me to someone who can help me work out what I'd need to do for it?" It was professional, and I didn't know that much about her.
What I do know is that she suffered from chronic pain, and didn't have any tools to effectively manage it. The stuff that deadened the pain's addictive, and with doctors basically not prescribing opiates at all if they can help it, she was left in the lurch. Eventually it became too much to bear, and she just couldn't do it anymore.
She leaves behind a husband and children, whom are all kind and gentle folk. I recall meeting her partner at a baseball game with my dad once, he was a swell guy. Shook my hand firmly and made jokes about an ex-con marrying his lawyer. She just gave him a withering look, said "Don't be an ass, I don't even practice criminal law!" and we all laughed.
The pain overtook her, and it's hard to blame her.
I mean, can you imagine? Body aching all the time, no reprieve except when you're asleep? Doctors telling you you're engaging in drug seeking behavior simply because you'd like to have one good fucking day, just one?
My wife lives that life too. She's constantly in pain, her body fighting her at any given moment simply for the sin of having been born to parents who ardently refused to have her medical issues treated when she was a child, her dad and stepmom chiding her doctors when they said "She has a hormone imbalance brought on by precocious puberty".
"Oh she doesn't have anything wrong with her, she's just lazy and fat."
I'm digressing from what I wanted to talk about, sorry. That woman's been through a lot, and it's so hard not to get mad about it. Especially right now. I worry so much about her pain levels that I keep her supplied in marijuana and do everything about the house to the best of my abilities just to limit it as much as I can.
And while that's the worst thing that happened this week, I can't really say the rest was good. I mean, in comparison to suicide, sure I guess, but you know.
It's fucking weird when one finds out that your mom didn't actually want to be polyamorous again.
Oh yeah, my folks were poly in 2019, and that blew up massively in their faces for reasons that are not mine to share.
Anyway, I came to find out that my dad lied to my mom about how he met his girlfriend, Sarah. He said he met her on Reddit, but had lied about taking his dating profile down. He takes phone calls from Sarah every night at 5:00, when he's supposed to shut his office down and stop ignoring my mom for the day.
My mom has no desire to meet Sarah. Says "I can't, I'll hate her, and she hasn't even done anything wrong. I don't want to meet her."
As a polyamorous person in a monogamous relationship, there is a right way to do this, and a wrong one, and FUCK is the wrong one lying to your partner about it. I mean shit, I did that three fucking years ago! And while I would absolutely state that my behavior three years ago was of a significantly different (read harsh, mean, unkind, abusive), it started this way. With a lie.
Sure he came clean, but there's nothing that can be trusted about this relationship now.
So I finish talking to my mom about this because I have other shit to do and being angry at my dad for yet another reason isn't doing me much good. She closes out with this:
"Thank you for caring about me and having my back and being my amazing and wonderful son."
To wit I said "Well it's not like I can be anyone else, right? :P"
And completely unprompted, she says "Well you could be my amazing and wonderful 'child' instead of my son and you would still be the same as far as I'm concerned. I would still love you just as much. You're one of my favorite people."
For those who aren't good at speaking white suburban mom, this translates to "I would still love you if you were trans."
What? I'm still confused by this. About once a year, I sit down and take a mental inventory, you know, see who I was this last year, and compare that to who I want to be. That includes taking stock of my gender identity. That part of the process generally amounts to "Am I comfortable in my body? Yes? Good.", but if it were different then that's fine too.
Like, I'm not GNC, I'm not genderqueer, I'm just queer.
Apparently, because trans folks often use this term to refer to themselves, my mom had simply assumed that I was among that crowd.
Again, what? What a fucking leap of logic, mom! Well, at least we know you're an ally.
And also, I'm honestly crossing my fingers with the hope that you'll divorce dad. I love the two of you, but fuck are you awful for each other.
What else happened this week? Hell, I can't remember. Wednesday was weird, but I think I already talked about it previously. That shit with Ruth was a hell of a thing. I told my wife that I'm not going to any family events that Ruth is gonna be at unless my nieces are there. Then I'll just ignore Ruth and play with the kids. They fuckin love me. Hattie, my oldest niece, makes fun of me for "Talking too big" when she brings up God. They don't like Ruth either.
This is already getting kinda long, and I've got work to do, so I guess I'll update some other time.
Please be kind to yourselves.
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I'm going to be real here. I don't celebrate Thanksgiving, but turkey stuffing looks DISGUSTANG
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shrekgogurt · 1 year
all I’m saying is when women say malapropisms it’s just because they are so smart all the knowledge gets jumbled
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staff: our april fools joke this year is a silly feature that doesn't really do anything but give you a button to boop other users! they have to opt-in first though :)
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wolfythewitch · 16 days
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jesus in the hades art style
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I love Matilda because it's a story about a child who sees injustice around her and gets mad about it and questions why things aren't fair, and instead of the ending being that she learns how the world works and that life isn't fair, she catapults one of the adults who abused her out of a building with her mind
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kochei0 · 3 months
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I turn to Ares.
Thanks to Tyler Miles Lockett who allowed me to draw inspiration from his ARES piece for page 2! Look at his etsy page it's SICK
⚔️ If you want to read some queer retelling of arturian legends have a look at my webtoon
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sleepygaymerdisease · 3 months
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geckked · 26 days
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canon labru interaction
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mikewheelerfan2022 · 1 month
Reblogging would be a great help, but don’t feel pressured to
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ski-ip · 1 month
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something something dark magic
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churroach · 23 days
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Girlish whimsy indeed
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smokiedokie · 5 months
I opened my copy of The Tale of the Body Thief & immediately had to close it again because of this silly little annotation
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