#but ya see I wrote this literally last month and i am far too lazy to change all the numbers of my prompts down one
stealingyourbones · 2 years
Short DP X DC Prompts #164
Ghosts have a very funky voice box which lets them create sounds that people are unable to make.
Ghosts can trill at certain frequencies that can display various emotions and all ghosts simply just *know* what they mean. Everything from trust, fear, happiness, sadness, mirth, everything. Imagine the trilling sounds a cat makes.
Possible addition:
Danny gets attacked by Jason while he’s fully out of it with pit madness and a trill of fear escapes him.
The pit madness almost instantly clears because a strange shrill noise is heard in the middle of his victims whimpering and Jason is overwhelmed by the feeling of scared ghost child. must protect must help. Protect protect PROTECT and just snaps back to reality to a very terrified ghost kid who’s extremely injured who he’s backed into a corner.
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sadistic-second · 4 years
SPEED: What is speed? I’d like to believe things are done as quickly as possible. Written word says that I’m pretty quick about things, 1-3 days tops. But if you’ve ever actually heard be vocalize my “speed” then well. :fingerguns: I’m a lazy piece of shit. So, that being said, depending on motivation levels that I currently possess, that reveals the speed in which I operate things here. But a good baseline is still 1-3 days.
REPLIES: For starters, I use thread tracker for all the threads I currently possess. And if I haven’t replied to something then I sincerely apologize. I am not ignoring you. I either fucked up tracking it (which I’ve done before) or something happened to the tracker itself. I know it had some issues recently. Can’t recall if it got fixed or not, but I know for a fact it fucked some of my replies up. 
On that note, if I have taken longer than seven (7) days to reply to something, hit me up. Let me know. Either the tracker or I fucked up and I need to be told. As stated above, I usually take 1-3 days to reply to things. So if it has been at least that long and you’re still waiting on me for something, chances are the above happened. 
You’d never know it by looking at the lengths of most (all?) my roleplays here, but I am a novella roleplayer at heart. Love me some details, bro. Setting scenes, getting the atmosphere just right, making sure you know for a fact what I’m doing at any given moment. Why? I dunno. That has a story in and of itself that will not be disclosed here. 
But don’t let that discourage you. I am adaptable and I can be flexible to what my partner needs/wants. Will I get carried away sometimes? Absolutely. Do you have to panic and try and match? Not at all. You do you. I’ll do me. We’ll work it out, don’t worry.
STARTERS: Don’t at me, I already know I’m stepping into a baited trap. 
Starters are nice. However, they take time to write and think up. That being said, if I’m writing it, you best believe it's tailored to you specifically. Though I do enjoy at least a basic idea discussion beforehand so I know what direction I’m supposed to take this, I can wing that shit like no tomorrow. Again, not that anyone would know since I haven’t exactly, uh . . . Done it yet. Rest assured, I have the list. I will be doing something eventually. 
You can also tag me in starters if you want. I’ll notice and I’ll get the idea and we can go from there. If it's just something you came up with outta the blue or it's from an ask or whatever, all fine by me. I’m pretty much open to any and all ideas.
INBOX: Ahahah, my inbox. Yes. That motherfucker. Look. I have at least one meme queued for every single day up until the first week of August. Not quite sure what possessed me to do this, but you know. At least you’ll always at least have one thing to choose from to send me every day. Old memes, new memes, random ass shit you just thought of at 3am because you figured I’d like it, send that in. I’ll answer it.
Sure, okay, yeah. I’ve currently got week old memes sitting in there right now. And there are at least month old memes sitting in my drafts that I haven’t posted yet. Doesn’t mean I won’t answer them. Just gotta wait for that good ol’ inspiration to kick in. 
Oh, and I hear Tumblr still eats things. So if you’ve sent me something and its been quite a while and you haven’t seen an answer, chances are I never saw it. I sincerely apologize. Send it again. Send something new. Eventually, I’ll see it. Tumblr can’t eat everything, right?
SELECTIVITY: What is selectivity? I’d write with a sentient stuffed animal if it had a good enough idea. Yes, I’m very aware of what that sounds like. Does that make me any less of a person, a writer, because I said that? Fuck no. I am more than willing to give anyone and everyone a chance provided you aren’t cringey.
Oh but Asher, what does that last bit even mean? Don’t be fucking weird. That’s all I ask. If you’ve got an idea, come to me with it and we’ll work something out. Don’t have an idea? We’ll talk about it. I will roleplay with you. I am by no means selective. 
Although, I suppose this would be where I’m supposed to give you some semblance of ideas or stories that I would like to give a shot at. :fingerguns: What is creativity? I will admit that I like to spout out about how creative I am and shit. However, put me on the spot and I will go blank and make myself a fucking liar.
I’ll give you some hints though. Love me some angst. I am one angsty boy. Do your absolute worst. It takes a lot to make me feel things and only two people have managed to get me to the point of tears thus far in my Tumblr career. If you think you got what it takes, bring it on.
I’m still exploring Reno’s drug habit(s). So I guess that’s sort of a wish list idea?
I want an excuse to be sadistic. My fucking name is literally sadistic-second and I cannot recall an opportunity in which I have gotten to display that true nature. I think I’ve hinted at it before? I know there are a couple shorts that I’ve written floating around. I think you can find them under “Asher writes” and uh . . . Fuck, what was that other one I wrote recently? “Raw meat” brings it up in the search so there’s that, too.
So those are kind of wish list ideas? I guess? 
HONEST NOTE: :dogekek: Bold of you to assume I have anything else left in me to put here. Nah, but like it was 2am when I wrote this. And you’re seeing it now at whatever the fuck time my queue put it at. Early morning, I know that. 
I’ve done a lot of changing, a lot of growing up in the last year or so. Big life changes happened and well. You gotta adjust or ya kinda sink. And boy did I sink. But I’m back now. I’m better. I’m getting the hang of things once again. 
No, but like what the fuck is supposed to go here? Oh, wait. I have an idea.
You guys want a better way to communicate with me? Ask for my discord. Tumblr messages are great and all, but uh . . . You’re more likely to get more out of me on discord than you are Tumblr. Why? I dunno. I’m always on discord. I’m kind of on Tumblr? Granted, I’m always on both places, but discord is where its at, man.
TAGGED BY: @that-turk-laney
TAGGING: Uh. Steal it, fam
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darlingtons-voyster · 6 years
Tag/Ask Game ^ ^
EDIT: I FORGOT TO TAG PEOPLE! I FEEL LIKE AN AWFUL HUMAN BEING! I hope I don’t annoy anyone because there’s so many people I want to get to know! IMMA TAG Y’ALL NOW, AND UP HERE! @clockyclock @bootsandcleats82 @loopyhoopyfrood @remvs-lvpins @elvendoork @acb-cafe @alwithcolorfulhair @thecoolestwitch okay you know what this is taking forever IF WE’RE MUTUALS PLEASE DO THIS, IF WE’RE NOT MUTUALS ALSO PLEASE DO THIS I GUESS BECAUSE I LOVE PEOPLE!!!!! TAG ME SO I SEE IT PRETTY PLEASE!!!!
I got tagged by both @starrya47 and @rpforhufflepuff and tbh I’m just super touched that y’all both thought of me?? Thanks loves!!!
Nickname: Pretty much any variation on Brianna—Bri/Bree, Bribri, Bribee :P And also some people call me Marco and I like that too!
Bonus: Like a bonus nickname? My dad calls me McPhanna
Zodiac: Cancer :)
Height: 5’4
Last movie I saw: Good Will Hunting (very good!!!!!!)
Last thing I googled: It almost had to be “How to find google search history” but I figured it out with the powers of logic!! It’s the much less exciting “why do I only get sleep paralysis on my back”, to which google did not provide a sufficient answer!
Favourite Musician: Oh boy, I can’t pick one! I have it narrowed down to a holy trinity right now though—Mother Mother, the Oh Hellos, and Regina Spektor
Song stuck in my head: It’s Alright by Mother Mother (Specifically the bridge: “I don't wanna know who I am, 'Cause heaven only knows what I find, I don't wanna know I'm not capable of coming out alive…. I don't wanna see what's inside, I think that I would rather be blind, I don't wanna know I'm not capable, I'm capable”)
Other blogs: I have a writing side-blog, @fantastical-birb ^_^
Do i get asks: Yes, a few people walk into my inbox and bless me when I ask!! Makes my heart happy every time <3
Following: 226
Amount of sleep: Haha, lately I’ve been sleeping for like 12 hours but lately I’ve also been struggling with health too! Before the last four months usually 5-9 in a night!
Lucky number: 12 or 72!
What i’m wearing: A robe I got when I was like… Nine or some shit XD It’s soft and I hate clothing s o m u c h
Dream job: Multi-artist!! I love creating, but I burn out and get unhappy very quickly if I’m made to focus on one thing so I’d love to be able to flit between art forms! Not very realistic but hey, you said dream, I gave ya a dream
Dream trip: Right now the top of my list is Italy (Vienna, Rome, or Cremona) but tbh I love Scotland too and I also want to go to Almaty at some point and really I want to go everywhere so??? World tour? Dream trip. Yes. That.
Favourite food: Oh boy! I love so much food!!! I’m also a picky eater and I promise those two things make sense when you know me lmao
If I had to pick a favourite though I guess I’d go with burritos, I would eat only burritos for the rest of my life and be happy
Play any instruments: Yep! In order of skill level: I play the violin, the flute, the clarinet, the guitar, and the euphonium! Also I sing, that isn’t really an instrument and I’m not sure if I’m better at it than violin but I sure do do that!
Languages: I speak English and French :) English is my first language and I’m a little rusty on French, but I’m hoping to brush up on it soon!
Favourite songs: Okay you know how I had trouble choosing a favourite artist…? Literally no chance here. I am SO bad at favourites. Um. Like the Dawn by the Oh Hellos almost always brings me to tears, same with There Beneath by them as well! But I have a deep and unabiding love for everything by them, so XD Bottom is a Rock by Mother Mother, Light by Regina Spektor, aaand so many more that I’m just gotta stop right now before y’all get spammed forever
Random Fact: When I was born I had a perfectly heart-shaped birth mark on the left side of my back! It was smol and red. It stretched and faded with time so it’s no longer visible but my mom’s a tattoo artist and she may tattoo it back on as a test to see if I’m sensitive to tattoo ink!
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: I actually have a little creative writing bit I wrote on my writing aesthetics, and with some trepidation I’ll just put that here XD Laziness winning out over self-consciousness. I wrote one for my best friend too and I like hers a lot too so… hm… okay I’ll put both because I love her :P First one is hers, second one is mine! It’s messy because I based it on something we did together but like… Here goes nothing? Under the read more because I’m still self-conscious lmao
You are robins, quick-witted, quick in flight, strong wings bearing your thoughts up, up, up—
You are singing along with the car radio, messy hair whipping in the wind from the open window, you know we’re going over the speed limit.
You are late night hours with coffee sitting in front of your crossed legs, sketches spread before you and blooming flowers around you. Both are filled with your love.
You are the heavy patter of rain and a toothy grin through the slight chill in the air because you are a child of this world in all its wild forms and I agree as I watch you fall quickly in love with this one, black jeans starkly human against the storm that opens its arms to you. Of course it still recognizes you; wild child, creator, lover, king.
 I am the smell of old books, sweet and smooth, the rough paper brushes your nose, the sound of a piano echoing from the pages or the next room.
I am ringing laughter over the sound of singing with the car radio, toothy grins and woops of joy as we go faster, faster—
I am late night hours spent cross-legged on my bed, around me filled notebooks eagerly spill their contents, wanting to be heard, a conglomerate of messy planners and art sketches. On my beside table are more mugs than I’d willingly admit to my housemate, one with still an inch of cooled herbal tea inside, I never could stay on track even without caffeine in my veins
I am the heavy patter of rain as my fingers run through your hair, trusting and fond, and with far more care than when I tug through my own messy inches, rubbing curiously over the softness of my undercut until
And perhaps that’s my truest ending—none
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Dumb Crap My Friends and I Wrote WAY Too Far Past Midnight
(A/N) Also, here’s a challenge. Try to name as many of the K-pop stars here as possible, ‘cause I ain’t labeling them~. Good luck, and remember! Google is a sin when it come to this. ;3
1:03 AM
The pit-pat or rain harmonized beautifully with his laugh, I realized. Or maybe the comforting sound of his chuckling could fit in anywhere, making any place seem familiar and cozy. 
He had his head thrown back, laughing at a witty remark I had made. The last echoes of his laugh faded around the gazebo that we had sheltered under when we got caught in the downpour. 
His friendly brown eyes caught mine, and for a moment, we just stared, being lost in each other. He then pulled me into a hug, and I felt his still-wet hair against my cheek as he whispered,
“I’m so lucky to have you.”
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1:11 AM
He liked it when you wore his clothes, especially since he was away so often. It made him feel closer to you, and he was quite used to coming home and seeing you in his hoodies and tee-shirts, saying you missed him. And sometimes, you’d steal his snapbacks and beanies when you went out for dates, or you’d slip on one of his necklaces or rings—but that really didn’t matter.
He loved it, even if he never said it. 
Though, on a lazy day spent with you, just simply playing video games, binge-eating junk food, and playing Just Dance in the living room, he definitely wasn’t expecting to see you in his socks. It was a surprisingly pleasant surprise. 
They folded over your toes, so clearly too big for you. The red and white color looked good against your skin, and they made you walk with a slight waddle, so he didn’t mind too much about the invasion of his sock-drawer. 
That day, he finally had enough confidence to let you know that you looked cute in his clothes. 
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1:25 AM
I didn’t mind chilling in the dorms with him at midnight, just playing video games until four in the morning.
He was enough. 
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1:50 AM
He was your soulmate. 
He’s literally your best friend, and when you first met, you just clicked, and you wanted to hang out more. So, you end up cooking for the rest of the group a lot together, even though you get teasing from the maknae-line saying that you two are the antonym of “manly”. 
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1:58 AM
(A/N) ...We were on a SKZ binge, okay?
When I first met him, he was super annoyed with me—everything about me, really—because he couldn’t understand a word I said. I made it a personal challenge to befriend him, no matter what it takes.
Slowly, after he got to know me for a while, he got softer around me, until one day, he just started acting flat-out cute, finally signalling that I had succeeded in the difficult task of getting close to him.
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2:04 AM
In the future, you would hear him take six different tones of breath.
1. A breath of surprise, because you did something that made him really happy. Honestly, that could’ve just been your presence, expected or otherwise. 
2. A breath of relief, because you caught him when he was tripping over something. 
3. A breath of content, because that day was the day you were both allowed a moment of peace just to enjoy each other.
4. A breath of frustration, because of your first real argument. 
5. A breath of boredom, because you ran out bored-games to play on your dope sleepover. 
6. A breath of exhaustion, because, damn, pillow-fights take a lot out of you.
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2:08 AM
(A/N) The way my friend wrote this, I’m pretty positive it’s from the point of view of the member she wrote about.
When I first saw her, I thought she was a queen. I was captured by the brightness she left behind, everywhere she went. 
I saw her demonic side too, believe me, but I still believed her to be the best—and pretty much—most adorable person on earth. 
One day, we had an entire in-depth discussion about it, just for fun’s sake. 
In the end, she even told me she thought I was handsome. 
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2:12 AM
As it happens, that day, we went to the ocean together, as a random late-night adventure. It was like a dream, and we decided to do it just for the sake that neither of us wanted to be alone.
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2:17 AM
The thought of you sparked an interest in him. Slowly, as your relationship improved, he saw the entire picture like a panoramic shot.
For the rest of his life, you would be by his side all of the time. You were massively important to him, even if no one else even mentioned you. 
Sometimes, it felt as though you were only acknowledged by him; just a ghost that only he could see. 
And that was okay.
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2:25 AM
The vocalist had a best friend. The way they met was unconventional, to say the least. 
When he first met his best friend, a nice fella of a reasonably tall stature, he thought he was a girl. He liked the smell of his perfume (actually his cologne), they had similar interests, and it got to the point where all he wanted to do was see him all day, everyday. 
But when he found out the truth, he laughed at himself, and settled for inviting his best friend, now a confirmed male, over to the dorms for a round or two of Overwatch. 
Conclusion? Friends are dope. Especially when they forgive you for those kinds of dumb mistakes.
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2:30 AM
(A/N) My friend wrote this and, of course, we were exhausted, so there were tons of spelling errors, so I had to read it over so many times to even understand what was going on here. XD Even now, I’m still like, “wth”.
At first, he thought I was a guy—which happens to me fairly often, for some odd reason... I brushed it off because it was such a common mistake, and told him that I was actually, in fact, a girl. 
It was clear, after I told him, that he thought I was the biggest, greatest, most interesting thing in the world! Not sure why, but there ya go, mate. He gave me lots of compliments for having the courage to tell him, even though it must’ve been “perilous”.
That day, he bought me milk, as an apology. 
(A/N) Milk...?—what the heck? XD I’m just curious, that’s all. 
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2:39 AM
You and him met by chance. A mutual friend introduced you, and you knew from day two that you’d never go back. 
You tended to adore it when you were together, and you enjoyed just sitting across from each other, sometimes having deep conversations, and other times, just reading or messing around on your phones. 
You trusted each other not to disturb the beautiful peaceful silences you created together. They were too precious.
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2:45 AM
(A/N) ...sleep deprivation really caught up to us here, but I ain’t questioning it.
I first met him—this eccentric and special young man—when he was in need of help. I was close-by, and he called out to me, hoping I would be caring enough to assist him.
For some reason or another, he was building a chair. I helped him finish that chair. Soon after that, we started grabbing coffee together, and became fast-friends. 
Months after that, he asked for my help in writing a song, so of course I was there for him! He trusted my opinions, so I wouldn’t let him down. 
We laughed a lot during that time, I recall... His laugh is one of my favorite sounds in the world, so I always tried to make him laugh. That’s why I usually told him the story about me hitting the nail with the hammer. 
(A/N) You’d get the nail and hammer joke if you knew my friend. 
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2:53 AM
(A/N) I think this is an AU or something?? ‘Cause if not—WHY IS HE FIXING A ROOF?
Your first meeting with him was actually pretty strange. This guy—the dude you eventually fell in love with—is actually the guy who patched the hole in your roof after a bad storm. 
He coordinated with you, a famous illustrator, to design the most amazing roof possible! And now? Ten years later?
You’re happily married and have three kids. 
(A/N) ...I have no words. XD
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(A/N) Well... That was a wild ride. XD Hope you enjoyed our crack-headed antics!
Have a wonderful rest of the year, and I hope you can make all your goals work out! Remember: “Goals are attainable dreams!”
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tomoyanosekai · 4 years
My Pace ~変わるの風~ (Kawaru no Kaze: Wind of Change)
”Ah dammit, not again…”
- Pride and Exhaustion ~ 割れた時計の顔~ (Wareta Tokei no Kao: Cracked Watch Face) (November 2019)
One year ago in November, I began to try jogging again. As I tried running for the first time in a long time since coming back from Japan, I found myself in front of my driveway, collapsed on the ground gasping for air while I accidentally cracked the screen of my watch. One year later, with the weather getting increasingly colder as the days go by, the thing I noticed is that the world certainly is transitioning from fall into winter. Just as the seasons change, my motivation’s changed and I’ve become much more lazy. The days where I was jogging almost every other day during the week are now behind me where I struggle to wake up early, and when I wake up, it’s too cold and I really don’t feel like jogging. In order to try and combat this and actually get exercise, I’ve been trying to at least go on long walks whenever I’ve felt like it, even though it hasn’t happened all that much. But as I walked during one afternoon, I found myself looking at my watch and measuring how far I walked within a certain amount of time. At that point, I began to think,  
“Wait, why am I actually worrying about the time and how quickly I walk a mile? Aren’t walks or strolls supposed to be leisurely in nature? Why am I trying to take the ‘leisure’ part out of a ‘leisurely stroll?’ ”
I’ll address this as I write: I know I’m late with this post. I’m REALLY late with this post. I didn’t hit the usual end of the month deadline that I like to aim for when writing these posts. Personally, I like to hold myself to said goals and I sort of find it a little irritating that I missed the deadline, but I think this month was an exception for various reasons, and also had to happen at some point. As I wrote last month, the original purpose of this blog wasn’t to earn the approval of others through the life I live. I write with the goal of hopefully helping someone else by hopefully guiding others in a direction where they can find some advice or inspiration through monthly documentations of my daily struggles in life. Since I’m not trying to especially please anyone at this point with my life or release schedule, I think this is a good place to start: a post where it’s gone past the original deadline as I go at my own pace.  
According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, “pace” is defined as the “rate of movement or progress.” If i had to be honest, the idea and concept of pace from a literal and figurative perspective annoys me. If I’m jogging, I want to keep up my pace or try to outdo myself and break my own record. However, even if it’s an figurative sense directed towards improvement, I can’t help but compare myself to everyone else’s progress in life. It annoys me a lot when I can’t move forward, whether that be literal or figurative. I’ve written many times before about how I kept seeing so many peoples’ improvements and breakthroughs in life; whether that be new jobs, new relationships, or just seeing others be able to freely do what they wanted to do despite being in the middle of a pandemic. Although many people told me not to “compare myself to others” on how I live life, I had to hear the phrase “go at your own pace” from so many people ad nauseam throughout this month. I know they meant well and even though I usually also gave this tip, it was still just as frustrating as it is hypocritical of me. Wanting to live at the speed I wanted to mixed with outside pressure only played off each other, and added with a sprained ankle that happened near the end of the month, I couldn’t really go jogging or walking to feel some ounce of freedom. The end result: I hated the fact that no matter how hard I tried to move forward, it only hurt as I felt trapped and frustrated with myself. 
Despite feeling trapped and frustrated, I know this isn’t the first time I’ve been in this place. When looking back one year ago in November 2019, the idea of being left behind by the world was still bittersweetly shaking me. After coming off the cuffs of a life changing trip to Japan, I was struggling with loneliness at Biola and was constantly reminded of my friends as they all began moving forward with their lives while I was stuck. I wanted to continue moving at full speed so I wouldn’t need to focus on any of these problems. Although I landed a job as a ramen server in time, I only tried to run forward with all my strength in life and failed again as I didn’t graduate that fall. It would’ve been easy for me to continue laying there on the ground dead and lifeless, but that didn’t happen. 
Time passed into 2020, I eventually passed all my classes despite an unforeseen pandemic that delayed my graduation for the third time. However, during that time, I continued to push and ultimately witnessed myself breaking my own records while jogging with repetition and discipline. Months passed, and as I tried to move on and find a new job outside of ramen serving, the jobs I wanted didn’t want me and I didn’t want the other jobs that were suggested to me by family members and friends. It wasn’t until this past month where I’d see the world quickly change before my eyes again when one of my closest friends told me he was leaving for Japan in January. But even beyond that, he also said something that I’ll never forget:
“Just like the winds are changing for me, I feel like it’ll be changing for you too. I have a feeling our lives are gonna be changing for the better soon.” 
One year ago, I found out I wasn’t graduating for the second time. One year ago, I obtained a job as a ramen server. Throughout the time in between, I shouldered a lot of pressure about my life’s direction and mixed with a different sense of pressure that I wouldn’t find a job with a stable income or benefits. One year later, I’ve been given a new, full time job with so many benefits where I can continue to help troubleshoot problems for people, as well as work from home in the short span of three days. This job, although it’s something I don’t exactly want to do for the rest of my life, it is something I don’t mind doing altogether and I know that this is God watching over me and answering my worries and prayers. I’ll be entirely honest: I don’t understand the concept of patience and the idea of having unwavering trust in God. I really don’t. I can say so many things about this turn of events, but yet still not understand how to properly do it. But even with that in mind, I know that coming to this point in my life has been riddled with moments of lashing out in anger and frustration as I prayed to him. However, despite that, I’m being constantly reminded that no matter how I live my life, God is always watching over me, and this new job is definitely his response.  As Paul the Apostle writes in Romans 8:28, 
“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”
I still don’t like the idea of “pace”. It still really bothers me both figuratively and literally. However, I’m being constantly reminded that my life so far has been a testament to God’s goodness. No matter what other people will say, I’ve noticed that my life so far has been a testament in trusting in God, even when life seems uncertain. Everything that I’ve been through clicks so perfectly in place, and there’s no one else but God who can do that. As much as I try to force myself to move forward and put pressure on myself to become stronger and better, that’s not going to come immediately. 
This is “my pace” and “God’s pace.”
See ya, Hakata Ikkousha. It’s time for me to go off towards bigger and better things now.
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Just as the winds change again, it’s time to claim the new stage elsewhere.  
“From here on out, it’s my stage.”
0 notes
linkkay · 7 years
Messenger Dove
2,644 words Pairing: Bushmedicine (SniperxMedic) Fandom: TF2 (Team Fortress Two) For this fic I kind of went with an AU that Sniper and Medic don't know each other. Not sure if I necessarily decided it, or if it kind of just happened. Warning: Very fluffy material ahead. ------------------------------------------------ Medic had just finished cleaning up his lab for the day, feeling a chill run down his spine. He should have been used to it, of course, having worked in these conditions for months, years even. He had to keep a constant, cool temperature to accommodate for ill patients. He made his way over to the window, to crack it open as he always did at night. This was to keep the room cool for the next day without having to run the air conditioner. Side eyeing his dove Archimedes who was ready for his nightly flight, the Medic chuckled and allowed his bird to pass. With a coo, and a short jump, the white dove outstretched his beautiful wings to catch the night air within his feathers. The bird's trip had stopped short though as he swooped down to perch beside a rugged looking man. The man looked longingly towards the sunset as if he were contemplating something. Surely he was just trying to rid himself of the day's troubles. As Archimedes hopped along the edge of man's van, cooing softly as he went, the man took no notice of him. He wore a brown vest with a pocket, bullets tucked away inside, khakis that laid over brown boots. He had removed his quiver earlier for comfort. Underneath all of this, rested a button up red flannel, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and his cowboy hat discarded to let his wild brown hair free. He was the Sniper. He loved sitting outside on nights like this. Quiet except for the crickets and cicadas, bright red sunset promising blue skies the next day, and the niceness of being alone, but not lonely. Almost snapped from his thoughts, he turned his attention to a small white feathery pile, snuggling himself on the tailgate that the Sniper had pulled out. He took pity on the bird, and patted his thigh to see if it would come sit with him. If it was comfortable enough to perch this close to him, surely he was comfortable enough to sit upon the Sniper's lap. As the dove, drunkenly he supposed, waddled his way to Sniper's lap the man allowed himself to chuckle. From the on, the two had been doing this regularly. Dare Sniper call it a friendship. Friendship with a bird, no. A dove. Someone's pet dove. Weird. As Sniper began to pull out the back of his van a certain feather friend came by, dropping a blue folded piece of paper in front of him. "Ah, so you're stealin' now huh?" He chuckled, not to hard as he didn't want to disturb the bird. Taking the paper and unfolding it, he read the contents carefully as if he were reading something personal. Who knows, maybe it was. "Appointment with Misha at 3. Alcohol wipes, gloves, cotton balls...what the.." Sniper read aloud. He looked up at the bird carefully, almost questioningly. "Oh I see. You have a doctor friend, right? Clumsy doctor too.." Sniper commented only now seeing the stain of thick red blood on the dove's broad chest. Shrugging lightly and tucking the note into a pocket within the inside of his vest and sat down like always. It was routine. Of course, the mystery messages didn't stop. "Remember to meet with Dell tomorrow." As Sniper's eyes travelled down the note he couldn't help but attempt to stifle a laugh as he read a grocery list. "The bloody doc's got appointment notes and grocery lists on the same damn paper. Now that's new ain't that right....um, dove." What in the world was his name? Once, the small bird had brought half a piece of paper, containing medical notes. He probably needed those. However, it didn't stop at much needed notes. See the devious bird became even more of a troublemaker as he had taken the doctor's glasses between his beak, and took off towards the van parked up atop the mountain that overlooked, coincidentally and unbeknownst to Sniper, the doctor's lab. As the dove settled this time, however, the Sniper looked at him and stopped. "Hey now! You're stealing for real now? The doc needs those!" He stared at the glasses for a long while before picking them up and examining them. They were spotless unlike his sunglasses, but he was sure that the doctor was a neat freak. He had to be. With a soft coo as what Sniper imagined to be an apology, the bushman sat down at the small folding table he had set up outside the van. Digging around for what seemed like an eternity, he came to what looked like a fresh sheet of paper and a semi working felt tip pen. He read aloud slowly as he wrote, so the bird could hear exactly what was in this letter. "Dear, doctor. I know that you don't know who I am, but I have a relatively good story I think you'll want to hear." Sniper eyed the bird, smirking lightly at him. "I hope this isn't any inconvenience for you, but I believe that your bird has been paying me a few kind visits. He's been quite the polite little gentleman, however I've noticed he's beginning to turn a little mischievous bringing me thing such as what I assume to be your notes." The Sniper paused and looked up, thinking. The dove slept soundly on his lap, cooing in his sleep every so often. Sniper didn't dare mention the glasses yet. How could he tell a complete stranger that he possessed their property? "I apologize if you've been in need of these items. I would return them to you, but I'm not exactly sure who you are or where you are located." Sniper though again. God why was this so hard for him? It wasn't like he was writing some heartfelt love letter. He was literally writing a letter to some random stranger, with the only trust that the message would be delivered by a lazy dove. Was he going crazy? After much thought and consideration he knelt down to eye level with the bird. "Alrighty mate. Listen here okay, I have a big job for ya'." Sniper contemplated things but yet came to the conclusion of holding the letter in front of the bird. When the dove finally opened it's beak the man lightly place the letter so that it could grasp it. "You're gonna take that to your owner right? They'll probably want to know what you've been up to lately, yeah?" With a little chuckle he sent the bird off towards home. That night Sniper wondered. Just who was he sending this carefully written letter to? Was he too formal, or not formal enough? Would they even see the letter, let alone respond? He had so many questions, and not one was to be answered until a new day. Maybe tomorrow, maybe in a week. There was just to much uncertainty for Sniper's liking. With a groan, the Australian allowed himself to get out of bed. He'd slept in, way too late for what ever reason. The sunlight invasively crept through the blinds, haphazardly pulled down with the threat of snapping from the small string from which they hung. As he arose to the sounds of birds chirping, he heard one sound. The dove? Leaving the van and walking outside rubbing his eyes, he stared in disbelief. Not only was the dove at his van at early hours of the morning, but the damn bird had set a letter next to him. "Oh shush. You ain't a damn mornin' dove." He smiled and lightly pet it's head, earning a contented coo from the white feather pile. He picked up the letter and slid his finger underneath the flap, tearing the seal open to reveal the much desired contents. "Your owner, is a man, yeah?" He asked not expecting an answer necessarily but still got a head cock from the bird so that was enough. "Jesus, he's got the best cursive I think I've seen in my life." Sniper was positively baffled as he unfolded the clean white sheet of paper. Did the doctor think that his writing was bad then? Or did he not care? Anyway his thoughts ran, he kept his eyes trained. Reading aloud halfway through, the dove perked up. "I'm glad Archimedes has made a friend! You see, my lab is quite boring with not much to do. It warms my heart that he's made a friend. Not many friends then huh, Archimedes?" Sniper let the name roll off with ease almost testing the name out. He loved it. Archimedes the blood stained dove. "It's no inconvenience at all but I was in fact surprised when my notes started disappearing out of the blue." He could almost hear the doctor's chuckle as he read that last line. "I knew I wasn't losing my mind this early on." A jest. He read the backstory of how the doctor needed his lab to stay a certain temperature, and that opening the window at night allowed the dove's freedom along with keeping the room cool without using the air conditioner. All these explanations! Amazing! The doctor even went as far as to attempt a friendship, and without a doubt the Sniper was going to accept. These letters went on for months and months before the first, serious one arrived in the Medic's lab early in the morning. As the doctor made his way to the window to retrieve his newly titled messenger dove, he took the letter and let Archimedes hold his hand, and rest there. "Dear Medic," Their names had never arisen. Maybe Medic should tell him sometime. "I have taken this into serious consideration. For nights I've stayed up, wondering whether or not I should allow Archimedes to carry this to you. But doctor, I'd like to see you. I'm not a man to be overly romantic, or romantic at all for that matter. But I think since we've been talking for quite some time, and I've fallen in love with you through paper. As silly as it is, I really do trust my own feelings even if a real life appearance hasn't been done yet. Even if you never respond to me again, and rebuke my feelings entirely, I understand. But I needed you to know because it's been killing me. I don't think it to be a coincidence that your bird decided to visit me." He stopped reading and stared for quite awhile in disbelief at the paper. His eyes trailed over to his bird who'd been watching intently. "Archimedes you wondrous, remarkable, phänomenal bird you!" As he said this, well no, more like yelled this he lifted his white dove into the air a little ways in a celebration. He spun around and cuddled him to his chest letting his coat follow him like spinning in a dress. He nervously felt his chest, giddy with excitement frantically searching for a pen. They would meet, Medic decided. It was early in the morning, when Sniper slammed the door of his van accidentally. He turned, making a face in recognition to his mistake. He was just so, so excited! And nervous. Oh my god he was so nervous he might throw up. The doctor had given careful directions, to Sniper's disbelief was in easy walking distance. The Australian walked a relaxing trail, whistling happily with each step. If it wasn't for the cooing dove who casually perched upon the bushman's shoulder he might have gotten lost. As the Sniper began to arrive at his destination, he notice something. No, someone, standing there. Tall, dark hair, a cute face that looked innocent enough with big bright eyes that Sniper couldn't determine the color yet because of his distance. The man wore a long white coat that accentuated his hips and narrow waist, pants that tucked into shining black jackboots, and gloves that carefully hid his hands. He looked fragile in a way. Sniper's heart almost skipped a few beats as he admired him from a ways away. His heart wasn't the only thing getting tripped up by the doctor. As he neared him, close enough to say hello, the Sniper's foot caught awkwardly causing him to stumbling nervously. And there it was. The soft voice, the small giggle that had kept the Sniper up at night imagining. However, the real thing was about a thousand times better. He looked down a little at the doctor, reconsidering his tall statement. He was tall for sure but compared to the Aussie he was nothing. The perfect height for holding. "Hallo." He spoke with a thick German accent. Sniper wished he hadn't, since now all he could do was watch the German and repress the feeling to just, kiss him. He knew the doctor was German of course this wasn't new, he just couldn't picture the accent. Apparently Medic hadn't either because when the Sniper had replied with a short "Hey", the doctor's smile only grew. He loved it. "Ah! Archimedes." Medic began. "I see you've led him here, ja?" The doctor pointed to the bird sleeping on his shoulder. "It seems you've really brought the two of us together. I owe you my thanks." The dove responded with a contented coo. "Ooh, ooh! Doc! Before I forget, I believe I have something that belongs to you." Looking confused, the Medic watched as Sniper took out his glasses from the inside vest pocket. Sniper unfolded them carefully and without thinking, placed them lightly on the doctor's face. As Medic blinked a few times, pushing them into place he looked back up at the Sniper with wide eyes. "Whoa-, you're even better looking now! Not that you weren't before I just, I can see you now." The Australian laughed. Really laughed. He loved the way the doctor frantically stumbled over his words. The rest of the day was better than any of them had ever imagined. They drank, and laughed, and talked, and kissed. They finally kissed. The Sniper had lost his nerve at the end of the night when the doctor had to return to his lab. He leaned in, and kissed the doctor softly. He was about to pull away, fearful of the doctor not wanting to be kissed, but relaxed when the German began to kiss him back, placing his hands on the sides of Sniper's face. Sniper had wrapped his arms around the doctor's waist and held him close. After the long, drawn out kiss between the two Sniper only whispered in a now hushed voice, "I'll see you tomorrow then, love?" Medic nodded, too flustered with cheeks too pink to actually respond. Of course they kept their promise and met the next day. And the day after that. For years. As the Sniper pulled the covers up now, he looked over to the sleeping doctor. God, he was so lucky. Medic had been his sunset. Something for the Sniper to look longingly at, cherish, adore. His sunset that would promise blue skies, and illuminate the last of his evening. That in which slept with soft breathing and possessed a body meant for holding. He was beautiful and glowing, just as the sunset had been when he first met the dove that brought them together. He looked at the doctor once more, not even wanting to touch him. Just look and admire. His eyes, beginning to fall, drifted over to Archimedes who sat with the other fluffy white doves. The Sniper smiled and whispered. "Thank you so much. I owe you one." Earning a contented coo from each of the birds. With that he fell asleep, the sleeping German curled against him, and his favorite dove nestled with the others on the dresser. He wasn't alone anymore, and he couldn't have asked for anything more.
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helthehatter · 8 years
Keep Calm, He’s Pregnant
I forgot to post this the last time I was at the library! I wrote a mpreg one shot for @thetrashdino for her story of baby Isabelle. When I have the time I might retry it cause I can probably do it better. But until then enjoy!
And please note this is in NO WAY canon to Isabelle’s actual story. It’s just a fan fic.
Judy, from her desk, let out a small sigh when Nick’s phone buzzed once again.
The fox eagerly checked his new text before typing a rapid fire reply as he spoke to his partner. “Was that jealousy, Carrots?”
She rolled her eyes, “That was annoyance. You aren’t getting paid to text Heather.”
“Yes, Chief Bogo,” Nick chuckled, pocketing his phone. “But when you finally decide to be social and get a buck friend you better not mix work with pleasure.”
Judy rolled her eyes once again before turning back to her work. Nick didn’t let her mood affect his; the fox was currently on cloud nine.
His girlfriend Heather had just moved in with him and she was a great roommate. Her cooking was worth five stars; she had excellent taste in movies and was a very talented kisser.
Nick released a dreamy sigh, impatient to get back home and snuggle with his vixen.
             But that had been months ago, before dinners had turned quiet and their retro VCR left to collect dust. They had hoped an intimate night would fix whatever had unexpectedly broken.
It hadn’t. And, officially out of love, Heather packed up her things and left. And Nick was more upset that he wasn’t, well, more upset.
           But only a few days after Heather left and Nick had started to feel…odd. If he wasn’t nauseous he was craving sweets (such as blueberry and chocolate ice cream, and he had never even been a fan of chocolate!). And there was his sudden fatigue, making even Judy look at him weird when he practically laid on his desk.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m not as young as I used to be, Fluff. When you’re older you’ll understand.”
Nick decided he needed to look up what was wrong with him when he nearly snapped Finnick’s ear off when he got the wrong pizza.
           “Okay,” Nick sat alone in his apartment, in front of his laptop as he typed in his symptoms. “Let’s find out what the hell is wrong with me.”
The word pregnant glared from the screen in big black font and Nick felt a cold ball of dread from in his stomach.
“Stop it laptop,” he tried to laugh but couldn’t. “I’m the only jokester in this household.”
But the word still stared at him, sending his heartbeat out of whack. He clicked through a few websites that explained the symptoms of pregnancy and it matched him perfectly. He recalled that he and Heather had never used protection.
“Hah…” his voice was high-pitched yet raspy. “Hahhh…” He passed out.
             He woke up to his phone ringing, Finnick was calling.
“Yeah?” Nick asked and to his horror his voice was watery as if he was crying.
And of course Finnick’s giant ears caught that, “Are you crying?”
“Pfft, no! You’re crying you freak!” Nick tried a laugh that came out hysterical.
“Are you sure you’re okay, bud?” Finnick asked.
“Yes, Dad. Why’d you call?”
“Your bunny said you’ve been acting weird, asked me if I knew anything.”
Nick felt a twinge of guilt for worrying his two friends. “I’ve just been a little tired.”
“Is it because of Heather?”
Nick hung up instead of answering. Instead rolling onto his back and throwing his arm over his eyes. He felt pricks of tears in his eyes and angrily rubbed them away.
“I can’t have a baby!” he yelled up at the ceiling. “I’m a baby!”
He rolled onto his stomach, but then sat up because he didn’t know if it was safe to lie on your stomach when you’re expecting. “I know nothing about raising a child.” He slid off the couch and onto the floor, letting out a groan. What am I going to tell, Carrots? I can’t let the ZPD know the bloodsucking media will stalk me! But won’t I need maternity leave? I need a doctor too!
He buried his face in his paws, pulling his legs up to rest his knuckles against his knees and went quiet, his breathing the only noise in the apartment. His mind went from panicking about the future to recalling the past. His father had never been a presence in Nick’s life, and his mother, bless her soul, had tried her best. But Nick still grew up feeling a sense of neglect and his failure at becoming a junior ranger scout didn’t help. It wasn’t until he befriended Judy that he finally felt a sense of being wanted and appreciated. It was a really nice feeling.
He wondered if the kit growing inside him would be better off if he gave it up to a different family. Would he have been better off?
Those thoughts were only in his head for a moment before a vicious urge of protectiveness and anger made his fur bristle. Just the thought of another family raising the kit he carried made him incredibly jealous, and the thought of the kit being adopted by a family that didn’t understand the hardships of a fox terrified him. He was the only one who got what his kit would be in danger of; he was the only one who knew what was best for his kit.
And he also knew he was both an idiot and a goner because he wasn’t even showing yet and he was already incredibly attached to the little bean in his stomach.
             “You’re what?” Bogo looked up from his files to stare at Nick through his glasses. The fox wasn’t in his uniforms, instead in a thick jacket that he didn’t want to be suspicious but since he was already growing a bump he had little choice.
“Well, my name is Wilde, CB,” Nick pointed out, leaning his elbows onto the desk and looking completely at ease.
“And you want…maternity leave,” Bogo’s voice betrayed how the buffalo could not believe he was having this conversation with Nick.
“Yep,” the fox nodded. “I mean, it’s only for two months. Btw, I also need you to stay completely silent on this. Not even Carrots can know.”
Bogo arched a thick eyebrow, “You haven’t told Hopps?”
Nick shook his head, and while he felt guilty from hiding this news from his best friend he also felt a sick sense of-he couldn’t even describe the feeling-at the thought of telling her he had gotten himself knocked up because of a vixen who had vanished without a trace.
“Alright,” Bogo sighed, “Then you better get out of here before she can hunt you down.”
“Roger,” Nick slipped off the chair and headed toward the door, but didn’t get far before Bogo called him back.
“Do you have a doctor?”
“I was thinking of just having a home birth,” even though Nick’s tone was joking he was being dead serious. “Didn’t our ancestors used to give birth in caves and open fields back in the day?”
When the buffalo just frowned at him Nick released a breath, “I gotta keep this a secret, I don’t want the paparazzi to bother me…or the baby.”
“I have a friend who’s a doctor,” Bogo informed him. “She would keep it a secret.”
Nick’s ears pricked up, “She would?”
“Yes, I can have her call you. She makes house calls.”
“You’d do that for me?”
Bogo chuckled, actually chuckled. Nick was pregnant and getting a laugh out of the chief was literally the strangest thing to happen to the fox. “You’re one of my officers, Wilde,” Bogo reminded him. “I do what I can for all my officers.”
“Oh,” Nick placed a paw over his heart, “You’re going to make me blush.”
The buffalo rolled his eyes and sent Nick on his way. He had just shut the door behind him when a familiar voice filled him with dread.
“Nick, hi!”
He pulled on his trademark lazy smirk as he turned around to see Judy hopping toward him. When she reached him her brow furrowed in curiosity, “Why aren’t you in uniform?”
“Oh, uh,” Nick let out a fake cough. “Not feeling so good, Carrots. I’m gonna go on sick leave for a few days just in case I have the plague.”
Her expression said she wasn’t buying it, “Why didn’t you just call Bogo instead of coming in? If you’re sick you need to rest.” “Are you actually bossing me when I could fall over dead at any moment?” he asked.
“It’s not bossing it’s telling you the practical thing to do,” she pointed out. “But Finnick told me he called you the other day and you hung up on him.”
Nick felt his tail bush up. He did not need his former and current work partners to gang up on him, and that’s exactly what he told her.
Judy blinked, taken aback, “We’re not ganging up on you; we’re worried about you. You’ve been distant ever since…” she trailed off for a moment and gave him a look that was on the borderline of angry. “Is this all about Heather?”
Nick let out an exasperated breath so loud it startled the rabbit, “Look, since I’m currently sick I’m going to go home and get some rest and pretend I can have my privacy.”
He ignored her now guilty look and headed toward the exit, “Nick, I didn’t mean…”
He left before she could finish her sentence.
             The first week of Nick’s pregnancy became a pattern: sleep in (which he didn’t mind at all), eating a bunch of random food he had never tried before (he didn’t know what a kohlrabi was but he certainly ate it), visited by Bogo’s doctor friend (an armadillo who didn’t keep her paws to herself), and ignoring the calls of his friends.
           “I know, Arnold Schwolfzenegger,” Nick told the TV as for the fifth time he watched the only movie he could truly connect to: Junior. “I should tell my friends but I know how they’ll react.” He lowered his voice to mimic Finnick, “What’s tha matter with ya, Wilde? I’ve told ya over and over to use protection and now look at what happened to ya!”
He raised his voice to a feminine lilt to mimic Judy: “I can’t believe you Nick. I should’ve known this would happen, you getting crazy over some vixen who up and left you and now you have a kit on the way!”
Nick stopped his mimicry when he realized tears were falling. “Stupid hormones,” he muttered, rubbing his eyes.
He cuddled onto his bed, holding a pillow to his chest and massaged his bloated stomach. “Don’t worry, little Bean. Your dad’s got this.” He wouldn’t be able to hide a child from Judy forever, but hopefully, by the time that happened he would know how to handle it.
“So,” he pulled himself onto his back, paw still on his belly, “What are you going to do with your life? You’re my insurance, kid, I expect you to take care of me when I’m old and gray. So what will be your career, a teacher for some giant college? A chief for a five star restaurant? Oh, wanna be a cop like your pops? Trust me, if I can do it, you can do it.” He blinked when Nick realized that…for so many years he was never this hopeful about the future, not until he had become a cop.
“Oh bean,” he smiled at the ceiling, “You might have chosen the perfect time to be born.”
             Nick woke up to the sound of his bed creaking, but he was still too tired to open his eyes and assumed he had just shifted in his sleep.
But a few moments later a voice spoke: “Nick.”
He let out a scream and nearly fell off his bed, staring in shock and horror at the rabbit that sat on the edge of his bed.
Judy was staring at him with open surprise; she lifted a shaking paw and pointed at his stomach.
Nick panicked and wrapped his arms around his belly as if that would hide the very obvious baby bump. “Okay, first let me say-”
“You liar!” she snapped and bopped his shoulder with her paw.
Nick blinked at her scowling expression, “What-”
“You told me you were sick and-and you made me think I did something wrong by ignoring me! And you hide this-” she flailed her arms at his stomach- “from me! I thought we were friends!”
“Okay, first off,” Nick began. “Breaking into someone’s house is illegal.”
“You gave me a key,” she snapped.
Oh. That’s right. “Second off, I didn’t tell you I was pregnant beacsue…”
Judy furrowed her brow when he trailed off, “Because?”
“I think it’s obvious that this wasn’t a plan,” Nick admitted.
“Yeah,” Judy agreed, her voice having gone softer when she saw Nick’s expression. “It’s Heather’s, right?”
“Yeah, but…she doesn’t know. And since she hasn’t contacted me since she left, I think it’s best she just…isn’t told.” “So you plan on raising the kit on your own?” she asked him.
Nick straightened his back, “I can do it.”
“I believe you,” she said simply and those simple words surprised him.
“You do?”
She smiled softly, “Of course I do.”
“So you’re not mad anymore?” he asked.
“Oh I am furious,” she replied, her smile was still in place but now it looked terrifying. “And once that baby is out of your belly I’m going to make you suffer.” She took in a deep breath, “But until then…”
She moved to sit next to him, leaning her head on his arm and placing a gentle paw on his belly. “I’m going to be here for you and the baby.”
Affection tightened Nick’s throat and intense relief lifted a weight off his shoulders. “Thanks, Fluff.”
She smiled up at him, “Between the two of us I’m the mom friend. And this is what moms are for.”
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