#but yeah anyways this moment legit hit me in the feels
overobsessedfanboy23 · 9 months
This moment
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This fucking moment, okay?
He knows they're both gonna die: they both duelled Roboppi and very shortly, it's not going to matter who got struck by this blow. They're both dead anyways.
Yet Blood Shepherd still throws himself in the way of this attack because even if they're both dying, he doesn't want to see his sister in pain.
That is both heartbreaking and heartwarming.
It's like my son says:
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azulock · 7 months
Shidou, oliver, nagi and sendo when they wake up ( in the middle of the night ) to find s/o quietly weeping?
I love hurt/comfort, sooooo- maybe s/o is crying cuz of insecurities?
Love ur works❤️💋
- 👻anon
Ask got lost cause I'm a mess but I had copied it to work on another file so it's fine. Anyway ghostie, made a slight change to this one cause I'm a hot girl with nightmare problems, like night terrors actually, and the realistic kind of nightmare, it legit has me waking crying and sitting up, very angst. Funny to say that tho cause the days I was writing this I was having nightmares, the universe has a sense of irony.
gn!reader. Oliver (488 words), Sendo (499 words), Shidou (435 words), Nagi (600 words). mentions of nightmares, but no warnings, only fluff
oliver aiku
It was still pitch black in the room when Oliver woke up to the feeling of something pushing against his body. he didn't need to try and focus his eyes to know it was you - he knew well enough that he kept you in a constrictor like embrace while he slept. though, he did squeeze his eyes in a urgent attempt to get used to the darkness the moment he heard your pained hiccups and choked breath.
Gently, he rubs a large hand over your back and shoulder, gruff voice asking you what's wrong. you hesitate to answer, but stop pushing against him and he takes it as a chance to bring you closer in, burying his face in your hair. when you don't respond, only continue crying against his bare chest Oliver already knows the answer - truth is he knew even before he asked.
He'd already seen you have nightmares, already been woken up by the trashing and incoherent, panicked sleep talking. he just never saw you wake up like this, crying, sweating and choking on your own breath. Oliver takes a moment to fully will his body to wake up, softly caressing your head and back while he does. when the gentle touch doesn't work to stop your crying he pulls you onto his lap, pushing away the covers before getting up with you in his arms.
Even in your confused state you are fast to ask him where he is going, arms weakly surrounding his broad shoulders. when he answers, you furrow your brows and stare at him. "a shower?" you mutter back. "yeah, you know I like showering with you," he answers with a yawn, you knew it was true, and not even in a sexual way, for Oliver it was like a bonding activity. "but it's the middle of the night," you protest and he shrugs. "doesn't matter, we gotta wash away those nightmares, love."
The minute the warm water hits his hand he is brought back to a time when he was a child and his mother used the same thing for him, running a shower to wash away whatever plagued his small mind. to this day, the water still felt grounding to him. it took a bit of coaxing but Oliver managed to get you under the shower with him, the warm stream luring you into it's soothing touch. you let him wash your skin and listen to him babble about nothing at all. soon enough you are talking too, and even laughing at his bad singing as he pulls you into dancing with him, head laying on his chest and listening to his steady heartbeat.
"ah, I think we should leave now before my hands turn fully into raisins," you yawn against his chest. "eh, I wouldn't mind that. did the shower help?" he asks, stiffling a yawn of his own. "yeah, you did too. thank you, Oli."
sendo shuto
Waking up in the middle of the night had never been uncommon for Sendo, he was a light sleeper, and he woke often enough that he'd learned to just will himself back to sleep. but this time he couldn't do it, not when he noticed the sound was coming from his own bed. when the quiet whimpering hit his ears again he almost panicked, sitting up and reaching out to you, only to find you quietly crying, face buried in your pillow.
The moment his hand touches your shoulder you startle, apologizing between small sobs for waking him up, tears pooling in your eyes. at the sight, Sendo almost tears up himself, throwing out his own apologies for not waking up before. he holds you close, face resting in your shoulder as he gently asks you what's wrong, hands caressing your skin as he does so. You pause, hiccuping a bit before whispering to him about your nightmare with only a vague description.
He feels his heart sink, hugging you tight as he tries to sush your cries and clean away your tears. though, when he notices it isn't working, he almost panics again, before calming himself down so he can help. you cry into his chest, tears staining his shirt, and he decides staying in bed just won't do you no good. with gentle words and soft touches, Sendo urges you to get up and out of bed with him, hand never leaving yours as he guides you out of the bedroom.
You protest, insisting that he needs the rest, but he responds that he could never rest knowing you were suffering. he leads you both to the kitchen, soft smile never faltering as he offers to make you tea. when you don't reject it, he feels a little better, putting the kettle on the fire as he tries to make a conversation to distract you. soon enough you hear the familiar whistle, and Sendo gets busy with making you both tea.
Giving you both mugs to hold, he moves to pick up whatever sweet snack you got in the fridge and a mantle he kept on the arm of the couch. with everything in hand, Sendo takes you to the balcony of your apartment, sitting down side by side with the mantle over your legs to keep you both warm. You talk and drink the tea, watching the stars scattered on dark sky above the city. it's peaceful, and although it takes a little, that peace starts to seep to you, your tears drying and the smile returning to your face.
It doesn't take long for your head to be dropping on his shoulder, heavy eyes unfocused as you cling to his arm. "thank you, Shuto, it feels safe with you," it's only a whisper, but it's the loudest thing for him at the moment. "you don't need to thank me, love, I'm always here for this," he replies, even though he doesn't think you can hear.
ryusei shidou
Shidou was always something of a deep sleeper, few are the things that can disturb his slumber before it's time for his alarm to ring - an they usually piss him off. not you, though. the minute he realizes what woke him was your crying form, trembling and gasping by his side in the bed, he is fully alert. few are the things that terrify him, but seeing you like that is one of them.
At first, it's confusing, but it's only half a moment before Shidou has his arms wrapped around you tight. it ceases your trembling, and after a couple seconds your breathing is even again, but tears still fall from your eyes. he asks what is the matter, question whispered in your ear as gently as he manages. you respond with a simple "nightmare" voice quiet and shaky. Shidou had heard you mention them before, he just never imagined it was like that.
Whatever, his surprise doesn't matter now, he needs a solution, something to chase whichever nightmare you had away. he thinks for a minute before his mind slips back to the thing you did the first time you came to his house. something you do together almost once a month. it can't be a bad idea - even if the idea is watch old B horror movies.
And when Shidou offers you don't disagree - though, you did spend a second in thought, one that had him surprisingly tense. so he carries you to the couch, covers and all, before throwing some popcorn in the microwave and setting off to pick up the most ridiculous movie he can thing of - Killer Klowns from Outer Space. it's weird, it's trashy, and it's the thing you two watched at a midnight screening on your first date.
With remote control and popcorn in hand he settles with you under the covers, his eyes spending more time on you than on the screen. where you start the movie still tense and misty eyed, you end it yawning between laughs. and it's like a weight was lifted from his shoulders - Shidou knows he is not the best at delicate situations, but at least this time his methods worked. so when you suggest going back to bed, he feels like he can sleep soundly again.
"ain't you afraid of dreaming with killer clowns, tho?" he remarks with a laugh, muffled by how his face rests against your neck. "nah, killer clowns are easy stuff," you chuckle and shake your head. "besides, even if I do, I know I got you there to protect me."
nagi seishiro
For Nagi, waking up in the middle of the night was rare - it was rarer yet for him to not just immediately close his eyes and fall straight into deep sleep again. though, it was a bit hard to do that when he felt something shaking and hiccuping beside him on the bed. he was about to call it a hassle and try to sleep again when his brain finally snapped and made the connection, noticing the absence of your body wrapped around his own. the shaking and hiccuping were you - fuck, you were crying.
Slowly and carefully he turned around, at a loss of what to do when he saw your trembling form under the covers - but he knew he had to do something. with light hands Nagi pulls the covers just enough so he can see your face, his eyes being met with your red and teary ones. you both freeze for a moment before you bury your face back in the pillow, muttering an apology for waking him up, words almost unintelligible between your hiccups - shit, now he feels terrible.
Still at a bit of a loss, Nagi shakes his head, refusing your apology and trying to ask you what happened as he pulls you to him, your back against his chest. your answer is a small whisper and he only barely understands it, but he is left to wonder how terrible a nightmare gotta be to leave you like this. when you keep crying even as he tries to sooth you, Nagi notices there is no way you can go back to sleep like this, so he sits up in bed and pulls you into his lap, kissing the top of your head.
There is not much he thinks he can do, he has never been the best at dealing with peoples emotions. so Nagi does what he'd do for himself and offers to find something to distract you. he snuggles you comfortably between his legs, head resting on your shoulder as you hug a pillow. at first he tries putting some show or cartoon for you to watch on his phone, but that doesn't prove to be enough to stifle your cries and he finds himself back to the drawing board, and having to think of something else.
It takes a minute of Nagi just silently caressing your head before he thinks of something. muttering against your ear, he asks if you'd rather play something with him. when you nod stretches one arm to reach for the nightstand, opening a drawer and pulling out your switch. he finds something cozy but still engaging enough to keep you entertained, and you settle on letting him hit the buttons while you just make the decisions. Nagi can't be sure how much time passes with you nestled between his arms and legs as he holds the console, but his plan works, and the game distracts you. the tears start drying on your cheeks and your breath evens out slowly, and sure as daybreak, a smile lights you face again.
"sei, thank you for doing this for me," you mutter, words cut by a long yawn. "huh? it's not like you got to thank me, tho, I don't mind it. so, what you want me to do no-" Nagi's answer is cut short just as he looks from the console back to you, finding your eyes closed as you'd fallen asleep in his arms. that night, he stays like that, being thankful he can sleep in any position, just so he can keep you safe.
today's tag sponsors: @wishiknewwhatiwasdoingwithmylife @loser-vxbez
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melinoelliones · 1 year
Ban - NSFW Alphabet
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I did a Ban aswell so here ya’ll go
I am not a Ban lover so if our opinions are different DON’T JUMP ME
I am open to doing any other SDS’s characters
This is being queued up for after Meliodas drops so I hope this posts
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
I feel like he’d probably cook you something fast, make sure you’re fed and hydrated after all he put your body through. Also strokes your back as you lay on his chest, just enjoying the silence,
B = Body part (their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
This is a hard one but for you your waist/torso. He doesn’t care the size, he just wants to have his arms around it at all times. He will legit lay in your lap with his arms around you.
On himself he loves his abs, dude has em out 24/7 anyway.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He enjoys cumming on your ass and back, your breathless body moving up and down while he coats it in it. I think he’d also love to see it on your face, making a mess of it.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He likes it when your body takes over, like when he’s eating you out and you slowly push his head down, or when he’s fucking you and you play with yourself for extra stimulation. 
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He wasn’t like the most experienced but he knew what he was doing, now he works with you to find what you both like.
F = Favourite position (this goes without saying)
69 for SUREEEEE. He gets to eat you and and feel you struggle to suck him off due to how well he’s doing with you.
Any where he gets to pick you up, putting his crazy strength to good use. Seeing your face contort as he fucks into you with everything he’s got.
Also missionary, I feel like he loves to kiss you as he slides in and out, smirking as you struggle to kiss back. Pulling your ankles above his shoulders to get even deeper into you.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Not so much during, but maybe after.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I'm torn between absolutely wild down there and/or well kept. We saw how he kept himself in that prison….
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Very intimate!!! Lots of sweet talk, lots of kisses and major eye contact. He wants to take in everything you do and praise you.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Barely, maybe even never. He’d prefer to wait till you’re around. 
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Breeding kink 100%. Wants to fuck a baby into you so bad, going round after round to make sure he’s filled you enough to guarantee you’re pregnant. 
Dacryphilia. Your tear stained cheeks look so pretty when he’s fucking you to the point where your mind is only on him and his cock.
Cockwarming. Wants to be inside of you at all times. Feeling your warm walls smother his cock is heaven.
Restraints. He loves to be tied up and let you have free reign of his body.
Marking up. He loves to cover you from head to toe in hickeys but mostly in places he can see. He’ll leave like one or two in an obvious spot so people know who you belong too. He also loves when you leave him little ones, as his jacket is wide open he always asks for one right in the centre so people can see it.
Facefucking. Enjoys fucking your face while you gag on it, tears in your eyes as you’re running your tongue and mouth along it. He thinks you look absolutely adorable with the mix of cum and saliva running down the corners of your mouth as you look up at him for approval.
“Yeah thats it, you’re doing so well” he’d moan out while pushing the back of your head further into his cock. His head rolling back as his crown hits the back of your throat repeatedly. 
L = Location (favourite places to do they do)
Prefers closed spaces like bedrooms, however after seeing Meliodas n his partner doin it everywhere he’s definitely lowkey wanting to try it in a more public place atleast once.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Your moans and whines. You begging for him makes him almost feral.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Anything that could seriously hurt you. 
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
The mans tongue is long, he loves to use it on you. Don’t get me wrong, he enjoys watching you on your knees attempting to take him all in your mouth but he loves to give. Would eat you out whenever you ask him too, he’d probably ask sometimes too as he enjoys it that much. He can do all sorts with that tongue of his and you love it. 
“HEY, come over here and let me eat you out, i'm starving over here” he’d chuckle with a smirk on his face, arms out for you to come to him.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Both equally. Sometimes you like it rough and he’ll push your body to extremes. Other times he’ll keep it slow to savour the moment.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
I think he prefers to take his time with you and hates to be rushed. But desperate times call of desperate measures.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Not a massive risk taker in terms of like public stuff but he is always down to experiment. If there is something you want to try he is more than happy to oblige.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
I don’t think he’d have a limit to be honest, could go till the sun comes up. But realistically maybe 3 to 4 rounds consistently to not break you.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
I feel like he isn't the biggest fan of them as he can do anything they can do. Need a gag, use his fingers. Need a choker, his hands are right there. Need a vibe, he’s got stamina. However if you insisted he would get you one, like maybe when he’s on trips he’d get you something close to his size.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Only teases slightly, doesn’t take it too far as he wants to fuck you just as much as you want him to. 
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
His volume isn't too high as it only really consists of grunts and moans, along with his dirty words. He doesn’t mind if you make noise but if people are around he will kiss you in an attempt to swallow your moans. 
Maybe says “So loud, it’s almost like you want them to hear how well i’m fucking you”.
W = Wild card (a random dirty headcanon for the character)
Likes to fuck you clothed then make you keep the soiled underwear on. Watching you squirm and you uncomfortably try to act as if he didn’t just fuck your brains out and fill you to the point where it’s dripping down your inner thighs.
Also loves to make out with you and tease to the point where you’re begging him to fuck you. But not too often.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He is TALL. He is 6’11 so I know he is hiding something large under them pants. Maybe 8 or 9 inches, curved slightly and has some nice girth to it.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
I wanna say average/high. He could defo fuck you like 3 or 4 times a week but it’s not super necessary. Loves oral though and making you feel good without sex.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
He gets tired a bit after but he won’t sleep until you’re hydrated, fed and asleep. He’ll sit with you in his arms until you do.
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seriousbrat · 1 month
I'm extremely unfair to Remus on this blog, the truth is fanon remus is personally offensive to me on many levels so I'm loath to give him protagonism of any kind lol. But that's not fair at all to a character that actually, when all's said and done, I do love. perhaps the marauder I'm least interested in (lol) but he still rates high on my list of fave hp characters and I honestly find him a very pleasant perspective to write from. he's just like some guy. his big crime is negligence/avoidance and I love that for him. to be honest I think his position is a difficult one to fully understand, he is a character that I'm able to muster up a lot of empathy for because of that. like can any of us irl understand what it's like to turn into a literal monster every month since childhood, the point-blank rejection and hatred from society, and what effect that might have on someone's psyche? it's interesting!!!
moony's worst hits, lets go:
remus tolerating the marauders' bullying: obv this was wrong. he was the only one who recognised it was wrong, and he tolerated it. he 'made them feel ashamed of themselves' sometimes per sirius, but honestly I can understand why he never spoke up. I don't think we should underestimate how rare the marauders' tolerance, not only tolerance but the lengths they went to to help remus with his condition was. for a teenager? I can only imagine how that must have felt tbh. he likely thought that he barely deserved their friendship and loyalty and that he was lucky to have it so why would he do anything to ruin that
remus not telling anyone about sirius being an animagus: bad lol, his worst moment probably. again, though, I can understand it even though I don't justify it. the trust dumbledore had placed in him, first to accept him at hogwarts and then again as a professor (we know how difficult it is for werewolves to find employment of any kind) and he just couldn't face betraying that trust. Luckily for Remus it turned out ok but it is kind of insane that he didn't tell dumbledore tbh.
remus not writing to harry: idc about this personally lol but to me it ties into remus's inferiority complex. he doesnt, and will never, see himself as anything like a father figure to harry the way sirius does. he barely sees himself as a worthy father to his own kid let alone the complex case that is harry. is that unfair to harry and unempathetic? yeah probs but also it makes sense to me even beyond the reason Remus gives in canon for not writing. He put Harry in terrible danger in PoA and given Remus's self-hatred he probably feels guilty about that lol.
walking out on Tonks: his other worst hit. But I can understand him, even though I think Harry was 100% right to tell him off. Again we've got this man's crippling inferiority complex, from what he says he thinks he's a burden and a curse to both Tonks and Teddy-- and you know what, society isn't exactly contradicting this belief. Obviously Tonks doesn't agree and that should be all that matters, but sometimes it doesn't seem that way. There's avoidance here (Remus's big flaw) and I legit think he thought he was doing Tonks a favour by disappearing on some quest with Harry and likely dying in the process. Interesting stuff but also very sad.
all this to say, I don't believe in "defending" characters, just understanding them, and even though I barely post about him I do find Remus very interesting, worthy of empathy in many ways. I'll admit the werewolf thing leads me to give him more of a pass than other characters just because I find that so horrible lol and feel so sorry for him but anyway. a good character in my opinion.
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eerna · 23 days
eerna what's going on in s3 bridgerton your posts and answers making me scared to watch on my life lmao
pls don't hate me, Colin lovers, but I was told by a friend who read the series that he's more fun and chill in the books and also i just....find Polin from even s1 is kinda uhhhhh?awkward?? cuz he's kind of unnecessarily serious and so not chill in the previous seasons?? maybe i don't see his appeal because I'm no Penny but i do not see his appeal in the show
so rn i haven't even watched it and seeing your posts is making me moreeeeeee 😶‍🌫️ it's okay give us the cringey details
Nsbysbbsb NO WORRIES!!! I have a weirdly big amount to say about this show bc I am no longer suffering as much as I did in s1 and 2. Prepare for an essay on my feelings on Polin and thank you for enabling me.
Ok so Colin. Not saying your friend is wrong bc I didn't read the book, but p much everyone I saw talking about it said Colin was very angry and aggressive in it, and for NO REASON since he's supposed to be the "calm brother". I'm glad that the show let him get upset, but never the way he was in the books/Anthony was in s2, where I legit worried about Kate's safety sometimes. Colin was my fav Bridgerton brother bc he was totally different from all the other men on the show, calm and silly and romantic.
Thar being said!!! I never ever thought of him as a GOOD love interest, and s3 only made it worse. First off, yeah, s1 and 2 do NOT show him and Pen as friends nearly enough to warrant the speed of their connection in s3. I blocked s2 from my memory bc I hated it So Damn Much so I can't 100% stand behind my words, but I don't really remember many friendly scenes with the two of them that didn't feel like he was just entertaining his sister's bestie? I remember he once danced with her, and he sent her letters from his travels, and that's it. Then in s3 we are supposed to believe Pen knows him soooo well, she sees through his tricks when no one else does, he can't stand losing her friendship when she stops talking to him. How, when the impression I got from their relationship was "oh she is clearly silly in love and he doesn't care about her enough to notice"!!!
And s3... Oh boy. Colin gets his "glowup" and becomes a rake bc Bridgerton writers would probably spontaneously combust if they wrote a virgin male lead. We see him flirt and smash other women and it is always so so so awkward. I've seen people trying to rationalize it as "Oh he is supposed to be pretending, oh we are supposed to find it cringe" but NO, he is objectified the exact same way Simon and Anthony were, and we as the audience are supposes to think it is sexy. To be fair, Pen finds it concerning but I think that has more to do with the amount of silly, vapid women constantly swarming around him. So now we are even FURTHER away from seeing any reasons why the two of them would be friends. And then we get hit with the "Colin teaches Pen how to find a husband" plot, and oh my god it is so bad, IT IS SO BAD, they have like 2 lessons across 1 episode before they are busted and stop and he literally taught her NOTHING she IGNORED HIS ADVICE AND FIGURED IT OUT BY HERSELF but everyone treats him like a war hero for taking one for the team and teaching the poor unlikeable social reject how to act. We also have the stupid scene where she is criyng begging him to kiss her because she is convinced otherwise she would die without being kissed, and he is trying to elegantly avoid it, and oh my god, I hated this, it is framed as cute and romantic but it is so uncomfortable and bad. AAAAAAAA. Anyway. Then there is this hilariously horrible incident where he saves her from a feral balloon, and if you are wondering wtf am I talking about, its because it is really bad and written like a Scary Movie slasher scene. There are exactly 3 moments that I liked, and ALL of them were bc Colin seemed very lost and desperate. First was when Pen told him they should stay away from each other after the scandal of them hanging out came out (which I liked bc if it were any other girl, some unhinged character would force them to marry, but since it was Pen they were like "Well obviously it's true there was nothing untowards happening it is just cringe haha loserrr"), and he looked like he stopped comprehending English. The second was when he was confessing his feelings, he got on his knees and looked like he was about to cry and I thought that was sweet! Well, he did mention torture which is a very ugly word to use in such a speech, but whatever. The third was after the Infamous Carriage Scene when he says something silly and the two giggle together and I was like PLEASE WHERE WAS THIS ENERGY IN S1 AND 2!!
And may I just say!! The actual Bridgerton Glowup one was PEN and NOT COLIN. In s1 and 2 you could tell she was pretty, but in s3 they made her so damn beautiful that my friends and I would go "Oh wow" several times per episode. And it's not only the clothes, they would put her in rooms where she pops out and sparkles and frame her in shots just perfectly. Idk why they only gave her 1 alternate love interest and then shot her Like That, there should have been at LEAST one more guy following in Debling's trail. Now she's the hot one in the relationship so I can't buy her desperation for Colin's approval or society's perception of Colin as a charity in any way.
With all that said. I think this is the best season of Bridgerton proper. It still isn't something I'd enjoy unironically, but at least it is neither a horrible age gap dynamic feat. SA nor a horrible disgusting juggling of sisters feat. murderer vibes. The only thing I'd say is worse than it used to be is the clothes, which are slowly creeping towards The Reign level of ahistorical and bad.
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stat1cdust · 1 year
Your pov...
I was in a casino with my brother, Husk as he gambled with some other random demon. He was about to win when all of the sudden he started fading away.
No literally- he was legit disappearing.
"What the fuck-" I said before he was completely gone.
I panicked for a few minutes and ran out into the streets of hell looking for where ever the fuck he might be. I suddenly got a text. It was from my brother
'Hey I'm at the Happy hotel,some asshole I used to work for volunteered me to be a bartender. The adress is (insert random adress) hurry and be careful.'
I sigh and start heading to the adress.
I arrive at the hotel. I looked up to see the sign 'Happy hotel' at the top.
"Huh not really fitting for hell but oh we-"
Just as I was about to finish that thought I heard something loud behind me. I look up to see a huge flying thing- i don't know what to call it- looks like a ship.
Before I could inspect it closer I felt myself being picked by a giant metal arm. It brought me to the main window where I was met with a snake demon dressed in victorian attire.
"And who are you?!" He asked in an annoying high pitched voice. Sounds like a proper and prim 12 year old boy going through puberty-
Just as I was about to answer I heard a familiar voice behind me
he threw a beer bottle towards the ship. I look behind me to see my brother Husk and what I assume to be his new co-workers. Before I could register what just happened I hear the snake say
"As~ you wish~" before dropping me.
Soooo you know the phrase cats always land on their feet? Yeah that's bullshit. I panicked and braced for impact but instead of feeling my bones break from hitting the concrete floor I heard a slight 'oof' as I landed in someones arms.(some cheesy y/n moments for yall)
I look up to see a deer demon with a huge smile looking down at me surprised.
"Are you alright dear?" I blushed noticing he was still holding me bridal style.
"Um... yeah- I guess- thanks for catching me by the way!" I smiled up at him
"It was no problem at all!"
His grin grew wider as we kinda just stood there awkwardly not knowing what to do.
"AHEM" we turn to see Husk annoyed at this scene
"If ya would put my fucking sister down and deal with the giant fucking ship in the sky that would be appreciated"
"Why of course my dear husker! Thank you for reminding me!"
He didn't put me down though as to piss off my brother but he did take care of the snake dude. I watched as his smile grew wide and his eyes became distorted. Symbols were floating around him as he was surrounded in static. I looked back at the ship and saw it being engulfed in black tentacles. I bet you can already figure out where my mind went when I saw that-
Finally the ship exploded and the deer demons magic calmed down. I looked up at him with a 'where tf did that come from' face as he just looked down at me with a grin.
I felt myself being snatched from his grasp and put down.
"Hands off my sister bambi reject"
Husk glares at him
"My apologies dear, didn't know Husker here was so protective! I don't believe we've met before. Im Alastor and you are?"
"Oh I'm y/n! Sorry for my brother he's just a grumpy cat" I let out a little laugh as I look to see my brother on the edge of murder.
"No need to apologize for others actions dear! Anyways, who wants some jambalaya!" He casually throws his arm around my shoulder walking me into the hotel as the others followed behind us.
Just before we head inside I see the 'happy hotel' sign turn into 'hazbin hotel'
Huh- more fitting to be honest.
Alastor opened to door letting me in first as well as holding the door open for the others.
I look around the lobby observing my surroundings.
"Would anyone like to help me in the kitchen?" Alastor asked and received excuses from the others. I'm not sure why but they all seemed to want to avoid him and I felt bad so I volunteered.
"Like hell I'm gonna let you be alone with this freak" Husk scolded pulling me away from Alastor.
"Then just come with us dumbass- either way I'm going."
Husk groaned as Alastor just smiled walking me and my brother to the kitchen.
We started working as soon as we got there. I got the ingredients for Alastor, cut them how he asked me to, while Alastor did the rest. My brother however just sat there angrily glaring at Alastor the whole time.
I saw Alastor become more and more uncomfortable as he felt Husk's stare in the back of his head. He leaned towards me whispering
"Is he always like this dear?"
I giggled a bit and joked
"Not really- you must have done something bad I guess"
He simply chuckled
"You haven't been in hell for long have you?"
"Not really, why?"
"To put it simply I'm not the purest soul"
"Well I kinda guessed so with the power I saw you use earlier- I can see why my brother is so against you but to be honest- its hell. What can you expect? And I trust you not to hurt me. I feel like you would've already done it if you really wanted to."
He gave me a small genuine smile as we both went back to work. With Husk still glaring of course.
You finished making dinner and ate with the rest of the hotel. You were introduced to everyone, husk telling you who to be wary of and asking Charlie to give you a room there so he could make sure you were ok. You went to bed but woke up unable to sleep
Your pov...
Once again unable to sleep. How fun... I check the time to see it was 1:30AM. I sigh and walk out of my room to walk around the hotel hoping that it would wear me out at some point.
Eventually I came to the library. I saw a light from the cracks of the door and I heard soft music from a radio. Being curious I slowly opened up the door peeking in
"Anyone in here?"
I waited for a response
"Y/n is that you dear?"
I hear a familiar static filled voice call out. I walk in and closed the door behind me
"Yeah it's me, why are you up this late?"
"Well I could ask you the same thing"
Alastor let out a small tired chuckle. I noticed he was holding a book.
"I couldn't sleep so I decided to explore the place now what about you?"
"Its nothing for you to worry about, why don't you join me? Seeing as your brother isn't here to glare at me the whole time."
He patted the spot next to him on the couch he was sitting at. I sat next to him. Even though he was trying to hide his eyes I could still see how tired they looked.
I moved my hand up to his face and gently tilted his head so I could see his eyes. I felt him flinch a bit, still holding that smile of course.
"Al you need to sleep you look like you're about to collapse" my voice was laced with worry.
He only looked down at his book again and shook his head. I sigh and get up making him think I was going back to my room. To his surprise I went to a shelf,found and interesting book,and sat back down.
"What are you doing?" He gave me a confused look
"Well you asked me to join you. And I'm sure it gets lonely staying up all night so imma stay up with you!" I smiled at him and he just let out a small chuckle as we both went back to reading.
"You are quite the opposite of your brother dear. Your soul is almost too pure for hell!" Alastor exclaimed
"Yeah- I get that a lot but everyone is here for a reason. Deserved or not a sin is a sin. I'm not an asshole unless I need to be ya know? I try to be as positive as I can be because you won't find it often down here."
"Do you mind sharing what your sin was darling?"
"Maybe one day however I'm not really comfortable telling anybody yet"
"That's alright! Just curious! Do you wanna stay up and read for little bit more before heading back to bed?"
"Sure! Im actually into this book!"
After a while of both of us reading in comfortable silence I felt my eyes closing as my body gave into exhaustion.
7:30AM..(6 hours later)...
I woke up... in my bed- how did I get here? Did Alastor carry me or something? I hope he finally got some sleep he looked like he hasn't slept in days.
As I was about to get up I see husk in the doorway looking like an angry dad who caught their child trying to sneak out.
"Oh hey what are you doing here bro?"
"Dont you BrO me- where the hell were you last night?! I went to get something I forgot in here and to my fucking surprise you weren't in your room!"
Well shit- I gotta think of something- uhhhhhhhhhh
"Eheh sorry- I couldn't sleep and I wanted to explore the hotel so I can get to know it better"
"Next time just take sleeping pills or something- I thought something happened when I couldn't find your dumbass"
"I was perfectly safe no need to worry"
"We are literally in hell of course theres a reason to worry"
"Yeah yeah whatever you say now get outta my room"
Husk rolled his eyes and left closing the door behind him. I got up and got ready for the day. I would be helping with some things around the hotel. Maybe I can ask Alastor how I got back into my room last night and if he got any sleep himself.
The whole day went by normally except for one thing. Every time you tried to talk to Alastor your brother, Husk would immediately find a way to get him away from you. No matter where you were or how hard you tried to sneak Husk would always prevent you from talking to him. Until....
After a long day of work and being dragged away from Alastor I sat down across from my brother at the bar he was managing. I was practically sulking. I was tired and I wanted to talk to Al without being scolded.
I suddenly felt something appear in my pockets and as soon as husk turned away I looked around and made eye contact with Alastor who was giving me a knowing look.
Not wanting to get caught with the note I excused myself to the restroom.
I leaned against the bathroom wall as I reached into my pocket pulling out a small peice of paper that read.
'My dearest, y/n
Our last meeting was very pleasant without your brother there to drag you around! I wish to do it again so please wait until your brother has gone off to bed and meet me in the library so we may speak without any interruptions.
Sincerely, Alastor'
I smiled and put the note back in my pocket as I walked back to the bar. I turned to see Alastor once again. Our eyes met as I nodded to signal I accepted his invitation.
"What the fuck was that about" husk asked noticing the nod
"Oh it was nothing to worry about"
He just nodded and went back to cleaning out glasses.
Hours later(12AM)
I waited and waited til eventually I heard husk yawn and bid me good night before going off to bed asking me when I plan on going too
"Soon probably go get some rest!"
He nodded and went. I waited a few seconds before rushing to the library hoping Alastor wasn't waiting too long.
I stopped infront of the door seeing the light through the cracks just as they were the first time. I pushed open the door carefully as to not startle him.
I looked in and there he was,on the couch, and facing away from me.
I mean- come on- who wasn't gonna take the opportunity.
I smirked and started sneaking up on him planning to scare him a lil or atleast surprise him. Just as I got close.
His neck twisted in an unnatural way to face me, eyes now distorted, and his grin widened.
I was cut off by him slapping a hand against my mouth.
"Quiet dear you might wake your brother"
I nodded still slightly startled
"Now calm down dear what did you expect! You startled a demon after all!" He chuckled leading me to the couch to sit next to him.
And for hours we just talked and talked about everything and anything. Trying to keep quiet while doing so but miserably failing as our laughter was too much to hold. Thank god my brother goes into a deep sleep when he's drunk. Turns out he did carry me to my room but he teleported to make it easier. I thanked him of course and told him he didn't have to.
"Why of course I did my dear! What kind of gentleman would I be if I didn't!"
Offering that never-ending smile of his. The night of conversation and laughter continued. Just as we were about to call it a night Alastor stopped me.
"I know this may be a strange request- but can we do this every night? I fear with your brother around I will never get to talk to you and you're quite pleasant company to be around. These nights get lonely when sleep isn't an option"
I smiled at him. Of course I was going to say yes. Hes actually quite fun to be around!
"Of course Al! Same time and place?"
He nodded as we bid each other good night and went back to our rooms. Maybe these sleepless nights won't be so hard to go through anymore.
Soon weeks passed by. Each day you and Alastor ignoring each other for the sake of your brother while each night you and Alastor only grew closer and closer. Sharing stories,jokes,and laughs. Eventually after 3 months of this routine you started to feel something for the radio demon. A feeling you dreaded but enjoyed at the same time. Love... you had fallen in love with one of the most powerful demons in hell. The one guy who has only been known to show one emotion. You were absolutely convinced he didn't feel the same. While you were worrying about your feelings you neglected to notice Husk becoming suspicious of your absence at night.
Husk will sometimes check on you at night due to paranoia. For the past 3 months he hasn't seen you in your room til 3AM or 4AM. So he decided to do something about it...
Husk's pov...
"Im goin to bed... you gonna go soon?" I looked at my sister who was scrolling through her phone at the other side of the bar
"Probably in a little bit I'm not that tired right now " I nodded and went to "bed". In reality I just hid some where awaiting the opportunity to follow her to wherever the hell she's been going at night.
I waited a couple minutes it was now 12AM. I watched as she got up and instead of going up the stairs leading to the rooms she went to another set of stairs leading up to storage rooms and the library. 'What the fuck-' I thought,confused on why the hell she would be going up there.
I snuck behind her easily following her without getting caught. Still hidden, I watched her stop at the library door,open it,step in, then close the door.
'Oh thank satan shes just a fucking nerd'
My thought was immediately followed by an annoying voice muffled through the door.
"There you are dear! I've been waiting for you- is your brother in bed?"
I heard her giggle
"Probably passed out from drinking as always"
My eyes widened as I stood there in shock. Have they been secretly meeting behind my fucking back this whole damn time?!
I peeked through the crack and watched them as they talked about random shit. I was just gonna watch over her just in case and talk to her tomorrow about it.
I zoned out when I saw Alastor get up suddenly, his favorite song on the radio, as he pulled y/n up to dance with him.
Your pov...
I laughed as Alastor pulled me up to dance with him. One of his hands on my waist and the other holding my hand as he spinned me around.
I felt the very obvious blush on my face. I felt my heart racing at his touch. Our dancing slowed down as we looked into each others eyes. I felt his hand leave mine as it traveled to my cheek, cupping my face, and me gladly leaning into his touch.
I felt my heart go even faster as I saw Alastor start to lean in. I stood there for a second in shock as his lips met mine. Eventually I leaned into the kiss, my arms thrown around his neck while his were wrapped around my waist.
We didn't get too into the kiss before we heard the door burst open. We both jumped and pulled away from each other as we looked to the door to see my brother, pissed as can be.
Out of all the people to walk in on us it was my brother. At the worst time too- I mentally groan prepared for an argument.
I felt Husk grab my arm and drag me out the library. Well he tried to atleast before Alastor grabbed me away from him and gave a death glare.
"Relax freak I'm just gonna talk to her. I'll deal with you later" Husk gave the same glare back as I walked over to Husk so we could talk alone.
We walked into another room as I stood there awkwardly waiting for my brother to say something.
"Ok first of all what the hell is goin on between you two and when did it start"
I looked down and answered him
"We started meeting up every night 3 months ago and until today we were nothing more than friends! I didn't know he had feelings towards me til a couple minutes ago! I would've told you if the relationship escalated any further."
"Why did you keep your friendship secret then?"
At that moment my fact immediately went -_-
"Are u serious? Everytime I tried to talk to him you would drag me away"
"Well I had a reason for that! That asshole is the most untrustworthy demon to ever exist! He could've erased you and I wasn't gonna give him the chance."
He sighed before continuing
"Look kid... you're old enough to form your own relationship with whoever the fuck you want. Alastor is a whole other story and while I wanna tear his twizzler looking ass to shreads I can tell you love him. Thats rare to find down here so as long as he doesn't harm you in any way I will tolerate his existence and let you two be together."
I was so happy I was starting to tear up a little bit
"Yeah even when I tried to keep you apart your stubborn ass still found a way around me so no use in trying it anymore"
I immediately tackled my brother into a hug feeling him hug back
I was so excited. I immediately ran back to the library where Alastor was pacing back and forth looking nervous.
I literally jumped on to him and hugged him.
He seemed startled before I said
"Calm down dear! I couldn't even understand what you said!" He said chuckling as he wrapped his arms around my waist.
Before I could repeat Husk came in and dragged Alastor away into another room.
I just stood confused and waited.
Some time later Alastor came rushing in and immediately pulled me into a hug. Ironically I have never seen him so happy before. How big his smile can get always amazes me.
"Let me guess he gave you the talk about how we can be together but if you hurt me he will kill you again?"
He nodded still smiling. He looked like a puppy right now.
"So dear I've been meaning to ask you this for a while now"
He pulled away from the hug and held both of my hands.
"You make me feel something I've never felt before. I'm not quite experienced with love but I would like to learn with you by my side."
I look over to see my brother in the doorway. He gives a small smile and a nod before walking away.
I quickly accept his confession. And after that we spent the night cuddling eventually falling asleep on the couch still holding onto each other.
Everyone in the hotel was awake by now. Except for Husk who was already passed out at the bar. Everyone was curious because usually you two are up before them so naturally they went looking for you.
They checked both your rooms and nothing. You two were missing.
Everyone frantically searched for you two until eventually they found you. In the library still holding on tight to the all powerful radio demon who was also asleep and holding you close.
Charlie was fan girling with Nifty over how cute this is
Vaggie was confused as fuck saying
"They dont even talk to each other how the hell-"
Angel found it cute but he was a bit jealous you got his attention before him. He wasn't used to the lack of attention from men
"Woww I throw my best pick up lines and he chooses a gal he doesn't even talk to! What the fuck!"
He throws his arms up with a wtf face
Charlie quickly shushed him and pulls everyone out of the room leaving you and your new lover to sleep in peace.
(I wrote this fic 3 years ago 😭)
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fortemelody · 1 day
miku expo was legit the best day of my life so i wanna ramble about it
edit: found this in my drafts and wanted to revive it even if this took place like a month ago now lmao
first off i wanna kinda stress something that i honestly might get flamed for
i was in the pit, literally the third row, and around the halfway mark people who didn’t have wristbands on (that you get if you’re in the pit) finagled their way in and no security stopped them. this was like 5 people near me and like 3 more on the opposite side of the chairs. i could barely move cus i was so squished in by them and beforehand i was taking the opportunity to jump and dance becus i was in the aisle becus it was very spacious.
i personally see this as wrong. like i understand the feeling so much of not having good seats becus they are expensive. my bsf’s parents payed for these seats and that was the closest i’ve ever been/probably will ever be at a concert. i am eternally greatful for them. however, if i were at any other concert with my regular nosebleed seats, i would not move up to somewhere where the seats were obviously filled and payed for. people work hard to have the kind of money to spend on good tickets, and i felt like they were stripping away all of that just becus there was some open space and no one from security happen to be watching
i do feel kinda bad becus my friend was complaining a little too loud and vulgarly without a proper confrontation and i was saying things like “yeah” and “real” and i think they eventually kinda heard us but they didn’t do anything in response until i finally asked them nicely to at least step back so i could move around. most of them listened then but one person didn’t.
i want to acknowledge that i probably wasn’t perfect either in a different aspect becus i was legit screaming my head off and i realize now that behavior can definitely be distracting. i forgot that convention idol etiquette very much applies to even a virtual concert because there are others around me that might not appreciate my loudness who aren’t performing, along with the band members (although they prob couldn’t hear me from backstage).
wanted to address my thoughts on the screen too. honestly i still think it’s a weird call (and would make a lot of sense if it was by crunchyroll) and i still think it’s rather cheap but i can at least acknowledge that the visuals were pretty crisp. im assuming it also helped people see it from super far away better. it was definitely not an experience ruiner by any means but it was pretty jarring for the first 10 mins or so.
anyways, on to the good moments. at the end i shouted thank you to the band members when they came out and one of them saw me gave me the heart hands AND IT WAS SO FUCKING SWEET AHHH
i went into this only knowing about 5 songs for the set list and i’m so glad for that becus the suprises kept hitting me. some of the most hyped songs for me were unknown mother goose and fraulen biblioteca. i was so happy they played a wowaka song becus he deserves to be honored in multiple countries. and with fraulen i have a video recording of it where me and my bsf’s convo went like this:
“i can’t believe they did it”
(for context we were debating which songs would get played on the way there and we wanted this one but thought it had a slim chance. also meiko is my fav soooo)
ALSO we didn’t know we got VIP till someone told us (thank you kind stranger). the tote bag is really nice and i’ve gotten a ton of use out of it. and i used the fan in place of a penlight the whole time- idk how it didn’t break. as for the other stuff it was just kinda meh to me.
lastly we got a shit ton of confetti from the cannon and passed some out to people and took a couple for ourselves too. i’m so glad they did that it was a nice touch and it looked so beautiful as it was falling tbh
i think that’s all i gotta say but i might make some fanart to commemorate it later (i just said this same thing in a post a couple days ago and i haven’t even started *that* drawing yet….oopsies).
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kristinamae093 · 11 months
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Hello and happy Sunday, friends! I hope it's been a great week for everyone! It's been hot as balls here with humidity to match, so I've been holed up inside perfecting my hermit-ism (I am a legendary hermit, I legit have messages in my inbox asking if I'm still alive.😂)
With that being said, I've been working on a lot in my moments of mental clarity! Not only with stuff here, but I'm getting back into photography as well, so I guess that's exciting 😬. I'm also working on a character profile for Kyla, my OC from HCTS that I'm fairly pumped about.
Okay, below is the stuff I beckoned you for 🤣😘. I guess you could expect at least one of these this coming week, hopefully maybe probably. Per usual, there's more than six sentences and everything is subject to change and probably will because helloooooooooo, it's me. 🤷‍♀️
One bad word below (thanks, Kyla.)
In this part of HCTS, Bastien asks Liam if he'd like him to contact authorities (regarding Constantine's whereabouts), Liam says we don't want the same thing happening as last time. So, I wrote a little one shot to fill in that blank. 😬 It's called An Apple A Day.
After a time, a loud engine could be heard in the distance. As it got closer, Liam realized it was a semi hauling something to them. The truck stopped a ways away and started backing up. He saw what it was that was being carried, but had no time to register it as the trailer started heading directly for one of the statues at the entrance to the garden.
"No no no–" Liam started, but the loud shatter as the marble hit pavement cut him off. The driver got out and apologized profusely, to which Liam could only clench his jaw and nod. It wasn't that the statue was important, the issue was the gathered press still taking pictures of the ordeal; he knew he was going to have to get creative to try and explain this.
Next, here's a peak into the next part of Here Comes The Sun ☀
Kyla handed Constantine his pole and he took it with wide eyes. “You didn’t tell me you were a professional! That was record time!”
Kyla shrugged. “I guess it’s one of the only good things I picked up from being raised in Farmville.” She chuckled.
A bark of laughter escaped Constantine, but he started coughing immediately after. Kyla quickly grabbed a bottle of water and handed it to him with a concerned expression. He took a swig, inhaled a few deep breaths, and finally calmed himself. He sat his drink down, grabbed his pole, and launched his line into the water as if nothing happened at all.
Kyla stood watching his every move, unsure of what to do. The pollen probably isn’t doing any good for his lungs. We should go back. Constantine sat back down in his chair and rested the pole close beside him; he let out a content sigh, closed his eyes, and raised his head to look up at the sky. He looks so fucking relaxed… Trent didn’t come down here, so maybe this is fine. Yeah… this is fine. I’m not going to mess this up for him.
Last, here's a excerpt from Ghosted titled The Apple Banquet.
“No.” Bertrand firmly responded as he pulled himself from Maxwell’s embrace, “You are not to blame here whatsoever Maxwell… In fact, I may be more at fault here than you..." He took a deep breath and quietly said, "I… I'm afraid I may need to come clean about something…"
Maxwell immediately moved and stood next to Liam with a furrowed brow. Liam felt his heart rate increase and stepped forward instantly. "What do you mean?"
"I… I worry you may find out anyway during your investigation, and I feel after my other atrocious actions I may as well come clean and take my punishment."
Bertrand was suddenly yanked up from his seat by Liam's strong hands. Liam held Bertrand by the collar of his sweater and pulled his face to eye level, nearly lifting him off his feet. "What did you do?"
I don't know who I'm supposed to tag, so everyone is getting it lololol. However, please consider this your open invitation to share anything you may be working on, and please make sure to tag me in return if you do! (No pressure, but FEEL ALL THE PRESSURE 🙃)
Ghosted tags - @ao719 @txemrn @imashybish @queenrileyrose @kingliam2019 @riseandshinelittleblossom @dcbbw @tessa-liam @twinkleallnight @amandablink @cordonia-gothqueen @sfb123 @jared2612 @harleybeaumont @bebepac @charlotteg234 @busywoman @malblk21 @angelasscribbles @bascmve01 @iaminlovewithtrr @hopelessromanticmonie @mysticalfangirl @umccall71 @fuckitweball0000 @differenttyphoonwerewolf @lovingchoices14 @emersyn-in-cordonia @aussiegurl1234 @karahalloway @the0afnan
HCTS tags - @ao719 @queenrileyrose @tessa-liam @angelasscribbles @kingliam2019 @differenttyphoonwerewolf @bascmve01 @busywoman @belencha77 @mysticalfangirl @nestledonthaveone @lovingchoices14 @lunaseasblog @malblk21 @sfb123 @twinkleallnight @emersyn-in-cordonia @walkerdrakewalker @tinkie1973 @queenmiarys
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(SLIGHT SPOILERS FOR MIRAGE, EMPYREA, AND POLARIS) Okay horrid name games and completely hilarious poll aside, once again I am rising out of my trash heap to offer my perspective and opinion on another Wizard101 character that I like A LOT. Let's talk about Grandfather Spider okay. C'mere let's talk about Old Man Cob
Okay yeah I know totally different from my Forgotten OCs Posts but I've always really liked GS as a character even as a little kid. I'm really fond of those "Actually Super Evil but Still Treats Protagonist Like Their Child" tropes. And it's so funny because this is Satan. This is the magical wizardly world's equivalent to Satan and yet he straight up admits "Yeah I've basically adopted you at this point"
Also the fact that Grandfather Spider has a little (a fuck ton) more personality than your generic "wise ancient being from beyond the universe" and he's actually just petty and slimy as fuck. Like remember in Mirage where he literally revives three of our greatest enemies from the gotdamned afterlife just to say "Epic Gotcha Moment :)"
But his silliness aside, I wish the game explored Grandfather Spider's apparent """fondness""" for The Wizard more. Like don't get me wrong that fucker is evil as all hell and has manipulated The Wizard many many times to suit his own goals, but you can still see where he """cares""" for us in his own weirdass way.
Like, I totally believed him in Empyrea when he offered to make the new Chaos World in our image if we joined him. Fucked up? Yeah Absolutely! Manipulation was GS's whole entire thing and even if we actually decided to be like "okay fuck it, sure your ex wife is getting on my damn nerves anyway" and he got some Immense Glee out of seeing the Spiral's Savior and Grandmother Raven and Bartleby's most trusted scion under his beck and call, I still think that Grandfather Spider legit still viewed us as one of his kids.
Like the moment where he appeared to The Wizard in that cave in Polaris and said "man you're so tired. you'd be so much better off staying at home man trust me :)))" was so impactful, like.... he used Grandmother Raven's growing paranoia and wrath against her, in the most "I'm the better parent" way possible. Grandmother Raven hit us up on the phone just to say "if you fuck this up im mowing your ass like it's grass" and not a second later Old Man Spider calls us and goes "hahaha man isn't this all wild? lmao you do too much you deserve to rest", but he says it in like this fatherly, soothing way.
Point is, this bitch KNOWS what he's doing. Grandfather Spider uses his own feelings of kinship towards us to his own advantage, it's a mix between "I see this child as my own" and "Even so I'm gonna screw them over and hopefully they'll join my side. Weeee" and that is so funny and fucked up. The game did a good job I think portraying that and even still I wish I had more
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savemewattpad · 1 year
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Wicked and Divine: Part 1, Chapter 1
all her life, she's bound to lose...
When John Winchester gets a call from a thirteen-year-old girl claiming to be his daughter, he and Dean go to investigate, bringing them into a complicated web woven by a charismatic cult leader named David Elwood--who also claims to be the girl's "husband."
Or, how Esther Smith became Leila Winchester.
Warnings: Sexual Abuse, Religious Abuse, Cults, Child Marriage, Pregnancy, Miscarriage
Pairings: None
Next Chapter | Masterlist
Read on AO3
Oregon, 1988
“I shouldn’t be flirting with you,” Melisa says, taking another drink of whiskey. It burns, and she knows it’s supposed to. It still feels like punishment. 
John Winchester sits across from her, studying her. He’s a quiet man, she’s found, in the short time she’s known him, but she thinks there’s nothing that really gets past him. 
“And why’s that?” he asks, a smile toying at the corner of his mouth. “You got someone at home?”
An icy chill settles into her gut. “Define ‘home,’” she says. There’s nobody waiting for her in her apartment, but there’s a presence that follows her everywhere ever since she met him . The man that changed her life. Sometimes, in petty, ungrateful, cowardly moments, she wonders if it was really for the better. 
John looks away, pensive, and takes a swig of his own drink in lieu of a response. She wonders what home is to him. 
She takes him to her apartment anyway. Maybe she shouldn’t--despite the fact that he saved her life, he’s still a stranger, and a sketchy one at that. Maybe it’s that risk that makes him appealing to her. Maybe that’s what it all comes down to. 
She keeps looking at her Gibborim Bible on her side table, like she’s asking it for forgiveness. John follows her gaze. He doesn’t ask about it. She supposes he’s seen too many crazy things to call anyone’s religion crazy. 
“I can’t stay the night,” John says as he starts getting dressed. “Sorry.” He sounds genuine, if cavalier. 
“Do you believe in faith healers?” Melisa asks him instead, apropos of nothing, and he gives her that scrutinizing look again, the one that seems to pierce right through her. 
“I’ve never seen one that was legit,” he says finally, with a shrug. 
“And you’ve seen a lot of crazy things,” she clarifies. 
He smiles bitterly. “Something like that, yeah.”
He looks at her again, a little softer this time, and she thinks he’s about to ask if she’s okay--she’s already bristling, ready to lash out at the question--
He shakes his head and looks down, pulling out a small notebook and scribbling something down. 
“This is my phone number,” he says, tearing the page out and setting it on her side table. She could swear there’s something...pointed, about the way he sets it on her bible. “In case there’s any more dybbuk trouble.”
Melisa nods a little. It’s unlikely. She’s probably never seeing him again, she realizes. There’s something bittersweet in that. It’s better that way. 
“Thanks for saving my life,” she tells him. 
He smiles. “You already told me that.”
“It’s worth repeating.” She smiles a little. “Goodbye, John.”
John has only been gone for a minute or so when he calls. And it’s one of those things that keeps her coming back, one of those things that doesn’t make sense unless he is what he says he is: he always knows when to call. He always knows when something’s happened, when she needs guidance. 
“David,” she says when she picks up. Thank God.  
“Melisa,” David says in that calm, velvet voice. “How are you?”
“I’m--” she almost says ‘good,’ reflexively, but she promised him she would never keep secrets from him. It’s liberating, in a way. 
She can’t find the words, so she sighs. 
“I sensed turmoil in your spirit,” David says, after giving her a moment to speak. “That’s why I called. Are you alright?”
“I--” she hesitates for a long moment. All of her guilt, all of her fear, it hits her all at once, and she feels like she could drown in it. Finally, she admits, “I need help.”
“I’ll be there in fifteen minutes,” David replies. “We’ll pray together, you and me. It’ll be alright.”
And there’s something in his voice that makes her believe him, more than she’s ever believed in anything. 
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It’s early in the afternoon when Jim Murphy gets the call. 
Sam is in the kitchen doing homework. Jim had told him to ask if he needed help, but Sam doesn’t seem to need it. He’s a smart kid. Jim wonders, idly, what he could do in a family that stayed in one place for longer than three months at a time. 
“Jim Murphy.”
There’s a long pause on the other end of the line. 
“Um. I’m looking for John Winchester?” The voice on the other end is young, female, and sounds scared. Quiet, like she’s trying not to be overheard somehow. 
Jim knows that John used to give out his number as his own, back before cell phones were ubiquitous, but he hasn’t gotten a call for him in nearly a decade. “How’d you get this number, kiddo?”
“It was in my mom’s stuff. Her name was Melissa Smith. I--I think I’m his daughter.” Her voice breaks as the words tumblr out, quickly, like she’s running out of time. “And I need his help.”
“How old are you?” He reaches for a pad of paper and a pen on the counter. 
“What’s your address?”
“I don’t--I don’t know what that means. Please can I just talk to John? I need help.”
How does a thirteen year old not know their address? “Where do you live? I’ll send him.”
“Where is that?”
“In Oregon.” She pronounces Oregon strangely, like Oree-gone . He files away that detail for later. “Please help me. I think he’s trying to kill me.”
Jim Murphy is good in a crisis--it’s kind of his job--but the words do surprise him. He tries to keep his voice calm, for her sake. 
“Whoa, slow down. Who’s trying to kill you?”
There’s another long pause, and then: “I have to go. I think they found me.”
“No, wait, what’s your n--”
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leadenn · 8 months
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Absolutely adore your fic front and back. The entire concept had me intrigued, and once I started reading, I was OBSESSED. Legit, I would talk to my friends about it, talk to my shower, talk to my Twitter mutuals about it.ALSO ALSO I adore how you write monologues, it's so funny and so descriptive, makes me feel things good things. Every single one of them you write so well, like YES he would say that! I see a lot of Raph and Leo being writen so off, like their manorisms are so yes, I could see him doing that. Casey is so cool and I adore his relationship with Abby, big bro and lil sis, he would give the world for his sister and she would love the world for him. You feel me? Oh and I love how all of them just were like "yes Abby is my favorite little sister, I would kill for her", so fucking obsessed. Casey and Abby have gone through so much shit and I'm so happy for them being around people who love and care for them. Leatherhead and Casey and Abby and Mikey are so sweet. Leatherhead is also a sweetheart, he's so nice and the way you write him makes me melttt, I become a pile of mush 🫠Mikey and Him are soooo sweet too and I swear to god you have changed my ENTIRE perspective on those two as a ship its incredible, like before I ddint even THINK that much about it, but here I am in my notes app with a full on page of how to implement leatherhead in my au AND in my fanfic, the note title is legit called 💥THAMK UOU LEADENN💥 also just read the newest chapter came back to edit this, YAY! FUCK YEAHH!! Those twoooo OUGHHHH!! The inner monologues you write are so fuckin good, like I can read that thing good without getting confused and having to re read, I understand it because you explain well! The scenes play out good and are incredibly funny or incredibly sad or both. Like holy shit. Also the way you write and hint has me going "WHAT? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN??? WHA WAIT WHA??" like I end up shocked eyes open. I also enjoy your writing so much I usually don't venture off into the collection of other stories unless they still include my favorite character but with how you write I just love everyone so much I'm like eating that shit up, full course meal gourmet food 5 stars. I know you get a lot of Mikey stuff so I left him for last on how much I fucking LOVE HIM HES SO COOL like mental stuff aside his one liners and his kick ass brain lines are awesome oh my god he comes off so damn cool like daaqmnnn who made you king of Antarctica, lord of coolness. I love his inner monologues so much, its so funny and so real like, "Yeah he underestimated how much of DICK the forest would be." Had me HOWLIBG, first thing in and I get hit in tge face with another real as hell Mikey line. That was actually one of the things that keeps me reading, what drew me in when I first found your amazing story. He'd just started spitting facts and a gnarly backstory and in my head I was like "ohhhh shittt!!" I get so excited every time an update comes out, goddamn chapter 5??? I am so goddamn proud of you for reaching 61 CHAPTERS AUGH I can't stress this enough you are doing AMAZING, you're writing so much and it's terrific every single time, every single comment, kudo, fanart, just everything, you deserve it. You're so awesome-sauce! I think I would bite the dust if I wrote as much as you, as much as I love it I am already struggling with getting past 5k words. Anyways, your writing genuinely is my coffee in the morning especially when I've run out of coffee and my phone is the only thing that morning to bring me joy. Also you intimidate me, most fanfic writers do but the moment you interacted with an account, boss music started playing in my head
I think I'll combust if I proof read this so before the guy in my head backs out I'm just gonna send it 👍😩👍
*pukes in joy*
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munamania · 10 months
ohhhhhhhhhhhhh guys. i have HILARIOUS updates for you from today. warning this post will be rambly but it has some hits and i think if im not your favorite character in life i really should be. ok
OKAY. so it all starts with a dream. i dream that ruby cruz is on my campus shooting smth and long story short she approaches me at one point, as shes abt to say smth my one friend pops in like 'oh hey is this your girl?' meaning FILM GIRL. and everything morphs in that moment like a fucking comical nightmare and im like What No except it was... and okay anyway. i didnt sleep a lot and this is the first dream mention of her in a while. well get this.
spot her on campus as lydia and i r fucking RUSHING bc not one but TWO buses passed us. im like huh first spotting of the semester odd time but ok.... meanwhile i just have this dread so ancient in me because she also has her film major so at any point i can be jumpscared. it wasnt even that real genuinely im at a point where im like ok that shit was fucking stupid and i shouldnt have gone thru all that so she sucks but whatever. anywho we rush into class late with the bESTTTTTTT prof <33333333 im settling im sat im figuring out the space. im sitting at the front however with lydia so like i take a little while to do some glimpses around the class... well get this!
yeah shes there. and im kind of like. sigh. okay whatever. lydias staring at me like Hey so um....... and im like Yeah im aware i know. but i see so many other film people i know to varying degrees so thats cool!!!! im like yippeee also my prof keeps referring to me directly so im like heyyyyyyyyyyy queen <3 esp bc she has like legit aphantasia and i didnt even participate That Much last year but it gets crazier! we're going through attendance and who's directly behind me but abby lee miller! jk um it's my friend im kind of having a flirty little moment with maybe? idfk so im like redactedddd what r u doing hereeeee. and theyre also well aware of the drama we bonded talking shit.
so yeah imagine being me. psychologically attacked every step of the way. except it's lowkey really fun and silly i was having a funny time. i had to laugh! and talked to people and it was fine. but also everyone knows each other to varying degrees and so im sitting there feeling like im being slowly cooked alive. in a fun way...
but also we watched joan is awful in class and the prof was telling us about how you can do it to your face and have a poster (except then netflix can use ur face!) and she singles out '[film girl] is awful' out of everyoneeeeeeee so i had to giggle i had to laugh like without knowing anything my prof is such an ally to me personally fucking love her <3 she also had an association with her and frankie grande and i was like yeah. make her gayappropriatingstraightbi ass uncomfortable. anyway.
and then also. sigh hello lydia if ur seeing this. i try to introduce lydia and that friend and after the typical introduction i was like 'yeah cool i mean ive talked to you about each other at various points!' like girl why would you say something like that. like huh. neither of them says anything and i save it by bringing up our bottoms plans but i was just sitting there in my own goddamn mind control room like yeah ok. girlfailureloser moment. why are you WEIRD. it's not even that real actually im awkward frequently and people roll with it but just given the energy of everything going on in class it was a really great way to end. and then we talked to that prof for a While after class she's literally the best she would do numbers on here. within the cool lesbian mutuals space anyway and thats all that matters. and we talked about bottoms !!!!!<33333 and willow and shes like yeah ok dyke in the most affectionate way i can possibly say that i love herrrrrr
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dmclemblems · 2 years
Another thing worth mentioning about Claude's relationship with his parents: despite his feelings of admiration for his mother and despite remembering the bedtime stories his father told him, he still never writes to them. He can contact Nader no problemo (can even have him IN FODLAN, and for extended periods of time!), but his supports with Hilda also show off that he's so disconnected from his parents he's actually not even sure they're still alive.
Claude: Well, that's a fine thing to do, regardless of your reasons. As for me, it's been far too long since I've written to my parents...
Hilda: Oh? I thought your father had died.
Claude: Not quite. He's still alive and kicking...as far as I know. 
So on top of the Horse Incident... the "deal with the assassins yourself tiny child" thing... the fact that Claude ran away without telling his dad (if we go by Hopes) and without his mom seeming to give a shit that he's leaving all by himself... the act that going by Hopes Daddy-o is doing Literally Nothing about his children trying to violently invade his lover's homeland, and nothing about his children trying to murder each other for his throne... yeah these two are incredibly shitty parents, Gilbert could never dream of being this bad lmao.
But like, I also kinda like how... real? I guess? Claude's reaction to this is. He loves his parents, and he'll have open admiration for at least his mother, but then he starts talking about the other stuff and it's like "oh, that sounds like an abuse victim." Hearing him talk about how he "deserved" to either be dragged around by a horse or helplessly tied to its saddle as it runs around (depending on which version) shocked me when I first heard it, because "I was being bad I deserved to get hit by my parents" is such a huge red flag hearing someone say.
Plus how fondly he looks back on that memory - like you said, he was probably so elated to have his parents pay attention to him that the means in what they did so literally meant nothing to him (and could also tie into why he remembered those bedtime stories so well; another rare moment of his parent's attention being given to him) And him making the active effort to not talk to his parents once he ran away makes it so much worse, and hearing him still hold such fondness for them anyway in his A support with Byleth is almost more sad than it is endearing.
I'm honestly also surprised that the fandom just never acknowledges this? They act like Claude's parents are so cool for the most part, when his are legit some of the worst 3H has to offer and he's such a clear case of an abused child it's not even funny.
For real lol. People bash Gilbert for leaving his family while completely ignoring all the context about why. Meanwhile they celebrate badass Almyran king and queen despite that they’re horrible to Claude and probably all of their children as far as the king goes.
I also appreciate how Claude’s situation is complicated regarding his parents. Even abused children can still love their parents and it’s a very difficult situation. It’s a cycle of being abused then the parents will do something nice for the child, and that child believes they love them now and will be nice to them going forward. When that doesn’t happen, they remember the good things and try to tell themselves that their parents aren’t all bad and that there’s good in there. They love them for the nice things they do and tend to want more of it, so they stick around hoping to see that more.
Once Claude got old enough I’d imagine he probably realized it wasn’t normal and decided enough was enough. Even if he just wanted attention from his parents, I’m sure he could only take so much of what he went through between the assassinations and nobody really caring about him. Hilda was right to be shocked and horrified at what Claude went through, because that’s just... not normal. Also, if a child comes to believe they deserved the treatment, it’s because the parents made them think they deserved it and the child starts to accept it even if the punishment is reprehensible.
Even though Claude tends to brush this stuff off like it’s all in the past, it’s clearly affected him and his ability to trust people and form emotional connections. Like I said above, he remembers the good things fondly because it was the only positive attention he could get. He doesn’t fondly remember being punished and just speaks casually of it, but he shows no happiness for it. I’m sure Tiana does love him, but it also sounds like she either is afraid to go against her husband’s ways or just changed for the worse. Maybe the king does also love Claude, but it doesn’t excuse how terribly he treated him. Fact is, you’re only a child once and once you’re scarred from your childhood, you can’t just fix that.
Him not talking to his parents after leaving is a good step forward for him tbh. Cutting off contact regardless of how “sad” they might be is what you have to do in that situation. It’s like when toxic parents want their children to live with them to use them for selfish reasons, and they gaslight their kids so they can get what they want and be controlling. In that situation all you can really do is cut them out of your life. Of course, there’s always the whole giving them another chance in the future kind of thing, but if they continue acting like that then you cut them out permanently.
In Claude’s case I think he did the right thing to leave his father hanging like that, because boo hoo the king is so sad he can’t rule properly, but how do we not know that wasn’t intentional acting so that hopefully the information would reach Claude that he was acting like that? Maybe he could make Claude feel bad and come home... and the cycle would just continue. When parents act sad like that and “miss” their child despite having previously abused them in any form, it’s usually meant to manipulate the child’s emotions and make them come back. If your kids are trying to kill each other for whatever reason, how does that not make you more depressed than your most abused and bullied child running away from home and getting away from all that?
Personally I never found his stories about his life to be endearing. I found all of it to be depressing and upsetting. He may be older in the time of the game and know how to better manage that stuff, but it’s always worth noting that he was just a little boy when all this happened to him. Kids can get scared so easily and yet he acts like none of it actually really affected him, despite that any child being put through all that would traumatize them. All of that shows in his personality through his relationships and his inability to notice he’s pressing too hard on someone’s emotions until after it’s already done. He’s literally still in the learning process of how to understand other people’s emotions at the age of 18.
Having any fond memories of his abusers is exactly what a lot of abuse victims go through. I’m honestly shocked most of the fandom doesn’t look at his experiences as being legitimately terrible. His parents aren’t cool or badass. They’re terrible parents and not people who even deserve to call him their child. They certainly didn’t treat him like parents should treat their children. No child should be growing up in those circumstances.
The funny thing about the whole “bad parent” thing with Fodlan’s parents is that with Faerghus, they’re not only pretty decent parents, but then you get Matthias, who, well, more or less neglected his children (rather than abused them). Difference being, in Hopes he actually admits to knowing he was a bad father to Sylvain (and presumably Miklan who is still alive and well in that timeline as it’s GW he says this to Sylvain in). Then you have Lambert, who Rodrigue believes Dimitri losing would be horrible for Dimitri. Lambert decides that if he does die, he can safely leave Dimitri to Rodrigue. He had an idea, some sort of plan, if he were to die where his child would be safely in the care of someone who loved him. Rodrigue loved Glenn so much that he never stopped looking for answers about Duscur, coming across all kinds of valuable information about things that didn’t concern Glenn simply because he was distraught and had to know why his son had to die that day (and no, it wasn’t because he was a true knight. That was Rodrigue’s distressed way of coping. When he was in a better state of mind, he investigated the situation to get real answers. That’s the proof he wasn’t satisfied with the idea of leaving it at “Glenn was just doing his job”). Regarding Felix, Felix was the one who didn’t want to talk to Rodrigue, so Rodrigue backed off and let his son have space, but always looked out for him and tried to get closer to him. There was only so much he could do, but he did what little he could because he cared about Felix, even if Felix would walk away mad. Rodrigue just wanted his son in good hands.
That’s a pretty massive contrast to leaving your child vulnerable to assassins who are also partially your other children by not protecting him. Faerghus’ fathers would 110% absolutely have someone’s head for trying to harm their child, much less kill their child. No child deserves to have to fight their own battles, and no child deserves to have to rely on themselves to survive. Even with animals, you see the mother raise her young until they’re old enough to leave their home. Birds, cats, rabbits, you name it. They take care of their babies and keep them safe at home until they’re old enough to wander and get their own food and live outside of a confined area for their safety. It’s pretty much instinctual.
If Claude were real, all the stuff he went through would be such a big deal. I wish more people saw that because it’s good writing as far as Claude is concerned, but it also means his parents weren’t as amazing as other people say they are. Notice how it’s always other characters talking about how great they are, but Claude never has very good things to say about them that extend beyond basically “look they gave me attention once or twice every half a year”.
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momentomori24 · 9 months
zero escape fan here:
if you want to play it yourself, i recommend playing 999 first on an emulator and using the ds version. 999 has a remaster that is sold with vlr and cant be bought seperately, so i like to think of it as a sort of "test run", and then you can get vlr on steam or whatever.
additionally, in the remaster they screw with the writing a bit? like, they change it from 2 screens at once to 2 screens you have to toggle. a LOT of letsplayers play on adventure mode, which ONLY has them talking and none of the important details present, so they have to make characters point out the obvious and it just sorta ruins the flow. if they play novel mode [which has both dialouge and the narration], it comes off as just constantly repeating itself. the worst part is that youll most likely have to look for playthroughs that are almost a decade old if you want to watch the original ds version as a playthrough— so i think its best to play that one yourself.
vlr and ztd dont have these issues, however, so feel free to watch those as playthroughs :) im new to your blog, so i dont know where you stand on the "ill only buy a game if i REALLY wanna play it and ill usually just watch a playthrough" to "if im interested in a game, ill buy it myself and play it and use letsplayers for recommendations" scale, but it seems like youre on the "only buy if necessary" end from what ive seen so far. im just trying to give advice :)
[and if youre iffy about emulating or dont want to "pirate" a game, nintendo has stopped production of this game and the consoles it plays on, so this is the only way to play this game unless you want to shell out at least 800 bucks for a new ds/3ds and a legit cartridge. the remaster takes 999 from what id call a masterpiece to just a good game, and ive played through both versions of the game 100% and the remaster got me LAUGHING in serious situations just because of the writing. the ds version is definitely the way to go for a first playthrough, at least in my opinion.]
anyways, from one zero escape fan to hopefully another one in the future, i hope you enjoy! play/watch a letsplay however you want, this is just one stranger's suggestion. having fun is the important part, and if you want any clarification tell me and ill send in another ask 👍
Thanks very much for the advice! And yeah, you've absolutely hit the nail on the head with the ''only buy if necessary'' XD I don't exactly come from a place with the income buy video games or the consoles needed to play them myself so easily, so Let's Plays it is! Which isn't too bad since I really like reacting to the game along with others, so I guess there's a silver lining there. Although I did hear about some issues with 999. Something about being sorta lost in translation too? NicoB's videos are exactly a decade old and the original ds version if memory serves, so I should be in clear with most of these issues. Good to know that the other two games are free to watch without difficulty at least.
I'm currently at the point where Akane and Junpei are investigating door 4 (with Lotus and Santa) and it's definitely super engaging at the moment. The investigation style really reminds me of DRA2 chapter 4's one, which was my absolute favourite investigation in the entire series (along with V3 chapter 4), so I'm super excited to see more of it! I love how the characters bounce off each other so well. I LIVE for Snake's snark and Akane's nerdiness, they're so lovely. And Nico's commentary during the more serious situations had me CACKLING so bad, especially how dirty he does the 9th dude every time it's amazing.
Stranger's suggestion or not, I very much appreciate the sentiment! I definitely feel like this will be a game I'll be stuck with for a while, but if it's already this fun now I think I'll be happy to stay ^-^ I'll be sure to keep this in mind! From one potential Zero Escape Fan to an already one, thanks and take care 👍
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berryunho · 5 months
Not you and Bee updating your fics the same day when just yesterday I was going through both fics again because I missed them dearly. You people are gonna kill me, the adrenaline that shot through me hit so hard when I saw The Answer and Wonderwall had updated that I almost spooked myself and fell from my bed.
Anyways HELLO! Good to see you again <3
Hope you're having a good 2024 so far.
Here we go on another one of my unnecessarily long ass comments about the fic, sure hope I haven't overstayed my welcome with them just yet lmao (let me know if I do end up overdoing it at some point please, I will gladly tone it down if it becomes a problem).
Maybe its the hj brainrot that I've been stuck on for the last few months, maybe it's the fact that the ateez hyperfixation is hitting harder than usual since the comeback but him throwing a tantrum yelling "you will not take her from me"? Butterflies. Got me giggling and kicking my feet. I was rolling around on my bed as I read that.
Maybe it's the absence making the heart grow fonder and all that.
That being said, my misplaced fondness for this clown did die down once he hit us with the whole "she should be begging me for her life", if the cult thing wasn't enough of an ick I guess that did the job. Like, sir you had me for a sec there with the possessiveness (*tucks my hair like debbie ryan*) why did you have to remind me of your actual personality?
But yeah, catch me slowly being dragged down against my will to join the TheAnswer!HJ simps, though I guess that's what's gonna happen to mc soon enough too, I really am along for the ride with her. Me and mc peering down the edge into the abyss where they lay, the abyss stares right back at us. Damn. People are right, we are not immune to cult propaganda. Tragic.
I really wanted to point out that this chapter had me extra paranoid than the last one tbh, you mentioned in the notes that this was shorter and that you felt like it was lackluster, but I seriously didn't feel it at all because of how on edge I was at times, not as much as let's say during her escape attempt in the corn field sure, but I was still wary and uneasy while reading. I know we had the whole circus with the Guardian thing last time, but san being so urgent in his claims that they have to leave and us getting to hear about how pissed off hj got because of mc's "unsatisfying" reaction to his little scheme? I am dead serious when I tell you I was bracing for the absolute worst, got me shaking in my little tinfoil hat.
The part about the machine harvesting the field? With mc saying she wouldn't want to be caught in it? (ALSO I SEE THAT SHORT YEOSANG MOMENT, I SEE YOU LEAVING A TRAIL OF BREAD CRUMBS FOR HIM 👁👁 <- EYES THAT SEE)
My 2 braincells immediately went "oh em gee, foreshadowing?", like I am certain to my core that someone's gonna fucking die to that or be horrifically injured, its just a matter of: whom? 🤨 I'm gonna save my guess as to who it could be in case that does happen, but I will come back here to yell on another ask about it if that comes up in the future.
Then the scene with hj and hwa talking to mc about her questions, and she hits them with the "oh what can I do if I'm alone?" and hwa is desperately trying to get her to stfu (me too man, me too) while hj smiles at her. You know, like a cryptic weirdo.
Now, I am more than willing to say that what came to mind for me in that moment was probably due to my very *rational* fear of TheAnswer!HJ, but ignore the fact that I am losing myself to his mind games and hear me out for a bit: I kid you not, for a second, I legit thought that he may suggest to or even outright attempt to like "mark" mc with the Sign.
In what way? I don't fucking know but there are many options and he is twisted enough to think of that, we all know it and the sirens were blaring in my head about that when he said the Sign would protect her as long as she had it in her, like "mc girl, I dread to say this but I feel like we should trust mr lapdog on this one, I fear you may be poking the modern day moses a bit too much and we all know he is having a diva moment today", because for hwa to be so concerned over it while hj reacts somewhat positively? Yeah, something wicked this way comes. And on that note, it seemed to me that hwa wasn't just trying to get her to steer from upsetting hj, he seems like he was trying to keep the peace between them in more ways than just that (more on that in a separate ask cause I feel like this is getting too long and its probably a pain for people to scroll past it LMAO I'M SO SORRY).
You clarified for me last time that mc will find out eventually about what happened to her bff (thank you by the way <33) and given how much it was brought up this chapter, I do think he is gonna wait out a while to use the haseul card (haseul girl you will always be remembered as the ride or die friend that you were, more on the die side but it's not your fault girlie, we love you), because while he is clearly prone to emotional outbursts, he is also smart as hell and just as cruel, we are yet to see him mess up big time just out of losing his cool (or maybe the consequences just haven't quite caught up to him just yet but I'd argue he is still ahead in that case), so I imagine that the threat of doing it is very much real but he will play it right for his own advantage.
The man is a diva but he is a cunning one, he more so seems to bring it up because he knows that the idea of devastating mc in that way is a threat in and of itself to everyone else that is also vying for her attention, which is 100/10 writing, author you are amazing (if the way that the fic is eating away at my brain wasn't clear indication of that).
I am also once again proud of our mc for *once again* poking holes in his little bible lore, yes bestie you are correct, wtf does it mean for a Guardian to kidnap someone? A question that I personally had when I read his explanation is: if the Guardians can kidnap people across dimensions then why tf can't the cult members or him, the big powerful prophet himself, also do something like that? Wouldn't that be way more helpful than sending uber eats across dimensions to the Others through sacrifices?? He says they need mc to do that but the Guardians have no issue going "yoink :3" over to our dimension to spirit away his followers and at the same time he also wants us to believe that the same Guardians are afraid of him? Sir. Pick a side, you can't have it both ways. Either they are clearly stronger than you and that's why we are all struggling with mc being a non believer or you are the op big shot of this religion whom everyone grovels under, make it make sense ! !
(Also this isn't me trying to point plot holes in your story pls lol I don't think his religion's lack of consistency is a reflection of your writing ever, in fact I think it's really cool cause it adds to the mystery of it all along with making us question him even more, I just have a lot of fun dissecting the snippets of it we do get out of spite for him lmao).
I have some more things I wanted to add but I'll throw them into another ask cause, again, I feel like this is already gonna be annoying to scroll past lmao, so sorry for anyone seeing this, apologies everyone.
But these were my general takes on the chapter, I really enjoyed it as always so thanks for another update Lauren <333 wish you well!!
- 👁👁
First of all let me just say that you will never annoy me w these comments like this is seriously my dream feedback i could cry honestly im so touched that you care so much to type all of this out and that you clearly spend so much time thinking about the answer and really appreciating it and like. YEAH ILY SM DO NOT WORRY !!!!! 
Fun fact about bee and me updating at the same time . we didnt plan it this time . it was in fact random . but there was a time in like… i wanna say december 2022 when bee was writing claire de lune and her and caly and i all conspired to update on the same day and im pretty sure we did and i cant even imagine what it wouldve been like to be a claire de lune/mists of celeste/the answer reader on that day LMFAO
ANYWAYS INTO THE MEAT AAAAAAAAAAA pls these reactions to hj are so real like sometimes ill write something a little bit too … cute ? and then ive gotta reel it back real quick we gotta remember who we’re talking about we gotta stay strong even if he is hot and obsessed 
TY for saying you felt that the chapter was still interesting hehe i guess i felt like people would be expecting a lot from this chapter and i knew it wasnt going to be What Was Expected or like that it wasnt going to go right into the escape attempt like i think some people probably thought SO im glad that the chapter was still … paranoia inducing LMFAO 
No fun fact idk if this is like obvious or not but my grandparents are/were corn farmers so like. Obvs i have spent a lot of time on a corn field. Planting harvesting running around etc. and i was always so freaked out by combine machines theyre literally fucking ENORMOUS like easily 15 feet tall but the good news is they go like. 10mph. But i still wouldnt want to find myself in the path of one AHAHAH !!!!!! ANYWAYS !!!!!!!!!!!!!
eheheheeh yeah the whole scene w the unholy trinity really …. Ooooooo was it fun to write hehe yes the whole situation w haseul is really a big opportunity for hj to keep manipulating mc and something for him to hold over her head and i hope the dramatic irony is coming through w the fact that we obvs know she’s dead but mc has no idea bc i lovvveeeeeee that tension in a story like just waiting and waiting and waiting for mc to find out … ehehe and i like how you point out that hj hasnt really messed up big time or lost his cool bc youre … right … but he’s almost almost getting there and i just love him being unhinged and ………… yeah ill be quiet now heh
UBER EATS SACRIFICES ACROSS DIMENSIONS SENT MEEEEEE LAKDJFL;ASKJDFL;KJA;DFKJ youre so real for these questions and like yes this is exactly the type of thing i want you to be thinking … hehehe keep yourself in mc’s shoes yk … i def get that you’re not trying to point out plot holes hehe dw dw thank you for your compliments hehe
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razorblade180 · 2 years
Mischievous Birthday
Venti:Oh Aether~
Aether:I don’t like how you said my name.
Venti:What’s wrong? It’s my birthday. I’m a special little birthday boy who wants a special little gift.
Aether:You always want wine. We have a good thing going.
Venti:Yes, but I started thinking, wine is no good without entertainment.
Aether:I want to remind you we’re currently in a place of worship.
Venti:Uh huh, for me!
Aether:….How did I forget that?
The door opens and Amber, Keqing, Yanfei, Kokomi, and Ayaka all walk in and sit on a front row bench. Nervousness hit Aether immediately. Venti snickers as he drags Aether to stand in the front. Things only got worse as Venti pulled out flash cards.
Venti:First question-
Aether:Wait! Is this some twisted game show or something!? You’ve explained nothing!
Amber:Just roll with it, haha.
Venti:First question! What’s the most physically appealing thing to you about all of your partners?
Aether:*blushing* I’m the entertainment!? Can I get a lifeline!?
Keqing:Not how it works!
Aether:Uhh ummm. Okay… *takes a breath*
Yanfei:I feel slightly bad.
Kokomi:No this is great.
Aether:Physically appealing. Well I can’t be too embarrassed about yours Amber. You caught me staring at your butt like two weeks into knowing you.
Amber:And it was hilarious.
Aether:As far as everyone else, Yanfei, we’re crop top buddies. The bond was instant.
Yanfei:Heck yeah!
Aether:Keqing’s eyes are very beautiful.
Keqing:Awww, now say you’re actual answer.
Aether:*red* I mean your leggings look good on you.
Keqing:There it is!
Aether:I want to die… these were supposed to be private thoughts.
Venti:You got two more! Tough it out.
Aether:To be honest, your face is just… so adorable.
Ayaka:What!? *red*
Aether:Yeah. You’re beauty mark, pale skin but intense eyes. Soft cheeks. It’s just cute.
Keqing:I take offense!
Aether:The question was most appealing, not first impressions. If that was the case then I’d say face for all of you. Eyes were legit the first thing I noticed about you. It just so happens I like your legs more.
Keqing:*red*….You live today.
Aether:Kokomi, I’m torn. I want to play with her hair every time I see her. But also….*red* It’s hard not admiring your figure. Your thigh-highs are longer than Amber’s.
Kokomi:*smiles* And just like her, I caught you looking as well. I just never said anything about it.
Aether:Am I free now?
Venti:Question two!!! What thing does each partner do that is your absolutely favorite?
Venti:The birthday boy says no! Aether, I highly recommend you don’t let this question kill you. It would be funny though.
Aether:You all have such little faith. Do you even know my answers?
Kokomi:No matter what they are, it’s embarrassing!
Yanfei:Have sympathy! I thought this was going to far!
Amber:There’s no shame left between us so fire away. Plus it’s no fun if you’re lying.
Venti:I like your spirit!
Aether:Guys, it’s literally not what you think. For Amber, it’s hugs. Since all of you are either busy in your office or have an image to keep up, what always sticks out to me is that the moment I see Amber, she’ll run up and hug me.
Amber:Score one for the land of freedom and being average citizen!
Keqing:It’s not a contest ya know.
Aether:Don’t pout. It’s fine that you’re busy. When you know I’m around, you either stay late so I can conveniently walk you home and have a late dinner with no one else around. That, or there’s a suspicious space in your schedule that I always manage to get.
Venti:No defense?
Keqing:I’m no liar. He called it like he saw it. Guess I’m not as sneaky as Ningguang is. I wonder who else noticed?
Yanfei:Ningguang, Ganyu, probably Yelan, me, your major staff must be suspicious-
Keqing:*covers face*
Aether:Fishing has become a big thing between Yanfei and I. Whoever catches the least has to cook them. Still we end up cooking together anyways most times. She always manages to get incredibly long ramblings out of me before I realize it, hours pass. I really like it. *smiles* you’re really good listener.
Yanfei:I am a legal consultant. If I can��t listen to people’s problems and find a way to put them at ease, then I wouldn’t be the best.
Aether:Kokomi and I have nap dates.
Kokomi:Don’t confess to that!
Aether:But it’s literally the best! I’m tired from adventures, you’re tired from your job. Finding a place to run off and go to sleep is comforting. You always get so cuddly.
Kokomi:*flustered*…This stays in the church!
Venti:Why of course! Now then, what about Ms. Kamisato?
Aether:Ayaka will take any new food I cook her and try cooking it herself for the next time I visit. Then there’s the fact she tries “teaching” me tea ceremony etiquette. It’s a great excuse to bring my teapot. I guess you and Keqing have something in common. You do a lot of things to create alone time. It makes me feel special.
Ayaka:You’re the one teaching me so much about the rest of the world. How could I not want to see you? You broaden my horizons in an otherwise practiced life. I’m thankful.
Venti:Awww, I think she loves you.
Ayaka:H..Hey! Don’t single me out!
Venti:I’m just teasing. Now, third and final question! Aether, what-
The church doors fly open. Barbara stands in the doorway, breathless, and visibly annoyed for once.
Barbara:Venti! Jean wasn’t in danger at all, or at Windrise!
Aether:You sent her on a wild goose chase!?
Venti:Well…duh. This is a church! No one would just allow this to happen.
Barbara briskly approaches the bard. Not wanting to stay, a sudden gust of wind blows in everyone’s face, sending the flash cards flying and giving Venti the perfect opportunity to run by Barbara, but not before twirling the girl first.
Venti:Thanks for the wonderful gift everyone! I’ll be sure to make a song about it!
Yanfei:Did we…become accomplices?
Amber:It’s fine. Let’s chalk it up to we were in the wrong place at the wrong time, without knowing.
Yanfei:That’s an unknowing accomplice!
Amber:Trust me, it’s fine.
Kokomi:There’s still a question left.
Keqing:Well, it’s not like we need him as long as-
Ayaka turns Keqing’s head to show her the cards that should’ve been on floor, are gone; as well as Aether. Everyone looked around but sure enough, he bolted the moment chaos happened.
Keqing:Oh I am not making time in my schedule next time he visits!
Sometimes, the best place to hide is in plain sight. Aether and Venti sat in the hands of the statue in front of the church, watching everyone go their separate ways. The only one who bothered to look up was Amber, but all she did was give her salute before going on her way. Figures the glider knew to look towards the sky. Venti waved with the flash card in hand, and a bottle in the other.
Venti:So my fellow escape artist, what made you fall in love with such wonderful and kind people?
Aether:Sorry Venti, some songs can’t be played for just anyone. *smiles*
Venti:And that my dear friend, I couldn’t agree more with. Bonus question, ever wanted to sleep with a wind god?
Aether:Haha! Tempting, but sorry. I’m spoken for.
Venti:Ehe, worth a shot.
He let go of the card, letting it soar to the heavens.
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